Great Buildings

March 20, 2018 | Author: Mala Od Planine | Category: Architect, Microsoft Windows, Architectural Styles, Library And Museum



THE GREAT BUILDINGS COLLECTIO NSearch Buildings Architects Places Architecture Books 3D Models Architectural Types Advanced Search More than 1000 great buildings from around the world and across history are listed below and illustrated on this web site and the Great Buildings Collection on CD-ROM, with photographic images, architectural drawings, discussion, bibliography, architect info, and live 3D walkthrough computer models. HOME — BUILDING OF THE DAY — PICTURE INDEX — GREATEST HITS — ARCHIT ECTUREWEEK To find a building, 1) browse the list below, or 2) use the Find command in your browser to search this page for a particular architect or place, or 3) jump to the Quick Search page for fast results and free text searches. For powerful focused searches based on multiple architectural criteria, use our unique Advanced Search. For realtime coverage of current architecture, please visit ArchitectureWeek, our weekly magazine of design and building. For additional buildings and builders around the world, including many greats beyond this stringently concentrated 'best of' collection, please see Archiplanet, our community-created all-buildings site. A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I W I Y I Z Hundreds of downloadable 3D models of great buildings are provided here free and ready-to-view and walk through with DesignWorkshop Lite, downloadable free for Windows (95/98/ME/NT/XP/2000) and Macintosh. For complete instructions on downloading and viewing free 3D building models for both Macintosh and Windows users, please see our GBC Model Viewing Notes. Subscribers - login to skip ads 30 St Mary Axe, "Swiss Re", by Norman Foster, at London, England, UK, 2000 to 2004 - "the Gherkin". 88 Wood Street, by Richard Rogers, at London, England, 1993 to 2001. A. E. G. High Tension Factory, by Peter Behrens, at Berlin, Germany, 1910. A. I. A. Headquarters, by TAC, at Washington, D.C., 1973. Aachen Cathedral, by unknown, at Aachen, Germany, 792 to 805. Aalsmeer House, by Bijvoet and Duiker, at Aalsmeer, The Netherlands, 1924. Aalto Studio, by Alvar Aalto, at Munkkiniemi, Helsinki, Finland, 1956. Aalto Summer House, by Alvar Aalto, at Muuratsalo, Finland, 1953. Abbey of Pomposa, by unknown, at near Ferrara, Italy, 800 to 1100. Abteiburg Museum, by Hans Hollein, at Monchen-Gladbach, Germany, 1972 to 1982. Academic Bookshop, by Alvar Aalto, at Helsinki, Finland, 1962 to 1969. Academy of Arts & Sciences, by Kallman McKinnell & Wood, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1977 to 1981. Adziogol Lighthouse, by Vladimir G. Schuchov, at near Chersson, Ukraine, 1911. Air Force Academy Chapel, by Walter Netsch, Skidmore Owings and Merrill (SOM), at Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1956 to 1962. Albany Public Library, by Charles Burggraf, at Albany, Oregon, 1914. Albrecht Durer House, by unknown, at Nurnberg, Germany, circa 1500. Alexander House, by Michael Graves, at Princeton, New Jersey, 1971 to 1973. Alexandra Road Housing, by Neave Brown, at London, England, UK, 1969. Allegheny County Courthouse, by Henry Hobson Richardson, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1883 to 1888. Allen Art Museum Addition, by Robert Venturi, at Oberlin, Ohio, 1973 to 1976. Allewelt House, by William Turnbull/ MLTW, at near Madera, California, 1977. Altes Museum, by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, at Berlin, Germany, 1823 to 1830. American Academy in Rome, by McKim, Mead, and White, at Rome, Italy, 1913. Ames Free Library, by Henry Hobson Richardson, at North Easton, Massachusetts, 1877 to 1879. Ames Gate Lodge, by Henry Hobson Richardson, at North Easton, Massachusetts, 1881. Amsterdam Orphanage, by Aldo van Eyck, at Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1960 to 1961. Angkor Wat, by unknown, at Cambodia, Southeast Asia, 1140. Anker Building, by Otto Wagner, at Vienna, Austria, 1895. Annaglee, by Richard Castle, at Cootehill, County Cavan, Ireland, 1740 to 1770. Annenberg Library, by Shepley and Bulfinch, at Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 1980 's. Appenzell Farm, by traditional, at Canton Appenzell, Switzerland, farm, farmhouse. Arab Tent, vernacular, at Middle Eastern Deserts, nomadic house. Arch of Constantine, by unknown, at Rome, Italy, 315. Arch of Severus, by unknown, at Rome, Italy, 205. Arch of Titus, by unknown, at Rome, Italy, 81. Art & Architecture Building, by Paul Rudolph, at New Haven, Connecticut, 1959 to 1963. Asian Games Village, by Raj Rewal, at New Delhi, India, 1980 to 1982. Athenian Treasury, by unknown, at Delphi, Greece, -510. Auditorium Building, by Louis H. Sullivan, at Chicago, Illinois, 1886 to 1890. Austin Hall, by Henry Hobson Richardson, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1881 to 1884. Azuma House, by Tadao Ando, at Osaka, Japan, 1976. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Babson House, by Louis H. Sullivan, at Riverside, Illinois, 1907. Baker Dormitory, by Alvar Aalto, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1947 to 1948. Ball-Eastaway House - Artists' House in N. Sydney, by Glenn Murcutt, at North Sydney, Australia, 1982 to 1983. by unknown. built 1845 to 1851. by Gordon Bunshaft/ SOM. at Paris. at Boston. California. 1886. Berlin Philharmonic Hall. 1963 to 1968. Bedford Park. at San Vito d'Altivole. Germany. at Brooklyn. . Bloemenwerf House. 1950 to 1955. Broward County Library. Massachusetts. by Carlo Scarpa. Butler House. at Verona. Banqueting House. California.Baltimore-Ohio Railroad Depots. Boston Public Library. New York. 1970 to 1972. at Shatby. 1901. Italy. McKinnell and Knowles. at Norman. 1977. England. by Bruce Goff. at Breslau. built 19281929. at Ostia. 1956 to 1963. North Carolina. 1982 to 1990. Wyman. 1902. at Sacramento. Oklahoma. Bibliotheque Ste. London. by Geoffrey Bawa. by Hans Scharoun. 1977. Burns House. Boston City Hall. at Berkeley. by Marcel Breuer. 1888 to 1895. Breuer House II. Mead. at Detroit. by Sim van der Ryn. Brownstone House. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Michigan. Arizona. and White. Bateson Building. California. by Hans Poelzig. circa 150. Bibliotheca Alexandrina. by I. Brant House. by George H. by Henri Labrouste. Pennsylvania. at Darmstadt. by Robert Gatje. 1931 to 1936. Connecticut. Beinecke Rare Book Library. by Richard Norman Shaw. England. by Carlo Scarpa. by Bernard Maybeck. at Fort Lauderdale. Brion-Vega Cemetery. Spain. Brooklyn Children's Museum. at Bedford Park. Bank of China Tower. Bavinger House. Banca Popolare di Verona. 1869 to 1883. by Charles Moore. at Chester & Philadelphia. by Frank Furness. 1958 to 1968. Breslau Office Building. 1973. by William Wurster. 1875 and onward. by Marcel Breuer. Belgium. at Barcelona. Italy. at Boston. Baths at Ostia. Connecticut. at Brooklyn. Massachusetts. by Albert Kahn. Germany. at Sri Lanka. Burroughs Company. by Kallman. 1911 to 1912. vernacular. Boomer Residence. 1953. Bradbury Building. by Snohetta. Biltmore House. at Uccle. demolished 1930. Florida. by Robert Venturi. by Hardy-Holzman-Pfeiffer. France. Bibliotheque Nationale. 1889 to 1893. 1973. 1980 to 1984. at Dessau. 1948. at Asheville. 1939. Germany. Breuer House I. Massachusetts. 1963. at Berlin. London. at Santa Monica Canyon. Italy. near Brussels. 1974. Behrens House. M. Connecticut. California. by Inigo Jones. Germany. by Etienne-Louis Boullee. Barcelona Pavilion. 1843 designed. at New Haven. late 1800's. New York. by Frank Lloyd Wright. 1904. at Whitehall. at Los Angeles. at Greenwich. at New Canaan. by Richard Morris Hunt. Bawa House. Pei. by John Augustus Roebling. 1919 to 1925. Boke House. at New York. Egypt. by Walter Gropius. at Hong Kong. Brooklyn Bridge. 1785. by Peter Behrens. Genevieve. 1619 to 1622. at Pasatiempo. California. 1887 to 1895. New York. at Phoenix. at Lincoln. 1895 to 1896. Bauhaus. France. by McKim. 1989 to 2001. at Paris. by Henry van de Velde. India. by Le Corbusier. at Williamsburg. Castle del Monte. Cathedral of St. by Joseph Esherick. Casa Antonio Galvez. Massachusetts. Chinese Junk. Switzerland. . by Le Corbusier. circa 1550. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Campo Volantin Footbridge. Chartres Cathedral. by unknown. The Netherlands. 1947. Cathedral of San Salvador. Oregon. 1967 to 1972. 1961 to 1964. Case Study House No. 1063 to 1350. Italy. Chateau de Versailles. New York. Chandler House. 1890 (circa). by Luis Barragan. 1554. Casa Mila. California. Carpenter Center. Chateau de Chenonceaux. by Domenico da Cortona. 1701 to 1715. 1960. at Paris. 1978. Casa Batllo. England. Italy. Vermont. Mexico. Charleston Single House. at Versailles. South Carolina. Spain. Capitol at Williamsburg. at Zurich. by unknown. Castel Beranger. by Pierre Koenig. at Apulia. by unknown. France. Massachusetts. by Barma and Posnik. vernacular. by Traditional.Byker Redevelopment. Chamberlain Cottage. vernacular. 1885 to 1886. at Barcelona. California. 1936. Spain. France. by Norman Foster. by unknown. Chick House. Chek Lap Kok Airport. 1846 to 1855. England. at Charleston. by unknown. 1519 to 1547. Case Study House No. France. at Paris. 1661 to 1774. Virginia. at Fontainebleau. UK. Spain. Sussex. at Bilbao. at Chenonceaux. France. at Portland. at Tacubaya. at Barcelona. Chancellery Palace. at Karli. by Ralph Erskine. Central Beheer. Chaitya-Hall at Karli. by Rogers and Piano. Casa del Fascio. Basil. at Newcastle-on-Tyne. by unknown. by Antonio Gaudi. Centre Pompidou. Italy. at China. Cathedral of Pisa. 1950 to 1951. at Burlington. by unknown. by unknown. 1960. China. 1905 to 1910. California. England. Chateau de Chambord. at Chambord. by Bernard Maybeck. by Marcel Breuer. by Edward Larabee Barnes. Cathedral in Burlington. 1935 to 1938. Central Lutheran Church. 1990 to 1998. at Hong Kong. Chateau de Fontainebleau. by Antonio Gaudi. Russia. 1905 to 1907. by John Dobson. by Gordon Bunshaft/ SOM. Centre Le Corbusier. 1954. at Pisa. at Moscow. 1515 to 1576. Cary House. Mexico. at China. France. at Mill Valley. 1998. by Bruce Price. 1972 to 1976. at New York. at Tuxedo Park. at Los Angeles. New York. France. 1800 to 1900. by Santiago Calatrava. 1956 to 1958. at Berkeley. 1961. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. at Chartres. 1963 to 1967. house. Casa Luis Barragan. by Serge Chermayeff. at Rome. Italy. 1940. at San Angel. at Apeldoorn. by Pierre Koenig. by Hector Guimard. at Como. houseboat. 1913. at Los Angeles. by Giuseppi Terragni. 1240 to 1250. at Cambridge. Chase Manhattan Bank. by Luis Barragan. 1483 to 1517. -150. Chermayeff House. California. at Wayland. Central Railroad Station. 1973 to 1978. Chinese Courtyard House. France. 21. 22. 1194 to 1260. by Pietro Belluschi. at near Halland. by Hermann Hertzberger. at Bath. by Hugh Stubbins. by Henrik Petrus Berlage. Danish Vernacular House. Illinois. by unknown. Daal en Berg Houses. at Quincy. Christ Church. Chrysler Building. at Mesa Verde. at New York. England. England. 1993. Denmark. by Oscar Niemeyer. at Amsterdam. at Indianapolis. at Hyvinkaa. Convent of La Tourette. by Le Corbusier. at Den Haag. at London. Spain. Minnesota. L. by unknown. Daily News Building. Massachusetts. England. by T. Indiana. by William Van Allen. 1904. France. by Roche-Dinkeloo. Crane Library. Coonley House. 1898. at Coalbrookdale. 1976. at Waterloo Station. Brazil. at Chiswick. London. James House. 1473. 1957 to 1960. 1836 to 1864. England. burnt 1936. at near Copenhagen. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. multifamily housing. 1948. by Jorn Utzon. 1897 to 1909. England. 1729. 1950 to 1956. by John Wood. Brazil. by Michael Graves. New York. England. Colorado. M. at New York. Curitiba Tube Stations. vernacular. Finland. by Henry Hobson Richardson. by Bruce Goff. 1851. 1968 to 1969. 1920. California. Pei. at Bristol. by Edward Larabee Barnes. vernacular. City of Timgad. at Chicago. by unknown. 1908. by Eliel Saarinen. at Carmel Highlands. by Sedad Eldem. Commodities Exchange. Pritchard. 1880 to 1883. at Fort Wayne. Massachusetts. Citicorp Center. College Life Insurance Co. Canada. Paran‡. The Netherlands. London. 1928 to 1930. at New York. house. 1943. Illinois. by Jan Wils. by Antonio Gaudi. at Buffalo. at Curitiba. near Lyon. The Netherlands. Colmorgan House. at Istanbul. M. 1968 to 1974. by Raymond Hood. Crown Hall. by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. 1960 (circa). Illinois. New York. New York. Turkey. Church of St Francis. Indiana. 1990s. at Glenview. 1937.. 1967 to 1971. at Pampulha. 1930 (circa). by Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners. by Frank Lloyd Wright. Circus at Bath. Church of San Spirito. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ D. 1974 to 1976. 1754. New York. at Riverside. by Frank Lloyd Wright. Colonia Guell. by Filippo Brunelleschi. by I. 1777 to 1779. at Boston. at Winnetka. by John Andrews. Crow Island School. by Aarno Ruusuvuori. 1939 to 1940. at Eveux-sur-Arbresle. Illinois. at Algeria. CN Tower. by Greene and Greene. 1715 to 1729. at near Barcelona. at Spitalfields. at Wayzata. England (then Sydenham). Church in Hyvinkaa. at Florence. at Istanbul. Massachusetts. Coffee House on the Bosporus. Crooks House. Chiswick House. Turkey. Italy. by Lord Burlington. 1918. at Toronto. at Orleans. at Denmark. Continental Train Platform. 1434 to 1482. Cooper Residence. Clifton Suspension Bridge. D. Crystal Palace. 1959 to 1961. . 1976. 1908 to 1915. 1976 to 1978. Cliff Dwelling. 100. by Gwathmey-Siegel. by Joseph Paxton.Chinli Kiosk. by Nicholas Hawksmoor. Church at Bagsvaerdi. Christian Science Center. moved 1852. D. Coalbrookdale Bridge. Martin House. Cowles House. 1811 to 1814. 1982. at Urbino. by Nicholas Hawksmoor. Enerplex. East Harlem Pre-School. by traditional. vernacular. Einstein Tower. at London. California. at Natchez. Mississippi.Morphosis. England. by Roche-Dinkeloo. England. East Wing.C. Illinois.. Italy. conference center. 1856. by unknown. Israel. at Kent.D. 1093 to 1280. 1719 to 1735. New York. by unknown. England. 1975 to 1976. Domus Aurea. 1945 to 1949. California. 1887 to 1889. Design Research Headquarters. Doge's Palace.Danville Meeting House. at Moline. Oregon. at Yountville. California. by unknown. 1931. by Christopher Alexander. at Dover. England. France. 1440. at Chantilly. Davis House. Michigan. 1738 to 1742. by Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners. North Building. at near Bari. by Kaspar Moosbrugger. by unknown. by Skidmore. at Los Angeles. Switzerland. Ducal Palace. Italy. Africa. 1996. at Washington. England. M. by unknown. by Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff. UK. at Princeton. by Benjamin Thompson. Diamond Ranch High School. by Charles Eames. England. Dover Castle. D. Drayton Hall. New Hampshire. by Herzog and de Meuron. Dulwich Gallery. California. Massachusetts. Dominus Winery. at Mali. UK. 1958 to 1962. by Rudolf N. 64. at Jerusalem. at Rome. 1935. by Sir John Soane. by unknown. Pei. by unknown. at near Charleston. Austell. Dolmen of Bisceglie. Eishin School. Dome of the Rock. Elphinstone Tower. at Durham. 1970 (circa). at La Jolla. 1695 to 1710. South Carolina. Japan. at near Potsdam. 0 to 1990. Germany. at Paris. Italy.S. at Harbor Springs. at St. at Bexhill-on-Sea. Owings. New York. 1468. at Venice. California. Dogtrot House. Virginia. at Northamptonshire. by Thom Mayne . by Reima Pietilia. at New York. Eiffel Tower. 1990. National Gallery. . 1970. by I. Deal Castle. at Eugene. Lamb and Harmon.. at Pacific Palisades. East Sussex. 1923. 1309 to 1424. 1985. by Howard Davis. Easton Neston. by Gregory Ain. by unknown. by Eero Saarinen. at 1966. 1974 to 1978. at near Edinburgh. Dipoli Conference Center. and Merrill. at Cambridge. 1180. 1937. at Diamond Bar. 1919 to 1921. Cornwall. Deere West Office Building. at Danville. New Jersey. at southeastern U. by Richard Meier. Empire State Building. at New York. 684. by Severus and Celer. Schindler. by Gustave Eiffel. -1200 to -1000. near Pomona. 1760. 1973. by unknown. Dogon Village. by Erich Mendelsohn. at Einsiedeln. El Pueblo Ribera Court. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Eames House. 1996 to 1998. England. at Tokyo. by Hammel. 1800 's to 1900 's. Durham Cathedral. 1540. A. De La Warr Pavilion. Douglas House. Italy. 1999 to 2000. Ecological Center Project. Dunsmuir Flats. by Shreve. Dunleith. Scotland. by unknown. Einsiedeln Abbey. Grenn & Abrahamson. Dulles Airport. by Luciano Laurana. Illinois. at Naha Okinawa. Indiana. Eugene City Hall. at Chestnut Hill. Farnsworth House. and Longwood. by Stafford. Flats at Bremen. 1534. at Kentfield. 1955 to 1957. at Helsinki. L. 1944 to 1948. First Christian Church. Paris 1937. at India. Italy. England. 1296 to 1462. Flats at Lucerne. by Louis I. Fairbanks House. by Walter Gropius. at Florence. at Boston. Erdman Hall Dormitories. Faneuil Hall. Berlin. France. Enso-Gutzeit Headquarters. Massachusetts. Germany. by Henry Hobson Richardson. First Wisconsin Plaza. by Alvar Aalto. 1959 to 1962. at New York. Wisconsin. at Turin. by Antonio da Sangallo. Germany. at Exeter. by Louis I. vernacular. Germany. Pennsylvania. New York. New York. 1946 to 1950. 1958 to 1962. at Rome. 1967 to 1972. by Alvar Aalto. by Daniel Libeskind. 1950. Turin. at Madison. 1571 to 1585. 1910. at Boston. by Frank Lloyd Wright. by John Smibert. First Church of Christ. 1948. New York. by Alvar Aalto. 1984. by Bruce Graham/ SOM. by Frank Lloyd Wright. California. by Eliel Saarinen. at Alfred an der Leine. by Joseph Esherick. Leicester. 1938. at Hansaviertel. Experience Music Project. Higginson House. 1762 to 1805. at Berkeley. Morin. at Portland. Pennsylvania. -421 to -405. by Bernard Maybeck. by Alvar Aalto. by unknown. at Ohiopyle. by Mnesicles. Joe Esherick House. England. 1959 to 1967. by I. . Bremen. New York. Faneuil Hall Marketplace. by Alvar Aalto. Italy. Flats at Hansaviertel. at Seattle. Exeter Library. Massachusetts. at Bryn Mawr. Erectheion. Oregon. 1935 to 1937. 1750 (circa). by Louis I. Massachusetts. Food Theater Cafe. by Arthur C. Fontenay Abbey. 1805. Esherick House. 1911 to 1913. at Athens.Engineering Building. Festival. Japan. Farnese Palace. California. Oregon. 1940. by Louis I. at Lucerne. Fatehpur Sikri. by Pier Luigi Nervi. by Pietro Belluschi. at Eugene. 1964. Equitable Building. 1902. at Burgundy. California. Exhibition Building. at Leicester University. 2001. by James Stirling. 1139. by Alvar Aalto. at Los Angeles. 1977. First Unitarian Church. Pennsylvania. Everson Museum of Art. at Boston. 1881 to 1883. Ennis House. Finnish Pavilion. Fire Island House. by Frank Gehry. or Luzern. Florence Cathedral. and Charles Bulfinch. Kahn. by Daniel Burnham. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ F. Pei. New York. by Benjamin Thompson. France. Switzerland. (Bear Run). Italy. 1960 to 1965. at Plano. by unknown. Fagus Works. 1965 to 1968. New Hampshire. at Paris. New York 1939. 1999 to 2000. Kahn. Flatiron Building. 1971 to 1976. by Tadao Ando. at Columbus. Finland. at London. at Neue Vahr district. M. at Rochester. at New York. by Arnolfo di Cambio. Fallingwater. 1948 to 1949. 1934. at Dedham. 1762. Erickson. Greece. 1968. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Kahn. 1974. at Syracuse. 1939. Massachusetts. Kahn. 1959. at Fire Island. Finnish Pavilion. 1959 to 1961. 1923. Washington. at Seattle. Frank House. by Giuseppe Mengoni. at San Francisco. 1909. Germany. 1967. by Johnson/Burgee. by Rudolf Steiner. at New York. by Henry Hobson Richardson. Paran. Washington. California. Fonthill. -200 to 200. Greece. by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. -575 to -550. BC. Gandhi Labor Institute. 1980 to 1984. at El Giza. Egypt. Louis. Gateway Arch. by Rhoikos of Samos. Connecticut. 1913 to 1920. at Anjou. at Milan. 1861 designed. Canada. at Ahmedabad. by Balkrishna Doshi. by William McDonough. 1980 (circa). 1972 to 1976. by unknown. built 1865 to 1877. Illinois. at central India. at West Vancouver. by Joseph Esherick. New York. UK. 1961 to 1966. at Curitiba. Breuer. California. by Lawrence Halprin.Fontevrault Abbey. by Michael Hopkins and Partners. 1613 to 1614. 1732 to 1738. Califonia. by Roche-Dinkeloo. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. by Joseph B. New Jersey. by Frei Otto. by Robert Venturi. at Freising. Tunisia. by unknown. 1945. at St. by Frank Gehry. Freising Library. at Glasgow. 1939. Ford Foundation Building. by unknown. at China. by Peter Eisenman. Gorman Residence. at Pittsburgh. 1885 to 1887. by Kenzo Tange. near Basel. at Dornach. Los Angeles. Glyndebourne Opera House. at Doylestown. 1994. Missouri. Gehry House. by unknown. 706 to 715. Eisenman. Globe Theater. by unknown. Japan. by Marcel Breuer. Golden Gate Bridge. Switzerland. France. California. 820 to 836. at Tokyo. by unknown. 1975. by unknown. Pennsylvania. by unknown. Fort Shannon. New York. New York. Goetheanum I. at San Francisco. by Domingos Bongestabs. Great Mosque. Free University. house. at Indonesia. at Glin. Pennsylvania. Garfield School. 1978. at Kairawan. circa 1990. vernacular. at Santa Monica. by Julian and Barbara Neski. Erickson. 1992. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Galde House. Garden Grove Church. . Gujarat State. 1981. at Pasadena. at San Bruno. California. architect unknown. at Samos. Long Island. at Washington. 1800 to 1835. Glasgow School of Art. at Damascus. Brazil. Frank House. 1978 to 1980. Great Stupa at Sanchi. 1897 to 1909. by Henry Mercer. at Southwark. Free University of the Environment. Geller House. Italy. at Princeton. Graham House. Oberbayern. German Pavilion. by Greene and Greene. at Lawrence. Great Mosque of Damascus. at England. by Eero Saarinen. at Montreal. Fuji Broadcasting Center. 1983. Great Wall of China. at Amagansett. -2600 to -2480. Expo '67. 1994 to 1997. Italy. Syria. 1963. Ireland. Scotland. Fourth Temple of Hera. 1963 to 1968. England. by Marcel Breuer. Canada. at Chicago. India. 1908 to 1910. Gap Inc. Great Pyramid. by Giancarlo de Carlo. at Urbino. 1115. -214. by Arthur C. 1933 to 1937 Gordon Wu Hall. Offices. 1968. the "Crystal Cathedral". Gamble House. County Limerick. Freeway Park. Strauss. Glessner House. London. at Garden Grove. 1971 to 1974. 1959. Het Scheep. Scotland. by unknown. Yorkshire. Himeji City. Egypt.. 1967. at Santa Cruz. Spain. Lange House. by Edwin Lutyens. Belgium. at Tivoli. at Istanbul. at Krefeld. at Hiroshima. 532 to 537. Sarasota. 1956 to 1959. High Museum of Art. 125 to 135. . by Gordon Bunshaft/ SOM. by Hertfordshire County. Haj Terminal. Himeji Castle. 1902 to 1903. Hajima City Hall. 607. Hood Museum of Art. at Nara. Massachusetts. by Michael Graves. 1968 (1964?). England. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. at Ilkley. Gund Hall. by Senenmut. at San Francisco. Homewood. California. at Donjon. Horyu-Ji Temple. at Vienna. by Victor Horta. 1983. California. by Hans Hollein. and Merrill. 1950. by Craig Ellwood. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. New York. Hale House. 1675 ?. England. by Willis Polk. Heathcote. 1949. Massachusetts. by Richard Meier. by William Wurster. Hertfordshire. Italy. 1918. by Kenzo Tange. Canada. by Charles Moore. 1945 to 1960. at Hanover. California. at Jeddah. by I. Georgia. Florida. 1967. at Montreal. 1898. at Bilbao. 1977. by Isidoros and Anthemios. by Frank Lloyd Wright. Hallidie Building.C. by Arata Isozaki. at Washington. by John Andrews. Massachusetts. Hadrian's Villa. Hancock Place. by unknown. 1601 to 1614. by Arton. Helsingborg Library. by Junzo Sakakura. The Netherlands. Germany. by Frank Gehry. Hirshhorn Museum. 1906. D. 1997. Hines House. 1965. by Michael de Klerk. Pei. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ H. at Beverly Hills. at Palo Alto. Gregory Farmhouse. 1928. Japan. Hanna Residence. Horatio West Court. Horta House. at Sea Ranch. at Boston. at Amsterdam. by Edwin Lutyens. England. by Walter Gropius. at Hong Kong. by Irving Gill. Massachusetts. Japan. Hadrian's Summertime Theater. Hatshepsut's Temple. at Santa Monica. 1979 to 1986. at Cambridge. Hagia Sophia. Healy Guest House. 1949 to 1956. at Tivoli. Gunma Museum of Fine Arts. at Cambridge University. 1901. Harvard Graduate Center. 1919. 1926 to 1927. by James Stirling. at Hajima. Japan. 1974. at Helensburgh. at Brussels. ~ 120.Greenwich Hospital. California. Hiroshima Peace Center. 1937. by Ralph Twitchell. by Skidmore. 1972 (circa). Indiana. Sweden. Guggenheim Museum. by Norman Foster. at Siesta Key. by Frank Lloyd Wright. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. at Deir el-Bahri. Hill House. at Helsingborg. Hertfordshire Schools. at Fort Wayne. 1987 to 1990. Hanselmann House. at Hertfordshire. England (near London). Haas Haus. by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. 1936. at Cambridge. New Hampshire. at Takasaki. at Atlanta. by Moshe Safdie. M. California. Saudi Arabia. England. History Faculty Library. Italy. 1968 to 1972. by Sir Christopher Wren. 1917 to 1921. Owings. at Knebworth. California. 1948 to 1949. 1981 to 1983. at Lincoln. at Greenwich. by William Turnbull. Habitat '67. at New York. Japan. Turkey. by unknown. 1967. Gropius House. by Walter Gropius. by unknown. -1550. Japan. Austria. 1881 to 1883. Kahn. Imperial Palace. by Le Corbusier. 750 to 1855. by Christopher Alexander. Hotel Il Palazzo. J. by Alvar Aalto. at Venice. 1920 to 1925. by T. by Frank Lloyd Wright. at Brussels. Houses in Mexicali. Housing in Camden. Japan. Germany. at Amsterdam. 1975 to 1976. at Cameroon. by Marcel Breuer. Ibibio Village. Middleton. House at Weissenhof. Japan. at Mesopotamia. by Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Belgium. at Mexicali. vernacular. 1975. House at Ur. Hotel Guimard. 1979. Hunting Lodge. at Paris. at Tokyo. at Lincoln. INMOS Factory. Rhode Island. Mexico. Africa. by Claude Nicholas Ledoux. at Coalbrookdale. 1955 to 1958. by Kenzo Tange. Belgium. Finland. India. Libya. France. Pritchard. Germany. 1916 to 1922. Iron Bridge at Coalbrookdale. House at Kentwoodlands. 1959 ?. Bermuda. at United States. Mexico. Imperial Hotel. at Babylon. by Aldo van Eyck. by McKim. at Newport. 1986 to 1987. 1777 to 1779. 1822. at Brussels. 0 to 1990. California. by Alsop and Stormer. England. at Marseille. 1963. at Kyoto. Ise Shrine. 1800 to 1900. House in Tuckers Town. at Helsinki. by vernacular. at Ahmedabad. France. at Stuttgart. by Robert Venturi. 1936. 690 to current. Farben Offices. House of the Faun. by Frank Lloyd Wright. by Joseph Esherick. by unknown. at Arctic. by Antoine le Pautre. at Fukuoka. by traditional. 1987. G. by Eliel Saarinen. Japan. ~200. 1895 to 1900. M. at Middleton. Massachusetts. Isaac Bell House. at Antonin. Jacobs House. Wisconsin. Finland. France. at Frankfurt. Hotel de Beauvais. Hvittrask. Germany. 1961. by Victor Horta. House near Besancon. Hotel van Eetvelde. by unknown. 1973 to 1975. at Pompeii. UK. by unknown. Hotel du Departement. 1775 to 1779. Japan. the Solar Hemicycle. 1902. Ford House. House of Culture. England. Jacobs House. by Nicholas Grimshaw. Hysolar Research Building. Mead. by Frank Lloyd Wright. by Richard Rogers. at London. by Louis I. 1927. . -604 to -562. 1656. at Stuttgart. Il Teatro del Mondo. by Victor Horta. Italy. by Ricardo Legoretta. by unknown. I. and White. France.Hotel Camino Real. at Ise. 1620 (circa). Institute of Public Administration. Imperial Villa Katsura. by Hector Guimard. at Cancun. 1912. -2000. 1957. Ishtar Gate. Hunting Baths. House of Menander. at Madison. -300. 1939. by Aldo Rossi. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ I House. Italy. at Newport. at Kentwoodlands. by GŸnter Behnisch. Japan. at Leptis Magna. by traditional. 1994. Madison. at Tucker Town. The Netherlands. at Besancon. Japan. at Ichinomiya. Germany. Ichinomiya Rowhouses. by Aldo Rossi. by Peter Behrens. South Wales. at Paris. Igloo. at outside Helsinki. Hubertus House. by Kobori Enshu. Hotel Solvay. 1895 to 1898. 1980 to 1982. by unknown. at Kyoto. Kyoto. 1989. at Karuizawa. by R. 1715 to 1737. Maharashtra. by Bruce Graham/ SOM. at Ellora. 1030. New York. Missouri. at Vienna. at Jaipur. by Charles Bulfinch. at Kentfield. Japan. Oud. 1946. Kurashiki City Hall. La Grande Arche. Karuizawa House. by I. Kiefhook Housing estate. 1963. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Kailasa Temple. by Eero Saarinen. Illinois. by Jorn Utzon. 1973 Johnson Wax Building. Japan. at Kyoto. by Karl Ehn. 1446 to 1515. by Frank Lloyd Wright. at Kurashiki. 1238 to 1244. Krak des Chevaliers. Kandariya Temple. by Louis I. Schindler. India. Karlskirche. 1150 to 1250. 1930. at Kansas City. by Philip Johnson. at Paris. Massacusetts. by Jean Nouvel. 1930. 1956. by Richard Neutra. at New Haven. California. King's College Chapel. Schipporeit & Heinrich from Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. James Swan House. Javits Convention Center. Kresge Auditorium. at Santa Cruz. at Paris.M. Kansai Airport Terminal. at Paris. by Eero Saarinen. Kemper Arena. France. at Osaka. 1944. 1972 to 1974. by Yoshimitsu. 750. by Moore and Turnbull/ MLTW. 1970 to 1983. by unknown. UK. Jantar Mantar. Japan. by Kisho Kurokawa. at Fort Worth. Kinkaku. by William Butterfield. 1867 to 1883. John Hancock Center. at Ithaca. California. Wisconsin. at Palm Springs. New York. at Moline. Massachusetts. 1968. at Bombay. Kahn. by Johann Fisher von Erlach. by Renzo Piano. by unknown. at Cambridge. 1974. Austria. Johnson House. 1796. by Charles Correa. J. by I. Pei. England. by Kenzo Tange. Japan. at Khajuraho. at Syria. Knights of Columbus Building. India. 1994. Kresge College. Lake Shore Drive Apartments. at New Caanan. 1982 to 1990. Texas. at Chicago. at Vienna. at Chicago. at Oxford. India. at West Hollywood. California. 1726 to 1734. 1921 to 1922. . by J. England. at on the Kreuzberg. Kingo Houses. Kanchanjunga Apts.Wisconsin. 1936 to 1939. Keble College. by Roche-Dinkeloo. M. by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II. at Chicago. Joe Esherick House. Austria. at Cambridge. Illinois. by Joseph Esherick. by Adolf Loos. France. Austria. at Rotterdam. Lake Point Tower. 1974. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. la Sainte-Chapelle. 1987 to 1988. P. by Helmut Jahn. Pei. California. 1950. by Johann Otto von Spreckelsen. by unknown. by unknown. Connecticut. 1960. at Elsinore. Illinois. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ L'Institut du Monde Arabe. 1950 to 1955. 1930. at Racine. Illinois. Johnson Museum of Art. Karl Marx Hof. 1397. King's Road House. Denmark. Kaufmann Desert House. Connecticut. M. Payerback. 1965 to 1969. France. 1949. 1967 to 1972. at Dorchester. at New York. 1970. by unknown. John Deere and Company. The Netherlands. Kimbell Museum. India. Khuner Villa. 1979 to 1986. Maison de Verre. by unknown. Lloyds Building. by unknown. demolished 1950. Italy. at London. 0 to 1990. at Cambridge. Le Petit Trianon. by unknown. 1063 to 1350. Italy. at Buffalo. 1957. Lang Music Building. Marin Civic Center. at Florence. Sweden. Maisons Jaoul. Germany. at Vienna. at Portland. Boileau and Gustave Eiffel. Majolica House. by G. Magasin au Bon Marche. at Bhubaneswar. 1883 to 1884. at Paris. 1970 to 1975. California. by Julia Morgan. at Swarthmore. Turkey. at London. Germany. California. by Moore and Turnbull/ MLTW. ~ 1550. The Netherlands. by unknown. 1400 's. France. by Otto Wagner. 1927 to 1932. at Sea Ranch. Lion Gate. Lister County Courthouse. 1903. by Michelangelo. Low Library. Paris. Los Manantiales. 1898 to 1899. 1561 to 1564. 1928. by Bijvoet and Chareau. England. England. at Cheshire. -1250. Louisiana Superdome. by McKim. Manufacturer's Trust Co. Peru. 117 to 120. Africa. by Norman Foster. Le Parisien Offices. at Ephesus. at Paris. Lingaraj Temple. at New York. 1979 to 1984. New York. -16. by Gordon Bunshaft/ SOM. Little Moreton Hall. Mexico. by Henry Hobson Richardson. 1744. at Solvesborg. Livermore House. Pennsylvania. Wurttemberg. at London.. 1958. England. 1882 to 1883. Maasai Houses. by unknown. Walburga. France. by Erik Gunnar Asplund. 1762 to 1768. at Ulm. Lovejoy Fountain Plaza. 1876. by Romaldo Giurgola. France. at Los Angeles. 1525. 1973. Louisiana. at Versailles. 1950 to 1952. 1917. Maria Konigin. Mead and White. at Zutphen. by unknown. Austria. New York. at San Rafael. London City Hall. at Neuilly-sur-Seine. New York. England. at Paris. Lovell House. Suffolk. Austria. 1954. at Vienna. by unknown. 1966. by Lawrence Halprin. 1954 to 1956. Oregon. Greece. New York. Laurentian Library. by Otto Wagner. by unknown. France. at Nimes. London Terraced House. A. by unknown. Chedanne. at New Orleans. at Xochimilco. by Gordon Bunshaft/ SOM. Lawrence House. Library at Ephesus. Provence. vernacular. by Richard Rogers. 1954. at Cologne-Marienburg. Machu Picchu. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ M F Stoughton House. Library at Wiblingen. by L. at New York. California. 1904. Lavenham Houses. at San Francisco. Library of St. at Mycenae. by Frank Lloyd Wright. . 1000. Lever House. Maison Carree.1948 to 1951. by Christian Wiedemann. New York. 2003. Leaning Tower of Pisa. 1917 to 1921. Landerbank. 1966. at Kenya. at Pisa. Massachusetts. by Frank Lloyd Wright. through 1500. England. by traditional. by Richard Neutra. California. by Ange-Jacques Gabriel. at Lavenham. by Curtis & Davis and Associated Architects. at Columbia University. 1903. India. by Le Corbusier. by Dominikus Bohm. France. 1600 's to 1900. P. France. at near Cuzco. by Felix Candela. Larkin Building. by Charles Bulfinch. Mead. Mug House. by Lucien Kroll. Italy. by EHDD. California. by Bertrand Goldberg. by Thomas Jefferson. Italy. 1923. England. at Djerba. and White. Virginia. E. Munkegaards School. Michel. Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. by Le Corbusier. housing complex. 1953 to 1957. California. by Henry Hobson Richardson. by Gae Aulenti. Pennsylvania. circa 650 to 850. by Lawrence Washington. Oregon. Oregon. Illinois. 1952 to 1956. Menil Collection. 1913. by Josef Hoffmann. by Charles Moore. at Tunisia. at Berkeley. Turkey. 1968 to 1971. by unknown. by Renzo Piano. 1768 to 1782. 1885 to 1887. at Istanbul. Mrs. Belgium. by Ernst Kroner. McCormick Place. McMinnville Public Library. at Doylestown. Oregon. Monadnock Building. Moissac Abbey. 1954 to 1967. vernacular. house. Illinois. by C. temple. 1999. at Ravenna. at Charlottesville. France. at Chicago. Doyle. by Arne Jacobsen. at Houston. Mount Angel Library. by unknown. vernacular. 1962. . by Konstantin Melnikov. by Alvar Aalto. Italy. Michel. at Chicago. at Rome. at Copenhagen. at London. 847 to 851. McGraw-Hill Building. at Ahmedabad. 1914. at Japan. 1980 to 1987. by Oscar Neimeyer. 1981 to 1986. at Los Angeles. by Raymond Hood. California. Mosque of Al Mutawakkil. 1970. MOCA. Millard House. Maybeck Studio. at Mont S. 1980 's. Austria. California. Russia. India. Morgan Library. Miulea House. at Chicago. Museum at Ahmedabad. Mosque at Djerba. Iraq. Medical Faculty Housing. by Arata Isozaki. 1203 and late Monterey Aquarium. Monticello. at Curitiba.Marina City. Mausoleum of Hadrian. at Monterey. Matmeta Houses. at Millau. Moser House. 2002. at Tarn-et-Garonne. at Verona. Millenium Dome. or Leuven. Marshall Field Store. 1610 to 1616. France. at Orinda. by McKim. Musee d'Orsay. by Frank Lloyd Wright. at Moscow. at New York. by Carlo Scarpa. Mont S. by Burnham and Root. by Henry Mercer. Mercer Museum. by Bernard Maybeck. Italy. 2004. Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. Brazil. Massachusetts. 1927. at Pasadena. Massachusetts State House. Paraná. Mount Vernon. at Ravenna. 420. at Mount Angel. at Paris. 1743. Museo di Castelvecchio. Texas. California. 1980 (circa). at New York. house. 1924. by Apollodorus of Damascus. by A. France. F. Museo Oscar Neimeyer. 1889 to 1891. by Sedefkar Mehmed Aga. at Rome. by unknown. 1930. at Mount Vernon. 1959 to 1964. 1912. by unknown. 135. at Samarra. at Vienna. 1901 to 1903. Virginia. 100 to 112. by unknown. Melnikov House. remodeled 1754 to circa 1780. Illinois. Murphy Associates. New York. Italy. vernacular. 1970 to 1976. Moore House. -25. Colorado. Tunisia. at Portland. by Norman Foster. at Chicago. Markets of Trajan. 420. Italy. by Richard Rogers. by Unknown. M. by unknown. at Rome. 1795 to 1797. Mausoleum of Augustus. by unknown. Millau Viaduct. 1906. at Mesa Verde. Multnomah County Public Library. at Louvain. France. G. at McMinnville. at Boston. Illinois. Mosque of Sultan Ahmed. Denmark. New York. at Frankfurt. North Carolina State Capitol. by James Stirling. by Alfred Waterhouse.C. at London. National Farmers' Bank. by Alvar Aalto. 1986 to 1988. 1879 to 1880. at Charleston. at New York. 1959 to 1963. Netherlands Dance Theatre. at Owatonna. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Egypt. at Helsinki. National Commercial Bank HQ. 1981 to 1984. at Dacca. Germany. by Gordon Bunshaft/ SOM. by Bertram Goodhue. by Moshe Safdie. Norwegian Farmhouse. by unknown. Pennsylvania. National Building Museum. Neuschwanstein Castle. Nashdom. at Boston. at Taplow. by Montgomery C. North Carolina. Newport Casino. 1962. Nathaniel Russell House. Japan. by McKim. Bentz House. Saudi Arabia. Colorado. New York Herald Building. and White. by Adrien Dortsman. date unknown. by Greene and Greene. Kahn. National Gallery of Canada. by Rem Koolhaas. New Lutheran Church. at Newport. . Sullivan. 1960. 1977 to 1983. 1860 to 1880. Norman Fisher House. Netherlands. Indiana. 1963. circa 1885. Mead. by Louis I. at Philadelphia. at Washington D. California. 1962 to 1968. The Netherlands. M. at Yamanashi. Goodwin and Edward D.. 1961 to 1967. at Amsterdam. vernacular. at New York. 1907 to 1908. 1962 to 1974. and White. by Eero Saarinen. 1894. at Santa Barbara. New York. by Cambridge Seven Associates. 1996. 1905 to 1909. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ N. by Edwin Lutyens. at The Hague. National Center for Atmospheric Research. Germany. at Lincoln. Meigs. Canada. by I. in Norway. by Philip S. South Carolina. Museum of Modern Art. at New York. Kahn. Neue Staatsgalerie. Mead. New National Gallery. at Raleigh. by Louis I. at Columbus. Pei. Mead. 1948. at Stuttgart. Nichinan Cultural Center. Bangladesh. Nebraska State Capitol. built 1952. by Richard Meier. at Near Luxor. England. by McKim. by McKim. New Gourna. New York Public Library. North Christian Church. at Boulder. Finland. 1668. Buckinghamshire.Museum of Fruit. Massachusetts. 1988. New York. Nebraska. by Kenzo Tange. 1938 to 39. Japan. New York Racquet Club. by unknown. at New York. New York. by Hassan Fathy. 1981 to 1983. by Louis H. at Ottawa. at Nichinan. Rhode Island. by Carrere and Hastings. New York. Museum of Natural History. Museum of Decorative Arts. England. Minnesota. Germany. National Assembly in Dacca. 1911. competition 1949. National Pensions Building. 1897 to 1911. at Neuschwanstein. New England Aquarium. 1916 to 1919. 1833 to 1840. 1809. and White. 1869. 1924. by Itsuko Hasegawa. Stone. at Jeddah. by Town and Davis. at Berlin. Germany. Ozenfant House & Studio. Finland. 1982. at Princeton. 1424 to 1445. by unknown. 1922. by Kenzo Tange. at Morocco. 1926. 1961 to 1964. Ospedale Degli Innocenti. Offices. PA Technology Center. 1290 to 1500. England. PA Technology Center UK. France. Otaniemi Technical University Library. UK. France. by Alvar Aalto. Germany. Palais de Justice. Old North Church. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ P. by Domingos Bongestabs. at Otaniemi. at Otaniemi. 1961. by traditional. by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Office Extension in Vienna. by Hekki Siren. Switzerland. by Le Corbusier. Otaniemi Technical University Chapel. Paddington Station. Africa. Finland. by Roche-Dinkeloo. Olavinlinna Castle. Austria. at Hertfordshire. 1957. at Tokyo. Finland. Oklahoma. Crete. by Heikki and Kaija Siren. Palace of Assembly. church. Paraná. at Bornholm Island. Finland. 1929 to 1932. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Oak Alley. 1949 competition. Italy. Orivesi Church. 1975 to 1983. 1961 to 1968. 1964 to 1969. by Richard Rogers. vernacular. 1929 to 1933. by unknown. by Pedro Machuca. by unknown. at Bern. by John M. California. town. at Orvieto. 1972. Louisiana. Palace at Knossos. at Otaniemi. 1852 to 1854. at Rouen. England. Schindler. Osterlars Church. 1955. 1965 to 1970. circa 1470. by William Price. by Günter Behnisch. at Munich. at Philadelphia. at Paimio. 1562. by Richard Rogers. at Vienna. Otaniemi Technical University. by unknown. France. at Paris. Lovell House. at Florence. Italy. by Auguste Perret. 1723. Notre Dame du Haut. at Oakland. Johansen. by Alvar Aalto. 1992. California. Finsbury Avenue. Ópera de Arame. at Ronchamp. by Le Corbusier. England. by Arup Associates. 1922. 1200 to 1900. at London. by Maurice de Sully. completed 1964. Ouarzazate. by Filippo Brunelleschi. Old Town of Bern. at Boston. at Paris. Brazil. at Chandigarh. Oklahoma Theater Center.Norwegian Stave Church. at London. Paimio Sanatorium. 1527 to 1568. by Rudolf N. Finland. at Knossos. by Coop Himmelblau. by Le Corbusier. Denmark. Olympic Arena. 1400 onward. at Savonlinna. at Curitiba. vernacular. 1982 to 1984. Massachusetts. by collective. Olympic Games Tent. 1953 to 1963. 1988 to 1989. at Norway. . Orvieto Cathedral. by unknown. -1700 to -1400. by Howe and Lescaze. Norwegian Storehouse. at Raincy. India. at Granada. 1836 to 1839. at Newport Beach. Notre Dame Cathedral. at Oslo. Spain. Notre Dame du Raincy. at Orivesi. Finland. France. Oakland Museum. at Vacherie. Japan. 1163 to 1250. c1100. Norway. New Jersey. France. Pennsylvania. Palace of Charles V. at Oklahoma City. by Alvar Aalto. PSFS Building. by Arnolfo di Cambio. by George Bergstrom. Pennsylvania Station. by Johnson/Burgee. Mississippi. at Philadelphia. Paley Park. at Rome. by Alessandro Specchi. at Mantua. at Venice. by Bernini. Oregon. 1429 to 1461. Pfeiffer Chapel. Denmark. by Decimus Burton and Richard Turner. Portland Building. by Michelangelo. Piazza of St. Poplar Forest. at Rome. Maine. Palazzo Strozzi. by Pietro Belluschi. 1965 to 1970. by Charles Garnier. Italy. 1871 to 1876. by Giulio Romano. at Copenhagen. Paris Opera. England. 1961 to 1962. 1756 to 1797. 1600's. New York. 1976. Italy. at Paris. 1910. Peter's. Piazza del Campo. courtyard. Italy. 1656 to 1667. 1958. 1985. by Thomas Jefferson. Austria. at Gearhart. at Rome. Italy. by unknown. 1489 to 1539. 1904 to 1912. France. by Zion & Breen. Pantheon. 1683. 1550 to 1580. Pantheon in Paris. 1959 to 1961. 1806. by Andrea Palladio. at Montana Pelada. vernacular. by Frank Furness. 1721 to 1725. at New York. by Thomas Telford. by McKim. Park Guell. at Paris. New Hampshire. Piazza of San Marco. 1938. Palazzo Thiene. Petronas Towers. at Exeter. Austria. by Antonio Gaudi. Piazza del Campidoglio. Pennsylvania. Pont Cysyllte Aqueduct. France. Pennsylvania Academy of Art. 1538 to ~ 1650. by Jacques Germain Soufflot. Barcelona. at Paris. by Filippo Brunelleschi. Italy. and White. by Henry N. at Vicenza. 1857 to 1874. Florida. at Rome. by Le Corbusier. Texas. by Baldassare Peruzzi. Piazza Navona. Positano. Malaysia. by Pier Luigi Nervi. at Neviges. 1899 to 1905.Palazzo Chiericati. Pinecote Pavilion. by unknown. Palazzo del Lavoro. Portois & Fix Store. 1978 to 1982. 1967. Italy. by Andrea Palladio. Palm House at Kew Gardens. 1526 to 1534. 1998. Italy. at Florence. 1980. France. The Pentagon. 118 to 126. at Portland. at Houston. Wales. Palazzo Massimo. 1899 to 1900. . at Florence. Philips Exeter Athletics. by Kallman McKinnell & Wood. Italy. at Vienna. at Vicenza. by Max Fabiani. at Mantua. Italy. Police Headquarters. Mead. by unknown. Paris Metro Entrances. at Picayune. at Portland. Italy. at Vienna. Paper Mill at Mantua. Cobb. Massachusetts. Oregon. by Cesar Pelli. Belgium. at Arlington. Parson Capen House. at Turin. at Kuala Lumpur. Pennzoil Place. Germany. by Benedetto da Maiano. 1941. at New York. by Otto Wagner. France. Spain. at Brussels. Italy. at Rome. at near Lynchburg. New York. open space. at Nimes. 1844 to 1848. Palazzo del Te. by Michael Graves. -15 to 14. at Lakeland. by Hack Kampmann. Philips Pavilion. Italy. Italy. at Vatican City. Post Office Savings Bank. 1900 to 1914. Italy. Piazza di Spagna. Pazzi Chapel. at River Dee. by Frank Lloyd Wright. by unknown. 1795 to 1805. by Bernini. Virginia. plaza. Pont du Gard. by Fay Jones. 1545. Virginia. surrounded by Rome. Portland Museum of Art. 1941 to 1943. Italy. by Gottfried Bohm. by Pier Luigi Nervi. Peter Kerr House. at London. 1527 to 1536. at Topsfield. at Siena. 1962. 1918 to 1924. Pilgrimage Church. by Hector Guimard. by Raymond Hood. at Providence. Pennsylvania. 1504. by unknown. T. Scotland. Pennsylvania. by Myron Goldsmith/ SOM. Tibet. by C. Pforzheim. Egypt. by Frank Lloyd Wright. 1998. 1965. Pyramide du Louvre. by unknown. 1961. Switzerland. Robie Residence. at Paris. at Oxford. by Keith Cottier. Republic Newspaper Building. Residence in Cadenazzo. extended to 14 floors 1894. at Paradise Valley. British Columbia. Rait Castle. Robson Square. at New York. by Andrea Palladio. Rokko Housing One. by Daniel Burnham. 1895 to 1903. 1970 to 1971. by I. at Riva San Vitale. Rose Walk. Japan. Richard Daley Center. Pei. by Bernard Maybeck. Paine House. at Reuchlinhaus. England. Illinois. by Henry Hobson Richardson. Queens' College Cambridge. 1980. by I. at Bartlesville. Mead. at Waltham. 1972. Kahn. England. by Bakema and Weeber. France. Switzerland. at Chicago. Oklahoma. New South Wales. by Mario Botta. UK. at Rome. PSFS Building. by Frank Lloyd Wright. by unknown. Massachusetts. 1952 to 1956. Ohio. Redentore Church. 1576 to 1591. Pei. 1884 to 1886. and White. Price Residence. 1971. The Netherlands. by Hugh Newell Jacobsen. by Mario Botta. Michigan. at Cairo. at Berkeley. at Pokolbin. Murphy Associates. by Arthur C. Italy. . 2000. 1912. 1983. Rotterdam Central Library. Germany. Arizona. at Philadelphia. New York. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. at Cadenazzo. 1929 to 1932. 70 to 82. New York. Reuchlinhaus Library. 1954. by Tadao Ando. by Louis I. Italy. public library. at Rokko Kobe. by Frank Lloyd Wright. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ R. 1957 to 1961. Rose Center for Earth and Space. Power Center.Potala Palace. at near Nairn. 1300. at Riola. 1975 to 1978. by Frank Lloyd Wright. 1909. by Manfred Lehmbruck. M. Rothbury Winery. at Venice. at Chicago. California. at Chicago. Qansuh al-Ghuri. Illinois. Residence in Riva San Vitale. by Alvar Aalto. Richards Medical Center. Illinois. Rhode Island State Capitol. Erickson. 1448. 1890. by unknown. Riola Parish Church. 1989. at Columbus. 1972 to 1973. Roman Colosseum. at Ann Arbor. by unknown. by McKim. at Florence. M. Reliance Building. by Howe and Lescaze. Rosenbaum House. at Rotterdam. Queen's College Oxford. 1340. by Roche-Dinkeloo. at Lhasa. at Cambridge. 1965 to 1971. Price Tower. at Vancouver. by unknown. Alabama. 1939. F. at Central Pennsylvania. at Philadelphia. 1932 to 1940. at Cleveland. 1980. Putterman House. by James Stewart Polshek. Indiana. Italy. at New York. Rhode Island. Rockefeller Center. 1642 to 1650. . Saltbox House. 350. near Leon. at Rome. at Paris. by Adolf Loos. 1421 to 1440. Salisbury School. by Filippo Brunelleschi. Saynatsalo Town Hall. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ S. by unknown. San Vitale. San Lorenzo. by Alvar Aalto. by unknown. at Florence. Sainsbury Centre. at New England. at Moscow. Maria degli Angeli. at Saynatsalo. by Cola da Caprarola. at Rome. S. U. at Ravenna. Schocken Department Store. California. by Auguste Perret. by unknown. Italy. 1864 . by William Henry Barlow. 1972 to 1977. by unknown. built 1952. England. by unknown. Italy. by Guarino Guarini. Italy. USA. San Simeon. Italy. by Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Cambridge. at Ahmedabad. Salginatobel Bridge. by Leon Battista Alberti. vernacular. S. 1977. England. Switzerland. Italy. at Chicago. San Zeno Maggiore. by Bernini. at Salisbury. by unknown. California. by Balkrishna Doshi. Sagrada Familia. at Salisbury. Schminke House. Salisbury Cathedral. 1821. by Michael Hopkins. Italy. Italy. at Milan. Sangath. Pancras Station. Russia. at San Simeon. 1456 to 1470. Germany. Finland. Germany. by Donato Bramante. 1949 competition. at London. at near Schiers. by Frencesco Borromini. by Hardy-Holzman-Pfeiffer. at Todi. San Stefano Rotondo. Maryland. Schlumberger Centre. at Lobau. S. Santa Costanza. Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane. 1470 to 1476. 1979 to 1981. 1959 to 1966. San Sebastiano. Spain. Kahn. at Madingly Road. at Stuttgart. 1899 to 1904. at Mantua. 1675 to 1710. 1882 to 1926. SFMOMA. by Andrea Palladio. 1902 to 1904. India. Turin. 1638 to 1641. Illinois. at San Francisco. by Konstantin Melnikov. at Escalada. Italy. Salk Institute. Andrea. 1434 to 1437. France. England. Rusakov Club. by Louis I. 1979 to 1981. at Vienna. S. by Hans Scharoun. Italy. 1478 to 1483. San Lorenzo. by Sir Christopher Wren. at London. Spain. at Florence. by Robert Maillart. Saint Paul's Cathedral. by Julia Morgan.Rue Franklin Apartments. Sant'Andrea al Quirinale. 1459. Rufer House. at Mantua. Italy. 468 to 483. by Louis H. 1995. by Antonio Gaudi. Italy. Sullivan. at Venice. at Florence. by Leon Battista Alberti. Gujarat State. 1800 's. 1927 to 1929. Italy. Italy. at Rome. at Norwich. California. at Rome. at Ranchos de Taos. 1772 to 1816. Germany. at Rome. Italy. San Maria della Consolazione. by unknown. S. by Erich Mendelsohn. K. by unknown. by Norman Foster. Ivo della Sapienza. 1658 to 1665. Austria. 480. Italy. 526 to 547. by Frencesco Borromini. 1120 to 1138. 913. England. Italy. at Turin. 1560 to 1580. 1642 to 1650. at La Jolla. 1922. 1929 to 1930. 1922 to 1939. England. San Francisco de Asis. at Rome. San Lorenzo Maggiore.. at Verona. Italy. by Leon Battista Alberti.1868. at Berlin. 1220 to 1258. Maria Della Pace. San Giorgio Maggiore. 1926. New Mexico. San Miguel. Schlesinger & Meyer Department Store. Florence. at Barcelona. Schauspielhaus. by Mario Botta. 1508. 1933. 1666 to 1679. Maria Novella. by Filippo Brunelleschi. S. Spain. The Netherlands. Sezession House. France. by Justus Dahinden. Antonius Church. at Perigueux. Japan. Connecticut. Sidney Myer Music Bowl. at Wapping. Illinois. -1000. by unknown. 1977 to 1980. at Seattle. St. 1962 to 1965. at Klampenborg. Social Security Offices. at Eastern United States. New York. by Marcel Breuer. Solomon's Temple. at Melbourne. 1667 to 1690. Switzerland. London. Antoine Hospital Kitchen. by William Chambers.S. 1896. Spain. at Chappaqua. Seagram Building. Sogestsu Art Center. Soane Museum. Sri Lanka Parliament. Finland. 1680. at Rotterdam. Somerset House. 1919 to 1921. 1984 to 1991. Olbrich. England. 1714 . 1956. 1957. at Tokyo. by Richard Meier. Solar Telescope. Ski Town Flaine. Shotgun House. 1812 to 1834. Japan. Sears Tower. at Paris. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. 1522 to 1577. Gentofte. 1960 to 1980. by Henry Ciriani. at India. by Rem Koolhaas. Switzerland. at London. by Sedad Eldem. collective housing. 1865. 1924 to 1925. Spangen Quarter Housing. George-in-the-East. by unknown. Seaside. at Vienna. Washington. at Darien. 1974 to 1976. by Guarino Guarini. 1964 to 1965. by Arata Isozaki. at New York. Austria. Smith House.. by Kenzo Tange. by Bruce Graham/ SOM. at Ahmedabad. 1800's to 1900's. Sea Ranch Condominium. Spain. at Istanbul. Sforza Chapel. New York. by Alvar Aalto. Shodan House. Stepney. by unknown. at Segovia. France. Segovia Cathedral. by Michelangelo. 1983 to 1985. by Michiel Brinkman. Silver Lake Lodge. Italy. Seville Cathedral. by Yunken Freeman. Utah. Shore Temple. Shukosha Building. monastery. 1961 to 1964. at Chicago. Seattle Public Library. 1955 to 1957. 1972 to 1977. St. 1982. England. 1965 to 1967. Schroder House. by Myron Goldsmith/ SOM. at Seinajoki. by Sir John Soane. St. 1972 to 1974. by unknown. Clement Danes. by Gerrit Rietveld. at Turin. M. by Joseph Esherick. 1946 to 1950. at Kitt Peak. 1522 to 1577. at Wildegg. Shamberg Residence. Sri Lanka. by unknown. Italy. by Geoffrey Bawa. by Juan Gil de Hontanon. England. by Duany and Plater-Zyberk. at Sea Ranch. Denmark. at Rome. 1402 to 1520. Soholm Housing Estate. by Juan Gil de Hontanon. 1962. at Utrecht. by Alvar Aalto. at Deer Valley. by Nicholas Hawksmoor. vernacular. by Arne Jacobsen. 1776 to 1786. by Kenzo Tange.School in Morbio Inferiore. by Le Corbusier. circa 1100. 2004. at Flaine. at Strand. Finland. and across the southeastern U. 1974 to 1975. Segovia Cathedral. at Jerusalem. vernacular. 1954 to 1958. United States. 1966 to 1969. at Segovia. by Sir Christopher Wren. at Colombo. Seinajoki Library. Louisiana. Simonas Petras Monastery. at Seville. St. by Richard Meier. The Netherlands. California. Front at Perigueux. Japan. India. by J. England. by Mario Botta. 1963 to 1965. at Italy. Israel. 1962 to 1964. Florida. Seinajoki Town Hall. at Seinajoki. Turkey. Sindone Chapel. Shaker Barn. St. at Fukuoka. at Seaside. 750. at London. at Tokyo. Arizona. at New Orleans. Greece. by MLTW. Small Olympic Arena. 1558. Australia. at Mount Athos. Iowa. St. at Strand. Sweden. 1676 to 1691. by Erik Gunnar Asplund. St. at Liberty Island. 1910. 1670 to 1683. Nicholas Cole Abbey. by Adolf Loos. 1672 to 1687. at Tokyo. John's Abbey. at Athens. by Kenzo Tange. 1719 to 1720. 1953 to 1961. by Henry Hoare II & Henry Flitcroft. Peter's of Rome. Street in Siena. UK. Maria di Carignano. 1725 to 1730. at Baltimore. at London. Stadelhofen Railway Station. at Picadilly. 1546 to 1564 and 1590. at Munich. Massachusetts. . by unknown. by Marcel Breuer.-Foy at Conques. England. by Sir Christopher Wren. at Genoa. Storer Residence. England. St. by Sir Christopher Wren. by Louis H. circa 1050. John Nepomuk Church. San Francisco. Statue of Liberty. England. St. Minnesota. California. Martin-in-the-Fields. Paul's Church. England. by unknown. Leopold am Steinhof. Maryland. by Frank Lloyd 1729. Stockholm Exhibition. 1884 to 1886. at Paris. at Stourton. by Domitian. 1741 to 1765. by Benjamin Henry Latrobe. Mary's Cathedral. at San Francisco. 1963. St. by Josef Hoffmann. by unknown. California. London. Stratford Hall. by Jan Blazej Santini-Aichel. by Sir Christopher Wren. St. 1969. 1983 to 1984. by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Stadium of Domitian. by Otto Wagner. Stonehenge. at Zurich. England. St. at Brussels. Louis des Invalides. St. Stockholm Library. London. at Salisbury. at Stockholm. France. by Giacomo della Porta. by Mimar Hajruddin. by Pier Luigi Nervi. Stourhead Garden. Japan. Stari Most. 1566. New York. Italy. 1100 to 1300. St. 1991. Tokyo. by unknown. Saint Mary's Cathedral. -2750 to -1500. Student Center. 1814 to 1818. France. at Cheapside. by Galeazzo Alessi. Sullivan. St. Stoclet Palace. 1722 to 1726. at Conques. Ste. at Siena. by James Gibbs. at London. Stephen's Walbrook. England. Mary Woolnoth. 1671 to 1681. Mary-le-Strand. by Nicholas Hawksmoor. 1930. by Jules Hardouin Mansart. Austria. Greece. Bosnia. at Los Angeles. at Vienna. Mary's Cathedral. at Venice. Steiner House. by James Gibbs. at Duluth. at Rome. Italy. at Cedar Rapids. Germany. 1905 to 1907. by Santiago Calatrava. 1955. at Collegeville. Stoa of Attalus. England. Minnesota. by Erik Gunnar Asplund. by Marcel Breuer. James. Belgium. Virginia. Italy. 1923. Mary Le Bow. Italy. Stansted Airport. Italy. at London. St. Austria. London. 1918 to 1927. 1905 to 1911. 1716 to 1724. surrounded by Rome. 1930. -150. by Donald Gellespie. at London. at Strand. London. England. 1714 to 1717. St. UK. Wellesley. 1674 to 1687. Switzerland. St. England. 92. 1971. at Wellesley. at Vienna. England. by Sir Christopher Wren. at Mostar. Mark's. 1552 to 1603. St. by Norman Foster. by unknown. Sweden. St. St. 1050 to 1120. or Bruxelles. Starkey House. by unknown. at Stockholm. 1910 to 1914. St. at Westmoreland County. at Vatican City. at Bhutan. 1952 to 1974. Temple of Hephaestus. . near Naples. by Callicrates. 1937 onward. at near Ahmedabad. "Swiss Re". at Beijing. vernacular. 1500 's and later. Taos Pueblo. at Edfu. at Darling Harbor. 200 to 800. by Frank Lloyd Wright. Greece. UK. Sydney. by Paeonis and Daphnis. Richardson and Taylor. Tassel House. by unknown. Florida. Sydney Opera House. Lee & Partners. by Frank Lloyd Wright. -427. at Cairo. Tempietto of San Pietro. 1986 to 1988. Team Disney Building. 150. at Tarxien. Temple of Bacchus. at Luxor. 1630 to 1653. monastery. Taiwan. Greece. -310. at Egypt. at Agra. Temple of Horus. Greece. at Curitiba. by Donato Bramante. at Montorio. 1892 to 1893. 2003 to 2004. at Bassae. Turkey. at Brussels. by Victor Horta. Surkhej. Paraná. by Sir John Soane. Tendering Hall. Sydney Maritime Museum. at near Orlando. at Hiroshima City. by Emperor Shah Jahan. Turkey. by unknown. at Philae. Temple of Isis. Turkey. by unknown. -340 to -250. 1986 to 1988. 1446 to 1451. Japan. -1408 to -1300. 1910. Temple of Kom Ombo. by Arata Isozaki. Wisconsin. at Spring Green. at Teotihuacan. Belgium. by unknown. at Vicenza. by unknown. Egypt. Brazil. at Baalbek. at Ephesus. 1627. by Paeonius and Demetrios. Temple of Apollo. Richardson and Taylor. Lebanon. by C. at near Suffolk. UK. Temple of Venus and Rome. Egypt. Australia. at Paestum. Taipei 101. -500 to 164. by Amenophis III. Temple at Tarxien. by Andrea Palladio. at Taipei 101. at Athens. by Kisho Kurokawa.C. -530 to -460. Taliesin West. 1784 to 1790. Egypt. 1957 to 1973. at London. Egypt. at Athens. Italy. 1502. Temple of Artemis. at Didyma. Sydney Football Stadium. India. by Norman Foster. Australia. D. Taj Mahal. -449. Temple of Amon. Italy. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Taihe Dian. near Miletus. China. Taliesin. The Forbidden City. at Sydney. Y. Rome. Tak Sang Monastery. Teatro Guaíra. 1551 to 1558. England. by various. Thebes. Temple of the Scottish Rite. at Istanbul. at Washington. -420 to -410. by John Russell Pope. India. by unknown. by Ictinus. by Sinan. Mexico. at Scottsdale. -181 to 30. Tateshina Planetarium. at Sydney. by Philip Cox. 2000 to 2004. by unknown. Malta. England.. by Muhammad Shah. collective housing. Temple Meads Station. Temples of Paestum. by Jorn Utzon. 1356 to 1363. Egypt. Italy. Temple of Athena Nike. at Bristol. 1989 to 1990. Teatro Olimpico. 1840 (circa). Italy. -1530 to -323. Australia. Teotihuacan. 1584. Arizona. at Karnak. by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. 1911 and 1925. Temple of Apollo (2nd). England. 30 St Mary Axe. Temple at Luxor. at New Mexico. by collective. 1976. -237 to -57. Gujerat. Suleyman Mosque. 123 to 135. by unknown. by Rubens Meister. -2100 to -1900. by unknown. by unknown. by Philip Cox. by Hadrian. at Rome.Sultan Hassan Mosque. Malta. at Sandwich. at Monterey. The Ark. -477 to -438. by unknown. Tokyo City Hall. Kent. England. 1985 to 1987. UK. by Fujiwara Yorimichi. at Besancon. England. at New Harmony. -600. 1989 to 1996. near Madrid. by unknown. The British Museum. 1975 to 1979. 1859. The Library. at Tikal. The Salutation. 1823 to 1847. by Kenzo Tange. Doyle. The White House. at Segovia. 1767 to 1775. at San Francisco. Tower Bridge. Tomb of Caecilia Metella. by Pierre Lescot. Guatemala. by Edwin Lutyens. The Machine Hall. by Henry Herbert. at Athens. Germany. The Selimiye. Scotland. by Philip Webb. at Paris. Thorncrown Chapel. Arkansas. at Milan. 1968. by Fay Jones. The Palatine Chapel. 1616 to 1635. The Roman Forum. by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. at London. by unknown. The Queen's House. Tikal. Italy. at Tokyo. The Hoodo. Tokyo International Forum. -100 to 300. Torre Velasca. consecrated 1053. by Jesse Hartley. The Albert Dock. London. France. at Mount Hood. 1735 . Indiana. at Glasgow. Spain. at Kyoto Prefecture. John's Wood. Miyajima Island. by John Wood. Theater at Epidauros. 796 to 814. England. at Chorley Wood in Hertfordshire. 1899. California. at Tarquinia. in Kent. 1991. Spain. by collective. by unknown. at Rome. England. at St. at Eureka Springs. Japan. at Epidauros. The Parthenon. Italy. California. Italy. The Willow Tea Rooms. 1936 to 1938. by vernacular. 1957 to 1960.1737. 200 to 800. 1000 or 1410 to 1455. The Hermitage. Theater at Besancon. by unknown. by unknown. by Claude Nicholas Ledoux. 1984. by Inigo Jones. 1546 to 1878. The Mound Stand. by James Hoban. England. by Rafael Vinoly. The Escorial. 1886 to 1894. at Edirne. Escorial. . by unknown. Greece. 1793 to 1801. The Red House. England. Japan.Tepee. The Orchard. The Palladian Bridge. by Charles F. at Aachen. Voysey. France. ~ -300. opened 1845. E. by Sir Robert Smirke. California.. by Horace Jones. Thermae of Caracalla. The Alcazar. by Richard Meier. The Louvre. Italy. at Greenwich. at Bexleyheath. by Juan Bautista de Toledo. France. at London. at London. at Washington. by Contamin and Dutert. Spain. by Ictinus and Callicrates with Phidias. at Rome. at San Francisco. by Ralph Erskine. Turkey. 1834. The Royal Crescent. Torii of Itsukushima. by unknown. 1775. Spain. 1902 to 1904. by A. begun 1569. burned 1814. 1338 to 1390. England. by Michael Hopkins. at Buckinghamshire. by Polykleitos. Juan de Herrera. D. 1980. 1567. The Atheneum.C. The Alhambra. by Joseph Esherick. Italy. 212 to 216. Greece. at Bath. Thomas Larkin House. or Epidhavros. 1889. by EHDD. at Liverpool. at near Madrid. Tombs at Tarquinia. now Corneto. England. at Granada. at North America. Japanese traditional. Oregon. The Cannery. Japan. A. at Rome. by Sinan. Peressutti and Rogers. England. 1990. 1562 to 1584. by unknown. at near Madrid. by Belgiojoso. England. -25. Timberline Lodge. 1911. at Paris. Japan. at Tokyo. porticos 1824 to 1829. England. by Willem Marinus Dudok. O'Hare. at New York. by Louis I. University Club. et al. at China. by Frank Lloyd Wright. . at Mount Kisco. by Juan O'Gorman. Illinois. by Romaldo Giurgola. University Art Center. Pereira & Associates. Tract House. at Yemen. New York.C. 1969. at Berkeley. D. by Robert Venturi. Mexico. at Berkeley. U. vernacular. Pennsylvania. Unite d'Habitation. by Cass Gilbert. at Oak Park. Turku Cemetery Chapel. Tuscan Farmhouse. Canada. Tucker House.S. at Charlottesville. Kahn. 1985 to 1988. at Brno. Tower of London. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ U. Italy. Ciampi. vernacular. Mead. by Thomas Jefferson. California. and White. California. UNAM Library. by Roche-Dinkeloo. C. Tredyffrin Public Library. by Robert Venturi. at New Haven. Greece. by Helmut Jahn. 1833 to 1842. UCSB Faculty Club. at Chicago. house. at Washington. Kahn. Virginia. Town Hall Hilversum. New York. University Art Museum. at Madison. Transamerica Pyramid. Tugendhat House. at Turku. by Eero Saarinen. at Alberobello. Plaza. 1969 to 1972. by Mario J. France. Italy. 1971. Trenton Bath House. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. California. Travis Van Buren House. New Jersey.S. by A. 1793 to 1830. 1927 to 1929. by Le Corbusier. at New York. at Tuxedo Park. Massachusetts. Finland. Oscar Niemeyer. Massachusetts. UA Terminal. 1976. at Santa Barbara. by Alvar Aalto. 1972. 1950 to 1994. New York. New York.C. 1951 to 1954. finished 1953. New York. 1953. 1930. 1975. by Erik Bryggman. U. Wisconsin. 1969 to 1975. by unknown. 1872 to 1877. at Strafford.Tower House of Yemen. Underground Court House. by Shoji Sadao & Buckminster Fuller. Supreme Court. vernacular. United Nations Headquarters. by Thornton-Latrobe-Bulfinch. 1070 to 1090. Turun Sanomat Building. at Boston. house. by Le Corbusier. United States Capitol. 1947 to 1951. vernacular. 1900. at New York. Custom House. Czech Republic. 1898. by Frank Lloyd Wright. University of Virginia. 1885. at Washington. California. Unity Temple. by Henry Hobson Richardson. by Louis I. at Marseilles. underground house. at Trenton. houses. 1939 to 1941. at Nantucket Island. -1200. Trubek House. Middle East. at Montreal. England. Trulli Houses. N. 1946 to 1952. 1967. New York. by Town and Davis. Unitarian Church. 1956 to 1962. Unitarian Meeting House. vernacular. designed 1924. 1928 to 1931. by Moore and Turnbull/ MLTW. at San Francisco. at New York. Treasury of Atreus. by McKim. at London. at New York. at Mexico City. New York.. 1954 to 1959. US Pavilion at Expo '67. by William L. Finland. 1906. Trinity Church. 1826. The Netherlands. 1935. by unknown.. by Bruce Price. D. at Mycenae. Schweinfurth. at United States. TWA at New York. at Turku. Connecticut. Illinois. at Hilversum. at Tuscany. at Carcassonne. at Los Angeles. Villa Stein. by Le Corbusier. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ W. at Chestnut Hill. at St. by Erik Gunnar Asplund. by unknown. at Paris. E. by Giacomo Della Porta. Walker Residence. 1927. Vierzehnheiligen. Villa Trissino. by Henry Hobson Richardson. 1921 to 1955. by Rudolf N. 1743 to 1772. France. by Alvar Aalto. at Oak Park. 1925. France. France. 1948. Missouri. by Louis H. at Washington. Switzerland. town. by Frank Gehry. at Carmel. at Noormaku. 1952. by unknown. by Maya Lin. Watts Towers. Illinois. 1890 to 1891. Vitra Design Museum. at Washington. Rhode Island. Weissenhof Apartments. by Le Corbusier. 1926 to 1930. California. 1937 to 1939. Villa Aldobrandini. 1000. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Van Nelle Factory. 1962. Germany. near Stockholm. Viking Fortress. and White. at Highland Park. Walker Guest House. by Frank Lloyd Wright. G. Villa Carre. Chateau de Versailles. Mead. Philadelphia. 1549 to 1563. at Trelleborg. 1927. Italy. by traditional. by Robert Venturi. by Le Corbusier. 1903. 1661 to 1774. Sullivan. by Simon Rodia. by Johannes Brinkman. 1982. 1917 to 1918. by Alvar Aalto. Italy. at Weil-am-Rhein. near Viterbo. California.C. circa 1150. by Konstantin Melnikov. Oliver House. Villa Farnese. by unknown. USSR. California. Mexico. 1916. USSR Pavilion at Paris. by Andrea Palladio. by Robert van't Hoff. by McKim. 1576. at Djursholm. by Giacomo Vignola. at Uxmal. Villa Savoye. Germany. at Sanibel Island. by Johann Balthasar Neumann. 1928 to 1929. Sweden. at Caprarola. D. Watts Sherman House. at Bazoches-sur-Guyonne. 1902. Martin House. 1874 to 1875. Wainwright Building. W. Germany. Villa in Djursholmen. at Frascati. Venice Beach House. at suburb of Paris. E. Washington Monument. by Alvar Aalto. 1598 to 1603. 1986. at Garches. 1956 to 1959. the Netherlands. at Malcontenta. by Paul Rudolph. at near Utrecht. W. Walls of Carcassonne. at Vicenza. France. by Robert Mills. 1887. by Frank Gehry. Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Villa Mairea. Schindler. at Vyborg. at Stuttgart. France. at Urner Boden.C. 1934. at Los Angeles. Villa Capra.. Rhode Island. D. at Versailles. by Andrea Palladio. W. Weekend house by Corbu. Finland. at Newport. by Frank Lloyd Wright. 800 to 1400. by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Italy. California. Pennsylvania. Florida. 1848 to 1885. at Venice. Netherlands. Louis. at Rotterdam. by Frank Lloyd Wright. by Andrea Palladio. France. 1990. Viipuri Library.Urner Boden. Low House. Italy. Villa at Huis ter Heide. 1566 to 1571. 1927 to 1935. at Vicenza. at Bristol. Vanna Venturi House. France. at near Bamberg. Villa Foscari. Ward Willits House. 1560.. Italy. . Illinois. Uxmal. Sweden. 1935. at Poissy. Massachusetts. at Stockholm. 1962 to 1982. Whitechapel Art Gallery. at 1966. Wells College Library. England. at Manchester. Russia. 1935 to 1940. Harrison Townsend. Columbus. Zamioski House. 1969 to 1974. by J. Wingspread. at New York. by Henry Hobson Richardson. at London. J. near Munich. or Houses of Parliament. 1966. Central Asia. GREAT BUILDINGS | ARCHWEEK | ARCHIPLANET | DISCUSSION | DESIGNWORKSHOP | GALLERY | FREE 3D | SEARCH . 1928. by C. at Jyvaskyla. at near Tacoma. by Skidmore. Woodland Crematorium. by Marcel Breuer. vernacular. at Stuttgart. at Cologne. by Julia Morgan. church. at Tahoua. England. 1914. 1975. at Stockholm. 1927. by Erik Gunnar Asplund. Wollaton Hall. Sweden. near Mount Shasta. by Falke Barmou. by Cass Gilbert. 1987. at Tokyo. by Peter Eisenman. World Trade Center. P. at Wies. at London. at New York. Zuyev Club. at Mongolia. at London. by Frank Lloyd Wright. by Louis I. at London. Top — A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I-J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I WIYIZ Yaama Mosque. 1971. by traditional. Woodland Chapel. Yale Center for British Art. at Aurora. Winn Memorial Library. New York. Sweden. by unknown. Wyntoon.Weissenhof Row Houses. Connecticut. and Merrill. 1918 to 1920. England. by unknown. at South Africa. Wisconsin. by Imhotep. England. 1042 to circa 1400. New York. -2760. 1180 to 1425. New York. Niger. Germany. 1910 to 1913. by Hugh Newell Jacobsen. by Aldo van Eyck. Wies Pilgrimage Church. 1924. Yurt. 1968. Zimmerman House. at Kawasaki. California. 1970 to 1977. Owings. 1754. P. Germany. Kahn. Wexner Center. nomadic house. at Woburn. Weyerhaeuser Headquarters. 1876 to 1879. Yamamoto International Building. New Hampshire. Westminster Palace. Zulu Kraal. by unknown. Woolworth Building. Maryland. by Frank Lloyd Wright. 1836 to 1868. at Nottinghamshire. at New York. by Sir Charles Barry. Oud. at Moscow. Wells Cathedral. 1580 to 1588. 1937. Finland. Werkbund Theater. by Walter Netsch/ SOM. New York. Whitney Museum. by Hiroshi Hara. by Robert Smythson. by Minoru Yamasaki. Germany. by Alvar Aalto. by Erik Gunnar Asplund. 1983 to 1989. Zoser's Necropolis. 0 to 1990. 1397 to 1399. at Wells. at Eastern Shore. by Johan and Dominikus Zimmerman. Japan. 1983. 1950. at Wind Point. by Henry van de Velde. Ohio. 1924 to 1943. by I. Westminster Abbey. Japan. at New Haven. Yano House. Golosov. 1897 to 1901. Westminster Hall. at Ohio State University. England. Washington. by Arata Isozaki. Wheels of Heaven Church. at Egypt. Worker's Club. Inc. Inc. Special thanks are due to many independent contributors. and new contributions are welcomed! The 3D models are copyright Kevin Matthews and Artifice. as long as this source is and non-profit purpose.GreatBuildings. . educational. 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