May 12, 2018 | Author: zornig777777 | Category: Books



AFU Library inventory by ufocodeUfocod Author And Title Aetherius Society --> see King, George. Friedrich, Christof --- see Zündel, Erich Nada-Yolanda (Pauline Sharpe) --- see Mark-Age! Oliver, Fredrick S: see Phylos, the Tibetan. Sharpe, Pauline ("Nada-Yolanda") -- see Mark-Age! A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Aarsleff, Klaus: För dette. Alexander, Marius: Guía extraterrestre del planeta Tierra. Alford, Alan F.: Gods of the new millenium. The shattering truth of human origins. Alvarez Lopez; José: Dioses y robots. Segunda edición. Ancient Astronaut Society: "Come search with us". [Information leaflet]. Ancient Astronaut Society: 10th anniversary world conference. August 6-7, 1983, C Ancient Astronaut Society: 16th anniversary world conference. August 25, 26, 27, 1 Appel, Michael: Sie waren nie fort. UFO-Phänomene - ernst und heute. Bergier, Jacques & Gallet, Georges H.: Le livre des anciens astronautes. Bergier, Jacques: Extraterrestrial visitations from prehistoric times to the present. [o Bergier, Jacques: Extraterrestrial visitations from prehistoric times to the present. [o Bergier, Jacques: Les extraterrestres dans l'histoire. Bergier, Jacques: Los extraterrestres en la historia. [orig: Les extraterrestres dans l' Bergier, Jacques: Los extraterrestres en la historia. [orig: Les extraterrestres dans l' Bergier, Jacques: Mysteries of the earth. The hidden world of the extra-terrestrials. Bergier, Jacques: Mysteries of the earth. The hidden world of the extra-terrestrials. Bergier, Jacques: Mystiske fremmede exempler på udenjordisk indgriben fra forhist Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 2297 3748 6886 3750 5267 5268 5269 6383 5325 96 B 96 A 95 4913 B 4913 A 97 A 97 B 6403 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 BM-06886 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1973 1982 1996 1976 1988 1983 1989 1982 1977 1974 1973 1970 Strubes, Copenhagen Fontana Fantástica, Barcelona the author Editorial Kier, Buenos Aires Country Lang. Binding AcqYear 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 Da Sp USA Arg Da Sp En Sp En En En Ge Fr En En Fr Sp Sp En En Da sc sc digital PDF file sc booklet booklet booklet hc sc pt hc pt pt hc hc pt sc 1996 2003 2009 2003 2006 2006 2006 2008 2006 1979 2003 1980 2005 2005 1991 1976 2008 Ancient Astronaut Society, Highland USA Ancient Astronaut Society, Highland USA Ancient Astronaut Society, Highland USA Liber Verlag, Mainz Albin Michel, Paris Signet, NY Henry Regnery, Chicago J'ai Lu, Paris Plaza & Janes, Barcelona Plaza & Janes, Barcelona Sidgwick & Jackson, London Futura, London Aarsleffs forlag Ge Fr USA USA Fr Sp Sp UK UK Da 1 Translations 1976 1 Translations 1974 2 3 1974 1974 1 Translations 1980? den 31 december 2010 Sida 1 of 392 Ufocod Author And Title A Bergier, Jacques: Mystiske fremmede. Eksempler på udenjordisk indgriben fra forhi Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3810 2 Translations 1976 2 1983 1983 1973 1972 1974 Granada, London Dell, N. Y. Souvenir Press, London Corgi, London Editorial Bruguera, Barcelona Hilt & Hansteen, Oslo Sphinx & Nihil, Copenhagen Country Da Lang. Binding Da sc AcqYear 2003 2009 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Berlitz, Charles with Valentine, J. Manson: Mysteries from forgotten worlds. Berlitz, Charles with Valentine, J. Manson: Mysteries from forgotten worlds. Berlitz, Charles with Valentine, J. Manson: Mysteries from forgotten worlds. Berlitz, Charles with Valentine, J. Manson: Mysteries from forgotten worlds. Berlitz, Charles: Misterios de los mundos olvidados. [orig: Mysteries from forgotten Berlitz, Charles: Mysterier fra forsvunne sivilisasjoner. [orig: Mysteries from forgotte Bogdanov, Aleksandr: Neizvestnaya civilizaciya. (Unknown Civilizations). Brookesmith, Peter [red]: Det förflutnas legender. Försvunna civilisationer och lege Brookesmith, Peter [red]: Kraften från jorden. Om stensättningar, pyramider och rui Burenhult, Göran: Speglingar av det förflutna. Calder, Ritchie: La herencia del hombre. [orig: The inheritors]. Carlyon, Richard: A guide to the Gods. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Forgotten worlds. [orig: Le livre des mondes o Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Histoire inconnu des hommes depuis cent mill Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: L`enigme des Andes. Les pistes de Nazca. La Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des maitres de monde. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des maîtres du monde. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des mondes oubliés. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des secrets trahis. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des secrets trahis. (Bibliothèque des g Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre du mystérieux inconnu. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre du passé mystérieux. 104 D 104 B 104 A 104 C 4917 2039 6091 1425 1428 6430 4937 7804 196 B 1859 1860 1861 A 1861 B 1862 1863 A 1863 B 7810 1864 2 2 2 2 UK USA UK UK Sp No En En En En Sp No Ru Sw Sw Sw Sp En En Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr pt pt hc pt pt sc sc hc hc hc large format pt sc pt sc sc sc pt sc sc hc sc sc 1991 1976 1986 1986 2005 1994 2007 1987 1987 2008 2005 2010 1994 1992 1992 1992 2010 1992 1992 2010 2010 1992 Sida 2 of 392 1 Translations 1974 3 Translations 1987 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2003 1987 1987 1986 1974 1982 1973 1963 1974 1967 1980 1971 1965 1976 1969 1973 Centrpoligraf, Moscow-S:t Petersbu Ru Bokorama, Höganäs Bokorama, Höganäs Bra Böcker, Höganäs Plaza & Janes, Barcelona Quill, New York Popular Library, NY Robert Laffont, Paris Robert Laffont, Paris Robert Laffont, Paris Éditions J'ai lu, Paris Robert Laffont, Paris Robert Laffont, Paris Robert Laffont, Paris Laffont, Paris Robert Laffont, Paris Sw Sw Sw Sp USA USA Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title A Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Legacy of the gods. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 195 B 2 1 1979 1974 1973 1974 1974 Fontana, London Berkeley Medallion Books, N. Y. Sphere, London Strubes, Copenhagen Strubes, Copenhagen Editorial Bruguera, Barcelona Berkley Medallion, NY Sphere, London Ullstein Sachbuch, Frankfurt Berghs, Stockholm Berghs, Stockholm Berkley Medallion, NY Futura, London Berkley Medallion, NY Corgi, London J'ai Lu, Paris Ullstein Sachbuch, Frankfurt France Loisirs, Paris Plaza & Janes, Barcelona Dell, NY Arthur Barker, London Pan Books, London Sphere Books, London Country UK Lang. Binding En pt AcqYear 2009 1979 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Lost worlds. Scientific secrets of the ancients. [ Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Masters of the world. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Masters of the world. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Mysterier i 100.000 år. [Volume I, orig: Histoire Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Mysterier i 100.000 år. [Volume II, orig: Histoir Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Nuestros antepasados extraterrestres. [orig: L Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: One hundred thousand years of man's unknow Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: One hundred thousand years of man's unknow Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Phantastische Vergangenheit. Die unbekannte Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: På jakt efter de oförklarliga. [orig: Le livre du m Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Rymdens budbärare. Landningsfältet på Nazc Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: The Gods unknown. [orig: Le livre du mysterie Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: The mysterious past. [orig: Le livre du passe m Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: The mysterious past. [orig: Le livre du passe m Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: The mysterious unknown. [orig: Le livre du my Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Trésors du monde. Enterrés, enmurés, englout Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Verratene Geheimnisse. Aus biblischen und v Chatelain, Maurice: Á la recherche de nos ancêtres cosmiques. [orig: In search of o Chatelain, Maurice: Nuestros ascendientes ilegados del cosmos. [orig: Nos ancestr Chatelain, Maurice: Our ancestors came from outer space. Chatelain, Maurice: Our ancestors came from outer space. Chatelain, Maurice: Our ancestors came from outer space. 196 A 197 B 197 A 1491 3855 4947 1713 A 1713 B 5386 199 200 194 A 198 B 198 A 194 B 201 5387 3856 4948 203 A 203 C 203 B 3 2 2 UK USA UK Da Da Sp USA UK Ge Sw Sw USA UK USA UK Fr Ge Fr Sp USA UK UK En En En Da Da Sp En En Ge Sw Sw En En En En Fr Ge Fr Sp En En En pt pt pt sc sc pt pt pt pt hc hc pt pt pt pt pt pt hc pt pt hc pt 1979 1983 1976 1988 2003 2005 1988 1991 2006 1975 1979 1979 1983 1983 1979 1980 2006 2003 2005 2001 2005 1983 Sida 3 of 392 1 Translations 1969 1 Translations 1969 1 Translations 1974 2 2 1970 1981 1 Translations 1990 3 3 2 1 2 3 2 1972 1976 1974 1974 1973 1973 1962 1 Translations 1987 2 1981 1 Translations 1978 2 1 2 1979 1980 1980 den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title A Chatelain, Maurice: Our cosmic ancestors. [Enlarged edition of: Our ancestors cam Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 203 C 1 1 1988 1975 1970 1985 1976 1976 1978 1974 1975 1975 1975 1980 1974 1976 1975 1978 1967 1972 1977 2001 2001 1986 1978 1996 Rabén & Sjögren, Stockholm Prisma Magnum, Stockholm Doubleday, NY Pelham Books, London Sphere, London Pelham Books, London Mayflower, St. Albans Pelham Books, London Sphere, London Country Lang. Binding En sc AcqYear 2004 2009 Temple Golden Publications, Sedon USA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Cohen, Daniel: Gåtfulla platser. [orig: Mysterious places]. Cohen, Daniel: Gåtfulla platser. [orig: Mysterious places]. [2.upplagan]. Cohen, Daniel: The ancient visitors. Collyns, Robin: Ancient astronauts: a time reversal? Collyns, Robin: Ancient astronauts: a time reversal? Collyns, Robin: Did spaceman colonise the earth? Collyns, Robin: Did spaceman colonise the earth? Collyns, Robin: Laser beams from star cities? Collyns, Robin: Laser beams from star cities? Corliss, William R.: Ancient man: a handbook of puzzling artifacts. Corliss, William R.: Strange artifacts. A sourcebook on ancient man. Volume M-1. Corliss, William R.: Strange artifacts. A sourcebook on ancient man. Volume M-2. Corliss, William R.: Strange planet. A soucebook of unusual geological facts. Volu Corliss, William R.: Strange planet. A soucebook of unusual geological facts. Volu Danyans, Eugenio: Platillos volantes en la antigüedad. de Camp, L. Sprague & de Camp, Catherine: Citadels of mystery. Unsolved puzzle Det Bästa: Världens olösta mysterier. (orig: Les derniers mystères du monde]. Devereux, Paul: Haunted land. Investigations into ancient mysteries and modern d Devereux, Paul: Stone age soundtracks. The acoustic archaeology of ancient sites. Donimirski, Andrzej: Na krawedzi niepoznanego. Donimirski, Andrzej: Przybysze z kosmosu. Rzeczywistosc czy fantazja? O niektóry Dopatka, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Sind wir allein? Besucher aus der Zukunft: Götter, UFOs, A 212 A 212 B 2061 214 A 214 B 215 A 215 B 216 A 216 B 5414 5416 5417 5420 5421 3893 2503 2072 5444 3107 3932 3933 5450 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 Sw Sw USA UK UK UK UK UK UK Sw Sw En En En En En En En En En En En En Sp En Sw En En Polish Polish Ge sc sc (1) hc (1) hc hc pt hc pt hc pt hc plastic binder plastic binder plastic binder plastic binder hc pt hc A4 hc sc sc sc hc 1983 1998 1994 1994 1979 2005 1976 1994 1980 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2003 1998 1994 2006 2002 2003 2003 2006 Sida 4 of 392 The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA Editorial Pomaire, Barcelona Fontana, London Reader's Digest AB, Stockholm Piatkus, London Vega, London Sp UK Sw UK UK Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, Kato Poland Wydawnictwo "Slask", Katowice Econ, Düsseldorf Poland Ge den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title A Dovan, Walt G.: ?Existio otra humanidad? Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4968 A 1 1 1975 1978 1975 1986 1976 1976 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1975 1976 1975 1976 1964 1977 1972 1968 1977 1972 1975 1977 1990 Ediciones Petronio, Valencia Country Lang. Binding Sp hc AcqYear 2005 2008 Producciones Editoriales, Barcelon Sp A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Dovan, Walt G.: Los dioses visitan la tierra. Drake, W. Raymond: Cosmic continents. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in ancient Israel. [orig: Gods and space Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in Greece and Rome. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient East. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient East. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient West. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient West. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen of the ancient past. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen throughout history. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen throughout history. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen throughout history. Drake, W. Raymond: Gods or spacemen? Drake, W. Raymond: Gods or spacemen? Drake, W. Raymond: Messengers from the stars. [orig: Gods or spacemen?, expan Drake, W. Raymond: Mystery of the Gods. Are they coming back to earth? [orig: G Drake, W. Raymond: Spacemen in the ancient East. Däniken, Erich von: According to the evidence. [orig: Beweise. Lokaltermin in fünf Däniken, Erich von: Aussaat und Kosmos. Spuren und Pläne ausserirdischer Intelli Däniken, Erich von: Besucher aus dem Kosmos. Das grosse Jubiläumsbuch mit illu Däniken, Erich von: Beweise. Lokaltermin in fünf Kontinenten. Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the Gods. Unsolved mysteries of the past. [orig: Eri 4969 1431 272 274 281 C 281 B 275 B 275 A 276 277 A 277 C 277 B 278 B 278 A 279 280 281 A 1093 A 4973 2186 2187 1094 E 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 DM-00278 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 Sp India UK UK USA UK USA UK USA UK UK USA USA Sp En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En Ge Ge Ge En pt sc pt pt pt pt pt pt pt hc pt hc pt hc + digital PDF pt booklet A4 hc pt hc hc hc sc 2005 1987 1978 1978 1979 2009 2009 1979 1975 1978 1983 1983 2004 1975 1983 1983 1976 1979 2005 1994 1994 1996 Sida 5 of 392 International Society for the Investig Sphere, London Sphere, London Signet, NY Sphere Books, London Signet Book, N. Y. Sphere, London Signet, NY Neville Spearman, London Sphere, London Henry Regnery, Chicago Signet, NY Amherst Press, Amherst, Wisconsin USA Sphere, London the author, Sunderland Neville Spearman, London Corgi, London Econ, Düsseldorf Econ, Düsseldorff Econ, Düsseldorff Souvenir Press, London UK UK UK UK Ge Ge Ge UK den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title A Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the Gods. Unsolved mysteries of the past. [orig: Eri Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1094 A 2 2 1969 1971 1971 1969 1992 1979 Corgi, London Putnam, N. Y. Goldmann Verlag, München Berghs, Malmö Souvenir Press, London Country UK Lang. Binding En hc AcqYear 1986 1983 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the Gods. Unsolved mysteries of the past. [orig: Eri Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the gods? Unsolved mysteries of the past. [Orig. Eri Däniken, Erich von: Der Götter-schock. Däniken, Erich von: Det förgångnas profet. Djärva tankar om rymdbesök på jorden. Däniken, Erich von: El oro de los dioses. Los extraterrestres entre nosotros. [orig: A Däniken, Erich von: Erindringer om fremtiden. Om fortidens uløste gåter. [orig: Erin Däniken, Erich von: Erinnerungen an die Zukunft. Ungelöste Rätsel der Vergangen Däniken, Erich von: Fortids gåder...fremtids virkelighed. [orig: Erinnerungen an die Däniken, Erich von: Gods from outer space. [orig: Zurück zu den Sternen]. Däniken, Erich von: Gods from outer space. Return to the stars or Evidence for the Däniken, Erich von: Gudarnas spår. Argument i bild för teorier, spekulationer och fo Däniken, Erich von: Gudarnas spår. Argument i bild för teorier, spekulationer och fo Däniken, Erich von: Gudasäd. Intelligensens planer och spår. [orig: Aussaat und K Däniken, Erich von: Gudasäd. Intelligensens planer och spår. [orig: Aussaat und K Däniken, Erich von: Habe ich mich geirrt? Neue Erinnerungen an die Zukunft. Mit ei Däniken, Erich von: I korsförhör. Frågor och diskussioner världen runt. [orig: Erich v Däniken, Erich von: In search of ancient gods. My pictorial evidence for the impossi Däniken, Erich von: In search of ancient Gods. My pictorial evidence for the imposs Däniken, Erich von: In search of ancient Gods. My pictorial evidence for the imposs Däniken, Erich von: La respuesta de los dioses. [orig: Beweise]. Däniken, Erich von: Meine Welt in Bildern. Bildargumente für Theorien, Spekulation Däniken, Erich von: Min verden i bilder. [Orig. Meine Welt in Bildern.] 1094 C 1094 B 2367 1416 4974 5459 1095 1982 1104 C 1104 B 1097 B 1097 A 1098 B 1098 A 6498 1099 1100 A 1100 C 1100 B 4975 5460 7187 2 1 1 3 UK USA Ge Sw En En Ge Sw Sp No Ge Da En En Sw Sw Sw Sw Ge Sw En En En Sp Ge No pt hc sc hc hc sc hc sc pt hc pt hc pt hc hc hc hc pt pt sc hc hc 1978 2008 1996 1986 2005 2006 1976 1992 1978 2008 1983 1975 1983 1983 2008 1983 2008 1979 1983 2005 2006 2009 Sida 6 of 392 1 Translations 1974 1 Translations 1979 4 1968 Ediciones Martinez Roca, Barcelon Sp Ernst G. Mortensen, Oslo Econ, Düsseldorff Strubes, Copenhagen Bantam, NY Putnam, N. Y. Berghs, Malmö Berghs, Malmö Berghs, Stockholm Berghs, Malmö Bertelsmann, München Berghs, Malmö Putnam, N. Y. Corgi, London Bantam, NY No Ge Da USA USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Ge Sw USA UK USA 2 Translations 1968 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 1972 1970 1977 1973 1977 1972 1985 1978 1974 1975 1975 1 Translations 1978 1 1973 Ediciones Martinez Roca, Barcelon Sp Econ, Düsseldorff Ernst G. Mortensens forlag, Oslo Ge No 1 Translations 1973 den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title A Däniken, Erich von: Mina bevis. Rättegång på fem kontinenter. [orig: Beweise. Lok Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1101 3 3 1977 1968 1975 1969 Berghs, Malmö Berghs, Stockholm Robert Laffont, Paris Robert Laffont, Paris France Loisirs, Paris Econ, Düsseldorff Econ Verlag, Düsseldorff Ernst G. Mortensens forlag, Oslo Berghs, Malmö Corgi, London Souvenir Press, London Berkley, New York Wahlströms, Stockholm Putnam, New York Souvenir Press, London Vega, London Souvenir Press, London Bantam, NY Corgi, London Berghs, Stockholm Country Sw Lang. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 1979 1975 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Däniken, Erich von: Olösta gåtor ur mänsklighetens förflutna. [orig: Erinnerungen a Däniken, Erich von: Olösta gåtor ur mänsklighetens förflutna. [orig: Erinnerungen a Däniken, Erich von: Présence des extra terrestres. [Orig.: Erinnerungen an die Zuk Däniken, Erich von: Présence des extraterrestres. [Orig.: Erinnerungen an die Zuku Däniken, Erich von: Preuves des civilisations extra-terrestres. [Orig.: Habe ich mich Däniken, Erich von: Prophet der Vergangenheit. Riskante Gedanken um die Allgeg Däniken, Erich von: Reise nach Kiribati. Abenteur zwischen Himmel und Erde. Däniken, Erich von: Reisen til Kiribati. Eventyr mellom himmel og jord. [Orig.: Reise Däniken, Erich von: Resa till Kiribati. Äventyr mellan himmel och jord. [orig: Reise n Däniken, Erich von: Return to the stars. Evidence for the impossible. [orig: Zurück z Däniken, Erich von: Signs of the Gods? [orig: Prophet der Vergangenheit]. Däniken, Erich von: Signs of the Gods? [orig: Prophet der Vergangenheit]. Däniken, Erich von: Stenarnas mystik. [orig: Die Steinzeit war ganz anders]. Däniken, Erich von: The gods and their grand design. The eighth wonder of the wor Däniken, Erich von: The Gods and their grand design. The eighth wonder of the wo Däniken, Erich von: The gods were astronauts. Evidence of the true indentities of t Däniken, Erich von: The gold of the gods. [Orig.: Aussaat und Kosmos.] Däniken, Erich von: The gold of the Gods. [orig: Aussaat und Kosmos]. Däniken, Erich von: The gold of the Gods. [orig: Aussaat und Kosmos]. Däniken, Erich von: The return of the gods. Evidence of extraterrestrial visitations. [ Däniken, Erich von: The stones of Kiribati. Pathway to the Gods? [orig: Reise nach Däniken, Erich von: Tilbage til stjernerne. [orig: Zurück zu den Sternen]. 1103 C 1103 B 7894 A 7894 B 7895 2188 6499 7896 1321 1104 A 1832 A 1832 B 1983 1221 B 1221 A 7898 1096 A 1096 C 1096 B 7899 5461 4976 2 1 Sw Sw Fr Fr Fr Ge Ge No Sw UK UK USA Sw USA UK UK UK USA UK Sw Sw Fr Fr Fr Ge Ge No Sw En En En Sw En En En En En En En En Da pt hc hc sc hc hc hc hc hc pt hc pt hc hc hc sc hc pt + digital PDF file pt hc hc sc 1983 1975 2010 2010 2010 1994 2008 2010 1985 1983 1991 2008 1992 2010 1984 2010 2010 1983 1983 2010 2006 2005 Sida 7 of 392 1 Translations 1969 3 Translations 1969 1 Translations 1988 1 1 1979 1981 1 Translations 1981 3 2 BM-01104 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 BM-01096 2 1 2 1982 1970 1979 1981 1992 1984 1984 2002 1973 1974 1973 1997 1982 Element Books, Shaftesbury, Dorse UK Souvenis Press, London Strubes Forlag, København UK Da 1 Translations 1969 den 31 december 2010 Paris Kirjayhtymä. Stockholm Berghs.): The ancient mysteries reader.child of the stars. Otto O: Mankind . London Ballantine. Argument för det omöjliga. London Coronet. Bjarno: Da universet kom naermere. Erich von: Tillbaka till stjärnorna. Erich von: Tilbake til stjernene.J. Björn: Lösningen av pyramid-gåtan. Gallagher. Skive the author. K Finderup. C Futura. Barcelona IPE. Fiebag. Book 1. Barcelona Livsfilosofens förlag. [orig: Zurück Däniken. Fiebag. Wm R. Pedro: La protohistoria. Barcelona Planeta.: Star maps. Argument för det omöjliga. Om mulighetene for det umulige. NY Ernst G Mortensen. Menneisyyden ratkaisemattomia arvoituk Däniken. Arguments pour l'impossible. Erich von: Vieraita avaruudesta. Intressegemeinschaft Prae-Ast Ge TAAIS forlag. Binding No hc AcqYear 2005 2009 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Däniken. Düsseldorff Plaza & Janes. Peter & Sachmann. Max H. Bjarno: Hieroglyfferne var hemeneutiske. Gothenburg Sphere. dinosauriegåtan. I.: Däniken. Stockholm Éditions J'ai lu. Greenwich. Max H. NY Raintree Childrens Books. [orig: Erinnerungen an die Zukunf Däniken. Johannes. asteroidgåtan. Erich von: Vospominanija o budusjtjem. Econ Verlag: Das Welt-Phänomen Erich von Däniken. & Binder. Erich von: von Däniken's proof [= According to the evience. Andreas: ?Sacerdotes o cosmonautas? Faber-Kaiser.: The case of the ancient astronauts. St. [Orig. Eine Dokumentation. Rupert: Ancient mysteries. Erich von: Tillbaka till stjärnorna.Ufocod Author And Title A Däniken. Gustafsson. Crónica extrahumana antigua. [orig: Zur Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4977 1 Translations 1970 2 1970 1977 1972 Berghs. Düsseldorff Econ. Furneaux. [orig: Zurück Däniken. Guirao. Faber-Kaiser. Skive Octopus Books.child of the stars. Astrounding new evidence from ancient civilisations and m Flindt. Peter (ed. Oslo Country No Lang. London Fawcett Gold Medal. Mytologien i nyt lys. 1105 C 1105 B 7900 5462 1093 B 3116 2189 2079 3948 3951 5489 1182 326 5491 2083 B 2083 A 2826 A 2826 B 4006 5029 2842 2710 2 1 Sw Sw Fr Fi USA Ru Ge Ge Sp Sp Sw Sw Fr Fi En Ru Ge Ge Sp Sp Ge Da Da En En En En En En Sp Sw En pt hc pt hc pt sc hc pt hc sc sc sc sc sc large format pt pt pt pt hc pt booklet A4 pt 1983 1975 2010 2006 1983 2002 1994 1994 2003 2003 2006 1984 1983 2006 1994 1994 2001 2005 2003 2005 2001 2000 Sida 8 of 392 1 Translations 1975 1 Translations 1993 2 1978 1 Translations 1992 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1969 1973 1974 1984 19?? 1984 1980 1979 1976 1974 1976 1978 1977 1979 1994 1978 Russian Geographical Society. Erich von: Zurück zu den Sternen. Furneaux. & Binder. London Da Da UK UK USA UK USA USA Sp Sw UK den 31 december 2010 . orig: Beweise Däniken. Rupert: Ancient mysteries. Helsinki Bantam. Fix. Flindt. Argumente für das Unmögliche. Andreas: Las nubes del engaño. Hans-Werner: Gesandte des Alls. Finderup. Haining. Erich von: Vers un retour aux étoiles. Milwauk Plaza & Janes. Otto O: Mankind . Econ. Klumpen: Treet som vokste ned fra himmelen. Kolosimo. Peter: No es terrestre.Ufocod Author And Title A Haining. Kolosimo. Bra Böcker. London Det Bästa. London University Books. London Country UK Lang. [Orig. Kolosimo. Calif. Barcelona Bantam. A quest for the beginning and the end. Höganäs House-Warven. Peter: Sie kamen von einem anderen Stern. Kananen. Kolosimo. Peter: I odisej sa zvijezda. Kolosimo. Ge Karisto. Helle. Tatsachen . Peter: Not of this world. I begynnelsen. Peter: Timeless Earth. Frühkulturen aus dem Welta Kolosimo. Från Atlantis till Buddha. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2711 1 1 1978 1995 1995 200 1969 2000 1994 1983 1952 1994 2004 1971 1970 Mandarin. Healey. The unsolved riddle of an ext Kohlenberg.Utopien . Marko: Hullu. Arthur David with Horn. Gerry & Churchill: The Voynich manuscript. (Jordens under och hemligheter). Peter: Not of this world. London Fi Sp Yugosl Sp USA UK USA UK Ge USA UK 1 Translations 1982 1 Translations 1976 1 Yugoslavia 1976 1 Translations 1977 2 2 1 4 1973 1970 1971 1971 2 Translations 19?? 1 3 1975 1974 den 31 december 2010 . ET influe Håland. Barcelona Fokusova Biblioteka. [orig: Non e terrestre].Deutungen. Kolosimo. Hämenlinna Plaza & Janes. Peter: Not of this world. Peter: El planeta incógnito. Mt. Zagreb Plaza & Janes. [orig: Enträtselte Vorzei Kohlenberg. Hill. Randi & Gunnar: Bra Böckers världshistoria. Stockholm Eden Bokförlag Irminsul. Arthur Louis: The challenge of space. NY Sphere.): The ancient mysteries reader. En mulig løsning på Atlantis-my Horn. Kolosimo. Book 2. [orig: Il planeta sconosciuto]. Binding En pt AcqYear 2000 2006 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Hancock. Flekkefjord A & L Horn. Peter: Ajaton maa. Kolosimo. Hollywood the author Orion. Band 1. Peter: Not of this world. NY Sphere. [orig: Terra senza tempo]. [orig: Non e terrestre]. [orig: Non e terrestre]. London Strubes Forlag. NY Souvenir Press. [orig: Terra senza tempo]. London Wilhelm Goldmann. Karl F. Peter (ed. 2323 B 7265 462 2849 4069 8058 534 5601 5609 5078 2115 5627 5081 577 5082 578 D 578 A 578 B 578 C 2334 1765 B 1765 A 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK Sw Sw No USA Sw USA Fi UK Da En Sw Sw No En Sw En Fi En Da Ge Fi Sp ??? Sp En En En En Ge En En pt hc hc hc sc hc coffee table hc document A4 sc sc hc hc pt sc pt pt hc hc pt (two different covers) pt pt pt 1996 2009 1983 2001 2003 2010 1983 2006 2006 2005 1994 2006 2005 1979 2005 1983 1988 2004 1979 1996 2006 1991 Sida 9 of 392 Albert Langen-Georg Muller Verlag.: De kom fra rummet. ancient astronauts-teo Kennedy.: Enträtselte Vorzeit. Från Joquel II. Karl F. Shasta. Graham: Fingerprints of the Gods. [orig: Non e terrestre]. Tim: Världens märkligaste platser. Peter: Timeless Earth. huijari vai nero . München Bantam. Kolosimo. [orig: Terra senza tempo]. [orig: Non e terrestre]. Tidernes morgon. København Sphere.Erich von Däniken. Lynette: Humanity's extraterrestrial origins. A-L: Under eviga stjärnor. Kolosimo. Langbein. Phoenician. Krzysztof & Lukasiewicz.: Before Columbus. Brinsley: Men among mankind. (editor): In search of ancient astronomies.M: Footprints on the sands of time. Landsburg.: The sky people. Paris Neville Spearman. London Tandem. Brinsley: Forgotten heritage. Suhl CTT-Verlag. Pablo: Los visitantes cosmicos en las leyendas y en las ruinas. Die Experimente der Aliens. Un libro dest Mehner. London Bantam. Alan & Sally: The outer space connection. Lewis. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5628 1 Translations 1971 1 1987 1974 1984 1984 1974 1974 1975 1975 1995 1999 1974 1972 1962 1974 1973 1971 1960 1975 1980 1976 1997 1999 1994 Éditions du Progrès. Suhl CTT-Verlag. Brinsley: The sky people. NY Langen Müller. NY A S Barnes.C. Le Poer Trench. München Gondrom Verlag. NY Corgi. Alan & Sally: In search of ancient mysteries. Warzaw Penguin Books.] Le Poer Trench. Viking Marni. Alan & Sally: In search of ancient mysteries. Brinsley: Le peuple du ciel. Die Rückkehr der Astronautengötter. Walter-Jörg: Das Sphinx Syndrom. Thomas (Herausgeber): An den Grenzen unseres Wissens. Moscou Omnipress. Le Poer Trench. [Orig. Binding Fi sc AcqYear 2006 2010 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Kondratov. NY Editorial Caimy. Maciej (ed. London Éditions J'ai lu. Buenos Aires CTT-Verlag. [orig: Non e teresstre]. Le Poer Trench. Brinsley: Temple of the stars. Langbein. London Neville Spearman. Landsburg. Band 3: Grenz Mehner. E. Peter: Toisilta tähdiltä. The legendary race who gave mankind Marble. Le Poer Trench. Suhl Kirjayhtymä. [Traduit du russe par Ludmil Kowalski. Brinsley: The sky people. Helsinki Country Fi Lang. The new history of Celtic. Middlesex Corgi. Landsburg. London Ballantine. [orig: Men among mankind]. London Bantam. Le Poer Trench. Thomas (Herausgeber): An den Grenzen unseres Wissens. Thomas (Herausgeber): Das Grosse Experiment. Brinsley: Temple of the stars.): Kosmos i mity. Landsburg. Das wissen vensunkene 7321 4106 5084 590 B 590 A 591 B 591 A 5650 8122 602 8129 603 A 603 C 603 B 607 B 607 A 617 2124 4163 4706 4707 4708 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 Rus Poland UK UK USA UK USA Ge Ge UK Fr UK USA UK UK UK USA USA Arg Ge Ge Ge Rus Polish En En En En En Ge Ge En Fr En En En En En En En Sp Ge Ge Ge hc sc sc pt pt pt pt hc hc hc pt hc pt pt pt hc pt hc sc sc sc sc 2009 2003 2005 1991 1975 1983 1983 2006 2010 1983 2010 1975 2008 1986 1983 1975 1979 1994 2003 2004 2004 2004 Sida 10 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . New York Fontana. Walter-Jörg: Von Ausserirdsichen entführt. Alan & Sally: The outer space connection.Ufocod Author And Title A Kolosimo. Le Poer Trench. Alexandre: Les mystères des trois océans. [orig: Men among mankind]. Krupp. Samuel D. Bindlach Neville Spearman. Band 1: Unser Mehner. L. London Signet. Michell.: Colony: Earth. Die Arsenale der Unsterblichen. N. Moscow Kurt Desch. Thora und Gralslegende. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5120 1 3 1983 1972 1975 1973 1972 1978 1974 1975 1998 1991 2001 Abacus. Nepomnyaschii. (L'aventure mystérieuse. Paris Fr Reader's Digest. Pahl. Hans-Werner: In Schutt und Asche. An investigation into the fantastic.gorod bogov. NY Panther/Granada. Ruth: The world before. NY Metzmaier-Verlag. [Erdball und Weltall. I. München Ru Ru It Switzerl Switzerl Ru Ge 1 Translations 1977 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1977 1978 1998 1971 1976 1991 1989 1969 1908 1991 1991? 1991 Sélection du Reader's Digest. Mooney. Moscow Ferni.) Schellhas. John: The view over Atlantis. [Revised ed. [Quest for the unknown]. Yury: Sledy drevnih astronavtov? [Traces of ancient astronauts?]. Richard E. Ernst: Ot kogo my proizoshli? (Who are our ancenstors?). London Garnstone Press. Naud. Naud.Ufocod Author And Title A Michell. Yves: Enigma degli UFO e degli extra-terrestri. Vladimir: Asgard . Moscow the author. Schulte-Berge. Richard E. 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Bargteheide the author. Genève Ferni. 1. Sachmann. Sarah: Alien art. 696 D 696 C 696 A 6707 703 A 703 B 2730 5758 6208 2891 7430 4220 6232 2144 8357 5862 5893 8394 3569 6258 2019 6782 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 UK UK UK UK USA UK En En En En En En En Ru Ru It Fr En Ru Ge Fr En Ge Fr Sw Ru En Ge pt sc hc pt hc pt (two different covers) hc booklet hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc large format pt pt hc hc A4 size booklet 1983 1983 1986 2008 1992 1978 2000 2006 2007 2001 2009 2003 2007 1994 2010 2006 2006 2010 2002 2007 1993 2008 Sida 11 of 392 Bramley Books. (In the wake of giants). V. Volume Primo. Extraterrestrial expressions on earth. [Knowl Muldashev. Paris Beijers Bokförlags AB. London Thames and Hudson. John: The view over Atlantis. Saurat. Ginevra Éditions Famot. et les extra-terrestres dans l'histoire. Erich: Edda. Stockholm Avon. Guy: La pista de los extraterrestres. [The Earth chronicles. Stiebing. London Everest. Zecharia: The lost realms. Alexandria. Germany Country Ge Lang. Marl. Madrid Sw USA USA USA USA USA Ru UK Ja UK Sp Time Life Books. William H. [Erdball und Weltall. Zecharia: The 12th planet.Ufocod Author And Title A Schulte-Berge. book II]. cosmic collisions and other popular the Sykes. The Sacred Sc Silverberg. Stockholm Sp Fr Sw den 31 december 2010 . [Library of curious and unusual Touchard. Denoël. var. [The Earth chronicles. (Ed. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6784 1 3 1991 1973 1999 1963 1989 1980 1996 1990 1991 1995 1978 1990 1983 1985 1993 1989 1981 1984 1971 1980 1990 1979 1972 1973 the author. Steiger. Zecharia: Den tolfte planeten. A guide to visions. Sitchin. Sitchin. Paris Larson. Zecharia: Genesis revisited.Olson]: Worlds before our own. F. Michel-Claude & Barthélémy. Binding Ge booklet AcqYear 2008 1979 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Siblerud. Moscow Star. Zecharia: Genesis revisited.. [orig: L'ar Touchard. Virgini USA Plaza & Janes. Robert: Lost cities and vanished civilizations. Sitchin. New M USA Berghs. 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[The Earth chronicles. jr: Ancient astronauts.): Dorogami tysyacheletii. 3598 2560 919 B 919 A 2357 1961 A 1961 B 2272 920 2358 2359 2360 2361 6267 1219 7584 1012 2756 5979 5217 8494 1043 1 3 2 2 2 1 BM-01961 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 BM-01012 1 1 1 1 3 Sacred Science Publications. Egerton: Extraterrestrial landings. Malmö Berghs. hur astronauterna från en annan pl Sitchin. Zecharia: Divine encounters. Guy: La arqueologia misteriosa. Santa Fé. Wellin USA Bantam. Guy: L'archeólogie mystérieuse: voyage à Troëng. NY Avon. Robert: In the beginning. London Japanese edition Markham House. Zecharia: The stairway to heaven. Is modern science catching up with ancient kn Sitchin. Sitchin. Sitchin. Erich: Götter. angels and other emissari Sitchin. book I]. Heft 20]. När. Smirnov A. NY Avon. När. book III]. Zecharia: Den tolfte planeten. hur astronauterna från en annan pl Sitchin. book IV]. [orig: J'ai retrouvé la piste des extrater Time-Life Books: Feats and wisdom of the ancients. Revised ed. 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Williamson. Per: Cheops. George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Secret places of the lion.: Hidden worlds. Vladimirskii B. George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Other tongues .other flesh. Wisconsin USA Neville Spearman. Fresh clues to the past. George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Road in the sky. Dunn. Th. George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Road in the sky. Williamson. Montana J M Dent. & Kislovskii L. George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Secret places of the lion. Their geologic origins. David & Campbell. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1044 3 1 1964 1996 1975 1975 1977 1989 1974 1963 1953 1965 1975 1959 1974 1958 1973 1989 1994 1982 1994 1984 19?? 1986 1980 1998 Bantam. Vitaliano. Technologies of ancient Egypt. London Futura. The great pyramid speaks. Di Vestenbrugg. Heliga tempel. Myth and magic in ancient Egypt. London Neville Spearman. E. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 1976 2003 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA AA AA AA AA AA AA van der Veer. London Da UK Inner Light Publications. Ancient my Capt. 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[orig: L'enigme de la grande pyrami Rèpits.M. USA Destiny Publishers. Adventures and discoveries of an au Hope. Riffert. Merrimac. André: El enigma de la gran pirámide. Warren: The secret forces of the pyramids. Temple.: Hvordan bar de sig ad? [orig: Pyramids and temples of Gizeh] Green. Henry: Sju nätter på Cheopspyramidens topp. Merrimac. Skövde Ru Sp Sw Sw Destiny Publishers. (Secrets of Pyramid's Valley).Ufocod Author And Title AA Ebon. Glostrup Putnam.: Pyramid truth. gateway universe.): Mysterious pyramid power. Mass USA Scanfo. London Signet.G: Siriusmysteriet. Stockholm Sw Science Research Publishing Hous USA Tidens Bokklubb. Temple. Stockholm NTB-Parthenon. David H. Melhedegård. Blue Hill. London UK UK den 31 december 2010 Sida 14 of 392 . 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Lehel: El Giza-pyramidernas generalplan. Copenhagen Zebra. Henri: Klippmålningarna i Sahara.Bernard: Testimony in stone. Lewis. NY Regnbueforlaget. Robert K. idag. New York Larson. Bob & Houdin. Max & Nielsen. Barcelona Planeta. The newest evidence of extraterrestria Lauer.] Däniken. Täby Berkley Books. Cali USA Artisan Sales. Stockholm Farid Atiya Press. Klaus E. Tore Dahlin]: The Gods of Eden. Translated from the Ethiopic by Re Benitez. Walter E. J. imorge Vandenberg. 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NY Kaydeda.reprint hc + digital PDF file pt pt pt pt + digital PDF file pt hc pt booklet sc 1999 1986 2004 2008 2003 2003 1986 2003 1992 1991 1975 1983 1975 2000 2004 2006 Health Research.Ufocod Author And Title AB Bramley. Binding En hc AcqYear 1994 1978 Dahlin Family Press.: God drives a flying saucer. NY USA Sp Sp USA pt (two different covers) + 1975 sc sc pt 2003 2003 2004 Sida 16 of 392 den 31 december 2010 .L. R.: Flying saucers and the scriptures. Missouri Clie. Madrid Pocket Books. NY Exposition Press. Berk USA Shepherdsfield. Freixedo. John W. Eugenio: Los platillos volantes y la Biblia. Mokelumna Hill. London Corgi. Danyans. Jean: The secret books of the Egyptian gnostics. Ginsburgh.: God drives a flying saucer. San José. Tore Dahlin]: The Gods of Eden.L. Dione. Translated from the editor's Ethiopic Cooke.H: The Book of Enoch or 1 Enoch. [Biblioteca basica de los temas Dem. Vermo Sphere.L. The Oracle Research Institute. Repr. 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Prophet, Elizabeth Clare: Mysteries of the holy grail. Archangel Gabriel, recorded b 1766 1269 8149 2255 1922 1923 1381 1517 701 1788 A 1788 B 1789 A 1789 B 3446 2541 1933 2732 777 780 2736 803 3496 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 4 1 1 3 1 USA Ge USA Sw Ge En Ge En Sw Ge En En En En En En En En En Sw En En Sw Ge Da Sw En booklet sc sc hc booklet A5 booklet sc booklet sc hc pt hc pt booklet 8½x11 hc hc hc dupl A4 sc booklet A5 dupl A4 sc 1991 1985 2010 1995 1992 1992 1986 1988 1983 2008 1991 1991 1991 2002 1998 1992 2000 1983 1983 2000 1983 1998 Sida 42 of 392 Wild Flower Press, Columbus, NC Trevi, Stockholm GEP, Lüdenscheid Summit Lighthouse, Colorado Sprin USA Essene Press, Corpus Christi, Texa USA the author, Corpus Christi, Texas USA Esoteric Publ., Cottonwood, Arizona USA C. P. Putnam's Sons, N. Y. 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Shaftesbury. Tollered USA Sw Maljack Productions and White Pro USA Virgin. Turner. 4811 A 2275 1659 B 1659 A 2927 5943 5954 1536 1536 2156 4854 2177 2765 4419 A 4419 B 2474 6294 V 4434 A 4434 B 8542 8544 4872 1 1 2 1 2 UK USA UK UK USA Ru Fi Sw Sw Hungar USA USA USA En En En En En Ru Fi Sw Sw Hu En En En En En Sw En En En Nl En En hc (1). Matthew (producer): Contact UFO . Katharina: The alien jigsaw. Boston.Ufocod Author And Title CA Schetsche. London Bosch & Keuning.Olson]: Zvezdnye bogi: kosmicheskie mastera klonirovani Strieber. [orig: Communion]. sc(1) document pt hc pt sc hc pt hc hc booklet sc + digital PDF file pt hc sc sc (two different covers) video VHS hc pt hc hc sc 2007 1995 1990 1990 2001 2006 2006 1988 1988 1994 2004 1994 2000 2004 2003 1997 2007 2003 2003 2010 2010 2004 Sida 50 of 392 the author. The true story"] [or Strieber. Aliens. Whitley: Närkontakt. Katharina: The alien jigsaw. Roland. Regnbågsterapier. An investigation into the contact experience. Freiburg Country Ge Lang. OR Puzzle Publishing. Helsinki MånPocket. Brad [Eugene E. Gregory: The alien files. London Berkley. Binding Ge digital PDF file AcqYear 2010 2004 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Schnabel. NY 1 Translations 1999 1 Translations 1989 2 3 1 1 3 BM-02177 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 1990 1988 1994 1994 1994 1994 1997 1998 1993 1991 1998 1999 Element Books. [Orig. Karla: Taken. Arkansas Avon. Tosikertomus. Colin: Alien dawn. Michael: ‚Entführungen durch Außerirdische‘ – ein integratives Modell z Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6947 1 BM-06947 2 2003 1995 1994 1994 1990 1989 1988 Hamish Hamilton. abductions and the UFO obsession. London MacDonald. The secrets of extraterrestrial encounters and ab van Dyk. White. Strieber. Wilson. Budapest the author Kelt Works. A radical examination of the alien abduction phenom Spencer. Orego UK UK Netherl USA USA 1 Translations 1999 1 1 1994 1994 den 31 december 2010 . Spencer. London Virgin. London the author. Endre: UFO album: látogatók. Smith. van Dyk. Andy: The prophecised New Age . Genova Signet. Children of the Sun. Ariz Bear & Co. Scott: The Tujunga Canyon contacts. diary of a UFO abductee. Esse UK Arcturus Book Service. Scantabauchi. Druffel. The true tale of alien abduction in rural E Basterfield. & Pereira. An independent investigation of and comment di Stefano. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Janet: In the presence of aliens. Ann & Ritchie.A. an Australian independently witnessed event? Part O Bergmark. NM UFO Photo Archives. St. Andy: The Aveley abduction. A UFOIN case report. Ann & Rogo. (Reprinted from The Supernatura Collins. Rodolfo R. D. W USA Argo. Bill: Hair of the alien. Adelaide Llewellyn.. Paul. DNA and other forensic evidence of alien abduction. Walter K. Keith: Abducted. Englewood Cliffs. Collins. Tucson. NJ UK USA USA It USA USA Alatrm Clock Publishing. Ney Matiel: UFO abduction at Miras Carlsberg. Foreword by David Birch. An independent investigation of and comment Conroy.: Alien conspiracy.: UFO abducti Chalker. Tucson. Santa Fé. Ann & Rogo. David: Harlow UFO abduction. Anna: Connections. Erster autentischer Entführun 3756 2213 3811 7745 2675 2800 6334 2801 5383 7812 6309 2805 1717 A 1717 B 5406 1613 B 1613 A 3922 282 B 282 A 3945 4598 1 1 2 1 3 BM-02675 1 1 BM-06334 2 BM-02801 1 1 1 BM-06309 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 UK Australi USA UK USA USA USA USA USA Italia En En En En En En En En En It En En En En En En En It En En En Ge hc document A4 sc document A4 hc + digital PDF sc digital PDF hc + digital PDF sc sc digital PDF sc booklet A5 booklet A5 document A4 pt hc sc pt hc sc sc 2003 1995 2003 2010 2000 2001 2008 2001 2006 2010 2008 2001 2010 1991 2006 1994 1990 2003 1983 1983 2003 2004 Sida 51 of 392 UFO Photo Archives. Scott: The Tujunga Canyon contacts. Donald: Time distortion effects of UFOs and their relationship to the theory of t Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6979 1 BM-06979 1 200? 1993 1998 1994 1997 1992 1985 1995 2003 1985 2005 2005 200-? 1996 1981 1991 1980 1990 1989 1984 1989 1980 2003 1996 Headline. Feistle. Ariz Paraview. Minnesota London UFO Studies the author Country USA Lang. Joao & Stevens.a new look. A personal experience of dual consciou Birch. Rino: Luci nella notte. Ingrid Schlotterbeck.Ufocod Author And Title CAT Pilz. Earth/extraterrestria Collings. Ivana: L'ufonauta: vivere e viaggiare con gli alieni. Evans. Tucson. Rodolfo R. Chiumiento. Transcript. Druffel.O. Valerio da Silva. London the author. Ceredo. A brief look at the pro Conroy. Orego USA The Supernaturalist. Chris B. New York Ed. Neuss Ge den 31 december 2010 . Stone Moun USA The ParaSearch Organisation Avon. Wickford. Ed: Report on Communion. Wendelle C. Padova UFO Photo Archives. D. Clark.: UFO contact from p Casellato. Bühler.what's it all about. Unraveling the UFO/alien mystery. Newberg. Ed: Report on Communion. Solving our alien abduction myster Collins. M. Beth & Jamerson. Andy: The Aveley abduction . Arizo USA Wild Flower Press. Wendelle C. Tucson. Bianca. Casellato. Kim: Beyond my wildest dreams. Reiner & Karin: Von ausserirdischen entführt. Jean: Abducted. Binding En digital PDF file AcqYear 2010 2002 CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX Andrews. NY Wm Morrow. NY Prentice-Hall. Antonio & Rizzon. Guilheme & Pires.. UFO: Il caso Zanfretta. NY Alkaest. & Stevens. Kelli: UFO contact of an erotic kind. J. Tucson. Jasek. GEPAN: Note technique no. 1987 . Prevost.: Lost was the key. J-P & N'Diaye. Franck. Tigard. Jordan. William III: Alien Magic. William: UFO contact at Pascagoula. mind control. Haley. A.: UFO abduction at Maringá. A true story. Frank: The Janos people. Jimmy. Fontaine. Charles & Mendez. Country USA Lang. Wendelle C. Mt. California Hay House. [includes: Strange saga of Brian Sc Hamilton. Who am I? What am I doing? Why am Krapf. Sudbury. UFORCES. Phillip H. Ariz Fr Fr USA OPETOVNI & CPDV. Compte rendu de l'enquete 79/05. A mainstream journalist's report on inter Krapf. September 3. Ida M. Hamilton. Leah A. Ontario Greenleaf Publ. Binding En pt AcqYear 2009 2009 CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX Fowler. Prevost. Leah A.: The Allagash abductions. Fontaine. Marins Paperbacks. Monaco du Rocher. III: Close encounter report. Jordan. Oregon USA En En Fr Fr En Port sc sc booklet A5 booklet A5 hc dupl folio sc pt pt hc sc ringbound 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 digital PDF hc digital PDF file hc pt hc sc sc sc 1995 2005 1983 1983 2001 1983 2000 2000 1983 2001 2008 2009 2010 2008 1998 2010 1983 2001 2006 2003 2003 2003 Sida 52 of 392 Writer's Showcast. Phillip H. A. Ca US USA UFO Photo Archives. Alaba Monaco Fr Monaco Fr Canada En USA En En En En En En Greenleaf Publications. & Stevens. 6. Undeniable evidence of alien interv Fowler. and spirituality. Carlsbad. 79/07. Arizo USA Wendelle C. The AGRIPO e Gevaerd. Earth/extraterrest Hickson.: The contact has begun. Raymond E. Lancaster. Monografia E Guieu. John: UFO contact of an erotic kind. Ca Johnson. Anatomy of an abductee. Haley. Shasta. "A propos d'une Gevaerd. Nevada USA GEPAN GEPAN UFO Photo Archives. Kathy: Abducted! The story of the Intruders continues. (The Jardim Alvorada affair). Section 1-2. Raymond E. Para Brazil du Rocher. Suffolk UK Dell. Oregon Origin Press. David: The missing seven hours. Tuscaloosa. Kathy: Abducted! The story of the Intruders continues. Murfreesbor USA Nexus & Nexus News.Ufocod Author And Title CAX Felber. "A propos d'une dispari GEPAN: Note technique no. Lincoln. Martin: Abduction on the North Canol Road. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7205 1 1 1995 2008 1993 2002 1981 1981 1987 1982 1980 1980 1978 1993 2003 1988 1989 2002? 1983 2004 1980 1995 1994 1993 2003 1998 St. Ron: Searchers.Yukon. Tucson. Franck. Y. Debbie & Mitchell. Tigard. N. 7. Monaco Paper-Jacks. Enquete GEPAN no. Jimmy. Harrington. New York Wild Flower Press.: The challenge of contact. The true story of a journalist's encounter 2231 4992 402 403 2832 416 2708 A 2708 B 453 2843 6574 7253 8010 6308 2523 7016 532 2858 B 2858 A 4091 4108 4109 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 BM-06308 2 1 BM-07016 3 1 1 1 1 3 Wild Flower Press. Maringa. Salomon: Contacts OVNI Guieu. NY Carroll & Graf. Stevens. Arizo USA the author Canada En En En En En En En Neville Spearman. Kannenberg. J-P & N'Diaye. Calif.: O caso Jardim Alvorada. Markham.: The alien book of truth. Salomon: Contacts OVNI Haisell. California USA USA USA USA USA den 31 december 2010 .: UFO testament. Debbie & Mitchell. Tucson.J. A close encounter of the fourth kind. William F. The assignment.: Unlocking alien closets: abductions. Strieber. George P. Turner. Strieber. Wendelle C. A scientist probes the enigma of h Turner. [orig: Transformation].: UFO… contact from Reticulum. Thompson Smith. Their Stefula. Edited by Peter Moon. The alien connection. Bert: Secret wows. Elsie: Into the unknown . Arizona UFO Photo Archives. Whitley: Genombrott. A quest to understand contact Salter. Westbury. Whitley: Transformation. Arkansas Berkley. Grand Forks. Pereira. Karla: Into the fringe. Steve (producer): Walking between worlds. Binding En sc AcqYear 1995 2003 Wild Flower Press. Elsie: One step beyond… A personal UFO abduction experience. NY Avon. Denise Rieb & Twiggs. The breakthrough.: An account of the Salter UFO encounters of March. Jeanne Marie: Alienated.. John R. The Ann A Oakensen. Butler. NY Wild Flower Press. Richard D. Strieber. 6320 6705 8254 8255 1393 8309 4322 6772 7044 1664 2933 5953 1593 1967 B 1967 A 1967 C 1967 D 4849 4393 4402 2467 6280 1 BM-06320 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 BM-04402 3 BM-02467 1 UFO Photo Archives. Prévost. Stockholm Century. New York USA USA USA USA USA Sw UK USA USA UK USA stapled document 8½x11 2008 document 8½x11 hc hc hc hc hc hc pt pt sc sc sc + digital PDF file pt + digital PDF file sc 2009 1990 2001 2006 1989 1996 1996 1996 1992 2004 2003 2003 1997 2007 Sida 53 of 392 Hampton Roads Publ. Jorge. The next step. The breakthrough. Walter K.. Stevens.: Livro branco dos discos voadores. London Voxes. Tenn USA the author. Tucson. & Rivera. Angela: Diary of an abduction. Orego USA CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX Martin. Karla with Rice. Ted: Masquerade of angels. A re Stevens. Swerdlow.Ufocod Author And Title CAX LaVigne. Tucson.] Robinson. NY Forum. [La vérité sur l'affaire de Cergy-Pontoise. Whitley: Transformation. & Hansen. Charlottesvill USA Kelt Works. London Beech Tree Books. Wendelle C. Régusse USA UK UK UK Brazil Fr En En En En Port Fr En En En En En En Sw En En En En En En En En En digital PDF DVD disc sc sc sc sc sc 2008 2008 2010 2010 1986 2010 2003 Greenleaf Publ. Whitley: Breakthrough. New Jersey W C Stevens. The breakthrough. Whitley: Transformation. Ariz Reality Films Regency Press. Roland. Guilhermo & Bühler. Jean-Pierre: Le grand contact. Newberg. Tigard. Oakensen. NY Arrow. Jr. Mitchell. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2253 2 1 1995 1980 2004 200? 1999 1995 1985 1980 1997 1992? 1993 1981 1989 1995 1989 1988 1988 1989 1989 1998 2001 1994 1992 1992 Country Lang. Oregon USA USA USA den 31 december 2010 . The breakthrough. Petropolis Michel Moutet Éditeur. Belonging to none. Strieber. Wendelle C.or is it? Passages of discovery. Ariz HarperCollins.: Memo to: Those intere Stevens. William J. A true story of alien abduction. ND The authors. Michelle: The alien abduction survival guide. Our lives with extraterrestrials. & Herrmann. Sevenoaks. Kent Regency Press. A su Strieber. Amaury: UFO capture of two F-14. 1988. Joseph J. London Sky Books. Whitley: Transformation. Stewart: Montauk. Twiggs. & Herrmann. Murfreesboro. William J.: UFO… contact from Reticulum. Tucson. Strieber. : A viewpoint on the Andreasson affair. Raymond E. Paul. Raymond E. Raymond E. NY Century. London Kurér Forlag A/S. Raymond E. [Reprint from Astronomy magazine] den 31 december 2010 Wild Flower Press.Ufocod Author And Title CAX Walden.] CAXC Strieber.: The Andreasson affair. CAXC Strieber. St. CAXC Strieber. Binding En sc AcqYear 2003 2004 CAX CAX CAX Webb. [ET sign language and earth change 2193 7026 6058 1496 345 B 345 A 4602 2232 1731 A 1731 B 5772 7586 1473 A 1473 C 1473 B 1473 D 1473 E 6269 4847 A 4847 B 4380 260 3 1 BM-07026 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 J Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studi USA Puzzle Publishing. Newberg. Minnesota Country USA Lang. Éditions J'ai lu.: The Watchers II. A true story. Englewood Cliffs. Orgeo USA Bantam. Whitley: Confirmation.: The Andreasson affair. NY the author. Terence: The Zeta Reticuli incident.: Encounter at Buff Ledge. Wisc USA Prentice-Hall. London Arrow. CAXA Fowler. CAXC Strieber. The secret design behind UFO abduction. Whitley: Communion. CAXA Fowler. Whitley: Communion. Katharina: I forgot what I wasn't supposed to remember.: The Andreasson legacy. The hard evidence of aliens among us.: Communion. A true story. CAXC Strieber. phase two. Read by Roddy McDowall. Wilson. CAXH Dickinson. An expanded view Wunder. CAXA Fowler. 3 hou2003 hc hc sc pt booklet A4 2007 2008 2004 2003 1978 Sida 54 of 392 1 Translatsion 1988 2 Translations 1996 1 3 1997 1975 . CAXC Strieber. Encounters with the unknown. CAXC Strieber. Raymond E.: The Watchers. NY Bantam. Calif. Exploring UFOs and the near-death experie CAXA Fowler. CAXC Strieber. A true story. [orig: Communion]. Encounters with the unknown. NY Astronomy Magazine USA USA USA Fr USA USA UK UK UK UK No No USA USA 1 Translations 1988 2 3 2 2 1 1 1987 1988 1987 1988 1987 1998 audio book. Encounters with the unknown. Whitley: Naerkontakt. 2 tapes. James L. NY USA USA USA USA CAXA Fowler. Raymond E. Whitley: Communion. CAXA Fowler.: The ultimate alien agenda. A true story. NJ Bantam. Walter N.: The Watchers. Whitley: Naerkontakt. A true story. Nesoddhøgda Ex Libris Forlag. Whitley: Communion. Willard D. Paris Beech Tree Books. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4412 2 2 1998 2000 1994 2007 1993 1982 1980 1979 1997 1995 1990 1991 1979 Llewellyn. En sann historie. Encounters with the unknown. CAXA Nelson. Englewood Cliffs. CAXA Fowler. The secret design behind UFO abduction. NJ Marlowe & Company.: The Andreasson affair. Whitley: Communion. The re-engineering of humankind. Raymond E. Villa Park. CAXC Strieber. A UFO case history. NY Prentice-Hall. Whitley: The secret school. Whitley: Communion. CAXC Strieber. Madison. NY Avon.: A message from the stars. London Dove Books on Tape Inc Simon & Schuster. Oslo Harper. [Orig. Mary M. Katharina Wilso USA En En En En En En En En En En En Fr En En En En En En No No En En sc digital PDF file sc sc (2) hc (2) pt hc hc hc hc pt document pt hc pt hc pt 1994 2010 2006 1988 1983 1983 2004 1995 2001 1991 2006 2009 1994 1994 1994 1987 Horus House Press. (compiler): The Betty and Barney Hill abduction case: The Whit CAXN Hopkins.: The interrupted journey. Two lost hours "aboard a flying saucer". Joachim & Kyborg.: Incident at Exeter / The interrupted journey. Gyland the author Country USA Lang. Berlin UFO-Norge. Bill: Ulmitate encounter. CAXH Swords.UFOhio the authors. NY Dell. Budd: Witnessed. John G. Joseph J. CAXH Fuller. John G.P. John G. CAXH Hill.: The interrupted journey. Butler. (Under the «cover» of another a 4003 377 D 377 E 377 C 377 A 377 B 2327 5570 2009 2114 8464 2331 2021 67 B 67 A 456 1107 B 1107 A 3742 5284 5286 6077 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 BM-02021 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 2 1 USA UK UK USA USA USA USA USA Ge No En En En En En En En En En No En En En En En Da En En Sp Fr Fr Ru hc hc pt pt hc pt sc document booklet A4 booklet A4 document collection hc 2003 1983 1983 1983 1975 1983 1996 2006 1993 1994 2010 1996 J. Walton. Ary. NH APRO . Hansen. & Hansen. Kim Møller: Bortført. NY SUFOI. Betty: Interrupted journey continued. Greenland. Travis: Fire in the sky. Travis Walton-sagen. Dominique: Confidences d'un precurseur. The true story of the Brooklyn Bridge abductions. Two lost hours "aboard a flying saucer". extraterrestres hoy. Gentofte Marlowe & Company. Michael D. Contacts avec les extraterrestres. CAXH Fuller. The true story of a UFO kidnapping. Barry. London Corgi. CAXH Koch. Betty: A common sense approach to UFOs. Two lost hours "aboard a flying saucer". Navar Sp the author. London Pocket Books. Vladimir: Pod "kolpakom" inogo razuma.. A CAX CAX CAX CAX CAX CC CC CC CC Barry.: Manhattan transfer. NY the author. John G. La verité. Deojo. CAXH Hill. The Walton experience.. John G. Nice Editions Atlas. Binding En document A4 AcqYear 1984 2007 CAXH Fuller. The true story of a UFO kidnapping. Joachim & Kyborg. Asociación: Angeles ayer. Hans-Jürgen: Nye oppdagelser på Betty Hill's stjernekart. Two landmark investig CAXH Fuller.. Terence: Zeta Reticuli update. Richard D. tome 2. Azhazha. Two lost hours "aboard a flying saucer". Two lost hours "aboard a flying saucer". CAXH Fuller. Atlas (Editions): OVNIs. Paris Ripol-Klassik. NY Dial Press.: The interrupted journey. of Walton. London Berkley Medallion. [Enlarged & revised ed.Ufocod Author And Title CAXH Dickinson. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1178 2 1 1980 2007 1966 1980 1981 1974 1966 1967 1995 1981 1993 1994 1992 1996 1993 1981 1978 1983 1996 1978 1985 1993 1996 2002 MJF Books. Moscow Fr Fr Ru den 31 december 2010 . NY Souvenir Press. John G. Hans-Jürgen: New discoveries in Betty Hill's star map. NY Berkley Medallion. CAXH Fuller. Adonai. Travis: The Walton experience. NY USA USA UK USA Da USA USA document A4 + digital PDF1993 pt pt booklet A4 hc pt sc sc sc hc 1979 2001 1983 2002 1979 2003 2006 2006 2007 Sida 55 of 392 La Asociacion Adonai.: The interrupted journey. CAXH Koch. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Stud USA Pocket Books.: The interrupted journey. George. Bill: Ulmitate encounter. NY the authors Corgi. CAXN Stefula. Janet & Bord. Moderne Sagenbildung um Raumschiffe u Good. Sergius: Götter der Atom-Zeit. Moderne Sagenbildung um Raumschiffe u Golowin. Good. Bord. [Life beyond planet Earth Bord. 5 Davis. [Biblioteca basica de los temas Gallart. Timothy: Alien base. NY Fantastic Universe Fr Fr Monaco Fr USA USA En En En Sp En En En En Ge Ge En En En Fr En Czech A Would You Believe Publication. Colin: Zhivot otved planetata Zemya. The evidence for extraterrestrial colonization of Earth. no. Jimenez (ed. London Arrow.] Guttilla. NY Country USA Lang.Ufocod Author And Title CC Beckley. L'hypnose et les contact Cohen. 7763 3824 7764 6098 7139 7142 5402 7034 2812 3907 385 418 C 418 B 418 A 2005 A 2005 B 2403 A 2403 B 2403 C 7231 6568 5569 Bulgari UK Ge Bul En Ge sc sc hc sc sc sc sc digital PDF file booklet pt booklet 8½x11 pt hc hc hc hc hc pt sc (pages falling out!) sc sc sc A4 2010 2003 2010 2007 2009 2009 2006 2010 2001 2003 1975 1975 1983 1983 1994 2010 1997 2003 2003 2009 2008 2006 Sida 56 of 392 1 Translations 199? 1 1 1 1 1 BM-07034 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1999 1995 1979 1998 1957 1984 1980 1964 1967 1957 1957 1967 1979 1998 1999 1999 Ediciones "Hirama Padme". Sergius: Götter der Atom-Zeit. [orig: They rode in space ships]. Bern und München Ge János Morzsinay Verlag. Gavin: They rode in space ships.): Los emisarios del cosmos. Monaco Apple/Scholastic. NY Neville Spearman. Novem del Oso. London Moewig Global Communications. Janet & Colin: X-Akte: Ausserirdische. Alien base. New B USA Paperback Library. [Article in Fantastic Universe. Paris Switzerl UK UK USA Fr 1 Translations 1999 1 1 2003 1992 Timeless Voyager Press. Guaya Ecuado Sp the author.: Meet the extraterrestrial. Bern Century. Good. Hector: Los extraterrestres crearon al hombre. London USA USA UK Franke Verlag. Nice Éditions Du Rocher. Good. Gibbons. Peter: Contact with beings of light. 8. Henry R. Janet & Colin: Life beyond planet earth? Man's contact with space people. base secrète d'OVNI. Daniel: The alien files. Gavin: They rode in space ships. The evidence for extraterrestrial colonization of Earth. [orig: Life beyond planet earth?]. Jacques: Expériences du quatrième type. Timothy: Alien base. Michael: UFO: kontakty. Prague Czeck den 31 december 2010 . Gibbons. [Orig. Carter. Isabel L. Gibbons. Timothy: Contacts extraterrestres. NY Citadel. Earth's encounter with extraterrestrials. Madrid Sp Interplanetary News Service. Davis.bizarre & eerie contact with flying sauce Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 85 A 8 3 3 1 2 1980 1969 1998 1992 Hipopo. Varna Grafton. Burgos Stone. Jean-Pierre: La Corse.: From other worlds. Binding En sc 8½x11 AcqYear 1983 1976 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC Bord. Santa Bar USA Etna. NY Presses Du Châtelet. Chambraud. The amazine true story of Dorothy Wilki Hesemann. [Reprint from Fantastic Universe. London Avon. Isabel L. Timothy: Alien base. [orig: UFOs: The Contacts]. Gavin: On board the flying saucers. Golowin. M USA Ediciones Uve. Timothy G. vol.: Meet the extraterrestrial.: Strange encounters . #1 Contact. Michig USA Interplanetary Center. Pasadena. Laura: "Time of the end" Mundo. Mundo. Jim: Correlations of radio and mind frequencies Mundo. Dearborn USA Planetary Space Center. Karl [pseud. Michael: UFOs: die Kontakte. Ernest P. Porvoo Kirjayhtymä. Mi USA Laura Mundo Enterprises.for Franz Weber-Richter]: Botschaften aus dem Weltall. (Revised edition . Témoignage. Dearborn Hei USA Planetary Center.suomalaisia havaintoja. A scientific and metaphysical disse Michalek. Mundo. Laura: Laura Mundo's telepathic messages from outerspace V. David: The city beneath the Bermuda triangle. Binding Ge sc A4 AcqYear 2001 2010 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC Jungclaus. Mundo. Laura: Flying saucer up-day! Mundo. Dearborn. Pierre: Contacts d'outre-espace. Koivula. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2848 1 1 1991 1967 1989 1988 1973 1962 1958 1978 1994 1975 1983 1958 1974 19?? 1970 1971 1963 1964 1966 1982 1989 1976? 1983 1981 Harlo. Laura: Cosmogony. Dearborn. Laura: Flying saucers. Rau Monnet. NY Fr Fr USA The Planetary Center.(1982). Mundo. (Revised edition . Laura: How to contact a space person. Detroit Werner Söderström. Nice Éditions Amrita. Tapani: Muukalaisia ja humanoideja .P. NY Michael Hesemann.1966) .Ufocod Author And Title CC Hesemann. Laura: Flying saucers. Tapani: UFOjen kosminen viesti. Laura: Flying saucers. Clarksburg. Heiden Switzerl Éditions Alain Lefeuvre. (Revised edition . Detroit. München Country Ge Lang. M USA Visitors Plan Committee. [ Detroit?] USA Interplanetary Center . Pierre: "Les extra-terrestres m'ont dit …" Monnet. Manas. genesis and escatology. Laura: Doomsday… coming up? Mundo. 19 Mundo. Helsinki Pythagoran Society. Laura: Flying saucers and the father's plan. man and th Mundo.'s (on ot Mundo. USA Emergency Press Emergency Press. Laura: Belmont. D USA booklet 8½x11 fascimile 2003 Sida 57 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Mundo. Laura: Letter from Laura. Plazac-Rouffignac Exposition Press. Moyer. Laura & Wales. ["Cosmic messages from UFOs"].(1982).: The day of celestial visitation. Kuningas. Laura: Flying saucers. (Updated May. John H: Flying saucers and space men. Mundo.I. Dearborn He USA the author the author USA USA Flying Saucer Information Center.1966) .1966) Mundo. [orig: God. 2nd edition. Michigan USA USA Saucerian Books. West USA Planetary Center. 1763 1572 583 1924 5119 7415 7416 2133 4205 728 4206 723 4207 4208 725 724 A 724 B 724 C 724 D 4209 4210 4211 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 USA Fi Fi USA En Fi Fi En Ge Fr Fr En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En sc hc sc sc sc sc sc hc booklet 8½x11 pulp 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½ x 11 booklet 8 ½ x 11 booklet 8 ½ x 11 booklet 8 ½ x 11 document booklet 8½x11 1991 1989 1978 1992 2005 2009 2009 1994 2003 1983 2003 1975 2003 2003 1979 1975 2008 2008 2008 2003 2003 Verlag Karl Schönenberger. J. Dearborn. Dearborn. second edi Mundo. [The Father's plan and flying Mundo. Laura: Sex and the UFO. Nebel. Täby Ventla. [orig: Flying saucer pilgri Reeve. Bryant & Helen: Flying saucer pilgrimage. Laura: The Mundo UFO report. Olsson. (Advanced stinkers!) [Private l Mundo. I. Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 2003 2003 Flying Saucer Info Center. Laura: The visitor's plan. Amherst. Wiesbaden-Schierst Ge Amherst Press. Laura: The concept of living atomic being or How to survive the present tim Mundo. NJ Pageant Press. Naud. Laura: Nothing new under the sun? Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4212 1 1 1973 1970 1964 1961 1981 1981 1966 19?? 1964 1964 1976 1982 1961 1977 1978 1961 1957 1997 1973 Country USA Lang. P USA Vantage Press. USA Éditions Famot. Mundo. T. Geneva Prentice-Hall. 8½x11 in binde2008 dupl 8½x11 document document dupl booklet 8½x11 booklet 8 ½ x 11 booklet 8 ½ x 11 booklet 8½x11 hc sc (incomplete copy!) hc hc hc hc hc sc sc sc hc sc sc 1975 2003 2003 2009 2001 2008 2008 1979 1985 1995 2009 2003 1975 1975 1998 1976 1996 2005 1983 1975 2009 Sida 58 of 392 Planetary Center. Laura: The Father's plan and flying saucers. NY USA Planetary Space Center. Englewood Cliffs. Laura: Sunspot countdown! Mundo. Yves: UFOs and extraterrestrials in history. Dearb USA Interplanetary Center Planetary Space Center. Fall 1965.Ufocod Author And Title CC Mundo. Suivi d'une enquête 6714 727 4214 4215 6715 2890 6716 6717 726 1282 2260 7432 4222 733 746 2545 832 2353 B 2353 A 836 A 836 B 7519 B 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 Planetary Space Center. Volume 3. Bryant & Helen: Flying saucer pilgrimage. 3. Tony: Närkontakt med UFO. Bryant & Helen: Fligende Untertassen Pilgerfahrt. Bryant & Helen: Auf den Spuren ausserirdischer Weltraumschiffe. Yves: Les O. [Inspired novels. Amherst. Laura: Private lecture to flying saucer group. Laura: The atomic nature of God as man and the Universe or Color me Go Mundo. issue Rose C. Naud. Dearborn USA USA USA Flying Saucer Information Center. Dearborn Heights USA Interplanetary Space Center. Eva & Eckardt. Horst & Guimaraes. Genève Ferni. USA the author USA En En En En En En En En En En En Fr En En En Sw Ge Ge Ge En En Fr document. USA Planetary Space Center. Wiesbaden Switzerl Switzerl USA USA Sw Ge Ge 2 Translations 1970 1 Translations 1960 3 3 2 1957 1965 1979 Ventla-Verlag. Dearborn. [Roseline Colle]: Rencontre avec les extra-terrestres. N. Long John: The way out world. NY Shekinah Media. Wisconsin USA Éditions du Rocher Fr den 31 december 2010 . Laura: The Mundo UFO report. Israel: Saucer diary. Mundo. [orig: Flyi Reeve. Mundo. Mundo. Dearbor CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC Mundo. Norkin. Laura: Pied piper from outer space. Laura: The Father's plan (and flying saucers). 6-punktssystem och icke-tidst Raps. Wisconsin USA Amherst Press. Reeve. Wiesbaden Ventla. V. Detroit Planetary Space Center. Freitas de: Raumreisen in extraterrestrischen Flugkör Reeve. et les extra-terrestres dans l'histoire. (An autobiography. Jacques: Autres dimensions. Paris Country Fr Lang. Wiesbaden British Book Centre. Chicago. Copenhagen FUFOS. for Patrick Moore & Peter Davies]: Fliegende Untertasse Allingham. Parallel´nye mir. Jacques: Dimensions. Chroniques des contacts avec un autre mond Vallée. Madrid Ventla. Charles A: Date with the gods. Documentos y mensajes se Alés. London 1 Translations 1989 1 1 1 BM-01537 1990 1988 1988 1 Translations 1995 1 3 1 1 1 1 1973 1973 1959 1960? 1975 1990 2 Translations 1969 2 Translations 1960 2 3 BM-00031 1955 1954 den 31 december 2010 Sida 59 of 392 .Ufocod Author And Title CC Rose C. Willy (red. London Contemporary Books.): Rummennesker. Thun Amrita-Rus. [orig: ???]. the Aquarian age. (UFO-sagens extreme aspekter. Wiesbaden Ventla. como y con quien han conectado lo Allingham. Pacifica. Cedric [pseud. V. Solomon. Copenhagen the author. Cedric [pseud. Vallée. Madrid Tribuna. A casebook of alien contact. Silva. Joshua: UFOs. Binding Fr hc AcqYear 2009 2004 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX Schneider. A casebook of alien contact. Vallée. California France Loisirs. Willy (red. Ill. Progress-Pangeya. Donde. Wegner. Iowa Tropos. A. Vallée. Adolf & Inge: In Kontakt mit dem Kosmos. Suivi d'une enquête Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7519 A 2 1 1979 1998 1990 2003 1985 1986 1977 1967 1998 Jupiter-Verlag.: Za granju nepoznannogo. Jacques: Velikie zagadki zemli. Smith. Moscow the author. & Lizar. Michig Coleman Graphics Parthenon.: Fakta om flygande tefat och deras drivmetoder. Vstrechi s nevidimka Shapiro. Cedric [pseud.): Kontaktberetninger. Cedric [pseud. for Patrick Moore & Peter Davies]: Flying saucer from Ma Allingham. (UFO-sagens extreme aspekter. Seklitova L. [Roseline Colle]: Rencontre avec les extra-terrestres. Bob: Flying saucers are! Young. 1). Zalbidea. Waterloo. L. Charles A: Date with the gods.: OVNI: analisis de un contacto. Paris Sphere. Moscow FUFOS. Helsingborg Top Hat Press. London Souvenir Press. for Patrick Moore & Peter Davies]: Fliegende Untertasse Allingham. NY Frederick Muller. Antonio José: OVNIs en España. Pontiac. Baltimore Robert Laffont. A casebook of alien contact. space brothers and. for Patrick Moore & Peter Davies]: Flying saucer from Ma 2914 6264 4356 918 B 918 A 932 6996 7631 1537 C 1537 B 1537 A 6288 353 354 6876 6877 4444 3747 30 B 30 A 31 B 31 A 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 BM-06996 Ge Ru USA USA USA Sw USA Fr UK UK USA Ru Da Da USA USA Sp Sp Ge Ge USA UK Ge Ru En En En Sw En Fr En En En Ru Da Da En En Sp Sp Ge Ge En En sc A4 sc ringbound sc sc hc sc + digital PDF file sc pt hc hc hc booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet booklet sc pt sc booklet hc hc + digital PDF file 2001 2007 2003 1990 1979 1975 2009 2009 1997 2003 1988 2007 1976 1976 2008 2008 2003 2003 1986 1979 1986 1983 Living Waters Publ. Young. Professor: How to make the most of a flying saucer experience. & Strelnikova L. (Greatest mysteries of the Wegner. J. Silva. Jacques: Dimensions. Jacques: Dimensions. Bob: Flying saucers are. Iowa the author. Waterloo. 4). Book 2. Vallée. Wilbert B. Victorino: Siragusa . Allentow USA the author Ventla. for Patrick Moore & Peter Davies]: Rumskib fra en fremm Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 32 3 2 1962 1958 Ventla. Narrativa de real viagem a o Berlet.messager des extra-terrestres. Carl: Kumar's Note an die Menschen der Erde & Mein Besuch eines Wel Anderson. Denaerde. Maria da Aparecida de Oliveira: As possibilidades do infinito. ben Shelomo. Buckle. [orig: in Spanish]. [orig: The Thiaoouba prophecy]. Tucson. Allauch UFO Photo Archives. Bericht einer Weltraumreise. Tucson. (Obscurissement de la planéte). Wiesbaden UFO Photo Archives. Michel: Profetia de pe Thiaoouba. Los Angeles Ventla. Carl: Two nights to remember! Anderson. illust ben Shelomo. del Pozo. Ariz Econ. Wiesbaden Ventla. The story o Crandall. Wendelle: UFO…contact from planet Iarga. Allauch COSMICIA. Albert: The shocking truth. Coe. Carl: Kumar's Note an die Menschen der Erde. Artur: Discos voadores. H. Victorino: Dossier Siragusa. del Pozo. The Andromedan compendium. Mit Illustrationen von Rudolf Das Desmarquet. Anderson. Eileen: The Scoriton mystery. Artur: UFO contact from the planet Acart. Wendelle C. Pennsylvania The Flying Saucer Project.Ufocod Author And Title CCX Allingham. Wiesbaden Otto Biilmann. Ufokontakter i Sverige. Jay Solomon]: Contactee! A UFO experience. [orig: in Spanish]. Copenhagen Country Da Lang. Da utopia á realidade. De um contat Blomqvist. Wiesbaden New Age Publ Co. Albert & Stevens.l'annonciateur. Yaakov [pseud f. Sao Paolo Parthenon. Berlet. Stefan: Menschen von Planeten Jarga. Stefan & Stevens. Arizo USA the author New Age Publ Co. Alex: Defending sacred ground. Lee: The Venusians. Cedric [pseud. A report Denaerde. Binding Da sc (2) + hc (1) AcqYear 1983 1985 CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX Anderson. Victorino: Siragusa . Tucson. Los Angeles COSMICIA. Allauch COSMICIA. Carl: Zwei denkwürdige Nächte in der Mojave-Wuste. Håkan: Främlingar på vår jord. La verité. London the author Brazil Ge USA Brazil Sw UK USA UFO Photo Archives. Bianca. 1232 2978 39 1233 3790 3791 3812 98 2483 3815 7757 164 6904 6310 6906 240 3911 3912 255 2393 3914 6916 1 Translations 1960 3 Translations 1960 3 1956 Ge Ge USA Ge USA Ge Ge En Ge En En Port Ge En Port Sw En En En En En Fr Fr Fr En Ge Sp booklet A5 booklet A5 sc booklet A5 ringbound ringbound sc hc hc + digital PDF sc hc hc digital PDF file digital PDF digital PDF file sc sc sc sc hc + digital PDF hc digital PDF file 1985 2002 1975 1985 2003 2003 2003 1975 1998 2003 2010 1975 2009 2008 2009 1975 2003 2003 2003 1997 2003 2009 2 Translations 1958 1 1 1 3 2 BM-02483 1 5 3 1 BM-06904 1 BM-06310 1 BM-06906 2 1 1 2 3 BM-02393 2 1 BM-06916 1991 1994? 1967 1967 1987 1987 2009 1967 19?? 200-? 1998 1955 1983 1982 1979 1982 1971 2000 the author.: UFO contact from planet Norca. Whitehall. The shocki Collier. Coe. Nyköping Neville Spearman. Düsseldorf the author USA USA Fr Fr Fr USA Ge ?? den 31 december 2010 Sida 60 of 392 . Artur: Im Raumschiff von Planet zu Planet. Ariz Kopyon. Yaakov [pseud f. Jay Solomon]: The contactee sequel! Being the se Berlet. del Pozo. Se Franchetto. [Toda la Verdad sobre los OVNIs]. Derenberger Ibrahim. Sune & Jonsson.: Besucher aus dem Weltraum. Elista Ventla. Barcelona Sagitario.Ufocod Author And Title CCX Dibitonto.: The night has a thousand saucers.: Visitors from space. Ibrahim. L USA Fellowship of Golden Illumination. William: Five hours with the Olligarchs of Venus. 100 ho 5452 271 1179 1245 5458 7920 6329 323 325 3987 3989 1253 393 421 6330 1563 488 4080 4081 4082 6328 6337 1 Ru Ge Ru Ge En En En En En En En Sp Sp Da Ge En En Sw En En Sp Sp En En hc sc booklet booklet sc booklet 8½x11 digital PDF document 8½x11 booklet sc sc booklet A4 hc hc (1) sc (3) digital PDF hc hc sc sc sc digital PDF digital PDF 2006 1983 1985 1985 2006 2010 2008 1983 1975 2003 2003 1985 1975 1975 2008 1989 1979 2003 2003 2003 2008 2008 Sida 61 of 392 3 Translations 1961 3 2 1 1 1 BM-06329 1 3 1 1 5 3 4 1 BM-06330 3 2 1 1 1 1 BM-06328 1 BM-06337 1950 19?? 2003 19?? 2004 1955 1955 1980 1976 1970 1958 1958 2003 1989 1971 1996 1979 1983 2004 200-? Fellowship of Golden Illumination. A visit to Venus. Leo: UFOs are with us . Yosip: Mi preparacion para Ganimedes. California UFO Photo Archives. Giorgio & Sherwood. Wiesbaden Country USA Lang. Harold W. Calif UFO Photo Archives. Ariz Zindermans.: UFO contact from planet Venus. Ante: Fantastiska resor med UFO. Ariz Sp Sp Da Ge USA USA Sw USA USA Arg Arg USA USA den 31 december 2010 . Göteborg Vantage Press. Wendelle C.: UFO Contact from planet NEP-4 (in Ori Hjorth. Angel: Desde el cielo a la tierra. Calvin C. Ibrahim. Wendelle C. Besök hos utomjordisk Hubbard. [orig: Visitors from space].take my word. William T. Wendelle C. as related by Woodrow W. Ariz CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX Dorzhinov. Drake. Binding En hc + digital PDF file AcqYear 2000 2001 UFO Photo Archives. Chicag USA Saucerian Publ.en dansk kontaktperson. Phyl: UFO contact from beyond Ferguson. Buenos Aires Editorial Ganimedes. Farish. Edward & Stevens. Yosip: Yo visité Ganímedes… el mundo maravilloso de los OVNIs. Hilary: The mystery man of darkness --. Barcelona FUFOS. Eugene H. Stevens. Tucson. Genovese. Evans. Tucson. Gonzalez. Narciso: Ich bin auf dem Mars gewesen.: UFO contact from planet Apu. West V USA Ediciones Cedel. Vlado & Stevens. Ariz UFO Photo Archives.#666. Dworshak. Tucson. We are n Kapetanovic. Ariz USA USA Cosmic Circle of Fellowship. Ferguson.: Visitors from Lanulos.: UFO contact from angels in starships. El Monte. Clarksburg. Pittsburgh. (Patéti James. Eugene H. L USA Dorrance Publishing. A wierd phenomenon. Wiesbaden Understanding. & Pierceall. Oswald & Stevens. Buenos Aires UFO Photo Archives. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2687 3 BM-02687 1 1990 1984 1993 Libon. Copenhagen Ventla. FUFOS: Josef Matiszewski . Tucson. Franchetto.: Life on the planets. Yosip: I visited Ganymede [orig: Yo visité Ganimedes]. Venice. Angel: Los extraterrestres y nuestro futuro. Drake. Tucson. Pe USA IEC. Wendelle C. NY American Institute of Interplanetary Editorial Ganimedes. William: My trip to Mars. Valery: V gosti na rodinu predkov: Mif ili realnost' [As a guest to the nati Drake. Lucius. Bewohner des Mars besuchen Girvin. Eugene H. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 552 1 1 1953 1991 1958? 1957 1960 1977 1959 1972 1965 1998 1997 2005 1983 1985 1989 1985 1980 1959 197? 198? 1971 1987 1977 1979 Rolf Koch. Cecil: Round trip to Hell in a flying saucer. Jane Lew. Öckerö Roofhopper Enterprises.: Flying saucers from Khabarah Khoom. Ludvika UK UK USA USA Ukraine Ru Sw Sw Sw Sw En En Ge Ge New Age Books. London Neville Spearman. Donetsk Regnbågsförlaget. Lael. Nice Sw Sw New Ze En Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr den 31 december 2010 . Nice Éditions Alain Lefeuvre. Kraspedon. Wm Franklin: "Flying saucers" metaphysical. [orig: About my space friends]. Hans P: Der Urweltwende entgegen. First edtion. Domenick C. NY the author. Lindgren. West USA Sphere. Magocsi. Eduard "Billy": Semjase 2. As told to J.Ufocod Author And Title CCX Kelley. Miguéres. Ein Tatsachenbericht aus dem Jah Kraspedon. Martin. West Vi USA Health Research. La révélation. Wiesbaden Ventla. Mokelumne Hill. Sten: Dialog med kosmisk kultur. NC Stalker. Jean: Le cobaye des extra-terrestres face aux scientifiques. Dino: My contact with flying saucers. Kreuger. Dino: My contact with flying saucers. Miguères. Los Angeles Country USA Lang. Latysheva.: Landningen av det venusianska rymdskeppet X-12 vid Beaup Meier. Dino: My contact with flying saucers. Paris Editions Promazur. Ralph I: The Brown Mountain lights. Ontario USA Ge Ge Canada En En Sw Sw Saucerian Publ. London Vantage Press. Oscar: Meine Freunde aus dem Weltraum. Lucchesi. West V USA Parthenon. Eisenman. Domenick C. Arthur H. Matthews. Dan: The watcher. Kraspedon. Sao Paolo Ultra Science. Horw. Reprinted. Toronto. Lucern Sao Paolo Editora SA. Ventla. (Secrets of the Universe). Oscar: Meine Weltraum-Odyssee in UFOs. Jean. Clarksburg. (Coll. Sten: Manual för kosmisk kontakt. Michael. 1996. Dino: Contato com os discos voadores. Wiesbaden Quest Group. Horndal the author. Binding En small booklet AcqYear 1975 2001 CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX Klotzbach.: Flying saucers from Khabarah Khoom. Morganton. "Conn 1571 1266 580 B 580 C 580 A 1106 586 6661 2434 5672 1271 A 1271 B 2870 2871 665 675 678 1579 690 7412 4712 7413 1 2 1 1 BM-00580 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 Switzerl Brazil Ge Port En En En En En booklet A5 sc hc pt + digital PDF hc hc booklet hc sc sc ringbound 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 sc sc sc booklet dupl A4 booklet A4 hc sc sc sc 1989 1985 1975 2008 1983 1983 1975 2008 1997 2006 2001 1985 2001 2001 1983 1975 1975 1989 1979 2009 2004 2009 Sida 62 of 392 Saucerian Books. Seven hours aboard a space ship. Lucchesi. Frederick von: The transparent people. Magocsi. Kraspedon. Lindgren. [orig: My space odyssey in U Magocsi. Oscar: My space odyssey in UFOs. Jean: J'ai été le cobaye des extra-terrestres. Miguères. Auckland Éditions Alliance. Helsingborg Gunnar Lindberg. Clarksburg. Lyudmila: Tainy mirozdaniya. Des Mo US Parthenon. A4 dupl A4 copy document A4 document A4 sc booklet + digital PDF file sc sc 1975 1986 1983 2009 1975 2009 2005 2008 1976 2005 1990 2001 2009 1983 1995 2002 1997 2003 1975 2006 2004 Sida 63 of 392 Saucerian Publ. West USA Sofiya. Buck: My trip to Mars. Ariz USA UK No Mexico USA Universal Fellowship Order. Åseda Planeta.: UFO contact from Itibi-Ra. Missouri USA Quill Press. Kiev Spectrum Infinity Press. 7. Barcelona Sw Sw Da Sw Sp Saucerian Books.: Kontakt från Arcturus? . Missouri US the author. the Moon. Buck: Meine reise zum Mars. (Out of this world s Parthenon: Brasiliansk kontakt med UFO. Petersson. Campbell. Seattle. Mountain View. Cancer pla Parsons. Nelson. & Stevens. Corby. Richard T. New York the author. Welcome home earthman.): Star wards. Gilbert: The Benhar encounter. London the author. the Moon and Venus. Wiesbaden Ge 4 Translations 1964 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 BM-02898 1 4 1 2 2 1 4 BM-00827 1956 1956 1966 1959 1997 1996 1968 1981 1980 1986 196-? 19?? 1935 1993 1997 1982 1966 UFORUM. Nichols. Pallman. Tucson. Clarksburg. Ludwig F. Robert: Link. Spöttrup Högre Kontakt Arkiv. Jonathan & Raith. Mikael G. Ariz USA En En Ge En En En En En En En No Sp En En Sw Sw En Sw Sp En Ru En document A4 in binder + di2008 booklet + digital PDF file hc (2) sc (2) booklet booklet booklet booklet sc sc booklet booklet A5 copy A4 hc + digital PDF dupl.] Nelson. the Moon and Venus. zum Mond und zur Venus. H. & Moon. Norman: Sequel to Scoriton. Bergen ???? UFO Photo Archives. Tucson. Buck: My trip to Mars. Mitchell. Roy (Acuva): A miraculous healing & A trip to Clarion. T. Olsson. Angus Napoleon: Opplevelser imellem UFOer om interkontinentale forhold.C. [Rev. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6703 1 3 1979 1963 199-? 1959 Country Lang. T. los extraterrestres. Missouri US Domra Publications. West V USA Ventla. Northan UK Sky Books. Westbury. Wa Ru USA 1 Translations 1998 1 2000 den 31 december 2010 . Moi vizit na Veneru.Ufocod Author And Title CCX Miller. and Venus. Preston B. Buck: My trip to Mars. Buck: My trip to Mars."Terri" . Nelson. Nelson.: The Scandinavian connection. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: My visit to Venus. Helen & Betty: UFO Contact from Mars. Nelson. Binding En sc AcqYear 2009 1975 Solar Cross Foundation. print. Among the saucers. West Plains. Rampa. ed. Peter: Encounter in the Pleiades: an insider look at UF Oliver. Eduardo: El mensaje de otros mundos. Mountain View. [orig: translation from Flying Saucer Revi Persson. Wendelle C. Samt ett besök på jord Petersen. US CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX Mitchell. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Trinadzataya svecha. Anders: Några intryck från en resa i världsrymden.undersökningsrapport om e Pons Prades. Enrique Mercado: Los OVNIs. the Moon and Venus. Grand Rapids Flying Sa USA the author. Orue. Helsingborg författaren IGAP. (ed. Helen & Betty: We met the space people. An extraterrestrial odyssey. [orig: My trip to M Nelson. [orig Reed. Clarksburg. diario de un contacto. Siete horas a bordo de una n Rampa. The true story of 6331 702 1388 735 B 735 A 735 D 735 C 5140 6726 760 5150 1652 2898 6746 776 2263 3480 2444 4268 827 5841 4782 1 BM-06331 4 BM-00702 UFO Photo Archives. 1975 booklet booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet 1975 2008 2010 1983 Sida 64 of 392 International Evangelism Crusades. Tucson.: Like father. Reinhold O.: UFO contact from planet Baavi in Proxima Centauri. Stranges. Wiesbaden Ventla. 5896 877 888 B 888 A 1298 1401 4353 5935 6336 6327 5949 984 985 B 985 A 985 C 986 987 A 987 B 988 A 988 B 8446 990 1 2 1 3 Australi USA USA USA Ge USA Arg En En En En Ge En Sp En En En En En En En En En Ge Ge En En En En ringbound A4 hc sc (facsimile) booklet booklet booklet sc booklet 8½x11 digital PDF digital PDF booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 sc hc sc booklet + copy booklet. Frank E. Stranges. Frank E. Frank E. Venice.. Buenos Aires Country USA Lang. Wendelle C. Reinhold O. A wierd phenomenon. Frank E.: Danger from the stars. Frank son. Stranges. Wendelle C. Stranges. [orig: My friend from beyond eart Stranges... Stranges. Frank E. [orig: Schmidt. NY the author. Wendelle C. Frank E. Stranges. Ariz CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX Salle.. Calif USA USA den 31 december 2010 . Michael E. NY IEC.: 6th annual UFO Space and Science International Convention. Van Nuys. Ariz USA USA International Evangelism Crusades. Fourth edition. USA the author IEC.N. [orig: My friend from beyond eart Stranges. Wiesbaden IEC. Reinhold O. Proph Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2911 2 BM-02911 3 1988 1963 2004 1982 199? 1963 the author W C Stevens. Reinhold O.: The parade of the planets 1982.: The Kearney incident & To the Arctic circle in a spacecraft. Stranges. Frank E. Van Nuys. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. USA IEC. The Reinhold Schmidt story. Calif USA USA USA USA USA Ge Ge USA booklet. Tucson. Venice.. Oldest: Beyond worlds: My fantastic journey to our tenth planet. Frank E.#666. A true acco Schmidt. Wiesbaden the author.: Edge of tomorrow. East Chica USA UFO Photo Archives. (Un asambroso testomonio d Spears. IEC. Calif Ventla. Stevens. ['New flying saucerama'].: Flying saucerama. Decem! A Stevens. Eisenhower's 1954 meeting with extraterrestri Sanchez-Ocejo. Tucson. First edition. Zitha & Hernandez. Frank E. Binding En hc + digital PDF AcqYear 2001 1975 UFO Photo Archives. Arizona Global Communications. Hollywood Ventla. duplicated 2006 1983 1998 1975 1985 1986 2003 2006 2008 2008 2006 1975 1983 1975 2001 1978 2005 3 Translations 1967 3 1 1 1 BM-06336 1 BM-06327 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1958 1977 2004 2004 2004 1974 1960 1966 1959 1974 1961 1960? 1963 1960 1974 19?? 1981 Zapadores Publications.: Edge of tomorrow. R.: UFO contact from undersea. The Reinhold Schmidt story. Palo Alto. Stranges.: The Greada treaty. Calif. Frank E. A true acco Schmidt. Tucson. Calif Vantage Press.: Flying saucerama. Frank E.: Mein ausserirdischer Freund. Virgilio & Stevens.: Mein ausserirdischer Freund.: UFO contact from planet Zeti in Orion.Ufocod Author And Title CCX Rodriguez Montiel.: Im Raumschiff zur Arktis und Zwischenfall in Kearney. Hollywood Editorial Caymi. Sebastian.: My friend from beyond Earth.. Revised ed. printed with illustr. A re Schmidt. Van Nuys. Revised & enlarged fifth edition. Stranges.: Flying saucerama. Stranges.: The mystery man of darkness . California IEC.: My friend from beyond earth.: UFO contact from Andromeda. Eugenio: Contacto con los extraterrestres. Veprinzev.: The stranger at the Pentagon. Orazio: Kuda idesh.: Your paradise inside this planet. Yul: The Book of Yul. Frank E.: Umanità dove vai?) 2.): Contact. Orazio: Kuda idesh. Villaneuva Medina. Toronto . Tucson. Gütersloh Hal Wilcox. (From ESP-man to the alien worl Verner.: Os semeadores de vida. An incredible true story . Jean-Pierre (ed. Nyköping the author. John H. Sowers of life. Wendelle C.: I was picked up by a U. Womack. Franklin: "We come in peace". chelovechestvo? [Orig. Orazio: Umanità dove vai? Se continui cosi. Moscow Francchellucci Editore Fr Ru Ru Ru It 1 Translations 1992 2 Translations 199-? 1 1 1 BM-06997 1 BM-07024 1 2 1 BM-06311 1 1 2 3 1 1 BM-06317 1993 1975 2009 200? 1991 1977 200-? 2000 1979 1966 1961 1975 199-? Dixie Venus Books.P. Fl USA Sunesis Project. Wendelle C. Troadec. 36 pages sc sc sc sc digital PDF file digital PDF file sc hc digital PDF sc booklet stapled 8½x11 hc booklet digital PDF 1978 1994 2006 1975 2003 2006 2010 2002 2009 1993 1991 2010 2010 2007 1986 2008 2003 2009 2003 1975 2003 2008 GREPO (Groupement de Recherch Fr the author Nonsiamosoli. Gösta: Mötet i gläntan. Wiesbaden Ge USA USA Ge Helms Publications. Lloyd & Stevens.: UFO contact from Alcyon of the Pleiades. and now. A Martian lands in Austria. Wells.and it cou Zirbes. chelovechestvo? [Orig. Troadec. Salvador: Ich war auf einem anderen Planeten. Tucson.sun Canada En “ELEVEN” – Biblioteca del Nuevo Ti Argenti Polymja. Martin & Stevens. Hors serie no. Wilcox. Wells. non resterá di te nemmeno me Watts. Hal: Answer the door. Minsk Vantage Press. Frank E. Wiesengrün. Hollywood. Hal: Zemkla . Sixto Paz: Los guias extraterrestres. Cullman. UFO case report o Thomas. The secret life of a space incarnate. Calif NTB-Parthenon. Sveriges mest kända närkontakt m Taylor.interplanetary Avatar. Los Angeles IEC. Van Nuys.F.Ufocod Author And Title CCX Stranges. Calif Country USA Lang. Jean-Pierre: Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Eugenio Sir Valenti. Svahn. 2. ed. Sussex. Clas & Carlsson. NY Belarus USA Sp Ru En En Ge En En Ge En En UFO Photo Archives. Orazio: Kuda idesh. Alaba USA UFO Photo Archives. Azusa. Martin: Mein UFO-Erlebnis auf Rügen. Fa 992 2170 5974 1027 4396 5996 3680 C 3680 A 3680 B 2026 1835 6997 7024 6291 1414 6311 4429 6863 4431 1086 4438 6317 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 USA Sw UK USA En Sw En En Fr Fr Ru Ru Ru It En booklet 8½x11 hc ringbound A4 booklet booklet A4 document sc + suppl. chelovechestvo? (Orig.R. Venice. Arizo USA Ventla. Philip: Alien encounters in Sedlescombe. Calif. Wilcox. East Sussex New Age Publ Co.: Umanità dove vai?) Valenti. Nikolai: Ot ekstrasensa do inyh mirow. 1967. Moscow Russian edition Nonsiamosoli. Lewes. 2 edicao. C. Ariz USA den 31 december 2010 Sida 65 of 392 .: UFO contact from planet Arian of Alde Wiesengrün. Fort Orange.: Umanità dove vai?] Valenti. Pierre Monnet.O. visit Venus. Valenti. Binding En sc AcqYear 1975 1983 CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX Stranges. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 991 A 3 2 1967 1972 19?? 1995 1986 1955 1978 1982 1993 IEC. Galaxy Press. California Ventla.www. John Langdon: The reason for life. International. Lektion 4+5 [5+6]. London (also: Arco & Neville UK USA UK George Adamski Foundation. George: Meddelandet. Armando: Mensajes de otros mundos. George: Cosmic philosophy. George: Inside the space ships. 9+10. [orig: Flying saucers farewell]. 1972. CCXA Adamski. George: L`adieu aux soucoupes volantes. Detroit Warner. CCXA Adamski. Copenhagen IGAP Da Fr Sw Da Da 2 Translations 1985 2 2 1 2 3 4 1971 1967 1964 19?? 1966 1974 dupl A4 (Typed manuscript 1975 hc three booklets booklet booklet A5 sc 1975 2002 1983 1975 1975 Sida 66 of 392 SS&S Publications. [orig: Science of life study course]. CCXA Adamski. London Ventla. George: Inside the spaceships.[orig: Science CCXA Adamski. Se Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4450 1 2 1976 2010 Ventla. CA Editorial Orion. [orig: Flying saucers farewell]. den 31 december 2010 1330 6 3 2028 A 2028 B 5256 5 4 1327 7 8 C 8 A 8 B 1328 9 1683 10 11 C 11 B 12 13 14 1 Translations 1957 2 3 2 1 2 5 3 1955 1967 1961 1972 1962 1963 1961 Ge USA USA USA USA USA Da UK Ge Ge En En En En En Da En Ge En En En En En Da Fr Sw Da Da sc dupl 8½x11 pt hc sc ringbound A4 duplicated 8½x11 hc (2) + sc (3) hc hc pt hc hc hc sc sc sc 1986 1975 1975 1994 2009 2006 1975 1979 1986 1975 2001 1975 1983 1986 1975 1991 The International Cosmic Council. of In my father´s house are m CCXA Adamski. 11+12 [orig: Science of CCXA Adamski. George: Many mansions. NY the author G. London Abelard-Schuman. George: Flying saucers farewell. [abbrevi CCXA Adamski. Binding Sp sc AcqYear 2003 2010 CCXA Adamski. Desmond: Der Venusier und George Adamski. [orig: Flying saucers fare CCXA Adamski. George: Mot nya horisonter. CCXA Adamski. Nässjö Sw Sw Sw Sw . George: Livsvetenskap. George: Inside the space ships. Willowdale. CCXA Adamski. George: Cosmic philosophy. George: Inside the flying saucers. Régusse Svensk IGAP. CCXA Adamski. Vista. F. Copenhagen Abelard-Schuman. Otto Biilmann. [orig: Flying saucers farewell. Vista. NY + Warner Pa USA Neville Spearman. George: De fremmede rumskibe og vor fremtid. Repr. George: Kosmisk filosofi. t CCXA Adamski. George: "In my father's house are many mansions". George: Livsvidenskab. George: Inside the space ships. CCXA Adamski. George: Livsvidenskab. Eksjö Otto Biilmann. Ont Canada En Parthenon. [Abbreviated ed. [orig: Inside the space ships]. CCXA Adamski. George & Leslie. Wiesbaden 1 Translations 1958 3 2 3 3 1 2 1967 1966 1955 1956 1977 1964 Paperback Library. [orig: Inside the space ships] CCXA Adamski. George: Im inneren der Raumschiffe. USA SUFOI. Wiesbaden Interplanetary Relations. A. Helsingborg Waldia.Ufocod Author And Title CCX Zubaran Remirez. Sunds Michel Moutet Editeur. 100 spörsmål og svar. George: Behind the flying saucer mystery. Mexico Country Mex Lang. CCXA Adamski. CCXA Adamski. via naves del espacio. [orig: Cosmic philosophy CCXA Adamski. CCXA Adamski. [Flying saucers have landed + Inside the CCXA Adamski. George: Cosmic science letters. CCXA Adamski. NY Arco. En studiekurs av George Adamski. Wiesbaden USA Da Sw USA Da USA USA USA Da Da Sw USA USA Austria Mex Mex Ge 1 Translations 1966 1 1 1966 196? 3 Translations 1967 3 BM-00061 1967 Saucerian Books. Lektion 2-12 [orig: Science of CCXA Adamski. [orig: Telepathy. A trip to the Moon. West USA Sida 67 of 392 . CCXA Adamski. 1st edition. George: Rummensker. George: Wisdom of the masters of the Far East. Saturnusturen I-II. Lesson 1-12. [orig: Newsletter. CCXA Barker. Samael: Los platillos voladores. the cosmic or universal language]. Gray: Das Buch über Adamski. George: Studiekursus i videnskab om livet. Venusturen. [orig: Telepathy. the cosmic or universal language].: Inside the space ships. George: Pioneers of space. George: Telepathy. CCXA Adamski. George: Telepathy. George: Telepathy. The cosmic or universal language. CCXA Adamski. the cosmic or universal language]. (Orig. George: Religion and saucers. [orig: Gray Barker's book of Adamski]. CCXA Barker. Copenhagen Parthenon. CCXA Aun Weor.Ufocod Author And Title CCXA Adamski. Los Angeles USA Interplanetary Relations. CCXA Adamski. George: Telepati. Helsingborg ? Country Ru Lang. [orig: Science of life stu CCXA Aun Weor. Mars and Venus. (Public lecture Sept 20. Gray: Gray Barker's book of Adamski. Clarksburg. Detroit Health Research. CCXA Adamski. George: Wissenschaft des Lebens. Copenhagen SUFOI. Samael: Naves Cosmicas. George: Rymdaktivitet inom vårt solsystem. Study course. Part III. CCXA Adamski. Binding Ru AcqYear hc document A4. CCXA Adamski. CCXA Adamski. Dora Bauer. Questions and answers CCXA Adamski. George: The world of tomorrow. George: Telepati. George: Ombord på rymdskepp [orig: Inside the space ships]. George: Telepati. [2nd expan CCXA Adamski. Vojens Svensk IGAP.) Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7685 1 Translations 1956 1 1980 1960 1968 1958 1949 1955 1965 19?? 1964 196? 1958 1958 1958 1966 1959 1970 1956 1974 Otto Biilmann. CCXA Adamski. CCXA Adamski. Maløj Parthenon. den 31 december 2010 1329 A 15 B 15 A 1228 16 17 18 7686 11 A 1418 1419 1420 19 B 19 A 20 23 21 22 3765 3766 1339 61 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 Da Sw Sw Da Sw Sw En En Da Sw En Da En En En Da Da Sw En En Ge Sp Sp Ge En sc hc hc sc (photo copy) dupl A4 booklet A5 dupl A4 document 8½x11 blue ink duplicates sc sc sc hc sc dupl A4 dupl A4 booklet dupl A4 booklet booklet sc sc A4 + digital PDF file 1986 1983 1975 1985 1975 1975 1983 2010 2003 1987 1987 1987 1986 1979 1975 1975 1983 1983 2003 2003 1986 1983 Leonard-Freefield Co. George: Ombord på rymdskepp [orig: Inside the space ships]. George: Ombord i rumskibe. CCXA Adamski. 1955). [orig: Telepathy. Part I. The cosmic or universal language. 1955). Mokelumne Hill. George: Science of life. [from: Flying saucers farewel CCXA Adamski. Part II. Detroit IGAP Europe. Helsingborg Parthenon. Wien Asociación Gnóstica MGCS Editores Ventla. Helsingborg the author IGAP the author the author the author Otto Biilmann. (Public lecture Sept 19. Eksjö Interplanetary Relations. CCXA Adamski. CCXA Adamski. Studienkurs. George: Na bortu kosmicheskih korablei. The cosmic or universal language. [orig: Inside the space ships]. (Typed m 2010 2003 CCXA Adamski. George: Flygande tefat har landat. Desmond & Adamski.C. Marc: George Adamski .: Mercury: UFO messenger of the Gods. Liege Éditions de L'Oeil du Sphinx. H. London Futura. [Revised and en CCXA Leslie. Liége Trafford Publishing Europa Verlag.myte eller kulturchock? CCXA Hallet. CCXA Hallet. CCXA Honey. CCXA d'Aquila. CCXA Leslie. Desmond & Adamski. Ray: Flying saucers. Carol A. [Orig. Helsingborg John Griegs forlag.a clearer perspective. [orig: Flying sau CCXA Leslie. W. CCXA Hallet.Ufocod Author And Title CCXA Bennett. Liége the author. Desmond & Adamski. Henry: UFO's "The pawn of his creator". [orig: Flying s CCXA Leslie. Desmond & Adamski. Marc: Desert center . Early contactee's of interplanetary CCXA Grønbech. Desmond & Adamski. Binding En sc AcqYear 2002 2010 CCXA Caswell. Morten: UFO . Bergen Panther. CCXA Dohan. George: Flying saucers have landed. […how did they get their name. NY Country USA Lang.: Flying saucers 50 years later. Rosholt. Marc: Le cas Adamski. Marc: Biographie d'un esroc: George Adamski.George Adamski. CCXA Collins. Ronald & Petersen.derniere synthese. Marc: Why I can say that Adamski was a liar. George: Les soucoupes volantes ont atterri.. Robert Perry: George Adamski . Well. London Werner Laurie. Kammerer IGAP Forlaget. Paris Belgiu Fr Belgiu Belgiu Canada En Switzerl Sw No UK UK UK UK Da Fr Ge Sw No En En En En Da Fr 1 Translations 1954 3 1957 1 Translations 1954 2 3 2 2 1957 1953 1977 1970 1 Translations 1955 2 Translations 1971 Sida 68 of 392 . [orig: Flying s CCXA Leslie. Desmond & Adamski. CCXA Leslie. by the way?. George: Flygende tallerken er landet. The story of George Adamski. Wisc the author the author David R. Desmond & Adamski. Desmond & Adamski. Desmond & Adamski. George: Flying saucers have landed. George: Fliegende Untertassen landen. Paris the author. George: Flying saucers have landed. London De Unges forlag Köbenhavn Éditions J'ai lu. Colin: Looking for Orthon. Marc: Les sectaires d'Adamski. London Neville Spearman.. Liége Paraview Press. CCXA Hallet. the first flying sa Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3009 2 1 2001 2010 196? 1990 1982 19?? 1995? 1990 2000 1983 1994 2010 1988 2002 2002 IGAP Denmark Owl Press. CCXA Hallet. CCXA Leslie.D.: Outline of future IGAP projects after the death of CCXA Clendenon. George: Flying saucers have landed. [orig: Flying sauce CCXA Leslie. Kolding the author. George: Flyvende tallerkener er landet. Zurich Parthenon. [Revised and en CCXA Leslie. Fly den 31 december 2010 3069 2388 4511 7861 7179 5025 2608 1254 2099 8006 1748 3210 3247 1379 613 1516 614 B 614 A 614 D 614 C 5090 7351 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Denmar En USA USA Netherl USA Da Belgiu En En En En Da Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr En document A4 sc booklet 8½x11 document folio sc sc booklet A4 sc booklet A4 sc booklet A4 document A4 sc 8½x11 hc hc (3) sc (1) hc pt hc pt hc hc pt 2002 1997 2004 2010 2009 2005 1999 1985 1994 2010 1991 2002 2002 1986 1975 1988 1992 1975 1991 1986 2005 2009 Collection Les Presses de l'Atalante Belgiu the author. CCXA Hallet. NY UFO Research Queensland Inc CETI Publications. Daniel: UFO's and the complete evidence from space. Wash USA IGAP Europe. CCXB Bethurum. Has UK CCXA Moore. Ke UFO Photo Archives. Fred: Why are they here? Spaceships from other worlds. 2nd printing. CCX CCX CCX Angelucci. 1279 1650 1284 1285 788 1395 2151 1303 952 6804 1161 2583 1160 111 110 3021 112 A 112 B 1554 42 B 42 A 43 A 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 Wm L.: Concrete evidence. The truth about Venus CCXA Steckling. Los Angeles. USA Vantage Press. Arizona USA Australi UK USA Sw USA USA Saucerian Books.C. som han var / Adamski i Rom. Scotia. CCXB Bethurum. Richard: The case for George Adamski´s contacts with flying saucers.T. Moore Publ. Helsingborg DeVorss.Ufocod Author And Title CCXA Metaphysical Research Group: Biometric analysis of the "flying saucer" photograph Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 687 4 1 1954 198? 1985 196? 1962 1962 1965 1972 1987 1981 1969 2006 1983 1990 19?? 1954 1958 1970 1960 1958 1982 19?? 1959 Country Lang. Arizona Arcturus Book Service.: Elitens sendebud. Truman: The voice of the planet Clarion. William L. CCXA Petersen. Orfeo M. [At the 50th anniversary 2006 confer CCXA Zinsstag. NY Flying Saucer News Co. H.: Geheimnis der Untertassen.C. Vejle Pintado Publ. Wash USA Ufology Publications. Seattle.the untold story. Prescott. Calif the author. reality & world benefits. Clarksburg. CCXA Ogden. Edited and compiled by Timot CCXB Bethurum. Calif Da Da USA George Adamski Foundation. Prescott. Lou & Good. Truman: Facing reality. Seattle. NY Franky C Miller. CCXA Ross.: Concrete evidence. Steve: Questions and answers by the George. Richard: The case for George Adamski´s contacts with flying saucers. Timothy: UFO… George Adamski their man on Earth.): Research working file on George Adamski. CCXB Bethurum. West USA the author. Truman: Truman Bethurum´s personal scrapbook. (ed. Volu CCXA Ogden. CCXA Steckling. Arizona Ventla. Lou & Good. enlarged edition. Fred & Whiting. Binding En booklet AcqYear 1975 2006 Metaphysical Research Group. Burbank. CCXB Bethurum. Volu CCXA Petersen.: George Adamski beretter. Tucson. Truman: Aboard a flying saucer. Wash USA USA En En En En Da Da En En En En En En Sw En En En En En En En En Ge booklet 8½x11 copy 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet A5 sc sc booklet A5 hc video DVD sc hc dupl A4 hc sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc sc sc 8½x11 booklet A5 document 8½x11 hc 1985 1990 1985 1985 1975 1986 1994 1985 1975 2008 1983 1998 1975 1975 1975 1975 1983 1986 1989 1983 1975 1975 Ufology Publications. Angelucci. Calif the author. Orfeo M. CCXA Zinsstag. Angelucci. H. Truman: The voice of the planet Clarion. [orig: The secret of the saucers].Adamski CCXA Steckling. CCXB Bethurum. Beckenham. Phoenix. Prescott. Orfeo M. Ariz Parthenon. The latest and CCXA Zinsstag. Arizona the author. Glenn: E. Seattle. Timothy: George Adamski . Malöv IGAP. Vista. Edited by Robert C. Richard: The case for George Adamski´s contacts with flying saucers. Lou: George Adamski. Walnut Creek. Wiesbaden USA USA USA USA USA Ge 3 Translations 1959 den 31 december 2010 Sida 69 of 392 . Truman: The people of the planet Clarion. CCXA Ogden. : The nature of infinite entities. An investigation into the extraterrestrial experiences of E CCXE Kinder. William L: The Meier incident . Wendelle C. death and CCXE Meier.: The worst crisis and you. Tucson. Eduard "Billy": Folter.: "Contactee from the Pleiades" in fact and fiction. Hinterschmidrüti Gunnar Lindberg. The clear tr CCXE Meier.: Earth humanity in evolution. The best-documented UFO case ever. Gary: Light years. Amherst. den 31 december 2010 UFO Photo Archives. with Moore. Thomas K. The Billy Meier story. Eduard "Billy": Die Psyche. Kal K. Phoenix. William L. NY Penguin. Isa [transl. CCXE Korff. NY Wild Flower Press. Amherst. CCXE Meier. CCXE Meier. ed. Güllesheim. Germ Ge FIGU. Wendelle C. Britt & Welch. Wendelle C. Los USA R G Fischer. Eduard "Billy" & Stevens. Tucson. Calif USA En En En Ge En En En En En En En En En En En Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge Sw Ge document 8½x11 hc + digital PDF file booklet 8½x11 sc hc large format hc large format digital PDF hc pt document A4 (copy) booklet 8½x11 hc sc digital PDF digital PDF booklet A5 booklet A5 hc booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A4 booklet A5 2009 1979 2004 2001 1998 1992 2008 1988 2005 2006 1983 1996 2008 2008 2008 1998 1998 2005 2003 1998 1998 2001 Amherst Press. Eduard "Billy": Die Uhr schlägt eben zwölf… Daher auch. Gardener Publications.: UFO contact from the Dal universe w CCXE Meier. Tucson. Arizo USA Wendelle C. Kal K.: Spaceships of the Pleiades. lebensnotwendig f CCXE Meier.]: The Talmud of Jmmanuel.: Photographic analysis.?) Angelucci. Eduard "Billy": Kampf der Ûberbevölkerung. Hinterschmidrüti Switzerl Switzerl Sw Sz Sida 70 of 392 . [orig: The secret of the saucers]. & Brit: UFO…contact from the Pleiades. Todesstrafe und überbevölkerung. Arizo USA Wassermannzeit-Verlag. Stevens. Nilsson-Elders. Ariz Ge USA USA CCXE Dillinger. Orfeo M. Första delen. Gary: Light years. Tigard. CCXE Korff. CCXE Meier. 7057 44 4457 2816 2505 1876 6307 1512 A 1512 B 5631 579 2335 4179 A 6306 6305 2484 1781 5116 4176 1462 3411 2877 DeVorss & Co. Kal K. Phoenix. Volume from the Ple CCXE Hooten.: Geheimnis der Untertassen. CCXE Meier. The beamshi CCXE Meier. Maarten: Ausserirdische und die Friedenssehnsucht der Erdenmenschen. Orfeo M. Lee J. Frankfurt Genesis III. London the authors the authors Prometheus Books. The Meier pr CCXE Kinder. Eduard "Billy": Immanuel's Talmud. Los Angeles. CCXE Meier. & Moore.. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 43 B 4 1 Translations 1983 2 1 3 BM-00044 1 1 1 3 1 BM-06307 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 BM-06306 1 BM-06305 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1959 1958? 1955 196? 1984 1983 1979 2005 1987 1988 1982 1981 1995 1992 200-? 200-? 1979 1983 1999 2003 1987 19?? 19?? Ventla. Eduard "Billy" & Stevens. Schmidrüti FIGU. Angelucci. CCXE Elders.the most infamous hoax in CCXE Korff. Wisconsin USA Harry J. Lee J. Eduard "Billy": Die Wahrheit über die Plejaden. Wiesbaden Country Ge Lang.: UFO. Michael & Stevens. Oregon USA UK USA USA USA USA UFO Photo Archives. Hinterschmidrüti Switzerl Die Silberschnur. Orfeo M. Eduard "Billy" & Rashid. Öckerö FIGU. CCXE Elders. Ariz Genesis III. Arizo USA Atlantic Monthly Press. (editor Ray Palmer). Torture. Eduard "Billy": FIGU-Preisliste. Binding Ge hc AcqYear 2002 1976 CCX CCX CCX Angelucci. (6..: The secret of the saucers..Ufocod Author And Title CCX Angelucci. Orfeo M. Hintersch Sz FIGU. Guido: And still they fly! [Completely revised and updated second edi CCXE Steiger. Tulsa.Block . Ettenhausen FIGU. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Eduard "Billy": Semjase.Register. Hinterschmidrüti FIGU. Hinterschmidrüti FIGU. NC FIGU. CCXE Meier. Eduard "Billy": Unsere Linie. Block 8. Eduard "Billy": Verzeichnis authentischer farb-photos. Eduard "Billy": Message from the Pleiades. Fotos. Eduard "Billy": Semjase del 1 b. CCXE Meier. as told den 31 december 2010 2879 2880 2881 3412 4177 3413 2724 1578 1925 2725 3414 3415 4178 3416 1580 4179 B 2882 2883 2726 2887 6710 4841 2 BM-02879 2 BM-02880 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 UFO Photo Archives. Columbus. CCXE Meier. Block 9. Eduard "Billy": Semjase del 1 a. Ariz Gunnar Lindberg. CCXE Meier. Raumschiffe von fremden Welten. Tucson. Öckerö Gunnar Lindberg. Eduard "Billy": Semjase 1. Eduard "Billy": Our manifesto. CCXE Meier. 2. CCXE Meier. Mitgliedschoften. CCXE Meier. Fred Bell. Brad [Eugene E. München Steelmark LLC. Öckerö Gunnar Lindberg. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Eduard "Billy": Semjase 2 b. The contact notes of Eduard B CCXE Meier. Hinterschmidrüti FIGU. By Dr. The clear translation in English and CCXE Meier. The contact notes of Eduard B CCXE Meier. Eduard "Billy": The talmud of Jmmanuel. Kurzinfomationssch CCXE Meier. (Ein vielumfassendes Thema. Öckerö Gunnar Lindberg. Toncas CCXE Meier. Schmidrüti FIGU. Eduard "Billy": Semjase . 3. New Bruns USA Sida 71 of 392 . Kontaktberichte 1-86. Schriften. ü Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2878 1 1 19?? 19?? 1988 1990 1993 19?? 2003? 1992 1981 1982 198? 198? 19?? 19?? 1975 1975 19?? 2001 197? 1993+ 198? 1991 2004 1991 FIGU. Öckerö FIGU. 1.Olson] & Bell.Ufocod Author And Title CCXE Meier. Öckerö FIGU. CCXE Meier. CCXE Meier. Öckerö Gunnar Lindberg. Tucson. Eduard "Billy": Semjase 2 a. Eduard "Billy": Preisliste. Hinterschmidrüti Michael Hesemann. CCXE Meier. Hinterschmidrüti Country Sz Lang. Öckerö Wild Flower Press. Tucson. CCXE Moosbrugger. Videos. The contact notes of Eduard B CCXE Meier. Eduard "Billy": Talmud Immanuel. Hinterschmidrüti Gunnar Lindberg. Eduard "Billy": Message from the Pleiades. CCXE Meier. Eduard "Billy": Semjase. Oklahoma USA USA USA Sw Switzerl Sz Sz Sw SW Sw Sw Sw Switzerl Switzerl Sw USA Sz Sz Sz Ge USA En En En Sw Ge Ge Ge Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Ge Ge Sw En Ge Ge Ge Ge En En hc + digital PDF hc + digital PDF hc booklet A4 booklet A5 booklet A5 document A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 sc booklet A5 booklet A5 document A4 hc sc sc 2001 2001 2001 1998 2003 1998 2001 1989 1998 1998 1998 1998 2003 2002 1989 2003 2001 2001 2001 2001 2008 2004 Inner Light Publications. Binding Ge booklet A5 AcqYear 2001 1998 CCXE Meier. CCXE Meier. Eduard "Billy": Min första UFO-observation och de första kontakterna. Eduard "Billy": Message from the Pleiades. Hinterschmidrüti Gunnar Lindberg. Guido: …und sie fliegen doch! UFOs: Die grösste Herausforderung CCXE Moosbrugger. Fred: The promise. Eduard "Billy": Kampf der Ûberbevölkerung. Eduard "Billy": UFOs. Copenhagen Understanding. El Monte.: Budskapet från rymden. A preliminary investigatio Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2458 3 BM-02458 1 1981 1989 1994 2004 1954 1960 1960 1968 1958 Country USA USA En sc CD-ROM booklet hc (2) sc (2) hc (2) sc (2) sc sc sc booklet A4 booklet hc sc hc (3) sc (2) DVD disc booklet booklet booklet sc 2004 2004 1983 1975 1975 1983 1975 1986 1993 1990 1983 1983 1975 2006 1975 1975 1990 1983 Canada En USA USA Sw Sw Sw Ge Da USA Sw Sw Sw USA En En Sw Sw Sw Ge Da En Sw Sw Sw En En En En En En En En En 3 Translations 1957 1 1 2 2 5 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 1971 1965 1968 1968 1958 2005 1965 1956 196? 1965 1966 1954 1973 19?? CSA Publishers. Calif Parthenon. Merlin.: The area of mutual agreement. A time of awareness. Merlin. Daniel W. Helsingborg Parthenon.: Resa med flygande tefat. Atwood. Lakemont. Daniel W. Wendelle C. CCXF Fry.: Steps to the Stars. Daniel W. Kentucky New Age Publ Co. [orig: The Wh CCXF Fry. Daniel W. Daniel W. Daniel W.: UFO logic.: The White Sands incident. Helsingborg www.: To men of earth. CCXF Fry. 2n CCXF Fry. Helsingborg Parthenon.: Saucers unlimited and the 1964 UFO Oregon film. CCXF Fry. CCXF Fry. Lakemont.: Budskapet från rymden. Helsingborg Parthenon. Helsingborg Ventla. [orig: The White Sands incident]. Daniel W. Daniel W. CCXF Fry. Sean: Understanding Newsletters aand Daniel Fry books. Daniel W. A practical approach to civilization's CCXF Fry.: Atoms. Wiesbaden FUFOS.galaxies and understanding. Daniel W.Ufocod Author And Title CCXE Stevens. Randolph: The Pleiadian mission. CCXF Fry. [orig: The White Sands incident]. Los Angeles Understanding. [New combin CCXF Fry. Oregon Parthenon.: Haendelsen ved White Sands.danielfry. Merlin. Oregon USA USA USA USA hc (2) sc (1) ringbinder (1)1995 sc sc booklet 1975 1979 1983 Sida 72 of 392 . CCXF Fry. Calif Understanding.: Budskapet från rymden.: Handbook of understanding. CCXF Fry. Daniel W. Georgi USA Understanding.: Das Erlebnis von White Sands. Binding En hc + digital PDF AcqYear 1997 2001 UFO Photo Archives. CCXF Fry. Oregon USA USA CSA Printers & Publ. . Daniel W. CCXF Donovan. CCXF Fry. Louisville.: Alan`s message: to men of earth. Daniel W. CCXF Fry. CCXF Fry. Daniel W. Oregon Understanding. Daniel W. [orig: Alan's message.: The curve of development. Cosmology in its simplest form CCXF Fry.: Resa med flygande tefat. Ge USA Best Books. Ariz CCXE Winters.: UFO… contact from the Pleiades. [orig: Alan's message. [orig: The White Sands incident & Alan's m CCXF Fry. CCXF Fry. Los Angeles Merlin Publ Co. [orig: The White Sands incident]. Tucson. to men of earth]. Calif Daniel Fry Dot Com New Age Publ Co. Daniel W. Helsingborg Parthenon.: Resa med flygande tefat och Budskapet från rymden. den 31 december 2010 4873 4554 359 360 361 A 361 B 364 A 1366 2003 1622 364 B 363 B 363 A 5498 365 B 365 A 1621 362 369 B 369 A 366 367 1 1 3 4 4 3 2 The Pleiades Project. Daniel W. to men of earth]. Daniel W. El Monte. Daniel W.: Steps to the Stars. Merlin. Daniel W.: The White Sands incident. CCXF Fry. including The White Sands incident. Clarksburg.Ufocod Author And Title CCXF Fry. Helsingborg FUFOS. Menger. George: The council of seven lights. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 1978 1975 CCXK Klarer. West USA FUFOS. NY USA USA Ge Ge USA Saucerian Books. West USA Presses du Châtelet. Elisabeth: Jeg flöj med rumskip. David L.: Overlords. Florida Ventla-Verlag Nachfolger. George: I rode a flying saucer. Copenhagen Dave's Tree Publications. Menger. Copenhagen FUFOS. Vorgeschichte und Bericht einer Weltrau CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX CCX Menger. The mystery of the flying saucers reveal CCXV van Tassel. Wiesbaden Parthenon. CCXK Klarer. Cape Town Ventla. [orig: I flew in a spaceship over th CCXK Klarer. Howard: From outer space [orig: From outer space to you]. Wiesbaden Pyramid. (samt andre kontaktberetninger fra Sydafrik CCXK Klarer. Saucerian Books. Gray (ed. Güterslo Ventla. 571 B 2432 1455 1200 1264 681 2727 2343 682 B 682 A 683 B 683 A 684 2597 1070 1071 1072 B 1072 A 1073 89 3783 2376 4 1 2 2 Sw Da Da Sw Da Da booklet A5 booklet sc hc hc sc sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc hc pt (two different covers) hc booklet A4 sc booklet + digital PDF file sc sc hc sc sc 8½x11 sc ringbound 1983 1997 1987 1984 1985 1975 2000 1996 2006 1983 1983 1975 1976 1999 1975 1975 1979 1994 1979 1975 2003 1997 Sida 73 of 392 South A En Ge Ge En En En Ge Ge En En Da En En En En En En En Fr En 3 Translations 1977 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 3 BM-01070 3 2 2 2 2 1968 1991 1994 1997 1965 1967 1959 1972 1998 1952 1956 1968 1958 1976 1962 Saucerian Books. Elizabeth: Jenseits der Lichtmauer. West USA the authors the author. O New Age Publ Co. CCXV van Tassel. The story behind the story. A modern proof of the origin of h CCXV van Tassel. Calif Kruckeberg Press. West Vi USA den 31 december 2010 . Yucc DeVorss. [orig: The council of the seven l CCXV van Tassel. Vero Beach. Los Angeles. George: Religion and science merged. Elizabeth: Beyond the light barrier. Clarksburg. Howard: Jeg er i kontakt med rummennesker. Gray: Ils en savaient trop sur les soucoupes volantes.): Bender mystery confirmed. [orig: From outer space to you]. Menger. Menger. Jane Lew. [orig: From outer space to you]. [orig: They knew too Barker.: Utvecklingens kurva. [orig: The curve of development]. Howard & Connie: Threads of light to you. Menger. Howard: From outer space to you. Paris Fr 2 Translations 2002 3 1983 New Age Press. Los Angeles the author Ministry of Universal Wisdom. Gray: MIB: the secret terror among us. Helsingborg Country Sw Lang. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 368 3 3 1966 1959 1967 1973 1978 1980 Parthenon. Connie: Song of Saturn. Elisabeth: Jeg flöj med rumskib. Los Angeles Da USA USA USA USA USA USA CCXV Davidson. (samt andre kontaktberetninger fra Sydafrik CCXK Klarer. Daniel W. Elisabeth: I rymdskepp över Drakensberg. George: Into this world and out again. Menger. Menger. Clarksburg. Glostrup Howard Timmins. CCXV van Tassel. Howard: Aus dem Weltraum zu dir. Howard: Aus dem Weltraum zu dir. Howard & Connie: The High Bridge incident. George: When stars look down. Akron. Consisting of comment by readers o Barker. CM CM CM Barker. : Flying saucers and the three men.: The UFO silencers. Annotated and with introducti Glemser. An extraterrestrial being in the flesh living in your mid Alper. Glemser. Los fantasmas del espanto. New Brunswick. West USA Plaza & Janes. NY Country USA Lang. London the author Galaxy Press. Kurt: Men in black . Jim: Casebook on the Men in black. London St. Martin's.Ufocod Author And Title CM Barker. Peter: Hombres de negro. Auckland Sp Mex Mex New Ze En En Arizona Metaphysical Society.startling new evidence. Glemser. Ontario the author "First digital edition" IllumiNet Press. Timothy G. NY USA USA USA Saucerian Books. NJ Paperback Library. Mexico Meta Thought Center. Barcelon Sp Alvarez Esbec. Kitchener. [orig: Phantome des O'Brien. Albert K. Gray: They knew too much about flying saucers. Alamar: Teachings of Alamar. [Finalista Premio Julio Ver Randles. Bender. Annotated and with introducti Bender.or visitors fro Stuart. London University Books. West USA E S P Library. Binding En hc + digital PDF file AcqYear 1975 1983 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CP CP CP CP Barker. Ahuerma. Beckley. Greenfield. Ahuerma. Kurt: The Men in Black.: Secret rituals of the Men in black. Douglas (pseud. Clarksburg. Albert K. Krassa. NJ Inner Light. Annotated and with introducti Bender.: Flying saucers and the three men. Fabio: Los hombres de negro y los OVNIs. Zaragosa Piatkus. Jenny: The truth behind men in black. Gray: They knew too much about flying saucers. Barker.: MIB .aliens among us. NY Sp UK USA Saucerian Books. Clarksburg. Georgia UK Canada En Canada En USA USA USA En En En Sp Sp En En En Sp Sp Sp booklet 8½x11 duplicated 1975 booklet booklet (duplicated) digital PDF file sc sc sc sc pt sc 8½x11 hc sc sc booklet A5 sc 1975 2010 2009 2003 2003 2003 2005 2003 1975 2003 2003 2003 1985 1998 Sida 74 of 392 Ediciones Martínez Roca. Government agents . West USA Neville Spearman. Mexico Editorial Orion. Saidi: El mensaje de Netzahualcoyotl. Saidi: Mensajes de las naves espaciales.): Bases de OVNIs en la tierra. Timothy G. Keith. Una revolucion fracasada. Volume I. Lilburn. Frank: Exploring Atlantis. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 65 A 6 3 BM-00065 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 BM-06932 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1956 1967 1958 1975 1971 1990 1968 1962 1963 1970 19?? 19?? 2005 1997 1982 1979 1997 1997 1963 1979 1969 1972 1962 1981 Werner Laurie. Kurt: The men in black report. 65 B 65 D 82 2034 88 C 88 A 88 B 426 425 7962 6932 4095 4110 4235 4290 A 4290 B 998 4445 3743 3744 1229 2971 UK En En En En En En En hc hc sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 pt hc hc 1975 2005 1979 1994 1983 1975 1994 Saucerian Press. Zerpa. John: UFO warning. Albert K. Gray: They knew too much about flying saucers.: Flying saucers and the three men. Clarksburg. The Men in Black phenomenon Randles. Jenny: Investigating the truth behind MIB. Phoe USA den 31 december 2010 . Barcelona Editorial Orion. New Brunswick. Beckley. Allen H. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2972 1 1 1982 1986 1961 1990 1989 Franky C Miller.: Venusian secret science. Michael X. Clarksburg.: Danger on the Moon. José: Surfers of the Zuvuya. Volume II. Michael X. Anka. Bateman. London Gateway Books. West V USA Global Communications. Darryl & Ewing. Los Angeles. Frank: Exploring Atlantis. Ari USA Inner Light. West USA Futura Press. Essential briefings from deep space. [Psychic & UF Belhayes. Michael X. Timothy G. Clarksburg. Barton. Phoe USA CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Amelpha: Planet Earth at crisis. Michael X. Elgar: Sagasha. mysterious dust from space. Michael X.. A message from our fut Argüelles. Barton. Michael X. Santa Fé. West USA Futura Press. Calif Regency Press.: The spacemasters speak. Wesley H. Binding En sc AcqYear 1998 1998 Arizona Metaphysical Society. NY Sun Books. Barton. Beckley. Brom. Barton. Barton. West USA Futura Press.: How to contact your inner teacher. Hildegard: Knights of the solar cross. Iris: Spirit guides. Clarksburg.: Psychic and UFO revelations in the end times. San Diego. Barton. Calif USA Saucerian Books. NJ Global Communications. NM ??? ???? 2 Translations 1980 1 Translations 19?? 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1966 1977 1970 1957 1969 1962 1970 1958 1970 1993 1989 1980 1985 1968 1994 1980 1983 Saucerian Publ. Mary (ed. Michael X. Bender. Auch die Bruder aus teilmateriellen Bereichen des Universums dienen in Erlöserwe Barker.): The book of space ships and their relationship with the Earth. Arizona Country Lang. New Brunswick. Simi Valley. B Barton. Bath Global Communications. Barton. 2208 2478 2479 1543 1544 131 69 B 69 A 70 A 70 B 1690 74 75 A 75 B 3788 83 B 83 A 3007 90 2588 153 3052 3 2 1 USA USA USA Ge Ge En En En Ge Ge En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En document 8½x11 sc sc booklet A4 booklet A5 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 small booklet sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc sc sc 8½x11 sc hc sc sc 8½x11 sc 1995 1998 1998 1989 1989 1975 2001 1975 1975 1983 1991 1975 1985 1975 2003 1995 1983 1998 1975 1999 1983 2002 New Solutions Publ. Gray (ed. Los Angeles. Calif USA Saucerian Books. Santa Fé. Bateman. Phoenix. Michael X. NY ACS Publications. Ashtar-Sheran: An die Menschheit dieser Erde. Los Angeles. Correlated by Eva Prang.: Flying saucer revelations. Calif USA Saucerian Books.: Danger on the Moon. Tales of interdimensional travel. Page: The earth changes survival handbook. Bennett. Timothy G. Clarksburg.: Flying saucer revelations. Through Wesley H. C Bear & Co. Luana: Bashar: Blueprint for change. NY USA Saucerian Books. Clarksburg. Sedona.): The only planet of choice. New Mexico USA USA USA UK UK USA USA den 31 december 2010 Sida 75 of 392 .: Psychic & UFO revelations in the last days. Fed Beckley. West USA Light Technology Publ.: Knowledge from the stars. Bryant.: Venusian secret science.Ufocod Author And Title CP Alper. Riley H. Benjamin: The gathering of the forces of light: UFOs and their spiritual miss Creme. BSRF.: Theosophy in the space age. Fanning. Buenos Edista. the planet of joy. Livermore.Ufocod Author And Title CP Cameron. Colson. study guide v. Anne K: En värld inuti en värld. Dongo. Manhattan Bea USA DeVorss & Co. Crabb. London Japan UK Samuel Weisner. Uppsala Sw Share International Foundation. Jorge A. Crabb. Phyllis: Death defying computer intelligences or How to a Crabb. Sedona. Robert: Shining the light. The law of one. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3058 1 2 1994 1990 1987 ???? 1983 1989 1960 1990 19?? Uni-Sun. Benjamin: The gathering of the forces of light: UFOs and their spiritual miss Creme. 2. Bob: The California connection. Calif. Ojai. one bound in1975 dupl 8½x11 dupl 8½x11 sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc small booklet small booklet small booklet sc sc sc booklet 2000 2000 2010 1998 2003 2010 2010 1998 2003 1998 2007 2007 2007 2003 2003 2003 1992 Sida 76 of 392 1 Translations 2010 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1986 1994 2010 2010 1980 2000 1986 196? 196? 196? 1994 1994 1956 1986 Share International/Nederland. Tara Press. A detailed analysis of the probl Crabb. Los Angeles. DeVorss & Co. Pam & Fred: Bridge into light. Lucy: Tell my people. York Beach. Kansas City. Hibiscus Coast the author.: Communication with flying saucers. DeVorss (publisher): Planet Mercury sends greetings. Calif. (The Starseed Childers. unseen worlds. Montana the author The author. C USA CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Carey. Benjamin: Maitreyas uppdrag eller Vad gör Kristus i London? [orig: Maitrey Creme. Binding En sc AcqYear 1998 1998 Oughten House Publ. Benjamin: Maitreya's mission. Meddelanden från Sovjet 2489 6902 6454 2808 225 2683 2684 7850 2499 3885 7851 7852 2500 3898 2504 6122 6123 6124 3930 3931 3936 1874 1 1 BM-06902 1 1 3 2 1 USA USA USA En En En sc digital PDF file booklet dupl 8½x11 1998 2009 2009 2001 New Ze En USA NZ NZ En En En Dutch En Sw En Jap En En En En En En En En Sp Sw dupl 8½x11. Am Netherl Bokförlaget Qvick & Kvick.: Flying saucers from decaying suns in the light of theosophy. Arizon USA Light Technology Publ.: The Ra material. Main USA Constellation Press. By Joshua. The truth about Duclout. Duclout. Riley H. Tom: Unseen beings. X-7 rapporterar. By Dongo. Vista. Benjamin: De bundeling van de krachten van licht: de geestelijke missie va Creme. An open campaign by two alien civilization DeVorss (publisher): From Jupiter. Tom. Decard. Ken: The Starseed transmissions . Unico documento sobre e Edwards. Enebyberg Argenti Sw den 31 december 2010 . Riley H. Ams Netherl Share International Foundation. Hibiscus Coast Country Lang. Calif the author. Arthur & Shapiro. Nacy: Los platos voladores. & Duclout. Sedona. Lita: Channeling. Creme. USA USA USA Hummingbird Publ. What it is and how to do it. Calif. Creme. & Crabb. Los Angeles. Ari USA Editorial Jorge A. Hibiscus Coast BSRA. Riley H. Benjamin: The reappearance of the Christ and the masters of wisdom. Am Netherl Share International. DeVorss & Co. DeVorss (publisher): The book of space ships in their relationship with the earth. Los extraterrestrial report. Robert W. Calif. de Alberdi. Jerry: From Mora to you. Ca USA Llewellyn. Knowledge received and reported Franchetto. Marianne: The new dimensions and the new age. Sydney Trafford Publishing. Howard. Exploring ancient & modern techniques for c Hollis. Howard. Texas Hyperespaco.: Extraterrestrial communcation: Telepathy data collected by D. Nevad Corgi. Sacra Libreria Karma. Franchetto. Gonzaga Scortecci de Paula. Hicksville. Kathlyn: Welcome to infinity. Holroyd. St. Wannweil Exposition Press. Marianne: Frequency change and the second coming. Clarksburg. Angel: Comunicados terrestres y extraterrestres. Marianne: The call of the Phoenix. Stuart: Briefing for the landing on planet Earth. Selections from angelic Heralds of the New Age: Guardians of the planet. Francis. A year's journal of messages.Ufocod Author And Title CP Elkins. Francis. Goetz. [1984?-1988?] Heatherly. Calif Heralds of the New Age. Paul Park DeVorss. Oregon Solar Light Center. Barcelona Galba Edicions. West USA CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Fernández Gutiérrez. Dana: My flight to Venus. Angel: Los extraterrestres os hablan.T. BC Writers Club Press. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 315 1 2 1961 1994 1968 1984 1984 1978 196? 196? 19?? 19?? 19?? 1960 1984 1981 1988? 1957 1960 2002 2001 1977 1954 1957 1979 1977 Editorial Fercas. Sao Paolo Search and Prove. The answers. Hermann: In Kosmischen Bahnen denken. The heavens speak of the battle. St. Volume 1: os bastid Gross.: Communications from the Sun world. Paul Park. Oregon Solar Light Center. Beings from outer space speak to Hinesley. Francis. Dana: Over the threshold. Lincoln. Houston. Los Angeles. Julián: Autodialogo con los extraterrestres. London USA USA Australi Ca USA UK document 8½x11 in binder2010 booklet sc sc sc pt booklet hc booklet A5 (1). Segunda edicion. Madrid Country Lang. M USA Search and prove. Heidi: The secret war. Francis. [Beyond the Bermuda triang 3964 6138 3986 3988 1251 1252 349 347 348 429 4024 7990 7991 3219 1451 5047 4068 474 483 484 1564 5590 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 Sp USA Sp Sp USA USA USA USA USA USA Brazil Sp En Sp Sp En En En En En En Port En En En En En En En En En Ge En sc sc sc sc document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 booklet sc ringbound 8½x11 2003 2007 2003 2003 1985 1985 1975 1975 1975 1975 2003 2010 Fred B. Donald T. William: My trip to Mars. Marianne: Starcraft contact. Francis. Oregon Jewell. Oregon Solar Light Center. Jerry [medium]: From Mora to you. Oregon Solar Light Center. Barcelona Solar Light Center. A4 (2) hc 1998 1987 2005 2003 1979 1975 1975 1989 2006 Sida 77 of 392 Willing Publ Comp. Victoria. Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 1983 1995 Saucerian Books. [April 1980 Gross. Marianne: Men from outer space and the prophecies of earth changes. San Gabriel. Foster Publications. Rahda O. A personal psychic experience. New Y USA Ge USA den 31 december 2010 . Luiz: Mensagens extraterrestres. Ilg. Eine Vorbereitung auf die kommend Jarnagin Roy C. Foster.: UFOs: the extrauniversal connection. Los Angeles Wegweiser-Verlag. Fred & Linda: Guardian 1. A. G. Diana: E. Glendale. Krianon. Calif UK Arg Ge USA Sw Sw USA Oughten House Publ. En guide till uppstigningen. En livssaga Lake. Tallinn Estblankoizdat. Ch Kirkwood.Ufocod Author And Title CP Kannenberg. Tallinn BSRA. Gina: The extraterrestrial vision.): Iros Urides(A Martian): The planet Mars and its inhabitants. Investigations on receiving information from paranormal so Klimo. Valentina: Klyuchi k tainam zhizni. Gina: ET contact. LoPear. Livermore. Kosmischen Allianz Verlag: An die Kinder dieser Erde. Meade: The coming of the Guardians. Los Angeles. Louis H: Propheries and revelations by Hemaka. Ingrid: Guds närvaro i människan. Krianon. Orego USA CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Kennon. En berättelse ur och om livet. Annie: Mary's message to the world. As sent by Mary. Lupien. San Diego. Calif Christopher Publ House. Den kosmiska manualen för pl 1061 6646 6175 3292 2527 4100 A 4100 B 4104 1573 581 7326 5634 4112 2528 5656 5657 5658 161 A 4689 2531 1641 3346 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 USA En sc sc sc sc sc hc sc sc booklet booklet 8½x11 sc sc sc sc sc sc sc duplicated A4 landscape size sc hc hc 1983 2008 2007 1998 1998 2003 2003 2003 1989 1975 2009 2006 2003 1998 2006 2006 2006 1995 2004 1998 1990 2002 Sida 78 of 392 DRZ Printing & Publishing. Arizona Opus förlag Opus förlag och utbildning Oughten House. Tallinn Soyuzblankoizdat. Valentina: Klyuchi k tainam zhizni.: Project Earth. Blueprint for a new world. Eric: Kristalltrappan. Part 1. [Keys for the Lavrova. From the ET perspective. Calif USA En En Sw En En Sp Ge En Sw Sw En En Ru Ru Ru En En En En Sw Oughten House Publ Europe AB. Binding En sc AcqYear 1995 1979 Wild Flower Press. A ps King. Part 2. the mother of Jes Klein. prophets and mystics. Arizon USA Blue Dolphin. Boston Stjärnfall förlag. Kanaliserade budskap från Klimo. Brighton UK SFTAUFOS. Luppi. Hällevikstrand USA USA Sw den 31 december 2010 . Alejandro: La verdad revelada sobre los platos voladores y lo que vendrá. Lavrova. Jani: An act of faith. Columba: The moon is inhabited. Buenos Aires Kosmischen Allianz Verlag the author. King. Part 3. Concord Canada En Triad Publishers. Lake. Ingrid: Vi och Alltet. An interpretation of the "flying saucer Logan. Samarbete över dimenstionsgränserna. Calif Esthoni Esthoni Esthoni USA Overlord Communications. Valentina: Klyuchi k tainam zhizni. grundkurs för utomjordingar. Livermoore. Potustoronnii mir.: World in translation. Andreanna: A dreamer's vision by Marione. Jon: Channeling. Receiving information from paranormal Kon. Grass Valley. Potustoronnii mir. H Sw Jeremy P. Channeled teachings from Theodore. Ray: The Sirius papers. (ed. Jon: Psychics.L. Williams. Potustoronnii mir. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2246 3 1 1995 1978 1922 1994 1994 1991 1995 1987 1991 1967 19?? 1962 2003 2002 1997 1993 1991 1991 1992 1957 198? 1987 1964 1996 Mabel J McKean Country Lang. J. [Keys for the Lavrova. The P'Taah tapes. Transmissions from the Pleiades. London the author. 101. With references for further study. C USA Soyuzblankoizdat. Ida M. [Keys for the Layne. Krebs. C USA The Aquarian Press. Scottsdale. Book One.T. Newberg. Tarcher. Bertha & Ross. Elkins.] MacDonald. Gitta: Samtal med änglar. Norma J. KY Beckham House. Marciniak. Book I. By Phradom through the channelshi Micheal. Ontario? the author. Book V.): Transitional reports. Jim. 2nd edition. The veil removed. till eng. The Ra m McCarthy. Lucy (Sari): Startling revelations. Don & Rueckert. Book II. Jean (ed. N Carolin USA Earth Star Publications. Tera: Jorden. Ungern 1943-1944. The cosmic instruction manual. McNames. Maerd. Marciniak. Ti: Travel the winds. Michaelandre: The antitruth. Tera: Earth. N USA den 31 december 2010 . McNames. Valby Bear & Co. Jean: Sacred journey to Atlantis. Malory. [ Marciniak. Carla: The Law of One. KY L/L Research. Shean Douglas: Tayna "Angara -18".T. KY L/L Research. Die Kontaktler sprechen. A beginning mystery. Dorushka ("Dharma"): Space-gate. Channel: Lyar Micheal. Elkins. Milanovich. Lucy (Sari): Startling revelations. Color USA `The Universarium Foundation. Book III. Port USA Golden Rays Communications Cent USA Selbstverlag Hans Jacob. Moscow Travel the Winds Publ. Howard Brenton: Flying saucers and space ships. Alingsås Yauza-Eksmo. The Ra m McCoy. S USA CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP MacDonald. Carla: The Law of One. Personal material by R McCarthy. Santa Fé. Jim. NY Country Lang. 3rd edition. Elkins. Stjärnstund L/L Research. Jean: E. [A fascinating encounter leading to a re-exami McNames. Nycklar från Plejad McCarthy. By Gyeorgos Ceres Mallasz. The Ra m McCarthy. Howard Brenton: Flying saucers and spaceships. Elkins. Carla: The Law of One. Don & Rueckert. Silver Spring. Don & Rueckert. Binding En ringbound AcqYear 2002 2003 Intergalactic Council Publications. Don & Rueckert. Book IV. KS Cappelen Damm Borgens forlag. Wetzikon Ge Athena Publishing. (Titel övers. Mar USA Macon Graphics. Lucy (Sari): United friends of Earth. Pleiadian keys to the Marciniak. KY L/L Research. Louisville. Delta. Diana: E. Carla: The Law of One. Carla: The Law of One. Karen & Thomas. Louisville. The Ra ma McCarthy. Wichita. Louisville. Barbara: Budskap fra Pleiadene: kosmisk viten til hjelp i forandringens ti Marciniak. & Meltesen. Louisville. NM Regnbågsförlaget. KY L/L Research. Dolya angelov. 651 B 651 A 4691 8595 7377 4157 8183 8185 2533 2534 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 4169 4173 A 4173 B 4705 3424 5712 2539 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 BM-06921 1 BM-06922 1 BM-06922 1 BM-06922 1 BM-06922 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Canada USA USA Sw Ru USA No Da USA Sw USA USA USA USA USA En En Sw Ru En No Da En Sw En En En En En En En En En En Ge En sc 2008 booklet 3rd ed (1) 4th ed (1 1975 booklet 8½x11 sc hc sc hc sc sc sc digital PDF file digital PDF file digital PDF file digital PDF file digital PDF file sc sc sc booklet document A4 sc sc 2004 2010 2009 2003 2010 2010 1998 1998 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2003 2003 2007 2004 2002 2006 1998 Sida 79 of 392 America West Distributors. Carlsba Bokförlaget Mynta. Jim. Jim & Rueckert.: Mar.T. Volume one & Volume two. 101. Barbara. Albuquerque.Ufocod Author And Title CP Luppi. Begegnungen mit dem Wesentlichen. [Revised ed. Barbara: Visdom fra Plejaderne: plejanernes laere til en verden i kaos. Jim. Karen & Thomas. Marciniak. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3347 2 1 1990 1995 1970? 1955 1989 2001 2004 1992 2009 2006 1995 1995 1998 1984 1982 1982 1982 1997 1983 1988 1981 1983 1983 1992 Provoker. Barbara. Louisville. Macon. Probert. forskning 2010. Book II. [Israel]: The copper contacts. Binding En sc AcqYear 1998 1998 Athena Publishing. Beverly Hil USA Concept: Synergy Publ. Murru Paput. Book I. Tor-Carsten: Avtale med en avdöd . 1644 1927 4190 4720 5766 3454 3455 4230 6736 8267 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 1653 1394 3489 3495 3500 3501 3502 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA Sw Da USA Fr Da Sw USA No Ge En Sw Da En Fr Da Sw En No Ge sc hc sc hc sc booklet A4 hc (1) sc (1) hc sc sc booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 hc (1) copy (1) sc booklet booklet sc sc sc 1990 1992 2003 2004 2006 2002 2002 2003 2008 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1990 1986 1998 2002 1998 1998 1998 Sida 80 of 392 Denmar Da Denmar Da Denmar Da Denmar Da Denmar Da USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En Soulcraft Chapels. Stouby Country Lang.. Mark: A discourse on flying discs and current topics by Rama Ka Lo and pr Pursel. Lindy: Den lille diamant. Lindy: Pressenyheder -1Pelley. Beverly Hil USA den 31 december 2010 . Stouby the author. Jach [Lazaris]: Lazaris interviews. Norkin. 2009 Pedersen. Indi K Publ Co. Köge Logos. Pedersen. Norma J. N USA CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Miller. Calif Concept: Synergy Publ. 5. PA Les Editions La Bruyere the author. Nielsen. Einer: Vägen mellan himmel och jord. Moblesville. Engelbrekt: Huru samhällsfrågorna löstes på Mars för 200 år sedan.Ufocod Author And Title CP Milanovich. Pedersen. Copenhagen Moyer Publishing. San Francisco the author. Ernest P. Pestalozzi. NY Centrum norsk forlag Schmerse Verlag. Beverly Hil USA Concept: Synergy Publ. Modin. Dirk: Kosmische Offenbarung. Einer: En indtraengende anmoding til: Hendes Majesstaet Dronningen. Uppsala Vantage Press. Ce récit est une histoire vraie. Engelbrekt: Paa planeten Mars for 2000 aar siden. John I. Los Angeles Eos. Pedersen.og andre möter med åndeverdenen Otten. Mediale Kundgaben in der Moderne. Stouby the author. Mit eine Pedersen. the Arcturians (A true Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2540 1 1 1990 1989 1959 1909 1947 2000 1990 1981 1953 1994 2007 1997 200? 2009 2010 2009 200? 1950 1965 1989 195? 1988 1988 1987 the authors. Stockholm Psykisk forlag. 4. Betty & Ploski. Rudolph H: Letters to you from Baleran. Will & Evelyn: We of the new dimension. A true account of extraterrestrial event Nygren. Lindy: Den lille diamant. Samfundsspørgsmaalen Moyer. Jach [Lazaris]: Lazaris interviews. Stouby the author. Göttingen the author. MO Inner Circle. Modin.: Our celestial visitors. San Diego. Elvire: Mon ami l'extra-terrestre. Springfield. Post. A program in world rehabilitation. Pursel. William Dudley: Star guests… design for mortality. forskning maj 2009. Stouby the author. Julie: So you're hearing voices. Lindy: Den lille diamant. Cynthia: We. 2-7. Jach [Lazaris]: The sacred journey: You and your higher self. reg Nielsen. Albuquerque. with Rice. Lindy: 3 mennesker om programmeret 5. Hanover... Pursel. For all those who claim the QDW-Australia: Magical lexicon. Paul: Alien contact. Randles. QDW-Australia: UFO-Report. Roberts. Darwin QDW-Australia. Volume 2. Darwin QDW-Australia. Roberts. Window on another world. #2. QDW-Australia: Life hereafter. Awakening your devine Ka. Darwin QDW-Australia. Darwin QDW-Australia. Roberts.metatech. Darwin QDW-Australia. Book 2.a. Volume 1. Ramanda. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4760 1 1 1996 1996 1994 1996 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1995 1996 1996 1993 1983 1981 2002 2000 2002 1979 1976 1974 1990 1977 1979 QDW-Australia. NY Bantam. Jane: Seth speaks. QDW-Australia: The grass roots of the new world order. NJ Prentice-Hall. Darwin QDW-Australia. #2. NY Pocket Books. Germain. The hidden agenda. QDW-Australia: UFO-Report. Oslo Prentice-Hall. Window on another world. By Omega. Discourse with the Bantam. QDW-Australia: SAE-Network. Randles. NY Hilt & Hansteen. Santa Fé. Stephanie: The Mars www. Australia Coronet. Darwin Country Australi Lang. Stephanie: The Mars force: Pat's story. Jane: The "unknown" reality: a Seth book. The eternal validity of the soul. Roberts. NJ USA USA USA USA USA USA No USA USA den 31 december 2010 . Stephanie: The Mars records. Darwin QDW-Australia. Earth's birth changes. [orig: The Seth material]. Suffolk UK www. Continuing the biofeedback meter ses Roberts. Jane: How to develop your ESP power. Sudbury. Jenny & Whetnall.Ufocod Author And Title CP QDW-Australia: Elite-Network Yearbook 1992. 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 2551 3506 1291 B 1291 A 6362 6360 6361 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 2554 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 BM-06362 1 BM-06360 1 BM-06361 1 1 1 1 1 1 Australi Australi Australi Australi Australi Australi Australi Australi Australi USA Australi UK En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En No En En booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 sc sc pt hc digital PDF digital PDF digital PDF pt pt pt hc sc sc 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 1998 1998 1991 1985 2008 2008 2008 1998 1998 1998 2002 1998 1998 Sida 81 of 392 Triad Publishers. Jane: Seth-materialet. London Neville Spearman. Cairns. Jane: The "unknown" reality. Jenny & Whetnall. QDW-Australia: The wrath of the black goddess. How Pat's membership in a military c Relfe.b. Jane: Adventures in consciousness: an introduction to aspect psychology. Quan-Yin. Relfe. Englewood Cliffs. Volume 3 QDW-Australia: Elite-Network Yearbook www.metatech. Volume 1. Darwin Bear & Co. Azena: St. Biofeedback meter sessions where a man reg Relfe. Binding En booklet A4 AcqYear 2004 2004 CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP QDW-Australia: Elite-Network Yearbook 1994. NM QDW-Australia. (Previously published as The comi Roberts.metatech. a Seth book. Amorah: The Pleiadian workbook. Paul: Alien contact. Englewood Cliffs. Darwin QDW-Australia. Englewood Cliffs. W USA Cosmic Awareness Communication USA Cosmic Awareness Communication USA Araya. Its human expression. A fragment of the true history of the planet Earth. London UK USA UK Light Technology Publishing. Vol. Solara: The opening of the doorway. Lund USA USA USA USA USA Sw En En En En En Sw En En En Sw En En En En En En En En Sp En En Sw sc pt pt sc sc sc sc sc digital PDF file sc sc sc pt booklet sc 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 2004 2010 2002 2006 2003 2008 1986 2004 Royal Priest Research Press. Phoenix. Roman. Phoe USA Royal Priest Research Press. A Seth book. Olympia. Paul: Cosmic Awareness speaks.Ufocod Author And Title CP Roberts. Jane: The individual and the nature of mass events. Englewood Cliffs. New York Regency Press. Scientist of Venus. Roberts. Keith: Preparing for contact. 1 Shockley. A Seth book. Phoe USA L/L Research. Charlottesvill Soldag forlag USA No den 31 december 2010 . Mount Shasta USA Star-Borne Unlimited. Carla L. [Första boken av tre i "Earth Life"-serien som Or Royal. Lomma USA Sw Cosmic Destiny Press. [Swedish translation]. Paul: Cosmic Awareness speaks. Silva Hidalgo. Duane: Opening to channel. & Jenkins. Maini: Resan genom evigheten.: A wanderer's handbook. An exploration of human galactic h Rueckert. Shockley. vol. Binding En pt AcqYear 1998 1998 CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Roberts. ET visitors speak. January 11. Lyssa & Priest. Marcia: Confessions of an intergalactic anthropologist. Schlemmer. 1. NY Country USA Lang. January 11. Paldin: The only planet of choice. NY Prentice-Hall. 3. Keith: The prism of Lyra. Sanaya: Leva med glädje. Lyssa & Priest. NJ Bantam. En utomjordings berättelse. Jane: The Seth material. [The Explorer Race series. An owner's manual for Ets and other s Sand. 1992. Ari USA Gateway Books. Paul: Cosmic Awareness speaks. Jim: Remote viewers: The secret history of America's psychic spies. Jane: The education of oversoul seven. different printings/ 1997 booklet sc sc sc booklet booklet 2009 1983 2003 1998 2002 2002 Sida 82 of 392 Star-Borne Unlimited. Luis: Telepatia astral. Tiburon. Jane: The nature of personal reality. A metamorphosis of consciousn Royal. 1992. Jane: The nature of the psyche. Flagst USA Servants of Awareness. Essential briefi Schnabel. 3537 3538 3539 3540 3543 3544 2556 4805 6987 3558 5898 4347 6780 1412 4826 2452 6789 222 4363 3615 3616 3617 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 BM-06987 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 Prentice-Hall. NY Bantam. Vol. Mexico Mex booklet. the: Venus speaks. Phyllis V. 2. Shockley. Solara: The opening of the doorway. Louisville. Roberts. Bath Dell. Kentucky New Page. Sanaya & Packer. Roberts. Schafer. Robert: The explorer race. Calif Weteko. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3535 1 1 1976 1984 1981 1978 1984 1970 1987 1992 1994 1992 2001 2001 1999 1993 1997 1957 2000 1967 1977 1983 1977 1987 1992 199? Pocket Books. Communiquese por telepatia con seres extrate Solara: The legend of Althazar. NJ H J Kramer. How to connect with your g Roman. Direct revelations regarding flying saucers a Shapiro. A Seth book. W. Marshall Vian: The allies of humanity. (edited by Gray Barke Telano. Bishop. Larchmont. Port Orange. Independence. [orig: A spa Triton: The magic of space. Vittnesskildringar om stjärnf Wikström. Telano. Clarksburg. Karl Egon: När jag upptäckte att jag var gud. Copenhagen Regnbågsterapier. Troxell. Holland]: Freunde in Universum.f.f. Troxell. Wikström. Volume One. Holland]: The flying saucers. Rolf [pseud. How our Brothers and Wegner. John Langdon: Religious philosophies of the planets. Willy (red. One woman's cosmic connection. Marshall Vian: The allies of humanity. Rolf [pseud. Greta: Memories of tomorrow. Holland]: Vänner i universum. Troxell. 1965 7004 5959 3647 1022 1408 1021 1023 1041 1312 1309 1313 1314 1045 7022 3690 1322 352 1681 6861 6862 5247 2 1 BM-07004 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 BM-07022 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 Sw Sw En En En En Ge En Sw En En En En En En En En En Da Sw Sw Sw En booklet digital PDF file booklet 8½x11 hc (1) sc-reprint (1) sc booklet A5 booklet 8½x11 hc hc sc sc booklet A5 sc sc digital PDF file sc booklet booklet A4 sc sc booklet A5 hc 1992 2010 2006 2002 1975 1986 1975 1975 1975 1985 1985 1985 1985 1979 2010 1998 1985 1976 1990 2008 2008 2005 Sida 83 of 392 The Society for the Greater Commu USA The Greater Community Way of Kn New Age Publ Co. June Lake. NY Da Sw Sw Sw USA den 31 december 2010 . NJ USA USA USA USA USA Dixie Venus Books. Helsingborg Triad Publ Co.: Conversations with Seth. Karl Egon: Änglar och demoner och andra väsen. Hope: The mystery of the Spirit of Dolphin/Doubleday. Introduction by Jane Ro Watts. Calif Chalfant Press. Göteborg www. Scotland Country UK Lang. Borealis. Testimony of sister Hope.Ufocod Author And Title CP Recito (www. Bishop. El Monte. David: Links with space.: The coming golden age. Ralph M. Holland]: A spacewoman speaks. Calif USA School of Thought. West USA Parthenon. Book One. Ralph M. Rolf [pseud. Rolf [pseud. Sergej från X-7 undervisar i färg-ton Summers.f. Englewood Cliffs. Calif the author Prentice-Hall. Del 2. Ward. New r Sumner.vulkan. Wetzikon USA USA USA Switzerl Saucerian Books. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 938 A 1 1 19?? 1976 1988 2008 2004 1957 1960 1979 1963 1964 1962 1968 1976 19?? 1974 1974 1987? 1980 1971 1971 1990 2008 2007 1988 Edista. Moray. Maria: Guided writings. The great cosmic changes now in progress Telano. Calif USA School of Thought. Ralph M. June Lake. Woodrew. NY Sw USA School of Thought. Watkins. Susan M. Enebyberg Findhorn Trust. Hope: The Mohada teachings from the Galaxies. The second set of briefings. Los Angeles Understanding. Troxell. Troxell. [orig: Vä Telano. Mariana: En värld inuti en värld.recito.f. F. Chalfant Press. Hope: From matter to light. An urgent message ab Summers. Kristina: Inre kontakter med yttre världar. Borealis. Hope: The winged life of Cosmos. Fl USA FUFOS. Ralph M. (UFO-sagens extreme aspekt Wennergren. Binding En booklet A5 AcqYear 1983 1978 CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Stjerna. Hope: The Christ of Cosmos.): Flyvende tallerkener & religion. Calif Hans Jacob. US USA USA Inner Light Publications. Speer. Explications concernant la Hatonn. Terrell]: On Earth assignment. NY Country USA Lang. Herbert Victor (Herausgeber): Nicht von dieser Erde. Herbert Victor (Herausgeber): Nicht von dieser Erde.): New World Order. [A glimpse of tomorrow]. Demi USA Inner Light. Bath Energica. Young. Y. Tehacha USA Verlag und Ufonen-Literatur-Zentral Switzerl Verlag und Ufonen-Literatur-Zentral Switzerl Verlag und Ufonen-Literatur-Zentral Switzerl MFK. En andlig upptäcktsfärd. A channeled symp Tuella [Thelma B. [3]. [Behind the edge of world. Gyeorgos Ceres "dharma": Spacegate. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4440 1 1 1981 1984 1983 1984 1996 1995 1989 19?? 1990 1982 1992 1992 1991 1957 1957 1957 1960 19?? 19?? 19?? 1994 1994 1982 1993 Berkley. Terrell]: Cosmic prophecies for the year 2000. W & Th. Ein Tatsachenberic Speer. Herbert Victor (Herausgeber): Von Stern zu Stern. Tuella [Thelma B. New Brunswick. Timothy Green (ed. Berlin-Wilmersdorf Ge Centre de Diffusion de Messages d' Belg Centre de Diffusion de Messages d' Belg New Age Publ Co. [An Ashtar Command book. Herbert Victor: L'ensignement spirituel et scientifique d'Ashtar Sheran à l'Hu Thomas. Terrell]: Project world evacuation. New Bruns USA the authors. Voronezh Macmillan. Compiled through Tuella by the A Tuella [Thelma B. Ein Tatsachenberic Speer.: Za okrainoi mira. Com Tuella [Thelma B. Meredith L. Greta: On a slide of light. The veil removed. Los Angeles Inner Light. Binding En hc AcqYear 2003 1998 CP CP CP CP CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA Yarbro. Ostermundigen Switzerl America West Publishers. (ed. N. Life an Ashtar "Dharma": Survival is only ten feet from Hell. Transmissions from the Solar Council Beckley. Ashtar: A message of hope and lasting good cheer! Beckley. Herbert Victor: L'ensignement spirituel et scientifique d'Ashtar Sheran à l'Hu Speer.): The new world order. Herbert Victor (Herausgeber): Nicht von dieser Erde. NJ Inner Light. ed. Eine Offenbarung aus de Speer. [A course in cosmic awareness Youngholm. New Brunswick. NY Gateway Books. Orsa NPO Modek. Terrell]: Project world evacuation. Compiled through Tuella by th 3721 3723 3724 6068 6385 7700 2777 6395 6427 5511 7261 5189 5190 5191 5192 1300 1301 1026 2570 2572 2573 A 2573 B 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 BM-02573 1 USA UK Sw Ru En En Sw Ru En En En En En Fr En Ge Ge Ge Ge Fr Fr En En En En En pt sc hc hc sc document 8½x11 sc sc sc sc sc booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet sc sc 1998 1998 2002 2006 2008 2010 2001 2008 2008 2006 2009 2005 2005 2005 2005 1985 1985 1975 1998 1998 America West Publishers. By the Ashtar Command. NJ Global Communications. New Brunswick. 2. [2]. Tom: Den kosmiska baren. Adelaide J.: Space gods speak. Channeled prophecies from sp Brown. USA ??? Inner Light. Carlsbad. A journey to the stars. [orig: The Celesti Zelenin. New Brunswick. Timothy G. NJ USA ringbound A5 + digital PDF2008 sc 1998 Sida 84 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Dorothy: Concerning flying saucers and communication with spacemen. bytiya i soznaniya. [1].: Appel aux habitants de la Terre. Chelsea Quinn: Messages from Michael. Ein Tatsachenberic Speer.: Agartha. NJ USA USA USA Guardian Action Publications. Transmissions Gauch-Keller.Ufocod Author And Title CP Woodrew. V. Butts. Scott: Earth the final chapter. Allen: ETI. CPW Ashtar [Ethel P.ETI world master plan. CPW Michael. Allen: UFO . [orig: Tähtien lähettiläs]. Donna R. Los Angel US Ventla. & Corder. Ingerlise: Kontakt . The four. Clarksburg. New Brunswick. Rauni-Leena: Tähtien lähettiläs. F. Calif Grøndahl Dreyer. P. Calif Ge USA No Sw Sw Sw Fi USA USA Sw Ru USA USA USA USA USA 3 Translations 1956 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1965 1994 1995 1985 1992 1991 1977 1977 1988 1991 19?? 19?? 199-? 1989 1965 dupl 8½x11. Space beings intercept earthlings. Courtney: Cosmic voyage. Los Angeles. Gry Jannicke: Du er jeg. CPW Ashtar [Ethel P. Stockholm Werner Söderström OY. Ulla-Britt [skrivande medium] & Amos [andlig ledare]: Den långa vägen CPW Luukanen. CPW Ashtar [Ethel P. Received through automatic writing by E. S. Hill]: In kommenden Tagen. The incredible truth behind the BSRF: Flying saucers at Edwards AFB 1954. Butts Corder U. Vista. P. Binding En sc AcqYear 1998 2008 CPR CPR CPR Brown.P. Terrell]: The dynamics of cosmic telepathy. Received through automatic writing by E. Otto: Ted Owens. Scott: UFO contact. Los Angel USA New Age Publishing Co. Hill]: In days to come. Courtney: Cosmic explorers.. and Brown. Rauni-Leena: Sändebud från stjärnorna. Tucson. Gry Jannicke: Du är jag. CPW Provstgaard. Stockholm Balans. A workbook & study Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2571 1 1 1994 1983 199 1996 1997 1955 195-? 199-? Inner Light. Wiesbaden Futura Press. Wallace C: Cosmic end-time secrets. one bound in1979 dupl 8½x11 hc booklet 8½x11 2009 2001 2002 den 31 december 2010 Sida 85 of 392 . Ottawa.Harmoni. Riley H. ca Butts. & Corder. & Crabb. Part One. [orig: In days to come]. Judy: The invisible reality behind appearances. West V USA New Age Publishing Co. True evidence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. Vista. CPW Halsey. Hill]: In days to med vad? [orig: Med fört hånd]. O. NY USA USA USA En En En En En En Ge En No Sw Sw Sw Fi En En Sw Ru En En En En En hc hc pt sc document A4 sc sc booklet 8½x11 hc hc hc hc hc pt pt pt booklet booklet 8½x11 2010 2004 2003 1975 2008 2008 1983 1990 2001 1995 2009 1991 2006 1979 1979 1993 2006 1983 CPW Ashtar [Ethel P.Ufocod Author And Title CPA Tuella [Thelma B. Porvoo Starmast Publications Starmast Publications EFS-förlaget. Crabb. Ariz BSRF. CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX Anonymous: Vysshii kosmicheskii razum soobschaet. Courtney: Cosmic voyage. New York Dutton. S. Brown. True evidence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. CPW Michael. Eskilstuna Izvor. flying saucer spokesman. Oslo Trevi. NJ Country USA Lang. Calif The authors. Received through automatic writing by E. Moscow Reprint from Saga BSRA.Hälsa Trevi. KS UFO Photo Archives. CPW Jarlum. Saucerian Publ. [Highest Space Awareness s Binder. 7784 3835 A 3835 B 51 6386 6387 52 1629 2856 2244 7300 1773 5685 688 689 2017 5279 116 162 7131 2797 3092 1 1 2 2 1 1 Dutton/Penguin Putnam. NY Onyx. Hill]: In days to come. CPW Luukanen-Kilde. CPW Johansson. CPW Jarlum. extraterrestrials. Donna R. Scientific remote viewing. : Meeting on the Moon. Sture & Turid: Stjärnö sided. Vista. Theodore: From India to the planet Mars. Johansson. ecologiya. Vista. Calif Country USA Lang. Sture: Ambres' förmedling. NY Sturids förlag RAM-stiftelsen. Riley H. Vista. Calif BSRF.: Lucifer the light-bringer. Calif BSRF.: Flying saucers and the coming space probes.: Flying saucers and the coming space probes.: Flying saucers and the new consciousness. Riley H. Pathway King. George with Lawrence. George: A valuable step forward. [1st ed. Johansson. Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 2002 1975 CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX Crabb. Calif The Aetherius Society. George: Become a builder of the New Age! 230 A 230 B 231 A 231 B 233 3094 2390 235 236 6126 4589 329 A 329 B 3269 3270 1566 1910 3271 4671 7312 8092 7313 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 King folder 1 King folder 1 King folder USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Ru Israel USA USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw UK USA UK UK En En En En En En En En En Ru En En En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En En dupl 8½x11 1975 booklet. bound in a vol w o2009 dupl 8½x11 1983 booklet. one bound in1979 booklet sc + CD hc hc hc booklet A4 sc booklet A4 hc sc booklet document folio booklet 2007 2004 2004 1983 2002 2002 1989 1992 2002 2004 2009 2010 2009 Sida 86 of 392 Aetherius Society. Riley H. New York University Books. Vista. Calif Sputnik. Crabb. 3rd edition. Riley H.: Flying saucers and the new consciousness.: Who flys the saucers? Dotzenko. Johansson. Hollywood.: Flying saucers uncensored. Sture: Resan till ljuset. Vista. Aetherius Society. King. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3093 1 3 1968 19?? 1958 1974 1958 1973 1965 1963 1969? 1966 1967 2007 2003 1900 1963 1994 1982 1974 1979 1995 1996 1965 1970 1963 BSRA. Calif BSRF. Moscow the author. Stockholm Larson. Boris: Bioenergetika. California BSRA. King. Crabb. London den 31 december 2010 . Judy: The invisible reality behind appearances. Vista. Sture: Teaching av Ambres. Hollywood. Crabb. one bound in1997 dupl 8½x11. Calif BSRA. one bound in1983 booklet 8½x11 2002 dupl 8½x11. & Crabb. one bound in1978 dupl 8½x11.Ufocod Author And Title CPX Crabb. Vista. Adrian: X3. Riley H. healing. En kärlekssaga. Flournoy. Riley H. medicina s pozicii obrascheniya k chel c Dvir. George: A temple with shape power. Vista. Theodore: From India to the planet Mars.? . Stockholm författaren Sturids förlag BSRF. London The Aetherius Society. Crabb. [1st pr. Crabb. and aliens. Riley H. [4th printing]. Vista. entities.: Spacecraft from beyond the Sun. At the Mars stronghold. Volym 1. Rishon Lezion Harper & Brothers. Part Two. A study of a case of Somnamb Flournoy. Sture: Tsaron. Calif BSRF. Flying saucers 1959 Crabb. King. Riley H. California BSRF. Riley H. Crabb.] Crabb. A study of a case of Somnamb Johansson. Riley H. bound in a vol w o2009 dupl 8½x11. Richard: Contacts with the gods from space. Johansson. Född av stjärnstoft. Vista. Calif BSRA. Z. London Aetherius Society. Hollywood.Ufocod Author And Title CPX King. George: Operation Karmalight successful! Main aspect accomplished during King. Knight. George: The twelve blessings. George: This is the hour of truth. King. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 8093 1 King folder 1 19?? 1984 1964 1966 1962 1969 1982 196? 1972 1967 1964 1964 1964 2000 19?? 1974 1965 1963 1961 196? 1987 1986 1987 1988 Aetherius Society. London Aetherius Society. Hollywood. the days to come. Washingto USA den 31 december 2010 . London The Aetherius Society. A helpful transmission from the cosmic masters with King. Aetherius Society. Three batteries charged for phases 8 King. George: You are responsible! King. J. King. J. Ramtha: The adventure begins. Knight. George: Join your ship. King. their crew and thei King. London Country UK Lang. The cosmic concept for the New Aquarian Age King. Calif Aetherius Society. Aetherius Society. George: Operation Sunbeam . George: Operation Sunbeam continues. London Aetherius Society. [Selected transmissions from out-of-p King. Binding En booklet A5 AcqYear 2010 2005 CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX King.phase 1. George: Your last will and testament. A vital message from an interplanetary mast King. London Aetherius Society. My story. Important advice to members. Knight. Hollywood The Aetherius Society.: Ramtha. George: Operation Sunbeam inspires the galaxy. Edited by Steven Lee Weinberg. King. George: The innerpotential centre. George: Wisdom of the planets. Summer 2000. Washingto USA Sovereignty. J. A report on the flying saucers. USA Sovereignty. Knight. NY Beyond Words Publishing. Calif The Innerpotential Centre (Aetheriu Aetherius Society. King. London The Aetherius Society. London Aetherius Society. Hollywood. George: Life on the planets.: A state of mind.: Ramtha intensive: Change.Z. George: The flying saucers. King. an introduction. London Aetherius Society.Z. George: The story of the Aetherius society. Hollywood. Hollywood. London The Aetherius Society. George: Operation space magic. Eastsound.: I am Ramtha. George: The holy mountains of the world charged in Operation Starlight. The cosmic connection. George: Space contact in Santa Barbera. Portland. Hollywood. King. Aetherius Press. London Aetherius Society. Eastsound. George: Book and tape catalogue. King.Z. Warner. 563 564 7314 8094 5072 8095 8096 8097 565 562 8098 5615 24 1913 7315 7316 566 7317 4102 3296 3297 3298 2 1 King folder 1 King folder 1 King folder 1 1 King folder 1 King folder 1 King folder 2 4 King folder 1 King folder 1 King folder 1 King folder 2 1 King folder 1 King folder 2 1 King folder 1 1 1 1 UK UK USA UK USA UK UK USA UK UK USA UK UK UK USA USA UK USA USA En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet document folio sc document folio document folio document folio booklet A4 booklet document booklet booklet A5 hc booklet booklet hc booklet hc hc sc sc 1983 1979 2009 2010 2005 2010 2010 2010 1979 1975 2010 2006 1983 1992 2009 2009 1975 2009 2003 1998 1998 1998 Sida 87 of 392 The Aetherius Society. King. J. George: My contact with the Great White Brotherhood. Part 1. Third edition. Auckland New Ze En En Cosmon Research Foundation.. Eastsound. Instrumented by Verity.W. instrumente Lee. Freiburg Bear & Co. Vista.W.: Bringers of the d Mark-Age: Action . Vista. Meade: Coming of the Guardians. Meade: Coming of the Guardians. [Mark-Age brochures. P ["Homogenius"]: Wissenschaftler des Uranus testen Erdwölker. Calif BSRF. Edited by Marciniak. Santa Fé. J. Miami. Gloria: The changing conditions of your planet. [Correspondence betw Layne. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. the Allende letters and gravity. Washingto USA CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX Layne. of Jupiter. Mark-Age: Christ consciousness. Kiev Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age.K.Ufocod Author And Title CPX Knight. Lehren von den Plejaden. Florida Mark-Age. Gloria: Why we are here. Wiesbaden Hermann Bauer. Gloria: The going and the glory. California Country Lang. Teachings from the Pleiadians. Barbara: Bringers of the dawn. Meade: Retro me. Barbara: Prinosyachie rassvet: uchenie Pleyad. Florida Mark-Age. San Diego. Vista. Binding En hc AcqYear 2002 2008 Sovereignty. Mark-Age: Breakthrough. California BSRF.. Pioneer. Channeled by the Spiritual Hierarch Mark-Age: Birth of the Christ. or psychic self-defence. Mokelumne Hill. Vista.reaction. Calif BSRA. Mark-Age: Christ awareness. a being from Jupiter through the instrument Lee. Calif BSRF. Miami. Pal USA Health Research. California BSRF. Gloria: Space people. [orig: Bri Marciniak. Vista. Layne. University of Life 161 C 161 B 161 D 7339 3318 7340 610 609 1268 1203 A 1203 B 1270 2872 4158 8184 670 8186 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En dupl 8½x11 duplicated 1978 1985 duplicated. Zwei au Marciniak. Meade: Coming of the Guardians. Ventla. By J. Pal USA Heralds of the New Age. Meade: M. Miami. a being from Jupiter through the instrument Leopold. Gloria: Why we are here. Florida USA Ge Ge USA 1 Translations 1995 2 BM-04158 1992 1 Translations 1999 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1963? 2010 1964? 1965? 1961? 1963? 196? Ukraine Ru USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En den 31 december 2010 . Jessup. Lee. New Mexico Sofiya.Z. Tennessee Mark-Age. An interpretation of the "flying saucers" a Layne.: Ramtha. bound in a vol 2009 booklet in a bound vol w ot2009 booklet 8½x11 2002 booklet bound in a vol com2009 booklet hc booklet hc ringbound sc sc sc + digital PDF file hc booklet sc booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet 1983 1975 1985 1984 1984 1985 2001 2003 2010 1983 2010 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 Sida 88 of 392 Heralds of the New Age. By J. Meade: The ether of space. Mark-Age: Communication via channeling. By J. Mark-Age: Anchoring. Miami. The light body on Earth. An interpretation of the "flying saucers" a Layne. Barbara: Boten des neuen Morgens. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3299 1 1 1986 1994 1972 1958 1978 1958 1972 1980 1966 1962 1966 1959 1974 1974 BSRA. An interpretation of the "flying saucers" a Layne.W. The concept of the ether(s) and its relation to th Lee. (Orig. are they angels or astronauts? Lee. Auckland New Ze En En En Ge Ge En Cosmon Research Foundation. University of Life series] Mark-Age: Life in our solar system. Mark-Age: Into the fourth dimension. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. Book I. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 671 1 1 1972 1969? Mark-Age. Miami. Mark-Age: How to do all things. Florida Mark-Age. III. Mark-Age: Mark-Age implants The I am a nation. Mark-Age: Hvad er Mark-Age? Mark-Age: Inspirerande tillämpad metafysik. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Marc-Age. Florida Mark-Age. 4. Miami. [Mark-Age brochures. Miami. Channeled by The spiritual hierarchy through N Mark-Age: Manifestation. My experiences since leaving earth. Mark-Age: Golden era. I. Mark-Age: Into the fourth dimension. 50 how to's. Miami. Mark-Age: Into the fourth dimension. Miami. Miami. Mark-Age: Harmony of mind. Miami. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. Florida Mark-Age. 3367 3368 3369 3370 672 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 6693 3385 6694 1 Translations 196? 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1965? 1963? 1965 1971 196? 1965 1965 1965 196? 196? 1964? 1964? 1964? 1964? 1964? 1964? 196? 1963? 2008 1965 198-? USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Ge En En En En En En En En Da Da En En En En En En En En En En En booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet A5 booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet sc booklet booklet 2002 2002 2002 2002 1983 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2008 2002 2008 Sida 89 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Your use of divine power. Florida Mark-Age. Book VI. Florida Mark-Age. Mark-Age: Life in our solar system. Florida Country USA Lang. Florida Mark-Age. Binding En booklet A5 AcqYear 1976 2002 CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX Mark-Age: Einführung. Miami. vol. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. Book III. Pioneer. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. Mark-Age: From life to life. Miami. Miami. Tennessee Mark-Age. Mark-Age: Into the fourth dimension. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. Mark-Age: Into the fourth dimension. Miami. [Mark-Age brochures. Miami. Book V. Introductory catalog. Book IV.Ufocod Author And Title CPX Mark-Age: Cosmic lessons. Miami. Mark-Age: Into the fourth dimension. autumn 1965. Miami. Miami. Florida Mark-Age. Mark-Age: High self communion. Mark-Age: Karma and reincarnation. Mark-Age: How to do all things. Mark-Age: Gloria Lee lives. Mark-Age: Group guidelines for new age light centers. University of Life series]. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. Miami. The spritiual truths. Miami. Miami. Gloria Lee channels for Mark-Age. Miami. Book II. II. Channeled by the spiritual hierarchy through NadaMark-Age: Program Jesus. Mark-Age: Spiritual space program. Extraterrestrial communic Meloney. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. Miami. Book two. Markus. John M. University of Life s Mark-Age: Spritiual awakening of youth. Miami. Florida Mark-Age. Mark-Age: Visitors from other planets. Joseph P. Millbrae. Florida Country USA Lang. Binding En booklet AcqYear 2002 2002 CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX CPX Mark-Age: Our alternative heritage. Åkersberga Celestial Arts. A true story. University of Life series]. Mark-Age: Spiritual understanding of sex. Miami. Christ demonstrators' guide. New Hamps USA Hampton Roads Publ Co. Miami. Mark-Age: The Mark-Age period & program 1958-1961. Lenora: The amnesia factor. Florida Mark-Age. [Mark-Age brochures. University of Life series]. The hierarchal plan. Miami. Irene V. Introductory information. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. University of Life series]. Mark-Age: Serene meditiations. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. [Mark-Age brochures. Miami. Florida Mark-Age. Mark-Age: See and be the light. [Mark-Age brochures. 1. Miami. Mark-Age: Program Jesus. Florida Mark-Age. Charlotte USA den 31 december 2010 . Channeled by the spiritual hierarchy through Mark-Age: Ye are the sons of God. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. [Mark-Age brochures. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3386 1 1 196? 1961 196? 1970 1962? 1962? 1963? 1965? 1965 1962? 196? 196? 196? 196? 19?? 1962 1965? 1965? 1974 1965? 1996 1975 2002 2000 Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age. Mark-Age: The Mark-Age period & program 1962-1965. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. Miami. Mark-Age: The hierarchal plan for our planet and solar system. A true story of mind over matter. Florida Mark-Age. Florida Mark-Age.Ufocod Author And Title CPX Mark-Age: Meditation.: Alien odyssey. Miami. Mark-Age: Spiritual awakening. Mark-Age: Period and program. Alexander: Det kosmiska arvet. Miami. Mark-Age: The Church and the new Age. Miami. Mark-Age. & Huett. 3388 673 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 669 3399 3400 3401 674 3402 5110 7398 5709 4188 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Sw USA En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En Sw En En En booklet hc booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet A5 booklet booklet booklet hc booklet hc galley prints sc sc 2002 1976 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1983 2002 2002 2002 1976 2002 2005 2009 2006 2003 Sida 90 of 392 the author. Jeffrey: The PK man. Miami. [Mark-Age brochures. [Mark-Age brochures. Inspira spiratu. Mark-Age: Rays of life. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. 2. Mathes. Calif. University of Life series]. Florida Mark-Age. Miami. Mishlove. Miami. Holler. Claremont. Miami. University of Life ser Mark-Age: Spritiual discernment. Florida Caduceus. Cape Charles. Carl & Stevens. NY Country USA Lang. New B USA the author. Petersburg Understanding. Brottby USA South A En USA Sw En Sw den 31 december 2010 . Durban Litronics. Dana: The ET-human link. Va USA Saucerian Books. Italy Australi No Ru USA Sp It sc (2) ringbound copy (1) 1975 sc hc sc digital PDF file sc sc sc sc digital PDF file hc (4) sc (1) booklet booklet hc + digital PDF sc dupl A4 hc 2001 2006 2006 2010 2009 2005 2003 2003 2010 1975 1985 2005 1999 1999 2009 1998 Sida 91 of 392 1 Translations 2004 4 1 1 1 BM-07000 5 3 1 4 BM-02655 1 1 3 2004 1999 2001 2008 1959 1958 1960 1986 1989 1967 1996 Hampton Roads Publ Co. [orig: Look up]. Tenn. Wannall.f. ed. A.: "Wheels within wheels" and points beyond. Owens. Carl: The twelve planets speak! An ongoing true story. [The story in the universe]. Rabolú. Redfield.: UFO contact from planet Koldas. Ariz the author. 5780 750 3464 770 A 770 B 771 2899 5809 5814 6956 7498 5165 4294 4295 7000 948 1302 5193 2655 2654 6849 2490 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 BM-06956 Ru USA Da Ru En Da En En En En No Ru En Fr En En En En Sw En Ge En booklet sc sc booklet folio booklet 2006 1976 2002 1975 2008 Interplanetary News Service. Lawrence R. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1387 1 2 1963 1960 1993 1959 1995 1966 1972 1969 1991 2005 1997 2010 the author. Clarksburg. A cos van Vlierden. Stanford. Jacobs]: Landing light.: Alien interview. [Joaquin Enrique Amórtegui Valbuena]: Hercolubus. Honolulu. Christina "Channie" ["C C"]: En utomjordings dagbok. Petersburg Mark-Age. Charlotte USA the author Parthenon. A primer for space contact. El Monte. Ray & Rex: Look up! Stanford. Elena: Tainy vysshego razuma ili pochemu prisheltzam stydno znaco Phillel [pseud.Ufocod Author And Title CPX Mustapa. van Vlierden. Tucson. Varese. Dana: Summoned. Based on personal notes and interview tran Stanford. 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Lamy. 7772 3200 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 71 1342 1714 7147 6686 1409 763 A 763 B 2143 0 1406 8477 6358 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 BM-06358 Austria Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Ge Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En En En En En En No En En Ru booklet A5 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 sc 8½x11 document 8½x11 hc sc sc booklet 8½x11 hc pt booklet sc hc hc digital PDF 2010 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1975 1986 1991 2009 2008 1986 1986 1983 1994 2011 1986 2010 2008 Sida 96 of 392 Institutet för Ekologisk Teknik. Nikola Tesla . David: In search of Nikola Tesla. Englewood Cliffs. London Panther/Granada. Schauberger. Baltimore Yauza. Kempt USA Creatopia Productions. David: The strange life of Nikola Tesla. th O'Neill. Uppsala Bionik-Information. Samlingskompendium 6. Viktor: Viktor Schaubergers skrifter. Fysikaliska grunder för bioteknik Schauberger.Ufocod Author And Title DIS Alexandersson. 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Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 2002 2002 Wm L. Illobrand von: Unidentified flying objects and future spaceflight propulsio Lyne. James M. D. Georgi George Knap Publ. Jeantheau. Calif. Los Angeles. Calif. James M. Calif DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP Hill. William: Pentagon aliens.: Unconventional flying objects: a scientific analysis. Michel: Le problème de la vie extraterrestre.: Ufology. free energ 2328 6621 7296 7297 5068 4101 7333 7337 6665 6958 8153 6957 5699 1774 648 6967 5738 5743 3433 3435 4200 6975 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 BM-06958 1 1 BM-06957 1 3 BM-01774 3 1 BM-06967 1 1 1 2 1 1 BM-06975 Hampton Roads Publ Co.: The search for anti-gravity . Kenneth: Flying saucer designs.cea mai importanta enigma stiintifica a mileniului este elu McCampbell. Texas Creatopia Productions Editura Terra Info Tourism Celestial Arts.: The manual of free energy devices and systems. Ufocod Author And Title DP Pajak.S.) Seike. Houston. An Pawlicki. 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Das Rätsel der Elektrogravit 6972 1798 6977 6978 1800 7471 3482 3483 793 801 4754 7489 853 4336 A 4336 B 5906 6901 5912 5913 6995 6791 917 0 BM-06972 1 1 BM-06977 1 BM-06978 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 BM-06901 1 1 1 BM-06995 1 BM-06791 3 UK UK USA USA Da Fr USA USA Fr Fr Fr En En En En Da Fr En En En Fr Fr En Sw En En En digital PDF file sc digital PDF file digital PDF file booklet A4 dupl. Poher. Jean-Pierre. (Revised edition). Texas the author Ninomiya Press. Calif article reprint the authors Decouvertes Études/Maison Name Editions du Rocher Adventures Unlimited Press. A simplified explanation of the application of the B Schuessler. Jean-Pierre & Viton.: UFOs and the aerospace engineer. Shinichi: The principles of ultra relativity. Pegasus Research: UFO antigravity or Coanda effect man made saucers or aircraft Petersen.: Foredragssaesonen 1972/73. Rose. [Reprinted Petit.C. [Discoid aircraft]. Maurice: Magneto-hydrodynamic aerodynes. A new theoretical & experiment Sigma. 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Brad [Eugene E. [Pa Wallace. Special archeologica Steiger. Keel.: Our haunted planet.Ufocod Author And Title DP Smith. J. [orig: Our haunted planet]. Techniques antiponderales. Free energy forever. Marcel J. Englewood Cliffs. Allan: Gravity power. U S Patent Office U S Patent Office Saucerian Press. Special archeologica Steiger.Olson]: Mysteries of time and space.: Design for a flying saucer. John A.. Special archeologica Aderhold. Henry W. Mannix. London Edizioni MEB. Free electricity right out of thin air. Keel. (Föredrag hållet Wallace. C Stig Vendelkaers forlag RE/SEARCH Publications. San Fra UK It Fr UK UK USA Denmar Da USA En En En En En En Fr Saucerian Press. Paris USA USA USA UK Fr den 31 december 2010 Sida 101 of 392 . Paris Neville Spearman.: Our haunted planet. Henry W. London Futura. Malmö Ifologiska Sällskapet.: Mystery of the skymen.: Method and apparatus for generating a secondary gravitational van Valkenburgh. John A. Stockholm Keith Press. John A. 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[orig: The Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6373 1 1 2007 1998 1980 1967 1978 1968 1991 1989 1989 1982 2002 1871 1981 Askild & Kärnekull, Stockholm N W Damm & Søn Country No Lang. Binding No hc AcqYear 2008 2009 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Asimov, Isaac: Fantastiska fakta. [orig: Book of facts]. Axelsson, H. & Oscarsson, B.: Kastning av is och vakbildning vid sprängning av 20 Bannister, Paul: Strange happenings. Barker, Ralph: Great mysteries of the air. Bateman, Wesley H.: The messages. The U. F. O. story. A collection of articles. Beasant, Pam: Spöken och det övernaturliga. Illustrationer av Tony Miller och Rich Beasant, Pam: UFOs och det oförklarliga. Illustrationer av Tony Miller. [orig: The un Beaty, David: Strange encounters. Mysteries of the air. Bell, Art & Steiger, Brad: The source. Journey through the unexplained. Berg, P.G: Svenska småsaker. Korta skildringar, anekdoter och historier ur vår fornt Berg, Per Gustaf: Svensk mystik. Anekdoter och historier om alkemister, astrologer Bergier, Jacques & INFO-gruppen: Det uforklarlige. Beretningen om gådefulde faen Bergier, Jacques & Le groupe INFO: Le livre de l'inexplicable. Bergier, Jacques & the editors of INFO: Extraterrestrial intervention: the evidence. Bergier, Jacques y el Grupo INFO: El libro de lo inexplicable. [orig: Le livre de l'inex Bergier, Jacques: Les maîtres secrets du temps. Bergier, Jacques: Muligt, umuligt. Den fantastiske virkelighed. [orig: Aux limites du Berlitz, Charles: Charles Berlitz's world of strange phenomena. Berlitz, Charles: Charles Berlitz's world of the incredible but true. Berlitz, Charles: Wereld vol wonderen. [Orig.: World of the odd and the awesome.] Björkhem, Örjan: Mystik och människor. Bladh, Annika: Otroligt - inte sant? 4894 7703 1687 1689 6393 7073 4474 1341 5319 1842 7079 3808 7727 316 4912 2782 3809 2784 2783 7735 7088 4921 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 Sw Sw Sw En En En Sw Sw En En Sw Sw Da Fr En Sp Fr Da En En Nl Sw Sw hc booklet sc pt dupl. A4 hc hc hc sc hc hc sc hc pt pt pt sc pt pt hc hc hc 2005 2010 1991 1991 2009 2009 2004 1986 2006 1992 2009 2003 2010 1979 2005 2001 2003 2001 2001 2010 2009 2005 Sida 102 of 392 Försvarets Forskningsanstalt, Stock Sw Grosset & Dunlap, NY Pan Books, London USA UK Sedona: Calendar of creative happe US Rabén & Sjögren, Stockholm Rabén & Sjögren, Stockholm Methuen, London New American Library, New York P-G Berg, Stockholm Bokförlaget Rediviva, Stockholm Sphinx & Nihil, Copenhagen France Loisirs, Paris Signet, NY Plaza & Janes, Barcelona J'al Lu, Paris Strubes, Viby, Sjaelland Fawcett Crest, NY Fawcett Crest, NY Bosch & Keuning, Baarn Wiken Richters förlag, Malmö Sw Sw UK USA SW Sw Da Fr USA Sp Fr Da USA USA Netherl Sw Sw 1 Translations 1977 2 3 1975 1975 1 Translations 1977 1 1974 1 Translations 1974 1 1 1 1 1 1991 1992 199-? 1988 1987 den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title FA Blundell, Nigel: Die grössten Geheimnisse der Welt. [orig: The world's greatest mys Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2790 1 Translations 1995 1 1991 1980 1982 1985 1998 Octopus Books, London Fredhöis forlag Weltbild Verlag, Augsburg Country Ge Lang. Binding Ge hc AcqYear 2001 2010 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Blundell, Nigel: The world's greatest mysteries. Blundell, Nigel: Verdens störste mysterier. [orig: The world's greatest mysteries]. Blundell, Nigel: Världens största mysterier. [orig: The world's greatest mysteries]. Bonn, Gottfried: Phantastisch Real? Steifzüge zu den Grenzen unseres Wissens. Bord, Janet & Colin: Geheimnisse des 20. Jahrhunderts. Faszinierende Phänomen Bord, Janet & Colin: Misterios modernos del mundo. Sucesos extranos del siglo XX Bord, Janet & Colin: Modern mysteries of the world. Strange events of the twentieth Bord, Janet & Colin: Modern mysteries of the world. Strange events of the twentieth Bord, Janet & Colin: The world of the unexplained. An illustrated guide to the paran Bord, Janet & Colin: Unexplained mysteries of the 20th century. [orig: Modern myst Bord, Janet & Colin: Unheimliche Phänomene des 20. Jahrhunderts. [orig: Modern Bord, Janet & Colin: Övernaturligt i vår tid. [orig: Modern mysteries of the world]. Borderline Magazine (editors): Strange, stranger, strangest. Boschke, Friedrich L.: Det outforskade. Den okända värld vi lever i. [orig: Die unbek Boschke, Friedrich L.: Und 1000 Jahre sind wie ein Tag. Die Zeit, das unverstande Brandon, Jim: The rebirth of Pan. Hidden faces of the American earth spirit. Brennan, J.H.: Beyond the fourth dimension. Brennan, J.H.: The ultimate elsewhere. [orig: Beyond the fourth dimension]. Brookesmith, Peter [ed.]: Incredible phenomena. Brookesmith, Peter [ed.]: Open files: impossible happenings which have never bee Brookesmith, Peter [ed.]: When the impossible happens. Bizarre events that defy s Brookesmith, Peter [red.]: Phänomene. Unglaubliche Erscheinungen, UFOs, Übersi 1699 2041 1700 4481 5344 5345 1546 B 1546 A 5346 1546 B 5347 1847 1702 137 2303 1171 151 A 151 B 3044 7778 3048 7781 1 1 3 1 UK No En No Sw Ge Ge Sp En En En En Ge Sw En Sw Ge En En En En En En Ge hc sc hc sc hc sc sc hc hc sc sc hc pt hc pt sc pt pt sc A4 hc sc A4 hc coffee table 2001 1994 1991 2004 2006 2006 2009 1989 2006 2006 2006 1992 1991 1983 1996 1984 1979 1979 2002 2010 2002 2010 Informationsförlaget/Viking, Stockho Sw CTT-Verlag, Suhl Hestia, Bayreuth Plaza y Janes, Barcelona Grafton Books, London Grafton, London Blandford, London Contemporary Books, Chicago Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München Forum, Stockholm Paperback Library, NY Bernces, Malmö Knaur, München Firebird Press, Dunlap, Ill Futura, London Signet, NY Orbis, London Orbis Publishing, London Orbis, London Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen Ge Ge Sp UK UK UK USA Ge Sw USA Sw Ge USA UK USA UK UK UK Ge 2 Translations 1990 2 Translations 1991 1 2 1 1 1990 1989 1998 1989 2 Translations 1995 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1990 1966 1976 1979 1983 1975 1975 1984 1984 1984 1996 den 31 december 2010 Sida 103 of 392 Ufocod Author And Title FA Brookesmith, Peter [red]: I vetenskapens utmarker. Oförklarliga fenomen hos männ Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1484 2 3 1988 1986 1986 2003 1956 1953 1984 1987 1980 1993 1977 1997 2010 1997 1977 1959 1983 1990 2006 1957 1956 1983 1977 1986 Bokorama, Höganäs Bokorama, Höganäs Country Sw Lang. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 1988 1986 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Brookesmith, Peter [red]: Omöjliga händelser. Från svävning till självantändning. Burke, Kathy: Mysteries of the unexplained. Level 3. Busson, Bernard & Leroy, Gerard: The last secrets of the earth. [orig: Les derniers Büscher, Gustav: Undrens bok. Canning, John (ed): Great unsolved mysteries. Cavendish, Richard: Unsolved mysteries of the universe. Cazeau, Charles & Scott jr, Stuart D.: Exploring the unknown. Great mysteries re-e Chancellor Press: Mystery, intrigue and suspense. [Strange but true stories]. Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Archives des autres mondes. Clark, Jerome & Pear, Nancy (editors): Strange & unexplained phenomena. Clark, Jerome: Hidden realms, lost civilizations, and beings from other worlds. Clarke, Arthur C.; Fairley, John & Welfare, Simon: Världens 3 största mysterier. Atl Cohen, Daniel: Monsters, giants and little men from Mars. An unnatural history of th Colby, Carroll B.: Strangely enough! Coleman, Loren: Mysterious America. Colombo, John Robert (ed): Mysterious encounters. Personal accounts of the supe Colting, Fredrik & Gadd, Carl-Johan: Ockult. Oförklarliga fenomen, spöken, vampyr Constance, Arthur: The inexplicable sky. Constance, Arthur: The inexplicable sky. Corliss, William R.: Earthquakes, tides, unidentified sounds and related phenomen Corliss, William R.: Handbook of unusual natural phenomena. Corliss, William R.: Handbook of unusual natural phenomena. 1351 7129 5368 1854 3845 1711 2595 4501 1858 4503 7817 4949 6451 1998 7825 3875 6108 221 B 221 A 6110 1549 A 1549 B 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 Sw UK UK Sw UK UK USA UK Fr USA USA Sw USA USA Sw En En Sw En En En En Fr En En Sw En En En hc sc hc hc sc hc sc hc sc sc sc booklet pt hc sc sc sc hc hc hc hc hc 1986 2009 2006 1992 2003 1991 1999 2004 1992 2004 2010 2005 2008 1994 2010 2003 2007 2008 1975 2007 2010 1989 Sida 104 of 392 Penguin/Pearson Education, Harlo Werner Laurie, London Natur och Kultur, Stockholm Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London Treasure Press, London Dacapo/Plenum Press, NY Chancellor Press, London Robert Laffont, Paris Visible Ink/Gale Research, Detroit Visible Ink Press, Canton, MI Illustrerad Vetenskap Dell, N. Y. Sterling, NY Faber and Faber, London and Bost UK Hounslow Press, Willowdale, Ontari Canada En Nicotext, Stockholm Citadel Press, N. Y. Werner Laurie, London Sw US UK Sw En En En En En The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA Arlington House, NY USA den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title FA Corliss, William R.: Science frontiers II. More anomalies and curiosities of nature. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4955 1 2 2004 1976 1974 1974 1976 1997 1960 1975 1992 1991 1983 1984 2002 1977 19?? 1959 1954 1974 1961 1961 1966 1969 1964 1967 Country Lang. Binding En sc 8½x11 AcqYear 2005 2006 The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Corliss, William R.: Strange phenomena. A sourcebook of unusual natural phenom Corliss, William R.: Strange phenomena. A sourcebook of unusual natural phenom Corliss, William R.: The unexplained. A sourcebook of strange phenomena. Dash, Mike: Borderlands. del Rey, Lester. The mysterious earth. Det Beste: Utrolig men sant. Underlige kjensgjerninger, forblöffende begivenheter, Det Bästa: Det visste du inte! (Orig. How is it done?) Det Bästa: Förbluffande fakta. [Orig. Facts & fallacies.] Det Bästa: In i det okända. [orig: Into the unknown]. Det Bästa: Myter och mysterier. [orig: Mysteries of the unexplained]. Det Bästa: Möte med det okända. Mystiska och övernaturliga händelser genom tide Det Bästa: Otroligt men sant. [orig: Strange stories, amazing facts]. Duplantier, Gene (ed.): Spacedust. Dyall, Valentine: Unsolved mysteries. A collection of weird problems (from the past) Dyall, Valentine: Unsolved mysteries. A collection of weird problems (from the past) Edwards, Frank: Strange people. Edwards, Frank: Strange people. Edwards, Frank: Strange people. Edwards, Frank: Strange people. Edwards, Frank: Strange world. Edwards, Frank: Strange world. Edwards, Frank: Stranger than science. 2309 2310 1719 7864 1871 5441 6486 7175 2382 2306 6487 1494 937 1873 B 1873 A 297 D 297 B 297 A 297 C 298 B 298 A 299 D 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 4 The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, USA Bantam, NY Heinemann, London Chilton, Philadelphia Det Beste A/S Reader's Digest AB, Stockholm Reader's Digest, Stockholm Det Bästa, Stockholm Reader's Digest AB, Stockholm Reader's Digest AB, Stockholm Reader's Digest AB, Stockholm USA UK USA No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En En En No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw plastic binder plastic binder pt hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc booklet 8½x11 pt hc pt pt hc pt pt (two different covers) hc pt (two different covers) 1996 1996 1991 2010 1992 2006 2008 2009 1997 1996 2008 1988 1983 1992 1994 2001 1983 2009 1978 1983 1975 1975 SS&S Publications, Willowdale, Ont Canada En Arrow, London Hutchinson, London Signet, NY Popular Library, NY Lyle Stuart, N. Y. 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Where science meets the paranormal. Fairley, John & Welfare, Simon: Arthur C. Clarke´s chronicles of the strange and m Fairley, John & Welfare, Simon: Arthur C. Clarke's chronicles of the strange and my Fairley, John & Welfare, Simon: Arthur C. Clarke's world of strange powers. Falk, Bertil: Bortom vår verklighet. Från Storsjöodjuret till flygande tefat. Farkas, Viktor: Jenseits des Vorstellbaren. Ein Reiseführer durch unsere phantastis Fate Magazine (editors of): Fate's strangest mysteries. Fate Magazine (editors of): Strange but true. Fate Magazine (editors of): Strange Fate. Fate Magazine (editors of): Strange twist of Fate. Favre, Francois (ed.): Les apparitions mysterieuses. Fées, gnomes et farfadets. Ap Fort, Charles: Lo! [orig. publ. 1931]. Fort, Charles: Lo! Le nouveau livre des damnés. [Orig. Lo!] 299 A 300 B 300 A 300 C 5463 5467 7906 7907 2230 B 2230 A 1725 A 1725 B 3128 319 7922 1726 7203 1879 1727 5482 341 7208 2 2 1 2 USA USA USA USA Fi Sw Sw UK UK UK UK UK UK Sw En En En En Fi Sw Sw En En En En En En Sw Ge En En En En Fr En Fr hc pt hc pt hc sc hc sc sc A4 hc hc hc hc sc hc pt pt pt pt hc pt (two different covers) sc 1975 1983 2004 1978 2006 2006 2010 2010 1995 2009 1991 2010 2002 1978 2010 1991 2009 1992 1991 2006 1975 2009 Sida 106 of 392 1 Translations 1970 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1978 1987 1987 1989 1989 1987 1987 1984 1975 2000 1966 1967 1965 1967 1980 1965? Författares Bokmaskin, Stockholm Rabén & Sjögren Octopus Books, London Aquarian Press, London Aquarian Press, Wellingborough Collins, London Guild Publishing, London Collins, London Lindqvists, Stockholm Bechtermünz/Weltbild Verlag, Augs Ge Paperback Library, NY Paperback Library, N. Y. Paperback Library, NY Paperback Library, NY Tchou / Laffont Ace Star, NY Pierre Belfond, Paris USA USA USA USA Fr USA Fr 1 Translations 1981 den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title FA Fort, Charles: Länder bortom verkligheten. [orig: New lands]. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 342 3 1 1971 1996 1974 19?? 1972? 1973 1964? 1941 1974 196? 2004 1994 1997 Sphere Books, London Ace Star, NY Ace Books, N. Y. Abacus/Sphere, London Ace Star, NY Henry Holt, NY Dover, NY Ace Star, NY iUniverse, Lincoln, Nevada Frog, Berkeley, Calif Frog, Berkeley, Calif Sofiya, Kiev Ace, NY Nybloms, Uppsala Ballantine, NY Spektrum forlag/Parragon Books Parragon Books, Bath, UK Galaxy Press, Kitchener, Ontario Bantam, NY Bantam, NY Bantam, NY Hart, NY Larson, Stockholm Country Sw Lang. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 1975 2009 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Fort, Charles: New lands [orig. publ. 1923]. Fort, Charles: New lands [orig. publ. 1923]. 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Uforklarliga f Genzmer, Herbert & Hellenbrand, Ulrich: Mysterier, oförklarade under och sällsam Glemser, Kurt & Saunders, Alex: They walk among us. Godwin, John: This baffling world No. 1. Godwin, John: This baffling world No. 2. Godwin, John: This baffling world No. 3. Godwin, John: This baffling world. 343 B 343 A 339 B 339 C 339 A 340 A 340 B 344 4601 4000 4001 5497 2827 1886 1887 6537 6143 427 2087 2088 2089 2086 1 3 BM-00343 1 2 2 BM-00339 2 3 3 1 3 1 UK USA USA UK USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Ru USA Sw USA No Sw En En En En En En En En En En En Ru En Sw En No Sw pt pt + digital PDF file pt sc pt + digital PDF file hc hc pt (two different covers) sc sc sc sc pt sc pt hc large format hc large format booklet pt pt pt sc 2004 2005 2009 1983 1975 1992 1979 1975 2004 2003 2003 2006 2001 1992 1992 2008 2007 1979 1994 1994 1994 1994 Sida 107 of 392 1 Translations 1998 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1961 1966 1962 2007 2007 1970 1971 1973 1973 1968 Canada En USA USA USA USA En En En En den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title FA Goldman, Jane: Arkiv X - oförklarliga fenomen. Baserad på serien skapad av Chris Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2318 2 1 1996 1961 1946 1928 1991 1989 1973 1983 1971 1977 1976 1994 1954 1971 1956 1958 2009 1966 1999 1979 1968 1978 1995 1986 Rabén Prisma, Stockholm Country Sw Lang. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 1996 1994 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Gould, Rupert T.: Enigmas. Another book of unexplained facts. [Second edition]. Gould, Rupert T.: Oddiities, a book of unexplained facts. Grant, John: Great mysteries. Grant, John: Oförklarliga mysterier. Guieu, Jimmy [pseud.f. Claude Vauziere]: Le livre du paranormal. Gunning, Thomas G.: Unexplained mysteries. Gööck, Roland: Vår gåtfulla värld. Vid det mänskliga vetandets gränser. [orig: Die g Haining, Peter: Ancient mysteries. Haining, Peter: The monster trap and other true mysteries. Haynes, Debby: Out of bounds. A compilation of local people's paranormal experie Henderson, Louis: Strange experiences. Hennig, Richard: Les grandes énigmes de l'univers. [Orig.: Wo lag das Paradis?] (B Hennig, Richard: Var låg paradiset? Kulturhistoriska och geografiska gåtor. [orig: W Henry, Thomas R: The strangest things in the world. Henshaw, Peter: Fenómenos extraños. [Orig.: in English.] Hervey, Michael: Strange happenings. Hilberg, Rick R.: Rick Hilberg's book of weirdology. Hill, Gordon: Secrets of the unknown. Hirsch, Paul (ed.): Supernatural. Hitching, Francis: the World atlas of mysteries. Hoggart, Simon & Hutchinson, Mike: Bizarre beliefs. Holiday, F.W. & Wilson, Colin: The goblin universe. 7976 4028 7236 1555 7244 4047 2409 2098 1744 8022 8030 8031 3229 1752 8032 464 2611 1754 1905 1757 8044 1906 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Geoffrey Bles, Bloomsbury, London UK Philip Allan & Co., London Apple Press, London Info Books, Stockholm Omnium littéraire, Paris Dodd, Mead & Co, NY Bra Böcker, Höganäs Sidgwick & Jackson, London Armada/Collins, London UK UK Sw Fr USA Sw UK UK En En En Sw Fr En Sw En En En En Fr Sw En Sp En En En En En En En hc hc hc hc A4 sc hc hc hc pt sc hc hc sc pt hc pt booklet 8½x11 pt pt sc sc hc 2010 2003 2009 1989 2009 2003 1997 1994 1991 2010 2010 2010 2002 1991 2010 1983 1999 1991 1992 1991 2010 1992 Sida 108 of 392 M & M Publishing, Hoveton, Norfolk UK Glenmore Press, Colwyn Bay Robert Laffont, Paris Bonniers, Stockholm Ace Star, NY Lisma Ediciones Ace, NY United Aerial Phenomena Agency, Knight Books, London Pyramid, NY Pan Books, London Richard Cohen, Books, London Xanadu, London UK Fr Sw USA Sp USA USA UK USA UK UK UK den 31 december 2010 NY Jove. Vol. Tage: Myter och mysterier. 2. NY an the editors. Patrick & Stacy. Patrick & Stacy. Patrick & Stacy. Huyghe. Glarus Fokusova Biblioteka.): The Anomalist: 5. Tex USA Anomalist Books. Huyghe.): The Anomalist: 6. Dennis (ed. Jeffries. Jefferson Valley. Jefferson Valley. Dennis (ed. NY Lekturama. Donna: Strange creations. Jefferson Valley. Wendy: That's incredible. Ronald (ed. Patrick & Stacy.. Nürnberg Bra Böcker. Patrick & Stacy.): The Anomalist: 11.): The Anomalist: 2.): Intermediate states. Huyghe. Barcelona UK USA USA Ge Yugosl Sp 1 Translations 1977 1 1 3 2001 1996 1973 Feral House. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3243 1 2 1979 1991 1994 1995 1995 1996 1997 1998 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2006 2007 1999 1980 1981 1979 1976 Leo Cooper. Jeffries. NY an the editors. NY an the editors.): The Anomalist: 7.): Macabre military stories. NY an the editors. London Jove. Kingston.): The Anomalist: 10. Dennis (ed. Höganäs Ge Sw den 31 december 2010 . San Antonio. NY an the editors. Jefferson Valley. Jefferson Valley. NY an the editors. Patrick & Stacy. London Country UK Lang. Vol. Dennis (ed. Dennis (ed. Jefferson Valley. 1. Patrick & Stacy. Huyghe. Patrick & Stacy. Binding En hc AcqYear 2002 2001 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Huyghe. Tex USA John Brown. Knezevic. Huyghe. [Grosse Mysterien].): The Fortean Times book of unconventional wisdom. Huyghe. San Antonio. Dennsi (ed.): The Anomalist: 3. Dennis (ed. Jefferson Valley. Californi USA Tessloff Verlag. 5057 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2852 2853 3257 6935 6624 6625 2525 2110 2111 8101 575 5080 4678 5649 2252 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 BM-06935 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 the editors. NY an the editors. Dennis (ed. Jefferson Valley. Jefferson Valley. Aberrant ideas of human origins from ancient an Köthe. Wendy: That's incredible.): The Anomalist: 8. Huyghe. Huyghe. Patrick & Stacy. The Anomalist.. [orig: Myter og mysterier]. A n Innes. 13. Jeremy: Rätselhafte Begebenheiten. Dennis (ed. Jefferson Valley. NY an the editors. Huyghe. Patrick & Stacy. Huyghe. Patrick & Stacy. Dennis (ed. Kossy. Huyghe. Huyghe. Jovan: Posjetili su i nas. Patrick & Stacy. John (ed. Peter: Ciudadanos de las tinieblas. Patrick & Stacy. Zagreb Plaza & Janes. Rainer: Geklärte und ungeklärte Phänomene.): The Anomalist: 9.Ufocod Author And Title FA Holmes. NY an the editors..): The Universe wants to play. NY an the editors. [orig: Cittadini delle tenebre]. Dennis (ed. Dennis (ed. [Was ist was? Band 101]. Jefferson Valley. Los Angeles. La Cour. The Anomalist.): The Anomalist: 1. Dennis (ed. Kolosimo.): The Anomalist: 4. NY an USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En EN En En En En En En En En Ge ??? Sp En Ge Sw sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc digital PDF file sc sc pt pt pt hc coffee table sc pt sc hc hc 2005 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2001 2001 2002 2009 2008 2008 1998 1994 1994 2010 1979 2005 2004 2006 1995 Sida 109 of 392 Anomalist Books. [La mémoire McNally. The facts. Macklin. Jacques & Laneyrie-Dagen. Alan: In search of strange phenomena. (Secrets of s Mezentsev. Alan: In search of strange phenomena. London Frida Förlag AB. Paris Country Fr Lang. A Rough Guide Special. Binding Fr pt AcqYear 2009 2010 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Landsburg. Stockholm Rough Guides. Ungeheuer. Rhiannon: The supernatural. John: Strange encounters. (Near the Mystery). Coral: The shadow of the unknown. dunkle Mächte. Paris John Brown. On Earth and in the sky. N USA Ace Star. Julia & Savold. Stockholm Ticktock Éditions J'ai lu. Bindlach Signet Mystic. Roger de: Ces maisons qui tuent. Robert J. Moscow Molodaya Gvardiya. Robert: Unexplained phenomena. John: Strange destinies. Moscow Znaniye. Phenomena beyond belief.: Phenomena.M. Ace. Y. Meleschenko.Ufocod Author And Title FA Lafforest. 1767 A 1767 B 6660 5651 8128 5089 1769 5679 635 7370 1776 1921 1920 1775 5702 4704 8205 6201 6699 697 1277 4710 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 USA UK Sw UK En En Sw En En En En Ge En En En En En En Fr En Ru Ru Ru En Sw En pt pt hc sc sc sc pt hc pt pt pt pt pt pt hc large format sc sc hc sc hc A4 (2) sc A4 (2) hc A4 sc 1991 1991 2008 2006 2010 2005 1991 2006 1975 2009 1991 1992 1992 1991 2006 2004 2010 2007 2008 1983 1985 2004 Sida 110 of 392 Scholastic Books Services.): The day that lightning chased the housewife… a Ley. Robert J. Friedrich: Ufos.M. Harper & Row. Lorenzen. the fak Laycock. Macklin. NY Larousse. (Encyclopaedia of the Wonders). NY Corgi. monsters and untold secrets. James: Weird year 1996. Vladimir: Ryadom s zagadkoi. David (ed. Mezentsev. George: Mysteries. London Lenand. NY Gondrom Verlag. Jan: Världens största mysterier. A book of wonders. NY Ace Books. Landsburg. N. NY Ace. New Yo USA Perennial Library. Vladimir: Enciclopediya chudes. Leigh. underverk och obegripliga ting.: Mysterier. John: The enigma of the unknown. London USA Germa USA USA USA USA USA USA Fr UK Ru Ru Ru UK Sw UK den 31 december 2010 . John & Rickard. Michell. Michell. John: The strange and uncanny. Macklin. Fantastiska fakta om det övernaturliga frå Lassiter. Nadeije: Les grandes énigmes. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7329 1 1 1986 2004 1977 1977 2007 1999 1978 1989 1967 1994 1970 1968 1965 1968 1967 1967 1992 1996 2006 1963 1980 1977 1985 2000 Bantam. NY Ace. Macklin. Willy: Willy Ley's for your information. Moscow Thames & Hudson. John & Richard. John: Passport to the unknown. Lorenz. NY Ace. Larsson. London Forum. Aleksandr: Tainy sverh'estestvennyh prirodnyh yavlenii. Marseille. Joe & Wallis. Macklin. John & Rickard. [ori Michell. Nikolai: Po sledam morskogo zmeya. Moore. (Unexplained phenome Nepomnyaschii. London John Brown. Von der Zukun Pauwels. London John Brown. (Hundred greatest mys Nepomnyaschii. Stockholm Scherz. Moscow AST-Olimp. Muranov. Nikolai (Editor): Neobyasnimye yavloniya. [orig: Der Pl 1786 2629 2258 2345 2439 2630 2631 6718 6214 6215 6217 6219 6220 6221 6231 8244 2635 1794 317 5155 1937 3477 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 UK UK UK UK UK UK UK Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Sw Sw USA No Sw Switzerl Sw En En En En En En En Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Sw Sw En No Sw Ge Sw sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc pt booklet A5 sc hc sc (1) hc (1) 1991 1999 1995 1996 1997 1999 1999 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2010 1999 1991 1975 2005 1992 2002 2 Translations 1962 2 1970 den 31 december 2010 Sida 111 of 392 . Nikolai (Editor): Iz sekretnyh arhivov razvedov mira. Volume 6. Nyköping Award. Bern/Stuttgart Berghs. (In the world of Nepomnyaschii. Stockholm Country USA Lang. Moore. Bergen Semic. London John Brown. Volume 2. Nikolai (Editor): Sto velikih zagadok prirody. Nikolai (Editor): Neveroyatnye sluchai. Nepomnyaschii. (Museum of the Nepomnyaschii. Volume 1. Moscow Veche. Jacques: De omöjliga möjligheternas planet. Moscow AST-Olimp. John: Simulacra. London Prosvescheniye.): Fortean Studies. (From Nepomnyaschii. Moore. Nikolai & Vinokurov. John: Eccentric lives and peculiar notions. Moscow AST-Olimp.): Fortean Studies. Moore. London John Brown. Anders: Aktuell vetenskap. Moscow AST&Olimp. Moscow AST-Olimp. Steve (ed. Steve (ed.): Fortean Studies. Faces and figures in nature. Jacques: Aufbruch ins dritte Jahrtausend. Volume 4. Igor: Kunstkamera anomalii. Steve (ed. Norlén. Louis & Bergier. Moore. Palm. Asle: Merkerlige fenomen omkring oss [spec. Moore. Norman. Moscow Veche. Volume 5. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4711 B 1 1 1999 1984 1979 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 1999 1977 2002 1997 1998 1999 1999 2005 2001 1979 1996 1969 1974 199? Thames & Fakta?].): Fortean Studies. (On the Wake of Sea Serpen Nihlén. Steve (ed. John & Björn: Sällsamheter i Skåne. Overholt.): Fortean Studies. X-files. (Unbelievable cases). (One hundred great m Nepomnyaschii.Ufocod Author And Title FA Michell. London John Brown. FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Michell. Steve (ed. Andrei: Sto velikih tain. Pauwels. Eric [Warren Smith]: Weird unsolved mysteries. London John Brown. Nikolai & Nizovsky.): Fortean Studies. Volume 3. Louis & Bergier. Nils: Svenskarna och deras övernaturliga upplevelser. NY Fakta. Moscow Rabén & Sjögren Parthenon. Steve (ed. Binding En hc AcqYear 2004 2010 Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers. Aleksandr: V mire neobychnuh i groznyh yavlenii prirody. Randles. Christopher (ed. NY Mayflower. St. Louis & Bergier. [orig: Le matin d Pauwels. Louis & Bergier. Louis & Bergier. [orig: Le matin de Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1939 4 Translations 1963 2 1964 Strubes.Ufocod Author And Title FA Pauwels. Kenneth B. London Brockhampton Press. Jacques: The dawn of magic. London Anthony Gibbs & Phillips. Introduction au réalism Pauwels.): Gåtfullt. Copenhagen Plaza & Janes. Jacques: Den fantastiske virkelighet I. NY Mayflower. Jacques: The planet of impossible possibilites. Louis & Bergier. London BCA. Copenhagen Country Da Lang. Louis & Bergier. 1525 5156 1797 A 1797 B 8277 7464 1938 B 1938 A 1938 C 1938 D 1797 B 2145 2734 2735 1801 2146 8301 5831 4278 5844 8355 4775 2 Translations 1970 1 Translations 1974 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1973 1974 1964 1972 1964 1963 1971 1973 1980 1969 1999 1998 1979 1971 2007 1996 1997 1991 1994 1996 Da Sp USA UK Fr Fr UK UK UK USA UK Sw Sw Sw UK Da Sp En En Fr Fr En En En En En Sw Sw Sw En En Ru En En En En En sc pt pt pt pt pt pt hc pt pt pt hc (2) hc hc hc large format hc hc hc hc small format pt sc hc 1988 2005 2006 1991 2010 2009 1992 1995 2001 1994 2001 1994 2000 2000 1991 1994 2010 2006 2003 2006 2010 2004 Sida 112 of 392 Stackpole Books. [orig: Der Planet der un Pauwels. Jillian: Mysteries of the supernatural. Harrisburg. Introduction au réalis Pauwels.): Oförklarligt. healing. Barcelona Avon. Louis & Bergier. Penn.): Mysteries of the world. Jacques: Le matin des magiciens. Louis & Bergier. Paris Gallimard. Paris Panther. Louis & Bergier. London Futura. poltergeister. Åke (red. Åke (red. (Orig. Sundbyberg Lyric Books. Jenny & Hough. Jacques: El retorno los brujos. Binding Da hc (2) sc (2) AcqYear 1992 1992 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Pauwels. [orig: Le matin d Pauwels. Pons. [orig: Le matin des magic Persson. Sundbyberg Semic. Jenny: Stories of the paranormal. Platnick. Malmö Semic. [orig: Le matin des magici Pauwels. Persson. Jenny: The unexplained. St. London Borgens. Louis & Bergier. Mysterier. Jacques: Impossible possibilites. Louis & Bergier. London Belorus UK UK UK UK UK den 31 december 2010 . Jacques: Impossible possibilites. Jacques: Den fantastiske virkelighet III [orig: Der Planet Pauwels. London MQ Publications. A supernatural yearbook. monster. from r Randles. Jacques: The morning of the magicians. [orig: Le matin des magici Pauwels. Pick. Jacques: Le matin de magiciens.: Más allá de lo inexplica Powell. Jenny & Hough. Louis & Bergier. Louis & Bergier. Albans Gallimard. London Mayflower. reinkarnation. [orig: Le matin des magici Pauwels. Kharkov Aladdin Books. Louis & Bergier. [orig: Der Planet der un Pauwels. Peter: Scary stories. Great mysteries of the 20th century. Randles. legender. Pedro Palao: Tainstvennye yavleniya prirody. Jacques: The morning of the magicians. St. Albans Berghs. Peter: Strange but true? Stories of the paranormal. USA Knizhnyi Klub. Jacques: Vår fantastiska värld.: Great mysteries of history. Randalls. Telepati. Albans Avon. [orig: Der Pauwels. Jacques: The dawn of magic. Real-life cases of the paranormal. Reader's Digest: Facts & fallacies. Barcelona New English Library. Editor: Will Bradbury. parapsicologia. Vol. Vol. III. II. 2005. Ripley International Ltd: Ripley's believe it or not! Stars. Reader's Digest: Great mysteries of the 20th century. Roland. D. NY Sélection du Reader's Digest. New Yor Mayflower. Antonio: L'altra banda del mirall.Ltd.: In Reader's Digest: Mysteries of the unexplained.: "Things". 4780 5853 3516 6757 1703 7506 4496 4307 4312 4313 855 3528 4796 4797 5175 5879 8379 4801 8381 1399 B 1399 A 880 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Australi USA USA UK USA En En En En En Fr En Sp Sp Sp En En Fr Fr Fr Fr En En En En En En hc hc large format hc hc hc hc hc pt sc sc hc (2) sc (1) pt sc sc sc sc pt hc pt pt hc pt 2004 2006 2002 2008 1991 2009 2004 2003 2003 2003 1983 2002 2004 2004 2005 2006 2010 2004 2010 1992 1986 1978 Sida 113 of 392 Reader's Digest. IV. Erik Frank: Great world mysteries. Rivera. Explorations into ancient mysteries. 2004. Jean-Luc (ed. Reader's Digest: Les phénomènes inexpliqués aux frontières de l'inconnu. Antonio: El envés de la trama. Paris Fr Les Editions d'Oeil du Sphinx. [OVNIs. Barcelona Portic. Vol. Russel. NY UK USA UK UK USA den 31 december 2010 . NY The Reader's Digest Ass. Jenny: Truly weird. 2002. Pleasantville. Scott & Clark. [Quest for the unknown]. Barcelona Planeta. Rivera. Vol. Sanderson. fets insolits]. Jerome: Earth's secret inhabitants. Paul: Investigating the unexplained. London Kangaroo/Pocket Books. Robert & Kelly. Jean-Luc (ed. Paris Fr Les Editions d'Oeil du Sphinx. Lond Reader's Digest Ass.): La Gazette Fortéenne. Ribera. Jean-Luc (ed. London Scholastic Book Services. th Ronan.Ufocod Author And Title FA Randles. [Orig. Ribera. Jean-Luc (ed. Rivera. Binding En sc AcqYear 2004 2004 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Reader's Digest: Almanac of the uncanny. New Yor USA Piatkus. Carrol C. Antonio: Galería de condenados. Richard: Photographs of the unknown. Ribera. NY Reader's Digest. Rivera. Ivan T. Erik Frank: Great world mysteries. NY USA Sp Sp Sp UK USA Les Editions d'Oeil du Sphinx. UFOs. Readers Digest: Into the unknown. Margaret: Strange unsolved mysteries.. London Dennis Dobson. space. London Pyramid. Rogo. Reader's Digest: Bizarre phenomena. Paris Fr Tempo/Grosset & Dunlap. Pleas Plaza & Janes.): La Gazette Fortéenne. Paris Fr Les Editions d'Oeil du Sphinx.): La Gazette Fortéenne.): La Gazette Fortéenne. Paris Fr Reader's Digest Association. editor. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4776 2 1 1998 1990 1995 1992 1988 1999 1981 1983 1982 1987 1984 1966 1980 1978 2002 2003 2004 2005 1979 2000 1974 1962 1957 1967 Reader's Digest (Australia) Pty Collins & Brown. Calkins. 2003. Rickard. I. Pleasantville. Russel. London Country UK Lang. The best of Fortean Times Spaeth. Minnesota Semic. NY Galde Press. Jean: Les cahiers de cours de Moïse. Karl P.Olson]: The unknown. Clas: Berättelser om det okända. Chuck. St.N. Lotta: Mystiska fenomen. By the editors of Time-Life Books. London P A Norstedt & Söner Anomalist Books. Minnesota Popular Library. Spraggett. Sundbyberg Gleerups Utbildning AB.): Mysteries of the deep.: The unexplained. 14: L'incroyable et ses preuves. Sutherly. Svahn. Binding En pt AcqYear 1978 2010 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA Schurmacher. Terrain. true st Steiger. NY Signet. Paul. Shepherd. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 879 2 1 1969 1981 1967 1963 1989 1996 1908 2010 1999 1992 1998 1976 1974 1995 1966 1996 2008 2010 2003 1990 1990 1997 1969 1997 Paperback Library. [Library of curious and unusual facts]. True life encounters 8402 3590 0 6790 915 8420 4832 1960 4374 2165 943 2277 962 6816 6818 8456 4385 7606 5980 5983 7619 6279 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA Fr USA UK Sw USA UK USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Sw Sw Sw Fr En Fr En En Sw En En En En En En En En En Sw Sw Sw Fr En En En En pt sc sc hc copy A4 sc sc sc sc pt pt sc pt pt hc hc hc sc hc large format sc large format pt sc 2010 2002 2011 2008 1983 2010 2004 1992 2003 1994 1979 1995 1979 2008 2008 2010 2003 2009 2006 2006 2009 2007 Sida 114 of 392 Plume/New American Library. NY Popular Library. Virgini USA Quality Paperback Book Club. Adam (ed): The world`s most incredible stories. Ian (ed.: Strange unsolved mysteries. aliens & monsters amon Svahn. Allen: New worlds of the unexplained. Shuker.Ufocod Author And Title FA Sanderson. and other scary. New York René Julliard. & Sweet. An illustrated guide to the world's natural and Sidenbladh. St. Johan & Lindström. Keith: Unexplained natural phenomena. St. Robert: Weird people of the unknown. Emile C. Val (compilers): The Fortean Times B Sisman. Kohut. Paris Pyramid. (The Anomalist no. NY Llewellyn. Curt: Fate presents: Strange encounters. Tralins. Sendy. UFOs.): Electricity of the mind. Orion Media. Paul & Stevenson. Minnesota Signet. Carnets du patrimoine ethnologique. NY Country USA Lang. San Antonio John Brown. Sundbyberg Bokförlaget Semic. Sieveking. Paul.: More "things". Alexandria. Brad [Eugene E. John J. Mars Time-Life Books: Forces of nature. NY Llewellyn. Malmö Ministère de la culture et de la com Time Life Books. Clas: Vålnader. Steiger. New Carlton Books. From the files of Fate Magazine. Söderberg. Y. Paul. Ivan T. London Avon. [SCI-FI Channel. Allen: The world of the unexplained. Tutt. Roland: News of the weird. 14: a nonfiction anth Simmons. Elis: Sällsamma händelser i Sverige med Finland åren 1749-1801 och Simmons. London USA USA UK den 31 december 2010 . Brad [Eugene E. Time-Life Books: Mysteries of the unknown. 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Strange but true.: Mysteries: solved and unsolved. NY Ace Star. Moscow Knizhnyi Klub. (Unidentified. Winqvist. Vostrukhin. Colin: Politics of the imagination. Moscow USA Ru Ru Ru Headpress/Critical Vision. V. the Fortean Society & unidentified flying objects.: Mysteries of space Wilkins. Hronika neogjasnimogo. [orig: Arthur C. John: Världens 3 största mysterier. Wilson. Simon & Fairley. London Corgi Books. NY Mir. Bermudatria Weltbild Verlag: Verloren und wiedergefunden. John: Arthur C. London Sterling. Sundbyberg AST-Olimp. Wilkins. & Fraser. Augsburg Payot. Percy: Les mystères de l'espace et du temps. G. Stanislav: XX vek. Atlantis. NY Semic. Christopher: The giant book of the unknown. London Headline. Colin and Wilson. [orig: A Welfare. V. Harold T. & Kozka. Kharkov-Belgorod AST-Olimp. Tainy kosmosa. Jan-Åke: Monster & myter. otvergnutoe ili sokrytoe. Stockholm Illustrerad Vetenskap Illustrerad Vetenskap Weltbild Verlag. London Citadel. Colin and Grant. Wilson.Clarkes gåtfulla värld. John: Illustrerad vetenskaps stora bok om mystik. precurseur excentrique de domaine anomalistique Gross. The life.): The directory of possibilities. Wilkins. Loren E. Paris Frederick Muller.) Zigunenko.: Zagadochnye sushestva. Simon & Fairley. Harold T. Wise. Irina: Nepoznannoe. Simon & Fairley. Clar Welfare. Manches UK the author the author. 2195 2494 6037 8521 7658 2199 1137 A 1137 B 1137 C 3711 8541 3712 4435 3720 6296 1152 1676 8560 6302 3010 3832 441 2 1 2 1 Sw Sw Sw Ge Fr UK UK USA USA UK UK UK USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Ge Fr En En En En En En En En Sw En En Ru Ru Ru En Fr En hc hc pt hc coffee table sc hc hc hc pt sc sc pt sc hc hc pt sc hc hc sc booklet A4 booklet + digital PDF file 1994 1998 2006 2010 2009 1994 1994 1992 1983 2002 2010 2002 2003 2002 2007 1979 1990 2010 2007 2002 2003 1978 1 Translations 1956 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 BM-00441 1955 1959 1959 1958 1991 1982 1993 1997 2001 1944 1977 1989 2008 1998 2002 1982 1976 The Modern Library/Random House USA Signet. Binding Ru hc AcqYear 2007 2002 FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FAF FAF FAF Welfare. Brodu. : The incredible search for Dr. McKee. Adi-Kent Thomas: Terror zones. London Bokorama. London Warner. Kevin & Lester. Harrison. Paul: Into thin air. New Y USA Futura Press. Alexander: Into the blue. & Scott. Kitchener. Le triangle des Bermudes ** .Olson]: Strange disappearances. Michael: Vanishings. Barton.og andre forsvundne personer. Paul: Into thin air. Genève Ferni. I. Nikolai: Tainstvennye ischeznoveniya i peremesheniya. NY Country USA Lang. Från Bermudatriangeln till Mary C Clark. Kurt: Mysterious disappearances. Copenhagen Flammarion. William E. Paris Galaxy Press. Jeffrey. Adi-Kent Thomas: Triangle of terror and other eerie areas. Nepomnyaschii. N. New English Library. NY USA UK UK Sw UK Fr En En En En Sw En Fr hc sc 8½x11 hc pt hc hc sc booklet pt pt (two different covers) pt document 8½x11 pt pt hc hc hc sc hc (1) sc (1) pt sc sc 2010 1991 1992 1983 1987 2001 2010 2009 1991 1991 1994 2004 1990 2003 2009 2003 2007 2004 2004 2001 2010 2010 Sida 116 of 392 Canada En UK UK USA En En En En En En Fr En Ru Fr Sp En Da Fr MidOhio Research Associates. Michael X. Jones. Jim: Charles Fort: the man who invented the supernatural. Sydney Granada. Brad [Eugene E. Patrice: Disparitions mystérieuses. London Panther/Granada. Gary: The Devil`s meridian. V. Höganäs Michael O'Mara Books. Thomas. Calif David & Charles. Steiger. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 576 A 1 2 1970 1971 2008 1965 1979 1981 1987 1990 1973 197-? 1981 1978 1975 1992 1980 1983 1977 1978 2000 1978 1976 1972 1998 Doubleday. Tarcher/Penguin. Le cosmos nous observe. Yves: Les O. et les extra-terrestres dans l'historie. Glemser. Antonio: Los doce triangulos de la muerte. [ Ribera. Yves: UFOs and extraterrestrials in history. People who disappear. Binding En hc AcqYear 2003 1979 FAF FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FDB Steinmeyer. Manson: Sans trace. Berlitz.prophet of the unexplained.. Brookesmith. Dubl USA Lester-Townsend. Antonio: Les 12 mysterieux triangles de la mort. [ 8439 1691 87 A 87 B 1426 2804 7955 6544 1750 1761 B 1761 A 4665 1634 4171 7433 4223 6234 4791 4792 2926 8483 7731 A 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 Jeremy P.T. David: Vanished! Mysterious disappearances. Lars: Mysteriet om spionen der blev vaek . J. NY Gyldendal. Paris Australi UK Switzerl Switzerl Ru Fr Sp USA Da Fr 1 Translations 1978 den 31 december 2010 . Naud. T. 4. Ont. Des Bermudes au Japon. Naud. Peter [red]: Gåtfulla försvinnanden. Moscow De Vecchi A. Begg. Geneva Astrel&Olimp. Gaston.E. Irena: The UFO "unspeakables". Barcelona Lancer. Volume 4. Killey. Begg. London Éditions Robert Laffont. Charles & Valentine. [orig: Triangle of terror and other eerie are Jeffrey. Los Angeles. London Éditions Famot. People who disappear. Halsey.Ufocod Author And Title FAF Knight. Damon: Charles Fort . (Mysteriou Ribera. Great mysteries of aviation. London Sphere. Paris Zebra. Manson: The Bermuda triangle. NY Teorema. David: The evidence for the Bermuda triangle. Vinduet til universet Berlitz. [Orig. NY Raintree Childrens Books.] Chaplin. Charles with Valentine. Manson: Dödens triangel. J. Lond Souvenir Press. J. Group. Charles with Valentine. Manson: Sans trace. J. Charles: Le triangle des Bermudes. Manson: Das Bermuda-Dreieck. psychic.opposing viewpoints]. Berlitz. Stockholm Legenda. Charles with Valentine.Ufocod Author And Title FDB Berlitz. Ernesto Alonso: Los OVNIs y el triangulo de las Bermudas: un mito. NY Book Club Associates (BCA). Manson: Bermudan kolmio. J. J. More evidence from the Berlitz. San Diego. Charles with Valentine. [English textbook. Manson: The Bermuda triangle. in the devil's triangl Collins. Charles with Valentine. Fernandez. Stockholm Doubleday. J. Ebon. J. Paris Country Fr Lang. Helsinki Bogan. [orig: The Bermuda tria Berlitz. J. Norma: The Bermuda triangle. Milwauk Signet. Berlitz. [orig: The Bermuda tr Berlitz. Wellingborough UK den 31 december 2010 . J. 7732 5328 101 2038 103 A 103 C 103 B 102 A 102 C 102 D 102 B 102 E 105 A 105 B 7734 2057 4509 856 3966 2822 4005 1742 1 Translations 1975 1 Translations 1974 1 Translations 1974 1 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 2 1986 1976 1985 1977 1974 1975 1975 1974 1996 1977 1978 Buchgeminschaft Donauland Krema Austria Otava.: The Bermuda triangle. Stockholm Askild & Kärnekull. Charles with Valentine. Manson: Without a trace. Charles with Valentine. Charles with Valentine. Manson: Dödens triangel. Vindu mot universet Berlitz. Manson: The Bermuda triangle. Lynge Hilt & Hansteen. J. J. 2. J. Martin (ed. Firth. Alan: The Bermuda triangle mystery. Berlitz. Manson: Bermudatriangelet. Charles with Valentine. Manson: The Bermuda triangle. Stockholm Fi Da No Sw Sw Sw USA UK USA UK UK UK UK Fr USA USA USA Sp Sw Ge Fi Da No Sw Sw Sw En En En En En En En Fr En En En Sp Sw En En hc hc sc sc hc hc pt hc pt pt hc pt hc pt sc pt hc pt sc booklet hc sc 2010 2006 1983 1994 1978 1998 1983 1983 1983 1976 1983 2009 1979 1983 2010 1994 2004 1976 2003 2001 2003 1991 Sida 117 of 392 1 Translations 1975 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1976 1977 1975 1982 1988 1988 1984 Greenhaven Press. Charles & Valentine. [orig: The Bermuda tria Berlitz. London Souvenir Press. Manson: Bermudatrekanten. St. Binding Fr pt AcqYear 2010 2008 FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB Berlitz. More evidence from the Berlitz. Barcelona Almqvist & Wiksell. J. Jim: The Bermuda triangle. Oslo Askild & Kärnekull. Manson: The Bermuda triangle. [Great mysteries . [ Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7731 B 1 Translations 1986 1 1977 Éditions J'ai lu. Charles mit Valentine. James Paul: Unknown horizon. Charles with Valentine. Albans Avon. Charles with Valentine. Charles with Valentine. Cali USA Aquarian Press. NY Panther. J. London Panther/Granada. Fenster zum Kos Berlitz. London Flammarion. Manson: Dödens triangel.): The riddle of the Bermuda triangle. Choose your own stor Gaffron. Page Bryant. [orig: The Bermuda tria Berlitz. Manson: Without a trace. Berlitz. Berlitz. Charles with Valentine. Le triangle des Bermudes. J. Maciej Aleksander: Trójkat smierci. Lawrence David: The Bermuda triangle mystery . Johnson. John Wallace: Limbo of the lost .: The fog: a never befor Markale. Jeffrey. Petersburg. Kusche. Jean: UFOS im Bermuda Dreieck : die Atlantis-Geheimbasis. Alan: Secrets of the Bermuda triangle. Mi USA Zebra. NJ Harper & Row. Jean: L'enigme du triangle des Bermudes. Wien UK USA UK USA USA USA USA UK USA USA Ru Fr Sw USA USA Fr Austria 1 Translations 2007 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1990 2003 1997 1975 1980 1979 2005 1975 1975 Edge Books/Capstone. Don: The Bible and the Bermuda triangle. Rob & Gernon. New ed. Lawrence David: The Bermuda triangle mystery . NY USA USA den 31 december 2010 . (Orig. George & Tanner. Adi-Kent Thomas: The Bermuda triangle.solved. Adi-Kent Thomas: They dared the Devil's triangle.dead zone.: Le tri Rudolph. Elizabeth: The devil`s sea. Nice Verlag Fritz Molden. Bruce: The fog. NY Country Poland Lang. Mankato. [Revised and updated ed.Ufocod Author And Title FDB Janislawski. London Logos International. Pedrazzani. Lawrence David: The Bermuda triangle mystery . Le triangle des Bermudes: b Prachan. Kusche. Bill with Miller. Larry D: The disappearance of Flight 19. NY Star/W H Allen. Plainfield. Miller. [The unexplained]. Kusche. NY New English Library. Pa USA Star/W H Allen. Jean-Michel: La mer des bateaux perdus. Jeffrey. Nichols. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4085 1 1 1978 1976 1975 1973 1975 1975 1975 1976 1980 1975 1975 1978 1978 2005 Warner. of Lim 520 B 520 A 520 C 522 A 522 B 8074 1636 585 B 585 A 585 C 1768 8162 8163 4697 6696 4185 1792 5810 8305 7522 2162 940 C 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 USA En En En En En En En En En En En En Ru Fr Sw En En Fr De En En En pt booklet pt (two different covers) pt pt sc hc pt hc pt pt sc sc sc hc sc pt sc hc hc pt pt 1983 2004 1976 1983 1978 2010 1990 1983 1978 2009 1991 2010 2010 2004 2008 2003 1991 2006 2010 2009 1994 1987 Sida 118 of 392 New Hop Publishing. Smith. Woodbury. New Hope. Jeffrey. Paris Natur och kultur. NY Warner.solved. London Warner. Mellgren. Adi-Kent Thomas: The Bermuda triangle. Adi-Kent Thomas: The Bermuda triangle. Kusche. Bruce: Tuman nad vodoi. Aaron: The Bermuda triangle. Adi-Kent Thomas: They dared the Devil's triangle. Binding Polish small format AcqYear 2003 2008 Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB Rob & Gernon. Erik: Se havet! Blött och blandat från vågsvall till avgrundsdjup. Spencer. A never before published theory of the MacGregor. Warren: Triangle of the lost. London Warner. Ripol Klassik. [Orig. NY Harper & Row. Landsburg. Moscow Pygmalion.solved. NY Bantam. MacGregor. NY Editions Alain Lefeuvre. Mary Fallon: Tampa triangle . NY Llewellyn Publications. Jeffrey. St. Stockholm Ticket to Adventure. Award. MD USA den 31 december 2010 . Glen Arm. Paris Bibliothèque Marabout. 1. [Orig. Barcelona Bantam. New York Star/W H Allen.: The devil's triangle. Verviers Éditions J'ai lu.: Gateway to oblivion. Charles: The Dragon's triangle. Cochrane. Voitov. NY Bantam. Winer. Toronto.: The devil's triangle. London Sphere.Allen. Mass. Richard: Le mystère du Triangle des Bermudes. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 940 A 2 2 1969 1973 1983 1993 1975 1977 Nauka i Izkustvo. Winer. A catalog of biological anoma 8436 2194 5240 1839 7662 B 7662 A 8546 1838 1150 6869 2785 B 2785 A 209 B 209 A 210 430 A 430 B 7747 2112 1109 B 1109 A 7836 1 1 1 3 Bulgari Da Sp USA Fr Belgiu Fr USA USA Ru UK USA UK UK Ru Da Sp En Fr Fr Fr En En Ru En En En En sc booklet A5 hc pt hc pt pt pt pt sc pt hc pt hc booklet pt pt booklet A4 sc sc pt hc 2010 1994 2005 1991 2009 2009 2010 1991 1975 2008 2001 2006 1983 2007 1983 1983 1979 2010 1994 1995 1979 2010 Sida 119 of 392 1 Translations 1977 1 Translations 1976 1 Translations 1976 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1975 1974 1988 1990 1989 1981 1980 1979 1977 1977 1991 1994 1994 1978 1992 Canada En USA UK UK USA UK UK En En En En En En En Fawcett Gold Medal. Lilburn. Birdsall. Alejandro: El triangulo mortal de las Bermudas. [Orig. Special Quest Keith. Willy: Bermudatrekanten . UFO's. London Quest Publications IllumiNet Press. London the author. Moscow Grafton. NY Nauka. Charles: The Dragon's triangle. Emil: Po programme Polimode v Bermudskom treugol'nike. London W. Gourley.: The devil's t Winer.E. Hugh F. London Wynwood Press.. O bermudskom treugolnike i “More Djav Berlitz. Winer. Country USA Lang. Leslie: Alternative 3. London Sourcebook Project.Ufocod Author And Title FDB Spencer. NY France Loisirs. Watkins. John Wallace: Limbo of the lost. secret societies and world control. The Great Lakes Bermuda triangle. Corliss. Actual stories of sea mysteries. Greenwich. Mark Ian: The curse of Marconi. Richard: From the devil´s triangle to the devil´s jaw. Hugh F. Ontario Phillips. An explosive investigation.] Winer.traek af en mytes historie. Richard: The devil´s triangle 2. Sofiya Para-Nyt. Paris Bantam. Berlitz. Vitaly: Nauka oprovergaet vymysel.: Secret science. C Fontana. Richard: Le nouveau dossier du Triangle des Bermudes.: Biological anomalies: Humans. William R. (By the Polimo Wegner. Georgia Warner. Hugh F. Watkins. Horsens A.] Winer. Gourley. Westfield. Binding En pt AcqYear 1975 1983 FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDB FDD FDD FDG FDG FDG FDG FDG FDX FDX FDX FDX FH Stanev. [Orig. Vignati.T. Richard: The devil´s triangle. Jay: The Great Lakes triangle. Richard: Le mystère du Triangle des Bermudes. Leslie: Alternative 3.H. Cochrane. Jim: Casebook on Alternative 3. Jay: The Great Lakes triangle.: Gateway to oblivion. The truth about vortex energy & UFOs. Cochrane. Peter: Spontaneous human combustion. MacAdams.: The Phildelphia experiment. 4510 265 742 7234 4074 4075 5596 7405 4251 8319 8320 6754 4458 459 A 459 B 8038 4284 C 4284 A 4284 B 983 6086 99 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 BM-00099 USA USA En En booklet 8½x11 sc booklet sc sc sc document sc sc stapled booklet A4 booklet A4 sc hc pt sc hc pt hc pt sc 8½x11 sc pt + digital PDF file 2004 1983 1983 2009 2003 2003 2006 2009 2003 2010 2010 2008 2004 1978 2006 2010 2003 2006 2010 1975 2007 1980 T. Jenny & Hough.): The strange case of Dr. Oslo Panther/Granada. Duplantier. Keith: Mystery stalks the prairie. John E. Report 2. Arnold. Jessup. London USA UK UK Little. Larry E. Further evidence linking animal mutilations Howe. [QP/070]. Robert Perry: A rational look at livestock mutilations. Ont Canada En Vertiges du Nord/Carrerre. West USA Hilt & Hansteen. Michel: Le grand carnage. Gene (ed.: The entrancing flame: the facts of spontaneous human combusti Randles. Paris LMH Productions. An FBI investigation of cattle muti Rath. NY Robert Hale. Jamison. Raynesford. William L. Berlitz.: Philadelphia-eksperimentet. Peter: Spontaneous human combustion. Brown and Company.R. Roberta & Wolverton. Jamison. Randles. Linda Moulton: Glimpses of other realities. Michael: Fire from heaven. Facts and speculation on the subject of unex Mège. Barker. Michael: Fire from heaven. Perkins. Lewis & Clark.H.UFOhio Le Livre Bleu Éditeur. Willowdale. Project invisibility. Report 1. Minocqua. NY Pan Books. Clarksburg. Mon SS&S Publications. Autopsie d'un mythe américain.): The night mutilators: The horrifying story of cattle mutilation Granger. William L. Harrison.: The night surgeons. London Skoob Books. Evans and Company. Binding Fr sc AcqYear 2011 2003 FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FTP FTP FTP Collins. Jean: Sang pour sang. Gray (ed. APRO . Volume I: facts and eyewitnesses Jordan. London Bantam Books. A colloquim on the Quest Publications: Animal mutilations. David. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 0 1 1 1993 2000 19?? 1976 1979 1986 1989 1999 1981 2001 1982 1992 1992 1987 1995 1977 1990 1996 1994 1992 1993 1963 1987 1979 the author Decouvertes Gallimard Country Fr Lang. Les morts inexpliables de bétail en Amérique d Howe. Peter: Spontaneous human combustion. Randles. M. Yann: Les chirurgiens furtifs. Jenny & Hough. Charles & Moore. [orig: The Phildel Berlitz. Le réveil des vampires. A study of spontaneous combustion in human Heymer. Peter A.Ufocod Author And Title FH Marigny. London UK Berkley. Sara: About cows. Quest Publications: Animal mutilations.A.: Ablaze! The mysterious fires of spontaneous human combustion. Linda Moulton: An alien harvest. Charles & Moore. Penn. Tom: Altered steaks. PA LMH Productions. K. London USA UK UK Saucerian Books. Institute. Jenny & Hough. A study of spontaneous combustion in human Harrison. London No UK den 31 december 2010 Sida 120 of 392 . Donovan. Wiscon USA M. Marseille Fr USA USA USA Fr Fr En En En Fr En En En En En En En En En En En En No En Am Here Books/Immediate Editions USA Quest Publications Quest Publications UK UK Heartland Press. Stockholm Century/Souvenir.: Philadelphia experiment: an update. Corliss. Gwen & Waugh. Morris K. Philip: Phantoms of the high seas. Campbell. William L. J. Balgowlah. NY Éditions France-Empire. Burbank. Richard: Voyage into mystery: reports from the sinister side of the sea. Clarksburg. Moore. London C E Fritzes.] Garrett. Vincent: Invisible horizons.: The Philadelphia experiment: an update. Sherry: The Benwell. NY Universal-Tandem.K Jessup and the Allende letters.: The "Mary Celeste" and other strange tales of the sea. Patrick. 527 A 527 5749 3434 4376 963 2928 2035 2046 178 2054 4954 381 7218 2693 7954 8150 8158 8159 2142 3476 8373 2 1 BM-00527 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 Saucerian Press. William R.Olson] & Whritenour. London Weidenfeld and Nicolson.): Mysterious sea stories. London USA USA USA USA USA UK UK Sw UK USA USA Fr UK UK UK UK Australi UK UK En En En En En En En En En Sw En En En Fr En En En En En En En Ge ringbound A4 digital PDF file document booklet 8½x11 pt booklet 8½x11 sc hc hc sc hc sc pt (two different covers) sc pt hc hc hc hc hc pt hc 1978 2010 2006 2002 2003 1983 2001 1994 1994 1983 1994 2005 1979 2009 2000 2010 2010 2010 2010 1994 2002 2010 1 Translations 1966 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1974 1987 1958 1984 1991 1976 1986 1974 Verlag Gerhard Stalling. London Rupert Hart-Davis. Garrett. [The Mariner MacDougall. Brad [Eugene E. Burb Wm L. Calif Pinnacle. Castelnau. Foulsham. [Orig. William L. Richard: Great sea mysteries. [orig: Il mito del Mary Celeste]. New Brunswick. Gershom: The secret of Mary Celeste and other sea fare. Roberti. Alfred & Hanson Steiger. William (ed.B. Revised edition. Len: Strange mysteries of the sea. London Star/W H Allen. Steiger. The tale of the mermaid and he Bradford. Joan: The Allende letters. London Apollo/Thomas Y. Philip: Mysteries of the high seas. London Reed Books. Vista. London Book Club Associates. NJ Hutchinson. Invisibles horizons. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 163 1 1 1962 1981 1973 2003 1984 1987 1994 1968 1990 1969 1966 1946 1979 1975 1965 BSRA. Brad [Eugene E. Calif Country USA Lang. transcribed by the Future Q Moore.G. West USA Quantum Future Group. NY/London Inner Light. London W.Olson] with Bielek. [orig: Yarns of the seven seas].: The case for the UFO [Varo edition with comments] Jessup. Crowell.Olson] & Steiger. 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The natural history of fabulous animals. Mary: Ogopogo. Janet & Colin: Alien animals. Peter: Animal fakes & frauds. Jean-Jacques: Bernard Heuvelmans. Roy P. Om egendomliga och oförklarlig Carrington. Höganäs Chatto and Windus. Paul. Ein Ha Brookesmith. supposedly extinct. 2122 B 7217 7417 2030 6083 4472 7740 7741 132 A 132 B 2042 1852 1353 2055 204 5415 7837 7845 2068 7959 7227 7239 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 UK En pt sc sc hc sc sc sc sc hc sc hc 2009 2009 2009 1994 2007 2004 2010 2010 1983 2009 1994 Canada En J. & Hovind. A book of natural & unnatural histor Clark. Sacred creature of the Okanagan waters. Newly discovered. Bille. London UK Sampson Low. Dennis: The night walkers.: The monsters of Loch Ness. London Bokorama. Matthew A. Paris Ge Fr Ge Fr En Xerox Education Publications. Moscow Country Ru Lang.: Rumors of existence. Peter [ed. Glen Arm. Peter: The magic zoo. Janet & Colin: Alien animals. Discoveries and speculations in zoology. S. Barloy. Albans Panther / Granada. jaws and dinosaurs. Jorge Luis & Guerrero. Kent: Claws. [Knowledge Series. Middl USA Hancock House. Baumann.: Shadows of existence. Costello. Corliss. Dance.Ufocod Author And Title FW Venetzky.: Chto hranit okean? (What does the ocean hide?). St. William R. Knowledge Series. A worldwide investigation. Glen Arm. North Vancouve Canada En Brockhaus. Greer. Flori The authors? Llewellyn Publications. A worldwide investigation. Un rebelle de la science. Gibbons. Igor: Es gibt doch fabeltiere! [Translation of Russian original. St. Berks UK CSE Publications. William J. Bord. C. Borges. Elwood D. London Warner. B. USA Sphere Books. Douglas. Margarita: Einhorn. Loren: Creatures of the outer edge. Bord. Leipzig L'Oeil du Sphinx. London Carl Hanser Verlag. Peter [red]: Varelser från det okända.]: Creatures from elsewhere. Matthew A. Binding Ru booklet AcqYear 2007 1994 FXLL Mackal. John Michael: Monsters. Surrey.: Incredible life: A handbook of biological mysteries. Ltd.: Monsters of North America. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6290 1 1 1990 1981 1976 2001 1977 1963 2007 1978 1995 2006 1980 1985 1964 1984 1986 1957 1978 1996 1981 1979 1976 1999 197-? 2004 Futura Publications. USA The Sourcebook Project. Richard: Mermaids and mastodons. Pensacola. and Bille. München Orbis. The Okanagan mystery. Kurt & Stamey. William R. Spinx und Salamander. A catalog of biological anom Corliss. Weird animals that no-one can Brookesmith. sc 1986 1994 1979 2006 2010 2010 1994 2010 2009 2009 Sida 122 of 392 The Sourcebook Project. From Indian lore to contemporary FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ Akimuschkin. Arlene: In search of Ogopogo. Mi USA Canada En USA En den 31 december 2010 .: Biological anomalies: Mammals II. J. British Columbia Paul Elek/Granada.. Jerome & Coleman. Robert J. Christopher & Wilding-White. John A. Bernard: Les félins encore inconnus d'Afrique. John & Rickard. NY Bantam. NY Kosmos Gesellschaft der Naturfreu Verlag C. Rätselhafte Wirklichk Magin. Paul: Dinosaurerne og syndfloden.. London SEMIC Norge. Maynard. John & Rickard. A. London Sphere. London L'Oeil du Sphinx. Paris Country Fr Lang. Keel.: The Jersey devil. Moscow Librairie Plon Lohses Forlag. Journey to the unexplained.: The complete guide to mysterious beings. The ulti McCloy. Fredericia Neville Spearman. [Vår Ukjente Verden]. Rätselhafte Erscheinungen in Mitteleuro Marchant. (Our planet's won 6164 8036 7280 549 B 549 C 549 A 549 D 589 2118 8140 8168 2125 6695 8199 1518 1785 4715 1787 6204 6213 6216 6228 1 Translations 1999 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1978 1996 1975 1976 1970 1994 1977 1975 1956 1993 1962 2005 1976 1984 1982 1978 1978 1996 1992 1997 2000 Ru Fr Da UK UK USA USA USA USA Ge Ge UK UK USA Sw UK No UK Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Fr Da En En En En En En Ge Ge En En En Sw En No En Ru Ru Ru Ru hc sc sc hc pt pt sc pt pt hc sc hc hc large format sc hc hc booklet sc A4 sc booklet hc hc 2007 2010 2009 1983 1979 1975 2006 1980 1994 2010 2010 1994 2008 2010 1988 1991 2004 1991 2007 2007 2007 2007 Sida 123 of 392 Fawcett Gold Medal. Willy: Drachen. Hoffmann. Binding Fr sc AcqYear 2007 1979 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ Heuvelmans. (Secrets of mysterious animals). John A. Carey: Monster. Robert J. & Miller. Lee. Nikolai & Kuzovkin. Carey.: Living wonders.H. München Phoenix House. Michell. Yetis. Oslo Usborne Publ. Moscow Knowledge Series. Wallingf Forum.Ufocod Author And Title FZ Heuvelmans. Bernard: Tainy zagadochnyh zverei. London Misteriya. Bernhard: Les derniers drogons d'Afrique. Moscow AST-Olimp-Astrel. (Exotic zoology). Nikolai (Editor): Zoopark dikovin nashei planety.: Beasts of fact and fable. Riesen. Moscow AST-Olimp. Ulrich: Trolle. Mysteries and curiosities of t Miller. Ted: Mysteries of the unknow Misteriya: Kniga tain-11 (Book of Mysteries – 11) Nepomnyaschii. [orig: Mysteries of the unknown]. Ley. R. London HarperElement.: Strange creatures from time and space. Alan: In search of myths and monsters. Rätseltiere. Stockholm Thames & Hudson.M. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6163 1 2 2007 1970 Veche.Beck. Matthews. James F. Heuvelmans.: Legko li byt' oborotnem? (Is it easy to be a Nepomnyaschii. Enträtselte Mythen.: Strange creatures from time and space. John A. Miller. C Doubleday. Keel.A. Jr. John & Moore. Ray. John & Caitlin: The element encyclopedia of magical creatures. Keel. Nepomnyaschii.M. Nikolai (Editor): Ekzoticheskaya zoologiya. Moscow den 31 december 2010 . Barbara: Monsters among us.: Den flygande katten och andra märkvärdighet Michell. John A. London The Middle Atlantic Press. Tatzelwürmer. Keel.: Strange creatures from time and space. NY Pyramid. Revised edition of Strang Landsburg. Greenwich. Hilleröd Andersen Bogservice. NY Lademann. Englewood Cliffs. N USA I. Stockholm Oxford University Press. America's abominable snowman. Janet & Colin: Beweise: Der Yeti. London Prentice-Hall. Llewellyn. Vanlöse Gyldendal. Bengt: Berömd a vidunder. Copenhagen Gyldendal. Karl P. Brad [Eugene E. Bord. Pattedyr. Minnesota Blandford. Vanlöse University Books.Ufocod Author And Title FZ Nilsson. Ivan T.J. B.M. 1. Franklin Lakes. [orig: Mysterious creatures]. Thomas. Lars: Ordbog over europaeiske dyr. Shuker.M. A.: Weird science and bizarre beliefs.: From flying toads to snakes with wings. Thomas. With accounts of some giants Time-Life: Gåtfulla varelser. Lars: Fantasi og virkelighed i naturen. Steiger. Thomas. C. Bengt: Farliga djur och djur som inte finns. London Settern Prisma. padder. Nick: Memoirs of a monster hunter : a five-year journey in search of the un Reece. Thomas. Smyth. Lars: Mysteriet om enhjörningen og andre fabeldyr. fugle. Mysterious creatures.N. Malmö Weltbild Verlag. Thomas. Thompson. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 1979 1994 FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZ FZA FZA Olsen. Mass Klematis Liberdan. Lars: De skjulte dyr. Old stories retold by A. Lars: Saere dyr og maerkelige vaesener. Vanlöse Zindermans. Et cryptozoologisk leksikon. Lars: Mysteriet om dinosaurerne. Smyth. krybdyr. [Mystikens värld]. Augsburg Franklin Watts Inc. Skaevinge Andersen Bogservice. [ori 1586 8360 8362 7529 8417 8418 921 922 2163 1816 7608 7609 1823 7610 7611 7613 1668 1824 2250 8520 4471 7097 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 Da Da En En En En En Sw Sw En En Da Da Da Da Da Da Da En Sw Ge En Ge booklet A5 sc sc hc sc sc hc pt hc sc hc sc booklet A5 sc sc sc booklet A5 hc hc hc coffee table hc pt 1989 2010 2010 2009 2010 2010 1983 1979 1994 1991 2009 2009 1991 2009 2009 2009 1990 1991 1995 2010 2004 2009 Sida 124 of 392 New Page Books. Redfern. Gregory L. Karl P. Copenhagen Liberdan. Do giant 'extinct' creatures still Sjögren. A compendium of disquieting m Shuker.: Bigfoot. Von Ungeheuer im Baumann.: A book of fabolous beasts. Sjögren.S: The mystery and lore of monsters. Rockport.og andre dyr. Nils Magnus: Sällsynt och sällsamt i naturen. Lars: Jagten på Exmoor-uthyret.Olson]: Monsters among us. 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Brookesmith, Peter [red]: Besök från rymden? Kritisk granskning av kända UFO-fall Burt, Harold, E.: Flying saucers 101. Everything you ever wanted to know about uni Butcher, Dan: A reference book of U.F.O. sounds. Buttlar, Johannes von: Das UFO Phänomen. Beweise für unheimliche Begegnunge Buttlar, Johannes von: OVNI. Nous ne sommes pas seuls. Dossier sur les étranges Buttlar, Johannes von: Sie kommen von fremden Sternen. Intelligenzen im All. Buttlar, Johannes von: Sie kommen von fremden Sternen. Intelligenzen im All. Buttlar, Johannes von: The UFO phenomenon. [Orig.: Das UFO Phänomen.] 372 373 374 1995 150 4487 4930 4488 2050 7125 B 7125 A 7780 7782 7783 1240 6432 7793 3838 7794 2470 B 2470 A 1092 A 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 UK UK UK USA En En En En booklet booklet booklet hc sc sc sc large format hc A4 sc A4 (2), hc (1) hc A4 hc hc hc coffee table sc coffee table hc sc booklet hc hc hc hc hc 1975 1975 1975 1994 1975 2004 2005 2004 1994 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 1985 2009 2010 2003 2010 1997 2003 2010 Sida 132 of 392 Canada En USA UK Fr UK UK UK Switzerl Ge Ge Sw En En Fr En En En Ge Ge Ge Sw En En Ge Fr Ge Ge En 1 Translations 1986 1 1 3 1 2 1 1996 1996 1986 2000 1969 1978 UFO Magazine, Los Angeles, Calif. USA SIGAP, Surrey Investigation Group Bertelsmann, München France Loisirs, Paris Weltbild Verlag, Augsburg Knaur, München Sidgwick & Jackson, London UK Ge Fr Ge Ge UK 2 Translations 1980 2 1 1 1992 1986 1979 den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title G Buttlar, Johannes von: The UFO phenomenon. [orig: Das UFO Phänomen]. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1092 C 1 2 1980 1980 1979 1980 1992 2004 1992 1963 2002 2002 1968 1967 1993 1993 1990 2009 1974 Bogan, Copenhagen Berghs, Malmö Weltbild Verlag, Augsburg Book Club Associates, London Country UK Lang. Binding En hc AcqYear 2003 1983 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Buttlar, Johannes von: UFO-faenomenet. Beviser for ohyggelige naerkontakter af f Buttlar, Johannes von: UFO-fenomenet. Bevis för kusliga möten av första, andra oc Buttlar, Johannes von: Zeitriss. Begegnung mit dem Unfassbaren. Butusov, Kirill: Mir zagadok i tain. Kniga 1: Zagadki kosmosa i psihiki. (World of my Caldefors, Catrine: UFO! [Specialarbete] Carrouges, Michel [Louis Couturier]: Les apparitions de Martiens. Cawthorne, Nigel: The world's greatest UFO encounters. Cawthorne, Nigel: The world's greatest UFO sightings. Chambers, Howard V.: The facts on the flying saucer controversy. [orig: UFOs for t Chambers, Howard V.: UFOs for the millions. Chartier, Sandrine: Enquête sur un mystère: les O. V. N. I. Clark, Jerome: UFO encounters & beyond. Clarke, David & Roberts, Andy: Phantoms of the sky. UFOs - a modern myth? Clarke, David: The UFO files. The inside story of real-life sightings. Clements, Dan: How to be kidnapped by ufolk (and other escapes). Cohen, Daniel: Gibt es wirklich fliegende Untertassen? (G.E.P. Sonderheft 9). Cohen, Daniel: UFO's - the third wave. Collins, Jim: Unidentified flying objects. Collins, Jim: Unidentified flying objects. Costagliola, Jacques: Épistémologie du phénomène ovnien ou cinquante ans de dé Cousineau, Phil: UFOs. A manual for the millenium. Cowles & UPI (editors of): Flying saucers. Twenty-one years of UFO's…the great 1090 1091 7795 6435 1855 7138 5380 5381 192 B 192 A 7144 2387 1612 7149 2680 2495 3871 3873 B 3873 A 7158 3882 333 B 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 Da Sw Ge Da Sw Ge Ru Sw Fr En En En En Fr En En En En Ge En En En Fr En En sc hc hc sc booklet A4 hc sc sc sc hc (1) sc (2) sc pt hc sc pt booklet A5 hc booklet hc sc pt pt 1979 1983 2010 2008 1992 2009 2006 2006 2003 1975 2009 1997 1990 2009 2000 1998 2003 2003 2006 2009 2003 1975 Sida 133 of 392 Nevskaya Zhemchuzhina, St. Peter Ru Bromma gymnasium Fayard, Paris Sw Fr Chancellor Press (Octopus), Londo UK Chancellor Press (Octopus), Londo UK Grosset & Dunlap, NY Bell Publ Comp, NY Amarande, Genève Signet, NY Robert Hale, London The National Archives, Kew, Richm CLEMCO, Manhattan Beach, Calif GEP, Lüdenscheid M Evans, NY USA USA Switzerl USA UK UK USA Ge USA 1 Translations 1986 1 1 1 1 2 1 1988 1977 1977 1998 1995 1968 Xerox Education Publications, Middl USA Raintree Childrens Books, Milwauk L'Harmattan, Paris Harper Collins, NT Cowles Education Corp, NY USA Fr USA USA den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title G Cowles & UPI (editors of): Flying saucers. Twenty-one years of UFO's…the great Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 333 A 2 2 1967 1995 1994 1994 2008 1980 2006 Strömbäcks fhsk Cowles Communications Inc, NY Country USA Lang. Binding En booklet large format AcqYear 2001 2010 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Dahlberg, Maria; Westman, Jessica & Kåhl, Annelie: UFO - ett kosmologiskt myster Dahle, Jane: UFO na východé. Danelek, J. Allan: UFOs, the great debate. An objective look at extraterrestrials, go Danyans, Eugenio: OVNIs: enigma del espaco. [orig: Platillos volantes en la actuali Dastin (ed.): Evidencia de los OVNIS: aterrizajes, raptos, avistamientos. (Colleeció David, Jay (Bill Adler): Gli UFO. [orig: Flying saucers have arrived!]. David, Jay (ed.): Flying saucers have arrived! David, Jay (ed.): The flying saucer reader. David, Jay (ed.): The flying saucer reader. Day, Marcus: Aliens. Begegnungen mit Ausserirdischen. [orig: Aliens. Encounters Day, Marcus: Aliens. Encounters with the unexplained. de Beaufort, Marc (director): We are not alone. [1]. Sky watchers. Deary, Terry: NLO: pravdivye istorii. [orig: True UFO Stories]. Deary, Terry: True UFO Stories. Illustrated by David Wyatt. Degerman, Alarik: Främlingar från kosmos har besökt vår jord. Delmarti, Sabine: Les OVNIS et autres objets volants. Demarcq, Gérard: L'homme et les extraterrestres. (Collection "L'homme et …". 15.) Devereux, Paul & Brookesmith, Peter: UFOs and ufology. The first 50 years. With a Doreste, Tomás: ?Y si los OVNIs fuesen un mito? Del papiro Tulli al triángulo de la Dorier, Michel & Troadec, Jean-Pierre: Les O. V. N. I. (Que sais-je? 2221) Dow, R.I.: The unidentified flying object phenomenon. (Prepared by a member of th Dowding, lord: Jag tror på flygande tefat. 2225 2226 7860 3892 7865 1869 334 330 A 330 B 7869 3897 6114 V 5437 6483 254 7170 7172 4547 3934 7181 7883 269 1 1 2 1 1 Sw Sw Czech En Sp Sp It En En En Ge En En Ru En Sw Fr Fr En Sp Fr En Sw document A4 hc sc pt sc sc hc hc pt hc hc video VHS sc sc dupl A4 sc sc hc large format sc sc document folio dupl A4 1995 1995 2010 2003 2010 1992 1975 2002 1975 2010 2003 2007 2006 2008 1983 2009 2009 2004 2003 2009 2010 1983 Nakladatelstvi Dialog, Czech Repub Czech Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Plaza & Janes, Barcelona Dastin ediciones, Madrid Armenia Editore, Milano World Publ Co, NY New American Library, NY Signet, NY Gondrom Verlag, Bindlach USA Sp Sp It USA USA USA Ge 1 Translations 1974 2 2 3 1970 1967 1967 1 Translations 1998 2 2 1997 1997 Colour Library Direct, Godalming, S UK Carlton Television, London Egmont Rossiya Ltd, Moscow Hippo/Scholastic, London ???? Éditions De Vecchi, Paris UK Ru UK Sw Fr 1 Translations 1998 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1997 19?? 1998 1994 1997 1982 1985 1967 197? ARPPAM-édition, Museum de Lyon, Fr Blandford, London Lasser Press, Mexico UK Mex Presse Universitaires de France, Pa Fr Imperial College (London) UFO Res UK Parthenon, Helsingborg Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 134 of 392 Ufocod Author And Title G Dumont, Jacques: OVNIS. ½ siècle de recherches. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7185 1 1 2001 1999 1992 1970 1975 1970 1967 1981 1996 the author the author, Willowdale, Ontario Éditions Rebis Country Lang. Binding sc AcqYear 2009 2006 Canada Fr G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Dunford, T.J.: Connect-5. Duplantier, Gene (ed.): Outermost. First printing. Duplantier, Gene (ed.): Outermost. Second printing. Dutta, Rex: Flying saucer viewpoint. Earley, George W.: Unidentified flying objects: an historical perspective. Prepared f Easley, Robert S. … (ed.): UFOs. An enigma from space. Éditions Atlas (ed.): Ovnis. Contacts avec les extraterrestres. Edwards, Frank: Platillos volantes aqui y ahora. [orig: Flying saucers - here and no Edwards, Frank: Platillos volantes aqui y ahora. [orig: Flying saucers - here and no Edwards, Frank: The Frank Edwards report on flying saucers. Emenegger, Robert: UFOs, past, present & future. Eriksson, Kristin: UFO, the truth is out there!!! [Specialarbete i religion}. Etrich, Igo: Bekenntnis und Geistiges Vermächtnis des Flugpioniers. Evans, Hilary: Beweise: UFOs. [orig: The evidence for UFOs]. Evans, Hilary: From other worlds. The truth about alien abductions, UFOs and the Evans, Hilary: No rasto de… Objectos voadores nao identificados. [orig: The evide Evans, Hilary: The evidence for UFOs. Evans, Hilary: UFO. [orig: UFOs, the greatest mystery] Evans, Hilary: UFOs, the greatest mystery. Faber-Kaiser, Andreas: Fuera de control. Crónica extrahumana moderna. Fate Magazine (editors of): UFO Special. Ferguson, Jean: Tout sur les soucoupes volantes. 3937 769 A 769 B 288 4590 6503 7903 4980 A 4980 B 1434 302 2228 7917 2394 2507 5477 311 313 314 3950 5481 7930 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 UK En booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 hc document 8½x11 booklet sc hc pt small booklet pt (two different covers) document A4 booklet A5 pt hc large format sc sc hc A4 hc A4 sc sc sc 2003 1975 2004 1975 2004 2009 2010 2005 2005 1987 1975 1995 2010 1997 1998 2006 1983 1983 1983 2003 2006 2010 Sida 135 of 392 Canada En SS&S Publications, Willowdale, Ont Canada En Pelham Books, London the author, Bloomfield, Connecticut UFO Journal, Cleveland, Ohio Éditions Atlas, Paris Plaza & Janes, Barcelona Plaza & Janes, Barcelona Arco, London Ballantine, NY Kungsgårdsskolan, Norrköping the author, Salzburg Knaur, München Carlton, London UK USA USA Fr Sp Sp USA USA Sw Austria Ge UK En En En Fr Sp Sp En En Sw Ge Ge En 1 Translations 1970 1 Translations 1976 3 4 1 1 1956? 1974 1995 19?? 1 Translations 1988 1 1998 1 Translations 1983 3 3 3 1 1 1 1983 1982 1979 1984 2005 1972 Publicacoes Europa-America, Mem Portuga Port Aquarian Press, Wellingborough Fyrisbiblioteket, Uppsala Chartwell Books, London Planeta, Barcelona Fate Magazine, Lakeville, MN Éditions Leméac, Montreal UK Sw UK Sp USA En Sw En Sp EN Canada Fr den 31 december 2010 London Seuil Jeunesse.. Jacqui: Aliens.] 328 B 2600 332 350 356 7948 7216 382 A 382 B 383 2695 4013 5013 7981 6934 2236 5035 3212 1506 4051 458 7263 3 USA Ge USA Da Sw Ge Fr USA USA Da USA USA Sp Fr Fr Sw Da En Ge En Da Sw Ge Fr En En Da En En Sp Fr Fr Sw Da Da Da Da En Fr pt pt small booklet sc document A4 hc sc hc pt sc sc sc pt pt digital PDF file document duplicated/copies booklet booklet A5 booklet A4 pt hc 1976 1999 1975 1983 1983 2010 2009 1983 1979 1975 2000 2003 2005 2010 2009 1995 2005 2002 1988 2003 1979 2009 Sida 136 of 392 1 Translations 1978 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 BM-06934 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1963 1980 1975 1998 1979 1967 1967 1970 1978 1978 1978 1977 ???? 1989 1976 1998 1988 1978 1979 1997 Gyldendal Undervisning. Kim Møller: Mysteriet om UFO'er. [2nd editio Harold. Flemming: Orientering om emnet UFO'er. Vincent: Mysterious fires and lights. Orientieringshefte om UFO'er. nie Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7934 1 1 1999 1976 1977 Ballantine. Larry & Florin. [Edited Gelman. Barcelona Éditions J'ai lu. Hawkins. Copenhag Da SUFOI. Michel: ?Terrestres o extraterrestres? [orig: Terriens ou extra-terrestres?]. København Country Poland Lang. Michel: Terriens ou extra-terrestres? Ou merveilles et mystères de la natu Guieu. Es gibt sie wirklich. Research on the subject of UFOs. Vincent: Sidste nyt om UFO [part translation of Myserious fires and lights]. NY Dell. Et undervisningsforløb i dansk. Paris Da Da UK Fr den 31 december 2010 .): UFO. dziwne doswiadczenia. Geis. Sven-Olof: Grovbeskrivning av UFO-fenomenet. Colin & Hawkins. en realistisk verklighet? [Specialarbete i fysik/biologi läs Hansen.): Syndrom UFO. Régusse David McKay. Marcia: UFO encounters Granger. Gentofte SUFOI. Friedrich. Philadelphia Mannes forlag. Granger. La verite cachee: terre.): Worlds beyond. & Ahrenkiel. Poul M. Hansen. Hansen. Rita G. Paris the author Palmcrantzskolan. Gothenburg Eurobooks Michel Moutet. Paris: UFO exist! Flammonde. Fabrice (ed.E. Copenhagen And/Or Press. religion og samt Hansen. [Orig. Ina (editor): UFOs und andere Phänomene. Claude Vauziere]: OVNI . Warszawa G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Flammonde. [Jean Giraud ][Groupe 03100]: Les soucoupes volantes: le grand réf Gaddis. Calif Scholastic Book Services. Fredriksen. ta ci Göransson. Aliens.: Videnskaben og folkets öjne. München Publications. Gentofte Star/W H Allen. NY Strubes.A. Gaddis. & Seligson.L.Ufocod Author And Title G Fiebag. Kim Møller: UFO studium. Kim Møller (ed.E. The everlasting frontier. Östersund the author.I.R. Ulrika: UFO:s.f. Clive: The uninvited. Vincent: Mysterious fires and lights. Nowe odkrycia. NY Wilhelm Heyne.B. Berkeley. G. Binding Pol sc AcqYear 2010 2008 Wydawnictwo Prokop. Flying saucers. [orig: UFO exist!].T. Fredrikson. Johannes (ed. Peter A. Gaddis. A true story. Paris: UFOs. Fredericia the author. NY Plaza & Janes. Jimmy [pseud. Kolding Raintree. Jenny: The complete book of UFOs. Country USA Lang. New Jer USA Editorial Universo. Manak. An investigation into Hough. The certainty of alien activity. Neuilly sur Seine Zindermans. Peter & Tonge. Hynek. Jackson. Robert: UFO's. St-Zénon. Jackson. Ny forskning kring UFO-m 8034 6594 B 7277 1758 5048 2642 A 4657 495 496 2854 4660 3264 B 5060 6636 7295 526 B 526 A 526 C 528 A 528 B 8071 538 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 USA En En Fr Sw Sw En En En Sw Da En En En Sp sc booklet 8½x11 sc hc hc sc sc sc sc sc hc hc 9x12 (1) sc 9x12 (2) hc sc sc 2010 2009 2009 1991 2005 2003 2004 1978 1975 2001 2004 2002 2005 2008 2009 H. Jessup. [The illustrated book of UFO's]. Texas Quantum/Grange Books. Hjorth. Allan J.: The case for the UFO. Robert S. New York Zindermans. NY Arco.: The case for the UFO.kosmiska rymdskepp.. Allen & Vallee. Luis Andrés: Los ovnis y evidencias extraterrestres. Boris: "Flygande tefat" . Sune: Rymdmänniskor på Jorden! Hough. Jean. Binding En sc AcqYear 2009 2002 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Hesemann. London Henry Regnery. Neil: Alien encounters. (The unexplained). London London House. NY Citadel. Morris K. New York Sterling Publishing Co. Göteborg Piatkus. Jessup. IGAP-forlaget: Introduktion til UFO-sagen.: Saucer trek. (P. Morris K. Innes. Peter: Visitation. Rick R. Jessup. Jessup. J. Morris K. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7272 1 2 1998 1979 1998 1978 1979 1991 1996 1995 1999 1975 1973 1988 1999 1996 1995 1979 1999 1955 1955 1955 1957 1957 195? 1983 Marlowe & Company. Sune: Den dolda sanningen om UFO. Jessup. Publications. & Easley. Jessup. No 329 : Le point sur les OVNIS. Hilberg. Morris K. Jungkvist. Brian: The mysteries of UFOs. An anthology of Historama. Révue mensuelle. Stockholm IGAP-forlaget.) Hjorth. Canada Fr Bantam. Ohi US Historama. A progress report on uniden Håkansson. London Citadel. Thomas [Jacques Dumont]: Synthèse OVNI. Peter & Randles.: The expanding case for the UFO. Robert: Great mysteries of UFOs. Jacques: The edge of reality. A supplement to The case for the UFO by M.: The expanding case for the UFO.: The case for the UFO. Morris K. Bjarne: UFO-gåtan. Austin. [Abbreviated version of Gr Jaspersen.: The UFO Reporter. Chicago Larson. Cleveland.E. México Mexico Louise Coutreau éditrice. Edison. Y. 23-31. Morris K. Göteborg USA USA UK USA UK US Sw En En En En En En Sw pt (one copy in bad conditi1983 hc hc hc hc booklet hc 1979 1983 1992 1979 2010 1983 Sida 137 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . London Fr Sw Sw UK UK USA Sw Da USA UK Quintet Publishing. Michael: UFOs: the secret history. London Citadel Press. N.. [Unsolved mysteries]. Göteborg Zindermans. NY Arco.M.Ufocod Author And Title G Hepplewhite. Norrköping Kirjayhtymä. Larsen. (Special report nr. Tapani: Ufojen jäljillä. Köping Gallimard Canal+ Gondrom Verlag. Unidentifizierbare Flygobj Larsen. Die Hintergründe des weltw Lammer. New York Tandem. Le Poer Trench. London Neville Spearman. [orig: The eternal subject]. Le Friant.Ufocod Author And Title G Jungkvist. Köpings UFO-förening: Fakta om UFO. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 1983 1989 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Jungkvist. Berlin Pan Books. 1912 540 539 1568 550 554 B 554 A 2248 584 1574 7332 8121 4113 593 594 595 4117 8125 600 C 600 B 605 B 605 A 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 Sw Sw Sw Sw Da UK UK Sw Fi Sw Fr Ge Ge USA USA Sw Da Ge UK USA UK UK Sw Sw Sw Sw Da En En Sw Fi Sw Fr Ge Ge En En Sw Da Ge En En En En hc sc dupl A4 document A4 booklet A4 sc hc document A4 hc document A4 sc hc hc booklet 8½x11 hc hc hc hc pt hc pt hc 1992 1978 1983 1989 1976 1983 1975 1995 1976 1989 2009 2010 2003 1983 1980 1980 2003 2010 1983 2010 1991 1975 Sida 138 of 392 Target/Universal-Tandem. Rosamaria: UFOs. flygande tefat. 2). Milwaukee. Boris: UFO . Kettelkamp.bevis för liv i rymden. Sherman: Närkontakt. Oliver: UFO Nahbegegnungen. Uusimmat ufo-havainnot suomesta ja muualta. Göteborg Country Sw Lang. Drömmar? Hallucinationer? Verklighet? [T Kuningas. [orig: Close encounter Larsen. Boris: UFO.: UFO-sagen er mere end observationer. De flygande tefatens gåta. Latagliata. Göteborg Zindermans. Helmut & Sidla. London den 31 december 2010 . John A. Pierre. Lagrange. A factual report on UFOs. June Kettelkamp.verità o menzog Le Poer Trench. Bindlach Herbig. Boris: Besökare från kosmos. Jungkvist. Klangeryd. Oliver: UFO Geheimhaltung. Mythen und Wahrheit. Brinsley: Operation earth. Sherman: Close encounters. Brinsley: Operation earth. Stockholm Forum. Jan & Nilsson. A factual report]. Copenhagen Zindermans. Boris: UFO . Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 537 3 3 1980 1989 1992 1977 19?? 1978 1972 1973 1972 1995 1971 1977 1997 1997 1996 1979 1978 1979 1980 2010 1975 1973 1975 1969 Zindermans. Brinsley: Mysterious visitors. Harvey: UFOs. The UFO story. Stockholm Allpart Media. [orig: article in 'Saga'. Brinsley: Mysterious visitors. Robert: UFO. Calif Raintree. Keel. [orig: Close encounters. besökare från kosmos.en fantastisk verklighet. Guillaume: Sont-ils parmi nous? La Lammer. Rapport om UFO-fenomenen. Jungkvist.: UFO . Wisconsin Bonniers Juniorförlag. Larry: Investigating UFOs. Le Poer Trench. present and future. München Crystal Ball. Kalmar-Ölands UFO-förening: Fakta om UFO. London Ronald Stacy. Le Poer Trench. Clarisse & Godard. London Stein and Day. past. London TBV. Torrance. Sherman: UFO'er taet på. Helmut & Sidla. Larsen. Göteborg författaren Kalmar-Ölands UFO-förening FUFOS. Larry: Investigating UFOs. Helsinki Köpings UFO-förening. [Orig. V.): Oidentifierade flygande föremål i jordens atmosfär. Le Poer Trench. Ett urv Magnusson. med relev Lippold. Misterio y realidad. Coral: "Greek translation". Lloyd (editor): The official guide to UFOs. Jesper: Mödet med de besögende fra rummet. With new material specially writte Le Poer Trench. Villeselve Michel Lafon. Paris Lunds univeristet. [orig: Flying saucers. Rauni-Leena: Vem är jag? Luukanen-Kilde. Hudiksvall Trevi. Cette vérité qui dérange. Copenhagen the authors Éditions Ramuel. Rauni-Leena: Kuka hän on? Maagaard. Barcelona Signet. Ylva. Sven: Flygande tefat . Illobrand von: Das UFO-Sichungsspektrum. "Ils" sont déjà là! (Lu sur Internet. [orig: The etern Lebon. Adrian: OVNIS. Magnusson. Anna: UFO. Lepage. The UFO facts and their interpretati Ludwiger. Stockholm Zindermans. Coral: Flying saucers. Skövde Ediciones Aura. London Tandem. & Heikkilä. Brinsley: UFO-myten og de psykiske faenomener. By the editors of Science & Mech 601 A 601 C 1377 7344 7347 7348 621 5095 2012 7356 639 5096 633 B 633 A 147 2254 2119 5684 8157 759 664 758 B 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 UK UK Da Fr Fr Fr Sw Sw Sw Sp USA Greece USA USA Ge Sw Sw Fi Da Sw Sw USA En En Da Fr Fr Fr Sw Sw Sw Sp En Greek En En Ge Sw Sw Fi Da Sw Sw En hc pt sc document A4 sc sc duplicated A4 document A4 manuscript A4 hc pt sc pt hc copy A4 document A4 hc hc booklet A5 dupl A4 hc pt 1975 1983 1986 2009 2009 2009 1979 2005 1993 2009 1975 2005 1975 1975 1983 1995 1994 2006 2010 1975 1976 1975 Sida 139 of 392 INOVA. NY the author författaren.) Lind. N. Inofficiella institutionen för v the authors. Jean-Luc: O. Lund Souvenir Press. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 600 A 3 2 1973 1966 1966 1973 1975 1997? 1997 1996 1978 2005 1975 1969 1969 Neville Spearman. H Lemaire. NY 1 Translations 197? 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 1966 1962 197? 1996 1993 1993 1997 1970 1975 1968 den 31 december 2010 . Brinsley: The flying saucer story. Flying saucers and UFOS. Thierry & Gillot. Luukanen. Brinsley: The eternal subject. Sven (red. Porvoo IGAP Forlaget Sökarens förlag. London Country UK Lang. [specialarbete]. [Orig. Lorenzen. Lopez. The startling evidende o Lorenzen.vad säger vetenskapen? Mallan. Johan: Vetenskapsteori för psykologi och samhällsvetenskap.Ufocod Author And Title G Le Poer Trench. Persson. Anitha & Hjertstrand. [From Zeitschrift der Paraps Lukanski. Eva: Ufo ett kulturfenomen? Ett grupparb Lindström. I. Coral: The great flying saucer hoax. London Sphinx & Nihil. Frédéric: Le dossier OVNIS. Göteborg Ace. Kjerstin: UFO-intresserades handbok.] Lorenzen. Coral & Jim: UFOs the whole story. Stockholm Werner Söderström OY. Björn. Binding En hc AcqYear 1975 1983 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Le Poer Trench. NY Greek publisher Signet. NY William-Frederick Press. Jean-Marc: La Gazette de la maison d'arret de Villepinte. Brinsley: The flying saucer story. The startling evidence of the invasion from outer s Lorenzen. [orig: Lueurs sur les soucoupes volant Michel. John: The flying saucer vision. McDermott.: Who's out there? UFO encounters. NY Robert Hale. London Criterion Books. Max B. Santiago de Chile Corgi/Transworld. Matthews. Réginald: L'homme face à l'énigme des OVNIS. Re-issue of ed. 1947-1997: 50 years of ufology. Aimé: The truth about flying saucers. Rivière Canada Fr Turm Verlag. [Appendix to 'Alie McDonald. Helsingborg UK UK Fr USA UK USA USA Ch UK USA UK USA Chile USA UK UK UK Sw Ge En En Fr En En En En Sp En En En En Sp En En En En Sw 1 Translations 1968 2 2 2 2 5 1967 1977 1974 1967 1959 den 31 december 2010 Sida 140 of 392 .fact o 8172 7394 7395 1383 6198 8192 7400 4168 2876 660 5708 2728 693 C 693 D 693 B 693 A 7411 695 B 695 D 695 C 695 A 698 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 3 USA En booklet sc sc booklet sc sc sc hc pt dupl document hc pt pt (two different covers) hc hc hc pt pt sc hc hc (4) sc (1) 2010 2009 2009 1986 2007 2010 2009 2003 2001 1979 2006 2000 1983 1975 1983 1975 2009 1975 1983 1983 1975 1975 Les Entreprises Castelriand.: Flygande tefat . Michell. [orig: Lueurs sur les soucoupes volant Michel. Rupert: Amazing UFOs and aliens. [orig: Mystérieux objets celestes]. & Mayer.: Ufomania. NY Sphere. Ann M. NY Editorial Pomaire. Harry F. The lore and legend of ufology. Lloyd (editor): The official guide to UFOs. Aimé: Los misteriosos platillos volantes. Daniel & Olivier. Aimé: The truth about flying saucers. London Sidgwick & Jackson. Michell. New York Country USA Lang. Bournemouth the author the author Pomaire.atmospheric or extraterrestrial? (Abstract of talk to Ch Melesciuc. Marquis. Wilhelm: UFOs. [Orig. London Abacus. Santiago de Chil Ace Star. London Arcturus. Directory of all major sightings! Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 758 C 1 1 1968 1967 2008 1980 1978 1955 1988 2009 1986 1979 1997 1968 1985 1963 1958 1967 1957 1956 MUFON of Ohio.] Michell. London Pyramid. (Over 200 UFO trivia questions divided into three lev Michel. Bietigheim/Wurtember Ge Octopus Books. Illustrated by Kim Blundell. NY Paragon Publ. Aimé: The truth about flying saucers. Marie-Pierre: Les objets volants non identifiables.fantasi eller verklighet? [orig: Flying saucers . [orig: Lueurs sur les soucoupes volant Michel. Michel. [orig: Lueurs sur les soucoupes volant Michell. Allan J. 1998.: UFOs . London Robert Laffont. Rupert: UFOs. p Marquis. Andy: Dateline UFO. Mayer. London Parthenon. Rivière Canada Fr Les Entreprises Castelriand. Michell. Paris Julian Messner. Binding En booklet AcqYear 2008 2004 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Manak. Miller. John: The flying saucer vision. The flying saucer vision. Matthews. Cincinnati Science & Mechanics. Atomkräfte und unsere zukunft. John: The flying saucer vision. John: The flying saucer vision.Ufocod Author And Title G Mallan. John: Los platillos volantes y los dioses. Réginald: Les OVNIS : Ceux qui les ont vus. James E. Aimé: The truth about flying saucers. A history of alien activity from sightings to abductions to Mavrakis. Martin. James: UFO trivia. [Specialarbet Norsk UFO Center (NUFOC): OMNI.. NY Saucerian Books. New York Taplinger. Volume Secundo.den moderna eran. No Norman. [The Pocket Essentials]. Max B. Éditions Carnot. N. Neff. Davanger Naval Research Laboratory G. MUFON Ontario: UFO Information Guide. New York ???? Lancer. Report from the office of t Morrison. Calif Country USA Lang. [Olivier Raynaud]: Les OVNIS: une menace pour l'humanité? Nolle. Ferni. Los Angeles. Burb Flying Saucer News Co. F. bangs and balls of fire". Nolane. London Parthenon. N. Moseley. Walter: Visitors from outer space? Is there life on other planets? Ortzen. Yves: Enigma degli UFO e degli extra-terrestri. E: De flygande tefaten . Helena.P. Neil: UFOs. West USA MUFON Ontario. Len: Strange stories of UFOs. Volume Terzo. Pittsburgh.: Flying saucers. National Enquirer: National Enquirer. Harpenden. Enquête sur des faits. Helsingborg Fr USA Sw USA Sw No USA USA US UK Sw den 31 december 2010 . Hert UK Presses du Châtelet. Nhart. Richard: UFO encounters. Nixon. (ed. UFO update. fact or fiction? Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1384 3 1 1957 1994 1989 197? 1966 1967 1996 1985 Editrice Nuovi autori. Naud. February. Dante: Perché gli extraterrestri non prendono contatto pubblicamente? C Moore. Y. Yvonne & Ahmadnejad Samane: UFO. 7414 5724 710 531 8231 6722 2892 2893 734 7435 5788 8246 6729 745 1210 2015 1212 8251 4742 766 A 766 B 3475 1 1 1 3 1 1 It USA USA It En En En sc document booklet sc 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 pt hc hc booklet sc pt sc booklet dupl A4 pt document A4 booklet A4 sc 8½x11 hc hc pt dupl A4 2009 2006 1975 1975 2010 2009 2001 2001 1975 2009 2006 2010 2008 1983 1984 1993 1984 2010 2004 2008 1983 2002 Sida 141 of 392 William L Moore Publications.Putnam's.): "Booms.dikt eller verklighet? Föredrag av ingenjör E. UFO report. Earl J: Unidentified flying objects. Len: Strange stories of UFOs.): Jim Moseley's book of saucer news.Ufocod Author And Title G Miller. Naud. Toronto Pocket Books. NY Nynäshamns gymnasium Norsk UFO Center. Fagerlund. Paris Dell Publishing Co. (ed. Chatou Canada En US It It USA Fr En It It En Fr En Fr En Sw En Sw No En En En En Sw 1 Translations 1977 1 Translations 1977 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 19?? 1999 2002 1998 1978 19?? 1973 1993 197? 1978 1979 1977 1979 19?? Pocket Essentials. Norrman. Penn. Yves: Enigma degli UFO e degli extra-terrestri. Binding En booklet AcqYear 1986 2010 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Minazzoli. Ginevra Trade Shows. Parthenon: En tioårig gåta . Richard D. Ginevra Ferni. Clarksburg. 1996. (Dell purse book 9174). Nordqvist. Hugo [Alain Varaez]: OVNI. Al: Man and the flying saucers. Y. Ortzen. Coronet. Milano Trend Books. Eric [Warren Smith]: Gods and devils from outer space. [Reprint of ten articles from OM NRL (Naval Research Laboratory): NRL investigations of the east coast acoustics e Oleksy. William L. James W. [Appendi Randles. Der grösste Mythos des 20. Paris IGAP Europe. Paris J'ai Lu. Marans Paragon Publ. H. Jenny & Hough. Målöv Albin Michel. Fantásticos contactos Perrin. 1992. Fakta om ufoene. L'énigmatique affaire des disques volant Randles. Peter: The complete book of UFOs. Aleksei G.Petersen Petit. Leif Eckhoff (red. R. Picknett. Pedersen.flyvende cigarer. Jenny & Hough. NY Piatkus. Jenny & Hough. 782 1009 244 2733 786 A 786 B 3481 7472 7482 5820 8295 7485 8299 7494 2906 5845 2642 A 2642 B 1289 1951 1657 5861 3 4 4 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 Da Da Da Sp Fr Fr Da Fr Fr USA Ge Fr Ru Fr UK Ru USA UK UK Da No USA Da Da Da Sp Fr Fr En Fr Fr En Ge Fr Ru Fr En Ru En En En Da No En sc booklet booklet A5 sc sc pt dupl A4 sc sc sc hc sc hc sc pt hc sc sc hc booklet A5 booklet A4 hc large format 1975 1975 1983 2000 2006 1979 2002 2009 2009 2006 2010 2009 2010 2009 2001 2006 1999 2005 1985 1992 1990 2006 2 Translations 1998 1 1 3 3 1 1 1996 1997 1983 1992 196? 1991 Reader's Digest. Jack [Roger Perrinjaquet]: Le mystère des OVNI. ( Salsk wine. Tommaso: Die Ausserirdischen. Podyapolski. Voyage aux frontières de la science. Ravn. R. flyvende tallerkener.): UFO'er . Jenny & Hough. Paris Kraft. Studi Perrin. Bergen Parthenon. Pincio. Paris Michel Lafon Carroll & Graf. Jack [Roger Perrinjaquet]: El misterio de los OVNI. Reader's Digest: UFO: the continuing enigma. NY den 31 december 2010 Sida 142 of 392 . Stein & Bertelsen. Peter: Tainy NLO.C. Moscow Prisme. [ Pinvidic. (red.: UFO-orientering. R. Jahrhunderts. Rasmussen. Pleasantville. Bournemouth Veche. Frank & Petersen. London Robert Hale. Jack [Roger Perrinjaquet]: Le mystère des OVNI. An investigation into Randles. Iver O. ili novaya ufologiya. Peter: 50 years of UFO encounters 1946-1995.: Elementary ufology. Hirtshals de Vecchi. [Quest for the unknown].og modbeviser.Ufocod Author And Title G Parthenon: Varför landar de "flygande tefaten" inte öppet? Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 779 5 1 19?? 1991 1969 1966 1970 1978 1976 1976 197?? 1990 1993 2001 2007 1979 2009 1992 1995 UFO-Nyts forlag. Thierry: Le noeud gordien ou la fantastique histoire des OVNI.: Salskoe wino. No 32. Fantastiques contacts Petersen. Flemming O. Berlin Éditions France-Empire. Frank & Kjems. Picard. Paule: Rendez-vous avec les extraterrestres. Peter: The complete book of UFOs. Barcelona Editions Pygmalion.): UFO-orientering. or new Prisme. Moscow Sterling. Jenny: UFO reality. Gunnar: Teknisk ufologi. Copenhagen SUFOI Dansk IGAP. From a lecture by Major H. Profondes altitudes. New York Rogner & Bernhard. Fifty years of alien c Randles. [Secrets of the UFOs] [orig: The compl Randles. Leif E. Fantastiques contacts Perrin. Lynn: The mammoth book of UFOs. Gentofte Teknisk UFO gruppe. Pedersen. Jean-Pierre: Enquête sur les OVNI.C. Helsingborg Country Sw Lang. Binding Sw dupl A4 AcqYear 1983 1995 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Pedersen. London SUFOI. (ed): Nye UFO-beviser . A critical look at the physical evidence. oidentifierade flygande föremål. K. Margaret with Jahn. Ivan T. UFO´s and space travel.Gösta: De flygande tefaten .Ufocod Author And Title G Rehn. Rickard. [orig: Tefaten är här!]. Jonathan: Exploring UFOs. K. Rocca-Christinacce. Göteborg Otava. London Tandem. Ryan.Gösta: UFOs. K. K. Ludek: UFOer. trente ans de silen Roudène. Göteborg Country Sw Lang. Rehn.]. Bilbao Dundurn Press. Rehn. Sanderson. NY Promedit. Chris A.Gösta: UFO! Nya fakta om de flygande tefaten. Rehn. [orig: De flygande tefaten]. London Kingfisher Books.Gösta: UFO! Uusinta tietoa lentävistä lautasista. Ivan T. Rutland.: A world of UFOs. Jonathan: Exploring UFOs.I. Helsinki Zindermans. K. Here and now. Göteborg the author. Rehn. Toronto Ward Lock Ltd. Ernest: Celestial passengers. Jean-Jacques [red. London Zindermans. Rutkowski. K. NY Carlsen if Carlsen if. (1947-1977). A biologist looks at UFO's.Gösta: Zagen zij ze vliegen? [orig: Tefaten är här!]. Revised expande Rutland. K. Sanderson. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 1975 1989 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Rehn.hvad vil de. Copenhagen Puffin. Ludek: UFOs and other worlds. Göteborg Fontein Folio Gloucester Press.Gösta: Tillägg och förklaringar i UFO-frågan. London Zindermans. London Penguin. K. [Explorer 17] Sachs. [orig: Tefaten är här!].Gösta: Tefaten är här! Rehn.V. Bob: UFOs. Alex: Los extra-terrestres.: Uninvited visitors.N. Rehn. K. K. Bromma Zindermans.: Uninvited visitors. Peter & Pesek. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 839 4 3 1966 1973 Tammi. [Random House All-About Books]. Hvad er de . London Random House. Ryan.Gösta: Lentävät lautaset. [Kingfisher Explorer Books]. Helsinki Abelard-Schuman.Gösta: UFOja näkyvissä. 1588 841 842 844 845 847 848 846 849 4793 7517 2747 7524 2558 A 2558 B 2558 C 867 6768 1590 873 881 C 881 B 2 Translations 1968 4 4 4 1972 1968 1969 Fi Sw Sw Sw Fi Fi UK Sw Holland USA Fr Sp Fi Sw Sw Sw Fi Fi En Sw Dutch En Fr Sp hc sc document A4 sc hc (1) sc (1) hc hc hc sc sc booklet A4 sc sc hc hc (1) sc (1) hc booklet booklet booklet pt pt hc 1989 1975 1985 1975 1976 1979 1980 1978 1979 2004 2009 2000 2009 1998 2003 2004 1978 2008 1989 1979 1983 1983 Sida 143 of 392 3 Translations 1970 3 Translations 1973 2 3 1974 1976 3 Translations 1973 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 1979 1978 1980 2008 1980 1987 1987 1976 1977 1975 1977 1974 1969 Canada En UK UK USA Sw Da UK UK UK UK En En En Sw Da En En En En den 31 december 2010 . Ludek: UFO . Peter & Pesek. [orig: UFOs an Ryan.dokument och teori. Helsinki Tammi. Rehn.Tosiasioita ja teoriaa.Gösta: UFO-utmaningen. Rutland. Paris Mensajero. Peter & Pesek. London Neville Spearman. Jonathan: UFOs. [orig: UFO! Nya fakta om Rehn. Illustrated by Geoff Taylor. [Kingfisher Explorer Books].: O. : Uninvited visitors. Stockholm Askild & Kärnekull. L. Helsinki Espace Édition. Snyder. NY Colomb Sp Belgiu Fi Belgiu USA UK USA USA Ge UK USA USA Fr Fi Fr En En En En Ge En En En 1 Translations 1997 1 3 3 1997 1975 1966 den 31 december 2010 . Das Geheimnis der unbekannten Flugobje Schneider. Spencer.A. Smith. NY Country USA Lang. D.ja oder nein? Schöpfer. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 881 A 3 1 1967 19?? 1973 1972 Hermann Bauer. Eugen: De otroliga tefaten. London Askild & Kärnekull. Mi USA Plaza y Janes. Stuttgart/Wi Sphere. [The unexplained]. Stanton. [orig: 50 years of UFOs]. John Wallace: No earthly explanation. (Orig. Adolf: Posetiteli iz vselennoi. Lünebur Ge Walter Hädeke Verlag. Smit Le Bénédicte. Anthony: Platillos volantes. Siegfried: Fliegende Untertassen . München ? Cowles. Mankato.: Are there alien beings? The story of UFOs. Der Mensch an der Schwelle zu einem ne Schneider. Gerald S. Reijo: Mies toisesta maailmasta ja muita ufo-ilmiloita. Adolf: Besucher aus dem All. [orig: De otroliga tefaten]. Warren: UFO trek. Adolf: Besucher aus dem All. Edger jr: Vliegende schotels op bezoek! Op onderzoek naar de herkomst v Sjögren. J. Smith. John & Anne: Fifty years of UFOs. From distant sightings to close encoun Spencer. Freiburg the author. New York Wilhelm Heyne Verlag.) Schöpfer. München Boxtree. London UNICAT Project Julian Messner. [British edition of The book of encounters]. (Typed m 2010 booklet booklet pt sc hc sc hc sc dupl A4 hc sc pt pt (two different covers) document hc hc coffee table hc pt pt 1983 1983 1979 1983 1975 2002 2009 2009 1997 1979 2009 1983 1978 2006 2006 2010 2003 1976 1975 Sida 144 of 392 Carola von Reeken Verlag. NY Belmont Books. Smith. Simons. Stockholm A & K Borgen Ge UK Sw Sw Da Edge Books/Capstone. Semitjov. Bruxelles Zebra.4) Simons. Ivan T.: Guide des soucoupes volantes. ?: Besucher aus dem All. Semitjov. Semitjov. Terri: UFOs. Lier Otava. Sievert. Warren: The book of encounters. Bogotá the author. Eugen: De ufattelige UFO'er. Willy: Overview of the UFO phenomenon. Binding En hc AcqYear 1975 1975 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Schneider. C. NY Sphere. (Enciclopedia popular ilustrada.J: UFOs: a scientific enigma. Siegfried: Fliegende Untertassen .Ufocod Author And Title G Sanderson. Eugen: De otroliga tefaten.ja oder nein? Seargent. Spencer. Mankind: a space experiment. A biologist looks at UFO's. John & Anne: 50 Jahre UFOs. London Bantam. Jerome: Flying saucers: hoax or reality? 889 B 889 A 8400 890 B 890 A 896 900 B 900 A 3588 7555 7556 2453 923 7563 930 A 930 B 5927 5931 8428 4375 941 949 3 1 Ge Ge Ru Ge Ge Ru Ge Ge En Sw Sw Da En hc sc 1975 2010 1 Translations 1976 3 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1980 1955 1978 1978 1974 1979 2005 1977 196? 1972 1976 1976 1977 1990 1980 hc document A4. London Country UK Lang. Göteborg Zindermans. London Chile UK USA Ge UK UK No Sw Sw Sw Sw UK Sp En En Ge En En No Sw Sw Sw Sw En Ge En En En En Sw En En En En hc pt pt hc coffee table hc hc documen A4 sc sc sc sc hc booklet A4 hc sc hc (2) sc (1) booklet dupl A4 pt sc hc large format hc large format 2009 1983 1975 2010 1983 1983 1983 1975 1978 1985 1975 1983 1983 1991 2003 2002 2001 1983 1975 2009 2004 2006 Carola von Reeken Verlag. 7579 961 B 961 A 8440 971 A 971 B 972 975 973 974 B 974 A 982 993 1818 A 1818 B 3645 2938 1013 1017 7615 4853 5976 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 Editorial Pomaire. London Award.): The UFO enigma. Stigsjöö. [Orig. Alexandria. Tambling. NY Lekturama. Staffan: Tefatsfolket ser oss. NY UFO Research. Roy: Visitors from outer space. NY Grosset & Dunlap. A new review of the physical evidence. Staffan: Tefatsfolket ser oss. [Mysteries of the unknown]. Steiger. Melbourne Crestwood House. Lünebur Ge Grosset & Dunlap. Brad [Eugene E. (ed. Prospect Södertälje UFO Center. There are aliens on earth! [orig: Aliens on Earth!] Sturrock. Joshua: Encounters. Sweeney. Stemman. Ein Geheimnis um die welt. with Greenwell. Stockholm Zindermans. Göteborg Larson. Stockholm New English Library. Ian: UFO's. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 966 B 2 2 1973 1968 1968 1970 1966 1978 1976 1976 1981 1974 1977 1980 1973 1981 1979 1977 1979 1999 1975 197? 1967 1978 2004 1992 Tandem. Time-Life Books: Alien encounters. NY Warner. Santiago de Chil Tandem. Staffan: Tefatsfolket . Stemman. Ronald D. [Mysteries of the unknown]. MN Caxton Publishing Group. London USA USA USA Australi Sw Australi USA UK Time Life Books. Richard: UFOs and the limits of science. Södertälje UFO Center: Fakta om flygande tefat. [orig.Olson] & Whritenour.Olson]: Forasteros del espacio. Virgini USA den 31 december 2010 Sida 145 of 392 . Roy: Fliegende Untertassen . Mankato.Olson]: Strangers from the skies. Södertälje Horwitz. (The Supernatural). Time-Life Books: Alien encounters. Glarus Aldus Books. Story. Peter A. [Grosse Mysterien]. Stemman. Joshua: Aliens on earth! Strickland. Strehl. Brad [Eugene E. Kolbjørn: Om UFO-problemet. Stigsjöö. R: Fliegende Untertassen. Richard: Flying saucers. Strangers from the s Steiger.Ufocod Author And Title G Steiger.Rätsel im All. Brad [Eugene E. Dette bør du vite.Olson]: Strangers from the skies. Trondheim Larson.vänner eller fiender? Stigsjöö. Brad [Eugene E. London Danbury Press. Where do they come from? Thorne. Stenødegård. Roy: Visitors from outer space. London NIVFO. published in 19 Strickland. Staffan: Tefatsfolket har landat! Stigsjöö. Joan: New UFO breakthrough. (The Supernatural). Deane: Unidentified flying objects. Binding En pt AcqYear 1983 1975 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Steiger. What a group of scientists has discovered a Vallée. NY Neville Spearman. London USA USA USA USA USA UK UK Fr Fr Ru USA USA USA UK No No Fr Fr USA Netherl UK Ge En En En En En En En Fr Fr Ru En En En En No No Fr Fr En Dutch En sc pt sc 8½x11 pt hc pt (two different covers) pt hc sc hc 1983 1975 2009 1983 1975 1983 2008 1983 2003 2009 1 Translations 1965 2 4 2 3 1 1 1965 1974 1965 1966 1977 1984 hc document A4. Jacques & Janine: Challenge to science. De invloed van UFO's op de mens wetens Vallée.) Vallée. London Dreyer. Jacques: Anatomy of a phenomenon. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 8488 1 4 1999 1973 1979 1966 1967 1966 1966 1974 1974 1967 1966 1979 Country Lang. Köln (Lizenzausgabe) Ge G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Trent. [orig: The invisible college]. Jacques & Janine: Challenge to science. Vallée. Thomas [Wilhelm Ihde]: Geheimnisse im Weltall. Vallée. Jacques & Janine: Challenge to science. Vallée. (Orig. Vallée. Jacques & Janine: Challenge to science. [orig. Jacques: Anatomiya fenomena. Jacques: Det usynlige kollegium. Jacques: UFO's controleren ons. Oslo Albin Michel. Jacques: Anatomy of a phenomenon. Tyler. Hva vitenskapen vet om UFO. [orig: The i Vallée. Jacques: Anatomy of a phenomenon. Haarlem Panther/Granada. Jacques & Janine: Les phénomènes insolites de l'espace. Jacques: Le collège invisible. [orig: The i Vallée. Paris J'ai Lu. Paris Robert Laffont. London La Table Ronde. Unidentified objects in space . Steven: Are the invaders coming? UAPA: UFOmation. Jacques: Det usynlige kollegium. NY Ace. Hva vitenskapen vet om UFO. Binding Ge hc coffee table AcqYear 2010 1975 ECO Verlag. Chicago Ballantine. 1040 1047 7625 1069 B 1069 A 1069 D 1069 E 1069 C 4414 A 4414 B 8512 1065 A 1065 D 1065 B 1065 C 2285 A 2285 B 1600 A 1600 B 1066 A 2762 1066 B 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 Carola von Reeken Verlag. NY Henry Regnery. NY Tandem. [orig: The invisible college].: Anatomy of a phenomenon. Vallée. Vallée. Lünebur Ge Tower. The UFO enigma. The UFO enigma. Unidentified objects in space . NY United Aerial Phenomena Agency. Jacques: Anatomy of a phenomenon.a scie Vallée. Vallée. Chicago Ballantine. NY J H Gottmer. The UFO enigma. Oslo EFI-Utgave. Jacques: UFOs: the psychic solution. Paris E P Dutton. Jacques & Janine: Les phénomènes insolites de l'espace.a scie Vallée.a scie Vallée. The UFO enigma. The UFO enigma. Paris ? Henry Regnery. Jacques: The invisible college.] Vallée. Jacques & Janine: Challenge to science. Vallée.a scie Vallée. London Neville Spearman. Ace.Ufocod Author And Title G Time-Life: Unheimliche Begegnungen mit Ausserirdischen. Vallée. published in 1955]. Unidentified objects in space . [Orig: Invisible college. Jacques: Le collège invisible. (Typed m 2010 hc pt (two different covers) pt hc sc sc sc pt hc sc pt 1989 1983 1975 1975 1995 2006 2009 1989 1978 2000 1983 Sida 146 of 392 1 Translations 1975 2 Translations 1981 3 1975 1 Translations 1977 3 1977 den 31 december 2010 . Unidentified objects in space . Colin: UFO! Besök från andra världar. Binding Ge sc A4 AcqYear 1983 2010 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Watts. Wilding-White.: Flying saucers uncensored. Jürgen: Ausserirdische Weltraumschiffe sind gelandet. Wilkins.: Erforschung ausserirdischer Weltraumschiffe. Ventla. [Usborne World of Wilding-White. David: Close encounters.: Umwälzende Erreigisse durch flying saucers . Colin: World famous UFOs. 1 Veit. Ted: Vår ukjente verden. Barbizon Delphin Verlag.skeptica. [orig: The world of t Wilding-White.flegende Untertassen. Harold T. Harold T. Tout sur les OVNI. All about UFO's.: Flying saucers on the attack. Willy: UFO-bogen. Karl L. Wiesbaden Ventla. Wiesbaden Ventla. Wiesbaden Ventla. Ted: Le monde de l'inconnu. NY Bonnier Carlsen. 6032 3691 2366 1078 1079 1080 1477 1125 1129 B 1129 A 4869 8537 4870 8538 1134 B 1134 C 1134 A 1135 C 1135 B 1135 A 2581 5243 3 1 1 5 3 2 1 3 3 2 UK Da Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge UK USA USA Fr Ge UK No USA USA UK USA UK USA Sw UK En Da Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge En En En Fr Ge En No En En En En En En Sw En sc document in binder sc hc (3) sc (2) sc booklet A5 booklet A5 sc pt hc hc hc sc sc hc pt hc + digital PDF file pt hc hc hc sc 2006 2002 1996 1978 1983 1983 1987 1979 1975 2004 2004 2010 2004 2010 2010 1975 1975 1975 1986 1983 1998 2005 Sida 147 of 392 1 Translations 1978 1 Translations 1978 3 1989 1 Translations 19?? 1 3 2 BM-01134 3 2 2 3 1 1954 1967 1954 1967 1956 1955 1998 199? den 31 december 2010 . NY Doubleday & Company.: Flying saucers uncensored. Grundsätzliches zum Vers Veit. München/Zürich Usborne. [Glow in the dark series]. Wilkins. Wilson. Oslo Citadell Press. [orig: Flying saucers on the moon]. NY Pierre Bordas. 5 West. Harold T. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 188 1 1 1983 1959 2000 1999 1996 1963 1961 1974 1969 1978 1968 1968 Red Bird Publishing. Karl L.Ufocod Author And Title G Walter.: Flying saucers on the attack. White. London SEMIC Norge. Karl L. Harold T. Ein Wissenschaftliches Veit. & Gottsleben. Karl L. Stockholm Parragon. NY Peter Owen. Ted: Rätselhafte Flugobjekte .: Flying saucers on the moon. [orig: The world of the unkno Wilding-White. Dale: Is something up there? The story of flying saucers. Alan: UFO sci-file. Harold T. Wilkins. London Citadel. Colchester www. Veit. Wegner. Alan & Jefferis.: Sind ausserrirdische Weltraumschiffe gelandet? Veit. London Scholastic Book Services. Allt om UFO. Wiesbaden Arrow. Wilkins.: Planetenmenschen besuchen unsere Erde. Mannheim Country Ge Lang. Bristol CENAP. Harold T.: Flying saucers uncensored. Dale: Is something up there? White. New York Ace Star. Werner (editor): Project UFO 2. NY Arco.UFOs. London Pyramid. Ted: The world of the unknown. Wilkins. 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Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4437 1 1 1997 1976 1982 1968 2003 1978 1980? 2008 1982 1972 2001 2007 1960 1968 1973 1994 198? 1983 1981 Sterling. Thomas: Klubbviksfallet 5-6 september 1980. Burb Wm L. R.A. S Sw VTF. Wänblad.: Timothy Green Beckley's The riddle of Hangar 18. Murray: A catalogue and analysis of Australasian 'angel h Budinger. Ohio William L Moore Publications. (ed. Calif NUFOIS Press. William L. Morrell. Öhman. Gilbert: Undersökning av rymdfragment.): The strange case of the Maury Island saucer.Ufocod Author And Title G Wilson. David: Frank Scully and the legend of the crashed saucers. Motala the author. Salem. Gilbert: Undersökning av fragment från rymdfarkoster. Västerås Kharkov-Belgorod Falköping UFO-Sverige.) Åberg. G. T. (ed. Kiruna The author.): The Maury Island case. NY Portuga Port Sw Sw USA USA USA UK Ge USA Sw USA USA Sw Sw En En En En Ge En Sw En En 1 Translations 1983 2 1 1 3 1999 1980 1985 1981 den 31 december 2010 Sida 148 of 392 . mars Manak. Cleveland. Allan J. A paper presented at the conferen Stender. Beckley. A. V. (Aliens among us. Kenneth: Allt om UFO Västerbergslagens UFO-förening: Fakta om UFO. Stockholm Sw Pol En Sw Sw Sw Ru Sw Sw En En sc hc hc document A4 document A4 hc document A4 dupl A4 document A4 document document A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 sc 8½x11 document document 8½x11 document A4 document A4 sc document A4 dupl 8½x11 sc 8½x11 (1) ringb (1) 2010 1975 2003 1989 1989 2010 1992 2002 2002 2007 1998 2003 2003 2006 2006 1984 2006 1997 2000 1994 2010 2001 Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. 8550 1154 4442 1601 1604 8558 1985 3731 3003 6096 2491 4119 4120 5696 5742 1208 5759 2457 2757 2175 7709 2780 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 Wydawnictwo Komunikacji i Lacznó Poland A S Barnes. Barker. Kenn: Maury Island UFO: the Crisman conspiracy. Moore Publ. P. Chagrin Falls. V. Olle: Äntligen en seriös forskares syn på UFO-frågan! Basterfield. Timothy G. William L. FOA Försvarets Forskningsanstalt.M: The intelligent man's guide to flying saucers. Wright.M. Binding En sc AcqYear 2003 2009 G G G G G G G G GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GC GC Wojciechowski. Tullholm. A chronological catalog of ice falls and an Moore. Rowan: Strange but true: UFOs. Zheleznyak. NY Henry Holt. USA En Hu En En En En En En En En En booklet booklet A5 booklet 8½x11 document document 8½x11 stapled 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet A4 document A4 pt sc sc sc hc pt hc + digital PDF file documents hc (3) sc (2) sc sc hc + digital PDF copy 8½x11 2008 1992 1987 1990 2006 2009 1983 2010 2010 1996 2010 2000 1996 1975 1983 1983 2006 1975 1978 2009 1987 1985 Negeydik Tipusú Találkozások. William S : UFO recovery at Aztec. Endre: Ufòkatasztròfak. Valley Stream.Ufocod Author And Title GC Cahn. William S : UFO crash at Aztec. Williard & Wilhelm. NY USA USA Ca USA UK UK USA USA 1 Translations 1997 3 4 2 3 BM-00893 1 5 3 1 4 BM-01471 1 1995 1950 1951 1950 19?? 1951 1950 1951 1986 1986 Lithuani Lith UK UK USA USA USA En En En En En Sw Da Fr En En Lindqvists.: The flying saucers and the mysterious little men. Scully. London Victor Gollancz.: Crashed saucers: evidence in the search for proof. The recovery of alien spacecraft. Frank: De flyvende tallerkener. Calif.P. MUFON Ontario: The Carp case. Tucson. Diane: UFO shotdown and retrieval in Africa 1989: anatomy of an investi Moore. Scully. Ateiviu erdvélaiviu paieska. [Reprinted from True Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5370 1 1 198? 2007 2008 1992 1987 1990 1985 1995 1980 199? 199? 1995 2010 Country USA Lang.: Documents and supporting information related to crashed flyi Montrose. Frank: Behind the flying saucers. Charles J.: Crash: when UFOs fall from the sky: a history of famous incident Randles. McIntyre. Ariz Wendelle C. Matt: The fate of the UFO crash supposition. [Orig. 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Rainie USA GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GCX GE Pflock. Richard L. Marion. & Schmitt. NY Paraview Pocket Books. Kevin D. Javier: Roswell.Ufocod Author And Title GCX Pflock.: The Roswell encyclopedia. James: The Roswell report. Tim: The Roswell file. & Schmitt.a version of the Roswell story. New Brun USA Quill / HarperCollins. Inner Light. Madrid University of New Mexico Press. Rainie USA The Mutual UFO Network of Ohio. Weaver. New York USA USA Smithsonian Institution Press. & Schmitt. Charles A. Charles B: UFO crash at Roswell. Kenny & Coffey. Avon. Roswell and the rise of a popular culture. Donald R. & Schmitt. Kevin D. Young.: Roswell in perspective. NJ USA USA den 31 december 2010 .: UFO crash at Roswell.: Confidential report. Tim: Prisheltzy iz kosmosa? [Aliens from Space?]. Binding En ringbound 8½x11 AcqYear 2002 2006 Fund for UFO Research. Toby: Little Gray Men. Donald R. Karl T. 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UK GE GE GE GEP GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GFT GFT GH GH GH GH GH GH Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (FOA): Faktaskrift om elektromagnetisk puls. Paris. Russ: Spaceships of the visitors. Mystery helicopters and ani Fowler. Edited by Charles F. Ian J.Ufocod Author And Title GE Cleaver. Frank E. Strikeforce for the New World Order.: Report of triangle shaped object at Polzeath. Investigated by Dav Andersson. Crewe. & Massey.: Report of triangle shaped object at Tintagel. Allan: Politibil knust av UFO.and the choppers. Patrick: The field guide to UFOs.8.: Los OVNIs y sus ocupantes. Omar: 'Flying triangle' UFOs.79. Mystery helicopters and ani Adams. Paris. Buenos Ai Arg the author. Texas Project Stigma. Ted: Close encounters of the third kind. Thomas R. & Estes. Lockwood 6531 2715 4423 8445 5255 1164 A 1164 B 2824 2823 2430 5144 4772 3628 1410 7862 7863 2586 3778 3780 2377 78 119 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 Försvarets Forskningsanstalt. NY the author. 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Observation du 29 août 1967 (enquête réalisée en 197 González Manso. Alien visitors. C Avon. Coral & Jim: Flying saucer occupants. Greenwich. Eagle River Historical Society: Eagle River. William: The Gill sightings. Bergen Berlingske forlag. Grad. Isabel L. Ifologiska sällskapet: Joe Simontons byteshandel med rymdmännen. 202 cas au-dessous de tout soupcon. Antonio: Encuentros con humanoides. BC CUFOS. NY EDAF. & Stenödegård. Wisconsin Feschino. Rolf: An overview of extraterrestrial races: Who is Who in the greatest ga Webb. Weverbergh. [UFO. Puerto Rico CUFOS. A description of incidents during Gill. Gill. Röed: Norske naerkontakter av 3. Het UFOnautenepos. [Series producer: Michael Waterh Troëng. Steiger. Frank C. (Föredrag h Waeber.Olson]: Alien meetings. Barcelona UFO-Norge. Fry. & Estes.Ufocod Author And Title GH Randle. Jon & Anderson. Brad [Eugene E. Victoria. de Hartinger.year of the humanoids. Trondheim USA Sw Sw No den 31 december 2010 Sida 157 of 392 . Brad [Eugene E. West Vi USA Australian Flying Saucer Research Australi The Victorian UFO Research Societ Australi Mutual UFO Network of Ohio. Oslo Fireside. Stockholm Ifologiska Sällskapet. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4279 1 1 1997 1990 1982 1994 1979 1978 Planeta. Martín.: La conspiración Chupacabras. Bainbrid Ifologiska sällskapet: Fallet Gill. Charleston. Eric: Les apparitions d'humanoides. Zurcher. David: 1973 . Copenhagen Ace. temahefte. Krogh. NY Country USA Lang. Illinois Ken forlag. Devent Alain Lefeuvre. Russ: Faces of the visitors. June 1959. [Also: reprinted by Parthenon]. Jan S. Julien: UFOnauten in opmars. Father W.naerkontakter i Skandinavia. Ivan: Rymdmänniskornas landningar i Frankrike hösten 1954. Steiger. An analysis of the fall 1973 UFO/hum Werner. [orig: Alien meeting Stuart. Age: På sporet af ufonauten. Kevin D. Elisabeth: UFO . Eagl sc 8½x11 + digital PDF file1979 sc hc document document folio booklet dupl A4 dupl A4 ringbound A4 2008 2007 1988 2006 2004 1983 1983 1987 Quarrier Press. Stockholm NIVFO. Ted: Close encounters at Kelly and others of 1955. Evanston. Jorge J. El más completo análisis del inquie Davis. Undersökelser av en kj 4311 3553 926 953 5198 5955 V 507 6012 1111 2197 4867 2772 7396 251 6501 6135 1497 5517 4646 499 505 1457 1 3 3 3 Sp No Da USA Sp UK Sw Sp No Da En Sp En Sw sc booklet pt pt sc video VHS dupl A4 sc 2003 2002 1983 1979 2005 2006 1975 2006 1 Translations 1979 1 3 2 3 BM-01111 3 1 3 1 3 BM-00251 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1999 1961 2005 1976 1994 1976 1979 1997 1978 2007 2004 1959? 1978 2004 196? 196? 1984 Canada En USA No Netherl Fr Puerto USA USA En No Dutch Fr Sp En En En En En En Sw Sw No ringbound A4 + digital PDF1978 sc hc sc sc 1994 2004 2000 2009 Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes bv. The cover-up of the Flatwoods Gill. Nice CEDICOP. Binding En sc AcqYear 2003 2005 GH GH GH GH GH GH GH GH GH GH GH GH GHC GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX Ribera. & Bloecher. Colu Ifologiska Sällskapet. Pete. Nick (director): Creatures fantastic: aliens. jr: The Braxton County monster. 1994] Skjelborg.Olson]: Contactos con extraterrestres. [Anglican missionary. Evanston. William Booth: The New Guinea UFO report. San Juan. Kolbjörn: Mosjöenrapporten. Illinois Eagle River Historical Society. Madrid BBC Wildvision production Ifologiska Sällskapet. Delbert: UFO close encounter case. Stockholm Trafford Publishing. Clas & Liljegren. Helsingborg Joseph Simonton Editorial Pomaire. Alpine.psychic close encounters. Joplin. 754 778 4366 5194 947 A 947 B 3649 A 3649 B 7875 3205 7998 2097 3574 7018 1705 6112 630 8178 1666 3760 7127 2305 1 5 2 No Sw USA Sp USA UK Sw Sw No Sw En Sp En En Sw Sw booklet A4 dupl A4 document sc hc pt booklet booklet ringbound sc sc sc sc booklet 8½x11 digital PDF file booklet sc booklet booklet A4 document pt sc sc 1983 1975 2003 2005 2000 1979 2002 2007 2010 2002 2010 1994 2002 2010 1991 2007 1975 2010 1990 2003 2009 1996 Sida 158 of 392 1 Translations 1978 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 BM-07018 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1976 1978 1989 1998 1980 1999 1998 1994 1984 1998 1988 2007 1967 1971 1976 1999 1994? 1995 Monaco Fr USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En Sw En En En Ocotillo Enterprises. En svensk närkontakt 1958. [2:a Dewilde. Clas & Liljegren. Ray: Socorro saucer. The visitation experience: an environmental h Budden. Budden. Calif the author. Trondheim Parthenon. Binding Sw document A¤ AcqYear 2001 2006 GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GHX GI GI GI GI GL GLG GLG GLG GLG GLG GM GM GM Norsk UFO Center (NUFOC): Norsk naerkontakt af tredje grad. Austin. no. Houston. Naperville. Oak USA Ozark Playgrounds Assn.: CE-5. Illinois Sourcebooks. Richard F. 3). Svahn. Naperville. Anders: Domstensfallet. Close encounters of the fifth kind. Texas the author. Robert: Spooksville's ghost lights. Wyatt: Spooklights. Joe: The story of the flying saucer. (Mosjöen 1954). San Francisco www.Ufocod Author And Title GHX Liljegren. Schuessler. Judith M: The Marfa lights. Washington USA UFO-Institutet. Monaco Sourcebooks. Norrköping UFO-Sverige. Anders: Domstensfallet. Vallée. Virginiam (editor): Celestial healing. The amazine Cloverdale. Being a collection of first-hand accounts by pe Cox. vol. Brueske. Texas Fontana. 242 case files exposin Haines. Alabama spooklight mystery. (Journal of Scientific Exploration. Albert: Allergies and aliens. Close encounters that cure. London Sw USA UK UK den 31 december 2010 . Henry: "Ljuset". Stanford. Illinois LDA Press. Mansfield. London AFU. ( Svensson. George Rogers: Origin of the Brown Mountain Light in North Carolina. The electromagnetic endictment. [orig: Socorro 'saucer' in a Pentagon pantry] Stanford. NY Discovery Times Press Blandford. Mariestad Signet. Parthenon: Papua-rapporten. John F. Richard F. Anders: Gideon Johanssons observation av ett "flygande tefat" i Mariann Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2867 1 1 1997 198? 1980 197? 1961 Norsk UFO Center. Svahn. Jacques: Optical analysis. Loftin. as it was seen by Joe Simonton. Albert: UFOs . Richard F.: Close encounters of the fifth kind: responses of UFO and huma Haines. En svensk närkontakt 1958. Simonton. Klipp kring en gåtfull händelse Aronsson.: UFO flight characteristics. Ray: Socorro 'saucer' in a Pentagon Country Sw Lang. Roger-Luc: Ne résistez pas aux extratrerrestres! Le "conta Haines. Sala Éditions du Rocher. Ray: El escandalo del OVNI.ufo. Barcelona Blueapple Books. 12. Marius & Mary.: Project Delta: a study of multiple UFOs. Stanford. Texas Ghost Research Society Press. ett tragiskt 50-års minne. M USA US Geological Survey. Los Angeles. Jenny & Hough. From author's manuscript in Polish NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena): Electro-magneti Niemtzow. Stephen: My encounter with the UFO.: Radio-frequency radiation. Washington DC Dell. Donald E. [Orig. VISIT. Alfred: Electric UFOs. Innsbruck VISIT. Adolf: Physiologische und psychosomatische Wirkungen der Strahlen u Schuessler. (ed. Antonio F. A NICAP Leir. Mill Spring. London Uitgeverij BZZTõH. With an introduction by Whitley Strieber. North Caroli USA the author. Derrel: Latest report. John F. [ Leir. George.: UFO-related human psychological effects. Keyhoe.R.C.Ufocod Author And Title GM Budden. Nort USA the author Avon. Roger K. Calif Resch. FIRST: Latest medical / scientific data. John F. NC USA En En En En En En En En En sc booklet 8½x11 document 8½x11 document booklet (2 orig. Friendswood. Karl T.: Human reactions to UFOs worldwide (1940-1983). James M. Martinez.: Effects of UFOs upon people. Texas the authors Erehwon Grafton. Lincolnton. John F.: The best hoax in UFO history? Randles. Schuessler. Texas USA USA Canada En USA USA USA USA UK Holland USA Austria USA USA USA En En En En En Dutch En Ge En En En En 1 Translations 1989 1 2 1 1 1 1 2000 1982 198? 198? 1996 2000 Saber Enterprises.: Cash-Landrum radiation case. 1 copy) pt hc (1) sc (2) document A4 pt booklet (photo copy) stapled booklet document document document pt sc document A4 sc booklet 8½x11 document sc 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 2004 2010 2001 2003 1975 2006 2003 2002 2003 2010 2009 2006 2006 2006 2006 2000 2002 2003 2006 2006 1996 2002 The author. True accounts of people healed by extraterrestrial Fawcett. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2592 3 1 1998 1967 1996 1986 1986 1996 1969 2000 1998 1987 1999 1967 1960 19?? 19?? 1997 1988 Blandford. George D. Houston. & Schuessler.D. Winnipeg NICAP. Texas the author. Houston. & Schuessler.: Seeking the mechanism for paralysis Pflock. True tales of positive alien enc Michalak. published in Evans & Michaels. Gordon I.: Evaluation of medical injuries resultin Niemtzow. Houston. Lincolnton. Washington D. Roger K. Preston: UFO healings. Scientific proof of extraterrestrial implant McCampbell. NY Osnova Publications. NY USA USA USA USA Granite Publishing. Richard D.): Strange effects from UFOs. & Lore.: (Combined reports:) Human reactions to UFOs worldwide (19 Fawcett. The search for evidence in human/alien interactions. Texas VISIT. Deducing odorant chemistry and causation fr Schneider. Richard D.: The aliens and the scalpel. Jenny & Hough. Schuessler. electromagnetics and abnormal states. Fireballs. Friendswood. Peter: Death by supernatural causes? Randles. Columbus. Im 4544 7929 2082 3981 740 4129 B 4129 A 3405 4183 8209 7436 5782 5783 5819 5843 2743 3551 4349 5903 5905 2354 3604 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wild Flower Press. Binding En sc AcqYear 1999 2005 GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM Dennett.: Casebook: alien implants. Texas USA den 31 december 2010 Sida 159 of 392 . Sims.: Odors from UFOs. Biological effects. London Country UK Lang. Peter [Peter Eicher]: We come as friends. NC FIRST NICAP. John F. John F. Peter: Dood door paranormale oorzaak? [orig: Death by Rullán. Gravenhage the author. Gentofte SUFOI. Richard H. Klassiske beretninger Jorden rundt. Höganäs Bookseller Inc. Lester H. Klassiske beretninger Jorden rundt. Gentofte Da Da den 31 december 2010 . Volume II. Washington DC Barnes & Noble. Torino Dansk UFO Center. A thirty-year report. San Bruno. Lanham. Un scientifique à la recherche du contact avec un van Utrecht. Dwight (editor): The world's best UFO cases. CUFOS: Physical traces of UFO sightings. C USA SOBEPS. Martinsville. Illinois NICAP. NY Robert Laffont. Jacques: Confrontations.): The UFO evidence. Evanston. Don with Galbraith. A scientist's search for alien contact.]: The UFO casebook. Claude & Ashton. CUFOS: Physical traces of UFO sightings. Illinois Internet document UFO Research Coalition the author Country USA Lang.Ufocod Author And Title GM Stewart. Vicente-Juan: A catalogue of 200 type-1 UFO events in Spain and Berliner. Peter [ed. A computer printout. Antonio: Unidentified flying objects Blevins. Marie & Huneeus. [Reprint].: Psychological/physiological effects of UFO encounters. Binding En document 8½x11 AcqYear 1998 2009 GM GM GM GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO Vallée. Peter [red]: Märkliga UFO-fall. London Bokorama. 1671 A 7632 6024 6389 59 58 6085 2669 A 3029 A 3029 B 3828 3834 B 3834 A 1423 6455 2502 A 2502 B 741 A 741 B 3207 2413 2414 2 USA Fr Be Italy Da USA USA USA En Fr En En Da En En En En En En En En Sw En En En En En En Da Da hc sc document A4 1990 2009 2006 1 Translations 1991 1 2 BM-06389 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 2 2 2001 2008 1974 1976 2007 1995 1999 1999 1976 1990 1984 1987 2004 1977 1980 1964 1997 2000 1997 1997 sc + CD + digital PDF file 2009 dupl A4 ringbound 8½x11 document in binder booklet 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 document A4 hc A4 sc hc sc list list in binder 1976 1983 2007 2000 2002 2005 2003 2003 2009 1987 2008 2006 1998 Phaedra Enterprises. Belgium UPIAR. Peter [ed. Startling cases and astonishing phot Brookesmith. Jacques: UFOer over Spanien og Portugal Ballester Olmos. Hall. Jacques: Confrontations. David: On this day in UFO history… A representative compilation of 366 in Blevins. Kim Møller: UFO'ernes verden. David: On this day in UFO history… A representative compilation of 366 in Bourtembourg. Hall. Startling cases and astonishing phot Brookesmith. Hall. 1. Hansen.Research and Analysis. Wim: Cash-Landrum UFO identified? Ballester Olmos. (ed. NY Belgiu UK UK Sw US USA USA USA USA sc 8½x11 (1 copy as hardc 1975 sc 8½x11 hc booklet A5 booklet A5 2003 2002 1997 1997 Sida 160 of 392 Scarecrow Press. IL Center for UFO Studies CUFOS. Marylan USA SUFOI. UFO ph Brookesmith. C USA Phaedra Enterprises. Alice: SOBEPS . Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2565 1 1 19?? 1991 1990 Ballantine. Vicente-Juan & Vallée. Kim Møller: UFO'ernes verden.]: The UFO casebook. Evanston. Bruxelles Black Cat. Ole Jonny: Norway in UFO photographs Ballester Olmos.: The UFO Evidence. Vicente-Juan & Braenne. 2. London Orbis Publishing. A computer printout. Antwerp. Hansen. Vallée. Marie & Huneeus. Don with Galbraith. Berättelser och bilder från möten med f Connelly. 2nd edition. Antonio: The UFO briefing docume Berliner. (ed. San Bruno. [1st edition]. Richard H. Paris Caelestia. Richard H.): The UFO evidence. Thisted CUFOS. Thomas M (ed. North Hobart. Wisc SUFOI. Monte-carlo Book Club Associates (BCA). Brinsley (ed. Tasmanian computer catalogu Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre: Tasmanian landings catalogue. Edition No. UFO-Sveriges rapportcentral: UFO-rapporter 1986. (ed. NCCUFOR (National Catalogue Center for UFO Reports): The 1972 catalogue of th Nolan. London Citadel. NJ UFO Information Retrieval Center. United Aerial Phenomena Agency. UAPA: Flying saucers 1947-1967. Arco. UFO-Sverige. Tasmania United Aerial Phenomena Agency. Smedjebacken Monaco Fr UK Australi Australi Australi USA USA Sw Sw En En En En En En Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 161 of 392 .) : Flying saucer classics. Randles.: UFO report from Wisconsin. Binding Da booklet A5 AcqYear 1997 1997 GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO Heiden. Spencer. Kim Møller: UFO'ernes verden. Milwaukee. Cleveland. Gentofte Country Da Lang. Dayton. NY Barnes & Noble Books. 1968. Randles. London Rapide Publishing Éditions Regain. Extracted fr Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre: TASCAT-87. Sterling. Klassiske beretninger Jorden rundt. Jenny: Alien contact. Jessup. 3. The first fifty years. Jenny: Alien contact. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2415 2 2 1997 1997 1981 1998 1956 1958 1968 1972 1990 1966 1995 1997 1997 1997 1996 1970 1991 1979 1987 1985 1968 1967? 1987 1990 the author. [ Olsen. redovisning från UFO-Sveriges UFO-Sveriges rapportcentral: UFO-rapporter 1989. redovisning från UFO-Sveriges 1631 2610 1049 1250 6692 5770 8245 837 4285 4286 B 4286 C 4286 A 5849 7530 2363 5973 A 1475 5973 B 6840 6841 1435 1670 1 2 3 BM-01049 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 USA USA UK USA USA UK USA USA USA USA USA UK UK En En En En En En En En En En En En En copy booklet 8½x11 hc + digital PDF file hc stapled 8½x11 document folio booklet ringbound 8½x11 sc (1) hc(1) hc sc hc sc sc hc document A4 document A4 document A4 sheets A4 stapled 8½x11 document A5 document A4 1990 1999 1975 1985 2008 2006 2010 1975 2003 2004 2003 2006 2006 2009 1996 2006 1987 2006 2009 2009 1987 1990 United Aerial Phenomena Agency. Tasmania TUFOIC. Lond TUFOIC. Le Poer Trench. North Hobart. Morris K. Jenny & Hough. John: UFOs. the definitive casebook. Allan J. Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre: A Tasmanian landing catalogue. Pat: UFOdaze… a ten years worth of the history of the UFO phenomenon. (ed): The UFO annual. Randles. North Hobart.: Around and about the saucer world. Rick R.Ufocod Author And Title GO Hansen. Randles. Where UFO's are seen … Nov. Randles. Peter: World's best "true" UFO stories. Maurice: Les soucoupes volantes aux frontières de l'impossible. 2 UAPA: [UFO maps]. Sala UFO-Sverige. NY Collins & Brown. Ohio NCCUFOR. Jenny: Alien contact. Staffordshire UFOdaze. The first fifty years. The first fifty years. New York Sterling. Hilberg. [Booklet issued with the magazine Si Santos. Walsall. Tasmania TUFOIC. Jenny: The greatest UFO sightings. Published by "Flying saucer digest". NY UAPA. Richard W.): The reference for outstanding UFO sighting reports.): Flying Saucer Review's world roundup of UFO sight Manak. Ole [red. Encounters with orbs. Robert M. Benito Juarez Planeta. covers Benitez. Pr Australi Wilson and Horton Ltd. & Warner. Arnhem the author Fundaction Anomalia Giunti e Nardini Editore. Binding En sc AcqYear 2005 1976 Jamestown Publishers. Azharul Asriq. Barcelona Planeta. & Puckett. John F. Eine Bilddokumentation. 1983. Katie & Pickering. cover Boccone.: Analysis of a UFO photograph. Tim: UFOs: the startling truth. SUFOI. Photographs f Benitez. Terry: UFO . volume II. Skandinavisk UFO informat No Könemann. Edgar: De Waarheid over UFO's. Kim Møller: Focus på UFO'er. Syed's Ballester Olmos. Katalog over 120 danske type-1 observat Allan.J. Eric: Reanalysis of the 1965 Heflin UFO p Furniss. Systeme d'acquisition et d'analyse de spectres pho Haines. Basterfield. Michael: UFOs. Los Altos. [Trilogy on photographic evidence. Completed on Nov 14. J.]: UFO-fotos. Album Part 1/Part2/Part 3. Richard F. Diaserie og teksthaefte.: Terror en la Luna. covers Benitez. J. J. Seconda edizione. & Kelson. Bandini. volume III. Barcelona Edizioni Ivaldi Editore. Henningsen. Vicente-Juan: The year 1954 in photos. 1119 B 2969 7009 6893 3782 4899 5320 1693 A 1693 B 3798 3803 7095 6917 2511 414 5545 7250 8005 3211 6590 5044 2862 3 3 1 BM-07009 1 BM-06893 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 BM-06917 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Da Netherl Malaysi Sp It Da Dutch En Sp It En sc large format digital PDF file digital PDF file hc document copy A4 sc sc sc sc sc A4 digital PDF file booklet A4 booklet A5 booklet A4 document sc booklet A4 booklet sc hc 1979 2002 2010 2009 2003 2005 2006 2003 1991 2003 2003 2009 2009 1998 1983 2006 2009 2010 2002 2010 2005 2001 Sida 162 of 392 UFO Research (South Australia). Ann. la realtà nascosta. Syed: Syed's UFO photographs. 21 famous UFO sightings - Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5222 2 3 1994 1975 1978 1979 199? 2004 1973 1978 1974 1982 1989 1982 1982 1980 2000 1978 1983 2006 1983 2006 1982 197-? 2001 1980 FUFOS. volume I. Keith: A source catalogue of Australasian UFO reports where photogra Bell. NY Ge USA den 31 december 2010 . John: Beyond photography. Calif O Books. Margaret B. Willy: UFO-landinger i Danmark. Franco: Il misterio dei dischi volanti. Richard F. Druffel. Köln McGraw-Hill. Hesemann.: Alien & Remarkable pictures from around the world. GEPAN: Note technique no. William: Analysis of digital video aerial event of Octo Haines. Luciano: UFO.J. Manchester GEPAN New Ze En Sp Mexico Sp Sp It USA UK Fr Sp Sp Sp Sp It En En Fr En En En Da No Ge En Kiyoshi Amamiya. Genova the authors World Distributors.: La gran oleada. [Trilogy on photographic evidence. Auckland Planeta. Hants.: Los visitantes. [Trilogy on photographic evidence. Barcelona Planeta. USA GO GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP Wegner. angels a Hansen. Providence. [Trilogy on photographic evidence.: La gran oleada. [Fotocat Report # 1]. Copenhagen Kwarts uitgevereij. Teksthefte.J. R Hall. Wood. volume III. [Besucher aus dem Weltall]. Gentofte USA UK Da SUFOI. Ropley. Knight.J. Sky People Asso Japan the author. covers 18 Benitez. Firenze Country Lang.18. J. David C: UFOs: a pictorial history from antiquity to the present.Ufocod Author And Title GO Warner. : UFO photographs in color. & Roberts. [Vol. Ariz UFO-Sverige. Binding En booklet AcqYear 2002 2010 GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP GP Maria. Hubert: Das Geheimnis der unbekannten Flugobjekt Schneider. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Barcelona de Vecchi. Adolf & Malthaner.faktabärare eller illusion? Stanway. Wendelle C. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Antonio & Farriols. V Stevens. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Rafael: Un caso perfecto. José: Estamos aqui. R. Matsumura. Yusuke J. Vol. Wendelle C. Clas (red. Vol. Paris Cielosur. Rapaël: Preuves de l'existence des soucupes volantes. Guillermo & Alvarez. August C.Ufocod Author And Title GP Kodak: Applied infrared photography. Ribera.): Bland tefatsfoton och UFO-bilder. A preliminary report relating to a UFO Stevens.: UFO photographs around the world.): UFO-billedhefte. Hubert: UFO-fotoboek. Wendelle C. Freiburg Sp Ja Mexico Da USA USA Sp Fr Arg Ge Sp En Sp Da En En Sp Fr Sp Ge Du Sw En En En En En En En En En Sw sc booklet A4 sc booklet A5 hc booklet 8½x11 hc hc (1) sc (2) sc hc hc ringbound A4 document in binder hc hc digital PDF digital PDF digital PDF digital PDF digital PDF digital PDF ringbound A4 2003 2001 2009 1975 1999 1975 2003 2000 2003 1999 2004 2002 2009 1998 1998 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2005 1 Translations 1979 2 1 3 2 1 BM-06312 1 BM-06313 1 BM-06340 1 BM-06314 1 BM-06315 1 BM-06316 3 2003 1975 1986 1985 1993 1993 200-? 1997? 199-? 199-? 199? Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes BV. Pedersen. Buenos Aires Hermann Bauer. 5. Schneider.: "A challenge to science". & Mikami. Mellerud the author UFO Photo Archives. Yokohama L. Tucson. Tucson. Rochester. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Valencia CBA International. Wendelle C. Roger H. 1].): Extraterrestres ante las cámaras. Tucson. Tucson. & Roberts. Adolf & Malthaner.: UFO photographs around the world. NY Country USA Lang. Documentatie over vliegende Skoog. Tucson.: UFO photographs around the world. Frank (red. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3300 1 1 1977 2007 1983 1976 2009? 1966 1997 1967 1976 1976 1978 1977 Eastman Kodak. Luis Ruiz (ed. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. 4. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. best of Meier UFO photos Stevens. 4160 2722 7437 1006 2640 335 4300 2745 4335 2646 4812 3608 7575 2566 2567 6312 6313 6340 6314 6315 6316 5204 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 3 1 3 Equinocio de Primavera. Mexico SUFOI Barnes & Noble. Devent Ne the author. V Stevens. Noguez ?. Wendelle C. Randles. V Stevens. August C. Tucson. Kozo: A catalogue of alleged UFO pictures in Jap Noguez. 2. Sala Sw UK USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 163 of 392 .: UFO photographs in color. Vol.: UFO photographs around the world. Wendelle C. NY Kling House. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. V Stevens. Stevens. Ribera. Tucson. Tucson. Wendelle C. 1. & Roberts. Stevens. best of Meier UFO photos Svahn. Roger: Den fotografiska bilden . Antonio & Farriols. series in sequence. Roncoroni. Wendelle C. Studio City.: UFO photographs in color. Calif Plaza & Janes.: UFO photographs in color. Real Magazine (editors of): Flying saucers illustrated. Jenny: UFOs and how to see them. & Roberts. Vol. Gustavo: Los OVNI y la evidencia fotografica. August C. Quinta edicion. August C. Ufocod Author And Title GP Szücs. Quentin: Let's hope they're friendly.: The alleged Roswell Archive footage.: Failure at science. Hansen. SUFOI: UFO'er på film. Gentofte MUFON-CES the author PublishAmerica. Budapest Country Hungar Lang. Robert D.Example for a class B UFO report Maccabee. Jones. Philip: Alien autopsy inquest. Kenny: Report on the 1994 Fernald UFO disturbance. Mobile. The Buckinghamshire UFO movi Startup. Cheshire Hodder and Stoughton. Jenny: Fire in the sky. Robert & Kriston. the eye and the camera. The definitive report. Auckland SUFOI Ge USA USA UK UK Da Germa USA USA UK sc + document in binder (fr2007 booklet hc 2010 1983 New Ze En Da De En En Da Da Da Da En document A4 + 5 diapositi 2010 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 booklet A5 booklet A4 booklet 2003 1990 1978 1978 1975 Arcturus Book Service. Indiana USA den 31 december 2010 . Graham W. Dansk IGAP: Viitasagen forelöbig afsluttet. Bill & Illingworth. Kim Møller: UFO´er over New Zealand. Illobrand von: "The Greifsvald lights" .7: I Marziani? [Special issue of Italian photo mag Webner. Specialrapport. Stuttgart the author reprint Quest Publications International Ltd Angus & Robertson. Olavo: Trinidade-observationerne . (Extranr av UFO-Kontakt). Fontes. Stone Moun USA the author. Binding Hu hc AcqYear 1994 2006 GP GP GP GP GP GPF GPF GPF GPF GPF GPF GPF GPF GPF GPF GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX Vance. Adrian: UFOs. jr: Observational evidence of anomalistic phenomena. Franco (editor): Skema no. London SUFOI. Dansk IGAP: UFO'er over Odense. Case history two. Copenhagen SUFOI. Peter G. Robert D: The Gulf Breeze photographs: an historical record. Stockport. Alabama Dansk IGAP Dansk IGAP UFO-Nyts forlag. Young. Ludwiger. Baltimore BUFORA. Klaus: Wesen aus dem Weltraum? Erste Dokumentation der Welt über fot Westphal. Bruce S.: UFO.): They hover above us. Robert M. [The Jou Birdsall. Baker. NY Skema. Boyd. 1075 925 2293 2096 4875 6080 2218 1729 1192 6938 2532 6196 8356 951 3646 3830 1610 245 246 337 5036 5593 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 BM-06938 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 USA It En En Ge Ge En En En En Da En En En En hc booklet A4 sc sc ringbound 8½x11 document booklet A4 sc booklet A4 digital PDF file document A4 1979 1975 1995 1994 2004 2007 1995 2001 1984 2010 1998 Klaus Webner Produktionen. Bologna UJ Venusz. Kim Møller: Rex Heflin-sagen. Gentofte USA Da Da Da Da document with diapositives2005 sc + CD photo file + CD vi 2006 Sida 164 of 392 AuthorHouse. Wiesb Ge Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. Venda (pseud. Das Buch von den Fliegende Undertassen.der fremtvang officiel brasiliansk anerk Hansen. [Document includes five diapositives]. Vanni. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2155 1 1 1993 1999 1977 1970 1993 1968 1994 1968 1995 1982 1980 2000 1980 2007 1989 1980 19?? 1988 1990 1975 1976 1963 1983 2006 Barlemir House. Fogarty. Endre: UFO album. Randles. L. Bloomington.: Comments on 'Unfamiliar observations of lights in the night sk Mantle. Neil: The Kaikoura UFOs. Boyd. ): Trinidade Island (Brazil) UFO sighting (& photographs) of 1 Overall. The "ghost-demon" photo controversy. München Bantam Press. Ed & Frances: The Gulf Breeze sightings. Special issue in English. Smith. Oslo UFO Belgium Wm Morrow. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Stud USA SUFOI/Strubes. UFO Belgium: The Eison-UFO. Rafael: UFOs i fokus. En bok om elementär radarteknik. Björn: Luftens dirigenter. Die Dokumentation der Begegnungen in Walters. The most astounding multiple si Walters. NY Droemer Knaur. Walters. William L. Lars: Bakom hemligstämpeln. The Gulf Breeze sightings. Walters. Ed & Frances: UFO's. & Vickers. Bjarne: Myran. Antwerp the author. Stock Sw den 31 december 2010 . Villa. van Utrecht. Mt. Lennart W. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1570 1 2 1967 1981 198? 1990 1972 1990 1988 1983 1984 1990 the author. Arne P. Nässjö Forum. Apolinar & Stevens. The Paul V 5745 4243 854 1811 4835 1669 1597 1678 A 8514 1678 B 4417 2287 2292 6335 8425 6093 6478 4536 3110 6139 2601 5505 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 William L Moore Publications.: Exceptional UFO-pictures from Norway. NY Caelestia. Washington DC Country USA Lang.: A preliminary study of unidentified targets o Darwall. Anders: Radar. Tucson. Djurberg. Edward & Maccabee. En hemlig anläggning går ur tiden. Tirey K. Hemlig verksamhet i FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research): Spaceships or mirages over Washington Nation Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (FOA): FOA orienterar om. Longwood. London Avon. Willy: The Gulf Breeze saga. (ed. Richard C. 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Burb USA En En Da En En En En En Ge En En En Ge En En En Sw Sw Sw Sw En En document booklet 8½x11 sc document document 8½x11 document A4 dupl A4 hc hc hc pt sc booklet A5 digital PDF booklet document sc hc sc hc booklet 8½x11 booklet 2006 2003 1983 1991 2004 1990 1989 1990 2010 1991 2003 1995 1995 2008 2010 2007 2008 2004 2002 2007 1999 2006 Sida 165 of 392 J. Willy: Dialogue with a political ufologist. Binding En document AcqYear 1989 2005 GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX GPX Moore. Klaus: Die Nagora fotoserie kritisch betrachtet. In Blekinge flygflottilj Air Historic Research. Philip J. Willy: Gulf Breeze post-mortem. Smith. Frick. Thomassen. & Rosander. Ribera. Copenhagen the author. Wim & van der Veldt. [orig: Un caso perfecto]. Stockholm Historiska Media.: The Lucci UFO photos…an analysis. Darwall. Wendelle: UFO contact from Coma Berensis. Texas.): The investigation of UFOs over the Oak Ridge atomic ener Quest Publications: USAF records relating to UFOs seen and intercepted over sen Salas. Raymond: Face aux extra-terrestres. Maccabee. Raymond: Face aux extra-terrestres. Bruce S.A. Avon. Fort Collins. Hemmeligt dokument afslörer ufo-landing ved a Moore. Denied evidence of Birnes. Tuls USA Timeless Voyager Press. Le dossier francai 5751 6721 8401 5923 5947 7748 7749 2501 5484 V 5508 5686 1460 5741 8346 7527 2941 3688 5323 3059 206 388 A 388 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 William L Moore Publications. Stone.: UFO landing. William J. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1008 3 1 1974 1969 1986 1969 2008 19?? 1990 2010 2005 1981 2006 2001 1985 1987 198? 1992 2005 1992 2000 1986 1982 1973 1975 1975 SUFOI. national security. Glen & Powell. Vasquez.] Tilton. New York Mutual UFO Network. Illinois International UFO Congress. with Moore. the author the author Adams Media. [The 1967 missile/UFO incidents. Phillip M.: Radar design principles. Kastrup Country Da Lang. New York CUFOS. Evanston. Benson.: The puzzling flight of the Lacy 17. Tom: Misinterpretation of slime molds as UFO physical trace evidence. Mass. William L. Josephine & Vallée. John & Holms. or W Maccabee. Ole (red. Stephenville. Bruce Stephen: Incident at Fort Benning. Signal processing and the environme Schulze. Le dossier francai Garreau.: Aliens in America. A UFO hunter's guide toextraterrestrial hotspo Bishop. Step Shough. Mame USA UK Da Fr Fr ringbound (1) booklet (1) 2001 sc document booklet A4 booklet A4 sc pt 2002 2006 2002 1976 2009 1979 Sida 166 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Military radar/visual cases. Clifford E.S.): UFO'er på radar. Steuart: Close encounter at Livingston. [37th annual MUFON internati Gardner. Martyin Lawrence: Radar and the UFO. Santa Bar USA the author BUFORA. William L. bases in 19 Feindt. Copenhagen Jean-Pierre Delarge. Paris Jean-Pierre Delarge.Ufocod Author And Title GR Henningsen. (ed. Undersögelse af amerikanske landi Garreau. Fred E.F. Campbell. Robert & Klotz. Edited by Charles F. and the CUFOS: Documents describing UFO / helicopter overflights of U. The story of Paul Bennewitz. Burb McGraw-Hill. Lockwood Clark. Bruce S. London FUFOS.: UFO landings near Kirtland AFB. Binding Da booklet A4 AcqYear 1979 2002 GR GR GR GR GR GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GT GT GT GT GT Moore. Robert: Special research report.: UFO: the Griffiss connection. Firest 1st Books the authors SUFOI. Burb Quest Publications the authors USA USA USA UK USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Da USA UK USA En En En En En En En En En En En Da En En En En En En En Da Fr Fr reprint hc document 8½x11 print original document sc pt documents in binder DVD sc document booklet A5 booklet document A4 sc 2006 2008 2010 2006 2006 2010 2010 1998 2006 2006 2006 1987 2006 2010 2009 the author & Crux Publications. A sophisticated electronic-sur Nathanson. Jacques: Landinger.: Special report 4. James: Faded giant. William L. Gentofte William L Moore Publications. Paraview Pocket Books. Charles & Lavier. Christa: ’The Bennewitz papers’. Carl: Physical influences of a UFO on water. Charles & Lavier. Greg: Project Beta. 8. Enquete 81/01. Andrews. Stephen J. Ted: Unidentified flying objects: the physical evidence. Ted: Physical traces associated with UFO sightings. (AIAA 13th Aerospa Ridge. Phillips. 79/06. Bath USA UK UK UK den 31 december 2010 . Oslo Indre Ledelse Forlag. Bath Vega Forlag. Chorost. N USA Gateway Books. UK New Page Books. Calif. Karen: Crop circle yearbook 2005. Michael: Circles of note: A reader's guide to the crop circle phenomenon. Brekkestö. Umberto: The analysis of an anomalus soil track recovered at locality of 'S Alexander. Jacques: Physical analysis. Leigh-on-Sea. A preliminary catalog. Trondheim CUFOS. Trondheim Norsk UFO Center. Andrew: The circlemakers. Crop circle events iin Essex durin Davis. San Francisco the author. 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Jimenez.harbingers of world change. Durham. San Francisco. (Öydeskyvatn hösten 91). Andrew: The Woodham Bee and others. Beth (ed. C. Collins. 12. Franklin Lakes. J-P Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 404 1 1 1981 1982 1983 1971 1979 1979 1975 1975 1988 1991 1977 1998 1988 1990 2005 2003 1992 2010 2004 1993 1991 1992 1992 1992 GEPAN UFO-Skaraborg Norsk UFO Center. Steve & Alexander.16. Temporary Temple Press.): Report on the results of Project Argus: An instrumented stu Chorost. no. (Th. Enquete no. Bartholomew. Björn: Antenrapporten. Brekkestø. Primary witness: Charles Englebrecht. June Röed. Gosport. Eva-Marie: Korncirkler: underverk i åkeren. (Journal of Scientific Exploration. Essex Gateway Books. vol.: Crop circles. Colin with Spignesi.: UFO incident report. Binding Fr booklet A5 AcqYear 1983 1983 GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GTA GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GEPAN: Note technique no. 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Grounding the phenomenon in science Randles. and the secret history of 1870 7870 6132 4604 7952 7963 6153 2421 4103 8107 8167 6965 2340 1643 2884 4736 2896 1936 5166 2641 8395 6260 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 BM-06965 3 3 1 1 2 3 2 UK UK USA UK UK UK USA UK Germa Ge UK UK UK En En En En En En En En Ge Ge En En En En En En En En En Hu En En sc hc large format booklet A5 booklet sc document sc pt hc sc digital PDF file hc hc booklet small format sc hc hc sc booklet sc 1992 2010 2007 2004 2010 2010 2007 1997 2003 2010 2010 2010 1996 1990 2001 2004 2001 1992 2005 1999 2010 2007 Sida 168 of 392 Artetech Publishing Comp. Francesco. John (ed. California Gateway Books. Binding Sw booklet AcqYear 1994 1990 GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR Delgado. Glaston Regent Press. Paul & Randles. Despatches from the crop circles. Pat & Andrews. Jim: Round in circles. Terence: The circles effects and its mysteries. Meaden. Hants. Ralph (ed. Bordon. 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Stockholm BonnierFakta. Igor & Tzareva. Anders: Ubåtshotet. Ed & Kris: The 1996 Laguna Canyon crop circle formation. psychic Thomas. Leitenberg. Andy & Bura. Svensk neutralitetspolitik från Napoleonkrigen t Butcher. En kritisk granskning av Hårsfjärden-incidenten o Hellberg. Tio dagar som skakade Sverige. The complet Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4827 1 1 1996 2002 1991 1997 2003 2005 2004 1986 1990 1985 1996 1989 1971 1985 1988 1987 1962 1983 1984 1984 1993 1984 1978 1987 Country Lang. A true story of crop circles. Busty: Crop circles of 1991. UK S. Andy: Swirled harvest. Stockholm Atlantis. Richard: Submarine versus submarine. Views from the crop circle frontline. En antolo Försvarsstaben: Sammandrag av och tillämpningsföreskrifter till IKFN. Vedd: Historier från Kullabygd. Dess taktik och verksamhet. Paul: Quest for contact. Monsters & midgets. Dragan: Sovjetspionage i Sverige. Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 2004 2003 Millenium Research. 4387 4391 6825 8499 4877 2957 6370 3012 2378 7770 4494 4950 4951 3141 3154 3155 3214 6587 3242 3277 3278 3321 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Beckhampton Books. Fischer & Co. East Su UK En En En Ru Sw Sw Sw Sw It Sw En En En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En sc sc sc hc sc sc sc booklet A4 document A4 sc booklet A4 hc hc sc booklet booklet sc hc hc hc sc sc 2003 2003 2008 2010 2004 2002 2008 2002 1997 2010 2004 2005 2005 2002 2002 2002 2002 2008 2002 2002 2002 2002 Sida 169 of 392 Vital Signs. Publications. Lars (red. Catalogo italiano degli avvistamenti di oggetti sommer Braconier. Moscow Bokförlaget Kullen Liber. Seaford. Hur man rapporterar iakttagelser som kan Hasselbohm. Örlog och debatt. Stockholm T. IKFNFörsvarsstaben: Våra objudna besökare. Agrell. Thomas. krigsplanläggning och dipl Agrell. Anders 6 Jörle. Milton: Soviet submarine operations in Swedish waters 1980-1986. Compton-Hall. Wilhelm: Bakom ubåtskrisen. Santa Monica. Marco: USOCAT. Marlborough.B.): Med alla till buds stående medel.Ufocod Author And Title GTR Sherwood. Del I. Stockholm UPIAR. Cookbridge. Ingemar & Hansson. Stockholm Prisma. Wilhelm: Det välorganiserade nederlaget. Newton Abbot. Hans von: I kamp mot överheten. Compton-Hall. Militär verksamhet. Dragan: Sovjethotet mot Norden. Fredrik: Som vi behagar. Tzarev. USA GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU Taylor. Dorset UK David & Charles. Jovius. Berg. Irina: Taina ved'minykh krugov. Dan: Water and its symbolism in UFO encounters. Stockholm Ordfront. Jovius. [Secret of the witch circles. Bianchini. Anders: Ubåt 137. John: Sovjets ubåtar. [orig: Naerbilde av Sovjets ubåter]. Stockholm Försvarsstaben. De UK Liber. Hofsten. Poole. The tactics and technology o Folke. Richard: Submarine warfare. East Susse UK Ripol-Klassik. Stockholm S:t Georgs förlag S:t Georgs förlag Centre for Strategic and Internation Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw USA den 31 december 2010 . Stockholm Försvarsstaben. A pictorial record. Torino Timbro Ru Sw Sw Sw Sw It Sw Surrey Investigation Group on Aeria UK Blandford Press. Åkersten. Miller. [orig: The secret 6192 8171 3425 8212 8275 8312 6988 878 C 878 B 878 A 2153 8396 3620 1189 3621 4842 6339 2460 3648 2652 6835 6837 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-06988 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 BM-06339 3 2 1 BM-02652 1 2 Ru USA UK Sw USA UK USA UK USA USA Da Sw USA Sw Sw Sw USA Sw Sw USA Ru En En Sw En En En En En En Da Sw En Sw Sw En En Sw Sw En Sw Sw sc sc hc hc hc hc digital PDF file pt pt hc sc sc pt sc sc sc digital PDF + copy A4 hc hc pt + digital PDF file sc sc 2007 2010 2002 2010 2010 2010 2010 1983 1976 1983 1994 2010 2002 1984 2002 2004 2008 1997 2002 1999 2008 2008 Sida 170 of 392 ÖCB. Sontag. Fredrik (editors): Cricis and internationalization. Tubin. [orig: Spetznaz]. Donald R. Eight crise Stevens. Analysis of the Blue Bo Sanderson. Proujan.suschestvo nesukhoputnoje.: Invisible residents. Eino: Förfäras ej. Jan Ove: Fantomubåtarna. Ivan T. Suvorov.en biografi om en s Tunander. Sovjets hemliga terrorarmé.: UFOs associated with water environments. [Roligt att veta]. [Discovery and Exploration]. London the author. Malmö Crane Russak. Gennadii: Chelovek .: UFO'er i havets dyb. Arizona Styrelsen för psykologiskt försvar (S Sw Norstedts. A disquisition upon certain matters maritime Sanderson. Försvarsdepartementet. Ubåtsfrågan 1981-1994. Stockholm Blue Star. The undersea weapons th Miller. En undersögelse af visse maritime spörgs Scharff. Ola: Hårsfjärden. 50 år med det psykologiska försvaret . Stockholm Norstedts/Fritzes FAAG. Sun Lakes. (Man isn't a dry land bein Mallan. NY Liber. Antonio F. Ariz Zindermans. New York Aldus Books. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 1998 2005 GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU GU Lisov. Ivan T. Lloyd: Secrets of the sea. 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Ubåtskränkningarna och svensk säkerhetspoliti SOU 1995:135.: Invisible residents. Jüri: Sovjet hotar Sverige.: The Antilles incident.Ufocod Author And Title GU Lina. Undervattensvapen som behärskar världshaven. Copenhagen Rabén & Sjögren HarperPaperbacks. David: An illustrated guide to modern submarines.: Invisible residents. Jerome: Strange skies.J. Fairfax.: Vehicle interference project. Military diving from the nineteenth century to th Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5230 1 2 1989 1982 1984 1979 1984 1981 1982 1980 1992 1980 1999 1999 1980 2004 2006 1993 1962 2003 197? 1975 1986 1964 1987 1986 the author. & Pace. Manuel: OVNIs: testigos de elite. Vi USA Angus & Robertson. Timothy G.I. Stockholm Citadel. London Sp UK UFO Research Coalition. Benitez. etc: Vi sju astronauter. Haines. Bord. David S. Pilot encounters with UFOs. [orig: We seven]. Sighting of unidentified air traffic. New Brun USA Plaza & Janes. CUFOS: Police and the UFO experience.Ufocod Author And Title GU Welham. Patricia: Searching for patterns in EM UFO sightings. Binding En hc AcqYear 2005 2010 GV GV GV GV GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW Johnson.S. Apollo and the whistle-blowers. Borg. Hallet. Liége USA Belgiu den 31 december 2010 . Jimmy: The favoured ones.V. Illinois Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) USA USA Saucer Forum Publications. Donald A. Anthony R. Washington BUFORA. Barcelona Aulis. Keith: A report on observations of UFOs from aircraft crew members in Basterfield. Gordon. Björn: Tähtitieteilijät ja ufot. Marc: Astronomes et O.1.: UFOs among the stars. Clark. I USA CUFOS. Carpenter. London UFO-Finland ry. Bennett. Keith: A report on observations of UFOs from aircraft crew members in Beckley. Evanston. Scott. A catalogue and data Basterfield. Rodeghier.: Dark moon. Government files.: Melbourne episode. Illinois Arcuturus Book Service reprint Patrick Stephens Ltd. Los Altos. Cooper. Kirkland. 8073 169 8203 860 4898 B 4898 A 2781 3795 3804 2668 133 4482 5350 4497 3849 3866 3888 1174 3131 5520 1448 1745 1 3 1 3 BM-00860 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 USA UK USA? USA USA Australi En En En En En En En Sp En En En Fi Fi Sp Sw En En En En En En Fr document ringbound A4 booklet 2010 1983 2010 sc 8½x11 + digital PDF file1983 document 8½x11 document A4 sc 8½x11 hc sc booklet 8½x11 hc sc sc booklet hc sc document 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet document A4 sc booklet A4 2005 2006 2001 2003 2003 2000 1983 2004 2006 2004 2003 2003 2003 1984 2001 2006 1987 1991 Sida 171 of 392 Australian Centre for UFO Studies Global Communications. Björn: UFOt ja tiedemiehet. Close encounters of the famous. Goddard. Chicago. Mark: UFO reports involving vehicle interference.: Trends in the geographical distribution of vehicle ignition interf Lockwood. Charles F. Case study of a missing pilot. Carballal. Janet & Colin: Are we being watched? True UFO sightings by children aroun Borg. 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Burb USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Australi Australi Brazil Da UK UK USA USA Da Sw USA den 31 december 2010 . Binding En sc AcqYear 2010 1985 GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW Irwin. A. Mark: Psychological reactions to UFO events.): Document collection. F Moore. Burb William L Moore Publications. Rockwell International: Space Shuttle transportation system. Presented at UFOCON 5. William L. Henry S. Calif William L Moore Publications. Sunb USA Eden Press.): FOIA document collection. Burb Wm L. Jr. Mark: Percipient studies. Apollo Shields. NY Rockwell International FUFOS. George A. Prescott. (Jul '52-Feb '54). (ed. William L. & Emerson. [orig: Something in the air].: The Chillicothe UFO chronicles.): Six selected "CIRVIS" UFO reports. William E.): Federal Bureau of Investigation Kenneth Arnold file. Moravec.. Copenhagen Alfabeta. UFO encounter over Iran. London Leisure Circle. (ed.) UFO "flap Moore. William L.: Grönne maend på månen. Moravec. 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Ariz William L Moore Publications. James B. Burb the aurhor. Randy: We never went to the moon. J.J. Burbank.B.F. William L. NSW the author OPETOVNI. Pymble. William A. Vällingby Harriers förlag. Fountain Valley.: En astronauts bekännelse. Jr. (ed. Jenny: UFO! Danger in the air. Press information. Randles. James B. Vällingby Xlibris Corporation Country USA Lang. Nasser.): "Now you can see it. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 8011 2 2 2005 1985 1977 1975 2007 1976 198? 198? 198? 1983+ 1987 198? 1987 1983 1980 1981 19?? 1985 1985 1999 1982 1971 2000 198? Harriers förlag.: Report on unidentified flying objects observed February 24. Edward J. Brazil the author.: En astronauts bekännselse. [orig: To rul Jones. Contact 2005. H.. (ed. Vejle Robert Hale.): Government documents file: UFO over Charleston. London Sterling.F. 1947. Stockholm William L Moore Publications. Harmon A. W. Burb William L Moore Publications. now you don't. Califo USA Wm L.B. 1959 Kaysing. William L. [QP/013) GWP Quest Publications: The NASA/Tristar tape (QP/018) GWP Quest Publications: UFOs. Stockholm the author CUFOS. Nebraska. St. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2362 3 1 1997 1990 1977 1976 1960 1961 1997 1979 19?? 2008 1995 198? 198? 199? 199? 1992 1960 1999 1997? 1996? 1997 2009 1976 1990 UNICAT Project. Spacecraft and UFO sightings in Unidentified Flying Objects Research Committee: Report on unidentified flying obje Wainwright. J. Martin: Report on aeri GWP Caidin. Dominique: UFO/aircraft encounters file. Illinois the author UPIAR. David.: Report on a survey of the membership of the American Astrono UFO Info Exchange Library: Special report no. French cases. GWP Baure. Luftskeppens historia. Military. Dominique: Aircraft UFO encounters. Military. Paris the author. Akron. priv GWP Maillot. Clarke. private pilot's UF Zeidman. 1. Fuller. Av Mercuryprojektets Weinstein.UFO encounter over Ohio. The pilot encounters. Military. Catalog of military. 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Dansk 443 1499 1371 8018 3261 2425 6640 1511 4099 6189 944 6678 6685 1280 4740 794 6749 6763 1466 6778 4845 1118 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 Arcturus Book Service. [Ny up Lundström. Norrköping Albert Bonniers förlag. Enlarged 3rd edition. 1932-1942. 1946: il fenomeno dei "razzi fantasma" in Wegner. The ghost rockets.S Department of State documents on Scandinavian ghos Ohlsson. Moore Publ. Anders (red): Spökraketerna 1946 . Stock författaren. Rockville Centre. Binding Sp digital PDF file AcqYear 2009 1978 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR Gross.: The mystery of the ghost rockets. Flyghistorisk revy nummer 31. Maria (red. Loren E. Bo & Gussarsson. Burbank. 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En urvalsbibliografi. ringbound sc 8½x11 sc A4 sc A4 booklet A4 document A4 sc booklet A4 copy A4 document copy A4 document A4 booklet 8½x11 2010 2003 2004 2006 2006 2005 2002 2010 2009 2009 1983 1983 1983 2002 2006 2006 1987 2000 1998 2004 internet document. folktro och folksed. videos & artikel zu un Liljegren. Randall: The complete book of extreterrial encounters.: Anti-gravity and alternative energy source bibliography. www.alien.a bibliography (part one. IGPP (Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene): UFO-Akten i International Guild of Advanced Sciences College/Research Society. Norrköping Heimdal the author US US Sw Sw Sw Fi Fi Ge Sw Fr Fr Sciece Fiction Research Associatio USA Santa Barbara Centre for Humanisti USA William L Moore Publications. Barry etc. [Bibliotekshögskolan. Notes from Sources on Extraterrestrial I König. German Research Project: 1999 catalogue. Norrköping Bibliotekshögskolan. Washington D. Bibliotekshögskolan. and the wonderful. Prytz. 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Michael: UFO bibliography. Bibliographie 1971-1975. R. Torino CISU. internet Gordon Press. The: An anatomy of knowledge.: The weird. The Australian Centre for UFO Studies (ACU Prytz. Odessa NASA. Lüdenscheid GEP. Leona R. Marcello: Bibliocat 2010: catalogo generale della bibliografia ufologica e par Pupilli. Bibliographie 1976-1980. (ACUFOS D-8). Frédéric: Bibliovni.C. Peris. An annotated listing of books about flyi Rasmussen. Ban 6209 6210 3449 743 5797 772 4745 2737 4750 5159 5832 8313 815 8314 8316 2550 7504 1531 1673 4783 4784 4785 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Odessa Scientific Library. USA McFarland & Co. Rasmussen. A selection o NASA: Records of achievement. Dieter von: Extraterrestrische Intelligenzen. [The A Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5754 1 4 2001 1977 1991 1965 1983 1977 1999 1975 1987? 2000 1977 2005 2004 1982 1981 1985 2010 1989 1975 1985 1990 1982 1982 1982 The Australasian Ufologist Country Australi Lang. Prytz. 25th anniversary 195 Nilsson.C. Part II: published literature. NC GEP. Marcello: I libri sugli UFO. dreams and a Pineiro.en kommenterad förteckning. Binding En document AcqYear 2006 2010 LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB Muranov. & Phillips. Aleksandr: V mire neobychnuh i groznyh yavlenii prirody. ACUFOS Edizioni Upiar. the wild. Lombers ACUFOS Australian Center for UFO Studies. Mark: Bibliography of Australian UFO books. Lüdenscheid USA Ge Ge Ge Ge den 31 december 2010 .Ufocod Author And Title LB Moravec. (In the world of NASA: Extraterrestrial life. Specialarbete 1977:212 Ohio State University. Dieter von: Extraterrestrische Intelligenzen. John M. Columbus the author. Juan Antonio Fernandez: Historia de la literatura OVNI en Espana. witchcraft. (Una guía p Praud. New York the author Planéte OVNI. Bibliographie 1901-1970. Dieter von: Bibliographie der selbständigen Deutschsprachigen Litteratur Reeken. Phillips.: The occult: hauntings. John M. A bibliography. Ban Reeken. [NASA Special Publications.: Exobiology & ufology. Lüdenscheid GEP. Karin: Fantasy . Henrietta M: Flying sauers… a bibliography. Antonio González: 50 años de literatura ufológica en España. John M. Aiken. Borås Ohio State University. NASA. Thomas. aux enle van Gelder. Brad [Eugene E. Torino the author. Lars: Mystiske dyr. Willy: Skandinavisk UFO-litteratur 1950-1982. Wegner. & Bonabot. Wegner. Lünebur Ge LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB Rodgers. ( Wegner. Ib: Astro-arkeologisk litteratur 1968-1977. Vanlöse Andersen Bogservice. havuhyrer. afsk Toselli. Ålborg Thisted bibliotek. Sable. Binding Ge booklet A5 AcqYear 1983 2008 Carola von Reeken Verlag. internt katalog 1982. Ålborg Skeptica. Willy: Extraterrestriell indflydelse? Wegner. Willy: Skepticas bibliotek. En bibliografi. En guide till information om söslanger. B. Horsens Wegners forlag.Ufocod Author And Title LB Reeken. En guide till information om söslanger. Willy: Dansk UFO-litteratur 1946-1970. Brighton. Paolo: [Listing of 135 ufo-related thesises] Troadec. 8377 870 871 8422 3613 7031 3650 1595 1596 3664 7029 1042 4420 1122 1112 1113 2294 1478 1115 1116 1117 8518 1 1 3 1 1 1 BM-07031 1 3 3 3 1 BM-07029 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 Library of Congress. Wegner. Off-beat litteratur og pseudovidenskap i Skeptica-bibliot Wegner. Lars: Mystiske dyr. Dieter von: Extraterrestrische Intelligenzen. Ålborg Para-Nyt.: UFO guide 1947-67. The: The Swedenborg society catalogue of publications. London Andersen Bogservice. Aalborg Skeptica. En bibliografi. Smith. En guide till information om söslanger. Swedenborg Society. afsk Thomas. En bibliografi. Jacques: Bibliografie van oorspronkelijke Nederlandse Wegner. Willy: UFO litteratur på Thisted bibliotek. Odder Dansk UFO Center. Sable. Vanlöse CISU. Eine Bibliographie der im Zeitr Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 834 3 1 1979 1991 1976 1978 1967 1976 1985 2006 1972 1989 1989 1989 2009 1981 1985 1978 1972 1981 1995 1986 1976 1982 1982 1973 Country Lang. Lars: Mystiske dyr. Aalborg Köbenhavns universitet. Calif USA En En En En En En En Da Da Da En Fr Dutch Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da booklet hc booklet booklet booklet digital Word file booklet booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 digital Excel file duplicated A4 duplicated A4 sc A4 sc A4 sc A4 2010 1979 1975 2010 2002 2010 2002 1989 1989 2002 2010 1983 2003 1979 1975 1983 Congressional Research Service. havuhyrer. Marcia S. Michiga USA Rainbow Press. Institutione Skeptica. Vanlöse Andersen Bogservice. A selected bibliography. Jean-Pierre: Situation de la documentation relative aux contacts. Willy: Dansk UFO-litteratur 1971-1979. En bibliografi. En bibliografi. Li USA Smithsonian Astrophysical Observa USA the author Swedenborg Society.F. Willy & Jensen. Oktober 73. 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Ohio Quest Publications International Ltd Quest Publications International Ltd Quest Publications International Ltd USA Fr Sw US UK UK UK Fr En Fr Sw En En En En En En En En document A4 document A4 sc document in binder booklet 8½x11 booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 ringbound 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 sc booklet booklet digital PDF document A4 document booklet A5 2010 1996 2009 2010 2010 2001 2006 2010 2002 2001 1988 2006 1983 2008 2004 2006 2010 Phaedra Enterprises. Stockholm Pocket Books. Julien: La presse OVNI. [1st edition]. Duplantier. Boyd.: International who`s who in ufology directory. Daniel: Book bibliography. Charnay. R. San Bruno. Lakewood. (editor): The UFO Magazine encyclopedia.Y. Didier & Hays. Alan: The encyclopaedia of alien encounters. Anglia MultiMedia: Ufopedia. Graham W. Éditions du 25 juin The author the author. San Bruno. Birdsall.: The international flying saucer directory. R. Birdsall. Ont Canda SS&S Publications. 8547 2371 7143 8455 7715 2787 5335 7746 3028 2789 1480 331 B 1051 6326 4752 5874 8501 5277 3767 A 3767 B 4916 6410 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 BM-06326 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Université libre de Bruxelles. UFON Publications: The Aquarius guide.): Flying saucer treasure-trove. Tucson. (Une étude de la presse spécialisée dans les objet Woolman. Gene (ed. Worldwide names and addresses. Clas: Svensk ufolitteratur .: Partial list of organizations and individuals studying the unidentified fl Birdsall. C USA the author. James S. Duplantier. Mobile. NY Forum.: UFO 2002 directory. Limited 1988 edition. USA UK USA UK UK UK USA Sw USA En En En En En En En Sw En CD not runnable on Windo2006 hc sc pt sc 2003 2006 2005 2008 Sida 183 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Copenhagen Country Da Lang. Stevens. Alabama USA SS&S Publications. Graham W. 450 uppslagsord inom rymdtekniken. David: Almanac of UFO organizations & publications. London Checkmark Books. Bruxel Belgiu internet www. 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Sarah (editor): The illustrated guide to the supernatural.): The encyclopaedia of the paranormal: a complete guide to the 5006 5012 3169 448 6561 8015 4647 4648 8589 5638 6926 4130 3336 B 3336 A 8592 8155 5697 3418 3419 6974 4257 B 4257 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 BM-06926 2 BM-04130 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 BM-06974 1 1 UK UK UK UK USA UK USA USA UK Fi USA USA UK UK Ge Sw USA USA USA USA UK UK En En En En En En En En En Fi En En En En Ge Sw En En En En En En hc hc hc hc hc hc sc sc hc coffe table size booklet digital PDF file hc + digital PDF file hc hc hc hc 2005 2005 2002 1983 2008 2010 2004 2004 2010 2006 2009 2003 2002 2007 2010 2010 Book Club Associates (BCA). London Facts On File. Detroit Visible Ink. sa Hauck. Leicester Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag Forum. Allan J. The paranormal. Lurker. (The Supernatural) Guiley.): Filosofilexikonet. Dennis William: Haunted places. Melton. (Fourth printing). London Windward. NY Guild Publishing. Hauck. Santa Barbara. NY Country USA Lang. 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An encyclopedia of contemporary myt Litvinoff. Ilkka: Ultran tietosanasto. MI Gale Research Inc. London Barricade Books. John & Anne: The encyclopedia of ghosts and spirits. Ronald D. Warren. Mikael: UFO från A till Ö. 3. (ed. New York Dolphin/Doubleday & Co. John & Anne: The encyclopedia of the world's greatest unsolved mysterie Spencer. Stephen J. London Headline. Ronald D. NY UFO Schools Inc. (ed. Clas & Sjöberg. Clas & Sjöberg. Vol. Mikael: UFO från A till Ö. Detroit.): Encyclopedia of occultism & parapsychology. Shepard. 3. London Robinson. Story. Sala UFO-Sverige. (ed. Sala UFO-Sverige. MI Hyperion. Uppslagsbok om UFO-fenomenet Svahn. New York Sterling. Spencer. Svahn. London Bracken Books. abduction sites. Print version Story. Ronald D. Uppslagsbok om UFO-fenomenet 4795 872 7544 7545 4837 3624 A 3624 B 6800 3625 A 3625 B 1963 B 1963 A 1963 C 4838 4844 6944 305 A 305 B 4846 2463 A 2463 B 2463 C 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 BM-06944 3 3 2 1 3 1 USA UK USA USA USA UK UK UK UK USA USA UK UK USA USA USA USA UK UK Sw Sw Sw En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En Sw Sw Sw hc sc hc hc sc hc hc hc hc sc sc hc pt sc booklet 8½x11 2004 1983 2009 2009 2004 2002 2007 2008 2002 2010 1992 2003 2005 2004 2004 Georg Routledge & Sons.): The Encyclopedia of UFOs.): The Encyclopedia of extraterrstrial encounters. London Citadel Press. London Headline Books. Detroit. Clas & Sjöberg. Jenny: The little giant encyclopedia of UFOs. ed. New York Avon. London Gale Research Inc. (ed.. Lewis: The encyclopedia of the occult.): The Encyclopedia of UFOs. NY New English Library. Robert: UFO terms. John (ed): The UFO encyclopedia. Vol. Sala CD disc including Word an2010 sc(2) hc(1) hc sc ringbound A4 ringbound A4 ringbound A4 2001 1983 2004 2001 2001 2002 den 31 december 2010 Sida 186 of 392 . A traveller's guide to UFO sightings. Uppslagsbok om UFO-fenomenet Svahn. MI New American Library. Spencer. Story. A compendium of information on th Spencer. Lewis: An encyclopedia of occultism.. Spignesi. New York Country USA Lang. 2: M SPACEAGE: UFO USA. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6249 2 1 2000 1996 1994 1981 1991 1991 1999 1920 1988 1992 1995 1999 1991 1991 1991 2000 1979 2001 1980 1980 2002 1998 2001 1998 Facts on File. 1: A Shepard.: The UFO book of lists. London BCA/Headline. Binding En small size sc AcqYear 2007 2003 LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE Ritchie. ed. John (ed): The UFO encyclopedia.): Encyclopedia of occultism & parapsychology.Ufocod Author And Title LE Randles. John (ed): The UFO encyclopedia. crop Spence. Leslie (ed.): The mammoth encyclopedia of extraterrestrial encounters. Margaret: The UFO encyclopedia. Mikael: UFO från A till Ö. A compendium of information on the Spence. NY Guild. Story. John & Anne: The encyclopedia of the world's greatest unsolved mysterie Spencer. Spencer. Ronald D. Stevenson Somerville. David: The definitive guide to unidentified flying objects and related pheno Sachs. NY Corgi. Leslie (ed. London UFO-Sverige. 1840-1940. Tekniken. Mikael: UFO från A till Ö. Stockholm UK Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 187 of 392 . Winfired. Igor: Enciclopediya chudes. NY Verlag Josef Kral. science fac Barlowe. Dave & Mueller. Robots and space toys. Broberg. Uppslagsbok om UFO-fenomenet Svahn. Uppslagsbok om UFO-fenomenet. Dallas. Asimov. Texas Zindermans. Mikael: UFO från A till Ö. Zahlner. [ed. George W. Habarta. Uppslagsbok om UFO-fenomenet. En andlig syn på UFO och mänskligt liv på and Williams. Clas: UFO från A till Ö. Heinz: Vintage toys. A look behind the " Cthulhu mythos". 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Gerhard & Stadlmann.Ufocod Author And Title LE Svahn. [The background of a m Earley. Godhe. Upplagan 20 Svahn. Uppslagsbok om UFO-fenomenet Svahn. ungdomen och framsteget i po 2463 F 2463 G 2463 F 2463 G 2463 H 6281 1682 4871 8557 7051 2664 2986 7064 2775 5324 3042 7787 5358 6442 6502 7946 4617 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Ru Sw USA Ge UK UK UK Fr USA USA Sw Austria Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Ru Sw En Ge En En En Fr En En Sw Ge En En En En Sw ringbound A4 ringbound A4 ringbound A4 ringbound A4 ringbound A4 hc sc hc sc hc sc pt hc sc hc large format hc hc sc large format pt hc hc sc 2008 2009 2002 2002 2004 2007 1990 2004 2010 2009 2000 2002 2009 2001 2006 2002 2010 2006 2008 2008 2010 2004 Antique Trader Books (Krause Publi USA Ballantine Books. London Père Castor-Flammarion. Jan: I fantasins världar. Lin: Lovecraft. Isaac: Science-fiction et faits de science. Paris Workman Publishing. Binding Sw ringbound A4 AcqYear 2002 2002 LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF Svahn. Kristina: UFO-lexikon. (Encyclopaedia of the Wonders). Brian W. (14. Ash. Abensberg Weidenfeld & Nicolson. (ed): Encyclopedia of pseudoscience. Clas & Sjöberg. Anthony: One hundred years of science fiction illustration. Sala UFO-Sverige. Michael: Morgondagens experter. Ferdinand: Kleines Lexikon der Paranormologie. Ash.): The visual encyclopedia of science fiction. Clas & Sjöberg. Sala UFO-Sverige. Clas: UFO från A till Ö. Ca USA Bloomsbury Books. Clas: UFO från A till Ö. Clas & Sjöberg. London Pan Books. Moscow Regnbågsterapier. Pa Fr Seabury Press. Jakubowski. Hans Stefan (ed. Peter (ed): The encyclopedia of science fiction. Sam J. (editor): Science fiction and fantasy book review index. Malcolm: The complete book of science fiction and Keul. New York Country USA Lang. Detroit. (editor): Science fiction book review index. NY Mercure de France. Baird. Liége Granada. 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Viktorianska framtidsdrömmar från C Lundwall. Salzburg Carlssons.W. Marc: Les arcanes de l'ufologie. Essai sur la religio Rottensteiner. Nicholls. Bertrand: Science fiction et soucoupes volantes. 1980-1984. Stockholm Smithmark. Michael: A reader's guide t 4640 4641 2520 2411 6159 3265 8087 8117 3343 3344 3345 644 645 4694 4175 5141 5142 1791 7511 3549 336 3586 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 Gale Research Company. H. Martin. H. Santesson. London Institut für Publizistik. John: Alien abductions. Alexander G.från begynnnelsen till våra dagar. Cynthia & Ardai.W.: Den fantastiska romanen 2. Paris P A Norstedt. Beth & Franklin. Stockholm Gummessons. Gale Research Company. An in Hall. Fanta Kylhammar. Maxim & Edwards. Stockholm Sveriges Radios förlag. Searles. Stockholm Granada. London Michael Joseph. O melhor humor dos discos voadores. .: Atlantis gåta. Juarez Jorge [ed. Joseph: UFO .) Lob. Gershtein Frog. Golden Press: UFO encounters.]: UFOs. Jerry: Cryptocrew. E. Jacques & Gigi. Gene (ed. Neuilly-sur-Seine USA Fr Belgiu Belgiu Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr Fr Fr den 31 december 2010 Sida 189 of 392 . Jacobs.: The MIT Science Fiction Society's index to the SF magazines. Harry S. Robins. Liége the author. Frankfurt the author. Marc: OVNI et bandes dessinees. Marc: OVNI et bandes dessinees. Rio Grande do Brazil SS&S Publications. Berkeley.Ufocod Author And Title LF Strauss. (Blake och Mortimers äventyr. Glass. Hallet. Hé.. Joseph: Scooby Doo [1985]. (Blake och Mortimer's äventyr). COMIC-Taschenbuch Nr. Mikhail (collector): Russian UFO cartoons.evidence Gross. Jean-Claude: Spirou och rymdvarelserna. Neuilly-sur-Seine Dargaud Editeur. Lob. Liége Semic Press Carlsen if Carlsen Comics Carlsen/If. [orig: Du cidre pour les etoiles]. A collection of unforgettable humor that Farris.) [Orig. Sto Dargaud. La pi Karlström. 1 Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5950 1 1 1966 1999 1981 1981 1970? 19?? 1968 1968 1983 2000? 2001 1978 2005 1987 1992 1996 1984 1983 1981 1980 1979 1973 1972 1979 Atelier 786. Mass. Binding En hc AcqYear 2006 2004 LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC Bourret. Joseph: Hel-garvs lilla förrymda. Neuilly-sur-Seine Dargaud. Jean-Claude: Témoignages OVNI. Björn: Hotet från rymden. Robert: Le dossier des soucoupes volantes. NY Carlsen if M. Robert: Les apparitions OVNI. Country USA Lang.: Alien apocalypse 2006. Farris. Edgar P. Dessins: Patrick Claeys. Svensk text: Lars Adelskogh. Sergio: Timeless voyage. Nr 4. 1.ho ho! Cartoons for flying saucer lovers. Duarte. Projecto L Duplantier. [orig: UFO . Begegnungen der dritten Art. Jacobs.ho ho!]. vol. Appel & Macedo. Kathy. Nantier-Beall-Minoustchine. Sundbyber Sw Popular Library. Transtar Pacific the author. (Photo2009 sc cartoon booklet sc hc A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 sc hc booklet A4 scA4 sc hc large format hc large format hc large format 2009 2004 2010 2005 1992 1996 2010 2008 1983 2009 2010 1983 1975 2004 Western Publishing Company. Fournier. Raci USA NBM. Guery. (Biggles. Captain W. 5: UFO. Lob. Dominique: Falken från Mu. Jacques & Gigi. Gershtein. California USA Sw Ru USA Sw En Sw Ru En En En En Fr Fr Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr Fr Fr document in binder. Robert: Ceux Venus d`ailleurs. Erwin S.: Den djävulska fällan. Allan & Carr. [combined edition of Le dossie 7768 3084 6491 7888 320 4985 6528 7222 7226 4619 7989 5027 1900 2321 8012 6582 517 7291 8081 627 628 4688 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 Fr Ge Fr Ge Port hc sc sc booklet pt pt sc A4 2010 2002 2008 2010 1975 2005 2008 Duarte Publicidade.): Outer space humor. Ont Canada En Malmborg & Hedströms. Hanna. Paris Condor Verlag. Spain & Robins. Willowdale. Ltd. [More than 60 true stories of sightings . Cambridge. Edgar P. William & Barbera. Jacques & Gigi. Stockholm Bonnier Juveniles International. Johns' Biggles. Hallet. Descent in the Andes. Aurelio & Martín. José Luis: OVNIs a mogollón. 6. Gary: Unsolved mysteries (Focus on fact: 5). Jean-Pierre: Les aventures d'Anselme Lanturlu. Paris Denoël. Neville & Keane. Mostowicz. [Les aventures de Mike the bike and Moll Mallet. Det tredje ögat. Robbins. Frankrike och Strieber. Jacques & Gigi. Whitley & Spector. [orig: Ceux Venus d'ailleurs]. Frank: Johnny Hazard. Piraterna i Sargassohavet. 26 (December 1954. (Universums gudar. Illustrated and adopted by Lee Krystek. Special issue. Frank: Johnny Hazard. NY Winthers forlag. Chicago. 1. Tom: Flying saucers are everywhere. Illi UAPA. Science fiction-serier i USA. etc: Atlantis undergång: gudarnas hämnd. N. Jidéhem & Borgers. Vandersteen. Binding Sw sc A4 AcqYear 1989 1983 LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC LFC Macedo. Weird Science-Fantasy. Sergio: Mike the bike and Molly. Robert: Närkontakt med UFO. Vol. Robbins. Horst: Framtiden i serierutor. Pat: Les petits hommes verts. challe Wells. Denmark Semic. etc: The gods from outer space. Cleveland. H. Pat: Les petits hommes verts. Arnold. Danmark Winthers Forlag. Paris Prometheus Books. Mostowicz. Illustrated by John Kloss. Frank: Johnny Hazard. Ohio Interpresse Intes International. Barcelona Carlsen if Devil's Due Publishing.Ufocod Author And Title LFC Lob. Amherst. Romero. 4.): Atlantis undergang: gudenes hev Mostowicz. Based o Petit. Willy: Spike and Suzy: The Loch Ness mystery. 1. London Carlsen if Carlsen if Carlsen if Carlsen if Carlsen if Planeta. Album no 1 (pour l'instant!) Bonjour les ébats! McHugh. London UK Éditions Belin. Craig: The Nye incidents. the illustrator Fr UK Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sp Sw USA US No UK USA USA small pt (2 different covers 1991 sc A4 sc A4 sc A4 sc A4 sc A4 sc sc sc booklet sc hc A4 sc digital PDF file 2010 2002 2010 2010 2010 2003 2002 2010 2009 2010 2010 2008 2010 den 31 december 2010 Sida 190 of 392 . Frank: Johnny Hazard. Frank: Johnny Hazard. Inspired by true incidents. UAPA: The creatures. Walthéry. 7365 7376 A 7376 B 4703 8228 3441 3440 7474 1802 8369 3529 8370 8371 8372 4334 3572 8447 7624 8515 8516 6854 7025 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-07025 Fr Fr Fr USA Da Da Fr Fr Fr En No Sw En Fr En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sp Sw En US No En En En sc hc hc sc sc A4 sc A4 sc A4 hc 2009 2009 2009 2004 2010 2002 2002 2009 Methuen Children's Books. Mallet. 3. no. Det flygande tefatet. Robbins. Paris Star. Dödens demon.G. Arnold. Sundbyberg Country Sw Lang. Robbins. E. 5. Farligt spel. Étienne: Natasja : en UFO i sökeren. C. Francois. Arnold (tekst) & Polch. Boguslaw (ill.: The war of the worlds. Edinburgh Fables Publishing. Robbins. [El primer libro de humor Schröder. Paris Éditions Eurédif. Si on volait? Randall. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1575 2 2 1982 1977 198-? 1976 1984 1995 1978 1978 1978 1980 1978 1983 1984 1984 1985 1986 1984 1981 2008 19--? 1982 1999 1954 200? Éditions Neptune. Y. O. J. J.: The edge of the cliff. NY the author Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp No USA USA USA UK USA USA Sw USA USA USA den 31 december 2010 . NY Five Star. Barcelona Planeta. New En Fawcett Crest.U. NY Leisure Books. NY Semic.: Caballo de Troya. Novela. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2 1 1 19?? 1979 1997 2007 1982 1997 1960 196-? 1986 1988 1991 1987 1985 1954 1971 1969 1969 1969 1990 1991 1999 1967 1964 2004 Rabén Prisma. W. A. Science-fiction stories by Soviet writer Benitez.: Arkiv X. Cappelens forlag. Eando [Otto Binder]: Menace of the saucers. Eando: Night of the saucers. Benitez. Benitez. Baldin. Boulle. Lou: In league with a UFO. Ruiner. Greenberg. David: Abduction: the UFO conspiracy. Sundbyberg Geneva/Carlton Press.: La rebelión de Lucifer. Belmont Books. Ben: Från en annan värld. NY Warner.: Brottsplats Bråviken. J. Bischoff. Barcelona Planeta. Manchester Warner. Belayev. H. KS Berghs.J. Frank [Kristian Gleditsch]: Visitten fra verdensrommet Bevis. NY Signet.: A visitor from outer space. m. 2). Benitez. Barcelona J. Pierre: Planet of the apes. Boudreau. Martin Harry & Waugh. J. 7695 6384 6075 4464 3002 6397 4904 4905 4906 4907 4909 6398 3814 114 B 114 A 3817 2788 3818 6411 139 3033 4932 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sw Sw India En En Sw En Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp No En En En En En En Sw En En En hc hc pt sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc hc pt pt pt pt pt hc hc pt sc 2010 2008 2007 2004 2002 2008 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2008 2003 2008 1975 2003 2001 2003 2008 1975 2002 2005 Sida 191 of 392 Mahamaya publishing house. Binder. Bischoff. Isaac. J. Charles G. J. Barzman. London Country UK Lang. Blomberg. Eando (Otto Binder): Menace of the saucers. Y. David: Deception: the UFO conspiracy. [orig: Out of this world]. Binding En pt AcqYear 1983 2002 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Anderson. Barcelona Planeta. Binder.: Caballo de Troya. N. 3). Byggd på Tv-seriernas rollfigurer skapade av Arora.: Caballo de Troya.: The alien abductors. Brumfield.: Caballo de Troya. 4). P.: Flying saucers. Stockholm Badger.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Adams. NY Leathers Co. Stockholm USA USA Sw Foreign Languages publishing Hou Ru Planeta. A collection of poems Asimov. Benitez. Bennett. fl. Barcelona Planeta. Oslo Lenox Hill Press. Peter: An astral journey. John: When the Gods came. Michael: The future alien contact. J. Stig O. Binder. J. Kevin J. Leawood. J. (ed. Shaun: Dragon light. A novel of big business and alien invastion. Patrick: The mountain of mist. Clarke. Julie E. Berättelser i urval. Cook. Binding En hc AcqYear 2004 1983 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Caidin. The conquest. Costikyan. Höganäs Tor Book/Tom Doherty Associates. New York Bra Böcker. a bridge to the future. Thomas: Taken. USA St. St. Stockhol Kildee Publications Dell. Greg: First contract. Grand Haven. Arthur C. Martin: Three corners to nowhere. A novelization by Thomas Cook. NY NOVA Audio Books. Christopher: Little Green Men. Davis. NY Daw Books. [A relic from the past. London Bra Böcker. London Random House. Y. Stephen: Saucer. NY Rabén & Sjögren. Space 3]. Albans Bantam. Anthony: UX-Nemo.: Childhood's end. Clarke. Stockholm Ace.): Space Inc.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Buckley. NY Ballantine. Richard (red. [Orig. Czerneda. based on the series create Coonts. Corbett. Edwin: Sargasso. [orig: Sargasso]. Martin's Press. A relic from the past. Dahl. Book Guild. [orig: One door away from heaven]. Oslo Sphere. Islands in the sky]. A novel. Arthur C. Dean: Himlen är nära. Coonts. Caidin. Jacques: Theory of flight. Stephen: Saucer. A theoretical science novel. [Come with fantasy's grand master to Atlantis. Stephen: Saucer. Edwin: Sargasso. Anders: Uppståndelsen från tefatssekten.: Äventyr på rymdstationerna. Mu. Författares Bokmaskin. Carter. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4492 1 2 1999 1974 1974 1975 1980 1973 1958 1956 1956 2003 2002 2002 2002 2004 2003 1985 1977 1978 2000 2006 2003 1987 2000 1979 Mayflower. Lin (ed. Martin: The Mendelov conspiracy. Gardner (ed. An adventure. Jack & Dozois. [orig: Encounter three]. a bridge to the futur Coonts. Höganäs Atheneum. Va Carter.): Lost worlds. [Orig. Coontz. N. Stockholm USA USA Sw No UK Sw USA UK USA Sw USA Sw audio book (3 audio tapes) 2003 hc sc hc hc pt hc hc sc sc sc pt hc 2004 2008 2004 2010 2002 2002 2004 2010 2008 1987 2003 2008 Sida 192 of 392 den 31 december 2010 .): Aliens among us. NY the author Pan Books. Lewes Daw Books. New York St. Corley. Martin's Griffin.): Närkontakt: framtiden. Corley. Coulcher. Clarke. Dann. The art of fantasy. Casolet. NY Country USA Lang. 176 B 3056 3067 3068 5377 3074 6449 7030 3877 3879 B 3879 A 6457 4528 7835 3086 3087 4531 7846 6472 1430 3890 6479 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-07030 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 UK USA USA USA USA UK Sw Ireland USA En En En En En Sw Sw En En En En En Sw No En Sw En En En Sw En Sw pt pt pt pt sc pt hc digital PDF file pt 1975 2002 2002 2002 2006 2002 2008 2010 2003 Oskar Eklunds bokförlag. Lin: Imaginary worlds. (De hemmelige ubåtene i Östersjöen). [Novela].: The saucer people. Bron: U. N. bok om tvillingsjälar och om meningen med livet. N. Gene & Coulson. Gelman. 3920 4966 3927 3111 6494 3940 7904 307 5473 V 2820 309 3955 3133 3138 B 3138 A 7938 6137 2828 5507 389 3165 7957 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 USA USA USA Sw USA Sp No Ge Ge USA Da UK USA Sw Sw USA Sw USA Sw USA USA USA En En En Sw En Sp No Ge Ge En Da En En Sw Sw En Sw En Sw En En En pt pt pt hc pt sc hc hc DVD disc pt sc pt pt hc hc pt hc document A4 in binder hc hc pt sc 2003 2005 2003 2002 2008 2003 2010 1975 2006 2001 1983 2003 2002 2002 2002 2010 2007 2001 2006 1979 2002 2010 Sida 193 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Javier: Mis dos vidas. Stockholm Tom Doherty Associates. Gallimore. NY Fiktion.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Deweese. Robert: Area 51: the truth. Boston. Y. Flammarion. David: The children of Shiny Mountain. Rainer: Die Delegation. Binding En hc AcqYear 2006 2003 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Dexter. Wer tötete Roczinski? Eine utopische Reportage: "Wi Ernsting. NY Permeable Press. Ignatius: Världens undergång. Lennart: Zara. Peter: Flying saucers over Hennepin. Donnelly. [ Dvorkin. Fane. Edmond G. Flynn. Tage: Rapport om en UFO. Caduceus Förlag. Flammarion. William: World in eclipse. Richard M.F. Eggen. Ein Pan/Norstedt. London Dell. Stockholm Meador Publ Co. 517. München Eurovideo Bantam. Jonas: Ett ufo gör entré. Editorial Genesis. Robert: Area 51: the Sphinx. Erler. Åkersberga www. Jack: The body snatchers. Camille: Urania. Ronald G. NY Nordiska Förlaget Björck & Börjesson. NY Albert Bonniers förlag. Erler. Zaragoza Cappelen Damm C Bertelsmann. Garver. Kvaerndrup John Spencer & Co. Camille: Urania.O. New York Country USA Lang. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5443 1 1 1977 1981 1966 2000 2003 1891 1977 1978 2010 1973 2005 1976 1979 19?? 1955 1910 1907 2009 1995 2000 2001 1957 1969 1997 Paperback Library. Michael: Eifelheim. Rainer: Die Delegation. Torgrim: Jern. Mass Signet. Paul: Fulham and Philadelphia.webwarehouse. En roman från det tjugonde århundradet. Finney. San Francisco Doubleday. Forsberg. Doherty. Gardell. Walter: The day the Gods died. Eskestad. Garvin. Robert: Charles Fort never mentioned wombats. & Addeo.: The Fortec conspiracy. Y. Echauri. NY Dell. A novel about an avenue. Doherty. NY Dell. [orig: Der Tag an dem die Götter starben]. Stockholm Pocket Books. : Styrd av det onda. Charles: Arkiv X.(Extraterrestrial biological entit Guieu. [pseud. Binding Sw mini-pocket AcqYear 2007 2009 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Gibbins. [pseud. Frank: The heaven makers.f. The puppet masters].f. W. Inception. Robert A. Robert A.f. Stockholm St. A. Grettler. Grant. London Del Rey/Ballantine. London Sw Sw USA UK USA USA USA GB den 31 december 2010 . Paris Fleuve noir. Michael S. Harbinson. W. Byggd på TV-seriernas rollfigurer skapade av Gregory.Book 2. B. W. [orig: Captain Future and the Sp Harbinson. Stockholm Ace/Stoneshire Books.: Dreamland . [pseud. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6142 1 1 2000 2006 2006 2006 1996 1983 1955 1991 1981 1987 1980 1980 1995 1994 1991 2003 1973 1981 1962 1969 1990 2001 1995 1973 Norstedts. [orig: At Goleman. Robert A. Hermann: Ultimatum des Weltalls. Heinlein. Book two. Heinlein. Shaun Clarke]: Project saucer.: The puppet masters. Forge. N. 6148 B 6546 5014 6557 439 7243 7246 7247 8009 1372 6341 A 4052 B 4052 A 6341 B 6585 A 6585 B 6586 3221 A 3222 B 4055 4056 6591 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 BM-06341 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sw USA Sw GB Ge Sw En Sw En Ge Fr Fr Fr Sw En En En En En Sw Sw En En En En En En sc hc sc pt hc sc pt pt sc pt pt pt pt digital PDF pt pt pt pt pt sc hc sc 2007 2008 2005 2008 1983 2009 2009 2009 2010 1986 2009 2009 2003 2008 2008 2009 2008 2002 2002 2003 2003 2008 Sida 194 of 392 Vaugirard/Presses de la Cité. David Lynn: Event.Y. Shaun Clarke]: Project saucer.: Styrd av det onda.f.f. Pan Books. E.: The menace from earth. [pseud. Hemingway. Edmond: Kapten Frank . Stockhol New American Library. Claude Vauziere]: L'ère des biocybs.f. Heinlein. Shaun Clarke]: Genesis.a novel of the UFO cover-up. Herbert. Wahlströms bokförlag. Claude Vauziere]: Narkoum: Finances rouges.: Farligt främmande. Kjell E. W. Phoenix. Inc. Inception. London Drei Echen Verlag. Y. A. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. Historiens största gåta på väg att lösas. NY New English Library. W. NY SuperiorBooks. Shaun Clarke]: Project saucer . (Les chevali Hamilton. Heiser. Jimmy [pseud. [pseud. Book one. Claude Vauziere]: E. N. David: Atlantis hemlighet.f. Jimmy [pseud. Phoenix. München LL-förlaget. Robert A. NY USA Kildee Publications e-Book. John: Legacy of the stars. Roman um Sein oder Nichtsein der Me Guieu.f. De osynliga. London Fr Fr Sw UK New English Library/Hodder & Stou UK New English Library/Hodder and St UK Dell. Jimmy [pseud.: The facade. A. 2. Harbinson.rymdens hjälte. Hilary & Lindsay. Martin's Press. Guieu. Stockhol B. Dunma Ireland B. Heinlein.: The puppet masters. A. Harbinson. [Orig. Wahlströms bokförlag. Jeffrey P. Paris Pulp Press Förlags AB Corgi. [A thriller]. The puppet masters]. Book 1. Rabén Prisma. Shaun Clarke]: Project saucer. Heinlein. Robert A. [Orig. Harbinson.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Genberg. Paris Fr Presses de la Cité. Koontz. Stephen: From a Buick 8: a novel. Jan: Flygande fiende.: One door away from heaven]. Binding Ge hc AcqYear 2007 1983 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Hoyle. NY Meador Publ Co. Hughes. Layne. King. Malmö Pyramid. Leslie. NY David & Charles.: Alien quest.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Hohlbein. North Pomfret. Zach: Seed of the Gods Hutson. Stan: I doubted flying saucers. Reverse engineering of alien spacecraft Koivula. Thomas: UFOs that crashed to earth. New York Author-House. London VGS Country Ge Lang. [orig: The taking]. Sw Sw Sw Sw USA USA USA den 31 december 2010 . Geoffrey: Des fusées dans la Grande Ourse. Auf Basis der Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6165 1 1 1997 1959 1971 1958 1974 1999 1967 2002 2009 1996 2003 2004 1967 1958 1981 1958 1981 1997 1989 1987 1979 1979 1979 1971 Dunod. Fred & Hoyle. [Orig. Vänersborg Scribner. Lars: Erotikvisslarna. Lindbohm. The uninvit Kim-Nicklasson. Lewandowski. War Poland Forum. Stockholm Berkley Medallion. Sphere. Linders. Lennart: Den flytande elden. [orig: The black cloud]. IN Unio Mystica. Jan: Czy pani wierzy w UFO. Dean: Invasion. Das Rätsel um Majestic 12. Boston. Lutterworth. George H. Stockholm PSI-cirkelns förlag. Ve Ballantine Books. En modern thriller. New York Pan Books. Loosley. Bloomington. Keith: The invaders. 7284 3250 6620 8056 3290 8099 8100 5623 7322 6178 596 599 3323 1378 8138 3329 7354 8146 B 8146 A 631 B 631 A 6680 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Fr Sw USA UK Sw USA USA Fi Sw Sw USA USA UK UK Fr Sw En En Sw En En Fi Sw Sw En En En En Pol Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En sc sc pt pt hc hc sc hc hc hc pt hc pt hc sc hc sc pt hc hc hc pt 2009 2002 2008 2010 2002 2010 2010 2006 2009 2007 1983 1975 2002 1986 2010 2002 2009 2010 2010 2003 1983 2008 Sida 195 of 392 Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza. William Robert: An account of a meeting with denizens of another world 1 Loosley. Martin's Press. Y. Wolfgang: Dark skies. Linders. King. Dénis: Skuggor över Elysion. Malmö HB Lilla Ark. Fred: Det svarta molnet. Himlen är nära. Tapani: Viestejä. Koontz. Lidfors. Helsinki Bra böcker Bra Böcker. N. Mass. William Robert: An account of a meeting with denizens of another world 1 Lovecraft. Thriller. Shaun: The uninvited 3: The abduction / Frank Taylor (pseud.). Dean. London Knorr. Leonard. ["Messages"]. Paris Albert Bonniers förlag. Jan: Flygande fiende.: Rockets i Hoyle. Desmond: The amazing Mr. & others: The spawn of Cthulhu. P. London Allan Wingate. Laumer. H. Stockholm Bokförlaget Settern St. Roman. [Orig. Michael: Snömännens dal. Binding En pt AcqYear 2008 2008 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Manning. Knud: Når verdener mödes. [Skrifter utgivna Nesvadba. Niskanen. Hämeenlinna Lapin URSA. James A. Based on the teleplay written by Chri Marzulli. Michiga USA the author USA Authors and Artists Publishing Guild USA Pan Books. Stockholm Bantam. Morpurgo. Les: The X files.5. Connie. (Mannen från UNCLE). John S. NY UK USA Sw Sw UK USA Sw Sw UK Fi Fi USA Sw USA den 31 december 2010 . Rennes Ryhls forlag. [Orig. [Choose your ow 8176 7388 3360 6197 5112 4166 6968 8206 1784 A 1784 B 6701 6702 5718 4196 4719 6720 3453 5779 5787 7442 765 5804 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-06968 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 UK Fr Da UK UK En Fr Da En En En En En En En Sw Sw En En Sw Sw En Fi Fi En Sw En sc pt sc pt sc sc digital PDF file hc pt pt hc hc pt pt hc hc pt hc hc pt pt pt 2010 2009 2002 2007 2005 2003 2010 2010 1991 1991 2008 2008 2006 2003 2004 2008 2002 2006 2006 2009 1983 2006 Sida 196 of 392 Éditions Terre de Brume. Michener. ["The big hand"]. Stories of science a Nevakallio. London Warner. Marhic. Miall. London Zondervan. Selleck. Robert: UFO 2. Science fiction i Sverige 1950-1968. Montgomery. (We are not alone). Robert: UFO 2. [Choose your own adventure . Lynn A. Sporting blood. Määttä. Edward: Inside UFO 54-40.J.: Mot rymden. Martin. London HarperCollins.: Project UFO. R. London Lapin URSA. [orig: The Cop Packard. Mongredien. Y. Version 1. Höganäs Bra böcker.A. #1 X marks the spot. London Bantam. Mariboe. Norvil. James A. McGowan. Milton & Menger. P. Malmö Ellerströms New English Library. No. Wennerbergs. Mark.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Lovecraft.]: Dream chariots. Höganäs Collins. John F. 1. Miall. Howard: The Carpenter returns. Sue: Shirley Holmes.: At the mountains of madness and other novels of terror.143]. (ed. NY Richters förlag. Vol. The truth is here..: Mot rymden. Oram. Michener.: The physicists versus the flying saucers. ["Double life with ice"]. Illustrated by Paul Granger. Grand Rapids. A. N.): Supernatural stories. Jerry: Raketsommar. Space]. Juuso: Suuri viisari. John: Fallet med de flygande tefaten. Ballerup Puffin. Renaud: Hermines et idées noires. Manning [pseud. H. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6681 1 1 1968 1969 19?? 2000 1980 1999 1995 1999 2008 1973 1971 1973 1986 1986 1998 1994 1987 2006 1979 1994 1998 1977 1967 1984 John Spencer & Co. Del 2. Menger. Jan: The sighting. 22. [orig: King of the cloud forests]. Del 1. [Orig. NY Bra böcker.: Tuplaelämä jäillä. Space]. Jyväskylä Daw Books. St Albans Country GB Lang. London Panther/Granada. The case of the alien abductions.: Nephelim. Josef: In the footsteps of the abominable snowman. : V . Nick: Operation thunderchild. Sederholm. Semitjov. Desmond: Sexton Blake. Proctor. Los Angel USA Foundation/Doubleday. Carl: Kontakt. Milano Libris. Sagnier. Reeves-Stevens. 2 fantastiska romaner. Richard: The second ship. Authorized edition based on the popular t Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5808 1 1 1967 1964 1980 2009 1998 1963 1993 2000 2000 1985 1981 1989 1964 1999 2001 1995 1987 1987 1983 1985 2009 1978 1980 1967 Julius Breitschopf. Linda: Robotfolket. Book one of the RHO agenda. Paris Fratelli Fabbri Editori. Cloning a counterfeit creation. Faran från rymden. Örebro Simon & Schuster. Rucker. Sorunda Askild & Kärnekull. Nick: Operation Lightning Strike. Gedichte. Wien Synergy Books. Rusch. Eugen: Mannen från framtiden & När tiden vände. Ursula: Kleine UFOS. Stockholm Avon. Reid. Jack: The invaders. NY Panther/Granada. [orig: An alien at S:t Wilfred's].Angreifer aus dem All. Sheckley. Robert: Untouched by human hands. Austin. Mats & Bjuvgård. Carl: Kontakt. London Legenda. NY Cicero. Giordano: Storie di domani. Sederholm. Saperstein. Thierry J. [orig: Contact]. London New English Library. Phillips. Sagan. Semitjov. Wisconsin Country USA Lang. Sagan. 4749 7479 7480 4753 3485 8302 2903 5834 814 4296 3518 4806 6767 5889 1807 A 1807 B 4808 3559 7539 2159 A 2159 B 6788 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 Austria USA Fr It Sw UK UK UK Ge En Fr It Sw En En En En En Sw En Ge En Sw Sw En En Sw Sw Sw En small format sc sc hc sc sc pt pt pt hc sc hc sc pt hc pt pt pt hc hc pt pt 2004 2009 2009 2004 2002 2010 2001 2006 1983 2003 2002 2004 2009 2006 1991 1991 2004 2002 2009 1994 2010 2008 Summit University Press. London Ge UK Sw Sw USA UK Sw Sw Sw GB den 31 december 2010 Sida 197 of 392 . Plass. Rupertinger. Stockholm Four Square Books. [A novel]. Binding En hc AcqYear 2006 2008 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Pfeiffer. Rudy: Saucer wisdom. Kristine Kathryn: Alien influences. Herdecke Millenium. Eugen: Mannen från framtiden & När tiden vände. NY USA Scheffler-Verlag. David: Cocoon. London Pocket Books. Pope. Garfield: Nighteyes. Adrian: En utomjording i S:t Wilfred.the Chicago conversion. Halmstad USA Sw Forge/Tom Doherty Associates. Stockholm Askild & Kärnekull. Prophet.: The soulless one. London M. Brigitte: UFO . [orig: The world-shakers]. Stockholm MånPocket. Pitt. George W. [orig: Contact]. London Whitman. Mark L. 2 fantastiska romaner. Racine. Pope.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Pearl. Texas Lettres du Monde. Dam of death.: The IFO report. Pia. Yves: Voyage dans le temps ou Soixante heures dans l'espace intersidéral. Ufocod Author And Title LFS Sheldon. Whitley: Critical mass. Strieber. New York Bantam. Southall. Kolbjørn: Mine paranormale opplevelser . Stenødegård. The consequences of the Twenti Strieber. Simpson. Strieber. Simpson. Neil R: Thin air. [orig: Simon Black in space]. Whitley: The Wolfen. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. Silverberg. Whitley: The last vampire. Pocket Books. Höganäs Förlags AB Wiken. James: Nature's end. Robert: Those who watch. Whitley: Majestic. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 1993 1992 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Silverberg. Simak. Ainslie: Mind's eye. NY den 31 december 2010 . Neal R. Whitley: Billy. Strieber. [The doomsday conspiracy]. George F & Burger. The war for souls. Whitley & Kunetka. NY Methuen.møte med en høyre intellig Stranges.: The UFO conspiracy. [orig: Warday]. NY Tor/Tom Doherty Associates LLC. Clifford: The visitors. Strieber. NY New American Library. London Fredhøis Forlag New English Library. Whitley & Kunetka. Strieber. Strieber. Strieber. Skinner. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2020 2 1 1991 1991 1963 1967 1982 1978 1978 1981 1953 1987 1985 1986 1987 2007 1993 1993 2009 1989 1991 1990 1989 2006 2001 1979 Ace. Whitley: 2012. N. Frank E. Höganäs Tom Doherty Associates. George E. Strieber. och vägen vidare. Y. Höganäs Warner books. Calif Bra Böcker. Höganäs Futura.] Strieber. Whitley: Billy. Bra Spänning. [Orig. Ivan: Simon Black i världsrymden. [orig: Majestic]. Strieber.: Operation Tynn Luft. Whitley: The grays. Wiken. London Albert Bonniers förlag. NY Putnam's. Whitley: Majestic. Strieber. Robert: The silent invaders. Sidney: Bellamys hemlighet. London Pan Books. 3601 3602 3603 5926 1809 7561 3622 1535 2934 3637 6812 6813 5952 A 5952 B 7587 1966 1665 C 1665 B 1665 A 6814 6815 3638 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 USA USA UK No UK UK Sw No USA Sw USA USA Sw Sw USA Sw UK USA USA USA USA USA En En En No En En Sw No En Sw En En Sw Sw En Sw En En En En En En pt pt pt sc pt pt hc document A4 hc hc sc hc hc hc hc hc pt (2 different covers) pt hc hc hc pt 2002 2002 2002 2006 1991 2009 2002 1988 2001 2002 2008 2008 2006 2009 2009 1992 2001 2003 1990 2008 2008 2002 Sida 198 of 392 Tor/Tom Doherty Associates LLC. Van Nuys. Stockholm författaren. [orig: Thin Air]. & Burger. Whitley: Hemligstämplat. London Berkley. Strieber. New York Bonnier. James: K-dagen. Whitley: Majestic. Trondheim IEC. Billy. Dayton: The last world war.omen. Taylor.: The fresco. Donald: The next encounter. Eric: UFOs are coming Wednesday. 1968 B 8448 4384 1821 1822 5209 6824 4390 3665 5994 6278 V 2469 6850 1110 3696 5232 1126 A 1126 B 3702 1830 1085 7657 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-04390 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 Sw Sw En En En En En Sw En En En En Eb En En En Sw En En En En Da Fr hc hc pt pt pt hc hc hc pt pt video VHS sc sc pt hc sc hc pt pt booklet A5 sc pt 1992 2010 2003 1991 1991 2005 2008 2003 2002 2006 2007 1997 2008 1979 2002 2005 1976 1983 2002 1991 1975 2009 Sida 199 of 392 Tom Doherty Associates. Vilà. Frank: The uninvited 2: the visitation. Binding Sw pt AcqYear 2009 1996 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS Strieber. Frank: The uninvited 3: the abduction. Ian: Miracle visitors. London Oxford University Press. Christian: "X". Vicary. Whitley: The Omega point.omen. Level 5). NY Fawcett Gold Medal. Dennis: Star of lll . Tepper. Calif UK UK UK USA Sw USA USA USA USA USA Pocket Books. Brad (director): Roswell. Beyond 2012. H. L. London Arrow. London Natur och Kultur. Vallée. Sheri S. N US Ace.: The war of the worlds. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. New York Bokpro. Whitley: Varulvarna. London Arrow. (A Novel in collaboration with Tracy Tormé). SF mystère. NY Paramount Pictures Frog Ltd. NY Belmont. London Walker and Company. Bob: The ring-a-ding UFOs. Sykes.G. Dennis: They found Atlantis.I. Ward. London Star. H. Taylor. The wolfen]. Tim: City of lights. Wheatley. Paris USA UK Sw UK UK UK UK Da Fr den 31 december 2010 . Bjärnum Eos/HarperCollins. (Streamlined Graded Readers. Berkeley. Turner. Tralins. Whitley: Varulvarna. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1968 c 2 1 1991 1979 1990 2010 1996 1984 1985 1983 2007 2000 1982 1967 1998 1996 2003 1978 1951 1966 1952 1963 1953 1989 1961 1998 Legenda. Wells. Simon & Schuster. Stockholm Hutchinson. NY Heinemann. [Orig. Wheatley.: Världarnas krig. [The Miss from S. Otto: En klode griper ind.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Strieber. Strieber. Per Erik: Efter alla dessa år.G. [orig: The war of the worlds]. Thompson. Stockholm Legenda. Watson. Oxford the author Éditions Fleuve Noir. The aliens attack.: Only half a hoax. Wells. Jacques: Fastwalker. London Star. Viking. New York USA Virgin. [orig: The Wolfen].S]. Taylor. Wheatley.A. Tell. Dennis: Star of lll . ] Wilson. Vladimir: Nattflygaren. Tor Åge: Ruffen . Stockhol Wahlströms. [orig: The space vampires]. Bengt: Mannen från Tellus. Wahlströms bokförlag. Erik: Den okända u-båten. Bókad Oneiric Press. Sivar: Tefatsmysteriet. Stockhol B. Binding En pt AcqYear 2002 2006 LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFS LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY Williamson. Uppsala B. Stockholm Berghs. Stockhol Bra Böcker. Ahlrud. Jack: The humanoids. Calif Legenda. Wahlströms bokförlag. Wahlströms bokförlag. Stockholm Williams. NY Carlsen if. John: Vidundret vaknar.O. Wahlströms ungdomsböcker. Thure: Det röda klotet. [utg. Stockholm Lindblads. [Orig. Tore: Oannes. Wyndham. Berg. David A. Jörgen: Spökflygaren. München Kulturförlaget. Winter. [Orig. [orig: Cam Jansen and Ahlrud. Colin: Rymdens demoner.sjöormen som ikke kunne svömme. Wahlströms ungdomsböc Borg. Höganäs Puffin.] Bringsvaerd. C. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3709 B 1 1 1977 1954 1980 1978 1975 1990 1959 1954 1980 1997 1984 1964 1956 1971 1975 1975 1950 1953 1942 1946 1969 1991 1932 1998 Avon Books. Berättelse för pojkar. B.: Den underjordiska staden. Sivar: Grodmansmysteriet. [Klickan Jansson-böckerna]. Adler. Nya skräckberättelser av Stephen King Vogel. 2. Äventyrsroman för ungdomen. Borg. Thomas: Ein UFO namens Amadeus. The Kraken wakes.] Zetterholm. B. Berättelse för pojkar. [Ny. utökad uppl. Berkeley. Stockholm AB Fortunafilm Sphere. Beekman.: Ufo-mysteriet. Almroth.]: Ondskans väsen. uppl.F. Stockhol Tyndall Mitchell Omnibus. Douglas E. Stockholm B. Illustrated by Susanna Adler. 6864 3713 3715 6868 6298 7672 1159 4453 6368 6372 2961 2970 55 7722 3013 3030 6413 6414 6416 5355 6420 7775 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 USA Sw USA Sw Sw Sw Sw USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw UK Ge Sw No En Sw En Sw En Sw Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Ge Sw No pt sc sc hc video VHS sc hc sc sc hc hc hc hc sc hc hc hc hc hc sc hc hc 2008 2002 2002 2008 2007 2009 1983 2004 2008 2008 2002 2002 1983 2010 2002 2002 2008 2008 2008 2006 2008 2010 Sida 200 of 392 Oskar Eklunds bokförlag. [orig: Öölendurid]. Block. Bromma Rabén & Sjögren Gebers. (director): Terror in the midnight sun [Rymdinvasion i Lappland]. Yngve: Spökraketer över Stenköping. David A. N. Edited b Brezina. 44 Bowen. Mollie: Flying saucers and outer space. Virgil W.: Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U. eng. Stockholm Gyldendal Tiden den 31 december 2010 . Colin: The mind parasites. Illustrated by Gerry Wood. [Die Knickerbocke Bande]. Wilson. Jack: The humanoids. T. Axelsson.Ufocod Author And Title LFS Williamson. London Country UK Lang. Y. Bridge. Erik: Raketflygaren. Terrance: Rymdens fångar. NY Scholastic. Paul: Alf . Jan: Gudarnas berg. Starquest 1. Ole: Strålen från rymden. New York Country USA Lang. Wahlströms bokförlag. Margaret & Striker. Georg: Rymdpirater. berättelser och lekar kring hi Engström. Forsslund. Malm Norstedts. frågelekar.: Brinnande bergens gåta. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5360 1 1 2000 2000 1982 1998 1979 1981 1989 1983 1983 1996 1954 2000 1959 1979 1934 1935 1991 1991 1987 1990 1994 1976 1955 1958 Wahlströms. mysterier. Stockholm Sw Hegas. Eva: Wanna buy an alien? Illustrated by Timothy Bush. [Orig. Stockholm Lindqvists. Stockholm Sw Wahlström & Widstrand. 3064 5399 3867 5400 6464 4960 6488 7882 6509 5471 3127 4983 3143 6526 3151 3152 7953 6562 6573 7267 3223 3224 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Sw Sw USA USA Sw USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw Sw Sw hc hc hc sc hc hc hc hc sc hc hc hc hc (1) sc (1) sc sc sc sc hc sc hc hc hc 2002 2006 2003 2006 2008 2005 2008 2010 2008 2006 2002 2005 2002 2008 2002 2002 2010 2008 2008 2009 2002 2002 Sida 201 of 392 B. Dicks. Fusco. Spacej Dixon.: Ceto's new friends.) [Orig. M. [Orig. NY Richers förlag Delacorte Press. Mead & Comp. [orig: En strale fra rummet]. Gåtor. Ole: Kampen mot det onda. Eng. Binding En hc AcqYear 2006 2008 LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY Carey. Henner. [orig: The three investigators in the mystery Clark. Stockholm Clarion Books. Coville. Fröstrup. Fröstrup. Torbjörn: Syskonplaneten. Bruce: Utomjordingen. Margaret Goff: The boy from the UFO returns. Den okända planeten. Wahlströms förlag. Stockholm Wahlströms Dood. Carl [Henrik Nanne]: Invasion från rymden. Lee: I fruktans klor. [orig: My teacher is an alien]. Clark. Heinlein. Äventyrsberättelse för ungdom. Robert: Rymdkadetten. Dank. Guillou. Jöran: Spökflygaren. [orig title: Barney in space]. Roman för unga människor. Stockholm Lindqvists.: Kidnappad av utomjordingar.: Space cadet]. Carl [Henrik Nanne]: I Marsfolkets våld. F.Ufocod Author And Title LFY Bunting. Milton & Dank. Stockholm Sw Sw Sw Sw Greenleaf Publications. Gloria: A UFO has landed. Margaret Goff: Barney and the UFO. Engström. Stockhol Åhlén & Åkerlunfs förlag / Albert Bo Natur och Kultur. Pojkarnas julbok. Jöran: Striden om pax-strålen.besök från rymden. 2. NY B. Gusum Hegas. Tuscaloosa USA Opal Lindqvists. Stockholm Alfabeta Wahlström & Widstrand.: The Hardy boy Eliasson. Gusum Select/Hemmets Journal AB. Gallie: Himla klurigt. Illustrated by Lisa Dusenberry. Haley. [orig: Kampen mod det onde]. Henner. (Bröderna Hardy. [orig: Hair-Raisers Clark. Stockholm Sw Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 . 1.V. [Skräckens sigill].: Rymdkulan. Forsslund. W. T. Leah A.A. T. William: E. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. Karl [Henrik Nanne]: Fånge bland månmän. [orig: Son of the stars]. Kitamura. Illustrations de Jean Sidobre. Henner. Stockholm Wahlströms. Eine utopische Erzählung für die Juge Lélio: Caroline et la soucoupe volante. Kelly. Stockholm Citadell. The extra-terrestrial. Stockholm Lindqvists. Ingvar. Carl [Henrik Nanne]: Spökflyg över Venus. Johansson i Backe.Ufocod Author And Title LFY Henner. NY Forum.T.: Eyes of the alien. En roman av William Kotzwinkle bas Krahn. New York Wahlströms. Pete: Besökaren. Carl [Henrik Nanne]: Pluto klockan X 12. William: E. Jörgen: Conny och ufo:t. Berlin-Sch Ge Hachette.the Kotzwinkle. 8 full-color models. Based on a screenplay b Kotzwinkle. Paris Fr den 31 december 2010 . . Jörälv. Johns. Storybook. . Binding Sw sc AcqYear 2002 2002 LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY Henner. Stockholm Carlsen if Knight Books. [orig: Biggles and the dark intruder]. Fernando: En flyvende tallerken fuld af spaghetti.: Rymdens son.: Biggles och spökflygaren. Kitamura. London Lindqvists. Kawami. Storybook. Johansson. Stockholm Lindqvists förlag. . William: E. [orig: E. Evelyn: The seven and the UFOs. Stockholm Bonnier Carlsen. A new adventure of the characters cr Lang. Johnson. Raymond F.T.the extraterrestrial. [orig: The mystery club 27: Cover-up]. Fiona: De mystiska cirklarna. Sven: Rösten från rymden. Stockholm Tiden. Carl [Henrik Nanne]: Strålskeppet. Stockholm Dover Publications. Kerstin: Storsjöodjuret. London Putnam's.E.) Jones. Georg: Nödsignal från rymden och andra berättelser från kosmos. David: Cut & assemble UFO's that fly. Jak: Mein Freund vom anderen Stern. Stockholm Sphere Books. W. Gästen från rymden. Satoshi: UFO diary. Satoshi: UFO diary. Based on a screenplay b Kotzwinkle.T. 3227 3228 7270 3260 8072 3267 3272 8075 3276 3280 6174 5608 4673 6647 3304 3305 B 3305 A 3306 3307 6656 5086 6673 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw USA Sw UK USA Sw UK USA Sw Da UK Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw En En Sw En En Sw Da En Ge Fr hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc small format sc large format hc sc hc hc sc hc hc hc pt hc hc 2002 2002 2009 2002 2010 2002 2002 2010 2002 2002 2007 2006 2004 2008 2002 2010 2002 2002 2002 2008 2005 2008 Sida 202 of 392 Gebrüder Weiss Verlag. Henner.T. Stockholm Bonniers Juniorförlag.the extraterrestrial. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3225 1 1 1958 1957 1955 1956 1954 1987 1992 1988 1973 2000 1957 2000 1985 2003 1993 1989 1983 1982 1982 1982 1972 1986 197? 1980 Lindqvists. Teckningar av Leif Korsman. Stockholm Egmont Richter Wennerbergs. London Farrar Straus Giroux. .the extraterrestrial. Kotzwinkle. [orig: A flying saucer full o Lallemand. William: E. NY Richters Red Fox. Mineola. (Orig. Sally: Så lenge jeg lever. NY Egmont Kärnan Lindblads.) Nicolaysen. Forunderlige fortellinger fra virkeli Montero. Howard: UFOs.: Invasion of the UFOs. f. Calif. London Albert Bonniers förlag. Gertrude L.): Rymden. Marit: Svein og rotta gjennom solsystemet. Nordström. 4687 5700 3423 8208 4194 5720 4723 6725 8243 6727 A 6727 B 3461 6731 761 4265 3499 4277 6759 5176 4799 5179 4802 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 USA Sw Sw No Sp UK En Sw Sw No Sp En En No Sw No No Sw Sw Sw En En En Ge En En Sw En hc sc hc (1) sc (1) hc hc hc sc hc sc small format hc sc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc 2004 2006 2002 2010 2003 2006 2004 2009 2010 2008 2008 2002 2008 1983 2003 2002 2003 2008 2005 2004 2005 2004 Sida 203 of 392 Bethany House. With a foreword by Patrick Moore. 3 Nicolaysen. Friederun: Nick und das rote UFO. Wahlströms bokförlag. NY Marc Anthony Publ. Nancy: UFO kidnap! Illustrated by Edward Frascino. Oljelund. Prowense. Marian T. unidentified flying objects.: Mrs Moore in space. Würtzburg Caxton Editions. Lars: Spökhistorier 5. killen från framtiden. [An easy-read activity book]. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 2002 2002 LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY Liss. Lee & Shepard. Gustav Sandgren]: Den okända faran. Gabriel [pseud. Blue Jay. Robison. Vera: Kua som falt ned fra himmelen. No Sw No No Sw Sw Sw USA USA Hampton Roads Publ Co. Minne USA Gyldendal. Dave: Making UFOs. Moore. Katarina: Ufoklubben. Bill: Bloodhounds Inc. Oslo Aschehoug. Place. Micaelsen. Det mystiska tefatet. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. Meyn. (B. Stockholm Ives Washburn Inc. Mary J. London Lothrop. Marit: Svein og rotta og UFO-mysteriet. Rain. Reichenstetter. Minneapolis. NY BonnierCarlsen. Uppsala Kagge forlag. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3333 2 2 1933 1953 1968 2005 1955 2009 1986 1974 1998 2008 1974 2007 2007 1956 1990 1975 1969 1977 1997 2000 1999 1978 2000 1980 Hawthorn Books. rockets and spaceships. Börje: Operation dimma. Oslo Albert Bonniers förlag. [Spike Samlarserie]. Thea: Arvo. Mansén. Oslo IngelekJuvenil Cassell. Stockholm Franklin Watts. Hans: Stormens öga. Moa (red. Nick: Flying saucers. Illustrated by Don Lombo. Ros. Stockholm Wahlströms. Nicklasson. [Orig. Ways to live forever].: Brad's flying saucer. Stockholm Bonniers junior förlag.: Down to earth. NY Ge UK USA Sw USA den 31 december 2010 . Wahlströms ungdomspocket.Ufocod Author And Title LFY Linde. Mit Illustrationen von Charlotte Robinson. Myers. En framtidssyn. Nicholls. Ross. Tegninger av Per Dybvig. Svein og rotta gjennom solsyst Nordén. Pedro: Viajes en un OVNI. Charlotte USA Arena Verlag. Oslo B. Mary Summer: Star babies. Stockhol Aschehoug. Niels: Det flygande tefatet. Sznaper. Ustad. Stockholm Gebers. Whitman/Western Publishing: UFO past & present. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. voyages et Wernström.) Verne. Wernström. James: Walker. Malcolm: Saucer over the Moor. Linda Joy: Oh no! UFO! Stenlund. Paul. Sven: Destination Mars. Kjell Ivan: Det flygande tefatet. Willy: UFO-alarm! (Fire sösken. Stockholm Wahlströms. A Lone Pine adventure. Adam: UFO elegant i motyle. Malmö Bladkompaniet. Svedenblad. Sven: Rymdskeppets gåta.: Kompis från rymden. Singleton. Brown and Company. Anne & Anderson. John Rowe: Besökarna. Service. Sven Christer: Jakten på stora sjöormen. MN USA Fosterlandsstiftelsen Little. Boston Rabén & Sjögren. London Rabén & Sjögren. Oslo AWE/Gebers. Sven: Resa på en okänd planet. Maj: Hjältar och monster på himlavalvet. [orig: Fyra filmrutor]. Wernström. 28. War Poland Berghs. Semitjov. (Pojkarnas julbok). Wendover. Jay & Abrashkin. Sven: Resa på en okänd planet. Saville. Hector Servadac. Stockholm Åhlén & Åkerlund. Townsend. Williams. Stockholm Åhlén & Åkerlunds förlags AB MånPocket. Stockholm Sörlins. Eugen: Tex på farligt spår. Pamela F. Swahn. Racin USA McGraw-Hill. Malcolm: Saucer over the Moon. Vladimir: Det försvunna aeroplanet. Jules: Hector Servadacs resor i rymden. Stockholm Stegelands Sw USA Sw Sw Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza. Stevenson. [orig: Stinker from space]. Eugen: UFO-fjället. Semitjov. [orig: The Xanadu manuscript]. Illustra 4809 B 4809 A 897 A 3589 897 B 6786 3591 7558 3634 6809 7594 8458 8465 3670 8508 6855 7650 3699 A 3699 B 3700 6859 8540 A 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 John Goodchild Publ. Semitjov. Bok 1-4]. [Orig. Raymond: Danny Dunn and the swamp monster. Semitjov. Josef: Spökflygaren. B UK The Children's Book Club. Stockholm Sw No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Whitman/Western Publishing. Eugen: Fyra filmrutor. Wernström.Ufocod Author And Title LFY Samzelius. and the striped flying saucer. [Samlingsvolym. St. the witch. Norrköping Opal UK Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw En Sw Sw Pol Sw No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En hc hc hc hc hc hc hc sc sc hc hc hc sc A4 hc sc hc hc pt pt hc booklet hc 2004 2008 1983 2002 1994 2008 2002 2009 2002 2008 2009 2010 2010 2002 2010 2008 2009 2002 2009 2002 2008 2010 Sida 204 of 392 Llewellyn Publications. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 2009 2010 LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY LFY Saville. A sticker book. A Lone Pine story. Stockholm Askild & Kärnekull. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7528 1 1 1993 2007 1984 19?? 1952 1956 1978 1944 1989 2004 1958 1969 1974 197-? 1986 1982 1998 1988 1969 1967 1971 1968 1978 1971 Sveriges radios förlag. New York USA den 31 december 2010 . ): Brev till samhället. Stockholm Fogtdals förlag. Åbyson. Staffan & Willis. Jay & Abrashkin. Stockholm Wahlströms. 1. Ungdomens önskebok. Bromma Gallimard. Alm. Mikael: Nätguiden. [Vetens Campbell. Peter: Främmande världar. Johanna & Lindström.Ufocod Author And Title LFY Williams. årg. Stockholm Semic Berghs förlag. Skolmateriel. En Bergh. [Real kids. Holger [Holger Mildh]: Lasse Holm och det flygandet tefatet. Nationalencyklopedin. Bengtsson. Nigel & Newell. Gustafson. Binding En pt AcqYear 2010 2006 LFY LFY LFY LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG LG Zullo.): Berghs flyg. Stockholm DN. Bolinder. Sven-Erik (red. En ovanlig uppslagsbok. Lundell. Örle. Jan: Killarnas kalender 1972. 1954. Paris Pocket Books. om upptäckter o Lundström. Göran: Klassiska klyschor och K-märkta ord. Jean: Le passé défini. Malmö Semic. Birger: Vet du. David & Borgenicht.): Vår bild av världen. Borgenicht.] Carlson. Allan: UFO kids. [Orig. Stockholm LiberLäromedel. Magnus: Welcome to Sweden. Anders & Rimsten-Nilsson. Stockholm Marginal förlag. Fredriksson.och rymdkalender 1976. Från unis Bengtsson. spellbinding tales]. Christer (red. Skapelsen. Fejle. Berling. Svenska för mella Guinness rekordbok 1998. Journal. Guy: Smarta överlevnadsboken.): Jorden i framtiden. Om spel och sport. Sundbuberg Williams förlag. NE. Joe: Actionhjältens handbok.: The action her Calder. Berättelse för pojkar. Stockholm Kartago förlag. Stockholm Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 . Malmö Bokförlaget DN. Håkan (red. Från kalasbyxor till fluortant. New York Country USA Lang. Lars Åke: Våra vanligaste vanligheter. Jean: 40-tal. Göran: K-märkta ord. 3. John (red. [orig: Future earth]. [Orig. Stock Sw Liber förlag. Cocteau. Stockholm Semic. Höganäs Rabén & Sjögren. Ett uppslagsverk på vetenskaplig grund utarbetat på initi Nilson. Lund Forum. Raymond: Danny Dunn and the swamp monster. Illustra Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 8540 B 1 1 1971 2000 1995 1975 1951 2003 2007 2006 1975 1996 1978 2003 1990 2008 1972 1989 1974 1982 1997 2007 1957 2000 1991 1980 Rainbow Bridge/Troll Associates Gummessons. Kerstin: Blå temaboken. [orig: Guinness Book of Records]. Stockholm Bokförlaget DN Bokförlaget Bra böcker. 6073 3729 3732 5264 6397 5322 6400 7730 4925 7765 5371 7798 4939 7153 4986 4995 6156 6566 5098 8154 8239 5785 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw sc sc hc sc sc sc sc hc hc hc hc hc sc sc sc A4 sc hc sc hc pt hc hc 2006 2002 2002 2006 2008 2006 2008 2010 2005 2010 2006 2010 2005 2009 2005 2005 2007 2008 2005 2010 2010 2006 Sida 205 of 392 Sveriges Radio. Sten: Spökflygaren.: The boys' book of survival. Staffan & Willis. Liv i kosmos. Köping Natur och Kultur. Virgini USA Time Life Books.: UFO calendar 1996. Wendelle C. Stevens. Uppsala the author. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Munkedals AB: The Munkedals Agenda 1998. F.Ufocod Author And Title LG Nylund. O. Karlstad Cordia. Tucson. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Stevens. Tucson Paragon Publishing. Wis USA UFO Photo Archives. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. S. Åkerlund. David: I värsta fall: en överlevnadshandbok för resor.): U. Walker. Wendelle C. Mark (composer): UFO: the truth is here. Marieha Casterman Press förlag AB. Wendelle C. Brookesmith. Åländsk årsbok för kyrka och kultur. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7443 1 1 1979 1962 2003 2009 2002 1988 1979 1992 1986 1998 2003? 1989 1990 1991 1992 1995 1997 1995 2001 1992 1988 1998 1988 1991 Richters Köpingsboken. Peterjörgen (director). Köping Brevskolan. Stefan: Sanct Olof 2002-2003.: UFO calendar 1991. London USA USA USA USA USA USA UK Sw USA UK CD with audio music files 2006 hc hc A4 2008 2009 Marshall Cavendish. Alexandria. Stevens. Bo: Utblick och insikt. Peter [ed.: UFO calendar 1998. O'Dell. [Dossiers OVNI. Stevens. Bournemouth Cosmonova.: UFO calendar 1992. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Brookesmith.: UFO calendar 1993.: UFO calendar 1990. Svenska personligheter i intervjuer om drivkraft och tro. Time-Life Books: Earth energies. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 2009 2008 LG LG LG LG LG LG LI LK LK LK LK LK LK LK LK LK LM LN LN LN LN LN Piven. France (Clip Fi Fr Time Life Books. Official photo-documented images. Minocqua. Time-Life Books: Cosmic connections. Henry [red.]: Mysteries of mind. Bruno: Ufologie et phénomènes connexes: liste des revues archivées. The Unexplained. Westport. Signes. 2004 Calendar. Ariz UFO Photo Archives. Black Cat. Joshua & Borgenicht. Jean: Gens de France. Mancusi.]: Ja. Korta essäer om tro och övertro.]: UFOs: where do they come from? Contemporary theories Heppa. space & time. Wendelle C. Marcus: The Encounters UFO calendar 1996. jag vill leva! Köpingsboken 2009. [Mysteries of the unknown]. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. Tucson. Widéen. Wendelle C. [Mysteries of the unknown].M.. Payerne Munkedals AB Willow Creek Press.f. (S. Conn. Stevens. Tucson. 1. Dale (ill. Wendelle C.: Uppländsk mystik. Teulé. 8]. Alexandria. 5825 8411 4369 7607 5239 7680 8173 5135 6738 5944 2929 2930 2931 8441 6808 6015 5930 6423 7126 5565 V 5977 5978 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Sw Sw Fi Belgiu Sw Sw Switzerl Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr Sw Sw Fr Sw En En En En En En En En En En En Fr En En sc hc sc sc hc hc document A5 ringbound sc calendar calendar calendar calendar calendar calendar calendar 2006 2010 2003 2009 2005 2009 2010 2005 2009 2006 2001 2001 2001 2010 2009 2006 Föreningen Sanct Olof r. Tucson.48-60: UFO-rörel Snellman. Les crop circles. Stevens. [ Segerström. Stockholm Stuttman. L. Snow. Tucson. Berthil: Insida. Peter [ed. Virgini USA video VHS b/w (French du2006 hc large format hc large format 2006 2006 den 31 december 2010 Sida 206 of 392 . Vol. Alexandria. Anders: Hälsa . & Theodoresen. L. Virgini USA Time Life Books.pseud. M. Stockholm Parthenon. C. Alexandria. Time-Life Books: Mystic quests. Hilary Evans]: The Assassin. [Mysteries of the unknown]. Stockholm Bokförlaget Doxa.. S. [orig: Hinsides vor verden].] (Les mystères Venetzky. . L Sw MacMillan.till alla. Stockholm Askild & Kärnekull. Algot: Stormvarning på "stället"! Och en appell på "vägen".: Gde klady zaryty? [Where are the treasures to dig for?]. Lars: En tom säck kan inte stå. Time-Life Books: Mysterious lands and people. Time-Life Books: The mystical year. Virgini USA Time Life Books. Evans. pseud. Alexandria. [Knowledge Adelskogh. 5984 5985 5986 5987 5988 5989 5990 2942 B 2942 A 7616 6038 6882 5258 6379 3015 7089 7199 5476 5478 5479 6144 3168 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 BM-06882 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Time Life Books. Time-Life Books: The UFO phenomenon. Time-Life Books: The psychics. Virgini USA Éditions Time-Life. Time-Life Books: Psychic powers. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5981 1 1 1990 1992 1988 1991 1991 1987 1989 1992 1992 1988 1987 1987 1989 2007 1965 1994 1971 1980 1944 1961 1967 1979 1981 1960 Country Lang. [orig: L'espionage industriel]. London Edista. Hilary: The oldest profession. An illustrated history of prostitution.: The UFO phenomenon. Binding En hc large format AcqYear 2006 2006 Time Life Books. Alexandria. Englesson.: En Bergier. f. Moscow Nordiska Förlaget Robert Hale. Virgini USA Time Life Books. Goos. Alexandria. Time-Life Books: The UFO phenomenon. Andersson. Jacques: Industrispionage. [Mysteries of the unknown]. London David & Charles. [Orig. [Mysteries of the unknown].E.. Alexandria. Paul: Nyckeln till livsgåtan. Helsingborg UK UK UK Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 207 of 392 . [Mysteries of the unknown]. [Mysteries of the unknown]. Gernandt. London Peter Dawnay Ltd. [Mysteries of the unknown]. Alexandria. Amsterdam Knowledge Series. Virgini USA Time-Life Books. Lundberg. Björkhem. Alexandria.Ufocod Author And Title LN Time-Life Books: Magical arts. Alexandria. Hilary: A world fit for Grimsby. pseud. Time-Life Books: Search for the soul. H. H. [pseud. Virgini USA Time Life Books. A. Örjan: Vården och människan. Agard. [Mysteries of the unknown]. [Mysteries of the unknown]. Evans. Lund Netherl Ru Sw UK Sw Sw Sw Lindstedts universitetsbokhandel. Virgini USA Time Life Books. Evans. Virgini USA Time Life Books. Hilary: The land of lost control. . London Hälsokostrådet. [Mysteries of the unknown]. Amsterdam Holland En En En En En En En En En Fr Ru Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En Sw Sw hc large format hc large format hc large format hc large format hc large format hc large format hc large format hc large format hc large format hc booklet digital PDF file hc sc sc sc sc hc hc hc hc hc (2) sc(1) 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2001 2006 2009 2006 2009 2006 2008 2002 2009 2009 2006 2006 2006 2007 2002 Time Life Books. Time-Life: Le phénomène des OVNI. Virgini USA LN LN LN LN LN LN LN LN LN LN LN LU LU LU LU LU LU LU LU LU LU LU Time-Life Books: Mysterious creatures. [Mysteries of the unknown]. Stockholm Semic. Jean-Pierre: Si on volait? Les aventures d'Anselme Lantarlu. 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Flying Saucers & 6684 7362 3457 3458 6728 5796 7477 4751 4306 6760 6761 3587 8412 6324 5945 8493 3683 7652 6059 66 7901 7919 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 BM-06324 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr USA Sp USA USA Sw Sw USA Sw USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr En Sp En En Sw Sw En Sw En Sw Sw Sw En En En sc hc (Defekt) pt hc hc hc hc sc sc booklet booklet hc hc digital PDF sc sc sc sc sc ringbound 8½x11 document 8½x11 document A4 2008 2009 2002 2002 2008 2006 2009 2004 2003 2008 2008 2002 2010 2008 2006 2010 2002 2009 2006 1983 2010 2010 Wendelle C. Stockholm Fabel. Henrik: Kärleken mellan man och kvinna eller mellan Lundsten. George M. (La novela de un hallazgo). Clifford A. From the Saliciano Cat Stigsjöö. Wächter. Petit.: [Index of material published in Pursuit from 1967-1978 (vols. Gray: A UFO guide to Fate Magazine. Vallée. Stockholm Bra böcker.: UFOs over Galisteo and other stories of New Mexico's history. Barcelona the author. James S. Clarksburg. Peter: Rymdväktaren. Eugen: Bilfirman 3½. New York the author. NY Planeta. Stockholm Norstedt. New York Rabén & Sjögren.: The alien IQ test. Timothy (ed. NY SUFOI. The magazine for science and reason. Binding En booklet A4 AcqYear 1987 2000 LX LX LX LX LX LX LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY LY Lind. Hansen. Hilary: The American UFO pulps. Hansen. Volume . Calif the author. Årbog for UFO-litteratur 1987. Kim Møller (ed. London Sidgwick & Jackson. Gentofte SUFOI.): The UFO report 1991. London www.): UFO-vision. Good. Gentofte SUFOI. Calif the author.csicop. Gentofte SUFOI. Gentofte UK Fr UK UK UK USA Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da 1 Translations 1994 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 3 1990 1991 1991 1991 1997 1998 1999 2004 2007 1987 1988 1989 den 31 december 2010 Sida 209 of 392 . Paris Sidgwick & Jackson.article index. [Orig. Edward G. Timothy ( the author. Gentofte SUFOI. Kim Møller (ed. Sacramento.December 199 Skeptical Inquirer Index. Hansen. Kim Möller (ed. connection.): E. Stewart.): UFO-vision nr 9. 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Toke: Når du ser et stjerneskud . Kylämä Country Fi Lang. James: Kaos.Ufocod Author And Title LY Suomen Ufotutkijat: Vuosiraportti 90. USA Faber and Faber. Per. Kuhmoinen Suomen ufotutkijat ry. A catalog of geop Dunbar. Ronald & Weston-Smith. (Paper presente Lemesurier.g Asimov.W.: The logic of scientific discovery. Glen Arm. NY the author UK UK UK Sw Sw UK Belgiu UK No USA USA Element Books. Hutchinson of London Askild & Kärnekull USA UK Sw den 31 december 2010 . Bruxelles Macmillan. Tore: Svärmaren i vetenskapens hus. Wiltshire UK Berkley Books. Kuettner. Popper. life and everythin Hallet. Lasse). Aabenraa Pan Books. Kananen. Marc: Quand des scientifiques déraillent. Birkeholm. Lasse). Corliss. religion and reality. Heikki. Marko & Repo. William R.: The second law. Robin: The trouble with science.g Andersen. Frängsmyr. Michio: Visions. Ulrik: Verden er magisk! Kaku. London Arkania. The Atkins. Brian J. (editor: Ahonen. making a new scienc Gribbin. 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Calder. 1487 7785 6438 B 6438 C 4945 6452 3081 B 3081 A 4529 4530 4956 4957 7866 4987 6521 3136 3137 7210 3159 6553 5538 5017 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw Sw En En En En Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En hc hc pt hc hc pt hc sc hc hc plastic binder plastic binder hc hc hc hc hc hc sc hc hc sc 1988 2010 2008 2010 2005 2008 2005 2002 2004 2004 2005 2005 2010 2005 2008 2002 2002 2009 2002 2008 2006 2005 Sida 213 of 392 The Sourcebook Project. Stockholm Björck & Börjesson. Corliss. (Mellan himmel och jord).0. Peter Lancaster: Astronomiboken [orig: Astronomy in colour]. Per: Världar i rymden. St. Gribbin. (Pocketuppl. Raymond: The NASA atlas of the solar system. Ferris. USA Natur och Kultur. Andra omarbetade upplagan.Ufocod Author And Title NA Blomme. P. Binding En booklet A4 AcqYear 1986 2002 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Brookesmith. 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Stockholm Aldus Books. Cambridge BCA. Lennart … (red.: Strange universe. Peter [red]: Världsrymdens gåta. John: In the beginning. etc: Den nya astronomin. Eric: Kosmisk gryning. John: White holes. Camille: I himmel och på jord. Glen Arm. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1343 2 1 1985 1962 1988 1980 1988 1982 1982 1967 1958 1951 1979 1969 1975 1977 1995 1980 1977 1906 1915 1977 1957 1997 1993 1977 Bokorama. Stockholm the author.) Calder. Stockholm Sw UK Sw Sw Sw Scientia Brombergs bokgörlag. [orig: Cosmic dawn]. Gamow. Stockholm Bromberg. Gribbin. Glen Arm. The birth of the living universe. Stockholm Brombergs. Stockholm Signet Science. Greeley.): Solsystemet. The beginning and end of space.. Märkliga fakta och obesvarade frågo Brown.: Einstein's univers.: Some mysteries of the universe.] Chaisson. Corliss. Collinder. Collinder. Hoyle.]: Rymden: planeterna. uppl. [Forskningens frontlinjer]. Några glimtar från en flertusenårig ve Lundmark. Urner: Phantasmagoria or Un Jeans. Stockholm Sw Harriers. Bertil Anders: Fantasi eller verklighet . Robin [red. Joachim: Världsalltets lagar. Hoyle. [orig: The nature of the universe]. Malmö The Viking Press. Lundmark. Fred: Nytt ljus över universum. Ny reviderad upplaga. Knut: Astronomiska upptäckter. Stockholm Sw Harriers bokförlag. Lindblad. Nigel: Mysteries of the universe. 1. London Berghs. Knut: Ut i världsrymden… Lundmark. Allen: Unusual aerial phenomena. Stockholm Mentor. [orig: The univer Kerrod. + Liddel. Herrman. David: Constructing the universe. Blå planeter. Hoyle. Hynek. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 2005 2002 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA flygande tefatens gåta. Några glimtar från en flertusenårig ve 5034 5563 3220 1904 4649 6601 3252 3253 3254 5581 5062 8084 5077 8590 8135 622 7357 3339 7360 3342 7361 5100 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 Sw UK UK Sw USA No Sw USA Sw USA Sw Sw Sw USA Austria Sw Sw Sw En En Sw En No Sw En Sw En Sw Sw Sw En Ge Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw hc hc hc hc (2) sc (1) hc pt sc pt pt reprint hc hc pt hc hc booklet sc sc hc hc sc sc 2005 2006 2002 1992 2004 2008 2002 2002 2002 2006 2005 2010 2005 2010 2010 1983 2009 2002 2009 2002 2009 2005 Sida 214 of 392 Journal of the Optical Society of Am Natur och Kultur. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5030 2 2 1984 1966 1981 1995 1963 1970 1959 1966 1955 1955 1961 1953 1932 1989 1981 1984 1934 1963 1961 1963 1950 1956 1951 1951 Bernces Aladdin Books. Hawkes. Hebwynd. Hoyle.: Universums uppkomst. Knut: Astronomiska upptäckter. Stockholm Wahlström & Widstrand. B. London Neville Spearman. NY Aldus. Bengt: Kosmisk resa. Kenneth: Men of other planets. Fred: The nature of the universe. Stockholm Bonnier. [orig: The exploration of outer spac Lundmark. Stockholm Forum. & Rytov. Fred: Världsalltets byggnad. [orig: Taschenatlas der Sternbilder]. The individual and the Univer Lovell.: Life and Klepesta. [Orig.Ufocod Author And Title NA Gustafsson. A. Sir James: Universum omkring oss. svarta hål. Stockholm Lindqvists. Johann: "Die Himmel rühmen…" Bilder von Weltall. Knut: Världar utan gräns.T. Lenz. C. Layzer. Stockholm Sw den 31 december 2010 . [Orig. Stockholm LiberFörlag. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. [orig: Frontiers of astonomy].A. V. Fred: Mennesker og melkeveier. 2. Josef: Stjärnor och stjärnbilder. NY Cappelens forlag. Innsbruck/Wien Tycho Brahe-sällskapet Natur och kultur. Oslo Bonniers. Särtryc Lovell. stjärnorna och galaxerna. Crane.: The living universe. Åke: Liv och död i univserum. Illustrations by R. J. Stockholm Sw Sw Gummessons Bokförlag. Stockholm Scientific American Library Tyrolia Verlag. 2. [Orig. Of men and galaxies]. En lättbegriplig orientering om himlakroppar Heuer. Bernard: Den yttre rymdens utforskning. James D. Modin. Nicolson. Redaktion Sw Wahlström & Widstrand. Tom: Astronomi. En resa genom myter och historia. Stockholm Sw Norstedts. Patrick: Det Bästa . Moore. Star atlas and reference handbook. Stockholm Natur och Kultur. David A.Ufocod Author And Title NA Lönnqvist. Stockholm Carlsen if Collins. Nordenmark. Med ljusets hastighet genom universum. Stockholm Det Bästa BonnierFakta. Nancy Ellen: Utsikt fra universets sentrum. Ha UK Förlaget för litteratur på främmande Albin Michel. 1. Donald H. galaxer. & Abrams. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3348 1 1 1947 1977 1980 1989 1975 1970 1917 1972 1982 1972 1984 1965 1956 1971 1977 1975 1926 1989 19?? 1997 2008 1977 1965 1981 Carlsen If. V. Peter & Strömgren. solar. Joel R. Nilson. Peter: Upptäckten av universum. 7401 3408 3422 4709 5124 6206 3430 6709 5130 3431 5138 5143 1390 3459 6730 8250 5152 7476 7492 128 5172 3546 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Sw Sw UK USA Sw Sw En En Sw No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw Fr No Sw Sw Sw hc hc hc hc large sc hc pt hc sc hc sc sc sc hc sc hc sc sc hc booklet A4 hc hc 2009 2002 2002 2004 2005 2007 2002 2008 2005 2002 2005 2005 1986 2002 2008 2010 2005 2009 2009 1983 2005 2002 Sida 215 of 392 Wahlström & Widstrand. E. Oslo Ru Fr No Forskning och Framsteg. Menzel.: Amatörastronomen. & Fesenkov. Charles-Albert: Astronomi.: Himmelrommets utfordring. London Random House.: Livet i universum. [orig: Album of astronomy].: Astronomy. Patrick: Astronomisk handbok. [Orig. [orig: The practical astronomer]. NY AB Ljus. Stockholm No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Longman Scientific & Technical. [orig: Strejftog i universum].: A field guide to the stars and planets. [orig: Challenge of th Moore. Patrick: Rymden. Ronan. 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The atlas of the Univ Moore.: Stjärnorna.: Norton's 2000. Oppdagels Rehnvall. Stockholm Sw den 31 december 2010 . Patrick: En färd i tid och rum. Stockholm Rabén & Sjögren. [orig: The boys' book o Naur. Stockholm Rabén & Sjögren. Wallenquist. Stockholm Askild & Kärnekull. Herbert S. Nya metoder och rön inom astro Wallenquist. Åke: På väg mot oändligheten. Bayliss. Harlow: Utblick från en fjärran stjärna. Produced by Jerome Agel. Wallenquist. Sagan. Steven: De første tre minutter. Stockholm Sw Forum. Shapley. Carl: Kosmos. Människans framtid i universum. Malmström. Robert. Colin A. [orig: The unity of the universe]. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5883 1 1 1983 1982 1975 1969 1982 1975 1964 1980 1963 1942 1969 1992 1991 1981 1962 1959 1966 1938 1980 2009 1978 1984 1971 1981 Norstedts. Om du vill veta mer om astronomi. uppl. [orig: Astronomie als Hob Time-Life: Det synliga universum. [orig: Sterne + Planeten]. 3547 7523 5181 6770 5184 1956 3593 3644 3667 5213 5216 7635 3684 3685 5219 5220 3686 7639 3692 6036 3726 5331 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Sw UK Sw USA Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw No Sw Sw hc hc hc pt sc hc (3) sc (1) pt sc hc hc hc hc hc sc sc sc hc booklet hc sc hc document A4 2002 2009 2005 2008 2005 1992 2002 2002 2002 2005 2005 2009 2002 2002 2005 2005 2002 2009 2002 2006 2002 2006 Wahlström & Widstrand. Åke: Astronomisk uppslagsbok. Stockholm Svensk AmatörAstromisk Förening Rabén & Sjögren. Binding En sc AcqYear 2006 2005 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NAB Roth. [or Strömgren.: Världsalltet som enhet. Claes. [orig: Cosmos]. omarb. Günter D. Wallenquist. Stockholm Åhlén & Söners förlag. Stockholm Prisma. Bernes. Åke: Astronomin i vår tid. Steven: De första tre minutrarna. Uppsala Prisma. Kjell & Schlyter. Trollhättan Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 216 of 392 .: Astronomi. 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Oslo Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw No Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt Sw SUAA:s solsektion. Några av den moderna astronomins mest ak Warell. Rynefors. Johan & Wettergren. & Baker. Robert H. USA Orion. UK Sw USA Smithsonian Institution. Marc: Ces etranges meteores. USA Smithsonian Institution. Stockholm Belgiu Belgiu Sw Sw Sw USA USA Sw Mountain Press. Smithsonian Institution. London UFO Photo Archives. NY Rand McNally Natur och Kultur. Wendelle C. Francis: Halley's comet! Semitjov.: The return of Planet-X and its effects on Mother Earth. Andra genomsedd Marystone. Halley. Oslo the author Country Sp Lang. Stockholm Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi. Stockholm Populär Astronomisk Tidskrift Lindblads. Cambridge.Ufocod Author And Title NAB Borraz. Larry & Stevens. Hallet. Ariz the author. Driscoll. Binding Sp booklet A5 AcqYear 2004 2000 NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB NAB Calder. Moore. 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Knut: Dagmörkret över sydsverige den 30 juni 1954. Nils Petter: Trusselen fra universet. Alim: Vinovnitza zemnyh bed? (Culprit of Earth's misfortunes?). T: Världsdelarnas uppkomst .: Earth cosmlology. London Prisma. Marc: Meteores singuliers et ufologie. Nigel: The Comet is coming! The feverish legacy of Mr.: Meteoros con ventanillas. Notes on the current McNally. Eugen: Den stora kometen och andra fenomen i rymden. Oslo Knowledge Series. Cambridge.. Stockholm Smithsonian. Björn: Kometer och kometskräck. Hallet. O No the author.genom meteorinedslag. [orig: The return of Halley's comet]. Center for Short-lived Phenomena: Annual report 1971. Sigurd: 250 i der Jahren 1903-1941 in Norwegen beobachtete Feuerkugeln. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory: Meteorites. O. Liege the author. Rand: The return of Halley's comet. Illustrate Rand. Liége Rubicon. Mass. Uppsala the author. Cyril: The origin of comets in planet magnetotails. The effects of the giant " Edlund. 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Lennart: Vatten på månen? 7160 2008 B 2008 A 4138 2365 1020 3016 4918 232 4569 3134 B 3134 A 2007 3291 3303 6188 B 6188 A 612 A 612 B 5091 5092 509 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 Sw USA USA Sp UK Sw Sw Sw USA Sw En En Sp En Sw Sw Sw En En En En Da Sw Sw Ru Ru En En Sw Sw Sw hc A4 pt sc hc pt hc sc hc 2009 1994 2010 2003 1996 1983 2002 2005 dupl 8½x11. Henry C. & Agel. Stockholm BSRA. London SUFOI. Freeman. Stockholm Gebers. S USA Science Editions.vår granne i rymden. Barcelona Fontana. Nigel: Svarta hål. (Orig. Calif Econ Verlag. [orig: The moon].: Flying saucers on the Moon. [orig: The conquest of space]. Doreal. [orig: The world of the moon]. Binding Ge sc AcqYear 2010 2006 NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM Couper. Lieber. [Orig Kaufmann.(Typed m2010 document A4 pt pt sc pt dupl A4 2007 1983 1983 2005 2005 1983 Sida 218 of 392 den 31 december 2010 .lic. Otto: Månen . 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Calif Frederick Muller. Hanau Éditions J'ai lu. Fred: We discovered alien bases on the Moon. Don: Our mysterious spaceship moon. Vista. Wilkins. [Orig. The planet Pluto.S. Percy: Our Moon. John F. A catalog of astronomical anomalies Duplantier. Scott: The cycles of heaven.): Hidden planets. Antonin: Mondatlas. USA SS&S Publications. Penn. Journey to the planets. Örebro Produccion del Sol Universal. clé de la Bible. Alfred: La lune et ses défis à la science.: Cataclysm! Compelling evidence of a cosmic catastrophe Corliss. Vista. 8. Scott: Kosmiska krafter och hur de påverkar oss. London Carlsen/If. Moore. Malmö Sw Sw Sp Sw Sw UK Sw Sw Sw Sw Sp Sw Sw En Sw Sw En En Stackpole Books.: The moon and the planets. Paris G. London Ernst G Mortensen. Binding No booklet AcqYear 2002 2002 NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP Nahon. Wilson. Cosmic forces and what the Ryan. Verm USA The Sourcebook Project. Clyde W. Barbara M. Middlehurst. 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London Explicit. Cromer. George P: CSICOP and the Skeptics: An overview. Daniel: Myths of the space age. Kendrick. Cranbury. fringe science and pseudo-science. Martin: Science: good. Sören: Hur går det till inom vetenskapen? Hallet. Sevenoaks. Steuart: The UFO mystery solved. En bok om intuitivt och kritiskt tänkande. Stockholm Prometheus. de Jager. 3736 B 3844 6900 2308 B 2308 A 7162 3104 2081 3990 4008 386 1190 387 7225 1737 7982 7252 1901 7254 1903 7257 1749 1 1 1 BM-06900 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 UK UK USA USA USA USA Holland Sw USA Netherl USA USA Sw Fr USA UK Sw Belgiu En En En En En En En Sw En Dutch En En Sw Fr En En Sw Fr Sw En Sw Sw hc sc digital PDF file pt hc sc document hc hc hc sc pt hc sc hc hc hc sc hc booklet hc hc 2010 2003 2009 1996 2006 2009 2002 1994 2003 2003 1975 1984 1983 2009 1991 2010 2009 1992 2009 1992 2009 1991 Sida 221 of 392 Ashgrove Press. Hansson. Martin: Vetenskap och humbug. C. Stockholm Sw JASPR Natur och kultur. 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Aktuelle Aspekt 3202 3209 3213 5038 4063 3314 3324 3325 6677 5682 6689 3450 8257 3472 3473 5160 8307 8317 8404 1955 A 1955 B 8466 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 USA Sw Sw Sw USA USA USA Sw USA No En Sw Sw Sw En En En Sw En No En En Ge Sw En Sw En Ge Ge Sw Sw Ge sc sc sc hc booklet 8½x11 pt pt sc hc hc sc booklet hc sc hc pt sc pt pt hc sc pt 2002 2002 2002 2005 2003 2002 2002 2002 2008 2006 2008 2002 2010 2002 2002 2005 2010 2010 2010 1992 2005 2010 Sida 238 of 392 Smithsonian Institution. Berli Ge Askild & Kärnekull.technische Überwindung des Krieges. [Research in space science. Utökad helt aktuell upplaga. kommunikationer. Sänger. James J.Aufbruch ins All. Bergen Fawcett Publications.: Jord. A Fawcett book. NASA: Space. Hamburg Ge Ge Sw Sw Ge den 31 december 2010 . Jonathan Norton: Rymdflygning. München Verlag Herder-Bücherei. Ploman. Hartl. NY Bonniers. Eides forlag. The facts. fantasier och filosofi. Greenwich. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3167 2 1 1956 1982 1962 1960 1961 1960 1966 1961 1954 1956 1969 1988 1952 1962 1957 1971 1956 1969 1986 1969 1958 1977 1979 1958 Scholastic Book Services. Leonard. Eugen: Bortom tid och rum. 166.: Guided missiles in war and peace. Fakta. Stockholm Askild & Kärnekull.Ufocod Author And Title NS Goodwin. Stockholm Cardinal/Pocket Books. Vom ersten Satelliten zur Mondreis Semitjov. Lloyd (ed.): The mystery of other worlds revealed. Stockholm Rowohlt. Harold Leland: The science book of space travel. Nels A. Anders: Mars. Hall. the new frontier. vi kommer! Parson. Eugen: Raumfahrt . Oberth.: Space. NY AWE/Gebers. Jonathan Norton: Flight into space. Washi USA Wilhelm Heyne Verlag. Lunde. A new direction for mankind.W. Stockholm Hörsta förlag. Heinz: Raketernas århundrade. N. Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident: report to the P Puttkamer. Stockholm Sw Harvard University Press. Edward B.: Spacecraft. Hans: Besatt av rymden. Neue Projekte für Raketen. [orig: Jahrhundert der Raketen]. Tord: Satelliter och rymdfärder. Daniel: From Hiroshima to the moon. N. En bok om raketpionjären Hermann Oberth. Binding En pt AcqYear 2002 2008 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Haggerty. Alfred: Utfordringen. Jesco von: Apollo 8 . Mallan.: The decay of satellite 1965-79A. Stockholm Sw Presidential Commission …. William P. Stockholm Rabén & Sjögren. fancies and philosophies. Semitjov. Karl: Die Weltraumfahrt hat begonnen. Hirst. [orig: Flight i Lindaman. Snow. London UK den 31 december 2010 . Peter: Maktspelet kring månen. Weird encounters in Alaska. on & under (?) the state of Adler. Port St. Texas Dell. New Souvenir Press. Stockholm Förlaget för litteratur på främmande Knowledge Series. Research notes. M. NY the author UFO Research Coalition the authors. & Gustjev. London Arcturus Books Inc.R. [Sci-Fi Channel. [orig: (in Russian)] Abinov. Ray: The coming of the saucers. Silcock. Eugen: Den hundraåriga spådomen. Alan: UFO sightings. How science will revolutionize the 21st century. [orig: in Russian]. Moscow Coronet Books. Idaho the authors.: Futureman. reprint hc + digital PDF file document 8½x11 sc sc 2005 2010 2002 2002 2005 2006 2004 2003 2004 1983 1983 2003 2005 2003 1975 2010 1997 1975 1983 1993 2004 2003 Sida 239 of 392 The Ronald Press Company. Robert C. Associated Investigators Group: The Fund for CIA Research. [På resa i universum]. Boise. Boise. J.Ufocod Author And Title NS Taylor. A preview of the futures that lie before us. Arnold. Semitjov. The conquest of the upper air. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5208 1 1 1971 1963 1991 1956 1958 1970 196? 1989 1983 1993 1997 1979 1975 1991 1962 1992 1967 2005 1997 1967 1952 1993 1995 1997 Lademann. Ida Baker.: Raketer. Gordon: 200 miles up.: Dreams of the future. M. Thomas R. Surrey. Jan: Project 1947: a preliminary report on the 1947 sighting wave. London Norstedts. with Dobronravov. A. True life encounters]. Brian & Dunn. NY Askild & Kärnekull. Anchor/Doubleday. V. Semitjov.: Pardon the intrusion. Malmö Forums färgpocket. the human infestation o Kaku. Chris: Strange Northwest. Stockholm Country Sw Lang. 2' 89]. Asimov. I: Laboratorier i kosmos. or who's disinforming Bader. Isaac: Change! [The vision of the future]. S. Stockholm Askild & Kärnekull. Ray: The coming of the saucers. or UFO's over. Stockholm Project Stigma. Chet B. British Columbia. Vassiliev. [orig: Journey Zjdanov.V. Stockholm Aquarian Press. G & Tindo.: Sputnik into space. robotar. Wellingborough Kronos/Tidens förlag. Arnold. John W. Hugo. Binding Sw pt AcqYear 2005 2008 NS NS NS NS NS NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Time-Life: Människan i rymden. Bill (editor): Letters to the Air Force on UFOs. [orig: Rockets and missiles]. [Knowledge Series. Vaeth. [orig: Outbound]. Young. Second edition. Aldrich. Kenneth & Palmer.: Chelovek ili mashina? [Man or machine?]. Kenneth & Palmer. rymdskepp. Jan: Project 1947. Hur sovjetiska veten Adams. Idaho Associated Investigators Group Hancock House. 5215 8509 3689 3722 5249 5254 4459 4021 4667 898 B 898 A 4370 5223 3738 616 7690 2373 50 B 50 A 1988 4460 3768 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 2 BM-00050 2 2 1 Sw USA UK Sw Ru Ru UK USA USA Sw Sw UK Sw USA USA USA USA USA USA ??? Sw En En Sw Sw Ru En En En Sw Sw En Sw En En En En En En En En En hc hc hc hc sc booklet pt ringbound hc sc hc sc sc booklet 8½x11 pt document 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc.: Reportage från nästa århundrade. Girard. Eugen: Den hundraåriga spådomen. A synthesis of missing links. Michio: Visions. Fe Vassiljev. Aldrich. British Col Ca Orion Media. Paris. Lucie. Ralph with Blum.: Michillaneous. Mike & Roderick. The world´s most comp Bloecher. Maplewood. Laura: Strange visitors to Staten Island. NY UK USA Legion of Light Publications. NY the author Pocket Star. Blum.S. Cahill. [Collectible Classics CFRU: Chapitre 33. Visitors from outer space. USA Cercle Francais de Recherches Ufo Fr Dale Books. Gary W.) Collins. p. C USA FSR Publications.Ufocod Author And Title OA Barfknecht. Bennett. Howard: Out there. A. Puerto Rico Hammond Inc. amusing. TX USA USA USA USA USA USA den 31 december 2010 . Beyond Condon. Robert Perry: Hillsboro -. Borg. San Juan. William J. Björn: Tosiasioita UFO-ilmiöstä 2001. Marc: The UFO crash at El Yunque and the alien presence in Puerto Rico. Air Force reports of encounters between o Birnes. The government´s secret quest for extraterrestrials. Opposing viewpoints series. NY Greenhaven Press. Cox. Stephen: Formerly Top Secret. CA Arcturus Books Inc. Vernon: An encyclopaedia of flying saucers. NY Simon & Schuster. NY Bantam. Conza. (At issue. Blum. Ted: Report on the UFO wave of 1947. Michi USA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Barry. Cox. Wood. 2.: America's explorers of space. The government´s secret quest for extraterrestrials. With interpretive material a Bowen. Blum. Lytle C USA Chandler-Smith Publishing House. informativ Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6391 1 1 1982 1982 196? 2003 2003 2000 1967 1991 1990 1974 1974 2001 2007 1969 2006 1980 1985 19?? 1979 2005 1982 1996 1967 2009 Country Lang. Karin Susan (ed. Detroit the author the author.: UFOs: key to earth´s destiny. Howard: Out there. Col USA Ronin Publishing. Oakland. Brosé. & Burt. Winfield S. Virginia: UFOs. Charles (ed.): UFOs.Air Force Acad Clark: Extraordinary encounters. Blum. Lucie. Renee: Texas UFO tales: from Denison 1878 to Stephenvill 5311 7077 3019 4919 120 1698 B 1698 A 124 A 124 B 2793 6415 371 6426 157 4495 5382 5104 6450 4516 2389 6111 7848 2 1 1 1 4 BM-00120 2 3 6 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 20th Century Reformation Hour. Newport Beach. Davison. 177 Coddon. London the author. Donald W. Brownell. Robert Ellis: New England's visitors from outer space. Judy: Beyond Earth: Man´s contact with UFOs. Port St. Bernath. Judy: Beyond Earth: Man´s contact with UFOs. London UFO-Finland ry. Bowen. Staten Island. Binding En sc AcqYear 2008 2010 Friede Publications. Dallas. Warner. Including a special report on UFO's. Ralph with Blum. NJ Atriad Press. NY Corgi. Harold: Unsolved UFO mysteries. [French translation of Chapter 33 from the U. Robert: UFO's in the 20th century. More than 450 fascinating.): FSR Special Issue: no. Jyväskylä USA USA USA USA USA USA USA UK Fi En En En En En En En En En Fi En En En En En Fr En En En En En En pulp book 8½x11 sc sc pt 2006 2009 2002 2005 sc 8½x11 (1 copy as hardc 1975 pt hc 2005 1991 pt (three different covers) 1983 pt sc sc booklet booklet sc sc booklet A4 pt hc booklet 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 hc sc 1975 2001 2008 1975 2008 1998 2004 2006 2005 2008 2004 1997 2007 2010 Sida 240 of 392 Robert in-depth study of an ongoing UFO wave. Ufocod Author And Title OA CUFOS: UFO central annual report. NY Lyle Stuart. Frank: Fliegende Untertassen . Her Edwards. Frank: Du nouveau sur les soucoupes volantes. Frank: Lentävien lautasten arvoitus. Raymond E. NJ USA USA Fr Fr Ge Sw USA USA UK USA USA Da Fi Fr Switzerl USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En Fr Fr Ge Sw En En En En En Da Fi Fr Fr En En En En En En sc booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 pt sc hc ringbound A4 pt hc pt pt hc pt hc sc hc sc pt pt 2003 2002 2006 1989 2007 1986 1986 1975 1975 1983 1983 1975 1975 1976 2009 2010 2000 2008 1975 1 Translations 1978 3 Translations 1968 3 Translations 1967 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 1971 1968 1967 1967 1966 1966 1967 2 Translations 1968 3 Translations 1967 2 Translations 1967 1 1 2 3 4 1 1980 1975 1967 1971 1981 1974 hc (1) copy in binder (2) 1996 hc (2) sc (2) sc 1983 1997 Sida 241 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Allen Louis: Why are they watching us? Flammonde. Paris Robert Laffont.: Casebook of a UFO investigator. Frank: Flyvende tallerkener . Copenhagen Otava.: The Fitzgerald report. se Edwards. Frank: Flying saucers . Häggvik Bantam. Charlotte USA Mutual UFO Network of Ohio Inc. Fliegende Untertasse sind Edwards. Flying saucers. Lucille: My UFO.serious busine Edwards. Frank: Flying saucers . Robert J.en allvarlig sak. A complete and detailed account of the sig Durant. [Orig. [orig: Flying saucers .serious business. Frank: Flying saucers . Englewood Cliffs. Paris: The age of flying saucers. NY Hawthorn Books.: UFOs: interplanetary visitors. Northfield. Paris Ventla. Edwards. Frank: Les soucoupes volantes affaire sérieuse. Wiesbaden Boris Jungkvist. Frank: Flygande tefat . A UFO investigator reports on t 3928 3115 B 3115 A 1551 B 1551 A 1361 1362 293 B 293 A 294 C 294 B 294 A 295 296 7194 B 7194 A 2691 308 B 308 A 2315 346 2084 B 1 2 1 Hampton Roads Publ Co. Raymond E. [orig: Flying saucers . Robert J. Paris Édito-Service. A personal memoir. Notes of a project history of unidentifi Fowler. Chronology of a cover-up Durant. C the author J'al Lu.: UFOs and the national security state. [Orig. Edwards. affaire sérieuse.s Edwards. Allen Louis: Why are they watching us? Erskine. Edwards. London Bantam. Edwards. Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 1984 2007 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Dolan. NJ Prentice-Hall.serious business. NY Prentice-Hall. Frank: Du nouveau sur les coucoupes volantes. [orig: Flying sauces .: Flying saucers. Illinois Country USA Lang. Englewood and now.: The Fitzgerald report. NY Otto Biilmann. Erskine.her Edwards. NY Lyle Stuart. [orig: Flying saucers.serious business. NY Tower.serious bus Edwards. [orig: Flying saucers .en alvorlig historie. Helsinki Robert Laffont. Richard M. s Eide. Frank: Les soucoupes volantes. Frank: Flying saucers .here and now. Frank: Flying saucers . Calif Belmont Tower. Operational Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1175 3 1 1975 1957 2002 2002 1959 CUFOS. NY Mayflower.eine Realität. Edwards. Fowler. A complete and detailed account of the sig Edwards. Genève An Age of Aquarius Book. (Operational Report Number One. The stranger-than-fiction story of the Greenfield. Barry: Barry Goldwaters "Blue Book" letters. Stanton T. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history.: Ufology and the search for ET intelligent life. NY the author. Allen H. 2. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. Fremont. Fremont. Jan 1184 1185 1186 1187 396 397 398 1889 434 437 438 A 438 B 4032 2840 2699 2839 2838 2837 2700 2701 2841 2702 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA En sc A4 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 sc A4 booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 document A4 pt booklet pt pt sc booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 1984 1984 1984 1984 1983 1983 1983 1992 1975 1978 1983 1975 2003 2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 2001 2000 Canada En USA USA Fr Fr Fr USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En Fr Fr Fr En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En Wm L. 1947. [Revised and enlarged edition]. Raymond E. Fremont. Fremont. Loren E. A UFO investigator reports on t Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2084 C 2 3 1979 1974 1974 1983 1973 1971 1981 1981 1981 198? 1967 1976 1967 1969 1999 2001 2000 2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 UFORI. Loren E. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. NY Crossing Point. Les études de phénomènes aérospatiaux non id GEPAN: Note d`information no. Calif UFORI. UFO's: a history. July Gross. Moore Publ. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. Greer. Loren E. Loren E.myth and mystery. 1950. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Loren E. Frederiction. Hayward. 1947. Les études de phénomènes aérospatiaux non id Goldwater. Les études de phénomènes aerospatiaux non id GEPAN: Note d`information no. Canada UFORI. 1947.: UFOs . Virginia the author. Calif the author. Loren E. Afton. Calif GEPAN GEPAN GEPAN Bantam. Calif the author. Calif UFORI. Jun Gross.: Flying saucers: Four scientific papers. Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Florida Lancer. Fremont. Fremont.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history. Friedman. Irving A: The UFO report. Jan Gross. Irving A: The UFO report. UFO's: a history. 1947. Union City. Loren E. Sup Gross. Steven M. Stanton T. NY Lancer. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Burbank. Jan Gross. Greenfield. Greenfield. and related FOIA material ( Green. 1947.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1949. UFO's: a history. Binding En pt AcqYear 2001 2005 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Friedman.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif Popular Library.: "Flying saucers and physics". Stanton T. UFO's: a history. 3.: UFOs: interplanetary visitors. NY Country USA Lang. Presented at 1971 Midwest UFO GEPAN: Note d`information no. 1948. Fremont. Tampa. July Gross. Calif the author.Ufocod Author And Title OA Fowler.: Saucers and saucerers. Hayward. Fremont. Warren: Let's face the facts about flying saucers. 1949. Calif den 31 december 2010 Sida 242 of 392 .: Extraterrestrial contact. Presented at MUFON symposi Friedman. Presented at M Friedman. Stanton T. Gabriel with Smith. 4. Aug Gross. The evidence and implications. July Gross. 1954. Loren E. Jun Gross. 1952. 1950. Fremont. Loren E. 1954. Jan Gross. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Loren E. Calif the author. Fremont. Calif the author. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Fremont. Oct Gross. 1955. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Nov Gross. Fremont. Loren E. 1952. Fremont. Nov Gross. 1955. UFO's: a history. Jan Gross. 1954. Jun Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. Fremont. Jan Gross. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Sup Gross. Fremont. UFO's: a history. 1952. July Gross. 1952. Calif the author. Jan Gross. Fremont. Calif the author. Nov Gross. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. Loren E. Sep 2705 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 1894 3191 3192 3193 1739 1897 3194 1895 3195 1896 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet 2000 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1992 2002 2002 2002 1991 1992 2002 1992 2002 1992 den 31 december 2010 Sida 243 of 392 . Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Loren E. 1953. 1953. Calif Country USA Lang. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Loren E. 1952.Ufocod Author And Title OA Gross. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Jan Gross. Loren E. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Calif the author. 1953. Fremont. Calif the author. July Gross. UFO's: a history. 1954. Sep Gross. Loren E. 1955.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. Loren E. Calif the author. Fremont. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Fremont. 1955. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. 1952.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Loren E. July Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. Fremont. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history. 1955. 1954: Oct Gross. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Aug Gross. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. Loren E. UFO's: a history. Mar Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. 1951. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Loren E. Fremont. Fremont. Apri Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2703 1 1 2000 2000 2000 2002 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1991 2002 2002 2002 1991 1992 2002 1992 2002 1993 the author. Fremont. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. Loren E. Loren E. Loren E. Loren E. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont. Aug Gross. 1954.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1954. Fremont.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history. Loren E. Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 2000 2000 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Gross. UFO's: a history. Sep Gross. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. Nov Gross. Fremont.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Nov Gross. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1956. 1957. Sep Gross. Nov 4035 2006 3197 4624 4036 2094 4037 2093 4038 5019 4039 2513 2234 4040 2235 4041 2320 4042 2408 4625 2405 4043 1 2 1 1 1 BM-04036 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 booket 2003 1993 2002 2004 booklet 8½x11 + digital PD2003 booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 1994 2003 1994 2003 booklet 8½x11 (orig + copy 2005 booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 2003 1998 1995 2003 1995 2003 1996 2003 1997 2004 1997 2003 den 31 december 2010 Sida 244 of 392 . Loren E. Dec Gross. Calif the author. May Gross. Nov Gross. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Loren E. Fremont. 1956. Jan Gross. Loren E. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. Fremont.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. May Gross. Calif the author. Fremont. 1957. Jan Gross. 1957. Loren E. Loren E. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. Loren E. Loren E. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. May Gross. Fremont.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. Loren E. Calif the author. Calif the author. Fremont. 1955. Fremont. Jan Gross. Calif the author. Calif the author. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1957.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Fremont. Calif the author. Loren E. Aug Gross. UFO's: a history. 1956. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. Loren E. May Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1957.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1956. 1957. UFO's: a history. Fremont. UFO's: a history. Fremont. 1956. Fremont. Fremont. 1956. Fremont. Mar Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1956. 1957. Loren E. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Loren E. Loren E. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1956. Loren E. Calif the author. Sep Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3196 1 2 2002 1994 2003 1993 2002 1993 2003 1994 2003 1994 2003 1996 2003 1998 1995 2003 1995 2003 1996 2003 1998 2003 1997 2003 the author. UFO's: a history. Fremont. 1957. Fremont. UFO's: a history. 1957. 1956.Ufocod Author And Title OA Gross. UFO's: a history. Fremont. 1957. Sep Gross. Nov Gross. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif Country USA Lang. Fremont. Aug Gross. Mar Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1957. UFO's: a history. Jan Gross. Loren E. Loren E. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. 1957. Fremont. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Nov Gross. Calif the author. Aug Gross. Loren E. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. Loren E. 1957. Fremont. Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 2002 2004 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Gross. Loren E. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1958. UFO's: a history. July Gross. Fremont. Fremont. Oct Gross. July Gross. Fremont. Jan Gross. Jan Gross. 1960. Oct Gross. Fremont. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. Loren E. Loren E. May Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont. Loren E. Loren E. Calif the author. 1962. Calif the author. Fremont. Fremont. Fremont. 1958. Calif the author. 1958. 1959.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. Loren E. Nov Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2406 1 1 1997 2003 1998 2003 1997 2003 1999 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 2003 1999 1999 2000 2000 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2005 2005 the author. Calif the author. 1958. Fremont.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. Jan 2407 4626 2404 4045 2517 2514 2515 2516 2603 2518 4627 2605 2604 2606 2698 4628 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5539 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet booklet booklet 1997 2004 1997 2003 1998 1998 1998 1998 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 1999 booklet 1998 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 2004 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 1999 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 1999 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 1999 2000 2004 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 2005 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 2005 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 2005 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 2005 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 2005 booklet 8½x11 ringbound 2006 Sida 245 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Loren E. July Gross. Fremont. 1959. 1963. 1959.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history. Loren E. Loren E. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history. 1957. Fremont. Calif the author. Apri Gross. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. UFO's: a history. 1957. 1958.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. UFO's: a history. Calif the author. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1959. 1959. Loren E. Calif the author. Binding En booklet AcqYear 1997 2003 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Gross. Loren E. Oct Gross. 1957. Calif the author. Calif Country USA Lang. Calif the author. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. UFO's: a history. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Jan Gross. Fremont. 1960. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.Ufocod Author And Title OA Gross. Calif the author. 1958. UFO's: a history. 1957. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. 1961. Loren E. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Sup Gross. UFO's: a history. Loren E. Calif the author. Loren E. Sup Gross. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Loren E. Jan Gross. Fremont. Fremont. Loren E.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Loren E. Loren E. Calif the author. Nov Gross. Aug Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Nov Gross. Calif the author. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1957. 1958. Fremont. Calif the author. 1961. Loren E. Nov Gross.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Oct Gross. Fremont. Loren E. Jan Gross. Fremont. Fremont. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Calif the author. UFO's: a history.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Fremont. Fremont. Mar Gross. 1949: July-December. Volume 5.: UFO´s: a history. 1949: January-June. Gross. Loren E. Gross. Calif the author. 1953: August-December.: UFO´s: a history. Calif the author. Fremont.Ufocod Author And Title OA Gross.: UFO´s: a history.: UFO´s: a history. Calif the author. Loren E. Fremont. 1952: June-July 20th Gross.: UFO´s: a history. Loren E.: UFO´s: a history. Calif the author. Loren E. Loren E.: UFO´s: a history. Fremont. Loren E. 1950: January-March. Calif the author. 1952: September . Fremont. 1952: November-December. UFO's: a history. Fremont. Loren E.: UFO´s: a history. Gross. Fremont. Stone Moun USA den 31 december 2010 .: UFO´s: a history. Fremont.: UFO´s: a history. 1947. Gross. July Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5540 1 1 2005 2003 1988 1988 1988 1988 1982 1982 1983 1983 1986 1991 1986 1986 1986 1986 1990 1988 1989 1990 1990 1982 1982 1990 the author. Gross. Loren E. Calif the author.: UFO´s: a history. Fremont.: UFO´s: a history.: UFO´s: a history. Loren E. 1950: January-March.December 1948. 1953: March-July. Scotia. Calif the author. 1954: June-August.October Gross. Gross. Gross. 1500 1501 1502 1503 1441 A 1442 A 1370 A 1443 1446 1740 1445 1444 1504 1447 1626 1556 1557 1627 1628 445 446 1370 B 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA OSA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet ringbound 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 sc 1988 1988 1988 1988 1987 1987 1986 1987 1987 1991 1987 1987 1988 1987 1990 1989 1989 1990 1990 1983 1983 2010 Sida 246 of 392 Arcturus Book Service. Fremont. Calif the author. Loren E.: UFO´s: a history. Volume 2: 1949.: UFO´s: a history. 1963. Fremont. Loren E. Loren E.: UFO´s: a history. Fremont.: UFO´s: a history.: UFO´s: a history. 1950: August-December.: UFO´s: a history. 1953: January-February. Gross. Gross. Loren E. Gross. Gross. 1952: January-May. NY Arcturus Book Service. Loren E. Calif the author. 1948. Gross. Calif the author. NY Arcturus Book Service. Fremont.: UFO´s: a history.: UFO´s: a history. Loren E. Volume 1: July 1947 . Fremont. Loren E. 1951 Gross. Loren E. Fremont. Loren E. Loren E. Gross. 1954. Loren E. Calif the author. Calif the author. Calif the author.: The fifth horseman of the apocalypse. 1952: July 21st-July 31st Gross.: UFO´s: a history. Fremont. Loren E. Gross. Fremont. Scotia. Fremont. Fremont. Gross. Binding En AcqYear booklet 8½x11 ringbound 2006 2004 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Gross. Calif the author. January-May. Calif the author. Calif the author. Loren E. 1950: April-July. Calif the author. Calif Country USA Lang. Loren E. Fremont. Fremont. Calif the author. 1952: August Gross. Gross. Calif the author. : Coming of the space people. Gurney. Manak. AIA Hynek. G.: Alfred Loedding and the great flying sau Hall.N. Cleveland USA Fr UK UK USA USA 1 Translations 1951 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1950 1976 1978 2001 1951 1954 1966 Holloway School of Philosophy. 1950: April-July.: Uninvited guests. Allen: Les objets volants non identifiés. Volume 6. Fry.: The riddle of the flying saucers. [Orig. 1443 B 5541 4633 2712 5033 5547 1505 5560 6580 461 B 8025 461 A 1753 6594 A 5046 4654 6598 5575 7287 B 7287 A 8057 493 B 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 Arcturus Book Service. Wendy A. The mystery deepens! (The Light Within. New York Rose Press. & Easley. Robert S.: The last great flap. Allen: The emerging picture of the UFO problem. Richard H. Minnesota USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En En Fr En En En En En En En Fr Fr En En sc document hc sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc pt sc hc hc sc booklet 8½x11 booklet dupl A4 large format hc pt document pt (with different covers) 2010 2006 2004 2000 2005 2006 1988 2006 2008 1975 2010 1975 1991 2008 2005 2004 2008 2006 2010 2009 2010 1975 Fund for UFO Research. Loren E. J. Bloomington. USA USA AuthorHouse. vol. Stone Moun USA the author Abelard-Schuman. NY USA Fr Fr USA USA 1 Translations 1978 1 Translations 1975 1 3 1975 1974 den 31 december 2010 Sida 247 of 392 . Hall. Holloway. Mythe ou réalité? [Orig. A scientific enquiry.: Saucer trek. Delbert: UFO close encounter case. Allen: Les objets volants non identifiés: mythe ou réalité? [Orig.: UFOs and the "Teller-Oppenheimer" battle. Ohio UAPA. Gerald: The riddle of the flying saucers. Indiana USA Bantam. NM The Mutual UFO Network of Ohio. Holloway. NM Galde Press. Michael David: UFOs: A century of sightings. Bainbri Hastings. Michael: UFOs: the American scene. Santa Fé. Extraordinary encounters at nuclear weapon Heard. Allan J. Rick R. Cleveland.Ufocod Author And Title OA Gross. The truth revealed. Is another world watching? Hervey.: UFO´s: a history. J. J. Gerald: Les soucoupes volantes. (AIAA Paper 75-41. Richard H. Paris Carrol & Nicholson.. London Robert Hale. New York Ballantine. 1951. alien e Hartinger. Gross.: Flying saucers. Gene & Clare: Unidentified Flying Objects. Binding En sc AcqYear 2010 2010 Arcturus Book Service. III no.: The U. A documented history of UFO sightings. Paris AIAA. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1441 B 2 2 1990 1990 1990 1989? 1971 1998 1999 2003 1988 2004 2008 1953 Country Lang.: The U. Rainie USA Aurora Press. F Hynek. An anthology of Hilberg.: UFOs and nukes. Studies in higher consciousness Hynek. Hilberg. London the authors. Los USA The Holloway School of Philosophy USA The Curtiss Publishing Company Robert Laffont. Paris Éditions J'ai lu. Gilbert N. Albuquerque. Allen: The UFO experience. F Hynek. Jon & Anderson. Volume 8. Hall. Loren E. NY Pierre Horay. Robert L.: UFO´s: a history.] Heard. Gerald: Is another world watching? [Revised and updated edition of The rid Heard.: UFO sightings in the new millenium. Allen: Are flying saucers real? Reprinted by special permission of The Sa Hynek. J. Rick R. Lakeville. Loren E. Mt. J. Stone Moun USA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Gross. Michael David & Connors. Peter. Hall. : Special collection of UFO reference materi Jones. 492 2332 5582 2618 516 B 516 A 4088 1453 4664 A 4664 B 4664 C 5065 B 5065 A 5066 5594 5607 555 B 555 C 555 A 8089 556 559 E 2 Da Fi Da Fi En En En En En En En En En En En En Sw En En En En Ge Sw En sc hc printed on hardboard document in binder pt hc sc document in bilder ringbound 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet pt pt hc hc hc hc 1979 1996 2006 1999 1983 1976 2003 1987 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 1983 1975 1975 2010 1975 1983 Sida 248 of 392 1 Translations 1973 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1975 1973 1976 1976 1998 1950 1993 1993 1993 2005 2005 2005 2005 1989 1974 1975 1973 Channel 2 News/Center for UFO St USA University of Wisconsin. (editor): UFOs.fact or fiction? A dissertatio submitted in parti Jones. DeWayne: Flying saucers . Dubl USA MidOhio Research Associates. & Thomas. Comme Johnson. Dubl USA Mutual UFO Network of Ohio. Donald E. serious business? Absolutely. Hynek. [orig: Flying s Keyhoe. & Reams. Persuasive cases. Fortean Society. Colu The Mutual UFO Network of Ohio.: The "flap" phenomenon in the United States. Johnson. NY Panther/Granada. David M.: Flygande tefat . NY USA USA Indiana University Press. Colu Mutual UFO Network of Ohio. Bloomingt USA Adventures Unlimited Press.: Special collection of UFO reference materi Jones.: Aliens from space. Allen: What you should know about UFOs. Albans Doubleday. John A. New York Signet. Franklin B. The real story of unidentified flying objects. Dubl USA MidOhio Research Associates. Kenn: Flying saucers over Los Angeles. & Reams.observatörer från världsrymden. DeWayne B. Los Angele USA MidOhio Research Associates. William E. William E. The real story of unidentified flying objects. serious business? Absolutely. Franklin B. Donald E. NY Lothar Blanvalet Verlag.Ex Jones. N. Keel. Hints of the reality. Classic cases . J.: Aliens from space. [Vol Jones. [orig: Flying saucers from outer Keyhoe. serious business? Absolutely. London Country UK Lang. J. Porvoo Corgi. An examination and an Keyhoe. Madison. Allen: UFOt toden rajamailla. William E.: Special collection of UFO reference materi Jones. Donald E. William E. (editor): UFOs. [orig: The UFO experience]. [orig: The UFO experience]. Binding En pt AcqYear 1983 1975 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Hynek. William E. Kempt USA University of California. The real story of unidentified flying objects. Classic cases. A scientific enquiry. David M.: Flying saucers from outer space. [Reprinted from Cincinatti Hori Jacobs. J. Keyhoe. Stockholm Wingate-Baker. Signet. Jacobs. (editor): UFOs. & Reams.: The UFO controversy in America. St. Donald E. (editor): UFOs. David M. Colu Mutual UFO Network of Ohio. Hynek. Donald E.: Der Weltraum rückt uns näher. William E. Franklin B. Keyhoe. Donald E. København Werner Söderström. Berlin Forum. J. serious business? Absolutely.: Aliens from space. Jones. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 493 C 2 3 1974 1972 1974 SUFOI/Strubes. Keyhoe. William E.: The controversy over unidentified flying objects in America: 1896 Jacobs.: The UFO controversy in America.Ufocod Author And Title OA Hynek. Allen: UFO dokumenteret.Y. Allen: The UFO experience. London USA USA USA Sw USA USA UK USA Ge Sw UK 3 Translations 1954 5 1 1955 1969 den 31 december 2010 . The real st Keyhoe. Donald E. Bruce S. NY Hutchinson.C.: Los desconocidos del espacio. [Orig. [orig: Flying saucers from outer spa Keyhoe. Donald E. [Orig. Keyhoe. Aliens from space. Manak. NY David McKay. Donald E. Donald E. & Hall. Donald E. London Arrow. Keyhoe. McCoy.] Keyhoe. Santiago de Chil Henry Holt. Maney. the author. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 559 C 3 3 1954 1953 1970 1954? 1953 1960 Tandem.: Flying saucers from outer space. Portway. Corpus Christi. Bath Hutchinson. Keyhoe.: The flying saucers are real. [Orig. NY Putnam's.: Flying saucers from Keyhoe. Roma Hachette. Keyhoe.: The flying saucers are real.: Flying saucers from outer space. James E. top secret. Keyhoe.: The flying saucer conspiracy.: Les étrangers de l'espace. Donald E. James E. Washington D. Binding En hc (2) sc (1) AcqYear 1983 1983 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Keyhoe.: Flying saucers. Donald E. Le plus grand probléme scient 559 F 559 D 559 A 560 4098 8090 7308 7309 557 A 557 B 558 C 558 B 558 A 629 640 3349 6688 5695 667 1461 1577 653 3 2 3 3 UK UK USA USA It Fr Fr Chile USA UK UK UK USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA No Fr En En En En It Fr Fr Sp En En En En En En En En En En En En No Fr pt (two different covers) pt hc hc sc sc sc hc hc hc hc pt (in bad shape) pt + digital PDF file hc pt document A4 pt booklet 8½x11 hc booklet duplicated A4 booklet 1975 1983 1975 1975 2003 2010 2009 2009 1994 1979 1975 1992 1975 1975 1975 2002 2008 2006 1979 1987 1989 1989 1 Translations 1954 1 Translations 1954 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 BM-00558 3 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 1975 1974 1955 1957 1970 1950 1950 1968 1968 1996 1979 1996 1961 1957 197? Editorial Pomaire.: UFO chronology map.: Bearbeidet fremstilling av senior fysiker James E.: The flying saucers are real. Norsk UFO Center. Paris 2 Translations 1969 den 31 december 2010 Sida 249 of 392 . Donald E. Rick R. Allan J. New York UAPA. London Country UK Lang. Donald E. Milt: The total UFO story. NY Atlante.: Still in default. Maccabee. London Fawcett. Donald E. Cleveland. Donald E.: Flying saucers from outer space. Keyhoe.: Objets volantes non identifiès. Paris Éditions France-Empire. Paris Hutchinson.: Flying saucers from outer space. Donald E. Robert: Identified flying saucers. Jim & Coral: UFOs over the Americas. & Hillberg. Richard H.: Le dossier des soucoupes volantes.Ufocod Author And Title OA Keyhoe. McDonald McDonald. London Cedric Chivers. NY the author Dale Books. Texas. Donald E. Lorenzen. Keyhoe. Loftin. Donald E. Trondheim GEPA.: La verità sui dischi volanti. London Henry Holt. NY Signet.: The flying saucer conspiracy. McDonald. Keyhoe. Aliens from space.: The challenge of unidentified flying objects. John: Flying saucers. Charles A. Ohio the authors. Index guide book. [Originally published in the proceedings of the Machlin. Calif William L Moore Publications. James W. William L. Susan: Sightings.: The saucer enigma. William L. San Diego. Peebles. Glenn & Graham. (ed. UFO Magazine's 1968 an Moore. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. Robert W. Cali USA Berkley. Introduction to space science.S.: Ufology and the UFO. 196 Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 655 2 2 1968 1968 1967 1967 1982 1974 1957 1996 1997 1968 1982 198? 198? 1984 1971 1967 1995 1994 196? 1964 1972 1970 199? 199? UFO-Nyts forlag. Stockholm Sw Edizioni de Centro Italiano Studi Avi It the author. Perego. James E.): Flying saucers don't exist . Alberto: Alberto Peregos politiska vittnesmål. Michael: Canadian flying saucers. NY Fireside/Simon & Schuster. (Presented January 26. Alberto: L'aviazione di altri planeti opera tra noi.: UFOs: greatest scientific problem of our times? [Reprint]. NY USA Smithsonian Institution Press. & Hilberg. Ontario Fireside/Simon & Schuster.: Science.Ufocod Author And Title OA McDonald.): Listing of civilian UFO sightings which were reported to the Moore. NY Brotherhood of faithists. Clevel USA William L Moore Publications. An anthology of selected papers on UFOs. Army Intellig Moseley. Michaels. Burb USA USA USA USA Saucerian Books. Moore. Rick R.det störste videnskabelige problem i vår tid? [orig: U McDonald. Susan: Sightings: UFOs. Michaels. James E. (ed. Malung Kurt Glemser Quest Publications Quest Publications Sw USA UK UK den 31 december 2010 . Burb Wm L. Copenhagen the author the author Country USA Lang. (ed. Scotia. Part 1. John-Erik: Kort översikt av amerikanska flygvapnets behandling av UF Prytz. James E. Wash USA Ifologiska Sällskapet. e Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. William L. Raymond A: The real UFO invasion. West USA Greenleaf Classics.: UFOer .): Selected documents from the files of the U. Moore Publ.or do they? (Two "short" UFO r Moore.: UFOs: greatest scientific problem of our times? McDonald. Binding En dupl 8½x11 AcqYear 1979 1979 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA McDonald. Clarksburg. NY Warner. Palmer.: The Wright Field story. Miller. Curtis: Watch the skies! A chronicle of the flying saucer myth. NY Canada En USA USA En En En En En En En En En En En Sw It Sw En En En UFO Magazine Publications. Burb William L Moore Publications. William L. David: The new UFO sightings. Curtis: Watch the skies! A chronicle of the flying saucer myth. [Also: reprinted by Parthenon Perego. technology and UFOs. Burbank. Peebles. (194 Pettersson. Document packa 658 661 A 661 B 663 1276 5118 4184 6203 5733 4198 5736 5739 711 2016 2349 B 2349 A 497 1286 795 4272 8323 8324 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 BM-02349 5 1 1 1 1 1 Da USA USA USA Da En En En booklet dupl 8½x11 dupl pt booklet A5 sc sc booklet document document 8½x11 document booklet 8½x11 sc 8½x11 pt pt hc + digital PDF file dupl A4 sc dupl A4 duplicated booklet booklet A4 booklet A4 1975 1975 2004 1975 1985 2005 2003 2007 2006 2003 2006 2006 1975 1994 1996 2007 1983 1985 1983 2003 2010 2010 Sida 250 of 392 Arcturus Book Service. Rapporto agli italiani. James E. John M. (ed. McWane.): Government documents file. NY Quest Publications Country UK on trial. Kevin D.: "The Keynes report". Kevin D. Iowa M Evans and Comp. Ruppelt. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. Iowa City.: The report on unidentifie Ruppelt. USA UFO Filter Center. Ridge. Kevin D. Kevin D. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. Kevin D. Binding En booklet A4 AcqYear 2010 2010 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers.: Scientific ufology. Michael: The UFO challenge . NY HarperTorch. UFO abductions. [17 chapters].: Face aux soucoupes volantes. Francis L. NY USA Fr USA USA 1 Translations 1958 1 3 1965 1956? den 31 december 2010 . Kevin D. NY Ace. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. theories about them and Randle. 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334 8335 6248 4282 4283 A 4283 B 1948 B 1948 A 2638 1949 3514 5872 8385 865 E 865 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK Ru USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En Ru En En En En En En En En En Fr En En booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 sc sc sc pt pt sc hc pt booklet A5 booklet 8½x11 sc sc pt 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2007 2003 2003 2003 1992 2003 1999 1992 2002 2006 2010 1994 1975 Sida 251 of 392 0 Translations 1998 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1998 1999 2000 1989 1988 1997 1989 1977 1976 Middle Coast Publ. Edward J. Ruppelt.Ufocod Author And Title OA Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers.: Project Moondust. Kevin D. La Mesa. Edward J.exposing the governments c Randle. Beyond Roswell . NY Rasmussen Publications. Vernon. UFO abductions. Mt.: The report on unidentified flying objects. UFO's in the '90s.: Letauschie tarelki . theories about them and Randle. NY Berkley. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. Kevin D.: The October scenario. Paris Fieldcrest Publ Co. [Orig. Rasmussen. NY Avon. Moscow Avon. Edward J.pravda ili vymysel? (Flying Saucers – Truth o Randle.: The report on unidentified flying objects. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers.: The UFO casebook.: Scientific ufology. Randle.: The Randle report. Document packa Randle. NY Warner. Indi Éditions France-Empire. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. scientific methodol Randle. Roswell and beyond . [17 chapters]. Document packa Quest Publications: Official government UFO intelligence papers. Document packa Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 8325 1 1 199? 199? 199? 199? 199? 199? 199? 199? 199? 199? 199? Quest Publications Quest Publications Quest Publications Quest Publications Quest Publications Quest Publications Quest Publications Quest Publications Quest Publications Kron-Press. How the application of scientific methodology c Randle.: The October scenario. Steamshovel supplement to the UFO-Norge: 2002 FOIA CD-ROM.S Air Force. NY Blitz Editions. St. Snyder. 83-205 SPR).: UFOs are real: extraterrestrial encounters documented by the U. the UFO siege.: Situation red.Ufocod Author And Title OA Ruppelt. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 865 B 1 3 1956 1956 1959? 1979 1996 1983 1976 1992 1967 1998 1997 1993 1978 1957 1977 1977 1978 2001 2005 1960 19?? 2002 1968 1951 Victor Gollanz. Final report. NY Paragon Publ. Marcia S. Paul. Ge G. [CD with documents from US and British intellig US. CRIFO views the status quo: Stringfield. [17 chapters]. [Orig. 76-52 SP). Le "meteore verdi" del Nuovo Mes Stone. Minnesota Fund for UFO Research D.: The UFO enigma. New USA Sterling. Stringfield.: Alerte générale OVNI. Air Force USA It USA UK Fr USA USA USA UK USA USA USA USA No USA USA sc 8½x11 + digital PDF file2002 hc sc sc hc pt pt sc sc hc booklet 8½x11 1994 2009 1978 1991 2006 1979 2007 2006 1975 2002 CD with PDF. Leonard H. Marcia S. Leicester Éditions France-Empire. NY UPIAR. NJ Steamshovel Press. Princeton. Revised and update Smith. Michael D. Case reports from the Timmerman files. Curt: UFO mysteries.S. JPEG and G2006 sc 8½x11 (1) copy (1) document 8½x11 1978 2006 den 31 december 2010 Sida 252 of 392 .: The UFO enigma. Stone.): Flying saucers over America. NY Fawcett Crest.: The report on unidentified flying objects. Leonard H. Carl: Official guide to UFO sightings. Giuseppe: Il mistero delle "green fireballs".: Inside saucer post… 3-0 blue. Small. Ohio Doubleday. NY Sphere.P. the UFO siege. Binding En hc AcqYear 2003 1979 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Ruppelt. (Report No. Reuben: UFO investigation. A reporter seeks the truth. St. Marie-Louise: America’s UFO cover-up.Putnam's Sons. the UFO siege. Leonard H. Leonard H. Gardner: UFOs & IFOs. Bournemouth USA UK En En En En En En En It En En Fr En En En En En En En En No En En hc hc pt sc 8½x11 sc sc 8½x11 hc ringbound A4 2008 1988 2001 2010 2010 2004 2003 1998 Congressional Research Service. [Appendix to 'Encounters' Magazine Smith. Edward J. Thomas. Garden City. Sutherly.: Grassroots UFOs. Swords. London Country UK Lang. (UG 633.: Situation red. Washington DC U. Kenn (ed. Leonard H. Clifford E. Shelia A. Van Nostrand. Thomas S. Stringfield.: Profiles in leadership 1942-1992. Soule. Lawrence J. London Llewellyn . Paris CRIFO. A factual report on flying saucers.: Situation red.: The report on unidentified flying objects. Air Force: Project Grudge & Bluebook reports 1-12 (1951-1953).: Situation red. & Shaw. [New enlarged edition Sifakis. 865 D 1534 2922 8423 B 8423 A 4836 4373 2568 3635 2168 7588 994 996 A 996 B 996 C 6271 5971 1015 3663 6004 812 6009 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-03635 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 BM-00812 1 Doubleday & Co. Edward J. Louis. Tacker. Li USA Congressional Research Service. the UFO siege!] Stringfield. Li USA United States Air Forces in Europé.. Enderby. Status reports US. Stilo. Air Force: Project Twinkle. MO UFO-Norge NICAP. Cincinnati.: Flying saucers and the U. Torino SPI Books. Stringfield. Leon: Flying saucers. Clarksburg. NJ USA Rose Press. Research and de US. Don: The Blue Book unknowns. NM USA Fund for UFO Research.S. Copenhagen Mutual UFO Network of Ohio. Ramsey. Office of Public Information. Ruppelt. Communication instructions for repo US. The: JANAP 146 (E). Canadian-United States communica US. Et resumé af d Young. Fourth Arme.S. 19 US. Evanston. The unexplained UFO reports from the fil CUFOS: Project Blue Book Special Report no.Ufocod Author And Title OA US. Washingt U.S. NY US USA Saucerian Publ.): Index to the case files of Project Blue Book Berliner. W U. N. Department of the Air Force: Air Force Regulation no. Unid US. An analysis of the Air Force Project Blue Book spe Hall.S. Air Material Command. James E.S. Colu Headpress. West V USA Ramsey-Wallace Corp. Air Material Command: Project "Sign". Summer of t Hall. 80-17.): Project Sign: Air Force documents. 200-2.S. Department of the Air Force: Air Force Regulation no. Richard H. An analysis of the Air Force Project Blue Book spe Davidson. Leon: Flying saucers. With historical introduction by Dr Davidson. W USA USA USA USA Fund for UFO Research. National Military Establishment: Project "Saucer". Joint Chiefs of Staff. Mt. Administrative pra US. Michael David & Connors. Rainie USA Fund for UFO Research USA Center for UFO Studies. 16 Febr. (ed. Intelligence. Government Printing Office. Manchester Da US UK Fund for UFO Research. Kenny: June jeopardies. Unid US. A Vaughan. 11-7.M. I USA The author.S. Flying saucers over The White House. secret? Flyvende tallerkener 1947-1966. Washing USA U. Willy: UFOer . 6286 1176 3678 1177 6011 1063 1197 1198 1214 2288 1120 6879 7724 3017 6895 6471 250 B 250 A 250 D 250 C 3206 2607 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 BM-06895 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 USA En En En En En En En En En En Da En En En En En En En En En En En document document document document document 8½x11 booklet A5 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc booklet sc sc 8½x11 digital PDF file sc 8½x11 booklet 8 ½ x 11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 2007 1989 2002 1984 2006 1975 1984 1984 1984 1995 1983 2008 2010 2002 2009 2008 2008 1983 1975 1983 2002 1999 Sida 253 of 392 U. Air Material Command. Albuquerque. US. An analysis of the Air Force Project Blue Book spe Davidson.Technical Report Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 809 6 1 1949 2002 1968 1954 1959 1966 1949 1968 1954 1966 1949 1995 1980 2007 2005 1997 20?? 1979 1957 1956 1971 1966 2000 1998 U. Rainie USA FUFOS. 1948-1949. Sandia Base.. Leon: Flying saucers. Was there a connection between UFO sightings a Bennett. Binding En AcqYear U.S. An analysis of the Air Force Blue book special rep Davidson. Air Force Country Lang. Rainie USA den 31 december 2010 . Government Printing Office: Aids to identification of flying objects. Dept of the Air Force. Memorandum to the press. Wendy A. the author. Fourth Army: Project "Grudge". Joint Chiefs of Staff. Department of the Air Force: Air Force Regulation no. Dept of the Air Force. Washing USA U. Dept of the Air Force. Report of trip to Los Alamos. Mt. McDo Wegner. N. Leon: Flying saucers.S.: Captain Edward J. Don (ed.S. The: JANAP 146 (C). White Plains. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Washing USA U. Intelligence. Department of the Air Force: Air Force Regulation No. Colin: An American demonology. 200-2. Mt. Valerie: UFOs and Science: the collected writings of Dr. Dayton USA doc 8½x11 (3) ringbound (1975 2007 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB US. Alb USA U. Joint Chiefs of Staff. T Berliner. White Plains. Y. Washingt U. N.: For Rand use only. Allen: The Hynek UFO report.Ufocod Author And Title OAB Hynek. Hector jr. Washington DC the author U S Air Force Erehwon William L Moore Publications. Air Force: Project Blue Book. (Analysis of re US. [Reprinted fro Hynek. (Ana 491 A 491 B 5580 494 5595 1215 654 1211 5816 5838 2905 4281 6998 808 5197 7580 6008 2943 1598 6010 3677 4410 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 BM-02905 1 1 BM-06998 4 USA UK En En En Sw En En En En En En En En En En Sp Fr En En En En En En pt pt copy A4 hc booklet 8½x11 sc 8½x11 dupl document 8½x11 document booklet 1985 1979 2006 1983 2006 1984 1979 1984 2006 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technolo USA Berghs.S. J. Allen: Nouveau rapport sur les O.: The investigation of UFO's. Randle. London J'ai Lu. Karl T. Chapter XXXIII.V.I. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1908 3 Translations 1979 1 1966 1977 1978 1981 1977 1998 1968 1966 1966 1997 198? 1974 1997 2001 1976 Dell. (Summary of a O'Brien. Allen: UFO-rapporten.): Proyecto libro azul. Sparks. Uni US. [orig: The Hynek UF Jones. The top secret UFO findin Steiger.Olson] (ed. Wright-Patterson AFB.500 Project Blue Book UFO unknowns: Steiger. J. US.Olson] (ed. Allen: The Hynek UFO report. Paris Country Fr Lang. Air Force Academy. 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Paris Essandess Special Editions. Alien contact and human deception. Tualatin. Vallée. LeRoy: Government involvment in the UFO cover-up: chronology (based on F Pilkington. Young. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6704 1 2 1951 1978 1966 1988 2010 1997 1997 1988 1987 199? 1997 1966 1998 1997 1990 1966 2005 1991 1992 The Viking Press. A journey in disinformation. Cornell: The death of James Forrestal. EccoNova Editions.: Conspiracy of silence. Nick: National Security Agency. Richard: UFOs. Joe: UFO. Victoria.: Conspiracy of silence. NY Robert Laffont. Randle. 2nd printing. Project preserve destiny. Insider account of alien cont Sider. Sellier.: Victim of duty. London Avon.S. with Meier. Mark: Mirage men. Air Force secrecy on UFO's. NY Shekinah Publishing. New York USA Fr USA Canada En USA USA Fr USA USA No USA En En Fr En En En En 1 Translations 1992 3 3 1 1 1967 1967 1992 1999 den 31 december 2010 Sida 262 of 392 . Kevin D. Poole. Redfern. Jean: Ultra top-secret. Oregon Axis Mundi. 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Bruce A. Dubay. 1994: the year of extraterres Eringer. f. 8½x11 hc booklet A4 digital PDF file digital PDF file document A4 sc sc sc hc sc Light Technology Publishing. Per-Aslak: Makten bak makten. Apple/Scholastic. Secet Information Network. D. f.E. Kempt USA Yale University Press. Joseph P. Y. Branton (pseud. USA USA USA USA Da USA USA USA En sc 8½x11 document 8½x11 2006 2008 2009 2008 2003 2009 2003 2010 1998 2010 2003 2008 2008 2000 2009 2009 2006 2010 2008 2010 2006 2008 Sida 263 of 392 En En De En En En En En En En En En En En En En No En En En digital PDF file digital PDF sc A4 digital PDF file sc sc 8½x11 sc + digital PDF file document A4 sc in plastic ringbound. Milton William: "Behold a pale horse". The Bilderberg Group. Richard J. Caryl: The UFO reference book.Ufocod Author And Title OCC Birdsall. Walton): Who are the Draconians? Case files of Branto Bugge. The Trilateral Co Ertresvåg. MJ-12. the Illuminati & Freemaso Cooper. Graham W. Clearwater. Jonathan: Supressed inventions & other discoveries. Farrell. The link between UFO's.U. An anthology of fifteen monograph Branton (pseud. Military and government witnesses reveal the greate 5352 6419 6898 6359 3837 6905 3870 7830 2498 7833 3904 6485 6490 2689 6918 6920 5470 7915 6512 7923 5521 6556 1 1 1 BM-06898 1 BM-06359 1 1 BM-06905 1 2 1 BM-02498 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-06918 1 BM-06920 1 1 1 1 1 1 the author. #2 Conspiracy. Milton William: Operation Majority. Crozet. Walton) (ed. Steven M. Lars: Konspirationsteorier. Binding En video VHS AcqYear 2007 2010 OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC OCC Boylan. f. West S the author the author Elite Pentacle Books. Elite File part 1-4. VA USA USA den 31 december 2010 . None of Dorsey. Sacramento. Daniel: The alien files. The culture of conspiracy in modern Ameri Greer. Dorsen. Norman & Gillers. III: The secret space program. : UFOs: uncovering the ultimate answer. 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Wien Interplanetsrik Austria. Arie: UFO's. London Tandem. Waarnemingen boven Nederland en Belg Broersma. Shuttlewood. A. Weverbergh. Binding Dutch booklet A4 AcqYear 2004 2005 OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC OEC Hallet. Hobana. Jean-Claude: De nieuwe UFO golf. a deadly concealment. Une énigme non résolue. Marc: The Belgian UFO wave. Antwerp Manteau. London SOBEPS. Marc: La "vague OVNI Belge" ou le triomphe de la desinformation. Deventer CNEGU CNEGU the author Le Livre Bleu Éditeur. polizeiliche. Méheust. Bruxelles Sp Belg UK Belgiu Belgiu 1 Translations 1977 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1976 1996 1989 197? 1993 1994 1991 1992 1997 1995 1975 1992 1990 Zweitausendeins. Marseille UFO-21. Auguste: The Belgian wave: statistics and Ernage. Zivile. Marc: UFO's in actie! Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4490 1 1 198? 1999 1992 1995 1971 2008 2008 199? 2000 1996 the author. Jacques & Piens. Het ufo-mysterie in kaart gebracht. Deven Netherl Aura. van Utrecht. A neglected hypothesis. Tielt the author. Vidal. Frankfurt-am-Mai Ge SOBEPS. Une hypothèse oubliée. Horst Belgiu Belgiu Belgiu Netherl Belgiu Netherl Netherl Holland den 31 december 2010 Sida 270 of 392 . Een nieuwe visi Leclet. Antwerp Lannoo. Meesen. 1902 2237 4065 6345 6671 6969 7406 4743 1953 4350 2356 5932 2752 4371 6797 1813 1977 4421 2286 4427 8527 1672 1 1 3 1 BM-06345 1 1 BM-06969 1 1 Belgiu Belgiu Netherl Fr Fr Belgiu Fr Fr En Dutch Fr En En Fr Dutch Sp Fr En Fr Fr Ge Fr Fr En Dutch En Dutch Dutch En booklet A4 document A4 hc digital PDF copy A4 digital PDF file sc sc sc pt sc document A4 document A4 hc sc sc booklet A4 (1) copy (1) sc document A4 sc sc document A4 1992 1995 2003 2008 2008 2010 2009 2004 1992 2003 1996 2006 2000 2003 2008 1991 1992 2003 1995 2003 2010 1990 Uitggeverij Ankh-Hermes bv. Liége Uitgeverij N. Renaud: The Belgian UFO wave of 1989-1992. La verdad so Scornaux. La verité sur les Sheffield. Hasselt Country Netherl Lang. Réflexions et perplexités sur une Paijmans. John: UFO's boven België. Vijftig jaar waarneming. Patrick: The Belgium UFO wave 1989/1990. Verviers Blandford. De grote UFO-golf van de lage landen. Un dossier exceptionnel. A case of uforia? van Waterschoot. Theo: Kosmisch netwerk. Brussel Hadewijch. Liége the author. Ion & Weverbergh. (L Leclet. Derek: UFO. Barcelona Biblioteque Marabout. Renaud: La vague OVNI Belge de 1989 à 1992. Wim: Triangles over Belgium. Tin: A bend in time: the Schriek-case. Hallet. onderzoek en Vankerkom. Christiane: Á la recherche des OVNI. Jacques & Piens. Bruxelles SVLT. Kluwer. Met en voo Scornaux. Julien: De UFO-saga. SOBEPS: Les evenements du 29 novembre 1989: survols a basse altitude par un o SOBEPS: Pourquoi la SOBEPS? SOBEPS: UFO-Welle über Belgien. Julien & Bourret. SOBEPS: Vague d'OVNI sur la Belgique. 2. Deel I. Bruxelles SOBEPS. Antwerpen-Baarn European UFO Network. Julien: UFO's in Oost en West. militärische und wissenscha SOBEPS: Vague d'OVNI sur la Belgique.Ufocod Author And Title OEC Broux. Christiane: A la busqueda de los OVNIs. Bertrand: Retour sur l'"Anomalie belge". Bruxelles SOBEPS. [orig in part: La n Weverbergh. Péter: Magyarországi ufókrónika. Paris CENAP. Pikulski. Igor: UFO-raamat. (Flying Saucers – Mystery of Knezevic. Rzepecki. Égerházi.. ["UFO diary"]. Wolczek. 2. Gilbert A.: Projekt Tatry. Budapest Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony the author Hungar Poland Hungar Polish Hu Polish Hung sc sc pt small format sc booklet hc hc sc sc A4 sc sc booklet A5 sc sc 2003 1996 2003 2006 2008 1979 2002 2003 2003 1995 1990 2009 2008 2006 1992 2003 2003 2003 2006 2010 1990 2004 Sida 271 of 392 Severoceske Nakladatelstvi Liberec Czecho Czech Delta Pres. Zygmunt: Niebo nad glowa. Marseille 3AF. Volke. Poland Kornétás Kladó. Tallinn Da Czech Po Esthoni Esthoni Estonia hc Est Polish Polish Polish Fr Fr Ge Fr sc sc sc sc sc digital PDF file booklet A4 sc Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza. Tom 2. Lublin Poland Oficyna Wydawnicza Karat.: L'invisible nous fait signe. u UFO Centrum (ed. Lucjan: Nieznane obiekty latajace. Jacques: Frankreich 1954: Invasion vom Mars? [orig: La Barthel. Beograd Iris Studio.): Blizke stretnutia. Josef: Letajici talire . Naerobservationer. Znicz. Bronislaw: Briskie spotkania z w Polsce.stvarnost. Robert K. Arnold: My z kosmosu. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7114 2 2 1968 1988 1988 1996 1979 1991 1969 1976 2002 1977? 1980 1995 1990 1990 1983 1998 1991 1983 1985 1988 1995 2010 1989 1979 Éditions Robert.Ufocod Author And Title OEC Bourquin. Opis zjawiska: obserwacje dalekie. Tallinn Periodika. Lucjan: Nieznane obiekty latajace. Moutier Country Switzerl Lang. Jerzy: Zagadka epoki. Wroclaw BNS Kirjastus OU. Znicz. 1. 1991. Le mimétisme des rent Association Aeronautique Astronautique de France (3AF): Rapport d'etape de la C Barthel. Zbigniew: Obecnosc UFO. Gda Poland Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza. Robert: 5 novembre 1990: le creux de la vague. Gda Poland CERPA. Gda Poland Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza. januar 17-19. 3820 2312 3929 5466 6524 574 3326 4202 4259 2271 1658 7626 6870 6054 1981 4447 4448 4449 5261 6982 1607 4465 2 1 1 2 1 Czech 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 BM-06982 1 3 Miodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza. Olgierd: Czlowiek i tamci . Gentofte UFO Centrum. Pojawienie sie i zasieg czasowo-przest Znicz.. Volke. Bronislaw: UFOer over Polen. 1947-87. zabluda ili. 3.zahada naseho stoleti. Lucjan: Nieznane obiekty latajace. Domanski. Mannheim Nouvelles Editions Rationnalistes. Gérard & Brucker. Csaba: A kosmosz tanitványai. 1. UFO-fotos. czyli rzecz o UFO nad polskimi górami i nie Mostowicz. Jovan: Leteci tanjiri. Gerard & Brucker. Tarnów Poland SUFOI. Jacques: La grande peur martienne. Alessandri. Czanik. Nol jako fenomen psychospoleczny. War Poland Wydawnictwo Lubelskie. Lesniakiewicz. Rzepecki. Binding Fr sc AcqYear 2009 2003 OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEE OEF OEF OEF OEF Blania-Bolnar. Igor: UFO päevikud.z kosmosu. Kosice Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Kraków Yugosl Poland ??? Polish Polish Polish Polish Da Czech Po Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza. Fleissig. Fr Fr Ge Fr den 31 december 2010 . Le dossier OVN Bourret.. Paris Country Fr Lang. N. Paris France-Empire. C. Jean-Claude: OVNI: I`armée parle. Mai 1988. La Liberté d 7096 7115 142 B 142 A 2671 143 B 143 A 1170 7116 7769 3854 1865 5394 7818 7151 A 7151 B 6109 A 6109 B 6907 7155 3887 7132 2 1 3 3 Fr Fr Fr Fr Sp Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Sp Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr En Fr Fr Fr sc sc pt sc (1 ex bound) sc pt sc sc sc document A4 dupl booklet A4 sc booklet A5 2009 2009 1983 1976 2000 1980 2006 1984 2009 2010 2003 1992 2006 2 Translations 1975 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 BM-06907 1 2 1 1976 1976 1979 1997 2009 1975 1992 19?? 1956 1994 2010 1999 1999 1999 1982 1988 1989 CFRU (Cercle Francais de Recherc Fr S. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 79 4 1 1978 1982? 1978 1993 1975 1974 Éditions Fernand Lanore. 2. Paris Michel Lafon SCEAU /Archives OVNI Mercure de France. Bourret. Jean-Francois: Les O. Jean-Claude: Le nouveau défi des OVNI.] CUB: Catalogue general des témoignages Finistère. I. Bourret. Paris Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr dupl A5 (P. Jean-Claude: La nouvelle vague des soucoupes volantes. Jean-Jacques: OVNIS. Bourret. Paris Robert Laffont.E. Chaumeil.Ufocod Author And Title OEF Bastide. [Hors-serie. ou: Retour sur une rencontre rapprochée de 1955. Jean-Luc: Le temps et les OVNI. Jean-Claude: La nueva ola de los platillos volantes. Anatomie d'un phénomène.P. What should we prepare for? An independent report Control: Cergy Pontoise. [Réd. Paris A. Jean: La memoire des OVNI. Paris France-Empire. Fontaine-les-Dijon CNEGU J'ai Lu. CFRU: La grande enigme des soucoupes volantes.. 1.: L'enigme des OVNIs. Bourret. Jean-Claude: OVNIS.M. en Bretagne. Levalloi Fr Fr Control Fr Comité des groupements Ufologiqu Fr CVLDLN. Montpellier Ouranos. Chris.T.] CVLDLN [Cercle Vosgien Lumières Dans La Nuit]: Archives de presse. Épinal Fr den 31 december 2010 Sida 272 of 392 . Jean-Claude: Le nouveau défi des OVNI. Paris France-Empire. Roger: L'homo-sapiens devant l'invasion: le problème des soucoupes vol CNEGU [Comité Nord-Est des Groupes Ufologiques]: Opération SAROS (1976-199 CNEGU [Comité Nord-Est des Groupes Ufologiques]: Opération SAROS (1976-199 COMETA: Les OVNI et la défense. (1982). Jean-Claude & Velasco. Des argonauts aux extraterrestres. Michel Piccin. Bruno: L'affaire D. COMETA: UFOs and defence. Bondy CNEGU. 16-17 are miss2010 dokument A4 document A4 in binder pt magazine format digital PDF file dokument A4 stapled sc A4 dokument A4 2009 2010 2007 2009 2009 2009 2003 2009 GS Presse Communication. 1999: le contact? Bousquet. Barcelon France-Empire. [orig: La nouvelle vag Bourret. Le dossier OVN Bourret. Clément. Paris the author. Bourret. A quoi doit-on se preparer? [VSD Hors-serie]. la science avance. A quoi doit-on se preparer? COMETA: Les OVNI et la défense. Paris France-Empire. Binding Fr sc AcqYear 1979 2009 OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF Boedec. V. Jean-Claude: La nouvelle vague des soucoupes volantes. N. notre problème. Claude & Goutzien. Faudrin. Jean-Louis: OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des renco Figuet. 25 ans d'enquetes. Paris Robert Laffont. René: Les OVNIs. Br Fr Robert Laffont. Paris Country Fr Lang. Paris Robert Laffont. [Le dossier des enlèvements]. Gaudeau. Paris Robert Laffont. I. dans l'Yonne. Paris Editions De Vecchi.Rencontres rappochées en France. 7171 7889 287 A 287 B 2690 B 2690 A 1180 7204 6517 7928 3961 3979 3980 2830 4607 4608 B 4608 A 2401 4011 5512 4015 5513 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr hc document A4 sc hc hc sc booklet booklet booklet booklet duplicated A4 sc copied A4 sc sc sc sc 2009 2010 1976 2010 2010 2000 1984 2009 2008 2010 2003 2003 2003 2001 2004 2004 2009 SCEAU archives/Archives OVNI. Coulommiers-Paris Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr La Gazette 89 éditions. V. Rémi: O. Eugéne: J`ai vu de mes yeux vu pendant 20 min une vraie soucoupe volan Fauchereau.I. GEOS: Les soucoupes volantes…probléme mondial. Claude & Goutzien. Égriselles le Fr La Gazette 89 éditions. V.N. Durrant. Henry [Didier Serre]: Les dossiers des OVNI. dans l'Yonne 1951-2009. Michel: Francat .Etude d'une population des temoi Gaudeau. Christian: Guide de chasseurs de phenomenes OVNI. Rémy & Couvignou. Francois [Henri Julien]: Chasseurs d'OVNI. Jean-Louis: 1981. Rémy: 50 ans de manifestations O. Henry [Didier Serre]: Le livre noir des soucoupes volantes. Michel & Ruchon. Pierre: Le grand livre des objets volants non identifiés (O. Garreau. [Les OVNIs et l'ar Figuet. Les soucoupes volantes exis Farnier. (Les autres mondes et leurs Durrant. Charles: Soucoupes volantes. N. Rémy: O. Garreau. Charles: Alerte dans le ciel. Henry [Didier Serre]: Les dossiers des OVNI. Égriselles L Fr Groupe d'Etudes des Objets Spatia Fr Editions Alain Lefeuvre. Henry [Didier Serre]: Le livre noir des soucoupes volantes. GEOS: Les OVNIs. Garreau. Paris the author. Tours Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr document A4 orig(1) copie1997 document A4 orig(1) booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 2003 2006 2003 2006 Sida 273 of 392 Groupe d'Etudes des Objets Spatia Fr Groupe d'Etudes des Objets Spatia Fr Groupe d'Etudes des Objets Spatia Fr den 31 december 2010 . Vingt ans d'enquêtes.Ufocod Author And Title OEF De Zan. Binding Fr sc AcqYear 2005 2000 OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF Delval. V. Égriselles L Fr La Gazette 89 éditions. I.). I. 3e édition. Durand.les soucoupes volantes enfin prises au serieux. Durrant. Paris Editions Alain Lefeuvre. N. Édition revue et Durrant. Nice the author Albin Michel. Gilles: Catalogue d'objets suspects. Gardes. Nice Mame Mame IRAME.V. Tours the authors. Jean-Louis: Les objets volants non identifiables: phe GEOS: 1975 . Soucoupes volante Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4963 2 2 1979 1977 1976 2008 1970 1977 1979 1973 1954 2009 2008 2010 1975 1979 1983 1977 1981 1974 1971 1981 1980 1975 1975 197? Éditions De Vecchi. Fauchereau. Charles: Soucoupes volantes. dans l'Yonne: la vague de nove Fauchereau. Le dossier noir des services officiels. Didier: OVNI. Apparitions insolites en Occitanie. Ligeron. Franck: OVNI Contact. (Ph. Guérin.Ufocod Author And Title OEF GEPAN (Groupe d'études des phénomènes aérospatiaux non-identifiés): Le GEPA Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7958 1 2 1978 1981 1982 1982 1983 2003 1993 1991 2000 1972 1956 1956 1954 1972 2008 1980 1984? 1993 1974 1980 1993 1981 1993 1984 GEPAN GEPAN GEPAN Vent Terral. Claude Vauziere]: Les soucoupes volantes viennent d'un a Guieu. M. Paris Omnium Littéraire. London Fleuve Noir Omnium Litteraire. Marc Hallet]: L´ufologie: domaine organise de…l'absurde! 407 410 413 6151 2697 1741 5543 2706 B 2706 A 449 2707 A 2707 B 7289 512 4086 7303 587 5661 5663 8141 4696 1779 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr USA Fr Fr Fr UK Fr Fr Fr USA Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr En Fr Fr Fr En Fr Fr Fr En Fr Fr Fr Fr booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 sc sc booklet sc sc sc hc sc (in bad condition) sc sc booklet 8½x11 document A4 sc sc sc document 8½X11 sc sc booklet A4 1983 1983 1983 2007 2000 1991 2006 2000 2009 1979 2000 2003 2009 1983 2003 2009 1976 2006 2006 2010 2004 1991 Sida 274 of 392 Éditions de Haute-Provence. Paris Nerusi éditions. GEPAN: Note technique no. Jimmy [pseud. photographies en vol. Témoignages.f.f. Evanston. Guieu. V.f. L. Mark: Le récit de la rencontre étrange de la route à Gaton. Enquete 86/06.f. 400 OVNI sur la France! Depuis le 5 Novembre 1990 Mathel.: UFO´s: a history. Jimmy [pseud. Jean-Gabriel: Objets volants non identifiés. Claude Vauziere]: Black out sur les soucoupes volantes. Claude Vauziere]: Flying saucers come from another world. Jimmy [pseud. Guieu.11. Michel: OVNI en Provence. C. Mini-enquêtes en 1981 et 1982. 10 ans d'enquête sur les soucoupes v Marie. Jimmy [pseud. D. Un pilote de ligne parle. Carl [pseud. Guieu. Binding Fr booklet A4 AcqYear 2010 1983 OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF GEPAN: Note technique no.14. C. Toulouse Country Fr Lang.17. 1954: September. Pierre: OVNI. Claude Vauziere]: Black-out sur les soucoupes volantes. Ebers. Fernand: Mysterieuses soucoupes volantes. JJ GEPAN: Note technique no. Gross. Jimmy [pseud. Lagarde. Claude Vauziere]: Les soucoupes volantes viennent d'un a I. "L'amarante". Paris La fenêtre ouverte. Jimenez. Enquêtes et révélations sur une zone d' IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Études de Défence Nationale)(Institute of Advanced St Jean.f. Les mécanismes d'une désinformation. Enquete 81/02. & Soudet. Nice CUFOS. Lac Beauport. Avec la participation d'Aime Le Barillier. Cherbourg the author. Guieu. Julien. Valence d'Albigeois Guy Trédaniel Editeur. Besse. Paris Hutchinson.Fr Albatros.: Les OVNI en Seine Maritime. Calif Albin Michel. : Les Invisibles du col de Vence. Jean-Michel: "OVNIS en Ardenne". Quebec the author Editions SRES. Paris the author. Loren E. Illinois the authors GEPAN.f. trac Leduc. 50 ans d'enquêtes dans le Greslé. Fremont. Henri & Figuet. Bagneux Cedex the author. Digne. Gomez. Paris Éditions Fleuve noir. Philippe: OVNIs du Cotentin. Liége Fr Fr Canada Fr Fr Fr Belgiu Fr Fr Fr den 31 december 2010 . Dompierres les Ormes Ramuel. Sider. Villeselve Ramuel. Paris Éditions Planète. Paris Fernand Nathan. Aimé: Lueurs sur les soucoupes volantes. la fin du secret. René: Ils ont rencontré des extra-terrestres. Pacaut. (Les autres mondes et leurs énigmes. Jacques: Les soucoupes volantes. Aimé: Mystérieux objets célestes. [New edition] Michel. La guerre des mondes aura-t-elle lieu? Pottier. Perry: Dossier "O.1966 à Bolazec (Finistére).01. ringbound 2009 sc sc sc sc 2001 2001 2001 2001 Sida 275 of 392 Monaco Fr Fr Fr den 31 december 2010 . Aimé: Mysterieux objets célestes. Binding En hc AcqYear 2010 1975 OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF OEF Michel. Paris Robert Laffont. Jean: OVNIs: dossier secret. Villeselve Criterion Books. Nice OVNI Presence the author the author France Loisirs. Estallara la guerra entre los mundos? Quincy. 6817. With an appendix on the Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 691 3 2 1958 1958 1954 1958 1977 1966 1977 1979 1978 1983 198? 1978? 1976 1975 1977 1979 1978 1980 1994 1995 1997 1997 1994 2001 Mame Arthaud Seghers. NY Country USA Lang. Paris SERPAN. Robert: OVNI. Peter: OVNI . Claude: Enquete sur l'observation du 16. Roussel. [Bulletin Roussel. Pottier.) Nobile. Cent témoignages sur les OV Petrakis. 6 février 1967. Poher. Sider. Un phénomène complexe.triangle des Bermudes . Aimé: Flying saucers and the straight-line mystery. Paris de Vecchi. Enquête. 2729 692 A 692 C 692 B 692 D 4229 7457 4747 5827 8300 804 B 804 A 2739 5837 7520 A 7520 B 7521 7541 2917 2918 2919 2920 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Sp Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Sp Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr sc (bad condition) sc sc sc hc sc sc booklet A4 document document A4 hc pt sc document sc pt sc 2000 1983 2009 2009 2010 2003 2009 2004 2006 2010 2010 1979 2000 2006 2010 2009 2009 document A4. Jean: Le dossier 1954 et l'imposture rationaliste. Guy: Les objets volants non identifiés. Barcelona the author Pierre Belfond. Aimé: Mysterieux objets célestes. Robert: OVNI. Monaco Ramuel. Villeselve du Rocher.) Roussel. Jean: Le dossier 1954 et l'imposture rationaliste. Paris Pierre Belfond/Le Livre de poche Albin Michel. la fin du secret. (4 ièm Michel. Les vérités cachées de l'enquête officielle. Jacques: Los platillos volantes. 1. Michel. À propos des soucoupes volantes. (Le Livre de poche. Sider. Poher. Paris de Vecchi." No. Cahier iconographique. SERPAN: L'affaire de Trans-en-Provence. Claude: Sauvigny-Le-Bois (Yonne).Ufocod Author And Title OEF Michel. Jean: OVNIs: la solution du mystère? Nouvelles revelations. Jacques: Les soucoupes volantes. Robert: OVNI.Atlantide. Sider. Paris Éditions Alain Lefeuvre.P. Aimé: Mystériuex objets célestes. La guerre des mondes aura-t-elle lieu? Pottier. Michel. Fiebag. Bernard: Objets volants non identifiés. Hugo: O enigma dos "discos voadores" ou a maior interrogacao do nosso t OEIP Sanchez Bueno. Juan A. Annexes.: Enciclopedia de los en OEIS Ballester Olmos. Barcelona Plaza & Janes. Wiesbaden Moewig. Frank: Geheimakte UFO. Johannes (ed. Hermann: Katechismus der Uraniden. Introduc OEIS Ballester Olmos. Lüdenscheid Ewertverlag Editora Nova Critica.Ufocod Author And Title OEF Tarade.V. Archives 1993. Oberth. Le dossier Rhone-Alpes. Juan A. Neue Erkenntnisse. Hans-Werner (ed. Guy: Soucoupes volantes et civilisations d'outre-espace. Teil II. Y Miguel: Los OVNIs y la ciencia.N. Prominente und Experten zur Ludwiger. Madrid The authors Plaza & Janes. Bernardino: Vinte séculos de historia dos OVNI. Le dossier Rhone-Alpes. Barcelona Plaza & Janes. Antonio José & Madrid. Raul: OVNI: portas para o ano zero. Dieter von: Hermann Oberth und die UFO-Forschung. Porto Edicoes AOW. les témoignages. Paris Country Fr Lang. Vicente-Juan & Fernandez Peris. Bernardino: Os OVNIs e a vida no universo. München TOSA. Introduc den 31 december 2010 Portuga Port Port Port Port Port Sp Spain? Sp Sp Sp Port Port Port Port Sp En Sp Sp Sp . Jean-Pierre: O. (GEP Sonderheft 1 Reeken.I. Reeken. Wien J'ai Lu. Das Jahrhundertphänomen.: Characteristics of close OEIS Ballester Olmos. Joaquim: OVNIs em Portugal. Haben unsere Religionen eine Zuku Peiniger. Bernardino: Os OVNI no passado remoto. Binding Fr pt AcqYear 1980 2003 OEF OEF OEF OEG OEG OEG OEG OEG OEG OEG OEG Thouanel. Ramos. Troadec. Dieter von: Hermann Oberth und die UFO-Forschung. L'enquete. Vicente-Juan & Guasp. Porto Editora Nova Critica. Frankfurt-am-Mai Ge Ventla. OEIS Alés. Droht uns ein Independence Day? 5210 4397 4398 7933 4637 4148 757 4248 1674 A 1674 B 5251 3805 3963 4325 4341 4342 4343 3746 7071 3769 3770 B 3770 A 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Fr Fr Fr Ge Ge Fr Fr Fr Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge Port sc 2005 ringbound A4 (1 ex stapled 2003 stapled booklet A4 pt hc hc hc hc booklet A5 booklet A5 sc sc sc sc sc sc hc sc document 8½x11 sc sc sc 2003 2010 2004 2003 1978 2003 1990 2006 2005 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2009 2003 2003 2003 Sida 276 of 392 Zweitausendeins. OEIP Sanchez Bueno. OEIP Sanchez Bueno. les a Troadec. Archives 1993. Lyon Cedex Knaur.): Das Rätsel: Unbekannte Flugobjekte. Vicente-Juan & Guasp. Rastatt GEP. Vicente-Juan & Fernandez Peris. Jean-Pierre: O. Lisboa Edicoes A. OEIP Fernandes. Lüdenscheid GEP.N.V. Reinhard: UFO. OEIP Rocha. Lyon Cedex the author. Porto Livraria Bertrand.): Das UFO-Syndrom. Y Miguel: Los OVNIs y la ciencia. selsamme Erfahru Habeck. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1019 3 1 1969 1975 2003 1993 1993 1996 1997 1992 1966 1998 1990 1994 200? 1978 1978 1951 1985 1978 1988 1979 198-? 1987 1988 1981 Michel Lafon the author. Barcelon Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge Port OEIP Berenbuel. OEIS Ballester Olmos.I. Livro 1. Andres: Alerta: OVNI. Illobrand von: Der Stand der UFO-Forschung. (GEP Sonderheft 1 Zückmantel. Lisboa Circulo de Leitores Ediciones UVE. Ufocod Author And Title OEIS Ballester Olmos. Barcelona Editorial Bruguera. Binding Sp sc AcqYear 2003 2003 OEIS Ballester Olmos. J. Barcelona Plaza & Janes.J.J. Barcelona Espana Hoy. OEIS Benitez. Del mito a la ciencia. M.J. Manuel: En busca de otros mundos. OEIS Campo. OEIS Colom. creyentes y contactados. Ignacio: Entre ufólogos. Una historia socia OEIS Calvo Hernando. I. J. Vicente-Juan: OVNIs: el fenomeno aterrizaje. Barcelona Plaza & Janes. OEIS Benitez. Ricardo [ed. Vicente-Juan: Un OVNI en el ejercicio Red-Eye.: 100.: Television EspañolaL Operacion OVNI.J.J. Barcelona "Nos". Córdoba . / The principl den 31 december 2010 2665 B 2665 A 6892 3792 C 3792 A 3792 B 3794 B 3794 A 3796 3799 3800 3802 136 2674 3836 7133 3842 6440 3852 3853 3874 7166 1 1 1 BM-06892 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Mex Sp Sp Spain Sp Sp Sp Sp Spain Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp pt hc digital PDF file sc hc pt sc hc sc sc hc hc sc booklet booklet sc sc sc sc sc pt sc 2000 2003 2009 2003 2003 2005 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 1983 2000 2003 2009 2003 2009 2003 2003 2003 2009 Sida 277 of 392 Cuadernos de ufología. Aproximacion cientifica a los OVNIs. Mexico Plaza & Janes.: 100. OEIS Borgas.: 100.: OVNIs: documentos oficiales del gobierno Español. Barcelona Editorial Diana.J.] OEIS CEI: Los OVNIs en España. Madrid Country Sp Lang. Madrid Fundación Anomalía. J. Los humanoides (1).000 kilómetros tras los ovnis. OEIS Benitez.J. Vol.: La punta del iceberg.: OVNI: Los espias del cosmos. Barcelona Plaza & Janes. Xavier: Los extraterrestres. Barcelona Rodegar. J.: Encuentros en "Montaña Roja". [SI: están. Eduardo: Astronaves sobre la tierra. Articulo publicad OEIS Benitez. OEIS Benitez. Madrid Oromi. OEIS Ballester Olmos. OEIS Benitez. J. Vol. J. El fenomeno OVNI y los arch Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3775 2 1 1995 1984 1984 1978 2007 1987 1978 1980 1987 1981 1983 1983 1977 1979 19?? 1955 1975 1993 1976 2008 1978 1978 1975 2009 Plaza & Janes. J. OEIS Bueno. Barcelona Plaza & Janes. OEIS Benitez. OEIS Benitez. No estamos solos en el cosmos. Barcelona the author Plaza & Janes. Tomo I. Santander Editorial 7½. Enrique Miguel: Vienen los platillos volantes. [SI: están. Aproximacion cientifica a los OVNIs. II.: Encuentros en "Montaña Roja". Barcelona Plaza & Janes. OEIS Darnaude Rojas-Marcos. Santander Ultramar. OEIS Ballester Olmos. OEIS Buelta. Barcelona Plaza & Janes.000 kilómetros tras los ovnis. OEIS Benitez. Barcelona Editorial Nous.J. (Biblioteca "Camill OEIS CEI: Los OVNIs en España. Del Pillar: Los OVNI.]: Vida en el universo. Vicente-Juan: OVNIs: el fenomeno aterrizaje. Vicente-Juan: Expedientes insólitos. Barcelona Editorial 7½. Ignacio: El principio de elusividad cósmica. OEIS Cabria García.000 kilómetros tras los ovnis. J. J. Barcelona Planeta.J. 000 palabras. [Biblioteca basica de los t Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3909 2 1 1980 1984 1969 1979 1995 1979 1968 1983 1967 1974 1979 1978 1969 1979 1970 1977 Editorial Fercas. hoy en 25. Antonio: Proces aux OVNI. Jusq'a présent. Tras las huellas de los platillos volant OEIS Peyro. Barcelona Ediciones Telstar. mais de OEIS Ribera. Pedro: Los OVNIs ?Proximo contacto? OEIS Lefebvre. OEIS Ribera. OEIS Galán. XXVII]. den 31 december 2010 3965 7003 5011 4046 4128 4135 4136 4137 4139 4186 4216 4256 8358 4302 4304 4305 4308 A 4308 B 4314 4301 B 4301 A 2744 1 1 BM-07003 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Sp Spain Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Fr Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Fr sc ditigal PDF file sc sc sc small format hc sc sc sc sc sc stapled document folio pt sc sc pt pt sc pt hc sc 2003 2010 2005 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2010 2003 2003 2003 2005 2003 2003 2003 2003 2000 Sida 278 of 392 Centro de la Cultura Popular Canari Sp Teorema. OEIS Lleget. OEIS González Gutiérrez. Antonio: De cara al futur. OEIS Ribera. pero… [SI: están. Madrid Editorial Prensa Española. Miguel: ?OVNIs? Si. ils nous ont épiés.): Suicidos de TARRASA. B Sp Plaza & Janes. Barcelona Bruguera.Ufocod Author And Title OEIS del Oso. Alfredo: Los Españoles van a otro mundo. Barcelona Plaza & Janes. Barc Sp Plaza & Janes. Madrid the author Ediciones Uve. Barcelona Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Producciones Editoriales. José Antonio (ed.): Ufologia. OEIS Lleget. Antonio: ¿De veras los OVNIs nos vigilan? Tercera edición. Madrid Country Sp Lang. OEIS Lleget. Barcelon Sp Ediciones Lyder. [orig: Obje OEIS Ribera. Marius: OVNIs. Barcelona Karma-7. Raimundo: Encuentros en tercera face. OEIS Mingo. OEIS Lleget. [orig: Platillos volantes en Ibero OEIS Ribera. Fenómenos extranos OEIS Guirao Gernandez. Antonio: Platillos volantes en Iberoamerica y España. Barcelona Sp Sp Sp Red Nacional de Corresponsales. España: OVNIs. Barcelona Plaza & Janes. Todo sobre los OVNIs. Marius: Mito y realidad de los platillos volantes. Paris Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Fr . Recopilation de ducumentos. José Gregorio: Los OVNIs en Canarias. Barcelona de Vecchi. [orig: Objetos desconocid OEIS Ribera. Antonio: Las máquinas del cosmos. Barcelona Editorial Pomaire. Antonio: Ces mysterieux OVNI. Aproximacion cientifica a los OVNIs. Antonio: OVNIs en Iberoamerica y España. Enigmas del mas alla. Antonio: El gran enigma de los platillos volantes. Madrid Editorial 7½. Carlos: Algo flota sobre el mundo. Antonio: El gran enigma de los platillos volantes. Julián: Invasion extraterrestre. [Editions d'Apartacio Catalana. Binding Sp pt AcqYear 2003 2003 OEIS Fernández Gutierrez. Quinta edition. Barcelona Editorial Pomaire. Annal -1969. OEIS Ribera. Marius: Nosotros los extra terrestres. Jimenez (ed. OEIS Red Nacional de Corresponsales: Observaciones de Espana. OEIS Murciano. Barcelona Planeta. Paris Sp Fr 1 Translations 1976 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1966 1974 1980 1983 1980 1968 1977 Edicions d'Aportació Catalana. OEIS Ribera. OEIS Ribera. Barcelona Editions de Vecchi. Màrius: Dossier: OVNIs. Edoardo: Italian UFO research in fact and fiction. José Antonio: Mística y misterio de los OVNIs. A OEMI Grassino. Lamperi. Fernando. Binding Sp sc AcqYear 2003 2003 OEIS Silva. Abraham y Moises aparecio e OEMI Bianchini. Giuseppe: UFO . UFO ai confini della realtá. OEMI Boncompagni. Fernando. OEMI Boncompagni. Milano Sp Sp It It Italia It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It . Firenze SIAD Edizioni. Barcelona Dopesa. Ricci. Luciano: UFO. Milano CISU. Firenze Corrado Tedeschi Editore. OEMI Grassino. OEIS Silva. Marco & Cappelli. Fernando. Torino Centro Ufologico Nazionale. Pier Luigi: UFO in OEMI dello Strologo. Torino Pascal Editrice. Siena Corrado Tedeschi Editore.una realta scientificamente prouata. Lamperi. Roberto & Sani. Torino CISU. den 31 december 2010 3600 A 3600 B 8424 4433 7737 7738 7739 2380 2379 2381 3913 3921 2396 4007 4018 4020 5528 3172 2383 4030 4090 4126 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 BM-03172 1 1 1 1 Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp It It It It It It It It It It It It En En It It It It hc sc sc sc sc sc sc sc hc (1) sc (2) sc sc sc document A4 sc sc sc document document A4 booklet sc booklet (magazine) sc 2002 2003 2010 2003 2010 2010 2010 1997 1997 1997 2003 2003 1997 2003 2003 2003 2006 2002 1997 2003 2003 2003 Sida 279 of 392 Sotelo Blanco Ediciones. Amilcare: UFO . Edoardo: Italian research in the eighties. Marco: Storia ufologica della Toscana. Ieri e oggi. Roberto & Sani. Gian Paolo & Russo. Firence Cooperativa Studi e Iniziative UPIA De Vecchi. Ricci. Juan: El OVNI de Galdar.operazione terra. Conti. Antonio: Proceso a los OVNI. domani? OEMI di Girolamo. Torino Edizioni Upiar. OEMI Bianchini. Gian Paolo & Russo. Milano Edizioni Mediterranee UPIAR. Willy & Aymerich. Manuel Borraz: Monografia 1: Del libro azul al Proyecto U OEIS Villena. Torino UPIAR. Solas. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4315 2 1 1969 1982 1987 1987 1992 1977 1996 2008 2008 1980 1978 1990 1976 1980 1985 1976 1977 1980 1989 1988 1993 1985 1986 1980 Circulo de Lectores. Gian Paolo : Il fenomeno UFO. Lamperi. OEMI Giovanditto. Bruno: Cosa si muove sulla luna? OEMI Gianfranceschi. Roberto: Gli UFO in visita a Siena: catalogo degli avvi OEMI Bianchini. A review OEMI Grassino. Bresci JP4. Pier OEMI Boncompagni. OEMI Greco. El dios de Enosh. Barcelona Country Sp Lang. Ricci. Solas. Madrid Edizioni Upiar. Torino Giorgio Barghigiani Editore Rusconi. Barcelona Sp CdU the author. Solas. Paolo: Dossier UFO. Cronache del mistero. Marco: Ufo: luci e ombre sul caso Faralli.Ufocod Author And Title OEIS Ribera. OEIS Smith. Marcello. Saulla: Gli UFO. Sergio. Milano De Vecchi Editore. Conti. OEMI Lazzari. Massimo & Muscio. Sergio. José Antonio: Mistica y misterio de los OVNIs. Arrigo: UFO: illusione o realta? OEMI JP4 Mensile di Aeronatica: Dossier. OEMI Fiorino. Una raccolta di fatti. Paolo: Catalogo dei casi italiani di incontri ravvisinati del terzo tipo e delle f OEMI Galli. Coppetti. Z.D. Copenhagen Il ConfrontO Country It Lang. Roberto: The Italian scene. Milano Longanesi. Milano MEB. OEMI Toselli. (Dansk Andersen. Andersen. chi sono da dove vengono perche ci spiano. 11 di Solaris). Giovanni & Piero: UFO. Per: SUFOIs historie 1975-2000. OEMI Mantero. The story of Italian UFO landings du OES OES OES OES OES Andersen. Genova SugarCo.. 1947-1987: a roundup.T. Thisted SUFOI. Maurizio: ITACAT. Roberto: UFO: la congiura del silenzio. OEMI Pinotti. 2nd edition. Allarme UFO. Marco: Visitatori non invitati. Il catalogo Italiano degli atterraggi UFO. Torino Dansk UFO Center. istorie stranie si adeváratá. Franco: UFO.Ufocod Author And Title OEMI Lissoni. Helsingborg M. Segretti e misteri dei dischi volanti. Roberto: Visitatori dallo spazio. Maurizio: A list of Italian type-1 reports. OEMI Verga. Gentofte FUFOS. Torino Edizioni UPIAR.. OEMI Ossola. Gianni: UFO-contact. 2nd edition. OEMI Pinotti. OEMI Verga. Alfredo: UFO. II Edizione. Milano UPIAR. Praktiske råd. Contatti con esseri di altri mondi. OEMI Turcu. Incontri ravvicinati di ogni tipo. Ancona Centro Ufologico Nazionale Armenia Editore. vink o FUFOS: UFO-ugen 1973. Milano Solaris. Roma Di Vicenzo. Karen Vaerum. Milano Armenia Editore.U. OEMI Pinotti. OEMI Marianti. Milano Armenia Editore. Per: UFO research in Denmark .F. OEMI Solaris: Qui UFO. Franco: L'ufologia.O. (Supplemento al n. Volu OEMI Verga. le teorie e i fatti. Torino Elit-Comentator. Binding It sc AcqYear 1992 2003 OEMI Lucarini. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1919 3 1 1992 1977 1978 1981 1978 1978 1975 19?? 1980 1987 1977 1977 1973 1978 2008 1992 1980 2005 2007 1971 2003 1980 1996 1973 Edizioni Mediterranee. OEMI Ossola. 4145 4153 4161 4241 4242 3479 4254 5822 4261 4262 4263 4372 8611 2176 4426 5237 6292 34 3754 5270 2977 355 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 It It It It It Sw It It It It Italy It It Rouma Italy Italy Italy Da Da Da Da Da It It It It It Sw It En It It It It It sc hc sc sc sc dupl A4 sc document A5 sc sc sc sc sc 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2003 2006 2003 2003 2003 2003 2010 1994 2003 2005 2007 1975 Rouma sc En It Eng Da Da Da Da Da document A4 sc A4 sc A4 (+1 DVD disc) dupl A4 print in binder (from CD) 2003 document A4 booklet booklet A4 2006 2002 1975 Sida 280 of 392 den 31 december 2010 .: Beskrivelse af Fredriksbergs UFO-studiekreds. OEMI Perego. carnefici dell'uomo. Roberto: UFO: missione uomo.N. Bucares the author. Maurizio: When saucers came to earth. [1987 International MUF OEMI Pinotti. Andersen. volume primo: U. Torino Parthenon. Brev till OEMI Petrus: Come vivere in eterno. Per: Velkommen till Skandinavisk UFO Information. Gentofte the author SUFOI. Alberto: Fyrtio "flygande tefat" formar ett kors över Vatikanstaden. Cermenate Edizioni UPIAR. Calin: O. Paolo: Alessandria update. L'eco di un enigma. Tapani (red.kan det umulige vaere mulig? Krogh. in Swedish (6 books) and Finnish (7 books OESF Kuningas. Balling Valby UFO Center. OESF Kuningas. Helsinki Ursa.: Hessdalsrapporten. [Examensopgave. Valby Journalisthøjskolen. Reflections of reported atmospheric llight phe CD disc with MS Word file 2006 sc document A4 hc sc sc sc document A4 sc hc hc hc dupl A4 document A4 hc ringbound A4 booklet A4 1975 2006 2006 1996 1976 1995 2006 2006 1996 2008 2008 1986 1988 1987 1999 1987 Sida 281 of 392 Humanoidien Mailmaalehti. Lars K. Binding Da ringbound AcqYear 2008 1985 Skandinavisk UFO Information. Helsinki internet document Kirjayhtymä OY.vuosikirja 1974.): Humanoidien maailma . Knut Einar: Den hemmelige krigen. OESF Lax.: The Hessdalen report. Björn: [Books and manuscripts by. Konnerud the author. Journalisthøjskolen]. Tapani: Ufotutkimuksen vaiheita Suomessa: 30-luvulta 80-luvulle. Jan S. Rolf Kenneth: Åndsvitenskapelige visjoner. Wegner. Traek af den danske UFO-bevaegelses histo 1260 2865 5137 1540 1680 5349 764 5639 5640 2336 597 2274 5253 5280 2299 6401 6402 1346 1481 1450 2622 1456 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 Da Da Da Da Da Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi No No No No No No No No No No Da Da Da Da Da Sw/Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi Fi No No No No No No No No No En ringbound A4 booklet A5 dupl document sc sc 1985 2001 2005 1988 1990 OESF Borg. Bjorn: UFO´er over Norge. Lassen. & Löfman. Oslo Cappelen akademisk forlag. Pekka: UFOjen arvoitus. Copenhagen Sphinx. Toke: 50 år med ufoer .): Operaatio UFO. Juhani & Teerikorpi. Overvåking i Norge 19 Braeene. Ole Jonny: Avisartikler i Drammens Tidende og Buskerud Blad (DT&BB) i Braenne. 25 voutta lentäviä lautasia sanomalehtine OESF Kuningas. Aristos. OES OES OES OES OES OES OES OES OES OES Aasheim. Leirsund the author. Ole Jonny: Avisartikler i Drammens Tidende (DT) i 1950 som har eller ka Havik. Helsinki Country Lang. Trond & Eriksen. Laitinen. Oslo Cappelen akademisk forlag. Overvåking i Norge 19 Bergh. København Sphinx. Meddelelse nr: 2. Willy: UFOer over Danmark. Helsinki Kirjayhtymä.erfaringer fra halvtreds års rapportarbejde. Trondheim NIVFO. Betraktninger av rapporterte atmosfaeriske lysaf Krogh. Teuvo E. Willy: UFOer over Danmark. Soini: Pudasjärven ufot. Jan S. Aab Da OES OES OES OES OES IGAPE: Oplysning om UFO`er. Knut Einar: Den hemmelige krigen. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6581 2 1 2007 1984 1985 1978 1986 1988 1990 2006 1972 2006 1994 1980 1972 1974 198? 2006 1971 1998 1998 1986 1988 1987 1984 1984 IGAPE. Utgave 2. Reijo (ed. Tapani. Trond & Eriksen. Kortfattet beretning om de dansk Møller. ["10 OESF Kyröläinen.Ufocod Author And Title OES Haunstrup. Oslo författaren. Henrik: Der er noget i luften.: UFO-sagens utvikling i Danmark. Drammen Vision Förlag. Trondheim den 31 december 2010 . Leif: "UFO-fenomenet" . Dato: Marts 85. Turku UFO-Norge. Trondheim NIVFO. Rapporter fra hele lande Bergh. Sarpsborg Gyldendal. Markku: 100 ufoa Suomessa. John & Holm-Hansen. Uraania vai utopiaa? OESF Sjögren. Copenhagen the author Jaanes. Knut: Vi er ikke alene! Diverse UFO-oplysninger ved Knut Aasheim. Traek af den danske UFO-bevaegelses histo Wegner. Armand. Oslo Bokbyen forlag. Halden Project Hessdalen Project Hessdalen reprint UFO-Sverige. Strand. Inblickar i flygteknik och underrättelsetjänst. Håkan: Den svenska militära underrättelsetjänsten. Sveen. nitad rygg hc dupl A4 document A4 booklet booklet A5 sc document A4 1995 1995 2003 1985 2003 2003 2006 1984 2010 1994 2010 2010 1996 2010 2010 1993 1975 1994 2002 2008 2007 2005 OESS Andersson. UFOWisth. Jens. Sälgström. Trondheim Høgskolen i Østfold. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1796 4 1 1980 1979 1977 1990 1998 1984 1990 197? 1998 1983 2009 1987 1990 2009 1995 2010 2010 1993 1973 1994 1991 2007 2007 2005 Norsk UFO Center. Håkan: En resa i tiden. 1970-1995. Maria: UFO-magasinet.]: Tingsås hembygdsförenings årsskrift 2009. Part 2: 1985. uppl. 2. S Sw Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige. Erik & Hedberg. utök. Håkan: UFO . 2. Håkan: En resa i tiden. part one. Geir: Lokale utenomjordiske mysterier. OESS Blomqvist. OESS Blomqvist. Strand. Ole Peder: Uidentifiserte flygende objekter . Arne: UFO-mysteriet i Hessdalen. Berit: Projekt Dalarna 1987. uppl. Massimo: Experimental methods for studying the Hess Strand. Part 1: 1984. Erling & Teodorani. Gustafsson. Hans [red.. UFO-Sveriges historia 1970-2010. Sala Sw Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige. Jo OESS Fehling. OESS Fransson. Lennart: Svenska flygplan. OESS Andersson. L Sw Allt om Hobby. Stockholm Göteborgs Universitet. History OESS Billman. Sara: Varför tillhör man en UFO-grupp? En sociologisk studie av UFOOESS Ekengren. Jerk: Flygunderrättelseboken. En undersökning av oförklarade himlafenomen o OESS Danielsson. Åsen. Per: Noen utvalgte UFO-sager fra 1970-årene. Håkan: UFO-fenomen. Sala Bladkompaniet. OESS Fahlgren. Ett seminarium om människan i universum. Stockholm Sw Tingsås hembygdsförening. Riksorg UFO-Sverige 25 år. Kolbjørn: UFO og ufologi. Kolbjørn: Informasjonsmanual. Erling: Project Hessdalen 1984. Examensarb den 31 december 2010 Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. Erling: Project Hessdalen. Tingsry Sw UFO-Sverige. OESS Blomqvist. S Sw NTB-Parthenon. Trondheim NIVFO. Den svenska flygindustrins historia. utök. Nyköping Sw Statens skola för vuxna. Tvedestrand Norsk UFO Center. Mats: Himlen över Aspen. En uforklarlige hendelser og besök p 1663 2281 4378 1306 4379 4383 6005 1227 8566 2031 7696 7742 2302 7756 B 7756 A 1993 123 2069 3124 6516 6134 4994 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 No No No No No No Sw No No No No En No En No Sw No No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw document A4 document A4 sc A4 (3) ringbo/colour (1) document A4 copy A4 ringbound A4 hc hc document A4 hc sc document A4 sc A4 scA4. Alingsås Folk och Försvar. Gothenburg the author Göteborgs Universitet Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sida 282 of 392 ."flyvende tallerkener"? (Reprint UFO-Sverige: Project Hessdalen.i myt och verklighet. Gudrun. Binding No document A4 AcqYear 1991 2006 OES OES OES OES OES OES OES OES OES Stenødegård. Norrköping Sw Alströmergymasiet. Trondheim Country No Lang. Ett samarbetsprojekt mellan: UFO-Sverige. OESS Blomqvist. (S.Ufocod Author And Title OES Ottesen. Final technical report. Håkan: En resa i tiden: UFO-Sveriges historia 1970-2010. Birgit & Bergqvist.. En vejledning for informasjonsvirkso Stenødegård. 66-68: Besök a OESS Blomqvist. G. Sala Tidens förlag. 2:a helt omarbetade upplagan. Göran & Svahn. Europaresor & flygapparater. Johan: Summary of UFO-observations in Dalecarlia. Göteborg the author. Linderoth. H.Gösta: The question of proof . Stockholm Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw document A4 + digital PDF2006 hc A4 booklet A4 hc booklet A4 booklet A4 hc document A4 duplicated A4 1998 1984 2008 2006 2006 2006 1989 1989 International URD Foundation.: B.).en ny folktro. K. OESS Ottosson. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 2009 2005 OESS Försvarsstaben: Om ljud. Ett KTH projekt OESS Henriksson.pionjär inom svensk ufologi. M & Nilsson. Sten m.D. Kort orientering från Försvarsstaben oc OESS Grisell. OESS Martebo hembygdsgrupp: Boken om Martebo. OESS Rehn.försvarets nydanare . Lundström. [B-uppsats} OESS Kinneryd.: A. Jan von: Helge Jung . Johan: En sammanställning om UFO-händelserna i Dalarna. Clas: Fakta om UFO. Stockholm Sw Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning. [Also: reprinted by Parth OESS Johansson. Mal Sw Bokverksta'n i Örebro AB Södertörns Högskola Parthenon. & Thomasson. Nyköping UFO-Sverige. Bengt.opinionsbildare . Avd. Stockholm FOA Country Sw Lang. den 31 december 2010 380 6155 7271 508 2619 1263 1513 5083 4680 379 5101 6690 4164 5717 2544 1220 6744 5835 5836 5842 840 1589 2 1 DC-3 files 1 5 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 BM-05717 4 3 1 3 1 1 5 2 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En Sw Sw Sw copy A4 booklet A4 dokument A4 dupl A4 document A4 document A4 document A4 hc document A4 copy A4 booklet sc hc A4 1983 2007 2009 1983 1999 1985 1988 2005 2004 1975 2005 2008 2003 KTH.överbefälhav OESS Kyndel. Stoc Sw International URD Foundation. Therése.): Förstudie till UFO-områdets problematik. (red. Sw Malmbäcks hembygdsförening. Campus Nor Sw the authors. Stockholm Institutionen för idéhistoria.och ljusfenomen.D. En sammanställning. Göran (red. Sweden. January 1 OESS Konow. Jan & Magnusson.Gösta: The modern view of UFO proof. januari 198 OESS Kinneryd.Ufocod Author And Title OESS Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (FOA): FOA i fokus. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6532 1 1 1995 1995 1966 2007 1998 1961 1997 1985 1985 1999 2000 1968 1924 1997 2003 2006 1998 1984 1991 1981 1981 1997 1968 1968 Försvarsstaben.a new slant. En studie av ufo-m OESS Norlén. C.): Fakta om UFO. Stoc Sw Högskolan Gävle/Sandviken Ifologiska Sällskapet. myt eller verklighet? Redovisningsuppgift. A scientifically oriented approach to support solving the UFO eni OESS Project U. OESS Rehn. L Sw Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. Ansökan till stif OESS Lundqvist. Svensk hemlig militär underrätt OESS Project U. Bromma the author. Lars: Hemliga makter. etc: DC 3:an. Bo: UFO eller? Gösta Rehn . OESS Norlén.R. C. En limnologisk oriente OESS Malmbäcks hembygdsförening (utg. Bromma Sw Sw Sw Sida 283 of 392 .: Sjön Lekvattnet i Värmland. A scientifically oriented approach to support solving the UFO eni OESS Ranch. N OESS Ifologiska sällskapet: UFO-rapporter från Sverige 1960-61. Undervattensteknik. K.fl. A. A: "Det är bättre att veta… OESS Lindgren.R. L Sw Jan von Konows förlag Sw Linköpings Universitet. Malmbäcks årskrönika 1996. Jessica: När de flygande tefaten landade i folkhemmet. Stoc Sw Quarnberget Förlag. OESS Moberg. Umeå u Sw Sw Sw Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. Inga: UFO . Uno: Uno Ranch berättar: Bugattibilar. OESS Svahn. Stockholm Fort & Bunker. Skänninge UFO-Motala. en introduktion. Clas: UFO . Fyra akademiska uppsatser om UFO-gåtan infö OESS UFO-Sveriges rapportcentral: Rapportsammanställning 1990. Andra OESS UFO-Z: Sammanställning av UFO-rapporter i Jämtland 1986-88 OESS Wallin. Ivan: Grannar från världsrymden.): Ljusfenomenet i Martebo. OESS Troëng. Samlade tidningsartiklar från höst den 31 december 2010 5205 A 5205 B 5968 A 5968 B 8454 2937 2461 1594 5997 6277 506 4403 1476 1052 1053 7628 1827 1828 2023 1363 2284 6846 1 3 4 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 4 1 2 5 4 1 4 4 3 3 2 1 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw ringbound A4 ringbound A4 hc pt hc hc sc dupl A4 document A5 document dupl A4 hc A4 booklet A5 2009 2005 2006 2008 2010 2001 1997 1989 2006 2007 1983 2003 1987 Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. OESS UFO-Sveriges rapportcentral: Rapportsammanställning 1992. Sala UFO-Sverige. Bernt: Spaning mot skyn.en handledning. Clas (red. [Övernaturliga fenomen från Sverige och världen].från flygande tefat till cirklar i sädesfälten. L Sw Ifologiska Sällskapet. Birgit & Bergqvist.Ufocod Author And Title OESS Stender. Inga-Lill (red. Stockholm the author Ifologiska Sällskapet. Den optiska luftbevakningen i Sverige. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1817 1 2 1983 1985 1997 1998 2006 2008 2009 2000 1998 1989 1968 19?? 1961 2003 1980 1973 1979 1998 1991 1992 1993 1986 1988 2007 UFO-Sverige. Nyköping the author Country Ge Lang.): UFO-gåtan. En observation i ett UFO-fönst OESS Troëng. Sala Semic. OESS Sälgström. Sundbyberg Parthenon. Ivan: Kort sammanfattning rörande "pingstmeteoren". Sala UFO-Sverige. Eskilstuna UFO-Z. OESS UFO-Sveriges rapportcentral: UFO-Sveriges redovisning av UFO-rapporter. OESS UFO-Sverige: Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige. OESS Troëng. Studiematerial för skolundervisning. Motala UFO-Sverige. Skurup UFO-Information. Sala UFO-Sverige.): UFO-gåtan. Motala Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige UFO-Sverige.möte med det okända. Clas: UFO-mysteriet . OESS Svahn. Clas (red. Studiematerial för skolundervisning. Binding Ge document A4 AcqYear 1991 2005 OESS Svahn. OESS UFO-Sverige: Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige. OESS Svahn. Upplaga 4. OESS UFO-Information: UFO . Clas: Det okända. Sundbyberg Månpocket Semic. [Även kallad: Eremiten]. Sundbyberg Semic. Sala UFO-Sverige. [Övernaturliga fenomen från Sverige och världen]. Lennart: Förslag rörande rymdforskning. OESS UFO-Sveriges rapportcentral: Rapportsammanställning 1991. 2:a uppl. Järfälla Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw booklet A5 (two diff covers 1975 booklet A5 1979 dokument A4 ringbound 2009 document A4 document A4 document A4 document A4 document A4 document A4 1991 1991 1993 1986 1995 2008 Sida 284 of 392 . Clas: Det okända. en introduktion. Clas: Möten med det okända. Östersund författaren. OESS UFO-Sverige: Rymdfolkets vänner. uppl. Walter: Neuere UFO-Eregnisse in Schweden. OESS Svahn. Ivan & Lind. OESS Törnell. [Ny up OESS Svahn. 2:a rev. OESS Svahn. Berit: Bispbergsfallet. Paris Axis mundi. Nouveaux dossiers chinois. Paul: The four major mysteries of mainland China. Calif. Inga-Lill: Ljuset på Martebo myr. Nässjö författaren. [orig Ikeda. Hausdorf. UFO encounters in the Far East from anc Hough. Contact through cameras pa Kamra. Gatot: Satu dekade. Bo. S SW Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. (Enlèvements et disparations). S Sw Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. S Sw Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. Uppsats för fortsättnin OESS Västerbergslagens UFO-association: The most interesting UFO reports from 1986OESS Västerbergslagens UFO-förening: Compilation of UFO reports 1988. Jenny: UFO Daquan . Järfälla Air Historic Research AB. Apurv V. Järfälla Country SW Lang. Inga-Lill: Marteboprojektet 95-04-01 . Haines. OESS Västerbergslagens UFO-förening: Sammanställning av UFO-rapporter 1988. NJ LDA Press. Los Alton. USA Hainan Chubanshe (Hainan Publish China Japanese the author ??? the author. Takao: UFO [Title in Japanese]. OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF Agustinus. Nässjö Air Historic Research AB.Buming feixingwu zuixin jiemi. Nur & Tri R. Peter & Randles.95-04-14. institutet för Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. Svenska militära flygplan och helikoptr OESS Widfeldt. Mumbai. Zhang (ed.: Advanced aerial devices reported during the Korean War. S Sw Västerbergslagens UFO-förening. Hartwig: The Chinese Roswell. Åke: Svenskt militärflyg.: UFO: a lethal enigma! Maohua.. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2290 3 4 1995 2000 1995 2005 1998 1980 1987 1990 1989 1989 1989 2007 1983 1993 1999 1984 1990 1998 the author.): Zaoyu Feidie / Ershi shiji waixing shengming beiwanglu.Ufocod Author And Title OESS Wallin. Richard F. ['Me 5221 8530 8531 1087 1538 1677 1602 2472 1603 6883 1169 7093 4924 2817 1743 3216 4656 510 518 8068 2526 4695 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 BM-06883 2 1 2 1 3 2 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw document A4 hc hc document A4 document A4 document A4 document A4 document A4 document A4 digital PDF file sc sc sc sc booklet sc sc 2005 2010 2010 1983 1988 1990 1989 1997 1989 2009 1984 2009 2005 2001 1991 2002 2004 1989 1983 2010 1998 2004 Stockholms Universitet. Englewood Cliffs. Perjalanan komunitas BETA-UFO Ind Bo. India Japan Malaysi Japan India 1 Translations 2000 1 2 1 1 1 1975 1981 1978 1998 1997 Japane sc En booklet A4 Japane hc En Chines document A4 sc Nei Menggu renmin chubanshe (Th China den 31 december 2010 Sida 285 of 392 . OESS Västerbergslagens UFO-förening: Sammanställning av UFO-rapporter 1987. Främmande flyg i Sverige under an OESS Virtanen. Bo. Surabaya Mercure de France. Rolph: Nödlandning. Ahmad: A summary of unidentified flying objects and related events in Japanese Book [Author unknown]: Cosmic civilization. Boca Raton. Vitrolles Editions Aldane. Bo & Wegmann. OESS Västerbergslagens UFO-förening: Sammanställning av UFO-rapporter 1986. S Sw BETA-UFO Indonesia. OESS Widfeldt. Dong. Jamaludin. Heikki: Ifologiska sällskapet i Stockholms 1957-69. Binding Sw document A4 AcqYear 1995 2000 OESS Wallin. Shi: L'Empire du Milieu troublé par les OVNIS. Shi: OVNI. Cointrin Prentice-Hall. Shi: La Chine et les extraterrestres. Bo & Hall. Indones ?? Fr Fr Switzerl USA USA Fr Fr FR En En En Chines New Paradigm Books. "Utomjordingar. Frank: Armstrong Circle Theatre. ['UFO and the human civilization']. Analys av ryktet om ett radio 1405 4386 8556 4874 3727 7164 7673 3851 469 5571 6346 916 8179 8180 4466 94 2679 A 2679 B 1569 7200 3999 2102 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 BM-06346 2 1 1 1 1 1 BM-02679 1 1 1 1 1 UFO Photo Archives. Cantril. Hind. Simonsson.: OVNIs em África. & Greenberg. "UFO: the enigma of the Eskilsson.A. With th Cantril. Edgar: Flying saucers über Südafrika. Yongjun. Hanses. & Evans. Institutet för Sw Princeton University Press. Salisbury China China China Port Rhodes En En Fr Horus House Press. Cynthia: UFOs . Binding Japane sc AcqYear 1989 2010 OF OF OF OF OF OFC OFC OI OI OI OI OI OIS OIS OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM Stevens. Kristina: Ockult material i veckopressen 1936-1971. Media manipulation and m Berg-Melin. Takanashi. Robert E. With th Edwards. A study in the psychology of panic. UFO och stora av Ye Bin & Li Na (red. Gérard: Un objet volant non identifie observe se deplacant au ras de la mer Sievers. Wendelle C. Yvonne & Tellström. Paul: UFO case files of Russia.CIA" [exact title unclear].): Wai xing ren wei jie zhi mi. Hadley: The invasion from Mars. Middles UK Sutton Publishing. Yaoi. Varberg DAW Boooks. Stroud. Philip & Stonehill.): Wai xing ren yu ufo da jie mi. Princeto USA Harper Torchbooks. Hind. NY USA USA Sw USA Styrelsen för psykologiskt försvar. [orig: Mysterious sky. UFOs über Russland. Pretoria Argo-Verlag. Kjell & Törnqvist. Hadley: The invasion from Mars. K. Mantle. A study in the psychology of panic. title unknown] [Tairiku UFO series]. Martin H.African encounters.Ufocod Author And Title OF Rehn. 1958. Jan 22. " Utomjordingar och ännu olösta Castel-Branco. Kerstin & Bylund. Gunnar: Är det sant? Friesner. [orig: Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 843 1 Translations 197? 1 1982 1983 1976 1980 1998 1988 2008 2008 1987 1982 1997 2008 1955 2007 2010 2004 1973 1940 1966 1958 2004 1994 1990 Japanese Country Ja Lang. Cynthia: UFOs over Africa. Zou. Lebat. Ulf. & Dong. Northern West C Cui Zhonglei (ed. Marktoberdorf Fr digital PDF (in digital file fo 2008 hc hc sc hc sc A4 hc + digital PDF file sc document 8½x11 hc pt booklet 1980 2010 2010 2004 1983 2000 2003 1989 2009 2003 1994 Sida 286 of 392 South A Ge Ge Ge En En Sw En En En Sw En Sw Healings of Atlantis. Gloucest UK Stockholms Universitet. S Sw den 31 december 2010 . Xi (ed. Paul: UFOs over modern China.Gösta: UFO. Paul: Mysterious sky. Esther M. Hilary: Panic attacks. NY ??? Argument förlag. Wisc USA the author Sagittarius Verlag. (editors): Alien pregnant by Elvis. Hayes. Yousou: The physical explanation to the UFO over Xinjiang. Richard: Moln över kola. R.F. Ariz unknown publisher ??? USA Ja Japan En Ja Jap Chines En Chin Chin Port hc sc pt sc copy A4 sc sc sc pt sc 1986 2003 2010 2004 2002 2009 2009 2003 1983 2006 Sichuan Kexue Jishu Chubanshe (T China the author Jilin Art publishing House Baihua literature and art publishing Coimbra Editora Gemini. UF Bartholomew. Tucson.): UFO yu renlei wenming. Madison. Junichi: "UFO . Philip & Stonehill. Jun-Ichi: "UFO invastion of Japan". Zur Frage der Besuche aus dem W Mantle. [Japanese edition. Colin (speaker): Circles of significance. Lee (director) & Mausson. director): Area 51. director): UFO . Rencontres extraterrestres. Clive: Flying saucers and public relations.pressemaessigt set. Torsten: Sant eller falskt? Metoder i källkritik. Ron (producer): Roswell: true or false? [Ros OMD Andrews. Minnes USA Journalisthögskolan Sw Krisberedskapsmyndigheten (KBM). Binding Sw document A4 AcqYear 2007 2009 OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM Mannion. [Dossier OVNI. Vladimir: 2e festival international du film sur les phenomenes paranorm 5109 6205 5195 1029 4851 2022 2575 6031 247 4865 4866 5259 V 5276 V 5359 V 5361 V 5362 V 6097 V 5363 V 5364 V 5430 V 5446 V 5468 V 1 1 1 Audio 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA USA En En En Sw Sw It En En Da Fr Fr En En En En Fr En En Fr En En En sc hc 4 CD discs booklet A4 booklet + photo copy booklet A4 document 8½x11 document A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 booklet A4 video VHS video VHS video VHS 2005 2007 2005 1983 2004 1993 1998 2006 1975 2004 2004 2006 2006 2006 Steve Garren. Paolo: UFOs in advertising. Minneapolis. Paul (producer): UFO down in Roswell. Original syndicated radio show. Des OVNIs dans le désert. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6186 1 1 1981 2001 1998 2003 2005 1981 2003 1989 19?? 19?? 1972 1984 1984 1995 1992 1993 1998 M. David (producer. OMD Bunting. director): A UFO conspiracy. Willy (red. Lena.en hemlighet på hög nivå. Amherst. Prophecy . France (Trans Fr Paul Davids Caste Communications Genesis III Publishing USA UK USA . France UK UK Fr video VHS (French dubbin2006 video VHS video VHS 2006 2007 1 Translations 1998 1 1 1996 1996 Trans Media /Dandelion for Sky Tel USA Trans Media for Sky Television UK video VHS (undertext in S 2006 video VHS (French dubbin2006 video VHS video VHS video VHS 2006 2006 2006 Sida 287 of 392 1 Translations 1998 1 1 2 1994 1996 1992 Marshall Cavendish. [Compilation of research materials]. OMD Elders. Evans and Co. Alien images in modern mass culture. Sw CISU. [orig: Dreamland: Area OMD Burgess.): 1958 . Bob (producer): UFO review . Verovacki. No UK Enigma Video Trans Media Dandelion Marshall Cavendish.Ufocod Author And Title OM Köpings UFO-förening: Informationsprogram i UFO-frågan. [Dossiers OMD Davids. Jaime: Messengers of destiny. Nigel: UFOs on television. Jay: UFO fact or fiction. [UFO & Crop Circle Conference. Bruce (director): Creatures. Todd (director) & Danwoodie. Written and narrat Thulin. Britt: UFO och massmedia. A world-wide catalogue of UFO/ET images. co Twitchell. Bruce (director): Mutilations animales. Bruce (producer. 6 OMD Burgess. Birgitta & Yngvesson. Thisted L'Association Psi & Cinema L'Association Psi & Cinema D & J Corporation It USA UK Da Fr Fr USA OMD Agnello. OMD Digby. Wallin. Michael: Project Mindshift. NY Prometheus Books. NY Köpings UFO-förening Country Sw Lang. Toselli. Bruce (producer. Examensar Thurén. OMD Burgess. A working newsmen's recomm Watson.: Picturing extraterrestrials. Torino the author the author Dansk UFO Center. Wegner.UFOs den 31 december 2010 Quest Publications International. The re-education of the American public conc Moffitt. Bruce (producer.the researchers. 7]. Textbilaga till stillfilm. Vladimir: 1er festival international du film sur les phenomenes paranorm Verovacki. [orig: Dreaml OMD Burgess. Traces d'aliens? [Dossiers OVNI. The true story. OMD Burgess. Stanton. John F. director): Zone 51. Lawrence (director): Gouvernements.: UFOs…the real story. (director) & Seligman. [produced. Michael & Zahradnikova. Eric (series producer): Secrets of the unknown: UFOs. Michael: Boken om Fahrenheit 9/11. 2]. The official Fahrenheit 9/11 read OMD Mysteries. not runnable on Wind OMD Greene. The prophecies OMD Halstead. Powers of the paranormal. OMD Moore. OMD Pasetta. Michael (producer): UFO…det olösta mysteriet. München OvniLab Systems OvniLab Systems Sveriges Television. [The X Factor. Lawrence (director): UFO . Fredericton OvniLab Systems Warner Bros TK Productions Barraclough Carey Productions for 2000 Film Productions. Terry (producer): The UFO files. den 31 december 2010 5493 V 5494 V 5496 5530 V 5542 5549 V 5558 V 5566 V 5567 V 5568 V 5588 V 5589 V 5673 V 5721 V 5722 V 7419 5769 V 5771 V 5794 V 5807 V 5826 V 5857 V 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 USA En En video DVD video VHS (bad quality) 2006 2006 Juniper Productions for Channel Fo UK Unity Publishing. Boris (producers): Out of the blue. J. Presented b OMD Nelson. Le grand secret. director): Crop circles & signs. A message of truth for all mankind. Lee (director) & Mausson. Jaime: Masters of the stars. Binding En AcqYear video VHS (no undertext) 2006 2006 OMD Fox. director): Crop circles "explained" OMD Janssen.R. OMD Reader's Digest: Mysteries of the unexplained. Coleman. [Submarine OMD Moore. Michael (producer): UFOs: the secret evidence. [Orig. directed and written by Denise Dilanni]. OMD Guenette. Robert (director/producer): The man who saw tomorrow. Boston USA USA Seligman Productions / Virgin Visio USA Planetary Peoples Party. Natalie (producers): UFOs: the footage archiv OMD Hesemann. France Central Independent Television (IT Ordfront. Bert (producer. The OVNIs of Mexic Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5469 V 2 2 1994 1996 2002 1991 1996 2002 1981 1996 1997 1999 1998 1992 2002 2002 2006 FCZ Media LCC Genesis III Publishing Country USA Lang. OMD Nova: Kidnapped by UFOs. Magic & Miracles Productions: Crops circles and other files. Enlevés par les extraterrestres. OMD Freeman. [Doissiers OVNI. France Clip-Film. OMD Harrison. [orig: UFOs: die Bewei OMD Janssen.the untold stories. Stanton T. Jill (producer/direcotor): UFO . Stockholm Marshall Cavendish. Joakim (producer) & Rudelius. Düsseldorf Marshall Cavendish. Stockholm Canada En USA USA USA UK Ge Fr Ge Netherl Netherl Sw Fr UK Sw En En En En En Fr En En En Sw Fr En Sw En En En En En En CD interactive (not runnabl2006 video DVD video VHS video VHS video VHS video VHS 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 video VHS (French dubbin2006 video VHS video DVD video DVD video VHS 2006 2006 2006 2006 1 Translations 1998 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1994 2005 1995 1988 1996 1989 2001 1997 video VHS (French dubbin2006 video VHS sc video VHS video VHS video VHS 2006 2009 2006 2006 2006 Mysteries Magic & Miracles Product UK Triumph Communications NOVA/PBS/WGBH.the hidden truth. Bert (producer.Ufocod Author And Title OMD Elders. OMD Hesemann. Mark (director): What if…extraterrestrial contact. [Interactive CD. Per Anders: Ubåt 137 på grund. OMD Planetary Peoples Party: Our beautiful home. Michael (director): Abductions. James. OMD Moore. The strange case of crop OMD Friedman. Tim & Zubov. OMD Lindhé. Em Lorenzo (producer): Pilot UFO sightings. [Dossier OMD Hesemann. 2]. Blackpool UK video VHS (undertext: Swe2006 video VHS video VHS 2006 2006 Sida 288 of 392 Reader´s Digest / Alexandria Produ USA . director): UFO secret. [Dossiers OV OMD Wolf. OMD Simitar Entertainment Inc: Forty years of science fiction television. Gerry (director): Invasion: UFO. Gerry (producer) & Austin. Ray (director): Journey through the black sun Anderson. Encounters OMD Tulien. [The Xfactor OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF Anderson. Gerry (producer) & Clegg. Danny (director): Zone troopers. Leah A. Ferruccio (director): UFO . France New Century Productions ITC Entertainment Inc ITC Entertainmant Inc ITC Entertainment Inc Carl Fries Productions New Line Productions Paradise Press Arista Films Inc Paramount Pictures Altar Productions Fries Entertainment (CBS/Fox) UK Fr USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 1 Translations 1998 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1993 1972 1976 1978 1980 1999 1978 1983 1998 1986 1985 video VHS (French dubbin2006 video VHS video VHS video VHS video VHS video VHS. Anderson. 1. OMD Sachs. Bilson. Ray (director) & Emenegger. 3 tapes 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 video VHS (with Norwegia 2006 pt video VHS 2004 2006 video VHS (no undertext) 2006 video VHS video VHS 2006 2006 Sida 289 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Featuring Star T OMD Stone. Charles (director): Metalstorm. Copenha Italy ITN Productions for Discovery Marshall Cavendish. Binding En video VHS AcqYear 2006 2006 Reader´s Digest / Alexandria Produ USA OMD Rivas. Minneapolis. a tru OMD Valerio. Anderson. Band. Norberto (director): Lost in the Bermuda triangle. Thomas (producer). Robert (writer): UFO: it has begun. Sacred places & mystic spirits. Michael (director) & Bradbury. Bob: Close encounters of the third kind diary. Jeffrey (director): Star crossed. The destruction of Jared-Syn. director): Crash d'OVNI. 2 Anderson. Minneapolis. A special dossier wit OMD Ware. Paul Thomas (director): Magnolia. NAS OMD Tulien. Minneapolis AFS/Dialogue. Tom (director): Destination moonbase Alpha. Le cas Roswell. [UFO. Thomas (producer/director): The age of flying saucers. Julian (exec. Ph. Balaban. Haley.the OMD Tulien. MN AFS/Dialogue. Robert (producer): Farewell good brothers. Mark ( intriguing riddle. Paul (producer): From beyond.D. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5858 V 1 1 1997 1997 1976 1978 1993 1992 1996 1996 1994 1994 2005 1995 Film Ventures International Simitar Entertainment Inc Country Lang. Ray (author): The Martian chronicles. Barba. Thomas (director) & Chramosta. Thomas (director) & Chramosta. Mark (producer. Jack Kashier. writer. UFO . The Roswell crash. OMD Wolf. Paul (producer): From beyond. MN USA USA USA USA Scantrade Entertainment. writer.Ufocod Author And Title OMD Reader's Digest: Mysteries of the unexplained. 5878 V 5894 V 5925 V 5948 V 5999 V 6000 V 6001 V 6002 V 6014 V 6028 V 6052 V 6053 V 5271 V 5272 V 5273 V 5274 V 5275 V 4463 5309 V 5310 V 5334 V 5339 V 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En En Fr En En En En En En En En En En En video VHS (no undertexts)2006 video VHS video VHS video VHS video VHS video VHS video VHS video VHS DVD disc video VHS 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Robert Stone Productions for The D USA Visual Corp Ltd AFS/ Dialogue. Bloom. William (director): The force beyond. producer): UFOs and close encounters. The age of the flying saucers. OMD Tulien. Forsyth. Kansas City. David A. Ind Ebert.Ufocod Author And Title OMF Brown. 8 episodes]. Empire [the directors collection]: Steven Spielberg. [orig: Zeta One]. Christian. (director): Time trackers. Davies. David (director): Star Trek generations. Walker.: Before and after Roswell. Dean. London Country UK Lang. Marcus & Kendrick.return of the Sontarans. Tex (director): Stranded. Philip J. (director): "Something is out there". Emmerich. [orig: Predatori di Atlantide]. Cokeliss. Brian (director): Mission to Mars. The flying saucer in America 1947-1999. Revised edition. de Palma. Devlin. The films. Richard A. Stockholm Hamlyn. The amazing Fisher. Julian (ed. Discover pu Cinnamon House: Close encounters of the third kind. Roger: Roger Ebert's video companion. London UK USA UK video VHS (one with Swed2006 sc 2002 Sida 290 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Cohen. Cinnamon House: Close encounters of the third kind. Stewart: B movies Fuller. Colla. 1995 edition. Illustrated reviews of classic films. Richard. Galactic games. The Glitterball. Cinnamon House: Close encounters of the third kind. Deodato. Mazes by Vladimir Koziakin. 5375 V 5395 V 3863 3864 3865 5401 5403 V 5404 V 5405 V 5412 V 5413 5423 V 5431 5434 V 5440 V 7176 7190 3126 5490 4991 5503 V 3153 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Paramount Pictures / Rich Berman Lorca Films Ltd USA Australi En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En Sw En En En En En En video VHS video VHS sc sc sc sc video VHS video VHS 2006 2006 2003 2003 2003 2006 2006 2006 Cinnamon House/Grosset & Dunlap USA Cinnamon House/Grosset & Dunlap USA Cinnamon House/Grosset & Dunlap USA Xlibris Corp The Pacific Trust Mark Forstater Productions Invader Productions Inc unknown 21st Century Productions N V Tigon British Films USA USA UK USA USA USA UK USA Buena Vista Home Entertainment USA It Sw video VHS (no undertext) 2006 video VHS video VHS video VHS video VHS 2006 2006 2006 2006 video VHS (Norwegian sub 2006 video VHS hc sc sc A4 video VHS pt 2006 2009 2009 2002 2006 2005 Andrews and McMeel. Roger: The encyclopedia of TV science fiction. (director): Earthbound. Ruggero (director): Raiders of Atlantis. Roger (director): Starship. USA Empire. Roland & Molstad. Terence (director): Night of the big heat. Fulton. Stephen: Independence day. Binding En hc AcqYear 1999 2006 OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF Carson. Cook. by W Clary. The life. [Orig.): Science-fiction movies. London UK USA Paragon Publishing. Conway. James L. Cort. (director): Naked robot. [TV series. Andy. Howard R. McDermott. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2591 1 1 1992 2001 1994 1985 1978 1978 1978 2000 1989 1978 1988 1981 1993 1969 1994 2000 1983 1996 1994 2001 1967 19?? 1987 1995 Kommentusförlag. Kevin: Shakedown . Word webs & letter ups. Harley. Michael (director): Alien women. Bournemouth New Line Cinema Corp Boxtree. [orig: Star Wars: Episode I Malin. Kiersch.people from another star. Brian: Trust no one. Hannes: Unheimliche Begegnung der kommerziellen Art. Londo the author Merope Film IFO Productions Inc HarperPrism. Brian (director): The time guardian. Jay (director): Transformations. f. Koji & Komatsu. Creation Entertainment Kindred Productions USA USA USA USA UK Ge Italy USA USA USA USA USA UK video VHS (subtexts in Nor2006 sc sc 2002 2009 video VHS (Swedish subte2006 video VHS video VHS 2006 2006 Sida 291 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Tom (director): Time walker.Ufocod Author And Title OMF Good.F. Ulli (director): I. Lowry. Peter B. Kamen. John: Myth. directors): Space city special. Tim & Pearce. Binding En video VHS AcqYear 2006 2006 OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF Grumer. Aldo Lado]: The humanoid. Fritz (director): Gor . Koji (director): The return of Godzilla. Understanding the heroes of our time. Kottmeyer. Madeleine von: Gudar. Glenn (producers. George (director): Star Wars I . Martin S.det mörka hotet. Heland. Created Lucas. Y. Hashimoto. makt och massmedia. Krish.: Gauche encounters: badfilms and the UFO mythos.barbarernes planet. (director): The force on Thunder Mountain. la Rue. Stuttgart International Film Management Ltd Woodruff Productions Ge Australi USA Japan Japan Sw USA Ge En En En En Sw En document A4 in binder + di2008 video VHS 2006 video VHS (undertext in N 2006 video VHS 2006 video VHS (Norwegian un 2006 pt video VHS video VHS digital PDF file video VHS video VHS video VHS document 8½x11 video VHS b/w digital PDF file video VHS 2005 2006 2006 2010 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2010 2006 Canada En En En En En En En Ge En En EN En En En En Cambridge University Press. Stockholm New World Productions Talia Film II Ltd Country USA Lang.Untersuchungen zu einer Mysteryserie u Hannant. Peter (director): Hyper sapien . Hunt. Hart. Ju Hashimoto. mind and the screen. (director) [pseud.en odyssée med Pinocchio Holzman. [On the Ge 6366 5552 V 5559 V 5561 V 5562 V 5043 5572 V 5574 V 6948 5600 V 5611 V 5614 V 5632 5635 V 7001 5668 V 5678 V 3340 7358 5681 V 5690 V 5692 V 1 BM-06366 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-06948 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-07001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fachhochschule Stuttgart. NY HarperPaperbacks. Live on stag Mallett. UFOs und Außeri Lewis.O. [orig: Gor]. The official third season guide to The X. Gary (producers): The 25 year mission "tour". Created by C Lowry. Sakyo (directors): Bye-bye Jupiter [orig: Sayonara. N. Brian: "The truth is out there". Adam & Berman. Kennedy. Lucasfilm Ltd. Lommel.files. George B. . Harvey (director): The aliens are coming. Cambr UK Dove Corp Ltd Byzantine Productions Cannon Films Inc the author Independent Artists Studios. Emmanuelle Susanne: Roswell . The official guide to the X-files. John (director): Unearthly stranger. Izod. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5525 V 1 1 1990 1982 2002 1987 1980 1983 1984 1979 1982 1986 2001 1989 1982 1987 19?? 1963 2003 1979 1985 1995 1996 1999 1992 1994 Toho Co Ltd Akademilitteratur. [Mutant]. Allan (director): Forbidden world. Mark (director): The Mothman prophecies. title: Top Line]. NY Signet. Infestation from Pellington. NY Signet.-1Piquer Simon. Samuel M.Ufocod Author And Title OMF Mallett. A UFOlogical history of the cinema. Leonard (ed. Jeff: Aliens. Leonard (ed. Leonard (ed. Staff Rovin. Signet.): Leonard Maltin's TV movies & video guide. Terry (director): Prisoners of the lost universe. Maltin. NY Signet. directors): The UFO documentary. Paul: Saucer movies. NY Plume. Ken (director): Mindbender. Tim & Pearce. Nello (director): Alien terminator [orig. Maltin. Binding En video VHS AcqYear 2006 2006 OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF Maltin. Maltin. NY Forthright Productions MOM/UM Entertainment National Captioning Institute UK USA USA USA Spain USA Italy Ge USA USA USA USA/Isr video VHS (Norw & Swed 2006 video VHS video VHS video VHS sc A4 hc video VHS video VHS video VHS 2006 2006 2006 2007 1997 2006 2006 2006 Sida 292 of 392 den 31 december 2010 .): Leonard Maltin's 2002 movie & video guide. Russell. Maltin.the second coming. [orig: L Reiner. NY Marcel Roberston Productions Kindred Productions Country UK Lang. Rother.): Leonard Maltin's movie guide. Alle Hintergründe & Fakten zur 3. New York Signet. 1990 edition. Josef & Kern. Leonard (ed. David & Gatiss. Maltin. Jeffrey (director): Evolution's child. Ted: Bad channels. Leonard (ed. Maltin. N.): Leonard Maltin's 1995 movie & video guide. (director): Close encounter of the fourth kind. Leonard (ed. Lanham. Rubenfeld. 3352 3353 3354 3355 6194 7378 3356 3357 5701 7032 2436 5781 V 5798 V 5813 V 5824 V 5866 V 5886 V 6255 2451 5887 V 5888 V 5890 V 1 Video collecti 1992 1 Video collecti 1994 1 Video collecti 1996 1 Video collecti 2001 1 Video collecti 2002 1 1 1 1 1 BM-07032 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2005 1989 1991 1983 1998 1996 1992 2004 2002 1983 1999 1988 1996 1995 1987 1982 1996 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA UK En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En Ge En En En En pt pt pt pt pt pt pt pt video VHS digital PDF file sc A4 video VHS video VHS 2002 2002 2002 2002 2007 2009 2002 2002 2006 2010 1997 2006 2006 The Scarecrow Press. [On th Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5693 V 1 1 1993 1985 Signet. 1992 edition. 2006 edition. Juan (director): Extra Terrestrial visitors .): Leonard Maltin's 1993 movie & video guide.): Leonard Maltin's 2003 movie & video guide. Rossati. Oldham. Mar USA Visual Imagination. Glenn (producers. Königswinter Facts on File. Alan (director): Endangered species. Inspired by Uri Gellers life story. Meehan. Y. NY Signet. Miller.): Leonard Maltin's TV movies & video guide. Rudolph. Marcel. Mark: They came from outer space! Alien encounters in the Nicolaou. Vic (director): Alien private eye.): Leonard Maltin's 1997 movie & video guide. Claudia: Die X-akten. Leonard (ed. Maltin. robots and spaceships. Leonard (ed. London Full Moon Entertainment CE4K Productions LLC Landshore Entertainment Almena Films USA Networks National Cinematografica Dania Fil HEEL Verlag. Ufocod Author And Title OMF Schneider. Warner Bros: V storybook. Smith. Samtliga filmer som premiärvisades på biogr Zervos. Rémy (compiler): Les OVNI dans la presse locale. London Coraflake Productions Inc Country USA Lang. Bertil: Filmårsboken 1978. En undersökande studie i hur flygande tefat h OMN Fauchereau.P. Holdings Proprius förlag. Trenchard-Smith. Watson. London Bernces. Nigel: Supernatural Spielberg. [orig: Midsomer m Spielberg. Jean-Claude: Alien creatures. Steven: Close encounters of the third kind. Peter (director): Doorways. München Futuristic Entertainment Wilshire Court Productions Inc BHS. [alternative title: Rock and the alien]. Torrance. Steven: Närkontakt av tredje graden. Paul (director): UFO café. 'Official collectors edition'. Steven: Close encounters of the third kind. 1967-19 OMN Fauchereau. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5902 V 1 1 1991 1990 1983 1978 1992 2000 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1989 1993 1984 1993 1990 1993 1979 1988 1993 2010 2010 2010 2010 Fount Paperbacks. Darren & Watson. Rémy (compiler): Les OVNI dans la presse locale. Steven: Close encounters of the third kind. Robert (director): Mutant on the Bounty.T. Volume 2. Spielberg. Peter (director): Morden i Midsomer. Spielberg. Webster. Werner. Chistina: Ufot som dalade. Binding En video VHS AcqYear 2006 2006 OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF OMF Short. Stockholm Herculean I Productions Stockholms Univeristet. Rémy (compiler): Archives ufologiques de Jean LEBIEZ 1965-1966 et OMN Fauchereau. (director): The dark side of the moon. Richard & Suarès. JMK Edition AEPA (Association pour l'Et Edition AEPA (Association pour l'Et Edition AEPA (Association pour l'Et Edition AEPA (Association pour l'Et OMN Blomdahl. Denis Adam (director): Alien rock. London Valis Books. London Star/W H Allen. Brian (director): Official denial. Calif Valis Books. 1973-1987 (Catalo OMN Fauchereau. NY Sphere. 7549 7552 3609 6795 1404 1470 3626 942 2627 5992 5995 V 6029 2027 6035 V 6040 V 7671 6069 V 1992 7924 7925 7926 7927 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clippings 1 Clippings 1 Clippings 1 Clippings UK USA UK UK USA UK UK Sw Ge USA USA UK UK USA USA Sw USA Sw Fr Fr Fr Fr En En En En En En En Sw Ge En En En En Eb En Sw En Sw Fr Fr Fr Fr pt sc sc DVD disc pt pt booklet 8x11 pt sc video VHS video VHS hc A4 booklet A4 video VHS video VHS sc video VHS document A4 ringbound ringbound ringbound ringbound 2009 2009 2002 2008 1986 1987 2002 1979 2002 2006 2006 2006 1993 2006 2006 2009 2006 1993 2010 2010 2010 2010 Sida 293 of 392 Bentley Productions for the ITN Net Dell. Nigel: Seeing and believing. Los Angeles. UFOs and aliens in film and TV. Wredlund. Rémy (compiler): Les OVNI dans la presse locale. Volume 1.J. A Mandala Productions phot Spielberg. 1977-20 den 31 december 2010 . [orig: Close encounters of the third Spielberg. D. London Spacecore Production C. Robert: The gospel from outer space. Steven: Unheimliche Begegnung der dritten Art. En elektrisk hämnd. Siegel. London Reed Books. Slade. Malmö Wilhelm Goldmann. Ungdomars syn på paranorm Westrum. NY USA USA En En En En En En En En En Da En Fr En En En Sw Sw Sw En Ru Ru Ru CD disc with HTML/JPEG f2005 hc pt sc sc A4 sc A4 hc 8½x11 document 2004 2006 2008 2010 2010 1987 2006 Headroom Publishing. A research paper su Schuessler. OMN Sphere Books: The best of Sunday Sport. Sanndrömmar.Prisheltzy ryadom! Inoplanetyane . NY Country USA Lang. NY Dell. Binding En sc AcqYear 1999 2011 OMN Rolfe. (Enemies from space). Submitted in the Lewis. flees in UFO. Bus found buried at South Pole. Morrison. Evanston.: A survey of ufologists and their use of the library. UK UK USA Association for Education in Journal USA Faded Discs. New Me USA SUFOI. OMN Sawislak.15. 5177 4810 A 4810 B 6793 8432 8433 1472 5951 4525 3099 289 411 6365 6675 3573 2273 2160 A 2160 B 6042 5260 5278 6076 1 Clippings (U 2005 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 BM-06365 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1985 1987 2007 1989 1990 1982 1970 2003 1975 1978 1983 2002 2002 2000 1995 1994 1995 1980? 2005 1992 1967 UFO Monitors East Kent. Curtis D. Eberhart. [Satan Force on the West]. Albuquerque. Colorado Plus Ultra. Mikhail: Oglyanis . Lafayette Hill USA Sphere Books. Ufology: a primer in audio. 1947-1 OMN Strentz. Wendy: Wendy Connors collection. Värderingar hos elever och lärare i religionskun Sjödin. 50+ yea Sjödin. OMN Sphere Books: The best of Sunday Sport. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2625 1 1 1983 1990 Prometheus Books. Gentofte CUFOS. John F. Herbert J: A survey of press coverage of unidentified flying objects.: Superstition and the press. Illinois GEPAN University of Wisconsin-Stout University of Wisconsin-Stout MUFON. Teologiska insti Sw Uppsala universitet. Ron: UFO sightings among engineers and scientists: a report on the Ano Akhmanov. 1939-1959 OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OR OR OR Dam-Jensen. Volume 2. [A collection of UFO and related stories publis OMN Sawislak. Ypsilanti. Teologiska insti Sw the author. London Sphere Books. Ungdomars syn på paranorm Sjödin. Chad M. Arnold: Dwarf rapes nun. Moscow the author (Samizdat) typewritten Samisdat document USA Ru Ru Ru den 31 december 2010 . Rob: UFOs in the headlines. George M.: Public opinion surveys and unidentified flying objects. Loch Ness monster is Nazi uOMN Strentz. Herbert: News sources used by reporters in writing stories about flying sau OMR Connors. Ulf: Flygande tefat. Michigan Yauza-Eksmo. spöken o. Torsten: SUFOI's biblioteks-undersögelse 1974. Author unknown: Vargi iz kosmosa. spöken o. Buffalo. Chris (editor): The Blue folder. London Northwestern University. Sanndrömmar. Folkeston UK St. GEPAN: Note technique no. Stockholm Da USA Fr USA USA USA Sw CD + introduction and inde2004 document A4 booklet booklet A5 digital PDF document in binder document A4 sc booklet booklet document hc booklet document 2002 1979 1983 2008 2008 2002 1995 1994 1995 2006 2006 2006 2007 Sida 294 of 392 Uppsala universitet.flera världar.demony ili bogi? Anonymous: Satanicheskaya sila na zapade. Chad: Investigating students' beliefs in the paranormal. OMN Simone. Evanston. Martin's Press.: Investigating students' beliefs in the paranormal.Ufocod Author And Title OMN MacDougall. (P Lewis. Real reporting on a real phenomenon. Ulf: En skola . Recherce de stereotypes: dessine-moi un OVNI. flees in UFO. Ulf: Flygande tefat. Arnold: Dwarf rapes nun. A. short summary of the Belimov. [P Azhazha. Moscow Spetzkniga. Binding Ru booklet AcqYear 2006 2006 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Azhazha. Vladimir (editor): Biblioteka ufologa Tonnel'. Vladimir: Tainy velikih piramid. O vnezemnykh civilizatziyah. (NKVD: War with the Unknown) Chernobrov. (UFOs over Krasno Bartenyev. Vladimir: Hronika vremen letaushikh tarelok. Chernobrov. (Passport to Magonia. Belimov. Gennadii: Proyavlenie inyh mirov v zemnyh fenomenah. Sources of Truth]. Moscow Ufotzentr. Sergei: Rasskazhi mne. Moscow Prometei. St. Vadim: Hroniki vizitov NLO. (UFOs – Bushkov. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5287 1 1 1991 1991? 1992 1992 1994 1992 2007 1998 2002 2002 2000 1999 1991 1993 1970 1992 1992 1999 2003 1991 2004 2005 2003 1997 Golos. Vladimir & Krushelnitzky. St. Gennadii: Prizraki iz podnebesja. Moscow MAI-Kosmopoisk. Moscow Ufotzentr. sbornik nauchnykh tr Azhazha. [Another Life]. [UFOl Babanin. Rezervatziya. Moscow Drofa. Petersburg Aura & Estor.. Vadim: Ekspeditzii za tainoi. Vladimir: Ufologicheskaya misteriya.. [Chronicle of the flying sauc Azhazha. Moscow OLMA-Press. [UFOs around us]. [Ghost from the Sky]. Moscow Lan. (Expeditions for the mystery). Belimov. Moscow AIF-Print. (Tell me. Sbornik nauchnykh t Azhazha. [On the wake of the triangle]. Moscow UFOtzentr. Aleksandr: NKVD: voina s nepoznannym. 5289 5290 5291 5292 7704 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5299 6078 7712 5316 5317 5318 6084 6094 6099 6103 5388 5389 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru sc booklet booklet booklet hc hc hc hc hc hc sc sc 2006 2006 2006 2006 2010 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 typewritten document Sam 2010 booklet sc sc hc 2006 2006 2006 2007 Izdatelstvo Volgogradskogo Univers Ru Ripol-Klassik. Volgograd Alfa. [Greatest of all mysteries of t Babanin. Azhazha. (editors).Ufocod Author And Title OR Avinsky. Vladimir & other authors: Biblioteka ufologa Tonnel'. Evgeny: NLO vokrug nas. & Mizin A. [UF Azhazha. Istoki istiny. Moscow Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru handmade hc. signalnaya informatziya. Gennadii: NLO nad Povolgiem. Krasnoyarsk the author Novaya Gazeta. Vladimir: Ufologicheskaya misteriya. Moscow Veche. Bachurin. (Appearances of Berdyshev. Vladimir (editor): NLO. Petersburg Lan.: NLO nad Krasnoyarskom. abou Bozhich. [UFOs over the Volga region]. Vladimir: Samye bolshie zagadki proshlogo. Perm AO Aura.. Vladimir & other authors: Biblioteka ufologa tonnel'. Vadim: Po sledu treugol'nika. Moscow Golos.. Samara Country Ru Lang. Kommentarii k knige Zh Baigutdinov N.G. Chernobrov.: Pasport v Magoniyu. Emil: Po tu storonu absurdnogo nastoyaschego. Sotvorenie mira: den'vos'moi. [UFOlogical mysteries Azhazha. [UFOs. [Secrets of Great Pyramids]. Sergei: NLO – kosmicheskie korablis s Titana. Volgograd Novaya Gazeta. Vladimir: Inaya zhizn. Moscow AIF-Print. [Chronicles of UFO visits]. sputnika Saturna. Photocopy 2007 hc hc hc booklet 2007 2007 2006 2006 Sida 295 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . . Stati Gindilis. Jean-Louis: Les OVNI en Union Sovietique. Petersburg AST-Sova. [Russian] GEPAN: Note d'information no. Valery (ed. L. [Behind the UFOs].. Men'kov. Dimitr: Serjozno o NLO. Delyan.M. [Extr Glazkova.A. Gershtein. & Petrovskaya.G. Valentin: K razgadkam tain Pamira. Gindilis. in Bulgarian]. (Archipelago of sensations). Mikhail: Po tu storonu NLO.: Nablyudeniya anomalnyh atmosf Gindilis. Nataliya & Landa. I. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5391 1 2 1968 1994 1990 1981 1990 1991 1998 1990 2008 1990 1987 1980 2002 2007 1999 1992 1979 1977 199? 1979 1969 1997 1983 1983 Prometei. L. I. Problemy mezhzvezdnoi svyazi.A. Evanston. D. Dyomkin..A. Men'kov.. Leningrad Ru Ru Russia Fr Ru Ru Ru UK Ru Ru UK USA Ru ringbound 8½x11 (one cop 1983 hc hc typewritten document 2006 2006 2010 Ukraine Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru typewritten document Sam 2010 Sida 296 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . D. Leningrad the author.: Observations of anomalous atmo Gindilis. Moscow Editions Alain Lefeuvre.M. Men'kov.: Observations of anomalous atmo Gindilis. [Lost in the Time].G. I. Petersburg Sovremennik. Valentin: VSE ob anomaliakh. (Seriously about UFOs) Delyan. (Anatomy of the Wonders). Mikhail: Tainy NLO i prisheltzev.Ufocod Author And Title OR Chestnov. L.. L. Men'kov. Moscow Quest Publications Samizdat publication. [UFO – encounters and contacts] Fomenko. & Petrovskaya. Vil': Vselenskie tainy piramid i Atlantidy. Men'kov. Mikhail: Zabludivshesja vo vremeni. (Toward the uncovering of Pamir secrets 5396 5438 5439 4964 6131 5483 7939 6136 1440 7219 5515 6147 5516 7961 6541 6542 419 B 419 A 5518 5519 7966 7967 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 Ru Fr Bulgari Ru Fr Bulgari Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Fr Ru Ru Ru En Ru Ru En En Ru sc sc sc sc hc booklet hc booklet pt document A4 hc hc hc booklet A4 typewritten in binder document in binder booklet 2006 2006 2006 2005 2007 2006 2010 2007 1987 2009 2006 2007 2006 2010 2008 2008 2010 MAI (Moscow Aero Institute). Illinois Nauka. [Are we alone in the Universe?].] Fomin. Moscow Ru Tomskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo.G. (Secrets of UFOs and aliens). 1. Moscow Quest Publications International CUFOS. Plovdiv Moskoskii rabochii. Lev: Zvezdnye syny. Moscow Self-published.A. Nice Hristo G. Gakov. Vladimir: Temna voda vo oblatsech. Valentin: Itogi nauchno-technicheskogo soveshaniya "Obmen. Binding Ru sc AcqYear 2006 2003 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Chulkov. [orig: Seriozno za NLO. St. L. [Sons of the Stars]. D. Danov. Observations de phénomènes atmosphériques a Gershtein.. I.G.: 'Atmospheric phenomena' in the Gindilis.M. Mosco Ru Sovremennik. I..): NLO – vstrechi i kontakty. Fedor: Odinoki li my vo vselennoi. Moscow Prometei. Gershtein. Yury: Anatomiya chudes. (Results of s Goltz. Donetzk the author.. Fedyanin. Dimitr: Seriozno za NLO. & Petrovskaya. Moscow/St.M. Moscow GEPAN Dilya. [All about paranormal.A. & Petrovskaya. [Universal se Goltz.: Nablyudeniya NLO v SSSR.G. Sergei: Arhipelag sensacii. Moscow Stalker. Tom Ru AST-Olimp. D. Moscow Politizdat. D.M. Degaudenzy. Moscow Country Ru Lang. Lev & others: Vnezemnye civilizacii. & Petrovskaya. Ion & Weverbergh.vselenaya razumnaya. St.: NLO . Julien: UFOs from behind the Iron Curtain. Lozovtsev. R. Deventer Abelard Productions. Hobana. Julien: UFOs from behind the Iron Curtain. Binding Ru AcqYear 2010 2010 typewritten document OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Goltz. (UFOs in the Vorone Kiseljov. Paris Bantam. Yu. Voro Ru the authors. Historical p 7970 7971 7972 7974 7975 6160 8040 470 B 470 A 4066 1760 5586 6168 8064 5602 5603 5604 5612 5613 5616 3293 5618 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Sw Fr USA UK Netherl Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Sw Fr En En Dutch En Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru typewritten document Sam 2010 hc document A4. Riga Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Latvia booklet (160 p + appendix. Leningrad Country Ru Lang. Stockholm Éditions Robert Laffont. Genrich. St. (Space aliens over Kareliy Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7968 1 1 1991 1983 1984 1982 2009 1990 1992 2007 the author. Fjodor. [UFO Zone. Peter: Undergångens skuggor. 1. (Typed m 2010 sc typewritten document typewritten document hc hc pt hc hc sc 8½x11 sc booklet 2010 2010 2010 2007 2010 1983 1976 2003 1991 2006 2007 2 Translations 1976 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1975 1974 1972 1991 2003 2002 1990 1992 2005 2001 2002 1990 1990 1990 1990 Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes. A. Petersburg the author. Konstantin: UFO zone. Ishakov. Ion & Weverbergh. Handberg.2010 sc (copy has only UFO par2006 hc hc sc booklet A4 hc hc sc 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2002 2006 Sida 297 of 392 Redakzionno-izdatelskii otdel. [The Philosophy of Interaction]. Leningrad Natur & Kultur.Unidentified Fl Kiselev. Ravil': NLO nad Kazan'u. et dans les pays de l'e Hobana. Maksim: Vselenaya razumnaya. psychic & paranormal phenomena i Iezuitov. Ivanov.]: Leningradskaya schkola ufologov. Hobana. Valentin: Znameniya v nebe Rossii. Leningrad Mir Geografii. 1990 Goltz. (Com Goltz. NLO: v poiskah istiny. Leningrad "Kopi-Park". Deel II. Kazan the authors. New Brunswic USA the author. Jurij & Mosolev Klub Fenid: NLO: za i protiv. Istoricheskii rakurs. Ion & Weverbergh. [3rd edition] Katyuhin. S. Hobana. (UFOs over Kazan). Julien: Les OVNI en U. Martynov. Valentin: Otchetnye materialy po ekspeditzii "Gissar-84" (Report on the expe Goltz.. Metodicheskie rekomendat Karpenko. [Universe with awareness]. UFO: In s Khmelevsky A. [UFO .neopoznannye letayuschie objekty. Vjatjeslav. S. UFO's boven h Huneeus. St. Antonio (ed): A study guide to UFOs.) Goltz. Petersburg the author. Ivan: Kto my takie? Otkuda my? (Who are we? From where?) Khazanovich. Andrei: Filosofiya vzaimodeistviya. Maksim: Universum sapies . F. Ion & Weverbergh. Gomel Ru Belarus den 31 december 2010 . NY Souvenir Press. Julien: UFO's in Oost en West. & other authors: NLO v Voronezhe. Moscow ID Vesj. (Omens in the Russian sky). Petersburg Preses Firma Balss. Missiler och möten. Lozotzev. Moscow Veche. Valentin: Tainy Pamira i NLO. [Universum Sapiens Karpenko. [UFO: Pro & contra.Ufocod Author And Title OR Goltz. Voronezj Klub Fenid. London the author. Valentin: Svodnaya tablitza nabludenii NLO nad Kareliyei (1966-1981). Anatoly [ed. Leningrad the author. (Secrets of Pamir and UFOs. Valentin: Zapusk ili NLO? (Rocket launch or a UFO? Analysis of Aug 3. Leningrad the author. Moscow Armada-Press. Valentin: Kosmicheskiye prisheltzy nad Kareliyei. Silanov. Gomel-Kaliningrad Stalker. Riga Profizdat. (UFO Phenomenon. Valery: Himery urochischa iks. Aleksandr: Prizraki istorii. V. Kovshun. Alexandr & Semenov. Minsk Belorus Veche. Moscow Stalker. (UFOs. Co Lazarus. anomalnye y Krapiva. Newton!].Ufocod Author And Title OR Klub Fenid: NLO: za i protiv. [Mysterious and unknown]. Binding Ru sc AcqYear 2006 2006 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Klub Fenid: Ty ne prav. Alexandr: Nabluydeniya NLO. Kontakt? Est'kontakt! [UFO: Pro & contra. (editor): Tainstvennoe i zagadochnoe. Newton! [You are not right.: Neobyasnimye yavleniya. Moscow Ru Ru Ukraine Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ukraine Ru Ru Ru Ru Latvia Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru hc document A4. Valentin (ed): [NLO: Historiens flygande hemlighet eller 5.(Typed m2010 hc hc hc booklet sc booklet hc hc hc sc hc booklet booklet A4 sc booklet 2006 2006 2007 2006 2006 1992 2006 2002 2007 2007 2010 2006 2006 2006 2006 Belarusskaya enciclopediya. Kurdukov. Vitaly: NLO: vizitery iz vechnosti. A View fr Kolchin. Richard: Za granitsami vozmozhnogo. Andrei: Tainy NLO. Kolchin. (Typed m 2010 hc sc booklet 2006 2006 2006 Sida 298 of 392 Ukraine Ru Ru Ru den 31 december 2010 . al Kuzovkin. prisheltsev i anomalnykh yavlenii. (Secrets of time and space). Igor & Kovshun. Moscow Rusich. ["At the crossroads of the universe"] Kulskii. S:t Petersburg Klub Fenid. Komarov. Litsom k litsu s prishel tzami. (ed. [Unidentified Flying Obje Leskov. E. Leningrad RGO. Alexandr: Neopoznannye objekty . Moscow Yauza. Moscow the author. Lebedev. Nikolai: Fenomenal'noe. Donetzk AST. Vzglyad iz Rossii. M. (Ghosts of the history). D. Kulskii. S. Alexandr & Nepomnyaschii. Viktor: Tainy prostranstva i vremeni. Alexander & Nepomnyaschii. Kolomietz. (Unexplai Kuzmin. (Ufo sightings. Moscow Knowledge Series.dosuzhie vymy Kuzovkin. "letayuschie tarelki". (Space: science and myths). Nikolai: NLO prosit posadki. Donetzk Stalker. Nikolai: Chto sluchilos' s esminzem "Eldrid Kuzovkin. (Secrets of UFOs. German: NLO. Moscow Jossi. Gomel Country Belarus Lang. Odessa Odessa Novatziya. [Beyond the Impossible]. [UFO request fo Kuzovkin. Moscow Knowledge Series. S:t Petersburg the author. German: Nekotorye osobennosti vospriyatiya anomal'nyh yavlenii v okruzh Kolchin. (UFOs: visitors from eternity). German: Fenomen NLO. [Ugly beasts of "X" forest zone]. [Knowledge Se 5621 5624 8109 5625 5626 6177 5629 5633 1915 5636 3310 6182 6184 8115 5644 5645 5646 5647 8116 5660 5662 5665 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Belarus Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru sc hc 2006 2006 hc document A4. Aleksandr: Na perekrestkah vselennoi. Vladislav: Astrologiya. Contact? Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5619 1 1 1990 1991 1990 1994 1981 1991 1994 2000 1993 1999 1991 1997 1997 1998 1998 2002 1991 1991 1991 1990 1982 1997 1991 1991 Klub Fenid. Moscow Forzatz. Smolensk TOO Dneprkniga. Facts and Documents). Fakty i dokumenty. Iz letopisi nablyude Kuzovkin. Dnepropetrovsk Knowledge Series. Astrakhan AstroPrint.000 års observat Kukushkin. 2.): Neopoznannye letayuschie objekty. Komissarov. Sbornik soobschenii #2. Leonid: Kosmos: nauka i mify. Alexandr & Nepomnyaschii. (Titel i eng. [Descriptable Way]. Air Intelligence Report No. Stockholm FAAG. Jurii & Julia: Razumnaya zhizn' vo vselennoi.: Mogilev meets an UF Martynov. Moscow AST-Olimp.Ufocod Author And Title OR Lesnyak. Vladimir: M-skij treugolnik ili Truzjij Mukhortov. God za godom. Nikolai (editor): Velichaishie zagadki anomalnyh yavlenii. Sinitzin. Moscow Ukrvuzpoligraf. Moscow AST-Olimp. Lina. 13 Moore. [M-triangle: Secr Mukhortov. Nikolai (Editor): XX vek. Stockholm Alea-Kirja OY Tomsk Editorial. [Secret FBI Files]. Burb William L Moore Publications (?) SP Vsya Moskva. Hronika neobjasnimogo. Jüri: Bakom Gorbatjovs kulisser. Moscow Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru den 31 december 2010 . Vladimir & Shulakov. Pavel: M-skii treugol'nik: tainy odnoi anomal 'noi zony. Malyshev. senator saw two UFOs. Moscow Ru Veche. Otkrytie za otkryt Nepomnyaschii. Igor (Editor): Tainy XX veka. Lina. Moscow AST-Olimp.: Mogilev vstrechaet NLO. Gipoteza za gipo Nepomnyaschii. Lina. Life in the Unive Nepomnyaschii. Nikolai (Editor): XX vek. Nikolai (Editor): XX vek. Mukhortov. Nikolai (editor): Sekretnye faily FBR. (ed. IR 193-55. Proklyatie vesch Nepomnyaschii. Jüri: Ufotutkimuksesta neuvostoliitossa. Sobytie za sobyti 5093 1204 1917 619 4690 7379 5703 5735 5744 5760 5764 3442 5765 5768 6218 5773 5774 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sw Sw Sw Fi Russia Belarus Ru USA USA Ru Latvia Ru Ru Ru Sw Sw Sw Fi Ru Ru Ru En En Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru sc hc (2) sc (1) sc sc sc sc sc document folio document collection sc booklet A4 sc sc hc sc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc 2005 1984 1992 1983 2004 2009 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2002 2006 2006 2007 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 Sida 299 of 392 William L Moore Publications. Riga Moscow WZPI. L. Mogilev Prometei. [UFO Phenomena]. Tomsk V. Nepomnyaschii. V. [Awareness. William L. (Greates Nepomnyaschii. Sinitsyn. [orig: Ufotutkimuksesa Neuvostoliitossa]. Moore. Moscow Veche. Nepomnyaschii. Hronika neobjasnimogo. Lojsja. Kiev Country Ru Lang. Moscow AST-Olimp. Vladimir & Sjulakov. Viktor: Byst znamenije na nebesi… ["Signs in the sky"] Malyshev. Jüri: UFO-forskning i Sovjetunionen. Moscow AST-Olimp. Mosin. Pavel. Nikolai (Editor): XX vek.): Top U. Moscow Obschestvo po izucheniyu. [Mysteries of the XX century].): FOIA document. L.S. Hronika neobjasnimogo. Vladimir: M-skii treugol'nik ili chuz Muzun. Nikolai (Editor): Krik mamonta. övers. William L. Anatoly: Ispovedimyi put. ( Nepomnyaschii. Moscow MTZ Atom. Nikolai (Editor): XX vek. (Cry of the mammoth). Binding Ru sc AcqYear 2006 1993 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Lina. Hronika neobjasnimogo. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5666 1 2 1991 1993 1987 1984 1992 1979 1987 1991 1990 1985 198? 1990 1990? 1990 1990 2000 1991 2002 2005 1998 1999 1998 2000 1997 Förlaget Referent. Jüri: UFO-gåtan fördjupas. (ed. Evgeny: Fenomen NLO. Moscow Veche. Stockholm Referent. Hronika neobjasnimogo. Pavel. Moscow Olimp . ["UFO! Witnesses of the the unide Prijma. [UFO Orlov. [UFO Pavlovich.Ufocod Author And Title OR Nepomnyaschii. Alexej: Prisjeltsy niotkuda. Stanislav: NLO – parallel 'nyi mir na zemle?! (UFOs – parallel world on Popovich. Alexej: NLO! Otjevidtsy neopoznannogo. [The secret of Potapov. Filatov. Hronika neogjasnimogo. Moscow Martin. Viktor: Tainy inykh mirov. Petersburg HC. [Greatest Secrets of XX Century: U Prijma. [Unknown Worlds]. Thierry: Connaissance des motifs de l'imagerie soucoupique dans les pop Platov. Vladimir. Yury & Yanbukhin. Moscow Innofond. Marina: UFO glasnost. Nikitin. (The most unbelievable cas Nepomnyaschii. Moscow Santaks-Press. (UFOs and modern Poddubnyi. Popovitsj. Moscow PO Sistema. Julii & Rubtsov. & Kareva. (editors): Velikie tainy XX veka. Alexej: Nevedomye miry. Filatov. Nepomnyaschii.: Velikie misticheskiye tainy i zagadki XX veka. Zaporozhye OOO NTZ. (Secrets of other worlds). Nikolai: Samye neveroyatnye sluchai. Baarn AST-Olimp. Moscow CNEGU. Moscow the author. ["Visitors from nowhere"]. 5776 6233 5778 6236 3460 5799 5800 6240 5821 5823 6244 6751 8303 2904 4270 5828 5829 5830 2637 5833 3493 3494 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 Ru Ru Ru Ru Russia Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru hc hc hc sc booklet sc sc sc hc booklet A4 sc booklet sc hc sc hc hc hc sc sc sc hc 2006 2007 2006 2007 2002 2006 2006 2007 2006 2006 2007 2008 2010 2001 2003 2006 2006 2006 1999 2006 2002 2002 Sida 300 of 392 Ukraine Ru Ukraine Ru Ru Ru Fr Ru Ru Ru Ge Holland Ru Ru Fr Ru Ru Ru Ge Dutch Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Chelovek i Vselennaya. Binding Ru hc AcqYear 2007 2006 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Nepomnyaschii. Igor & Ratnik. [UFO over the planet Earth. Moscow Astrel & Olimp. [Greatest Secrets of XX Ce Pinvidic. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6227 1 1 2000 2002 2002 2000 1998 2001 19?? 1991 1991 2005 2001 2006 1991 1990 2003 1991 1992 1992 2002 2002 1998 1996 1997 1996 Astrel-AST. [Strangers of the Universe]. K. Pinchuk A. Nikolai: NLO [UFO]. Samara Martin. Vladimir: NLO i sovremennaya nauka. Porfiriev E. Moscow M-Studio. Ein Geheimnis wird enthüllt. Prijma. Moscow AST Publishing. [Greatest Potapov.. V.nazad. Alexej: "Signs from above" [English rendering of title in Russian] Prijma.: Taina fenomena NLO. St. St. Oleg: Grayuschie teni. Moscow Moscow Moscow Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru den 31 december 2010 .AST. Chaumont Nauka. Nikolai (Editor): XX vek. Nikolai: Stranniki vselennoi. [orig: UFO glasnost]. Marina: NLO nad planetoi Zemlya. München Tirion. Vremya . & Pinchuk I. (editor): Velikie tainy NLO XX veka. Orlov. (Playing shadows). Vladimir. Zaporozhye Innofond. Moscow Country Ru Lang. Krasnodar Ru Martin. Renat (editors): NLO nad SSSR. Yury & Yanbukhin. Arsenieva I.. Noos-Sphaira: Illustrated popular almanac.-Petersburg Albert Langen. Proshutinskaya L. Renat (editors): NLO nad SSSR.] Popowitsch. Marina: Het Sovjet dossier UFO. V. St. [Paranormal phenomena]. Steiger. Aleksandr: Chp v pustyne Kalahari. [Galaxy Family. Petersburg Sidgwick & Jackson. E. [orig: The pa Repev. G. London Russkaya Encyclopedia.: Tainy vnezemnyh tzivilizatzii. Sol (Solomon): Inoplanetyane nad Rossiei. Moscow Profizdat. (UFOs: a riddle of the century). Moscow Country Ru Lang. St. Ot tainy k taine. I. Alexej: XX vek. Vladimir: Tainy ery vodoleya.Olson]: Skrytye contacty.Ufocod Author And Title OR Prijma. Moscow RIPOL-Klassik.: Zagadochnye yavleniya. [Problems of Space Rez'ko.A. [Extraterrestrials over Russia] Sjurinov. Sergel. Mikheenkova. Minsk the author RGO. Brad [Eugene E. Petersburg Kron-Press. Moscow Sofiya.alien. D. Hypoth Sjurinov. [Ghosts of alien sky]. Jenny: Paranormal'nye yavleniya.. Randles. [Samizdat t 5839 5840 5847 5870 3519 6254 5884 6766 5885 5900 5901 6265 5920 5924 7560 1962 6266 5933 5934 3618 5942 6805 1 1 Ru Ru Ru Ru Belarus Mexico Ru GB Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Sp Ru En Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru En Ru Ru sc sc hc sc hc document in binder sc pt sc sc hc softcover A4 booklet hc 2006 2006 2006 2006 2002 2007 2006 2008 2006 2006 2006 2007 2006 2006 1 Translations 2000 1 2 Russian 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1999 1996 2006 1999 1983 1991 1991 1997 1961 1992 1990 1982 1990 1990 2001 1998 2003 1991 1978 Society for investigations of secrets Prognoz. St. An untold stor Starshinov. [Emergency in the Kalahari desert]. Moscow typewritten Samisdat Ufotzentr. Zitha: OVNIs…en los archivos secretos de la KGB. Petersburg Literatura. & other authors: Biblioteka ufologa Tonnel'. Harry: The KGB.. Moscow Russia Ru Ru Ru Ge Ru Ru den 31 december 2010 Sida 301 of 392 . Chro Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6246 1 1 1998 1991 1991 1991 Lenizdat. sbornik nauchnykh trudov # Shulman. övers. Moscow The author. Scherbakov. Rosrtosta. Vladimir (editor): Kniga tain. Roschupkina. Moscow Intan. Skladnev. O.: Gipotezy. B. (XX Century. Petersburg Lenizdat. I. Vyacheslav: Transkosmicheskaya svyaz'. "Ufologi" i "Epohalnaya kniga". Shilin K.: Chto mozhet biothehnologiya? (What can biotechnology do?) [Knowl Soboleva. Mos Ru Knowledge Series.A: Paradoks XX veka. Sergei (editor): Problemy kosmicheskoi bezopasnosti. Andrei: Prizraki chuzhogo nebosvoda. [Book of Secrets]. Rodriguez Montiel. B. [Hidden encounters]. G. (Trans-space connection). A. (Titel i eng. Sommerer. Channeling II]. Christian & Walter. St. The eyes of Russia. Tatyana: Nepoznannaya zemlya. Kiev www. [The Paradox of the 20th century]. Rakov. Yu. Binding Ru hc AcqYear 2007 2009 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Rakov. (Secr Sofiya: Galacticheskaya semya. Channeling II. Aleksandr: My prishli s mirom.: NLO: zagadka stoletiya. Scherbakov. Rositzke. [Secrets of the Aquarius Age]. Rostov AST-Olimp. Werner: UFOs and the Soviet Union.(Typed2009 sc booklet hc sc document in binder sc document A4 1992 2007 2006 2006 2002 2006 2008 Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. [Unknown Earth]. Hronika neobjasnimogo. [We are come with peace]. Moscow document in binder. Rychkova. (Mysterious phenomena). Mikhail: Vizit nesuschego drakona. Nizhnii Novgorod Misteriya. A. They are already here…]. Eduard: NLO vokrug nas. for Igor Mirzalis) & Gurtovoi. Tanye eksperimenty sovetskih spetzluz Zakharchenko. Maksim: Vse my . (Death of UFO Pilots). [Equation of Love]. Paranormal encounters behind the Iron Curta Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2651 2 1 1998 1997 1990 1999 1997 1992 2000 1980 1990 1993 1995 2000 2001 1991 2000 1992 1989 2001 1996 1998 2002 1956 2007 2007 Sovetskii Pisatel. Mikhail & Lebedev. Moscow Veche. Varakin. Tzareva.: Zapisi dialogov s vnezemnym razumom. (Secrets Voitzehovsky. Zesevich. (UFOs around us). Ya & Guriev D. (Mysterious places 6003 6283 6284 1976 6026 8519 6039 6047 6048 6300 6050 6051 6060 6301 6061 6062 6065 6066 6067 6070 7674 8559 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ru Ru Ru USA Ru Belorus Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru En Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru sc hc hc hc hc 2006 2007 2007 1992 2006 hc document A4. Jacques: UFO chronicles of the Soviet Union. Istorii kotoryh ne moglo o byt'. Igor: Planeta Prizrakov. (XX Tzebakovskii.Ufocod Author And Title OR Stonehill. G. Moscow the author. Paul: The Soviet UFO files.: Tainy NLO. Sekretnye materialy. for Igor Mirzalis): Uzhas. Alim: Zagadki bermudskogo treugol´nika i anomalnyh zon.prisheltzy? [Are we all aliens?]. Yakubovskii. L. Zamoiskii. A cosmic Samizdat. Igor: Chudesa XX veka: fakty. Vasily & Chernobrov. gipotezy. Lollii: NLO. Minsk SP IKPA. Moscow OLMA-Press. Moscow Sovremennik. (UFOs. Vasily: Formula lyubvi. Yeltzin. Moscow Knowledge Series. Frunze. Volchenko. Nikolai: Smert' pilotov NLO. Igor (pseud. D. Moscow VLB. Yek Komsomoletz Kirgizii. Surrey Country UK Lang. Alim: Zemlya . Zdanovich. [Ove Zakharchenko. Yeltzin. G.Tvorenie razuma? [Earth . Vladimir & Mogila. Moscow Knizhnyi Klub. Sergei: Uravnenie s NLO.creation of awareness?]. Hronika neobjasnimogo. Georgii: Psichotronnaya voina. Vallée. [Records Vinokurov. Moscow Sovremennik. V. V. Moscow GITTL. Moscow AST-Olimp-Astrel. Igor (pseud.: NLO. Moscow Misteriya.. Moscow Veche. Moscow Ballantine. Oni Uzhe zdes'… [UFO. Moscow AIF-Print. Vinokurov. The secret fil Zheleznyak. NY RIPOL-Klassik. Kirgi Institut obschegumanitarnyh issledo Ru Sovremennik. (Equation with UFO). Vadim: Nad propastju neraskrytykh tain. & Kozka. issledovaniy Yablokov. Vladimir: Est' li zhizn' na drugih planetah. Irina: XX vek.: Zagadochnye mesta planety. [Planet of the Ghosts]. Albert: Obschaya teoriya prirody i NLO. (Typed m 2010 hc sc sc hc hc (pocket size) booklet hc sc booklet hc hc hc hc booklet hc hc 2006 2006 2006 2007 2006 2006 2006 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2009 2010 Sida 302 of 392 Sredne-Uralskoye izdatel'stvo. Godalming. & Kozka. Illustrirovannoe povestvovanie o n Voitzehovskii. [Secrets of the UFO]. Kharkov-Belgorod Kharkov-Belgorod Ru Ru Ru Ru Ukraine Ru Ru Ru den 31 december 2010 . (Is there a life on other planets Zheleznyak. Binding En hc AcqYear 1999 2002 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Tzarev. A. A. V. Veinik. V. (Common theory of the nature und Vengerova L. Felix: Unidentified flying objects in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Pt Zigel. Ancieto Lugo.: UFO sightin Zigel. Efrain: Misterios de la ciencia cosmica. Montero Quirós. Moscow The author. Es la tierra una escuela Zerpa. [Unknown ab Zigunenko. [1st edition pu Benitez. Mexico Plaza & Janes. Buenos Aires Editorial Punta y Coma. San Juan Editora Educacao Nacional. Santo Domingo y C Rocha. "Viaje del Ecuador al Jordán a bordo de u de Diaz.S. Robiou Lamarche. Moscow Oniks. Benitez. in Spanish]. Ibarra Invenziya. Ancieto Lugo. (UFO sightings in the USSR. (Titel i eng. Gerardo: OVNIs sobre America.J. Felix: Nablyudenia NLO v SSSR. Porto Iris.] Alfaya. Stanislav: Tainy prisheltzev i NLO. [orig: El OVNI y sus misterios. a la humanidad. Serpuhova 19 avgusta 1977 goda. Villegas Quintero. Milton W. Carmen Castillo: Los OVNIs y la escuela espiritista. Fabio: O OVNI e seus mistérios.O. UF Ribera. Montevideo Rodolfo Alonso. ( Zigunenko. Zagadki vselennoi. outras humanidades. Moscow Moscow? Astrel-AST. Andres: Le triangle des pertubations. Dictado por un extrate Hourcade. Hugo: Outros mundos. Pablo: Revelación del Futuro. Antonio: America y los OVNIs. Francisco: Los visitantes del espacio. Vypusk III. Lisboa Urugua Sp UK Arg Puerto Port Sp Sp En Sp Sp Port Colomb Sp Port Port den 31 december 2010 . (Typed man2009 document in binder (Typed2009 hc hc sc sc sc hc sc digital PDF file pt sc sc sc booklet A4 sc sc sc sc sc 2006 2010 2000 2003 2003 2003 2003 2009 2003 2003 2003 2003 2010 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 Sida 303 of 392 Ecuado Sp Impresora "La Isabella". desafio a la ciencia. Predvarit Zigel. (Type 2009 hc document A4. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6071 1 1 1993 1980 1978 1975 1978 1968? 2000 2006 1981 1977 1978 1975 1988 2007 1979 1979 1978 1978 199? 1977 1979 1958 1978 1977 The author. Paris Editorial Orion. de Arabia. Moscow the author. [Secrets of aliens and UfOs. Nablyudeniya i issledovaniya. Mexico Editorial Orion. Barcelona the author Pedeidos o Referencias. Moscow Country Ru Lang. Bogota Apul. [The UFO Phenomenon. Scott: Saucers in the sixties . Binding Ru sc AcqYear 2006 2009 OR OR OR OR OR OR OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS Zigel. a la humanidad. J.UFOs in Latin America and Spain. (Las intelligencias que vienen del Quest Publications: UFOs in South America. Francisco: Humanoides en la tierra.S. Moscow Robert Laffont. Buenos Aires Quest Publications Editorial Posada.: Ovnis: S.J. Stanislav: Neizvestnoe ob izvestnom. J. Felix: Posadka NLO v rayone g. Sebastián: Manifiesto OVNI de Puerto Rico.: Fenomeno OVNI. övers. Santo Dom Domeni Sp Ediciones de la Plaza. Corrales. Cuarta edicion. Barcelona Plaza & Janes.O. (Typed m 2010 document A4. CIA and DIA UFO files from Chile. Felix: Fenomen NLO.Ufocod Author And Title OR Zigel. 7676 8562 7677 7679 6072 8563 2662 3752 3753 3801 A 3801 B 6909 3899 3901 4072 4193 8344 4303 4324 4326 4432 4446 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 BM-06909 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ru Ru Ru Ru? Ru Ru Fr Mex Mex Sp Sp USA Ru Ru Ru En Ru Ru Fr Sp Sp Sp Sp En document in binder. Felix: Nablyudeniya NLO v SSSR.: Ovnis: S. Vypusk 2. Fernandez.Ufocod Author And Title OSA Aldunati. Las Heras. Gustavo Mario: Naves extraterrestres tripuladas. Roberto E. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1986 1 1 1971 1968 1976 1977 1979 2006 1997 1973 1997 1976 1995 1991 1975 1978 1976 1978 1981 1978 1978 1978 1974 1978 1976 1976 Laserre.: La oleada Argentina de OVNIs de 1985. Los extraterrestres entre nosotros.: Los OVNIs.I. Buenos Aires Santiago Rueda. Antonio: Informe sobre los visitantes extraterrestres y sus naves volado Las Heras.: Las evidencias del fenómeno OVNI. Boris: La astrologia sobre el fenomeno OVNI. Gustavo Mario: Triangulo mortal en Argentina. [Edicion especial de "Los Ide Banchs.V. the year 1965 in photos. Buenos Aires Editorial Posada. Buenos Aires Rodolfo Alonso. Heide Cristoff. Buenos Aires the author. Roberto E. Oscar: La entidad antropomorfa de Villa Carlos Paz. [Fotocat Report Banchs. Buenos Aires Fundacion Anomalia CEFAI. Buenos Aires CIU-Ufologia. Roberto E. Rosario Country Argenti Lang. Buenos Aires Ediciones CEFAI. Roberto E.N. Cuadro general de observacione Banchs. Banchs. Buenos Aires Ediciones Dronte. Vicente-Juan: Argentina. Buenos Aires Editorial Kier. Segunda ed Anglada Font. Buenos Aires CEFAI. Capital Federal Lopez Crespo. Antonio: Informe sobre los visitantes extraterrestres y sus naves volado Las Heras. Anganuzzi. Las Heras. una vision historica. Antonio: Encuentros extraterrestres del tercer tipo. Buenos Aires CEFAI. Buenos Aires Editorial Posada. Las Heras. Buenos Aires Cielosur Editora. Paul J. Translated by Richard W. Luis: La realidad de los OVNI a traves de los siglos. Roberto E.: Historia de los platos voladores en la Argentina. Mexico Rodolfo Alonso. 3751 3758 3759 6890 5307 2375 5308 2300 6390 3781 7707 3886 3967 3968 4606 4062 4121 4122 4123 A 4123 B 4124 4125 1 1 1 1 BM-06890 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Arg Arg Arg Sp Argenti Argenti Argenti Argenti Argenti Arg USA Arg Arg Arg Argenti Sp Arg Mex Arg Mex Sp Arg Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp En Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp sc sc sc digital PDF file document 8½x11 booklet sc (1) hc (1) booklet 8½x11 sc doc A4 sc document 8½x11 sc sc sc dupl booklet A5 sc sc sc sc sc sc sc 2003 2003 2003 2009 2006 1997 2006 1996 2008 2003 2010 2003 2003 2003 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 Sida 304 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Su repercusion so Banchs. Emilio: Confirmado! Llegaron los OVNIs. Guillermo: UFOs in Argentina.: The humanoids in Argentina.: OVNIs: peregrinos del silencio.: OVNI: amenaza de guerra espacial. Hector P. Antonio: Parapsicologia y ovnis.s". [Informe Especial. Banchs. Buenos Aires unknown Editorial Kier. Mexico Schapire Editor. Galíndez. Roberto E. (Al cumplirse los 30 anos de Fernandez. s Hewitt. Roberto E. Buenos Aires Plus Ultra. Segunda édicio Ballester Olmos. Un analisis de contex Banchs. Antonio: La clave de los OVNI. Antonio: "O.: A cincuenta ano de los "platillos voladores". Buenos Aires Rodolfo Alonso. Buenos Aires AOA International. Las Heras. Binding En booklet AcqYear 1993 2003 OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA Alvarez Ojea.: Fenómenos aereos insuales. Buenos Aires Kiek. Pablo: Los que vienen de las estrellas. Pedro: Discos voladores. Romaniuk.: Consideracoes sobre o progresso da pesquisa ufologica do Brasil. Buenos Aires Editorial Caymi. Pedro: Ciencia extraterrestre. Prologo a una nueva investigacion. Sebastian. Buenos Aires Plus Ultra. Angel: Otra civilizacion nos domina. Suarez. Romaniuk.Ufocod Author And Title OSA Marni. Juan Carlos: OVNIs. Eduardo A. la tierra y el hombre. Pedro: Naves extraterrestres y sus incursiones a la Terra.? ¿Hacia dónde va Romaniuk. Antonio P. Pedro: Los extraterrestres. Eugenio: Platos voladores sobre la Argentina. Uriondo. Zabalgoitia. Pedro: Contactos extraterrestres y astrales. Polo. Buenos Aires the author. Un extraordinario analisis sobre el m Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4162 1 1 1976 1977 1958 1991 1995 1977 1976 1980 1979 1979 1976 1968 1978 1975 1992 1969 1968 1965 1987 1976 ???? 1979 1981 1982 Libreria Perlado. enigma vigente. Enrique: Visitantes del espacio. Oscar Adolfo: Objetos aereos no identificados. A.J. Tucci. Buenos Aires Ibalu.: Discos Voadores no Paraná. Uriondo. Alberto: Los platos voladores y sus tripulantes. Buenos Aires Kiek. Buenos Aires Editorial Caimy. Romaniuk. Buenos Aires Ibalu. Pedro: Naves extraterrestres y sus incursiones a la Terra. Buenos Aires Larin. Romaniuk. Buenos Aires Larin. Bu Arg Cielosur Editora. Zerpa. Los intraterrestres. & Giordano. (Alerta Brasil). Buenos Aires Observatorio Astronomico Movil. Fabio: Un hombre en el universo. A. ¿De dónde venimos. Binding Sp sc AcqYear 2003 2003 OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSA OSB OSB OSB OSB Miranda. Maringa.. Hechos concrelos y verdades sobre los pl Orofino. Buenos Aires the author. Pedro: Texto de ciencia extraterrestre. Buenos Aires Adiax. Rio de Janeiro OPETOVNI. Oscar Adolfo: El problema cientifico de los OVNI. Gevaerd. Paraná Sp Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Portuge digital PDF file Port Port Port booklet document A5 dupl folio den 31 december 2010 . 4187 4239 8271 4267 4329 4330 4331 4332 1293 B 1293 A 4333 4355 2459 4400 4408 4409 4443 5248 6899 3954 2512 415 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-06899 1 3 1 Arg Sp Argenti Arg Arg Arg Arg Arg Arg Arg Arg Arg Argenti Arg Arg Arg Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp sc sc document 8½x11 sc sc sc sc sc sc pt sc sc sc sc sc sc booklet sc 2003 2003 2010 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 1985 2003 2003 1997 2003 2003 2003 2003 2005 2009 2003 1998 1983 Sida 305 of 392 Ediciones Halbrane. Buenos Aires Country Arg Lang.J. Buenos Aires the author ARCA. tecnologia e inconsciente col Pacheco. Bueno. Juan Carlos: El universo arquetipico. Omar: Arquivo UFO. En enigma actual.: Luces sobre el uritorco. Romaniuk. OVNIs. Buenos Aires Editorial Glem. Gevaerd. Faleiro. Buenos Aires Prolibro. la guerra atomica y las armas psicotronicas. Silva: Meus contatos com os OVNIs. Rosario Ramos Americana. Luis Alberto: Fenomeno OVNI. Romaniuk. Jorge A. Maringa CPDV. W. Jackson Heights. Keith: A catalogue of the more interesting Australian close encounters. James E. Michael: UFOs in the southern hemishere. Colman S. Lane Cove. Campo Grande Country Brazil Lang. Moscow Australian Centre for UFO Studies. Jackson Heights. A. von (ed): [Document collection from 1978 on United Nations a Keviczky. Victoria A. (ICUFO Basterfield. En rapport om det australske flyvevåpens UFO-a Hervey. Jackson Heights. NY ICUFON. Basterfield. NSW ACUFOS. Colman S. Sydney. Bill: The OZ files.misterio desvelado a incrivel verdate! Wysmierski. " Keviczky. Australia: 1788-1988. Madison. San Diego. Investigando ufologia com e sem hipnose. Hervey.: Statement on international scientific aspects of the problem o United Nations: Grenada proposes appointment of expert group to set guidelines fo Zigel. ACUFOS Reed Books. Potts Point NS SUFOI. Gentofte Robert Hale. NY ICUFON. London Horwitz. A genuine UFO crash with surviving ETs. Illustrations by Elvis V Keviczky. Hansen. Close encounters of an Australian Chalker. (Extract of "Project-G") Keviczky. Brazil ICUFON. von (ed): Project World Authority for Space Affairs (WASA). H. NY ICUFON. Kim Møller: UFO sløring.: Os documentos oficiais da Forca Aérea Brasileira. Jackson Heights. Jackson Heights. Kew. A tho Pratt. Keith: UFOs: a report on Australian encounters. NY the author United Nations. (Typed m 2010 document booklet A4 sc hc (1) sc (1) booklet A4 sc booklet A5 hc pt 2005 2010 2004 2006 2006 1996 1985 1991 1975 Sida 306 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Michael: UFOs in the southern hemishere. CA CPDV. Colman S.Ufocod Author And Title OSB Gevaerd. The Australian UFO story. Mário: Seqüestros alienígenas. Roger K.: OVNI . Michael: Close encounters of the Brazilian kind.where next? Rangel. Binding Port magazine format AcqYear 2009 2003 OSB OSB OSB OSB OSB OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ OZ Leir. Office of Public Info the author. Wisc USA Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas de the author. von (ed): Documentation and analysis. Keith: UFOs: the image hypothesis.J. [Credentials. 6672 2446 2907 6989 6873 7028 4096 1258 2471 4097 656 6007 8561 4897 7717 4470 5313 5384 2307 1256 465 B 465 A 1 1 2 1 BM-06989 1 1 BM-07028 1 3 BM-01258 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 USA En En Port sc sc sc 2008 1997 2001 2010 2008 2010 2003 Horus House Press. NY ICUFON. Felix (commentator): ICUFON memorandum. Russo. Colman S. Bob: UFO danger zone. Terror and death in Brazil . Rio de Janeiro Liquid Press.: UFO crash in Brazil. [orig: Close encounters Basterfield. Bill: The Australian UFO experience. First Memorandu McDonald. Coletanea de bol Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7223 1 1 1991 1994 2005 1996 2001 19?? 2000 1978 1967 1978 1979 1982? 1967 1978 1978 1981 1980 1997 1981 1988 1996 1985 1975 1969 The Book Tree. & A. Sergio O. von (ed): The potential threat. NSW Duffy & Snellgrove. [ACUFOS D 2 Chalker. Colman S. Melbourne Br Brazil Bz USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Ru Australi Australi Australi Australi Australi Australi Da UK Australi Portuge digital PDF file En En En En En En En En Ru En En En En En En Da En En booklet digital PDF file document 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 + digital PD1985 booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 dupl 8½x11 document 8½x11 1997 2003 1979 2006 hc document A4. von (ed): International analytic review of the extraterrestrial for Keviczky. Keith: A reference catalogue of interesting cases reported to the Centre Basterfield. Reed. Problema NLO i OON. Taylor. Stockholm the author Kvällsstundens förlag. Poul: Naturligt . Winterhaven. Mervyn: Strangers in our skies. Auckland Zindermans. Fersling. 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NY Country USA Lang. 1195 3246 8063 3281 3284 8161 7369 5106 8181 7399 4699 3439 B 3439 A 3456 5784 7447 7448 4237 8278 3488 8429 8430 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA USA Ge Sw Sw UK UK Sw UK Sw No UK UK En En Ge Sw Sw En En Sw En Sw No En En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En En pt pt hc coffee table size sc sc hc booklet hc pt hc booklet pt hc sc hc hc hc hc sc hc sc hc 1984 2002 2010 2002 2002 2010 2009 2005 2010 2009 2004 2002 2002 2002 2006 2009 2009 2003 2010 2002 2010 2010 Sida 310 of 392 Book Club Associates (BCA). Östersund Mot ljuset. London Guild Publishing. [SPR Study Guide 3]. Åke: Andar och dödmansgastar. Nihlén. Michael: They walk by night. Moss. Andrew: Apparitions. London BCA. John & Wells.Ufocod Author And Title PG Hervey. Oslo Sphere. Peach. Stockholm SEMIC Norge. Christopher: Gjenferd. Great mysteries g Maynard. Hans: The lively ghosts of Ireland. Stockholm Aquarian Press. London Macmillan. Illustrationer: Hans Arnold. London Ace. [Vår Ukjente Verden]. 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Meddelande från Sällskapet för parapsykologisk forsknin Emberland. 3672 8502 8503 8504 3703 7654 3706 A 3706 B 7536 7087 3025 1609 7779 1349 7808 7814 5419 7841 5447 7197 6510 3177 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 UK UK UK UK UK Da Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw UK Sw UK UK En En En En En Da Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw En En En En Ru Sw No En hc sc hc sc pt sc hc hc hc hc sc hc sc hc hc hc plastic binder hc booklet sc sc hc 2002 2010 2010 2010 2002 2009 2002 2009 2009 2009 2002 1990 2010 1986 2010 2010 2006 2010 2006 2009 2008 2002 Sida 311 of 392 The Sourcebook Project.: Vdohnovenie po zakazu? [Inspiration by the order?]. Los Angeles. [Falsknere. psychics & ESP. Björkhem. NY Country USA Lang. Doris: Kontakt med andra världar? Doris Ankarberg.M. Göteborg Grafika förlag. Rolf: Fallet Eva. Personer med förmåga att skåda i Chambers.N. James: Telephone between worlds. heal the s Brookesmith.): Fyrster i Tåkeland.: Apparitions. Glen Arm. A sourcebook of unusual mental phenomena. Om märkliga begåvningar och paranormala fe Brookesmith. London Harrap. Glen Arm. [Knowledge Serie Ejvegård. G. Björkhem. fantast Grenshaw. Schön.Ufocod Author And Title PG Steiger. Revised edition. William R. Simrishamn Wiken.: Yorkshire's ghosts and legends. Örjan: Mystik och verklighet. Paul: Paranormal people: the famous. Terje & Pettersen. Underwood. Ebbe: De döda återvänder. Terence H. USA The Sourcebook Project. London Anaya Publishers. Folktro om tillvarons gränsland.: The unfathomed mind: A handbook of unusual mental phenome Dmitruk. 2. Corliss.]: Strange talents: people who can see the future. Arnfinn (red. Binding No hc AcqYear 2004 2002 PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PIC PIC PIC PIC PIC PIC PIC PIC Jönsson. Harmon Hartzell: Edgar Cayce on dreams. Colin (ed. Kittler. Smith. Y.Olson]: ESP . Berkley Medallion. London Larson Hilt & Hansteen. The personal story of Gladys Davis Cayce. Colin: Strange powers. New York Bantam Press. [Edgar Cayce's förutsägelser. Wilson. 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Stockholm Sw Samuel Weiser. [orig: New Age: de nygam Godefroy. London the author Futura. Y. Andersen Bogservice. Juan G. John Ryan: Perils of the soul. Redfield. London Country UK Lang. Caryl: Vägen ur New Age . Stora tankar i vår tid. Åkersberga Abacus. Wikström. Göteborg Natur och Kultur. Taos. Wennergren. uppl. Bordeaux Caduceus. Allen. Wennergren.ett livsöde. Göteborg Regnbågsterapier. Gordon: Enigma fantastique. Emmanuel: Le new age. Per: En sökares dagbok. Stockholm Aarsleffs Förlag Health Research. Health Research. Sven: Stora tankar i vår tid. Gordon: Overlords and olympians. Binding En sc AcqYear 2005 2010 PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PO PO PO Magnusson. Sylvia: Gud och vår andliga utvecklin Satin. Kristina: Den nya tidsåldern. Perspektiv på New Age. Mark: Politik för en ny tid. Jean: L'ère du Verseau fin de l'illusion humaniste. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5088 1 1 1976 2002 2000 2000 1999 1995 1991 1995 1994 2002 1981 1980 1996 1997 1991 1991 1991 1991 1998 2001 1999 1981 1966 1974 Wrå tryck och förlag. Vällingby Sw Legus förlag. Stockholm Sw Éditions J'ai lu. Gary: Själens boning. Alexander: En ny medvetenhet i en ny tid. Marhic. Introduction to para-psycho-physics. Renaud & Besnier. Michael & Timbers. Sven: Perspektiv på New Age. Spinney. New Age-rörelsens grunder. Zukav. Stockholm Regnbågsterapier. Kenneth: Youthquake. Allen. Om New Age och ockultism inför millenieski Zukav. Ragnar. Lena Katarina: Förunderligt och märkligt. Stockholm Sw Wahlström & Widstrand. Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Da USA USA den 31 december 2010 . Morgan. Paris Fr Medicine Bear Publishing. W. Den gamla tidens sätt att tänka. Stockholm Natur och Kultur. Matrisciana. Wennergren. Kristina: Kosmiska lagar. Kristina: Uttryck. Hölö Wrå förlag. [orig: Mutant message down under]. Aarsleff. Gary: Själens berättelser. Son histoire … ses pratiques Markus. [orig: The seat of the soul]. Stockholm Sw Wahlström & Widstrand. Stockholm Strömbergs Bokförlag AB.Ufocod Author And Title PN Leech. Mokelumne Hill. Vad den är och inte är.): Att se det dolda. [Orig. Planetary change and universal being. Murphy. 2. Spirituality and the growth of a counter-culture. Göteborg Regnbågsterapier. [På sporet af evigheden]. Ne USA Bonnier Alba. Magnusson. James. [orig: Gods of the New Age]. Stockholm Natur och kultur. Owe (red. Hölö Le Castor Astral. 7374 2869 7383 7392 5113 5132 7499 7507 6777 7540 4839 7595 5233 5234 5235 5236 2580 8564 5250 6367 27 28 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 Sw Sw Fr Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Fr En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Da En En sc sc sc hc hc hc sc hc sc pt sc hc sc sc sc sc hc hc sc sc spir A4 spir A4 2009 2001 2009 2009 2005 2005 2009 2009 2008 2009 2004 2009 2005 2005 2005 2005 1998 2010 2005 2008 1975 1979 Sida 315 of 392 Den Kristna Bokringen. Swanberg. idéer och handlingspr Sendy. En resa genom New Age i Sv Wennergren. Kristina: Vishetsregler. Marlo: Budskap från andra sidan. Mokelumne Hill. Klaus: Det magiske menneske.: Soul stories). Jonathon Ray: The last eclipse. W. Göteborg Regnbågsterapier. Ufocod Author And Title PO Andréasson. Om människans försök att förstå unive Burckhardt.special limited edition. printing. Michael X. [Orig. A workbook & study guide to higher dimensions. Gina: Insights for the age of Aquarius. Om ockultism och andlighet i en ny tidsålder. J. Örebro Libris. Barcelona Regnbueforlaget. New Brunswick. Dark Brothers. 46 4892 A 4892 C 4892 B 2983 3000 4901 4914 7774 3046 1486 7128 5365 5366 2384 7826 6456 7157 2807 5425 4539 4555 Sw Sw Sw Sw No USA Sw Sw Sw Sw No En Sw Sp No En Sw Sp En En En En En Sw En En En En sc sc pt sc sc sc 8½x11 sc hc sc hc A4 hc sc sc sc sc booklet A5 dupl. Paul: Den kära vidskepelsen. Partille Country Sw Lang. New York UK Ca Sw USA USA USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. Brennan. Cox. Escondido. [orig: Ghostwriter]. The lost science of the ancient seers redisc de Camp. NJ Sunstar Publishing Ltd.: The occult Reich. Morris: A dweller on the threshold. Calif. Jacques: Visado para otra tierra.: The light of Egypt. Trondheim Black Cat. Oslo Futura Press. Vo Cerminara. The science of the soul and the stars. Vo Burgoyne. Escondido. Leigh-on-Sea Marcus Books. Peter [ed. Titus: Alquimia. Om initiationsmönster i konst. The science of the soul and the stars. Sprague & de Camp. litteratur och polit Cox. Toronto Gidlunds Inner Light. Fred: Spirituella spöken. Los Angeles. Thomas H. Arlebrand. Io Canaveral Press. Alchemie. Cornell. Den moderna övertrons makter och trons mak Bergier. [Orig. Om ockultism och andlighet i en ny tidsålder. Thomas H. The ways in which man has tried t Brookesmith.: It's all in your super-mind. The profits a Doreal. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 41 A 4 2 1 3 2 1 2 1967 1984? 1971 1992 2002 1995 Larson. ["M. S USA den 31 december 2010 . Om okkultisme og ånderlighet i en ny tidsalder. Håkan: Det ukjente. Andrew: The black alchemist . Bill: Unseen kingdoms. Ivar Larsson Tryckeri AB. H. Robert: The pillar of celestial fire. Barcelona Sp No UK Sw Sp 1 Translations 1976 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1985 1988 1987 1976 1999 1999 1985 1988 1985 1981 1990 1997 1966 19?? The Book Tree. Peter: Den hemliga källan. Maurice. Håkan: Det okända. Contain Cooke. Collins. B. Peter [red]: Ockulta samband. Stockh Sw Plaza & Janes. 3. Ny. Copy A4 sc sc 8½x11 sc hc booklet 1975 2005 2005 2005 2002 2002 2005 2005 2010 2002 1988 2009 2006 2006 1997 2010 2009 2009 2001 2006 2004 2004 Sida 316 of 392 1 Translations 1993 2 2 1963 1964 Diakonistyrelsens Bokförlag. Californ USA Theosophical Publ House. L.] Burgoyne. Raymond: Janus-ansiktet. Californ USA The Book Tree.] Brookesmith. Arlebrand. Stockholm Libris. re Arlebrand. [orig: Visa pour une autre terre]. Örebro Libris.supplement . Wheaton USA ABC Books. Örebro Luther Forlag. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 1976 2009 PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO Archer. stars and spells.: The light of Egypt. Håkan: Det okända. London Bokorama. Höganäs Plaza y Janès. Arlebrand. Fairfield. (Hilarion series). Vincent Barton"] Bauer. Catherine: Spirits.: Det okkulte rike.]: The occult connection. [ori Barton. Om ockultism och andlighet i en ny tidsålder. Håkan: Det okända.: Dark robes. Doreal. Dion: The cosmic doctrine. Morris: The first age of man. Morris: The Cosmic White Lodge and the Great White Lodge of this earth. Höjer. S USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. Lidingö Health Research. Doreal. John G. S USA Ventla. Dan (red. Llewellyn. S USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. Morris: Personal experiences among the masters and great adepts in Tibet. Orsa Penguin Books.: Gjenferdet fra flight 401.Från en död om liv. Hellertz. Hilton: Son of perfection. Sundbyberg Ge UK No Sw UK No Sw USA USA USA USA Sw Sw En En En En En En En En En Ge En No Sw En No Sw En En En En Sw Sw booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet booklet dupl A4 hc sc hc sc hc sc sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 hc sc hc booklet 1979 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 1991 2002 2006 1993 2006 2009 2009 2009 2009 1983 2010 1997 2008 Sida 317 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Health Research. Anders: Det osynliga livet. Robert: Talisman. A message to the Seeker of divine truth. Doreal. Nils-Olof & Ragnar. Sacred cities. S USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. Morris: Milarepa.Ufocod Author And Title PO Doreal. W. Graham & Bauval. Hancock. Morris: The Akashic records and how to read them. Hubbard. Binding En booklet AcqYear 2004 2004 Brotherhood of the White Temple. S USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. Morris: Flying saucers . Der Mann. S USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. [Kosmobio Fortune. Morris: Polar paradise. The Tibetan saint. Per: En rationell världsbild? . Pia: "Världslärare" eller "falsk profet"? En kärleksfull granskning av Martin Hotema. Doreal. der niemals stirbt. A message of hope for the new millenium. Finnes det et liv etter døden? [orig: The g Gernandt. Morris: Master of destiny. London Dreyer. Jacobson. Mokelumne Hill. A summary of the hidden teachings of the Apoca Hotema. Fuller. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4559 1 1 19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 1961 1960 1963 1957 1986 1991 2004 1988 2002 196-? 196-? 1960 1995 1997 1965 Country Lang. Calif occult viewpoint. Hartveit. Doreal. Oslo Världsbild förlag.): Övernaturligt. Doreal. Germain. and the seven secret cities. Wiesbaden Aquarian Press. secret faith. Morris: Astro-chemical analysis of the twelve chemical types. Doreal. A summery of the hidden teachings of the Apoca Howard. S USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. London Hilt & Hansteen. Los Angeles Nataraj Publishing. Barbara Marx: The revelation. S USA PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO Doreal. S USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. Doreal. Raymond: Graf Saint Germain. Karl Milton: Den okkulte lösning. Mokelumne Hill. Hilton: Son of perfection. S USA Brotherhood of the White Temple. Oslo Hälsaböcker. Morris: The autentic St. Given on August 1 Drake. Mill Valley. Dana: The keys to the citadel of space. [S 267 4564 4566 4570 4571 4575 4576 4578 4579 1722 3145 5502 2004 5551 7259 7268 6600 B 6600 A 481 8050 2422 6633 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 Brotherhood of the White Temple. Allen & Unwin.207 Krianon. Ingrid: 24 visioner för jordens nu och framtid. Publishing. S. Henry T. Laurency. Henry T.: Jadoo. Henry T. John A. [Visioner för jorden. f. Wellingborough Hälsans förlag. Alexander: Från barbarstadiet till supermedvetande. (pseud.: Jadoo. 2. Laurency Publishing Förlagsstiftelsen Henry T. (pseud. M India Éditions Atlantic. John A. f.). Henrik von Zeipel): Världs. Henrik von Zeipel): The knowledge of reality. Gareth: Occult exercises and practises. Lignon. Henrik von Zeipel): The philosopher's stone. [Omsl Leadbeater. Lysvik The Henry T. Henrik von Zeipel): De vises sten.: The divine plot. C. Henrik von Zeipel): An introduction to esoteric philoso Laurency. (pseud. Henry T. Nolane. Astrology. Lesage. (pseud. O. f. Laurency Sw the author Sw Förlagsstiftelsen Henry T. Yves. Jocelyn: Les énig Macer-Story. G. (pseud. Henry T. Laurency Sw Förlagsstiftelsen Henry T Laurency. f. Binding Sw booklet AcqYear 2008 1997 PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO Keel. Richard D. Olivier] & Morisson. Ingrid: 12 visioner för jorden. Den femte dimension 546 B 546 A 6951 6649 6179 6180 6662 6663 5652 A 5652 B 5653 5654 5655 6664 608 7349 8142 7366 7367 5698 7380 5111 1 3 1 BM-06951 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 USA USA Ge GB Sw Sw Sw En En En En Sw Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Fr Fr En En En Sw Sw hc pt digital PDF file pt sc A4 sc A4 sc hc sc sc sc sc hc sc hc sc sc ringbound 8½x11 sc hc sc hc 1997 1979 2010 2008 2007 2007 2008 2008 2006 2008 2006 2006 2006 2008 1979 2009 2010 2009 2009 2006 2009 2005 Sida 318 of 392 Opus Förlag och Utbildning. NY Edition Scien Terra. Fu Man Chu meets the lonesome cowboy. god Knight.Ufocod Author And Title PO Jacobson.T. Henrik von Zeipel): Kunskapen om verkligheten. Lidingö Country Sw Lang. Förvandl Laurency. u Laurency. f. Who calls the tune? About ghosts. Henry T. reincarnation. Henrik von Zeipel): Livskunskap Ett. Wiesbaden Aquarian Press. London USA UK Wahlström & Widstrand. f. Markus. Gateways to the four "worlds" of oc Krianon. Världs. Lysvik Opus Förlag och Utbildning.en rationell världsbild? Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6634 1 2 1975 1978 1957 1962 1994 1982 2006 2006 1981 1973 1961 1982 1986 1979 1985 1949 1973 1989 2005 1991 1997 1986 1924 1993 Julian Messner. [Visioner för den nya tiden 2000 .: The pied pipers of heaven. Åkersberga Sw den 31 december 2010 . Thomas: Ockulta upplevelser. Eugenia: The dark frontier. (pseud. A. Mann. Paris Fr Fr I. f. Sorcery and t Macer-Story. Sw The Henry T Laurency Publ Founda Sw The Henry T Laurency Publ Founda Sw Sydsvenska dagbladet (distr. (pseud.2012 . Palm Springs USA Magick Mirror Communications. [Raynaud. cosmology and history. Stockholm Sw Caduceus. [orig: K Laurency. Certain perplexing events in several dime Mann.och livsåskådning. Eugenia: Dr. (pseud. Henry T. NY Pyramid. Henry T. demons. Jean-Michel [Pierre Delval]: La manipulation occulte. f. [orig: De Laurency. Nils-Olof: Martinus kosmologi . Keel.och livsåsk Laurency.W. L. Mal Sw Theosophical Publ House.: The astral plane. Laurency. Kin. Paris Éditions Générales First. N. Henrik von Zeipel): Kunskapen om verkligheten. Adyar. ] Rampa. T. Rampa.E. Jill: The mystic spiral. Rampa. A. Fanny: Das grosse Buch des Okkultismus. in ant Oftedal. T. London Walter-Verlag. T. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Chapers of life. [orig: The saffron robe]. Rampa. London Sw Da UK USA USA UK UK UK Da Da Sw No UK Da UK Da Fr UK 1 Translations 1956 3 Rampa 1 Rampa 1 1 Rampa 1 Rampa 3 Rampa 1960 1974 1971 1974 1971 1964 den 31 december 2010 Sida 319 of 392 . [orig: Wisdom of the ancien Rampa.: Possession: demoniacal and other among primitive races. Ma: Doxa. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Living with the lama. Trubner & Co. On the proportion and symbolic numbers of the co Moser. Originalgetreue Widergabe des Nexus Magazine: The WingMakers file. K. John: City of revelation. London S V Press A/S. Stockholm Ernst G Mortensen. Trench. Powell. Rampa. T. Oslo Corgi. London Quest. Rampa. Mikael: Det stora uppdraget. Phylos the Tibetan [Fredrick S. Journey of the soul. [orig: The hermit]. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Le troisième oeil. The third eye. Bent Sten [ed. Purce. Rampa.: The etheric double. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Historien om Rampa. Copenhagen Éditions J'ai lu. Det int Neville Spearman. T. T. T. London Corgi. Olsen. Paris Corgi. T. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: De gamles visdom. T. Stockholm Storlogen af Stjernen i Nord. London S V Press A/S. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Feeding the flame. [orig: The Rampa story]. Thames and Hudson. T. 6700 3438 2731 4739 2442 8261 1527 3490 4759 822 823 824 3507 3508 7500 1945 825 3509 7501 3510 8350 1530 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 BM-00822 2 Rampa 2 Rampa 1 Rampa 1 Rampa 1 UK Ge UK En Ge En En Sw Da En En En En En En Da Da Sw No En Da En Da Fr En pt hc ringbound hc hc booklet A5 hc sc sc pt + digital PDF file pt pt pt pt sc hc pt (2 different covers) pt pt pt pt pt (2 different covers) 2008 2001 2000 2004 1997 2010 1988 1998 2004 1976 1976 1983 2002 2002 2009 1992 1983 2002 2009 2002 2010 1988 Kegan Paul. Rampa. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Den saffrangule kjortel. Rampa. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Doctor from Lhasa. Wheaton. [Orig. En tibetansk lamas självbiograf Rampa. T. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 1998 2006 PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO Michell. Rampa. West Sussex Hercules. Copenhagen Corgi. Ill. Otten Nexus Magazine. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Eremitten. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Candlelight. The health aura of man. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Det tredje öye. Rampa. T. Copenhagen S V Press A/S. UK Sellin. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Det tredje ögat. T. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Beyond the tenth. Oesterreich. Samtal med Marina Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2535 1 1 1994 1985? 1978 1974 1999 1930 1996 197? 1970 1979 1990 1969 1973 1967 1974 1974 1959 Abacus/Sphere. Nina & Ranerås Matthis. London S V Press A/S. London Corgi. Copenhagen Bonniers. En tibetansk lamas selvbiografi. Enköping Country Sw Lang.]: Engle i stjerneskib. Till hela härligheten.Ufocod Author And Title PO Matthis. T. New York Corgi. Oliver]: An earthdweller's return. Lynge S V Press A/S. London Secker & Warburg. Saffron Wal GB den 31 december 2010 Sida 320 of 392 . The continuing Ravenscroft. Stiftelsen Stjärnsund. Rampa. London Octagon. [New ed. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: The third eye. London Corgi.]. T. T.forever. London Corgi. Bill & Petit. [Orig. [Orig. Uppsala Edciciones Obelisco. Trevor: Ödets spjut . Antonio & Beorlegui. London Corgi. R: Pyramidernes kraefter 2. T. Ernest: The people of the secret. T. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: The cave of the ancients. London Corgi. Ravenscroft. Copenhagen Country Da Lang. The legend of Shamballa]. Schul. The spear of destiny].Ufocod Author And Title PO Rampa. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: You . Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Twilight. London Nybloms. Daniel Company. London Corgi. New Jers USA C. Rampa. Stockholm Sphere Books. Rampa. T. Ed: The secret power of pyramids. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: The Rampa story. London Addison-Wesley. Binding Da pt AcqYear 2002 1988 PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO Rampa. T. Ranerås. T. Michael & Rubenfeld. Barcelona Bogan. London Stjärnkraft. Shadowitz. Stockholm Stjärnkraft. London Corgi. London Souvenir Press. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: The saffron robe. Jesús: El secreto de Urantia (Ni caballos ni troyanos). Lå Sw Coronet. Albert & Walsh. Ralph: Occultists & mystics of all ages. Rampa. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: The Rampa story. Secaucus. W. E & Cano. Rampa. [orig: Living with the lama] Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3511 1 Rampa 1 1974 1965 1963 1971 1960 1962 1966 1959 1956 1975 1965 1965 1990 1991 1990 1973 1988 1983 1989 1975 1983 1976 1974 1992 Corgi. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Mitt liv med lamaen. Scott.maktens trollspö. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: The hermit. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: Wisdom of the ancients. T. 2:a reviderade upplagan. Salas. Trevor & Wallace-Murphy. [orig: El Poder de los Piramidas 2]. Rampa. T. Reading. London Corgi. Rampa. Saraydarian. Ranerås. Smulkis. Rampa. Torkom: Legenden om Shamballa. Rampa. Exploring the occult Shirley. Mass UK UK USA Citadel Press. T. T. Lobsang [Cyril Hoskins]: The third eye. Mikael: Bröllopet mellan polerna. Fred: Starlight elixirs and cosmic vibrational healing 1529 A 826 1943 A 1943 B 1944 828 B 828 A 829 1946 1947 3513 1656 6755 6756 4299 3556 6775 5907 4351 2915 7547 6796 3 Rampa 2 Rampa 1 Rampa 3 Rampa 2 Rampa 3 Rampa 2 Rampa 2 Rampa 2 Rampa 3 Rampa 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK Sw Sw GB Sw Sp Da En En En En En En En En En En Sw Sw En Sw Sp Da Sw En En En En En pt (2 different covers) pt hc pt pt pt (two different covers) hc pt pt pt sc sc sc hc sc sc hc pt sc sc sc sc 1988 1976 1992 1983 1992 1985 1985 1976 1992 1992 2002 1990 2008 2008 2003 2002 2008 2006 2003 2001 2009 2008 Resonans. Mikael: Den vakna drömmen. Peter: The dark side of knowledge. Tim: The mark of the beast. Ribera. : The occult. 2. David: The vision of Findhorn in world transformation. Oslo Mistelgårdens förlag. Stockholm Larson. Suffolk UK Treasure Press. Elisabeth: Agni Yoga eller eldens yoga. Thomas. James: The occult establishment. Andrew: Shambhala. Bath USA UK UK USA USA UK Neville Spearman. Vindheim. James: The flight from reason. [Volume 1 of the Age of the irrational. Höganäs UK UK UK Fr UK UK No Sw Sw 1 Translations 1976 2 1 1 3 1 1973 1979 1990 19?? 1990 den 31 december 2010 . London Richard Drew Publishing. Dorothy: Who are the chosen ones? According to the great German mysti Tomas. London MacDonald. Suffolk UK Neville Spearman. Paris Granada. Underwood. Alfred: Mediala miniatyrer.: Vestens mysterier.oändlighet. seanser. Colin: The occult. Los Angeles Sphere. Sudbury. Stockholm Reformförlaget. Colin: The occult. Scotland Country UK Lang. Webb.): Selections from the mystical writings of Jacob Lorber. Binding En booklet A5 AcqYear 1983 2008 PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO Ståhlgren. Elizabeth: Lord of the flame. van Buren. Josef: Utomsinnliga upplevelser. Les pouvoirs latents de l'homme. Sudbury. Elizabeth: Land of white waters. Glasgow Éditions J'ai lu. Colin: L'occulte. St. Los Angel USA New Age Publ Co. Talmage. Reinkarnation. Ett införande Svanqvist. Ockulta och andra minnen i denna Östlund. Josef: Kunskapens bok om allvetandet. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 939 1 1 19?? 1964 1971 1968 1973 2008 195-? 19?? 1977 1972 19?? 1955 1984 1981 1983 1978 1971 1981 Reformförlaget. Stockholm the author Findhorn Trust. St Albans Ex libris forlag. 1000 1969 5206 7011 6826 8481 1035 7629 4407 1974 4418 4860 4862 6851 2769 2770 7660 3716 A 3716 B 7661 3733 3734 2 1 1 1 BM-07011 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sw Sw Sw USA Sw Sw Sw En En En En En En En En En En En En En Fr En En No Sw Sw sc sc sc digital PDF file dupl A4 booklet pt hc MP3 files on DVD disc hc sc hc hc hc hc hc pt sc sc hc sc booklet 1983 1992 2005 2010 2009 2010 1980 2009 2003 1992 2003 2004 2004 2008 2000 2000 2009 2002 2009 2009 2002 2002 Sida 321 of 392 New Age Publishing Co. Peter: Into the occult. Secret links between the Himalayas an van Buren. [The entire Urantia Book recorded on Urantia Foundation: The Urantia Book. Ill Ashgrove Press. London George G.] Wilson. van Buren.] Webb.Ufocod Author And Title PO Spangler. Jan B. [Volume 2 of the Age of the irrational. väderpåverkan. Philippa (compiler): The dictionary of omens & superstitions. Harrap. En innföring i okkultismens historie fra pyrami Östlund. Tony: In tune with infinite powers. Elizabeth: The sign of the dove. Moray. Chicago. T. London ???? Urantia Foundation. Dorothy (transl. oasis of light. How to heal your life and change the w Thomas. Läran om 10 dimensioner. Urantia Foundation: The Urantia audio book.] Wilson. Waring. Ängelholm Östlunds förlag.Albans Granada. Ett inträngande i den kosmiska Ståhlgren. Elisabeth: Evighet . [Orig. Wilson. San Francisco. London AWE/Gebers.en kritisk granskning. USA den 31 december 2010 .Nat Bessy. [Translation. Höganäs Country Sw Lang. González-Wippler. En artikelserie om Agrippa.] Sundén.): Antroposofin. Göteborg UK GB Sw Sw UK UK Ge GB Sw Ge Sw Plume Book. [orig: Voodoo. devils and the ne Collins.] Cohen. legender och vis Hall. Birgitta (red. [Orig. häxor och djävulsdyrkan. Ronald: Djävulens liv och leverne. Michael: Shamanens väg. witchcraft and occultism. Vetenskap & Folkbildning: Amtroposofin .: A history of magic. Gustav Adolf: Väktarupplevelsen. Jerkert.: A history of magic. Grambo.): Inspirerad av antroposofi. Suhl Barrie & Jenkins. [Orig. Erica: Witches. Unger. Stockholm Larson. Från saga och sägen. London CTT-Verlag. Migene: The complete book of spells. New American Library USA Huna Research Publications. Glarus Bokförlaget Korpen. [Orig. Stockholm Nybloms. En vägledning till kraft och helande. Crow. [Orig. Täby Östlunds förlag. Andrew: The second coming. Vista.B. ceremonies. and magic. Rudolf Steiner]. Max Freedom: The secret science behind miracles. Binding Sw booklet AcqYear 2002 1985 POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM Carlgren. Ermel. Jesper (red. Stockholm Antroposofiska bokförlaget. Histoire en Cavendish. Hjalmar: Rudolf Steiner. Georg: Flying saucers. Stockh Sw Aquarian Press. Rudolf: Reincarnation and immortality. ed. Johannes: Rudolf Steiner. Hemleben. En kritisk granskning. W.Ufocod Author And Title PO Östlund. Gisela: Die Zeit des Hexenwahns im Blickwinkel der UFO-Forschung. Järna Harper & Row. Physical and spiritual aspects. Fritz. [Grosse Mysterien]. Josef: Varför finns universum? Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3735 2 2 1990 1972 1980 2004 1975 2003 2007 1980 1962 1958 1993 1971 1963 1978 1972 1993 1968 1998 1978 1992 1979 1983 1982 1954 Bokförlaget Robert Larson. Henry Cornelius: Three books of occult philosophy or magic. Frans: Den antroposofiska kunskapsvägen. En bok om antroposofin. Föredrag & Vad är ockultism? Intervju Steiner. Ca Diakonistyrelsens bokförlag. [2. Täby Leopard förlag. The w Jong. London Forum. Petersson. Long. Book 1 . Richard: Magins historia. London Spring books. London The Aquarian Press. East Grinst UK Vetenskap och Folkbildning.] 7136 7949 6589 6638 7470 7582 1820 1060 6293 7050 6407 7806 213 3872 4534 4594 6549 7980 8004 6578 7302 7355 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw USA Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw En Sw En En Sw Sw En En Ge En Sw Ge Sw En En sc hc sc sc booklet sc hc (2) sc (1) booklet hc (1) sc (3) booklet A4 hc hc hc hc sc hc sc hc hc hc coffee table sc sc hc 2009 2010 2008 2008 2009 2009 1991 1975 2007 2009 2008 2010 1976 2003 2004 2004 2008 2010 2010 2008 2009 2009 Sida 322 of 392 Natur och kultur/Fakta. Daniel: Voodoo. Jeremy: Hexerei und schwarze Kunst. Stockholm Lekturama. Uppsala Century. Maurice: A pictorial history of magic and the supernatural. Stockh Sw New Knowledge Books. Angus & Kingston. Harner. Subversive magic and the occult unde Fortune. Heindel. Binding En sc AcqYear 2008 2010 POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS Olsen. Richards. Arthur Edward: The occult sciences. Henry: Hellig blod. Michael & Leigh. Max: The Rosicrucian cosmo-conception. [orig: Les mysteres de la Charpentier. Bent Sten: Utroligt men sandt … Aedelstenenes skjulte kraefter. Ivan & Beeston. Y. [Inside freemasonry]. Sara: Nåjder. [Orig: Les mystères de la c Edwardes. or Mystic christianity.]: The book of the sacred magic of Abra-Melin Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6687 1 1 1976 1987 197? 1971 1982 1972 1982 1989 1991 1963 1974 1979 1985 1990 1983 1990 2004 1976 1973 1980 1971 200-? 1956 1981 Aquarian Press. Mark: The Brotherhood and the manipulation of society. Jörgen: Magi. [orig: The Charpentier. Ranta-Rönnlund. Det inte Askild & Kärnekull. London Bazar forlag. [Orig. S. London Llewellyn. Stockholm Fabel Askild & Kärnekull Aquarian Press. Barcelona Larson Corgi Books. St. En resa i myt och verklighet. Herbert: Slutningen af vort århundrede og Rosenkreuzernes oggav 8262 792 A 792 B 8606 3523 0 5908 8437 7630 8002 8475 8513 7697 5302 5303 4946 6445 6507 3146 6349 5564 6595 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 BM-06349 1 1 Storlogen af Stjernen Nord. Mastering the art of vanishing.: The devil in Massachusetts: a modern enquiry into the Salem w Waite. Andreae.. N. Peterzén. Stockholm Corgi. An elemen Hillringhaus. Jean-Michel: Les sorcières fiancées de Satan. London Livskraft. Louis: Mysterierna i katedralen i Chartres. Paul.: The death and resurrection show: from shaman to superstar. Richard & Lincoln. Köbenhavn Da USA UK UK Sw UK No Sp Sw GB USA den 31 december 2010 . Peterzén. Roger N. Louis: El enigma de la catedral de Chartres. Wellingborough Country GB Lang. Johann Valentin: Kristian Rosenkors alkemiska bröllop 1459. Oslo Plaza & Janes. Dion: The esoteric orders and their work. Baigent. [transl. Howard: The temple and the lodge. Leigh. ed. Sallmann.Ufocod Author And Title POM MacGregor Mathers. Joan: Shamanic voices. Minnesota internet document The Rosicrucian Fellowship. A compendium of transcendental doctri Halifax. Berättelser om trollkarlar och trolldom i sameland. London Da Sw Sw Sw UK Fr Sw UK Da Sw Sw Sw En Fr Sw En En En En En Sw En No Sp Sw En En En En Da booklet A5 sc sc sc sc sc hc sc hc sc hc sc sc pt hc pt sc pt sc digital PDF sc sc 2010 1983 2009 2010 2002 2011 2006 2010 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2006 2006 2005 2008 2008 2002 2008 2006 2008 Sida 323 of 392 University Books. Michael: The dark side of history. Jörgen: Magi. New J USA Dutton. London Mandala. F. A survey of visionary narratives. Antony Blond. Rogan P. Ocean USA Aquino forlag.: Chy Baigent. Walsh. Michael. Taylor. Secaucus. Steve: Invisibility. Wellingborough Decouvertes Gallimard Rabén & Sjögren Trust Books. hellig gral. Marion L. Fraser.: The spirit of shamanism. L. Ebbe: Häxor och trolldom. Schön. Starkey. Further secrets of the Freemasons. Åkersberga Strubes. Paris IllumiNet Press. London Stelle Group. Illinois the author the author Crescent Books. Martin: Inside the brotherhood. Jim: Saucers of the illuminati. Sw Éditions J'ai lu. Stelle Group (The): The Ultimate Frontier study guide 8055 3286 8082 8106 1201 A 1201 B 6960 6961 5107 7387 7390 7393 2445 796 5880 6765 8410 6787 5922 3599 970 2279 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 BM-06960 1 BM-06961 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Fr USA Fr En En En En En En En En Fr Fr Sw Da En En No Fr En En En En En pt sc sc pt pt sc digital PDF file digital PDF file hc sc sc hc sc hc pt sc pt sc pt sc booklet document 8½x11 2010 2002 2010 2010 1984 2005 2010 2010 2005 2009 2009 2009 1997 1976 2006 2008 2010 2008 2006 2002 1983 1995 Adventures Unlimited Press. Informasjon om RosenkorsSède.their influence and pow Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3249 1 1 1989 2000 1971 1999 2004 1997 1963 1963 19?? 19?? 1967 1995 1996 1995 1972 1961 1974 1989 1974 1988 1989 1999 1971 1980 Éditions J'ai lu. Copenhagen Neville Spearman. Wellin USA Stelle Group.: The mythology of secret societies. Albans. James D. Tom C. Alexander: Satan är dagens namn. London Paladin. [Freemasonry expos Short. Kueshana. Rochester. Jüri: Architects of deception. J. Robert: The Hiram key: pharaohs. Norman (editor): Secret societies. Renaud: L'Ordre du Temple Solaire. Binding En sc AcqYear 2002 2003 Destiny Books. freemasons and the di Kueshana. Eklal [Richard Kieninger]: The ultimate frontier. Roberts. Michael: The occult conspiracy.: The deadly deception. [ Philip. London Fr US UK Sacred Science Publications. Herts UK USA USA Sw Sw USA Fr Fr Sw Da UK UK Rosenkors-Ordenen A. Secret societies . Georgia Country Lang. Marhic. Lina. Bordeaux L'Horizon chimérique.. Eklal [Richard Kieninger]: The ultimate frontier. Gérard de: Le secret des Cathares. ufology and paranoid Knight. Rosenkors-Ordenen: Til en oppvåknende menneshet. C. Unveiling the mystical societies. R. Chicago. O. A city for tomorrow. Robert: Keepers of the secrets. [Fifth printing. Bordeaux Caduceus. Aeolus: The lucid view: investigations into occultism.M. Kempt USA Arrow Books. Brother [pseud f George Hunt Williamson]: Secret of the Andes. Illinois The Stelle Group. Lilburn. Siblerud. Stelle. Jüri: Under the sign of the Scorpion. Lina. Illinois USA USA den 31 december 2010 Sida 324 of 392 . Chicago. Kephas. Brother [pseud f George Hunt Williamson]: Andesbjergenes hemmelighed. Lafayette Grafton Books. The Sacr Stelle Group (The): Stelle. Vermont USA POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS POS Hutin. NY L'Horizon chimérique. Shaw. St. MacKenzie. & McKenney. Philip. Paris Huntingdon House.Ufocod Author And Title POS Howard. Renaud: Enquête sur les extrémistes de l'occulte de la Loge P2 à l'Ordre d Marhic. 1982]. Stelle. Enquête sur les extrémistes de l'occult Markus. Serge: Gouvernants invisibles et sociétés secrètes Keith. Illinois Stelle Group. M. Chris and Lomas. Being a manuscript curiously rece Bojer. Nesta H. Copenhagen DeVorss. Robert Anton: Cosmic trigger: the final secret of the Illuminati. Shasta. POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT Bailey. Robert Anton: Cosmic trigger: the final secret of the Illuminati. New Yo USA Borgens forlag Lucis Publishing Company. reli Blavatsky. Pas USA Theosophical University Press. Telepathy and the etheric Bailey. Annie & Leadbeater. Sammanfattning av vetenskap. Helena Petrovna: Den hemliga läran.: Secret societies and subversive movements. Binding En booklet 8½x11 AcqYear 1995 2008 POS POS POS POS POS POS POS Thiede. Bailey. Helena Petrovna: Nyckel till teosofin. Eugene E. A USA Neville Spearman. Stockholm Teosofiska bokförlaget. Pas USA Svenska Teosofiska Bokförlaget Chaosium. Calif. Alice A. 7. Los Angeles. Calif Christian Book Club of America Pocket Books. Da USA POSI van Buren. Robert Anton: Prometheus rising. how and whither.: A treatise on cosmic fire. London Stelle Group. reli Blavatsky. Birgit: Jordiske flyvende tallerkener.: Man: whence. Annie: Vårt liv i tre världar. [Orig. Thomas.: Brotherhood of Mt. Stelle. Alice A. Stockholm Sw Sw Sw xerox copy in A4 binder 2006 hc sc hc hc sc sc sc sc sc 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2005 2002 Theosophical University Press. A master-key to the mysteries of ancient Blavatsky. C. Förkortad upplaga redigerad av Jo Blavatsky. Besant.: Telepati og det aeteriske legeme. C. NY Kangaroo/Pocket Books. Jan: Ufo-myter og teosofi. Institutt for arkeologi og religionsvite Sw USA No document in binder + digit 2007 Sida 325 of 392 den 31 december 2010 .Ufocod Author And Title POS Stelle Group (The): The Ultimate Frontier. Webster. Wilson. Besant. Alice A. Wilson. NY Abacus. A record of clai Besant. Helena Petrovna: Den hemliga läran. Repr. Helena Petrovna: The book of Dzyan. N. Man's life in three worlds. Sammanfattning av vetenskap. Stockholm Teosofiska bokförlaget. Suffolk UK Lucis Publishing Company. [Orig. Neil: The illuminoids. A master-key to the mysteries of ancient Blavatsky. veileder: Asbj The Theosophical Publishing Hous India The Theosophical Publishing Hous India Svenska teosofiska bokförlaget. Helena Petrovna: Den hemliga läran. Sto Sw Teosofiska bokförlaget. Masteroppgave i religionsvitenskap. Oakland. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2278 1 1 1975 1997 1970 1946 1924 1978 1977 1979 2000 1982 1973 1980 1972 1960 1961 1921 1966 1966 1966 1988 1988 1991 2000 2007 FUFOS.W. Index.: The consciousness of the atom. Helena Petrovna: Isis unveiled. Illinois Country USA Lang.: Thought-forms. 1025 3662 5224 1133 1149 A 1149 B 7027 4861 6079 7069 7706 5333 6406 7085 7090 7091 7092 7753 7754 4922 3027 6092 1 1 1 2 2 BM-01149 2 1 BM-07027 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 BM-06092 Da USA USA USA USA UK Da En En En En En En En En Da En En En Sw Sw Sw Sw En En Sw En No booklet hc sc pt pt + digital PDF file pt digital PDF file hc hc hc hc 1978 2002 2005 1980 1979 1983 2010 2004 2007 2009 2010 New Falcon Publications. Annie & Leadbeater. reli Blavatsky. printing. Helena Petrovna: Isis unveiled. Wilgus.] Blavatsky. Elizabeth: The secret of the Illuminati. Wilson. Tempe. Sudbury.W. Sammanfattning av vetenskap. Y. Stockholm The Theosophical Publishing Hous India The Theosophical Publishing Hous India Svenska teosofiska bokförlaget. ed. C. Gertrude Marvin: Madame Blavatsky: Priestess of the occult. Wachtmeister. 2. Norstedt & Söners förlag. BonnierFakta. Gordon: Från atom till kosmos. Göte: Psi-spåret. 9. Sinnett. I. Leadbeater. Binding Fr sc AcqYear 2008 2001 L'or du Temps.: Det inre livet.W. Stoc Sw The Theosophical Publishing Hous India Samuel Weiser. Hodson. A.W. [Orig. Andreas. in Williams. N. Howard: When daylight comes. Hillevi [pseud. NY Sw USA Svenska teosofiska sällskapet.N. Winner.f. Anna Kennedy: De grundläggande idéerna i ockult visdom. Stockh Sw Theosophical Publishing House. London Country Lang. Michel: O. En teosofisk studie över utvecklingen. W.: Teosofi. L. 2. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6458 1 1 1992 1988 1974 1906 1955 1978 1921 1923 1922 1916 1969 1975 1946 1913 1887 1969 1947 1946? 1970 1952 1980 1983 1994 1977 Pelham Books. P. [ Roos. Stockholm Sw P. Wheaton.V. [orig: Test your own supermind]. Leadbeater. Sto Sw Svenska teosofiska bokförlaget. à la lumière de la tradition. Donald (ZOLAR): The lure of the heavens. Stoc Sw Looströms & Komp's förlag. Stockholm Lancer. Papon. The basi Wood. P. Andersson.: The occult world. Utökad med ett kapitel av Annie Leadbeater. C. II. En kort översikt. (Formerly Adams. Leadbeater. A history of astrology. Ervast. Leadbeater. Möte med det kosm Murphet.I.: Livet efter döden.W. Malmö Sw Teosophical Publ House. USA Teosofiska bokförlaget. Geoffrey: The Kingdom of the Gods. [orig. uppl. Saint Martin Le Vino Fr POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POT POZ PP PP PP Dutta. W. Ernest: The seven rays. Parapsykologin . Sto Sw Svenska teosofiska bokförlaget. A theosophical handbook. En studie av ett grundläggande psi-fenomen. Nyköping Bernces. C. A biography of Helena Petrovna Blavatsk Plummer.. 4. Malmö USA Sw Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 . C. Y. A. Lindahl. Stockholm NTB. Lo UK Nordisk Rotogravyr.: Clairvoyance. Sto Sw Svenska teosofiska bokförlaget. Anna Maria: Teosofi och teosofer. Rex: Reality of occult / yoga / meditation / flying saucers. omarb. C.: En sierskas öden eller märkliga tilldragelser.Ufocod Author And Title POT Coquet. Gertrud Bengtsson]: Det gröna 3938 6513 5049 7341 7342 7343 6667 6668 1637 3447 6750 6764 3605 7559 4858 3707 7663 6871 7460 4881 2979 40 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 USA Sw En Sw En En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw Sw Sw En Sw En Sw En En Sw Sw Sw hc sc hc hc sc hc sc sc sc sc hc sc sc hc hc pt hc sc sc sc hc hc 2003 2008 2005 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 1990 2002 2008 2008 2002 2009 2004 2002 2009 2008 2009 2005 2002 1980 Sida 326 of 392 Teosofiska bokförlaget. rev. David: Träna ditt sjätte sinne. Caspar: Den fantastiska vetenskapen. A. Constance: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky och hemliga läran. ed. Sto Sw Freijs förlag.: Det inre livet. Peter & Kilian. Madame Blavatskys lif. Sinnett. uppl.. Pekka: Kortfattad teosofisk uppslagsbok. Höganäs sc [Incomplete pages 199-2009 hc sc (1) hc (1) pt hc sc sc hc hc hc hc pt hc stapled A4 booklet sc pt 2009 1992 1992 2004 2009 2009 2010 1987 1989 1986 2002 2005 1983 2009 2002 2005 Sida 327 of 392 Wahlström & Widstrand. Västerås Stockholms Universitet. [Andra omarbetade och utvidgade upplaga Björkhem. John: Det ockulta problemet. (Följer 4. Björkhem. utvidg. Björkhem. John: Det ockulta problemet. John: Det ockulta problemet. Viktor: Chudesa i chudodei. Paul John: Oförklarliga upplevelser. Brookesmith. Yvonne: Parapsykologi.H. förkortade uppl. John: Det ockulta problemet. London Natur och kultur.) Björkhem. Från ESP till medial begåvning. (3. Bragina. London Aquarian Press. Cyril: Psychology and psychical research. Mary Rose. John: Det okkulte problem. Moscow Bokorama. Bowles. Stockholm Lindblads. Bender. John: Människan och makterna. Hynds. Stockholm Sw ICA Bokförlag. John: The importance of psychical research. The 17th Frederic W. (Wonders and wonderBrookesmith. Om idéer som banat nya vägar. John: Det ockulta problemet.] 7075 7076 7078 3024 1844 A 1844 C 1844 E 1844 B 1844 D 4479 7086 7118 7771 1424 1548 1348 3051 4934 159 7130 3066 4941 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 UK Sw Ge Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw No Sw USA Ru Sw Sw Sw En Sw Ge Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw No Sw En Ru Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En Sw booklet sc sc hc (1) sc (1) sc 2009 2009 2009 2002 1992 Lars Hökerbergs förlag.Ufocod Author And Title PP Barrington. Göran: En ny världsbild växer fram. München Country USA Lang. Uppl. Bevis för att psi-fenomen existerar. San Francisco. H. Stevenson. Fran & Maxwell. Peter [red]: Att tänka det otänkbara. Fjärde (förkortade) upplagan. Nataliya & Vinokurov. Björkhem. Uppsala Forlaget Land og Kirke. [Orig. Binding En sc AcqYear 2010 1991 McFarland & Company.. Oslo Verbum Harper & Row. Myers Me Carrington. klärvoajans. Peter [red]: Mot allt förnuft.: Spiritismen och de nyaste psykiska fenomenen. Norma. Stockholm W. PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP Beloff. and how to develop them. Ca Olimp. Zofia: A world in a grain of sand: Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7711 1 2 2005 1980 1988 1976 1989 1922 1939 1954 1978 1951 1971 1953 1966 1978 1998 1987 1988 1986 1982 1999 1980 1968 1976 2002 SPR. Höganäs Bokorama. Martin & Richter. Socialhögs SPR. Ludwig. Höganäs Bokorama. [orig: La Parapsychologie. Brookesmith.en grundläggande. Bensdorf. livsviktig dagligen använd egenskap ho Burt. Wellingborough Alhambras Pocketencyclopedi Sw Sw UK UK Sw den 31 december 2010 . Peter [red]: Andens underverk. Om parapsykologi och biomagnetis Brusewitz. Prüfen Sie Ihre übersinn Björke. Hans: Telepati. Ian & Weaver. Aktuellt om parapsykologi. Björkhem. Joan: Psi search. Uppsala Lindblads förlag. Jefferson. En bok om parapsykologi och psykolog Brusewitz.) Björkhem. Göran: PSI . Brudal. Katharina: Das PSI-Test Buch. Uppsala Lindblads. psykokinesi. Hereward: Your psychic powers. Catellan. Uppsala Zindermans Lindblads. Hans J. Obrad: Vid gränsen till det okända.W.: The serial universe. Binding En hc AcqYear 2004 2004 Parapsychology Foundation.: How to go to a medium: a manual of instruction. London BonnierFakta. [New ed. Nicholas: Books on the paranormal: an introductory guide. Elis: Okänd värld. Arthur: The reality of the paranormal.): Psychic discoveries by the Russians. Stockholm UK UK Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 . Jan: Finns det ett livsmedvetande hos allt levande? [Aktuell forskning o 7150 7844 3100 3106 7177 7879 4967 264 3112 7885 A 7885 B 3114 7886 7887 3117 3118 7913 3125 312 7201 4984 6522 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 UK USA No USA Belge En En No En Fr En Sw En En En En Sw En En En En En Sw En En Sw Sw booklet sc hc sc sc hc sc booklet 8½x11 sc hc sc sc hc hc pt pt hc sc sc hc hc booklet A5 2009 2010 2002 2002 2009 2010 2005 1979 2002 2010 2010 2002 2010 2010 2002 2002 2010 2002 1983 2009 2005 2008 Sida 328 of 392 Kegan Paul. 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The amazing new way to psychic and occult won Dunne. Florida A Thomas.W. Christine: Manuel expérimental de parapsychologie. Eysenck. Denning. [Third edition]. Montague (editors): Psi and altered states of consciou Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4499 1 1 1968 1968 198? 2002 1987 1981 1978 1927 1980 1966 1977 1939 1958 1946 1938 1934 1971 1970 1988 1959 1982 1982 1982 1978 SPR. J. NY Harrap.: Telecult power. Göteborg the author. Trench. Mysteries of the par Eysenck. & Sargent. Tournai Country Lang. & Sargent.: An experiment with time. Roberto & Ullman. Hans J. Doncic. Martin (ed.. Dubin. Erik: Bak tid og rom. [orig: An experiment with time]. Osborne: The development of psychic powers. Elmgren. UK Zindermans. Evans. W. Från verklighetens gränsland. Dingwall. J. Ellison. Hilary: Intrusions. London Signet. Dunne. Paul. J. Dunne. Storie dell'impossibile. An inquiry into extra-sensory perc Heywood. Douglas & Williams. Rosalind: Beyond the reach of sense. 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Douglas & Williams. sensory and extra-senso Helle. & Podmore. 3144 4997 1732 1733 4017 7229 A 7229 B 7983 1369 440 A 440 B 5028 1898 455 8023 3222 3232 5045 8039 3235 B 3235 A 8587 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 UK UK UK USA It USA UK UK Sw UK UK Sp UK UK UK Sw Sw USA Sw USA UK UK En En En En It En En En Sw En En Sp En En En Sw Sw En Sw En En En hc (1) sc (1) booklet pt pt sc sc pt hc hc hc pt pt hc hc hc hc hc sc sc pt hc pt 2002 2005 1991 1991 2003 2009 2009 2010 1986 1991 1983 2005 1992 1983 2010 2002 2002 2005 2010 2002 2004 2010 The Institute for Cultural Research. London Berkley. NY Rusconi. Y. Renée: The seeing eye. Graves. Camille: Det okända och lifvets psykiska gåtor. Hall. Gooch. Frank: Phantoms of the living.: The airmen who would not die. Hans: Naturligt och övernaturligt. Henry & Dick. N. Corgi. Pedro: Ecos del mas alla.Dutton. Elizabeth: My search for the ghost of flight 401. Charles: The legend of Linda Martel. London den 31 december 2010 Sida 329 of 392 . 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Binding Da booklet AcqYear 2002 2002 PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP Holmberg. Rolv V. the mystic. Y. Vintila: Encuesta detras de lo visible. Jacobson. Stuart: Alien intelligence.. Werner: Mirakel eller virkelighet? [Om troen på det overnaturlige. and the physicist. 3. PSI and spiritual evolution. Christopher: UFOs. In Experimenten das eigen Leshan. Oslo W. Ludwig Verlag. Y. Peter Hein: En psykisk detektiv. Johnson. Försök till forskning i upplevandets och kunskapen Johnson. London Plaza & Janes. Holroyd. Sigma forlag A/S. Holroyd. Bergen Zindermans Zindermans Zindermans Zindermans.. Arthur: The roots of coincidence.] [orig: Was Koestler. & Ydstebö. David & Charles. Minnen och intryck av parapsykologi. Göteborg Hodder and Stoughton. 2. Nils-Olof: Liv efter döden? Om parapsykologin. Arthur: Slumpens rötter. Jacobson. Göteborg USA No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw UK No Sw UK No Ge USA UK UK Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 330 of 392 . Hjallerup Country Da Lang. 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Tony: TV-kontakt med andra sidan.Ufocod Author And Title PPP Winer.och mikrofonkontakt med de döda. Calif US USA den 31 december 2010 . A new breakthrough in life after death Gordon. London Andronicus Foundation. Lizz: Fönster mot spegelvärlden. 2. Holzer. The amazing experiment in electronic commun Smith. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 3718 1 1 1981 1979 1968 1967 1931 1969 1988 1985 1983 1968 1969 1964 1998 1971 1977 1972 1992 1992 1968 1991 1991 1967 1967 1959 Pocket Books. N. NY Bantam. Friedrich: Rösterna från rymden. Werneroth. Binding En pt AcqYear 2002 2002 PPT PPT PPT PPT PPT PPV PPV PPV PPV PPV PPV PPV PPV PPV PPV PPV PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY Eisenbud. Susy: Voices of the dead? Thorlin. Jürgenson. Karl: Siare i norr. Jürgenson. Athelon Bokförlag: Nostradamus profetior. Uppsala Saxon & Lindströms Shekinah media.: The ghost of 29 megacycles. Ufocod Author And Title PPY Barton, Michael X.: D-day seers speak. 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[Initiation and rebirth of the great, Cohn, Norman: Cosmos, chaos and the world to come: the ancient roots of apocaly Cristoff, Boris: La grande catastrophe de 1983. La Terre va-t-elle vers sa fin? [Orig. Drosnin, Michael: Bibelkoden. [Orig. The Bible code]. Drosnin, Michael: Bibelkoden. [Orig. The Bible code]. Drosnin, Michael: Bibelkoden. Nedräkningen, [orig: Bible code II: the countdown]. Drosnin, Michael: The Bible code. Dyrendal, Asbjörn & Pettersen, Arnfinn (red.): Dommedag! Verdens undergang för Ebon, Martin (ed.): True experiences in prophesy. Flammarion, Camille: Spådomme om verdens undergang. Garrett, Eileen J.: The sense and nonsense of prophecy. Gustafsson, Gustaf: Visioner och profetior. Haberman, Frederick: Armageddon has come. The climax of the ages is near. Hall, Angus & King, Francis: Mysteries of prediction. [New, enlarged ed.] [Great my Hall, Angus & King, Francis: Zukunftsvisionen. [Grosse Mysterien]. [orig: Mysteries 1234 3787 5327 1168 B 1168 A 5329 1239 6444 7823 7853 4970 B 4970 A 4971 7183 6496 7191 4990 5509 6567 6570 7251 8003 3 1 1 2 2 USA USA De UK UK Fi USA USA USA Fr Sw Sw Sw USA No En En De En En Fi En En En Fr Sw Sw Sw En No En Da En Sw En En Ge sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc pt hc hc sc 8½x11 sc hc hc hc hc hc hc sc pt booklet pt sc sc hc coffee table hc coffee table 1985 2003 2006 1984 1984 2006 1985 2009 2010 2010 2005 2009 2005 2009 2008 2009 2005 2006 2008 2008 2009 2010 1 Translations 1982 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1966 1982 1993 1980 1999 1998 2003 1997 2008 1967 1973 196? 1980 1940 1978 1978 Yale University press, New Haven France Loisirs, Paris Bokförlaget DN, Stockholm Bokförlaget DN, Stockholm Bonnier Fakta, Stockholm Simon & Schuster, N. Y. Humanist forlag, Oslo Signet / New American Library, N. Y USA Nihil Press. København Berkley Medallion, NY Gustaf Gustafsson, Härnösand Da USA Sw The Kingdom Press, St. Petersburg, USA Aldus Books, London Lekturama, Glarus UK Ge den 31 december 2010 Sida 339 of 392 Ufocod Author And Title PPY Hearne, Keith: Visions of the future: an investigation of premonitions. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 8026 1 1 1989 1959 1995 1972 1985 1979 1974 1954 1979 1983 1979 1986 2002 1974 1992 1966 1940 1973 1982 1974 1979 1963 1978 1976 Country Lang. Binding En sc AcqYear 2010 2009 Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, N UK PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY PPY Jullien, Philippe: Le sphinx va parler … Le Graal-Cristal retrouvé. La mutation de l'a Kassinen, Aino: Sierskan. [orig: Aino Kassinen kertoo]. Lindbohm, Dénis: Siaren som sover. Loy, Will: Will Loy's psychic prophecies. Mackenzie, Andrew: Riddle of the future: a modern study of precognition. Marshall, James & Margaret: World of tomorrow. Prophetic voice from the vast! Flyi Metascience Corporation: Collapse & comeback. [Information relating to the catacly Moore, Patrick: Domedagsboken eller hur nära är slutet? [orig; Countdown! Or How Ohlmarks, Åke (red.): Nostradamus profetior. Quatrainer i urval om världens öden 1 Petersen, H.C.: På taerskelen til altet. Premier, Gérard: La fin des temps … Messages du Sacré-Coeur et de la très Saint Prieditis, Arthur: The fate of the nations. Great events of the near future as predicte Reader's Digest: Charting the future. [Quest for the unknown]. Royse, Clifford M ["Mr Psychic"}: 1967 World predictions. Salamar, [pseud.]: Nostradamus profetior med originaltexter i urval, för första gång Steiger, Brad [Eugene E.Olson]: Revelation. The Divine fire. An investigation of me Svendsen, Peter Juhl: Nostradamus - fremtidens profet. Tomas, Andrew: Beyond the time barrier. [orig: ???]. Tracey, Kim & Martin, Hazel: Secrets of the runes. [ A unique guide to prediction!]. Vallberg, V.: Syner - uppenbarelser - förutsägelser - profetior. Verner, Yul: Signs of the New Age. Zarkon [Kenneth Raynor Johnson]: The Zarkon principle. 7304 3285 3331 6683 8166 2013 6697 2437 6739 1396 7490 7491 5854 1295 6771 1661 1010 1034 6834 6016 1980 1156 B 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 Éditions de Haute-Provence, Malle Larson, Stockholm Psi-cirkeln, Malmö Fr Sw Sw Fr Sw Sw En En En En Sw Sw Da Fr En En En Sw En Da En En Sw En En sc sc sc ringbound dupl. A4 hc booklet booklet hc hc (1) sc (1) sc sc sc hc large format booklet 8½x11 sc hc sc small format pt (two different covers) pt sc sc pt 2009 1998 1998 2009 2010 1993 2009 1997 2008 1986 2009 2009 2006 1985 2008 1990 1983 1979 2008 2006 1992 1983 Sida 340 of 392 Buchette Brothers, Spring Valley, C US Arthur Barker, London the author, Chico, Calif UK USA Metascience Corporation, Franklin, USA BonnierFakta, Stockholm Sw Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm Sw the author Éditions des Écrivains, Paris Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Mi Reader's Digest, Pleasantville, NY Futura Press, Los Angeles, Calif Tryckeri Effektiv, Stockholm Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ Sphinx, Copenhagen Sphere, London Sphere Books, London Litteraturförlaget Da Fr USA USA USA Sw USA Da UK GB Sw New Age Thought and Res Centre, Australi Signet, NY USA den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title PPY Zarkon [Kenneth Raynor Johnson]: The Zarkon principle. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1156 A 3 1 1975 1981 1956 1991 1987 1994 1995 1997 1942 1949 2008 1997 1980 Författarens förlag, Härnösand BCA, London Guild Publishing, London Foulsham, Slough, Berkshire Kommentus Förlag, Stockholm Thorsons, London Natur och Kultur, Stockholm Nostradamus Inc, New York Carlsson Bokförlag, Stockholm Everest Books, London Country UK Lang. Binding En pt AcqYear 1978 2009 PPYN Gustafsson, Gustaf: Europas framtid enligt Nostradamus. PPYN Hewitt, V. J. & Lorie, Peter: Nostradamus. The end of the millennium. Prophecies 1 PPYN Hogue, John: Nostradamus & the new millenium. Predictions of the future. PPYN Kidogo, Bardo: The keys to the predictions of Nostradamus. PPYN Lemesurier, Peter: Nostradamus. De närmaste 50 åren. [orig: Nostradamus. The n PPYN Lemesurier, Peter: The Nostradamus encyclopedia. The definitive reference guide t PPYN McCann, Lee: Nostradamus. Mannen som såg in i framtiden. [orig: Nostradamus, t PPYN Roberts, Henry C.: The complete prophecies of Nostradamus. PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR Almqvist, Solveig: Efter livet levande. Oförklarliga upplevelser. Andrews, Ted: Konsten att utforska sina tidigare liv. [orig: How to uncover your past Bennett, Colin: Time travel. How to reach back to past lives by occult means. Bernstein, Morey: Protokoll einer Wiedergeburt. (Orig.: The search for Bridey Murp Bernstein, Morey: Sökande i det fördolda. Det märkliga fallet Bridey Murphy. [orig: Bernstein, Morey: The search for Bridey Murphy. Broad, C.D.: Personal identity and survival. The 13th Frederic W.H. Myers Memoria Brookesmith, Peter [red]: Att överleva döden. Teorier om ett liv efter detta. Browne, Sylvia: Livet på andra sidan. Ett mediums guide till vår värld och nästa. [ori Cannon, Dolores: Keepers of the garden. Cannon, Dolores: Keepers of the garden. Cannon, Dolores: Legacy from the stars. Personal testimonies of humanity's extrat Cannon, Dolores: The legend of starcrash. Cerminara, Gina: The world within. 7994 6593 8045 8091 8133 8134 8198 8374 6374 4888 3011 7736 3813 3020 7124 1483 4931 3846 A 3846 B 5372 3847 191 A 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sw UK UK UK Sw UK Sw USA Sw Sw UK Switzerl Sw USA UK Sw Sw Sw En En En Sw En Sw En Sw Sw En Ge Sw En En Sw Sw En En En En En sc hc hc sc hc sc hc hc hc sc pt hc sc pt booklet hc sc sc sc sc sc hc 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2008 2005 2002 2010 2003 2002 2009 1988 2005 2003 2010 2006 2003 1983 Sida 341 of 392 Planetstadens Böcker AB, Malmö Aquarian Press, Wellingborough Scherz, Bern Saxon & Lindströms, Stockholm Pocket Books, NY SPR, London Bokorama, Höganäs Richters, Malmö 1 Translations 1973 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1956 1956 1958 1988 2003 1993 1995 1998 1994 1957 Ozark Mountain Publ, Huntsville, Ar USA Gateway Books, Bath Gateway Books, Bath UK UK Ozark Mountain Publ, Huntsville, Ar USA William Sloane, NY USA den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title PR Cerminara: Gina: The world within. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 191 B 1 1 1973 19?? 1997 1995 1984 1978 1993 1971? 19?? 1992 1979 1978 1961 1973 1975 1975 1997 1975 1976 2003 1983 1967 1979 1977 Forum, Stockholm Forum, Stockholm Julian Press, New York C.Bertelsmann Verlag, München C. W. Daniel Company, London Country UK Lang. Binding En hc AcqYear 2009 2010 PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR Cockell, Jenny: Mina tidigare liv - och mina kommande … [Orig.: Past lives, future Cockell, Jenny: Sökandet efter mina barn från ett tidigare liv. En sann berättelse. [o Cranston, Sylvia & Williams, Carey: Reincarnation: a new horizon in science, religio Currie, Ian: Niemand stirbt für alle Zeit. Berichte aus dem Reich jenseits des Todes Currie, Ian: You cannot die. The incredible findings of a century of research on deat Desmond, Shaw: Reinkarnation - tillvarons nyckel. [Orig. Reincarnation for everym Doreal, Morris: Reincarnation. Life after death. [Little Temple Library, Number 10]. Eklund, Karin: Döden finns inte. Telepatiska och andliga upplevelser. Evans-Wentz, W. Y. (red.): Den tibetanska dödsboken eller Upplevelserna efter dö Fiore, Edith: You have been here before. A psychologist looks at past lives. Fogedgaard, Helmer: Tilvaerelsens mysterium. Livets og dödens gåder i åndsviden Fogedgaard, Helmer: Tilvaerelsens mysterium. Livets og dödens gåder i åndsviden Grant, Joan & Kelsey, Denys: Alla mina liv. Om reinkarnation och psykoterapi. [Ori Grant, Joan & Kelsey, Denys: Wiedergeburt und Heilung. [Orig.: Many lifetimes]. Grip, Göran och Broman, Lena-Marie: Dem jag älskade. Guirdham, Arthur: De återfödda. Ett fall av gruppreinkarnation. [Orig. The cathars a Guirdham, Arthur: Röster ur det förflutna: en berättelse om gruppreinkarnation. [Ori Hahn, Marie-Louise & Robert: Klara svar från andevärlden. Ett dokument över andli Harrison, Peter and Harrson, Mary: Life before birth. Head, Joseph & Cranston, S.L. (compiler, editor): Reincarnation in world thought: a Head, Joseph & Cranston, S.L. (compiler, editor): Reincarnation. The Phoenix fire Head, Joseph & Cranston, S.L. (compiler, editor): Reincarnation: The Phoenix fire 7821 8568 7849 8576 7857 7174 4572 4982 6515 1728 6525 A 6525 B 7235 8584 7987 6563 7993 5031 8017 8024 6583 B 6583 A 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sw Sw USA Ge Sw Sw En Ge hc hc hc hc sc sc booklet sc hc pt sc sc hc hc hc sc sc hc sc hc sc hc 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2004 2005 2008 1991 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2008 2010 2005 2010 2010 2009 2008 Sida 342 of 392 Somerville House Publishing, Toron Canada En Bokförlaget Excelsior, Stockholm Sw Sw En Sw Sw En Da Da Sw Ge Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En En Brotherhood of the White Temple, S USA Förlaget Mot Ljuset, Sundsvall Berghs förlag, Malmö Ballantine, NY Strubes forlag, Köbenhavn Petit forlaget Berghs förlag, Stockholm Edition Sven Erik Bergh Forum, Stockholm Lindqvist förlag Lindqvist förlag Energica, Orsa FuturaPublications, London Julian Press, New York Warner Books, N. Y. Julian Press/Crown Publishers, Ne Sw Sw USA Da Da Sw Ge Sw Sw Sw Sw UK USA USA US den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title PR Heim, Burkhard: Postmortale Zustände? Die televariante Area integraler Welstruktu Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 8028 1 2 1980 1979 1975 1969 1967 1992 1991 1983 1971 1989 1992 1989 1996 1982 1994 1982 1990 1966 1995 1979 2008 1987 1971 1971 Askild & Kärnekull, Stockholm Sökarens förlag, Stockholm Warner Books, N. Y. MånPocket, Stockholm Forum, Stockholm Psi-cirkeln, Malmö Sökarens förlag, Stockholm Hilt & Hansteen, Oslo Trevi, Stockholm Trevi, Stockholm MånPocket, Stockholm Trevi, Stockholm Larsons förlag, Täby Ernst G. Mortensen, Oslo Natur och Kultur, Stockholm SPR, London Wahlströms Stockholm Ace Books, New York Ica bokförlag, Kurér forlag, Nesoddhögda Resch Verlag, Innsbruck Country Austria Lang. Binding Ge sc AcqYear 2010 2008 PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR Kampman, Reima: Du är inte ensam. En undersökning av människans sidopersone Lange, Birgit: Jordskred? Langley, Noel: Edgar Cayce on reincarnation. Lidfors, Lennart: Gåvan från stjärnorna. Lidfors, Lennart: Gåvan från stjärnorna. Lindbohm, Dénis: Gaias gudbarn. Blott burfåglar längtar fria flyger. Lindbohm, Dénis: Jagets eld. Lockert, Jan: Den uendelige reisen innover. Luukanen, Rauni-Leena: Det finns ingen död. [orig: Kuolemaa ei ole] Luukanen, Rauni-Leena: Det finns ingen död. [orig: Kuolemaa ei ole] Luukanen, Rauni-Leena: Det finns ingen död. [orig: Kuolemaa ei ole] Luukanen, Rauni-Leena: Det finns ingen död. [orig: Kuolemaa ei ole] Lönnerstrand, Sture: Shanti Devi - en berättelse om reinkarnation. Macready, Robert: Reinkarnasjon: Jeg har levd før! [orig: The reincarnation of Rob Moody, Raymond A.: Tidigare-livupplevelser. En forskningsodyssé kring meningen Moore, E. Garth: Survival, a reconsideration. The 16th Frederic W.H. Myers Memor Neiman, Carol & Goldman, Emily: Efter livet? Tro och vetande om livet och döden. Netherton, Morris & Shiffrin, Nancy: Part lives therapy. Newton, Michael: Själarnas resa. Fallstudier om livet mellan liven. [Orig. Journey of Nielsen, Jan Ö: Farvel död. Oljelund, Thea [red.]: Född flera gånger. Det övernaturliga 2. [Året runts bästa]. Oljelund, Thea [red.]: Kontakt med andra sidan. Det övernaturliga 3. [Året runts bäs 2245 3315 7336 1770 B 1770 A 2530 3330 4140 1772 C 1772 B 1772 D 1772 A 7363 5687 2131 7418 5139 8597 7434 4226 6741 6742 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 Sw Sw USA Sw Sw Sw Sw No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw No Sw UK Sw USA Sw No Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw No Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw No Sw En Sw En Sw No Sw Sw hc sc pt pt hc sc sc hc hc (2) sc (1) pt pt sc hc sc hc booklet hc pt hc hc sc sc 1995 2002 2009 1992 1991 1998 2002 2003 1991 1998 2005 1991 2009 2006 1994 2009 2005 2010 2009 2003 2008 2008 Sida 343 of 392 Åhlén & Åkerlunds förlag, Stockhol Åhlén & Åkerlunds förlag, Stockhol den 31 december 2010 Ufocod Author And Title PR Querido, René: Reinkarnation och karma. Frågor och svar. [orig: Questions and an Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5164 1 1 1994 1979 1992 1979 1995 1979 2002 1964 1974 1967 1981 1975 1966 1997 1985 1979 1975 1976 2003 2001 1997 1996 1997 1998 Nova förlag, Lund Country Sw Lang. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 2005 2010 PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR Reader's Digest: Life beyond death. [Quest for the unknown]. Ritchie, George C. & Sherrill, Elizabeth: Från andra sidan. [orig: Return from tomorr Roll, Michael: The scientific proof of survival after death. Shelley, Violet M.: Reincarnation unnecessary. Based on the Edgar Cayce Reading Shine, Betty: Det oändliga sinnet. Fenomenet sinne / hjärna. [orig: The infinite mind Sjöquist, Eric: Livet efter detta. En intervjuserie. Stearn, Jess: The search for a soul. Taylor Caldwell's psychic lives. Steiger, Brad [Eugene E.Olson]: The enigma of reincarnation. [We have lived befor Steiger, Francie & Steiger, Brad [Eugene E. Olsen]: Discover your own past lives. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the reincarnation type. Vol. 1: Ten cases in India. Stevenson, Ian: Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation. ( Proceedings of The A Stevenson, Ian: Where reincarnation and biology intersect. Tessman, Diane & Beckley, Timothy Green: Your passport to heaven. Guaranteed Wambach, Helen: Life before life. Watson, Lyall: På liv och död. [Orig. The Romeo error. A matter of life and death]. Watson, Lyall: The Romeo error. A matter of life and death. Webster, Richard: Lär dig minnas dina tidigare liv. Tolv utprovade metoder. [orig: Pr Weiss, Brian L.: Budskap från mästarna. Finn kärlekens kraft i ditt liv. [orig: Messag Weiss, Brian L.: Kärlek liv efter liv. [orig: Only love is real: a story of soulmates reun Weiss, Brian L.: Många liv, många mästare. [Orig.: Many lives, many masters.] Weiss, Brian L.: Många liv, många mästare. [orig: Many lives, many masters]. Weiss, Brian L.: Tidigare livs läkande kraft. [orig: Through time into healing]. 5855 5174 7518 7543 4829 8609 7577 6806 7581 8442 7583 8443 2939 6021 6852 1225 5225 3694 5226 5227 A 5227 B 5228 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Reader's Digest, Pleasantville, NY Harriers, Vällingby the author, Bristol A. R. E. Press, Virginia Beach, Va Richters, Malmö Gummessons, Falköping USA Sw UK USA Sw Sw En Sw En En Sw Sw En En En En En En En En Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw hc large format hc booklet A5 sc sc sc pt pt pt hc hc hc (2 pictures defect) booklet 8½x11 pt hc pt hc hc hc hc hc hc 2006 2005 2009 2009 2005 2010 2009 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 2001 2006 2008 1984 2005 2002 2005 2010 2005 2005 Fawcett Publications, Greenwich, C USA Ace books, N. Y. Dell Publishing, N. Y. US USA University Press of Virginia, Charlott USA American Society for Psychical Res USA Praeger, Westport, CT Inner Light, New Brunswick, NJ Bantam, NY Norstedt, Stockholm Coronet, London Richters, Malmö Forum, Stockholm Bonnierförlagen, Stockholm Forum, Stockholm Bonnierförlagen, Stockholm Forum, Stockholm USA USA USA Sw UK Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 344 of 392 Ufocod Author And Title PR Wennergren, Kristina: Inre resor, här och nu - där och då. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2196 1 1 1989 1996 2008 1984 1980 2004 1977 1947 1961 1948 1974 1965 1931 1930 2005 2008 1977 2004 1972 1963 1978 1953 1971 1967 Regnbågsterapier, Göteborg Country Sw Lang. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 1998 2005 PR PR PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Von Ward, Paul: The soul genome: science and reincarnation. Wretman, Johan: Kommer vi tillbaka? Om reinkarnation i terapeutisk behandling. Agerskov, Michael: Nogle psykiske oplevelser og deres resultater. 4. oplag. B. M.: Au royaume des âmes, une réalité invisible. Belline: El tercer oido. [orig: La troisieme oreille]. Bjerre, Poul: "Spökerier". Blunsdon, Norman: A popular dictionary of spiritualism. Burton, Jean: Heyday of a wizard: Daniel Home the medium. Cooke, Ivan: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle kommer tillbaka. [Orig. The return of Arthur Co Crookall, Robert: Intimations of immortality. "Seeing" that led to "believing". de Vesme, Caesar: A history of experimental spiritualism. Vol. I. Primitive man. [La Doyle, Arthur Conan: På tröskeln till det okända. Eason, Cassandra: Stora boken om hur man får kontakt med andevärlden. [Orig.: T Eason, Cassandra: Stora boken om tidigare liv. Ebon, Martin: The evidence for life after death. Eide, Rita: Dianas bok - gaven fra himmelen. Oversatt av Rita Eide. [Orig.: The cel Ford, Arthur & Ellison, Jerome: The life beyond death. Fridegård, Jan: Den gåtfulla vägen. Fridegård, Jan: Den gåtfulla vägen. 3. uppl. Fridegård, Jan: Torntuppen. 4. uppl. Gilmark, Astrid: Jag hör. Gilmark, Astrid: Jag ser. 8551 8555 7049 7066 4903 3023 1846 7792 7156 7163 4542 7182 8580 8581 7192 6508 7207 4998 A 4998 B 7212 5007 6539 A 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 Fenestra Books, Tucson, Arizona Zindermans USA Sw En Sw Da Fr Sp Sw En En Sw En En Sw Sw Sw En No En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw sc hc sc sc pt sc hc hc sc hc hc sc sc sc pt sc pt hc hc sc hc sc 2010 2010 2009 2009 2005 2002 1992 2010 2009 2009 2004 2009 2010 2010 2009 2008 2009 2005 2009 2009 2005 2010 Sida 345 of 392 Vandrer mod lysets forlag, Köbenha Da Éditions Société des Écrivains Plaza & Janes, Barcelona Centrum, Stockholm Arco, London George G. Harrap & Co., London Larson, Stockholm James Clarke & Co, London Rider & Co, London Wahledows Bokförlag, Stockholm Bokförlaget New Page, Nykil Bokförlaget New Page, Rejmyre Signet Book, N. Y. Indre ledelse forlag, Tjörne Berkley Medallion Books, N. Y. Zindermans, Göteborg Zindermans Fr Sp Sw UK UK Sw UK UK Sw Sw Sw USA No USA Sw Sw Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm Sw Larson, Stockholm Nybloms, Uppsala Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 Västerås H-tryck. Paul: Avskedsvisioner.] Ranehag. Boston Bokförlaget Excelsior.transmedium. Stockholm Natur och kultur. Uppsala Country Sw Lang.): Andevärlden och odödlighet. W. Stockholm Colby & Rich.Ufocod Author And Title PS Gilmark. Lino: Livet efter döden existerar. [Orig. Harrison. Alex: The darkened room: women. Astrid: Jag ser. Agnes Röklander . Astrid: Jag vet.: På gränsen mellan två världar. Jeffrey: In search of the dead. Berättelsen Sardos Albertini. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6539 B 1 2 1969 1965 1969 1971 1989 1943 1978 1992 1948 1894 1948 1994 1994 1997 1972 1988 1989 1980 1977 2006 1984 1990 1935 2004 Nybloms. Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail]: Experimental spiritism. Schwartz.: Kontakt med andra sidan? Banbrytande vet 6540 B 5008 8016 6588 7283 8065 7301 6643 7346 5127 B 5127 A 8225 8235 8264 8268 7486 7487 8605 8387 6776 4346 7535 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Sw Sw Sw Sw En Sw En En Sw En Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En Fr Fr Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw sc sc sc sc pt hc sc dupl. Stockholm Nybloms.: Återföreningar. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 2008 2009 PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Gilmark. Uppsala Larson. Moody. 2. & Simon. Hellerås.: The flying cow. Wellingborough. [Orig. A5 sc pt hc hc sc sc sc pt pt sc sc hc sc hc 2008 2005 2010 2008 2009 2010 2009 2008 2009 2005 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2010 2010 2008 2003 2009 Sida 346 of 392 Sinclair Publishing. H. Peter & Harrison. Astrid: Seanser. Visioner av möten med döda anhöriga. Albert: Boken om Agnes. Robert James: Bortom töcknen. Guy Lyon: Le pouvoir de l'invisible. Gary E. Bevismaterial kring ett liv efter dett Kardec. uppl. George Lindsay: Det stora problemet. A. Paris Éditions J'ai lu. Ett ovanligt och noggrant dokum Schiller. f. Röklander. Stockholm MånPocket. William L. Harald: Fallet Folkesson. Johnson. London Éditions J'ai lu. Stockholm Veje international. Through the mists]. Hans: Elvis Presley speaks. Melvin & Perry. Örebro UK Fr Fr Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw den 31 december 2010 . 6. Janet: The other world: spiritualism and psychical research in England Owen. Raymond A. Allan [pseud. En objektiv redogörelse.: Parting visions: uses and me Mulder-Schalekamp. Guy Lyon: La vie sans frontières. UK Tidens lösens förlag. Gilmark. [Orig. [Orig. [orig: Moody.: Morse. Det underbara livet e Oppenheim. (m. Stockholm Nybloms. Lena: Levande bilder från andevärlden.: Återföreningar: visioner av möten med döda anhöriga.: The indefinite boundary. and spiritualism in late nineteenth Playfair. Stockholm Natur och kultur. London Bokförlaget Excelsior. Hälsingborg New English Library. fl. power. [Orig. uppl. O. Bo Lees. Iverson. Paris ICA Bokförlag. Mary: Mystic forces. Uppsala Sw UK UK Sw US Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Cambridge University Press. Markaryd Zindermans Åhlén & Åkerlund. Cambr UK Virago Press.] Playfair. En undersökning grundad på b Holzer. T. London BCA. Raymond A. Stockholm Natur och Kultur.what happens af Woelfl.. Paul: Companions of the unseen. Gustaf: Efter döden. Med 3 planscher och 5 textbilder. Magnus & Ekman. Inge: Swedenborgs skapelsedrama De Cultu et Amore Dei. Skola vänner mötas. Binding Sw booklet AcqYear 2009 2008 PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS PSS Society for Psychical Research (SPR): Hints on sitting with mediums. Ett bidrag till svenska allmänhetens kunskap Spalding. Äppelvi Norstedts. Martin: Swedenborg. Stockholm Homo Maximus. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7557 1 1 1946 1937 1965 1941 1957 1968 1974 1976 1966 1942 1988 1999 2005 1976 1961 1924 1996 1987 1922 1933 1967 1973 1919 1918 SPR. London Engströms förlag. Stockholm Bokförlaget Excelsior.Ufocod Author And Title PS Simonsen. 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Spiritual dynamics. Ernest L. Ernest L. (Orig. L.ett porträtt. California Sw USA USA USA USA USA dupl booklet 8½x11 (incom 2004 dupl booklet 8½x11 dupl booklet 8½x11 hc 2004 2004 1992 Sida 354 of 392 Unarius . The pr Hubbard. Människans historia. Ernest L. L. En lista och beskrivning av de Hubbard. L. [Orig. Ron Hubbard . Ruth E. New Era Publications International. A new slant on l Hubbard. Pathway to the stars. [orig: L. Norman.: Unarius. [Orig. New Era Publications International. Hubbard. Ruth E. New Era Publications International. Hubbard. L. Church of: L. L. Copenhagen De Church of Scientology (CSI) Unarius. New Era Publications. Binding Sw hc AcqYear 2008 2008 New Era Publications International. Scientology 0-8]. New Era Publications International. Ron: Introduktion till scientologi. L. Ron: Scientologi 8-80. Köpenhamn New Era Publications International. L. Dianetics: the evol Hubbard. Lesson 4. Ron: Handbok för preclears. L. Upptäckten och förstärkningen av livsenergi i sl Hubbard. & Norman. Ron: Vad är scientologi? Baserad på verk av L. Introduction to scientology Hubbard. Ron: Avancerad procedur och axiom. Spiritual dynamics.: Unarius. Ron: Dianetik. En handbok för scientologer. Santa Barbara. L. [Orig. & Norman. Ron Hubbard. Norman. Utvecklandet av en vetenskap.: Unarius.: Unarius. Spiritual dynamics. Ron: Dianetik: hur tanken påverkar kroppen: en handbok i Dianetik-me Hubbard. Den fullständiga handboken för mänsklig kommunika Hubbard. Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw En En En En En En hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc sc hc dupl booklet 8½x11 dupl booklet 8½x11 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2010 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2004 2004 New Era Publications. Santa Barbara. & Norman. Santa Barbara. [Orig. Santa Barbara. Lesson 3. Hubbard. Ernest L. L. California Unarius. New Era Publications International. Advanced procedure and a Hubbard. L. Scientology. Ernest L. Ron: Scientologi. Scientologi tillämpad i arbetslivet. Ron: Scientologi 0-8. & Norman. 6615 6617 6604 6605 6606 6608 8051 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 6614 6616 6602 6262 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 1934 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 New Era Publications International. Handbook for preclears].: Unarius. Ron Hubbard . New Era Publications International. California Unarius. En enkel självhjälpsbok med tester och processer so Hubbard. Ron: Arbetets problem. L. L. Scientolgy. En ny syn på livet. New Era Publications International. California Unarius. Norman. Lesson 8. Den ursprungliga avhandlingen. [Orig. Ron: Dianetik. New Era Publications International. Ron: Självanalys. [ Hubbard. Ron: Scientologi 8-8008. Scientology 8-8008]. New Era Publications International. New Era Publications International.a profi Norman. Norman. Ron : Skapandet av mänsklig förmåga. Lesson 4. [Orig. Ron : Scientologi. California Unarius. Less Norman. Norman.: The infinite concept of cosmic creation.: The infinite contact. USA USA USA USA USA Unarius Publications. (An introduction to the i Norman. Clairvoyantly received by Ernest L. Norman. Ernest L. Ernest L. Ernest L. California USA USA Unarius Educational Foundation. Ernest L. Clairvoyantly received.Science of Life. Ernest L.: The infinite concept of cosmic creation. El USA Unarius. ed.: Unarius. Norman. Ruth & Miller. Norman. El USA den 31 december 2010 . le Norman.: The infinite concept of cosmic creation. Cali USA RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU Norman.: The infinite concept of cosmic creation. (Lesson course no. Calif USA USA En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En hc hc booklet hc dupl booklet 8½x11 dupl booklet 8½x11 dupl booklet 8½x11 dupl booklet 8½x11 hc hc booklet booklet hc hc hc hc hc hc hc dupl booklet 8½x11 dupl booklet 8½x11 sc 2003 2006 2002 2006 2004 2004 2004 2004 2009 2006 1983 1975 1992 2006 2010 2009 2009 1986 2006 2004 2004 2003 Sida 355 of 392 Unarius Publications. Norman. El Ca USA Unarius . 2. le Norman.: The voice of Hermes. Science of Life. Clairvoyantly received. Ernest L. Cali USA New Age Publ Co. Glendale. Ernest L.Science of Life. Ernest L. Universal psychic sciences. Unarius. California Unarius. Ernest L. Binding En hc AcqYear 2006 2006 Unarius Publications.: The truth about Mars. Santa Barbara.: The voice of Muse-Unarius-Elysium. Glendale. The third volume Norman. Santa Barbara. 2. Santa Barbara. El Cajon. Ernest L. Clairvoyantly and clairaudiently received. California Unarius.: The voice of Eros.: The voice of Venus. (Lesson course no. Ernest L. El Cajon. USA Unarius. Ernest L. Santa Barbara. Ernest L.: The truth about Mars. El Cajon. Los Angeles USA USA USA USA Unarius Educational Foundation. Santa Barbara. Santa Bar New Age Publ Co. Revised edition Norman. Science of Life. Th Norman. (Lesson course no. Thomas: Martian underground cities discovered by cosmic 4231 5791 3463 5792 4730 4731 4732 4733 5789 A 5789 B 749 A 749 B 1935 5793 B 5793 A 7439 7440 1391 A 1391 B 4734 4735 4232 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Unarius Academy of Science. The first volume of The pulse of creation. Parables of light. Clairvoyantly and clairaudiently received. Pathway to the stars. Ernest L. Los Angeles. Third edition. Second edition. T Norman. Los Angeles USA Unarius . Los Angeles Unarius.Science of Life. Norman.: The infinite concept of cosmic creation. Ernest L. Less Norman.Ufocod Author And Title RCU Norman. Ernest L. Ernest L. Ernest L.: The voice of Orion.: Tempus invictus. Ernest L. California Unarius. 7 Norman. 2. Norman.: The infinite contact.: The voice of Hermes. California Unarius. le Norman. California Unarius. Norman. Ernest L. 2.: Tempus procedium.: The elysium. El USA Unarius. El Cajon. Third edition Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1934 B 1 1 199? 1978 1968 1968 1956 1998 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 199? 1956 1967 1958 199? 1959 1964 1961 1956 1995 1956 1956 1977 Country Lang. 3rd edition. Cali USA Unarius. Clairvoyantly received. (Lesson course no. Universal psychic sciences. le Norman. El Cajon. Calif USA Unarius Educational Foundation. The pulse of creatio Norman. Pathway to the stars.: Cosmic continuum. 3.: Unarius. Norman. Ruth E Norman.: The voice of Venus. Santa Barbara. Ernest L. Ernest L. Pasadena. Canada J'ai Lu USA PDF document on CD disc2006 digital PDF ringbound A4 booklet A4 digital PDF file sc document in binder sc sc sc pt sc 2008 2001 2002 2010 2007 2008 2006 1999 2009 1999 2009 Sida 356 of 392 Canada En Fr Fr En Sw Fr Sw Fr En Ru Rutgers University Press. Montreal. Vorilhon. Ruth E. El Cajon. El Cajon. El Cajon. The new science of life. El Ca USA Unarius Academy of Science. Elizabeth & Annersten.: The "RAEL" world. Le 2è Vorilhon. Diana G. El Cu USA Unarius. peredannoe mne inoplanetyanami. Narratives of the Raelian movement. Bok Vorilhon. [Orig. Ruth E. Tokyo Radio i sviyaz. Unarius Educational Foundation: Unarius publications. Gustafsson. Ruth E. Extraterrestrial salvation in comt Mellul.: When prophesy never fails: myth and reality in a flying-saucer Unarius Academy of Science: Past life Foundation Raelienne Raëliska Religionen. Tayah L. Ruth E.: The "Rael" world. Claude [Raël]: Let's welcome our fathers from space. Jonsson. New Brun USA www. Sub channel Charles Spaegel. Binding En booklet AcqYear 2009 2010 RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCU RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV Norman.messie ou menteur? Palmer. Claude [Raël]: Accueillir les extraterrestres. Glendale.: Testimonials by Unarius students. To help the new seeker concei Tumminia. In partial Isaksson. They created huma Vorilhon. El Ca USA Unarius Academy of Science. USA En En En En En En En En En Sw En En US hc sc hc sc hc document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 booklet document A4 2009 1983 2001 2008 2010 2001 2001 2009 2009 2002 Unarius Educational Foundation. Daniel: RAEL .: Have you lived on other world's before? An emissary for thirtytwo Norman. Unarius Academy of Science: The interplanetary confederation. Norman.the masonic Messiah. Calif. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6732 1 1 1985? 19?? 1969 1980 1987 1985 2005 19?? 19?? 1986 1985? 2002 2005 2005 2000 1993? 200? 2004 2007 1979 1995 1977 1992 Unarius. Linköpings universitet. Norman. Raël's UFO religion. Stefan: New religious UFO movements. New York USA USA Unarius Academy of Science.realrael. Calif. Linköping USA Sw University of Saskatchewan. El USA Unarius. Martin. The revelations of Ruth Norman. Ruth E. Calif Country US Lang.: Preparation for the landing. A thesi Hanson. Moscow Sw Fr Sw Fr Ja Ru 1 Translations 1993 den 31 december 2010 . Narratives of the Raelian movement. Oxford University Press. El USA Unarius Educational Foundation. Stockholm L'édition Du Message. Leon: The Mashiah is amongst us.: Bridge to heaven. Brantome AOM Corp.: A brief outline of the basic Unarius principles. Vandinja. Jean: Rael . The landing of spa Unarius Academy of Sciences: The 33 planets of the Interplanetary Confederation. Claude [Raël]: Poslanie. CA. Susan J. Mikael: Fankulturen kring UF Hanson. Claude [Raël]: Les extra-terrestres m'ont emmené sur leur planète. Claude [Raël]: Budskapet som gavs till mig av utomjordiska varelser. Tayah L. Ils ont creé l´humanité en lab Vorilhon. Saskat Can California State University. Fresno the author. Le livre 7441 751 2895 6733 8497 3675 3676 6842 6843 3199 9 5554 6343 2855 3417 7038 6239 6848 6056 2657 7669 2658 7670 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-06343 3 1 1 BM-07038 1 1 1 3 1 2 Unarius Publishers.Ufocod Author And Title RCU Norman. Saskat Ca University of Saskatchewan. Nehassedy.: Aliens adored. Reconciling mystery and matter. New York Routledge & Kegan Paul. NY den 31 december 2010 Sida 357 of 392 .Ufocod Author And Title RCV Vorilhon. Stockholm Lindblads förlag. Tokyo Raëlian Foundation. Besatthet och inspiration. genomsedda uppl. Östling. David & Hewitt. Gordon: An outline of spiritual healing.: Chudo ili nauchnaya zagadka? [Wonder or scientific enigma?]. Uppsala Econ. Vaduz AOM Corp. Dahlèn. Däniken. Stockholm the author the author Warner Paperback Library. Dutton. A new look at the supernatural. [orig: Ers 2660 A 2660 B 2947 8567 7010 6942 7622 8569 1987 7061 5305 3793 118 1347 6429 1716 2000 6495 2576 1415 1102 A 1102 B 1 1 1 1 1 BM-07010 1 BM-06942 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 BM-01102 Ja En pt sc sc document A4 digital PDF file digital PDF file pt sc sc pt booklet hc hc hc hc hc sc sc hc hc hc pt + digital PDF file 2001 1999 2001 2010 2010 2010 2009 2010 1993 2009 2006 2003 1983 1986 2008 1991 1993 2008 1994 1986 1983 1983 Canada En Lichten Sw Malaysi ??? USA Sw UK UK Ru Sp Sw Sw USA UK Sw Sw Ge Sw USA USA En Sw En En En Sw En En Ru Sp Sw Sw En En Sw Sw Ge Sw En En Stockholms universitet. Claude [Raël]: The true face of God. Carl: Mystiker. Awakening the mind by awakening th Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2659 2 1 1987 1978 1989 1998 2001 2009 1999? 19?? 1972 1968 1991 1979 1989 1980 1978 1986 1968 1978 1976 1950 1974 1974 1975 1975 AOM Corp. [orig: Erscheinungen . Hulusi.J. Malmö Delacorte Press. Från oförklarliga kroppar till stigmatise Bucke. They took Vorilhon. Björkhem. Syed: Alien in the Quran.. Moscow Plaza & Janes. Andra upplagan. Speaking with tongues. Peter: Science of the Gods. R. Y.: Raëlrörelsen: en vetenskaplig religion eller en religion i vetensk Azharul Asriq. The reality of aliens and channelling spirits. Däniken. Düsseldorff Berghs.Jinn. Erich von: Fenomen som skakat världen. Sphere Books. Erich von: Erscheinungen. Tor: Mystikens psykologi. Phänomene die die Welt erregen. [orig Turner. Ash.Phänome Däniken. Bath Abacus. Montreal Raëlian Foundation. Binding En pt AcqYear 1999 1991 RCV RCV RCV RCV RI RIJ RM RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV Vorilhon.Man .P. Erik A. Claude [Raël]: Yes to human cloning. London Natur och Kultur. [combining: The book which tells the Vorilhon. Studiebokförlaget Gateway Books. NY Dell. Brookesmith. Om mystiker i dagens Sverige. Claude [Raël]: The message given to me by extra-terrestrials. Barcelona Zindermans. London Knowledge Series. Örjan: Människan och verkligheten. Erich von: Miracles of the Gods. Geoffrey: Miracles. A new look at the supernatural. Ahmed: Spirit . Göteborg Bokorama. Dymling. Verbum. Tokyo Country Ja Lang. Andrae. Peter [red]: Kyrkliga mysterier. N. David: Voices from the Gods. Claude [Raël]: Sensual meditation. 2. A study in the evolution of the hu Christie-Murray. W. Richard Maurice: Cosmic consciousness. Höganäs E. Ashe. [Know Benitez. Balandin. J. [orig: Ers Däniken. Erich von: Miracles of the Gods.: El enviado. Ruth: Visionär i det tjugonde århundradet. Joan Wester: Där änglar går. Jimmy: Glossolalia . Glen Arm. Samma berättelser om möten med skydds Anderson. Tome I. Diana & Crosswell. 2. Gunnar: Så ger sig Gud till känna. Ariz Penguin/Arkana. Émile: Les apparitions de la Vierge: un enquêteur laïc s'interroge. A case study. Oslo Falcon Press. A spiritual awakening. Johannes & Fiebag. uppl.: Clouds of glory. Ingvild Saelid (ed. Religiösa visioner i dagens Sverige. Porto the authors. True stories of heavenly visitors. Randall: The miracle detective. Harvey. Carl Martin: Mystiker i Vällingby och andra skildringar av religiös erfarenh Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1247 3 3 1968 1987 1985 1991 19?? 1991 1997 1988 1992 1970 1988 1971 2008 1980 1988 2004 1963 1977 1992 1986 1995 1992 1980 2010 CNIFO. Stockholm RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RVA RVA RVA RVA Fernandes. Kevin & Sue: Stars. Göteborgs universitet the authors Sw No USA USA Sw Sw USA Sw UK Editions Psilog. Monica: Interpreting mysticism. Oslo Sw Sw USA Sw No den 31 december 2010 Sida 358 of 392 . Charles & Frances: Änglar på uppdrag. An evaluation of Steven T. An investigation of holy visions. Buck. Katz's argumen McClure. Observations d'un théologien. genomsedda. Gilhus. Söderblom. Arizo USA Den Kristna Bokringen. Örebro Cappelen Damm. Binding Sw pt AcqYear 1985 1988 Sveriges Radios förlag. Paris UK Sw Fr En Sw Fr En Sw Sw En Sw No Alpha Enterprises. New York Verbum Proprius. London Prisma. A. and rumours of stars. Om gudserfarheter i vår tid. Stockholm Forum. tillök. Antoon: Att möta gud i kaos. Fort Worth. Tizané. Roland. Joan Wester: Where angels walk. A theology of UFOlogy… Wimber. Reports of the paranormal in th Sivric. Om under och tecken i evangelis Anderson. Marian: An extraterrestrial conspiracy. Albert W. Stockholm Barton & Brett. Stockholm Tchou. Bad Neustadt Country Sw Lang. [orig: Angels on asig Cooper. Nathan: Uppenbarelsereligion. Peter: "Himmelszeichnen" und ihre Interpretation im Si Fryer. John med Springer. Stockholm Star Bible Publications. Joaquim: Aspectos fenomenológicos paranormais no contexto religioso Fiebag. Kevin: Övernaturligt. (Source: Society for Psychi Geels. Y. Evangeliipress.Ufocod Author And Title RV Edsman. Hunter.from God or man? A study in the phenomenonof tong Kimmel. Greenberg. USA Norstedts. Gunnar & Gustafsson. Hillerdal. P Sullivan. N. Kathy: Orber: lyskroppene fra de åndelige riker vekker 3132 5485 7950 6536 7224 1624 8019 1756 1755 4087 7311 650 4834 6270 8467 7618 2369 6866 2210 7055 2487 7831 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 Portuga Port Ge Ge En Sw No En En Sw Sw En En En document A5 document A4 booklet hc sc sc sc pt sc sc sc booklet A5 sc hc sc sc booklet hc hc hc sc hc 2002 2006 2010 2008 2009 1990 2010 1991 1991 2003 2009 1983 2004 2007 2010 2009 1996 2008 1995 2009 1998 2010 The Sourcebook Project. Ivo: La face cachée de Medjugorje.): Miraklenes tid. Jividen. Berndt: De såg och hörde Jesus.: Psychological aspects of the Welsh revival. Om kristusuppen Hillerdal. Andrew: Hidden journey. Ware. Saint-Francois-du-L Canada Fr Little Brown. Stockholm Norges forskningsråd. Phoenix.. van Buren.T. [orig: Angels: God's secret agents].: The world secret of Fatima. Tübingen Our Sunday Visitor Inc..: Rediscovering Fatima. Joaquim & Berenguel. London UK Anomalist Books. Joaquim & d'Armada. Johannes: Die geheime Botschaft von Fatima. Harrogate. (Flensburger Häft Barton.] Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7189 1 1 2004 1996 1976 1989 19?? 1990 1979 1977 2001 2006 1998 1962 19?? 1982 1956 1991 1994 1956 2008 2006 2007 1981 1986 1982 Inter-Skrift Förlags AB.): Fátima revisit Fernandes. Arizona USA Esoteric Publ. Örebro Nova Förlag. [Orig. Vi är inte ensamma]. Fina: Celestial secrets. München Bokförlaget New page. Steiger. Robert J. Joaquim & d'Armada. Buff USA Immaculate Heart Publications. Cottonwood. Diebel. Fernando.Ufocod Author And Title RVA Eason. North Yorksh UK Bladkompaniet. The hidden history of the Fernandes. Örebro Libris.C.Guds hemliga agenter. Margit: Vi er ikke alene. Annegret: Änglar. Arizona USA Bokförlaget Libris. Michael X. San Antonio. Inger: Möten med änglar. Francois: Fatima. Svenskar berättar. the astonishing truth. Francie: Reflections from an Angel's eye. NY Sw Sw Sw USA USA USA Catechical Guild Educational Societ USA Immaculate Heart Publications. San Antonio. Rainer: Die Botschaft der Engel. Los Angeles. Kevin: Visions of angels and tales of Bowmen. Edition GIE. Was geshah 1917 in Portug Fox. Edited by William Fay. Raul (ed. Binding Sw sc AcqYear 2009 2005 RVA RVA RVA RVA RVA RVA RVA RVA RVA RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF Graham. Inger: Möten med änglar. 431 2329 5705 6773 955 967 6013 A 6013 B 3693 1235 6412 3096 4540 6480 6481 5448 6518 6519 6520 7932 5486 6529 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sw Ge Sw Ge En No En En Sw Sw Sw En En En En En En En En hc (1) sc (2) pt booklet A5 hc sc sc pt hc sc sc 8½x11 sc booklet 8½x11 pt sc sc hc sc sc sc document A4 sc sc 1978 1996 2006 2008 1983 1983 2006 2009 2002 1985 2008 2002 2004 2008 2008 2006 2008 2008 2008 2010 2006 2008 the author. [Orig. Global Communications. The angels of Mons. [orig: Fa Dockman. (From a p Fiebag. Holbe. The apparitions of Fátima Fernandes. de Marie des Anges. Elizabeth: The lady and the sun. Prophecies of tragedy and triumph. Lund Futura Press. Cottonwood. Nykil Country Sw Lang.I. Crocket.F. Victoria. Arthur: Secret prophecy of Fatima revealed! de Marchi. Fina: Heavenly lights. Wolfgang. Svenskar berättar.A. Cassandra: Stora boken om andliga guider. Waern. Steiger. Billy: Änglar . Waern.. Huntington Portuga Port Ge USA Ge En den 31 december 2010 Sida 359 of 392 . Joaquim: Extra-terrestrial interference in FATIMA (Portugal). Brad [Eugene E. Begegnungen mit fremden Wesen. Tex USA EcceNova Editions. Abridged from The W de Marie des Anges. Oslo No Esoteric Publ. Fernandes. Fernandes. Calif Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima. Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima (publisher): Fatima and the seven sorrows. The key to spirit guides. Tex USA C. Canada En En Anomalist Books. John: The true story of Fatima. B. the c Sandemo. Herrljunga Knaur. Weirauch. Birgit & Högman. Buff USA The Catholic Book Club. McClure.Olson]: Encounters of the Angelic kind.E. Francois: Fatima. V. The flower of Fatima. & Hill. Michael X. Los Angeles. RVJG Jensen. Edited by McGrath. Copenhagen the author Universal Link. Calif the author.Ufocod Author And Title RVF Galamba de Oliveira. J.: The weeping angel prediction. Anthony: The Universal Link revelation. Long Prairie. Helsingborg Parthenon. NY USA Association for the Understanding o USA Futura Press. Sister Lucia's memoirs. Worcester USA Image Books. RVJG Brooke. Days of darkness. Stanford. Aage: Summa summarum. London Nordiska Bokforlag. RVJG Brooke. Garden City. NY Country Lang. un ovni pas comme les autres? Ryan. Ray: Fatima prophecy. Pelletier. USA USA Assumption Publications. [Whitley Strieber's hidden agendas]. Denmark. Lancashire Parthenon. Stanford.: The message of Fatima. Aage: Summa summarum. Anthony: Ljus på den kosmiska planen. RVJG Jensen. RVJG Jensen. London Universal Foundation. Finbar: Our lady of Fatima. Wm. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 6533 1 1 1968 1971 2000 2000 1950 2003 1979 1976 1983 200-? 1940 1988 1974 1964 1966 197? 1967 1967 1976 1969 1967 1969 1971 1968 Dell. Binding small booklet AcqYear 2008 2008 Portuga En RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF RVF Hesemann. Aage: Universal Link. William F. RVJG Parthenon: Nyhetsbrev.: More about Fatima and the immaculate heart of Mary. Humberto S. Liebie: Universell kontakt. Joseph A. den 31 december 2010 dupl A4 (two different ed. Anthony: Revelation for the New Age. Newly revised and expanded. 4061 5630 4702 6200 6706 6747 5812 7484 2748 4840 B 4840 A 1340 3043 154 1850 156 1851 524 3266 1452 7461 816 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 USA En pt sc hc hc sc sc hc sc hc pt hc sc 8½x11 small booklet 2003 2006 2004 2007 2008 2008 2006 2009 2000 2005 2004 1986 2002 Secretariado dos Pastorinhos. Medeiros. Joseph A.: The immaculate heart of Mary. Revised Pelletier. Kondor. Naestved Parthenon.) 1983 sc small booklet sc sc document A4 booklet A5 sc sc 1992 1983 1992 1976 2002 1987 2009 1983 Sida 360 of 392 .): Fatima in Lucia's own words. The Richvie Ireland Ballantine. RVJG Brooke. Michael: The Fatima secret. promise of light. Helsingborg Regency Press. Universell kontakt RVJG Pugh. The Universal Link. Fati Portuga Port The Scarboro Foreign Mission Soci Canada En The Neumann Press. Montes de Oca. [orig: Nothing else matters]. Anthony: Toward human unity. C. Louis (ed.: Jacinta. NY Éditions Osmondes USA Fr En En En En Fr En En En En En Sw En En En Da Da Da Sw Sw Browne and Nolan Ltd. RVJG Brooke. London Mitre Press. Gilles: Fátima. Ray: Fatima prophecy. Anthony: Are these the signs? RVJG Brooke. Helsingborg USA UK Sw UK UK UK Da Da Da Sw Sw RVJG Barton.: Fatima or world suicide. Pinon.: The sun danced at Fatima. Ian & Schwortz. Messengers or deceivers? Nickel.): Apparition phenomenon manifest at Zei Schjelderup. Mountrath Sp UK US No Switzerl Ireland Jesu Kristi kyrka av sista dagars hel Sw Jesu Kristi kyrka av sista dagars hel Sw Horizon. Buffalo. Joe: Inquest on the shroud of Turin. Moving statues in Ireland.ord og tegn. 1. Trondheim Editions du Parvis. Knud: Borups andliga skolning. Colm (editor): Seeing is believing. Hauteville Pilgrim Press. James L. I + II + III [3 booklets] RVJG Universal Link: Rapport nr. & Habermas.: Aliens & UFOs. Cleveland Fredag. Binding Da booklets AcqYear 1993 1992 RVJG Universal Link [Liebie Pugh]: Den universelle kontakt II. Le sang et les larmes d Toibin. [orig: The bo Thompson. Deciphering the message of Virgin Mary appa Lopez. Barrie: The Turin shroud. Freixedo. London Hobby & Work Italiana Da Ds Da Da Da Da UK It Da Da Da Da Sw Da Sw En It En Sp En En No Fr En Sw Sw En En Sw En booklet booklet (also in hc) booklet A5 booklets (also in hc) copy booklet booklet A5 booklet A5 sc sc booklet pt booklet sc booklet sc small booklet hc hc hc sc hc 1992 1993 2003 1993 2010 2000 1989 2006 1992 2009 2003 1983 2009 2002 2010 2006 1983 1991 2004 2010 2010 2010 Sida 361 of 392 Hampton Roads Publishing Coman USA Divulgaciones Benéficas. Bodvar: Den lysende broen. Bountiful.: Vetenskapen bevisar uppståndelsen Wilson. Svendbor Da Universal Link. Borup Universal Link. Shimura. Översättning från tyska: Isabell Sethson. Lionel: The moving statue of Ballinspittle and related phenomena. RVJG Weiking. RVJG Universal Link: Borups åndelige skole. Borup Spacelink Books. Smith. Ännu ett testamente om Jesus Kristus. New York SkeabVerbum Michael O'Mara Books. Februar 1968. (The message to mankind). RVJG Universal Link: Rösten fra himmelen. Richard: Signs on the earth. [orig: Nothing else matt Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2018 1 3 1967 196? 196? 1969 1968 1967 196? 196? 196? 1986 1993 2005 1975 1983 1975 1991 1985 1985 19?? 1990 1993 1983 1982 2000 UFO-Nyts forlag. Liverpool USA USA Sw UK den 31 december 2010 . Tatsuya: La Vierge Marie pleure au Japon (Akita). Salvador: Le apparizioni mariane. The illustrated evidence. E McClure. I + II + III [3 booklets] RVJG Universal Link: Rösten från himlen. Jeremias: Mujer española que subio y se paseo por un planeta habitato. RVJG Universal Link: The voice from heaven. Borup Universal Link. Borup Universal Link. Gary R. [I libri de l'ignoto. Borup Universal Link. Copenhagen Country Da Lang. In collaboration with a panel of scientifi Stevenson. Borup Universal Link. Jomfru Maria i Medjugorje . RVM RVM RVM RVM RVM RVM RVM RVM RVM RVS RVS RVS RVT RVT RVT Beer. Joseph: Mormons bok. Brozas Aquarian Press. [orig: Joseph Smith's testi Smith. Kenneth E. Page Research Library Newsletter (comp. Utah Prometheus. Joseph: Joseph Smith berättar sin egen historia. 2] Leviton. Kevin: The evidence for visions of the Virgin Mary. Wellingborough Page Research Library.Ufocod Author And Title RVJG Universal Link [Liebie Pugh]: Den universelle kontakt I + II. 1942 2024 4406 2025 8505 2761 1605 5314 1883 7352 4143 649 6745 3570 8416 5991 928 1810 4850 8598 8444 8612 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 Universal Link i Danmark. Constable. George C. mandala or machine? Steiger. Robert C. Lüdenscheid the author. Texas Award. Robert F. Gatti.: The cosmic sheepdog. Houston. California S. Dana: Without figleaves. +1. N.M. Trevor J. Dieter von: Ufologie.Olson]: The flying saucer menace. V.): [Information booklet and book list]. The untold story of the Constable. Jerome: Spacemen. Llewellyn. Sal: Other intelligences. Sudbury. Tam USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Saucerian Books. Trevor J. Los Angeles Pocket Books. Girard. Allen H. friends and foes: part II. Los Angeles New Age Publ Co.: Old magic and new. Robert Perry: UFO common denominator -.: The cosmic pulse of life.: Flying saucers: madness. West USA GEP.: Extra-terrestrials among us. Paul. Trevor J. Code# A Amendola. St. NY Country USA Lang. A sociopolitical view.: Skycreatures .reality concepts. Minnesota USA US USA USA den 31 december 2010 . Palm Springs. Reeken. Andrews. NY New Age Publ Co. NY Ge USA USA USA USA USA USA Neville Spearman. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 115 A 2 1 1968 1970 1986 1997 19?? 19?? 19?? 1981 1978 1985 197? 1964 1990 197? 1967 1956 1956 1958 1978 1977 1976 198? 1990 1990 Bokorama.R. Greenfield. Washingto USA the author the author the author APRO . demons & conspiracies: the evolution of UFO hypothes Collins. Suffolk UK Merlin Press. NY Hermetic Educational Institute. Y.: We are the Martians! Essays on the subjective theory of ufo or Howard. Los Angeles New Age Publ Co. Santa Ana. Art: UFO encounters fourth of the kind. Trevor J. Peter [red]: UFO-fenomenens ursprung. 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En sällsam historia om en hemlighet Lloyd. Lloyd. eller jordens ände. William F. Harvey: The Shaver mystery. New Brun USA UFORCES. & Gladys: A description of Rainbow City from the Hefferlin manuscri Hofberg. [orig: This hollow earth] Ossendowski. Nigel: The subterranean kingdom . Helsingfors Turnstone Press. Göteborg Palmer Publications. Robbins. Marshall B: A journey to the Earth's interior. William: The phantom of the poles. Surprising facts the govern Smith. UFO crashes . Alec: The lost world of Agharti. W. Vista. Udivitel ´naya zemplya. Kempton. The strange history of a mysterious Maclellan. Norman.V. Warren: This hollow earth. [orig. The call goes out from the hollow earth and the undergroun Sauder.I. Illinois Country USA Lang.underground base Hefferlin. one bou 1997 hc 2009 booklet 8½x11. John Uri: Etidorpha.: Alien magic. intra-terrestres. Carl [pseud. New York Adventures Unlimited. Brinsley: Secret of the ages. Calif AST. Calif BSRF. Mathel. Le Poer Trench. 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Leigh-on-Sea the author Brevcirkeln.: The intra-terrestrial paradigm. Oakensen. Dragwyla. ritual land-scapes and the human mind. 2191 2190 1124 29 57 A 57 B 57 C 7723 158 3850 7805 2681 4520 6465 2818 6145 1368 424 A 424 B 5533 3176 521 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 BM-03176 2 Health Research. (What the UFOlogists hide). Jim: Giants in the Earth.Ufocod Author And Title TI Standish. Allen H. October Greenfield. Essendon USA ???? ???? UK Francke Verlag. Nigel: Alien energy. Gordon: Spacecraft from beyond three dimensions. First printing. NY Ru Canada En Canada En Canada En USA USA USA En En En den 31 december 2010 Sida 371 of 392 . Mikhail: Chto skryvayut ufologi. Wingham ABC Books. Bruce A. Yael R. MA Country USA Lang. Bern und München Ge Walker. Stockholm USA UK UK UK USA Sw National UFO Museum Press. Bruce A. Collins. Binding En sc AcqYear 2010 2008 TI TI TI TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP Walton.): Mount Shasta . Jeffrey. Cambridge. August 196 Glemser. Stephen. Kitchener. Karl A. Crabb. USA USA En En En En En En En Ge En En En En En Sw En Ru ringbound 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 sc 8½x11 hc booklet sc sc booklet A5 hc sc sc A4 sc booklet 8½x11 hc booklet hc booklet booklet ink duplicated booklet booklet 8½x11 sc + digital PDF file pt 1994 1994 1983 1975 1978 1983 2010 2010 1983 2003 2010 2000 2004 2008 2001 2007 1986 2006 1979 2006 2002 1979 Palmer Publications."4-D". A new vista of the ent Baker. The long and curious history of imagining strange la Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 8435 1 1 2007 2005 1985 1983 1973 1959 197? 1979 1991 1959 1979 1994 2001 1994 19?? 196? 1991 2007 19?? 1969 1974 1974 1994 1977 DaCapo Press. John: UFOs and Collins. Ontario the author the author the author IllumiNet Press. Allen H. Amherst. [Separatum aus der Zeitschr Brunstein.the paranormal. [Brevcirkeln Serie F -. parapsycholo Cassirer. Baker. Glemser. Douglas: The occult significance of UFO's. The mystery of UFO abductions. Lilburn.home of the ancients.: Secret cipher of the ufonauts. Walton. Kurt: Flying saucers from beyond our dimension. Robert Perry: UFO common denominator -. Wentworth. UFOs. Kurt: Flying saucers from the fourth dimension. Reconciling physics. Adi-Kent Thomas: Parallel universe. : The fundamental: alien life trans-forms. en okkult synsvinkel Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 2428 1 1 1993 1992 1971 1978 1977 1975 1971 1973 1976 1950 1955 1969 1982 1979 1955 1989 2001 1978 1977 1994 1979 196-? 196-? 1979 Souvenir Press. Freiburg im Breisgau Ge Virgin Books. Vista. London Australi UK Arcturus Book Service. John A. John A.: Why UFOs? Operation Trojan Horse. Stone Moun USA Xlibrus Corp. Paris the author. Morley. London Signet.: Operation Trojan Horse.Ufocod Author And Title TP Kastrup. Robert W.: Los OVNIs y el fin del mundo. Dennis: UFOs: a venture into nowhere. M. A study of UFOs and the paranormal. Keel. Horsens Country Da Lang. London SPR Galaxy Press. Meade: The flying saucer mystery and its solution.: The eigth tower. Keith L. Partain. Paul: Flyvende tallerkener. NY Para-Nyt. Lenoir. Kurt: Flying saucers and the dark forces.: Notes on the phenomena popularly known as "flying saucers". London UK UK Canada En Canada En UK En den 31 december 2010 . John A. London Panther/Granada. one bound in1975 sc document folio ringbound 8½x11 document folio booklet booklet 8½x11 sc sc booklet pt document A4 dupl A5 dupl A5 pt 1976 2010 2010 2006 1983 2004 2004 2003 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 1983 Sida 372 of 392 Arcturus Book Service. Kitchener. NY Abacus. John A. Mark: Psiufological phenomena: UFOs and the paranormal.: UFOs. Keel. Quinones. Barcelona USA Sp Walter-Verlag. London Manor Books. A r Stamey. Maurice: L`espace sera-t-il vaincu? Mobey. Pedro A. John: Gifts of the gods? Are UFOs alien visitors or psychic phenomena? SPR (Society for Psychical Research): The UFO phenomenon: an assessment. Epsom. [orig: The eigth tower]. Muller. An exhaustive study of unidentified fl Keel.E. Putnam's. A new approach to UFO and psi phenomena. Operation Trojan Horse. John A. Dennis & Glemser. Ewell. Eamón Plana. An exhaustive study of unidentified flying o Keel.: Psi in the sky. A. Keel. Surrey dupl 8½x11. Stamey. George: Etherean ships. Scotia. Tansley. John A. Binding Da ringbound A4 AcqYear 1997 2006 TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP Keel. John A. [orig: UFOs. with Moravec.: The eigth tower. Operation Trojan Layne. Calif Libraririe Plon. Startling parallels between UFO phenomena 551 545 C 545 B 545 A 551 A 551 B 551 C 598 611 8216 8221 5756 709 4722 4744 4274 8365 8431 8434 6802 6803 1018 B 3 2 3 2 3 4 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 UK UK USA USA USA UK USA USA Fr UK En En En En En En En En Fr En En En En En En Sp Ge En En hc pt pt hc hc sc (2 different fronts) pt 1983 1979 1978 1983 1975 1983 1983 Saturday Review Press/E P Dutton.: UFOs. [Dossier K-7]. Operation Trojan Horse. NY BSRF.G. Ontario Abacus. New USA the author Kosmon Press. Renninger. David: Omens of awareness. Keel.: The cosmic question. Moravec. Ontario Galaxy Press. Kitchener. Mark: PSIUFO phenomena.: Echte vierte Raumdimensionen als paranormale Wirksphäre? (Sep Spencer. Salvador: El diabolico inconsciente. Madrid Den Kristna Bokringen. Oneal: God is alive and well. Salvador: La religion entre la parapsicologia y los OVNIs. Indi USA Full Gospel Assembly. Freixedo. with Rueckert. Svyatitel' (Bryanchaninov): O chudesah i znameniyah. Suffolk UK TPD TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR Huckfield. Kentucky Editorial ALGAR. mystics and contactees. Don: Flying saucers. Mexico Daimon. Donald P: The mystery clouds. Mark. Extraterrestrial messages & the truth of sc Barry. Thoralf: Tidens tecken. Lytham. Bob: UFO's . Exposition Press. William M. Alloya N. Freixedo. Alexander. Salvador: Extraterrestres y religion. Hayward. Barcelona Editorial Orion. Binding En hc AcqYear 1978 2003 Neville Spearman. misticos y contactos extraterrestres. Petersburg UK USA Ru USA Sp Mex Sp Mex USA Sp Sw UK Ru booklet 8½x11 + digital PD1979 sc sc sc sc sc sc hc booklet booklet 2003 2003 2003 2003 1997 2003 1996 2002 2007 Sida 373 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . William M. Sudbury. Dobrosotzkih. West Nyack. [orig: Tidens Tegn]. Cardiff Satis. Salvador: Visionarios. Orlando. Pennsylvania Country Lang. Grand Rapids. ekstrasensy. Moscow L/L Comp. Daimon. Bill: Men from outer space? People in flying saucers? Carman. MI Baker Books. Donald T.: UFOs in the New Age. David: Omens of awareness. Salvador: Defendámonos de los diosos. NY USA the author. Alnor. MI the author.: Ot chego nas hotyat "spatsi" NLO. Freixedo. Adrian V: Cosmic mysteries of the universe. Woodrow: Los OVNIs y la nueva men Alnor. (About wonders and 6941 3745 5265 4455 3784 6418 3040 4498 2059 224 1999 6125 301 3991 3992 3993 3995 2399 3996 2317 3217 6167 1 BM-06941 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 BM-00301 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 USA Sp USA USA USA En Sp En En En En En En En En En Ru En Sp Sp Sp Sp En Sp Sw En Ru digital PDF file pt sc sc booklet booklet booklet hc hc (1) sc (1) sc sc sc 2010 2003 2006 2004 2003 2008 2002 2004 1994 1983 1993 2007 Goodhope Press. Örebro the author. [Biblical proofs that UFOs are sent from hea Clark. A. Brooks & Nichols. madness or made in Moscow? Britton. Indianopolis. Florida Danilovskii blagovestnik. Avondale Estates. NY USA USA Parker Publishing.what's ahead? Boys. Hicksville. Johnstown. Gordon: Who pilots the flying saucers? Coverdell. Terrassa Baker Books. Parapsicologia y Religion. Carla: Secrets of the UFO. magi? Elkins. Myth. Louisville. Lancashire Childrens Bread. Cove. Salvador: Visionaries. Freixedo. Grand Rapids. St. Gilbrant.Ufocod Author And Title TP Tansley. [La culminación del fenómeno O Freixedo. Madrid Editorial Orion. okkultisty. You. Mitos nue Freixedo. Robert: What is the strange paranormal force at work on this planet? Wh Ignatii. Startling parallels between UFO phenomena Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1018 A 2 2 1977 1977 1999 1981 1998 1992 197? 1968? 19?? 1976 1968 1955 1986 2001 1977 1984 1977 1980 1978 1992 1981 1973 19?? 1996 the author CLIE. Mexico IllumiNet Press.: UFO cults and the new millenium.: The Mission of the One Star Albrecht. Georgia Infinity Publishing.: UFO: Christianity connection: fact or fiction. John: Close encounters. atomic bombs and the second coming of Christ. 3317 4683 4684 8132 8147 3403 1524 2897 768 787 1032 6839 2953 6421 2678 3860 6475 7014 7877 268 5010 432 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-07014 2 2 1 2 Laymen's Home Missionary Movem USA Edition des Archers. science and religion.: UFOs: friend. Dalila & Gérard: Les OVNI d'apocalypse. PA Master Books. NY USA Horizon Books. Newnan. Bruxelles. Oswald. [File of editions # 4-10]. San Diego. Sam: Flying saucers. Christopher. John Paul: UFOs and a coherent world-view. Twitchell. Hampton. Bruxelles. Camp Hill. Ted: UFOs . Hovet the author. Belg Belgiu Edition des Archers. Todd. Wilson. The spiritual mission of UFOs. 1. Gordon: The riddle of the flying saucers. iUniverse. Haverford. Lafayette. Texe: New age bevegelsens hemmeligheter. Dahl. Dalila & Gérard: Les OVNI d'apocalypse. Calif Rosedale Christian Ministries. W. 2. Les enfants de Belial. Dalila & Gérard: Les OVNI d'apocalypse. Marrs. Ulysee: The phenomena of flying saucers and spatial people. Belg Belgiu the author Hermon. Hampton. Graham: Extreme deceptions.: UFO's and evolution. Atlanta the author. Paul: Alien intervention. Stuart: The strong delusion.Gods chariots? Flying saucers in politics. John Paul: What you need to know. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 5061 1 1 1981 1997 19?? 1976 1976 1979 1966? 1991 1988 1980 1983 1977 1955 2003 1978 1999 1961 1998 2005 2010 2008 1969 1997 195? Country USA Lang. NH the author. A better explanation. Sidney J.: Men from the Moon in America. Lincoln. William R. Belg Belgiu Edition des Archers. Louisi USA Shepherdsfield Publishers. Clifford & Weldon. Satans plan for en "verdens-rel Oswald. NH John Knox Press. Campbell. Michael: UFOs: Demonic activity & elaborate hoaxes meant to deceive ma Douglas. Lemaire. Involving t Brigden. Dallas. Mikkel: UFOs. Lemaire. David E. Ingle the author USA No USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Australi UK En Fr Fr Fr En No En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En small document sc A4 sc A4 sc A4 booklet sc document 8½x11 doc in binder booklet hc booklet sc pt sc small booklet sc ringbound A5 2002 2004 2004 2010 2010 2002 1988 2001 1983 1983 1983 2008 2001 2008 2000 2003 2008 Huntington House. foe or fantasy? A biblical perspective on the pheno Grant.: Global implications of the UFO reality. Oswald. Bruxelles. Texas USA den 31 december 2010 . Peters. Hampton. Les armées du ciel. Fred R. John Paul: Commentary. 3. Les temps d'abomination. NH the author. David. ed. Fillmo USA Exposition Press. Nebraska USA USA sc 8½x11 + digital PDF file2010 booklet hc sc booklet 2010 1975 2005 1983 Sida 374 of 392 Most Holy Family Monastery. San TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD Laymen's Home Missionary Movement: "Flying saucers" Lemaire. Lindsay. Exploring the paranormal. Pennsylv USA Faith Clinic. Fulton. Goetz. 2. V. Binding En sc AcqYear 2005 2004 Institute of Creation Research. Dimond. A revelation and a warning.Ufocod Author And Title TR Jansma. Seraphim (Rouz): NLO (Neopoznannye Letayuschie Objekty) v svete Inglesby. Springfield. Villeg Fr Kron-Press. Gran USA Bantam Books. Formerly entitled: UFO's and Bible pro Ieromonakh.C. Les extraterrestres dans le mystère d'iniquité. Y. Cyril: 1982 . N. Cyril: Messages of Jesus and Our Lady given to Veronica Leuken on U Marystone. Marystone. Bob: UFO's and the alien agenda. London Faith Clinic. California Bible Voice. Cyril: The great battle of the Majesties and war of the spirits. & Shigekawa. David Allen & Shreckhise. Dallas. Lindsey. Larson. New Leaf Press. Carlson: Vart är mänskligheten på väg. David: UFO's and bible prophecy. Bronx. Nashvil USA Menorah Press. Larson.1970-19 Marystone. Jesus and Mary speak to the world .Ufocod Author And Title TRD Grant. Örebro USA USA Sw Zondervan Publishing House. New Mexico the author. [Collection 5058 A 5058 B 5585 511 8083 6187 4118 6676 5667 8591 4133 8148 6964 4156 1206 1207 7397 1273 4165 1492 1243 8188 1 1 1 2 2 USA USA Ru UK En En Ru En Fr Ru En En En Sw En En En It En En En En En En En En pt pt booklet hc sc sc sc booklet sc sc pt pt digital PDF file sc booklet 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 dupl 8½x11 sc 8½x11 document 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 binder 2008 2005 2006 1979 2010 2007 2003 2008 2006 2010 2003 2010 2010 2003 1984 1984 2009 1985 2003 1988 1985 2010 Sida 375 of 392 Éditions Sainte Jeanne d'Arc. Kerizo. Texa Children of Mary Inc. R. Hymers. Green Forest. Ark Evangelipress. Orange. Cyril: 1982 . Mallone. Orange. Cyril: Roses from heaven. David Allen & Shreckhise. Cyril: Grave and urgent warnings from heaven. W.C. Second edition. NY Children of Mary Inc. California Pisatel.: Encounters of the fourth kind. Moscow Regency Press.: Men in the flying saucers identified. Texa the author USA USA It USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA den 31 december 2010 . Manzi. Bronx. Guy: Come sail away. Pompei the author. Eric: UFO's and the Christian. UFO phenomena and the Bible. Robert: UFO: end-time delusion. Marystone. [Orig: The late great pl Lindsey.L. Texas Country USA Lang. Bronx. The demon theory of the aliens. Bob: NLO i celi prishel'tzev. The Communist world r Marystone. Hal with C. antichrist del Lewis.C. Alain: Les OVNI identifiés.1977-19 Marystone. Carlson: Satan is alive and well on planet Earth. Marystone. Lindsey.year of the warning? Volume I. Not a mystery! Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 433 3 BM-00433 1 195? 2000 1976 1976 1996 1978 1997 Bible Voice.year of the warning? Volume II. Robert: UFO 666. NY the author the author. Binding En AcqYear 1983 2007 booklet + digital PDF file TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD Hymers. Jesus and Mary speak to the world . Lewis.L. Hal with C. Rocco: UFO e potere delle tenebre. Hal & C. Con vari disegni e fotografie. Marystone. Moscow Ru 1 Translations 1998 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-06964 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1997 1993 1991 1973 1981 1973 1998 1979 1982 1982 1993 1978 1986 197? 198? 1995 Thomas Nelson Publishers. Bronx. Cyril: Fairy tales of the ufologists. Van Nuys. the author. V. Carlson: The late great planet Earth. MO. Roswell. Van Nuys. R. Cyril: Roses from heaven. (UFOs and the Alien Agenda). Cults & contacts. NY the author. NY the author. Colora USA Förderung christlicher Publizistik. Oregon Riko-Press-Reklama. Eugene. Binding En document 8½x11 AcqYear 1994 2003 TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD Missler. and the attr Riko-Press-Reklama: Diavol.An explanation. [Audio recordings]. San Diego. CM Servents of Messiah. Agnières USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Fr Fr Fr Fr den 31 december 2010 . Saipan. T. Leurres et manipulations. California Servents of Messiah. NY Country USA Lang. [Learning what is Norman. L'illusion cosmique. Zhitomir Ge USA USA USA Uk 1 Translations 1973 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1970 1994 1998 1994 2002 1981 1975 1975 1983 1983 1984 1983 1984 1983 1984 2001 1994 1995 2002 Navpress. Colorado Springs. [Age-Ending Letter]. Ross. [Age-Ending Letter]. [Age-Ending Letter]. demons and Norman. CM Servents of Messiah. New Jers USA Beta Books. [The Devil. Samples. Pietralba JMG éditions. [Age-Ending Letter]. Bronx. T.: Unmasking the enemy. ego nyneshnie lzhechudesa i lzheproroki. Servents of Messiah: Messengers. [Age-Ending Letter]. 5716 4217 2348 747 2547 4790 5875 4803 8403 4818 6785 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 2916 7550 7551 8419 1 1 USA En En Ge En En En Ru En Ge En En En En En En En En En Fr Fr Fr Fr four CD records with audio2006 sc pt (bad copy) pt sc sc booklet sc hc pt pt document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 document 8½x11 dupl A4 sc sc sc 2003 1996 1975 1998 2004 2006 2004 2010 2004 2008 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2001 2009 2009 2010 Sida 376 of 392 Bethany House. sightings. Tommy R. CM Servents of Messiah. Eric [Warren Smith]: Gods. Kelly L. Saipan. Sider.): Sterbeerlebnisse. Arlington. T.An enigma. Nelson & Blann. Jean: La vie vient d'une intelligence supérieure. demons and UFOs. Sider. UFO und Anthroposophie. Servents of Messiah: The Hollow Earth theory. [What lies behind abductions. (Fact Segraves. Minneapolis. CM Servents of Messiah. L'hypothèse extraterrestre. B. NY Bendan Press. 2. CM the author. 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The case for man-made fly Hiemenz. Phoenix.: Pravda i lozh o tainstvennyh yavleniyah. What on earth is happening? Weldon. Erich [writing as Christof Friedrich]: 165 little known UFO sightings from aro Baker. Toronto the author Futura Press. [pseud. Harbinson. Militärische Verwicklungen. Barton. Bartosz: Syndrom V-7.: The German saucer story. Brian (writer. Ward. 6025 1123 B 1123 C 1123 A 6856 1145 6867 5337 4591 2714 A 2714 B 1194 2857 6169 V 6170 V 3282 5851 6027 4452 8565 6889 4469 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BM-06889 1 Lithuani Russia USA USA USA En En En En En En Ru Ge En En Da Polish En En En Polish En Ge booklet pt pt sc pt pt sc hc sc hc pt booklet sc video VHS video VHS sc sc documentg sc booklet digital PDF file sc 8½x11 2006 1983 1983 1978 2008 1978 2008 2006 2004 2000 1997 1984 2001 2007 2007 2002 2006 2006 2003 2010 2009 2004 Sida 377 of 392 Inspiration Books. Vojens WIS. What on earth is happening? White. Beings from beyond. Lakeville. W. Revell Company. producer): The secret war. Jimmy: Man-made UFOs…or what? Zunneck. Heiner: Flugscheiben aus der Sowjetunion. Irvine. Schleusingen Boxtree. The case for man-made fly Harbinson. ["The V-7 syndrome"]. Calif Country USA Lang.f. [A look behind the door to the s Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4381 1 1 1984 1977 1991 1975 1976 1975 1987 1975 1990 2002 2001 1995 1996 1960 2001? 1987 1987 1997 2003 1986? 2001 19?? 2000 1968 Zhaltviksle. Arizona USA Signet.Ufocod Author And Title TRD Sumrall. Robert: Wunderland. Terror weapons + If… Kanon. Schleusingen Samisdat Publishers. öffentlich Zündel. Karl-Heinz: Geheimtechnologien 2. The final solution to the UFO mystery. Rdultowski. Alan: Invisible Eagle. [orig: UFOs. Los Angeles. Irvine. The history of Nazi occultism. David: Something is going on out there. What on earth Weldon. Brian (writer. NY Harvest House. Eckardt. Tulsa. Milos & Lesniakiewicz. Aleksandr: NLO – sekretnyi udar. Oklahoma TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TRD TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TSN TSN Vandeman. . A. Binding En sc AcqYear 2003 2004 Harrison House. Volume 2. D. London SUFOI. Old T Moscow & Kharkov Amun Verlag. John with Lewitt. Michael X. NY Fleming H. Wilson. W. Jahrhundert. Andreas: Das Drama um die Erfinder "Fliegender Untertassen". Jan: Geheimgesellschaften und Ihre macht in 20. Summerhayes. Tucson. William L. William L. Henry: Hitler's flying saucers. Levenda.: Der Flugscheiben-Mythos. Gary: Blue fires. Michael X. Colin & Beeching.B. Brian: German secret weapons: blueprint for Mars. Stranges.och te Godwin. f. Calif UK UK USA USA USA USA Neville Spearman. West USA TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN TSN Branton (pseud. Gesellschaft für Politisch-Phi Germa Hugin. Schleusingen Thames and Hudson. NY Philosophical Library. Kempt USA UFO Photo Archives. Zerrbild zwischen Täuschung und Tatsa Hitler alive? 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[MUFON-CES-B MUFON-CES: Strahlenwirkungen in der Umgebung von UFOs… Herausgegeben v 1929 2014 2135 2259 2346 2440 2633 2634 2888 2889 3443 4721 6712 5763 7424 7425 7426 713 8232 4203 4204 720 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 3 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En En Ge Ge Ge Ge sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc 8½x11 sc sc sc sc 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 1999 2001 2001 2002 2004 2008 2006 2009 2009 2009 1978 2010 2003 2003 1983 Sida 385 of 392 MUFON-CES. Seguin. Colorado MUFON. Texas MUFON. Morrison. Seguin. Texas MUFON. Versuch einer Wissensch MUFON-CES: Offizielle Untersuchungsberichte der Russen und der Amerikaner üb MUFON-CES: Seltsamme Flugobjekte und die Einheit der Physik. Feldkirchen-Westerh Ge den 31 december 2010 . Morrison. Seguin. Morrison. Seguin. Binding En sc 8½x11 AcqYear 1990 1991 UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1992 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1993 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1994 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1995 International UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1996 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1997 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1998 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1999 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2000 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2001 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2002 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2003 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2004 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2005 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2006 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2007 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 2008 international UFO symposium proce MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON symposium 1973. Seguin. Texas MUFON. Colorado MUFON.Ufocod Author And Title UC MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): MUFON 1990 International UFO symposium proce Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 1648 2 1 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1973 1974 1981 1983 1978 MUFON. Seguin. Bellvue. Quincy. Feldkirchen-Westerh Ge MUFON-CES. Feldkirchen-Westerh Ge MUFON-CES. Seguin. Morrison. Morrison. Colorado MUFON. Fort Collins. Texas MUFON. Co MUFON. Seguin. Seguin. Texas MUFON. Texas MUFON. Colorado MUFON. Texas Country USA Lang. A scientific approach to MUFON-CES: Die Erforschung unbekannter Flugobjekte. Texas MUFON. Colorado MUFON. Brunoi.): Welcome convention members of International Space Scornaux. Indiana. [AAAS-symposium Schmidt. Binding Ge sc AcqYear 1983 2010 MUFON-CES. Skive Fr Ge Da Da privately published by Jacques Scor Fr SOBEPS UFOmania editions MUFON Indiana MUFON Indiana OVNI-Presence et GEPSI Klub Popularyzacji. Bruxelles Belgiu Fr USA USA Fr Poland USA USA USA Fr Belgiu Belgiu den 31 december 2010 Sida 386 of 392 . Reinhold O. Sunde SUFOI. Lyon Fr Ovni-présence GEP. Thornton (ed. Aix Cedex Rencontres de Lyon …. 8th.): SUFOI-kongressen 1963. Ithaca International Space Craft Project SCEAU/Archives OVNI. H.: MUFON Indiana 1988 symposium. 23-25. Bericht von der Tagung Petersen.09 et 10 septembre 2006 Ridge. Thierry & Scornaux. Lüdenscheid SUFOI. Carl & Page. Feldkirchen-Westerh Ge OVNI-Présence. Thornton (ed. Gilbert & Marhic. Lyon Fr Fr Ge Ge Fr Fr Fr Fr Ge Da Da Fr En Fr En En Fr Polish En En En Fr Fr En sc sc booklet A4 scA4 scA4 scA4 booklet A5 sc sc booklet A4 sc 2 DVD discs document 8½x11 document 8½x11 booklet A4 booklet A5 sc hc booklet document A4 ringbound A4 ringbound A4 1983 2010 2003 2009 2009 2009 1998 1975 1979 2003 2010 2007 2003 2003 2006 2006 1983 1975 2009 2002 1991 1989 Rencontres Européennes … . Ce SOBEPS. Renaud: Texte du diaporama présenté le 30 avril 1989 a Rzepecki. Pinvidic. [AAAS-symposium Sagan. Indiana. H.): UFO's . Francis L. Krakow Norton Library. Bronislaw (ed. Jacques & Durand. Graulhet .09. (ed. Aug.C. Feldkirchen-Westerh Ge UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC MUFON-CES: Ungewöhnliche Eigenschaften nichtidentifizierbarer Lichterscheinun MUFON-CES: Ungewöhnliche Gravitations-Phänomene: empirische Erfassung und OVNI-Présence: Actes des "Rencontres de Lyon" sur le phenomene OVNI 18-19-2 OVNI-Présence: Actes des Rencontres de Lyon sur le Phénomène ovni.1983.): Beiträge zur UFO-Forschung. Krako Sagan. Ridge. Jacques (editors): Rencontre ufologique du Bugue.: MUFON Indiana 1987 symposium. 2 Pinvidic. Hans-Werner (ed.): UFO's . Gilles: Compte rendu des deliberations de l'assembl SOBEPS: Actes du premier congres Europeen sur les phenomenes aeriens anorm SOBEPS: Proceedings of the first European congress on anomalous aerial pheno 722 8233 4244 7454 7455 7456 2548 1003 790 4264 8298 6242 V 4320 4321 5882 5891 1054 B 1054 A 6779 3578 1812 1592 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 MUFON-CES. NY Cornell University Press. 2-3-4 avril OVNI-Présence: Actes des troisièmes Rencontres Européennes de Lyon consacré OVNI-Présence: Quatrièmes Rencontres Européennes de Lyon (consacrées au ph Peiniger. (pres. Petersen.Ufocod Author And Title UC MUFON-CES: Unerklärliche Himmelserscheinungen aus älterer und neuerer Zeit… Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 721 2 1 1977 1989 1979 1975 1987 1988? 1989? 1990 1995 1963 1963 1981 1988 2006 1987 1988 1989 1983 1974 1972 1960 2002 1988 1989 Country Lang. Vincennes. Bruxelles SOBEPS. Feldkirchen-Westerh Ge MUFON-CES.a scientific debate. Sept 3rd. Vincennes.): I Ogólnopolski zjazd ufologiczny. Rolland.a scientific debate. Jacques: First European Congress on Anomalous Ae Planète OVNI: 2èmes rencontres rapprochees.C. Thierry & Scornaux.: Report from Europe. Carl & Page. Francis L. 7570 806 807 732 4377 2754 2759 5998 2760 2574 1062 8553 976 4155 3467 866 4348 6994 1014 1084 8533 2944 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 BM-06994 3 2 1 1 Fr USA USA Fr En En En Sp En Fr Ru En En En En Sw It En En Ge En Da En En Da scA4 sc 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 booklet A4 booklet document A4 sc sc 8½x11 ringbound 8½x11 ringbound sc A4 dupl A4 sc document 8½x11 hc (2) sc (1) sc digital PDF file dupl A4 booklet A5 stapled document document A4 2009 1983 1983 1975 2003 2000 2000 2006 2000 1998 1983 2010 1983 2003 2002 1983 2003 2010 1975 1980 2010 2001 National Amateur Astronomers (NA USA Stendek-CEI. Binding Fr sc A4 AcqYear 2009 2009 UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UD UD UD UD UD UD UD UD UD UD SOS OVNI: Cinquièmes Rencontres Européennes de Lyon (consacrées au phéno Sprinkle. Tomsk Ru Sign Historical Group. A supplement to the third nationwide a Stendek-CEI: Actas del primer congreso nacional de ufologia. Englewood Cliffs.: Detection and identification of unidentified flying objects (UFO Sörensen. Stoke-on-Trent Bedford UFO Society SUFOI. Dansk UFO Center). Federation Francaise d'Ufolog Fr Sibnizaya. Piero: Ufologia sperimentale. Colorado Dansk UFO Center. Ken (ed.Leo (ed. Government Printing Office. (ed. Eighty-ninth Wootten. Richard: Congres Lyon. Thisted BUFORA.): Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain conference on UFO inve Sprinkle. Thomas (ed. Harley D: Project identification. The first scientific field study of UFO phe Schneider. Thomas (ed. Jean-Pierre & Varrault. Congress House. 1999 / Chicago. David: The use of analytical instruments in the search for extra-terrestrial Viewing. Batley. (Rapport nr 3. Generelt om indsamling af information. Laramie. Rainie USA U. [Proceedings of] 3rd Tomsk school-seminar. Gentofte USA Da UK UK Da den 31 december 2010 Sida 387 of 392 . Tony: Elektromagnetisk detektor.): UFO history workshop / May 29-30. "Nonp Tulien.): Proceedings of the Sign Historical Group UFO history worksh Tulien. Mt.. W BUFORA. Peter A. Wyoming SOS OVNI. Oswald. Laramie. Mike: UFOs: examining the evidence. The proceedings of the 8th BUFOR Eckardt. US. Wyoming the editor.Ufocod Author And Title UC SOS OVNI: Actes des huitièmes Rencontres Européennes de Lyon consacrées au Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7571 1 1 1996 1993 1991 1980 1982 1970 1978 1998 1983 1992 1999 1999 1966 1995 1971 1977 1972 1981 1981 2000 1971 1976 1968 1980 SOS OVNI.Leo (ed. The proceeding Troadec. Barcelona Sp Journal of Scientific Exploration repr USA FFU. Compte rendu. John Paul: Experiments directed towards the detection of a magnetic UFO Rutledge. Hans: UFO detektorer. West Yorkshire Stockholms UFO-Center. David: The whys and wherefores of Bedford U. John F. Genova the author.): Proceedings. AIX-en-Provence the editor.): Physical evidence related to UFO reports. Hampton. Co USA Fund for UFO Research. NJ USA UK Sw It USA USA MUFON-CES.: Hearing by the Committee on Armed Services. Stockhol Edizioni di Vincenzo. Jan Steen: UFO-detektorer. R. Proceedin Trudy 3-go seminara v Tomske. Viewing. Ponencias technicas Sturrock. Private un Schuessler. Feldkirchen-Westerh Ge the author. Rocky Mountain conference on UFO investigat Steinmetz.): Science and the UFO.O. NH Prentice-Hall.F. Mantero. Society' project Mobil Voigt.. Adolf: Automatische Registrierung unbekannter Flugobjekte.S. Aix Country Fr Lang. Morrison. Scotland. R. P. Ufolk. Joan Frances: Fourteen footsteps from outer space. Sina: Nicholas Roerich. Have you wondered? Understanding the evidence of UFO Carter. Ljungdahl. Allen: J.M. Six viewpoints. Desguin. Willibald. Udstilling for børn. Hibiscus Coast Paragon House. Leacock. London Canada En US USA En En Canada En USA Belgiu UK USA USA UK En Fr En En En En En Sw The 2020 Group. Texas Cleveland Ufology Project.Allen Hynek (1910-1986) papers.Ufocod Author And Title UE Copperthwaite. A brief biography in commemoration of the 90th a Hallet. Stock Sw den 31 december 2010 Sida 388 of 392 . Dallas.000. Cooper. Robert S.H. C USA P.U. Ohio Ballantine. HarperCollins. an exhibition of un Havkrog. Willowdale.P. Heselton. Ellen: Silent invasion.: UFOs and the martyrdom of Frank Scully. Frank: My first 10. NY USA USA USA New Ze En USA USA En En En Aegean Park Press. Cleveland. Edwards. NY the author. The shocking discoveries of a UFO researcher. Hull ParaView Press. Gene (ed.000 sponsors.H. Michael (ed. Ontario UAPA.Norstedt & Söners förlag. P. Crystall. The Bruce Fosdick. Ann Arbor USA Royal Publ Co. NY the author. Lindemann. Elisabeth: UFO og rumfart. The shocking discoveries of a UFO researcher. Lilian Crowner: Unidentified flying objects. Gordon with Henderson. The magazine about ufologist Easley.: Robert S. Laguna Hills. My two decades on the UFO beat. Ellen: Silent invasion. Bruce: Leap of faith. Katzinger.A. Patrick: Swamp gas times. Parma. Binding En booklet AcqYear 2010 2005 UE UE UE UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI Habeck. bo Jamal. Crystall. Encounters with other worlds. Axel: En flygofficers minnen.): Who's who in Toronto. Series 11/3/5/6. Fact or fiction? Duplantier. Edwards Collection. C USA the author. Martin's. Huyghe. [Archives inventory. Santa Barbara. Liege Northern Earth Mysteries.: The P.: A guide to Ripley's Believe it or not! Collection of oddities Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7834 1 1 1978 2005 2003 1983 1998 1966 1980 2000 19?? 1991 1996 1992 1978 1981 1956 1988 1964 1990 1986 2001 1988 1991 1991 1972 the authors the author.): UFOs and the alien presence. NY St. etc: Unsolved mysteries. Michele: Volcanic visions. Brønshøj Ripley International Ltd Country USA Lang. Hynek.New age pioneer. Easley's world of ufology. NY University of Alberta Nicholas Roerich Museum. 6939 5041 4681 1242 6105 4952 5427 2810 A 2810 B 4545 6493 7188 1875 5464 3148 4048 4058 3258 5576 5587 4131 5677 1 BM-06939 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 Germa Da En Da En En En En digital PDF file document in binder hc hc ringbound hc document 8½x11 sc pt sc 8½x11 stapled 8½x11 booklet 8½x11 pt document booklet copies A4 sc sc document sc sc hc 2010 2005 2004 1985 2007 2005 2006 2001 2003 2004 2008 2009 1992 2006 2002 2003 2003 2002 2006 2006 2003 2006 Novel Writing Publishers.: Roswell. Philip: Tony Wedd . An astronaut's journey into t Crabb.'s out of this world cook book. C. Reinhard. Marc: Libres propos d'un nudiste concernant l'ufologie et les ufologues.M. Edwards.): C. Riley H.U. NY Northwestern University Archives Arkana/Penguin.P. Derek R. J. Cleveland Ufology Project (C. 1925-1988. Samuelsson. Leo: UFO contactees and new science.): Space Review [complete file of the publication issued by IF 5725 5729 5730 3437 7481 6245 1400 1467 5941 6838 1975 A 1975 B 8043 8047 1975 C 2976 3771 3772 3773 3774 883 936 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 USA USA USA USA En En En En Fr En Sw Sw En En En En En En En Da En En En En En En document document document hc sc hc copy A4 hc document booklet hc sc booklet sc hc booklet A4 booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet A5 booklet booklet 2006 2006 2006 2002 2009 2007 1986 1987 2006 2008 1992 2005 2010 2010 2009 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 1975 1976 Sida 389 of 392 William L Moore Publications. Semitjov. Moseley. life and Ufos. Gray (ed. Journals 1957-1969. (ed. Karl T. Moore.): The Saucerian Review. Gentofte Cooperativa Studi e Iniziative UPIA Cooperativa Studi e Iniziative UPIA Cooperativa Studi e Iniziative UPIA Cooperativa Studi e Iniziative UPIA USA Da It It It It Gray Barker. Fannie (editor): Gray Barker's questions & answers about UFO's. Jacques: Forbidden science.): FBI files on UFO researcher Laura Marxer (Mundo). (ed. Wyoming the author. Vallée. I n. San Antonio/New USA Documatica Research. Laeserundersøgelsen 1978. LLC. Vicente-Juan (ed. Hopkins. Vicente-Juan (ed. Burb William L Moore Publications. SUFOI. 4th American Andersen. Vol. Journals 1957-1969. James W. Sprinkle. A memoir.): UPIAR Research in Progress. William L. William L. West Virgi USA the author USA den 31 december 2010 .: Shockingly close to the truth! Confessions of Picard. Vol. 1 Ballester Olmos. (ed. (ed. Cali Marlowe & Company.): UPIAR Research in Progress. Gunnar: Henry Kjellson. & Plock. Ballester Olmos. Budd: Art. Eugen: Rymdtecknaren. Saint-Maximin La St Fr Metro Publishing. 1 Ballester Olmos. Vicente-Juan (ed. Reg: Wild things they don't tell us.: Who knows UFOs? The ultimate UFO challenger quiz. Amherst. Jacques: Forbidden science. Presley. NY UK Sw Sw USA USA USA USA Gray Barker.): [Reprint file of 5 articles: 'The Spitzbergen saucer'. Michel: Aimé Michel ou La quête du surhumain. Colorad UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UIB UIB UIB UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ Moore. Clarksburg.Ufocod Author And Title UI Mead. Stockholm the author. West Virgi USA Anomalist Books. Bender. Binding En hc AcqYear 2003 2004 Pruett Publishing. Vol. Jean: Wyoming in profile. 2 Ballester Olmos. Boulder.): UPIAR Research in Progress. Per: LU 78. Albert K. Vallée. Berkeley. M.): FBI files on UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield. Hoffman. 'The pu Moore.): UPIAR Research in Progress. Vallée. Jacques: Forbidden science. Journals 1957-1969. II n. London the author Askild & Kärnekull. William L. Laramie. Burb Prometheus Books. I n. Texas North Atlantic Books. Presented at the International Turner. Vicente-Juan (ed. 2/3 Barker. [Includes interviews with UFO investigator Leo Spr Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4174 1 1 1982 1990 198? 198? 198? 2002 1996 2002 1983 1983 1990 1990 1992 1996 19?? 2009 2007 1978 1982 1982 1983 1984 1956 1962 William L Moore Publications Country USA Lang. Denton. II n. Vol. Clarksburg. K. Volume 1. R. NY Éditions Orion. Elizabeth M. Figueiredo. The practical guide to researchi 3958 3959 3960 2397 7941 7942 2398 8211 8229 515 3739 4896 4926 3878 2508 6133 4010 5514 7220 7221 399 4022 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 Editecs Publishing House. Buffalo. an international annual review devot Fortean Times 1-15. Philadelphia UK Fr Fr Fr Fr USA booklet landscape format 2006 document A4 document A4 booklet A5 sc 2009 2009 1983 2003 Sida 390 of 392 den 31 december 2010 . Bur Editorial 7½. David: The UFO investigator's guide. (ed. Toulouse Cedex GEPAN GEPAN GEPAN Running Press. Bologna It Cooperativa Studi e Iniziative UPIA Fortean Times. UFOs. Roberto (editor): UFO phenomena. GEPAN: Groupe d'Etude des Phénomènes Aèrospatiaux Non-identifiés. London GEPAN. Joe: Missing pieces. London Fortean Times. 2. London John Brown Publishing.] Pré Werner. Fishy yarns. Bologna It Editecs Publishing House. 1. Coomer. Adell Sabates. Binding En booklet AcqYear 1983 2003 Gene Duplantier.Ufocod Author And Title UJ Duplantier. Alberto: Manual del ufologo. & Nickel. Robert A. London CEFAI. Gene (ed. Roberto (editor): UFO phenomena. If pigs could fly. Analyse du problème du pré-traitement des donnée GEPAN: Note technique no. Vernon: Writing a scientific paper. UK Puffin. Oporto Fr USA Sp USA UK UK Portuga Portug En En Fr Fr Fr Fr En Federation UFO Research. Mid-Ohio Research Associates Inc: Factual UFO articles from Fantastic Universe S Moutet. Fortean Times 47-51. Étude comparative des résultats statistiques éléme GEPAN: Note technique no. an international annual review devot Farabone. an international annual review devot Farabone.]: La revue des soucoupes volantes. No 1-6 1977. Gateways to mystery. [Presentati GEPAN: Note technique no. Du USA HEPTA? Inner-Space Interpreters (ISIS). Roberto (editor): UFO phenomena. London It UK UK UK UK En En En En En En En En Fr En Sp En En En sc sc sc sc sc sc sc binder 8½x11 sc booklet sc hc booklet sc document A4 document A4 pt 2003 2003 2003 1997 2010 2010 1997 2010 2010 1983 2003 2005 2005 2003 1998 2007 2003 Mid Ohio Research Associates. Fortean Times 42-46. Craig: The UFO investigator's handbook. How to investigate ghosts. Barcelona Prometheus Books. Marc: The UFO investigator's handbook. Gascoigne. London Blandford. London John Brown. NY The Biochemical Society. Willowdale. 3. [Edited for volume publication by Fortean Times 31-36. p Booth. Michel [éd. Yesterday's news tomorrow. Methodologie d'un problème: Principes & applicatio Glenday. [New ed. José: Manual of psycho-physiological effects attributable to UFO pheno FUFOR (Federation UFO Research): Pre-computer 'screening' of UFO reports. Ontari Canda UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM Farabone. Baker. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 331 A 1 3 1975 1976 1978 1979 1980 1992 1993 1994 1995 2010? 1999 1977 1979 1992 1979 1999 1979 1980 1996 1982? 1979 1980 1981 1999 Country Lang.): ISIS 1977 guide to occult periodicals.): Flying saucer treasure-trove. Crewe. (Fourth edition). (ed. A guide to investigating. Torino UK USA UK It It 1 BM-06971B 1993 1 BM-06971C 2010 1 BM-07020 2 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 2 4 2005 1976 19?? 1979 1979 1979 1976 19?? 1983 1975 1982 Centro Transdisciplinar de Estudos Spain BUFORA. Chicago Sphere. A field investigator's handbook. UMM Basterfield. Malcolm: UFO handbook 2. Jacques & Davis. Crewe. 2nd edition. Roberto E. Kirstein. Swindon The Rolling Thunder Press. London Doubleday. Handbuch zur Erforschung uni MLA (Modern Language Association): MLA handbook for writers of research paper Mrzyglod. Torino Edizioni Upiar. Binding En stapled booklet AcqYear 2010 1989 International Sky Scouts Associatio UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM UM Haines. O'Connor. [First edition.: Observing UFOs. Trevor: Investigations procedures (BUFORA science paper 2). edizione. 3. Russo. Peter A: Report on working party on standards in UFO research. Ne USA SCUFORI & Probe.): MUFON field investigator's manual. Buenos Aires the author the author BUFORA. Stoke-on-Trent BUFORA.: Incommensurability. October UMM Bull. Allan: The UFO handbook.): Manuale di metodologia d'indagine ufologica. Ian (ed. 2. Allan: The UFO handbook. London the author. A handbook for enthusiasts.: El tratamiento de la informacion sobre OVNIs. UFO Research Australia. UFO Research Australia. Brian: How to investigate UFOs. A guide to investigating. 3rd edition. Anatomie eines Phänomens. (ed. Stoke-on-Trent CEFAI. Seguin. An investigative handbook. NY Robert Hale. Edoardo (ed. orthodoxy and the physics o Whitaker. Jimmy (editor): Sky Scouts handbook.): MUFON field investigator`s manual. Stoke-on-Trent BUFORA MUFON. An investigative study. Texas MUFON. London Edizioni UPIAR. Vallée. UMM Fowler. Richard F. edizione. 452 463 B 463 A 1562 4672 5123 892 5149 830 6971 B 6971 C 7020 1128 2995 2480 2481 168 B 168 A 4493 1730 2510 322 4 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 USA UK USA UK Ge En En En En Ge En En En En It It En En Sp En En En En En En En En sc (3) hc (1) sc sc document A4 sc sc booklet A5 pt hc digital PDF file sc A4 + digital PDF file digital PDF file booklet A5 document 8½x11 document A4 document A4 sc A4 bound volume A4 booklet looseleaf 8½x11 looseleaf 8½x11 document A4 1983 1994 1979 1989 2004 2005 1983 2005 1983 2010 2010 2010 1980 2002 1998 1998 1980 2010 2004 1991 1998 1983 Modern Language Association. UMM BUFORA: UFO investigation. Hendry. Stuttgart Country UK Lang. den 31 december 2010 Federation UFO Research. Keith: Training officer's manual. Russo. Texas UK Argenti Australi Australi UK UK UK USA USA UMM Banchs. Detailing the various natural and man-made ph UMM Fowler. [First edition (Revise UMM BUFORA: UFO investigation. Eric W. NY BUFORA. UK Sida 391 of 392 .): UFO/IFO: a process of elimination. UMM Basterfield.Ufocod Author And Title UM Goddard. Raymond E. F.): Manuale di metodologia d'indagine ufologica. Seguin. Jenny: UFO study. Dennis: UFO. Keith: Basic investigator's guide. evaluating and reporti Hendry. UMM FUFOR (Federation UFO Research): Night observation exercise manual. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 7964 2 1 1967? 1988 1980 1980 1979 1979 2002 1977 1982 1979 1981 Nelson-Hall. A field investigator's handbook. Raymond E. A step by step guide to professional res Randles. Edoardo (ed. evaluating and reporti Hill. P. Munday. Sonja & Segui. Cellule d'investigations et d'analyses. [Guia para la investigation].: Elementos de ovnilogia. vinkelmåler. UMM Wegner. Tucson. technique UMM Petersen. UMM Hourcade. H. Guidelines. 454 4071 1454 641 642 712 791 6243 4337 2559 935 248 2 1 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 U. Graulhet Cedex Ediciones Obelisco.Investigations Research.): Vejledning for intervjuere ved Dansk UFO Center. Missis Canada En the author. UMM Kinneryd. Binding Fr booklet A4 AcqYear 2004 1989 Groupement Nordiste d'Etudes (OV Fr UMM Haisell. Milton W. Willy (red. L. Bruxelles Dansk UFO Center. gibsafstöbning. Texas IGAP.: Tallerkendetektoren.C. Arizona Lumieres dans la Nuit MUFON. Harold D. Barcelona UFO Investigators League. Spickler. UMM Lorenzen. Leo: Recommend UMM Lumieres dans la Nuit: Aide-memoire de I`enqueteur.J. Johan: Handledning för UFO-fältforskare. Timothy Green: UFO Investigators League: field manu UMM SOBEPS: Guide de l'observateur. David: The UFO investigator`s handbook. A4 booklet A4 1979 2003 1987 1989 1983 1975 1976 2007 2003 1998 2010 1983 den 31 december 2010 Sida 392 of 392 . NY SOBEPS.. Montevideo UFO-Sverige. Sala APRO. Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher 4631 1 4 19?? 1976 197? 1989 1987 1972 1972 1971 19?? 2007 1985 1979 1979 1969 Country Lang. UMM MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): Field investigator`s manual. Thisted Urugua Sw USA Fr USA Da Fr Sp USA Belgiu Da Sp Sw En Fr En Da Fr Sp En Fr Da booklet A4 sc booklet A4 booklet 8½x11 booklet booklet 8½x11 booklet A5 booklet A4 sc booklet 8½x11 dupl. Miguel: Guia del buscador de OVNIs. UMM Rubio. Seguin. UMM Planète OVNI: Guide pratique de l'enquêteur.Ufocod Author And Title UMM Groupement Nordiste d'Etudes: Le manuel de l'enqueteur. R. & Beckley. Par Alexandre Debienne et Maurice Verhoost. Theodore & Sprinkle. John. Vejle Planète OVNI. UMM Salkin.
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