Feb 14, 2011GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page i Table of Contents Revision History Generator Info 3 3 2 Global Parameters Introduction 4 Terminology Definitions Layer Descriptions 6 5 Table 1: Device Layers 6 7 8 Table 2: Interconnect Layers Table 3: DRC/LVS Marker/Label Layers Device Layer Table 9 9 9 10 Table 4: MOS Device Layers Table 5: Diode Device Layers Table 6: Resistor Device Layers Table 7: Bipolar and Varactor Device Layers Device Layout Examples 12 15 15 11 CMOS Digital Core Design Rules N BURIED LAYER RULES NWELL AND NWELL RESISTOR (under STI) RULES NWELL RESISTOR WITHIN OXIDE RULES 19 17 Figure 1: NWELL RESISTOR WITHIN OXIDE RULES ACTIVE RULES 21 23 19 ACTIVE RESISTOR RULES (salicided/non-salicided) THICK ACTIVE (2.5V) RULES N+ HIGH VT RULES P+ HIGH VT RULES 27 28 29 25 NATIVE NMOS ACTIVE RULES revision 4.6 Feb 14, 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page ii ...contents... POLY RULES 30 34 POLY RESISTOR RULES (salicided/non-salicided) N+ IMPLANT RULES P+ IMPLANT RULES CONTACT RULES 36 38 40 43 SALICIDE BLOCKING RULES METAL 1 RULES 44 METAL k (k = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) RULES METAL k (k = 8, 9) RULES 46 54 45 VIA k (k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) RULES VIA 7, 8 RULES 55 58 LATCH-UP RULES METAL k (k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) SLOT RULES 59 59 Metal1-9 Slot Spacing Check & Width Check - with context Metal1-9/Metal1-9 Slot Enclosure Check ANTENNA RULES CMOS I/O Design Rules ESD Design Rules 61 83 83 86 93 60 Bond Pad Design Rules CMOS Digital Electrical Parameters Sheet Resistances 93 93 Contact/Via Resistances Current Densities 94 Contact/Via Current Densities Layer and Dielectric Thickness DF2 Layer Tables 98 94 95 revision 4.6 Feb 14, 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page iii ...contents DF2 Layer Purposes Tables Connectivity Definition Appendix A Appendix B A1 B1 100 99 revision 4.6 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 1 Cadence Design Systems GPDK 90 nm Mixed Signal GPDK Spec DISCLAIMER The information contained herein is provided by Cadence on an "AS IS" basis without any warranty. chemical.Feb 14. manual. Cadence reserves the right to make changes in the information at any time and without notice. mechanical. without limitation. in any form or by any means. transmitted.6 . revision 4. including. optical. magnetic. whether express. This information was prepared for informational purpose and is for use by Cadence customers only. or otherwise. STATEMENT OF USE This information contains confidential and proprietary information of Cadence. Cadence disclaims any representation that the information does not infringe any intellectual property rights or proprietary rights of any third parties. No part of this information may be reproduced. transcribed. and Cadence has no obligation to support or otherwise maintain the information. or translated into any human or computer language. There are no other warranties given by Cadence. stored in a retrieval system. implied or statutory. electronic. implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. without the prior written permission of Cadence. Modified assura deck to stop multiple errors in metal spacing (704367) .29 release code .13 release code .prBoundary is no more valid layer (744956) .3.10.Fixed callback issue in MOS.SP.1 and POLY.10.gpdk090 CDB library built natively with IC5.127.Resistor contact resistance set to zero to avoid double counting in RCX . revision 4.24) to have same value as POLYR.Modified CDL netlist of nmos1v_iso to have empty subcircuit (680369) .Added must connect group for pcell body tie pins (CCR 609600) Custom Filter file is also added in library for ADEXL usage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION v4.500.Fixed DRC issue in Metal resistors for Metalk.Removed extraneous subckt parameters from mimcap spectre model .modified soce_gds.L.Feb 14.mos callback modified to handle the string values properly (789994) .min width rule for VIA1 has been added to techfile (721963) .MOSCAP faced following DRC errors OXIDE.127.Added siteDef samples to techfile (626779) . Modified max value of length and width from 30u to 20u .gpdk090 OA22 library built natively with IC6.2 .1 (0.1.Removed cdsenv and added it in libInitCustomExit.MOS also faced issue in OXIDE. which was issue in fingers (646535) .5 release code ..Updated Circuit prospector entries in libInitCustomExit.6 file based on peider’s input (811750) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION v4.41_USR6. Modified the callback of MOS to handle the issue and reset value of length to 21.69 release code .Changed PRboundary stream layer mapping (62 to 99) (671980) .SE.6 rules .1.gpdk090 OA22 library built natively with IC6.SE.90. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 2 DRC Revision History Revision History RELEASE NOTES FOR THE 90nm GPDK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION v4.Added model management file in library to avoid clobber in modelfile set-up (637962) ..5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.Updated cph.gpdk090 OA22 library built natively with IC6. now src/drn metal stretch for nf>10 . if width is less than 0.3.PWdummy is added as pwell function in techfile (669825) .41_USR6.5.500.3.Modified SIPROT.Modified assura/diva ruledeck not to show error in NWELL RES for NW.gpdk090 CDB library built natively with IC5.gpdk090 CDB library built natively with IC5.SP.substrate key added to M1_PSUB in techfile (744957) .Updated ijth settings in MOS models to remove extraneous warnings .il (CCR 605869) .L.Removed extraneous subckt parameters from diode spectre model .29 release code .Updated Assura compare rules for CDL netlister (CCR 607542) .Fixed stretch handles issues.68.SE.25 to 0.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.41_USR5.1 Also modified the assura/diva DRC ruledeck (704362) .1.1.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.1 release code .Added bulk terminals to be ignored and added more sim parameters to ignore in LAM file to avoid mismatch messages (693841) .18u .lam file to ignore 4 term device attributes (744967) . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 3 Generator Info Generator Information Sample runset for 90 nm technology Default Grid: 0.6 .005 Valid Angle: 45 Flag Acute: true Flag Self-intersecting: true Global Parameters Global Parameters libName gpdk090 Primitive Library Name revision 4.Feb 14. revision 4.Feb 14. etc. enclosures. * CMOS I/O Design Rules describes the widths.6 . etc. needed to create the physical layout of the I/O section of a CMOS design. overlaps. overlaps. enclosures. foundary independent 90nm CMOS Mixed-Signal process. spacings. spacings. * CMOS Digital Electrical Parameters describes the electrical parameters of a digital CMOS design. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 4 Introduction This document defines the Design Rules and Electrical Parameters for a generic. This document is divided into three sections: * CMOS Digital Core Design Rules describes the widths. needed to create the physical layout of the core section of a digital CMOS design. revision 4. Butting .6 . Enclosure .distance from the inside of the edge of a shape to the outside of the edge of another shape.Feb 14.distance from the inside of the edge of a shape to the inside of the edge of another shape.outside of the edge of a shape touching the outside of the edge of another shape. Overlap .distance from the outside of the edge of a shape to the outside of the edge of another shape. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 5 Terminology Definitions Spacing . Comment Table Layer GDSII Name Stream Number Bondpad 36 CapMetal 14 Nburied 19 Nhvt 18 Nimp 4 Nwell 2 Nzvt 52 Oxide 1 Oxide_thk 24 Phvt 23 Pimp 5 Poly 3 SiProt 72 GDSII DFII Data LSW Type Name 0 Bondpad 0 CapMetal 0 Nburied 0 Nhvt 0 Nimp 0 Nwell 0 Nzvt 0 Oxide 0 Oxide_thk 0 Phvt 0 Pimp 0 Poly 0 SiProt DFII Layer Name Bondpad CapMetal Nburied Nhvt Nimp Nwell Nzvt Oxide Oxide_thk Phvt Pimp Poly SiProt DFII Layer Purpose drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing DFII Layer Number 95 97 18 11 12 6 15 2 4 13 14 10 16 DFII Purpose Number 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 Description Bonding Pad MiM capacitor metal N+ Buried Layer NMOS High Vt N+ Implant Nwell NMOS Zero Vt Active Area 2.5V Active Area PMOS High Vt P+ Implant Poly Salicide Block Table 1: Device Layers revision 4.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 6 Layer Descriptions This table describes the layers used to create devices.Feb 14. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 7 This table describes the layers used to interconnect devices.Feb 14. Comment Table Layer GDSII Name Stream Number Cont 6 Metal1 7 Metal1_slot 7 Metal2 9 Metal2_slot 9 Metal3 11 Metal3_slot 11 Metal4 31 Metal4_slot 31 Metal5 33 Metal5_slot 33 Metal6 35 Metal6_slot 35 Metal7 38 Metal7_slot 38 Metal8 40 Metal8_slot 40 Metal9 42 Metal9_slot 42 Via1 8 Via2 10 Via3 30 Via4 32 Via5 34 Via6 37 Via7 39 Via8 41 GDSII DFII Data LSW Type Name 0 Cont 0 Metal1 2 M1_slot 0 Metal2 2 M2_slot 0 Metal3 2 M3_slot 0 Metal4 2 M4_slot 0 Metal5 2 M5_slot 0 Metal6 2 M6_slot 0 Metal7 2 M7_slot 0 Metal8 2 M8_slot 0 Metal9 2 M9_slot 0 Via1 0 Via2 0 Via3 0 Via4 0 Via5 0 Via6 0 Via7 0 Via8 DFII Layer Name Cont Metal1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal2 Metal3 Metal3 Metal4 Metal4 Metal5 Metal5 Metal6 Metal6 Metal7 Metal7 Metal8 Metal8 Metal9 Metal9 Via1 Via2 Via3 Via4 Via5 Via6 Via7 Via8 DFII Layer Purpose drawing drawing slot drawing slot drawing slot drawing slot drawing slot drawing slot drawing slot drawing slot drawing slot drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing DFII Layer Number 20 30 30 34 34 38 38 42 42 46 46 50 50 54 54 58 58 62 62 32 36 38 44 48 52 54 60 DFII Purpose Number 252 252 1 252 1 252 1 252 1 252 1 252 1 252 1 252 1 252 1 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 Description Metal Contact to Oxide/Poly 1st Metal for interconnect 1st Metal stress relief 2nd Metal for interconnect 2nd Metal stress relief 3rd Metal for interconnect 3rd Metal stress relief 4th Metal for interconnect 4th Metal stress relief 5th Metal for interconnect 5th Metal stress relief 6th Metal for interconnect 6th Metal stress relief 7th Metal for interconnect 7th Metal stress relief 8th Metal for interconnect 8th Metal stress relief 9th Metal for interconnect 9th Metal stress relief Via between 1st and 2nd Metal Via between 2nd and 3rd Metal Via between 3rd and 4th Metal Via between 4th and 5th Metal Via between 5th and 6th Metal Via between 6th and 7th Metal Via between 7th and 8th Metal Via between 8th and 9th Metal Table 2: Interconnect Layers revision 4.6 . Comment Table Layer GDSII Name Stream Number BJTdum 15 VPNP2dum 60 VPNP5dum 61 VPNP10dum 62 Capdum 12 Cap3dum 84 DIOdummy 22 INDdummy 16 IND2dummy 17 IND3dummy 70 ESDdummy 74 Metal1_text Metal2_text Metal3_text Metal4_text Metal5_text Metal6_text Metal7_text Metal8_text Metal9_text NPNdummy PNPdummy Psub Resdum ResWdum text 7 9 11 31 33 35 38 40 42 20 21 25 13 71 63 GDSII DFII Data LSW Type Name 0 BJTdum 0 VPNP2dum 0 VPNP5dum 0 VPNP10dum 0 Capdum 0 Cap3dum 0 DIOdum 0 INDdum 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 IND2dum IND3dum ESDdum Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 NPNdum PNPdum Psub Resdum ResWdum text DFII Layer Name BJTdum VPNP2dum VPNP5dum VPNP10dum Capdum Cap3dum DIOdummy INDdummy DFII Layer Purpose drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing DFII Layer Number 92 108 109 110 96 93 82 90 DFII Purpose Number 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 Description IND2dummy drawing 88 IND3dummy drawing 114 ESDdummy drawing 115 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 NPNdummy PNPdummy Psub Resdum ResWdum text drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 86 84 80 drawing 94 drawing 98 drawing 230 Marks BJT emitters Marks BJT vpnp2 Marks BJT vpnp5 Marks BJT vpnp10 Marks capacitors Marks capacitors 3 term Marks diodes Marks inductor terminal Marks inductor terminal Marks inductor terminal Marks ESD and I/O devices Labels Metal1 nodes Labels Metal2 nodes Labels Metal3 nodes Labels Metal4 nodes Labels Metal5 nodes Labels Metal6 nodes Labels Metal7 nodes Labels Metal8 nodes Labels Metal9 nodes Marks NPN devices Marks PNP devices Marks seperate substrate areas Marks Poly/Oxide resistor area Marks Nwell resistor area Text for information Table 3: DRC/LVS Marker/Label Layers revision 4. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 8 This table describes the layers used to mark/label shapes for DRC and/or LVS.Feb 14..6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 9 Device Layer Table This table describes the layers used in each device.2V) Nburied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nwell 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Oxide 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oxide_thk 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Poly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nimp 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Pimp 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Nzvt 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Nhvt 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Phvt 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 SiProt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Native NMOS (2.2V) (1.2V) (1.5V) 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Table 4: MOS Device Layers Comment Table N+/PW Diode Nburied 0 Nwell 0 Oxide 1 Oxide_thk 0 Poly 0 Nimp 1 Pimp 0 Nzvt 0 Nhvt 0 Phvt 0 SiProt 0 P+/NW Diode 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Table 5: Diode Device Layers revision 4.5V) (2.5V) NMOS (1.2V) (2.6 .2V) (1.Feb 14. 0: the layer must not touch the device structure 1: the layer must enclose or straddle the device structure -: the layer may either enclose or avoid the device structure Comment Table NMOS PMOS LP NMOS LP PMOS NMOS PMOS Native (1. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 10 Comment Table Salicided Salicided Salicided Salicided NonNonN+ Poly P+ Poly N+ Oxide P+ Oxide Salicided Salicided Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor N+ Poly P+ Poly Resistor Resistor Nburied 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nwell 0 1 Oxide 0 0 1 1 0 0 Oxide_thk 0 0 0 0 0 0 Poly 1 1 0 0 1 1 Nimp 1 0 1 0 1 0 Pimp 0 1 0 1 0 1 Nzvt 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nhvt 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phvt 0 0 0 0 0 0 SiProt 0 0 0 0 1 1 Comment Table Nwell in Oxide Resistor Nburied 0 Nwell 1 Oxide 1 Oxide_thk 0 Poly 0 Nimp 1 Pimp 0 Nzvt 0 Nhvt 0 Phvt 0 SiProt 1 NonSalicided N+ Oxide Resistor 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 NonSalicided P+ Oxide Resistor 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Nwell in STI Resistor 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Table 6: Resistor Device Layers revision 4.6 .Feb 14. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 11 Comment Table SPNP VNPN Varactor (NMOSCAP) Nburied 0 1 0 Nwell 1 1 1 Oxide 1 1 1 Oxide_thk 0 0 0 Poly 0 0 1 Nimp 1 1 1 Pimp 1 1 0 Nzvt 0 0 0 Nhvt 0 0 0 Phvt 0 0 0 SiProt 0 0 0 Table 7: Bipolar and Varactor Device Layers revision 4.Feb 14.6 . 5V Native NMOS Nwell Phvt Cont 1.Feb 14.5V NMOS 1.2V LP PMOS 2.2V Native NMOS Poly Nimp Pimp Nzvt Nhvt 2.2V NMOS 2. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 12 Device Layout Examples Nburied Nwell Oxide Oxide_thk 1.2V LP NMOS 1.6 .2V PMOS 1.5V PMOS PNPdummy NPNdummy Substrate PNP Vertical NPN revision 4. Feb 14. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 13 Resdum Resdum Nburied Nwell Salicided N+ Poly Resistor Non-Salicided N+ Poly Resistor Oxide Poly Nimp Resdum Resdum Salicided P+ Poly Resistor Non-Salicided P+ Poly Resistor Pimp Nzvt Resdum Resdum Nhvt Phvt Salicided N+ Oxide Resistor Non-Salicided N+ Oxide Resistor Cont SiProt Resdum Resdum Salicided P+ Oxide Resistor Non-Salicided P+ Oxide Resistor ResWdum ResWdum Nwell in STI Resistor Nwell in OD Resistor revision 4.6 . Feb 14.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 14 DIOdummy DIOdummy Nburied Nwell N+/PW Diode P+/NW Diode Poly Nimp Pimp Nzvt Nhvt Phvt Cont SiProt Oxide revision 4. E.6 . NBL.SE.4 Minimum Nburied to Nwell enclosure.3 0.4 Minimum Nwell ring (on Nburied) to N+ Active Area spacing.SE. NBL.4 revision 4.1 4.2 Minimum Nburied to Oxide spacing.Feb 14.SE.SE.4 Minimum Nburied to non-related Nwell spacing.1 Nburied 2.5 Minimum Nwell ring (on Nburied) to P+ Active Area spacing.1 Nburied Nburied Nwell 4.1 3. NBL. NBL. NBL.3 Nburied Nwell Nimp Oxide 0.1 Nburied Nwell 0.X.0 diffNet NBL. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 15 CMOS Digital Core Design Rules N BURIED LAYER RULES Comment LAYER N BURIEDTable RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) NBL.SE.4 NBL.SE.2 NBL.4 NBL.E.2 Minimum Nburied width.SP.W.2 NBL.1 5.0 Minimum Nburied to Nburied spacing (different potential). NBL.1 0.2 Oxide Nburied Nwell Pimp Oxide 0.5 NBL.SP.SE. NBL.SE.1 Nburied 5.1 --Nwell must form isolation rings on Nburied Nburied 3.4 NBL.2 2.W.4 0. Feb 14.6 .1 revision 4. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 16 N BURIED LAYER RULES (continued) bulk rule_NBL_X_1 error NBL.X. Nwell 0.2 Pimp Oxide Nimp Nwell 0.3 NW.5 NW. For STI Nwell resistors. NW.SP.W. Nwell resistor is defined by the intersection of Nwell and ResWdum for DRC and LVS.E.SE.3 0.12 Minimum Nwell enclosure of P+ Active Area.6 NW.3 NW.3 Minimum Nwell spacing to N+ Active Area. NW.2 NW.E. NW.2 nwellres 1.4 Nwell Pimp Oxide_thk Oxide revision 4.2 NW.4 0.4 0.SE. NW.SP. NW. the ResWdum shape must butt the N+ Oxide on both ends of Nwell the resistor and the ResWdum shape must be coincident or extend beyond the Nwell edges along the length of the Nwell resistor.1 0.5 Minimum Nwell spacing to P+ 2.2 0.SP.3 0.SP.7 Minimum Nwell enclosure of N+ 2.1 1.6 Minimum Nwell spacing to Nwell (same potential).2 0.7 Minimum Nwell enclosure of P+ 2.SE.1 0.SE.2 nwellres Nimp Nwell Oxide 0.3 Oxide_thk Oxide 0.Feb 14.6 sameNet NW.5V Active Area. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 17 NWELL AND NWELL RESISTOR (under STI) RULES Comment Table NWELL AND NWELL RESISTOR (under STI) RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) NW.1 Nwell 0.5V Active Area.6 Minimum Nwell width.W.E.SE.SE. NW.2 Minimum Nwell spacing to Nwell (different potential).SP.12 Minimum Nwell enclosure of N+ Active Area.3 Minimum Nwell spacing to P+ Active Area.5V Active Area.E. NW.SE. NW.5 NW.5 Minimum Nwell spacing to N+ 2.2 1.6 .1 0. NW.SE. NW.2 diffNet NW.1 0.2 nwell_conn 1.1 nwell_conn 0.SP.5V Active Area. 2 Nwell Nimp Oxide_thk Oxide 0.6 .7 shielded NW.E.4 revision 4.E.1 Oxide Pimp Oxide 0.7 shielded NW.E.E.12 NW.12 NW.Feb 14.3 Nwell Pimp Oxide_thk Oxide 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 18 NWELL AND NWELL RESISTOR (under STI) RULES (continued) ! nwell_in_od_res Nwell Nimp Nwell 0. Feb 14.O.1 1. NWR.SE.1 NWR.1 1. the ResWdum shape must butt the Nimp on both ends of the Nwell resistor and the ResWdum shape must be coincident or extend beyond the Nwell edges along the length of the Nwell resistor.1 0. NWR.E.25 Minimum Resist Protect Oxide to Oxide enclosure.O.32 Minimum salicided Nwell to Contact enclosure.3 0.SE.2 Minimum Active Area to Nwell (in resistor) enclosure. NWR.1 --Thick Oxide is NOT allowed over Nwell resistor.2 NWR.6 .SE.X.1 0.32 NWR. Oxide nwell_in_od_res 1.2 nwell_in_od_res 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 19 NWELL RESISTOR WITHIN OXIDE RULES Comment Table NWELL RESISTOR WITHIN OXIDE RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) NWR.32 NWR. For Nwell resistor within Oxide.1 SiProt revision 4. NWR.E.2 NWR.E.2 Minimum Nwell resistor to other Nwell spacing.45 Minimum N+ Implant to Resist Protect Oxide overlap.32 Minimum Resist Protect Oxide to Nwell spacing.E. SiProt Oxide Nimp Nwell ResWdum NWR.E.1 nwell_in_od_res Cont 0.1 NWR.SP.3 SIPROT. NWR.E. NWR.2 0.E.E.1 Nimp NWR.SE.1 Figure 1: NWELL RESISTOR WITHIN OXIDE RULES Nwell resistor in Oxide is defined by the intersection of Nwell and Resdum for DRC and LVS. O. Oxide_thk error NWR.SP.X.Feb 14. SiProt/Nimp Overlap Check .E.1 0.SP.with context macro $layer1 $dt_Nimp $value1 $id1 Macro Table $layer1 siprot_in_nwell_res $dt_Nimp $id1 $value1 Nimp NWR.3 .2.Covered by NW.1 .1.6 .Covered by SIPROT.1 NWR. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 20 NWELL RESISTOR WITHIN OXIDE RULES (continued) nwell_in_od_res NWR.45 um revision 4.E.45 $message1 SiProt to Nimp overlap must be >= 0. 1.A.2.1 22.2 0. Maximum Oxide length between one contact and the end of the Oxide line when the Oxide width is <= 0.2. Minimum 2.W.5V P-channel gate width. Minimum area fpr Active Area. Minimum 1.2 Poly Pimp ! Oxide_thk Oxide 0. Minimum P+ Active Area to P+ Active Area spacing.18 OXIDE.2.2.3 0.12 OXIDE.2.SE.18um.12 OXIDE.W.W.5V N-channel gate width.EA.2 0.0 --Description Minimum Active Area width.15 OXIDE.W. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 21 ACTIVE RULES Comment Table ACTIVE RULES Rule Value Name (um) OXIDE. Minimum Active Area bent 45 degrees to Active Area spacing.15 OXIDE.2.SP.2V N-channel gate width.W.2 OXIDE.15 OXIDE.1 0.L.SP.L.2 0. Oxide 0.W.0 OXIDE.2V P-channel gate width.Feb 14.13 OXIDE.1 Poly 0.1.1 Pimp Oxide_thk Oxide Poly 0.15 OXIDE.15 OXIDE.1 Nimp ! Oxide_thk Oxide Poly Nimp Oxide_thk Oxide 0. Oxide must be covered by N+ Implant or P+ Implant or Nzvt or Salicide Block.3 0.18um. Minimum 1.06 OXIDE.2.1 OXIDE.X.1 OXIDE.4 0.W.2.2.15 OXIDE.1 0.1 OXIDE.1 11.12 OXIDE.6 .1 0.2. Minimum Active Area bent 45 degrees width.2 revision 4.1 0. Minimum Active Area to Thick Active Area spacing.1.W.1 0.W. Minimum N+ Active Area to N+ Active Area spacing.W.1 0.1 0.2.15 OXIDE.W. Minimum N+ Active Area to P+ Active Area spacing.1.2.12 OXIDE.SP. Minimum 2.28 OXIDE.SP. Minimum Active Area enclosed area ("donut" hole surrounded by Active Area). Maximum Oxide length between two contacts when the Oxide width is <= 0. 06 OXIDE.1 bulk rule_OXIDE_L_1_L_2 error OXIDE.A.SP.3 Oxide Oxide Oxide 0.3 Nimp Oxide 0.L.1 Oxide_thk 0.28 shielded OXIDE.2 Pimp Oxide Oxide Pimp Nimp Oxide 0.15 OXIDE.2 ! SiProt ! Nzvt ! Pimp ! Nimp Oxide error OXIDE.4 Oxide area >= 0.SP.15 OXIDE.1 Nimp Oxide Pimp Oxide 0.13 OXIDE.Feb 14.10 OXIDE.EA.1 Oxide area >= 0.6 .W.SP.SE.1 revision 4.15 OXIDE.X.L.SP. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 22 ACTIVE RULES (continued) Oxide 0.18 OXIDE.1_OXIDE. 1.2 Pimp revision 4.0 Minimum suggested Active resistor length.2 1.25 Minimum Salicide Block to Active resistor enclosure.W.1 0.1 oxide_in_res SiProt Cont 0. OXIDER. OXIDER.L. switch !SUGGESTED_CHECK resdum_sz oxide_in_res 0.3 OXIDER.1 8.1 --Active resistors must have N+ or P+ Implant.SE.SE.W. OXIDER.6 .24 Minimum Salicide Block to Contact spacing.Feb 14.1 switch SUGGESTED_CHECK resdum_sz oxide_in_res 1.W.1 0. For salicided Oxide resistors.1.1 oxide_in_res 0.SE. OXIDER.E.1.5 OXIDER.SE. the Resdum shape must be coincident with the edges of the Siprot that crosses the width of the Oxide resistor and the Resdum shape must be coincident or extend beyond the Oxide edges along the length of the Oxide resistor.2 0. Active resistor is defined by the intersection of Oxide and Resdum for DRC and LVS.2 switch SUGGESTED_CHECK oxide_in_res resdum_sz 8.1. OXIDER.SE.2 Minimum Active resistor width. OXIDER.24 OXIDER.5 Minimum suggested Active resistor width. the Resdum shape must butt the contacts on both ends of Oxide the resistor and the Resdum shape must be coincident or extend beyond the Oxide edges along the length of the Oxide resistor.L.0 OXIDER. For non-salicided Oxide resistors.3 Minimum Active resistor to N+ or P+ Implant spacing.2 OXIDER.2 Nimp oxide_in_res 0.3 OXIDER.1 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 23 ACTIVE RESISTOR RULES (salicided/non-salicided) Comment Table ACTIVE RESISTOR RULES (salicided/non-salicided) Rule Value Description Name (um) OXIDER.X.W. Feb 14, 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 24 ACTIVE RESISTOR RULES (continued) SiProt 0.25 OXIDER.E.1 oxide_in_res ! Pimp ! Nimp oxide_in_res error OXIDER.X.1 revision 4.6 Feb 14, 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 25 THICK ACTIVE (2.5V) RULES Comment Table THICK ACTIVE (2.5V) RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) OXIDETHK.W.1 0.7 Minimum Thick Active Area width. OXIDETHK.SP.1 0.35 Minimum Thick Active Area to Thick Active Area spacing. OXIDETHK.SP.2 0.75 Minimum Thick Active Area bent 45 degrees to Thick Active Area spacing. OXIDETHK.SE.1 0.20 Minimum N+ 2.5V Active Area to 2.5V N+ Active Area spacing. OXIDETHK.SE.2 0.20 Minimum P+ 2.5V Active Area to 2.5V P+ Active Area spacing. OXIDETHK.SE.3 0.25 Minimum N+ 2.5V Active Area to 2.5V P+ Active Area spacing. OXIDETHK.SE.4 0.28 Minimum Thick Active Area to Active Area spacing. OXIDETHK.E.1 0.3 Minimum Thick Active Area to Active Area enclosure. OXIDETHK.SE.5 0.34 Minimum Thick Active Area to 1.2V Poly gate spacing. OXIDETHK.E.2 0.36 Minimum Thick Active Area to Thick Poly gate enclosure. Note 1: 2.5V MOS must be defined by Active which is fully enclosed by Thick Active (with 0.0 overlap). Note 2: 1.2V MOS is only defined by Active without any Thick Active. Oxide_thk 0.7 OXIDETHK.W.1 Oxide_thk 0.35 OXIDETHK.SP.1 Oxide_thk Oxide_thk 0.75 OXIDETHK.SP.2 Oxide_thk Nimp Oxide_thk Oxide 0.20 OXIDETHK.SE.1 Oxide Pimp Oxide_thk Oxide 0.20 OXIDETHK.SE.2 Oxide Nimp Oxide_thk Oxide 0.25 OXIDETHK.SE.3 Pimp Oxide OXIDETHK.SE.4 - Covered by OXIDE.SE.1. revision 4.6 Feb 14, 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 26 Thick ACTIVE RULES (continued) Oxide_thk Oxide 0.30 OXIDETHK.E.1 Oxide_thk Oxide 0.34 OXIDETHK.SE.5 Poly Poly Oxide_thk Oxide 0.36 OXIDETHK.E.2 revision 4.6 NHVT.X.3 --Nhvt is NOT allowed on P+ Active. NHVT.X.X. Note 1: Nhvt defines the 1.0 enclosure on all sides).6 .2 --Nhvt is NOT allowed on Nwell.4 --Nhvt is NOT allowed on Nzvt.2 Pimp Oxide Nhvt error NHVT. NHVT.X.Feb 14.4 revision 4.3 Nzvt Nhvt error NHVT.X. bulk rule_NHVT_X_1 error NHVT.2V LP NMOS device.X. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 27 N+ HIGH VT RULES Comment Table N+ HIGH VT RULES RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) NHVT.X.1 Nwell Nhvt error NHVT.X.1 --Nhvt exactly matches the Oxide it is on (0. X.X. PHVT.2V LP PMOS device.4 revision 4.X.3 --Phvt is NOT allowed on N+ Active. PHVT.Feb 14.X.2 --Phvt is NOT allowed outside Nwell.X.X. PHVT.2 Nimp Oxide Phvt error PHVT.6 .0 enclosure on all sides).X.3 Nzvt Phvt error PHVT.4 --Phvt is NOT allowed on Nzvt. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 28 P+ HIGH VT RULES Comment Table P+ HIGH VT RULES RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) PHVT.1 ! Nwell Phvt error PHVT.1 --Phvt exactly matches the Oxide it is on (0. Note 1: Phvt defines the 1.X. bulk rule_PHVT_X_1 error PHVT. NZVT.2 1.28 Minimum Nzvt to Active spacing.L.9 NZVT.2 Minimum Nzvt to Nwell spacing.1 --Nzvt is NOT allowed on Nwell.Covered by NZVT.W.1 Poly Nzvt Oxide 0.SP.3 --P+ Active Area is NOT allowed on Nzvt.7 NZVT.1 0. NZVT.X.1 Nzvt bulk rule_NZVT_O_1 error NZVT.4 NZVT.2 --Bent Poly gates are NOT allowed on Nzvt.SE.3 Minimum and maximum Nzvt to Active Area overlap.DFM 0.22 NZVT. NZVT.3 bulk rule_NZVT_X_4 error NZVT.28 NZVT.1 Oxide Nzvt 1.6 NZVT.DFM Nzvt Pimp Oxide error NZVT.SE..X. NZVT.2 NZVT.4 --Only one Active Area is allowed in an Nzvt region.W.6 .1 0.SP.E..1 Nzvt 0. Nzvt 0. NZVT.E.1 0.9 Minimum Native device Poly gate length.1. NZVT. NZVT.SE.Feb 14.X. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 29 NATIVE NMOS ACTIVE RULES Comment Table NATIVE NMOS ACTIVE RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) NZVT. NZVT.2 Nwell Nzvt Oxide Poly 0.X.1 0.X.SE.1 0.W.2 Oxide Poly 0.1 0.2 outsideOnly NZVT.SE.E.65 Minimum Native device Poly gate width. NZVT.X.L.2 Minimum N+ Poly gate end cap to Native Active Area enclosure.1 Nzvt 0.1. NZVT.2. NZVT.22 Minimum N+ Poly gate end cap to Native Active Area enclosure for DFM.X.6 Minimum Nzvt to Nzvt spacing.7 Minimum Nzvt width. revision 4.2 0.E.Covered by.O.2 . Note 1: Native NMOS is defined by Active which is full enclosed by Nzvt with 0.X. NZVT.1 .65 NZVT.3um enclosure.O.1 Nzvt Oxide Poly switch CHECK_DFM Nzvt 0.W. NZVT. 20 POLY.SE. Minimum area for Poly interconnect.1 0. Minimum Active Area (source/drain) to gate enclosure.5V P-channel gate length.A.SP.SP.4 0.1 POLY.1 POLY. revision 4.DFM 0.1 POLY.W.28 POLY. Bent gate is not allowed.3 0.4 0.18 POLY.SP.3 0.1 0.20 POLY.2 *** POLY.1 0. Minimum Poly interconnect width.2 0.6 POLY.2 0.SE. Minimum 2.E.1 *** POLY.W. Minimum Poly resistor space.6 0.1. Minimum P-channel gate extension beyond Active Area.1 0.5 0.E.D.SP. Minimum N-channel gate extension beyond Active Area. Minimum Poly interconnect space.3 25 POLY.18 POLY.X. Minimum 2.14 POLY.DFM 0.W. Minimum Poly interconnect to related Active Area space. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 30 POLY RULES Comment Table POLY RULES Rule Value Name (um) POLY.2V N-channel gate length.E. Minimum N-channel gate extension beyond Active Area for DFM.3 0.E.W.1 POLY. Minimum P-channel gate extension beyond Active Area for DFM. Bent Poly resistor is not allowed.SP.12 POLY.W.1 POLY. Minimum bent Poly space.6 .18 POLY. Minimum bent Poly width.2.2 0.W.2.5V N-channel gate length.X.12 POLY. Minimum gate space for DFM.22 POLY. Minimum 1.28 POLY. Maximum Poly segment length (width < 0.1 Description Minimum 1.1 50% POLY.2V P-channel gate length.Feb 14.14) between two contacts.E.SE.1 0.2 0.2 POLY. Maximum Poly density across full chip. Minimum gate space.DFM 0. Minimum Poly interconnect to unrelated Active Area space. 28 POLY.1 POLY.1 Pimp Oxide 0.E.W.W.5 Resdum Poly 0.4 Poly ! Oxide 0.3 Poly Poly Poly Nimp Oxide 0.SP.2 Poly Poly Nimp Oxide_thk Oxide 0.3 Pimp Oxide_thk Oxide Poly 0.1 POLY.18 POLY.6 .12 POLY.2 revision 4.W.E.2 Poly ! Oxide Poly 0.SP.12 POLY.18 POLY.SP.W.1 Pimp Oxide 0.1 POLY.1 Poly Poly Oxide 0.W.6 POLY.Feb 14.28 POLY. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 31 POLY RULES (continued) Poly Nimp Oxide 0. DFM revision 4.E.SP.Feb 14.DFM Pimp Oxide 0.6 .20 POLY.2.20 POLY.14 POLY.E.2.DFM Poly Poly Poly Nimp Oxide 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 32 POLY RULES (continued) switch CHECK_DFM Poly Oxide 0.1. 1 POLY. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 33 POLY RULES (continued) Poly Oxide 0.6 .A.22 POLY.1 message: Poly density must be <= 50% bulk rule_POLY_SE_3 error POLY.1 revision 4.SP.2 shielded POLY.SE.18 POLY.3 Poly Poly Poly 0.X.2 switch CHECK_DENSITY Density Poly ratio <= 0.E.1_POLY.3 Poly area >= 0.2 Poly Oxide 0.5 id: POLY.Feb 14.W.6 0.1 Resdum Poly bends==0 POLY.X.4 Poly Oxide bends==0 POLY.SE.D.SE.1 POLY. L.2 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 34 POLY RESISTOR RULES (salicided/non-salicided) Comment Table POLY RESISTOR RULES (salicided/non-salicided) Rule Value Description Name (um) POLYR.E. POLYR.1 0. Poly resistor is defined by the intersection of Poly and Resdum for DRC and LVS. POLYR.5 Minimum suggested Poly resistor width.W. the Resdum shape must butt the contacts on both ends of Poly the resistor and the Resdum shape must be coincident or extend beyond the Poly edges along the length of the Poly resistor.0 POLYR.W.1 0.24 POLYR.15 Minimum P+ Implant to Poly used in resistor enclosure.1.3 Minimum Poly resistor to other Implant spacing.1.E. POLYR.2 Minimum Poly resistor width.W.1 8.2 POLYR. POLYR. the Resdum shape must be coincident with the edges of the Siprot that crosses the width of the Poly resistor and the Resdum shape must be coincident or extend beyond the Poly edges along the length of the Poly resistor.1.E.1 revision 4.0 Minimum suggested Poly resistor length.1 0.2 0.W. POLYR.24 Minimum Salicide Block to Contact spacing.1.2 1.15 Minimum N+ Implant to Poly used in resistor enclosure.SE. For salicided Poly resistors. switch !SUGGESTED_CHECK resdum_sz poly_in_res 0. POLYR.SE.1 --Poly resistors must have N+ or P+ Implant.1 switch SUGGESTED_CHECK resdum_sz poly_in_res 1.1 SiProt Cont 0. POLYR.SE.5 POLYR. For non-salicided Poly resistors.6 .28 Minimum Salicide Block to Poly resistor enclosure. POLYR.2 switch SUGGESTED_CHECK poly_in_res poly_in_res resdum_sz 8.Feb 14.3 0.L.X. E.2 Pimp ! Pimp ! Nimp poly_in_res error POLYR.2 poly_in_res 0.E.15 POLYR.SE.SE.SE.X.3 poly_in_res 0.3 POLYR.1 revision 4.Feb 14.2 Nimp poly_in_res Nzvt 0.6 .1 poly_in_res poly_in_res Nimp 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 35 POLY RESISTOR RULES (continued) SiProt 0.28 POLYR.2 poly_in_res Pimp 0.15 POLYR.3 POLYR.3 outsideOnly POLYR.E. NIMP.18 NIMP.1 ! Oxide Nwell Pimp Oxide Nimp Nwell Oxide 0.02 NIMP.2 0.E. NIMP.4 0.EA.E.02 Minimum N+ Implant to P+ Active Area (substrate tie) spacing.SE.W. NIMP.2 Nimp Oxide Poly 0.18 Minimum N+ Implant to gate side enclosure.Feb 14. NIMP.E.14 Minimum N+ Implant to Active Area enclosure.3 0.16 NIMP.1 0.SE.SE.E.E.O.3 revision 4.SP.1 0.SP.X. NIMP.3 0.16 Minimum N+ Implant to Active Area overlap. NIMP.1 0.1 0.A.SE.1 Nimp 0.O.1 Nimp ! Nwell Oxide Nimp 0.W.E.1 Nimp 0. NIMP. Nimp 0.24 Minimum N+ Implant width.6 . NIMP. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 36 N+ IMPLANT RULES Comment Table N+ IMPLANT RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) NIMP.E.24 NIMP.16 Minimum N+ Implant to P+ Active (inside Nwell) Area spacing.24 NIMP.1 0.16 Minimum N+ Implant ring enclosed area ("donut" hole surrounded by N+ Implant).2 0. NIMP.16 NIMP.02 Minimum N+ Implant to Active Area (Nwell tie) enclosure. NIMP.14 NIMP.18 Minimum N+ Implant to P+ gate side (butted Implant) spacing.1 0.1 Nimp Oxide 0. NIMP.1 0.1 --N+ Implant is NOT allowed over P+ Implant. NIMP.15 Minimum area for N+ Implant.24 Minimum N+ Implant space.18 Minimum N+ to gate (endcap) enclosure. 18 NIMP.SE.15 NIMP.X.EA.18 NIMP.4 Nimp Poly Pimp Oxide 0.A.E.1 Nimp Pimp error NIMP.2 Pimp Oxide Poly Oxide 0.Feb 14.SE. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 37 N+ IMPLANT RULES (continued) ! Nwell ! Oxide Nimp 0.1 revision 4.6 .1 Nimp area >= 0.02 NIMP.16 NIMP.3 Nimp Nimp area >= 0. 1 Pimp Oxide 0. Pimp 0.1 --P+ Implant is NOT allowed over N+ Implant.4 0.A.1 0.18 Minimum P+ Implant to gate side enclosure.18 Minimum P+ Implant to N+ gate side (butted Implant) spacing.SE.3 revision 4.02 Minimum P+ Implant to N+ Active Area (Nwell tie) spacing. PIMP.1 Pimp 0.E.2 Pimp Oxide Poly 0. PIMP.1 0. PIMP.E.1 Pimp 0. PIMP.14 PIMP.2 0.1 0. PIMP.Feb 14.16 PIMP.E.18 PIMP.16 Minimum P+ Implant to Active Area overlap.1 Pimp Nwell Oxide Pimp 0.16 Minimum P+ Implant to N+ Active (outside Nwell) Area spacing.E.O.1 0.16 Minimum P+ Implant ring enclosed area ("donut" hole surrounded by P+ Implant).02 PIMP.X. PIMP.SP.1 ! Oxide ! Nwell Nimp Oxide Pimp ! Nwell Oxide 0. PIMP.SE.SE.1 0.O.6 . PIMP. PIMP.18 Minimum P+ to gate (endcap) enclosure.EA.2 0. PIMP.24 PIMP.3 0.1 0.SE.E.3 0.02 Minimum P+ Implant to Active Area (substrate tie) enclosure.15 Minimum area for P+ Implant.E.W.24 PIMP. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 38 P+ IMPLANT RULES Comment Table P+ IMPLANT RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) PIMP.14 Minimum P+ Implant to Active Area enclosure.24 Minimum P+ Implant width.1 0.16 PIMP.E. PIMP. PIMP.24 Minimum P+ Implant space.SP.W. 18 PIMP.1 PIMP.4 Pimp Poly Nimp Oxide 0.Feb 14. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 39 P+ IMPLANT RULES (continued) Nwell ! Oxide Pimp 0.16 PIMP.2 Nimp Oxide Poly Oxide 0.X.3 Pimp Pimp area >= 0.18 PIMP.1 Pimp area >= 0.1 .15 PIMP.SE.02 PIMP.A.Covered by NIMP. revision 4.6 .X.1.SE.EA.E. 12 CONT.W.14 CONT.2 0.5V gate Contact to Active Area spacing.SE.4 0.2 0.2 CONT.06 CONT.SE.Feb 14. Contact must be covered by Metal1 and Active Area or Poly.16 CONT.3 0.3 ------- Cont 0.DFM 0.2 Cont revision 4. Minimum Contact on 2.E. Minimum Contact on Active Area to gate spacing.3 0.5 0. Minimum Poly to Contact enclosure.14 CONT.1 Cont Cont 0.SE.1 0.SP.SP.12 CONT.1 Cont 0.16 Description Maximum and minimum Contact width/length.12 CONT.5V Active Area to gate spacing for DFM. Minimum 2.SE.2 0. Minimum Poly to Contact enclosure on at least two opposite sides (end of line). Minimum Poly Contact to non-salacided Poly resistor or Active Contact to non-salacided Active resistor spacing.14 CONT.12 CONT.DFM 0.10 CONT. Minimum Contact on Active Area to gate spacing for DFM.E.1 CONT.06 CONT.SP. Active Area Contact on N+/P+ Implant edge is NOT allowed.18um should be considered for array spacing check. Minimum Contact on 2.09 CONT.DFM 0. Minimum Contact to Contact spacing when the Contacts are in a 3x3 or larger array (minimum dimension on one side of array is 3).24 CONT.SE.4 0.5V Active Area to gate spacing. Minimum gate Contact to Active Area spacing for DFM.E.16 array 3x3 halo 0.1 0.1.3.SE.X.E. Contact on gate is NOT allowed. Minimum 2.14 CONT. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 40 CONTACT RULES Comment Table CONTACT RULES Rule Value Name (um) CONT.12 CONT.4.SE.X. Contacts spaced less than 0. Minimum Active Area to Contact enclosure.SE.SP.SE.2.06 CONT.1 0. Minimum Contact to Contact spacing. CONT.5V gate Contact to Active Area spacing for DFM.DFM 0.12x0. Minimum gate Contact to Active Area spacing.04 CONT.14 CONT.W.1 0.6 .X. Minimum N+/P+ Implant on Active Area to Contact enclosure. SE.SE.SE.3 Poly Cont 0.SE.1 Oxide_thk Oxide Cont 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 41 CONTACT RULES (continued) Poly Oxide Cont 0.4 Oxide_thk Oxide switch CHECK_DFM Poly Oxide Cont 0.SE.DFM Poly Oxide Poly Cont 0.Feb 14.10 CONT.SE.12 CONT.16 CONT.DFM Poly Cont 0.2 Poly Oxide Poly Cont 0.SE.DFM Oxide_thk Oxide revision CONT.12 CONT.14 CONT.12 CONT.14 CONT.2.SE.DFM Oxide_thk Oxide Cont 0.6 . SE.3 Nimp Oxide Cont 0.2 ! Poly ! Oxide Cont error CONT.2 Poly Cont 0.E.06 oppSides CONT.06 CONT.SE.E.Feb 14. Poly Oxide Cont error CONT.E.06 CONT.3 revision 4.04 CONT.X.6 .X.2 Oxide Pimp Cont segment < 0.1 Poly Cont 0.E. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 42 CONTACT RULES (continued) Oxide Cont 0.005 CONT.06 CONT.5 .1.Covered by SIPROT.005 CONT.1 Nimp Oxide Cont segment < 0.4 Pimp Oxide Cont 0.E.X.X.4 CONT. 24 SIPROT.1 1.2 SIPROT.A.25 shielded SIPROT.1 SiProt 0.1 0.3 SiProt ! Resdum Oxide 0.6 .1 SiProt SiProt 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 43 SALICIDE BLOCKING RULES Comment BLOCKING RULES SALICIDE Table Rule Value Description Name (um) SIPROT. SIPROT.44 Minimum Salicide Block to gate spacing.2 Oxide Oxide Poly SiProt 0.2 SIPROT.SE.2 Minimum Salicide Block enclosed area ("donut" hole surrounded by Salicide Block).E.2 0.1 0.24 Minimum Salicide Block to unrelated Active Area spacing. SIPROT. SIPROT.3 0.35 SIPROT.E.E.44 SIPROT.Feb 14.SE.A.44 SIPROT.EA.1 0.1 0.SE. SIPROT. SIPROT.1 SiProt Oxide ! Oxide 0.4 Poly revision 4.28 Minimum Salicide Block to Poly (on field) enclosure.1 SiProt 0.SE.SE.E.3 0.25 Minimum Salicide Block to Active Area enclosure.2 0.2 Minimum Salicide Block area. SIPROT.E.SE. SiProt 0.44 Minimum Salicide Block space.E.24 Minimum Salicide Block to Contact spacing.1 1.W.44 SIPROT.1 SiProt area >= 1.EA.24 SIPROT.SE. SIPROT.SP. SIPROT.44 Minimum Salicide Block width.1 Cont SiProt 0.W.35 Minimum Salicide Block to Poly (on field) spacing. SIPROT.28 SIPROT.24 SIPROT.4 0.3 ! Oxide SiProt area >= 1. SIPROT.SP.24 Minimum Active Area to Salicide Block enclosure.SE.2 SiProt Poly 0. 0.0 METAL1.1.SP.18 one metal width > 0.6 .E.1 0.5 and parallel length > 4.Feb 14.14 Minimum bent Metal 1 (45 degree angle) width.W.1 > 20% Metal 1 Density range over any 120um x 120um area (checked by stepping < 65% in 60um increments).2 < 60% Maximum Metal 1 density over any 600um x 600um area (checked by stepping in 300um increments).2 12. METAL1. METAL1.W. METAL1.90 one metal width > 3. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 44 METAL 1 RULES Comment Table METAL 1 RULES Rule Value Name (um) METAL1.5 and parallel length > 1.1.1 0.1 0. Minimum Metal 1 to Metal 1 spacing.18 and parallel length > 0. revision 4.50 one metal width > 1.SP.06 Minimum Metal 1 to Contact enclsoure on two opposite sides of the Contact.W.D.1. METAL1.07 Minimum Metal1 area.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.6 2. Minimum Metal 1 to Metal 1 spacing if: METAL1.16 Minimum bent Metal 1 (45 degree angle) space.56. METAL1.00 Minimum Metal 1 to Contact enclosure. METAL1. METAL1. METAL1.12 Description Minimum Metal 1 width.1.SP.A.1.5.5 1.1.5 and parallel length > 7.0 and parallel length > 3.50 one metal width > 4.12 METAL1.D.50 one metal width > 7.3 0.3 0.5. METAL1.1 0.SP.SP.SP. METAL1. METAL1. Maximum Metal 1 width.L. METAL1.SP.E.5.2 0.18 Minimum bent Metal 1 (45 degree angle) length. METALk.5.5 and parallel length > 1. METALk.A.5 and parallel length > 4.14 Minimum Metal k to Metal k spacing.6 .1 > 20% Metal k Density range over any 120um x 120um area (checked by stepping < 65% in 60um increments).L.SP.2 12. METALk. 4. METALk.20 one Metal k width > 0. 4.4 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 45 METAL k (k = 2. METALk.18 Minimum bent Metal k (45 degree angle) space.SP.0.0 Maximum Metal k width.SP.5 and parallel length > 7.1 0. METALk.D.50 one Metal k width > 7.1 0.SP. METAL k (Table 3.W.SP.1.56.1. 5.W.20 Minimum bent Metal k (45 degree angle) length.3 0.1 0. 7) RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) METALk.D.5. METALk.2 < 60% Maximum Metal k density over any 600um x 600um area (checked by stepping in 300um increments). METALk.Feb 14. 6. METALk.5.50 one Metal k width > 4.2 0.1.14 Minimum Metal k width.3 0. 5.1 0.90 one Metal k width > 3.16 Minimum bent Metal k (45 degree angle) width. METALk.08 Minimum Metal k area. METALk.1 0.1.06 Minimum Metal k enclosure of Via k-1on at least two opposite sides. METALk.E.2 0. revision 4. 6.20 and parallel length > 0.5 1.005 Minimum Metal k enclosure of Via k-1.1. METALk.2 0.6 2.SP.W. METALk.E.1.50 one Metal k width > 1.0 and parallel length > 3. 3. 7) RULES Comment k = 2.SP. Minimum Metal k to Metal k spacing if: METALk. SP.W. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 46 METAL k (k = 8.E. METALk.50. METALk. METALk. METALk.SP.00 and parallel length > 3.1.5. Minimum Metal k to Metal k spacing if: METALk. 9) RULES Comment Table METAL k (k = 8.50 one Metal k width > 4.50 and parallel length > 1.00.A.50.2 < 60% Maximum Metal k density over any 600um x 600um area (checked by stepping in 300um increments).40 Minimum Metal k to Metal k spacing.1.D.90 one Metal k width > 3. 9) RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) METALk.50 one Metal k width > 7. revision 4.50 one Metal k width > 1.SP.50 and parallel length > 4.SP.2 0.1 Minimum Metal k overlap of Via k-1 on at least two opposite sides.6 .1 > 20% Metal k Density range over any 120um x 120um area (checked by stepping < 65% in 60um increments).2 0.4 1.1.2 12.44 Minimum Metal k width. METALk.E.Feb 14. METALk. METALk.20 Minimum Metal k area. METALk. METALk.05 Minimum Metal k overlap of Via k-1.SP.5 2.1 0.1.1 0.1 0.5 and parallel length > 7.3 0.0 Maximum Metal k width.W.D.1 0.1. METALk. 6 .005 insideOnly $id1 $layer1 $layer2 0.1 METAL7.2 METAL5.E.E.2 METAL6.2 $layer2 0.E.E.E.2 $layer1 $layer2 0.Feb 14.E.E.06 oppSides METAL1.E.2 METAL4.2 Metal9 metal9_conn Via8 METAL9.1 METAL2.E.E. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 47 METAL RULES (continued) ! metal1_conn Cont error METAL1.1 METAL4.E.2 macro Macro Table $name1 $layer1 Metal2 metal2_conn Metal3 metal3_conn Metal4 metal4_conn Metal5 metal5_conn Metal6 metal6_conn Metal7 metal7_conn $layer1 $layer2 Via1 Via2 Via3 Via4 Via5 Via6 $id1 $id2 METAL2.E.E.E.1 oppSides $id2 revision 4.06 oppSides $id2 macro Macro Table $name1 $layer1 $layer2 $id1 $id2 Metal8 metal8_conn Via7 METAL8.E.1 metal1_conn Cont 0.1 METAL3.E.2 METAL3.05 insideOnly $id1 $layer1 $layer2 0.1 METAL5.1 METAL9.2 METAL7.E.1 METAL8.1 METAL6.E. 1 METAL5.0 METAL7.W.W.W.44 0.1 METAL6.2 METAL4.14 0.14 0.0 12.2 revision 4.0 12.1 METAL3.W.1 METAL4.0 ! Bondpad ! via6_array_zone Metal7 <= 12.12 0.2 METAL2.0 12.2 METAL5.1 METAL9.14 0.Feb 14.44 $value1 $id1 macro ! Bondpad ! $layer3 ! $layer2 $layer1 <= $value1 $id1 Macro Table $layer1 metal1_conn metal2_conn metal3_conn metal4_conn metal5_conn metal6_conn $layer2 cont_array_zone via1_array_zone via2_array_zone via3_array_zone via4_array_zone via5_array_zone $layer3 via1_array_zone via2_array_zone via3_array_zone via4_array_zone via5_array_zone via6_array_zone $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 $id1 METAL1.W.W.W.W. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 48 METAL RULES (continued) macro Macro Table $layer1 metal1_conn metal2_conn metal3_conn metal4_conn metal5_conn metal6_conn metal7_conn metal8_conn metal9_conn $layer1 $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 $id1 METAL1.6 .W.W.2 METAL3.W.W.W.0 12.2 $value1 12.1 METAL7.1 METAL2.14 0.1 METAL8.W.W.1 $value1 0.W.2 METAL6.0 12.14 0.14 0. SP.40 Metal9 METAL9.20 0.1.SP.20 $value2 0.20 Metal6 METAL6.5 1.SP.0 metal9_conn Metal9 METAL9.56 0.2 0.1.14 Metal5 METAL5.1.1 0.SP.1 0.2 12.5 1.1.14 Metal8 METAL8.W.1 0.14 Metal4 METAL4.2 0.SP. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 49 METAL RULES (continued) macro Macro Table $layer1 $name1 $id1 $value1 metal8_conn Metal8 METAL8.1.5 revision 4.1.14 Metal7 METAL7.1.SP.SP.0 ! Bondpad $layer1 <= $value1 $id1 macro Macro Table $layer1 $id1 $value1 Metal1 METAL1.20 Metal5 METAL5.56 0.6 .5 1.1 0.14 Metal3 METAL3.1.20 Metal4 METAL4.SP.56 $value4 1.SP.2 0.20 $value3 0.SP.14 Metal6 METAL6.40 macro $layer1 a $value1 project width a > $value2 <= $value4 errLength a > $value3 $id1 $layer1 $layer1 $value1 $id1 $layer1 b Macro Table $layer1 $id1 $value1 Metal1 METAL1.SP.20 0.56 0.1.1 0.SP.SP.18 Metal2 METAL2.56 0.1.5 1.1 0.1 0.SP.5 1.1.Feb 14.1 0.20 Metal3 METAL3.W.20 Metal7 METAL7.SP.2 12.56 0.1.SP.1.20 0.18 0.1.1 0.20 0.2 0.56 0.20 0.12 Metal2 METAL2.1.5 1.2 0.1.2 0.2 0. SP.1.90 project width a > 3.SP.4 Metal6 METAL6.SP.3 Metal7 METAL7.3 $layer1 <= 3.1.4 Metal4 METAL4.3 Metal3 METAL3.1.2 $layer1 0.1.SP.5 Metal4 METAL4. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 50 METAL RULES (continued) macro Macro Table $layer1 $id1 Metal1 METAL1.1.SP.1.SP.3 Metal8 METAL8.50 $id1 $layer1 a b revision 4.SP.50 <= 7.5 Metal2 METAL2.1.SP.5 Metal3 METAL3.6 .3 Metal4 METAL4.5 Metal5 METAL5.SP.4 Metal8 METAL8.5 Metal7 METAL7.1.1.SP.1.SP.1.SP.00 $id1 $layer1 a b macro Macro Table $layer1 $id1 Metal1 METAL1.5 Metal8 METAL8.1.SP.1.SP.5 Metal6 METAL6.3 Metal6 METAL6.SP.1.4 Metal9 METAL9.0 errLength a > 1.3 Metal9 METAL9.5 errLength a > Metal2 METAL2.1.1.1.Feb 14.4 $layer1 1.4 Metal7 METAL7.50 $id1 $layer1 a b macro Macro Table $layer1 $id1 Metal1 METAL1.1.5 errLength a > 4.50 project width a > 1.00 <= 4.SP.SP.SP.SP.1.2 Metal9 METAL9.SP.50 project width a > 4.4 Metal2 METAL2.SP.SP.SP.SP.3 Metal5 METAL5.SP.4 Metal5 METAL5.SP.4 Metal3 METAL3. 1 $layer1 $value1 0.SP.SP.5 $layer1 2.3 METAL5.6 Metal4 METAL4.18 0.16 $layer1 $value1 $id1 $value2 $id2 revision 4.SP.50 errLength a > 7.3 METAL3.20 0.W.W.6 Metal3 METAL3.16 0.18 $layer1 $id2 METAL1.1 Metal5 METAL5.SP.20 segment >= $value1 $id1 macro Macro Table $layer1 $id1 $value1 Metal1 METAL1.5 Metal9 METAL9.SP.1 Metal2 METAL2.3 METAL4.SP.SP.W.2 0.1 Metal6 METAL6.2 0.18 Metal7 METAL7.SP.L.1 Metal7 METAL7.3 $value2 0.6 .6 Metal2 METAL2.L.W.3 METAL2.SP.1.2 0.6 Metal8 METAL8.2 0.Feb 14.L.L.20 0.W.16 0.SP.3 METAL6.2 0.20 0.1.6 Metal6 METAL6.6 Metal5 METAL5.1.L.1.SP.16 0.W.2 0.16 Metal2 METAL2.1.SP.50 project width a > 7.18 Metal6 METAL6.SP.1 Metal3 METAL3.SP.20 0.16 0.20 0.SP.L.1.18 Metal3 METAL3.2 0.W.1.1.1.L.SP.1 Metal4 METAL4.3 METAL7.16 0.50 $id1 $layer1 a b macro Macro Table $layer1 $id1 Metal1 METAL1.6 Metal7 METAL7.18 Metal4 METAL4.18 Metal5 METAL5. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 51 METAL RULES (continued) macro Macro Table $layer1 $id1 Metal1 METAL1.14 0. 1 Metal7 METAL7.07 0.A.1 Metal6 METAL6.1 Metal5 METAL5.Feb 14.A.1 Metal9 METAL9.A.08 0.A.A.A.08 0.08 0.2 0.1 Metal3 METAL3.08 0.1 Metal8 METAL8.1 Metal2 METAL2.A.1 Metal4 METAL4.08 0.A.6 .08 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 52 METAL RULES (continued) macro Macro Table $layer1 $id1 Metal1 METAL1.1 $layer1 $value1 0.2 area >= $value1 $id1 revision 4.A. 1 METAL8.1 ratio >= 0.1 METAL9.D.D.1 METAL7. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 53 METAL RULES (continued) switch CHECK_DENSITY macro Macro Table $name1 $layer1 Metal1 metal1_conn Metal2 metal2_conn Metal3 metal3_conn Metal4 metal4_conn Metal5 metal5_conn Metal6 metal6_conn Metal7 metal7_conn Metal8 metal8_conn Metal9 metal9_conn Density $id1 METAL1.D.2 METAL8.2 METAL2.D.20 <= 0.D.D.60 windowSize: 600.2 ratio <= 0.2 METAL4.0 id: $id1 message: $name1 density must be <= 60% $layer1 revision 4.D.D.D.1 METAL5.6 .1 METAL3.D.2 METAL7.D.1 METAL2.0 id: $id1 message: $name1 density must be >= 20% <= 65% $layer1 macro Macro Table $name1 $layer1 Metal1 metal1_conn Metal2 metal2_conn Metal3 metal3_conn Metal4 metal4_conn Metal5 metal5_conn Metal6 metal6_conn Metal7 metal7_conn Metal8 metal8_conn Metal9 metal9_conn Density $id1 METAL1.D.D.D.D.0 stepSize: 60.2 METAL5.D.D.D.0 stepSize: 300.2 METAL3.65 windowSize: 120.2 METAL9.2 METAL6.Feb 14.1 METAL6.1 METAL4. 14 Minimum and maximum Via k width. VIAk.1 0. VIAk.30um or four Via k with spacing <= 0.Feb 14.4 --Vias 1 through 6 may be consecutively stacked up more than four high when at least two Vias are connecting two Metal layers for all levels of the stack. Via ks spaced less than 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 54 VIA k (k = 1.21um should be considered for array spacing check.X.15 Minimum Via k to Via k spacing.W. VIAk. 2.2 --Minimum of four Via k with spacing <= 0.1 0.X. 6) RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) VIAk.1 --Minimum of two Via k with spacing <= 0. 5.6 . 2.06 Minimum Metal k to Via k enclosure on at least two opposite sides of Via k.005 Minimum Metal k to Via k enclosure. 3.SP. VIAk.30um or nine Via k with spacing <= 0.60um are required when connecting Metal k and Metal k+1 when one of the Metals has a width > 0.2 0. 4.40um at the connection point. VIAk. 6) RULES Comment 1.E.1 0.60um are required when connecting Metal k and Metal k+1 when one of the Metals has a width > 1.X. 3. VIA k (k = Table 4. VIAk. 5.3 --Vias 1 through 6 may be consecutively stacked up to four high when only one Via is connecting two Metal layers for any level of the stack.E. revision 4.20 Minimum Via k to Via k spacing when the Via ks are in a 3x3 or larger array (minimum dimension on one side of array is 3).0um at the connection point. VIAk.X. VIAk.2 0.SP. 03 Minimum Metal k to of Via k enclosure.08 Minimum Metal k to Via k enclosure on at least two opposite sides of Via k.6 . 8) VIA k (k = TableRULES Rule Value Description Name (um) VIAk.W.E.1 0. VIAk.SP. VIAk. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 55 VIA 7.Feb 14.E. revision 4.2 0.1 0.1 0.36 Minimum Via k space. VIAk.36 Minimum and maximum Via k width. 8 RULES Comment 7. 10 0.2 VIA7.1 Via2 VIA2.Feb 14.36 0.1 Via3 VIA3.1 VIA2.08 $value1 insideOnly $id1 $value2 oppSides $id2 revision 4.14 0.03 $id2 VIA1.20 ignore ignore $halo3 0.SP.1 VIA2.15 0.E.2 VIA5.14x0.2 VIA2.10 0.E.15 0.W.E.06 0.E.14 0.2 VIA6.06 0.15 0.2 VIA4.1 $value1 0.SP.SP.14x0.1 VIA7.14x0.W.06 0.1 $value1 0.2 VIA6.1 Via5 VIA5.2 VIA3.W.E.36x0.14 0.1 VIA8.2 VIA5.36 $id3 VIA1.14 0.E.15 0. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 56 VIA RULES (continued) macro $layer1 $value1 $id1 $layer1 $value2 $id2 $layer1 $layer1 $value3 array 3x3 halo $halo3 $id3 $layer1 Macro Table $layer1 $id1 Via1 VIA1.1 $value2 0.SP.1 VIA4.08 0.1 VIA3.2 $value2 $layer1 0.005 0.14x0.E.20 0.20 0.1 VIA5.005 0.2 VIA2.E.E.1 Via8 VIA8.2 VIA4.E.E.E.14x0.10 ignore ignore macro Macro Table $name1 $layer1 Metal1 Via1 Metal2 Via2 Metal3 Via3 Metal4 Via4 Metal5 Via5 Metal6 Via6 Metal7 Via7 Metal8 Via8 $layer2 $layer2 metal1_conn metal2_conn metal3_conn metal4_conn metal5_conn metal6_conn metal7_conn metal8_conn $id1 VIA1.005 0.20 0.1 VIA4.E.15 0.W.6 .2 ignore ignore $value3 0.1 VIA7.14x0.SP.10 0.10 0.06 $layer2 0.W.SP.2 VIA3.20 0.36x0.03 0.SP.W.E.E.36 0.10 0.W.15 0.SP.1 Via7 VIA7.W.SP.2 VIA8.1 Via4 VIA4.06 0.1 VIA5.1 VIA3.005 0.SP.20 0.06 $layer1 0.SP.1 VIA6.1 VIA6.36 $id2 VIA1.SP.SP.E.005 0.14 0.005 0.SP.1 Via6 VIA6.1 VIA8.14 0. X.X.X.2 VIA2.X.3_VIAk.1 VIA5.X.2 VIA4.X.4 Metal2 Metal7 rule_VIAk_X_3_X_4b VIAk.1 $layer1 error $id1 macro Macro Table $name1 $name2 Via1 Metal1 Via2 Metal2 Via3 Metal3 Via4 Metal4 Via5 Metal5 Via6 Metal6 bulk $name3 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 $layer1 rule_VIA1_X_2 rule_VIA2_X_2 rule_VIA3_X_2 rule_VIA4_X_2 rule_VIA5_X_2 rule_VIA6_X_2 $id1 VIA1.1 VIA4.X.X.X.X.X. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 57 VIA RULES (continued) macro Macro Table $name1 $name2 Via1 Metal1 Via2 Metal2 Via3 Metal3 Via4 Metal4 Via5 Metal5 Via6 Metal6 bulk $name3 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 $layer1 rule_VIA1_X_1 rule_VIA2_X_1 rule_VIA3_X_1 rule_VIA4_X_1 rule_VIA5_X_1 rule_VIA6_X_1 $id1 VIA1.1 VIA6.2 VIA6.Feb 14.X.X.2 VIA5.X.3_VIAk.4 bulk $layer1 error $id1 revision 4.6 .1 VIA2.X.1 VIA3.2 $layer1 error $id1 switch SUGGESTED_CHECK macro Macro Table $name1 $name2 $layer1 $id1 Metal1 Metal6 rule_VIAk_X_3_X_4a VIAk.2 VIA3.X. 0 inTub !Nwell LATCHUP.1 25.0 The maximum distance from any point in a P+ source/drain Active Area to the nearest Nwell pick-up in the same Nwell.0 The maximum distance from any point in an N+ source/drain Active Area to the nearest Psub pick-up in the same Psub. LATCHUP.0 LATCHUP. Nwell ntap <= 25.2 nsd nmos_io_esd 18.6 LATCHUP. LATCHUP.0 Minimum I/O or ESD NMOS to PMOS spacing when not blocked by a double guardring.3 18. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 58 LATCH-UP RULES Comment Table LATCH-UP RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) LATCHUP.6 .2 25.3 pmos_io_esd revision 4. LATCHUP.Feb 14.1 psd ! Nwell ! NPNdummy ! PNPdummy ptap <= 25.4 50.3 pmos_io_esd nmos_io_esd 50.0 inTub Nwell step 0.0 Minimum I/O or ESD NMOS to PMOS spacing.0 notBlockedBy ntap notBlockedBy ptap LATCHUP. 1 2.0 MSLOT8.0 Minimum Metal k Slot length.5 Metal k Slots must be rectangular or square. MSLOTk.1_MSLOT9. 9) SLOT RULES Rule Value Description Name (um) MSLOTk. 4.W.1_MSLOT1. Metal k must still meet density requirements.W.1_MSLOT3.L.1 2.1 0. 7.1 Metal k Slots must be added to Metal k with both width and length greater than 12.1 M1/M2-7/M8.0 MSLOT6.W. 3. 4.1 0.14 MSLOT7.E. Metal1-9 Slot Spacing Check & Width Check .14 MSLOT5. MSLOTk.1 2.1 2.1 0.0 MSLOT3.SP.14 MSLOT8.14/0. 8.1_MSLOT8.W.X.M9 Minimum Metal k Slot to Metal k Slot spacing (equal to the minimum 0.with context macro ! $layer2 $layer1 $value1 $id1 $layer1 $value2 $id2 $layer1 Macro Table $layer1 Metal1_slot Metal2_slot Metal3_slot Metal4_slot Metal5_slot Metal6_slot Metal7_slot Metal8_slot Metal9_slot $layer2 Bondpad Bondpad Bondpad Bondpad Bondpad Bondpad Bondpad Bondpad Bondpad $name1 Metal1 Slot Metal2 Slot Metal3 Slot Metal4 Slot Metal5 Slot Metal6 Slot Metal7 Slot Metal8 Slot Metal9 Slot $id1 $value1 MSLOT1.6 .L.1_MSLOT2.L.0 Minimum Metal k Slot width.SP.SP.SP.SP. 8.44 Metal k width). MSLOTk.0 MSLOT2. MSLOTk. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 59 METAL k (k = 1.L. 9) SLOT RULES Comment Table METAL k (k = 1. 2. MSLOTk.W.SP.0 $id2 $value2 MSLOT1.44 revision 4.W.0 MSLOT9.0 MSLOT4. 5.SP.1 0.1 2.1_MSLOT5. 5.6 After Metal k Slots are added.M9 Minimum Metal k to Metal k Slot enclosure (equal to the minimum 0.L.1 2.14/0.W.0 MSLOT5.1 0.44 MSLOT9.1_MSLOT7.1 2.1 2.L.X.L.L.14 MSLOT4.SP.SP.1 0.12 MSLOT2.X. MSLOTk. 7.0um.1 0. MSLOTk. 3.0 MSLOT7.L.12/0.W.12/0.1_MSLOT4.4 Metal k Slot rules do not apply to bond pad areas.W.1_MSLOT6.SP.1 0. MSLOTk.1 2. MSLOTk.1 M1/M2-7/M8.1 2.2 The length of Metal k Slots should be parallel to the direction of the current flow.3 Metal k Slot rules do not apply to Contact and Via array areas. 6.X.14 MSLOT3.X.W. 2.14 MSLOT6. 6.44 Metal k width).1 2.Feb 14.1 0.L.X. 2.1 0.1 0.14 MSLOT6.1 0.E. 6. 7.E.14 MSLOT8.14 MSLOT7.E. 5.1 0.1 0.E.44 MSLOT9.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 60 METAL k (k = 1.E. 4. 9) SLOT RULES (continued) Metal1-9/Metal1-9 Slot Enclosure Check macro Macro Table $layer1 Metal1_slot_not_BP Metal2_slot_not_BP Metal3_slot_not_BP Metal4_slot_not_BP Metal5_slot_not_BP Metal6_slot_not_BP Metal7_slot_not_BP Metal8_slot_not_BP Metal9_slot_not_BP $layer2 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 $name1 Metal1 Slot Metal2 Slot Metal3 Slot Metal4 Slot Metal5 Slot Metal6 Slot Metal7 Slot Metal8 Slot Metal9 Slot $id1 $value1 MSLOT1.E.14 MSLOT5.1 0.1 0.1 0.44 $layer2 $layer1 revision 4.Feb 14. 3.14 MSLOT3. 8.E.E.E.14 MSLOT4.12 MSLOT2.1 0. 5. 6.0 ANT.3 15. 5. revision 4. 4. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 61 ANTENNA RULES Comment RULES ANTENNATable Rule Value Name (um) ANT.Feb 14.0 Maximum ratio of single level Metal x (x = 1.0 ANT. 4. 3.6 . 2. 7.0 Maximum ratio of single level Via x (x = 1.6. 475. 5.Mx (x = 2.0 ANT. 4. 8. 9) area to the (gate area + 2*Diff area) 25. 3.0 Maximum ratio of cummulative multi level Metal areas to the (gate area + 2*Diff area) Note 1: Source/drain diffusion areas of MOS devices are counted as part of the diode area. 9) Description Maximum ratio of Poly area to the gate area the Poly is connected to. 7.1 275. 6.4.5. Maximum ratio of Poly sidewall area to the gate area the Poly is connected to.Mx ANT.2 550. Maximum ratio of Poly Contact area to the gate area the Contact is connected with.Vx ANT. 3. 8) area to the (gate area + 2*Diff area) 1200. 2. 6. Note 2: It is recommended to use one large diode with multiple Contacts rather than several smaller diodes. 7. 8. 0 id: ANT.area / (gate.0 revision 4.0 gate switch !SKIP_CHECK_POLY_ANT_2 Antenna poly_on_field poly_tap Poly ratio (poly_on_field.M1 message: Metal1 area / (gate area + 2*diff area) ratio must be <= 475.0 gate switch !SKIP_CHECK_CONT_ANT_3 Antenna cont_antenna cont_poly Poly ratio (cont_antenna.2 message: Field Poly perimeter to gate area ratio must be <= 550.area)) <= 475.6 .area / gate.3 message: Poly Contact area to gate area ratio must be <= 15.area / gate.0 id: ANT.perimeter / gate.Feb 14.0 id: ANT.area + 2*diff_diode.4.area) <= 275.1 message: Field Poly area to gate area ratio must be <= 275.0 id: ANT. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 62 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_POLY_ANT_1 Antenna poly_on_field poly_tap Poly ratio (poly_on_field.area) <= 15.0 gate switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL1_ANT_4 Antenna metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal1_conn.area) <= 550. 4.4. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 63 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL2_ANT_4 Antenna metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal2_conn.area) ratio must be <= 475.area)) <= 475.area / (gate.area + 2*diff_diode.M2 message: Metal2 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.6 .M3 message: Metal3 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area + 2*diff_diode.Feb 14.area)) <= 475.0 switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL3_ANT_4 Antenna metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal3_conn.area / (gate.0 revision 4.0 id: ANT.0 id: ANT.area) ratio must be <= 475. 4.area)) <= 475.0 switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL5_ANT_4 Antenna metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal5_conn. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 64 switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL4_ANT_4 Antenna metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal4_conn.4.M4 message: Metal4 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.Feb 14.area + 2*diff_diode.0 revision 4.6 .area + 2*diff_diode.0 id: ANT.M5 message: Metal5 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area / (gate.0 id: ANT.area)) <= 475.area) ratio must be <= 475.area) ratio must be <= 475.area / (gate. area + 2*diff_diode.area)) <= 475.M6 message: Metal6 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area / (gate.0 revision 4.area) ratio must be <= 475.Feb 14.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 65 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL6_ANT_4 Antenna metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal6_conn.4.0 id: ANT. M7 message: Metal7 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 66 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL7_ANT_4 Antenna metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal7_conn.4.area / (gate.0 id: ANT.0 revision 4.6 .Feb 14.area) ratio must be <= 475.area)) <= 475.area + 2*diff_diode. area) ratio must be <= 475.area / (gate.Feb 14.4.M8 message: Metal8 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area)) <= 475.0 id: ANT.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 67 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL8_ANT_4 Antenna metal8_conn Via7 metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal8_conn.area + 2*diff_diode.0 revision 4. 6 .4.area) ratio must be <= 475. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 68 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL9_ANT_4 Antenna metal9_conn Via8 metal8_conn Via7 metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (metal9_conn.area + 2*diff_diode.0 revision 4.0 id: ANT.M9 message: Metal9 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.Feb 14.area)) <= 475.area / (gate. area / (gate.area) ratio must be <= 25.V1 message: Via1 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.0 switch !SKIP_CHECK_VIA2_ANT_5 Antenna metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (Via2.0 revision 4.0 id: ANT. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 69 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_VIA1_ANT_5 Antenna metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (Via1.area + 2*diff_diode.V2 message: Via2 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area + 2*diff_diode.area) ratio must be <= 25.5.0 id: ANT.area)) <= 25.Feb 14.area / (gate.5.6 .area)) <= 25. V3 message: Via3 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 70 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_VIA3_ANT_5 Antenna metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (Via3.0 switch !SKIP_CHECK_VIA4_ANT_5 Antenna metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (Via4.6 .0 revision 4.V4 message: Via4 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area + 2*diff_diode.area) ratio must be <= 25.5.area) ratio must be <= 25.5.area / (gate.area)) <= 25.0 id: ANT.0 id: ANT.area / (gate.Feb 14.area)) <= 25.area + 2*diff_diode. area + 2*diff_diode.0 revision 4.0 id: ANT.5. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 71 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_VIA5_ANT_5 Antenna metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (Via5.V5 message: Via5 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area / (gate.6 .area)) <= 25.Feb 14.area) ratio must be <= 25. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 72 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_VIA6_ANT_5 Antenna metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (Via6.0 id: ANT.6 .5.Feb 14.area + 2*diff_diode.V6 message: Via6 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area / (gate.0 revision 4.area)) <= 25.area) ratio must be <= 25. V7 message: Via7 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 73 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_VIA7_ANT_5 Antenna metal8_conn Via7 metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (Via7.5.area / (gate.0 revision 4.0 id: ANT.area) ratio must be <= 25.area)) <= 25.area + 2*diff_diode.Feb 14.6 . 6 .area)) <= 25. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 74 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_VIA8_ANT_5 Antenna metal9_conn Via8 metal8_conn Via7 metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio (Via8.area / (gate.0 revision 4.Feb 14.V8 message: Via8 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area) ratio must be <= 25.0 id: ANT.area + 2*diff_diode.5. area) ratio must be <= 1200.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 75 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL2_ANT_6 Antenna metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio ((metal2_conn.Feb 14.6.area)) <= 1200.M2 message: Cumulative Metal1 through Metal2 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area + metal1_conn.0 id: ANT.area + 2*diff_diode.area) / (gate.0 revision 4. 0 revision 4.6 .6.Feb 14.M3 message: Cumulative Metal1 through Metal3 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area) / (gate.area + metal2_conn.area) ratio must be <= 1200.area + metal1_conn.area + 2*diff_diode.area)) <= 1200. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 76 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL3_ANT_6 Antenna metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio ((metal3_conn.0 id: ANT. 0 revision 4.Feb 14.area + metal3_conn.area + metal2_conn.6.area + metal1_conn.area)) <= 1200.area + 2*diff_diode.M4 message: Cumulative Metal1 through Metal4 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area) / (gate.area) ratio must be <= 1200.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 77 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL4_ANT_6 Antenna metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio ((metal4_conn.0 id: ANT. area + 2*diff_diode.area + metal3_conn.0 revision 4.M5 message: Cumulative Metal1 through Metal5 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area) / (gate.area)) <= 1200.area + metal2_conn.0 id: ANT.area + metal4_conn.area) ratio must be <= 1200.6. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 78 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL5_ANT_6 Antenna metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio ((metal5_conn.6 .area + metal1_conn.Feb 14. area) ratio must be <= 1200.area + metal2_conn.area + metal5_conn.0 revision 4.area + 2*diff_diode.6.6 .Feb 14.area + metal4_conn. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 79 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL6_ANT_6 Antenna metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio ((metal6_conn.area + metal3_conn.area)) <= 1200.area + metal1_conn.area) / (gate.0 id: ANT.M6 message: Cumulative Metal1 through Metal6 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode. area + 2*diff_diode.area + metal5_conn.area + metal2_conn.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 80 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL7_ANT_6 Antenna metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate ratio ((metal7_conn.Feb 14.area)) <= 1200.6.area + metal4_conn.area + metal6_conn.area + metal1_conn.area) / (gate.area + metal3_conn.area) ratio must be <= 1200.0 id: ANT.M7 message: Cumulative Metal1 through Metal7 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.0 diff_diode cont_diode revision 4. area + metal7_conn.area) ratio must be <= 1200.area + metal1_conn.M8 message: Cumulative Metal1 through Metal8 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 81 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL8_ANT_6 Antenna metal8_conn Via7 metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio ((metal8_conn.area)) <= 1200.Feb 14.area + metal4_conn.6 .area) / (gate.0 id: ANT.area + metal6_conn.area + metal5_conn.6.area + metal2_conn.0 revision 4.area + metal3_conn.area + 2*diff_diode. 6 .area + metal5_conn.area + metal4_conn. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 82 ANTENNA RULES (continued) switch !SKIP_CHECK_METAL9_ANT_6 Antenna metal9_conn Via8 metal8_conn Via7 metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn Via2 metal2_conn Via1 metal1_conn cont_poly Poly gate diff_diode cont_diode ratio ((metal9_conn.Feb 14.area)) <= 1200.area + 2*diff_diode.M9 message: Cumulative Metal1 through Metal9 area to (gate area + 2*diff_diode.area + metal7_conn.area + metal2_conn.area + metal3_conn.area + metal1_conn.6.area) / (gate.0 id: ANT.area + metal6_conn.area + metal8_conn.area) ratio must be <= 1200.0 revision 4. ESD.13 1. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 83 CMOS I/O Design Rules ESD Design Rules The "ESDdummy" marker layer must be used to mark I/O ESD circuitry. ESD. ESD. ESD.3 390 Minimum PMOS combined finger width for I/O buffers.6 PMOS ESD protection devices must be surrounded by an N+ Guard Ring. ESD. The Contacts still must be salicided.65 Width of each finger of NMOS and PMOS in I/O buffers and in Vdd to Vss ESD protection.14 0.7 NMOS and PMOS in ESD protection can NOT have butted taps. ESD.9 A P+ Oxide strap should be placed between N+ Oxides of different I/O and ESD devices when both connect to different pads.10 An N+ Oxide strap should be placed between P+ Oxides of different I/O and ESD devices when both connect to different pads.1 15 . ESD. ESD.8 Minimum SiProt to Oxide overlap in NMOS and PMOS I/O drains.4 Outer Oxide area of NMOS and PMOS in I/O buffers and in Vdd to Vss ESD protection must be Source or connected to Bulk to prevent parasitic bipolars and unwanted discharge paths during ESD zapping. the correct DRC checks of I/O ESD circuitry will not take place.8 NMOS and PMOS in an I/O buffer must have non-salicided Drains.11 0.6 .3 Exact gate length of NMOS and PMOS in I/O buffers and in Vdd to Vss ESD protection.15 0.5 NMOS ESD protection devices must be surrounded by a P+ Guard Ring. ESD.25 Minimum Poly gate to Contact spacing in NMOS and PMOS in I/O buffers and in Vdd to Vss ESD protection. NMOS and PMOS devices used for ESD protection follow a strict finger structure using specific finger dimaensions and layout. Comment Table ESD Design Rules Rule Value Description Name (um) ESD. If the "ESDdummy" layer is not used.12 1.05 Minimum SiProt to Poly gate overlap in NMOS and PMOS drains. ESD. revision 4.2 390 Minimum NMOS combined finger width for I/O buffers and for Vdd to Vss ESD protection. ESD.8 Minimum enclosure of SiProt edge to Poly gate edge in NMOS and PMOS I/O drains. ESD. ESD.Feb 14. ESD. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 84 ESD Design Rules (continued) ESDdummy Poly Oxide segment >= 15.2 .8 ESD.0 ESD.12 revision 4.8 Poly SiProt Oxide 0.Checked during LVS.1 ESD.8 rule_ESD_8_pmos error ESD.Feb 14.4 rule_ESD_4_pmos error ESD.3 .4 rule_ESD_5 error ESD.7 rule_ESD_8_nmos error ESD.0 <= 65. rule_ESD_4_nmos error ESD.7 rule_ESD_7_pmos error ESD.6 .Checked during LVS.11 Oxide Poly SiProt 1.5 rule_ESD_6 error ESD.05 ESD.6 rule_ESD_7_nmos error ESD. ESD. 6 .13 Poly segment == 0.15 revision 4.14 Oxide Poly Oxide Cont 0.25 ESD.Feb 14.8 ESD. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 85 ESD Design Rules (continued) ESDdummy Oxide SiProt 1.3 ESD. 5.5 5. 5.2 0. BONDPAD. 3.0 Minimum Bondpad to Bondpad metal spacing. BONDPAD. 2.2 Minimum length of Bonpad Metal beveled corner.SP.0 Minimum Bondpad Metal to Metal (including Bondpad Metal) spacing. 2) Metals over the Bonpad area are slotted with 1um slots spaced 1.SP.W.3 0. 8). 6). Minimum Bondpad Metalk+1 to Bondpad Viak enclosure (k = 7. 8).36 Minimum and maximum Bondpad Via k width (k = 7.W. 4. 5.4 0. 6.09 Minimum Bondpad Metalk to Bondpad Viak enclosure (k = 7. 4. BONDPAD. 8).3 0.0 Minimum Metal (all levels) enclosure of Bondpad. BONDPAD. 6). 6). 3. BONDPAD.5um. 2. BONDPAD. BONDPAD.R.0 Minimum and Maximum Pad Metalk width in outer ring of Pad Metalk (expect for the bevelled corners) (k = 1. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 86 Bond Pad Design Rules 1) The bond pad structure must contain all Metal levels and all Via levels. 8). 2. 8).1 16.L. 2. BONDPAD.5 Minimum and Maximum Pad Metalk ring to nearest Pad Metalk across first slot (k = 1. 2. 5.0 Minimum Bondpad Viak inside Metalk to Metalk+1 crossing (k = 1.SP.SP.E.SP. All Bonpad Metal corners must be beveled at 45 degrees. 4.8~3.0 Minimum and Maximum Pad Metal slot width (expect first slot on each edge of Pad). 8). 6). 3.E.2 0.W.E. BONDPAD. 7. 6).Feb 14.W.SP. 2. 5.W. 7. 8).3 0.1 8. 6. BONDPAD. 3) The top metal is solid and does not contain stress slots. BONDPAD.0~3.22 Minimum Bondpad Viak to Bondpad Viak spacing (k = 1. 3.5 1. BONDPAD.1 52.1 1. 2.1 Minimum Pad Viak array to Pad Viak array spacing (k = 1. Minimum Bondpad Metalk+1 to Bondpad Viak enclosure (k = 1. 3.54 Minimum Bondpad Viak to Bondpad Viak spacing (k = 7.05 Minimum Bondpad Metalk to Bondpad Viak enclosure (k = 1.6 . 4. revision 4. 5. 3.2 4. 5.4 1.7 1.0 Minimum Bondpad width of edges parallel to the die edge.R. 6. 4. Comment Table In-Line Bond Pad Design Rules Rule Value Description Name (um) BONDPAD. BONDPAD. 8).0 Minimum Bondpad length of edges perpendicular to the die edge. 4. 3.SP.B. BONDPAD.2 3.1 68. BONDPAD. 2.0 Minimum Bondpad Viak inside Metalk to Metalk+1 crossing (k = 7. 4. 4. BONDPAD. 7.6 1. BONDPAD.14 Minimum and maximum Bondpad Via k width (k = 1. BONDPAD.5 Minimum and Maximum Pad Metal slot to Pad Metal slot spacing. 5.1 2. 3. O.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_M9 error BONDPAD.O.O.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_M6 error BONDPAD.2 rule_Bondpad_Missing_V3 error BONDPAD.O.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_M2 error BONDPAD.O.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_V1 error BONDPAD.2 rule_Bondpad_Missing_V8 error BONDPAD.O.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_M8 error BONDPAD.O.O.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_M5 error BONDPAD.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_M3 error BONDPAD.2 rule_Bondpad_Missing_V7 error BONDPAD.O.Feb 14.O.O.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_M4 error BONDPAD.2 rule_Bondpad_Missing_V6 error BONDPAD.O.O.6 .O.O.2 rule_Bondpad_Missing_V4 error BONDPAD.2 revision 4.2 rule_Bondpad_Missing_V2 error BONDPAD. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 87 Bond Pad Design Rules (continued) bulk rule_Bondpad_Missing_M1 error BONDPAD.O.2 rule_Bondpad_Missing_V5 error BONDPAD.1 rule_Bondpad_Missing_M7 error BONDPAD.O. SP.Feb 14.L.0 BONDPAD. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 88 Bond Pad Design Rules (continued) bondpad_sq 5.1 bondpad_to_die_edge bulk rule_BONDPAD_L_1 error BONDPAD.SP.0 BONDPAD.0 errLength bondpad_sq < 52.E.1 Bondpad 8.0 BONDPAD.6 .0 BONDPAD.W.2 $layer2 revision 4.1 Bondpad macro Macro Table $layer1 bondpad_metal1_filled bondpad_metal2_filled bondpad_metal3_filled bondpad_metal4_filled bondpad_metal5_filled bondpad_metal6_filled bondpad_metal7_filled bondpad_metal8_filled bondpad_metal9_filled $layer1 $layer2 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 Bondpad 2.1 $layer1 3. B.B. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 89 Bond Pad Design Rules (continued) macro Macro Table $layer1 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m1 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m2 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m3 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m4 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m5 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m6 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m7 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m8 rule_BONDPAD_B_1_m9 bulk $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 $layer1 error BONDPAD.8 <= 3.1 macro Macro Table $layer1 bondpad_metal1_filled bondpad_metal2_filled bondpad_metal3_filled bondpad_metal4_filled bondpad_metal5_filled bondpad_metal6_filled bondpad_metal7_filled bondpad_metal8_filled bondpad_metal9_filled $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 $layer1 segment >= 1.1 revision 4.2 angle!=90 BONDPAD.Feb 14.6 . 05 0.09 0.SP.05 0.4 $layer2 $value1 $id1 $layer2 macro Macro Table $layer1 bondpad_metal1 bondpad_metal2 bondpad_metal3 bondpad_metal4 bondpad_metal5 bondpad_metal6 bondpad_metal7 bondpad_metal8 $layer2 Via1 Via2 Via3 Via4 Via5 Via6 Via7 Via8 $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 $value1 0.3 BONDPAD.05 0.SP.E.E.6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 90 Bond Pad Design Rules (continued) BONDPAD.09 $id1 BONDPAD.05 0. macro Macro Table $layer1 bondpad_metal1 bondpad_metal2 bondpad_metal3 bondpad_metal4 bondpad_metal5 bondpad_metal6 bondpad_metal7 bondpad_metal8 $layer1 $layer2 Via1 Via2 Via3 Via4 Via5 Via6 Via7 Via8 $value1 0.E.E.05 0.SP.2 BONDPAD.2 BONDPAD.3 BONDPAD.3 .2 BONDPAD.3 BONDPAD.22 0.22 0.05 0.4 BONDPAD.W.3 BONDPAD.3 BONDPAD.05 0.E.3 BONDPAD.E.2 BONDPAD.E.Feb 14.54 0.05 0.22 0.2 BONDPAD.W.2 BONDPAD.3 $layer1 $layer2 $value1 $id1 macro Macro Table $layer1 bondpad_metal2 bondpad_metal3 bondpad_metal4 bondpad_metal5 bondpad_metal6 bondpad_metal7 bondpad_metal8 bondpad_metal9 $layer1 $layer2 Via1 Via2 Via3 Via4 Via5 Via6 Via7 Via8 $name1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 $value1 0.E.SP.covered by VIAk.2 BONDPAD.2 and BONDPAD.E.09 0.SP.E.SP.1.2 BONDPAD.22 0.3 BONDPAD.54 $id1 BONDPAD.SP.2 BONDPAD.05 0.3 $layer2 $value1 $id1 revision 4.E.05 0.E.22 0.2 BONDPAD.E.05 0.05 0.2 BONDPAD.2 BONDPAD.W.E.E.E.09 $id1 BONDPAD.3 BONDPAD.SP.22 0. 4 revision 4.1 BONDPAD.SP.0 4.R.R.2 BONDPAD.R.R.1 BONDPAD.R.1 BONDPAD.R.0 $id1 BONDPAD.0 4.Feb 14.0 16.R.1 BONDPAD.5 macro Macro Table $layer1 rule_BONDPAD_W_4_metal1 rule_BONDPAD_W_4_metal2 rule_BONDPAD_W_4_metal3 rule_BONDPAD_W_4_metal4 rule_BONDPAD_W_4_metal5 rule_BONDPAD_W_4_metal6 rule_BONDPAD_W_4_metal7 rule_BONDPAD_W_4_metal8 bulk $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 $layer1 error BONDPAD.6 .0 16.1 BONDPAD.0 16.0 16.W.R. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 91 Bond Pad Design Rules (continued) macro bulk $layer1 error $id1 Macro Table $layer1 rule_BONDPAD_R_1_via1 rule_BONDPAD_R_1_via2 rule_BONDPAD_R_1_via3 rule_BONDPAD_R_1_via4 rule_BONDPAD_R_1_via5 rule_BONDPAD_R_1_via6 rule_BONDPAD_R_2_via7 rule_BONDPAD_R_2_via8 macro $name1 Via1 Via2 Via3 Via4 Via5 Via6 Via7 Via8 $name2 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 $name3 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 Metal9 $value 16.1 BONDPAD.0 16.2 Macro Table $layer1 rule_BONDPAD_SP_5_metal1 rule_BONDPAD_SP_5_metal2 rule_BONDPAD_SP_5_metal3 rule_BONDPAD_SP_5_metal4 rule_BONDPAD_SP_5_metal5 rule_BONDPAD_SP_5_metal6 rule_BONDPAD_SP_5_metal7 rule_BONDPAD_SP_5_metal8 bulk $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 $layer1 error BONDPAD. SP.7 $layer1 revision 4.Feb 14.SP.1 BONDPAD.W.5 macro Macro Table $layer1 bondpad_metal1_slot_on_edge bondpad_metal2_slot_on_edge bondpad_metal3_slot_on_edge bondpad_metal4_slot_on_edge bondpad_metal5_slot_on_edge bondpad_metal6_slot_on_edge bondpad_metal7_slot_on_edge bondpad_metal8_slot_on_edge $layer1 $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 >=1. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 92 Bond Pad Design Rules (continued) macro Macro Table $layer1 rule_BONDPAD_W_5_metal1 rule_BONDPAD_W_5_metal2 rule_BONDPAD_W_5_metal3 rule_BONDPAD_W_5_metal4 rule_BONDPAD_W_5_metal5 rule_BONDPAD_W_5_metal6 rule_BONDPAD_W_5_metal7 rule_BONDPAD_W_5_metal8 bulk $name1 Metal1 Metal2 Metal3 Metal4 Metal5 Metal6 Metal7 Metal8 $layer1 error BONDPAD.50 BONDPAD.6 macro Macro Table $layer1 bondpad_via1_array bondpad_via2_array bondpad_via3_array bondpad_via4_array bondpad_via5_array bondpad_via6_array bondpad_via7_array bondpad_via8_array $layer1 $name1 Via1 Via2 Via3 Via4 Via5 Via6 Via7 Via8 1.00 <=3.6 . 3.5.9 sheet resistance Metal 2.02 R_metal2_7 R_metal1 R_snpoly R_sppoly R_nsnpoly R_nsppoly R_snactive R_spactive R_nsnactive R_nspactive R_nwell R_pwell 0.5.08 10 10 100 400 10 10 100 150 400 1600 Metal 8.4 1.6 .4 1 10 15 15 Via 7. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 93 CMOS Digital Electrical Parameters Sheet Resistances The units for sheet resistance are ohms/square Global Parameters R_metal8_9 0.6 resistance Via 1 resistance Metal 1 to Contact resistance Poly to Contact resistance N+ Oxide to Contact resistance P+ Oxide to Contact resistance revision 4.Feb 14.06 0.35 1.4.7 sheet resistance Metal 1sheet resistance Salicide N+ Poly sheet resistance Salicide P+ Poly sheet resistance Non-salicide N+ Poly sheet resistance Non-salicide P+ Poly sheet resistance Salicide N+ Oxide sheet resistance Salicide P+ Oxide sheet resistance Non-salicide N+ Oxide sheet resistance Non-salicide P+ Oxide sheet resistance Nwell sheet resistance Pwell sheet resistance Contact/Via Resistances The units for sheet resistance are ohms/contact or ohms/via Global Parameters R_via7_8 R_via2_6 R_via1 R_metal1-contact R_poly-contact R_nplus-contact R_pplus-contact resistance Via 2.3. 3.2.4. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 94 Current Densities The units for current density are ma/um Global Parameters L_metal8_9 8 L_metal1_7 2 Metal 8.1 Via .1 0.7 current density Contact/Via Current Densities The units for current density are ma/contact or ma/via Global Parameters I_via1_6 I_Via7_8 I_metal-contact-poly I_metal-contact-oxide 0.6 current density Via 7.2.8 current density Metal 1 Contact to Poly current density Metal 1 Contact to Oxide current density revision 4.4.3.Feb 14.9 current density Metal 1.1 0.5.8 0. 6 .2 Metal 7 3600 Cu IMD 6 3000 K = 2.9 Metal 3 3600 Cu IMD 2 3000 K = 2.9 Metal 6 3600 Cu IMD 5 3000 K = 2.9 Metal 4 3600 Cu IMD 3 3000 K = 2.9 Metal 1 3000 Cu ILD 3000 silicon dioxide K = 3. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 95 Layer and Dielectric Thickness Comment Table The units for layer and dielectric thickness are angstroms Layer Thickness (A) Description Pass2 7000 7.2 Metal 8 10000 Cu IMD 7 6000 K = 4.9 Poly 1500 STI (FOX) 3500 silicon dioxide K = 3.2 Metal 9 10000 Cu IMD 8 6000 K = 4.9 Metal 5 3600 Cu IMD 4 3000 K = 2.9 Pass1 10000 4.Feb 14.9 revision 4.9 Metal 2 3600 Cu IMD 1 3000 K = 2. 48nm 1.33nm 6.00E+19 25nm 500 ohm/sq -240mV 100mv more Vto to reduce leakage by 10x 2.33nm 6.00E+20 60nm 10 ohm/sq 3.48nm 1.00E+20 60nm 20 ohm/sq 6.00E+19 25nm 250 ohm/sq 270mV 100mv more Vto to reduce leakage by 10x revision 4. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 96 Comment 1V PMOS Table Tox Channel Concentration D/S Surface Concentration D/S Xj D/S Rsh LDD Surface Concentration LDD Xj LDD Rsh Vto Comment 1V NMOS Table Tox Channel Concentration D/S Surface Concentration D/S Xj D/S Rsh LDD Surface Concentration LDD Xj LDD Rsh Vto Comment Table LP 1V PMOS Tox Channel Concentration D/S Surface Concentration D/S Xj D/S Rsh LDD Surface Concentration LDD Xj LDD Rsh Vto Comment Table LP 1V NMOS Tox Channel Concentration D/S Surface Concentration D/S Xj D/S Rsh LDD Surface Concentration LDD Xj LDD Rsh Vto 2.00E+20 60nm 20 ohm/sq 6.00E+19 25nm 250 ohm/sq 170mV 2.6 .00E+20 60nm 10 ohm/sq 3.0E+19 for MOS Vt fine tuning 3.20E+20 for MOS Vt fine tuning 6.00E+19 25nm 500 ohm/sq -140mV 2.20E+20 for MOS Vt fine tuning 6.Feb 14.0E+19 for MOS Vt fine tuning 3. 00E+19 25nm 250 ohm/sq 450mV Comment Table Key Fast-Slow Model Parameters Fast Vto % -10 Slow Vto % 10 Fast Tox % -10 Slow Tox % 10 Fast Mobility % -30 Slow Mobility % 30 Fast LDD Rsh % -30 Slow LDD Rsh % 30 revision 4.00E+20 60nm 10 ohm/sq 3.20E+20 for MOS Vt fine tuning 6.00E+19 25nm 500 ohm/sq -400mV 5.0E+19 for MOS Vt fine tuning 3. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 97 Comment Table I/O 2.8nm 6.6 .5V NMOS Tox Channel Concentration D/S Surface Concentration D/S Xj D/S Rsh LDD Surface Concentration LDD Xj LDD Rsh Vto 5.5V PMOS Tox Channel Concentration D/S Surface Concentration D/S Xj D/S Rsh LDD Surface Concentration LDD Xj LDD Rsh Vto Comment Table I/O 2.6nm 1.00E+20 60nm 20 ohm/sq 6.Feb 14. 6 . 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 98 DF2 Layer Tables CDB layers Oxide Oxide_thk Nwell Poly Nhvt Nimp Phvt Pimp Nzvt SiProt Nburied Cont Metal1 Via1 Metal2 Via2 Metal3 Via3 Metal4 Via4 Metal5 Via5 Metal6 Via6 Metal7 Via7 Metal8 Via8 Metal9 2 4 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 Oxide Oxide_thk Nwell Poly Nhvt Nimp Phvt Pimp Nzvt SiProt Nburied Cont Metal1 Via1 Metal2 Via2 Metal3 Via3 Metal4 Via4 Metal5 Via5 Metal6 Via6 Metal7 Via7 Metal8 Via8 Metal9 CDB layers Metal1_slot Metal2_slot Metal3_slot Metal4_slot Metal5_slot Metal6_slot Metal7_slot Metal8_slot Metal9_slot 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 M1slot M2slot M3slot M4slot M5slot M6slot M7slot M8slot M9slot CDB layers IND3dummy 114 IND3dum ESDdummy 115 ESDdum CDB layers text 230 text CDB layers Psub DIOdummy PNPdummy PWdummy NPNdummy IND2dummy INDdummy BJTdum Cap3dum Resdum Bondpad Capdum CapMetal ResWdum M1Resdum M2Resdum M3Resdum M4Resdum M5Resdum M6Resdum M7Resdum M8Resdum M9Resdum VPNP2dum VPNP5dum VPNP10dum 80 82 84 85 86 88 90 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Psub DIOdum PNPdum PWdummy NPNdum IND2dum INDdum BJTdum Cap3dum Resdum Bondpad Capdum CapMetal ResWdum M1Resdum M2Resdum M3Resdum M4Resdum M5Resdum M6Resdum M7Resdum M8Resdum M9Resdum VPNP2dum VPNP5dum VPNP10dum revision 4.Feb 14. 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 99 DF2 Layer Purposes Tables CDB purposes slot 1 slt port1 2 pt1 region 3 reg grid 4 grd ppath 5 pp0 ppath1 6 pp1 macro 7 mac nwell 8 nwl dnwell 9 dnw ipwell 10 ipw GeoShare 11 geo port 12 pt0 fill 13 fil revision 4.Feb 14.6 . Feb 14, 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 100 Connectivity Definition Connectivity Bondpad bp_tap metal9_conn Via8 metal8_conn Via7 metal7_conn Via6 metal6_conn Via5 metal5_conn Via4 metal4_conn Via3 metal3_conn via2_cap CapMetal metal2_conn Via1 ind_term1 metal1_conn cont_poly poly_conn pdiff_conn ptap psubstrate cont_pdiff ndiff_conn ntap nwell_conn nb_tap Nburied cont_ndiff npn_emit cont_emit npn_base cont_base npn_coll cont_coll ind_term1_tap ind_term2 ind_term2_tap via2_out_capInd revision 4.6 Feb 14, 2011 GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec page 101 ptie_ds ptie_ds_v metal1_conn ptie_ts ptie_ts_v ntie_ns ntie_ns_v ntie_dns ntie_dns_v revision 4.6 Feb 14, 2011 $dt_Nimp $layer1 $layer2 $layer3 BJTdum Bondpad Cap3dum CapMetal Capdum Cont DIOdummy ESDdummy IND2dummy IND3dummy INDdummy M1Resdum M2Resdum M3Resdum M4Resdum M5Resdum M6Resdum M7Resdum M8Resdum M9Resdum Metal1 Metal1_d Metal1_d_n Metal1_f Metal1_n Metal1_p Metal1_slot Metal1_slot_not_BP Metal1_v Metal2 Metal2_d GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec dummy dummy dummy dummy input 15;0 df2order 103 packet zbip fillStyle outline input 36;0 df2order 96 (Bondpad drawing) packet pass input 84;0 df2order 102 packet zcap fillStyle outline input 14;0 df2order 72 (CapMetal drawing) packet mcap input 12;0 df2order 102 packet zcap fillStyle outline input 6;0 df2order 24 (Cont drawing) packet cw input 22;0 df2order 107 (DIOdummy drawing) packet zdiode input 74;0 df2order 110 (ESDdummy drawing) packet esddum input 17;0 df2order 100 (IND2dummy drawing) packet zind2 input 70;0 df2order 101 (IND3dummy drawing) packet zind3 input 16;0 df2order 99 (INDdummy drawing) packet zind input 75;0 (M1Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm1 input 76;0 (M2Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm2 input 77;0 (M3Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm3 input 78;0 (M4Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm4 input 79;0 (M5Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm5 input 80;0 (M6Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm6 input 81;0 (M7Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm7 input 82;0 (M8Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm8 input 83;0 (M9Resdum drawing) df2order 104 packet zrm9 Metal1_d_n or Metal1_p or Metal1_f input 7;0 df2order 30 (Metal1 drawing) packet m1 Attach Text: 7;3 (Metal1 label) if MergePinAndNet Metal1_d or Metal1_n else Metal1_d input 7;5 df2order 81 (Metal1 fill) packet m1_fill input 7;4 df2order 30 (Metal1 net) packet m1 input 7;1 df2order 30 (Metal1 pin) packet m1 Attach Text: 7;3 (Metal1 label) input 7;2 df2order 81 (Metal1 slot) packet m1_slot Metal1_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal1_p and Metal1_d Metal2_d_n or Metal2_p or Metal2_f input 9;0 df2order 34 (Metal2 drawing) packet m2 Attach Text: 9;3 (Metal2 label) page A1 via via revision 4.6 5 df2order 85 (Metal5 fill) packet m5_fill input 33.3 (Metal4 label) input 31.3 (Metal5 label) if MergePinAndNet Metal5_d or Metal5_n else Metal5_d input 33.4 df2order 42 (Metal4 net) packet m4 input 31.0 df2order 50 (Metal6 drawing) packet m6 Attach Text: 35.2 df2order 82 (Metal2 slot) packet m2_slot Metal2_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal2_p and Metal2_d Metal3_d_n or Metal3_p or Metal3_f input 11.6 .0 df2order 42 (Metal4 drawing) packet m4 Attach Text: 31.3 (Metal3 label) if MergePinAndNet Metal3_d or Metal3_n else Metal3_d input 11.0 df2order 38 (Metal3 drawing) packet m3 Attach Text: 11. 2011 Metal2_d_n Metal2_f Metal2_n Metal2_p Metal2_slot Metal2_slot_not_BP Metal2_v Metal3 Metal3_d Metal3_d_n Metal3_f Metal3_n Metal3_p Metal3_slot Metal3_slot_not_BP Metal3_v Metal4 Metal4_d Metal4_d_n Metal4_f Metal4_n Metal4_p Metal4_slot Metal4_slot_not_BP Metal4_v Metal5 Metal5_d Metal5_d_n Metal5_f Metal5_n Metal5_p Metal5_slot Metal5_slot_not_BP Metal5_v Metal6 Metal6_d Metal6_d_n Metal6_f Metal6_n Metal6_p Metal6_slot GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec if MergePinAndNet Metal2_d or Metal2_n else Metal2_d input 9.3 (Metal4 label) if MergePinAndNet Metal4_d or Metal4_n else Metal4_d input 31.4 df2order 50 (Metal6 net) packet m6 input 35.0 df2order 46 (Metal5 drawing) packet m5 Attach Text: 33.3 (Metal2 label) input 9.4 df2order 46 (Metal5 net) packet m5 input 33.Feb 14.1 df2order 46 (Metal5 pin) packet m5 Attach Text: 33.5 df2order 86 (Metal6 fill) packet m6_fill input 35.2 df2order 83 (Metal3 slot) packet m3_slot Metal3_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal3_p and Metal3_d Metal4_d_n or Metal4_p or Metal4_f input 31.5 df2order 83 (Metal3 fill) packet m3_fill input 11.4 df2order 34 (Metal2 net) packet m2 input 9.1 df2order 50 (Metal6 pin) packet m6 Attach Text: 35.5 df2order 82 (Metal2 fill) packet m2_fill input 9.1 df2order 38 (Metal3 pin) packet m3 Attach Text: 11.3 (Metal3 label) input 11.3 (Metal6 label) if MergePinAndNet Metal6_d or Metal6_n else Metal6_d input 35.3 (Metal5 label) input 33.5 df2order 84 (Metal4 fill) packet m4_fill input 31.1 df2order 42 (Metal4 pin) packet m4 Attach Text: 31.2 df2order 86 (Metal6 slot) packet m6_slot page A2 via via via via revision 4.2 df2order 84 (Metal4 slot) packet m4_slot Metal4_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal4_p and Metal4_d Metal5_d_n or Metal5_p or Metal5_f input 33.3 (Metal6 label) input 35.2 df2order 85 (Metal5 slot) packet m5_slot Metal5_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal5_p and Metal5_d Metal6_d_n or Metal6_p or Metal6_f input 35.4 df2order 38 (Metal3 net) packet m3 input 11.1 df2order 34 (Metal2 pin) packet m2 Attach Text: 9. 2 df2order 89 (Metal9 slot) packet m9_slot Metal9_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal9_p and Metal9_d SNA Oxide and Nimp input 20.1 df2order 58 (Metal8 pin) packet m8 Attach Text: 40.0 df2order 14 (Nimp drawing) packet nplus input 2.3 (Metal7 label) input 38.0 df2order 4 (Oxide_thk drawing) packet Oxide_thk input 21.3 (Metal8 label) input 40.0 df2order 16 (Nzvt drawing) packet Nzvt input 1.0 df2order 3 (Oxide drawing) packet tox input 24.Feb 14.0 df2order 58 (Metal8 drawing) packet m8 Attach Text: 40.3 (Metal9 label) if MergePinAndNet Metal9_d or Metal9_n else Metal9_d input 42.5 df2order 87 (Metal7 fill) packet m7_fill input 38.0 df2order 73 (Nburied drawing) packet npblk input 18.4 df2order 58 (Metal8 net) packet m8 input 40. 2011 Metal6_slot_not_BP Metal6_v Metal7 Metal7_d Metal7_d_n Metal7_f Metal7_n Metal7_p Metal7_slot Metal7_slot_not_BP Metal7_v Metal8 Metal8_d Metal8_d_n Metal8_f Metal8_n Metal8_p Metal8_slot Metal8_slot_not_BP Metal8_v Metal9 Metal9_d Metal9_d_n Metal9_f Metal9_n Metal9_p Metal9_slot Metal9_slot_not_BP Metal9_v NOD GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec Metal6_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal6_p and Metal6_d Metal7_d_n or Metal7_p or Metal7_f input 38.0 df2order 2 (Nwell drawing) packet nwell input 52.1 df2order 62 (Metal9 pin) packet m9 Attach Text: 42.6 .3 (Metal7 label) if MergePinAndNet Metal7_d or Metal7_n else Metal7_d input 38.0 df2order 54 (Metal7 drawing) packet m7 Attach Text: 38.2 df2order 87 (Metal7 slot) packet m7_slot Metal7_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal7_p and Metal7_d Metal8_d_n or Metal8_p or Metal8_f input 40.4 df2order 62 (Metal9 net) packet m9 input 42.3 (Metal9 label) input 42.0 df2order 62 (Metal9 drawing) packet m9 Attach Text: 42.3 (Metal8 label) if MergePinAndNet Metal8_d or Metal8_n else Metal8_d input 40.0 df2order 105 (NPNdummy drawing) packet znpn input 19.1 df2order 54 (Metal7 pin) packet m7 Attach Text: 38.5 df2order 89 (Metal9 fill) packet m9_fill input 42.5 df2order 88 (Metal8 fill) packet m8_fill input 40.0 df2order 13 (Nhvt drawing) packet nhvt input 4.4 df2order 54 (Metal7 net) packet m7 input 38.0 df2order 105 (PNPdummy drawing) packet zpnp via page A3 via via via NPNdummy Nburied Nhvt Nimp Nwell Nzvt Oxide Oxide_thk PNPdummy revision 4.2 df2order 88 (Metal8 slot) packet m8_slot Metal8_slot andnot (Bondpad size 3) Metal8_p and Metal8_d Metal9_d_n or Metal9_p or Metal9_f input 42. 6 .5 )) (Metal4 and (( ( ( ( ( fill Metal4 ) enclose Bondpad ) downUp 25.0) and (fill Metal3) ) enclose Bondpad holes bondpad_metal3 (bondpad_metal3_slot buttOnly == 1 ( bondpad_metal3_slot drcSep <= 2.0 (Psub drawing) df2order 75 packet psub input 71.0 df2order 18 (SiProt drawing) packet siprot input 60.0) and (fill Metal2) ) enclose Bondpad holes bondpad_metal2 (bondpad_metal2_slot buttOnly == 1 ( bondpad_metal2_slot drcSep <= 2.0 df2order 56 (Via7 drawing) packet v7 input 41.0 ) and ( fill Metal5 ) ) enclose Bondpad ))) page A4 PWdummy Phvt Pimp Poly Psub ResWdum Resdum SiProt VPNP2dum VPNP5dum VPNP10dum Via1 Via2 Via3 Via4 Via5 Via6 Via7 Via8 bondpad_metal1 bondpad_metal1_filled bondpad_metal1_slot bondpad_metal1_slot_ on_edge bondpad_metal2 bondpad_metal2_filled bondpad_metal2_slot bondpad_metal2_slot_ on_edge bondpad_metal3 bondpad_metal3_filled bondpad_metal3_slot bondpad_metal3_slot_ on_edge bondpad_metal4 bondpad_metal4_filled bondpad_metal4_slot bondpad_metal4_slot_ on_edge bondpad_metal5 via via via via via via via via revision 4.Feb 14.5 )) (Metal5 and (( ( ( ( ( fill Metal5 ) enclose Bondpad ) downUp 25.0 df2order 10 (Poly drawing) packet poly1 input 25.0 df2order 40 (Via3 drawing) packet v3 input 32.0 df2order 60 (Via8 drawing) packet v8 (Metal1 and (( ( ( ( ( fill Metal1 ) enclose Bondpad ) downUp 25.0 df2order 103 packet zvpnp5 fillStyle outline input 62.0 ) and ( fill Metal4 ) ) enclose Bondpad ))) ((( (fill Metal4) enclose Bondpad) downUp 25.0 df2order 103 (ResWdum drawing) packet zrwell input 13.0 df2order 103 packet zvpnp2 fillStyle outline input 61.0 ) and ( fill Metal1 ) ) enclose Bondpad ))) ((( (fill Metal1) enclose Bondpad) downUp 25.0 df2order 102 (Resdum drawing) packet zrpoly input 72.5 )) (Metal3 and (( ( ( ( ( fill Metal3 ) enclose Bondpad ) downUp 25.0 df2order 48 (Via5 drawing) packet v5 input 37.0) and (fill Metal1) ) enclose Bondpad holes bondpad_metal1 (bondpad_metal1_slot buttOnly == 1 ( bondpad_metal1_slot drcSep <= 2.0 df2order 15 (Phvt drawing) packet phvt input 5.0 df2order 103 packet zpnp10 fillStyle outline input 8.0 df2order 52 (Via6 drawing) packet v6 input 39.0 df2order 44 (Via4 drawing) packet v4 input 34. 2011 POD GPDK 90nm Mixed Signal Process Spec SNA Oxide and Pimp input 85.0 ) and ( fill Metal3 ) ) enclose Bondpad ))) ((( (fill Metal3) enclose Bondpad) downUp 25.0 df2order 85 (PWdummy drawing) packet zpw input 23.0 df2order 36 (Via2 drawing) packet v2 input 30.5 )) (Metal2 and (( ( ( ( ( fill Metal2 ) enclose Bondpad ) downUp 25.0 df2order 12 (Pimp drawing) packet pplus input 3.0) and (fill Metal4) ) enclose Bondpad holes bondpad_metal4 (bondpad_metal4_slot buttOnly == 1 ( bondpad_metal4_slot drcSep <= 2.0 df2order 32 (Via1 drawing) packet v1 input 10.0 ) and ( fill Metal2 ) ) enclose Bondpad ))) ((( (fill Metal2) enclose Bondpad) downUp 25.
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