Godrej Washing Machine

April 4, 2018 | Author: Devendra Gupta | Category: Washing Machine, Laundry, Tap (Valve), Clothing, Fashion & Beauty



ffi;il|';ff1 ry,f'.*'" '{ ;: ; ,r& o'Llti;i" : Contents Description of parts Specifications Know your washing machine How to install Choosing the right location Step-by-stepinstallation Ensuringproper earthing Installingthe drainagehose Congratulacions ! You are now the proud owner of a new Godrej Eon washingmachine You can look forward to years of s m o o t h ,t r o u b le - fr e e sh in gfr o m yo u r m a ch ine, wa a s w e l l a s c o n sid e r a b le vin g s tim c, m o n e y a n d effort sa in P l e a s e e ad th is m a n u a lca r e fu lly s it will te ll you r a h o w t o o p e r a t e y o u r m a ch in eo p tim a llyin o r d e r to g e t th e best resul ts lf you need any further clarifications, contact your nearest cio G o d r e j d e a le ro r a n y o f o u r se r vicece n tr e s/ o ffices. We would be glad to help you We wish you an easier, more convenient life with your new Godrej Eon washingmachine. Collapsibledrainagehose extension Moving the drainagehose Attaching the water supply hose to the tap Connecting the water supply hose to your washing machine Description: Control Panel (Normal The washing process Description: DAC Operations How to select water level and load size How to measure wash load How to operate When washing using the FU77Y cycle When washingusingthe REGULAR cycle When washingwoolens When washingblankets Washing tips How to use bleach Safety Instructions How to maintain Water inlet Washing machinebody Lint collector When do you call the service person Don't worry when,.. Key checklist Environment friendly suggestions Operations) I 2 3 4 9 tl t3 t5 t6 l7 2l 22 23 24 Service centres 25 25 27 27 28 '7^, Description of parts O' Specifications ,lO Model Capacity GWF 62OFS DAC 6.2 l1g GWF 65OPS DAC 6.5 l1g Water Supply Hose Hose Union Power Source Power Consumption Water Consumption Water Pressure 200-240V 50Hz,5A 425W Regular cycle: 150 litre at Max water level Bleach Power Switch 0.3- l0 kg/cm' Poly Propylene Dispenser SpinBasket Hook Filter WashTub Outer Inner Stainless Steel Control Panel Overall Dimensions 600mm(w) x 570mm(d) x 904mm(h) OuterTub In view of Godrel Policy of continuous development,specificationsmay change without notice. Rat Mesh Power Cord Plug Collapsible Drainage Hose ,.^' '"' i^j l \.-*-t' //.-\,\r (o (.) 0 e ,a+.\ 1:'\ '\4, ',1\. Know your washing machine This washingmachinehasuniquefeatures makeyourwashingvery convenient: to Dynamic Aqua-Power Control (DAC)Technology How to install Choosing the right location Install your Godrej Eon washing machine in an even, location stableplace.An unstable . . Can createnoiseasyour machinemayvibrate Can be dangerous since vibrations may cause the to machine move DAC is a revolutionary concept that allows the machine to start operation as and when, both water and electricity / power are availabletogether. lf there is water or power failure,the washingprocess is kept on hold, and the machine hibernates (waits) till the return of both water and electricity for washing to resume.This allows completion of wash without supervision and at the sametime protects your washingmachine.In absenceof water, an ordinary machinewould continuously keep open the inlet valve,Suchoperation can damagethe machine. Fuzzy Logic Controls The intelligent micro-computer controls all operations precisely to ensure a perfect wash. The machine is equipped with tuzzy load and quality s6nsing to determine the water level and wash cycle appropriate for the wash load. Washing, rinsing and spindryinghappens with a singleselectionon the control panel. Spin Free The SpinFreeoption stopsthe washing beforethe finaldrainand ipin dry cycle.The SpinFree cyclehelpspreventwrinkles and is of particularuse ifyou are goingaway and machineis in AutoWash mode. Child Lock This feature allows machine keys to be locked during operation.This pnevents unintended changesduring a wash cycle. Turbo BrushTechnology(ln GVVF 650PS DAC) .,?t' \':11 Keep a distance of at least 5 cm between the sides and rear of your machineto the nearest wall.Thiswill prevent noisecaused bythe vibrationsin your machine. Do not place your machine in an area with high humidity or direct exposure to sunlightor rain. ,w Nol (a: This can . . insulation Resultin damaged Causedeformationor discolorationof Plastic Parts i:1) Step.by-step installation The front two legscan be adjusted so that the machine is on levelwith the ground. . After loosening the adiusting nut, adjust the leg to the correct heiShtbyturning it. Then tighten the adiusting nut securely.Adjust the lock nut for adiusting the heighc lf the leg height is difficult to adiust because of an extremel/ unevenflooq placea board underneath and bring it to a level position. To check whether your machine is in level, use a weight atoched to a string. The distance betwe.enthe stringand your machineshould be the samefrom top to boftom. D L€8nut rosen {p/-Ti8hen Rak;,! <-1ffi E ,/t"'\ t.\.:l The wash action of the pulsator is complemented by the additional rubbing action proviiled by the drum. Here, both the pulsator and the drum move, but in opposite directions.Thus,thisnot only fights tough dirt but also leadsto lessertangling. Force 4 Technology (ln GWF 620FS DAC) The power to fight tough dirt is provided by the unique Force 4Technology.The ClockwiseandAnticlockwise movementof the pulsatoris supplemented the upby down actionofthe punchThisleads better washand lesstangling. to Bleach lnlet The bleach is dispensed between the outer and inner tub. Refer to page 22 for details. lmbalance Load Corrector The Godrej Eon washing machine automatically corrects a load imbalance that might occur during the Dry CycleJhis protects the machinefrom damage. RatMesh The rat mesh is provided to protect your machinefrom rodents.The cabinet ofthis Godrej EonWashing Machineis madefrom prime qualitypowder coatedgalvanized steelto ensurea longlife. . . &I F lhe.k fie | ,*"Jl I -il t 1 tr------'l dlbn.e tu€n dre srrin! and the ma.hlne. t Ensuring pr.oper earthing 5A Your washing machine has a three-core cord. Make s ure that el ec tri c al fl exi bl e connections and earthing are done proPerly to avoid electrical shocks. ,i2"-'.,\ ', 'l- ) . "t'.*'1, .(,',;::li\ \li= \-l ' How to install Installing the drainage hose . Insert the drainagehose in as far as it will go, then secure it tightly with the hose clamp.An improperly secured hose may leak. How to install MoYing the drainage hose The drainagehose can be installed either the right or on the left side.Theconnector port found on the right side of your machinecan be movedwithout disconnecting the ihternal hose from the drainagevalve. . Removethe backcoverithengrip the stopper securing the internalhosewith your fingersand pull itto detach it from the outer shell. Turn the nut for the drainagehose connector port anti-clockwise. To detach, Dull the internal hose from inside the washing machine. Removethe hose hole cap on the left-handside,from inside the washing machine.Alignthe internal hose with the notch in the connector port and fit into place. Then put the nut in placeandturn clockwiseto secure from the outside. Insert the stopper into the securinghole on the left side of the outer shell and press down to securethe internalhose. Align the drainage hose with the edge of the stoPPer. Attach the back cover and fit the hose hole cap over the hosehole on the right-hand side. A fter mov i ng the drainage hose,make sure you test-operate your machine.Check for any water leaks or unusual notses. Upperan( notches ir hole . While attaching the drainage hoseto a wash pan,leave a gap between the end of the hose and the adjacent surface. lf the flat end of the hose comes in contact with aflat sudace,drainage be affected. will Caution: lf the drainagehose is not installedproperly, your washingmachinemay not function well, and the overflow prevention mechanism may cause your machine stop in mid-cycle. to . . o ["b :- d* . While insertingthe drainagehose into a wash pan or drain pipe,movethe hookfor easierinstallation. . Move the hook back to its initial position before placint it in the slot provided on the side of your machine. riaj. e uler she E .:: . Collapsible drainage hose extension. . This hose is specifically designedfor the Automatic range of washingmachinesfrom Godrej.This special hose can be stretched to increaseits length.The length can be extended upto 2 mts. lont. This feature is provided for consumer convenience,whereby he/she can stretch the hose upto the drainagepoint, should it be far away from the machine.After completion of operation, the hose can be collapsed back to the original size and can be hooked on to the machinein an upright position. Caution: Make sure the drainage hose is not too high otherwise it may not drain properly and may cause notse. Dnina€ hose behrcdhFh€f a ,,'',\ \,,::.i e //1 \ '115;;,7 .$ ''::\ rd l;,ll How to install Attaching . . . . the water supply hose to the tap How to install Connecting the water supply hose to your washingmachine. Pull the sleeve down v/ith your fingers as you lower the entire hoseto disconnecttheunion. Loosen the four screws on the hose union and then fit the union exactly overthe mouth ofthe tap. Tighten the four screws evenlyaround the tap. Removethe sealfrom the union and turn the nozzle to tighten securely.(lf the tap is large, square or oddly shaped, remove the inside ring to facilitate attachment). Grip the ring with your hand and pull it down,and then insert the nozzle.Separatethe sleeveuntil you hear a click,andthen push it back. n4 "i- "+*IFq i,4/ "f;^ Turn the hose nut clochivise and tighten it on the end of the water supply hose securing it to the water intake valve. Tighten further by turning the water supply hose and water intake yalve in the directlon of the arrow as shown. =rw *1'-2 \y/ . . After installation,checkto ensurethatthe union does not come off while pulling down. Next, confirm that the union is properly installed by turning the water on lfyou see any leakage, adjust and checking for leakage. the section where there is a leakage. . A secure water connection for your automatic will help you to use theAuto Start feature of your DAC washingmachine. Caution: . 1'-. f3. Hold the hose nut firmly.Turn the water supply hose back againonly in the direction ofthe arrow as shown. Repeatsteps 2 and 3 above,andtighten until you find it difficultto turn the water supplyhose further. ,l-\\ iil \l I Do not use a tap with a diagonal mouth or a movable tap since this may leak U I I ,i-"-\\, ,^, l ,7"-\\ \ '-\-''/'/ li) \\-./,' r,..+I N/ it;\ ,Z=\ \\ -./ r'a\ Description: Control panel (Normal Operations) panel may become slightly warm due to the neat given off by the IT-::l:i", etectronicsand does not indicatea malfunction. WATER LEVEL SELECTOR Allows the selection ofa water level thac matches ahF trrhd*,_^.,^- . POWER SWttcH (On rur panel) Turns the power on and off Auto wirches OFF after the wash is completed, thus providing a visual norcasoh oAc Noe: Referto page | 5 on sedion on how !o determln€ the wator levelWhen DAC is preselecte4 the Warb cycle auto rta.t, one minue after the powet spply is made available. The Fower Switch iholld be turned ON for Auro S6itin Fqrry MEde. O Q Q Q unx veo r-ow rr,trr.r Q necurnR e woolerus o O SYNTHETICS s#;" $: ;k; HAHUAL sEI-ECT . AIIqE selection fiom four wsh cycles to suit the rype of lamdry to be Whed Ther illumimted lmp irdi.ats ctcle sel€cted SPIN FREE CYCLE The seleccion of this feacurc disables the final drain and spin dryint operatioh_ CIIILD LOCK FVZ:ZY KEY *--. ' q4 \.::]: When DAC and Spiin Free keys are Pretsed simuhaneoss.l), dqring dE running of the machine, the m4hinego€s into child lock mode. In this mode, SartjHold LED *rns gfe4 ahd Do keys ere 4ccepted in thir mDde^Tocffie ourof thechild mode pr65 DAC ad Spjn lock rree keys simu!tueou5ly during rc runhiDg of tJ|e machine and StardHaid LED wilf tum red H the maqhine is in Hold mode, the machine will nfi go in child lqek mo(e- % The washing process The washing process i HETT+OD F|tz], qdc (*d-(ilffi) \__/ sel€@d bv th€ milhine ,/- \ ,/- \ ,F, Rkb ilHEE 6 I d 2 Appu, Time Select cy.le OpeBtion Prccess Frbm€d , Tum FCMTER on (FUZY cFle 8€B dcd dbmd6lly) PEss SrARV HOID b sartth€ machine ' \__./ Hil. 4l minHln. 26 mln. l'l& 12 dE b sd€ct€d d€padiry d dE typc of hh) @ . . ' ' Sbps wboft ddning Cho€d'€CYCLEilrequircd Press PROCESS once Sdd dteWATER LEVEL* il requird Press START/ HoLD to ssrt 6e machin€ cycle f*)-'f*,,i-f*"*\ \7 ETz qy Tum POWER on (FUZZf .ycle P|g MANUAL CYCLE WaGr lrel ma.hine is aubmakally Yeneauh s*rlsEl geB selec@d . . lRrNsHRlilsS BFrN I | | r Fl: -;t+ t1 \ 6 min. 34 mln, WASH - RINSE Choore the CYCLE if Kuired Sel*t theWATER LEVEL* if requlred Press START/ HOLD to srt the machine -----l[---l s-* wnsilltiuirl .'.i.,. ll I dEhhr l;J) i SELECT onc€ @ s€Iea REGULAR {u. l2 mln {1n.8 hlnr. I iE o L I selected by Se /'::; ont RINSE Ch@e d'e CYCLE if r€quired P'B PROCESS d'dce Sdd dEWATER tfVEL* if Euired Ib sfAR? HOLD b srt dre machine l8 min. trml+rE qa @e 9 € 9 all@tury) PrBr MANUAI SEI.ECT 2 dm SYNTHmCS CYCI.€ \ Aer ruhhe ldEl & a@mdolt sdded 8e8ins wtdr th€ DRAIN snN Sbps ddninS '),:: FILUSPIN @ ds by dE RIl.|sE. DRT HEAYY ctde l2 mln, Tum PCMr'ER on (RIZY <ycle 86 sel@d 212 mln, ldin. a6mtuly) Prss IIANU HEAVY CYCI.T $IeWAruR LEVEL* euiEd Pr6s SrART/HOIDb tu d|€ mfthine l'* Cl6e P.ss Sdd PB 37 mln. tlE CYCII if HUid PROCESS four dmes dTeWATER L-EVEL* if rquied the m.chlne SrAKT/ HOLD 6 ffi BeSins widr dE DRAN .nd SPIN DRAIN mt kl.lnH6rtC)dq [email protected]@d @@ . . . . . . % , The machinc ddq then the warnini W u*, sunrt; rhe cr|. Tum POWER on (F('ZZY <ycle E6 s6le@d k6s MANUAL SEI..ECT ,l dms b sds Hevy tr ,1t rtr 6ln.l lml' P|6PROCESSfiedms L w d 'e l i d o p en P|B SrART/ HOLD b sErt the mchlne Wat dll pu har a bep Pr6s SrART/HOLD /VERoff TumrncPc DFf <ycl€ will not s6rt when th€ lid is ops, br dll ort il the lid B closed 2l min. DRAIN - DRl B.tiB sd' DRAIN sl€ P'6 P|g PROCESS toe dms 6 srt SrARUHOLD de machin€ Sel4 dTeWATER |EVEL' duird fts SrART/ HOID b ffi de mchinc /=:-\ 'WATERl-lElbh€sel€ddeFxfitEdmshbadPl6erderbp.gel6brgutddnc.ogdd|ltdteBhled. [email protected] Eryslithdt ' I Hachin€maysoinbhabgMddindcd@fJlurcksllcmpl@ticEhonrEmot€BmdddEicityHrerdili mry impaft 6e dm Ek€n b @md@ dt€dl|g. + Sdftddof rpinfte€*llEuhincotrpldionotushins$thMddn.nddrtryndonr ,'r'-"\ 7, \-- ..$ (; tl l2 (-.) ,.^.i ri'-- --\' \ .:;1 Description:DAC Operations The DAC capabilityof thi3 machineallows the washingto be completed evenfor homes with irregular water and power supply. There are two unique problems faced by homes in Indiathat are solved by DAC: (A) No power at the time when you want to set the machineto wash: Description:DAC Operations POWERSWITCH (On rear panel) . The DAC machinecanwash unattended,and itswitchesoffautomaticallyafter the wash is completed. The switch pops up, thus also providing a visual indication that the washing is complete. SPINFREE CYCLE The machine is capable of Auto start after the power supply is available, orovided: o DAC switch has been pre-selected. . To select the DAC mode, press it once and the LED glows.This button once selectedwill be retained in the memory. . At anytime when power is availableyou can press the DAC switch to deselectthe Auto Start option. o Power switch is pressedto ON position. . Once the power supply is sensed, the machinewaits for a minute and then Auto Stans. . In this mode, the machine operates in the Fuzzy mode automatically selectingthe water level and wash cycle. . This Auto Start ootion will not work if DAC switch was not ON beforehand. (B) Water fuilure during theWash: o o This feature is not dependent on status of DAC switch (ON/ OFF). lf there is water failure while the washing process is ON then operation is kept on hold, and the machine hibernates (waits) for return of water for washing resume. to lt records the position where it stopped at the time of water failure. Only TheWash or RinseLED continue to blink ata low rate during hibernation. Machine checks for water once every few minutes; and fully resumes washingafter water supply is verifi ed. Once the water supply resumes,the machine restarts in sages and it may take upto | 5 minutes for wash/ rinse to resume. lf water supply rate is very slow (e.g.more than 45 minutes for fillingthe tub once) then it maytake longerfor machineto restart. The selection ofthis feature disablesthe final drain and spin drying operation. o o o The washing is stopped before the final drain and spin dry cycle. The clothes will be washed and will remain floating in the water in the tub. The water will not be drained. PowerswitchwillturnOFF. After returning home, the final spin drying step can be carried out to remove excessive moisture. Spread the laundry as usual for complete removalof moisture. (c 1r".-\ o (O / \.--,-. The Spin Free Cycle once selected will remain ON even if power supply to the machine is turned OFF.lt can be deselected manually.lt also gets deactivated once the machinecompletes a wash in the Spin Free Mode. o o Select once when the power is there and it will be retained until the machineencounters a spin-freeend ofwash. You can select SpinFree beforehand if . You haveto use theAuto Start feature and also if . The machine will remain unattended for a number of hours before you return home to attend tofinal drying. o o o o o i\ . . . . . . . . The Spin Free cycle helps prevent wrinkles and is of particular use if you are goingawayfor hours and machineis inAutowash mode. a-;\, '\='; PreparingforAuto operation: Select DAC mode once while power supply is there. Do not turn it off unless you want to disablethe Auto Startfeature. Switch ON the power supplythrough external switch. Pressthe machine'sPower Switch ON (even while there is no power) Placethe drain hose flaton the surface. Placelaundrywithrightquantityofdetergent Turnonthewatertap. Closethe wash lid. Usercanpre-selectspinfree. . Nowateratthestamofwashing: o The machine operates similar to the case of water supply failure as described above. . Powerfailure duringthe wash: o The wash status is retained in the memory iust prior to power failure. Machine restarts automaticallyfrom the samepoint once the power supply is available. The machine will start automatically after power supply is received.This washing happens in the Fuzzy Mode. After the wash, the machine will switch off automatically. rA t3 4tt\ '\::y.i:j,/ .\ 4;::\.r How to select water level and load size How to measure wash load Select the correct water level Selectingthe correct level will allow clothes to move freely in water and help you achieve the best washing results. Here are some of the averageweights of commonly used clothes, to help you estimate the weight of the load to be washed _l Water Level Setting Weight of clothes Example of load Item of clothing Weight (in gms.) Item of clothing Weight (in gms.) l- 6. 2k t l 3- 6. 5k 9 Shirts, 3 Trousers,3 2 Skirts,2 Nightgowns, 2Towels,2Vests, I I Saree, Dhotiand I Blouse I Trouser; Shirt, I I Skirt, I Night gown, I Towel,I Vest,I Saree, I Dhoti and I Blouse I I Trouser; Shirt, lVesc I Nightgown, and 2 Blouses I Skirt I I Trouser; Shirt, I Vest, Undergarment ,.') /;":;: \-, Double bedsheet Bath towel Trousers Shirt Saree Skirt Dhoti Night gown Vest Undergarment | 000 500 400 300 s00 250 200 250 50 50 Singlebedsheet Table cloth Jeans Baggies Petticoat fiamas Skirt Lungi Blouse 500 650 600 500 400 400 250 225 100 (,--] MEDIUM 1. 5- 3k g LOW 0.8 1.5 ls - MIN 0- 0. 8 1< g i While deciding the water requirement for the wash load, check the weight of the clothes and volume occupied by them. While deciding the \rvater requirement for the wash load, check the weight of the clothes and volume occupied by them. lii xss .i -\, 'l:"':::-::./ @ ior ,e t5 t6 (-) /::u\: '.]; .-. o How to operate How to operate When washing using the REGULAR cycle Preparation . . Ensurethat the electrical plug is properly connected. Ensure that the water supply and drainate hoses are correctly installed. Ch.ck When washing using the FUZZY cycle Preparation . . Ensurethat the electrical plug is properly connected. Ensure that the water supply and drainage hoses are correcdy installed. Put detergent and laundry in the basket. --rn . the power on Put detergent and laundry in the basket' Turn the poweron . Closethe lid andturn the POWERswitch ON. . Selectmanualkeyonce. Start the cycle Closethe lid andturn the POWER switch ON . cycle Startthe . Pressthe START/HOLD pad to startthe machine. . The machine will run through a full cycle, including R|NSEandDRY. Cycleend . A buzer will signal end of the cycle. the . Turnoffthewatertap. . Machine will switch off after the completion of washing. ,{n \:/ ,2"^':.\ '!:;r.-:? . Pressthe START/HOLD pad to start the machine. . The machine will run through a full cycle, including R|NSEandDRY. C ycl eend . A buzzerwill signal end of the cycle. the . Turnoffthewatertap. . Machine will switch off after the completion of washing. c ,rl=: ..\._ // /-.\\\r ,/.- --.: \-::i, \\-,-i : /-"\\ t8 How to operate How to operate F o iE6UW o o SYNIHf,CS HUW ffi 'tS fl.k !i When washingwoolens 100%wool garments, wool-polyester knit garments and other delicate hbrics like lingerie can be washed in your Godrej Eonwashing machine. Howtowash Set Cycle to REGULAR,sett}e water level at MlN,add detergent and run theWASH cycle for about a minute to dissolvethe detergent. Insert the article to be washed, soak thoroughly, and closethe lid. Press START/HOLD butron and turn the POWER switch offto stop your machine. When washing blankets o rcorf,s Types ofblankets whichcanbewashed Weight: 3 kgs.orless (Use the regular cycle when the loadis lessthan 2.0 lgs.) Size: Thickness: . | 40 cm x 200 cm or less Single layer tff . @ 1€ . . . Set the cycle IoWOOLENS, press MANUAL SELECT PAD 4 times, rhen select the water level. press the START/HOLD pad ro staft. Caution: . Articles where labels call for dry cleaning should not be washed.Avoid washing ardcles made of animal fur; (e.g.cashmere,angor4mohair)or lace-knitsetc. . Articles to be washed should be fully soaked usingthe type ofdetergentspecified on the garmenr label. . Lukewarm water of 30'C is idealfor washingwool knit articles. /t-^: Selectthe water level at MlN,add detergent and press the START/HOLD pad to allow the water and detergent to mix for about one minute. After one minute has passed,press START/HOLD and turn the POWER switch OFF to stop the machine. Placethe blanket into the basket.Pressit in all the way down by hand, ensuring that it is fully immersed in water. Pressthe manual select switch three times and press the START/HOLD pad to startwashing. . Ci ,,';\' '\=2, . Caution: . Do notwash all-wool blanketsin your machine. . The water level is automaticallyset at MAX, but should be set to MEDIUM when the load is lessthan I lg. . While washing wool-blankets or towel blankets (2 kgs.or less),select the regular cycle,set water level at MED or MAX. Also, put the detergent in propoftion to the waterJevel.Correct water level will prevent water from splashing out of the machine. /-N I ,,/t-\ ,\\::j,O . r i t9 f=-\ ,ila.', e Washing tips . Follow the instructions on the garment labels while washing laundry items. Avoid washing of all natural woolens and delicate knits such as lace knits. How to use bleach When using bleach not into dispenser littleata time.Be a careful to spillit. Pourbleach the bleach inlet to rinseit.When usingpowdered Then run somewater throughthe bleach add itcompletely water;then it directlytothe basket. in bleach,dissolve Caution: . Colouredanddyedfabrics in so maylosetheir colour if washed bleach, readthe instructions the label on before washing. . Do not apply items. bleach directly laundry to . Do not allowbleach spillon thecontrolpanel. to Turn g3rments inside out when washing to avoid piling and lint. Stringsand fisteners ofaprons and pillow casesshould be fastenedor tied. For hard.to-clean shirt collars and sleeves: Apply detergent to the soiled part of the garment and scrub by hand. a@m /:\ \:: ;'': lf a garment is exceptionally soiled, soak it in liquid detergent for about | 0 minutes before washing. :j: \ : --, : j '-.:1-' \t:,/' ig,,' 2l 22 zt:-\) c) u'i-=.\i, *- :- r\-z Safety Instructions Always use a proper power source. Do not use extension cords as these may not be properly earthed. Before connecting the power cord make sure to ground otherwise it maycauseelectricshock. Never usedamaged electricalcords or plugs. This washingmachineshould be connectedthrough a switch or a 5A MCB so that it can be disconnected from powersupply. Use a secure tap connection to avoid leakage and wastage of water. Never place your hand in the basketwhile it is moving! Do not placeyour hand under the machinewhile it is operating. (Touchingany ofthe machine'smoving parts can be dangerous,evenif it is moving slowly.) Do not press control panel pads with sharp objects. Using sharp objects to press the panel pads can result in electricalshocksor malfunctions. Do not pull the power cord with moist hands. Do not tet the control panel wet. Getting the operation panel wet can result in shocks or malfunctions. Never wash or rinse articles of clothing treated with benzene,thinne4 alcohol or other volatile or organic presence suchchemicals resultin a solvents.The of can fire. Do not use water with temperature over 55"C.Water that is too hot can cause malfunctions and deformation of the machine. lf it takes l5 seconds or more for the machineto stop moving completelyafter the lid is opened (during the dry cycle with laundry in the basket), the brake is malfunctioning.Youshould have the machine repaired immediately. Do not usethis product for business purpose. Young children should be supervisedto ensure that they do not playwith the appliance. Remove coins and pins from the pockets etc. as these may damageclothes or the machine. j/--\) How to maintain Waterinlet lf the water fills into the baskettoo slowly... Remove the water supply hose and clean the filter with a brushasshown alongside. Cautionl Do not remove the filter. Washing machine body Before carrying out any maintenance on your washing machine,be sure to remove the electrical plug from its SOUrce. POWer Clean the main body and control panelwith a soft cloth. Hard-to-remove dirt can be cleaned by wiping with a soft cloth soaked in a mild detergent. Caution: Do not clean the body or control panel with benzene,thinner, cleanser or other chemical cleaners. This can discolouror damage your machine's finish. The lint collector Clean the lint collector after every use . Remove the lint collector by pulling it out. lf it is difficult to lift it out at the olace where the machine has stopped, turn the basket by hand to a more convenient Dlaceand remove the lint collector. . Remove the lint by turning the lint collector inside out. . When the lint collector has been emptied and cleaned, push the net back in and replace the lint collector by insefting it in from above and pressingit down into place. Caution; The net of the lint collector may sometimes be lifted up and may lie on top of the basket.Do not operate the washing machinewith the net lying over the basket,as this may causethe net to rip or cause malfunction. lf the net is damaged, contact your nearest service centre. l'3: !:- ffi [=r$ i'.d\ 24 ,,;jj'-\ '\-tj When do you call the service person... Before you call the service person,pleasecheckthe following: When yourwashing machine does not operate: Check . Has your machine'splug been inserted properly into the main power supply socketl . ls the water tap turned on properly? . Has the drainagehose been placeddown to allow drainagel . ls the oower switch ON? . ls the lid securelyclosed? (When beginning operation from the DRY cycle,your machine will not operate if the lid is open) . ls t h e l a u n d r y l o a d u nb a la n ce d ? lsth e wa r n in g lig h tON? lfso,correctunbal anced load by manuallyrearrangingthe laundry evenly. When your washing machine leaks: Check . l s t h e h o s e c o u p l i ng lo o se ? . ls the nozzle loose? . ls the water supply hose connector clogged? . ls the water inlet nut loosel When yourwashing machine makes an unusual noise: Check . ls your washing machineinstalled an inclineor unevensurface? on . Are there any match stick, hairpins or metal obiects being washed with the laundry? . Has a foreign oblect got caught under the pulsator? Switch the power OFF and remove the centre screw,then lift the pulsator and look underneath. . ls the load unbalanced, causingthe basketto spin off-centre? When yourwashing machine does notdrain: Check . HastheWASH-RINSE cyclebeenselected? . lsthedrainagehosebent? . Has the drainagehose been placeddown to allow proper drainage? . ls the drainagehose properly connected to your machine? When your washing machine goes into hibernation (sleep): only wash/ rinse LEDs blink: Check . lsthereadequatewatersupply . This is a designfeature for the DAC washingmachine. When the washing cycle takes longer than usual: Check . Has the automatic load unbalancecorrection function (FILL agitate for I min DMIN) been acdvatedto correcta load unbalance? . ls water supply availablel Machine goes into hibernation mode and waifs for water.This adds to the cycle time. End of wash is known through the Power Switch which moves up to OFF position. Don't worry when... . A small amount of water drains out of the drainage hose the first time you use your washing machine.Thisis merely the water left over from the performance inspection performed on your washing machine before it was shipped from the factory. . Buzing noises occur when the tub fills with water. They are caused by the operation ofthe water supplyvalve. The stop time of the WOOLEN cycle is long (4 seconds rest for I second operation).lt does not indicatea malfunction. Sloshing soundsaremadeby your machineduringthe DRY cycle.These made are by the water in the Liquid BalancingRing-ry6;.1l meant to maintain balanceof is the SpinTuband does not indicatea malfunction. (9 When you restart your machine after opening the lid or pausingthe machine during the DRY cycle,there may be a small pause before the machine beginsto spin as the drainagevalve opens.Also,when you start your machine immediately after stopping it,there will be a short pauseJhis happensfor safeoperation. ///^\:::: lf you press the padswhen the machine is operating or paused,the machine may c return to the beginningofthe cycle and lengthetroperating time. Your machineautomaticallycorrects a load unbalancethat occurs during the dry cycle.lf the unbalance extremely bad,your machinewill refill with water and is agitatefor a moment,and then the dry cycle will resumeThis will happentwice.lf the load becomesunbalanced third time, a buzer will sound 60 times and the a WATER LEVELand PROCESS lampswill light alternately.Thisalarm also sounds when the water is not draining properly. l The machinehasan inbuiltmechanism whereby it goesinto hibernationmode if the water level shows no rise for | 0 minutes,lt monitors the flow of water eyery few minutes and once verified,the machine restarts. The machine has a user selected auto start (DAC) option. In this mode, the machinewillautomatically startafterthe power is made available. 4/.+\ ,4,-.-'i\ 'i al lr \* -i ' riA, /':j=\\\ \::r/ Key checklist Almost every district in the country has a Godrel dealer - who has service representatives. Should you need any assissrnce,please get in touch with the nearest service provider and he will send a dependable mechanic to you.your feedback"suggestionsand ideasabout washing machine care will help us serve you befter. Pleaseieck with the dealer as to who would be your service provider. For your convenien-e,pleasenote down the details below. Servlce centres lst Flooi M Chandulal Ese@, Ner Ah Hot€l,Aslilileblpur N-H Netional Hith%y No 8,Asltli, Ahmedabad - 382 425 BanSalore 56 FlooiChandn Kiran Buildrng. l0A, Kaslurba Road, BrnSalor€ - 56000 | 2 | 7, Zone I, M P Nasar Beh JyotiTalkie', Bhopal - 462 0l I l8l l 8 3 ,R alultrrh Kalarapuc ' 751 010 Call Centre :60002030 T dl{r€e: l-8G225511 / CallCsue | 60002030 3989-9916 | TollFree:I-800-22551 60002030 Bhopal 600020t0 Whom to contact in caseyou need assistance: Name: Phone: Address: \yi Always quote the following when you require assistanceof a Godrej Dealer or Branch. WashingMachineModel: Date purchasedon: Machine Sr.No.: Bill No.: Purchased from: ( n 'n \.r v[. ( rilU. l r .l l i l a a h u b r n cl h wi. <a Pkil No A-{0, Pharc-VllLA, lndililr hl A' on, Mohall - 160059 (Pb ) No l, Srdco Indurtrlal Esqte AmbaEua (:hcnNl 600 098 60002030 CallCentre| 60002010 2652 1272 / Tollfr€eNo l-m0'225s1| ffi2030 t u22 - 7S1Sl75 2v5t85 / $ l n fl o o i Go wlhamArcade TV S.my Road ENt R S Puri'n, Coimbhrore . 641 002 Godrol Shavan,2nd FlooaShe6hah Suri Mar& Okh l n , N o w Dolhl - | l0 065 Godral Bhivan,2nd Floon She.shah Suri Marg, Okhln Ns Oolhl - I l0 065 Godr6l Bhnvin.2nd Fl@a SheEhh Okh l n , N cw Dclhl ' I l0 065 5 h 6 d A- 1 , C orlih Induslrial EsBce Opp T.lophon. ExchanSe C o r l l r n , Go i - 403 | l0 Godf.l Bolldln!, G S Road, Ulubarll, Flyorcr Guwahrd . 781 007 201 & 202, Lrla- | bnd Mark, S.,{.9.{ ro 97,2nd FlooiAbove Rrnrtilnl M G Ro.d, S.curd.rrbad - 500 003 l n l tn x Suri Mar8, C.ll Cenre:60002010 269355{ / | Tollfr€€ No: l'800-22551 60002030 Tollfre€No l-800-22551 ffi2030 Tollfree No l-800-22551 | 60002030 2285670 2254787 374| 386 / / | ./i-= 2730s30 539 / Environment friendly suggestions Disposal of Packaging Material After installingthe washingmachine,recycle/reuse the corrutated box. Energy ConservationTips forWashing Machine Use .:i:i\ to. Digibl Shoppx CallCenre ;6m02030/ 27517710 TollfreeNo l-800-22551 | 5Ur-)UD,5m frooi baunv rorers. Mrlvlyr NigeiJalpur - 302 017 60002030 ffi2010 Ed!chlrr,Th.nsode PO Kakkrnad, Kochl - 682 030 Block GN, Sc(rorVSrk Kolkrti . 700 091 lake, You can help savelimited natural resources like oil and coal by savingelectricity. Simplyfollow theseguidelines. | . Use the correct quantity of water depending on the quantity of clothes to be washed. 2. Use less foam making detergent for washing and use the correcr quantity of detergent Call Cencre 60002010/ 2357 6066- 69 I 2157 6075-76 Toll-free l-800-22551 : | CallC€nrr€:60002030 051 | / 2-258491/ 3949108 Tollfree No | -800-2255| | 60002030 CallCense :25102231 Toll-fr€€ l-800-22551 : | 60002030 C 3/3 & C3/4, Siilliy Complcx Bohhrd Aknrhwanl Bhewen,Vldhrn Srbha f,lar8 Mumbai Appliinc6 Dlvn Plan( ,t, Plrolrhan{an Vlkhroll, tiumbal - 100079 3 . Use the correct cycle. This helps in savingelectricity. 4. At the end of the cycle, pleaseswitch off the machine from the mains.lf you are usingAuto Start function in DAC mode do not switch off the power supply and the watertap. .l Ranchi /eevan Deep Bldg Exhrbidon Road Paha - 800 001 Sarilmd Sadan,2291230,M G Road, Pu n e - 4 l | 001 60002010 CallC.ntre 9522-2530 2233 Toll-frcc l-800-22551 I | 6000203025t0738/ 2s | 3230 / 5. Reusethe soap water if possible.Please follow the instructions fo, ."rr" of .o"p/l\\ water.Youcan select'WASH only'Cycle (Refer to page l2).The machinewift L.) stop after washingwithout draining. "Vz C/o surF |loto.s tundc R.nchi(harkhand) :,_._..-,/ W€bsiE : ffi. com & w.Sodrelapplianccs Sodreisnartc.e E-mail : smartcare@godrej com com Please noce -Toll tree numb€r can b€ acccsr€d only from HTNL / BSNL Lin€s t*)r 27 ,i':--\. 28 r',1), :.\ Boyce Mfg.Co. Ltd. - Appliance Division, 9"d*i ! PlantI l, Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli(W), Mumbai 400 079. 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