GSM -Query Training

March 29, 2018 | Author: mitmap123 | Category: Time Series, Statistics, Information Retrieval, Computer File, Microsoft Excel



Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 1 Ericsson Iran Queries Training Course GSM Radio Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 2 Ericsson Iran The content of this manual is provided for information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Actix. Actix assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that appear in this documentation. Copyright © Actix 2007. All rights reserved. All trademarks are hereby acknowledged. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 3 Ericsson Iran Contents 1 ABOUT THIS COURSE..................................................................................... 1.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE ..................................................................... 1.2 COURSE PRE-REQUISITES......................................................................... 1.3 COURSE STRUCTURE .............................................................................. 2 WHAT ARE QUERIES? .................................................................................... 2.1 QUERY TYPES ...................................................................................... 2.2 FILTER QUERIES ................................................................................... 2.3 HISTOGRAM QUERIES ............................................................................. 2.4 STATISTICS QUERIES .............................................................................. 2.5 BINNED QUERIES .................................................................................. 2.6 CROSSTAB QUERIES ............................................................................... 2.7 EVENT QUERIES .................................................................................... 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 9 3 INTRODUCTION TO THE ANALYSIS MANAGER ........................................................11 4 CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................13 5 PARAMETERS USED ......................................................................................14 6 QUERY DESIGN ..........................................................................................17 6.1 COVERAGE HOLES – FILTER .....................................................................17 6.2 COVERAGE HOLES – BINNED ....................................................................21 6.3 DOMINANCE 1 – BINNED ........................................................................25 6.4 DOMINANCE 2 – BINNED ........................................................................29 6.5 INTERFERENCE PER BCCH – BINNED ..........................................................31 6.6 COVERAGE ISLAND ANALYSIS – HISTOGRAM ..................................................33 6.7 DROPPED CALL STATISTICS – STATISTICS ....................................................36 6.8 MS ANALYSIS STATISTICS – CROSSTAB .......................................................38 6.9 MERGED ANALYSIS AT CALL SETUP – EVENT ..................................................44 6.10 DROPPED CALL ANALYSIS – EVENT ...........................................................49 6.11 CALL SETUP SEQUENCE ANALYSIS – CROSSTAB ............................................52 7 REPORT TEMPLATES .....................................................................................57 7.1 SINGLE FILE REPORT TEMPLATE ................................................................57 7.2 MULTIPLE FILE REPORT TEMPLATE..............................................................61 8 APPENDIX ................................................................................................64 8.1 “STATE()” VS. “PREV_STATE()” ................................................................64 8.2 LITTLE-KNOWN QUERY COMMANDS .............................................................65 8.2.1 abstime( rounding_factor ) .........................................................65 8.2.2 delta( parameter ).....................................................................65 8.2.3 get( parameter, index, message_number ) ...................................66 8.2.4 prev_time_where( message_expression ) .....................................66 8.2.5 prev_message_where( message_expression ) ...............................66 8.2.6 default( primary_ expression, secondary_ expression ) ...................66 8.3 SETTING A TIMER STATISTICS USING CROSSTAB QUERIES ...................................67 8.4 CELL LOOKUP QUERY FUNCTIONS ..............................................................69 8.5 EDITING EXISTING REPORT TEMPLATES ........................................................70 8.6 USEFUL FORMAT GROUPS (FOR FREQUENT USE)..............................................71 00175 with specific settings enabled in Tools > Preferences… Each PC should be set in an identical manner.2 Course pre-requisites Delegates must have completed the Platform Training before beginning this Query Training course.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 4 Ericsson Iran 1 About this course 1.3 Course structure This course is structured over 1.1 Objectives of the course After completing this course. teaching each method through “real-world” scenarios. the delegate will be able to: • • • Select the most appropriate query for the type of analysis Design the query in the most efficient manner Use queries for both structured and ad-hoc analysis methods This course steps through the different types of queries.03. from simple queries and building in complexity. 1. 1. Subsequent releases may include differences in averages or message totals due to different features being introduced in the future.5 days according to the following agenda: • • • Introduction to the Analysis Manager Query types overview Query building • • • Coverage holes Interference analysis Server dominance analysis . This course documentation provides screenshots based on Build 4. to give engineers the understanding and confidence to design their own queries from the minute the course ends. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 5 Ericsson Iran • • • • • Call setup sequence analysis File and call analysis Dropped Call Analysis Combining two handset data streams into the same expression Call sequence messaging • • • • • Commonly-used functions Analysing information held in different Layer 3 messages Formatting results Exporting queries to create report templates Tips and Tricks for faster and more efficient query building . 1 Query types Queries are available in the following types. meaning that the underlying raw data has not changed. applying thresholds and applying built-in functions to the measurements to highlight radio problems. further than simply visualising the collected measurements on a map/chart/table. It is important to note that the filter is applied to each view. Queries are a method for combining collected measurements together. tables etc now contain a filtered view. generate KPI statistics or investigate problems.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 6 Ericsson Iran 2 What are queries? The Analyzer Platform includes a sophisticated method of analysing drive-test and protocol data. and can be applied in combination to narrow down a problem to a specific area. but all maps. 2. regardless of which parameter is being viewed. each with an increasing level of complexity: • • • • • • Filters Histograms Statistics Time-Series (called “Binned Queries”) Multi-Dimensional Statistics (called “Crosstab Queries”) Event-Triggered Window Statistics (called “Event Queries”) 2. charts. .2 Filter queries Filters can be very simple. if a simple filter of “RxLevEither < -92 dBm” is applied to the following chart… only the values satisfying the filter will be returned… .Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 7 Ericsson Iran For example. 2. these can be viewed on the map. series tab of the table and workbook.4 Statistics queries These return the Mean.3 Histogram queries These can return the PDF (count) histogram for any parameter or expression. However. time view chart. these will be subject to whichever binning method has been chosen. Standard Deviation and Variance of the parameter or expression used. As you are essentially creating a new time-series parameter. Median. Count. so they can be used to create a new time-series dataset. Maximum. . or by specifying ranges or discrete values for the histogram bars and can only be viewed in the histogram tab of the chart. but have the advantage of running at every binned message point in the file. table and workbook. 2.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 8 Ericsson Iran 2.5 Binned queries These can be as simple or as complex as needed to be. Minimum. Mode. as can be seen by the following breakdown of “Handover Interval” times. but it is also possible to override the platform binning setting from inside the Expression Builder window. either using the ranges found in the datafile. These can only be viewed in the Statistics tab of the table and workbook. and an optional window before and after . The results will be across the whole file.7 Event queries This type of query is essentially the same as a crosstab query with the difference being that a trigger event is defined first. but any number of statistics can be returned. Here you can see 6 statistic columns for each unique Site ID row.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 9 Ericsson Iran 2.6 Crosstab queries This type of query can be used to generate statistics against any dimension available. from a set of possible options such as “Count”. “Percent True”. 2. so the results are not in the time-series domain anymore. “Last Value” or “Sum”. These have their own visualisation tool – the Statistics Explorer. It is within these windows that the statistics are calculated.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 10 Ericsson Iran (measured in either time or number of messages) can be defined. 5000 ms Event trigger 5000 ms Event trigger 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time in milliseconds . and event queries to be set to “load-time” (covered later). . edited and deleted. It allows new queries to be written. It is also possible to view any of the existing queries already embedded into the solution by selecting the second tab “Existing Analyses”. existing queries to be imported and exported.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 11 Ericsson Iran 3 Introduction to the Analysis Manager The Analysis Manager is the central point for managing queries. Here you can see the 6 different types of queries it is possible to create. with the three panels at the bottom for the attribute list.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 12 Ericsson Iran There are also three other terms which will be used throughout this query training course which. In the top-right corner. enumerated list selector. either using the drop-down list of available formats or by using the Attribute Picker (denoted by the button). these are: the Expression Editor. will become common tools for creating and editing queries. although new to begin with. Format Group and the Attribute List / Picker. . it is possible to select a different format for your results. and list of available functions. You can see the main expression builder window. Query Name Format of results Format attribute picker Expression builder window Pre-written expressions Quick-Pick functions Binning override Attribute List Enumerated List Selector Function List The Expression Editor is above. Cellrefs file should be set to the CELLREFS_SVS_QUERY. 1800 and 1900. This section contains the settings needed for the remainder of the course. • • • • • • • • • • The Analyzer Classic view will be used throughout the training course. . ensure the values are set to the defaults. GPS Transformation should be set to “Default (degrees)” In the Tools > Display Thresholds… window. Scanner Load Mode should be set to “Load all scanner data” Load Speed Default should be set to “Load all” GSM Bands Used should be set to 900.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 13 Ericsson Iran 4 Configuration It is important to aid understanding of the query design that all PCs are set identically during the training.TXT file (and restart SVS) GPS Interpolation should be disabled Time offsets from GMT should both be set to 0 (switch and mobile) Binning should be set to “message” with the bin size of 1. This is to allow the course instructor to be able to explain any problems as the course progresses. this screenshot can be used as a reference for the various parameters used in this course. [Independent parameters] [GPS and File parameters] . and save parameters as favourites.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 14 Ericsson Iran 5 Parameters used While there are various features allowing users to search for. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 15 Ericsson Iran [Statistics and Dedicated Radio Link] [Serving Cell Parameters] . Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 16 Ericsson Iran [Downlink Measurements and Nbor info] [Event Data and Nemo parameters] . Step 3: By right-clicking on the scanner stream name.1 Coverage Holes – filter Logfile Name Aim Nemo Drive Test 1. and select the ServRxLevEither parameter using the attribute picker button ( ).dt1”. Definition ServRxLevEither < -95 Step 1: From Analyzer Classic view. load the logfile “Nemo Drive Test 1. You will notice that the wizard automatically puts the “state( )” function around the parameter name.dt1 Coverage Holes filter To find areas in the network which have bad RxLev coverage (idle and dedicated mode). Step 5: Selecting the filter type to be “strictly less than” (<) and enter the threshold coverage level of -95dBm.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 17 Ericsson Iran 6 Query Design 6. Step 2: Locate the ServRxLevEither parameter from the Attribute Explorer (under GSM > DownLink Measurements grouping) and by right-clicking on it. . Step 4: Create the filter with the title as above. So to include it in a filter. select “Create new filter”. display it on a chart. This is because not every message contains every parameter. it will need to be “held” across messages that do not contain the RxLev measurements. The chart should be filtered to only show the values below -95dBm: Step 7: Add the ServRxQualSub parameter to the same chart by dragging it onto the chart (from the GSM > Downlink Measurements grouping). you are only showing the RxQual values where the RxLev is greater than -95dBm. . Notice how this parameter has also been filtered.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 18 Ericsson Iran Title Attribute Picker Boolean operator Expression Builder Output format Threshold Step 6: Click OK to apply the filter. Filters are applied to the WHOLE STREAM – meaning that when you display the best RxQual value on a chart. Step 9: Give your new filter the title: “Poor Quality”. Step 15: Right-click on the scanner stream name and follow the Filter sub-menu. not from the right-click menu of that stream. Step 13: Right-click on the scanner stream name and follow the Filter sub-menu. select the Filter option and click the New… button. Step 12: Click OK to close the wizard. Step 10: Using the Attribute Picker as before. and enter 5 as the threshold. and you will see your chart change to look like this: . This is because it was created from the Analysis Manager. The new “Poor Quality” filter is not selected. Select the “OR” option. select ServRxQualSub from the DownLink Measurements grouping. Step 14: Select your new filter and you will see the chart filtered even further – to only show areas where there is both RxLev < -95 AND RxQual >= 5. This will open the Filter Wizard.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 19 Ericsson Iran Step 8: Now open Tools > Analysis Manager. Step 11: Choose the greater than or equal to (>=) option. and OK again to save your query into the workspace. table etc. This is why it is best to use the attribute picker to choose your . (When filters are enabled. chart.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 20 Ericsson Iran This is because you are now filtering for all areas where either RxLev < -95 OR RxQual >= 5. is that regardless of which parameter you use to filter the device stream. all parameters you view on the map. You have displayed the RxLev and RxQual on the chart. will also be filtered.) The important point to remember about filters. they have the small tick displayed next to them. and are now showing all areas where either of these 2 filters has been triggered. Step 16: Disable both the filters by de-selecting it in the filter list again. Then from inside the “Downlink Measurements” grouping. to “hold” it across all other messages that do not contain that parameter. Step 4: Type the name “Coverage Holes binned” into the Description… field. double-click on: ServRxLevEither Step 7: You will notice that there are a few RxLev parameters available.dt1 Coverage Holes binned To find areas in the network which have bad server coverage. See the Annex for a more detailed description of the state( ) function.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 21 Ericsson Iran parameter. open logfile “Nemo Drive Test 1.dt1”. scroll down to find the GSM grouping. Step 2: Open the Tools menu and select Analysis Manager. because SVS will automatically add the state( ) function around your filter parameter. 6. Step 5: Click the left mouse button to place the cursor into the expression builder area. _Idle is only from idle mode measurements. _Full and _Sub are only reported in dedicated mode dependent on whether DTX is used in the uplink. Strongest RxLev < -95 dBm Step 1: Unless it was opened in the previous exercise. Step 8: Complete the expression by typing the equality check: ServRxLevEither < -95 . Step 3: Select the Binned Query type and click the New… button. Note that this can also be performed by the hotkey combination Ctrl+A. Step 6: In the Attribute List.2 Coverage Holes – binned Logfile Name Aim Definition Nemo Drive Test 1. and Either which uses the _Idle while in idle mode and the _Full while in dedicated mode. without a suffix is used for Abis analysis as it intelligently selects the best between _Full or _Sub. Select the format box. Step 11: Click OK to close the Binned Query builder. which you can display on the map… . it is possible to either scroll through the list until you find it. and OK again to save your query into the Analysis Manager. and type “b” and “o” and you will notice that you have already selected “Boolean”. or if you know another parameter with the same units you can select it from the Attribute Picker – the right-pointing arrow. represented internally as 0 or 1. and it will automatically index the search on what you type.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 22 Ericsson Iran Step 9: You will also notice that the Format in the top-right corner has automatically jumped to GSM RxLev. as we have just created a Boolean expression – an expression that can only evaluate to either FALSE or TRUE. Step 10: To change the format of the result to match the expression. This is now incorrect. Step 12: Inside the scanner stream in the Workspace Explorer. It is also possible to type directly into the format box. you will be able to find your new Binned Query. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 23 Ericsson Iran Step 13: This gives a good overall picture of where the problem lie, but it would be better to only show the points where the holes existed. We will now modify our query to remove the orange “false” points. Right-click on the query name in the Workspace Explorer: Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 24 Ericsson Iran Step 14: Modify the expression to place an “if( )” function around it1: if(ServRxLevEither < -95, 1, NULL ) Step 15: Save the query again and re-display it on a map. You will notice that all the points are now visible (some may have been hidden by “false” values previously. 1 Notice the commas separating the elements of the statement, and the use of the keyword “NULL” to create an empty bin for the query at that message point. This works in the same way as MS Excel’s conditional statement: if( condition, true statement, false statement) Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 25 Ericsson Iran 6.3 Dominance 1 – binned Logfile Name Aim Definition Nemo Drive Test 1.dt1 Dominance 1 To find areas where the server is weaker than the strongest neighbour. For every point in the map, show the areas where the ServRxLevSub is weaker than the best NBorRxLev Step 1: Create a new binned query and enter the title “Dominance 1”. Step 2: Click inside the expression builder panel to move the cursor and scroll down inside the functions list on the right-hand side until “array_count” is found. Step 3: Double-click on “array_count” and you will notice that it has been added to the expression builder with placeholders for the various elements of the function. This function needs a parameter, a test and a constant expression: array_count( <<attribute[]>> , <<operation>> , <<expr>> ) Notice how you are prompted for an array-parameter by the square braces. Step 4: With the <<attribute>> part still highlighted, scroll down inside the attribute list inside the GSM > Neighbor Cell Info grouping2 and double-click on the parameter: NborRxLev Step 5: Now select the operation marker in the middle of the function and type “>” and select the expression marker at the end of the function and type “-”. Step 6: Your expression should look like this: array_count(NborRxLev[] , > , -60 ) 2 Arrays can be either “sorted arrays” where the array elements are sorted from 0..n (where n is the number of valid measurements) or “sparse arrays” which are indexed according to a different parameter, such as ARFCN . display it on the map.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 26 Ericsson Iran Step 7: Once you have saved your query. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 27 Ericsson Iran Step 8: Edit your query and change the format to “Count”. but the formatting of the results is much more meaningful. . The important thing to note is that the results are still the same. and your results should be as follows. edit your query to repeat the addition of the if( ) statement from the earlier example and tighten the definition to only show the areas where there is pilot pollution according to the original aim of the query. .Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 28 Ericsson Iran Step 9: Now we have displayed the count of scanned values above -60 dBm. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 29 Ericsson Iran 6. Definition For every point in the map. Step 1: Build up your query as in the previous examples. until you have the following expression: This should display results as follows (after a legend re-format): .dt1 Dominance 2 To find areas where there are too many signals within 6dB of the serving cell. only show the areas where there are 3 or more neighbour signals within 6 dB of the serving signal.4 Dominance 2 – binned Logfile Name Aim Nemo Drive Test 1. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 30 Ericsson Iran Badly affected area . This query should be completed without checking back at the previous examples.dt1 Interference binned To find Cell BCCH’s in areas with good coverage but poor quality For every point in the map.5 Interference per BCCH – binned Logfile Name Aim Definition Nemo Drive Test 1. For this query. use the strongest ServBCCH (from the GSM > Serving Cell Parameters grouping) value to return the ARFCN. . show the BCCH where the ServRxLevSub was better than -85 dBm and ServRxQualSub was worse than 3. return the strongest CI value.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 31 Ericsson Iran 6. It can be compiled by breaking the problem down into its constituent parts: check ServRxLevSub was > -85 check ServRxQualSub was >= 4 at message points where this is true. 600 and 608. .Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 32 Ericsson Iran The map legend results show that most of the interference is affecting a small number of channels: 589. This is shown in the screenshot. . select: ServTimingAdvanceActual from the GSM > Dedicated Radio Link grouping. and do not require the value to be held across subsequent messages.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 33 Ericsson Iran 6.6 Coverage Island Analysis – histogram Logfile Name Aim Nemo Drive Test 1. Step 3: Type the title “Coverage Island Hist”.3 3 You will notice that the state( ) function has not been added this time. Step 1: Press CTRL-A to display the Analysis Manager. Step 4: From the Attribute Picker.dt1 Coverage Island Histogram To display the distribution of the Timing Advance for quick coverage island analysis Definition Show the counts of ServTimingAdvanceActual from 0 to 63. This is because we are performing more of a statistical analysis of only the TA values themselves. Step 2: Double-click the Histogram Query icon to open the Histogram Wizard. Step 8: Click OK to end the wizard. . Step 7: You will see your 64 ranges appear in the box above. and OK to save you query. Step 6: Set the minimum value to be 0.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 34 Ericsson Iran Attribute Picker Title Histogram Type Expression Builder Column settings Manually create & edit columns Number of autogenerated columns Autogenerate columns Filter Step 5: Select the 2nd option of histogram types…manually specifying discrete values. Step 9: From the Query section in the Workspace Explorer (ensuring you are looking at the handset device stream now). and select the “Inclusive” checkbox. Step 8: Type “64” as the number of columns to generate and click Generate. open the Histogram grouping. Step 7: Set the maximum value to be 63. and select the “Inclusive” checkbox. right-click on your new histogram and display on a table. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 35 Ericsson Iran Step 10: Change the view to the Histogram tab in the middle. and select the Filter… button. but the query will be more efficient in terms of speed and memory usage .4 4 To improve the efficiency of this query. Build the following filter: ServTimingAdvanceActual >= 0 This will only trigger the query on message points where there are values for the TA. and you will see your results displayed. It will not affect the results. edit the query. This option could be used if the engineer wishes to remove spurious results that affect averages adversely.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 36 Ericsson Iran 6. Step 1: From the handset device stream. Step 6: Select OK to exit the wizard and OK to save your query.7 Dropped Call Statistics – statistics Logfile Name Aim Definition Nemo Drive Test 1. Step 3: Enter the title as above. to show the total count. Step 5: Keep the default option of not excluding any data from the calculation. Step 4: Choose (using the Attribute Picker) the EventCallDropped parameter (from the GSM > Event Data grouping). Step 2: Select the Statistic query wizard and click the New button. Generate statistics for the dropped calls. .dt1 Dropped Call Stats To display the count of the dropped calls. right-click on the Queries item in the Workspace Explorer and choose “Create a New Query”. time series binned queries and crosstab/event queries. open your query onto a Workbook.5 5 Notice that it has been created into a sheet called “Statistic Formatted Data”.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 37 Ericsson Iran Step 7: From the Workspace Explorer. Similar sheets are created for histograms. . All statistics will be added to this sheet. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 38 Ericsson Iran 6. This shows that the state( ) function has been added around your dimension to make sure that the FileName attribute is held across the whole file (so you can ask for any statistics from any Layer 3 or proprietary message. Step 3: Enter the title of “File and MS statistics” Step 4: Choose the dimension of FileName from the Attribute Picker (inside Independent > File Info). The dimension will be used to create a set of unique rows. and relate these to the filename. So our crosstab query is built up from these basic objects – a dimension and a set of statistics. 6 By using the Attribute Picker. Step 1: Load file “Nemo Drive Test 2. and the columns will contain the statistics results. Y & Z) and the dimension (File). y & z per file”. state( ) will always be placed around the parameter. indexed using the call ID. This statement has 2 parts: the statistics (X. using MS parameters collected during the calls.dt1 File and MS statistics To generate statistics for each call which is contained in the logfile Generate file and call statistics for each call. average quality and maximum Timing Advance. Step 2: Open the Analysis Manager and select the Crosstab query wizard. setup procedure outcome. This set of examples will build up a large crosstab query to return overview information for the logfile and also call-by-call statistics such as setup time. and filesize.6 Note that the title shows (last valid value). and they will still be calculated for the filename). we will define a set of file statistics such as the start & end time. the function should be manually added to the expression before choosing the dimension parameter. . This can be reworded as: “Return statistics x.dt1”. If the Expression Builder is used. To define the initial query.8 MS Analysis Statistics – crosstab Logfile Name Aim Definition Nemo Drive Test 2. Step 6: Give the statistics the title “File Size” .Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 39 Ericsson Iran Dimension Attribute Picker Title Dimension List Reorder & Copy Buttons Statistics List Crosstab global filter Step 5: Click on the New Statistic button to add a new statistic. Step 10: From the Nemo Drive Test 2 file.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 40 Ericsson Iran Attribute Picker Title Statistic Type Expression Builder Statistic filter Step 7: Each statistic can take one of a number of pre-defined types. . and the File Size column as the statistic. Step 8: Choose the FileSize parameter from Attribute Picker (inside Independent > File Info). right-click on the new Crosstab query and display on the Statistics Explorer. but for this case. we will be using the “Last Valid Value” statistic to return the most recent value. OK to exit the Crosstab wizard and OK to save the query. Step 9: Click OK to save the statistic. You can see the filename dimension as the unique row. and Mean Lin. Step 16: Your Statistics Explorer should now display the following results. Step 14: Save the modification and select the query again in the Statistics Explorer. Your filesize will now be formatted in Kb. Step 15: Add 2 new statistics: Mean ServRxLevSub. and set the format to “Kilobytes”. The statistics types to be used as Mean.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 41 Ericsson Iran Step 11: The file size units are still bytes. Step 13: Divide the FileSize by 1024. Mean (linear) value converts the values into the Watt scale. performs the average and then converts the values back into dBm scale. These should be both using the same parameter from the GSM > Downlink Measurements grouping. Step 12: Click the Edit Statistic button. so edit the query and select the File Size statistic. and Mean (linear) respectively. ServRxLevSub. and then click Edit to open the Expression Builder for the expression. .7 Step 17: Now add the following statistics on your own (see Step 19 over the page for the Format to use in each case): 7 The Mean statistic simply averages using the arithmetic mean of all valid values. This should give results formatted as follows: .Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 42 Ericsson Iran Step 19: The formats of the statistics should be set as follows: Total drops = Count HO Duration Time (ms) = Time % EFR = Percentage Mean Server (Km) = Float This can be done by editing the statistic parameter and setting the Format option in the Expression Builder manually. The number in brackets after the dimension refers to the number of messages from the file which were identified by that dimension.000 messages scanned throughout the file to compile these results. Eg: There were over 22.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 43 Ericsson Iran dBm average Watts average 2 decimal places 6 decimal places How to interpret the results: • • • There were 4 dropped calls All voice channel assignments were to the EFR codec. . With the two drivetest files collected. . with a trigger condition and window applied to it. An event query will be used for this example.dt1 and Nemo Drive Test 2. and double-click the Event Query wizard. which is a special type of crosstab query. It is possible to merge on the timestamps as both devices were separated by an hour. Step 2: Select the previous query “File and MS Statistics” and click the Export… button – we will be using it later.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 44 Ericsson Iran 6. reporting MS statistics. indexed using the File and call ID.dt1 Merged Call Setup Analysis To generate statistics at each call setup from both drivetest files Create event query triggered on CM Service Request. it is a useful feature to be able to analyse both at the same time as they can be merged using the Superstream function (under the Tools… menu).9 Merged Analysis at Call Setup – event Logfile Name Aim Definition Nemo Drive Test 1. Step 1: Open the Analysis Manager and select the second tab: “Existing Analyses”. Step 4: Press Ctrl+A to open the Analysis Manager. using the default merge settings (based on timestamps). Step 3: Superstream the two handset device streams from the above file. Trigger Attribute Picker Window Options Trigger Expression Builder Window Size Protocol Discriminator Discriminator Attribute Picker Step 6: Click Next > and the usual crosstab query wizard will be displayed. and will uniquely identify the event on a row. and create the first statistic as the Last Value of state(DT_Call_Id). . with the EventTime dimension added automatically. use a window setting of 5000ms before the event.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 45 Ericsson Iran Step 5: Create the trigger “GSM_Um_Msg_Type== 1316” (MM CM Service Request). This is the function event_time() in relative milliseconds from the beginning of the file. Step 7: Enter the title “Merged Call Setup Analysis”. Add FileName as a second dimension and move to the top using the “UP” button. Display the query on the Statistics Explorer from the Queries > Crosstab grouping.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 46 Ericsson Iran Step 8: Click OK to close the wizard. and OK to save your query. A window before and/or after the trigger condition in a number of messages or milliseconds is created. but it can also be used to extract individual calls from a drivetest file. indicating calls from the second file We will now add a new dimension to distinguish between the two files. Step 9: Add the FileName as a second dimension. and the crosstab query will be evaluated only during the window. The discriminator is mainly used to distinguish between calls on protocol interfaces.8 Repeated call IDs. 8 The query will only evaluate when the trigger condition is fulfilled. . but in case we wanted to modify our trigger to be a different message. We did not need to use ServRxLevEither to get a true average.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 47 Ericsson Iran Step 10: Re-order so it is the first dimension by clicking the Up button. . Step 12: Click OK to save your query and OK to commit the query into the workspace. Step 11: Add new statistics for: Mean of ServRxLevEither and Last Value of the GSM_DT_Call_Type. Use the default Formats suggested for each statistic. it is the best choice. as the level will be reported in a mixture of idle and dedicated parameters either side of the CM Service Request. This is due to the fact that some are Layer 3 but some proprietary o the logging tool. You can see here that there are a different number messages being analysed in each 5 second window before each CM Service Request message. Save your queries to your desktop.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 48 Ericsson Iran Step 13: Open the Analysis Manager and switch to the second tab: Existing Analyses. . Step 14: Highlight all queries created so far and click the Export… button. These will give us a good diagnosis of possible contributors to the drop. and Dominance etc. to analyse TA. TimeOfDay as the format. This event query will concentrate around the EventCallDropped events in the file. Name Aim Definition MS Dropped Call Stats To analyse each dropped call to report possible diagnosis Create event query triggered on dropped call event. use the definition of dominance already covered in an earlier example.10 Dropped Call Analysis – event Logfile Nemo Drive Test 1. and “on or after” the event. 9 This 2nd dimension allows us to separate out the window around the trigger event into “strictly before”. This returns text in the Statistics Explorer which is easier to understand. We will compare the CI before and after the drop.9 Step 5: Create a statistic called Drop Time. Step 4: Edit the Format of the EventBefore dimension. . Step 1: Ensure that you have the two Nemo files superstreamed on Timestamps. and also the distance away from the cell using the Timing Advance. 10000ms before and 5000ms after the trigger (do not merge the windows). and create 2 windows. superstreamed on Time.dt1. and ask for the Last Value.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 49 Ericsson Iran 6. using “abstime( )” as the expression. allowing us to analyse statistics around the event. to be “Before After”. Step 3: Do not choose a discriminator – but click the Next > button.dt1 and Nemo Drive Test 2. Step 2: Create an event query that triggers on the GSM EventCallDropped event. We will create 2 windows this time – 10 seconds before and 5 seconds after the drop. Step 8: Open the Expression Builder and choose the parameter “GSM_Um_Msg_Type” from the GSM > Dedicated Radio Link grouping. . called “Count Layer 3 messages” and set the type to “Count”. Add a new statistic.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 50 Ericsson Iran Step 6: Create the following statistics: Type Last Value Mean Mode Percent True Last Value Last Value Expression reltime2abstime( event_time() /1000 ) ServRxLevSub ServTimingAdvanceActual Dominance_2 expression > 3 ServCI NemoParamCallDisconnectReason Format TimeOfDay GSM RxLev GSM Timing Advance Percentage GSM CI Nemo Call Disconnect Status New automatic dimension Step 7: The final statistic to add is the count of call clearing messages within the window. CC Release or RR Channel Release messages. Step 11: Here you will be creating a filter. Create the following expression: This has created a filter to be applied inside the window. and click Edit to open the filter Expression Builder. is that when the query is evaluated. but reset it to be “Count” to match the statistic we are creating. it will trigger on the dropped call and run the statistics inside the defined windows. . and count the number of messages that satisfy the filter criteria. to only trigger the statistic at either CC Disconnect. and then the messages will be counted. Step 12: Click OK to close the wizard. Step 13: Add a 3rd dimension of ServBCCH using the Attribute Picker so it creates the dimension with the (last valid value) suffix. This statistic will only be run when the Measurement Reports are found. The way in which this works. Step 10: Click the OK button to close the Expression Builder.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 51 Ericsson Iran Step 9: The Format will automatically change to match the enumerated type. For each call. CM Service Request. we keep the final result in mind to guide us in the design. Step 1: Open the Analysis Manager and double-click on the Crosstab query wizard. and a set of columns to hold each L3 messages and events in the sequence.11 Call Setup Sequence Analysis – crosstab Logfile Name Aim Definition Nemo Drive Test 1. RR Immediate Assignment and CC Alerting messages for each call setup sequence. Give your query the title “Call Sequence Analysis” Step 2: Create the dimensions of FileName. To create this query. This implies a structure of a dimension of Call ID. The results of the query should be as follows when analysed in the Statistics Explorer.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 52 Ericsson Iran Step 14: Click OK to save the query. 6. .dt1 Call Sequence Analysis To analyse the Layer 3 messaging for call setup procedures Create a crosstab query to display the L3 message sequence. DT_Call_Id from the Attribute Picker (you should see the “Last Valid Value” added after the name). we want to be able to see the individual messages in their sequence to spot any problems. This will format the numerical code number to the correct text. one for Layer 3 message type. 10 . Call Dropped and Call Completed events. returning the GSM_Um_Msg_Type parameter. If you open the Expression Builder for this parameter. and then 3 others for the events. you will see the format set to “GSM Msg Type”.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 53 Ericsson Iran Now we will create our statistics columns. We set the statistic type to “Last Value”. Step 3: Create the first statistic. 10 Step 4: Repeat this process for the Outgoing Call Failure. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 54 Ericsson Iran Step 5: Now click OK to close the query wizard and OK to save your query. Step 7: Click on the “Filter” button on the bottom left corner and you will be presented with the Expression Builder. . To isolate the individual messages. and looking at the number of messages in brackets after the call ID. we will add a global crosstab filter. Step 6: Right-click on your query name and choose “Edit query design”. we can see that we have actually included all messages in each call in the search. we have not isolated the exact Layer 3 messages we wanted to find. and display the results so far on the Statistics Explorer: Idle mode Too many messages included for our purposes You can see that although we have returned a unique row for each calls. Only trigger on messages we are interested in Step 9: Save your query and check the results in the Statistics Explorer.11 Fewer messages We have still not isolated individual messages on unique rows though. To achieve this we need to identify another parameter to include in our dimension – one that uniquely identifies each message point. Step 10: Add a second dimension of Time (from the Independent > Message Info grouping) and re-save your query.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 55 Ericsson Iran Step 8: Build the following filter. 11 This filtering method is useful for improving the efficiency of your query. and that is “Time”. but it should be used with care. Notice how the number of messages being checked has significantly reduced. as the query is only evaluated at message points where the filter criteria is satisfied. as it can influence the results of averaged statistics. . all views (map. allowing you to concentrate on only this call. In fact. This has made our query much more efficient too. To disable this ad-hoc filter. as the number of messages scanned for the query has reduced from over 24000 to just 30! Compare the successful call 5 and call 8: why is there no event fail. we have identified each of these on their own row (this can be seen by verifying the number of messages in brackets after the dimension). simply toggle the filter button OFF in the Statistics Explorer. table.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 56 Ericsson Iran Single messages Now we can see that as well as filtering our query for only specific messages. drop or complete? Step 11: Open the Message Browser and tile the two windows horizontally. and click the Filter button in the Statistics Explorer: You will now see only call 8 extracted into the Protocol Stack Browser. Message Browser etc) will now be filtered for this call. chart. Step 12: Highlight the top level of call 8 as in the screenshot above. so you can isolate all the messaging in that call. . dt1 Single File Report Template To create a report template that will return KPIs from one file. maximum TA.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 57 Ericsson Iran 7 Report Templates 7. but we are trying to create a generic report template to be run on other files. These can be separated into existing parameters and those we need to generate through queries. The Handoff Duration may already be a parameter. Step 1: Ensure you have the above Nemo file loaded. a histogram of the Handover Duration. so it could be possible to add this to a workbook to obtain the automatic histogram view of the data. This will return the total number of dropped calls. mean (linear) and total call duration for all calls in the whole file. Create a report template from existing parameters and queries which can be run on any file.1 Single File Report Template Logfile Name Aim Definition Nemo Drive Test 1. the legends will be controlled through the format group of the parameter and may . To use the automatic view. Step 2: First we look at the requirements for the report. Existing KPIs • • Maximum Timing Advance Dropped call total New KPIs • • • Handover Duration histogram Mean (linear) level from the serving cell Total distance travelled for the whole file. and creating 8 ranges from 0 (inclusive) to 400 (inclusive). For this reason. switch back to the RVS solution and find the EventCallDropped parameter from the Event Data grouping and from the right-click menu. we need to force the number of ranges used in the histogram through a query. Create a histogram query using the HandoverDuration parameter. add it to the existing workbook. . Histogram and Statistic Formatted Data tabs). Step 7: Create a crosstab query with FileName as the dimension. and close the workbook. Step 3: Find the timing advance parameter ServTimingAdvanceActual in the GSM > Dedicated Radio Link grouping and add it to a workbook from the right-click menu. and 2 statistics: Mean (linear) of ServRxLevSub formatted as dBm and Maximum of (Distance / 1000) formatted Float. Step 4: Keeping the workbook open. Save the workbook to your desktop. Step 6: Now we need to create the queries to add to the report.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 58 Ericsson Iran filter out ranges not found in the file. Step 5: Notice how all three views from these two parameters have been added to the workbook (Series. Step 10: From the right-click menu. find your new query and display it on the existing workbook. It will be added to a new sheet called Crosstab Formatted Data. and choose to run it on the NemGSM(0) device stream. Step 9: Open the report template through the Workbook > Open Workbook/Report menu option.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 59 Ericsson Iran Step 8: Save your query into the workspace and check the results are accurate. Open Sheet 1 and create your KPI statistics here as follows: . Step 11: These tabs will contain the results from whatever file you run the report template on. Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 60 Ericsson Iran From Statistics results From Crosstab results From Histogram results Step 12: Now go back into the all other sheets and delete the raw data from row 2 downwards. . Step 14: Open the Nemo Drive Test 1 file and run the report template on this file as you did in step 9. This cleans the report template so that it can be run on any other file. Compare the results. of varying size. Step 13: Save your report template. we will build up a report template using both of the above files and the previous query that we saved: File and MS Statistics. Notice how the sheet is automatically named “Crosstab Formatted Data”. Edit the query to add the DT_Call_Id parameter as a second dimension.dt1 Nemo Drive Test 2. Right-click on the query and choose “Display on Workbook”. . to only return results where DT_Call_Id > 0.dt1 Name Aim Definition Multi-File Report Template To create a report template to be used to compare KPIs from 2 files.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 61 Ericsson Iran 7.2 Multiple File Report Template Logfile Nemo Drive Test 1. and add a global filter into the query. For this exercise. open the Analysis Manager and import the “File and MS Statistics” query again.dt1 file. Step 2: Find the query from the handset device stream of the Nemo Drive Test 1. Add a previous query onto a workbook and convert it into a report template using Excel links and formulae. Step 1: If you have closed the workspace since writing the previous query. Step 6: Highlight all rows from 2 downwards. 12 This might seem a little strange. "Fail". Step 8: From the Workbook menu. Step 4: You will notice that query results from both files have been added to the Excel workbook. and select your report template. "Pass") Step 5: Switch sheets back to the Crosstab Formatted Data sheet. . separated by a blank column.12 Step 7: Close your report template and save it to your desktop. and delete the data from the queries. choose “Open Workbook/Report”. Now we need to make sure the data used to create the template does not affect the statistics next time it is run. right-click on the query from the Nemo Drive Test 2 file and select “Display on Workbook (Active)”. but we have already embedded the query definition into the workbook and set up the front sheet template. Change to “Sheet 1” and create the following template: ='CrossTab Formatted Data'!A2 =MAX('CrossTab Formatted Data'!B:B) Threshold =SUM('CrossTab Formatted Data'!Q:Q)/Sheet1!E8*100 =IF(G8>$J$4.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 62 Ericsson Iran Step 3: Leaving the Excel workbook open. The Dropped Call Rate threshold can be modified inside the report template. Note how it prompts also including the most recent file used to create it. Step 10: The dialog will re-appear. . This time. You have now created and run your first report template. Choose the Nemo Drive Test 1 device stream and click OK. but this time prompting to replace the Nemo Drive Test 2 file. choose the “Nemo Drive Test 2” device first and click OK.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 63 Ericsson Iran Step 9: You will be presented with the following dialog. successfully running it on different handsets. Step 11: The report will be regenerated. and each file will be analysed individually against this threshold. but this time with the handset results reversed. or a CC Disconnect message with an abnormal cause code. This is illustrated by the following two screenshots: . “prev_state()” Due to the nature of how the information elements are reported in different Layer 3 messages. This function starts by looking in the current message for the parameter. it begins its search at the previous message. it is necessary to look back in the message sequence to the exact message where they were reported.1 “state()” vs. If the most recent EcNo or ServRxLev are required. it iterates back in the message sequence until it finds the first valid value. The prev_state() function works in exactly the same manner. This is performed using the state() function.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 64 Ericsson Iran 8 Appendix 8. useful engineering parameters such as signal strength and quality may not be at the same message point as events such as dropped calls or call setup failures. but if it does not find a valid value. Therefore. any query such as an Event query that triggers on a dropped call may trigger on an idle-mode System Information message. but the difference is. 5 ) creates half-second sub-dimensions throughout the defined window. Eg: abstime( 0. the stateform shows that the prev_state() function still returns -75. 8.2 delta( parameter ) This function (for crosstab and event queries) returns the difference between the current value of the parameter and the previous value. rounded down to the nearest half-second.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 65 Ericsson Iran Where the selected message is the Measurement Report where SerRvLevSub = 71dBm. this command performs the following: state( parameter_x ) – prev_state( parameter_x ) .2. The window defined before and/or after the event trigger will be sub-divided into rounded seconds.2. when the following message is selected… …both values are the same. A useful tip when you choose this as a dimension. However. The rounding factor (seconds) is used to subdivide the window by starting at the event time and creating “bins” just before the event (rounded down).mmm. This can be used to easily identify GSM cell-reselections where: state( ServCI ) != prev_state( ServCI ) 8.1 abstime( rounding_factor ) This function can be used as a dimension in Event Queries. Essentially.2 Little-known query commands 8. is to set the Format Group to TimeOfDay which formats the results as HH:MM:SS. to return the absolute time. This can also be used as a statistic for an event query. The secondary_expression should be numerical to ensure the same situation does not arise. message_number ) For example.2. If this was not used. Eg: Uu_ActiveSet_EcNo[0] – default( Uu_MonitoredSet_EcNo[0]. 0 ) . NborRxLev_by_Arfcn[ get( NborBCCH[]. where the value of a parameter could be returned at the previous message point where the message expression is true. 0.2. index. event_message() ) ] extracts the zero array position (strongest) of the NborBCCH array at the time of the event trigger. but returns the message number. This is useful when used in combination with the get() command. secondary_ expression ) This function is used in expressions when it is not possible to guarantee that the primary_expression contains a value. 8.5 prev_message_where( message_expression ) This function (Crosstab and Event only) is very similar to the prev_time_where() command.3 get( parameter.6 default( primary_ expression. any message points where the primary_expression evaluates to NULL would cause the expression to fail.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 66 Ericsson Iran 8. 8. the secondary_expression will be used. 8. Eg: prev_time_where( GSM_Um_Msg_Type == 1579 returns the milliseconds where the most recent Layer 3 message is the Handover Command.2. and then uses that ARFCN value to lookup the sorted RxLev value in the NborRxLev_by_Arfcn[ ] array. By using the default() function.4 prev_time_where( message_expression ) This function (Crosstab and Event only) returns the time in milliseconds at the message point where the most recent message expression is true. if the primary_expression is NULL.2. when used as a statistic in an Event Query. and terminating at the UL CC Alerting message.3 Setting a timer statistics using crosstab queries This method requires a trigger message. In the following example. and the result is then the time offset between the two.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 67 Ericsson Iran 8. and a search message. The method we use is to trigger the query on the last message in the sequence. dimension and a statistic. and then look backwards in the file for the first message in the sequence. we will calculate the call setup duration in GSM. starting at the DL Immediate Assignment. Trigger message = UL_CC_ALERTING Search message = DL_IMMEDIATE_ASSIGNMENT • • Dimension = “Time” (this returns a row for each unique trigger message) Statistic • • • • Type = Last Value Expression = “Time – prev_time_where(GSM_Um_Msg_Type == 1599)” Format = Time Filter = <blank> (our trigger message) • Crosstab Filter = GSM_Um_Msg_Type == 769 . The design of the crosstab query requires a filter. so the timer will be incorrect. . the query would trigger on the UL_Active_Set_Update_Complete message but the search message would actually be the UL_Measurement_Report of the previous softhandoff event.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 68 Ericsson Iran The problem with this method is that it assumes that the message sequencing in the logfile has no abnormal cases. If the logging tool missed an UL_Measurement_Report. MNC. MNC. MCC. Lat. MCC.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 69 Ericsson Iran 8. . BSIC ) These functions return elements of a specific WCDMA site or sector: • • WCDMASiteLookup( “parameter”. MCC. state(Uu_ActiveSet_SC[0])) using FormatGroup set to “Short”. as is the most recently reported strongest SC value. Long. Latitude. These functions return elements of a specific GSM serving site or sector: • • GSMServingSiteLookup( “parameter”. CI ) GSMServingCellLookup( “parameter”. Lat. and WCDMACellLookup("Mech_Tilt". BCCH. BCCH. Latitude. LAC. MNC. Lat. Lat. MCC. state(Uu_ActiveSet_SC[0])) using FormatGroup set to “String”. Long. Long. SC ) WCDMACellLookup( “parameter”. MNC. Longitude. SC ) For example. The following functions can be used in Crosstab and Event queries to give even more useful information to the engineer to help investigate the problem. BSIC ) GSMNeighbourCellLookup( “parameter”. LAC. Longitude. The Latitude and Longitude of the triggering dropped call are used.4 Cell Lookup Query Functions It is possible to search the cell database for extra data added to the cellrefs file (using an edited . Long. CI ) These functions return elements of the nearest neighbour site or sector: • • GSMNeighbourSiteLookup( “parameter”.INI file). if your cellrefs file had the following extra columns added to it: Antenna_Type = String Mech_Tilt = Integer These columns could be accessed as statistics in an Event query as follows: WCDMACellLookup("Antenna_Type". Do not change the query names. first run the report. This is because the workbook actually stores the name of the parameter and any query definitions inside itself. you have created a report template which can be run on other files or superstreams. to modify the queries embedded inside a report template. Step 6: Save the report template again. The next time it is run against a file. However. a particular process needs to be followed: Step1: Load a data file. Step 5: Re-run the report template. The old queries in the template will be replaced with the modified versions. and also the name of the most recent file the report was ran/created against.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 70 Ericsson Iran 8. This will load the queries embedded in the report template into the workspace. Step 2: Run the old report template against the file.5 Editing existing report templates Actix solutions use Excel as the standard reporting tool – in fact. by displaying any parameter or query on a workbook. If you need to add a query to a report template. choose “Display on workbook (Active)”. the new query definitions will be used. and then by right-clicking on the query. This is useful when sharing report templates. Step 4: Modify the queries and check the results are correct. Step 3: Close the report template. . as the embedded queries do not need to be distributed with the report template – they are automatically loaded and evaluated when the report is run against a new file. sss Integer values of zero and greater Formats floating point numbers into 6 decimal places If you know the units of the parameter you want. it may be easier to use the Attribute Picker button. and choose a similar parameter. This way.Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 71 Ericsson Iran 8.6 Useful Format Groups (for frequent use) Format Group Unsigned 64 bit integer String Percentage Boolean Before After Time TimeOfDay Count Float Description For integer values greater than zero For returning string values on the map Formats floating point numbers to 2 decimal places Converts 0 to “False” and 1 to “True” Converts 0 to “After” and 1 to “Before” Relative milliseconds Formats absolute times into HH:MM:SS. and know it is the same as another parameter. your results will be formatted to match the ones you chose. . Actix Training Course Queries (GSM Radio) 72 Ericsson Iran .
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