GP Manual Final

March 29, 2018 | Author: skumara | Category: Image Scanner, Receipt, Medical Prescription, Invoice, Credit Card



CLINISYS USER MANUALUser’s Guide CliniSYS GP Document Version: v4.0.1 CliniSYS™ MedexOne CliniSys GP program v7 by MedexOne Global Sdn Bhd CLINISYS USER MANUAL Copyright © 2015 MedexOne Global Sdn Bhd All rights reserved. No part of this manual shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, desktop publishing, recording, or otherwise without permission from MedexOne Global Sdn Bhd. Patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the information of this book, the MedexOne Global Sdn Bhd assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is there any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. CliniSYS is a trademark of MedexOne Global Sdn Bhd in Malaysia and other countries. Other products and certain terms mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. The examples companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred. MedexOne Global Sdn Bhd 21-3 & 23-3, Block E1, Jalan PJU 1/42, Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia Tel: (603) 7803 5191 / (603) 5888 7767 Fax: (603) 7806 5191 E-mail: [email protected] Website: CLINISYS USER MANUAL CONTENT OVERVIEW OF CLINISYS ...............................................................4 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 4 FEATURES ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Patient Management .................................................................................................................................. 5 Inventory Management ............................................................................................................................. 5 - Drug inventory management system - Support batch number and expiration date controls Support multiple-price pricing structure. - Allow multiple units of measure conversion - Stock Movement analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 5 - Support Minimum stock, Maximum stock and reorder level control ............................................. 5 Drug, Treatment, Investigation and others charges ........................................................................... 6 Corporate Invoicing and Corporate Management ................................................................................ 6 Security......................................................................................................................................................... 6 - Password protection for each user on the system - Allow access rights setting based on user job function. - System backup and restore function. - Dispensary, Billing and Payment Audit Trial. .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 CHAPTER 1: GET TO START ............................................................7 LOGIN ................................................................................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER 2: OPERATION ................................................................8 2.1 REGISTRATON ................................................................................................................................. 8 2.1.1 Cash Patient ......................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.2 Panel patient ...................................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.3 Add Dependant patient ..................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.3 Search Patient ................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 CONSULTATION ............................................................................................................................. 12 2.2.1 Patient status bar .............................................................................................................................. 12 2.2.2 Pen Function ...................................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.3. Consultation Note............................................................................................................................. 13 2.2.4 Prescription Page .............................................................................................................................. 14 2.2.5 Visit History ....................................................................................................................................... 16 2.2.6 Sub function ...................................................................................................................................... 16 2.3 DISPENSARY ................................................................................................................................. 26 2.4 PAYMENT COLLECTION .................................................................................................................. 31 1. By Details ................................................................................................................................................ 31 2. By Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 31 BILLING IMPLEMENTATION METHOD – BY DETAILS ............................................................................... 31 1. - Select patient in status FDIS and click on the ‘Payment Collection’. ...................................................... 31 2. This is Bill and Payment. .......................................................................................................................... 31 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32 3. Payment Receive ..................................................................................................................................... 32 4. Print Receipt ............................................................................................................................................ 32 1|Page ......................................... 80 5................................................................2 TRANSACTION .....................................................3 Good Received Item List ....................................................................7 Drug Prescription (Date Selection) ......1.....................................2.................................. 37 3......................................................................................................................1 Sales Report ................................... 74 5.................................. 36 CHAPTER 3: INVENTORY ................ 79 5......................... 78 5............................................. 75 5......................... 77 5.....1.........2 Stock Price Listing ............................................................................................................................9 Patient Outstanding Report ................................ 76 5........................................................................................................ 57 CHAPTER 4: CORPORATE INVOICING ..............................................................................................2..............................................................................................................................5 Stock Issuing ....................1 Create Payment header..........................................................CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2......... 37 3..1 Stock Profiles .......................... 74 5............................ 37 3.................1 Purchase Order..........................................................................................................................6 Stock Movement Report (Detail) .................................................2................................................ 75 5.......3 Cash Collection Report ......1........7 Inter-branch Transfer Out .......................................................2............................................................................... 77 5.................4 Stock Balance / Stock Take ...............................................2............................................................. 77 5........................ 68 4........................ 40 3...........2.. 80 5................................ 79 5............. Collection Report (Detail) ............................. 75 5........................................................... 78 5....... 73 CHAPTER 5: REPORTING ...........................................................1.....................3 Goods Return to Supplier ....................................................................................................................................................................3 PAYMENT COLLECTION ...................... 71 4....................................................1........2................................2 INVENTORY REPORT ..2........................................................2 Supplier Master Setup......................................... 45 3............................................ Collection Report.................2......................................................3...................................................5 Cash Sales vs....................2 Cancel Posted Invoice ...........6 Cash Sales vs............................... 53 3....................2 Apply payment .......................................................1............................................................................. 71 4.......2............... 47 3......................................................................................................................................1.......2................................................................ 50 3......2..... 63 4...............................................................4 Sale vs...................................7 Drug Revenue Analysis Report .....................................................................................8 Charge Item Revenue Analysis .................. 81 2|Page ....................................................... 41 3........................1 Stock Master Setup .....................2.............................1...................................2.4 Stock adjustment...................2 Corporate Sale Report ...........5 ISSUE MC AND TIME SLIP .......................1 M ASTER FILE SETUP .........................................................................................6 Inter-branch Transfer In ......1 Generate Invoice.......................... 45 3........................... 57 3...................................................1 SALES & COLLECTION REPORT .........................................................................................2.....3 Regime group setup ........................................................................ 81 5....................................................................................................................................... 79 5..................................... 56 3..............................................................................................1... 61 4...............3...............2 Goods Receive ........................................................................................1........1 CORPORATE SETTING ...................................... Receipt Tracking..............................................................................................................1................................. 80 5....................................................... 63 4......2 INVOICE FUNCTION ........ 61 4..................................................................1...........5 Stock Movement Report (Summary) ...........................................................2..................................................... ...........4 Sensitive Data .......................1 Workstation .............................................................................................................1............................................................................................................................. 82 5............................................................................................................................................................................................4 Setting Appointment labels ......................................2 Create Appointment Using Planner ..........2.....................................................1.......................2.....3 COMPANY / CLINIC LOGO SETUP ............8 Drug Prescription (Drug Selection).. 97 7.......................2 MULTIPLE PRICING SETUP .... 83 5............................................................................................................................4 Charge Item (Investigation......1 Overview ........................................................................ 84 6...........2..............CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5..... 88 6....................................................2......................................................................96 7........................ 100 7.............2 Corporate Settings ....................2................................................... 107 8.........................................................................................1 APPOINTMENT .................................1.................................. 84 6..................... 104 8...1 Prescription Book...........................2 Change Password – Current or Other User ID .......3 Patient Information .............2 Level Two .......................................................................................... 83 5............................................... 86 6...................2 USER ACCESS GROUP...................................1................ 102 CHAPTER 8: APPOINTMENT .................................1 M ASTER FILE SETUP ................................................................ 85 6.............................................1 Prescription Register for Psychotropic Substances ................. 98 7................. Examination.........................................................................1 User Profile ................1.2..........................3............... 107 3|Page .....................................................2...... 83 CHAPTER 6: USER MAINTENANCE ............... 8............................... 93 6.................................................................3........................1......................................................................................... 85 6.............................................................. Treatment......... 87 6....................................................................................................................................................3 MINISTRY OF HEALTH REPORT .....................................................................................................1 Level One ............. 99 7................. 104 8......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined............................................. Other) ................. 97 7..........3 Search appointment by filtering by doctor & date....... 96 7.................3 Change Password – Current ID ...............1 FORM PRINTER SETUP .............1 Create appointment .......................................................... 95 CHAPTER 7: SETTING..............................................2........... 106 8..................1.............................................. 84 6............................................................ 96 7......................................................................1.................2...................................................................................3 Inventory .............................................. Medical center or clinic can eliminate traditional cards system by using the system's unique hand written technology and thus save cost by the means of paperless and streamlining the business operation. 4|Page . inquiry and reporting functions. maintenance.CLINISYS USER MANUAL Overview of CliniSYS Introduction The Clinic Management System is a fully functional medical operation application system with extensive interactive data entry. .Support smart card reader to ease user in data entry for new patient .Support printing of medical diagram.Allow user to blacklist patient based patient’s credit status.Allow loading medical diagram / picture and write on top of the diagram using digital ink technology.Save hand written notes as ink strokes into the database system with in small file size(2k – 5k). Allow multiple units of measure conversion Stock Movement analysis Support Minimum stock. .Provide Appointment Management function. built on top of Microsoft Tablet PC Technology. blue and black as well as electronic highlighter.Alert user on outstanding balance . . .Allow storing and displaying clinical picture.Allow user to in-activate corporate client due to the credit status of corporate client. .Able to scan end user’s documents and write on top of the scanned document using digital ink technology. referral letter and other documentations. . handwritten consultation notes. Patient Management . Inventory Management - Drug inventory management system Support batch number and expiration date controls Support multiple-price pricing structure.Support handwritten consultation notes. yellow. .Support credit control over individual patient and corporate client . prescription notes. . with color choices of green.Support hand written technology. . . .Allow user to mark patient’s record as and when medical charges entitlement has exceeded for the year. .Support different styles of ink stroke. prescription.Drug allergy information: Alert user if the patient is allergic to the dispensed drugs.Allow user to set VIP status for individual patient. referral letter. Maximum stock and reorder level control Support multiple pricing 5|Page .CLINISYS USER MANUAL Features Key Technology . Support ceiling charges per visit.CLINISYS USER MANUAL Drug.Provide multiple "bill-to" options – employer. . . Billing and Payment Audit Trial.Corporate Aging list. System backup and restore function. Investigation and others charges - Predefine drug pricing and drug label printing Predefine investigation item pricing Predefine treatment item pricing Redefine other item pricing Corporate Invoicing and Corporate Management . family member’s employer and etc. Treatment. Dispensary. System will alert user upon total charges have exceeded allowable ceiling charges per patient per visit. 6|Page .Various kind of inquiry on corporate sales and payment Security - Password protection for each user on the system Allow access rights setting based on user job function.Invoice Payment Management . . 7|Page .CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 1: Get to Start Login After click on the system. password = admin *Login based on your setting. Please refer to User Profile Setup. CliniSys default login user ID = admin. Different user has different login. system initializing screen below will appear. refer to System setting. First. * Insert the mycard into mycard reader then click ‘Read Smart Card’ 8|Page .CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 2: Operation 2. click Patient Registration. To register new patient click ‘NEW’.1 Registraton 2.1. 3. 2. You may key in the detail of the patient by manual or using MyCard Reader.1 Cash Patient 1. Click ‘Save’ to save the patient record Close the screen after update successful.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. Fill up all the general information for the patient. click on register to put patient to the Queue. Then. 9|Page . 5. 2 Panel patient 1. Select Reason for the visit 3. Patient’s name appear on the queue list. 2.1. Select Consultant. You can click the pen button to add new. Red Indicate: Registered 2. Click ‘Ok’ to proceed 6. 2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 1. Repeat the step 1-4. Select panel from the selection 10 | P a g e . 11 | P a g e . Repeat the step 1-4. Click ‘Add bill to Account’ and search the patient name 3.3 Search Patient 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2.1. To search patient from the system. 2. Select Relationship 2. a. Click ok to save 2. This is the section you can search the existing patient b.3 Add Dependant patient 1. click on or 2. A window will pop out. Click “Billing Under account of” 1.1. Example: by patient Name. IC No…etc or you may search it by alphabetical order by click on it. There are several ways to search the patient. Pen function 4.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. Then move the mouse pointer to Consultation. 1.2.1 Patient status bar This is a portion provide a direct and brief information to Doctor. Note for doctor. At the Patient and Registration queue list. Prescription page 5. either typing or writing 6.2 Consultation A module for doctor /nurse to record down the medical note for each patient. Sub function 2. Consultation Doctor uses this portion to record information regarding patient private health records. Consultation Page It consists of few main features:- 1. 12 | P a g e . and click to consultation. Visit history 3. 2. Patient status bar 2. select a patient with status ‘REG’. 2 Pen Function Tools Detail info Select pen mode and then write on the blank page Eraser to erase the words. use to perform colouring high light Select a mouse mode and type the notes using keyboard Selection. Patient Summary is a static page with means whatever doctor writes inside there. Extend page down to extend the page 2. 13 | P a g e . Consultation Note Doctor uses this portion to record information regard current patient health status. make selection on object and use to move the image Cut. Highlighter.2. it will appear every time doctor open the patient’s consultation notes.3. apply color for pen and highlighter. (c/w black. yellow.2. etc) Insert image to insert the image Print to print consultation notes. It can be used for entering the patient history. either in writing or typing form. use to cut object select by Selection Undo Redo Red Color. blue.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. Select pen mode to write prescription notes or Select mouse mode. 4.4 Prescription Page 4.2. Charges Item Searching area Selected charges / orders The usage of drug ordering is an important task which will help Doctor operate and organize a clinic business under control . treatment.Peace of mind for long team. examination and others.2 Prescription Order Doctor may make order on drug. 14 | P a g e .1 Prescription Notes Doctor may use this portion to write down in detail regard prescription. Either double click the selected medicine or drag from left to right. then using keyboard to enter prescription and charges. 3 Charges Item Searching User may use mouse pointer drag up and down to scroll and searching the item. Method 2 Key in searching command with % will help to search wording in between description. But here are few useful methods which will help to improve the usage of system. System will filter for you. key in the drug name.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. 15 | P a g e . Method 1 Use Drug Description. Waiting time Total patient on queue Visit Time Action button Previous visit date. to perform appointment schedule with reminder feature 8. may view Medical Report Notes 2.2. Link to Fomema data entry table. Link to Statistic data entry of body mass index. Doctor is allowed to click and recall previous consultation for view or reference.6 Sub function Sub function serves as an additional function in the system. Doctor use this to prepare referral letter for patient 7. 5. To complete and close current Consultation screen 16 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. Link to appointment module. Use to issue MC for patient 9.2.5 Visit History Patient history record come with consultation time and number of visit counting. Link to Patient Info 3. right click to add remark 2. Use this to scan / attach document 4. Link to Immunisation module 6. blood pressure and cholesterol level. etc. View and check bill charges information 10. User can access to this function to perform the task accordingly 1. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 1.Use to enter medical report’s detail of foreign worker. 17 | P a g e . Fomema Biodata .Link to open patient’s biodata. .Can print consent form 2. Patient Biodata . Imaging / Document .User can perform scan or add attachment in here. Scan directly from scanner Import image from folder Attach document from folder Attach standard document / form from folder Close the current screen 18 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. click on Blood Pressure Chart. 1. Body Mass Index.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. Such as: Blood Pressure Chart. Press Refresh Chart to view the result 4. etc. Result shown as below 19 | P a g e . Cholesterol Chart. Statistics Data User able to record down the Statistic chart for the patient. Key in the reading as the example below and click ok to confirm. 3. There are several chat available in the system. To create a new record. 2. 2 Figure 1.3 20 | P a g e . For the first time user. You will see Immunization Master Setup after you press Immunization Setup. Delete for delete unused Immunization Type.(p/s: Failed to delete already use record) Figure 1. Figure 1.1 2. You will get to see the Immunization screen as shown at figure 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. As shown at figure 1.3. Add for adding new Immunization Type. Edit for change existing Immunization Type.2 3.1. Immunization 1. you need to go to Immunization Setup to setup the pre-chart before use. As shown at figure 1. Figure 1. 21 | P a g e .4. Enter the Chart Name.6 7.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. Click Finish to save the schedule.4 5. Double click the cell to mark the schedule. Figure 1.5 6. Figure 1. number of item. Enter the period. Code and Description as shown as figure 1. 8. You can add the schedule to the patient with your pre-set template. 11. Select the schedule to add.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 9. 22 | P a g e . Click ok to save. Double click the Yellow colour cell to add the details. Click Open new Immunisation Chart 10. 1. Key in the details 3. Click here to create new document *This feature requires Microsoft Office (legal version) or Open Office. Select template 4.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 6. Letter Users allow to create referral letter in this portion. Key in the detail as screen below. Choose your text editing software . Create the document 23 | P a g e 2. 1. Please contact your hardware vendor if you don’t have any of it. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 7.7 24 | P a g e . Appointment Please refer to the Appointment module on Page 8. Click print to preview the MC (figure 1. Figure 1. Click on the MC and the screen below will pop out.7) or click close to save the record. Medical Certificate (MC) 1. Key in MC day to be given 3. Bill Summary Total charges will appear base on the item prescript. Enter consultation amount only FOC mean no consultation charges Figure 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 9. User only need to enter consultation charges. Consultation Completed Send patient to dispensary Pending Consultation / See patient later due to patient is on treatment Put patient back to queue 25 | P a g e .8 10. Then move the mouse pointer to Dispensary.3 Dispensary Dispensary is a module allow user perform - Prepare - Check - Dispense 1. Ask the doctor to complete the consultation notes if you see the patient came out to dispensary and yet the status still not change to FCON 26 | P a g e . Select patient with status "FCON " (Finish Consultation) 2. as below: - Prescription Note by writing or typing Charge Items searching area Order items Function button You cannot go into dispensary function if the status is not FCON or above (FDIS.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. BILL and etc). and click to perform Dispensary 3. In Dispensary screen. CLINISYS USER MANUAL Prescription Page 1. Nurses are either double click the selected medicine or drag from left to right. Finally. Doctor’s prescription note 2. And very important is double check the Total Price. click Confirm this transaction. frequency. Edit the dispense quantity. dosage. User are not allow to key in negative value in charge amount 27 | P a g e . instruction. 3. precaution and indication. Selected medicine detail screen will appear. 28 | P a g e . Then continue with other medicine charges order Sample Charges grouping Charges Group Sample Info Medication Investigation Treatment Examination Other 5. User may use function button to perform Edit item.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. Remove item and print Drug Label. user will prepare all drugs / medications that been dragged / ordered by doctor for particular patient. At this point. b. instruction. such as dispense quantity. system will preview and print all current patient prescription drug label which order by Doctor. 29 | P a g e . etc. Remove Item Upon clicking.CLINISYS USER MANUAL a. frequency. Dispensed Quantity Unit price Prescription information c. system will prompt delete confirmation. indication. precaution. Drug Label Click this button. dosage. Edit Item Use to edit medication detail. e. Select visit date 2. Confirm selection 6. click on "Dispensary Completed" to proceed with payment. Repeat Medication Repeat medication according to the previous visit. 1. Once all prepared. *Please refer to the Regime Setting on how to setup regime group and regime item at page 41. Select medication 3. Add Regime Pre-set drug will add according to the selected regime. 30 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL d. .4 Payment Collection Setting of Billing Implementation Method 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. Every changes of the total amount will involve editing charge item in detail. 2.Select patient in status FDIS and click on the ‘Payment Collection’. 1. By Details Provide a feature allow user receipt payment collection with proper record in transaction. Go to Settings 2. 31 | P a g e . By Summary System will perform the first calculation base on Doctor’s charges order. Select System Environment under System Setup 3. Upon payment collection. Select Operation Setup tab. No detail record is request to edit. Set Billing Implementation Method to ‘By Details’ or ‘By Summary’. Billing Implementation Method – By Details 1. user is flexi allow perform changes on the charge total. 4. This is Bill and Payment. This is a easy and simple solution. 2. 4.CLINISYS USER MANUAL System will auto calculate the group total amount. Finally. *User need to key in check number or credit card number as reference 1 and bank as reference 2 if chose check or credit card as different payment method. Print Receipt 32 | P a g e . Double confirm or make change on Receive Amount. Select Payment Method: Cash / Credit Card c. Payment Date b. Payment Receive User need to update and key in:a. user is allowing make changes on consultation charges. Before Confirm Bill. 3. click Confirm Bill. Finally. Click on this button for editing others charges. Click on ‘Receive payment’ to confirm the cash receive. just key in the figure. d. Select the receipt transaction e. Outstanding Amount is Zero. 33 | P a g e . d. Print Receipt screen prompt. b. Bill No generated c. the amount receives will record under Payment Receive History. And click ‘Print Receipt’ f. Upon ‘Receive payment’.CLINISYS USER MANUAL a. Official Receipt sample as below 34 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL g. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. Print preview as below 35 | P a g e . Click ok to preview d. At bill and payment screen. click on print billing detail b. Print billing detail a. 5 Issue MC and Time Slip 1. Click ‘Issue Time Slip’ 4.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. Click ‘Ad Hoc’ on the left hand of the screen 2. it will appear the time in and time out of the patient. *Time Slip can ONLY be issued when the status is “BIL” 5. Follow the step in Page 20 to issue the MC. Select the patient 3. By default. Screen as below will appear User are allow to change the ‘From Time’ and ‘To Time’. 36 | P a g e . Click ‘New’ Drug profile Stock code and description Base UOM setting Prescription information Stock price and UOM conversion setting panel Vendor information * RED color text is MANDATORY field 37 | P a g e .1 Stock Master Setup Step by step 1. To create new drug/product.1. Click Inventory ->master files->stock master For Searching Product Master List 2.1 Master file setup 3.CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 3: Inventory 3. description (trade name). key in vendor information (optional) Psychotropic / poison drug selection Supplier Information 38 | P a g e . Prescription information of the drug f. Unit cost – base on the UOM Reorder Quantity setting Base UOM setting Unit cost per base UOM e. UOM – Unit of measurement. Stock code. Key in prescription information of the drug.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. Stock reorder quantity – to alert USER when stock level is hit a certain quantity c. stock category (optional). it is advisable to key in the smallest UOM example. tablet d. stock group (optional) Stock Code Trade name / description Category and Group Active check box (checked by default) b. Key in the detail as below: a. Then click selling price at the right panel to key in the selling price of the medication Upload product image Drug generic name UOM conversion (optional) Drug selling price GST setting * UOM conversion use only when the Base UOM setting is different from the selling price UOM a. click new price b. key in the info as below Base on the UOM setting previously Quantity Selling price per quantity * For multiple pricing setup. price updated in the system 39 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. click save to update d. please refer to the pricing policy setup c. Click save to save the data 40 | P a g e . Click Code Active check box Address.1. Click Inventory ->master files->supplier master Supplier list Data entry panel 2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. phone number.2 Supplier Master Setup Step to add new drug 1. contact person. remark and credit term GST Reg no and tax code (for GST register clinic only) 3. Our system already pre-set few regime groups. 2.3 Regime group setup Step to add regime group 1. 41 | P a g e . The regime group setting window will appear. But user are allows to add in accordingly. then click . Click the “Group Regime” 3. 4.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3.1. Click . An “Update Successful” window will appear. 10. 7. 9. A new regime group adds into the list. Key in the code and description. 6. 8. Click “OK”. Click to add a new item. Then click . Repeat the step 4 – 7 to add a new item. 42 | P a g e . The code and description will become editable. The “CODE” will become gray color which mean cannot be edit.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. Select the regime group to add the medicine (left panel) 4. Click “Regime Items”. Select the drug (right top panel).CLINISYS USER MANUAL Step to add regime item 1. 2. A new window will appear 3. User can search with the drug name with the symbol “%” in front of the drug name. 43 | P a g e . Key in the detail accordingly. Item selected will add into the list (bottom panel). (Dispense Quantity. After finish. Dosage. The dispensary screen will appear 6. Repeat the step 4 – 6 to add a new drug. Select and double click the drug to add. user can proceed to other Regime Group.). 8. The click “Confirm” 7.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. 44 | P a g e . Frequency and etc. 2 Transaction 3.1 Purchase Order Purchase Order use to send order to supplier. Click new 45 | P a g e . 1. Click inventory -> purchase order For Searching PO header PO detail 2.2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. Then click “Select” 6. After finish. Key in detail as below. Enter unit cost Repeat step 4-6 to add other item. Select the item from the master list. then click “OK” 1. Click “Add item” 5. Enter quantity 2. 7. Key in the info as below 4. click “Save” 46 | P a g e . Click inventory->Good receive For Searching GRN header GRN detail 2. Click new 47 | P a g e .2. invoice no. cost and etc from the supplier 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3.2 Goods Receive Good receive use to enter the quantity received. double check the data. Key in the info as below 4. 7. then click “OK” PO detail Batch no and expiry date Quantity Received Subtotal Location Repeat step 4-6 to add other item. Before confirm.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. After finish. Key in detail as below. Click Add item at below 5. click “Save” 8. 48 | P a g e . Select the item from the master list. Then click “Select” 6. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 9. Click “Yes” when confirm all the data entered is correct. A confirmation message box will pop out. please go to stock adjustment. 12. The quantity entered will be updated into the system. Check Stock Status After Receive: Go to Inventory  Master File  Product Master 49 | P a g e . For any amendment. Click “Confirm GRN” when after the checking. 11. *Editing or deleting is not allow after user confirm the GRN. 10. 2. Click new 50 | P a g e .when user receive faulty or expired goods from the supplier and want to return to supplier. Click inventory -> purchase order For Searching Goods return header Goods return detail 2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. 1.3 Goods Return to Supplier Goods return . Click Add item at below 5. Then click “Select” 6. Enter the quantity to be returned. Select the item from the master list. Key in the info as below 4.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. Then click “OK” 51 | P a g e . Choose the batch of the drug that ready to return (if more than 1 batch) 7. 10. 11. The quantity entered will update into the system.CLINISYS USER MANUAL Repeat the step 4-7 if want to add more. click “Save” to save the transaction. Click “Yes” when confirm all the data entered is correct. 9. After finish. A confirmation message box will pop out. Check Stock Status After Receive: Go to Inventory  Master File  Product Master. 8. Click “Confirm Goods Return” when the goods was return to the supplier. 13. 52 | P a g e . 4 Stock adjustment Use when . Key in the info as below (Remarks field is optional) 53 | P a g e .2. Click new 3.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3.Stock balance no tally due to the wrong UOM setting in the stock master 1.Wrongly key in quantity during dispensary .Wrongly key in quantity during goods receive or goods return .User want to do stock count . Click inventory -> purchase order For Searching Goods return header Goods return detail 2. mean it have more than 1 batch in the system. If appear more than 1. 54 | P a g e . Select the item from the master list. 7. Enter actual on-hand quantity in the column “Enter Actual Qty here”. Product detail will appear as below Quantity shown in the system Expiry date Batch no Unit cost Enter actual balance Difference between book Qty and real Qty UOM Location Normally only 1 line appear. Click “Update” when confirm all the quantity entered correct. 8. Repeat step 4-7 to adjust other item.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. Click “Insert Item” at below 5. 9. Then click “Select” 6. please go to stock adjustment. Click “Yes” of confirm the detail entered is correct. For any amendment. *Editing or deleting is not allow after user confirm the INTER-BRANCH TRANSFER OUT.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 10. A message will pop out to ask for user confirmation. 11. 55 | P a g e . An “Update Successful” message box will pop out. UOM conversion (optional) 5. Select which batch to transfer 3. please go to the system setting. Enter Quantity 4. To enable Warehouse. Click “Issue stock” to transfer the quantity 5.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3. 1. *Stock master setup for Warehouse location is same with Pharmacy.2. Click “Confirm” to update in stock master 56 | P a g e . Click inventory -> stock issuing 1. Search the drug 2.5 Stock Issuing Use to transfer stock from warehouse to Pharmacy. *Please key in branch detail in the Corporate Setting.2. Click inventory -> stock issuing For Searching Goods return header Goods return detail 57 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL 3.2. Stock quantity will deduct from local system.6 Inter-branch Transfer In *Please Use Goods Receive to perform all Stock IN transaction. please refer to the Corporate Setting user guide.7 Inter-branch Transfer Out Use to record all inter-branch transfer out transaction. For more detail. 1. 3. Then click “Select” 58 | P a g e . Select the item from the master list. Click “Add Item” at below 5. Click new 3. Key in the info as below (Remarks field is optional) 4.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. 59 | P a g e . After finish.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 6. A confirmation message box will pop out. Click “Confirm Stock transfer out” when all data entered is correct. 9. Then click “OK” Repeat the step 4-7 if want to add more. Enter issue quantity. click “Save” to save the transaction. Choose the batch to do transfer 7. 8. 10. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 11. 13. 60 | P a g e . Check Stock Status After Receive: Go to Inventory  Master File  Product Master. The quantity entered will be deducted from the system. Click “Yes” when confirm all the data entered is correct. Click on Corporate Setting 61 | P a g e . weekly or even at ad-hoc basis.1 Corporate Setting This is module provide a data entry screen for user to register their Corporate Panel biodata. Click on Corporate Setting again 2. Click on 1. Information recording is very important before start operation and provide medical Step by step 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 4: Corporate Invoicing Corporate invoicing is to enable the user to send the bill to the panel by end of the month. 4. twice a month. Enter the data as below. end of month Default Invoice Format Select a common user accepted invoice format Invoice Summary – by Total Amount Default Invoice Layout Optional sorting and group of the invoice Charge Total *Please refer to the pricing policy setup for the panel multiple pricing setting. Field Detail Sample Credit Term Record of credit term will print and appear in invoice 30days Default Consultation Fee A standard fee will charge upon the corporate employee attend to clinic RM30 Invoice Closing Date Setup a standard date to bill or issue invoice Monthly.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 2. Few important field need to setup to able corporate invoicing execute smoothly. 62 | P a g e . Click on Corporate Invoicing 63 | P a g e . List of invoice functions Main Invoice generator Use to create CN Use to create DN Payment collection record Corporate account status Pending invoice entry.1 Generate Invoice Step by step 1.2 Invoice Function 4. we need to start with Invoice generator a. Firstly.2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. special for new user Use to setup clinic bank account Use to setup CN reason code 2. Function Button Use to auto generate invoice base on monthly 31st cut-off. User should always request attach supporting reason for this action Use to print Invoice in paper form or soft-copy Use to print more than 1 invoice at the same time 64 | P a g e . This is the screen of Invoice Generation Invoice searching and filtering tool Function Button c. Use to undo all the invoice generate by Automatic Invoice Generation Officially apply invoice number for all invoices being generated Cancel Invoice. As result the sequence of invoice no will run.CLINISYS USER MANUAL b. click on Automatic Invoice Generation. all panel will select. It only calculate all charges as at 30 April 2015 . Click Yes to confirm to proceed. First step.CLINISYS USER MANUAL d.By default. .Example. Click Generate Invoice 65 | P a g e . today is 10 May 2015. e. . f.It will auto accumulate all the patient attendance charges as at end of previous month. Automatic Invoice Generation is a monthly closing tool. user can double check the amount and transaction for each individual invoices. click OK to proceed. After generating the invoices.Click Edit Invoice Item 66 | P a g e . Then.CLINISYS USER MANUAL g. If found out any amendment. h. i. .Highlight the particular record . CLINISYS USER MANUAL j. 67 | P a g e . .Click to continue generate Invoice numbers. .Click Confirm Changes after finish. . If all the invoice transaction being confirm.Click to make hardcopy or softcopy for their client. Update the Chit number if being provided. Edit the information accordingly. k. Selected invoice will disappear.Wrong amount in the invoice 2. Click Cancel invoice 4.Patient’s name not appear in the posted invoice . 68 | P a g e . Then. 6.2 Cancel Posted Invoice 1. This function is use when .Wrong patient name found in invoice . user posts the invoice and prints it. For example. user has to check back the patient detail by click the “Patient Information” button and search the patient name and click “Edit” button.2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. then realize that one of the patients is not in the list.Post wrong invoice . so user can click “Cancel Posted Invoice” button. Select posted invoice only to show the posted invoice 2. Click on the panel wish to edit 3. Click OK to continue 5. Step by Step 1. click ‘Ac-Hoc Invoice Generation’. change it first and save. Then.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 7. then click ‘OK’. 8. go to the corporate invoicing. After that. If found out the panel wrongly entered. select date range and company name. highlight the patient and go to ‘PAYMENT AND COLLECTION’. change the ‘Visit date’ (at the bottom of patient queue). reselect the panel name by click on the arrow again and save the record. 69 | P a g e . User needs to click ‘EDIT BILL’ button. Then. Ad Hoc Invoice Generation 9. Click Confirm Invoice 11. 70 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL 10. post the invoice and print it. Lastly. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. User needs to select the Corporate Invoicing -> Invoice Functions (at the bottom) -> Invoice -> Payment Collection.3.1 Create Payment header Step by step 1. Click Add Payment Header 71 | P a g e . The screen as below will be shown. 2. Add payment header Edit current payment header Cancel current payment header Print receipt after payment applied Apply payment View payment detail 3.3 Payment Collection 4. 7.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. Click OK 72 | P a g e . Then click Confirm 6. Confirmation message will appear. Enter data as below 5. or want key in the amount manually in the column. Select the payment header created before. 4. 3. If the particular panel does have invoice amount to be knock off. The particular payment header status will changed to ‘CLOSE’ 7.3. Click Apply Payment. the following screen will appeared. Click Yes to confirm payment.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. Then click Apply Payment. Click Auto Allocation if want to perform FIFO (First –In –First-Out) manner.2 Apply payment Step by step 1. Click Print Receipt if require. 2. 73 | P a g e . 5. 6. 74 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 5: Reporting 5. Below are the formats of the report.1 Sales & Collection Report User can view the sales in the center by viewing this report. 1.3 Cash Collection Report 75 | P a g e .1.1 Sales Report 5.1.2 Corporate Sale Report 5.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. 1. Collection Report (Detail) 76 | P a g e .4 Sale vs.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. Collection Report 5.1. Receipt Tracking 5.6 Cash Sales vs.1.1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5.5 Cash Sales vs.7 Drug Revenue Analysis Report 77 | P a g e . 1.1.8 Charge Item Revenue Analysis 5.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5.9 Patient Outstanding Report 78 | P a g e . 2 Inventory Report User able to view the inventory based report.2. Below are the formats of the report.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. 5.2.2 Stock Price Listing 79 | P a g e .1 Stock Profiles 5. 5 Stock Movement Report (Summary) 80 | P a g e .2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5.3 Good Received Item List 5.4 Stock Balance / Stock Take 5.2.2. 2.7 Drug Prescription (Date Selection) 81 | P a g e .2.6 Stock Movement Report (Detail) 5.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. 8 Drug Prescription (Drug Selection) 82 | P a g e .2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5. 3.1 Prescription Book 5.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 5.1 Prescription Register for Psychotropic Substances 83 | P a g e .3 Ministry of Health Report 5.3. Enter user ID. Go to Setting -> User maintenance -> 2.1.1 Master file setup 6. Click Save to save it Inactive ID is allow to delete 84 | P a g e . Click user profile to see available user ID in the system. name. Click New to create new login ID 2.1 User Profile Step by step 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 6: User Maintenance 6. A screen as below will appear. access group and password 3. Current USER profile 1. Click user profile to see available user ID in the system.1. Click change password. 1. A screen as below will appear. Select the ID 2. Type new password.3 Change Password – Current ID 1. Enter current password 2.2 Change Password – Current or Other User ID 1. A screen as below will appear. Click “OK” to save 85 | P a g e . Retype to confirm new password 4. Current log in ID 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 6. Go to Setting -> User maintenance -> 2. Type new password 3.1. Go to Setting -> User maintenance -> 2. Retype to confirm 3. Click “Save” to save it 6. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 6.2 User Access Group This function is to change the level of user access on the system. Step by step 1. Go to Setting -> User maintenance -> 2. Click user access group to see available access group in the system. A screen as below will appear. Current access group 1. Click “New” to create new access group 3. Click “Save” to save it 2. Enter group ID and description 86 | P a g e 4. Click “Access Right” to edit the access right of the group CLINISYS USER MANUAL 6.2.1 Level One Level One is for access on operation and main function. Mostly on this level is to control on main page system: a) Operation  Registration o Access to Registration and delete from queue o Access to Cancel Registration o Access to Consultation and sub functions o Access to Dispensary and sub functions o Access to Bill & Payment b) Main Function  Access to Patient Management  Access to Appointment  Access to Corporate Functions and sub functions  Access to Inventory and purchasing, and sub functions  Access to Reports and sub functions  Access to System Setting ,change password and sub functions 87 | P a g e CLINISYS USER MANUAL 6.2.2 Level Two Level two is for access details button on home page system: a) Corporate Information:  Receivable o Invoice o Payment o Pending Invoice o Basic Setup  Corporate Setting o Corporate Setting o Invoice Ageing Periods Configuration  Reports o Corporate Sales o Account Status 88 | P a g e CLINISYS USER MANUAL b) Inventory:  Transaction o Purchase Orders o Good receive o Stock Adjustment o Stock Issuing  Master Files o Product master o Supplier Master o Product Group o Product Type o Generic/Scientific Name o Unit Of Measurement  89 | P a g e o Drug Dosage o Drug Frequency o Drug Precaution o Drug Instruction o Drug Indication o Drug Duration o Regime Items Inventory Reports o Purchase Orders o Goode Receive Notes o Good Return Notes o Stock Status o Stock Expiration o Quantity Adjustment o Product Profiles o Stock Balance o Received Items o Returned Items List o Stock Movement o Stock Transfer Summary o Product Listing o Drug Issued Analysis . CLINISYS USER MANUAL c) Reports:  Sales & Collection : include sub function o Patient Outstanding : include sub function o Revenue Analysis: include sub function  Master List o Patient: include sub function o Corporate: include sub function  Patients Analysis: include sub function o Diagnosis Analysis: include sub function  Inventory Reports: include sub function o Drug Issued Analysis 90 | P a g e . CLINISYS USER MANUAL d) Setup:  System Setup: include sub function  Patient Basic Setup: include sub function  Inventory Setup: include sub function o Master File Setup: include sub function o Basic Setup: include sub function  Corporate Data Setup o Master File Setup: include sub function o Basic Setup: include sub function  User Maintenance o Master File Setup: include sub function o Basic Setup: include sub function  Doctor Maintenance o Master File Setup: include sub function o Basic Setup: include sub function  Pricing Setup o Master File Setup: include sub function o Basic Setup: include sub function 91 | P a g e . CLINISYS USER MANUAL e) Specialist: This part cover the general part on operation  Operation Record (Consultation)  Operation Record (Dispensary) 92 | P a g e . 3 Patient Information Patient Information is for access details button on home page system: a) Patient Bio Data  Add  Change  Delete  Add Panel Information b) Consultation & Prescription Note  Create and Change Own Notes (Current Notes – Less than 24 hours)  Change Other Notes (Current Notes – Less than 24 hours)  Change History (More than 24 hours)  Change Diagnosis Information  Enable “Set As Default” Checkbox  Print Notes c) Charges Details information  Display Option o Charges Inquiry and Maintenance o Charges Inquiry Only  Rights o Add Charge Details o Delete Charge Details o Print Drug Label o Change Charge History o Dispense Psychotropic & Poison Drugs o Change Unit Price 93 | P a g e .2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 6. CLINISYS USER MANUAL  d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Edit Charge Rights o Consultation o Medication o Investigation o Treatment o Examination o Other Billing Summary information  Confirm Bill  Change Bill  Change Bill History  Print Bill Medical Certificate Data  Add & Change  Delete  Print Cash Receive  Receive Payment  Cancel Payment  Adjust Payment  Print Receipt  Sub Function o Allow to Change Payment Date o Allow Receive Previous Bill Payment Imaging & Document  Add  Change  Delete  Print Letter  Create Template  Create Document Patient Information Sub Menu  Consultation History  Account Status  Bill History  Medical Certificate  Payment & Receipts  Referral Letter  Image & Document  Immunization & Charting  Fomema Patient’s Drug Label  Print all  Print Current Only  Print History Only 94 | P a g e . 2.4 Sensitive Data Sensitive data is appear on home page system in every patient list with details. a) Sensitive Data Access Right  Access to Collection on Main Menu  Access to Price Information on Charges Incurred or Inquiry  Access to Cost Information 95 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL 6. Click “Form Printer Setup (workstation) Item 1.1.1 Form Printer Setup 7. Choose Print Preview. Print Dialog or Print Direct 2. Click save 96 | P a g e . Choose printer 3. Choose paper size 4.1 Workstation 1. Click Setting 2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 7: Setting 7. Price 3 and Price 4. Users are allowed to change the price type description to more meaningful instead of using Price 1. A screen as below will appear Change the description here 97 | P a g e . Click Setting 2. System default contains 4 types of price which are Price 1.2. Price 3 or Price 4.1 Overview MedexOne CliniSys supports setup of multi-pricing for Corporate/Panel to specific different patients from different panels has different price. Step by step 1. Click change price categories description 3.2 Multiple Pricing Setup 7. Price 2. Price 2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 7. Price 1 is always for Cash Patient or for those panels that charge equivalent with cash patient. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 7.2 Corporate Settings To setup billing policy for panel.2. go to Corporate Invoicing  Corporate Settings Select the price type Pricing remark for guidance If there are no price type set for the panel. system will default the panel price type to price 1 98 | P a g e . unit price will base on the pricing type and select correct figure. 99 | P a g e .3 Inventory Setup different price for Medication. 1. Click save Price When dispensing Medications Pricing type While dispensing medication.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 7. Different pricing for different price type 2. Pricing policy will display above the stock balance.2. Go to Inventory  Master File  Stock Master. 1. 2. Set the price 100 | P a g e . Screen as below will appear 1. Click Save 2.2. Treatment. Examination.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 7. Go to Settings  Pricing Setup. Select item 3.4 Charge Item (Investigation. Other) Setup different pricing at charge items 1. Select the charge item from the list 3. Pricing policy will display below the charge description. unit price will base on the pricing type and select correct figure. 101 | P a g e . Examination. Other) Pricing type While dispensing charge item.CLINISYS USER MANUAL When dispensing Charge Item (Investigation. Treatment. Default Goods delivery address. Company logo. Clinic Operation house. User allow to enter their clinic’s operation hour d. Click Setting. 2. Click Organization information tab on the top left hand side. c. User allow to choose to print letter head with or without logo or address. User allow to insert their company or clinic logo to appear in all reports and documents.3 Company / Clinic logo setup MedexOne CliniSys supports report printing with company or clinic logo.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 7. Appear in the Purchase Order. Appear in all reports and documents b. 102 | P a g e . Company or clinic name. c a e b c a. User are allow to insert their company or clinic logo in the system Step by step 1. Click System and Environment 3. e. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 4. 5. Letter head with logo appear as below: Clinic name and address Logo 103 | P a g e . To insert logo at section C. By default. Logo will appear as below: 6. etc) to view the letter head. system will choose “Zoom” 7. Click “Save” to save the setting. Format allow is normal picture format such as jpg. Open reports or document in the system (MC. Locate the picture file from the computer. Choose the picture size mode: Stretch. 8. Clip or Zoom. click “Load”. official receipt. Enter the purpose 6. User may check through it.1 Create Appointment Step by step 1. Select Patient 3.CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 8: Appointment 8. Click appointment -> new appointment 1. Enter the contact no. Select date and time 4. Select Doctor 2. 104 | P a g e . Click Save Appointment will be save in the list. 5. *Contact no will be appear if you have register patient HP no. and the specific doctor appointment. Method 2.CLINISYS USER MANUAL User also can search appointment by click the calendar section. user may also search by appointment date. Tick the box and click ‘Refresh’. User may also filter the particular doctor to view their appointment. 105 | P a g e . specify doctor appointment will appear in the appointment list. User can view the appointment by different arrangement such as week/month/timeline view. Click ‘New’ to create 3. Key in the Code & Description for each category Click ‘Add Group’ to add on the category in the appointment Select the category that you wish to assign Assign the patient into the list 106 | P a g e .2 Create Appointment Using Planner User can create different kind of category for appointment by keying in the planner category setting 1.CLINISYS USER MANUAL 8. Click ‘Save’ to save it 2. CLINISYS USER MANUAL 8. 8.4 Setting appointment labels User can define the appointment by using different color for each appointment.3 Search appointment by filteting by doctor & date User also may search the patient appointment by filtering by doctor and date. 107 | P a g e . Sample of GST activation license key Clinic’s name and address and other relevant function GST registration no and relevant info * Please take note that. all billing will be changed to Tax Invoice. user have to submit a form with GST registration number to MedexOne Global in order to activate the GST function in the system. upon the activation of the GST. 108 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL Chapter 9: GST Setup To use GST in the CliniSYS. 1.1 Stock master setup Step by step 1. Select stock and click “Edit” 3. Click Inventory ->master files->stock master 2.1 GST setup and function for inventory 9. 109 | P a g e .CLINISYS USER MANUAL 9.
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