Grant in Aid Code

April 2, 2018 | Author: Abdullah Basha Onjee | Category: Expense, Secondary School, Teachers, Primary Education, Auditor's Report



THE GRANT-IN-AID CODE OF THE TAMIL NADU EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (For Educational Institution other than PrimarySchools and Anglo-Indian Schools) - - - - - -TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION. Rule No. 1. Preamble Reservation of discretion by Government Definition of terms Objects for which aid may be given Teaching / Staff grant Sanctioning authority Interpretation of rules Appeal to sanctioning authority Appendices to have effect of rules CHAPTER II – GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AID. Rule No. Management Declaration by the management Reservation of right regarding the use of books Income to be devoted to educational purposes Reservation of right regarding employment of teachers 14-A Cancelled Deleted Age limit for sanction of teaching / staff grant CHAPTER III – Cancelled. CHAPTER IV – TEACHING GRANTS ON BEHALF OF SECONDARY AND HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Rule No. Average attendance of pupils Number of school meeting Definition of school day Qualification of teachers Subjects of instruction Cancelled Application for aid Admission to aid Withdrawal from aid Fixing the amount of grant Cancelled Cancelled Amount of grant payable Penalties Financial Statements Payment of grants CHAPTER IV-A –GRANTS TOWARDS THE MEDICAL INSPECTION OF PUPILS IN SECONDARY AND HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS. (Kept in abeyance) CHAPTER V – TEACHING GRANTS ON BEHALF OF COLLEGES. Rule No. 40 to 44 – Cancelled CHAPTER V-A – GRANTS TOWARDS RENT OF HOSTELS. Rule No. 44-A to 44-C – Cancelled CHAPTER VI – TEACHING GRANTS ON BEHALF OF SCHOOLS FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION. Rule No. 45-a Oriental Schools 45-b Cancelled 45-c Other Special Schools 45-d Teaching grant on behalf of teacher training institutes Application for aid CHAPTER VII – GRANTS TOWARDS STIPENDS IN TRAINING SCHOOLS. Rule No. 47 to 50 – Cancelled CHAPTER VIII – GRANTS FOR BUILDINGS, BUILDINGS-SITES AND PLAY GROUNDS. Rule No. 51 to 56 – Cancelled CHAPTER IX – GRANTS FOR FURNITURE, BOOKS AND APPLIANCES. Rule No. 57 to 61 - Cancelled CHAPTER X – Cancelled. CHAPTER XI – BOARDING GRANTS TO HOMES FOR CHILDREN. Rule No. Objects and conditions of aid 63. " 64. " Applications for aid Boarding grant – Procedure Payment of grants Page " " CHAPTER XII – TEACHING GRANTS ON BEHALF OF RURAL COLLEGES FOR ADULTS. (Rule No. 68 to 75 – Cancelled) APPENDICES Appendix A, B, C, D – Cancelled E Application for teaching grants on behalf of secondary and Higher Secondary Schools F Financial Statement for use in Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools. G(i) Bill of Staff Grant for schools G(ii) Bill of Boarding grants on behalf of Homes for children. GG Cancelled H Application for teaching grants on behalf of Training Schools J Cancelled K Cancelled L Cancelled LL Instruction as to the sanitary and hygienic requirement to be observed in the designing and construction of school building in the state of Tamil Nadu. M N O P PP Q R S SS T U V X Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Application for boarding grants Destitution certificates . includes Dearness Allowance also . 4. provided also that no grant of any kind shall be paid to a new institution or in respect of a new standard or course or a new group or subjects in Higher Secondary. Staff grants are paid in respect of Secondary (High) and Higher Secondary Schools on a monthly basis by the respective District Educational Officers. Preamble – A sum of money is annually set apart to be expended under these rules as grants-inaid of recognized educational institutions under private management with the object of extending and improving secular education. These rules do not apply to Anglo-Indian Schools or to primary Schools which are aided under separate rules. and of each institution and of the funds available. Objects for which aid may be given. subject to the conditions hereinafter specified and with due consideration of the requirements of each locality. (v) The Director shall have power to refuse grants to any institution which directly or indirectly encourages propaganda calculated to bring into hatred. the right to refuse or to withdraw any grant at their entire discretion. ridicule or contempt the beliefs and practices of any religion. approved by the department in respect of secondary (High) and Higher Secondary Schools. 2. 3. and such grants will be given impartially and without reference to any religious instructions to all schools which impart sound secular instruction. (ii) Grants are given for boarding homes for children and (iii) Teacher Training Institutes 5. Director of Teacher Education Research and Training. Schools opened or upgraded from 1991-92 are not eligible for grant. .-. 1. employed by him takes part in political agitation directed against the authority of Government or inculcates opinions tending to excite feelings of political disloyalty or disaffection among the pupils. Definition of terms : . anything in the rules of this code notwithstanding.Education Department The Grant-In-Aid code of the Tamil Nadu Education Department (For Educational institution other than Primary schools and Anglo-Indian Schools) CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION. (ii) Grants will ordinarily be withdrawn from a secretary / correspondent if he or any of the teachers. Director of School Education and 2. (iv) Since Staff Grant now paid. Reservation of discretion by Government – (i) The Government reserve to themselves. No grant of any kind shall be paid to new institution or for upgrading of old institution or opening of additional standard or sections from 1991-92. in an existing institution which has been opened without the previous permission or consent of the competent authority.Deleted. Such refund may be made either by adjustment in any other grant payable to the school or in such other manner as the Government may see fit. Provided that grants shall be withheld from institutions which refused admission to any pupil merely on the ground of the caste or community to which he belongs. (iii) Payments of all grants will be subject to audit. and in the event of an objection being upheld the management concerned may be called upon to refund the amount paid on such portion of it as the Government may decide.(i) Grants are given for teaching staff and the supporting non-teaching staff.The term “Director” signifies :1. 11. Appendices to have the effect of the rules. -.Act 29 of 1974). excepting any rules from which the institution may be specially exempted and that the management is prepared to subject the institution. Management . Reservation of right regarding the use of books-. published by the Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation. 13. which may from time to time be issued by them. administration and maintenance of Educational Institutions. provided that no interpretation of a general nature shall be binding on a Secretary/Correspondent. admitted to aid by the competent authority.-. Interpretation of rules. recognised in Tamil Nadu under the Tamil Nadu recognised private schools (Regulation) Act 1973. its establishment. in the Tamil Nadu Recognised Private School (Regulation) Rules 1974. which has not been approved by Government and notified in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette. as a condition of receiving grants-in-aid from public funds. The management may. 12. (T. and shall contain a declaration signed by the correspondent to the effect that the conditions of recognition and aid laid down in the Tamil Nadu Educational Rules and as per the rules stated in Tamil Nadu Private Schools Regulation Act 1973 and rules 1974 and in the grants-in-aid code are being and will continue to be. or of members of a committee elected by Society or Association or company by which the institution is maintained and administered shall undertake to be answerable for the maintenance of the institution and the fulfilment of all the conditions of recognition and aid including the due enforcement of such rules of discipline as are prescribed from time to time. 7. together with its current endowment and trust accounts. be required not to use. To transact the current business of the institution with the education department.No aided institution shall be allowed to spend any portion of its income for other than educational purposes.An appeal shall lie to the sanctioning authority for the revision of its orders. time-table and registers.General Conditions of Aid 10. rest with the Director.13 and 14. with the approval of the department appoint a person as Secretary/Correspondent or Manager to transact the current business of the institution with the department. the educational agency shall follow Rule 12. who in the capacity of proprietors or of trustees. fully observed. Chapter .The District Educational Officers are authorised to sanction monthly staff grant to the staff of High and Higher Secondary Schools.The appendices to this code shall have the same effect as the rules of the Code and shall be treated as part of the Code.6.The interpretation of any rule in this code shall in the first instance.N.II . 10 (A) The general conditions of aid shall be the same as those prescribed for the establishment. without the express sanction of the Director. 14. shall be governed by the provisions in Rule 7 of the Tamil Nadu recognised private schools (Regulation) Rules 1974.Government reserve to themselves the right to forbid or to prescribe the use of any book or books in aided schools. 9. Declaration by the Management-. Sanctioning Authority. any text-book which is not included in the authorised list of text-books.-. including schools for special education --Oriental Schools (Sanskrit and Arabic). and the Rules issued there under and the orders of Government issued from time to time. Appeal to sanctioning authority.Every institution on behalf of which aid is sought shall be under the management of one or more persons recognized by the department. 8. Managers of schools shall.Every application for aid shall be made in such form as may from time to time be prescribed. to inspection and to furnish such returns as may be required by the department. Reservation of right regarding employment of teachers-It shall be competent to the Director to forbid the employment in aided schools of any teacher whose certificate has been .-. Application for change of management of institutions. Income to be devoted to educational purposes-. -. 31.The qualifications general and professional of teachers shall be in accordance with the Tamil Nadu Educational Rules. Number of school meeting-.Application for first admission to aid shall be made in the prescribed form (Appendix E) to the Director through the District Educational Officer before 1st May. IX to X and a minimum of 20 pupils in each standard.cancelled.-. (iii) 30 pupils in the Academic Course in each of the Stds. 27. the efficiency and the financial condition of the institutions. unless it works for 200 days.The subjects of instruction and standards of examination shall be such as are approved by the department.Deletion Suggested 16.-.Amount of grant payable to aided secondary and Higher Secondary Schools .The Government may. Qualification of Teachers. in a school year. 30.STAFF GRANTS ON BEHALF OF SECONDARY AND HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS 23. Withdrawal from Aid.withdrawn after due enquiry or who after due enquiry has been considered by him unfit to be a teacher. the instructional days alone shall be 180 days.-. No grant will ordinarily be paid on behalf of members of the teaching staff in a school who have completed their 58th year. Chapter . teaching grants to be accessed as per the average monthly attendance of students by the respective District Educational Officers and as per staff fixation made by the respective Inspecting Officers. after giving due notice. Chapter .III . 28. Subjects of Instruction. withdraw aid from an institution. (ii) 50 pupils in Stds. 14-A 15. The application shall be accompanied by such returns as the Director may from time to time prescribe with the view of ascertaining the financial position of school and its eligibility for aid.An institution shall not ordinarily be eligible for the full grant sanctioned for it in any academic year. should the financial condition of the institution or the educational needs of the locality cease to warrant its continuance.shall be:- .A In respect of Secondary (High) and Higher Secondary Schools. Application for Aid. 25. Out of the 200 working days. Definition of school day-.-. XI & XII. Fixing the amount of grant-. Admission to Aid.The school day shall consist of 5 hours and forty minutes of 8 periods as specified in the Tamil Nadu Educational Rules. The Director may. the educational needs of the locality and the funds at his disposal. 26. (ii) Cancelled 29. Average attendance of pupils-A grant shall not be given to an institution which does not have the following average monthly attendance:(i) 60 pupils in Stds. 32. Hence deletion suggested. 24.The Director shall determine what institutions shall be admitted to aid after taking into account the character.Eradicated. (i) Protection from small pox . 23. Cancelled (Aided Colleges) .IV . however. VI to VIII and a minimum of 15 pupils in each standard. relax this rule in special cases. XI & XII (iv) 10 pupil for each vocational course in each of the Stds. on the report of the inspecting officer or auditor after enquiry. 33 and 34-Cancelled 35. The grant shall be drawn by the sanctioning authority on a bill in the prescribed form and the bill shall be endorsed for payment in favour of the Secretary/Correspondent of the school.The full approved expenditure on salary of teaching staff. or other proved fraud or irregularity. and a copy of the Financial Statement shall be kept in the school for departmental audit. In fixing the staff grant. The District Educational officers of the areas are empowered to make direct payment to the heads of Institution of secondary (High) and Higher secondary Schools in special cases where the school is mismanaged. (ii) On receipt of the countersigned bill. Chapter IV-A – Grants Towards the Medical Inspection of Pupils in Secondary Schools Kept in abeyance Chapter V – Teaching grants on behalf of Colleges . The grant for item above shall be called as staff grant and shall be sanctioned monthly by the District Educational Officer.The management of every aided high and higher secondary school shall prepare financial statements (Appendix 'F') and submit to the District Educational Officer and to the concerned Audit Department not later than 31st May of each year. (b) and (c) . 36. (ii) Cancelled . or misrepresentation regarding fees. 37.(i) Grants for each month may be drawn on a bill prepared in the prescribed form and sent to the District Educational Officer on or before 22nd of every month in (Appendix G(i)) and countersigned by the District Educational Officer by 25th of every month. Amount of Grant payable-. (iii) Any excess amount paid in a month. should the management fail in the discharge of its obligations to a teacher under its employ by nonadherence to the terms of agreement entered into under rule 12(i) of the Tamil Nadu Educational Rules. 38.Cancelled (iii) Registered management of schools will be allowed to retain any profits they may make during the year subject to the condition that the money thus retained is not allowed to accumulate but is spent with the approval of the Director on improvements to the school. attendance or other matters or violation of any of the conditions of recognition or aid.(a).-.(1) Staff grant is paid to schools on a monthly basis. Penalties-. reduce or suspend the grant on account of falsification of the registers. non-teaching staff and servants paid from contingencies shall be sanctioned monthly. the District Educational Officer shall follow such instructions as may be issued by the Director from time to time. withhold. the secretary / correspondent shall endorse it and present it for payment at the nearest Treasury in accordance with the instruction given in the sanction. Payment of Grants. Financial Statement. (2) The Director may deduct from the grant payable to an institution such amount as may be due to the teachers from the management for direct disbursement to the teacher concerned.The Director may. shall be remitted back into the Treasury as and when brought to the notice of the school authorities. Director of School Education is empowered in special cases to pay grant direct to secondary (High) and Higher Secondary Schools. The staff grant for every aided secondary and Higher Secondary school to cover the approved expenditure on teaching staff.-. non-teaching staff and servants paid from contingencies. Deletion suggested. Other Institutions and Schools not in vogue . Application for aid-.In addition to ordinary grants of all descriptions.(i) All oriental schools (Sanskrit and Arabic) shall be paid monthly grants to cover the entire expenditure on salary to staff approved by the Director and it shall be sanctioned monthly by the respective District Educational Officers. The Principal of the District Institute of Education and Training in the district shall be empowered to release such grants periodically in the form prescribed in Appendix-H) 46. with in Chapter-XI).Grants to enable Villages to erect and equip Village School Houses-Cancelled Chapter-XI .Boarding Grants to Homes for Children 62.Deletion suggested) Chapter VI .Teaching Grants on Behalf of Schools for Special Education 45.not in vogue . Books and Appliances Rules 57 to 61(b) .Application for grants on behalf of oriental schools shall be made as in the case of aided secondary schools [vide rule 32(a) and (b)] Application for grants on behalf of other special schools-. (ii) The minimum strength in the lowest class in the oriental schools shall be ten with effect from 1965-66 and this minimum strength in respect of other classes shall be maintained progressively 15 in each Std.The quantum and the amount of grant payable to the aided non minority and the aided minority Teacher Training Institute shall be decided by the Government.Grants are given for only (i) Teacher Training Institutes and (ii) Boarding grants to Homes for children (Dealt.Deletion suggested Chapter-IX . a special grant may be made to homes for children in aid of boarding charges.O. Chapter-VII .(Rule No.a month for each certified free destitute pupil. 25-5-1982) .36/.Grants for Buildings. Objects and Conditions of aid-.Not in vogue . Ms.not in vogue .(a) Oriental Schools-.Grants towards stipends in Training Schools Rules 47 to 50 . (b) Schools for the handicapped-Deletion suggested.1499 SWD dt.Deletion suggested.not in vogue .Grants for Furniture.Deletion suggested) Chapter V-A .not in vogue . calculated at Rs. (d) Teaching grants on behalf of Teacher Training Institutes-. 40 to 44 . (G. Provided that such grants shall not exceed three-fourths of the net boarding charges of the institution subject to a minimum limit.Grants towards Rent of Hostels (Rule 44-A to 44-C . Building Sites and Play Grounds Rules 51 to 56 . in IX and X.Deletion suggested Chapter-VIII . Not under the control of the Education Department - (c) Other Special Schools-.Deletion suggested Chapter-X . (6) No inmate shall be eligible for a grant under this chapter unless he is a native of Tamil Nadu. if any.e. collected including the nominal fees referred to in the explanation under rule 62. Home. 3. over the place where the parent or guardian of the pupil resides. if the pupil is non-orphan should be produced from an officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar or Commissioner. Explanation-. Application for aid-prescribed form (Appendix V). earned by the inmates paying no fees or only nominal fees and (b) the fees. a year is collected shall be considered free for purpose of the above rule and also of note (1) under rule 64.4 Education dated 4th January 1954) (G.5. 63. st (a) exceeded twenty but was below five years in the case of a boy or girl. oil. and (b) exceeded twenty-five but was below five years in the case of physically handicapped children. medical aid. st (G. 65. (3) The possession of trifling income by the parent of a child does not necessarily exclude the child from the category of “destitute”.330. i.9/.Ms. Education. medicines. and in Appendix X(ii). to aid.6400/.O.(Rupees Six thousand four hundred only) and below per annum under all sources.O.1955) Note: (1) An Home for Children for Indian destitute pupil shall not be eligible for aid under this chapter unless at least 50 percent of its inmates on the 1st July of the year under consideration are orphan or non-orphan free certified destitutes within prescribed age-limits and reading in recognizedschools (4) “ Boarding charges” for the purpose of the grant comprise only the following:” th i)cost of foodstuffs. 2. (G.” (G. Ms. Ms.3.No. Education dated 28 August 1965). sundry expenses connected with the provision of meals and items such as stationery.O. dated 1 February 1960) (5) The net boarding charges shall be arrived at by deducting from the boarding charges (a) the wages. (G.O. If any.6400/(Rupees six thousand four hundred only) will not be eligible for any boarding grant. (2) The term “orphan” used in these rules means a child which has lost either or both of its parents. Ms. In support of a claim for grant for the first time in respect of every pupil a certificate testifying to his or her destitution in the form prescribed in Appendix-X(i). note books. cost of clothing. SW & NM Dept.Provided also that such grant shall not be admitted on behalf of a pupil whose age on the 1 July of the year under consideration.742. Home dated 2nd March 1963) 64. No.O. text books. having jurisdiction. No. No. if the pupil is an orphan.Pupils from whom a nominal fee not exceeding Rs. Children whose parents are in receipt of an annual gross income exceeding Rs. “Trifling Income” means a gross income of Rs. (G. ii) Pay of cook and other servants. 3085.O.Ms. Panchayat Unions.Ms. Application for grants under this chapter shall be made in the . employed for the purpose of cooking and serving meals and expenditure towards the salaries of warden and accountant.1990) “The occupation of the parent(s) is : the annual gross income from all sources of the parent (s) is Rs.804. Per annum. dt.No. iii) Contingencies.No. if any.1. and soap. Only institutions which are primarily Homes for children and which make suitable arrangements for the education of the inmates in recognised schools shall be admitted. 67.procedure-As soon as an application for grant. Payment of grants-. APPENDIX .B (CHAPTER III RULE-18 AND 20) List of Recognised and aided Elementary Schools for Boys and Girls in District during the year 19 19 Cancelled.Deletion suggested APPENDIX .D (CHAPTER III RULE-22) Cancelled. the District Elementary Educational Officer shall visit the Home and submit the audit report to the Director of Elementary Education for allotment of Funds.C (CHAPTER III RULE-21) Cancelled. Chapter-XII . the Local Inspecting Officer shall investigate the case. Boarding grant . The Director of Elementary Education shall then scrutinize the proposal and allot funds to the District Elementary Educational Officers extending copies to the Homes and treasuries. along with the quantum of grant recommended.The District Elementary Educational Officer shall sanction the amount and countersign the bill prepared by the correspondent for payment from the respective Treasury (Appendix G(ii). 1 2 3 4 Name and address of the School Grant on Behalf of Rural Colleges for Adults Rule 68 to 75-Not in vogue . APPENDIX . APPENDIX . The application should not be considered unless the investigating Officer is satisfied that the Education provided by the orphanages or Boarding homes for destitute children is suitable and that the accounts of the orphanage or the Boarding Home show that it is not conducted for private profit. association or person owning the School Secretary/Correspondent Standards and classes under instruction with strength of each .aid under this chapter is received. The auditors attached to the Director of School Education shall audit the accounts of Boarding Homes and they shall send the audit report to the respective District Elementary Educational Officers.66. APPENDIX . On receipt of the audit report.A (CHAPTER III RULE-17) Application for Admission to aid on behalf of an Elementary School Cancelled. A Medical Officer should invariably be consulted by the Inspecting Officer on matters relating to sanitary condition of the building and their surroundings (Appendix-G).E (CHAPTER IV RULE-29) Application for Teaching Grants on behalf of a Secondary Schools when grant is admissible. Secretary/Correspondent. Description of endowments with yearly income from each Deletion . Date : . time-table and registers to inspection and to furnish such returns as may be required by the department.suggested Names of teachers with qualifications and monthly salary of each. Dated and that I am prepared to subject the institution together with its current endowment and Trust Accounts. and will continue to be fully observed excepting those rules from which the institution has been specially exempted by the Director's Proceedings No. I hereby declare that the conditions of recognition and aid laid down in the Tamil Nadu Educational Rules and in the Grant-in-Aid Code are being. its establishment.On behalf of the management of the School.5 6 7 8 9 Deletion .suggested Remarks : Declaration.-. Station. Rule 37 and Chapter V.. Station : Secretary/Correspondent Date : for Monthly salary 5 Rs. The total on the receipts side (excluding A) should agree with the total on the expenditure side. Expenditure Side 2 Item I should be supported by a separate statement in the form given below showing the names of the teachers employed.I hereby certify that the expenditure shown above was actually incurred by the management and that the salary actually paid is correctly stated.10/S. P. their monthly salaries and the total salary paid to each. Rules 44 and 46) Financial Statement for the use in Secondary (High) and Higher Secondary Schools. their monthly salaries and the total salary paid to each. Item 2 should be supported by a separate statement in the form given below showing the designation of the Non-teaching staff including menials paid from contingencies.F (Chapter IV.APPENDIX . Salary actually paid 7 Rs. 3 4 . Total Salary 6 Rs. 1 Name teacher servant 2 of or Designatio n 3 Period which employed 4 Total Certificate. Item 6 should be supported by a statement showing the details of the expenditure and in particular accounting separately for the each item exceeding Rs.N o. P. P. Receipts Side 1 The amount shown against item A should agree with the amount shown in the fee returns as fee due for the official year. Amount Rs. 1 2 3 4 Amount brought forward from the last years' accounts Income from endowments Subscriptions and donations Actual receipts by fees (a) Ordinary (b) Special Grants-in-aid received--(a) (b) (c) (d) Staff grant Building Furniture and apparatus Endowments 5 6 7 Miscellaneous receipts Amount contributed by management for the upkeep of the school during the year. -------------Total -------------- Expenditure Expenditure on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Teaching staff (as shown in the detailed statement attached) Non-teaching staff (as shown in the detailed statement attached) Rents Taxes Ordinary repairs and upkeep Contingencies Scholarships Prizes New buildings Furniture Science apparatus and materials Other appliance for teaching Library Gymnasium and Games Amount Rs. P. . P.FINANCIAL STATMENT FOR THE YEAR 2003 Receipts. Station : Date : Auditor .15 16 Outlay not falling under the above heads Amount carried over to the next year's account -------------Total -------------Certificate.-. I hereby certify that expenditure shown in the above statement under items 1-6 has been actually incurred and that no part of it relates to scholarships or to articles for which a special grant is sanctionable under the Grant-in-Aid Code.(1)On behalf of the management. Station : Date : Secretary/Correspondence (2) I hereby certify that I have audited the accounts of the School for the year and that the receipts and expenditure shown in the above statement are correctly stated and supported by proper vouchers. Amount of grant (in words and figures) xxxxx (Rupees Only. . Total deduction Net Amount S. ... Payable at the for the Staff Grant on behalf of Bill for the month of School.... . Pay to the Secretary / Correspondent. Name of the School . . Signature of Secretary/Correspondent. -----------xxxxx xxxxx Bill No. .) CERTIFIED that the claim preferred in this bill was not drawn previously. ..A.... DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL OFFICER. Rs...Plan Head of Account : VOUCHER No. HRA CCA MA .. District : Secondary . CONTENTS RECEIVED.No..... .. Pay SA/SP D... DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL OFFICER.... . .G (i) (RULE 38 ) Payable/Non-payable. . ..APPENDIX .. . ------------LESS : Deductions Teacher Provident Fund Family Benefit Funds Special Provident Fund Health Fund Festival Advance Marriage Advance etc.Plan / Non . xxxxxx . Rs. Certified that the amount claimed in this bill was not drawn before from any other source. Chennai-600 006. Special other (Orphanage Grants) xxxx --------TOTAL xxxxx --------(Rupees Only).G (ii) (Rule 67) PAYABLE AT BILL FOR THE BOARDING ON BEHALF OF SPECIAL SCHOOLS DISTRICT : GRANT-IN-AID BILL FOR Voucher No : Month of Head of Account : Payable at Sanctioned in the Proceedings of The Director of Elementary Education. Counter signed for Rs. Please issue a cheque in favour of the Correspondent/Secretary Correspondent/Secretary District Elementary Educational Officer. District Elementary Educational Officer. Station : District Elementary Educational Officer. Total amount allotted during the year : Rs.APPENDIX . Please pay Rs. /Secretary 1. Signature of Correspondent District Elementary Educational Officer. APPROPRIATION 1. Contents received. Treasury Accountant. Treasury Officer. District Elementary Educational Officer (Rupees Only). (Rupees Only). Rule 44-B) Application for Grants towards Rent to Hostel Not in vogue . xxxxxx ---------------Rs. Expenditure incurred including the above orphanage. xxxxxx ---------------- District Elementary Educational Officer.2. APPENDIX .Deletion suggested .GG (Chapter V-A. Balance Rs. its establishment. Training classes with strength of each. I hereby declare that the conditions of recognition and aid laid down in the Tamil Nadu Educational Rules and in the Grant-in-Aid Code are being. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name and address of Institute. Names of teachers permanently employed in the practicing section with qualifications and monthly salaries. dated .H (Chapter VI Rule 46) Application for teaching grants on behalf of Teacher Training Institutes when grant is admissible. and that I am prepared to subject the institution. 7 8 9 10 11 Declaration -. Description of endowments with yearly income from each. Station. excepting those rules from which the institution has been specially exempted by the Director's Proceedings No. endowment and trust accounts. Deletion suggested. and will continue to be fully observed. Names of teachers employed in the training school with qualifications on monthly salaries.On behalf of the management of the school. time-table and registers to inspection and to furnish such returns as may be required by the department.APPENDIX . together with its current. association or person owning the school. Standards in practicing school with strength of each. Amount which the management proposes to spend yearly on the schools. Society. Remarks. Secretary/Correspondent Date . Secretary/Correspondent. however. Industrial and Art Schools Not in vogue . as far as possible all soils which are specially retentive of moisture.Deletion suggested APPENDIX . (ii) Made soil should be avoided and.L (Chapter VII. Rule 50) Grants towards stipends in Training schools Not in vogue .Deletion suggested APPENDIX .(i) A site should not be selected if its natural position is in a hollow or in the neighborhood of high trees. the height of the neighboring buildings. (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 2.LL (Chapter VIII. be avoided. or in course of time. proximity to houses of parents. The neighborhood of dusty and noisy roads and of shops or factories should. All site plans should show the nature of the surroundings. of value. as far as possible.K (Chapter VII. Sufficiency of space is important. etc. The presence of rank vegetation.APPENDIX . . Rule 47) Application for Stipendiary grants in Training Schools Not in vogue . provided that they do no unduly reduce the space available for play and are not planted so close to the school buildings as to obstruct the entry of light into the class rooms. the north point and the direction of the prevailing wind. more especially prickly-pear. or houses which prevent the free circulation of air and the access of sunlight to the school buildings. in THE PLAY GROUND. Shady trees are. Rule 46) Application for teaching grants on behalf of Technical. and in this connection the possibility of future extension and the necessity of giving subsequent class rooms the proper orientation should be borne in mind.J (Chapter VI. to cause damage to the structure. is objectionable. RULE 52) Instructions as to the sanitary and hygienic and hygienic requirements to be observed In the designing and construction of school buildings in the state of Tamil Nadu Selection of sites In the selection of site the following points should be weighed against considerations like economy convenience. Channels and tanks in the vicinity are a disadvantage.Deletion suggested APPENDIX . The door or doors should be at the teacher's end of the room. of the floor level. (b) Admission of air. Annexure (ii).77m. No class room should have more than two doors and in most cases one is preferable. Class rooms should not have to be used as passages from one part of the building to another. they should be utilized in providing floor space in excess of the following MINIMUM requirements per student:… … 0.99 square metres … … . SEATING ARRANGEMENTS 6. or . They should be placed at regular distances so as to ensure uniformity of light. DOORS 13. The window area should not be less than one-fifth of the floor area and whenever possible the main lighting should be from the north. from the ground in rooms in which the scholars are seated at desks. When pupils sit on the floor the sills should come to within . workshops etc. they should never face the light. 7.ORIENTATION OF BUILDINGS 3. The general principles which should govern the construction of desks are set forth in Annexure (i). Stone flagging or something better must be aimed at in rooms where desks or benches can be provided. the more buildings are lighted from the north the better. 8. 11. Subject to this.22m. 10. the desks may be arranged most suitably as shown in diagram. 12. COMPOSITION OF FLOORS 5. such as laboratories. WINDOWS 9. Windows serve two purposes-(a) Admission of light. .88 square metres … … 0. This will differ for different parts of the State and will depend chiefly on the best way to secure free flow of air. Pupils should be seated in rows with the main light falling from the left side. Windows for subsidiary lighting may have their sills more than 1. Window sills should not be more than 1. FLOOR SPACE 4.22m. Forms without backs and desks are objectionable. drawing room. It is desirable that the floors should be made of a material which will admit of their being washed with water.40 square metres For Elementary Schools For Secondary Schools For Teacher Training Institutes Rooms which are intended to be used for practical work. Where the pupils have to sit on the floor. When funds are available. Where dual desks are used.1. The same remarks applies to the teachers. At the same time it must be recognized that from the hygienic point of view they are to be preferred and objection on the score of their coldness can be met by providing planks or benches. They should consequently not open into one another but into passages or verandahs.9m. should be carefully designed with a view to the nature of the work and the number of students to be accommodated. stone floors need not be insisted on if objected to. type designs for desks are issued by the department. from the floor. as far as possible. Cupboard recesses in other walls should be provided also recesses with open shelving.30 meters x 7. The number of latrine seats should be on the following scale:Girls 2 Boys 1 Under 30 children Under 150 children Girls 6 Boys 3 . The ventilators should be regularly distributed in the same way as the windows. 19. The roof should.67 meters 3. The arrangement of such a room is shown in the enclosed diagram No. an approximate square. Double storeyed building 3.30 meters in width or otherwise the rows of pupils will be too long to be properly controlled by the teacher.1454. Unless there are windows reaching to the top of the wall and capable of being opened. pictures and diagrams are essential. For each pupil 48 square inches of open ventilator should be provided. that is. The length of a room must depend on the number of classes to be held in it. be provided.A. DIMENSIONS AND FITTINGS OF CLASSROOMS 16. They should be so situated that the prevailing wind will not blow from them in the direction of the school.67 meters below floor in Height of bottom of the having both ground floor ground floor and 3. ventilators are necessary near the top of the wall. If it is admitted that a square is the best area for teaching purposes. Latrines should not be placed nearer than 12 meters to any school building. Rails under the cornice for hanging maps. The minimum height of the rooms in Secondary (High) and Higher Secondary Schools.36 meters having terraced or sloped roof 2. Ample wall black-board space should be provided especially on the wall at the teachers' end of the room which should be unbroken by door’s windows or cupboards. Education. Annexure (ii). To accommodate similarly desks of larger dimensions those of the room must be proportionately increased. In the case of a school divided into a number of class rooms.36 meters In the case of Elementary Schools the height of room should be 10’ to the bottom of the beam in the case of sloping roof and 11’ upto the underside of the roof slab in the case of terraced roof.60 meters. For boy's schools separate urinals and latrines should accommodation should in all schools be provided for the teaching staff.40 meters wide and 7 meters long. The type designs of the sanitary department should be consulted when planning latrines.36 beam from top of floor in the and first floor terraced or meters between floors in case of sloping Roof in first first floor with sloping roof the first floor. ROOFS 17. C. Single storeyed building 3.Ms. SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS 18. Separate 20. and Teacher Training Institute constructed with ground floor alone and with ground floor and first floor with terraced or sloping roofs should be as indicated below:Height between floor level Height between floor level to to the bottom of floor slab the bottom of the beam in or roof slab the case of sloped roof 1.No.HEIGHT OF CLASS ROOMS 14. the dimensions of any room should not exceed 7. It is important that no school or class room should be more than 7. 306 of 1917. floor 3. (G. dated 17th August 1964) VENTILATION 15. 21. be impervious to heat. the length of a class room in a one-roomed school should approximate closely to some multiple of the width.O. The smallest class room for 40 boys in dual desks should be 6. 1/4 3 Width of seat board. 5 Distance between front 3 3 1/2 3½ 4 4 4 1/2 4 1/4 edge of desk and front edge to seat measured horizontally. askew. 9 9 1/2 10 ½ 11 12 12 12 4 Distance from top of seat 9 9 1/2 10 10 3/4 11 1/2 12 12 board to front edge of desk 1/2 measured perpendicularly. In addition there should be urinals for boys at the rate of six urinal compartments each 51 cms. Individual chairs and tables to suit rd pupils may be use in all standards or classes.2261 Education.Ms. or if separate urinals are not provided the number of latrine seats should be correspondingly increased. (G. ANNEXURE (1) The requirements of suitable desks and seats are that the pupil should sit with body fairly veridical for writing and be able to lean back for reading without any danger of curvature of the spine in either case. and the book or paper should rest at a comfortable distance below his eyes. the number of water closets should be on the following scale:Number of Pupils 25 50 75 100 Scale of water closets Girls 1 2 3 4 Boys 1 1 2 2 Number of Pupils 150 200 300 500 Scale closets Girls 6 8 12 20 of water Boys 3 4 5 8 In addition provision should be made for urinals at 6 per 100 boys. NOTE.Under 50 children Under 70 children Under 100 children 3 2 4 5 Under 200 children 8 2 Under 300 children 3 Under 500 children 4 12 20 5 8 22.O.It is not intended that all clauses should be applied in the case of elementary schools in preparing these for elementary school buildings only such points as refer specially elementary schools are applicable to all classes of schools should receive an attention. wide for every 100 boys. dated 23 August 1951) The following table of measurements is intended as a guide to school managements in the construction of desks and seats : TABLE MEASUREMENTS IN INCHES 1 Height of pupil. Not more than four pupils should be seated at one desk. He should not stoop or lounge or sit in any way. 6 Width of top of desk 11 ½ 12 12 ½ 13 13 1/2 14 14 (inclined part) 7 Width of top of desk 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (Horizontal part) 8 Depth of book-shelf 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 Distance of same from 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 top of desk 10 Slope of back of seat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 Distance from top of 9 9 1/2 10 11 12 12 13 seat board to top of back of 1/2 seat measured .No. 23. If the flush-out system of latrines is in vogue. Belo 48to51 52to55 56to59 60to63 64to6 68an w 7 d 48 abov e 2 Distance from top of 12 ½ 14 15 16 1/2 18 1/4 19 20 base to top of seat board. perpendicularly. 12 Distance from top of base to back edge of desk. 13 Footrest 14 Space for each pupil 33 1/2 Front edge flush with base : back edge 1 inch above base 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 ½ 25 1/2 27 29 1/2 32 35 23 . APPENDIX .O (Chapter VIII Rule 54) Cancelled APPENDIX .Buildings Not in vogue .PP (Chapter VIII Rule 54) Cancelled APPENDIX .P (Chapter VIII Rule 54) Cancelled APPENDIX .S (Chapter VIII Rule 54) Grant-in-Aid under Chapter VIII .Deletion suggested at in the APPENDIX .R Cancelled APPENDIX .Deletion Suggested .Deletion suggested APPENDIX .Q (Chapter VIII Rule 54) Cancelled APPENDIX .N [Chapter VIII Rule 53(ii)] Form of Completion Certificate Not in vogue .M (Chapter VIII Rule 53) Application for approval of a Building Scheme in respect of School district of Not in vogue . Deletion Suggested APPENDIX . Not in vogue . Diagrams. Models and Tools Not in vogue .SS (Chapter VIII Rule 54) Grant-in-Aid under Chapter VIII-Acquisition of Land and Buildings Not in vogue . Maps School Libraries.Deletion Suggested .Deletion Suggested APPENDIX .U (Chapter IX Rule 59) School Furniture. etc. Apparatus.T (Chapter IX Rule 57) Application for Grants for Furniture Books..APPENDIX . (b) Number of free non-orphan destitutes. Name of Home for Children or school to which it is attached.V (Chapter XI Rule 65) Application for Boarding Grants 1. Sanitary condition of the buildings and their surrounding as reported by the medical officer. (a) Number of free orphan destitutes for the previous year. 12. Other work done by it. 5. (a) Orphan and non-orphan destitutes paying fees. etc. 6. Others. Income for From--- 8. (d) Total number of inmates (a) plus (b) plus (c) for the previous year. (b) Number out of 2 (b) who are within the prescribed age-limits and reading in recognized schools.e. A certificate may be produced in the form prescribed in Appendix 30.APPENDIX . 11.. (c) Number of non-destitutes-(i) (ii) Paying inmates for the previous years. 7. 10. in case when it is connected with an ordinary hostel or residential school. * Net cost boarding charges for the previous year. Total of (a) and (b) Other sources of income for the year 9. --- Whether separate provision is made for boarding. (b) Other paying inmates. Accommodation provided for dormitories. The educational work done for the inmates by the institution (i. Tamil Nadu Educational Rules. general and vocational). Average boarding cost per mensem for an orphan or non-orphan destitute. 2. (c) Total number of free destitutes within age-limits and reading in recognized schools [3 (a) plus 3 (b)]. if any. (e) Total number of orphan and non-orphan destitutes for the current year 3. from any registered medical practitioner or an officer of the Public Health Department. 4. (a) Number out of 2(a) who are within the prescribed age-limits and reading in recognized schools. lodging and Supervision and whether accounts are maintained separately for the Home for Children or boarding home. Station : District : Date : Secretary/Correspondent/Manager . Note:-.9 per annum collected shall not be considered as free.Inmates from whom a fee exceeding Rs. .* This should be supported by a statement of receipts and expenditure in the form that may be prescribed by the Director from time to time with separate monthly details for each item of expenditure shown therein. The occupation of the parent(s) is . Note :--. 4th January 19 . Station : Date : District : Signature Designation of the Certifying Officer. The occupation of the parent(s) is .This certificate should be granted to each pupil individually.No. the condition of this orphan and surviving parents / orphan is so destitute as to entitle the orphan to the benefits of Chapter XI of the Grant-in-Aid Code.APPENDIX . per annum.This certificate should be granted to each pupil individually.X (ii) (Rule 63) Destitution Certificate for a Non-Orphan Pupil I hereby certify that is a native of the State of Tamil Nadu and belongs to the Village/Town of situated in my jurisdiction and is the daughter/son of father and of mother and the condition of the Boy/Girl and his/her parents is so destitute as to entitle the pupil to the benefits of Chapter XI of the Grant-in-Aid Code. the annual gross income from all sources of the parent(s) is Rs. Education. Station : Date : District : Signature Designation of the Certifying Officer Note :--.Ms. and the Father/Mother Father and mother having deceased. the annual gross income from all sources of the parent(s) is Rs. (G. per annum. APPENDIX .O.4.X (i) (Rule 63) Destitution Certificate for an orphan pupil I hereby certify that Tamil Nadu and belongs to the is a native of the Sate of Village/Town of situated in my jurisdiction and is the daughter/son of father and of mother. 50 C.Ms.M.50 C.M.M. 11.60 C. 31. 22.00 C. 2. 8. 26. to 129. base to top of seat board.M.60 C.M.M.M.M.M.10 C.50 C.Ms.00 C.50 C.M.M.60 C.50 C.00 C.00 C.M.M.M.00 C. 31.M.M.M.Ms.M.70 C.M.60 C.00 C. 10. Distance from top of seat board to top of 20.50 C.50 C.10 C. 2.M. Slope of back seat 2.50 C.50 C.M. 49.M. 7. 33.50 C. 7.50 C.M.M. 8.M. 12. 58.M.M.M.M. above base 14.00 C.M. 53.00 C. 7.00 C. 10. 152. 34. 48.M. 38.M.M. to 170.70 C.M.50 C.00 C.00 C.60 C. 7.M.50 C.Ms.Ms.M.10 C.M.60 C. 30.M. to desk 13. Space for each 46.M. 36.00 C. 25.M.M.M.50 C.M.80 C.M. 12.50 C.Ms. .M. 7. Width of top of desk 7. 122 C. 30.30 C. 30.M. to 140 C.M. 25.M. back edge 250 C.M. 81.MEASUREMENTS IN INCHES Height of Pupil Below 122 C. 31.M. from top of desk 10.00 C.Ms. 11.90 C.M.00 C. 51.M.M. Distance from top of 31. 30. 10. 30.60 C.M.M. 2.50 C.26-A TABLE . to 150 C.M. 9.10 C.M.00 C.50 C.80 C.M.Ms.60 C.50 C.00 C.80 C. 2. 2.00 C.50 C. 56.80 C.50 C. Width of top of desk 28.00 C.M. (horizontal part) 8.60 C.50 C. 35. 27.M.M. 83. to160. 173.60 C.M.00 C. Width of seat board.60 C. (inclined part) 7.90 C.Ms.M.M. 12. 30.M. and above 51.80 C. 28. 132.M. 25. 53.M. 2. 6.00 C.60 C. 2. Distance between front edge of desk and 7.50 C. front edge seat measured horizontally.50 C. 25. 25. 25. 3.M.M.M. 46.60 C.90 C.M. 142.M.M. 88. 5. 12.00 C. 7.M. 33.M. back of seat measured perpendicularly 12. 64. 35. Distance of same 12.60 C.50 C.30 C.50 C.00 C. 25.M.M.90 C.50 C.M.80 C.M.10 C.M. Depth of book-shelf 25. Distance from top of seat aboard to front 11. 24. 69. 25.60 C.50 C.50 C.M.50 C. Distance from top of base to back edge 59. 25. pupil 10. 12. 12. edge of desk measured perpendicularly.80 C. 27.M.30 C.50 C.Ms.Ms.M.50 C.Ms 42.50 C.M. 162.60 C. 4. 24.50 C. Footrest-Front edge flush with base.M. 74.
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