GMW 8-2008

March 26, 2018 | Author: Clauco Tiago Seno Roque | Category: Galvanization, Specification (Technical Standard), Sheet Metal, General Motors, Zinc



WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDSMaterial Specification Metals GMW8 Hot Dip Zinc Coatings for Sheet Steel 1.5.3 Unexposed (U). A minimum spangle finish used for non-critical appearance applications. See paragraph 1.5.4 Temper Rolled (T). This surface shall have sufficient temper rolling such that luders lines or stretcher strain will not show when formed and painted. All other requirements are the same as U surface described above. 1 Scope This standard covers the requirements for hot dip coatings, both galvanized and galvannealed, applied to a sheet steel substrate utilizing a continuous hot dip process. The substrate may be cold or hot rolled sheet steel. Additional requirements or agreements shall be specified by regional GM Automotive Operations (GM) business units [e.g., North America (GMNA), Europe (GME), Latin America (GMLAAM), and Asia Pacific (GMAP)]. 1.1 Material Description. The type of coating and its mass and finish are specified by suffixes added to the basic specification number. The first two letters HD will designate a continuous hot dip coating. The coating mass for each side is designated by a minimum value in g/m2. Only coating masses shown in Table 1 shall be used unless Materials Engineering is consulted. Other coating masses shall follow the same designation method. The letter G designates a pure zinc coating (galvanized) and the letter A designates a zinc-iron alloy (galvannealed) coating. The first set of digits along with the letter designation specifies the coating parameters of the unexposed side. The remaining designation specifies E (exposed), Z (semi-exposed), U (unexposed), or T (temperrolled). 1.2 Symbols. Not applicable. 1.3 Typical Applications. Sheet metal parts consisting of steel grades as described in GMW2M, GMW3032M or GMW3399M. 1.4 Remarks. Not applicable. 1.5 Finish Suffixes. 1.5.1 Exposed (E). A finish produced by eliminating all visual spangle pattern and surface defects per paragraph, to be used for critical appearance applications. 1.5.2 Semi-exposed (Z). A spangle free finish produced by minimizing surface defects per paragraph is used for secondary visible surfaces that do not require an exposed quality finish. 2 References Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified. 2.1 External Standards/Specifications. ASTM D1876 EN 10049 ISO 1460 ISO 4587 9984001 B 440 0648 B 040 1270 B 440 1271 GM3624M GM6180M GME 60410 GMW2 GMW11 GMW3001 GMW3011 GMW3032 GMW3059 GMW3399 GMW4795 ISO 7438 ISO/TS 16949 SAE J911 2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. GMW14019 GMW14057 GMW14058 GMW14699 GMW14700 GMW14706 GMW14729 GMW14829 GMW15056 GMW15200 L 000 0058 L 000 0726 L 000 0728 L 000 0780 LTP.ME.339 2.3 Additional References. Auto/Steel Partnership Weld Quality Test Method Manual (AZ-017-02295 1.0C RI). © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved February 2008 Originating Department: North American Engineering Standards Page 1 of 9 Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES, 01706817 Not for Resale,2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT --``,`,,,,,`,``,`,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- For all steels supplied according to GMW2 and GMW3032 (with 0.4 Surface Treatment.. or GMW3399.9/9.2 Coated Base Metal.3 Physical Requirements. The mechanical properties of the coated material in the as delivered condition shall conform to the requirements specified in the applicable GMW or industry substrate standards..4 E Z U 50 70 43 7. 3.2% offset yield strength > 500 MPa and all GMW3399 grades.1. 3. phosphateability or paintability. and must meet the requirements of GMW3059. mill oil or prelube) shall comply with GMW14019. Note 2 50G50G Exposed Coating Designation Semi-exposed Coating Designation Unexposed Coating Designation Minimum Average Coating Mass Each Side by Triple Spot Test (g/m2) Maximum Average Coating Mass Each Side by Triple Spot Test (g/m2) Minimum Coating Mass for any 2 Individual Spot (g/m ) Coating Thickness Each Side Note 1 Min/max (microns): Note 3 60G60G E Z U 60 90 50 8.`. The coating is produced on a continuous hot dipped galvanizing line followed by a thermal treatment. The sheet steel base metal chemical composition shall conform to the requirements specified in GMW2. All bend tests shall be conducted in accordance with ISO 7438.9 Note 1: Coating thicknesses are shown for reference only..3/8. and must meet the requirements of GMW3059. 3.. and other stages during life cycle.``. GMW3032.7/16. a 0T (Zero T) bend test shall be performed.. Test specimens of coated metal shall be capable of being bent through 180 degrees in any direction without flaking of the coating on the outside of the bend only. For this reason. The zinc-iron alloy shall be a completely alloyed coating.1.2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT --``.3/10.1 Coating Bend Test.1. 3. not for conformance to specification requirements. Note 2: Other coating masses may be used by exception. processing.3 Base Metal.`. 3. in order to eliminate flaking problems.. 3. This product is not spangled and has the tendency to powder when severely formed.`.1. The specimens shall not be cut < 25 mm from the coil edges of the test sheet. Zinc-iron coatings may contain 75 ppm maximum cadmium and 100 ppm maximum lead.2. flaking of the coating within 6 mm of the edge of the bend test shall not be cause for rejection.`.. Note 4: N/A = Not applicable © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 9 February 2008 Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES. The coating produced shall consist of pure zinc and only minimum alloy layer. 3 Requirements The following paragraph defines specific requirements for material on delivery..1.2% offset yield strength < 500 MPa). Refer to Deviations section.`-`-`. the steel must be capable of a 90 degree test in any direction with a maximum test radius (r) related to the steel thickness (t) without flaking on the outside of the bend.1 Requirements on Delivery. the bulk iron content of the coating shall be 8 to 12% by mass. The coatings shall not contain trace elements that are detrimental to adhesive bondability. 3.1. Coating mass and finish quality shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 1..9/14.2.`. Refer to Appendix B for maximum bend test radii for each grade and a diagram of the test setup.5 52A52A E N/A U 52 74 45 7. 01706817 Not for Resale.1.2 Zinc-Iron Alloy Coatings.`.1. For steels supplied to GMW3032 with 0. 3. Products coated with a designated lubricant (e..1. performance. Note 3: Semi-exposed designation is not applicable for GME.1 Free Zinc Coatings. when tested per GMW4795 or other regionally accepted specification. For testing of all steels. Table 1: Preferred Coatings and Coating Mass Requirements Note 1.1 90G90G N/A Z U 90 120 75 12.1..1.1.1 Chemical Requirements.7 70G70G E Z U 70 100 60 9. Pure zinc coatings may contain 75 ppm maximum cadmium and 100 ppm maximum lead.9 45A45A E N/A U 45 60 40 6.1.GMW8 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS 3.g.5/12.2 Mechanical Requirements. 3..`--- . 3.1 Phosphateability and Paintability. 01706817 Not for Resale. U.. GMNA Manufacturing Engineering Metal Parts Specification (MPS) Sheet. etc.2. Precoated flat products furnished to this specification shall be suitable for resistance spot welding per the Auto/Steel Partnership Weld Quality Test Method Manual (AZ-017-02295 1.2 Processing Requirements. For conversion between coating thickness and coating mass. test conditions. 3.. When using a metallurgical microscope.`-`-`.1.1. The mass shall be the average of 3 measurements taken across the width of the strip at least 25 mm from each edge. sampling.. For GMNA applications. as specified in 3. GME-MEP Manufacturing Engineering Document.g. Semiexposed (Z) surfaces are spangle free and skin passed to impart a higher degree of smoothness than is normal for as coated products.GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS 3. Coating thickness shall be measured using a suitable layer thickness gauge. with a minimum stone impact resistance rating of 8. small marks.`. 3. 3. number of tests. eddy current. slight indentations. electrodeposited primer. the coated surface shall be capable of achieving a high quality zinc phosphate conversion coating according to GMW3011. The marking shall be agreed on upon between the supplier and purchaser..1 ± 0. 3.2.2 Welding.`. Z.0C RI) and/or to GMW14057. steel must be compatible with phosphate and paint systems and must meet 9984001. For fully painted applications on exposed (E) surfaces. 3.1.1 Additional Requirements.2 Coating Thickness.2. The referee method for determining coating thickness shall be coating mass. For unexposed (U) surfaces defects such as.1. or metallurgical microscope) shall have a capability of ± 1. cathodic e-coat).1. © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved February 2008 --``. and handling of disputes shall be agreed upon between supplier and the local business unit. ferromagnetic. Requirements such as tolerances on product shape and dimensions.``. marking shall be carried out on the unexposed surface of full finish coils for the outer panels and on the outer side of the coils for inner panels. ISO 1460 shall be used for determination of coating mass of hot dip zinc coatings. 3. The steel shall be free from surface defects as negotiated between purchaser and supplier. method A (or B) and method C. 3. Page 3 of 9 Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES.4 Surface Texture. retests.2. etc. on basis of existing standards). 3.g.4 Additional Requirements. inspections units.2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT .3 Coating Surface Quality. The ink used for marking shall be released by the purchaser.`. special measures shall be taken.2. and T) shall be tested to SAE J911 and conform to GM6180M and/or EN 10049 unless otherwise specified.`.. the material shall meet the requirements of the stone chip resistance test according to GMW14700.7 ± 0.g. 3. If necessary.1.3.1. inspection documents.. Suitable instruments for evaluation of coating thickness (e.. 3..1 mm in diameter).. Regulations in detail will be issued by the responsible formability analysis organization (e. and slight coloring. Unless otherwise agreed at the time of ordering.. Regulations in detail will be issued by the responsible formability analysis organization (e.1 Marking. Certain applications require that both surfaces of the steel be of exposed (E) or semi-exposed (Z) surface quality.1. For painted applications. standard mounting practices shall be used and thickness shall be measured at 1000x magnification. Exposed (E) surface shall be free of defects which might affect the uniform appearance of a quality paint or an electrolytic coating (elpo. which do not affect corrosion resistance.2 Other Requirements.1.1 g/cm shall be used for pure zinc and zinc-iron alloy (galvannealed) coatings.3.. Test sample size shall be 2000 mm2 minimum with a preferred sample size of 3330 mm2 (57. formability or the application of surface coatings are allowed. GMIO responsible GMW8 manufacturing or metallurgical engineering document..1. GMNA Manufacturing Engineering Metal Parts Specification (MPS) sheet. In no case shall the lowest value of any of the three test samples fall below the minimum individual spot requirement in Table 1. Each side should be measured separately to ensure that the requirements of Table 1 are met. The paint adhesion shall be tested on E-coated samples and must fulfill the requirements of GMW14829 (cross hatch test as received and after 120 h humidity exposure per GMW14729..).1 Pressure Welding Applications. Temper rolling may be required and shall be specified with a (T) designation. minor scratches. the density 3 factor of 7.1 mm square or 65. on-line x-ray gauge or from a specimen cut perpendicular to the panel surface. Coating thickness measurements may be used for routine quality control evaluations.4.3. packing.`. Surface texture for all surfaces (E.0 μm accuracy. Rating 0) and GME 60410 (delamination test). 3. The other surfaces shall conform at least to surface quality U.1 Coating Mass. Coating mass shall be measured by triple spot test and must conform to the values in Table 1. the steel approved to this specification shall be tested according to the test matrix in Appendix C.1 Chemical Requirements.. 5..2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT . etc. and Middle East GMNA General Motors North America GMW General Motors Worldwide GPSC Global Purchasing and Supply Chain HD Hot Dip (galvanized) HR Hot Rolled ISO International Organization of Standards JIS Japanese Industrial Standards MPa Mega Pascals MPS Manufacturing Engineering Metal Parts Specification SWE Secondary Work Embrittlement VDA German Association of the Automotive Industry (Verband der Automobilindrie) 4 Manufacturing Process Not applicable. drawings.`--- Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES. special measures shall be taken.1 Quality Requirements. For GME. the responsible engineering group should be contacted to obtain the approved source in that individual country. GMLAAM. ASTM ASTM. Precoated flat products furnished to this specification shall be suitable for fusion welding as agreed upon by the supplier and purchaser and/or GMW14058.. For other GM locations.`. as follows: Material per GMW8 The coding system for GMW sheet steel specifications on engineering part drawings shall use a nomenclature consisting of material.2) from scrap or other materials used in the manufacturing process which would impair the recyclability of the finished components..e. 3... 5 Rules and Regulations 5. 3.2. the adhesive compatibility must meet the requirements of GM3624M. Provisions shall be made to prevent the addition of such elements (see paragraph 5.``.2 All materials supplied to this standard must comply with the requirements of GMW3059. Not applicable.`. and Symbols.3 Adhesive Compatibility. 3.`. Africa. 8 Coding System This standard shall be referenced in other documents. 7 Notes 7. Rules and Regulations for Material Specifications.3. and GMAP.339.GMW8 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS 6 Approved Sources Engineering qualifications of an approved source are required for this standard. the surfaces of the hot-dip zinc coated flat products furnished to this specification shall be capable of being adhered with the respective adhesives specified for the particular application. If necessary.2.. For bonded applications.2 Fusion Welding Applications.ME.1. GM Supply Power) under this standard number have been qualified by engineering as meeting the requirements of this standard. 01706817 Not for Resale.`. International CR Cold Rolled CTS Component Technical Specification EG Electrogalvanized EN European Norm GM General Motors GMAP General Motors Asia Pacific GMB GM Brazil GMDAT General Motors Daewoo Auto & Technology GME General Motors Europe GMLAAM General Motors Latin America. The supplier shall have quality process control procedures compliant with ISO/TS 16949 or as required by GM Global Purchasing and Supply Chain (GPSC) demonstrating that the product will conform to all specification requirements. grade February 2008 © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 9 --``.1.`-`-`....`. Abbreviations.2. For GMNA. 5. 7..1.1 All materials supplied to this standard must comply with the requirements of GMW3001.`.1..2. 3. 3.1 Glossary.3 Requirements on other Stages during Life Cycle..2 Acronyms. The only acceptable separation mode of the adhesive to the steel shall be cohesive within the adhesive layer. ZincIron Alloy (galvannealed) coated sheet steel shall be tested for excessive powdering during forming according to GMB LTP. Adhesive separation of the adhesive layer to a test substrate shall be deemed unacceptable. Only sources listed in the GM Materials File (i.4 Zinc-Iron Alloy Coating Powdering. Restricted and Reportable Substances for Parts. The data required to be submitted for this specification for each shipment will be determined by the regional manufacturing location. 1. 8.GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS and coating designation. in May 1998.`.2 Example of Manufacturing Engineering Document Coding. Appendix A (deleted – phosphateability/paint appearance.4. (Global Sheet Metal Specialists Team). Appendix B (added) Appendix C (added). Deviations .4. GMB. 3..1.1. 3..2. Opel ITDC. It was first approved by GMNAO. 3. The coating designation is defined in 1.1. Grade Coating Designation Surface Quality GMWX M ST S XXX HD60G60G U = = = = = = 8.1.e.2: cross-references.1. Rev C Approval Date SEP 2007 Description (Organization) Revisions to sections 1.2.2. CR for cold rolled.1.1..2. 3.e. 7 (added). 2.1. GMWXM-ST-S-XXX-HD60G60G-U Where: GMW X GMW8 = = = = = = GMWX M ST CRXXX HD60G60G U Base Metal Specification Material Type: Metals Category: Steel Steel Metal Type (CR) and Grade (XXX) Coating Designation Surface Quality 9 Release and Revisions 9. grade and coating designation. It was first published in October 1998.3 – Table 1.3. GMNA Manufacturing Engineering Metal Parts Specification (MPS) Sheets) shall also consist of material.`.1.`. The designation for type of sheet metal used for base metal (i.1. 3.3(added). The coding system for GMW sheet steel specifications on manufacturing engineering documents (i.. HR for hot rolled).2.1. formability grade for low carbon steel base metal or minimum yield strength for high strength steel base metal is contained in the applicable GMW or industry base metal material specification.1. but with additional designations for type of sheet steel and formability grade for low carbon steel base metals. 1.4. Delta Motors. or type of sheet steel and minimum yield strength for high strength steel base metals..`.`-`-`. This specification was originated in June 1996 by the GM-NAO Sheet Metal Specialists Team and a team of GMIO Materials Engineering Experts.2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT . 3..1 Coating Mass.1.1. 2.. 01706817 Not for Resale. 3..3.. Appendix C updated.2. = = Validation Area (GM Worldwide Sequential Number Base Metal Specification Material Type: Metals Category: Steel SubCategory: Sheet Steel Product Type. Revisions.2. 3.3 (deleted). 1. 3.3. 3.3. and Holden Ltd. added – CrossReference Table).1 Example of Engineering Part Drawing Coding.(Global Sheet Metal Specialists Team).``.1.`.1... 2. 9. 3.1 Release.`.. 5.1 (added). GMWXM-ST-S-CRXXX-HD60G60G-U Where: GMW X D FEB 2008 = = Validation Area (GM Worldwide Sequential Number © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved February 2008 --``..`--- Page 5 of 9 Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES. Publication Error. `--- ..ME.`. 01706817 Not for Resale..GMW8 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Appendix A Table A1: Cross-Reference of Replaced GM Regional Specifications GMW GMWXM-ST-S (HD50G50GE) GMWXM-ST-S (HD70G70GE) GMWXM-ST-S (HD60G60GZ) GMWXM-ST-S (HD70G70GZ) GMWXM-ST-S (HD90G90GZ) GMWXM-ST-S (HD50G50GU) GMWXM-ST-S (HD60G60GU) GMWXM-ST-S (HD70G70GU) GMWXM-ST-S (HD90G90GU) GMWXM-ST-S (HD45A45AE) GMWXM-ST-S (HD45A45AU) GMWXM-ST-S (HD52A52AE) GMWXM-ST-S (HD52A52AU) GMNA GMXXXXM (HD70G70GE) GMXXXXM (HD60G60GZ) GMXXXXM (HD70G70GZ) GMXXXXM (HD90G90GZ) GMXXXXM (HD60G60GU) GMXXXXM (HD70G70GU) GMXXXXM (HD90G90GU) GMXXXXM (HD45A45AU) GME QS 1010ZV-100 QS 1010ZV-140 QS1010ZV-100 QS 1010ZV-140 GMB EMS..1508(HD52A52AU) Note: X and XXXX denote GMW and GM North America substrate material specification numbers.ME....`-`-`.`.`.ME..ME.1508(HD45A45AU) EMS.`.``..`.2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT --``.`. © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 9 February 2008 Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES.1508(HD45A45AE) EMS.1508(HD52A52AE) EMS... Applicable industry standard material specifications may be used to designate the substrate material.. `-`-`.`...`.`--- Page 7 of 9 Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES.`.`.. r 2t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 2t 1t 2t 3t 4t 1t r t Figure B1: 90 Degree Bend Test Schematic © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved February 2008 --``.. 01706817 Not for Resale.GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW8 Appendix B B1 Maximum Bend Test Radii for High Strength and Advanced High Strength Steels Zinc Adhesion Testing shall be performed in accordance to ISO 7438..2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT ..`....``.`.. Table B1: Grade (Coated to GMW8) Grade (Coated to GMW8) GMW3032M-ST-S HR550LA GMW3399M-ST-S CR450T/250Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR490T/290Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T/280Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T/340Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T/420Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR690T/550Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR780T/420Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR780T/500Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR980T/550Y DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR980T/650Y DP All other GMW3399 steels Max. Test Radius.. GMW8 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Appendix C C1: Adhesive Compatibility on New Substrates (GME) Surface Quality Adhesive Temp Time [°C] [minutes] Lubrication Adhesion Peel Test Shear Strength Test (ISO 4587) before aging X X X X - (GMW14706) (ASTM D1876) before aging before aging O O O O O O Sealer & Adhesives L 000 0726 + 170 + 190 + 170 + 190 + 170 + 190 20 60 20 60 20 60 Substrate shall be delivered with permitted lubricant (see Lubricants Table) X X X X X X L 000 0728 L 000 0780 Surface Quality GMW2 (Uncoated )* GMW11 EGN (ZnNi) GMW11 EGG (ELO) GMW8 HDG (HDG) GMW8 HDA (Galvannealed) GMW15056 (Precoated) GMW11 EGG (prephospated) Other not listed surfaces *To be tested with L 000 0058 --``..``.`.0 g/m²) Spot Lubricant (3...`--- X X V X X X X X L 000 0726 Henkel/Teroson 3919 S L 000 0728 Dow Corning Betamate 1496 V X X X L 000 0780 Henkel/Teroson Terostat 3233AA-25 Lubricants B 440 0648 (3..7 g/m²) Fuchs Fuchs Fuchs Z&G Z&G Z&G RP 4107 LV RP 4107 PL 3802-39 S PL 61 KTL N 16 Drylube E 1 X V O Minimal Test (to be tested generally) To be tested only on agreement To be tested only in case of need (adhesion requirements per GMW14706 not met) © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 9 February 2008 Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES.0 g/m²) B 440 1271 (3.`.2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT . 01706817 Not for Resale..`..0 g/m²) B 040 1270 (3.`.....`.`-`-`.`.0 g/m²) Hotmelt (1.. © Copyright 2008 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved February 2008 --``..1.`.. GM – Asia Pacific (Isuzu): The following additional coating mass designations shall apply for Isuzu.. The results for lap shear strength should be greater than 16 MPa after initial testing and greater than 12 MPa after cold testing.`..GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW8 Deviations Requirements for Individual GM Business Units: 3.`.1 Coating Mass.9 to 7.1.1 Phosphateability and Paintability.. HD70G70G and HD90G90G. An initial lap shear test and cold test should be performed.`.3.. Table Dev 1: Coatings for Isuzu Applications Property Exposed Coating Designation Unexposed Coating Designation Coating Mass.2. GM – North America: Maximum coating mass on hot rolled base is increased by 20g/m2 for HD60G60G.2. shall be reported. minimum to maximum: E/U side..`. 3. GM – Europe: When coating adhesion testing is required according to the Steel Qualification Process GMW14699. g/m 2 Unit 25A25A E U 25 to 45 3.3 Grade 35A35A E U 35 to 55 4..`--- Page 9 of 9 Copyright GM Worldwide Provided by IHS under license with GMW No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Sold to:INFORMATION HANDLING SERVICES.. minimum to maximum: Coating Thickness.``.. Coating separation at any strength above 16 MPa for initial test and 12 MPa for cold test is acceptable. GM – Asia-Pacific (Holden): Material shall be supplied unpassivated/unchromated.1.2008/6/30 20:45:14 GMT .`-`-`. E/U side (Triple Spot Test). according to GMW15200. In this method.7 µm 3. The ultimate strength and separation mode. 01706817 Not for Resale.1 Coating Bend Test by Bonding.5 to 6. degreased samples should be bonded and tested by tensile shear strength test as described in GMW15200-HS.`.. coating adhesion testing via bonding shall be performed and the results reported in the qualification package.
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