
March 21, 2018 | Author: malavallibabu | Category: Mantra, Vedas, Puranas, Prayer, Planets



Aditya AshtakamAditya Ashtakam [Octet addressed to the Sun God] Translated by P. R. Ramachander [Adhithya, the son of Adhithi is the Sun God. He has been venerated by the Hindus from the time of Vedas. Here is a pretty prayer addressed to him. This prayer, if chanted on the mornings at day break, will help in removing our sorrows.] Udhayadri masthaka maha manim lasad, Kamala karaika suhrudham mahoujasam, Gadha panga soshana maghougha nasanam, Saranam gathosmi ravimamsumalinam. 1 I go for surrender to Sun god who is the centre of solar system, Who destroys all illnesses as well as crowds of sins, Who shines like a great gem in the top of the mountain of dawn, And who is the only friend of Lord Vishnu and is greatly resplendent, Thimirapahara niratham niraamayam, Nija raga ranjitha jaga thrayam vibhum, Gadha panga soshana maghougha nasanam, Saranam gathosmi ravimamsumalinam. 2 I go for surrender to Sun god who is the centre of solar system, Who destroys all illnesses as well as crowds of sins, Who is busy in removing darkness, who is devoid of faults, And who is the lord who by his true nature brings the three worlds together. Sruthi Thathwa gamya makhilakshi gocharam, Jagadhaika dheepa mudhayastha raghinam, Gadha panga soshana maghougha nasanam, Saranam gathosmi ravimamsumalinam. 3 I go for surrender to Sun god who is the centre of solar system, Who destroys all illnesses as well as crowds of sins, Who can be known through Vedas, who can be seen by all eyes, Who is the light of the world and who is interested in rising and setting. Dina Rathri bedha kara madbhutham param, Sura vrundasamsthutha charitha mavyayam, Gadha panga soshana maghougha nasanam, Saranam gathosmi ravimamsumalinam. 4 I go for surrender to Sun god who is the centre of solar system, Who destroys all illnesses as well as crowds of sins, Who makes the wonderful difference between day and night, Whose story is sung by groups of devas and who does not get destroyed. Sruthi sara paaram ajaramaram paaram, Ramaneeya vigraha mudha ugra rochisham, Gadha panga soshana maghougha nasanam, Saranam gathosmi ravimamsumalinam. 5 I go for surrender to Sun god who is the centre of solar system, Who destroys all illnesses as well as crowds of sins, Who is the limit of the meaning of Vedas, Who does not have old age or death, Who is handsome and who is fierce to look at. Shuka paksha thunda sadhya aswa mandalam, Khachara avarodha pari Geetha sahasam, Gadha panga soshana maghougha nasanam, Saranam gathosmi ravimamsumalinam. 6 I go for surrender to Sun god who is the centre of solar system, Who destroys all illnesses as well as crowds of sins, Who has horses of the colour of the lips of a parrot, Who is the lord of the solar system, And who is being sung about valour in coming out daily. Sritha bhaktha vathsala masesha kalmasha, Kshaya hethu makshaya masesha karanam, Gadha panga soshana maghougha nasanam, Saranam gathosmi ravimamsumalinam. 7 I go for surrender to Sun god who is the centre of solar system, Who destroys all illnesses as well as crowds of sins, Who loves his devotees, who does destroy all defects, And who never decays and is the primeval cause. Ahamanwaham sa thuraga raksha thatavee, Satha koti hataka maha mahee dheeram, Gadha panga soshana maghougha nasanam, Saranam gathosmi ravimamsumalinam. 8 I go for surrender to Sun god who is the centre of solar system, Who destroys all illnesses as well as crowds of sins, And who on all days without fail, drives the horses of his chariot, Over billions of stoppages over the great Meru mountain. Ithi souramashtaka mahar mukhe ravim, Pranipathya ya padathi bhakthiman nara, Sa muchyathe sakala roga kalmashath, SAvithu swaroopamapi samyagapnuyath. 9 If this octet on the Sun god is chanted at dawn, With devotion after saluting the Sun god, That devotee would get rid of all diseases and sins, And would attain the form of the Sun God. Ramachander [We used to worship the Sun God from most ancient Vedic times. Panchamam thu sahasramsu. if we pray him using this Stotra on Sundays. 3 Fifth He who has thousand rays. dasamam Dwadasathmaka. Seventh He who has green horses. Sa may Bhavathu supreetha Pancha hasatho divakaro. Dukha pranasanan chaiva Sarva Dukhancha nasyathi. Adhithya pradhamam nama. Sorrows would be stopped from coming and all his sorrows would be destroyed. . 2 First son of Adhithi. Dwadasadhithya Namaani pratha kale Paden nara. Third he who makes things shine. sashtamchaiva Trilochana. Eighth He who lights things. Sapthamam Haridaswancha Ashtamanthu Vibhavasu. Who travels in a one wheeled divine golden Chariot. fourth the maker of light. tenth He who has twelve souls. Thrutheeyam Bhaskara proktham chathurthanthu Prabhakara. It is believed that He would bless us with all that is good. R.] Ekachakro radho yasya divya Kanaka bhooshitha. sixth He who has here eyes. 5 To the man who reads these twelve names of the Sun in the morning. 1 Let me become dear to the five handed day breaker. 4 Ninth The maker of a new day. Eleventh Three gods and twelfth the Sun god. Navamam Dina kruth proktham. second the day breaker.Aditya Dwadasa Nama Stotram Aditya Dwadasa Nama Stotram [Prayer of Twelve Names of Sun God] Translated by P. dwitheeyanthu Diwakara. Ekadasam Threemurthy Dwadasam Surya eva cha. 2 He is always being saluted by devas and Asuras. For the Armour to the Sun God. Aadithyo lochane pathu. 3 Let the compassionate one protect my head. the root is grun. And is meditated upon by sages. Ramachander [This is the armour of Sun God which led Sage Yagna Valkya to learn the Vedas directly from him. . meter is Anushtup jagaad. the strength is Sun god. on all Sundays. 1 He comes out on to the mountain of dawn. Sri Soorya narayana preethyarthe Jape viniyoga. Sage Yagnavalkya is the sage. R.Aditya Kavacham Aditya Kavacham [Protective Armour of Sun] Translated by P. And is always surrounded by all other planets. He is healthy and the form of Vedas. sooryascha phalam cha pathu may. Gruni padu siro desam.] Om Srimad Adithya kavacha stotra maha manthrasya Yagna valko maha rishi. Who meditate. the nail is Adithya and this is being recited to please Lord Surya Narayana (Sun God): Dhyanam Meditation Udayachala magathya veda roopa mana mayam. Granam pathu sada bhanu. Thushtava paraya bhakthya valakilyadhibhir vrutham. It should be read by people for whom Sun is not in a good position in their horoscope or the present position of Sun causes problems to them. dressed in bark Deva surai sada vandhya grahaisha pariveshtitham. Dhyavan sthuvan patan nama ya surya kavacham sada. He would be satisfied by devotion. Let the maker of light protect my ears. Let the Sun God protect my forehead. Let the maker of morn protect my eyes. cha Adithya ithi keelakam. sruthi pathu prabhakara. pray and read this armour of Sun always. Cha anushtup jagadhi chandamsi grunirithi bheejam soorya ithi shakthi. cha arka pathu mukham sada. . swamin narayana jagat pade. Oh the Lord of the universe.Jihwam pathu jagannadha. Dwadasathma katim pathu. Ooru pathu sura sreshto. Thaam drushtonya sahasothaya dandava thrapanaman bhuvi. Nabhim pathu nabhomani. Let the maker of light protect my arms. 9 Becoming happy with this prayer by the bark clad sages. mithropi sakalam vapu. Let my face be protected by the ray of light. SAkshad veda maye devo. Let the lord of the world protect my toungue. Oh Surya Narayana. 5 Let the Lord of planets protect my shoulders. Lt my heart be protected by the lustrous one. Let my hips be protected with one with twelve souls. Let the maker of the morn protect my calves. Ahaskara pathu hasthou. galou pathu thwisham pathi. Let my hands be protected by the maker of fire. Let the maker of light protect my knees. kantam pathu vibha vasu. 8 Oh soul of the three Vedas. Sthothra naanna santhushto valakhilyadhirvrutha. Let the Sun God protect my thighs. Let my neck be protected by source of light. Let the gem of light protect my stomach. Bhujou pathu prabhakara. Madhyam cha pathu sapthaswo. 7 Let the best of the devas protect my thigh. janunee pathu bhaskara. Padhou bradhyasada pathu. Aayathayamam tham kanchid veda swaroopa prabhakara. came in a chariot before them. savitha pathu sakthivi. Skandhou grahapathi pathu. 4 Let the lustrous one protect my nose. Veda trayathmaka. you are the reason for time. hrudhayam pathu bhanuman. 6 Let the seven horsed one protect my middle. devo radha rooda samagatha. You are the form of Vedas and you are source of light. Jange pathu cha marthando. That God who is the real Veda. Let my throat be protected by the Lord of the light. Learnt all the Vedas in front of Sun God himself. Idham proktham maha punyam pavithram papa nasanam. who was among the saints. with sight of wisdom. who is beyond mind. He is the form of Vedas. vedena parameshwarA. 11 The form of Vedas. sath karma brahma vachakam. Would become expert in the import of Vedas. Became for always indebted to him. 13 Firstly that Sun God himself. who is white in colour. And he who reads this or hears this would get rid of all his sins. yathayama vivarjitham. And would make the Land of the Sun God as his. SAbdha brahma maya vedam. 15 Thus is told that which is very holy. which destroys sins. Gave them first. Ya padeth shrunwayad wapi sarva papai pramuchythe. He does only good according to words of Brahma. jnathavan surya sannidhou. Thena pradama dathena. He is the master of Vedas which is full of sound. the Vedas of Parameshwara himself. Rigadhi sakalan vedan. SAthwa pradhanam shuklakhyam veda roopa mana mayam. Could understand them all even before they stood there. Yagna valkya muni srehto krutha kruthyoth bhava sada. Brahmana sthaabitham poorva. pradamam savitha swayam. the valiant one. 12 He is source of good qualities. Muni madhyamapayavasam. 10 Seeing him and getting very much pleased. Saluted him again and stood there with devotion. They saluted by touching the earth. 14 Yagna valkya who was the greatest among sages. Vedartha jnana sampanna cha soorya loka mavapnuyath. Ithi skanda purane Gowri kande Adithya kavacham sampoornam Thus ends the armour of Sun God which occurs in Skanda Purana.Kruthanjali puto bhakoothwa sooryasgre sthitha sada. . Veda moorthir maha baho gnana drushtir varchaya cha. 1 He who is like an ember. Runahartha drushti kartha roga kruth roga nasana. Ramachander [The planet Mars in Hindu mythology is the son of the goddess earth. 5 Would get rid of all his debts. He who destroys diseases. he who wears red cloths. He who is the son of earth. he who does good. Lohitho raktha varnamcha sarva karmava bodhaka. R. HE who has blood red eyes.] Angaraka shakthidaro lohithango darasutha. 2 He who removes debts. He was born of the three drops of sweat of Lord Shiva which fell on the earth. he who wears golden ear studs. He who causes wounds. he who looks at you. The earth goddess was requested to bring him up and thus became his mother.Angaraka Stotram Angaraka Stotram [Prayer to Planet Mars] Translated by P. Danam prapnothi vipulam sthriyam chaiva manoramam. He who is the lord of planets For him who reads all these names of the son of earth. He who has red limbs. Namanyethani bhoumasya ya padeth sathatham nara. Vidhyuth prabho vrunakara kamadho dana hruth kuja. He who gives money and is Kuja. Rakthamalyadaro hemakundali gruha nayaka. He who is as powerful as current. He who teaches us all duties. He who causes disease. He who has a gross body. Runam thasya cha dourbhagyam daridryam cha vinasyathi. poverty. 4 He who wears red garland. 3 He who likes to hear Sama. He who gives wealth. bad luck. He who fulfills desires. . He who is young. Samagana priyo raktha vasthrorakthayathekshana. He who is of the colour of blood. who holds a shakthi. he who is reddish. Kumaro mangalo bhoumo maha kayo dana pradha. Would get wealth. Who would improve the stature of the family. Yea archyedahni bhoumasya Mangalam bahu pushpakai. get many wives who are pretty. 6 And without any doubt beget sons. Sarva nasyathi peeda cha thasya gruhakrutha druvam. Vamsodhyothakaram puthram labhathe nathra samsaya. 7 To those who worship with great many flowers. . Mars the do-gooder and the son of goddess earth. All problems created by that planet will surely vanish. especially first. 1 I salute sage Brahaspathi. Who fulfills our wishes. Guru preethyrarthe Jape Viniyoga The chant is being done to please Guru. Sri Shakthi The power is Goddess Lakshmi. Who wears the garland of beads. This Kavacha should be read on all Thursdays during that period to get rid of the problems. Aksha maladharam shantham pranamami bruhaspatheem. when it moves to some of the houses. Who knows everything. Who is worshipped by all devas. Gurur devatha The God is Brahaspathi. Kleem keelakam The nail is Kleem. Gam Bheejam The root is Gam. third.] Sri Ganesaya Nama (Salutations to Lord Ganesa) Asya sri Brahaspathi Kavacha maha manthrasya Easwara rishi.Brihaspathi Kavacham Brihaspati Kavacham [Protective Armour of Jupiter] Translated By P. eighth. tenth and twelfth from the moon. Abheeshta phaladham sarvajnam sura poojitham. fourth. It stays in each house for one year. which is considered as a good planet causes lot of problems. For the great chant of Armour to Jupiter the sage is Easwara Anushtup Chanda The meter is anushtup. Ramachander [The planet. . sixth. And who is peaceful. R. Let the master of speech protect my chest. *father of Brahaspathi Nabhim deva guru pathu. Sarva kamaanvapnothi sarvathra vijayee bhaveth. lalatam pathu may guru. kantam may devatha guru. madhyam pathu sukha prada. And let the master of words protect my legs. 3 Let the teacher of devas protect my toungue. 5 Let my belly be protected by Guru. Let my nose be protected by the expert in Vedas. nethre may abheeshta dayaka. noon and dusk. padhou viswathamaka sada. 6 Let the teacher of devas protect my thighs and knee. Anyani yani cha anganee. Janu jange suracharyo. 2 Let Brahaspathi protect my head. Ithyedath kavacham divyam trisandhyam ya paden nara. Let my hip be protected by he who is saluted by the universe. Let Guru(teacher) protect my forehead. Karnou sura guru. Jihwam pathu suracharya. And let he who looks good protect my stomach. 4 Let my hand be protected by Angeeras*. And let my neck be protected by teacher of devas. rakshenmay sarvatha guru. Let my feet be protected by the soul of the world. Bhujavangeerasa pathu. Sthanou may pathu vageesa. And let my eyes be protected by he who fulfills wishes. Let the all knowing one protect my face.Bruhaspathi sira pathu. And would gain victory everywhere. Let my ears be protected by teacher of devas. Katim pathu jagat vandya. Let he who does good protect my middle. ooru may pathu vak pathee. nasaam may Veda Paraga. karou pathu shubha prada. They would succeed in all their acts. Let my arms be protected by he who does good. 7 If this holy armour is read by men at dawn. Mukham may pathu sarvagna. . And let all other parts of my body be always be protected by Guru. kuksheem may shubha lakshana. .Ithi Sri brahmyamaloktham Sri Brahaspathi kavacham sampoornam. Thus ends the armour of Jupiter which occurs in Brhamyaloktham. soumya moorthi. he who looks like a bud. When it is with Chandra (our Rasi). grha peeda apaharaka. This stotra chanted on Thursdays during this period will bring solace. papam nasyathi. lord of all planets. he who is the son of Angeerasa. preceptor. namanyethani ya padeth. it brings bad luck. Lord of all stars. Vageeso dhishino deerga samasru peethambaro yuva. grand father. Jeevedvarsha satham marthya. lord of prayer of beings. and would be blessed with several sons. . holy rice and silk. he who implements justice. bhalavan sriman.Brihaspathi Stotram Brihaspathi Stotram [Prayer to Jupiter] Translated by P. Loka poojyo. Greatest among the mighty. Daya kara. kudmala dhyuthi. Ramachander [This rare stotra addressed to Brihaspathi the teacher of all devas and the planet Jupiter. would be strong. tenth and twelfth house from our rasi. puthravan sa bhaven nara. neethigno. nasyathi. Teacher of demi gods. Would be wealthy. 3 He who is respected by all. lord of words. He who is the teacher of devas. Tharapathi schangeeraso veda vedya pithamaha. neethi karaka. One having a long beard. grahadheeso. loka guru. 4 He who remembers Brahaspathi with devotion and recites these names. third. 1 Teacher. Ya poojayeth guru dhine peetha gandha akshathambarai. R. fourth eighth. Sudha drushtir. Bhakthya brahaspathim smruthwa. He who steals away the bad effects of all planets.] Gurur brahaspathir jeeva suracharyo vidham vara. Would be free from disease. He who is just. Arogi. he who is young and wears yellow silk. He who is merciful. 5 He who worships him on Thursdays. Jupiter occupies a rasi for one year. he who is soft looking. He who is worshipped by Vedas. surarchya. 2 He whose sight is nectar like. the teacher of all. with sandal. . Pushpa dheepo upa haraischa poojayithwa Brhaspathim. 6 Guru would remove all problems and bless with peace. flower and presents. Brahmanan bhojayithwa cha peeda shanthir bhaved guro. Those who worship with light.Would live for one hundred years and all his sins would be destroyed. And serve food to Brahmins. Who wears yellow silk. Let my ears be protected by him who loves night. *saffron Katim cha pathu may soumya. Who holds a book in his hand. 3 . Who shines with Kumkuma*. peethamalyanu lepana. Nethra jnanamaya pathu.) Asya Budha kavacha stotra maha manthrasya For the chant called Armour for Budha (mercury) Kasyapa Rishi The sage is Sage Kasyapa Anushtup Chanda Meter is Anushtup Budho Devatha God is Budha (mercury) Budha Preethyarthe Jape Viniyoga This chant is being done to please God Budha. Kantam pathu vidho. srothre pathu nisa priya. Let my eyes be protected by the one who is engulfed in knowledge. siro desam budhasthadha. 2 Let him who is peaceful protect my hip. Peethambardhara pathu. Let my head and surroundings be protected by Budha. jihwam vidhyapriyo mama. And who wears yellow garland. R. puthro bhujow pusthaka bhooshana. Any body who falls short in knowledge or wants to gain knowledge should read this Kavacham on all Wednesdays. Budhasthu pusthakadhara kumkumasya samadhyuthi. Granam gandha priya pathu. 1 Let us be protected by Budha. Ramachander [Budha is a planet giving knowledge.Budha Kavacham Budha Kavacham [Protective Armour of Mercury] Translated by P. . Let my feet be protected by he who is expert teacher. Let my toungue be protected by he who likes knowledge. Let my calf be protected by he who knows everything. Ithi Sri Brahma Vaivartha Purane Budha Kavacham Sampoornam Thus ends the armour of Mercury which occurs in Brahma Vaivartha purana. SArva roga prasamanam. Increases sons and grand sons. Let my middle be protected by God of the birds. And is the panacea for all sorrow. Pathou may bhodhana pathu. 4 Let my breast be protected by the blessed one. Januni rohinoyascha pathu jange akhila pradha. Pathu sowmyam akhilo vapu. sarva papa pranasanam. Let my belly be protected by first among devas. 6 This Armour which is holy. 5 Let my knee be protected by he who belongs to Rohini. madhyam pathu khageswara. And those who read or hear it. hrudhayam rohini sutha. Would be victorious everywhere. Let my neck be protected by the knowledgable one. Let my heart be protected by son of Rohini. puthra pouthra prabhardhanam. Yethadwi kavacham divyam. sarva dukha nivaranam. And let all the rest of me be protected by he who is peaceful.Let my sense of smell be protected he who likes scents. Vaksha pathu varangascha. Destroys all sins committed. Ya padeth srunuyath vapi sarvathra vijayee bhaveth. Ayur aroghya subhadham. Let my arms be protected by he who is decorated by books. Nabhim pathu suraradhyo. Cures all types of diseases. 7 It blesses one with long healthy life. the chief among those wise. He who is black in colour. Graha peeda haro Dhara puthra dhanya pasu pradha. He who is the Lord of stars. Budho. He who is peaceful. the giver of knowledge The giver of wealth. Chandrathmajo Vishnu roopi jnanijno jnani nayaka. He is supposed to control intelligence in human beings. who himself was the teacher of the moon. 2 He who is matchless among planets. Priyanmgulika shyama. R. The God addressed is Lord Budha And the prayer is being chanted to please Lord Budha. he who does merciful deeds. 3 He who is the son of moon.the favourite wife of moon. Budha preethyartham jape viniyogayaha. He who is the son of Rohini. Virudha karya hantha cha soumyo budhi vivardhana. he who has same form as Vishnu. The meter is Trishtup. a young wife of Brahaspathi (Planet Jupiter). budhi datha. budhimatham sreshto. dhana pradha. But this stotra mentions him as the son of Rohini .. And he who has smoke colured eyes and he who is pretty. He who makes others wise. . He who has dear fingers. kanja nethro manohara.Budha Pancha Vimsathi Stotram Budha Pancha Vimsathi Stotram [The twenty five names of Planet Mercury] From Padma Purana Translated by P. For the prayer of 25 names of Lord Budha (Mercury): The saint is Prajapathi. Grahopamo rouhineeya nakshthreso dhaya kara. Budho devatha. And he who stops misdeeds of enemies. Ramachander [This prayer to Budha (Planet Mercury) occurs in Padma Purana.] Asya Sri Budha panchavimsati naama stotrasya Prajapathi Rushihi. Trishtup Chandaha. He who increases wisdom. he who is the leader of the wise. 1 Budha. Budha according to Indian mythology is the son of moon and Thara. would get all sufferings killed forever. All our desires would be fulfilled. 4 He who is dear to all people. Smruthwa budham sada thasya peedaa sarva vinasyathi 5 He who reads these twenty five names of Budha. And he who bestows wife. Loka Priya soumya moorthi gunadho guni vathsala. Thadhine va padedhyasthu labhathe sa manogatham. son. 6 If this is read on the day of Budha (Wednesday). He who does good deeds and he who likes good people. . grain and cattle wealth. he who has a peaceful mien. Meditating on him. Pancha vimsathi namani budhasyethani ya padeth.He who removes bad effects of planets. chathurbhujam vande. 1 I salute the four armed Moon god who is calm. Let my soul be protected by he who is merciful. Vasudevasya nayanam. Chandro Devatha Chandra preethyartham jape viniyoga. if moon causes any problem in the horoscope. and hairs be protected by the treasure of arts. should be chanted daily. this holy armour of moon. shruthi pathu nisha pathi. meter is Anushtup. Yevam dhyathwa japen nithyam shasina kavacham shubham. And the ornament of Lord Shiva. . keyura makutojjwalam. phalam pathu kala nidhi. 3 Let my eyes be protected by he who has moon light. Chakshushi chandrama pathu. Shasi pathu shiro desam. R. Gowthama Rishi Anushtup Chanda. Who is the eye of Lord Vishnu. God is the moon and this is being chanted to please the moon. Shankarasya cha bhooshanam. Sage for this prayer is Gowthama. Pranam krupakara pathu. 2 Thus praying. Let my ears be protected by the Lord of the night. Ramachander [This is armour which gives you protection from all problems caused by the planet moon. It has to be chanted on all Mondays. Let my head be protected by moon.] Om Ganesaya Nama Salutations to Lord Ganesa Asya Sri Chandra Kavacha stotra Maha Manthrasya What follows is the great prayer called Armour of the moon. Samam. mukham kumuda bhandhava.Chandra Kavacham Chandra Kavacham [Protective Armour of Moon] Translated by P. Who shines in a gem studded great crown. katim pathu sudhakara. Sarvan anyani changaani pathu. Ya padeth srunyadhvapi sarvathra vijayi bbhaveth. nabhim shankara bhooshana. And the maker of night protect my chest. Hrudayam pathu may chandro. mrugango januni sada. Let he who has a deer protect my knees. 5 Let my heart be protected by moon. 6 Let my thighs be protected by the Lord of the stars. padou vidhu sada. Let my belly be protected by ornament of Shiva. Let my middle be protected by chief of devas. Let my shoulder be protected by one who is long lived. Let the maker of nectar protect my hands. Pathu kantam cha may soma. Thus ends the armour of the moon. 4 Let Soma protect my neck. And my hip be protected by he who makes nectar.padhu. Madhyam pathu sura sreshta. Abdhija padhu may jange. Ethdhi kavacham punyam bhukthi mukthi pradayakam.And my face be protected by the relative of Lotus. he would win in everything. chandro akhilam vapu. 7 Let all my other organs be protected by Chandra who is everywhere And this armour would give one devotion and salvation. Ithi Sri Chandra kavacham sampoornam. vaksha pathu nisakara. . Ooru tharapathi pathu. Let the maker of time protect my calves. skande jaivathrukasthadha. Let my feet be protected by Moon. 8 If one reads or hears this. Karou sudhakara pathu. who has face filled with horror. And let what I hear be protected by he who has red blood eyes. Let my hair be protected by he who produces smoke. This Kavacham should be read on Tuesdays to ward of any evil caused by this planet. skandou pathu grahadhipa. Ramachander [Kethu is an asura (unlike other planets) and son of sage Kasyapa and an ogre called Simihika.When Mohini (the feminine form of Lord Vishnu) was distributing the nectar to the devas. Both pieces continued to live and circle the earth in an anti clock wise manner. R. Pathum cha kandam may Kethu. 3 Let my smell be protected by him who shines like gold. . Pranamami sada kethum. has a crown. 4 Let my arms be protected by the chief of devas. Lord Vishnu cut him in to two pieces. madhyam pathu mahasura. Kethu entered the row and ate the nectar. The Sun and moon who saw this informed Lord Vishnu about this. The piece with the head is Rahu. Granam pathu swarnabha. sruthi may raktha lochana. Let my neck and feet be protected by Kethu. dwajaakaaram graheswaram. Chithra varna sira pathu. Let my hip be protected by he who sits on the throne. Kethu creates all the problems that are created by planet Mars. bhalam dhoomra samudhyuthi. Pathu nethre pingalaksha.Kethu Kavacham Kethu Kavacham [Protective Armour of Kethu] Translated by P. Who is of multiple colours. Let my eyes bye protected by one with reddish brown eye. kireetinam. 2 Let the multicolored one protect my head. chithra varnam. 1 I always salute Kethu. kukshim pathu maha graha. Let the great planet protect my belly. Let my chin be protected by the son of Simhika. Who is shaped like a flag and is the Lord of planets. schibukam simhikasutha. Simhasana katim pathu. The piece without head is Kethu. He was born with a serpent head .] Kethum karala vadanam. And let the great asura protect my middle. And let the lord of planets protect my shoulder Hasthou pathu sura sreshta. sarva roga vinasanam. Sarva shathru vinasam cha. dharanad vijayi bhaved.Ooru pathu maha seersho. . Ithi Brahmanda Purane Kethu Kavacham sampoornam. And let all my parts of body be protected by the reddish brown god. Let my feet be protected by the cruel one. januni may athi kopana. sarvangam nara pingala. 6 This holy armour destroys all diseases. Once worn will make you victorious. Ya idham kavacham divyam. Let my knees be protected by him with great anger. Pathu padhou cha may kroora. 5 Let my thighs be protected by the great head. Thus ends the armour of Kethu from Brahmanda Purana. Destroys all enemies and. Kethu Stotram Kethu Stotram [Prayer to Kethu] From Skanda Purana Translated by P. one who is God Ganesa. One who is multi coloured. kroora karma. Rudhra priyo. he who likes Shiva. The Sun and moon who saw this informed Lord Vishnu about this. one who torments the Sun. Palala dhooma sankkhasa. chithra yagnopaveetha druk. The piece with the head is Rahu. Roudhro. And one who makes pilgrimages to sacred places happen. smoky headed one. great head. head of people. kalayitha. he who makes time. sarva kethur. Ramachander [Kethu is an asura (unlike other planets) and son of sage Kasyapa and an ogre called Simihika. The piece without head is Kethu. Thara gana vimardhi cha jaimineeyo grahadhipa. Dhana dhanya pasoonaam cha bhaved vrudhir na samsaya. he who causes death. vivarnaka. This prayer should be read on Tuesdays to ward of any evil caused by this planet. vignesa. Pancha vimsathi namani kethoryahatham padeth. 4 One who has forsaken everything. Kethu entered the row and ate the nectar. Pravrujyadho jnanadhascha theertha yathra pravarthaka. Kethu creates all the problems that are created by planet Mars. He who does cruel deeds. Loka Kethu. Ganesa dhevo. Kaala. He was born with a serpent head. he who is fierce. R. If these twenty five names of Kethu are read. one who destroys disease de to poison. Lord Vishnu cut him in to two pieces. One who is the lord of all planets. one who belongs to the clan of Jaimini. One who has only head. 2 He who is angry. maha Kethu. suganda druk. 1 Kethu. 5 . one who is wise . When Mohini (the feminine form of Lord Vishnu) was distributing the nectar to the devas. 3 One who troubles star groups. One who resembles the smoke of husk. rudhra. Thasya Nasyathi badha cha sarva Kethu prasadatha. one who is seen wearing sacred thread. He who is seen by pleasant smell. dhhomrakethur. bhaga pradha. Both pieces continued to live and circle the earth in an anti clock wise manner. One who is the lord of obstacles. visha rogarthi nasana.] Kethu. .Due to the grace of Kethu all his troubles will come to an end. cereals and animals will increase. And without doubt his wealth. Let him who is armed with a mace. Sada mama syad waradha prasada. It has to be chanted on all Tuesdays. Rakthambaro Rakthavapu Kiritee.] Asya sri angaraka kavacha stotra manthrasya For the chant of the armour of mars. Let him who has four hands. Let he who wears a crown. Chathurbhujo mesha gamo gadha bruth. if mars causes any problem in the horoscope. R. Let my face be protected by son of earth. Dharasutha. Let my ears be protected by he who wears red. nethre may raktha lochana. . Kasyapa rishi Sage is Kasyapa Anushtup Chanda Meter is Anushtup Angatrako devatha the god addressed is Mars Bhouma preethyarthe jape viniyoga The chant is aimed at pleasing the son of earth. Ramachander [This is an armour which gives you protection from all problems caused by the planet Mars. 1 Let mars protect my head. mukham vai dharani sutha. Sravai rakthambara pathu.Mangala Kavacham Mangala Kavacham [Protective Armour of Mars] Translated by P. Let he who travels on a goat. Angaraka siro rakshen. Let him who is the son of earth. Let he who is of red colour. Let him who holds the Shakthi and spear. shakthi darascha sooli. Be always pleased with me and bless me. Let he who wears the red cloths. Bhootha pretha pisachaanam nasanam sarva sidhidham. Let my face be protected by the red eyed one. Let my feet be protected by he who is dear to his devotees. Janu jangjhou kuja pathu. Let the king of planets protect my belly. ghouls and devils. 6 There is no doubt that the truth is that. cha hasthou shakthi dharasthadha. he who wears red garland. Roga bandha vimoksham cha sathya methanna samsaya. 2 Let my nose be protected by he who holds Shakthi. This armour cures all sorts of diseases. padhou bhaktha priya sada. 4 Let my hips and thigh be protected by Mars. Ya idham kavacham divyam sarva shathru nivaranam. 5 This holy armour kills all our enemies. Increases our luck at all times. And blesses us with all powers. mukham may raktha lochana. Nasam shakthi dhara pathu. Ithi Sri Markandeya Purane Mangala Kavacham Sampoornam Thus ends the armour of Mars found in Markandeya Purana. . Blesses us with all sorts of wealth. 3 Let the blessed one protect my shoulders. Bhujou may rakthamali. And let all the other organs be protected by he who rides the goat. Katim may graham rajascha. Sarva roga haram chaiva sarva sampath pradham shubham.Let my eyes be protected by the red eyed one. Let my chest be protected by red coloured one. Sarvan anyani cha angaani rakshen may mesha vahana. mukham chaiva dhara sutha. And let my face be protected by son of earth. BHukthi mukthi pradham nrunaam sarva soubhagya vardhanam. Grants us devotion and salvation. hrudayam pathu rohitha. Destroys ghosts. by he holds the shakthi. Let my hands be protected by. And releases us from the control of diseases. And let my arms be protected. Vaksha pathu varangascha. ] Rohineesa sudha murthy Sudha dhatra sudhasana. 3 Please steal away all my troubles. [Moon standing in the 2. Who is the first among all planets. Oh Sun. Oh Moon. 9 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems. Vishama sthana sambhootham Peedam harathu may ravi. 8. 2. 1 Please steal away my troubles. Loka Rakshana Karaka. And who causes troubles by his position. Oh Mars. 7. Though the entire prayer can be chanted. Ramachander [This prayer gives the prayer to be chanted to get rid of troubles caused by each planet. Who is the cause for protecting the world. . Cha peeadam harathu may Kuja. [Sun standing in the 1. Jagatham bhayakruth sada. 6. Who is made of nectar.] Grahanaam aadhi radhithyo. Vrushti kruth vrushti hartha. 8. Who sheds nectar. Who is the lord of the star Rohini. 5.Navagraha Hara Stotram Navagraha Hara Stotram [Prayer to get rid of troubles caused by nine planets] Translated by P. it is necessary only to chant the corresponding stanza for the concerned planet which is causing problems. Who causes rain and who stops rain. R. 12 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems. 4. Who is the son of earth and greatly shining. Who creates always fear in this world. who sits on nectar And who causes troubles by his position. 9.] Bhoomi puthro maha thejaa. 4. Vishama sthana sambhootham Peedam harathu may vidhu 2 Please steal away my troubles. 7 Please steal away all my troubles. Aneka sishya sampoorna. 5 Please steal away all my troubles.] Uthpada roopo jagatham. prasannathma. Who has a long body and is the son of Sun. [Venus standing in the 6. Oh Jupiter Who has broad eyes and a minister of devas. 12 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems. And who is wise and favorite of the Sun. 9. Peedam harathu may Budha. Peedam harathu may Guru. Who s the son of moon and greatly wise. Who has broad eyes and likes Shiva. 7. 3. 3. Peedam harathu may Brugu. . Who is the minister and teacher of Rakshasas. Oh Saturn. Chandra puthra maha dhyuthi. 12 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems.] Soorya puthro deergha deha. 6 Please steal away all my troubles. [Mercury standing in the 1. 8. 9. 7. Visalaksha Shiva Priya. Prabhu sthara grahanaam. Peedam harathu may Sani. Who is always interested in welfare of the world. 5. 7. 2. 10. Who is extremely intelligent among the living. 4. Soorya priyakaro vidhwan. And who has several disciples with him. 12 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems. 4 Please steal away all my troubles.[Mars standing in the 1. Sada loka hithe ratha. 10 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems. [Jupiter standing in the 1. 6. 8.] Daithyamanthri guru sthesham Pranadhascha maha mathi. 4. Oh Mercury. Mandhachara.] Deva manthri Visalaksha. And who is the lord among stars and planets. Who is of the form of earthly production. oh Venus. Peedam harathu may Shikhi. Oh Rahu. 11. 11.] Mahasira maha vakthro. Who has several forms and several colours.Who moves slowly and is always cheerful. 7.] Aneka roopa varnaischa. Who purifies hundred and thousand times. 4. Sathasodha sahsrasa. Who has long teeth and is very strong. 5. 9. 8. 12 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems. 7. Athanuschordwakesascha. [Saturn standing in the 1. 9. 5. 7. Uthpatha roopo jagatham. 12 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems. 10. Peedam harathu may thama. 9. 4. 12 houses from the moon¶s house causes problems. [Rahu standing in the 1. 4. Oh Kethu. Who has a big head and a big throat. Deergha damshtro maha bala. 8.] . And who wanders with his long hair. [Kethu standing in the 1. 8 Please steal away all my troubles. 2. 8. 9 Please steal away all my troubles. 10. 2. And who is the form of calamity. 2. Navagraha Stotram Nava Graha Stotram Translated by P. Who is born to the earth. Who is like the flower of meditation. And who is positive. Who is white like the curds and conch. And who is the destroyer of all sins. R. RoopenaaPratimam Budham Soumyam Soumya Guno Petham Tam Budham Pranamamyamham My salutations to Budha. Buddhi Bhootam Trilokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspatim . Ramachander Surya (Sun) Japaa Kusumasankasham Kasyapeyam Maha Dhyuthim Tamognam Sarvapaapghnam Pranatosmi Divakaram My salutations to the Sun. Who is the destroyer of darkness. Guru (JUPITER) Deva-naam cha Rishi Naam cha Gurum kaanchana sannibham. Chandra (Moon) Dadhi Shankha tushaa-raabham Khseero Darnava Sambhavam Namaami Shashinam Somam Shambhor Mukuta Bhooshanam My salutations to the moon. Who is of greatest brilliance. Who is a young man. And who carries the Shakthi. Kuja (Mars) Dharanee garbha sambhootam . Who was born from the ocean of milk. Who is gentle by nature. And who is the ornament of the head of Lord Shiva. Whose beauty has no equal.[1] Budha (MERCURY) Priyangukalika Shyaamam . Whose shine is equal to lightning. Who is adorned by a rabbot in him. Who belongs to the clan of Kashyapa. Who is black like the bud of millet.Tham Mangalaam Pranamamyamaham Salutations to the mars.Vidyut Kaanti Sama-prabham Kumaram Shakti Hastam . Who hurts the Sun and Moon. And who is the son of the sage Bhrigu[2]. Who is equal in shine to gold.Aditya Vimardanam Simhika Garbha Sambhootam Tam Rahum Pranamaamyaham My salutations to Rahu.[4] KETU Palaasha Pushpa Sankaasham Tarakaa Graha Mastakam Roudram Roudraa-tmakam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranamaamya-ham My salutations TO Kethu. And Who is ugly and the soul of terror. . Who is teacher of devas and sages. My salutations to The Sun God. Who is the colour of blue. Rahava Kethave Nama. Who has the appearance of a Palashaa flower. Who has a star on his head. Shukra (VENUS ) HimaKundha Mrina-laabham Daitya-naam Paramam Gurum Sarv aShastra Pravaktaaram Bhargavam Pranamaamyamham My salutations to Venus. And who is the offspring of Sun God and his wife Chaya[3]. And who is born out of Simhika. Who is the son of Sun God. Whose soul is intellect. Who is terrible to look at. RAHU Ardha Kaayam Mahaa Veeryam Chandra. Who is a great hero. Guru Shukra Who is the elder brother of Yama. And who is the lord of all three worlds.My salutations to Jupiter. Sani (SATURN ) Neelanjanasamaabhasam Ravi Putram Yamaagrajam Chaaya Marthanda Sambhootam Tam Namaami Shanaiswaram My salutations to God Saturn. Who is the great preceptor of Asuras. Who has only half body. Who shines like the snow white jasmine. Who is an expert in all sciences. PRAYER FOR ALL THE NINE PLANETS Nama Suryaya Somaya Mangalaya Budhaya Cha. Saturn is the eldest [4] Rahu is the son of Sage Kashyapa and a Rakshasi called Simhika. and they would lead disease free healthy life. mars. their bad dreams would be avoided. neither by fire or thieves and would lead a very peaceful life.And to the moon. Yadhi Vaa Rathrou Vigna Santhir Bhavishyathi Nara Naari Nrupaanam cha Bhaved.Three children were born of this union. Rahu and Kethu. Jupiter. Phala Sruthi Ithi Vyasa Mukhod Geetham Ya Padeth Susamihitha. [2] Bhrigu is a great sage who is the son of Brahma.. there would not be any problems in either the day or the night and peace would come to him. Sage Vyasa tells that they will not suffer dye to the effct of stars or planets.Unable to beat hi s heat she left him leaving her shadow(Chaya) to live with him. Effect of Chanting. To any one reading this composed by Vyasa. They would earn incomparable wealth. [1] A type of spear. Duswapna naasanam. Men and women would become kings. Iswaryamathulam Teshama arogyam Pushti Vardhanam. Thaa Sarvaa prasamam Yanthi Vyaso Bruthe Na Samsaya. taskaragni Samudbhava. Mercury. Dhiva Vaa. . Graha Nakshatraja Peeda . the daughter of Viswa Karma. Venus. Saturn. [3] Sun God married Samgna. 3 Let Rahu remove all my diseases Let all planets give me gifts. Let the nine planets give me gifts. Kannada Sahithya and Sanskrit literature is of very rare and high order. Budhascha budhatham disheth. R. His contribution to the Dvaita Vedanta. Mangalo mangalan dadhyath. Sane. Ramachander [Sri Vadi Raja Teertha is one of the greatest saints of the Dwaita Sampradaya propounded by Madhvacharya and he can be ranked next to the founder. Let Moon make me full of happiness. Sanisthasya sham prapthayathu. Let Mars give me good comfort. Nava navam mame easwarasya. 2 Let Jupiter give me big stature. dinamasmai suno sya. 4 . Dishantyethe Nava Graha. Kavisya kavitham diseth. Kuru maa kuru sankatam. Let Venus give me imaginative wisdom. Aneka guna sanmasye. Let Saturn give me good things. Arishtam hara may Abheestam. And let Kethu lead me to victory. And let Mercury point out ways of wisdom. Of nine different kinds from God.Navagraha Stotram [Vadhi] Navagraha Stotram By Saint Vadhi Raja Theertha Translated by P. kethu kethum jaye arpayeth. 1 Let the Sun light up scriptures. Guru may gurutham vadhyath.] Bhaswan may Bhasayeth thathwam Chandrasya ahladha kruth bhaveth. Rahur may rahayath rogam Graha santhu kara gruha. Vadi raja yathi proktham Graham stotram sada padeth. Composed by Vadhiraja. Bharathi ramana mukhya pranathargatha Sri Krishnarpanamasthu. 5 For getting the blessings of Vishnu. Harer anugraharthaya Shatrunam nigrayaya cha. This is dedicated to Krishna Who is Interested in welfare of those who live in Bharatha And who is chiefly in their souls.Oh Saturn. Bearer of many good qualities. . Never push me in to state of sorrow. For destroying ones enemies. Ithi Madhavadhiraja charana punya virachitham Navagraha stotram sampoornam Thus ends the prayer to the nine planets Composed at the holy feet of Sage Madhavacharya. End my troubles. the son of Sun God. Please read always this prayer. fulfill my desires. Om Jana. And pray.pdf. jyothi rasa. moon (Soma). Rahu and Kethu. And glowing with the colour of moon. the all knowing one I meditate on your ever-smiling Om Maha. Mamo partha duritha kshaya dwara Sri Parameshwara preethyartham Adithyadhi nava graha namaskaran Karishye. they are not referred to as planets and most of the prayers are addressed to Indra and Agni (fire) who are both very powerful Vedic Gods and not to individual planets. Ramachander [Planets are called Grahas in Sanskrit. I have broken up the lines in to smaller ones while translating so that the meaning is more clear. Mercury (budha). The sukthas in Devanagari script are given in lansingtemple. Venus (Shuka). Dressed in white you are. With four arms. Oh. Om Thapa. The last two of them are called shadow planets. Since my knowledge of Vedic Sanskrit is not up to the mark. Jupiter (Brahaspathi). Bangalore. The prayers to these deities occur mainly in Rig Veda and Atharvana Veda. These nine are deities (not planets) in the Vedas. OM Bhoo. all pervading one. For removing all my problems and pleasing Lord Parameshwara I am praying to Sun God and . Mars (Angaraka). Om thathsa vithurvarenyam bhargo devasya deemahi dhiyo yona prachodayath. you are. R. The language and meter used in these Sukthas are in Vedic Sanskrit. According to the Hindu concept there are nine grahas viz. Om Bhuva.] Preliminary Manthra Om Nava Graha Suktham Om Shuklam baradaram vishnum sasi varnam chathur bujam Prasanna vadanam dhyayeth sarva vignoba santhaye. Sun (Adhithya). It is interesting to note that in the prayer. Ogum Suva. The text used by me slightly differs from what is given in the web site as I have relied on the text given in the above referred book. ³ Remove all obstacles on my way´. Om AApa. This is chanted to pacify / attract the nine planets and fulfill our wishes. This translation is my own. A collection of such relevant prayers along with a ritual beginning is this prayer called Nava Graha Suktha.Navagraha Suktam Navagraha Suktam [Odes on the Nine Planets] Translated by P. I have relied on the translation given by RL Kashyap (2007) in Veda Manthras and Sukthas of SAKSI. bhoorbhuvaswarom We meditate on the seven upper worlds and the great Mantra Gayathri. Because he has the knowledge of entire world. regal. Recognizing the mortal and immortal. Chathushpatham utha cha dvi padam. unscrupulous and tyrannical) . Nishkeerthoyam yagniyam bhagamethu. victorious and energetic*. II. Hotaram viswa vedasam. And also because he does perform yajna properly. Om Aa krishnena rajasa varthamano nivesayannamrutham marthya cha. Bhuvanani pasyan. He is a politician. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Adithyaya nama.) * The characteristics of all planets are mentioned By sage Aurabindo and are reproduced. Agnim dhootham vrunemahe. 2 We choose the fire as the messenger. Asya yagnasya sukrutham. The four legged and two legged beings. The God Savitha (Sun) comes in a golden chariot. soldier. Let him accept the refined sacrificial share. 3 Thus the lord of all beings sees. Yesham eesepasupathi pasoonaam. Adithya [Sun God] (Adithya is the Sun God and is the son of Sage Kashyapa and Adhithi.other nine planets. warlike. And let the glorious wealth reach the performer of Yajna. I. Hiranyayena savitha rathena aa devo yati. Rayasposha yajna manasya santhu. crafty. splendid. He is strong. bold. I could not trace his lineage. He travels in a chariot drawn by seven horses and his charioteer is Aruna. Om my salutations to sun God with all his peripheral gods. Angaraka [Mars] (This is the planet Mars also called as Kuja and Mangala. 1 Moving through darkness. And sees the world. Between the births in earth and heavens.Om Agni moordha divah kakut. He is self willed. Anthar vishwani vidmana jigathi. And it sets in motion the essence of waters Syona prithvi bhava. Havyam matim cha agnaya suputam. Yacha na sharma sapradha. Be victorious. thinker and philosopher) Om Pra va shukraya bhanave bharadhwam. Yo daivani manisha janumshi. Kshethrasya pathina vayam hitheneva. III. 3 Through the master of the body who is friendly. poet. Oh Shukra. Jayamasi gam ashvam poshayitnva. Which travels with the knowledge of man. Shukra [Venus] (Shukra is the planet Venus and is the son of sage Brugu. Anrukshara nivesini. He was adopted as their Guru by the Asuras and he guided them in their wars with devas. master of state craft. 2 Oh earth be happy. 1 Bring the fire from the light of the sun. And let he appear to us gracious. lustful. Give us thorn less abode. Ayam aapam rethamsi jinwathi. 1 Om Fire is in the peak of heaven. Which is wide and grants us refuge. And is the consort (lord) of the earth. Saa no mrulathee drushe. His mother's name is Kavyaa. Om my salutations to Mars God with all his peripheral gods. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Angarakaya nama. . Pathi getting that which nourishes our energy. Offer the brain as sacred offering in that purified fire. IV. Ashtapadi navapadi baboovushi. And he is the one who is supreme in this universe. Aapyasva. . And be with us in our oblation. Indram viswahtahs pari. Samethu they viswatha soma vrushnyam. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Shukraya nama. imaginative and poetical. And all people give him oblations. For her consort will never die in any battle. So I have heard. Let your sparkling fire become united. Om my salutations to Shukra God with all his peripheral gods. 1 Forming water of consciousness. 3 Indra is above the entire universe. 2 The wife of Indra is most blessed among women. SAhasrakshara parame vyoman. He is inconsistent. Viwasmad indra uttarah. amorous. Ekapadhi. And let him be our only object of worship. dvipadhi sa chathushpadi. the cow of speech is crafted. Na hi asya aparam chana jarasaa marate pati. 2 Oh moon. In to one footed.) Om Gaurir mimaya salilani thakshathi. charming.Indranim aasu naarishhu subhagam. Bhavaa vaajasya samgadhe. Asmkam asthu kevalaa. Soma [Moon] (He is the moon God and rose from the ocean of milk when it was churned. Havamahe janebhya. And the one with thousand letters is supreme. And she who has become eight footed becomes nine footed. Aham sravam. grow with us. two footed four footed. Yajna is the thread of Vishnu. Tredha ni thadhe padam. vishno prashtamasi. . Idam vishnur vichakrame. Vaishnavam asi vishnava tva. And the fire bestows happiness of all. All medicines are in water. And all were established in the dust of his feet. And placed his feet thrice. It is the back of Vishnu. be alert and conscious of us.Apsu may somo abraveedh. 3 Yajna is the forehead of Vishnu. Puna krunvana pitara yuvana. Yajna is the purifier acting for Vishnu. He is the illicit child of Moon and his teacher Brahaspathi's wife. Yajna is the immortal Vishnu. skilful. Vishno syoorasi. Aapascha viswabheshaji. Budha [Mercury] (He is the planet Mercury. V. 3 Moon has told me. 2 Thus Vishnu strode. Vishno raratmasi. Anvaatham sithvayi thanthu metham. 1 Oh fire. Anim cha vishwa shambhuvam. He is speculative scientific. SAmulham asya paamsure. Make my father feel young again. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Somaaya nama. May he carry out the sacrifice supported by you. Anthar viswani bheshaja. Vishno shjnapathra stho. vishnor dhruvamasi. Om my salutations to moon God with all his peripheral gods. And waters are the panacea.) Om Udhbhayasva agne prathi jagrahi. May you and the Lord of the yajna create the offering. Tvam ishta poorthe smsru medha mayam cha. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Budhaya nama.The principle of Vishnu exists and I want to be one with it.) Om Brahaspathe athi yad aaryao arhad. Viseematha surucho vena aava. VI. 3 The Sun was born first as an effect of the word. Dhyumat vibhadhi kruthumajjanneshu. You are the great treasure given to us. Sabudhniya upama asya vishtaa. oh heroic Brahmin. There is also a story that he is the son of Lord Brahma himself. He has revealed the birth place of the visible and invisible. He is religious learned. 1 Oh Brahaspati. Om my salutations to Brahaspathi God with all his peripheral gods. drink Soma along with Maruths. He was adopted as their teacher by Devas. Thad asmasu dravinam dehi chithram. Om my salutations to Budha God with all his peripheral gods. His brilliance spreads over the entire world. AAVivasvanthi kavaya suyajna. and philosopher. You shine among holy people full of power. Be pleased. Yadha saaryathe apibha suthasya. Sathascha yonim asathascha viva. Brahma jajnaanaan pradhamam purasthaath. As you are drinking it along with Sharayata. Oh son of truth. 2 Oh Indra. The sages expert in Yagna are eager to serve you. Thava praneethi thava soora sharman. wise and a statesman. you do not deserve a foe. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Brihaspathyaya nama. . He has revealed every thing in various forms. You shine with the strength born out of truth. Brahaspathi [Jupiiter] (He is the planet Jupiter and the son of sage Angeeras. Indra maruthwa eha pahi somam. Yad didhayat cchavasa rithaprajath. VII. Shanaischara [Saturn] (He is the planet Saturn and the son of Sun God. He is lame and moves slowly. He is cruel, vindictive, gloomy, immoral and destructive.) Om Sham no devir abheeshtaya, aapo bhavanthu peethaye, Sham yorabhi sravanthu na. 1 May the Goddess fulfill our wishes like water, May our wishes be satisfied by drinking it, May the waters flow blissfully towards our happiness. Prajapathe na tvadethani aanyo, Viswaa jaathani pari thaa bhabhoova, Yath kamasthe juhumasthanno asthu, Vayam syama pathayo rayeenam. 2 Oh creator, there is none like you, You pervade all that has come in to being, Let our desires rise to you as prayers, May we become the lord of riches. Imam yama prastharama hi seedha, Anghirobhi pithrubhi samvidhana, Aa thva mantra kavishastha vahanthu, Yena rajan havisha madhayasva. 3 Oh Yama come and be seated on this altar, Along with sage Angiras and the manes, Let the mantras chanted by sages carry and bring thee, And let this offering make you happy, Oh king. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Sanaischaraaya nama. Om my salutations to Saturn God with all his peripheral gods. VIII. Raahu (He is the son of sage Kasyapa and his Asura wife Simhika. When Vishnu as mohini and was distributing nectar to devas, he tried to get it by deceit. Lord Vishnu cut him in to two. Rahu is the head portion and Kethu the body part. He is violent, head strong, frank and furious.) Om Kayaa naschithraa bhoovadhoothi, SAda vrudha sakha, Kayaa sachishtaya vruthaa. 1 How will Indra come to us, picturesque one, Oh friend who is ever waxing, And in company of the mighty ones. AAyaam gow prashneer akramidha, Asadan mataram pura, Pitaram cha prayantsva. 2 The variegated cow of knowledge has come, And sat before mother in the east, And is advancing towards father's heaven. Yath they devi nirrytheera babanda dhama girvasu, Avicharthyam, Idham they thad vishyam ayusho na madhyaath, Adhaa jeeva pithumadhi pramuktha. 3 The bondage of Goddess niruthi is on your neck, And should not be unchained, But I will loosen it from the middle part of life, And when it is loosened, you can eat Soma*. *The elixir of the Gods. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Rahuve nama. Om my salutations to Rahu God with all his peripheral gods. IX. Kethu (He is the son of sage Kasyapa and his Asura wife Simhika. When Vishnu as Mohini was distributing nectar to devas, he tried to get it by deceit. Lord Vishnu cut him in to two. Rahu is the head portion and Kethu the body part. He is secretive. meditative and unsocial.) Om Kethum krunvanna kethave, Pesho aarys aapesase, Sam ushad bhir jayadhaa. 1 Oh strong one you create strength in the weak, You give form to the one who has no form, And you are born in the dawn of knowledge. Brahma devaanaam padavi kaveenaam, Rishir vipraanaam mahisho mrugaanaam, Syeno grudhraanaa swadhithir, Vanaanamm soma pavithra mathyerthi rebhan. 2 Brahma of the Gods is the leader among sages, Sages among the wise are the bull among animals, Hawk among vultures and self-law among delights So sings Soma* among those who purify. * moon Sa chithra chithram chithayanthamasme, Chithra kshathra chithrathamam vayodhaam, Chandram rayim puruveeram bruhantham, Chandra chandra abhirgunathe yuvasva. 3 Oh fire you are brilliant and join us with the brilliant treasures, And find the growth through luminous nights, Oh Chandra join him with very delightful words, And have vast delightful wealth and keepers of heroes. Om adhidevatha prathyadhidevatha sahithaya Kethubhyo nama. Om my salutations to Kethu God with all his peripheral gods. OM adithyadhi nava graham devathabhyo nama. Om my salutations to the nine planet Gods lead by the Sun God. Om Shanthi, Om Shanthi, Om Shanthi Let there be peace, let there be peace and let there be peace. And whose unimaginable form does the work of holy trinity. Trilokya palana param. Brahmaa harathma kamalakshya machinthya roopam. 2 I salute in the morning. enemies. 4 . Vrushti promachana vinigraha hethu bhootham. Brahmendra poorvaka surairnatha marchitham cha. whose body is Yajur Veda. Roopam hi mandala mruchodha thanur yajjomshi.Pratha Smarana Soorya Stotram Pratha Smarana Soorya Stotram [Morning Prayer to Sun God] Translated by P. words and my mind. With my body. Sa sarva vyadhi nirmuktha prama sukhamavapnuyath. Who causes rain and also becomes the cause of no rain. Who is divine and removes sin. Here is a morning prayer addressed to the Sun God. Ramachander [Normally a Hindu prays to God as soon as he gets up. who is the source of light. Prathar Bhajami savithara manantha shakthim. Whose rays are Sama Veda. Tham sarva loka kalanathmaka kala moorthim.] Pratha smarami Khalu thath savithur varenyam. the sun god who has a body of fire. Who looks after all the three worlds and has three qualities. Prathar namami tharinam thanuvag manobhi. Who is the primeval God responsible for freeing the tie in the neck of Cows Slokathrayamidham Bhano Pratha kale padethu ya. upon the greatly exalted form of Sun God. 3 I sing in the morning about Sun God with his limitless powers. Whose plane is Rig Veda. diseases and sorrows. These prayers are necessarily short and should make his mind dissolve in devotion to the God. 1 I meditate in the morning. Papougha shathru bhaya roga haram param cha. Samaani yasya kirana prabhavadhi hethum. trigunathmakam cha. R. Who is the source of measurement of time for all the worlds. Go khanda bandhana vimochanamadhi devam. Who is being worshipped by Brahma and other devas. Would get rid of all diseases and would enjoy pleasures in the other world.Those who read the three stanza prayer to Sun God in the morning. . When Mohini (the feminine form of Lord Vishnu) was distributing the nectar to the devas. 2 Let my head be protected by he who wears blue silk. 3 Let the smoke colured one protect my nose. And let the wise one protect my belly. soorpakaram kireetinam. Kantam may katinamgrika. Let the son of Simhika protect my toungue. Let my forehead be protected by he who is worshipped by the world. This Kavacham should be read on Saturdays to ward of any evil caused by this planet. ooru may sura poojitha. 4 Let the lord of serpents protect my arm. pathu kuksheem vidhunthuda. Rahu entered the row and ate the nectar.Raahu Kavacham Rahu Kavacham [Protective Armour of Rahu] Translated by P. lokanamabhaya pradham. Let Rahu protect my eyes and semi bodied one protect my ears. who holds a winnow. The piece without head is Kethu. Nasikam may dhoomravarna. Lord Vishnu cut him in to two pieces. Both pieces continued to live and circle the earth in an anti clock wise manner. who has a crown. Katim may vikata pathu. R. soolapanir mukham mama. Let the minister protect my breast. srothre thwardha sareeravan. Let my hands be protected by he who wears blue garlands. Who is like a lion and is terrible looking. Bhujangeso bhujai pathu. 1 I always salute Rahu. neela malyambara karou pathu. . He was born with a serpent head . And let my neck be protected by he who perceives by smell. Rahu creates all the problems that are created by planet Saturn.] Pranamami sada rahum. The Sun and moon who saw this informed Lord Vishnu about this. And who grants protection to people Neelambara sira pathu. lalatam loka vanditha. Jihwam may simhika sunu. The piece which had head is Rahu. Chakshushi pathu may Rahu. Ramachander [Rahu is an asura (unlike other planets) and son of sage Kasyapa and an ogre called Simihika. And let he who holds the spear protect my face. Pathu vaksha sthalam manthri. Saimhikeyam karalasyam. 6 Let my ankle be protected by the lord of planets. padhou may bheeshanakruthi. Let my thighs be protected by he who is worshipped by devas. plenty of wealth. Ithi Sri Mahabharathe Drutharasthra jayantha samvade drona parvani rahu kavacham sampoornam. 5 Let my hip be protected by the funny one. Daily reads it with devotion according to rules cleanly. Prapnothi keerthimathulam sriyamrudhi maayura. Would get incomparable fame. Gulphou grahapathi pathu. Thus ends the armour of Rahu occurring in the middle of discussion between Drutharashtra and Jayantha which occurs in the chapter on Drona of the Mahabharatha epic. Aaroghya mathma vijayam cha hi thath prasadath. 7 He who invests himself in this armour of Rahu. . Raheridham kavacham rhudhi davasthudham yo. Bhakthya padathyunu dinam niyatha suchi sanu. Let my calves be protected by him who is sluggish. Let my feet be protected by he who looks terrible. And let all my limbs be protected by him who wears blue sandal paste. Let my knees be protected by him who makes the sun his own. Health and great victory in life due to his blessings. Sarvanyangani may pathu neela chandana bhooshana. long life.Swarbhanuni januni pathu jange may pathu jadayaha. maha bala. King of planets. 3 One who has death inflicting sight. The piece which had head is Rahu. one who is always angry. When Mohini (the feminine form of Lord Vishnu) was distributing the nectar to the devas. 1 Rahu. The Sun and moon who saw this informed Lord Vishnu about this. One who is the son of ogress Simhika. chandradhithya vimardhana. Minister of Rakshasa. Both pieces continued to live and circle the earth in an anti clock wise manner. One who lives in the heart of Shiva.sri kanta hrudayashraya. bhanur bheethidha. R. The piece without head is Kethu. Panchavimsathi namani sthuthwa rahum sada nara. Half bodied one. . One who has red eyes and one who has a big paunch. 2 Angry one. ghora roopo. 4 One who torments planets. Rahu creates all the problems that are created by planet Saturn. one who got nectar. Rahu entered the row and ate the nectar. Tormentor who troubles Sun and Moon. Lord Vishnu cut him in to two pieces. Kala drushti kala roopa. One who is near the Sun. Devotee of Rudhra. One who has terrifying form. one who likes death. Ramachander [Raahu is an asura (unlike other planets) and son of sage Kasyapa and an ogre called Simihika. one who made moon dim. one who makes Simhika happy.Raahu Stotram Raahu Stotram [Prayer to Raahu] From Skanda Purana Translated by P. He was born with a serpent head.] Rahur dhanavamanthri cha simhika chitha nandana. one who terrifies the sun. Graha peeda karo damshtri raktha nethro mahodhara. If a man recites these twenty five names and prays to Rahu. sada krodhi. Ogre. Graha raja sudhapayee rakadhithyabhilashtaka. Vidhunthudha saimhikeya. One who is very strong. Roudhro rudhra priyo daithya swar bhanur. Ardha kaya. One who desires the moon and the sun. Ya paden mahathi peeda thasya nasyathi kevalam. one who has big teeth. This prayer should be read on Saturdays to ward of any evil caused by this planet. incomparable sons.And as soon as he reads big tormenting troubles vanish immediately. . wealth. varsha satham nara. Aarogyam putham athulam sriyam dhanyam pasum sthadha. to the one who reads this great prayer. 5 Health. cereals and animals Would be given to him by Rahu. Sathatham padathe yasthu jeeveth. Dadhathi rahu sthasmai thu ya padeth sthothramuthamam. 6 The man who reads this regularly would live for one hundred years. 5 I salute that Mangala who is born out of earth.Runa Mochana Mangala Stotra Runa Mochana Mangala Stotram [Prayer to Mars to get rid of debts] Translated by P. R. Angarako yamaschaiva sarvarogapaharka. He who has a stable seat. He who is son of earth. He who is born of earth. Recitation of this stotra is propitious on Tuesdays. he who a gross body. he also helps us to lead a healthy life. He who is red eyed. 1 He who grants good life. He who wipes away debt. 4 He who reads daily these names of mars with devotion. he who is the son of the earth. And he helps in carrying out all duties. bhoothidho. He who causes or stops rain. And he who helps us fulfills all our wishes. He who is merciful to those who sing Sama Veda. he who is the one who controls. Runam na jayathethasya danam seegramavapunuyath. Dharathmaja kujo. 3 He who is like a burning ember. bhoominandana. lohithakshascha Samagaanam krupakara. He who is mars. he who is kind to all. 2 He who is reddish.] Mangalo bhoomi puthrascha runahartha dana pradha. Is never bothered by debts and earns money quickly. And he who gives happiness to planet earth. Apart from helping in marriage and clearing of debts. He was born of the three drops of sweat of Lord Shiva which fell on the earth. vidhyut kanthi sama prabham. Vrushte kartha aapahartha cha sarva kama phala pradha. He who cures all diseases. Darani garbha sambhootham. The earth goddess was requested to bring him up and thus became his mother. Kumaram shakthi hasthamchamangalam pranamamyaham. he who blesses with wealth. Lohitho. Sthirasanomaha kaya sarva karma virodhaka. Ramachander [The planet Mars in Hindu mythology is the son of the goddess earth. . Yethani kuja namani nithyam ya sradhaya padeth. bhoumo. And is there a need to tell about human beings. 11 Please give me son. Sthothram angarakasyethathpadaneeyam sada nrubhi. And you would give everything to those who pray to you. Remove debts. You grant salvation to those enjoy. Who is very merciful to his devotees. Thwam namami mamasesham runamasu vinasaya. will not affect even a little. poverty. poverty. 8 Please always destroy debts. Runa daridrya dukhena shathrunaam cha bhayath thatha. 6 To the king like person who reads this prayer of Mars always The bad effects of the son of earth.Who is like a streak of lightning. And if you are pleased you grant a kingdom. Thenathwam sarva sathvena graham rajo maha bala. please give me wealth. diseases. 10 You have done like this to Brahma. sorrow and fear from enemies. Angaraka maha bhaga Bhagawan baktha vathsalam. Athi vakra duraradhya bhoga muktha jithathmana. And I request. please destroy all my loans completely. Na thesham bhoumaja peeda swalpapi bhavathi kwachith. Untimely death. 9 You are crooked. And due to this you are the king of planets and very strong. 7 Oh God who burns like ember. fear. Indra and Vishnu. my salutations to you. I am surrendering to you only and so please. Bhaya klesa manasthapa nasyanthu mama sarvadha. difficult to worship. Virinchi sakra vishnunaam manushyanam thu kaa katha. Who is a lad and who carries Shakthi. THushto dadhasi samrajyam rushto harasi thath kshanath. Runa rogadhi daridryam ye chanye hyapamruthyuve. . And also to those who control their senses. who is a great God. sufferings and mental turmoil . Puthran dehi danam dehi thwamasmi saranagatha. And if you are angry take it back immediately. 12 He who worships the son of earth by these twelve verses. . Would get lot of wealth and would live like the god of wealth.Yebhir dwadasabhi slokai ya sthouthi cha darasutham. Mahatheem sriyamapnothi hyaparo danadho yuva. He takes 30 years to make a full round of the Sun and so he becomes the slowest among the planets. base actions. The one who is very angry. The mental confusion it causes may even make one mad. He is described as one with very hard hair. As the lame one. In a person's life. the one who is slow . one with thick teeth. 9th and 10th rasi from the moon. Thasmai nama Ravinandanaya. the one keeps himself under control. reason for death. danger. there is a possibility of this seven and half period coming thrice. one with base character. Ramachander [Sani (slow one) aka Sanaischara (one who moves slowly) aka Saneeswara (The god who is slow) is the planet Saturn among the nine planets of the Vedic astronomy. He is the owner of Makara and Kumbha rasi of the horoscope. death. regularly on Saturdays. moon. the period when it is with Chandra is the worst one. sun. He is the indicator of longevity.Sanaischara Ashtakam Sanaischarashtakam [The octet on the slow moving planet] By King Dasaratha Translated by P. 5th. He takes 30 months for moving from one rasi to another.] Kono anthako roudhra yamo adha babru. the one who decides the end. or his friend Hanuman or Lord Iyappa of Sabari malai or to light gingelly lamps in front of him on Saturdays or to give a copper pot full of gingelly oil as dhana to a Brahmin after seeing once own image in that oil. the first called mangu sani. diseases. Even in this seven and half year period. Krishna sani pingala manda souri. He is the son of Surya and Chaya and is the only planet with the epithet Iswara (god). and Kuja(Mars) are his enemies . R. one having red eyes. the second called pongu sani and the third called marano (pokku) sani. He gives rise to bad effects when he is standing in the Chandra rasi. rasi before it and rasi after it. Another very bad period is when Sani lives in the 8th house from moon. The one who is Sani. the one who is black. 1 Salutations to the son of Sun god. Who if remembered daily. All people suffering in any trouble caused by Sani are requested to recite this prayer. Here is a great prayer addressed to him written by King Dasaratha. the one who is of copper colour. slow witted. of black colour. the father of Lord Rama. Other Rasis where is bad are 4th. This is ascribed to the fact that he was made lame by his half brother Yama (God of death). Kona. 7th. slave hood and cattle wealth in the horoscope. Shukra(Venus) and Budha(mercury) are his friends. This would mean that he does good only for 5 years during his one full round of 30 years. powerless in mesha rasi and extremely powerful in Thula rasi.He is also referred as Manda. Bhaskari. Arki and Suryputhra in astrological literature. Nithyam smrutho yo harathe cha peedaam. To please sani it is necessary either to pray him. Jupiter equal. This period is called Sade Sathi in Hindi and Ezharai nattu sani in Tamil. The one who has hair like lion. phlegmatic. lazy and well proportioned. to deep forests. Saraswathi punya jale guhayam. if in bad position Even to men. 2 Salutations to the son of Sun god. Who creates problems. Thasmai nama Ravinandanaya. lions. insects. to forts. nagas. Preenathi manthrair nija vasare cha. destroys all our problems. Thasmai nama Ravinandanaya. if in bad position. jaggery rice. Thasmai nama Ravinandanaya. Even to country. Senanivesaa pura pattanani. Even to all animals in forest. Or if he is worshipped on Saturdays. cows. vidhyadharas and snakes Nara narendra pasavo mrugendra. Barley. 3 Salutations to the son of Sun god. Blue cloths are given in charity on Saturdays. Who creates problems. Who creates problems. 4 Salutations to the son of Sun god. if in bad position. Peedynthi sarve vishama sthithena. Vanyascha ye keeta pathanga brunga. . Prayagakoole Yamunathate cha. asuras. Yo yoginaam dhyana gathopi sookshma. Peedyanthi sarve vishamasthithena.And as the son of Sun God. very great men. butterflies and bees. Surasura kimpurushoragendra. 5 Salutations to the son of Sun god. Who gets pleased if gingelly. iron and. Thasmai nama Ravinandanaya. Peedynthi sarve vishama sthithena. Desascha durgani vanani yathra. Lohena neelambara dhanatho va. Even to Gandharwas. Even to tents of army and to the cities. kings. Gandahrawa vidhyadhara pannagascha. Even to devas. Thilair yavair masha gudanna dhanai. He would become victorious and would not. Enjoy all pleasures and attain salvation at the end. And if one leaves his home on that day. he becomes happy. Who has mane like lion. krishno roudhro anthako yama. In the meditation of great sages. pippaladhena samsthutha.Thasmai nama Ravinandanaya. who is of copper colour. Gruhath gatho yo na puna prayathi. Would get good children. Padeth thu soukhyam bhuvi bhoga yuktha. Thadeeyavare sa nara sukhee syath. Nithyam suputhrai pasu bandhavaischa. Find it necessary to travel again and again. if one reaches his home. Yajur and Sama Veda. manda. . 8 Salutations to the son of Sun god. 10 He who lives in a triangle. Ekasthridha rug yaju sama moorthi. Sanyashtakam ya prayatha prabhathe. Thasmai nama Ravinandanaya. Who as Shiva destroys them. Souri sanaischaro. good relatives. From some outside place. who is of black colour. Of rivers Yamuna and Saraswathy. Konastha pingalo bhabru. 9 He who reads this octet on Sani. 7 Salutations to the son of Sun god. And who is spread as Rig. Thasmai nama Ravinandanaya. Who as Brahma is the creator of three worlds. Who as Vishnu. Who lives in caves and in a micro form. With devotion. takes care of them. Who lives in prayaga and at the shores. Prapnothi nirvana padam thadanthe. 6 Salutations to the son of Sun god. Srushta swayam bhoor bhuvana thrayasya. everyday morning. Thratha Hareeso harathe pinaki. On whose day. cows. Anyapradhesath swagruham pravishta. . who destroys. The problems created by Sanaischara. who is the son of Sun God. 11 As soon as you get up in the morning. Who controls his senses. Who moves slowly and in jerks. who has been sung by Pippalada Ethani dasa naamani prathar uthaa ya padeth.Who is very angry. Would be a thing of past. If these ten names are chanted. Sanaischara krutha peeda na kadachit bhavishyathi. 3 Let my power of smell be protected by him who is fierce. Shiro may Bhaskari pathu. Sourir may hrudhayam pathu. Let my stomach be protected by he who moves slowly. 1 After meditating on Ganapathi. sarvatho ravi nandana. Let he who has a slanted eyes protect my vision. 2 Let my head be protected by son of Sun god. Rakshamethaam paden nithyam Sourer nama balairyutham.Sanaischara Sthava Raja Sanaischara Sthava Raja [King of prayers addressed to the slow moving planet] Translated by P. And let the darling son of Sun God protect every thing. Dheera Shanaischasyeyam chakara Sthavamuthamam. The valorous king Yudhishtra Told the great prayer addressed to the slow moving Sani. bhujou may bhayodhovathu. Let my shoulders be protected by he who is the fire of destruction. Let my hands be protected by he who is fearsome. R.mukham bali mukho avathu. My hairs be protected by son of Chaya devi. Graha Raja katim pathu. Let the king of planets protect by hips. Skandhou samvarthaka pathu. 4 Let the son of Sun God protect my heart. 5 . This indeed is the king of stotras. Kotraksho drusou pathu Shikhi kanta nibha sruthi. Bhalam Chaya suthovathu. Let my face be protected by the God with a fierce face. And let him. Ramachander [This is a rare stotra addressed to Sanaischara (the slow moving planet Saturn). Padhou manda gathi pathu. Krishna pathvaakhilam vapu. Apart from having the Kavacha (armour 2-5). this also has Sani Ashtotharam (108 names of Sani Deva).] Narada Uvacha: Narada said: Dhyathava Ganapathim Raja Dharma rajo yudhishtra. nabhim may sanaischarovathu. who has a peacock neck protect my voice Graanam may Bheeshana pathu. He who is never afraid. he who has a crooked look. Graha raja karaali cha soorya puthro ravi sasi. The black God and the one who resembles a blue lotus. Shushkodharo. 9 He who is blue. Shikhi kanda nibho. Kartha hartha palayitha. he who is without flesh in his body. By the strength of the powerful son of Sun God. 10 Kethur devapathi baahu kruthantho nairyashtadja. 7 He with a thin belly. SAsi maruth kubherascha. He who is the destroyer and he who is the controller. 12 . he who has broad eyes. He whose face is covered with long hairs He who is long. vibeeshana. Let the black one protect the entire body. He who resembles a peacock neck. He who is thin. he who is furious. Mandho mandha dgathi khanjo truptha samvarthako yama. the slow moving one. 8 He who has death look. He who is satisfied. he who is angry. neelaschaya hrudaya nandana. Deergha nirmamsa gathrasthu shushko goro Bhayanaka. Souree sanischara krushno neelothphala nibha sani. he who is lame. dur nireekshyo. Kujo budajo guru kavyo bhanuja simhika sutha. He who has greatly farsighted. By the son of Sun God.Let the slow mover protect my feet. he who is slow moving. he who has evil sight. sthoola roma vali mukha. Let him who reads this daily be protected. 11 Vishnu haro Ganapathi kumara kama eesawara. he who is fearsome. he who has matted hair. With pleasure as well as children. He who is lazy. Neelamsu krodhano roudhrodeerghasmasru jadadhara. visalaksho. eesaaana sura Athmabhoo. Sukhee puthree chirayuscha sa bhaven nathra samsaya. He who is the darling of the heart of the blue Chaya devi. 6 Without any doubt he would be blessed. rajyeso rajya dayaka. Kala drushti kotaraaksha. 13 The son of Chaya devi. Saturn and Rahu and Kethu. He who is hundred times more angry. He who is God of death over time. God of Death. kalathma kala kaalaka. . God of Love The creator. God of all countries. he who has a black body. Moon. Yoga rasir muhrthathma Kartha dina pathi Prabhu. He who is the Lord of all planets. Lord Shiva. 15 He who is firmly seated. He who is the son of Sun God controlling death. He who has a firm path. Lord Ganapathi. administrator and destroyer. He who is the great God of death. son of sun god.* *The 13th crescent of moon Thitjyayathmaka sthira gano nakshatra gana nayaka. Nairyathi. Lord Vishnu. Thushto rushto kama roopa kamadho. 14 He who is satisfied. Fire. he who is the lord of stars. He who does cruel deeds. Sthirasana. He who has great body. Ravi nandana. Graha peeda hara santho nakshthreso graheswara. Venus. he who grants wealth. He who likes Thryodasi. Sthgira gathir mahakayo Maha bala. black one.King of planets. 16 He who gives protection of the Sun God. the leader of the groups of stars. SAthabhiruksha dayitha. 17 The soul of the crescent days. maha kaala. Lord Subramanya. Kroora karma vidhatha cha sarva karmavrodhaka. He who is the son of Sun God. He who can take any form. The Indra. He who is personification of time. He who removes. cha mruthyradhithya nandana. God of Wealth Eesaana and Shiva the Soul of Earth. Mercury. He who is peaceful. problems created by planets. he who is creator. Jupiter. Mars. He who is the great Lord. He who is angry. tryodhasi thidhi Priya. He who is responsible for obstruction of all deeds. Chayasutha Shyamalango Dhana Hartha Dhana Pradha. The Sun. Varuna Wind God. Adithya bhaya datha. The one who gives kingdom. Maha prabho. He who destroys wealth. He who is loved. He who has great strength. He who is bluish black colour for those who observe. * A tree of arid lands believed to contain fire Sarva roga haro deva sidho deva gana sthutha. He who lives in blue surroundings. 21 Especially during Saturdays would get cured of all their problems. Poojayithya sanim bhakthya Sami pushpa akshatham barai. By reading this prayer those problems would also get destroyed. this prayer should be read. the doer. Paden nithyam thasya peeda samastha nasyathi dhurvam. 22 When they undergoing the dasa of Sani. He who is divine. Kruthwa pooja paden marthyo Bhakthiman ya sthavam sthadhaa. he who is like the ocean of action. 23 By consecrating a metal statue of Sani they would get rid of all sorrow.The soul of good times based on yoga and rasi. 18 He who likes Sami* flowers. Viseshatha sani dine peeda thasya vinasyathi. And Lord Sani worshipped with devotion using. He who is God. And those devotees who read and worship with this prayer daily. 19 The God who cures all diseases. Jama lagne sthithir vapi Gochare Kroora rasige. These are the one hundred and eight names of the son of Sun God and Chaya devi. . He who is fearsome in the three worlds. Sami pushpa Priya shyama thrai lokya bhaya dhayaka. dried rice and with cloth. Badhaa yaa anya grahaanam cha ya pade thasya nasyathi. Dasasu cha gathe souro thadha sthavam imam padeth. He who is black. The flowers of Sami. Even though Saturn is in their janama lagna. The lord who is the chief of days. Ashtothara satham naamnaam Sureschaya suthasya ya. Or travels in cruel rasis during its sojourn. Vidhaya loha prathimaam naro Dukhadhi muchyathe. He who is praised by groups of devas. Neela vaasa Kriya sindhur neelanchana chaya cchavi. 20 It is for sure all the troubles will go away if this is read daily. And even the problem is caused by other planets. Rogi rogad vimuchyathe nara sthavam imam padeth. The sick man would come out of his sickness. . 24 The one affected with fear would get rid of it. Puthravaan. Dhanavaan srimaan Jayathe nathra samsaya. 25 Hearing the Stotra by Yudhishtra the slow moving God appeared before him. By reading this prayer with devotion. Dathwa ragno vara kamam Saniswanthardathe thadha. Yudhishta also is son of Kunthi (Prathu) and can be Called Partha. Ithi Sri Bhavishya purane Sanaischara sthava Raja SAmpoornam Thus the king of prayers addressed to the slow moving God which occurs in Bhavishya Purana (Epic of the future) comes to an end. and without any doubt He would be blessed with children wealth and luck Narada Uvacha: Narada said: Sthavam nisamya Parthasya prathyaksho booth sanaischara. The one imprisoned would gain his freedom.Bheetho bhayaad vimuchyathe Badho muchyathe bandanath. And granted the king of his desires and Sani vanished from there. Who gives misfortunes. . Chathurbhuja. second house from moon (called sade sathi or seven and a half year sojourn) or occupies the eighth house from moon. Om Sri Sanaischara. who is armed with a bow. the slow moving planet takes 30 years to complete the perambulation of the Sun. Kavacham Sani Rajasya Soureridhamanuthamam. Who is the incomparably great in the clan of the Sun. he causes untold and extreme misery.Sani Vajra Panjarika Stotra Sani Vajra Panjarika Stotra [The Thunderbolt Armour of Saturn] Translated by P. The God of death Yama is his half brother. He is supposed to be the son of Chaya Devi (Shadow) and the sun God. Kavacham devatha vasam vajra panjara samgnakam. Oh God Saturn. suryasutha. Nethre Chayathmaja pathu. and brings all luck. 4 Om. This great prayer occurring in the Brahmanda Purana is believed to be the best possible antidote for such a situation. pathu karnou Yamanuja. R. Is very dear to the slow moving planet. who has a blue body. sarva soubhagya dhayagam. 2 Be pleased to hear oh sage. prasanna. Nelavapu. 1 Oh god dressed in blue silk. pathu bhalam may Soorya nandana. 3 This armour called thunderbolt shield in which gods live.] Neelambaro. Brahmo Uvacha: Brahma told: Srunu dwam rishaya. first house. dhanushman. Who wears a crown. Grdhra sthitha. sthrasakaro. Sarva sani peeda haram mahath. Sada mama syadwaradha prasantha. the great armour. let the son of Sun protect my forehead. He takes 30 months to cross one rasi (one by twelfth of the journey). who sits on vulture. kireeti. Ramachander [Saturn. Be pleased with me always and happily grant me boons. Which is a cure to all misery brought by king Sani. Who has four hands and who is son of Sun God. It is believed that when he occupies the twelfth house. SAnaishara preethikaram. Skandhou pathu sanischaiva. Kalathrastho gatho vapi supreethasthu sada sani. first or second house. Nasam Vaivaswaswatha Pathu. Let he who makes end protect my thighs. 5 Let my nose be protected by Sun God. Angopangani sarvani rakshen may Surya nandana. mruthyu sthana gatrhopi va. Let the illuminator always protect my face. The son of Sun God would be pleased with him. mukham may Bhaskara sada. 10 Whether Saturn occupies the twelfth. No misery will come to him and. manda pathu kateem thadha. Snigha kandashasch may kandaam. Vyayay janma dwitheeyastho. karou pathu shubha pradha. 8 Let my legs be protected by him with slow speed. . And the one who is dark in colour protect my navel. Ithyethath kavacham divyam padeth soorya suthasya ya. Lat my ears be protected by the brother of Yama. 6 Let my shoulders be protected by Sani. yamo januyugam thadha. Let he with a pleasant voice protect my voice. Let the slow mover protect my hips. 7 Let my stomach be protected by the lord of all planets. bhujou pathu Mahabhuja. Be protected by the darling sin of the Sun God. Let my hands be protected by he who does good. And let the great armed God protect my arms. Na thaasya jayathe peeda.Let the darling son of Chaya protect my eyes. sarvangam pathu pippala. And all my primary and secondary organs. 9 If this armour of the son of the Sun God is read. Padou Manda gathi pathu. preetho bhavathi sooryaja. Vaksha pathu Yama bhratha. Let all my organs be protected by he who wears the coat. Let the brother of Yama protect my chest. And let Yama protect my pair of knees. kukshim paathvasitha sthadha. Nabhim grahpathi pathu. OOru mamanthaka pathu. na peeda jayathe kwachith. Would destroy the ills caused by eighth. 12 This holy divine armour composed by Sun in ancient times. no misery would ever be caused. In Brahmanda Puranam. Saturn will always be pleased with him. 11 If the son of Sun God is in eighth. Janma lagna sthithaan doshan sarvan nasayathe Prabhu. first and second house. Daily reading this Kavacham. Kavacham padathe nithyam. Occuring in the discussion between Brahma and sage Narada. Sani Vajra panjara kavacham sampoornam. Dwadasahtama janmastha doshan nasayathe sada. Ashtamastha soorya suthe vyaye. twelfth. Ithyedath kavacham divyam saureya nirmitham pura. . twelfth. And also destroy the bad effects of Saturn occupying the Lagna rasi (Ascendent) Ithi Sri Brahmanda Purane Brahma Narada Samvade. Thus ends the thunderbolt armour of Saturn. janma dwitheeyage.Or even goes to the house of death or occupies the seventh star. first or second house. Ramachander [Shukra in Indian mythology is the teacher of Asuras and Rakshasas. Let the teacher of asuras protect my eyes. Peethambaram. Bhujou thejo nidhi pathu.. Dhyayeth kavim vanchitha maartha sidhaye. this Kavacham should be read on Fridays. 2 Let the son of Brugu protect my head. Who shines like the white lotus born out of the sea. He is very famous sage and son of Brugu. . who is known to wear garland of beads. Om Siro may Bhargava pathu. srothre may chandana dyuthi. Nabhim braghu sutha pathu. Pathu may nasikaam kavyo. Vachanam chosna pathu. Nethre daithya guru pathu.] Mrunala kundendu payoja suprabham. 3 Let the writer of epics protect my nose. R. And let my neck be protected by the great devotee of Vishnu. Let my face be protected by he who is worshipped by asuras. 1 All desires would get fulfilled by meditating on that poet. And who is a very great individual knowing the meaning of all sasthras. kukshim pathu mano vraja. prasrutha maksha malinam. He who is lustrous like sandal wood. 4 Let my hand be protected by the treasure of light. Let the lord of planets protect my hair. And let my ears be protected by. kandam sri kanda bhakthiman. Who wears yellow silks. Samastha sasthrartha vidhim mahantham. Let my belly be protected by him who is the choice of my mind. If any problems are caused by him or if one wants to earn lots of wealth. Let my words be protected by the hungry one. Baalam pathu grahadhipa.Shukra Kavacham Shukra Kavacham [Protective Armour of Venus) Translated by P. vadanam daithya vanditha. Let my stomach be protected by son of Brughu. And let my middle be protected by the darling of earth. madhyam pathu mahee priya. 6 Let my ankle be protected by treasure of goodness. Thus ends the armour of Venus occurring in Brahmanda Purana. Let my feet be protected by he who grants boons. Sarvanyangani may pathu. ooru may sura poojitha. pathu padhou varam bhara. And let my calf be protected by he who is great among knowledgeable. 7 He who reads this armour with devotion. Na thasya jayathe peeda. Gulphou guna nidhi pathu. Will never get any problems by the grace of son of Brugu. 5 Let my hip be protected by soul of the universe. Let my knees be protected by enemy of sluggishness. Ya idham kavacham patathi sradhyanwitha. Idhi Brahmanda purane Shukra kavacham sampoornam. Janum jadya hara pathu. swarna mala parishkrutha. bhargavasya prasadatha. Let my thigh be protected by him who is worshipped by devas.Katim may pathu viswathma. . jange jnana vatham vara. And let all my limbs be protected by he who wears golden garland. shuklambara dara. karuna Sindhu jnana gamya sutha pradha. 3 He who is son of Bhrugu. Ramachander [Shukra is the planet Venus of modern times. The time when he stays in sixth. shubramsu. He who wears white silks.] Shukra. He who is very neat and he who decorates himself in white. He who is virile like fire. . kavya. Shukraretha. R. He who sings Vedas. he who is as white as Jasmine flowers. Shukla bhooshana. 4 Life. Usana Veda vedanga paraga. Ayur dhanam sukham puthran lakshmim vasathimuthamam. he who dispenses justice. He who does good acts. son and wealth would be with him. Bharghava. He who is like ice. People are requested to chant this stotra during that time. Vidhyam chaiva swayam thasmai shukrasthushto dadathi hi. Himabha kundha dawala. He who is poetic. he who goes by just path. He is the Guru of Asuras. He would be learned and Shukra would be pleased him and give him all he wants. money. pleasure. he who is the sea of mercy. seventh and Tenth house from the moon is slightly troublesome. He who is an expert in Vedas and he who has a poetic soul.Shukra Stotram Shukra Stotram [Prayer to Shukra] Translated by P. he who blesses us with sons. If these names of Shukra are read with him in our mind. 2 He who is just. Neethigno neethi krun meethi marga agami grahadhipa. 1 Shukra. He who ravels towards wisdom. Shukrasyethani namani shukram smruthwa thu ya padeth. kavirathmavidh. He who is the Lord of all planets. sudhee. Of these. He rode a huge chariot driven by Aruna. . Salutations to the primeval God. They gave form to the several aspects of nature and worshipped them. Who rides on chariot with seven horses. Kasypathmajam. He was the son of Sage Kasyapa and Adhithi. Prachandam. R. Salutations to you the creator of day. Prabha kara Namosthu they.Surya Ashtakam Surya Ashtakam [From Samba Puranam] [Told by Samba who is son of Lord Sri Krishna and Jambavati] Translated by P. 2 Saptha aswa radha roodam. he who creates the morn. And who wears the white lotus flower. 3 Lohitham Radha maroodam. Please be kind to me . Swetha padma dharma devam. Praseeda mama Bhaskara. Salutations to you the creator of light. Divakara namasthubhyam. Sarva loka pithamaham. They believed worshipping Sun God would clear off all their sins. This beautiful octet is a prayer addressed to the sun god. 1 Adhi deva Namasthubhyam. Tham suryam pranamamyaham My salutations to the Sun God. they recognized Sun God as the one who is the primeval cause of nature.. The God of death Yama and the planet Saturn were his sons. Who is the son of Sage Kashyapa. Who is the brightest of lights. Ramachander Pantheism has been a very strong part of Hindu relegion. Vayu makasa meva cha. Who is reddish brown in colour. Of air . And who is the lord of all universe. 6 Bandhooka pushpa sankaasam. Tham suryam pranamamyaham My salutations to the Sun God. Eka chakra dharma devam .Maha papa haram devam. Who rides on a chariot. Who is blessed with three fold qualities. fire and ether. And who is the god who kills all the sins 4 Trigunyam cha maha sooram. Prubhustwam sarva lokaanam. Who has created all the worlds. Tham suryam pranamamyaham My salutations to the Sun God. . Tham suryam pranamamyaham My salutations to the Sun God. Who has within himself the great trinity. Who is a greatest of heroes. And who is the god who kills all sins. Brahma Vishnu maheswaram. Hara kundala bhooshitham. 5 Bramhitham teja punjam cha. Tham suryam pranamamyaham My salutations to the Sun God. Maha papaharam devam. Who developed by the sparkling . The sufferings of his house will vanish. he would become wealthy. Who wears ornaments of garlands and ear rings. Phala Sruthi Suryashtakam idham nithyam. Tham suryam pranamamyaham My salutations to the Sun God. 8 Sri Vishnum jagathaam nadam. Aamisham madhu panam cha. Who created all the universe. Who is the lord of peace. Aputhro labhathe puthram. Gruha peeda pranasanam. And if he is poor . . If one recites daily this octet on Sun God. Tham suryam pranamamyaham My salutations to the Sun God. And who is the God who can destroy all sins. Maha papa haram devam.Who is as red as the hibiscus flower. science and salvation. And who is the God who can destoy all sins. 7 Viswesam Viswa karthaaram. Who is the Lord of this world Who showers on us knowledge. And who is the god who has one great Wheel[1]. Jnana Vijnana mokshadham. Maha papa haram devam. Who is the Lord of all universe. Maha Theja pradheepanam. Daridhro dhanavan Bhaveth. If he does not have a son will get one. The one who eats meat . Will never be sick nor sad nor poor. And would be poor from birth to death. Surya lokam sa gachathi. Or drinks alchholic drinks on Sundays. . Woman oil bath ..Ya karothi raver dhine. [1] Chakra is a weapon not the wheel of the cart. Janma janma dharidhratha. Sthree thails madhu maamsani. Na vyadhi soka dharidhryam. Will become sick for seven births. Saptha janma bhaved rogi. One who forsakes on all Sundays. Yasth yejathu raver dhine. meat and drinks. And would reach the land of sun after death. Jagat prasoothi sthithi nasa hethave. And I also salute the God of Gods. I do not know who composed it. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. Ramachander [Hereis a unique prayer not to the sun but the solar system. Which is very wide. 2 May I be protected by the solar universe. Yanmandalam devaganai supoojitham. shines like gems. Though itis called an octet. bhavana mukthi kovidam. Rathnaprabham theevramanadhi roopam. 1 Salutations to the Sun God. R. And destroys sorrows and poverty. Tham deva devam pranamami sooryam. Traayimayaya trigunathma dharine. And who is Vishnu. actually there are eleven stanzas along with anintroductory prayer. . the Sun. Which is praised by Brahmins. upkeep and destruction of the universe. Which is the source of the light. And Which is the cause of salvation.) Nama Savithre jagdekha chakshushe. Who is the soul of the Vedas. Who is the cause of birth.Surya Mandala Ashtakam Surya Mandala Ashtakam [The octet on the Solar Universe] Translated by P. 3 May I be protected by the solar universe. Which is very hot and very ancient. Yanmandalam deepthikaram visalam. possibly this is a uniqueprayer about the Solar system. Which is worshipped by all devas. Though Sun hasbeen worshipped as God by many religions. Shiva and Brahma. Daridrya dukha kshaya karanam cha. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. Virinchi Narayana sankarathmane. Viprai sthutham. Who is eye that sees the entire universe. Jyothischa kuryadiha marthya loke. Which is capable of destroying all diseases. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. And which is the cause of destruction of all sins. * legendary singers of the heaven. And which is the cause of light in earth. these are above the earth. Dharmasya vrudhim kuruthe jananaam. Rik and Sama Vedas. Yath sarva papa kshaya karanam cha. *Among the seven lokas. Yanmandalam gudamathi prabodham. Yanmandalam sarva janeshu poojitham. Yad yogino yoga jusham cha sangha. Which is being sung and praised by Sidhas* and Charanas*. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. Which blesses people with the secret knowledge.Yanmandalm jnanaganam thwagamyam. Which is worshipped in all the three worlds. Which is being praised by experts in Vedas. Which is being praised by Yajur. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. Which is the soul of the three states. 4 May I be protected by the solar universe. And which has the ever shining form in entirety. . Gayanthi yascharana sidha sangha. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. 7 May I be protected by the solar universe. 6 May I be protected by the solar universe. Yanmandalam veda vido vadanthi. Samastha thejo maya divya roopam. Prakasitham yena cha bhoorbhuvaswa. bhuvar* and suvar* lokas. Which is very difficult to reach. And which is meditated upon by Yogis and learners of yoga. Yadrug yaju sama su samprageetham. Trilokhya poojyam trigunathma roopam. 5 May I be protected by the solar universe. Which is filled with wisdom. Of the soul and the concept of Dharma. Yanmandalam vyadhi vinasa daksham. Yanmandalam viswa srujaam prasidham . Sookshmantharai yoga padanugamyam. protection and deluge. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. Which is the cause of birth . Which can be realized by yogis by yogic methods. Will get rid of all his sins and will reach the world of the Sun. 9 May I be protected by the solar universe. Of Vishnu who pervades everywhere. 10 May I be protected by the solar universe. Benefit of recitation The man who reads this holy octet of the solar system. Yanmandalam sarva jagathasya vishno. Yasmin jagath samharethe akhilam cha. And which is the Sun which is worshipped by all Vedas. suya loke maheeyathe. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. . Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. Sarva papa vishudhatma.Yath kala kalpa kshaya karanam cha. 11 May I be protected by the solar universe. Which is the cause of time. Which provides light to the earth of men. Which is the soul and the holy meaning. Which is famous even among progenitors of the universe. Which is being sung by all stanzas of Veda. Yad yoginaam yoga padhanu gamyam. Which is worshipped by all people. Thath sarva vedam pranamami suryam. Yanmandalm Veda padhopageetham. Phala Sruthi Mandalashtakam idham punyam yath padeth sathathan nara. Athmaa param dhama vishudha thathwam. eons and their destruction. Uthpathi raksha pralaya prgathbham. And which can be approached by wise men through yoga. 8 May I be protected by the solar universe. Punathu maam That savithur varenyam. And which is also the cause of destruction of the universe. 4 Victory to him who gives happiness to people. Who daily wakes up the forest of lotus flowers. The branch he learnt is called Shukla Yajur Veda . Mandalamudhitham kundala makhandalasaya. Who is the thilaka to the mountain of sun rise. Prathi boditha kamala vana grutha ghatana chakra vaka midhunaanaam. 1 I salute that rising sun. Who is the dazzling gem stone in the ring of the sky. Which is the relation of forest of lotus and is red like the beak of the parrot.the white Yajur Veda. R. Darsitha samastha bhuvana para hitha niratho ravi sada jayathi.Suryarya Stotram Suryarya Stotram [Prayer to the Gentleman Sun] By Sage Yagnavalkya Translated by P. Lokalokaloka kamalaruna mandala soorya. Who removes darkness of sight by the collection of is rays.] Shuka Thunda cchavisavithuschunda ruche. Who lights the centre point of the horizon. Who is the chief of all planets. who is saluted even by Lord Shiva. Ambara chooda manaye digwanithe karna pooraya 3 I salute that Lord Sun. which is the stud in the ears of the maiden east. Jayathi jayaanda kara kara nikara nirastha thimira sangatha. Whose lotus feet is always touched by the crowns of devas during rising and setting. Ramachander [Sage Yagnavalka was one of the greatest saints of the vedic times. 2 Victory to the Sun who is full of luster. pundareeka vana Bhandho. . Kuruthe anjalim trinethra sa jayathi dhamnam nidhi soorya. Udayachala thilakaya prathosmi vivaswathe gruhesaya. 5 There is always victory to the Sun God. He learnt Yajur veda directly from the sun God while he was traveling by walking back wards. And the ear stud to the lady of directions. Yasyoudayasthamaye sura mukuta nighrushta charana kamalopi. And who is red like the lotus flower. Apanayatrhu sakala kali krutha mala patalam suprathaptha kanaka nabha. Kusumanjaleer iva jaladhou tharanthi radha sapthaya saptha. (Chakra vaka birds) Who sees all the world and is always interested in doing good to others. Like they are daily doing flower worship to it. AArya samba pure saptha aakasath pathitha bhuvi. 9 Victory to the Sun who when rising shines like Gold. 8 Oh God who makes the day.Who brings to together the pair of horizons. Udithavathi thwayi vikasathi mukuleeyathi samastha masthamitha Bimbe. On the day of the seventh phase of the moon. 6 Let the Sun God. And who is the lamp to the courtyard of the open sky. Who is with green horses and who wears green silk cloths. who shines like fan to the mountain of dawn. And whose rays are sufficient to open crowds of lotus flowers. Jayathi ravirudaya samaye balaathapa kanaka sannibho yasya. Who is reddish by the running hoof dust of the green horses of his chariot. Remove all the dirty ills caused to me by the Kali Age. Thasya gehancha dehancha padma sathyam na munchathi. And all the world thus acts as if it is a lotus flower. . And Goddess wealth does never desert him. 7 My salutations to you God. Yasya kande gruhe vaapi na sa lakshmya viyujyathe. 10 This septet has been stuck in the Arya Samba pura in the sky. Haritha haya. When you close down all the world closes like a bud. Aravinda vrunda vighatana patu thara kiranothkara savitha. In whose house this septet is sung or. Udayadri charu chamara haritha haya khura parihitha renu raga. when you open all the world opens and. 11 He who chants this septet in seven different ways. Arya saptha sada yasthu sapthamyam sapthadha japeth. Nahyanyasmin dinakara sakalam kamalayathe bhuvanam. who shines like the molten gold. haritha pari kara gaganangana deepaka Namasthe. And whose seven horses are passing through the sea. Him who wears this septet in his throat. And nothing else known to us is capable of doing this. A great medicine for those who are sick. Would lead to victory in everything that is attempted. roginaam paramoushadam. Ithi Yagna valkya virachitham.Would find that goddess of wealth never deserts his home. And it is known that singing of this. 12 This is a treasure to the poor people. Sooryarya stotram sampoornam. Written by sage Yagna valkya. Thus ends the prayer to the Genteman Sun. Nidhiresha daridranaam. Sidhim sakala karyaanam gadheyam samsmrutha rave. .
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