Guidelines SLcM BW
Guidelines SLcM BW
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Guideline – BW Content 3.53 and 7.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Applies to: This document describes how to do reporting with BW extractors for 3.53 and 7.0.3 BW content and Student Lifecycle Management EHP 3 and EHP 4. Summary This document provides a guideline to install and configure the delivered BW content for SAP Student Lifecycle Management, both BW 3.5 and 7.0. Author: Company: Marco Gruenthaler SAP AG Updated on: 6 March 2009 Author Bio Marco Gruenthaler works as an intern at SAP’ IBU for Higher Education and Research. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - sdn.sap.com | BPX - bpx.sap.com | BOC - boc.sap.com 1 Guideline – BW Content 3.53 and 7.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Table of Contents Definition / Basics ...............................................................................................................................................6 Data Warehousing ..........................................................................................................................................6 Flow of Data ....................................................................................................................................................6 Persistent Staging Area (PSA)........................................................................................................................7 Info Package ...................................................................................................................................................7 DataSource .....................................................................................................................................................7 Data Transfer Process (DTP) .........................................................................................................................7 Transformation ................................................................................................................................................7 InfoSource.......................................................................................................................................................7 Info Objects .....................................................................................................................................................7 Info Provider....................................................................................................................................................7 Data Storage Object (DSO) ............................................................................................................................8 Transfer Rules.................................................................................................................................................8 Update Rules ..................................................................................................................................................8 Content Activation...............................................................................................................................................9 Replication of DataSources ............................................................................................................................9 Activation of the Content ...............................................................................................................................10 3.5 Content Configuration.................................................................................................................................13 7.0 Content Configuration.................................................................................................................................14 Activate DataSources....................................................................................................................................14 Transformation ..............................................................................................................................................14 DTP ...............................................................................................................................................................15 InfoPackage ..................................................................................................................................................16 Data Loading ....................................................................................................................................................17 Manual data load...........................................................................................................................................17 3.5 Content ................................................................................................................................................................17 7.0 Content ................................................................................................................................................................17 Process chain................................................................................................................................................18 Building a process chain ............................................................................................................................................18 Scheduling the process chain ....................................................................................................................................21 Queries .............................................................................................................................................................22 Queries for Admissions .................................................................................................................................22 Queries for Registrations ..............................................................................................................................22 Queries for Specialization .............................................................................................................................22 Queries for Module Booking .........................................................................................................................22 Queries for Event Offering ............................................................................................................................22 Queries for Program Completions ................................................................................................................22 Queries for Stage Completions.....................................................................................................................22 Queries for Program Type Progression ........................................................................................................22 SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - sdn.sap.com | BPX - bpx.sap.com | BOC - boc.sap.com 2 Guideline – BW Content 3.53 and 7.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Appendix ...........................................................................................................................................................23 3.5 Content....................................................................................................................................................23 Academic Structure....................................................................................................................................................23 Academic Period ..................................................................................................................................................23 Academic Session................................................................................................................................................23 Campus................................................................................................................................................................23 Module Group ......................................................................................................................................................24 Program ...............................................................................................................................................................24 Qualification .........................................................................................................................................................24 Student Master Data ..................................................................................................................................................25 Academic Standing ..............................................................................................................................................25 Admission Category .............................................................................................................................................25 Admission Status .................................................................................................................................................25 Admission Status Supplement .............................................................................................................................25 Campus (Text) .....................................................................................................................................................26 Cancellation Reason ............................................................................................................................................26 Challenge Group ..................................................................................................................................................26 Challenge Type ....................................................................................................................................................26 County of Residence............................................................................................................................................27 Data Privacy Level ...............................................................................................................................................27 Degree Level........................................................................................................................................................27 Degree Type ........................................................................................................................................................27 Discipline..............................................................................................................................................................28 Ethnic Origin ........................................................................................................................................................28 Leave of Absence Reason ...................................................................................................................................28 Main Module Group Category ..............................................................................................................................28 Module Group (Text) ............................................................................................................................................29 Part-Time Study (Indicator) ..................................................................................................................................29 Program (Text) .....................................................................................................................................................29 Program Choice ...................................................................................................................................................30 Program Type ......................................................................................................................................................30 Program/Specialization ........................................................................................................................................30 Progress Classification.........................................................................................................................................30 Qualification (Text) ...............................................................................................................................................31 Qualification Group ..............................................................................................................................................31 Registration Classification....................................................................................................................................31 Registration Status...............................................................................................................................................31 Registration Type .................................................................................................................................................32 Religious Denomination .......................................................................................................................................32 Residence Status .................................................................................................................................................32 Sessional Registration Status Specification .........................................................................................................32 Social Class .........................................................................................................................................................33 Stage....................................................................................................................................................................33 Student Fee Category ..........................................................................................................................................33 Student Group......................................................................................................................................................33 SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - sdn.sap.com | BPX - bpx.sap.com | BOC - boc.sap.com 3 .............................45 Exclusion Indicator for Module Bookings ........................................................................com | BPX ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................46 Graduation reason ......................................44 Appraisal type ..............................................................................................................45 Event Package Category ..44 Calculation point.................boc....................................................................................................................................................................40 Event Type Texts ............................................................................................................44 Booking reason ...................34 Admissions................................................................................................................................................................................................................................43 Appraisal completed.....................................................................................................................................................................................................43 Appraisal remark ..................................................................................................................41 Object Type......................................36 Student (Text) ..............................................................................35 Student..................................................................................................39 Event Package .......sdn...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................46 SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................39 Event Package Texts .................................sap....................44 Ceremony category.................46 Grade Assignment Category.....................................................................42 Student Master Data ..............................39 Event.........................................................................................................................42 Academic Scale Identification ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................sap....................................................................41 Module Texts ...............................................................................................................................40 Module ................42 Academic Level........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................45 Due date schedule ........38 Business Partner......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................37 Study..........................................................................................38 Default academic session .........42 Alternative assessment method ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................35 Specializations ...................................................................................................44 Cancellation reason ....................................................................................................................................................................40 Event Type...............................43 Appraisal status.........................................................................................................................................................................38 7........................................................................................38 Organizational Unit.................................................................................................................................................................43 Appraisal Type ...........................................................................39 Academic Structure.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................03 for Student Lifecycle Management Student Administration .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Guideline – BW Content 3...........................................................................................34 Registrations .46 External Academic Work or Qualification Transferred.........................0 Content (for Student Lifecycle Management release EHP 3) ......................................com 4 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................40 Event Texts ..............................................................................43 Alternative assessment method Texts ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................com | BOC ..............................................................................45 Delivery Mode .................................................................................................................................41 Module Offering.....................................................................................................39 Academic Period Unit (Text) ...........................................bpx............................................sap.........................................................................53 and 7.....................................................................................46 Exclusion Indicator for Module Bookings text............45 Conditional Booking ......................................................37 Study (Text) ........ ..............................................................................................................................56 Enhance the DataSource ............................56 Implement the BAdI RSU5_SAPI_BADI ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Guideline – BW Content 3....................48 Progression Result Status.................53 Program Type Progression ..........................................55 How to extract customer fields................................................................47 Module Category..54 7....................................49 Special Fee Category.............................60 SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN ............................................................................................................................................sap...................................................................................49 Student Administration ........................................................................................................59 Unit of Measurement...............................................................................................................................................boc..................49 Session pattern ...............................................................................................................................................................sap..............................................48 Qualification not achieved .....................47 Module Fee Category..........................................48 Repetition type ........................................................................................................................................................47 Module Booking Status ............59 Copyright........................................................................................................................................................................................bpx..........................................................................................................................................................................................0 Content (for Student Lifecycle Management release EHP 4) ..................sap.......03 for Student Lifecycle Management Graduation status......................................50 Program Completions ............................................................................................................................................................47 Performance index ....................................................................................................................................com | BOC .....................53 and 7.........................................................................................47 No credit assignment ....................................55 Performance Indices ..............................................................................................................................................49 Waitlist Booking......50 Module Booking .......................48 Progression Category ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................com 5 ...............................................48 Processing Status for Academic Events Planning ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................52 Stage Completions......................................................sdn................................................................49 Teaching method ..........................................57 Modify the DSO object 0HE_DS06 and the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1 .............................com | BPX .................................... This type of system is called a data warehouse. Company data is usually spread across several applications that are used for entering data. and stage it efficiently for analysis and interpretation purposes.53 and 7.com | BPX .sdn. The data flow begins with the transfer of data from the source system to the Persistent Staging Area (PSA) using InfoPackages. analysis. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Data analysis represents additional system load which affects operative data processing. not analysis. and enabling it to react quickly and in line with the market. A data warehouse serves to integrate data from heterogeneous sources. This historic data can be important in analysis.com | BOC . Therefore separate systems are required for storing data and supporting data analysis requirements.sap. the data has come from heterogeneous applications and is therefore only available in heterogeneous formats which must first be standardized.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Definition / Basics Data Warehousing The reporting.boc. Analyzing this data is not only difficult because it is spread across several systems but because the data is saved in a form that is optimized for processing.sap. Furthermore. clean up and store this data. and interpretation of business data is of central importance to a company in guaranteeing its competitive edge. which is the base for the following queries.bpx. You can use any data sources that transfer the data to BI or access the source data directly.Guideline – BW Content 3. After that the Data Transfer Process (DTP) transfers the data via transformation into an InfoSource and then to a Data Storage Object (DSO). The data is stored in the PSA using tables. The applications also only save historic data to a limited extent. and define data repositories that correspond to the requirements of your layer architecture. optimizing processes. apply simple or complex cleansing and consolidating methods. transform. reporting and possibly for planning. which are based on prior defined DataSources. Flow of Data The data flow in the Data Warehouse describes which objects are needed at design time and which objects are needed at runtime to transfer data from a source to BI and cleanse.com 6 .sap. consolidate and integrate the data so that it can be used for analysis. consolidate. For further Information lock at SAP Help Data Transfer Process (DTP) You use the data transfer process (DTP) to transfer the data within BI from one persistent object to another object. in accordance with certain transformations and filters.53 and 7. For further Information lock at SAP Help Info Objects InfoObjects are the smallest units of BI. you can model the data flow without InfoSources. Typical InfoProviders are InfoCubes and Data Storage Objects (DSO). as is the case with InfoCubes. possible targets include InfoProviders and open hub destinations. the fields of a DataSource are also assigned to the InfoObjects of the BI system. You map the information in a structured form that is required for constructing InfoProviders. The transformation process thus allows you to consolidate. For further Information lock at SAP Help InfoSource An InfoSource is a non-persistent structure consisting of InfoObjects. Request data is stored in the transfer structure format in transparent.sap.sap. The data format remains unchanged. Possible sources for the data transfer include DataSources and InfoProviders.sdn.com 7 .Guideline – BW Content 3. InfoObjects are divided in characteristics. meaning that no summarization or transformations take place. relational database tables of the BI system in which the request data is stored in the format of the DataSource. They can provide the data for analysis. reporting and planning. unchanged from the source system. the data is written straight to the target from the source using a transformation. If you do not have transformations that run sequentially. For further Information lock at SAP Help Transformation Using the transformation.com | BPX .com | BOC . In this case. For further Information lock at SAP Help SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . For further Information lock at SAP Help Info Package Before data can be processed in BI. In the InfoPackage. cleanse. time characteristics and technical characteristics. without storing the data again or if you want to assign two different DataSources to one InfoSource.sap. DataSource In BI. data is copied from a source format to a target format in BI.boc. A DataSource is a set of fields that are used to extract data of a business unit from a source system and transfer it to the entry layer of the BI system or provide it for direct access. key figures. it has to be loaded into the PSA using an InfoPackage. and integrate data. The requested data is saved.bpx. You use InfoSources if you want to run two (or more) sequential transformations in the data flow. For further Information lock at SAP Help Info Provider InfoProviders are persistent data repositories that are used in the layer architecture of the Data Warehouse or in views on data. the metadata description of the source data is modeled with DataSources. In the transformation.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Persistent Staging Area (PSA) The PSA is the inbound storage area for data from the source systems in the BI system. They are known as business evaluation objects. you specify the selection parameters for transferring data into the PSA. bpx. or constants. document number/item) and data fields that can also contain character fields (for example.Guideline – BW Content 3.sdn. order status. characteristics) is updated to data targets from the communication structure of an InfoSource. You are therefore connecting an InfoSource with a data target. you use the transfer rules to determine how you want the transfer structure fields to be assigned to the communication structure InfoObjects. You can also fill InfoObjects using routines. formulas.sap. A Data Store Object contains key fields (for example.com | BOC . This data can be evaluated using a query. time characteristics. For further Information lock at SAP Help SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .com 8 . The system does not create fact tables or dimension tables.boc. You can arrange for a 1:1 assignment. customer) as key figures.sap. For further Information lock at SAP Help Update Rules Update rules specify how the data (key figures.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Data Storage Object (DSO) A DSO serves as a storage location for consolidated and cleansed transaction data or master data on a document (atomic) level.sap. flat database tables.53 and 7. the data in DataStore objects is stored in transparent. Unlike multidimensional data storage using Info Cubes. For further Information lock at SAP Help Transfer Rules When you have maintained the transfer structure and the communication structure.com | BPX . sap. If you get the request-window as shown above again. Choose it. proceed with the steps given below: Activate the DataSources in the Source System In the Student Lifecycle Management System run transaction RSA5 and find the node 0IS_HER.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Content Activation To be able to use the Student Lifecycle Management Business Content as delivered by SAP.com 9 . SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . If you can’t find the node you have to run transaction RSA9 (Transfer Application Components) and confirm the security check: “Do you want the content application Transfer Component Hierarchy?” with “Yes”. it first has to be activated.bpx. Replication of DataSources To replicate the DataSources that are delivered for Student Lifecycle Management.com | BPX . hit ‘Continue’ (the green check mark) and in the next window too. After that you should see node 0IS_HER in transaction RSA5. mark it with F9 and activate the DataSources by hitting the Button ‘Activate DataSources’.53 and 7.sdn. please click on “Create Request” and give it a short description.sap.Guideline – BW Content 3. hit “Save” and then “Continue” (the green check mark).boc. A pre-requisite of this is that the source system from which you want to load the data is connected to the BW system. Only then you will be able to replicate the DataSources and to load the data.com | BOC .sap. If you get the following window. By now the DataSources should be activated. all DataSources delivered by SAP will be replicated. navigate as follows: SAP → Higher Education and Research.sdn. • • To find the DataSources for Student Lifecycle Management. • If there are popup windows asking how to create a DataSource that does not exists. • Reload the entire tree containing the DataSources from this source system. Choose ‘Replicate Metadata’ to replicate the DataSources.com | BOC . Beware! If you right click on SAP and choose ‘Replicate Metadata’. confirm them with the green checkmark.53 and 7. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . choose ‘BI Content’.sap.com | BPX . This will take a long time! Be careful when you choose. • Select the source system from which you want to replicate the DataSources. All DataSources delivered by SAP for SLCM will now be replicated. choose DataSources. • In the left panel. If you cannot find the node in the tree.sap.sap.bpx.boc.com 10 . proceed with the steps given below: • Start the BW Administrator Workbench (RSA1). • In the left navigation panel.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Replicate the DataSources in the BW System • Start the BW Administrator Workbench (RSA1). make sure that you show the empty folders as well. • Right click on the entry for Higher Education and Research. This will take a few minutes.Guideline – BW Content 3. Activation of the Content To activate the Content that is delivered for Student Lifecycle Management. 0 basis If a popup window appears. it is possible that you get an error message that a certain object is not known/active. 0HE_DS04. 0HE_DS05 are on 3.0 basis and available with EHP 3 o 0HE_DS11 is available with EHP 4 and is also on 7. choose ‘Collection Mode’ and select ‘Collect Automatically’ and then choose ‘Display’ and select ‘Hierarchy’ To install the DataStoreObjects drag them from the left to the right. 0HE_DS07. 0HE_DS02. In the right panel choose ‘Grouping’ and select ‘In Dataflow Before and Aftrwds’ Next. This will result in an error since the InfoObject cannot be activated due to depending SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . it could be that an InfoObject has an attribute that has not been activated yet.sdn. 0HE_DS10 are on 7.com | BOC . Sometimes you may get a time-out when you activate it in foreground. 0HE_DS09. To activate the content choose ‘Install’ → ‘Install in background’ If necessary create a ‘Workbench request’ as shown in the source system When activating the content.com 11 .Guideline – BW Content 3.5 basis o 0HE_DS06.sap. unmark the other systems. 0HE_DS08.boc.53 and 7. • • When activating it is useful to do it in the background.03 for Student Lifecycle Management • • • • Now choose ‘InfoProviders by InfoAreas`and than ‘Industry Sectors’→ ‘Higher Education and Research’ → ‘Academic Structure’ and ‘Student Management’.sap.bpx.com | BPX .sap. Since a lot of objects are activated. If necessary. make sure that only your source system is marked. The following ODS are available: o 0HE_DS01. 0HE_DS03. com | BOC .bpx. The depending object will be activated somewhere along the line. the InfoObject with the error can be activated as well.com | BPX .com 12 .sap. When it is active. This is not a problem.03 for Student Lifecycle Management objects.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .53 and 7.sdn.Guideline – BW Content 3.boc.sap. 5 content. After that.bpx. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Confirm this window and in the next screen choose ‘Install in Background’ to install and activate the transfer rule.5 Content Configuration This chapter describes how to create and activate the needed items for the 3. At first. the update rules should be available already. The DataSource and InfoSource assignment can be found in the BW Content.com | BPX .03 for Student Lifecycle Management 3.sdn. Study. Update Rules are required for Student. By confirming this window the assignment will be used.com | BOC .Guideline – BW Content 3. we have to create the transfer rules. refresh the tree and the Update Rule should be listed. right click on a DataSource and choose ‘Create InfoPackage’. A customer can also define his own InfoSource assignment by creating a new one and selecting the “Other” option. After the activation of the Transfer Rule.boc. Give it a name and confirm it. If the BW Content has been activated correctly.sap. Go back to the DataSource tree and refresh it.53 and 7. Registrations and Admissions.sap. If the InfoPackage is not created. An overview about the mapping of the fields in the transfer rules is in the appendix. If it is not. check the installation of the BW Content or create the rule manually. For some DataSources delta loading is available for that look at the appendix.sap. Right click on a DataSource and choose ‘Create Transfer Rules’. Specializations.com 13 . the transfer rule is installed and active. All necessary items for each DataSource are listed in the appropriate section in this guideline. If you finished mapping. You can transfer directly from the DataSource to the DSO. All replicated DataSources should be displayed there. Right click on a DataSource and choose ‘Create Transformation’.sap. choose ‘Display/Change’ and then ‘Activate’. the DataSource 0HE_SLC_PCP_1 is assigned to the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_PCP_1). Note: The use of an InfoSources for transactional data is not required.com | BPX . the data transfer process (DTP) and the InfoPackage. right-click on the arrow and select ‘delete’. because they can not be used if they are not active.0 Content Configuration This is an example procedure to create the needed items. For further information look at SAP Help After that you have to map the fields. Look at the appropriate section in the appendix in section B for each DataSource. click on one field and move the cursor to the corresponding filed on the right and release.sap. Activate DataSources Go to the Administrator Workbench (RSA1) and open the DataSources for Student Lifecycle Management (Modelling → DataSources → SAP → Higher Education & Research). but you have to do the mapping by your own. Confirm this.com | BOC . To delete an arrow.sdn. activate this transformation by hitting ‘Activate’. double click on it.53 and 7. The use of an InfoSource is reasonable if you have more than one DataSource. Now refresh your entire tree by hitting the refresh button.sap.bpx. Make sure that all DataSources are activated. To map the fields. These things are required to transfer the data from the source to the BW. There is no template available. Now it is time to create the transformations. In the next step choose the target as it is mentioned in the appendix for each DataSource (e. With the use of an InfoSource two transformations are required.com 14 . To activate one.g. Transformation You have to create a transformation at first.03 for Student Lifecycle Management 7.boc.Guideline – BW Content 3. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Your Data Source should look like this.bpx.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Your DataSource should look like this DTP Now we have to create the DTP.com | BPX .com 15 . Right click on the DataSource and choose ‘Create data transfer process’.sap.53 and 7.boc. Confirm the following window and activate the DTP by hitting ‘Activate’. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Refresh the tree.Guideline – BW Content 3.sap.com | BOC .sap.sdn. com 16 . SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . When creating InfoPackages for the transactional data you have to option to use the delta mechanism.com | BPX .03 for Student Lifecycle Management InfoPackage At last we have to create the InfoPackage which is needed to start the ETL process.sap.bpx. Change it only form ‘Full Update’ to ‘Initialize Delta Process’ if it is mentioned in the DataSource section in the guideline.53 and 7.boc.com | BOC . Your DataSource should look like this.Guideline – BW Content 3. Refresh your tree.sap.sap. Give it a name and confirm. The advantage is that once an initial load has been done.sdn. only changed records will be loaded to BW. Now hit the ‘Save’ to save the InfoPackage. The DataSources which have this functionality will be mentioned in the appropriate section in this guideline for the DataSource. Right click on the DataSource and choose ‘Create InfoPackage’. Guideline – BW Content 3.53 and 7.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Data Loading There are two ways to load the date. The first one is the manual execution of all InfoPackages and DTPs every time you want to load the data into the data warehouse. The second way is to build up a process chain which will do the same as we did in the first way, but the advantage is that we have to start the process chain and the rest will be done automatically. The second advantage is that we can schedule this process chain. But building a process chain is a big one time work which needs a little bit of time. Manual data load 3.5 Content After creating all necessary items for each DataSources it is now time to load the data. You can do this during the creation of the InfoPackage or at the end. To load the data double-click on the InfoPackage of a DataSource and choose the tab ‘Schedule’ and then ‘Start’. The data in the DataStore Objects has to be activated. For this choose the DataStore Object and right click on it, then choose ‘Activate Data’. This step is necessary for Admission, Registration, Specialization, Student and Study. 7.0 Content After creating all necessary items for each DataSources it is now time to load the data. You can do this during the creation of the InfoPackage or at the end. To load the data double-click on the InfoPackage and choose the tab ‘Schedule’ and hit the ‘Start’ Button. Once the loading is finished you have to start the data transfer process (DTP) (this is valid for all objects). Double-click on a DTP and hit ‘Execute’. If this is finished, you might have to activate the data. This can be done via the context menu on the DSO (can be found under the DTP). This step is necessary for Module Booking, Module Offering, Program Completions, Stage Completion, Program Type Progression and Performance Indices. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - sdn.sap.com | BPX - bpx.sap.com | BOC - boc.sap.com 17 Guideline – BW Content 3.53 and 7.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Process chain Building a process chain To build up a process chain go to transaction ‘RSPC’. To create a new process chain click ‘Create’. In the following popup window you have to enter a technical name and a description for your process chain. The technical name can be as long as up to 20 characters. For the start of the technical name beware of the name convention (e.g. it has to start with Z). After confirming this window a new popup window will appear. You are asked to define a start variant. That’s the first step in your process chain! Every process chain does have one and only one starting step. A new step of type “Start process” will be added. To be able to define unique start processes for your chain you have to create a start variant. So press on the “create” button, a new pop-up appears: Here you define a technical name for the start variant and a description. In the next step you define when the process chain will start. You can choose from direct scheduling or start using meta chain or API. With direct scheduling you can define either to start immediately upon activating and scheduling or to a defined point in time like you know it from the job scheduling in any SAP system. With “start using meta chain or API” you are able to start this chain as a sub chain or from an external application via a function module “RSPC_API_CHAIN_START”. Hit the ‘Save’ button and go one step back to the previous window. Your window should look like this. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - sdn.sap.com | BPX - bpx.sap.com | BOC - boc.sap.com 18 Guideline – BW Content 3.53 and 7.03 for Student Lifecycle Management If you have defined the starting point for your chain you can add now a loading step for loading master data or transaction data. For all of this data choose “Execute infopackage” from all available process types. See picture below: You can easily move this step with drag & drop from the left on the right side into your design window. A new pop-up window appears. Here you can choose which InfoPackage you want to use. You can’t create a new one here. Press F4 help and a new window will pop-up with all available InfoPackages sorted by use. At the top are InfoPackages used in this process chain, followed by all other available InfoPackages not used in the process chain. Choose one and confirm. This step will now be added to your process chain. Your chain should look like this: To connect these to items you can right click on the start and choose ‘Connect with’ → ‘Load Data’ and then the InfoPackage you want to be the successor. The other way is to click on the starting point and keep the mouse pressed. Move down to the next step and resale the mouse. A new connection is created. In the next step drag and drop a DTP in your process chain. In the following window choose the right DTP and confirm. Now connect the InfoPackage and the DTP. You now get a new popup window. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN - sdn.sap.com | BPX - bpx.sap.com | BOC - boc.sap.com 19 You can switch off this behaviour in the menu under “Settings -> Default Chains". Whether a step ends successful or with errors is defined in the process step itself.Guideline – BW Content 3. In the pop-up choose “Do not suggest Process” and confirm.boc. By default the process chain itself suggests successors and predecessors for each step. You can now add all other steps necessary. For loading transaction data with an InfoPackage it usually adds steps for deleting and creating indexes on a cube. Your process chain will now appear under new application component.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .sdn. To see the settings for each step you can go to Settings -> Maintain Process Types in the menu. have at least one predecessor. Your chain will now be checked if all steps are connected. If the chain checking returns with warnings or is ok you can activate it.sap. Your process chain can now look like this. In this window you see all defined (standard and custom) process types. To assign it to another application component you have to change it.com | BPX .sap. That’s your responsibility.com | BOC .com 20 . If you finished your process chain you can check your chain with menu “Goto -> Checking View” or press the button “Check”. Then refresh the application component hierarchy. You will find your new chain under application component "Not assigned". save and reactivate it. If check carries out errors you have to remove the errors first. ended with errors or anyhow if successful or not always execute. Choose "application component" button in change mode of the chain. After successful checking you can activate your process chain.53 and 7. You can activate your chain with menu “Process chain -> Activate” or press on the activation button in the symbol bar.bpx. Logical errors are not detected.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Here you can choose if this successor step shall be executed only if the predecessor was successful. With this connection type you can control the behaviour of your chain in case of errors. sdn. During execution the steps defined in RSPCPROCESSCHAIN will be executed one after each other.boc. As you can see the two first steps were successful and step “Load Data” of an InfoPackage failed. In the following window choose ‘Immediate’ if you want to start the process chain right now. You will be asked for the time interval for which you want to check chain execution. With “Process monitor” you get to the request monitor and see detailed information why the loading failed. You will find a job named “BI_PROCESS_TRIGGER”. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . If there is an error while scheduling the process chain. You can see it in SM37. Possible options are today. The execution of the next event is triggered by events defined in the table.sap.com | BPX . yesterday and today. Unfortunately every process chain is scheduled with a job with this name. Here is an example of another chain that ended incorrect: On the left side you see when the chain was executed and how it ended. Choose in the menu “Go to -> Log View”.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Scheduling the process chain After successful activation you can now schedule your chain. For us option “today” is sufficient. You can watch SM37 for new executed jobs starting with “BI_” or look at the protocol view of the chain.53 and 7.com 21 . “Display messages” displays the job log of the background job and messages created by the request monitor. this month and last month or free date.Guideline – BW Content 3.sap. You can check chain execution for errors in the protocol or process chain log. You can now check the reason with context menu “display messages” or “Process monitor”. one week ago.com | BOC . Press button “Schedule” or menu “Execution -> schedule”.bpx. double click at the start of the chain and select ‘Change Selections’. Hit the ‘Save’ Button and go back to the process chain view. In the job variant you will find which process chain will be executed. On the right side you see for every step if it ended successfully or not.sap. The chain will be scheduled as background job. Category and Result 0HE_DS10_Q0001 SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Comparison List Admission by Student Demographics Attributes.com | BOC . Queries for Admissions • • • • Admission by Admission Attributes.Guideline – BW Content 3.sap.sap. Hierarchical 0HE_DS03_Q0001 0HE_DS03_Q0002 Queries for Module Booking • • • Module Bookings by Booking Status Module Bookings by Student & Period Student Course Report 0HE_DS06_Q0001 0HE_DS06_Q0002 0HE_DS06_Q0003 Queries for Event Offering • Event Offers 0HE_DS07_Q0001 Queries for Program Completions • Program Completions by Qualification and Status 0HE_DS08_Q0001 Queries for Stage Completions • Stage Completions by Program. Student Lifecycle Management delivers a number of queries. Hierarchical 0HE_DS01_Q0001 0HE_DS01_Q0002 0HE_DS01_Q0003 0HE_DS01_Q0004 Queries for Registrations • • • • • • Registration. by Student Demographics Data Registration.com | BPX . Mid-cycle Analysis. Hierarchical. Student and Grade 0HE_DS09_Q0001 Queries for Program Type Progression • Progression Results by Program Type. Hierarchical Specialization by Student Attributes.boc. Hierarchical Admission by Admission Attributes. Multi-year Registration by Day of Registration Registration Geographical (Based on Main Address) 0HE_DS02_Q0001 0HE_DS02_Q0002 0HE_DS02_Q0003 0HE_DS02_Q0004 0HE_DS02_Q0005 0HE_DS02_Q0006 Queries for Specialization • • Specialization by Module Group Attributes.bpx.sdn. Hierarchical. O-O-SC Registration by faculty (Principal Org Unit of Student) Registration Hierarchical. O-O_SC.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Queries With the delivery of the Business Content.com 22 .53 and 7. These queries serve as an example / implementation accelerator. Non-Hierarchical Admission.sap. The queries are split up over each of the DataStore Object (DSO) that they analyze. Academic Period Assign the DataSource 0HE_YRSES_ATTR to the InfoSource 0HE_YRSES. Activate all DataSources if necessary. Campus Assign the DataSource 0HE_CAMPUS_ATTR to the InfoSource 0HE_STCAMP.boc.sap. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap.Guideline – BW Content 3.com 23 .5 Content Academic Structure In the navigation tree open ‘Academic Structure’.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Appendix 3.sdn.com | BPX . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Academic Session Assign the DataSource 0HE_PERID_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_PERID.bpx.com | BOC . SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .53 and 7.sap. boc. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap.com | BPX .Guideline – BW Content 3.bpx. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Module Group Assign the DataSource 0HE_MODGRP_ATTR to the InfoSource 0HE_MODGRP.sap.sap. Program Assign the DataSource 0HE_PRGRM_ATTR to the InfoSource 0HE_PRGRM.com 24 .com | BOC . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sdn.53 and 7. Qualification Assign the DataSource 0HE_CQUAL_ATTR to the InfoSource 0HE_CQUAL. com | BOC .Guideline – BW Content 3. Activate all DataSources if necessary. Academic Standing Assign the DataSource 0HE_ACSTND_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_ACSTND.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Admission Status Assign the DataSource 0HE_ADMST_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_ADMST.com 25 . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Admission Category Assign the DataSource 0HE_ADMCTG_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_ADMCTG. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap.sap.boc.53 and 7.sdn.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Student Master Data In the navigation tree open ‘Student Master Data’. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.com | BPX . Admission Status Supplement Assign the DataSource 0HE_STSUPL_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_STSUPL.bpx. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. When loading texts for this object.sap. Challenge Type Assign the DataSource 0HE_CHTYP_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CHTYP.bpx. Challenge Group Assign the DataSource 0HE_CHGRP_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CHGRP. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .com | BOC . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.boc.Guideline – BW Content 3. Cancellation Reason Assign the DataSource 0HE_CNCRSN_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CNCRSN.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Campus (Text) Assign the DataSource 0HE_CAMPUS_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CAMPUS. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap.sap.com | BPX .sdn.53 and 7. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. you have to specify the object type F.com 26 . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.Guideline – BW Content 3. Degree Type Assign the DataSource 0HE_DEGTYP_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_DEGTYP.53 and 7.sap. Data Privacy Level Assign the DataSource 0HE_CONFID_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CONFID. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.bpx.com 27 . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.boc.com | BPX .com | BOC . Degree Level Assign the DataSource 0HE_DEGLVL_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_DEGLVL.sdn.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap.03 for Student Lifecycle Management County of Residence Assign the DataSource 0HE_RCNTRY_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_RCNTRY. com | BOC .sap. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.53 and 7.boc.com 28 . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Ethnic Origin Assign the DataSource 0HE_ETHNIC_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_ETHNIC.sdn.bpx.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Discipline Assign the DataSource 0HE_MDISC_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_MDISC. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.Guideline – BW Content 3. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Leave of Absence Reason Assign the DataSource 0HE_LVRSN_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_LVRSN. Main Module Group Category Assign the DataSource 0HE_CATGRY_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CATGRY.com | BPX .sap.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . you have to specify the object type SC. you have to specify the object type CG.sap.bpx.sap.com 29 . Part-Time Study (Indicator) Assign the DataSource 0HE_PARTT_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_PARTT.Guideline – BW Content 3. When loading texts for this object.boc. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.53 and 7. When loading texts for this object.com | BPX . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Module Group (Text) Assign the DataSource 0HE_MODGRP_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_MODGRP.sdn.com | BOC .sap. Program (Text) Assign the DataSource 0HE_PRGRM_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_PRGRM. sap.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Program Choice Assign the DataSource 0HE_CHOICE_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CHOICE. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .com 30 .bpx. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Program Type Assign the DataSource 0HE_PRTYPE_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_PRTYPE.com | BOC .Guideline – BW Content 3.boc.sdn. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap. Progress Classification Assign the DataSource 0HE_PRGCLS_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_PRGCLS.sap. Program/Specialization Assign the DataSource 0HE_LDOBJ_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_LDOBJ. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.com | BPX .53 and 7. sap.53 and 7. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .03 for Student Lifecycle Management Qualification (Text) Assign the DataSource 0HE_CQUAL_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CQUAL.boc. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sdn. Qualification Group Assign the DataSource 0HE_CQGRP_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_CQGRP. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap. you have to specify the object type CQ.sap.com 31 .com | BOC . Registration Classification Assign the DataSource 0HE_REGCLS_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_REGCLS. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.com | BPX .Guideline – BW Content 3. Registration Status Assign the DataSource 0HE_REGST_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_REGST.bpx. When loading texts for this object. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. com | BPX .sdn.boc.sap.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Registration Type Assign the DataSource 0HE_REGTY_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_REGTY. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Residence Status Assign the DataSource 0HE_RESST_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_RESST. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Religious Denomination Assign the DataSource 0HE_KONFE_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_KONFE. Sessional Registration Status Specification Assign the DataSource 0HE_REGSTE_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_REGSTE.com | BOC .com 32 .bpx.53 and 7. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap.Guideline – BW Content 3. com | BPX .53 and 7. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .sap.bpx. Stage Assign the DataSource 0HE_STAGE_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_STAGE.com | BOC .sap. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sap.boc.com 33 .Guideline – BW Content 3. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.sdn.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Social Class Assign the DataSource 0HE_SOCIAL_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_SOCIAL. Student Group Assign the DataSource 0HE_STGRP_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_STGRP. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Student Fee Category Assign the DataSource 0HE_FEECAT_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_FEECAT. Have this in mind by creating the InfoPackage.sdn.sap.bpx. Admissions Assign the DataSource 0HE_SLC_ADM_1 to the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_ADM_1. For this InfoSource delta loading is available.Guideline – BW Content 3.sap.com 34 . SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Activate all DataSources if necessary.boc.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Student Administration In the navigation tree open ‘Student Administration’.sap.com | BOC .53 and 7.com | BPX . Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.boc.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Registrations Assign the DataSource 0HE_SLC_REG_1 to the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_REG_1.com | BPX . Have this in mind by creating the InfoPackage. Specializations Assign the DataSource 0HE_SLC_SPC_1 to the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_SPC_1.Guideline – BW Content 3.sap.53 and 7.sap.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .com 35 .sdn. For this InfoSource delta loading is available. For this InfoSource delta loading is available. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. Have this in mind by creating the InfoPackage.com | BOC .bpx. If not please create them. The same holds for the Study data. To ensure data consistency.sap. to the InfoSource. The data should be loaded from the DataSource. the complete Student image is loaded into BW multiple times. to the InfoSource and directly in the InfoObject). The reason is that if you change the Student Data more than once during the days. the mapping should be defaulted. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.com 36 . Have this in mind by creating the InfoPackage. to the DataStore Object (ODS) and then in the InfoObject (instead of from DataSource. For the DataSource you select the DataStore Object (ODS) Object 0HE_DS04.com | BOC .bpx. For the DataSource you select to InfoSource 0HE_SLC_ST_1. Activate it.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . DataStore Object to InfoObject Right click on the InfoObject Student and Create Update Rules.boc.53 and 7. Activate it. InfoSource to DataStore Object Right click on the DataStore Object (ODS) for Student and Create Update Rules. a DataStore Object is used to consolidate this data.Guideline – BW Content 3. After that. After that. The update rules should be created automatically. Assign the DataSource 0HE_STUDNT_ATTR to the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_ST_1.sap. For this InfoSource delta loading is available.sdn. the mapping should be defaulted.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Student The Student objects needs special handling.com | BPX . If not please create them. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data. For the DataSource you select to InfoSource 0HE_SLC_CS_1.sap.bpx. The update rules should be created automatically. Study Assign the DataSource 0HE_STUDY_ATTR to the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_CS_1.sap. Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.com | BOC . SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . InfoSource to DataStore Object Right click on the DataStore Object (ODS) for Student and Create Update Rules.Guideline – BW Content 3.sap. After that. the mapping should be defaulted. For the DataSource you select the DataStore Object (ODS) Object 0HE_DS05. the mapping should be defaulted. After that.com | BPX .03 for Student Lifecycle Management Student (Text) Assign the DataSource 0HE_STUDNT_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_ST_1. Activate it. Have this in mind by creating the InfoPackage.boc.sdn. As target for the InfoPackage choose ‘Student (Texts)’. Activate it. DataStore Object to InfoObject Right click on the InfoObject Student and Create Update Rules.53 and 7.com 37 . For this InfoSource delta loading is available. To make a query stating: Show all admission where the session is empty is difficult to make. Map the corresponding fields. DEFSESSION in V_T7PIQSWITCHVAL = 99. When you maintain a value for this switch via the view V_T7PIQSWITCHVAL.com | BPX .boc. Create an InfoPackage to load the data.com | BOC . this is the value that will be loaded into BW.sap. Example: Student registers for the whole year 2005. it is useful to replace this empty session with a different value so that you can report on it in BW.sdn. As target for the InfoPackage choose ‘Study (Texts)’. Assign the InfoSource BP: Master Record (0BPARTNER_ATTR) to the DataSource 0BPARTNER_ATTR of your Source System and map the corresponding fields.Guideline – BW Content 3. open the DataSources for your source system (DataSources → SAP Application Components → Personnel Management → Organizational Management → Organizational Management Master Data).53 and 7.sap.bpx. Have this in mind by creating the InfoPackage.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Study (Text) Assign the DataSource 0HE_STUDY_TEXT to the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_CS_1. Organizational Unit In the BW Administrator Workbench.sap. Default academic session When an admission or registration record has no academic session maintained (this can be the case for a full year registration). For this InfoSource delta loading is available. the session will remain empty. open the DataSources for your source system (DataSources → PI Basis → Business Partner → Business Partner Master Data). Map the fields and create an InfoPackage to load the data.com 38 . Assign the InfoSource Organizational Unit (0ORGUNIT) to the DataSource 0ORGUNIT_ATTR of your Source System. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Business Partner In the BW Administrator Workbench. If you don’t maintain it. The InfoObject 0HE_YRSES will have the value 2005099 in BW. Therefore you can use your own defined number to derive this records. The table T7PIQSWITCH has been extended with the values GROUP → BW and SETTING → DEFSESSION. sap.bpx.53 and 7.com | BOC .com 39 . Activate all DataSources. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .sap.com | BPX .boc. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.sap. Event Package Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_EVPACK and ‘ATTRIBUTES’ as Subtype for Object. Event Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_EVENT and ‘ATTRIBUTES’ as Subtype for Object.0 Content (for Student Lifecycle Management release EHP 3) Academic Structure In the navigation tree open ‘Academic Structure’.Guideline – BW Content 3. Academic Period Unit (Text) Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_YSUINT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sdn. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.03 for Student Lifecycle Management 7. sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .com | BPX .com | BOC . Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.com 40 .bpx. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.Guideline – BW Content 3.boc. Event Type Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_EVTYPE and ‘ATTRIBUTES’ as Subtype for Object. Event Type Texts Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_EVTYPE and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Event Texts Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_EVENT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap.sdn.53 and 7.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Event Package Texts Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_EVPACK and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.sap. boc.sap.com | BOC .sap.com | BPX . Object Type Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_OTYPE and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Module Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_MODULE and ‘ATTRIBUTES’ as Subtype for Object.com 41 . Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Module Texts Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_MODULE and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.53 and 7.sdn.bpx.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .Guideline – BW Content 3. bpx.Guideline – BW Content 3. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Student Master Data In the navigation tree open ‘Student Master Data’. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Activate all DataSources.sdn.sap. Academic Level Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_ACLEVL and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com 42 .com | BPX .sap.53 and 7. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Academic Scale Identification Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_GRADSC and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.boc. This transformation will be created automatically. Here is the mapping for the assignment of the InfoSource to the DSO.com | BOC .sap.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Module Offering Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoSource’ as Object Type for the InfoSource 0HE_ACO_MOF1. boc. Appraisal remark Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_APRMRK and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com | BOC . SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .Guideline – BW Content 3.com 43 .com | BPX .sdn. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Alternative assessment method Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_AWRAT and ‘ATTRIBUTES’ as Subtype for Object. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Appraisal completed Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_APCOMP and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Appraisal Type Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_ARGTYP and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap. Alternative assessment method Texts Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_AWRAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap.bpx. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.sap.53 and 7. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Appraisal type Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_APTYPE and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com | BPX . Cancellation reason Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_MBKCRS and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Appraisal status Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_APSTAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.Guideline – BW Content 3.53 and 7.sap.bpx.com 44 . Booking reason Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_MBKRSN and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap. Calculation point Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_CLCPNT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.boc. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.sdn.com | BOC . Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Guideline – BW Content 3. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.sap.sap.com 45 .boc.sdn.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Ceremony category Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_CRMCAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com | BPX .bpx. Due date schedule Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_DDSCHD and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Event Package Category Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_SECAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Conditional Booking Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_COBOK and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com | BOC .53 and 7. Delivery Mode Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_DELMOD and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.sap. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Exclusion Indicator for Module Bookings text Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_ANNULM and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap.bpx. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.com 46 . Grade Assignment Category Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_NOGRD1 and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.boc. External Academic Work or Qualification Transferred Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_TRNSFW and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com | BOC .sap.com | BPX .sdn.Guideline – BW Content 3. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .03 for Student Lifecycle Management Exclusion Indicator for Module Bookings Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_ANNULM and ‘ATTRIBUTES’ as Subtype for Object.53 and 7. Graduation reason Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_GRDRSN and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. com 47 . Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.53 and 7.sap.sap. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.com | BOC .sdn.boc. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . No credit assignment Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_NOCRD and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap. Module Category Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_SMCAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Module Booking Status Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_MBKST and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.bpx.Guideline – BW Content 3. Module Fee Category Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_SMFCAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Graduation status Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_GRDST and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.com | BPX . com 48 .sap.53 and 7. Progression Category Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_PGCAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Progression Result Status Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_PGSTAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com | BPX . Qualification not achieved Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_CQFAIL and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com | BOC . Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.sap.sdn.boc.sap. Processing Status for Academic Events Planning Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_EVPRST and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .03 for Student Lifecycle Management Performance index Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_PINDEX and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.Guideline – BW Content 3.bpx. Teaching method Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_TCHMTH and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.com 49 .sdn.Guideline – BW Content 3.sap. Session pattern Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_OFFPAT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Repetition type Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_REPTYP and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.bpx.boc.com | BOC . Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage Waitlist Booking Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_WTLBK and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.sap.sap. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage. Map the fields and then create the DTP and the InfoPackage.53 and 7. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Special Fee Category Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoObject’ as Object Type for the InfoObject 0HE_SMLVCT and ‘TEXTS’ as Subtype for Object.com | BPX . com | BPX .53 and 7.bpx.boc. This transformation will be created automatically.sap.Guideline – BW Content 3.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Student Administration In the navigation tree open ‘Student Master Data’.sdn. Map the fields and then create the data transfer process. When creating the InfoPackage go to the tab ‘Update’ and choose ‘Initialize Delta Process’. Here is the mapping for the assignment of the InfoSource to the DSO. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .com 50 .com | BOC .sap. Activate all DataSources. Module Booking Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoSource’ as Object Type for the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1.sap. bpx.sap.Guideline – BW Content 3.com 51 .53 and 7.sap.sap.03 for Student Lifecycle Management SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .boc.com | BOC .com | BPX .sdn. sap.com | BOC .com 52 . SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .boc.53 and 7. This transformation will be created automatically. When creating the InfoPackage go to the tab ‘Update’ and choose ‘Initialize Delta Process’.Guideline – BW Content 3. Map the fields and then create the data transfer process.bpx.sap.com | BPX .sap.sdn.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Program Completions Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoSource’ as Object Type for the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_PCP_1. Here is the mapping for the assignment of the InfoSource to the DSO. Map the fields and then create the data transfer process.boc.com | BOC .sap.sap.com 53 .Guideline – BW Content 3.sap. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .bpx. This transformation will be created automatically. When creating the InfoPackage go to the tab ‘Update’ and choose ‘Initialize Delta Process’.53 and 7.sdn.com | BPX . Here is the mapping for the assignment of the InfoSource to the DSO.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Stage Completions Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoSource’ as Object Type for the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_SCP_1. bpx.sap.com | BOC . When creating the InfoPackage go to the tab ‘Update’ and choose ‘Initialize Delta Process’.sdn. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .com 54 .03 for Student Lifecycle Management Program Type Progression Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoSource’ as Object Type for the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_PTP_1. Map the fields and then create the data transfer process.sap.com | BPX .boc. This transformation will be created automatically.53 and 7.Guideline – BW Content 3.sap. Here is the mapping for the assignment of the InfoSource to the DSO. Here is the mapping for the assignment of the InfoSource to the DSO.com | BOC .Guideline – BW Content 3.sdn.bpx. Map the fields and then create the data transfer process and then the InfoPackage.sap.53 and 7.03 for Student Lifecycle Management 7.sap.sap. This transformation will be created automatically. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .boc.com 55 .com | BPX .0 Content (for Student Lifecycle Management release EHP 4) Performance Indices Create the transformation and choose ‘InfoSource’ as Object Type for the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_PI_1. Define the formula “CONCATENATE( ACAD_YEAR. ACAD_SESSION )” to concatenate the year and session into one field. com | BOC . following needs to be done. In case there is a need to have more than one Program there.sap. Enter a name for the DDIC structure you want to create. Enhance the DataSource Start transaction RSA6 and mark the DataSource you want to extend.com | BPX .sap.sap. define the fields you want to extract additionally and activate the structure.com 56 . SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .boc.53 and 7. a BAdI exists that you can use for this.03 for Student Lifecycle Management How to extract customer fields If you want to extract extra/missing fields for a given extractor. It currently has only one Program for the Program Usage.sdn. As example we will enhance the extractor for Module Booking.Guideline – BW Content 3. In the following screen.bpx. Choose ‘Enhance Extraction Structure’. The DataSource has now been enhanced with the customer field. Activate the structure. sap.com | BOC . Via a loop over that table you can easily enhance the data.boc. The method DATA_TRANSFORM should be implemented in case you want to extract extra fields for master and transactional data. Here is the example coding for the implementation: SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .com 57 . Enter the BAdI name and choose from the pull-down menu → Implementation Create: Give a name for the implementation.53 and 7.com | BPX . This BAdI is called after the load of the data has been done.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Implement the BAdI RSU5_SAPI_BADI Start transaction SE18. The table C_T_DATA contains all the extracted data.sap.sdn.sap.Guideline – BW Content 3.bpx. boc.sap.03 for Student Lifecycle Management SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN .sap.com | BPX .sap.sdn.com | BOC .bpx.53 and 7.com 58 .Guideline – BW Content 3. com | BOC . You might have to delete the existing Transformation.boc.sdn. Activate.bpx. Additionally.53 and 7. Add the ZHE_PRUS2 as a data field. Activate. Goto the InfoProvider view. Unit of Measurement Make sure that if you extract data that uses the unit CRH that this is available in the BW system. Look up the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1 and add the field ZHE_PRUS2 to the InfoSource.sap.Guideline – BW Content 3. the InfoSource and the Transformations.com 59 .sap. Activate it.com | BPX . look up 0HE_DS06 and change it. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . you might get errors when processing the DTP. If not. map your created field. That should be it. Goto the DataSource view and replicate the DataSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1. You can create them with the mapping as given previously. Goto the InfoSource view.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Modify the DSO object 0HE_DS06 and the InfoSource 0HE_SLC_MBK_1 The last step is to modify the DataStore Object. goto the InfoProvider view.sap. Via RSA1. Create an InfoObject (RSD1) ZHE_PRUS2 (Program Usage 2). XHTML and W3C are trademarks or registered trademarks of W3C®. POWER. PowerVM. ICA. z/OS. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Xcelsius. Power Architecture. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. DB2. zSeries. and MultiWin are trademarks or registered trademarks of Citrix Systems. z/VM. HACMP. R/3. ByDesign. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only. Duet. i5/OS. OSF/1. BatchPipes. and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. and Reader are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. XML. System i5. z9. VideoFrame. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK © 2009 SAP AG SDN . Business Objects and the Business Objects logo. SAP NetWeaver. PowerPC. System z10. BladeCenter. System z9. SAP Business ByDesign. Inc.Guideline – BW Content 3. Redbooks. DB2 Universal Database. RACF. Windows. MVS/ESA. Outlook. Web Intelligence. Inc. Excel.53 and 7. Crystal Reports. GPFS. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Intelligent Miner. OpenPower. Adobe. System i. and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. System x. OS/2. These materials are subject to change without notice. WebSphere. AS/400. Crystal Decisions. Tivoli and Informix are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. HTML. SAP.A.bpx. without representation or warranty of any kind. Citrix.03 for Student Lifecycle Management Copyright © Copyright 2009 SAP AG. eServer. DB2 Connect. Microsoft. POWER6. z10. RETAIN. xSeries.com | BOC . AIX. IBM. and other countries. OS/400. Acrobat. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U. System Storage.sap. National product specifications may vary.boc. System z. UNIX. in the United States and in other countries. OS/390. and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Group. Program Neighborhood. X/Open. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. System p5.S. the Adobe logo. iSeries.. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. PartnerEdge.sdn. WinFrame.com | BPX . Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects S. World Wide Web Consortium. Business Objects is an SAP company. pSeries. and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. System p. S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server. POWER6+. JavaScript is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems. PostScript. used under license for technology invented and implemented by Netscape. MetaFrame. S/390. Parallel Sysplex. Netfinity.sap. BusinessObjects. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. POWER5+. Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems.sap. if any. POWER5.com 60 . Inc. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors.
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