Guidelines NMHP

March 27, 2018 | Author: dr prasenjit ray | Category: Psychiatrist, Psychiatry, Mental Health, Hospital, Mental Disorder



p~4:)e~~e ~S!IJ~d se s.Ln/s~~e~SJodHJ;\lNJo SJ~::>~lJO lepoN IIV :o~ AdoJ dHV\jNjO ;}W;}4:)S :\:)u3 lP£9 IO£l :XEjdld.l E!PUI jO 11\00 dl{'! o,! }:JE'!dJ':>dS JdPUf1 ( El{qEUEwpEd 'S ) .'600l/£O/9Z p~~~p S"6[P'oN "1.0 ~P!A UO!S!A!O~;)U~U!~p~}~J3~~u[Jo~;)U~JJn;)uo;) ~4} 4}!M s~nss! S!4L "£ health at the national and international level is to make the services of mental health community based rather than hospital based.2) Govt. 1. Together these disorders account for 12% of the global burden of disease (GBD) and an analysis of trends indicates this will increase to 15% by 2020 (World Health Report. One in four families is likely to have at least one member with a behavioural or mental disorder (WHO 2001). of manpower 25 PSWs & 185 Psychiatric Nurses per year. but also bear the negative impact of stigma and discrimination. These families not only provide physical and emotional support. of DMHP suffered Due to shortage adversely in mental health.'6/07-PHCPt. most of the mental illnesses do not require hospitalization and are The new thinking on mental manageable by GPO treatment and follow up care. Such community-based cost-effective. 50 Clinical Psychologists. lack of knowledge on the treatment availability & potential benefits of seeking treatment are important causes for the high treatment gap. of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Subject. 2001).e. National Mental Health Programme for 11th Five Year Plan. . services are help to ensure respect for human rights. Poor awareness about symptoms of mental illness. Most of them (>90%) remain un-treated.0.1 However. accessible.Pattern of Assistance for Manpower Development C~omponent 1. 1. Introduction It is estimated that 6-7 % of population suffers from mental disorders. The existing training infrastructure in the country produces approximately 320 Psychiatrists. limit stigma and lead to early treatment and recovery There is acute shortage of manpower in the field of mental health clinical psychologists psychiatrists psychiatric social workers and psychiatric nurses This is a major constraint in meeting the mental health needs and providing optimal mental health services to people. myths & stigma related to it. . the implementation in previous plan periods. . Medical Colleges/General Hospitals: Psychiatry Departments of Government Medical Colleges which have not been funded earlier will be supported. 2. 3 crores per of facilities mental hospital would be provided to mental hospitals for modernisation and equipments as per the existing norms (which have not been funded previously) Details of the schemes are in Annexure II.1.2. A grant of up to Rs 50 lakhs per college for up gradation of facilities and equipments as per the existing norms.0 States will be required to submit proposals under various schemes programme Based upon these proposals / PIPs from the states funds will be released to the State Health Society for implementation as per the scheme guidelines.3. At the district level the Programme Officer will represent the Programme in the District Health Society and facilitate proposals related to running of DMHP.2.1 Upgradation of Psychiatric Wings of Govt. Government General hospitals/District hospitals could be funded for establishment of a psychiatry wing. Modernisation of State-run Mental Hospitals: A grant of upto Rs. Preference would be given to colleges/ hospitals planning to start/increase seats of PG (MD/DPM/DNB) courses in Psychiatry 2.2. State nodal officer for NMHP will represent the programme in the State Health Society and get the grant released for various districts and institutions as per the scheme/guidelines 3. Medical colleges.2. 3 Operationalisation of the Programme of the 3. Spillover activities of Schemes of 10th FY plan: Funding support for following spillover on the existing norms. would to be provided. District Mental Health Programme: The existing Districts where the DMHP is presently under implementation will continue to be supported_under the programme on the existing norms. Some of the deserving areas where there is no well established Govt.2. of the 10th FY plan will continue 2. 3 . Details of the existing scheme are at Annexure III. funding DMHP in the existing districts till the current year (2008-09) spill over activities of the 10th FY Plan work out to Rs. For effective implementation of the Programme) help of credible and community based organisations could be enlisted at the state and district level.5. 3.0.473. States Govts. 4 . The financial implications on implementation of the components on Manpower and Development. All the funds for the NMHP for States will to be routed through the State Health Society.4. would be required to map the mental health resources in their respective of NMHP in their PIPs..445 crores. 3. NMHP will be mainstreamed by integrating with I'JRHM and NUHM.3. Detailed operational states and include the components guidelines for effective implementation of the programme are placeS. The Steering Committee on NMHP under the chairmanship of Secretary (H&FW) is authorised to carry out -any operational modifications as may be warranted for better implementation of the programme 4.2. at Annexure IV. Centres of Excellence Budgetary allocation. Digital EEG. Pathology lab equipment and other equi~~nts as per requirements) Non Technical equipment (Mattresses.psychological lab.~~5I 0.28 I 0.5 1. stretchers. Year -wise break-up of support for Cel1ter of Excellence 08-9 09-10 4 1. 338. hostels for trainees.b. PSW and Psychiatric Nursing. wards.25 7. as per requi~ment) Library. Books. Journals and other equipments for library Support for Faculty & Technical staff as per regulatory requirements Total for one Center 0 1 1 1 3 0 0 1.0 30 Total Budgetary allocation is Rs. emergency. cots.for one Center of Excellence is up to Rs.0-11 Years ~ Components Capital Work: Building including teaching block.16 9. GPO. Biochemistry lab equipment. equipments and Tests.16 I 1 3.5 78 6. Clinical Psychology. Polygraph. The proposal of the State Governments for these centres must include definite plan with timelines for initiating/ increasing PG courses in Psychiatry. furniture. bed sheets. pillows.31 a 1.75 0 0 3 2 5 (CT scan 16/32 slice. Neuro.Annexure-I Manpower Development in Merltal Health A. lecture theatre. Renovation of existinq buildinas Technical Equipments -- 11-12 5 Total 18 1. trolleys. storage boxes. diagnostic block. ECT. and EEG lab.06 13.121 crore. chairs. Resuscitation equipments. table.30 crore. " . Behaviour therapy unit. Rs. Sleep la. library. compute!:§JlJternet facility etc. Quarter for faculty in order of priority and any other construction deemed essential. 4 Faculty posts of PSW. Psychology: faculty-Rs. 4 non faculty posts of PSW. 60000/-.19. 2 faculty posts of Psychiatric Nursing.16000/-). Nursing: Faculty-Rs.Tutor (1) PG seats! yr 1MD & DPM or 2 DNB 8 r. AssoI:. -Rs. Outcome/yr - 16 MPhil 16 MPhil 20 DPN 10639200 Total: Rs. Phil 3564000 4 Psychiatric Nursing (NCI) 20 DPN 2614000 -J (Calculation rates/per month: Psychiatry: Asst.Prof. Support for one module s. CI.50000/-.20000/-. 1 Non faculty post of Psych. Assistant Professor(1) Two faculty: AssistanUAssoc Professor (2) Clinical PsycholoQist( 4) Two faculty: Assista nt/Assoc Professor (2) PSW(2) Two faculty: Assistant/Assoc.. States may pay at this rate or as per the state government norms.1.25000/-.Psych. University) -~-- 5148000 3 Psychiatric Social Work (University) 8-16 M.Annexure-I contd.Rs.17.faculty-Rs. PSW-Rs. Prof. supported) Professor(1).40000/-. Professor(1 ).25000/-. 8 Non faculty posts of Clinical Psychology. PSW. No Department (Regulatory body) Psychiatry (MCI) 1 Unit TechnicalI Staff (No. 3. Prof. Nursing.20000/-. 4 faculty posts of Clinical Psychology. Tutor-Rs.. Assoc.25000/-.600/Stipend of trainees and other support staff to be bornE~ by the state government 11606400 56 PG in mental health ~ 6 :'FacultY& ~ . This support could also be used for paying as incentive to attract and retain faculty over the usual state government pay for the plan period to enable starting PG courses.Phil Cost during plan period (Rs. Cost for 2 units of Psychiatry.-Rs. clinical psychologist-Rs. Professor (2).) -5940000 2 Clinical Psychology (RCI. Assoc. The proposal should have definite timelines for starting/increasing training seats in mental health specialities. PSW. Assistant Professor( 1 ) 1 fv1D & 1 DPM or 2 DNB 2 3 Two faculty: Assistant} Assoc. tools and basic infrastructure. ---~ . Professor(1). equipments. and Psychiatric Nursing). for starting/enhancing the PG courses.pment of Manpower in Mental Health othe~r training centres (Government Medical Colleges/ Government General Hospitals/ Stcite run Mental Health Institutes) would also be supported for starting PG courses in IlI1ental Health or increasing the intake capacity for PG training in Mental Health. Lacs) Departments in Mental Health No. --Cost of §upport for Fa~ulty. Tutor (1) 20 DPN 2614000 Cost of Establishing/Strengthening Training (in Rs. Clinical Psychology. Professor(2) 8 M. Phil 5148000 8 M./ Supported 30 (10 /yr) 30 (1 O/yr) 30 (1 O/yr) Psychiatric 24. Phil 3564000 4 P~W(2) Two faculty: Assistant! Assoc.g~ To provide an impetus for develo.4) Two faculty: Assistant} Assoc.che~e for M~npower Development in Mental. of Dept. No. Professor(2) Clinical PsycQQloqist{. ~. S.) 5940000 1 Psychiatry (MCI) 1 Unit Clinical Psychology (RCI. Department Faculty & Technical Staff Outcome Cost during plan period (Rs. S. Professor (2). The support would involve physical work for establishing/improving department in specialities of mental health (Psychiatry. support for engaging required/deficient faculty etc.86 30 (1 O/yr) Nu~ 7 ~ .tl. University) Psychiatric Social Work (University) Psychiatric Nursing (NCI) Professor(1). Estb.Annexure-I contd. and psychiatric nurses are essential for an ideal psychiatric department in a medical college. psychiatric social workers. Up gradation of existing psychiatry services including provision of inpatient services. The grant would cover activities such as construction/repair of existing buildings. approximately 1/3rd of them do not have adequate psychiatric services. provision of trained manpower. There should be outpatient facilities. The following strategies were adopted for up gradation of the undergraduate postgraduate training in psychiatry in medical colleges: 1 and 2 3 4. a one-time grant with a ceiling of Rs. the funds would be released directly to the cemral agency. 2) UPGRADA TION OF PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS/MEDICAL COLLEGES. as well as facilities for providing various forms of therapy including Electro-convulsive therapy. purchase of cots and equipments. Where a central agency is engaged in construction f repair of existing building. FacHities to train psychiatric social workers and nurses. purchase of equipment. Proposals received from the State Governments would be referred to a committee. It would not cover expenses in the nature of salaries and recurring expenses towards running the mental hospitals and cost towards drugs and consumables. provision of infrastructure such as water.Annexure-ii Spillover 1) STRENGTHENING schemes of 10th Fiv'e Year Plan AND MODERNISATION OF ME:NTAL HOSPITALS As per the existing scheme to modernize the existirlg state-run mental hospitals. R .00 crores per ho~. with necessary equipment.3. In addition to psychiatrists. The selected medical college will be required to send periodic report to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare through the state Government concerned regarding progress of the scheme/activities/expenditure. GENERAL Every medical college should ideally have a Department of Psychiatry with minimum of three faculty members and inpatient facilities of about 30 beds as per the norms laid down by the Medical Council of India. The department of psychiatry to be responsible for implementing and providing support for execution of National Mental Health f)rogramme/DMHP. which would lay down minimum standards for quality of construction and facilities and ensure that the facilities being proposed meet minimum standards.pital on the basis of benchmark of requirement and level of preparedness is available. provision for accreditation and licensing for health professionals. Provision of enhancing capacity of existing central/state governmental institutes/colleges to train manpower.tanks and toilet facilities. Out of the existing medical colleges in the country. 5 6. WINGS IN THE GOVT. Provision for independent psychiatry department in medical colleges where they do not exist. Where a Icentral agency is engaged in of a ward. from the State Governments are referred to a committee which standards for quality of construction and facilities and ensure that minimum standards. the funds would be released directly to that central Q . Equipment for psychiatric use such as modified ECTs The grant does not cover recurring costs such as salary and other running expenses. 2. This grant is sanctioned on receipt of a written proposal from the state government giving details of the requirement. a scheme for strengthening the psychiatric wings of general hospitals and medica! col16ges in the Government seCtor provides for a one-time grant of Rs. Proposals received lays down minimum the facilities meet construction! repair agency. 4.On the above lines.50 lakhs for up gradation of infrastructure and equipment. Repair of existing ward. The grant covers: 1. 3. Construction of new ward. Procurement of items like cots and tables. Annexure-III Year wise phasing/instalments for DMHP initiated during IX plan period per District (Rs. in lakh) AchievementsfT argets expected i) By the end of the year.root level within the iii) community.ANM 10 .g. The scheme is expected to generate an appropriate database for better planning of future services in the District. parents. iv) Provision of mental health services and integration of the same with general health services will result in " acceptance of mentally ill within the community" and also result in early identification almost at its "doorstep" and treatment within the community Budget of TraininQ ProQramme Non- Medical 5 Days e. the states would have implemented the District Mental Health Programme and the experience so gained will be helpful in further planning and improvement of the services for these and other states. ii) Training programmes envisaged under the sc:heme would result in creation of a qualified mental health team to work at the grass. teachers. Panchayat leaders. 20.000 (MA psychology with 6 months special training at identified institutel 3 Trained Social Worker or 1640-2900 1 65.000 (MA Social work with 6 months -training at identified institution) 4 Psychiatric Nurse or (Staff 1400-2600 4 2.900 Note: Salary could be given as per fifth pay commission recommendations for the above category of staff or 3S per the state government norms for similar category of staff. This would include payment of admissible allowances over the basic salary indicated which is applicable in the state government but not in any case exceeding those of the Central Government.000 Karamchari. Recurring Expenditure on Staff in districts initiatE~dduring IX Plan Period (Fiqure in t<upees) No Name of the post Scale of pay No of Budget Gross Salary Per Year pre-revised (4th posts -~ pay Psychiatrist Specialist 1 1.20. Grand Total 6.46.000 Nurse with specialized training of 6 months training at identified institutions) 5 Statistic-cum-clerks 1200-2040 45.000 6 Vehicle Driver 950-1500 36.Annexure-III contd. 1 2 commission 3000-5000 2200-3500 11 ! .000 7 Nursing Orderly and Safai 950-1500 1 each 75.000I Clinical Psychologist or 1 85. 0 lEG 2. state !~overnment bu.0 6.0 2. 12 .3 5.0 2.5 10.0 20.5 Equipment Training 4. Machinery and Equipment as per IX plan pattern given above.t not in any case exceeding those of the Central Government.2 6.5 6.4 STAFF REQU.0 21. Utilisation Cer1ificates along with audited statement of expenditure is to be submitted in year-wise manrler within 2 months of end of the financial year. 5.0 r+ 2 3. Rest of Year wise phasing for DMHP initiated during X plan ~teriod per District (Rs.7 12. Total 5.4 24.0 5.7 4.5 11.2 9. in lakh) Item 151 Year 2noYear 3ro Year 141nYear Total 39.0 26.0 89.0 2. Note: In districts initiated during X plan there is no provision of vehicle.Annexure-Iii contd.lREMENT FOR EACH DISTRICT INITIIATED DURING ESTIMATED COST UNDER IDMHP X PLAN AND Note: Salary would include payment of admissible allowances over the basic salary indicated which is applicable in the.2 7.0 20.8 2. Staff l\J1edicine/Stationery Continqencies --~ 8.7 8. Quar1erly progress repor1 along with fund position is to be submitted to the Government of India. G) provided under NRHM. 13 5.Sustaining DMHP after expiry of the period of central assistance in the district by its integration in the district health system. 3 Role of state/district implementation.Annexure Plan for integration JustificatilDn: IV with National Rural Health Mission Integration advantages: 1 of NMHP into the NRHM framE!work will have the following Optimal use of existing infrastructure at various levels of health care delivery system. 8. level health authorities in the programme monitoring & 4 Integrated lEG activity under NRHM Involvement District.s for better accountability and flexibility in respect of implementing various components of the programme. Use of NRHM machinery for procurement of drugs for use in NMHP 7 Involvement of community/PRI Building of credible referral chains for appropriate management detected at lower levels of health care delivery ~. 2 Use of NRHM platform for transfer/flow of funds to the states/U.T. . 11 It would also be possible for NMHP to make the necessary mid course correction as and when required through the Empowered Programme Committee (EPC) I Mission Steering group (M. of NRHM infrastructure for training related to mental health in 6.:. 9 of cases Using improved linkages/communication under NRHM for MIS (Management Information System) in respect of NMHP.ystem. 10. Greater participation Irole of community in primary prevention of mental disorders. 1 sc Manpower Health worker Male Health worker Female 2 PHC Medicines Psychotropic list below drugs as per Manpower One medical officer and 14 staff Training officers of PHC medical and staff w. Sub divisional Hospital level Provision of Basic services: Diagnosis and treatment of common mental disorders.r. Dispensing of drugs from nearest drug distribution center. flexibility and powers. Awareness generation through appropriate lEG stratE~gies for prevention and early detection of mental disorders.r. by providing S. No Health Facility I nfrastructu reI Manpower Existing in IPHS Additional activities proposed to meet the requirements under NMHP Training of Male and female and health worker w.t NMHP 3 CHC Manpower 64 staff including six MBBS doctors Training of General Duty Medical Officers and health staff w. r. Referral to nearest treatment center for follow up and continuity of care.The achievement of IPHS standards will be ensurE~d under resources.t NMHP Provision of Psychotropic drugs as per list below Medicines 4 Subdivision al Manpower Hospital Medicines 7 MBBS & 22 general health staff (nurse and pharmacist) Training of General Duty Medical Officers and health staff w.t NMHP. the following activities are envisaged at PHC. t NMHP Provision of Psychotropic drugs as per list below Under NMHP. Organisation of screening camps for identification of r1ew cases and initiation of treatment. CHC. 4 . as follows: NRHM.r. 1 Psychiatrist! Programme Officer 1 Clinical Psychologist! Trained Psychologist 1 Psychiatric Social worker! Social worker 1 Psychiatric! Community Nurse 1 Record keeper Training of Programme officer. The Nodal officers for NMHP have been notified! would be notified by the respective states at the state level.pital would have training all the health staff in the district. The Programme officer would represent the programme in the District Health Society and coordinate all activities related to DMHP in the district. No Health Facility I nfrastructure/ Manpower Existing in IPHS Additional activities proposed to meet the requirements under NMHP 5 District Hospital Manpower 1 Psychiatrist MBBS doctors Staff Nurse & Pharmacist. DMHP team would be trained at the nearest training institute. The district team with community based organisations would implement the DMHP in the district team would provide first level referral su'p~~~ by tie up psychiatrist if available or private psychiatrist in the district. The requirements under NMHP would form part of Village Health Plan/District Health Plan so as to include the key deliverables of the programme. NMHP Training of MBBS doctors and general health staff including pharmacist.S. 5 . Similarly.t. Medicines Provision of Psychotropic druQs as per list below provision for the help of district. Psychologist.r. Social worker & Community nurse w. The with district I 1 Social worker/ counsellor 1-2 The district mental health cell located at district ho~. The nodal officer of NMHP would be the key person and represent the programme in the State Health Society. Training of doctors and various health functionaries under the programme in district may also be carried out at the district level. It is expected that IPHS standards would be revised to have a DMHP team at the district level and states would adopt the revised standards to sustain the DMHP services after the expiry of the period of Central Assistance under NIIAHP. When the states are ready the DMHP components may form part of state PIPs. the five member district team is to be appointed by the State government as rer the scheme guidelines and trained at identified institutions. 6 7 8 9 Tab. 1('\ :=] !~mqs Jnj. .I_ab . It is expected that basic psychotropic drugs would be included in the essential drug list of states once trained manpower to prescribe it is available in the districts. 1 2. 11 Tab. 14. Lithium Carbonate 300mqs Tab. Tab. Risoeridone 2mqs Ini. Name of the drug that should Su~-division~1 IDistrict Hospit~1 Tab. 75mqs 7. Chlorpromazine 100mQs Tab.8. Other drugs for merltally ill could also be procured at the discretion of Sate Health Society if deemed essential. 3 4. NO. ~9P. 3 14 Inj. H~qperidol10mqs Fluoxetine 20mQ? OlanzaDine 5 mq~ 12 13. The drug purchase is to be done through the drug logistic society rate contract to get economical and competitive rates. 5. Promethazine 50 mq Tab~!mipramine Fluohenazine in District Hospital if a 2. 1 Name of the drug that should be available Psychiatrist is available. 10. This is an indicative list. . ~ab. 9. tJ. OJ 5mqs 30 mqs and 60mqs 100m s dantoin -- SL. Fluphenazine 25 mqs 5. Pb~nobarbitone ~_mqs and 60mQs Diphenvlhvd~toin 100mas Tab. Carbamazepine 200mgs Ini. CI}!Q!promazille 100mqs be available in PHCI PHUI CHCI NO.SL. Lorazepam 2mQs Tab. ~romethazine_50 mq Tab Imipra!JIine Ini. ulazeoam Ta~PhenobarbitQne : Tab. Brief history. Time frame for each head. beds (authorized! occupied. maintenance and staff salaries will be provided to the mental hospital. estimated cost. MRI etc will not be entertained. 3. Undertaking from the head of the institution to the effect that all possible steps will be taken within a defined time frame to transform the hospital from a primary custodial care facility to a modern. purchase of costs and equipment. provision of infrastructure such as water. community oriented mental health institution and that the utilisation certificate and action taken report will be submitted to the central government in a time bound manner.Annexu. including those relating to OPDs. CT scan. (Requests 1ror capital -intensive / clinically irrelevant facilities such as costly EEG/ cardio'/ascular monitors. Proposal should not exceed Rs 3 crores. current administrative status (including sanctioned I posted staff.g.) 5. state of buildings! annexes. Name/location of the Mental Health Institute 2.avo daily occupancy OVE~r the past three years).tankers and toilet facilities. general infrastructure etc. justification. 6. GOI through the State Government) 1. Detailed profile of the Hospital. Detailed proposal with regards to the projected requirement. Undertaking from the state government underwriting the requirements outlined in para 5 above. le. 4. together with the assurance that adequate staff as well as funds to meet recurring expenditure on con:sumable. 17 . Wards.ltal hospitals (To be submitted to the MoH & FW. renovation/ remodeling of existing buildings new construction. shortfalls if any and other details) annual budget. e V Form I 11th Five Year Plan~ National Mental Health Programme Proposal for Central assistance for Modernisation of state -rul~ me. availability of Mental Health Services. 6 Details of community based outreach services being run by (a) Community Medicine Department (b) Psychiatry Department (c) Any other of the psychiatry Department with 7. 50 Lakhs) 8 from the principal of the Medical College to the effect that: (a) The principal will be responsible for proper fiscal management I accounting of all Central assistance funds routed through his institution for strengthening of the Psychiatry Departments in accordance with the guidelines I instructions issued by the Central Government from time to 18 :The Undertaking . (b) Equipment. including essential information relating to undergraduate/PG courses/status of recognition by MCI of the same and other infrastructure available. proposal will not include recurring cost such as salary and other recurring expenses) The cost 'estimate may not exceed Rs. existing health infrastructure. electrical fittings. including names of the district with location of district headquarters. Govt of India through the State Health Secretary. essential demographical/other relevant characteristics. Detailed proposal for strengthening separate estimates for: (a) Physical works. Proposal for central assistance for Up grading of Psychiatry Departments in Government Medical Colleges. PG courses etc. brief -pulse ECT and biofeedback equipment but not CT Scan / MRI etc. 5 Detailed information relating to the existing psycl1iatric faculty (Posts sanctioned ! filled) department. which may include an indigenously manufactured digital EEG machine. 3 4 Name of the Principal. (To be submitted to the Ministry of Health. de-addiction centre if any) OPD! treatment and investigative facilities! teaching block. number of dedicated beds! wards (male! female. including. ) 1 Name/location of the Medical College 2 Details of the zone assigned to the medical college. tables and other office furniture etc. e-mail address Brief profile of the medical college.Form II 11 th Five Year Plan: National Mental Health Programme. essential hospital/cots. which may include construction/ repair of ward. with telel fax No. time. maintenance and staff-salaries.IJisaged in the Central Government scheme in an economical and cost effective manner in accordance with the financial rules! regulations governing the same. and taking full responsibility for their full and effective implementation. 19 . (b) The funds specified above will be utilized only for the purpose er. including adequate provision fl:>r recurring expenses towards consumables. (c) The Utilization Certificate and Action Report will be submitted to the Central Government in a time bound manner 9 Undertaking from the State government underwriting the conditions prescribed in para 8 above. I. In~tltl."11...~t I txisling mentdl educatIon ..:-tp.g-:'.t: ~.t.h f?S(tmi3ted : t:XO".J I .l :.)!~~)('ri.a~V.").lt..J1e ! i I I"rld~:~. in~1itl/!p ~I'par... V?).':III:.: (11 Stifl. tl't. Foui.o""':f1m!:'... 20 ---i .. avilila~lf' :C:JII!U(t Trcp:.'.re ~(hem{'1 "..11..!o~'!?cl 01 .:p (Or'~ ~ - i Scheme under \O.t. Ple3~ rf'tur~" fi!lpc in prot"rmCi in r"..c-r(' detJis ot II(:ild ot trt:.iUT.oll: of cx..--:1 m.. (0$1 ..pment ! is sou"ht i---1- . \!.j i.('11[..r f-a." COf}{"rn.JmE'cnt.~-~.tmp:.dll1ir1i~lril'. ..I::JlllgS.iti. "'"..cdr..)t) (omm....' tor""3rl1~d! i a'tH lJ'O.~lopmE'nt plan for: proJl!cted requirpment.~ along with nl"l ad'v'nn.".J~S!"SI f:xisting list of faculty on slrerJgth ~~-and availabIlity of faculty' for expanSIon and opening flf:YI PG dcpartments in mental !"iealth spf!cialtl~~ rP"ieiimi~a-r:vIPropo.-I~I. oe"..\!(.~-'. . rt!mode'lrlg : ((tnslru(1ion."':'(' du!'... 11"..-' 'JP!. i the manpower i mf'ntal ht'allh.1anpO'Ner de\'elc. TiriP ! f'am" t.\:.u>~if:Cdtioc" de. r~-. (.ipr Are.: r'( heJlth! (OI. i?'F rt:.:a!tll and in(lvdir.!rr~rrl~'r:t!l.\. r..:j Oul:1.:.' .. .u ()I -...P\vchl..fd-.FORM-Iii PROFORMA FOR SEEKINGCENTRALASSISTANCE FOR MANPO\~'ER DEVELOPMENTSCHErY1ES UNDER NMHP ~~a mr of the statc.C S:atr Go...~I\Jrland ~~J.:.\ for ~Xpil rI'.:). 't'.'1)I(hC~"trall\"sistiln::p i (1'111"r of fxrl'h~r..".g me'.ny ctlle'r !clc.-~~--q--ht.stl:'lG bu.I(J-I::LO(CI' bodi...t t~a~-t'~B ri.fij(j.1 for r:x~rdi:ulf~ riCo:coverec i"l Ire scheme all(li!fl"IIIt':..t dl'l.nO'. Building (a) (b) (c) (d) (appenddetails) Laboratory facilities (Give details of equipment.Format for additional iii:-vrmation w.r. projected requirements etc.) Imaging Facilities (Give details as in item 12 above) EEG (give details as in item 12 above) 21 12 4 6. .if any Total covered area Number of wards/ Bed Strength Male= Female= Children= Oeaddiction Others= State of the buildings Funds for maintenance Agency for maintenance Suggestions for improvement = Satisfactory /unsati sfactory/un-servi ceab 1 e = Adequate/Inadequate 11. 8. 9. Funding Year Source Amount Remarks (adequate/ inadequate) 2006-07 State Central Others(specify) State Central Others(specify) State Central Others (specify) 2007-08 2008-09 7. deficiencies. 3.) Administration Control 2.t'lJroposed Ct. investigation facilities available. personnel. 10 Catclunent Area Total area of hospital campus Area under illegal encroaclun~nt.ater of Excellence Name of the hospitai Location Established in (Yr. 4 5. ogrammesif any Rehabilitation programmes (encl half-way/day care centers. 23.15 Biofeedback (Give details as in item 12 above) 16.) Casualty/emergencyservices (Give full details incl.) Anaesthesia (Give details of equipments /personnel available) 18 Clinical Psychology Deptt. availability of drugs. amenities.~Parameter No 11 2007 2008 I. including availability of internet) 21 I Patie1!!Demographic da~2006 I Male I fem~e S. 26. OPD conducted daily/specify days & timings. 17 ECT (Give details ofECT machine. modified/direct etc. give full details) Vehicles (incl. Male I Female I Male I Fe~ Out Patients I New Cases --~ ~ 4 In-patients 5 6 7 8 Long 10 s) Old Cases Total Volunt Section19 Rece tion order Convicts/undertrials Total Stay! I I Male' % of total 1 year or more Female I % of total Patients(LSP ~ 11 12 2 yearsor more 5 yearsor more 10 ears or more 22. ambulance) 27. 25. 24. Library facilities (Give details. staff. staff etc. OPD Block (Give details of facilities) 20. staffing) = Outreach/community pr. (Give details of instruments available) 19. Staff 22 :m . Medical Officers= Occupational therapist= Pharrnacist= Nurses= EEG technician= ECT technician= Laboratory technicians= Administrative Staff= Stenographer= Record KeepeF Storekeeper Safai Karmacharis= Others= Visiting Consultants= (Indicate disciplines) 28. = . = Dy. Hostel facilities for Postgraduates=adequate/inadequate (give details if required) Single = Married accommodation= Single Nurses= 30. role in NMHP)=! give detail 31. Medical Supdt. Teaching activities= (give details) Postgraduatecourse in Mental Health specialities Year of inception of course Output per year specialty wise 29. Have any DPR been prepared for upgradation of the Institute/Hospital into Center of Excellence? If yes send a ccpy of the DPR. Suggestions/Comments for starting post graduatecourses in Mental Health 23 .DirectoF Medical Supdt. Pathologist= Radiologist= Anaesthetist=:: . Community Mental Health Activities (incl. If No send a preliminary proposal based upon the scheme of Center of Excellence underNMHP. 32.
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