
March 29, 2018 | Author: Abid Sheik | Category: Abdomen, Taste



1 5000 GRE Word List1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Abase v. To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade. Abbess n. The lady superior of a nunnery. Abbey n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns. Abbot n. The superior of a community of monks. Abdicate v. To give up (royal power or the like). Abdomen n. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly. 7. Abdominal n. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen. 8. Abduction n. A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally. 9. Abed adv. In bed; on a bed. 10. Aberration n. Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course. 11. Abet v. To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense). 12. Abeyance n. A state of suspension or temporary inaction. 13. Abhorrence n. The act of detesting extremely. 14. Abhorrent adj. Very repugnant; hateful. 15. Abidance n. An abiding. 16. Abject adj. Sunk to a low condition. 17. Abjure v. To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath. 18. Able-bodied adj. Competent for physical service. 19. Ablution n. A washing or cleansing, especially of the body. 20. Abnegate v. To renounce (a right or privilege). 21. Abnormal adj. Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard. 22. Abominable adj. Very hateful. 23. Abominate v. To hate violently. 24. Abomination n. A very detestable act or practice. 25. Aboriginal adj. Primitive; unsophisticated. 26. Aborigines n. The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country. 27. Aboveboard adv. & adj. Without concealment, fraud, or trickery. 28. Abrade v. To wear away the surface or some part of by friction. 29. Abrasion n. That which is rubbed off. 30. Abridge v. To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Abridgment n. A condensed form as of a book or play. Abrogate v. To abolish, repeal. Abrupt adj. Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break. Abscess n. A collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body. Abscission n. The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation. Abscond v. To depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest. Absence n. The fact of not being present or available. Absent-minded adj. Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business. Absolution n. Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses. Absolve v. To free from sin or its penalties. Absorb v. To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water. Absorption n. The act or process of absorbing. Abstain v. To keep oneself back (from doing or using something). 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. Abstemious adj. Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, food. Abstinence n. Self denial. Abstruse adj. Dealing with matters difficult to be understood. Absurd adj. Inconsistent with reason or common sense. Abundant adj. Plentiful. Abusive adj. Employing harsh words or ill treatment. Abut v. To touch at the end or boundary line. Abyss n. Bottomless gulf. Academic adj. Of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university. Academician n. A member of an academy of literature, art, or science. Academy n. Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught. Accede v. To agree. Accelerate v. To move faster. Accept v. To take when offered. Access n. A way of approach or entrance; passage. Accessible adj. Approachable. Accession n. Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government. Accessory n. A person or thing that aids the principal agent. Acclaim v. To utter with a shout. Accommodate v. To furnish something as a kindness or favor. Accompaniment n. A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part. Accompanist n. One who or that which accompanies. Accompany v. To go with, or be associated with, as a companion. Accomplice n. An associate in wrong-doing. Accomplish v. To bring to pass. Accordion n. A portable free-reed musical instrument. Accost v. To speak to. 2 5000 GRE Word List Account n. A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business transactions. Accouter v. To dress. Accredit v. To give credit or authority to. Accumulate v. To become greater in quantity or number. Accuracy n. Exactness. Accurate adj. Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard. Accursed adj. Doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune. Accusation n. A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error. Accusatory adj. Of, pertaining to, or involving an accusation. Accuse v. To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error. Accustom v. To make familiar by use. Acerbity n. Sourness, with bitterness and astringency. Acetate n. A salt of acetic acid. Acetic adj. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of vinegar. Ache v. To be in pain or distress. Achillean adj. Invulnerable. Achromatic adj. Colorless, 88. acid n. A sour substance. 89. Acidify v. To change into acid. 90. Acknowledge v. To recognize; to admit the genuineness or validity of. 91. Acknowledgment n. Recognition. 92. Acme n. The highest point, or summit. 93. Acoustic adj. Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing. 94. Acquaint v. To make familiar or conversant. 95. Acquiesce v. To comply; submit. 96. Acquiescence n. Passive consent. 97. Acquire v. To get as one's own. 98. Acquisition n. Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor. 99. Acquit v. To free or clear, as from accusation. 100. Acquittal n. A discharge from accusation by judicial action. 101. Acquittance n. Release or discharge from indebtedness, obligation, or responsibility. 102. Acreage n. Quantity or extent of land, especially of cultivated land. 103. Acrid adj. Harshly pungent or bitter. 104. Acrimonious adj. Full of bitterness. 105. Acrimony n. Sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper. 106. Actionable adj. Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words. 3 5000 GRE Word List 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. Actuality n. Any reality. Actuary n. An officer, as of an insurance company, who calculates and states the risks and premiums. Actuate v. To move or incite to action. Acumen n. Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination. Acute adj. Having fine and penetrating discernment. Adamant n. Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability. Addendum n. Something added, or to be added. Addle v. To make inefficient or worthless; muddle. Adduce v. To bring forward or name for consideration. Adhere v. To stick fast or together. Adherence n. Attachment. Adherent adj. Clinging or sticking fast. Adhesion n. The state of being attached or joined. Adieu inter. Good-by; farewell. Adjacency n. The state of being adjacent. Adjacent n. That which is near or bordering upon. Adjudge v. To award or bestow by formal decision. Adjunct n. Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place. Adjuration n. A vehement appeal. Adjutant adj. Auxiliary. Administrator n. One who manages affairs of any kind. Admissible adj. Having the right or privilege of entry. Admittance n. Entrance, or the right or permission to enter. Admonish v. To warn of a fault. Admonition n. Gentle reproof. 136. 156.132. 145. Aggrieve v. Adroit adj. Aggress v. after rest or interval. In progress. physically. Aerostatics n. 167. misfortune. 159. 161. Profound devotion. Adumbrate v. Advertiser n. To act upon affectation n. Ado n. Adverse adj. . To give grief or sorrow to. 157. Advocate n. worse. as in a legal or ecclesiastical court. 140. 169. Advert v. The entire number. 153. Affect v. 149. The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium. Agitate v. pressure. 133. 141. 168. 4 5000 GRE Word List Aggravation n. A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt. 144. Struck with terror and amazement. Afoot adv. One who navigates the air. 151. A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air. Afire adv. state. Able to move or act quickly. literally or figuratively. On fire. One who advertises. 147. To cause to appear greatly. Adulterate v. The coming or arrival. a balloonist. Advisory adj. 174. & adj. pertaining to. 139. Aggression n. To refer incidentally. Affiliate n. or more burdensome. 160. 137. Said in a preceding part or before. or mentally. 172. or personage. or like the air. 134. To pile or heap together. 165. as a crime . Aggravate v. Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers. Afterthought n. 171. sum. Once more. An adulterating substance. A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time. 162. 166. An unprovoked attack. to a question at issue. An open insult or indignity. Aghast adj. 154. Affable adj. or quantity of something. To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem. 173. Adversity n. Easy to approach. offense. Misfortune. Aggrandize v. Aerial adj. Agglomerate v. 164. To fasten. Affront n. The art or practice of flying aircraft aerostat n. Aggregate n. Of. etc. Aforesaid adj. Some auxiliary person or thing. 158. Not mandatory. 170. To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients. Unnecessary activity or ceremony. 152. To make the first attack. Affluence n. To move or excite (the feelings or thoughts). 163. and mechanical properties. Afresh adv. 148. Affirmative adj. To make heavier. event. 155. especially in newspapers. Adulterant n. One who pleads the cause of another. Aeronautics n. Answering yes. The act of pleading a cause. Agile adj. 150. 135. mass. 146. Advocacy n. Adoration n. 138. A profuse or abundant supply of riches. Advent n. The fact of being made heavier or more heinous. Affix v. Aeronaut n. Opposing or opposed. 142. as of any important change. 143. Album n. colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste. To assert to be true. Allege v. To assign a definite thing or part to a certain person. Portion. ethereal. condition. Allot v. A member of a municipal legislative body. Airy adj. A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum. office. Aloof adv. A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs or the like. or the like. A person or thing connected with another. of the oak family. Cheerful willingness. To calm the violence or reduce the intensity of. The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness. Alias n. To make less burdensome or less hard to bear. Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others. A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room. 181. or by suggestion. To cause to turn away. Aliment n. Chemistry of the middle ages. Ailment n. Alcoholism n. 177. Alliance n. magnesia. as lime. 180. Alabaster n. especially in a formal manner. Allude v. Alienate v. Any combination or union for some common purpose. Delicate. Alkali n. Anything that will neutralize an acid. A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information. 5 5000 GRE Word List . Alienable adj. 182. and eyes with bright red pupil and usually pink iris. An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of Alluvion n. Slight sickness. 176. Alienation n. Alcove n. mitigate. Alcohol n. Aldermanship n. Allay v. Albino n. Akin adj.175. Albeit conj. Any shrub or small tree of the genus alumnus. Alder n. Ally n. A narrow street. Pertaining to land. Alacrity n. An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general. or term of office of an alderman. Agrarian adj. especially agricultural land. A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic beverages. 183. 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 it. That which nourishes. 209 210 211 212 Almanac n. Of similar nature or qualities. A volatile. Estrangement. as lands. garden path. 179. Allegory n. Allotment n. walk. Alchemy n. etc. Alien n. usually in some relation of helpfulness. To refer incidentally. characterized by the pursuit of changing base metals to gold. Alleviate v. An assumed name. who usually exercises also certain judicial functions. 178. Allusion n. Flood. Aide-de-camp n. Alley n. Alderman n. as in court. One who owes allegiance to a foreign government. Capable of being aliened or alienated. Even though. inflammable. A person with milky white skin and hair. The dignity. or done instead of something else. Americanism n. Altercate v. Ambitious adj. Amatory adj. Altitude n. Amply adv. Alternative n.213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 Altar n. A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded. Done in a friendly spirit. Amplitude n. Amphibious adj. Ameliorate v. Amity n. Ambidextrous adj. Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest. Ambrosial adj. Alter v. Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it. especially one of an illicit nature. Ampere n. Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level. One chosen to act in place of another. Amorous adj. Divinely sweet. Anachronism n. relations. Alternate n. Change or modification. and. Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time. Without determinate shape. Altruism n. Ambulance n. Amusement n. An alloy or union of mercury with another metal. A love-affair. as a limb or some portion of the body. Sufficiently. Something that may or must exist. Amphitheater n. To contend angrily or zealously in words. Corresponding (to some other) in certain respects. as the sea. Having a double meaning. Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease. Amalgam n. or delicious. Eagerly desirous and aspiring. Largeness. Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned. be taken or chosen. The practical unit of electric-current strength. fragrant. To make change in. The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase. Designed to excite love. Having a propensity for falling in love. To walk about ambush n. Amour n. Amalgamate v. Amputate v. One who advocates or practices altruism. Ambiguous adj. To relieve. constructed about a central open space or arena. Analogous adj. To remove by cutting. Ampersand n. Anagram n. To mix or blend together in a homogeneous body. as in form. A peculiar sense in which an english word or phrase is used in the united states. Ambulate v. Amicable adj. The lowest or deepest female voice or part. Alteration n. An edifice of elliptical shape. but not as a profession. Friendship. The act or state of lying concealed for the purpose of surprising or attacking the enemy. Willing and ready to submit. Living both on land and in water. proportion. Amorphous adj. . Amateur adj. Alto n. Altruist n. as from pain or hardship amenable adj. in case of the absence or incapacity of that other. Diversion. The character &. Anecdote n. or causality. To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one. To add or affix at the end. Animalcule n. Proclamation. Deficiency of blood or red corpuscles. payment. Animadversion n. Antediluvian adj. Analogy n. Annual adj. Animosity n. Pertaining to or producing loss of sensation. Antecedent n. Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces. The entire english race wherever found. principles. things. rank. In the game of poker. A record of events in their chronological order. Antechamber n. Analyze v. as in time. Animate v.253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 like. The utterance of criticism or censure. Ancestry n. Annex v. An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind. Anarchy n. One who or that which precedes or goes before. Of unknown authorship. Of or pertaining to the times. Angelic adj. Anglophobia n. Anode n. To destroy absolutely. Anhydrous adj. Hatred or dread of england or of what is english. Ante v. Once more. That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms. Anew adv. Annotate v. Affected with anemia. Annalist n. Anemic adj. Historian. as in europe. To precede. Animadvert v. To make alive. To pass criticism or censure. or persons. Anemometer n. Annals n. One's ancestors collectively. Annunciation n. One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method. place. to put up a stake before the cards are dealt. Antedate v. Reasoning in which from certain and known relations or resemblance others are formed. Hatred. Antecede v. Anything forbidden. or income. Anesthetic adj. Saintly. Antarctic adj. or india. A brief account of some interesting event or incident. Withered. Annihilate v. Annuity n. An annual allowance. To make explanatory or critical notes on or upon. A waiting room for those who seek audience. Analyst n. . order. Occurring every year. Sharp-cornered. An animal of microscopic smallness. Angular adj. Anatomy n. Anathema n. 6 5000 GRE Word List Anglo-saxon n. Anemia n. The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or the Anonymous adj. events before the great flood in the days of noah. To examine minutely or critically. Absence or utter disregard of government. year by year. 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 Antagonism n. as by social usage. Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it. the united states. Anterior adj. Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison. ludicrous. 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 Antiquary n. A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors. 7 5000 GRE Word List Antistrophe n. Apiary n. medals. or fantastic action. Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive microorganisms. The highest point. An anthem or other composition sung responsively. False. as of a mountain. Antenatal adj. To show or feel a feeling of antagonism. Anticyclone n. Hard coal. Antiphony n. Apostasy n. A gradual or sudden decrease in the importance or impressiveness of what is said. A room situated before and opening into another. Apogee n. To make old or out of date. Apothecary n. Anticlimax n. Hole. Prior. usually larger. A response or alteration of responses. Anxious adj. Apathy n. Antic n. with currents flowing outward. The science of man in general.294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 like. Antemeridian adj. Opposed to human slavery. Antipodes n. A word directly opposed to another in meaning. Anthropomorphous adj. whether a person or a power. or dislike. Apostle n. Anthracite n. Antislavery adj. Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter. The climax. Antidote n. Proverb. or the Antilogy n. Tending to prevent or relieve non-inflammatory spasmodic affections. Insensibility to emotion or passionate feeling. etc. Antitoxin n. Antonym n. An atmospheric condition of high central pressure. Apex n. Aperture n. The inversion of terms in successive classes. Aphorism n. A total departure from one's faith or religion. Antichrist n. A grotesque. Apology n. Having or resembling human form. One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions. disease. Pertaining to time before the world's creation. Anthology n. A place where bees are kept. as coins. books. as in "the home of joy and the joy of home". . One who collects and examines old things. A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms. Occurring or existing before birth. Anteroom n. Pertaining to ancient times. A place or region on the opposite side of the earth. Before noon. Antiphon n. Antispasmodic adj. Antemundane adj. Apostate adj. Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority. aversion. Any opponent or enemy of christ. A disclaimer of intentional error or offense. Anthropology n. Antiseptic n. weapons. Antiquate v. Antipathize v. Antique adj. generally musical. Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas. The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the greek. a roofed passageway having shops. Archbishop n. Aristocracy n. Apposite adj. Intensity of passion or affection. or thing is called. Approbation n. or the islands collectively themselves. Ghost. A hereditary nobility 8 5000 GRE Word List . classification. A tree. Fixed or done capriciously.. Ardor n. Having the nature of a tree.334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 Apotheosis n. Appease v. Sanction. Ardent adj. Deification. The branch of anthropology concerned with the systematic investigation of the relics of man. Arboretum n. Of or pertaining to a tree or trees. Easily understood. Apposition n. To make a prisoner of (a person) in the name of the law. Arbor n. Appropriate. To act or give judgment as umpire. or supplementary. Capable of being conceived. fitness. Aqueduct n. Any large body of water studded with islands. To estimate the money value of. roman. Archangel n. Obsolescence. Of. A prototype. together. To belong. Aqueous adj. Appall v. Apprehensible adj. subordinate. by mutual consent of parties in dispute. Appraise v. or natural relation. The name or title by which a particular person. To fill with dismay or horror. Arbitrate v. To add or attach. Antiquated archaism n. Apparition n. Very dry. Arbiter n. Archaic adj. Appreciable adj. Archaeology n. Arborescent adj. A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese. A botanical garden or place devoted to the cultivation of trees or shrubs. The cultivation of trees or shrubs. The act of placing side by side. Capable of being appealed to. A water-conduit. class. Arbitrary adj. possession. Appellation n. Archetype n. as something accessory. A vaulted passageway or street. Append v. to decide matters. pertaining to. Arboriculture n. Appellate adj. An angel of high rank. and anglican church. Appropriate adj. Apprehend v. or containing water. opening from it. Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect. One chosen or appointed. Archipelago n. etc. association. Appertain v. particularly one for supplying a community from a distance. Arboreal adj. as by right. Apparent adj. Arid adj. Arcade n. or in contact. To soothe by quieting anger or indignation. Suitable for the purpose and circumstances. Archdeacon n. Burning with passion. An arsenal. Ascribe v. Characterized by craft or cunning. Assiduous adj. Arrogant adj. Having no distinct sexual organs. Assets n. To put in definite or proper order. Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion. or longing. Askance adv. Arrangement n. One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain property and interests. Arraign v. Aspiration n. Arrear n. Dominant. Armory n. Assess v. With a side or indirect glance or meaning. Property in general. To take.374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 aristocrat n. soaring. A fleet of war-vessels. Armful n. Something overdue and unpaid. Ingenuous. as for advancement. Asperity n. honors. Notoriously bad. One who seeks earnestly. the real or legendary hero of british poetic Artifice n. To assign as a quality or attribute. A coming to stopping-place or destination. Assent v. especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds. The act of rising. Pl. or the state of being put in order. Arrival n. To have an earnest desire. Ascetic adj. A very deep bored well. Aroma n. especially the killing of some eminent person. The chemical analysis or testing of an alloy ore. etc. Assignee n. Pertaining to king arthur. Assay n. Water rises due to underground pressure artful adj. To call into court. Ascension n. Assassination n. as a person indicted for crime. An earnest wish for that which is above one's present reach. story. One who kills. The act of putting in proper order. Arrange v. To express agreement with a statement or matter of opinion. One who attacks. . or tries to kill. place. Artesian well n. Aspirant n. A rising. and demand whether he pleads guilty or not. Murderer. Trickery. Ashen adj. demand. as by secret assault or treachery. Arrogate v. Artless adj. Armada n. or climbing. An agreeable odor. as of wealth. Aspire v. treacherously or secretly. To kill. Diligent. Ascent n. Assassinate v. station. Assessor n. Ascendant adj. Assassin n. as by surprise or secret assault. or claim. Pale. wish. Harshness or roughness of temper. A hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility. Assailant n. An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes. Arthurian adj. To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid). learning. As much as can be held in the arm or arms. regarded as applicable to the payment of debts. Arrant adj. Unduly or excessively proud. Asexual adj. as for something high and good. not yet attained. The state or quality of being genuine. Athirst adj. Audible adj. To adapt. Any living being whose actions are or appear to be involuntary or mechanical. Favoring. Aurora n. Fearless. A subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy. The denial of the existence of god. Augustinian adj. Loud enough to be heard. Keen in discernment. Auriferous adj. 9 5000 GRE Word List Atomizer n. Austere adj. Augustine. Assonate v. Attorney-general n. or disease. The chief law-officer of a government. Atheism n. inhalation. Augur v. Atone v. Augment v. Pertaining to st. pain. appetite. From side to side. Aura n. Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or influence. its auricle. said usually of the hair. To certify as accurate. Reddish-brown. as for disinfection. reparation. To cause to be less harsh. Of or pertaining to the ear. Atrocity n. To make amends for. protecting. or propitious influence or guidance. criminal. violent. One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins. . Attest v. Unrestricted power. Assonance n. or true. Absolute government. Harsh in disposition or character. Autarchy n. or the religious orders called after him. Autocracy n. Astringent adj. Of undisputed origin. Great cruelty or reckless wickedness. unadorned. Automaton n. The act or sensation of hearing. An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray. or severe. Authenticity n. Auburn adj. A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere. Resemblance or correspondence in sound. Attache n. vile. Atonement n. Having resemblance of sound. Audacious adj. The story of one's life written by himself. Auricle n. Assonant adj. Autocrat n. Assuage v. or cruel. his doctrines. Severely simple. or the sense of hearing. Wanting water. Amends. Auricular adj. etc. Astute adj. Autobiography n. Auspice n. as excitement. Of or pertaining to the ear. Authentic adj. Audition n. genuine. Atrocious adj.415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 Assimilate v. Outrageously or wantonly wicked. especially vowel sound. Containing gold. or expiation made from wrong or injury. or of the origin and authorship claimed. Pervasive psychic influence supposed to emanate from persons aural adj. To accord in sound. Of or pertaining to hearing or the organs or sense of hearing. To make bigger. Auditory adj. To predict. Athwart adv. Badger v. To turn away or aside. Avalanche n. Avow v. Barring prep. Bale n. Aviary n. Self-governing. curtains. A boat-song of venetian gondoliers. Bailiff n. Avidity n. Malignant. Baton n. To pester. Banal adj. Of or pertaining to autumn. Baritone adj. especially when regarded as subsidiary or accessory. Diversion. Autumnal adj. Averse adj. often bearing with it rock. The color of the sky. etc. Azalea n. Balsam n. Avocation n. Out of the proper form. Reluctant. forming a part of a regiment. Of or pertaining to lord bacon or his system of philosophy. An instrument that registers graphically and continuously the atmospheric pressure. One who or that which aids or helps. To cover with melted fat. To arouse. Bacterium n. Avert v. An expression of assent. gravy. Awaken v. Self-government. Commonplace. A flowering shrub. aromatic and oily. Aver v. Autonomy n. interest. To assert as a fact. . used for healing. Greediness. A microbe. Barometer n. A single-colored napped woolen fabric used for table-covers. The examination of a dead body by dissection to ascertain the cause of death. often with epic subject and usually in lyric form. Autopsy n. Baleful adj. Awry adv. Baize n. Aye adv. Barcarole n. Baffle v. as emotion. Azure n. or the like. Avarice n. Aversion n. Auxiliary n. or position. Having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor. An instrument for indicating the atmospheric pressure per unit of surface. 10 5000 GRE Word List Barograph n. Any popular narrative poem. & adj. An official staff borne either as a weapon or as an emblem of authority or privilege. To make warm by genial heat. To declare openly. Baconian adj. Baste v. A large package prepared for transportation or storage. Bass adj. Bask v. Apart from. A medical preparation. An officer of court having custody of prisoners under arraignment. while cooking. A spacious cage or enclosure in which live birds are kept. A body of infantry composed of two or more companies. Passion for getting and keeping riches. A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular thing. Battalion n. direction.456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 Autonomous adj. Ballad n. Low in tone or compass. To foil or frustrate. The fall or sliding of a mass of snow or ice down a mountain-slope. A narrow strip of wood. Bedlam n. To confuse. Madhouse. Bedaub v. 11 5000 GRE Word List . One who is lawfully entitled to the profits and proceeds of an estate or property. Characterized by charity and kindness. or aspect. Benevolent in feeling. Beck v. Batten n. Befriend v. A trinket. To give by will. Beneficiary n. To smear over. Belie v. To disparage. or manner. as a rope. Manifesting a warlike spirit. A church office endowed with funds or property for the maintenance of divine service. Beau n. Loving others and actively desirous of their well-being. To be a friend to. Blessing. Kindness of feeling. 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 Benefice n. Beatify v. Bedeck v. To implore. A woman who is a center of attraction because of her beauty. by winding round a cleat. Any act of kindness or well-doing. Warlike. Bemoan v. To make quiet. Benign adj. To delay past the proper hour. accomplishments. Benignity n. Believe v. by nod or gesture. Helpful result. A thick liquid mixture of two or more materials beaten together. Belate v. Belittle v. Beget v. Good and kind of heart. Benefactor n. Beneficent adj. etc. disposition. character. Befog v. Helpful.497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 etc. Bereave v. Belay v. to be used in cookery. A solemn invocation of the divine blessing. Beneficial adj. Begrudge v. Belligerent adj. Any state of great happiness. To give a signal to. To envy one of the possession of. sleeping-car. as with something oily or sticky. Berth n. Beatitude n. Benison n. Benefit n. A bunk or bed in a vessel. Bequeath v. Benignant adj. Beseech v. A doer of kindly and charitable acts. Batter n. Belle n. Benevolence n. Becalm v. To proclaim by outcry. Bauble n. To produce by sexual generation. To cover with ornament. To make fast. Bawl v. To make desolate with loneliness and grief. To misrepresent. To make supremely happy. To accept as true on the testimony or authority of others. An escort or lover. Benevolent adj. Bellicose adj. especially when in need. To lament benediction n. Bibliography n. Bigamist n. Bigamy n. Bibulous adj. A bibliographical sketch or notice. and character. Betrothal n. The shutting up of a town. Bestride v. as a horse. Biped n. Biennial n. A privilege or possession into which one is born. To make widely or generally known. Noisily or offensively loud or clamorous. A vivid glowing flame. Desolate. The passion for collecting books. A plant that produces leaves and roots the first year and flowers and fruit the second. To engage to marry. Bewilder v. Sated with pleasure. Joyous. anchors. A horizontal framework with two handles at each end for carrying a corpse to the grave. formed by a long curve of a coastBilateral adj. To remind oneself. Acridity. Bilingual adj. or a line of coast by hostile forces. Bethink v. Blithe adj. Beset v. . Blase adj. Speaking two languages. etc. Bleak adj.539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 line. who has general charge of the rigging. Betroth v. Bight n. actions. Birthright n. Bitterness n. Biology n. Engagement to marry. A mark that mars beauty. Bibliomania n. To smear over. An animal having two feet. as to the taste. To await. Bibliophile n. A slightly receding bay between headlands. Blaspheme v. Bestrew v. To confuse the perceptions or judgment of. Betide v. Bestial adj. One who loves books. To sprinkle or cover with things strewn. Biograph n. Bide v. Bodice n. The science of life or living organisms. Blatant adj. To get or sit upon astride. A subordinate officer of a vessel. a frontier. or the literature bearing on a particular subject. A list of the words of an author. Besmear v. as with any oily or sticky substance. To indulge in profane oaths. Cheerful. Blazon v. Animal. Biography n. Blockade n. A written account of one's life. Fond of drinking. To happen to or befall. Blemish n. One who has two spouses at the same time. A women's ornamental corset-shaped laced waist. Bevel n. Betimes adv. Blaze n. Two-sided. To attack on all sides. In good season or time. 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 Boatswain n. Any inclination of two surfaces other than 90 degrees. The crime of marrying any other person while having a legal spouse living. Blithesome adj. Bier n. Brae n. Bombast n. A person who has charge of mortars. In cricket. Water saturated with salt. ranking between a colonel and a major-general. To assail with any missile or with abusive speech. Breaker n. Bombardier n. To wave. Brigade n. To place the products or merchandise of under a ban. Bolster v. profession. as a sword or spear. Botanical adj. A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments. A spanish dance. Bridle n. Showing abundance. Boisterous adj. Botanize v. a bit. One who lives by robbery and plunder. gild. Brethren n. etc. . Bountiful adj. Brine n. The science that treats of plants. as something wrong. One who trains horses. or flourish triumphantly or defiantly.581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 Bodily adj. An incorporated village or town. Objects of curiosity or for decoration. etc. Hillside. The trunk or body of a tree. Sulfur. Bravado n. lawful right. To support. Bric-a-brac n. Braze v. as a flax or cotton. especially of a woman. association. Bowler n. An aggressive display of boldness. Brevity n. A round pod or seed-capsule. as the cry of an ass or the blast of a horn. General officer who commands a brigade. Inflated or extravagant language. 12 5000 GRE Word List Bolero n. shake. Corporeal. Brigand n. Breach n. Shortness of duration. Boorish adj. Brazier n. Bore v. Boll n. Bomb n. Unchecked merriment or animal spirits. Botany n. An open pan or basin for holding live coals. Bristle n. Bowdlerize v. illustrative of the passion of love. Members of a brotherhood. The violation of official duty. Bravo interj. Bombard v. Bole n. or a legal obligation. A hollow projectile containing an explosive material. To make of or ornament with brass. bombs. especially on unimportant subjects. Brigadier n. The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being. The buttocks. and the reins. or the like. Brimstone n. Breech n. dogs. Pl. Bray n. One of the coarse. Well done. To expurgate in editing (a literary composition) by omitting words or passages. Bosom n. Boycott v. Brandish v. the player who delivers the ball. Braggart n. and shells. A vain boaster. The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall. A loud harsh sound. To study plant-life. stiff hairs of swine: used in brush-making. accompanied by caste nets and singing. Rude. Borough n. To weary by tediousness or dullness. Connected with the study or cultivation of plants. or natural turret. To execute clumsily. a corporation. citizen or freeman of a borough burgh. non-metallic liquid element with a suffocating odor. Somewhat rough or rude in manner or speech. Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water. Low drollery. Burgher n. Brooch n. Any support or prop. Cabalism n. or pertaining to. or corporate town. Brittle adj. Bronchitis n. To hurry. . To mention. Bureaucracy n. Browbeat v. by stern. generally isolated. To make brilliant or shining. especially that of the irish people.623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 Britannia n. low mountain. Buffoonery n. An article of jewelry fastened by a hinged pin and hook on the underside. or phrase characteristic of great britain or the british. A number of persons secretly united for effecting by intrigue some private purpose. Buoyancy n. The body of men constituting the official advisors of the executive head of a nation. The united kingdom of great britain. A chest of drawers for clothing. Cabinet n. Burnish v. Bursar n. Butte n. Cabal n. haughty. Bullock n. etc. especially one to be drunk as a toast or health. Buttress n. Burgess n. Any dialectic pronunciation of english. Butt v. Brogue n. Brotherhood n. Bumper n. Briticism n. Spiritual or social fellowship or solidarity. or rude address or manner. Inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Bulrush n. A conspicuous hill. a broker. Brogan n. A dark reddish-brown. Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit. idiom. etc. Brusque adj. An inhabitant. By-law n. Bromine n. or the like. Brokerage n. Bureau n. for the first time. To overwhelm. Bumptious adj. Anything that gives security or defense. Broadcast adj. Government by departments of men transacting particular branches of public business. Having the power or tendency to float or keep afloat. Bulwark n. A cup or glass filled to the brim. or like a bulb. Superstitious devotion to one's religion. The business of making sales and purchases for a commission. A word. Bulbous adj. An ox. A rule or law adopted by an association. Buoyant adj. A clown. A coarse. To strike with or as with the head. or attempt to do so. Disseminated far and wide. Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs. In colonial times. a member of the lower house of the legislature of maryland or virginia. coarse jokes. Of. Broach v. Bustle v. Bronchus n. Power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas. 13 5000 GRE Word List Buffoon n. Fragile. heavy shoe. A treasurer. or horns. Bungle v. A concretion formed in various parts of the body resembling a pebble in hardness. Calvary n. Cardiac adj. Cadaverous adj. Calumny n. Cajole v. Any rule or law. Captivate v. section. Pertaining to the heart. Cadence n. Caitiff adj. Cantata n. Cardinal adj. The place where christ was crucified. Characteristic of a dog. as by excellence. Cowardly. 14 5000 GRE Word List Caret n. Straightforward. Campaign n. A leaden sash-bar or grooved strip for fastening panes in stained-glass windows. Candor n. A sign (^) placed below a line. A member of one of the three tribes that dwelt in the land of canaan. Rhythmical or measured flow or movement. That may be estimated by reckoning. A choral composition. or western palestine. harsh. as in poetry or the time and pace of marching troops.663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 Cacophony n. Canon n. document. The part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered. Callosity n. Capitulate v. An embellishment or flourish. Hypercritical. Cameo n. Calculus n. Canaanite n. prepared or improvised. Canto n. Caption n. Of prime or special importance. Cant v. Callow adj. Calvinize v. Eloquence. Slander. Candid adj. Canine adj. etc. A disagreeable. Delusive speech. Roomy. A whim. To fascinate. A complete series of connected military operations. Capillary n. A heading. for a solo voice or instrument. Captious adj. indicating where omitted words. Caprice n. To teach or imbue with the doctrines of calvinism. To talk in a singsong. Without experience of the world. To surrender or stipulate terms. or discordant sound or combination of sounds or tones. Amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade. Came n.. Calorie n. The quality of frankness or outspokenness. Canary adj. The dead body of an animal. etc. . or beauty. Capacious adj. Resembling a corpse. The system of doctrine taught by john calvin. Calculable adj. Any small engraved or carved work in relief. A minute vessel having walls composed of a single layer of cells. The state of being hard and insensible. One of the divisions of an extended poem. Calvinism n. as of a chapter. Of a bright but delicate yellow. Cadenza n. preaching tone with affected solemnity. Carcass n. should be inserted. To impose on or dupe by flattering speech. Cajolery n. Cantonment n. Casualty n. Cessation n. Charlatan n. Ceremonial adj. Census n. Indicating or expressing a cause. Catholicity n. Cession n. Catastrophe n. as of action or motion. A private meeting of members of a political party to select candidates. Centurion n. Sarcastic and severe. Chaos n.o-nine-tails n. A distinctive feature. The system. Surrender. doctrine. Cede v. Chancery n. Any overwhelming flood of water. Caste n. Any condition of which the elements or parts are in utter disorder and confusion. Accidental. Pertaining to a hundred years or a period of a hundred years. Carrion n. An official numbering of the people of a country or district. by chance. Sensual. A picture or description in which natural characteristics are exaggerated or distorted. Causal adj. Cartilage n. . Centenary adj. Carnivorous adj. A length of one hundredth of a meter. Characterized by outward form or ceremony. Opacity of the lens of the eye resulting in complete or partial blindness. Any great and sudden misfortune or calamity. A court of equity. An instrument consisting of nine pieces of cord. Carnal adj. Cartridge n. Keen vexation. Censorious adj. or mortification. as at one's failures or errors. as of possessions or rights. and practice of the roman catholic church. Discontinuance. Cathode n. To drink deeply and in boisterous or jovial manner. Carnage n. A charge for a firearm. Cataract n. To describe by distinctive marks or peculiarities. Characterize v. The negative pole or electrode of a galvanic battery. or for blasting. An official examiner of manuscripts empowered to prohibit their publication. annoyance. Universal prevalence or acceptance. Chameleon adj. To pass title to. Casual adj. A fatal or serious accident or disaster. The division of society on artificial grounds. Chagrin n. Cauterize v. Catholicism n. Changeable in appearance. To burn or sear as with a heated iron. Centiliter n. Ceremonious adj. Pertaining to edible grain or farinaceous seeds. Cataclysm n. Castigate v. Massacre. A hundredth of a liter. Censor n. as distinguished from a common-law court. Centimeter n. An elastic animal tissue of firm consistence. formerly used for flogging in the army and navy. To punish. Eating or living on flesh. Dead and putrefying flesh. Cat. Judging severely or harshly. Caustic adj. 15 5000 GRE Word List Characteristic n. Carouse v. Observant of ritual. Cereal adj.703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 Caricature n. A captain of a company of one hundred infantry in the ancient roman army. Caucus n. A quack. Clothier n. The science that treats of computation of time or of investigation and arrangement of events. One who makes or sells cloth or clothing. Chattel n. To sail quite around. To disseminate. Christendom n. One who makes a claim or demand. clamor. Surreptitious. Choleric adj. Intuitive sagacity or perception. To refer to specifically. by chemical action. A yawning hollow. Circumnavigate v. Circumscribe v. Cipher v. To change into a clot or a jelly. Close-hauled adj. Chivalry n. Chronology n. Showing watchfulness. Any article of personal property. Choral adj. Clemency n. Christ n. A small shrill trumpet or bugle. To render intelligible. or by a ferment. caution. A certificate from the proper authorities that a vessel has complied with the law and may sail. Cite v. . Having the sails set for sailing as close to the wind as possible. Belonging. relating to. Compassionate. To hold back. Chiffon n. To name in baptism. Easily provoked to anger. Chronometer n. Circumference n. usages and practices. To purify by affliction. or performed by a chorus or choir. or bells. as in the earth's surface. as by heat. as of right. To subject to punitive measures. Claimant n. Sexual or moral purity. Check v. A very thin gauze used for trimmings. Circumspect adj. etc. Clement adj. Clandestine adj. or abounding in color. Urgent in complaint or demand. Clanking or a ringing. Clearance n. evening dress. To arrange in a class or classes on the basis of observed resemblance and differences. Coagulate v. A portable timekeeper of the highest attainable precision. Clairvoyance n. Cholera n. Clarion n. Chateau n. A tribe. or careful consideration. Chromatic adj. The boundary-line of a circle. Chastity n. Classify v. A castle or manor-house. Indirect or roundabout expression. To confine within bounds. To calculate arithmetically. Any strong fortress. Chasten v. chains. Chastise v. Citadel n. intended for. Mercy. An acute epidemic disease. Pertaining to. Circumlocution n.746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 Chasm n. The knightly system of feudal times with its code. Clarify v. Clan n. Clangor n. (also a noun meaning zero or nothing) circulate v. as of arms. A title of jesus christen v. Awkward of movement. Clumsy adj. That part of the world where christianity is generally professed. Clamorous adj. Collegian n. Violent contact. Appealing strongly to the reason or conscience. Collector n. or the like. Collapse v. To empower. books. as of objects of art. or product. Serving or tending to force. Commissariat n. A circumstance so agreeing with another: often implying accident. To force. The act or process of entrusting or consigning for safe-keeping. That may or can collapse. Coincident adj. Commitment n. Comical adj. A supplement adding to. Cogent adj. Coerce v. Coercion n. Collier n. Cohere v. Colloquialism n. Taking notice. Akin. Colleague n. Collide v. Fit to be eaten. moral or physical. fact. Coalition n. or sum. fall in. Coercive adj. Coincide v. Producing coagulation. The act or process of coming together so as to form one body. A secret agreement for a wrongful purpose. or the state of being . Having the property of consistency. To blend. Commission v. or fail. Cohesion n. Commemorate v. especially in literary or scientific pursuits. 16 5000 GRE Word List Collaborate v. Coalescence n. Codicil n. revoking.789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 Coagulant adj. Commingle v. Collision n. Comely adj. To stick together. To labor or cooperate with another or others. To treat as a baby or an invalid. Collusion n. Funny. Pertaining or peculiar to common speech as distinguished from literary. Combination in a body or mass. Colloquy n. Any strikingly great person or object. Consisting of a number of persons or objects considered as gathered into a mass. To cause to shrink. Forcible constraint or restraint. One who makes a collection. To correspond. Consistency. Commentary n. A series of illustrative or explanatory notes on any important work. Handsome. Form of speech used only or chiefly in conversation. One who works in a coal-mine. A college student. Cognizant adj. An associate in professional employment. Colloquial adj. Collapsible adj. Cohesive adj. The act. Comestible adj. Coddle v. Committal n. The department of an army charged with the provision of its food and water and daily needs. Coincidence n. or result of committing. combination. Collective adj. To serve as a remembrance of. Taking place at the same time. Colossus n. Conversation. or explaining in the body of a will. To meet and strike violently. Cognate adj. Ability to know. Compress v. Compressible adj. petition. Conceive v. as in wrong-doing or with a wrong-doer. Conciliatory adj. Complex adj. Intelligible. Complaisant adj. Satisfaction with one's acts or surroundings. To press together or into smaller space.831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 commodity n. To form an idea. difficult. Concession n. Comport v. Compulsory adj. Characterized by rivalry. Pleased or satisfied with oneself. Compression n. Fit to be compared. Participation or partnership. Relative. Remorseful feeling. Component n. Calmness. Complicated. or hard to deal with. Competent adj. Anything granted or yielded. Complement v. Examination of two or more objects with reference to their likeness or unlikeness. Comparison n. Compliment v. Comparative adj. Comparable adj. To make complete. To put something. Something that is bought and sold. Compensate v. as by force or authority. Composure n. Competitive adj. A musical composition. Commute v. Agreeable. Concerto n. Coercion. Forced. especially in a perplexing manner. Complicate v. Tending to reconcile. Complacent adj. or admitted in response to a demand. A disturbance or violent agitation. especially something less severe. Comprehensive adj. Compulsion n. Large in scope or content. To surrender. Conciliate v. Yielding. Self-flattering opinion. To address or gratify with expressions of delicate praise. To obtain the friendship of. Commotion n. To conduct or behave (oneself). To consist of. or claim. Complicity n. . Compunction n. To ascertain by mathematical calculation. A constituent element or part. Compute v. Qualified. A rival. Concede v. Adequate qualification or capacity. To remunerate. Politeness. Constraint. Conceit n. Complaisance n. Competitor n. Capable of being pressed into smaller compass. To make complex. Complacence n. Comprehensible adj. in place of. Comprehension n. Compliant adj. 17 5000 GRE Word List Complication n. An intermingling or combination of things or parts. mental image or thought of. Comprise v. Competence n. To appropriate (private property) as forfeited to the public use or treasury. Pertaining to marriage. Confront v. Concur v. Conflagration n. or married persons. Contributing to an end. Conferee n. To coagulate. A spiritual advisor. 18 5000 GRE Word List . Conduce v. Confident adj. Condense v. To bring about. Concussion n. To come down voluntarily to equal terms with inferiors. Confluence n. Agreement.874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 Conclusive adj. compact. Conjugal adj. The act or process of making dense or denser. The candy collectively that a confectioner makes or sells. or the like. or misfortune. Confederate n. or passageway for a fluid. Coniferous adj. Assured. Confer v. A stream that unites with another. form. Correspondence in form. Congeal v. Confessor n. To reveal in trust or confidence. Condescend v. Concordance n. Concurrent adj. Confiscate v. Having kindred character or tastes. General structure. Sufficient to convince or decide. To unite. as of many buildings. Conjoin v. as candy. To bestow. To agree. Joined together in pairs. A person with whom another confers. Confectionery n. To encounter. Conformity n. One who is united with others in a league. Confidence n. Expression of sympathy with a person in pain. Concurrence n. sorrow. Conducive adj. Harmony. Conjugate adj. or agreement. The place where streams meet. Restriction within limits or boundaries. Confluent n. One to whom secrets are entrusted. as for mutual aid. To abridge. Confederacy n. a forest. The act or state or conforming. or use. A number of states or persons in compact or league with each other. Conformable adj. A violent shock to some organ by a fall or a sudden blow. particularly a tube. pipe. Condolence n. To collect into a mass. Concord n. Capable of being conducted or transmitted. or outline. A guess. marital rights. Cone-bearing trees. Conduit n. Congenial adj. Confinement n. Conformance n. A means for conducting something. Confidant n. Conformation n. Congregate v. Occurring or acting together. Conjecture n. The state or feeling of trust in or reliance upon another. Confide v. manner. A great fire. To bring together into a crowd. as difficulties or obstacles. Congest v. Harmony. Harmonious. Condensation n. Conductible adj. or the things so joined. Consolidate v. Conscientious adj. Panic. To bring to completion. especially one with thorough knowledge and sound judgment of art. Consecrate v. The place in which a consul transacts official business. Consensus n. chiefly to represent his country. Pertaining to marriage or matrimony. Following in uninterrupted succession. The faculty in man by which he distinguishes between right and wrong in character and conduct. etc. A companion or associate. The inhabitants or voters in a district represented in a legislative body. signify. Gradual destruction. Governed by moral standard. One who has the right to vote at an election. Consign v. Contagion n. wearing out. Aware that one lives. . Consumptive adj. Constrict v. Consonance n. A person to whom goods or other property has been entrusted. Consignee n. Descended from the same parent or ancestor. Clearly visible. The state or quality of being in accord with. A critical judge of art. To set apart as sacred. Conservatory n. Consort n. Conspire v. Tendency to adhere to the existing order of things. or by using up. A state of permanence. One who entrusts. etc. Designed for gradual destruction. Connote v. A collective unanimous opinion of a number of persons. Consignor n. Consonant adj. Conscious adj. as by burning. An officer appointed to reside in a foreign city. feels. Consanguineous adj. To bind. The state or condition of being joined together. Adhering to the existing order of things. To combine into one body or system. Conservative adj. Console v. To mean. Connive v. To plot. To force into military service. Conspirator n. The state of being joined together. To be in collusion. Consecutive adj. Connoisseur n. To comfort. Conjunction n. Conspicuous adj. Constituency n. Consumption n. Consternation n. To entrust. 19 5000 GRE Word List Consulate n.918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 Conjugation n. and thinks. Conservatism n. Connubial adj. Consummate v. Constellation n. Conquer v. Consul n. Being in agreement or harmony with. One who agrees with others to cooperate in accomplishing some unlawful purpose. To overcome by force. Consistency n.. An officer whose duty is to maintain the peace. An institution for instruction and training in music and declamation. Conscience n. The communication of disease from person to person. Constable n. Conscript v. An arbitrary assemblage or group of stars. eating. Constituent n. Touching or joining at the edge or boundary. Living. Inconsistent with itself. The act planning. Contrivance n. Contribution n. To exercise a directing. A placing opposite. Contumacy n. Uninterrupted connection in space. To cause to incline and approach nearer together. Contraband n. for a common purpose. Contrite adj. and passion. 998 Convenience n. To consider thoughtfully. Contradictory adj. 996 Convalescent adj. 997 Convene v. Control v. 1000 Convergent adj. To twist into a misshapen form. Contemptuous adj. Connected. 1001 Conversant adj. Prolongation. Permanence. Convalesce v. Controller n. To bruise by a blow. Contemplate v. time. 999 Converge v. or adapting something to or for a special purpose. in common with others. Transmitting disease. Contemporaneous adj. appetites. occurring. Contiguous adj. devising. Recovering health after sickness.960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 Contagious adj. or development. The act of giving for a common purpose. or governing influence over. Continence n. To recover after a sickness. Contradiction n. To pollute. The assertion of the opposite of that which has been said. One who or that which regulates or directs. extended. Continuation n. Continuance n. restraining. or prolonged without separation or interruption of sequence. Contemptuous disregard of the requirements of rightful authority. Contemporary adj. Tending to one point. One who gives or furnishes. To summon or cause to assemble. Contingency n. Worthy of scorn or disdain. as of time or place. A bruise. Contusion n. Contravene v. Contuse v. Convalescence n. operation. or existing at the same time. Possibility of happening. One who exerts oneself in opposition or rivalry. Contraposition n. Contender n. Disdainful. Contiguity n. . Living or existing at the same time. Thoroughly informed. Broken in spirit because of a sense of sin. To prevent or obstruct the operation of. To manage or carry through by some device or scheme. Contumacious adj. Contributor n. The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of disease. Self-restraint with respect to desires. either with or without the breaking of the skin. Contort v. Proximity. Fitness. Not predictable. Contrive v. Continuous adj. Trade forbidden by law or treaty. Rebellious. inventing. Contemptible adj. Contaminate v. Contingent adj. Continuity n. Of a material nature. Interchangeable. as proof or conviction. symbolizing peace and prosperity. Convolution n.1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 Conversion n. Convivial adj. To ruin or destroy little by little. A flirt. The act or ceremony of crowning a monarch. especially the complexion. Cosmic adj. Convertible adj. Correlate v. geography. Cornice n. Corruption n. according to its form. 20 5000 GRE Word List ceiling. Convulse v. or to good-fellowship in eating or drinking. Cosmetic adj. Confirmation. A minute particle of matter. Devoted to feasting. Cosmography n. A number or body of persons in some way associated or acting together. A dead body. including astronomy. Curving like the segment of the globe or of the surface of a circle. Conveyance n. Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind. Corrigible adj. A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe. . Cosmology n. Corpuscle n. Pertaining to the art of beautifying. The general science of the universe. Convoy n. Corrode v. Cosmogony n. A proposition following so obviously from another that it requires little demonstration. Inferior crown denoting. Corpse n. Cosmopolitanism n. Corruptible adj. Convulsion n. An ornamental molding running round the walls of a room close to the Cornucopia n. Corrosion n. Convex adj. Corporeal adj. Convolve v. Mutually involving or implying one another. Capable of reformation. Coronet n. Open to bribery. A violent and abnormal muscular contraction of the body. To move with a circling or winding motion. Corroborate v. The science that describes the universe. or from one form to another. 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 Corollary n. Copious adj. To strengthen. Obese. A protecting force accompanying property in course of transportation. Change from one state or position to another. Coronation n. The horn of plenty. Cosmopolitan adj. Corpulent adj. Loss of purity or integrity. Corrosive n. Gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration. Pertaining to the universe. Corporal adj. Common to all the world. Corroboration n. Plenteous. Corps n. Correlative adj. and geology. various degrees of noble rank less than sovereign. Belonging to a corporation. To cause spasms in. A cosmopolitan character. physical. That which causes gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration. Coquette n. To put in some relation of connection or correspondence. That by which anything is transported. A winding motion. Corporate adj. The skull of an animal. harsh. Crucible n. A vehement desire. Crusade n. A flock of quails or partridges. Counterpart n. Criterion n. Crag n. . as through fear or shame. crawfish. One who steers a rowboat. Critique n. Courtesy n. A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or conclusion. Creed n. Crass adj. Creamery n. etc. Something taken with another for the completion of either. Countervail v. A fleet and spirited horse. A deep crack or fissure in the ice of a glacier. Creak n. perfect in order and arrangement. Counting-house n. Brave. A butter-making establishment. Craving n. Resembling or containing cream. Credulous adj. rocky projection on a cliff or ledge. Crevasse n. A house or office used for transacting business. Cower v. A cross-demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff. especially that part enclosing the brain. Courser n. Any concerted movement. Crockery n. To crouch down tremblingly. Belief. Easily deceived. crabs. Countryman n. A formal summary of fundamental points of religious belief. etc. vigorously prosecuted. Courageous adj. Crematory adj. as between two contiguous surfaces. A sharp. Course n. Crustacean adj. Believable. or one who has charge of a ship's boat and its crew under an officer. 21 5000 GRE Word List Coxswain n. Counterfeit adj. Coarse or thick in nature or structure. Credence n. Cranium n. Made to resemble something else. Having a crust-like shell. Covert adj. Credible adj. Earthenware made from baked clay. especially for an evil purpose. Line of motion or direction. Covenant n. The world or universe considered as a system. Crustaceous adj. An agreement entered into by two or more persons or parties. containing lobsters. A trying and purifying test or agency. Countercharge v. Concealed. squeaking sound. bookkeeping. Covey n. To accuse in return. A rustic. as opposed to thin or fine. To act in opposition to. Crevice n. To oppose with an equal force. correspondence. Counter-claim n. Politeness originating in kindness and exercised habitually. Creamy adj. Counteract v. A criticism or critical review.1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 Cosmos n. A place for cremating dead bodies. To offset. Pertaining to a division of arthropods. A small fissure. A rugged. Counterbalance v. in behalf of an idea or principle. To pick or sort out from the rest. Avarice. Curable adj. Decameron n. The ten commandments. Cupidity n. A figure with ten sides and ten angles. Cursive adj. or given fact. Concise. Any artificial covered channel for the passage of water through a bank or under a road. and there is no Dearth n. winner. The doctrine that natural selection has been the prime cause of evolution of higher forms. Cynical adj. A piece of bric-a-brac. Of or pertaining to cooking or the kitchen. A base coward. Subject to contention or dispute. Culinary adj. essential . To lower in character or virtue. Debatable adj. 22 5000 GRE Word List . Decameter n. compressed. Culpable adj. Crystallize v. Cursory adj. A first appearance in society or on the stage. A volume consisting of ten parts or books. A weight of 10 grams. Daring adj. Brave. Having gentle or courteous bearing or manner. Decagon n. Debut n. A race in which two or more competitors come out even. Anything written in characters that are secret or so arranged as to have hidden meaning. Dauntless adj. Debonair adj. To bring together or give fixed shape to. Dastard n. as of something customary. Decalogue n. Rapid and superficial. Decaliter n. Decagram n. Fearless. Cull v. A liquid and dry measure of 10 liters. Cudgel n. Capable of being remedied or corrected. Cynicism n. To cut off or cut short. A premise. starting-point. Death's-head n. That to which general interest or attention is directed. canal. A person having charge as of a library or museum. Culprit n. Writing in which the letters are joined together. Dead-heat n. Curtsy n. Guilty. A guilty person. Cycloid adj.1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 Cryptogram n.or desirable. Curator n. A human skull as a symbol of death. Cynosure n. Darkling adv. Exhibiting moral skepticism. Like a circle. Day-man n. Curio n. A downward movement of the body by bending the knees. and abrupt in act or expression. Culvert n. Curt adj. Cygnet n. Debase v. Contempt for the opinions of others and of what others value. Darwinism n. A short thick stick used as a club. Blindly. A length of ten meters. Datum n. Curtail v. A young swan. A day-laborer. Scarcity. Decrepit adj. or judgment. as to another's opinion. Conclusive. Defensive adj. Ten-footed or ten-armed. Declension n. Declarative adj. Deflect v. Decipher v. To express their different relations of gender. A speech recited or intended for recitation from memory in public. Decisive ad. To cause to turn aside or downward. To derive or draw as a conclusion by reasoning from given premises or principles. To clear of forests. To find out the true words or meaning of. A disfigurement. Decapitate v. Capable of being maintained or justified. Malicious and groundless injury done to the reputation or good name of another. or explicit statement or affirmation. manners. Decimal adj. Decoy n. Decimate v. Decapod adj. Defame v. To behead. Deform v. Decent adj. or dress. To mar or disfigure the face or external surface of. A line of ten syllables. Falsehood. Decorous adj. Deciduous adj. Declamation n. Anything that allures. To disfigure. as something hardly legible. Deforest v. Definite adj. or is intended to allures into danger or temptation. as by old age or some chronic infirmity. Decamp v. Containing a formal. Founded on the number 10. The neglect or omission of a legal requirement.1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 cause. Deficient adj. Deceitful adj. Defamation n. Deference n. Dedication n. positive. Declamatory adj. The change of endings in nouns and adj. Defalcate v. Decasyllable n. Falling off at maturity as petals after flowering. Having an exact signification or positive meaning. Defensible adj. speech. as a part of something. Defer v. Suitable for the occasion or circumstances. fruit when ripe. To delay or put off to some other time. To leave suddenly or unexpectedly. To destroy a measurable or large proportion of. Fraudulent. Carried on in resistance to aggression. etc. The voluntary consecration or relinquishment of something to an end or 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 Deduce v. Respectful submission or yielding. Deficiency n. Lack or insufficiency. Deceive v. Moral fitness. Enfeebled. Not having an adequate or proper supply or amount. Deceit n. Deface v. A full and formal style of utterance. Default n. Defendant n. 23 5000 GRE Word List . wishes. A person against whom a suit is brought. Characterized by propriety of conduct. Decency n. Defiant adj. To slander. Decorate v. To embellish. Deformity n. Characterized by bold or insolent opposition. To cut off or take away. To mislead by or as by falsehood. Degrade v. Delectable adj. especially when more or less enduring. Demonstrator n. Degeneracy n. Deleterious adj. Raving. Demise n. To take away honors or position from. Inhabitant. Any application soothing to an irritable surface demurrage n. Demonstrate v. Diminution. Deject v. The natural history of trees. To deprive of water. One who believes in god. Deist n. To prove indubitably. That which is agreeable to a fine taste. Capable of positive proof. To represent by sketch or diagram. Deluge v. Demented adj. To annihilate. To mislead the mind or judgment of. 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 Denomination n. Demolish v. Demerit n. To deprive of something dishonestly. or divine person. Delusion n. Demulcent n. A becoming worse. as of strength or magnitude. One who proves in a convincing and conclusive manner. Denote v. Inclined to strong exhibition or expression of feeling or thoughts. Defraud v. To give a name or epithet to.1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 the air. Degradation n. An unprincipled politician. Dehydrate v. Delight. Demonstrable adj. Demonstrative adj. To overwhelm with a flood of water. To disband. Delineate v. . Dejection n. Deliquesce v. To deprive (a magnet) of magnetism. Hurtful. but denies supernatural revelation. Demagogue n. To dissolve gradually and become liquid by absorption of moisture from Delirious adj. Denizen n. Like a tree. To dishearten. Demagnetize v. Deity n. Part of a fraction which expresses the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided. Deify v. To deem worthy of notice or account. A god. goddess. morally or physically. Deportment. Dendroid adj. Delude v. Denominator n. Deign v. To designate by word or mark. Demobilize v. Death. To regard or worship as a god. Dendrology n. Degenerate v. A body of christians united by a common faith and form of worship and discipline. as troops. To become worse or inferior. Delicacy n. A mark for failure or bad conduct. The detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing. Mistaken conviction. Insane. Demeanor n. To make payment for. Delectation n. Denominate v. Defray v. Delightful to the taste or to the senses. Melancholy. Descendent adj. To select or appoint. To abandon without regard to the welfare of the abandoned desiccant n. To press down. Cessation. Testimony legally taken on interrogatories and reduced to writing. Neglectful of obligation. for use as evidence in court. A place where anything is kept in safety. To express disapproval or regret for. Any remedy which. Desistance n. To deduce. Denude v. as a child. Depreciation n. Laying down. Depression n. grandchild. To ridicule.1211 1212 odium. Derivation n. A lowering in value or an underrating in worth. Derisible adj. as by authority. A falling of the spirits. Denounce v. Dermatology n. Derision n. One who is descended lineally from another. dries up or absorbs moisture. Descendant n. Derrick n. The act of moving or going downward. That part of a play or story in which the mystery is cleared up. That process by which a word is traced from its original root or primitive form and meaning. or Dentifrice n. 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 Denunciation n. Descent n. To render bad. Deepness. Derelict adj. To take or send away forcibly. Depth n. Utter hopelessness and despondency. Demeanor. To point out or publicly accuse as deserving of punishment. Denouement n. Contemptible. Deplorable adj. Desert v. Deponent adj. as that of wounds. when applied externally. Depopulate v. Deplore v. Deride v. Deplete v. as to a penal colony. 24 5000 GRE Word List Deposition n. Deprecate v. Deprave v. Open to ridicule. The act of declaring an action or person worthy of reprobation or punishment. To cease from action. Coming or acquired from some origin. . Derive v. Depositor n. with hope for the opposite. Proceeding downward. Deportment n. To discern. Any preparation used for cleaning the teeth. censure. etc. Depress v. One who makes a deposit. as from a premise. Designate v. Descry v. To regard with grief or sorrow. or waste. Depository n. Desist v. Derivative adj. or has an amount deposited. To strip the covering from. as by use. Depreciate v. Despair n. To reduce or lessen. To lessen the worth of. An apparatus for hoisting and swinging great weights. Ridicule. Deport v. To remove the inhabitants from. especially morally bad. The branch of medical science which relates to the skin and its diseases. exhaustion. precision. efficiency. Despondent adj. Distinctive. An absolute and irresponsible monarch. Devout adj. Deteriorate v. A logician. A positive utterance. Dissimilarity in any respect. Dialogue n. To take away in such manner as to lessen value or estimation. Hindering from action through fear. Despite prep. Religious. Differential adj. Diaphanous adj. Devise v. To take a different course. Detest v. Wanton and malicious mischief. Detrude v. Dictum n. Determination n. Didactic adj. Determination of the distinctive nature of a disease. Diacritical adj. To lose spirit. Diagnosis n. Desperate adj. Poverty-stricken. or loss. Resorted to in a last extremity. Dialect n. Pertaining to teaching. courage. Definitely limited or fixed. Diagnose v. Differentiate v. Readiness. To invent. Diabolic adj. . Disheartened. Despond v. depreciation. Malicious mischief. Out of the common or regular track. by its characteristic phenomena. Difference n. To grow worse. To distinguish. To acquire a distinct and separate character. Deter v.1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 Desperado n. Diatomic adj. Devilry n. Deviltry n. Not connected with what precedes. Detriment n. Devious adj. Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or no part. In spite of. Transparent. A bitter or malicious criticism. One without regard for law or life. Determinate adj. Dialectician n. Something that causes damage. Forms of speech collectively that are peculiar to the people of a particular district. Deviate v. Detract v. or hope. 25 5000 GRE Word List Dexterity n. Despotism n. Destitute adj. Any essential characteristic of a species by reason of which it differs from other species. Despot n. Despicable adj. Contemptible. To dislike or hate with intensity. Desultory adj. as a disease. or as if prompted by utter despair. A formal conversation in which two or more take part. The act of deciding. Characteristic of the devil. Deterrent adj. Differentia n. Diatribe n. To frighten away. Containing only two atoms. and ease in any physical activity or in any mechanical work. To push down forcibly. Marking a difference. A representative of one sovereign state at the capital or court of another. A situation in which a choice between opposing modes of conduct is necessary. Diffusible adj. Discolor v. To enlarge in all directions. To regard with blame. Diplomatist n. Dilate v. Discernible adj. Diplomacy n.1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 matter. To stain. Diffusion n. Disappear v. or who adopts and follows some doctrine. Denial. The sound produced by combining two vowels in to a single syllable or running together the sounds. To put to confusion. connection with. Tending to cause delay. Perceivable. or skill in conducting any kind of negotiations or in social matters. Disapprove v. Disavowal n. Diplomatic adj. Dilettante n. To disclaim responsibility for. Diffidence n. Dispersion. Characterized by special tact in negotiations. Disburse v. The state of being positively uncomfortable. Disburden v. To cease to exist. or responsibility to. To turn aside from the main subject and for a time dwell on some incidental Dilapidated pa. Diphthong n. Fallen into decay or partial ruin. Disallow v. Discard v. . as money from a fund. To throw out of order. Diminution n. 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 Dilemma n. or desire of. Disarm v. Reduction. Dimly adv. Obscurely. Diplomat n. Dilatory adj. hope. One who refuses to believe. Discipline v. Disavow v. Digraph n. 26 5000 GRE Word List Disciple n. Dignitary n. One who believes the teaching of another. wish. To disencumber. Discomfort n. Careful and persevering effort to accomplish what is undertaken. Disarrange v. To pay out or expend. A superficial amateur. Diffident adj. To train to obedience. Self-distrust. Affected or possessed with self-distrust. Digress v. To make more fluid or less concentrated by admixture with something. Discomfit v. Disclaim v. One remarkable for tact and shrewd management. Tact. To be opposite in opinion. A union of two characters representing a single sound. Diligence n. To disavow any claim to. Disagree v. Spreading rapidly through the system and acting quickly. shrewdness. Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority. Disciplinary adj. To withhold permission or sanction. To deprive of weapons. Disbeliever n. To fail to fulfill the expectation. Dilute v. either actually or for the time being. Disappoint v. To reject. One who holds high rank. Disregard.1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 Disconnect v. Grief-stricken. That which is bestowed on or appointed to one from a higher power. Dismissal n. Disregard v. To throw down. Disinherit v. Interruption or intermission. Absence of harmoniousness. or appearance of. Dislocate v. To draw a distinction. Disrupt v. Discussion n. To remove or destroy the poison of infectious or contagious diseases. Verbal controversy. Debate. To deprive of peace or tranquillity. To put out of the proper or accustomed place. Discover v. Inequality. 27 5000 GRE Word List . To put out of proper place or order. Discontinuance n. Dishabille n. Dispel v. Disown v. Disquiet v. Dishonest adj. To undo or dissolve the connection or association of. Disinfect v. Helping or serving to disconnect or separate. Discriminate v. To deprive of an inheritance. To look upon with disfavor. To burst or break asunder. Neglect or refusal to comply with an authoritative injunction. Disillusion v. To deprive of any right privilege or power disengage v. Disconsolate adj. Disrobe v. Discredit v. Disobedient adj. To injure the reputation of. Disqualify v. To drive away by or as by scattering in different directions. Disreputable adj. Opposite. Disinfectant n. A substance used to destroy the germs of infectious diseases. Discord n. Discrepant adj. To take no notice of. as something previously unknown or unperceived. To impair or injure the beauty. Discreet adj. Impartial. Disobedience n. Displacement by authority from an office or an employment. Dishonorable or disgraceful. especially of real estate. Untrustworthy. Disenfranchise v. push off. A bad name or character. Disjunctive adj. To become detached. symmetry. Disputation n. To deprive of actual occupancy. Neglecting or refusing to obey. or otherwise remove from a horse or the like. Undress or negligent attire. To debar. To disenchant. To get first sight or knowledge of. To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as connected with oneself. Disinterested adj. Disparity n. Dispensation n. Judicious. Displace v. Dispossess v. Dismount v. Disrepute n. Disparage v. Discountenance v. Discursive adj. Disfavor n. To unclothe. To regard or speak of slightingly. Passing from one subject to another. Disfigure v. One who subjects a person to distress. Lewd. Dissonant adj. or pleading. One occupied in the business of distilling alcoholic liquors. 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 Dissuade v. Distill v. The act or operation of cutting in pieces. A note or designation of honor. Expansion. A word of two syllables. Dissolute adj. as by heat or moisture. An ill turn. Separation of relations or interests. To liquefy or soften. One who disagrees. A disease or malady. Divergent adj. specifically of a plant or an Dissemble v. To cut apart or to pieces. To displease. Dissent n. The act of changing the purpose of or altering the plans of through persuasion. To stretch out or expand in every direction. Capable of being stretched out or expanded in every direction. Discord. Contentious. To sow or scatter abroad. wisdom. Divagation n. Angry or violent difference of opinion. Diverse adj. Distort v. To twist into an unnatural or irregular form. Dissolution n. Dissertation n. Digression. Distrust n. Disunion n. counsel. Lack of confidence in the power. Distensible adj. A breaking up of a union of persons. Dissipation n. Dissentient n. Capable of various forms. Pastime. Dissolve v. Harsh or disagreeable in sound. To disperse or disappear. Distemper n. Distillation n. Distend v. Dissect v. Dissever v. Distinction n. Diurnal adj. or good intent of any person. . To extract or produce by vaporization and condensation. Dissection n. Dissuasion n. Disagreement. To change the purpose or alter the plans of by persuasion. Thesis. Dissatisfy v. Disservice n. Disyllable n. To divide. Distrain v.1380 1381 1382 animal. Dissimilar adj. The state of being dispersed or scattered. Bewildered. Dissipate v. Dissension n. To subject a person to distress. Diversion n. Separation of the more volatile parts of a substance from those less volatile. as seed is sown. Disseminate v. officially recognizing superiority or success in studies. Tending in different directions. Dissonance n. Distraught adj. Distention n. To hide by pretending something different. Different. Distrainor n. or pleading. Daily. Dissentious adj. Distiller n. Ascendancy. pipes. Dramatist n. Easy to manage. Dissimilitude. To make positive assertions without supporting them by argument or evidence. To turn from the accustomed course or a line of action already established. Donator n. a cavalryman. Docket n. etc. A divulging. Domain n. Domesticity n. Dominate v. The place where one lives. Dolor n. Divert v. The property which a wife brings to her husband in marriage. Dogmatic adj. Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority. Domicile n. Capable of being separated into parts. To rule with insolence or unnecessary annoyance. Melancholy. In twofold degree or extent. One who makes a donation or present. as a system of conduits. Donor n. hidden. Divination n. Dolesome adj. A modern and an ancient greek coin. ornaments. The pretended forecast of future events or discovery of what is lost or Divinity n. Dormant adj. In the british army. Docile adj. A person to whom a donation is made. One who writes plays. Dowry n. To bestow as a gift. Dragnet n. especially for a worthy cause. Lamentation. Life in or fondness for one's home and family.1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 Diversity n. To influence controllingly. That by which a number or quantity is divided. Dominant adj. Divisible adj. The female of the deer. Drainage n. Divulgence n. Dolorous adj. 28 5000 GRE Word List Dogma n. Able to be turned from the accustomed course or a line of action already established. Doleful adj. Divertible adj. Doe n. Domination n. Domineer v. One who makes a donation or present. Dragoon n. To tell or make known. Melancholy. Being in a state of or resembling sleep. Drachma n. or accouterments or disinvestment. Doubly adv. A net to be drawn along the bottom of the water. A statement of religious faith or duty formulated by a body claiming authority. Donate v. as something previously private or secret. Dominance n. Expressing or causing sorrow or pain. Divisor n. Conspicuously prominent. A sphere or field of action or interest. . One of a pair of like things. Divulge v. Donee n. specifically of clothes. Divest v. Dogmatize v. To strip. The quality or character of being godlike. The means of draining collectively. Doublet n. Making statements without argument or evidence. trenches. The registry of judgments of a court. Effervescent adj. Peculiar. Giving off bubbles of gas. 29 5000 GRE Word List Eclipse n. To draw out. Heavy with sleepiness. Edict n. Dubious adj. A young duck. Dutiful adj. or strengthen. Drought n. That which is uttered or proclaimed by authority as a rule of action. Efficient. Obedient. Drastic adj. Idiosyncrasy. especially a customs duty. To obliterate. Acting vigorously. Rapturous excitement or exaltation. Duplex adj. Effectual adj. Having womanish traits or qualities. Effeminate adj. Duet n. Dry weather. Effervesce v. Ardent in spirit and speech. Ductile adj. To spend sparingly. Ebullient adj. Drudgery n. Educe v. To make a demand or repeated demands on for payment. Womanishness. would give it a velocity of 1 cm/s. Edible adj. Showing submission to natural superiors. Confinement. Eccentricity n. Showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling. The force which. Having two parts. Effeminacy n. Edify v. Duration n. Effective adj. A composition for two voices or instruments. Dutiable adj. To build up. Durance n. Dwindle v. applied to a mass of one gram for 1 second. Dun v. Earthenware n. especially when so long continued as to cause vegetation to Drowsy adj.1463 1464 1465 wither. To bubble up. Hard and constant work in any menial or dull occupation. Effect n. To relate or represent in a dramatic or theatrical manner. Earnest adj. A consequence. as into wire or a thread. Subject to a duty. The period of time during which anything lasts. Efface v. Eatable adj. To diminish or become less. Economize v. The obstruction of a heavenly body by its entering into the shadow of another body. Edible. Ecstatic adj. Eccentric adj. Duplicity n. Duckling n. especially in morals or religion. Fit for a destined purpose. Ecstasy n. Suitable to be eaten. Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun. Double-dealing. 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 Dyne n. Doubtful. Dramatize v. An article in a periodical written by the editor and published as an official argument. Duteous adj. Enraptured. Editorial n. Capable of being drawn out. . Effulgence n. as from some source. Emancipate v. To make beautiful or elegant by adding attractive or ornamental features. To release from bondage. To waste away in flesh. Efflorescent adj. One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views and experiences. To make a beginning in some occupation or scheme. Efficacious adj. The art of correct intonation. To bring out more clearly the facts concerning. Qualified for selection. One who advocates or practices egoism. The power to produce an intended effect as shown in the production of it. as a coin. 30 5000 GRE Word List . Opening in flower. That property of matter by which a body tends to return to a former shape after being changed.1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 Effete adj. To educe or extract gradually or without violence. inflection. Self-conceit. Elicit v. Efflorescence n. Elegy n. Elusion n. Efficacy n. Egotist n. Egregious adj. Relating to Elizabeth. Embargo n. or a flowery appearance. and gesture in public speaking or reading. Electrotype n. To flow forth or proceed. or to her era. Element n. Evasion. queen of England. Splendor. Any place of exit. Eloquent adj. A noxious or ill-smelling exhalation from decaying or putrefying matter. The theory that places man's chief good in the completeness of self. Effuse v. Elapse v. The state of possessing adequate skill or knowledge for the performance of a duty. Egoist n. as having performed its functions. To evade the search or pursuit of by dexterity or artifice. Unblushing impudence. Eliminate v. Eligible adj. Embarrass v. A component or essential part. To render flustered or agitated. Effrontery n. Having the ability to express emotion or feeling in lofty and impassioned speech. The process of decomposing a chemical compound by the passage of an electric current. To expel. Elocution n. Egress n. Egotism n. Embark v. Elucidate v. An outpouring. Emaciate v. Effluvium n. A metallic copy of any surface. Effective. Exhausted. The state of being flowery. Egoism n. Extreme. Embellish v. Elude v. Efficient adj. Eject v. Effusion n. Authoritative stoppage of foreign commerce or of any special trade. To separate and cast aside. Efficiency n. Elizabethan adj. A lyric poem lamenting the dead. To pour forth. Having and exercising the power to produce effects or results. Electrolysis n. To quietly terminate: said of time. Emanate v. Elasticity n. 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 words. Embezzle v. To misappropriate secretly. Emblazon v. To set forth publicly or in glowing terms. Emblem n. A symbol. Embody v. To express, formulate, or exemplify in a concrete, compact or visible form. Embolden v. To give courage to. Embolism n. An obstruction or plugging up of an artery or other blood-vessel. Embroil v. To involve in dissension or strife. Emerge v. To come into view or into existence. Emergence n. A coming into view. Emergent adj. Coming into view. Emeritus adj. Retired from active service but retained to an honorary position. Emigrant n. One who moves from one place to settle in another. Emigrate v. To go from one country, state, or region for the purpose of settling or residing in another. Eminence n. An elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, condition, etc. Eminent adj. High in station, merit, or esteem. Emit v. To send or give out. Emphasis n. Any special impressiveness added to an utterance or act, or stress laid upon some word. Emphasize v. To articulate or enunciate with special impressiveness upon a word, or a group of words. Emphatic adj. Spoken with any special impressiveness laid upon an act, word, or set of Employee n. One who works for wages or a salary. Employer n. One who uses or engages the services of other persons for pay. Emporium n. A bazaar or shop. Empower v. To delegate authority to. Emulate v. To imitate with intent to equal or surpass. Enact v. To make into law, as by legislative act. Enamor v. To inspire with ardent love. Encamp v. To pitch tents for a resting-place. Encomium n. A formal or discriminating expression of praise. Encompass v. To encircle. Encore n. The call for a repetition, as of some part of a play or performance. Encourage v. To inspire with courage, hope, or strength of mind. 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 Encroach v. To invade partially or insidiously and appropriate the possessions of another. Encumber v. To impede with obstacles. Encyclical adj. Intended for general circulation. Encyclopaedia n. A work containing information on subjects, or exhaustive of one subject. Endanger v. To expose to peril. Endear v. To cause to be loved. Endemic adj. Peculiar to some specified country or people. Endue v. To endow with some quality, gift, or grace, usually spiritual. Endurable adj. Tolerable. Endurance n. The ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship, or stress of any kind without succumbing. 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 circle. Energetic adj. Working vigorously. Enervate v. To render ineffective or inoperative. Enfeeble v. To debilitate. Enfranchise v. To endow with a privilege, especially with the right to vote. Engender v. To produce. Engrave v. To cut or carve in or upon some surface. Engross v. To occupy completely. Enhance v. To intensify. Enigma n. A riddle. Enjoin v. To command. Enkindle v. To set on fire. Enlighten v. To cause to see clearly. Enlist v. To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment. Enmity n. Hatred. Ennoble v. To dignify. Enormity n. Immensity. Enormous adj. Gigantic. Enrage v. To infuriate. Enrapture v. To delight extravagantly or intensely. Enshrine v. To keep sacred. Ensnare v. To entrap. Entail v. To involve; necessitate. Entangle v. To involve in difficulties, confusion, or complications. Enthrall v. To bring or hold under any overmastering influence. Enthrone v. To invest with sovereign power. Enthuse v. To yield to or display intense and rapturous feeling. Enthusiastic adj. Full of zeal and fervor. Entirety n. A complete thing. Entomology n. The branch of zoology that treats of insects. Entrails n. Pl. The internal parts of an animal. Entreaty n. An earnest request. Entree n. The act of entering. Entrench v. To fortify or protect, as with a trench or ditch and wall. Entwine v. To interweave. Enumerate v. To name one by one. 31 5000 GRE Word List Epic n. A poem celebrating in formal verse the mythical achievements of great personages, heroes, etc. Epicure n. One who cultivates a delicate taste for eating and drinking. Epicurean adj. Indulging, ministering, or pertaining to daintiness of appetite. Epicycle n. A circle that rolls upon the external or internal circumference of another 1626 1627 1628 1629 Epicycloid n. A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon another circle. Epidemic n. Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region. Epidermis n. The outer skin. Epigram n. A pithy phrasing of a shrewd observation. 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 deeds. Epilogue n. The close of a narrative or dramatic poem. Epiphany n. Any appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity. Episode n. An incident or story in a literary work, separable from yet growing out of it. Epitaph n. An inscription on a tomb or monument in honor or in memory of the dead. Epithet n. Word used adjectivally to describe some quality or attribute of is objects, as in "father aeneas". Epitome n. A simplified representation. Epizootic adj. Prevailing among animals. Epoch n. A interval of time, memorable for extraordinary events. Epode n. A species of lyric poems. Equalize v. To render uniform. Equanimity n. Evenness of mind or temper. Equestrian adj. Pertaining to horses or horsemanship. Equilibrium n. A state of balance. Equitable adj. Characterized by fairness. Equity n. Fairness or impartiality. Equivalent adj. Equal in value, force, meaning, or the like. Equivocal adj. Ambiguous. Equivocate v. To use words of double meaning. Eradicate v. To destroy thoroughly. Errant adj. Roving or wandering, as in search of adventure or opportunity for gallant Erratic adj. Irregular. Erroneous adj. Incorrect. Erudite adj. Very-learned. Erudition n. Extensive knowledge of literature, history, language, etc. Eschew v. To keep clear of. Espy v. To keep close watch. Esquire n. A title of dignity, office, or courtesy. Essence n. That which makes a thing to be what it is. Esthetic adj. Pertaining to beauty, taste, or the fine arts. Estimable adj. Worthy of respect. Estrange v. To alienate. Estuary n. A wide lower part of a tidal river. Et cetera Latin. And so forth. Eugenic adj. Relating to the development and improvement of race. Eulogize v. To speak or write a laudation of a person's life or character. Eulogy n. A spoken or written laudation of a person's life or character. Euphemism n. A figure of speech by which a phrase less offensive is substituted. Euphonious adj. Characterized by agreeableness of sound. Euphony n. Agreeableness of sound. Eureka Greek. I have found it. Evade v. To avoid by artifice. Evanesce v. To vanish gradually. Evanescent adj. Fleeting. 32 5000 GRE Word List 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 47 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 Evert v. value. measure. Excrescence n. Evasion n. Exclusion n. To make more sharp. Evidential adj. Exclude v. others. Excursion n. Exhaustible adj. Evolution n. A model. To be superior or distinguished. Possessing distinguished merit. An abrupt or emphatic expression of thought or of feeling. Nervously high-strung. That which passes the ordinary. Exemplar n. Exasperate v. Evolve v. Excretion n. as from some liability. Biblical exposition or interpretation. A title of honour bestowed upon various high officials. Exaggerate v. Evangelist n. A person nominated by the will of another to execute the will. An accursed thing. To make manifest or evident. Executor n. or required limit. To dispossess pursuant to judicial decree. Excellent adj. pattern. To unfold or expand. Ultimate. Exclamation n. Evict v. clear. Excitation n. To remove by digging or scooping out. A preacher who goes from place to place holding services. Possession of eminently or unusually good qualities. quality. or virulent. Justifiable. Excerpt n. Exempt adj. power. To make an effort. Development or growth. Indicative. 1713 1714 1715 1716 . To shut out purposely or forcibly. skill. Causing or tending to cause exhaustion. 33 5000 GRE Word List Excitable adj. Excellency n. Intensified emotion or action. Any unnatural addition. To empty by draining off the contents. Excel v. Exhaust v. etc. as in measure. or released. outgrowth. An extract or selection from written or printed matter. The getting rid of waste matter. Non-admission. Exemplify v. To inflict severe pain or agony upon. proper. Free. Excusable adj. A journey. Eventual adj. Seeking the conversion of sinners. Excavate v. Execration n. To call or summon forth. Evoke v. Exceed v. Exegesis n. To overstate. Exhale v. Exemplary adj. To turn inside out. Excellence n. To go beyond. Execrable adj. or original to be copied or imitated. or development. Excess n. Fitted to serve as a model or example worthy of imitation. To excite great anger in.1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 Evangelical adj. To show by example. action. Escape. or experience. severe. Abominable. To breathe forth. Evince v. or restriction affecting Exert v. Excruciate v. Exacerbate v. Without studied or special preparation. To dig out of the earth (what has been buried). Expectorate v. Exotic adj. Speedy. Pertaining to a sudden and violent outbreak. Extant adj. or the like. scope. Exorcise v. Extensible adj. Expeditious adj. Expository adj. as time or strength. Expansion n. Definite. Explicit adj. To increase in range or scope. Exposition n. Exorbitance n. Urgent. Expatriate v. An open situation or position in relation to the sun. Contributing to personal advantage. Forcible ejection. Going beyond usual and proper limits. To fill with high or cheerful spirits. The laying out or expending or money or other resources. To spend. Thorough and complete in execution. or points of the compass. To cast or drive out by religious or magical means. Explicate v. Expressive adj. imputation. Explosion n. A going forth or departure from a place or country. Expediency n. Deprivation of strength or energy. Expulsion n. To cough up and spit forth. To make satisfaction or amends for. Expend v. Expect v. Explosive adj. Done or made without much or any preparation. Full of meaning. Expostulate v. Expectancy n. Foreign. To discuss. . Exorbitant adj. Extempore adv. A sudden and violent outbreak. Still existing and known. Exhume v. 34 5000 GRE Word List Exposure n. A way or passage out. Expanse n. Pertaining to a formal presentation. To hasten the movement or progress of. Expiate v. Increase of amount. elements. Possession or continuance of being. Exodus n. especially of many Exonerate v. Exhaustive adj. Exigency n. To cause to burst in pieces by force from within. Exigent adj. or blame. Formal presentation. Explode v. To drive from one's own country. Expand v.1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 people. 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 Expense n. To clear from involvement. A continuous area or stretch. A critical period or condition. To relieve or vindicate from accusation. Extemporaneous adj. size. Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case. The act or state of looking forward to as certain or probable. Existence n. Expedite v. To look forward to as certain or probable. Exhaustion n. Exit n. Exhilarate v. Expedient adj. Extravagance or enormity. Capable of being thrust out. To diminish the gravity or importance of. or scope. Extricate v. Facet n. The utmost point. To surrender the custody of. Amusing. Exterior n. The surrender by a government of a person accused of crime to the justice of another government. A muscle that causes extension. To suffer extremity of hunger or thirst. Turbulent. To render extinct. threats. Incredible. as in space. Unusual. Fabricate v. Extradition n. Extinguish v. Extort v. or that farthest removed from a mean position. To praise in the highest terms. To make more easy. Extrude v. A reaching or stretching out. Marked by great plentifulness. Facial adj. A number of persons combined for a common purpose. Anything relating or belonging to the outside. Extortion n. or anything based on such reasoning. Faction n. Famish v. Undue expenditure of money. An exact copy or reproduction. Illogical. To obtain by violence. Extradite v. Having no essential relation to a subject. Extenuate v. Rich supply. side. Facile adj. Exuberance n. Extravagant adj. To invent fancifully or falsely. Any unsound or delusive mode of reasoning. Fabulous adj. Facility n. Extremity n. Extravagance n. Extensive adj. The practice of obtaining by violence or compulsion. Land broken up and left to become mellow or to rest. A religious zealot. Happening out of court. Facilitate v. or border. 35 5000 GRE Word List . Extinct adj. Pertaining to the face. Fallacious adj. External n. Being no longer in existence. Extol v. compulsion. Fallible adj. Disentangle. One having a taste for or interest in special objects. Capable of erring. Extrajudicial adj. Facetious adj. Extensor n. Extended widely in space. That which is outside. Ease. Needlessly free or lavish in expenditure. Exuberant adj. Not difficult to do. time or scope. Extraordinary adj. One of the small triangular plane surfaces of a diamond or other gem. time. Extremist n. To drive out or away. Fanatic n. Facsimile n. Factious adj. Extraneous adj. Fancier n. One who supports extreme measures or holds extreme views. Fallacy n. Fallow n.1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 Extension n. or the subjection of another to some necessity. Feint n. Subtle contrivance used to gain a point. Fez n. fierce. Fidelity n. A landed estate held under feudal tenure. Unduly changeable in feeling. practicable. or effected. with goats feet. Ardent in feeling. 6 feet. and savage nature. Felonious adj. The feudal system. Joyous. Finally adv. Loyalty. Monetary. A young deer. Fealty n. One of the highest class of offenses. Fathom n. Finale n. Federate v. Felon n. A complete or humiliating failure. Filibuster n.1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 tassel. Finesse n. A brimless felt cap in the shape of a truncated cone. Financier n. Fetus n. Fief n. Felicity n. A place in which ferns are grown. Fervor n. Festal adj. usually red with a black Fiasco n. Fete n. At last. Felicitate v. Hard to please. Fatuous adj. The young in the womb or in the egg. Ardor or intensity of feeling. especially in view of a coming event. performed. Characteristic of woman or womankind. 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 . Financial adj. Fastidious adj. Merry. Fiducial adj. Imperfect. Ferocity n. That which is used to decorate the person or dress. Intense. Feudalism n. Fernery n. Fickle adj. A festival or feast. Feminine adj. One skilled in or occupied with financial affairs or operations. pretense. Ferocious adj. A measure of length. Fanciless adj. Finery n. Feasible adj. Created or formed by the imagination. Loyalty. Festive adj. The state or quality of being final or complete. To wish joy or happiness to. To league together. or deceptive movement. Unimaginative. Fervent adj. or purpose. One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human. Indicative of faith or trust. Concluding performance. Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal. Idiotic faulty adj. Fawn n. A criminal or depraved person. Savageness. Any sham. A state of well-founded happiness. One who attempts to obstruct legislation. and punishable with death or imprisonment. Showing criminal or evil purpose. That may be done. Felony n. Faun n. Of a wild. judgment. Fervid adj. Finality n. Fictitious adj. Feudal adj. 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 Finite adj. Florid adj. Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels. and customs of the common people. Fluctuation n. Pertaining to streams. Fixture n. Obscure. To judge of before hearing evidence. Fluential adj. Violent. Foolery n. Characterized by extravagance and in general by want of good taste. A smoke-duct in a chimney. Flag-officer n. Foliage n. A state of constant movement. Foible n. Flora n. or of a size adapted to folding once. Forepeak n. Flexible adj. Fiscal adj. Flushed with red. To pass backward and forward irregularly from one state or degree to another. Flippant adj. Flue n. Flimsy adj. Having a ready or easy flow of words or ideas. Flatulence n. change. Spasmodic. To handle tenderly and lovingly. 36 5000 GRE Word List Fluctuate v. Forejudge v. Frequent irregular change back and forth from one state or degree to another. Pliable. Fishmonger n. or renewal. Foggy adj. A note of explanation or comment at the foot of a page or column. Thin and weak. Flamboyant adj. Fitful adj. Besides. Openly scandalous. A personal weakness or failing. Pertaining to flowers. One who or that which is expected to remain permanently in its position. under the lowest deck. Florist n. Flagrant adj. Folio n. Folly. Fondle v. The traditions. Flection n. A sheet of paper folded once. A court opening directly from the street. Fissure n. Dandyism. Floe n. The captain of a flag-ship. To palm off. Foist v. . Foppish adj. Patient endurance or toleration of offenses. Folk-lore n. Pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government. Forcible adj. One who sells fish. Flux n. Floral adj. pert. The act of bending. beliefs. The aggregate of plants growing without cultivation in a district. Forecourt n. Foot-note n. A collection of tabular masses of floating polar ice. A young bird. Characteristic of one who is unduly devoted to dress and the niceties of manners. A crack or crack-like depression. Having a light. The extreme forward part of a ship's hold. trifling disposition. A dealer in flowers. Limited. Foppery n. Fledgling n. Forbearance n. Any growth of leaves. Forby adv. Fluent adj. Foursome adj. The head man. Easily broken. Foretell v. Counterfeit. especially of evil. Fragile adj. Forte n. Difficult to accomplish. Forth adv. Fortify v. Patient courage. Prescience. Foreign adj. With directness. A square sail. To predict. To be an omen or warning sign of. Counterfeiting. A strong point. To predict. Foreman n. Forerun v. Forthright adv. Predestination. A break. Foreordination n. Forethought n. To provide with defensive works. 37 5000 GRE Word List . Fraudulence n. To ward off. Frankincense n. To deny oneself the pleasure or profit of. Foreground n. To lose possession of through failure to fulfill some obligation. Fracture n. Foreordain v. Fixed rule or set form. Formidable adj. Foresight n. Foreclose v. To deny oneself. Forehead n. Liability to be broken or destroyed. Forgo v. Frenzied. Fortitude n. That part of a shore uncovered at low tide. Foresee v. Foreigner n. A citizen of a foreign country. Forswear v. Consisting of four. To renounce upon oath. Frantic adj. To discern beforehand. between the eyes and the hair. Formation n. That part of the upper deck of a ship forward of the after fore-shrouds. Forgery n. Forecastle n. An ancestor. Forefather n. Foreknowledge n.1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 Foreshore n. Formula n. Forecast v. Capable of being broken. That part of a landscape or picture situated or represented as nearest the spectator. Deceitfulness. Provision against harm or need. Fragile adj. Fraternal adj. Forfeit v. To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeem property. situated in. To predetermine. Frailty n. To go before as introducing or ushering in. Premeditation. Foresail n. Relative disposition of parts. Forego v. Belonging to. Brotherly. or derived from another country. A gum or resin which on burning yields aromatic fumes. Forfend v. Fraudulent adj. The upper part of the face. Into notice or view. Forebode v. . Freshness n. Offensive from excess of praise or commendation. Fungible adj. Fray v. The state. Freemason n. A plant destitute of chlorophyll. Furtive adj. To fret at the edge so as to loosen or break the threads. Futile adj. Commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs. Fresco n. Fulcrum n. one-eighth of a mile. Furtherance n. Frequency n. To cause to explode. A trifling act. Advancement. Fundamental adj. Free trade n. Fulsome adj. thought. Fumigate v. Fuse v. Trivial. saying. Fruition n. A member of an ancient secret fraternity originally confined to skilled artisans. Fungus n. Frightful adj. counted. Economical. To give a crinkled. Furrier n. Fugacious adj. 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 38 5000 GRE Word List Furlough n. Freethinker n. To restore brightness or beauty to. An official. especially for disinfection. Frontier n. To cause to crinkle or curl. Furlong n. Disposed to peevishness. Frowzy adj. Of no avail or effect. Capable of being melted by heat. Frigid adj. More distant or advanced. particularly on walls and ceilings. or practice. Futurist n. One who rejects authority or inspiration in religion. Fusible adj. Spongy. like the actions of a thief. Further adj. or the point about which it Fulminate v. That may be measured. A dealer in or maker of fur goods. Basal. or degree of being fresh. fluffy appearance to. A measure. A room kept at a low temperature for preserving fruits. Frivolous adj. Frolicsome adj. etc. The comparative number of any kind of occurrences within a given time or space. Frizz v. Furbish v. Slovenly in appearance. Frugal adj. Fungous adj. Frivolity n. Gauge n. Frizzle v. The art of painting on a surface of plaster. or weighed. An instrument for measuring. quality. Prankish. To unite or blend as by melting together. A person of expectant temperament. meat. as a mushroom. Apt to induce terror or alarm. Lacking warmth. Fretful adj. Fleeting. A temporary absence of a soldier or sailor by permission of the commanding officer. The support on or against which a lever rests.1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 turns. Frigidarium n. To subject to the action of smoke or fumes. Functionary n. as the hair. The part of a nation's territory that abuts upon another country. Fulfillment. Stealthy or sly. town. Ordinarily. Creation. Pertaining or relating to electricity produced by chemical action. In cookery. particularly in france. To imbue with life or animation. especially that arising from chemical action. or other place for its defense. Carriage of the body in going. Garnish v. To produce or cause to be. Gesticulate v. in the order of succession. To risk money or other possession on an event. To make gestures or motions. Garrulous adj. expressive of some idea or emotion. Belonging to a people not jewish. A tracer of pedigrees. Generalize v. Germinate v. or contingency. Genital adj. or in place of speech. Current electricity. Playful leaping or frisking. a uniformed and armed police officer. Gastritis n. To utter taunts or reproaches. Gaseous adj. Gait n. Garrote v. Generally adv.1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Gaiety n. Warmth and kindliness of disposition. Gallant adj. A list. Merrily. Light and unsubstantial. Generic adj. Of or pertaining to the animal reproductive organs. Genealogy n. Given to constant trivial talking. . The whole range or sequence. Garrison n. Gamester n. A disposition to give liberally or to bestow favors heartily. Gambol n. of ancestors and their descendants. Gaily adv. Gendarme n. The principal portion. to surround with additions for embellishment. pertaining to. or near the stomach. Of. Generality n. Gentile adj. origin. A movement or action of the hands or face. The art of preparing and serving appetizing food. Geology n. 39 5000 GRE Word List Gesture n. To begin to develop into an embryo or higher form. Noting a genus or kind. Abundant. Galvanic adj. Festivity. Gastronomy n. A gambler. Relevant. as in speaking. Gestation n. opposed to specific. Ghastly adj. Gastric adj. The military force stationed in a fort. Indicating source. Genteel adj. possession. chance. Geniality n. The department of natural science that treats of the constitution and structure of the earth. Genealogist n. Pregnancy. Germane adj. In continental europe. Possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit. Gibe v. Well-bred or refined. Generosity n. Galvanism n. Gamble v. Galvanize v. Generate v. Inflammation of the stomach. or the like. Hideous. To draw general inferences. Genesis n. Gamut n. Genitive adj. Galore adj. To execute by strangling. Glacial adj. Ungracious. Voluntarily. To please. One who cuts and fits panes of glass. Gratuitous adj. Seriousness. unsteady light. Grenadier n. Granulate v. The quality of being grand or admirably great. as by satisfying a physical or mental desire or need. Of excellence and splendor. Tip. To grind or strike the teeth together. Graceless adj. wavering. Glorious adj. Gourd n. A momentary look. Granule n. as for windows. Gratification n. A member of a regiment composed of men of great stature. Not habitually solitary or living alone. A connoisseur in the delicacies of the table. Gradation n. A distortion of the features. or causes grief and at the same time a sense of wrong. Creating affliction. pumpkin. Moving or advancing by steps. Granary n. Glimpse n. Gnash v. . A melon. rank. To form into grains or small particles. Gratify v. Giddy adj. Given to excess in eating. Flimsy. One who gives. Spherical. A small grain or particle. A step. Speaking in or characterized by a pompous or bombastic style. Gossamer adj.2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 etc. Satisfaction. Icy. Globular adj. The maker of a deed. Sticky. Glacier n. Gourmand n. Grievous adj. Gravity n. Grantee n. Gordian knot n. Globose adj. Grantor n. Any difficulty the only issue out of which is by bold or unusual manners. Tremendous. Gregarious adj. disgust. Gratuity n. Glimmer n. Gradient adj. Grapple v. Grimace n. Grievance n. Gosling n. Composed of small grains or particles. Grandiose adj. The person to whom property is transferred by deed. Grandiloquent adj. injures. occasioned by some feeling of pain. Affected with a whirling or swimming sensation in the head. A faint. Sorrow. Granular adj. Having an imposing style or effect. Spherical. Gluttonous adj. or relative position in an order or series. degree. That which oppresses. To take hold of. Glutinous adj. Glazier n. or icily cold. A field or stream of ice. Grandeur n. That which is given without demand or claim. Giver n. Gigantic adj. A storehouse for grain after it is thrashed or husked. or some similar fruit having a hard rind. as from rage. Grief n. in any sense. squash. A young goose. To make joyous. Gladden v. Guile n. used for sharpening tools. as in diving. Dweller. Heedless adj. Heathenish adj. Penmanship. Harangue n. gulp. Happy-go-lucky adj. Guise n. A small cavern. Gyroscope n. Grisly adj. Ground n. Gynecology n. . 40 5000 GRE Word List Harbinger n. To make stale or trite by repetition. A pavement or floor or any supporting surface on which one may walk. Stay-rope. A tirade. Havoc n. cares. Precipitately. Of sound and vigorous health. Guzzle v. To trouble with importunities. Gynecocracy n. Fit to be dwelt in. Head foremost adv. as in diving. Hackney v. Calm. Gumption n. Irreligious. Improvident. The external appearance as produced by garb or costume. Concordant in sound. The science that treats of the functions and diseases peculiar to women. Grotto n. Handwriting n. Harmonious adj. Habitude n. Hanger-on n. According to usual practice. A flat circular stone. Habitant n.2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 Grindstone n. Hardihood n. Haggard adj. Incongruously composed or ill-proportioned. Guileless adj. Gullible adj. Surmise. or annoyances. To revolve. Guess n. Thoughtless. Gusto n. Precipitately. Risk. Frank. Common sense. Halcyon adj. Worn and gaunt in appearance. Hard-hearted adj. Lacking pity or sympathy. Guy n. A parasite. Head first adv. Devastation. Hawthorn n. An instrument for illustrating the laws of rotation. A thorny shrub much used in england for hedges. Foolish daring. Habitable adj. Hale adj. Credulous. Customary relation or association. Harass v. Fear-inspiring. Female supremacy. Guinea n. Grotesque adj. Gyrate v. Very depressing. Duplicity. To swallow greedily or hastily. Hazard n. Habitual adj. Keen enjoyment. An english monetary unit. Heartrending adj. One who or that which foreruns and announces the coming of any person or thing. To worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances. Hexangular adj. Made up of similar parts or elements. Heritage n. Passing naturally from parent to child. Homogeneity n. Pl. Hemorrhage n. Birthright. Heptagon n. Hibernal adj. A small hill or mound. A collection of dried plants scientifically arranged for study. An opinion or doctrine subversive of settled beliefs or accepted principles. Boisterously merry. Discharge of blood from a ruptured or wounded blood-vessel. or its people. Hoarse adj. Heterogeneous adj. Having the voice harsh or rough. diseases. Protrusion of any internal organ in whole or in part from its normal position. Hibernian adj. Vacillating. Reverential regard or worship. A young cow. An obstacle. Hindmost adj. To gather and store away for the sake of accumulation. Hereditary adj. Consisting of dissimilar elements or ingredients of different kinds. Hinder v. Hilarious adj. Having a hairy covering.2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 Heifer n. Henpeck v. Herbarium n. Tumors composed of enlarged and thickened blood-vessels. etc. Hemorrhoids n. Having six angles. Heredity n. Heinous adj. Congruity of the members or elements or parts. Hesitancy n. A figure with six angles. Hexagon n. Pertaining to winter. Hiatus n. A pausing to consider.. Having the character of a herb. Vacillation. Hirsute adj. To obstruct. Hesitant adj. Heterogeneity n. Hindrance n. Hesitation n. Odiously sinful. Farthest from the front. Transmission of physical or mental qualities. Hexapod adj. Homogeneous adj. Having six feet. at the lower end of the rectum. A break or vacancy where something necessary to supply the connection is wanting. as animals. Hernia n. as from a cold or fatigue. Unlikeness of constituent parts. Heterodox adj. Heteromorphic adj. Hideous adj. Hillock n. One who holds opinions contrary to the recognized standards or tenets of any philosophy. Pertaining to ireland. A group of seven governments. Deviating from the normal form or standard type. A figure having seven sides and seven angles. . Herbaceous adj. Heretic n. Homage n. Hoard v. Appalling. Herbivorous adj. Henchman n. At variance with any commonly accepted doctrine or opinion. 41 5000 GRE Word List Heresy n. from parent to offspring. Feeding on herbs or other vegetable matter. A servile assistant and subordinate. Heptarchy n. Honorarium n. The branch of mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids. Hussar n. Fish-like. Ichthyic adj. Tending to produce sleep. Hydroelectric adj. A stocking. Humanize v. Hypercritical adj. To deceive. 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 Hypnotism n. Hostility n. Ichthyology n. To put to shame. Cross-bred. The seven. A nervous affection occurring typically in paroxysms of laughing and crying. make-up. Pertaining to electricity developed water or steam. Hypnotic adj. of the force exerted by water in motion. To produce a somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestions. An artificially induced somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestion. Hypnotize v. Compassionate. Hydrodynamics n. Homologous adj. Hysteria n. Hoodwink v. Hybrid adj. An instrument for determining the density of solids and liquids by flotation.2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 fluids. A token fee or payment to a professional man for services. Hygiene n. Humiliate v. Hypothesis n. Hydromechanics n. Hydraulic adj. To make gentle or refined. or relation. Faultfinding. . Hydra n. Watery. Hypodermic adj. The branch of zoology that treats of fishes. Hospitable adj. The side of a right-angled triangle opposite the right angle. A proposition taken for granted as a premise from which to reach a conclusion. A gathered multitude of human beings. A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another. Involving the moving of water. Humane adj. An artificial trance-sleep. The branch of science that treats of the pressure and equilibrium of Hydrous adj. A light-horse trooper armed with saber and carbine. Hypocrisy n. Hypotenuse n.or nine-headed water-serpent slain by hercules. Hypnosis n. Hustle v. A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another. Hydrostatics n. Disposed to treat strangers or guests with generous kindness. A philanthropist. Homonym n. 42 5000 GRE Word List Hydrometer n. Horde n. Identical in nature. Anything intended or calculated to deceive or mislead. Hosiery n. To move with haste and promptness. The practice of receiving and entertaining strangers and guests with kindness. The branch of medical science that relates to improving health. One who makes false professions of his views or beliefs. Huckster n. Hospitality n. Hypocrite n. Humbug n. Humanitarian n. The mechanics of fluids. Pertaining to the area under the skin. Homophone n. One who retails small wares. Enmity. Extreme insincerity. Imminence n. Ill-natured adj. Not full-grown. Frigidly. That which may be used to produce light. Shameful. Immigrant n. To wet or moisten. Idiosyncrasy n. One who makes in imitation. Imaginary adj. Illuminant n. Immaculate adj. To make bright or clear. Illusive adj. Icon n. Illusory adj. Idealize v. Deceiving or tending to deceive. A foreigner who enters a country to settle there. 43 5000 GRE Word List . Illusion n. Immature adj. To supply with light. Impending evil or danger. Illuminate v. Unlawful. That can be imagined or conceived in the mind. Stingy. Undecipherable. Illiberal adj. Illicit adj. Imbroglio n. or strife. Illumine v. Iliad n. Dangerous and close at hand. Illegal adj. A greek epic poem describing scenes from the siege of troy. Deceptive. A fossil reptile. A mental quality or habit peculiar to an individual. Illogical adj. Ignoble adj. Imitator n. Without spot or blemish. Iciness n. That which is made as a likeness or copy. To come into a country or region from a former habitat. To drink or take in. Very great in degree. Illiterate adj. perplexity. Immeasurable adj. Imminent adj. The state of being icy. Contrary to the rules of sound thought. Of no essential consequence. To plunge or dip entirely under water or other fluid. An unreal image presented to the senses. Illegitimate adj. To regard with inordinate love or admiration. size. Immerse v. A use of words peculiar to a particular language. A misunderstanding attended by ill feeling. Low in character or purpose. Not according to law. An image-breaker. Imitation n. Idiom n. Boundless. Icily adv. The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid. Immigrate v. Having little or no book-learning. Iconoclast n. Immense adj. Illegible adj. Imbibe v. Fancied. Surly. as by false appearance. Immersion n. Imbrue v. Indefinitely extensive. Illimitable adj. extent. Ignominious adj. To make to conform to some mental or imaginary standard. Imaginable adj. Unlawfully begotten.2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 Ichthyosaurs n. or quantity. Immaterial adj. An image or likeness. Idolize v. Habitually engaged in licentious or lewd practices. Impeccable adj. To signify. Imperturbable adj. Urgent in character. To cause to last or to be known or remembered throughout a great or indefinite length of time. To be an obstacle or to place obstacles in the way of. Indiscernible. Impartial adj. Impulsive. Not permissible. To drive or urge forward. Impassible adj. To show or prove to be involved in or concerned implicit adj. or demand. Implausible adj. Impliable adj. Impolitic adj. Unyielding. Impetuous adj. To cause to become less or worse. To endanger. Obligatory. Immune adj. Blameless. Impersonate v. Calm. Impel v. Characterized by irreverence or irreligion. Implied. Impenetrable. Impermissible adj. That can not be passed through or over. Any impulse or incentive. Importune v. Unmoved by or not exhibiting feeling. Unbiased. Immutable adj. Impassive adj. Not relating to a particular person or thing. Inexpedient. Impede v. Not plausible. as from disease. Importunate adj. Unwillingness to brook delays or wait the natural course of things. Impecunious adj. Unchangeable. Impend v. Impersonal adj. To be imminent. Immovable adj. Insisting on obedience.2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 Immiscible adj. Capable of being inferred. Immoral adj. Imperceptible adj. as oil and water. Imperil v. Not moved or affected by feeling. Impersuadable adj. To appear or act in the character of. Impair v. Impetuosity n. Imperceptible to the touch. Having no money. Imply v. Impiety n. Impalpable adj. Impious adj. Impetus n. Imperious adj. request. Separating. Impassable adj. Immortalize v. Impervious adj. Implicate v. Impatience n. Rudeness. Importation n. To harass with persistent demands or entreaties. Irreverence toward god. Steadfast. Exempt. The act or practice of bringing from one country into another. Rashness. Impertinence n. Imperfectible adj. That can not be perfected. Imperative adj. 44 5000 GRE Word List . Incapacitate v. Impoverish v. competency. Incandescent adj. Inanimate adj. Destitute of animal life. Inchoate adj. Want of power to apprehend. To make indigent or poor. or accusations. or allowed. Chemical or person who starts a fire-literally or figuratively. To deprive of power. To imprison. Impure adj. Piecemeal. Heedless. considered. Improvident adj. Impropriety n. Impregnate v. The state or quality of being unfit. or qualification. Insolent disrespect. Innate. Silly. . insinuations.2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 Impotent adj. Inert. The beginning. Inapt adj. Implanted by nature. Impunity n. Inbred adj. Inadmissible adj. Inceptive adj. unseemly. physical. Not to be understood. or intellectual. Incarcerate v. Anything done or said on the impulse of the moment. Inception n. Unceasing. Tainted. Inborn adj. Incipient. understand. That which moves the mind or inflames the passions. Inapprehensible adj. Inaccurate adj. Destitute of or lacking in power. Inchmeal adv. To make pregnant. Incapacity n. That can not be heard. Inadequate adj. Impracticable adj. Inaccessible adj. and manage. Inarticulate adj. Incessant adj. Difficult of approach. The state of being white or glowing with heat. or expresses beginning. To assail with arguments. Imprudent adj. Not feasible. Unadvisable. Speechless. To attribute. Impetus. Inaudible adj. suitable. or becoming. Impromptu n. Not to be approved. Inadvertent adj. Not appropriate. Insufficient. Inadvisable adj. Inchoative n. as testimony. Incendiary n. Impute v. Improvise v. Awkward or slow. Unpremeditated. To do anything extemporaneously or offhand. Not exactly according to the facts. Impugn v. Inane adj. moral. That which begins. Beginning. Lacking foresight or thrift. That can not be taken by assault. Improper adj. Incentive n. Freedom from punishment. capacity. Accidental. White or glowing with heat. Impudence n. Impulsion n. Impulsive adj. Impregnable adj. Incandescence n. Inactive adj. or inappropriate. Incoherent adj. One who or that which points out. or removed. place. Without intention. Difficulty or failure in the alimentary canal in changing food into absorptive nutriment. Indigestible adj. Indiscernible adj. General lack of capacity or fitness. Valueless. Indefensible adj. Incomprehensible adj. Not digestible. destroyed. or compelled. A front or cutting tooth. That which moves to action. Lacking some element. Interfering with comfort or progress. Incite v. Casual occurrence. Incident n. Inconvenient adj. Indicator n. Incongruous adj. Incinerate v. Incompatible adj. Inconsistent adj. That which points out. Incompressible adj. That can not be destroyed. Inconceivable adj. or details. or serves as an incentive or stimulus. Indigestion n. Incompetent adj. Incipience n. Indelible adj. Incoercible adj. Discordant. or adjunct necessary or required. Resisting all attempts to reduce volume by pressure. That can not be described. Incitement n. Not understandable. Unmerited contemptuous conduct or treatment. Unsuitable for the time. Initial. or agreement. Beginning. Indict v. Not perceptible. effaced. Poor. Changeable. Indefinitely adv. Indicant adj. That can not be blotted out. Incapable of being forced. or occasion. Indigenous adj. . Not logically coordinated. Small in quantity or importance. Having such anger and scorn as is aroused by meanness or wickedness. Incombustible adj. Inconsequential adj. Incontrovertible adj. as of parts or ideas in thought. Incomparable adj. Incipient adj. or difficult to digest. Want of connection. In a vague or uncertain way. Indisputable. To rouse to a particular action. Untenable. To find and declare chargeable with crime. Matchless. A happening in general. Not having the abilities desired or necessary for any purpose. etc. Incomplete adj. Incomprehensible. Poverty. Indescribable adj. Incidentally adv. Incompetence n. Indigence n. To reduce to ashes. Inconsiderable adj. Indignity n. Indestructible adj. 45 5000 GRE Word List Incoherence n. constrained. Contradictory. Incisor n.2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 Incidence n. Indignant adj. especially one of little importance. as to parts. That can not be burned. Native. Inconstant adj. elements. part. speech. Indigent adj. Yielding to the desires or humor of oneself or those under one's care. Unrelenting. Not fit or suitable. Indulgent adj. Unutterable. Inference n. Indomitable adj. Habitually inactive or idle. or danger. Publicly branded or notorious. Inevitable adj. Infamy n. Unadvisable. Not separable into parts. The derivation of a judgment from any given material of knowledge on the ground of law.2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 Indiscreet adj. That which does not accomplish an intended purpose. 46 5000 GRE Word List Inexhaustible adj. Unutterable. or propensity in oneself or another. Total loss or destitution of honor or reputation. Indolence n. One who denies the existence of god. Exempt from error of judgment. Inextensible adj. Above price. Lacking in bodily or mental strength. Inexplicable adj. Ineligible adj. passion. trouble. Unavoidable. Indiscriminate adj. Infirm adj. Low-priced. Akin to or befitting hell or its occupants. Inexcusable adj. Not good for food. Infallible adj. Necessary or requisite for the purpose. So large or furnishing so great a supply as not to be emptied. . Boundless or immeasurable extension or duration. To intoxicate. Infernal adj. That can not be turned aside. Infidelity n. Laziness. Infidel n. Inexpressible adj. Induct v. Indivertible adj. Inestimable adj. Inert adj. Inefficient adj. Measureless. Lack of or deficiency in experience. Inefficiency n. or crime. Indulgence n. Promiscuous. Not suitable to be selected or chosen. or spent. Indispensable adj. Infest v. To bring in. desire. Disloyalty. Vague. Indivisible adj. Indistinct adj. as for vice. as in opinion or statement. Inept adj. Inexperience n. Such as can not be made plain. Lacking wise judgment. Inexpedient adj. Not to be justified. Inanimate. Inebriate v. Of unchangeable length or area. Infinite adj. Infamous adj. Inedible adj. Inexpensive adj. wasted. Unconquerable. Ineffable adj. Inexorable adj. To be present in such numbers as to be a source of annoyance. Not accomplishing an intended purpose. Infinity n. The yielding to inclination. Indolent adj. Ability to sway the will of another. Unsuitable or inconvenient. Inquire v. Inoffensive adj. Injunction n. Inlet n. Shameful. Inquisition n. Inglorious adj. A physical. To place in the earth. Component. Rareness. Infusion. Candid. Infirmity n. To hold back or in. Inhibit v. To win confidence or good graces for oneself. Savage. Innumerable adj. Infrequence n. Infringe v. as a dead body. A hint. Intrinsic. Deepest within. Ingredient n. Inhospitable adj. Innovate v. Inflammation n. To perform the first act or rite. Ingenuity n. A morbid process in some part of the body characterized by heat. Ingratitude n. Inopportune adj. A court or tribunal for examination and punishment of heretics. or open in character or quality. Innocuous adj. Influence n. The act of imbuing. frank. Inflammable adj. Initiate v. Inflexible adj. combining. To set or implant deeply and firmly. Infrequent adj. Infusion n. Gross wrong or injustice. mental.2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 Infirmary n. especially as to time. A place for the reception or treatment of the sick. Innuendo n. Ingenuous adj. as in contrivance or arrangement. Evincing skill. by injection. or cleverness. Ingraft v. Easily set on fire or excited. To introduce or strive to introduce new things. Inland adj. To introduce. Influx n. as a fluid. A small body of water leading into a larger. Harmless. To instill. and pain. Inhume v. Inject v. introduce. That can not be altered or varied. Uncommon. Inkling n. as principles or qualities. or pouring in. Having the power to sway the will of another. swelling. To trespass upon. Inherence n. Infuse v. or originating. Mandate. Cleverness in contriving. Not disposed to entertain strangers gratuitously. The state of being permanently existing in something. Insinuation. originality. Causing nothing displeasing or disturbing. To ask information about. Insensibility to kindness. Inhuman adj. Ingenious adj. or inculcate. Inherent adj. Inmost adj. Iniquity n. 47 5000 GRE Word List . Adverse. Ingratiate v. Inimical adj. Countless. Influential adj. or moral weakness or flaw. Remote from the sea. Characterized by intelligence. Instantaneous adj. Inspector n. Insinuate v. Not assured of safety. Insulate v. Intellect n. Without importance. Uprising. Integrity n. To provoke. 48 5000 GRE Word List Insurgent n. Insular adj. Capacity to know or understand. or document. Urgent. Insensible adj. The faculty of perception or thought. Sleeplessness.2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 Inquisitive adj. Tasteless. Insurgence n. Impudent. A very brief portion of time. Forcible encroachment or trespass. An official appointed to examine or oversee any matter of public interest or importance. Urgency. Insolent adj. To infuse. Insidious adj. Insight n. Inscribe v. force. Instigator n. by writing. One who incites to evil. To place in a detached state or situation. Inroad n. Inadequate for some need. Inadequacy. Insatiable adj. Imperceptible. Instance n. Insistence n. Insignificance n. Insufficient adj. roll. Incapable of being concealed. Insipid adj. Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principle. especially out of curiosity. Intellectual discernment. Inquisitor n. Not perceptible to the touch. Insomnia n. Intangible adj. Inseparable adj. Insistent adj. Insuppressible adj. Given to questioning. Intelligence n. Intellectual adj. Conveying knowledge. or on a list. Insecure adj. purpose. Instill v. Lacking the power of feeling or perceiving. One who takes part in forcible opposition to the constituted authorities of a place. or use. Insurrection n. Inscrutable adj. Working ill by slow and stealthy means. A single occurrence or happening of a given kind. Instigate v. Insufficiency n. Invincible. Pertaining to an island. Insuperable adj. Done without perceptible lapse of time. Insentient adj. Instructive adj. To enter in a book. That can not be separated. Pride or haughtiness exhibited in contemptuous and overbearing treatment of others. Lack of import or of importance. Impenetrably mysterious or profound. The state of being in active resistance to authority. One who makes an investigation. Insignificant adj. To imply. . Insolence n. or influence. That desires or craves immoderately or unappeasably. Instant n. To mediate between persons. as of the appetites. Verbal interference. Immoderate action or indulgence. Intricacy n. Intimacy n. Interrogatory n. A person who makes intelligible the speech of a foreigner by oral translation. Intermit v. To examine formally by questioning. Intermediate adj. An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length. especially along a river. The act of stringing or stretching. Close or confidential friendship. Interrupt v. To cut through or into so as to divide. Intermittent adj. Intramural adj. One who takes part in a conversation or oral discussion. Intervale n. Not having made a valid will. Interlocutor n. Interpreter n. A mediator. Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites. To come between other things or persons. extending to the anus. That part of the digestive tube below or behind the stomach. Intermission n. Interdict n. Adding emphasis or force. Comprehensible. Intoxicate v. Intensive adj. Intercede v. To interfere for some end. To cause to cease temporarily. Intolerance n. To interrupt the course of. Time between acts or periods. Interminable adj. Intestacy n. Fearless and bold. Interpolation n. A temporary discontinuance. Intension n. Intervene v. Intestine n. Bigoted. Interrogative adj. Intestate adj. Having the nature or form of a question. To act reciprocally. Intercessor n. Entreaty in behalf of others. Occurring or situated within a cell.2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 Intelligible adj. Intrepid adj. Intersect v. Having no limit or end. A recess. To cause to become frightened. To stop while in progress. Intemperance n. The condition resulting from one's dying not having made a valid will. Interposition n. Intercept v. Interact v. Intoxicant n. Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure. Intracellular adj. Interlude n. A low tract of land between hills. Authoritative act of prohibition. A coming between. or state of being strained. Interim n. Intimidate v. To make drunk. Intolerant adj. A question or inquiry. Intention n. Interrogate v. Being in a middle place or degree or between extremes. Perplexity. Intolerable adj. Insufferable. Situated within the walls of a city. Intercession n. That upon which the mind is set. . Interpose v. One who is disabled by illness or injury. Instinctive knowledge or feeling. Contrary in tendency or direction. One who invests money. Inveigh v. One who investigates. Iota n. Invalid adj. Involution n. Invariable adj. Encroachment. Invidious adj. Moved to anger. Invaluable adj. Investor n. Irascible adj. Exceedingly precious. An utterance intended to cast censure. Intromit v. Introvert v. subdued. . Inundation n. Invalidate v. To insert. physically or mentally. Flood. or in opposite direction. Prone to anger. The act of turning or directing inward. Investigator n. Invasion n. Intuition n. Invulnerable adj. Complication.2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 Intricate adj. Invigorate v. or overcome. Invert v. To turn inside out. as by an act of intrusion or trespass. Introspection n. Intrusion n. Inwardly adv. Invalid n. To look into. Inviolable adj. Quick at contrivance. Unwilling. exercise. To fill with an overflowing abundance. A plot or scheme. Preliminary. Intrude v. To animate. Inundate v. Inherent. To turn within. To draw into entanglement. With no outward manifestation. 49 5000 GRE Word List Intrinsic adj. Inventive adj. Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first. Difficult to follow or understand. or exposure. Invective n. or cogency. Involuntary adj. Having no force. Invoke v. Showing or feeling envy. or reproach. Introgression n. Unchangeable. usually complicated and intended to accomplish something by secret ways. Inversion n. To harden or toughen by use. Irate adj. Involve v. The act of observing and analyzing one's own thoughts and feelings. To render of no force or effect. To utter vehement censure or invective. literally or figuratively. A small or insignificant mark or part. Inure v. To call on for assistance or protection. Introductory adj. Invincible adj. Introversion n. upside down. Habitual. Entrance. That can not be wounded or hurt. Intrigue n. Incapable of being injured or disturbed. encroachment. To come in without leave or license. Not to be conquered. weight. Inveterate adj. Inverse adj. Introspect v. The act of entering without warrant or invitation. by ditches or other artificial means. Irruption n. especially for sacred things. Irksome adj. Wandering. Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration. Irrelevant adj. Irony n. To render clear and intelligible. or tension. Irrigant adj. A many-colored appearance. Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities. Not possessed of reasoning powers or understanding. Irrational adj. To excite ill temper or impatience in. Irreligious adj. unintelligible speech or highly technical speech. pain. Confused. Irresistible adj. Irreversible adj. Irreducible adj. especially for sacred things. Serving to water lands by artificial means. Indifferent or opposed to religion. Irritable adj. Irrevocable. Isobar n. Irradiance n. To water. Islet n. Irritant n. Irrepressible adj. Irrigate v. Censure or ridicule under cover of praise or compliment. A morbid condition. as land. Irritate v. That can not be lessened. Isochronous adj. Itinerary n. A mechanical. A detailed account or diary of a journey. Inapplicable. Itinerant adj. Jaundice n. Irradiate v.2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 Ire n. Sudden invasion. Jargon n. Irreverent adj. Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time. Iridescence n. Isolate v. An island. 50 5000 GRE Word List Irreverence n. Irreverential adj. Wearisome. Irrefragable adj. Having or marking equality of temperature. Irritancy n. Luster. Jeopardize v. Irreparable adj. Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration. A little island. That can not be rectified or made amends for. Iridescent adj. The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration. chemical. or pathological agent of inflammation. due to obstructed excretion of bile or characterized by yellowing of the skin. That can not be restrained or kept down. Isle n. To imperil. The quality of producing vexation. . Irk v. Itinerate v. or fatigue. Wrath. To separate from others of its kind. Isothermal adj. Exhibiting changing rainbow-colors due to the interference of the light. Irresponsible adj. That can not be successfully withstood or opposed. vexation. especially for sacred things. That can not be refuted or disproved. A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a specified moment. That can not be broken or violated. Irrefrangible adj. Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation. To wander from place to place. To afflict with pain. A petty king. A small article. Judicious adj. Juror n. To place close together. Inclined to joke. Jurisprudence n. Lawful power or right to exercise official authority. Kingling n. Judicature n. Pl. Joggle n. A council or assembly that deliberates in secret upon the affairs of government. Knavery n. Exultation. Kiln n. Vindication. The faculty by the exercise of which a deliberate conclusion is reached. the principal outer garment in japan. An oven or furnace for baking. Assumed by law to exist. A square of linen. Juncture n. Succulent. Jingo n. Jocular adj. Justification n. Knickknack n. Juridical adj. 51 5000 GRE Word List 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 . Jubilation n. or drying industrial products. Kind-hearted adj. Having a kind and sympathetic nature. Deceitfulness in dealing. The science of rights in accordance with positive law. Done or made in jest. Juicy adj. Merry. Pertaining to the throat. Jovial adj. Juvenile adj. One who serves on a jury or is sworn in for jury duty in a court of justice.000 meters. Prudent. To keep a diary. Anything kept or given to be kept for the sake of the giver. used as a covering for the head or Kernel n. One thousand liters. silk. To engage in a tilt with lances on horseback. A length of 1. Judiciary n. A grain or seed. Junction n. Kinsfolk n. The art or practice of sleight of hand. Kingship n. or other material. One thousand watts. Jurisdiction n. more for ornament that use. An articulation. Relatives. Pertaining to the administration of justice. Keepsake n. especially with the hands. One of a party in great britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign Jocose adj. Jugglery n. Junta n. burning. or seam. Joust v. To play tricks of sleight of hand. Distribution and administration of justice by trial and judgment. joint. Knead v. The condition of being joined. To mix and work into a homogeneous mass. Kilometer n. A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. Juxtapose v. Juggle v.2626 policy. A loose robe. Kerchief n. Kiloliter n. Kilowatt n. Judgment n. Kimono n. Journalize v. 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 neck. That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal justice. Judicial adj. Royal state. Jugular adj. Characteristic of youth. fastening with a sash. Pertaining to. Lea n.2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 Knight errant n. intended for dipping up and pouring Laggard adj. proper. To wash or bathe. Laudatory adj. Listless. Laudation n. Lapse n. or containing praise. A rural view. Falling behind. Praiseworthy. Not stringent or energetic. Relaxed. Landlord n. To tear rudely or raggedly. Lactation n. Leaven v. Openwork of metal or wood. Leeward n. Laundress n. Directed toward the side. Rather late. To make light by fermentation. A maze. Laud v. Lactic adj. Dormant. Leaflet n. Lackadaisical adj. Lawgiver n. Laxative adj. expressing. as dough. liquids. A little lass. 52 5000 GRE Word List . One of the wandering knights who in the middle ages went forth in search of adventure. A slight deviation from what is right. Lacteal adj. Languid adj. The secretion of milk. Labyrinth n. Latent adj. Pertaining to milk. Landmark n. A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle. Laudable adj. Having power to open or loosen the bowels. Laddie n. A field. or just. Lustful. Landholder n. formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars. Lax adj. Landscape n. Later adv. Languor n. A man who owns and lets a tenement or tenements. Ladle n. A legislator. A lad. To praise in words or song. At a subsequent time. Latency n. Lattice n. Lawmaker n. Lascivious adj. Knighthood n. Latish adj. as seen from a distance or an elevation. Lassie n. Washerwoman. Crowned with laurel. Chivalry. Lassitude of body or depression. Lateral adj. The state of being dormant. A legislator. Landowner. High praise. That side or direction toward which the wind blows. especially one of picturesque effect. Milky. A little leaf or a booklet. A familiar object in the landscape serving as a guide to an area otherwise easily lost track of. Laborious adj. as a mark of distinction. Toilsome. Lacerate v. Lave v. Laureate adj. Libel n. Lethargy n. Like a lion. Characterized by lust or lasciviousness. Having the sanction of law or established custom. Lien n. Licentious adj. or serves for binding or tying. Legacy n. Lifelike adj. . Not harsh. Lenient adj. Liberalism n. as security for a debt or charge. Legitimacy n. Lexicography n. Spare time. Legalize v. Ligament n. Liberate v. Free from care. A covering for the leg. Frivolity. That makes or enacts laws. 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 Levee n. A member of an ancient roman legion or of the modern french legion of Legislate v. Levy v. Using the left hand or arm more dexterously than the right. Stead. Lifetime n. Lawful. Legible adj. To make or enact a law or laws. Likely adj. Lever n. Liable adj. Lexicon n. Having the texture of appearance of wood. Any large animal. to prevent overflow.2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 honor. One who makes dictionaries. A lawgiver. Leviathan n. That which binds objects together. Lieu n. Light-hearted adj. Lifelong adj. Legitimate adj. The making of dictionaries. That which exerts. To set free or release from bondage. Ligneous adj. Licit adj. Lewd adj. Realistic. A legal claim or hold on property. A bequest. The time that life continues. Wanton. Leonine adj. Lexicographer n. That may be read with ease. Legging n. Forbearance. Lasting or continuous through life. To give the authority of law to. A dictionary. Opposition to conservatism. Justly or legally responsible. Levity n. Liking n. Fondness. Legislative adj. as a whale. Defamation. Plausible. Anything that constricts. Liege adj. Prolonged sluggishness of body or mind. Leisure n. Likelihood n. Accordance with law. Sovereign. To impose and collect by force or threat of force. or through which one may exert great power. Left-handed adj. A probability. Legislator n. Ligature n. Leniency n. An embankment beside a river or stream or an arm of the sea. Legionary n. Liquefy v. The act or power of moving from one place to another. The state or condition of knowing how to read and write. Longevity n. The science of correct thinking. Lingo n.2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 words. A ritual. Lithe adj. Pertaining to the use of the tongue in utterance. or the place where or wherein an action occurs. The tongue. Lithesome adj. Inattentive. Indicating place. Literature n. Averse. Liner n. Lodgment n. Litigant n. Logic n. Capable of or characterized by clear reasoning. The act of furnishing with temporary quarters. an etched stone surface for printing. A lake. Loch n. Any alcoholic or intoxicating liquid. A party to a lawsuit. Quarrelsome. A somewhat continuous unstratified metal. inflammation. Livelihood n. Logician n. Locative adj. Litigate v. The written or printed productions of the human mind collectively. and significance of 53 5000 GRE Word List 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 Liniment n. In engraving. or of the origin. Possessing a liquefying nature or power. etc. One who is acquainted with several languages. Liturgy n. To deliver the amount or value of. An expert reasoner. Unusually prolonged life. Solitude. Liqueur n. A vessel belonging to a steamship-line. Of. Linear adj. A liquid preparation for rubbing on the skin in cases of bruises. Locomotion n. Linguistics n. Littoral adj. Linguist n. Of the nature of a line. The science of languages. An alcoholic cordial sweetened and flavored with aromatic substances. pertaining to. To convert into a liquid or into liquid form. To plunder. Black-and-blue. Loiterer n. A restriction. Liquidate v. history. Language. Loam n. Means of subsistence. Liquefacient adj. Litigious adj. Loneliness n. Nimble.bearing vein. Logical adj. Supple. To cause to become the subject-matter of a suit at law. Liquor n. To abominate. One who consumes time idly. as contused flesh. or living on a shore. Literal adj. Lithograph n. Lithotype n. Limitation n. Following the exact words. Literacy n. Loot v. Lingua n. Listless adj. Lingual adj. Loathe v. Loath adj. Lode n. A print made by printing from stone. . Livid adj. A non-coherent mixture of sand and clay. Lurid adj. A lake or loch. Luscious adj. A sorcerer. Lunatic n. Highly profitable. or temporarily. Excessive or superfluous growth or quantity. Lucrative adj. Mentally sound. Luxuriance n. Madden v. Magnet n. Luminescence n. A small insect parasitic on and sucking the blood of mammals. The office or dignity of a magistrate. Lough n. Machinery n. Magistracy n. To live sumptuously. Showing increase. Lyric adj. One who makes or repairs machines. Magnificence n. The whole of any sphere or department of nature or knowledge to which man is related. Magnetize v. sweet. Showing increase of light. Lustrous adj. taken collectively. Luxuriant adj. The moon. Ludicrous adj. with small broken stone. Luxuriate v. Despondent. The quality of giving or radiating light. Pertaining to the moon. A body possessing that peculiar form of polarity found in nature in the lodestone. Abundant or superabundant in growth. An insane person. Lunacy n. Lucid adj. Generous in treating or judging others. The exhibition of greatness of action. Lordling n.2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 Loquacious adj. One of the heavenly bodies as a source of light. Machinist n. . Having an air of authority. Luminosity n. and delicious. Fitted for expression in song. Louse n. To make a magnet of. Rich. Amiable. Low-spirited adj. Madonna n. Lovable adj. 54 5000 GRE Word List Macrocosm n. Mental unsoundness. Lune n. Giving or radiating light. wealth. Magnanimous adj. Shining. Rudely. Magician n. To cover or pave. Lyre n. A painted or sculptured representation of the virgin. as a path or roadway. Laughable. Luminescent adj. Magnate n. A little lord. Luminary n. Talkative. Untruthfulness. Lunar adj. or power. Luminous adj. Lowly adv. One of the most ancient of stringed instruments of the harp class. Magisterial adj. To inflame with passion. character. A person of rank or importance. intellect. usually with the infant jesus. Lying n. The parts of a machine or engine. Ghastly and sensational. or uses metal-working tools. permanently. Macadamize v. To treat ill. One who is dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs. Of or pertaining to the sea or matters connected with the sea. Ill will. Malefactor n. Maintenance n. Malevolent adj. including the usual shelf above it. explanation or defense of intentions. Magnitude n. Evil in nature or tending to do great harm or mischief. To hold or preserve in any particular state or condition. The arrangements or combination of the parts of which anything is composed. The long hair growing upon and about the neck of certain animals. To set free from bondage. Mantle n. quality. and sweating. Expressive of positive command. Virginity. Marine adj. Mallet n. 55 5000 GRE Word List Mandatory adj. or abusively. resolution. Malady n. Manor n. A person raving with madness. The facing. or peculiarity. Mania n. Manumit v. Makeup n. The landed estate of a lord or nobleman.2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 Magnificent adj. Constant or excessive adherence to one manner. Emancipation. Maltreat v. Mannerism n. Malleable adj. Man-trap n. A cloak. Any physical disease or disorder. or action. A command. as distinguished from merely directory. especially a chronic or deep-seated one. Maniac n. Mane n. Manufacturer n. Manifesto n. sometimes richly ornamented. A great hindu prince. as bravery. The qualities characteristic of a true man. A fever characterized by alternating chills. Pliant. Like a man. Grand or majestic in appearance. Manumission n. unkindly. Mischievous. A wooden hammer. Mandate n. Maharaja n. style. A public declaration. making announcement. or motives. Maneuver v. One who injures another. Malediction n. Malcontent n. That which supports or sustains. To make adroit or artful moves: manage affairs by strategy. roughly. Maidenhood n. about a fireplace. Wishing evil to others. Maleficent adj. Importance. Malevolence n. Malignant adj. A place or structure dangerous to human life. Manliness n. To speak evil of. Manlike adj. Maintain v. Insanity. etc. Indian corn: usually in the united states called simply corn. Maritime adj. as the horse and the lion. The calling down of a curse or curses. Situated on or near the sea. An animal that devours human beings. A person engaged in manufacturing as a business. Malaria n. Man-eater n. especially to do so falsely and severely. fever. Mantel n. as of action or conduct. Maize n. Malign v. . Masonry n. Mechanics n. The unnecessary and indiscriminate killing of human beings. The union of a man and a woman in marriage. either the roman god of war or the planet. Foolishly and tearfully affectionate. Mawkish adj. A social party composed of persons masked and costumed so as to be disguised. Something that has actual and undeniable existence or reality. as buildings. To take perceptible or substantial form. Mastery n. Matrimony n. Mellifluous adj. Meager adj. To effect by negotiating as an agent between parties. Scanty. Mediocre adj. A principle accepted as true and acted on as a rule or guide. Meddlesome adj.. To wind and turn while proceeding in a course. Mausoleum n. Marvel v. Sickening or insipid. A superior production. Matter of fact n. Massive adj. To put ashore and abandon (a person) on a desolate coast or island. Martian adj. A large medal. The turning or revolving of a subject in the mind. Of considerable bulk and weight. That which contains and gives shape or form to anything. Characterized by a sweet succession of sounds. Mead n. Martyrdom n. Masterpiece n. Belonging or relating to or descriptive of the middle ages. Matricide n. especially the murdering. Meditation n. That of which anything is composed or may be constructed. Matrix n. Maternal adj. Medley n. Pertaining or peculiar to a mother or to motherhood. Massacre n. forces.2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 Maroon v. . To make better or improve. 56 5000 GRE Word List Medicine n. Sweetly or smoothly flowing. Meliorate v. The killing. with regularly arranged stones. Meander v. Mediate v. A substance possessing or reputed to possess curative or remedial properties. Matinee n. An entertainment (especially theatrical) held in the daytime. etc. Masquerade n. The branch of physics that treats the phenomena caused by the action of Medallion n. as in quality or social or physical condition. Medial adj. Melodious adj. of one's mother. A meadow. Pertaining to mars. The art or work of constructing. Ordinary. Interfering. Submission to death or persecution for the sake of faith or principle. A labyrinth. Afraid to express facts or opinions plainly. Mealy-mouthed adj. Maze n. Medieval adj. Martial adj. The attainment of superior skill. Material n. Maxim n. To be astonished and perplexed because of (something). Of or pertaining to the middle. walls. A composition of different songs or parts of songs arranged to run as a continuous whole. Materialize v. Maudlin adj. Pertaining to war or military operations. A tomb of more than ordinary size or architectural pretensions. 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 state. Melodrama n. A drama with a romantic story or plot and sensational situation and incidents. Memento n. A souvenir. Memorable adj. Noteworthy. Menace n. A threat. Menagerie n. A collection of wild animals, especially when kept for exhibition. Mendacious adj. Untrue. Mendicant n. A beggar. Mentality n. Intellectuality. Mentor n. A wise and faithful teacher, guide, and friend. Mercantile adj. Conducted or acting on business principles; commercial. Mercenary adj. Greedy merciful adj. Disposed to pity and forgive. Merciless adj. Cruel. Meretricious adj. Alluring by false or gaudy show. Mesmerize v. To hypnotize. Messieurs n. Pl. Gentlemen. Metal n. An element that forms a base by combining with oxygen, is usually hard, heavy, and lustrous. Metallurgy n. The art or science of extracting a metal from ores, as by smelting. Metamorphosis n. A passing from one form or shape into another. Metaphor n. A figure of speech in which one object is likened to another, by speaking as if the other. Metaphysical adj. Philosophical. Metaphysician n. One skilled in metaphysics. Metaphysics n. The principles of philosophy as applied to explain the methods of any particular science. Mete v. To apportion. Metempsychosis n. Transition of the soul of a human being at death into another body, whether human or beast. Meticulous adj. Over-cautious. Metonymy n. A figure of speech that consists in the naming of a thing by one of its attributes. Metric adj. Relating to measurement. Metronome n. An instrument for indicating and marking exact time in music. Metropolis n. A chief city, either the capital or the largest or most important city of a Metropolitan adj. Pertaining to a chief city. Mettle n. Courage. Mettlesome adj. Having courage or spirit. Microcosm n. The world or universe on a small scale. Micrometer n. An instrument for measuring very small angles or dimensions. Microphone n. An apparatus for magnifying faint sounds. 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 Microscope n. An instrument for assisting the eye in the vision of minute objects or features of objects. Microscopic adj. Adapted to or characterized by minute observation. Microscopy n. The art of examing objects with the microscope. Midsummer n. The middle of the summer. 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 Midwife n. A woman who makes a business of assisting at childbirth. Mien n. The external appearance or manner of a person. Migrant adj. Wandering. Migrate v. To remove or pass from one country, region, or habitat to another. Migratory adj. Wandering. Mileage n. A distance in miles. Militant adj. Of a warlike or combative disposition or tendency. Militarism n. A policy of maintaining great standing armies. Militate v. To have weight or influence (in determining a question). 57 5000 GRE Word List Militia n. Those citizens, collectively, who are enrolled and drilled in temporary military organizations. Milky way n. The galaxy. Millet n. A grass cultivated for forage and cereal. Mimic v. To imitate the speech or actions of. Miniature adj. Much smaller than reality or that the normal size. Minimize v. To reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree. Minion n. A servile favorite. Ministration n. Any religious ceremonial. Ministry n. A service. Minority n. The smaller in number of two portions into which a number or a group is divided. Minute adj. Exceedingly small in extent or quantity. Minutia n. A small or unimportant particular or detail. Mirage n. An optical effect looking like a sheet of water in the desert. Misadventure n. An unlucky accident. Misanthropic adj. Hating mankind. Misanthropy n. Hatred of mankind. Misapprehend v. To misunderstand. Misbehave v. To behave ill. Misbehavior n. Ill or improper behavior. Mischievous adj. Fond of tricks. Miscount v. To make a mistake in counting. Miscreant n. A villain. Misdeed n. A wrong or improper act. Misdemeanor n. Evil conduct, small crime. Miser n. A person given to saving and hoarding unduly. Mishap n. Misfortune. Misinterpret v. To misunderstand. Mislay v. To misplace. Mismanage v. To manage badly, improperly, or unskillfully. Misnomer n. A name wrongly or mistakenly applied. Misogamy n. Hatred of marriage. Misogyny n. Hatred of women. Misplace v. To put into a wrong place. Misrepresent v. To give a wrong impression. Misrule v. To misgovern. 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 price. Missal n. The book containing the service for the celebration of mass. Missile n. Any object, especially a weapon, thrown or intended to be thrown. Missive n. A message in writing. Mistrust v. To regard with suspicion or jealousy. Misty adj. Lacking clearness misunderstand v. To take in a wrong sense. Misuse v. To maltreat. Mite n. A very small amount, portion, or particle. Miter n. The junction of two bodies at an equally divided angle. Mitigate v. To make milder or more endurable. Mnemonics n. A system of principles and formulas designed to assist the recollection in certain instances. Moat n. A ditch on the outside of a fortress wall. Mobocracy n. Lawless control of public affairs by the mob or populace. Moccasin n. A foot-covering made of soft leather or buckskin. Mockery n. Ridicule. Moderation n. Temperance. Moderator n. The presiding officer of a meeting. Modernity n. The state or character of being modern. Modernize v. To make characteristic of the present or of recent times. Modification n. A change. Modify v. To make somewhat different. Modish adj. Fashionable. Modulate v. To vary in tone, inflection, pitch or other quality of sound. Mollify v. To soothe. Molt v. To cast off, as hair, feathers, etc. Momentary adj. Lasting but a short time. Momentous adj. Very significant. Momentum n. An impetus. Monarchy n. Government by a single, sovereign ruler. 58 5000 GRE Word List Monastery n. A dwelling-place occupied in common by persons under religious vows of seclusion. Monetary adj. Financial. Mongrel n. The progeny resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties. Monition n. Friendly counsel given by way of warning and implying caution or reproof. Monitory n. Admonition or warning. Monocracy n. Government by a single person. Monogamy n. The habit of pairing, or having but one mate. Monogram n. A character consisting of two or more letters interwoven into one, usually initials of a name. Monograph n. A treatise discussing a single subject or branch of a subject. Monolith n. Any structure or sculpture in stone formed of a single piece. Monologue n. A story or drama told or performed by one person. Monomania n. The unreasonable pursuit of one idea. Monopoly n. The control of a thing, as a commodity, to enable a person to raise its as opposed to spiritual or celestial. Unchanging and tedious. Morbid adj. Morose adj. Multiform adj. Virtue. To deaden the sound of. Monosyllable n. On the point of dying. Biting or giving to biting. A writer on ethics. Monsieur n. 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 59 5000 GRE Word List Municipal adj. Munificent adj. Myriad n. Full of or abounding in mountains. A state of mind with reference to confidence. Moonbeam n. Mutation n. A ray of moonlight. Moratorium n. or for numbering off. or relies upon meditation to acquire truth. An emergency legislation authorizing a government suspend some action temporarily. A giving characterized by generous motives and extraordinary liberality. A vast indefinite number. Monotone n. Motto n. Monstrosity n. A lack of variety. equivalent to mr. Mutilate v. or to its corporate or local government. Mouthful n. Worldly. One who travels among or climbs mountains for pleasure or exercise. A word of one syllable. Rebellion against lawful or constituted authority. Muster n. Morale n. An expressive word or pithy sentence enunciating some guiding rule of life. To confuse or becloud. Muddle v. Extraordinarily generous. Moralist n. Caused by or denoting a diseased or unsound condition of body or mind. And sir. . Monotonous adj. Mordant adj. Mulatto n. Composed of heterogeneous or inharmonious elements. The science of organic forms. Anything unnaturally huge or distorted. To disfigure. An assemblage or review of troops for parade or inspection. Morphology n. as by wraps. Mystic n. One who professes direct divine illumination. A district enjoying municipal government. The sameness or monotony of utterance. Moribund adj. Motley adj. The act of artfully perplexing. As much as can be or is usually put into the or exercise. Multiplicity n. Of or pertaining to a town or city. The act or process of change. Munificence n. or appearances. Muleteer n. Moralize v. Mordacious adj. Mystification n. Monotony n. and the like. Municipality n. The offspring of a white person and a black person. Mountainous adj. Gloomy. courage.3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 faith. or Mountaineer n. A mule-driver. Mundane adj. Morality n. zeal. To render virtuous. The condition of being manifold or very various. Muffle v. Mutiny n. Biting. A french title of respect. Having many shapes. especially with or as with drink. Exhibiting or indicating omission. Navigate v. 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 vomit Naphtha n. Loathsome. Naturally adv. Pertaining to one's birth. The son of the athenian river-god cephisus. Negation n. Narration n. Wicked in the extreme. Pertaining to ships. Navel n. Narrow-minded adj. A light. One who practices the art of foretelling the future by means of communication with the dead. Any especially sweet and delicious drink. Narrative n. An affection of the stomach producing dizziness and usually an impulse to nauseate v. Narrator n. or navigation. as in manufacture of paints. A loose gown worn by women. That which is indispensably requisite to an end desired. Necrology n. A variety of the peach. Embroidery. The act of recounting the particulars of an event in the order of time or occurrence. A fictitious narrative presented as historical. Naval adj. According to the usual order of things. colorless. or poverty. Pertaining to the nose. A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance. 60 5000 GRE Word List . Nationality n. Necrosis n. The death of part of the body. Negligee n. To traverse by ship. 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 result. One who narrates anything. A city of the dead. Needy adj. inflammable oil used as a solvent. Nefarious adj. volatile. Characterized by illiberal views or sentiments. Nectar n. Neglectful adj. To render indispensable.3089 3090 heroes. Capable of commercial navigation. Necessity n. Narcissus n. seamen. Nasal adj. The whole body of legends cherished by a race concerning gods and Nameless adj. Nausea n. Necessary adj. Negate v. Natal adj. Narrate v. Nectarine n. Myth n. To deny. A connection with a particular nation. A list of persons who have died in a certain place or time. To cause to loathe. Being in need. To tell a story. Negligence n. An orderly continuous account of the successive particulars of an event. The depression on the abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached. Nauseous adj. want. The act of denying or of asserting the falsity of a proposition. Having no fame or reputation. Necropolis n. Indispensably requisite or absolutely needed to accomplish a desired Necessitate v. fabled to have fallen in love with his reflection. Navigable adj. Omission of that which ought to be done. Nebula n. Needlework n. Mythology n. but without any basis of fact. Pertaining to ships. Nautical adj. 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 Necromancer n. An advocate of the doctrine that nothing either exists or can be known. Trivial. but having duties other than that of fighting. Modernized latin. Silent. Neuter adj. Negligible adj. Negotiable v. Nil n. Newtonian adj. To excite sensations of uneasiness or displeasure in. Light and quick in motion or action. Having the character of a beginner. The act or ceremony of naming a man or woman for office. Not residing within a given jurisdiction. Nominee n. Non-combatant n. Nit n. A state of mind indicating lack of interest. Nomination n. Of or pertaining to sir isaac newton. Noisy adj. Apt to omit what ought to be done. Nothing nimble adj. (no longer acceptable to use) nihilist n. Notwithstanding. To adjust cozily in snug quarters. A goddess. Neutral adj. Very offensive. Neither masculine nor feminine. Of or pertaining to the night. Nestle v. Neurology n. particularly to the sense of smell. Nestling adj. A person or thing of little or no account. Clamorous. Nonentity n. Stingy. Transferable by assignment. Recently hatched. A model. Norm n. Pertaining to the nerves or nervous system. One attached to the army or navy. Niggardly adj. Neopaganism n. Nondescript adj. as for a treaty or transfer of property. A new or revived paganism. The coining or using of new words or new meanings of words. Neo-darwinsim n. Noisome adj. Nominate v. To bargain with others for an agreement. Neology n. Non-existent n. Neophyte adj. That which does not exist. Neocracy n. divinity of chastisement and vengeance. or delivery. . Indescribable.lines. Neural adj. To designate as a candidate for any office. Usual or customary. Nemesis n. Nevertheless conj. One who receives a nomination. Having no fixed abode. Network n.3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 Negligent adj. Nominal adj. Nettle v. the english philosopher. Anything that presents a system of cross. Nocturnal adj. Nomad adj. Non-resident adj. Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students. endorsement. Nonpareil n. One who or that which is of unequaled excellence. Nonchalance n. Noiseless adj. Pertaining to the later stone age. The science of the nervous system. Belonging to or under control of neither of two contestants. Nomic adj. The egg of a louse or some other insect. Neolithic adj. Government administered by new or untried persons. Neo-latin n. Of or pertaining to number. usually monumental or commemorative. Nutritive adj. Of or peculiar to normandy. Obesity n. . Nuptial adj. A slight degree of difference in anything perceptible to the sense of the Nucleus n. To cause to disappear. Having nutritious properties. Oblong adj. Nuance n. A beginner in any business or occupation. Obdurate adj. Nurture n. Nugatory adj. Normalcy n. Obsequious adj. Oblivion n. A square shaft with pyramidal top. Numeration n. Excessive fatness. in northern france. Hemp-fiber obtained by untwisting and picking out loosely the yarns of old hemp rope. The act or art of reading or naming numbers. 61 5000 GRE Word List 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 Oakum n. Nostrum n. To hold to the fulfillment of duty. Obsequies n. The process of fostering or promoting growth. Binding in law or conscience. Nowhere adv.3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 mind. Novice n. A traditional form or customary act. Slanting. A convent for nuns. In the present time or age. Nuisance n. Obliterate v. Oaken adj. Objective adj. Nutriment n. said of lines. Nowadays adv. A short novel. A central point or part about which matter is aggregated. Of or pertaining to marriage. Quick to notice. Impassive to feelings of humanity or pity. measure. Made of or from oak. Novellette n. Longer than broad: applied most commonly to rectangular objects considerably elongated obnoxious adj. especially to the marriage ceremony. That which nourishes. Grasping and representing facts as they are. Objector n. Observant adj. Detestable. Unfavorably known to the general public. In no place or state. as to a proposition. Exceedingly fat. That which annoys. The state of being normal. A published notice of a death. Perceptible. or irritates. Naked. Obese adj. Noticeable adj. Obelisk n. Nude adj. Oblique adj. or ruling. Nunnery n. Noxious adj. Numerical adj. Any scheme or recipe of a charlatan character. Hurtful. vexes. One who objects. Funeral rites. Obligatory adj. Norman adj. Having no power or force. Obituary adj. Notorious adj. Observance n. Showing a servile readiness to fall in with the wishes or will of another. Obligate v. The state of having passed out of the memory or of being utterly forgotten. An important event or celebration. Passing out of use. Ocular adj. Oddity n. Occlude v. Of or pertaining to the eye. Occident n. Obvert v. To fill with impediments so as to prevent passage. Offshoot n. To act as an officer or leader. Olfactory adj. Olive-branch n. as an objection or difficulty. Obstetrics n. An eccentricity. The branch of medical science concerned with the treatment and care of women during pregnancy. arising from conceit or the desire to have one's own way. Ode n. 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 Octave n. Officious adj. Obtrude v. Obstreperous adj. Obstinacy n. To clear away or provide for. Ogre n. . Occasion n. Offhand adv. One versed or skilled in treating diseases of the eye. Hateful. A practitioner of midwifery. Obsolescence n. A fatty preparation with a butter-like consistency in which a medicinal substance exists. Tending to be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. especially an agreeable one. A figure with eight sides and eight angles. Odoriferous adj. Odium n. Officiate v. Obstruction n. Octavo n. as a word. Farther or more distant. Obtrusive adj. or collection of paper in which the sheets are so folded as to make eight leaves. Ointment n. Hindrance. A tenant in possession of property. 62 5000 GRE Word List owner.3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 Observatory n. A book. Intermeddling with what is not one's concern. Stubborn adherence to opinion. Something that branches off from the parent stock. Obstetrician n. Having an odor. A happening. A note at this interval above or below any other. Of or pertaining to the sense of smell. A branch of the olive-tree. Oculist n. To be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. Existing but not immediately perceptible. The countries lying west of asia and the turkish dominions. considered in relation to that other. Obsolescent adj. Octogenarian adj. Off adj. A feeling of extreme repugnance. The condition or process of gradually falling into disuse. A demon or monster that was supposed to devour human beings. A building designed for systematic astronomical observations. Boisterous. as a gas by a metal. Odorous adj. especially a fragrant one. No longer practiced or accepted. To absorb. A person of between eighty and ninety years. Obstruct v. as distinguished from the actual Occurrence n. Occult adj. Octagon n. Odious adj. Obviate v. Having or diffusing an odor or scent. To turn the front or principal side of (a thing) toward any person or object. Occupant n. or of dislike and disgust. The form of lyric poetry anciently intended to be sung. either wholly or in part. as an emblem of peace. Obsolete adj. Without preparation. Onerous adj. To put in action and supervise the working of. An assault. 63 5000 GRE Word List Option n. Anything that severely tests courage. Orate v. Characterized by unlimited or infinite knowledge. Measurement of the powers of vision. A violent onset. One who takes advantage of circumstances to gain his ends. Possessed of unlimited and universal power. said. Optometry n. Opinion n. Operator n. Opportunity n. Operative adj. Omission n. One who delivers an elaborate or formal speech. Opulent adj. The science that treats of light and vision. Oratory n. Omnivorous adj. resulting in smoky tints. A composition for solo voices. The art of public speaking. Impervious to light. One who works with or controls some machine or scientific apparatus. The right. power. A burden or responsibility. strength. Opprobrium n. A humorous play in dialogue and music. . The property of combined refraction and reflection of light. Active. chorus. Omniscience n. patience. Omnipotence n. etc. Affluence. Ominous adj. Onus n. of more than one act. conscience. Omnipotent adj. Opaque adj. A conclusion or judgment held with confidence. discussion. Oratorio n. Exclusion. The view that everything in nature and the history of mankind is ordered for the best. Opulence n. and all that is connected with 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 sight. Ordeal n. especially of troops. Pertaining to the eye or vision. Opportunist n. Onset. upon an enemy or fortification. or Opportune adj. Radically different or contrary in action or movement. To deliver an elaborate or formal public speech. and orchestra. Unlimited or infinite knowledge. Opalescence n. but falling short of positive knowledge. struggle. One who makes or deals in optical instruments or eye-glasses. Eating or living upon food of all kinds indiscriminately. or liberty of choosing. Oral adj. An elaborate or formal public speech. Wealthy. Operetta n. 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 Optimism n.3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 sport. Burdensome or oppressive. Portentous. Especially fit as occurring. Orator n. The state of being scornfully reproached or accused of evil. Opponent n. Onrush n. Opposite adj. One who supports the opposite side in a debate. or done at the right moment. Omniscient adj. Optic n. Operate v. Uttered through the mouth. Oration n. Unlimited and universal power. Onslaught n. Onset n. Favorable or advantageous chance or opening. generally taken from the scriptures. Optics n. Optician n. Outbreak n. Outstrip v. To eject. Outrageous adj. The beginning of that which becomes or is made to be. A border region. Ostracism n. uncouth. To cause or constitute the beginning or first stage of the existence of. Osculate v. To extend. To continue to exist after.3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 Ordinal n. Orthogonal adj. Ossify v. Of barbarous. Orthopedic adj. To go beyond. A display dictated by vanity and intended to invite applause or flattery. Outrage n. Outlandish adj. third. Outstretch v. A vehement or loud cry or clamor. Outpost n. Ornate adj. Wild or wanton revelry. Outreach v. One rejected and despised. Outskirt n. To surpass in importance or excellence. Outcry n. Exclusion from intercourse or favor. Origin n. Outburst n. Shocking in conduct. Outrigger n. Remotely situated. To surpass. A part built or arranged to project beyond a natural outline for support. A sudden and violent breaking forth. Entirely. Outlaw n. Ornamented to a marked degree. and unfamiliar aspect or action. especially socially. To kiss. as in society or politics. Orgies n. To ride faster than. Outlast v. Out-of-the-way adj. To exclude from public or private favor. That form of the numeral that shows the order of anything in a series. Outride v. Ostracize v. Acceptance of the common faith. Ostentation n. Outright adv. A general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war. Holding the commonly accepted faith. Genuinely. To reach or go beyond. Out-and-out adv. A detachment of troops stationed at a distance from the main body to guard against surprise. Orthodoxy n. Relating to the correcting or preventing of deformity orthopedist n. A gross infringement of morality or decency. Ought v. Outweigh v. Originate v. as of something that has been pent up or restrained. Outcast n. Orthodox adj. To last longer than. Ordination n. Outdo v. A habitual lawbreaker. second. especially of passion in an individual. as first. A violent issue. 64 5000 GRE Word List . A consecration to the ministry. To convert into bone. Not copied nor produced by imitation. Outlive v. One who practices the correcting or preventing of deformity oscillate v. To swing back and forth. Having or determined by right angles. Ordnance n. Original adj. To be under moral obligation to be or do. Oust v. A remedy or medicine proposed for or professing to cure all diseases. Pamphlet n. as a disease. upon which artists lay their colors for painting. usually so large a dose of a medicine that its effect is Overeat v. Pamphleteer v. To gain supremacy or victory over by superior power. oratorio. A supervisor. Paralysis. Palpable n. To vanquish an established ruler or government. A rectangular piece set in or as in a frame. as a river. To stretch out too far. or ballet. A harmonic. Overstride v. Palsy n. both north and Pandemic adj. To pass across or over. Palinode n. To cause to appear less guilty. A covenant. Overseer n. Palette n. To cast into the shade or render insignificant by comparison. especially a spectacular one. Overpass v. 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 south. Magnificent. Excessive production. A retraction. Overweight n. Pagan n.3339 3340 toxic. usually on a subject of current interest. A fiendish or riotous uproar. To eat to excess. Affecting a whole people or all classes. To leap beyond. Overdo v. Pallid adj. A portion of a structure which projects or hangs over. Perceptible by feeling or touch. One who holds supremacy over another. To bring into a peaceful state. To pay or reward in excess. Paly adj. Pan-american adj. Overleap v. Overrun v. Overpay v. Oversee v. Pacify v. written or spoken. Overthrow v. Paleontology n. To superintend. Overdose n. Overtone n. with a hole for the thumb. To infest or ravage. Including or pertaining to the whole of america. Overhang n. Panegyric n. of a person or of an act. A thin tablet. Overture n. A formal and elaborate eulogy. Lacking color or brilliancy. especially controversial ones. A brief treatise or essay. An instrumental prelude to an opera. Of a pale or wan appearance. as of letters. A bundle. A worshiper of false gods. To step beyond. Panacea n. Panel n. Overlord n. 3379 3380 3381 3382 . Pageant n. The roof of the mouth. To compose or issue pamphlets. Overreach v. Overshadow v. Palliate v. Overproduction n. A dramatic representation. Palate n. Pandemonium n. To overtax the strength of. An excessive dose. Packet n. Preponderance. Palatial adj. Overpower v. Pall v. Pact n. The branch of biology that treats of ancient life and fossil organisms. To make dull by satiety. Paramour n. Papyrus n. Pariah n. A member of a degraded class. Panic n. Loss of the power of contractility in the voluntary or involuntary muscles. Parliament n. A sudden outburst of any kind of activity. Passible adj. Supreme in authority. A sudden. To receive or have a part or share of. Participate v. To cut. Characterized by or exhibiting undue or unreasoning devotion to a party. Paralysis n. One having a share or part. A very wide-angled photographic lens. The worship of nature for itself or its beauty. Parallel v. The official head of the roman catholic church. Parley v. Essential likeness. overpowering fear. The ecclesiastical district in charge of a pastor. Parisian adj. Paradox n. Panorama n. as of condition or rank. or of cause to effect. as a sentence. A model of excellence. Parity n. A statement or doctrine seemingly in contradiction to the received belief. To render ludicrous by imitating the language of. That which separates anything into distinct parts. Parlance n. unreasonable.3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 roof. Pare v. Sign-language. To cause to correspond or lie in the same direction and equidistant in all Parallelism n. The murder of a parent. Pantheism n. Paroxysm n. a social outcast. 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 parts. The relation of parent to child. Paraphernalia n. To describe. Paronymous adj. of the producer to the produced. Papacy n. Miscellaneous articles of equipment or adornment. Pantoscope n. A brief narrative founded on real scenes or events usually with a moral. Participant n. One who is unlawfully and immorally a lover or a mistress. Paraphrase v. 65 5000 GRE Word List 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 Parentage n. Parody v. Parse v. Paramount adj. Equality. Parish n. To converse in. Paralyze v. Pantheon n. by separating it into its elements and describing each word. Mode of speech. Of or pertaining to the city of paris. or remove (the outside) from anything. Partisan adj. A legislative body. Unduly sparing in the use or expenditure of money. Parsimonious adj. . A full set of armor. shave. Separable. Partition n. Parable n. The writing-paper of the ancient egyptians. Capable of feeling of suffering. A room for reception of callers or entertainment of guests. A series of large pictures representing a continuous scene. Paragon n. Partible adj. Translate freely. Parricide n. To deprive of the power to act. Derived from the same root or primitive word. Panoply n. A circular temple at rome with a fine corinthian portico and a great domed Pantomime n. Parlor n. and later of the romans. The science and art of teaching 66 5000 GRE Word List pedal n. Peerless adj. Pendant n. T 3457 he department of medical science that relates to the treatment of diseases of childhood. either for ornament or for use.3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 Passive adj. Pedagogue n. The science and art of teaching. Paternity n. Dependence on charity. Patrician adj. Unresponsive. Peevish adj. Peerage n. Penalty n. Peccable adj. One without means of support. To mumble something over and over. Peaceable adj. Paternal adj. (irritable) pellucid adj. To go about with a small stock of goods to sell. Petulant. Penchant n. Capable of sinning. Pedestal n. Patriarch n. Peccant adj. Pedant n. The nobility. Pedagogy n. A schoolmaster. Penance n. Guilty. Pathos n. . Fatherly. Anything that hangs from something else. Pertaining to the breast or thorax. Tranquil. Pauper n. A lever for the foot usually applied only to musical instruments. statue. Pedagogics n. Punishment to which one voluntarily submits or subjects himself as an expression of penitence. The consequences that follow the transgression of natural or divine law. Formed after one's father's name. Patronymic adj. Consisting of money. Patriotism n. One who journeys on foot. Of senatorial or noble rank. Payee n. Peaceful adj. and other machines. Fatherhood. Pedigree n. An inheritance from an ancestor. A scholar who makes needless and inopportune display of his learning. Patter v. To exercise an arrogant condescension toward. Peddler n. cycles. A small breach of propriety or principle. Having the spirit or sentiment of rural life. Paucity n. Translucent. Patrimony n. A base or support as for a column. Pavilion n. Pauperism n. Peccadillo n. Pedestrian n. or vase. Pectoral adj. A bias in favor of something. Pediatrics n. Of unequaled excellence or worth. The chief of a tribe or race who rules by paternal right. Peddle v. especially from one's father. The quality in any form of representation that rouses emotion or sympathy. Fewness. One's line of ancestors. Love and devotion to one's country. Patronize v. A person to whom money has been or is to be paid. One who travels from house to house with an assortment of goods for retail. An open structure for temporary shelter. Pastoral adj. Tranquil. Pecuniary adj. Pertaining to a piece of land almost surrounded by water. especially so as to swing by an attached end or part. 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 Pension n. To accomplish. Peremptory adj. Perhaps adv. Perfumery n. To filter. Quinqeuvalent. or intellectual force. To make a hole or holes through. A periodical allowance to an individual on account of past service done by him/her. Perceive v. Pennant n. serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of a Penetrable adj. Possibly. Perigee n. through the medium of the body senses. Perceptible adj. A figure having five points or lobes. The habit or characteristic of recurrence at regular intervals. Precluding question or appeal. A weight hung on a rod. Pentameter n. Cognizable. One who or that which perceives. To have knowledge of. with five angles and five sides. Pertaining to sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone. Perambulate v. Penetration n. Percipient n. A solid bounded by five plane faces. Penultimate adj. Peripatetic adj. Perfidy n. Pentahedron n. Pendulous adj. To enter or force a way into the interior parts of. The act of perceiving. Perjure v. Continuing though the year or through many years. Hanging. Penury n. The preparation of perfumes. a line of verse containing five units or feet. Pentavalent adj. Perfunctory adj. Treachery.3468 3469 clock. Penitential adj. Perform v. Sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone. 67 5000 GRE Word List . Pentad n. Pendulum n. Percolator n. A filter. Penitence n. Capable of being made perfect. Knowledge through the senses of the existence and properties of matter or the external world. Discernment. Perception n. The point in the orbit of the moon when it is nearest the earth. moral. The number five. Excessively sparing in the use of money. That may be pierced by physical. The sharp striking of one body against another. A figure. Penurious adj. Percipience n. To swear falsely to. or receive impressions concerning. Walking about. Perennial adj. Penetrate v. Indigence. A small flag. Half-hearted. To walk about. Peninsular adj. Pentagram n. Percussion n. Pentathlon n. Perforate v. In prosody. The contest of five associated exercises in the great games and the same contestants. Percolate v. especially. Pentagon n. Perfectible adj. Periodicity n. A syllable or member of a series that is last but one. Persiflage n. 68 5000 GRE Word List . Perspicuous adj. statement. Perpetrator n. or reflection. Permissible adj. that make up the character and nature of an individual. Banter.3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 view. Perspicacity n. or anything that moves the feelings. A fixed adherence to a resolve. To pass or spread through every part. eloquence. Perturb v. Perseverance n. Perspire v. Pervade v. Pertinent adj. Reciprocal change. To preserve from extinction or oblivion. Personal adj. Durable. Wickedness. Not general or public. Personality n. especially one of rank or high station. Pertinacious adj. Acuteness or discernment. Perusal n. The force of persons collectively employed in some service. A solemn assertion of a falsity. Sweat. To pervade. Pertinacity n. Mental excitement or confusion. Perversity n. The attributes. Pervasive adj. Permanent adj. Persevere v. Persistent or unyielding. Permanence n. 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 Persuadable adj. different ordering of same items. The doer of a wrong or a criminal act. Straight up and down. Thoroughly penetrating or permeating. Persecution n. Perpendicular adj. Perquisite n. To disturb greatly. Permutation n. Lucid. The act of reading carefully or thoughtfully. That may be allowed. or the like. Unyielding adherence. or without any change that destroys the essential form or nature. Pervert n. Perjury n. evidence. taken collectively. To continue steadfast against opposition. Personnel n. Permeate v. The state of spreading through every part. Relevant. Tending to kill or hurt. Persuade v. Perspiration n. Perversion n. To excrete through the pores of the skin. Pervasion n. Pernicious adj. Persist v. Perpetuate v. Harsh or malignant oppression. To continue striving in spite of discouragements. The relative importance of facts or matters from any special point of Perspicacious adj. Unreasonable. Persistence n. A continuance in the same state. One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false. Personage n. A persistence in purpose and effort. Perverse adj. Diversion from the true meaning or proper purpose. To win the mind of by argument. Perspective n. Perturbation n. course of conduct. Any profit from service beyond the amount fixed as salary or wages. Capable of influencing to action by entreaty. Astute. A man or woman as an individual. Petrify v. Photoelectric adj. The science of organic functions. Extraordinary or marvelous. Physiognomy n. The doctrine that land and its products are the only true wealth. Piece n. Pharmacopoeia n. Phenomenon n. The external appearance merely. Philanthropy n. One who is fond of women. One who endeavors to help his fellow men. Representing articulate sounds or speech. efficiency. The art or business of compounding and dispensing medicines. Philology n. Picayune adj. Any unusual occurrence. Phenomenal adj. The general principles. Physiology n. To convert into a substance of stony hardness and character. Having the nature of or breeding pestilence. Phlegmatic adj. A book containing the formulas and methods of preparation of medicines for the use of druggists. Philosophy n. A specialist in the science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy. Phonology n. A small flute. Fond of music. Having a malign influence or effect. The art of measuring the intensity of light. A graphic character symbolizing an articulate sound. Pestilential adj. Phonetic adj. Phonic adj. The science of human vocal sounds. To fail or lose power. Admitting the entrance or passage of another substance. Petulance n. Physiography n. To seek ultimate causes and principles. Peter v. as distinguished from the whole or the mass. Physicist n. Physique n. The property of emitting light. Not easily roused to feeling or action. Philanthropist n. energy. The physical structure or organization of a person. Of small value. laws. Philosophize v. Displaying impatience. or value. A loose or separated part. An expert in linguistics. Benevolent. Active humanitarianism. or causes that furnish the rational explanation of anything. Piccolo n. The study of language in connection with history and literature. Philanthropic adj. The study and collection of stamps. Pertaining to the combined action of light and electricity. Phonogram n. Photometry n. Philologist n. Photometer n. . Petulant adj. capricious or petulant. Pestilence n. Any instrument for measuring the intensity of light or comparing the intensity of two lights. To play at courtship with a woman. Phosphorescence n. Pharmacy n. Philharmonic adj. A raging epidemic. Description of nature. The science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and Physiocracy n.3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 Pervious adj. Philander v. Philogynist n. Pestilent adj. Philately n. The character or condition of being impatient. Physics n. Pertaining to the nature of sound. Playful adj. Pincers n. Placid adj. Pitiless adj. Any small portion or meager allowance. Poesy n. A high or topmost point. A wealthy class in a political community who control the government by means of their money. Gradually. Wretched. Playwright n. Contemptible. The person to whom anything is pledged. as a mountain-peak. Pledgeor n. Pleasant adj. Expressing past time or action prior to some other past time or action. Pittance n. as in war. Plebeian adj. Containing or consisting of more than one. Compassionate. Plausible adj. Pitiable adj. Plenteous adj. Abundant. An argument to obtain some desired action. A majority. Pneumatic adj.3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 Piecemeal adv. An instrument having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot. Pinchers n. An instrument having two jaws working on a pivot. Plural adj. Pinnacle n. To bring from a state of angry or hostile feeling to one of patience or friendliness. Pillage n. Plenipotentiary n. . Plagiarism n. Plasticity n. Poetry. Agreeable. A maker of plays for the stage. A written or spoken statement that is flat. A piece of lead for making soundings. A weight suspended by a line to test the verticality of something. Entire. or commonplace. adjusting walls to the vertical. Religious. dull. One who gives a pledge. Frolicsome. Abundance. Serene. Affording gratification. Pioneer n. Seeming likely to be true. A person fully empowered to transact any business. An expression of applause. though open to doubt. Pledgee n. Plenary adj. Platitude n. Plummet n. Plenitude n. Piteous adj. The property of some substances through which the form of the mass can readily be changed. Hard-hearted. Pious adj. To excite a slight degree of anger in. 69 5000 GRE Word List Placate v. Plea n. Pluperfect adj. Pillory n. Plutocracy n. One among the first to explore a country. A polar projection of the heavens on a chart. Pertaining to or consisting of air or gas. Open robbery. Common. Pitiful adj. Plumb n. Plurality n. A wooden framework in which an offender is fastened to boards and is exposed to public scorn. The stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own. Pique v. Plaudit n. Pleasurable adj. Planisphere n. Polytheism n. Populous adj. Pertaining to the poles of a sphere. drawings. especially more than three syllables. The having. The manner in which a thing is placed. Government by several or many persons of what. The rules and principles of poetry. Polemics n. Free from doubt or hesitation. The art of controversy or disputation. An inferior poet. The hinder part. Being not beyond the reach of power natural. Possession n. The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering Pollute v. Polar adj. as property. Poetaster n. The rule of many. 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 70 5000 GRE Word List Pomposity n. Posit v. Polygon n. Polygamy n. Position n. Polytechnic adj. Positive adj. Postgraduate adj. embracing. Pertaining to studies that are pursued after receiving a degree. Polycracy n. Polyarchy n. Ponder v. or detention of property in one's power or command. Portfolio n. Pommel v. Poise n. Containing many inhabitants. Pertaining to poetry. Poignancy n. especially of the earth. especially by more than four. Speaking several tongues. Marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner. A figure having many angles. . Posterior n. etc. To indicate as being about to happen. Poignant adj. Pertaining to the having. especially in proportion to the territory. or controls anything. Pollen n. Having several syllables. Equilibrium. Postdate v. Possessor n.3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 plant. Poetics n. Portent n. Polysyllable adj. A solid bounded by plane faces. Ponderous adj. especially of pain or grief. To contaminate. holding. holding. enjoys. One who owns. Pompous adj. The pope. Pontiff n. To present in an orderly manner. The fact or condition of having more than one wife or husband at once. Posse n. Unusually weighty or forcible. A portable case for holding writing-materials. Possible adj. Possessive adj. To beat with something thick or bulky. The quality of being marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner. especially by previous signs. moral. Polyhedron n. Portend v.ever class. or supernatural. To make the date of any writing later than the real date. The doctrine or belief that there are more gods than one. To meditate or reflect upon. Severely painful or acute to the spirit. Populace n. Pertaining to. Anything that indicates what is to happen. To own. The common people. Poetic adj. Polyglot adj. Severity or acuteness. or detention of property in one's power or command. Possess v. A force of men. or practicing many arts. To settle or arrange beforehand. Preestablish v. Precedential adj. To state as belonging to something. Existence antecedent to something. Precocious adj. or degree. Predominate v. To secure the right of preference in the purchase of public land. The act of going forward. or degree. Preamble n. A difficult. Something added to a letter after the writer's signature. To happen first. Potential n. Prone to pillaging. Precede v. Powerless adj. Ascendancy or preponderance. Prate v. To preoccupy. Postscript n. Precedence n. To exist at a period or in a state earlier than something else. One possessed of great power or sway. Potency n. To talk about vainly or foolishly. To be chief in importance. A dose of liquid medicine. or adjustment. A prophecy. Potion n. Predominant adj. Priority in place. Anything that may be possible. An instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule. Preface n. Of the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a Precession n. A forerunner or herald. Preengage v. Precipitate v. 71 5000 GRE Word List . Practicable adj. Potent adj. Prattle v.3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 rule. Having the mental faculties prematurely developed. Preexistence n. A provision made in advance for some possible emergency or danger. definition. To utter in simple or childish talk. Precarious adj. Perilous. To force forward prematurely. Predict v. Superior in power. An incumbent of a given office previous to another. Exact. Impotent. A statement introductory to and explanatory of what follows. Preemption n. Moving onward quickly and heedlessly. A brief explanation or address to the reader. Special eminence. effectiveness. Precedent n. Preempt v. number. time. Prediction n. Preeminence n. Precursor n. A high and very steep or approximately vertical cliff. influence. Precaution n. Preclude v. Predominance n. Predicament n. Pertaining to a brief explanation to the reader at the beginning of a 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 book. quantity. Potentate n. Physically powerful. Precision n. at the beginning of a book. To foretell. Precipice n. To prevent. Predatory adj. trying situation or plight. The right or act of purchasing before others. Preexist v. Predicate v. Predecessor n. Power. Feasible. Precise adj. Accuracy of limitation. Precipitant adj. or rank. Prefatory adj. Assuming too much. Presumption n. One of a higher order of clergy having direct authority over other clergy. Preponderate v. Prehension n. Preordain v. Foreboding. Presentiment n. Perceiving or feeling beforehand. Presage v. conceit. Prefix v. or inclination preoccupied. Preternatural adj. Coming too soon. Pretext n. An authoritative direction. Prescriptible adj.3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 Prefer v. The state of having the mind. To foreordain. Adapted for grasping or holding. Preponderant adj. Prescription n. Preservation n. An introductory or opening performance. Preference. Preposterous adj. Prevalent adj. Premature adj. Possessing. Prejudice n. Preoccupation n. Premise n. To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects. A preconceived liking. Capable of being grasped. Foreboding. Frequency. Presentment n. To exceed in influence or power. Semblance. Utterly ridiculous or absurd. Prevalent. Preferential adj. Prehensile adj. Having superior rank or precedence. or constituting preference or priority. First in rank or position. Having to do with what is preliminary. 72 5000 GRE Word List . Presumptuous adj. Of wide extent or frequent occurrence. Preparation n. Prevalence n. attention. Prepossession n. Preference n. Foreknowing. Premonition n. Prelude n. The act of laying hold of or grasping. A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts. Pretentious adj. or display. An object of favor or choice. More desirable than others. That which may be logically assumed to be true until disproved. Preparatory adj. Marked by pretense. A fictitious reason or motive. A system of church government. A bold or presumptuous assertion. To hold in higher estimation. Conservation. Prescript adj. Prelate n. An act or proceeding designed to bring about some event. Preoccupy v. Prelacy n. A judgment as a conclusion. Preferable adj. Preferment n. Prescribed as a rule or model. Premier adj. Prehensible adj. Extraordinary. Prerogative adj. giving. To attach at the beginning. Prescient adj. Derived from authoritative direction. To foretell. Prescience n. Pretension n. Knowledge of events before they take place. Presentient adj. A right or immunity not enjoyed by all. To use ambiguous or evasive language for the purpose of deceiving or diverting attention. Shameless viciousness. Primitive adj. or industry. Proficiency n. art. An advanced state of acquirement. Any announcement made in a public manner. Most important. Principle n. Profligacy n. Privity n. Probity n. Procrastinate v. science. Primer n. or that may be enjoyed only under special conditions. First. Pristine adj. A manner or method of acting. One wasteful or extravagant. Proctor n. Procedure n. Possessing ample and ready knowledge or of skill in any art. Belonging to the first ages. Prevention n. Probe v. Priggish adj. Prodigious adj. sharp points. To search through and through. or the like. Probate adj. A general truth or proposition. Primeval adj. Relating to making proof. Profligate adj. Proficient adj. Privateer n. One who profits. Immense. Probation n. Proceed v. To put off till tomorrow or till a future time. A person or thing of very remarkable gifts or qualities. Principality n. Professor n. To offer to another for acceptance. . Any calling or occupation involving special mental or other special disciplines. To puncture slightly with fine. Proclamation n. To renew motion or action. Primitive. Delay. A monastic house. Prickle v. but carrying on maritime 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 Privilege n. Prodigy n. An agent acting for another. Profiteer n. as in some knowledge. Prevaricate v. especially in the use of money or property. Principal adj. Conceited. Profession n. Prima adj. Priory n. A vessel owned and officered by private persons. qualification. or science. Procrastination n. An outline or contour. as of a will. Participating with another or others in the knowledge of a secret transaction. Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed. Yielding in abundance. Knowledge shared with another or others regarding a private matter. Pertaining to the beginning or early times. Any proceeding designed to ascertain or test character. The territory of a reigning prince. as after rest or interruption. Thwarting. Prodigal n. Privy adj. An elementary reading-book for children. Stiffly proper. Prim adj. Abandoned to vice.3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 war. A public teacher of the highest grade in a university or college. Proffer v. Productive adj. Profile n. or any other evil. especially for minerals. Prophecy n. search. The science of poetical forms. A high point of land extending outward from the coastline into the sea. Preservation from harm. To reject. Any prediction or foretelling. A driving onward or forward. The quality of being noticeable or distinguished. Proscribe v. One who or that which propels. Lying prone. Propelling. Offspring. or importance. A prefatory statement or explanation to a poem. Being in proportion. Prospectus n. or encourager. Any institution or systematic scheme for propagating a doctrine or system. A decree or an order forbidding something. . One who favors the prohibition by law of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. Progeny n. Prohibition n. Prosody n. To extend in time or duration. Protection n. forwarder. annoyance. Projection n. Producing offspring or fruit. Conspicuous in position. Propellant adj. with condemnation or denunciation. Prosaic adj. especially under divine inspiration and guidance. danger. To drive or urge forward. Promontory n. or examination. A person of the lowest or poorest class. Progression n.3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 Profuse adj. Unimaginative. Propel v. A paper or pamphlet containing information of a proposed undertaking. Propulsion n. Promenade v. Proscenium n. Any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege. or performance. To spread abroad or from person to person. Prolific adj. Accordance with recognized usage. Promulgate v. Prospector n. Proselyte n. Propeller n. One who makes exploration. Prohibitionist n. Propitious adj. Prophesy v. Promoter n. 73 5000 GRE Word List Prologue n. Prostrate adj. Produced or displayed in overabundance. Prominent adj. A leader in any enterprise or contest. Expressing an engagement to pay. distinction. especially of the sale of alcoholic beverages. or with the head to the ground. Propriety n. One who has been won over from one religious belief to another. Kindly disposed. custom. To walk for amusement or exercise. or principles. character. Proportionate adj. A prominence. Prohibitory adj. Promiscuous adj. Prolong v. Propagate v. Proletarian n. A furtherer. Prolix adj. as a teaching or a practice. or design (for sex). That part of the stage between the curtain and the orchestra. discourse. Verbose. Promissory adj. Propaganda n. Prominence n. To proclaim. Involving or equivalent to prohibition. Proscription n. A moving forward or proceeding in course. Brought together without order. To predict or foretell. Protagonist n. Prowess n. Effected by divine guidance. To swell or bulge beyond the surrounding surface. To push out or thrust forth. The branch of medicine that relates to mental disease. etc. Protective adj. Psychic adj. Protuberance n. Protocol n. One specially cared for and favored by another usually older person. Quarrelsome. Proceeding or marked by caution. Protract v. Strength. Puerile adj. Anticipating and making ready for future wants or emergencies. Sheltering. especially when assumed by a writer. Protuberate v. Protrusion n. The treatment of mental disease. Observant and exact in points of time. Immediately. A defender. The state or character of using a fictitious name. Provident adj. Proximately adv. Pudgy adj. A clause in a contract. Inclined to lascivious thoughts and desires. Prurient adj. A person who is empowered by another to represent him or her in a given Prudence n. Pseudonymity n. Prudential adj. Psychotherapy n.. Possessing strength. Pertaining to the mind or soul. condensing in witty or striking form the wisdom of experience. Psychopathic adj. Protege n. Protestant n. To prolong. Punctual adj. A work. Provocation n. and intrepidity in battle. Providential adj. A fictitious name.3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 cell. treaty. Uncultured in thought and manner. Childish. will. Psychiatry n. Protrude v. Pseudonym n. Prudery n. A declaration or memorandum of agreement less solemn and formal than a Protoplasm n. Pertaining to the lungs. An action or mode of conduct that excites resentment. Punctilious adj. A pretended or false apostle. An undue display of modesty or delicacy. The substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable Prototype n. Pugnacious adj. Protector n. 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 Proverb n. Caution. afterward imitated in form or spirit. The act of protruding. Strictly observant of the rules or forms prescribed by law or custom. pithy saying. Puissant adj. Bulging. Proxy n. skill. Provincial adj. Something that swells out from a surrounding surface. Morally irresponsible. Pulmonary adj. Small and fat. by which its operation is rendered conditional. . matter. A christian who denies the authority of the pope and holds the right of special judgment. original in character. Pseudapostle n. 74 5000 GRE Word List Proviso n. Protomartyr n. Protuberant adj. The earliest victim in any cause. A brief. Quartet n. A heap of combustibles arranged for burning a dead body. Putrescent adj. A puzzling predicament. Quiescence n. Quiet adj.3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 Pungent adj. Querulous adj. Pertaining to fireworks or their manufacture. An intermediate state where souls are made fit for paradise or heaven by expiatory suffering. Occurring or made at intervals of three months. Quarterly adj. as for admittance. Quarto n. Quietus n. Quackery n. Intent. suppressing. Chivalrous or romantic to a ridiculous or extravagant degree. To multiply by four. Purveyor n. Pertaining to punishment. knowledge. Quintessence n. The state or period of being a student. skill. Quiescent adj. To divide into quarters. Quadruple v. Without spirit or bravery. Making no noise. The enforced isolation of any person or place infected with contagious disease. as in an eddy. usually of precious metal. Pupilage n. Punitive adj. Quarantine n. A file of persons waiting in order of their arrival. Quibble n. A fit of nausea. The quality of affecting the sense of smell. A vessel or casket. Magnitude. Purloin v. An insane propensity to set things on fire. or ending. Quandary n. A requisite for an employment. Purport n. character. Habitually complaining. Fully. Quixotic adj. Purl v. An utterly trivial distinction or objection. Quintet n. or privilege. Query v. Quay n. Charlatanry quadrate v. right. or possessions. Qualm n. A wharf or artificial landing-place on the shore of a harbor or projecting into it. Queue n. Quarrelsome adj. Quiet. Being in a state of repose or inaction. Purgatory n. Pyx n. Affecting the sense of smell. To make inquiry. Pungency n. The most essential part of anything. A silencing. Irascible. Pyrotechnic adj. To steal. in which the host is preserved. Quantity n. A composition for four voices or four instruments. To endow or furnish with requisite ability. Undergoing decomposition of animal or vegetable matter accompanied by fetid odors. Pyre n. To cause to whirl. Pyromania n. One of four equal parts into which anything is or may be divided. Quite adv. position. 75 5000 GRE Word List . Quarter n. Musical composition arranged for five voices or instruments. Qualify v. One who supplies pusillanimous adj. An eight-page newspaper of any size. Qualification n. especially of food. The principle and practice of depicting persons and scenes as they are believed really to exist. Rationalism n. causing. To arrange again or in a different order. Racy adj. Reaction n. Rearrange v. Ravenous adj. Realism n. Brilliant or sparkling luster. quality. Rebellious adj. Without objection or reluctance. Rapacious adj. To extend in all directions. Rapid adj. Insubordinate. Rancor n. Disposed to seize by violence or by unlawful or greedy methods. climbing. Enraptured. independently of authority. or running without check or restraint. Ravage v. Rebuild v. Malice. Capable of being or fit to be received . rapine. Ramose adj. Growing.3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 Rabid adj. revolution. A deep gorge or hollow. Recede v. Radiate v. To give new confidence.often money. or ability of receiving. To provide with a fixed allowance or portion. Raucous adj. To oppose by argument or a sufficient answer. 76 5000 GRE Word List Receptive adj. Seizing and devouring living prey. Reactionary adj. In a state of preparedness for any given purpose or occasion. The formation of opinions by relying upon reason alone. Radix n. or opposite state of things. A peremptory or unexpected rejection of advances or approaches. Tendency towards a former. Rampant adj. or inflation. Ready adj. One who holds extreme views or advocates extreme measures. That from or on which something is developed. Readjust v. Rampart n. or favoring reaction. To build again or anew. as truths or impressions. To lay waste by pillage. Ramify v. Branch-like. To repeat again the principal points of. Reassure v. as from a source or focus. To produce irritation or festering. To put in order after disarrangement. or other destructive methods. Ravine n. To move back or away. especially one worn by a stream or flow of water. Recant v. devouring. Good-humored satire. Rebuff n. Pertaining to. Recapitulate v. A bulwark or construction to oppose assault or hostile entry. Having great speed. as in war. To withdraw formally one's belief (in something previously believed or maintained). Exciting or exhilarating to the mind. Radiance n. Furiously voracious or hungry. Readily adv. . Ration v. Rankle v. The act of seizing and carrying off property by superior force. Raptorial adj. To divide or subdivide into branches or subdivisions. Radical n. Rebut v. Rapt adj. of the nature of. Having the capacity. Recapture v. as after reform. Raillery n. To capture again. Harsh. Rapine n. Receivable adj. Affected with rabies or hydrophobia. 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 doer. Recruit v. Recluse n. Formidable. Redoubtable adj. Redolent adj. Recuperate v. That may be reduced. To correct. Recoil v. Resort to or application for help in exigency or trouble. especially with a view to a reversal of previous Reconstruct v. To start back as in dismay. Redundant adj. To happen again or repeatedly. To set right. Reciprocity n. To recall the identity of (a person or thing). Reconnoiter v. Recognize v. Redound n. Mutually interchangeable or convertible. One who lives in retirement or seclusion. Recollect v. To regain. To review with care. To recall the knowledge of. Rebound. Smelling sweet and agreeable. Redundance n. especially in public and from memory. as a wrong by compensation or the punishment of the wrongReducible adj. Recognizance n. The state of becoming raw or sore again. Recline v. Reciprocal adj. Recidivist n. The recovery of what is mortgaged or pledged. Smelling sweet and agreeable. Recrudescence n. Redress v. surveying. Recover v. Redemption n. Recitation n. loathing. A hermitage. Recourse n. A cowardly or faithless person. An acknowledgment entered into before a court with condition to do some particular act. Recreant n. Equal mutual rights and benefits granted and enjoyed. Rectify v. To enlist men for military or naval service. Reckless adj. Recrudescent adj. Capable of being adjusted or harmonized. Recurrent adj. Reconcilable adj. The quality of being upright in principles and conduct. To have a care or thought for. The act of reciting or repeating. or dread. To restore. Recur v. To cure again. Reck v. Excess. or geological purposes. Reclaim v. Having a tendency to go back. Recure v. To refresh after labor. action. To rebuild. by paying the debt. 4014 4015 4016 4017 . Reconsider v. Foolishly headless of danger. Becoming raw or sore again. Rectitude n. To recover. Reestablish v. To demand or to obtain the return or restoration of. Recessive adj. especially at regular or stated intervals. Returning from time to time. Constituting an excess. Reciprocate v. To cause to assume a leaning or recumbent attitude or position. A confirmed criminal. Recreate v. especially at regular intervals. To make a preliminary examination of for military. To give and take mutually. Reclusory n. Redolence n. Reflection n. A systematized order or course of living with reference to food. or sound in a particular direction. Having the power to refract. To pay back as an equivalent of what has been expended. Reign v. Regime n. A renewal of youth. as to an obscure position or remote destination. The emblems of royalty. Not amenable to control. Relegate v. A place where some crude material. To say or do again and again. clothing and personal habits. or privilege. Rejuvenate v. Reiterate v. To give unusual pleasure. To restore to a former status. or full of regret. Regimen n. Exercising royal authority in one's own right. Rejuvenescence n. Referrer n. Rejoin v. Refragable adj. Royalty. Reinstate v. The killing of a king or sovereign. Reflector n. Regality n. Relent v. A step attached to the bit for controlling a horse or other draft-animal. Reform n. The throwing off or back of light. capacity. Refusal n. To send off or consign. 77 5000 GRE Word List Regent n. Regress v. Regicide n. heat. To hold and exercise sovereign power. Referable adj. Relapse v. Capable of being refuted. Feeling. To return to a former place or condition. sound. Capable of being reflected. To direct or send for information or other purpose. Reimburse v. expressive of. . Capable of being turned back. A body of soldiers. Regenerate v. Reformer n. Regalia n. One who carries out a reform. as of metal. Regiment n. Rehabilitate v. as sugar or petroleum. To suffer a return of a disease after partial recovery. Rein n. A mirror. Refinery n. heat. for reflecting light. station. Ascribable. Refringent adj. Refract v. Regale v. Change for the better. To restore to a former state. Referee n. To prove to be wrong. To restore to youth. To yield. Pl. One who refers. or any form of energy that travels in waves. Denial of what is asked. Reflectible adj. Regretful adj. right rank. Regnant adj. is purified. Refractory adj. To reproduce. Refute v. Refringency n. An umpire. Particular conduct or administration of affairs. or authority. Reflexible adj.4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 Refer v. Power to refract. To bend or turn from a direct course. One who is lawfully deputized to administer the government for the time being in the name of the ruler. To reunite after separation. Replenish v. Repine v. as for an injury. To force or keep back in a manner. To pay or pay for. Sorrow for something done or left undone. coffer. Having the character of a reproof. To render of no further effect. Reluctant adj. Remonstrant adj. To like the taste or savor of. Negligent. Recollection. An explicit disclaimer of a right or privilege. Capable of repair. Unwilling. To restore after deterioration. Unwillingness. Relinquish v. which marks the transition from medieval to modern time. Repel v. Remonstrance n. The act of repeating. . Remunerate v. Repartee n. Renunciation n. Bearing upon the matter in hand. Reproof. or apt reply. Remuneration n. 78 5000 GRE Word List Rendezvous n. To give up using or having. Censurable. Compensation. Reluctance n. loss. Full to the uttermost. Repeal v. with desire to make things right by undoing the wrong.4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 Relevant adj. physically or mentally. Temporary diminution of a disease. Reprehensible adj. Remonstrate v. Relish v. A prearranged place of meeting. as an original. Reminiscent adj. A place in which goods are stored. physically or mentally. To change to a more satisfactory form of organization. Renovate v. Reprehend v. Expression of blame. To find fault with. Remembrance n. or repository in which relics are kept. or wrong. Reprehension n. Reliance n. Reliant adj. Repertory n. and then of art. Having confidence. Repository n. Replica n. Pertaining to the recollection of matters of personal interest. A ready. Repetition n. A duplicate executed by the artist himself. as something that has been emptied. Reminiscence n. Remodel v. Repellent adj. Having power to force back in a manner. To present a verbal or written protest to those who have power to right or prevent a wrong. Repentance n. To indulge in fretfulness and faultfinding. Interpretation. Reparation n. The calling to mind of incidents within the range of personal knowledge or experience. witty. Rendition n. Renaissance n. Remission n. To fill again. A casket. and regarded. The revival of letters. The act of making amends. Reorganize v. as a building. Reparable adj. Replete adj. Reconstruct. Reliquary n. Dependence. A place where things are stored or gathered together. Remiss adj. equally with the first. To have or produce resonance. or taking again. Resonate v. Resilience n. To refuse to have anything to do with. Answering. Repulsive adj. An expression of disapproval or blame personally addressed to one censured. Resent v. Resonance n. may be kept. Repugnant adj. Having the quality of springing back to a former position. The process by which an animal or plant gives rise to another of its 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 Reproof n. The quality of being able to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations. To grant a respite from punishment to. Adequate return for good or ill. A remainder or surplus after a part has been separated or otherwise treated. Thorough dislike. One abandoned to depravity and sin. Grossly offensive. Offensive to taste and feeling. Resistant adj. The exertion of opposite effort or effect. Reprieve v. To keep under restraint or control. Repudiate v. relied upon. Repress v. Necessary. Resonance adj. or made available for aid or support. 79 5000 GRE Word List Resource n. Resumption n. To repay either good or evil to. as an act. by the enacting authority or a superior authority. Powerless. Respondent adj. Interval of rest. Reseat v. Surging back or again. Offering or tending to produce resistance. Resistance n. The power of springing back to a former position resilient adj. To be indignant at. To chide or rebuke for a fault. The act of taking back. Requiem n. Restitution n. Repute v. To make a copy of. Resemblance n. Respite n. Residue n. Similarity in quality or form. as an attacking or advancing enemy. as to a person. To hold in general opinion. Repugnance n. Rescind v. Resurrection n. Able to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations. as an injury or insult. A return from death to life .4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 kind. Requite v. To place in position of office again. Restoration of anything to the one to whom it properly belongs. Reprisal n. Having or exercising the power of resistance. Resistless adj. Able to be kept under restraint or control. Repulse n. A receptacle where a quantity of some material. Any infliction or act by way of retaliation on an enemy. Reprimand v. That which is restored to. Reproduction n. To make void. Reprobate n. especially of a liquid or gas. Resurgent adj. The act of beating or driving back. Requital n. A solemn mass sung for the repose of the souls of the dead. Resistive adj. Resplendent adj. Repressible adj. Requisite adj. Reservoir n. Very bright. Reproduce v. private. Revelation n. Rife adj. Revise v. Retouch v. Retaliate v. To modify the details of. A view or contemplation of something past. To cause to deteriorate or to move backward. To return. Conformed to a just claim according to established laws or usage. Rapt or rapturous utterance. Rhetorician n. The art of discourse. Retch v. The keeping of a thing within one's power or possession. Reunite v. Reticence n. The body of persons who attend a person of importance in travel or public appearance. Retrogression n. Revile v. as a track or marking. A going or moving backward or in a reverse direction. Rhapsody n.4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 resuscitate v. or for the purpose of making changes. Repeal. Rigorous adj. To regard with worshipful veneration. To follow backward or toward the place of beginning. To repay evil with a similar evil. Abundant. Reverent adj. To recall or take back (something that one has said). Rigor n. Revision. Nonsense. Humble. Retrospective adj. Retrograde v. Ribald adj. Rigmarole n. Retroactive adj. Laughable and contemptible. Ridiculous adj. To heap approach or abuse upon. Retrieve v. Ridicule n. To restore from apparent death. or making known of what was before secret. To unite or join again. Revere v. affecting. Revert v. Looks or acts expressing amused contempt. Looking back on the past. Riddance n. responsibilities. To rescind. Retention n. Righteousness n. Revocation n. The act or ridding or delivering from something undesirable. Inflexibility. Retort n. To make an effort to vomit. A return to or toward some former state or condition. Retrace v. 80 5000 GRE Word List . Uncompromising. Revoke v. Revisal n. Retinue n. or unknown. Reversion n. or having reference to past events. To examine for the correction of errors. discovering. Rectitude. Retrench v. as toward a former position or the like. Retract v. transactions. Indulging in or manifesting coarse indecency or obscenity. Rhetoric n. as after separation. Habitually keeping silent or being reserved in utterance. The quality of habitually keeping silent or being reserved in utterance. Operative on. To cut down or reduce in extent or quantity. A disclosing. Reticent adj. A showy writer or speaker. Retrospect n. A retaliatory speech. To recover something by searching. Rightful adj. or turn or look back. Rudimentary adj. whether by word or act. To chew over again. Ruminant adj. Sanguinary adj. A small ripple. Sacrilege n. To approve authoritatively. A lawless or recklessly brutal fellow. Bloody. Rotund adj. like a wheel. Sanctity n. Repetition of words or sounds as a means of learning them. Sanction v. A place where crows congregate to breed. Safeguard v. Salvo n. Risible adj. Having the color of blood. Rue v. Salutation n. hailing. Chewing the cud. Salutary adj. Rotate v. Sanguine adj. To make an offering of to deity. The condition of standing out distinctly. Making an ostentatious display or hypocritical pretense of holiness or piety. Robust adj. Rote n. Offering or offered as an atonement for sin. Possessing wisdom. Sanctimonious adj. Able to discern and distinguish with wise perception. early. Round from fullness or plumpness. The opening oration at the commencement in american colleges. Salient adj. Saline adj. Being in an initial. or incomplete stage of development. Possessing wisdom. or so constructed as to turn thus. Rondo n. Salutatory n. Deep wisdom or knowledge. Sorrow for another's misery. Sacrifice v. Having strong sexual desires. Saponaceous adj. Ruminate v. Sapid adj. To cause to turn on or as on its axis. Ruffian adj. Turning around its axis. Capable of exciting laughter. Sapiential adj. A small stream or brook. Characteristic of dwelling in the country. A musical composition during which the first part or subject is repeated several times. with slight attention. as a wheel. Having the nature or quality of soap.4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 Ripplet n. Consisting of blood. Salacious adj. Rupture v. Rookery n. Salience n. Rivulet n. Ruth n. The act of violating or profaning anything sacred. especially by presenting on an altar. or welcome. as food previously swallowed and regurgitated. Sanguineous adj. Any act of saving property. To separate the parts of by violence. . Rotary adj. A salute given by firing all the guns. Affecting the sense of taste. Sapient adj. Sapience n. Impious. as of water. Characterized by great strength or power of endurance. To regret extremely. Sagacious adj. Rustic adj. Sacrificial adj. Holiness. Constituting or consisting of salt. To protect. Sacrilegious adj. Standing out prominently. Beneficial. Salvage n. Any form of greeting. as at the funeral of an officer. Script n. especially from political or religious Seclude v. To emit or send forth sparks or little flashes of light. contained in. Voluntary withdrawal from fellowship.4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 body. Resembling poetry. The employment of sarcasm. Secondary adj. in which vice. Secondly adv. One who writes or is skilled in writing. Concealment. Satirize v. Savage n. Doubt or uncertainty regarding a question of moral right or duty. Scornfully or bitterly sarcastic. incapacity . Satiate v. A long curved blade for mowing. rank. The faintest ray. Writing or handwriting of the ordinary cursive form. . A man without principle. Even-tempered. irony. importance. Pertaining to. Scriptural adj. In the second place in order or succession. Scurrilous adj. Sardonic adj. Characteristic of an erudite person. reaping. or warranted by the holy scriptures. Satyr n. To place. Scoundrel n. Sebaceous adj. especially into two parts. or keenness of wit in ridiculing vices. especially from a political or religious Secession n. To withdraw from union or association. A meeting of spirituals for consulting spirits. Sear v. A very lascivious person. Insufficiency of supply for needs or ordinary demands. A stone coffin or a chest-like tomb. Less important or effective than that which is primary. Or does other writing for others. Cautious in action for fear of doing wrong. Satire n. Secede v. A wild and uncivilized human being. Scribe n. keep. Secretive adj. Sarcasm n. Having a tendency to conceal. Secrecy n. size. Scribble n. Second-rate adj. 81 5000 GRE Word List 4262 bodies. Scabbard n. etc. Seclusion n. Hasty. Scarcity n. Scholarly adj. A range of action or view. Cutting. One who attends to correspondence. To satisfy fully the appetite or desire of. Scintilla n. Grossly indecent or vulgar. keeps records. To burn on the surface. Second in quality. 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 Secretary n. Pertaining to or appearing like fat. Seance n. The sheath of a sword or similar bladed weapon. To sink (a ship) by making holes in the bottom. Scope n. careless writing. Scruple n. Solitude. Cutting and reproachful language. etc. To perceive by taste or smell.or corruption is held up to ridicule. Savor v. Sedate adj. Secant adj. or withdraw from the companionship of others. Sarcophagus n. Scholastic adj. Scrupulous adj. Scuttle v. Satiric adj. Scintillate v. Pertaining to education or schools. To treat with sarcasm or derisive wit. Scythe n. Sensibility n. Sedulous adj. The sensory apparatus. Senile adj. The order in which a number or persons. Involving or requiring much sitting. Sequent adj. equivalent to sir. Ready to be led. Sequester v. Sensorium n. . Having a warm appreciation of the beautiful or of the refinements of 82 5000 GRE Word List luxury. Sediment n. To take apart. or action. Seduce v. Separate v. as of theology or pedagogics. Following in the order of time. Sepulcher n. Seignior n. Seer n. Seethe v. To entice to surrender chastity. Sentience n. or events follow one another in space or time. Selective adj. Partially conscious. Semicivilized adj. Semiconscious adj. Sensual adj. A related group of words containing a subject and a predicate and expressing a complete thought. An instrument for recording the phenomena of earthquakes. Semblance n. Recurring every seven years. 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 Sentence n. Seize v. Having the power of choice. To cause to withdraw or retire. To catch or take hold of suddenly and forcibly. phrase. Outward appearance. To be violently excited or agitated. Self-respect n. Power to perceive or feel. Separatist n. Sensitive adj. Septennial adj. Sequel n. Sentient adj. Sensation n. Conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the state. A half-circle. Peculiar to or proceeding from the weakness or infirmity of old age. A burial-place. Easily affected by outside operations or influences. Sequacious adj. Seismograph n. Separable adj. Seminar n. things. Pertaining to the body or the physical senses. Seminary n. Any assemblage of pupils for real research in some specific study under a teacher. Sequence n. Seditious adj. Possessing the power of sense or sense-perception. A condition of mind resulting from spiritual or inherent feeling. Persevering in effort or endeavor. Capable of being disjoined or divided. Half-civilized. A special school. A prophet. Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid. A seceder. A title of honor or respectful address. Promotive of conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the state. Any guard or watch stationed for protection. Sensuous adj. Capacity for sensation or sense-perception.4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 Sedentary adj. Semiannual adj. Rational self-esteem. Semicircle n. Sense n. That which follows in consequence of what has previously happened. The signification conveyed by some word. Recurring at intervals of six months. Sedition n. as from society or public life. Sentinel n. Sheer adj. as in pronouncing the letter s. To make less complex or difficult. Shrewd adj. Absolute. Siren n.4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 scylla. Shrivel v. Signification n. Sequestrate v. Sinecure n. Sinuous adj. An executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders of the presiding officer. A hissing sound. Significance n. A comparison which directs the mind to the representative object itself. Important. Shriek n. A mixing or changing the order of things. Extremely. Simile n. A beleaguerment. Wanting in resource. Sibilate v. Severance n. Sergeant n. To burn slightly or superficially. Shiftless adj. The meaning conveyed by language. Made with a hissing sound. Hot winds from africa. actions. Multiplied by six. To draw or be drawn into wrinkles. Shuffle n. Inclining or tending to one side. Separation. done. The highest non-commissioned officer in a regiment. Importance. Singe v. Sidereal adj. A sea-nymph. Similitude n. Sinus n. To confiscate. Skeptic n. Servitude n. Imitate. A sharp. Characterized by skill at understanding and profiting by circumstances. A non-commissioned military officer ranking next above a corporal. A body of sisters united by some bond of sympathy or by a religious vow. Sidelong adj. Simulate v. Curving in and out. Sextet n. A band of six singers or players. Sergeant-major n. 83 5000 GRE Word List 4354 4355 4356 4357 . Sinister adj. Sisterhood n. especially as pointing something out. shrill outcry or scream. Any work done for the benefit of another. Any position having emoluments with few or no duties. Service n. The entertainment of doubt concerning something. Siege n. An opening or cavity. A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension. Pertaining to stars or constellations. or signs. Sergeant-at-arms n. Skepticism n. Simplify v. The quality of curving in and out. One who doubts any statements. caused by agony or terror. energy. Significant adj. Similar adj. Similarity. Sextuple adj. or executive ability. Severely adv. Durable. Bearing resemblance to one another or to something else. Sinuosity n. described by homer as dwelling between the island of circe and Sirocco n. To give a hissing sound to. Serviceable adj. Shrinkage n. Simultaneous adj. Evil. Sibilant adj. Occurring. Sibilance n. Slavery. or existing at the same time. Slothful adj. Of a small importance or significance. or fear. Sonnet n. Soliloquy n. Socialist adj. Reasoning sound in appearance only. Lazy. Of degraded character or nature. Sorcery n. Oppressive drowsiness. Tending to produce sleep. One who claims to have supernatural insight or foresight. or calamity. To deprive of simplicity of mind or manner. A person engaged in military service. Sleight n. Slight adj. Solar adj. Resonant. Somniferous adj. A fusible alloy used for joining metallic surfaces or margins. Solstice n. especially when designedly deceptive. Fallacious. an attorney. Sociology n. Sophistry n. Witchcraft. Usually. Sophism n. Solder n. A token of remembrance. Skirmish n. Sociable adj. A monologue. Somnolent adj. anxiety. Somnolence n. as in a fluid. 84 5000 GRE Word List . Soothsayer n. A poem of fourteen decasyllabic or octosyllabiclines expressing two successive phrases. Spartan adj. The time of year when the sun is at its greatest declination. Somber adj. Spasmodic adj. A trick or feat so deftly done that the manner of performance escapes observation. Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire. Soldier n. Soprano n. Capable of being dissolved. Sol n. Sophisticate v. Solvent adj. a small light boat propelled by oars. Socialism n. One who represents a client in court of justice. A false argument understood to be such by the reasoner himself and intentionally used to deceive sophistical adj. Comfort in grief. Having sufficient funds to pay all debts. A person habitually lazy or idle. The philosophical study of society. A theory of civil polity that aims to secure the reconstruction of society. Sluggard n. Solicitude n. The sun. Convulsive. Pertaining to the sun. Solicitor n. trouble. Soluble adj.4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 Skiff n. Sordid adj. Gloomy. rigorously severe. Desultory fighting between advanced detachments of two armies. Sparse adj. A woman's or boy's voice of high range. Exceptionally brave. Thinly diffused. Inclined to seek company. Any violation of established rules or customs. Sonata n. Sonorous adj. An instrumental composition. One who advocates reconstruction of society by collective ownership of land and capital. Sleepy. Solace n. Solecism n. Souvenir n. Specimen n. Stagnation n. A vertical bar. Not moving. To pursue inquiries and form conjectures. or law. One who beholds or looks on. or quietude of a statue. Specter n. or other metal. Apparition. A classificatory group of animals or plants subordinate to a genus. Spinster n. commonly one kept for breeding. The condition of not flowing or not changing. Pertaining to the stars. as in a pool. Spectator n. Specie n. An image formed by rays of light or other radiant energy. Having the grace. Squalid adj. pose. Species n. or a pair of bars. To quarrel. Spurious adj. A woman who has never been married. Spherometer n. A group of rimed lines. One who makes an investment that involves a risk of loss. The state or condition of being a sphere.4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 class. A coin or coins of gold. Squatter n. Stationary adj. One of a class of persons or things regarded as representative of the Specious adj. Statuesque adj. An uncastrated male horse. Not genuine. Specialty n. Stanza n. Spheroid n. decree. To assume an individual or specific character. Spectrum n. Stature n. silver. Statics n. 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 Speculator n. Steppe n. One of the extensive plains in russia and siberia. A concealed manner of acting. A body having nearly the form of a sphere. Vivacious. Any authoritatively declared rule. Having a theatrical manner. The natural height of an animal body. ordinance. One who settles on land without permission or right. Statistician n. Sprightly adj. Stallion n. Spontaneous adj. Not flowing: said of water. Speculate v. To become dull or inert. Stagnate v. Having spines. Having a dirty. Stanchion n. Specialize v. used to confine cattle in a stall. Statute n. Statecraft n. Static adj. but also a chance of profit. A figurine. Arising from inherent qualities or tendencies without external efficient cause. An employment limited to one particular line of work. An instrument for measuring curvature or radii of spherical surfaces. The branch of mechanics that treats of the relations that subsist among forces in order. usually forming one of a series of similar divisions in a poem. Stagnant adj. Staid adj. Statuette n. poverty-stricken appearance. Stagy adj. or adopt a singular or special course. Sphericity n. Stealth n. . One who is skilled in collecting and tabulating numerical facts. The art of conducting state affairs. Plausible. Pertaining to or designating bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium. mean. Of a steady and sober character. Squabble v. copper. Spinous adj. Stellar adj. A mere youth. character. Profound lethargy. Of prodigious size. Stringency n. Stifle v. Being beneath the threshold of consciousness. Subjacent adj. Subaquatic adj. Rigid. Being or occurring in the mind. unwilling to spend money. Stimulus n. The act of submitting. Capable of being put underwater. Having or showing devotion to the acquisition of knowledge. Subjugate v. Submittal n. A mark of infamy or token of disgrace attaching to a person as the result of evil-doing. The act of submerging. Subjection n. Incentive. Strictness. Stringent adj. To conquer. bulk. Subliminal adj. Existing. Subacid adj. A narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water. Stultify v. Subservience n. Following in time. Sublingual adj. formed. or operating beneath the surface of the sea. The act of persuading. or thickness of any substance or material. Stupendous adj. Submersible adj. To smother. Subordinate adj. Submergence n. To give an appearance of foolishness to. Stoicism n. Anything that rouses to activity or to quickened action. Subsequent adj. Genuine. Being. To rouse to activity or to quickened action. . Stiletto n. Suave adj. Submarine adj. Stingy adj. Stripling n. Rivulet. 85 5000 GRE Word List Stolid adj. Stimulate v. Situated directly underneath. The act of bringing into a state of submission. or operating under water. The quality. Situated beneath the tongue. Suasion n. bed. Strait n. To place or plunge under water. Belonging to an inferior order in a classification. Stigma n. A yielding to the power or authority of another. Submission n. A natural or artificial layer. The act of submerging. Smooth and pleasant in manner. Stimulant n. Any clever trick or device for obtaining an advantage. Expressing no power of feeling or perceiving. Stupor n. Stratum n. done. Cheap. Submersion n. or degree. Somewhat sharp or biting. Streamlet n. or condition of being servilely following another's behests. A definite amount paid at stated periods in compensation for services or as an allowance.4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 Sterling adj. Subconscious adj. but without attendant consciousness or conscious perception. Stratagem n. The principles or the practice of the stoics-being very even tempered in success and failure. Stipend n. A small dagger. Studious adj. Submerge v. Rich and costly. Success n. Summary n. as from the foundation. Succumb v. To add in addition to what has been added. Superficial adj. To extend opposite to. Suggestible adj. Supernatural adj. Sustenance. Direction and management. 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 86 5000 GRE Word List Superintend v. Superintendent n. Knowing and understanding only the ordinary and the obvious. Evasion. especially of some work or movement. Concise. Discriminating. An excessive amount. Subtle adj. Toleration. Superfluous adj. Being more than is needed. An overthrow. Superb adj. Superintendence n. Superlative n. Sufferance n. A favorable or prosperous course or termination of anything attempted. Superfluity n. Suffrage n. An ample or adequate supply. Superabundance n. Subservient adj. One who or that which takes the place of a predecessor or preceding Succinct adj. Superheat v. An abstract. Subvert v. To bring to ruin. Superfluous. . Supersede v. Servilely following another's behests. Subtrahend n. That part of anything that is in excess of what is needed. Exhibiting haughty and careless contempt. Substantive adj. Suffuse v. To relapse into a state of repose and tranquillity. Subterranean adj. Succeed v. One who has the charge and direction of. That can be suggested. Sufficiency n. To accomplish what is attempted or intended. Solid. Having reached a high degree of worldly prosperity. Subsist v. To be maintained or sustained. Supernumerary adj. Subterfuge n. Succulent adj. To become deteriorated or incapacitated by long service. Subtend v. To heat to excess. That which is of the highest possible excellence or eminence. Sumptuous adj. Superadd v. To cease to resist. especially of some work or movement. Suggestive adj. Successful adj. Stimulating to thought or reflection. To displace. Situated or occurring below the surface of the earth. Subsistence n. Juicy. Subside v. To cover or fill the surface of. Superannuate v. Caused miraculously or by the immediate exercise of divine power. Subversion n. Supercilious adj. That which is to be subtracted. Successor n. To have the charge and direction of. Sumptuously elegant. The right or privilege of voting.4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 thing. Synchronism n. Conjecture. especially a dark or sunburned complexion. Symmetrical adj. Being an addition to. course. Supramundane adj. Having a fellow-feeling for or like feelings with another or others. Sympathize v. Capable of being suppressed. Surround v. Easily under a specified power or influence. To prevent from being disclosed or punished. Surreptitious adj. Suspicious adj. Symphony n. To take the place of. Sycophant n. . Surmount v. Supple adj. A servile flatterer. An association of individuals united for the prosecution of some enterprise. Uncertainty. That which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. especially of those in authority or influence. Symmetry n. An additional amount charged.4526 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 Supine adj. Supplicant n. A forcible putting or keeping down. Syneresis n. Surety n. Division of words into that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. Food. Swarthy adj. Syllabic adj. Suppression n. To overcome by force of will. To beg. Supposition n. Sustenance n. Syllable n. A specific capability of feeling or emotion. Lying on the back. A slender. Simultaneousness. Sybarite n. Syllabication n. Outline of a subject. Supplant v. Easily bent. Surrogate n. Supernatural. lecture. Sympathetic adj. Syllabus n. To feed to fullness or to satiety. Clandestine. Suppressible adj. A harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. Having a dark hue. A hanging from a support. One who or that which is substituted for or appointed to act in place of another. Surmise v. Suppress v. Susceptible adj. To conjecture. Security for payment or performance. Symphonic adj. Marked by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. 87 5000 GRE Word List Syndicate n. Susceptibility n. Surveyor n. Characterized by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. or treatise. Consisting of that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. The coalescence of two vowels or syllables. Suspense n. Sylph n. as e'er for ever. Relative proportion and harmony. graceful young woman or girl. Surcharge n. Inclined to doubt or mistrust. Supplicate v. Symphonious adj. Well-balanced. To encircle. To share the sentiments or mental states of another. Suspension n. Supplementary adj. A luxurious person. Surfeit v. A land-measurer. One who asks humbly and earnestly. Tarnish v. Telepathy n. To lessen or destroy the luster of in any way. To pursue a policy of delay. Having equal or equivalent value. Tacit adj. The art or process of preserving dead animals or parts of them. To tease. Something peculiar to a particular art. A word having the same or almost the same meaning as some other. Tactics n. . A fabric to which a pattern is applied with a needle. Tact n. Technical. Taxidermy n. The art or process of communicating by telephone. To be full to overflowing. An allurer or enticer to evil. as toward some objector end. Telephony n. of a fixed contribution. An arrangement of inanimate figures representing a scene from real life. Technique n. Tableau n. or doctrine that a person believes or maintains as true. Tenant n. Tendency n. Unyielding. by government. The state of touching. Tangency n. Lasting for a short time only. An occupant. Tantalize v. Tapestry n. Any opinion. Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing. Stretched tight. Taut adj. Tenacious adj. One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness. principle. Temerity n. Tempt v. Temporary adj. Tantamount adj. To offer to (somebody) an inducement to do wrong. or the like. designed for ornamental hangings. or import. Tangent adj. Perceptible by touch. 88 5000 GRE Word List Tenet n. Technography n. Methodical. Technology n. The scientific description or study of human arts and industries in their historic development. Telltale adj. Tannery n. Synonym n. That gives warning or information. Direction or inclination. Systematic adj.4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 Synod n. Manner of performance. An ecclesiastical council. effect. Pertaining to or concerned with the affairs of the present life. Recklessness. Touching. Synopsis n. Tack n. Technic adj. Tangible adj. Temporize v. To drive together so that one slides into the another like the sections of a spy-glass. A small sharp-pointed nail. dogma. Tempter n. Understood. Telescope v. Any maneuvering or adroit management for effecting an object. Thought-transference. Taxation n. Teem v. The knowledge relating to industries and manufactures. trade. A levy. Temporal adj. Taciturn adj. Disinclined to conversation. A syllabus or summary. A place where leather is tanned. Tactician n. Technicality n. Tireless adj. Untiring. Terminal adj. Theological adj. Tilth n. Harangue. Theoretical adj. Theorist n. Testimonial n. Thrall n. thesis n. Timorous adj. Tirade n. Thereabout adv. To speculate. Theology n. Violently abusive and quarrelsome. To put an end or stop to. Pithy. Testator n. Pertaining to or creative of a boundary. Thoroughbred adj. A solution. Theorize v. Tense adj. Tentative adj. Done as an experiment. Government by a supreme deity. Termagant adj. usually alcoholic. Tenure n. A professor of divinity. One controlled by an appetite or a passion. Thoroughfare n. quantity. Testament n. often presented in public. The quality of a tone. For that or this. Thermoelectric adj. A will. Theocrasy n. The mixed worship of polytheism. To fill with extreme fear. The maker of a will. Based on or growing out of divine revelation. Bred from the best or purest blood or stock. Befuddled with drinks. Thermal adj. Lacking courage. A public street or road. The branch of theological science that treats of god. Near that number. A faint trace of color. Tipsy adj. Electricity generated by differences of temperature. Therefor adv. Termination n. Theologian n. Terrify v. Directed toward knowledge for its own sake without respect to applications. Territorial adj. Terse adj. as distinguished from intensity and pitch. Belief in god. An essay or treatise on a particular subject. Thermoelectricity n. Pertaining to a period of 300 years. A formal token of regard. limit. Tiresome adj. One given to speculating. . Terminus n. of some principle used in medicine. Tercentenary adj. degree. Terminate v. A settled course or manner of progress. Denoting electricity produced by heat. A government administered by ecclesiastics. Wearisome. Tinge n. Tincture n. Strained to stiffness. Thearchy n. The final point or goal. or time. The term during which a thing is held. place. approximately. Theocracy n.4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 Tenor n. Pertaining to the domain over which a sovereign state exercises jurisdiction. The act of ending or concluding. Cultivation. Of or pertaining to heat. Timbre n. Theism n. Transfigure v. Transferable adj. Transferrer n. 89 5000 GRE Word List Topography n. Tranquil adj. The path described by a projectile moving under given forces. To soothe. Transferee n. Tortious adj. from one vessel to another. Tortuous adj. Situated beyond or on the other side of the atlantic. Indulgent. Transience n. Surpassing. Calmness. Transfer v. condition. To passively permit or put up with. . Tolerant adj. To surpass. The art of representing on a map the physical features of any locality or region with accuracy. Excessively hot. Transcendent adj. Transfusible adj. Laborious. remove. Abounding in irregular bends or turns. Tractable adj. Toilsome adj. The act of conveying from one person or place to another. Moderately good. Transitory adj. Torpor n. Extending or passing across a continent. Transcribe v. Easily led or controlled. Trammel n. Torrid adj. Tranquilize v.4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 Titanic adj. Trajectory n. Wrongful. Marked by extreme suffering. Transfusion n. as a fluid. Translator n. Transference n. Transatlantic adj. Forbearance in judging of the acts or opinions of others. The person to whom a transfer is made. An interpreter. Passage from one place. Transalpine adj. Transcend v. Toleration n. An impediment. To give an exalted meaning or glorified appearance to. A spirit of charitable leniency. Tolerance n. Transition n. Tolerable adj. Existing for a short time only. Of vast size or strength. A distinguishing feature or quality. Translate v. Transgress v. Tranquility n. Something that is of short duration. Apathy. One who or that which conveys from one person or place to another. Transfuse v. The act of pouring from one vessel to another. Transcontinental adj. To pour or cause to pass. Transient n. To break a law. Torturous adj. Situated on the other side of the alps. To do business. One who or that which is only of temporary existence. To convey. Capable of being conveyed from one person or place to another. Transact v. Trait n. or action to another. Tolerate v. A copy made directly from an original. To write over again (something already written) transcript n. Calm. or cause to pass from one person or place to another. To give the sense or equivalent of in another language or dialect. Capable of being poured from one vessel to another. or form. The property or state of allowing the passage of light. Characterized by quivering or unsteadiness. To remove and plant in another place. Tripod n. Transmute v. Of little importance or value. Tremor n. Tremulous adj. Hard or agonizing labor. or breech of allegiance. Transplant v. A threefold personality existing in the one divine being or substance. Translucent adj. Trepidation n. The act of reversing the order or changing the place of. Made commonplace by frequent repetition. Treatise n. Easy to see through or understand. Triplicity n. 90 5000 GRE Word List Trestle n. Of three colors. substance. Awe-inspiring. An open braced framework for supporting the horizontal stringers of a railway-bridge. Tribune n. Of the nature of betrayal. The three-pronged fork that was the emblem of neptune. Allowing the passage of light. Perfidious. Artifice. A three-wheeled vehicle. Tremendous adj. Lying or being across or in a crosswise direction. An elaborate literary composition presenting a subject in all its parts. Treachery n. Triple adj. Transparent adj. An involuntary trembling or shivering. That may e sent through or across. Transposition n. Tricolor adj. To send trough or across. Transpire v. To divide into three parts. Triad n. Three things grouped or associated together. Neatness. Taking place every third year. Transmissible adj. Trenchant adj. Trebly adv. for supporting some instrument. or plighted faith. Tricycle n. Any champion of the rights and liberties of the people: often used as the name for a newspaper. Transmit v. usually hinged near the top. Trivial adj. Triplicate adj. To come to pass. Threefold. Nervous uncertainty of feeling. The state of being triple or threefold. A grotesque imitation. A group of three persons of things. treachery. Trite adj.4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 Translucence n. Cutting deeply and quickly. . A three-legged stand. The act of sending through or across. Trinity n. Trident n. To change in nature. Multiplied by three. Triumvir n. Transverse adj. Trio n. Composed of or pertaining to three related things or parts. Violation of allegiance. Trisect v. Trimness n. Treble adj. Travesty n. especially into three equal parts. confidence. Trickery n. Triennial adj. Transmission n. Triply. Travail n. Treacherous adj. Treasonable adj. One of three men united coordinately in public office or authority. A sense of injury. A darting momentary local pain. as judgment. Truculence n. Pertaining to typography or printing. Beyond the mountains. 91 5000 GRE Word List Underexposed adj. Sincere. To serve as a characteristic example of. Unbridled adj. . Unconscionable adj. Turgid adj. or surroundings. Impartial. Unaffected adj. The office of a guardian. Veracious. Ultimate adj. Pertaining to supernatural things or to another life. Being present everywhere. Tutelage n. Not so pertinent as something else to the matter spoken of. as concerning terms or conditions. Unaccountable adj. Ferocity. Truism n. The arrangement of composed type. Ulterior adj. Inexplicable. Burdensome. Uncommon adj. Beyond which there is nothing else. Twinge n. Unanimous adj. Absolute power arbitrarily or unjustly administrated. Rare. Being without restraint. Ultramundane adj. Not cognizant of objects. Typify v. Unanimity n. Troublesome adj. 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 Ultramontane adj. One slightly skilled in or acquainted with any trade or profession. Typographical adj. The state or quality of being of one mind. To free from deception. Typical adj. Depravity. Truthful adj. A statement so plainly true as hardly to require statement or proof. Having the character or the spirit of a savage. Undercharge v. Ridiculously or unjustly excessive. Unsuited to the wearer. Ubiquitous adj. Characteristic. The act of training or the state of being under instruction. Unendurable. A final statement or proposal. place. Undeceive v. Doubt. Turpitude n. Ultimatum n. as negatives in photography. Protective.4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 matter. Unavoidable adj. Tyro n. Inevitable. Unbecoming adj. Oily. etc. Unbearable adj. Unbelief n. To make an inadequate charge for. Unctuous adj. or the appearance of printed Tyrannical adj. Swollen. Tutelar adj. especially beyond the alps (that is. Sharing the same views or sentiments. Despotic. actions. Tyranny n. Unbiased adj. The art of anointing as with oil. on their italian side). Unconscious adj. Tutorship n. Umbrage n. as by apprising of the real state of affairs. Insufficiently exposed for proper or full development. Unction n. Typography n. Truculent adj. A garment to be worn under the ordinary outer garments. Inexpressible. Undulate v. To underestimate. Overthrow or violent disturbance of established order or condition. Monovalency. Underworld n. Uppermost adj. Illegal. To undervalue. Upheave v. Undermine v. Underling n. Upcast n. Clandestinely carried on. Artificial. Underhanded adj. Causing annoyance or hindrance. To raise or lift with effort. To be the ground or support of. Hades. Upheaval n. Unlimited adj. Unlawful adj. Underlie v. Untimely adj. To move like a wave or in waves. Unwieldy adj. Univalence n. Being in a condition of perfect agreement and accord. Unsettle v. Underman v. Unitarian adj. Of less than the customary size. Consisting of a single cell. Unnatural adj. Clumsy. Undersell v. Maintenance. 92 5000 GRE Word List . To separate. To reproach as deserving blame. Underwrite v. To put into confusion. To subvert in an underhand way. Understate v. Unsophisticated adj. Unify v. Up-keep n. To cause to be one. as a case. Upbraid v. A condition of perfect agreement and accord. Foolish. Unnecessary adj. Unwise adj. Untoward adj. A subordinate. Moved or managed with difficulty. Any ointment or lubricant for local application. To fail to put strongly enough. Showing inexperience. More than sufficient. Unfavorable adj. Unseasonable. Ungainly adj.4786 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 Undergarment n. To sell at a lower price than. as from great size or awkward shape. Resembling waves. Unyoke v. Not essential under the circumstances. Unison n. Unutterable adj. Unique adj. A throwing upward. Abominable. Undersized adj. Unconstrained. Unisonant adj. Pertaining to a religious body that rejects the doctrine of the trinity. Undulous adj. To equip with less than the full complement of men. Undervalue v. Being the only one of its kind. First in order of precedence. Underrate v. Unicellular adj. To issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance. Unspeakable adj. Unguent n. Undue adj. Adverse. Vaccinate v. Usury n. To throw into confusion. An atomizer. Vaporizer n. Of. Vegetation n. Empty. Vegetarian n. Utilitarianism n. To mark with different shades or colors. One who believes in the theory that man's food should be exclusively vegetable. Valedictory n. being the same in essence or substance. or pertaining to. Vapid adj. To inoculate with vaccine virus or virus of cowpox. Vacate v. Of or pertaining to plants. A thing that differs from another in form only. Vagabond n. Usage n. Usurious adj. Vegetal adj. Having a tendency to change. Vegetative adj. The pressure of necessity. Vegetate v. Vassal n. a rate of interest beyond what is allowed by law. Variable adj. Noisy. An idle wanderer. To live in a monotonous. . To leave. passive way without exercise of the mental faculties. Pertaining to the process of plant-life. Having lost sparkling quality and flavor. Treatment. Utility n. Refined or elegant courtesy. Vainglory n. A space entirely devoid of matter. Utmost n. Vaudeville n. mischievous boy. Urgency n. Fitness for some desirable practical purpose. Urban adj. Change. Urbanity n. Valediction n. Vagrant n. Vacuous adj.4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 Uproarious adj. Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational institution. Vale n. The greatest possible extent. Urchin n. Variant n. Taking unlawful or exorbitant interest on money loaned. A parting address. Valid adj. and demonstrative vanity. Variegate v. Uproot v. Plant-life in the aggregate. pretentious. A bidding farewell. Valedictorian n. Valorous adj. To take possession of by force. Variance n. Vacuum n. A variety show. Upturn v. Courageous. A roguish. Variation n. or like a city. To waver. To eradicate. Founded on truth. Modification. Level or low land between hills. Vacillate v. A wanderer. A slave or bondman. The demanding for the use of money as a loan. Excessive. The ethical doctrine that actions are right because they are useful or of beneficial tendency. Usurp v. Venal adj. of condition or circumstances. To prove to be true. Outside show or elegance. Truthfulness. Very eager or urgent. A visible trace. Venison n. of something absent. Vestige n. Vendition n. Venereal adj. as of fortune. A ruler acting with royal authority in place of the sovereign in a colony or province. A seller. Wordy. Rapid motion. The language of one's country. 93 5000 GRE Word List Versatile adj. Verify v. Velvety adj. Of. Version n. Vendor n. Dizziness. Having an aptitude for applying oneself to new and varied tasks or to various subjects. Marketable. Verbose adj. Use of many words without necessity.4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 Vehement adj. Green with vegetation. Belonging to or suggestive of the spring. Word for word. A noxious or troublesome animal. lost. . Vertex n. Pertaining to or proceeding from sexual intercourse. Veracious adj. Venerate v. Verily adv. Habitually disposed to speak the truth. Veto n. Clothing or covering. Vertical adj. Vernal adj. exact. Verbiage n. In truth. Venerable adj. or impression. Truth. The act of selling. Vicissitude n. Viceroy n. Venial adj. Verdant adj. A description or report of something as modified by one's character or opinion. Marked by lightness and softness. Veneer n. Meriting or commanding high esteem. Vicarious adj. a forgivable sin. Vestment n. Vernacular n. Verification n. A change. Vigilance n. Vigilant adj. Mercenary. Vendible adj. or accurate. Apex. Alert and intent mental watchfulness in guarding against danger. The constitutional right in a chief executive of refusing to approve an enactment. Veracity n. Venom n. The act of proving to be true. Being on the alert to discover and ward off danger or insure safety. The poisonous fluid that certain animals secrete. Verbatim adv. Verity n. To contend. Venous adj. Vermin n. exact. or accurate. Suffered or done in place of or for the sake of another. or gone. pertaining to. corrupt. Lying or directed perpendicularly to the horizon. mark. To cherish reverentially. especially a complete change. That may be pardoned or forgiven. or contained or carried in a vein or veins. Velocity n. Vie v. The flesh of deer. Vertigo n. Vivisection n. right. Viola n. Deserving of censure. Vocable n. Having fullness of beautiful form. Visualize v. Virulence n. or beautiful quality. Virulent adj. Vituperable adj. To endow with life or energy. To give pictorial vividness to a mental representation. Voracious adj. An act or exercise of will. Exercising the will. A musical instrument somewhat larger than a violin. To contaminate. Vociferous adj. ranking fourth in the order of british peerage. Volitive adj. Vista n. Viol n. To prove true. especially when sucked spirally toward the center. Making a loud outcry. Violoncello n. Having great fluency in speaking. One who transgresses. Virago n. A picture having a background or that is shaded off gradually. A word. Vincible adj. Volant adj. The state or quality of being necessary to existence or continuance. Virtu n. 94 5000 GRE Word List Voluptuous adj. Vindicative adj. Vindicate v. Exceedingly noxious or deleterious. as a woman. Revengeful. curious. or real. Changeable. Rare. Flying or able to fly. A bold. Virile adj. Being in essence or effect. A greenhouse for grapes. The quality of making a clamor. In england. Vindicatory adj. The dissection of a living animal. Vinery n. Extreme poisonousness. A stringed instrument held between the player's knees. Masculine. Violator n. . A stringed instrument of the violin class. The face. Of or pertaining to the act of calling. Visage n. Vivify v. impudent. Vociferate v. Volition n. especially one regarded in relation merely to its qualities of sound. Conquerable. Punitive. Perceptible by sight. countenance. a title of nobility. Vivacity n. A view or prospect. turbulent woman. Vogue n. Virtual adj. or look of a person. Voluble adj. A master in the technique of some particular fine art. Volatile adj. Viscount n. but not in form or appearance. Vitalize v. Vocative adj. Violation n. To endue with life. Vociferance n. Infringement. Virtuoso n. Eating with greediness or in very large quantities. Vortex n. with or without sensuous or sensual quality. The prevalent way or fashion. Vitiate v. A mass of rotating or whirling fluid. To utter with a loud and vehement voice. Visual adj. Vitality n.4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 Vignette n. Liveliness. To become or cause to become withered or dry. Working-man n. A person who has little understanding. Well-bred adj. 4997. Well-doer n. 95 5000 GRE Word List Wield v. Wee adj. Like or befitting a skilled workman. Wearisome adj. In prosperous circumstances. Weal n. With knowledge and by design. Wherewith n. Wane v. but tough and sinewy. Lacking warmth of manner. formerly used among the american indians as currency. Whereabouts n. Wittingly adv. Whimsical adj. A witty. indiscreet. Waif n. After which. Whine v. Wantonness n. Attractive. Wholly adv. 4994 Witling n. especially temporarily. or instrument. To transfer (the young) from dependence on mother's milk to another form of nourishment.4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 Votary adj. Recklessness. One who earns his bread by manual labor. 5001. 4999. 4993 Witless adj. Capable of receiving injuries. 4996. Well-being. To make more keen or eager. Weak-kneed adj. brilliant. especially with full command. 4995. The art or skill of a workman. Vulgarity n. Votive adj. Wizen-faced adj. as a right or claim. Well-to-do adj. Very small. Fatiguing. Workmanship n. 5000. Workmanlike adj. Consecrated by a vow or promise. To use. as a weapon. To diminish in size and brilliancy. Waive v. Belligerent. Vulnerable adj. In or at whatever place. 4988 Wile n. Having a shriveled face. Completely. Foolish. Beads strung on threads. The place in or near which a person or thing is. Whet v. Thin. A performer of moral and social duties. control. Whereupon adv. . Witticism n. A homeless. Sorcery. Lack of refinement in conduct or speech. Wampum n. Wean v. 4998. 4990 Wintry adj. neglected wanderer. Warlike adj. Without resolute purpose or energy. 4989 Winsome adj. Dedicated by a vow. To relinquish. Of good ancestry. An act or a means of cunning deception. Wherever adv. Wizen v. A vest. A ripple. Capricious. 4991 Wiry adj. Wavelet n. Waistcoat n. To utter with complaining tone. or manage. The necessary means or resources. or original saying or sentiment. 4992 Witchcraft n. or silly. influence. Wreak v. The intellectual and moral tendencies that characterize any age or epoch. One who espouses a cause or pursues an object in an immoderately partisan Zeitgeist n. planets. . 5013. 5014. To inflict.5002. 5008. 5006. as a revenge or punishment. 5007. Wrangle v. or limbs or as in pain or distress. 5004. Writing n. manner. A young animal past its first year and not yet two years old. or greatness. An imaginary belt encircling the heavens within which are the larger 5011. To twist the body. 5005. The culminating-point of prosperity. Zenith n. Zephyr n. 5010. Wrest v. 5009. The act or art of tracing or inscribing on a surface letters or ideographs. gentle wind. Any soft. Writhe v. face. 5003. To maintain by noisy argument or dispute. Yearling n. 5012. Zodiac n. Zealot n. Wry adj. Extreme misery or unhappiness. To pull or force away by or as by violent twisting or wringing. Wretchedness n. Deviating from that which is proper or right.
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