GPA 2145 - Table of Physical Constants for Hydrocarbons and Other Compounds of Interest to the Natural Gas Industr

March 25, 2018 | Author: clementer | Category: Gases, Density, Pressure, Fuels, Liquids



GPA Standard 2145-03--````,,```,,,```,`,,,,,`,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Table of Physical Constants for Hydrocarbons and Other Compounds of Interest to the Natural Gas Industry Adopted 1942 Revised 1957,1962, 1966, 1971, 1975, 1977, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2003 Gas Processors Association 6526 East 60th Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale, 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT Every effort has been made by GPA to assure accuracy and reliability of the information contained in its publications.`.. ..`. Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale. which became available in 1998. state. but the differences are beyond the accuracy of the data (see the comment at the bottom of pages 3 and 9). or suppliers to warn and properly train employees or others exposed. DISCLAIMER GPA publications necessarily address problems of a general nature and may be used by anyone desiring to do so. When revision dates coincide.. concerning health and safety risks or precautions.. With respect to particular circumstances. as well as those for many more compounds. and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. the final results are as internally consistent as is reasonably possible. GPA makes no representation. equipment.```. warranty. Numbers in bold face are different from the previous edition of 2145. The value of the gas constant used in the tables is 8. Values obtained from such related data may differ from the tabulated values in the last digit because of numerical round off.`. or for any infringement of letters of patent regarding apparatus. Values in subsequent annual publications of GPA 2145 may not agree exactly with those in the Data Book because it is not revised yearly.314472 joules per mole per Kelvin. The Eleventh Edition.`. the values in the two tables are identical. has the same values as GPA Publication Standard 2145-96. appear in the GPSA Engineering Data Book.. The physical properties selected are those considered most valuable for engineering and analytical computations in gas processing plants and laboratories. or municipal regulation with which this publication may conflict...```. manufacturers.Hydrocarbons and NIST Standard Reference Databases 10 (NIST/ASME Steam Properties) and 23 (REFPROP).FOREWORD Some of the numbers in the tables result from other numbers in the tables by simple calculation. local.`--- The Table of Physical Constants for Hydrocarbons and Other Components of Interest to the Natural Gas Industry. It is not the intent of GPA to assume the duties of employers. The properties are based upon the TRC Thermodynamic Tables . Each of the values in the Standard result from a preferred method of calculation..````-`-`. or method so covered... The values of the physical properties for the components in GPA 2145. evaluated and recalculated when necessary by the Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) at NIST in Boulder. state. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT --````.. The data in this publication have been checked.`. or guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use or for the violation of any federal. Colorado. GPA Publication Standard 2145 provides the gas processing industry with a convenient compilation of authoritative numerical values for the paraffin hydrocarbons and other compounds occurring in natural gas and natural gas liquids as well as for a few other compounds of interest to the industry. 011 38.2 166. 14.67 -127.8696 0.0 59730 22181 65914 22334 1769.38311 0. °F Vapor Pressure at 100 °F. °F Pressure.66 667.`.0 99652 21136 102926 21300 3262.35643 265.3 8.237 1. Btu/(lbm °F).62460 95. fuel as ideal gas Btu/gal. gal/lbmol Ft3 ideal gas/gal liquid Ratio.696 psia.0762 0.0 9..5 274.3 62.424 36.644 229. fuel as liquid Btu/gal..58408 110..73 -255.16 2.98 -296.3 340 2.0 2. ideal gas C V .8 0.09 82..03 -116.39 4.696 psia C P .096 58.4 8. fuel as ideal gas Btu/ft3. 14..7 Numbers in this table do not have accuracies greater than 1 part in 1000.0603 6. fuel as liquid Btu/lbm.1 93.0966 0.5437 5.9 305.5420 16.32 12.39649 0.5 1.3 Freezing Point --````.52725 0.38882 0.6 205.696 psia.`.9 13.042 30.76 4.PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF SELECTED HYDROCARBONS GPA STANDARD 2145-03 (FPS) becomes effective January 1.50 5000 800 188.6 89. ideal gas C S .119 37.546 550.6 90.2618 0.34466 1..`. Btu/(lbm °F).38798 0.0 1.2301 0.12 2.69 72.4 103724 20891 108789 21044 4000.122 72.30 -217.696 psia..149 -258.6175 0.04 -305.0349 0.696 psia Liquid.08 31. 14. fuel as ideal gas Volume of Air to Burn One Volume of Ideal Gas Heat of Vaporization at 14.676 207.1307 0.41 527.35559 1.3 61.35382 1.84 13.0774 0.05 -255.5370 0.011 31.558 0.0 15.168 38.0572 0.7 66369 21490 90905 21654 2516.92 615.936 31.0 2.9 368..54 10.55397 42.0444 0.40346 1.696 psia Relative density.4914 190. liq.4 157.5624 0..0071 153.8 92.9716 0.9 109584 20923 110094 21085 4008.5664 0.5 9. In some cases. 2003 Component Molar Mass Boiling Point at 14.80 -201.```.16 2.702 5.8 210.`--- at 14.48 -43.5227 116.36130 1.86 4.34276 1.855 27.1 97.0 89.794 237..6 1. Flammability Limits at 100 °F.1927 0.45 -297.11 96.0943 0.503 280.```.044 5. lbm/gal Density of Ideal Gas at 60 °F.0071 153.274 1. °F Btu/lbm at the boiling point Specific Heat at 60 °F.6934 0. psia Gross Heating Value at 60 °F.696 psia Lower.712 27.`. ideal reaction Btu/ft3.9831 0.0 1.404 272.855 31.0471 0.89 13.698 23.40880 0.696 psia Relative density at 60 °F/60 °F API Gravity Absolute density.0383 79.49 2.`. 14.56295 119.683 20.4914 190.069 44.149 72.4 385.7 110946 909 1619 2315 3000 3011 3699 3707 9.8 23892 1010.23 11.````-`-`.75 488.6 1. 14.. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT .36232 1.0238 0.3 183. extra digits have been added to calculated values to achieve internal consistency or to permit recalculation of experimental values.38970 0. sat.72 11.0 Density lbm/(1000 ft3) Summation Factor at 60 °F. volume % in air Octane Number 0. °F Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane 16.50738 147. Btu/(lbm °F).5 1.168 219.2074 0.924 706.12 0.20 2.4 0.456 15.98 490.05 97.484 51.63113 92.5 0.7 154.3068 0. psia-1 Volume at 60 °F.8 8. ideal reaction Btu/lbm. fuel as ideal gas Net Heating Value at 60 °F. psia Density of Liquid at 60 °F. air = 1.122 58. Motor clear Research clear 1 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale. ideal gas/liquid Critical Conditions Temperature.3 147.4170 59.137 442.2 91599 21080 98935 21232 3252. volume % In air Upper.390 204.384 30.38 10.0116 0. ideal gas k = C P /C V . °F Vapor Pressure at 100 °F.0421 0.40 -109.37 17.9 512.647 5. fuel as ideal gas Btu/ft3.56 -131.21 23. ideal gas/liquid Critical Conditions Temperature. °F Pressure.729 162.582 146.40 345.55 19.36584 1. liq.696 psia.9445 301.38696 0.566 24. Flammability Limits at 100 °F.70698 68.794 73.620 0. volume % in air Octane Number 26 24.0633 0.`.`.0195 15.06 453. ideal reaction Btu/ft3.12 -139.6 0.4216 59.0792 0.97 4.696 psia Relative density at 60 °F/60 °F API Gravity Absolute density.36392 1. ideal gas C V .637 66.4289 337. 14.5 0.36898 1. Motor clear Research clear 2 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale.38358 0. 14.4 Component n-Hexane n-Heptane n-Octane n-Nonane n-Decane Freezing Point at 14.380 182.202 114.1200 0.1 136.4 124585 20494 125424 20652 7743.9132 374.`.13 258..696 psia Lower.66405 81.8 330.010 at 14.10 6.21 303.696 psia. Btu/(lbm °F).7 652. fuel as ideal gas Btu/gal.38566 0.0953 0.0616 0. sat.324 52. air = 1. All values in this table have been adjusted to the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90).38446 0.8 6.````-`-`.05 3. fuel as ideal gas Volume of Air to Burn One Volume of Ideal Gas Heat of Vaporization at 14. fuel as liquid Btu/gal.696 psia Relative density.93 1.113 5..4 119.82203 40. Btu/(lbm °F).0 0.0474 0.8534 2.255 142.588 5.5 0.5221 0.15407 1.950 144.01 4.1214 0.264 6..323 122. psia-1 Volume --````.095 442. fuel as liquid Btu/lbm.22 360.0 115951 20680 118654 20839 5502.09 3. °F 155.0 7. 14.7 5.5330 0.72186 64.. 14..229 128.83 436.807 133.PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF SELECTED HYDROCARBONS GPA STANDARD 2145-03 (FPS) becomes effective January 1.1350 0.8 1070..2 304. gal/lbmol Ft3 ideal gas/gal liquid Ratio.6 87.521 6..36810 1.68819 74.380 19.464 21.`.1516 0.0 124.0 20783 115060 20944 4756.5250 0..39 -69.5207 0.0183 0. Values in boldface type have changed since the last version of GPA 2145.2929 1. psia Density of Liquid at 60 °F. ideal gas k = C P /C V .3 246.36708 1.696 psia C P .696 psia.```.8 Refer to the notes on pages 4 and 5 as well as the references on page 13. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT .5 119565 20601 121428 20760 6248.1700 0.0 126388 4404 5100 5796 6493 7190 45.87 396.73406 61.696 psia Liquid.9 122363 20543 123634 20701 6996.282 Carbon Dioxide 44.9758 227.249 16.0378 0. volume % In air Upper.72 209.97 0.5279 0.```. 2003 Molar Mass Boiling Point 86.7 5. lbm/gal Density of Ideal Gas at 60 °F. 14.. °F Btu/lbm at the boiling point Specific Heat at 60 °F.0 Density lbm/(1000 ft3) Summation Factor at 60 °F.0542 0.1 7.01 -70.5366 0..17 -64.7 130. Btu/(lbm °F).38294 0.636 6.7 610. ideal reaction Btu/lbm..5197 115.961 1.311 17.48 21.481 59.5363 0.`.`--- at 60 °F.7375 0.175 100.19920 0.8942 0.7 1.28 -21. ideal gas C S . psia Gross Heating Value at 60 °F.4601 264.81 4.8 564. fuel as ideal gas Net Heating Value at 60 °F. 819 1.`. lbm/gal 0.922 86. volume % in air 4.473 0 0.00000 10.1608 175.`.000 8.752 Freezing Point at 14.0004 Specific Heat at 60 °F. 14.15688 1.322 0. °F Pressure.9990 4.5 -232.95051 Density of Liquid at 60 °F.17134 1.17740 1.696 psia Relative density.696 psia.3996 0.696 psia Lower.52 -320. Btu/(lbm °F).12 0.94 844.5079 0.81 970. air = 1.0000 76.18112 1. sat.95 2.1382 10.55 0.87 212.82 -455..4 85. fuel as ideal gas 6897.0026 28.50 Octane Number Motor clear Research clear Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 3Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale.0242 0.```.21894 0.PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF SELECTED HYDROCARBONS GPA STANDARD 2145-03 (FPS) becomes effective January 1. 14.0 Gross Heating Value at 60 °F.3372 0. Flammability Limits at 100 °F.782 6. fuel as ideal gas Btu/ft 3.80687 43..0130 31.24036 0.44477 0.311 0.00 -361.. ideal reaction Btu/ft 3.11 47473 1059..0 46156 7093. gal/lbmol Ft3 ideal gas/gal liquid Ratio.696 psia.9673 73.69 3.00442 0. psia 395. Btu/(lbm °F).0928 74.05557 3.0153 -76. fuel as liquid Btu/gal.0 Density lbm/(1000 ft3) Summation Factor at 60 °F.811 0.23939 0.5236 1.81 -346.95 -121.62210 47.23992 0.024 7.696 psia Liquid.63 91.`--- Critical Conditions .`.959 18.53 492..7270 1.3217 0. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT --````.40 4. ideal gas C V .708 715. °F Btu/lbm at the boiling point 586. °F Hydrogen Sulfide 34.8 7. fuel as ideal gas Volume of Air to Burn One Volume of Ideal Gas Heat of Vaporization at 14.9 705.3600 112.8 637.3036 1.1 Density of Ideal Gas at 60 °F.74421 1.00 Vapor Pressure at 100 °F. 14. °F 32.8 1306.1769 89.43 -297.3956 1.8 50.4002 0.97 551.9650 95. fuel as ideal gas Btu/gal.`.32 33.627 9. fuel as liquid Btu/lbm. volume % In air Upper.00523 0.80269 44.10 3200.06 -317. 2003 Component Molar Mass Boiling Point at 14. psia -450.33 -452.64 211.30 45.60 8.62 1313.696 psia.24829 0.6667 0.514 557.7 -220..312 8836 Net Heating Value at 60 °F...5 -181. 14.696 psia Relative density at 60 °F/60 °F API Gravity Absolute density.3295 1. 14.43 731. ideal gas C S .1050 84.156 234..696 psia C P . liq. ideal reaction Btu/lbm.`.547 1.6922 0.1423 -7.```.082 Nitrogen Oxygen Helium Water Air 28.. Btu/(lbm °F).33453 1. ideal gas/liquid Temperature.. ideal gas k = C P /C V .4 0.870 6.1643 91.0072 5. psia-1 Volume at 60 °F.87603 30.129 681.````-`-`. 696 psia Liquid. z 9. c. y 9.g f. 14.g f f f f i i c c c c c i h. r. l h. l. 14.. p. Specific Heat at 60 °F. ideal gas/liquid s s s Critical Conditions Temperature.. ideal reaction Btu/lbm.`. ideal gas C V .696 psia Relative density. p. l.````-`-`. volume % in air Octane Number Motor clear Research clear 4 --````. z Flammability Limits at 100 °F. lbm/gal k k Density of Ideal Gas at 60 °F.696 psia Lower.. p. 14. z 9 9 9. Btu/(lbm °F)..696 psia Relative density at 60 °F/60 °F API Gravity Absolute density. r. ideal reaction Btu/ft3.. l.. z 9 9.696 psia. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT . z 9 9. l.`. psia C1 C2 C3 i-C4 n-C4 i-C5 n-C5 c c c c c c c f. s Net Heating Value at 60 °F. °F Freezing Point at 14.`. p. z 9. l. c. c. p. y. v u. fuel as ideal gas u. °F Pressure. l. l h. gal/lbmol Ft3 ideal gas/gal liquid Ratio. fuel as ideal gas Volume to Burn One Volume of Ideal Gas Heat of Vaporization at 14. l l l r r r r r r r i i g g g g g g g g f f f f f f f f f f f f f f j j m m m m m m m m v v v v v v v Density of Liquid at 60 °F. fuel as ideal gas Btu/gal. ideal gas k = C P /C V .696 psia. r.696 psia. fuel as ideal gas Btu/ft3. 14.```. z 9. liq. sat. °F Vapor Pressure at 100 °F. air = 1.`--- Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale.. r. s u. fuel as liquid Btu/lbm.. r. y.696 psia C P .. 14. °F Btu/lbm at the boiling point p c.TABLE FOR NOTES GPA STANDARD Component Notes Molar Mass Boiling Point a at 14. psia Gross Heating Value at 60 °F. v.g f. Btu/(lbm °F).0 Density lbm/(1000 ft3) o. v u.`. p. r. y. p Summation Factor at 60 °F. psia-1 Volume at 60 °F. r. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9. p. ideal gas C S . c. l. Btu/(lbm °F).`. fuel as liquid Btu/gal. c.. c. w u. volume % In air Upper.```. l h.. g e c c c c c j d d d d d e l l l l l d. n d. p. g d. e x.`. r.`.. p.`--- f f e .`. v f.AND REFERENCES 2145-03 (FPS) n-C6 n-C7 n-C8 n-C9 n-C10 CO2 H2S N2 O2 He Air H2O b c c c c c d. p. m d. h d d d d d e f f f f f d. c.````-`-`.. c. g d..```. m d. p. l. p. r.`. c. r. n r r r d d d d d d g g g g t t t t d d d d d d d d f f f f f f f f q d d d d d d e e m m x... c. l. r. g d.. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT --````. h d d d d d e 6 6 6 6 6 d e 7 7 7 7 7 d e 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale. l. l. e x. r...`... e v v v v v c. g d. g d. l.```.. .mol-1.7812. Vocke. Adjustment to 60 °F was accomplished with ideal-gas heat capacities listed in reference 6 and liquid phase heat capacities listed in reference 7 w Gross heating values per volume are not direct conversions using gas to liquid volumes.4-trimethylpentane z Average value from octane numbers using more than one sample 6 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale. O2(g). Atomic Weights and Isotopic Compositions (version 2. c Calculated with the evaluated vapor-pressure equation in the TRC Table Database (Reference 1) d NIST REFPROP Database: Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties (Reference 2) e NIST Water Properties (Reference 3) f TRC Table Database (Reference 1) g At saturation pressure (triple point) h Sublimination point i Shaded values are estimated for the hypothetical liquid state j The temperature is above the critical temperature --````. Atomic Weights of the Elements 1997. Chem. R. [Online]..15K from reference 1 (TRC Tables).D.. J. 1593 (1999) b The molar mass for air is based upon the following composition expressed in mole fraction: N2(g). Pure Appl. [2002. see GPA 2172 for conversion to other bases v Derived with enthalpies of combustion for the appropriate phase at 298.1)..nist.oR)] p Calculated values q Defined value r Reference 5 s Alegebraically derived from the absolute density of the liquid t Gas at 60 °F and liquid at the normal boiling point u The basis for gross heating value is dry gas at 60 °F and 14. Ar(g). 71(8).K-1. the values differ by the ideal enthalpy of vaporization at 60 °F x Ideal enthalpy of vaporization y The + sign and number specify the number of cm3 of TEL (tetraethyl lead) added per gallon to achieve the ASTM octane number of 100.2. corresponding to that of 2. 0.`--- k Derived from the absolute density and the density of water from reference 3 l Reference 4 m Saturation pressure n Densities of liquid at the normal boiling point o The value used for the gas constant is 8.. and Dragoset.````-`-`. 0.696 psia based upon ideal reaction...`.NOTES FOR GPA STANDARD 2145-03 (FPS) a Coursey. Gaithersburg..7316 psia ft3/(lbmol. (2001).314472 J.```...`.. February 13].`..`.2. Available: http://physics. Originally published as R.0092. MD. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT .`. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology..```. A.2096. Jr. [10. 0219 0. 7 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale.069 44. liq.08 261. cm3 mol-1 Ratio.9 530.```.0514 2.64 300.07 0.165 28719 49.547 121.0514 0.0 1.15 K. kPa(abs) Density of Liquid at 288.429 86.67 0.67 184.`--- Net Heating Value at 288.033 27609 49.698 23.0775 2. volume % in air Octane Number Motor clear Research clear Numbers in this table do not have accuracies greater than 1 part in 1000.325 kPa(abs) Lower.52 204.55 231.2062 1.149 72.`.4329 1.3 489.00 0.9 343.707 51.042 30.0169 0. kJ kg-1 K-1.6 386.325 kPa(abs) C P .669 30712 49.0071 2. sat.067 49.00 407. ideal gas C S ..`.56 0. K 111.1309 2.7 359. kJ kg-1 K-1.8 8. ideal gas C V . kPa(abs) Gross Heating Value at 288.389 121. 101.26 143.68 114.168 511.0 1. air = 1.40 49.5 1.936 49.82 3640.09 138..4861 1. ideal reaction MJ kg-1.3071 1..15 K.369 1.`.122 72.081 1.325 kPa(abs) kJ kg-1 at the boiling point Specific Heat at 288. fuel as liquid MJ m-3.246 1.7094 1.4 8.66 33.501 237.0230 53.581 1.15 K.14 0.93 K.419 112.79 48.6 61.4914 3.05 1.4914 3.````-`-`.046 149.77 4244.992 281.370 93.```.5 9..0 Density kg m-3 Summation Factor at 288.68 90.12 3798 460.06 99. 101.6292 1.33 206.6879 1.168 38.0071 2.594 30349 48.12 379.68 3370 55.05 0. fuel as ideal gas Volume of Air to Burn One Volume of Ideal Gas Heat of Vaporization at 101. --````.0944 2.325 kPa(abs) Liquid.3 92.5104 1..4581 2.4581 2.8 90.51 86.35832 358.PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF SELECTED HYDROCARBONS GPA STANDARD 2145-03 (SI) becomes effective January 1.2717 1.4788 1. 2003 Component Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane Molar Mass Boiling Point 16. fuel as liquid MJ kg-1.0 2.79 113.3 0. 101.36 151. fuel as ideal gas MJ m-3.011 31. kJ kg-1 K-1.00910 0. kPa-1 Volume at 288.33 4872 369.58466 584.6014 1.0763 2.15 K.8 97.6 97.7 Freezing Point at 101.54 0.8649 2. fuel as ideal gas Flammability Limits at 310..81 190.15 K..0 2.36 115.52 113.325 kPa(abs). kg m-3 Density of Ideal Gas at 288.15 K.855 31.54 134.15 K.0 9. 101. K Pressure.3 300 0. 101.0967 2.325 kPa(abs).0180 0.351 1.096 58.5227 1.53 272.43 35000 5500 1369.22 103.0383 1. K Vapor Pressure at 313.1 89.149 at 101..952 66. In some cases.25 90.6 93.0133 0.99 309.1930 4.9 13.2 2.56 4599 305. ideal reaction MJ m-3.36 48.1 1.6 0.36 3381 469.00442 0. ideal gas/liquid Critical Conditions Temperature.62511 624..63162 631.011 38.5420 16.63 115.6218 1.15 K.5 1.`.22 229.2 426.17 83. extra digits have been added to calculated values to achieve internal consistency or to permit recalculation of experimental values.3 8.50812 507.594 18471 51.3 62.475 442.0 15.325 kPa(abs) Relative density.949 60.7 365.00 425.6256 1.274 5.4406 1.55397 0.950 149.. ideal gas k = C P /C V . 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT .67848 1.576 37.988 25377 50.38 9.01 112.122 58.40 138. volume % In air Upper.5146 1..6577 1.56357 563.325 kPa(abs) Relative density at 15 °C/15 °C Absolute density.35 85.859 272.`. kJ kg-1 K-1.5345 1.73442 733. ideal gas C V .0 Density kg m-3 Summation Factor at 288.9132 6.16 145. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT .74 133.920 33866 48.196 1. 101.184 1..4 Component n-Hexane n-Heptane n-Octane n-Nonane n-Decane Freezing Point at 101.39 216.1 302. fuel as liquid MJ m-3.59 0.82195 821.8 6..325 kPa(abs) kJ kg-1 at the boiling point Specific Heat at 288.40 268. liq.82 423.91 121. volume % In air Upper.1 7.6178 1.481 59. ideal gas/liquid Critical Conditions Temperature. 101.671 34979 48.2378 3.6446 3.010 at 101. cm3 mol-1 Ratio.98 0.0464 0.8 2487 594.34 161.59 37.255 142.0516 0.76 0.66448 663.0634 2. 101.5213 1.39 219.794 73.4601 4. ideal reaction MJ kg-1.15 K.208 1. ideal reaction MJ m-3.6073 1..3 277.30 2736 568. kPa-1 Volume at 288.175 100..4 289.56 398.59 441. fuel as ideal gas MJ m-3.19 47.325 kPa(abs) Liquid.178 0.5197 1. kPa(abs) Density of Liquid at 288.PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF SELECTED HYDROCARBONS GPA STANDARD 2145-03 (SI) becomes effective January 1. K Pressure.300 12.15 K. K Vapor Pressure at 313.`.7 2280 617.15 K. volume % in air Octane Number Motor clear Research clear 26 24.6036 1.6 573.324 52.5388 1.15 K.785 34481 48.84 182.```.0580 0. kg m-3 Density of Ideal Gas at 288.3488 0.5425 1.336 4.7 2100 304. Flammability Limits at 310. kJ kg-1 K-1.289 233.6 0.39 45.8310 4.2 507.89 0.950 335.80 182.0474 2. ideal gas k = C P /C V .153 261..70737 706.72224 721.0 0.0421 2.15 K.325 kPa(abs) Relative density.717 177.73 0.038 289.0 7.93 447.88 371..`.55 48.68860 687.0303 0. sat..7 5.637 66.94 53.1 7377 48. 101. Values in boldface type have changed since the last version of GPA 2145.0379 2.`..66 243.15 K.474 205.29 177.15 K.65 162..6123 1.231 1.325 kPa(abs).37 242.1403 1..325 kPa(abs) C P .75 177.3 1.```.15 K. 2003 Molar Mass Boiling Point 86.63 146. fuel as ideal gas Net Heating Value at 288.229 128.22 2.40 190.29 47. kPa(abs) Gross Heating Value at 288.````-`-`.0543 2.7 5.2931 1.`--- Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale.5294 1.49 216. ideal gas C S .00745 129. fuel as liquid MJ kg-1.4242 4. fuel as ideal gas Volume of Air to Burn One Volume of Ideal Gas Heat of Vaporization at 101.03 193.325 kPa(abs).8334 0. 8 --````.8613 0.0174 1.7 1.06 164.343 32094 48.9758 3.0364 0.104 33095 48.325 kPa(abs) Relative density at 15 °C/15 °C Absolute density. 101.325 kPa(abs) Lower. air = 1.`. All values in this table have been adjusted to the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90).202 114.6445 1.5 0.50 3012 540.282 Carbon Dioxide 44.26 194.93 K. kJ kg-1 K-1.42 47.`.6009 1.4289 5..8 Refer to the notes on pages 10 and 11 as well as the references on page 13. K 341.9445 4.4876 0.1 318.59 216. 2 373.4 28.6 9008 126.15 Vapor Pressure at 313.3 132.3 45. Flammability Limits at 310.62210 0.1769 1.1 1. kJ kg-1 K-1.15 K. fuel as liquid MJ m-3.177 Freezing Point at 101.10 22064 Density of Ideal Gas at 288. kPa(abs) 2867 7. ideal reaction MJ kg-1.70 63.93 K.2 1. sat. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT .15 K.46 Gross Heating Value at 288.9990 4.325 kPa(abs) kJ kg-1 at the boiling point 21.`.19 3396 154. 101.124 187.040 843.15 K. ideal gas k = C P /C V .7427 1.103 0.3 199.8620 1.3533 0.86 77.188 4.```.0 647.61 3805. K Hydrogen Sulfide 34.1847 1.0153 212.58 5043 0.15 K.````-`-`..15 K.0045 0.00201 0.4005 1.8792 Net Heating Value at 288.00170 0. 101.325 kPa(abs) Lower..325 kPa(abs) C P . fuel as ideal gas Volume of Air to Burn One Volume of Ideal Gas Heat of Vaporization --````.80680 806.4664 1..195 227.6667 1.1382 0. fuel as ideal gas MJ m-3..15 K.1693 1.1889 Specific Heat at 288.5 Octane Number Motor clear Research clear Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 9Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale.752 680.6 18.63 554.1422 1141.75 201.4414 0. fuel as ideal gas 16. 2003 Component Molar Mass Boiling Point at 101. ideal gas C V .1 20. kg m-3 0.```. kPa -1 Volume at 288. ideal gas/liquid Critical Conditions Temperature.325 kPa(abs) Liquid. K 273.`. air = 1.`.6568 1. kPa(abs) 5.0026 28.325 kPa(abs) Relative density.1931 3.3295 4.4 0. fuel as liquid MJ kg-1.5 1.`.325 kPa(abs).91 7.903 373.7173 1.125 1.355 90.`.15 K. 101..230 78.00275 42.0000 1.325 kPa(abs).3996 0.042 12825 16.2247 0. 101..1050 1.02496 33. cm3 mol-1 Ratio. 101.00926 0.361 2.959 18.09 714.9166 0. volume % in air 4.0130 31.9673 1..151 54. volume % In air Upper.0 Density kg m-3 Summation Factor at 288. ideal reaction MJ m-3.9 2256.PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF SELECTED HYDROCARBONS GPA STANDARD 2145-03 (SI) becomes effective January 1.15 K.325 kPa(abs) Relative density at 15 °C/15 °C Absolute density.80015 799.785 2..156 545..76191 0 0. kJ kg-1 K-1.501 23.031 1311.3218 2.2 213... liq.0021 0.0396 0. kJ kg-1 K-1.`--- at 101.4002 1.00000 999.87596 875.3849 Density of Liquid at 288. K Pressure.082 Nitrogen Oxygen Helium Air Water 28. ideal gas C S .1159 1.6 34.3956 5.7581 1.2 1. p. kJ kg-1 K-1. Flammability Limits at 310. c.15 K. s u.15 K.. sat. p. r. kg m-3 k Density of Ideal Gas at 288. p. l h. fuel as ideal gas MJ m-3. K Pressure. r. fuel as liquid MJ kg-1. ideal reaction MJ m-3. cm3 mol-1 Ratio.325 kPa(abs) C P ..`. kJ kg-1 K-1.g f f f f i i c c c c c i h.. fuel as ideal gas at 101. z 9 9.325 kPa(abs).15 K. z 9. kJ kg-1 K-1. c. 101. 101.````-`-`. y. ideal gas C S . v u.325 kPa(abs) Liquid. s Net Heating Value at 288.. 101. l. ideal gas k = C P /C V .`.g f. z 9 9 9.15 K. l h.325 kPa(abs) Lower. l.93 K. p.325 kPa(abs) kJ kg-1 at the boiling point p Specific Heat at 288. 101. K Vapor Pressure at 313.```. ideal gas/liquid s s Critical Conditions Temperature. y. air = 1.. kPa-1 Volume at 288. kPa(abs) Density of Liquid at 288. K Freezing Point at 101. y. y 9. r. r. ideal gas C V .`. p. fuel as liquid MJ m-3.325 kPa(abs). z 9 9..0 Density kg m-3 o.TABLE FOR NOTES GPA STANDARD Component Molar Mass Boiling Point Notes C1 C2 C3 i-C4 n-C4 i-C5 n-C5 c c c c c c c f. p. c. volume % In air Upper. l. p Summation Factor at 288. z 9. c. r. l.325 kPa(abs) Relative density at 15 °C/15 °C Absolute density. r.```. kPa(abs) Gross Heating Value at 288..15 K.. c.15 K.15 K. ideal reaction MJ kg-1. z 9. r..325 kPa(abs) Relative density. 101. l.. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9. l l l r r r r r r r i g g g g f f f f f f f f f f f f f f j j m m m m m m m m v v v v v v v c.. l h. p.g f. c.`. liq.`.`--- Volume of Air to Burn One Volume of Ideal Gas Heat of Vaporization . l. volume % in air Octane Number Motor clear Research clear 10 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT --````. v u. l.15 K. z a at 101. fuel as ideal gas u. g e c c c c c j d d d d d e l l l l l d. g d. 1 6 6 6 6 6 e 2 7 7 7 7 7 e 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 f. h d d d d 11 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale..````-`-`. p. l. m d.`. n d.. n r r r d d d d d d g g t t d d d d d d d d f f f f f f f f f f e q d d d d d d e e m m x.. p. g d. l. p. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT d e --````. c. l. c. p... r... g d.AND REFERENCES 2145-03 (SI) n-C6 n-C7 n-C8 n-C9 n-C10 CO2 H2S N2 O2 He Air H2O c c c c c d. h d d d d d e f f f f f d. e x.`.`. p.. c. r. l. g d.. r..`. e v v v v v v c.```.```. r. c. l. g d.`--- b . r. m d.`.. .K-1.`.314472 J.```.oR)] p Calculated values q Defined value r Reference 5 s Alegebraically derived from the absolute density of the liquid t Gas at 15 °C and liquid at the normal boiling point u The basis for gross heating value is dry gas at 15 °C and 101.NOTES FOR GPA STANDARD 2145-03 (SI) a Coursey.`.`--- o The value used for the gas constant is 8.1).. 0..4-trimethylpentane z Average value from octane numbers using more than one sample 12 Copyright Gas Processors Association Provided by IHS under license with GPA No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UK LOCATION/5940240005 Not for Resale.. c Calculated with the evaluated vapor-pressure equation in the TRC Table Database (Reference 1) d NIST REFPROP Database: Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties (Reference 2) e NIST Water Properties (Reference 3) f TRC Table Database (Reference 1) g At saturation pressure (triple point) h Sublimination point i Shaded values are estimated for the hypothetical liquid state j The temperature is above the critical temperature k Derived from the absolute density and the density of water from reference 3 l Reference 4 m Saturation pressure n Densities of liquid at the normal boiling point --````.7812. Atomic Weights of the Elements [2002. Pure Appl.D.````-`-`. February 13]. 08/21/2007 09:15:57 MDT . Originally published as R. the values differ by the ideal enthalpy of vaporization at 15 °C x Ideal enthalpy of vaporization y The + sign and number specify the number of cm3 of TEL (tetraethyl lead) added per gallon to achieve the ASTM octane number of 100. [10. Vocke. R.2.325 kPa based upon ideal reaction.0092. S. Ar(g). [Online].```.7316 psia ft3/(lbmol.`. A. see GPA 2172 for conversion to other bases v Derived with enthalpies of combustion for the appropriate phase at 298..`. 71(8)..nist.`.. MD.. 1593 (1999) b The molar mass for air is based upon the following composition expressed in mole fraction: N2(g). (2001).2096.. Jr. Atomic Weights and Isotopic Compositions (version 2.. O2(g). and Dragoset...2. Chem. Available: http://physics.mol-1. J. corresponding to that of 2.15K from reference 1 (TRC Tables). National Institute of Standards and Technology.. Adjustment to 288. 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