Gujarat Stamp (Amendment) Act, 2013.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: Knowledge Guru | Category: Public Law, Politics, Government, Social Institutions, Society



..Extra No. i5 REGiSTEREDNo. UiR.Nl"iG/G:Nl<i&4 -lL. -JOOO/- © Qtbt .ujarat clobemment cla,ette EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. LIV] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2013/CAITRA 20, 1935 Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be med as a Separate Compilation. PART IV Acts of Gujarat Legislature and Ordinances promulgated and Regulations made by the Governor. The following Act of the Gujarat Legislature, having assented to by the Governor on the 10 th April, 2013 is hereby published for general information. C.J. GOTBl, . Secretary to the Government of Gujarat, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Department. GUJARAT ACT NO.. 15 OF 2013. (First published, after having received the assent of the Governor, in the "Gujarat Government Gazette n • on the 10 th April, 2013). AN ACT further to amend the Gujarat Stamp Act, 1958. It is hereby enacted in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. (1) This Act may be called the Gujarat Stamp (Amendment) Act, 2013.     -._" ".- (2) It shall C9me into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. In the Gujarat Stamp Act, 1958, in Schedule 1,- (1) in article 6, - (A) in clause (1), in sub-clause (a),· IV-EX-1S-l 15-1 Short title aDd eommeDcemem. Amendment of Sebeclule I to Bom. LX of 1958.. 15-2 GUJARAT GOVERNMENT GAZETI'E, EX.,l0-04-2013 (a) in item (i), the words "Subject to maximum one lakh rupees," shall be deleted; (b) in item (ll), for the words "Subject to maximum of three lakh rupees,", the words "Subject to maximum of eight 1akb rupees, " shall be substituted; (B)!n clause (i),:.. i. (a) in item (i), the words "Subject to maximum of one lakh rupees, " shall be deleted; (b) in item (ii) for the 'words "Subject to maximum of three lakh rupees, 1\, the· words "Subject to maximum. of eight lakh rupees, " shall be substitUted; (2) in article 14,- (a) in item (i), the words "Subject to maximmn of one lakh rupees, " shall be deleted; (b)' in item (n); for the words "Subject to maximum of three 1a14J. rupees,", the words   to maximum of eight lakh rupees ," shall be substituted; (3) in article 1 t in column (1), the following Explanation shall be added, namely :- "Expltmation.- For the purpose of this article, the value of shares, scrip , or stock includes the amount of premium, ifany."; , (4) in article 20,- ' (a) in claUse for the words "Subject to maximum ten crores rupees", the words "Subject to maximum twenty-five crores rupees" shall be substituted; (b) in ExplIInation 1; after the words "for the purpose of this Article", the words, and figures "and subject to sub-item (a) of item (ii) of clause (f) of article 45" shall be inserted; (5) in article 27, in clause (b),- '(i) in item (n),' in sub-item'(a), the words "Subject to maximum of one 1akh rupees, " be deleted; ., ' (ll) in item (li), in sub-item (b), for the words "Subject to maXimUDi of three lakh rupees,", the words "subject to maximum. of eight lakh rupees," shall be substituted; (6) in article 45, the existing clause (f) shall be renumbered as item (i) of that clause and after item (i) as so the following sub- item shall be added, namely .. [PARTN PART IV] .. ,l': 9UJARAT GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, EX., 10-04-2013 IS-3 ,-- 'b "(ii) when authorising to sell or transfer immovable property without consideration or without shoWing any consideration, as the case may be, - (a) if given to the father, One hWldred rupees. mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, son, daughter,' grandson, granddaughter; (b) in any other c ~ e   The same duty as is leviable on a conveyance under article 20 for the amount ,of consideration or, as the case may be, market value of the immovable property whichever is . greater."; (7) for article 49, the following article shall be substituted, namely:- "49. RELEASE- that is to say, any instrument (not being such a release as is provided for by section 24) whereby a person renounce a claim upon another person or against any specified property- (a) if the release deed of an One hundred rupees. ancestral property or part thereof is executed by or in favour of brother or sister (children of renouncer's parents) or son or daughter or son of predeceased son or ~ g b ~ of predeceased son Or father or mother or spouse of the renouncer or the legal )heirs of the above relations; (b) in any other case The same duty as is leviable on a conveyance under article 20 for the amount of consideration or, as the case may be, market value of the share, interest, part or claim renounced in immovable .y whichever is greatel'.". Government Central Press. Gandhinagar'. Gujarat 1 Stamp Act, 1958. In exercise of tltepowers conferred by sub section (2) of Section 1 ", "'t ...• ' ,.:' ,;, .. ,-:: ;. .1, .;;, "",'L";',t ,; :00 •. '. 9 MAY 2013 Gujarat Stamp ( Gujarat Amendment ) Act, 2013 ( Act No 15 of 2013 , '. 00 · . verom·' ,*nt.'of'P.i.,,:   ..n .. .;I ... , W'h·l·ch, ..... c', \iii u: t;lQ.I\'CK 1:1 'rr ... '.,:-   ':, '.; "_' said·Act:shal};CQme'irtt(l)foroe. , To, 1. The Manager,:(10¥tre: GandlbQ!l!agall'- , Withareqlle$1i . Govt· I !t. a DliWli.· : "" .. ' , ..... ,:,:', € 12. All . , , 13. 14 *by latter
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