Guidelines for Applicants - Bulgaria - Serbia

June 9, 2018 | Author: Teodora Hristoforova | Category: European Union, Innovation, European Commission, Sustainable Development, Partnership



BULGARIA - SERBIA IPA CROSS-BORDER PROGRAMMEGUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS Call for proposals No. 2007CB16IPO006 – 2011 – 2 Deadline for submission: February 20, 2012 Page 1 of 70 Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Explanation of text-boxes.....................................................................3 Legal Basis..........................................................................................3 1. General Information..........................................................................4 1.1 Overview of Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme .............4 1.1.1 Eligible Cross-border Area.......................................................5 1.1.2 Programme Strategy..............................................................7 1.1.3 Programme Objectives...........................................................7 1.1.4 Programme Priority Axes........................................................8 1.2 Programme Implementation Structures..........................................8 1.3 Programme Financial Allocation for the Second Call for Proposals.......9 1.4 Programme indicators .................................................................9 1.5 State Aid..................................................................................10 1.6 Revenue Generating Projects......................................................10 2.1. Cooperation criteria.................................................................11 2.2. Horizontal themes...................................................................11 2.3. Applicable law and public procurement ......................................12 2.4. Communication and Visibility ....................................................13 2.5. Eligibility Criteria.....................................................................13 2.5.2. Lead Partnership Principle...................................................16 2.5.4. Project duration and grant amounts......................................18 2.5.5. Activities location...............................................................19 2.5.6. Eligible Activities ...............................................................20 2.5.7. Ineligible Activities ............................................................30 2.5.8. Eligibility of Expenditures....................................................30 2. Rules of the Call for Proposals..........................................................11 List of Eligible Expenditures ...............................................................32 BUDGET LINE 1: Project management costs – maximum 25 % of total eligible project costs ...........................................................................33 BUDGET LINE 2: Travel and accommodation ........................................34 BUDGET LINE 3: Meetings, conferences, events....................................35 BUDGET LINE 4: Information and publicity...........................................35 BUDGET LINE 5: External expertise .....................................................36 BUDGET LINE 6: Investments - minimum 70 % of total eligible project costs in case of “investment” project. Maximum 20 % of total eligible project costs in case of “soft” projects. ................................................36 BUDGET LINE 7: Others – maximum 10 % of total eligible project costs. .37 2.5.9. Ineligible Expenditures.......................................................38 2.6. How to Apply..........................................................................39 2.6.1. How to get the Applicants’ Package......................................39 2.6.2. How to fill in the Application Form and its Annexes.................40 3.1. Annexes (A)...........................................................................47 3. Annexes..........................................................................................47 The following Annexes should be filled according to the template and submitted together with the Application form:......................................47 A1. Checklist of submitted documents.................................................47 A2. Project summary .........................................................................47 Page 2 of 70 Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants The project summary contains: The title of the project, the name and country of the Lead Partner, the names of the other partners, the priority axis under which the project is categorized by the applicant, the area of intervention, the duration (in months) of the proposed project, total budget (in €) of the project, the objectives of the project, the activities of the project, the results of the project, and the target groups towards which the project is aimed. The English version of the summary is a part of the application form as well, while the Serbian and Bulgarian versions are attached only as Annexes...............................................................47  IMPORTANT....................................................................................48 Project summary should be filled in English, Serbian and Bulgarian according to the template in Annex_A.2. In case of inconsistency between the three versions, the English version shall prevail...............................48 A3. CVs of the project management team............................................48 A4. Partnership Agreement - signed by all partners in original..............48 A5. Declaration of eligibility - signed by the Lead partner - in original...48 A6. Sworn Statement - signed by all partners in original......................48 A7. Declaration of Commitment - signed by all partners in original.......48 A8. State Aid De Minimis Declaration - signed by Bulgarian partners in original (Serbian partners should follow the national regulations)..........48 3.2. Supporting Documents (B)........................................................48 3.3. Documents for information (C)..................................................52 4. Where and How to Submit the Application........................................52 5. Deadline for Receipt of Applications.................................................57 6. Assessment and Selection of Applications.........................................57 7. Contracting.....................................................................................67 Explanation of text-boxes Across the following pages you will find a series of highlighted text boxes of various colors. Please see below a general explanation for these text boxes: KEY ELEMENTS BOX – highlights the most important elements to be taken into account when preparing a project WARNING BOX – draws attention of applicants to common/possible mistakes or sensitive issues ADVICE BOX – provides applicants with practical advice and reference to related documents Legal Basis Page 3 of 70 g. 2011). national rules have to be respected. • Commission Regulation (EC) No 718/2007 of 12 June 2007 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 establishing an instrument for pre-accession assistance – the IPA implementing regulation (IPA IR). budget and related forms. and others. Some examples: • valid national legislation ruling specific fields e.1 Overview of Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme This Programme is co-financed by the European Union through the IPA instrument and co financed by Page 4 of 70 .03. the decision procedure and other practical advices. the application procedure. These Guidelines for Applicants provide information on how to fill in the application form. National legislation Besides EU rules and rules of the Programme. Therefore please read carefully these Guidelines for Applicants in order to avoid confusion! 1. It is the most practical level of documentation needed for the successful submission of a project proposal under this Programme. 1.  IMPORTANT Please note that this is not an EU Phare/CARDS programme. • Commission Regulation (EC) No 80/2010 of 28 January 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 718/2007 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 establishing an instrument for preaccession assistance (IPA) Basic Progamme rules • Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross Border Programme.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants In the elaboration of these Guidelines for Applicants the following legal provisions have been observed: Basic EU rules • Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Preaccession Assistance – the IPA general regulation. Please note that all these legal provisions must also be observed by the applicants during both project preparation and implementation phases.2008 with programme reference number C (2008) 1058 • Financing Agreement between the Commission of the European Communities and the Government of Republic of Serbia (October 4. approved by the European Commission on 25. environmental interventions. the project selection criteria. construction. General Information These Guidelines for Applicants aim to provide practical information to the potential beneficiaries under Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross Border Programme. • Regulation of European Parliament and Council (EU) No. 540/2010 of 16 June 2010 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006. natural and cultural heritage. Palilula and Niška Banja). Kostinbrod. Ruzhintsi. Georgi Montana. Belogradchik. Dolna banya.ipacbc-bgrs. Dimovo. Valchedram. Gadžin Han.1 Eligible Cross-border Area The eligible co-operation area is determined in accordance with the IPA rules set out in Regulation 1085/2006 where only NUTS III regions (or respective equivalents) are eligible for cross-border cooperation programmes. It borders with Romania to the North and with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the South. Pravets. (20 525 sq.. Chiprovtsi. The Bulgarian co-financing is provided from the state budget. Etropole. Pirdop. Crveni Krst. Merošina. Serbia – NUTSIII equivalent Bor District: 4 municipalities: Bor. C(2008) 1058). Novo Selo. It sets out the general framework of intervention of IPA in the Programme crossborder area. Gorna Malina. Negotin Makresh. Kula. Yakimovo Sofia District 22 municipalities: Anton. Boynitsa. Dragoman. The Serbian cofinancing is provided through the state budget only for the TA component. km Bulgarian part and 18 909 sq. In Bulgaria the corresponding NUTS III administrative-territorial units are the districts established by the Law on the Administrative Territorial System in Republic of Bulgaria. Svrljig 1 Available on www. The programme document is available on http://www. Gramada. Boychinovtsi. Brusartsi. Doljevac. The Programme document drafted jointly by the two countries through a large partnership with national.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Bulgaria and Serbia. Slivnitsa.evropa. Aleksinac. reflected in the Neighbourhood Programme from 2004 to 2006. Ihtiman. Lom. Medijana. the budget breakdown per priority axes and key areas of intervention are given below. Koprivshtitsa. while at the project level it is ensured by the beneficiaries. Medkovets. Ražanj. Sokobanja Bregovo. km Serbian part). 1. Majdanpek. Chavdar.1. Godech. km. activities and beneficiaries. Information on types of eligible projects. Nišava District: 11 municipalities: City of Niš (Municipalities: 1 The programme continues the evolution of the EU’s cross-border initiatives. Elin Pelin. The border length between the two countries is 341 km. Zaječar District: 4 municipalities: Boljevac. Table 1: Eligible NUTS III Bulgaria – NUTSIII level Vidin District: 11 municipalities: Vidin. Chelopech. Kostenets. There are 5 border checkpoints operating alongside the border. 315 of which land border and respectively 26 km border on river Timok. Kladovo.Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme covers a territory of 39 434 sq. Botevgrad. Knjaževac. Bojurishte. Damyanovo. Chuprene Montana District: 11 municipalities: Berkovitsa. Mirkovo. regional and local stakeholders was approved by the European Commission on 25 March 2008 (Decision no. The eligible border area for the Bulgaria . as well Page 5 of 70 . Zaječar. Pirot District: 4 municipalities: Babušnica. Pernik. Preševo. Tran Kyustendil District: 9 municipalities: Bobovdol. Crna Trava Pčinja District: 7 municipalities: Bosilegrad.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Svoge. the total project expenditure undertaken in this area will not exceed 20% of the total expenditure under the programme. Radomir. Lebane. Treklyano Sofia-city District 1 municipality: Sofia city* *Note: Sofia City District is an Adjacent Area. Vranje. Nevestino. Dimitrovgrad. Zlatitsa Pernik District: 6 municipalities: Breznik. Kocherinovo. Vladičin Han. According to the adjacency rule. Leskovac. Trgovište Sapareva Banya. Medveđa. Page 6 of 70 . Kovachevtsi. Kyustendil. Bujanovac. Rila. Bela Palanka. Surdulica. Vlasotince. Zemen. Boboshevo. Dupnitsa. Pirot Jablanica District: 6 municipalities: Bojnik. with the core elements of the strategy derived from the SWOT analysis. security and prosperity in the mutual interest of both countries. and supports the following overall strategic goal: To strengthen territorial cohesion of the Bulgarian–Serbian cross-border region. Border regions are often facing disadvantages due to their peripheral geographical locations and relative isolation from national economies. At the same time the development of the internal market within the Union (and the free movement of people. and thus uniting under a single legal basis all the pre-accession assistance. IPA has also been designed to better adapt beneficiaries to the different objectives and thus providing a targeted and effective support according to their needs and evolution. balanced and sustainable development. Specific objective No. According to IPA Regulations this Strategy aims promoting good neighbourly relations fostering stability. its competitiveness and sustainability of its development through co-operation in the economic. The programme strategy objectives fit within the framework of the Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion. SAPARD. The main purpose of the interventions to be funded by the programme in the CBC area is to support activities for economic and social development.2 Programme Strategy IPA replaces five previously existing pre-accession instruments.1. 1: To bolster the infrastructure enabling social and economic development and improvement of the environment on both sides of the border through improving access to transport. namely PHARE. 2: To increase economic synergy in the region and improve the capacity to jointly make use of common regional potential for improving regional well being.1. through developing policy and social networks. 1. sets out to address the specific needs of the border area both in the short and long term. a sound framework for (cross-border) business support. ISPA. information and communication services. services and capital) also brought out the need for the balanced development and integration of the European territory.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Geographical structure of the cross-border area 1.3 Programme Objectives The strategy. The aim of this Programme is to promote stronger integration of the territory thus providing a balanced and sustainable development throughout the entire cross-border region. goods. The overall aim of the programme. encouraging their harmonious. the Lisbon agenda and the sustainability principles expressed in the Göteborg Council Conclusions. therefore. by investing in the necessary small-scale infrastructures. together led to the formulation of the following specific objectives of the IPA CBC Programme. social and environmental area over the administrative borders. human potential and supporting favourable business environment and social inclusion. PreAccession Financial Assistance Programme for Turkey and CARDS. which should be taken into account when preparing a project: Specific objective No. The Strategy is elaborated according to the new single instrument principals thus giving the possibility for further development and creation of effective partnerships in order to facilitate the sustainability of the cross-border region. Page 7 of 70 . and through improving the cross-border systems for utilities and environmental protection. problem solving and development.3 People to people actions  IMPORTANT For further details on programme priority axes and key areas of intervention please refer to the Programme document. Specific objective No.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants cooperations in particular sectors such as culture.2 Programme Implementation Structures According to the relevant IPA Regulations. research and development. the partnering countries have jointly agreed upon the main directions on which the interventions under this Programme should focus. business and educational levels 2. 2. 1. environmental protection and education. These main directions are called “Priority Axes” and are as follows:    Priority Axis 1: Development of small-scale infrastructure. tourism.  IMPORTANT For further details on programme strategy please refer to the Programme document. on the business. and joint regional planning and the preparation of the region’s economic sector for participation in the joint EU market.2 Infrastructure concerning environmental issues 1. an active exchange of best practices. problem solving and development. local stakeholder and policy levels in key priority areas.1. Priority Axis 2: Enhancing capacity for joint planning. Priority Axis 3: Technical Assistance. as it provides funding exclusively for the management of the Programme. through developing successful models of cooperation.3 Assistance for project preparation Priority axis 2: Enhancing capacity for joint planning.1 Links and networking on institutional.  IMPORTANT Priority 3: Technical Assistance is not subject of open Calls for Proposals.2 Sustainable development through efficient utilization of regional resources 2.4 Programme Priority Axes In order to achieve the objectives set out in the Programme document.1 Physical and information infrastructure 1. the two partnering countries have established the following main management and implementation bodies: Page 8 of 70 . 1. The priority axes are broken down to measures as follows: Priority Axis 1: Development of small-scale infrastructure 1. 3: To promote the principles of sustainable development of the crossborder region in all matters pertaining to increased mutual understanding and respect. Priority Axis 1.60 801 332.3 Programme Financial Allocation for the Second Call for Proposals The total budget of the Programme under Priority axis 1 and Priority axis 2 for the 2010-2011 programming period is 8 741 808 Euro. 1. Republic of Serbia.80 3 399 592 TOTAL 7 430 536.4 Programme indicators Page 9 of 70 . of which 7 430 536.80 1 311 271. Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS-main office) is based in Sofia (Bulgaria). The Managing Authority is responsible for managing and implementing the cross-border Programme in accordance with the principle of sound financial management. The Managing Authority saves the right to reallocate all financial resources in case of fewer projects applied or projects with insufficient quality. Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS-branch office) is based in Nis (Serbia) as part of the JTS. Please note that the Programme financial allocation is neither broken down by each partner country nor by eligible region.40 5 342 216 Priority Axis 2 2 889 653.  IMPORTANT The JTS – main office and branch office – are the main structures responsible for providing information and support to the potential beneficiaries.20 8 741 808 *State budget co-financing for Bulgaria and obligatory partners’ co-financing for Serbia. The National Authority supports the Managing Authority in process of management and overall implementation of the Programme. It assists the Programme management bodies in carrying out their respective duties and is the main contact point between the Programme and the potential beneficiaries/project partners.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Managing Authority (MA) . part of the specialized administration at the Ministry is appointed as Managing Authority for the Programme. The total amount allocated for this Call for Proposals for the two priority axes is broken down as follows: (in Euro) Community Funding National Funding* Total Funding (a) (b) (a)+(b) Priority Axis 1 4 540 883.Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria.20 Euro are national contributions from the partnering countries. 80 Euro is Community funding (EU contribution).20 509 938. regional and local level from both countries. Directorate General “Territorial Cooperation Management”. and serves as local contact point for potential beneficiaries/project partners. supervises the Programme and is responsible for its strategic adaptation. National Authority (NA) – Serbian European Integration Office. Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) is formed of representatives at national. The remaining 1 311 271.  Output indicators relate to activity. medium-term and long-term). “State aid” is any aid. The aim of the indicators is to measure whether the CBC programme has achieved its strategic objectives or not and to measure the effectiveness of the chosen intervention. or any operation involving the sale or rent of land or buildings or any other provision of services against payment. With regard to this. All Bulgarian Applicants bear the responsibility to declare that the de minimis aid they apply for when accumulated with the one they have received before. the definition of a revenue generating project is any operation involving an investment in infrastructure the use of which is subject to charges borne directly by users. They can be quantified for measures and projects. which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production or the trade of certain goods. directly or through other persons.  Result indicators relate to the direct and immediate effect on direct beneficiaries brought about by a programme on its direct beneficiaries. in so far as it affects trade between Member States. They serve to monitor and evaluate the extent to which the Programme has achieved its objectives. Any entity engaged in an economic activity that consists of offering goods or services on the market.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants The programme indicators are vital to the efficient and effective implementation of the Programme. and the efficiency with which it has done so. All Serbian Applicants shoud follow the applicable national regulations regarding State aid. No revenue generating projects shall be financed under the present Call for proposals. but the proposed activities are to be checked for profit generation. is considered an undertaking.Indicators on the horizontal level comprise measurements referring to transversal principles that need to be upheld at all impact levels of the programme (short-term.Commission Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to de minimis aid. or on behalf of state or municipal resources. Vertical level . Page 10 of 70 . by the meaning of the State aid regulations.6 Revenue Generating Projects In accordance with Article 55 of EC General Regulation 1083/2006. in any form whatsoever. will not exceed the de minimis aid ceiling.The achievement of specific objectives of the programme will be measured by specific impact. public bodies are not excluded by definition.  Impact indicators refer to the consequences of the programme beyond the immediate effects. 1.5 State Aid Legal basis . 1. or the delivery of certain services. regardless of its legal status and the way of financing. Two levels of indicators could be distinguished: Horizontal level . granted by the State or through state or municipal resources. output and result including the cooperation indicators. Commercial and profit-making activities are not eligible under this Call for Proposal. determined by the Commission Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 of 15 September 2006. priorities and actions of stakeholders on both sides of the border. age or sexual orientation or on any other similar criterion. Joint development – means that the project must be designed in close cooperation of the partners from both sides of the border. Please see the evaluation grid. projects adressing more than two of the cooperation criteria will be given additional points in the process of assessment. The Lead Partner is the coordinator of this process but should include other partners from the beginning of the development process. However. Climate change – a great concern at global and EU level – should be another key element of which the Page 11 of 70 . Rules of the Call for Proposals 2. The Lead Partner is responsible for administration and distribution of these funds and for reporting on their use. Equal opportunities refer to preventing any discrimination based on sex. In designing and implementing the project. economic and social point of view. a shared value and a key objective of the European Union – represent a priority fully taken on board by the Programme and consequently all the financed projects are expected to observe it when developing the project objectives.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants 2. that schedules are kept and that the right quality levels are achieved. There is only one project bank account for the EU and national contribution (held by the Lead Partner). There must be clear content-based links between what is happening on either side of the border and regular contact between the two sides. Therefore. activities and results. joint implementation and joint financing. Joint financing – The budget should be divided between partners according to the activities carried out.1. regardless of where the person is located. Joint implementation – means that activities must be carried out and coordinated among partners on both sides of the border. appropriate choice of logistics and raising public awareness on sustainable development issues (e. religion or belief.2. the applicants should aim at a balanced use of resources. which shall be understood in terms of respecting at least two of the following conditions as described below: joint development. Joint staffing – means that the project should not duplicate functions on either side of the border. by inserting messages on printed materials or in the e-mails). there should be a joint project management. Cooperation criteria The projects must have direct cross-border impact. It is not enough that activities run in parallel. joint staffing. The staff will be responsible for project activities on both sides of the border. This means that project proposals must clearly integrate the ideas. The Lead Partner is responsible for ensuring that activities are properly coordinated. target groups. Sustainable development – meeting the present needs while thinking of those of the future generations – should be regarded from the ecologic.g. 2. Horizontal themes The following horizontal themes shall be observed by all applicants in the development and implementation of their projects: Equal opportunities – a fundamental right. racial or ethnic origin. disability. europa. need to demonstrate that they adopt an innovative approach to tackle the territorial challenges in the region. available at www. social Contractors are neither partners nor associates. the contracting must be done by a transparent tendering procedure. new instruments and tools. Page 12 of 70 .3. in the organizational context. regardless of their thematic focus. In economic terms it aims in increasing the value of a product or process (often driven by consumer demand).eu. Innovation . even in terms of raising public awareness. The observance of the horizontal themes shall be taken into account during project evaluation and additional points shall be awarded to projects which propose explicit measures with positive impact on one or more of them. • • The project or any sub-contracting procedures must not create an economic advantage to an economic operator. the following provisions shall be fulfilled by the project beneficiaries: • When sub-contracting the activities in order to achieve the project objective. and policy construction.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants applicants should be aware of. innovation is linked to performance and growth through improvements in ways. processes and even new partners. following the PRAG (Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC External Actions) rules. and are subject to the procurement rules set out in the PRAG (Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC External Actions). commerce. Innovative approach implies providing added value – a partnership’s collaboration delivering more than the sum of its individual parts – in order to generate a positive impact on the state-of-knowledge. including in relation to technology. 2. Applicable law and public procurement The projects must be in line with the national and European legislation on equal opportunities and environmental protection. The project must also respect the European legislation provisions on information and publicity. in a non-discriminatory way. productivity. etc. please consult the official version of the Programme document. The main factors contributing to climate change are greenhouse gases deployed in the atmosphere from energy and non-energy sources.htm To this end. the sub-contracting must be done by a transparent tendering procedure. All projects. Innovation is understood in a variety of contexts. Whereas. including activities concerning project preparation. economic development. The beneficiaries have the possibility to award contracts to contractors. competitive positioning. Networking with involvement of innovation oriented practices could also favour innovative results.  IMPORTANT When the beneficiaries of a project sub-contract the activities in order to achieve the goals of the operation. For more information regarding the Programme commitment towards observing the horizontal themes. quality.ipacbc-bgrs. new products. following the provision of the Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC external actions (PRAG) http://ec. Projects should at least avoid making use of such sources and additionally support the fight against climate change. All studies or other project results shall be made available for free to all interested individual or legal persons. Programmes) communication activities should be properly planned. public events. etc.  Information used must be accurate. The Managing Authority together with the National Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat are launching the present Call for proposals. audiovisual productions.htm /section Information and publicity/.ipacbc-bgrs. It is advisable to prepare a detailed communication plan for the project. Eligibility Criteria The financing under the current Programme shall be made available to potential beneficiaries through a competitive process. The present Call for proposal has the goal of establishing solid partnerships in the eligible area by financing “soft projects” (as studies.) and “investment Page 13 of 70 .  The right audience(s) should be targeted. know-how exchanges etc. brochures and newsletters. In all actions (projects. seminars.4. press conferences.5. published on the and the following Project EU Implementation website: Manual http://ec. Communication and Visibility The information and publicity measures for the interventions of the IPA Funds are aimed at publicizing the actions of the European Union. strategies. Communication should focus on the achievements and impact of the project actions. 2.  Activities should be appropriate in terms of resources spent and expected impact. information campaigns. You can find the template for preparation of the communication plan on the Programme website: http://www. web sites. The following communication and visibility activities might be foreseen by the applicants in their Application forms: press releases. commemorative plaques. promotional leaflets. increasing transparency and creating a uniform image of the interventions throughout participating countries.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Making the studies available only for certain individual or legal persons is strictly forbidden! 2. display panels. In order to maximize the impact of the communication efforts:  Activities need to be timely. The communication plan should highlight:      The general objectives of the project The respective target groups The specific tools and activities that will be used during the implementation of the project The expected indicators of achievement of the objectives set in the communication plan Human and financial resources envisaged for the implementation of the plan.europa. More detailed practical guidelines (including templates) concerning the basic information and publicity measures are provided by the European Commission in the Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External Actions. Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants projects” (as works activities.1 General Criteria for Eligibility of Applicants (Lead Partner and Partners) 1) Lead Partner and its partners must complete all of the following general eligibility criteria: • and • and • and • belong to the one of the following categories: • be local/regional/national authorities or subsidiary structure(s) of local/regional/ national authorities. • be national and regional agencies (responsible at central.5. eligibility of expenditures (see section 2. The submission of projects is open to all potential beneficiaries that meet the eligibility criteria set below. the project proposal should meet three sets of eligibility criteria:    eligibility of applicants (see section 2.).5.5. located in the eligible area. Page 14 of 70 . eligibility of activities (see section 2.6).1). regional and municipal level) • be nature park administrations be non profit making organization be established within the eligible cross border region between Bulgaria and Serbia be legally established organizations (legal persons) • be local/regional forestry directorates • be health care institutions • be cultural institutions • be community centres • be regional employment agencies • be non-governmental or non-profit2 organizations. The Applicants (Lead partners and project partners) from the Republic of Serbia should be registered in the relevant register at Serbian Business Registry or at other relevant institution responsible for keeping Register of eligible organizations (non profit or non governmental) • be educational institutions such as universities. schools.5. supply etc. colleges and libraries • be Euro regions 2 Profit is defined as: . a surplus of receipts over the costs incurred by the beneficiary when the request is made for final payment. 2. The Applicants (Lead partners and project partners) from the Republic of Bulgaria should be registered under the Non-profit organizations Law (Закон за юридическите лица с нестопанска цел). In order to be eligible for funding under the the case of a grant for an action.8). Lump-sums and flat-rate financing should be established in such a way as to exclude a priori a profit. political or national affinity. The Declaration should indicate that for each declared circumstance the person. are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters. is compromised for reasons involving family. involvement in a criminal organization or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities or national financial interests. against which no appeal is possible). Should such a case arise. National Authority. as referred to in paragraph 1. are having their affairs administered by the courts. (b) they have been convicted of an offence concerning professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata (i. Note: The above criteria are cumulative and all must be fulfilled together. emotional life. All financial actors and any other person involved in budget implementation. (c) (d) they are guilty of serious professional misconduct proven by any means. completing this declaration for the availability or the absence of conflict of interest. at the time of the call for proposals. and • not be affected by potential conflict of interest with the Joint Structures of the Programme (Managing Authority. or are in any analogous situation.  IMPORTANT The Lead Partner and the other partners in a project have to complete a declaration for the absence of conflict of interest. (e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud. the person in question must refrain from such actions and refer the matter to the competent authority. DEFINITION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST . Certifying Authority. shall bear responsility for and could be started proceedings against. have entered into an arrangement with creditors.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants and • be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action. Audit Authority. economic interest or any other shared interest with the beneficiary. they: (g) are subject to a conflict of interests. 2) Potential applicants are not eligible to participate in calls for proposals if: (a) they are bankrupt or being wound up. have suspended business activities. (f) they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations in connection with a procurement procedure or other grant award procedure financed by the Community or national budget. corruption. Joint Monitoring Committee and Joint Technical Secretariat). 2. audit or control shall be prohibited from taking any action which may bring their own interests into conflict with those of the Communities. There is a conflict of interests where the impartial and objective exercise of the functions of a financial actor or other person.e.. Applicants are also excluded from participation in calls for proposals or the award of financial support if. not acting as an intermediary. management.article 52 of Regulation 1605 1. the conflict of interests represents any circumstances that may Page 15 of 70 . arising from a similar procedure provided for in the national legislation or EU regulations. they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of debts to the consolidated state budget. Should such situation arise during performance of the contract the beneficiary must immediately inform the Managing Authority. The content of the Declaration must be complied with the provisions of the national legislation of the respective partner. under this Call for Proposals. (h) are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the Managing Authority/ Joint Technical Secretariat as a condition of participation in the call for proposals or fail to supply this information. (c). 2. the exclusion applies for a period of four years from the date of notification of the judgment. provisions guaranteeing the sound financial management of the funds allocated to the operation. do not fall into any of the above categories (a) to (i). are called partners.  IMPORTANT The Lead partner must be registered within eligible border region between Bulgaria and Serbia at least 12 months before the deadline for submission of project proposals under current Call for Proposals. The Lead Partner shall be a legal person in the eligible border region of the Programme.  IMPORTANT The Lead partner on behalf of all partners should sign a “Declaration of eligibility” (Annex A4). In the cases referred to in points (b) and (e). (i) have attempted to obtain confidential information or influence the evaluation bodies during the evaluation process of current or previous calls for proposals. (f). in an objective and impartial manner. In case when local/regional/national authorities/bodies situated in the eligible area is not and can not be a legal person/entity. the exclusion applies for a period of two years from the time when the infringement is established. declaring that all project partners including Lead Partner. among themselves. The Lead Partner. political or national preferences or family connections. (d). as applicants. as the applicant of the project proposal. will be responsible for the development and submission of the project proposal. (h) and (i) above. and will sign the Subsidy contract (Annex C) with the Managing Authority. Lead Partnership Principle Under this Call for Proposal the Applicant is considered a group of Lead Partner and its Project partners. including the arrangements for recovering amounts unduly paid. In the cases referred to in points (a).2. a “Lead Partner” (LP) among the project partners must be appointed prior to the submission of the project proposal. The Lead partner is responsible for: All organizations participating. Such circumstances may result from economic interests.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants affect the evaluation or implementation process. For each project. • signing the subsidy contract for implementation of the operation with MA and further addenda to the contract (if any). to be the • laying down the arrangements for all relations with the partners participating in the operation in an agreement comprising. its legally established central organization shall apply as Lead partner. Lead Partner. The partners shall select one. inter alia. Page 16 of 70 .5. 718/2007 of 12 June 2007. all these proposals (submitted as Lead partner) will be eliminated at the administrative assessment stage. In case an institution/organization has submitted more than one project proposal as a Lead Partner.  IMPORTANT Every project must include at least one partner from each side of the border region. • • collecting the information from the project partners. • transferring the relevant budget amount to the partners participating in the operation according to the partnership agreement and certified costs. if an organization/institution has submitted a proposal as a Lead Partner. 2. The partners may decide in consistent manner to add suplementary provisions to the partnership agreement in a separate annex. In case an organization participates in more than 5 (five) project proposals. Information about the role and tasks of the Lead Partner is provided in the subsidy contract and in the partnership agreement template (Annex A3).Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants • ensuring the implementation of the entire operation. • ensuring that the expenditure presented by the partners participating in the operation has been paid for the purpose of implementing the operation and corresponds to the activities agreed between the partners participating in the operation. • verifying that the expenditure presented by the partners participating in the operation has been validated by the controllers referred to in Article 108 of Commission Regulation (EC) No. Limitations concerning partnership The maximum number of partners in a project shall not exceed five (5) including the Lead Partner. Page 17 of 70 . can participate as a partner in no more than 5 projects). an organization that has not submitted a project as a Lead Partner. All partners are directly responsible for the project implementation and cannot act as an intermediary.  IMPORTANT Under the current Call for proposals an institution/organization may submit maximum one project proposals as a Lead Partner. All partners must sign a partnership agreement that stipulates their rights and duties. cross-checks the verified activities with the progress of the project and submits the reports to the JTS. The partnership agreement should be annexed to the application form.3.5.The Partnership agreement should specify the role and obligations of all partners in project development and implementation. A partnership agreement template is annexed to the present Guidelines for applicants (Annex A3). Under the current call for proposals an organization may participate in no more than 5 (five) project proposals as a partner (i. the same organization can be a partner in no more than 4 other projects.e. all submitted proposals will be eliminated at the opening stage of the assessment. Projects which do not comply with this requirement will not be eligible. informing MA about project modifications. Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants 2.5.4. Project duration and grant amounts The project proposals must be in line with the indicative operations from the key area of intervention under each priority axis as stipulated in the Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme. Under this call for proposals, the following type of projects shall be financed: • Investment support projects; • Institutional Building (IB) support projects; • Project preparation facilities projects; • People to people projects.  IMPORTANT No “two-phase” (two-component, e.g. project design phase and works/construction phase) projects will be allowed during the implementation period. Priority axis Area of intervention Type of measure Grant Amounts (€) /Amount of obligatory activities(€)*/ 200.000-1.000.000 Project Duration (min.-max. months) 6-24 Priority Axis 1 Development of small-scale infrastructure 1.1. Physical and information infrastructure 1.2. Infrastructure concerning environmental issues 1.3. Assistance for project preparation 2.1. Links and networking on the institutional, business and educational levels 2.2. Sustainable development through efficient utilization of regional resources 2.3. People to people actions Investment support measures Investment support measures IB support measures IB support measures 200.000-1.000.000 6-24 20.000-70.000 6-12 Priority Axis 2 Enhancing capacity for joint planning, problem solving and development 50.000-200.000 6-12 IB support measures IB support measures 50.000-200.000 6-12 20.000-100.000 6-12 * Obligatory activities are covered by: a) for Bulgarian bodies: 85% EU contribution + 15% national co-financing, AND b) for Serbian bodies: 85% EU contribution + 15% own co-financing Note: Further to the forementioned obligatory amount of the activities, each project partner (Bulgarian or Serbian) may choose to provide ADDITIONAL own co-financing for the needs of the project. For Serbian bodies, this additional own co-financing shall come as a supplement to the OBLIGATORY own cofinancing of 15% of the activity. There are no limits for the amount of the additional own co-financing.  IMPORTANT Non-investment (“soft”) projects, containing mainly soft activities can envisage investment measures (small scale construction, repair works, renovation and supply of equipment) if necessary. Investment expenditures in this case must not exceed 20 % of total eligible project costs, Page 18 of 70 Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants and their need and purpose have to be sufficiently justified. “Investment” projects including “soft” measures are also eligible for financing. In this case expenditures for investment activities should form at least 70 % of total eligible project costs. 2.5.5. Activities location Actions must take place in one or both partnering countries (Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Serbia) within the eligible regions listed below. For Republic of Bulgaria the following regions and municipalities are eligible: • • • Vidin District: 11 municipalities - Belogradchik, Boynitsa, Bregovo, Vidin, Gramada, Dimovo, Kula, Makresh, Novo Selo, Ruzhintsi, Chuprene; Montana District: 11 municipalities - Berkovitsa, Boychinovtsi, Brusartsi, Valchedram, Varshets, Georgi Damyanovo, Lom, Medkovets, Montana, Chiprovtsi, Yakimovo; Sofia District: 22 municipalities - Anton, Bojurishte, Botevgrad, Chavdar, Chelopech, Dolna banya, Dragoman, Elin Pelin, Etropole, Godech, Gorna Malina, Ihtiman, Koprivshtitsa, Kostenets, Kostinbrod, Mirkovo, Pirdop, Pravets, Samokov, Slivnitsa, Svoge, Zlatitsa; • • • Pernik District: 6 municipalities - Breznik, Zemen, Kovachevtsi, Pernik, Radomir, Tran; Kyustendil District: 9 municipalities - Bobovdol, Boboshevo, Kocherinovo, Kyustendil, Nevestino, Rila, Sapareva Banya, Dupnitsa, Treklyano; Sofia-city District (adjacent area): 1 municipality - Sofia city; For Republic of Serbia the following regions and municipalities are eligible: • • • • • • Bor District: 4 municipalities - Bor, Kladovo, Majdanpek, Negotin; Zaječar District: 4 municipalities - Boljevac, Zaječar, Knjaževac, Sokobanja; Nišava District: 11 municipalities - City of Niš (Municipalities: Pantelej, Medijana, Crveni Krst, Palilula and Niška Banja), Aleksinac, Gadžin Han, Doljevac, Merošina, Ražanj, Svrljig; Pirot District: 4 municipalities - Babušnica, Bela Palanka, Dimitrovgrad, Pirot; Jablanica District: 6 municipalities - Bojnik, Vlasotince, Lebane, Leskovac, Medveđa, Crna Trava; Pčinja District: 7 municipalities - Bosilegrad, Bujanovac, Vladičin Han, Vranje, Preševo, Surdulica, Trgovište;  IMPORTANT In duly justified cases, Community funding may finance expenditure incurred in implementing operations or parts of operations up to a limit of 20% of the amount of the Community contribution to the cross-border Programme in NUTS level 3 regions or, in the absence of NUTS classification, equivalent areas, adjacent to the eligible areas for that Programme. In exceptional cases as agreed between the Commission and the participating countries, this flexibility may be extended to the NUTS level 2 regions or, in the absence of NUTS classification, equivalent areas in which the eligible areas are located. At project level, in exceptional cases, expenditure incurred outside the Programme area as defined in the first sub-paragraph may be eligible, if the project could only achieve its objectives with that expenditure. Page 19 of 70 Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants In the district of Sofia-city, defined as adjacent area, project partners could implement operations up to 20 % of the amount of Community and national funding for the Programme. When filling the Application Form, project partners must indicate in “Table 4 – Summary Breakdown of Budget Lines per Project Partners” the amount of expenditures foreseen to be made in the adjacent area. Тhe percentage per partner and the total percentage of these expenditures will be calculated automatically. Project proposals, where expenditures incurred in the adjacent area exceed 20% of the total eligible costs of the project, shall be reported to the JMC and proposed for rejection. Therefore, Applicants are strongly advised to observe the 20% adjacency rule, especially for those projects, which include project partners from Sofia-city district. When calculating the amount of expenditures in the adjacent area, Applicants must keep in mind that in most cases, determining whether expenditure is made in the adjacent area depends on the place of the operation, rather than on the type of organization (and where it is registered) that performs the operation. To this end: - The place of incurring expenditures for construction activities is the place where the physical construction object is; The place of incurring expenditures for supplies is the place where the supplies are delivered to and are meant to be used; The place for incurring expenditures for services is the place where the results from the service in question are/will be used; The place for incurring expenditures for meetings/conferences/seminars etc. is the place where the event is/will be held; The place for incurring expenditures for staff remuneration is the place of performance of the duties of a project staff member, as specified in his/her labour contract. - - - - 2.5.6. Eligible Activities The types of activities financed under each priority axis, key area of intervention and indicative operation must demonstrate a clear cross-border effect to the eligible programme area.  IMPORTANT One project proposal must cover only one Key Area of Intervention. This is obligatory condition. Combination of activities from different Key Areas of Intervention is forbidden and will lead to direct elimination at the eligibility assessment stage. Detailed description of the eligible activities under this Call for proposals is given below: Priority Axis 1 – Development of small-scale infrastructure Page 20 of 70 business-related infrastructure etc. Establishment and/or development of infrastructure for information network concerning e-services (e-health. detailed Bill of quantities and issued Construction Permit Page 21 of 70 . rehabilitation of bicycle routes leading to and crossing the border. • Works supervision services (related to the construction works). e-learning. Purchase of IT equipment necessary for establishment of business networks. Under this operation. pavements. not the object of a claim according to the relevant national legislation.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants The objective of the priority axis is the development of steadfast partnership within the area of improvement of the condition of cross border infrastructure. the following investment support activities are eligible (indicative only!): • • • • • • • • • Small-scale transport infrastructure construction providing regional accessibility. Expenditures for investment support activities must form at least 70 % of total eligible costs.vitalization of public facilities in the locations (e. healthcare. Establishment of centres for exchange of information on cross-border economic cooperation. Renovation and establishment of communication networks. Information infrastructure for joint utilization of resources. rehabilitation. more favorable business environment for new business activities and attractiveness for inhabitants and investors Key Area of Intervention 1 – Physical and information infrastructure  IMPORTANT Under this intervention mainly investment support activities are eligible for financing.g. providing internet access infrastructure to schools. bus stops. lightning. Establishment and/or development of social infrastructure in areas such as education. databases and virtual business support centres.  IMPORTANT All investment activities should be implemented on a public municipal or public state-owned property. and green areas). • Construction. The property should be: • • • free of any encumbrances. Reconstruction and partial new construction of business and innovation facilities. libraries and community centers. child-care and other issues. Construction. • • Supply of specialized equipment. widening and strengthening of roads leading to and crossing the border. parking places. All envisaged works activities have to be supported with approved/certified detailed works design (according to national legislation). businesses. Re.. e-government etc). not the object of an pending litigation. better quality of the environment and accessibility. oriented towards spatial integration. supported with current situation drawing and the following documents. The procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as set down in the EIA-directive 4 fully apply to all investment projects under IPA. if for such kind of activities an EIA is required by the national legislation. the applicants have to present a statement by the relevant institutions for exception of the rule for design’s approval.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants (where applicable according to the relevant legislation3). In case of works activities for protection of cultural and historical heritage.10.2003. the following investment support activities are eligible (indicative only!): • 3 Development of sustainable nature-friendly organic farming.7. Directive as last amended 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats 31. In case of construction works. relevant unit prices and total price. for which the relevant legislation does not require approval of a Detailed Works Design and issuing of Construction Permit. Expenditures for investment support activities must form at least 70 % of total eligible costs. 5.1985. If a project is likely to affect sites of nature conservation importance. the applicants have to present a statement by the relevant institutions for exception of the rule for environmental impact assessment Make sure that all investments (e. p. p. 25. When the relevant legislation does not require positive environmental impact assessment. All prices concerning investment activities have to be in Euro (without VAT). 40. Key Area of Intervention 2 – Infrastructure concerning environmental issues  IMPORTANT Under this intervention mainly investment support activities are eligible for financing. Law of Spatial Planning (Official Gazette of Republic of Bulgaria № 1/2001) and Law on Planning and Construction (Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia № 72/09) 4 Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (OJ L 175. p. the procedures should be similar to the ones established in the above-mentioned directive. an appropriate nature conservation assessment shall be made.7. equivalent to that provided for in Article 6 of the Habitats Directive5. In case of construction works. supported with the following documents. prior to submission of the project proposal. 17. Under this operation. 22. All the investment proposals should have positive environmental impact assessment (EIA).1992). agriculture and fruit-culture. translated in English: Explanatory note and detailed Bill of quantities. infrastructure works) be carried out in compliance with the relevant Community environmental legislation. Directive as last amended by Directive 2003/35/EC. Two-phase projects (e. If the EIA-directive has not yet been fully transposed.g. All supplies have to be supported by detailed technical specification. the detailed works design for conservation/restoration/construction should be approved by the relevant national institutions for cultural heritage. translated in English: Explanatory note and detailed Bill of quantities. project design phase and works/construction phase during the implementation period) are not eligible.2003. and of wild fauna and flora (OJ L206.g. for which the relevant legislation requires approval of a Detailed Works Design and issuing of Construction Permit. 1) 5 Page 22 of 70 .6. Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 (OJ L284. the applicants have to present an Approved Detailed Works Design and Construction Permit (both in original language). fishery. OJ L 156. stairs. heating and ventilation. Prevention. small waste collection facilities. maps and written guides. creation and equipment of rest places. ramps. • • Investment in specialized equipment and technologies related to the nature protection which are necessary for the implementation of activities under this component. • Creation of information boards.). toilets for disabled tourists. map schemes etc. • Creation of better infrastructure for tourist visits. riding trails. mushroom-growing. medical plants. dikes. embankments. Small-scale renewable energy projects. revitalization of populations of endemic species. water sports. creation of zones and facilities for rock climbing. Activities for permanent elimination of the negative effect of flooding – cleaning of rivers beds. Improvement and/or construction of infrastructure in nature-protected areas (facilities for visitors). including facilities for disabled tourists (improvement of access and utilities) to natural phenomenon.g. wild berries. etc. • Activities in the sphere of operational control of the negative effect of flood constructing small scale hydro-technical infrastructures and other activities for improvement of the cross border flood water management. anaerobic digestion and biogas production. enrichment planting. lighting. cultural sightseeing. • Re/Construction or rehabilitation of a modern tourism infrastructure – camping sites and associated facilities located adjacent to areas of high natural value. trail marking. soil eroded and wet areas. systems of walking paths. vegetables. Projects concerning waste management and waste-water treatment infrastructure. interpretation/directional boards. construction and renovation of hiking trails.. renewal/rehabilitation of water control and water redirection structures such as: protective walls. wetland restoration. etc: e. installation of signs. animal products. etc. fire safe picnic places and the related supervision of these sites. piers. restoration and conservation of important areas. including areas destroyed by fires. agricultural waste water treatment.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants including cultivation and production of herbs. Small scale investment measures aimed at improving or rehabilitating water wells/springs/ponds and surrounding areas. electricity. Investments for reduction of negative effects of economic activities on the environment and supporting environmentally friendly economic activities Small scale investment measures aimed at removing the technical barriers through improvement of infrastructure for agriculture/organic waste disposal. species and habitats (remediation of impacted areas. water supply and sewerage. etc. Page 23 of 70 . according to the established nomenclature. Construction and/or improvement of small-scale infrastructure for pollution prevention and flood control. honey products. eco-paths. etc. flood relief works. pointers. hiking. etc. herbicides disposal. farming and stock breeding. • • • • • • • • • Preparation or reconstruction of farms for adoption of (or conversion to) of technologies for organic aquaculture. nuts. pasture management. rehabilitation and construction of drainage facilities and infrastructures. aromatic species. tree-nursery. Establishment and/or improvement of information exchange infrastructure in cases of emergency. replanting. • • Reinforcement of river cross-sections for the purposes of water monitoring. All the investment proposals should have positive environmental impact assessment (EIA). creation of information systems in tourism information centres. etc. bird watchers’ and photo-hunters’ platforms. visitor or other centres. wild birds’/animals’ feeding places made of aesthetically/environmentally appropriate materials. “Green’ and ‘theme’ eco-paths (ornithological. the applicants have to present an Approved Detailed Works Design and Construction Permit (both in original language). • Works to improve road access to sights and objects for eco-tourism – car-parks. re/ construction of roads. equipment for cultural events. supported with current situation drawing and the following documents. and related supervision (as per the requirements of applicable National legislation). for which the relevant legislation does not require approval of a Detailed Works Design and issuing of Construction Permit. translated in English: Explanatory note and detailed Bill of quantities. systems for monitoring of dampness and temperature. the applicants have to present a statement by the relevant institutions for exception of the rule for design’s approval.. botanical). security systems. • Equipment and materials – for interpretation. • Works supervision services (related to the construction works).g. etc.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants • Works to improve road access to sights and objects for rural tourism – car-parks. All envisaged works activities have to be supported with approved/certified detailed works design. for which the relevant legislation requires approval of a Detailed Works Design and issuing of Construction Permit. • Creation and equipment of animal-watching places. detailed bill of quantities and issued Construction Permit (where applicable according to the relevant legislation6). recreation zones. IMPORTANT All investment activities should be implemented on a public municipal or public state-owned property. recreation zones. The property should be: • • • free of any encumbrances. • Re/Construction/refurbishment of buildings. if for 6 Law of Spatial Planning (Official Gazette of Republic of Bulgaria № 1/2001) and Law on Planning and Construction (Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia № 72/09) Page 24 of 70 . In case of construction works. areas and routes liable to erosion should not be developed for this purpose). educational/scientific itineraries. not the object of an pending litigation. translated in English: Explanatory note and detailed Bill of quantities. In case of construction works. not the object of a claim according to the relevant national legislation. education. Two-phase projects (e. supported with the following documents. project design phase and works/construction phase during the implementation period) are not eligible. ‘nature based’ interpretation / education / visitor centres (these are centres which perform activities aimed at attracting the tourists closer to nature). etc and related supervision (as per the requirements of applicable National legislation). • Construction of cycling trails in suitable locations (due to the environmental problems created by off road biking activities. re/ construction of roads. the following indicative actions are eligible: • • • • • • Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies. Cost-benefit analyses. health. Key Area of Intervention 3 – Assistance for project preparation (1) “Soft” measures Under this operation. Research and information services for entrepreneur. marketing studies.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants such kind of activities an EIA is required by the national legislation and to be ensured that all investments (e. No costs for investments are eligible under current intervention 3. This priority axis focuses on improving business. establishment of models for cooperation based on best practices and common needs. • • Preparation of tendering (public procurement) documents and bills of quantities. analyses and other related services. All prices concerning investment activities have to be in Euro (without VAT). Environmental Impact Assessments.  IMPORTANT Eligible costs cover only expenditures for preparation of feasibility studies. the applicants have to present a statement by the relevant institutions for exception of the rule for environmental impact assessment. partnership establishment. When the relevant legislation does not require positive environmental impact assessment. business and educational levels Page 25 of 70 . Economic and technical studies. infrastructure works) will be carried out in compliance with the relevant Community/National environmental legislation. strengthening of institutional and business structures to respond to market requirements. All supplies have to be supported by detailed technical specification. financial and cash-flow plans. Internet platforms. Technical Studies. relevant unit prices and total price. architectural survey projects and preparation of other necessary documentation. stakeholder and institutional links in both quantity and quality dimensions with the aims of improving the ability of regional stakeholders to jointly address common issues. Key Area of Intervention 1 – Links and networking on institutional. problem solving and development The objective of this priority axis is to improve the capacity of the region to deal with regional issues as: identification of problems and tracks for solutions.g. Joint business directories. Background studies and rules for the preparation of aid schemes and financial support tools Detailed project designs. architectural and engineering designs. social and education organizations – Creation of Data Bases. Priority Axis 2 – Enhancing capacity for joint planning. co-operatives or consortia for joint manufacturing or provision of tourist services – preparation of business and marketing plans. establishment of data bases for regional stakeholders. etc.. • • • Development of joint training. Preparation of joint research studies for market opportunities. joint business directories. • • • Information services for entrepreneurs active in the border region: creation of databases.. business and educational networking on both side of the border. Establishment of cooperation between educational institutions. joint initiatives for attracting direct investment in the crossborder region and strengthening the transfer of expertise. direct export sales and marketing. Support for joint databases and information provision in order to promote movement of people and services. etc. business and the market. various Internet-based informational resources. In case expenditures for investment support activities are envisaged (supply. while the procurement of laptops should be properly justified for the purpose of the specific activity and will be eligible only if such have not already Page 26 of 70 . development of joint marketing and promotion services. best practices transfer. In addition either PCs or laptops can be procured under supplies. market and PR campaigns. Support for the setting up of the joint ventures. In case expenditures for investment support activities are envisaged (supply. such expenditure must not exceed 20 % of total eligible costs. small re-construction works). the following institutional building (IB) support activities are eligible (indicative only!): • • • Establishment and/or promotion of institutional. small re-construction works). etc. Internet platforms. Under this operation. market studies. such expenditure must not exceed 20 % of total eligible costs. development of support schemes and establishment of economic networks. Joint activities for business-support of cross-border business activities: establishment of centres to support cross-border business initiatives.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants  IMPORTANT Under this intervention mainly institutional building (IB) support will be financed. scientific exchange and educational facilities for knowledge based economy. use of IT for promoting cross-border cooperation between companies. Cross-border initiatives for the promotion of entrepreneurial cooperations: training programmes. Key Area of Intervention 2 – Sustainable development through efficient utilization of regional resources  IMPORTANT Under this intervention mainly institutional building (IB) support will be financed. In addition either PCs or laptops can be procured under supplies. while the procurement of laptops should be properly justified for the purpose of the specific activity and will be eligible only if such have not already been procured under other EU funded projects. Page 27 of 70 . Joint projects in employment creation. tourism as a factor for increasing employment. workshops. • • • • • Activities for mitigation of environmental pollution in mining sites (for example exchange of experience. Cross-border cooperation of cultural institutions and organisations. human resources management and equal opportunities for the vulnerable groups within the labour market.). cross-border studies. Development of joint plans and joint solutions for biodiversity safeguarding. administrations of the protected areas) for the maintenance of the sustainability of ecosystems and protection of the shared natural environment. Under this operation. Joint studies related to the increase of the energy efficiency and of the use of renewable energies. including crossborder and international workshops on environmental risk prevention and fight against climate change challenges. • • • Exchange of know-how of modern information and communication technologies. Joint studies on climate change impacts on the area and joint action plans for reducing these impacts. workshops. bi/multi-lingual promotional literature. Organization of cross-border cultural events. Joint development and promotion of tools and techniques for the establishment of common cross border tourism based on the opportunities for sustainable use of natural resource.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants been procured under other EU funded projects. information and know how exchange on cross-border area’s natural resources protection. Joint research studies. inventories. environment protection agencies. the following institutional building (IB) support activities are eligible (indicative only!): • • • Activities for development of green-. Joint cross-border information campaigns focused on environmental protection.. exhibitions. Joint public awareness campaigns for environmental protection and nature-friendly behaviour: joint conferences. Establishment of network and cooperation between the existing environmental institutions (i. economic and regional development etc.etc. educational and training programmes for pollution prevention. Reduction of negative effects of economic activities on the environment and encouraging of friendly environmental economic activities. Organization of cross-border business events. Development and implementation of the joint plans. Joint projects in business. Joint activities and cooperation in cases of emergency. etc. cultural. Increase the competitiveness of enterprises by focusing on R&D activities and innovations.e. elaboration of sustainable management plans. data collection. a cross-border integrated approach and networking. rural-. Development of joint early warning systems for prevention of natural disasters. • • • • • • • • • • • Development of the joint/correlated management plans for the nature protected areas. traditional customs and cultural heritage.. Activities reducing and avoiding negative effects of economic activities on the authenticity of the cultural heritage.. such as drafting studies. etc. • Initiation of partnerships among local stakeholders in the border area and implementation of joint activities aimed at awareness raising.. etc. marketing and promotion. Exchange of best practices and know-how in the sphere of revival and preservation of the cultural heritage. environmental training and activities aimed at increasing public environmental awareness. • Activities related to marketing and advertising of the rural sights. • • • • • Activities for development of cultural tourism as a factor for increase of employment. marketing and promotion. creation of data-bases. Development of new cross border integrated rural tourism products covering the whole tourism cycle – destinations. such as publishing of brochures and leaflets. promotion of cultural sites and their transformation into tourist sites. Intervention 3 will financed joint small projects in the following areas: • Environment: Projects focused on specific regional environment issues. dealing with problems exacerbated by the proximity to the border. and rural tourism development. web pages and multimedia products. organization of round tables and workshops for discussing topics related to sustainable rural tourism development and to valorization of local assets and cultural heritage. exhibitions. • • • Cultural cooperation through development of joint traditional and new festivals.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants • Creation of new common cross-border cultural products and services. identification of the existing needs and trends of the market and development of proper marketing strategies for the products. Establishment of information networks for promotion of common cultural heritage in the region. services and skills development. small scale support to wastewater management. cultural events. In case expenditures for investment support activities are envisaged (only supply!!!!). capacity building. environmental management and pollution prevention. Encouragement/revitalization of traditional craftsmanship. while the procurement of laptops should be properly justified for the purpose of the specific activity and will be eligible only if such have not already been procured under other EU funded projects. which could promote employment in the border area. In addition either PCs or laptops can be procured under supplies. such expenditure must not exceed 20 % of total eligible costs. etc. problem assessment. Key Area of Intervention 3 – People to people actions  IMPORTANT Under this intervention mainly jont small activities will be financed. organization of exhibitions or seminars. Elaboration of models for the management of cultural sites. interpretation programmes. Page 28 of 70 . promotion of rural products in the particular area. Exchange of know-how and experience in education at various levels will also be supported. which will help to enhance the economic base of the border region. Also eligible are such activities in the relevant region which strengthen the measures of information dissemination and awareness-raising and training activities that encourage links and networking between civil society organizations and local and regional authorities across the border. etc. such as promoting the mobility of citizens. • Economic Development: Support for small projects focusing on development of local economies. trade unions. such as promoting the mobility of citizens. designing joint study programmes.. religious institutions. Relevant training courses and information will be provided in support of exchange visits. • Anti-discrimination. disability. combat discrimination on grounds of racial or ethnic origin. networks of academic and professional expertise. • Local Democracy – schemes improving the capacity of organizational structures in public administration and other institutions at local and regional level. marketing initiatives. etc. public benefit corporations.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants • Education exchanges and training initiatives: Development of quality education by encouraging cooperation between people and institutions at both sides of the border through a wide range of activities. establishing networks. vocational and career mentoring and advice – Support to wide range of activities intended to promote the integration of various disadvantaged groups. age and sexual orientation. project preparation and procedural matters. Projects directed to local and regional tourism get particular support as an important tool for both cultural and economic cohesion among the border regions. establishing networks. For example proposals for support schemes of small-scale enterprises. thus also promoting life-long learning for all citizens of the border region. and raising awareness. etc. professional chambers and local and regional municipal authorities. Schemes will be supported that help to create and intensify the skills of organizational structures in local and regional public administration and other elements of democratic society (NGOs including civil associations. collective actions to assist people with disabilities.). unemployment. • Cultural exchanges and promotional events of cultural heritage or natural attractions – The Programme will support initiatives aimed at improving cultural relations between Bulgaria and Page 29 of 70 . fairs. establishment of cross-border co-operation structures and partnerships among support organizations. designing joint study programmes. local employment. exchanging information. developing the capacity to combat and prevent discrimination. consumer protection organizations. innovative teaching and learning projects. exhibitions and advertising events. exchanging information. Joint projects may also involve the elaboration of materials for distance learning etc. particularly the sharing of resources and facilities on a cross-border basis: Development of quality education by encouraging cooperation between people and institutions at both sides of the border through a wide range of activities. religion or belief. promoting dialogue with civil society organisations. innovative teaching and learning projects. education and training initiatives. networks of academic and professional expertise. carrying out analysis and evaluation.. thus also promoting life-long learning for all citizens of the border region. • Measures to promote cooperation in health. Activities without a real cross-border impact. commercial activities. One-off actions such as conferences. other Community programmes or other funds. actions which are ideologically. Activities covered by other Community Programmes. etc. development of cultural traditions.8. actions supporting establishment or activities of private or public enterprises. plans or other similar documents. skills and ideas for projects in the future mutual exchanges among youth. 2.5. folk undertakings. popularising historical cultural heritage of the region. Charitable donations. It will support also the studying of cultural historical heritage in the border area. conferences. preparatory activities for a conference and the publication of proceedings do not in themselves constitute such a wider project. sub-granting activities (i. Eligibility of Expenditures Page 30 of 70 . seminars.e. infrastructure projects or projects essentially focused on the purchase of equipment. culture and art of neighbouring countries.5. • • • • • • Projects consisting of the development of strategies. and profit-earning activities. creating a positive notion of history. the use of the grant to make further grants (financial or in-kind) or loans to other organisations or individuals such as for those who are establishing their businesses). For this purpose. 2. Activities with provisions for financing the usual management activities of the local organizations. congresses. round tables.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Serbia. Activities that started before Applicants have signed a contract for awarding grants except project preparation activities. • • • • • • Activities concerned only or mainly with individual scholarships for studies or training courses or research actions. etc. Activities linked to political parties. joining young people to local cultures. from the Governmental budget. creation and development of cultural networks on either side of the border and the establishment of information and training centres for cultural exchange. creating a model of useful and stable practice for co-operation between different institutions. seminars or similar events. • • • • actions for which the Partner is already receiving funding e. promoting the exchange of experience. religiously or politically biased. These actions can only be funded if they form part of a wider project. creation of information network and strategy for representing of the cultural tourist product(s).g. actions that include provisions to finance the core activities currently carried out by the applicant or (if any) his partners. Ineligible Activities Under both Priority Axes the following types of activities are ineligible: • Activities concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops.7. promotion of cultural tourist product. 06. The amount of the grant and the percentage of the EU co-financing as a result of these corrections may not be increased. national and European legislation. have not been subject to financing from any other public funds. The checks may give rise to requests for clarification and may lead the Managing Authority to impose modifications or reductions to address such mistakes or inaccuracies. be recorded in the partners’ accounts and tax documents. be identifiable and verifiable. be effectuated until the end of project. The budget is therefore both a cost estimate and a maximum ceiling for "eligible costs". It is therefore in the applicant's interest to provide a realistic and cost-effective budget. 2011). and be backed up by supporting documents. Specific rules approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee. Expenditures must be made according to the following documents: • Commission Regulation (EC) No 718/2007 of 12 June 2007 [OJ L 170 from 29. the starting date for the eligibility of expenditure for project preparation is not earlier than one year before the date of call for proposals. The starting date for the eligibility of the implementation costs is the day after the signature of the Subsidy contract between MA and Lead Partner.2007] implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 establishing an instrument for preaccession assistance (IPA). expenditures must: • • • be in line with the provisions of the grant contract. the starting date for the eligibility of expenditure for project preparation is the date of the official approval of the Financing Agreement between the Government of Republic of Serbia and the Commission of the European Communities (October 4. The expenditures are generally eligible if they comply with the principles of efficient financial management Page 31 of 70 . inaccuracies or unrealistic costs and other ineligible costs). Note that the eligible costs must be based on real costs based on supporting documents. in particular value for money and cost-effectiveness. and this condition applies to all Applicants. Recommendations to award a grant are always subject to the condition that the checking process which precedes the signing of the contract does not reveal problems requiring changes to the budget (for instance arithmetical errors. The eligibility of expenditure applies to EU and national contribution.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Only “eligible costs” can be taken into account for financial support. The ending date for eligibility of expenditures for project preparation is the date of signature of the Subsidy contract. be verified and certified as eligible by the controllers designated by the Managing Authority and the National Authority respectively. but not earlier than one year before the date of call for proposals. For Bulgarian applicants. have been stipulated in the project budget. For Serbian applicants. both Bulgarian and Serbian. • Commission Regulation (EC) No 80/2010 of 28 January 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 718/2007 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 establishing an instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA). • • • • • • Practical Guide to Contract procedures for External actions (PRAG). To be eligible for financial support under the call for proposals. be necessary for carrying out the action and must comply with the principles of sound financial management. (ii) it is established that they are borne by the beneficiary. if they are directly linked to the co-financed operation and are necessary for its preparation or implementation.  IMPORTANT Please note that based on the current procedures applied in the Republic of Serbia. with the relevant rules for public procurement. the bank charges for opening and administering the accounts. and accountancy or audit costs. if the following conditions are fulfilled: i.Value Added Tax Act Law “The Official Gazette of RS” No. ii. the following costs shall be eligible for a contribution from the IPA: (a) value added taxes. (c) where the implementation of the operation requires a separate account or accounts to be opened. costs for project preparation). for Republic of Serbia . if applicable.2007 of the Ministry of Finance. and (iii) they are clearly identified in the project proposal. provided they are based on real costs attributable to the implementation of the operation concerned. (d) legal consultancy fees. Flat rates based on average costs may not exceed 25% of those direct costs of an operation that can affect the level of overheads. Serbian project partners can not claim VAT refaction and are not exempted from VAT. letter № 91-00-502/27. According to Article 89(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 718/2007 by way of derogation from Article 34(3). 84/04. iii.g. The earliest possible start of the project is the date of signature of the Subsidy Contract with the exception of expenditures for project preparation (when applicable). (e) overheads. costs of technical or financial experts.  IMPORTANT In-kind contribution is not eligible expenditure!  IMPORTANT Under the authorization of JMC the MA/NA reserve the right to perform negotiations and budget reductions after the assessment stage and based on the recommendations provided by the assessors and the Assessment working group! List of Eligible Expenditures Page 32 of 70 . The final beneficiaries partially recovering VAT have to provide the controllers with the proof of the percentage of non-recoverable VAT.08. in case the expenditure is incurred prior to signature of Subsidy contract (e. notary’s fees. Please plan the project budget accordingly! (b) charges for transnational financial transactions. The calculation shall be properly documented and periodically reviewed. they are not recoverable by any means from other sources according to national legislation (for Bulgaria – Bulgarian VAT Act.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants and. 86/04 and 61/05. The expenditure on the team members’ remuneration will be reported proportionally to the work performed during the project implementation through a report for the hours worked on the project (time sheet). “Ugovor o delu”) Other types of employment contracts (in Serbian. The percentage limitation between the budget lines (minimum and maximum) will be used during the process of calculation of the final amount of the eligible expenditure after the end of the project implementation. Assistant. Accountant. “Ugovor o radu”) or annexes to Labour contract (when applicable) Fixed-term employment contract (in Serbian. The costs of the administrative staff executing tasks for the project management and/or tasks for the project activities are eligible under the following conditions: • Members of the project team should be directly employed by the project organization on the basis of a regular work contract (or any similar type of Page 33 of 70 .Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants  IMPORTANT The total sum of the maximum rates of the budget lines listed below exceeds 100 %. management and reporting of the activities and results related to the project during the project period. In real project proposals with real expenditures the amount should be 100 %. The members of the project staff perform periodically repetitive actions related to the organization. Labor contract/second Labor contract or addendum to the labor contract in accordance with the Labor Code. • For persons employed under civil servants contract. an Order by the Head of the Administration must be issued to determine the project team. the appointment of duties to the members of the project staff will be done exclusively through the use of following types of contracts/annexes to contracts/orders of assignment (“Resenje”) by the Head of organization in accordance with the Serbian Law on Labour (“Zakon o radu”) and the Law on Obligatory relations (“Zakon o obligacionim odnosima”): • • • Labour contract (in Serbian. BUDGET LINE 1: Project management costs – maximum 25 % of total eligible project costs Sub–line Project staff* remunerati on Eligible expenditures Administrative staff are: Project Manager. For all Bulgarian beneficiaries this suggests that the appointment of duties to the members of the project staff will be done through the use of: • Labour contracts. For all Serbian beneficiaries. coordination. Coordinator. “Ugovor o autorskom honoraru) only to be used in specific cases as regulated by/fully in line with respective Serbian national legislation The expenditure on the team members’ remuneration will be declared for reimbursement proportionally to the actual work performed during the respective implementing period through a report for the hours worked on the project (time sheet). Total number of kilometers should be determined in the project proposal in compliance with the project scope. rent of vehicle for the operation. If it is necessary the organizations can employ/contract external technical experts for implementation of project activity/activities but not regular tasks (legal expert. In the subline shall be budgeted expenses for fuel of vehicle used for events. meetings of joint working groups. etc. water.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants contract according to the national rules) between themselves as employees and the project organization as employer. folders. meetings of the project team etc. green cards. while “per hour” must be used to indicate part time employment. trainers) according to Bulgarian Obligations and Contracts Act (OCA). • • Contribution of civil servants as “employees” of a partner organization can be considered eligible under budget line “staff costs”. Expenses covering rent of office for the purpose of the project. . as follows: • • events related to the project (technical meetings. region and/or position. car/mini-bus travels (expenditure for fuel/kilometer. The expenditure for fuel of personal vehicle. toners for the needs of the office. business trips related to the project activities. telephone costs. motor way taxes. etc. cleaning. insurances for cars. where the project is going to be implemented etc. The employee could work full-time or part-time for the project. vehicle of the organization or rent vehicle is budgeted in kilometers. Expenses covering paper. The employment (full or part time) shall be indicated together with the respective position and it should reflect to the unit rate (maximum amount of unit rate can be used only for full time employment). “Per month” must only be used to indicate full time employment for the respective project staff member. trainings & seminars). procurement expert. BUDGET LINE 2: Travel and accommodation This budget line will cover the expenses for the project staff members from both countries in events taking place in the two partnering countries. bus tickets. vignettes.):medical insurances. Expenses covering electricity. Eligible expenditures Travel costs will usually cover expenses for: train tickets. This line covers travel costs for the operation and had to be borne by project team members Daily allowances rates must be in compliance with the relevant national Sub–line Travel costs Daily allowances Page 34 of 70 . diskettes. The costs for those experts shall be budgeted under the budget line 5 “External Rent of office Overheads Consumabl es expertise and services”. Maximum amount of the unit rate can be based on the average amount of remuneration of the respective applicant institution/organization. post service.workshops. Please note that the only units which can be used for the sub-line are “per month” and “per hour”. heating. pens. conferences. participants in the events. include: Sub–line Rent of hall Rent of audio/ video equipment Coffee breaks. USBs. BUDGET LINE 4: Information and publicity Sub–line Purchase of advertising Eligible expenditures Expenses only for purchase of advertising materials as pens. etc. bags. Eligible expenditures Expenses for rent of halls – for meetings. for the purpose of the event. press conferences.). agenda. In the eligible border region of the two partnering countries the accommodation costs are up to € 80. refreshments. key chains. The proposed unit rates for this sub-line are “per hour” or “per day”. presentations etc. Page 35 of 70 . business diners and lunches for all participants in the events. Expenses for direct beneficiaries. bus or van for the participants of vehicle for event. folders. Expenses for coffee breaks. Expenses for preparation of materials supporting the events (invitations. CDs. Expenses for rent of equipment. Accommodation Accommodation costs in the eligible border region of the two partnering countries are up to € 80. BUDGET LINE 3: Meetings. audio equipment. video equipment. seminars. etc. folders etc. diskettes. other related to the purpose of the event equipment. hats. cases. files. Expenditures for alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are not eligible. events Costs for organization of meetings. Accommodation costs outside the eligible area are up to € 130. awareness campaigns.  IMPORTANT In each budget sub-line the expenses shall be budgeted as per event and per participant/per day or pay participant in accordance with the description of the project activities. target groups. The proposed unit rate for this sub-line is “per participant/per day”  IMPORTANT The costs are only eligible if stated clearly and easily visible on the invitation/agenda. The proposed unit rates for this sub-line are “per hour” or “per day”. trainings. including: translation equipment. trainings or conferences. catering. lunch and Preparation of materials Consumables Rent of vehicle for event Accommodations for participants in the events dinner/.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants legislation and regulations of the two partnering countries. Outside the eligible area the accommodation costs are up to € 130. note books. compact disks. refreshments etc. Expenses for consumables as paper. The maximum eligible rate for the catering per participant/per day is 20 € /including coffee break/s and lunch/ and 35€ /including coffee break/s. etc. Expenses for renting of car. surveys. reconstruction. Expenses for elaboration. note books.minimum 70 % of total eligible project costs in case of “investment” project. TV). Bank charges for opening and administering the separate bank account required by the Programme only for the Lead partner. • • • • information materials (concerning the project documents. • Sub–line Consultancy. widening and modernization of the building(s)/site(s) and the related installations).advertising items with the logo of the project or with the logo of the Programme (pens. translation. Page 36 of 70 . Expenses for land rehabilitation after completion of works and/or environment protection activities.3). key chains. Expenses for publications in press and broadcasting in mass-media (radio. etc. Sub–line Small scale construction Eligible expenditures Expenses for land preparation – any works aimed at making the land suitable for the purpose of the project (removal of unnecessary materials and vegetation. leaflets (informing about the project’s implementation and results). BUDGET LINE 6: Investments . hats. lecturers. publishing or printing of: design. CDs. certificates. technical expertise. legal advice. manuals and guidelines (related to the project). Site organization: places for workers and equipment. drainage etc. Publications in mass-media BUDGET LINE 5: External expertise USBs. fences etc. waste removal. permits etc. designs etc. supplies and works. trainers. Expenses for interpreters. specialized software/web-pages. folders). rehabilitation. bags. design and printing of visibility materials . Authorizations. agreements. Maximum 20 % of total eligible project costs in case of “soft” projects. gas connection etc. etc. lecturers. translation. Expenses for obtaining authorizations. water supply and sewage connection.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants materials Elaboration. Eligible expenditures Expenses for feasibility studies. Main investment (construction. design. Connection to utilities: power connection. The proposed unit rates for this sub- Interpreters. certificates.) brochures. elaboration of works design (only for area of intervention 1. studies. The unit rate that must be used under this sub-line is “per contract”. Bank charges for transnational financial transactions. related to elaboration of documents.). trainers line are “per hour” or “per page”. etc. design of project’s logo. implementation provisions etc. When sub-contracting project preparation activities. Only the proportionate sum of the depreciations costs according to the use of equipment for the project is eligible. the starting date for the eligibility of expenditure for project preparation is not earlier than one year before the date of call for proposals. The depreciation rate has to be in line with national rules.e. The full value of depreciated costs on equipment in relation to the total project duration cannot be charged as total amount for one particular period. this cost is Page 37 of 70 . fees. but not earlier than one year before the date of call for proposals. BUDGET LINE 7: Others – maximum 10 % of total eligible project costs Sub–line Project preparation Eligible expenditures Expenses for project preparation (meetings between partners. detailed project design and other technical documentation. 2011). The ending date for eligibility of expenditures for project preparation is the date of signature of the Subsidy contract. Depreciation is charged proportionally for each relevant period for which a periodical report is required and prepared. Maximum 3 % of total eligible project costs. The depreciation costs of equipment can never exceed the purchase price of the equipment.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Expenditure for supervision (if necessary) – in compliance with the relevant Supply* national legislation Expenditure for purchase of IT equipment and furniture. charges and other supporting expenditure) carried out before the signature of subsidy contract. studies. feasibility studies.). * For equipment that will not be used by the project partners or the project target group after the project completion and if the economic lifetime of the equipment (respectively – the period of amortization) is longer than the project duration. translation of documents. For Serbian applicants. For Bulgarian applicants. etc. Expenditure for purchase of software. Payment of a subsidy towards the cost of Project Preparation will only be made to those applicants whose projects are approved for subsidy. Otherwise. the starting date for the eligibility of expenditure for project preparation is the date of the signature of the Financing Agreement between the Government of Republic of Serbia and the Commission of the European Communities (October 4. both Bulgarian and Serbian. and this condition applies to all Applicants. Expenditure necessary to bring the equipment to working condition. Purchase of vehicles is eligible provided that they are mandatory for achieving the project objective (i. only the depreciation costs for the period of project duration are eligible. for interventions in case of disasters. specialized vehicles for construction. The amount (percentage used and time duration) has to be auditable. consultancy. Applicants must strictly follow the provisions of the Practical Guide to Contract procedures for External actions (PRAG). guarantee payments. Page 38 of 70 . (c) purchase of artist works. Other specific for Specific activities foreseen in the project that cannot be put down under any of the project the above budget lines.9. cash discounts. the purchase of land for an amount up to 10% of the eligible expenditure of the operation concerned is eligible. (e) special awards and bonuses to employees. according to the complexity of the project. Ineligible Expenditures According to Article 34(3) and Article 89(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 718/2007 and its amendments in Commission Regulation (EC) No 80/2010 of 28 January 2010 the following costs shall not be eligible for a contribution from the IPA: (a) taxes. 2. (g) bank charges. as well as other purely financial expenses.5. profit payment.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants not recoverable. (d) fines. (h) conversion costs. rent or leasing of land and existing buildings. etc). costs of guarantees and similar charges. Maximum 5 % of total eligible project costs. the Lead Partner or its Project Partner/s can not claim for reimbursement deriving from copyrights. (f) second hand equipment. (d) personnel salaries (including civil servants) financed from the national/regional or municipal budgets for the implementation of regular activities (usual day-to-day management tasks and statutory responsibilities of an employee). Contingency  IMPORTANT Before filling an application form each beneficiary should clarify its VAT status and determine the VAT as recoverable or non-recoverable for each activity. In addition. Maximum 2 % of total eligible project costs. (g) unpaid partial amounts of invoices (e. charges and exchange losses associated with any of the component specific euro accounts. greeting cards). (b) customs and import duties. The amount of unit rates shall be VAT excluded.g. As an exception. including value added taxes. The eligible VAT (non-recoverable from other sources) shall be filled by the Applicants in row “Eligible VAT”. (i) contributions in kind. (j) interest on debt. (c) purchase. Those costs are eligible only if they are detailed in the explanatory documents. (f) for the products which are considered as author works. financial penalties and expenses of litigation. or any other charges. rebates. (b) expenditure on housing. (h) commissions and dividends. compensation for damages. the project ineligible expenditures are as follows: (a) items such as gifts (flowers. (e) operating costs. 6.government. 2. Application Form. (k) currency exchange commissions and losses in currency exchange rates. (l) charges for financial transactions within one country (national). How to Apply The financing under the Bulgaria –Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme is available to potential beneficiaries through a competitive process. (p) Bulgarian Ministry of Finance’s website: Applicants may submit questions of substance in writing up to 21 calendar days before the deadline for submission of NA website: www.  IMPORTANT In addition to the above a detailed instruction on how to complete the project budget is given in these Guidelines for Applicants – Application Form Part III. (j) fines. indicating clearly the reference of the Call for Proposals: Fax: +359 2 9405 361 E-mail: [email protected] Programme’s website: www. These are the official forms that should be submitted when applying for financial support under the Programme. The Applicants’ Package is available on the following websites: • • • • MA website: www.eufunds. (n) membership fees and meeting Page 39 of 70 .ipacbc-bgrs. (m) guarantee costs with the exception of guarantees from banks or other financial institutions in the amount demanded under the national or Community legislation. (q) individual scholarships or expenditure for formal studies or vocational education. Annexes and Supporting documents.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants (i) purchase of business share and stock exchange shares. Questions may be sent by e-mail or by fax to the address listed below. How to get the Applicants’ Package The Applicants’ Package contains the Guidelines for Applicants. financial penalties and expenditure on legal disputes. The JTS will reply no later than 11 calendar days before the deadline for the submission of proposals. (o) tax counseling. (r) in kind contribution (s) financial awards.6.government.evropa. 2. The Guidelines for Applicants provides potential beneficiaries with detailed guidelines on the application for funding process. The submission of project proposals is open to all potential beneficiaries that meet the eligibility criteria. 2. in the lower right corner (which will continue from the Application Form until the last page of the last annex). Proposals sent by any other means (e. a partner. stamped and signed application form. Application Form .covers: The project 2.g. How to fill in the Application Form and its Annexes Application Form and Annexes must be submitted using the forms included in the Applicants’ Package. Make sure you fill in the documents by computer.  IMPORTANT Modifying the standard application form or Annexes will result in the rejection of your application.6. Project registration number and date of registartion: will be put on the envelope by the JTS/Main office. Application Form Application Form . The Supporting documents issued by national/local authorities or other bodies shall be attached in the original language accompanied by a translation in English where requested. hand-written applications will not be accepted. Questions that may be relevant to other applicants. arrive at the JTS/Main office. an action or specific activities. by fax or by e-mail) or delivered to other addresses and after the deadline and the hour for submission of project proposals will be rejected. Page 40 of 70 . Project number: this will be filled in by the Chairperson of the Assessment Working Group at the opening session. the name of the Lead Partner institution and the name of responsible person should be stated in English. The application form and annexes should be submitted in hard copy (paper version) and digital (CD or DVD) and should arrive at the JTS/Main office before the deadline announced in the call for proposals. dated. together with annexes.ipacbc-bgrs. All pages should have written by hand consequent page number. Any application received after the deadline will be automatically rejected even if the postmark indicates a date preceding the deadline or if the delay is due to the courier service. the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of an applicant. The registration date and time is the day and time when the fully completed. Please complete the application form and its annexes carefully and as clearly as possible so that it can be assessed properly.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants In the interest of equal treatment of applicants. together with their answers. will be published on the internet site: www. The Application Form and Annexes must be filled in English.Check list The check list will be filled automatically when all parts and sections of the application form have been properly completed. State the official address. civic associations with private financing only). local authorities). more than half of whose members are appointed by the State.g.PART I  IMPORTANT Please fill the information below for every project partner starting with No 1 for Lead partner 1. legal representative. Public equivalent body .Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Application Form . or other bodies governed by public law. or by other bodies governed by public law. as lead beneficiary. Detailed information State the official and full name of the organization. Identity 1. foundations. More information about the role and tasks of the Lead Partner are stipulated in the subsidy contract template annexed to this Guide.2. If the Lead Partner participates as a partner in other project proposals under the present Call for Proposals. Public sector • • - Public body . The Lead Partner and the partners must present data regarding the object of activity and the tax registration number. regional or local entity that has to fulfill the following criteria: established under public or private law mainly for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest. or having an administrative. The Lead Partner will be the addressee of the entire correspondence during the application assessment process and will also be responsible for reporting to the JTS after approval of the project. For the all partners including the Lead Partner organization. Page 41 of 70 .legal entity established and governed by public law assigned with specific competences and tasks performed in public interest (e. If the partner is a regional/local branch with legal personality. fax and e-mail.g. the name and position of the legal representative are requested.1. The names of all the partner organizations should be stated both in their native language and in English.Non-profit organization). for the most entity whose primary objective is to support private interest or public concern for non-commercial purposes. The “legal status” filed should be filled in accordance with the type of organization (from public sector Public body or Public equivalent body and from private sector . regional or local authorities. regional. having legal personality (including non profit organization with public financing). The Lead Partner is. national. 1. telephone. by the State. State the specific role of each partner in the implementation and management of the current project. financed. Partner profile State the past experience (over past 3 years) in territorial co-operation actions. these project proposals should be clearly stated by the Lead Partner. responsible for the implementation of the entire project. it should be mentioned. Private sector Private non-profit organization . managerial or supervisory board. or subject to management supervision by those bodies. without concern for financial profit (e. Project title State the official and full name of the project and acronym. IBAN. Joint Implementation. total value of the national co-financing and if applicable .2. bank details 2. number of offices and equipment for the past 3 years.1. Cross border character of the project In order to prove the cross-border character of the project you must explain which of the following criteria are fulfilled (minimum two): Joint Development. Programme priority axes of this document. As it could be seen in the Assessment checklists. Joint Staffing.PART II 1. Joint Financing (please refer to section 2 – General requirements). total value of the EU funds.3. 12. 2.1. Consistency with programme strategy Page 42 of 70 . Financial data 2. VAT registration. Detailed information State national registration code. Application Form . The Priority axis number and Key area of intervention number should be taken from the table shown at section 2 . 1.Table 2. Breakdown of eligible expenditure per year (EUR) The eligible expenditures planned will be filled automatically after filling the Budget tables of the Application Form – Part III – Table 2. the cross-border impact of the project is assessed under the Technical and Quality Assessment No. State Priority axis and key area of intervention of the project. number of full time staff. Financial information 2. BIC (Bank identification code). Here partners must provide detailed information about those projects (maximum three projects per project partner). Sources of financing (EUR) The information concerning total value of the project. 2.1. Project identity 1. Here the project partners must state if they have ever received financing from European funds. Cross border impact of the project The applicants must provide information regarding the cross-border impact of the project. 3.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants 1. 2. number of part time staff.2. 1.2. Project description 3. Project duration State the project duration in months.own contribution will be filled automatically after filling the Budget tables of the Application form – Part III . Partner experience State already financed and implemented projects (maximum 10 per project partner). capacity and equipment The project partners must state information concerning annual turnover.item 2. Financial status. 1.2. “Target groups” are the groups/entities who will be positively affected by the project “Direct beneficiaries” are those directly involved in the project implementation “Final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the project in a long term 3.ipacbc- Page 43 of 70 . This can be demonstrated by explaining the foreseen contribution of a project to the aims of the Programme. 3. It is recommended to describe what is new about the project in relation to what has been previously achieved – including other supported by EU activities and other projects and Programmes in the area – and in relation to what will be achieved in this area in the future.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants All projects in Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross Border Programme must comply with the strategy set out in the Programme.5 will be filled automatically in the table.4. Project activities Project partners should fill in the activities planned to achieve the objectives as set out in 3. It must be explained how the project objectives comply with the objectives of the Programme and of the priority axes. 3. For each activity must be clearly stated the starting date. Duration and action plan All defined activities under section 3.2. Background and demand for the overall project Project partners should provide a clear description of the problem which the project is going to tackle and the contribution which the project will make to help solve it. 3. explanations are to be given in this section. beneficiaries and estimated number. Description of the target groups. following the instruction given in the “Methodology of output and result indicators”7. Expected outputs and 4. When preparing their Application Form. In case the project envisages activities which might contribute or influence another priority axis or key area of intervention or indicative operation. 3. Expected results Output and Results indicators allow measuring the achievement of the quantitative targets presented in the Application Form. Filling the “quantities” in the specific sections of the Application Form. Monitoring indicators 4. elaborated by on the Programme’s web-page: http://www. Project partners should explain briefly and clearly how their project will contribute to the aims of the Programme. in line with the Programme objectives. beneficiaries and estimated number The project partners should provide clear description of the target groups. the level of achievements of the project should be justified in terms of having a long-lasting impact from its final results. In this area the partners must explain how the project complies with the Programme strategy and state the priority axis. Furthermore. 4. the applicants should provide quantification of those Programme’s indicators that are relevant to the project outputs and results.6.3. It should be described why the chosen partnership is necessary for the project. the applicants have to strictly follow 7 The document is available bgrs.5.2. Project objectives The projects should set its own clear objectives (general and specific). Please state the location of each activity and the responsible partner for each activity. Please provide clear description of each planned activity. key area of intervention and indicative operation aimed by the project. the completion date and duration. 4.2. Generally. If a negative impact is envisaged. Page 44 of 70 . business and educational levels” and indicator “Number of new partnerships created” in Key Area of Intervention 2. which shall be measured in “Number”. 4. the applicants must describe the sources of verification of the results’ achievement. This part should include aspects of ownerships. The Lead Partner and project partners should ensure the sustainability of the project results not less than five years after completion of the implementation period in terms for investment support projects and not less than 2 years after completion of the implementation period in terms for soft measures projects.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants the programme units for each indicator. provided by the Lead partner.3 Horizontal themes Please explain how your project will contribute towards the promotion of the three horizontal themes (equal opportunities. “People to people actions”. Multiplier effect Describe the possibilities for replication and extension of the action outcomes. In the “justification” field of the result section.1. environmental impacts and Innovative elements/methods). During the implementation period.4.  in “Percentage” (%) for all result indicators with exception of indicator “Number of joint information services established” in Key Area of Intervention 2.3. etc. “2. Sustainability The applicants should explain how the sustainability of the outputs and results of the project will be ensured after completion of the action. that in accordance with the Article 57(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006. for any reason. 5. Other programmes/strategies The project partners should identify those regional/national/European Programmes or strategies in the field to which the application refers and demonstrate the coherence of the project to the respective documents/actions if applicable. Links and networking on the institutional. Project coherence with 5.1. 5. Please note. Other projects The project partners must identify projects to which the present application has complementary/ upgrading /multiplier impact. and  resulting either from a change in the nature of ownership of an item of infrastructure or the cessation of a productive activity. all target values of indicators must me reached before the completion of the project and the source of information is the Final Progress Report. the Lead partner provides information about achievement of the project’s outputs and results in the Project Progress Report from the start till the end of the project.1.3. the project retains the contribution from the Funds only if that project does not undergo a substantial modification:  affecting its nature or its implementation conditions or giving to a firm or a public body an undue advantage. 5. Please note that the quantities are:  in “Number” for all output indicators. necessary followup actions and resources for maintenance of the outputs delivered under the project. then it should be clearly explained as to how such effects will be minimized or otherwise offset. built-in strategies. Partners should propose a balanced team in terms of experience. or for a group of partners. regardless of the fact is it paid by the project budget or not. The name of the position has to reflect also the nature of their duties. Coordinator for … c. The Manager and the Accountant (or Financial Manager/Expert) are compulsory position in the team (unless management and financing are issues of external expertise). General coordination and management including administrative and financial aspects The role and responsibilities of the Lead Partner and project partners should be clearly described. It must be stated as well which partner is nominating the proposed position in the team. management and administration of the project and project partners are responsible for definite activities. indicating the minimum standards of the Partnership Agreement.  IMPORTANT A partner can never be a sub-contractor and vice versa! Please note that a “partner” involved in the project implementation as “Lead Partner” or “Project partner” is excluded from any forms of sub-contracting to other partners within the project. the project partners must promote their projects Page 45 of 70 . Assistant … CVs of experts for the different positions have to be attached. The concrete agreement for the project can be extended and more detailed. The following unified names of the positions within this part of the Application Form. A template for the Partnership Agreement is included in the application package. For positions paid under budget line 1 “Administrative costs” expenditures for staff are not eligible if staff is hired on the bases of civil contract for service – „граждански договор” (applicable for Bulgharian partners only). Management of the project 6. The one not paid will remain with “0” for budget expenses. while the Assistant performs routine technical tasks. In this respect the number of the positions shown in the current section must be equal to the number given in Budget Line 1 of the Application Form. as well as in BL1 in the budgets should be used: а.2. competences and capacity.1. but also for activities performed on Bulgarian or Serbian territory or on the territory of certain administrative units. The Lead Partner and the project partners should draft and sign a Partnership Agreement. The expert is a specialist. Coordinator could be appointed either for a separate partner. In general Lead Partner is responsible for the overall coordination. Team proposed for project implementation The project partners should provide information regarding the project management staff and their roles and responsibilities in the project.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants 6. qualified in certain field. Under each position the name of the person whose CV is attached must be fulfilled. Information and publicity According to the EC Regulations and the Programme. The Coordinator is not a compulsory position. 6. Project Manager b. The project team cannot be constituted by only a Manager and an Accountant. which clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of each partner. Each position of the team must be pointed out in Budget line 1 of the Application Form as well. 7. Accountant or Financial Manager/Expert d. Page 46 of 70 . two days seminar does not always mean one accommodation and two daily allowances.Part III Table 1 – TOTAL BUDGET PER PROJECT PARTNERS Above the table – fill project acronym. All costs for proposed measures need to be included in the financial plan for the project and accounted for in the Budget Form. Total financial contribution will be automatically filled after you finish the AF part III. Within a project the Lead Partner and each of the partners in the project are equally responsible for performing communication and promotion activities (organization of media campaigns. other projects concerning the same issues as the proposed project. The amount of eligible VAT (in total) is not calculated automatically and should be filled by every partner in row “Eligible VAT” in the end of Table 2. The plan of the information and publicity activities (communication plan) has to be prepared in accordance to the specific goals and target groups of the particular project.) All project partners fill a separate Table 2 – answering to their number in Table 1 (PP1. The use of the right units (hour. In Table 1 – fill names of project partners starting with PP1 (Lead partner) and country code. preparation and distribution of promotional and informational materials. etc. events.) and number of units in the budgeting process avoids future problems in reporting and more importantly. “part time” is not a unit. All project partners shall indicate concrete measures to be taken in this respect and also in order to disseminate the project results. Table 2 – DETAILED BREAKDOWN OF BUDGET LINES PER PARTNER (PP1. 22 working days. the general public and the mass media. Application Form . In general it is advisable the beneficiary to include as promotion activity organization of at least one final public event. It should also mention who will benefit from the project and it might also specify other target groups such as authorities on different levels. precisely and logically to the project activities. All the information and publicity activities must be eventually evaluated to establish the impact they had on the target groups (the means and methods of evaluation should be mentioned in the table).Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants and the added value of the Community funds. The figures in the column “Unit rate” should be without VAT. month. every project partners to fill Table 2 carefully. The communication activities should promote the fact that the project financing is provided from the European Union (under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) and ensure the adequate presentation of the project and the European cooperation.) giving a breakdown of the expenditures that each of them will be responsible for during the project implementation. For example: unit “per month” means 8 hours. implementation and reporting. day. etc). PP3 etc.  IMPORTANT It is very important for proper project assessment. Table 2 – DETAILED BREAKDOWN OF BUDGET LINES PER YEARS will be automatically filled and will provide a detailed summary of the project costs per Budget lines and Sublines. NGOs. in reimbursement of expenditures. The beneficiaries will accept to be included on a list containing the following information which will be made available to the public: the names of the beneficiaries. the titles of the projects and the amounts of public funding allocated to the respective projects. kilometers. PP2. PP3 etc. enterprises. PP2. and the target groups towards which the project is aimed. both at minimum 15 %. Annexes 3. the name and country of the Lead Partner.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Table 3 – SUMMARY BREAKDOWN OF BUDGET LINES PER YEARS Table 3 will be filled automatically providing a summary of the project costs only per BLs and years.automatically filled. Information about amount of eligible VAT is generating automatically.1. the statement has to be signed and stamped. the objectives of the project. EU co-financing should not exceed 85% of the total project costs. total budget (in €) of the project. Table 5 – PROJECT SOURCES/PARTNERS’ CONTRIBUTION The table generates automatically EU co-financing rate maximum 85%. After printing.SUMMARY BREAKDOWN OF BUDGET LINES PER PROJECT PARTNERS This table will be filled automatically providing information for the distribution (balanced/unbalanced) of the project budget between project partners.  IMPORTANT The project partners must provide information about envisaged activities which will be implemented and expenditures which will be respectively spent in the adjacent area. Table 4 . the activities of the project. the duration (in months) of the proposed project.  IMPORTANT The Managing Authority reserves the right to propose to the JMC reduction of the project costs if they are deemed excessive. while the Serbian and Bulgarian versions are attached only as Annexes. Page 47 of 70 . Project summary The project summary contains: The title of the project. the results of the project. the priority axis under which the project is categorized by the applicant. PARTNERSHIP AND CO-FINANCING STATEMENT. The English version of the summary is a part of the application form as well. Additionally each project partner should fill name and position of the legal representative and date. 3. national public co-financing for Bulgarian partners and obligatory own co-financing for Serbian partners. Annexes (A) The following Annexes should be filled according to the template and submitted together with the Application form: A1. In case project partners envisaged additional own contribution (co-financing) the amount of contribution must be inserted. the area of intervention. the names of the other partners. Checklist of submitted documents A2. In case such a document is not applicable /for example – schools.1. B2. In case such a document is not applicable /for example – schools. in the original language) .signed by all partners in original A8. additional document should be provided (the act of appointment/nomination. regional administrations.signed by the Lead partner . an establishment act should be submitted by the candidate (in original or certified by the responsible administrative body). Documentary and other evidence on the most recent legal status of all partners (in original or notary/officially certified original A6. universities etc./. The document on the recent legal status should indicate also the date of establishment of the organization.Annual Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for 2009 and 2010 (in the original language). Agencies. an establishment act should be submitted by the candidate (in original or notary certified copy). the English version shall prevail. • For candidates from Republic of Serbia – Legal document issued by the Serbian Business Register Agency (Agencija za privredne registre) stating that the institution is presently operational should be submitted. like the act of establishment or certificates from superior authorities (Ministries. In case the issued document does not justify all of the above circumstances. In case an organization acting as partner. etc. Declaration of Commitment .2. other documents could be provided. Supporting Documents (B) The following Supporting documents should be provided and submitted together with the Application form: B1.2. A7. universities etc.) showing clearly the name of the person with representative power. Declaration of eligibility . State Aid De Minimis Declaration ./.2. A3.signed by Bulgarian partners in original (Serbian partners should follow the national regulations) 3. municipalities. and it should prove the eligibility of the organization in accordance to all criteria stated above in section 2. the place of establishment (registration) and scope of territory competence (if applicable).not to be older than 6 months prior to the date of application. District governments.signed by all partners in original. Sworn Statement . regional administrations. Copy of the partners’ accounts . CVs of the project management team A4. In case of inconsistency between the three versions. decision of municipal election commission. Clarification: • For candidates from Republic of Bulgaria – Document for the most recent legal status /Удостоверение за актуално състояние/. In the cases when the applicable document does not show the legal representative of the organization. The above documents should be certified as a ‘True copy’ by the respective partner.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants  IMPORTANT Project summary should be filled in English. Inspectorates). according to national legal requirement does not prepare its Page 48 of 70 . Partnership Agreement . municipalities. Serbian and Bulgarian according to the template in Annex_A. or Legal document issued by the institution relevant for keeping Register of organizations.signed by all partners in original A5. of the previous two financial years (2009 and 2010). Its main parts are: I. The applicants have to annex a Decision of Local Council/ Board of Directors/ any similar body or managing person (in original language) regarding the project development and implementation – original/officially certified copy (notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body . etc.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants own accounts – an excerpt from the Annual Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts of the principal organization (which prepares and administers partner’s budget) has to be presented.for Serbian partners). Power of Attorney from the legal representative of the organization (in case the application form and annexed declarations are not signed by the legal representatives of the Lead Partner/partners) – original. Revaluation reserve. etc. Investments.for Serbian partners). B4.12. Clarification: • For candidates from Republic of Bulgaria – Annual Balance Sheet (Годишен баланс) up to 31. Liabilities – Capital and reserves (Subscribed capital. the act certifying the substitution by rights has to be Page 49 of 70 . Current Assets (Stocks. In case the signatures are of a deputy by rights. of the previous two financial years (2009 and 2010) and Profit and Loss Accounts (Bilans Uspeha) up to 31.). Incomes and Expenditures) concerning the respective partner’s organization. Tangible fixed assets. the decision has to be taken by the second one. • For candidates from Republic of Serbia – Annual Balance Sheet (Bilans Stanja) up to 31. costs and expenses incurred during a fiscal year. of the previous two financial years (2009 and 2010) and Profit and Loss Accounts (Отчет за приходите и разходите (for NGOs) / Отчет за касово изпълнение на бюджета (for administration with state budget) up to 31. Financial assets). Cash at bank and in hand. Note: Please note that Serbian partners have to present two separate certificates – for lack of tax obligations and for lack of obligations to the Social security system. Certificate for lack of obligations (including taxes and social security duties). B5. of the previous two financial years (2009 and 2010). Legal Reserve. B3. stating the positions (Assets and Liabilities.12. issued for each partner in the original language by the relevant body (National Income Agency. Debtors due and payable after more than one year. Decision for project development and implementation has to be provided in all cases. no matter whether sole or collective managing authority takes the decisions in the organization. Please note that Annual Balance Sheet is assumed as a financial statement which summarizes an organization’s assets. Tax office.12.12. The document should not to be older than 6 months prior to the date of application (original or notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body .e. Mayor and Municipal Council).) II. In the cases where the executive authority is different from the collective managing body (i. Creditors (amounts falling due within one year and more than one year) Profit and Loss Account or Income Statement is assumed as a financial statement that summarizes the revenues. Debtors due and payable within a year. Social Security Office) or plan for rescheduling of the debts if existing. Assets – Fixed Assets (Intangible fixed assets. equity and liabilities by the end of the fiscal year. 2. environmental and architectural reserves.for Serbian partners). In case investment activities will be performed on public property: • Ownership act or certificate or legal document for public ownership of the tangible assets. etc. cultural monuments. issued in the original language – officially certified copy (notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body .officially certified copy (notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body . approvals.) required by the respective national applicable law and issued in the original language – officially certified copy (notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body .5.officially certified copy (notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body for Serbian partners). Supporting documents concerning INVESTMENT SUPPORT ACTIVITIES ONLY B6. Or Copy of letter issued by the relevant body clearly stated that Environmental Impact Assessment is not necessary. Consent of the owner is necessary in all cases even when the partner is the owner of the assets. B6. the Municipal Council.4. issued in the original language. Please note that in case of construction activities concerning renovation/restoration of cultural monuments: relevant documentation required by the respective national legislation (original or notary certified copy) should be duly applied. statements. issued in the original language.1.for Serbian partners).) relevant documentation (permits.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants presented together with the act for nomination of the person at the position of a deputy.for Serbian partners). etc. • Consent of the owner (Decision of the Council.3. Board. B6. B6.. B6.for Serbian partners) The consent should be signed by the person/body with the decision-making authority (e. Approved detailed works design in original and Construction Permit (if applicable according to the relevant legislation). In case of investment activities required passing through private territories the consent of the owners. protected areas. B6. certificates. not the Mayor). issued in the original language must be obtained and presented in a due legal form and copy of the ownership act . In case of investment activities within territories/objects with special status (National parks. areas included in Nature 2000 etc. required by the national legislation and issued in the original language . which will be subject of works activities together with recent outline/design of the property – officially certified copy (notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body . issued in the original language – original or officially certified copy Page 50 of 70 . Copy of positive Environmental Impact Assessment (positive opinion from the relevant body).for Serbian partners). clearly stating that the assets are given for free right of use for the purpose of the project at least for 5 years after the end of the project – original or officially certified copy (notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body .).g. In case the assets are owned by a partner the consent can be given in the same act (document) as the one containing the Decision for project development and implementation described in section B4. 6 Technical specifications for supplies in English – the detailed specifications should be clear enough for determination of the seeking deliverables.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants (notary certified for Bulgarian partners and certified by the responsible administrative body . during which the document is prepared: http://ec. certified “True copy” by the legal representative or an authorized person from the respective partner or by the Lead partner or an authorized person from the Lead Partner. all supporting documents must be presented in the form of for which the relevant legislation does not require approval of a work design and issuing Construction Permit. issued in the original language and present situatuin drawings. Bill of Quantities. The following documents should be presented in original (signed and stamped) and translated in English: Explanatory note. No notary certifications are needed at the stage of application. Detailed works design has to be submitted in all cases of construction activities (even in cases when the national legislation permits such kind of activities without the presence of works design).  IMPORTANT Supporting documents should be submitted in the original language and when specifically Page 51 of 70 . Please note that trade marks and models must not be indicated! B6.cfm?language=en).  IMPORTANT Unless stated differently. In case of construction works. the applicants have to present a statement by the relevant institutions for exception of the rule for design’s approval. place. translated in English: Explanatory note and detailed Bill of quantities. If the Bill of quantity is presented in local currency it has to contain a separate column showing all unit and total prizes in Euro (the conversion of the national currency into Euro should be made according to the exchange rate published on the web site of the EC for the month.europa.7 Latest photographs of the site. concerning the project should be provided as Annexes. coordination documents. Any other documents/permissions/authorizations/etc.) is unacceptable and it will be considered as improving the offer! Please note that lack of approved works design (when applicable) is a reason for direct elimination without possibility for additional supplementations. Cover sheets of technical drawings. supported with the following documents. the exact location of the object on the photo. At the back of the photograph the following information has to be provided . of applicant. If the national legislation provides the elaboration of detailed works design and/or approval of works design. The Bill of quantity can be incorporated in Budget line 6 of the Application Form if it contains all the attributes described above. construction permits etc. All construction activities should be supported by detailed Bill of quantities – signed and stamped. the subsequent submission of required documents (drawings. A compulsory part of the works design is an explanatory note revealing the current situation of the object for intervention and all work and supply stages necessary to reach the goal of the investment activities. B6.for Serbian partners). respectively issuing Construction Permit. All items in the bill of quantities have to be specified in details and all unit prices and total price have to be pointed out (without VAT). after request. office: 1.1 1202 Sofia Bulgaria The outer envelope must bear the: • Call for Proposal number: 2007CB16IPO006 – 2011 – 2 • Full name and address of the applicant Page 52 of 70 . In case the application is proposed for funding. A5. the Lead Partner has to present to the Managing authority the following documents:  Certificates issued by the relevant body for lack of obligations (incl. Subsidy contract . A3. private courier service or by handdelivery (a signed and dated certificate of receipt will be given to the deliverer) at the Joint Technical Secretariat premises in Sofia: Postal address/ Address for hand delivery or by courier service Joint Technical Secretariat of the Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works 17-19 Kiril and Metodiy Street. A6 and Supporting documents B1 and B5 have to be presented to MA with respectively changed content and in the required form (English translation. where <Project Title>. a new valid document has to be supplied by the LP before signature of the subsidy contract. Where and How to Submit the Application Each application form should be bound (together with its annexes) in the way that pages could not be taken away from the whole set.3. 3. 4.The contract annexed is only indicative. A full electronic version of the Application Form and its annexes must be also enclosed on a CD or DVD. on the pre-contracting stage. Floor 2. <Signature and Stamp of Lead Partner> should be written by the applicant. The electronic format must contain the same proposal as the paper version enclosed. annexes A2. If the period of validity of Supporting document B4 Certificate for lack of obligations (taxes and social security duties) has expired at the date of contracting. certification and electronic copy). (original).  Declaration from all partners that they are familiar with the definition for irregularity and fraud according to a template in original. also translated in English. Applications must be received in a sealed envelope by registered mail. Documents for information (C) The following documents are provided for information only: C.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants required. The project proposal should be submitted packed in archival cardboard box/es for the respective paper format. <Name of the Lead Partner>. The cover page of the Application Form should be visible. A4.: taxes and social security duties) issued not later than 6 months prior to the date of presentation of the document. The translated version will prevail for the purposes of the application assessment. In case of changes in facts and circumstances concerning one or more of the partners in the period after submitting the project proposal. ... This should be a scanned document.xls Annexes_A Annexes_A1 Annex_A.. etc. Applications sent by any other means (e. This should be a scanned document.3_CVn_.1_Checklist of submitted documents_en. The electronic format must contain exactly the same proposal as the paper version enclosed. .doc Annex_A. of the AF... the name of the Lead Partner.doc Annex_A.) has to be as stated in the pattern: CD or DVD Directories.3_CV3_Accountant. According to the positions in Section 6.pdf The application form in Excel at the level of the main directory of the CD or DVD disk This should be a scanned document This should be an editable text document.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants • Notice: NOT TO BE OPEN! ДА НЕ СЕ ОТВАРЯ! НЕ ОТВАРАТИ! A copy of the cover page of the application form must also be attached to the envelope for identification. The directories and files within the electronic carrier (CD or DVD) have to be structured according to the following predefined pattern and file formats of the appendixes (.. not a scanned one.2.2_Project Summary_sr.5_Declaration of Eligibility.doc Annex_A.pdf Annex_A6 Annex_A..2_Project Summary_en.doc. by fax or by e-mail) or delivered to other addresses will be rejected.. Editable text document Editable text document According to the positions in Section 6.pdf. Applications (application form and annexes) shall be submitted in one original and 1 copy. of the AF. bound in A4 format.pdf Annexes_A2 Annex_A.2_Project Summary_bg. This should be a scanned document. This should show: the Project Title....6_PP1/LP_Sworn Statement. subdirectories and files Explanations AF_ipacbcbgrs_acronym..doc Annexes_A3 Annex_A.4_Partnership agreement. .doc Annex_A.. According to the positions in Section 6.3_CV2_Coordinator...2. The complete application form must also be supplied in electronic format (CD or DVD).3_CV1_Manager.jpg..doc Annex_A.2.. of the AF. And so on for all partners This should be a scanned document This should be a scanned document This should be a scanned document Page 53 of 70 .doc Annex_A4 Annex_A.pdf Annex_A5 Annex_A.g. The documents issued by public authorities or other bodies should be scanned.. . pdf … .pdf Annex_B2 B2_PP2_Balance2009_bg/rs.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Annex_A.pdf … .pdf Annex_B5 Directors of PP2 in in Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned original And so on for all partners The Legalized mandates of delegation of PP1 B5_PP1_bg/rs.6_PP2_Sworn Statement.pdf in in Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned original Page 54 of 70 .pdf B2_PP2_PLA2009_bg/rs.7_PP2_Declaration of Commitment.pdf Annex_B3 B3_PP1_bg/rs.pdf in in Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned original The Legalized mandates of delegation of PP1 B5_PP2_bg/rs.pdf B2_PP2_PLA2010_bg/rs.8_PP2_State Aid De Minimis Declaration.pdf Annex_B4 The Decision of Local Council/Board of The Certificate for lack of obligations of PP1 in in Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned The Certificate for lack of obligations of PP2 in in Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned And so on for all partners The Balance Sheet of PP2 in Bulgarian or Serbian language for 2009 – scanned The Balance Sheet of PP2 in Bulgarian or Serbian language for 2010 – scanned The Profit and Loss Accounts of PP2 in original for 2009 – scanned The Profit and Loss Accounts of PP2 in original for 2010 – scanned And so on for all partners The legal status of PP1 in original – in Bulgarian or Serbian language The legal status of PP2 in original – in Bulgarian or Serbian language And so on for all partners This should be a scanned document And so on for all partners This should be a scanned document This should be a scanned document And so on for all partners This should be a scanned document This should be a scanned document And so on for all partners B4_PP1_bg/rs.pdf … .pdf Directors of PP1 in in Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned original The Decision of Local Council/Board of B4_PP1_bg/rs.pdf Annexes_A8 Annex _A.pdf Annex _A.pdf … .7_PP1/LP_Declaration of Commitment.pdf … .pdf … .pdf B1_PP2_bg/rs.pdf B2_PP2_Balance2010_bg/rs.pdf … .pdf Annex _A.pdf B3_PP2_bg/rs.8_PP1/LP_ State Aid De Minimis Declaration.pdf Annexes_A7 Annex _A.pdf Annexes_B1-6 Annex_B1 B1_PP1_bg/rs. 1_PP1_Ownership_bg/rs.pdf Annex_B6. … .pdf Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned original.pdf … .pdf Annex_B6.4_PP1_bg/rs.4 And so on for all partners Positive Environment Impact Assessment or B6. Ownership act or certificate for public B6.1_PP2_Agreement_bg/rs.pdf documentation (in Bulgarian or Serbian language) required by the respective national legislation (original or notary certified copy).1_PP2_Ownership_bg/rs. And so on for all partners The Consent of the Owners (in Bulgarian or B6.3_PP1_bg/rs.2 Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned original.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants … .3_PP2_bg/rs.pdf … .3_PP2_bg/rs. The Consent of the Owners (in Bulgarian or B6.pdf ownership of PP2 in Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned original The Agreement with the owner of PP2 in B6. Permission for construction in special territories B6.pdf Annex_B6.pdf of PP2 in original (in Bulgarian or Serbian language) In case of investment activities concerning renovation of cultural monuments: relevant B6. And so on for all partners Approved/certified detailed works design and Construction Permit of PP1 in Bulgarian or Serbian language.pdf Serbian language) concerning private territories of PP1 in original.pdf of PP1 in original (in Bulgarian or Serbian language) In case of investment activities concerning renovation of cultural monuments: relevant B6.5 B6.pdf letter that it is not necessary of PP2 in Bulgarian or Serbian language.3_PP1_bg/rs.pdf Annex_B6.pdf ownership of PP1 in Bulgarian or Serbian language – scanned original The Agreement with the owner of PP1 in B6. Page 55 of 70 .pdf letter that it is not necessary of PP1 in Bulgarian or Serbian language.4_PP2_bg/rs. Positive Environment Impact Assessment or B6.3 Serbian language) concerning private territories of PP2 in original And so on for all partners Permission for construction in special territories B6.pdf Annexes_B6 Annex_B6.pdf documentation (in Bulgarian or Serbian language) required by the respective national legislation (original or notary certified copy).1 Ownership act or certificate for public And so on for all partners Only in case of investment activities B6.pdf … .1_PP1_Agreement_bg/rs.2_PP1_bg/rs.2_PP2_bg/rs.5_PP1_bg/rs. Detailed technical specification for supplies of PP2 in English original.6_PP1_bg/rs.6_PP1_en-part2. supported with present situation drawings. Annexes and Supporting documents have to be provided in separate files. as described above.5_PP2_bg/rs.jpg B6.pdf … .5_PP2_bg/rs.5_PP2_bg/rs.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants In case of construction works. Detailed Bill of Quantities from the Approved detailed works design and/or Estimated Bill of Quantities for the supplies of PP2 in English. for which the relevant legislation does not require approval of a works design and issuing Construction Permit .pdf can be separated in two parts as follows: B6.7.6_PP1_en.xls B6. And so on for all partners Replace “explanation” with the name or description of the construction site Replace “explanation” with the name or description of the construction site And so on for all partners a a Please note that the documents have to be scanned by conventional scanning machine and not photographed by camera. In case of construction works.pdf B6. And so on for all partners Detailed technical specification for supplies of PP1 in English original.5_PP1_bg/rs.copy of letter issued by the relevant institutions for exception of the rule for design’s approval. B6.pdf B6. B6.jpg … .5_PP1_bg/rs.pdf Annex_B6. If some of the scanned files becomes too large and difficult to handle by regular computers it is acceptable the same file to be divided into several files clearly noting which part of the respective annex they contain. e. for which the relevant legislation does not require approval of a works design and issuing Construction Permit .jpg And so on for all partners Explanatory note from the Approved detailed works design of PP1 in English Detailed Bill of Quantities from the Approved detailed works design and/or Estimated Bill of Quantities for the supplies of PP1 in English Explanatory note from the Approved detailed works design of PP2 in English.pdf and B6. supported with present situation drawings.xls … Annex_B6.6_PP1_en-part1.7 B6.pdf. mobile phone or other picture taking device.6_PP1_bg/rs. They should not be provided all in one file.2_PP1_explanation.pdf B6.g. Approved/certified detailed works design and Construction Permit of PP2 in Bulgarian or Serbian language. Page 56 of 70 .6 B6.copy of letter issued by the relevant institutions for exception of the rule for design’s approval.7.pdf … .pdf B6.1_PP1_explanation. 3 of these Guidelines. even if the postmark indicates a date preceding the deadline or if the delay is due to the courier service. 2012. signed by the MA on behalf of JMC. If this condition has not been respected. The JMC will decide on the approval of projects and the amount of Programme’s financial contribution to each operation.3 of these Guidelines. If any of the requested information is missing or is incorrect. about approval/rejection of their project. 6. 6. all project proposals in which the respective project partner participates will automatically be rejected. as specified in section 2. Deadline for Receipt of Applications  IMPORTANT The deadline for the receipt of applications is February 20. For the approved projects this letter will also provide information on the next steps. Assessment and Selection of Applications The project assessment and selection criteria prepared by the Managing Authority together with the National Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat are approved by the JMC. each Lead partner will be informed with an official letter. all project proposals in which the respective Lead partner participates will automatically be rejected.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants 5. • The project proposal satisfies all the criteria mentioned in the Table for administrative compliant check.1 STEP 1: OPENING SESSION AND ADMINISTRATIVE CHECK The following will be assessed: • The deadline has been respected. local time Any application registered after the deadline will automatically be rejected.5. the Assessment Working Group could request clarification or justification of information/documents submitted with the project proposal. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLIANCE CHECK ADMINISTRATIVE PART (to be filled by JTS) Page 57 of 70 . 16:00 h.  IMPORTANT At the stage of administrative compliance check. If the deadline has not been respected the proposal will automatically be rejected. Please have in mind that additional information/clarification must not lead to the improvement of the project proposal. Following that.5. Detailed rules on decision making will be included in the Rules of procedure of the JMC. as specified in section 2. The results of all assessment steps will be summarized in the form of a report and presented to the JMC for a decision. the proposal may be rejected on that sole basis and the proposal will not be evaluated further. • An organization does not participate as a Lead partner in more than one project proposal. • All project partners (including the Lead partner) do not participate in more than 5 (five) projects proposals under this call for proposals. If this condition has not been respected. 13.Annual Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts for 2009 and 2010 (if completed).2 of the Guidelines for Applicants. other parts of the Application form. An electronic version of the Application Form has been provided according to the spreadsheet template within the Application package Electronic versions of Annexes and Supporting documents have been provided. are equal to the number of the staff pointed out in the Application Form. 12.: taxes and social security duties) for each partner. CRITERIA FOR ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLIANCE The project proposal has been delivered within the deadline The identification details are clearly stated on the outside of the sealed package The Lead partner has not submitted any other project proposal (as a Lead partner) under this call for proposals. 2. not be older than 6 months prior to the date of application (original or 19. certified as a “’True copy’). Tax office and Social Security Office). All sections of the Application Form are typed in English CVs of the project team are presented in English and they contain all the attributes given in the template (Annex 2). and in the required file formats. The project summary in the Application form has the same activities as the one described in the 7. 11. The numbers of the presented CVs 10. 9. Decision of the Local Council (Municipal Council)/Board of Directors/ any YES NO YES NO Page 58 of 70 .Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Project registration No Name of Lead Partner Name of Partner/s Project title No 1. they are readable 6. notary/officially certified copy). issued by the relevant body (National Income Agency/BG/. 3. Application form. Bulgarian and Serbian. No 15. Partnership agreement of all partners is presented. The Application Form is duly completed in compliance with the template. All lists of the Application Form are dated prior to the submission of the 8. Copy of the partners’ accounts . 5. signed and stamped by each partner (Annex 3) Declaration of eligibility signed by Lead partner is presented (Annex 4) Sworn statement signed by all partners is presented (Annex 5) Partnership and co-financing statement signed and stamped by each partner Declaration of Commitment signed and stamped by each partner (Annex 6) SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Documentary and other evidence (in original or notary certified copy) on the most recent legal status of all partners is provided (not to be older than 6 months prior to the date of application). 18. 17. All parts of the Application Form and supporting documents are submitted in one original and one printed copy. Project summary is submitted in 3 (three) languages English. It contains all the attributes described 16. duly completed in compliance with the template. 14. 4. in section 3. Copies of the partners’ BULSTAT registration/Identification number registration and VAT registration of each partner Certificates for lack of obligation or plan for rescheduling of the debts if existing (incl. required by the national legislation (notary/officially certified copy). recent outline/design of the property Consent of the owner clearly stating that the assets are given for free right of use for the purpose of the project at least for 5 years after end of the project 22.1. environmental and architectural reserves.a letter issued by the relevant body clearly stated that approval of the works design 26. copy of the ownership act (notary/officially certified copy). The following documents are presented in original (signed and stamped) and translated in English: Explanatory note. implementation is provided (original/notary certified copy). Bill of English. (original or notary/officially certified copy). together with 21. approvals. etc. 21. or Copy of letter issued by the relevant body clearly stated that Environmental 25. Cover sheets of technical drawings. Impact Assessment is not necessary (notary/officialy certified copy) Approved detailed works design (in original) and Construction Permit (if applicable according to the relevant legislation) – in original or notary/officially certified copy. Latest photographs (dated on the back side) of the site envisaged for YES NO intervention COMMENTS Project proposal satisfies all criteria for administrative compliance Assessor’s name: Assessor’s signature: Date of assessment: Page 59 of 70 . 27. by the legal representative of the organization) – in original SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS CONCERNING INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES In case investment activities will be performed on public property Ownership act or certificate for public ownership of the tangible assets. Power of Attorney from the legal representative of the organization (in case the application form and its annexes and other relevant documents are not signed No 21.2. In case of construction works. cultural monuments. Detailed technical specifications (for supplies) with unit and total prizes are presented .) required by the respective 24. areas included in Nature 2000 etc. certificates. In case of investment activities within territories/objects with special status (National parks. and issuing Construction Permit are not required.) relevant documentation (permits. for which the relevant legislation does not require approval of a works design and issuing Construction Permit . statements. which will be subject of works activities (notary/officially certified copy). Copy of positive Environmental Impact Assessment (positive opinion from the relevant body). In case of investment activities required passing through private territories the consent of the owners must be obtained and presented in a due legal form and 23. protected areas. national applicable law is/are presented (notary/officially certified copy).Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants similar body or managing person regarding the project development and 20. Partners and project are eligible when complies with eligibility criteria listed below.  IMPORTANT Only proposals that satisfy all the criteria mentioned in the administrative compliance checklist will be evaluated on the eligibility stage. Joint YES NO implementation. 3. Proposals All partners meet eligible criteria defined in the Guidelines section 2. which is called “version” of the project. This version cannot be changed by regular means and modifying it will be considered as modification of the Application Form. The co-financing rates for EU and national funds are within the limits indicated in the Guidelines for applicants. At least one partner from each side of the cross border region is involved. 8.2 STEP 2: ELIGIBILITY CHECK The eligibility check is a part of evaluation of the project proposal. Joint staffing. which is not a legal entity. COMMENTS Project proposal satisfies all criteria for eligibility compliance Assessor’s name: Assessor’s signature: Date of evaluation:  IMPORTANT Only proposals that satisfy all the criteria mentioned in the eligibility compliance Page 60 of 70 . The amount of the eligible expenditures requested is in line with the limits indicated in the Guidelines for applicants. Lead partner is registered in the eligible border region at least 12 months before the deadline for submission of project proposals under current Call for 4. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All partners are registered in the cross border region. ELIGIBILITY COMPLIANCE CHECK ADDMINISTRATIVE PART (to be filled by JTS) Project registration No Name of Lead Partner Name of Partner/s Project title No 1.5. The printed project proposal. At least two of the following conditions is covered: Joint development. 6. the respective act with assignment of its functioning shows that its territorial scope is within the 2.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Please note that the electronic application form prints automatically the current date and time at the footer of each page. 5. In case of Subsidiary structure(s) of local/regional/national authorities situated in the eligible area acting as partner(s).1 The implementation period does not exceed the maximum project duration per area of intervention indicated in the Guidelines for applicants. based on the criteria for eligibility. 6. generated by the Excel Application Form must have equal dates at all pages. Joint financing. 7. cross border region. the project proposal will not be proposed for financing. and of the capacity of the applicant and his partners.3. where appropriate. TECHNICAL AND QUALITY EVALUATION TECHNICAL AND QUALITY EVALUATION PART (to be filled by the Assessor) Registration No Project No Lead Partner Partner/s Project title MANAGEMENT CAPACITY No .Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants checklist will be evaluated on technical and quality evaluation stage. and grants to be awarded to actions which maximize the overall effectiveness of the call for proposals. have the management capacity. Consistency with the Programme and other documents and strategies If the total average score is less than 15 points for section 2. Note on Section 1. This also applies to any partners of the applicant. Each subsection will be given a score between 1 and 10. sustainability and cost-effectiveness. the project proposal will not be proposed for financing.1. professional competencies and qualifications required to successfully complete the proposed action. will be carried out in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the Evaluation Grid included below. score Reference 5 Part I p. quality. Scoring: The evaluation criteria are divided into sections and subsections. They enable the selection of proposals which the Managing Authority can be confident will comply with its objectives and priorities and guarantee the visibility of the Community financing. to participate in its funding. expected impact. The second type pf criteria allow the quality of the proposals submitted to be evaluated in relation to the set objectives and priorities. 6. including the proposed budget. Management capacity If the total average score is less than 10 points for section 1. Page 61 of 70 . There are two types of evaluation criteria: The first type of criteria is intended to help evaluate the applicants' financial and operational capacity to ensure that they: • • have stable and sufficient sources of finance to maintain their activity throughout the period during which the action is being carried out and. its consistency with the objectives of the call for proposals. They cover such aspects as the relevance of the action. Note on Section 2.3 STEP 3: TECHNCIAL AND QUALITY EVALUATION STAGE An evaluation of the quality of the proposals. SELECTION CRITERIA 1 The partners are experienced in project management in similar or other EU financed projects Max. 1. 20 WITH THE PROGRAMME AND OTHER DOCUMENTS AND STRATEGIES No SELECTION CRITERIA 1 The project is relevant to the overall and respective specific 6 objectives of the programme and to the objectives of one of the .Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants All partners have implemented 3 or more projects 5 points All partners have implemented at least 2 projects 4 points All partners have implemented at least 1 project 3 points Only one of the partners has implemented projects 2 points One of the partners has limited experience 1 point 4 The project team proposed has the capacity to manage the project 5 points . p. Page 62 of 70 .2. p. Most (more than a half) members of the project team have experience in project management and experience for the positions they will occupy Some (less than a half) members of the project team have experience in project management and experience for the positions they will occupy One member of the project team has experience in project management and experience for the position he will occupy 9 Participation of partners in project management team . & them In case only one partner/country participates 1 point 1 Staff. Even participation of all partners and the two countries (Bulgaria and Serbia) in the team Balanced participation of all partners and the two countries in the team (in case no partner/country exceeds the involvement of another partner/country by more than 50 %) Unbalanced participation..2. priority axes and one of the areas of intervention and respective indicators Clear relevance to the overall and all specific objectives Partial relevance to all objectives Partial relevance to some objectives 5 points 4 points 3 points Max.6..3. and financial stability Some partners have permanent staff.6.2.6. score Reference 5 Part II p. good technical 4 points capacity and financial stability Only one of the partners has permanent participation of some of 3 points 2 points 1 point 2 points 3 points 5 Part II p.1. good technical capacity . p. good technical capacity and financial stability Limited capacity and not confirmed stability of one of the partners Newly established organizations/ no stability of all partners SUBTOTAL CONSISTENCY 3 points 2 points 1 point 5 Part I p.1. but all partners participate In case of several partners .2. technical capacity and financial stability of the project partners 5 points 5 All partners have permanent staff.6.2. All members of the project team have experience in project management and experience for the positions they will occupy. proposed project team & CVs of the 5 5 points 4 points Part II p.3. 5 Part II p. climate change Envisaged activities.5.3.2. Not very well described consistency between objective.1. activities & results. The envisaged activities in terms of needs of the border region are very well described and well justified: they are timely and appropriate The envisaged activities in terms of needs of the border region are described and partially justified Insufficiently described and not well justified activities in terms of needs of the border region The envisaged activities in terms of needs of the border region are very well described and well justified: they are timely and appropriate 2 Coherence of the project with other programmes and/or strategies 5 points 7 Clearly demonstrated coherence Unclear or vague coherence 3 points .1. achievement of project results Weak consistency between activities and project results 1 point 3 Project activities (including activities for informatiom and publicity)are 8 realistic. Passing 5 Part II p.5. Weak coherence demonstrated 1 point 3 The project is value added. well defined and justified by the supporting documents (in 5 Part II p.3.3.3 & p. & 5 Part II p.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Limited relevance to one of the objectives 2 points Weak relevance to all specific objectives 1 point 2 Clearly defined and strategically chosen are the target groups 5 points 2 Clearly defined and quantified target groups Vague description of target groups 3 points . providing coherence with the following 1 horizontal themes: equal opportunities. p. and the goals of the project are coherent with 3 of the above horizontal themes Envisaged activities.5. score 5 Referenc e Part II p. but some details are missing. Filly consistency between objective. Activities too theoretical and hard to estimate the 3 points 2 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 5 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 5 points 5 Part II p. Passing 25 Max. the target groups. and the goals of the project cover 2 of the above horizontal themes Coherence with 1 of the above horizontal themes Weak value added SUBTOTAL METHODOLOGY No SELECTION CRITERIA 3 The proposed project activities are appropriate and the logic 2 consistency objective-activity-result (project indicators) is kept 5 points . activities & results. Undefined target groups 1 point 2 The project is relevant to the particular needs and constraints of the 6 border region .5 Page 63 of 70 . Well described consistency between objective. sustainable development and .3. the target groups.5. activities & 4 points results.3.2.4. 4. The applicant has clearly and logically described the multiplier effect and has analyzed well the different aspects of sustainability. 5 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points Part II p.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants case of works and supplies) Excellent defined. The financial sustainability is justified Doubtful multiplier effect and sustainability No possible multiplier effect or sustainability SUBTOTAL BUDGET SELECTION CRITERIA 2 points 1 point 35 No Max.1. 4 Cross-border impact of the project 4 Strong cross-border impact Sufficient cross-border impact .3. & 1 point and sustainability of 5 points 5 Part II p. Reference Page 64 of 70 . justified and realistic activities Well defined and justified activities.5. project activities Quantified and relevant to the project activities but not realistically achievable. Most of the indicators are not clearly specified/ objectively verifiable/ quantified Irrelevant indicators are provided 6 Potential multiplier effects of the project 2 points 1 point 4 points 5 Part II p.4. but not very realistic Good definition and justification of activities.4. p. unclear Unclear action plan and partners’ responsibilities 1 point 5 Level of involvement and participation of project partners in activities 5 points 2 Even involvement of all partners and the two countries in . relevant to the . weak justification and not realistic activities. p.3. project activities and responsibilities.4.2.3. The project benefits are realistic and will continue to exist after project completion.3.4. Passing Part II p. & 3 expected results after EU funding ends . but all partners are involved One partner/country is not involved in project activities and responsibilities 5 Output and result indicators 7 Well quantified and achievable indicators. 4 Action plan and partners’ responsibilities 5 points 8 Clear and feasible action plan and partners’ responsibilities Some activities not well justified/some responsibilities 2-4 points . Quantified indicators but some of them are not specified and relevant to the project activities.6. Weak cross-border impact Passing 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 5 5 points 3 points 1 point 5 Part II p. not very realistic Insufficient definition and justification of activities Poor description of activities.1. Balanced participation of all partners (in case no partner/country exceeds the involvement of another partner/country by more than 50 %) Unbalanced distribution of activities between project partners. (Clear . Some Budget lines’ expenses were over/under-estimated and/or some budget lines were unduly neglected. Applicant has chosen the optimal (for the project type) solution for distribution of expenses between ALL budget lines including sufficient budget for information and publicity. All prices are realistic and market based. It is obvious. Some costs are not relevant to the activities proposed. A significant reduction of budget items and/or item prices (more than 25 % of the total project budget) is necessary Most estimated costs are not necessary for the implementation of the project. Applicant has chosen the optimal solution for cost effectiveness. Expected results are comparable to envisaged costs. but partial reductions (up to 10 % of the total project budget) of budget items and/or item prices will optimize cost effectiveness Planned expenses are corresponding with proposed activities. Some Budget lines’ maximum and/or minimum rates are not taken into consideration. Serious reduction of budget items and/or item prices (from 10 to 25 % of the total project budget) is necessary for optimizing the expenditure performance. recommendations about all budget changes – reduction or realocation. All estimated costs are necessary for the implementation of the project. Budget lines’ maximum and minimum rates are not taken 1 point 2-4 points 5 points 1 point 2-3 points 4-5 points 6-8 points 10 points 10 Part III Passing 5 Part Table 2 III Page 65 of 70 . Budget needs full redesign in this aspect. All Budget lines’ maximum and minimum rates are taken into consideration. Expected results are comparable to envisaged costs. 7 Budget lines’ maximum and minimum rates and breakdown between 0 Budget lines . No budget reduction/revisions are needed Planned expenses are corresponding with proposed activities. Most prices are not realistic and not market based. Expected results are comparable to envisaged costs. have to be provided) Planned expenses are fully corresponding with proposed activities.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants score 6 Estimated expenditures are necessary for the implementation of the 4 project and the prices are realistic and market based. that project expenses highly exceed the expected benefits for the target area and the target groups. Costs envisaged are totally inconsistent with project activities. the Assessment Working Group can exclude an applicant at any stage of the Call for proposals evaluation process whenever it is obvious that the latter does not meet the eligibility criteria. regadless of the recommendations of the Assessment Working Group. and signature of multiple contracts may be declined. MA and NA reserve their right to carry out site visits and hold negotiations for budgetary revisions with all Applicatns proposed for financing. Following the evaluation. The organization’s ability and expertise to carry out more than one Subsidy contract shall be evaluated at the JMC meeting. Taking into account the Good Administrative Practices. the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) reserves its right to reconsider awarding multiple Subsidy contract to one and the same organization. Balanced budget breakdown between partners and countries (in case partner’s/country’s budget exceeds the budget of another partner/country from 25 to 50 %) Unbalanced budget breakdown between partners and countries (in case partner’s/country’s budget exceeds the budget of another partner/country from 50 to 100 %) Unfair budget breakdown between partners and countries (in case partner’s/country’s budget exceeds the budget of another partner/country more than 100 %) SUBTOTAL TOTAL COMMENTS Recommendation Assessor’s name: Assessor’s signature: 20 100 1 point 2-3 points 4 points 5 5 points Part III Table 4 Date of evaluation:  IMPORTANT Only projects with score of 65 and above at the technical and quality evaluation stage will be proposed for financing. Budget needs full re-design in this aspect. Upon authorization given by the JMC. a table listing the proposals ranked according to their score and within the available financial envelope will be established as well as a reserve list following the same criteria. The final overall score of each project proposal will be the combined scores received at the technical and quality assessment (maximum 100).Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants into consideration.  IMPORTANT When selecting project proposals for financing. based on the Page 66 of 70 . 7 Budget breakdown between partners and countries 4 Even (but not equal because some costs are relevant just . no budget foreseen for information and publicity. to the LP) budget breakdown between partners AND countries. based on the recommendations of the Assessment Working Group. Contracting Contracts with the Lead partners of the approved projects will be prepared on the standard template. Project Evaluation and Selection Procedure Managing Authority (in cooperation with National Authority) Joint Technical Secretariat Information campaigns Calls for proposals Potential Beneficiaries Administrative compliance and eligibility check Assessment Working Group Assessorss sss Quality assessment & Project score list JMC Approval of projects for financing Managing Authority and JTS Notification to applicants & signs contract with the lead beneficiaries 7. Preparation of projects Submission of project proposals Page 67 of 70 .Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants recommendation of the Assessment Working Group. An applicant designated by the partners involved in a project responsible for coordinating the process of development. Page 68 of 70 . Kyustendil district. Sofia-city district.the MA and the lead beneficiary. Nišava district. expressed in the application form and its annexes. the Managing Authority will have the right to carry out negotiations for budget revision (if necessary). Before signing this contract. the Managing Authority will up-date the contract details and set in the annexes the specific and explicit binding elements to be respected by the final beneficiary. Glossary of terms Applicant Beneficiary Eligible expenditure Eligible area/region Any legal entity meeting the eligible criteria which submits an application to be financed by the Programme Any applicant whose application has been approved for financing Expenditures made by a Beneficiary.the counterpart of the Managing Authority in the partner state (Republic of Serbia) A strategic priority within the operational Programme. After signing the IPA Subsidy Contract. Zaječar district. which could be financed from the structural instruments. as well as site visits to all investment support project proposals. Draft Subsidy contract is presented in Annex C to these Guidelines for applicants. Serbian European Integration Office . Pernik district. Pirot district. submission and implementation of that specific project The structure responsible for managing the Programme Is the “Territorial Cooperation Management” Directorate General at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (Republic of Bulgaria). The border area of Serbia comprises the following districts: Bor district. Montana district. Sofia district. including a group of interconnected key areas of intervention and operations with measurable specific objectives Lead Partner Managing Authority National Authority Priority Axis Partner Project Any applicant involved in a project The operation for which funding is being sought under the Programme. related to the operations financed through the Programme. The Lead Partner of an approved operation shall sign an IPA Subsidy Contract for the total IPA funds with the Managing Authority. Before signing the contract.Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Implementation of the projects may start only after the contracts are signed by both . Pčinja district. as well as from the state budget and/or own Beneficiary contribution The border area of Bulgaria comprises the following districts: Vidin district. the Lead Partner is responsible for implementing the EU cofinanced operation. Jablanica district. Development and Stabilization Cross-border Cooperation Cost Benefit Analysis European Commission European Regional Development Fund European Union Directorate General Government Decision Information and Communication Technology Instrument for pre-accession Information Technology Joint Monitoring Committee Joint Technical Secretariat Managing Authority Ministry of Finance (Republic of Bulgaria) Management Information System Memorandum of Understanding Member State National Authority Non Governmental Organization Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics Operational Programme Page 69 of 70 .Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants Glossary of Acronyms AA AF BG CA CARDS CBC CBA EC ERDF EU DG GD ICT IPA IT JMC JTS MA MF MIS MoU MS NA NGO NUTS OP Audit Authority Application Form Republic of Bulgaria Certifying Authority Community assistance for Reconstruction. Second Call for Proposals Guidelines for Applicants OPRD PC PR Phare CBC PRAG RDA R&D SEA SMEs SOP SWOT TA VAT WFD Operational Programme Regional Development Personal Computer Public Relations Phare (Poland Hungary Aid for Reconstruction of the Economy) Programme for Cross-Border Cooperation Practical Guide for Contract Procedures financed from the general budget of the European Communities in the context of external actions Regional Development Agency Research and Development Strategic Environmental Assessment Small and Medium sized Enterprises Sectoral Operational Programme Strengths. Opportunities. Threats Technical Assistance Value Added Tax Water Framework Directive Page 70 of 70 . Weakness.
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