GTA Catalog

March 24, 2018 | Author: HanseaticLeague1993 | Category: Chemical Warfare, Sergeant, Cbrn Defense, United States Army, Weapons Of Mass Destruction



GTA 01-14-001: BATTLE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT AND REPAIR (BDAR) SMART BOOKMEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This GTA provides the procedure used to rapidly return disabled equipment to the operational commander by applying field- expedient repairs to damaged components. This is an update to the 1April 2006 version. GTA 03-04-001A: DEPLETED URANIUM AWARENESS MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 4-page, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2, waterproof or coated, folded card enables commanders, platoon sergeants, squad leaders, and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to explain harmful effects of depleted uranium. This GTA enables the reader to determine the risk factors to the individual soldier. This Graphic Training Aid is available for download only in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). 1 As of July 27, 2015 GTA 03-05-015: "CHEMICAL PROTECTION AND DECONTAMINATION" MEDIA: 16 Page Booklet SYNOPSIS: Booklet is 5.3” X 8.3”, black and white, 16 pages printed on synthetic paper. This booklet provides information on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Operational Elements, Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Analysis, MOPP Levels, Toxic Industrial Material (TIM) Hazards, Levels of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Skin Exposure Reduction Paste Against Chemical Warfare Agents (SERPACWA), Pre-Attack Actions, During-Attack Actions, Post-Attack Actions, Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning, Unmasking Procedures – With or Without the M256 Series Chemical Detector Kit, Decontamination Decisions, Buddy Team MOPP Gear Exchange, Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL), M100 Sorbent Decontamination System (SDS), and Automatic Chemical-Agent Alarm (ACCA) Emplacement Procedures. GTA 03-06-008: CBRN WARNING AND REPORTING SYSTEM MEDIA: This 16.5" x 12.5" synthetic white GTA folds up to measure 4.125" x 6.25" SYNOPSIS: Supersedes GTA 03-06-008, August 1996. This GTA describes, in table format, letter items used in preparation of NBC reports, transmission factors for residual radiation, significance of predicted fallout zones, and the effective downward message. The following topics are sampled as follows: NBC 1 Report (Observer's Report), NBC 2 Report (Evaluated Data), NBC 3 Report (Immediate Warning of Expected Contamination or Hazard Area), NBC 4 Report (Recon, Monitoring, and Survey Results), NBC 5 Report (Areas of Actual Contamination), NBC 6 Report (Detailed Information of CBRN/ROTA Attack/Incident), Meaning of Line Items in NBC Reports, Legend, Effective Downwind Message Format, Chemical Downwind Message, How to Read Weather Information in a Chemical Downwind Message and Transmission/Protection Factors. The image is a representation and not a true image. 2 As of July 27, 2015 GTA 03-06-010: ASYMMETRIC WARFARE GROUP (AWG): ACTIONS UPON ATTACK OR DISCOVERY OF CHEMICAL AGENTS MEDIA: 16- Panel Folded Card SYPNOPSIS: The Actions Upon Attack of Discovery of Chemical Agents Smart Card is a 16-panel, folded card. It incorporates Chemical Munition Threat in Iraq, Toxic Industrial Chemical (TIC) Threat in Iraq, Characteristics of Agents Sarin (GB), Mustard (HD) Agent, and Chlorine (CI), Identification of Potential Chemical Munitions/Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Means of Detection Identification, Actions to take if you believe you have been attacked by an IED containing a chemical munition, Principles of Contamination Avoidance, Principles of Contaminated Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC), and Principles of Decontamination. GTA 05-02-012: COORDINATE SCALE AND PROTRACTOR MEDIA: Simple B&W Plastic Device SYNOPSIS: This 5" x 5" device is a transparent heavy plastic (weatherproof) coordinate scale used to measure azimuth and convert to mils. The outer scale measures MILS and the inner scale measures DEGREES. There are three right triangles situated in the middle with each containing different scales. The image is a representation and not a true image. Supersedes GTA 5-2-10. 3 As of July 27, 2015 GTA 05-02-029: CONVERSION FACTORS AND COMMON FORMULAS MEDIA: 8 ½ X 11 folded in the middle to 5 ½ X 8 ½. black & white. four pages SYNOPSIS: This GTA enable commander. This GTA supersedes GTA 05-02-013. 1 October 2001. and enhanced with graphics. The booklet explains & illustrates fundamentals of map reading. front & back.GTA 05-02-013: HOW TO FIND YOUR WAY MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This booklet is 21 pages. squad leaders. 2015 . and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach individual conversion factors and common formulas. 4 As of July 27. platoon sergeants. 8 ½” X 5 ½ “. Concrete T-Beam . 5 3/8" x 8 3/8" This product is printed B/W on white index card stock or equal.MLC 30. B/W double-sided 19-page booklet enables track commanders of all branches and MOSs to rapidly determine whether a bridge is safe for their vehicles to cross with one lane traffic in the center of the bridge. This card provides declination diagrams to be used as a field reference to allow for correct application of the grid magnetic angle in map reading. Side two illustrates Azimuth-Bearing Conversion.MLC 30.MLC 70.MLC 30. Steel Stringer w/Concrete Deck . Timber Trestle . Masonry Arch Bridge . Side one illustrates the Grid-Magnetic Azimuth Conversion.5" x 6". Major topics within this booklet include: Concrete Slab . 2015 .MLC 30.MLC 70. The finished product is a 5 3/8" x 8 3/8" two-sided waterproofed card.MLC 70.MLC 70. Concrete Slab . Steel Stringer w/Concrete Deck .GTA 05-02-034 AZIMUTH-BEARING/GRID-MAGNETIC CONVERSION MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: Card.MLC 30. The image is a representation and not a true image. Masonry Arch Bridge . Concrete T-Beam .MLC 70 5 As of July 27. This is not for bridge classification. Timber Trestle . waterproof or coated. Properties of Steel Stringers (Table). GTA 05-07-012: TANK COMMANDER'S BRIDGE CROSSING BOOKLET MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 4. GTA 05-07-013: RAPID FIELD CLASSIFICATION BOOKLET MEDIA: 30-page Booklet (5. with detailed illustrations and tables provided: Commander's Responsibilities to plan and select survivability positions. Preconstruction Phase.5" x 8. 2015 . Types of Fighting Positions. Summary of Materials. This GTA provides a rapid field method of establishing bridge capacity in the field. 6 As of July 27. GTA 05-08-001: SURVIVABILITY POSITIONS MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: Booklet. 16 pages. Protection for Fighting Positions. This booklet lists the following. Instructions for Constructing various Fighting Positions. An analytical classification must be performed as soon as possible in order to actually classify the bridge and post a classification sign. Inspection Checklist. black and white printed on both sides.5") SYNOPSIS: For use in all active. The image is a representation and not a true image. but only as a temporary measure. reserve and national guard units. 5-1/2" x 7-1/2". 15” x 6. October 1999. 4. Assessing environmental-related risk is only a part of the composite risk management (CRM) process. This publication supersedes GTA 05-08-002. This graphic training aid (GTA) illustrates how the risk assessment process is used to assess and reduce environmental-related risks while conducting operations.GTA 05-08-002: ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT MEDIA: Foldout SYNOPSIS: This 16 panel foldout. leaders must identify hazards that may negatively impact the mission and/or the environment and implement controls to reduce the overall risk.25”. GTA 05-08-003: HAZARDOUS-MATERIAL-SPILL PROCEDURES MEDIA: Three-fold Card SYNOPSIS: To teach hazardous material spill procedures. This GTA enables the user to determine risk factors to the environment as well as to troops and vehicles. 2015 . is printed in black ink on synthetic paper. Although all risk cannot be eliminated. 7 As of July 27. Environmental Ethic. 8 As of July 27. The finished product is 12 3/8 x 6 1/4 folded to 4 1/8 x 6 1/4". December 2002. GTA 05-08-012: INDIVIDUAL SAFETY CARD MEDIA: 6-page Accordion Foldout Booklet SYNOPSIS: Delineates preventive actions in adverse weather.GTA 05-08-004: THE SOLDIER AND THE ENVIRONMENT: SOLDIER'S ENVIRONMENTAL ETHIC RESPONSIBILITY CARD MEDIA: 6-page Foldout Booklet This product is printed B/W as a 6-page accordion folded booklet on synthetic paper. the Army's Environmental Program and a definition of the individual soldier's role in that program. 2015 . Supersedes GTA 5-8-12. This booklet is a soldier's guide to responsible conduct for respecting America's natural resources. Major topics include the Army's Environmental Vision. 375” x 6. Major topics include Purpose.25" folded to 4. 9 As of July 27. GTA 05-08-016: "THE ENVIRONMENT AND REDEPLOYMENT: HOW TO CLEAR A BASE CAMP MEDIA: 6-page accordion folded booklet SYNOPSIS: This product is printed B/W as a 6-page accordion folded booklet on synthetic paper. Packaging Tips. Labeling Requirements. platoon sergeants. Packaging Requirements. and National Guard units.25”. This GTA enables commanders. 2015 . This booklet is a Soldier’s guide on how to clear a base camp and comply with host nation and federal laws. Environmental Conditions Report and Recovery Operations.GTA 05-08-014: "THE ENVIRONMENT AND PREDEPLOYMENT: UNIT PREDEPLOYMENT AND LOAD PLAN CONSIDERATIONS (2014) (CAR ONLY NOW) MEDIA: Foldout booklet SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. squad leaders and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach soldiers how to be prepared to deal with environmental concerns before unit deployment. How to Clear Camp. Reserve. The finished product is 12.125" x 6. base camps. 10 As of July 27. and spills occur. accidents happen. prepare for. Soldiers must remember that tactical risks are real. and respond to spills . GTA 05-08-018: DUST SUPPRESSION ALTERNATIVES MEDIA: Folded Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This graphic training aid (GTA) assists Soldiers in managing dust for airfields. main supply routes (MSRs).GTA 05-08-017: THE ENVIRONMENT AND DEPLOYMENT: TACTICAL RISK AND SPILL REACTION PROCEDURES ( v13) MEDIA: Foldout booklet SYNOPSIS: This graphic training aid (GTA) provides spill prevention and response information. helipads. 2015 . This GTA will help Soldiers and leaders prevent. marshaling areas. and lines of communications (LOCs) and determining the appropriate method of dust suppression. Lubricants. Wildlife. Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste Management. Litter. 12-panel smart card on synthetic material is a Soldiers guide to dealing with environmental concerns during training or deployment.25 black and white. Pest Management.GTA 05-08-019: The Soldier's Field Card: Checklist For Environmental Considerations During Training And Deployment MEDIA: 12-panel Card SYNOPSIS: This folded 4. 11 As of July 27. USAR: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-12. 2015 . and Water Management. Information included is Environmental Considerations. SEC II requirements pertinent to TOE.25 X 6. Oils. 7. and 31 series. Wetlands. or Hazardous Waste Spill Prevention and Response. Cultural/Archaeological Resources. . Refueling. Hazardous Material. Vehicle Movement. Petroleum. GTA 05-10-033: DEMOLITION CARD MEDIA: Foldout Card SYPNOSIS: Active Army. 17. 5. ARNG. Training Area/Area of Operation. Government agencies only to protect technical or operational information from automatic dissemination under the International Exchange Program or by other means. 10 Fuzes.S. This determination was made on 25 February 1996. 1 Bosnia Mine-Awareness Brief. 1 Superquick Fuzes. ATTN: ATSE-TD-TD-E. 8 Booby Traps. side two will be in red with verbiage in white letters.GTA 05-10-038: COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM: BOSNIA (FORMER YUGOSLAVIA) MEDIA: Cards SYNOPSIS: 55 Cards. and squad leaders in all military occupational specialties ( MOS ) to identify different mines found in Korea. MO 65473-6650. Deck consists of 56 cards printed on 2 ½" x 3 ½" bonded waterproof paper. platoon sergeants.KOREA MEDIA: Deck of Cards SYNOPSIS: For use Army wide by commanders.S. 1 Deck Contents/Glossary. 19 Antipersonnel Mines. Other requests for this document will be referred to Commandant. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Army Engineer School. U. 2015 . GTA 05-10-039: COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM . GTA 05-10-038 COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM BOSNIA (FORMER YUGOSLAVIA) 17 JUN 1997 US ARMY ENGINEER SCHOOL FORT LEONARD WOOD. 1 Mine System. Fort Leonard Wood. 12 As of July 27. MISSOURI COUNTERMINE TRAINING SUPPORT CENTER DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U. To identify Korea deck front side will have mines in black and white. 10 Antitank Mines. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA MEDIA: Deck of Cards SYNOPSIS: These cards enable commanders. EMPLOYING. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to identify different types of mine/unexploded ordnance (UXO) from Central and South America. 13 As of July 27. 2015 .GTA 05-10-040: COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM . squad leaders. AND OPERATING THE MODULAR PACK MINE SYSTEM (MOPMS) AND THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT (RCU) MEDIA: Pamphlet SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 5" fourteen page Black and White booklet covers Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) and operation of both the Modular Pack Mine System (MOPMS) and the Remote-Control Unit (RCU). platoon sergeants. GTA 05-10-041: MAINTAINING. 2015 . GTA 05-10-043: COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM . platoon sergeant. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach individual mine awareness.ANGOLA MEDIA: Deck of Cards SYNOPSIS: Purpose: This GTA enables commanders.GTA 05-10-042: VOLCANO PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 5" eleven page Black and White booklet covers PMCS to be performed before and after operation. squad leaders. 14 As of July 27. This GTA enables the user to determine the risk factors to the individual soldier. white index card stock...6".style. This GTA enables commanders. Note . 100% black on both sides. Reserve. waterproof coated card.GTA 05-10-044: MINE AWARENESS (SANDI) MEDIA: Cards SYNOPSIS: This is a 5.. Draw Back .. The other side will be white with red lettering.. Deck consists of 64 cards printed on 2 ½" x 3 ½" white index card stock or equal.. Stop . and National Guard Units. 2015 . 15 As of July 27. platoon sergeants.. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach individual mine awareness. Assess . accordion. 8-page.375" x 8. Printed 100 percent black and white on one side. waterproof or coated.ERITREA AND ETHIOPIA MEDIA: Deck of Cards SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. Inform GTA 05-10-045: COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM .. GTA teaches soldiers mine awareness. squad leaders. Deck consists of 44 cards printed on 2 ½" x 3 ½" white index card stock or equal.RWANDA MEDIA: Deck of Cards SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. The other side will be black and white with gray shading. and National Guard Units. This GTA enables commanders. This GTA enables commanders. This GTA enables the user to determine the risk factors to the individual soldier.MOZAMBIQUE MEDIA: Deck of Cards SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach individual mine awareness. 2015 . platoon sergeants. This GTA enables the reader to determine the risk factors to the individual soldier. Printed 100 percent black and white on one side. The deck consists of 42 illustrated cards. Reserve. platoon sergeants. squad leaders. GTA 05-10-047: COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM . 16 As of July 27. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach individual mine awareness. waterproof or coated.GTA 05-10-046: COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM . squad leaders. Reserve. and National Guard Units. Reserve. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach Individual Hornet Operation Guide.GTA 05-10-048: BASIC HORNET WIDE-AREA MUNITION EMPLACEMENT AID MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. waterproof or coated. squad leaders. This GTA enables commanders. This GTA enables the user to determine the risk factors to the individual soldier. Distribution is limited to US Government agencies. GTA 05-10-049: HORNET OPERATION GUIDE MEDIA: Foldout Booklet SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. The finished product will be 5 ½ by 8 ½. Distribution Restriction: This publication contains technical or operational information that is for official government use only. 17 As of July 27. and National Guard Units. Reserve. Example: You are emplacing an over watch scenario under windy conditions. Paper text white index card stock or equal. OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS for GTA 05-10-048 Perform the following steps to operate the emplacement aid:  Hold the triangle portion in your hand with the required emplacement scenario pointing away from you. Fort Monroe.  Look through the cutout window and read the number of Hornets required for the operation. and National Guard Units. Point the triangle with the over watch scenario away from you. 2015 . Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Rotate the circular portion of the triangle until the yellow triangle marked WINDY is pointing to the over watch scenario Look through the window and you will see that the ideal quantity of Hornets is 10 per row. Printed 100 percent black and white on two sides. platoon sergeants. This GTA enables commanders. squad leaders.  Rotate the circular portion of the triangle with your free hand until the yellow triangle that corresponds to the weather conditions you are emplacing under points to the required emplacement scenario. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach Basic Hornet Munitions Emplacement. VA 23651-5000. This Graphic Training Aid is available for download only in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Requests from outside the US Government for release of this publication under the Freedom Information Act or the Foreign Military Sales Program must be made to Commander. This GTA enables the reader to perform manual-mode employment and preventive maintenance checks and services. platoon sergeants. [email protected]. with an emphasis on the types of mines that are likely to be encountered in Afghanistan. configuration. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach mine recognition. Distribution Restriction: This publication contains technical or operational information that is for government use only. 18 As of July 27. GTA 05-10-053: IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE EFFECTS SIMULATOR.GTA 05-10-051: COUNTERMINE IDENTIFICATION TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM: AFGHANISTAN MEDIA: Deck SYNOPSIS: For use in all and National Guard Units. Questions and comments may be directed to: atsc. and operation of the improvised explosive effects simulator (IEDES) training system in support of improvised explosive device (IED) defeat and full spectrum operations at all echelons. Trainers from other services must contact ATSC directly to arrange support. 2015 . This deck of 69 cards enables commanders. Distribution is limited to US Government Agencies. INCREMENT 1 TRAINING SYSTEM MEDIA: 44-page Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 44-page graphic training aid (GTA) serves as an expedient element for the setup. platoon sergeants. squad leaders. Army Reserve. 19 As of July 27. and all military occupational specialties (MOS) to teach cratering. This GTA shows different types of cratering. squad leaders. GTA 05-11-015: CRATERING MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: For use in all active. This booklet enables commanders. the amount of cratering charges. 2015 . and the amount of explosives used in each charge. and National Guard units. Army Reserve.GTA 05-10-054: IEDES DIRECT-WIRE SAFETY CARD MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This GTA will help keep hard wire separate while connecting them to Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 on the ECID and MCU. platoon sergeants. drawing military symbols. Supersedes GTA 6-1-2.5" double sided.400 mil protractor to be used by firing battery personnel required to know methods of laying the firing battery and measuring the orienting angle and azimuth of fire. plotting coordinates. bar scale. The straight edge measures up to 30". and gross check of weapons in range. GTA 06-05-001: MULTI-PURPOSE PROTRACTOR MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: This 24-inch. black and white card consists of a coordinate scale.GTA 06-01-003: FIRING BATTERY SUPERVISOR'S REFERENCE CARD MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This 4. The image is a representation and not a true image.. 20 As of July 27.5"x4. and 6. 2015 . i. The circle graph is rotatable and contains various geometric figures as a template.e. clear plastic protractor with 6" x 6" circle graph is used in the targeting effort. GTA 07-01-029: INDIVIDUAL PLOTTING BOARD. M-16 PLOTTING BOARD MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: This miniature M-16 thin white plotting board measures 9. 21 As of July 27.75"x1. Used by Field Artillery Scout Observers. including a removable 5.5" measuring arm held in place by a rivet in the middle provides an aid to the individual soldier in solving practice problems in preparation for SQT.5"x1.GTA 06-07-003: OBSERVED FIRE FAN MEDIA: 8X10 Transparent Card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is a transparent card which can be used alone or as a transparency in determining direction and distance between points on a map. 2015 . and trains him for combat effectiveness.000 meters. To be used in support with FM 6-30 and FM 6-13F1-2.5" diameter rotating wheel and a 7.5" measuring device.5"x10" overlayed by a 8. Numbered on the side with a scale of 1:50. The image is a representation and not a true image. The image is a representation and not a true image. Trainers from other services must contact ATSC directly to arrange support. 2015 . Adjustment Procedures.000. CAS Request. 22 As of July 27. 40MM MEDIA: 40"x56" Black and White Chart SYNOPSIS: This 40"x56" black and white chart depicts silhouettes of the components of this machine-gun. OT Factor. Naval Gunfire Request.000 and 1:50. The image is a representation and not a true image. It measures in inches and mils and has a scale of 1:25.5"x4. GTA 07-01-035: DISASSEMBLY LAYOUT CHART FOR MK 19 GRENADE MACHINE GUN. The back side contains: Fist Report.5" double-sided black and white card is used to train soldiers in requesting or adjusting indirect fires. Measurement of Angles with the Hand.GTA 07-01-032: OBSERVED FIRE REFERENCE CARD This 4. Training Audiovisual Support Center (TASC). TGT Location-Shift from Known Point. supporting attack. Representative downwind direction 4 digits (state degrees or mils). but not to scale. M9 SEMIAUTOMATIC PISTOL. cloud cover 1 digit. estimated). Determine main attack. Barrel Assembly. 9MM MEDIA: Chart SYNOPSIS: This layout depicts silhouettes of the components of this machine-gun. GTA 07-01-038: INFANTRY LEADER'S REFERENCE CARD DELIBERATE ATTACK CONSIDERATIONS 1. Magazine. Instructions significant weather phenomena 1 digit. Azimuth of attack from observer (state degrees or mils). Receiver. 2015 . 23 As of July 27. Location of attack (UTM or place) (state actual or C.GTA 07-01-036: DISASSEMBLY LAYOUT CHART. Layout parts for the M9 Semiautomatic Pistol. Spring. wind speed 3 digits (data kmph or knots). Temperature (centigrade) 2 digits. The image is true image. 9mm include: Slide. reserve. air stability 1 digit. Spring Guide. Bolt Carrier. The image is a true image but not to scale. 24 As of July 27. Lower Receiver. but not to repair the weapon. GTA 07-01-040: M-4 CARBINE. Bolt CAM Pin' Bolt. Buffer Assembly w/Spring. 2015 . Handguard (2). Sling. Firing Pin. This GTA is for firers and basic trainees who must know how to field strip. Layout parts for the M16A2 rifle include: Charging Handle. Extractor. Magazine.GTA 07-01-039: DISASSEMBLY LAYOUT FOR M16A2 RIFLE MEDIA: Chart SYNOPSIS: This is 30 x 40 black and white single sided layout chart depicts the silhouettes of major components of the M116A2 rifle when properly field stripped. Upper Receive. Firing Pin Retaining Pin. FIELD STRIPPED MEDIA: Chart SYNOPSIS: Chart (36" x 29") is designed for use by units Armywide to teach disassembly and assembly of M-4 Carbine in field and classroom environments. Extractor Pin. and instruction on assembly/disassembly of the weapon.GTA 07-01-041: DRIFT SCALE MEDIA: Simple device SYNOPSIS: This slide-type scale uses a 90-degree angle to measure the ascent of the PIBAL. Can also be used in a field environment. Pathfinders use the drift scale to compute the mean effective wind. and National Guard Units. This GTA is used for cleaning. Reserve. GTA 07-01-042: M249 MACHINE GUN DISASSEMBLY MAT MEDIA: Chart SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. layout inspections. 30" x 40") 25 As of July 27. 2015 . (One page mat. waterproof or coated. 2015 . Reserve. aiding them to coach their peers in marksmanship. and National Guard Units. GTA 07-01-044: M240B MACHINE GUN DISASSEMBLY MAT MEDIA: Chart SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. layout inspections and classes in assembly/disassembly.GTA 07-01-043: BASIC RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP COACHES CHECKLIST (4 FUNDAMENTALS) MEDIA: Card. This GTA enables soldiers to coach Basic Rifle Marksmanship and will be used to enhance the knowledge of IET soldiers. 26 As of July 27. the finished product is a $' X5" twosided waterproofed card. 4" x 5" SYNOPSIS: This product is printed B/W on white index card stock or equal. The card provides a checklist with 4 fundamentals of marksmanship. This GTA is used for cleaning. 5"x12" hard white plastic. Target Silhouette Sheet. GTA 07-04-005: PATHFINDER CONTROL ZONE SCALE MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: This transparent light weight protractor device measuring 14.25" transparent plastic Front Sight Template. The device aids soldiers in learning to acquire a proper sight picture with the AT-4 weapon and to evaluate ability in determining correct M136 (AT-4) sight picture. and Part 2 is a 5.GTA 07-02-005: SIGHT ENGAGEMENT TRAINER. For use on 1:50. The image is a representation and not a true image.5" long annotates the air traffic limits of a designated control zone onto a standard military map. 27 As of July 27. AT-4 (PARTS 1 & 2) MEDIA: 2-part simple device SYNOPSIS: This GTA is a 2 part device. 2015 .75"x8.000 Military Map. Part 1 is a 8. 5". laminated booklet is 14 pages front and back. This GTA includes: Coordination Checklist and Linkup Checklist. reconnoitering. completing a plan. issuing a warning order.5" black and white double sided tri-fold water-proofed card is intended for field use by small Unit Leaders to assist them in conducting linkup operations.GTA 07-04-006: INFANTRY LEADER'S REFERENCE CARD FOR BUILDING THE COMPANY TEAM FOR DEFENSE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This B/W 5.5" x 8. and supervision. issuing the OPORD. It lists steps with methods/techniques that include receiving a mission. 28 As of July 27. making a tentative plan. GTA 07-04-008: INFANTRY LEADER'S REFERENCE CARD FOR LINKUP OPERATIONS MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This 5.5"x8. It provides leaders with a quick reference in building the company team for defense. 2015 . initiating movement. This GTA is to be used as a quick reference for leaders in various stages of fighting position construction and in the field training environment. 2015 . Major topics include: 2-Man Fighting Position. Class IV Material Requirements for Standard OHC. MG Fighting Position With Built-Up OHC. and Summary of Materials. Combat Skills of the Soldier. . 2-Man Fighting Position With Built-Down OHC.INFANTRY LEADER'S REFERENCE CARD MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This product is printed B/W on water resistant paper. The finished product is a 5 ½" x 8 ½" 16-page accordion fold. 29 As of July 27. MG Fighting Position. Training Audiovisual Support Center (TASC).GTA 07-06-001: FIGHTING POSITION CONSTRUCTION . Trainers from other services must contact ATSC directly to arrange support. 2-Man Fighting Position With Built-Up OHC. GTA 07-08-001: HELMET WEAR AND ADJUSTMENT Card is 6 x 4 on white synthetic paper. This GTA provides a quick reference to Soldiers on the proper adjustment and wearing of the PASGT and ACH helmet. 30 As of July 27. reserve and national guard units.5" Pocket Card.75" x 5. SYNOPSIS: For use in all active.GTA 07-08-003: PHYSICAL READINESS TRAINING QUICK REFERENCE CARD MEDIA: Pocket card SYNOPSIS: This pocket-sized reference provides Commanders and physical readiness trainers easy access to physical readiness training exercise requirements as described in TC 3-22.20. The card contains preventive tips and measures as well as MEDEVAC and accident reporting formats. 2015 . GTA 07-09-001: MINE RESISTANT AMBUSH PROTECTED (MRAP) FAMILY OF VEHICLES EMERGENCY ROLLOVER/EGRESS PROCEDURES MEDIA: 23" x 11" synthetic white GTA folds up to measure 3. This foldout card outlines emergency drill procedures to be taken by the vehicle crew during a rollover and how to egress the vehicle in water. This GTA provides a reference for emergency procedures in the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) family of vehicles. STX. GTA 07-10-001: MACHINE GUNNER'S CARD MEDIA: Pocket card. SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. and Associated training events (FTX. STAFFEX). classes. 31 As of July 27. event-driven training strategies based on the mission for which units are designed and provides: Task selections displaying a group of collective tasks trained together. This GTA provides a quick reference guide for all soldiers who must be trained on the machine gun or issued the machine gun for their unit.GTA 07-09-003: The Army’s Methodology for Training MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) are task-based. Army Reserve. 2015 . and National Guard units. Supporting collective tasks with linked training & evaluation outlines (T&EOs). SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. reserve. GTA 07-10-003: SMALL UNIT LEADER'S CARD (INFANTRY MEDIA: Foldout booklet SYNOPSIS: For use in all active. Army Reserve. This GTA provides a quick reference guide for all soldiers who must qualify with the M16A2/A3/A4 rifles and M249/M240. 32 As of July 27. and National Guard units. and national guard units. 2015 .GTA 07-10-002: ADVANCED INFANTRY MARKSMANSHIP STRATEGIES AND STANDARDS MEDIA: Pocket card. This GTA provides a quick reference guide for all small unit leaders. This GTA outlines the standards and problems when training with these small-arms weapons. . Reference FM 3-22. Patient Nationality and Status... This quick reference encompasses select information about the sniper's equipment and skills.M110 SASS. and M14. M24. and Evacuation Request Message). Number of Patients by type. Table 2 instructs you on how to explain the line items. 7-3/8"x6-3/8" SYNOPSIS: This form is double-sided with Table 1 on side 1 and Table 2 on side 2. M107 LRSR.This form is used in Peacetime and Wartime.GTA 07-10-004: SNIPER QUICK REFERENCE This GTA provides access to information for snipers to best perform their mission.10. Some examples of "Item" includes: Location of Pickup Site. The image is a representation and not a true image. When using DRYAD Numeral Cipher. For example. 2015 . 33 As of July 27. The sniper rifles included in this graphic training aid are. GTA 08-01-004: MED EVAC REQUEST FORM MEDIA: Pocket Card. Table 1 is divided into 3 columns (Line. the same SET lines will be used to encrypt grid zone letters and coordinates. Item. Location of Pickup Site: Encrypt grid coordinates. 5" x 5. prevention. centipedes. 2015 . arachnids. It describes symptoms of the snakebites and provides first aid instructions. and millipedes. 5”X3” black and white. 34 As of July 27. SYNOPSIS: This pamphlet identifies the two types of poisonous snakes: vipers and elapids. color enhanced. Arthropods are segmented invertebrates with jointed antennae and legs. They include insects. and first aid for venomous bites/stings by arthropods. GTA 08-05-048: VENOMOUS ARTHROPODS MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This 4.5" laminated B/W card provides symptoms.GTA 08-05-047: POISONOUS SNAKEBITE TREATMENT MEDIA: Pamphlet. The following topics are included: Essential Commander Task Prior to Deployment. poison sumac. 2015 . This quick reference provides Preventive Medicine Measures (PMM) for individuals and units Army wide. pictures of injurious plants (poison ivy. and poison oak). Printed on both sides. and first aid. symptoms of individuals affected by plants. Supersedes GTA 8-5-43 GTA 08-05-055: INJURIOUS PLANTS MEDIA: Pamphlet SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 5" tan-colored pamphlet with black print.GTA 08-05-051: PREVENTIVE MEDICINE MEASURES FOR COMPANY SIZE UNITS MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: Card. preventive measures. Essential Field Sanitation Team Tasks. provides a description of what injurious plants are. Black and Yellow. Essential Leadership Tasks in the Operations Area. 4" x 5". 35 As of July 27. Topics within the booklet include: Overview. 36 As of July 27. on the front and exposure. GTA 08-05-060: A SOLDIER'S GUIDE TO STAYING HEALTHY AT HIGH ELEVATIONS MEDIA: 6-page accordion folded color booklet SYNOPSIS: This product is printed as a 6-page accordion folded color booklet on waterproof or coated paper. Products to Avoid at Altitudes. 2015 . The Human Body's Response to Altitude. This 2"x3.5" 2 sided laminated tan pocket card reference provides colored photographs of Deer and Dog Ticks.GTA 08-05-056: TICK BORNE DISEASES MEDIA: 2"x3. and References.5" Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: Under revision as of Jan 98. Two Ways to Achieve Acclimatization. Elevation Measurements. symptoms of Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. The finished product is 11 " x 8 ½" folded to 3 2/3" x 8 ½". Environmental Threats. diagnosis. and prevention of disease on the back. This deployment health guide provides information that can reduce your risk of injury and disease when deployed. treatment. Altitude Illnesses. Acclimatization. The image is a representation and not a true image. Hazardous Animals and Plants.GTA 08-05-062: ARMY GUIDE TO STAYING HEALTHY MEDIA: 16-page booklet SYNOPSIS: This product is printed as a 16-page color booklet on high gloss paper. This card addresses life saving measures for treating Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO). Supersedes GTA 8-11-10 37 As of July 27.5" x 5”. Part IV Victim found unconscious. Vector-borne Disease Guidelines. 3" x 4. Part II Victim is conscious. Packing items. Stress. Personal Protective Measures. Nutrition Guidelines.5". During Deployment – Hot Weather. Includes the following parts: Part I Indicators and Dangers of FBAO. High Altitude. Hearing Protection. Printed on both sides. Foodborne and Waterborne Disease. GTA 08-11-013: FOREIGN BODY AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION (FBAO) MANAGEMENT MEDIA: Trifold SYNOPSIS: Trifold card. The finished product is 17 " x 5" folded to 8. Clothing/Gear/Personal Hygiene items. Fluid Replacement and Work/Rest Guide. Wind Chill Chart. Sexual Activity. 2015 . Part III Victim becomes unconscious. and Injury Treatment and Prevention. used in training and as a job aid. Black and yellow. Numbered 1-7. This health guide provides information that can reduce your risk of injury and disease when deployed. Oral Health. Elevation Measurement Chart. Topics within the booklet include: Preparing to Deploy – Pre-Deployment Medical Requirements and Screenings. All Conditions. Operational Safety. Cold Weather. Unit of issue is 1 box of 5 decks which can be used more than once. These placards will be utilized to aid in the maintenance and operational peculiarities of the above mentioned weapon system. The image is a representation and not a true image. 38 As of July 27. Casualty categories per deck are as follows: KIA Killed In Action.5" X 4.HEADSPACE ADJUSTMENT MEDIA: 4. NOTE: Three sets of 100 cards must be used if more than 200 personnel are participating in the exercise simultaneously. L Lie (down). The above categories are repeated throughout the 5 decks. RTD Return to Duty. 2015 . These 5 decks of 100 cards each standard size playing cards are an effective training tool for supporting medical tasks conducted during annual ARTEP training at the National Training Center. Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES). Standard size card (2-1/2" x 3-1/2"). The front of the card shows the casualty/diagnosis while the back of the card describes casualty information for the medic and information for the controller.50 caliber Machine Gun. GTA 09-06-045: M2 MG . LU Lying Unconscious. W Walk (talk).5" yellow hard plastic card SYNOPSIS: GTA is Headspace and Timing Adjustment placards to be used with the M2 .GTA 08-11-014: MULTIPLE INTEGRATED LASER ENGAGEMENT SYSTEM (MILES) CASUALTY CARDS MEDIA: Card Decks SYNOPSIS: Supersedes GTA 8-11-5. B/W. Road Movement Plan. Site Selection and Layout. A flowchart depicts identifying. Road Movement Advance Party Considerations. GTA 09-12-001: UNEXPLODED ORDNANCE (UXO) PROCEDURES MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 6". It provides a logical sequence for planning and coordinating the move of a maintenance unit to a new location. Defensive Actions. Preventive measures and an illustration showing how to construct barricades is provided. Thrown. and key NCOs. avoiding.5" x 4". platoon leaders.GTA 09-10-046: SMALL UNIT LEADER'S CARD (INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE LIGHT) MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 2. and Placed. 39 As of July 27. printed B/W and front and back. 5 pages front and back. establishing defensive security. shop officers. and using protective measures. and organizing to provide mission support with considerations for movement by air. Maintenance Support Planning. Major topics include: Operation Order. 2015 . 9-page. Identifications include: Dropped. quick reference booklet is for unit commanders. Projected. provides identification and protection measures for UXO. GTA 09-12-003: . 2015 .75" white plastic with black lettering and measuring capabilities aids explosive ordnance disposal soldiers (MOS 55D/91E) in aiming the MK2 .50 caliber Dearmer. It gives the proper distances on maps of 1:25. and has a 45° and a 60° on the sides and measures in both inches and millimeters. It shows the standard slug and wedge slug sizes.000 or 1:50. The image is a representation and not a true image.000 meters of the initial hazard area by the primary wind direction.000 scale.GTA 09-12-002: INITIAL DOWNWIND HAZARD AREA TEMPLATE MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 6" GTA comes in two parts. 40 As of July 27. It is a Train-the-Trainer GTA. This GTA is for armorers who must repair the weapon. The image is a representation and not a true image. The plotter (clear plastic) displays the site out to 2. The manila paper envelope used to hold the GTA contains a plastic template for quick determination of the initial exclusion area.50 CALIBER DEARMER AIMING DEVICE MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: This 3"x2. erect rigging and recheck rigging for proper and safe operation. 2015 . AND EXPLOSIVES SAFETY MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: Pamphlet 3. obtain resistance. It incorporates information on the recovery procedures: reconnoiter area. DEMOLITIONS.5" Black and White.5" x 5. estimate situation. calculate. 41 As of July 27. GTA 09-14-002: RIGGING CARD FOR VEHICLE RECOVERY MEDIA: Folded Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: Rigging Card for Vehicle Recovery is a 10-page Z-fold Pocket Card. Toxic Chemical Ammunition Leaks. This pamphlet aids soldiers in increasing safety of any soldier who has to handle munitions. Missiles and Large Rockets. Printed on one side. Transport.GTA 09-13-001: AMMUNITION. The following are some of the topics included: Ammunition Use. The format has been changed for printing purposes. Storage. verify solution. Demolition Materials and Bulk Explosives. MISSILE. Fires. 42 As of July 27.50 CALIBER MACHINE GUN LAYOUT CHART MEDIA: B&W Chart SYNOPSIS: This 31" x 58" chart provides a novice the means to learn the disassembly and assembly sequences of the .50 caliber machine gun. The silhouette concept provides a means to identify the individual parts by nomenclature. GTA 11-01-007: SEND A RADIO MESSAGE. This Supersedes GTA 11-1-1. Standard Radio Transmission Format. duplexed 8-page. both in general and detailed terms. The image is a representation and not a true image. The image is a representation and not a true image.GTA 10-08-007: . black & white. Phonetic Alphabet Procedures. 2015 . and Proword passwords with their meanings.5" x 5". quick reference booklet includes General Instructions. MOS 31C AND 31K MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 4. 31K. double-sided. Imitative Communications Deception (ICD) (6 steps). GPU Radio Operators. Supersedes GTA 11-1-5. and others in the field. Authentication Requirements (10 steps).75"x4" green and black decal describes methods for determining if squelch has been captured on radio set AN/VRC-12 or AN/PRC-77. B/W trifold provides operational guidance for Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECCM) for MOSs 31C.GTA 11-01-008: ELECTRONIC COUNTER-COUNTERMEASURES FOR OPERATIONS MEDIA: Trifold SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 5". and procedures to operate through the capture. Major topics include: Net Control (10 steps). Radio/Radar Operations (15 steps). The image is a representation and not a true image. 72G. 43 As of July 27. 72E. GTA 11-03-024: HAS YOUR SQUELCH BEEN CAPTURED? MEDIA: Decal SYNOPSIS: This 3. 2015 . 75 X 5. The card is 12.5 and printed on waterproof. and Escort your buddy.GTA 12-01-002: REPORTING SUSPECTED FRIENDLY FIRE MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: The Reporting Suspected Friendly Fire is a trifold smart card. and additional information websites.5 trifolded to a procedural diagram. It consists of what units must do when friendly fire is suspected. Care for your buddy.5 X 5. GTA 12-01-003: ACE SUICIDE INTERVENTION (V2013) MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: The ACE Suicide Intervention card consists of: Ask your STR ONG ARM Y 44 As of July 27. tear resistant synthetic paper. 2015 . Also included are National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) and USAPHC: http//phc. Depression. 45 As of July 27. GTA 12-01-007: SUICIDE AWARENESS GUIDE FOR LEADERS MEDIA: Pamphlet SYNOPSIS: This guide was written for you.3 x 8 on coated cover paper. The information it contains can have a significant impact on the lives of people in a suicide crisis.GTA 12-01-006: USACHPPM SUICIDE PREVENTION TRAINING TIP CARD MEDIA: Card is a two-page 5. Risk Factors. SYNOPSIS: The GTA topics are: Most suicides and suicide attempts are reactions to intense feelings of. 2015 . It can prevent the tragic loss of life and the overwhelming pain felt by those affected by the loss. Warning Signs. and Suicidal Risk Highest When. GTA 12-01-008: HOME FRONT CD MEDIA: DVD SYPNOSIS: This Virtual Experience Immersive Learning Simulation is a component of the life preservation training course offered through Lincoln University-Missouri’s Center for Suicide Prevention Research and Studies. The Home Front is a unique tool for education in the areas of suicide risks, awareness, suicide prevention and the promotion of a positive behavioral health lifestyle. GTA 12-01-009: SHOULDER TO SHOULDER- FINDING STRENGTH AND HOPE TOGETHER MEDIA: CD SYNOPSIS: The following stories are intended to raise awareness about ways that Soldiers, Leaders, Family members, and Department of the Army Civilians can effectively reduce stress, cope successfully with physical and emotional pain, and overcome suicidal thoughts. 46 As of July 27, 2015 GTA 14-01-001: FIELD ORDERING OFFICER (FOO) SMARTCARD MEDIA: Folded Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: GTA is an 11”x11.25” folded to 5.5”x3.75” smart card. Field Ordering Officer (FOO) Purchase Process; Basic Acquisition Team (know your team): Contracting Officer: Paying Agent: Finance: Miscellaneous others; SF 44 Purchase Order-Invoice-Voucher. Unit, Vendor, Paying Agent; Watch Out! Items that you need to be careful about; Tips: Hints for saving time and other headaches; Reminders: Key helpful information. GTA 17-02-012: TANK GUNNERY FLAG SIGNALS MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 6" card, printed on synthetic paper, depicts position of flags and their appropriate color instrumental to the individual soldier and tank crew drills. Three colors of flags are used: green, red, and yellow. 47 As of July 27, 2015 GTA 17-02-015: THE CALL FOR FIRE MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 5.5" card, 6 pages front and back, B/W, provides directions on the following topics: Observer Identification; Warning Order; Target Location; Target Description; Method of Engagement; Method of Fire and Control; Danger Close; Target Location (grid, polar, shift); Minimum Bracketing Guide; Range Corrections; Deviation Corrections; Determining Direction to a Target; Estimating Angles in MLS with the Hand (illustration provided); Sending the Call to Fire. GTA 17-02-019: VISUAL SIGNALS FOR ARMOR FIGHTING VEHICLES (COMBINED ARMS) MEDIA: Flipbook SYNOPSIS: This 28-page, 4” x 6” B/W, flipbook provides armor and combined arms leaders with a quick reference for the meaning and execution of visual signals (55 figures provided) that are part of the command and control of armor units. 48 As of July 27, 2015 Passage of Lines. This GTA provides units with the AK-47 weapon clearing procedures.S. Supersedes GTA 17-06-051 January 2007 49 As of July 27. Topics include: Operation Order. GTA 17-06-051: AK-47 WEAPON CLEARING PROCEDURES MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: A two–sided card. This plastic wheel is a quick reference for armored cavalry crew members and armored cavalry unit leaders in U. Hasty Attack. NBC #4 Report. 4" x 5. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U.GTA 17-03-009: ARMORED CAVALRY BEALE WHEEL MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: This GTA is two sided measuring 4" x 4" with rotating red wheels that have a transparent pie slice to view the pertinent information. training centers. Spot Report. Ford Report.5" on white synthetic paper. Action on Contact. Defense Planning. The image is a representation and not a true image. Call For Fire. Government agencies and their contractors. Bridge Report. It condenses important information on one card and provides a method of learning basics and having them readily available. Medivac Request. This publication contains technical or operational information that is for official Government use. Army schools. Supersedes GTA 17-3-8. This determination was made on 17 November 2009. PLT Fire Command.S. NBC #1 Report. Closing/Departure Report. Route Report (Hasty). 2015 . and TOE units. Defense Planning. Handling/Processing Personnel. Recommended TSE Personnel. Tactical Questioning. Handling Material Collected from Detainees and Mission Debrief. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U. Material Collection. DD 2745 EPW Capture Tag. Sitrep/Status Report. Individual Responsibilities. Action on Contact. TSE Preparation. This determination was made on 10 April 2006. and Call For Fire. Operation Order. Biometrics Collection. The wheel has a pie slice clearance which. This device is a quick reference for tank crewman and tank unit leaders in U.5” color. Army Schools.75" rotatable wheel attached by a rivet to a white measuring back.DA Form 2823. 2. Hasty Attack. as it is turned. KY 40121-5123. 16-panel smart card on synthetic material provides information on Tactical Site Exploitation (TSE). DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. reveals relevant information. This publication contains technical or operational information that is for official Government use. DA FORM 4137 (Evidence/Property Custody Document). Other requests for this document will be referred to USAARMC. training centers.5” X 5. 2015 . ATTN: DTDCD.S. such as: Spot Report.S. GTA 17-09-001: TACTICAL SITE EXPLOITATION SMART CARD MEDIA: Smart Card SYNOPSIS: This 4.GTA 17-07-002: TANKER'S BEALE WHEEL MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: This 4" x 4" plastic device has a red. Witness Statements. 50 As of July 27. Fort Knox. Offense Planning. Government agencies and their contractors. and TOE units. Chart is for issue to MP units at company level. The image is a representation and not a true image. GTA 19-01-001A: MILITARY POLICE CODE OF ETHICS (CHART) MEDIA: Chart SYNOPSIS: This 8. 51 As of July 27. 2015 .5"x11" color enhanced chart provides guidelines for integrity and moral standards for Military Police.GTA 18-00-060: ARMY KNOWLEDGE ONLINE (AKO) REGISTRATION PROCESS GUIDE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This booklet facilitates registration in Army Knowledge Online (AKO) for all military and civilian users. It increases fixed site and area security against potentially hostile forces without sole reliance on the application of deadly force. 2015 . The finished product is 16 1/2" x 8 1/2" folded to 5 ½" x 8 1/2".5” X 3. Combat Tracker Dog (CTD). Patrol Narcotic Detection Dog (PNDD/PDD). Patrol Explosive Detection. Explosive Detection Dog (EDD). This GTA assists soldiers in the operation of the M5 modular crowd control munition (MCCM).M5 MCCM MEDIA: 6-page accordion folded booklet SYNOPSIS: This product is printed black and white as a 6-page accordion folded booklet on white synthetic water resistant paper for use in the field. Mine Detection Dog (MDD). Specialized Search Dog (SSD). Combat Tracker Dog (CTD) and Mine Detection Dog (MDD). GTA 19-01-004: NONLETHAL CAPABILITIES .GTA 19-01-003: COMMANDER'S GUIDE OT MILITARY WORKING DOGS MEDIA: 5. Narcotic Detection Dog (NDD/DDD). Narcotic Detection Dog (NDD. Explosive Detection Dog (EDD).DDD). Patrol Narcotic Detection Dog (PNDD/PDD). Patrol Explosive Detection.75” color. 2-sided smart card on synthetic material SYNOPSIS: This Smart Card provides information on the Military Working Dogs: Specialized Search Dog (SSD). 52 As of July 27. GTA 19-05-001: IMPLIED CONSENT WARNING MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This 2. 53 As of July 27. This GTA assists all DOD personnel and their family members to become aware of the terrorist threat.GTA 19-04-003: INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES MEDIA: 12 page pamphlet 3" x 5" on both sides. SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. and National Guard units. and to help ensure the process of changing our mind-set from complacency to constant vigilance. 2015 . It assists MPs in giving the implied consent to motorists who have been stopped for possible drunk driving. Bound at top with flip up pages of varying lengths. Army Reserve. to provide techniques to protect themselves and family.5" x 4". B/W 4-step card is to be used by military police on duty and MP AIT students. Table 1 – 5 Ss and T process. 2015 . printed on one side in B/W. aids an arresting officer while informing suspects or accused persons of their verbal rights under the law. Table 2 – Processing standards.5" x 3. printed on synthetic paper. It illustrates correct format for prisoner Point of Capture processing.GTA 19-06-006: HOW TO INFORM SUSPECT/ACCUSED PERSON OF THEIR RIGHTS MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This 2.5" card. Table 3 – DD Form 2745 instructions. 54 As of July 27. It is used in conjunction with or in the absence of DA Form 3881 (Rights Warning Procedure/Waiver Certificate). GTA 19-06-007: POINT OF CAPTURE MEDIA: Smart Card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is 12 3/8” X 6 ¼” folded to 4 1/8" x 6 ¼” trifold. procedures and paperwork. bore sighting. immediate-action procedures. is a language translation pocket card for use by the Military Police Corps units who are training for EPW operations. 55 As of July 27. Six panels are provided with 13 commands or phrases in English. and target engagement of the MK19 40mm grenade machine gun and the M2 . The last panel is blank so you can write in any particular words or phrases that you need and that are not listed on this card. printed B/W front and back. and North Korean. The panels include: German. 2015 . their translations in another language. It lists the basic commands to use to guard and evacuate EPWs. GTA 19-08-001: M1117 GUARDIAN OPERATING PROCEDURES MEDIA: 16-page Booklet SYNOPSIS: This product is printed B/W as a 16-page saddle-stitched booklet on water resistant paper for use in the field. Arabic. French.GTA 19-07-001: ENEMY PRISONER OF WAR (EPW) BASIC COMMANDS MEDIA: Pamphlet SYNOPSIS: This 3" x 5" pamphlet. This GTA is designed as a quick reference guide for start-up and shutdown of the M1117 Guardian and the installation.50 caliber machine gun. and the phonetic pronunciations. Spanish. Russian. The finished product is 11" x 8 1/2" folded to 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". removal. The finished product is 16 1/2" x 8 1/2" folded to 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". TURRET-MOUNTED. This GTA assists soldiers during the employment of the M98 nonlethal distraction grenade. and the L97A1 antiriot practice grenade from the nonlethal.GTA 19-08-004: NONLETHAL MUNITIONS MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: For use in all Active. Army Reserve. the M99 nonlethal blunt trauma grenade. 2015 . 66-millimeter grenade launcher. the L96A1 antiriot irritant grenade. and National Guard Units. 56 As of July 27. This 4 page booklet provides soldiers with the capabilities and characteristics of the nonlethal (NL) munitions currently available in the Nonlethal Capability Set (NLSC). 66-MILLIMETER GRENADE LAUNCHER MEDIA: 6-page booklet SYNOPSIS: This product is printed B/W as a 6-page accordion fold booklet on water resistant paper for use in the field. turret-mounted. GTA 19-08-005: M315 NONLETHAL. Camouflage. GTA 21-02-008: THE SOLDIER'S INFORMATION GUIDE MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This folded 3" x 5". Space Heater Arctic. Chilblain. 2015 . tear-resistant paper. Modular Sleep System (MSS). smartcard. Immersion Syndrome. Superficial Frostbite. Ahkio Packing List.5. It covers: Beaufort Scale: USE THIS CHART TO APPROXIMATE WIND SPEED. 57 As of July 27. Deep Frostbite. Gloves. printed on waterproof.5 x 11 folded to 3. Reassignment. Assault. Military. Snowshoe. Some examples include: Appeals.5 x 5. Hypothermia. MOS & ProPay. B/W reference card is in a table-grid format. Risk of Frostbite. Generation III ECWCS Levels 1 7.GTA 20-01-001: Cold Weather Smart Card MEDIA: Foldout Card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is 17. and Extended Cold Weather Clothing System Overview. It provides the chain of command for obtaining assistance such as legal assistance for personnel matters. and Complaints. Ten-Man Arctic Tent. Assignment. Weapons: Common Problems and Solutions. and Over 150 Benefit Fact Sheets including State and Territory Benefits. 2015 . Supersedes GTA 21-3-8. selfinstructional training aid. 58 As of July 27. Survivorship and Retirement Planning. 3 ½” X 2” SYNOPSIS: This GTA provides a website and phone number for Soldiers to contact for up-to-date information on their Army benefits. Including: Personalized Benefits Calculations.GTA 21-02-028: MY ARMY BENEFITS MEDIA: Pocket Card. GTA 21-03-010: CODE OF CONDUCT MEDIA: Chart SYNOPSIS: This 17" x 22" chart may be used as an aid in the instruction of classes on the Code of Conduct or as a stand-alone. Fundamentals. Strategic Culture. Economy. Iranian Cultural Beliefs. Customs and Engaging Iranians. and Structures and Institutions covering: Political. Individual topic oriented lessons stand alone.GTA 21-03-012: NEGOTIATIONS MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This is a 4 x 6 flipbook. and further reading. Included is a Primer: Cross Cultural Competence. Military. 59 As of July 27. and CulturalGeneral Concepts. This GTA discusses all aspects of negotiations. Infrastructure. 2015 . Cultural Awareness. Cultural Knowledge. This GTA is about the culture of Iran. GTA 21-03-014: IRANIAN CULTURE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This is a 4 x 6 flipbook printed on synthetic paper. Topics include: Introduction and Geography. Calendar and Holidays. Social. Local Measures. Information. History. printed on synthetic paper. Soldiers must understand how vital culture is in accomplishing today’s missions. and other organizational planning processes.GTA 21-03-022: CULTURAL CARDS AFGHANISTAN & ISLAMIC CULTURE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This is a 5. but it is designed as a filler to be taken out of your ACU pocket and used between tasks or waiting for the next training to begin. and controlling risks arising from operational factors and making decisions that balance risk cost with mission benefits. 2015 .5 flipbook printed on synthetic paper.5 x 8. RM applies to both operations and to nonoperational activities. RM is the process of identifying. assessing. GTA 21-08-001: RISK MANAGEMENT QUICK REFERENCE BOOKLET MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this booklet is to provide a quick reference to the Risk Management (RM) process and Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet (DRAW). It is an essential element of the Army Operations Process. This GTA is to be used in many different ways. Troop Leading Procedures. The Army uses RM to help maintain combat power while ensuring mission accomplishments in current and future operations. Military Decision Making Process. 60 As of July 27. Army Values are printed on one side and the Soldier's Creed and Warrior Ethos are printed on the other side. Escalation of Force (EOF). 16-panel smart card on synthetic material provides information on the Vehicle Search. GTA 22-06-004: ARMY VALUES / SOLDIER'S CREED CARD MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This is a 2. Law of War. both sides white with yellow trim and Army of One logo. Heat/Cold Safety and When the Media Calls. 2015 . Weapon Status. 9-Line MEDEVAC Requests. Pocket card is issued to each soldier.5” color. Key to Defeating IED Threats. high impact polystyrene with rounded corners. Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). Identifying IEDs.625” card.GTA 21-08-002: BASIC COMBAT TRAINING SMART CARD MEDIA: Smart Card SYNOPSIS: This 3. This image is a representation and not a true image. Detainee Operations. Tactical Combat Casualty Care.75” X 5. 9-Line IED/SALT Reports.125” x 3. 5 and 25-Meter Scan. 61 As of July 27. Weapon Clearing. GTA 22-06-005: ARMY VALUES / WARRIOR ETHOS TAG MEDIA: Aluminum tag SYNOPSIS: This is a 2”x1. The GTA provides the optimal suggested location(s) for TVS equipment placement on your vehicle.25 x 5. 2015 . This image is a representation and not a true image.75 on white synthetic paper. Including: INSTALLATION OF TVS.25”x. Tag is meant to be worn as a dog tag. and TVS REMOVAL. 62 As of July 27. GTA 23-01-001: TACTICAL VEHICLE SYSTEM (TVS) SMART CARD MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This GTA is a 14-page booklet 4. SAT INSTALLATION. The Army Values are stamped on one side and the Warrior Ethos is stamped on the other. Tags are issued to each soldier.060” Aluminum tag. 5 card of white synthetic paper. Install Code 27 SAT. and Operator Maintenance. Install Code 24 SAT.25 x 5. Verify HCU BIT. Identify Correct SAT for Weapon. 2015 . Operations. Information provided: Components. The GTA provides information on IWS2 Harness Operation and SAT Installation/Alignment. and SAT-Harness Association. Place Harness On. Information covers: Insert HCU Batteries. GTA 23-01-004: I-MILES INDIVIDUAL WEAPONS SYSTEM 2 (IWS2) POCKET GUIDE MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is a 4.32 card of white synthetic paper. Place HALO On.GTA 23-01-003: MICRO CONTROLLER DEVICE (MCD) MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is a 4. 63 As of July 27. Insert SAT Battery.13 x 6. The GTA provides information on Micro Controller Device (MCD). UCD Battery Installation. The GTA provides information on IWS2 SAT Alignment Using MAJiK Assembly. GTA 23-01-007: INDIVIDUAL WEAPONS SYSTEM 2 (IWS2) MAJIK MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is a 2-page card 9.GTA 23-01-005: UNIVERSAL CONTROLLER DEVICE MEDIA: Fold-out card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is an 8-page fold 13. and Align SAT Using MAJiK.375 x 6. MILES Transmit Settings. The GTA provides information on Universal Controller Device: Administrative. 64 As of July 27. 2015 . Functions.75 on white synthetic paper.25 x 6.75 folded to 3. Set Up MAJiK. Settings. and MILES 2000 equipment settings.5 x 6. Information includes: Input Conditions.25 on white synthetic paper. The GTA provides information on Shoulder Launched Munitions.5 folded to 2.5 on white synthetic paper. Loading Procedures. 2015 .5 folded to 2. Operator Settings.75 x 8. Operation. Information includes: SLM Battery Install/Replacement. 11 x 8. Sight Picture. Operator Settings. Information includes: Common Engine. SLM Battery Install/Replacement. Firing Procedures. Misfire Procedures. 11 x 8. and Troubleshooting Procedures. The GTA provides information on Shoulder Launched Munitions.5 on white synthetic paper. GTA 23-01-009: SHOULDER LAUNCHED MUNITIONS BDM MEDIA: Fold-out card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is a 10-page fold.3 x 8. AT4/RPG. and BIT FAILURE Screens.GTA 23-01-008: SHOULDER LAUNCHED MUNITIONS (AT4/RPG) MEDIA: Fold-out card SYNOPSIS: This GTA is an 8-page fold. Operation. 65 As of July 27. Common Engine. Bunker Defeat Munition (BDM) Visual MODIFICATION. The 16-panel. cultural groups. and understanding Arabic names. commands. and helpful words and phrases. customs. folded card includes information on religion. 2015 . social structure. The 15” x 11” card folds to 3 ¾” x 5 ½” and is printed on waterproof. ethnic groups. Also included are “Do This” and “Don't Do This”. and history.GTA 24-01-003: THE IRAQ CULTURE SMART CARD MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: The Iraq Culture Smart Card is a Guide for Communication and Cultural Awareness. 66 As of July 27. questions. GTA 24-01-007: AFGHANISTAN CULTURE CARD MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: The Afghanistan Culture Card is a Guide for Communication and Cultural Awareness. tear resistant synthetic paper. numbers. religious holidays. clothes and gestures. GTA 24-01-008: AFGHANISTAN ROAD MAP MEDIA: Fold-out SYNOPSIS: This fold-out map is a roadmap of Afghanistan. and PROCEDURES FIELD GUIDE VOL 2 MEDIA: Handbook SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this handbook is to describe and analyze small unit tactics employed by insurgents in southern Afghanistan from 2005-2008. 2015 . 67 As of July 27. GTA 24-01-009: AFGHAN INSURGENT TACTICS. TECHNIQUES. GTA 24-01-011: IRAQ ROADMAP MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This fold out pocket card is a roadmap of Iraq. TECHNIQUES. 2015 . and PROCEDURES FIELD GUIDE MEDIA: Handbook SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this book is to describe and analyze small unit tactics employed by insurgents in southern Afghanistan.GTA 24-01-010: AFGHAN INSURGENT TACTICS. 68 As of July 27. 2015 . platoons. and highly dispersed battalions have to roll back the insurgency in the remote areas of Afghanistan. companies. including its geography history. teams. government. 69 As of July 27.GTA 24-01-012: AFGHANISTAN MEDIA: Handbook SYNOPSIS: This handbook provides basic reference information on Afghanistan. GTA 24-01-013: COUNTERINSURGENCY ON THE GROUND IN AGHANISTAN MEDIA: Handbook SYNOPSIS: This handbook describes what small military units. and communications and transportation networks. military forces. 2015 . unclassified description of the representative tactics insurgents use to target CF aircraft in Afghanistan. GTA 24-01-015: AFGHANISTAN DRUG IDENTIFICATION & INFORMATION MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this booklet is to provide drug identification and information found in Afghanistan.GTA 24-01-014: AFGHAN SAFIRE LESSONS LEARNED MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this booklet is to provide a simple. 70 As of July 27. GTA 24-01-016: MICRO MISSION GUIDE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This booklet was developed to enhance cross-cultural communication skills in Iraq. Although Iraq and Afghan cultures are very different, communication skills developed in Iraq can be used in Afghanistan. GTA 24-01-017: AFGHAN NATIONAL SECURITY FORCES MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This booklet is used to familiarize users to recognize uniforms, rank insignias, and equipment that the Afghan Army and Police use. It also includes the organizational structure for the Ministries of Interior and Defense. 71 As of July 27, 2015 GTA 27-01-006: ARMY RULES FOR IMPOSING NON-JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT WITHIN THE RESERVE COMPONENT (ARTICLE 15, UCMJ) MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 2.5" x 3.5" booklet, 9 pages, B/W, front and back, will aid officers in the Reserve Component, as a quick reference for imposing non-judicial punishment and proceedings. It details purposes of non-judicial punishment, who may impose them, upon whom it may be imposed, and appeal processes. A table is also provided explaining the formal punishment proceedings for the enlisted personnel, officers, and warrant officers. GTA 30-02-001: A SOLDIER'S GUIDE TO DIRECT QUESTIONING, REPORTING AND DETAINEE OPERATIONS (ES2) MEDIA: Smart Card SYNOPSIS: GTA, 8 page accordion Smart Card. It explains the Guide to Direct Questioning, Reporting and Detainee Operations (ES2). Included are: ENEMY PRISONER OF WAR (EPW)/ DETAINEE (JUMPS) SCREENING, DD Form 2745, Capture Tag questions, ES2/Situational Awareness and Salute Report. 72 As of July 27, 2015 GTA 30-03-001: "BIOMETRIC AUTOMATED TOOLSET (BAT) SMART CARD MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: The Biometric Automated Toolset (BAT) is a 20-panel folded card. It incorporates information on the BAT Smart Card, What is Bat, How is Bat Used, Bat Systems Components, Why Bat, Bat Supports, What are Biometrics, Types of Biometrics and How does Biometrics support your Mission. The 3.75” X 5.5” card is printed on waterproof, tear resistant synthetic paper. GTA 30-03-005 - HANDHELD INTERAGENCY IDENTITY DETECTION EQUIPMENT (HIDE) SMARTCARD MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS: The card is 11.25 x 11 folded to 3.75 x 5.5 printed on waterproof, tear resistant synthetic paper. The six (6) panel card includes Begin the enrollment process, Take the face photo, Collect the iris images, Collect the fingerprints, Enter the biographic data, and Add the tracking report. 73 As of July 27, 2015 This device provides the intelligence operator/analyst and other staff/operational personnel a rapid means of manually calculating the minimum required jamming power outputs for electronic warfare systems employed on the modern battlefield. Side one calculates enemy transmitter to target receiver distance. a thorough mission analysis. Side two calculates elevation ratio/multiplication factor table. 2015 . GTA 31-01-003: DETACHMENT MISSION PLANNING GUIDE MEDIA: 96-page saddle-stitched booklet SYNOPSIS: This product is printed black and white as a 40-page saddle-stitched booklet on white synthetic paper for use in the field. The image is a representation and not a true image. The finished product is 4 1/4" X 6 1/4". and the formulation. Essential to successful mission planning are communication and understanding of the commander's intent. This GTA is published to assist the Special Forces Operational Detachment A (SFODA) in mission planning. 74 As of July 27. analysis.GTA 30-06-005: ELECTRONIC WARFARE (EW) JAMMING CALCULATOR MEDIA: Simple Device SYNOPSIS: This device is a two-sided wheel with three attached rotating wheels that measure 6" in diameter. and comparison of feasible courses of action (COAs). the air tasking order is used to document and bring visibility of all Army air assets within a given area of responsibility. Acronyms. North Carolina 28310-5000. Helicopter Landing Zone Selection Criteria. ATTN: AOJK-DT-SF. Close Air Support Briefing. The air tasking order is a single-source document for all aircraft scheduled to fly in the area of responsibility. For the Army. 75 As of July 27.GTA 31-02-001: SPECIAL FORCES AIR OPERATIONS MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This black and white 5" X 6. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. Medical Evacuation Request. Fort Bragg. and Recommended Sources. Establishment and Operation of a DZ. Castmaster Troop Briefing. United States Army John F. Fast-Rope Troop Briefing and Operational Checklist. The finished product is 4 1/4" x 6 1/4"). 2015 . The following areas are addressed in the booklet: Drop Zone (DZ) Safety Officer/DZ Support Team Leader. Drop Zone Support Team Leader Checklist. GTA 31-02-002: AIR TASKING ORDER AND SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS MEDIA: 16-page saddle-stitched booklet SYNOPSIS: This booklet is printed black and white as a 16-page saddle-stitched booklet on white synthetic paper for use in the field.5" booklet contains 60 pages for Armywide field training of Special Forces air operations. This determination was made on 30 July 2004. Laser Target Designation Procedures. Short Takeoff and Landing/Medium Aircraft Landing Zone Operations. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors only to protect technical or operational information from automatic dissemination under the International Exchange Program or by other means. Other requests for this document must be referred to Commander. Step 7: Orders Production. EVASION. SYNOPSIS: The front side provides the Code of Conduct. Step 4: Course of Action Analysis (Wargaming). Order Type Acronym. is printed B/W on synthetic paper. Step 5: Course of Action Comparison. Also covered are: Joint Operations Planning Process (JOPP). Step 6: Course of Action Approval. AND ESCAPE COMMUNICATIONS TECHNIQUES MEDIA: 3.25" pocket card. Secretary of Defense Approval. RESISTANCE. It provides the steps for Military Decisionmaking Process. is printed B/W on synthetic paper. 76 As of July 27. The inside of the card depicts the PW Tap Code and the PW Hand Language as a discreet means of communication. Step 3: Course of Action Development. 2015 . Step 2: Mission Analysis. GTA 33-01-001: MILITARY INFORMATION SUPPORT OPERATION IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This 22.50" x 17. and Acronyms and Abbreviations.GTA 31-70-001: SPECIAL FORCES SURVIVAL. Step 1: Receipt of Mission.5" x 5" pocket card. GTA 41-01-001. It is critical that CA elements at all echelons properly plan and execute Civil Affairs operations (CAO) to enhance the supported commander's successful mission accomplishment. Civil Affairs Planning and Execution Guide. rehabilitation. restoration. and applicable operation plans (OPLANs). AND ARCHIVES GUIDE MEDIA: Flipbook SYNOPSIS: This 88 page aid assists Civil Affairs (CA) Soldiers and civil-military operations (CMO) staff (G-5) conducting CA activities supporting military commanders of interagency and Soldier concerned with or placed in a situation where he is responsible for the protection. Soldiers should use this aid along with FM 3-05. and Procedures. 2015 .GTA 41-01-001: CIVIL AFFAIRS PLANNING AND EXECUTION GUIDE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 174-page aid enhances Civil Affairs (CA) planning and execution at the tactical and operational levels and across the range of military operations. Techniques. preservation. MONUMENTS. or restitution of damaged or endangered cultural property may also use this aid. GTA 41-01-002: CIVIL AFFAIRS ARTS.401. Civil Affairs Tactics. 77 As of July 27. FM 3-05. It is intended to assist Civil Affairs (CA) Soldiers and civilmilitary operations (CMO) staffs working in a joint environment. It will assist the user in integrating CMO considerations into a joint staff planning product in full spectrum operations. It should be used in conjunction with the recently published Joint Publication (JP) 3-29. This GTA should be used in conjunction with . Joint Task Force Headquarters.S. Foreign Humanitarian Assistance. Techniques. Joint Tactics. and applicable operation plans (OPLANs). which has superseded JP 3-07. FM 3-05. and interagency and multinational forces throughout the scope of operations. Joint Operation Planning.5” synthetic paper.401.6. FM 3-05. .401. Graphic Training Aid (GTA) 41-01-001. Working with the Office of U. . GTA 41-01-004. GTA 41-01-006. GTA 41-01-001.40. Civil Affairs Planning and Execution Guide. Civil Affairs Tactics. Civil Affairs Planning and Execution Guide. Techniques. Joint Doctrine for Civil-Military Operations. and Procedures.GTA 41-01-003: CIVIL AFFAIRS FOREIGN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE PLANNING GUIDE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 94-page guide is intended to assist Civil Affairs (CA) Soldiers and civil-military operations (CMO) staffs as they plan and conduct foreign humanitarian assistance (FHA) in support of the military commander. GTA 41-01-004: JOINT CIVIL AFFAIRS OPERATIONS AND JOINT CIVIL-MILITARY OPERATIONS PLANNING GUIDE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This 116-page GTA is printed on 5” X 6. Civil Affairs Tactics. Civil Affairs Operations. which has superseded . 78 As of July 27. and applicable operation plans (OPLANs). Techniques. Foreign Disaster Assistance. Joint Civil Affairs Operations and Joint Civil-Military Operations Planning Guide. and Procedures. 2015 . . and Procedures for Foreign Humanitarian Assistance.40. FM 3-05. Civil Affairs Operations. Joint Doctrine for Civil Affairs. Civil Affairs Operations. covering The Changing Nature of the Threat. GTA 41-01-008: CIVIL AFFAIRS NEGOTIATIONS AND MEDIATION GUIDE MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This is a 68-page book printed on 5” x 6. 5” x 7” B/W booklet on synthetic paper. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS) Directorate of Training and Doctrine (DOTD) to equip Army special operations forces (ARSOF) with a better tool for understanding religious considerations in mission planning. 79 As of July 27. and Adaptive Thinking and Leadership Concepts. 2015 .5” synthetic paper. Cross-Cultural Negotiations. with Acronyms and Recommended Sources.GTA 41-01-005: RELIGIOUS FACTORS ANALYSIS MEDIA: 60-page. Mediation. SYNOPSIS: This document represents an effort by the United States Army John F. The Skill of Negotiation. GTA 43-01-003: HMMWV HOT WEATHER/DESERT OPERATIONS MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: Card is a 4-page folded pocket card. “4. 2015 . 80 As of July 27.25” X “5. This GTA provides maintenance information in hot weather and desert operations for the HMMWV.50” on white synthetic paper.GTA 41-01-010: CIVIL AFFAIRS PROTECTION CONSIDERATIONS GUIDE MEDIA: 60-page Booklet SYNOPSIS: This graphic training aid (GTA) establishes the framework and context for CA Soldiers to apply protection measures throughout the conduct of Civil Affairs operations (CAO). It will identify measures to assist in planning and execution of missions as well as attempt to enhance the CA Soldiers’ perception of how to directly influence the mitigation of threats by the application of CAO. CAO that are performed effectively by properly trained CA Soldiers will have a direct influence within the operational environment by establishing trust and rapport with the populace. A CA Soldier cannot accept a posture of complacency even when the outcome of CAO and civil-military operations is positive to the supported commander’s goals and strategic objectives. 56MM TO CAL .56MM to Cal .5 on white synthetic paper.50) Weapons Hot Weather/Desert Operation. Card is 8.5 folded to 4.25 X 5. 81 As of July 27.50) WEAPONS HOT WEATHER/DESERT OPERATIONS MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: Card is folded 4. GTA 43-01-030: SMALL CALIBER (5.GTA 43-01-016: HMMWV ARMOR KIT TIRE PRESSURE MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This GTA provides maintenance information in hot weather and desert operations for HMMWV Armor Kit Tire Pressure. The GTA provides maintenance information in hot weather and desert operations for Small Caliber ((5.5 X 5.25 x 5. 2015 .5 white synthetic paper. GTA 55-03-020: KNOW YOUR EUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL ROAD SIGNS MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: To be used primarily to assist MOS 64C personnel in learning the international road signs but will also be beneficial to all US military personnel. GTA 55-03-030: HMMWV UPARMORED ROLLOVER EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES 82 As of July 27. civilian employees and dependents who operate motor vehicles in an overseas area. 2015 . 10 pages printed black and white on both sides. 5"x6-1/2" SYNOPSIS: Booklet. 2015 . It incorporates information on Basic Definitions. Diagrams are provided for more detailed explanations. Questions and Answers. and Contracting Organizations and Types of Contractors. Topics include: Deploying Unit Responsibility. tear resistant synthetic paper SYNOPSIS: The Contracting Basics for Leaders Smartcard is a 6-panel folded card. Front and Back covers are yellow. Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations & Planning. Standard Troop Weights. laminated. 5" x 6-1/2". Basic Contracting Process. 83 As of July 27. Departure Airfield Operations. 463L Pallet Data-Cargo Aircraft. Booklet is held together by 3 silver rings at top. All personnel must emphasize safety and use the principles of risk management when making decisions.GTA 55-07-003: AIR DEPLOYMENT PLANNING GUIDE MEDIA: booklet. Determine Center of Balance (C/B) of Vehicles. 463L Cargo System. The image is a representation and not a true image. Aircraft Characteristics. Safe training and execution is force protection. and Telephone Listing. This GTA is designed as a pocket reference for training and preparation of unit deployment by Air Force cargo aircraft. Arrival Airfield Operations. GTA 70-01-001: CONTRACTING BASICS FOR LEADERS SMARTCARD MEDIA: 3 ¾” X 5 ½ “card printed on waterproof. Evasion Plan of Action. What Signals Do I Use?.GTA 80-01-001: FUNDAMENTALS OF ARMY PERSONNEL RECOVERY MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: The Fundamentals of Army Personnel Recovery is a 24-panel folded card. and Methods.Survival. Evasion. The 3 ¾” X 5 ½ “card is printed on waterproof. and Detained or Captured Personnel. PR Messages and Reports. and Best Practices. What Do I Communicate?. Predeployment Requirements. GTA 80-01-003 . 84 As of July 27. Topics include: Planning. PR METT-TC Factors. 2015 . Execution Tasks. When Am I Isolated? What Actions Do I Take?. Considerations for Isolated and Missing Personnel. tear resistant synthetic paper. It incorporates information on the Army's PR Components. Where Do I Go If Isolated?. Fundamentals of PR Planning. The Code of Conduct. and Recovery Tactics. tear resistant synthetic paper. Techniques. How Do I Link-Up?. and Procedures MEDIA: 19-Panel Folded Card SYNOPSIS: Smart card is a 17 x 11 19-panel folded card. printed on waterproof. 75” X 5. emplacement TTPs and examples. It incorporates Safety. Cargo Area of Pickup Trucks and Vans/SUVs. Security. 85 As of July 27. 2015 . tear resistant synthetic paper. 16-panel smart card on synthetic material SYNOPSIS: This GTA provides information on the IED and VBIED threat. GTA 90-01-003: VEHICLE SEARCH TECHNIQUES SMART CARD MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: Vehicle Search Techniques Smart Card is a 16-panel. and mission preparation. and Septic Service Trucks. remote control devices. procedures when IEDs are found. types of explosives used. Commercial Vehicles. and Summary. Driver Interview. General Inspection of Vehicles. Do's. potential IED indicators. The 3 3/4 inch x 5 1/2 inch card is printed on waterproof. folded card.5” color. mission planning. vehicle borne IEDs (VBIED).GTA 90-01-001: IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE (IED) AND VEHICULAR BORNE IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE (VBIED) SMART CARD MEDIA: 3. Don'ts. Indicators – Interview. roadside IED. IED/UXO report. S. MEDEVAC Request. and IED/UXO Report. Break Contact Battle Drill. Essential Elements for a Strip Map. Information Operations Guidance Example. It incorporates Troop Leading Procedures. tear resistant synthetic paper. Snap TCP Example. Incident Occurs Resulting in Discharge of Weapon. Its panels include: ROE Card Example. GTA 90-01-005: TRAFFIC CONTROL POINT OPERATIONS (V10) MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: The Traffic Control Point Operations Smart Card produced by the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) is a 16-panel folded card. CASEVAC/Recovery Battle Drill. Vehicle Checklist. Request for Fire (FM6-30). 2015 . Occupy a Floating Rally Point. 86 As of July 27. Convoy Warning Order Format. The 3 3/4 inch x 5 1/2 inch card is printed on waterproof. folded card.GTA 90-01-004: LOGISTICS CONVOY OPERATIONS SMART CARD MEDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: The Logistics Convoy Operations Smart Card is a 16-panel. React to Contact-Maintain Movement and Forced to Stop. Convoy Movement. Example Checkpoint with U. Escalation of Force Procedures. Basic Convoy Organization. EOF Process. and Response to Detainee Abuse or Law of War Violations. Recommended Snap TCP Equipment List. other tips and review. construction. Principles. II.5” synthetic paper. GTA 90-01-011: JOINT FORWARD OPERATIONS BASE (JFOB) PROTECTION HANDBOOK MEDIA: Booklet SYNOPSIS: This booklet is printed on 5. and risk management. Enemy TTP. Friendly TTP. The JFOB Handbook was originally prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD).75 x 5. threat analysis.GTA 90-01-007: ASYMMETRIC WARFARE GROUP (AWG): SNIPER AWARENESS AND COUNTER-SNIPER TIPS (V2009) EDIA: Pocket Card SYNOPSIS: This is a 14 page pocket card 15 X 11 folded to 3. Findings are supported by applicable doctrine and validated blast mitigation techniques. This publication identifies tactics. structural retrofits. 2015 . Locating Sniper Positions.5 on white synthetic paper. Reporting.5” X 8. JFOB6 does not supersede any command authority and protective recommendations must always be mission consistent. The GTA provides Pro-active Tips. and III. Sniper Levels I. Reactive Tips. 87 As of July 27. techniques and procedures (TTP) for FOB protection. 75” color. Training. How CERP supports the counterinsurgency effort. Tips. Includes information on: CERP Acquisition Team. 7-panel smart card on synthetic material provides information for Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP) Leaders. Reminders. Process.5” X 3.5” X 3. what to include in COR files. Information including: Contract format.75” color. Watch out!.GTA 90-01-016: THE DEPLOYED CONTRACTING OFFICER'S REPRESENTATIVE (COR) SMARTCARD (2010) MEDIA: Smart Card SYNOPSIS: This 5. Typical funding instructions. and Unit CERP coordination meetings. 2015 . Basic contracting process. 7-panel smart card on synthetic material provides information for Deployed Contracting Officer’s Representatives (COR). Know Your Basic Acquisition Team. 88 As of July 27. GTA 90-01-017: CERP (COMMANDER'S EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM) SMARTCARD FOR LEADERS MEDIA: Smart Card SYNOPSIS: This 5. Authorized and unauthorized uses for CERP funds. references. and online resources. forms that CORs should know. Identify Desired Effects. What is KLE. Execute. techniques. 2015 . Intelligence Preparation of the Environment. Prepare. Command Guidance. 89 As of July 27. Includes information on: The KLE Cycle. and procedures (TTPs) for entry control points (ECPs) and escalation of force (EOF) decisions in a counterinsurgency (COIN) environment.75” color.GTA 90-01-018 . Debrief/Report. GTA 90-01-019: AFGHAN KEY LEADER ENGAGEMENT (KLE) MEDIA: Smart Card SYNOPSIS: This 8” X 11” folded to 5. Reengage. 7-panel smart card on synthetic material provides information for Afghan Key Leader Engagement (KLE). Post-KLE Report Format. and Afghan Society.5” X 3.JOINT ENTRY CONTROL POINT & ESCALATION OF FORCE PROCEDURES (JEEP) HANDBOOK MEDIA: Handbook SYNOPSIS: This handbook provides a concept of operations and tactics. During. and Follow Through.5 card is printed on waterproof. The 11 X 8. Coalition Partner Observable Indicators (Green list is not all-inclusive. but provides a way). It includes: Tactical Questioning (TQ). 90 As of July 27. TSE Tie-In. Other Tips. Example TQ Layouts.5 color. Reporting Procedures.5 folded to 3.75 X 5. Use of Interpreters. and After. GTA 90-01-033 . tear resistant synthetic paper and folded to 2. Includes information on: Before Prevention is the Key. The Five Ss. 2015 . Leads.75 X 4.Inside the Wire Threats Afghanistan Green on Blue MEDIA: 4-page Card SYNOPSIS: This 7.5 X 5. Recording Procedures.ASYMMETRIC WARFARE GROUP: TACTICAL QUESTIONING MEDIA: 11 X 8. Initial Screening (JUMPS) Types of Questions.5 Card SYNOPSIS: Tactical Questioning is a 16-panel smart card.25. Task Organization. Indications of Lying. Friendly Forces Prevention Tools (Blue). 4-page smart card on synthetic material provides information on Inside the Wire Threats Afghanistan Green on Blue.GTA 90-01-023 . Reconnaissance Smartcard MEDIA: SYNOPSIS: GTA is 15 X 11 folded to 3. Local Security Measures. Curve Measurement Formula. Weapon Data. Area/Zone Recon Critical Tasks. Effect of Movement on Route Reconnaissance. Principles for Selecting/Manning Observation Posts. and Civil Considerations in the AO. Disrupt. Employ Full Complement of Tools: Observe. Identify.75X5. Layer Available Enablers. Targeting Example. 91 As of July 27. and Defeat. Shape. Define the Physical Area of Operation (AO). 2015 . Measuring Stream Width With a Compass. Topics include: Fundamentals.25X11 folded to 3. Understand Your AO. Deny. Percentage of Slope.75X5. Aircraft Request. Operation Order. Fire Request. Covers Counter Indirect Fire tools: INTEL Enablers.5 smartcard.5 smartcard. This card is designed to assist leaders at the section and platoon levels in the planning and execution of reconnaissance tasks. Attached Enablers.GTA 90-01-038 .Counter Indirect Fire MEDIA: Card SYNOPSIS:GTA is 11. 9 Line MEDEVAC. Route Recon Critical Tasks. GTA 90-01-040 . Guardian/QRD.1. and PMCS. Duke Indicator Lights. It covers Symphony. 2015 . CVRJ. Duke V3. Thor III. Duke/Jukebox.GTA 90-10-047: CREW SYSTEMS SMART CARD (V2011) MEDIA: Smart Card SYNOPSIS: GTA is 3.75”x 5. Duke V2. MMBJ-2. 92 As of July 27.5” color smart card on synthetic paper.
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