Granolithic Flooring

April 3, 2018 | Author: Dinesh Perumal | Category: Flooring, Brick, Tile, Concrete, Asphalt



Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44, Krishna Sree, II Floor, Gandhi Nagar, 1st Main Road, Adyar, Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. No. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode, Chennai, SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 1 of 16 SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING AND PAVING Tenderers’ Signature with Seal Adyar. No.. II Floor.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. Hardcreate Floor 7 8. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 2 of 16 CONTENTS 1. Glazed Tile Flooring 11 11. Dry Brick Flooring 5 5. Brick Flooring 4 4. Metalic Hardner Finish 7 7. Chennai. Gandhi Nagar. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. 1st Main Road. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. Natural Stone Flooring. Krishna Sree.Dado&Skirting 13 12 Rubber Flooring . Scope 3 2 Material 4 3. Granolithic Flooring 5 6. In-Situ Terrazo Flooring 7 9.Skirting And Dado 14 Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Cement Tile Flooring 10 10. .No claims for extra shall be tenable for reasons of discontinuity of work or delay in having areas available for work.1 GENERAL SCOPE This specification covers the requirements of laying different types of flooring laid over base concrete. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 3 of 16 1 1. Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles.4 1. 1. Method of sampling and analysis of concrete. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Specification for bitumen felts for water proofing and damp proofing. 1st Main Road. Code of practice for laying of rubber floors. II Floor.The flooring shall be done in close co-ordination with other agencies and shall keep pace with demands in respect of erection . No.2 SPECIFICATION.4. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc.2 DEFINITIONS Owner Contractor : PURCHASER/CLIENT : Main EPC Contractor responsible for engineering and / or procurement and /or construction Field Sub-contractor : Agency carrying out field construction . Flooring in any Industrial structure may have to be done in discontinuous strips or areas to suit the equipment erection . Chennai. Gandhi Nagar. CODES AND STANDARDS INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTION IS:5491 IS:2114 IS:460 IS:1237 IS:1443 IS:809 IS:1199 IS:1322 IS:1197 IS:1195 Code of practice for laying of in situ granolithic concrete flooring topping. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44.3 UNITS Units shall be used in accordance with the SI System as per ISO 1000 1.field fabrication .field delivery and erection 1. Krishna Sree. Adyar.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Specification for test sieves Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles. Code of practice for laying in situ terrazzo floor finish. Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring. encountered in Industrial Structures. Rubber flooring materials for general purposes. Bricks shall be so laid that all joints shall not be more than 10 mm. Adyar.the surface of sub grade shall be roughened with steel brushes. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. wetted and smeared with cement slurry at 2. The bricks shall be laid with grog downwards in plain.C-102 3. shall be frequently checked with straight edge at least 2m long. the flooring shall be commenced within 48 hours of the laying of sub grade . Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. lime concrete or earth.failing which .0 BRICK FLOORING Surface Preparation The sub grade shall consist of concrete. Laying of Bricks Bricks shall be soaked in water for at least an hour before use.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. diagonal. On completion of a portion of flooring. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. 1st Main Road. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Chennai.75 kg / sq. The joints shall be struck flush and finished at the time of laying. rammed and consolidated and moistened before laying the flooring. it shall be allowed to set for seven days before laying of bricks.. watered.m. Broken bricks shall not be used in flooring except for closing the line.0 MATERIAL For specification of materials refer to specification no . Bricks shall be laid in 12 mm mortar bed and each brick shall be properly bedded and set home by gentle tapping with the handle of trowel or wooden mallet. the vertical joints shall be fully filled from the top with mortar. Gandhi Nagar. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 4 of 16 2. II Floor. Curing Curing shall be continued for minimum of 7 days. so as to get a good bond between sub grade and flooring. When sub grade is not provided the earth below shall be properly sloped. Its face shall be buttered with mortar before the next brick is laid and pressed against it. Slopes and camber shall be provided to the sub grade as specified in the drawings. herring bone bond or other pattern as specified or directed. The surfaces of the flooring during laying. If sub grade consists of lime concrete. Krishna Sree. If sub grade is of lean concrete. No. The face of brick work shall be cleaned the very day that brick work is laid and all mortar droppings removed. so as to obtain a true plain surface with required slope. the surface shall be wetted with water for several hours and surface water shall be removed immediately before the topping is laid and thick cement slurry at the rate of 2. II Floor. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. The work shall conform to IS:5491. Floor finish shall not be carried over expansion joints in the base concrete. No. The forms shall be true to line within ± 3 mm and to level within ± 1. Gandhi Nagar. At the junction of adjoining panels a thin string shall be given.0 GRANOLITHIC FLOORING Scope This specification is applicable where floor topping is laid separately on hardened base concrete. The laitence of base concrete shall be completely removed to expose clean coarse aggregate.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Chennai. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. Length of a panel shall not exceed one and half times its breadth. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . The joints shall be filled with fine sand. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 5 of 16 4. roughening shall be done by hacking at close intervals. The forms shall be fixed rigidly and supported throughout their length so that they will not be disturbed by spreading and compacting of concrete. Krishna Sree. Adyar.5 mm. No dimension of a panel shall exceed 2 m. Panel Size Topping shall be laid in alternate panels. Either the joint filler shall extend through the full thickness of base concrete and finishing layer or space above it shall be filled with a suitable sealing compound. When roughening of surface by wire brushing is not possible. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode.. 5. Surface Preparation The surface of the base concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned & scrubbed with steel wire brush. Forms shall not be removed within 12 hours of laying of topping. Before laying the topping.0 DRY BRICK FLOORING Laying of flooring shall be same as described for Brick flooring except that it shall be laid in 12 mm thick mud mortar bedding and joints shall be as fine as possible and not more than 5 mm.2 kg of cement per square metre shall be thoroughly brushed into the prepared surface not more than 30 minutes before it is covered by the topping concrete. Joints Construction joints between panels need only be plain untreated vertical butt joints and should synchronize with joints in base slab. 1st Main Road. No. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. but where required and specified in drawing for reducing dusting. The object of troveling is to produce a hard closely knit surface free from laitence with as much course aggregate just below the surface as possible. After the floor has been washed with clean water second coat in the proportion of Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Adyar. It should not be trovelled back into the topping. The topping shall be then floated with a wooden float to render the surface even and after the surface is slightly hardened.42 by weight including any surface moisture in aggregates. Krishna Sree. The final trovelling should be at such a time that considerable pressure is required to make any impression on the surface. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. Gandhi Nagar. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 6 of 16 Mix Proportion Mix proportion for granolithic topping shall be 1:1:2 with 10 mm down size aggregates. Thickness Generally average 40 mm or as specified in drawings. Surface Treatment It is normally not necessary to apply any further treatment to the Granolithic flooring. Generally it shall not exceed 0. a solution of sodium silicate may be applied after seven to ten days of curing. it shall be finished smooth. II Floor.. Curing Curing shall be continued for a minimum period of 7 days by ponding and not by merely sprinkling water. Excess material shall be wiped off and the floor allowed to dry.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. A third and possible fourth trovelling will be necessary. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. Laying The topping shall be laid in alternate panels and thoroughly compacted to the finished thickness and levels. Sometime after the first trovelling usually about 2 hours . Water content shall be kept as low as possible consistent for obtaining full compaction. Chennai. A solution of one part of sodium silicate and four to six parts of water by volume should be spreads evenly over Granolithic top surface with a soft brush. During this trovelling any laitence should be removed. Under no circumstances should cement be sprinkled on to the surface and trovelled in to absorb surplus water. 1st Main Road.the surface should be retrovelled to close any pores in the surface. panel size. Top layer shall be laid within 2 to 4 hours of laying bottom layer. Surface preparation. Operation may be repeated for the third time if the floor is still porous. 6. Mix of right consistency enables trowelling to be carried out almost immediately after laying. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. It shall not be added directly to dry mix. However. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Hardcrete increases the workability and hence the water content shall be kept to the minimum.. The flooring is essentially same as Granolithic flooring. Bottom layer shall be 28 mm thick in 1:1:2 proportion as for Granolithic flooring and the top layer shall be 12 mm thick in proportion of 1 part of dry mix of one part of Ironite and four parts of cement by weight and 2 part of stone grit of 6 mm down size. II Floor. Krishna Sree. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 7 of 16 1:4 shall be applied and this should be allowed to dry similarly.If such water rises to the surface.0 HARDCRETE FLOOR Hardcrete floor finish is provided where hard and dust free surface is required. topping shall be laid in two layers. 1st Main Road. grease etc.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Gandhi Nagar.0 METALLIC HARDENER FINISH The compound used for hardening shall be approved quality ‘Ironite’ or equivalent consisting of uniformly graded iron particles free from nonferrous particles. Chennai. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. Adyar.0 IN-SITU TERRAZO FLOORING The work shall generally conform to IS:2114 Materials Aggregates for terrazo topping shall be marble chips from 1 mm to 25 mm in size and marble powder used as infill shall pass through sieve 300 (IS:460) Pigments All pigments shall be of permanent colour. oil. However an admixture in liquid form with trade name as ‘Hardcrete’ of Snowcem India Ltd shall be used at the rate of 2 litre per 50 kg of cement (1 bag). The joints between adjoining panels shall be provided with aluminium or glass separators as specified. during trowelling. The necessary quantity shall be first added to water which is added to the mix. The consistency of the mix shall be such that no water rises to the surface.surface shall not be sprinkled with dry cement. 8. laying etc shall be generally as for Granolithic flooring. 7. No. marble aggregates and water. All dividing strips shall be laid out and anchorage between panels Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Mix Proportions : The under layer shall be in nominal mix 1:2:4 and aggregate size shall not exceed 10 mm. Krishna Sree. in area and joints so located such that longer dimension of any panel does not exceed 2 m in length. Design Considerations Thickness : The floor finish shall consist of 2 layers. When all the materials have been thoroughly mixed water shall be added in small quantities until the proper consistency is obtained. Cement and pigment shall be mixed first. Preparatory Work All materials shall be stored in a clean dry place. pigments (optional). All levels and extent of the flooring shall be clearly marked before proceeding. After further mixing aggregates shall be introduced. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. For marble aggregate size less than 7 mm the ratio of mixture of cement and marble binder to aggregate shall be 1:1.m. glass or as specified. 1st Main Road. plastering and fixing of doors and windows. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. Topping ingredients shall comprise of cement.75 by volume and for aggregate size greater than 7 mm. Pigments when used shall be in quantity specified by Table 1 of IS: 2114. II Floor. No. Programming of Work Flooring shall be taken up after erection of heavy machinery.5 mm and width not less than 25 mm. then marble powder added.. Mixing may be done either manually in a trough or in a special mechanical mixer. Gandhi Nagar. Spreading Under layer The surface of the base concrete shall be prepared as for Granolithic Flooring. Adyar. Chennai. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 8 of 16 Dividing strips may be of aluminum. Crack Prevention : Each panel shall not be more than 2 sq.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Cement and marble powder shall be in the ratio of 3:1 by weight. Aluminium strips if used shall have a protective coating of bitumen. The mix shall be used within half a hour of its preparation.50. marble powder. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. This ratio shall be 1:1. The thickness of strip shall not be less than 1. and under layer 20-25 mm thick and topping 6 mm to 12 mm thick depending on the size of the topping aggregate. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Then curing by ponding with water shall be done for a minimum of 4 days. After final grinding. curing. In removing formwork for decoration adequate care shall be taken to ensure minimum disturbances to the design and the surrounding topping. rubbed with felt and moistened with oxalic powder. Curing First air curing shall be carried out for 12 to 18 hours. Adyar. For the first stage 60 grit size carborundum stone shall be used. Krishna Sree. Topping shall commence within 24 hours after laying of under layer while it is still in its plastic stage . the surface shall be washed cleaned. The under layer shall be spread on a cement slurry over base and its top surface left slightly rough for proper bonding with the topping. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 9 of 16 provided by 40 mm cross nails . Grinding Manual grinding shall not be carried out within 2 days of laying. Other details regarding laying. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. Finally just before occupation the floor shall be washed with dilute oxalic acid and made glossy by running a polishing machine fitted with felt bobs. And for next successive stages grit size of 80.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. II Floor. grinding shall be as for in-situ terrazo flooring described earlier. No.. Combined under layer and terrazo thickness shall not be less than 20 mm and topping by itself not less than 6 mm thick. The grinding shall be carried successively in 4 stages with a 5 day curing period in between. 1st Main Road. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc.A preparatory coat of cement slurry shall be brushed first . Laying Terrazo Topping Terrazo topping shall be laid according to best workmanship standards. Gandhi Nagar. Borders and decorative designs shall be laid out beforehand. Finally the surface shall be trowelled with a slight pressure rather than pure float to ensure removal of air bubbles and give a more durable finish. Chennai.Then the topping shall be rammed highly to remove any depression. Laying Terrazo Skirtings and Dados Under layer shall be of stiff cement mortar 1:3. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. For machine grinding this period shall be 7 days. All defects arising from such disturbances shall be immediately rectified with a trowel.The mix shall be compacted thoroughly by tamping and then trowelled. Excess toweling shall be avoided as this tends to crack the surface .Where dividing strips are not used the screed strips shall be correctly fixed on base. 120-150 and finally 320-400 shall be used. Laying and Placing Before placing the under bed. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. No.7 litters of water per bag batch. Krishna Sree. Only a small quantity of slurry shall be laid at a time for 3 or 4 tiles. Chennai. Polishing Grinding and polishing shall be carried out as described for terrazo cast in-situ flooring. Just prior to laying the tiles a thin layer of cement slurry of creamy consistency shall be spread over the under bed and the damp tiles shall be set over it in the specified pattern.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. coarse sand with not more than 22. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . The tiles shall be set absolutely butting each other and shall be tamped down with the handle of the trowel. Adyar. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. The under bed shall then be laid thoroughly compacted and struck off to the required level.7 kg/sq. the surface shall be kept continuously wet for at least seven days. The tiles shall be soaked in water for about 15 minutes and then allowed to dry for some period. 1st Main Road.. Protection and Curing As soon as the cement slurry in the joints has hardened. II Floor. and their surface level shall be checked and any unevenness observed shall be corrected by rectifying the mortar bed. Gandhi Nagar.0 CEMENT TILE FLOORING a.m shall be applied to the floor. cement slurry with cement content of 2. Mixing The under bed shall comprise of one part of cement and 5 parts of dry clean. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 10 of 16 9. Marble Mosaic Tile Flooring Flooring shall generally conform to IS:1237 & 1443 Surface Preparation The surface of the base shall be cleaned of all loose particles and dust and then soaked with water overnight. curing and polishing shall be same as described for marble mosaic tiles except that polishing of the tiles and the chequer grooves. The front portion of the tile for a minimum length of 75 mm from and including the nosing shall have grooves running parallel to the nosing and at the centers not exceeding 25mm. Polishing These operations shall be same as described for chequered tile flooring. placing. Beyond that the tiles shall have the normal chequer pattern. The center to center distance of chequeres shall neither be less than 25 mm nor more than 50 mm. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. 10. c Chequered Tile Stair Treads Tile Tiles shall be similar as described for chequered tile flooring except that thickness shall be 28 mm and one edge shall have rounded nosing. The size of the tiles shall be 250 X 250 mm or 300 X 300 mm or any other size approved by the Contractor with 22 mm overall thickness. plain or coloured or terrazo tiles as specified. The glazing shall be of uniform shade. Chennai.0 GLAZED TILE FLOORING Tiles Tiles shall be of I class quality of approved manufacturer. No. Adyar. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. Curing. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. The tiles shall be given first grinding with machine before delivery to site. after laying shall be done by hand. Krishna Sree. Placing. Gandhi Nagar.. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . The size of the tiles shall be 150 X 150 X 6 mm or 100 X 100 X 4 mm as specified in the Bill of Quantities. Chequered Tile Flooring Tile The chequered tiles shall be cement tiles. 1st Main Road.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Laying and Placing The specification for laying. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 11 of 16 b. Special care shall be taken to polish the grooves in such a manner as to get a uniform section and that their finish shall match with the finish of the flat portion of the tiles. II Floor. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. 1st Main Road. Glazed Tile Dado. shall be applied and allowed to harden. After tiles are laid surplus cement grout shall be cleaned off. The average thickness of the mortar shall be 12 mm. Pointing and Finishing Joints shall be cleaned off the grey cement grout with wire brush or trowel and all dust and loose mortar removed. Skirting and Risers Laying 12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:3 or mix as specified. No. II Floor. The bedding for the tile shall be cement mortar 1:3 or as specified. wetted and mopped. Krishna Sree. The plaster shall be roughened with wire brushes or by scratching diagonal lines at about 75 mm centres both ways. Mortar shall be spread.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Tiles shall be washed. The joint shall be kept as thin as possible and in straight line or to suit the required pattern. tamped and corrected to proper levels and slopes and allowed to harden sufficiently to offer a fairly rigid cushion for the tiles to be set. The surface of the flooring during laying shall be frequently checked with a straight edge about 2 m long. Joints shall then be flush pointed with white cement. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. Adyar. Over this bedding neat gray cement paste shall be spread over such an area as would accommodate about twenty tiles. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. so as to obtain a true surface with the required slope.. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 12 of 16 Laying of Tiles Surface on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned. Chennai. Gandhi Nagar. each tile being gently tapped with wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. The floor shall then be kept wet for 7 days. The back of the tile shall be buttered with grey cement paste and set in the bedding mortar. The tiles shall be tamped and corrected to proper plane and lines. cleaned and shall be fixed in this grout one after another. Pointing and finishing shall be carried out in similar manner as described for flooring. internal and external angles. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. Chennai. 1st Main Road. DADO & SKIRTING Stones The stone slabs to be used shall be from following natural stones as specified in the drawings : a) Marble of specified shade b) Kotah stone of specified shade c) Granite stone of specified shade d) Shahabad stone The slabs shall be coarse machine polished and machine cut before laying for marble and granite stones. cornices and their corner pieces All the specials shall have the same glazing thickness and length as the tiles with which they are used. Gandhi Nagar. Kotah and Shahabad slabs shall be laid hand cut.beads. The average thickness of the bedding mortar under the slab shall be 20 mm and thickness at any place under the slab not be less than 12 mm. wetted and mopped. Krishna Sree. No. The slabs shall have size and thickness as specified in the drawings. Adyar. The specials shall be measured in running metres correct to 10 mm. the Field Sub-Contractor shall get the sample of stone slabs approved by the Contractor. II Floor. NATURAL STONE FLOORING. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. The bedding for the slabs shall be with cement mortar 1:4. Tolerances of only ± 2 mm for thickness and ± 5 mm for breadth and length from specified sizes shall be allowed. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal .. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Laying Sub-grade concrete or RCC slab on which stone slabs are to be laid shall be cleaned. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 13 of 16 Glazed Tile Specials The specials shall consist of coves. The specification for laying and finishing shall be same as that for flooring. 11. Before starting the work. The slab shall be washed clean before laying . 1st Main Road. Storage Rubber flooring materials shall be stored in clean. Sub-Floor and Base New Concrete Floors: For floors in contact with the ground a damp proof membrane shall be incorporated in the thickness of the floor. The flooring shall be cured for a minimum period of seven days. Polishing and Finishing Grinding and polishing shall be same as described for Terrazo in-situ flooring except i) First stage grinding shall not be carried out ii) Cement slurry with or without pigment shall not be applied on the surface before polishing 12. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44.. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 14 of 16 The mortar shall be spread under the area of each slab. Subsequent slabs shall be laid in the same manner. Krishna Sree. dry and well ventilated place not exposed to direct sunlight. Practice for laying cleaning and maintenance to IS:1197. SKIRTING AND DADO Rubber sheets and tiles shall conform to IS:809. pressed. The slab to be paved shall then be lowered gently back in position and tapped with wooden mallet till it is properly bedded in level with and close to the adjoining slab with as fine joint as possible. Fibre based saturated bitumen base to IS:1322. Bitumen mastic to IS:1195. Chennai. Then it. The mortar is allowed to harden a bit and cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be spread over the same at the rate of 4. tapped with wooden mallet and brought to the level with the adjoining slabs. The top surface of the mortar is corrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. The edges of the slab already paved shall be buttered with slurry of cement / white cement with or without pigment to match the shade of the slab.It shall be laid on top. shall be lifted and kept aside.0 RUBBER FLOORING. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. No. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . II Floor.4 kg of cement per square metre. Gandhi Nagar. Adyar. After each slab has been laid surplus cement on the surface of the slab shall be cleaned off. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. No air pockets shall remain in between sheet and sub-base. Special care should be taken in high humidity conditions so that condensation does not form on the undersides of the rubber flooring and sub-base. Where tiles are used instead of sheets. Metal Floors: Floors shall be smooth even. Underlay Under layer of fibre based saturated bitumen is used where it is necessary to make the flooring quieter. warmer and more resilient. No sliding of tiles permitted as this results in squeezing up the adhesive in between joints. II Floor. laying should start preferably from the centre of the area. 1st Main Road. For small room sizes the entire floor shall be covered in a single operation. Coves and skirtings shall be laid from moulded or extruded units. All surplus adhesive forced up on the surface shall be removed within 24 hours. The underlay shall be properly secured to the base and butt-jointed with the joints at 45 to the principal joints in the rubber flooring..Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Sheets and tiles shall be laid side by side with a minimum gap in between. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. without using adhesive. Chennai. The floor shall be cleaned with warm soap solution and not put into service within 24 hours of its laying. Adhesive shall require half an hour for setting so that it is slightly tacky to the touch. Larger rooms shall be treated in smaller portions. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 15 of 16 Existing Concrete Floors: If the floor is not smooth and level it shall be well hacked to provide a key and a 25 mm thick bed of screed laid over it. Measurements shall be taken often to maintain alignment. Adhesive shall be applied to the underside of rubber sheet and sub-floor using a notched trowel. Adyar. For stairs where rubber usings of a heavier gauge than treads are used the difference in thickness shall be made up by either - Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . After laying. No. All bolts and nuts shall be counter sunk. Gandhi Nagar. Layout shall be marked with guidelines and a mock-up for trial prepared. Krishna Sree. Laying and Fixing of Rubber Flooring Before commencing the floor shall be wiped clean and allowed to dry completely. Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. The floor shall be free of rust and scales and an anti-rust coating shall be applied prior to the laying of rubber flooring. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. Where they project above the surface. the floor shall be covered with base to obtain an even surface. sheets shall be tapped lightly with a suitable instrument to develop proper bonding. SPECIFICATION FOR FLOORING Page India AND PAVING Page 16 of 16 a In design of the staircase b By screeded bed or bituminous mastic for concrete Inspection and Testing The floor in general shall be inspected for a Evenness of surface b Fitting of joints and edge c Adhesives to the base d Appearance Precautions The flooring should be well insulated from any heat source. Adyar. 1st Main Road. organic oils shall be forbidden and it is injurious to rubber. Gandhi Nagar.Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Excess use of water during cleaning shall be avoided as it may creep down from joints into the sub-base and affect the adhesion.. Collection of water pools shall be avoided to prevent staining .Cleaning of floor with strongly alkaline soaps solvents. II Floor. coarse brushes. Tender No-10000021-HB-10147 Due date-19-08-2010 # 44. Skirting shall be provided around the borderline to further prevent percolation of water. Chennai. Bitumen Handling Facility P66-C-107 at Cassimode. No. Tenderers’ Signature with Seal . Chennai – 600 020 Project Title Doc. Krishna Sree.
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