Group Piano Teaching Materials and Resources

March 24, 2018 | Author: Catherine Bouthillette | Category: Music Education, Jazz, Doctor Of Philosophy, Performing Arts, Musicology



Group Piano Teaching Materialsand Resources An asterisk (*) indicates an out-of-print title. Textbooks University Music Majors Anderson, Richard. Ensemble: Keyboard Proficiency for the Music Major. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, 2001. *Chastek, Winifred Knox. Keyboard Skills: Sight Reading, Transposition, Harmonization, and Improvisation. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1967. *Duckworth, Guy. Keyboard Musicianship. New York: Free Press, 1970. *Erlings, Billie. Comprehensive Keyboard Skills. Tucson, AZ: Nuove Music, 1975. *Foxley, William M., and Barbara R. Lowe. Piano Study Guide and Workbook. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1975. *Garcia, Linda, and Brenda Rager. Acquiring Music Fundamentals. Lebanon, IN: AlexanderMorton, 1980. *Guhl, Louise. Keyboard Proficiency. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. Heerema, Elmer. Progressive Class Piano. 2nd ed. Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing, 1984. Hilley, Martha, and Lynn Freeman Olson. Piano for the Developing Musician. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Schirmer/Thomson Learning, 2006. Lancaster, E. L., and Kenon Renfrow. Group Piano for Adults. Bks. 1 and 2. 2nd ed. Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing, 2008. *Lehmer, Isabel. Keyboard Harmony: A Comprehensive Approach to Musicianship. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1967. *Lieberman, Maurice. Keyboard Harmony and Improvisation. New York: Norton, 1957. Lindeman, Carolyn A. PianoLab: An Introduction to Class Piano. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2008. *Lloyd, Ruth. Creative Keyboard Musicianship: Fundamentals of Music and Keyboard Harmony through Improvisation. New York; Dodd Mead, 1975. *Lowder, Jerry. Basic Piano Skills. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishing, 1991. W1 W2 TEACHING PIANO IN GROUPS Lyke, James, Tony Caramia, Geoffrey Haydon, Reid Alexander, and Ron Elliston. Keyboard Musicianship. 8th ed. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing, 2003. Mach, Elyse. Contemporary Class Piano. 6th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. *McLain, Margaret Star. Class Piano. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1974. Miner, Martha, Lulu Cheney, Julianne Dent, and Kathleen Bauer. Reading Keyboard Music: The Work of C. S. Reid. Rev. ed. Stockton, CA: Demibach Society, 1993. Page, Cleveland. The Laboratory Piano Course. Bks 1 and 2. New York: Harper and Row, 1974–75. Available at *Pelz, William. Basic Keyboard Skills: An Introduction to Accompaniment Improvisation, Transposition and Modulation, with an Appendix on Sight Reading. Reprint. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pyle, Hershal. The University Piano Series: A Course of Study for the Adult Student. Ann Arbor, MI: Campus Publishers, 1983. *Rezits, Joseph. Source Materials for Keyboard Skills. Bloomington, IN: D. Daniel Publications, 1975. *Rummo, Carmen P. Functional Piano for Class and Individual Instruction. Pittsburgh: Volkwein Bros., 1972. *Sheftel, Paul. Exploring Keyboard Fundamentals. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1970. Squire, Russell N., and Timothy P. Shafer. Class Piano for the Adult Beginner. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991. *Starr, William, and Constance Starr. Basic Piano Technique for the Classroom Teacher. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1971. Starr, William, and Constance Starr. Practical Piano Skills. 5th ed. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1992. Stecher, Melvin, Norman Horowitz, Claire Gordon, R. Fred Kern, and E. L. Lancaster. Keyboard Strategies: A Piano Series for Group or Private Instruction Created for the Older Beginner. New York: G. Schirmer, 1986. *Vernazza, Marcelle, and Leonora Jeanne Young. Basic Materials for the Piano Student. 2nd ed. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown, 1972. *Zimmerman, Alex H., Russell Hayton, and Dorothy Priesing. Basic Piano for the College Student. 5th ed. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown, 1985. Adult Hobby Students/University Non-Music Majors/RMM Aaron, Michael. Michael Aaron Adult Piano Course. Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishing, 1985. Agay, Denes. The Joy of First-Year Piano. New York: Yorktown Music Press, , 1972. *Allen, Doris R. Creative Keyboard for Adult Beginners. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983. *Bastien, James. Beginning Piano for Adults. Park Ridge, IL: General Words and Music, 1968. *Bastien, James. Musicianship for the Older Beginner, Levels 1 and 2. San Diego: Kjos West, 1977. Bastien, James. The Older Beginner Piano Course, Levels 1 and 2. San Diego: Kjos West, 1977. Chords in Action. Else. and Roger Grove. Grown-Up Beginners Book. Schirmer. Beginning Piano: An Adult Approach. Sandy. and Paul Harris. *Bishop. Dubuque. and Ernest Schelling. Dorothy. Miami: CPP/Belwin. The Oxford Piano Method. 1 and 2. WA: Puget Music Publications. Nancy. Blake. Buffalo. King of Prussia. Kenmore. Raymond. Books 1–3. Piano for Adults. 1950. Kjos. Bks. 2008. Self-published. Bastien. 1959. Hall. Bradley. and Randall Faber. 1949. Germany: Schott Musik. Class Piano Method. Faber. Adult Explorer at the Piano. Charles Hansen Music Company. Mainz.. Adult Piano Adventures: A Comprehensive Piano Course. 1970. Bernice. 1922. Haake. and Randall Faber. 1947. Feldstein. Invitation to Music: Beginning Piano for Teenage and Adult Students. *Fisk. New York: Bradley Publications. San Diego: Neil A. Jane. *Geissmar. and Lori Bastien. William. 2003. Mathilde. Adult Piano Student. Osbourne McConathy. Lisa Bastien. Eckstein. 1956. 1953. 1972. William Presser. Dillon. Faber. Piano for Adults: A Beginning Piano Course—Lessons. Leila. Adult Piano Book. Sight Reading. Ella Mason Ahearn. 1981. 1 and 2. *Burrows. New York: Carl Fischer. The European Piano Method: Three Progressive Levels. *Fletcher. Louise Goss. San Diego: Kjos Music Press. Jane Smisor. Enjoyable Course to Learning to Play All Keyboard Instruments. New York: G. Frost. *Felton. *Bilbro. *Bergenfeld.Aided Group Piano Course for Adults. 1937. Melodic and Technical Studies for the Adult Beginner on the Piano. Phyllis. Accelerated Piano Adventures. Belwin Complete Adult Keyboard Course: A Practical. John. Gail Martin Haake. 1994. 2000. Piano Series for the Older Beginner. IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishing. Nathan. FL: FJH Music Company. Frank. Alejandro. Beginner’s Book for Older Pupils. 1 and 2. Piano: 2nd Time Around. Fort Lauderdale. 1979. Allen. New York: Acorn Music Press. 1999. Warner Brothers. Nancy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1976. Clark. Glover. Keyboard Fundamentals. 1980.Group Piano Teaching Materials and Resources W3 Bastien. and Debra Wanless. 1969. Miami: Summy-Birchard. Theory. FL: FJH Music Company. Creative Piano and Keyboard: An Introductory Computer. Fritz. Dorothy Gaynor. Milton A. New York: Carl Fischer. The Adult at the Piano. *Cremaschi. 1989. Big Three. . Maxwell. Emonts. Miami: CPP/Belwin. KY: Willis Music Company. 2001. NJ: Prentice-Hall. Florence. Brenda. 1935. and Raymond Burrows. 1992. Piano for Fun and Fulfillment. PA: Theodore-Presser. Technic. 1970. Giles. Charles. Fort Lauderdale. Frances. 1991. The Adult Beginner. David Carr. Bks. Pauline. *Brimhall. *Clark. Adult Piano Course: Piano for Pleasure. An Adult Guide to Beginning Piano and Basic Musicianship. Keyboard Musicianship for the Adult Beginner. *Friedman. New York: Oxford University Press. Richard. Bradley’s How to Play Piano. 1978. Englewood Cliffs. Boston: Boston Music Company. Bks. NY: Mayfair Montgomery Music. E. Boston: McLaughlin and Reilly. John Benjamin. Houston. The Adult Piano Method: Play by Choice. New York: Macmillan. *MacLachlan. Carol. Van Nuys. and Lynn Freeman Olson. Alan. Willard A. *Horton. IL: Stipes Publishing. Piano for Adults: A Complete Course for the Adult Beginner. 1983.. Lancaster. and Kenon Renfrow. Play Piano Now! Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course. *Mason. Play Piano in a Flash. I Used to Play Piano. Scott. Adult All-in-One Course: Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course.W4 TEACHING PIANO IN GROUPS Hilley. Autumn. 2003. CA: Alfred Publishing. Keller. 1994. The Adult Approach to the Piano. Group or Class. CA: Alfred Publishing. 1956. WI: Hal Leonard. *Richter. Robert. 1945. CA: Alfred Publishing. CA: Alfred Publishing. 4th ed. Van Nuys. Perez. New York: M. and Amanda Vick Lethco. Keyboard Fundamentals. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Martha. Musikgarten (www.musikgarten. Palmer.. Mark. Thomas Robin. New York: Lee Roberts Music. Beginning Piano for Adults. The Ada Richter Piano Course: The Older Student—For Individual or Class Instruction. Champaign. Adult Education Piano Method: Piano Instruction for Individual. Debra and Will Baily. Palmer. New York: E. L. Milwaukee. Belmont. Willard A. New York: Schroeder and Gunther. WI: Hal Leonard. DE: Piano Playhouse. Van Musikgarten Adults: Enjoying the Piano Together. Bks. and Walter Noona. Morton Manus. The Adult Pianist: Piano Basics for the Older Beginner. 1963. ProArt Publications. *Owyang. L. Pace. Bks 1–3. 1996. B. Van Nuys. Werder-Paul Piano Course: Basic Piano for the Adult. 1935. and Morton Manus. and Denise Edwards. Lyke. Noona. Lancaster. 1985. 1999. Palmer. 2001. Elizabeth. 2008. Mary Bacon. Milwaukee. *Miller. 1993. and Victoria McArthur. *Pederson. E. CA: Schirmer. CA: Alfred Publishing.. Piano for Pleasure: A Basic Course for Adults. Willard A. 1969. Bks 1–3. CA: Alfred Publishing. Palmer. Keyboard for Adult Beginners. 1967. Ada. OH: Heritage Music Press. The MacLachlan Piano Book for the Modern Beginner: A Refresher Course for Adult Beginners. and Richard Harry Werder. 2009. Witmark and Sons. Lancaster. Lily Siao. 1978. Cynthia. Marks. Kern. E. Key to the Keys: The Sound Approach for Teenage and Adult Beginners. Musical Moments: A Recreational Music Making Program. Boston: Oliver Ditson. Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course.. Wilmington. Van Nuys. 2004. Alfred’s Self-Teaching Adult Piano Course. and Kenon Renfrow. Willard A. 1977. 1966. Gale. *Paul. Piano 101. 1957. . 1 and 2. Creative Piano: A Modular Approach for Adult Beginners. Piano 101: Short Course. New York: Lee Roberts Music. Piano—Plain and Simple. and Mary Louise Wilson. Fred. Self-published. 1999. 2000. *Nevin. Van Nuys. Pace. and Linda Woodaman Ostrander. Dayton. CA: Alfred Publishing. Van Nuys. James. L. John W. Jane Smisor. *Robinson.. Florence. Florence. Gonzales.. CA: Alfred Publishing. Rinehart and Winston. KY: Willis Music. The Art of Music for the Adult Beginner. Available at http://www. and E. Sing and Play. Pam. 2006. 1–3. 1999. Gertrude. 1985. Pathways: A Conceptual Approach to Music Readiness. *Thompson. Fred Kern. Lancaster. John W. The Music Tree: Time to Begin. Boston: Boston Music Company. and Randall Faber. CA: Alfred Publishing. 2006. Chicago: Rubank. L. Schirmer. 1948. Belmont. Bks. Children Cole. Alfred’s Basic Piano Library: Preparatory Course for the Young Beginner. Van Nuys. Wagness Adult Piano Course: The Chord Approach. CA: Wadsworth Publishing. New York: Oxford University Press. Keyboard Strategies: A Piano Series for Group or Private Instruction Created for the Older Beginner. Van Nuys. 1980. Available at www. 1943. Bastien. It’s Never Too Late to Play Piano. Music for Moppets. 1981. Claire Gordon. and Louise Goss. Palmer. 1967. CA: Alfred Publishing. L. Bernard. The Adult Preparatory Book. Paul. 1960. NJ: Prentice-Hall. Stecher. Thompson. KY: Willis Music Company. Piano for the Classroom Music. Lancaster. *Sheftel. Robert. *Wagness. Helen C. 2005. Pace. 1943. Collins.html. FL: FJH Music Company. John. Pace. Basic Piano for Adults. Schaum Adult Piano Course. John M. Englewood Cliffs. San Diego: Neil A. Amanda Vick Lethco. John Thompson’s Adult Piano Course. and E. Canyon Press. Wedgewood. The Very Young Pianist. Ann. Van Nuys. Mayron. Jane Smisor. . The Keyboard: Exploration and Discoveries. 1935. Christine H. Florence. New York: Belwin Mills. R. Miami: Summy-Birchard. Eric. 1988. 1964. New York: Holt. Harry. My First Piano Adventure for the Young Beginner. 1993. KY: Willis Music. Bastiens’ Invitation to Music. The Persistent Pianist: A Book for the Late Beginner and Adult Re-Starter.Group Piano Teaching Materials and Resources W5 *Robilliard. Norman Horowitz. Alfred’s Music for Little Mozarts. New York: Lee Roberts Music Publications. John M. Bastien. Williams’ First Book for the Adult Beginner: A First Instruction Book for Piano Written for Older Pupils. New York: G. and Lori Bastien. Willard A. San Diego: Neil A. Gayle Kowalchyk. TX: Mayron Cole Music Kjos. Eilleen D. CA: Alfred Publishing. The Senior Approach to the Eric Steiner Piano Course. IL: Stipes Publishing. Van Nuys. Precollege The Very Young Beginner Barden. Lisa Bastien. Doris. The Mayron Cole Piano Method.candlepowerpress. Clark. and Morton Manus. Helene. Faber. Kjos Music Company. Melvin. and Linda Clary. Champaign. Schaum.mcpiano. 1971. Nancy. 1970. Fort Lauderdale. 1994. *Steiner. John. 1980. *Rosemond. *Williams. 1972. 1981. 1963–64. Palmer. Milwaukee. 2001. CA: Alfred Publishing. Michiko. New York: Muse Eek Publishing. Bruce. 1996. Van Nuys. Guy. Van Nuys. Keyboard Musician. DeKalb. and E. Connors. Rhythm Prime: Music Sight Reading Exercises. Amanda Vick Lethco. Karen. Yurko. Alfred’s Basic Group Piano Course. Music Makers: At the Keyboard. Keyboard Builder. Storms. Gloria Burnett. and Patricia Stemller. IL: MF Company. Ziegler. 2006. Milwaukee. 2003. . 2004. IL: Wurlitzer. Guy. Evanston. Music Matters. 1972. *Duckworth. Creative Rhythmic Reading at the Piano. IL: MF Company. WI: L. Lorna. Musical Games and Activities. Guy. 1994. Jerry. Fingerplays and Rhythmic Activities for Early Childhood. Specimen Sight Reading Tests. CA: Alfred Publishing. 1963–64. Evanston. 1997. Activity Maestro: A Piano Teacher’s Resource Book of Activities. Gayle Kowalchyk. Jerry. Robert. 1975. Heyge. 1963–64. Abigail Flesch. Van Nuys. 101 Rhythm Instrument Activities for Young Children. NJ: Parker Publishing. Musical Games. *Athey. 1975. 101 Music Games for Children: Fun and Learning with Rhythm and Song. IL: MF Company. *Duckworth. Verna Stassevtich. Morton Manus. 101 More Music Games for Children: More Fun and Learning with Rhythm and Song. Arnold. Supplementary Textbooks by Topic Activities and Games Alfred’s Musical Adventures Game. Alameda. Keyboard Explorer. Fay Templeton. 1994. Sight Reading ABRSM. Evanston. Stan. Steps to Musicianship through Group Piano. *Frisch. and Mary Louise Wilson. Upper Saddle River. Marian. A Galaxy of Games for the Music Class. Games. and Gwen Hotchkiss. CA: Alfred Publishing. Alameda. CA: Hunter House. Keyboard Performer. Longmont. Guy. 1983.W6 TEACHING PIANO IN GROUPS *Duckworth. Pace. 1989. Keyboard Discoverer. Evanston. Wirth. 1963–64. *Duckworth. L. *Duckworth. CA: Hunter House. Margaret. Guy. London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. IL: MF Company. Upper Saddle River. *Applebaum. 1963–64. and Reproducible Materials. Roberts/Hal Leonard. Rita Shotwell. Lancaster. Willard. Jill Citro Hannagan. IL: MF Company. Musical Games and Activities: A Collection of Easy-to-Play Games and Activities for the Piano Student or Music Classroom. WI: Hal Leonard. CO: Piacere Press. Storms. Scott. Evanston. New York: Schroeder and Gunther. Lewisville. 1995. Worksheets. 1967. NC: Gryphon House. NJ: Prentice Hall Trade. Music Mind Games. *Sheftel. Jane Smisor. 1972. F. 2006. CA: Alfred Publishing. New York: Associated Music Publishers. Basic Sight Reading: A Practical Course for Everyone. Pertout. Dayton. James. Gayle. 1986. Practical Sight Reading Exercises for Piano Students. and Julie Jordan. Boris. Progressive Sight Reading Exercises: Piano Technique. E. Robert. Leonhard. Van Nuys. David. Lancaster. ON: Frederick Harris Music. 1990. 1988. *Shanaphy. Music Reading for Keyboard: The Complete Method. Berlin. Daphne. 1990. Edward. Sightreading at the Keyboard. Los Angeles: Wimbledon Music. Stuart Isacoff. *Kasschau. Paul. Domville-Fife Press. 2007. Step-by-Step Program for Musical Keyboard Players of All Levels. Sight Reading. and E. and Claude Champagne. Pacific. 1998. and Gayle Kowalchyk with David Carr Glover. NY: Ekay Music. Lancaster. John. Mainz: Schott. Kember. and Carol Noona. Marlais. Noona. Noona Sight Reading. Howard. New York: Schirmer. Keyboard Sight Reading. Ellen. Kjos Music Company. Alfred’s Basic Piano Course: Sight Reading Book. Schirmer. OR: Catholic Press. CA: Alfred Publishing. Bastien. Portland. Hickman. Helen. Super Sight-Reading Secrets: An Innovative. Levels 1–8. Leonhard. CA: Belwin Mills/Alfred Publishing. L. Reading through Intervals. FJH Music Company. 1999. Sight Reading. L. Kowalchyk. 1994. 1986. *Deutsch. Steelman. Paul. MO: Mel Bay Publications.Group Piano Teaching Materials and Resources W7 Bastien. 1991. Milwaukee. Katonah. 2007. Walter. CA: Sound Feelings Publishing. CA: Alfred Publishing. Music Speed Reading. and Joann Carrera. OH: Lorenz Publishing. David Carr Glover Method for Piano: Sight Reading and Ear Training. Speed-Reading at the Keyboard. New York: Heritage Music Publications. Mountain View. San Diego: Kjos West. 1999. Smith. Mel Bay Sight Reading: The Rhythm Book. Van Nuys. 1976. San Diego: Neil A. Van Nuys. and Kevin Olson. CA: Mayfield Publishing.. Boris. Keilmann. 1986. 1986. CA: Alfred Publishing. 1986. Four Star Sight Reading and Ear Tests: Daily Exercises for Piano Students. Van Nuys. Howard. London: Faber Music. London: Oxford University Press. 1995. Peters. Alex. New York: G. Bks. *Spillman. . Help Yourself to Sight Reading. Berlin. WI: Hal Leonard. 1 and 2. 2005. *Brokish. For Sight Reading. 2001. Mississauga. Improve Your Sight Reading Piano. Harris. Levels 1–4. Piano Sight Reading. New York: C. Carole Flatau. 1950. John. Richman. Deutsch. 1987. Sandercock. Sight Reading Folks Songs from Around the World. Introduction to Sight Reading. A Line a Day Sight Reading. Tarzana. Evelyn. Schaum. *Burmeister. Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day. 1979. Piano: Guided Sight Reading. Wilhelm. Hannah. Van Nuys. Larry. 1968. 2000. Chords in Action: For Class and Individual Instruction in Piano. Church. Patterson. Little Baby Itsy Bitsy Spider Lightly Row . Theory. A Tasket Alouette Chopsticks Clementine Did You Ever See a Lassie? Down in the Valley Farmer in the Dell Go Tell Aunt Rhody He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Hush. Keyboard Melodies. *Evan. 2nd ed. * Music Education. 1990. IA: Wm. Wilson. Upper Saddle River. Melody List for Harmonization Primary Chords (I–IV) A Tisket. Nanett G. NY: Belwin. *Steiner. 70.W8 TEACHING PIANO IN GROUPS Zagorski. 1983. TN: Walker Publishing. Knoxville. C. Harmonization at the Piano. Milwaukee. Lead Lines and Chord Changes. Patricia Carter. *Smith. *Collins. Rockville Center. 1902. and Martha Baker. Brown Publishers. Dubuque. Transposition for Piano: For the Advancing Student. Lunde. CA: Alfred Publishing. Frankenpohl. and Donald L. *Melcher.harmonysheets. WI: Skyline Publications. 2000. Zagorski Sight Reading Method with Four Keyboard Textures. 1962.. Eau Clair. 1987. Ann. 2002. Christy. WI: Hal Leonard. NJ: Prentice-Hall. Alice. Dubuque. Cincinnati. Music Education. Arthur. OH: J. Private Piano. Van Nuys. Harmonization-Transposition at the Keyboard for the Student and Teacher of Class or Group Piano. 1968. Eric. Op. Harmony Worksheets (www. Gene J. Dorothy. Melody Harmonization at the Keyboard. Transposition Studies for Daily Practice: Composed for the Piano. New York: Carl Fischer. Lee. 1956. 1966. Music for Keyboard Harmony. IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing. Kern. Warch. 6th ed. Vogt. Harmonization/Transposition *Bishop. CA: Alfred Publishing. Learn to Harmonize and Transpose at the Keyboard. Van Nuys. General Education: Transposition at the Keyboard. 1988. Group Piano Teaching Materials and Resources W9 London Bridge Mary Had a Little Lamb Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone Polly Wolly Doodle Row. Row. Long Ago Love Somebody Marine’s Hymn Mexican Clapping Song Muffin Man My Country ’Tis of Thee . Row Your Boat Skip to My Lou Ten Little Indians Three Blind Mice Yellow Rose of Texas Primary Chords (I–IV–V) Amazing Grace Angels We Have Heard on High Auld Lang Syne Battle Hymn of the Republic Bingo Brahms’ Lullaby The Caissons Go Rolling Along Camptown Races Clementine Ding Dong. Merrily on High Doxology The First Noel For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow Go Tell Aunt Rhody Good King Wenceslas Good Night Ladies Happy Birthday He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Hickory Dickory Dock If You’re Happy and You Know It Jolly Old St. Nicholas Joy to the World Lavender’s Blue Lightly Row Little Brown Jug Long. W10 TEACHING PIANO IN GROUPS Oh! Susanna Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? Old Gray Mare Old MacDonald Had a Farm On Top of Old Smoky Pop! Goes the Weasel Red River Valley Rock-a-bye Baby Rudolf. the Red-Nosed Reindeer Shoo. Fly Silent Night Skip to My Lou This Land Is Your Land This Old Man Three Blind Mice Turkey in the Straw Twinkle. Twinkle Little Star When the Saints Go Marching In Yankee Doodle Secondary Dominants America the Beautiful The Ash Grove Aura Lee Deck the Halls Do Re Mi English Country Gardens Home on the Range Jingle Bells Morning Has Broken My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean Ode to Joy Over the River and through the Woods Simple Gifts Star-Spangled Banner Yankee Doodle Boy You’re a Grand Old Flag Minor Chim Chim Cher-ee Erie Canal . New York: Oxford University Press. 1968. New York: Edward B. David. Dubuque. Newell. KY: Cengage Learning. 1973. Rev. John. *Lang. ed. WI: Hal Leonard. CA: Alfred Publishing. PA: Ditson. Van Nuys. Kent: Novello and Company. *Daymond. Philip G. 2006.Group Piano Teaching Materials and Resources W11 Greensleeves Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho Scarborough Fair We Three Kings When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again Score Reading *Barry. An Introduction to Score Reading. O. Peggy Lyman. WI: Hal Leonard. Theodore A. Bryn Mawr. 1961.. *Wilkinson. Lynn. New York: Oxford University Press. M. Arthur. Van Nuys. *Bernstein. 1974. Robert M. and 4 Parts. IL: GIA Publications. Rhythm without the Blues: A Comprehensive Rhythm Program for Musicians. Abramson. NJ: Prentice Hall College Division. New York: M. C. and Charlotte Hale. and John M. Score Reading. Preparatory Exercises in Score Reading. Rev. 1998. S. 1990. Frankenpohl. Score Reading Exercises. Van Nuys. Introductory Musicianship. London: Novello. Constance. Harmonization at the Piano. Milwaukee. 100 Score Reading Exercises. Marks. Frank. 1999. Move It 2! Expressive Movement with Classical Music. Melcher. Novello. *Fiske. Music for Score Reading. and Willard F. 2007. San Diego: Neil A. *Metis. C. Rhythm and Movement: Application of Dalcroze Eurhythmics. Roger. Chicago. Score Reading: A Series of Graded Excerpts. *Schluer. Morris. 1998. Score Reading Exercises in 2. Roger Parker. Milwaukee. Kjos Music Company. CA: Alfred Publishing. Brown Publishers. Rhythm Abramson. 6th ed. R. Emily R. Feierabend. Volumes 1 and 2. Exercises in Rhythm. Warch. London: Oxford University Press. 1958. 1971. Hayes. Book V: Twentieth-Century Music. Rhythm Factory. New York: Hansen. Carl G. with Celia Duffy. Findlay. Preston. Robert A. 1987. Score Reading. 1994. Malcolm. 2008.. and Howard Ferguson. Teaching Rhythm: New Strategies and Techniques for Success. 3. Lavender. 1950. . *Brimhall. Feel It. ed. 2008. . Whitmark and Sons. Florence. Upper Saddle River. Hal Leonard’s Rhythm Flashcard Kit. Elsa. 1947. IA: Wm. Martin. CA: Alfred Publishing. Cheryl. 1968. London: Music Sales Ltd. Robert. Rhythm Games for Perception and Cognition. Milwaukee. Endings. 1979. Rhythm: One on One. Ann. Overland Park. Evans. Amadie. Jerry. Moore. Van Nuys. Jazz Works. Van Nuys. Collins.alanswainmusic. Improvisation at the Piano: A Systematic Approach for the Classically Trained Pianist. WI: Hal Leonard. 1995. CA: Alfred Publishing. Evans. 1984. 1986. *Collins. Dalcroze Activities in the Private Music Lesson. Van Nuys. Learning to Improvise Jazz Accompaniments. 1980. Jazz-Flavored Scale Patterns and Exercises. 1980. *Weissman. Swain. Rottenburg. Alan. 1993. Milwaukee. 1996. Think Jazz! Milwaukee. Evanston. WI: Hal Leonard. Faber. Breaks. *Kahn. Milwaukee. Coker. Dayton. CA: Alfred Publishing. Harmonic Foundation for Jazz and Popular Music. Germany: Advance Music. Julia. Lead Lines and Chord Changes: A Practical How-To Approach for Keyboardists. Duet and Class Performance. Evans. 1991. Lee. CA: Alfred Publishing. CA: Alfred Publishing. Improvise! A Step-by-Step Approach. 1980. Improvisation in the Music Classroom: Sequential Learning. Chicago: GIA Publications. Tommy. FL: FJH Music Company. WI: Hal Leonard. Ensemble Energy: Jam Session. Collins. Crook. Schnebly-Black. Thornton Publishing. 1982. WI: Hal Leonard. and Randall Faber. 1991. Lee. 2003. Fillers. Pittsburgh: Volkwein. Beginning Jazz Improvisation. Jimmy. Jackie. How to Comp: A Study in Jazz Accompaniment. Jazz Keyboard Harmony. Fort Lauderdale. Mainstream in Improvisation. CA: Alfred Publishing. Boyd. WI: Hal Leonard. Ann. Jazz Keyboard for Pianists and Non-Pianists. Edwin E. Thornton Publishing. Milwaukee. David. Van Nuys. Walter. and Stephen F. The Rhythm Inside: Connecting Body. Nancy. Discover Beginning Improvisation. OH:Heritage Press. Jazz and Blues (Popular Styles) Amadie. Lee. KS: Miss Jackie Music Company. Baker. Hal. Evans. 1981. Van Nuys. Van Nuys. *Ferguson. Improvisation Chung. Brian. 1953. 2004. 2006. Bill. Van Nuys. Milwaukee. Julia. Belwin-Mills. Jimmy. 1994. CA: Alfred Publishing. 2007. . WI: Hal Leonard. 1979. IL: Jasmine Music Publishers. Jazz Improvisation. *Rummo. 1992. *Noona.W12 TEACHING PIANO IN GROUPS Schnebly-Black. Available at http://www. Carmen P. and Dennis Thurmond. Ann. 1988. Gordon. Arnold. Piano Improvisation on Rhythm and Dissonant Chords: For Individual and Class Instruction. WI: Hal Leonard. Intermediate Jazz Chord Voicings for Keyboard. Mind and Spirit through Music.html. Milwaukee. CA: Alfred Publishing. CA: Alfred Publishing. Jazz Improv: How to Play It and Teach It. Boyd. Instant Improvisation: For Individual. Bill. Van Nuys. Moore. and Stephen F. The Great Big Book of Rhythm. 1975. 1984. 2003. Ensemble Literature *Alt. Marvin. New York. Gayle. Kowalchyk. Improvising Blues Piano. Lancaster. Michele. 2001. Bert. Mainz. WI: Hal Leonard. Van Nuys. Jazz Waltz. 1972. WI: Hal Leonard. The Jazz Piano Book. 2005. NY: Belwin-Mills. Weir. *Mehegan. The Jazz Pianist: Left-Hand Voicings and Chord Theory. and Blues Styles. NY: Sam Fox Publishing. Kevern. 1–3. King of Prussia. Duet Classics for Piano. Van Nuys. 1995. Elements of Informal Music. Joy. Fred. 2002. NY: Belwin-Mills. Stefanuk. Konowitz. Richards. CA: Alfred Publishing. CA: Alfred Publishing. 1977. *Kahn. 1950. Carden. University Park. Kowalchyk. Melville. Milwaukee. Germany: Schott. Jazz Piano Handbook. 2001. Richards. 44 Original Piano Duets: Haydn to Stravinsky. Bert. Kowalchyk. 2007. Valerio. CA: Alfred Publishing. 2005. 2003. Books 1 and 2. Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Exploring Jazz Piano. *Konowitz. NY: Lee Roberts. Alfred’s Ensemble Book. Lynn. Hansi. OH: Canyon Press. Van Nuys. Beginners Guide to Popular Piano Playing. L. Harrison. Schwartz. Lancaster. and Martha Baker. PA: Theodore Presser. Hearle. Van Nuys. Alfred’s Basic Adult Jazz/Rock Course. CA: Sher Music. Jazz for Piano. PA: Theodore Presser. Lancaster. 1991. and E. S. Practical Technic for Popular Piano Playing. Chatham. Levine. Jazz Improvisation for Keyboard Players. 1992. Van Nuys. 2003. New York: Shattinger International Music Company. L. How to Play Chord Symbols in Jazz and Popular Music. WI: Hal Leonard. Melville. CA: Alfred Publishing. Jazz Improvisation Made Easier. Mark. Cincinnati. 1968. and E. Mark. The Jazz Pianist. Blues Piano: Hal Leonard Keyboard Style Series. John. Milwaukee. John. Phillip. Keyboard Ensemble. Steinel. Hal Leonard Piano Library: Piano Ensembles. ed. Eckard. Misha. Pacific. Van Nuys. Levels 1–5. Olmstead. L. *Wright. Easy Classical Piano Duets for Teacher and Student. Mike. Bks. Solo Jazz Piano: The Linear Approach. Gayle. Dan. 1997. CA: Alfred Publishing. Neil. Alfred’s Essential Keyboard Duets. CA: Alfred Publishing. 1965. Milwaukee. MO: Mel Bay Publications. Boston: Berklee Press. CA: Alfred Publishing. Germany: Schott. and E. *Kahn. 2000. Mel Bay Jazz Piano Scales and Modes. Van Nuys. Intros. 1948. Mainz. 1995.Group Piano Teaching Materials and Resources W13 Evans. L. Volumes 1–3. . Lancaster. 1995. 1993. Marvin. Tim. CA: Alfred Publishing. Gayle. and E. Bryn Mawr. Kowalchyk. 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IL: Stipes Publishing Company. CA: Alfred Publishing. Hooper Publishing. Van Nuys. Lee. 1967. IL: Summy-Birchard. 2000. “The Effects of Computer-Assisted Keyboard Technology and MIDI Accompaniments on Group Piano Students’ Performance Accuracy and Attitudes. Miami: Summy-Birchard/Warner Bros. and Michelle Sisler. diss. Successful Group Piano Teaching. 1997. Stewart Gordon. 1932. Gordon. OH: Baldwin Piano and Organ Company. 101 Ideas for Piano Group Class. www. Teaching Piano in Classes: Expert Opinions. Julia. Gloria. OH: Baldwin Piano and Organ Company.. Susan Lorrainne.” D. California State University–Fullerton.D. Myrna Jean. Chao. “Classroom Behavior of Exemplary Group Piano Teachers in American Colleges and Universities. and General Music Teachers. the Republic of China.. Columbia University Teachers College. 2005. 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William H. Marilyn Dalgliesh. University of Houston. Indiana University. Sabry..A. “The Effect of Tonal Keyboard Pattern Instruction on Sight Reading Achievement of College Class Piano Students.D.. “The Relative Effectiveness of the Use of Ideation Techniques in the Teaching of Beginning Piano to Undergraduate Non-music Majors. “Class Piano Instruction in Junior Colleges Accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. 1964. University of Missouri–Columbia. diss. 1984. 2002. Debra K.W20 TEACHING PIANO IN GROUPS McRae.. thesis. diss. Rast. Columbia University Teachers College. 1980. 2004. 1982.” Ed. “The Establishment and Early Development of Beginning Piano Classes in the Public Schools. “An Assessment of the Vertical Method and the Ensemble Approach for Teaching Sight Reading to Secondary Class Piano Students. “The Adaptation of Class Piano Methods as Used in the United States of America for Use in the Egyptian Educational System.M. University of Oklahoma. 2005.. “The Effect of Group and Individual Piano Instruction on Selected Aspects of Musical Achievement. 1915–1930. . Grace.” Ph. 1993.” Ph.” D. “The Development of a Series of Instructional Units for Teaching Improvisational Principles to Pianists.M. Rosfeld. diss. 2004. Lawrence.” Ph. Jeane White. diss.” Ph. 1974. thesis. 1962. Marie. Sally. diss. Monsour..M..” Ed. Eunice L. Hoda Nicola.D. “The Effect of Improvisation in Given Rhythms on Rhythmic Accuracy in Sight Reading Achievement by College Elementary Group Piano Students. Pajtas.. diss. Micheletti. 1815–1962. diss. University of Missouri–Kansas City.” Ed.A. Group Piano Teaching Materials and Resources W21 Skiba. Tsai. University of Oklahoma.” Ph.. diss. Woodman. Shang-Ying. diss.D. 2000. thesis. Music Achievement.” Ph.A. Marian Kay. Zhukov. Catholic University of America.A. Vorce. 1991.. diss. Sonntag.” Ph..A.D. University of Michigan. Jr. Widen. 1996.D.D. Texas Tech University. 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Molly Ann.. “The Effect of the Use of a Recorded Soloist as an Aid to the Teaching of Sight Reading Accompaniments at the Piano (Keyboard). 1984. “The Importance and Usage of Keyboard Skills in Public Music Teaching According to Public School Music Teachers and College or University Music Teachers.. diss. diss. Watkins. Yim. Software Adventures in Musicland Alfred’s Interactive Musician Alfred’s Theory GamesAllegro 2000 Auralia Autoscore Band in a Box Beethoven Lives Upstairs Composer’s Mosaic Ear Training by Schott Music Early Keyboard Skills Early Music Skills Encore Music Notation Essentials of Music Theory Finale and Finale Allegro Music Notation Groovy Shapes Home Concert Extreme Jazz Piano Masterclass Juilliard Music Adventure MacGAMUT Maestro Music MiBAC Music Lessons MIDIsaurus Morton Subotink’s Making Music Music Ace I and II Music Conservatory (Voyetra) Music Games by Alfred Music Goals by Eye and Ear Music Mouse Musition (Rising Software) Notespeller Novinotes (ComposerNotes) Overture .com www.musictheory.W22 TEACHING PIANO IN GROUPS Online Resources www. Raymond H. Learning Patterns and Temperament Styles: A Systematic Guide to Maximizing Student Achievement. “Learning Styles: Theory. Kiersey. Press. Rita.” National Forum of Applied Research Journal 13. Dunn. 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