Guia Final Trafico y Aduanas

March 29, 2018 | Author: Karina Ibarra | Category: Shipping, Services (Economics), Transport, Commercial Item Transport And Distribution, Trade



Guia Final Trafico y aduanasPlan of action: The strategy of a company is its plan of action to overcome their competitors and achieve higher profitabilty. A strategy helps us to know:  What is our actual situation?  Where we want to go from here?  How are we going to do it? SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities y Threats ( FODA: fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades, amenazas) Production: activities involved in the creation of a product. Logistics: acquisition and physical transmission of materials through the supply chain, from the suppliers to the clients. Logistic plan: have 5 functions: 1. - Locate and right-size logistics centers, factories, warehouses and distribution platforms. 2. - Sort the items properly according to their logistic characteristics. 3. - Define the logistics activities that require each item. 4. - Program the transport and storage phases. 5. – Design an information network that allows each employee to access the information you need when you need it. Stages in the international Supply Chain: Customer system (after sales) Transport: it is one of the fundamental processes of the logistic strategy of an organization. It has 2 phases: 1. Static: It consists of physical protection, cargo handling, stevedoring or placement in vehicles, storage and on the other hand, in the legal and economic protection of vehicles and goods. 2. Dynamic: This phase includes the study of the various means of transport and its technical characteristics (limitations of capacity, dimensions, etc.) planification Provisionin g Productio n Distributi on Types of transportation:  Ship  Truck  Train  Airplane  Multimodal Another characteristics that needs to be analyzed to the proper selection of a logistic mean of transportation:  Technical  Geographic  Contractual  Regulatory:  Political and social Supply Chain Management (SCM): It has 5 main processes: 1. Demand planning / Supply 2. Acquisition materials 3. Manufacturing, product testing, capacity 4. Order management, warehousing, transportation, inventory management 5. Return Material The container: (made of steel) are the most common standard for the transport of goods from one place to another form. The basis of measuring containers is TEUs (Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit): 20 ft. refined or chemicals. It demonstrates the existence of a transport contract and grants rights to the goods. Shipping containers come in two standard sizes: 20 feet and 40 feet. BL ORIGINAL.  Flexibility because it implies the possibility of using vessels from small sizes. gases licuados etc.Maritime transport: It is the means of transport for excellence.) BUQUES GRANELEROS O “BULK CARRIERS”: para carga a granel sólida (minerales y preferentemente cereales) BUQUES PORTA CONTENEDORES: para transportar los TEU (Unidad de Medida equivalente a un contenedor de 20 TM) entre los grandes puertos mundiales BUQUES DE TRANSBORDO RODADO: para la carga rodante (automóviles. Additional types of containers BUQUES DE CARGA GENERAL: para carga suelta no unitarizada o no consolidada (sin paleta y sin contenedor) y para carga unitarizada (con paleta y contenedor) BUQUES TANQUES: para carga a granel líquida (crudo de petróleo. Singapore. Container equals two TEU. Mexico (Lazaro cardenas. They have a unique number. Houston. Ensenada) Ocean Bill of Lading: MBL (Master Bill of Lading) is a name given to the shipper for the goods delivered receipt. Manzanillo. Container equals one TEU.) "BULK CARRIERS" solid bulk cargo (minerals and preferably cereals) CONTAINER SHIPS: to transport the TEU (unit measurement equivalent to one 20 TM) among major world ports RO-RO SHIPS: for rolling cargo (cars. Puede suscribir contratos de fletamento con el porteador efectivo.) BUQUES PARA TRANSPORTE DE BARCAZAS: las que se sueltan a la cercanía del puerto y son conducidas al puerto de destino por barcos remolcadores GENERAL CARGO SHIPS: for loose cargo or unitized no unconsolidated (without pallet without container) and unit load (with pallet and container) TANKERS: liquid bulk cargo (crude oil. tractors etc. Principales puertos del mundo: Shanghai. 40 ft. liquefied gases etc. allows moving large weights and volumes of solid or liquid goods. camiones.  Versatility for the different types of vessels adapted to all types of cargo Types of vessels: Documento: SWB COPY. and the number is included in the documentation. . Porteador o Naviero (Shipowner): es el propietario del buque. productos refinados o químicos. TELEX RELEASED Tipos de embarques:  FCL: (= Full Container Load) Mercancia que llena un contenedor entero  LCL: (= Less than Container Load) Los envíos que no llenan un contenedor entero se consolidan y se cargan en un contenedor con carga para otros clientes. The seals are very important because they provide the only possible way to check transit unauthorized opening. Each seal has the number.) VESSELS FOR TRANSPORT BARGES: those that are released to the proximity of the port and are driven to the destination port by tugboats Seal of the containers: Each filled container should be sealed when the load is complete. tractores etc. Its resurgence in international trade is due to the appearance of the container. South Louisiana. The essential characteristics are:  It is practically the only economic means of transporting large volumes of goods between geographically distant points. Armador. trucks. Agencias Generales de Carga o Agencias de Fletamento (Chartering Broker): los consolidadores que gestionan buques y cargas. products.Porteador Efectivo: es el transportista propiamente dicho. El contrato de transporte se negocia. Beijing. Entre sus ventajas podemos destacar la variedad en líneas y tipos de vehículos existentes. la mayor flexibilidad que permite que los vehículos puedan transportar cualquier cantidad. para transportar mercancías de valor y en caso de viajes urgentes o especiales. los menores costos y los menores daños en las cargas. INCOTERMS (International Commerce Terms): are terms of three letters each reflecting the standards of voluntary acceptance by the two parties –seller and buyer-. They are used to clarify the costs of international trade transactions. Guía Aérea (Air Way Bill): instrumenta el contrato de transporte de la mercadería. Este documento no acredita la propiedad de la mercadería. Agente aduanal (Custom Broker): Es la persona jurídica física autorizada por la secretaría. about the conditions of delivery of goods. es el exportador o el importador responsable del embarque de la mercancía que suscribe el contrato de transporte marítimo. defining responsibilities between buyer and seller and reflect current practice in international freight . Tokio. Mariano Escobedo mty. cubierto por un contrato de transporte multimodal. Principales aeropuertos: Atlanta. sirve como declaración de aduana. que puede ser también el propio armador Agencias Marítimas o Navieras. Transporte terrestre: Este medio de transporte ha ido ganando mucho terreno en los últimos 20 años. IATA (International Air Transport Association): La tarifación aérea se realiza en la mayor parte de los casos en función al coeficiente de estiba aérea o coeficiente de estiba IATA (International Air Transport Association) que es un índice de equivalencia volumen / peso desarrollando el concepto de peso volumen. recibo de entrega y póliza de seguro (cuando se pide). con la Carta de Porte Ferroviaria. de materiales perecederos y de elevado valor unitario. Guadalajara. amplia distribución geográfica y buena disponibilidad de depósito y almacenamiento. (Ships Agent): son representantes de los armadores o de los porteadores efectivos que realizan la gestión comercial del transporte en cada puerto. Los Angeles. la seguridad. al igual que en el transporte por camión. Estibador: es la empresa autorizada para realizar las operaciones portuarías. pero cuando se trata de fletes en el interior de las ciudades esta ventaja desaparece. Paris. cualquier tipo y cualquier tamaño de carga. London. Cargador (Shipper). Chicago.  DESVENTAJAS: Esta limitado por la red ferroviaria dado que en muchos casos sólo se requieren en forma complementaria. la facilidad de su control y seguimiento. Agencias Generales. En razón de las grandes toneladas que transporta. Mexico (CDMX. para promover por cuenta ajena el despacho de mercancías. mediante una patente.) Transporte multimodal: El tansporte multimodal está definido como el movimiento de mercancías usando dos o más modos de transporte. las posibilidades de trasbordo y la internacionalidad en la utilización del espacio aéreo de unos países por otro. en los diferentes regímenes aduaneros previstos por la ley. los ferrocarriles pueden competir con los camiones en lo relativo a los fletes entre distintas ciudades. Tipos de transporte terrestre: Documento: Reconocimiento de carga/ entrega de carga Transporte Ferreo:  VENTAJAS: Su capacidad de transporte es mucho mayor que por camiones y requiere menos mano de obra por tonelada/kilómetro para su traslado. entre lugares distintos. Transporte aereo: Es el medio de transporte que se utiliza cuando deben realizarse largas travesías (intercontinentales). Presenta bajos costos. la reserva de espacio. Lo que ha convertido en atractivo el transporte aéreo de mercaderías es la rapidez para envíos urgentes. containers. The FOB incoterm is used exclusively to transport by boat. The seller contracts for transport through a shipper or consignee. which are located on the pier. The seller is responsible for the efforts and costs of the office of export. among others. coils. However. The EXW incoterm can be used with any kind of transport or a combination of them (known as multimodal transport). FCA Free Carrier: The seller agrees to deliver the goods at a point agreed upon in the country of origin. FAS Free Alongside Ship: The seller delivers the goods on the quay agreed port of shipment . etc. All expenses from that time are borne by the buyer. The FOB incoterm is one of the most used in international trade.) of goods. The FAS incoterm is typical of bulk goods or bulky cargo. but the buyer assumes the cost of transportation. that are deposited in specialized port terminals. in the country of origin. customs in the country.EXW Ex Works: The seller makes the goods available to the buyer at their facilities : factory. The FAS incoterm only used to transport by boat. It should be used for general cargo (drums. not usable for bulk. the risk is transferred to the buyer when the goods are loaded on the ship. warehouse . However. it is an incoterm little used. The FCA incoterm can be used with any type of transportation. either sea or river. including freight to bring the goods to the port of destination. either sea or river. either sea or river. . that is. the side of the boat . The CFR incoterm is only used to transport by boat. FOB Free On Board: The seller delivers the goods on the ship. CFR Cost and Freight : The seller is responsible for all costs . It is responsible for the costs until the goods are located at the agreed point. etc. . including the main transport and insurance until the goods arrive at the destination port. The CIF incoterm is one of the most used in international trade because the conditions of a CIF price are what make the customs value of a product being imported. in the country of origin. The CPT incoterm can be used with any mode of transport. including freight to bring the goods to the agreed point in the country.CIF Cost. As in the previous incoterm (CFR) the risk is transferred to the buyer when the goods are loaded on the ship. Insurance and Freight: The seller is responsible for all costs. including the main transport and insurance until the goods arrive at the agreed point in the country. the insurance beneficiary is the buyer. the risk is transferred to the buyer upon delivery of the goods to the carrier in the country of destination. CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To: The seller is responsible for all costs. However. While insurance has hired the seller. The risk is transferred to the buyer upon delivery of the goods to the carrier in the country. The CIP incoterm can be used with any mode of transport. While insurance has hired the seller. CPT Carriage Paid To: The seller is responsible for all costs . The CIF incoterm is unique to the marine environment. the insurance beneficiary is the buyer. until the goods are made available to the buyer on a ready vehicle for download . until the goods are unloaded at the agreed terminal. It is important that the place of delivery of the goods is clearly specified and this place matches that specified in the contract of carriage. It also assumes the risks so far. The seller is responsible for all costs . It is one of two new Incoterms 2010 with DAT . Replaces Incoterms DAF . including the main transport and insurance (not mandatory) but not the costs associated with importing . DAP Delivered At Place: The Incoterm DAP is used for all types of transport. . The type of transport is multipurpose / multimodal. DDP Delivered Duty Paid: The seller pays all expenses to leave the goods at the agreed point in the country. The import customs charges are borne by the seller. The seller is responsible for all costs. The buyer does not perform any processing. including the main transport and insurance (not mandatory) .DAT Delivered At Terminal: The DAT incoterm is used for all types of transport. It also assumes the risks so far. It is one of two new Incoterms 2010 with DAP and replaces the incoterm DEQ. DES and DDU .
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