GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual

March 24, 2018 | Author: Dharmaraj Muthusamy | Category: Switch, Timer, Electrical Wiring, Power Supply, Power (Physics)



GST301Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual (Issue 1.0, July 2004) Global System Technology PLC .............................................. 1 Structure and Operation Principle.......................................... 12 Troubleshooting ........... 1 Mounting and Commission......................................................................................... 7 Operation................... 1 Technical Specifications..........................................................................GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution CONTENTS I II III IV V VI VII VIII 15 Cautions............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Features..................................................................gstplc................... 15 Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England Email tech....... b) 8 hours monitoring and half an hour alarm if the current of AUX power output is 100mA. The function of the panel is to monitor zones or areas for fire conditions and give an appropriate audible/visible Email tech. gas release can be controlled in field. a display board. With C-9317 Emergency Gas Override Control (emergency start/abort button). II Features GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel has 2 detection zones to achieve double-knock [email protected] Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual I Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution General GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel (hereinafter called the panel) is a stand-alone panel intended for use with gas extinguishing systems. 1. a main board. AUX Power Supply:100mA/24VDC Sounder Output: 0. The panel also provides a facility for initiating the gas release to achieve automatic protection. III Technical Specifications 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Operating voltage: 220 VAC 15%  Power consumption 20W (Monitoring Mode) Battery Requirement: 2X12VDC. and a transformer. no condensation  Dimension: 300mmX350mmX104mm Mounting Hole Distance: 260mm According to Standard: EN 54-2 IV Structure and Operation Principle 1 The panel is wall-mounted.5A/24VDC Release Output: 2A/24VDC. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. and a normal detection zone for extra usage. Its structure is shown in Fig. pulse Battery Charge Current: 300mA Maximum Detectors in Each Zone:15 Maximum Number of C-9317 Emergency Gas Override Control: 4 Operating Environment: Temperature: -10°C 55°C Relative Humidity: 95%. It mainly consists of a Page 1 .gstplc. both manually and automatically. 7Ah Battery Operating Time: a) 24 hours monitoring and half an hour alarm if the current of AUX power output is 0mA. ACTIVE   FAULT/ISO Zone1 Silence Zone2 Reset DELAY TIME   Gas Release Aux Zone Lamp Tes t Cylinder Auto Enable Start Evacuate Stop Pressure Switch Sounder1 Sounder2 Fire Power O Primary  AC Fault Batt Fault standby I STOP Control Enable Complies To EN 54-2 Page 2 .GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution 350 ACTIVE   FAULT/ISO Zone1 Silence Zone2 Reset Aux Zone DELAY TIME   Gas Release Lamp Test Cylinder Auto Enable Evacuate Stop Sounder1 Sounder2 Fire Power Pressure Switch O Primary  AC Fault 300 Start standby Batt Fault STOP I Control Enable Complies To EN 54-2 Fig. 2. 2 Front panel 2) Indicators Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. 1 Appearance 2 1) Front panel Front panel of the panel is shown in Email Indicating the time (in second) before gas releasing. OFF when the fault is removed. l Zone2 ACTIVE Red. l Start ACTIVE Green. Off when the fault is removed. Extinguished by reset. General fire indication. l Silence Green. l Zone1 Fault/ISO Amber. Lighted by fault with Emergency Start Button Circuit. Extinguished by reset. l Cylinder ACTIVE Green. l Gas Release Red. Lighted if the pressure switch is active (gas released) or after gas release output started (no pressure switch). Steadily lighted when the AUX zone is isolated. l Zone1 ACTIVE Red. Flashes when Zone1 has any fault.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Global System Technology PLC Installation and Operation Manual The Intelligent Solution l Power Green. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. l Cylinder FAULT/ISO Amber. Flashes when the release output is active. l AC Fault Amber. Extinguished when fault removed.gstplc. l Zone2 Fault/ISO Amber. Extinguished by reset. l Start FAULT Amber. Flashes when Zone1 is in alarm. Lighted when battery voltage is below 5V. l Auto Enable Green. Extinguished when fault removed. Lighted by fault with Emergency Abort Button Circuit. l DELAY TIME Red. Flashes when Zone2 has any fault. Flashes when the “STOP” key on panel or the field Emergency Abort Button is pressed. l Evacuate Green. Lighted by any fire signal. Lighted if the panel is silenced. Off when the fault is removed. Lighted steadily after it’s silenced. Lighted when power supplied. l Aux Zone Fault/ISO Amber. Lighted steadily in isolated Extinguished by reset. Extinguished by reset. l Stop FAULT Amber. Flashes when the AUX zone has any Page 3 . Flashes when the “START” key on the panel or the Emergency Start Button in field is pressed. Lighted steadily after it’s silenced. Lighted after gas released. Steadily lighted when Zone1 is isolated. Extinguished by reset. Off for manual only mode. Flashes when Zone2 is in alarm. Lighted if the panel is in automatic mode. Extinguished by reset. l Batt Fault Amber. Flashes during delay time. Flashes when the gas release output circuit has any fault. Flashes when the AUX Zone is in alarm. l Fire Red. Steadily lighted when Zone2 isolated. Lighted steadily after it’s silenced. l Pressure Switch ACTIVE Green. l Aux Zone ACTIVE Red. Lighted when there is AC Fault. Extinguished after output finished. Extinguished when it Email tech. l Stop ACTIVE Green. Flashes when “Evacuate” key is pressed. l Lamp Test Check indicators and the buzzer. The cylinder can still be discharged manually even if it is Page 4 .5s OFF mode). l START Manual release control button. local alarm will not be stopped. all keys can be operated. Stop by reset. the gas release will not be started even if fire is detected by detectors.gstplc. l Primary/Standby Switch gas release output between primary and standby. If delay timer is running. l Sounder 1 ACTIVE Green. Lighted by fault with pressure switch circuit. In disable mode (position “0”). AUX Zone and Cylinder. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England 3. l Reset Clear all inputs. Extinguished when sounder 2 output is stopped. Extinguished when the fault is removed. If this function is not enabled. l Evacuate Start the two sounder outputs. Inhibit automatic gas release output . Extinguished when sounder 1 output is stopped. Lighted by fault with sounder 2 Circuit. l Sounder2 ACTIVE Green. Sounder outputs will be resumed by new active events (fire/start/pressure switch action)   or new fault signal or by pressing “Evacuate” key. Lighted when sounder 1 output is started. Zone2. l Auto Enable Enable the automatic gas release function by fire alarm of two detectors. 3 Internal Structure 1) Internal structure of the panel is shown in Fig. and sounder outputs will be resumed within the last 15 seconds. l Control Enable Manual control authorization. But “ISO4” is only functioning for automatic gas release. Lighted when sounder 2 output is started. Extinguished when the fault is removed. only “Lamp Test” and “STOP” keys can be operated. Extinguished when the fault is Email tech.5s ON & 9. indications and outputs. 3) Keys & Switches l Silence Stop all sounder outputs and local alarm (panel buzzer will beep at 0.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Global System Technology PLC Installation and Operation Manual The Intelligent Solution l Pressure Switch FAULT Amber. l STOP Stop delay timer (keeping remained time shown). Lighted by fault with sounder 1 Circuit. l Sounder1 FAULT Amber. In enable mode (position “1”). l Sounder2 FAULT Amber. l ISO1 ISO4 Logically isolate corresponding terminals. Stop Sounder2 output. Available for Zone1. GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual 2) Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution Fig.   Input current fuse of the AC transformer: 1A   AC Input: 220VAC input   Main board   Battery: 12VDC 7Ah each   Display board   The cylinder output selection switch and manual control enable switch   Buzzer Main Board Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www.gstplc. 27VAC 3 Internal structure   AC transformer: 220VAC Email Page 5 . 4 Main board structure 3)   X5: Discharge remote output mode setting (NO/NC)   X4: Fire remote output mode setting (NO/NC)   X6: Fault remote output mode setting (NO/NC)   X1: Sounder1 output mode setting (Active/NO/NC)   X2: Sounder2 output mode setting (Active/NO/NC)   X3: Cylinder output mode setting (Active/NO/NC)   F5: Fuse of cylinder output (active mode)   F4: Fuse of Sounder2 output (active mode)   F3: fuse of Sounder1 output (active mode)   XT1.gstplc. XT2: AC terminal and battery terminal   D1: MCU Display Board Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England Email Page 6 .GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution   S2: Cylinder output pulse duration setting. Check the connection of all parts and make records for commissioning. etc. The main items are: Installation and Operation Manual and accessories. with delay or without delay. Mounting dimension is shown in Fig. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. 2 Check the inside configurations referring to Section 4 of this Email tech. 6.gstplc. 5 Display board   X1: Emergency action mode setting. V Mounting and Commission 1 Check the configuration according to packing list.   X2: Remote discharge remote output setting.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution Fig. Then check the appearance of the by pressure switch or output Page 7 .   S1: Delay time setting. 3 Mounting Method The panel is wall-mounted.   Sounder 2 +. N: AC220 240V input   PE: GND terminal   Batt+. L1: Emergency start/abort terminal connecting with C-9317. .   AUX Zone +.5A/24VDC active output. which can be set to NO/NC type. ./ Zone 1 Page 8 .   AC 27V. 7 Terminals   L. . -: Sounder outputs connecting with Audio / Visual 0. AC 27V input from transformer.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution Fig./ Sounder 1 +.gstplc./ Zone 2 +. 6 Mounting 4 Terminals L Sounder2 + - Aux+ Aux- Sounder1 + - Standby + - PE N AC 27V   BATT   +    - G L1 Aux Zone + - Primary + - k2 k1 L3 Zone + Stage2 2 - Zone + 1 - Discharge Fire Fault Fig.   L3. -: Battery input connecting with internal or external battery. G. -: Zone inputs connecting with Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England Email tech. Wiring diagram when using Active End of Line unit   Wiring diagram when using End of Line resistor is shown in Fig. 10.: Gas release output connecting with primary and standby cylinder.   AUX +.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Global System Technology PLC Installation and Operation Manual The Intelligent Solution conventional detectors and manual call points.5mm2 should be used. NO/NC dry contact. NO dry contact. AUX -: AUX power supply (100mA/24VDC). Sounder. Dry contact input. 8.   Discharge: Gas discharge remote indication output. 2 to 45 seconds adjustable pulse Email tech.   K2. 227 IEC 02 fire cable with cross section not less than 1./ Primary Emergency Start/Abort button and AUX Power. If the cable length is more than 50 meters.gstplc.   Fire: Fire remote indication output. 2) MCP Zone Input Terminals 470 (normal) A.E.O.L Panel Fig. Can be set to NO/NC type. NO/NC dry contact. MCP Zone Input Terminals Panel 470 (normal) MCP 470 (normal) 4.7k Resistor No Diode Fig.   Fault: Fault remote indication output. . 2A/24VDC active output. 227 IEC 02 fire cable with cross section not less than 2. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. NO/NC dry contact.5mm2 for Zone.8.   Stage 2: Pre-release remote output. Remote Output. Wiring Method   Wiring diagram when using Active End of Line unit is shown in Fig . 5 Wiring 1) Wire requirements: 227 IEC 02 fire cable with cross section not less than 1.   Standby +. . K1: Pressure switch input connecting with cylinder pressure switch. 9 Wiring diagram when using End of Line resistor   Wiring method of gas override control is shown in Fig.5mm2 for Cylinder Output (Primary & Standby) and Battery Page 9 . 9. 10 Wiring method of Emergency Start/Abort Button   Wiring method when driving cylinder is of active output mode is shown in Fig. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. Page 10 . 11 Wiring method when driving cylinder is of active output mode   Wiring method when driving sounder is of active output mode is shown in Fig. Primary/Standby 1N5408 Cylinder 24VDC >12 4.7k 0.25W 1N5408 Panel Add components Email tech. simple for connection with other systems. Typical system connection is shown in Fig.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution Contact Output Panel K1   K2 L1 G L3 L1+ G L3+ K1   K2 L2+ G L4+ L1+ G L3+ Emergency Start/Abort Button K1   K2 L2+ G L4+ Emergency Start/Abort Button L1+ G L3+ L2+ G L4+ 3k 3k Emergency Start/Abort Button Fig. 12 Wiring method when driving sounder is of active output mode 3)   All remote output are dry contact output.gstplc. Sounder1/ Sounder2 1N5408 Panel Sounder 24VDC 48 4.7k 0.25W 1N5408 Add components Fig. 12. X2 and F4 for SOUNDER 2. F5 (on the main board ). These output types can be configured through X1. Fig. these outputs can be changed to normally-open or normally-closed dry contact output. and X3 and F5 for gas release output. 14 below to set X1. Please refer to Fig.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution Fig. X1 and F3 is used to set SOUNDER 1. X3. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. Email tech. F3. X2 or X3. the current fuse (F3.gstplc. 13 Typical system connection 6 1) Commission Configuring the outputs Defaults of sounder outputs and gas release output are at 24VDC Active 14 Output configuration Note: if the output type is configured to normally-open or normally-closed dry contact. F4 or F5) must be removed. To meet the condition on site. Page 11 . X5 for discharge remote output. remove the 4) 5) jumper to set as not using pressure switch (active after gas release output). X4. X4 for fire remote output. The pulse duration can be set from 2 to 45 seconds by adjusting S2 (on the display board). 15 Remote output setting Setting gas release delay time The gas release delay time can be set from 0 to 90 seconds by adjusting S1 (on the display board). Details are shown in Table 1. 3) Configuring the discharge output The discharge output can be started by pressure switch or directly by gas release output. Default setting is using pressure switch. See Table 2. fault remote output types can be changed to normally-open or normally-closed dry contact type through setting X5. Configuring the remote output type The discharge. X5. Default set is 30s. Table 1 Position of S1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Delay time 6) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Setting gas release output pulse duration The gas release output is in pulse Page 12 45 [email protected]. Setting method for X4. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. 15. X6 for fault remote output.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Global System Technology PLC Installation and Operation Manual The Intelligent Solution 2) Configuring the Emergency Start Button Press the emergency start button in field can start the gas release with or without delay. and X6 is shown in Fig. fire. Table 2 Position of S2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pulse duration 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 VI Operation 1 Cause and Effect The following table shows the actions of the panel under different conditions. Short X1 (on the display board) to set with delay and remove the jumper to set without delay. Default setting is with delay. X6. Details are shown in the following Email tech. Default setting is 5 seconds. Short X2 (on the display board) to set as using pressure switch. Fig. Show remaining time. Stop Key on panel 8 ♦ Stop Timer. start the discharge output after the release output started. start the discharge output after the release output started. pressed No gas delay timer ♦ No action Pressure Switch ♦ Start discharge remote output if pressure switch is 9 active used.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Installation and Operation Manual No. Show remaining time. During gas delay timing ♦ Stop Sounder2 output. But it can be started by pressing the “START” key on the panel. ♦ Start Fault Remote output 10 Any Fault ♦ Light corresponding LED (internal fault is indicated by delay time indicator).com Page 13 . ♦ Sounder1 start immediately ♦ Sounder2 start immediately ♦ Fire remote output active immediately ♦ Stage 2 remote output active immediately Emergency start 5 ♦ Start the release delay timer or start the gas release button pressed output immediately (select the option by jumper when commissioning) ♦ If pressure switch is not used. the action will be kept until the presse d key released. start the discharge output after the release output Global System Technology PLC The Intelligent Solution Cause Effect ♦ Sounder1 start immediately 1 Zone1 alarm ♦ Fire remote output active immediately ♦ Sounder1 start immediately 2 Zone2 alarm ♦ Fire remote output active immediately ♦ Sounder1 start immediately 3 AUX Zone alarm ♦ Fire remote output active immediately ♦ Sounder1 start immediately ♦ Sounder2 start immediately ♦ Fire remote output active immediately Zone1 & Zone2 ♦ Stage 2 remote output active immediately 4 alarm ♦ Delay timer start immediately ♦ Gas release output start after timing finished ♦ If pressure switch is not used. Switch pressed No gas delay timer ♦ No action During gas delay timing ♦ Stop Sounder2 output. ♦ Sounder1 start immediately ♦ Sounder2 start immediately Start key on panel ♦ Fire remote output active immediately 6 pressed ♦ Gas start immediately without delay ♦ If pressure switch is not used. Emergency Abort 7 ♦ Stop Timer. Note: If the gas release action has finished. otherwise it will not be Email tech. 2 Preparation before installation and operation Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. the panel will not repeat automatic start or delay start. Do not switch on the mains supply before connecting well. The output terminal will be electronically isolated. Set the sounder1/sounder2/cylinder output mode.gstplc. if the timer is finished and the panel is starting the gas release action. This operation is controlled under “Control Enable” switch. open circuit. Set remote discharge output by pressure switch or by gas release output action. 2) Starting gas release in field Press the Emergency Start button on field will start the gas release output with or without delay (configurable). Set delay time and output pulse duration. Note. 5 3 Battery Connection. or cylinder circuit is not used. 3 Configuration (refer to Clause 6 of Section 5) Set the discharge/fire/fault/stage 2 remote output mode. Check the cables before connecting them to the panel.C mains to the panel and turn on the break. 4 Power Up Connect the A. This operation is controlled under “Control Enable” switch (by key). If the panel reacts well after mains on. (If it’s within gas release delay Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. the “Silence” key will not act. NO or NC. the stop operation will not Email tech. Set emergency start with delay or without if the timer is finished and the panel is starting the gas release action. This function is not inhibited by “Auto Enable” and “Control Enable” setting. ACTIVE. 4) Stopping gas release in field During the gas release delay time. alarm circuit. 2 Do Wiring( referring to Clause 5 of Section 5).GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Global System Technology PLC Installation and Operation Manual The Intelligent Solution 1 Remove the two screws on the panel surface and open the front cover. an end of line resistor must be connected to the corresponding terminal. 3) Stopping gas release from the panel During the gas release delay timing. you can disconnect the mains and connect the batteries with correct polarity. Ensure that there is no problem of short circuit. Note: if the “Evacuate” key is active. Note. The output terminal will be electronically isolated. the stop operation will not function. press the emergency abort switch will stop the timer. Manual Operations 1) Starting gas release from the panel Press the “START” key on the panel will start the gas release output without any Page 14 . press the “STOP” key will stop the timer. 5) Silencing the sounders & alarming panel Press “Silence” key to stop sounder outputs and the buzzer of the panel. etc. This function is not inhibited by “Auto Enable” and “CONTROL ENABLE” setting. Note: If any zone. NO or NC. This function is not inhibited by “Auto Enable” setting. earth fault and cross connection. In this Email tech. will gas release output be completely inhibited. This operation is controlled by “Control Enable” Page 15 . and output fault remote signal. gas release can still be active by the “START” if the problem cannot be removed immediately. the corresponding current fuse must be removed! ‘ISO4’ operation is only valid for gas release actions caused by emergency start button and detection zones. switch the output to standby terminal. only when “ISO4” is active and “Control Enable” is Off. If the re is any serious internal error during self-test. The panel must be maintained or repaired by authorised and skilled person. So. The “START” key on the panel is not under control. That means even if the output is isolated. De-isolate to resume the functions. Zone2. 7) Isolation/De-isolation operation In case of false-alarm and fault. 8) Standby cylinder output To ensure fire protection. the panel will show flashing ‘E0’ on its front panel and start the fault remote output. After the problem is solved. The panel must be properly grounded to ensure safety. the panel will light corresponding fault indicator. If there is any short or broken circuit with wiring of a certain zone. there should be 2 sets of gas cylinders in field. VII Troubleshooting The panel itself is able to check and judge fault. the faulty zone can be logically isolated in order to avoid false-release and noises. Pressing the corresponding “ISO1 ISO4” key to change the isolation condition. VIII Cautions l l l l l If the cylinder’s output or the sounder’s output is set as a normally-open or normally-closed type. AUX Zone and the Cylinder. Global System Technology PLC London EC1R 3AU England www. Note: Only the circuit in use is monitored.GST301 Extinguishing Control Panel Global System Technology PLC Installation and Operation Manual The Intelligent Solution time. The sounder outputs will be resumed in the lasts 15 seconds.gstplc. The Isolation/De-isolation operation is available for Zone1. pressing “Silence” will not stop the panel alarming.) 6) Starting the sounders Press “Evacuate” key to start the sounder outputs. please contact GST technical support personnel. repair must be done. low pressure or other problems). If it still cannot work normally or still alarm fault. In case of fault with the primary (discharge. This operation is controlled by “Control Enable” switch.
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