GO MS No 66

March 26, 2018 | Author: Praneeth Reddy Junnuthula | Category: Business



GOVERNM ENT OF TELANGANAABSTRACT Irrigation & CAD Department - Tender Procedures and Registration of Contractors Rules - Enhancing the monetary limits of works for different class of contractors - Amendment - Accorded -Orders -Issued. IRRIGATION & CAD (REFORMS) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 66. Dated: 2O-04-20L5 Read the following: 1. G.O.Ms.No.94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Department, Dt. 01.07.2003. 2. G.O. Ms. N o.742, I&CAD (Reforms) Depa rtment, Dt. 2O-L2-2004. 3. G. O. Ms. No, 1 3 0, I&CAD(PW : REFORMS ) Departme nt, dt: 22.05.2007 4. G.O.Ms.No.28,I&CAD(PW:REFORMS) Depaftment, dt: 30-04-2012 5. G.O.Ms.No.14, I&CAD(Reforms) Department, dt: 31-01-2015 6. From the President, Builders Association of India, Representation dt: 13-01-2015 7. From the ENC (IW), I&CAD & Chairman, BOCE's, Hyderabad, Lr.No. ENC/IW P&M /EE. I/DEE. I/AEE. I/ 14lI, Dated : 16.72.20L4 B. From Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation), I&CAD Depaftment, Hyderabad Lr. No. ENC(I ) / DCET / OT 3 / AEEZO / BOCEs/ 20t4, Dt. 23. 02. 2 0 1 5. Order:- In the reference 1tt cited, Government issued comprehensive instructions relating to simplification of procurement procedure, achieving greater transparency, reducing delay in procurement process etc. In the referencer 2nd read above, amendment orders were issued to para 12 of Annexure-I to G.O. 1't cited with regards to qualification criteria fcr y,,orks. In the reference 3'd cited, amendment orders were issued to Annexure -III of G.O. 1't cited regarding changes in monetary limits, registration fee, solvency certificate and past experience certificate and other requirements. In the reference 4th read above, amendment orders were issued to enlarge the experience gained during the last 10 years for registration instead of limiting the experience to last 5 years only as per G.O.Ms.No,94, I&CAD(PWCOD) Department, dt: 01-07-2003 para 3 in respect of I&CAD Department. In the reference 5th cited, amendments were made to Annexure-Il para- I (h) of G.O. 1't cited in respect of Class of contractors and further modification of monetary limits. 2. After formation of Telangana State, Builders Association of India, Telangana State chapter have represented to Government vide reference 6th cited for certain reforms to the present norms of the tendering system duly enhancing the monetary limits of the works for various category of contractors. 3. In the reference 7th read above, the Engineer-in-Chief (IW), Hyderabad, modification to G.O.Ms.No.130, I&CAD (PW:REFORMS) Department, dt: 22.05.2007, regarding the monetary limits of past experience of civil category for value of group of works and for value of single work that have been executed in any one year during the last five financial years. He also sought for modification to G.O.Ms.No.142, I&CAD (Reforms) Department, Dt. 20-72-2004 regarding qualification criteria for works. for the reasons stated in his letter has sought for (P.r.o) I&CAD (PW:REFORMS) Department. regarding the monetary limits of works for different class of contractors. dt:22. to Hon'ble Minister. G. Dt.Ms.No.Ms. The Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation). 742.Secy. These modifications will come in to effect from the date of issue of the orde rs. Hyderabad The Engineer-in-Chief. to Hon'ble Minister. Admn.No. I&CAD (Reforms) Department.S.S. Secy. PR&RD Department.No. Hyderabad shall take further necessary action accordingly.O.14.S. SF/SC //FORWARDED : : BY ORDER// SECTION OFFICER .O. 5. the Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation). Annexure-II and Annexure-III respectively of this order. PH Department. In the reference 8th read above. All the Engineers-in-Chief & Chief Engineers of I&CAD Dept. Irrigation The P. PR The P. Hyderabad.Ms. hereby issue amendments to G.S. Hyderabad. Commissionerate of Tenders. to Hon'ble Minister. dt: 31-01-2015.4. The Engineer-in-Chief.No.* The Prl.2007. 6. G. to enhance transparency and competition in procurement works. The Commissioner.130.PR&RD Department. Admn. I&CAD Department. Hyderabad The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B). to Hon'ble Minister.Ms. 2O-L2-2004.S. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OFTHE GOVERNOR OF TELANGANA) DT. Secy. the Government after careful consideration of various aspects based on the recommendations of Engineerin-Chief & Board of Chief Engineers. Hyderabad Copy to: The P. In order to encourage local entrepreneurship. SHAILENDRA KUMAR ]OSHI PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT TO) The Engineer-in-Chief (Irrig. dt: 31-01-2015 as shown in the Annexure-I. I & CAD. . Hyderabad further sought for modification to G. to Hon'ble Chief Minister The Prl.14. MA&UD The P. R&B Department The Prl.S.05. I&CAD (Reforms) Department. dt: 12-03-2015.No.O.265/PFS/2015. I&CAD (Reforms) Department. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their Dy. R&B The P.ation Wing). to Prl.O. MA&UD Department The P.Secy. 00 20.22-O5-2O07 holds good.00 10.00 100.00 50. SHAILENDRA KUMAR JOSHI PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT .2007 of -I G. Lakhs Sl.00 4.00 10.No Descript of iorl Special Class Class-I Class-II Class- III Class- Class-V IV Item 1 2 4 3 5 6 8 7 For V(B) of past experience (Value of Single work to have been executed in anv one vear durinq the last five financial years) Certificate i) Civil 250.00 limit READ AS V(A) Certificate of Financial Turn over in Civil Engineering works in any one year during the last ten financial years duly certified by charted accountants as filed in their income tax returns.00 4.O.00 10. lakhs Sl. I&CAD(PW:REFORMS) I.00 4. i) Civil 250. DL.00 20. I&CAD (PW:Reforms) Department.00 40. Furniture.00 No monetary limit II.No.No Descript ion Special Class-I Class-II of Class Class- Class- III IV Class-V Item 1 2 4 3 5 6 I 7 For V(A) Certificate of past experience (Value of Group of work to have been executed in any one year durinq the last five financial years) i) No Civil 500.00 50. DT. Electrical Transport & Fabrication and erection of structural steel the monetary limits mentioned in G.O. dt: 22.Ms. For other categories such as Public Health Engineering. Amount in Rs. 130.No.Ms.00 20.00 50.00 No monetary 0 limit READ AS V(B) Certificate of Financial Turn over in eivil Engineering works in any one year during the last ten financial years duly certified by charted accountants as filed in their income tax returns.00 monetary 8. i) Civil 250.Annexure Amendment to Annexure Department.00 No monetary limit Note: The changes is in the monetary limits of Civil Works.130.0 20. Amount in Rs.05. for Civil works in all State/Central Government Departments. However for civil works costing Rs.50 lakhs and Para (12) Qualification Criteria for works costing Rs. DT. Dt. SHAILENDRA KUMAR ]OSHI PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT . Central (ii).00 lakhs (ECV) and below. For above works single cover system shall be followed and the EMD shall be submitted along with the completed Tender Schedule. The qualification criteria at para. I&CAD ( Reforms) Depa works costing Rs.1000.10 -II (i).zO. State/ Government undertakings/ Public sector undertakings/ Corporations. will collection continue.l2-2OO4. No.50. Ms.00 lakhs (ECV) and below. of EMD only in the shape of D. Read as For Para (12) Qualification Criteria for para. 142.lO (A) will not be made applicable for the works costing Rs.O.50 lakhs (ECV) and below.Annexure Amend ment to G.1000 lakhs and below: below: The qualification criteria at modified procedure of collecting EMD in the shape of Bank Guarantee will not be made applicable for the works of as well as costing Rs.D. rtment. I Uo to Rs.V DT.1.No.IV Up to Rs.14. I&CAD(Reforms) Department.O.00 Lakhs Class . dt:31-01-2015 1 2 A € Cateqory of Contractor: Financial limits Uo to anv amount Special Class Uo to Rs.4.00 Crores Class -II Uo to Rs.00 Crore Class .30. SHAILENDRA KUMAR JOSHI PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT .00 Crores Class.Annexure-III Amendment to Annexure of G.Ms.50.00 Crores Class -III Uo to Rs.10.
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