Green Process

May 3, 2018 | Author: Rodolfo Angulo Olais | Category: Solvent, Acetic Acid, Green Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Catalysis



Green Chemistry Letters and ReviewsISSN: 1751-8253 (Print) 1751-7192 (Online) Journal homepage: Green process chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry Berkeley W. Cue & Ji Zhang To cite this article: Berkeley W. Cue & Ji Zhang (2009) Green process chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry, Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 2:4, 193-211, DOI: 10.1080/17518250903258150 To link to this article: Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Published online: 10 Nov 2009. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 8495 View related articles Citing articles: 36 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2009, 193211 INDUSTRY REVIEW Green process chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry Berkeley W. Cuea* and Ji Zhangb a BWC Pharma Consulting, LLC, Ledyard, CT, USA; bResearch API, Pfizer Global Research & Development, Ann Arbor Laboratories, Pfizer, Inc., 2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA (Received 7 April 2009; final version received 13 August 2009) Key factors for deriving environmentally sustainable processes in the synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates and products are discussed. The selection and use of solvents is emphasized as regards methods to minimize environmental impact. Case studies of successful process development to attain improved green processes are included. Keywords: green chemistry; pharmaceuticals; solvent utilization strategies Introduction less stringent purity, however, it does underline the challenge and opportunity for improvement pre- Green Chemistry: ‘‘hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees.’’ sented to the pharmaceutical industry. Ronald C.D. Breslow (1) The problem is further elaborated by a report from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) (5,6). A life cycle study of The development of new pharmaceutical products by waste produced from their Active Pharmaceutical organic synthesis over the past century has contrib- Ingredient (API) manufacturing facilities estimated uted to a revolution in medical care, enabling dramatic that 80% of their waste is solvent-related. Assuming reductions in hospitalization, suffering, and death. other pharmaceutical companies produce a similar However, this achievement is flawed if the environ- percentage of solvent waste, this suggests that addres- ment is adversely impacted. With the increasing sing the selection, use, recovery, and disposal of sol- emphasis on green chemistry (2,3) recently, pharma- vents will contribute dramatically to alleviating this ceutical process chemists have concentrated their problem. While not the only means for greening phar- focus and creative energies toward minimizing the maceutical manufacture, solvent considerations will environmental impact of their craft. This review will appear frequently in the case histories of drug process present a selective overview of useful means to achieve development in this review. this goal, and discuss case studies of the successful modification of processes to achieve reduced resource Solvents in pharmaceutical process development and requirements, waste generation or energy consump- greenness factors (7,8) tion. The manufacture of chemicals has the potential to The selection of solvents for the synthesis of pharma- generate significant amounts of waste by-products ceuticals is critical on a number of levels (9). Beyond and pollutants, such as contaminated solvents, de- the obvious function of solvents to allow compounds pleted reagents, and air pollutants. Pharmaceutical to react efficiently in solution, they may further manufacture can be a significant contributor of these influence the particle size of the API and impact factors. For a comparison of the efficiency of the manufacturing costs by leading to difficult isolations sectors of chemical manufacture, Table 1 reveals that or requiring milling. Solvents often influence the the manufacture of drugs generates more waste and crystal form of the API, which directly determines by-products in comparison to all others (4). This dissolution rates, formulation, and bioavailability. must be taken in context, since the medical and The utilization of solvents also brings the disadvan- regulatory requirements of pharmaceutical purity will tage of solvent incorporation into the API. If they naturally lead to more waste per kilogram product as cannot be removed, the amount must be controlled or compared to making less sophisticated compounds of limited to levels that are safe to the patient. While the *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] ISSN 1751-8253 print/ISSN 1751-7192 online # 2009 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/17518250903258150 194 B.W. Cue and J. Zhang Table 1. Comparison of chemical industry sectors by Table 2. Class II solvents and their limits in pharmaceu- quantity of byproduct per kilogram of product (3). tical products. kg byproducts/kg Concentration Industry sector Product tonnage product Solvent PDE (mg/day) limit (ppm) Oil refining 106108 0.1 Acetonitrile 4.1 410 Bulk chemicals 104106 B15 Chlorobenzene 3.6 360 Fine chemicals 102104 550 Chloroform 0.6 60 Pharmaceuticals 10103 25100 Cyclohexane 38.8 3880 1,2-Dichloroethene 18.7 1870 Dichloromethane 6.0 600 1,2-Dimethoxyethane 1.0 100 presence of solvents in drugs is not usually considered N,N-Dimethylacetamide 10.9 1090 an environmental impact, they may be considered a N,N-Dimethylforamide 8.8 880 form of pollution for the purposes of this review as 1,4-Dioxane 3.8 380 they affect us directly as does other pollution. As a 2-Ethoxyethanol 1.6 160 means of evaluating this danger to our health, solvents Ethyleneglycol 6.2 620 Formamide 2.2 220 require categorization. The Center for Drug Evalua- Hexane 2.9 290 tion and Research (CDER) of the USA Food and Methanol 30.0 3000 Drug Administration (FDA) lists four classes of 2-Methoxyethanol 0.5 50 solvents organized by patient safety and environmen- Methylbutyl ketone 0.5 50 tal considerations (10). Class I solvents (i.e. benzene, Methylcyclohexane 11.8 1180 carbon tetrachloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1-dichlor- N-Methylpyrrolidone 48.4 4840 oethylene, and 1,1,1-trichloroethane) are highly un- Nitromethane 0.5 50 desired based on their unacceptable toxicity or Pyridine 2.0 200 deleterious environmental impact. Class II solvents Sulfolane 1.6 160 Tetralin 1.0 100 are most commonly organic solvents, such as acetoni- Toluene 8.9 890 trile, methanol, methylene chloride, tetrahydrofuran, 1,1,2-Trichloroethene 0.8 80 toluene, and hexane (see Table 2). Class III solvents Xylene 21.7 2170 (i.e. acetic acid, acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate, heptane, and dimethyl sulfoxide) have the lowest toxic From FDA website: Lrev1.htm; PDE, permitted daily exposure. potential. The lack of proven human toxicity is the main criterion for being listed as a class three solvent and the potential for demotion to class II or I is always solvents/reaction conditions module, which contains possible. Class IV solvents (i.e. isooctane, isopropyl information on green solvent alternatives to tradi- ether, petroleum ether, and 2-methyltetrahydrofuran) tional choices. Table 4 lists a variety of solvents that are have insufficient toxicological data. Whether any of generally recognized as green selection and provides a these solvents are entirely environmentally benign is means for choosing environmentally friendly solvents debatable, which is another reason for carefully for manufacture. assessing the use of these solvents in pharmaceutical There are two monographs that provide another manufacture. source of information, one is ‘‘Practical Process Since it is clear that solvents can rarely be avoided Research & Development’’ and the other is ‘‘Waste for efficient pharmaceutical manufacture, the initial Minimization in Pharmaceutical Process Develop- question becomes how to select as green a solvent as ment: Principles, Practice, and Challenges’’ (13,14). possible. Certain solvents may be excluded that pose These are excellent sources for consideration of potential harm to patients, operators, and the envir- solvents for designing a green process. onment. Such rarely used solvents along with poten- In this overview article we will summarize some of tial substitutes are listed in Table 3 (9). the success stories of using green chemistry principles Tools are available for designing green syntheses. to guide process design and the use of green solvents For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency in the pharmaceutical industry (1519). The selection (EPA) offers several useful websites (11). The Green of green solvents and the improved approaches Chemistry Expert System (GCES) offers guide- displayed in these examples were chosen based upon lines and support information for devising a green- performance criteria, such as optimal yield, chemical chemistry process (12). This tool includes a green reactivity and selectivity, and separation. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 195 Table 3. Solvents with limited use in pharmaceutical scale-up (9). Solvent Unfavorable issues Possible alternative solvent(s) Ethyl ether Flammable MTBE Chloroform, dichloromethane Toxicity and environmental PhCH3/CH3CN, n-butanol or trifluorotoluene Benzene Toxicity Toluene Isopropyl ether Peroxide formation MTBE CCl4, ClCH2CH2Cl Mutagenicity and environmental impact  HMPA Toxicity N-methylpyrrolidine Ethylene Glycol Toxicity 1,2-propanediol Hexane Electrostatic discharge Neurological toxicity Heptane Pentane Flammable Heptane Dioxane Teratogen Tetrahydrofuran (THF) or 2-Me-THF Case studies of green processes in pharmaceutical This would require that toxic chlorosulfonic acid development would appear subsequent to the point where the  Sildenafil citrate (20 23) The story of the phosphodiesterase (V) inhibitor chemist would like to purge most impurities. In addi- tion, this chlorosulfonation required excess chloro- sulfonic acid as it functioned as both reagent and sildenafil citrate (Viagra† ), the first effective oral solvent, guaranteeing that substantial hazardous treatment for erectile dysfunction, is well known even waste would result. outside of chemical circles. In addition to alleviating While a convergent strategy is not necessarily a distress for an underserved cohort, it has been an better or shorter synthesis, it often does improve a important component of Pfizer’s revenues since 1998. manufacturing process by permitting the simultaneous Behind its success is a good example of the adapta- preparation of the components of an advanced inter- tion of green chemistry in the design of the commer- mediate. Advanced intermediates may thus be stock- cial manufacturing process. piled and impurities tend to purge easier since when The first viable route developed at Pfizer’s UK the convergence occurs, non-reacting impurities in the laboratories was a linear 11 step synthesis, which gave intermediates become dissimilar to the new intermedi- a 4.2% overall yield from 2-pentanone (Scheme 1). ate. For sildenafil citrate, the redesigned chemistry While compelling and attractive chemistry, it was not became beneficial in that it increased the overall yield suitable for large scale manufacturing due to low yield significantly, (average yield of last three steps 97% and the use of noxious compounds. As regards route yield). The process redesign placed the cyclization as selection, particularly unfortunate was the placement the last step and utilized the relatively benign reagents of a highly crystalline, easily purified intermediate in t-butanol and its potassium base, while the chlorosul- the middle of the synthesis rather than near the end. fonation was moved earlier into the synthesis (Scheme 2). This permitted the inherent purification of the Table 4. Most useful green solvents used in the pharma- workups in the steps subsequent to the sulfonation to ceutical industry. remove the toxic residues. The final step could now also be run in high concentration, further minimizing Acetic acid solvent waste. Water Ethanol While the improved yields naturally reduced the 1-Butanol waste, green solvents, such as water, t-butanol, and 2-Butanol ethyl acetate had also been introduced in place of ether Acetone and chlorinated solvents. Process development estab- Butyl acetate lished that ethyl acetate could be used over three Propyl acetate consecutive steps (hydrogenation, acid activation, and Isobutyl acetate acylation), which simplified the process and removed Isopropyl acetate the need to completely exchange solvents between all Methyl acetate steps, a major energy saving and waste elimination. t-Butanol Pfizer has continued to optimize the sildenafil Tetrahydrofuran (or 2-Me-THF) citrate process since commercial launch. Remarkably, Ethyl acetate this research has further lowered the ratio of solvent 196 B.W. Cue and J. Zhang O Me EtO HN N N O Clean N Me cyclization Toxic Pr O Four steps N reaction reagent H 2N N O2S O2N N 1 2 Pr N Me 3 Scheme 1. First preparative route to sildenafil citrate. waste/kg product over 17 years from 1300 L/kg to Crafts acylation required excess AlCl3 and was only 7 L/kg by minimizing solvent use, increasing carried out in the hazardous solvent carbon disulfide. solvent recovery, improving solvent selection, and Finally, classic resolution using a chiral salt was telescoping steps. Only the solvents t-butanol, ethyl required in the final step, requiring significant re- acetate, 2-butanone, and a trace of toluene still sources for carrying along the unwanted stereoisomer require disposal. throughout the entire synthetic sequence. Obviously, this was not a green process since half of the final product was the unused diastereomer and was not Sertraline recycled. Sertraline (Zoloft† ) is an anti-depressant agent The process chemistry team cleverly determined launched by Pfizer in 1991 (2426). The original that the formation of the imine could be pushed to synthesis utilized a Stobbe reaction to couple benzo- 95% completion by substituting the solvent from phenone with diethylsuccinate to yield a mono acid tetrahydrofuran (THF) to ethanol. The imine pos- (Scheme 3). Hydrolysis and decarboxylation under sessed low solubility in alcohols and as a result the strongly acidic conditions produced the butenoic equilibrium of the condensation was shifted toward acid, which was hydrogenated over a palladium the imine as it precipitated. Ethanol also permitted a catalyst to the desired 4,4-diarylbutanoic acid 10. telescope into the next step. As TiCl4, was no longer Subsequent FriedelCrafts acylation and cyclization needed for the imine formation, the new process yielded the key racemic tetralone intermediate 11. alleviated the difficult separation of the titanium waste Condensation with methylamine in the presence of and the expensive disposal problem. titanium tetrachloride followed by catalytic reduction Optimization of the imine reduction established of the imine gave a mixture of cis and trans amines 12. that the catalyst Pd/CaCO3 produced better regios- The cis form was purified as its HCl salt by fractional electivity than the existing catalyst system Pd/C. The crystallization and was subsequently resolved with D- ratio of cis (desired)/trans (undesired) isomers had ()mandelic acid to produce the desired ()-(1S, 4S)- been 6:1, while the revised processed raised the ratio sertraline 13. to 17:1 and as a result raised the yield from 78 to There are several potential areas for improvement 92%. in this synthesis (Scheme 4). Firstly, it required four The first commercial process employed in 1986 had steps to establish the skeleton of the racemic tetra- used five solvents, including the neurotoxin hexane. lone, certainly a shorter route existed for this Efficient process research has reduced this number to relatively simple compound. Secondly, the Friedel only ethanol and ethyl acetate. Overall organic solvent O Me H2 Pd/C N EtOAc H2 N N O Me O2 N Pr Pr N EtO O N EtO HN 4 N Me N EtOAc N (1) KOtBu, tBuOH, 95% N H Pr 96% O H2N (2) Citric acid, 100% Citrate salt EtO O2S N O2S N CO2H N N Me Me CDI 6 3 O2S N EtOAc 5 N Me Scheme 2. Convergent commercial preparation of sildenafil citrate. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 197 CO2H CO2Et O CO2Et t-BuO–, t-BuOH + Cl CO2Et Cl Cl Cl 7 8 9 CO2H O 1. HBr, HOAc 1. SOCl2, toluene 2. H2, 5% Pd/C, EtOAc 2. AlCl3, CS2 Cl Cl Cl Cl 10 11 MeHN MeHN 1. MeNH2, TiCl4 2. H2, 10% Pd/C 1. Fractional crystallization 2. Resolve with Cl D-(–)-mandelic acid Cl Cl 3. HCl Cl 12 13 Scheme 3. Early process synthesis of sertraline. usage has been decreased from 979 L/kg in the first of the resolution step. It was possible to resolve the commercial process to 256 L/kg in the current pro- tetralone 11 using a simulated moving bed (SMB) cess, due to both process optimization and solvent chromatography (25), followed by racemization of recycling. the unwanted enantiomer since the racemic tetralone Obviously, the resolution of racemic sertraline is 11 was prepared in one step from an aluminum still not efficient if the undesired enantiomer is not trichloride mediated reaction of 1-naphthol and ortho recycled. Preferable would be a means to exclusively diclorobenzene in high yield (26). The racemate was produce the required diastereomer, allowing removal sent back into the separation process with previously NMe NHMe Pd/C , H2 + TiO2 THF TiCl4/MeNH2 + MeNH3Cl toluene/hexanes THF Cl (D)-mandelic Cl acid, EtOH 14 Cl 12 Cl NHMe NHMe O "Imine" Racemic mixture HCl isolated cis and trans isomers EtOAc isolated HCl "tetralone" Cl Cl Cl 13 Cl 14 Cl 11 Cl NMe NHMe Sertraline Sertraline mandelate isolated Pd/CaCO3 , H2 isolated (final product) MeNH2 1) (D)-mandelic EtOH EtOH acid, EtOH + H2O 2) MeOH recryst. Cl Cl 14 Cl 12 Cl "Imine" Racemic mixture not isolated not isolated Scheme 4. Comparison of routes between the old and new commercial synthesis of sertraline HCl. 198 B.W. Cue and J. Zhang OMe NO2 O O O O t-BuONa EtO2C O OEt + O OMe O NO2 15 16 rac-17 OMe OMe O O (1) Ra-Ni/H2 EtO2C D-tartaric acid O HO2C O (2) NaBH(OAC)3 20% N (40% of theory) N * 1/2 D-tartaric acid H H rac-18 19 Scheme 5. Resolution route to the pyrrolidine core of ABT-546. unchromatographed material, essentially effecting a allowed less reliance on the tartrate salt for upgrading total conversion of the racemic tetralone into the the chiral purity. desired enantiomer if run as a reiterative process. Of There is a particular advantage to choosing green course, this required significant solvent consumption, solvents in the final steps of a drug preparation as any but if the solvent is recycled, a greener process still residues remaining in the API produce less concern. results due to the more efficient use of starting The synthesis of ABT-546 was crafted to use water as a materials. co-solvent for the last three steps (Scheme 7). The tartrate salt was broken with K2CO3 in THF/water, the free base residing in the THF layer. Next, ABT-546 bromoacetamide was added to the THF solution of Developing a selective and efficient catalytic process free base, along with aqueous NaHCO3, and the is usually the best solution when asymmetry arises reaction was heated until alkylation was complete. from prochiral starting materials. The process for the After separation, the product in the THF layer was synthesis of the endothelin-A antagonist ABT-546 diluted with ethanol. Finally, aqueous NaOH was provides an excellent example (2729). Although a used for saponification. The three step/one pot synthetic route was developed to prepare the racemic sequence provided the free base of ABT-546 in pyrrolidine core of ABT-546 (Scheme 5), it required excellent yield (96%) without the need for solvent subsequent resolution with D-tartaric acid. Yet, this removal and extraction. process still required several recrystallizations and the resolved tartrate salt was obtained in only 40% of theory. This motivated a search for an asymmetric LY300164 synthesis of the pyrrolidine core in order to provide LY300164 is a potential therapeutic agent for the enough material to support upcoming clinical trials. treatment of neurodegenerative disorders such as After systematic screening and analysis, a cataly- Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease. Lilly’s LY- tic, highly enantioselective conjugate-addition process 300164 process makes use of environmentally benign was developed in which the b-ketoester anion 15 was protocols, such as air oxidation and a biocatalytic added to nitroolefin 16 via catalysis with 4 mole% reduction (30,31). bis(oxazoline)Mg(OTf)2 amine complex (Scheme 6). The original synthesis consisted of a linear The ability to attain 88% selectivity in this addition approach of eight steps and provided a 22% overall O O N N 20 OMe Chiral ligand Mg(OTf)2 O O O O NO2 NMM EtO2C + O OEt CHCl3 O NO2 15 mol sieves O OMe 16 21 82% yield 88% selectivity Scheme 6. New approach to synthesis of the core of ABT-546. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 199 OMe OMe O O Step 2 EtO2C Step1 EtO2C Br CONBu2 O O K2CO3 NaHCO3 N 22 THF/H2O N THF/H2O H H 18 * 1/2 (D)-tartaric acid OMe OMe O O EtO2C Step 3 HO2C O O NaOH N THF/H2O/EtOH N CONBu2 96% (three steps) CONBu2 23 24 ABT-546 Scheme 7. Final three step in the synthesis of ABT-546. yield (Scheme 8). Several environmental disadvan- synthetic route which also permitted the incorporation tages of this approach were the use of chromium of several other green improvements (Scheme 9). The trioxide (the only acceptable oxidant for making the new route was made possible by introducing the diketone at that time), perchloric acid, borane, and required chirality at the beginning of the sequence by hydrazine. The use of hydrazine at the last step where preparing the chiral alcohol 26 enzymatically instead API contamination of genotoxic impurity (GTI) of by the late-stage borane imine reduction. A bioca- would become a major concern was particularly talytic reduction using resin-bound Zygosaccharo- unfortunate. myces rouxill in water efficiently provided the chiral The need to dispose of 3 kg of chromium waste per alcohol 26 in a remarkable 100% conversion, kilogram of product and the heavy metal contamina- 99.9% ee and 96% isolated yield. This enzyme has tion of reaction vessels were powerful inducements to a good process record as it has been used in the food avoid this metal oxidation. This led to a redesign of the industry for centuries. Additionally, this enzyme p-NO2PhCHO CH3 O CH3 O CH3 CrO3 / H2SO4 O NaBH4 HCl/benzene O Step 1 OH Step 2 O Step 3 O O O 80 % 92 % 46% 25 26 27 NO2 NH2 CH3 OH O CH3 O CH3 N2H4 O 1 eq HClO4 Ph Ph O O + N O Step 4 O Step 5 O BH3 • S(CH3)2 O [ClO4- ] N 95 % 90 % 7 days Step 6 29 30 28 57% (97% ee) O2N NO2 O2N CH3 CH3 CH3 O Ac2O O RaNi, N2H4 O NH NAc NAc O Step 7 O Step 8 O N N N 95 % 75 % 33 31 LY300164 O2N 32 H2N 12% overall yield O2N Scheme 8. The initial scalable synthesis of LY300164. 200 B.W. Cue and J. Zhang Z. rouxii p-NO2PhCHO H O CH3 O CH3 HCl / toluene O CH3 AD-7 resin O O Step 1 OH Step 2 O O O 96% 87% 25 26 34 NO2 H2NNHAc O CH3 CH3SO2Cl, Et3N NaOH, O2/N2 CH3 O Toluene CH2Cl2, 0° C DMSO, DMF OH O O Step 3 O Step 4 N O Step 5 OH HN 75% - 3 steps CH3 35 O2N 36 NO2 H CH3 H CH3 O CH3 O O O Pd/C, HCO2K O N N OMs NaOH, EtOH EtOH, H2O O O N CH3 O N N O CH3 Step 6 Step 7 HN 93% 91% CH3 33 O2N 37 O2N 32 LY300164 H2N 55% overall yield >99.9% ee Scheme 9. Improved process route to LY300164. operated at a relatively high concentration (40 g from the process. This could be done by catalytic ketone/L) permitting a high throughput for a bioca- hydrogenation in aqueous ethanol using potassium talytic reaction. formate as a hydrogen source. LY300164 was subse- The chiral alcohol was carried directly into the quently isolated in 91% yield. The process reconsi- cyclization step to form the chiral cyclic ether 34. deration resulted in a much greener process by Instead of oxidizing at this point, which would have tripling the overall yield, reducing the number of also pointlessly destroyed the hard won chirality, a steps, substituting air for a heavy metal-induced new route was developed to permit an alternative to oxidation, and developing a biocatalytic reduction the oxonium salt route. The oxidation required at the for establishing the chiral center. benyzlic center was accomplished by air via a base mediated oxidation using sodium hydroxide in Celecoxib DMSO to establish the hemiketal 35 (Scheme 9). Celecoxib is the active ingredient in Celebrex† , the This step was telescoped to react with acetylhy- widely used COX-2 anti-inflammatory agent. This drazine to form 36 and then treated with mesyl molecule is relatively simple and already possessed a chloride and triethylamine, the crystalline mesylate reasonable synthetic process by the time it reached 37 was isolated in 75% overall yield over three steps. the developmental chemists (Scheme 10) (32,33). The beauty of this design is that chromium has been However, the high daily dose of up to 800 mg replaced by air, hydrazine by the less dangerous suggested additional process work was still mandated acetylhydrazine, and there is no further need for the for the large quantities of bulk drug that would be persistent environmental pollutant perchloric acid to needed. form the oxonium salt. The subsequent cyclization The existing preparation of the pyrazole ring cleanly formed the benzodiazepine 32 in 93% isolated required recrystallizations to remove the unreacted yield. hydrazine 40 and the regioisomers, which were The final step to reduce the nitro group to reveal generated during the cyclization. The need for this LY300164 was first conducted with hydrazine and purification added significantly to the solvent and Raney nickel. Since the suspected carcinogen waste disposal requirements, leading the chemists to hydrazine had been eliminated from an earlier step, target the ring formation for optimization to reduce there was strong motivation to excise it entirely the ecological footprint of the process. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 201 H N NH2 (1) Trifluoroacetic acid, IPA .HCl H2NO2S (2) O O- Na+ 40 Improved process: CF3 O 41 H2NO2S NaOMe, IPA, MeOH 39 N N + CF3 O 43 F3C OEt (1) NaOMe, THF, MeOH Celecoxib, Pure 38 (2) EtOH, H2O, HCl H IPA/water recryst Launch Process: N NH2 H2NO2S .HCl O O H2NO2S 40 CF3 N N CF3 42 43 crude Scheme 10. Comparison of the commercial launch and improved processes for Celecoxib. The improvements came from a thorough under- direct isolation of pure Celecoxib from the reaction standing of the mechanistic underpinnings of the mixture by simple water dilution and cooling. It is reaction. The key question concerned the formation unusual to find a process that permits a direct isolation of the 23% levels of impurity 44 (Scheme 11). The of the API without some additional purification. experiences with other pyrazoles during the develop- The green benefits established by the subtle, but mental work suggested that the level of regioisomeric significant changes above are numerous. Only two impurity could be much lower. The chemists discov- benign solvents (methanol and isopropanol) are now ered that the presence of water would lead to the hyd- needed. The yield increased from 63 to 84%, decreas- rate of the diketone, which in turn influenced the ing waste production by 35% and reducing the use of formation of 44, as did the concentration of the the hazardous hydrazine. The reactor throughput hydrazine. Thus, the water concentration was kept increased 50%. The change in reaction conditions low and the hydrazine’s effective concentration was now meant that product isolation only required reduced by adding it as the HCl salt instead. This salt cooling to 208C instead of 58C. Finally, the cleaner had limited solubility in the now non-aqueous solution product permitted a change in the cake wash solvent until the diketone sodium salt was added, which from 100% isopropanol to 50% aqueous isopropa- neutralized enough salt to lead to a controlled reac- nol. This process eliminated the use of the undesirable tion. This clever self-moderating reaction reduced the solvents methylene chloride and hexane, and when production of the regioisomer to 0.5%, permitting the combined with the other changes, eliminated the need for 5200 metric tons of solvent annually. Figures 1 and 2 graphically demonstrate the greening of the SO2NH2 Celecoxib manufacture process. Quinapril N N Quinapril hydrochloride (Accupril† ) is an angioten- CF3 sin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor for the treat- ment of hypertension and congestive heart failure 44 (34). The original manufacturing route contained a Scheme 11. Impurity in the final cyclization (42,43). variety of undesired qualities, such as the use of 202 B.W. Cue and J. Zhang Solvents usage in the preparation of Celecoxib Total waste generated in the production of Celecoxib IPA Celecoxib 20 20 NaCl Ethanol TFA 18 Methanol 18 IPA 16 THF 16 Ethanol 14 Methanol Kg waste/Kg 14 Kg solvent/Kg Celecoxib 12 THF Celecoxib 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 Launch Improved 0 Launch Improved Process Process Figure 2. Comparison of the total waste generated in the Figure 1. Solvent usage in the preparation of Celecoxib production of Celecoxib. (19952002). methylene chloride, the potentially explosive hydro- The ester was cleaved using a minimum amount xybenzotriazole, the sensitizer dicyclohexylcarbodii- of acetic acid/HCl, the salt was formed and isolation mide (DCC), and copious toluene volumes for proceeded well without a lengthy solvent exchange or removing acetic acid by solvent exchange. The key drying operation, but by simply adding the anti- to the redesign of the quinapril process was the loss of solvent acetone. A final recrystallization from aceto- yield due from an intramolecular cyclization that nitrile produced the API. formed a diketopiperazine impurity. The rate of this As a result, the overall yield increased from 58 to side reaction of the product was greatly enhanced, 90%, throughput has quadrupled, waste production when the reaction mixture was held at 558C during has been significantly reduced, and less and greener the three acetic acid/toluene azeotropic distillations. solvents have been incorporated. Figure 3 represents The redesign focused on the elimination of the use these improvements graphically. of acetic acid, which would permit minimizing diketopiperazine formation. This was accomplished Sitagliptin by changing the starting material to the commercially Hydrogenation could be the ultimate manifestation of available N-carboxyanhydride 45. When reacted with green chemistry, when the chemical results are the isoquinolinecarboxylic acid t-butyl ester salt 46, weighed against the environmental impact. The addi- the self-activated anhydride led to direct amide tion of hydrogen to unsaturated bonds can establish coupling, allowing the elimination of DCC, its waste chirality or the formation of desired functional groups product dicyclohexylurea (DCU), and the need for a of lower-oxidation state by simple operations and high chlorinated solvent. The coupling proceeded well in atom efficiency. Often only trace quantities of cata- water and toluene (Scheme 12). lysts are required or if the catalyst is valuable, means EtO2C CH3 1. NaOH, H2O, toluene EtO2C CH3 N O + N O BSA . HN 2. cat. HOAc, toluene N O H 45 O O O 46 O O 47 Anh. HCl EtO2C CH3 Acetonitrile EtO2C CH3 N N Toluene/ HOAc N recrystallization N acetone H HCl H HCl O CO2H O O CO2H 48 49 Quinapril HCl Scheme 12. New quinapril process. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 203 Solvent amount (kg/100 kg product) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Methylene Acetic acid Toluene Acetone chloride Original process New process Figure 3. Solvent use comparison in original process and new process. for its recovery can be designed. The scope of the followed by further transformation to a protected reaction is broad, the reagent is cheap, and the b-lactam and then coupled to a triazole. Subsequent environmental impact of the reaction is usually mini- deprotection then revealed the key b-amino acid mal if the solvent can be recovered in some manner moiety and the drug was isolated as its phosphoric (3841). The establishment of stereogenic centers via acid salt. This had potential for evolving into a catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation is particularly manufacturing process, however, the numerous steps valued in pharmaceutical process chemistry, since it correspondingly increased the amount of reagents often permits foregoing resolution or multistep alter- and volume of solvents used. A better process was native chemistry. sought for scale up. The story of the process development of sitaglip- One means for eliminating steps is to avoid the use tin provides an example of the effective use of this of protecting groups, effectively removing two steps technique (3537). Sitagliptin is a new treatment for required to protect the starting material and subse- type two diabetes via inhibition of the DPP-IV quently deprotect the product. Such an idea was enzyme. Merck used a first-generation synthesis of incorporated into the second generation synthesis of sitagliptin to prepare about 100 kg for clinical trials, sitagliptin. The asymmetric hydrogenation of an which proceeded by the asymmetric hydrogenation of enamine would be a more efficient means to synthesize a b-ketoester catalyzed by (S)-binapRuCl2triethyla- the b-amino acid moiety, but a significant drawback mine complex in 94% ee (Scheme 13). The ester was was the requirement of an acyl protecting group on the hydrolyzed to yield a b-hydroxy carboxylic acid, nitrogen atom. This group is usually considered F F Chiral L with Rh NH2 O MeOH One step N H2 N N F F N F New route 51 F F O CF3 NH2 O OH N N N F F F N 53 50 Six steps F NHR O CF3 Sitagliptin Old route N Pd, H2 N N F 52 N CF3 Scheme 13. Process incorporating catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation for the preparation of sitagliptin. 204 B.W. Cue and J. Zhang indispensable for chelation between the reactant and completely eliminated aqueous waste streams. As this the metal catalyst in order to lead to high reactivity second-generation synthesis will create 220 kg less and selectivity. waste for each kilogram of sitagliptin manufactured, Remarkably, the process chemists discovered a Merck expects to eliminate the formation of at least completely unprecedented transformation: the asym- 150 million kilograms of waste over the lifetime of the metric catalytic hydrogenation of unprotected enam- drug. ines in high optical purity and yield, in this case catalyzed by rhodium with a ferrocenyl phosphine ligand (Josiphos). In collaboration with Solvias, this Saxagliptin process was perfected and along with several other Although chiral drugs can be prepared by asymmetric process changes, it became the manufacturing route. chemical transformations, the use of microbial- or Crafting a new synthetic sequence permitted the enzyme-catalyzed reactions has advantages over tradi- reduction step to be run at the end, which minimized tional chemical processes. Several have been already the quantity of the expensive catalyst needed, allowed described in this review. Many chemoenzymatic 95% recovery of the rhodium, and only revealed the processes are stereoselective and can be carried out reactive amino group of sitagliptin in the final step. at ambient temperatures and atmospheric pressure, The new synthesis has only three steps and increases which typically reduces cost, hazards, and minimizes the overall yield by nearly 50%. the probability of undesired side-reactions that may Implementing the new route on a manufacturing occur under forcing conditions. Furthermore, bioca- scale has reduced the amount of waste by 80% and talytic processes are generally carried out in aqueous OH H2N N O CN 54 Saxagliptin (BMS-477118) HO NH2 1. LiAlH4 57 2. (ClCO)2, DMSO CH2Cl2 NaHSO3 O OH O KCN H 65% 55 56 20% Pd(OH)2 HO HO 50 psi H2 N CN 12 N HCl N COOH MeOH/HOAc H HOAc, 80°C H H2N 60 COOH 16h, 78% (Boc)2O 58 59 K2CO3 DMF KMnO4 2% KOH HO 51% BocHN COOH BocHN COOH 62 61 Scheme 14. Original preparative route for the preparation of (S)-3-hydroxyadamantylglycine. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 205 Phenylalanine dehydrogenase OH OH OH H2N COOH BocHN COOH O COOH NADH NAD 63 64 62 Ammonium formate CO2 Scheme 15. Enzymatic reaction used for preparation of (S)-3-hydroxyadamantylglycine. solutions using less toxic chemicals, potentially mini- Solvent categories and their utility in pharmaceutical mizing the waste generation. manufacture Saxagliptin (54) is a DPP-IV inhibitor under Water as a process solvent development by Bristol-Myers Squibb (42,43). Water is the ultimate green solvent (44). Besides its (S)-N-BOC-3-hydroxyadamantylglycine 62 is a key presence in many biocatalytic reactions, water may be intermediate which was originally prepared by an used in a surprisingly large variety of reactions as asymmetric Strecker reaction, which is required highly solvent or cosolvent. Several more examples of the toxic potassium cyanide (Scheme 14). By using a use of water as solvent are worth mentioning. modified phenylalanine dehydrogenase, the Bristol- The first synthesis of ziprasidone (Geodon† ), an Myers Squibb (BMS) enzyme technology group suc- atypical anti-psychotic agent, was not suitable for cessfully set the chiral center in 64 by an enzymatic pilot plant scale-up. Initially, the two fragments were reductive amination of keto acid 63 (Scheme 15), joined by alkylation of 68 with 69 in the presence of reducing the number of steps from five to only one NaI and Na2CO3 in organic solvent, to produce by redesigning the process chemistry, eliminating the ziprasidone in 20% yield. When water was used as the need for cyanide and the expensive chiral reagent, (R)- solvent to improve the solubility of the reagents, the ()-2-phenylglycinol, poor oxidation using potassium yield increased to 9094% (Scheme 17) (45). permanganate in the final step, and this reductive Danofloxacin 73 is a quinolone anti-bacterial drug amination used water as solvent. for treating infections in livestock (4649). The pro- Enzymes also facilitated a reaction on the dihy- duct-forming amination step was improved by con- dropyrrole portion of saxagliptin. Candida antartica ducting it in pressurized water in order to permit a lipase B (CALB) mediated ammonolysis of the ester higher temperature and reaction rate (Scheme 18). It with ammonium carbamate as the ammonia donor to was then isolated in 91% yield and high quality by yield the amide (Scheme 16). The inclusion of filtration at the isoelectric pH. In addition, pyridine, Ascarite† and calcium chloride as adsorbents for 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU), toluene, carbon dioxide and ethanol byproducts, respectively, and alcohols, all used in an earlier process were no increased the yield to 98%, furnishing high purity longer needed. amide (99.9% ee) in 81% isolated yield with minimal An efficient one-pot synthesis of dibromopyrida- side product formation. zinone 77, an intermediate to ABT-963 (50), has been Candida antartica lipase B O Steps O N N R N O NH2CO2NH4 O O NH2 O O O CaCl2 /Ascarite CN 65 66 67 Scheme 16. Saxagliptin revised process for pyrrole ring amidation. O O HCl 1. H2O/Na2CO3 N heat ~20 hrs. N H + N NH H Cl S N 2. IPA N N Cl S N 90–94% Cl 68 69 70 Ziprasidone Scheme 17. Water as solvent during ziprasidone coupling. 206 B.W. Cue and J. Zhang O F F CO2H O H3C 1. KOH, 6–10 h N N 130–140oC N CH3 F N + HO2C N N 2. NaHCO3 2 HBr H Danofloxacin 91% 71 72 73 Scheme 18. Water as solvent under pressure to permit higher reaction temperature. developed that incorporates water as a solvent over readily available in both pseudoenantiomeric forms, three consecutive steps (Scheme 19) (51). This process and can be easily quaternarized to a variety of different was used to prepare 22 kg of dibromopyridazinone 77 salts. An illustrative example is the alkylation of a in 82% overall yield and 96% purity without further phenylindanone using chiral PTC in 98% yield and purification. 92% ee (Scheme 22) (6062). It was proposed that the Many drug molecules and intermediates will have chiral induction step involved an ion-pair in which the limited solubility in water if there are not a sufficient enolate anion fit on top of the catalyst, positioned by number of hydrophilic groups present. The use of electrostatic and hydrogen-bonding effects, as well as phase-transfer catalysis (PTC) is a special case for pp stacking interactions between the aromatic rings in water as a process solvent and can often ameliorate the catalyst and the enolate. The electrophile then solubility problems as well as improve many reac- preferentially approached the ion-pair from the open tions. PTC technology is simple, cheap, reliable, and top (front) face. A crystal structure of the catalyst has found many applications in industry manufac- supports this interpretation. ture. For instance, NaOH may be used as the ring- Suzuki couplings may be conducted in water as a closing base under PTC conditions (Scheme 20) (52). cosolvent. A multikilogram-scale synthesis of a Sodium hydroxide was added to the reagents and biphenyl carboxylic acid derivative using a Pd/ catalytic tetrabutylammonium chloride in THF/H2O C-mediated Suzuki coupling in aqueous methanol is at 458C, leading to the cyclized product in 96% yield. possible, which produces an improved yield of the A practical pilot-scale synthesis of 4-vinyl-2, desired product as well as leaves low residual Pd 3-dihydrobenzofuran 84 is done using PTC for levels in the product (Scheme 23). dehydrohalogenation (Scheme 21) (54). Practical and efficient epoxidation of aromatic The use of chiral PTC has recently become more olefins may be accomplished using Oxone† in ethyl common for the preparation of chiral, enantio-en- acetatewater (Scheme 24). This oxidant/solvent riched compounds from prochiral substances system is the best choice for the required chemistry (5559). Chiral PTC often makes use of the cinchona for environmental reasons. The reported method is alkaloids because the parent alkaloids are inexpensive, suitable for large-scale synthesis (53). O Br O Br OH F 76 F HBr/water SnCl2 HBr water NaNO2 HBr/water H2NHN F 80–90°C H2N F 0°C, 0.5 h 74 75 F F F O F O O HO N Br N N N Yield: 82% O Br > 22.0 kg S 77 O 78 ABT-963 Scheme 19. Water as green solvent in the process chemistry. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 207 Cl NaOH, TBAC cat., O Me O Me H2N Me NaOH, THF:H2O (1:1) THF:H2O (2.5:1), 20°C TBAC cat., 40–45°C, 1 h HN Br N Br Br O 96% Cl 79 Cl 81 82 80 Scheme 20. Water as solvent in ring-closing under PTC condition. Solvent-free processes (63) propylene oxide has been performed on large scale The ultimate of green chemistry could be defined as (200 kg) and the remaining catalyst can be recycled being totally free of solvents or any other chemicals at least three times without loss of activity or beyond those that will comprise the product. Solvent- enantioselectivity (68). free processes may theoretically eliminate waste and To control exothermicity, conducting solvent-free be energy efficient, but for large-scale chemical reactions at low temperature is a promising means to manufacture it is not hazard-free. Without using achieve a viable synthesis. The organocatalytic con- solvent as heat transfer media and heat sinks in jugate addition of nitroalkanes to nitroolefins using a exothermic reactions, the consequences of a runaway modified cinchona alkaloid catalyst is an example reaction can be devastating. A greater understanding (Scheme 27) (69). At 08C, this solvent-free reaction of the thermal characteristics of solvent-free reaction afforded the desired product in 81% ee and 83% yield. is essential before any increase in scale should be A less attractive feature was that the low temperature considered (64). But there are some instances of also reduced the reaction rate, requiring days for solventless chemistry related to pharmaceutical man- acceptable reaction completion. The reaction was ufacture, if excess reagents are not considered to considered safe for operation at large scale once a represent solvent. Dihydropyrimidinone derivatives thermodynamic investigation (differential scanning hold promising biological properties and often may calorimetry, DSC, and thermal gravimetric analysis, be prepared using modifications of the Biginelli TGA) was completed, always a good idea in process reaction: the acid-catalyzed three-component con- chemistry. densation of a 1,3-dicarbonyl compound, an alde- hyde, and urea (Scheme 25). Recently, a simple Ionic liquids synthesis of dihydropyrimidinones by a solvent-free There has been an increase in research of ionic liquids and catalyst-free Biginelli condensation has been as solvents in recent years (70). Many of the reported at kilogram scale (65). These reaction researchers in this area promote the usefulness of conditions were also mild enough to tolerate a variety ionic liquids in the synthesis of molecules important of sensitive functionalities. No solvents or catalyst to the pharmaceutical industry in reactions, such as was used and suggests solvents can be eschewed for FriedelCrafts alkylations or acylations (71), Heck narrowly defined structures. couplings (72), alkylations (73,74), and various con- Solvent-free catalytic asymmetric reactions have densations (75). It is unclear if any direct pharma- the potential to be safe, cost saving, and environ- ceutical applications have appeared yet. mental-friendly processes (66). In 1997, a break- While ionic liquid advocates cite their low volati- through in the isolation of terminal epoxides with lity and ability to recycle as green attributes, this is high enantioselectivity by hydrolytic kinetic resolu- only one consideration. Until the issues of cost, safety, tion of epoxides was reported (Scheme 26) (67). Such regulatory acceptance of ionic solvents residue in resolved epoxides or diols are useful synthons in APIs, and the lack of generality are addressed, their pharmaceutical chemistry. Water serves as a nucleo- utility remains undefined. phile in the presence of catalytic (salen)Co(OAc) to open epoxides. The reaction possesses the process advantages that the hydrolytic kinetic resolution of Supercritical carbon-dioxide (76 78)  Supercritical fluids are finding application in the O 0.5 eq Bu4N+OH– O pharmaceutical industry for solving difficult process 0.1 eq KI Cl 10 eq NaOH and formulation problems. Supercritical fluids exhibit H2O, 50°C, 83–90% a pressure-tunable dissolving power with a liquid-like density and gas-like transport properties. They possess 83 84 the attractive property of easy separation from the Scheme 21. Dehydrohalogenation under PTC conditions. substrate once the chemistry is complete by simply 208 B.W. Cue and J. Zhang OH N+ N H 86 R Cl O Cl O Cl 10 mole% Chiral PTC Cl + CH3Cl MeO H 50% aq NaOH CH3 toluene MeO 85 95% yield 87 92% ee Scheme 22. First chiral PTC for alkylation in pharmaceutical process. O Me O Me continuous fashion and allowed for efficient removal Pd/C, Na2CO3 of the toxic metal impurities to meet the specifications N Br N CO2H HO2C B(OH)2 for the final drug substance. 89 90 Besides chemistry, this solvent can be profitably 93–96% used for form establishment. Some pharmaceutical Scheme 23. Water as solvent for a Suzuki coupling compounds are difficult to micronize by conventional reaction. grinding or jet milling. For example, materials that have a low-melting point or are waxy cannot be ground or milled. Some supercritical-fluid processes Oxone O R2 have been developed to first dissolve the pharmaceu- R1 EtOAc–H2O R2 R1 tical compound and then effect precipitation by 20°C pressure decrease. Alternatively, the gas can act as 90 91 an anti-solvent causing recrystallization from solution Scheme 24. Oxone epoxidation in two-phase system. because of a solubility decrease when the gas and liquid solvent contract. Poor aqueous solubility of drug candidates pre- releasing the pressure. This unique combination of sents a significant problem in drug development. properties is ideally suited for developing processes for Among various strategies to address solubility issues, reacting, extracting, purifying, and recrystallizing reducing the particle size is a common option. pharmaceuticals as well as producing new forms that Recently, a processing technique called rapid expan- cannot be obtained by traditional processing technol- sion of a supercritical solution into a liquid solvent ogies. By far the most exploited supercritical fluid has (RESOLV) has been used to reduce the drug particle been liquidized carbon-dioxide. This can be a green size and offers advantages in clean, non-toxic drug reaction solvent, assuming the gas is captured after formulation research (80). For example, this technol- processing. ogy has been applied to a pair of anti-inflammatory Recently, process chemists in Boehringer Ingel- drugs: ibuprofen and naproxen. The RESOLV pro- heim Pharmaceuticals developed a practical method cess produced exclusively nanoscale (less than 100 for the removal of ruthenium byproducts by super- nm) ibuprofen and naproxen particles suspended in critical-fluid extraction in the synthesis of macrocyclic aqueous solutions. These suspensions are protected compound BILN2061 (79). Supercritical carbon- from particle agglomeration and precipitation by dioxide was used to remove the Ru catalyst and its using common polymeric and oligomeric stabilizing derived byproducts from a ring-closing metathesis agents. This technology may serve as a green process reaction. This method was implemented in a semi- for nanosizing other drugs for formulation and O R3 O O X Neat R2 NH + R3-CHO + R2 R1 H2N NH2 100–105°C, 1 h R1 N X H 78–85% 92 93 94 95 Scheme 25. Solvent-free Biginelli condensation. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 209 (R,R)–(salen)Co(OAc) O OH O (0.2 mol) + + OH H2O Me Me 5°C–25°C, 12 h Me 96 solvent-free 97 98 1 mol 0.55 mol Cycle 1 44% yield 50% yield 98.6% ee 98% ee Cycle 2 46% yield 50% yield 98.5% ee 98% ee Cycle 3 48% yield 50% yield 98.5% ee 98% ee Scheme 26. Hydrolytic kinetic resolution of propylene oxide. NO2 NO2 10 mol% Cinchona alkaloid NO2 + NO2 0°C, days Cl solvent-free Cl 99 100 101 83% yield 81% ee Scheme 27. Asymmetric organocatalytic Michael addition under solvent-free conditions. sustained-release requirements (81). Additional no need to emphasize green chemistry to pharmaceu- applications of supercritical fluids in the controlled tical chemists as it will become the natural course of release of drugs have appeared (82). action when the ultimate good to the company, patient, and environment is considered. Conclusion Acknowledgements Many of the green chemistry principles are not new to pharmaceutical industry chemists, but represent the The authors would like to thank Dr. Leo Letendre of Pfizer way good process development is done. They do PGRD, Michigan Labs provided the green chemistry represent a new area of focus to further reduce package of Celecoxib and Ms. Sandra Jennings of Pfizer PGRD, Michigan Labs provided the green chemistry manufacturing costs, build in greater process robust- package of Quinapril. We are grateful to Drs. 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