Guía Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

March 19, 2018 | Author: Diego5194 | Category: Cross Examination, Witness, Testimony, Common Law, Prosecution



====================================================================== GYAKUTEN SAIBAN: YOMIGAERU GYAKUTEN (aka PHOENIX WRIGHT: ACE ATTORNEY) FAQ/WALKTHROUGH (version 1.10) By: neeker ====================================================================== ====================================================================== DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL STUFF ====================================================================== This walkthrough can be posted on: and their associates only, unless authorized by me. You may contact me at lestor_wong at for this purpose. Also, please note this: + + + THIS GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS! + + + In fact, it's extremely spoiler heavy due to the nature of the game. I can't just tell you to do an action without explaining why. I'll try my best to tone down the spoilers, but if you're likely to get offended by spoilers, please don't read this document. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== CONTENTS ====================================================================== 1. First Things First INTRODUCTION -----------2. Controls 3. Getting Started WALKTHROUGH ----------4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Episode Episode Episode Episode Episode One: The First Turnabout Two: Turnabout Sisters Three: Turnabout Samurai Four: Turnabout Goodbyes Five: Rise from the Ashes 9. Conclusion Appendix 1: Version history Appendix 2: FAQs Appendix 2: Credits ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 1. FIRST THINGS FIRST ====================================================================== Hi, I'm Lestor Wong. I post on by the username "neeker". This is my fifth walkthrough. Feedback can be directed to lestor_wong at This guide consists of a walkthrough of all five cases in the Nintendo DS game Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten, which is also known as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney in the US. The US version of the game hasn't been released at the time of writing, but the Japanese version of the game has a full English version bundled in. This document is written based on the translated game on the Japanese cartridge itself. It's expected that the US version of the game will be similar to this translated game. Without further ado, let's begin. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 2. CONTROLS ====================================================================== You can use the stylus for almost all the controls, so you can ignore the button. If you prefer the traditional way of playing games, however, you can refer to the following for the controls. There're primarily two sets of controls for this game: COURT CONTROLS -------------A: Next page/ confirm an action. B: Back page/ cancel an action. X: Present an evidence during a cross-examination (without using the mic). Y: Present an evidence by shouting a command into the mic when pressing Y, during cross-examination. L: Press during a cross-examination. R: Go to Court Record. D-Pad: Toggling between items in the Court Record. Start: Save game. You can save at anytime, and the game will restart from where you saved. Select: -INVESTIGATION CONTROLS ---------------------A: Next page/ confirm an action. B: Back page/ cancel an action. X: Zoom in on an evidence (from Episode Five onwards). Y: Zoom on on an evidence (from Episode Five onwards). L: Move the screen from left to right, and vice versa, if the screen is too long. R: Go to Court Record. D-Pad: Move the examine marker during an examination. Start: Save game. You can save at anytime, and the game will restart from where you saved. Select: -====================================================================== ====================================================================== 3. GETTING STARTED ====================================================================== These are the various screens you can access in this game, but the first thing you should do when you start-up the game for the first time should be to click the brown box that says "English" (ok, it's in Chinese, but it basically means "English") to go into the English version of the game. From now on, everything will be in English. Great! DECISION SCREEN --------------This is found on the bottom half of your Nintendo DS. You make decisions pertaining to the game on this screen. Clicking this screen when it has a large white arrow pointing towards the right will advance the plot on the Dialogue/ Movie Screen. During a testimony, clicking it will advance the witness's comments. During a crossexamination, clicking the relevant arrows will allow you to toggle between the different sentences that the witness has said. Basically, you do everything on this screen. DIALOGUE/ MOVIE SCREEN ---------------------This is found on the top half of your DS. Conversations that you conduct with people will appear as textboxes on this screen. People you talk to will appear on this screen when you talk to them. Places you need to examine will also appear on this screen. COURT RECORD -----------The button to access the Court Record is found on the top right corner of the Decision Screen. The Court Record basically holds everything that are of importance to the current case. It consists of both the Evidence Screen and the Profiles Screen. You can refer to the Court Record at any time. EVIDENCE SCREEN --------------The Evidence Screen shows all evidences pertaining to the current case, as well as a short description for them. When you need to present an evidence to contradict a witness's testimony during a cross-examination, you'll need to do it from this screen. PROFILES SCREEN --------------The Profiles Sceeen shows all the relevant personnel involved in the current case, as well as a short description for them. INVESTIGATION ------------Investigation is an important part of this game. You'll be spending a lot of time finding clues to solve a case, and this involves examining items and moving around. EXAMINING --------An important segment of investigation. When you're given the option to examine an area, click on the word "Examine" on the Decision Screen, and the lower screen of your DS will show a picture of the area. A pointer will be shown on the screen, and moving it around the area You can press the witness for more details or clarifications if you find that he or she isn't very truthful. PRESENTING ---------The Present button appears on the top-right corner of your Decision Screen during a cross-examination. If you use up your "quota". he'll penalise you by "exploding one exclamation mark" from your allowance. TESTIMONY --------A witness will give testimony during a trial. you can also present an evidence from your Evidence Screen to counter them. Click it. You can't do anything during the testimony. Presenting a contradicting evidence is the best way to expose a witness's lies.with your stylus will point it to different objects in the same area. If the judge doesn't agree with any objections you make. Cross-examination is one of the most important aspects of the game. it'll be added to the Court Record. so try to press only when necessary. You can present an evidence to counter a contradicting statement from a witness. click on the word "Move" on the Decision Screen. At times. your pressing could be objected by the prosecutor. These are "chances" that you've to make a wrong presentation. PRESSING -------The Press button appears on the top-left corner of your Decision Screen during a cross-examination. you may notice some "exclamation marks" on the top right corner of the Dialogue/ Movie Screen. When you present a contradicting evidence. he'll cause one of these marks to "explode". but you take this opportunity to jot down any contradicting statements. as this will be the time that you make or break a trial. and you'll get a closer look at the object. If it turns out to be of importance. which could be used in your favor during the cross-examination. Doing so will lead to you shouting "HOLD IT!" on the screen. When you're given the option to move to a new area. because if the judge doesn't agree with you. and you'll find yourself reaching that place in no time. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== . Click on any of them. MOVING -----Another important element of investigation. you can press your witness for more details. an option to "Examine" this object will appear on the bottom right corner of the screen. and at times even force them to add to their testimony. Use it to turn cases into your favor. under Evidence. you'll lose the case immediately. CROSS-EXAMINATION ----------------During a cross-examination. you'll shout "OBJECTION!" or "TAKE THAT!" on the screen. When an item of interest appears. and the lower screen of your DS will show the places you can move to. When you find a contradicting statement. You must be absolutely sure though when you present. During a cross-examination. in a bid to escape punishment. . A woman is murdered. Go back to the main screen and click on the white arrow on the touch screen to progress. Generally bad at getting his point across. Winston Payne: The prosecutor for Episode One. 4. Frank Sahwit: Discovered Ms. The lower screen is defaulted as the decision screen. er. judge. Click the Profiles button to take a look for people involved in this case. You should see an Attorney's Badge and the autopsy report. A very good defense attorney. but you can access the Court Record and other menus here by using the stylus. This brings you to the facts of the case. You'll be talking to Mia and Larry Butz. The Judge: He's the. and the identity of the murderer is immediately revealed to you. The top screen will show the in-game images and conversations. who was framed for the murder of that dead woman from the earlier cut-scene. 6. Defendant Lobby No. Pay special attention to the names of these people. 2 Date: August 3. take a look at your DS. Tap the button that says "Court Record" at the top right corner of the lower screen. 5. Chief Attorney at Fey & Co. continue to click forward until the trial begins. DAY 1: TRIAL -----------The episode begins with a cut-scene. which states the following: Time of death: 7/31. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. Cindy Stone: The victim. The evil man. A little emotional. EPISODE ONE: THE FIRST TURNABOUT ====================================================================== Characters: 1. she lived in an apartment by herself. 9:47am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're Phoenix Wright. Before you proceed. the defendant as you do this. 3. Which is where you come in. Nice racks. 4:00pm-5:00pm Cause of death: Loss of blood due to blunt trauma. Happens to be lying. and this is your first case. After that. immediately devised a plan to frame someone else for the crime. Mia Fey: Your boss. click the Evidence button to check out items you've in your possession now. Newspaper salesman who saw Larry flee the scene.4. A model. Stone's body. 2. A likeable guy who was Wright's friend in grade school. too. You'll be defending for a friend of yours. Larry Butz: The defendant. To choose an answer. which was found lying on the floor. Stop him from answering. To ascertain whether you're indeed ready to defend for your client. he'll eventually ask Butz what does he think of the victim. Some evidences may appear to be useless at one time. Once you get past these questions. the judge will put you through a test. The passport will be added as an evidence in the Court Record. after revealing that she has a number of "sugar daddies". NOTE: If you haven't check out the Court Record previously. The judge will now ask the Prosecutor Payne what was the object that was used to kill the victim. and answers. next to the victim. State the name of the defendant in this case. Mia will encourage you to pay attention to any evidence added during the trial. Cindy Stone.. and he'll remind you that your conduct during this trial will decide the fate of your client. Q. b. As Payne continues to corner Butz. use the stylus to click on the desired answer. Payne will reply that the murder weapon is the statue of "The Thinker". NOTE: Use the Court Record button to check the records frequently. Be sure to note the new evidence of the victim's passport . What's the victim's name? A. the judge will be convinced that you're ready for the case. you won't have the answer to this. which involved the definition of "being dumped". of course : Q. Wait and see what happens. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The court is now in session for the trial.. These are the questions. The prosecution will now call upon Larry.? A.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. You'll have three choices for each question.she was in Paris until the day before she died. the statue will be added to the Court Record. but will be the key to your victory when the time is right. Q. you'll somehow still "forget". Answer them clearly and concisely. 2 Date: August 3. Mia will then ask you to check out the records for the victim's name. What's the cause of death? She died because she was. You now have a choice to: a. However. Courtroom No. Hit with a blunt object. . Larry Butz. The test will consist of a few simple questions. When this was established. Talk to the judge. Take note of it. NOTE: The passport will be a key evidence in this case. even if you read the record earlier. Check out the hilarious exchanges between Payne and Butz. A. Now. SAHWIT'S TESTIMONY 1 -------------------Sahwit claims that he discovered the body at 1:00pm. he's looks familiar. click the "Present" button. SAHWIT'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ---------------------------When Sahwit says he's too scared to go inside the house. But since the time of death is after 4pm. he'll follow up by saying that he wanted to call the police immediately. Payne will present a Blackout Report that confirms that electricity to the victim's building was cut from noon to 6:00pm on the day of the crime. This Blackout Report will be added to the court record. In fact. but the phone in her apartment wasn't working. look for the autopsy report. Payne will then ask Butz whether he went to the victim's place on the day of the murder. then press "Present" to show the contradicting evidence . I'd suggest you tell him to answer honestly. Butz will make it difficult for you. who claims to have seen Butz "fleeing from the scene of crime". It's more fun in my opinion! SAHWIT'S TESTIMONY 2 -------------------Sahwit will now claim that a voice from the TV in the deceased's house confirmed the time as 1:00pm. then shout "HOLD IT!" or "OBJECTION!" into the mic to press or present. As such. Frank Sahwit. I'll just list the correct answer to the questions that you've to answer. the victim could not be dead by 1:00pm. SAHWIT'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 . and watch him sweat.. Click the "Press" button and ask him if he didn't enter the house.. NOTE: The Blackout Report has an important information that could prove to be useful later. how did he know that the phone wasn't working? Sahwit will then confirm the time that he found the body as 1:00pm. NOTE: You can press the "Y" button. Payne will then call upon a witness. which is why he had to go elsewhere to make the call. The next part of the game will involve Sahwit giving his testimony. Pay attention to what he has to say. He also claims that he didn't call the police immediately because a blackout in the building has caused the cordless phone in the victim's house to stop working. But choose answer b to put pressure on the prosecutor.Whichever choice you make. wait.the autopsy notes the time of death at sometime after 4:00pm. This bugger is none other than Mr. NOTE: From now on. They're full of loopholes. he's the murderer from the earlier cut-scene. she must surely been watching a taped program. and you cross-examining him. But wait! Remember the passport? When Mia asked you whether you've any idea that can save the case. It looks like you've failed. When it's 4:00pm in Japan. The clock wasn't three hours slow. you can't be sure. because he "Went into the apartment". Now. Sahwit will collapse in the witness stand. granted.the murder weapn wasn't a clock. He'll rebut that yes.. then present the statue as a contradicting evidence ... Payne will come in and confirm that the Statue is indeed also a table clock . no. say "yes". Defendant Lobby No. Then. the clock is three hours slow now. but how can you be sure it was three hours slow on the day of the crime? Well. then present the passport as evidence. The time difference between Japan and Paris is nine hours. but instead "saw" it from a table clock in the apartment. present the Blackout Record as a contradicting evidence Prosecutor Payne has confirmed that there was a blackout from noon to 6:00pm. The TV won't be working if it's 4:00pm then. SAHWIT'S TESTIMONY 3 -------------------Flustered. he talks about the clock being used as the murder weapon. The victim only returned home from Paris a day before the murder.---------------------------When Sahwit talks about hearing the time of the death from the taped program. But. This is clearly a contradiction. it's 1:00am the next day in Paris. 2 Date: August 3. SAHWIT'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 ---------------------------Wait till Sahwit talks about the clock being the murder weapon. How can a statue be a clock? In a moment of frenzy. Say Yes . Choose the one that says "try sounding the clock". Now.. Sahwit is a tough fighter. but a statue. you can press the "Y" button and then shout "TAKE THAT!" into the mic to present it. which is exactly the discrepancy between what Sahwit heard and the actual time of death.the only way he could have known the weapon was a clock is to hold it in his hand. Sahwit will now claim he didn't "hear" the time afterall. and he'll declare that the defendant is not guilty! Case won! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. You're given three choices to prove your theory. and will eventually be arrested. It was nine hours fast! NOTE: When you've a decisive evidence to present. 2:32pm . since it has been established that the Statue is also a clock. Ok. Watch the judge praise you. when asked. The judge will now ask you to make grounds for your claims. This will prove that the clock is three hours slow."just twist the neck and it will say out the time". The judge will ask do you have any problems with Sahwit's testimony now. strangely. The truth will need some evidence to support though. Yet Sahwit testified that he never entered the apartment. tell the judge that the witness knew it was a clock. And my promise to tell the chief about me and Larry. I didn't know it then. Also. but that clock was soon going to be at the center of another incident. The game will prompt you to save now. Testifies that she saw Maya commit the murder. Bellboy: The bellboy at the Gatewater Hotel.. but why not help a friend feel better? At the end of the chapter. You've unlocked a brand new episode." Episode completed.. you'll reflect on the case: "And so. Redd White: An eye witness. 3.. read the phone conversation between Mia and Maya. Miles Edgeworth: A gifted prosecutor. Maya Fey: Mia's sister. Bluecorp. Nick. or rather. my first trial came to a close. 6. Mia's mentor. A very good defense attorney. NOTE: There's no penalty for getting this wrong. then watch the beginning scene. DAY 1: INVESTIGATION -------------------Confirm the episode. she's also the victim this time round. The Judge: Good ol' Judge. try catching the joke of Mia calling Larry "Harry". it's good to have friends!' But I'm pretty sure he's not going to pay me. Unless you count the clock he gave Mia. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 5. Dick Gumshoe: Detective at the local precint. 9. 7. Unfortunately. Marvin Grossberg: A veteran defense attorney. 'Gee. 4. CEO of the information gathering company. In charge of the initial investigation. 2. and a ruthless man who'd do anything to get a "guilty" verdict.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mia wants you to show something to Larry to let him know that Cindy actually cares a lot for him. Larry slapped me on the back and said. 8. 5. The defendant of this case. which Larry made for Cindy. April May: An eye witness to the evebts. She brought it to Paris. even though it's quite a heavy clock to carry on a travel. EPISODE TWO: TURNABOUT SISTERS ====================================================================== Characters: 1. Mia Fey: Your boss. Chief Attorney at Fey & Co. would be one promise that I wouldn't be able to keep.. Mia wants to Maya to help . Choose the statue-cum-clock. Law Offices Date: September 5. and choose "Office" when the game asks you where do you want to move to. 9:27am. you'll suddenly find a piece of paper. You were wondering about the whereabouts of Mia. Examine the phone to find a few of the screws on the receive missing. The girl will soon pass out. These will be added to the Court Record as well. "The Thinker" lying next to her must have been the murder weapon. at 8:57pm on the same day. you'll call the police. You'll now be introduced to the investigation procedure. Next. The conversation ended with an assault on Mia. which could've fallen from Mia's hand. Exit from the body. and is apparently calling the police as well! Ignore her for the moment. When given the choices. Remember it. You'll have to talk to this girl. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Fey & Co. Since there isn't much to examine here. then click "what happened".hold some papers for her. This will be added to the Court Record. and examine the small piece of paper that is just to the right of Mia. when you smell blood. A mysterious person is trying to get some papers from Mia. . As you're about to stop the examination. and it says "Maya". who's killed as a result. move to the other office to find the girl. and they made an arrangement to meet up in the evening. A word is written in Mia's own blood (presumably) on this scrap of paper. Must be pieces of the glass light stand lying broken in the back of the room. Examine will let you look around the room for clues. 9:08pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At 9:08pm. click "Talk". The offendor's face is also revealed to you. which means she has been killed not very long ago. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Fey & Co. She'll reveal that she's Maya Fey. Examine Mia's body to find that she was struck on the head with a blunt object. She probably died instantly. Law Offices Date: September 5. The paper is actually a receipt from a department store. The conversation is recorded at September 5. NOTE: This receipt is the decisive evidence for this case. Law Offices. 8:57pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next scene brings us to Fey & Co. since you can't do anything about it now. you arrived back at the office. At this point. dated yesterday. Remember the piece of paper that says "Maya" you found just now? Hmm. choose "Move". It looks like someone was halfway through taking it apart. Now. Move will bring us a menu for you to go to another area. Someone has saw you. The Thinker will now be added to the Court Record. Leaving her. and a sobbing girl beside her. You'll be given a choice either to "Examine" or "Move". you approach Mia's body to find that it's still warm. There're also some glass shards near Mia's body. you'll be immediately interrupted by a loud scream from outside the window. Watch the cut-scene as you find the dead body of Mia. The evidence was supposed to be kept in The Thinker. Now. Nevertheless. Even though the odds are stacked against her. I was taken in for questioning and didn't get out until the next morning.) is the man you should interact with now. Ask her more about spirit mediums. Next. Mia is a powerful spirit medium as well. a. He'll find the receipt. She'll tell you that she has arranged to meet Mia. you'll get to talk to Maya. you'll feel extremely bad. You'll be given three choices to reply her. Before you know it. Do so. Apparently. Move back to . and he'll arrest Maya based on the "dying message".. My eyes were heavy. She'll tell you that she's Mia's younger sister. "in case she gets into trouble". To prevent sounding like a loser. to help her hold onto an important piece of evidence. and found that Mia was already dead. switch the conversation to "the day of the crime". she isn't exactly confident of your pedigree. I had to talk to Maya as soon as possible. To Maya will write you Record. Detective Dick Gumshoe (what. then move to "Grossberg Law Offices". Be a man. waiting for visiting hours to begin at the detention center. I sat around. only to find that Gumshoe has remind you to get hold of the phone from Gumshoe.. Of course. As the conversation progresses. a memo. she was here because Mia wanted her to keep some evidence for her. that's stretching the plot a 9:07am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Maya. Visitor's Room Date: September 6. you'll be her attorney. was arrested on the spot. even though you've agreed to help Maya. and Maya will express a level of shock. Must be the woman just now.Maya will inform you that she came into the office. You'll find that she's actually a spirit medium in training. She has asked you to her her look for a lawyer that was previously recommended by Mia. Maya. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. Now. This memo will be added to your Court Now. Your next move should be to present the paper to Maya. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Grossberg Law Offices Date: September 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grossberg is not in the office. Why would Mia write her name?After this. this evidence would be kept in the statue that Larry made. ask her about "you and the Chief". you listen to the recording of their phone "your Cell Phone". Present the receipt. who called the police. and tell her. and she'll ask you to be her attorney. duh! Come back later. the police will rush into the room. You'll now talk about what happens next: "Mia's younger sister. gracefully accept the request. Click taken the phone. Maya will let conversation. and then you'll hear the police siren. but I couldn't sleep. yes. somehow you know she's not the murderer. The purpose of doing this is to gain access to Maya's cell phone. as April suddenly appears to stop you from doing so. Wait. click "Detective Gumshoe". A bottle and two glasses are on the table. He'll be happy that you remember his name. You can see the Fey and Co. This will be added to your Court Record. Time to go there and pay her a visit. What did Gumshoe say? Oh. Law Offices" then. her name is April May. After that. witness? Who? Oh. You can see the inside of the room pretty clearly from here. He'll will end off by warning you not to talk to the witness. Continue your examination by checking out the table near the window. then click the Check button on the bottom right corner of the bottom screen to listen to the recorded conversation. Something is going on here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gatewater Hotel . Note: TWO glasses.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Fey and Co. Use this opportunity to examine her room. Law Offices Date: September 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meet Gumshoe here. After talking about Edgeworth. talk to him about "Maya" to get the information that Prosecutor Edgeworth will be in charge of the prosecution. Continue through the conversation until you can talk to him. Law Offices Building across the street. she . Now check the window. that means she's still in the hotel across the way. After some deliberation. which states: Time of death: 9/5 at 9:00pm Cause of death: Single blunt force trauma. Go to the Court Record now to select the cell phone. click "tell him not so straight". See the drawer on the left side of the screen? Examine it. Move to "Gatewater Hotel".Room 303 Date: September 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to April until she tells you that she wants to go "freshen up". Hmm. as usual. Now. Gumshoe will pass the phone to you. since you don't want him to know about the phone recording. What? She won't be allowed to leave her room until the trial? So. Somebody must be staying with her. Talk to him about "Mia" to gain access to the autopsy report. Death was instantaneous. go to the Evidence screen to find Maya's memo. end the conversation with Gumshoe."Fey and Co. Talk to him about "Edgeworth" now. You can now see Edgeworth's profile under the Profile screen. the woman who screamed while you were checking out the phone in Mia's office. but you can't.. but it would be a little difficult to recognize a face from this distance though. then present it to Gumshoe. When the game prompts you to remember his name. Regardless of what you ask her. When you've to select an answer. Go back now and talk to April. Now leave and return to the Detention Center. At the end of the visitation time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gatewater Hotel . your effort won't be in vain. you'll have to make a decision whether to pursue this case.. so go back to Grossberg's office to see whether the elite lawyer is back. Mr. This is the cue for you to return to Gatewater Hotel. Talk to Grossberg. Since April is not around. Talk to him now and select "your refusal". Visitor's Room Date: September 6. helped the police. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. The bellboy will also pass you a message to pass to April: ". Talk to Maya. Now. Break the news to her that Grossberg has refused the case. April is nowhere to be found. then watch the cut-scene about the mysterious drawer at April's room. It's important. 3:42pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're back at the Detention Center with Maya now.. White of Bluecorp phoned. There's nothing else you can do here. A wiretap? What's April doing with a wiretap? Anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Grossberg Law Offices Date: September 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This time round. this is the chance for you to snoop around. and she'll reveal some details about a murder case from 15 years ago. Interesting. Instead.Room 303 Date: September 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you're back at this room. and he'll even confuse you further by saying that no lawyer worth their salt will take on this case. you'll see a bellboy there. particularly about a man called "White". but gave the police the wrong leads." Hmm. Her mother. and he seems to know about Maya's case before you elaborate. Look out for the interesting points of this case. tell her "I can't abandon you". a spirit medium as well. Make a pact with Maya to trust each other. He'll tell you that is his favorite piece. you should talk to him about the painting in his office. Select "Defend Maya" to make a decision to defend her regardless of whether she agrees or not. and he wouldn't part with it for anything. quickly examine the drawer to find a wiretap. leading to a wrongful arrest. quickly leave now as April will come back as soon as you . and he'll strangely refuse to represent her point blank. Now. When she asks you why. White was the name of the guy who ruined Mia and Maya's mother.won't bulge. You'll find no logical explanation. retrieved the wiretap into your Court Record. The game will now prompt you to save. DAY 2: TRIAL -----------Let the trial begin! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court, Courtroom No. 1 Date: September 7, 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first witness that Edgeworth calls upon will be Gumshoe. Gumshoe will provide the details of the murder by the use of a floor plan. This will be added to your Court Record. GUMSHOE'S TESTIMONY 1 --------------------Nothing you didn't know of. Mentioned that has has "hard evidence" to arrest Maya. GUMSHOE'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ----------------------------You'll need to do some bluffing now, since you don't really know what is there to cross-examine. When Gumshoe says that he immediately arrested Maya when he reached the scene of crime, press him. He'll reply that he had a witness account describing Maya. Press again and ask him didn't he mentioned earlier that he has a "hard evidence" to arrest Maya? What's with the witness then? Gumshoe will deny that he mentioned "hard evidence", but the judge will concur with you. The detetive will have to testify once more. GUMSHOE'S TESTIMONY 2 --------------------This time, he'll mention about the receipt that has the blood-written "Maya" on it. GUMSHOE'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 ----------------------------When Gumshoe talks about finding blood on Mia's hand, and that lab results showed that the blood that wrote the words "Maya" belongs to Mia, etc., present the autopsy report - if death was instantaneous as mentioned in the report, how could Mia actually write the words? Edgeworth will object you right away though, and he'll ask you when did you obtain the autopsy report. If you remember, you got it "the day after the murder". Edgeworth will then present a second autopsy, which states that: "Death was ALMOST IMMEDIATE due to a blow from a blunt object... but there was a possibility the victim lived for several minutes after the blow." Edgeworth will press you now, so reply that "the detective is a sham!" and put all the blame on Gumshoe for giving you a faulty report. The new autopsy report will now overwrite the previous report. Edgeworth will now call upon the "innocent" April to the stands. She'll woo the crowd with her charm and make life difficult for you. APRIL'S TESTIMONY 1 ------------------At 9:00pm, April looked out of the window, and she saw a woman with long hair being attacked. The person attacking her was the girl in the defendant's chair (that is, Maya). Then, the girl who was hit got up and ran away, while the girl who hit her caught up and hit her. The court will try not to let you cross-examine April, since her testimony is very firm. But when you're given a choice whether you want to, say "yes, I'm doing it". APRIL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 --------------------------Press her immediately when she said that she was looking out of the window at 9:00pm. Ask her why did she look out. Was she expecting to see something? She'll avoid answering. When given a choice whether to press further about this, back down. Edgeworth is a strong opponent and he'll almost certainly object to your pressing, which will be deemed trivial. Let April continue, then when she said that she saw Maya, press her and ask her why she was so sure that it was Maya. She'll give some silly excuses about girlish physique, etc., and Edgeworth will back her up, saying that the only person with a girlish physique at the scene of crime is Maya. Now, you'll be given a choice to attack this testimony. Select "I question this testimony". Then, select "you're lying" - if April has really saw Maya, she'd have noticed Maya's clothes before noticing her physique. Maya has been in her spirit medium costume since the day of the crime. No one wears clothes like this on a daily basis. Somehow, April will get away with this by acting blur. Time for more testimony from her. APRIL'S TESTIMONY 2 ------------------April's second testimony claims that the victim dodged the first attack and ran off to the right. Then the defendant ran after her and hit her with the weapon. She was, amazingly, able to identify the weapon as a statue-cum-clock, from that distance. APRIL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 --------------------------Wait till April talks about the statue-cum-clock, then present the statue as a contradicting evidence. How did she know, just by looking at the statue, that it's also a clock? Remember, another person in much the same position as her recently called this a 'clock' too, and he was found guilty of murder. Edgeworth will object you, and regard your questions as "trivial" once again. But you're onto something, and you'll automatically object his objection (cool). The judge will concur with you. You can continue your crossexamination. April will continue to lie through her skin now, telling the court that she "heard" the clock from her room. Expose her lie by telling the court that the clock "wouldn't have rung". Why? Because "it's empty". The clock is missing its clockwork, as first revealed in Mia's teleconversation with Maya. Edgeworth will not give up. He knows the clockwork was empty, and he argues that if the clockwork is removed after the witness heard the clock, then there is no contradiction. Can you prove when the clockwork was removed? You can. Present the cell phone record of Mia and Maya's conversation, which clearly states that Mia removed the clockwork way before the time of death, even way before May checks in at the hotel. April still won't give up. She argues that she has saw the clock in a shop before. Click "yes" when the judge asks whether you've anymore questions. Present the statue again - remember what Larry told you in the last case? This clock was never in any store. It was made by himself for Cindy, and given to Mia eventually. Only two of these exist in the world, and the one that isn't here is in police custody since it was the weapon that killed Cindy. Proceed with the conversation with April and the judge until you're given all the opportunity to explain the truth. When asked to do so, tell April that she knows that the weapon was a clock because "she heard about it". Present the wiretap now to prove this - April has been tapping on Mia's phone. Edgeworth will object (again), but the judge will brush him aside. He'll then dare you to prove that by tapping Mia's phone, April will know that the weapon is a clock. Present the cell phone record again, and listen to the conversation once more to prove this. April will put on a show now, crying and all that. It's time to deal the final blow. Click "you did it, didn't you?". This will cause her to slip her tongue and admit that she tapped Mia's phone. But she also has an alibi - she was getting room service from the bellboy at 9:00pm on the day of the crime. Call the bellboy. Accept the condition that if nothing comes out from the bellboy, Maya will be declared guilty on the spot. You're taking a huge gamble now. BELLBOY'S TESTIMONY ------------------The Bellboy received a call after 8:00pm from April, who asked for an ice coffee to be brought to her at 9:00pm, on the dot. The bellboy brought it to her at precisely the requested time, personally. BELLBOY'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ----------------------------You'll find nothing from the Bellboy, who has no reasons to lie. Try pressing at various stops, until Edgeworth will suggest to the judge to let the Bellboy leave. Plead for one last question, and "ask about check-in", which will reveal that April actually checked-in with another person. That's the revelation you needed! Enjoy the explanation of what happened in this rather tedious case. When asked to choose who's the murderer, simply answer "the man who checked-in with Miss May" (duh!). The court will adjourn after that, but the case won't be over. Not yet. All the outcome will .Room 303 Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ever-present Bellboy is here again. and you'll get a lead. wasn't there a giant painting hanging on that wall when you came here previously? The game will prompt you to remember what the painting was about. The Bellboy also mentioned that if you've a photo of that man. but she was caught and struck. Exhibit shows a man with purple hair. Something's been written in pencil on the backs: "DL-6 Incident . Photos! Two of them. examine the wall. this is an important evidence.. 1 Date: September 7. NOTE: You can only take one photograph with you. 3:11pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to April. Go to the hotel again. She has been arrested. No matter what you say.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. DAY 2: INVESTIGATION -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center." This testimony is now added to the Court Record for tomorrow. Next. Notice now that there're something new on the table. Exhibit A shows a woman who looks familiar.Exhibit B" View both the photos. actually. she won't bulge. Click "fishmen". 2:24pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Maya until the conversation is over. what's left of her testimony is this: "The victim dodged an attack then ran to the right. so to say. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Grossberg Law Offices Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back to Grossberg's office again. NOTE: It doesn't matter what you click. Defendant Lobby No. Examine them.Exhibit A" "DL-6 Incident . hey. The old man is once again out of office. The identity of the mysterious man is still at large. NOTE: Again. Vistor's Room Date: September 7. Talk to him about "the man with Miss May". in fact. After the court became certain that April was lying. It's almost decisive. Save your game now. Take Exhibit B and add it to the Court Record. during her testimony. Bear that in mind. A "lady killer". by the way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gatewater Hotel .. he'll be able to identify him. a lot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Grossberg Law Offices Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grossberg will be in his office now. Jackpot. ask him about that painting. and Mr. This will be a great blow to her. but it's not what you think). You'll find that you've no way of putting him on the witness the same regardless of what you click. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Bluecorp Inc. CEO's Office Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may notice the very familiar painting in this office. White (in that sequence). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. threaten to bring this to the press if she doesn't bulge. "push her hard" (er. this doesn't sound very nice. gave it away to White? Select "he's blackmailing you". Now. She'll talk. but she'll quickly regain composure. The bellboy will be eager to write an affidavit to confirm that the man in the photograph is the man who checked-in with April. but we'll come to that later. Ask him about Bluecorp. then move towards there. This will be added to the Court Report. Follow these by asking him about the big painting. and present the photograph of the man to her. Tell him that you've seen it before. then talk to him about today's trial. Bluecorp is a company that excels in finding people's weaknesses. and he'll tell you that he's in the business of buying and selling various kinds of information. an "information gathering agency". who like the painting so much. and he'll try to turn her into a scapegoat. The nature of White's company makes it easy for him to blackmail anyone in town. Vistor's Room Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back to April. and watch him turn nasty. Continue talking to him. Now. Allow him to do so. who happens to be April's boss. and he won't reveal anything unless you manage to do so. Grossberg will finally agree to talk. Present the Bellboy's Affidavit now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gatewater Hotel . The man in question is Redd White. The bellboy will confirm that he's the man who checked-in with April. He's the head of Bluecorp. his refusal to help. . and blackmailing them in the process. Go back to Grossberg now. now about the night of the murder. Clear your throat to get his attention. NOTE: The Bellboy's Affidavit will be discarded now. Why did Grossberg.Room 303 Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present the photograph you found at Grossberg's office to the Bellboy. You'll find out that White makes his living through intimidation. Talk to White about April. Get the location of Bluecorp from April. Watch her face change. but he doesn't seem to have notice you. Yes. The other was the man who sold the information to the press. that runs in my family.. Read it.P.. ask him why was he blackmailed over this. I get it! Mia thought he was involved in these 'suicides'! White drove them all to. I held an audience with the dead. Misty Fey. You'll be asked to select which files to look at. When you reach "W". One was MARVIN GROSSBERG.S. his name is. Finally." Newspaper Clipping added to your Court Record! Examine the shelves once more. and you'll find out that it's somehow linked with Mia and Maya's mother. White offered Grossberg riches for the information about the police wrongly trusting Mdm Fey. the murder case still remained unsolved.. you'll find a number of reports on suicides. Apparently. select "File 'A-I'". It was then that White came in with the blackmail. You'll also notice that: "There's writing on most of these in pencil. my mother vanished. I can use these newspaper clippings." The record stops here. It says: "'I've tarnished the Fey name. etc. Next. Probe him about the incident. policemen. a lawyer who sold my mother's information for riches. At the end of "S". With the new knowledge that you've.. Let's find the most distressing one. The game will ask whether you'd want to check the files once more. you'll find the file for "Misty Fey". these suicides involve politicians. It was quite simple. And it was all because of the DL-6 Incident. Under "F". The police suffered as a result. but choose to "Skim" through the reports nonetheless. strangely. Wait.. I was determined to find the ones who had made my mother blame herself in this way.' Leaving only three words. visit Bluecorp again. who makes his fortune on threats and coercion.. the names of two men surfaced. Grossberg will now point you to Mia's office for the next clues. Even though Grossberg managed to help Mdm Fey out of trouble during the DL-6 Incident. Select "check 'em". Law Offices Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at Mia's office.. which you saw on the back of the photographs. you'll find that the entire "W" section is missing.. then go to "File 'T-Z'" now. examine the shelves again for "File 'J-S'".?' This is Mia's handwriting. and then revealed this to the media. Now. This parasite. and have been looking for the person who released the information ever since.Grossberg has been paying them for 15 years now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Fey and Co. Using the E. it's quite clear now that the other photograph in Grossberg's office is that of their mother. examine the shelves now for the cases that she has worked on. Nothing much here. 'White. In fact. CEO's Office Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to the scum. and ask what can she do for you. After the conversation with her. Yes. Defendant Lobby No. But if this is the only way to get White to testify in court. just like in the movies! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. At least you helped Mia to look after her sister well enough. most with a guilty verdict. These buggers are in it together. The good thing is. Court Room No. which was about the fall of a politician. This is it. Tell White that you knew that he blackmailed the politician until he committed. and you'll reveal that you'll be defending yourself. Gumshoe will appear in no time to take you into custody. There's actually nothing she can do. and please. Lengthy court proceedings are no long realistic. don't ask her to "break you out of here"! Just joke and ask her to cheer you on. yet with crime it's the same old story. It's me or him!" DAY 3 . and that the murderer is YOU. Visitor's Room Date: September 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maya will visit you. 1 Date: September 9. 9:52am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edgeworth will summon White to the witness stands immediately. WHITE'S TESTIMONY 1 ------------------At about 9:00pm on the day of the crime. this is it. 1 Date: September 9. Instead. since it'll lead you nowhere. you end the day by thinking: "It's the beginning of a new century. Beginning a few years ago. then further tell him that's "you're wrong" until he calls the public prosecutor. Almost all finish in a day. a "nasty accident" will happen to you. present the newspaper clipping to him. Tomorrow. Maya will be released. Continue to argue with him as he tells you all sort of crap. White claims that he was . this will be the only way to attack him in court as well. a limit of three days was put on initial court trials. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. you've been arrested. He mentions now that he's willing to testify in court because he has seen the murder took place. the true culprit will appear as a witness. Don't bother with raising an objection. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court.Scene: Bluecorp Inc. There's no point talking to him now. I ever though I'd end up in the defendant's chair myself. White threatens that if you continue to pester him.TRIAL ------------So. it's getting worse. This is your chance. This will bring up the floor plan on the top screen. When White said that you must have misheard her. she ran to the right. as requested by the judge. you won't nail him so easily. You know what this means. if he was watching from this point. Ok. then click Present. You chased. etc. so he turned to look at the building across the way. There's only one scenario that would explain their conflicting accounts . don't you? The only way White could've seen Mia ran left. we haven't reach this part yet. and he'll say that the victim ran to the left when she was attacked. Present April's Testimony . press him by saying that it contradicts what April has seen. You'll ponder for a moment. and you gave chased. WHITE'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 --------------------------White's testimony is almost perfect. she first ran to the left. This is the position of the murderer. the woman with long hair ran. Ok. Edgeworth will then ask where could he have been? You'll reply that he was at the law offices. since she'd have been running directly away from the door. He called April over at once. to show the positions of the killer and Mia. White will ask for a chance to testify again. and there was a terrible impaction. to him it would appear that she ran to the "left". then the judge will ask you whether you can explain why April and White saw the direction differently. you gave chase.. which clearly stated that the victim ran 'right'. This is when April saw her. He heard a bedlam outside. Maya will suggest that she doesn't think that White is lying about him seeing Mia ran left.White said the victim ran to the 'left'. is when he's facing Mia directly during the murder . When you assaulted the victim. but when he said that he saw YOU attacking the victim. . and it's difficult to find a weakness in it. Tell the judge "both are right". April has specifically mentioned a "girl". It's easy to understand why the victim will NOT run to the left. and delivered the final blow. But that directly contradicts April's testimony.Mia running to her right would have been perceived as running to White's left. Then. and then you hit her. WHITE'S TESTIMONY 2 ------------------White now claims that both April's and his testimonies are correct. Move your stylus to the red circle with a "K". This will be added to his testimony. You'll also be added to point out on the screen the location of White on the screen.reading some papers by the window. Let him go on this one.the witness wasn't viewing the crime from the hotel. When the victim ran for the door. Then. and saw you attacking a woman with long hair. Still. with the last of her strength. White will reply that he's very confident of his eyesight. you'll tell him to look at the floor plans. Try pressing a little on the timings. Anyway. Tell him to be more specific. and it was all over. The statement that you'll really want to press is the one where he says that the victim ran. White will be very adamant that he saw Mia ran "left". Remember that. You'll find nothing to present against White as he rattles on. And the only place you could have seen that from. The top screen will show the floor plan now.Note that he's now claiming you've hit her TWICE. and you'll find yourself going through the testimony over and over again without progress. thus he'd have seen the light stand is in the office then. is inside the Fey Law Offices. White must have been at the Fey Offices before the day of murder to place the wiretap. When he does that. I'll bet my last dollar that it's for buying the light stand. He saw the glass light stand then. Tell him to deal with it. but she dodged. you'll know immediately that the receipt that has Maya's name on it will come into play . if White has looked through the windom of the office. WHITE'S TESTIMONY 4 ------------------White will testify that it was the beginning of September. Reply "yeah. This will cause you to press further. the week before the murder. Force him to change his testimony to him seeing the glass light stand. Fool. He'll reply that it's the glass light stand. Edgeworth will now call for a 10-minute break because "the witness is obviously confused".the victim died from a single blow. not two blows. His point is that. he was at the scene of the crime when the murder took place. White will also feign a stomach upset to try and get out of being cross-examined by you. The way to get out of this is to . the stand is not within the visible area .remember that the receipt was for buying something on the day before the murder. quickly present the floor plans to counter him. Edgeworth is still around though! He'll now try to convince White to admit "the crime of placing the wiretap". WHITE'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 --------------------------Wipe that smile off White's face by presenting the autopsy report when he says that you delivered the final blow . Maya will ask you do you find this statement odd.the only time you could have seen the stand must have been the moment it fell. Now. In other words. But you'll object right away. WHITE'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 4 --------------------------This is a little tricky. The crowd and the judge will be on your side. Then. You then attacked her. he saw Mia running to the left. Obviously. if you're me. that he placed the wiretap. She then ran to the right and you deliver the killer blow. and White has to testify again.. press him about what was "that thing" that fell. WHITE'S TESTIMONY 3 ------------------White's final testimony claims that he looked at the other window when he heard that thing fall. WHITE'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 --------------------------Immediately into his first sentence. very odd". which has a list of people's names in Mia's handwriting. You'll be given a "last chance" to fight the case. Ponder about giving up. I was personally shot down by jumping the gun before Mia "appeared". This means that when White "allegedly" entered the Fey offices. Mia (in Maya's body) will tell you never to give up. 1 Date: September 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find yourself at the waiting lobby next. Thanks. 1:16pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversations. Court Room No. People in finance.000. Even though the judge will allow the day's grace.. Mia will threaten to turn this list . present the receipt . This is a memo from Mia.. Way to go. Defendant Lobby No. Maya's true powers were awaken. That's when it happened. Similarly you'll be shot down by the judge if you do so. The receipt. There will come a time when you realised that you've no more ammos to fight. Maya is channeling Mia. presenting the receipt during the crossexamination will be useless. engage in conversation to find that when you were defeated in court. every single sentence that White says. WHITE's CROSS-EXAMINATION 4 (CONTINUED) --------------------------------------When White talks about the the week before the murder. Object the request. He'll ask for one more day. every single sentence. with its new revelation. Many of them sounded strangely familiar. is updated in your Court Record. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. 1 Date: September 9. and he's right. the stand could not have been there. purchased on the day before the murder." "It" is when White goes berserk. There's no concrete proof that you're innocent. Edgeworth. and Mia is standing right in front of you! Hey. and you'll narrate the following progress: "The memo Mia had given me was a list of names. Present this memo. You must wait for this conversation with Mia to reveal the contents of the Receipt.00 Item purchased: Glass Light Stand Date of Purchase: September 4 Someone say hell yeah! NOTE: Before Mia "appeared". and that's when the judge asks whether you want to give up. famous celebrities.Glass light stand. and then you'll hear Mia's voice! "Never give up. Mia will intervene. Phoenix!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. She'll also bring your attention now to the receipt: Amount spent: $1. like. isn't she. She'll ask you to read a note aloud. Maya is also Mia now. So. DEAD? Ok. And I mean. Edgeworth won't give up. Dick Gumshoe: You know him too. LAW OFFICES! Maya Fey will become your new assistant. She'll arrange a meeting with you at the office for this evening. Jack Hammer: The victim. Action star who plays the title role in "The Steel Samurai" TV show. Claims she saw Powers heading to the scene. Dee Vasquez: Producer of "The Steel Samurai". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Fey and Co. Present at the day of the crime. Present at the studio on the day of the crime. in charge of large props and set pieces. big name action star. Save your game. Law Offices Date: September 9. 7. 5. White will then confess. Cody Hackins: A big fan of Steel Samurai. 4. 2:24pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Mia. You'll also notice that the office is now officially WRIGHT & CO. Penny Nichols: Assistant at Global Studios. 3. Watch the very nice cut-scene of you shaking hands with Maya. Wou won! A "spirited" fightback! Enjoy the sweet smell of success! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. A spirit medium with inconsistent powers. Bring Maya to eat some burgers to end this Episode. 9. Will Powers: The defendant. EPISODE THREE: TURNABOUT SAMURAI ====================================================================== Characters: 1. She'll tell you that Mia wrote her a note to "take care of Phoenix". Sal Manella: Creator of "The Steel Samurai". . 2. 1 Date: September 9. as the spirit of Mia looks on. Miles Edgeworth: You know him. 6. 9:02pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Maya there. Defendant Lobby the media if White doesn't admit to his guilt. Maya Fey: Your trusty sidekick/ partner. 10. Played the role of the Evil Magistrate. Wendy Oldbag: Security guard at Global Studios. A former. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 6. 8. When he woke up. There was a rehearsal scheduled for 5:00pm. and worked through some action scenes till noon. DAY 1: INVESTIGATION -------------------Confirm the episode and watch the cut-scene as two samurais dish it out on the screen. He mentions that he came into the studios at 9:00am. 8:14am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're awaken from your sleep by an early morning phone call from Maya. This TV program is a hit series among kids and some teenagers like Maya. and discovered that it was Jack Hammer. Law Offices Date: October 14. He had been expertly skewered with the "Samurai Spear". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Phoenix Wright's Bedroom Date: October 16. They took off his mask. it . the phone will ring. Maya will pick it up and realise that it was Powers on the line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. but when the time came. He'll tell you that the cast was at Global Studios for a run-through of an episode. The judge: Same old geezer. the "Steel Samurai" was arrested for "killing a villain". dead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. Ask Powers about his alibi next. 9:22am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out the TV news for more updates of the case. Apparently. He wants YOU to defend him. He took a nap in the dressing room after lunch. The "Samurai Spear" is believed to be the weapon. After the news. but the business is not coming in. with his "Samurai Spear". which is a weapon that the Steel Samurai uses in the program. Visitors' Room Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read through all the conversations until you get the chance to talk to Powers.11. Move to the Detention Center to meet Powers. Police are investigating the case blah blah. in real life. The victim in question is Jack Hammer. Get back to the office now. Law Offices Date: October 16. Ask him "what happened". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. who plays the villain "Evil Magistrate" in the TV show. 5:31pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It has been a month since you took down Redd White. Turns out this was an episode of "Steel Samurai" that Maya was watching. You're having problems with paying the rent. Hammer's body was found inside his Evil Magistrate costume. the Evil Magistrate was found lying in a crumpled heap near the set. They ran through a few action sequences at 10:00am yesterday. You'll learn the "Steel Samurai" is actually an actor by the name of Will Powers. since it contradicts that of the security lady. and she'll tell you that she was standing here yesterday. ask about Jack Hammer. He hurried to the studio. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. Visitors' Room Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Powers about his alibi again. they'll have to pass through her. She'll allow you to pass. She'll have rave reviews for him. You'll . Only one person went by there between 1:00pm and 2:30pm. Talk to him about the investigations. Powers will give you a map of Global Studios next. Ask her about the studios and she'll reveal that Hammer was a big star at Global Studios some 10 years ago. from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. but only to the studios. You can't do anything more here. Power's letter will be added to the Court Record. which was when the murder took place. and the person was Powers. This will result in Powers writing a formal letter to request your representation. and found everyone looking shocked. He doesn't seem to be lying. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio One Entrance Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dick Gumshoe is here. If anyone wants to go to the studios during this time. NOTE: Power's letter will be discarded now. Main Gate Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A security lady will stop you from entering. Pay 50 cents to obtain the map. An accident during filming five years ago reduced him to playing the villain on a children's program. Ask her about Will Powers next. Move to "Outside Studio One" now. He was arrested on the spot. You'll get more information about this as you progress. Ask him about the security lady. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Stuidos. and add it to your Court Record. NOTE: This accident from five years ago is the key for this case. But Powers assures you that he was sleeping during during the period in question. She'll tell you that she believes Powers is guilty.was already 5:00pm. Time to go there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. Now. so return to the Detention Center. Press her for her reason for suspicion. until they found the body. Main Gate Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Power's letter to the security lady. You'll also get to look at the map of this area. and only one person went to Studio One between 1:00pm and 2:30pm. Dressing Room Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examine the objects in this room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Stuidos.obtain the autopsy report. The metal grate on the drain here has been taken off. Ask him about it. Talk to Gumshoe about the credibility of the security lady. He'll mention something about a decisive evidence. Go to the "Dressing Room" next. and you'll learn that it snaps a photo of anyone who passes by. this goes into your Court Record. Looks like a kid could fit through it. the latest version. You'll obtain an employee cardkey from there. The most important object to examine is Powers' bag. but there's nothing you don't know of here. Talk to her about Hammer again and her reasons for suspecting Powers if you want. The autopsy report confirms the time of death as 2:30pm. The victim entered Studio One at approximately 1:00pm. It states that: Time of death: 10/15 at 2:30pm Caused of death: Pierced through the chest by a spear As usual. Talk to her about the "photographic proof". Employee Area Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examine the area if you want just to get a feel of the stuff around here. Ask him now about the reason for arrest. There was no one else there then. The card sats "Studio One". and he'll talk about a photo . The photo was taken by an automatic camera at the gate that links the Employee Area and the studios. She'll show you where the automatic camera is. yes. He's quite a nice guy afterall. The good thing that came out of this is that you'll now have the freedom to move around the studios. . 2. Press for more information about this camera. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Stuidos. Of significance are the following: 1. and she checks them every day before going home. with the blessing of Gumshoe. There was a t-bone on one of the plates.the photo of the Steel Samurai heading towards the scene of crime. The drain is pretty big. She'll view all the photos on the computer over in the security guard station. Main Gate Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back to the main gate to find the security lady stuffing her face with donuts. "Borrow" it into your Court Record. He replies that the murder took place right over in Studio One. The person was Powers. Remains of yesterday's lunch are scattered around on the table. minus the steak. and records the time as well whenever it takes a photo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Stuidos. Go to the Employee Area next. Maybe not. so she couldn't confirm his statements. Ask her about Penny's claim. Try the computer. Maybe the costume absorbed most of it. The cameras . as she was the only assistant employed.nothing of interests to you now. 2. Unfortunately. She'll tell you that on the day of the crime. presumably to confront Penny.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio One Entrance Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the cardkey you found in the dressing room on the door at the end. Take this opportunity to examine the computer in the security room.this will introduce the character Penny Nichols. You'll gain nothing from this. and when prompted to key in the number for the camera. Penny didn't see either of them after that. Powers and Hammer were there. In the morning. The outline of Hammer's body in found on the ground. Although he's the only one who wears the suit usually. Talk to Penny about the day of the crime. You'll see a picture of the Steel Samurai. Of significance are: 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. just after noon. Move to "Inside Studio One" now. and see her go berserk! She'll then run off. simply a picture of the STEEL SAMURAI. and Powers went into the dressing room. Strangely. Ask her about Powers' alibi now. . She has a feeling that it was someone from outside. After a while. The director's chair . Main Gate Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to the security lady. but keep this chair in mind because you'll need to come back to it later. Yes. although this kinda contradicts the security lady's claims that everyone has to pass through her. along with everyone else. so follow Maya's heed and go after the security lady. ask Penny about "sensing someone" if you want. select "ST1-307". It'll open. they went through the action sequences in the employee area. She was in the studio the whole day. she sensed that someone was here in Studio One. 3. and she was sure it isn't some other employees. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio One Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examine the objects in this room. Hammer went to Studio One. Before you go. she didn't go into the dressing room when Powers was sleeping. This will print out the data for the day of the crime. Penny will tell you that something has been bothering her. After eating lunch. anyone could've been in that suit on the day of the crime. the spear-inflicted cause of death didn't seem to leave a lot of blood stains on the ground. and not WILL POWERS. an assistant in the studio. This is why she believes that the man in the costume is Powers. but hey.The back of the photograph will also states: "[Oct 15. Gumshoe will describe the case briefly to the courts. Oldbag will reply that Penny was most probably .the man she has been accusing all day is actually the man in this photo. DAY 2: TRIAL -----------It's time for battle. Nothing that you don't already know of. NOTE: The numbering on this photo is important. 4 Date: October 18. OLDBAG'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ---------------------------_ When she talks about running some errands. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edgeworth will call Gumshoe to the stands. From now on. After this. and it's Wendy Oldbag. Save your game. When asked whether you want to listen to the case again. the Samurai Spear will be added to the Court Record. When she's at the sentence where she says "it was Powers!". and in no way did this photo have a clear indication that the man in the costume is Powers. she'll reveal that she was actually "observing Hammer and Powers" go through the action sequences. her family name. OLDBAG'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 ---------------------------Press Oldbag (not literally!) when she talks about Powers tripping and falling. She was at the main gate until 5:00pm. The security lady will be the next to be called to the stands. You'll finally get to know her full name. You'll then ask where was Penny when that happened. OLDBAG'S TESTIMONY 2 -------------------Oldbag adds that during the run-through in the morning. and sprained his ankle pretty badly. She'll reveal that she helped make Powers' ankle better by "kissing it where it hurts". The murder happens at 2:30pm. The day ends. the music is cool here. The only person who walked passed her at 2:00pm was Will Powers. the Steel Samurai was dragging his leg. In the photo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. press her about "what errands". I'm going to use her name. OLDBAG'S (OMG!) TESTIMONY 1 -------------------------She had some errands to run that morning. Continue to press her next two sentences until she begins to lose it. Ok. Powers broke one of the props. just skip it. Courtroom No. 2:00pm. You'll know why later. which was why she only arrived at the guard station at 1:00pm. present the photograph you found at the computer room . Photo #2]" This photo is added to the Court Record. cleaning the backdrops, and wouldn't have known about Powers' ankle. Press her again about the broken prop. She'll reveal that what was broken was Powers' own Samurai Spear. She'll also mention that she fixed the spear with a duct tape. This detail will be updated to the spear in Court Record. When Oldbag talks about Powers' sprained ankle, press her about the condition of the ankle. She'll reply that it wasn't so bad that he couldn't walk around, since he was able to go to his dressing room to rest after lunch. The judge will then ask a great question: "Where is this Steel Samurai costume now?" Amazingly, no one could find it. But Edgeworth will try to smoke the judge into believing that the missing costume is not important, and that it must be Powers in that costume. Object the statement now to once again reiterate that nowhere in the photo can you see Will Powers. The judge will concur with you, but Edgeworth has something up his sleeves. OLDBAG'S TESTIMONY 3 -------------------Oldbag insists that the only person she saw going to the studios before the time of death at 2:30pm was Powers. OLDBAG'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 ---------------------------When she says "the only person I saw then was Will Powers", present the photograph again - on it says "Photo #2", which means that there should be a "Photo #1". The automatic camera takes a picture of everyone who passes to the studios. If it says "#2", surely it must have taken another photograph earlier. This confirms that not one, but two people went to the studios that day. Watch her panic, and the regain composure. Get ready for more crap from the oldbag. OLDBAG'S TESTIMONY 4 -------------------She now claims that she'll go through the photos recorded on the security computer, and throw out any photos that aren't suspicious looking. She now remembers throwing out one photo that day. OLDBAG'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 4 ---------------------------Ask her about the erased photo. She'll reveal that it was one of a "fanboy". She'll then confirm that this "fanboy" was indeed in the area afterall, despite her locking the main gate. Remember the drain at the Employee Area with an opened grate? The fanboy came in through there. And the fanboy is a kid, probably of 2nd or 3rd grade. NOTE: This fanboy is an important witness. Remember him. Watch now as the people around try to "un-suspect" the boy as a suspect. The judge will now call for a five-minute break. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court, Defendant Lobby No. 3 Date: October 18, 11:08am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Powers and Maya. The lot of you will decide to push the blame on someone else so as to buy some time, hopefully to last you guys for another day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court, Courtroom No. 4 Date: October 18, 11:13am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch as you claim that there is another person who could've committed the crime. Now, the judge will warn you that the court will not look kindky on accusing the innocent, so pick Wendy Oldbag, since she's the most likely person. Watch the explanation, then when given a chance to press further, do it. The result is that Oldbag will become a suspect as well. She'll then claim that the fanboy could well be a suspect too. When asked why you disregard the boy, present the keycard - the boy has no formal relations to the studios, so he couldn't have the key to enter Studio one. The judge will suspend proceedings on the current trial for today. Court adjourned... and then Oldbag will suddenly want to talk! She now claims that there was something that she was told not to talk about. OLDBAG'S TESTIMONY 5 -------------------Global Studios, her employer, has wanted her to keep quiet about something. There were actually some other people at the studios on the day of the murder. OLDBAG'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 5 ---------------------------An amazing twist! Ask her who were these other people, and she'll reveal that the director and the producer were there. The director was in the Employee Area all morning for the run-through. He joined the producer around lunchtime and they had a meeting after that in the Studio Two trailer. Now, take a break when given the chance. You've asked all the questions you need to ask. The court will (finally) be adjourned! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court, Defendant Lobby No. 3 Date: October 18, 1:04pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Powers and Maya again, then save your game. DAY 2: INVESTIGATION -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright & Co. Law Offices Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Maya if you want, but you should know now that she doesn't exactly provide constructive ideas, like Mia. (Oh, how we miss her.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios, Main Gate Date: October 18, 2:16pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Oldbag taken into custody, there's no one at the main gate to greet you. Go the the Employee Area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios, Employee Area Date: October 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penny is here, She tells you that Oldbag has asked her to fill up the drain. She has done just that, but it wasn't exactly convincingly done. She'll then rush off to stand-in for Oldbag at the guard station. Maya will ask you whether she can rip the grate open. Say yes. NOTE: If you don't do this, the game will not advance. This is to allow the fanboy to enter the studio again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios, Main Gate Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back to the main gate to find Penny there now. Talk to her and she'll say that that the studios seem to be very keen in protecting the producer. Now, go to outside Studio One. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio One Entrance Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshoe won't be here, so it's your chance to sneak past the small path with a fallen tree to Studios Two. Examine the monkey (ok, the mascot) and the fallen tree to confirm that the monkey head and the tree fell the same day as the day of the murder. NOTE: The monkey head is an important clue that pinpoints the identity of the killer down to two people... more about that later. Move to "Outisde Studio Two" now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio Two Entrance Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll hear a voice inside the trailer. Before you go to the guard station to borrow a key to open it, examine the area. Of significance are: 1. Some flowers on the bottom right of the screen. The fence surrounding them looks dangerous. 2. The trailer seems to be here for quite a while. some sponsors. An incinerator is covered with soot beside the van. so return to the main gate to try your luck with the key again.3. Try not to laugh now. Now. try to remember what were on the plates you found at the Employee Area. She won't give you the key too. and the idea of "Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo". She'll refuse to talk to you anymore. Yes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. as she's afraid that Oldbag will "knock the stuffing out of her if she knew". Dressing Room Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meet "the great Sal Manella" there. and some production guys. 5. and ask him about the day of the crime. Main Gate Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oldbag returns! Apparently. This guy has an array of internet chatroom jargons. Main Gate Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examine the guard station to find the key. Ask her about the fanboy and the director. NOTE: If you're wondering what's odd. Nothing much on this now. he had a meeting in the Studio Two trailer from noon till after 4:00pm. Maya feels that something is odd here. it's there. They arrived in a limousine around noon. so leave. Dee Vasquez. but you'll get nothing out of her. He'll reveal that these people include the boss of the network. The producer and some other bigwigs from the network were with him. the police asked her to try out a spare Steel Samurai costume. Nothing more that you can get from him. A van is on the left screen. if you want. but she's too small to fit into it. Go to the dressing room again. He'll tell you that she's the one who saved the studios from the brink of destruction. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . which basically rules her out as being the murderer. Empty plates on the table suggests that two people ate here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. Oogling at Maya will trigger his "creative power". ask him about the producer. Ask him about the bigwigs next. Talk to him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. He also happens to be the creator of the Steel Samurai. 4. but Penny won't allow you to take it. et al. He says that after the morning run-through. an empty bottle. Dressing Room Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back all the way to the dressing room to look for Sal. Trailer key slipped into your pocket. Unfortunately. he'll escape from where he came from .the drain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio Two Entrance Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head over here and examine the door to the trailer. Talk to her about the crime. which says: "Bring me the script for Episode 13. Present Vasquez's note to him. is here. the fanboy. giving you the opportunity to "borrow" the key to the trailer at Studio Two. although unceremoniously cool. she won't be bothered to answer your questions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio Two Trailer Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find the producer. The key will now be used to unlock it. Main Gate Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back to the main gate now. here." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. he'll knock the table and an object will fall from it . she's distracted because she's looking for a script. but he wasn't entirely sure where. A pretty lady. Let me tell you where to save you the trouble of going around like a headless chicken: Studio One. She'll pass you a note for Manella. Cody Hackins. Looks like he left the script somewhere. Enter. Apparently. He'll reveal that he saw everything that happened. Empty Bottle added to Court Record. and he'll panic. Somehow. Talk to him about the case. because Cody's appearance means that Oldbag will going after him. Yes. Looks like you'll have to help her find the script if you want her to talk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio One Date: October 18 . Dee Vasquez.Scene: Global Studios. As he made a hurried exit. he won't tell you what. The label on this bottle says "Sleeping Pills". And before you can get hold of him. Employee Area Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back to the Employee Area now to find the fruit of ripping Penny's effort to seal the drain. During this period. Dressing Room Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bugger is too afraid to see Vasquez.the boy. and was only removed at 4:00pm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. When you ask to take a look at it. Go back to the dressing room. She'll remind you that you still have a lead . the people at Studio Two were unable to leave. Mia will mention that there could be something you can trade with her. Make your way back to the office. however. He'll ask you to bring it over to her instead. and she'll tell you that Cody dropped something when he was running away from her. Apparently. Looks like she has been having a hard time going after Cody. Do so. and she'll start talking. Startling revelation.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember the director's chair I told you about earlier? Examine it to find the script for Episode 13. Monkey Head added to Court Record. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. The broken monkey head blocked the path from Studio Two to Studio One from 2:15pm. She encourages you to go back to the studios to look for the boy. She'll start by confirming about the meeting at the trailer at noon on the day of the crime. Now. Talk to her about the director. According to her. let alone to go Studio One at 2:30pm to murder Hammer. and she'll mention her wish to visit the place the Hammer died. Remember the cardkey to Studio One that you found in Powers' bag earlier? Present this to her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. Cody. because it was impossible for them to leave. Main Gate Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you're back at the studios. none of the people present in the trailer that afternoon went to the trailer. Your chance to get Cody on your side. Ask her about the "hostage". she'll blatantly refuse. you'll find Oldbag there again. too. Law Offices Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is when Mia appeared again. She mentions about a "hostage" that she can use against Cody. Nothing else to do at the studios. even . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio Two Trailer Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present the script to Vasquez. Talk to him now. Give chase. Turns out she's a collector! In fact. she doesn't have direct access to Studio One. Cody will like her so much. Before you go. however..apparently. In no time. The one you're holding is what she's missing.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. she's missing one card to reach a complete set. He'll pass his personally prepared "Steel Samurai: Path to Glory" scrap book to Mia. Talk to her to find more revelations . You'll see a 180 degrees change in his attitude. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio Two Trailer Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back to the trailer to find Penny there. so quickly present the trading card to him. Now. run into the dressing room when he sees you. go to the Employee Are to find Cody again.a Steel Samurai trading card. if you can find him a "really rare" card. eager. and hey. This book records photos of the Steel Samurai's victorious moments during live performances. so you'll have to go find the right person. I've been trading gashapons with people all over the world for a few years now. Penny wasn't sure whether to tell you about what happened though. his attitude towards her will become very positive. which helped increase his popularity after he went through a slump in his career. Why don't you trade with her? Trading is good. Talk to him about the Steel Samurai reply "his fighting skills". She's here to arrange some stuff. Employee Area Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There he is. She'll beg you to trade with her. something happened recently to Hammer. again. Cody mentions that he always takes a picture when the . she'll pass you the "hostage" . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. she has an "ultra rare Premium card". present the "ultra rare" Steel Samurai card to Penny. She'll be eternally grateful if you lend the cardkey to her. it turns out that he has a double for this "ultra rare card". and in exchange. Dressing Room Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to Cody. After all the hard work. Now. which Cody wants. He's still pissed with you though.though she's a security guard. which will be added to the Court Record. Dressing Room Date: October 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch Mia works her magic. however.. He'll.. and you'll never seen him so. Present the URP card to him. Cody will be "under police protection" from now. MANELLA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ----------------------------Press Manella for the earlier sentences to confirm some facts. He was in the meeting until around 4:00pm. Maybe you can find that during the trial. He replies that he arrived at 2:00pm that day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first witness that Edgeworth will call upon is Sal Manella. Manella will admit that he did eat afterall. Now. MANELLA'S TESTIMONY 1 --------------------Manella was at the studios from around 9:00am that morning. press him about what he saw. 1 Date: october 19. he was pretty sure no one left their chairs. the Steel Samurai killed the bad guy. According to him. He had to go through the woods so that Oldbag wouldn't see him. save your game and prepare for Day 3. Gumshoe. press him and he'll say that he ended up eating nothing at all. and he "wolfed it down then". During the meeting. you ended up with no leads and a serious handicap in court. Nevertheless. Defendant Lobby No. Take note. you saw two empty plates on the table there. who overheard everything. Mia asks you don't you find this odd. He got scared and went home after that. Then. 4 Date: october 19. DAY 3 . NOTE: The above paragraph is important evidence. Courtroom No. . appears. They took one break during the meeting. he brought the steak to the trailer. at the end of all these running around. ask him what happened. until he finally reach the studio. 9:42am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation." Now.TRIAL ------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. and Mia will tell you that you may have overlooked something. He had a meeting in the Studio Two trailer. the director. so he ended up skipping lunch. and a t-bone steak at that. So. Say "it's contradictory". this statement will definitely put Powers in trouble.Steel Samurai lands the final blow. After that. He got lost. Remember when you were at the trailer entrance. As you discussed with Mia about not putting Cody to the stands. thinking he could eat it later. but as he talks about skipping lunch. Somebody must have eaten lunch there. and was in there for about half an hour or so. The indication of this cross-examination is that. Edgeworth will call for the dismissal of Manella. MANELLA'S TESTIMONY 2 --------------------Manella now says that even if they took a break.Now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. press him and ask him what was he doing during that break. when he continues his testimony and says that he's pretty sure no one left their chairs. He'll then admit that they did take a break afterall. 4 Date: october 19. press him. or you can agree it's quite impossible. She'll also be quite discouraging when she says that she was wrong with thinking that someone from Studio Two has done it. if they did take a break. Now. he adds. when he says that there's not enough time for someone to commit a murder. if they took one break during that meeting. it was only for 15 minutes. and leading to you being penalized for not doing your homework. He replies. 2:30pm is the time of death. press harder. commit murder in Studio One. He'll reply that the other plate belongs to Vasquez. 11:15am . and you're bound to find some evidence to prove it soon. you claim it and claim it loud. It looks entirely possible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. no. Edgeworth will object. I'd suggest agreeing that it's impossible. you can either say yes. Just enough time to eat a t-bone steak. just because selecting you claim it loud will have Edgeworth attacking you like crazy. when the break commenced at 2:30pm. whom I believe is Cody. Remember? The head blocked the path from 2:15pm to 4:00pm. press him again. press him and ask what time did they have the break. MANELLA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 ----------------------------When Manenlla says that they took a break. Interesting. timewise. 1 Date: october 19. When given a choice. say. When he says it was only 15 minutes. Therefore. He'll stupidly say. The judge will then call a recess. 11:04am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mia appears disoriented. But you know Powers is innocent. one of those people in the trailer could have gone to the studio during that break and killed Hammer. Next. This time. about 2:30pm to 2:45pm. Defendant Lobby No. He'll also claim that he has found a witness to the crime. isn't it? So. for someone to commit a murder in Studio One and then go back to Studio Two. there was no break. Courtroom No. He'll reply he was eating his lunch. Not enough time for someone to. Both choices will lead to Edgeworth presenting the monkey head as an evidence. and the judge will then ask you whether you're suggesting that someone from Studio Two went to kill Hammer in Studio One on the day of the crime. You'll then ask about the two empty plates. the path to Studio Two was already blocked. Use this chance to take a break. that means his testimony is contradictory as well. It's a new digital camera that he always carry. CODY'S TESTIMONY 3 -----------------Cody says that when the Steel Samurai escaped from the clutches of the villain. CODY'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 -------------------------I'd suggest pressing him as and when you can. and went to the studios that day. but he couldn't get his eyes off the Steel Samurai taking down his opponents. When he arrived at the studio. CODY'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 -------------------------You'll need to press him for more facts. so while fidgeting with the camera. CODY'S TESTIMONY 2 -----------------He admits he has the camera with him. Cody will admit now that you're right. Mia is also quite sure that he's hiding more than just this. He'll mention a host of attacks. . press and ask him how did the Steel Samurai take down his opposite number. Cody will now admit that he did bring his camera that day. he missed the moment. He got lost on the way for about 30 minutes. Cody's camera will also be added to your Court Record. He went after that. but he didn't any pictures because he was "busy watching". and she'll ask you to request for Cody to testify once more. When he says that the bad guy stopped moving. so that the old lady wouldn't catch him. though he's still learning how to use it. so he missed it. It's likely that he had it with him on the day of the crime.Cody was trying to take a picture during the critical moment. Welcome to the real world. Present the camera once more . Present the digital camera has a contradicting evidence when he says if he had his camera with him then .he mentioned he carries his camera with him all the time just a moment before his testimony. off the path. he held up his camera to take a picture. like how the monkey's head wasn't busted when he was on the way to the studio. The judge will ask you how could Cody miss the killer blow. He went through the woods. He found a map on the Internet. Press him harder to reveal that Cody may have seen some of the Steel Samurai's fight. they're using Cody. but he totally missed the most important part: the killing blow. he wasn't sure. he saw the Steel Samurai took down the bad guy! If he had his camera with him then. CODY'S TESTIMONY 1 -----------------Cody wanted to see a Steel Samurai rehearsal.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes. The judge will now ask him to testify about what he was busy watching. Strangely. etc. he'd have taken a shot. but not the Samurai Spear. but wasn't familiar with its operation. He'll reveal quite a bit of stuff. kid. But the lens wouldn't open in time. It basically shows the Steel Samurai at a studio." Remember the "Path to Glory"? The scrap book that Cody gave you? Present it. It is now that Cody will break down. Awesome. and he'll say: "I took a few shots. The man who was in the Steel Samurai costume. But the inconsistency is this photo is not on the Steel Samurai. He'll admit he did take a picture (what's with kids nowadays?).. you'll tell the judge that it's very significant that the murder . not Studio One! Point to the number and present . No one saw him going to Studio One. but on his surroundings. even if he did miss the killer blow. press him harder and call a bluff by saying he did take a picture. when a person is in a photograph. to admit what he saw would destroy everything he believed in. When Edgeworth asks what's this all about. Yes. The Steel Samurai fell. was Jack Hammer himself! Hammer was present at the action run-through that morning. This would coincide with the break time of the ones at Studio Two. That's why he lied and said the Steel Samurai won. nor was there a picture of him. Yes. but it was too late. we'll tend to focus on him or her. Cody specifically said that he always take a shot when the Steel Samurai lands the final blow earlier when he handed you the boo. He couldn't handle the truth. Take a look on the top right corner of the photo. Studio Two is. and then he didn't move. NOTE: This photo is decisive evidence! You're now asked to select the contradiction in the photograph. Thus. Does that look like a "2" to you? Studio Two. answer "the Steel Samurai didn't win" . you've all made a serious error here. It's now that Cody will reveal that he saved a photo in his digicam from that day. It's quite weird that he didn't take a picture at all. while being shot by the automatic camera. NOTE: I like this reference to "A Few Good Man".. That would also render the monkey-head-blocking-the-path theory useless. Why'd he erase the shots he took on the day of the crime. It doesn't look decisive. When given a was inconceivable for Cody that the Steel Samurai could be defeated. you're right. However. Apparently. Cody witnessed the impossible. The only logical explanation is that he was in the costume when he went to the studio. he obviously knew about about Will Powers' foot injury. He saw the Steel Samurai lose. press him. reply "Steel Samurai was the victim". and the judge is about to return it to Cody. so I erased them. You'll now need to use the touch screen to select the scene of the crime.CODY'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 -------------------------When he says "that's all". Next. The judge will request him to change his testimony.Studio One is not the scene of the crime. Yet. when the Steel Samurai "emerged victorious" again? When the judge asks you why is that so. Point to Studio Two and present. You'll reveal that you've a good idea who did it. Steel Samurai that Oldbag saw = Jack Hammer 3. The judge will hand you some "homework: 1. But he'll also bring up something unusual. The bottle will then be handed over to the judge. They were the only ones with access to the scene of the crime: Studio Two. and she'll suggest you visit Powers again. The court will now suspend proceedings on the current trail for today. drug Powers. Remember Manella's testimony? He said no one in the trailer was guilty because they could not have gone to Studio One. DAY 3 . the reverse was true. Edgeworth will ask you whether you've proof to show that the Steel Samurai in the photo is Hammer. etc. but he's not willing to share at the moment. and present the empty bottle that says "Sleeping Pills" . but you're still lacking proof. Talk to Maya when you get the chance to fill her on what happened earlier. Still. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. Say you've. so tell him to fingerprint the bottle. the judge will say that there's no proof for your claims. and motive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. True.Powers spent the entire afternoon sleeping on that day. 1 Date: october 19. Law Offices Date: October 19. Save your game. 2:47pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The usual conversation. because he was drugged by Hammer.INVESTIGATION --------------------When will this end? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. about how she is the star of the studio. Why would Hammer steal the Steel Samurai costume? 2. er. Who killed him. Manella and Vasquez were at Studio Two I think you can now relate. Visitors' Room Date: October 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ask Powers about Vasquez. 3:27pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maya is back. Only someone in the trailer could've committed this murder. If Hammer did use the drug to. and why? Court is now adjourned. and not Powers. the bottle will have his prints. Summary: 1. about some rumors. He'll tell you things that you've heard before. Defendant Lobby No. .took place in Studio Two because "the path was blocked" from 2:15pm. Yet. Scene of crime = Studio Two 2. So. Ask him about the plate. they were filming a movie starring Hammer. He'll mention that Manella will be at her beck and call of Vasquez. but he likes it. She seems to be very quiet today. ask about Manella. Some sort of accident happened during filming. Oh. Apparently. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. Main Gate Date: October 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meet Oldbag there again. but she was told not to talk about her. Time to go back to the studio again. Talk to him about Edgeworth as well. ask Penny about the last episode of Steel Samurai. the one who put Powers to sleep as none other than. and will do anything she says. Now. Now. ask him about Manella. Talk to her about Hammer. Dressing Room Date: October 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to the dressing room to find Penny. Employee Area Date: October 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshoe will be here. Heh heh. He'll do a test right away.. . Ask about the investigation next. about five years ago. After that. examining the plates for traces of sleeping drugs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. They were using Studio Two. He's now quite sure that he has no case against Powers. They left the film set the way it was. Ask about Hammer next.Now. She'll get really pissed because of what you revealed in court today. Global Studios will not be making kids' shows anymore. It appears that she doesn't really like the producer. It'll be revealed that Hammer's popularity began to take a dip when Vasquez joined Global Studios five years ago. You'll get the sleeping pill bottle back in the Court Record. which was a new studio then. The plate will be added to the Court Record. and he'd do anything she said. Run! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. they never used Studio Two again. and the bottle of sleeping pills you passed to the judge? They found Hammer's prints on it. Ask her about the producer. She mentions that Vasquez treats him like dirt. Continue asking her about the studio's policy. too. It seems that Vasquez has some kind of hold on Hammer. and confirmed that there were sleeping pills on the steak plate. yes. Ask about Hammer next. It appears that the Steel Samurai incident has left a bad taste in the mouths of the bigwigs. According to Penny. and find that Edgeworth had just crushed a paper cup with hot coffee in it. She'll mention about a rumor. the victim.. Hammer was supposed to fight with a bad guy on the top of those stairs. then. She's "watching her about everything you can talk to. and it was Hammer's fault. She'll then ask you whether you've proof that he used those pills on Powers. she'd never have the opportunity to run his life for five years. She's still pissed with you claiming that Hammer stole the costume. Penny also mentioned that Oldbag has more information about the accident because she was at the studios back then. and she'll go berserk (again). It seems that someone died during that accident. Present the "Path to Glory". If you want.the sleeping pills bottle with Hammer's prints. as her. This will lead to a revelation about the accident that happened five years ago. of how Hammer accidentally killed his co-actor. and usual. Ask Penny about it now. yet. Try talking to she won't be bothered. Time to go to the trailer. and the man fell onto the flowerbox fence. . Vasquez will be in a mood to talk. a photo of the trailer at Studio Two. Hammer had deliberately killed his co-actor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Global Studios. Maya will have the "odd feeling" once again. This give-year-old photo will be added to your Court Record. NOTE: These empty plates are decisive evidences. He pushed the other actor. She'll invite you into the the clouds". She'll then present a photograph.and they wanted to forget about all this. which was why Hammer would do anything that Vasquez said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio Two Entrance Date: October 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Vasquez here. ====================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Studio Two Trailer Date: October 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suddenly. You'll then be asked to present something to Penny to show her that the kids will feel bad if Steel Samurai is no more. but she isn't sure what it's about. Present the empty plate that showed traces of sleeping pills. and she'll finally show trailer to "talk". She'll now talk about the accident. Present the five-year-old photo to some interest.. you can also examine the empty plates again. Back to the main gate. Show her the proof . She claims that the Hammer incident that happened five years ago wasn't an accident at all. Vasquez managed to hush the issue up.. Main Gate Date: October 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ask Oldbag about five years ago. She deduced that if it was merely an accident. . The plates found outside the trailer. Sal and her ate t-bone steaks on the table in front of the trailer. so to speak. At 2:30om. but the one that you should pay particular attention to is the one when she says she ate the t-bone steaks. VASQUEZ'S TESTIMONY 1 --------------------She entered the trailer a little before noon. How can a person eat a t-bone steak and not leave the bone? Select how now from the following choices (I simply must show this because it's funny): 1. Check out those mafia guys with her! She's hell bent on "erasing" both Maya and you. I mean. were totally empty. She explained also that it might be risky to walk with that monkey's head toppling over. most probably into the incinerator. It seems that Manella took her to Studio One by the van at Studio Two. they took a 15-minute break from the meeting. really. 4 Date: October 20.Now. I'm sure you know the motive now. Courtroom No. . save your game and read on. she'll demand that you hand over the five-year-old photo. She was fatigued then. VASQUEZ'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ----------------------------The judge will help you a little about the "fatigued" statement. no. if you want. Present the steak plate with the t-bone .she said she ate the t-bone steak. too! 2. a large bone was left behind. and this means you'll have to face her in court tomorrow. but as seen on the plate found at the Employee Area.TRIAL ------------Last day of the proceedings. until Gumshoe stepped in! You'll feel really sorry for what you've did to him in Episode Two now.. The meeting began at 12:00pm sharp. The van will be added into the Court Record. too!". you can press every statement that she said. so she asked Manella to take her there.. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vasquez will be called to the stands. where Vasquez and Manella claimed they had lunch at. and watch the hilarious conversations that unfold. They found Hammer's body later. She'll be taken back to the precinct by him. when they went to Studio One for the rehearsal. You didn't eat the steak! Choose "you ate the bone. You ate a boneless steak! 3. DAY 4 . Vasquez took the steak and threw it somewhere. You're pretty sure now that Dee Vasquez is the murderer.. You ate the bone. and ended at 4:00pm. Phoenix! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. Go for it. No? Ok. As usual. "you didn't eat the steak!". It's time to catch her with her pants down. From now on.Vasquez didn't carried the body to Studio One by hand. And she did it between 4:00pm and 5:00pm . Present the Samurai Spear . Reply "meeting the Steel Samurai". She used the studio van to do it. and move his body to Studio One in the space of 15 minutes. possibly use the spear as a weapon possibly use the spear as a weapon. Vasquez will welcome your challenge. because the spear is not the murder weapon. and get yourself penalised. NOTE: Webapprentice wrote that you CAN avoid being'll claim that the Samurai Spear was not the murder weapon.the spear broke during the run-through in the morning. and having his or her chest stabbed like a spear. But Oldbag fixed it with duct tape. The photo shows Hammer's co-actor being killed by the sharp flowers fencepost. so be careful not to present the wrong items lest you get penalised. Remember the five-year-old photo that she tried to take back from you? Think about why she did that. and helped her with the .she mentioned that Manella took her because she was fatigued. Her following testimonies are not easy to break. you'll automatically "take back your previous claim".".when asked how how she possible use the spear as the weapon. then present the five-year-old photo to shock the court and everything else in it. the fence was the weapon. and for that matter. You'll then be asked to explain why. a woman of petite stature.the photograph of the Steel Samurai shows that Hammer himself was holding it. Here's how to do it . She also emphasizes the fact that she didn't have the spear . This time. She wouldn't have time to kill Hammer. Select "she had another way".The judge will ask you if she wasn't eating her steak. dress him up in the costume. With the spear already weakened. and couldn't possibly win such a fight. it's impossible for anyone to use the spear to stab through the thick Steel Samurai costume. select "You couldn't have. She'll reply that Hammer was stabbed from the front. Yes." You'll then admit that Dee couldn't lift the spear easily. No choice on this one. but then explains that this is irrelevant. More rebuttals from her. It was during this moment that he drove her to Studio One to dispose the body. She'll bring your attention to the murder weapon again? She asks how could she. A mere push from the top of the stairs would be enough to send someone falling down. which means he must have noticed the presence of the murderer. it's truly a battle of wits. Present the van now . and in the Evil Magistrate costume. Vasquez will reply and ask you what's the murder weapon then. she'll argue the fact that the body was found at Studio One. where was she during the break. Select "I think you could. I think you should know by now. She's weaker and slower than Hammer. Select "I can tell you". Now. there was no need for her to do the deed in 15 minutes. but what follows is important . not Hammer who was injured! Now. leading to his death? This. In fact. is the truth. since she has been squeezing money out of Hammer for years. my friend. Let me first ask you: Why did he steal the Steel Samurai costume? To cover his identity.she said she didn't bring the script because there wouldn't be a rehearsal. Oldbag claimed that Powers did it. Then Powers showed up. Vasquez will reply that it was because she knew that Hammer was injured and couldn't do action scenes. Who. but quickly regained composure by saying Manella told her about it. of course. When she says she went back to the trailer to get her script. press her and she'll say she was under the impression that a rehearsal won't be going on since there was a murder going on. Watch now as Edgeworth helps you out in forcing her to testify. out of self defense. She immediately called the police.changing of costume on Hammer's body. will not admit to the crime because you've no decisive proof. Vasquez pushed him down the stairs. She appears a little shock. Watch the explanation that follows. Press this statement and asked her how did she know about the injury. of course you do. VASQUEZ'S TESTIMONY 2 --------------------She was with Manella and Oldbag when they found the body. Only Powers was absent. and went home after that. In fact. She'll argue that she has no motive to kill Hammer. er. which was why she left her notes behind. say "of course he was".it was Powers. and he'd want her behind bars as much as you do. and he was arrested. killing him will actually reduce her. tell her that she knew Hammer was injured because "she saw Hammer limping". . obviously. Vasquez then I went back to the trailer to get her script and direction notes. He'll ask her to talk about what happened after they allegedly "found" Hammer's body. Ask her to testify again. was he most likely to kill? Vasquez. Well. with that in mind. She'll concede defeat. which means that she'd have had known about the murder before going to Studio One. why did he go to Studio Two? Because the person he wanted to kill was there. so she didn't bring her script and note. at Studio Two. Vasquez is one persistent killer. BUT. they also disposed the Steel Samurai costume by burning it in the incinerator outside Trailer Two. VASQUEZ'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 ----------------------------Press every sentence for more juices. income. And why did he has to cover his identity? Could it be because he wanted to KILL SOMEONE WITH THE IDENTITY OF STEEL SAMURAI? Now. The judge will concur and ask you whether you know her motive. Penny was there too. the woman who has been tormenting him for years! Now consider this: What if he wasn't successful in the attempt? What if. It seems that Edgeworth is now convinced that she did it. This is when Edgeworth will object her on your behalf . Present the photo of Hammer in the Steel Samurai costume now . When asked whether you're suggesting that Manella was a conspirator. than press even harder for even more juices if required. Manfred von Karma: Veteran prosecutor who hasn't lost a case in his 40-year career. 7. EPISODE FOUR: TURNABOUT GOODBYES ====================================================================== Characters: 1. 10. 8. and confess to the crime. Then. A famous defense attorney in his days. and when Powers ask you why did Hammer frame him for murder. 3 Date: October 20. She camped out to photograph shooting stars. Hotdog salesman now. Robert Hammond: The victim. 6. she has accidentally killed Jack Hammer. 3. Save the game when you can. and he's the defendant this time. Apparently. because the person who was out for blood was Hammer. Larry Butz: Your friend. and a spirit medium. 11. . present the five-year-old photograph when asked to prove this. Maya Fey: Your trusty sidekick/ partner. Defendant Lobby No. present the Steel Samurai photograph to tell him that Hammer is jealous. Edgeworth's mentor. At the end of all this.Select "she has no motive". Out of self defense. The rest. 9. Lotta Hart: Claims to be a research student. Used to be a lawyer in Grossberg's office. 4. The defense attorney of the DL-6 Incident. Disappeared after the DL-6 Incident. revelation about the past between you and him. Vasquez will finally admit defeat. to explain the entire situation. you two seem to be good friends during your younger days. Suspect in the DL-6 Incident from 15 years ago. Murder victim of the DL-6 Incident. 5. Miles Edgeworth: You know him. Dick Gumshoe: You know him too. Yes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. Yanni Yogi: Caretaker of the boat rental shop at Gourd Lake Park. as revealed earlier. was history. Gregory Edgeworth: Miles' father. Finally! A long episode down the drain! Two more to go! ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 7. Misty Fey: Mia's and Maya's mother. er. not her. A spirit medium with inconsistent powers. 2. Edgeworth will also appear to reveal more startling. Marvin Grossberg: Veteran defense attorney. 2:47pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation as usual. Tell him to let you defend him. but once again. Apparently. NOTE: Also note the news about "Gourdy". because he wanted to see Gourdy. supposedly a "monster" that has recently appeared in that area. Edgeworth 4. One shot the other with a pistol. actually). the shooter was was arrested on the spot. 3. a witness to the crime. DAY 1 . watch the cut-scene of two person talking on a boat. The crime (which makes 2.12. A suspect has been identified. Visitor's Room Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Edgeworth to find out more about the case: 1. The murder took place at Gourd Lake late last night. Looks like you'll have to defend him this time round. One of them will kill the other. . yet he doesn't want you. As the scene unfolds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Park. Polly the Parrot: A witness in the trial. After you present the badge. In that boat were two men. be very surprised to find that Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth is the killer! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. He refuses to reveal anything. 2. you can ask him whether did he do it. scene of crime = Gumshoe. Edgeworth was at Gourd Lake. Law Offices Date: December 25. 10:08am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We wish you a Merry Christmas! Let's begin. him again. He also mentions that no attorney has agreed to help defend him. There was happened at about 15 minutes after midnight last night it this morning. who called the police. There was of those men Edgeworth. Present your attorney's badge to him now. Talk to him to find out that: 1. I think he isn't very truthful with the second one. He specifically asks you to stay out of this case. he'll ask you to stay out of this case. Entrance Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As usual. and he's none other that Edgeworth. a boat out on Gourd Lake. which is very far away from his home and office. 13. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. Go to Gourd Lake Entrance now. He'll laugh it off and say that you're too inexperienced to handle a case like this.INVESTIGATION --------------------As the episode begins. Go through the usual conversation to find out a murder that happened at the Gourd Lake. The Judge: Yes. She'll give you to the permission to ask her questions about the case." Strange that people are camping here. Strangely. There's a also a signpost just beside the tree on the left. Come back later for her. Before he leaves. and has seen many boats.5. Gumshoe will give you directions to the police station though. but she wasn't sure. Go to "Gourd Lake woods". NOTE: Popper used and responds to loud nosies. but it's closed. About the case. and will respond by taking pictures. There's a stall selling "Samurai Dogs" here. ask him for the autopsy report. This will alert the camper. The camera on the left section of this place is a sound-activated camera. She confirms that the camera is programmed to pick up loud noises now. so they're not really serious in their investigation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Public Beach Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examine this area. and it'll start taking photographs. agree to it and it'll be added to the Court Record. Ask him about "defense request".Exit". Maybe it took a photo? She'll check the film inside her SUV. You'll also gain access to the park now. and a pistol shot is a loud noise. Maya will use the popper to test the camera. Sadly. Damn those CSIs. Present your badge to her to introduce yourself. This camera will be added to the Court Record. When Maya asks whether she can take it. The police are sure that Edgeworth did it. After some talking. she mentioned she might've seen a boat last night. She started camping here about three days ago. Examine the area to find a signpost that says: "No camping. someone will tell Gumshoe about an investigation briefing. She's here photographing meteor showers for a research project. Present this camera back to Lotta . As usual. at the moment. it isn't ready yet. It says: "Left . since she has been here for a few days.Boat Docks. . Her name is Lotta Hart. Talk to this lady. you'll find a popper. She's a research student at Country U. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Woods Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find someone camping here. Right . On one of the benches. 6. so you can go there to look for him if you need. Gumshoe will reveal that Edgeworth has very high regards for you after the Steel Samurai case. Ask about the camera. The witness's identity is confidential. oh wait. Go back to the woods for Lotta. Strange. Nothing more about this now. Lotta now claims she saw the murder. you'll get to see it eventually. Maya feels that she has met him somewhere a long time ago. This will open up a further conversation about Gourdy the lake monster. followed by the sound of something slipping into the water. so don't bother. He's the guy selling "Samurai Dogs" at the hotdog stand at the beach. Remember Larry? You cleared his name in your first ever case earlier. Strangely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Public Beach Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A man in Santa's costume appears out of nowhere. Whether you ask her to tell the cops or not. It says: Time of death: sometime of the 24th or 25th Cause of death: one bullet shot to the heart The photo of the victim will be unveiled now. So. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Woods Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lotta's camera took two pictures last night. The distance is too far away to tell who's shooting who. You can have the photo though. she'll decide to do so... The right person is holding what looks like a pistol. unfortunately. he's actually Larry in disguise. Go to the beach again now. Newspaper article added to Court Record. Talk to Larry about the Samurai Dogs. Larry will show you a newspaper article about Gourdy. They still can't ID the victim. go to the CAD instead. NOTE: She didn't show the second photo. The article has a picture of something like a monster's head in the lake. for now. The person who took the picture mentioned that he heard a sound like an explosion after setting his camera.Make a move to the boat rental shop now if you want. But he does have the autopsy report for you. Don't worry. And because of that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. but there isn't anything there of note. Talk to him. Looks like she'll become a witness. Ask Larry about what happened last night. Criminal Affairs Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshoe is just out from his meeting. The first photo shows the boat with two persons on it. This will reveal that . she'll refuse to tell you what she saw last night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. which was why he refused your offer to defend him.Exhibit A" on its back. He tells you that since White didn't exactly steal it from him. Yes. was your classmate in grade school. He's a lawyer who worked at Grossberg's office before. he can't take it back. Leave him now and return to the office. It happened 15 years ago. Misty Fey contacted the spirit of the victim. Ask him about the case. He haven't heard about it at all because he just woke up. But Hammond won the case. Funny how Edgeworth. Visitor's Room Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Misty Fey's photo. and Edgeworth will say that he didn't want you to find out about the DL-6 Incident. Present the autopsy report to him. ask him about the murder last night. With you finding out about the incident. right before . They never caught the criminal. Then suddenly.Edgeworth. the one which says "DL-6 Incident . Talk about Edgeworth now. Now. Law Offices Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maya will say that she has a strange feeling about something. like Larry. and Grossberg will tell you that Hammond was the defense attorney of the DL-6 Incident. the victim worked in his office before. became a prosecuting attorney. she'll remember the who the victim is. Gregory Edgeworth. Talk to him about the DL-6 Incident. who aspired to be like his father. Time to go back to the Detention Center. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Grossberg Law Offices Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You noticed that the painting of his love is still missing. and her statement pointed towards a suspect. and the suspect was declared innocent. Mia's mother's case. His name is Robert Hammond. where Mia used to work. Talk about Hammmond. It seems that Edgeworth's father was a famous defense lawyer. Go to Grossberg's office now. His father was shot dead. The victim in the DL-6 Incident was none other than his father. She'll ask for the autopsy report. despite you taking Redd White to his task. He'll hand you a photo of Misty Fey. Grossberg will then encourage you to talk to Edgeworth for more details if you want to know more. he now feels that he has nothing to hide. This is the same photo you found in his office during Episode Two. It's also revealed that the DL-6 Incident also has everything to do with Edgeworth. and he'll remember that yes. He confirms that this case involves his father's death. on December 28. now go to the CAD. Notice that Edgeworth is now curling like a ball on the ground. if a murder suspect manages to evade arrest for more than 15 years. but he's not willing to talk about this issue. he'd be about 50 years old now. A suspect was arrested soon after. Say yes. and hasn't lost a case in his 40-year career. Edgeworth doesn't know where he's now. or. Now ask about his father. NOTE: The statute of limitations is a limitation of the number of years that the police can take to apprehend a criminal. witnessed the incident. . Misty Fey confirmed the same idea. but wait. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. the DL-6 Incident happend 15 years ago. Ask about the suspect. and you'll be in court the next day. He also happens to be Edgeworth's mentor. he or she can never be charged under the offence. even if decisive evidence is eventually presented then. even if it's only by a minute. It was then that Robert Hammond cleared the suspect's name. 9:44am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edgeworth will inform you that Manfred von Karma will be the prosecutor today. He'll give you a letter of request. The statute of limitations on the case runs out in three days. Gumshoe will prepare the documents right away.. but subsides after a few seconds. Defendant Lobby No. All set and done. Now. He'll eventually ask you to defend him.. Great. er. and he'll tell you that he didn't kill Hammond. It was obvious that he was the only one who could've done it. Apparently he's "the best". Although the photo is too small to tell the persons on the boat. You'll also get to know that the mysterious first witness who. Lotta says that she'll be enlarging it for a clearer view. an earthquake occurs almost immediately. She even had a photograph to prove it. Criminal Affairs Date: December 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Gumshoe. has decided not to testify after all. Bring it to the CAD now. Murder happens to have a limitation of 15 years. Ok. DAY 2: TRIAL -----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. Present Lotta's photo to him now. First day done. which means that. to be exact.his eyes. and mentions that if he's still alive. He'll tell you that Lotta claims she saw Edgeworth fired the pistol. He'll do anything to get a guilty verdict. Present Edgeworth's letter of request now. 2 Date: December 26. He seems to have a really bad fear of earthquakes. Next. ask him why. Gumshoe will reply that the ballistic markings on the bullet match the pistol. Karma is very. but a body was found the next morning in the lake. He'll give you a breather though by calling for a break. He didn't suspect him of anything. Karma will ask whether the bullet found in the victim's body matches the pistol. and the pistol bears Edgeworth's fingerprints. He'll submit the bullet as an evidence. He'll present the pistol as an evidence. Karma will now summarise his position: Since the bullet found on the victim is fired from the pistol. and ask why was it a decisive evidence. this goes into your Court Record. At 12:10am. she heard two pistol shots. Strangely. around midnight. This will force him to revise his testimony too. Anyway. GUMSHOE'S TESTIMONY 1 --------------------Gumshoe mentions that a man called the police at about 12:30am. very good though. Then the boat started to move. When Gumshoe mentions about the body. Courtroom No. it's obvious that Edgeworth is the murderer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. He replies that the found the murder weapon in the boat. let's get into court and begin. The victim was shot through the heart fatally. He'll reply that a single bullet was recovered. He presents a map to explain the case. The pistol will now go into the Court Record as well. making it hard for you to concentrate. 3 Date: December 26. it says it was "fired three times". The murder happened late Christmas Eve. There was a boat in the very middle of the lake. Watch now as the meaning of "ballistic markings" is explained. . It went towards the boat rental shop. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshoe's first to go. and he'll now say that the murder weapon found on the boat is decisive evidence. but you'll have to press Gumshoe. They headed to the scene of crime ASAP. and he'll object you regularly. A woman happened to be camping on the edge of the lake. Press this sentence. so he had to arrest Edgeworth. but I think Karma still wants to toy with you. He'll say that there were fingerprints on the pistol. There were two men on the boat. and as usual. if you look at the description of it in the record. They were prints of Edgeworth's right hand.Anyhow. and found Edgeworth there. ask whether did he find any clues on the body. when Gumshoe says he has to arrest Edgeworth. GUMSHOE'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ----------------------------I know you'll feel bad doing this. And you thought only the judge can grant a recess. so he'll want to summon Lotta to the stands. The judge will almost declare the verdict at this point. The Overhead Map that Gumshoe used to present the cap will be added to the Court Record. that the man on the boat . Edgeworth thought.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. Karma will rub salt into wound and ask you isn't it that what stands between Edgeworth and his conviction merely the passing of the sentence? Say "no" . as Maya finds herself useless and wants to leave. When Maya asks you do you think Lotta's testimony is contradictory. Now. That changes her testimony. that the victim had shot himself. You can cross-examine Lotta now. This is where Maya steps in and gives Lotta a blasting. ask her to stay. It's now that Karma interrupts her and asks her to present the photo as an evidence. At the end of the whole commotion. But he urges you to believe him.Lotta said she clearly saw Edgeworth. she saw two gents in a boat. Lotta will retaliate by saying that she clearly saw Edgeworth. until you intervene. and you've a right to cross-examine her again. As the cross-examination comes to an end. LOTTA'S TESTIMONY 1 ------------------It was Christmas Eve. there was another bang. you'll be held in contempt of court. and he has very little doubt about this case. LOTTA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 --------------------------Press Lotta on her statements. He confirms that it was him in the boat. Then. The judge will now say that the evidence presented so far as decisive. LOTTA'S TESTIMONY 2 ------------------Lotta claims that she saw it as clear as day. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lotta takes the stands. Back to court again. Then. Defendant Lobby No.. Maya will have to leave the court for her outburst though. Courtroom No. and allow you to cross-examine Lotta again. Karma will force the judge to hold you for contempt of court. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. There wasn't anything else on the lake but that boat. after midnight. 2 Date: December 26. 11:09am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Edgeworth. you'll still find no contradiction. and then the victim fell from the boat. that he didn't shoot the victim. and be prepared to get a lot of objections from Karma. say yes. He heard a gunshot from very close by. When she looked out.. 3 Date: December 26. He'll now pass his decision. but that was not in the testimony. This is when the judge finally shows some balls. but if you fail to find anything contradictory. at that time. Lotta was in her car when she heard a "bang" coming up from the lake. the judge will ask the guard to escort you out of the courtroom. near one of the men's hand. Present the camera again . That's why Lotta set her camera to respond to loud noises. Imagine what a scoop it'd be if she got a picture of Gourdy. When she heard the noise.there was something that's quite clearly visible in the photo. Present the camera now . When she heard the "bang". but you'll object to his objection (yay!). She brought her binoculars with her. Do so. she looked right straight out at that lake. press her and ask why was she bringing a binoculars. LOTTA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 --------------------------When she talks about bringing her binoculars.her camera was set up to take photos in response of loud noises. so she just watched the boat the whole time.if the camera was set up to take of meteor showers. This photo was taken with professional. She claims that's all she was hiding. LOTTA'S TESTIMONY 3 ------------------It was a cold and foggy night. er. high quality film. which was why the photograph of the boat was taken when a pistol was fired. yet even it couldn't capture the faces of the men on the boat. when she'd need a telescope to see the shooting stars she was intending to. she got back into the car. so once Lotta finished the setting up of her camera. How could Lotta have seen Edgeworth cleary from the distance between her car and the boat? She now adds another testimony. She was looking right at that boat. Karma tries to stop you from cross-examining. or Karma wouldn't have try to get Lotta to cover up about the Gourdy issue. You'll raise a doubt about her camera too.she was trying to take pictures of Gourdy all the while. and she heard another gunshot. You know that's not true though.was Edgeworth. she looked with her binoculars. LOTTA'S TESTIMONY 4 ------------------Lotta is not a research student at the university. She's an investigative photographer. You'll then be required to present an evidence to tell the judge what was Lotta trying to photograph. That's why she was camping out by the lake. The newspaper article mentioned that a loud noise was heard before the appearance of Gourdy. why was it facing the lake? Point out to the judge that the camera was set up to "show evidence". There wasn't much else to look at. that doesn't change what Lotta claimed that she saw. Then she was a flash. LOTTA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 --------------------------Present the photo that Lotta gave you earlier . You'll be asked whether you want to press further about the camera. see. Lotta will testify that the camera was set up to take pictures of meteor showers. The fog. Unfortunately. Lotta will ask you for proof. the whole time. . Present the newspaper article on Gourdy . Point to the left hand of the man who fired the pistol. Remember Gumshoe told you earlier at the CAD that Lotta intended to enlarge the photo? Yes.I hope you discover it . who was looking out for Gourdy. Now. wouldn't it? This new information will be updated into the autopsy report. The judge will decide to suspend the trial so that both Karma and you can do further investigations. She needed them. Make Lotta show the enlarged photo. Defendant Lobby No. Now. she testified earlier that she was watching the boat through binoculars. You still live to fight another day. present the pistol. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. She'll admit that she got kinda excited because she has the chance to become a witness of a murder. and you'll find that you still can't see who's firing. a loud bang would surely have her scanning the lake for any signs of the monster. This will lead to Karma asking you who shot the examination to the victim's wound reveals the distance at which he was shot. Lotta will say she took the photo and. 2 Date: December 26. The enlarged lake photo will be added to the Court Record. she wouldn't see binoculars to watch the boat. that'd rule out sucide. Moreoever. Remember what Edgeworth told you earlier? Say "the victim himself" . 1:15pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Edgeworth to finish this mandatory part. Now. before Karma steps in and stop her from talking. Lotta will reveal that Karma told her not to show the enlargement in court. So. to search for Gourdy. So. she wasn't watching the boat afterall. Aha! She'll show it. but for Lotta..any normal person would've notice the boat.LOTTA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 4 --------------------------When she says there wasn't much else to look at. But why didn't Karma let her show it? The answer is obvious the enlarged photo shows something bad for Karma. He was clearly shot from further than a distance away. . however. Karma will object to the suggestion of suicide . One thing is for sure though .the photo shows that the person who was firing the pistol was holding it with his left hand. but it has been all worthwhile. It has been a long day in court. and present. do it by "objecting to the enlargement". You'll now be asked to identify the area of contradiction on the photo. there.. present the newspaper article . She wouldn't have given the boat a second thought. she enlarged the photo. This girl wasted the last hour or so of your time playing this game because she quite like the idea of becoming a witness. Well. when given the chance to show your observation. Remember the fingerprints found on the pistol? It was of Edgeworth's right hand.the only logical explanation is that the victim has committed suicide. as he's at the crime scene. Criminal Affairs Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshow is not here today. Save your game. You'll get to know that he got into a fight with his chief for "not following protocol". considering this is her first offense. and he'll promise to go back to the station and let her go ASAP.she didn't see the shooter. Visitor's Room Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maya is in detention again after her outburst in court. That'd be the mysterious man who made the call to the police. Go to the CAD now. Visitor's Room Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pick Maya up and leave. Talk to him about Maya now. about why he became a prosecutor instead of a defense attorney like his father. Talk to him. but didn't testify today. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Park.You'll also get Lotta's Deposition into your Court Record . But you'll have to get bail money (duh!) though. Talk to her and you'll be glad to know that Gumshoe has decided to let her go after questioning. so the remaining point of note is about the bang she heard before the shooting. Be happy that Edgeworth is paying for the bail too. Find out more about Edgeworth if you want. and why he was afraid of earthquakes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. DAY 2: INVESTIGATION -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. and you'll find that Karma will be bringing in another witness. Go back to Gourd Lake Entrace now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Woods Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshoe is here. heh! Go back to the detention center now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. Entrance Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Go to the woods now. Gumshoe's fishing pole: Er.You'll meet Lotta here. Accept the deal. go to the cAD to look for Gumshoe. which Karma didn't want her to tell. evidence that Gourdy doesn't exist at all. which was why the samurai wasn't here for a while. NOTE: Take note of this conversation. Criminal Affairs Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Gumshoe about the investigation. Go to the boat rental shop after that. Talk to her about "making it up". If you choose the fishing pole. He reveals that they're now discussing about Edgeworth's motive. 2. it'll break before you can even do anything to it when you're at the woods. 3. to exchange for the information she has about the case. He'll reveal that the samurai has always been there. he'll eat up Larry's hotdogs at the beach. and he'll show them to you: 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. or at least. Ask about the secret weapons. amazingly. Ask Gumshoe about Gourdy now. ok. It looks like Karma will drag out Edgeworth's past and hit him hard with it tomorrow. It'll come in useful later. Apparently. Larry is using the Steel Samurai to sell his Samurai Dogs. why? You'll need to choose one. proves to be a decisive evidence in this case! . you'll find that the beach area has changed. Go to the beach now. er. She doesn't say what. If you choose Missile. Talk to him. She wants a trade with you though. Examine the Steel Samurai. You'll now have to find Gourdy. so he sent it for repairs. and she'll have a new clue for you. She wants to make it up to you for lying in court. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Public Beach Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you reach here. A large. You'll tell Gumshoe about the deal with Lotta. something of the Steel Samurai is there! Larry will be here as well. still in training. NOTE: The metal detector. Now. Check out the flags here as well. but his compressor broke some time ago. So. I'd suggest you choose the metal detector. He'll volunteer to help you find the monster by loaning you one of the police's "secret weapons" for finding evidence. Maya says something is wrong about it. Missile: A K-9 police dog. Whatever you borrow will be added to the Court Record. Metal detector: Er. but it didn't go so well. Talk to her for it. The mystery of Gourdy is now solved though. She'll also give you another photo. It appears that he knows something about the tank. The air tank will be added to the Court Record. and the tank landed into the lake together with the balloon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Public Beach Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present the air tank to Larry. talk to him about "the flying air tank". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Woods Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tell Lotta that Gourdy doesn't exist. Go to the beach again. When she asks for proof. and Lotta will tell you that she overheard the cops around here saying something about the witness tomorrow. Don't get it? Go to the woods to look for Lotta now. Reply "to inflate something". You'll find that the air tank is surrounded by a string of flags. and ask you why would he need an air tank. Now.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Boat Rental Shop Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally. and when the tank and the balloon flew into the lake. and finally found it after four days . much like those found at Larry's hotdogs stall. This . It'll be eventually revealed that the air tank was too powerful for the balloon. which was why she kept it for herself.a loud noise went off when the valve broke. Its valve looks broken. The valve busted open and made an incredible noise. but he'll deny it. It's obvious now that the tank belongs to him. Remember the second photo that she didn't show you? It was a picture of the lake. and she figured it wouldn't be of much use. which is about a week ago. They said he's the caretaker of the boat rental shop. The "Gourdy" in the photograph is actually that of the tank and the balloon. You'll get your information now. He then went searching for the balloon every night in a boat. Maya will find an air tank in the bushes.incidentally. Ask more about the tank now. It appears that he used the air tank to inflate the Steel Samurai balloon (ok. He'll reveal that he used the air tank to inflate the samurai balloon when his compressor broke. The detector will go beeping. a couple was taking a photograph of the lake as well. He tells you that the incident happened on the 20th. so it's a balloon). the day he found the balloon was on the night of the murder. present the air tank . something happens here. Ask him does it belong to him. you can gain access to the caretaker's shack. so he looked outside. Kitchen unit is clean and tidy. Maya will ask Polly another question. Go there. He also wasn't very good with his hearing as well. He heard a "bang". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Caretaker's Shack Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An old man appears. this boat returned. A little while later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. but the old man says she can speak a lot of things if you know the "secret words". will be added to the Court Record. He forgot what did the young man said. You can't open the safe though! Now. Duh. Strange because the old man doesn't look exactly neat. Amazingly. He promises to help on one condition. Present the enlarged photo now. He'll go into sleep after a while. He replies that he forgot the time. Go back to the boat rental shop now. and he tells you that he tells the parrot everything important. present your attorney badge to him. Examine the place for the following observations: 1. and that is. Polly the parrot. Ask what he saw. He claims that he saw something.second photo. A men fell down from the boat. examine it and it'll be added to the Court Record. Talk to him now about "Polly". which was taken on the 24th at 11:50pm. A young man walked by his window here. DL-6? Just who is this old man? Your guess is as good as mine. but it was dark outside. but he'll "remember tomorrow by court time". Polly replies "don't forget DL-6!". A safe above the TV is locked.. Before you leave. he recognizes it as a lawyer's badge. It seems that he wasn't very good with his eyesight. Then he heard another "bang". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Boat Rental Shop Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here. This time. Maya tries to ask for the number to the locked safe. Criminal Affairs Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 3.. you'll run the imaginary pasta shop he's running! Lie and say you promise. Appears to say only "hello". 2. He mistook Maya for someone else. and Polly replies "1228!". after the case is over and done with. and he was muttering something to himself. Go back to the CAD now. A clerk in the court. I think it's good to list down the contents of what you took now: 1. he'll open up the DL-6 Incident case boat rental about it as related to file for you. 2001 . It took five hours for them to be rescued. it couldn't have been a suicide. He lost all memory of being in the elevator. 2001. Gumshoe is convinced. and got in the elevator with his son. There was a large earthquake at 2:00pm on that day. One of the three in the elevator had been shot. in the heart. From the angle of the bullet and other evidence. since he mentioned that he saw his father shot right in front of his own eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department.the parrot knows about the DL-6 Incident. There was a lack of oxygen in the elevator. The murder weapon. If were alive today. he disappeared. He had lost that day's case in court. 3. he'd be 50. Records Room Date: December 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maya almost immediately finds the files related to DL-6. The pistol had been fired two times. The incident took place in the elevator of the district court. As for the DL-6 Incident. Present the parrot . defense attorney. let me tell you that I think that Yogi is the old man at the boat rental shop. After reading. He'll give you access to the records room. Ok. Victim Data: --------------Gregory Edgeworth. 35. Part of the court building collapsed. He was oxygen deprived. a pistol. If you can convince him that this current case is the DL-6 Incident. Does it sound very familiar? It's almost like a carbon copy of the current case. and the survivors were unconscious. was found in the elevator. You're pretty sure that the old man must have taught her that word. and all of the lights went out. That'd also explain why he was afraid of earthquakes. so much so that he had brain damage. The third person in the elevator. It's likely that the old man was connected to DL-6. three people were trapped in the elevator. At the time. with only the venues different. 2. he doesn't know much well. Miles. It appears that Miles Edgeworth is among the survivors. Suspect Data: ---------------Yanni Yogi. Go through all of them: 1. The Case Summary: -------------------December 28. you'll get to take all the relevant information found in these three files. Case Summary --------------12/28.Gumshoe says that he has no idea who the old man at the shop is. After he was declared innocent. The old man will reply that he's not sure. Memory loss due to oxygen deprivation. He can still testify because the current case happened just a few days ago. He'll . he can't recall his own name. he saw a boat on the lake. Karma will force the judge to pass his verdict without you crossexamining. Karma will introduce the old man at the boat rental shop.Elevator. The murder weapon was fired twice. Raise an objection. Victim Data -------------Gregory Edgeworth (Age 35) Defense attorney. Ya. District Court Air in elevator was oxygen depleted at time of incident. his identity wasn't confirmed. Trapped in elevator returning from a lost trial with son Miles (Age 9). Insist on cross-examining. trapped with the Edgeworths. Somehow. Just about then the boat comes back to shore. Then he heard another "bang". 3. The judge will allow the old man to testify now. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. 3 Date: December 27. 2. looks like I'm right about the old man. No clues found at the scene. Ah. The day will end now. Karma then steps in and says that the witness does not remember anything beyond the last several years. and a man walks by the window. von Karma predicts that today's trial will end three minutes from when it begins. DAY 3: TRIAL -----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. When he looked out of the window. Get ready for another tough time in court tomorrow. OLD MAN'S TESTIMONY 1 --------------------It was the night of the 24th. The judge will stupidly ask what do you think. After his arrest. Courtroom No. fiancee Polly Jenkins commits suicide. He heard a "bang". Suspect Data --------------Yanni Yogi (Age 37) Court bailiff. OLD MAN'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ----------------------------Press the old man when he talks about the man by his window. One bullet found in heart. right. and the judge will instruct the old man to state his name. just after midnight. The old man was in the boat rental shop. As such. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. You'll get a five-minute recess now. . 10:28am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quickly go through the conversations and get back to court. He looked out over the lake. It's Larry! He mentions that he was at the park on the night of the murder (as confirmed by an earlier conversation with him about the air tank). He's dead certain. but realises that something the old man said was different from what he remembers... Defendant Lobby No. no way. He'll rule out his own verdict and give Larry a chance to testify. He saw the pistol on the floor of the boat. but he remembers it today. he couldn't understand what happened. who explains that Edgeworth could've easily wipe off the prints after he fired. During this conversation. As he was just thinking of going home he heard a "bang". Apparently. He also reveals that this could be your chance to turning the tides in your favor. Larry was out in a boat on the lake. After he heard the single gunshot. 10:35am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's get to it. 3 Date: December 27. then he falls and faints. Looks like Karma has lured you into a trap. He heard the shot. someone just took to the stands.the witness claims that Edgeworth said "I can't believe he's dead. Courtroom No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. He wasn't sure about the gunshot. Karma blasts back. Karma has always been running perfectly prepared witnesses and evidences. Edgeworth was saying: "I can't believe he's dead. Raise an objection again . Press and ask whether he's sure. and he found it. Your objection will be rebutted by Karma. he went home. Great." But if he was telling a lie. LARRY'S TESTIMONY 1 ------------------On the night of the murder. so he picked it up without thinking. Larry was listening to the trial in court earlier. Raise an objection quickly." This information will be added to the testimony. but didn't notice the boat. Edgeworth reveals that when Hammond fell into the lake. He was looking for something. The judge will then give a speech about preventing inaccurate verdict. Just when all seems gone. but a last minute witness like Larry could really upset his plans. So he quietly slipped the boat back in at the rental shop dock.reveal that it was Edgeworth. and the judge will then pronounced Edgeworth guilty. 2 Date: December 27. Karma will now say that this is simply because Larry was mistaken. really. ask him wasn't there a boat on the lake? He replies that it was really foggy that night. so present the second lake map . Moreover. For all the crap Larry has spouted. it's almost Christmas!" when he heard the gunshot. LARRY'S TESTIMONY 2 ------------------Larry was lonely on Christmas Eve.Lotta testified yesteday that she heard two "bangs". Present Lotta's deposition again at this statement .the time stamp on Lotta's second photo reads "December 24. He remembers exactly what the DJ was saying when he heard it too. Larry will testify that the DJ said "Hey. but he was sure he heard that gunshot. being alone. LARRY'S CROSS-EXAMINATIOn 2 --------------------------Press and ask Larry what did the DJ say. Confirm with him whether he only heard one "bang" when he says he went home. If the camera took a photo at 11:50pm. When he says he didn't notice the boat. . After a superb objection to Karma. This contradicts both the testimonies of Lotta and the old man. You've no choice. you'll explain why Larry could've heard the gunshot even when he's listening to his radio at a high volume. He thinks it should be around 12:00am.LARRY'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 --------------------------Press him when he says he slipped the boat back and ask what time was that. Select "we should care". Lotta's camera set to go off in response to loud noises. Now. when he says that he remembers what the DJ was saying. Karma objects. and the judge will say that he'll allow this question if you've reasons why you should care.the DJ said it's almost Christmas. this means that there was a loud noise at 11:50pm on the lake.the camera is set to response to loud noises. 11:50pm". when Larry heard the gunshot. the judge will ask whether you want him to continue. which means it wasn't 12:00am yet. And now. Present Lotta's deposition now . which means the gunshot that Larry heard was indeed before midnight. with a 25 minute interval between them. so continue. Say "Larry's right". You'll need to prove why. Larry says he's not sure again! He might have missed the second gunshot because he was listening to his radio on his headphones. Karma objects again . He wasn't sure though. The judge will now ask your opinion. This gives you a chance to cross-examine him again. Lotta's camera also set off 15 mintues after midnight. which means that there were two sets of gunshots that night. There's nothing on the lake in the photo. so he was listening to an all-requests show on the radio. The old man also mentioned the same thing just earlier. so he wasn't sure. He was listening to it loud. on purpose. The gunshot must be very close to him then. Reply "to create a witness". The first shot was for anyone who heard the shot to look at the lake. you'll need to explain why there were two sets of gunshots. 2. It's likely that Hammond called Edgeworth to the lake that night. but in the boat rental shop. and went out to the middle of the lake. but the pistol was fired three times. and realises that the murderer in this case had the same idea as the murderer in that case. 3. Select "Edgeworth and the murderer" . the old man. Edgeworth didn't know Hammond's face that well. You'll then be asked to explain who were on the boat that night. You'll suddenly remember the case on the Steel Samurai. just as he's starting to head for home. he assumed the identity of Hammond and met Edgeworth. . to create the impression that one men on the boat shot the other. which was why he didn't suspect anything when the murderer took Hammond's place. When asked to select the real scene of crime on the touch screen. Karma nows ask when did he fire twice. and got on the boat with Edgeworth. The judge will ask whether you can prove that the loud noise at 11:50pm was a gunshot. He found it. Both shots missed. Watch the brilliant explanation now . Reply "you don't know". The judge now asks who fired the pistol then. When was the last shot fired? It's quite clear now that the "third shot" was in fact the first shot. The caretaker shot Hammond at 11:50pm. Reply "the boat shop caretaker". and where would that be if he had just returned a boat? Watch now as you explained what you think was the truth: 1. leaving the pistol behind him.Hammond was killed during the first shot.even when he was wearing headphones. The real scene of the crime wasn't on a boat. point to the shop. The caretaker put on Hammond's coat. and returned the boat. The murderer is the caretaker of the boat shop. 4. Karma objects again. Lotta did exactly that after hearing the first shot. the caretaker jumped from the boat himself. This is when you should present the pistol .both the witnesses who testified earlier mentioned two gunshots.after the murderer killed Hammond at 11:50pm. Larry was searching for his balloon that night. 5. The caretaker fired pistol twice. You'll reply by referring to Larry's testimony. After the second shot. the one that Larry heard just before midnight. Now. and you don't know because he didn't tell you.but there's no proof that the loud noise at 11:50pm was a gunshot. The judge will now ask you what's the name of the murderer. he heard the gunshot . 25 minutes before the shot on the lake. Then. The judge will instruct the bailiff to bring out the caretaker. the chapter ends.something you never told Mia when she asked. Meanwhile. 1:22pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edgeworth tells you that something has been bothering you for some time. Edgeworth will reveal that he received a letter several days ago that was signed "Robert Hammond". 2:11pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A memory of murder. It's now that the bailiff appears and informs the judge that the caretaker has disappeared. He'll extend the trial until tomorrow. Watch it yourself when you play the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. about a memory of a crime that he committed. and put Hammond's coat back on the body. the court will adjorn since the judge can't declare a verdict under these circumstances. Things like the newspaper article on Gourdy and Lotta's deposition will be discarded. Your Court Record will now be cleaned up. Defendant Lobby No. DAY 3 . Before he says anything. the police can catch the caretaker. Larry visits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. Meanwhile.6. he'll ask Edgeworth a few questions. In the mean time. stating that he has something important to discuss with him." That was what Edgeworth said. while waiting. Go to the detention center now. He tells you about a nightmare he's having. The caretaker swam back to his shop. NOTE: The talk is not exactly important. you live to fight yet another day. Hopefully. A search warrant will be issued for his arrest. but it's a nice touch of story-telling. Meanwhile. requesting him to meet at the boat shop by the lake at midnight on Christmas Eve. then threw the body into the lake. Visitor's Room Date: December 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Edgeworth to find out that he became a prosecutor because he . Law Offices Date: December 27. I won't spoil it for you though. and he doesn't know whether to tell you. Talk to him to finally reveal why you became a defense attorney . 2 Date: December 27.INVESTIGATION --------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. He also reveals that Yanni Yogi wasn't apprehended because Hammond argued that he hadn't been "of sound mind" due to oxygen deprivation. framing Edgeworth.) So it seems that the caretaker was merely following instructions? Who could've written the letter? Get this letter into the Court Record. so he's stopping anyone from going in now. Entrance Date: December 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Gumshoe here. Apparently. The only thing in here is a letter. you'll find Grossberg here. Visitor's Room Date: December 27 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Park. This is your last chance.. It has no names on it.. clear letters: "Get your revenge on Miles Edgeworth." (The rest of the letter describes the murder plot in detail .doesn't want to defend criminals. Go to the boat rental shop from here. etc. Go the beach then. but Lotta did. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Gourd Lake Public Beach Date: December 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Steel Samurai balloon goes missing here.remember that locked safe? With the caretaker gone. He says that if you need any assistance. He'll run off to find the caretaker. and the ranger of the park found out. you can go to his office. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. Go to Gourd Lake entrance now.killing Hammond. then go back to Edgeworth at the detention center. Then he disappears quickly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Boat Rental Shop Date: December 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Surprisingly. Looks like Lotta will be in a lotta trouble. Now is your time to get revenge on the two men who ruined your life. Head to the caretaker's shack now . but he'll tell you that no one will be allowed in the woods today. it's the perfect opportunity to open it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Caretaker's Shack Date: December 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examine the safe to open it. and is written in precise. no one is allowed to camp there. He also tells you more about von Karma. He has been having the same dream almost every night. Ask about it. go to Grossberg. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. for 15 years. Present the letter from the caretaker's safe to Grossberg. He'll tell you how Yogi was found innocent.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present the letter to him. Talk to him about Yogi. and this was the only penalty that he has received in his career as a prosecutor. Two men: Hammond and Edgeworth? 2. select "Manfred von Karma". He took a vacation after that. the accusation stood. which was unusual. talk to him about von Karma. Then. Talk to him about it as well. a load of bullshit. Karma was penalised. and discuss about it: 1. Talk about the spirit medium. Gregory tried to call attention to von Karma's techniques. Now. and find out a possibility about why Hammond was also killed. Grossberg replies that von Karma won. This will also open up a conversation about Edgeworth's nightmare. You'll find out about a case between Gregory Edgeworth and Manfred von Karma. and he reveals that Gregory is very disapproving of von Karma's techniques. Criminal Affairs Date: December 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You want to go to the records room. and though he lost the trial. . but Gregory accused him of faulty evidence. because he didn't want to implicate his son. right? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Grossberg Law Offices Date: December 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grossberg tells you that it's likely that Edgeworth really killed his father. It's a dream about the possibility that he actually killed his father instead. Go to the CAD now. Grossberg then offers to help check the police files for you. When he asks you who could've written this. but died before he could do so. He asked you to. NOTE: Seriously. Talk to him about Gregory Edgeworth. Last chance: Statute of limitations on the DL-6 Incident? Edgeworth then suspects that the old man is Yanni Yogi. he suddenly remembers that he has seen the handwriting on this letter before. You're right! Now. and Grossberg says perhaps the person who lied was Gregory's ghost. but an officer told you that von Karma is inside! Go to the records room anyhow. This ruins his obsession on perfection. During the melee.Taken from the heart of Gregory Edgeworth. YOGI'S TESTIMONY 1 -----------------Yogi says he's sorry to leave the court yesterday.TRIAL ------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. 2 Date: December 28. DAY 4 . that a drawer on the right is opened. Remember that you'll need to first prove his identity. Maya managed to grab an evidence from the DL-6 Incident from von Karma. This will eventually to the judge asking you is it really important to confirm whether Yogi has lost his memory. press again. 9:51am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch Maya turn into Electro. Talk to him if you want. YOGI's CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 -------------------------Press his statements a few times. Notice. however. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. who has successfully arrested the Yogi. He left because he went to buy some food for Polly. Karma then replies that the witness has no fingerprints! Apparently. so he's still just the old man/ caretaker to them. Say "Yanni Yogi". It's now that he appears. You also find that the file for DL-6 is completely empty. Save the game. 3 Date: December 28.. Defendant Lobby No. Present the letter from the safe to him now. only things that you already know. The judge will ask you who Yogi really is. and he'll freely admit that he wrote the letter. then when he says he has got nothing to do with the case. his testimony yesterday stands as is. Records Room Date: December 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Surprisingly. his parrot. to be exact: "Evidence No. then talk to Gumshoe. It says "Unsolved Cases: Evidence".~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. Karma will then ask you to prove it. Yogi used to work in a chemical plant. 7 . It must be that son of a. because Yogi is lying. and he doesn't have one. He figured he has got nothing to do with this case anyhow. Examine it. A bullet. Courtroom No. and remove the letter from you. So. von Karma. von Karma isn't here." This ends the day for you. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok. You'll reply yes. He'll then attack Maya and you with a stun gun. and he burnt his fingers then. He'd need a motive. You'll get nothing much out of it.. . You'll ask the judge to take Yogi's fingerprints. the identity of Yogi hasn't exactly been revealed to the court. In fact. anymore. He reveals the plan to kill Hammond and Edgeworth was sent to him in a package with a letter and a pistol. and she'll reply "Pol-ly! Pol-ly!" The judge will then ask has this anything to do with her owner's identity. One more piece of evidence is needed to fully convince the judge though. But as the judge declares him not guilty. then select "Case Summary" . Get Maya to ask Polly about the safe number. The judge will concur that two coincidences at the same time seems like a pattern to him. er. Amazingly. Present the DL-6 case file again. it states that Yogi's finacee. right now. He'll summon the caretaker once again. for this case. The judge will call for a recess to think about Karma's proposal. Now. then ask Maya to ask Polly a question. You'll be asked to prove it.Karma will now sarcastically suggest that you cross-examine the parrot. he now confesses to the murder of his father in the DL-6 Incident! Karma then takes the opportunity to suggest a trial for the DL-6 Incident. he goes and object the judge! In fact. let the parrot take the stands. Say "of course!" You'll be asked to prove it. He'll eventually be arrested. Present the DL-6 case file. Edgeworth will be declared innocent by Karma. then select Select "Suspect Data" . Yogi. right here. Yogi will admit that he's. POLLY'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 --------------------------Press the only statement. He'll also admit to killing Hammond. remember that Polly actually responded to the question forgotten something" by saying "don't forget DL-6!". POLLY'S TESTIMONY 1 ------------------"Hello! Hello! *Squawk!*" Certainly the most concise testimony you've heard so far. he looks totally different now. This is the real Yogi. and framing Edgeworth for it. say yes.the date on it is 12/28. The judge will ask you whether this number has something to do with the caretaker. Polly Jenkins. but if you ask this question. She replies "1228! 1228!" as usual. she won't respond the same way Perhaps Karma retrained her? Get Maya to ask Polly what's her name.remember on this page. Say "it does". you say yes! The most unlikely witness in court history! When asked whether you really want to do it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Cross-Examination of Polly the Parrot: SUCCESS! :) This time round. committed suicide after he was arrested? This is the link between "Polly" and "Yogi". you "have we somehow. Now. Point to the bullet hole on the elevator door . Karma will object again. This is what you'll tell the judge. and will refer you to the DL-6 Incident case file again.yes. the judge will discount your defense. She asks you to "think crazy". where was the other bullet? Because it's "unlikely" for the police to miss this other bullet. Who fired the second shot? Karma objects. I hope you see it. the case of 15 years ago can finally come to its end. Now. Courtroom No. then present the DL-6 Incident photo. Mia comes in again. that he didn't kill his father. Reply "the murderer didn't need it". as you mentioned. so we can skip that. 2 Date: December 28. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. then select "Victim Data" .this is the shot that misfired from Edgeworth's throw. the judge will then ask you is there really a need for him to search for the bullet. the killer shot.this page says that the murder weapon was fired twice. She tells you that the second bullet must have exist. there was a single gunshot. so he picked it up and threw it at Yogi to stop them from fighting. present the DL-6 case file. EDGEWORTH'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ------------------------------When Edgeworth first mentions about the single gunshot. Edgeworth then continues that Yogi and his father started arguing. Raise an objection. A moment later.Scene: District Court. He'll now be ready to declare the guilty verdict now. The shot on Gregory's body is the second shot. is quite clearly shown in the Court Record. then a scream . and get totally tongue-tied. Say "yes". to "think why the bullet HAD to be taken away" . He'll ask whether you've anything to add. The judge then stupidly asks you how does the photo prove that two shots were fired. 2:24pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Edgeworth gets ready to be arrested. but someone took it. The first shot was the accidental firing when the pistol was thrown by Edgeworth. After some exchanges. The truth. and the judge will now ask you whether you've proof that the weapon was indeed fired twice on the day. 3 Date: December 28. what if the . He then felt something at his feet. It mentions on the "Case Summary" page that "not a single clue was found on the scene". Defendant Lobby No. It's now that Mia returns. even though it was clear as daylight. if the pistol had indeed fired two shots. 2:30pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So it begins. EDGEWORTH'S TESTIMONY 1 ----------------------We all know about the earthquake and getting into the elevator. you assured everyone that you're now ready to prove that he's innocent.a scream that he remembers until today. prompted him to shoot. All bullets fired from a gun are marked with that weapon's unique pattern. you can tell which weapon fired the bullet. He could even have taken Edgeworth as his student only to plan for this day! The judge now asks you to give the name of your suspect. Say it. it'll prove that they're fired from the same gun.. He'll vehemently refuse. If the ballistic markings on this bullet is the same as the ones found on Karma's shoulders. who just happened to be standing outside. say it now. He felt it was his destiny . it misfired.. Since Edgeworth and Yogi were both unharmed. as he was shot. he was taking the time off to heal a wound. It's now that Karma lets out a scream . The bullet pierced through the elevator door and hit Karma. on his right shoulder. They're fingerprints of a weapon. and present the test-and-trusted metal detector! The only way to find out whether Karma has a bullet inside him is to use the metal detector on him. Karma saw that the Edgeworths and Yogi were already fainted. NOTE: Amazing. he was shot? You'll tell the judge that the murderer HAD to take that bullet.the scream that has been haunting Edgeworth for 15 years. since Karma will never subject himself to a weakness that's so easy to engage. In fact.murderer has no choice but to take the bullet away? For example. but the judge will be on your side.the bullet was preserved nicely.his hatred for Gregory Edgeworth. and will claim that the bullet was already there before the DL-6 Incident. He was near the scene of crime. He'll then asks you whether you can prove that the bullet in Karma's body was shot on the same day as the DL-6 Incident. Select "show evidence". isn't it? Gumshoe's detector saves the day! Karma won't give up though.. Karma will saracastically challenge you to prove that he was shot. with all the ballistic markings intact. Why'd he do that? What if. The likelihood is that the bullet is still in his body! Now. He also have the motive to kill Edgeworth since he hated the Edgeworths. Maya then remembers what Grossberg told you yesterday.. the wound caused by a bullet shot? This could mean that Karma is the murderer! He has the motive. he'll eagerly suggest to get his doctor to testify in court. He let out a scream before the door opened. Edgeworth then tells you that it's useless to do so. After Edgeworth threw the gun. just what if. Remember ballistic markings? It was mentioned two days ago in the trial. When it did. in a situation like. Karma took a long break. this leaves the possibility of someone from outside the elevator being the murderer. The detector will go beeping on his right shoulder. who ruined his otherwise perfect record. Karma will obviously deny it. . By examining the markings. that after being penalised for falty evidences. Present the DL-6 bullet to nail him . 2 Date: December 28. 2. you also say was. Dick Gumshoe: You know him too. You're now an This is why this episode is called "Goodbyes". She promises to finishes her training. remember? She's much happier after that. At the end of it. 5:38pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maya. Watch the hilarious game credits now as you completed the four GBA cases . Gumshoe. you shouldn't have problems reaching this part. Larry will also finally admit to stealing Edgeworth's lunch money in school! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. Also the defendant of this case.I won't spoil the funny parts for you. One reason for her departure is that she thinks that she's useless. wants to continue her return as soon as she Maya. Defendant Lobby No. Chief prosecutor of the district.This. but she still training as a spirit medium. Lotta and Larry all came to express their congratulations. EPISODE FIVE: RISE FROM THE ASHES ====================================================================== Characters: 1. 3.she grabbed it from Karma in the records room. Ema Skye: High school junior and self-styled scientific investigator. The toughest case you've encountered so far has finally drawn its curtains. A new episode has been unlocked. is the truth. Law Offices Date: December 29. Now save your game. Lana Skye: Ema's sister. If you follow this walkthrough closely. if you want. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 8. and get prepared for a brand new episode. Present the DL-6 bullet to her to tell her she's not . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. One that is specially created for the Nintendo DS. 4. As you say goodbye to goodbye to the novice attorney that you once Ace Attorney. Miles Edgeworth: You know him. NOTE: The first four cases in this game is ported over from the first GBA Gyakuten Saiban game. You'll rush to the train station for her. . before the credits are fully rolled. Watch Karma bangs his head on the wall and laugh. but she has pretty much made up her mind. 5:02am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You wake up to find that Maya has left. you'll shout "HOLD IT!". Talk to want.5. Go to the detention center now. but the manner of this girl reminds you of Maya. It has been two months since Maya left. 7. Angel Starr: Mysterious lunchlady. he's top dog in the P. She'll way to solve crimes. Damon Gant: District chief of police. and a good man. Ema also mentions that she doesn't really like her sister "now". Jake Marshall: A patrolman investigating the incident at the prosecutor's office. Judgey. and find out more about her if you about scientific investigation. Mike Meekins: Patrolman with General Affairs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . The Judge: It's still him. When she arrives at your office.D. and that her parents were killed in a car accident. so you eventually gave in. 11. until a girl showed up. Ema's sister was arrested for stabbing someone with a knife. She's a "scientific investigator". You aren't exactly interested in taking up any cases now. ask about the case. 9. Geddit? DAY 1: INVESTIGATION -------------------Watch the cut-scene for a series of strange events happening. It has also been two months since you were involved in any trial. The Blue Badger: Mascot of the police force! Defender of truth! Guardian of proof! 12. This ends when you begin the chapter with a monologue. Thinks he's a cowboy. Neil Marshall: Prosecutor murdered two years ago in the SL-9 Incident. Law Offices Date: February 22. Div. She introduces herself as whatever that is. 10:02am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The girl mentions something about her sister's trial being tomorrow. Soap opera stuff. she was looking for Mia. Suspected of killing Goodman in the evidence room. scientifically. Ema her her new Skye. 6. Bruce Goodman: The victim. 8. then proceed to ask mention something about a Now. Known as the "cough up queen". 1. Witness to the murder. 10. A witness claimed to see her do it. Udgey. so ask her about her relation with Mia. Ema is sure that her sister didn't do it though. Apparently. Jake Marshall's brother. but you'll get to know that his nickname is "Udgey". Detective in charge of homicide in criminal Affairs. It appears that Mia was Ema's sister's junior in school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. Though he might not seem it. She introduces herself as Lana. The wallet has an ID card that says: "Detective Bruce Goodman. which utilises the capabilities of the DS. she'll still request you to take up her case. one a lawyer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Prosecutor's Office. at any means. and she'll reveal a wound on her right hand. just in front of the door. ID # 5842189". apparently sustained in the process of murdering the victim. at 5:15pm . but the wound was fatal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. This ID replaces the wallet in the Court Record. You know from Ema that his name is Marshall. and he's a detective. which happened in the underground parking lot of the prosecutor's office. then visit the underground parking lot. At the end of the conversation. This will be added to the Court Record. for the sake of appeasing Ema. Check out the security room at the top left corner as well. since she heard a lot about you from Mia. but will still tell you about the case. Talk to Lana. A wallet can be found on the floor. after spouting a lot of crap. A witness clearly saw her committing the crime. Examine the area now for the following observations: 1. Follow her instructions to learn this new trick. You'll come . 2. but she tells you not to lose too much sleep since she intends to admit her crime in court anyway. Since the victim was a detective. and you can see everything from there. She mentions she has confessed to the crime. She was arrested on the spot. Death was due to a loss of blood. he disappears. and she's the chief prosecutor for the district.the timing was specific because of the witness's deposition. The body was found in the trunk of her subordinate's car. Talk to her about herself. the police department will consider it a matter of pride to apprehend Lana. Then. Ema now teaches you "scientific investigation". Death wasn't immediate. It's on the second level.Scene: Detention Center. Underground Parking Lot Date: February 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A man in a sheriff outfit appears here. Such a coincidence with case two. The murder happened on February 21. She also seems to know you by name. resulting from a single stab wound in the stomach. Law Offices Date: February 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation. You begin to wonder: Two sisters. Visitor's Room Date: February 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ema's sister isn't a very friendly person though. The victim of the case is police detective. Go to the High Prosecutor's office now. After listening to Marshall talks a lot of crap again. only to be halted by Marshall. you realised she also happens to be the witness to the murder. Examine the car. What a coincidence. and she'll reply that she sells lunch here everyday. Notice now you've no access to the right screen anymore. She introduces herself as Angel Star. A door right in front of you is locked. and she'll tell you that there was some sort of a prosecutor's convention yesterday.back to this room later. He also mentions something about that shield. Now. Ask her now about her hostility towards prosecutors. Just when she was passing her comments about it. Edgeworth appears. the newly debuted lady happens to be selling lunch. To the right of the door is an emergency phone. So. 4. Room 1202 Date: February 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ema immediately notices some sort of a shield-like trophy with a "K" insignia. In a bizarre turn of events. this is actually his office! It also happens that the body of the victim in this case was found in his car. Now. as it'll help you counter a witness's testimony later. It appears that she a thing against prosecutors. You suspect she may be involved in some criminal activities before. Her boyfriend works in the security room. ask about what she saw. 5. It has traces of . Talk to Edgeworth about himself to watch a flashback. Now. It seems that he'd be the prosecutor for this case. scroll to the right screen of the parking lot to find a car. This is also when a sexily dressed lady appears. and you'll learn that the victim was stabbed with Edgeworth's knife. and it was in his car that they found the body. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: High Prosecutor's Office. Remember this door. After talking to her. This will help you gain access to the High Prosecutor's office. It's out of order. She claims that she saw the exact moment of the crime. Talk to her. 3. To the right of the emergency phone is a six feet high partition. you'll be back at the left screen of the parking lot. She also mentions that a prosecutor was named "King of Prosecutors" during the convention. She also seems to know Lana by name. The knife was kept in the toolbox in the trunk of his car. Ask her to tell you more about herself. ask about the case. Ask about Lana. Turns out Ema is Edgeworth's "fan". Edgeworth's knife will be added to the Court Record. The trophy with the "K" insignia is the trophy for the "King of Prosecutors" award.17:12". This will be added to the Court Record. Parking stub added to the Court Record. Watch him explain about cleaning day . then killing him. He reveals that Lana has confessed to summoning the victim to her office. which looks decidedly disturbing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department Entrance Date: February 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It takes you 30 minutes to reach here by taxi.. This is when a police officer rushes in. It seems that he wasn't delivering something that Edgeworth wanted. So..the victim's blood. He's here to deliver a report to Edgeworth at the police chief's request. Meanwhile. This is confirmed by a parking stub he received. . He also mentions that he was at the police department yesterday (obviously). Do the scientific investigation to see this: "Miles Edgeworth . Examine the office now: 1. . He's looking for Edgeworth. You'll notice some sort of an automated greeting machine at the entrance. a process called "evidence transferal".Wendy". and the traffic wasn't that bad. A steel samurai figure just beside he flowers has something written on the bottom of his foot. The bouquet of flowers at the back of the room has a card that says "Back from the Dead. and has no prints. talk to him. where there was an annual review and awards for outstanding police officers and prosecutors. It's also revealed that the officer's name is Meekins. who's on his way to becoming the police's mascot. It seems that the murder took place three minutes after he parked his car. It appears that yesterday was the annual cleaning day at the prosecutor's office. Ask him about the day of the crime now. it's Detective Gumshoe! As usual. it says "Between a rock and a hard place.a day when prosecutors and policemen sort and file all evidences for solved cases. and only returned here at 5:12pm. He also mentions that yesterday was a very busy day at the office.Wendy". or wait. 2. and Edgeworth will give him a tongue-lashing. go to the police department's entrance now. He'll complain about how time-wasting receiving the award is. A ceremony was also held up the police department. you notice someone dancing beside the Blue Badger. You realises that it's the "Blue Badger". Do the "scientific investigation" if you want on it. . Edgeworth will now ask you to leave. Present the Prosecutor Trophy to Edgeworth now. He suggests that you visit the police department for more information if you want. there seems to be no motive. Ask about these rumors. It's a little strange that his ID was found on the ground at the parking lot. The Blue Badger added to the Court Record. which calls up another conversation with Gumshoe. Goodman was involved in an evidence transferal yesterday. Apparently. Er. and you'll get the autopsy report. Gumshow will also give you a letter of introduction. Check it to find the following details: Name of deceased: Bruce Goodman (36)/ Male Date and time of death: February 21. Now present Gumshoe's letter when you see Marshall. Now. Now. and mentions she has a boyfriend in criminal affairs as well. lower ranking officers like Gumshoe are not allowed to enter into the CAD. while the chief of police is in charge of the investigation. Amazingly. Assessment: Wound was caused by a 12cm knife. which is why he was so free to dance with the Blue Badger. and are not closely related. Present Goodman's ID to him. he should be at the police department doing this. This seems a little odd. people around are all spreading evil rumors about Edgeworth. Present the "K" trophy now. Isn't a crime scene usually in charge by detectives? Talk to him now about the victim. ok. which says that the only reason he took the case is because he's aiming for Lana's've met him already. and ask why a patrolman like him is in charge of the crime scene of such a high profile case. Marshall also tells you that Goodman and Lana only worked on a case before a few years back. A single stab wound was found. after the last case. examine the Blue Badger. Go to the parking lot now. and this will open up an opportunity to talk about Goodman. instead of appearing at the prosecutor's office. and this will open up an opportunity to talk about the rumors at the law office. he reveals that he made the Blue Badger. He'll now allow you to examine the crime scene. it'll dance until the batteries go flat. Gumshoe also reveals that Officer Marshall was assigned to the parking lot .You'll also find that Gumshoe has been kicked out of the CAD. so that you can show it to Marshall at the parking lot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Prosecutor's Office. Underground Parking Lot Date: February 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angel appears again. Because of this high profile case. He reveals . It's strange. It's battery-powered. and can go anywhere. But since it's running on batteries. however. But. The current murder has started a new rumor. between 4:00pm and 5:30pm Cause of death: Loss of blood from chest wound. talk to him about himself. Apparently. So. that a patrolman is in-charge of the case. all these can be traced to one source . which was why Ema's phone rang just now.that he used to be a detective until two years ago. He also mentions that the police are short-handed. however. You'll now make a redial. A cellphone is found on the ground. The trunk of Edgeworth's car has a note. It looks "somewhat" like this badly drawn diagram: -------------Goodman 6-7S 12/2 -------------Victim's note added to Court Record. Rotate the phone till you can examine the side of it. It says "6-7S 12/2". Save your game now. It seems that Gumshoe is also taken off the case because he was close to Edgeworth. 2. The top right corner has a printed name which says "Goodman". who has nothing to do? Now. etc. This will bring out a cool scene of "evidence self-selection". Ask about "office atmosphere" now.Lana. and it seems that he and Lana used to "have a past". Amazingly. Now. Check it out when given a choice to. DAY 2 . after the time of crime. The display button is still on the redial button. You can now add the phone to your Court Record. and you'll find out that at 5:18pm. talk to Marshall about Lana. It states that the last call was made at 5:18pm on the day of murder. This will open the cover of the phone. Now. Ema reveals that Lana hung up right away after she called. which was why he was assigned. you're interrupted by Marshall. Now. Before you can get through to the other party. This information is now updated to the cell phone in your Court Record. a phone rang to the tune of the Steel Samurai theme song just as you made the call. Lana actually called Ema. go through the conversation with Ema.TRIAL FORMER . He reveals that the phone belongs to Lana. End of Day 1. Seems like someone is calling Ema's phone at the same time. examine the blue redial button on the phone.. Short-handed? How about Gumshoe. head to the right screen to finally be able to examine the stuff here: 1. He reveals that of the rumors about Edgeworth's fixing evidences. Courtroom No. . 2 Date: February 23. until two years ago. not. Angel herself. Through a wire fence. she's given the chance to do the detective's summary that Gumshoe usually does. er. Because of her unique status. As you've examined earlier. Unfortunately for her. so she was certain it was her. She when she sensed next to a Then. press. ANGEL'S TESTIMONY 1 ------------------She mentions that she always knew that a day like this was on her way to deliver a lunchbox to her boyfriend. 9 Date: February 23. Parking lot floor plans added to the Court Record. of course. It seems she's also not a fan of prosecutors.-------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. In fact. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. You realise this is the first case you're doing with a Fey helping you. Angel uses the map of the parking lot to describe the crime. When she mentions about the wire fence. something. in the car's trunk. She was holding a knife in her right hand. Angel says that at the moment she witnessed the crime. having her left hand on the trunk. The witness was. Defendant Lobby No. "B Block" is for visitors and clients. She also confirms that the security room is in "A Block". the room is on the second level. It shows Lana just behind Edgeworth's car. The lot at the prosecutor's office is divided into two blocks. she saw Lana standing garish car. and an arrest was made on the spot. "A Block" is for the prosecutor's office personnel. The crime took place by a car in the back of "A Block". She also reveals that she parks in "B Block" when she delivers lunch. Angel was a special investigator with the police. She also reveals that she was fired from her job because of prosecutors. and you can see everything from there. thrusted the knife into Goodman's chest. Apparently. and she took a picture. "Cough-up Queen Angel Starr" was her nickname. she ANGEL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 --------------------------Press the first sentence. She was a first-rate homicide detective. Press the sentence about delivering a lunchbox to her boyfriend to confirm that it's the security guard boyfriend. and her right hand in the pocket of her trenchcoat. her reflexes took over. at least you've Ema. would come. She also presents a photograph now. there was a witness. and she confirms that she was less than 30 feet when she was Lana. she hints that Goodman was killed because he "knew too much". 9:34am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation. The killer stabbed the victim with a knife and went to drive the body out. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edgeworth calls Angel to the stands. A chain divider separates the two blocks. Well. "that" boyfriend of "the other" boyfriend. Anyhow. raise an objection. Lana wasn't holding a knife. so you'll want to prove her otherwise to earn some points for Lana. This is when Angel says that she mistook something for blood. Although the photo is black and white. The judge will ask her to testify what she saw that made her thought it was blood. . whenever a new statement is added to the testimony. you should be able to get something out of it. She still wants to prove that Lana has intended to kill Goodman. the stains could well be blood splatters. it doesn't remove the fact that Lana killed the victim. Which is why she thought Lana must have stabbed Goodman at least twice. as with all previous cases. and she doesn't look like lying. present the photo that Angel just presented . Time for round two. Angel then says that it was there. She now testifies that Lana's red muffler looked like blood to her. so it seems that the murder was premeditated. If you look at the photo carefully. It shows that Lana was wearing gloves. When she says Lana stabbed the victim again and again. round three. something red. She's sure Lana had a grudge against Goodman.if the murder is premedidated.the photo shows that Lana wasn't wearing any muffler. The judge will ask Angel to add this into her testimony. which Angel took "at the moment she witnessed the crime".a single wound was stated in the report. Back to the photo. Edgeworth objects. ANGEL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 --------------------------The contradiction is obvious for this one. Angel merely apologises for the confusion because she may be "slightly unclear". Present the photo that Angel took on this statement . Angel thought she saw blood at her breasts. ANGEL'S TESTIMONY 2 ------------------Angel isn't giving up. presumably splattered from the victim. That's why she called the victim to the prosecutor's office. When given a choice. It seems that when Lana lifted her knife. Edgeworth will tell you that whether the crime is premedidated or not. present Edgeworth's knife when Angel says this statement .Crime photo added to Court Record. why didn't Lana bring her own knife? Just when you think you've turned the tide. When Angel says that Lana was holding a knife in her right hand. you should notice some stains on Lana's coat. and says that the photo wasn't taken after the stabbing. Now. She also mentions that Lana stabbed the victim again and again. present the autopsy report .in this. Angel claims that the crime is premedidated. there was a chain link fence. before climbing over the fence to get to Lana . Lana first attempted to use the phone hanging on the wall. but the phone was out of order. especially when the fence was about nine feet high. She was talking on the phone. press her for more details. Meanwhile. and picked up the emergency phone on the wall. present the floor plans on this sentence .from where Angel claims she was.a process that'd take about five minutes. Edgeworth will now ask you exactly what lie did she tell the court. you'll have to show on the floor plans where did Angel actually see the Lana using the emergencu phone. It was during this time that Angel climbed over the fence and arrested Lana. then raise an objection when asked to . she wouldn't be able to use the shortest route available.five minutes are more than enough for any criminal to flee the scene. which "confused" Angel. The phone was out of order. Lana's attempt to use the phone on the wall was added to the testimony. It seems Lana wasn't exactly talking to Angel when she said "muffler". Angel will use the floor plans to explain.ANGEL'S TESTIMONY 3 ------------------Angel says that Lana tried to run behind a partition off to her side. It was then that Lana mentioned about the muffler. but that means she couldn't have gotten to Lana as quickly as she claimed. It's also revealed that Edgeworth and Lana were responsible for kicking Angel out of the force two years ago. Watch through the conversation. Lana ran behind the partition. it's understandable that she has to be at some point in the security room. Ask further. Point to the security room.she was delivering lunch to her boyfriend. but "resistance is futile". Moreover. she'd never be able to see Lana using the emergency phone. then present . Press about the muffler statement. The cell phone in the Court Record is now updated with the new info about "muffler". She'd have to make a detour to reach "B Block". select "distance to the crime" . because she'd be blocked by a 6 feet high partition. Lana tried to escape. Now. As you claim that Angel is'll be revealed that if Angel was to run towards Lana after she saw the crime. Angel claims she went over the fence to arrest Lana. the security room is the only place where she could have an view of the entire parking lot. Press this statement now. It seems that between Angel and Lana. when asked what difference does it make for Angel to see the crime from the security room or from "B Block". Now. so she pulled out her own cell phone out of her pocket. Apparently. . because it was blocked by a locked door. Select "where she was it". ANGEL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 --------------------------When she says she quickly arrested Lana. It was then that Lana hung her phone. Angel then quickly arrested Lana on the spot. Now. Edgeworth then explains that the reason Lana knocked down the oil drums was to wash the footprints away. about how Lana knocked down some oil drums. Edgeworth asks whether the oil drums are empty. She claims she has decisive evidence. Angel replies that the oil drums are brimming with water. Angel then interrupts the judge she doesn't like to be associated with the prosecutors! This is when she presents yet another photo. isn't it strange that no bloody footprints were found at the scene of crime? So. Examine the shoe now to find that there's blood traces at the bottom of the shoe as well. . Angel then says the forensics team was in no doubt that the blood belongs to Lana. Edgeworth now asks what is contradictory about this. This is when Ema asks do you have a problem with the shoe. when she says the shoe is decisive evidence. Edgeworth objects to the evidence on grounds that it wasn't approved. ANGEL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 --------------------------Press about the blood test when she says that one of the types of blood found on the shoe belongs to Lana . why aren't there footprints? Edgeworth now brings us back to Angel's testimony about apprenhending Lana. This is when Angel fights back with one more testimony. and will want to adjourn the court for further investigations. Ema quickly asks you to look at the asphalt in the photo .it's clearly wet. Present the crime photo . So it seems the water theory is true afterall. so she didn't proceed with the DNA test. ANGEL'S TESTIMONY 4 ------------------SHe mentions that she should have mentioned the five minute blank. But now. You'll now have to agree whether there is. press. Victim's shoe added to Court Record. As the judge prepares to declare the guilty verdict now that you've no ammos. The judge will ask you to point out where the problem is. select "there's a problem". The other was Lana's. This is an important clue. Two types of blood was found on the shoe.if the bottom of the victim's shoe is covered in blood. Point to the blood stains at the bottom of the shoe and present. one that shows the victim's body in the trunk. so it was's impossible narrow a blood sample down to an individual. Now. she presents the victim's shoe.The judge will now agree that Angel has a personal grudge against Lana. Ema says that Angel could be lying about the water since she's on the prosecution's side. This shoe is the decisive evidence. but Angel fights back with the reply that she had the shoe tested by a forensics team from the police. One was the victim's. This will trigger the blade. and it seems he's quite adamant that he saw Lana wearing a red muffler on the day of the crime. but Marshall has no reason to lie to you. Damon Gant. Mia contacts you again. The judge will ask you why this muffler is important to the case. 12:32pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This session introduces the district chief of police. You'll object the judge as he prepares to declare the verdict again. since Edgeworth isn't very happy with the police force for failing to find such an important . Marshall brings up the issue on "mufflers" again. then this piece of cloth is vital evidence. Watch Gant embarrasses Edgeworth. She asks you to take a good look at the photograph.TRIAL LATTER -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. 9 Date: February 23. The judge will then ask Gant to testify. You'll talk about the last photo. point to the trigger and examine it.As you prepare to give up. There's also a dark red stain on the tip. and he explains that "muffler" can also be used to explain as the pipe of a car's exhaust system. This blade is found wrapped in Lana's muffler when the muffler was found in the exhaust pipe. Point to the car's exhaust pipe present Edgeworth now observes that something is poking out of the car's muffler. Switchblade knife added to the Court Record. Where did the muffler go then? You'll get the answer when you return to the court for the afternoon session of the trial. and you'll go into the scientific investigation screen. Defendant Lobby No. Watch the cool "evidence self-selection" again. Courtroom No. then take over when Gant hands over the switchblade to you. The thing sticking out of the car's muffler appears to be a piece of cloth. He brings over the red muffler that belongs to Lana. If the "muffler" that Lana mentioned is the car's muffler. 11:56am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation with Ema and Marshall. and predictably. Does it look familiar to you? Now. There's a clear contradiction there. it was found stuck in the car's. muffler. Gant also presents a switchblade knife in the process. The judge will ask you what's the problem with the photo. This contradicts Angel's crime photo. DAY 2 . Present Lana's cell phone . The judge will now give a 30-minute recess. She tells you not to throw in the towel regardless of whether the asphalt is wet or not. Rotate the blade until you can see a small tag on it. er. The tip of the blade is broken off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. then examine the tag.the word "muffler" was overheard when Lana was using this phone. The tag says: "SL-9 2". 2 Date: February 23. because a detective was killed at the police department. present the victim's note . ask him "where was the victim found". Go back to the same statement and press again. but he . But. same date. Looks like you've gotten yourself another case to fight! Now. Edgeworth probes further to find out that it's also a murder weapon in another case that has been solved long ago. but he reveals that the crime took place in the evidence room at the police department. You agree on the condition that he gives you the relevant data. when Gant says there's no connection between the cases. but there's no harm learning more about the case. Gant now reveals that the switchblade was evidence in a case. He replies "stabbing". which misled your early attempt to read it. He mentions that he'll cooperate.piece of evidence at the crime scene. he doesn't want to talk about it. GANT'S TESTIMONY 1 -----------------Gant says that the switchblade knife is special. for now. Select "how the victim was killed". isn't "SL-9" the same as what's written on the switchblade's tag? When Goodman was writing this note. which is exactly the same as Lana's case. The time that the detective was killed was 5:15pm. he'll only give you one information. huh? But since it's not officially linked to this case. He asks for your help. he was holding the paper upside down. It was stolen from the department's evidence room. even though he isn't sure how . when Gant says unless there's evidence to prove a connection.yes.what're the odds? Anyway. as it is.unless there's evidence to prove a connection between this knife and Goodman. He'll mention that there're more similarities between the two cases. different places . When Gant mentions about a detective being killed at the police department. GANT'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 -------------------------Two murders. You'll now tell him the connection. You'll need to press harder. press him. Gant can't tell you where the body was found. Press this statement. press him. Gant reveals that the switchblade was stolen on the day of the current murder. but he won't tell you what. there's still a lot of unanswered questions. it says "6-7S 12/2". it actually says "2/21 SL-9"! Now. but if you look at it upside. He also mentions that the day of the crime was a bad day for them. This is the connection between the two cases: police department murder took place in evidence room <---> switchblade found wrapped in Lana's muffler while being slotted into Edgeworth's car's exhaust pipe was stolen from evidence room. same time. This will cause Gant to reveal more information. He reveals that they've just arrested the suspect for the police department murder case. Now. NOTE: You don't actually need to do this step. This time. Uncanny. you know. Hmm. Division 1 . DAY 2 . Goodman was in homicide as well. Press this statement now. if Goodman was already killed in the evidence room. Gant used you! Now.INVESTIGATION --------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. those stuff you find in CSI to test for blood in an already cleaned-up area? Ok.the two ID numbers are identical! In other words. ask for the victim's gender. The judge will therefore grant one further day for this trial.the detectives responsbile for homicide cases. Law Offices Date: February 23. Ask for the victim's division. "both" killed at the same time. since the evidence wasn't accepted by Edgeworth. Now. Now. Ema presents a luminol testing fluid. both Edgeworth and you will need to gather more clues. NOTE: Again. you don't need to do the previous two steps. Still. but the day isn't over yet. Ema now asks whether you find the . but at different places? How's that possible? It's Gant's show now. he couldn't have been killed at the parking lot. you should. but if you want to know about the victim. You'll be given a choice of what you can get out of him. 2:15pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation as usual. press for the victim's ID number. She also lends you a pair of infra-red glasses. but got a tongue-lashing instead? Well. he was delivering this information. Just follow her instructions and start spraying the fluid behind the trunk. Now. isn't this the same as Goodman's ID number??? The judge will now ask whether the ID number tells you anything. Underground Parking Lot Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to the parking lot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Prosecutor's Office. Press the same statement again. the patrolman who tried to deliver a report to Edgeworth yesterday. A few drop of blood stains appear. Remember Meekins. He tells you it's "5842189". It's a guy. present Goodman's ID . it can only be accepted. Now. according to the evidence law. Finally. Next. Select "that tells me something!". Ema teaches you how to spray the fluid. same statement again. when it's proven to have a connection with the current case. It was Edgeworth who brushed this information aside without even looking. the trial is over for the day. and he'll tell you the victim's department is Criminal Affairs. the detective who was killed in the police department's evidence room was Goodman as well! "Two" Bruce Goodman.can't reveal the name of the victim. She'll automatically sees the switchblade too. She mentions it was two years ago. The only problem was that decisive evidence was never ever found . Marshall was very determined. the fact remains that she saw the crime. and Marshall was demoted. The luminol testing fluid also goes into the record. Steak lunch added to Court Record! Go to the police department entrance now. as earlier discussed. She's only selling lunch here because she can meet up with people who can help her investigate. The police and the prosecutors were desperate for decisive evidence. you'll find some blood stains on the ground. She insists that even though she lied about the venue where she saw the crime. there should be more blood than merely a few drops. She mentions they investigated the case from every angle. Angel appears again right after that.the criminal was apprehended based on fabricated evidence by the prosectors. Go to the security guard office. and it was due for evidence transferal on the day that Goodman was killed. If the killer and the victim fought here. Ah. . Marhsal and herself were involved in the case. The SL-9 case was the biggest case Angel has ever handled. and the criminal was caught and executed. She'll continue to talk until she mentions about the SL-9 Incident . Goodman. There was a hidden side to SL-9. Regardless of how harded the criminal. where you found the blood stains will be updated to the floor plans of the parking lot in your Court Record. Present Goodman's ID and the crime photo next. Select "the amount of blood". Where did the blood go to? Anyhow. This is excellent in putting Marshal linto a good mood. This will eventually open up an opportunity to talk about the SL-9 case. Talk to her now about today's trial. Every detective involved with the case was dealt with a few months later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department Entrance Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find new openings to go to here. and they're still determined to find that out.stains a little odd. that's how "Cough-up Queen" comes about. Talk about her detective past next. they "coughed it up". Present the victim's note to her. She gives you a steak lunch at the end of the conversation. Some were demoted to patrolemn. Ask about Marshall now. NOTE: If you go to Edgeworth's office to spray some luminol fluid. but it was over before they could even get into it. She reveals that Goodman was the head detective on the SL-9 case. when they faced her. Remember the blood on the bottom of the victim's shoe? There was a large splatter of blood as well. Ask about it. some found themselves out of the force. SL-9 isn't over. I'm not sure about the signifance of this.she was fired after that case. The switchblade was the murder weapon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Evidence Room Entrance. ask about the reason for arrest. He mentions that when Goodman pointed the knife at him. Meekins didn't know Goodman. you may want to check it out for clues. so he went to the evidence room. They're now in "recording". nor any recollection of killing Goodman. Go back to the entrance. present Goodman's ID to him. and he says he doesn't know Goodman well. as you may have already suspect judging by how it looks when you were there earlier. He then saw gushing blood from his hand. and asked Goodman to show his ID card. He tells you if you want to talk to this suspect. That was when Goodman pointed a knife at him. This will open up the opportunity to talk about the crime details. He also has no intention. The guard office was empty that day. After that. Meekins didn't know Goodman. He tells you that they've caught the criminal for the police department murder case. who was in the evidence room. Now. When he opened his eyes. Since the evidence room is the crime scene here. But before that. Do so. The next thing he knew. go to the detention center. The security officer who was in charge of the guard office. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department Entrance Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Gumshoe here. When he woke up. So. and the "victim" whom he met at the evidence room . He says that the card was the cause of it all. Ask about the victim. All they need now is evidence. He'll suddenly remember what happened. he blacked out (?). Alone. He entered the room. You'll also notice a bandage on his left hand. The only thing of note though are the monitors at the far side of the room video feeds from the evidence room. Now. Guard Room Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The security office actually guards the evidence room. is Marshall. Visitor's Room Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What? Officer Meekins is the suspect? Talk to him. he was alone in the evidence room (huh?). You'll need to get someone's permission to go in. The evidence room is locked. he just hollered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. he was unconscious. he was already in the detention center. go down to the detention center. He had some business. Meekins happened to glance at the security monitor. that's when he saw a suspicious looking person in the evidence room. Ema will do a deduction. which is why he "looked suspicious". check out this surprisingly unguarded guard room. because Goodman has disappeared. Talk to Gant again. Guard Room Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examine the door now.didn't show his ID card. This card will be added to your Court Record. If the body simply "disappeared" from the evidence room. he'll give you a lost item report that was half completed by Goodman. Meekins now mentions about a video tape from the security camera. Enters Marshall to solve this problem. He isn't very helpful. and he'll give you a guest ID card to access the room. You'll now see a request to ask for permission to use the evidence room. Go to the CAD now. It looks (somewhat) like this: --------------------------------. It seems like Edgeworth may be disciplinary dealt with for his mistake. Go to the evidence room entrance now. you may want to talk to Marshall about the case. Talk to him about the evidence room incident if you want. so present . At the end of the conversation. examine the head detective. but nothing much comes out from it. Goodman was "definitely in the evidence room". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department.Lost Item Report -Date: 2/21 -------------------------Date Lost 2/21 -----------------------Name Bruce Goodman -----------------------Item Lost -----------------------Status Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------This will be added to your Court Record. Talk to him to find more about Edgeworth. according to the police. you won't even know if anyone actually died. In other words. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Evidence Room Entrance. Yet. but you'll find that you can't enter because the card reader is turned off. Meekins was arrested because the police told him that "it had to be him". you've no way of knowing if the victim was really the victim. who's sitting right in the middle of the room. Crimincal Affairs Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Gant here. Now. Ask him for it. but before you do that. Whatever happened there and then should be captured on tape. You can now enter the evidence room. Now ask him about himself. you may want to spray some fluid on the top of the cactus for some blood stains. They do a transferal every February. Ask more about the transferal. Also. the evidence will be buried forever in the underground vault at the police station. This ID card record will be added to the Court Record. But the case is officially dead two days ago . Before you go in. do so. He also mentions that the security camera system is more than enough to keep an eye of the area. two years ago. These lockers will be added to the Court Record.the steak lunch to him. He tells you that he has lost his fire for the job after being demoted two years ago. Looks like the 4th number on it matches Goodman's ID perfectly. Zippy". so that they can re-investigate them if it turns out there was a mistake. You'll now see a record for the day of the crime: February 21 ----------7777777 4:20pm 8730579 4:40pm 4989596 4:50pm 5842189 5:14pm 4989596 5:14pm Bruce Goodman Present Goodman's ID to Marshall. when you enter the evidence room. He replies that they keep only evidence from solved cases in this room. Ask about the security camera system. This will also open up an opportunity to ask about the case. the tapes are automatically erased every few hours. Talk to him. Sector Three Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Gumshoe here. and he'll tell you everything. Ask about the guard office. and he'll tell you that the SL-9 Incident was Edgeworth's first big case. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Evidence Room. which was why he wasn't at his post when Meekins came over to the guard room. and he mentions that he can't let go of the SL-9 case. the card reader will leave a record of every ID card that passed through. and you'll find out that every detective has a locker in here. every locker in this romm is fixed so that only one detective can open it. he reckons he was "galloping down the highway on the back of his steed. Note that a light on them indicates opened lockers. to match the print of each detective. The lock for each locker is coded with a fingerprint. They're kepy here under the presiding detective's superivsion for two years. and it seems Edgeworth was also involved in the SL-9 Incident. Present the victim's note to him. He'll immediately give you the floor plans of the evidence room. and he'll reveal that if nothing happens. Talk to him about Edgeworth. Also. and he'll re-examine the evidence room entrance record. At 5:15pm that day. You can go to the evidence room now. After the years.after the evidence of it was transferred. . It appears that the room is L-shaped. that of half a handprint. which Edgeworth capitalised on to nab him. Present the ID card record to Gumshoe now. The top left locker box has some evidence tucked out of it. The evidence of this case was supposed to clean up during the transferal. Since Goodman is trasferring the evidence on the day of crime. Examine the room now: 1. There's also a radiolocator here. It was also the last case that Goodman worked on. belongs to Edgeworth! Which means that at 4:40pm. The pile of junk on the right consists of Gumshoe's fishing pole and the metal detector from the earlier case. A glove is near to Goodman's locker. There's no reason for the killer to touch this locker when he escapes. Unfortunately. 3. Big pieces of fragments are found near the blockage. A locker is opened at the far end. It's a serial killing case. you'll get a blood rection . the ID card record will be updated with Edgeworth's name on the second record: February 21 ----------7777777 4:20pm 8730579 4:40pm 4989596 4:50pm 5842189 5:14pm 4989596 5:14pm Miles Edgeworth Bruce Goodman Now. are the evidence from the SL-9 Incident. Why? Anyhow. and watch his reaction to the second ID number . Go to the right screen now to examine: 1. The pile of junk on the left consists of a car door and a pair of handcuffs. it's empty. These. The floor plans of the evidence room will now be updated with the blood spot.Gumshoe says that the SL-9 Incident was a bloody. examine the room. The killer apparently made a mistake. violent case. A saw and some paint are found at the bottom right of the screen. 3. The first thing to do is to immediately spray some luminol fluid. according to Gumshoe. The police must have taken the contents away for investigation. . 4. If you examine the tag on the glove closely. It's coded with Goodman's fingerprint. and also the one that started the rumors about him fabricating evidence. The glove happens to be an evidence from the SL-9 Incident. you'll see "SL-9 11". it's likely that the switchblade knife was taken out from the locker himself. It looks like the ingredients to produce the Blue Badger! 2. Edgeworth was in the evidence room. If you do so on the top left locker. This was the case that put Edgeworth into the spotlight. He wanted Edgeworth to keep it here in the prosecuter's office. Ask about tomorrow's trial. clockwise once. no. Talk to him anyway. He doesn't seem to be in the mood. no. Room 1202 Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amazingly. and he'll reveal that he was given a warning. The instructions for doing this: 1. counter-clockwise once. 8. Any further investigation for this case will be directed by Gant. This is when Ema prompts you to use the luminol fluid. combine. counter-clockwise once. 7. Looks like something really happened in front of the locker. 6. A massive amount of blood is revealed. You'll need to glue them back to a base to form an evidence. counter-clockwise once. counter-clockwise once. which is a screwdriver. Gumshoe reminds you that Edgeworth's inquiry committee should be letting out soon. You'll also find that the jar is bottomless. no. He'll reveal that it was Gant who asked him to go to the evidence room on the day of the crime. Go to Edgeworth's office now. Gant wanted evidence for a case that was wrapped up half a year ago. 5: 4: 6: 1: 8: 3: 2: 7: Rotate Rotate Rotate Rotate Rotate Rotate Rotate Rotate clockwise once. no. and he'll reveal that the authorities have given control of the investigation over to the police. no. Unstable jar added to Court Record. into the Court Record. Gumshoe also adds that the locker belongs to him! Spray some fluid at the area where you found the broken fragments. There's a total of eight pieces. Apparently. combine. You've more or less gotten all you need here. The top right locker of the columns of lockers facing you has a worn. 5. combine. 4. bloody handprint here. As you pass by the parking lot. . combine. 3. clockwise once.Check these pieces out. You'll find that the evidence is an unstable jar. He refuses to dilvuge any information about this case. When you spray the fluid on the locker. combine. no. 2.perhaps the blood from the victim(s) of the SL-9 Incident. combine. the bellboy from the Gatewater Hotel is here! You'll soon see Edgeworth though. it reveals a right handprint clearly. combine. no. It's also missing a piece. Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment no. spray some fluid on the emergency phone for some blood stains too. Examine the jar to find some blood on it . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: High Prosecutor's Office. Present the ID card record to him now. combine. but you'll make a note of this evidence. 5. counter-clockwise twice. so he's rushing off to check out the result. Instead select the area just beside . It looks totally unrelated. Sector Three Date: February 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow the instructions to investigate the handprint on Gumshoe's locker. you know. Looks like it's time to go back to the evidence room. and press "compare". After the talk. Secondly. because the result you'll get doesn't look like a print all. since the bloody handprint and this fingerprint are found on different places. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Evidence Room. the only area that the game allows you to examine are not on the handprint. they won the guilty verdict. The fingerprinting set will be added to your Court Record. The head of investigation was the deputy chief of police that time . This recovers fingerprints from handprints for comparison with fingerprint file. because the prints are wiped away. and if he let the suspect go. Unfortunately. Select any of the faint fingerprints just below the handprint and repeat the process. Ema now asks you to deduce whose print this is most likely to belong to. She could be right.Gant. there're other prints outside the bloody handprint.If you examine the tag on the screwdriver. he was adamant that he didn't touch the evidence. NOTE: Spray the powder liberally. examine the area with the luminol reaction. Select Gumshoe. present the swithblade knife. This will result in Edgeworth deciding to tell you the "truth". Firstly. This time. Edgeworth will relay a message from Lana to Ema. and do the fingerprinting process when asked to. it's dazzling! This will also bring up the fingerprint data from Edgeworth. Remember the metal detetor earlier? :) Now. Talk to him now about "allegations of forgery". Now. At the end. Ema says yes. This isn't easy.the one you found as soon as you stepped into this room for the first time? Go to that locker. Lana wants to know whether Ema is still working on scientific investigation. you'll get a print so clear. it say s"AI-16". or you may know to get the print. you won't get an easy print. it seems that the person who left this print behind is wearing gloves. This will call up a "compare" screen. He reveals that the SL-9 Incident was a serial killing case. since he's the owner of this locker. He also passes you a file that consists of the fingerprints of all involved. and he'll pass you the aluminium powder for taking fingerprints. However. if you rememberm there's another handprint in this room . Edgeworth also hints that he used some extreme measures because they were dealing with a vicious murderer. It's a perfect match! Now. but Ema says this could turn out to be the clue that solves the case. and the killer was executed. it's likely that it has got nothing to do with the case at all. blood would be on his hands. Point to the thumb as it's the clearest of the five fingers on the handprint. Thankfully. will be called to the stands! Amazingly. MEEKINS' TESTIMONY 1 -------------------Meekins was assigned to guard the evidence room that day. Get ready for war. even though it wasn't his normal duty. He spotted a suspicious man on the security screen.the middle finger. he passed out. they won't seek capital punishment. This looks like decisive evidence to you. the result of the print reveals that the handprint belongs to Marshall! This result will be added to the Court Record. Meekins. After that. he decided to move the Blue Badger to the evidence room. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This trial focuses more on the police department. The so-called murderer. Surprisingly. again. and spray the powder. This was why he was there. Press the second sentence. Edgeworth brushes him aside and asks him to provide a crime report. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. Defendant Lobby No. Meekins begin to confess to the crime before he even gives his long as she tells the truth. 9:41am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation with Ema and Lana. As there were many people around that day. He was suddenly attacked. He was only doing what he was trained to do. He fought for his life. MEEKINS' CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ---------------------------Press the first sentence. Courtroom No. This will allow you to update your ID card record to: February 21 ----------7777777 4:20pm 8730579 4:40pm 4989596 4:50pm 5842189 5:14pm 4989596 5:14pm Miles Edgeworth Mike Meekins Bruce Goodman Mike Meekins . until another office smacked him awake. he did it. 9 Date: February 24. which makes up his first testimony. and rushed into the room. He was to ensure that it wasn't broken during the evidence transferal process. Save your game. Apparently she gets a plea bargain with the police . 2 Date: February 24.TRIAL FORMER -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. DAY 3 . then. End of a very long day. Meekins reveal that he was in charge of guarding the Blue Badger. the man was as surprised as he was. An extremely funny video. since no one else could have unlocked it. but yes. he spun him around and performerd a disarming maneuver. Amazingly. which required Goodman's fingerprint to do so. The man then punched him in the face. the locker with Marshall's fingerprint didn't have something tucked out of it. He also mentions that when he "charged" into the room. Meekins' ID card was shown as being used twice. however. he panicked. When he saw the blood trickling down his arm. You'll now need to point out where is this contradiction. Videotape added to Court Record. Note that the Blue Badger was in the evidence room during the so called "murder in the evidence room". he entered the evidence room to "relocate" the Blue Badger. it was when he went to get the Blue Badger back after everything has settled down. When the video is played again. Note. he snatched the knife from him. Once this is done. MEEKINS' TESTIMONY 2 -------------------The man's face can't be clearly seen in the video. but Meekins was sure that the man was Goodman. The next thing he knew. He replies that when the man let his guard down for an instant. It contains footage from the security camera in the evidence room. so it means that the locker was already opened! The judge will then ask whether you've an explanation. View the video now. That's how he got a gash on his hand. All these pressing are done to get more information from Meekins. It's now that Meekins presents a videotape from Gant. and it'll be revealed by Edgeworth that Meekins woke up at about 5:30pm.notice the light on it? Pause. Meekins claims he swung his arms like an octopus while trying to detain the man. You'll consult . In fact. and grabbed the man by the collar. It was Goodman's locker. that when it begins. Press the next statement again. He'll reveal that he was attacked by a knife. He opened the locker. It was during the second time that he spotted the man on the security screen. the man's white coat was drenched with a sea of Meekins' blood. wait the screen shows Goodman's locker . Press the next sentence. Meekins then returned the Blue Badger to the entrance. Edgeworth will question whether this "man" in the room is really Goodman. You believe that there's a contradiction in the video that could possibly mean that the man in the room isn't Goodman. present the video tape.You may've noticed this on your own earlier.remember what Gumshoe told you about these lockers? This light is already lit before the man opened it. and point to this light and present . Press yet the next statement. To counter the knife. so it must be him. MEEKINS' CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 ---------------------------When Meekins says that the locker requires Goodman's fingerprint to open. It's either blocked by the Blue Badger or by the camera swinging elsewhere just when his face was about to be unveiled. there wasn't at all a clear shot of the man's face. At 5:14pm. Meekins replies that at 4:50pm. You'll also automatically present the lost item report that you got from the head detective. press. At the time of the crime.Ema. but Edgeworth. anyone could've open Goodman's locker that day. Raise an objection when given the chance to . present Goodman's ID . therefore. Now. to be able to yet be an insulator. MEEKINS' TESTIMONY 3 -------------------Meekins mentions another thing that proves that the man was Goodman. This is your chance to call Marshall to the stands. Now. and most were cleared by noon. who believes that the two cases are unrelated.the video didn't show the actual murder.". so go through Meekins' next testimony. . there's a record of it. Notably. You then feel that there's some other clues in the video. NOw. With the glove in between the sensor and the door. You'll need more to confirm this though. point to the white thing and present was inserted between the sensor and the door.. so it must be from Goodman's locker. You can now inspect the video once found this card at the parking lot. when he says that at the time of the crime.the thin rubber Present it when asked to. and she'll half-heartedly suggest that perhaps something jammed the sensor.. Record . Before you cross-examine. It shows that Goodman has lost something on the day of the crime. and You do have something like that in your Court glove! a white thing drops out it looks like something However. one must use an ID card. Goodman has used the card. this thing must be extremely thin. Select Marshall from the profiles screen and present. a large amount of blood traces were found in the evidence room. The real crime. do so. It has a tag that says "SL-9 Incident". but it can't be said that it's unrelated to the murder at the parking lot. When an ID card is used. You've now established that the man in the evidence room may not be Goodman. whatever you've proven will lead to Edgeworth coming to this conclusion: the murder at the evidence didn't exsist at 5:15pm at the police department on the day of the crime. This will alert the judge about Edgeworth's "appearance" on the record. When of it. MEEKINS' CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 ---------------------------When Meekins says "when an ID card is used. Edgeworth will reveal that this evidence room was reserved for evidence of "special cases" that involve extremely violent cases that involve police staff. Goodman has used the card. To enter the evidence room. doesn't have any witnesses. could only have happened at the parking lot. the man who stole the card. Could it be his ID card that he lost? Your conclusion? The man whom Meekins saw in the evidence room wasn't Goodman afterall. but rather. You'll now demand for more examination. wait until the man open the locker. There were only a few cases up for transferal on the day of the crime. Ema Skye INVESTIGATION TASK FORCE -----------------------O Exectuve Investigator: Damon Gant. Defendant Lobby No. So. DAY 3 . Take this chance to read it. Also. SL-9 -------------------------CLOSED ---------O Criminal: Joe Darke O Crime: Serial Murder O Setence: Death VICTIMS ------O Edward Jones O Jason Knight O Edith Kirby O Rachael Moss O Jeb Bates O Neil Marshall TRIAL DATA ---------O Head Prosecutor: Miles Edgeworth O WitnessesL Lana Skye. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. called the "Joe Darke Killings". The files will be added to your Court Record. Lana thinks you've figured it all out. Time to get back to the court though.. Save your game. then she remembers a case she witnessed before. 2 Date: February 24.The judge will now call for a 30-minute recess so that Edgeworth can go bring Marshall to court. Notice also a certain "Neil Marshall" under the victims page. It seems that everyone involved in this case is connected to the killings from two years ago. it seems that Lana has requested Gumshoe to bring the SL-9 Incident files.. the "Joe Darke Killings" is the SL-9 Incident. even though you're sure you haven't. 11:41am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation with Lana and Ema. Strangely. It has four pages: INCIDENT NO.TRIAL LATTER -------------------- . Lana Skye O Head Investigator: Bruce Goodman O Investigators: Jake Marshall Angel Starr Ema was a witness? She didn't even know that. This can't be just a coincidence. if he wasn't in the evidence room at the time of the crime. so you'll have to fight this case alone now. He had nothing to do with it. and Marshall will tell you he didn't step into the evidence room on the day of the crime. . The murderer was also wearing gloves. He reveals that it's natural because that locker with the bloodstained print also happens to be his. but you've two important clues on hand that can fully counter whatever he says. so play your cards right. Edgeworth will call Marshall to the stands. He was supposed to make rounds three times a day. MARSHALL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 -----------------------------Before you cross-examine. MARSHALL'S TESTIMONY 1 ---------------------Marshall's job was to keep a wary eye on that bone orchard. 9 Date: February 24. The murderer must have touched the locker where his fingerprint was by chance. Edgeworth adds that if nothing unusual is recorded. and he'll reply he doesn't know anything about it . NOTE: I tried summing it up. The judge steps in to ask about the rubber glove stuck in the victim's locker. but that isn't his style. Press the statement about making rounds three times a day. He's not very helpful. He replies that it's the security camera and the ID card reader system. he doesn't seem to know anything about it. When you press him about the fingerprint activated locks. MARSHALL'S TESTIMONY 2 ---------------------Marshal says it's only natural for his fingerprints to be found in the room. This information will be updated to your Court Record. The bloodstain and the fingerprint are completely unrelated. So it begins. why was his handprint (a bloody one at that) found on one of the lockers? He has an explanation for that though. 12:14pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ema didn't come back with you. Press his first statement about keeping an eye on the bone orchard. but it still sounds CRAP. He replies that he'll erase videos that tell nothing after a period of time. Up comes his next testimony. Courtroom No. you'll automatically ask him about the two security systems that he mentioned.he hasn't been in the room for weeks. MARSHALL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 -----------------------------Press the first sentence. One of them just happened to be at the same place as the bloodstained handprint. He's just an innocent travellin' man. First. so if you're out of ammo it's time he hits the trail. tapes are erased every six hours. He was at a street-side saloon at the time it went down.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. especially when the room is protected by two security systems. present Marshall's handprint when he says that he's in a saloon . and the white cloth only appeared towards the end of the video.Marshall was clearly seen in the video! The key lies in his locker . Present the locker . and he now asks you for hard evidence that it was really him in the room. The reason the knife was that he couldn't show it . This reminds you of what Mia used to tell you .a fingerprint sensor. Edgeworth objects. the video shows again. he could've simply his ID card without having to draw a knife. you should look for evidnece that came about because he was in disguise. Instead. indication that Marshall was present in the video. If someone was familiar with the camera's position. "pardner". He mentions he still read reports.the camera's panning back and forth. So. The only person who could've open Marshall's locker is. of course. Edgeworth gives you an advice . you can't tie him to the crime. yet Meekins didn't see Marshall. There wasn't a need. As you panic.Press the statement about the murderer was wearing gloves. you'll argue that the video is full of blind spots . Point to that thing and present . Press him. you've none. return to the basics. er. Well. Choose to show evidence.if it was really Goodman. This is when Marshall tells you that as long as his trail isn't in the video tape. Marshall really doesn't know that the lockers are fingerprint activated.the lockers are fingerprint activated.there was no place to hide in this room. and explain what happened .when you've run into a wall with no place to go.think outside the box! You shouldn't look for proof that Marshall was in disguise. Point to the blue "V" and present Marshall was standing right in front of Meekins. but you easily counter him with the Meekins . It's showtime for you now. as you automatically shows the judge the floor plans of the evidence room. and nothing like Marshall.Marshall used to enter the room. Goodman's picture is on the ID. testimony from show Meekins that he drew Goodman's card he looks Marshall doesn't give up so easily. meaning that someone has opened the locker when the camera wasn't showing it. He now adds a statement to ask you whether is it too bad that it wasn't him in the video. You'll be asked to point out where was Marshall at the time of the crime. and the judge will ask you whether you want to indicate any. he could leave the room without being caught on tape. the floor isn't shown. Edgeworth objects your speculation immediately. unless opening the locker wasn't meant to be in Marshall's plan originally. Marshall himself. Edgeworth then reminds you about the bloodstained prints on Gumshoe's locker. dressed up like Goodman. The judge will ask you why. He challenges you to prove that he opened that locker. . Fast forward to the part when a white cloth was shown sticking out of Marshall's locker. Amazingly. Edgeworth now asks why do you think Marshall's locker was opened in the first place. and ask him how did he know it. which shows no fingerprints. so he should be the blood donor. point to the blood on his coat and present . when he says that there was no murder in the room that day. so he has to put it away in his locker. This will open up some new statements in this testimony. I gave you a hint earlier.normally. Press the first statement. The name "Neil Marshall" was mentioned in the file. He stole Goodman's ID and dressed like him because he planned to take out the evidence. Marshall replies that Meekins' hand was cut. Edgeworth asks about the large amount of blood found in the evidence room. You've to show the court why Marshall has to put away the white cloth that was sticking out of his locker. Present the SL-9 Incident files now . You'll now ask Marshall why did he risk so much just to steal the SL-9 Incident's evidence. He says that he can't just forget the SL-9 Incident. Press the second statement. This will finally lead to his confession. Well. which was why Goodman was filling up the lost item report. He can't let the case close. we'll come to it later. since he wasn't the one in charge of it anyway. but Marshall feels that the case is not over. so he knocked him out and escaped. He returned the ID card by leaving it on the floor of the parking lot. Goodman's locker shouldn't have opened.So. so I hope you saw it. Now. Yes. He replies that he dressed up as Goodman so that he can fool the camera into believing that Goodman was doing transferal. He knew which earea wouldn't be caught on the camera.well. He wasn't expecting Meekins. You wonder why was he so interested. and asks whether you know why. MARSHALL'S TESTIMONY 3 ---------------------Marshall mentions he had to do it that day. But you feel that there's still too much blood for a cut wrist. So. MARSHALL'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 -----------------------------Before you begin. nothing comes out of this though. it's about the SL-9 Incident. Edgeworth then points out an interesting observation . He just couldn't stand by and let it die.he couldn't just walk out of the room in a blood-soiled coat. the evidence was already gone. press him. Edgeworth adds that the evidence is still missing. under the . because when he opened the locker. someone else stole the evidence. There was no murder in the evidence room at 5:15pm. NOTE: Alex Luke wrote that you'll have to press all statements from Marshal in order for you to ask him why did he risk so much. Fast forward to the part when blood was on Marshall's coat. He reveals that he didn't manage to steal the evidence. you know whhy. Who stick the rubber glove in to keep the locker opened? Did Goodman open it before Marshall? Now. you call another shot to view the video. so let's move on. The evidence are due to transferal. He also admits to stealing Goodman's ID card. But it's not time for it though. which was why he wanted to steal the evidence. yes. Neil fought Darke and was killed. that is. it's Ema. But the blood. This time. it'd be impossible the locker. Darke was eventually apprehended. And we all know someone will somehow do a "HOLD IT!" here. Now. then the murder at the parking lot must be real. That was the first time that Darke left behind an evidence. Something that. Someone must have been murdered in the room before Marshall . Goodman. And the ID card record. and Lana is the only suspect. Huh? Ema explains now after realising that the SL-9 Incident was the Joe Darke killings. She figured that if she ran some scientific experiments on those prints. and it was all the police needed to nail him. You'll now be asked what is that thing. Neil Marshall received the "K" trophy two years ago . which was why she didn't return to court just now. she immediately understands that even though Marshall's prints were found in the evidence room. If no murder happens at the evidence room. She found nothing though. Joe Darke. and the case was closed. This will lead to only one conclusion . Neil was handling the SL-9 Incident before Edgeworth took over. he has nothing to do with the murder.. She's back! She claims that there's a "scientific objection". Marshall reveals that Neil was his brother. This leaves the prints on Gumshoe's locker .the ones that showed nothing because of some trusty gloves.. at least to the public.. This also proved that on the day of the crime. There's more to Neil's death than what the records say. when drawn. Now. blood was spilled twice in the evidence room. too much blood. They were desperate to prosecute the killer. The judge will now ask you whether is there anything wrong with these prints. she might find something. who's 7777777? Before you can take a breather. He was killed before he completed the case. yes.list of murder victims. Hey. will completely change the meaning of the blood mark. Neil was investigating the murders with Gant at that time. But at least you've solved the mystery of the "two Goodman murders". truth/ guardian of proof was "dancing" right in Badger was doing his stuff to place a handprint at on This also means that the blood print was placed BEFORE the Blue Badger was in the evidence room. you still have nothing to help one could've beaten him in a fight. but she's adamant that the traces of blood on Gumshoe's locker are the only clue you have. Marshall reveals that Neil couldn't have been killed by Darke . present the Blue Badger! The mascot of the police force/ defender of was in the room on the day of the crime. He front of Gumshoe's locker. Select "I object" after looking at the evidence room's floor plans. at the end of today's trial.. Marshall and Angel were all working under them Neil and Gant. if the Blue in front of this locker. before 4:50pm. Something is missing from it. Edgeworth now brings you back to Lana. he was a prosecutor.the judge wants to pound his gavel again to declare Lana guilty. carry the body in the 10 minutes between his entrance This just leaves the mysterious "7777777".. Law Offices Date: February 24. but in the evidence room! Watch the war of objections between Edgeworth and you. Who? Well. Marshall intercepts and demands an explanation from Lana about the SL-9 Incident . Ema was therefore a witness in the trial. Darke left behind an incriminating piece of evidence .INVESTIGATION --------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Wright and Co. DAY 3 . Goodman of course! The massive amount of blood there must be from him. so it'd have to be. 3:12pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation to find out that when Neil was murdered. Before you can proceed with asking more about this.did she really only use legitimate evidence to apprehend Darke? Lana replies that she "occasionally" felt the powerlessness of the law during that trial. Neil then showed up. Darke was trying to kill her when Neil intervened. when Darke came into the office. even if it involved forging evidence. in order for Darke to get the verdict he deserved. and Darke tried to take her hostage. Talk to her about the case now. Save your game. The lights went out. Well.the crime took place before 4:50pm. Lana's reaction caused such a stir in the crowd. it couldn't have been him. the only logical explanation is that he entered the room with the real murderer . the trial cannot be concluded.something he knew. and clean up the blood and Meekins'. and he was killed instead.. at 4:20pm. She felt she did what she had to. and that was when lightning struck.. you've one more day to fight for. Then another bolt of lightning flashed outside the window. Edgeworth then reveals that "7777777" belongs to someone with a rank of Captain or higher. planning to have dinner once Lana finished her work. Edgeworth? Edgeworth then explains that traces of blood wasn't there quite possible for Edgeworth away.. Edgeworth continues and say that he can file an "official charge" to get the identity. It wasn't to murder the victim. But let's not spoil this. and was perhaps close to. then the judge will ask you to show evidence of when the incident before Marshall vs Meekins took place. 4:40pm. I think you should who did the murder by now. He doesn't has the authority to inquire into such a person's identity. because the when Meekins entered the room. lighting up the office . He pulled out a knife and attacked her. Present the ID Card record . She was alone in Lana's office. Neil prevented him from doing that. And since there was no record of Goodman's ID card entering during this time (his was stolen anyway).her. and he was murdered not in the parking lot. It seemed like Darke was running away from someone. She reveals that the case happened about this time two years ago.went in to steal the evidence. Marshall and Angel. Go to the detention center. and she solved several cases together with Gant. ask about her claims as being the first at the scene of crime. Ask her about the permanent picture. talk to him about the Darke trial. and arranged her transfer to the prosecutor's office. asking about "something puzzling". and Darke. Gant and her share the same office.maybe SL-9 is really not over yet. Now. she was the first at the scene of crime. Edgeworth wouldn't have know that the evidence was forged. she saw three bodies and smelled blood . who was then vice-head of criminal affairs. She replies that Darke knocked down Neil. The investigation was in its final stages when Darke panicked. During the struggle. and he became chief of police after that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department Entrance Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Marshall here. It was how she became a witness. This should be why Lana decided to forge evidence to nail Darke. She was filing so papers then. and placed Darke under immediate arrest. which caused Darke to be unconscious. Gant's help in the SL-9 Incident was critical. Visitor's Room Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ask about her detective past. Before he does so. She reveals that Gant and Marshall were questioning Darke that day. Go to the police department entrance now. Now. and when she returned to her office. I think you'll need to talk to Lana again. and she replies that she doesn't remember the moment when Darke stabbed Neil. They led the team that consisted of Goodman. and before she saw the next incident. He escaped halfway through the interview to Lana's office. When she woke up. Ask about the investigation.for an instance. Ema then saw something that left a "permanent picture" in her mind.Neil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. Lana was a detective. because the detective offices and the questioning room are right across from the elevator. Lana was an amazing detective then. It was only after the Darke case that she was transferred to the prosecutor's office and became Chief Prosecutor. Why then could a serial killer come running in there? And why would he be chased by Neil? She replies that Darke has been taken in for questioning that day by the police. She then reviews that two years ago. He fled the room when Gant and Marshall let their guards down. Lana was beside her. Lana was 2nd IC during the Darke investigation. it seems that Neil struck a final blow before he died. she fainted. Ema. You'll now raise your doubts . and the same investigations. She then rested Ema. He's on his way to turn himself in. Ema was in Lana's office then. He reveals that all . Ask her about "after the crime". During that fateful day when Neil passed away. Angel and himself) felt that something fishy was going on during the trial. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. however. He was demoted and boxed away in the evidence room. Anyhow. Criminal Affairs Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the end of the conversation with the head detective. except for Goodman. In the process. there you've it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. You insist that you'll want to have a look. Neil was holding the "K" trophy. He reveals that the day that the SL-9 Incident occured. The switchblade belongs to Darke. So. So. unstable jar in your Court Record? Notice also that the "K" trophy looks quite different from the one that's in your Court Record too. this picture will be added to your Court Record. the murder weapon. Chief's Office Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Gant here. the blade of the knife wasn't a perfect match with the wound that the victim sustained. In the report that was submitted.apparently. Some of the facts reported were inconsistent with the evidence they found. For example. Ema talks about the SL-9 case. Talk about Gant and Lana. Go to the CAD now. Before he leaves.a portrait of Neil. He also talks about how the case left scars in all of them. he also tells you that it was Gant who passed the falsified evidence to Edgeworth during the SL-9 trial. you find yourself back at the entrance. so there's no need to investigate it anymore. You deduce that someone must have know that Marshall was trying to steal the evidence so that the case won't die. but apparently someone stole it before hand. Before you can do anything. Goodman was spared just so that the dealing with of the detectives weren't so obvious. Every detective involved in the case. Last but not least. Adios. and they got to know that later. Lana and him. Marshall. but he rejects you blatantly. Gant attempts to chase you out. This means that there's a good chance that the knide wasn't the murder weapon after all. was "taken care of". and he'll mention that there was something going on behind the scenes in the case. Ask about these scars. Goodman was murdered. this possibility was erased. Marshall never found out why. He was also adamant that it was Gant and Lana who were behind their demise. He replies that Lana was never the same after she became prosecutor. Angel was fired. Go there. you'll gain a path to Gant's office. . a question was raised . and which eventually leads to a big clue . but in the initial autopsy report. it was also evidence transferal day. He'll then approach you. He immediately puts a piece of paper he was reading into his desk. but Gant insists that the case has long been closed. but check out the jar behind Lana and him wasn't it that broken.the detectives working on the case (Goodman. ask about his brother. so present the switchblade to help him recall. the police traced the switchblade back to the store Darke bought it. At the end of this conversation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: High Prosecutor's Office. There must be a way to get inside his office. Weapon found in the wound was missing tip. You may also present other evidence to try and get him to bring you into Gant's room. and this unleashed a series of murders that all began when he was trying to cover this crime. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. Ask about the forged evidence. Assessment: Died from blodd wound in under 10 minutes. Criminal Affairs Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshoe! Talk to him as he reveals Edgeworth's crisis: Despite knowing nothing about the forgery. Gumshoe will tell you about the murder weapon. Now. Gumshoe tells you that Darke accidentally killed someone in his car one evening. Amazingly. Anyhow. as well as get Neil's autopsy report. He now remembers what was that piece of evidence. which states: Name of deceased: Neil Marshall (27)/ Male Date and time of death: February 19. with Gant yelling at him. Gumshoe is your help for fear of repurcssions. between 7:00pm and 7:30pm Cause of death: Single stab wound piercing heart/ lung. he ID card can unlock Gant's door. Apparently.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department Entrance Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There must be a reason that Gant doesn't want you looking around in his office. Quickly go back to the CAD. he doesn't remember anything. Instead. You since the card has been deactivated only chance. and he suddenly feels like he's in Gant's office. deep inside the stab wound. He replies that he'll take responsibility. Present the unstable jar. and the broken tip was found in Neil's body. The rumors about Edgeworth didn't make matters any better. ask about Darke's crimes. leave him for a moment and visit Edgeworth in his office. since his death. even though he didn't know anything about the forgery. but he won't bulge. Talk to him about the weapon now. Room 1202 Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation until you can talk to Edgeworth. and it had his fingerprints as well. the blade was broken. This is to maintain the relationship between the prosecutor's office and the police . the prosecutor is still responsible for the evidence he presents in court. You'll get an update to the switchblade in your Court Record. Ask about the SL-9 case. but he doesn't want to tells you that any detective's can't use Goodman's card anymore. Edgeworth says that Gant is a very competent man. Now. I won't reprise the story here. he was determined to prove the suspect guilty even if the evidence list was short. examine the bottom of the award to find the most frequent recipient of this award. if don't know about the origin of "halberd vs shield". when you arrived here just now. The picture looks odd to you. but at times he does things that don't make any sense.the screwdriver that Gant told him to take out from the evidence room. Ask about the day of the crime.those receiving awards can't skip out on the ceremony. Edgeworth will tell you. then drove to the police department. He did notice then that the list of evidence was too short. So it seems Edgeworth came back only because Gant asked him to. show him the screwdriver. He'll reveal that the award originates from an ancient Chinese tale. NOTE: For some easter eggs. the second means "shield". This information will be updated into your Court Record. However. which can pierce through any shield. Ask about tomorrow's trial.department. He says that the award is based on "contradiction". . a contradiction! Anyhow. :) Next. which has nothing to do with both the SL-9 and the current case. He never thought that the SL-9 Incident would come back to haunt him like this. which can block any attacks from any weapons? Clearly. Now. the word "contradiction" is written with two characters: the first means "halberd". In Chinese. NOTE: If you're Chinese and you know about the origin of this story. Now. Most lists run twice as long. He replies that he had to attend the ceremony because he was given the award . Edgeworth replies that that was the official prosecutor trophy used until that time. a certain Manfred von Karma. He didn't plan on returning to the office that day. He mentions it's too late to change prosecutor since it's the last day of the trial. until Gant asked him to take something back . He finished his work in the morning. but to summarise it for you: Who'll win if the best halberd in the world. ask about the prosecutor trophy. Ema then notes that the trophy that Neil was holding looks different from the one Edgeworth has. Maybe you'd like to present it to Edgeworth. and the best shield in the world. Edgeworth quickly threw a piece of paper onto the ground. It was two years ago that Gant had the "halberd" part of the award abolished.he was writing a letter of resignation! Letter of resignation added to your Court Record. This is when Ema mentions that you saw a picture of Gant's team taken around that time. the broken shield and the chipped blade on the previous "K" trophy were used to symbolise both the halberd and the shield. Examine the paper . you may know that "halberd" is a weapon that is some sort of a long shaft that has a blade attached to its end. but even so.he'd produce the most incredible evidence in the cases he handled. unlike two years ago when Lana shared it with him. bar Goodman. Ask about the chief. She has nothing more to tell you now. Talk to him about Gant's office. It seems that ever since Lana left.the prosecutor's office. finally. BUt after the incident. Ask her about Darke's investigation. He asks whether you think the chief is a suspect. he would've control over the prosecutor's office altogether. He mentions that this room now belongs soley to Gant. . Darke was obviously guilty. This was why Lana was transferred . She replies that having solved the SL-9 case. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. Ask about "after case closed".Gumshoe geniunely cares for Edgeworth. Lana felt for Jake.if he could control the chief prosecutor. Present the letter of resignation to him . so return to the CAD. She reveals that seeing Marshall obsession to find the truth about SL-9 made Lana more desperate (?). There was only one thing left for him to control. Ask about the duo. She mentions she was sure that the evidence produced in court was forged. no one has ever touched her desk though. Every detective. while other stuff were kept secret.Go back to the parking lot now. because after Neil's death. Gumshoe will pass you his ID card. No one dared to question him though. so you'd ignore him. Ask about this "being used" thing. She also gives you her explanation of Lana's move to the prosecutor's office . Items they never found were suddenly produced in court. I think you know what this means. She reveals that Gant's ability to attract evidence was almost unreal . Underground Parking Lot Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find Angel here. She adds that Lana must have a reason to change into a totally different person after the SL-9 Incident. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Prosecutor's Office. Yes. Chief's Office Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshoe follows you into the room. Angel also mentions that every detective aspired to be like Lana two years ago. and you'll convince that checking out Gant's room could help clear his name. She mentions about the "legendary duo" of Gant and Lana again. Criminal Affairs Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gumshoe still doesn't want to let you into Gant's room. but you won't want to divulge your true feelings. a passage to Gant's room! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department. were then relieved of their duties without any explanation. and then no one would stand in his way . she felt as if she had lost her own brother. That was his goal all along. Gant's position as chief was secured.she was merely used as a pawn. Spray some luminol fluid behind Lana's desk on the left screen to find a large pool of blood.who knows. 4. it's "7777777". this piece you've just comobined has a reddish line on it . examine this by rotating it to the back. The list will be added to your Court Record.this was what Gant was reading earlier when you first visited this room. Gumshoe will be fired as a result of . You'll find a sketch on the back . Strip of cloth added to the Court Record. very loud when played. Rotate clockwise twice and combine it.blood! This information will be updated to your Court Record.Examine the room now: 1. you'll find that the handprint belongs to. Select "assemble fragments" next. Gumshoe asks you to be careful .. there's only one piece.. Gumshoe says it's very. You'll still need the leather cloth.looks like someone is in the process of killing another with something in his hand. Gumshoe says he saw someone wearing a shirt like this before. 5. Moreover. This means that Gant knowingly hid a piece of this jar into his safe. When asked whether you want to input a number. The fragment fits like a charm. You'll also find a piece of leather cloth that shows a handprint. After doing so. This list happens to be the list of evidence for the SL-9 Incicent . But he hands over the cloth to you anyway. The desk has a list of evidence. appears also to be the "other half" of that "shortened" list that Edgeworth mentioned earlier. do so. There's a big organ in the room. 2. but this time.? Examine the opened safe now. maybe someone is hiding inside! 3. right? No? Well. You'll find the last piece of the broken unstable jar inside. Ema! Gumshoe and you decide to keep this information from her. When you check out the armor on the right screen. The safe beside Gant's desk requires a seven-digit code to open. so you'll have to prove that they're related to the case. This must be from the SL-9 Incident. This is allow you to check for prints on the cloth. present the jar. so present the fingerprinting set to Gumshoe. You'll now have to do the "rotateand-combine" thing again. First. Code confirmed! Access granted! What does this tell you? Gant's ID number is mostly likely "7777777"! He was the mysterious "executive office" who entered the evidence room before anyone else on that day with Goodman! Does this mean... used in a case . You know the number. Please remember this sketch. Gumshoe wouldn't let you take them away though. This is when Gant returns. and they're all found in Gant's room. Just as you suspected. Present the evidence list. Ask her why she has been keeping quiet. which is why Darke's knife can't be found.the jar piece. so you'll find yourself at the entrance again! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Police Department Entrance Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that you've seen the evidence in Gant's room. Later in the day. She replies she doesn't want the SL-9 case to surface again.when she found the body. This was also how she ended up cutting her hand. Point to Gant and present. she has no choice but to "follow orders" in the murder of Goodman. and she discovered the murder weapon while inspecting the body . Do so. They're all pieces of evidence from the SL-9 Incident. so she'll be busy for the rest of the day. You'll now get the chance to ask about Gant. Visitor's Room Date: February 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find yourself at the detention center after that. Gumshoe will leave after this. .this was why Ema was so confident about her sister's innocence. Ema told you that the police asked her some questions. This was also how her blood was found on Goodman's shoe. you've more or less guessed what had happened. She'll ask you to show her proof that Gant falsified evidence in the SL-9 case. Three days ago. She'll ask you who's she afraid of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: Detention Center. The person who has been concealing evidence is none other than Gant himself. Now it's your chance to get her to tell you everything. You'll tell her who she has been trying to shield all this while. She couldn't leave the blade in him. You'll present all three items you found in Gant's office . and he chased you out of his room. it was the SL-9's switchblade that was found on Goodman's body. This is when Lana tells you that she can't disobey the chief's orders. as she was too nervous about even stabbing a dead man. which she found in the toolbox in the car's trunk. even without any incriminating evidence. because she was afraid of someone. Gant wants to talk to Ema. Go through the conversation with Lana. then. the strip of cloth and the evidence list. You'll tell her she claims she did the murder. She then called Ema to hide the knife . Ask about these "orders".helping you sneak into his room. She says she was given an order that day. The moment she struck Goodman's dead body was when Angel saw her. and you'll ask her why did he try to hide his crimes. even if it means being found guilty for murder. She was trying to take the body out of Edgeworth's car. to dispose Goodman's body. She'll find it inside the trunk of Edgeworth's car. so she took it out and stabbed the body with Edgeworth's knife. Ask about why she need to hide Darke's knife. The man raised his knife. Courtroom No. Defendant Lobby No. DAY 4 . Looks like you're not the only one who figured out who "7777777" is. Great work.TRIAL FORMER -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. and she needed help. but you'll find Edgeworth here. and stabbed Neil in the chest. you'll have no case. Edgey! The trip to yesteryear has finally begun. but Edgeworth is adamant. Go through the conversation and you'll reach an agreement with Edgeworth to find out the truth. she made a phonecall to Marshall. but he still hasn't made up his mind to really do it then. That's all she can tell you. and tells the judge to pass the sentence. since Gant hasn't been formally charged yet. Ema will testify about the SL-9 Incident. Edgeworth argues that he has not proven that Lana was guilty beyond reasonable doubt. save your game. Looks like he's forcing her to plead guilty. The judge will then prepare to pound his gavel again to pronounce Lana guilty (for the third time). A man came running in and took her hostage. led to Marshall deciding to steal evidence from Goodman's locker instead . 9 Date: February 25.. Neil rescued her. EMA'S TESTIMONY 1 ----------------Ema was waiting for Lana in Lana's office that day.if you can't prove that "777777" is Gant. This. She fires you as her attorney as well.She continues to tell about another phonecall. She needed that fact to be kept hidden. As the day comes to an end in this very long case. and that any ruling at this stage would certainly be premature. In fact. 2 Date: February 25. The lead investigator for the SL-9 Incident has been murdered. and reveals that Lana wants to speak to the court. EMA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 ------------------------Press Ema's first statement. After she received the orders to dispose Goodman's body. but she'll never forget what she saw that instant. however. sort of. and she'll add that it was the office . and then an "OBJECTION!" comes in from Edgeworth. 10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gant appears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court.. He now calls upon Ema to the stands. he shows no fear for Gant as he suggests that some deal must be struck behind the scenes that led to Lana's sudden confession.he has already stolen the ID card. Lana takes the stands and immediately confess to the crime. 9:47am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can't find Lana or Ema anywhere. Marshall was the only other person she could trust. Gant will asks Edgeworth to shut up. He gives you a pointer . It was when he turned around when the lightning flashed. present the list of evidence . and she'll reply that Neil jumped on Darke. she saw what she. The general reaction is that the head detective was using this list as scrap paper to "design" the Blue Badger. But she mentions that she was knocked away when Neil allegedly jumped onto Darke. if the evidence list was torn into half.there's a sketch behind the list. Point to the hand with the weapon . Neil had just received the prosecutor trophy that day. Now.Gant and Neil. When the lighting outside flashed again. She'll say that when talking to Goodman. it seems that Blue Badger is part of the picture. After that she must have fainted. Notice Ema's strange reaction too when she sees the full picture. so she drew a picture of the incident instead. Ask about the picture. on her last statement. EMA'S TESTIMONY 2 ----------------Ema drew this picture two picture two years ago.. The picture shows exactly what she saw that instance.that Lana and Gant used to share. Choose to "hear more" now. But if you examine the lists to see the full picture. Edgeworth turns his over to find a sketch of.these two lists fit together to form one. The flash of lighting was so bright. Now. then the weapon shouldn't yet have a broken tip. If he was only stabbed once. The judge will now ask Ema to add this information into her testimony. and she confirms that she couldn't really be sure whether it was Neil who came to her rescue. Edgeworth objects that two years ago. and it must be drawn by Ema! The judge now notices that the list you presented is different from what Edgeworth has . Gant's current office. The judge asks you to point out where the contradiction is..the picture Ema drew has a contradiction.the tip on the weapon is already broken. the list of evidence he has didn't include this picture. When Darke escaped. She also told Goodman about what she saw. present Neil's autopsy report . The tip was found in Neil's body. when she says she drew a picture of that scene. . but he immediately went back to his work after that. The lights went out then due to a lightning strike nearby. Edgeworth reveals that two persons were questioning Darke that day . Press the statement on she'll never forget what she saw. Neil was first to give chase. So. but Neil suffered a single stab wound to the back. she just couldn't say anything due to the fear. She used to be there often and dreamt about playing that big organ. all she could see were shadows. that is. only half of the evidence of the case reached Edgeworth. saw. Two years ago. EMA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 ------------------------Press her statement about the bright flash. then there might be more drawing on the back of Edgeworth's list. er. Press the sentence on Neil rescuing Ema. the Blue Badger! You'll now get both lists combined into your Court Record. the weapon was right here in this photo. The broken knife is the "halberd" from the prosecutor trophy! Neil was chasing Darke on that day. Wait till Ema says that she's sure she was the Blue Badger's shadow.There's another explanation to this. This will lead to the discussion of the possibility of another weapon. Just then. Edgeworth objects . which is one that stumped many people. but she's sure she saw "his" shadow. there's a lie. because when she drew it. Tell them "there is another one". Neil questioned Darke together with Gant. and present Gant's team photo . it'd have been Neil raising the knife! Ema then interrupts.Contributed by She thinks she knocked away the man with the knife.the broken knife tip could well be the piece of evidence that was forged in the SL-9 Incident! Now. and says she remembers everything now. . Being a prosecutor. Step-by-Step Diagram: She confirms that she drew this picture as well. rotate it vertically to such an angle that it looks exactly like the Blue Badger's head. Neil gave chase. actually . you'll explain what really happened: The police department and the prosecutor's office were holding a ceremony that day. Lana then interrupts and pleads for you guys to stop pursuing this matter any further. The judge ignores her though. EMA'S TESTIMONY 3 ----------------When Ema saw the man raised his knife. he has no gun.photobucket.the design for the Blue Badger wasn't even up until this year. She asks Edgeworth to show her his evidence list again .photobucket. so you can cross-examine Ema again. You'll need to adjust the jar until it looks like the Blue Badger's shadow. Hey presto! UPDATE: Thanks to Alvin and Ben. Is there one? Yes. and was killed by Darke. During the question. I've images to show you how to do this puzzle. then present the unstable jar. obviously. and this "halberd" was the only weapon he has against Darke. The wonders of photoshop! Actual screenshot: http://img. there was another flash of lightning. I'm not sure whether he took the picture himself.Contributed by Ben.jpg . TO do that. EMA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 ------------------------Don't waste any time. The only explanation. Darke fled the room. and rushed towards both of them. and that's when she saw the Blue Badger. she panicked. invert the jar verticially. Now. After receiving the prosecutor trophy at the ceremony. then turn it horizotally to show its back.jpg . This means that in the picture that Ema drew. of course.the one the drawing of the Blue Badger. You believe that somewhere in this story. "He" wasn't in the room. the evidence list wasn't torn into two yet. " Gant now appears and pours cold water on Edgeworth. You're now reminded of the rule no. Gumshoe brings you a book on evidence law. you're going to need the book. since the list of forged evidence was indeed used to sentence Darke to death. Defendant Lobby No.. This is probably why Lana was trying to stop the trial all along. Someone moved Neil's body from Gant's office to Lana's office. it does! Tell the judge the message from the victim is in the evidence. Yes. 1 of the evidence..if you're planning to take "HIM" on. Gant argues that it doesn't matter. who has a rather sharp and dangerous looking sword. just that. Edgeworth then asks you what does this jar change.a message was left on the surface of the jar. This causes the morning's trial to come to a halt.but he showed this to me when I was asking around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. Check it out for rule no. This is when Edgeworth points out to a possibility that Neil might have written a note before he died. in blood.Gant's office. you can't say for sure. The only logical reason for doing that? Well. which shows the jar . just across the desk. Present the unstable jar once again ." Gumshoe also relays a message from Lana . This proves that the struggle between Darke and Neil happened on the other side of the room . 12:06pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the conversation with Edgeworth and Gumshoe. The dots of blood that left behind can be connected to form a name. Lana was adamant that what Edgeworth and you have been discussing were lies. 2: . It was Lana who moved the body to her own desk so that no one will find out about what Ema did. connect the dots on the touch screen. please let me know and I'll provide full credit. It looks like someone wiped the blood away. and faints. Since you've no proof. Save your game. For some reasons. and you'll find: "EMA. If you're the owner of this photo. law: "No evidence shall be shown without the approval of the police department. Where could she have seen this jar then? Well. Does such a message exist? Yes. You immediately objects. so it appears that it was Ema who caused the death of Neil. er. because Darke was obviously a murderer. Now. the man could've actually knocked into the armor. This evidence law book will now be added to the Court Record. but this is the truth. Select "the murder weapon". when Ema knocked a man away. You'll automatically show Gant's team photo again.Ema saw this jar at a very specific angle. he didn't kill Neil. 2 Date: February 25. She can't take it. the jar was on a shelf that belongs to Gant. Blood must have seeped into the jar where the lines changed directions. it's tough on Ema. the blood on some of the fragments wasn't wiped away though. Now. and a list. He has nothing to do with this forgery. When Gant went to the office. He'll then change that statement and say that he wouldn't be anyone's accomplice if there was nothing in it for him. press this statement. These prove that he was also part of the illegal investigation.TRIAL LATTER -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. You also can't prove when these evidence were discovered."Unregistered evidence presented must be relevant to the case in trial. GANT'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 -------------------------Press his statement about rearranging a crime. It was quite an obvious choice . so there. and then present Lana as the one whom Gant was helping. so take this opportunity to call upon Gant. Gant will now explain why these stuff are found in his room. To make a long story short. GANT'S TESTIMONY 2 -----------------A jar fragment. 9 Date: February 25. she had already "arranged" the crime scene.if he had nothing to do it. he found Lana there. present the jar . Choose it. DAY 4 . A superb performance from Edgeworth to allow you to continue the trial! You'll accept the proposal. This will lead to a speculation on him being an accomplice to somebody else. When he talks about having nothing to do with the forgery. he claims you could've plated them in his office. GANT'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 1 -------------------------You'll need to hit him hard and fast. The judge agrees. they slipped up. There's no reason he'd participate in a forgery. why did he keep the piece of fragement from the jar into his safe? You'll also reveal that you found the other half of the evidence list on his desk. Rearranging the crime scene wouldn't help him out in any way. GANT'S TESTIMONY 1 -----------------Gant and Neil were questioning Darke that day. you'll get the chance to finally nail the chief of police. He then threatens to press charges against you for trespassing into his office. The power outage didn't help either. This will eventually lead to an option for you to point out an accomplice." It's now time to bring this case to its end.Ema . 12:52pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The speculations on Edgeworth will result in you being given the chance to call forth a witness. then they'd be worthless. Apparently. If they were found after Darke were convicted. He also seems to have something on the judge. Courtroom No. Well. fell victim to a series of unfortunate events. Who'd want to help her more than her own sister, Lana? Desperate, Lana sought help from Gant, who saw the opportunity to control the prosector's office right there and then. For his own profit, he participated in the forgery, and then arranged for Lana to become chief prosecutor, so that he could control her. Gant will then ask for proof. You've none, since Lana won't testify. Edgeworth will add that perhaps you can find something from the murder of Goodman to support your case. You'll now accuse Gant for being involved in the murder Goodman, and getting Lana to take the rap to cover up his involvement. Now, watch the crowd reaction, while Edgeworth and you reach an agreement to pursue this issue all the way. The judge will now ask whether you can prove what you claimed. Present the ID Card record. The identity of "7777777" is finally going to be revealed in court - the safe in Gant's office requires a code to open. The code is "7777777". This proves that the person who entered the evidence room earlier on the day of Goodman's death is mostly like Gant. He retorts by saying that he went to the evidence room alone. You'll then ask whether Goodman went in with him. He replies he hasn't seen Goodman "in days". You'll immediately reply that he has undone himself. You'll need to show proof to support your statement though, so present the lost item report - Goodman lost his ID card on that day (Marshall stole it, remember?), so he filed a lost item report. He'd have to give that report to the chief of police, that is, Gant. How could Gant then not have seen Goodman for days? Now, the lost item report is your hands, which means he didn't hand it in, right? Gant asks you about that. You'll reply he filed it, because he needed to enter the evidence room that day for transferal. Goodman took the form to Gant. Gant then accompanied Goodman to the evidence room. He then murdered Goodman in the room, and instructed Lana to clean up the mess. He'll then reply that he could've lend his ID card to Goodman, which Edgeworth immediately objects by saying that if that's so, the card would be found on Goodman's body, since it has only been used once on that day. Watch Gant turns into a mutant in his frenzy. You'll then explain that the murder was most likely committed on the spur of the moment, as no one in their right mind would choose the police department as a place to murder someone. As you explain how Gant instructed Lana to clean up the mess, Edgeworth brings up a valid point - how did the body end up at the parking lot? Well, you've proof, didn't you? Remember the screwdriver? Yes, the one that Ema joked about it being a decisive evidence to solve this case? Well, it is not exactly decisive, but it sure is important! Present it. Think back to the day of the crime, when Gant unnecessarily asked Edgeworth to go into the evidence room to pick up an evidence on a case that isn't due for transferal yet back to the prosecutor's office. Why'd he do that? Well, he needed a diversion to get Edgeworth away from his car, that's why. Using that time slot when Edgeworth was away, Gant planted the body in the trunk of Edgeworth's car. It was Edgeworth who unwittingly "helped" to remove the body from the police department to the prosecutor's office! Also, think back tp the photograph that Angel took at the prosecutor's office. It was not a photo of the body being stuffed in the trunk to be taken away. It was merely one of the body being discovered by the person who told to discover it - Lana. Gant will now invoke his right as the chief of police to refuse testifying. You'll need a concrete proof. Unfortunately, you've none. So, select "no proof yet" and let Gant leave. This is when Edgeworth reminds you that in the event that concrete proof can't be found, you can still rely on testimony. Call Lana to the stands when given the opportunity to call one more witness. This will give you another recess... wait, Gant returns once more. Looks like he came back to threaten Lana. What a jerk. Now, you can go for your recess. Get ready for the final push. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court, Defendant Lobby No. 2 Date: February 25, 2:04pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edgeworth tells you that if Gant refuses to testify... this is when Ema appears and completes the sentence - he also forfeits his right to say anything as well. She'll follow you into court for the last hurrah, while Edgeworth tells you it's indeed time to end this. I mean, this FAQ is already into the 300KB category! Save your game. DAY 4 - TRIAL LATTER 2 ---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court, Courtroom No. 9 Date: February 25, 2:21pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your last battle in court in this game pits you against Lana. She's still fearful of Gant, and will lie through her skin just to protect Ema. However, as she lies so much, her testimonies are also easy to counter. LANA'S TESTIMONY 1 -----------------Lana tells you that she worked alongside no truth in your "blackmail" theory. She years ago all by herself. When she found the crime scene. Her only motivation was had nothing to do with Ema. Gant for years, and there's fabricated the evidence two Neil's body, she rearranged to get Darke convicted. It LANA'S TESTIMONY 2 -----------------Press her when she says she rearranged the crime scene. She replies that she was first to the crime scene, and she found the "halberd" stuck in Neil's body. She then dismisses your "Neil died of an accidental push from Ema" theory. This will lead to a discussion on Darke's switchblade knife, and also her adding a statement that she broke off the tio of Darke's knife, planted it inside the wound, and moved the body. Press this new statement. When given the choice to press further, ask "when did you move the body". She replies that the body was indeed at Gant's desk as you suggested, She'll then add another new statement that the pieces of the jar that shattered during the events threatened her plan. Press this new statement again. She replies that when she saw the jar, it was already shattered to pieces. It must have been shattered during the melee between Neil and Darke. Now, go back to this statement and present the jar - if the jar was shattered during the melee, how could Neil write down Ema's name in blood on it? So, it looks like more information is needed about this jar and the bloody message. LANA'S TESTIMONY 2 -----------------Lana now claims that she immediately noticed the blood traces on the jar, but it was too dark in the room, and she didn't have time to check it out. To be safe, she wiped away the blood. The fragments were large, so she was sure she got them all. All she could think about was wiping them clean before they were discovered. LANA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 -------------------------An easy testimony to counter - just present the jar again when she says that she got all the pieces of the fragments. She didn't get all the pieces, did she? There was one piece in the safe of Gant! The truth is getting clearer by each passing minute. Lana wasn't the first person who arrived at the scene of crime. It was Gant. Watch the series of objections and explantion, which will eventually lead to Lana's third, and final, testimony. This is when you suspect that the earlier outcome that you arrived for the SL-9 Incident may yet be a wrong conclusion. Perhaps, just perhaps, Ema didn't kill Neil at all. Anyway, let's go back to Lana's testimony. LANA'S TESTIMONY 3 -----------------This time, Lana will tell the truth. When she arrived at the scene, she already found Neil's body impaled on the armor's sword. Ema and Darke were lying unconscious on the floor. When she saw what happened, she thought Ema did it. That's why she erased all the evidence that linked her to the murder. She had Gant helped her remove the body from the sword and carry it. But if all she saw was just a fabrication, Ema might yet be innocent! LANA'S CROSS-EXAMINATION 3 -------------------------Before you even begin cross-examining her, she reveals that she has already given the photo to the actual crime scene to you earlier. Remember the book on Evidence Law? The judge will ask you to present This is when he'll force you to present the slip of cloth. It's a picture of Neil impaled on the armor's sword. because Gant suddenly interrupts the proceedings. But. however. The photo is right inside the book. you won't have a chance to even cross-examine Lana. Now. It has been a long battle. Select Ema.well. when Ema's handprint is on it? The judge will ask you whether do you really have an evidence to present . and mentions about Ema's name being on it. It occured to him that he could use the situation to control Lana. The result of showing this slip of cloth now is that the judge will ask you whose handprint is it on the cloth. This is when you start to explain why Ema COULDN'T have done it. he could still present evidence. He hid two pieces of evidence before Lana arrived. NOTE: If you insist of presenting. and there's no turning back now. check it. also implicate him as really concealing evidence. rotate it to its back and point to the small logo on it to open it. Victory is in sight. Note also that a part of his vest was cut off . but he doesn't seem to care anymore. Yes. the end result is GAME OVER for you. then present the slip of cloth. . You'll tell the judge that you've nothing to present "at this point of time". This will. He mentions that he hid these evidence "for insurance". He then presents the jar again. how could you do it. about the missing piece of cloth. while you sheepishly deny. This slip of cloth does indeed proves who the real murderer is.the slip of cloth you found in Gant's safe? Lana's picture added to Court Record. Gant now points to Lana's photo. and hid it in his safe. even if you'll have to be penalised for witholding evidence. He'll follow up by admitting that he was the first person to arrive at the crime scene that day. but you've laid your bait. and says that the message on the jar could be fabricated too. but it's not possible for Ema to be that person. This is when he once again puts pressure on you to present the slip of cloth. Watch now as Gant happily gets ready to celebrate his victory.the photo. Trust me! Watch now as Gant insists that you took something from his safe. She knew that Lana will take the bait if he made the crime scene looked like Ema has done it. Select "show evidence" now. We'll come to it shortly. but the moment of truth has finally arrived. You'll then ask him whether did he cut the piece of cloth from Neil's vest. she'll be briefly implicated. Stupidly. so find the book. NOTE: You asked that question for your own form of "insurance". He'll admit it. say "cannot show evidence". Although he has given up his right to testify. Edgeworth quickly objects. You'll once again verify with Gant that he cut the slip of cloth from Neil's vest on the day of crime. The slip of cloth contains a decisive contradiction. he says yes again. Present the evidence law book . and borrowed Gant's card to do the transferal for the SL-9 case that day. then smashed it into pieces! And who could've done that? Well. which was why the murder was so hastily committed. The photo shows clearly that Neil was stabbed on the left. 5:03pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You've one final decision to make here. Gant will still not give up. then push Neil into the armor's sword. this was merely a piece of cloth. Watch now as your explain why the evidence is not illegal. Present Lana's photo .rule no. at the crime scene. the person who admitted that he was first at the crime scene! Amazingly. But when Gant stupidly admits that he cut the cloth out from Neil's vest on the day of the crime. He now argues that the slip of cloth is illegal evidence.The judge will ask you what's the contradiction. select "I did not". So. and wrote Ema's name on the jar. here it goes: Marshall and Angel were adamant in re-opening the SL-9 case. It's not that you "didn't" present it then. He claims that you've earlier concealed this piece of cloth . but at that point of time. but Lana tells him that he isn't She'll then ask you to show Edgeworth an evidence neither Edgeworth nor you would have been able to reveals his decision alone. it's that you "couldn't"! The judge now asks you to present something to prove that your conduct was not in violation of the law. but someone cut the vest when Neil was unconscious. When Goodman lost his ID card. Now. He has you! from this case that find our your own. It was impossible for you to prove that this cloth has relevance to the SL-9 Incident. Ema's print is on the cloth.even though she'll still be charged for all sorts of other reasons. you've won the case! Well done. 2: "Unregistered evidence presented must be relevant to the case in trial"! Indeed. You let him taste his own medicine. looks decidedly clean. 2 Date: February 25.the slip of cloth was cut from the left side of Neil's vest. leading to a whole lot of blood on his shirt and vest. You'll be rewarded with a smile from Lana . however. That's it. When the judge asks you whether did you purposefully and illegally concealed this piece of cloth. It was then that Gant knew he had to kill Goodman. There's nothing else to do now except to watch your stylish victory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene: District Court. . The slip of cloth. he finally asked Gant to re-open the case. Defendant Lobby No. ace attorney. enjoy the final moments of the trial. but they've no avail. At last. Oh. you'll need the explanation as to why he killed Goodman too. this evidence became relevant! This was just like how Gant used you to get the switchblade now on record earlier to confuse the investigation. the time for you to reveal your plan has finally arrived. Edgeworth to resign again. in the police department's evidence room. and your act of concealment has rendered the slip of cloth "illegal". Looks like Ema has her print on the vest because she pushed Neil aside. Present the the evidence list . you've beaten Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten! Remember to shout "OBJECTION!" into your mic for one last time towards the end. but the linear nature of it also means that you could get stuck at various stages if you don't know what to do next." . as I always say. Congratulations.gamefaqs. But emails of encouragement and positive feedback kept me going. I'm glad I was able to complete it. The challenge. is obviously for you to try solving the crime by yourself.16. writing it has interfered with my daily life so much that I considered giving it up. Still. but as a fan of mystery novels. Almost completed Episode One. Meanwhile. this game certainly appeals to me. For a while. please go to this URL: http://www.html Last but not least.05) . (9. I wish you all the best in the game. Ace Attorney ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 9. if you'd like to check out my other works. as this is the longest walkthrough I've written so far. so that we can find the way back to our path towards a brighter future. CONCLUSION ====================================================================== So. Edgeworth has half of it. Go through the conversation.1: Created structure of guide. which will eventually lead to the another ending and credits. and I'm proud to present this full version of document to you. you'll need to rotate a book to see a picture of a younger Lana (in police uniform) and Ema. "No one can change the past. I don't know about you. VERSION HISTORY ====================================================================== Version 0. The game is quite easy. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== APPENDIX 1. This is also the main reason why I decided to write a FAQ/Walkthrough for it. before the credits roll! NOTE: At the end of the credits. this is it. One of the best games I've played this year comes to a the love. and only referring to this document when you're stuck. Oh.Phoenix Wright. The only thing we can do is strive to make up for our mistakes. I hope you'll find this document useful when you encounter these've half of it. until the battery dies on me. I believe that the English version in this game will be very close to what will be released in October as the US version of this game. (10.05) Version 1.21. If you've something that you're not sure. typos.05) Version 1.22.26. feel free to write in and I'll try my best to answer them . Vasquez Cross-Examination 1.0: Guide completed. Added a pointer from Webapprentice in Episode 3.3. as well as capitilization inconsistencies. Marshal Cross-Examination 3. and began Day 3 from Episode 5. Celebrated my birthday. Began Day 3 of Episode 3. etc. Ema's Cross-Examination 3 with links to images showing how to solve the infamous "rotate the unstable jar to look like the Blue Badger" puzzle.10: Updated Day 4 . For .5: Completed the Controls and Getting Started sections while my wife played with her Nintendogs.05) Version 1.18. as well as restructure some sentences to facilitate easier reading. (9. Reduced amount of spoilers.25.05) Version 0.4: Completed Episode One and Episode Two. eg.06: Fixed several spelling and grammatical errors.25. (10.29. (10. (10.Trial. Q: I did an "OBJECTION!" during the cross-examination as you suggested in the guide. perhaps only with some minor cosmetic differences. (10. Fixed some typos and grammatical errors. (9. I don't consider it a translation at all. Streamlined the entire guide for easier reading. Why is it so? A: You could've objected on the wrong statement that the witness is saying. FAQS ====================================================================== I'll attempt to answer potential questions that I think people will ask here. Added a new question in the FAQs section. thanks to The_Real_Gte.4. With compliments to Alvin and Ben. In fact. Added a pointer from Alex Luke in Episode 5. I'd like to know how's the translation. Is it good enough for me to complete the game without having to reply on further translations? A: Yes. Added some FAQs and Credits.01: Miscellaneous changes.30.9: Completed Day 2. Day 4 . (9. (9.Trial Latter.05) Version 1.05: More miscellaneous changes. but the judge replied saying that he doesn't see anything to object about.05) Version 0.but please do so only after the guide is completed! Q: I understand that the Japanese version of this game has a fully translated English game bundled in.05) Version 0.8: Completed Episode 3 and 4. You must object at the actual statement of contradiction. the translation is more than adequate for you to complete the game. and most parts of Day 2 from Episode 5.05) ====================================================================== APPENDIX 2.Version 0.05) Version 0. Day 3 .85: Completed Day 1. (9.Trial Former. headers.05) Version 1. Completed Day 1 and 2 of Episode 3. presented all items I've. yet he doesn't bulge. I mean. what will happen? A: The judge will reprimand you. all trials have to end in three days. Q: How do I make the unstable jar look like the Blue Badger? A: I'm glad to say that after asking around. or I may have no choice but to ignore the mail. I understand that not all people can type perfect English. Do it a few more times and you'll. Very nice. you'll lose the case. Which means. I know I can't. Anyhow. Read it to find out how to get out of this situation.example. What should I do? A: This is answered in the walkthrough. they decided to speed up the process. yes. Q: I'm stuck during the cross-examination with Redd White in Episode Two. I'll try to answer all mails if I've the time. so feel free to write. I've done everything. Please include a subject and try to type in proper English. Q: How often can I save? A: You can save as often as you can. ====================================================================== . Q: What's the "Initial Trial" system mentioned so many times in the game? A: This was introduced because the court had so many cases. But at least try to make it easier for me to understand what you're asking. that's what I saw". Under this system. and as and when you can. object when the witness says "I saw the body at 1:00pm" instead of when he/ she says "Yes. I found someone who managed to help me explain this much better . an attorney will only have these time frame to gather clues for helping his or her client. Have questions? Email me at lestor_wong at the form of diagrams and an actual screenshot! Please check the walkthrough for more details. The game will restart at the exact point that you saved. even though the second sentence may have come immediately after the first. pressed him. Q: If I object
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