Guia Didactica Para Ingles 4

March 22, 2018 | Author: Miguel Angel Lopez Juarez | Category: Grammar, Style (Fiction), Language Mechanics, Linguistics, Syntax



GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETAPRESENTACION ¡ El tren sigue su marcha, CONTINUAMOS ¡, Efectivamente tu que ya decidiste subirte a este tren no te queda otra mas que seguirle para adelante. Como ya debes de saber el ingles es una lengua considerada como universal, que actualmente se utiliza en casi todos los países del mundo porque determina la comunicación en los ámbitos social, científico, Tecnológico, económico, deportivo, etc. Ante este fenómeno nuestro país no se excluye por el contrario nuestra situación geográfica nos provoca la imperiosa necesidad de incorporar a nuestros conocimientos el idioma ingles; aunado a lo anterior debemos de reconocer que esta modernidad científica y sobretodo tecnológica que las herramientas fundamentales las representa precisamente el INGLES Y LA INFORMATICA. Este momento tómalo como la oportunidad de tu vida para volverte a conectar con el idioma ingles, quizás sea el espacio de reafirmación de tus conocimientos previos, aceptando que el común denominador del estudiante de SAETA es la voluntad y la afrontación de retos. Dentro de ese orden de ideas nos encontramos ante una segunda oportunidad con el idioma ingles acuérdate que para fortuna de muchos y por demanda social contemporánea la materia de ingles se ha incrementado a 5 semestres. Y con este material habremos de incursionar en el CUARTO NIVEL DE INGLES. 1 GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Para desarrollar el contenido programático de esta materia se ha tenido a bien diseñar el presente material auto-instruccional que contiene una serie de actividades clasificadas a través de diferentes NOCIONES GRAMATICALES, sugeridas para el facilitador y el estudiante. Concibiendo a una secuencia didáctica como una forma de organizar las actividades académicas. El presente documento contiene una serie actividades, a manera de sugerencias, al no concebirse como un modelo rígido de planeación; en las cuales el facilitador podrá, en comunión con el estudiante, diseñar las propias actividades de aprendizaje e incluso definir los materiales de apoyo para el logro de los objetivos. Acatando la característica de flexibilidad y la enorme capacidad de adaptación a las condiciones nacionales, regionales y locales que presentan los programas. Haciendo acopio de textos, videos, casetes, CD-ROMS, páginas WEB, y a todos los medios a los cuales se tenga acceso para el enriquecimiento de las mismas. En este curso, el alumno recupera lo visto en los niveles anteriores. Los conceptos fundamentales son: “Aprovechamiento y preservación de recursos” y “Sociedad del conocimiento”, así como los subsidiarios son: “Tipos”: naturales, humanos y del conocimiento; y “Usos”: benéficos y perjudiciales. Al llegar a este punto de desarrollo, nuestro alumno está en condiciones de poder aprovechar esos recursos del saber que ya ha obtenido, porque ahora, al relacionar esta asignatura con los aprendizajes que de manera vertical, horizontal y transversal proporcionan las demás materias del plan de estudios, es capaz de analizar y valorar la importancia presente y futura de los recursos naturales y participar activamente en la preservación de éstos, incluyendo los referentes a la cultura, así como los del conocimiento científico y tecnológico, al hacer un uso adecuado en su entorno local, regional, nacional y mundial. 2 GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA INDICE Mapa Conceptual de la asignatura Descripción temática NOCION GRAMATICAL Voz Pasiva NOCION GRAMATICAL Tag questions NOCION GRAMATICAL Segundo y Tercer condicional NOCION GRAMATICAL Pasado Perfecto NOCION GRAMATICAL Clausulas relativas EJRCICIOS DE VOCABULARIO 7 8 10 20 25 32 37 49 3 GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA INGLÉS IV Mapa Conceptual de la Asignatura de Inglés IV Antecedente Inglés III Conceptos fundamentales Conceptos subsidiarios Tipos 1 ♦ Naturales 2 ♦ Humanos 3 ♦ Del conocimiento Usos 1 ♦ Benéficos 2 ♦ Perjudiciales Aprovechamiento y preservación de recursos Sociedad del conocimiento 4 GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Inglés IV Concepto Fundamental: Aprovechamiento y preservación de recursos. Concepto Subsidiario: Tipos: -Naturales -Humanos -Del conocimiento Funciones del lenguaje sugeridas: 1 • Solicitar y dar información sobre eventos relevantes. 2 • Pedir y dar información sobre la elaboración y consistencia de diversos productos. Nociones Gramaticales: 1 - Voz pasiva en presente (aff-neg-int) 2 - Tag questions (forma afirmativa y negativa) 3 - Voz pasiva en pasado ( aff-neg-int) 4 - Segundo Condicional (unreal condicional) Aff-neg-int. (World, could, might). 5 - Todas las estructuras anteriores vistas en los semestres anteriores. Vocabulario: 1 - Pasado participio de verbos regulares e irregulares 2 - Preposiciones: of, by 3 - Materiales: Wood, plastic, iron, leather, etc. 4 - Elementos de la naturaleza: river, ocean, mountain, hill, forrest, volcano, etc. Principales Categorías: Principales Valores a fomentar: Diversidad Libertad Espacio Justicia Energía Solidaridad Materia Tiempo Contexto de aprendizaje: Acorde al Tema Integrador propuesto. 5 Pasado Perfecto (af-negint) 2 .Tercer condicional (past unreal conditional) 3 . Principales Categorías: Principales Valores a fomentar: Diversidad Libertad Espacio Justicia Energía Solidaridad Contexto de aprendizaje: Acorde al Tema Integrador propuesto. 3 . 6 .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Inglés IV Concepto Fundamental: Sociedad del conocimiento. etc.Pasado participio de verbos regulares e irregulares 1 .Beneficios derivados del trabajo. what. educación.Todas las estructuras gramaticales vistas en los semestres anteriores. economía.Expresiones de tiempo acorde a las estructuras gramaticales propuestas. suscitados en un tiempo antes del pasado. whose. which. Vocabulario: 1 . país y del mundo.Investigar y recrear la cultura popular en su comunidad y su país. 2 . whom.Conocer y relatar eventos importantes de su localidad. política. investigación. Nociones Gramaticales: 1 .Pedir y dar información sobre acontecimientos que han impactado el rumbo del país y del mundo. that) 4 . 2 .Cláusulas o proposiciones relativas (definidas y no definidas: who. Concepto Subsidiario: Usos: Funciones del lenguaje sugeridas: 1 . David was congratulated CARACTERISTICAS 1. LA VOZ ACTIVA Y LA VOZ PASIVA. Active Voice [1] Paul congratulated David Passive Voice [2] David was congratulated by Paul La VOZ PASIVA se forma usando el auxiliar pasivo del verbo TO BE y el verbo principal con terminación ED. En la oración 2 nos referimos a Paul como el agente o sea quien realiza la acción. 2. Note que en el primero el auxiliar es auxiliar progresivo no pasivo. En ocasiones el agente no esta especificado. Paul is congratulating Paul will congratulate Paul has congratulated David David David Los ejemplos anteriores son oraciones activas que no contienen auxiliar pasivo. Se dice que una oración está en VOZ PASIVA cuando la significación del verbo es recibida por la persona gramatical a quien aquél se refiere: Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza. En oraciones activas. Se dice que una oración está en VOZ ACTIVA cuando la significación del verbo es producida por la persona gramatical a quien aquél se refiere: Pedro de Mendoza founded Buenos Aires. no existe un auxiliar de pasivo. sin embargo otros auxiliares pueden ser utilizados. 7 .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA NOCION GRAMATICAL VOZ PASIVA Existen dos voces en ingles. lo notamos por la terminación del verbo principal ING y no ED. (Pedro de Mendoza fundó Buenos Aires). será visto we shall be seen. fuisteis vistos they were seen. han sido vistos PASADO I was seen. Cuando un verbo tiene dos complementos se pueden hacer dos estructuras de pasiva: a) A book was sent to Tom by Mr. no siempre que veamos una pasiva. seré visto you will be seen. fue visto we were seen. seremos vistos you will be seen. tenemos que 8 . fuimos vistos you were seen. el sujeto de la activa se puede conservar como sujeto agente. La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be conjugado más el participio del verbo principal. 5. En inglés es mucho más frecuente que en español y.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA (Buenos Aires fue fundada por Pedro de Mendoza). Un libro fue enviado a Tom por Mr. eres visto he is seen. 1. soy visto you are seen. fuiste visto he was seen. Por eso. habéis sido vistos they have been seen. somos vistos you are seen. b) Tom was sent a book by Mr. serás visto he will be seen. sois vistos they are seen. hemos sido vistos you have been seen. has sido visto he has been seen. Smith (pasiva idiomática). son vistos PRETERITO PERFECTO I have been seen. ha sido visto we have been seen. es visto we are seen. fueron vistos FUTURO I shall be seen. 4. serán vistos VOZ ACTIVA Y PASIVA: REGLAS PRÁCTICAS EN 4 PASOS. aparece cuando no es importante quien realiza una acción sino el hecho en sí. he sido visto you have been seen. Se forma con el auxiliar del verbo to be y el participio pasado del verbo que se conjuga. normalmente. El complemento de la oración activa pasa a sujeto de la pasiva. Smith. seréis vistos they will be seen. Smith. MODELO DE VERBO EN VOZ PASIVA TO BE SEEN = SER VISTO PRESENTE I am seen. fui visto you were seen. Como en castellano. 3. Esta estructura no es posible en castellano. etc. get bored. Este tipo de 9 . VOZ ACTIVA Tom writes a letter Tom is writing a letter Tom was writing a letter Tom wrote a letter Tom has written a letter Tom had written a letter Tom will write a letter Tom is going to write a letter Tom can write a letter Tom could write a letter Tom must write a letter Tom may write a letter Tom might write a letter VOZ PASIVA A letter is written by Tom A letter is being written by Tom A letter was being written by Tom A letter was written by Tom A letter has been written by Tom A letter had been written by Tom A letter will be written by Tom A letter is going to be written by Tom A letter can be written by Tom A letter could be written by Tom A letter must be written by Tom A letter may be written. se comenta. seeing. puesto que en español suena más forzado. cualquiera de los dos complementos puede ser sujeto paciente de la pasiva: ACTIVE: Someone gives me a dog PASSIVE 1: A dog is given to me PASSIVE 2: I am given a dog (forma pasiva idiomática) La forma pasiva de doing. Las construcciones impersonales (se dice.. get invited. get annoyed.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA traducirlo literalmente. 2. en la mayoría de las ocasiones se prescinde del sujeto ya que no nos interesa saber quién exactamente ejecuta la acción. no planeado o fortuito para la formación de la voz pasiva se prefiere usar get y no be: get hurt.) son muy típicas de la pasiva y difíciles de traducir para los hispanoparlantes. etc es being done. A letter might be written. ACTIVE: I don't like people telling me what to do PASSIVE: I don't like being told what to do En ocasiones en las que ocurre algo a veces imprevisto. get divorced.. Si una oración activa tiene complemento directo e indirecto. get married. Sólo es posible el uso de la voz pasiva con verbos transitivos (verbos que llevan complemento directo).. El sujeto agente se expresa con by. Sin embargo.. etc. being seen. get lost 3. que se supone que van a realizar. en negativo. (passive) El sujeto de un verbo en pasiva corresponde al objeto de un verbo en activa. supposed significa la no conveniencia o prohibición de hacer algo: You are not supposed to smoke here. They made this car in 1963.) PASSIVE 2: It is thought that Cathy works very hard. USOS ADICIONALES DE SUPPOSE a) Se usa en afirmativo para acciones que estaban planeadas.. (Se piensa que Cathy. (but it arrived at 8 o'clock) You were supposed to go to the supermarket.. (Se cree forma con la estructura sujeto + to be + participle: It is reported (Se informa). Spanish is spoken Argentina in PASIVA (sujeto) Argentinians speak Spanish ACTIVA 10 . It is considered (Se considera). It is said (Se dice). Veamos algunos ejemplos: ACTIVE: Everybody thinks Cathy works very hard.. PASSIVE 1: Cathy is thought to work very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy..) ACTIVE: They believe Tom is wearing a white pullover. It is expected (Se espera).GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA construcción pasiva -utilizada cada vez con mayor frecuencia en los medios. u obligaciones que uno debería cumplir.. It is supposed (Se supone). el uso de supposed indica que estos planes o obligaciones finalmente no se cumplieron: The train was supposed to arrive at 5 o'clock.) 4. You were supposed to be here at 9:00 am!! b) Otras veces. (active) This car was made in 1963. PASSIVE 1: Tom is believed to be wearing a white pullover. It is known (Se sabe)..) PASSIVE 2: It is believed that Tom is wearing a white pullover. la voz pasiva se forma con el verbo 'to be' (ser) y el participio pasado. (you are not allowed to smoke here) You are not supposed to copy our web files.. (but you didn't go) c) Por el contrario.. (Se cree que. (you must not copy our web files) Como en español. have/has been + The President of America has been pp shot. pp will be + pp It’ll be painted by next week. will have been + Our baby will have been born before pp Christmas. Washington was bombed by Pakistan. am/are/is being + Your questions are being answered. La voz pasiva se suele utilizar cuando se desconoce o no interesa mencionar quién o qué hace la acción. but we didn’t go.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA (objeto) Estudia la siguiente (pp = participio pasado) Verb Tense PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINUOUS FUTURE (WILL) FUTURE TO) lista de las formas del verbo en pasiva. This house was built by my mother. ‘se alquila’ o verbos en plural como ‘venden’. En las formas del ‘future progressive’ (will be being + pp) y ‘perfect progressive’ (has been being + pp) no es muy común su uso. 11 . por ejemplo: ‘se habla’. had been + pp When he got home he found that all of his money had been stolen. PAST SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUS PRESENT PERFECT PAST PERFECT FUTURE PERFECT was/were being + The hotel room was being cleaned pp when we got back from shopping. usa 'by'. (GOING am/are/is going to Terry is going to be made redundant be + pp next year. / Esta casa fue construida por mi madre. Structure am/are/is + pp Example Spanish is spoken here. Para decir quién hacía la acción o qué la causaba. was/were + pp We were invited to the party. ‘compran’. Es más normal encontrar en español formas con ‘se’. / Washington fue bombardeado por Pakistán. Jane decided to cancel the party Active Passive 2.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA In the same way. a. Your horse is walking on our lawn Active Passive 4. My hair needs cutting (= my hair needs to be cut) German is spoken here / Aquí se habla alemán When was this house built? / ¿Cuando se construyó ( fue construida) ésta casa? A lot of songs have been written about love / Se han escrito muchas canciones sobre el amor Are the following constructions active or passive? 1. The top floor was destroyed Active 12 . e. The lecturer was impressed by your essay Active Passive 3. The important thing in our minds is the person or thing that will experience the action. this construction has a passive meaning. The ceiling needs painting (= the ceiling needs to be painted) b.g. 9. shop 13 .2. airport 5. 1.8. garage . restaurant 6. car park .7. pub . library . web page 4.3.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Passive 5. The pills should be taken twice a day Active Passive 1 .Relaciona los siguientes carteles con el sitio donde los veas siguiendo el ejemplo. hotel . INVITE. TRASLATE. OFFER. STEAL. 2. BREAK. party? into 3. 1.Completa cada frase con su correspondiente participio pasado de los siguientes verbos: BUILT. The Do beds you in think our room we’ll be haven’t been to the yet. La Mansión del Inglés is so successful it will probably be 14 .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 2 . People don't use this road very often. All flights 4. Cathy can’t use her office until next week as it ’s being Middlesex. my laptop computer was . 8. but I still wasn’t EXERCISE A Read the sentence and then write another sentence with the same meaning. Begin each sentence as shown in the examples. . 15 . 1. I thought the interview went well. Examples: Somebody stole my bag in the store. I went to work early to go to the meeting yesterday and I realised that the date had been to the 13th February. I . 5. last month. England. Three men have been arrested by the police . 10. . When I saw my grandmother yesterday she told me she had been in 9. When our flat was different languages. Somebody accused me of stealing the money. store. They canceled all flights because of fog.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA twenty 4. the job. . way to bingo. A new sports centre is being in front of our house and it’s completely spoiling our view of the sea. My bag was stolen in the The police have arrested three men. This road 3. 6. The bill includes service. 7. . Service 2. Elton John was the street on in her Pinner. built? Examples: That builing looks very old. 6. (about 20 people / arrested) . A new shopping center . 7. (every week it / watch / by millions of people) Every week it 2. The date of the meeting . EXERCISE B Make a PASSIVE SENTENCE form the words in parentheses. 16 . B: Really? (when / it / abolish?) . 3. This is a very popular television program. Brian told me that he . 8. I didn't realize that our conversation . They are building a new shopping center downtown. 4. They have changed the date of the meeting. What happens to the cars produced in this factory? (most of them / export?) . (when / it /build?) When was it A: Is Margaret popular? B: Yes. . I didn't realize that someone was recording our conversation. 1. (she / like / by everybody) She is liked by everybody. A: There is no longer military service in Argentina.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 5. A: Was there any trouble at the demonstration? B: Yes. Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street. NOCION GRAMATICAL TAG QUESTIONS 17 . A: Last night someone broke into our house. 7. 6. 11. 8.. B: Oh no! (anything / take?) . (but nobody / injure / so it / not / need) . 9. This room looks different. Where's my bicycle? It's gone !!! (it / steal !!!) . (it / blow / down in the storm) . Mr. Linda didn't have her car yesterday. (it / tune up / at the garage) . (it / paint / since I was last here?) . A tree was lying across the road. 10. Kelly can't use his office right now. (they / not /see / since then) .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 5. (it / redecorate) . The people next door disappeared six months ago. 12. A: Did anybody call an ambulance to the scene of the accident? B: Yes. ¿no?) You are coming tomorrow. TRES REGLAS BASICAS QUE DEBES RECORDAR 1. en inglés americano y UNICAMENTE en este caso en particular. Se utiliza la misma forma del verbo en NEGATIVO: aren't you? isn't he? isn't she? isn't it? aren't we? aren't you? aren't they? Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos: It's a beautiful day. isn't it? (Es un día hermoso. aren't they? (Son personas muy agradables. ¿verdad?) You are really tired. ¿verdad?) Pedro's flying now. ¿no?) They're very nice people. aren't you? (Estás muy cansado.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Los tag questions son pequeñas frases o preguntas ( mini-questions) que se colocan al final de una oración afirmativa o negativa y que generalmente tienen como objetivo confirmar o negar el contenido de la frase misma. aren't you? (Vas a venir mañana. isn't she? (Marta está enojada. para la primera persona del verbo to be se utiliza aren't I? como equivalente de am I not?: 18 . 2. isn't he? (Pedro está volando en estos momentos. ¿no?) Martha is angry. Es el equivalente al ¿verdad? español o al ¿no? más utilizado en países de América. Con oraciones afirmativas utilizamos un tag question en NEGATIVO. 3. Con oraciones negativas utilizamos un tag question en AFIRMATIVO o POSITIVO. Los tag questions utilizan siempre los verbos auxiliares. Analicemos ahora las diferentes alternativas que pueden presentarse: a) ORACIONES AFIRMATIVAS CON EL VERBO TO BE EN PRESENT SIMPLE O CONTINUO. ¿no?) Por favor recuerda que. are you? (No vas a venir mañana. Se utiliza la misma forma del verbo en AFIRMATIVO o POSITIVO: am I? are you? is he? is she? is it? are we? are you? are they? Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos: I'm not late.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA I'm late. is it? (No es un día hermoso. are they? (No son personas muy agradables. weren't you? (Estabas muy cansado. ¿no?) Pedro isn't flying now. ¿verdad?) They aren't very nice people. ¿no?) It isn't a beautiful day. ¿verdad?) You were studying at 6. Se utiliza la misma forma del verbo en AFIRMATIVO o POSITIVO: was I? were you? was he? was she? was it? were we? were you? were they? Aquí tienes 19 . are you? (No estás muy cansado. ¿no?) d) ORACIONES NEGATIVAS CON EL VERBO TO BE EN PAST SIMPLE O CONTINUO. ¿no?) c) ORACIONES AFIRMATIVAS CON EL VERBO TO BE EN PAST SIMPLE O CONTINUO. ¿verdad?) Martha was angry. is he? (Pedro no está volando en estos momentos. weren't you? (Estuviste estudiando a las 6. ¿verdad?) Martha isn't angry. ¿no?) I'm arriving late at night. ¿no?) You were really tired. wasn't he? (Estaba volando cuando llamé. ¿no?) b) ORACIONES NEGATIVAS CON EL VERBO TO BE EN PRESENT SIMPLE O CONTINUO. is she? (Marta no está enojada. wasn't she? (Marta estaba enojada. wasn't it? (Fue un día hermoso. ¿no?) He was flying when I phoned. ¿no?) You aren't really tired. ¿no?) You aren't coming tomorrow. Se utiliza la misma forma del verbo en NEGATIVO: wasn't I? weren't you? wasn't he? wan't she? wasn't it? weren't we? weren't you? were't they? Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos: It was a beautiful day. aren't I? (Llego tarde. aren't I? (LLegaré tarde por la noche. am I? (No llego tarde. shall we? (Salgamos a dar una vuelta.. ¿no?) He could find a job. was he? (No estaba volando cuando llamé. were you? (No estuviste estudiando a las 6. shall we? (Estudiemos mañana por la mañana. was she? (Marta no estaba enojada. couldn't he? (Pudo encontrar trabajo. el tag question que corresponde es shall we? (en interrogativo AFIRMATIVO). ¿no?) e) ORACIONES AFIRMATIVAS CON OTROS VERBOS COMUNES O DEFECTIVOS. ¿sí?) Después del imperativo (do/don't do something) el tag que corresponde es will you? (en interrogativo AFIRMATIVO). Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos: You went to Costa Rica in 1990. shouldn't he? (Tom debería aprobar su examen. Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos: Let's go out for a walk. was it? (No fue un día hermoso. Teniendo siempre en cuenta el TIEMPO VERBAL.. Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos: 20 .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA algunos ejemplos: It wasn't a beautiful day. ¿no?) You can play the violin. ¿no?) Martha wasn't angry. didn't you? (Fuiste a Costa Rica en 1990. ¿no?) You weren't really tired. ¿verdad?) You weren't studying at 6. ¿no?) Ann will be here soon. se utiliza el auxiliar en NEGATIVO que corresponde a la persona de la oración: didn't she? hasn't she? won't she? shouldn't she? can't she? couldn't she?. hasn't she? (Elena ha viajado mucho. ¿no?) He wasn't flying when I phoned. etc. Después de la cláusula Let's. ¿qué te parece?) Let's study tomorrow morning. won't she? (Ana estará pronto aquí. ¿verdad?) f) IMPERATIVOS Y SUGERENCIAS O INVITACIONES. ¿verdad?) Tom should pass his exam. were you? (No estabas muy cansado. can't you? (Sabes tocar el violín. ¿no?) Elena has traveled a lot. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 21 . Jack applied for his new job. 5. Ann is on vacation. 4. 2. He won't mind if I leave early. Tom could help you with the work. 8. won't you? EXERCISE A NEGATIVE SENTENCE + POSITIVE TAG (in the same verbal tense) You won't be late. will you? (Abre la puerta. Sue doesn't like onions. will he? 1. 3. There are a lot of people here. / They were very angry. ¿sí?) Don't smoke in this room.. You can type well. ¿de acuerdo?) PLEASE REMEMBER THIS GRAMMAR NOTE: POSITIVE SENTENCE + NEGATIVE TAG (in the same verbal tense) You will come to the party. You have a camera. 6. weren't they? Examples: Tom won't be late. 9. will you? (No fumes en esta habitación. 7. will you? Put a QUESTION TAG at the end of each sentence. You weren't listening to me.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Open the door. 2. Perhaps Tom has some. Jack. Jack is just going out. . 12. and you don't want to walk home.. ASK HIM . Make sentences using QUESTION TAGS.. you don't have a chocolate. ? ? ? 13. do you? 1. This movie isn't very interesting. 22 . PerhapsTom has one. He'd never seen you before.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 10. etc.. I'm too fat. You need some paper. ASK HIM . Let's have dinner at 8:30... 4. asking people to do things. you couldn't . You wouldn't tell anyone. Tom. 15. They had to go home. You want her to give you a lift. 16. Alan. Example: You want a chocolate. Perhaps Alan knows where she is. ASK HIM . 14. you . I shouldn't have gotten angry.. ? ? ? ? EXERCISE B In these situations you are asking people for information.. Ann has a car. ASK HER . 11. You want him to get some stamps for you... ASK HIM . check out the example below. You're looking for Ann. Please. 3.. Tom. You're looking for your purse. NOCION GRAMATICAL SEGUNDO Y TERCER CONDICIONAL ESTRUCTURA GRAMATICAL 'IF' CLAUSE If + simple past If it rained If you went to bed earlier MAIN CLAUSE Present conditional you would get wet you wouldn't be so tired. FORMA DEL PRESENTE CONDICIONAL El presente condicional del cualquier verbo esta compuesto de dos partes el auxiliar modal WOULD mas el infinitivo del verbo principal de la oración sin la preposición TO. 5.. Perhaps Liz has seen it.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Ann.. ASK HER . . . Subject She Affirmative I Negative I wouldn't ask would go would would infinitive without to learn 23 . Present conditional We'd you'd they'd they accept? she come? Affirmative I would accept You would accept He would accept We would accept You would accept They would accept Negative I wouldn't accept You wouldn't accept She wouldn't accept We wouldn't accept You wouldn't accept They wouldn't accept Interrogative Would I accept? Would you accept? Would he accept? Would we accept? Would you accept? Would they accept? 24 . I'd you'd he'd. would is contracted to 'd. she'd The negative contraction = wouldn't.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Interrogative Would Interrogative negative Wouldn't Contractions of would In spoken English. Example: to accept. . I would love the rain.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA FUNCION DEL CONDICIONAL En estas oraciones el tiempo es ahora o cualquier tiempo y la situación es irreal.Podemos agregar una frase que inicie con BUT que exprese una situación real. you would buy me a diamond ring. We would be able to buy a larger house if we had more money 25 . If the weather wasn't so bad... so we can't go) • If I was the Queen of England.but it is bad. (.but I'm not. b. (= I haven't got time but I might have some time) 2. You wouldn't need to read this if you understood English grammar. we would go to the park (. I would go and see her. If you really loved me. I would give everyone £100. To make a statement about something that is not real at present. No están basados en hechos o se refieren a citaciones hipotéticas y a su probable resultado. d.. If I knew where she lived. c.. I'd give up smoking (but I could never be you) Examples: a. They wouldn't invite her if they didn't like her g. e. El uso del tiempo pasado después del IF indica algo no real. so I won't) Examples of use: 1. If I was a plant. To make a statement about a situation that is not real now and never could be real: If I were you. but is possible: I would visit her if I had time. Would he go to the concert if I gave him a ticket? f. GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA NOTE: It is correct. pero odiaba jugar golf.Would se usa como ‘will’ para pedir cosas. to say "If I were" instead of "If I was". Mi abuela solía sentarse en su habitación todo el día de mal humor.Me gustaría volver a verte Would you mind waiting in my office? / ¿Le importa esperar en mi oficina? . My grandmother would sit in her room all day in a bad mood. He would play football. . No tenía ni idea de que me ofrecerían el trabajo . Se forma sin ‘do’ y después de ‘would’ ponemos el infinitivo sin ‘to’. Would you sign here. Jugaba futbol. Se usa para hablar sobre ‘el futuro en el pasado’. but he hated playing golf. please? / ¿Querría usted firmar aquí? Would you like some chocolate cake? / ¿Le apetece un poco de pastel de chocolate? I`d like to see you again /. Cuando la vi en el autobus. I'd like some more whisky. and would only cheer up when she went to the casino. / Quisiera un poco más de whisky Would you like to go out with me on Saturday night? / ¿Te gustaría salir conmigo el sabado por la noche? I wish you wouldn’t smoke. and very common.Would puede ser el pasado de ‘will’ en el estilo indirecto. y ofrecer.Pero no se puede usar el would cuando la acción ocurre en una sola ocasión en el pasado. y solo levantaba el animo cuando se iba al casino. When I saw her on the bus. Comparar : 26 . I didn't know that I would fall in love with her. rugby and tennis. rugby y tenis. cuando hablamos sobre un acción en el pasado que todavía no ha ocurrido en el tiempo del que estamos hablando.También would puede indicar los habitos en el pasado y una firme voluntad en el pasado de hacer algo. no sabía que me enamoraría de ella I had no idea that they would offer me the job. Would es el pasado de “will” en algunos casos y es un verbo modal auxiliar. / Preferiría que no fumaras . construíria una casa grande y alta If I had a hammer. / No funcionaba el maldito televisor ayer por la noche . pero no para referirse a estados como vivir. I wouldn´t have asked you to dinner.te fuistes al pub sin dejarme una nota! . pero ella no quiso venir The bloody T. you WOULD go to the pub without leaving me a note!”. / Solia jugar futbol en el parque todos los domingos) I used to live in London.Para criticar el comportamiento de la gente. Si gobernara el mundo. / Le invité a mi piso. se usa con verbos que refieren a situaciones no reales o no ciertas. como un verbo auxiliar. pero siempre dejabas tu ropa en el suelo “That`s typical of you. but you WOULD leave your clothes all over the bedroom floor” Eras un buen chico. ‘would not’ se puede usar para indicar la negación de una ocasión.Sin embargo. / Bono cantó en el concierto el domingo pasado (Y no Bono would sing at the concert last Sunday ) . Aparecen mucho con las frases con ‘if’. tall house. se puede usar ‘would’.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Bono sang at the concert last Sunday. I'd hammer in the morning. but she wouldn´t come.‘Would’. I invited her to my flat. estar etc.Would (y también should). como ‘used to’. / Solia vivir en londres Pero no: I would live in London . If I were a rich man.V. / Si fuera rico. Se puede comparar con el subjuntivo en español. En esté caso se da más énfasis (stress) en el would. wouldn`t work last night. I'd build a big. no te habría invitado a cenar 27 . martillearía por la mañana If I ruled the world. I used to play football in the park every Sunday. “You were a good boy. every day would/should be the first day of spring. todos los días sería el primer día de la primavera If I had known you were married. puede hablar de acciones repetidas y cosas en el pasado. ¡Eso es típico de tí. / Solia jugar futbol en el parque todos los domingos I would play football in the park every Sunday. Si hubiera sabido que estabas casada. / Si tubiera un martillo. ¿Le apetece ir al cine conmigo? 4. They're expecting us. She (take) his bicycle without asking? (be) terribly upset if I lost it. Examples: If I found a $100 bill on the street. 5. Would George be angry if I 7. I w ish . I would be very surprised if she 3. Ann gave me this ring. pero ella no quiso hablarme. Me gustaría una cerveza. 3. They'd be very angry if you didn't visit (not / visit) them. 1.. (refuse). If she sold her car. Many people would be out of work if that factory 4. They would be disappointed if we 6. EXERCISE A Put the verb into the correct form.. (not / get) much money for it. Preferiría que no hicieras eso. Solía ir a la playa con mi abuela todos los domingos. (not / come). I'm sure Liz will lend you some money. I would keep (keep) it. 2. she (close) down. por favor. 5. 28 . I think I (take) it. Yo la telefoneé.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA EJERCICIOS: Traduce las siguientes frases al inglés: 1. If the company offered me the job. 2. Example: Are you going to take the 10:30 train? (we / arrive too early) No. (not / go) to work tomorrow? 9. If we took the 10:30 train. What would you do if ? ? ? ? ? EXERCISE C Answer these questions in the way shown. Perhaps one day you will lose your passport in a foreign country. Perhaps one day somebody will throw an egg at you. Is he going to take the exam? (he / fail it) 29 . 1. Perhaps one day somebody will park a car on your foot. What would you do if 3. I'm sure she (understand) if you explained the situation to her. Perhaps one day a millionaire will ask you to marry him/her. EXERCISE B Make questions. What would you do if 4. What would you do if someone gave you a lot of money? 1.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 8. we would arrrive too early. I'd be very frightened. If someone (walk) in here with a gun. What would you do if 2. What would happen if you 10. Example: Perhaps one day somebody will give you a lot of money. Perhaps one day your car will be stolen. What would you do if 5. . If he .EL tiempo pasado perfecto esta compuesto de dos partes: el tiempo psado del verbo TO HAVE (had) mas el pasado participio del verbo pirncipal. asked. Subject We had past participle had decided. 4. Is she going to apply for the job? (she / not / get it) No.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA No. Are you going to invite Bill to the party? (I / have to invite Linda too) No. he . Are you going to bed now? (I / not / sleep) No. If I 3.. NOCION GRAMATICAL PASADO PERFECTO PAST PERFECT Past perfect. . Affirmative She We had Negative hadn't 30 given. form. .. 2. . . Past perfect Affirmative I had decided You had decided He.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Interrogative Had Hadn't you they Interrogative negative finished? arrived? Example: to decide. it had decided We had decided You had decided They had decided Negative I hadn't decided You hadn't decided He hadn't decided We hadn't decided You hadn't decided They hadn't decided Interrogative Had I decided? Had you decided? Had she decided? Had we decided? Had you decided? Had they decided? PAST PERFECT. she. 31 . EXAMPLES: I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai. FUNCTION: USE 1 Accion completada antes de Algo en el pasado. Eso tambien puede mostrar que algo paso antes en una momento especifico en el pasado. El pasado perefecto expresa la idea de que algo ocurrio antes de otra acion en el pasado. By the time Alex finished his studies.. USE 2 Duración antes de algo en el pasado. EXAMPLES: We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.S. Aunque esto es posible. Si la acción del pasado perfecto ocurrió an un momento especifico.S. he had been in London for over eight years. Las palabras antes o después realmente te dicen que paso 32 . el pasado simple puede ser usado en vez del pasado perfecto cuando es usado before o after en la oración. es posible usar palabras o frases de momentos específicos con el pasado perfecto.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Had you ever visited the U. Sin parecerse al presente perfecto. before your trip in 1992? Yes. podemos usar el pasado perfecto para mostrar que algo empezó en el pasado y continuo hasta otra acción en el mismo pasado. usualmente no es necesario. IMPORTANTE Momentos específicos con el pasado perfecto. Con un verbo no progresivo y algunos uso de los verbos no progresivos. I had been to the U. once before in 1988. EXAMPLE: She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. When I (show) up to take a look around. Ambas oraciones de abajo estan correctas: EXAMPLE: She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. She visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in 1996. so I did.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA primero asi que el pasado perfecto es opcional. I (try) to fill out the form. SIN EMBARGO. Si la acción del pasado perfecto no paso en un momento especifico. The landlord said I could still apply. Not Correct EJERCICIO. Correct She never saw a bear before she moved to Alaska. were at least twenty other people who (arrive) Most of them (fill. already) out their applications and were already leaving. there before me. Compare las dos oraciones de abajo. I (submit) my application last week. EXAMPLE: She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. but I couldn't answer half of the 33 .. but I didn't think I had a chance of actually getting it. el pasado perfecto debe ser usado en todos los tiempos.Complete con la forma correcta del verbo el siguiente parrafo: I can't believe I (get) that apartment. but I didn't want to list my previous landlord because I (have) some problems with him and I knew he wouldn't recommend me.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA questions. I (end) up listing my father as a reference. I had done the laundry. I did the laundry. 2 What is the correct past perfect form of "She makes some delicious cookies"? She had made some delicious cookies. 34 . I had did the laundry. It was total luck that he (decide) to give me the apartment. She has made some delicious cookies. They (want) me to include references. 3 What is the correct past perfect form of "We visit Paris"? We'd visit Paris. We'd visiting Paris. We've visited Paris. She made some delicious cookies. It turns out that the landlord and my father (go) to high school together. He decided that I could have the apartment before he (look) at my credit report. We'd visited Paris. I really lucked out! CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 1 What is the correct past perfect form of "I do the laundry"? I have done the laundry. She had make some delicious cookies. Una CLAUSULA DEFINIDA. la cual nos da mas informacion acerca de la persona o cosa de la que estamos hablando. We could rent a car. Obviamente esto es necesario solalmente si existen mas de una persona o cosa involucrada. 5 What is the correct past perfect form of "It is hot. We 'd rent a car. It had hot. NOCION GRAMATICAL CLAUSULAS RELATIVAS Existen dos tipos de clausulas relativas: 1. 2. 35 . Una CLAUSULA INDEFINIDA. We had been able to rent a car."? It was hot. Este tipo de clausula frecuentemente esta escrtia entre parentesis. It had been hot. CLAUSULAS RELATIVAS DEFINIDAS Como su nombre lo indica. nos dice de que persona o cosa estamos hablando. It had be hot.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 4 What is the correct past perfect form of "We can rent a car"? We had rented a car. estas clausulas dan la informacion esencial para definer la persona o la cosa de la cual estamos hablando. Person Subject who/that Object who/whom/that/ø which/that/ø where when Possessive whose Notas: 1. subject of 'spoke' 2. En esta oracion entendemos que hay muchos elefantes. relative subject of pronoun main clause referring to 'the woman'. Who. verb + rest of main clause whose why which/that Thing Place Time Reason Noun. 36 . Este sustantivo usualmente aparece en los principios de la oracion. pero esta claro que estamos hablando de solamente uno “el que esta casado” Puntuacion Las comas no son usadas en las clausulas definidas. The woman who/that spoke at the meeting verb + rest of relative clause was very knowledgeable.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Example: Elephants who marry mice are very unusual. whom and which pueden ser reemplazados por that. Esto es muy comun en el ingles hablado. Pronombres relativos Los siguientes pronombres son usados en clausulas relativas definidas. El pronombre relativo permanece en el lugar del sustantivo. . OR The mouse the elephant loved was very beautiful. object of 'loved' verb + rest of main clause. The mouse that the elephant loved was very beautiful. The mouse that/ø the elephant loved verb + rest of relative clause was very beautiful. Las dos oraciones anteriores son correctas. 37 . A tree whose leaves have fallen. 5. nothing. Examples: • • There's something that you should know. subject of main clause relative pronoun. Puedes usar who/that.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 3. Examples: The man whose car was stolen. Noun. 6. The doctor whom/who/that/ø I was hoping to see wasn't on duty. El pronombre relativo puede ser omitido cuando es objeto de la clausula. all. Whose es usado para cosas como para personas. anything. Whom es muy formal y es solamente usado en el ingles escrito. It was the best film that I've ever seen. Puedes decidir cuando un pronombre relativo es un objeto porque eso esta normalmente seguido por otro sujeto mas el verbo 4. referring to 'the mouse. everything. u omitir el pronombre completamente. That normalmente esta seguido por palabras como something. aunque la segunda es mas comun en el ingles hablado. y superlativos. pero el hecho es el que vive en Escocia puede ser seguido con palabras by the way” eso es informacion adicional.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Examples: • • • • • • • • A clown is someone who makes you laugh. (Este nos da informacion extra acerca de elefantes. An elephant is an animal that lives in hot countries. Compare: 1. (Sabemos quien es la mama de John y que solo tiene uno. estamos hablando de todos los elefantes. pero no nos ayuda a identificarlo. Let's go to a country where the sun always shines. no solo de uno o de un tipo) 3. They live in the house whose roof is full of holes. (Este nos dice de cuales elefantes estamos hablando) 2. Las comas tienen function similar a los parentesis. La informacion mas importante es el numero de nietos. Eso nos dice mas acerca de alguien o algo. who lives in Scotland. John's mother. Elephants. Elephants that love mice are very unusual. The plums that were in the fridge were delicious. I have eaten them. 38 . Where are the plums (that) I put in the fridge? Has anyone seen the book I was reading? Nothing that anyone does can replace my lost bag. can sometimes be found in zoos. Puntuacion Las clausulas no definidas son siempre separadas del resto de la oracion mediante comas. . has 6 grandchildren. CLAUSULAS RELATIVAS NO DEFINIDAS La información que proporciona este tipo de clausulas no es esencial. which are large and grey. about which many people have written is Shakespeare’s birthplace. He gave me the letter.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA My friend John has just written a best-selling novel. Stratford-on-Avon. CLAUSULAS RELATIVAS EN CLAUSULAS NO DEFINIDAS Person Subject who Object who/whom Possessive whose Thing which which where Place Notas: 1. Este modelo es utilizado frecuentemente en el ingles hablado. 2.: e. En las clausulas NO DEFINIDAS tu no puedes usar THAT en vez de who. which was in a blue envelope. pero en el escrito o ingles formal tu puedes tambien poner la preposicion antes del pronombre. has just written a best-selling novel. No puedes obviar un pronombre relativo aun cuando sea el objeto del verbo en la clausula relativa. La preposición en estas clausulas pueden ir al final de la clausula. many of + el pronombre relativo: Person + whom + whom Thing + which + which all of any of 39 . This is Stratford-on-Avon. (He went to the same school as me) > My friend John.g. whom or which.g. who went to the same school as me. which you have all heard about. 4. e. He gave me the letter. Las clausulas NO DEFINIDAS pueden ser presentadas por expresiones como all of. which I read immediately 3. Chris did really well in his exams. b. under which she had often sat. many of whom I had known for years. (= the fact that he did well in his exams was a big surprise). which we’d never been into. who explained the problem. which is most unusual. e. 5. a. Examples: a. d. which was a big surprise. which many people hate. ser llamada incluso con una sola palabra. My grandmother. An elephant and a mouse fell in love. The elephant looked at the tree. 40 . who is dead now. puede referir a toda la información contenida en la parte previa de la oración. She’s studying maths. I spoke to Fred. We stopped at the museum. many of which were broken. came from the North of England.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA (a) few of both of each of either of half of many of most of much of none of one of two of etc… + whom + whom + whom + whom + whom + whom + whom + whom + whom + whom + whom + which + which + which + which + which + which + which + which + which + which + which Examples: a. He was carrying his belongings. There were a lot of people at the party. b. El pronombre relativo which al principio de una clausula NO DEFINIDA. b. (= the fact that they fell in love is unusual). c. He was very fond of the mouse that he lived with. whose husband works in London. It is a society to which many important people belong. 1. En esta sección encontraras informacion en oraciones que contienen la palabra IF el uso de los tiempos condicionales y el pasado irreal es asi. g. most of which he had read. Examples: • • • • • The jungle the elephant lived in was full of strange and unusual animals. DONDE COLOCAR LA PREPOSICION EN UNA CLAUSULA RELATIVA Existen diversas preposiciones de las clausulaas relativas.: The person with whom he is negotiating is the Chairman of a large company. It was the stream in which the elephant and the mouse preferred to swim. 41 . In the middle of the jungle was a river that all the animals went to every day. y en este caso el pronombre no puede ser omitido.: Is that the man (who) you arrived Do you know the girl (that) John is talking to? with? 2. Esto significa que la preposicion en ocasiones puede ser omitida. La preposicion esta normalmente ubicada al final de la clausula relative. He had thousands of books. y el pronombre relative es el objeto de la preposicion. . ORACIONES “IF” Y PASADO IRREAL. The tree under which they had their home was the largest and oldest in the jungle. cuando usamos un tiempo pasado pero no nos estamos referiendo al tiempo pasado.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA f. I’ve just met Susan. En ingles escrito o formal la preposicion esta ubicada antes del pronombre relative. 'IF' CLAUSE If + simple present If it rains If you don't hurry MAIN CLAUSE Simple future you will get wet we will miss the train. 1. you get wet En estas oraciones. The 'zero' conditional. En estas oraciones.The Type 1 conditional Donde el tiempo en la clausula IF es el presente simple.. The Type 2 conditional. y el tiempo en la clausula principal es el futuro simple. donde el tiempo en la clausula IF es el pasado simple y el tiempo de la clausula principal es el presente condicional. So utilizados para referir verdades en general 2.: 'IF' CLAUSE If + simple past If it rained MAIN CLAUSE Present conditional you would get wet 42 . 'IF' CLAUSE If + simple present If you heat ice If it rains MAIN CLAUSE simple present it melts. donde el tiempo en ambas partes de la oracion es el presente simple. el tiempo es el presente o futuro y la situación es la real. el tiempo es NOW o ALWAYS y la situacion es real o posible.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA IF Y EL CONDICIONAL Existen cuatro tipos principales de ORACIONES CON IF en ingles. 3. Ellos refierea la condicion posible y su probable resultado. y la situacion es no real. 4. The Type 3 conditional. En estas oraciones.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA If you went to bed earlier you wouldn't be so tired. 'IF' CLAUSE If + past perfect If it had rained If you had worked harder MAIN CLAUSE Perfect conditional you would have got wet you would have passed the exam.: 'IF' CLAUSE If + past perfect If I had worked harder at school If we had looked at the map MAIN CLAUSE Present conditional I would have a better job now. 43 . y se refieren a una condicion irreal del pasado y su posible resultado en pasado. En estas oraciones. Ellas no estan basadas en hechos. Existe otro tipo de oracion donde se mezclan oraciones de ambos tipos.y se refieren a una condicion hipotetica y no agradable y su probable resultado. we wouldn't be lost. y el tiempo en la oracion principal es el perfecto condicional. el tiempo pasado en la clausula IF y presente en la clausula principal. el tiempo es pasado y la situación es contraria a la realidad. el tiempo es ahora y siempre. Ellos se refieren a una condicion irreal del pasado y su probable resultado en presente. El tiempo de la clausula IF es el pasado perfecto y el tiempo en la clausula principal es el presente condicional. En estas oraciones. . Donde el tiempo en la clausula IF es el pasado perfecto. Los hechos estan basados en lo expuesto de lo expresado. ORACIONES CONDICIONALES MEZCLADAS. y la oracion resutante es una mezcla de oraciones condicional. If you'd caught that plane you'd be dead now. Examples: • • • I would be a millionaire now if I had taken that job. we wouldn't be lost.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Es posible para las dos partes de una oracion condicional referir a diferentes tiempos. Funcion En estas oraciones.I haven't got a good job. Existen dos tipos de oraciones condicionales mezcladas. you wouldn't be broke. y el tiempo en la clausula principal es el presente condicional. 44 .I didn't work hard at school. we wouldn't be lost (we are lost). el tiempo es pasado en la clausula IF y presente en la clausula principal. Elos se refieren a una condicion irreal del pasado y su probable resultado en el presente. Ellos expresan una situación la cual es contraria a la realidad ambas en pasado y en el presente.: A. If we had looked at the map (we didn't). 'If I had worked harder at school' is contrary to past fact . If you hadn't spent all your money on CDs.: 'IF' CLAUSE If + past perfect If I had worked harder at school If we had looked at the map MAIN CLAUSE Present conditional I would have a better job now. and 'I would have a better job now' is contrary to present fact . Resultado presente de una condicion en pasado: Forma El tiempo en la clausula IF es el pasado perfecto. I'd have been able to translate the letter if my Italian was better. • Examples: a. y el tiempo en la clausula principal es el perfecto condicional.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA B. 'IF' CLAUSE If + simple past If I wasn't afraid of spiders If we didn't trust him MAIN CLAUSE Perfect conditional I would have picked it up. and 'I would have picked it up' is contrary to past reality . If she wasn't afraid of flying she wouldn't have travelled by boat. we would have sacked him months ago. Y se refieren a una situacion irreal presente y su probable resultado en pasado: • 'If I wasn't afraid of spiders' is contrary to present reality . y el tiempo en la clausula principal es BEFORE o NOW. c.I am afraid of spiders. Resultado en pasado de una condicion en presente o continua. 'If we didn't trust him' is contrary to present reality . If the elephant wasn't in love with the mouse.I didn't pick it up. 45 . and 'we would have sacked him' is contrary to past reality . she'd have trodden on him by now. Funcion En estas oraciones el tiempo en la clausula IF es NOW o ALWAYS.we do trust him. Forma El tiempo en la clausula IF es el pasado simple. I'd have invited them to lunch. If I was a good cook. b.we haven't sacked him. d. A PHARMACIST: . A SHOPLIFTER: 6. . Choose the right meaning from the list and then write a sentence with WHO. . She was very impolite and impatient. AN ARCHITECT: An architect is someone who designs buildings. She is now in the hospital. A man answered the phone. 46 . EXERCISE B Read the two sentences and then write one sentence with the same meaning.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA EJERCICIOS: Explain what these words mean. Use a RELATIVE CLAUSE (THAT. A VEGETARIAN: 4. he/she breaks into a house and steals things he/she fills prescriptions for medicine he/she buys something from a store EXERCISE A he/she steals from a store he/she doesn't eat meat he/she designs buildings 1. . A BURGLAR: 3. 2. Example: A girl was injured in the accident. . The girl who was injured in the accident is now in the hospital . 1. A CUSTOMER: 5. . He told me you were out. WHO or WHICH) in your sentence. A waitress served us. Use a dictionary if necessary. The man 2. . 2. They have now been released. 47 . Where are the pictures 7. The police are still trying to identify the body 8. The sentences in this exercise are not complete. ? . ? . . it makes typewriters it gives you the meaning of words it won the race it can support life it was found last week he invented the telephone she runs away from home they are never on time they stole my car they used to hang on that wall 1. Some boys were arrested. Choose the most appropriate ending from the list and make it into a RELATIVE CLAUSE. Jerry works for a company that (which) makes typewriters. The boys EXERCISE C . What was the name of the horse 4. The police have caught the men 5.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA The 3. Alexander Bell was the man 6. A dictionary is a book . . The book is about a girl 3. It seems that Earth is the only planet .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 9. I don't like people 10. EJERCICIO DE VOCABULARIO ELEMENTOS DE LA NATURALEZA Acantilado Afluente Altura sobre el nivel del mar Archipiélago Arroyo Atlas Bahía Cabo Canal Cliff Tributary Height above sea level Archipelago Stream . Brook Atlas Bay Cape Canal 48 . . Chain Coast Delta Mouth Narrow pass Desert Dune 49 . Cadenas de montañas Costa Delta Desembocadura Desfiladero Desierto Duna Waterfall Waterfalls / Falls (Niagara Falls) Flow Sky Polar circle Climate Hill Hill Continent Mountain range .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Cascada Catarata Caudal Cielo Círculo polar Clima Colina Colina Continente Cordillera . Coast .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Ecuador Estanque Estrecho Estuario Fiordo Geografía Geología Golfo Hidrografía Iceberg . Shore 50 . Témpano Isla Jungla Ladera Lago Latitud Litoral Equator Pond Strait Estuary Fiord Geography Geology Gulf Hydrography Iceberg Island Jungle Slope Lake Latitude Littoral . Tableland Meteorology Hilly Mountain . Accidentado Monte . Mount World Oasis Ocean Oceanography Orography 51 . Sierra Mundo Oasis Océano Oceanografía Orografía Plain Longitude Spring Map Sea Meander Meridian Plateau .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Llanura Longitud Manantial Mapa Mar Meandro Meridiano Meseta Meteorología Montañoso . K.) . Harbour (U. Harbor (USA) Cardinal points Relief Estuary Stream 52 .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Paisaje Pantano(natural) Paralelo Península Peñon . Arroyo Landscape Marsh Parallel Peninsula Rock Beach . Roca Playa Polo Norte Polo Sur Pradera (pequeña) Pradera(grande) Precipicio Puerto Puntos cardinales Relieve Ria Riachuelo . Shore North pole South pole Meadow Prairie Precipice Port . Suelo Torrente Tropico de Cancer Tropico de Capricornio Valle Vegetación Volcán River Savannah Virgin forest Earth Soil Torrent Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Valley Vegetation Volcano COLOCA EL NOMBRE A CADA ILUSTRACIÓN: 53 .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Rio Sabana Selva virgen Tierra Tierra . GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 54 . agency Trainee .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA EJERCICIO DE VOCABULARIO BENEFICIOS DERIVADOS DELTRABAJO Accidente de trabajo Agencia de colocaciones Aprendiz Asalariado Industrial accident Employment Bureau. Día de trabajo Empleado Working day . Workday Employee 55 . Apprentice Salary earner Employment exchange (U. Post To employ Work contract Labour law Dismissal Payday Bolsa de Trabajo Clase obrera Colocación Contratar Contrato de trabajo Derecho laboral Despido Día de paga Día laborable .) .K. Employment Bureau (USA) Working class Situation . Department of Labour (USA) Negotiation Ministerio de Trabajo Negociación 56 . Job Part-time employment: part-time job Employer Specialist Vocational training Working hours Overtime Strike Daily wages Day labourer Retirement Labour legislation Demonstration Labour market Ministry of Labour (U.GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Empleo Empleo de media jornada Empresario Especialista Formación profesional Horas de trabajo Horas extraordinarias Huelga Jornal Jornalero Jubilación . Retiro Legislación laboral Manifestación Mercado del trabajo Employment .) .K. GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Nómina(de sueldos) Obrero Obrero agrícola Obrero cualificado Obrero no cualificado Oficial Oficio Parado Paro. Staff Profession . Desempleo . Desocupación Pensión de vejez Permiso de trabajo Personal Profesión Puesto de trabajo Reivindicaciones Remuneración Payroll Worker Farm worker Skilled worker Unskilled worker Skilled worker Trade . Occupation Job Claims Remuneration 57 . Craft Unemployed person Unemployment Old-age pension Work permit Personnel . Wage . Sueldo Salario mínimo Sindicato Solicitar un empleo Subsidio de paro Sueldo base Taller Temporero Trabajador .K. Serial production (USA) Seasonal work Holidays (U. Productor Trabajador de plantilla Trabajar por horas Trabajo To terminate a contract Pay .GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA Rescindir un contrato Salario . Salary Minimum Wage Trade union (U.) .K.). Vacation (USA Trabajo en cadena Trabajo estacional Vacaciones COLOCA EL NOMBRE CORRECTA A CADA ILUSTRACIÓN 58 .) . Labour union (USA) To apply for a job Unemployment benefit Basic wage Workshop Seasonal worker Worker Permanent worker To be paid by the hour Work Assembly line work (U.K. GUIA DIDACTICA DE INGLES 4 SAETA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 59 .
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