Guide to the Installation of PV Systems 2nd Edition

March 26, 2018 | Author: Yaz | Category: Horsepower, Clothes Dryer, Water Heating, Washing Machine, Clothing



LAUNDRYPLANNING GUIDE  WA S H E R - E X T R A C TO R S 800-628-6434 | T U M B L E R D RY E R S | O Z O N E S Y S T E M S CSL450E Washer-Extractors - USMA, West Point EDRO Corporation designs and manufactures Industrial Strength DynaWash® washer-extractors, DynOzone - DynaWash® Ozone System, the M-SERIES tumbler dryers for U.S. Navy shipboard and submarine laundries, and the C-SERIES tumbler dryers for all types of On-Premise and Commercial & Industrial Laundries. 2 You are reading this Laundry Planning Guide because you are interested in getting all you can out of your laundry in the most efficient manner. and helping you match EDRO machines to your operation. Water Data PH Data Cubic Content Volume Data Charts Water Consumption Average Cycle Water Water Hardness Water Softener Gas Water Heaters Gas Data Electricity Air Compressors Boiler Data Dain Troughs Water Extraction Moisture Retention G-Force Tumbler Dryers Washer-Extractors Motels / Hotels and Resorts Nursing Homes Hospitals Correctional Facilities Shirt Laundry / Dry Cleaning Plant Typical Dry Weights Of Selected Items Facility Check List 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 www. sizing the right equipment for your Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 .edrocorp. This guide will help you with general data calculations for elements in a laundry. It is calculated as follows: (PI) R2 (radius of cylinder) x depth of cylinder / 1. @ 62 degrees Fahrenheit (oF)  Boiling water = 212 Fahrenheit (oF) = 100 Celsius (oC)  Freezing water = 32 Fahrenheit (oF) = 0 Celsius (oC)  To convert to oF. per cubic foot. multiply oC by 9.78 liters www.12 = gallons  1 gallon = 8.Laundry Planning Gude Water Data Specific data on water:  About 60% of water used in a typical laundry formula is hot (if conventional water system used)  1 cubic foot of water = 62. Here are some relationships between cubic content.134 cubic foot = 1.48 gallons = 28.5 and 3.0 = Acid Cubic Content Cubic content measures the physical size of cylinder (or basket).728 = cubic content of cylinder The accepted capacity for washer-extractors is between 5 lb and 7 lb per cubic foot.016 = cubic foot  1 pound (lb) of water x 0.5 .0 = Neutral Below 7.27 liters 0.33 lb. Volume Volume refers to the available area within the basket or cylinder of the washer.edrocorp.425 lb  1 cubic foot of water = 7. 4 1.1336 = cubic feet gallon(s) x 231 = cubic inches  1 pound (lb) of water x 0. divide by 5. subtract oF by 32. and add 32  To convert to oC. the more laundry the machine’s cylinder can hold. It is the best way to compare rated capacity of competitive machines. and divide by 9 pH Data Above 7. multiply by 5.48 gallons gallon(s) x 0. gallons and liters.0 gallons = 3.0 cubic foot = 7. The higher the cubic content.0 = Alkaline Equal to 7. Accepted capacity for dryers is between 2. Water Consumption Water Level Low (15%) Medium (50%) High (100%) CSL60 8 gallons 19 35 CSL110 10 gallons 24 50 CSL175 14 gallons 33 65 CSL225 24 gallons 60 120 CSL350 32 gallons 79 160 Water Level Low (15%) Medium (50%) High (100%) DW100 16 gallons 38 80 DW150 19 gallons 53 104 DW200 21 gallons 54 113 DW300 29 gallons 75 155 DW400 35 gallons 83 165 Water Level Low (15%) Medium (50%) High (100%) ESL200 26 gallons 64 124 ESL400 48 gallons 112 205 Water Level Low (15%) Medium (50%) High (100%) NX40 4 gallons 13 23 NX60 8 gallons 19 35 NX100 9 gallons 24 50 NX140 12 gallons 35 65 CSL450 60 gallons 120 250 Laundry Planning Gude Data Charts Average Cycle Water CSL60 115 gallons CSL110 210 gallons CSL175 330 gallons CSL225 425 gallons CSL350 665 gallons DW100 190 gallons DW150 285 gallons DW200 380 gallons DW300 570 gallons DW400 760 gallons ESL200 420 gallons ESL400 830 gallons NX40 76 gallons NX60 115 gallons NX100 190 gallons NX140 265 gallons CSL450 855 gallons 5 .edrocorp. 5 to 7.0 60 to 120 7. Gas Water Heaters How To Size: To determine the quantity of hot water requirements per hour: Figure about 2.1 parts per million Description Soft Slightly hard Moderately hard Hard Like a stone Water Softener How To Size: Determine grain hardness (3 grains acceptable without softening). Grains per gallon Parts per million Less than 1 Less than 17. Figure about 60% of the water to be hot.1 1 to 3.One grain per gallon = 17.5 17. Subtract this from the desired hot water level to arrive at the degree of rise.333 BTU/hr If heating with steam./gal) x 100 F rise / 0.3 (lb. Formula: gallons hot/hr x 8.000 grain softener Check the flow rate of softener. Determine total gallons of water to be used per hour.0 to 10. Multiply grains hardness x total gallons x hours of operation between regeneration (back washing). Example: 20 grains x 1000 gallons x 24 hours = 480. A water softener may be required if grains/gallon of hardness exceed 3 grains per gallon of water.5 gallons per pound washed. Storage capacity should equal from 1/2 to 1 hour’s demand. and make sure it is adequate.5 and over 180 and over Note .1 to 60 3.5 120 to 180 10.500 BTU/BHP. 6 . divide by 33.6 = 138.Laundry Planning Gude Water Hardness More tallow soap is required for washing in hard water than in soft water./gal) x degree rise / 0.6 = BTU/hr Example: 100 gal/hr x 8. Determine temperature of incoming water.3 (lb. Various rate structures are used by local gas suppliers.000 Volts X 1.415 BTU one gallon propane = 92. 6 fuel oil = 149.000 (1 phase) kW X1. Any charge the customer may pay to receive gas. including sales tax where applicable. the cost of electrical power can be estimated to be $0. should be included in the total gas cost from which the actual cost per therm is derived. and divided by the number of therms used to find the cost per therm. “commodity charge”.000 BTU one cubic foot = 1.500 BTU (approx) one gallon No. the actual total to the end user should be used. Add an additional 25% to CFM. kW/hr = Horsepower X 0.99 kW/hr Kilowatt-hours.732 Volts Air Compressors How To Size: Add up CFM requirements on all air driven equipment. Amps (3 phase) kw X 1.7457 For estimated planning purposes. Example: Required 20 CFM + 25% = 25 CFM Tank should be 75 . 2 diesel fuel oil = 139. or “service charge” may also be part of the gas cost. Additional charges such as “demand charge”. Contact your local power company for up-to-date costings.0996 per kW/hr. 7 .000 BTU (approx) one kilowatt (kW) = 3.200 BTU one gallon No.125 gallon size. and “block” rates in which the rate varies for various quantities.000 cubic feet). These include “ straight line” rates.000 BTU (approx) one MCF (1. Electricity Data 1 kW/hr = 3413 BTU or 0. In computing costs.03413 Therm 1 Therm = 29.000 cubic feet) = 10 Therms (approx) one cubic foot of Butane gas = 3.A BTU (British Thermal Unit) is the amount of heat required to raise one pound (lb) of water approximately one degree Fahrenheit (oF): one Therm (TH) = 100.000 BTU Laundry Planning Gude Gas Data Gas Cost: The cost of gas is usually stated in the price per therm or price per M or MCF (1. Tank size should be 3 to 5 times the CFM output in gallons of storage. 6 2.5 lb/steam one BHP = 9. To all BHP requirements.7 (this allows for efficiency factor and keeps you from operating the boiler at full capacity. divide by 34.2 1.803 kilowatts Horsepower Chart: This technical data is based on the following criteria: Cycle time = 45 minutes Incoming water temperature = 60°F Desired hot water temperature = 160°F Amount of hot water = 60% of water in total cycle Model CSL60 CSL110 CSL175 CSL225 CSL350 CSL450 DW100 DW150 DW200 Boiler HP 1.5 to get BHP.7 9. which is both costly and harmful to the boiler). If pounds of steam consumption is known (in place of BHP).5 11 15 3. 8 Boiler HP 10. one BHP = 33.5 .2 Model DW300 DW400 ESL200 ESL400 NX40 NX60 NX100 NX140 BHP required calculated on a per unit basis.500 BTU/hr one BHP = 34.9 7.Laundry Planning Gude Boiler Data How To Size: Find the BHP rating on each piece of equipment in the operation that requires steam.0 9.8 13.8 4.6 2. Horsepower: one BHP = the work of converting 34. add 10% of the total for heat loss/radiation and divide by 0.4 6.5 14 1.1 9.5 lb of water per hour from and at 212oF to steam at 0 lb gauge pressure. Example: 300 gallons / 7. feet (trough area) 40 (cubic feet required) / 1. Divide total gallons by 7.48 = 40 cubic feet of trough area Laundry Planning Gude Drain Troughs The trough depth should usually be 12 inches. and the width 14 inches. On long troughs.166 = 34. 9 . this can be decreased to 1/8” per linear foot to keep the depth from becoming too great. assume a 12 inch deep and 14 inches wide trough: 14” x 12” = 168 sq in 168/144 (one sq ft) = 1.48 gallons/cubic foot to get the total cubic feet required. In the example above.How To Size: Determine the total number of gallons to be dumped at one time by all present and future machines. Use high level rinse figures to get this total.3 feet (length of trough) Drain trough should slope 1/4” per linear foot to the outlet drain.166 sq. Extraction is carried out using either centrifugal or hydraulic extraction. . a removal of two pounds of water per pound of fabric. Clean dry weight is normally calculated by using the weight after full drying to “bone dry state”. The piston is forced towards the bulkhead. In the second type. 35 gallons (280 lb). There are two types of hydraulic extraction. a 350 lb load of cotton will hold approx.7 lb of water per pound of fabric. squeezing the water from the textiles. but centrifugal extraction is an efficient choice for certain classifications of textiles if batch cycle times allow. . the centrifugal force (G-Force) spins the water out of the fabric at high speed. polyester/cotton textiles come out drier for the same extraction effort. the fabrics are placed between a piston and a bulkhead.The extract function decreases retained moisture to a level of 50%. A 350 lb load of 100% polyester will hold approx. In the first type. Moisture retention describes the ratio of retained moisture weight to clean dry textile weight.8 lb of water per pound Therefore. moisture is usually extracted by using a hydraulic press. The extract function reduces the water content of textiles to 25% to 70% moisture retention depending on the fabric laundered and equipment used.Since 50/50 polyester/cotton retains only 1.1 gallon per pound (lb) of polyester or 0.3 gallons per pound (lb) of cotton or 2. Saturation Examples: Cotton – Approximately 0. the load has to be removed from the washer and extracted separately.5 lb of water (0. Extraction is performed in the washer-extractor. With conventional washer-extractors.3 gallons) or 250% of the dry weight. Free water will not accumulate in the cylinder until the textiles have absorbed enough water to become saturated. only 1. The process begins with textile saturation.5 lb of water per pound 100% Polyester – Approximately 0. . the pre-programmed PLC moves the washer into high-speed rotation after the laundering cycle.2 lb would be removed to reach the same 50% moisture retention. However. 10 In tunnel washing equipment. One pound of cotton textile holds 2. 105 gallons (876 lb) of water when saturated. the water is squeezed from the fabrics by utilizing fluid pressure exerted against a flexible diaphragm that houses the textiles. With centrifugal extraction.Laundry Planning Gude Water Extraction The extract function reduces moisture retention in the laundering process. The amount of water needed for saturation must be added to the amount of free water in the washing cylinders when the water consumption of laundering formulas is calculated. Moisture Retention Shown below is a Moisture Retention Chart that demonstrates moisture retention in % when subjected to differing extraction G-Forces. fabric softeners) in the sour bath.dry weight / dry weight = Moisture Retention (%) 11 ..g. however. Note that once G-Force exceeds 200G there is a diminishing return on the moisture removed from textiles compared to moisture removal from 50G to 200G. ironers.Extraction from textiles is enhanced by increasing water temperature and the incorporation of fiber lubricants (e. presses. Laundry Planning Gude There are advantages and disadvantages to each extraction method. the better the moisture removal. 140 120 Moisture Retained In % 100 80 Terry 60 100% Cotton 40 50/50 Blend 20 0 50G 100G 150G 300G 200G 250G Extraction G-Force 350G 400G Moisture retention measures the water extracted from the load. can damage fabrics. Too much water removal. the less drying time required. To calculate moisture retention. The more water removed from the load. A certain amount of water retention is required for finishing procedures. use the following formula: Weight after extraction . The warmer the fabric extracted. etc. Water removal using the extract function is more cost effective than dryers. CSL and DW models feature inverter with single motor drive. yet attain a higher G-Force than smaller diameter cylinders.Laundry Planning Gude G-Force G-Force is a relative measurement used to compare a washer’s extraction capabilities (spin cycle). larger diameter cylinders can spin slower. ESL. higher RPM’s relate to higher G-Force when the cylinder size is similar. Extract speeds are field programmable in (1) RPM increments via the DynaTrol HMi touch screen control. Comparatively. 12 . Here’s the formula to calculate G-Force: RPM2 x diameter (inches) / 70. However.500 = “G” Force G-Force Chart Model CSL60 CSL110 CSL175 CSL225 CSL350 CSL450 DW100 DW150 DW200 DW300 DW400 DW100PT DW150PT DW200PT DW300PT DW400PT ESL200 ESL400 NX40 NX60 NX100 NX140 High Spin (RPM) 810 750 700 650 625 650 625 590 650 625 600 625 590 580 550 540 650 580 700 700 625 575 G-Force 297 310 315 293 324 378 232 237 288 299 306 232 237 229 232 248 276 286 209 222 200 197 NX. Thus. Dryer enclosures provide two significant benefits: The dryers will not use conditioned air from the room for make-up air. A good rule of thumb for makeup air is 1 square inch of clear opening for each 800 BTU of heat. it takes approximately 1. rear and top).500 BTU/lb to make up for any inefficiencies. If low or medium speed (80G .How To Size: Dryer should be of larger capacity than corresponding washer-extractor.200 BTU to evaporate 1 lb of water. The total emission is then 10% of the rated BTU! By enclosing the same dryer. lb) x (% water retention) x (2. always provide enough space for service at the rear of the equipment. If part of the volume of laundry is to be ironed.: a 50 lb.1. The time for drying a load can be estimated with this formula: Drying time (hrs) = (Load weight. A good rule of thumb is that a dryer will emit 2% of its rated BTU’s through each exposed face. Estimate between 1. This is especially true if the laundry will have air conditioning or some other environmental control. a dryer to washer ratio should be 2:1. so use good judgement for each situation. there are 5 faces radiating heat into the room (the front.2 . if a dryer is unexposed. Noise from the mechanical components of the dryer is also reduced by the enclosure.500 BTU/lb) (BTU per hour rating of dryer) Under ideal conditions. sides. Most importantly. Heat emission is reduced by up to 80%. When enclosing dryers. 13 . There are occasions when enclosing the dryers is not suitable. This will reduce operating expenses. a 50 lb washer would require a 100 lb dryer. since the device will restrict at least half of the opening. (i.4 and 1. Since a dryer is not 100% efficient. heat emission is reduced to only 2%. Average loads per hour: Gas fired = 2 Steam heated = 1. Thus.5 times washer-extractor capacity. always provide a properly sized make up air source. the 1. dryer capacity can be reduced.180G) are used. use 2. since the dryer is not taking cooler room air and heating it to 160 to 180 degrees. the opening should be at least doubled.4 capacity rule applies to washer-extractors with high extract speeds (G-Force greater than 200G). If a louver or screen is to be used.5 Electric heated = 1 Laundry Planning Gude Tumbler Dryers In general. dryer). It is usually best to enclose the dryers to separate the make up air supply. Check local codes for exact requirements.e. washer requires approximately a 75 lb. 2 loads per hr with ozone.5 loads per hr traditional.5 loads per hr traditional.Laundry Planning Gude Washer-Extractors How To Size: Motels / Hotels and Resorts One bed per room in economy hotel 8 lb / day x rooms x 7 days x occupancy % / 40 hrs = lb / hr Two beds per room in economy hotel 14 lb / day x rooms x 7 days x occupancy % / 40 hrs = lb / hr One bed per room in luxury hotel or resort 11 lb / day x rooms x 7 days x occupancy % / 50 hrs = lb / hr Two beds per room in luxury hotel or resort 20 lb / day x rooms x 7 days x occupancy % / 50 hrs = lb / hr With larger facilities.3 loads per hour traditional. 40% fluff / dry. Assume laundry to process 1.3 loads per hour traditional. If a higher number of incontinent patients.edrocorp.1. Shirt Laundry / Dry Cleaning Plant 1/2 lb x number of shirts / day x 6 days / 40 hrs = lb / hr.2 . Hospitals 15 lb / day x number of beds x 7 days / 37. 1. Correctional Facilities 6 lb / day x number of inmates x 7 days / 50 hrs = lb / hr. banquet and/or dining facilities used by both guests and non-guests. Assume washer to process 1. Assume laundry to process 1. This includes patient clothing in the average home. increase poundage because of pool. 2 loads per hr with ozone.3 loads per hour traditional. assume 60% flat work (ie: sheets). 1.5 loads per hr with ozone. Assume laundry to process 1. For the division of work.5 loads per hr with ozone. Assume laundry to process 1.5 loads per hr with ozone. . spa. 1. Nursing Homes 50 lb / bed / week x number of beds / 37.5hr = lb / hr. increase the per bed per week poundage to 60lb. 14 www.5hr = lb / hr. 0.59 1.5 .0 0.36 0.9 1.25 1.0 0.48 0.6 .32 2.25 0.75 0.11 1.Item Apron (waitress) Apron (bibbed) Apron (waist) Apron (shop) Bath Mat (Terry) Bath Mat (heavy) Blanket (84” X110”) Bedspread ( 84” X 118”) Bed Pad (60 “ X 76”) Chef’s Cap Lab Coat Coat.0 1.64 0.5 0.7 2.27 0.75 0.35 0.8 0.0.06 www.65 1.98 3. Utility Coverall (lightweight) Coverall (flame retardant) Coverall freezer) Diapers (baby) Draw Sheet (63” X 99”) Dress (uniform) Dust Mop (36”) Fire Station Duty Shirt Fire Station Duty Pants Fire Station Workout Sweatshirt Fire Station Workout Sweat Pants Gloves Gloves (cotton) Gloves (canvas) Weight lbs Item 0.12 Laundry Planning Gude Typical Dry Weights Of Selected Items 15 .23 2.07 1.17 0.75 Gown (patients) Gown (surgical) Jacket (waiter) Mop Head Napkin (20” X 20”) Pants (cotton) Pillow Case Sheet (King size) Sheet (Queen size) Sheet (double) Sheet (twin) Shirt (cotton) Smock (Poly/cotton blend) Smock (100% cotton) Tablecloth (54” X 54”) Tablecloth (54” X 96”) Tablecloth (45” X 45”) Tablecloth (64” X 64”) Tablecloth (54” X 120”) Hand Towel (17” X 26”) Bath Towel (24” X 44”) Turnout Gear Pants Turnout Nomex Hood Turnout Gear Coat Turnout Gear Gloves (leather) Wash Cloth (12” X 12”) Weight lbs 0.75 1.edrocorp.11 3.69 0.2 6.35 4.2 4.0 0.9 1.0 0.2 2.7 1.4 1.45 0.5 1.5 0.91 1.49 5.18 0.36 0.8 0.53 0.5 1.5 2.84 5.3 0. . 1 .Space available: __________ x __________ Ceiling height: ____________________________________________________________ Door height: ______________________________________________________________ Door width: ______________________________________________________________ 2 .Floor type: _______________________________________________________________ Concrete thickness: ________________________________________________________ 3 .Rigging required: Yes No Length of run to location: ____________________________________________________ 16 12 www.Concrete Pad needed: Yes No 4 .Laundry Planning Gude Facility Check List An 18-point check list to consider when laying out your new laundry.Floor condition: ____________________________________________________________ 5 .Loading dock: Yes Steps: Yes No No 7 .Floor Location: ____________________________________________________________ Above ground: ____________________________________________________________ Basement or ground level: _____ 6 . BTU / cu.edrocorp.Location of power: ________________________________________________________ Need to run new line?: Yes Laundry Planning Gude 8 .Electrical Service: No 10 .Gas service: ____________________________________________________________ Natural: _______________________________________________________________ Propane: ______________________________________________________________ 11 .Voltage: ________________________________________________________________ Phase: _________________________________________________________________ Available Amps: __________________________________________________________ 9 .com 17 13 .: ____________________________________________________________ Work needed: Yes No 12 .Water: Size of line: ______________________________________________________ Hot water capacity: _____________________________________________________ gal/hour: ______________________________________________________________ Hardness/grain: ________________________________________________________ www.ft. Thickness of wall/ceiling for vent to go through: __________________________________ Make-up air available? ____________________________________________________ 18 www.Distance from washers to drain: _____________________________________________ Height of drain: __________________________________________________________ 15 .com .edrocorp.Through roof?: Yes No Work needed: Yes No 18 .Drain: Size: _____________________________________________________________ Gravity?: _______________________________________________________________ Sump pump?: ___________________________________________________________ 14 .Ventilation for dryers: Numbers of vents: ________________________________________________________ Size of vents: ___________________________________________________________ 17 .Laundry Planning Gude 13 .Steam available?: Yes No Pressure?: _______________________________________________________________ 16 . Fax E-mail EDRO at: [email protected] parts sales service@edrocorp. The DynaWash® brand and logo are registered trademarks of The EDRO Corporation. 19 .com . Hawaii Contact EDRO Visit EDRO on the web at: www.machinery sales parts@edrocorp. DynaWash® brand washer-extractors are manufactured in accordance with Canadian Standards Association general requirements in production facilities utilizing quality assurance systems that meet best commercial business practices ensuring our ongoing commitment of product excellence.DW300SM Washer-Extractors with DynOzone .com .Halawa Correctional support & service Technical specifications and product information are based on the latest information available at the time of printing and subject to change without notice. Contact EDRO at: 800-628-6434 .Toll Free in North America + 860-828-0311 .edrocorp.International 860-828-5984 .com . 2015 DBLPG:1516 .P. CT 06023 U.S. January.O. Box 308 East Berlin.A.
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