Grundfos NKG Installation

March 22, 2018 | Author: byahluu4037 | Category: Pump, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Nature



GRUNDFOS INSTRUCTIONSNK, NKG Installation and operating instructions Declaration of Conformity We Grundfos declare under our sole responsibility that the products NK and NKG, to which this declaration relates, are in conformity with the Council Directives on the approximation of the laws of the EC Member States relating to — Machinery (98/37/EC). Standard used: EN 809. — Electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (2006/95/EC). Standards used: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 and EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Electromagnetic compatibility (89/336/EEC). Standards used: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EC (applies only to products with the ATEX mark on the nameplate). Standards used: EN 13463-1 and EN 13463-5. (Declaration of conformity and installation and operating instructions of the motor are enclosed.) Bare shaft pump We Grundfos declare under our sole responsibility that the products NK and NKG, to which this declaration relates, are in conformity with the Council Directives on the approximation of the laws of the EC Member States relating to — Machinery (98/37/EC) and meet Annex II B. Standard used: EN 809. Before the pump is taken into operation, the complete machinery into which the pump is to be incorporated must be declared in accordance with all relevant regulations. Déclaration de Conformité Nous Grundfos déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que les produits NK et NKG auxquels se réfère cette déclaration sont conformes aux Directives du Conseil concernant le rapprochement des législations des Etats membres CE relatives à — Machines (98/37/CE). Standard utilisé: EN 809. — Matériel électrique destiné à employer dans certaines limites de tension (2006/95/CE). Standards utilisés: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 et EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Compatibilité électromagnétique (89/336/CEE). Standards utilisés: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 et EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/CE (s’applique uniquement aux produits avec norme ATEX citée sur la plaque signalétique). Standards utilisés: EN 13463-1 et EN 13463-5. (Declaration de conformité et notice d'installation et d'entretien du moteur incluses.) Pompe à arbre nu Nous Grundfos déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que les produits NK et NKG auxquels se réfère cette déclaration sont conformes aux Directives du Conseil concernant le rapprochement des législations des Etats membres CE relatives à — Relatif aux machines (98/37/CE) et conforme à l'Annexe II B. Standard utilisé: EN 809. Avant que la pompe ne soit mise en service, la machine complète, dans laquelle sera incorporée la pompe, doit être en accord avec toutes les réglementations en vigueur. 2 Konformitätserklärung Wir Grundfos erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass die Produkte NK und NKG, auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit den folgenden Richtlinien des Rates zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der EGMitgliedstaaten übereinstimmen: — Maschinen (98/37/EG). Norm, die verwendet wurde: EN 809. — Elektrische Betriebsmittel zur Verwendung innerhalb bestimmter Spannungsgrenzen (2006/95/EG). Normen, die verwendet wurden: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 und EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (89/336/EWG). Normen, die verwendet wurden: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 610006-2 und EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EG (gilt nur für Produkte mit der ATEX-Kennzeichnung auf dem Leistungsschild). Normen, die verwendet wurden: EN 13463-1 und EN 13463-5. (Die Konformitätsbescheinigung und Bedienungsanleitung vom Motor sind beigefügt.) Pumpe mit freiem Wellenende Wir Grundfos erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass die Produkte NK und NKG, auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit den folgenden Richtlinien des Rates zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der EGMitgliedstaaten übereinstimmen: — Maschinen (98/37/EG), Anhang II B (Herstellererklärung). Norm, die verwendet wurde: EN 809. Vor der Inbetriebnahme der Pumpe ist eine Konformitätserklärung für die gesamte Anlage, in die die Baugruppe "Pumpe mit freiem Wellenende" eingebaut ist, auszustellen. Dichiarazione di Conformità Noi Grundfos dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che i prodotti NK e NKG ai quali questa dichiarazione se riferisce sono conformi alle Direttive del Consiglio concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri CE relative a — Macchine (98/37/CE). Standard usato: EN 809. — Materiale elettrico destinato ad essere utilizzato entro certi limiti di tensione (2006/95/CE). Standard usati: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 e EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Compatibilità elettromagnetica (89/336/CEE). Standard usati: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 e EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/CE (si applica solo ai prodotti che riportano la sigla ATEX sull’etichetta). Standard usati: EN 13463-1 e EN 13463-5. (In allegato la dichiarazione di conformità e il manuale di installazione e funzionamento.) Pompa ad asse nudo Noi Grundfos dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che i prodotti NK e NKG ai quali questa dichiarazione se riferisce sono conformi alle Direttive del Consiglio concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri CE relative a — Direttiva Macchine (98/37/CE) e Annex II B. Standard usato: EN 809. Si ricorda che se la pompa è inserita in un sistema, prima di avviare la pompa stessa, è necessario che tutto il sistema sia in accordo alle norme di riferimento. Declaración de Conformidad Nosotros Grundfos declaramos bajo nuestra única responsabilidad que los productos NK y NKG a los cuales se refiere esta declaración son conformes con las Directivas del Consejo relativas a la aproximación de las legislaciones de los Estados Miembros de la CE sobre — Máquinas (98/37/CE). Norma aplicada: EN 809. — Material eléctrico destinado a utilizarse con determinadas límites de tensión (2006/95/CE). Normas aplicadas: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 y EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Compatibilidad electromagnética (89/336/CEE). Normas aplicadas: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 y EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/CE (se refiere sólo a productos con la marca ATEX en la placa de características). Normas aplicadas: EN 13463-1 y EN 13463-5. (Se adjuntan la declaración de conformidad e instrucciones de instalación y funcionamiento del motor.) Bomba a eje libre Nosotros Grundfos declaramos bajo nuestra única responsabilidad que los productos NK y NKG a los cuales se refiere esta declaración son conformes con las Directivas del Consejo relativas a la aproximación de las legislaciones de los Estados Miembros de la CE sobre — Maquinaria (98/37/CE) y cumple con Anexo II B. Norma aplicada: EN 809. Antes de la puesta en marcha de la bomba, todo el sistema en que la bomba va a incorporarse, debe estar de acuerdo con todas las normativas en vigor. Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης Εμείς η Grundfos δηλώνουμε με αποκλειστικά δική μας ευθύνη ότι τα προιόντα NK και NKG συμμορφώνονται με την Οδηγία του Συμβουλίου επί της σύγκλισης των νόμων των Κρατών Mελών της Ευρωπαικής Ενωσης σε σχέση με τα — Μηχανήματα (98/37/EC). Πρότυπο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε: EN 809. — Ηλεκτρικές συσκευές σχεδιασμένες γιά χρήση εντός ορισμένων ορίων ηλεκτρικής τάσης (2006/95/EC). Πρότυπα που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 και EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Ηλεκτρομαγνητική συμβατότητα (89/336/EEC). Πρότυπα που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 και EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EC (εφαρμόζεται μόνο σε προϊόντα με το σήμα ATEX στην πινακίδα τους). Πρότυπα που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν: EN 13463-1 και EN 13463-5. (Περιλαμβάνονται δήλωση συμμόρφωσης και οδηγίες εγκατάστασης και λειτουργίας του κινητήρα.) Αντλία ελεύθερου άξονα Εμείς η Grundfos δηλώνουμε με αποκλειστικά δική μας ευθύνη ότι τα προιόντα NK και NKG συμμορφώνονται με την Οδηγία του Συμβουλίου επί της σύγκλισης των νόμων των Κρατών Mελών της Ευρωπαικής Ενωσης σε σχέση με τα — Μηχανήματα (98/37/EC) και σύμφωνα με Annex II B. Πρότυπο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε: EN 809. Πριν η αντλία τεθεί σε λειτουργία, όλο το μηχάνημα στο οποίο η αντλία πρόκειται να ενσωματωθεί πρέπει να δηλωθεί σύμφωνα με όλους τους σχετικούς κανονισμούς. Declaração de Conformidade Nós Grundfos declaramos sob nossa única responsabilidade que os produtos NK e NKG aos quais se refere esta declaração estão em conformidade com as Directivas do Conselho das Comunidades Europeias relativas à aproximação das legislações dos Estados Membros respeitantes à — Máquinas (98/37/CE). Norma utilizada: EN 809. — Material eléctrico destinado a ser utilizado dentro de certos limites de tensão (2006/95/CE). Normas utilizadas: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 e EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Compatibilidade electromagnética (89/336/CEE). Normas utilizadas: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 e EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/CE (apenas aplicável a produtos com a inscrição ATEX gravada na chapa de características). Normas utilizadas: EN 13463-1 e EN 13463-5. (Em anexo encontra a Declaração de conformidade e instruções de instalação e funcionamento do motor.) Bomba com ponta de veio livre Nós Grundfos declaramos sob nossa única responsabilidade que os produtos NK e NKG aos quais se refere esta declaração estão em conformidade com as Directivas do Conselho das Comunidades Europeias relativas à aproximação das legislações dos Estados Membros respeitantes à — Maquinaria (98/37/CE) e respeitam o Anexo II B. Norma utilizada: EN 809. Antes de colocar a bomba em operação, o equipamento no qual a mesma irá ser incorporada deve ser declarado de acordo com todas as regulamentações relevantes. Overeenkomstigheidsverklaring Wij Grundfos verklaren geheel onder eigen verantwoordelijkheid dat de produkten NK en NKG waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft in overeenstemming zijn met de Richtlijnen van de Raad inzake de onderlinge aanpassing van de wetgevingen van de Lid-Staten betreffende — Machines (98/37/EG). Norm: EN 809. — Elektrisch materiaal bestemd voor gebruik binnen bepaalde spanningsgrenzen (2006/95/EG). Normen: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 en EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Elektromagnetische compatibiliteit (89/336/EEG). Normen: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 en EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EG (alleen van toepassing voor producten met de ATEX markering op de typeplaat). Normen: EN 13463-1 en EN 13463-5. (Overeenkomstigheidsverklaring is ingesloten in de bedienings- en installatievoorschriften van de motor.) Pomp met vrije aseinde Wij Grundfos verklaren geheel onder eigen verantwoordelijkheid dat de produkten NK en NKG waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft in overeenstemming zijn met de Richtlijnen van de Raad inzake de onderlinge aanpassing van de wetgevingen van de Lid-Staten betreffende — Machines (98/37/EG) voldoenende aan Annex II B. Norm: EN 809. Voordat de pomp in gebruik wordt genomen, moet de gehele installatie waarin de pomp zich bevindt overeenstemmend zijn met alle relevante wetgevingen. 3 Försäkran om överensstämmelse Vi Grundfos försäkrar under ansvar, att produkterna NK och NKG, som omfattas av denna försäkran, är i överensstämmelse med Rådets Direktiv om inbördes närmande till EU-medlemsstaternas lagstiftning, avseende — Maskinell utrustning (98/37/EC). Använd standard: EN 809. — Elektrisk material avsedd för användning inom vissa spänningsgränser (2006/95/EC). Använda standarder: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 och EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet (89/336/EC). Använda standarder: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 och EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EC (endast för produkter med ATEX-märkning på typskylten). Använda standarder: EN 13463-1 och EN 13463-5. (Försäkran om överensstämmelse samt monterings- och driftsinstruktion medföljer medlevererad motor.) Pump utan koppling och motor Vi Grundfos försäkrar under ansvar, att produkterna NK och NKG, som omfattas av denna försäkran, är i överensstämmelse med Rådets Direktiv om inbördes närmande till EU-medlemsstaternas lagstiftning, avseende — Maskinell utrustning (98/37/EC) och uppfyller Bilaga II B. Använd standard: EN 809. Före igångkörning av pumpen måste hela applikationen, som pumpen kommer att vara en del av, stämma överens med samtliga relevanta föreskrifter. Overensstemmelseserklæring Vi Grundfos erklærer under ansvar at produkterne NK og NKG, som denne erklæring omhandler, er i overensstemmelse med Rådets direktiver om indbyrdes tilnærmelse til EF medlemsstaternes lovgivning om — Maskiner (98/37/EF). Anvendt standard: EN 809. — Elektrisk materiel bestemt til anvendelse inden for visse spændingsgrænser (2006/95/EF). Anvendte standarder: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 og EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet (89/336/EØF). Anvendte standarder: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EF (gælder kun for produkter med ATEX-mærkning på typeskiltet). Anvendte standarder: EN 13463-1 og EN 13463-5. (Motorens overensstemmelseserklæring og monterings- og driftsinstruktion er vedlagt.) Pumpe uden kobling og motor: Vi Grundfos erklærer under ansvar at produkterne NK og NKG, som denne erklæring omhandler, er i overensstemmelse med Rådets direktiver om indbyrdes tilnærmelse til EF medlemsstaternes lovgivning om — Maskiner (98/37/EF) og opfylder Bilag II B. Anvendt standard: EN 809. Før pumpen tages i brug, skal det komplette maskinanlæg hvori den skal inkorporeres, erklæres i overensstemmelse med alle relevante bestemmelser. 4 Vastaavuusvakuutus Me Grundfos vakuutamme yksin vastuullisesti, että tuotteet NK ja NKG, jota tämä vakuutus koskee, noudattavat direktiivejä jotka käsittelevät EY:n jäsenvaltioiden koneellisia laitteita koskevien lakien yhdenmukaisuutta seur.: — Koneet (98/37/EY). Käytetty standardi: EN 809. — Määrättyjen jänniterajoitusten puitteissa käytettävät sähköiset laitteet (2006/95/EY). Käytetyt standardit: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 ja EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Elektromagneettinen vastaavuus (89/336/EY). Käytetyt standardit: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 ja EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EY (soveltuu vain tuotteisiin, joissa on ATEX-merkintä arvokilvessä). Käytetyt standardit: EN 13463-1 ja EN 13463-5. (Moottorin vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus ja käyttöohjeet sisältyvät toimitukseen.) Erillinen pumppu Me Grundfos vakuutamme yksin vastuullisesti, että tuotteet NK ja NKG, jota tämä vakuutus koskee, noudattavat direktiivejä jotka käsittelevät EY:n jäsenvaltioiden koneellisia laitteita koskevien lakien yhdenmukaisuutta seur.: — Konedirektiivin (98/37/EY) ja liitteen II B vaatimusten mukainen. Käytetty standardi: EN 809. Ennen pumpun käyttöönottoa koko järjestelmä, jossa pumppua tullaan käyttämään, on osoitettava kaikkien soveltuvien säädösten mukaiseksi. Deklaracja zgodności My, Grundfos, oświadczamy z pełną odpowiedzialnością, że nasze wyroby NK oraz NKG, których deklaracja niniejsza dotyczy, są zgodne z następującymi wytycznymi Rady d/s ujednolicenia przepisów prawnych krajów członkowskich EG: — maszyny (98/37/EG), zastosowana norma: EN 809. — wyposażenie elektryczne do stosowania w określonym zakresie napięć (2006/95/EG), zastosowane normy: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 i EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — zgodność elektromagnetyczna (89/336/EWG), zastosowane normy: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 i EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EG (dotyczy tylko wyrobów ze znakiem ATEX na tabliczce znamionowej), zastosowane normy: EN 13463-1 i EN 13463-5, (deklaracja zgodności oraz instrukcja obsługi i eksploatacji silnika są załączone.) Pompa z wolnym wałem My, Grundfos, oświadczamy z pełną odpowiedzialnością, że nasze wyroby NK oraz NKG, których deklaracja niniejsza dotyczy, są zgodne z następującymi wytycznymi Rady d/s ujednolicenia przepisów prawnych krajów członkowskich EG: — maszyny (98/37/EG) i Aneks II B, zastosowana norma: EN 809. Wszystkie urządzenia współpracujące z pompą muszą być zgodne z wszystkimi odpowiednimi wytycznymi. Декларация о соответствии Мы, фирма Grundfos, со всей ответственностью заявляем, что изделия NK и NKG, к которым и относится данное свидетельство, отвечают требованиям следующих указаний Совета ЕС об унификации законодательных предписаний стран-членов ЕС: — Машиностроение (98/37/ЕС). Применявшиеся стандарты: Евростандарт EN 809. — Электрические машины для эксплуатации в пределах определенного диапазона значений напряжения (2006/95/ЕС). Применявшиеся стандарты: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: Евростандарт EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 и EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Электромагнитная совместимость (89/336/ЕЭС). Применявшиеся стандарты: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: Евростандарт EN 61000-6-2 и EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EC (действительно только для изделий с маркировкой ATEX на фирменной табличке с техническими данными). Применявшиеся стандарты: EN 13463-1 и EN 13463-5. (Заявление о соответствии и руководство по монтажу и эксплуатации электродвигателя прилагаются.) Насос со свободным концом вала Мы, фирма Grundfos, со всей ответственностью заявляем, что изделия NK и NKG, к которым и относится данное свидетельство, отвечают требованиям следующих указаний Совета ЕС об унификации законодательных предписаний стран-членов ЕС: — Машиностроение (98/37/EC), соответствует Приложению II B. Применявшиеся стандарты: Евростандарт EN 809. Прежде чем насос будет введён в эксплуатацию, необходимо получить подтверждение, что агрегат в сборе, частью которого будет данный насос, соответствует всем основным требованиям и нормам. Izjava o ustreznosti Mi, Grundfos, pod polno odgovornostjo izjavljamo, da so izdelki NK in NKG, na katere se ta izjava nanaša, v skladu z naslednjimi smernicami Sveta za uskladitev pravnih predpisov držav članic Evropske skupnosti: — Stroji (98/37/EG). Uporabljena norma: EN 809. — Električna pogonska sredstva za uporabo v določenih napetostnih mejah (2006/95/EG). Uporabljeni normi: Standards used: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 in EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Elektromagnetna kompatibilnost (89/336/EWG). Uporabljeni normi: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 in EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EG (velja samo za izdelke z oznako ATEX na tipski ploščici). Uporabljeni normi: EN 13463-1 in EN 13463-5. (Izjava o ustreznosti ter navodila za montažo in obratovanje motorja sta priložena.) Črpalka s prosto osjo Mi, Grundfos, pod polno odgovornostjo izjavljamo, da so izdelki NK in NKG, na katere se ta izjava nanaša, v skladu z naslednjimi smernicami Sveta za uskladitev pravnih predpisov držav članic Evropske skupnosti: — Strojna oprema (98/37/EG) in v skladu z aneksom II B. Uporabljena norma: EN 809. Vse postrojenje, katerega del je črpalka, mora biti pred zagonom v skladu z vsemi relevantnimi regulativami. Konformitási nyilatkozat Mi, a Grundfos, egyedüli felelősséggel kijelentjük, hogy az NK és NKG termékek, amelyekre jelen nyilatkozat vonatkozik, megfelelnek az Európai Unió tagállamainak jogi irányelveit összehangoló tanács alábbi irányelveinek: — Gépek (98/37/EK). Alkalmazott szabvány: EN 809. — Meghatározott feszültség határokon belül használt elektromos eszközök (2006/95/EK). Alkalmazott szabványok: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 és EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Elektromágneses összeférhetőség (89/336/EGK). Alkalmazott szabványok: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 és EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EK (csak az ATEX jelzéssel ellátott termékekre vonatkozik). Alkalmazott szabványok: EN 13463-1 és EN 13463-5. (A motor kezelési utasítása és megelelőségi nyilatkozata mellékelve.) Szabad tengelyvéges szivattyú Mi, a Grundfos, egyedüli felelősséggel kijelentjük, hogy az NK és NKG termékek, amelyekre jelen nyilatkozat vonatkozik, megfelelnek az Európai Unió tagállamainak jogi irányelveit összehangoló tanács alábbi irányelveinek: — Gépek (98/37/EK) és II B függelék. Alkalmazott szabvány: EN 809. A szivattyú üzembe helyezése előtt a teljes gépegységet, amelybe a szivattyú beépítésre került, a vonatkozó előírások szerint minősíteni kell. Izjava o usklađenosti Mi, Grundfos, izjavljujemo uz punu odgovornost, da su proizvodi NK i NKG, na koje se ova izjava odnosi, sukladni smjernicama Savjeta za prilagodbu propisa država-članica EZ: — Strojevi (98/37/EZ). Korištena norma: EN 809. — Električni pogonski uređaji za korištenje unutar određenih granica napona (2006/95/EZ). Korištene norme: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 60204-1, EN 60034-1 i EN 60034-5; MMGE: EN 61800-2. — Elektromagnetska kompatibilnost (89/336/EEZ). Korištene norme: MG, MMG, Siemens, Teco: EN 61000-6-2 i EN 61000-6-3; MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — ATEX 94/9/EZ (vrijedi samo za proizvode s ATEX-znakom na natpisnoj pločic). Korištene norme: EN 13463-1 i EN 13463-5. (Deklaracija o usklađenosti te motažne i pogonske upute priloženi su uz motor.) Crpka s golim vratilom Mi, Grundfos, izjavljujemo uz punu odgovornost, da su proizvodi NK i NKG, na koje se ova izjava odnosi, sukladni smjernicama Savjeta za prilagodbu propisa država-članica EZ: — Strojevi (98/37/EZ) i zadovoljava Annex II B. Korištena norma: EN 809. Prije puštanja u pogon crpke, kompletan uređaj u koji je crpka ugrađena mora biti u skladu s odgovarajućim propisima. 5 Grundfos. — ATEX 94/9/CE (se aplică numai la produsele cu marca ATEX pe plăcuţa de înmatriculare).) Помпа със свободен вал Ние. Standarde aplicate: MG. Siemens. Před uvedením čerpadla do provozu. referitoare la: — Utilaje (98/37/CE). . — ATEX 94/9/EG (odnosi se samo na proizvode sa natpisom ATEX na natpisnoj pločici). MMGE: EN 61800-2. EN 60034-1 i EN 60034-5. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. EN 60034-1 şi EN 60034-5. MMG. korišćen standard: EN 809. отговарят на следните указания на Съвета за уеднаквяване на правните разпоредби на държавите членки на ЕО: — Машини (98/37/EO). MMG. referitoare la: — Utilaje (98/37/CE) şi conform Anexei II B. izjavljujemo pod potpunom odgovornošću da su proizvodi NK i NKG na koje se odnosi ova izjava u saglasnosti sa smernicama i uputstvima Saveta za usaglašavanje pravnih propisa članica Evropske unije: — mašinerija (98/37/EG) i u skladu je sa Anexom II B. (Declaraţia de conformitate şi instrucţiunile de instalare şi operare ale motorului sunt incluse. MMGE: EN 61800-2. — provozování spotřebičů v toleranci napětí (2006/95/EG). Teco: EN 60204-1.) Vlastní hřídel čerpadla My firma Grundfos prohlašujeme na svou plnou odpovědnost. Siemens. — ATEX 94/9/EG (týká se pouze výrobků nesoucích na typovém štítku značku ATEX). Teco: EN 61000-6-2 и EN 61000-6-3. Standarde aplicate: EN 13463-1 şi EN 13463-5. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. deklarováno ve shodě se všemi příslušnými předpisy. към съответните актуални наредби и стандарти. použité normy: EN 13463-1 a EN 13463-5. Standard aplicat: EN 809. Prohlášení o konformitě My firma Grundfos prohlašujeme na svou plnou odpovědnost. — Електрически машини и съоръжения за употреба в рамките на определени граници на напрежение на електрическия ток (2006/95/EO). MMG.Izjava o konformitetu Mi. Приложена норма: EN 809. Siemens. Преди да се въведе в експлоатация помпата. korišćeni standardi: MG. použité normy: MG.) Pompă fără arbore Noi. korišćeni standardi: MG. MMG. Grundfos. Teco: EN 61000-6-2 a EN 61000-6-3. — elektromagnetna usaglašenost (89/336/EWG). Siemens. že výrobky NK a NKG na něž se toto prohlášení vztahuje. MMG. (deklaracija konformiteta i uputstva za instalaciju i rad motora su priloženi.) Vratilo pumpe Mi. Teco: EN 60204-1. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. NKG la care se referă această declaraţie sunt în conformitate cu Directivele Consiliului în ceea ce priveşte alinierea legislaţiilor Statelor Membre ale CE. jehož součástí čerpadlo je. трябва да се декларира съответствието на цялото съоръжение. MMGE: EN 61800-2. MMG. že výrobky NK a NKG na něž se toto prohlášení vztahuje. — električna oprema razvijena za korišćenje unutar određenih naponskih granica (2006/95/EG). че продуктите NK и NKG. jsou v souladu s ustanoveními směrnice Rady pro sblížení právních předpisů členských států Evropského společenství v oblastech: — strojírenství (98/37/EG). Приложени норми: MG. declarăm asumându-ne întreaga responsabilitate că produsele NK. musí být kompletní strojní zařízení. Приложени норми: MG. korišćen standard: EN 809. Siemens. utilajul complet în care este încorporată pompa trebuie să fie în conformitate cu toate reglementările care li se aplică. Grundfos. Standarde aplicate: MG. (prohlášení o konformitě a instalační a provozní předpisy motoru jsou přiloženy. Grundfos. Приложени норми: EN 13463-1 и EN 13463-5. NKG la care se referă această declaraţie sunt în conformitate cu Directivele Consiliului în ceea ce priveşte alinierea legislaţiilor Statelor Membre ale CE. в което се вгражда тази помпа. — Compatibilitate electromagnetică (89/336/CEE). použité normy: MG. Teco: EN 61000-6-2 şi EN 61000-6-3. Teco: EN 60204-1. Приложена норма: EN 809. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. че продуктите NK и NKG. izjavljujemo pod potpunom odgovornošću da su proizvodi NK i NKG na koje se odnosi ova izjava u saglasnosti sa smernicama i uputstvima Saveta za usaglašavanje pravnih propisa članica Evropske unije: — mašine (98/37/EG). фирма Grundfos заявяваме с пълна отговорност. Standard aplicat: EN 809. Декларация за съответствие Ние. за които се отнася настоящата декларация. Înainte de pornirea pompei. použitá norma: EN 809. за които се отнася настоящата декларация. (Приложени са също и Декларацията за съответствие и инструкциите за монтаж и експлоатация на двигателя. EN 60034-1 и EN 60034-5. фирма Grundfos заявяваме с пълна отговорност. Siemens. — Echipamente electrice destinate utilizării între limite exacte de tensiune (2006/95/CE). Siemens. korišćeni standardi: EN 13463-1 i EN 13463-5. Siemens. declarăm asumându-ne întreaga responsabilitate că produsele NK. 6 Declaraţie de conformitate Noi. — ATEX 94/9/EO (отнася се само за продукти със символа ATEX върху табелата с данни). Teco: EN 61000-6-2 i EN 61000-6-3. MMGE: EN 61800-2. jsou v souladu s ustanoveními směrnice Rady pro sblížení právních předpisů členských států Evropského společenství v oblastech: — strojní zařízení (98/37/EG) a vyhovující příloze II B. Teco: EN 60204-1. Pre nego što se pumpa pusti u rad kompletna mašinerija u koju je pumpa inkorporisana mora biti u skladu sa lokalnim bitnim regulativama. MMG. — elektromagnetická kompatibilita (89/336/EWG). EN 60034-1 a EN 60034-5. MMG. použitá norma: EN 809. отговарят на следните указания на Съвета за уеднаквяване на правните разпоредби на държавите членки на ЕО: — Машини (98/37/EO) и Анекс II B. — Електромагнетична поносимост (89/336/EИO). Çıplak şaft pompa Biz Grundfos olarak. Siemens. visa įranga. MMGE: EN 61800-2. on vastavuses EL nõukogu Direktiividega EMÜ liikmesriikide seaduste ühitamise kohta. Vastavuse deklaratsioon Meie Grundfos deklareerime enda ainuvastutusel. 7 . Siemens. atitinka Tarybos Direktyvas dėl Europos Ekonominės Bendrijos šalių narių įstatymų suderinimo šiose srityse: — Mašinos (98/37/EB) ir priedas II B. na svoju plnú zodpovednost’ prehlasujeme. Teco: EN 61000-6-2 ve EN 61000-6-3. kurioje montuojamas siurblys. Teco: EN 61000-6-2 ja EN 61000-6-3.) Vaba võlliga pump Meie Grundfos deklareerime enda ainuvastutusel. Teco: EN 60204-1. olema heakskiidetud vastavalt asjakohastele eeskirjadele. mille kohta käesolev juhend käib. Prieš pradedant siurblį eksploatuoti. Použitá norma: EN 809. MMG. tüm sorumluluğu bize ait olmak üzere beyan ederiz. on vastavuses EL nõukogu Direktiividega EMÜ liikmesriikide seaduste ühitamise kohta. ile ilgili olarak Avrupa topluluğu'na Üye Devletlerin yasalarında yer alan Belediye Yönetmeliklerine uygun oldugunu. na ktoré sa toto prehlásenie vzt’ahuje. mille sildikul on ATEX tähistus). Použité normy: MG. EN 60034-1 a EN 60034-5.) Siurblys su laisvu velenu Mes. Kasutatud standardit: EN 809. Kasutatud standardit: MG. — Belli voltaj sınırlarında kullanılmak üzere üretilmiş elektrik donanımı (2006/95/EC). Teco: EN 61000-6-2 ir EN 61000-6-3. Naudojami standartai: EN 13463-1 ir EN 13463-5. Siemens. kad gaminiai NK ir NKG. — ATEX 94/9/EB (galioja tik produktams. Použité normy: EN 13463-1 a EN 13463-5. — ATEX 94/9/EC (sadece bilgi etiketinde ATEX işareti bulunan ürünlere uygulanmaktadır). Teco: EN 60204-1. Enne pumba töösse võtmist peab kogu seadmestik. na ktoré sa toto prehlásenie vzt’ahuje.) Vlastný hriadeľ čerpadla My firma Grundfos. turi būti deklaruota pagal galiojančius reikalavimus. MMG. — Makineler (98/37/EC) Annex II B ile uyumlu. (Motorun uygunluk beyannamesi ve montaj ve kullanım bilgileri arkaya eklenmiştir. Atitikties deklaracija Mes. MMGE: EN 61800-2. et toode NK ja NKG. Uygunluk Bildirgesi Biz Grundfos olarak. Kullanılan standartlar: MG. kurių vardinėje plokštelėje yra ATEX ženklinimas). et toode NK ja NKG. Kullanılan standartlar: EN 13463-1 ve EN 13463-5. Naudojamas standartas: EN 809. Siemens. — Elektromagnetická kompatibilita (89/336/EWG). MMG.Prehlásenie o konformite My firma Grundfos. NKG. MMG. mille kohta käesolev juhend käib. NKG. kad gaminiai NK ir NKG. — Elektromanyetik uyumluluk (89/336/EEC). Kullanılan standart: EN 809. tüm sorumluluğu bize ait olmak üzere beyan ederiz. — Madalapinge-elektriseadmed (2006/95/EC). — ATEX 94/9/EC (ainult toodete korral. Kasutatud standardit: EN 13463-1 ja EN 13463-5. deklarované v zhode so všetkými príslušnými predpismi. kuriems skirta ši deklaracija.ja kasutusjuhend on lisatud. Teco: EN 60204-1. Teco: EN 60204-1. — Makina (98/37/EC). sú v súlade s nasledovnými smernicami Rady pro zblíženie právnych predpisov členských zemí Európskej únie: — Stroje (98/37/EG). kuriems skirta ši deklaracija. že výrobky NK. Naudojamas standartas: EN 809. Siemens. Siemens. Kasutatud standardit: EN 809. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. su visa atsakomybe pareiškiame. atitinka Tarybos Direktyvas dėl Europos Ekonominės Bendrijos šalių narių įstatymų suderinimo šiose srityse: — Mašinos (98/37/EB). millesse pump kuulub. (Mootori vastavuse deklaratsioon ning paigaldus. mis käsitlevad: — Masinad (98/37/EC) ja rahuldab Osa II B nõudeid. — Elektrimagnetilist ühilduvust (89/336/EEC). sú v súlade s nasledovnými smernicami Rady pro zblíženie právnych predpisov členských zemí Európskej únie: — Zariadenia (98/37/EG) a vyhovujúce prílohe II B. — Elektriniai prietaisai. Teco: EN 61000-6-2 a EN 61000-6-3. Grundfos. Kasutatud standardit: MG. — ATEX 94/9/EG (týka sa iba výrobkov nesúcich na typovom štítku značku ATEX). Kullanılan standartlar: MG. MMGE: EN 61800-2. MMG. Grundfos. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. mis käsitlevad: — Masinad (98/37/EC). skirti naudoti tam tikrose įtampų ribose (2006/95/EC). Naudojami standartai: MG. Siemens. že výrobky NK. Pompa kullanılmaya başlamadan önce pompayla birlikte çalışacak olan tüm makinelerin ilgili kanunlara uygunluğu beyan edilmelidir.) ile ilgili olarak Avrupa topluluğu'na Üye Devletlerin yasalarında yer alan Belediye Yönetmeliklerine uygun oldugunu. — Elektromagnetinis suderinamumas (89/336/EEB). (Prehlásenie o konformite a montážny a prevádzkový návod motora sú priložené. EN 60034-1 ir EN 60034-5. Naudojami standartai: Standards used: MG. — Elektrické prevádzkové prostriedky. Použitá norma: EN 809. bu beyanda belirtilen NK ve NKG ürünlerinin. MMGE: EN 61800-2. MMG. musí byt’ kompletné zariadenie ktorého súčast’ou je aj čerpadlo. Siemens. su visa atsakomybe pareiškiame. Kullanılan standart: EN 809. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. bu beyanda belirtilen NK ve NKG ürünlerinin. MMG. na svoju plnú zodpovednost’ prehlasujeme. EN 60034-1 ve EN 60034-5. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. Použité normy: MG. (Variklio atitikties deklaracija bei įrengimo ir naudojimo instrukcija pridedama. MMG. EN 60034-1 ja EN 60034-5. použité v určitom napät’ovom rozsahu (2006/95/EG). Pred uvedením čerpadla do prevádzky. — Електромагнітна сумісність (89/336/EEC). Bjerringbro. uz kuriem attiecas šis paziņojums. що вироби NK і NKG до яких і відноситься дане свідоцтво відповідають вимогам наступних указівок Ради ЄЕС про уніфікацію законодавчих розпоряджень країн-членів ЄЕС: — Машинобудування (98/37/EC).) Hасос без двигуна Ми.Paziņojums par atbilstību prasībām Sabiedrība Grundfos ar pilnu atbildību dara zināmu. із усією відповідальністю заявляємо. Siemens. Стандарти. (Ir pievienotas motora uzstādīšanas un lietošanas instrukcijas un paziņojums par atbilstību prasībām. Teco: EN 61000-6-2 un EN 61000-6-3. Стандарти. kurā sūknis tiek ietverts. kas paredzēts lietošanai zināmu sprieguma robežvērtību ietvaros (2006/95/EK). — Електричні машини для експлуатації в межах визначеного діапазону значень напруги (2006/95/EC). Piemērotais standarts: EN 809. Piemērotie standarti: MG. що включає в себе даний насос. MMG. Teco: Євростандарт EN 60204-1. EN 60034-1 і EN 60034-5. має бути задекларований згідно з усіма відповідними нормами. із усією відповідальністю заявляємо. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. Siemens. — ATEX 94/9/EC (тільки для насосів/продуктів з відміткою ATEX на заводській табличці з технічними даними (шильдіку)). Piemērotie standarti: EN 13463-1 un EN 13463-5. Piemērotais standarts: EN 809. — ATEX 94/9/EK (attiecas tikai uz izstrādājumiem ar ATEX marķējumu pases datu plāksnītē). uz kuriem attiecas šis paziņojums. механізм. Стандарти. kas atbilst visiem piemērojamiem normatīviem. Teco: EN 60204-1. (Декларація відповідності і установки і операційних інструкцій двигуна прикладена. Стандарти. un ir saskaņā ar pielikumu II B. Siemens. MMG. що застосовувалися: Євростандарт EN 809. фірма Grundfos. Перед введенням насосу в експлуатацію. що застосовувалися: MG. Стандарти. ka izstrādājumi NK un NKG. Свідчення про відповідність вимогам Ми. jābūt atzītai par tādu. ka izstrādājumi NK un NKG. Teco: Євростандарт EN 61000-6-2 i EN 61000-6-3. — Elektromagnētiskā savienojamība (89/336/EEK). що застосовувалися: MG. що застосовувалися: Євростандарт EN 13463-1 і EN 13463-5. що вироби NK і NKG до яких і відноситься дане свідоцтво відповідають вимогам наступних указівок Ради ЄЕС про уніфікацію законодавчих розпоряджень країн-членів ЄЕС: — Механизмы (98/37/EC) и удовлетворяет Annex II B. Siemens. MMGE: EN 61800-2.) Atsegtas vārpstas sūknis Sabiedrība Grundfos ar pilnu atbildību dara zināmu. EN 60034-1 un EN 60034-5. MGE/MMGE: EN 61800-3. — Elektriskais aprīkojums. Piemērotie standarti: Standards used: MG. MMG. atbilst šādām Padomes direktīvām par tuvināšanos EK dalībvalstu likumdošanas normām: — Mašīnbūve (98/37/EK). Pirms sūkņa nodošanas ekspluatācijā visai iekārtai. MMG. 1st May 2007 Svend Aage Kaae Technical Director 8 . що застосовувалися: Євростандарт EN 809. фірма Grundfos. atbilst šādām Padomes direktīvām par tuvināšanos EK dalībvalstu likumdošanas normām: — Mašīnbūve (98/37/EK). MMGE: EN 61800-2. og driftsinstruktion 182 Instrukcja montażu i eksploatacji 199 Руководство по монтажу и эксплуатации 217 Szerelési és üzemeltetési utasítás 237 Navodila za montažo in obratovanje 255 Montažne i pogonske upute 273 Uputstvo za montažu i upotrebu 291 Instrucţiuni de instalare şi utilizare 309 Упътване за монтаж и експлоатация 323 Montážní a provozní návod 341 Návod na montáž a prevádzku 359 Montaj ve kullanım kılavuzu 377 Paigaldus.NK. NKG Installation and operating instructions 10 Montage.ja kasutusjuhend 395 Įrengimo ir naudojimo instrukcija 412 Uzstādīšanas un ekspluatācijas instrukcija 429 Інструкції з монтажу та експлуатації 446 9 .och driftsinstruktion 148 Asennus.en bedieningsinstructies 131 Monterings.und Betriebsanleitung 27 Notice d'installation et d'entretien 46 Istruzioni di installazione e funzionamento 63 Instrucciones de instalación y funcionamiento 80 Instruções de instalação e funcionamento 97 Οδηγίες εγκατάστασης και λειτουργίας 114 Installatie.ja käyttöohjeet 165 Monterings. Fig. Periods of inactivity and frost protection 23 12. Calculation of minimum inlet pressure 24 14. After the installation. 2.6 4.5 4. This may also influence the performance of the pump. Flange forces and torques 21 8. Disposal 26 Pump type and model are stated on the pump nameplate. read these installation and operating instructions.3 Alignment General How to align the unit Measuring instruments 16 16 16 20 7.4 Type key Type NK Type NKG Impeller diameter Pumped liquids 11 11 11 13 13 4. 12.13 Technical data Ambient temperature Liquid temperature Operating pressure Minimum inlet pressure Maximum inlet pressure Minimum flow rate Maximum flow rate Electrical data Weight Sound level Pump speed relative to material and size Belt drive Operation with combustion engine 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 5.1 9. TM03 3948 1206 Prior to installation. General information 10 2.5 5. Fault finding chart 25 15. mounting designation B 3 Correct lifting of pump . Test certificates are available from Grundfos. 9.1 10. 5.2 3. 3. The test includes a function test where the pump performance is measured to ensure that the pump meets requirements of relevant standards. See 6. Installation and operation must comply with local regulations and accepted codes of good practice.3 3.4 Maintenance Pump Mechanical shaft seals Stuffing box Motor 23 23 23 23 23 11. 6.2 Electrical connection Motor protection Frequency converter operation 22 22 22 9.7 Installation Preparations before installation Pump location Foundation Grouting Vibration dampening Pipework Bypass 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 6.6 5.3 4.12 4. which is specially designed for transport by fork-lift truck or a similar vehicle.2 10.1 3. 8.1 4.2 6. Delivery and handling 2. the alignment of pump and motor must be checked again. 2.7 4.1 Service Service kits 24 24 13.2 4.3 10. type MG or MMG.1 6. Bare shaft pump CONTENTS z z z Base frame z z Coupling and coupling guard z z z z The following is supplied: Pump Installation and operating instructions z 2. Complete unit General information Unit without motor Page 1.2 Handling Pump motors as from 4 kW are supplied with lifting eyes which must not be used for lifting the entire pump unit. Alignment.3 9. 10.5 Start-up General Priming Checking the direction of rotation Start-up Start/stop 22 22 22 23 23 23 10. 4. Bare shaft pumps within 40 kg are delivered in a cardboard box.1 5.2 5. please note that the motor data may differ from the data stated in this booklet. See figs 1 and 2.1 Delivery The pumps are tested 100% before leaving the factory. The pumps are delivered from the factory in an open wooden box or wooden/cardboard box.9 4.2 9.11 4.4 4. The pumps are fitted with Grundfos motors.1 8.2 Delivery and handling Delivery Handling 10 10 10 3.8 4.10 4.4 9.4 5.3 5.1. 1 10 z Electric motor.1 2. If the pump is fitted with a motor make other than Grundfos. PTFE wear ring K = 1.1 Actual impeller diameter [mm] Code for pump version (the codes can be combined) A = A2 = C = H = E = X = Incorrect lifting of pump 3.32 -125 . standard coupling and a 2-pole motor. 1.4517 impeller and wear ring X = Special version Actual impeller diameter [mm] Code for shaft seal and rubber pump parts Example NK 32 -125 . impeller and wear ring M = 1.4517 pump housing and impeller.4408 pump housing. 1. 1. made of cast iron with GQQE shaft seal. the motor data are left out.4408 impeller N = 1. A2E = Basic version with spacer coupling and with certificates and reports.4408 pump housing.4517 wear ring L = 1. 1.3. 3 TM03 3952 1206 NK 80-160/164 A1-F-A-GQQE Model B 96623450 P2 0612 0005 Q 30 m n 2957 min -1 150 m 3/h H p/t 16/90 bar/°CMAX Made in Hungary 96145329 Type Example of nameplate for NK The example shows an NK 80-160 with 164 mm impeller.4517 impeller and wear ring X = Special version Fig. PFTE wear ring R = 1.4408 pump housing. Fig. PFTE wear ring P = 1.1 Type NK Reduced performance = . made of cast iron with GQQE shaft seal.4408 impeller N = 1.4408 pump housing. PFTE wear ring P = 1.4408 pump housing and impeller.4517 pump housing.1 Code for materials: A = Cast iron EN-GJL-250 B = EN-GJL-250 with bronze impeller CuSn10 S = EN-GJL-250 with 1. Code for shaft seal and rubber pump parts * Examples of combined pump version codes: A1C = Basic version with standard coupling and without motor. 4 TM03 3770 1006 Type 96145329 A = A2 = C = H = E = X = Example of nameplate for NKG The example shows an NKG 125-80-160 with 164 mm impeller. 1. impeller and wear ring M = 1.4517 pump housing and impeller. 2 Nominal impeller diameter [mm] Reduced performance = .4517 pump housing.4408 pump housing and impeller. PFTE wear ring R = 1. Basic version with standard coupling Basic version with spacer coupling Pump unit without motor Bare shaft pump Pump with certificates and reports Special version Code for pipe connection: F = DIN flange E = Table E flange 3.4517 impeller. PTFE wear ring K = 1.1 /142 A1 -F -A -BAQE Type range NKG NKGE Nominal diameter of suction port (DN) TM03 3769 1006 Nominal diameter of discharge port (DN) Fig.4408 pump housing and impeller.4517 impeller. the coupling and motor data are left out. and for bare shaft pumps.1 /142 A1 -F -A -BAQE Type range NK NKE Nominal diameter of discharge port (DN) Nominal impeller diameter [mm] Code for pump version (the codes can be combined*) Basic version with standard coupling Basic version with spacer coupling Pump unit without motor Bare shaft pump Pump with certificates and reports Special version NKG 125-80-160/164 A1-F-A-GQQE Model B 96623450 P2 0612 0005 Q 30 m n 2957 min -1 150 m 3/h H p/t 16/90 bar/°CMAX Made in Hungary Code for pipe connection: F = DIN flange Code for materials: A = Cast iron EN-GJL-250 B = EN-GJL-250 with bronze impeller CuSn10 S = EN-GJL-250 with 1.4408 pump housing and impeller. 1.4517 wear ring L = 1.2 Type NKG Example NKG 50. Type key For units without motor. 11 . standard coupling and a 2-pole motor. FXM DAQF 0°C to +140°C 25 25 25 25 Rubber bellows seal. EPDM BAQE 0°C to +120°C 16 16 16 16 Rubber bellows seal. silicon carbide/silicon carbide. FKM AQQV 0°C to +90°C 25 25 16 16 O-ring seal with fixed seal driver. with reduced seal faces.Mechanical shaft seal Shaft seal diameter [mm] 28. type B. 32 42 48 60 Code Temperature range Rubber bellows seal. 38 48 55 60 d5 [mm] 24. without barrier fluid Stuffing box without cooling. with external barrier fluid 12 . metal-impregnated carbon/silicon carbide. with reduced seal faces. 5 Diameter of shaft end d5 Stuffing box Stuffing box without cooling. silicon carbide/metal-impregnated carbon. balanced. FKM BQQV 0°C to +90°C 16 16 16 16 Bellow seal. silicon carbide/synthetic resin-impregnated carbon. EPDM BQBE 0°C to +140°C 16 - - - O-ring seal. silicon carbide/silicon carbide. EPDM GQQE –25°C to +90°C 16 16* 16* 16* Bellow seal. EPDM AQAE 0°C to +120°C 25 25 25 25 O-ring seal with fixed seal driver. silicon carbide/silicon carbide. EPDM BBQE 0°C to +120°C 16 16 16 16 Code Temperature range Maximum pressure [bar] SNE SNO SNF –30°C to +120°C 16 Maximum pressure [bar] TM03 3951 1206 * –25°C to +60°C Fig. FKM BAQV 0°C to +90°C 16 16 16 16 Rubber bellows seal. silicon carbide/metal-impregnated carbon. with internal barrier fluid Stuffing box without cooling. EPDM AQQE 0°C to +90°C 25 25 16 16 O-ring seal with fixed seal driver. silicon carbide/silicon carbide. silicon carbide/silicon carbide. EPDM BQQE 0°C to +90°C 16 16 16 16 Rubber bellows seal. FKM AQAV 0°C to +90°C 25 25 25 25 Rubber bellows seal. FKM GQQV –20°C to +90°C 16 16* 16* 16* O-ring seal with fixed seal driver. type B. metal-impregnated carbon/silicon carbide. silicon carbide/silicon carbide. synthetic resin-impregnated carbon/silicon carbide. metal-impregnated carbon/silicon carbide. 4 Pumped liquids Clean.2 Liquid temperature –25°C to +140°C.3 Operating pressure 3. The values stated are maximum values. as otherwise there is a risk of for instance cavitation and overload. NKG: Maximum 1. For heating systems. motors with correspondingly higher outputs must be used. 4. including the upper tolerance of 3 dB according to ISO 4871. 4. Maximum ambient temperature: 4. If the ambient temperature exceeds +40°C (+60°C). non-explosive liquids without solid particles or fibres. data sheets. It depends on the shaft seal chosen. This means that the actual impeller diameter differs from the standard diameters stated in sales catalogues. 6 2250 3500 4750 m Motor P2 in relation to temperature/altitude 4. it may be necessary to use a motor with a higher output.1 Ambient temperature The ambient temperature and the installation altitude are important factors for the motor life. the impeller diameter may have been changed to allow the pump to match a specified duty point. DN 200: 1 MPa (10 bar).8 Electrical data See the motor nameplate.7 Maximum flow rate Contact Grundfos for further information. The flow rate and head are stated on the pump nameplate. as they affect the life of the bearings and insulation system.10 Sound level • EFF1 motors: +60°C. the motor must not be fully loaded due to the low density and consequently low cooling effect of the air.5 m head. Special shaft seals may be required if the pump is used for pumping treated water at temperatures above 80°C containing additives to prevent system corrosion.. The maximum flow rate must not exceed the values stated for the individual pump on page 465. the water quality should meet VDI 2035. Another type of shaft seal may also be required for the pumping of glycol-containing liquids.6 MPa (16 bar). • EFF2 motors: +40°C. for instance in heating and ventilating systems. The liquid must not attack the pump materials chemically. Code Description 1 S Stuffing box Cooling method 2 3 N P2 [%] 100 70 Barrier fluid 60 E With internal barrier fluid 50 F With external barrier fluid O Without barrier fluid A PTFE-impregnated fibre packing rings and EPDM O-rings in pump housing B Graphite-PTFE packing rings and EPDM Orings in pump housing C PTFE-impregnated fibre packing rings and FKM O-rings in pump housing D Graphite-PTFE packing rings and FKM O-rings in pump housing 4 EFF 2 80 Without cooling Materials EFF 1 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 t [°C] 1000 Fig. calcareous deposits. 13 .Pos. O-rings and the shaft seal chosen must be suitable for the liquid to be pumped.3 Impeller diameter The maximum operating pressure is stated on the nameplate. NK: The actual impeller diameter can be found on the pump nameplate. 4. The procedure for the calculation of the minimum inlet pressure is shown in 13.6 MPa (16 bar).5 Maximum inlet pressure The actual inlet pressure + pump pressure against a closed valve must always be lower than the maximum permissible operating pressure. The maximum liquid temperature is stated on the pump nameplate. 3. 4. TM02 8551 0504 Codes for stuffing box Maximum 1. Technical data 4. etc. See table on page 463. thin. 4.6 Minimum flow rate The minimum flow rate must be at least 10% of the maximum flow rate. or the motor is installed more than 1000 m (3500 m) above sea level. if required. 4. 4. etc.9 Weight See label on the packing.4 Minimum inlet pressure According to the NPSH curve of the pump (see page 477) + a safety margin of minimum 0. For pump housing of cast iron EN-GJL-250 local regulations may not allow liquid temperatures above +120°C. 4. When pumping liquids with a density and/or viscosity higher than that of water. In such cases. Calculation of minimum inlet pressure. At the customer’s request. The base frame must be supported on the whole area. Viewed from the drive shaft end. See figs 8 and 9. suitable clearances for pump or motor removal must be allowed. but frost-free location. dust. this will normally happen within the first few hours of operation. 5. from entering the pump. 14 . The concrete foundation must have an absolutely level and even surface. If more than 6 months will pass before the equipment is put into operation. make sure to have containers of adequate size ready for this purpose. Ensure • that the agent used does not affect the rubber parts with which it comes into contact. For stainless steel pumps (1. Grundfos recommends to install the pump on a concrete foundation which is heavy enough to provide permanent and rigid support to the entire pump. The contractor must inspect the equipment on delivery and make sure that it is stored in such a way that corrosion and damage are avoided. Maximum permissible speed When pumping hot liquids.4. the combustion air data should particularly be noted as should the data for exhaust gases. well-ventilated. 9 Correct installation If the engines are installed in closed areas. 4. Ø650 [mm] 600 Mechanical shaft seals are precision components. The foundation must be capable of absorbing any vibration.5 - - - 3000 10 20 - - - For higher power outputs.12 Belt drive If the unit is belt-driven. Place the pump on the foundation and fasten it. 8 Incorrect installation Fig. the pump must be fastened securely to prevent excessive vibration and/or damage to the shaft and seal caused by dropping or striking. The cost of dismantling the pump during start-up to remove a foreign object can be very high. Particularly the direction of rotation is very important. the pump rotates to the right (clockwise). normal strain or shock. 5.13 Operation with combustion engine Fig. Viewed from the drive shaft end.2 Pump location The pump should be sited in a dry. 550 500 450 CuSn10 400 350 TM03 4109 1806 300 EN-GJL-200 250 200 1200 Fig.1 Preparations before installation Note: It is very important to handle the equipment correctly before installation. The main cause of such failures is improper installation of the shaft seals or the pipe for barrier fluid and/or mishandling of the pump during installation. etc. the following data must not be exceeded: For inspection and repair.4408/1. the motor should therefore rotate to the left (counterclockwise)! The correct direction of rotation is indicated by the arrow on the pump housing. • that the agent can easily be removed. 5. The pump must not be lifted by means of the shaft.4517) there is no limit in the range shown. mount an intermediate shaft with pedestal bearings. all nozzles and openings must be kept covered until the pipes are fitted. it should be considered whether a suitable anti-corrosive agent should be applied to the internal pump parts.3 Foundation ø60 mm ø48 mm ø42 mm ø32 mm Speed n min-1 ø24 mm Maximum motor power [kW] for shaft end 1000 4 7 11 18 22 1500 5 10 25 32 38 2000 6 14 25 - - 2500 7 17. When operating with petrol or diesel engines. the weight of the concrete foundation should be 1. Note: The foundation/installation must be carried out in accordance with the following instructions. Installation 5.11 Pump speed relative to material and size To prevent water. the manufacturer’s installation and operating instructions should be strictly observed. TM03 4324 2006 4. TM03 3950 1206 When draining the tank. Non-compliance may result in functional faults which will damage the pump components. 7 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 min-1 During transport. If the mechanical shaft seal of a recently installed pump fails. As a rule of thumb.5 times the weight of the pump. care should be taken to ensure that persons cannot accidentally come into contact with hot surfaces. Shims TM03 3771 1206 Fig.4 Grouting The pump can be delivered with a base frame prepared for grouting.TM03 4588 2206 When the foundation bolts are in position. TM03 4590 2206 The mass of the foundation must be at least 1. 10. TM03 4589 2206 Expansion joints provide the following functions: • Absorption of thermal expansion and contraction of pipework caused by variations in liquid temperature. if necessary.5 times the total mass of the pump. the base frame can be placed on the foundation. See fig.5 Vibration dampening. Note that the foundation length and width must be 200 mm larger than the base frame.200 kg/m³. 12. • Isolation of structure-borne noise in the pipework (only rubber bellows expansion joints).g. See fig. if necessary. The base frame can now be aligned using shims. See also 5. 10 Foundation Shuttering The recommended length and width are shown in fig. 15 Vibration dampening Fig. so that it is completely horizontal. 14 Shuttering 5. Fig. 13. 14. In installations where noise-less operation is particularly important. a foundation with a mass up to 5 times that of the pump is recommended. It may be necessary to remove the pump and/or motor to get access to the grouting holes. 11. Note: Expansion joints must not be fitted to make up for inaccuracy in the pipework.1 Expansion joints The foundation must be provided with bolts for fixing the base frame. see fig. 11 Base frame with pour holes 5. Pour holes TM03 3949 1206 TM03 4587 2206 Expansion joint Vibration damper Fig. See fig. it is recommended to fit expansion joints and vibration dampers. To prevent vibrations from being transmitted to the building and pipework.5. Fig. 15. The minimum height of the foundation (hf) can then be calculated: m pump × 1. • Reduction of mechanical influences in connection with pressure surges in the pipework. 12 Bolt in foundation 15 .5 Vibration dampening 5. Fig. and pour non-shrinking concrete through the holes of the base frame until the space underneath the base frame has been filled completely. e. See fig.5 h f = --------------------------------------------L f × B f × δconcrete The density (δ) of concrete is usually taken as 2. centre displacement or misalignment of flanges. 13 Alignment with shims Make a shuttering. The base frame has a number of holes through which the concrete is poured. The minimum flow rate must be at least 10% of the maximum flow rate. the following details are required: Fig. In the case of speed control. Vibration dampers should therefore be sized by the supplier. expansion joints must be fitted on both sides of the pump. • Desired dampening in % (recommended value 70%). the pump may be damaged.5. taking the pump inlet pressure into consideration. 17 Fixing points 5. 18 Alignment 16 TM01 8753 0800 s1 . The values for ø and s2 can be found in the following table. A wrong damper may in certain cases increase the vibration level. It is important to check the final alignment when the pump has obtained its operating temperature under normal operating conditions.1 mm. both on the suction and the discharge sides. it must always be checked when the pump has been installed. 5. especially on the suction side of the pump. a minimum liquid flow through the pump should be ensured by connecting a bypass/a drain to the discharge pipe. • Motor speed. 16. 6.1 General Fig. thus ensuring optimum suction conditions and minimum pressure drop on the discharge side. See 7.6 Pipework The pump housing must not be stressed by the pipework. this must also be taken into account. both on the suction and the discharge sides. 5. 16 Correct pipework The pipes should be adequately supported as close to the pump as possible. it is recommended to fit larger expansion joints matching the pipework. See fig. In order to select the right vibration damper. When a complete unit is supplied assembled from the factory.2 Vibration dampers • Forces transferred through the damper. This is very important to ensure that the pump is not "hanging" from the flanges. Flange forces and torques. TM02 5679 3802 To prevent vibrations from being transmitted to the building. 6. If there is any danger of the pump running against a closed discharge valve. They should lie true against the pump flanges without being stressed. it is recommended to isolate the pump foundation from buildings by means of vibration dampers. 90° 90° 90° ø 90° s2 Fig. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • ••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• If the pump is installed on a foundation with vibration dampers. Install the pipes so that air locks are avoided. Follow the procedure below. As the pump/motor alignment may be affected during transport. the coupling halves have been accurately aligned by means of foil inserted under the pump and motor mounting surfaces as required.2 How to align the unit It is very important that the pump/motor alignment is carried out correctly. Alignment TM00 2263 3393 6.The expansion joints should be fitted at a minimum distance of 11½ x DN diameter from the pump. The flow rate and head are stated on the pump nameplate. The selection of vibration damper differs from installation to installation. Otherwise. This prevents turbulence in the joints. The value for s1 is 0. Fixing points At high water velocities (> 5 m/s). The pipes must be of an adequate size.7 Bypass The pump is not allowed to run against a closed valve as this will cause an increase in temperature/ formation of steam in the pump which may cause damage to the pump. 1 mm. TM03 8301 1007 Make a mark on the coupling. and check the alignment once more. and tighten the screws with correct torque in the base frame. for instance with a mark pen. TM03 8300 1007 3 Hold a straight-edge against the coupling.Aligning the pump and motor with a ruler Step Action Step Action 7 Make a rough alignment of pump and motor. go to point 6. if any. TM03 8324 1007 TM03 8340 1007 1 Tighten the screws with correct torque again. 17 . and repeat the measurement with straight-edge and feeler gauge. See the table "Tightening torques". TM03 8325 1007 8 2 Check the distance S2 both vertically and horizontally. the alignment is finished. with a feeler gauge. and determine the inaccuracy. the alignment is finished. 6 TM03 8322 1007 Place shims with the required thickness. If the measured values are less than 0. Go to point 8. TM03 8302 1007 4 Turn the coupling 90°. TM03 8321 1007 5 Adjust the position of the motor. If not. If the air-gap width is within the tolerances. See the table "Air-gap width S2". Slacken the screws which fix the motor. Go to point 3. TM03 8309 1007 TM03 8340 1007 1 Measure the distance between the white lines on the laser units.Aligning the pump and motor with laser equipment Step Action Action 7 Make a rough alignment of pump and motor. 8 Fasten one laser bracket on the pump coupling. TM03 8311 1007 TM03 8305 1007 4 11 Interconnect the laser units. See the table "Tightening torques". and connect one laser unit with the control box. Enter the distance. TM03 8312 1007 TM03 8306 1007 5 Measure the distance from the S unit to the first screw on the motor. 10 Laser unit S (Stationary) is on the stationary part. Enter the distance. 12 Make sure that the laser units are at the same height. TM03 8313 1007 TM03 8307 1007 6 18 Step . Enter the distance. TM03 8310 1007 TM03 8304 1007 3 Measure the distance between the S unit and the centre between the couplings. TM03 8308 1007 TTM03 8303 1007 2 9 Fasten the other laser bracket on the motor coupling. and tighten the screws with correct torque in the base frame. Laser unit M (Movable) is on the part that is moved. Turn the laser units to position 3 o'clock. the alignment is finished. See the table "Air-gap width S2". Slacken the screws which fix the motor. Go to point 14. Confirm on the control box. TM03 8316 1007 Turn the laser units to position 9 o'clock. 21 TM03 8322 1007 Place shims with the required thickness. TM03 8325 1007 24 TM03 8318 1007 18 TM03 8320 1007 TM03 8317 1007 17 Check the distance S2.Step Action Action 19 Measure the distance from the S unit to the rear screw on the motor. 15 TM03 8321 1007 TM03 8315 1007 14 Adjust the position of the motor. Confirm on the control box. 20 The control box shows that the laser units must be turned to position 9 o'clock.1 mm. Repeat the alignment until the values are within the tolerances. 16 22 TM03 8324 1007 Tighten the screws with correct torque again. Go to point 24. TM03 8319 1007 Confirm on the control box. 23 Turn the laser units to position 12 o'clock. 19 . TM03 8320 1007 TM03 8314 1007 13 Step If the measured values are less than 0. 5 bar (approx.6 M12 40 ±8 M16 80 ±16 M20 120 ±24 M24 120 ±24 Air-gap width S2 Outside coupling diameter [mm] Air-gap width S2 [mm] Standard coupling Spacer coupling Nominal Tolerance Nominal Tolerance 80 - - 4 0/-1 95 - - 4 0/-1 110 - - 4 0/-1 125 4 0/-1 4 0/-1 140 4 0/-1 4 0/-1 160 4 0/-1 4 0/-1 200 4 0/-1 6 0/-1 225 4 0/-1 6 0/-1 250 4 0/-1 8 0/-1 If the coupling and motor are not supplied by Grundfos.3 Measuring instruments To ensure continuous monitoring of operation. Consequently. The measuring range of the gauges should be 20% above the maximum pump discharge pressure. 20 . On most NK or NKG pumps. As a precaution. but a value which may be up to 1. the pressure gauge on the discharge flange will not show the pressure stated in the technical documentation. To check the motor load. 6. the diameters of the suction and discharge flanges are different which results in different flow velocities in the two flanges. 15 metres) lower. it is recommended to install a pressure gauge (on the discharge side) and a manovacuum gauge (on the suction side). make sure to follow the coupling manufacturer’s instructions.4 M10 23 ±4. When measuring with pressure gauges on the pump flanges. it should be noted that a pressure gauge does not register dynamic pressure (velocity pressure).Tightening torques Description Tightening torque [Nm] Dimensions Hexagon head screw M6 10 ±2 M8 12 ±2. the coupling guard must always be fitted during operation. The pressure gauge taps should only be opened for test purposes. it is recommended to connect an ammeter. x-axis. z-axis. Contact Grundfos for further information. If not all loads reach the maximum permissible value.TM03 3811 1106 7. one of these value may exceed the normal limit. Flange forces and torques Fig. discharge port Horizontal pump. suction port Force [N] Torque [Nm] Diameter DN Fy Fz Fx ΣF* My Mz Mx ΣM* 32 298 368 315 578 263 298 385 560 40 350 438 385 683 315 368 455 665 50 473 578 525 910 350 403 490 718 65 595 735 648 1155 385 420 525 770 80 718 875 788 1383 403 455 560 823 100 945 1173 1050 1838 438 508 613 910 125 1120 1383 1243 2170 525 665 735 1068 150 1418 1750 1575 2748 613 718 875 1278 50 525 473 578 910 350 403 490 718 65 648 595 735 1155 385 420 525 770 80 788 718 875 1383 403 455 560 823 100 1050 945 1173 1838 438 508 613 910 125 1243 1120 1383 2170 525 665 735 1068 150 1575 1418 1750 2748 613 718 875 1278 200 2100 1890 2345 3658 805 928 1138 1680 Force [N] Torque [Nm] Diameter DN Fy Fz Fx 32 595 735 40 700 875 ΣF* My Mz Mx ΣM* 630 1155 525 595 770 1120 770 1365 630 735 910 1330 50 945 1155 1050 1820 700 805 980 1435 65 1190 1470 1295 2310 770 840 1050 1540 80 1435 1750 1575 2765 805 910 1120 1645 100 1890 2345 2100 3675 875 1015 1225 1820 125 2240 2765 2485 4340 1050 1330 1470 2135 150 2835 3500 3150 5495 1225 1435 1750 2555 50 1050 945 1155 1820 700 805 980 1435 65 1295 1190 1470 2310 770 840 1050 1540 80 1575 1435 1750 2765 805 910 1120 1645 100 2100 1890 2345 3675 875 1015 1225 1820 125 2485 2240 2765 4340 1050 1330 1470 2135 150 3150 2835 3500 5495 1225 1435 1750 2555 200 4200 3780 4690 7315 1610 1855 2275 3360 * ΣF and ΣM are the vector sums of the forces and moments. z-axis. 21 . x-axis. suction port Stainless steel Horizontal pump. discharge port Horizontal pump. 19 Flange forces and torques Grey cast iron Horizontal pump. 9. or check that the motor has reinforced insulation. tighten the priming plug. When pumping drinking water.1 Motor protection 1. if it has got stuck.8. Pour liquid through the hole until the suction pipe and the pump are completely filled with liquid. (The length of the cable between motor and frequency converter affects the motor load. the pump should be flushed through with clean water before start-up in order to remove any foreign matters such as preservatives. Contact Grundfos. Make sure that the motor is suitable for the electricity supply on which it will be used. Before removing the terminal box cover and before any removal/dismantling of the pump. Alternatively a priming device with funnel can be installed before the pump. Whenever powered equipment is being used in explosive surroundings. 20 Drain and priming plug TM03 3935 1206 Supply voltage up Check that the motor is suitable for freto 500 V quency converter operation.and 6-pole motors. Close the valve at the venting pump. E Drain plug M Priming plug Fig.2 Frequency converter operation The suction pipe and the pump must be filled with liquid and vented before the pump is started. Close the discharge isolating valve and tighten the priming and drain plugs. the rules and regulations generally or specifically imposed by the relevant responsible authorities or trade organisations must be observed. Three-phase motors must be connected to a motor-protective circuit breaker. If an isolating valve is fitted on the suction side of the pump. The pump must be connected to an external mains switch. It should be possible to turn the pump shaft manually. vent the suction pipe using short. 1. rapid pump strokes until the liquid runs out on the discharge side.1 General In the case of pumps with stuffing box. In hot-water installations. Remove the priming plug (M).) Supply voltage between 500 V and 690 V Fit a dU/dt filter between the motor and frequency converter (reduces the voltage peaks and thus the noise). test liquid or grease. 1. make sure. See the instructions in the motor terminal box. 6. . that the motors cannot start automatically after cooling. 9. Connect a manual venting pump instead of a priming device (funnel). Cable length Fit a cable that meets the specifications laid down by the frequency converter supplier. the pump should first be loosened by turning it manually. The electrical connections should be carried out as shown in the wiring diagram inside the terminal box cover. Pay attention to the orientation of the priming hole to ensure that the escaping water does not cause personal injury or damage to the motor or other components.2 Priming Closed systems or open systems where the liquid level is above the pump inlet 8. 4. Note: Do not start the pump until it has been filled with liquid and vented. 4. 4. Fit the priming plug (M). 5. When inactive for a long period. Carry out the electrical connection as shown in the wiring diagram in the terminal box cover. make sure that the electricity supply has been switched off. Check these operating conditions if the pump is driven via a frequency converter: 3. 2. Particularly noise critical applications Fit a sinusoidal filter. the valve must be fully open. A slide valve should be installed between the venting pump and the centrifugal pump in order to protect the venting pump against excessive pressure. 16. Noise critical applications Fit a dU/dt filter between the motor and the frequency converter (reduces the voltage peaks and thus the noise). Open systems where the liquid level is below the pump inlet Operating conditions Action 2-. Suction operation with non-return valve 8. All three-phase motors can be connected to a frequency converter. Close the discharge isolating valve and slowly open the isolating valve in the suction pipe. 22 2. The operating voltage and frequency are marked on the nameplate. Close the discharge isolating valve and open the isolating valve in the suction pipe. Supply voltage of 690 V and higher Fit a dU/dt filter and check that the motor has reinforced insulation. Once the slide valve at the manual venting pump has been opened. 3. See fig. All three-phase Grundfos MG and MMG motors of 3 kW and up incorporate a thermistor. Start-up The electrical connections should be carried out +by an authorized electrician in accordance with local regulations. before starting to work. check that the stuffing box gland is correctly fitted. frame size 280 and larger Check that one of the motor bearings is electrically isolated. special attention should be paid to the risk of personal injury caused by scalding hot water. Large motors driven via a frequency converter will be loaded by bearing currents. 2. The suction pipe may be filled and vented via the priming plug. Electrical connection 9. Loosen the stuffing box or remove the packing. Whenever motors incorporating a thermal switch or thermistors are to be repaired. Once liquid runs out. Both the pump and the suction pipe should be completely filled with liquid. Slacken the priming plug in order to vent the pump. Frequency converter operation will often expose the motor insulation system to a heavier load and cause the motor to be more noisy than usual due to eddy currents caused by voltage peaks. In hot-water installations. special attention should be paid to the risk of personal injury caused by scalding hot water. Pay attention to the orientation of the vent hole to ensure that the escaping water does not cause personal injury or damage to the motor or other components. throttle the valve on the discharge side until the motor is no longer overloaded. Care must be taken to ensure that the escaping liquid does not cause personal injury or damage to the motor or other components. Note: At the moment of start. The correct direction of rotation is shown by arrows on the pump housing. See fig.2 Mechanical shaft seals 9. Periods of inactivity and frost protection Do not tighten the priming plug and replace the drain plug until the pump is to be used again. The pump is maintenance-free. the running-in of the stuffing box gland has been completed. 9. It must be ensured that it cannot be accidentally switched on. Motors up to and including frame size 160 have maintenancefree.1 Pump 11. Motors of frame sizes larger than 160 should be greased according to the indications on the motor nameplate. the mechanical shaft seal should be checked immediately. greased-for-life bearings. 10.2 Bearing grease. a few drops should always drop from the stuffing box to protect the packing or shaft sleeve against damage. 10. 23 . special attention should be paid to the risk of personal injury caused by scalding hot water. Maintenance Before starting work on the pump.10. 100 250 350 • Temperature range –30°C to +140°C during continuous operation. 20 to 40 drops/minute are recommended. see the service instructions for NK.225 8 15 30 Pumps which are not being used during periods of frost should be drained to avoid damage. 10. If any considerable and increasing seepage occurs. 10. greased-for-life bearings.2 Bearing grease Maximum number of starts/hour Frame size 56 . When the pipework has been filled with liquid. This will prevent the shaft seal faces from sticking.315 4 8 12 Drain the pump by removing the drain plug.4.4. chamber and stuffing box gland. working almost without any leakages. Once the stuffing box housing and the stuffing box gland have reached approximately the same temperature as that of the pump parts. 2 4 6 • Viscosity of basic oil: 70 to 150 cSt at +40°C. Mechanical shaft seals should be treated with the greatest care. Grease spills from the motor may occur.3 Stuffing box The stuffing box gland must not be too tight during start-up in order to let sufficient liquid lubricate the shaft and the packing. 80 . To ensure continuous lubrication.1 Lubrication Pump bearings The pump is provided with maintenance-free. After removal. If the motor is fitted with a motor with an output selected on the basis of a specific maximum flow rate.4. Seen from the pump end.100 60 140 160 112 . 250 . Vent the pump during starting by loosening the air vent screw in the pump head/cover until a steady stream of liquid runs out of the vent hole. Grease specifications: See 10. slowly open the isolating valve on the discharge side until it is completely open. Grease specifications: See 10. the motor may be overloaded if the differential pressure is lower than anticipated.132 30 60 80 160 . If the pump is installed in dusty environments. If the pump is to be drained for a long period of inactivity. If the stuffing box leaks too much. the stuffing box must be repacked.71 Number of poles Lithium-based grease according to the following specifications must be used: • NLGI class 2 or 3. In hot-water installations. Motor bearings It is advisable always to measure the motor current consumption during starting. 9. The pump has no lubricating nipples. Mechanical shaft seals are maintenance-free.5 Start/stop 10. Start the pump. If the sliding surfaces are damaged. It is important to keep the motor clean in order to ensure adequate ventilation. inject a few drops of silicone oil on the shaft at the bearing bracket. If the stuffing box leaks too much and it cannot be further tightened. 10.4 Start-up Before starting the pump. 20. In case of overload. switch off the supply voltage.180 15 30 50 200 . See fig. the direction of rotation must be counter-clockwise. completely open the isolating valve on the suction side of the pump and leave the isolating valve on the discharge side almost closed. 20.2 Bearing grease.4. the input current of the pump motor is up to six times higher than the full-load current stated on the motor nameplate. the entire shaft seal should be replaced. it must be cleaned and checked regularly.4 Motor The motor should be inspected at regular intervals. retighten slightly and evenly while the pump is running.3 Checking the direction of rotation The pump must be filled with liquid when checking the direction of rotation. Check the overload by measuring the motor current consumption and comparing the value with the nominal current stated on the motor nameplate. For further information. clean and check the shaft sleeve. 0.0 – 7.1 Service kits Service kits for NK.2 – NPSH – Hf – Hv – Hs pb Barometric pressure in bar. H = pb x 10. Liquid temperature: +90°C. 12.85 x 9. see page 483. Hf Friction loss in suction pipe in metres head.85 metres head. at the highest flow the NPSH pump will be delivering). the pump can operate with a maximum suction lift of "H" metres. NKG.85 metres is required during operation. 2-pole.2 – 2. see (WebCAPS). (The barometric pressure can be taken as = 1 bar. page 477. NPSH (read on page 477): 2.81 = 28 kPa. Hv (read on page 483): 7. If Grundfos is requested to service such a pump. The inlet pressure calculated in kPa: 2.0 metres head. Hv Vapour pressure in metres head.12.5 = –2. If the calculated value of H is negative. Otherwise Grundfos can refuse to accept the pump for service. The inlet pressure calculated in bar: 2.35 – 3. where tm = liquid temperature.2 – NPSH – Hf – Hv – Hs [metres head]. The maximum flow rate must not exceed the values stated for the individual pump on page 465. Example: pb = 1 bar. Service If a pump has been used for a liquid which is injurious to health or toxic. H = 1 x 10.) In closed systems pb indicates the system pressure in bar.0981 = 0. Possible costs of returning the pump are paid by the customer. Grundfos must be contacted with details about the pumped liquid before the pump is returned for service.2 – 0.5 metres head. Calculation of minimum inlet pressure The minimum inlet pressure "H" in metres head required during operation to avoid cavitation in the pump can be calculated from the following formula: H = pb x 10. 13.Grundfos. WinCAPS or Service Kit Catalogue. Flow rate: 70 m³/h. the pump will be classified as contaminated. Hs Safety margin = min.2 metres head. Net Positive Suction Head in metres head (to be read from the NPSH curve.28 bar. Pump type: NK 50-200/219.85 x 0. If the calculated value of H is positive. This means that a suction head of 2. Hf = 3. a minimum suction head of "H" metres is required. 50 Hz.35 metres head. The calculated value of H must be present during operation. 24 . 3. pump housing gaskets and shaft seals. a) Pump blocked by impurities. Increase the liquid level on the suction side. l) Frequency converter operation 4. Open the isolating valve in the suction pipe. nections defective. i) Defective motor fan. Clean and check the impeller. tripped out due to overload of the motor. d) Pump draws in air due to low liquid level. e) Impeller out of balance (clogged impeller blades).2 How to align the unit. Vent the suction pipe or the pump and replenish. d) Counter-pressure too high. Check the setting of the motor-protective circuit breaker and replace. Set the duty point in accordance with the data sheet. c) Density or viscosity of the liquid is higher than specified when ordering. d) Mechanical shaft seal defective. Make sure that all the conditions in 5. d) Overload setting is incorrect. Replace the coupling. Check and clean the mechanical shaft seal. Leakage in mechani. The pump delivers no or too little liquid. if necessary. Support the pipes. f) Inner parts worn. a) Wrong electrical connection (2 phases). Repair or replace the stuffing.6 Pipework are complied with. Leakage in stuffing c) Mechanical shaft seal dirty or stuck together.6 Pipework are complied with. Support the pipes. Pump runs unevenly and vibrates. Align the coupling. If less power suffices. Set the duty point in accordance with the data sheet. c) Air in suction pipe. Replace the fan. Or fit a more powerful motor. h) Pump draws in air due to low liquid level. Check the system for impurities. box. Replace pump housing gaskets or gaskets at connections. See 8.b) Pump housing gaskets and gaskets at concal shaft seal. Increase the liquid level on the suction side and keep it as constant as possible. Check the electrical connection. and replace. g) Pump draws in air due to defective seal. reduce the flow on the discharge side. e) Stuffing box defective. k) Foreign bodies in the pump. if necessary. Clean the pump. j) Defective coupling. Clean the pump. 25 . g) Pump stressed by the pipework (thus causing starting noise). Leakage in pump or in a) Pump stressed by the pipework (thus causing leaks in the pump housing or connections). Increase the liquid level on the suction side and keep it as constant as possible. Check the electrical connection and remedy. Mount the pump so that it is not stressed. Replace the packing in the stuffing box.2 Frequency converter operation. Mount the pump so that it is not stressed. Set the duty point in accordance with the data sheet.14. Open the isolating valve in the suction pipe. Replace the bearings. connections. e) The motor runs on 2 phases. Clean the pump. b) Wrong direction of rotation. if necessary. b) Air in suction pipe or pump. Make sure that all the conditions in 5. Retighten the stuffing box. Vent the suction pipe or the pump and replenish. h) Defective bearings. Pump makes too much noise. a) Inlet pressure too low (cavitation). e) Inlet pressure too low. make sure that the electricity supply has been switched off. if defective. Replace the mechanical shaft seal. f) Replace the shaft or the shaft sleeve. Fault finding chart Before removing the terminal box cover and before any removal/dismantling of the pump. Check the pipeline seals. Replace the fuse. Interchange two phases in the electricity supply. See 6. Replace defective parts. Shaft surface or shaft sleeve defective. f) Suction pipe clogged or impeller blocked by impurities. c) Counter-pressure is lower than specified. 2. Increase the liquid level on the suction side. Motor-protective circuit breaker has b) Pump runs over the dimensioned duty point. Fault Cause Remedy 1. 15.Fault Cause Remedy 5. Reduce the flow rate. Subject to alterations. Support the pipes. Vent the suction pipe or the pump and replenish. Check the relief holes of the impeller and the lock rings on the suction side. if necessary. work. If this is not possible. Motor-protective circuit breaker is defective or setting is incorrect. reduce or replace the lubricant.6 Pipework are complied with. b) Inlet pressure too low.2 How to align the unit. f) Check the setting of the motor-protective circuit breaker and replace. d) Pump with bearing seat stressed by the pipe. Open the isolating valve in the suction pipe. contact the nearest Grundfos company or service workshop. 2. Check the alignment of the coupling. too much or unsuitable lubricant. Disposal This product or parts of it must be disposed of in an environmentally sound way: 1. g) The motor is overloaded.Mount the pump so that it is not stressed. e) The axial pressure is too high. Too high temperature in pump or motor. Make sure that all the conditions in 5. Increase the liquid level on the suction side. 26 . a) Air in suction pipe or pump. c) Bearings lubricated with too little. See 6. Replenish. Use the public or private waste collection service. MMG.0 82 73 95 93 95 94 355.55 2.5 73 62 66 63 65 73 62 61 11.0 76 70 92 89 93 90 200.0 76 70 61 89 85 77 92 85 84 61 84 132.0 68 70 66 66 78 67 65 76 69 62 15.0 70 63 66 82 68 68 83 72 70 30.0 73 70 61 86 78 77 92 85 84 110.1 55 51 59 48 43 52 62 59 59 1.0 59 56 59 53 63 61 65 62 58 4.0 77 463 .0 82 73 95 93 95 92 315.0 66 59 63 53 63 61 65 63 61 5.0 71 67 58 85 75 72 91 83 81 75.0 71 65 59 84 71 68 88 76 74 37.5 58 55 58 48 47 53 64 59 59 0.0 71 66 60 84 73 70 88 82 75 45.0 71 66 58 84 73 72 90 82 75 55. Siemens and TECO motors 50 Hz 2-pole: n = 2900 min-1 4-pole: n = 1450 min-1 6-pole: n = 970 min-1 LpA [dB(A)] Motor [kW] MG model B 4-pole 0.Airborne noise emitted by pumps with MG.75 56 42 43 52 62 58 59 1.0 76 70 92 89 93 90 250.2 57 52 60 53 52 57 64 62 59 3.0 73 70 61 86 78 77 91 83 81 90.0 70 66 66 78 67 65 76 69 65 18.37 42 MG model C 2-pole 4-pole MG model D 2-pole Siemens 2-pole 4-pole MMG model E 6-pole 2-pole 4-pole 40 TECO 6-pole 2-pole 51 4-pole 6-pole 58 59 42 40 51 60 58 59 0.5 63 57 63 62 63 61 70 63 60 7.0 76 70 89 85 93 88 160.25 42 0.5 70 63 66 78 68 68 76 72 69 22. 5 78 0.55 464 4-pole MG model D 62 66 65 67 74 62 61 11.0 75 65 62 86 75 74 90 82 75 55.0 71 65 62 86 73 70 88 76 74 37.0 81 75 94 91 92 90 200.5 63 53 64 52 47 55 64 59 59 2.0 77 71 66 88 80 79 91 83 80 90.0 70 63 66 84 70 70 83 72 70 30.5 70 63 66 80 70 70 76 72 69 22.0 71 61 68 57 63 63 66 63 61 5.25 42 45 0.0 71 65 63 86 75 72 88 82 75 45.0 75 68 62 87 77 74 91 83 78 75.0 81 75 66 91 87 79 92 88 81 66 81 132.0 81 75 91 87 92 88 160.60 Hz 2-pole: n = 3500 min-1 4-pole: n = 1750 min-1 6-pole: n = 1170 min-1 LpA [dB(A)] Motor [kW] MG model B 4-pole MG model C 2-pole 0.0 97 95 95 93 315.37 42 45 2-pole Siemens 2-pole 4-pole MMG model E 6-pole 2-pole 4-pole 40 TECO 6-pole 2-pole 53 4-pole 6-pole 58 59 45 40 53 60 58 59 0.0 71 59 64 57 63 63 66 62 59 4.2 63 54 65 57 52 59 65 62 59 3.5 78 68 67 62 63 63 73 63 60 7.75 57 49 43 54 63 58 59 1.0 81 75 94 91 92 91 250.0 70 66 66 80 69 67 76 69 65 18.0 73 70 66 66 80 69 67 76 69 62 15.0 97 95 95 95 .0 77 71 66 88 80 79 90 86 80 110.1 60 55 63 52 43 54 63 59 59 1. 0 45.3 174.8 302.1/205 32-200.8 27.6 489.2 30.1/100 32-125.1 168.0 465 .3 27.5 110.8 36.0 194.3 18.0 28.1/196 32-200.0 28.9 45.3 98.7 53.4 29.9 200.6 45.0 46.7 34.7 86.2 62.0 159.5 248.0 13.7 67.3 520.0 116.6 51.1/207 32-125/106 32-125/115 32-125/130 32-125/142 32-160/139 32-160/151 32-160/163 32-160/177 32-200/176 32-200/190 32-200/206 32-200/219 32-250/199 32-250/219 32-250/244 32-250/262 40-125/105 40-125/116 40-125/127 40-125/139 40-125/142 40-160/144 40-160/158 40-160/172 40-160/177 40-200/172 40-200/188 40-200/206 40-200/219 40-250/211 40-250/230 40-250/245 40-250/255 40-250/260 40-315/273 40-315/298 40-315/318 40-315/336 50-125/111 50-125/121 50-125/135 50-125/144 50-160/136 50-160/150 50-160/167 50-160/177 50-200/181 50-200/198 50-200/210 50-200/219 50-250/205 Max.1/139 32-125.4 380.0 4-pole: n = 1450 min-1 Pump type 32-125.9 47.1 30.3 450.1/140 32-160.0 11.9 118.3 105. Q [m³/h] 16.6 19.9 15.8 41.3 61.8 100.0 32.2 18.1 379.4 25.0 27.0 126.5 239.1/172 32-160. Q [m³/h] 92.0 37.3 143.2 15.0 53.1/177 32-200.0 52.9 13.0 244.1/175 32-200.6 175.8 104.0 83.1/140 32-160.0 21.5 117.6 56.9 76.1 25.1/121 32-125.6 166.0 11.6 136.5 16.0 42.0 37.6 21.8 57.0 6-pole: n = 970 min-1 Pump type 100-160/160-142 100-160/163 100-160/176 100-200/182 100-200/194 100-200/214 100-200/219 100-250/220 100-250/236 100-250/259 100-250/270 100-315/272 100-315/301 100-315/326 100-315/334 100-400/360 100-400/406 100-400/437 100-400/438 125-200/188-180 125-200/205 125-200/218 125-200/226 125-250/216 125-250/232 125-250/253 125-250/269 125-315/275 125-315/297 125-315/335 125-315/338 125-400/351 125-400/384 125-400/410 125-400/434 125-400/438 125-500/421 125-500/445 125-500/493 125-500/524 125-500/546 125-500/548 150-200/210-170 150-200/218-200 150-200/224 150-250/243 150-250/262 150-250/286 150-315/280 150-315/305 150-315/322 150-315/337 150-315/338 150-400/357 150-400/375 150-400/408 150-400/430 150-400/438 150-500/457 150-500/483 150-500/513 150-500/548 Max.3 18.8 10.2 281.1/137 32-160.5 12.0 51.3 95.0 25.8 150.9 103.6 23.0 266.Maximum flow rate NK.4 29.1 388.0 181.0 48.4 416.1/139 32-160.5 50.2 32.0 364.3 13.0 85.8 41.9 32.7 86.0 24.9 53.2 42.0 398.4 135.0 19. Q [m³/h] 10.0 291.5 13.1 34.5 36.0 25.0 47.1/207 32-125/115 32-125/130 32-125/142 32-160/138 32-160/154 32-160/172 32-160/177 32-200/184 32-200/200 32-200/216 32-200/219 32-250/210 32-250/236 32-250/260 32-250/262 40-125/116 40-125/130 40-125/142 40-160/134 40-160/151 40-160/166 40-160/177 40-200/181 40-200/198 40-200/217 40-200/219 40-250/219 40-250/245 40-250/260 40-315/283 40-315/305 40-315/334 40-315/344 50-125/113 50-125/129 50-125/142 50-125/144 50-160/131 50-160/143 50-160/158 50-160/175 50-160/177 50-200/171 50-200/188 50-200/210 50-200/219 50-250/221 50-250/241 50-250/263 50-315/277 50-315/303 50-315/333 50-315/344 Max.6 16.6 316.4 59.7 16.7 59.1/155 32-160.3 253.0 77.7 37.2 24.9 50.3 209.0 33.2 272.0 268.4 53.0 8.7 30.0 46.0 11.9 229.1/169 32-160.8 55.0 197.0 159.8 446.0 21.1/155 32-160.0 40.4 39.1/121 32-125.2 47.3 216.0 21.1 93.0 46.9 29.9 158.0 120.7 58.9 310.6 411.6 12.8 59.3 61.8 207.1/110 32-125.1/188 32-200.6 66.0 27.4 480.1 334.4 54.9 14.0 109.3 31.6 20.2 525.3 229.0 38.3 69.3 28.0 23.0 351.3 189.1 52.0 18.9 30.8 26.5 33.0 66.0 14.4 533.1/172 32-200.1/177 32-200.4 27.0 206.1 149.9 26.0 22. 50 Hz 2-pole: n = 2900 min-1 Pump type 32-125.9 497.0 14.4 139.0 353. 8 334.0 224.0 86.0 106.1 266.4 134.7 87.1 88.0 68.0 107.6 153.0 256.7 210.0 136.0 131.0 141.4 228.3 137.4 136.0 117.6 137.2 170.1 69.7 160.0 195.2 396.5 130.8 110.6 158.7 117.1 174.6 244.8 286.2 132.1 89.0 126.0 430.0 59.0 123.6 144.8 109.4 81.1 191.0 77.4 146.3 150.1 158.7 300.8 225.0 225.4 285.5 175.5 145.9 4-pole: n = 1450 min-1 Pump type 65-125/122 65-125/133 65-125/144 65-160/138 65-160/149 65-160/165 65-160/177 65-200/170 65-200/189 65-200/205 65-200/219 65-250/215 65-250/232 65-250/254 65-250/270 65-315/261 65-315/282 65-315/314 65-315/320 80-160/146 80-160/161 80-160/175 80-160/177 80-200/164 80-200/179 80-200/196 80-200/214 80-200/222 80-250/225 80-250/247 80-250/270 80-315/280 80-315/305 80-315/320 80-315/334 80-400/347 80-400/365 80-400/397 80-400/419 80-400/438 100-160/160-144 100-160/165 100-160/176 100-200/178 100-200/195 100-200/211 100-200/219 100-250/215 100-250/245 100-250/266 100-250/270 100-315/279 100-315/295 100-315/312 100-315/334 100-400/351 100-400/387 100-400/410 100-400/432 100-400/438 125-200/188-180 125-200/201 125-200/221 125-200/226 125-250/220 125-250/236 Max.9 94.3 174.0 243.4 236.0 369.7 185.0 164.0 311.8 212.0 177. Q [m³/h] .5 471.2 68.3 225.7 189.0 60.2 157.0 75.0 128.0 123.8 75. Q [m³/h] 63.3 85.1 262.2-pole: n = 2900 min-1 Pump type 50-250/222 50-250/233 50-250/254 50-250/263 50-315/267 50-315/285 50-315/300 50-315/321 65-125/120-110 65-125/127 65-125/137 65-125/144 65-160/143 65-160/157 65-160/173 65-160/177 65-200/162 65-200/177 65-200/190 65-200/198 65-200/217 65-200/219 65-250/223 65-250/238 65-250/251 65-250/269 65-250/270 65-315/272 65-315/295 65-315/308 65-315/320 80-160/147-127 80-160/151 80-160/161 80-160/167 80-160/177 80-200/171 80-200/188 80-200/200 80-200/211 80-200/222 80-250/220 80-250/234 80-250/257 80-250/270 80-315/278 80-315/295 80-315/310 80-315/328 100-160/160-156 100-160/169 100-160/176 100-200/170 100-200/181 100-200/192 100-200/203 100-200/219 100-250/205 100-250/229 100-250/242 100-250/258 100-250/270 100-315/269 100-315/284 100-315/301 100-315/322 466 Max.0 178.0 309.0 110.0 111.0 134.4 428.3 225.7 251.4 308.6 248.2 163.2 207.5 222.0 260. Q [m³/h] 87.6 78.2 180.8 350.0 209.0 94.0 246.2 116.1 279.1 328.9 289.7 200.2 104.3 81.4 272.5 233.9 379.0 202.5 125.4 330.0 166.6 211.4 410.3 409.1 300.4 355.1 294.0 345.3 72.0 64.4 127.0 296.8 154.6 166.7 370.1 169.3 190.6 338.0 81.5 6-pole: n = 970 min-1 Pump type Max.8 73.5 65.0 146. 0 541.0 494.3 475.9 307.8 583.3 500.7 625.4 406.0 521.8 588.2 360.0 519.0 930.7 595.0 384.4 1100.4 607.5 295.8 373.6 635.3 757.0 976.7 621.2 367.0 473.0 270.0 4-pole: n = 1450 min-1 Pump type 125-250/249 125-250/262 125-250/269 125-315/275 125-315/290 125-315/317 125-315/336 125-315/338 125-400/345 125-400/368 125-400/392 125-400/433 125-400/438 125-500/406 125-500/447 125-500/473 125-500/500 125-500/526 125-500/548 150-200/210-160 150-200/218-208 150-200/224 150-250/226 150-250/238 150-250/251 150-250/271 150-250/284 150-250/286 150-315/275 150-315/291 150-315/310 150-315/336 150-315/338 150-400/343 150-400/375 150-400/394 150-400/412 150-400/431 150-400/438 150-500/459 150-500/489 150-500/521 Max.2-pole: n = 2900 min-1 Pump type 125-200/188-174 125-200/192 125-200/209 125-200/219 125-200/226 125-250/221 125-250/235 125-250/248 125-250/261 125-250/269 125-315/262 125-315/277 125-315/297 125-315/317 150-200/216-176 150-200/218-202 150-200/224 150-250/227 150-250/241 150-250/256 150-250/271 Max.2 556.8 287. Q [m³/h] 362.7 695. Q [m³/h] 486.7 690.0 508.8 1028.6 780.0 508.0 917.4 630.2 576.0 593.3 585.0 323.6 600.0 433.6 467 .0 322.3 400.1 643.0 630.6 1000.6 548.0 265.0 660.7 548.1 380.6 335.8 800.7 463.2 787.0 355. Q [m³/h] 6-pole: n = 970 min-1 Pump type Max.0 541.3 949.3 524.0 268. 1 295.1/145 32-160.4 533.9 370. Q [m³/h] 29.5 62.6 29.NK.1 38.0 64. Q [m³/h] 111.1 268.9 51.5 199.2 57.1/140 32-160.7 16.8 30.4 34.1 33.3 143.0 237.6 32.7 274.0 30.1/132 32-125.8 107.6 46.6 25.6 26.2 20.1/207 32-250/207 32-250/227 32-250/242 32-250/256 32-250/262 40-125/110 40-125/118 40-125/131 40-125/140 40-125/142 40-160/131 40-160/143 40-160/162 40-160/177 40-200/178 40-200/193 40-200/206 40-200/216 40-200/219 40-250/193 40-250/206 40-250/215 40-250/236 40-250/252 40-250/260 50-125/105 50-125/113 50-125/124 50-125/140 50-125/144 50-160/127 50-160/141 50-160/154 50-160/165 50-160/177 468 Max.1 190.0 16.0 156.8 83.7 18.0 12.9 14.6 19.0 26.8 79.1/192 32-200.2 173.7 310.3 156.1/129 32-125.2 199.1 14.3 566.1 37.0 410.1/133 32-160.4 41.3 24.2 304.1/175 32-200.1/158 32-200.1 70.1/177 32-200.0 85.4 401.0 47.0 25.7 71.8 32.5 294.0 36.0 55.8 23.3 53.6 22.0 126.4 40.6 72.9 386.0 341.0 60.0 244.2 26.1 42.6 535.2 35.1 266.0 87.0 16.4 233.0 18.8 418.0 31.4 322.6 140.9 30.2 502.0 59.9 66.0 51.0 394.0 28.5 31.1/104 32-125.1 243.0 29.0 14.0 70.6 162.4 29.3 126.1/147 32-160.9 38.2 19.1/207 32-125/109 32-125/123 32-125/140 32-125/142 32-160/131 32-160/147 32-160/162 32-160/177 32-200/174 32-200/189 32-200/204 32-200/219 32-250/198 32-250/218 32-250/243 32-250/262 40-125/111 40-125/123 40-125/137 40-125/142 40-160/128 40-160/143 40-160/155 40-160/170 40-160/177 40-200/169 40-200/184 40-200/205 40-200/219 40-250/207 40-250/225 40-250/246 40-250/260 40-315/284 40-315/313 40-315/344 50-125/109 50-125/120 50-125/132 50-125/144 50-160/134 50-160/146 50-160/165 50-160/177 50-200/178 50-200/193 50-200/210 50-200/219 50-250/221 50-250/244 50-250/263 50-315/256 50-315/283 50-315/314 Max.2 64.3 32.5 73.3 103.0 45.0 18.1/168 32-200.7 127.8 67.8 69.3 16.4 159.3 96.4 57.1/116 32-125.6 17.2 38.3 76.0 30.0 210. Q [m³/h] 11.0 307.3 36.3 466.0 28.5 455.4 210.9 21.1 37.2 17.0 145.4 447.0 12.0 12.2 15.0 13.1/170 32-160.1 478.3 183.1/185 32-200.4 180.7 120.4 34.3 33.9 38.1/202 32-200.0 44.3 240.1 35.0 176.7 6-pole: n = 1170 min-1 Pump type 100-160/160-154 100-160/168 100-160/176 100-200/169 100-200/185 100-200/198 100-200/214 100-200/219 100-250/216 100-250/238 100-250/261 100-250/270 100-315/276 100-315/310 100-315/334 100-400/343 100-400/379 100-400/404 100-400/424 100-400/438 125-200/188 125-200/204 125-200/222 125-200/226 125-250/219 125-250/234 125-250/261 125-250/269 125-315/254 125-315/286 125-315/313 125-315/333 125-315/338 125-400/346 125-400/367 125-400/404 125-400/432 125-400/438 125-500/446 125-500/470 125-500/501 125-500/543 125-500/548 150-200/210-170 150-200/218-212 150-200/224 150-250/250 150-250/271 150-250/286 150-315/283 150-315/297 150-315/323 150-315/338 150-400/327 150-400/358 150-400/380 150-400/398 150-400/419 150-400/438 150-500/433 150-500/482 150-500/510 150-500/534 150-500/548 Max.0 52.5 376.0 365.7 32.8 46.7 52.1/116 32-125.5 23.0 40.0 51.3 58.8 49.9 74.4 179.7 441.1/156 32-160.3 28.1/177 32-200/164 32-200/179 32-200/197 32-200/212 32-200/219 32-200.1/95 32-125.0 404.3 495.0 19.1 354.4 69.0 .8 229.7 66.0 58.0 215.6 33.1/140 32-160/128 32-160/139 32-160/152 32-160/168 32-160/177 32-160.1 31.3 61.1/164 32-160.0 4-pole: n = 1750 min-1 Pump type 32-125.8 116.9 14.5 22.4 300.9 35.5 437.9 144.0 196.5 66.0 128.7 77.7 21.9 43.5 17. 60 Hz 2-pole: n = 3500 min-1 Pump type 32-125/97 32-125/107 32-125/122 32-125/130 32-125/142 32-125.9 117.5 550.7 60.0 93.2 265.2 47.7 40.0 23. 9 125.4 171.0 343. Q [m³/h] 60.1 158.4 199.8 95.1 4-pole: n = 1750 min-1 Pump type 50-315/344 65-125/124 65-125/136 65-125/144 65-160/141 65-160/156 65-160/169 65-160/177 65-200/174 65-200/189 65-200/209 65-200/219 65-250/215 65-250/238 65-250/265 65-250/270 65-315/242 65-315/270 65-315/290 65-315/305 65-315/320 80-160/150 80-160/161 80-160/177 80-200/167 80-200/184 80-200/202 80-200/222 80-250/211 80-250/234 80-250/255 80-250/270 80-315/275 80-315/287 80-315/314 80-315/332 80-315/334 80-400/342 80-400/362 80-400/380 80-400/401 80-400/437 80-400/438 100-160/160-146 100-160/165 100-160/176 100-200/166 100-200/182 100-200/201 100-200/217 100-200/219 100-250/223 100-250/236 100-250/249 100-250/270 100-315/264 100-315/290 100-315/309 100-315/329 100-315/334 100-400/347 100-400/367 100-400/392 100-400/428 100-400/438 125-200/191 Max.8 190.0 80.5 99.7 204.2 209.3 193.0 408.9 167.2 157.5 111.2 173.0 118.0 213.6 102.3 158.7 311.0 263.2 257.8 495.4 143.0 498.3 156.2 495.0 213.5 439.3 262.8 552.0 140.0 380.4 185.0 155. Q [m³/h] 92.8 130.6 175.2 287.0 360.2 420.0 324.0 144.0 143.1 516.4 154.1 222.0 172.4 242.0 151.2 88.1 318.8 492.9 326.0 109.0 78.7 227.7 97.3 164.2-pole: n = 3500 min-1 Pump type 50-200/167 50-200/178 50-200/187 50-200/205 50-200/218 50-200/219 50-250/213 50-250/229 50-250/242 50-250/257 50-250/263 65-125/120-110 65-125/130 65-125/141 65-125/144 65-160/136 65-160/147 65-160/155 65-160/163 65-160/177 65-200/160 65-200/168 65-200/184 65-200/195 65-200/208 65-200/219 65-250/212 65-250/226 65-250/248 65-250/263 65-250/270 80-160/150-130 80-160/156 80-160/165 80-160/174 80-160/177 80-200/169 80-200/179 80-200/192 80-200/207 80-200/222 80-250/218 80-250/230 80-250/244 80-250/259 80-250/270 100-160/160-154 100-160/163 100-160/171 100-160/176 100-200/173 100-200/192 100-200/201 100-200/212 100-200/219 100-250/217 100-250/231 100-250/243 100-250/261 100-250/270 125-200/188-168 125-200/188 125-200/200 125-200/211 125-200/223 125-250/226 Max.1 236.7 216.8 102.0 171.9 163.0 134.0 137.0 75.1 197.0 225.4 113.8 270.1 121.7 132.0 405.1 613.6 264.0 244.0 92.0 132.1 283.5 138.5 244.2 91.2 186.0 180.4 520.0 74.9 174.0 148. Q [m³/h] 6-pole: n = 1170 min-1 Pump type Max.1 173.0 267.0 470.6 302.1 338.6 158.0 107.0 195.9 84.1 84.8 132.4 121.4 96.0 348.5 107.2 380.5 469 .3 241.5 195.3 270.4 288.5 139.2 281.7 298.0 260.6 210.7 124.0 303.9 186.6 107.4 578.3 199.6 139.2 213.0 78.4 427.2 83.4 286.2 415.2 164.5 455. 1 4-pole: n = 1750 min-1 Pump type 125-200/208 125-200/218 125-200/226 125-250/214 125-250/224 125-250/243 125-250/258 125-250/269 125-315/271 125-315/287 125-315/303 125-315/320 125-315/338 125-400/333 125-400/369 125-400/389 125-400/414 125-400/438 125-500/423 125-500/447 125-500/474 125-500/508 125-500/539 125-500/548 150-200/214-174 150-200/218-202 150-200/222 150-250/234 150-250/248 150-250/260 150-250/273 150-250/286 150-315/269 150-315/295 150-315/309 150-315/326 150-315/338 150-400/341 150-400/361 150-400/381 150-400/401 150-400/424 150-400/438 Max.0 351. Q [m³/h] . Q [m³/h] 326.0 6-pole: n = 1170 min-1 Pump type Max.0 338.0 420.8 480.2 343.3 755.0 315.5 401.0 339.0 865.8 600.8 325.2-pole: n = 3500 min-1 Pump type 125-250/242 125-250/258 125-250/269 150-200/210-154 150-200/216-176 150-200/218-204 470 Max.5 920.6 393.9 774.0 950.0 580.4 825.0 364.0 579.0 636.7 693. Q [m³/h] 540.9 668.5 700.0 540.1 590.8 449.0 593.1 550.2 650.1 800.8 647.9 388.1 567.0 453.1 367.2 695.5 373.9 430.5 352.7 360.6 596.8 631.0 515.0 283.0 549.8 417. 0 28.6 21.1/172 50-32-160.3 31.3 18.0 37.1/207 50-32-125/115 50-32-125/130 50-32-125/142 50-32-160/138 50-32-160/154 50-32-160/172 50-32-160/177 50-32-200/184 50-32-200/200 50-32-200/216 50-32-200/219 50-32-250/210 50-32-250/236 50-32-250/260 50-32-250/262 65-50-125/116 65-50-125/130 65-50-125/142 65-50-160/134 65-50-160/151 65-50-160/166 65-50-160/177 65-40-200/181 65-40-200/198 65-40-200/217 65-40-200/219 65-40-250/219 65-40-250/245 65-40-250/260 65-40-315/283 65-40-315/305 65-40-315/334 65-40-315/344 80-65-125/113 80-65-125/129 80-65-125/142 80-65-125/144 80-65-160/131 80-65-160/143 80-65-160/158 80-65-160/175 80-65-160/177 80-50-200/171 80-50-200/188 80-50-200/210 80-50-200/219 80-50-250/221 80-50-250/241 80-50-250/263 80-50-315/277 80-50-315/303 80-50-315/333 80-50-315/344 100-80-125/122 Max.0 25.3 61.1 25.6 23.9 229.0 46.8 302.6 316.9 103.0 28.4 54.0 8.3 450.0 19.2 47.0 53.0 83.2 281.3 253.9 13.0 109.4 135.0 23.3 229.0 48.9 200.6 166.6 12.6 56.8 446.3 520. Q [m³/h] 16. Q [m³/h] 10.1/121 50-32-125.0 21.8 41.0 87.3 27.8 104.0 46.0 66.5 50.0 85.6 411.9 29.0 14.2 30.1/110 50-32-125.6 45.8 59.9 15.9 26.3 216.5 16.2 15.6 489.0 364.7 37.1/205 50-32-200.0 40.0 11.4 480.0 194.0 291.3 98.1/175 50-32-200.2 32.1 388.3 174.4 29.8 55.0 266.8 41.7 67.5 33.4 59.1 30.0 38.1/155 50-32-160.2 525.0 63.4 53.0 159.4 139.5 12.0 24.0 22.0 244.4 533.0 46.0 51.7 59.5 117.1/121 50-32-125.3 189.0 11.6 51.6 19.0 18.2 42.0 471 .1/177 50-32-200.3 13.2 272.8 150.8 207.1 334.1 34.1/188 50-32-200.0 77.9 47.9 118.0 32.4 39.9 45.5 239.5 36.1 168.6 16.1/139 50-32-160.4 25.8 10.9 4-pole: n = 1450 min-1 Pump type 50-32-125.0 37.5 248.7 30.3 69.2 18.7 86.4 380.8 27.3 95.8 57.0 25.3 28.NKG.3 61.1/137 50-32-160.7 58.7 16.0 52.7 86.0 268.0 21.4 416.6 136.9 32.3 143.1/172 50-32-200.5 110.0 47.0 21.6 66.7 53. Q [m³/h] 92.0 14.1/196 50-32-200.1 379.0 126.1 52.1/100 50-32-125.0 353.0 27.2 62.0 11. 50 Hz 2-pole: n = 2900 min-1 Pump type 50-32-125.5 13.8 100.0 13.0 120.2 24.1/140 50-32-160.9 30.0 351.6 20.3 18.0 116.7 34.2 6-pole: n = 970 min-1 Pump type 125-100-160/160-142 125-100-160/163 125-100-160/176 125-100-200/182 125-100-200/194 125-100-200/214 125-100-200/219 125-100-250/220 125-100-250/236 125-100-250/259 125-100-250/270 125-100-315/272 125-100-315/301 125-100-315/326 125-100-315/334 125-100-400/360 125-100-400/406 125-100-400/437 125-100-400/438 150-125-200/188-180 150-125-200/205 150-125-200/218 150-125-200/226 150-125-250/216 150-125-250/232 150-125-250/253 150-125-250/269 150-125-315/275 150-125-315/297 150-125-315/335 150-125-315/338 150-125-400/351 150-125-400/384 150-125-400/410 150-125-400/434 150-125-400/438 150-125-500/421 150-125-500/445 150-125-500/493 150-125-500/524 150-125-500/546 150-125-500/548 200-150-200/210-170 200-150-200/218-200 200-150-200/224 200-150-250/243 200-150-250/262 200-150-250/286 200-150-315/280 200-150-315/305 200-150-315/322 200-150-315/337 200-150-315/338 200-150-400/357 200-150-400/375 200-150-400/408 200-150-400/430 200-150-400/438 200-150-500/457 200-150-500/483 200-150-500/513 200-150-500/548 Max.4 27.9 14.0 181.8 36.6 175.0 27.3 105.9 50.3 209.0 398.9 310.1/140 50-32-160.4 29.9 158.0 159.1/169 50-32-160.9 53.1/207 50-32-125/106 50-32-125/115 50-32-125/130 50-32-125/142 50-32-160/139 50-32-160/151 50-32-160/163 50-32-160/177 50-32-200/176 50-32-200/190 50-32-200/206 50-32-200/219 50-32-250/199 50-32-250/219 50-32-250/244 50-32-250/262 65-50-125/105 65-50-125/116 65-50-125/127 65-50-125/139 65-50-125/142 65-50-160/144 65-50-160/158 65-50-160/172 65-50-160/177 65-40-200/172 65-40-200/188 65-40-200/206 65-40-200/219 65-40-250/211 65-40-250/230 65-40-250/245 65-40-250/255 65-40-250/260 65-40-315/273 65-40-315/298 65-40-315/318 65-40-315/336 80-65-125/111 80-65-125/121 80-65-125/135 80-65-125/144 80-65-160/136 80-65-160/150 80-65-160/167 80-65-160/177 80-50-200/181 80-50-200/198 80-50-200/210 80-50-200/219 80-50-250/205 80-50-250/222 Max.0 45.1 149.0 197.9 497.1/177 50-32-200.0 42.8 26.9 76.0 206.1 93.1/139 50-32-125.1/155 50-32-160.0 33. 4 127.0 256. Q [m³/h] .8 75.6 166.1 328.3 85.3 190.0 75.7 117.2 157.5 175.5 145.4 308.9 379. Q [m³/h] 94.5 471.2 132.4 81.4 272.5 65.0 309.0 60.9 289.1 169.8 73.0 6-pole: n = 970 min-1 Pump type Max.6 211.0 94.3 150.8 350.8 225.0 296.7 370.7 200.0 369.0 64.7 160.0 260.3 72.9 486.1 69.1 294.5 362.0 164.0 59.1 191.4 134.0 126.0 166.4 136.2 180.4 355.7 87.0 243.6 158.1 158.2 104.0 68.0 4-pole: n = 1450 min-1 Pump type 100-80-125/133 100-80-125/144 100-80-160/138 100-80-160/149 100-80-160/165 100-80-160/177 100-65-200/170 100-65-200/189 100-65-200/205 100-65-200/219 100-65-250/215 100-65-250/232 100-65-250/254 100-65-250/270 100-65-315/261 100-65-315/282 100-65-315/314 100-65-315/320 125-80-160/146 125-80-160/161 125-80-160/175 125-80-160/177 125-80-200/164 125-80-200/179 125-80-200/196 125-80-200/214 125-80-200/222 125-80-250/225 125-80-250/247 125-80-250/270 125-80-315/280 125-80-315/305 125-80-315/320 125-80-315/334 125-80-400/347 125-80-400/365 125-80-400/397 125-80-400/419 125-80-400/438 125-100-160/160-144 125-100-160/165 125-100-160/176 125-100-200/178 125-100-200/195 125-100-200/211 125-100-200/219 125-100-250/215 125-100-250/245 125-100-250/266 125-100-250/270 125-100-315/279 125-100-315/295 125-100-315/312 125-100-315/334 125-100-400/351 125-100-400/387 125-100-400/410 125-100-400/432 125-100-400/438 150-125-200/188-180 150-125-200/201 150-125-200/221 150-125-200/226 150-125-250/220 150-125-250/236 150-125-250/249 Max.3 225.5 222.4 330.0 430.3 174.1 300.0 202.0 110.4 228.8 334.5 130.0 246.0 345.7 251.0 117.0 123.0 141.0 107.7 210.0 311.0 111.6 144.0 131.0 86.6 244.4 146.2 116.1 279.6 137.8 286.8 109.4 410.0 77.0 195.6 338.6 153.1 266.2 396.7 300.5 233.7 189.0 178.0 136.6 78.0 177.3 137.5 125.0 209.2 207.4 285.4 236.4 428.0 224.0 106.0 225.1 174.0 134.1 88.1 89.1 262.8 154.3 409.3 81.2 170.2-pole: n = 2900 min-1 Pump type 80-50-250/233 80-50-250/254 80-50-250/263 80-50-315/267 80-50-315/285 80-50-315/300 80-50-315/321 100-80-125/120-110 100-80-125/127 100-80-125/137 100-80-125/144 100-80-160/143 100-80-160/157 100-80-160/173 100-80-160/177 100-65-200/162 100-65-200/177 100-65-200/190 100-65-200/198 100-65-200/217 100-65-200/219 100-65-250/223 100-65-250/238 100-65-250/251 100-65-250/269 100-65-250/270 100-65-315/272 100-65-315/295 100-65-315/308 100-65-315/320 125-80-160/147-127 125-80-160/151 125-80-160/161 125-80-160/167 125-80-160/177 125-80-200/171 125-80-200/188 125-80-200/200 125-80-200/211 125-80-200/222 125-80-250/220 125-80-250/234 125-80-250/257 125-80-250/270 125-80-315/278 125-80-315/295 125-80-315/310 125-80-315/328 125-100-160/160-156 125-100-160/169 125-100-160/176 125-100-200/170 125-100-200/181 125-100-200/192 125-100-200/203 125-100-200/219 125-100-250/205 125-100-250/229 125-100-250/242 125-100-250/258 125-100-250/270 125-100-315/269 125-100-315/284 125-100-315/301 125-100-315/322 150-125-200/188-174 472 Max. Q [m³/h] 68.2 163.0 81.0 146.0 128.0 123.3 225.7 185.8 212.8 110.6 248. 0 4-pole: n = 1450 min-1 Pump type 150-125-250/262 150-125-250/269 150-125-315/275 150-125-315/290 150-125-315/317 150-125-315/336 150-125-315/338 150-125-400/345 150-125-400/368 150-125-400/392 150-125-400/433 150-125-400/438 150-125-500/406 150-125-500/447 150-125-500/473 150-125-500/500 150-125-500/526 150-125-500/548 200-150-200/210-160 200-150-200/218-208 200-150-200/224 200-150-250/226 200-150-250/238 200-150-250/251 200-150-250/271 200-150-250/284 200-150-250/286 200-150-315/275 200-150-315/291 200-150-315/310 200-150-315/336 200-150-315/338 200-150-400/343 200-150-400/375 200-150-400/394 200-150-400/412 200-150-400/431 200-150-400/438 200-150-500/459 200-150-500/489 200-150-500/521 200-150-500/548 Max.6 335.0 519.6 548.4 630.0 494. Q [m³/h] 384.0 976.7 548.7 690.5 1200.3 400.8 588.3 524.2 360.3 500.1 380.0 355.2 576.0 541.0 630.6 635.7 463.4 607.8 1028.3 585.0 930.8 800.2 367.4 406.0 593.8 373.0 322.8 583.2-pole: n = 2900 min-1 Pump type 150-125-200/192 150-125-200/209 150-125-200/219 150-125-200/226 150-125-250/221 150-125-250/235 150-125-250/248 150-125-250/261 150-125-250/269 150-125-315/262 150-125-315/277 150-125-315/297 150-125-315/317 200-150-200/216-176 200-150-200/218-202 200-150-200/224 200-150-250/227 200-150-250/241 200-150-250/256 200-150-250/271 200-150-315/263 200-150-315/282 200-150-315/292 Max.0 473 .0 265.4 1100.6 600.2 787.0 270.0 433.3 949.7 625.0 473.9 307.0 541.6 725.7 621.3 475. Q [m³/h] 508.5 295.6 1000.6 780. Q [m³/h] 6-pole: n = 970 min-1 Pump type Max.0 508.8 287.0 268.7 695.2 556.7 595.1 643.3 757.0 521.0 1056.0 917.0 660.7 1144.0 323. 6 25.5 23.0 45.6 535.2 47.9 51.7 77.0 16.5 455.4 447.2 304.3 76.1/116 50-32-125.4 401.6 33.1/116 50-32-125.1/207 50-32-250/207 50-32-250/227 50-32-250/242 50-32-250/256 50-32-250/262 65-50-125/110 65-50-125/118 65-50-125/131 65-50-125/140 65-50-125/142 65-50-160/131 65-50-160/143 65-50-160/162 65-50-160/177 65-40-200/178 65-40-200/193 65-40-200/206 65-40-200/216 65-40-200/219 65-40-250/193 65-40-250/206 65-40-250/215 65-40-250/236 65-40-250/252 65-40-250/260 80-65-125/105 80-65-125/113 80-65-125/124 80-65-125/140 80-65-125/144 80-65-160/127 80-65-160/141 80-65-160/154 80-65-160/165 80-65-160/177 474 Max.1/168 50-32-200. Q [m³/h] 11.8 83.1 14. Q [m³/h] 29.9 386.7 441.3 33.0 30.6 46.2 35.7 66.9 30.3 36.5 294.2 17.4 69.1/104 50-32-125.0 31.5 550.8 30.2 57.0 .6 19.3 156.3 495.2 199.0 18.2 64.1 268.0 12.0 64.1/95 50-32-125.0 176.1 37.0 26.1 243.7 16.1/202 50-32-200.3 566.0 4-pole: n = 1750 min-1 Pump type 50-32-125.6 26.0 145.4 41.0 29.4 159.3 143.1/145 50-32-160.9 14. 60 Hz 2-pole: n = 3500 min-1 Pump type 50-32-125/97 50-32-125/107 50-32-125/122 50-32-125/130 50-32-125/142 50-32-125.0 19.1/158 50-32-200.7 71.1 478.6 29.0 215.1/133 50-32-160.4 57.1 70.1/192 50-32-200.3 103.0 28.2 173.4 29.5 31.0 70.0 47.3 24.1/207 50-32-125/109 50-32-125/123 50-32-125/140 50-32-125/142 50-32-160/131 50-32-160/147 50-32-160/162 50-32-160/177 50-32-200/174 50-32-200/189 50-32-200/204 50-32-200/219 50-32-250/198 50-32-250/218 50-32-250/243 50-32-250/262 65-50-125/111 65-50-125/123 65-50-125/137 65-50-125/142 65-50-160/128 65-50-160/143 65-50-160/155 65-50-160/170 65-50-160/177 65-40-200/169 65-40-200/184 65-40-200/205 65-40-200/219 65-40-250/207 65-40-250/225 65-40-250/246 65-40-250/260 65-40-315/284 65-40-315/313 65-40-315/344 80-65-125/109 80-65-125/120 80-65-125/132 80-65-125/144 80-65-160/134 80-65-160/146 80-65-160/165 80-65-160/177 80-50-200/178 80-50-200/193 80-50-200/210 80-50-200/219 80-50-250/221 80-50-250/244 80-50-250/263 80-50-315/256 80-50-315/283 80-50-315/314 Max.1/185 50-32-200.0 12.0 126.3 61.8 418.4 40.8 32.0 87.3 466.4 34.0 196.7 120.5 62.9 117.5 17.0 365.8 49.1 295.3 53.9 38.6 162.0 40.0 410.0 237.9 144.3 32.0 307.1 37.1/175 50-32-200.0 44.9 370.1 190.1/164 50-32-160.4 179.1 31.0 16.6 22.4 233.4 300.2 20.6 17.5 376.5 199.7 274.8 69.0 59.1/129 50-32-125.3 58.3 16.9 66.7 127.7 6-pole: n = 1170 min-1 Pump type 125-100-160/160-154 125-100-160/168 125-100-160/176 125-100-200/169 125-100-200/185 125-100-200/198 125-100-200/214 125-100-200/219 125-100-250/216 125-100-250/238 125-100-250/261 125-100-250/270 125-100-315/276 125-100-315/310 125-100-315/334 125-100-400/343 125-100-400/379 125-100-400/404 125-100-400/424 125-100-400/438 150-125-200/188 150-125-200/204 150-125-200/222 150-125-200/226 150-125-250/219 150-125-250/234 150-125-250/261 150-125-250/269 150-125-315/254 150-125-315/286 150-125-315/313 150-125-315/333 150-125-315/338 150-125-400/346 150-125-400/367 150-125-400/404 150-125-400/432 150-125-400/438 150-125-500/446 150-125-500/470 150-125-500/501 150-125-500/543 150-125-500/548 200-150-200/210-170 200-150-200/218-212 200-150-200/224 200-150-250/250 200-150-250/271 200-150-250/286 200-150-315/283 200-150-315/297 200-150-315/323 200-150-315/338 200-150-400/327 200-150-400/358 200-150-400/380 200-150-400/398 200-150-400/419 200-150-400/438 200-150-500/433 200-150-500/482 200-150-500/510 200-150-500/534 200-150-500/548 Max.2 502.8 229.0 404.1 266.1/170 50-32-160.1/147 50-32-160.1 33.8 79.4 34.1/132 50-32-125.2 38.8 67.3 96.8 107.3 240.0 244.8 23.0 85.5 437.5 66.6 72.0 93.0 341. Q [m³/h] 111.4 180.0 52.3 28.9 21.0 23.0 156.1/177 50-32-200.9 35.2 265.0 36.0 55.1/140 50-32-160/128 50-32-160/139 50-32-160/152 50-32-160/168 50-32-160/177 50-32-160.1/177 50-32-200/164 50-32-200/179 50-32-200/197 50-32-200/212 50-32-200/219 50-32-200.0 25.0 28.1 354.0 394.0 51.7 52.1 42.7 21.0 128.6 140.1/140 50-32-160.5 73.0 13.0 18.0 14.7 310.4 210.3 126.2 26.7 18.4 533.0 30.0 51.9 14.9 74.8 116.1/156 50-32-160.9 43.7 32.4 322.0 58.0 210.5 22.6 32.7 60.9 38.7 40.1 38.8 46.2 19.0 60.3 183.1 35.0 12.NKG.2 15. 9 174.6 302.9 163.0 267.2 173.4 185.5 195. Q [m³/h] 6-pole: n = 1170 min-1 Pump type Max.0 498.0 143.0 260.5 99.0 343.7 204.3 158.7 311.8 130.3 156.5 455.8 190.0 132.4 578.2 420.0 155.4 154.0 324.6 264.4 520.3 164.6 107.3 270.6 139.0 180.2 157.5 139.2 287.4 121.8 95.0 137.4 286.2 495.9 167.1 4-pole: n = 1750 min-1 Pump type 80-50-315/344 100-80-125/124 100-80-125/136 100-80-125/144 100-80-160/141 100-80-160/156 100-80-160/169 100-80-160/177 100-65-200/174 100-65-200/189 100-65-200/209 100-65-200/219 100-65-250/215 100-65-250/238 100-65-250/265 100-65-250/270 100-65-315/242 100-65-315/270 100-65-315/290 100-65-315/305 100-65-315/320 125-80-160/150 125-80-160/161 125-80-160/177 125-80-200/167 125-80-200/184 125-80-200/202 125-80-200/222 125-80-250/211 125-80-250/234 125-80-250/255 125-80-250/270 125-80-315/275 125-80-315/287 125-80-315/314 125-80-315/332 125-80-315/334 125-80-400/342 125-80-400/362 125-80-400/380 125-80-400/401 125-80-400/437 125-80-400/438 125-100-160/160-146 125-100-160/165 125-100-160/176 125-100-200/166 125-100-200/182 125-100-200/201 125-100-200/217 125-100-200/219 125-100-250/223 125-100-250/236 125-100-250/249 125-100-250/270 125-100-315/264 125-100-315/290 125-100-315/309 125-100-315/329 125-100-315/334 125-100-400/347 125-100-400/367 125-100-400/392 125-100-400/428 125-100-400/438 150-125-200/191 Max.0 172.9 326.0 75.0 303.2 281.1 283.1 338.0 195.6 102.7 97.0 408.1 222.3 241.4 199. Q [m³/h] 92.2 415.0 92.8 132.7 124.2-pole: n = 3500 min-1 Pump type 80-50-200/167 80-50-200/178 80-50-200/187 80-50-200/205 80-50-200/218 80-50-200/219 80-50-250/213 80-50-250/229 80-50-250/242 80-50-250/257 80-50-250/263 100-80-125/120-110 100-80-125/130 100-80-125/141 100-80-125/144 100-80-160/136 100-80-160/147 100-80-160/155 100-80-160/163 100-80-160/177 100-65-200/160 100-65-200/168 100-65-200/184 100-65-200/195 100-65-200/208 100-65-200/219 100-65-250/212 100-65-250/226 100-65-250/248 100-65-250/263 100-65-250/270 125-80-160/150-130 125-80-160/156 125-80-160/165 125-80-160/174 125-80-160/177 125-80-200/169 125-80-200/179 125-80-200/192 125-80-200/207 125-80-200/222 125-80-250/218 125-80-250/230 125-80-250/244 125-80-250/259 125-80-250/270 125-100-160/160-154 125-100-160/163 125-100-160/171 125-100-160/176 125-100-200/173 125-100-200/192 125-100-200/201 125-100-200/212 125-100-200/219 125-100-250/217 125-100-250/231 125-100-250/243 125-100-250/261 125-100-250/270 150-125-200/188-168 150-125-200/188 150-125-200/200 150-125-200/211 150-125-200/223 150-125-250/226 Max.5 244.9 186.1 121.6 175.2 213.7 216.1 158.0 109.0 78.1 84.1 173.2 91.2 186.0 213.0 405.0 213.4 96.0 244.4 427.4 171.0 78.8 492.9 84.0 263.5 138.0 360.4 143.1 236.4 242.1 613.0 470.3 199.7 298.2 164.1 197.8 552.0 171.5 111.6 158.5 107.9 125.5 439.0 380.2 88.8 495.0 348.0 140.4 288.6 210.3 262.1 516. Q [m³/h] 60.0 134.2 380.2 257.0 80.7 132.0 118.5 475 .1 318.8 270.0 148.0 144.0 225.0 151.4 113.2 83.2 209.0 107.3 193.7 227.0 74.8 102. 0 4-pole: n = 1750 min-1 Pump type 150-125-200/208 150-125-200/218 150-125-200/226 150-125-250/214 150-125-250/224 150-125-250/243 150-125-250/258 150-125-250/269 150-125-315/271 150-125-315/287 150-125-315/303 150-125-315/320 150-125-315/338 150-125-400/333 150-125-400/369 150-125-400/389 150-125-400/414 150-125-400/438 150-125-500/423 150-125-500/447 150-125-500/474 150-125-500/508 150-125-500/539 150-125-500/548 200-150-200/214-174 200-150-200/218-202 200-150-200/222 200-150-250/234 200-150-250/248 200-150-250/260 200-150-250/273 200-150-250/286 200-150-315/269 200-150-315/295 200-150-315/309 200-150-315/326 200-150-315/338 200-150-400/341 200-150-400/361 200-150-400/381 200-150-400/401 200-150-400/424 200-150-400/438 200-150-500/419 200-150-500/454 200-150-500/492 Max.0 706.5 373. Q [m³/h] 326.0 579.0 351.0 636.0 593.0 283.6 778.6 596.8 647.0 338.0 540.0 339.9 388.2 650.0 315.1 1039.9 668.6 393.0 6-pole: n = 1170 min-1 Pump type Max.8 631.1 567.8 480.5 920.8 600.0 420.2 343.1 800.3 755.8 325.0 364.2 695.3 1100.0 865. Q [m³/h] 540. Q [m³/h] .2-pole: n = 3500 min-1 Pump type 150-125-250/242 150-125-250/258 150-125-250/269 200-150-200/210-154 200-150-200/216-176 200-150-200/218-204 200-150-250/232 200-150-250/248 476 Max.1 590.0 515.9 430.4 825.5 700.0 453.7 360.1 550.5 401.5 352.8 449.9 774.0 549.3 850.1 367.0 950.7 693.8 417.0 580. 5 2-pole TM03 6065 4306 5 4 TM03 6068 4306 1.5 50-32-125 32-125.1. 50 Hz H [m] 5 40 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 2-pole 4-pole 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Q [m³/h] 0 5 10 15 20 25 Q [l/s] 80-50-315 50-315.0 30 2-pole p [kPa] TM03 6071 4306 1.1. 50 Hz 2-pole 4-pole 10 20 0 30 40 5 10 50 Q [m³/h] 15 Q [l/s] 80-50-200 50-200. 50 Hz H [m] 40 4 0 0 10 15 2 20 4 6 Q [l/s] 25 6 30 35 Q [m³/h] 8 10 Q [l/s] 65-50-160 40-160.5 TM03 6063 4306 1 12 1 2.NPSH values 50 Hz 5 6 Q [l/s] 50-32-160 23-160. 50 Hz H [m] 8 60 40 8 60 40 60 80 20 100 30 Q [m³/h] Q [l/s] 10 12 14 Q [l/s] 65-40-250 40-250. 50 Hz 10 6 15 Q [l/s] 20 60 10 8 0. 50 Hz H [m] TM03 6062 4306 2. 50 Hz 4-pole 10 20 30 40 5 50 10 Q [m³/h] 15 Q [l/s] 65-40-315 40-315. 50 Hz H [m] 0 20 2 2 10 1 0 0 0 0 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 4-pole 0 10 0 20 30 5 40 50 10 60 Q [m³/h] 15 Q [l/s] 80-65-125 50-125. 50 Hz H [m] TM03 6069 4306 p [kPa] 477 .5 30 80 2-pole 2 20 4-pole p [kPa] 10 15 4 3 0 10 H [m] 30 4-pole 5 0 p [kPa] 2-pole 0 1.5 20 5 10 15 20 25 Q [l/s] TM03 6069 4306 4 H [m] 30 0 0 2 50-32-160.1 32-125.1. 50 Hz H [m] 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 2-pole 4-pole 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 15 20 25 Q [l/s] 80-50-250 50-250.0 1 4 5 6 0 2 40 0 30 Q [m³/h] 3 8 4-pole 4 25 0.0 20 TM03 6058 4306 4-pole 3 TM03 6057 4306 0. 50 Hz 0 p [kPa] 2-pole 2 16 4-pole 0 20 8 10 8 4 30 40 80 20 6 12 5 40 6 4 0 4 8 H [m] 8 12 0 2 1 0 p [kPa] 4-pole 0 0 60 120 0 Q [l/s] 6 6 4-pole 7 80 16 2 24 Q [m³/h] 6 10 160 2-pole 20 5 65-50-125 40-125.1 32-200. 50 Hz H [m] 6 50 5 40 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 2-pole 4-pole 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Q [m³/h] 0 p [kPa] 20 5 2-pole 0 p [kPa] 4 Q [m³/h] 10 2 0 5 H [m] 4 4-pole 3 20 50-32-200 32-200.0 10 0 p [kPa] TM03 6055 4306 15 50-32-125. 50 Hz H [m] 40 p [kPa] 6 TM03 6070 4306 p [kPa] 4 8 2 5 4 2 1 H [m] 20 0 4 0 4 2-pole 0 0 0 4 0 0 40 Q [m³/h] 2-pole 4-pole H [m] 1 3 25 p [kPa] 2 30 20 50-32-200.0 15 TM03 6066 4306 0 8 10 2. 50 Hz H [m] 8 2-pole 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 2-pole 4-pole 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5 10 15 20 Q [m³/h] Q [l/s] 4-pole 0 0 20 40 10 60 80 100 120 140Q [m³/h] 20 30 40 Q [l/s] TM03 6072 4306 p [kPa] 0.0 5 TM03 6056 4306 4 Q [m³/h] 10 2-pole TM03 6060 4306 3 20 4 3 p [kPa] 2 16 4-pole 1.1 32-160. 50 Hz 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 40 4 20 2 0 0 0 0 10 20 0 30 5 40 50 10 60 Q [m³/h] 15 Q [l/s] 80-65-160 50-160. 50 Hz H [m] 80 p [kPa] 10 80 0 5 Q [m³/h] TM03 6067 4306 8 16 4 2-pole 0 p [kPa] 10 80 20 TM03 6064 4306 30 2-pole 12 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Q [m³/h] p [kPa] 5 4 p [kPa] TM03 6061 4306 8 Q [l/s] 65-40-200 40-200. 50 Hz 20 10 0 0 2 20 1 10 0 5 10 0 15 2 20 4 25 30 Q [m³/h] 6 8 Q [l/s] 50-32-250 32-250. 50 Hz H [m] 100-80-125 65-125. 50 Hz H [m] 30 250 25 200 20 150 15 100 10 50 5 0 0 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 0 200 0 50 400 600 800 1000 Q [m³/h] 100 150 200 250 300 Q [l/s] TM03 6090 4306 0 4-pole 60 TM03 6080 4306 2 2-pole TM03 3683 4306 20 8 TM03 6086 4306 4 p [kPa] TM03 6089 4306 40 2-pole TM03 6073 4306 6 100-65-200 65-200. 50 Hz H [m] 12 2-pole 8 6-pole 4 4-pole 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 20 40 60 80 Q [m³/h] 100 Q [l/s] 150-125-315 125-315. 50 Hz H [m] 60 40 4 20 40 0 8 20 0 2-pole 0 80 0 p [kPa] 10 60 0 p [kPa] TM03 6076 4306 80 p [kPa] 20 16 12 80 80 100 120 140Q [m³/h] 0 4-pole TM03 6075 4306 10 H [m] 120 p [kPa] 60 2 6 40 TM03 6078 4306 0 40 20 60 2-pole TM03 6082 4306 20 4 8 TM03 6084 4306 0 40 10 80 50 100 150 Q [l/s] TM03 6087 4306 0 6 100-65-250 65-250. 50 Hz H [m] 80 8 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Q [m³/h] 0 478 50 100 150 200 250 Q [l/s] TM03 6088 4306 2-pole 10 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 10 20 30 Q [m³/h] 40 Q [l/s] 125-80-200 80-200. 50 Hz 6-pole 100 0 200 300 50 400 100 500 Q [m³/h] 150 Q [l/s] 80 8 40 4 0 0 0 60 80 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 0 200 0 50 400 600 800 1000 Q [m³/h] 100 150 200 250 300 Q [l/s] Q [l/s] 125-100-315 100-315. 50 Hz H [m] 10 2-pole 8 0 0 0 8 60 6 40 4 20 2 20 40 60 80 Q [m³/h] 100 Q [l/s] 150-125-250 125-250. 50 Hz H [m] TM03 6074 4306 8 60 p [kPa] p [kPa] Tm03 6077 4306 100-80-160 65-160. 50 Hz 8 40 4 0 0 2-pole 4-pole 0 40 80 0 120 20 160 200 40 Q [m³/h] 60 Q [l/s] 125-80-250 80-250. 50 Hz H [m] 200-150-315 150-315. 50 Hz H [m] TM03 6079 4306 p [kPa] . 50 Hz H [m] 16 2-pole 120 12 80 8 40 4 0 0 6-pole 4-pole 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Q [m³/h] 0 p [kPa] 20 12 40 2 p [kPa] 200-150-250 150-250. 50 Hz 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 40 0 80 2-pole 4-pole 0 p [kPa] 16 12 4-pole 0 p [kPa] 4-pole H [m] 120 40 4 0 0 4-pole 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Q [m³/h] 20 40 60 80 Q [l/s] 125-100-250 100-250. 50 Hz H [m] 80 120 160 200 240 Q [m³/h] 20 40 60 Q [l/s] 125-100-160 100-160. 50 Hz H [m] 8 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 4-pole 40 80 120 160 200 240 280Q [m³/h] 20 40 60 80 Q [l/s] 40 4 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 20 80 100 Q [l/s] 150-125-200 125-200.30 40 Q [l/s] 100-65-315 65-315. 50 Hz H [m] 8 2-pole 40 80 120 160 200 240 Q [m³/h] 20 40 60 Q [l/s] 125-80-315 80-315. 50 Hz H [m] 120 20 4-pole 0 16 100 150 200 250 300 Q [m³/h] 2-pole 0 160 50 6 12 80 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 H [m] 10 0 40 6-pole 4-pole 100 0 80 2-pole 8 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 10 12 4 4 2 0 p [kPa] 16 40 p [kPa] 12 80 40 Q [l/s] 125-80-160 80-160. 50 Hz 0 p [kPa] TM03 6085 4306 80 100 60 Q [m³/h] 12 10 p [kPa] 40 H [m] 100 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 p [kPa] 30 0 2-pole 0 120 2-pole TM03 6082 4306 2 20 10 8 80 20 10 80 100 120 140Q [m³/h] H [m] 80 p [kPa] 10 6 60 2 0 6 125-100-200 100-200. 50 Hz 8 60 6 40 4 20 2 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 100 0 200 300 50 400 500 100 Q [m³/h] 150 Q [l/s] 200-150-200 150-200. 50 Hz H [m] TM03 6139 4306 p [kPa] 479 . 50 Hz H [m] 12 100 10 80 8 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Q [m³/h] 50 100 150 200 Q [l/s] TM03 6132 4306 10 80 125-100-400 100-400. 50 Hz H [m] 50 100 150 200 250 300 350Q [m³/h] 20 40 60 80 100 Q [l/s] TM03 6138 4306 60 100 4-pole TM03 6136 4306 8 p [kPa] 200-150-500 150-500. 50 Hz H [m] 20 16 4-pole 12 80 8 40 4 0 0 6-pole 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Q [m³/h] 50 100 150 200 Q [l/s] 20 160 16 120 12 80 8 40 4 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 p [kPa] 150-125-400 125-400. 50 Hz H [m] TM03 6137 4306 p [kPa] TM03 6131 4306 125-80-400 80-400.6 40 4 20 2 0 0 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Q [m³/h] 0 p [kPa] 10 20 30 40 50 Q [l/s] 150-125-500 125-500. 50 Hz H [m] 12 80 8 40 4 0 0 6 4 20 2 0 0 6-pole 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 20 40 60 80 100 Q [m³/h] Q [l/s] 120 4-pole 8 40 160 4-pole 10 60 p [kPa] 16 120 12 6-pole 0 40 0 10 80 20 120 30 160 40 200 50 Q [m³/h] 60 Q [l/s] 200-150-400 150-400. 60 Hz H [m] TM03 6096 4306 2.5 TM03 6101 4306 1.5 3. 60 Hz 0 0 0 0 0 10 15 20 25 30 Q [l/s] TM03 6103 4306 5 100-80-125 65-125.0 25 TM03 6104 4306 15 2-pole p [kPa] TM03 6107 4306 2. 60 Hz H [m] 10 80 8 Q [l/s] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 2 4 6 8 10 Q [m³/h] 12 2-pole 6 4 20 2 0 0 65-50-160 40-160.5 2-pole TM03 6095 4306 0.0 p [kPa] 6 50 0 4-pole TM03 6094 4306 0 0.0 1.1 32-160. 60 Hz H [m] 2-pole 4-pole 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Q [m³/h] 0 10 20 30 40 50 Q [l/s] TM03 6108 4306 1. 60 Hz H [m] TM03 6092 4306 p [kPa] .1 32-125. 60 Hz 16 2-pole 120 12 80 8 40 4 0 0 4-pole 0 20 0 40 60 10 80 20 100 120 Q [m³/h] 30 Q [l/s] 100-65-200 65-200.0 5 3 TM03 6099 4306 0 4-pole 1. 60 Hz 4-pole 5 10 15 20 25 30 Q [l/s] 80-50-250 50-250.5 15 5 40 TM03 6105 4306 5 2. 60 Hz 4-pole 0 5 10 15 20 25 Q [m³/h] 30 Q [l/s] 100-80-160 65-160.1. 60 Hz H [m] 12 6 60 6 4 40 4 20 2 20 2 0 0 0 0 50 Q [l/s] 10 H [m] 40 40 5 40 2-pole 0 60 30 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Q [m³/h] 8 20 20 10 80 10 10 10 H [m] 80 0 4-pole 0 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Q [m³/h] 2-pole 0 100 4-pole Q [l/s] 8 40 p [kPa] 12 100 6 50-32-200 H [m] 60 p [kPa] 2-pole 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 p [kPa] 10 10 Q [m³/h] 10 0 0 5 H [m] 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Q [m³/h] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 20 4-pole 4-pole 0 2 2-pole 2-pole 8 4 Q [m³/h] 4-pole 0 p [kPa] 12 40 4 25 2-pole 0 p [kPa] 16 20 480 5 H [m] 4 0 30 Q [m³/h] 8 4-pole 0 40 0 25 6 2 20 2-pole 0 4 2 20 65-50-125 40-125.5 20 p [kPa] p [kPa] TM03 6098 4306 50-32-125.0 50-32-160. 60 Hz H [m] 40 0 40 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 2 8 Q [m³/h] 10 Q [l/s] 50-32-250 32-250.0 20 2-pole TM03 6091 4306 10 2. 60 Hz 20 2 20 2 10 1 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 60 6 20 2 0 0 Q [l/s] 10 15 2 20 4 25 Q [m³/h] 6 8 Q [l/s] 65-40-250 40-250.60 Hz 5 0 10 15 2 20 4 25 6 Q [m³/h] 8 Q [l/s] 50-32-160 23-160. 60 Hz 8 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 50 60 Q [m³/h] 15 Q [l/s] 80-65-125 50-125. 60 Hz 5 0 3 80 p [kPa] Q [l/s] 4-pole 0 30 80 H [m] 60 8 0 5 120 0 8 6 2-pole 0 80 30 Q [m³/h] 1 0 40 p [kPa] 6 50 4 25 2 10 4 40 TM03 6097 4306 40 2-pole 2 20 20 50 p [kPa] 6 5 p [kPa] 6 H [m] 50 p [kPa] 4 TM03 6100 4306 p [kPa] 5 15 6 4 0 10 H [m] 5 4-pole 5 0 50 2-pole TM03 6093 4306 5 0.1 32-200.5 10 4 30 TM03 6102 4306 0. 60 Hz H [m] 4-pole 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 10 20 30 40 Q [m³/h] Q [l/s] TM03 6106 4306 2-pole 8 15 20 Q [l/s] 80-50-200 50-200.1.0 50-32-125 32-125. 60 Hz 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 4-pole 0 5 0 10 2 15 20 4 25 30 Q [m³/h] 6 8 Q [l/s] 65-40-200 40-200.1. 60 Hz H [m] 5 40 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 4-pole 10 20 5 30 40 50 10 60 15 70 Q [m³/h] 20 Q [l/s] 80-65-160 50-160. 60 Hz 4 40 20 15 4 10 80 6 4 10 2 H [m] 60 40 5 0 6 6 4-pole 15 6 3 2-pole 10 H [m] 4 p [kPa] 10 60 p [kPa] 30 8 80 50-32-200. 60 Hz H [m] 16 120 12 80 8 40 4 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 20 40 60 80 100 Q [m³/h] Q [l/s] 0 40 0 p [kPa] 20 12 80 Q [l/s] 4-pole 6-pole H [m] 120 60 6-pole 0 16 40 4-pole 0 160 8 60 p [kPa] 5 40 10 80 p [kPa] 24 200 20 12 100 0 80 120 160 200 240 280Q [m³/h] H [m] 200-150-250. 60 Hz H [m] 6 50 5 40 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 4-pole 0 20 40 60 80 100120140160180 Q [m³/h] 0 10 20 30 40 50 Q [l/s] 125-100-400 100-400. 60 Hz 2-pole 8 6 40 4 20 2 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 40 80 0 p [kPa] 10 60 120 20 120 160 200 240 Q [m³/h] 40 60 Q [l/s] 125-100-160 100-160. 60 Hz H [m] 8 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 20 40 60 80 100 Q [m³/h] Q [l/s] 0 0 20 40 60 80 Q [m³/h] 100 Q [l/s] 150-125-200 125-200. 60 Hz H [m] 20 160 16 120 12 80 8 40 4 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 100 200 50 300 400 100 500 150 Q [m³/h] Q [l/s] TM03 6146 4306 10 80 p [kPa] p [kPa] TM03 6110 4306 100-65-250 65-250. 60 Hz H [m] 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280Q [m³/h] 20 40 60 80 Q [l/s] 150-125-400 125-400. 60 Hz H [m] TM03 6109 4306 p [kPa] 481 . 60 Hz 80 8 40 4 0 0 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 125-100-200 100-200. 60 Hz H [m] 150-125-500 125-500. 60 Hz H [m] 40 0 p [kPa] 16 12 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 H [m] 120 p [kPa] 10 80 4-pole 6-pole 0 p [kPa] 12 100 p [kPa] 4 p [kPa] TM03 6118 4306 80 40 TM03 6141 4306 120 20 Q [m³/h] TM03 6144 4306 p [kPa] 40 2-pole 10 0 8 p [kPa] TM03 6115 4306 0 4-pole TM03 6112 4306 4 20 80 4-pole 0 p [kPa] 16 6 40 0 30 H [m] 80 p kPa] 20 Q [m³/h] 60 4 TM03 6111 4306 0 6 40 TM03 6114 4306 0 60 2-pole TM03 6117 4306 0 4-pole 8 TM03 6140 4306 2 10 80 80 20 120 160 200 240 Q [m³/h] 40 60 Q [l/s] TM03 6143 4306 20 12 8 4-pole 125-80-200 80-200. 60 Hz H [m] 12 2-pole 2 0 0 40 0 80 120 160 200 240 280Q [m³/h] 20 40 60 80 Q [l/s] 125-100-250 100-250. 60 Hz 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 20 40 60 80 Q [m³/h] 100 Q [l/s] 150-125-250 125-250. 60 Hz H [m] 16 2-pole 120 12 80 8 40 4 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Q [m³/h] 0 50 100 150 Q [l/s] 125-80-315 80-315. 60 Hz H [m] 100 TM03 6113 4306 4 80 2-pole TM03 6116 4306 40 10 TM03 6119 4306 6 12 100 TM03 6142 4306 60 2-pole p [kPa] TM03 6145 4306 8 125-80-160 80-160.20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 10 40 Q [l/s] 125-80-250 80-250. 60 Hz H [m] 16 2-pole 12 8 40 4 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Q [m³/h] 0 p [kPa] 50 100 150 200 250 Q [l/s] 125-80-400 80-400. 60 Hz 80 8 40 4 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Q [m³/h] 0 50 100 150 Q [l/s] 20 160 16 120 12 80 8 40 4 0 0 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 0 200 0 400 600 100 800 1000 Q [m³/h] 200 300 Q [l/s] 125-100-315 100-315. 60 Hz H [m] 0 10 80 8 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 4-pole 0 40 0 10 80 20 120 30 160 40 200 50 Q [m³/h] 60 Q [l/s] 150-125-315 125-315. 60 Hz H [m] 12 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 60 80 100 Q [l/s] 200-150-200 150-200. 60 Hz H [m] p [kPa] 12 100 10 80 8 60 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Q [m³/h] 50 100 150 200 Q [l/s] 200-150-500. 60 Hz H [m] 30 250 25 200 20 150 15 100 10 50 5 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 50 100 150 200 Q [m³/h] Q [l/s] TM03 6135 4306 10 60 482 p [kPa] TM03 6134 4306 80 200-150-315 150-315. 60 Hz H [m] TM03 6133 4306 p [kPa] .8 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 4-pole 6-pole 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Q [m³/h] 50 100 150 200 Q [l/s] 200-150-400 150-400. 0 6.0 0.8 0.2 0.0 5.3 0.0 60 2.4 0.1 TM00 3037 0798 50 483 .0 4.Vapour pressure in metres head tm (°C) Hv (m) 150 140 130 45 40 35 30 25 120 20 110 15 100 12 10 90 80 8.0 40 30 20 10 0 1.0 70 3.6 0.5 1. 484 . 485 . 486 . 51 Floor. 7 Floor. Pulogadung Jakarta 13930 Phone: +62-21-460 6909 Telefax: +62-21-460 6910 / 460 6901 Ireland GRUNDFOS (Ireland) Ltd..V.A.: +41-1-806 8111 Telefax: +41-1-806 8115 Taiwan GRUNDFOS Pumps (Taiwan) Ltd.: +49-(0) 211 929 69-0 Telefax: +49-(0) 211 929 69-3799 e-mail: [email protected] Spain Bombas GRUNDFOS España S.H. 33 40699 Erkrath Tel.A. 17 Beatrice Tinsley Crescent North Harbour Industrial Estate Albany.040 Pinhais . BiH-71000 Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 713290 Telefax: +387 33 231795 Brazil GRUNDFOS do Brasil Ltda..: +34-91-848 8800 Telefax: +34-91-628 0465 Sweden GRUNDFOS AB Lunnagårdsgatan 6 431 90 Mölndal Tel. LV-1035. 8 H-2045 Törökbálint. z o.O. +380 44 289 4050 Факс +380 44 289 4139 United Arab Emirates GRUNDFOS Gulf Distribution P. Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Ihsan dede Caddesi. (M) Shanghai 200001 PRC Phone: +86-021-612 252 22 Telefax: +86-021-612 253 33 Croatia GRUNDFOS predstavništvo Zagreb Cebini 37.m.H.2007 . Park u.03. Ruta Panamericana Serbia GRUNDFOS Predstavništvo Beograd Dr.V. Biruintei. 135-916 Seoul. Ontario L6H 6C9 Phone: +1-905 829 9533 Telefax: +1-905 829 9512 China GRUNDFOS Pumps (Shanghai) Co. Box 2040 Regency Park South Australia 5942 Phone: +61-8-8461-4611 Telefax: +61-8-8340 0155 Austria GRUNDFOS Pumpen Vertrieb Ges. 6 Argentina GRUNDFOS GMBH Schlüterstr.C. GRUNDFOS Bellux S.: +46-0771-32 23 00 Telefax: +46-31 331 94 60 Switzerland GRUNDFOS Pumpen AG Bruggacherstrasse 10 CH-8117 Fällanden/ZH Tel. Rua Tomazina 106 CEP 83325 .: +31-294-492 211 Telefax: +31-294-492244/492299 GRUNDFOS POMPA San. Parc d’Activités de Chesnes 57. Sti. 219 Min-Chuan Road Taichung.: +47-22 90 47 00 Telefax: +47-22 32 21 50 Poland GRUNDFOS Pompy Sp. Taiwan. Ltd. Ltd. оф. România Usbekistan GRUNDFOS Pompe România SRL Bd. Kansas 66061 Phone: +1-913-227-3400 Telefax: +1-913-227-3500 Russia ООО Грундфос Россия. (+7) 095 737 30 00. Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon Phone: +852-27861706 / 27861741 Telefax: +852-27858664 Hungary GRUNDFOS Hungária Kft.: +43-6246-883-0 Telefax: +43-6246-883-30 Belgium N. Shin Miyakoda Hamamatsu City Shizuoka pref.B. Via Gran Sasso 4 I-20060 Truccazzano (Milano) Tel.PR Phone: +55-41 668 3555 Telefax: +55-41 668 3554 Bulgaria GRUNDFOS Pumpen Vertrieb Representative Office . Buzin HR-10000 Zagreb Phone: +385 1 6595 400 Telefax: +385 1 6595 499 Czech Republic GRUNDFOS s. Raffles City No. P. 71. 37.K.A. Bangna. Box 16768 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai Phone: www. 564 88 11 E-mail grundfos. Korea Phone: +82-2-5317 600 Telefax: +82-2-5633 725 Latvia SIA GRUNDFOS Pumps Latvia Deglava biznesa centrs Augusta Deglava ielā 60. K.Denmark France México Thailand GRUNDFOS DK A/S Martin Bachs Vej 3 DK-8850 Bjerringbro Tlf. 204 41490 Gebze/ Kocaeli Phone: +90 . 564 88 00 Факс (+7) 095 737 75 36.: +351-21-440 76 00 Telefax: +351-21-440 76 90 U.O. 20th km. 241 Apartado 1079 P-2770-153 Paço de Arcos Tel. Ltd. Школьная 39 Тел. Tā Bombas GRUNDFOS de Argentina S. Postbus 104 NL-1380 AC Weesp Tel. Киев.E. Grovebury Road Leighton Buzzard/Beds. Athinon-Markopoulou Av. Merrywell Business Park Ballymount Road Lower Dublin 12 Phone: +353-1-4089 800 Telefax: +353-1-4089 830 Italy GRUNDFOS Pompe Italia S.500 Lote 34A 1619 . Phone: +359 2963 3820. 2941 Brighton Road Oakville.S. Boulevard TLC No.Олешева 14 Телефон: (8632) 62-40-49 Факс: (8632) 62-40-49 Bosnia/Herzegovina GRUNDFOS Sarajevo Paromlinska br. Ltd.: +45-87 50 50 50 Telefax: +45-87 50 51 51 E-mail: info_GDK@grundfos. Čapkovského 21 779 00 Olomouc Phone: +420-585-716 111 Telefax: +420-585-716 299 Estonia GRUNDFOS Pumps Eesti OÜ Peterburi tee 44 11415 Tallinn Tel: + 372 606 1690 Fax: + 372 606 1691 Finland OY GRUNDFOS Pumput AB Mestarintie 11 FIN-01730 Vantaa Phone: +358-3066 5650 Telefax: +358-3066 56550 Germany Greece GRUNDFOS Hellas Pompes GRUNDFOS Distribution S. Blok III / CC-1 Kawasan Industri. 2. Bangna-Trad Rd. Milutina Ivkovića 2a/29 YU-11000 Beograd Phone: +381 11 26 47 877 / 11 26 47 496 Telefax: +381 11 26 48 340 Singapore GRUNDFOS (Singapore) Netherlands Turkey GRUNDFOS Nederland Service in Deutschland: e-mail: kundendienst@grundfos. Rawa Sumur III. Klonowa 23 Baranowo k. Владимирская.o. S.. Rīga.r. N.A. Grundfosstraße 2 A-5082 Grödig/Salzburg Tel.o.: + 371 714 9640. ul. LU7 8TL Phone: +44-1525-850000 Telefax: +44-1525-850011 Bombas GRUNDFOS Portugal.M. 91 Telefax: +66-2-744 1775 . Camino de la Fuentecilla. 947/168 Moo 12. s/n E-28110 Algete (Madrid) Tel. Aju Building 679-5 Yeoksam-dong. SI-1236 Trzin Phone: +386 1 563 5338 Telefax: +386 1 563 2098 E-mail: slovenia@grundfos. 268 Xi Zang Road. yol 200.L.A.A. 66600 Phone: +52-81-8144 4000 Telefax: +52-81-8144 4010 GRUNDFOS (Thailand) Ltd. Unit A. 6th Floor. ve Tic. 24 Tuas West Road Jurong Town Singapore 638381 Phone: +65-6865 1222 Telefax: +65-6861 8402 Slovenia GRUNDFOS PUMPEN VERTRIEB Ges. Phrakanong Bangkok 10260 Phone: +66-2-744 1785 . rue de Malacombe F-38290 St.. Auckland Phone: +64-9-415 3240 Telefax: +64-9-415 3250 Norway GRUNDFOS Pumper A/S Strømsveien 344 Postboks 235. 7 Jalan Peguam U1/25 Glenmarie Industrial Park 40150 Shah Alam Selangor Phone: +60-3-5569 2922 Telefax: +60-3-5569 2866 New Zealand GRUNDFOS Pumps NZ Ltd.8815 166 Telefax: +971-4-8815 136 United Kingdom GRUNDFOS Pumps Ltd. 109544 Москва. Украина. Quentin Fallavier (Lyon) Tél. 01033.Bulgaria Bulgaria. Poznania PL-62-081 Przeźmierowo Phone: (+48-61) 650 13 00 Telefax: (+48-61) 650 13 50 Portugal Ukraine ТОВ ГРУНДФОС Украина ул.: +39-02-95838112 Telefax: +39-02-95309290 / 95838461 Japan GRUNDFOS Pumps K. 1-2-3. Sokak Boomsesteenweg 81-83 B-2630 Aartselaar Tél.262-679 7905 E-mail: satis@grundfos. Phone: +886-4-2305 0868 Telefax: +886-4-2305 0878 Addresses revised 19. Ground floor Siu Wai Industrial Centre 29-33 Wing Hong Street & 68 King Lam Street. 15 Parque Industrial Stiva Aeropuerto Apodaca.V. 16.b.Garin Pcia.: +33-4 74 82 15 15 Télécopie: +33-4 74 94 10 51 Bombas GRUNDFOS de México S. 2963 5653 Telefax: +359 2963 1305 Canada GRUNDFOS Canada Inc. Phone: +36-23 511 110 Telefax: +36-23 511 111 India GRUNDFOS Pumps India Private Limited 118 Old Mahabalipuram Road Thoraipakkam Chamiers Road Chennai 600 096 Phone: +91-44 2496 6800 Indonesia PT GRUNDFOS Pompa Jl.Усмана Носира 1-й тупик 5 Телефон: (3712) 55-68-15 Факс: (3712) 53-36-35 GRUNDFOS Pumps Corporation 17100 West 118th Terrace Olathe. de C. Podružnica Ljubljana Blatnica 1. R..E. Box 71 GR-19002 Peania Phone: +0030-210-66 83 400 Telefax: +0030-210-66 46 273 Hong Kong GRUNDFOS Pumps (Hong Kong) Ltd. 45 г. Leirdal N-1011 Oslo Tlf. Rua Calvet de Magalhães. Kangnam-ku. Bhd. 431-21 Phone: +81-53-428 4760 Telefax: +81-53-484 1014 Korea GRUNDFOS Pumps Korea Ltd. 3.O. Тел.: +32-3-870 7300 Télécopie: +32-3-870 7301 Belorussia Представительство ГРУНДФОС в Минске 220090 Минск ул.l. nr 103 Pantelimon county Ilfov Phone: +40 21 200 4100 Telefax: +40 21 200 4101 E-mail: [email protected] 7979 Telefax: +90 . P.O. 7 149 641 Fakss: + 371 914 9646 Lithuania GRUNDFOS Pumps UAB Smolensko g. de Buenos Aires Phone: +54-3327 414 444 Telefax: +54-3327 411 111 Australia GRUNDFOS Pumps Pty. 6 LT-03201 Vilnius Tel: + 370 52 395 430 Fax: + 370 52 395 431 Malaysia GRUNDFOS Pumps Представительство ГРУНДФОС в Ташкенте 700000 Ташкент ул. 1421 Sofia Lozenetz District 105-107 Arsenalski blvd.. Unit 1. 185 . 96646512 0107 www.Being responsible is our foundation Thinking ahead makes it possible Innovation is the essence 96646512 0507 Repl.
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