Guidewire Gosu reference Guide



Gosu Syntax Quick ReferenceConventions in This Document orangeCourierPlainText represents a keyword or operator that must be entered exactly as listed. blueCourierItalic represents a value supplied by the code writer. Lesson 1: Introduction to Gosu 1.1: Overview  Printing to the console print ( Strings_and/or_variables ) 1.2: Statements  Variables, declaring var variableName : dataType var variableName = initial_value  Variables, setting value variableName = new_value  Comments (single-line) // comment  Comments (multiple-line) /* comment */  Statements • (no need to terminate statements with any character, such as a ";")  Conditions • Gosu recognizes both AND and && • Gosu recognizes both OR and || • Gosu recognizes both NOT and ! • Keep in mind that = and == are different • variable = value // value is assigned to variable • variable == value // returns true if var equals value • To test for nulls, use: == null  String concatenation value + value  If/else if ( condition ) statement_or_{ block } else statement_or_{ block }  Ternary operator condition ? returnValueIfTrue : returnValueIfFalse // parentheses not required around condition but often // added to improve readability  Library functions gw.api.util.DateUtil.FunctionName(arguments) gw.api.util.StringUtil.FunctionName(arguments) gw.api.util.MathUtil.FunctionName(arguments) 1.3: Objects  Objects, declare var objectName = new datatype()  Objects, specify object's value objectName = someOtherObject objectName = entityName(objectID)  Objects, referencing field on object object.fieldName  Objects, referencing field on related object objectName.fkeyFieldName.fieldName  Objects, referencing method on object objectName.methodName(arguments)  Determining if object's field value has changed objectName.isFieldChanged("field")  Retrieving original value of object's changed field objectName.getOriginalValue("field")  Indirectly referencing subtype fields ("casting") (object as childSubtype).fieldOrMethod 1.4: Subtypes  Testing an object's type (exactly at given subtype level) object.Subtype  Testing an object's type (at or below given subtype level) object typeis Subtype Lesson 2: Arrays  Array length array.length  For loops (iterating through an array) for (currentObject in objectSet) { // statements that process currentObject }  Adding index variable to for loops for (currentObject in objectSet index indexVar)  Testing for existence of element array.hasMatch ( \ row -> condition )  Finding first element of given criteria array.firstWhere( \ row -> condition )  Finding all elements of given criteria array.where( \ row -> condition )  Adding object to array parentObject.addToArrayName(objectToAdd) parentObject.removeFromArrayName(objectToRemove) Lesson 3: Queries 3.1: Basic Queries  Basic query and result set var queryObj = gw.api.database.Query.make(EntityToQuery) var resultsObj =  Viewing approximation of SQL queryObj.toString() 3.2: Restricted Queries  Restricting a query using compare"field", operator, value) 3.3: Result Sets  Getting size of results resultsObj.Count  Sorting results resultsObj.orderBy(\row -> row.FieldName) resultsObj.orderByDescending(\row -> row.FieldName)  Querying when only one result is expected 3.3: Subqueries  Associating subquery to parent query parentQuery.subselect("fieldInParentQuery", operator, childQuery, "fieldInChildQuery") Lessons 4 And Beyond 4: Business Rules  (There is no new syntax discussed in detail in this lesson.) 5: PCF functions  Declaring PCF function function functName (inputvar : datatype) : returnType { // code to execute function return returnValue }  Executing PCF function functName(inputVar)  Committing data changes in current location CurrentLocation.startEditing() CurrentLocation.commit() 6: Enhancements  Getters property get PropertyName() : returnType { // code to derive property, using "this" to reference root object return propertyValue }  Setters property set PropertyName( parameter : dataType ) { // code to set appropriate property, using "this" to // reference root object }  Functions function functionName(parameter : dataType) : returnType { // code to execute function, using "this" to reference root object return returnValue } 7: Script Parameters  Referencing script parameters ScriptParameters.parameterName OR Please post your email for info for guidewire Documents and interview questions answers. Will give access to my drive for PC, CC and BC documents.
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