GM Abbreviation

March 26, 2018 | Author: nguyenbmtsv | Category: Automation, Automatic Transmission, Car, General Motors, Transmission (Mechanics)



General Motors & Industry Common Acronym and Abbreviation Listing.Disclaimer: This list is intended for INFORMAL informational purposes only! It was compiled for personal purposes from numerous sources and contains compliant, noncompliant and slang versions of acronyms. Reference other WEB sites/Departments for GM approved acronyms. This is required when writing technical, legal, or other official type documents. Do NOT reference this document. To make additions or corrections to this list, please send an e-mail to: [email protected] or call 805-373-9643 Last updated: March 2005 Over 9,000 listings 275+ pages printed in landscape format. Acronym 100% A1R 100% A2R 100% BR 100% CVER 100% IVER 100% PPAP 100% SVER 24/7 24/7/365 2D 2D Codes 2WD 2WS 3-2 DS 3D 3GR 3M 4 PHASE 4GR 4ØPDP 4ØVDP 4PLLP 4VDP 4WAL 4WD 4WS 5Ø Definition 100% Alpha 1 Release 100% Alpha 2 Release 100% Beta Release Concept Vehicle Engineering Release - 100% Integration Vehicle Engineering Release - 100% 100% Sourced PPAP parts (-15 weeks for MFD parts). To mark that point in time at which all General Assembly parts have successfully passed the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP). Structure Vehicle Engineering Release - 100% 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. 24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year. Two Dimensional. Two-dimensional optically scannable symbols related to bar codes. Two Wheel Drive. Two-Wheel Steer 3-2 Down Shift. Three Dimensional. Third Gear Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Corporation GM Product Program Management Process. Fourth Gear Four Phase Powertrain Development Process - The common process for work directed toward bringing a quality product to market. 4 Phase Vehicle Development Process. Fourth Party Lead Logistics Provider. 4 Phase Vehicle Development Process. Incorrect acronym. Should be 4ØVDP Four-Wheel Antilock. Four-Wheel Drive. Four-Wheel Steering. Five Phase Problem Solving Process. Department GVDP, ENG GVDP, ENG GVDP, ENG GVDP GVDP GVDP, ENG GVDP ENG, GEBFWC AIAG VTS, GMPT PSEO ENG PSEO VTS PSEO GMPT GVDP, ENG GMPT VTS PSEO PSEO, VTS PSEO Acronym A A A/C A/C A/CL A/D A/D,D/A A/D/V A/D/VP&R A/DFL A/DM A/F A/H A/Nut A/P A/P A/R A/R A/Rst A/Rtl A/S A/Susp A/T A/Trns A/V A1R A1VA A2LA A2R A2VA A3 A4 AA AA AA AA AA AAA AAAAA AAAD AAC AAC AACA Definition Ampere (unit of electrical current) Frontal Area (a symbol) Air Cleaner. Air Conditioning. Air Cleaner. Analog to Digital Analog-to-Digital, Digital-to-Analog. Analysis / Development / Validation Analysis/Development/Validation Plan & Report Air Deflector. An abbreviation. Authoring & Data Management Air/Fuel Ratio. Air over Hydraulic Anchor Nut Accounts Payable Air Pump Accounts Receivable Appropriation Request Armrest Anti-Rattle Auto Sequence. Air Suspension Automatic Transmission. Automatic Transmission Audio/Visual Alpha 1 Release. To mark that point in time as which the design, manufacturing, and engineering information for the Alpha 1 vehicle build is released. Alpha 1 Virtual Assessment American association of Laboratory Accreditation Alpha 2 Release. To mark that point in time as which the design, manufacturing, and engineering information for the Alpha 2 vehicle build is released. Alpha 2 Virtual Assessment Automatic Three Speed Transmission (No longer built or used) Automatic Four Speed Transmission Algorithmic Architecture Alternate Analysis Aluminum Association Approve Architecture. To mark that point in time at which there is a regular meeting of the Automotive Strategy Board (ASB) where the Architecture Contract is brought forward for approval. This results in deliverables that document the Global Corporate approval of the proposed new architecture (or the significant modification to an existing architecture), and also gives authorization (but not funding) to complete the development, implement the architecture at the Bill of Process and Bill of Material level, and approve its use for the identified current and/or future Portfolio Plan products. Atomic Absorption American Automobile Association. American Association Against Acronym Abuse Association of Automotive Aftermarket Distributors Advanced Audio Compression Automotive Advertisers Council Antique Automobile Club of America AACA AAD AADT AAES AALA AAM AAM AAMA AAMI AAOL AAP AAPA AAR AARS AASHTO AAT AB ABA ABA ABA ABAP ABB ABC ABC ABC ABCM ABE ABEL ABF ABIOS ABL ABM ABMF ABMM ABMP ABNT ABP ABP ABP ABR Abs ABS ABS ABS ABS ABS ABTS Amphibious Auto Club of America Assembly Aid Devices. Average Annual Daily Travel [number of vehicles on a highway segment] American Association of Engineering Societies American Automobile Labeling Act. Requires a label placed on new cars identifying the country of origin of certain major parts of autos such as engine and transmission, and identifying whose total content in the vehicle is greater than 15%. Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (replaces AAMA) American Axle & Manufacturing American Automobile Manufacturers Association (disbanded). American Association of Medical Instrumentation Automotive Aftermarket On Line Appearance Approval Report. American Association of Port Authorities Appearance Approval Report. Affirmative Action Reporting System American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Ambient Air Temperature. Auxiliary Battery Agreement to Build Alpha (4ØVDP). American Banking Association American Bus Association Advanced Business Application Programming. (Programs written in this language are referred to as ABAPs). ABAP/4 is a fourth generation programming language developed by SAP to develop business applications. Agreement To Build Beta (4ØVDP). Acceleration Boundary Curve Active Body Control (DC suspension system). Activity Based Costing. Activity Based Cost Management. Advanced Body Engineering Advanced Boolean Expression Language [a Data-I/O Trademark] Abdomen Force Advanced BIOS [Basic Input / Output System] Assembly Breakdown List. Assistant Brand Manager Assistant Brand Manager - Finance Assistant Brand Manager of Marketing Assistant Brand Manager of Product Associacao Brasileria de Normas Teonicas (Brazil). Acquisition Business Process. A GM business which is under FSS (Financial Shared Services ). Advanced Business Processes (part of PC&L) Agreement To Build Prototype. Available Bit Rate Absorber. An abbreviation. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (a plastic). Anti-Block Steering. Antilock Brake System. Anti-Skid Braking System. Automated Billing System. Owned by EAG Invoicing & Accounts Receivable. All Belts To Seat. Used with reference to passenger restraints. Abv ABWO AC AC AC AC AC ACB Acc ACC ACC ACCA Accel Acclrm Acclrtm Accum Accy ACD ACD ACD ACDS ACE ACE ACE ACE ACEA ACEC ACEEE ACF ACG ACG ACGW ACH ACI ACI ACI ACI ACIA ACL ACL ACL ACM ACM ACM ACMT ACN ACN Acnt ACPI Above. An abbreviation Administrative Build Work Order. It communicates the quantity, detail option content and desired build completion date of prototype and development vehicles required for test and validation. Acceleration Complete. Air Conditioning. Alternating Current. Annual Cost Auxiliary Control Adaptive Cylinder Balance Access. An abbreviation. ACCumulator (an abbreviation) Adaptive Cruise Control (radar/laser controlled) Adaptive Cruise Control with Alert Acceleration (an abbreviation) Accelerometer. (an abbreviation). Acceleration. (an abbreviation). ACCumulator (an abbreviation) Accessory (an abbreviation) Actual Completion Date. Confirmation that the deliverable has been achieved. Automatic Call Distribution Automotive Component Division Automatic Change Detection System Accelerated Cost Estimate Alliance for Clean Energy Army Corps of Engineers Assistant Chief Engineer (European Car Manufacturers Association) American Consulting Engineers Council American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Access Control Facility. Administrative Certification Group. Allied (Automotive) Component Group. No longer used; now Delphi. Automotive Components Group, Worldwide Air Changes per Hour Alloy Cast Iron American Concrete Institute Applied Ceramics, Inc. Automatic Cargo Identification Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter Access Control List. Used in Lotus Notes to control access to various databases. Advanced CMOS Logic Air Cleaner Adjusting Credit Memo Association of Computing Machinery. Air Conditioning Module. Action Center Management Team. Automated Crash Notification (SDM output of a GMLAN message when any air bag is deployed) Automatic Crash Notification Accent (an abbreviation). Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (specification) ACRONYM ACRS ACRS ACS ACS ACSI Acsry Act ACT ACT ACTC Actr ACTS ACTS ACTS ACTV ACV ACV AD AD ADA ADA ADAMS Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning Air Cushion Restraint System (no longer used, replaced with SIR). Accelerated Cost Recovery System. A depreciation method under US tax law allowing for the accelerated write-off of property under various classification. Also see MACRS. Accredited Standards Committee (ANSI) Automatic Clearance Sensing American Customer Satisfaction Index Accessory (an abbreviation) Actual (an abbreviation) Acoustic Change Transport Assembly Component Tracking. A detailed list of parts contained in an assembly. ACT is available in the Product Description System (PDS). Air Conditioning Technical Committee Actuator (an abbreviation) Adaptive Computerized Training System Advanced Car Technology Systems American Coalition for Traffic Safety Activate Actual Cash Value Air Cushion Vehicle Accommodated Device. Automatic Disconnect Accident Data Analysis Americans with Disabilities Act Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems (A general purpose kinematics / dynamics analysis program used to model vehicle handling and suspension performance.) Adapter (an abbreviation) Adaptive (an abbreviation) Adapters (an abbreviation) Analog-to-Digital Converter. Advanced Development Directories Additive (an abbreviation). Accommodated Device Gateway Adhesive (an abbreviation). Analog Devices, Inc. Area of Dominant Influence Adjust (an abbreviation) Adjuster (an abbreviation). Assembly Diagnostic Link Automatic Door Lock. Accessory Drive Motor Adjusting Debit Memo Advanced Digital Network (Usually refers to a 56Kbps leased-line) Advanced Development Process Alternative Durability Process Automatic Data Processing. Advanced Development Process. Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation. Automated Drive Quality Analysis Alternate Dispute Resolution. Part of CARS Adap Adapt Adapts ADC ADD Addt ADG Adhes ADI ADI Adj Adjr ADL ADL ADM ADM ADN ADP ADP ADP ADP ADPCM ADPCM ADQA ADR ADR Ads ADS ADS ADS ADS ADSG ADSIM ADSL ADSL ADT ADTS ADTT Adv ADV AE AE AE AEC AEC Australian Design Rules Adsorber (an abbreviation). An emission control device which acts to take up gases and/or liquids by physical and/or chemical forces, such as with activated charcoal or the like, and releases it at a later time. Anti Dieseling Solenoid Audio Distribution System Auxiliary Discriminating Sensor Alternating Simultaneous Double Fire. Automotive Diagnostic Systems Group Automotive Display Simulator Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (Usage is similar to a leased line.) Asynchronous Data Subscriber Line [Supports data speeds over 2 Mbps downstream (to the user) and slower speeds upstream (to the Internet).] Average Daily Traffic Advanced Drive Train System Average Daily Truck Traffic Advanced (an abbreviation). Analysis, Development and Validation. (Should be written as A/D/V) Acceleration Enrichment. Advanced Engineering Architectural Engineering Appearance Engineering Committee. Automotive Electronics Council. The AEC was originally established by Chrysler, Delco Electronics, and Ford for the purpose of establishing common part-qualification and quality standards. Components meeting these qualification specifications are considered suitable for use in the harsh automotive environment without additional component-level testing. Atomic Energy Commission Automotive Emission Control. Automotive Emission Control Device. Automotive Electronics Development. Automotive Energy Efficiency Program. Automated Equipment Identification Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association Advanced Engineering Staff. Advanced Electronically Tuned Radio. Actual Forecast. Air Fuel Ratio. (see A/F at beginning of section). Alternative Fuel. See AltFuel. Axial Feed As Far As I Know. Accessory Function Controller Alkaline Fuel Cell Authorization for Check Automatic Frequency Control Abrasive Flow Deburring. Architecture Flow Diagram. Alternative Fuel Engine Control Module. Air-Fuel Imbalance Monitor. American Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations Air Flow Meter AEC AEC AECD AED AEEP AEI AERA AES AETR AF AF AF AF AFAIK AFC AFC AFC AFC AFD AFD AFECM AFIM AFL AFL-CIO AFM S. Automotive & Industrial Electronics Group (Div. A dedicated graphics port which allows higher throughput from the graphics card to the processor for speedier 3D graphics.S. (see AAMA) ASI Input Buffer Automotive Information Council. Accelerated Graphics Port (circa 1997. Air Fuel Ratio Adaptive Frontlighting System American Foundrymen‘s Society Area Financial Services Manager. Silver (Argentium) American Gas Association Automatic Gain Control Absorbent Glass Mat. Artificial Intelligence.-based companies.) Automatic Guided Vehicle Automatic Guided Vehicle System Ampere – Hours Automatic Highway Advisory Radio Analog Hardware Descriptive Language Auburn Hills ESI (database) Auburn Hills Information Processing Center Automatic Headlamps Automatic Headlamp Leveling Device Analytical Hierarchy Process Adjustable Head Restraint System Amp-Hours (an abbreviation) Automated Highway Systems Average Highway Speed Air Inlet. Inc. Auxiliary Information & Control Center Architecture Interconnect Diagram.those technologies that provide methods for machine-readable data. scanners. Analog GrouND. Membership is not restricted to U. After (an abbreviation) Alternative Fuel Vehicle.Association of companies that manufacture products for automatic identification. GMAC Market Area Team Member.AFO AFR AFS AFS AFSM Aft AFV Ag AGA AGC AGM AGND AGP AGV AGVS Ah AHAR AHDL AHESI AHIPC AHL AHLD AHP AHRS AHRS AHS AHS AI AI AI AIA AIA AIAG AIAM AIB AIC AICC AID AIEG AIIM AIM AIM AIM Alternative Fuel Operation. Automotive Industry Action Group . Of Motorola) Association for Information & Image Management Analog Input Module. The association of carmakers with operations in the U. and Canada. Association of International Automobile Manufacturers. Automotive Industry Action Group. Next generation of battery technology. etc. . American Institute of Architects Automobile Importers of America. such as bar code readers.A trade association working to increase member productivity through a cooperative effort of North American vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers. Automatic Identification Manufacturers Automatic Identification Manufacturers Association . responsible for financial growth at the dealership through GMAC. Automatic Identification . The most popular AI medium is Bar Coding. All Seasons touring. Automatic Locking Retractor Appropriation Line Revision Request All Seasons (an abbreviation). Alternative (an abbreviation) Altitude (an abbreviation). Attachment Level Design Method. Automatic Level Module. A specific rule used to determine red/green status of a Rigorous Tracking and Throughput Management (RT&TM) measure. ASI Input Package American Institute (of) Plant Engineers Air Injection Reactor (or Reaction).) Arithmetic & Logical Units. A tire specification. A tire specification. A tire specification. Assembly Line Communication Link.AIMI AIN AIN AIP AIPE AIR AIR AIS AIS AISI AITC AITPM AIW AKS Al AL2 AL3 ALAPCO ALBS ALC ALC ALCL ALDL ALDL ALDM ALE American Isuzu Motors Inc. Accelerated Learning of Test Operations (New employees entering specific departments within Design Confirmation and Analysis will begin an ALTO job simulation with the support of an assigned guide. Account Manager Amplitude Modulation (an abbreviation). Advanced Intelligent Network Analog INput. Abbreviated Injury Scale Architecture Interconnect Specification American Iron and Steel Institute Aerodynamics Integration Technical Committee American Institute of Total Productive Maintenance ASI Input Workshop Aluminum Killed Steel (The term "killed" is used because aluminum additions cause the steel to lie quietly in the mold during solidification. Automotive Lift Institute. AM Radio. ALG ALGOL ALGOL Algorithm ALI ALM ALN ALR ALR ALRR ALS Alt Alt AltFuel ALTO ALU AM AM . Computer system that helps establish and track assembly plant direct labor work assignments. Secondary Air Injection. Automatic Level Control. All Seasons performance. Application Link Enabling.e. ALE facilitates the coupling of business applications which are distributed on different databases and provides the functionality to distribute and receive data.) Aluminum (an abbreviation). Vehicles that operated on fuels other than gasoline or diesel. Automatic Lamp Control. Alternative Fueled Vehicles. Assembly Line Data Link Assembly Line Diagnostic Link. i. Association of Local Air Pollution Control Offices Assembly Line Balance System. Automotive Lease Guide Algebraic Oriented Language ALGOrithmic Language. Actuator Line Nozzle Alpha Level Release. communications and entertainment systems. ANalysis Of VAriance. ANL ANMC ANOVA ANPRM ANS ANSI ANSI/ASQ Q90 See ISO-9000.S. . Founded in 1918. Alpha-Numeric Display System Association Nationale Fra Industrie Automobilistich. Analysis as Marketing Tool. Auto Motor und Sport (a German automotive magazine) Application Notes.AMA AMA AMA Amb AMC AMD AMDSG AME AMECS AMEX AMFA AMIC AML Amm Amp Amp Ampf AMPO Amps AMPS AMPS AMPTS AMR AMRC AMS AMS AMSL Amt AMT AMuS AN Anc ANC ANDS ANFIA American Marketing Association American Medical Association Area Module Advisor Ambient (an abbreviation). Active Noise Cancellation. Automobilistiche (National Association among Automobile Industries). Ampere (an abbreviation). formed by a legal agreement between 5 automotive companies. Air Management Control Accessory Motor Drive Automotive Manufacturers‘ Dealer Systems Group Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Austerity Mode Emission Control System American Express Alternative Motor Fuel Act Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration (An organization. Armature (an abbreviation). Amplifier (an abbreviation) Amplifier (an abbreviation) Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Amperages (an abbreviation) Advanced Mobile Phone Service Automated Material Procurement and Scheduling Allied Productive Material Transfer System Anisotropic Magneto Resistance Automotive Market Research Council. Anchor (an abbreviation). Above Mean Sea Level.S.) Adaptive Modeling Language Ammeter (an abbreviation). Argonne National Laboratories American National Metric Council. representative to non-treaty international standards bodies such as ISO. American National Standard American National Standards Institute. voluntary standards development process. The standards body responsible for formalizing the U. American Mathematical Society Attendance Management System. ANSI ensures that a single set of non-conflicting standards are developed for an area. A diagnostic instrument used for measuring electric current in amperes. Italian equivalent of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association. ANSI is the U. and EDIFACT. IEC. with the mission of defining the auto industry‘s first set of hardware and software interface standards for automotive information. Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making. AOA AOB AOIB AOL AOQL AORC AORS AOS AOT AP AP AP AP AP AP&P AP/S APA APA APAA APAC APB APC APC APD APD APD APD APE APE APEAL APEC APET APEX APEX APG API API API API . which specifies the STEP product data construct required for the communication of information in a defined application context. Advanced Programmable Interrupt control American Petroleum Institute. Power) Asian Pacific Economic Corporation Advanced Program Execution Team. An abbreviation. Asian Pacific Accounting Practices & Procedures Achievement Plan / Scheduler Acquisition Process Analyst. Automotive Occupant Restraints Council Advanced Occupant Restraint System Automatic Occupant Suppression / Automatic Occupation detecting Sensor. Assemblies Navigation Tool Automotive Network eXchange. Auto Parts Advisory Commission Automatic Powertrain Braking Automated Passenger Counting Acquisition and Production Costs. Annual Physical Inventory. contained within ISO 10303 (STEP). Automotive Organization Team Accounts Payable Achievement Plan Advanced Purchasing.ANT ANT ANX Antenna. Inc. certified (Internet) service providers. so that an ANX subscriber company in the automotive industry would require only a single access circuit to communicate with any other ANX subscriber. Advanced Product Engineering (no longer used) Auto Performance Execution and Layout (J. Adjustable Off Idle Bleed (Carburetor). Assembly Process Deviation. Advanced Portfolio Exploration Advanced Product Exploration Advanced Process Group Advanced Product Information. D. Authorized Payment Approval Automotive Parts and Accessories Association. and network exchange points. Analysis Of Alternatives Any Other Business. An ISO standard. Assembly Plant Designator (used in PDS). ANX is composed of a TCP/IP network that includes trading partner subscribers. A project administered by the AIAG to assure efficient and secure electronic communication among subscribers. Alliance Planning Director. Pertains to fixed assets. Average Outgoing Quality Limit. Application Protocol. Avalanche Photo Diode Annual Program Execution. America On Line. April (an abbreviation) Annual Percentage Rate Appropriation Request Process. Advanced Product Quality Planning. That portion of the U. Group formed to set and represent industry requirements for public transit systems in North America. Advanced Programmable Interface Control American Production & Inventory Control Society. An abbreviation. Asian Pacific Operations Accelerator Pedal Position Applied Practices & Procedures Application. Inc. A set of functions and/or integration points that system developers can use to enable communication between processes and/or applications.S. APIs allow for interoperability and integration of systems by providing vendor. Automatic Password Request Automatic Password Reset. Accessory Power Module (With a PIM. Advanced Photo System American Physical Society American Psychological Society Asynchronous Protocol Specification Automated Patent System Auxiliary Power Supply Advanced Product Service Committee Accessory Power Supply Mother Board Adjustable Part Throttle Alliance Planning Team Automatic Programmed Tool American Public Transit Association American Public Transport (or Transit) Authority. Accelerator Pedal Module. Automotive Products Trade Agreement.API APIC APICS APL APLQ APM APM APM APM APM APM APMES APMM APMT APMTS APO APP APP APPL APQP Apr APR APR APR APR APRA APS APS APS APS APS APS APSC APSMB APT APT APT APTA APTA APTA APU APV APY AQ Application Programming Interface. makes up PEB) Application Processor Module Area Parts Manager Automotive Process Model Area Parts Manager (Dealership contact/sales person for GM Parts) Advanced Product & Manufacturing Engineering Staff Assembly Plant Material Management Allied Productive Material Transfer Allied Productive Material Transfer System. Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association. A professional society devoted to the improvement and advancement of inventory and control management. . Associative Programming Language. An abbreviation. APQP is required for every part coming from suppliers.or productindependent communication between the systems. Applique. provided the systems share the same software and/or hardware platform. Auxiliary Power Unit All Purpose Vehicle Annual Percentage Yield./Canadian Free Trade Agreement that referred to automotive parts. Air Quality. Recognition." It does not address "writing the right requirements. To mark that point in time at which the requirements for the architecture have been completely defined. Atlantic Research Corporation (air bag inflators: Knoxville. Allied Signal Inc. Reinvestment. Advanced Research Projects Agency. Administrative Services." The tool is aimed at "writing the requirements right. which has been assigned to manage Defense Technology Conversion. Anti-Reflection. One of the projects the agency is involved in is the Technology Reinvestment Project (See TRP). and Transition Assistance. Acceptance Requirements Document Application Requirements Document (IT) Asset Recovery Group Automatic Road Information. Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems As Soon As Possible. Appropriation Request. Accelerated Quality Network Strategies Argon Academic Relations Accounts Receivable. Automotive Recyclers Association Automated Road Analyzer Anti. Application Resource Model Automated Requirement Measurement (NASA software tool to assess requirements written in "natural language. Adaptive Restraint Technology System Arsenic Active Suspension. TN) Awareness. American Standards association. As Required.") Account Reconciliation Monitoring System After Receipt of Order Appropriations Request Process Association of Retired Persons.AQC AQL AQMD AQNS Ar AR AR AR AR AR ARA ARAN ARB ARC ARC ARC ARC ARD ARD ARG ARI ARM ARM ARMS ARO ARP ARP ARPA Air Quality Committee Acceptable Quality Level Air Quality Management District. Agreement to Ship Alpha. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network Adaptive Receptive System Angular Rate Sensor American Road & Transportation Builders Association. and Communication Architecture Requirements Complete. critical path diagrams.A government agency. ARR ARRANT ARS ARS ARTBA ARTEMIS ARTS As AS AS AS AS AS AS ASA ASAM ASAP .Rollover Breaking Advanced Radio Concept. A computer system used to calculate overall program timing and generate Gantt charts. As Specified. Assembly System. Architectural Requirements Review. and timing plots. commonly called "ANSI X12. To mark the point in time at which the architecture decisions have been completed and a single architecture has been chosen.The ANSI committee for US EDI standards. Advanced Serviceability of Design. To mark that point in time at which the vehicle architecture study and limited program activities begin.Germany) Advanced Shipping Notice." Accredited Standards Committee X3 . equations. Automotive Strategy Board. Assembly. Accredited Standards Committee X12 . American Standard Code for Information Interchange (Most commonly refers to a plain-text file. Agreement to Start Production Analog Signal Processing Automotive Seat and Package Evaluation and Comparison Tools Assembly Programming. Anti-Slip Control Architecture Selection Complete. American Society of Body Engineers. Automotive Systems Project Team . Accredited Standards Council.) Actual Start Date. Hypertext links and search features assist in readily locating needed information. Amt fur Standardi-sierung Messwessem und Warenprefung (Office for Standardization. American Seat Belt Council. American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Association of South Eastern Asian Nations Application Specific Integrated Circuit.) Automotive Safety Engineering. Anti Slide Device Alternating Simultaneous Double Fire Automotive Steel Design Manual (CARS Section: ASDM is a CARS on-line reference that gives access to 700 pages of text.The ANSI committee for Information Processing. and figures concerning the use of steel in various automotive designs. Automotive Service Industry Association. (abbreviation) Alarm Siren Module. refer to AVM). Area Service Manager. Automotive Service Education Program Administrative Support Group Architecture Studies Initiation. charts. Dealership contact for sales/vehicle promotions. ASNs almost eliminate the need for manual data entry of shipment information. Agreement to Ship Prototype. Metrology and Quality Control . (No longer used by VSSM. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Accredited Standards Committee MH10 . Shipment data received electronically from a supplier that gives essential data about the material being shipped. Area Sales Manager. Agreement to Start Pilot. Refers to date the design was started by a specific stage/Dept. Automotive Service Excellence.The ANSI committee for standards for Unit Loads and Transport Packages.ASB ASB ASBC ASBE ASC ASC ASC ASC MH10 ASC X12 ASC X3 ASCII ASD ASD ASD ASDF ASDM ASE ASE ASEP ASG ASI ASIA ASIAN ASIC ASK ASLE Asm ASM ASM ASM ASME ASMW ASN ASNT ASP ASP ASP ASP ASPECT ASPRO ASPT Agreement to Ship Beta. An ANSI committee that develops standards. tables. Amplitude Shift Keying American Society of Lubrication Engineers. including the national standard for bar code labeling. Advanced Technology Center. Advanced Technology Council Automatic Temperature Control. Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing. VA.ASQ ASQC ASR ASR ASR ASR ASRS ASSE ASSP ASST AST ASTA ASTEC ASTM ASTN ASTT ASV ASVR AT ATA ATA ATAC ATAM ATAPI ATB ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC ATCH ATD ATD ATDC ATDM ATE ATE ATEC ATF ATF American Society for Quality. and distributing aerodynamic data (including wind noise) on competitive and GM production cars and trucks. forces. field. A professional society devoted to the improvement and advancement of quality.) Active Transfer Case. After Top Dead Center.S. and technical assistance reports. analyzing. Automatic Transmission Actuator. American Society for Quality Control Acceleration Slip Regulation. Atttach. The association of trucking freight carriers. located in Alexandria. Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface Articulated Total Body (model: a multi-body dynamics system that can be used to simulate the dynamic responses (accelerations. Advanced Simulation Toolchain Association of Short-circuit Testing Authorities Asian Technical Center American Society for Testing and Materials Automotive Satellite Television Network American Society of Traffic and Transportation Air Switching Valve. The corporate central file on product allegations resolution reports (formally 1241) and safety-related owner. displacements. Automatic Storage and Retrieval System American Society of Safety Engineers Application Specific Standard Product Assist. Activity for measuring. Automatic Transmission Fluid. Aerodynamic Technology Assessment Center. velocities. Alleged Safety Reports. Automated Test Engineer Automated Test Equipment Automatic Transmission Electronic Control Automated Test Fixture. Axle Torque Capacity. They are the ANSI-sanctioned US secretariat for ANSI/ASQ Q90 Series which is the U. version of the ISO9000 standards. Automotive Trade Association Managers. Allison Transmission Division. An abbreviation. All Silicon Voltage Regulator Automatic Transmission. . Automatic Transfer Case. shape and weight of a particular male or female statistical type. Anti Spin Regulation Architecture Selection Review. American Trucking Association. Automatic Traction Control. A test dummy representative of the size. Anthropomorphic Test Device (or Crash Test Dummy). An abbreviation. and deformations) of an occupant. August (an abbreviation) Acceptable Use Practice. Architecture Technical Specification. Asset which is in the process of being completed at the time when the balance sheet is being produced. Auxiliary (abbreviation) Auxiliary Memory. and operating procedures that make the interoperability of existing and emerging telecommunications products and services possible. An electronic illustration creation and management system used for PAD illustrations. American Traffic Services Association. Advanced Technology Program Automatic Test Program Generator Alliance for Transportation Research Automated Traffic Recorder Apprentice Tracking & Reporting System. All Terrain Vehicle. Advanced Vehicle Control/Guidance Advanced Vehicle Control Systems Advanced Vehicle Control & Safety Systems . Gold (Auricium) Asset Under Construction. Advanced Technical Work. Advanced Technology Vehicles. Aero Viroment Inc. Automatic (an abbreviation) Sequence Car Orders for Production. Alternate Theme Selection (4ØVDP). Practices that define what GM management considers to be consistent with GM corporate policies. An Engineering Business unit of GM. Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control System Advanced Technical Software Center (at GMU) Advanced Television Systems Committee American Traffic Safety Services Association Airflow Through Terminal. Administrative Test Work Order. A division of General Motors designing vehicles/powertrains based on other than straight gas or diesel. Aurora.ATIS ATIS ATM ATM ATM ATMIE ATMS ATN ATP ATPG ATR ATR ATRS ATS ATS ATS ATSA ATSAC ATSC ATSC ATSSA ATT ATV ATV ATV ATW ATWO Au AuC Aug AUP AUR AUR Auto Autoseque Aux AUX MEM AV AV AVA AVCG AVCS AVCSS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (A membership organization that provides the tools necessary for the industry to identify standards. guidelines. Accessory Usage Recorder. Accelerated Time to Market Asynchronous Transfer Mode Automatic Teller Machine Assistant Total Manufacturing Integration Engineer Advanced Traffic Management System Advance Transport Notice. Automation & Tooling Verification. Calif. Electronic communication regarding material to be transferred between a company‘s reporting locations. A company in Monrovia. Audio Visual (normally written as ―A/V‖) Activity Value Analysis. and acceptable for the use of GM Information Resources.) Automotive Technical Illustration System. Air Temperature Sensor. Ukraine's Largest Automaker Alternate Work Agreement Automated Warranty Administration Review Expert. Usage wookbook. A standard form used to document directions or information given to another individual. Automotive Voice Recognition Advanced Vehicle Service Engineer. Inc. The ASM acronym was reserved for Area Sales Managers. Russia's Largest Automaker. Authorization Work Order. Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association. every month. Automotive Youth Educational Systems. Automatic Vehicle Identification. Analysis Work Order. Inc. Advanced Vehicle Engineering Average (an abbreviation) Assembly Verification Group. A system that gathers every GM dealer's claim expense. All-Wheel Drive. See listing under Dept. and calculates the CPVS for each dealer. Automotive Vehicle Identification Automatic Vehicle Identification Paint. American Wire Gauge Arbitrary Waveform Generator American Welding Institute Administrative Work Order. Absent With-Out Leave All Wheel Steer. This is Spoken as Area Service Manager (Dealership contact for service/warranty).org AVO AVR AVSE AvtoVAZ AWA AWARE AWD AWDA AWDIT AWG AWG AWI AWO AWO AWO AWOL AWS AWS AYES .AVD AVD AVDC AVDP AVE Avg AVG AVI AVI AVIP AVL AVLE AVLS AVM Advanced Vehicle Design Advanced Vehicle Development. Air Wrench Documentation Instrument and Transducer. Avoid Verbal Order. Automatic Vehicle Location Assistant Vehicle Line Executive Automatic Vehicle Location System Area Vehicle Manager. Advanced Vehicle Development Center. Advanced Vehicle Development Process. Manufacturing Team previously known as GPDC.ayes. www. American Welding Society. VTS. GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG. ENG. GMPT ENG GMPT GVDP. GMU. GMU. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG PSEO. ENG ENG PSEO. GMU.Department ENG VTS PSEO. ENG. ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG . GMPT ENG PSEO ENG ENG EAG FIN ENG GMPT ENG. GMPT ENG ENG. GMU. GVDP. FIN ENG . ENG.ENG AIAG ENG. GMPT ENG EAG. GMPT ENG GMU GMU GMU GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. GMPT ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMPT ENG GMPT ENG ENG. ENG PSEO GVDP. ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMU GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO EAG ENG PSEO. ENG. GMPT ENG PSEO.ENG ENG ENG GMU. VTS. ENG ENG EAG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM .ENG FIN ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMU. ENG. GMPT ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG GMPT .ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO SO. GMU ENG EAG. GMU AIAG ENG AIAG. GMPT AIAG. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG . GVDP. ENG. GMU.PSEO GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG GVDP. GMU. ENG. GMPT PSEO PSEO.ENG ENG. ENG FIN GMU ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG GVDP. ENG . ENG. VTS. ENG ENG GMPT PSEO. GMPT ENG PSEO ENG http://gmna1. ENG ENG GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG AIAG. ENG.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS ENG. GMU. GMPT ENG ENG. GMPT AIAG . ENG GVDP. GMU. ENG. FIN ENG ENG EAG ENG ENG GMPT FIN ENG. GMU. GMPT AIAG GVDP. ENG. ENG. GMU GMPT GVDP.ENG AIAG. ENG. GMU. GMU ENG. EAG ENG GVDP. GMU. GMPT . ENG ENG ENG FIN. GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG GVDP GVDP. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG. ENG. ENG AIAG ENG ENG. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG. GMPT ENG PSEO ENG ENG MFD. EAG ENG. GMU PSEO. GMU. FIN AIAG. GMPT GMU ENG . GMU.ENG. GVDP. AVDC ENG ENG FIN. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM GVDP. ENG ENG. ENG. GMPT. GMU ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG. ENG. ENG.ENG ENG GMU GMPT HR ENG. EAG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG EAG GVDP. GMU GMPT ENG . GMU ENG ENG GVDP. GMU. GMU GMU AIAG GVDP. ENG. GMU. GVDP PSEO VSSM ENG ENG AIAG. ENG. GMPT GMPT GVDP. EAG. ENG. ENG. GMU ENG ENG AIAG. VSSM VSSM GVDP. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMPT. GMPT AIAG AIAG AIAG ENG ENG SO ENG VTS. GMU GVDP. ENG. GMPT. FIN ENG GVDP.GVDP. GMU. GMU. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG. AIAG ENG. GMPT AIAG ENG ENG PSEO ENG R&D ENG VTS PSEO ENG ENG ENG VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO . MFD. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG VTS. GMPT PSEO GMU GVDP. ENG PSEO. ILM ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG R&D ENG FIN PSEO GMPT. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMU. GMPT.ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG PSEO.VSSM. R&D ENG PSEO. GVDP AVDC GVDP. VTS. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG AVDC. ENG. GMU. ENG ENG GMU VSSM ENG ENG ENG GMPT VSSM. Back Up. An abbreviation. Battery Positive Voltage Business To Business (refers to WWW sites which are involved with industrial business . Technically. Broadcast Code Ball Joint.Primary function is to generate invoices to dealerships Billing And Receivable System.for example a 1200 bit-persecond modem actually runs at 300 contrasted to consumer business. Balance. An abbreviation.I. Balancer. baud is the number of times per second that the carrier signal shifts value . An abbreviation. An abbreviation.) Best Available Control Technology Build Authorization Document Blower Air Inlet. An abbreviation. Barrier. Billing and Accounts Receivable System.) BrassBoard Breadboard (Electronic prototype) BB BB . The GMSupplyPower website is an example. Bulletin Authoring System British Approval Service for Electrical Components British Approval Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Blood & Air Sampling Information System Ball-in-tube Acceleration Sensing System (Breed) Battery (an abbreviation) Basic Unit of Data (named for Telegrapher Jean-Maurice Baudot.) Barium Bachelor of Arts (degree) Body Assembly Brand Analyst Build Authority Broad Agency Announcement Barrier Air Bag Fire Unit (no longer used. Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor Barometric (an abbreviation). see SIRCU) British Approvals Board of Telecommunications Business Associate Code (A numeric code assigned to every GM dealer. An abbreviation.) Barometric Absolute Pressure Business Application Programming Interfaces are standards that can be used to design ways of controlling how a business application will respond to a transaction. Brake Apply Sensor. BellCrank. but it moves 4 bits per baud [4 x 300 = 1200 bits per second]. regardless of how many GM franchises the dealer carries.Acronym B B&P B. B/C B/C B/JNT B/U B+ B2B Ba BA BA BA BA BAA BABFU BABT BAC BACT BAD BAI BAL BALR BALUN BAM BAP BAPI BAPS Baro BARR BARS BARS BAS BAS BASEC BASEEFA BASIC BASIS BASS Batt BAUD Definition Boron Business & Planning Body Integral. Balanced [line] to Unbalanced [line] (communications adapter) BündesAnstalt für Materialforschung und Prüfing (German [Euro] requirement for air bag inflators. Binary Coded Decimal Bulk Current Injection Battery Control Module Body Computer Module. To mark that point in time at which the Beta Quality Valve 00 is opened signifying the readiness to move forward with the next build event(s) based on the successful completion of the review criteria and agreed upon level of risk for program and product impact. Bus Discharge Assembly Battery Distribution Center Bottom Dead Center Boothroyd-Dewhurst Inc. British Electrotechnical Approvals Board Base Engineered Content Bus Electrical Center Battery Electrical Center. 2002. Effective April 1.BBB BBC BBIS BBL BBM BBQVC BBS BBS BBSC BBV BC BC BCA BCA BCC BCC BCC BCCSE BCD BCI BCM BCM BCM BCNC BCR BCS BCS BCS BD BD BDA BDC BDC BDI BDM BDS BDSC Be BEA BEAB BEC BEC BEC BEI BELLCORE BEM BEMC Better Business Bureau. Beta Build Quality Valve Complete. Burden Control Center. Project plan-supporting document that defines and authorizes the purchase of material for testing. Represents a group of cost centers in the IES template Body and Chassis Controls Systems Engineering. Business Decision Support Center. BIW.An abbreviation. Break and Bearing System Bulletin Board System (or Service) Brake & Bearing Systems Center (at Milford Proving Grounds). Brake Booster Vacuum Buick City Business Case. Build Direction. & Interiors BELL COmmunication REsearch Belt Molding Base Engine Managers Committee . An abbreviation. and building vehicles and bucks. Beryllium Body Engineering Activity. Bias & Control Assembly Build Change Authorization Blind Carbon Copy Brand Character Center. DFA software analysis tool. Body Control Module Body Chassis Network Communications Bar Code Reader Body Clamping Section Body Cutting Section Budget Consolidated System Board. Exteriors. the name BDSC was discontinued. Brushless Blower Motor. Background Debugger Mode (Motorola development tool / connection) Bulk Data Switcher. Bumper to Back of Cab Budget Business Plan Integration System Barrel. Brand Focused Merchandising Berufsgenossenchaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik Ball Grid Array (Electronic package type) Back window Glass. Barrier Equivalent Velocity Battery Electric Vehicle Base Feature. Buick Engineering Material Inventory control. Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy Basic Input / Output System Biofidelic Side Impact Dummy Billions of Instructions Per Second Business Impact Review Group Best In Segment Built in Self Test Ball In Tube BInary digiT. Bit Error Rate Bit Error Rate Tester Base Engine Steering Committee Battery Energy Storage System Bid (or Cost) Estimation Team Bid Estimation Team Initial production of design intent prototype vehicles. An abbreviation. Bring It All Together Best In Class Business Integration Center Bipolar Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Battery. Ignition. Bumper Impact Detector Broadcast Information Feedback System Business Information Management Binding. Brand Financial Analysis Body Function Controller Body Frame Integral Baffle.BEMC BEMIC BER BERT BESC BESS BET BET Beta build BETIDC BEV BEV BF BFA BFC BFI BFL BFM BG BGA BGI BGO BGS BHD BHN BHP Bi BI BI BIAT BIC BIC BICMOS BICS BID BID BIFS BIM BIND BIO BioRID BIOS BioSID BIPS BIRG BIS BIST BIT BIT BIT BIT Buick Engineering Material Control. Inside Back window Glass. Outside Back Glass Seal Bulkhead. & Control System Brinell Impression Diameter. Beijing Economic Technology Investment Development Corp. (4ØVDP). An abbreviation. Brinell Harness Brake Horse Power Bismuth Body Integral Bubble up Initiative. Body Computer Input/Output (GMP-X IC). The portion of the Four Phase process containing all activities that lead up to Phase 0 of a program. Braking In a Turn Brand Integration Team . An abbreviation. An abbreviation. BioMedical Engineering Brake Mean Effective Pressure Basic Medical Plan Bitmap Image Business Management System. An abbreviation. Block Learn Memory Business Line Menu Process Blower.located on accelerator foot plane 203 mm from heel point. Buckle. An abbreviation. Ball Limiting Device Bleeder. Bucket. Bill Of Design.BITE BIW BJT Bk BK BKG BKL BKLT BKT BL BL BLD BLEDR BLK BLMP BLMP BLO BLS BLS Blts BLW BLW BM BMCS BMCS BMD BME BMEP BMP BMP BMS BMS load BMW Bn BNA BNC BNC BNC BNL BO BOB BOC BOD BOD BOF BOF BOI BOL Built In Test Equipment Body In White. Bill of Lading (A document that identifies a carrier‘s contract and specifies the goods the carrier agrees to transport from one location to another. Body Lower Stripes (ornamentation) Build Level Suffix . Usually the bare metal shell of the body including doors and deck lid prior to paint and trim. Board Of Directors Ball of Foot (Powertrain .) Body On Frame Beginning Of Injection. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Input of engineering program content associated resource estimates. Bavarian Motor Works (Bayerische Motoren Werke) Bank (an abbreviation) Bureau des Normes de l‘Automobile (France) Baby Navy Connector Bayonet Naval Connector Bayonet Neill-Concelman (a round coaxial connector) Brookhaven National Laboratories Back Order Best Of the Best Buick-Oldsmobile-Cadillac Group (disbanded GM organization).A letter assigned to denote the latest design change during the prototype phase Belts (an abbreviation) Below. An abbreviation. (Being replaced by TOPS). Backing. Bipolar Junction Transistor Berkelium Back. Brake Lining Wear Brand Manager Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety Bureau of Motor Carrier Standards Business Management Division. Block. and committed dollars. resource charges.) . An abbreviation. Base Line Bleed. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Booklet. Bluffton Rubber Company Business Resource Center. Bi-drive Recreational All Terrain. Business Planning Sub-Committee. Band Pass Filter Battery Pack Module Battery Pack Monitor Brilliant Pedal Module Business Planning Model Business Process Manager Brake Pressure Modulator Valve. Process level description of the production system which is required to manufacture and assemble vehicles. An abbreviation. Business Risk Advisory Team. Bill Of Materials Plus. An abbreviation. Bromine Beta Release. Border. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Base Pulse Width Bits Per Word. An abbreviation. Breaker. refer to BPM. An abbreviation. used as a resource planning tool for dollars. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Brake.BOLS BOM BOM+ BOOS BOP BOPS BP BP BP BP BPA BPC BPCM BPE BPEGR BPF BPM BPM BPM BPM BPM BPMV BPO BPP BPP BPR BPR BPS BPSC BPSK BPV BPW BPW BQE BQM Br BR BR BRAT BRAT BRC BRC BRD BRDR BRG BRK BRKR BRKT BRM Bolster. Bearing. sourcing. Booster. cadence. Business Review Meeting . To mark that point in time at which the design. (Term obsolete at ATV. An abbreviation. Briad. Billion Operations Per Second Back Pressure Basis Point Battery Pack Business Plan Business & Program Assurance Business Plan Code Battery Pack Control Module.) Business Process Engineering Back Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation. manufacturing. Business Process Re-engineering Bits per Second. Branch PrOcessing Unit Best People Practices Brake Pedal Position. Bracket. Speed a modem can transmit. Bill Of Process. Part of CARS. Bill Of Material. Binary Phase Shift Keying Business Planning Volumes. Brace. Plan for components or subsystems. and engineering information for the Beta vehicle build is released. An abbreviation. head count. Basic Quality Education Brand Quality Manager (or Management). Bumper. British Thermal Unit By The Way (Internet / E-mail) Battery Tray Business Unit Coordinator BTDC BTHR BTI BTL BTL BTL BTM BTM BTM BTS BTS BTS BTSI BTU BTW BTY BUC . datum‘s. Base Station System Body Side Stripes (ornamentation) Boone Shaped Short (fiber characteristic in composites .BRM BRP BRS BRTC BS BSA BSAP BSCO BSD BSD BSD BSFC BSG BSHC BSI BSL BSM BSM BSM BSNO2 BSPMC BSS BSS BSS BT BT BTC BTC BTC BTCM BTD Business Risk Management Business Resumption Plan Big Red Switch (manual reboot) Belt Restraint Technical Committee Ballasted Structure. Boat Safety Act. A standard perspective view of a part or assembly that resides on a released drawing and contains assembly tooling locations. A compilation of vehicle tolerance objectives and concept sheets for a vehicle program.improved strength over CSS [Conventional Short Straight] fibers) Bench Trending Brand Team Base Table Coordinator Binary Two's Compliment Body Technology Center Brake Torque Control Module Build Tolerance Document. Brake Specific Carbon Monoxide Baseline Software Development Berkeley Standard Distribution (of Unix) Build Site Direction Brake Specific Fuel Consumption Business Strategy Group Brake Specific Hydrocarbons British Standards Institute Brake Systems Laboratory Bi-directional Switching Module Body Sheet Metal Body Side Molding Brake Specific Nitrogen Dioxide. An abbreviation. An abbreviatoin. Brake Thermal Model Build Tolerance Manual. Below Throttle Injection Below The Line Body Test Laboratory Business Team Leader Bottom. Part of POC builds. Basic Spark Advance Program. and control characteristics. Belt Trim Support Bulletin Tracking System Bureau of Transportation Statistics Brake Transmission Shift Interlock. Brake System Parts Manufacturers Council. Before Top Dead Center Breather. Bowl Vent Beta Virtual Assessment Basic Vehicle Description Body Vehicle Specification Blackwall. BWS BYTE BZL . Bezel. Body [Belt] Work Line (Arbitrary horizontal work line usually located at approximately the 1100 MM belt line. Bushing. An abbreviation. A buck is a partial assembly which is used for design analysis or test purposes. Button. Consisting of 8 bits. Best Under General Motors Back Up Lamp (ornamentation) Body Upper Molding Burndy Connector. Backup Warning Butane Working Capacity Back Window Glass Business Work Group. An abbreviation. Build Work Order. An abbreviation. Computer generated form initiated by the engineer to request procurement of parts and material to support an engineering program in the absence of an ABWO Back Window to Seat finish BYnary TErm. An abbreviation.Buck BUGM BUL BUM BURNDY BUSH BUT BV BVA BVD BVS BW BWARN BWC BWG BWG BWL BWL BWO A test vehicle.) Body Work Line. ENG. ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG EAG FIN. GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO.Department ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO GMU GMU ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMU. ENG. ENG . GMU ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT FIN ENG ENG PSEO. VSSM ENG ENG GVDP. GMU. GMU ENG ENG . ENG.VSSM ENG GVDP. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG. ENG .ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GVDP. GMU ENG ENG VTS. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG GMU PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. ENG . ENG . GVDP. GMPT ENG GMPT ENG GVDP. GMU. GMPT . GMPT. EAG. GMU ENG FIN. ENG.ENG GVDP. GMU ENG GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO GMU ENG ENG VSSM GMU ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMU. ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG GMPT PSEO ENG ENG. GMU. ENG. ENG. AVDC ENG ENG GMPT. (ATV). GVDP. FIN. GMU. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG SO. GMPT ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG .ENG GVDP. ENG . GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG VSSM GVDP. ENG . GMPT. VTS. GMU EAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG . GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMU ENG ENG PSEO.FIN. ENG. ENG ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMU ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . An abbreviation.C. Hardware and software components that comprise the C4 products. An abbreviation. C/BAL C/BAR C/BLK C/CASE C/H/G C/L C/LO C/LP C/LTR C/MBR C/O C/OVR C/PLR C/R C/SHF C/VLV C2C C2R2 C3 C4 C4 C4 Compliant Definition Celsius (Centigrade). An abbreviation. Crossover. Control Valve. Counterbalance.Acronym c C C C C&F C. C. and CIM systems. Cigarette Lighter.O. An abbreviation. Center Pillar.P. CAM. CAE. Computer controlled Catalytic Converter. An abbreviation. Carbon Common Cost Cost & Feasibility. An abbreviation. Cylinder Block. CAM and CAE) plus CIM. Converter Clutch Coefficient of Performance. Crankcase. ENG ENG C4 Program C4 Systems ENG ENG . The requirement which states General Motors design and part suppliers must be able to accept. Conference Room Cross Shaft. Department ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Crossmember. C-body/H-body/G-body. Term used to include CAD. Car platforms of CLCD. An abbreviation. Centerline Centerline of Occupant Courtesy Lamp. C3 (CAD. design and/or return Math Data in a data format specified by the contracting GM buyer A global GM development and implementation initiative supporting GM‘s ―fast-to-market‖ strategies. Class 2 Communications Critical Change Review Request Combination of CAD. Carryover. CAM and CAE. Cross Bar. CAD Computer Aided Design. Part of CARS. ENG AIAG. A term applied to a variety of computer hardware and software products that are used assist in product and process design. ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG . CAC Capacity Assurance Center CAC Corporate Advisory Council CAC Corporate Authorization Code CAC Customer Assistance Center. CAA Clean Air Act. ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG VSSM. CAD Cadillac. CA Change Authorization CA Computer Aided CA Concept Approval (4ØVDP). CAAA Clean Air Act Amendment CAB Change Approval Board CABT Cabinet. analysis. CAD Computer Aided Dispatching CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing. GVDP. ENG. CA Corrective Action. CACC Competitive Analysis Coordinate Committee. C5 Integrated Transaxle Ca Calcium CA Cab to rear Axle (dimensional measurement). GMPT ENG ENG GMPT. A decision point of the Four Phase process. An abbreviation. CADD Computer Aided Design & Drafting CADMP Computer Aided Design of Microelectronic Packaging CADRE Computer Automated Data Recording Elements ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT. and programming CAD/M/E Computer-Aided Design / Manufacturing / Engineering CADAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing CADAM Computer-graphics Augmented Design and Manufacturing CADANCE Computer Aided Design and Numerical Control Effort CADAT Computer Aided Dealership Analysis Tool. The logical framework that defines the form and function for C4 hardware and software components. C4SA C4 System Architecture.C4 Translator A GM/EDS enhanced IGES translator to exchange data between the GM/EDS C4 strategic software. It signals the end of Phase 0 and the beginning of Phase 1. Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support .. Computer Aided Electrical Engineering. ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG AIAG GMPT. government regulations that mandate the standard for fuel efficiency in vehicles sold in the U. Calibrate. Content Addressable Memory Customer Account Manager. GMPT. also MCAE. etc. direct. System for capturing and resolving questions and issues and sharing ideas and best practices throughout the GMNA organization. Computer Automated Measurement And Control CApacity MAnagement System. Calculated (an abbreviation) Computer Aided Life Cycle Engineering Center for Automotive Lessons Learned. GMPT. stress analysis. GMPT . ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. Use of computers in analysis of the designs to verify that they meet their objectives (e. Customer Activities Manager. An abbreviation. Computer Aided Instruction. Continuous Automotive Marketing Information Program Continuous Automotive Monitoring Identifying Problems GVDP.S. An abbreviaiton. Inc. Calibration. ENG ENG ENG VTS. whether foreign or domestic. Cabling Assurance Fixture Corporate Average Fuel Consumption Corporate Average Fuel Economy. ENG . GVDP. Conversational Algebraic Language. Canadian Automotive Manufacturing. Calibrator. A set of U. Computer-Aided Manufacturing. GVDP. AIAG. It is currently developing a test bed for using STEP between specific military systems.. An abbreviation. aerodynamic drag. Civil Aeromedical Institute Continuous Assessment Monitoring Identifying Problems. (pronounced Kaye). GVDP.).g. GM proprietary software that will store supplier capacity data and calculate potential shortfalls.CAE CAEE CAF CAFC CAFE CAGR CAHPS CAI CAIR Cal CAL CAL3D Calc CALCE CALL CALN CALR CALS CAM CAM CAM CAM CAMAC CAMAS CAMI CAMI CAMIP CAMIP CAMIP Computer Aided Engineering.A Department of Defense effort to provide a working environment for contractors using heterogeneous systems. ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG VTS.S.A. Use of computers to program. and control production equipment in the fabrication of manufacturing items. Calspan 3-Dimensional occupant simulation. Converter Air Injection Reactor. Cumulative Annual Growth Rate Corporate Area Hire Placement System. An abreviation. An abreviation. Cooperative Automotive Research for Advanced Technology California Air Resources Board. Design. Central Advanced Purchasing. a. style and emissions and adds CKD volumes.) Computer Aided Programming. Competitive Access Pricing System. & Documentation System Customer Acceptance Review and Evaluation Customer Action Response Evaluation. nameplate. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT. Computer Aided Process Engineering. type. GM/CAMS. Controller Area Network Cancel. Corporate Allocation & Planning Corrective Action Plan Customer Approval Package Capacitor. ENG ENG GMAC ENG GMAC . Computer Aided Research for Infra Red Centralized Application & Reporting Personal On-line Reference Tool Carrier. Computer Aided Process Planning. An abbreviation. Computer Assisted Research. model. Crash Avoidance Research Data (or Database). GVDP. Computer-Aided Product Selection. Carburetor. ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. ENG ENG . transmission. Centralized Application & Reporting System ENG PSEO. A system by which APM's can work within dealerships to personalize a GM accessory program.CAMS CAN CANC CANdi CANEXPO CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAPAC CAPE CAPM CAPP CAPS CAPS CAPS CAR CARAT CARB CARB CARD CARDD CARE CARE CARIR CARPORT CARR CARS Computerized Automotive Maintenance System. Change Acceleration Process Component Allocation Plan (is an operational and planning document released in conjunction with the "M" schedule. Controller Area Network. Computerized Automotive Product Test System Corrective Action Report. An abbreviation. Explodes "M" schedule vehicle volumes down to engine.a.k.diagnostic interface CANadian EXPort Operations. This tool is used to monitor the execution of the major powertrain/component plans that support the vehicles and assembly plan. Computer Aided Project Management. It also specifies all allocation [forcing] and banking strategies for those components. DBC. BRC. Consists of CAC. Common Automotive Service Language Controlled Automotive Service Language Custom Application Specific PPEI Electrical Requirements. ENG ENG ENG VTS. This can reduce the need for expensive finite element analysis. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . Championship Auto Racing Team Computer Aided Reliability Tracking Corrective Action Review Team Center for Auto Safety Chinese Academy of Sciences Concept Alternative Selection Custom Automotive Sound Association Computer Aided Software Engineering Computer Assisted Source Estimating Crankshaft Angle Sense Error. An abbreviation. Common Application Template. Computerized Access control. Computer Aided Software Testing Containerization Action Strategy Team (EV Materials Management). Canadian Auto Workers. Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application (computer code).CARS CARS Certified Automotive Repairman‘s Society ENG Computerized Application and Reference System (Engineering software developed from the American Iron and Steel Institute's (AISI) Automotive Steel Design Manual. Comprehensive Audio Test.) Customer And Relationship Services. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG SO. Occurs during Phase 3 problem solving. The CARS program helps engineers and designers save time and resources by performing first-order analysis of designs. Cassette (an abbreviation). VSSM ENG ENG ENG CARS CART CART CART CAS CAS CAS CASA CASE CASE CASE CASL CASL CASPER Cass CASSIS CAST CAST CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CATIA CATS CATV CAV CAW GVDP. Computer Aided Tomography Corrective Action Team Customer Acceptance Testing Customer Action Team. A scoring system for measuring audio system performance. Computer Aided Test(ing). and other customer/dealer oriented assistance groups. Computer Aided Testing System Community Antenna TeleVision Cavity. GMPT PSEO. Critical Characteristic Cruise Control Car to Car Circuit Card Assembly Change Control Board. VSSM ENG ENG GVDP. Control Characteristics. Campaign [Concerns] Correction Center Car Care Council. GMPT GMPT PSEO GMPT ENG GMPT GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. Cab Behind Engine Computerized Business Equipment Manufacturers Association.CB CB CBA CBC CBDR CBE CBEMA CBGA CBI CBL CBO CBP CBR CBS CBT CBU CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC C-C CCA CCB CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC Citizen‘s Band. Ceramic Chip Carrier Computer Combustion Control. Computer Command Control Corporate Crashworthiness Committee Criteria Consensus Complete. Parameters of a part specification which are deemed necessary to be monitored to show process capability. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG. ENG. GMPT . An abbreviation. As in CB radio. GPDP Program Gate Review. ENG . Car Build Order Cab Back Panel Constant Bit Rate COTS-Based Systems Computer Based Training Completely Built Unit (vehicle). ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. Ceramic Ball Grid Array (Electronic component package) Computer Based Instruction Cable. Commissioning Body Cell Based Array Cache Bus Controller Citizens for Better Driver Information. Capability Center Carbon Copy Change Control Change Coordinator Climate Control Completion Code Concept Confirmation. Chassis Control Module. Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter. Chevrolet Central Office Building. Computer Command Control System. Cylinder Cathode Electric Spark Control Cold Cathode Florescent Lamp (type used in scanners) Change Coordination Group. Computing Center Management System. Comité Consultatif Internationale Téléphonique et Télégraphique)} See ITU Comite Concultaif Internationale de Telegraphie et Telephonie International Telegraph & Telephone Consultative Committee Comptroller's Circular Letter Central Control Module. Charcoal Canister Purge. Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube Carbon Canister Purge. Convenience Charge Module Catalytic Converter Muffler Chassis Control Module Brakes Common Change Management Process. Climate Control Panel ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . database administration and system monitoring by the Basis group.irregular Route.CCC CCCC CCCI CCCR CCCS CCD CCD CCDI CCDIC CCESC CCFL CCG CCIB CCIR CCITT CCITT1 CCITT2 CCL CCM CCM CCM CCMB CCMB CCMP CCMS CCMS CCMST CCO CCOB CCOE CCOT CCP CCP CCP Customer Communications Center. Customer Communication Document Climate Control & Driver Information Climate Control & Driver Information Center. Computer Controlled Coil Ignition Computer Carrier Conference . Committee for the Challenges of Modern Society Chassis Control Module Steering Chevrolet Central Office. job scheduling and technology .test & calibration device[?]) International Radio Consultative Committee Consultative Committee for International Telegraphy and Telephony (F. Used for system management. Corporate Committee On Electromagnetics. Charge Coupled Device. Core Calibrator Interface Box (Lear / Delphi joint project . Code Division/Spread Spectrum. A location at which the assembly tooling will clamp the part. Concept Direction Approval. ENG ENG GMPT. Calibration Drift Capacity Discharge (electronic ignition) Carrier Detect (modem signal) Compact Disc. Compact Disk Concept Development Concept Direction (4ØVDP). ENG ENG ENG PSEO. Canister Control Valve. Closed Crankcase Ventilation. Critical Dimensions. Customer Design Approval Cylinder De-Activation Car Development And Pleaseability. Cadmium Candela (unit of light intensity) Coefficient of Drag. Corporate Corrosion Program Objective (of GM). California Code of Regulations Change Control Request. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG . Critical Change Review Request Controlled Combustion System. Counter Clock-Wise. An abbreviation. Controlled Canister Purge Climate Control Panel. An abbreviation. Compact Disc Player. Closed Circuit TeleVision Command Console Unit Console Control Unit. Computer Command Ride. Crash Data Analysis System GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO.CCP CCP CCP CCP CCPO CCR CCR CCR CCRR CCS CCS CCS CCSDT CCTV CCU CCU CCV CCV CCW Cd Cd Cd CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD/PLYR CD/SS CDA CDA CDA CDAP CDAS Collaborative Criteria Process Computer Controlled Purge. GMPT VTS. A decision point in the Four Phase process. Customer Contact System Corporate Compatible System Design Tools. Corporate Consolidated Scheduling. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG VSSM ENG AVDC AVDC .CDB CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDD CDI CDI CDIF CDIS CDL CDLS CDM CDM CDM CDMA CDMe CDMS CDP CDP CDP CDPD CDPT CDR CDR CDR CDR CDR CDR CDR CDR CD-ROM CDS CDS Corporate Database Center for Disease Control Centralized Distribution Center. A document used by the car divisions to communicate revisions to program content. A typo. Car Division Requirement Change Description Request Common Delivery Reporting Corporate Division Request Crash Data Retriever (Box & SW similar to that for Class II to retrieve EDR data from SDM) Critical Design Review Customer Delivery Reporting Car Division Requirement. Corporate Data Standards Corporate Date Standards. Collision Damage (or Deformation) Classification Concept Development Center Continuous Damping Control (Mannesmann Sachs) Component Datum Drawing Common-rail gas Direct Injection Controlled Direct Injection CASE Data Interchange Format Common Dimensional Information System Commercial Driver‘s License Common Datum Locating Strategy. Cresyl-Diphenyl-Phosphate (a gasoline additive). Code Division Multiple Access Consistent Document Management Environment. Control & Display Module. ENG GMPT ENG GMPT GVDP. Customer Data Management System Climate & Diagnostic Panel (Buick only) Concept Development Process. Cellular Digital Packet Data. Compact Disc – Read Only Memory. Should be Corporate Data Standards. Career Discussion Planning Tool. Central Delivery Model (SUN workstation updates) Communications Data Module. once approved. ENG CDT CDT CDV CDX Ce CE CE CE CE CE CE CEA CEA CEBEC CEC CEC CEC CEC CEC CECC CECR CEe CEE1 CEE2 CEI CEMA CEMMV CEMSS CEN ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. Commission of the European Communities CENELEC Electronic Components Committee Corporate Engineering Change Recommendation. California Emissions Chief Engineer Combustion Engineering Communaute Europeene Crash Evaluation Competitive Equalization Assistance Corporate Engineering Authorization Comite Electrotechnique Belge California Energy Commission Chevrolet Engineering Center (obsolete). and utility vehicles.000 crashes a year involving passenger cars. Chief Engineers Council Combination Emission Control. serious. Committee for European Normalization. Compressed Digital Video Compact Disk Changer. have the force of law. Consistent Engineering Environment. Crashworthiness Data System (NHTSA detailed data on a representative. light trucks. The standards setting body of the quasi-governmental European Community (descendent of the EEC). There are 24 field research teams that study about 5. Current Engineering Manufacturing Services Staff. and fatal crashes. random sample of thousands of minor. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GM Defense AIAG .) Chassis Design Toolkit Conduit. vans. Approximately 15 European countries work together to set standards that are not voluntary and which. Cerium Cab to End of frame (dimension).CDS CDS Correlated Double Sampling. An abbreviation. Commission on rules for the approval of Electrical Equipment An International Commission Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association Commercial Enhanced-Mobility Medium-duty Vehicle. Computerized Electrical Schematics & Circuit Analysis Corporate Engineering Specification System Controller Execution Team Customer Experience Task Force Corporate Emissions Test System Continuing Education Unit Cabin heat Exchanger (part of HPVS). Electrotechnical . Clean for Delivery (used car process) Computational Fluid Dynamics Clean Fuel Fleet Program Cash Forecast Group Customer Focus Incentive. Chief Financial Officer Customer Feedback On Design AIAG. GMPT ENG EAG ENG GMPT ENG ENG . No longer used. Center Front (passenger position) Certainty Factor Concentration Factor Correction Factor Current Feedback Cubic Feet per Hour Current Feedback Amplifier Contoured Face Barrier Chlorofluorocarbons.CENELEC CEO CEP CEP CEPS CER CERES CERMET CERT CESCA CESS CET CETF CETS CEU CEX CF CF CF CF CF CF/H CFA CFB CFC CFD CFD CFFP CFG CFI CFM CFM CFMT CFO CFOD Committee for European Normalization. Chief Executive Officer Catalytic Evaluation Program Comissao Electrotecnia Porteguesa Color Electronic Publishing System Claims Expense Review.The IEC-related committee for the European Community.The CFI is designed to encourage customer. Cubic Feet per Minute. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG VTS.focused parts practices that improve same-day repair of vehicles. Coalition of Environmentally Responsible Economies CERamic METal Certification (an abbreviation). Customer Focaus Manager Cross Functional Management Team. ENG ENG . Commercial General Liability Computer Graphic Metafile. EAG VTS. A project sanctioned by the Global Process and Systems Strategy Board for the need to ensure commonality in the configuration of the SAP financial modules in future implementations within GM.CFP CFPM CFPR CFR CFS CFS CFT CFT CFT CFT CFV CFVT CG CG CG CGA CGA CGC CGDP CGH CGH CGI CGI CGI-BIN CGIT CGL CGM CGS CGS CGSB CGUC CGVWR CH Customer Focal Point Common Financial Process Model. Customer Focus Team. HR GMU ENG GVDP. Corporate Graduate Development Program Center of Gravity Height. Computer Graphics System Corporate Graphic System. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG . ENG . (Truck) A 3-dimensional computer graphic software system. ENG ENG ENG ENG . Compacted Graphite Iron CGI Binary (A CGI compliant program.) College Graduate In Training. Central Facilities Services Corporate Fatigue System (A program that performs fatigue life prediction and fatigue analysis for product structural design and validation in both CAT and CAE environments. Combined Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (European Abbreviation for Switzerland) FIN ENG. Computer Graphics User Committee. Clean Fuel Vehicle Critical Few Vehicle Tolerances Center of Gravity. Canadian General Standards Board. Corporate Financial Policy & Reporting Code of Federal Regulations. Cowl Grille (ornamentation) Customer Group Centimeter – Gram – Second Color Graphics Adapter CAMIP Gap Closure. The scripting language used to execute programs on internet servers.) Clean Fuel Technology. Corporate Field Test Cross Functional Team. Computer Generated Holograph Common Gateway Interface. Compression Ignition Direct Injection Classless Internet Domain Routing Central Industrial Engineering. Center High Mounted Stop Lamp Child Hold Out Mechanism College Hiring Process Team Canadian Head Quarters. Chamber. Customer Information Database.ciac. GVDP.CH CHA CHAN CHAS CHEM CHEMS CHFDR CHIPS CHIPS CHK CHMBR CHMSL CHOM CHPT CHQ CHR CHRG CI CI CI CI CI CIAC CIAS CIB CIB CICS CID CID CID CIDE CIDI CIDR CIE Change Hardware. Consumer Influence Budget system Customer Information Control System. Customer Help Request (E2) Charge. Carburetor Heated Air. An operated by CIAC is a good resource to use in identifying e-mail hoaxes. Confidence Interval Configuration Item. Chemical Hazards Information Program System Clearing House Interbank System Check. Chemical. An abbreviation. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG . Continuous Improvement Cost Improvement. An abbreviation. Computer Incident Advisory Capability (DOE website http://HoaxBusters. Concept Initiation. Chassis.) Chevrolet Financial Data Reporting system. Channel. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG EAG ENG ENG VTS.) Crash Impact Absorbing Structure Change Implementation Board (of GM). An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Compartment Integration Design Engineer. It signals the beginning of Phase 0. An abbreviation. First of the five major decision points in the Four Phase process. Compartment Integration Designer Cubic Inch Displacement. ENG HR ENG GMPT. Ceramic Hybrid Electro-Mechanical System (Sort of a multi-chip approach to MEMS devices. Continuous Improvement Manager Corporate Information Management (or Manager). Circuit. GM vehicle assembly plants install the CIL labels on all new GM passenger cars and trucks produced for sale in the U. The application of a computer to bridge and connect various computerized systems into a coherent. integrated whole.CIE CIE CIEM CIF CIF CIH CIHe CII CIIL CIL CIM CIM CIM CIM CIM CIMM CIMM CIMS CIO CIP CIP CIPB CIPS CIR CIR CIRC CIREN CIRT CIRT CIS CIS Compartment Integration Engineer. An abbreviation. Coordinated Inspection Metal Match Corporate Information Management System Chief Information Officer Competitive Information Program Cost Improvement Program (Obsolete) Consumer Information Program on Bumpers Campaign Information Processing Systems. possessions/territories. Certification Information Request.A proposed database for the transportation industry where addresses and other information on carriers would be listed and updated. Column Integration Module. body measurement check using surface plate and fixtures.S.S. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . Cam In Head Consistent Information Highway Environment. Introduced in March 1994 this label contains information about the vehicle that is required by state and federal laws and regulations. Checking Inspection Match Metal. also CAE. Computer Information Science Contact Image Sensor ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG VSSM GMPT. Continuous Improvement Engineering Manager. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG SO. Crash Injury Research & Engineering Network Concerns & Issues Resolution Tracking Consolidated Issues Resolution & Tracking System. Compliance Information Request (NHTSA). Column Integration Module Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Communication Integration Interface Control Intermediate Interface Language Consumer Information Label. Caltech Intermediate Format Customer Identification File . Computer Integrated Engineering. and U. rear end.g. ENG . FIN PSEO PSEO ENG ENG GVDP. GMU GMPT ENG AIAG GVDP GVDP. passenger compartment. ENG. Chrysler Information Exchange. Center Line. International Special Committee on Radio Interference (Comite Internationale Special Preturbation Radioelectrique) Certified Information System Security Professional Compartment Integration Team. See CM. Change Leader Closed Loop. ENG. and Plant locations. The list of CKC is an engineering deliverable that identifies those commodities that pose "higher engineering risk' to the program. Continuous Improvement Team Charge Interface Unit. Focus/Scope is on architectural and assembly issues. doors.CIS CIS CIS CISA CISC CISCO CISCO CISCO code CISPR CISSP CIT CIT CIU CIX CKC CKD CKP Ckt CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CLA CLC CLC CLCC CLCC CLCD CLD Corporate Information Security Corporate Information Standards Computer Information Systems Consolidated Income Security Administration. Integration EGM's chair CIT‘s. Cadillac Luxury Car Division Compression Load Deflection. GM Corporate Information Standards Code (e. Critical Key Commodities. Division. GMPT GMPT PSEO. ENG ENG VTS. An abbreviation. Also written as C/L. Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier Closed Loop Carburetor Control. cockpit. 18001). ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG . DiamlerChrysler acronym. A 5 digit numeric coding scheme used to identify all GM Group. Corporate Information Standards Committee. responsible for front end.. Concentrated Load Capacity Corporate Label Committee. ENG GVDP. Clutch (abbreviation) Clamp. Complex Instruction Set Computer Corporate Information Standards Code Operations. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT AIAG. Complete Knock Down Crankshaft Position (sensor) Circuit (an abbreviation) Car Line Car Load Carload. An abbreviation. Hughes term for CIU. Chemiluminescent (NOX Analysis) Command Media Configuration Management. An abbreviation. Connectionless Transport Protocol Clutch. Color. An abbreviation. Color Look Up Table (A table—it can be in hardware or software form—that contains information on the mixing of red. Construction Manager Corporate Measures Credit Memo. An abbreviation. Connectionless Network Protocol Cleaner. AVDC CM CM CM GMU ENG ENG . Connectionless Service Functions Closure. green and blue color intensity in a palette. Connectionless Network Service Closed Loop. Closed Loop Electronic Fuel Injection European Components Supplier Association Clearance. recording changes and reporting the status of changes as they affect the product to be built. An abbreviation. Caliper. An organizational and procedural system for controlling changes. An abbreviation.CLDD CLEC CLEFI CLEPA CLER CLF CLG CLGC CLK CLNG CLNP CLNR CLNS CLOOP CLPR CLR CLR CLR CLSF CLSR CLTBI CLTP CLU CLUT CLV cm CM CM CM CM CM Current Loop Demodulator Decoder Closed Loop Emission Control. Centimeter Change Management Charge Module. ENG .) Clevis. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection. Cleaning. Center Line Radius Cooler. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Cam Lock Gas Cap Clock. An abbreviation. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. Conservation Law Foundation Cooling. ENG ENG PSEO GMPT ENG . Crabbed Moving Deformable Barrier Certified Mechanical Engineer. (Part of APM). Camshaft Position Change Management Process Component.CM/SHF CMA CMA CMA CMAI CMAQ CMB CMB CMBS CMC CMC CMC Cmd CMD CMDB CMI CMI CMID CMIP CMIT CML CML CML CMM CMM CMM Cmmd CMMI CMO CMOP CMOS CMP CMP CMP Camshaft. Command (an abbreviation) Chevrolet Marketing Division. Configuration Management Items. Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. Compressor Motor Controller. An abbreviation. Common Mobile Instrument Development (Generate a strategy for directing the development of common mobile test instrumentation for the support of car and truck development and validation. An abbreviation. Commanded (an abbreviation) Capability Maturity Model Integrated Change Management Organization. Configuration Management Administrator.) Common Management Information Protocol Common Methods Integration Team Change Management Leader Cornering Marker Lamp (ornamentation) Current Mode Logic Capability Maturity Model (A five-level model for assessing and improving the maturity of an organization's systems applications processes and practices.) Coordinate Measuring Machines. AVDC GVDP. ENG . Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Concrete Median Barrier Corporate Material Brokering Corporate Material Brokering System Cache bus Memory Controller Cadillac Motor Car. GMPT ENG PSEO AVDC ENG GVDP. Central Material Area Change Management Administrator. Configuration Management Operating Plan. Cubic Meters per Minute. ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG GVDP ENG GMPT. Converter & Manifold AIr. An abbreviation. GMPT GMU PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. An abbreviation. Certified NetWare Engineer [Novell Netware] Compressed Natural Gas Comfort Noise Insertion Consolidated Net Income Coil Near Plug Console. Contact. An abbreviation. ENG . Common Mode Rejection Ratio Commercial Mobile Radio Service Centralized Measurement System Complexity Management System Congestion Management System Customer Management System. Conductor. Center for National Truck Statistics Carbon Monoxide. Canister. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Computer Numerical Control. An abbreviation. Counter. Compression. Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Computer. Compressor. Container. Coordinate Measurement System Software Change Management Team. GMPT. Change Order Carbon Dioxide ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG.An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Commutator. GMPT.An abbreviation. Commercial Motor Vehicle Common Mode Voltage Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Act. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG SO. EAG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG VTS. ENG . Common Mode Rejection Creditors Material Returned. An abbreviation.CMP CMPD CMPR CMPRN CMPTR CMR CMR CMRR CMRS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMSS CMT CMTR CMV CMV CMVSA CMVSS CNC CNCT CNDCT CNDSR CNE CNG CNI CNI CNP CNSL CNSTR CNTNR CNTR CNTS CO CO CO2 Congestion Management Program Compound. Condenser. ENG . An abbreviation. An abbreviation. VTS. ATV. i. Coefficient of Drag. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. see Coe above.) Column. A brandname of a GM Standard Reporting Product Cost of Goods Sold Competitive Operations Implementation group (Assists GM production facilities to utilize their full throughput capabilities and attain world-class performance levels. desktop hardware and software. Common Office Environment. Complimentary Offset Binary COmmon Business Oriented Language. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act Certificate Of Conformity. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO. An abbreviation. ENG . Cost Of Engineering. An abbreviation. Cost of Living Allowance Computer Output to Laser Disk Common Laboratory Measurement System Collar. An abbreviation. etc. An abbreviation. NAO program which provides uniform office automation services at a common price. GMPT GMPT. operations. Core A/C Condenser Only Coaxial. Combination (an abbreviation) Consolidated Fastening Support System Communication Information Commercial. network printing. An abbreviation.COA COA COAX COB COBOL COBRA COC COD CODEC COe COE COE COE COE COE COES COES COFC COGNOS COGS COI COL COLA COLD CoLMS COLR COLT COM Code COMB Combo COMFASS COMI COML Comm Carburetor Outside Air. Communication.e. Catalog of Engineering Solutions Customer Order Entry & Shipping Container of Flat Car Not an acronym. An abbreviation. Incorrect definition. Cab Over Engine Centers Of Expertise. Cash On Delivery COder DECoder Consistent Office environment. Computerized On Line Tooling Communication Code Combination. Consistency Of Purpose. Common Object Request Broker Architecture Leadership of SMT. Central Order Processing System. ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Converter Feed circuit Chief Operating Officer. An abbreviation. Computer Operating Properly Computer Operating Pulses. Central Office Order Processing Central Office Order Production Edit Coefficient Of Performance (energy in/energy out). Communications Oriented Production Information & Control System. Constant (an abbreviation) Control. Car Order Production Edit. Center of Responsibility. An abbreviation. Corporate Order Management System Condition (an abbreviation) Configuration (an abbreviation) Connector. An abbreviation. Complete(d) (an abbreviation) Compartment. ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GMPT.COMP COMPASS COMPASS Compl COMPT COMS Cond Config CONN Const CONT CONTAM CONTOUR CONUS CONV CONV FD COO COOL COOL COOP COOPE COP COP COP COP COP COPE COPICS COPS COQ COR COR COR CORBA CORE SMT CORP Compensator. An abbreviation. ENG ENG ENG PSEO. Corporation. COMP Analysis of Shippng Strategies Corporate On-line Management Project Administration Status System (being replaced by TOPS). Computer Output On Line Coolant. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Contamination. Core Radiator Only Cornering. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . Cost Of Quality. CONtinental United States Converter. Conformity Of Production. Controlling Container Tours. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. An abbreviation. Corporate Parts Database Current Product Engineering. Connector Position (or Positive) Assurance. Central Processing Center. Current Product Execution Team ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. FIN ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. Component Planning Analyst. An abbreviation.COS COS COSE COSMOS COT COT COTS COV COVE COVIMEP COWA CP CP CP CP CP CP 11 CP&S CP/M CP2 CPA CPA CPA CPA CPAA CPC CPC CPC CPC CPCI CPCIP CPCV CPDB CPE CPET Cost of services. Cathodic Protection Change Purchase. Covariance of Indicated Mean Effective Pressure Central Office Warren Annex. Formerly part of the Technical Staffs Group. Commercial Paper Customer Pay Request for Purchase Order. Common Processes & Systems. Customer Order Status Common Open Software Environment COmplimentary Symmetry Metal Oxide Semiconductor Center Of Technology Cotter. Control Program for Microcomputers Comprehensive Process Control Plan. Charge Port. Certified Public Accountant Component Part Audit. Current Production Action Activity. Charges billed to a customer for a service. AVDC. Now part of NAO Engineering Center. Commercial Off-The-Shelf. Compact PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) . former GM division). Circular Plastic Connector Computerized Parts Changing. Chevrolet-Pontiac-Canada Group (no longer used.Computer Bus Architecture Current Product Continuous Improvement Process Canister Purge Control Valve. Commercial off-the-shelf (as opposed to customized software). but title and reporting structure changed through reorganization. Coefficient Of Variation Customer Oriented Vehicle Evaluation. ENG . ENG ENG GMPT ENG GMU . California Pilot Program Clutch Pedal Position. ENG GVDP. VSSM ENG GMPT GMPT GMPT GMPT. The CPIP is based on the former QPRP (Quality Problem Resolution Process) from GMIO. Instruction manual for WINS Critical Path Method. Critical Path Plan. Distance between the process average and the closest specification limit divided by one-half of the process variation Complex Programmable Logic Device Coupling. Customer Program Manager Companion. Corporate Platform Information Management.CPF CPG CPG CPI CPI CPI CPID CPIM CPIM CPIP CPIPE CPIR CPIT CPK CPLD CPLG CPLY CPM CPM CPM CPN CPO CPP CPP CPP CPP CPP CPPI CPPO CPPT CPQE CPR CPR Change Progress Form. Capillary. Constant Purge Orifice. Current Product Improvement Process. Corporate Product Performance Objective (no longer used). Current Product Priority Team Current Product Quality Engineer Capacity Planning Rate. Control Parameter Identification (C2C) Common Program Information Management. Certified Payroll Reports. Number Representing Variation & Centering. An abbreviation. A system which assists in car program development by providing access to a synchronous. Continuous Production Plan. Claims Processing Manual. ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG GVDP. Corporate Product Portfolio . An abbreviation. An abbreviation. integrated set of program level requirements data. Current Product Improvement Process Engineer Collision Performance & Injury Report Current Product Improvement Team. Compressed (liquefied) Petroleum Gas Current Process Group Central Port Injection Computer Pbx Interface Consumer Price Index. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG. Canadian Petroleum Producers Institute. Certified Plus Training. Cost Per Vehicle Cost Per Vehicle Service. Part of AWARE Compuware Corporation Seek You [wireless telegraphy meta-acronym] Certified Quality Auditor Certified Quality Auditor/Engineer/Technician. Videotape technician-training courses. A program which approves upfitters. Consumer Product Safety Act.) Cycles Per Second. Certified Quality Engineer Customer Quality Engineer Ceramic Quad Flat Pack (IC package) Continuous Quality Improvement .A Program administrated by the WPC. Corporate Quality Improvement Corporate Quality Index . An abbreviation. Corporate Quality Council. Continuous Quality Improvement Council. Customer Quality Index. ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT VSSM AVDC GMPT VSSM ENG GMPT ENG ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. Common Plant Technical Architecture Central Processing Unit. Capsule. Consumer Product Safety Commission.CPR CPR CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS CPSA CPSC CPSL CPT CPT CPTA CPU CPU CPV CPV CPVS CPWR CQ CQA CQA/E/T CQACP CQC CQE CQE CQFP CQI CQI CQI CQI CQI CQIC Cqis Change/Production Readiness database Corporate Parts Return. Corporate Processing Unit. IS&S . Chevrolet Quality Approved Converter Program. Cost/Quality Improvement. Corporate Planning System (is a data management support system that contains official General Motors corporate planning volumes for passenger cars and trucks.A business philosophy that quality is a continuous process and that every individual in an organization must continue to look for ways of improving the process. An abbreviation. Common Quality Information System GMPT VSSM. Corporate Planning Volumes. Child Passenger Safety Childseat Positioning Sensor Component Parts Serviced. Carpet. Sometimes written as CRW. Customer Requirements Documents Change Release Draft Notice. Camera Ready Copy. Component Reliability Development.CQLE CQM CQP CQPI CQT CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR&W CR/DN CR/SHF CRA CRA CRA CRABI CRADA CRAM CRAM CRASH CRB CRC CRC CRC CRCA CRCONT CRD CRD CRD CRDN CRF CRFI Customer Quality Level Expectations Certified Quality Manager Canadian Quality Process. Child Restraint Air Bag Interaction Cooperative Research And Development Agreement Chalcogenide-based Random Access Memory Critical Release Action Method. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Condenser Radiator Assembly. A measurement. Chemical Rubber Company Cyclic Redundancy Check Civil Rights Complaints Administration. Change Request. VPPS acronym. Cruise Control. Coordination Responsible Division. Citizens for Reliable And Safe Highways Change Review Board. Conference Room Cross. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG SO. Child Restraint Fixture Conducted Radio Frequency Interference. SPO VTS . Cost Quality & Productivity Initiative Certified Quality Technician Calibration Release Capability Ratio. Customer Requirements Controls/Robotics & Welding. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. More commonly abbreviated to C/C. ENG GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. Common Rail Compression Ratio Concept Requirements. Change Request / Decision Notice (Lotus Notes database) Crankshaft. Core Radiator & A/C condenser Customer Request for Assistance. Composition & Release System Convertible Restraint System (type of front facing child restraint) Center Rear Seat Belt Complexity Reduction Steering Committee Customer & Relationship Services Group Corrosion. An abbreviation. Child Restraint Seat Coasting Richer System. Customer / Retail Support Operations Cathode Ray Tube Crash Repair Test Cathode Ray Tube Control. Delete Comfortable Runabout Vehicle Controls. Metal Fab.CRFM CRIB CRIB CRIT CRK CRL CRL CRM CRM CROM CRS CRS CRS CRS CRS CRSB CRSC CRSG CRSN CRSO CRT CRT CRTC CRTC CRTL CRUD CRV CRW Condenser Radiator Fan Module (part of HPVS). Collision Repair Technology Center CRT Display Controller. Customer Relationship Manager. Change Review & Implementation Board Complexity Reduction Implementation Board Center Rollout Implementation Team. Update. Change Request Log Cornering Lamp (ornamentation) Culture Risk Management. Control Read-Only Memory. Create. ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG CS ENG . its readiness to address management of business risks. Most often written as CR&W. Replicate. Truck. Addresses the organization‘s control culture. Cold Rolled Steel. A member of CAC/CARS. Robotics & Welding (North American Center under single point management which supports Car. An abbreviation. Capability Studies ENG GVDP. Crank. and Powertrain organizations). Customer Satisfaction. This is extremely important. For customers rating dealerships. Complimentary Straight Binary Chassis Systems Center. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG . Customer Solutions Center Computer Services & Development. ENG ENG ENG FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. An engine control system that eliminates the need for a cam sensor by triggering ignition according to combustion chamber compression. GVDP. Consumer Satisfaction Index. Customer Support Engineer Central Specification Group Communications Support Group. Computer Science Corp (Hughes‘ Computer Support) Computer Software Configuration Computer Steering Committee Controls Steering Committee Customer Satisfaction Council. ESB.) where the Regional President ceremonially signs the Program Contract on behalf of the strategy board and then delivers the Program Contract to the Vehicle Line Executive. etc. Controlled Self Assessment. Canadian Standards Association. we have to keep the customer happy and coming back to GM products. GMPT. Joint effort of Central Foundry. LASB. Computer Services Department Customer Ship Direct. To mark that point in time at which there is a regular meeting of the Regional Strategy Board (NASB. Component Systems Group Computer Services Group Crankshaft Starter Generator Customer Service Group Customer Support Group (EDS) Client Server Integration Compression Sensitive Ignition. Delco Moraine. Customer Service Center. Delco Products and Saginaw Divisions. even though that activity will actually begin at Contract Sign Off (CSO). GMAC operation. Contract Services Administration Center. This now becomes the official version of the Program and formally signifies the beginning of the execution of the vehicle-specific segment of the program based on that Program Contract. Parts that are shipped directly to the dealership by the source.CS CS CSA CSA CSAC CSB CSC CSC CSC CSC CSC CSC CSC CSC CSD CSD CSD CSE CSG CSG CSG CSG CSG CSG CSG CSI CSI CSI Contract Signing. Order type that causes a referral beyond the facing /closest PDC. Commercial Sales Manager. GMPT CSO CSO CSO CSO CSO3 CSO4 CSO5 CSP CSP CSP CSPM CSPS CSR ENG ENG EAG .gmnacsi. Carrier Sensing Multiple Access / Collision Detection Carrier Sensing Multiple Access / Collision Resolution Crabbed Side Moving Barrier Current Sequence Number. Contract Sign Off. Corporate Supplier Identification System. Customer Supplied Parts Customer Supplied Products Customer Support Person Cold Start Program Modifier. see RISS) VSSM Client Server Integration. Common System Implementation Planning Customer Satisfaction Information System. who will sign it at Contract Signing on behalf of the NAO Strategy Board. Customer Satisfaction Information Team Corporate Strategy & Knowledge Development Combined Single Limit. Concept SignOff. Carrier-Sensing Multiple Access. Customer Special Order for overnight Saturday delivery (GM pays the freight for warranty repairs). Council of Standard Organization Customer Service Opportunity Customer Service Order Customer Special Order. http://www. A survey process that consists of PDS and SSS. Customer Satisfaction Improvement Team. Corporate Service Information Committee. GMPT ENG ENG ENG VSSM GMU VSSM ENG GVDP. Customer Special Order for overnight delivery (GM pays the freight for warranty repairs). ENG . Customer Special Order that automatically upgrades to CSO3 if not at facing PDC.CSI CSI CSIC CSIDS CSIP CSIS CSIT CSIT CSKD CSL CSM CSMA CSMA/CD CSMA/CR CSMB CSN CSO CSO Customer Satisfaction Information. To mark that point in time at which the program Contract has been signed by all parties as listed on the Q program Contract template signature page. EAG. Common Service Parts Systems Computer Services Request (no longer used. except the NAO President. new high strength composites use BSS [Bone Shaped Short] fibers) Customer Sales & Service Administration Common System Selection Process Customer Satisfaction Team Crashworthiness Simulation Technical Exchange Meeting Casting. Component Theft Deterrent. Critical Sliding Velocity Closed Throttle (Powertrain). GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG PSEO. Component Set Strategy. Committee for Technical and Educational Programs Captured Test Fleet. Cluster. Cold Test Computed Topography. Content Theft Deterrent Crash Test Dummy (actually an ATD). Horn and lights are activated to protect the vehicle contents. Cumulative Trauma Disorder Consistent Telephony Environment.CSR CSR CSR CSRS CSS CSS CSSA CSSP CST CSTEM CSTG CSTR CSV CT CT CT CT CT CT3 CTA CTC CTC CTC CTC CTD CTD CTD CTD CTD CTe CTEP CTF CTG CTH CTHF Consolidated Status Report Courtesy Shipment Report Customer Service Request (EDS) Component Software Requirements Specification. Conventional Short Straight (current fiber shape in composites . An abbreviation. ENG QVR. Catch. Core Team Creativity Team Color and Trim Task Team. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. GMPT ENG ENG . Component Timing Analyst Chrysler Technology Center Complimentary Twos Complement Coordinated Torque Control Cost to Complete Coated. Saleable vehicles distributed internally to drivers to accumulate consumeroriented quality data resulting from everyday use. Combo Turn-Hazard Flasher ENG. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Coating. An abbreviation. RS232) Component Technical Specifications Coolant Temperature Sensor (or Switch). GMPT ENG PSEO. Computer Telephony Integration Control to Installation Point (Report) Common Training Information System. An abbreviation. Common Training Website. Closed Throttle Position Critical To Quality Center. GMPT. Certified Used Vehicle Constant Velocity Corner Vent. Countershaft. An abbreviation. Canopy Top Molding Customer Team Members Carton. Computed Tomography Imaging System Central. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM GMPT. An abbreviation. Cross Ventilation. Control (an abbreviation) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Clear To Send (MODEM control signal. Contour. Central Technical Release Group. An abbreviation. www. An abbreviation. ENG ENG ENG ENG .com Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle. An abbreviation. UK's equivalent of MVSS. An abbreviation. Also known as GM CTW. Conformance to Requirements. ENG ENG ENG VSSM GM Defense. Common Volume Access Facility. An abbreviation. Courtesy. ENG ENG . Current. Critical Tracking Task. An abbreviation.gmcommontraining. Component Test Lab Catalytic. An abbreviation.CTHR CTI CTIP CTIS CTIS CTL CTL CTLTC CTM CTM CTN CTP CTQ CTR CTR CTRG Ctrl CTS CTS CTS CTS CTSHF Ctsy CTT CTUR CTW CUCV CUR CUR CURT CUSH CUV CV CV CV CVAF CVC Catcher. Cushion. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG GVDP. Consolidated Vacuum Company (Mfg of HYGE Sled) ENG ENG ENG GMPT. Curtain. Concept Vehicle Engineering Release Concept Vehicle Engineering Release (Long Lead) Confidential Vehicle Identification Number. Chemical Vapor Deposition (IC production step) Crowned Variable DAH Consistent Video-conferencing Environment. preserving and sharing vehicle sections throughout the life of a vehicle program. Current Vehicle Engineer Corporate Vehicle Evaluation Program. Product Evaluation Program (PEP). GMPT GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG . Company Vehicle Management System. Crashworthiness Work Group Continuous Workplace Improvement Company Wide Quality Control. Continuously Variable Real Time Damping Complete Vehicle Standards Constant Volume Sampler. Corporate Warranty Data and Reporting Consistent Workflow Environment. Responsible for the administration of company-owned vehicle Canister Vapor Purge Cover. Company Vehicle Maintenance System. Common Vehicle Sections Process (CVSP is a common process for creating. Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance Current Vehicle Service Engineer.gmcvep. Work-Related Travel and others. www.. i. Continuously Variable Transmission. Carrier Wave Clock Wise Continuous Wave Curb Weight.) Continuously Variable Transaxle. Company Vehicle Operations. GMPT GVDP GVDP ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG PSEO PSEO.e. ENG GMPT ENG PSEO PSEO. ENG . Confidential Vehicle Identification Number Derivation. ENG ENG ENG ENG. An abbreviation. Continuously Variable Ride Control Actuator Continuously Variable Road Sensing Suspension.CVC CVD CVDAH CVe CVE CVEP CVER CVER (LL) CVIN CVIND CVMS CVMS CVO CVP CVR CVRCA CVRSS CVRTD CVS CVS CVSA CVSE CVSP CVT CVT CW CW CW CW CWDAR CWe CWG CWI CWQC Corporate Variable Cost. An abbreviation. Cylinder. Customer eXpress Delivery (Cadillac) Calendar Year.CWT CWT CWT CXD CY CYC Cyl CYTD Climatic Wind Tunnel Counterweight. Hundred weight. Cycle. An abbreviation. Calendar Year To Date ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . An abbreviation. Design Area Code. Owned by EAG Direct Access Device Divisional Administrative Database (Artifact of Convergence . Detroit Hamtramck. Dust Shield. Design/Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. Test. Design & Analysis team. Build. Double Offset. A tool which provides the ability to analyse and manage dealership warranty and goodwill expense. Daewoo Automotive Components. An abbreviation. Delayed Accessory Bus. Driver Seat. Digital Audio Broadcast Design. Dust Seal. An abbreviation. Design and Engineering Council. Analysis. Design Assessment Center. Dash. Design Architect Dimensional Analysis. Data ACquisition Dealer Assistance Center. An abbreviation. A system allowing computer entry of invoices to be paid electronically by NAO. An abbreviation. Production Material Used for Expense. drive 2 circuit drive 3 circuit drive 4 circuit Material Release to Suppliers. Drive. Dust Cover. An abbreviation. Digital to Analog Converter Disbursement Analysis Center.involved now with GM White Pages) Detroit Auto Dealers Association . Driver Alert Design Assurance Analyst Diesel Automobile Association. Donation Action Council Duplicate Aperture Cards Disbursement Analysis Control On-line Reporting. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Dimmer Switch. An abbreviation. Dealer Analysis report. Part of AWARE. Ltd. Dual Exhaust. Driver & Equipment Digital to Analog Design Check. Membership includes the Vehicle Engineering Center Directors. Dual Wall Driver and Equipment. The leadership group in NAO that is responsible for Lean Engineering.Acronym D D D D&A D&E D/A D/C D/CVR D/EC D/EXH D/H D/O D/PFMEA D/SEAL D/SEAT D/SHLD D/SW D/W D+E D2 D3 D4 D-669 D83 DA DA DA DA DA DAA DAA DAB DAB DABT DAC DAC DAC DAC DAC DAC DAC DAC DAC DACOR DAD DAD DADA Definition Data Delete. Decibels on A-weighted scale. Data Base Administrator Data Base Author Design Build Area Developmental Build Area. Double. Buffer. also CAFE. Dealer consulting center Area Sales Manager Digital Audio Tape. Delphi Brake Control Divisional Budget Cost System Data Base Element. Digital Active High Direct Acting Hydraulic Valve Lifter Data Access Language Digital Active Low Direct Acting Mechanical Valve Lifter Dealer Assistance Program Design Analysis Process. Reconcillation Tracking System. Divisional Average Fuel Economy. Decibels per the 1/2 order Cepstrum amplitude data reduction procedure.DAF DAFE DAH DAHVL DAL DAL DAMVL DAP DAP DAP DAPM DAQ DAR DARPA DARS DARTS DAS DAS DASCAR DASD DASM DAT DATES DAUG DAVE DAVTK dB DB dB(A) dB(cep) dB(W) DBA DBA DBA DBA DBA DBC DBC DBCS DBE DBL dBm DBM DBMS DBPSK DBR DBRC DBS DBS Dynamic Access Facility. . Dealer consulting center Area Parts Manager Data AcQuisition system Data Analysis Report Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (United States agency) Digital Audio Radio System (Service) Damaged-In-Transit Assesment. Interactive data translation process for sharing data between CGS and Unigraphics. An abbreviation. The system interfaces with VTIMS. scheduling & execution methodology that emerges when TOC is applied to schedule a manufacturing factory. Dealer Business Center. Direct Access To Engineering Specifications.) Database Recovery & Control Direct Broadcast Satellite Disability Benefit System. Decibel Meter Dual Bed Monolith. Driveability Analysis Process. Data Acquisition System. Doing Business As. Data Analysis Users Group. Drafting Administration System. Decibels on W-weighted scale (GM wind noise scale). Design And Validation Environment Data Analysis Visual Tool Kit Decibels (measure of sound pressure) Data Base. Data Acquisition System for Crash Avoidance Research Direct Access Storage Device. Rope (ref: TOC: DBR is a planning. Database Management System Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying Drum. are the least. LASB. Deposit Control Additive Design Change Authorization. even though that activity will actually begin after Review Charter (RC). Design Confirmation & Analysis. Dealer Communication System. Distribution Coefficient Duty Cycle. etc. An abbreviation. Design Center Issues. Data Communications. Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator Decoupled Development Die Design DC DC DC DC DC DC&A DCA DCA DCA DCAR DCC DCC DCCH DCD DCE DCE DCES DCFPR DCG DCI DCI DCLR DCLS DCM DCN DCN DCR DCR DCR DCS DCS DCS DCSCM DCT DCU DCXO DD DD . Dealer Consulting Center Document Control Center Direct Clock Card Hours Data Control Document Direct Communication Equipment Distributed Computing Environment Dealer Consultant Expert System Delphi Corporate Financial Policy and Reporting Dealer Contractual Group. For compression purposes. the latter frequencies are removed on the basis on allowable resolution loss. the latter. Dimensional Control System Display. Direct Current. Part of VSSM.) Design Coordinating Unit. A subgroup of the Dealer Relations Group (DRG). Chime and Steering Control Module Discrete Cosine Transform (This is an algorithm that converts data—including pixels—into sets of frequencies. Datalink Controller.) where the Program Charter (which may contain issue resolution plans to be executed) is delivered to the Vehicle Line Executive. Direct Cylinder Injection. such as JPEG and MPEG. To mark that point in time at which there is a regular meeting of the Regional Strategy Board (NASB. ESB. Design Center. The DCA is used to define Design Level Suffix letter (DLS) changes for pre-production parts once they have been included in experimental Bill of Material Direct Chip Attachment Design Center Action Request. Design Check Report. The first frequencies appearing in the set are the most meaningful. Decerate. Serial Door Control Module Document Change Notice Dual Evaporative Canisters.DC DC Data Communications Deliver Charter. Direct Conversion Receiver Document Clarification Request Data Creation Standards. This results in the official version of the Program Charter and formally signifies the beginning of the vehiclespecific segment of the program involved in the creation of the Program Contract. At the same time. DEA Die Engineering Activity. existing employees will benefit from the consistency in training and promotional criteria it offers. Die Design. DDM Dimensional Data Measurement. A GM Distribution Web site available to all field personnel and home office employees. DEAL Design Equivalent Axle Load DEBPIT Delphi Engineering Business Process and Information Team Dec December. Ford acronym: a program which provides direct access for authorized Ford suppliers to online inventory information. DDN Deadener. DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone . DEC Delco Electronics Corporation DEC Design & Engineering Council (see D/EC) DEC Digital Electronic Controller. Design Data Communications. An abbreviation. Divisional Design Approval. DDM Distribution Data Mart. Direct Data Link. DDM/MARS Dimensional Data Measurement/Measurement Analysis and Reporting System. see Decision Diagalog Process above) DDP Distributed Data Processing DDS Data Description Specifications DDS Data Dictionary System DDS Dataphone Digital Service DDS Digital Data System DDS Direct Digital Synthesis DDS Driver Door (smart) Switch DE Data Entry DE December. Detroit Diesel Corporation Digital Data Communications Message Protocol Dynamic Data Exchange Diagnostic/Driver Information Center. DDM Divisional Data Management DDM Driver Door Module. DDL Data Definition Language DDL Digital Data Link. DEC Digital Equipment Corporation. DDP Decision Dialog Process. Decel Decelerate (an abbreviation) DECS/ExeCS Distribution of Executive Compensation System/Executive Compensation System. DDP Delivered Duty Paid DDP Designer Development Program (The DDP helps ease new engineering design employees into the workplace. DE Delco Electronics DE Designing Engineer DE Dimensional Engineering. Detroit Data Center. Detroit Diesel Allison.) DDP Dialog Decision Process (incorrect phrasing. DEA Design Engineering Activity.DD DD DDA DDA DDC DDC DDC DDCMP DDE DDIC DDL Documented Detail. DDMS Dealer Data Management System. Data Entry Person Depression. It uses a private 56-bit key that is applied to each 64-bit block of data. Draft Environmental Impact Statement.) Dayton ELectric COmpany.000.DECT Def DEFG DEFI Defog DEFR Deg Deg C DEGS DEHYDR DEIS DEK1 DEK2 Del DEL DEL Delco DELCO Delphi-C Delphi-E Delphi-H Delphi-I Delphi-P Delphi-S DEMT DeNox DENSCI DEP DEPR DEPS DERM DERM Des DES DES DES DESAL Desc DESC DEST DEV DEV DF DF SORT DFA DFC DFCO Digital European Cordless Telecommunications Defrost (an abbreviation) Defogger. Data Facility Sort. Destination freight charges. Digital Engine Position Sensor Diagnostic Electronic Restraint Module. Deville.000.) Data Exchange Specification Design Execution Stage Design Equivalent Single Axle Load Description (an abbreviation) Distributed Energy Storage & Conversion Destination. An abbreviation.000. Degrees (an abbreviation) Degrees Celsius (an abbreviation) Deferred Employment Graduate Study Dehydrator. (Financial) Deceleration Fuel Cut-Off . Desired (an abbreviation) Data Encryption Standard (Developed by IBM in 1977. DEL is a Windows based application written in Visual Basic 4. Deviation.000.0 that uses SQL Server as a backend. see below. Anything encrypted by DES encryption has 72. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Dansk Elektroteknisk Komite Danish Electro-technical Committee Delivered (an abbreviation) Delete. Design for Assembly. Durability Event Log (a client/server application used to track durability testing on a vehicle. The sender and receiver must each know the private key. Digital Electronic Fuel Injection. Defogger (an abbreviation) Defroster. Incorrect definition.000 [or 72 quadrillion] possible keys. An abbreviation. Diagnostic & Energy Reserve Module. from Dayton Engineering Laboratory Company Delphi Chassis Systems Delphi Energy & Engine Management Systems Delphi Harrison Thermal Systems Operations Delphi Interior & Lighting Delphi Packard Electric Systems Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems Dimensional Engineering Management Team Continuous Lean Nox Reduction Catalyst Nippon Electric Industry Co. Deterioration Factor. Design for Shipping. Diagnostic. Design Group Manager. Diaphragm. Effects & Criticality Analysis Data Facility Product. Design for Health and Safety Data Identifier . identify the causes and effects of failure. management and distribution system for PAD operation/illustration pages. Design Failure Mode & Effects Analysis Design Failure Modes. DFSS will not be used on every part in a new vehicle program. Design Freeze & Release (not styling) Demand Fuel System Design for Service (Serviceability). Driven Integral Bearing Sensor Driver Information Center. a specified character string. Direct Fuel Injection Deflector. With DFE." Direct Injection Distributor Ignition. which defines the specific intended use of the data that immediately follows. An abbreviation. Design For Manufacturing Assembly. when applied at the vehicle program level. Door Frame Molding Design For Manufacturing Assembly. will be used only on the new features and systems that are considered to be 'key wins' or critical to the success of the vehicle in its market or segment. Diode. and rank and assign criticality ratings. GMEV team process that includes DFA and DFM. Design Failure Mode Analysis. sheet metal forming behavior is analyzed in the initial product design stages.) Discrete Fourier Transform Design for Winning.In bar code. Alternating Current Diagnostic (an abbreviation) Diagonal. .) Data Facility Hierarchical Storage Manager. The projects selected will be chosen based on Quality. Driveability Index Dealer Installed Accessory. A document used as a design tool to identify potential failures.DFD DFD DFE DFE DFE DFE DFHSM DFI DFI DFL DFM DFM DFM/A DFMA DFMA DFMEA DFMECA DFP DFR DFS DFS DFS DFSS DFT DFW DGM DGN DGND DGS DHS DI DI DI DI DIA DIAC Diag DIAG DIAGN DIAPH DIBS DIC Data Flow Diagram Design For Disassembly Design for Engineering Design for Experiment Design for the Environment Die Face Engineering (DFE methodology provides an important link between product design [CAD] and die construction [CAM]. Technical Risk and Market Driver needs. An abbreviation. An electronic composition. An abbreviation. P means "part number as assigned by the customer. Direccion General de Normas Digital Ground Display Graphics System. For example. Design For Manufacturing (or Manufacturability). An abbreviation. Digital Fuel Injection. Design For Six Sigma (DFSS. Durability Information Report. or otherwise in-the-know in regards to the digital revolution. Direct. Driver Information Module. An abbreviation. Disbursed. Data Interchange Standards Association.DIC-DIS DID dieCAS Driver Information Center/Driver Information System. Deutsches Institut fur Normung (German standards authority) Deactivated Intake Port Dual In-Line Package. Diff Dig Digerati DILAC DIM DIM DIM DIMM DIMR DIN DIP DIP DIR DIR DIR DIRTFT Dis DIS DIS DIS DISA DISB DISC DISCH Discon Discrim DISCRM Disp DISP DISPL DISPR DIST DISTR DIT DIV DJI DKE1 DKE2 DLA DLC DLC DLC DLC DLC . Developed at R&D for analyzing die casting processes and has been used to reduce scrap and improve productivity at GM Powertrain‘s die casting operations. Do It Right The First Time (pronounced ‗dirt foot‘). An abbreviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. hip. An abbreviation. Data Link Controller Diagnostic Link Connector Diamond Like Carbon (new hi-quality capacitor dielectric) Diamond-Like Coating. Damaged in Transit Divider. Dual In-Line Memory Module Dimmer. An abbreviation.S. Driver Incident Report. national EDI standards. Digit (an abbreviation) Digital Literati (People seen to be knowledgeable. Differential. Distance.) Diversity in Leadership Advisory Committee (Saturn) Dash Integration Module Dimension. Distributor. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Disconnect (an abbreviation) Discriminate (an abbreviation) Discriminating. die Casting Analysis System. Display (an abbreviation) Dispose/Disposition. Dealer Information Database. DISA has affiliation with UN/EDIFACT for participation in the international standards setting process. An abbreviation. Displacement. An abbreviation. Dow Jones Interactive (GM network available business informateion resource) Deutsche Electrotechnische Kommissionim DIN und VDE West German Electrotechnical Commission of DIN and VDE Disability Leave of Absence Data Link Connector. Disable (an abbreviation) Direct Ignition System Display (an abbreviation) Driver Information System. An abbreviation. Direct Injection Stratified Charge. Dispenser. Discharge. The ANSI Secretariat for ASC X12 which governs the U. Digital Mirror Device Direct Metal Deposition Design Margin Evaluation Dimethyl Ether Dual Mode Emission Control System. This system is part of ETS. An abbreviation. Digital Network Architecture Direct Numerical Control.Educational Institutions. Die Management Group. The primary top level domains are: . Database Maintenance Request Delphi Manufacturing System Data Maintenance. separated by dots. Dome.Non-profit organizations . Delco Moraine Division. Direct Memory Access. An abbreviation. Delco Moraine. An abbreviation. Data Management Room Data Resource Management. . Document Management Alliance (aka AIIM) Drive Motor Control Module. Driver Low Pressure Sensor. Data Management Debit Memo. Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Damage.DLC(S/P) DLE DLL DLM DLO DLPS DLS DLSC DLSCR DLT DLVY DM DM DM DM DMA DMA DMA DMA DMA DMCM DMD DMD DMD DME DME DMECS DMFC DMG DMG DMGM DMI DMM DMN DMOS DMP DMR DMR DMR DMS DMT DMT DN DN DN DNA DNC Data Link Controller (Serial / Parallel) Differential Linearity Error Dynamic Linked Library Deck Lid Molding Day Light Opening. Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor Driveability Measurement Process. Design Level Suffix (of parts) (in PDS). Design Level Suffix Change Design Level Suffix Change Request Design Leader. Data Management Administrator Dealer Market Association.Companies.Military . Discrete Multi-Tone Decision Notice Domain Name (The unique name that identifies an Internet site. Technical Delivery. An Internet Service Providers . Divisional Marketing General Manager Digital Multiplexed Interface Digital Multi-Meter Defective Material .gov – Government) Down. The maximum unobstructed opening through any glass aperture in a given .du . Domain Names always have 2 or more parts. Deliverable Management Analyst. Interfaces with the Material Management systems to provide downstream users & ETS with supersession related . Government body responsible for national defense. Data Processing. Depth Of Energy Design of Experiments. . Distributed Power Architecture Dynamometer Power Absorber.Government body responsible for regulating all trade and commerce within. An abbreviation. Dolby Noise Reduction. Designed Power Capabilities Detailed Product Definition Double Pole Double Throw (switch or relay type) Diesel Particle Filter Dayton Phoenix Group Desert Proving Ground. A design method for planning experiments and analyses to obtain a maximum amount of information about the effects of test settings before investigating new products and processes as well as problems. to and from the U. Det Norske Veritas Description of Operation. Design Order. Department of Defense. Domain Name Server. Durable Principles Data Processing & Controls. (United States government) . Department Of Energy. Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification [Cable modem standard] Displacement on Demand Depth Of Discharge. Document. Desert Proving Ground Vehicle Emission Laboratory. (United States government) . Door. Outer Department Of Roads Disk Operating System Dealer Order Submission Process Department Of Transportation.DNL DNPS DNR DNR DNS DNSHFT DNV DO DO DOA DOA DOB DOB DOC DOC DoC or DOC DOCSIS DoD DOD DoD or DOD DOE DOE DOE DOF DOF DOHC DOI Dol DOL DOL DOO DOR DOS DOSP DOT DP DP DP&C DPA DPA DPC DPD DPDT DPF DPG DPG DPG/VEL Differential NonLinearity Dealer Network Planning System. A machine with software to translate a domain name into the corresponding number (IP address). Dead On Arrival Delegation Of Authority Date Of Birth Degree Of Bend Department of Communications. An abbreviation. Downshift. Dynamic Noise Reduction (Radio). Department of Commerce. An EV battery pack term expressed as a percentage. Degrees Of Freedom Depth Of Field Dual OverHead Camshaft. Dolby (an abbreviation) Department OF Labor Die Operation Line-Up. Distinctness Of Image. See SOC.S. used in current day-to-day operations. Documentation Required. Data Review Center. process or manufacturing designs. using the DRC. Also IPTV. This facility was created in 1999 to assist in the management of Engineering documents and records. An abbreviation. Dealer Parts Profile. Door. An abbreviation.DPI DPID DPM DPM DPM DPM DPMA DPNR DPP DPP DPS DPS DPSK DPST DPTV DPTV DPX DQ&V DQI DQIT DQS DQV Dr DR Dots Per Inch Data Packet Identifier. which are no longer. Department Quality Improvement Team Draw Quality Steel Design Quality Verification. and dispose of those which do not require retention. Decision & Risk Analysis Delco Remy America Digital Ratio Adapters Dynamic Random Access Memory Decision Review Board. Diagnostic Repair Center. Delco Remy. Computerized process for tracking all dealership parts information. Data Release Date. Design Release Design Review Discrepancy Report. to review all Engineering ‗legacy‘ documents. Defects Per Million Digital Panel Meter Distributed Plant Management Divisional Program Manager. Derived from the annual rates in dividing the annual rate by 235. Design Responsible Division Design Release Engineer. Design Responsible Engineer. Engineers that are responsible for the product. Differential Phase Shift Keying Double Pole Single Throw (switch or relay type) Defects Per Thousand Vehicles Discrepancies Per Thousand Vehicles. Deflected Pedal Position Development Programming System Dual Point System. DR DR DR DR DR DRA DRA DRA DRAM DRB DRC DRC DRD DRD DRE DRE DRF DRG DRGS DRI DRL . Door. No longer used. Daily Rates. Data Processing Management Association Dampener. the daily rate has to be recalculated. If a component supplier plans to work a lower or higher number of days. Data Path eXchange Design Quality & Validation. Design Quality Index. Front Dealer Relations Group (Part of VSSM organization) Dynamic Route Guidance System Design Readiness Item Daytime Running Lights. index and archive those requiring retention. It is the Corporation‘s intent. Distributed Service (or Systems) Design Specifications/Documentation Directory System Agent Distributed Systems Architecture Dynamic Signal Analyzer (An instrument that uses digital signal processing techniques. . Driven. to measure the characteristics of dynamic signals. Rear Dress. such as the FFT. An abbreviation.DRM DRM DRMSDP DRN DRO DRP DRP DRR DRR DRS DRT DRU DRU DRVN Drvr Drvr DS DS DS DS DS DS/D DSA DSA DSA DSAR DSB DSC DSC DSC DSC DSCM DSCM DSCM DSDT DSE DSE DSF DSGN DSI DSI DSI DSI DSIR DSIR DSITT Data Resource Management Drafting Room Manual Data Resource Management Systems Development Process Drain. Database Specification Days Supply Direct Sequence. Steering. Delivery Reject Report Door. Data Standards Development Team (Representatives from divisional design groups sanctioned by the General Technical Committee to develop the electronic math model and drawing data creation standard. An abbreviation. and octave analysis. Dynamic Side Impact.) Design Staff Action Request Double Side Band Decision Support Center. & Chime Module Drivers Seat Control Module. and usually measure cross power spectrums. Dimensional Systems Engineer Device Support Facilities. Drive. Dynamic Rear Proportion. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Dealer Satisfaction Index (For dealership personnel rating APM's) Diode Steered Ignition Document of Strategic Intent. Digital Selective Calling Door Surface Display & System Control Module (EV). Data Set. total harmonic distortion. Design. Display. Design Staff Information Release. Driver. Digital Scientific Corporation. Order type placed as often as daily for stock orders from facing PDC. An abbreviation. A subcommittee of the DTDG. DSAs typically display the time domain waveform and frequency spectrum of signals.) Design Systems Engineer. Daily Replenishment Order. Digital Real Time Dealer Replaceable Unit Design Responsible Unit (Division). Disaster Recovery Plan. Driver's Supplemental Inflatable Restraint Dash Structure Integration Task Team. Decision Technologies Division (EDS). An abbreviation. UCS. Digital Storage Oscilloscope Designed State Of Charge Dealer System Provider.) Data Subscriber Line Diesel. Digital Subscriber Line District Service Manager. Door Trim Display Durability Test & Development Design Technology Development Group (A sub-group of the Materials & Standards Committee which reports to the GTC.) Data Terminal Equipment Data Transfer Facility. Digital Satellite System Digital Signature Standard Drafting Schedule System Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Distribution Door Switch Transmitter Module. Digital Simultaneous Voice Data Digital Subscriber Voice Terminal Detection & Tracking Algorithm Design To Cost Diagnostic Trouble Code.RS232) Dynamic Token Ring Deterrent.) Data Terminal Ready (MODEM control signal . Dock To Stores Digital TeleVision DSP DSP DSR DSR DSR DSS DSS DSS DSS DSSS DST DSTM DSVD DSVT DTA DTC DTC DTD DTD DTD DTDG DTE DTF DTG DTL DTM DTMF DTNT DTP DTQI DTR DTR DTRNT DTS DTS DTV . Digital Signal Process. Dimensional Technical Specifications.RS232) Dealer Self Review Detailed Shipment Record Decision Support System. Designated Seating Position. Data Set Ready (MODEM control signal . etc. An abbreviation.DSK DSL DSL DSL DSM DSM DSMC DSO DSO DSO DSOC DSP Dvorak Simplified Keyboard (A keyboard design in which the letters have been arranged to make typing easier and faster. Outside companies that supply dealerships with computers for ordering. Design SignOff. Deliverable Status Owner.) Some of these companies include: Reynolds & Reynolds. Inc. Driver Seat Module. Date Time Group Diode-Transistor Logic. and EDS. ADP. Desk Top Publishing Dealer Total Quality Index (Strategic Vision. Discharge Temperature Maintenance. An abbreviation. Divisional Senior Management Committee. Dual Tone Multiple Frequency Detent. Dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter Dual bed Under Floor Converter. Digital Voice Exchange. Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed Drawing. Dual Wall DisplayWrite 2 (Software). Direct Yaw moment Control . Design Verification Plan and Report Development Validation Planning System Durability & Validation Planning System Development Validation Planning System . Dynamic Verification Test.Tool Deviation Part Number. see above) Differential Vacuum Delay Valve. Dynamic Vertical Offset. see DWI). An abbreviation. Durability. Dynamic Vehicle Test. Die Welder Hemmer Intetrgration Driving While Intoxicated Down (an abbreviation) Design Work Order. Dunn & Bradstreet Universal Number System.DTX DU DUART DUFC DUI DUNS DUNS DURA DUT DV DVAL DVAR DVB DVD DVD DVDV DVM DVM DVM DVO DVP&R DVPS DVPS DVPS-T DVPTN DVT DVT DVTD DVTR DVX DW DW2 DWA DWA DWD DWDM DWG DWHI DWI Dwn DWO DYC Discontinuous Transmission Drive Unit. Data Universal Number System. Device Under Test. An identification number for various companies assigned by Dun and Bradstreet. Driving Under the Influence (of alcohol or drugs. Data Warehouse Administrator Diebstahl Warn Anlage (Theft Deterrent System). Design for Variable Management Digital Volt Meter Dimensional Variation Management. Dynamic Vehicle Test Data Diverter. Dealer World Delivery. An abbreviation. Design Validation Design Validation Design Verification Digital Video Broadcast Digital Versatile Disc (the actual definition) Digital Video Disk (actually an incorrect definition. EAG ENG . ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN.Department ENG PSEO VTS ENG ENG ENG GVDP. AVDC VTS VSSM ENG ENG. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG .ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM VTS. GMPT. ENG ENG VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG VTS ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG. ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG EAG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG.ENG GVDP. VSSM ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG VSSM PSEO ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG . ENG. ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT. ENG . ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. VTS PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG PSEO. ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. GMPT. ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO.ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG PSEO. ENG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG GMPT PSEO PSEO .ENG ENG GM R&D PSEO. ENG VSSM ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. ENG GVDP ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG .PSEO ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG GMU GVDP. ENG ENG ENG AIAG. GVDP. ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG VTS. ENG PSEO.ENG ENG PSEO ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG. GMPT ENG PSEO GVDP. ENG ENG . GMPT. ENG. ENG GMPT ENG AIAG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG SO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG GVDP PSEO. ENG . GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMU GMPT ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG ENG EAG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG VSSM ENG FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. EAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. GMPT. ENG.ENG ENG ENG AVDC AIAG. ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG GVDP PSEO ENG . GVDP. Effective Action Request (or Required). The international organization. English / Metric Evolutionary / Major Gasohol (10% ethanol. Formerly European Article Numbering Association. Electrical Analysis Energy Absorbing. (a symbol) Event Entertainment & Comfort. EPIC & EWO+ (Gasohol) 85% ethanol. Engineering Action Request. Electric Air Control Employee Activity Committee Enhancement and Anomaly Change Record. Employee Assistance Program. Engineering Appropriations Office. Engineering Administration. Excess & Obsolete Exempli Gratia. . Also written as ePD (without the hyphen) Events per Car End Gate. End of Alpha Design. End of Alpha 1 Critical Test. 90% unleaded gasoline). refer to RES. Electric Air Control Valve. End of Alpha 2 Critical Test. 15% unleaded gasoline Each.g. Engineering Applications Development. Latin for ‗for example‘. electronic Product Development. e-PD E/C E/GATE E/M E/M E10 E2 E85 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA1CT EA2CT EAC EAC EACR EACSV EACT EACV EAD EAD EAF EAG EAL EAM EAN EAO EAP EAPA EAPEL & A EAPG EAR EAR EARON EAS EAS EASA EASV Definition Effectivity Electric field strength. Obsolete. Equivalent Axle Load(ing) Engine Assembly Manual. which administers the manufacturer and item numbering scheme most commonly used for bar coding internationally (See UCC). Electrical Apparatus Service Association Electric Air Switching Valve. Electric Air Switch Environmental Activities Staff. An abbreviation. Electronic Air Control Switching Valve. Environmental & Energy Staff. An abbreviation. Engineering Assignment. Energy Absorption Factor Enterprise Activity Group. End of Alpha Critical Test. European Article Numbering. Engineering Approved Product Authorization Experimental Auto Product Engineering Layout and Assembly Electrical Architecture Planning Group. Delco Electronics data line (buss) standard. Engineering Authorization.Acronym E E E E&C E&ES E&O e. Electrically Alterable Read-Only. Export Activities. .. Earnings Before Interest & Taxes. European Community Commission. Engine Control Module. Executive Compensation Committee Electro Chemical Deburring. This date identifies when a deliverable is estimated to be completed. Electronically Controlled Air Suspension Engineering Computer Advisory Subcommittee Electronic Climate Control. Emission Control Laboratory. Energy Absorbing Unit Evaporator Blower Assembly. (Fixture/s used in Functional Evaluation 2 and 3 events with details which simulate nominal interior trim part interfaces. Engineering Change Implementation Group. Event Code Exit Criteria Engineering Change Authorization Engineering Change Action Request. Electronic Book Case. Emission Economy Compliance. Electronic Brake and Traction Control Module. Engineering Business Manager Engineering Bill Of Material Engineering Business System.EAT EAT EAU EBA EBC EBC EBC EBCDIC EBCM EBCT EBEDIC EBIT EBL EBM EBM EBOM EBS EBS EBT EBTCM EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC ECA ECAR ECAS ECAS ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECD ECD ECE ECF ECI ECIG ECL ECL ECL ECM ECM Engine / Axle / Transmission Engineering Action Team. Energy Boundary Curve Expanded Binary Coded Decimal Information Code (IBM) Electronic Brake Control Module. Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL circuits use bipolar transistors biased in the active region. Evaporative Emission Control. Entrance Criteria European Community Evaluation Considerations (Restraint Systems Book). Equivalent Barrier Speed Employee Business Travel. Electronic Control Module. They are a very fast high-power digital technology commonly used in logic circuits.) Extended Compressor at Idle. Expanded Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. End of Beta Critical Test. Re. operating profit Electronic Bill of Lading (or placarding) Electronic Brake Module. Environmental Cubing Fixture. Estimated Completion Date. electronic commerce Embedded Controller Engine Control.) Engine Coolant Level. Electronic Brake Control.. Engineering Change. Economic Commission for Europe. Engineering Data Management. Electronic Design Control Center. defined business documents such as invoices and orders are sent electronically from one company to another. A term applied to the discipline of managing all the text. Electronically Controlled Vehicle Engine Component Verification. Engineering Change Summary.No Longer used. we must rigorously follow those changes to ensure on-time effective resolution. Electronic Drawing Imaging System Engineering Drawing Image System Electrical Discharge Machining. Emission Certification Review Committee. Commerce and Transport. We must minimize changes after designs are complete. Engine Component Verification / Vehicle Component Verification System Electronic Design Analyst Engineering & Development Center. and make only critical corrections. Emission Control System. See GMCN Engineering Change Order Economy (an abbreviation) Ecological Technology Economical Technology Engineering Change Recommendation. Electronic Design Interchange Format. Electronic Data Processing. Emission Defect Information Report. Electronic Design Interchange Format for Administration. Electronic Control Unit Identifier. Then. An ECS is the summation of an Engineering Work Order (EWO). Engineering Change Request.ECM Engineering Change Management (Preparing designs to be correct for their initial release. Engine Coolant Temperature. Error Cause Removal. Engineering Development Plan ECM ECM-VSSM ECO Econ ECOTEC ECOTEC ECR ECR ECR ECRC ECS ECS ECS ECS ECT ECT ECT ECT ECU ECUID ECV ECV ECV/VCVS EDA EDC EDCC EDD EDDL EDEC EDES EDFT EDI EDIF EDIFACT EDIR EDIS EDIS EDM EDM EDMS EDMS EDOT EDP EDP .Doug Parks) Executive Communication Meeting Enterprise Customer Management . and graphical data generated and used in engineering. Engineering Data Management System. Engineering Change Team Execution Core Team (4ØVDP). Electronic Dynamics Division Engine Diagnostic Data Link. Enterprise Document Management System Engineering and Design Operations Team. Economic Development & Enterprise Services Electrical Design Focus Team Electronic Data Interchange. Through EDI. Engine Control System. -. Executive Design & Engineering Council. Evaporative Control System. Electronic Control Unit. Electronically Controlled Transmission. Evolved into GEDOC. bill of material. Computer-to-computer exchange of formatted data between trading partners. Engine Displacement Study EDS Electronic Information Transfer Electronic Data Systems NETwork Electronic Distribution Unit (Diesel). Energy & Environment Staff. Exterior Fitting Fixture. Electronic Engine Control Emission Economy Compliance. Tracks employee travel expense recievable balances.) Electronic Fuel Injection. Once a subsidiary of GM. Electric Early Fuel Evaporation. Equal Employment Opportunities. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Electrical/Electronics Partition Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Cross-organizational council to develop and implement common training programs that address engineering skill gaps. Employment Environment Assessment Survey Engineering Evaluation Board Engineering Evaluation Build.crashes and severe decelerations . Evaporative Emission Control Evaporative Emission Control System. Early Fuel Evaporation. Event Data Retrieval Unit Electronic Data Sharing Electronic Data Systems. Exhaust Emission Measurement Panel.EDR Event Data Recording (re SDM . Purpose is to aid in accident reconstruction and aid in identifying root cause of performance anomalies. Emissions and Fuel Economy Operations. Electronic Frontal (or Front-end) Sensor. Electrical Engineering. Electronic Expense Report System Employee Expense System. (Fixture/s used in Functional Evaluation 2 and 3 events with details which simulate nominal exterior trim part interfaces. GM‘s global governing body for the overall implementation of GM‘s energy and environmental strategy. Energy Equivalent Speed Energy and Environmental Strategy EEPROM.records vehicle status data and restraint system data during significant events . A major supplier of electronic information and support personnel to GM. EDRD EDRU EDS EDS EDS EDS*ELIT EDSNET EDU EE EEAS EEAS EEB EEB EEC EEC EEC EEC EECS EEFE EEMP EEMS EEO EEOC EEP EEPROM EERS EES EES EES EESB EETAC EEVC EFA EFC EFE EFELC EFEO EFF EFI EFO EFS . Engineering Education and Training Advisory Council.) Electrical Diagnostics Requirements Document. Experimental Engineering Manufacturing Services. Engineering Fleet Operations.) Engineering Financial Analysis Electronic Filing Cabinet. European Economic Community. Emission and Fuel Economy Label Committee. Employee Enthusiasm Assessment Survey. Owned by EAG Accounting Services. European Enhanced Vehicle-safety Committee (Founded in 1970 in response to the US Department of Transportation's initiative for an international program on Experimental Safety Vehicles. Executive Information Systems. An abbreviation. End Item Engineering Interface. Event History (C2C) Electro Hydrostatic Actuator Electric Hydraulic Control Unit. Extended Industry Standard Architecture (32 bit) Electronic Imaging Standards Board Electronic Idle Speed Control. Delta Electronic Funds Transfer. ELectrophoretic Priming Operation. An abbreviation. Electrogalvinized. Electroluminescence Elastic. An abbreviation. No longer used. Electro-deposition Primer. Engineering Leadership Council (Global) Eldorado.) Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering. Electronic Ignition Employee Involvement. A not-for-profit association of suppliers and customers in the electronics industry.EFSD EFT EG EGA e-GM EGM EGR EH EHA EHCU EHD EHPS EI EI EI EI EI&S EIA Electronic Front Sensor. Elbow. An abbreviation. Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics Emergency Information System Engineering Information System Enterprise Information System Environmental Impact Statement. An abbreviation. Energy Information Administration Environmental Impact Assessment Equipment Interchange Association. Electronic. The way most dealerships pay GM. Electro Hydro Dynamic (The result of interactions between a dielectric fluid and an applied electric field. Electric. Exhaust Gas Recirculation. Ergonomics Line Balance Assessment Electronic Level Control. Enhanced Graphics Adapter Electronic General Motors. An abbreviation. See GMCN Engineering Group Manager. which develops standards in areas such as EDI and Bar Code. Emergency Latch Release EIA EIA EIA EIC EICD EIDE EIS EIS EIS EIS EIS EISA EISB EISC EIT EJCTR EL EL ELAS ELAZ ELB ELBA ELC ELC ELDO Elec ELECT ELEK ELPO ELPO ELR . Electronics Integration & Software Electronics Industry Association. Electrode. An abbreviation. Engineer In Charge. EWO (Engineering Work Order) Implementation Team Ejector. Electrical Interface Control Document. Elabuga Automotive Works (Russia) Emblem. An abbreviation. Environmental Management System. Engine. Engineering NoteBook.ELR ELV EMA EMA EMAC EMB EMB EMBASSY EMC EMCASS EMD EMER EMF EMF EMI EMIS EMIS EML EMM EMP EMP EMR EMR EMR EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMT EMU EN ENB ENG ENG ENGMT ENGRG ENGY ENGZR ENIAC ENV ENV ENVIC EO EOA EOA Emergency Locking Retractor (seat belt) End of Life Vehicle Electro Mechanical Actuator Engine Manufacturers Association. Energy. To mark that point in time at which full production line rate has been achieved for one full day. Emblem Location (ornamentation) Electronic Math Model Enhanced Medical Plan Engineering Management Process. Electromagnetic Compatibility Expert Motor Carrier Selection System Electro Motive Division Emergency. It is how we manage our engineering work. Expanded Memory Specification Experimental Material System. Electronic Mail System. Experience Modification Rate. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator Envelope. Engineering. An abbreviation. Emergency Medical Service Engine Management System Engineering Materials System. Emblem (ornamentation) Engineering Manufacturing Build and Scheduling System. Engineering Engagement. Engineering Order Analysis (We provide the data necessary for the proper selection of components and the criteria needed to satisfy the Group's Business Plan for a National and Global Product Presence. End of Acceleration. A structured process that focuses on people and how they work together. An abbreviation.) . Engineering Order. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Emission. Equivalent Noise Voltage Exciting New Vehicle Interior Concept. Environmental Management information System. Part of some ABS units. An abbreviation. European Monetary Unit (―Euro‖) Evaporative Canister. Electronic Module Retard. Electromagnetic Radiation. Used with DoD to eliminate 2nd order harmonics Electro-Magnetic Brake. An abbreviation. Energizer. Electro Magnetic Field Electro Motive Force Electro-Magnetic Interference. Engine Motion Actuator. Emergency Medical Technician. Estimated Production Date. Electronically Programmed Injection Control. EPA Loaded Vehicle Mass. Within SPAC this group is in place to process orders that require additional attention.EOB EOD EOD EOF EOF EOG EOM EOP EOP EOPC EOPTS EOS End Of Business day Electronic Object Distribution End of Data (C2C) End Of File End of Frame (C2C) Edge of Glass. Engineering Project Authorization. EOS EOT EOT EP EP EP EP EPA EPA EPA EPA/CM EPA/LVM EPA/OM EPAC EPACT EPAD EPC&L EPCA EPCMT EPCOT EPCS EPCT ePD EPD EPDC EPEC EPF EPFI EPIC EPIC EPIC . The official vehicle used to inform the engineering community of a procedure change. Environmental Protection Agency. System that allows you to view Product Cost reports on-line. Engine Oil Temperature End Products. The part of the Engineering Factory where engineering capability is managed and the Factory Production Schedule is directed. Emergency Order Processing Center. Replaces ERD (Extended Report Distribution). End of Prototype Critical Test. Energy Policy & Conservation Act. Engineering Operations Manual. Engineering Program Information and Communication. Electronic Power Analysis Check. Exhaust Oxygen Sensor End Of Test. print them. Government mandated Alternative Fuel vehicle purchases which only includes vehicles rated at 8500 GVN and below. EPA Curb Mass. Energy Policy Act. Electrically Powered Actuation Design Engineering Production Control & Logistics. or send them to a TSO dataset. Event Planning Extreme Pressure (lubricant rating) Engineering Program Assessment. Enhanced Performance Feedback Electronic Port Fuel Injection. EWO/Part Change Management Team (improve EWO Throughput through the resolution of EWO Bottleneck constraints that cause issues for EWO's that have been written. Engineering Program Information Control. Engine Oil Pressure Engineering Order Processing. Engineering Process Directors Council Engineering Project Expense Control. Engineering Order Processing & Tracking System Enterprise Output Solution.) Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow Engineering Procedure Change Summary. electronic Product Development. Engineering Permit. EPA Option Mass. A single document format to define and track all program content changes within engineering (the EPN). Electrically Programmable Logic Device Engineering Program Management (or Manager).model line platform or A for administrative or X for feasibility. multiple instructions can easily be executed at once.Completed. Equalizer. X . Engineering & Product Planning. M ..Feasibility (limited budget to determine. Engineering Quality Steering Committee. I .) Engineering Project Proposal Expanded Polypropylene Engineering Product & Process Council. Expanded Polystyrene Extended Protocol Specification Engineering Process Team. Electric Power Research Institute. An abbreviation. Executive Quality Council. Also see EHPS. That is.Management Approved (w/o budget).EPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (Designed by HP and Intel to be used on Intel's forthcoming Merced processor.Undefined (awaiting decision to prepare). Equipped. Electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory. Expanded Polyurethane Equalizer. Exhaust Particulate Standard. Second character last digit of the year. electronic Preliminary Repurchase Authorization.).Integration (documentation in process). Engineering Review Energy Responsibility Accounting. Execution Phase: E . T . Earnings Per Share Electric Power Steering. P .Terminated (EPN has been cancelled). An abbreviation. Engineering Program Plan (EPIC . Engineering Releasing And Publication Activity. Engineering Production Release. D .Proposed (complete and out for estimates). It is engineering‘s description of a model year feature Engineering Project Number Engineering Program Number Status code definition. Definition Phase: U . First character .Authorized (approved with budget). see EOS).2 characters signifying a model year program. It is a method for arranging instructions so that they are ordered to be explicitly parallel. Encapsulated Postscript Event Processing System. A form sometimes used by AVM's.Functional (documentation in process). EPICenter EPL EPLD EPM EPMS EPN EPN EPN EPN Status Code EPP EPP EPP EPP EPPC EPR EPR ePRA EPRI EPROM EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPT EPTV EPU EQ EQC EQC EQLZR EQSC EQUIP ER ERA ERAPA ERD . Exhaust Pressure Regulator.) Engineering Product Integration Center Engineering Parts List. Integrated SPO service engineering & cataloging system designed and based on GPDS data & philosophy Extended Report Distribution (No longer used. (an abbreviation) Engineering Quality Council. C . Events Per Thousand Vehicles. Used to define and communicate Engineering program content. Engineering Process & Math Strategy Engineering Planning Notice Engineering Program Number. Used to scan. Electronic Steering Module. Extended Range Speaker. A record for Engineering Part Numbers (EPN‘s) where a decision has not been made at this stage. Engineering Senior Management Group. Escutcheon. Part of some ABS units. Engineering Supplier Collaboration Service. Former GMIO organization. Experimental Systems Assembly. Employee Resource Group. An EDI-based business practice designed to eliminate the need for a supplier's invoice by using receipt and purchase order data to detail the charges applicable to the sale of goods by the supplier to the customer. Einsteinium Engineering Shop. Engineering Systems Assembly. No longer used. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 Engineering Records Management. Electrical Resistance Weld Engineering Release Worksheet. Engineering Records Only. Electronic Spark Control. Environmental Stress Screening. Engine Revolutions Per Minute. Engineering System Implementation. Electro Static Discharge. . Editing & Printing. Engine Sound Quality Index Engineering Scheduling & Releasing Department. Employee Service Directory Enhanced Small Device Interface Engineering System Doing Work.ERDS EREP ERG ERGS ERIS ERISA ERM ERO ERPM ERS ERS ERS ERW ERW Es ES ES ES ESA ESA ESAC ESAL ESB ESB ESB ESC ESC ESC ESCS ESCUT ESD ESD ESDI ESDW ESDW ESI ESI ESIS ESL ESM ESMG ESN ESO ESO ESP ESPG ESQI ESRD ESS Equivalent Real Deformation Speed Environmental Recording. Engineering Specification Engineering Standards. An internal GM web site detailing employee benefits. Engineering Service Letter. Electronic Suspension Control. An abbreviation. GM's third party claim administrator. Engine Shut Off Engineering Stop Order Electronic Stability Program (Bosch system found in Mercedes E class) Engineering Specifications Policy Group. Electronic Route Guidance System Expense Report Imaging System. Employee Satisfaction Action Council Equivalent Single Axle Load Energy Storage Box European Strategy Board Expansion Spring Brake. Emergency Roadside Service Evaluated Receipts Settlement. index and retrieve documents on-line. Engineering Systems Development Workgroup Electronic Service Information. Employee Service Center. Electronic Serial Number. also TIR. Extended [Program] Team Member Engineering Test and Manufacturing Services. European Transport Safety Council Exterior Technical Specification Drawing. ETD ETG ETI ETI/P ETIR ETM ETMS ETO ETO ETO ETR ETS ETS ETS ETS ETS ETSC ETSD ETSM ETTM EU EUC EUI EUN EUR EURM EUROSID eV EV EV6 Electronic Sensor Signal Interface (Delphi custom IC . Environmental Training Center Estimate To Complete et cetera. Experimental Safety Vehicle (Founded 1968 by NATO's committee on The Challenges of Modern Society to develop and build Experimental Safety Vehicles.6-3. Estimated.ESSI ESSO ESSR Est EST EST EST ESTM ESV ETA ETA ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC etc.) Electrical System Simulator and Optimizer Electrical Systems Service Readiness. Engine Unit Number Engine Usage Restriction Engine Unit Repair Manual. Employee Tracking Study Engineering Technical System. GMIOA system used to release service parts to all downstream users as well as being a data store for other service parts information.2L . Engineering Try Out Executive Team Offsite Electronically Tuned Radio (Receiver).filter and gain block for SDM-G SRXL accelerometer. 227HP. Electronic Timing Control. Electronic Traction System. Electronic Spark Timing. global V6 engine. Exterior Technical Specification Matrix. Engineering Test Order. Engineering Tracking System Enhanced Traction System. European Side Impact Dummy Electron Volt Electric Vehicle. Expected Time of Arrival. Engineering Support Technician Engineering Test and Manufacturing Services.) Electrical Test Access. 300 Nm. Electronic Temperature Control. 2. Electronic Throttle Control. (an abbreviation) Eastern Standard Time. Electronic Toll & Traffic Management European Union End User Computing Electronic Unit Injection. An abbreviation meaing 'and so forth' Equivalent Test Deformation Expert Task Group Equipment & Tool Institute. Electronic Toll Collection Electronic Transmission Control. Electrical Thermal Instrument Panel Electronic Test Incident Report. Electronic Valve Timing Extended Wheel Base Equivalent Wheel Load Estimated Work Order. An abbreviation. Part of some power steering systems. An abbreviation. Engineering Work Order Plus Engineering Work Order Validation Plant Reference. Evaporator. Extension. Extended (an abbreviation) External. Expansion. An abbreviation. Enterprise (Engineering) ViewPoint Architecture Engine Vacuum Pull Down. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Engineering Work Order. Electric Vehicle Council. Exhaust Inspection Testing cycle. Evaporative. Electronic Vibration Analyzer (special tool).EVA EVA EVA EVA EVAC Evap EVAP EVAP EVC EVL EVO EVP EVPA EVPD EVPR EVRV EVT EWB EWL EWO EWO EWO+ EWOVPR EWS EWS EX EXCH EXH EXIT EXP EXPDG EXPN EXPRESS Ext EXT EXTN EXTR EYLT Earned Value Analysis. . A specific computer language adopted by ISO and used to define STEP and its attendant application protocols. Engineering Work Station Engineering Workstation Support Exhaust (abbreviation) circuit Exchanger. An abbreviation. Electronic Variable Orifice. Eyelet. Exhaust. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Evaporator (an abbreviation) Evaporative Emission. Electric Vehicle Program. An abbreviation. Electronic Vacuum Regulation Valve. Exterior. Exterior Vehicle Lighting. EVAP service diagnostic that requires the engine to be running as opposed to EONV. Experimental. An abbreviation. Engineering Vehicle Administration Committee. Expanding. Used in Project Systems (PS) for internal project control purposes & provide the ordering party with information on the progress of project. Economic Value Added Electronic Vehicle Assembly (computer program). The authority used by Engineering to initiate the design and release of product content in the Production Description System (PDS). GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG. FIN ENG AIAG ENG ENG GMPT ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT GVDP.Department ENG VTS ENG PSEO ENG ENG MFD. GMPT ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG. ENG. ENG ENG. GMPT EAG. GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG GVDP. VTS. GMPT. GMPT PSEO. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO GVDP ENG ENG PSEO GMPT GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMU VTS. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO.ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO GVDP. ENG. ENG . ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG PSEO ENG PSEO. GMPT. ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG .No Longer used. FIN AIAG. GMPT AIAG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG. EAG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . FIN GVDP. EAG. GMU. AVDC GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG. ENG PSEO GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG GMPT AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMU PSEO. ENG ENG . GVDP. GMPT. ENG. EAG ENG No longer used. GMPT. ENG. GMPT . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMU ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG VSSM ENG VTS. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. GMPT AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG FIN ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. ENG. ENG. GVDP. ENG ENG ENG EPMS ENG VTS. GMPT GMCL ENG GMPT ENG. ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG EAG . ENG VSSM ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT PSEO. ENG. VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG PSEO ENG PSEO PSEO ENG GMPT ENG VTS ENG ENG .ENG FIN ENG ENG AIAG. GMPT PSEO ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG. PSEO. ENG GMPT . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO. GMPT GMPT ENG PSEO. GMPT PSEO ENG ENG MFD ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO GVDP. ENG ENG. ENG VSSM ENG ENG GMPT.FIN ENG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GVDP. ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG . Field Area Financial Vehicle Manager (Actual Acronym definition). Financial Activity Database Flint Automotive Division. Failure Analysis Associates Fabricating Plant. An abbreviation. This is spoken as Field Area Financial Service Manager. Front Compartment.Acronym F F F F F&L F/A F/A F/AXL F/CMPT F/D F/END F/F F/FDR F/FLR F/GA F/IDL F/INJN F/INJR F/PMP F/RST F/SEAT F/TNK F/TOP F23 F4WD FA FA FA FA FA1C FA2C FAA FaAA FAB FAC FAC FACT FACTS FACTS FACTS FAD FAD FAD FAE FAFVM FAMAS FAMC Definition degrees Fahrenheit (a symbol) Fahrenheit. First Alpha 2 Complete. Front Air Dam Fleet Account Executive. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. manual transaxle (non-GMPT) Getrag/Opel/NAO Full-time Four Wheel Drive Failure Analysis Filter Assembly Final Analysis Final Approval. Faculties Factor. An abbreviation. Fabricating And Material Availability System. Foot Rest. Facing. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Fuel Tank. Front End. It signals the end of Phase 1 and the beginning of Phase 2. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Fuel Idle. Federal Aviation Administration. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. First Architecture Mule Complete . Front of Dash. Fuel Gage. Financial Analysis Capabilities Through Systems. Fuel Injection. Fuel Injector. To mark that point in time at which the first Alpha 1 vehicle is complete with the content required for its intended purpose. Farad Fluorine Fuel & Lubricant Department (GM Research Labs. An abbreviation. Financial Accounts Consolidation and Translation Systems Financial Analysis Capabilities Through Scanning. An abbreviation. To mark that point in time at which the first Alpha 2 vehicle is complete with the content required for its intended purpose. An abbreviation.). First Alpha 1 Complete. Folding Top. Front Seat. More commonly written as A/F Front Axle. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. This is the fourth major decision point of the Four Phase process. An abbreviation. Fit / Function Front Fender. Fuel Pump. Fore / Aft Fuel / Air Ratio. Front Floor. The NAO development team for the LeanEngineering concept. Africa. To mark that point in time at which the first Beta vehicle is complete through general assembly with the content required for its intended purpose. Front Bumper Reinforcement Facility Consultant Fan Control. Field Area Parts Manager.An association which represents 200 component suppliers to the Australian OEM's. Front Compartment Lid Field Communications Network. Fatal Accident Reporting System Flywheel Alternator Starter Flywheel Alternator Starter w/Input Differential Field Area Sales Manager. Factory Concept Team. Factory Cost Adjustment Final Car Audit. File Allocation Table Field Area Vehicle Manager. Factory Scheduling Tool. Factory Change Order. South Asia Operations Fleet Account Number. Frequently Asked Questions. Unit of Capacitance (ratio of electrical charge) First Achitecture Running Mule. No longer used. Facsimile Transmission Front Axle Forecast Budget Business Analysis (Plan System) First Beta Complete. Front Body Hinge Pillar. Feature Based Design Advisor Front Bumper Guard Future Business Group. Forward Control. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Focus Commodity List. Free Carrier Aside Forecast. Federation of Automotive Products Manufacturers (Australia) . Frame Check Sequence. Feed circuit Feedback (an abbreviation) Fault Detection Circuit . Normally referred to as AVM. Middle East. Fundamental Concept Reuse Forecast Consolidated System. Fleet & Commercial Operations. File Control Block Federal Communications Commission.FAMSO FAN FAPM FAPM FAQ FARAD FARM FARS FAS FAS-ID FASM FaST FAST FAST FAT FAVM FAX FAX FBBA FBC FBDA FBG FBG FBHP FBR FC FC FC FCA FCA FCA Fcast FCB FCC FCEV FCL FCL FCN FCO FCO FCO FCP FCR FCS FCS FCT FD Fdbk FDC FSU. Flexible Architecture Structures Technology Functional Analysis System Technician/Technique. Formal Change Proposal. Normally referred to as ASM. Replaced by "DealerWorld Operations team" Factory Car Order. Finite Element Side Impact Dummy Front End Sheet Metal. Finite Element Analysis. Frequency Division Multiple Access Frequency Dependent Negative Resistance Fender. Fuel Economy. Front End Load Team. Functional Evaluation. Three stage iterative process to identify and resolve build problems which occurs between Prototype and Pilot.) Front Door Frame Front Door. Federal Excise Tax Field Effect Transistor Federal Emissions Test System . Front End Molding Federal Emergency Management Agency Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Fuel Evaporative Measurement Panel. Inner Fan Driver Module Fender Molding Frequency Division Multiplexing. Functional Evaluation.000 bits-per-second. Fuel Economy Learning Vehicle Program. Functional Evaluation Administration Front End Accessory Drive February (an abbreviation) Forward Error Correction Fuel Evaporative Control System Field Emission Display Functional Evaluation Disposition Report. Federal Energy Administration. Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (copolymer) Front End Panel Final Engineering Release. Fuel Economy & Emissions Regulatory System Fuel Economy & Emissions Reporting System Fix Effectiveness Factor. A multi-disciplinary team established at phase 0 concept direction to ensure that all downstream activities have input to design. Fuel Enable Data Stream.000. General Assembly Fuel Economy Integrated Counter. Factory Deployment Stage Foundation. An abbreviation. Front End (panel) Reinforcement Front End Sheet Metal. Field Engineer Finite Element. Finite Element Model(ing).FDDI FDF FDI FDM FDM FDM FDMA FDNR FDR FDS FDTN Fe FE FE FE FE FE FEA FEA FEA FEAD Feb FEC FECS FED FEDR FEDS FEERS FEERS FEF FEGA FEIC FELT FELVP FEM FEM FEMA FEMA FEMP FEP FEP FER FER FES FE-SID FESM FET FET FETS Fiber Distributed Data Interchange (A standard for transmitting data on optical fiber cables at a rate of around 100. An abbreviation. Iron February. Gaseous Fuel Injector. Front Left Front Lamp Assembly . Front Impact Sensor Field Implementation Team First Integration Vehicle Complete Foot-Lamberts. Found First Visit Federal Fiscal Year First Gamma 1 Complete First Gamma 2 Complete. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Filament. Filler. Federal Implementation Plan Federal Information Processing Standards Far Infrared Finite Impulse Response Fix It Right The First Time. Fuel Injection. Finish. Front Fender.FEV FEX FFB FFCRS FFE FFE FFF FFF FFH FFI FFP FFR FFS FFS FFT FFV FFV FFY FG1C FG2C FGI FH FH&C FHMR FHP FHSS FHV FHWA FI FIA FICA FICM FID FIFO FIL FILA FILO Filt FIM FIN FIN FIP FIPS FIR FIR FIRTFT FIS FIT FIVC fL FL FLA German R&D Company Front End heat eXchanger Flat Faced Barrier Forward (or Front) Facing Child Restraint System Front Fender Extension Functional Fit Evaluation Free Form Fabrication. FINancial. GM service motto. First In Last Out Filter (an abbreviation) Functional Information Manager. Measure of luminance level. Plastic Front Fender Reinforcement Fee For Service (like as in Contract Employment…) Front Fender Skirt Fast Fourier Transform Flexible Fuel Vehicle. Frequency Hopping. An abbreviation. Freight Forwarders Institute. Flame Ionization Detector (HC Analysis). Federal Insurance Contributions Act (Social Security) Fuel Injector Control Module. An abbreviation. Front Fender Filler Fuel Fired Heater. Fuel Handling & Controls Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations Front Header Panel Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (redundant!) Financial / Human Values Federal HighWay Administration (or Agency). First-In-First-Out. Final Impact Assessment. Manifolds & Pipes Forward Model Planning. To mark that point in time at which the first nonsalable vehicles in the production facility are produced to validate the manufacturing system in preparation for production. Fermium Frequency Modulation. First Mule 1 Complete First Mule 2 Complete. Federal Laboratory Consortium Folding. First Manufacturing Validation Build. Flywheel. also FMECA. A Central Storage System of all part related planning Fuel Metering Poppet Financial Management System Flexible Manufacturing System. Federal Liaison Services Fuel Level Sensor Flasher. An abbreviation. A systemized group of activities intended to recognize and evaluate the potential failure of a product/process and its effects. Effects and Criticality Analysis. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. To mark that point in time at which the first Mule 2 vehicle is complete with the content required for its intended purpose. also FMEA. Federal Low Emissions Vehicle Flexible Scheduling System. A classification code that identifies a functional part name that is common across vehicles. An abbreviation.FLASH FLC FLDG FLEV FLEX FLEX FLG FLIP FLIR FLMBTY FLOPS FLOW Flr FLS FLS FLSHR FLTR FLYWHL Fm FM FM1C FM2C FMA FMCS FMCSR FMEA FMECA FMH FMIS FMIT FMMDP FMMP FMP FMP FMS FMS FMSCM FMVBC FMVB-ns FMVCP FMVSR FMVSS FNA FNA Find-Locate-Analyze-Summarize-History. Functional Name Analysis. . An abbreviation. Floating point Operations Per Second Follow the Logical Order of Work Floor. Full Motion Head Field Management Information System Field Marketing Implementation Team Fast Math Model Development Process Front Modules. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Functional Name Address. also MVSS. Used to distinguish U. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Filter. non-saleable Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program. identify actions which could eliminate or reduce the chance of the potential failure occurring and document the process. Flexible. Failure Mode & Effects Analysis. OVSC. Failure Modes. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (of NHTSA). also FMVSS. Floor Mount Standard Charge Module First Manufacturing Validation Build Complete. which are abbreviated as CMVSS. Facility Monitoring & Control System. also FMEA. standards from Canadian.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (of NHTSA). Flange. Forward Lamp – Instrument Panel (wiring harness) Forward Looking Infrared RADAR Flammability. An abbreviation. Failure Mode Analysis. An abbreviation. Field Programmable Analog Array Full Power Bandwidth Fuel per Cylinder per Cycle Flat Panel Display Field Perfomance Evaluation. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. Field Reporting & Electronic Distribution Frequency. Reflect the probability of demand shifts/deviations between single variants. Failure (or Fault) Prevention Analysis (Corporation). . Fiber Optic Gyroscope Front Overhang. An abbreviation. called ‗firewall‘. Fuel Pump. Functional Name Modifier. To avoid over-capacity. Friction. flex rates are exclusively used for all components unique to 1 body style. In early days. Analysis. FORmula MAnipulation Compiler FORmula TRANslation Fiber Optics Transmission System File Processor. Fuel Operated Heater Freedom Of Information Act Federal Outdoor Impact Laboratory Fiber Optic Inter-Repeater Link Forging. Auditing & Transportation Evaluation. The sum of all detailed flex rates exceed the total plant capacity rate.FNC FNC FNES FNM FNR FO FOB FOD FOG FOH FOH FOIA FOIL FOIRL FORG FORMAC FORTRAN FOTS FP FP FPA FPAA FPBW FPC FPD FPE FPGA FPHS FPM FPMR FPN FPP FPR FPR FPV1C FPV2C FQIT Fr FR FR FR FR FR FRACAS FRAM FRATE FRBP FRED Freq FRICT Functional Name Characteristic Functional Name Code Federal Noise Emission Standard. Field Programmable Gate Array Field Plate Heated Sensor Fast Page Mode Federal Property Management Regulation. Front of Dash. First Product/Process Validation vehicle 1 Complete First Product/Process Validation vehicle 2 Complete Functional Quality Improvement Team. Functional Part Name. Federal Regulation Fixed Rate.Plastic Field Product Reporting Fuel Pressure Regulator. Front Right Functional Reuse Failure Reporting. Francium Federal Register. An abbreviation. Four Node Reconfigure Fiber Optics Freight On Board. and Corrective Action System Ferroelectric Random Access Memory Freight Rating. Front (header) Panel . Federal Transit Authority Files To Build Drawing (Block) Federal Trade Commission.FRL FRM FRM/U Frnt FRP FRS FRT FRT FRU FRU FS FSA FSD FSE FSF FSG FSG FSK FSL FSL FSM FSO FSR FSR FSS FST FSTN FSU FSVC ft FT FT FTA FTA FTBD FTC FTE FTG ft-lb FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP-H FTQ FTQC FTT FTTA FTTC FTTH Functional Recruting Leader Frame. File Transfer Protocol. An abbreviation. Front (an abbreviation) Fuel Rail Pressure Financial Reporting System Front. Feature Sight Line Front fender Skirt. A GM Business unit involved in accounting services. Fuel Tank Pressure. Forward Systems Group Frequency Shift Keying. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Left Field Support Manager (Covers a section of the region as support and trainer to APM's and MAM's). Fuel Shut Off. Foot-Pounds Federal Test Procedure (EPA mpg) Field Trial Program. Full Time Equivalents Fitting. Federal Test Procedure . Front fender Skirt.Hot. Front Seat. Fault Tree Analysis. An abbreviation. Flexible Spending Account Fan Shroud Full Service Engineer Free Software Foundation First Stage Graphitization. First Structure Vehicle Complete Feet (an abbreviation) Fourier Transform Fuel Trim. An abbreviation. Frame Unit. A protocol that allows the transfer of files from one computer to another. First Time Quality First Time Quality Capability First Time Throughput Federal Technology Transfer Act Fiber To The Curb Fiber To The Home . Financial Services. Fastener. Functional Recruting Team Field Reference Unit. For Service Use. Right Full Scale Range Financial Shared Services. Field Replaceable Unit. Foreign Trade Zone. Federal Urban Driving Federal Urban Driving Schedule. Front Wheel Drive. An abbreviation. from a foreign country is not subject to duty until the product leaves the Trade Zone.S. Frequency to Voltage Converter Final Vehicle Ship Float Valve Separator.FTVV FTZ FUBAR FUD FUDS FUT FV FVC FVC FVS FVS Fwd FWD FWD FWG FWH FWHM FWIW FWS FWS FY FYI Fuel Tank Vent Valve. . For Your Information. Forward (an abbreviation) Forward. Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition (or Repair). Factory Variable Cost. Functional Work Group Front Wheel Housing Full Width at Half Maximum For What Its Worth Field Warranty Specialist Front Wheel Spoiler Fiscal Year. An abbreviation. A zone where trade coming into the U. Fuel Use Tax Front View. Department VTS PSEO. ENG GVDP. GMPT GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT PSEO ENG ENG GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG ENG RNG ENG. EAG ENG VSSM ENG VSSM VSSM ENG GVDP . ENG. GVDP. ENG GMPT PSEO ENG . ENG.AIAG VSSM ENG GVDP GMPT ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG VTS. ENG GMPT ENG VSSM ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG . ENG. ENG GMPT PSEO ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG ENG VTS. ENG. ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG GVDP. ENG PSEO.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG PSEO . GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG.ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG. GVDP. VSSM.VSSM ENG ENG ENG. MFG. GMPT FIN. GMPT ENG ENG ENG AIAG. GMPT. ENG. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG VTS. ENG. ENG GVDP. GVDP AVDC . GVDP. ENG. GMPT. ENG ENG VSSM GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO GVDP GVDP ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG. ENG ENG . ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG . GVDP.HR ENG ENG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG HR ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP VTS PSEO ENG. ENG ENG PSEO FIN. GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO VTS. ENG ENG PSEO. GVDP VSSM ENG ENG .ENG AIAG. ENG. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. Total weight of vehicle with equipment. Gravity. Global Bill Of Material. Garnish Molding. driver and passengers. storage and reporting of quality audit data gathered on GM and competitive vehicles at assembly plants and prototype shops. General Assembly. Specified maximum carrying capacity of an axle. Grams per Cylinder. Global Bill Of Finance.2 ft/s^2 = 9. Grams per Second Gage.000.8m/s^2 Giga (1.) Graphic Control Center. Gain Bandwidth Product General Business & Reporting System Global Customer Audit System (common quality audit data reporting system.Acronym g g G G&A G/BHP-H g/cyl G/L G/MLDG G/NUT G/S GA GA GA GAAP GaAs GAC GACB GAE Gage R&R GAI GAIM GAL GAL GALC GALIA GAMRF GAO GAPC GARN GATE GATS GAW GAWR Gb GBOF GBOM GBOP GBP GBRS GCAS GCC GCW GCWR GCWR Definition Gram. Acceleration of gravity. Front General Accounting Office (US government).000 times). An abbreviation.the French automotive industry organization. measured at tire-road interface. and trailer. General Ledger. Gallery.000. The general ledger represents the total of all G/L accounts from which the balance sheet and profit and loss statements are defined and produced. Semiconductor material for making optoelectronic devices and highfrequency ICs. An abbreviation.) General Assembly Council (or Center) Global Aftermarket Charter Board General Assembly Engineering Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility General Assembly Integration Gas Assisted Injection Molding. An abbreviation. fuel. Generic Array Logic Global Automotive Legal Conference Groupement pour l'Amelioration des Liaisons dans l'Industrie Automobile . Genetic Algorithm Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Gallium Arsenide. This group represents France in ODETTE. Global Bill Of Process. Gross Combined Weight Rating Gross Curb Weight Rating. . An abbreviation. Graduate Automotive Technology Education Global Advanced Technology System Gross Axle Weight (UK. It enables the collection. Gross Combination Weight. 32. Gigabyte. Gross Axle Mass Rating. General & Administrative costs Grams Per Brake Horsepower Hour. payload. see GAWR) Gross Axle Weight Rating (US). Electrons in GaAs travel at twice the speed of those of silicon. Global Alternative Propulsion Center (Russelsheim) Garnish. Gearnut. An abbreviation. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt. Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying Gasoline Gallon Equivalent. Global Implementation & Training Team. General Estimates System (NHTSA) Global Export System Global Engineering Senior Management Group. Acquisition Card. Guide. Fleet Card and Phone Card processes. Global Expense Management Solution.A method for identifying dimensions on blueprints. Gen GEN I GEN II GEPS GEPS GEPSC GES GES GESMG GFCI GFI GFI GFIC GFS GFS GFSK GGE GGRR GHG Ghz GI&TT GIB GIC GIC GIC GIDEP . Generation I Generation II Global Electronic Publishing System. Global Engineering Leadership Council Global Electric Motors. An abbreviation. Goodwrench Fleet Service. Graphical Gage Repeatability and Reproductivity Green House Gases Gigahertz. Guaranteed Income Contract Government Industry Data Exchange Program. Generator. Ground Fault Isolation Circuit Goals Forecasting System. Gasoline Direct Injection Garage Door Opener. A joint Fleet. Global Electronics Measurement Guidelines for Effective Management. Commercial and Service Parts Operations initiative to improve repurchase intentions through increased service loyalty to GM commercial dealers. An abbreviation. Global Delivery Survey Graphic Design System II (EDA Format) Global Decision Support System Global Descriptor Table Global Engineering Budget / Financial / Workload Council Global Engineering Councils Global Engineering & Design Operations Council. A wholly owned subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler. Global Electronics Payment System Global Engineering Process System Council. Online system that processes expenses related to the current expense Reporting. Gaseous Fuel Injection Ground Fault Interrupt. A Global project focused on delivering parts catalogue information to GM retailers using internet/intranet technology. Get-Into-Business General Impedance Converter Global Information Center. Graphical Design of Experiments Geographic Decision Support. Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing . An amount of gaseous fuel (propane or CNG) that is equal to one gallon of gasoline.GD GD&T GDE GDI GDO GDOE GDS GDS GDSII GDSS GDT GEBFWC GEC GEDOC GELC GEM GEM GEM GEMS Graphic Detail. nsf Graduate Management Admission Test General Motors Advanced Technology System General Motors Air Transportation System.gmpac. Service Drive at Detroit Metro Airport General Motors Advanced Technology Vehicles Gas Metal Arc Weld General Motors Brazil. The financing arm of GM. Global Issue Resolution Process. General Motors Asia Pacific General Motors Area (of Geographic Sales & Service) Reporting System General Motors Audit Services. See intranet web site. Garbage in Garbage out General International Limited Group information Manager.GIF GIGO GIL GIM GIRP GIRS GIS GIS GIS/PP GL GLA GLCTTR GLIS GLOSSAR GLPS GLS GLS GLTC GLZ GM GM LATS GM PAC GM RVDC GM-PMI GM/CM GM/PDM GM/SOLID GMA GMA GMAAN GMAAP GMAC GMAC GMAD GMAL GMAL GMAO GMAP GMARS GMAS GMAT GMATS GMATS GMATV GMAW GMB Graphic Interchange Format. Global Systems Standards And Resources Global Launch Process System. a representative that is part of a Market Area Gauge Information System Geographic Information System Guaranteed Income Stream . General Ledger System Glass. Responsible for scheduling.Income Protection Plan. General Motors Adoption Assistance Plan. Great Lakes Technology Center. Global Issue Resolution System. Glaze. Also written as G/L. General Motors Product Data Management Geometric Modeling of Solids.notes. General Motors Construction Manager. A commonly used file compression format developed by CompuServe for transferring graphics files to and from on-line services. http://www. General Ledger. General Motors Audit General Motors de Argentina General Motors African Ancestry Network. General Motors Automotive Operations. GMATS also manages a corporate charter activity under the name of Automotive Air Charter. Web site on GM intranet. Also. General Motors. . E. maintaining and flying the corporate aircraft. General Motors Acceptance Corporation. Building #530. General Motors Lifestyle Activity Tracking Study General Motors Political Action Committee. General Ledger Account Great Lakes Center of Truck Transportation Research Group Life Insurance System.Serves as the umbrella and communications forum for African Ancestry Employees.gmeds. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. http://cls02. Gigabit Medium Access Controller General Motors Assembly Division General Motors Acronym List General Motors Aerodynamics Laboratory (wind tunnel).com/ General Motors Reacquired Vehicle Disposition Center See PMI. Multi-Currency. database management for CRM initiatives and dealer communications. GMHE General Motors Hughes Electronics GMHS General Motors Health Services. Limited General Motors Custom Microcomputer. LLC. General Motors Engineering Computer Coordination General Motors Evaporative Control System General Motors Engine Division. GM Customer Network. Truck Division. General Motors Europe. General Motors Diagnosis & Repair Manual. General Motors Customer Network. such as DealerWorld and GMDealerLink. General Motors .Brussels General Motors Buana Indonesia General Managers Council General Motors Corporation. Global Modeling Process Integration Techniques General Motors Engineering Leadership Council General Motors Engineering Research and Environmental. General Motors Corporate Plant Audit General Motors Common Training Website General Motors Certified Used Vehicle. General Motors Fixed Assets. General Motors Forced Induction System Technology General Motors General Ledger. customer. General Motors Company Vehicle Operations. will maximize value to both GM and its retailers by taking the strengths of both organizations and channeling them into one effort to develop and grow distinct customer relationships. General Motors Dealer Equipment General Motors Dealership Identification. A merger of two existing organizations: Enterprise Customer Management (ECM) and eGM NA. General Motors Electric Controller. GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Company. a comprehensive. direct marketing. Owner Center@MyGMLink. See CVO.GMB GmbH GMBI GMC GMC GMC GMCC GMCFT GMCG GMCID GMCIS GMCL GMCM GMCN General Motors Building. lead management. GMGL/MULTI General Motors General Ledger. GMI General Motors Institute. Common accounting system used to track and report the financial status of GM. Cross Charge. GM Customer Connect General Motors Clean Fuel Technology General Motors Car Group (North America) General Motors Customer Information Database.and dealer-focused organization. including customer service call centers. GMCP GMCPA GMCTW GMCUV GMCVO GMDAT GMDE GM-DI GMDID GMDR GME GMEC GMECC GMECS GMED GMEITC GMELC GMERE GMEV GMFA GMFIST GMGL General Motors Contour Pattern. GMICT General Motors Isuzu Commercial Truck. GMH General Motors Holdens. General Motors Electric Vehicle. GM BuyPower. GMCN puts all of our customer ―touchpoints‖ together in one organization. Provides world-class medical care and occupational health services for GM employees worldwide. General Motors Dealer Information Database. . General Motors Computer Information System General Motors of Canada. which currently includes Canadian and Mexican operations. A schedule or listing of the categories (called ―record series‘) of GM Business Records to be retained by GM for specified retention periods in accordance with the GM Record Retention Policy. General Motors Record Retention Schedule. General Motors Institute . General Motors Information Security Policy General Motors Latin America General Motors Latin America. General Motors Research laboratories. General Motors Proving Grounds. General Motors Product Program Management Process General Motors PowerTrain. General Motors North America. General Motors North America Process Leadership Board. A service contract.GMIDL GMI-EMI GMIMCo GMIO GMIQ GMISCA GMISP GMLA GMLAAM GMLAN GMLG GMLOCS GMM GMMACS GMMACS GMMC GMMI GMMIC GMNA GMNA PLB GMNET GMoC GMODC GMoL GMOLS GMOPS GMPCP GMPCS GMPDC GMPDM GMPG GMPIT GMPP GMPPMP GMPT GMPTACT GMPTG GMPX GMQN GMR GMR GMRIS GMRR GMRRS GMS General Motors Interactive Distance Learning . also see MPG and DPG. General Motors Information System & Communication Activity. . This system handles all product recall activities for GM vehicles in the U. General Motors International Operations. and Canada. General Motors Repository. Global Modeling Process Integration Techniques General Motors Protection Plan. General Motors PowerTrain Assembly Component Tracking General Motors PowerTrain Group. General Motors Locomotive Group General Motors Load Control Systems General Motors de Mexico General Motors Manufacturing & Assembly Cost. Global Managerial Reporting Review. General Motors Men's Club General Motors Marketing Internship General Motors Material Information Center. General Motors/UAW Quality Network. Delco Electronics 32 bit microprocessor. Ensures compliance to domestic and international government standards/regulations and GM product safety requirements. General Motors Recall Information System.S. Affiliation: GMNA Planning & Program Management General Motors NETwork General Motors of Canada General Motors Overseas Distribution Corporation General Motors OnLine. A wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors that is the fund manager of the Promark Funds. General Motors Marketing Area. Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite General Motors Parts Distribution Center General Motors Product Data Management. General Motors Oil Life System General Motors Online Projects System General Motors Product Compliance Program. Global Manufacturing System. Most often used to refer to the business units operating in North America.Engineering & Management. Obsolete. General Motors Initial Quality. refer to RES. General Motors Investment Management Corporation. Africa and Middle East General Motors Local Area Network. On-line capture of the parts and of the usage data of the vehicle. now PPAP) General Procedure #4. General Procedure #5. (Obsolete. Global Motors Truck Group General Motors Time Keeping System. Ground. Gross National Product Giga Operations Per Second Governor. Engineering release system. General Procedure #3. General Motors Technology Readiness Process. Supplier Submission of Material for Proc. GMVIS was developed to assist service personnel obtain detailed vehicle information. General Motors Venezuela General Motors Vehicle Information Database. also see TFE.GMSCM GMSDP GMSIPS GMSK GMSMART GMSP GMSPO GMSPP GMSUTS GMT GMTC GMTC GMTEP GMTG GMTG GMTKS GMTM GMTM GMTOPS GMTRP GMU GMUD GMUKC GMUTS GMV GMVID GMVIS GMVO GMWA GMWC GMWTS GMWWT GMX Gnd GNP GOPS GOV GOVT GP GP-03 GP-04 GP-05 Delco Electronics 8-bit microprocessor used in GM vehicles.g. . and California Air Resources Board. General Motors Technical Memory system. General Motors Service Uniform Testing Specifications Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu time) General Motors Technical Center. General Motors Uniform Data.. Financial tracking computer system integrating existing systems to manage capital and non-capital project charges. A set of corporate test procedures that form the basis for establishing compliance to government requirements. Batch operations scheduling and a userfriendly distribution of the engineering parts list data. General Motors Vehicle Inquiry System. GMVIS is the replacement for the old DCS Vehicle Information Service System (VISS) application. General Motors System Development Process Refer to SIPS. General Motors Women's Club General Motors Worldwide Travel Services. such as Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). Government. General Procedure. An abbreviation. (Also known as SPO) General Motors Safety Practices & Procedures. An abbreviation. Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying General Motors System Manager And Review Tool General Motors Supply Power General Motors Service Parts Operation. incl. Problem Reporting & Resolution. General Motors Training Center. Application. GP3. e. General Motors World Wide Travel For Prefix Code for General Motors cars while in development process. General Motors Treasury Management system General Motors Total Online Project System. General Motors Warranty Analysis. General Motors Vehicle Operations. General Motors University Knowledge Center General Motors' Uniform Testing Specifications. General Motors Technical Education Program General Motors Truck Group. product overviews. GP8. GM Quality/Reliability General Procedures concerning part standards and sample submission process. engineering change summary and engineering releases. General Motors University. An abbreviation. see CVO. Incorrect term. Also see GMPCP. Clean Air Act. GP-06 GP-07 GP-08 GP-09 GP-10 GP-11 GP-12 GPC GPC GPD GPDAS GPDBS GPDC GPDC GPDP GPDS GPDT GPDW GPIB GPM GPM GPPC GPRTS GPS GPS GPS GPSG GPSS GPU GQC GQIR GQIT GQL GQS GQTS GR GR&R GRC GRE GRI GRI GRIDS GRIN GRIP GRL General Procedure #6. Supplier Requirement for Match Check Material. General Procedure #7. Supplier Requirement for Comp. Verification & Trace. General Procedure #8. Supplier Parts Certification Process. General Procedure #9. Volume Production Run At Rate. General Procedure #10. Evaluation & Accreditation of Supplier Testing Facility. General Procedure #11. Measurement Process to Provide Dimensionally Known Parts for Prototype. Prototype Material Certification Procedure. General Procedure #12. Early Production Containment Procedure. Global Partner Communications Global Process Center Global Product Development. General Purpose Data Acquisition System Global Product Development Business Services Global Portfolio Development Center. Global Product Development Center. No longer used. Replaced by AVDC. Global Powertrain Development Process. The common process for work directed toward bringing a quality product to market Globally. (see PDP definition for more information). Global Product Description System. A corporate common mainframe computer system for product engineering. The System provides a common product database for GM. It describes and authorizes product description information throughout General Motors and interfaces with other systems. Group Product Development Team Global Parts Data Warehouse General Purpose Interface Bus Grams Per Mile. Grille Periphery Molding Global Product & Process Center. Global Problem Resolution Tracking System. Based on the former QPRP from GMIO. Global Purchasing System. The common contracting system for GM, operating on a global basis. Goodwrench Parts System Global Positioning System. Global Personnel Strategy Group. Global Positioning Satellite System. Global Product Unit Group Quality Council. Global Quality Issues Resolution System Group Quality Improvement Team. Generalized Query Language General Quality Standard Global Quality Tracking System Gear. An abbreviation. Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility. Global Release Center. Graduate Record Exam Gas Research Institute Group Report of Investigation. Geographical Roadway Information Display System GRadient INdex (Fiber Optics) Graphics Interactive Programming. Programming language for customized functions within the UG application. Grille. An abbreviation. GROM GRP GRP GRS GRV GRVD G's GS GS GS GSA GSB GSFUDS GSIS GSKT GSLC GSM GSM GSM GSMK GSMP GSN GSP GSS GSTN GT GTAW GTC GTESMG GTO GTO GTR GTR GTS GTT GUI GUSS GVAR GVDP GVL GVM GVMR GVMR GVW GVWR GW GWO Grommet. An abbreviation. Gross Rating Points Group. An abbreviation. Grid Reference System Groove. An abbreviation. Grooved. An abbreviation. Gravity's (unit of acceleration equal to one gravity). Garage Shift Global Sourcing. Gold Stripe. An abbreviation. General Services Administration.A division of the United States government. Global Strategy Board. Generic Simplified Federal Urban Driving Schedule Graphics Standard Interface Standard Gasket. An abbreviation. Global Supplier Leveraging Council. Identify ways to optimize General Motors and suppliers expertise to support world class products and manufacturing processes. Global System for Mobile communication Groupe Speciale Mobile Global System for Mobile communication. Gaussian Minimum Shift Keyed Goodwrench Service Merchandising Parts Global Supplier Network. Goodwrench Service Plus Global Simulation Standards. General Switched Telephone Network Gran Turismo / Grand Touring Gas Tungsten Arc Weld General Technical Committee. Global Truck Engineering Senior Management Group Gate Turn Off Gran Tourismo Omologato ("Grand touring car in production") Gear Tension Relief. Gutter. An abbreviation. Gas Temperature Sensor Global Task Team Graphical User Interface (pronounced "gooey"). Software meant to provide an attractive and easy to use interface between a computer user and application Gusset. An abbreviation. Gross Vehicle Axle Rating. Global Vehicle Development Process Gravel. An abbreviation. Gross Vehicle Mass. The total weight of a vehicle without passengers. Gross Vehicle Mass Rating. Gross Vehicle Mass Reserve. Gross Vehicle Weight. Maximum legal weight at which a vehicle can be operated. Curb weight plus payload. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (at ground) Gross Weight. General Work Order. Department ENG VTS, ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP, ENG, GMPT FIN ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG R&D ENG ENG ENG R&D, ENG GVDP, ENG, GMPT GVDP, ENG, GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP, GMPT, ENG ENG ENG, GMPT GMPT ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG , GMPT ENG ENG VSSM FIN PSEO, ENG ENG ENG EAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMU ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS, MFD, GMPT, GVDP, ENG VSSM GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS GVDP, ENG, GMPT ENG FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG EAG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG GMPT VSSM VSSM ENG GVDP, GMPT, ENG , AVDC ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG FIN, ENG , EAG ENG ENG ENG ENG, EAG GVDP, GMPT, FIN, ENG GVDP, ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP, GMPT, ENG, GMU, EAG, AVDC, FIN ENG, GMPT ENG ENG CVO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG VTS, GMPT, EAG, ENG , AVDC ENG GVDP, ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM FIN ILM ENG ENG ENG ENG , GMPT, EAG, VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS, ENG, GVDP, GMPT ENG ENG , EAG, FIN ENG ENG , EAG, FIN ENG GMU, ENG, HR, GMPT ENG VTS, GMPT, ENG , GMU ENG VSSM VSSM ENG ENG ENG PSEO, ENG ENG ENG ENG MFD, GVDP, ENG , GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG . ENG ENG GMPT AVDC AVDC GVDP. ENG ENG GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN.ENG ENG ENG GMPT. ENG GMPT FIN. GVDP. GMPT. AVDC ENG PSEO. EAG. GMPT. ENG VTS. ENG . VTS. GMPT ENG . AVDC ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG VTS.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG VSSM. Heater Defrost Air Conditioning Module Assembly. Header Molding Headlight Driver Module . An abbreviation. Highway Advisory Radio Harmonic. Harness. Heat Shield. An abbreviation. Appearance Engineering. Headlining. An abbreviation.) Hewlett Packard. Hardware Description Language Head Lamp Higher-level Data Link Control.Acronym h H H H/C H/HF H/P H/PLR H/PRF H/RST H/SHLD H/W HA HAC HAIR HALT HANS HAR HARM HARN HASS HBCC HBT HBT HC HCCI HCDSS HCG HCHO HCI HCL HCM HCM HCM HD HD HD HDAC HDB HDDE HDE HDI HDL HDL HDL HDLC HDLNG HDLP HDM HDM Definition Coefficient of heat transfer Henry (unit of Inductance) Hydrogen High Compression. (See HP) Hinge Pillar. Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board) HVAC Control Module. Part releases that require creation of a new design. Hood Blister Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Heavy Duty Engine Hood Inner panel Handle. Hard Designs. Vehicle Architecture. Homogenous Change Compression Ignition Health Care Decision Support Systems Hughes Communications Galaxy Formaldehyde Hughes Communications. An abbreviation. Head. Head Restraint. Inc. Hatchback Trim finish Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Hydrocarbon/Hydrocarbon Compound. An abbreviation. Headlamp. An abbreviation. High Performance. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. and Design Release Engineers in order to integrate the customer and his/her passengers with the vehicle. Hughes Aircraft Corporation. Head Air Injection Reactor Highly Accelerated Life Testing Head And Neck Support. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Hardware Hughes Aircraft. Design Center. Hardware Compatibility List Heating Control Module. Harmony / Human Factors (Provide design direction to Marketing. Heavy Duty. Platform leaders. Highly Accelerated Stress Screening Hosted Bus Control Chip. Blower. Hood Insulator Hot Isostatic Pressing (Steel). An abbreviation. Hydraulic Electronic Unit Injector Hybrid Electric Vehicle High Efficiency Vehicle Electrical System Hexadecimal (an abbreviation) Hafnium High Feature High Frequency Human Factors. Not an acronym. Human Factors Criteria Inventory. Human Factors Design Objectives Human Factors Engineering Highway Fuel Economy Test. Human Factors Criteria. Outer High Density Poly Ethylene Header. Hinge. Hughes Environmental Systems. Hood Scoop Hughes Data Systems High data rate Digital Subscriber Line Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturers Association. Inc. Evaporator. Hyper Data Transfer Protocol High Definition Television Heavy Duty Vehicle. Heavy vehicle Electronic License Plate High Electron Mobility Transistor Heated Exhaust Oxygen Sensor High Efficiency Radiator. Blower Assembly. Heater. History (an abbreviation) Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center . Mercury (chemical abbreviation) Heated Gas Inflator Hood Grille (ornamentation) High (an abbreviation) Head Injury Criteria. Hughes Electronics corporation High Energy Ignition. High Intensity Discharge (headlamps). Hardware.HDM HDO HDPE HDR HDRA HDS HDS HDSL HDTMA HDTP HDTV HDV HDW HE HEA HEBA HEBBA HEC HEI HELP HEMT HEOS HER HERTZ HESI HEUI HEV HEVES Hex Hf HF HF HF HFC HFCI HFDO HFE HFET Hg HGI HGL Hi HIC HID HIN HIP HIPO HIPOT HIR HIS Hist HITEC Hierarchical Development Methodology Hood. Hierarchy Plus Input / Output (IBM) High Potential (High Voltage) Hood Inner panel Reinforcement Health Information system. Hydraulic Element Assembly Heater. Barrier Assembly. Cycles Per Second. Evaporator. An abbreviation. Heavy Duty Representatives Association. An abbreviation. Original USAR designation for the Hummer) Health Maintenance Organization Hazardous Material Regulation His/Her Majesty‘s Ship Hazardous Materials Transportation Act Hanger. . Monthly Demographics Human Machine Interface High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (Pronounced "Humvee" . Heated Oxygen Sensor. Heat Pump Ventilation System. Hold Down. Heat Pump Ventilation Module. High Occupancy Vehicle Hewlett Packard. Hood Outer. An abbreviation. An abbreviation.a measure of production efficiency. An abbreviation. IEE488) Hybrid Power Module. Head Protection System High Performance System. High Level Language. High Pressure Section Hourly Payroll System.HITS HLA HLB HLC HLD HLDI HLDR HLL HLLAPI HMCC HMD HMI HMMWV HMO HMR HMS HMTA HNGR HNS HO HO2S HOLDN HOP Horiz HOV HP HP HP HP HPAF HPC HPDI HPGL HPIB HPM HPS HPS HPS HPS HPS HPV HPVM HPVS HQIT Hr HR HR(D) HRC HRC HRD Hughes Information Technology systems Hydraulic Lash Adjuster Head Lamp Bezel Head Lamp Cluster Headliner Highway Loss Data Institute Holder. High Pressure & Axial Feed Head Performance Criterion High Pressure Direct Injection Hewlett Packard Graphics Language Hewlett Packard Interface Bus (also GPIB. An abbreviation. Hughes Network Systems High Output. Hardware Release Center Human Resources Center Human Resource Development. An abbreviation. Hughes Power Systems Hours Per Vehicle (Total production Man-hours divided by total vehicles produced . High Performance High Power Horsepower. Part of ACG. Plastic Horizontal. Harrison Radiator (Division). Human Resources. High Level Language Application Program Interface Hazardous Material Control Committee Hourly. Hourly Quality Improvement Team Hour. Air Conditioning. High Speed Transport Protocol High Speed Weight In Motion Heat. An abbreviation. HVAC Thermal Control Module. Hughes Space & Communications Company High-Speed Direct Injection. Ventilation. High Rear Roll Center Hours (an abbreviation) Head Related Transfer Function (re 3-D auditory sensing) High Side. graphics and attached media. High Speed Endurance. Heater. Heavy Truck. Holdens Service Parts Organization. Housing. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Ventilation.hrdw HRM HRRC Hrs HRTF HS HSC HSDI HSE HSG HSHL HSIRS HSIS HSLA HSPDS HSPO HSR HSRI HSS HSTP HSWIM HT HT HT HTCM HTCM HTD HTF HTFS HTI HTL HTML Htr HTT HTTP HUD HUFSAM HV HV HVAC HVAC/PTC HVAIC HVD HVEMP HVL Hardware (abbreviation) Human Resources Management." and tells the computers on the Internet to use the "hypertext transfer protocol" to send information to and from your computer. Heating. High Torque HPVS/ Thermal Control Module (EV). Hood Support Rod Highway Safety Research Institute High Speed Steel. High Vacuum Diverter. "I am a Web address. (A "protocol" is just a techy term for an agreedupon way to swap information. High Speed / High Load Highway Statistics Information Retrieval System Highway Safety Information System High Strength / Low Alloy steel Holdens Service Parts Description System. Air Conditioning & Powertrain Cooling. A central storage system of all service only parts related planning Production/Service Information. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. HTML is the language used to tag various parts of a Web document so browsing software will know how to display that document's links. Head(s)-Up Display. Highway Users Federation For Safety and Mobility. The very first part of a Web address HTTP: says. . High Vacuum Air Intake Control. Highway Trust Fund Highway Traffic Forecasting System Hand Tool Institute High Threshold Logic Hyper Text Markup Language. Heated. Softwarel to interpret certain types of Hex data. An abbreviation. Hexadecimal Translation Tool. text. Heavy Vehicle Emission Measurement Panel Hydraulic Valve Lifter . High Voltage Hybrid Vehicle Heating. An abbreviation. Hand Wheel Position Sensor. Hydraulic. Hatch Window Glass Hardware Input/Output. A GM developed third generation. Fully instrumented anthropometric test device. An abbreviation.HVOF HVPE HVPSP HVS HVUT HVY HW HW4 HWCI HWF HWG HWIO HWPS HWS HWY HYB III HYD HYGE Hz High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (Dana rings) High Voltage Power Electronics Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion System Program High Voltage Switch Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Heavy. Highway. Heated Windshield. Highway high performance. Hybrid Three. Heated WindShield. An abbreviation. Hydraulically controlled. Hardware Configuration Items Holding Work File. Gas Energized Hertz (unit of frequency = cycle(s) per second) . ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG .Department ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT GMPT ENG VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO . ENG PSEO. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG VTS ENG GMPT PSEO VTS. GMPT ENG PSEO. ENG HR.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT PSEO ENG PSEO. ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO. FIN ENG ENG. EAG. ENG GMPT ENG . GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT PSEO.ENG HR. ENG PSEO ENG ENG. GMPT PSEO. GMPT ENG GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. VTS. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG. ENG. VTS.GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT . e. Workforce. Integrated Injection Logic Integrated Injection Logic / Merged Transistor Logic Intelligent I/O Instrumentation Interface Unit. Evaluate. Macro Economics and Government) are integrated based on a set of assumptions to determine alternatives for GM Leadership to review and decide on GMNA's Corporate Strategy to manufacture targeted quality products that will be delivered fast to market at a competitive cost. Inflation Induced Injury Intake Air Internet Activities Board Internet Architecture Board. Organization. Plan. Identify. . Analyze. Injury Assessment Reference Values. Integrated Business Strategy. An abbreviation. Instrument Panel. Plan. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers I/O Buffer Information Specification International Business Machines. Implement. Intermediate Seat. Tunnel. Ignition Control. Process. Implement. Capacity. International Bridge. An abbreviation. Traditional instructor led classroom training. Injury Assessment Values.Acronym I I i. Idle Air Control International Association of Chiefs of Police International Annealed Copper Standard Idle Air Control Valve. Independent Battery Manufacturers Association Integrated Business Planning. Latin for ‗that is‘ or ‗such as‘. Instructor Based Training. Identify. A generic change management model. A common. Idler Arm. and Turnpike Association Independent Business Unit. Facilities. An abbreviation. Evaluate. In/Out Input/Output. the IAB is the council that makes decisions about Internet standards. Integrated Air/Fuel Module Integrated Air/Fuel Systems International Assignment Management System. used for problem solving and improvements. Analyze. Instrument panel Ash Tray Intake (or Inlet) Air Temperature. Ignition & Filtration Inspection & Maintenance. Inflatable Curtain Initiate Charter. global process that provides a more effective and efficient business planning approach. Seven strategies (Market. Inside. I/ARM I/F I/M I/O I/O I/P I/S I/SEAT I2L I2L/MTL I2O I2U I3 IA IAB IAB IAC IACP IACS IACV IAFM IAFS IAMS IAPIE IAPIE Model IARV IAT IAT IAV IBEW IBIS IBM IBMA IBP IBS IBT IBTTA IBU IC IC IC Definition Interchangeable Iodine Id Est. Induction Development. Internal Control Review Program/Internal Control Review Questions. GMNA initiative to improve internal communications. Ignition Control Module. Information. Intensive Care Unit Interactive Chart Utility. Interface Control Document.) Individually Controlled Ventilation. Integrated (or Integral) Child Seat Integrated Chassis System Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey.IC IC IC ICA ICA ICAFM ICAM ICC ICC ICC ICC ICCS ICD ICDX ICE ICE ICE ICE ICEA ICF ICF ICIP ICM ICMP ICMP ICP ICR ICR ICRP/ICRQ ICS ICS ICS ICSS ICU ICU ICV ICV ICV ICW ID ID ID ID IDB IDC IDDAS IDE IDE IDE Integrated Circuit. Replaced by Business Risk Management (BRM) initiative. Integrated Communications Adapter International Communications Agency. Cost & Savings Account (Act). Integrated Circuit Cards Internal Change Communication. Independently Controlled Valve(train) Independently Controlled Vent (A small pivoting ventilation window. International Data Bus Insulation Displacement Contact Intelligent Dummy Data Acquisition System Integrated Development Environment (Software development environment that is integrated into an application . Insulated Cable Engineers Association Initial Care Facility Instrumentation Calibration File Internal Communications Improvement Process. Integrated Controller: Air / Fuel Module Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing. No longer used. Internal Control Review. (an abbreviation) Identifier (an abbreviation).eg. In Conjunction With Identification. Interstate Commerce Commission Integrated Chassis Control System. Internal Control Coordinator. Internal Communications. Interagency Committee on Metric Policy Internet Control Message Protocol Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric (transducer) Incentive Correspondence Referral form. Integrated Compact Disc Changer In Circuit Emulator Initial Customer Enthusiasm Integrated Coil Electronics Internal Combustion Engine. Visual Basic is integrated into MS Office applications) Integrated Device (or Drive) Electronics Interactive Development Environment . Inside Diameter. Internal Combustion. An abbreviation. Internet Engineering Task Force. Industrial Engineering / Competitive Manufacturing Impact Energy Absorber Integrated Engine Control Module & Air/Fuel Module Industrial Engineering Council Information. Integrated Development & Engineering Application System Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing Definition Method #0 . Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing Definition Method #1 Extended. Independent Front Suspension Integrated Fault Tolerant Architecture . International Export Sales. Identification. Industrial Engineer(ing) Information Element.A graphical activity modeling methodology developed for the Air Force in 1981. no longer used. The international standards organization parallel to ISO. In Frame Response (C2C) Intake Fuel Rationality Diagnostic. Interactive Distance Learning Network Integrated Digital Network. Integrated Fuel Injection. Injection Fuel Filter Inland Fisher Guide. Individual Development Plan Interim Design Review. These are the graphics contained within a Web document.IDEA IDEA IDEAS IDEAS IDEF0 IDEF1 IDENT IDES IDI IDL IDLN IDN IDP IDR IDSR IDTN IE IE IE IE IE/CM IEA IEAFM IEC IEC IEC IEC IECA IEDP IEE IEEE IEFI IEMA IEMA IEMO IEPD IES IETF IFA IFC IFF IFF IFG IFI IFR IFRD IFS IFTA Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis International Data Encryption Algorithm Integrated Designs & Engineering Analysis Software. Integration Engineer. Integrated Engineering Design Process (NAO General Information) Institute of Electrical Engineers Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Indirect Electronic Fuel Injection (Diesel) International Economic & Market Analysis International Export Market Analysis. Now part of Delphi. International Engineering Consortium International Engineering Communications Activity. Integration Driven Subsystem Requirements Interactive Distance Training Network In Effect. Friend or Foe (Military use). International Export Manufacturing Operation. Identification. International Electrotechnical Commission. which deals with all electrical and electronic standards. Entertainment. IETF refers to a subgroup of the Internet Architecture Board that focuses on solving technical problems on the internet on-line images. Interactive Distance Learning. Input Filter Assembly Integrated Fuel Control. Comfort. Integrated Engineering Process Directors. Training courses offered via satellite broadcast. . Intrusion Detection Expert System Indirect Injection. Industrial Mutual Association. Indirect Mechanical Fuel Injection (Diesel) . Information Management And Networking Information Manager Internet Message Access Protocol Interstate Motor Carrier Inter-Modulation Distortion Integrated Mini Disc Changer. Interior Garnish Molding Ignition (an abbreviation) Industry – Government Regulations Individual Growth Strategies. Document containing requirements for a common data communication format for product definition that can be understood in terms of today's CAD/CAM environment. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Initial Graphic Exchange Specification. provides positioning data accurate to within 10 cm. Integrated Mass Airflow Controller. CA. Idle Load Control Indentation Load Deflection Induction Loop Detector Inherently Low Emission Vehicle.IFTA IGBT IGCT IGDG IGES IGM Ign IGR IGS IHO IHRA IHS IHS IHSD IHSDM IIA IIA IID IIE IIEC IIHS III IIL IIO IIR IIRS IIS IJCAI IJVP IL ILC ILD ILD ILEV Illum ILM ILM ILRS IM IMA IMAC IMAN IMAN IMAP IMC IMD IMDX IMFI International Fuel Tax Agreement Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor Internet-based Global Differential GPS. ILM is a GM global process designed to enable management of GM Records in all forms. Illumination (an abbreviation) Information LifeCycle Management. Integrated Logistics Management Indirect Labor Reporting System. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence International Joint Venture Program Inside Length. Replaced PPDP. In Honor Of International Harmonized Research Activities Information Handling Service Interstate Highway System Interactive Highway Safety Design Interactive Highway Safety Design Model Information Industry Association Institute of Internal Auditors Interaural Intensity Difference (re 3-D auditory sensing) Institute of Industrial Engineers Inter-Industry Emission Control Program. Integration Manufacturing. Inflation Induced Injury Integrated Injection Logic Intelligent Input / Output Infinite Impulse Response (filter type) Institute for Industrial Research and Standards Interactive Instruction System. NASA software developed at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. IMHO IMI IML Immo IMP IMPA IMPAC IMPACS IMPLR IMPRESS IMQ IMRC IMS IMS IMS IMST IMST IMT IMT IMTG IMTT In In IN CL FD Inadv Inc Incand INCLR IND INEEL INEL Infl INFLR Info INF-S in-Hg Init Inj INJN INJR INL INL In-lb INR INS INS INSL INSP Inst INST INSTL INSTR In My Humble Opinion (Internet / E-mail) Ignition Manufacturers Institute. Inertial Navigation System Insert. Insulator. An abbreviation. Instrumentation Measurement Technology Group Information Management Task Team Inch (an abbreviation) Indium Input clutch feed circuit Inadvertent (an abbreviation) Increment (an abbreviation) Incandescent (an abbreviation) Intercooler. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Inspection. Inner. Information Management System. International Motor Press Association. An abbreviation. Immobilizer (an abbreviation) Impact. An abbreviation. Integral Non-Linearity Inch-Pound. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Indirect Material Procurement. An abbreviation. Inlet. An abbreviation. Instant (an abbreviation) Instrument. Internal Mode Switch Inventory Management System Information Management Strategy Team Information Management Systems Test. Indictor. Impeller. Instruction. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Initial (an abbreviation) Injector (an abbreviation) Injection. . Initial Module Load. Idaho National Engineering and Enviromental Laboratory Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Inflatable (an abbreviation) Inflator. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Information (an abbreviation) INFrastructure Services Inches of Mercury. Receiving & Expense Stores Instituto Italiano del Marchio di Qualita (Italy) Intake Manifold Runner Control. An abbreviation. Information Management Team Intake Manifold Tuning. Information Processing Allocation Costing System. An abbreviation. Install. Injector. Indirect Material Parts Catalog. . propane or CNG). Interim Part Approval. International Operations. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. The rights of an individual/organization with respect to their writings or ideas presented or published. Instrument Panel. Inductive Portable Charger Industrial Personal Computer Information Processing Center. Internal Program Approval. Industrial PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus Internet Protocol Control Protocol Inventory Planning & Distribution Instrument Panel Extras Instrument Panel Glove box Intelligent Peripheral Interface Initial Program Load Instrument Panel. Interlock.E. Information Processing Allocation Costing System. International Product Center. An abbreviation. Procedures and Service Instrument Panel Retainer Intellectual Property Rights. An abbreviation. Integrated Project Management System IGES/PDES Organization. Inverter. Intermediate Pressure Regulator. Lower Interactive Process Learning Aid. Instrument Panel Pods Intellectual Property Protection Integrated Product / Process Design Stage International Policies. IP refers to the set of communication standards that control communications activity on the Internet. See I/P. Instrument Panel Cluster Instrument Panel Control. Typically used on gaseous fueled vehicles (I. An abbreviation. Initial Public Offering Improvement Proposal Program.Int INT INTA INTELSAT INTER INTL INTLK INTR INV IO IOCG IOS IOS IP IP IP IPA IPA IPACS IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPC IPCI IPCP IPD IPE IPG IPI IPL IPL IPLAy IPM IPM IPMS IPO IPO IPP IPP IPP IPPDS IPPS IPR IPR IPR IPR Interior (an abbreviation) Intake. Internal. International Trademark Association INTernational TELcommunications SATellite Consortium Intermediate. Information Oil Consumers Group. ANSI standards committee. Interior. Intellectual Property Internet Protocol. An IP address is the number assigned to any Internet-connected computer. Instrument Panel Module International Product Manager. Inspection Operation Standard International Organization for Standardization. Interim Pull Report. A subset of the Program Implementation Team. Intelligent Random Access Memory Argentina Regulatory Agency Instituto nacional de RAcionalizacion y NORmalizacion (Spain) Implementation Review Board. demonstration. Internal Rate of Return (%) Independent Rear Suspension. International Road Federation. Iridium Importance Rating. Infrastructure Requirements and Compliance Process. nonprofit research organization founded in 1977 and supported by leading property and casualty insurance companies and associations. Insulation Resistance Issue Report. International Regulations/Environment Activities Staff. Incident Report. Centers around IR communications for Laptop devices. inspection and test. Instructions Per Second Instrument Panel Surface Information Processing Service Division. Upper Integrated Propulsion Unit Internet Packet Exchange Interactive Query Language Initial Quality Study Initial Quality Survey (J. Information Request. Power) Internal Quality Standards. Infra-Red Data Association. Integration Review Board Implementation Review Board. D. Instrument Panel Trim Integrated Product Team Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles.IPS IPS IPS IPS IPSD IPT IPT IPTV IPU IPU IPX IQL IQS IQS IQS Ir IR IR IR IR IR IR IR/EAS IRAM IRAM2 IRANOR IRB IRB IRB IRC Inductive Position Sensor Inspection Process Sheet. Industry Standard Architecture (16 bit) IRC IRC IRC IRC IRCP IRDA IRE IRF IRF IRI IRI IROC IRQ IRR IRS IRS IRT IS&S ISA . Industrial Risk Insurers International Roughness Index International Race of Champions. Integrated Radio Chassis. Instrument Panel. Immediate Response Engineer Interface Requirement Form. Interface Requirements Specification Issue Resolution Team Information Systems & Services. Insurance Research Council (An independent. Interrupt Request. Approves EWO's. Infrared.) Integrated Radio Chassis Interdisciplinary Research Center Internet Relay Chat. The official corporate record for issues discovered during analysis. rather than an acronym. Integration of Subsystem Centers Idle Speed Control Motor. sound and touch in a computationally rich mission life-cycle simulation. The Global Intranet Strategy Board oversees the GM Intranet.International Standards Organization. Integrated Satellite Business Network International Standard Book Number Idle Speed Control. Inside of metal. ISE will enable geographically dispersed teams of engineers and scientists to collaborate in a full sensory. at present comprising 127 members. one in each country. The object of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating international exchange of goods and services. and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual. Integrated Starter Generator Indian Standards Institute Information & System Internal Control Requirements Integrated Supplier Improvement Process Initial Surface Inspection Report. and the core ownership groups (Communications.ISA ISAD ISB ISB ISBN ISBN ISC ISC ISCM ISCTA ISDN Instrument Society of America Integrated Starter Alternator Damper International Strategy Board Intranet Strategy Board. Intermodal Safe Container Transportation Act (1992) Integrated Services Digital Network. The results of ISO technical work are published as International Standards. and Humane Resources). scientific. IS&S. A worldwide federation of national standards bodies. International Standards Organization. Scientific. Membership is composed of representatives from Global Process Groups. Telecommunications standard that use digital transmission technology to support voice. Isolation (an abbreviation) Insurance Services Office Internal Standards Organization. The organization name is play on words. ISO/TS 16949 Technical Specification – Automotive Quality System ISOC Internet Society. ISP In System Programmable . technological and economic activity. (ISO means "equal" in Greek. Regional Intranet Strategy Boards. An organization formed to support a worldwide information network. ISOC is the sponsoring body of the Internet Architecture Board.) Integrated Software Engineering Environment Instrumentation Setup File Idle Speed Governor. Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel Industrial. A set of standards issued by the ISO. video & data communications over regular telephone lines.) ISDR ISE ISEE ISF ISG ISG ISI ISICR ISIP ISIR ISIS ISM ISM ISM Iso ISO ISO ISO ISO 14000 ISO 9000 ISO Environmental Management System standards ISO Quality Management System standards. Integration Structural Design Release Intelligent Synthesis Environment (NASA : When fully developed. dealing with quality systems. immersive virtual environment in which humans and computers can interact though 3dimension sight. Incorrect definition. The 'I' should be for International. & Medical Input Switch Module. A corporate policy governing information security. Industrial Technology Research Institute Implementation Tracking System (DFM [Design for Manufacturability] tool to maintain data for the implementation of Design For Manufacturability. Integrated Spark Plug International Service Personnel. Inside Rear View Mirror Idle Stop Solenoid. Industrial Truck Association Information Technology Association of America Information Technology Action Council Integrated Throttle Body Injection. Ignition Sub-System. Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act Information Science and Technology Office (DARPA) I Seem To Recall I See What You Mean Information Technology. Internet Service Provider. Outdated. Integrated Specification. International Solid State Circuits Conference Integrated Software Systems Corporation. Integrated Safety System Information Systems Steering Committee.ISP ISP ISP ISP ISP ISP ISP ISP&P ISPEC ISPI ISRV ISRVM ISS ISS ISS ISS ISSC ISSC ISSCC ISSCO ISTEA ISTO ISTR ISWYM IT ITA ITAA ITAC ITBI ITC ITD ITD ITDC ITE ITGT ITH ITI ITIC ITIS ITK ITO ITP ITP ITRI ITS Income Security Plan Information Security Practices. The predominant material scheduling system in use by NAO assembly plants. Input Shaft Speed. Integrated Supplier Selection Complete.) Integrated Transaction Service ITS ITS . Integration Toolkit Information Technology Office (ARPA) Individual Training Plan Integrated Training Process. Information Security Policy Information Security Policy & Practices.) Institute of Transportation Studies (UCB .Intelligent Transportation Act. This tool is integral to all phases of the DFM process and generates the DFM mainline deliverable for DR2 of the NAO Lean factory [Integral Tactical Plan]. International Trade Commission. Industrial Technology Institute. Inception To Date Interaural Time Delay (re 3-D auditory sensing) International Technical Development Center Information Technology Equipment Information Technology Guidance Team (Saturn) Intelligent Test Head. International Service Personnel Invoicing Inside Rear View. now referred to as ISP&P Integrated Scheduling Project. Information Technology Industry Council Inbound Transportation Information System. electrical analysis. IVED integrates electrical engineering applications for schematic preparation. Intelligent Vehicle Initiative In Vehicle Network Integrated Voice Network In View Of Inter Voice Response Incomplete Vehicle Supplement (Refer to GMPCP). International Technology Scanning Program Integration Task Team. Interior Technical Specification Matrix. If Unavailable Use. Internal Vent. Integrated Voice Communication System Incomplete Vehicle Document Integrated Voice Distribution System Integrated Voice / Data Terminal Integrated Vehicle Electrical Design. 3D-harness design. Insurable Values System In-Vehicle Signing Intelligent Vehicle Safety System Infinite Variable Transmission Inertial Weight Inertial Weight Class If You See What I Mean . sneak circuit analysis.ITSD ITSM ITSP ITT ITTR ITU IUE IUU IUVA IV IVCS IVD IVDS IVDT IVED IVER IVER (LL) IVHS IVI IVN IVN IVO IVR IVS IVS IVS IVSS IVT IW IWC IYSWIM Interior Technical Specification Drawing. Integration Vehicle Engineering Release Integration Vehicle Engineering Release (Long Lead) Intelligent Vehicle Highway System. International Uniform Vehicle Audit. IVED consists of a comprehensive set of electrical system design tools integrated together to form a design environment to support the 4 phase development process. Inflatable Tubular Torso Restraint International Telecommunications Union {replaced CCITT) International Union of Electrical Workers. diagnostic development and data management. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN ENG PSEO GVDP. ENG ENG PSEO. VTS. ENG PSEO ENG PSEO. GVDP.Department ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT . VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO. GMPT PSEO ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO. EAG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG GVDP. GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG. ENG. GMU.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG VSSM FIN. ENG. ENG GMPT GVDP. ENG ENG ENG VTS.ENG AIAG AIAG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG PSEO GMPT . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG EAG. ENG ILM. ENG PSEO. GVDP ENG ENG ENG PSEO.ENG ENG AIAG. VSSM GVDP. ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO, VTS GMPT PSEO PSEO PSEO ENG ENG GMPT ENG PSEO, ENG ENG PSEO, ENG VTS PSEO PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP, ENG ENG GMPT ENG GVDP, ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO, ENG ENG VTS, GVDP, GMPT, ENG ENG ENG PSEO AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG VSSM GMPT, GVDP, ENG ENG GMPT GVDP, ENG ENG ENG GVDP, ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG, EAG, AVDC ENG ENG PSEO, ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG AVDC GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG Incorrect definition VTS, AIAG, MFD, ENG, GMPT, GVDP GMPT AIAG, GMPT GMPT ENG ENG GVDP, ENG ENG ENG PSEO,ENG AVDC ILM ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG GVDP, ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP, ENG ENG GVDP, ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP, ENG, GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP GVDP ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG Acronym J J/BLK J/SCR J1850 J1962 J2EE J2SE JA JA JAD JAIA JAMA JAMCO Jan JAR JASIC JATE JCL JDBC JDK JDP JEDEC JEIDA JES JES2 JETL JETS JFET JIC JIC JICST JIDL JIS JISC JIT JK JKG JKT JL JMOS JN JND JOA JOVIAL JPCA JPEG Definition Joule Junction Block. An abbreviation. Jackscrew. An abbreviation. SAE specification for medium speed data communications. GM version is called Class 2. To be used to perform CARB required emission diagnostics. SAE requirements for the connector to be used to interface to J1850. Java 2 Enterprise Edition Java 2 Standard Edition January. Journal Authorization Joint Application Design Japan Association of Imported Automobiles Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association. Janitorial Measurement & Control (Program which assists engineers and janitorial supervisors in scheduling and balancing the workload of janitorial staff, using GM-developed standard time data.) January (an abbreviation) Joint Application Review Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center. Japan Approval Institute for Telecommunications Equipment Job Control Language. Java Data Base Connectivity Java Development Kit (A software development package that implements the basic set of tools needed to write, test and debug Java applications and applets.) J. D. Powers. Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council Japan Electronics Industry Development Association Job Entry System Job Entry System--Version 2. Japan Electrical Testing Laboratory Junior Engineering Technical Society Junction Field Effect Transistor Joint Industrial Council Just In Case. Japan Information Center of Science & Technology Java Interface Definition Language Japanese Industrial Standards Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Just In Time. Manufacturing and material delivery process. Jack. An abbreviation. Jacking. An abbreviation. Jacket. An abbreviation. July. Junction Metal Oxide Semiconductor June. Just Noticeable Difference Joint Operating Agreement. Jule's Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language Japanese Printed Circuit Association Joint Photographic Experts Group. An image compression format used to transfer color photographs and images over computer networks. JPH JPL JPR JR JRT JST JT JTAB JTAG JTAG JTAPI JTC1 JTFA Jobs per Hour (Number of vehicles, sub assemblies, parts, etc. which a producing unit. A standard method of manufacturing measurement.) Jet Propulsion Lab (NASA) Jumper. An abbreviation. Job Responsibilities. Joint Resource Team (Engineering Manager Review Committee) Jack Stowage Trim Joint. An abbreviation. Joint Technical Advisory Board Japan Trade Advisory Group Joint Test Action Group Java Telephony Application Program Interface Joint Technical Committee #1 of ISO-IEC - Project of the two major international standards organizations, ISO and IEC, to focus on information technology. Joint Time - Frequency Analysis (The results of joint time-frequency analysis performed on a signal are usually displayed on a three-dimensional plot with axes of time, frequency, and amplitude, thereby showing the variation in amplitudes of the spectral components with time.) Joint GMTG and GMPT Meeting (Joint Powertrain/GMTG Executive Meeting) July (an abbreviation) June (an abbreviation) Junction. An abbreviation. Joint Venture. Journal Voucher Java Virtual Machine JTPL Jul Jun JUNC JV JV JVM ENG ENG AIAG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS.Department ENG ENG AVDC AVDC ENG ENG ENG AIAG. AVDC . .ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG. Secure. Stupid. It focuses on safety problems and countermeasures in urban areas. etc. An abbreviation. kilobytes. Key Control Characteristic. Cold weather testing facility in Canada. Key Management System Knowledge Management System Knowledge Network Development Initiative. Kinetic Energy Knobs & Escutcheons Knowledge Engineering System Knowledge Factor Key Factors Of Design. Key Organization Key Organization Leader KLP km Km/h Km/l KMS KMS KNDI KNU KO KOL . An abbreviation.) Kilohertz (1000 cycles per second) Key Institution Key Interface Of Design Keep It Simple. Kelvin (Thermodynamic Temperature) Kick Up. Japanese Total Customer Receptivity / Sensitivity Kapuskasing. Knowledge Capture & Utilization Keyboard Display Driver. Principles of the Squeak and Rattle design guidelines. Isolation. line speed. Klearance. Structure. Kunskapsstod for Lokalt Trrafiksakerhetsarbete (KLOTS is a Swedish knowledge-based expert system that can give advice to traffic engineers about traffic safety problems and countermeasures in an existing street network. Kilojoule Knock-Limited Compression Ratio. Keep Alive Memory. The classification of key characteristics to aid in the economical manufacture of quality products. Japanese Scheduling System. Kilograms per Hour.) for which variation must be controlled around some target value to ensure that variation in a Key Product Characteristic (KPC) is maintained or minimized around its target value.Acronym k K K/UP KAM KANBAN KANSE KAP kB KBE KBps KBS KC KCC KCDS KCU KDD KE KES KES KF KFOD Kg Kg/h KGD KHz KI KIOD KISS KISS kJ KLCR KLOTS Definition Kilo (1000 times).. Kilometer. pressure. Kilogram. Kilometers per Hour Kilometers Per Liter. Known Good Die (Bare ICs that are equivalent to packaged parts in testability and reliability. A process parameter (such as temperature. Knuckle. 1024 Bytes Knowledge-Based Engineering Kilo Bytes per Second (1000 Bytes per second) Knowledge Based System Knowledge Center.) Key Locating Point. Key Characteristic Designation System. viscosity. A product characteristic for which reasonably anticipated variation could significantly affect the product‘s safety or compliance with government standards or regulations.KP kPa KPC Kit Pull kilopascals. Krypton Key Suppliers Knock Sensor.) Kilometers Per Liter. or is likely to significantly affect customer satisfaction with a product. Kilometers Per Hour. KiloWatt. Key Product Characteristic. KPH KPI KPL Kr KS KS Ksp kV kW kWh . K car Special. (Normally written as Km/h) King Pin Inclination (The angle in front elevation between the steering axis and the vertical. Kilovolts. kilowatt-hour. ENG PSEO ENG HR HR .Department ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT. ENG GVDP. ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO ENG HR ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG PSEO. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG . GMPT GVDP. ENG. GMPT. Light Amplified by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation Latch. Light Armored Vehicle Abbreviation for LIBRA (Latin for Pound) Label.2L) Lanthanum Latin America.FT. Line Pay . Latin America. Lowest Achievable Emission Rate Laminate. An abbreviation. Liquid – Vapor Separator Lead Weeks (Number of Weeks required by Manufacturing of Purchasing to make or produce the part. An abbreviation. Liters per 100 Kilometers Report displays ―L‖ when part is less finish. Los Angeles City Traffic. Middle East. An abbreviation. Los Alamos National Laboratory Latin American Operations. An abbreviation.The actual assembly line production rate. Sometimes referred to as "net". as well as the built-in "receivers" for LATCH-equipped.IN.2. An abbreviation. 4 cylinder. Lft Gate.) Limited Slip. Lansing Automotive Division (no longer used). Lambert (1L = 1cd/m2) Liter Low. Engine (1. Lotus Notes. An abbreviation. Latch consists of the top strap anchors in the vehicle. Local Area Transport (DEC protocol) Local Access & Transport Area Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (safety seats).The actual number of units which can be produced.8 . LATCH is the industry-standard acronym for the built-in child restraint securing system . less contingencies. in-line engine state-of-the-art four cyl. Layout. including contingencies. aftermarket child restraints. An abbreviation. Left / Right Line Speed .Lower Anchorages and Top Tethers for Children. Lock-Accessory/off-Run. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Lean Business Solutions pounds foot pounds inch Leanest (fuel) for Best Torque . Lateral. Africa. Middle East (Operations) Laboratory. Local Area Network.) Lift Window.) Lock Pillar. Sometimes referred to as "gross". LBT Definition liter. An abbreviation. Africa. or lbs.Acronym l L L L L/100km L/F L/GATE L/N L/O L/P L/PLR L/R L/S L/SLIP L/V SEP L/W L/WDO L4 L850 La LAAM LAAM(O) LAB LACT LAD LAER LAM LAN LANL LAO LAR LASER LAT LAT LATA LATCH LATL LAV Lb. LBL LBL LBS LBS. An abbreviation. LBS. Limited Edition Low-cost Encryption / Authentication Device LCS LCS LCT LCV LD LD LDAP LDC LDCL LDCM LDFD LDGV LDGV LDM LDMOS LDO LD-RRIM LDSPS LDT LDT(1) LDT(2) Lduty LDV LE LE LEAD . An abbreviation. All allied and outside suppliers are expected to capacitize to the "lowest practical level" to meet LCR and current model service while providing 100% absolute certainty of supporting the LCR + 15%) Label Coordinating Subcommittee. Life Cycle Cost Analysis Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier Linear Compatible Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Liquid Crystal Display .] Lockup Clutch Control. Left Door Control Module. Lead Compartment Integration Design Engineer. Long-term Customer Enthusiasm. Lean Capacity Rate (Calculated out of the MCR's (MCR=LCR*1. Lake Center Industries.15). Loss Conversion Factor. Lower Control Limit. Lacing. Light Duty Gasoline Vehicle List Data set with Member options Lateral Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor Low [ voltage] Drop Out (type of voltage regulator) Low Density Reinforced Reaction Injection Molding Light Duty Shared Procurement System Light Duty Truck Light Duty Truck (0-3750 lbs. Leadless Chip Carrier [A surface-mounted package having metallized contacts (terminals) at its periphery. Light Commercial Truck Larger/Longer Combination Vehicle Light Duty. Logical Data Flow Diagram Ledge. List Data Lightweight Directory Access Control. Lifecycle Cost Management Lighting Control Module. Lesser Developed Countries Left Door Close Locking. An abbreviation.LC2MOS LCA LCA LCA LCC LCC LCC LCCA LCCC LCCMOS LCD LCE LCF LCG LCI LCIDE LCL LCM LCM LCMA LCOS LCR Linear Compatible Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Lateral Collision Avoidance Life Cycle Analysis Lower Control Arm. Liquid Crystal Shutter. Low Cost Modular Assembly Lansing Car Order System. Usually made of ceramic material.) Light Duty Truck (3751 lbs. Lead Commodity Coordinator. or greater) Light Duty Light Duty Vehicle Lead Engineer. Lithium Polymer (battery type) Liquid. An abbreviation. Lock. Logic In Serial Output LISt Processing language Local Interface Unit.) Load Equivalency Factor Linear Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve Low Earth Orbit. Long Lead Alpha 2 Release. Left Front Wheel Speed. LEF LEGR LEO LEP LEPC LEPT LESO LETN LEV LF LF LFL LFTR LFWD LFWS LGM LGT LGTDNL LH LHD LHN Li LIC LID LIDAR LIE LIF LIFO Li-Ion LIL LIMS LIMS LINCAP LiPo LIQ LISO LISP LIU LK LKG LLA LLA1R LLA2R . Lateral Impact New Car Assessment Program. Left Hand. Low Emissions Partnership Low Emission Paint Consortium Lean Engineering Process Team Lifting Engineering Stop Order Law Enforcement Television Network Low Emissions Vehicle. and engineering information for the Alpha 1 vehicle build are released for the commodities which require a long lead time. To mark that point in time by which the design. An abbreviation. The wavelength of the emitted light is a function of the semiconductor material. Left Hand Drive. Left Front. Lithium License. An abbreviation. manufacturing. manufacturing. and engineering information for the Alpha 2 vehicle build are released for the commodities which require a long lead time. Low Insertion Force Last-In-First-Out. An abbreviation. Inventory reporting system. Long Lead Alpha 1 Release. Longitudinal. Low Frequency Load Floor Lifter. Longitudinal Front Wheel Drive. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Lift Gate Module Light. To mark that point in time by which all the design. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Line Item Designator Light Detection And Ranging Lead Integration Engineer.LEC LED Local Exchange Carrier Light Emitting Diode (A semiconductor P-N junction diode that emits light under forward-bias conditions. Locking. Long-Haul Network. Lithium-Ion (battery) License Lamp Laboratory Information Management System Limit. Long Line Adapter. LLBR LLC LLC LLF LLNL LLP LLP LLPR LLPS LLVM LLVM LMD LMET LMG LMS LMSO LMT LMTNG LN LNA LNB LNG LNG LNKG LNR LNT Lo LO LOA LoB LOC LOC/SOC LOCR LOF LOGIC LOGS LOL LOMA LOR LOS LOS LOSI LP LP LPC LPDFM LPEFI LPF LPG . An abbreviation.LLBR Long Lead Beta Release. Lotus Notes Low Noise Amplifier Low Noise Block downconverter Lining. Liquefied Natural Gas. Linkage. An abbreviation.Drafting analyst builds parts list from layouts Laughing Out Loud (Internet / E-mail) Lifter Oil Manifold Assembly.000-7. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Lightly Loaded Vehicle Mass. Long Lead Press Show. Used with DoD. An abbreviation. Level Of Reuse Level of Service Line Of Sight. and engineering information for the long lead items for the Beta vehicle build are released. An abbreviation. Lean Nox Trap . Left Mid Door Low Mileage Emission Target.500 miles for maintenance. An abbreviation. Least Mean Square Lifting Manufacturing Stop Order Local Management Team Limiting. manufacturing. Limited Production Fleet. Lightly Loaded Vehicle Weight. Linear Predictive Coding Liquid Propane Delivery Module. Logic Out. Long Lead Build Requirements Limited Life Components. Liquid Propane Electronic Fuel Injection. To mark that point in time by which all the design. Local Marketing Group.After-treatment Option Low (an abbreviation) Lo circuit/1st gear Leave of Absence Line of Business Location. Locator. Long Load Floor Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Lead Logistics Provider Limited Liability Partnership Long Lead P Release. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane). Lead Plant. Serial Input Lamp. Level of Communication/Span of Control. Liner. Service recommended every 3. Lube/ Oil/ Filter. Logical Link Control. GM's 4 phase architecture for integrating activities Log Sheets . Lot Tolerance Percent Defective Low Tire Pressure Warning Low Tire Pressure Warning System. Latch-up Protection Technology Low Tire Pressure Warning. The LPL is a normally closed valve that isolates fuel to the injectors when the engine is not operating. Longitudinal Redundancy Check Left Rear Door Lag-along Rolling Model Change. Low-Temperature Cofired Ceramic Limited.E. Large Scale Integrated circuit Listing/ An abbreviation. Local Project Manager. Lab Quality Improvement Lawrencium Left Rear. To mark that point in time at which the production launch process has been initiated. Listening Test Technology. Long Term Hourly Employment Forecasting. Long Term ForeCast Labor Time Guide. Less than Truck-Load Letter Location (ornamentation) LAN (Local Area Network) Traffic Monitor (or Manager). Least Significant BIT Least Significant Byte Lower Side Band Life Service Cost. Logic State Analyzer. Low Surface Energy (wax) Legal Services Eligibility System. Leadership Through Quality (part of TQM: Total Quality Management) Lab Test Request. Light Truck Vehicle LPM LPM LPS LPS LPT LPTW LQIT Lr LR LRC LRD LRMC Lrn LRRC LS LSA LSB LSB LSB LSC LSE LSES LSI LSTG Lt LT LT LTA LTCC LTD LTFC LTG LTHEF LTL LTL LTM LTPD LTPW LTPWS LTQ LTR LTR LTR LTR LTT LTV .LPGA LPI LPL Laser Programmable Gate Array Launch Process Initiation. Used in gaseous fuel systems (I. Low Pressure Lockoff. Learn (an abbreviation) Low Rear Roll Center Load Space (Dimension). Letter (ornamentation) Letter. propane and/or CNG). Lead Time Reduction. Lumped Parameter Modeling Local Process Specialist. Low Pressure Sensor. Low Torque Axis. Left (an abbreviation) Lead Time Light Truck. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Lock Washer Assembly Long Wheel Base Light Weight Process (also called a thread) Lower. Luxury Vehicle Platform. . An abbreviation. Lever. An abbreviation. Luggage. Lubricant. An abbreviation. Leveling. Lead Unit Build.Lu LU LUB LUB LUGG LUT LUV LUV LVD LVDS LVDT Lvl LVL LVLG LVM LVP LVR LVW LWA LWB LWP LWR Lutetium Lock Up. Low Voltage Differential (technology) Low Voltage Differential Signaling Linear Variable Displacement Transformer Level (an abbreviation) Level. Louver. An abbreviation. Light Vehicle Mass. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Loaded Vehicle Weight (VCW + 300#). Look Up Table Light Utility Vehicle. Department GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GM Defense. ENG VTS ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG . ENG. ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG .ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG GVDP. GMPT GMU ENG ENG GMPT ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG PSEO. ENG.PSEO. ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP GVDP . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG VTS. GMPT GMPT GVDP. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG. GMPT . ENG ENG VTS PSEO ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT PSEO GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM GMPT VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO.GVDP. ENG. ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG VTS . GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG . Multiport.000. Magnetic. Mass Air Flow Sensor. Manufacturers Advisory Correspondence. Malfunction (an abbreviation) Multifunction Alarm Lighting and Locking. Manufactures (an abbreviation) Manufacturing Validation.) Mass Air Flow. An abbreviation. Manufacturing Validation is the critical build that makes the transition from non-salable to salable vehicles. A depreciation method under US tax law that categorizes all business assets into classes and specifies the time period over which you can write off assets in each class. Magnetic Card. See also ACRS. Market Area Manager. Manual Transmission Manual Transmission. such as automotive crashes for the purpose of assessing structural behavior and occupant safety. Market Area Planning . Manifold Air Injection. An abbreviation. Master Cylinder. Manifold Air Injection Reactor. Mixture of 85% Methanol. Master Aperture Cards Media Access Controller Multiple ACcumulate Material Composition System Macroinstruction. Multifunction. Milli-Amp Management Assessment Center. An abbreviation. Modular Air Meter Multilayer Alumina Substrate Module Manual (abbreviation) Manifold. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Material Alignment & Counting System MAthematical DYnamic Models (A dynamical modeling CAE package used to simulate the dynamic behavior of mechanical systems. Market Area Office Manifold Absolute Pressure Manufacturing Action Permit. An abbreviation. Mule 2 Virtual Assessment Manual Four Speed Transmission. An abbreviation. Manufacturing Automation Protocol. 15% unleaded gasoline.Acronym m M M M&E M/C M/CYL M/FUNC M/PORT M/T M/TRNS M2VA M4 M85 mA MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MACOS MACRO MACRS MACS MADYMO MAF MAFS MAG MAG CARD MAI MAINT MAIR Malf MALL MAM MAM MAM Man MANIF Manufact ManVal MAO MAP MAP MAP MAP Definition Meter Magnetic Field Strength Mega (1. In charge of a specific market area and head of that specific Marketing Area Team.000 times) or Million Machinery & Equipment Model Code. Maintenance. Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System. Field Support Manager.) Military Assistance Program. Material Specification. Area Service Manager. An abbreviation. Master Build Document Million Barrels Per Day. MARCO is a wholly owned. It provides easy access to the most frequently used automotive steels and includes a full section on material properties. and coatings]. subsidiary of the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). An abbreviation. This includes a Market Area Manager. Miscellaneous Blanket Order Manufacturing Bill Of Materials Megabits per second. Material Analytical Template System. Area Sales Manager and a GMAC Representative. Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor March (an abbreviation) Microelectronics Advanced Research Corporation [not-for-profit research management organization that funds and operates a number of microelectronics technology oriented. & Reporting System Master.] Material Accumulative Requirement Summary Measurement. Master Antenna TeleVision Media Access Unit (communications adapter) Maximum (an abbreviation) MegaByte. An abbreviation. Model Based Diagnostics. MAP MAPI MAPICS MAPS Mar MARCO MARS MARS MAS MAS MASER MASH MAT MAT MAT MAT MATE MATL MATLSPEC MATS MATS MATS MATV MAU Max MB MBD MBD MBD MBE MBL MBM MBO MBO MBOM Mbps MBps MBR MBT MC MC . strength level. Area Parts Manager. Manifold Absolute Temperature Sensor Manifold Air Temperature Sensor.MAP Material Archive Program (CARS Section: MAP is a database of more than 90 steel material combinations [hot. Minimum (spark advance) for Best Torque Manufacturing Change Match Check. university-based research centers. Analysis.or cold-rolled. An abbreviation. Mega Bytes per Second Member. Marketing Budget Models Management By Objectives. Material Arrival System Microwave Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation MultistAge Noise Shaping Manifold Absolute Temperature. Metropolitan Area Trunk Modular Automated Test Equipment Material. The SRC is a research management consortium that was established in 1982 as the university research arm of the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA). Messaging Application Programming Interface Manufacturing Accounting & Production Information Control System. Manifold Air Temperature Market Area Team. but separately managed. Minority Business Enterprises Master Bidder List. Significant changes except sheet metal Mid-Cycle Enhancement level 3. Mean Cycles Between Failures (in terms of job cycles. run time failures. Multiple Dealer Area Multi Disciplinary Accident Investigation Moving (or Movable) Deformable Barrier Mobile Data Base Station Model Code. Significant changes with sheet metal. Microprocessor Control Unit. alternative work arrangements. Mid-Cycle Enhancement level 1. Master Datum Drawing Modulated Displacement Driver Assembly. Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Machining. Jobs produced / Failures [downtime] [Simulation & Throughput Definitions]) Material Completion Date Midsize Car Division (no longer used). Multi Chip Module Material Complaint Notice. Mid Cycle Enhancement. Multibank Dynamic Random Access Memory . An abbreviation. Maximum Capacity Rate (The planned maximum capacity requirement including overtime. The average number of jobs the station/cell produces between equipment failures. Includes over-cycles.) Motor Carrier Regulations Information System Material Cost Reduction List. Manufacturing Content Sheet (provides a high level directional capital forecast based on the "change impact" of a new entry allocation. Module. Microprocessor Controlled Crystal Oscillator Mendelevium Manual Disconnect Manufacturing Development. Minor changes from previous model Mid-Cycle Enhancement level 2. Multimedia Cable Network System Material Cost Reduction.MC MCA MCAE MCARS MCAS MCB MCBF MCD MCD MCE MCE1 MCE2 MCE3 MCFC MCHG MCM MCN MCNS MCR MCR MCREGIS MCRL MCS MCSE MCU MCU MCXO Md MD MD MD MD MD MD MDA MDAI MDB MDBS MDC MDD MDDA MDH MDI MDL MDM MDOT MDP MDRAM Math Check Micro Channel Architecture Mechanical Computer Aided Engineering. Major Department Head. Medium Duty. Motor Carrier Accident Reporting System Medical Committee on Automotive Safety Manufactureing Confirmation Build.) Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Memory Combo Unit. etc. Motor Drive Interface. Market Dynamics Model Michigan Department Of Transportation Manifold Differential Pressure. An abbreviation. Mini Disk Module Duct. (Air Distribution ) Music Disk. S. Manufacturing Engineer(ing) Mechanical Engineer(ing). Manufacturing Engineering & Development. Membrane Electrode Assembly Manufacturing Engineering Control Manufacturing Engineering Council.current automotive accelerometers and yaw-rate sensors are manufactured using MEMS technology.MDRE MDX ME ME ME&D MEA MEC MEC MECE Med MEDLN MEEL MEGR MEGR/EPR Mem MEMA MEMS Mfg. timing. Fabricating is the correct term. Corporate Policy Manual and Comptroller's Circular Letters. An abbreviation. cost. Memory (an abbreviation) Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association. Metal.S. MEtal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Modified Exclusive Shared Invalid Modulated EGR Spark Signal. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (Chip level electromechanical devices . The six categories used to measure a process: quality. An abbreviation. Marketing Education Services.) Mutually Exclusive Option Manufacturing Engineering Operations & Integration Methanol Management Evaluation and Representation Statement. Micro Fuel Injector Multiport Fuel Injection. Mutually Exclusive. and environment. and (2) a confirmation by management that the trial balance and supporting schedules have been prepared in conformance with U. Master Engineering Events List [vacuum] Modulated Exhaust Gas Recirculation (Diesel) Vacuum Modulated EGR w/EPR (Diesel). An annual document which fulfills two functions: (1) an attestation by local management as to the status of the internal control environment at the unit. Some references show the F standing for Fabrication. Millions of Floating Operations Per Second Machinery Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Most Favored Nation Material Flow Support Magnesium MEO MEO&I MeOH MERS MES MESFET MESI MESS MET Metrics. METT MF MFAD MFC MFD MFD MFG MFG MFI MFI MFLOPS MFMEA MFN MFS Mg . workload. throughput. Collectively Exhaustive Medium (an abbreviation) Medallion. Micro Farad (capacitance) Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing/Manufacturer. Design Responsible Engineer Mini Disk Changer. Manufacturing Engineering Task Team Medium Frequency Material Final Approval Date Material Flow Coordinator Metal Fabricating Division. GAAP) and all accounting policies and procedures established in the Financial Policies Series. 000 Cycles per second) Miles. the MIMIC program was established to enhance producibility and reduce the production cost of gallium arsenide (GaAs) microwave integrated circuits. now VEC. spreadsheets. sound files. (Being replaced by EMS and EMBASSY. MADYMO Input File Format Magnesium Inert Gas. A centralized computer system for ordering experimental parts and maintaining stockroom inventory. An abbreviation. Management Information Disbursement Analysis System. A British manufacturer of vehicles. etc. See ASC MH10.S. Department of Defense.) MIcrowave/millimeter wave Monolithic Integrated Circuit (Directed by the U.) Manufacturing Integration Engineer. Medium Heavy Coach Magneto Hydro Dynamic Motors Holding Division Motors Holding Dealer Information Database Material Handling Engineering. Microphone.). Generators. MGO Cmpnt MGR MGVMR MH10 MHC MHD MHD MHDID MHE MHI MHS MHz mi MIA MIB MIC MIC milligrams Morris Garages. Motors. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition.Mg MG MGM Mgmt MGO MGO Asm. Obsolete. Mangnequench Management (an abbreviation) Material Global Optimization (assembly plant scheduling system) NAO GM Assembly (formerly ISP) NAO GM Component (formerly MSS) Mobile Ground Radar Maximum Gross Vehicle Mass Rating. Multiple Data stream Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (The standard for attaching non-text files to standard Internet mail messages. Missing In Action Medical Information Bus Marketing Information Center. Midrange (an abbreviation) Midsize and Luxury Car Group. Microcomputer. An abbreviation. Metal Inert Gas Motorists Information. formatted wordprocessor documents. Material Handling Institute. Non-text files include graphics. Manufacturing Information Database Musical Instrument Digital Interface (Also a sound file used on web pages to provide background sound or links to MIDI sound files.) Minute (an abbreviation) Mobile Identification Number. Malfunction Indicator Lamp. Inc. Motorcycle Industry Council.000. Manifold Heat Shield Megahertz (1. Motors Insurance Corporation. MIC MIC MIC MICR MICRO Mid MID / LUX MIDAS MIDB MIDI MIE MIFF MIG MIG MII MIL MIL MIMD MIME MIMIC Min MIN . Material & Inventory Control system. Multiple Instruction stream. Military. Material Management Quality Council. Minimum Mandatory Requirements Maintenance Management System Manufacturing Major Subsystem Technical Specifications. Manufacturing Material Liaison. futile. An abbreviation. cubic millimeter Manufacturing Managers Council. Marker. Marketing Material Labor Balance System. Manufacturing Math Release. System to align car orders for delivery. Mixture. Management Leadership Systems Approval Millimeters. capacitors.Oak Ridge Make Money Fast (Generic name for any of the useless.) Martin Marietta Energy Systems . Molding. Ministry for International Trade & Industry (Japan) Manufacturing Integration Wall.] Maintenance Management Information System. tooling and scheduling forecast data from POMS. An abbreviation. Material Inventory Record System. Manufacturing Information System Months In Service Micro-Processed Sensing & Automatic Recognition Mechanical Idle Speed Control. An abbreviation. Miscellaneous. An abbreviation. Material Management Quality Improvement Team. Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration Million Instructions per second Mirror. inductors and transmission lines) on a single GaAs (gallium arsenide) substrate.MINLODE MIOSHA MIPS MIR MIRA MIRS MIS MIS MIS MISAR MISC MISC MISS MIT MIT MIT MITI MIW MIX MKR MKT MLBS MLCG MLDG MLPS MLS MLSA mm MM mm3 MMC MMC MMDB MMES MMF mmhg MMI MMIC MMIS MML MMM MMQC MMQIT MMr MMR MMS MMSTS Minimize Load Delay.000" or "GET RICH QUICK") millimeters of Mercury Man Machine Interface Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit [Combining active elements (diodes and transistors) with passive elements (resistors. Marketing Integration Team Massachusetts Institute of Technology. and often illegal pyramid schemes that promise to "make $5 into $50. . Memory Mirror Module. Monolithic Integrated Smart Sensor Manufacturing Integration Team. Metal Matrix Composites Material Management Database (is a corporate-wide computer system that processes the latest engineering intent data from GPDS as well as. Management Information System. Motor Industry Research Association. Machine Loading & Planning System Material Location System. Material Management. An abbreviation. Mid/Lux Car Group (no longer used). Model Option Statement Expert System. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Insulated Gate Transistor Ministry Of Transport Motor. Modulator-Demodulator. Measure of Effectiveness Micro Optical Electro Mechanical System China's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Module Optimization Method. Metal Oxide Varistor Minimum Operating Voltage Multi Occupant Vehicle MMX Mn MNG MNOS MNP Mo MO MO MOC Mod MOD MOD MODE MODEM MOE MOEMS MOFTEC MOM Mon MON MON MOO MOOSE MOP MOP MOPB MOPS MOS MOS MOSES MOSFET MOSIGT MOT MOT MOU MOV MOV MOV . establishing goals and performance measures. An abbreviation. Module (an abbreviation) Modulator (abbreviation) Modulator. A data compression standard for modems. Mega (million) Operations Per Second Manufacturing Operations Staff Metal Oxide Semiconductor. reliable crash data that are more effective for identifying traffic safety problems.MMT MMTC MMTF MMTS MMU MMUCC Methyl_cyclo_penta_diethyl_Manganese_Tricarbonyl. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. so far only text-based. Molybdenum Magneto Optical Model Office Method of Control. Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center . design. and monitoring the progress of programs. An abbreviation. Memorandum Of Understanding. Motor Octane Number. Statements of Work (SOW's) with this designation describe the manufacturing functions of tool and equipment requirements.) Multi Media eXtensions Manganese A functional designation that represents Manufacturing Engineering. Metal Nitride Oxide Semiconductor Microcom Network Protocol. Monitor (an abbreviation) Monitor. and installation. Mean Miles To Failure. Object Oriented (One of several kinds of multi-user role-playing environments. Mission Objective Design Elements. construction.) Method for Object-Oriented Software Engineering Make Or Purchased Model Option Planning Metallic Organic Petroleum Base (Anti-Corrosion). Mud. Michigan dedicated to determining how to use technology to help improve industrial manufacturers their operations.A not-for-profit organization in Ann Arbor. Materials Management Technical Specifications Memory Management Unit Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (A voluntary set of guidelines that help states collect consistent. An abbreviation. MPEG MPFI MPG MPG MPG EFEO MPH MPH MPI MPI MPL MPMP MPO MPP MPP MPR MPR MPS MPS MPS MPS MPS MPS MPSC MPSDC MPTT MPU MPV MQ MQ MQFP MQM MR MR MR MR MR MRA MRD . Machine Qualification Magnequench Metal Quad Flat Pack (IC package type) Manufacturing Quality Measurements Magneto Resistive Manuafacturing Requirements Material Release. Manufacturing Plan Mega Pascals Material Production Control Europe Manufacturing Process Changes Frozen. Moving Pictures Expert Group.MOVE MOW MOWAG MP MPa MPCE MPCF Movement of Vehicular Equipment. (VTS signifies small case. Minimum Performance Requirement. The material returned to the PDC to be charged against dealers return reserve.) Master Process Index. An international standard for video compression and desktop movie presentation. Material Requisition. Manifold Pressure Sensor. Miles Per Gallon. Monthly People Hours (We "Go Fast" by reducing MPH. Special viewing application is needed to run MPEG files on computer. Material Pull System Metal Parts Specifications. Motorwagenfabrik AG. ie. Mutually agreed on daily contiguous period during which EDS may perform backups and other system administration services. Multi-Port Fuel Injection. Modular Reservoir Assembly Magnetic Rotation Device. Switzerland. Market & Product Planning Master Process Plan. Master Planning System Material Planning System. Manufacturing Portfolio Strategy Council Master Publication Structure Definition Coordinator Marketing Planning Task Team Micro Processor Unit Multi-Purpose Vehicle. Material Return. to differeniate from Milford Proving Grounds) Milford Proving Ground. Manufacturing Portfolio Management Process Modular Power Options. To mark that point in time at which all manufacturing process changes are frozen and after which no new changes will be accepted. Maintenance Operation Window. Milford Proving Grounds Emissions and Fuel Economy Operations Miles Per Hour. In Kreuzlingen. Manufacturing Planning Staff. Manufacturing Planning Release. mpg. Multi-Point (or Port) Injection. Master Parts List. Mobile Sources Enforcement Division (EPA). Midwest Research Institute Maintenance. Metal Removal Process Simulation Materials Reservation Report (EMS System). Multi-Skilled Major Subsystem Engineer. Manufacturer‘s Suggested Retail Price. Minimum Shift Keying. Memo Supplement. Milliseconds. Ford and GM. Model Release Date Manufacturing Responsible Engineer Manufacture Response Form. Material Requirement Transfer Material Routing Tag. Medium speed Serial data Link Memory Seat Module. Most Significant Bit Most Significant Byte Management Steering Committee Material Safety Data Sheet Manufacturing Systems Engineer Millisecond. Measurement Systems Analysis. Measurement System Analysis Plan Mobile Source Air Pollution MSED MSF Msg MSI MSK MSL MSL MSM MSNF MSO MSO MSOP MSP MSPC MSRP Mandatory Required Date Manual Release Date Material Required Date (s). Microsoft Military Standard. A procedure for assessing the quality of a measurement system as agreed to by DaimlerChrysler. . Manufacturing Sales.MRD MRD MRD MRD MRE MRF MRG MRI MRI MRO MROS MRP MRP MRPS MRR MRT MRT ms MS MS MS MS MS MS/SE MSA MSA MSAP MSAPC MSB MSB MSC MSDS MSE MSEC. Motorcycle Safety Foundation. Manufacturing Stop Order Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Micro Small Outline Package (IC package type) Mixed Signal Processing Manufacturers Standard Paint Color. and Operation supplies. The person on the vehicle platform team managing the requirements of a major subsystem. Multi System Network Facility. Master Services Agreement. Mean Sea Level. Maintenance Repair Operating Supplies Material Requirement Planning. Micro Ring Gyro (MEMS tuning fork gyro from Micro Sensors) Magnetic Resonance Interferometer. Mechanical Repair Protection. Repair. Message (an abbreviation) Medium Scale Integration. Purchased items not included into the finished product. MTD MTE MTG MTL MTO MTO MTP MTP MTPI Mtr MTR MTR MTR MTRG . Major Subsystem Technical Specifications. Multi-sheet Scorecard Workbook Magyar SZabvanyugi Hivatal Manual Transmission. An abbreviation.) Month To Date Measurement & Test Equipment Mounting. Moisture. Market. An abbreviation. Magnetic Speed Variable Assist steering (Magna Steer). Meter. Microelectronics Technology Office Manufacturing Test Plan Master Test Plan. Marketing Support Services Materials Scheduling System. competitors and business conditions for the segment. Manual Transmission Autoshift (Europe) Message Transfer Agent. Machine & Tool Design (DFM [Design for Manufacturability] software tool that is used during the design and development of equipment to help reduce parts and simplify designs. MTD focuses on simplifying machine and tool design without compromising functional requirements. Minimum Steering Sensitivity. Master Terminal Operator. MSS is a statement of the program problem and constraints.MSS MSS MSS MSS MSS MSSE MSSE MSSE MSTRE MSTS MSU MSV MSVA MSVA MSW MSZH1 MT MT MT MTA MTA MTBE MTBF MTC MTC MTC MTC MTD Market Segment Specifications. Mean Time Between Failure. Measurement Systems Variation. Manufacturing Technical Council. (Normally written as M/T) Military Trucks Mount. Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether. Mortality Surveillance System. A marketing division‘s description of a specific market segment as defined by the Corporate Market Needs Segmentation Analysis. Multi-Phase Test Point Insertion Motor (an abbreviation) Manually Tuned Radio. Mechanical Sub Systems Engineering. An abbreviation. The predominant material scheduling system in use by NAO. Provides information on the voice of the customer. An MTA transfers mail between two dissimilar mail systems such as Internet mail and Notes mail. Test and Resource. . Master Test List. Motors Trading Corporation. Manufacturing Technology Center Merchandising Transmission Condition. Metering. Major Subsystem Systems Engineer Manager Sub System Engineer. Model Start Up. An abbreviation. Magnetic Steering Variable Assist. prioritization of customer needs. VTS provides the definition of the vehicle as a solution to this problem. An abbreviation. The corporate listing of test procedures used within NAO. and Information and Cost Saving Act that relate to vehicles GM manufactures. Motor Vehicle Emissions Group Milford Vehicle Emissions Laboratory Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association. MVSS and Regulations.) Motor Vehicle Safety Regulation Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (of Transport Canada). plastic or metal representations of parts. Master Validation Plan. Manufacturing Validation Saleable Multiple Virtual Storage. Message Verification Test Tool (C2C) Manifold Vacuum Zone. Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Specific requirements regarding the US. -or) (an abbreviation) Master Vehicle Assembly Modulated Vacuum Advance.MTS MTSO MTT MTTF MTTR MTV MU Manufacturing Technical Specification. Mean Time To Repair. Model Year. Model-Year-To-Date MUD MUFF Mult MULTICS MUMPS MUSE MUST MUTCD Mux MVA MVA MVB MVDP MVEG MVEL MVMA MVNS MVO MVP MVS MVS MVS TCP/IP MVS/XA MVSA MVSR MVSR MVSS MVSS MVTT MVZ MXI MY MY MYM MYTD . Multi User Dungeon / Dimension (A multi-user simulation environment. Manufacturing Validation Build. expanded polystyrene. Mobile Telephone Switching Office Manufacturing Task Team Mean Time To Failure. The design source can be responsible for providing mock-ups. the validation methods.a. Multiple Virtual Storage / Extended Architecture Manufacturing Vehicle Section Advisor Math-based Vehicle Sections Repository (GM's corporate repository for sharing and preserving vehicle sections throughout the corporation. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Multiplex(-ing. . Message Translation & Validation Mock-Up. subassemblies or assemblies. a. Model Year Manager.k. An abbreviation.) Muffler. Mock-ups can be actual functioning parts. Multiplatform eXtensions for Instrumentation May. Motor Vehicle Dimensions Procedures. Multiple (an abbreviation) MULTiplexed Information and Computing Systems Multi User MEMS Process Multi User Simulation Environment (One kind of MUD) Management and Union Serving Together. A system designed to report a list of standardized validation tests of production intent vehicles/systems prior to start of production. CMVSS or NSVAC in French. TCP/IP for MVS. Manufacturing Validation Non-Saleable Military Vehicle Operations. major subsystems and subsystem interfaces. sub-assemblies or assemblies or nonfunctional wood. Defines requirements for a manufacturing system. ENG ENG PSEO QVR PSEO. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN ENG PSEO. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG .Department ENG VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO VSSM ENG ENG PSEO. ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG .ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG GVDP.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT GMPT ENG . ENG GVDP. EAG. MFD. ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN. ENG. ILM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG PSEO GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG GMPT. GMPT.ENG ENG PSEO FIN. GMPT PSEO PSEO . EAG. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. EAG GMPT AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMU. GMPT . ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG. ENG. GMPT ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . VTS. ENG VTS.ENG ENG ENG GMPT GVDP. ENG GVDP. ENG GMPT PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG GVDP. GVDP. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. GMPT. ENG. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT GVDP. FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC AIAG.GMPT. GMU GMPT VSSM ENG ENG AIAG. ENG. MFD. GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG VTS ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG GVDP. ENG ENG. VSSM . GMPT GM Defense ENG GMPT ENG GVDP. GVDP. GMPT ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN. GMU. ENG. GMPT VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG.VTS. ENG ENG ENG VTS. A/D/V ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG AVDC ENG ENG . GMPT. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG GMU PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN. ENG ENG VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS ENG VTS. ENG. GVDP.GVDP. ENG . GMPT. National Automobile Dealers Association. import tax or other bureaucratic restrictions. North American Digital Cellular North American Diagnostics Engineering National Academy of Engineers. Naturally Aspirated North American. Not Required Not Valid. Not Available Non-Conforming Numerical Control of Computerized Process. Not Applicable. Not Available.S. North American Free Trade Agreement. Sodium Name. National Association of Governors' Highway Safety Representatives National Automated Highway System Consortium North American International Auto Show National Association of Industrial Technologists National Association of Manufacturers. An abbreviation. Not Affected. Represents a production part that will not be used for service. Noise & Vibration.000 000 001 times or one billionth).A. North Star. (General Motors) North America Not Applicable. Canada and Mexico eventually without quotas. C= Drawing Change. Neutral.Acronym n N N N N N N N&V N* N. Nitrogen No. North American Automotive. Agreement which will allow goods and services to move between the U. North American Export Sales. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National Ambient Air Quality Nonattainment Area National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The association for automotive dealerships in the U. Neill Neutral Newton. N/A N/A N/C N/C N/C (STATS) N/D N/PLT N/R N/V Na NA NA NA NA NA NA NAA NAACP NAAQNA NAAQS NAB NAC NAC NACCB NACE NACG NAD NADA NADC NADE NAE NAES NAFTA NAGHSR NAHSC NAIAS NAIT NAM Definition Nano (.A. An abbreviation. North American Containerization. .. National Accreditation Council For Certification Bodies National Association of Corrosive Engineers North American Car Group. Report displays type of part: N= New. Not Determined Name Plate.S. North American Design. National Association of Broadcasting Nonconformance Analysis Code. National Accident Sampling System [Established in 1979 as part of a nationwide effort to reduce motor vehicle crashes. North American Vehicle Operations. No Connection Normally Closed (switch or relay contacts) Numerical Control. an agency of the U. Department of Transportation. North American Passenger Car Platforms.NAMA NAMPS NANC NANP NANPA NAO NAOC North American Market Analysis. North American Truck Group (no longer used) North America Truck Platforms (no longer used) Network Addressable Unit Navigation (an abbreviation) North American Vehicles.. National Academy of Sciences National Aeronautics & Space Administration North American Strategy Board. worker's compensation. Bermuda. which is part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). retirees. NAP NAPA NAPCA NAPCP NAPP NAR NARSA NAS NASA NASB NASCAR NASPE NASS NATA NATB NATG NATP NAU Nav NAV NAVMSS NAVO NAVSA Nb NBC NBFM NBS NBV NC NC NC . life insurance and tuition assistance for all hourly and salaried employees.) North American Region National Automotive Radiator Service Association. Narrow-band Advanced Mobile Phone Service North American Numbering Council (FCC Council dealing with phone numbering scheme in North America and Caribbean. also see CNC. health care. The scheme we are all used to. extended disability benefits. Network Alterable Parameter (C2C) National Automotive Parts Association. injuries. and deaths on our nation's highways. surviving spouses and dependents.] National Automobile Transporters Association.) North American Numbering Plan Administration (NeuStar Inc. North American Service and Parts Engineering.) North American Operations (replaced by GMNA) North American Operations Containerization. Canada. the NANP administrator. and many Caribbean nations. North American Vehicle Marketing Sales Service.) North American Numbering Plan (Numbering plan for the Public Switched Telephone Network in the United States and its territories. North American Vehicle Systems Activities Niobium National Benefit Center. reallocation and repair of GM standard/non-standard returnable containers at the vehicle platform level. North American Produce Product (IS&S Test group to test plant production software / systems prior to installation. S. Net Book Value. National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. NBC administers sickness and accident benefits. NASS is operated by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA). National Air Pollution Control Administration. Responsible for the ownership. Narrow Band Frequency Modulation National Bureau of Standards. National Automobile Theft Bureau. Examples: Tires. NCAR NCBS NCHPT NCM NCMS NCP NCPA NCR NCRR NCS NCSA NCSA NCSI NC-UTCD NCWM Nd ND ND NDA NDC NDDTF NDH NDIR NDL NDR NDR NDT NDT NDUV Ne NEA NEB NEC NEC NEDA NEG NEK NEMS NEPA NESEA NESSI NEU . National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices National Conference on Weights and Measures Neodymium No Drawing Not Determined. New Car Assessment Program. An abbreviation. A non-regulated government program to provide comparative barrier test data for public information from belted frontal barrier tests at 35 mph National Center for Atmospheric Research New Car Buyer Survey New College Hiring Process Team Numerically Controlled Machine.) National Center for Super-computing Applications at University of Illinois in UrbanaChampaign.NCA NCAC NCAN NCAP Non-Conformance Analysis. Non conformance Penalty. Non-Dispersive Infrared Analysis. sealants.filter and gain block for SDM-G SRXL accelerometer. Not Considered A Service Item. Needle. New Evaluation Bounded . National Center for Manufacturing Sciences. Gain stages have been changed so that signal clipping does not occur as soon. An NCSI is required when neither the part nor its function is to be serviced. Nil-Ductility Transition. Norsk Elektroteknisk Komite (Norway) Nano Electro Mechanical Systems National Environmental Policy Act (1969) Northeast Sustainable Energy Association New ESSI (Delphi custom IC . National Center for Statistics and Analysis (Responsible for providing a wide range of analytical and statistical support to NHTSA and the highway safety community at large. National Drivers Registration Novell Directory Services. Data to be left justified. National Crash Analysis Center Noise Corrective Action Notice. Non-Disclosure Agreement National Dealer Council. An abbreviation. Non-Dispersive Ultra-Violet Analysis. Neon National Education Association.CGS Surface National Electrical Code Nederlands Elektrotechnisch Comite National Electronic Distributors Association Negative. and labels. Non-Critical Process Activities Non-Conformace Report National Center for Research Resources Noise Compliance Subcommittee.) Neutral. No Drawing / DrawingTo Follow Navigation Display Head. An abbreviation. . Non-Destructive Testing. Represents a part where service has not been determined. & Ride Nickel National Independent Automobile Dealers Association. New Generation Architecture Next Generation Next Generation Engineering Process. Not an acronym. . information and payments are correct. National Import Specialist.Verification National Intelligent Vehicle Highway System National Labs National Low Emissions Vehicle National Labor Relations Act National Labor Relations Board Newton-meter National Maintenance Agreement National Maintenance Agreement Policy Committee . New (Next) Generation Vehicle Natural Gas Vehicle Technology Partnership National Hot Rod Association. National Institute for Standards & Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards) NIST does not govern the creation of US standards (See ANSI). Nickel-Cadmium National Institute for Engineering Ethics National Institute of Health Not Invented Here. is an organization responsible for supplying information for component networks that comprise the Internet. An individual/organization specializing in border crossing procedures to insure all necessary forms. 4 bits. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Next Generation Manufacturing Next Generation Math-Based Process. NAO Integrated Procurement Payment Process. Network File System. . NFS is a protocol suite developed and licensed by Sun Microsystems that allows different computers running different operating systems to share files and disk storage. half a byte. Natural Gas Operation Next Generation Computer Natural Gas Vehicle. No Inspection . National Initiative for Product Data Exchange No Inspection Required. Nickel-Ion battery Not In My Back Yard Nickel Metal Hydride National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Nipple. An abbreviation. Neck Injury Criteria Network Interface Card Network Information Center.NEV NFS NGA NGEN NGEP NGM NGMBP NGO NGS NGV NGV NGVTP NHRA NHS NHTSA NHVR Ni NIADA NIASE NIBBLE NIC NIC NIC Ni-CD NIEE NIH NIH Ni-Ion NIMBY NiMH NIOSH NIP NIP3 NIPDE NIR NIS NIST NIU NI-V NIVHS NL NLEV NLRA NLRB Nm NMA NMAPC Neighborhood Electric Vehicle. Harshness. Noise. An electric vehicle with a top speed of 35 mph. National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Non Heated Sensor. Network Interface Unit. Vibration. No Part Number. Network Operations Center New Or Carryover. Network News Transport Protocol (The protocol used by client and server software to carry USENET postings back and forth over a TCP/IP network. National Machine Tool Builders Association. Non-Passenger Automobile. Non Product Inventory Control. National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NHTSA) No Read/Write Memory Access No Stock. National Petroleum Council.) Nitric Oxide Normally Open November. Non-Maskable Interrupt Non-Methane Organic Compounds Non Methane Organic Gas. November (an abbreviation) Oxides of Nitrogen (Nitric Oxide + Nitrous Oxide). New Process Gear. Non-contacting Position Sensor National Private Truck Council National Pipe Thread Fine Net Present Value National Quality Initiative NMFTA NMHC NMI NMOC NMOG NMOS NMPA NMTBA NNTP NO NO NO NO no. Number of Units. N-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor National Motorsports Press Association. Normally written as 'no. National Motor Freight Traffic Association. An abbreviation. Near Obstacle Detection No Drawing (shown on part number – drafting) Notice of Decision. An abbreviation. Often referred as Nitrogen Oxides Nozzle.NMFT National Motor Freight Traffic Association. Notice of Authorization. Negative Positive Zero (Temperature Coefficient) National Petroleum Refiners Association Notice of Proposed Rule Making.' Number Nitrous Oxide Notice of Action. is the organization responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Internet's component networks. No contamination. . Number. National Order Bank. Network Operations Center. Non Methane Hydrocarbon. Negative Positive Negative (transistor) New Part Number. NO2 NOA NOA NOB NOC NOC NOC NOCONTAM NOD NOD NOD NOPIC NOPUS NORMA NOST NOU Nov NOx NOZ NPA NPC NPG NPN NPN NPN NPO NPRA NPRM NPS NPTC NPTF NPV NQI . An association which issues and publishes a directory of the Standard Carrier Alpha Codes (SCAC) which are assigned to motor carriers. Not Required National Research Council (Canada) National Return Center. Nanosecond. National Telecommunications Information Administration National Technical Information Service Need To Know National Truck Leasing Association Network Time Protocol Non-Thermal Plasma Not To Scale National Transportation Safety Board National Television Standards Committee NR NRC NRC NRC NRE NREL NREN NROTC NRZ NRZI ns NS NS8 NSB NSB Gates NSBE NSBU NSC NSEC NSF NSP NSPE NSPS NSR NTA NTC NTC NTC NTC NTCL NTDB NTDRA NTEA NTF NTIA NTIS NTK NTLA NTP NTP NTS NTSB NTSC . An abbreviation. government into a single high-speed network. National Truckers Association NAO (North American Operations) Technical Center Negative Temperature Coefficient NOTICE (as on Labels). Generated by breaking down the (maximum or lean) plant capacity rates to a vehicle / body style or powertrain level. Network Service Provider National Society of Professional Engineers New Source Performance Standards. National Society of Black Engineers Neutral Start Back Up. No Shipper Received Notification. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Non Recurring Engineering (ala NRE costs) National Renewable Energy Lab National Research and Education Network.NR NR Noise Reduction Nominal Rates. National Science Foundation. The nominal rates are used for components that are common. Non Return to Zero Inverted nanosecond Non-Saleable. National Safety Council. is an effort to combine the networks operated by the U. The sum of all detailed nominal rates amount to the total plant capacity rate. . Northeast (states) Regional Ozone Transport Commission Non-Return to Zero.S. No Top Cover Label National Transportation Data Base National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Association National Truck Equipment Association No Trouble Found. Notice. For warranty/core returns primarily. Major gates to be reviewed by the NAO Strategy Board (NSB). NAO (Norht American Operations) Strategy Board. Car Request Form. flood.) Numeral Location (ornamentation) Numeral (ornamentation) Non Uniform Memory Access New United Motors Manufacturing. National Vehicle Population Profile Non-Volatile (static) Random Access Memory Noise. and will handle all aspects of new vehicle damage as induced by GM carriers or catastrophic losses such as fire. Night Vision. Noise & Vibration Analysis Laboratory Non Vehicle Billing and Accounts Receivable System. Noise & Vibrations Laboratory (replaced with NVC) Non-Volatile Memory. Nation Wide. Vibration. etc. New Vehicle Inspection. The NTTC offers a free service. Transmits part/customer information to the APMTS for component operations in North America. New Vehicle Design Noise. Ride & Handling. New York Treasurers Office (GM) Near Zero Emission Vehicle (hybrid . Vibration. Net While Running (is the maximum Final Line production based on one hour of continuous running [Gross Chain Speed] times the Planned Uptime Percentage. Vibration & Handling Noise. A mathematical definition of geometric entities used in CAD/CAM.NTTC NUL NUM NUMA NUMMI NURBS NV NVAL NVBARS NVC NVD NVD NVH NVH NVI NVL NVM NVPP NVRAM NVRH NW NWR NWRA NYTO NZEV National Technology Transfer Center (an integrated resource for accessing federally funded research and development and other information. hail. through which the private sector can maintain person-to-person contacts in the federal laboratory system.GM) .) Noise & Vibration Center New Vehicle Damage. Incorporated Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline.) National Wheel & Rim Association. NVD is responsible. known as the Gateway. Harshness. Department ENG ENG PSEO VTS. ENG GVDP. GVDP GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG . GMPT ENG AIAG. ENG ENG SO ENG ENG AIAG. ENG ENG GMPT VTS. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG. GMPT. ENG . EAG GVDP. ENG.GVDP. ENG ENG VTS. GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG SPO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GVDP. GMU. ENG VTS. GMPT ENG HR ENG AIAG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG PSEO ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . GVDP. ENG. GMPT ENG. GMPT ENG GVDP. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG AIAG AIAG. ENG.GMPT ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT GMU GMU . ENG. ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG. AIAG. VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG VTS. GMPT . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG.PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG . EAG ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. EAG VTS VSSM ENG ENG. GMPT VSSM ENG ENG PSEO. ENG.ENG ENG AIAG PSEO FIN. European automotive association. (an abbreviation) Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator Operation Description. Incorrect definition. Official Airline Guide Over All Height Overall Length Opportunity Awareness Program. Zz Outside. An abbreviation. Optical Character Recognition. version II Overcome By Events Off Board Programming Adapter Oxidation Catalyst. counterpart to AIAG. Occupant Classification System (Siemens) Oil Condition Sensor Opportunity Charging Station Option Control System (Corporate) Overtime Calculation system. Overall Width Oscillation Boundary Curve Ovonics Battery Company. Oil Gage. On Order Oil Pump. . Offset Deformable Barrier Open Data Base Connectivity Object Database Management System Origin Distribution Center Organization for Data Exchange by Tele-Transmission in Europe. Zz Oxygen Oxygen Sensor Office Automation Local Area Network Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies (DOE) Office of Automotive Fuel Economy. On Board Diagnostics. October. Office of Crash Avoidance Research (NHTSA) Occupant (abbreviated) Operating Cash Flow Owner Controlled Insurance Program One Consistent Method Opportunity Charge Module Organizational Competitiveness Program.Acronym O O/D O/GA O/H O/M O/O O/PMP O/S O2 O2S OA LAN OAAT OAFE OAG OAH OAL OAP OASCR OAT OAW OBC OBC OBD OBD II OBE OBPA OC OCAR OCC OCF OCIP OCM OCM OCP OCR OCR OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS Oct OCXO OD OD ODB ODBC ODBMS ODC ODETTE Definition Oxygen Overdrive. Outside Diameter. Zz On Hand Owner's Manual. See OCR definition below. Optical Character Reader. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (DOE) Outside Air Temperature. On Board Diagnostics. Tokyo. Office of Management and Budget Office of Mobile Source Air Pollution Control Office of Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and International Affairs.) Other Labor Hours. Organization & Employee Development (Organizational Development involves attention to diagnosis. commercial or off road vehicle. Overall Length On-Line Analytical Processing On Line Approval System (Host system to input purchase requests and obtain approvals on is dynamic. Overall Height Over Head Camshaft Office of Highway Information Management Over Head Valve Office of Heavy Vehicle Technologies (DOE) Outage Indicator Lamp Office Information System. Open Network Computing On-Chip Emulation Object Oriented Programming Out Of Position . Japan. systems. processes and measurements that enable organizations and people to achieve their goals. The final assembler of the complete vehicle whether it is a passenger.) Organization Education & Development Oxford English Dictionary Organic Electro Luminescence Original Equipment Manufacturer. On Line [US] Census System Object Linking & Embedding. Office of Environmental Policy Office of Fuels Development (DOE) Ozone Forming Potential Out For Quote Office of General Council Order History.ODI ODM ODM ODO ODOM ODPC ODQ OE OED OED OED OEL OEM OEP OFD OFP OFQ OGC OH OH OHC OHIM OHV OHVT OIL OIS OL OLAP OLAS OLBS OLC OLCS OLE OLH OLIMPIC OLIVIA OLTBI OLTP OM OM OMB OMSAPC OMVSS ONC OnCE OOP OOP Office of Defects Investigation. Open Loop Throttle Body Injection. Refer to RM-ODP Output Driver Module Odometer. Owners is static. Open Distributed Processing. roles. Embedding puts a copy of the object into the document . Odometer. Zz Open Document Processing Organizational Development Questionnaire (GM Employee Survey) Original Equipment.) On Line Broadcast System Owner Loyalty Certificate. includes interface to the OLIMPIC system. strategy. Linking creates a link to the actual object . On Line Indirect Material Purchasing & Inventory Control On-Line Inforce Verification & Insurance Administration. On Line Transaction Processing Operational Management. Zz Operating. No longer used. Occupant Safety Restraint Partnership Out Side Rear View (mirror). Offset Rear Moving Barrier Ornament. It divides protocols in to seven layers to standardize and simplify definitions. Open In/Out. Orientation. Outside Air. Supports the sustainable and ethical achievement of business objectives by identifying business risks and the management activities necessary to reduce risk exposure to an acceptable level. It divides protocols in to seven layers to standardize and simplify definitions.OOR OP OPA OPC OPEB OPEC OPEN I/O OPER OPERG OPG OPP OPS OPS OPS OPSC OPT OPT OR ORACLE ORC ORD ORIENT Orig ORM ORMB ORNA ORNL ORP ORR ORV ORVR Os OS OSA OSC OSCAR OSCAR OSHA OSHA OSHA OSHS OSI OSI Model OSM OSRP OSRV On/Off Road. Zz Original (an abbreviation) Objectives Risk Management. Operate. (Incorrect. Oxygen Storage Capacity. Occupant Performance Criterion Other Post Retirement Benefits Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Zz Oak Ridge National Lab Optimized Release Process (process to release PADs) Outside Receiving Report Off Road Vehicle Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery Osmium Operating System. Output Switching Module. . should be Administration). Occupational Safety and Health Administration (of DOL).) Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model for describing network protocols was devised by the Internet Standards Organization. . Zz Opening. Occupational Safety & Health Agency. Zz Operating Policy Operational Planning Activity. Occupant Simulator for Crash Analysis and Research Orbiting Satellite Carry Amateur Radio (1st launched 12 Dec 1961) Occupational Safety & Health Act. Occupational Safety & Health Standards. Zz Operations Research Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logic Engine Oxidation Reduction Catalyst. Occupant Protection Systems Committee Operations Personnel Training Option. Open Systems Interconnect (Reference model for describing network protocols that was devised by the Internet Standards Organization.No longer used. Zz Options Portfolio Process. Replaced by AVD Process Operations Per Second Operations Process Oshawa Prototype Services. Order. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (DOE) Office of Science & Technology Policy Orifice Tube.OSRVM OSS OSS OSTI OSTP OT OT OTC OTC OTC OTD OTDR OTLT OTP OTP OTR OTRGR OTU OVD OVE Overtemp OVFL OVP OVP OVSC OW OWI OXIDN OXY Out Side Rear View Mirror. Zz Outrigger. Overtime Order To Cash Over the Counter Ozone Transport Commission Order to Delivery (the time and steps involved between the actual ordering of a vehicle through its delivery to the customer) Optical Time Domain Reflectometer Outlet. Osterreichischer Verband fur Elektrotecknik (Austria) Overtemperature. Off the Shelf Software Output Shaft Speed. (an abbreviation) Overflow. Zz Office of the Vice President Over Voltage Protection Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance (NHTSA) Overall Width Operator Work Instructions Oxidation. Zz Office of Technology Planning One Time Programmable Outer. Zz Office of Technology Utilization (DOE) Office of Vehicle Defects. Zz . Zz Oxygen. GMPT ENG PSEO GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT AIAG . GMPT GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG. ENG. VSSM PSEO ENG GVDP.Department ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT. ENG. ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG. AIAG. EAG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT.ENG AVDC PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. EAG ENG VSSM ENG FIN VSSM ENG. GMPT. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. VTS PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . Production Action Authorization (An official document used to authorize a temporary substitution. An abbreviation. Pushbutton. Production / Manufacturing Integration Continuous Improvement Part Number. An abbreviation. try out new parts or materials. Techincal information that is found in S. Public address. An abbreviation.Acronym P P P P&A P&P P&W P. or use up excess or obsoletestock that will be good for a limited number of pieces or a specific time period. Pick Up Box. Hence 1 Pa = 1N/M2 Park Avenue. An abbreviation. Passenger Automobiles. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Program Assessment & Control Environment Program Assurance Control System. Pay For Performance pascal: A unit of pressure corresponding to a force of 1 newton acting uniformly upon an area of 1 square meter. (Service Information) and TAS databases. Product/Process Development Product/Process Development Process Product/Process Definition Stage Power steering. Power window. Purchase Authorization.) Programmable Analog Array Private Automatic Branch Exchange Perceptual Audio Coder (Lucent encode / decode method for broadcast transmission / reception) Performance Assessment Committee. Also written as PI. Product Assurance. The informaton may or may not become a published bulletin at a later date. Production Approval. Preliminary Information.I. Price / Earnings (ratio to gage stock performance) Pinion gear.K. Production Achievement. Powertrain. An abbreviation. Power brake. Purchasing Agent. Private Automatic Communication eXchange Packet Assembly – Disassembly . Passenger seat. rework existing parts. Pick Up. Setup P/B P/BUT P/E P/GR P/I P/MI CI P/N P/PD P/PDP P/PDS P/S P/SEAT P/T P/U P/UBX P/W P4P Pa PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PAA PAA PABX PAC PAC PACE PACS PACX PAD Definition Park Pending Phosphorus Parts & Accessories Policy & Procedures Policy & Warranty Checking the fit-up of detail parts by assembling a complete body-in-white with screws or rivets. Program Authorization Project Authorization. style and option conditions. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Programmable Automatic Gage Product Assurance Initiative Part Assessment & Information Control Pulse Air Injection Reactor. Parts Technical groups (for inquiries on engineering or parts specifications. An abbreviation. Proposal Assessment Study System. Passenger (an abbreviation) Passenger. PDIS Augmented Specification System (Canada) Personalized Automotive Security System. Public Announcement Date.PAD PAD PAD PAD PAFC PAG PAI PAIC PAIR PAL PAL PAL PAM PAN PAP PAPIR PAPIR PAR PAR PAR Par Tech PARC PARD PARIS PARK Parms PARR PARTS PAS PAS PAS PASCOM PASDS PASER PASG Pass PASS PASS PASS PASS PATAC PATH PATP PATS PATT PAV Pb Personnel Administration & Development Product Assembly Drawing Product Assembly Document. This includes the production parts required. An abbreviation. Part Readiness Tracking System. Pedagogic (for teaching) Algorithmic Language Phase Alternation Line Programmable Array Logic Pulse Amplitude Modulation Project Authorization Notice.) Production Area Record Center Periodic And Random Deviation Planning & Release Information System. Passage. Provides assembly plants with a written set of instructions and graphic illustrations of production operations to be performed on a given GM platform. Pyrotechnically Actuated Venting Lead (Plumbium) . Part of CARS. Parking. install or adjust parts. Parameters (an abbreviation) Product Allegation Resolution Report. Product and Process Integration Review Pilot Action Request. A document issued by a vehicle platform to advise the design / release engineers of approved changes to a vehicle program. An abbreviation. their specific usage by model. An abbreviation. Performance Algorithm Shifting Peripheral Acceleration Sensor (Bosch) Product Announcement Strategy Committee. also PDM. Police Accident Report Product Allegation Resolution. Power & Signal Distribution System Particle Stream Erosion. Pan Asian Technical Automotive Center Program on Advanced Technology for the Highway Patents & Technical Publicity Parts Approval Tracking System Pattern. Parking Assistance System. A graphic Illustration depicting the operations and those procedures. Performance Achievement Plan Powertrain Architecture Process Integration Review. and steps and instructions required to assemble. Central (building) Pontiac Centerpoint Campus – East (building) Pontiac Centerpoint Campus – West (building) Product Content Document Performance & Cost Detail Report Preliminary Cost Estimate. Control and Logistics. Pontiac Centerpoint Campus (formerly TPC. but the specification allows for 64-bit and 66MHz operation that provides up to 532MB per second. Long Preliminary Bill of Materials Passive Backplane PCI Personal Benefit Summary Pickup Box. Truck Product Center) Powertrain Controls Center. When an approved PC is entered at any location. Problem Communication.PB PBCR PBGA PBL PBOM PBPCI PBS PBS PBV PBX PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC&L PC&S PC/CODE PC/TCP PCA PCB PCB PCC PCC PCC PCC-c PCC-e PCC-w PCD PCDR PCE PCG PCI PCI PCICN PCIF PCIT PCL PCLL PCM PCM Power Brakes. Paper Color Code. An electronic network for documenting and reporting an unacceptable product build condition. it is electronically transmitted to the specific area and individual responsible for providing the necessary corrective action. it is communicated to the reporting location via the PC network. Short Purpose Built Vehicles Private Branch's eXchange Personal Computer. Product Content Group. Production. Personal Computer / Transmission Control Protocol Product(ion) Compliance Audit. Product Cost Programmable Controls or Controller. When a solution has been developed and approved. Plant Concerns Polycarbonate Pressure Control (solenoid valve). The engineering group responsible for ensuring smooth flow of needed material (physical and information). Printed Circuit Product Characteristic. Polychlorinated Biphenyl (waste oil residue) Printed Circuit Board. Peripheral Component Interconnect (or Interface). Pontiac Centerpoint Campus . Process Control Instructions Piece Cost & Investment Change Notice Printed Circuit Interconnection Federation Piece Cost and Investment Tracking Printer Control Language Product Compliance Legal Liaison. (refer to EPC&L). Production Control & Scheduling. Preliminary BOM Change Request (Report) Plastic Ball Grid Array Pickup Box. Part Classification Code. Part Change Management (Saturn Service Parts) Power Control Module . PC bus that normally runs at 33 MHz on a 32-bit bus. microprocessorbased devices that perform operations such as: Store telephone numbers. Parts Distribution Center (Warehouse for GM Parts distribution) . battery-operated. Port De-Activation Preliminary Design Approach Platform Database. Send and receive email and faxes (wirelessly). Document used to change or modify the Corporate Product Plan between annual product plan approvals. Positive Crankcase Ventilation. Transmission Personal Communications Network Product (or Program) Change Notice. Pulse Code Modulation Personal Computer Memory Card International (or Industry) Association. Propulsion Control Module. Program Control Module. Personal Communication System Pressure Control Solenoid. small. Engine People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms Powertrain Control Module. Production Design Personal Digital Assistant. Product Development Business Systems.PCM PCM PCM PCM PCM PCM PCMCIA PCME PCMIA PCMT PCN PCN PCO PCP PCP PCP PCP PCP PCP PCR PCR PCR P-CR PCR PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCSD PCSE PCU PCV PCV PCV PCV Pd PD PD PD PDA PDA PDA PDB PDBS PDC Powertrain control module.k. Receive pages (just like an alphanumeric pager) . Problem Documentation. Powertrain Control Module. Product Change Request Piezo-Actuated Common Rail Product Change Request. a. GMPCP. Palladium Passenger Distribution. Program Content & Objectives. Generally. Problem Communication System Process Capability Study Product Content Sheet (defines vehicle content which generates an MCS. Powertrain Control Module. and reminders. Product Compliance Program (of GM). Performance Characterization Parameters Process Control Plan. Pressure Control Valve. Power Control Unit.a. hand-held. addresses.) President‘s Council On Sustainable Development Powertrain Controls Service Engineering. Passenger Car Vehicle Positive crankcase ventilation. Production Control Plan Plan Change Request Process Change Request. Program Content Monitor. Product Certification Process Product Change Proposal. Allows user's of normally incompatible systems (I. Do. Portable Document Format. Parametric Die Design Product Definition Document Product Description Department. Product Development & Improvement Team Product Development Information Team. Problem Definition Form.. A corporate standard used to transmit engineering specification data to other departments and divisions within General Motors. the basic philosophy behind the Engineering Management Process as developed by Deming over the first few years of his career. Plastic Dual In-Line Pin Product Description Information System. Product Data Exchange System (or Specification). Product Description Group. Act. the product and the process.PDC PDCA PDCR PDCS PDD PDD PDD PDES PDES PDF Portfolio Development Center. Product Development Organization. Normally written as . Check. A document format developed by Adobe Acrobat for the internet. The CHECK element of the cycle is the VALIDATION of the paper car and process. and a strategy. Product Data Exchange using STEP. Pre Delivery Inspection Preliminary Data Indicator Pressure DIFferential. Product Design Compliance Reports Pulsat Dealer Communication System. Industrial consortium formed to expedite development of standards to be used in the exchange of product data (See IPO).) Passenger Door Module Product Data Management (GM's customized version of IMAN supporting a common process for managing product data. PDF PDF PDG PDI PDI PDIF PDIP PDIS PDIS PDIT PDIT PDIT PDIT PDIT PDL PDL PDL PDL PDM PDM PDM PDM PDM PDMS PDN PDO . Program Development Integration Team. Product Development Integration Team. Product Data Management System Product Discrepancy Notice.pdf since it is a file name extension. Plan. PLAN defines the system through a set of objectives. The ACT relates to continuous improvement where improvements are based on the results of needs identified in the CHECK.) Product Data Manager Product Description Manual. Product Design Improvement Team. rationalized with the portfolio to improve and accelerate the vehicle launch process.e. Part of the NAO Design and Engineering Centers charged with providing advanced vehicle engineering for product portfolio planning and vehicle architecture definition. Pulse Duration Modulation. IBM and Apple) to both be able to view and create documents. Problem Description Form. The DO portion is the actual design of the parts to execute the vehicle and the tools and processes required to build the parts and cars. Product Description Information Standard. Park & Directional Lamp Process Description Language Program Description Language Program Development Library (A collection of GRIP and UFUNC programs from many of the organizations within GM. Develops integrated vehicle proposals. promote use of common systems/processes. assure Quality/Cost/Warranty/HPV goals for Non-GMT and GMX programs are achieved. Source all components with qualified suppliers. Respond to needs of build teams to support concept. track the status of imperatives and performance objectives.PDP PDP PDP Personal Development Plan. prototype. A survey provided to owners of a new GM product for evaluating their purchase experience. Plant Data Processor Powertrain Development Process. Documentation and change control of CTS‘s. assure KCD‘s/KPC‘s DFM/DFA are executed appropriately. track and control design changes. The corporate engineering specification system for program content. pilot and production builds. Understand and implement Total Quality Plan.) Pretty Darn Quick Parts Determination and Release Physician's Desk Reference Preliminary Design Review Process Design Responsible Engineer Passenger Door Switch Pre-Delivery Survey. assure generation of Subsystem and Component Technical Specs. MTS & MMTS are covered in a CTS. Assure requirements of SSTS. Inc. Protocol Data Unit Process Development Wall Packard Electric. (See GPDS) Proximity Detection System Purchase and Delivery Satisfaction. Product Delivery Team (as defined by ATV). Meet program timing milestones. develop an activity schedule by SIM Council and report issues. See PED. Manage financial analysis (piece price & investment) and changes to meet or exceed business case commitments. assist in early source definition and provide required sourcing packages. assure functional representation at meetings as appropriate. MTS & MMTS. Execute detailed manufacturing process. report status of targets to PMT on a regular basis. Manage initial release of and subsequent changes to all components. Program Development Team. Responsibilities of the PDT are to have a clear understanding and agreement on functional requirements from SSTS. publish meeting minutes and maintain PDT closedloop action item/concerns log. Function: generate designs which achieve targets. The team role is to deliver a product and production system with high quality. Product Design Team Product Development Team. Assure plant build concerns are resolved. within budget and on time. Responsibilities: Achieve targets allocated from PMT. The common process within GM Powertrain for work directed toward bringing a quality product to market. Ensure validation of components to CTS. The current PDP process used within Process Development Process Product Development Process Portage Double Quick. negotiate proposed target changes/requirements with PMT. Product Description System. (An electronic machine used to pick points from the clay model. provide cross-functional evaluation of alternatives to meet requirements and imperatives. Polyethylene Power Enrichment Power Equivalent PDP PDP PDQ PDQ PDR PDR PDR PDRE PDS PDS PDS PDS PDS PDT PDT PDT PDT PDU PDW PE PE PE PE . Benchmark competitors. The PET Committee consists of the five Marketing Divisions (includes the Dealer Business Center) (voting members). Program Engineering Director. STG Product Engineering. All groups with a service training message to convey to Dealers should notify the Committee. Propulsion & Electrical Systems Team. Practical Extraction and Report Language. Product. Positive Emitter Coupled Logic Program Execution Core Team Packard Electric Division. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Product Evaluation Program (vehicle).e.e. AC DelcoSPO). STD. . PET member. Pedal. Part of ACG. (normally written as P/E). GM Powertrain. Process Engineer Product Engineer(ing) Professional Engineer Pontiac East Assembly Production Engineering Activity. This position is/was known as TVIE. Allied Divisions (i. Production Engineering Die Design Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Production Engineering Manual. Portable Electronic Airflow Machine Power Electronics Bay. Process Engineering Document Product Engineering Department Production Engineering Department. Pontiac Engineering Center Portfolio Engineering Center.PE PE PE PE PEA PEA PEAM PEB PEC PEC PECL PECT PED PED PED PED PED PED PED PEDD PEFC PEM PEM PEMFC PEP PEPE PER PER PER PER Perf PERF PERL PERT PERT PEST PET PET PET PET PET Price to Earnings. Program Evaluation Team. This position is/was known as TVIE. Delco Electronics. A computer code to detail project planning and monitoring. TCO. Program Engineering Manager. An abbreviation. In this way. Planning Evaluation & Review Technique (ala PERT chart) Program Evaluation and Review Technique. The committee is chaired by the STD Manager. Delphi Automotive Systems. An abbreviation. Production Engineering Documents. Powertrain/Engine/Transmission Product Education & Training Product Evaluation Team. STG International Service). GM of Canada. The PET Committee provides a single source of service training plans for General Motors. economies of scale are realized and redundant efforts minimized. Procedure Execution Request Performance (an abbreviation) Performance. A computer language used for scanning text and creating reports. Product Engineering Program Execution Personnel Personnel Evaluation Report Planning Experimental Records. and other GM groups with an interest in knowing about or influencing technician training (i. Education and Training Committee. The informaton may or may not become a published bulletin at a later date. act as a single point of entry for assessing all program content and change requests.Product. Plan For Every Part Port Fuel Injection. provide program readiness coordination. Product. Process Flow Diagram. quality. recommendations to VLT-problem resolution recommendation and mechanics. Program Executive Team. content changes. Performance Integration Areas Peripheral Interface Adapter. Manufacturing.PET Program Execution Team. Vehicle Integration Engineer. documentation for action items and content decisions. balance new product and process feature content to meet ―Contract‖ (cost. Purchasing/PC&L. and productivity). Product Focus Manager Process Failure Mode Analysis. keep program imperatives on track. Typical meeting content involves: vehicle and process integration review issues. resolve program content issues. Program Manager (Agenda/Logistics). Assistant Brand Managers . performance to ―Contract‖. Finance. Pay For Performance Product Focus Support Engineer Plant Floor Systems Service Agreement (between GM and EDS regarding plant floor Intranet systems services) Product Focus Team.I. Design Center (As Required). monitor customer satisfaction. International Product Development Manager. PET PETC PETCM PEU PF PF PF PFA PFC PFD PFEP PFI PFM PFMA PFMEA PFMS PFP PFSE PFSSA PFT PG PGA PGA PGA PGM PGR PGS Phn PHT PHUD PI PI PIA PIA PIA . monitor program progress through rigorous tracking. Also written as PI. Deliverables are: the ―Contract‖. (Service Information) and TAS databases. Parts in Assembly. Responsibilities are to: develop ―Contract‖. VLE (Chair). achieve ―Contract‖. Education & Training Committee Powertrain Engine Transmission Control Module Power Electronic Unit Polyurethane Foam Power Factor Program Function [keys] Pedestrian Federation of America Programmable Function Control. Quality. prepare gate reviews. Techincal information that is found in S. Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis. Manufacturing Integration Engineer. Priority Indicator. one type of an Advanced Technology Vehicle. Prime Graphics System Phone (an abbreviation) Parallel Hybrid Truck. Parallel Hybrid Ultra-low-noise Detector Preliminary Information. Pin Grid Array Professional Graphics Adapter Programmable Gate Array Program Management Policy Group Review. Proving Ground. Performance Feedback Measurement System. Typical attendees include: Program Planning Manager/Asst. use common processes. Picture Element Toyota J-car (vehicle name). Personal Identification Number. GMNA‘s common issue solving tool to support the Issue Solving Process. Pivot. Pitman. An abbreviation. Propulsion Inverter Module. A term applied to the topic of managing product data in a computer environment. to promote a common review process. An abbreviation.PIA PIAD PIC PIC PIC PICD PICOS PICOS PICS PID PID PID PIG PILO PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIMREP Purchasing in Assembly. you type in something like "ping 206. Packet Data (C2C) Pocket. Normally." and you either get a response from that IP address or not. An abbreviation. Packet Inter Net Gopher (Part of the standard TCP/IP suite of protocols that allows you to check your connectivity with other devices. Product Information Management System. Programming Language / 1 (IBM) Product Life Assessment. Product Information Group. Performance Improvement Plan Product in Process Simulator Performance Integration Team. Process Improvement Team. Power Inverter Module Product Information Method. Pillow. Product/Process Integration Wall. Package.38. or to check whether your own TCP/IP stack is working properly. Project Incident Monitoring and Resolution Process. Term used to describe process improvement at supplier plant. Purchasing Input Cost Optimization for Suppliers Partners in Customer Satisfaction Primary Identifier (C2C) Purchase Identifier (ALB/UNIT) Parameter Identifier (or Identification). Product(ion) Information Management. PIMS PIN PING PIO PIP PIPS PIT PIT PIT PIV PIW Pixel PJJ PKG PKT PKT PL/1 PLA PLA PLA . An abbreviation. Performance Integration Manager. Functions to provide leadership to the PMTs and PDTs and integrate and achieve total vehicle performance goals. Programmable Logic Array Project Labor Agreement. Product Information Center Product Interface Control Document Purchased Input Concept Optimization With Supplier. Program Implementation Managers.) Powertrain Computer Input/Output. Plastics in Automotive Division (Specification) Peripheral Integrated Circuit (Bosch) Powertrain Information Converter.148.119. An abbreviation. and to ease data. Product Manufacturing Location Power Mode Master . Product / Manufacturing Implementation. Pollution substance from diesel engine/fuel Performance Measurement Phase Margin Phase Modulation Photo Multiplier Post Meridiem Preventative Maintenance Program Management Process Monitoring and Compliance Purchasing Material Control. Pillar. Process Level Suffix. Planetary. Process Modeling & Integration. GMNA Process Leadership Board. Phase Locked Loop. Lead (Plumbium) Lanthanum Zirconte Titante Promethium Particulate Matter. retail customer satisfaction and shareholder satisfaction. i. PMI Turbo consists of a set of Macros for Microsoft Word Version 6. The GM PMI Tool provides computer generation on the Top Flow Down chart.PLB PLC PLCC PLCP PLD PLD PLE PLEB PLGR PLL PLM PLNM PLNT PLP PLP PLR PLS PLS PLT PLT PLT PLTF PLYR PLYRAT PLZT Pm PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMC PMC PMCS PMD PMFS PMI PMI PML PMM Process Leadership Board. product initiation.e. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Seven measures of NAO‘s health. Product Level Suffix Planning Leadership Team Plate. An abbreviation. people development. operations. Platform. affiliation: GMNA Planning & Program Management Programmable Logic Controller Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (External connections consist of "J" leads around all four sides of the surface mount package. sales and service. The PLB is an Executive Team of Vehicle Line & Functional Leaders focused on improving the over-all throughput of cross functional activities that support the Vehicle Development Process.0 that automate the creation of PMI Models.) Pre-Launch Control Plan Part Locating Dimension Programmable Logic Device Product Line Executive (replaced by Program Manager) Preloaded Enclosed Bushing. An abbreviation. employee satisfaction. Principal Locating Points (for assembly fixture). Plunger. PMI97 Turbo consists of a set of Macros for Microsoft Word Version 7. marketing. Production & Manufacturing Control System Programmed Mileage Dynamometers Performance Measurement and Feedback System. Program Leadership Team. Plant Liaison Manager Plenum. An abbreviation. Residual Alignment Torque (tire measurement). An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Player. Production Launch Process.0. Positive – Negative – Positive (type of transistor) Part Number Stocking Incentive (This incentive is based on part numbers stocked. Qualified dealers receive their PNSI rebate on a monthly basis. Purchase Order. Product (or Program) Manufacturability Requirements. Passive Occupant Detection System (supports the production order management and scheduling functions for all GM North American produced passenger car and light duty trucks. Price Of Conformance. Program Manufacturing Manager. (in some departments. Project Management Process. A document issued in response to an approved purchase requisition. Program Management Plan. Product Management Team. Part of Assembly Purchase Order Alteration. Proof Of Concept. replaced by PFT) Pressure Modulator Valve. The output of this system is in model code volumes. This system simplifies the counting of forecasted orders for tool and production planning. Also P&A) Part Number Control. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Park/Neutral Position. Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles Panel. Performance Measures Payment Modification System Powertrain Management System Production Material Scheduling.) Physics of Failure Purchase Order Generation System-Delco PMQH PMR PMs PMS PMS PMS PMT PMT PMT PMV PN PNA PNA PNC PNC PNDLM PNG PNGV PNL PNNL PNP PNP PNSI PNT PO PO POA POA POC POC POD PODS POF POGEN . toyota J-car (vehicle name). Part Number Part Name. Parts 'N Accessories (New or manufactured automotive Parts and Accessories marketed by GM Parts. Program Management Office. Pontiac North Campus (consists of GM Powertrain Headquarters and Pontiac Metal Center) Pendulum. Proof of Design. An abbreviation. The common process for setting objectives. Project Management Office. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Positive channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Performance Management Program (or Process or Plan) Process Monitoring Point. Pinion & Ring Gear. Power Mode Master. Pointer. Paint Operations. Program Management Team Prototype Management Team.PMM PMM PMM PMO PMO PMOS PMP PMP PMP PMP Process Management Methodology. will be the same for all executives worldwide and all classified employees in the GMNA region (excluding Mexico). Point of Purchase. Personal Operating Principles.) Product Policy Committee. Part of Service Assembly. Program Plans Property. Part of Service Unit. PPAP is a general procedure for ―Supplier Submission of Material for Production Approval‖ included in ―Targets for Excellence‖. POP refer to the location where people can dial into the provider's host computer.POM POMS POMS PONC POP POP POP POP POP POP Pulse-width-modulated Output Module Product Order Management & Scheduling (System found within TSO that is used to determine whether a vehicle is buildable. Program Plan Book. Product Program Content. based on available engineering specifications. The process used to determine if all customer requirements are met by a supplier and if the process has the potential to produce product meeting these requirements on a production basis. Pay on Production. Point of Presence. . Property Pass Administrator. Plant. and Equipment. Prestressed Piezoelectric Composites (Devices with ability to provide inordinately large mechanical output displacements. as high as 40 to 50 times the thickness of the device itself. Pre-Production Action Authorization Parallel Power Assist Hybrid Production Part Approval Process (formerly GP3). Point of Sale Terminal. Capital investment or capital expenditures. Most providers have several POPs to allow low-cost access via telephone lines. Part of Production Assembly. Position (an abbreviation) Physics of Success Point of Sales Positive. POP is a service provider's location for connecting to users. (Formally Plan Book) . Power-On Reset. Position. Production Planning & Tooling. but will be serviced using a service assembly. Used on component parts that will not be serviced individually. An abbreviation. POPA POR Pos POS POS POS POSA POSN POST POSU POTS POV POX PP PP PP PP PP&E PP&T PPA PPAA PPAH PPAP PPB PPC PPC PPC . A system where suppliers are paid for production material based on the customer's usage records. but will be serviced using a service unit or kit.) Promote Our Products. but will be serviced using a production assembly. Used on component parts that will not be serviced individually. Kit. Post Office Protocol (The way e-mail software such as Eudora gets mail from a mail server.) Production Order Management System. Plain Old Telephone System Privately Owned Vehicle Partial Oxidation Percentage Point Polypropylene Ported Purge. An abbreviation. rather than physical receipt of the material. Used on parts (usually components) that will not be serviced individually. Generally. Price Of Non-Conformance. Portfolio Planning Director Price & Production Deviation. Performance Planning and Development Process (Personnel Department blue sheet). Program Planning Director. Problems Per Hundred. Pre Production Operations Preferred Provider Organization Point to Point Protocol (Most well known as a protocol that allows a computer to use a regular telephone line and a modem to make TCP/IP connections and thus be really and truly on the Internet. Product Policy Group. Product Program Review. Program Purchasing Manager Pulse Position Modulation Pulses Per Mile. Problems per Million. Purchased Part Quality Control. Problems Per Hundred Vehicles Product Problem Identification & Resolution.PPC PPC PPCO PPD PPD PPD PPD PPD PPDP PPDP PPDR PPEC PPEC PPEI PPG PPG PPH PPHV PPIR PPIT Ppk PPL PPM PPM PPM PPM PPM PPM PPME PPMP PPO PPO PPP PPP PPP PPP PPPR PPQ PPQC ppr PPR PPR PPR PPR PPR Production Possibilities Curve Public Policy Committee Project Plan Change Order. Pittsburgh Plate Glass. Purple. Platform/Powertrain Electrical Interface. Corporate group containing the chairman of the board and other chief executives. Program Planning Manager (refer to PPD for more information). Vehicle Team Analyst(s). This group reviews and provides concept approval and final approval for every GM program. Product Problem Report. Product Problem Resolution. Prototype Process Improvement Team. Assistant Vehicle Timing Manager(s). The PPD / PPM is supported by a staff consisting of: Vehicle Manager(s). pulses per revolution. Parts Per Million. Passenger Presence Detection Pilot Process Document. Assistant Vehicle Manager(s). Engineer Product Program Management Process. Project Performance Reporting . Personal Performance Development Plan Product Planning & Design Review Product and Process Engineering Center Product Problem Evaluation Committee. The Program Planning Director / Manager acts as the ―Chief of Staff‖ and is responsible for managing the activities of the Vehicle Line Team. Pre Production Properties Requirements Product & Process Qualification.) Preliminary Program Plan Product Planning Process Product Planning Proposal. An abbreviation. Purchased Part Manufacturing. Product Planning Report. An index used to describe the performance of a process over its range of variation. Panel Quality Evaluation (Provides a first-level estimation of Body-in-White characteristics [thickness. Preliminary Repurchase Authorization. Passenger Presence Sensing. strength. Pay Per View Powertrain Prototype for Vehicle Production Part Validation. it authorizes Purchasing to issue a Purchase Order. Physical Reuse Ply Rating (tires) Product Reuse Production Release. Production Point of Use. Praseodymium Performance Review. Production Review (4 phase gate review) Public Relations.) Powertrain Quality Information Program & Quality Implementation Program Quality Manager. To mark that point in time at which there is a regular meeting of the Regional Strategy Board (NASB. This meeting is held after the product has been in the customer‘s hands for about 12 months. Problem Report(ing) and Resolution.) where the actual program and field market performance of the program product is presented. Pulses Per Second Purchase Procurement System. Purchase Request. Product Quality Standards Purchase Quality Standards (MVSS). Plastic Quad Flat Pack (A type of plastic surface mount package that has fine pitch leads on all four sides. The manager for the program that helps ensure the program meets all quality deliverables.PPS PPS PPS PPS PPSC PPSS PPT PPU PPV PPV PPV PQAP PQC PQC PQC PQE Product Purchasing System. Usually reports directly to the PQM. Program Quality Readiness Review. Park/Running Lamps. Purchase Requisition. A document used to request the purchase of materials and/or services.) Program Quality Engineer. Propulsion Performance Subsystem Specification Powertrain Product Team. Powertrain Quality Characteristic Product Quality Center. Program Book Price Review Committee PQE PQFP PQI PQI PQM PQRR PQS PQS PQS Pr PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR Lamps PR/R PRA PRA PRB PRBK PRC . oil canning resistance. When signed and approved. Product Planning Strategy Committee. stiffness. ESB. and dent resistance]. LASB. Parts Quality Standards. This will document the actual performance of the product against the Program Contract commitments. Program Revision Authorization Program Review Board. etc. Parts Quality Attainment Plan Platform Quality Council. A form sometimes used by AVM's. Direction may be general or specific. Pressure. and the design supervisor‘s name. tracks. PRDA PREDLVY PRELEX PreProd PreQVR PRES PRES PRESS Press PRESS REG Preten Prev PREV PRG PRGM PRI PRIM PRIM PRIMO PRIP PRISM PRISM PRISM PRJ PRJ# PRM PRM PRM PRM PRMC PRMS PRN PRN PRND . It includes a text area for instruction. Pressure (an abbreviation) Pressure Regulator (abbreviation) Pretensioner (an abbreviation) Previous (an abbreviation) Preventive. Park. and reports data. Addresses the non-strategic. Neutral. An abbreviation. reverse. Process Reference Guide Program.) Pressure Ratio Management Process Risk Management. PRIce MOdule (A purchasing system which is the interface between MGO and Disbursements used to price receipts. Passive Retracting Module Plant Report Measurement system (A computer system that captures. It is a common piece of infrastructure that will be installed in the five engineering factories. An abbreviation.PRCN PRCS PRD PRD PRD PRD Purchase Requisition Change Notice Product Release & Change System. Portable Reusable Integrated Software Modules Project PRoJect #. A meeting or series of PET-level meetings to preview QVR presentations and provide preassessments of the color code for each element. part numbers. Pinnacle Research Institute Primary (an abbreviation) Primary. Drive. An abbreviation. Pull-ahead Rolling Model Change Plant Report Measurement System Park.) Personal Retirement Income Plan People Resource Information System. neutral circuit Process Reference Number. Part Release Drawing. Reverse. Present State of Charge Present. The PRD is a project plan-supporting document that authorizes the initial release of design. An abbreviation. It is delivered using an interview process and is conducted annually. Parts Requirement Document Pressure Relief Device Program Release Direction. process-related risks faced by most business units. Personnel Resource Information System (a salaried personnel database and history file) . An abbreviation. PRM is the planned evolution of the Internal Control Review Questionnaire (ICRQ) and is the piece of BRM that Internal Control Coordinators (ICCs) will be most involved with. Software Release & Control PreProduction. Program R&D Announcement Predelivery. An abbreviation. used for the initial releases of both experimental and production designs formalizes part‘s entry into change control (DCA/EWO). Reverse. track. PROject Plan. tasks. Functionality within SAP that helps manage complex projects Power Steering. Program (an abbreviation) Programmer. Protection Reference Value picosecond Polystyrene Project Systems.e. Process. Problem Resolution Tracking System (PRTS is an electronic database tool designed to track problem resolution in support of the Global CPIP[Current Product Improvement Process]. Resource groups and test procedure numbers as appropriate. Protection.W. overdrive circuit Park.s in the program workplan meetings Part Reservation screen (EMS system) Process Reuse Team Product Reuse Team Part Readiness Tracking System.. analysis. Types of work covered in a project plan include: development. An abbreviation. design. Drive. and communicate work which must be completed to implement his or her involvement in an EPN.O. Program Readiness Status System. test) required to design. design. Preferential Oxidizer Program Revision Proposals. task descriptions. Protective. Proportion. An abbreviation. The PROP is the design engineer‘s tool to define. and communicate Engineering's budget in Business Management System (BMS). The project plan supports execution of the 4 phase process at the task level of detail.) Product Resolution Tracking System Pressure Relief Valve. The PRSS used to gather status on S. An abbreviation. PRTS PRV PRV Ps PS PS PS PS/R/R PSA .PRND4 PRNDL PROC PROCARD PROCD Prog PROGMR PROGWO PROJ PROM PROP PROP PROPN PROSPEC PROTN PROTO PROTR PROTV PROX PRP PRR PRR PRR PRR PRSS PRSV PRT PRT PRTS PRTS Park. Procurement Card Procedure. Neutral. authorize. A budget authorization number is added by the engineering group manager at approval. mockup. An abbreviation. See PR/R Problem Resolution Report. It includes plan objectives. build. testing. Project Resource Requirement. An abbreviation. Normally written as P/S. Packaging Specs/Review/Release Partner System Administrator. An abbreviation. build. Parts Replacement Requisition Problem Reporting & Resolution. Propeller. Professional Specifications. An identified segment of Engineering work by which the estimated resources (i. Neutral. Program Work General Work Order Projects Module Programmable Read Only Memory. An abbreviation. Reverse. Prototype Protector. An abbreviation. Low. Resource estimates associated with each PRR are used to develop. and validate proposed new vehicle / features are accumulated. Publication Structure Definition. & CIM] program.PSA PSAM PSAT PSC PSC PSC PSCM PSCM PSCM PSD PSD PSD PSDC PSDN PSE PSEC. Program Status Review. provides process set-up information to the paint shop automation and provides a means to archive data. Reports out status of SMT‘s. Process and System Integration Center. An abbreviation. Meeting chaired by TVIE. tracks vehicle progress through the paint shop. Responsiveness & Cost Platform Status Review. Packaging Specs Review & Release Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSPF PSQRC PSR PSR PSR PSRM PSRR PSRR . Power Steering Controller Passenger Seat Control Module. Statements of Work (SOW). Personal Savings Plan Power Steering Pressure.) Portfolio Strategy Council. These options are available on an order-by-order basis for any DRO and CSO order. CAE. ps PSEO Psgr PSI PSIC PSIC PSIG PSIR PSIV PSK PSM PSM PSM PSMP PSOD PSP PSP PSP PSP Power Switch Assembly Paint Shop Area Manager . electronic table of contents for a service manual. offering variable return reserve and discounts). Program Schedule Report.This is a computer system that routes vehicles through the conveyor system. Passenger (an abbreviation) Pounds per Square Inch. Pressure Sensitive Paint (The pressure-sensitive paint technique for measuring pressure distributions on wind tunnel models requires coating the surface of the model with special paint that.000 000 000 001 times). Process & Systems Action Team Policy Steering Committee (responsible for the overall direction of the C4 [CAD.) Pelvis Pubic Force People. and program imperatives. Power Seat Control Module Power Steering Control Module Power Spectral Density Prevention of Significant Deterioration. Safety. Production Scheduling & Inventory Control. when appropriately illuminated. exhibits luminescence that varies with air pressure. Parts Shown On Drawing (Block) Parts System Plus (Allows qualified dealers the opportunity to choose among three entitlement packages. Pounds per Square Inch Gauge Passenger Supplemental Inflatable Restraint. Publication Structure Definition Coordinator Packet Switched Data Network Product Structure Editor Pico-second (. Quality. Passenger Seat Module Pressure Switch Manifold. Product Service Engineering Operations. Platform Service Readiness Managers. Phase-Shift Keying. CAM. Passive. Product Structure Management Project Safety Management Plan. (Truck only). Powertrain Systems Engineer Program Team Support Resources Post. Powertrain Cooling.PSS PSSC PST PST PST PSTN PSTN PSVSR PSW Pt PT PT PT&E PT/VI PTAB PTAT PTC PTC PTCM PTCP PTCS PTD PTDL PTED PTFE PTFFU PTL PTLHK PTM PTN PTO PTO PTO PTO PTOX PTP PTP PTPD PTR PTR PTR PTRR PTS PTS PTS PTS PTSE PTSR PTT PTT PTTR Program Status System. Processes and Systems Steering Committee Plant Support Team Problem Solving Team Product System Team Piston. . Product Team Parametric Tools & Equipment Powertrain/Vehicle Integration Project Technical Advisory Board Proportional To Ambient Temperature (type of sensor) Positive Temperature (or Thermal) Coefficient. Normally written as GMPT. Pilot Technical Readiness Review. Telephone and Telegraph authority Product Technical Team. Powertrain Technical Specifications. Property Tax System. Personalized Time To Repair. Public Switched Telephone Network (The regular old-fashioned telephone system.) Preliminary Structure Vehicle Styling Release Part Submission Warrant Platinum Powertrain. Powertrain Team Process Product Technology Process Plastics & Trim Products Division Plant Trial Run Problem Tracking Report. Production Trial Run. Power take-off. Powertrain Control Module Prototype Control Plan PowerTrain Controls Subcommittee Pendulum Test Device. Product Test & Development Laboratory PowerTrain Engine Durability Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene Program Team For Factory Upgrade Product Team Leadership (see PET) Pintle hook. Patent and Trademark Office Power Take-Off. Production & Tag Management (Canada) Part Number. Primary Try Out Periodic Trap Oxidizer. Production Technical Specification Project Tracking System. This is an electronic enhancement and evolution from the old Program Readiness Status System (PRSS). An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Planned Utilization Pick Up Box Pickup box. Pulley. Polytron Version Control System. Printed Writing Board (incorrect definition. Production Vehicle Development.PTVI PTW PU PU PUB PUBX PUG PUL PULDN PUMA PUP PUR PURB PURFIN PURFINDATA PUT PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PVA PVA PVB PVC PVCS PVD PVD PVEC PVI PVM PVO PVP PVS PVT PVT PVV PW PWA PWB PWB PWB PWL PWM PWM PWO PWR Pwr PWRT PowerTrain Vehicle Integration Play to Win Participating Unit. Permanent User Group. Power UP Purchasing Pop Up Roll Bar Purchasing/Financial Price File. Product Usage. Preocess Validation Build. An abbreviation. Measurements & Application (Group).pwl files to save user system pass words. Purchasing Financial Data. Product Vision Purge Valve. Power Ventilation System. Physical Vapor Deposition Production Vehicle Development. . An abbreviation.) Pulse width modulation. Preliminary Validation Acceptance. should be Printed Wiring Board) Pass Word List (also a file type -.pwl Windows systems use encrypted . Power. Poly Vinyl Chloride. Power Windows. Pontiac Vehicle Engineering Center People Vehicle Interface Programmable Vehicle Model. Production Work Order. Printed Wiring Assembly (see PCB) Printed Wiring Board (see PCB) Printed wiring board. Pilot Vehicle Order Production Verification Program. Pulldown. Pulse Width Modulation.. An abbreviation. Power (an abbreviation) Powertrain. Programmable Unijunction Transistor Passenger Vehicle Photo Voltaic Present Value Pressure Vacuum filler cap Product Validation. An abbreviation. Post Validation Audit. Programmable Valve Train Product/Process Validation Vehicle. PWRT PXI PZEV PZM PZM PZT Powertrain. Piezoelectric. An abbreviation. . PCI eXtensions for Instruments Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle Passenger Zone Module Platform Zone Module. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG.Department PSEO ENG. GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GVDP. EAG ENG GMPT. FIN VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG. ENG GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMPT GVDP. GMPT. AVDC ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG VSSM GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO VSSM GVDP GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GMTG ENG ENG ENG ENG . GVDP. ENG.ENG FIN. ENG GMPT. ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG .ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG HR ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT. ENG.ENG PSEO. ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG GMPT ENG PSEO GMPT ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ILM GMPT ENG ENG AVDC . ENG. GMPT GMPT SO ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO. VTS. ENG. GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG GVDP ENG VSSM PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG. GMPT ENG GVDP. AVDC GVDP.GVDP. ENG. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMU.ENG ENG GMPT ENG. GMPT ENG ENG . GMPT SO ENG ENG PSEO VSSM GVDP. ENG. ENG. GMPT VSSM ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG ENG ENG PSEO. CVO ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG VSSM GMPT ENG. GVDP. GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO GMPT VSSM ENG ENG ENG .QVR. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG GMPT ENG GMPT. GVDP. HR ENG GVDP. FIN ENG GMPT.ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG VSSM ENG PSEO. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMU . ENG. GMU ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG AVDC AIAG. ENG ENG PSEO. ENG. ENG. AVDC. ENG.ENG ENG ENG. FIN ENG ENG . GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG R&D ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMU. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG. EAG. ENG.GVDP. GMPT ENG GMPT. AVDC GMPT. ENG. GMPT AVDC GMPT ENG ENG ENG VSSM GVDP. ENG GMPT ENG GVDP. GVDP. ENG. ENG. GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG GMU. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. AIAG. ENG ENG AIAG.ENG FIN GVDP. MFD. GVDP . EAG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG. GVDP. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG QVR.ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG VTS. R&D. GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG. GVDP. GMPT. GMPT. EAG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT VSSM QVR ENG GMPT ENG QVR. GMPT VSSM GMPT ENG ENG . ENG. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG.ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG QVR ENG ENG ENG PSEO GMPT PSEO PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG FIN ENG ENG ENG FIN. ILM ENG GMPT ENG . GMPT PSEO. VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG FIN PSEO. ENG ENG . GMPT. ENG ENG PSEO ENG VTS ENG ENG PSEO PSEO. GMPT ENG PSEO. ENG.ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG. AVDC ENG. ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMU PSEO ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG. GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG PSEO. GVDP ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG. AVDC ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT . ENG ENG GVDP. VTS. ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT.GMPT GMPT GMPT ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG. GMPT ENG GVDP ENG GVDP ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG. ENG. VTS.GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. GMPT ENG PSEO ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC GMPT ENG GVDP. ENG ENG .ENG ENG GMPT ENG PSEO. Quality . A slang english version of the original Latin meaning. Quarter Panel. Quality Manual Quality Management Facilities . Quality Assurance. Quality Containment & Accountability Quality Center Manager Quality Control Plan Qualification Cross Reference Index Quality Containment System. which means. Quality Growth Management. Quad Driver Module. Quality Advisory Committee Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Quality Assessment Process. A Latin phrase. Quick Lube Plus. Quod Erat Demonstrandum. No longer used. Quality Education System.Delivery – Cost Quick Die Change. to indicate the end of the written proof of a theorem. if correct. Quality Assurance Plan Quality Automotive Transportation Quality As a Value Quality Build Concerns. Quality Engineering Improvement Team. Quality Improvement System Quality Information System Quality Improvement Team.D. A design approach which utilizes specific and disciplined techniques to ensure 'voice of the customer' input and accommodation during all phases of development or refinement. Quality Engineering Management Team. Quick & Dirty Operating System Quality Engineering. Quarter Window. Quality Index. Query By Form Q Bit Data (C2C) Quality Characteristic. Quality Function Deployment Institute Quad Flat Pack Quality Functional Deployment Quality Focus Team. An abbreviation.Mathematicians use Q. "which was to be demonstrated.Acronym Q Q/PNL Q/WDO QA QAC QAM QAP QAP QAT QAV QBC QBF QBT QC QC QC&A QCM QCP QCRI QCS QDC QDC QDM QDOS QE QED QED QEIT QEMT QES QFD QFDI QFP QFP QFT QGM QGP QI QIC QIP QIS QIS QIT QLP QM QMF Definition Quality. Quality Growth Process.E. Quality Function Deployment. is considered absolute. Quality Information Center Quality Improvement Process. Quality Control. Quite Evident Dummy. which. An abbreviation. see Cqis. 29 minutes or less Lube/Oil/Filter service with safety inspection and fluid fill. QPOs will receive the applicable marketing discounts. Quality System/International Standards Organization A document. Reliability. Performance Quality. A functional designation . Quality Verification System .QN QNIP QNPM QNSP QOS QP QPA QPAC QPC QPO QPRP QPSK QPSO QRC QRCOI QRD QRD Center QRDP QRDPS QRI QS QS/ISO QS9000 QSA QSDD QSDD-RC QSL QSM QSOP QSP QSQN QSR QSS QST QTC QTP QTR QTR QTT QTT QTY QUA QV00C QVP QVR QVS Quality Network. Durability. Reliability. The meeting defined by the Quality Valve Review Manuals. Quality Task Team Quality. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Quality Planning Sign-Off Quality Related Concern Quality. Quality Network Suggestion Plan Quality Of Service. Reliability. Reliability. Quality Valve Review. Durability. Today & Tomorrow Quantity. Quality Plan Quality Performance Award Quality & Product Assurance Council Quality & Productivity Center Qualified Promotion Order (Is to be used when a dealer wants to participate in a special promotion being offered by GM Parts). Durability. Mack Trucks. and Volvo GM Heavy Truck). Performance. Freightliner. return reserves and advertising allowance associated with the promotion. Service Quality Record Index Quality System. PACCAR. General Motors. Quality Valve Process. Statement of Work with this designation describe the responsibilities of the Program Quality Manager. Quality Systems Manager Quarter Small Outline Package Quality. which defines the fundamental quality system expectations of subscribing companies (including DaimlerChrysler. Quality. Navistar International. Quality Network Implementation Process Qualify Network Planned Maintenance. Service. distributed by the AIAG. Quality Reliability and Durability Center. Price Quality Systems Quality Network Quality System Requirements Quality System Standards Quality System Team Quoted Tool Capacity Quick Turnaround Plotting Quarter Quarter. Quality Valve 00 Complete. & Competitive Operations Integration Quality. Quality System Assessment Quad Squibb Diagnostics & Deployment (DD IC) Quad Squibb Deployment Driver (RC network) Quality Standards Laboratory. Ford. ISO 9001:1994 Section 4 forms the foundation for QS-9000. An abbreviation. Quality Problem Resolution Process. QWG QWIK QWL Quarter Window Glass Quality With Information & Knowledge Quality of Work Life (GM employee survey) . GMPT.Department ENG ENG ENG ENG. AVDC ENG GVDP. GMPT GMPT GMPT ENG ENG IS&S ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG GVDP. ENG AVDC GVDP. GVDP. ENG ENG. ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG. MFD. ENG. ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. GMPT GMPT AIAG. ENG. GMPT GMPT. GVDP. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT QVR GMPT . GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. GMPT ENG . An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Rear fender. Responsible/Approve/Consult/Inform Receive Acknowledge (C2C) Radiator. The "who" for each task in a step is defined. R&I is the replacement. Restricted Air Movement . Radial Aperture Tube (Rat) Injection Reactor. Repeatability & Reproducibility Roles and Responsibilities. Research & Development. No longer used within GM Service. Rear door. Read / Write Not Rear window. RAT Inspection Reactor Random Access Memory. Rear gear. Rear compartment. An abbreviation. Many people or activities can be defined for each task at the following levels of responsibility: 1) Primary responsibility. An abbreviation. Resource Adjustments Reuse Alternatives Risk Analysis Registrar Accreditation Board Remote Accessory Control(ler). Rear end. Ride & Handling Remove and Install. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Rear quarter. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Replaces R&R Remove & Repair Remove & Replace. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Corporate Railhead Quality Audit. 3) Contributing responsibility. 2) Customer. Radium Rear Axle. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Rear floor.Acronym R R R R&D R&H R&I R&R R&R R&R R&R R&T R/A R/AXL R/C R/C VALVE R/CMPT R/CON R/D R/END R/FLR R/FND R/GR R/L R/MLDG R/Q R/RL R/RPPM R/SEAT R/TOP R/W* R/WDO Ra RA RA RA RA RAB RAC RACF RACF RACI RACK RAD RADAR RAIL RAIR RAIR RAM RAM Definition Release Reuse Reverse. Reasonable Available Control Facility. Resistor / Capacitor Reactor Converter Valve. An abbreviation. Rejected/Returned Parts Per Million Rear seat. An abbreviation. Resource Access Control Facility. Roof rail. 4) Approval. Right / Left Reveal molding. Remote control. RAdio Detecting And Ranging. Resume / Accelerate Rear axle. An abbreviation. Removable top. Reliability & Test. Approval. Responsible. Run-At-Rate Build Robot Auto Racing Simulation Remote Access System Responsibility. Redundancy Analysis Technique. Capacitor. Support. Research Committee for Automobile Repair Rear Climate Control Regional Distribution Center Required Completion Date.) where the Program Charter is brought forward so that the strategy board can raise issues and/or approve the Program Charter. etc. Review Draft Charter Request for Cost Evaluation (or Estimate) Rear Compartment Lid (deck) Resistor.) Retail Accounting Vehicle Invoice System Rubidium Rigid Body Risk Based Control Design. An abbreviation. Support. An abbreviation. Rear Bumper Extension Rear Bumper Filler Rebound. Dealer Parts Ordering System. Rear Bumper Reinforcement Rear Bumper. This results in deliverables that document a version of the Program Charter and contain issues that need to be resolved or have resolution plans documented before it is subsequently presented to the Vehicle Line Executive at Deliver Charter (DC). Inform. ESB. Roadside Communicator Unit . Inductor Receptacle. Ride Control Rotary Combustion Ride Control. Resource Conservation & Recovery Act RC Request for Service Action Rear Compartment Spoiler Regional Commercial Sales Manager. Specific date negotiated in strategy sessions with leader and stake holders for when a deliverable must be done. Information. Rotary Combustion Engine. To mark that point in time at which there is a regular meeting of the Regional Strategy Board (NASB. The official document outlying the requirements of a change. Approval. Requirements Change Request. Reconfigurable Advanced Visualization Environment (NASA stereoscopic visualization system that will enable its researchers to share computational fluid dynamics and structural analysis simulations. Impact Release Code Remanufacture Center Review Charter. Consult Radial Aperture Tube.RAMP Ran RAP RAPID 2000 RARB RARS RAS RASI RASIC RAT RAT RAVE RAVIS Rb RB RBCD RBE RBF RBND RBR RBX RC RC RC RC RC RC RC ENGINE RCAR RCC RCD RCD RCD RCE RCL RCL RCPT RCR RCRA RCRSA RCS RCSM RCU Simulated Railhead Quality Audit. Random (an abbreviation) Retained Accessory Power. LASB. An abbreviation. Regional Divisional Marketing Manager. Resource Estimate. Reducer. Receiver. Rear Door Frame Reliability Design Factor Reading. An abbreviation. Refrigeration (an abbreviation) . Review Draft Charter. Recovery. An abbreviation. Regional Engineering Center Recalibrate or recalibration (an abbreviation) Receptable (an abbreviation) Recirculation (an abbreviation) Recline (an abbreviation) Recliner. Repair Data Entry System Radio Direction Finder. Radio Head (C2C) Radio. An abbreviation. Responsible Engineering Activity Reuse Based Object-Oriented Technology Rear Electric Brake System Receive (an abbreviation) Rear Electrical Center. Radio Display System Repeatable Digital Validation. Reduction. Reference (an abbreviation) Reflector. An abbreviation. Recirculating. An abbreviation. Radio Data System. An abbreviation. Rear Door Glass Rear Door garnish Molding Rear Door Module. Reflectivity. Request for Deviation or Waiver Rhenium Release Engineer. An abbreviation. Remanufacturing Data Entry System Relational Data Base Management System Radio Data System Regional Distribution Center. An abbreviation.RCV RCVG RCVR RCVY RDACS RDBMS RDC RDC RDC RDC RDCM RDCN RDCR RDD RDES RDF RDF RDF RDG RDG RDM RDM RDMM RDO RDO RDS RDS RDV RDW Re RE RE RE RE RE RE REA REBOOT REBS Rec REC REC Recal Recep Recirc Recl RECL RECRG Ref REFL REFLTY Refrig Reactor Converter Valve Receiving. Remanufacture Engineer Resident Engineer Resource Estimate Responsible Engineer. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Rib Deflection Criterion Right Door Control Module. Remote Data Distribution. REFRIG REG REG Regen REGIS REINF REL REL RELDSN RELTRACK REM REM REMAN RenCen REO REP REPL Req REQ REQT RES RES RES RESE Resist RESO RESV Resync RET RETO RETR Rev REV REV REV REV REV REV BST REVBR REVLDT REVS REWK RF RF RF RF/DC RF/ID RFA RFA RFA RFAB Refrigerant. An abbreviation. Regulator or regulated (abbreviation) Regulator. An abbreviation. Regeneration or regenerate (an abbreviation) Relational General Information System. Reinforcement. An abbreviation. Release circuit Release. An abbreviation. RELease DeSigN. Release and Track(Design Center) Remote Mirror Remote. An abbreviation. Remanufacture. An abbreviation. Renaissance Center. Headquarters of General Motors in downtown Detroit. RADAR Electro Optical Rear End Panel Replace. An abbreviation. Requisition (an abbreviation) Request. An abbreviation. Requirement. An abbreviation. Rated Engine Speed. Research & Environmental Staff. Resistor. An abbreviation. Resident Electrical Service Engineer Resistance (an abbreviation) Resonator. An abbreviation. Reserve. An abbreviation. Resynchronize (an abbreviation) Retainer. An abbreviation. Reasonably Expected To Occur Retractor. An abbreviation. Reverse (an abbreviation). Range Extended Vehicle Reverse. An abbreviation. Review. Revision Revolutions. Reverse boost Reverberator. An abbreviation. Revalidation. An abbreviation. Requirements Expansion Validation System Rework. Radio Frequency. Right Front. Roof. An abbreviation. Radio Frequency Data Communications. Wireless Data Communication. Radio Frequency Identification. Automatic identification communication technology. Rear bumper Facia (ornamentation) Remote Function Actuator. Request For Approval Remote Function Actuator Box. RFC RFCSS RFD RFE RFF RFF RFG RFG RFI RFI RFI RFI(C) RFIFO RFIS RFP RFP RFQ RFWS RFWS RG RG/U RGAMR RGAWR RGB RGL RGM RGM RGS RGTRN Rh RH RH RHC RHD RHL RHM RHS RHT RHVL RIA RIAA RIC RID RID RID RIF RIM Request For Comments (New standards are proposed and published on line, as a Request For Comments.) Rear Facing Child Safety Seat Request for Discussion (Part of the formal newsgroup creation process.) Right Front Ear (level). This indicates a microphone position in the right front passenger seating position. Roller Figure Follower Roller Finger Follower ReFormulated Gasoline Roof Glass Radio frequency interference. Radio Frequency Interference. Request for Information Radio Frequency Interface (Circuit) Receive First In First Out (C2C) Rear Facing Infant Seat Request For Proposal Roof, clear Plastic Request for Quotation. Issued to vendors to invite them to submit a quotation to Purchasing for a material or service. Regional Field Warranty Specialist Right Front Wheel Speed. Ring Gear. Radio Government / Universal Rear Gross Axle Mass Rating. Rear Gross Axle Weight Rating. Red, Green, Blue Radiator Grille (ornamentation) Regional General Manager Reliability Growth Management group (champion and communicate a data driven process which identifies top warranty cost issues, provides problem definition, and tracks sufficiency plans to ensure business plan goals are achieved.) Report Generating System. Registration. An abbreviation. Rhodium Relative Humidity. Right Hand. Reaction Heated Catalyst Right Hand Drive. Rear Hatch Lid Rear of Hood Molding Rear Hatch Spoiler Retrogressed Heat Treating Roller HVL Robotics Institute of America. Recording Industry Association of America Remote Intelligent Communications Rear Impact Dummy Remarketing Information Database. Remove Intoxicated Drivers Reduction In Force Radio Interface Module RIM RIM RIMS RIMS RIO RIP RIP RISC RISC RISS RIT RIV RIV RJE RKE RKM RKR RL RLDA RLF RLN RLR RLY RLYCHK RMA RMA RMA RMA RMB RMC RMC RMD RMG RMM RMM RM-OPD RMS RMS RMS/D RMS-G's Rn RN RND RO RO RO ROA ROE ROG ROH Reaction Injection Molding. Rear Integration Module Remarketing Information Management System. Requirements Information Management System (Powertrain) Reconfigurable Input/Output. Rest In Peace Reuse Implementation Plan Reduced Instruction Set Chip Reduced Instruction Set Computer Request for Information Systems Service Retail Information Technology Rivet. An abbreviation. Riviera. Remote Job Entry (Computing). Remote Keyless Entry. Rocker Molding Rocker. An abbreviation. Rail. An abbreviation. Road Load Data Acquisition (Rough road testing) Relief. An abbreviation. Remote LAN Node Roller. An abbreviation. Relay. An abbreviation. Relay Check. Rate Monotonic Analysis Rear end Master Reliability, Maintainability, Availability Return Material Authorization Rear Moving Barrier. Regional Marketing Council Rolling Model Change. Right Mid Door Regional Marketing Group Rate Mgmt Module Reconfigurable Math Model Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing. (an ISO standard). Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability (Software goals) Root Mean Square (Square root of the arithmetic average of a set of squared instantaneous values.) Root Mean Square Deviation Root Mean Square Gravity's. Radon Revision Notice Round. An abbreviation. Reliability Order. Repair Order. This is when you enter a dealership‘s service department and they enter your request in the computer for your specified work to be completed on your vehicle. Reusable Objects Return On Assets. Return On Equity Reactive Organic Gases Rear Overhang. ROI ROI ROI ROM ROM RON RONA ROPS ROS ROS Record Of Invention (form LSROI-01) Region of Interest Return On Investment. Read Only Memory. Rough Order of Magnitude. Research Octane Number. Return On Net Assets. This is one of the key metrics for General Motors. Roll Over Protective System Remanufacture Operations System Retail Operating System. This operating system was produced to give parts management the edge needed to stay on ahead of the competition and improve customer satisfaction. ROS gives an overview of how a service department is conducted. Return On Sales Revised Occupant Simulation Roll Over Sensor Return On Serviced Assets Roll Over Sensor Ignition Cycle Counter (DD - used in synchronizing Roll Over Sensor and SDM EDR [Extended Data Recording] feature) Rotor. An abbreviation. Ruggedized Off The Shelf Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet Reuse Process Rear Parking Assist. Regional Personnel Administration. Rat tubes / Pulse Air Injection Reactor Rapid Prototyping Controller Remote Parameter Control. Remote Procedure Call Retail Planning Calendar Rollover Prevention Energy Reserve Relative Part Grouping (Flow capacity analysis on a group of parts being produced from the same tool, process, or plant. CPR expressed as a group requirement. Capacity loaded at the group level. Buyers are responsible for building the relative parts grouping in the GPS.) Reliability Powertrain Group Report Program Generator. Revolutions Per Kilometer. Real-time Production Measurement Regional Parts Manager. In charge of all parts attributes within his/her region and the APMs, FSMs, RSM report directly to the RPM. Reliability Product Monitoring. Revolutions per Mile Revolutions Per Minute. Revolutions Per Mile. Reverse Polish Notation (from early calculator days - everything entered in reverse order due to stack operation approach) Risk Priority Number. The measure of risk in the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis comprehending effects severity, failure mode cause occurrence and detection capability of current controls. Regular Production Option (VDS - An alpha/numeric designation assigned to an added cost feature available on GM cars and trucks. For example, A11 = Window Tinted, All.) ROS ROS ROS ROSA ROSICC ROT ROTS ROYGBIV RP RPA RPA RPAIR RPC RPC RPC RPC RPER RPG RPG RPG RPK RPM RPM RPM RPM RPM RPM/1 RPN RPN RPO RPO RPP RPR RPR RPRT RPS RPS RPT RQA RQA RQC RQCS RQCV RQE RR RR RR RR RR RRAB RRB RRC RRD RR-H PT RRI RRIM RRL RRM RRS RS RSA RSA RSA RSA RSB RSC RSC RSE RSE RSEC RSEE RSG RSG RSL RSL RSM RSM RSM RSM Report Processing Option Roof Panel, Plastic Rapid Problem Resolution. Repair. An abbreviation. Report. An abbreviation. Roof Panel, SMC Rotational Position Sensor Regional Product Team Regular Quality Assessment Routing Quality Assessment. Reliability Quality Council Reference Quarter Car Simulation Request Commanded Value Message (C2C) Rear Quarter Extension Rear. An abbreviation. Receiving Report Repeatability & Reproducibility Right Rear. Rear. Roof Rail Air Bag Rear Roof Bow Redundant Radio Control Rear Right Door Rear Hip Point Reference Roughness Index Reinforced Reaction Injected Molded resins Roof Rail Rear end Molding Rough Road Shake (body performance parameter) Recommended Standard. Rear Seat Audio. Request for Service Action Reusable Software Asset Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (An encryption algorithm developed in 70's at MIT) Regional Strategy Board. Retail Support Center Reusable Software Component Regional Service Engineer Restraint Systems Engineer Restraint Systems Evaluation Considerations (book). Restraint Systems Electrical Engineering Radio Speaker Grill Recommended Stocking Guide. This is related to CFI as one of the five criteria. Dealers must stock 90% of parts recommended by this guide to qualify for CFI for each month.) Requirements Specification Language Reusable Software Library Rear Side Marker lamp Regional Support Manager. RPM back up, responsible for brand/marketing promotions/training. Remote Systems Management (A process to manage client/server operations from an off-site location.) Request System Modification. RSO RSP RSR RSS RSS RSS RSS RSS RSSI RST RST RSTC RSTG RSTN RSTP RSTR RSVR Rt RT RT RT RT RT&TM RTA RTA RTC RTD RTD RTD RTDB RTF RTFM RTI RTK RTL RTM RTN RTN RTO RTOS RTP RTP RTS RTT RTTP RTV RTV Ru RUP RV RV Reusable Software Object Rulemaking Support Paper. Riser. An abbreviation. Ratio Steering Sensitivity Reconfigurable Switch System. Remote Safing Sensor Ride Sensing Suspension Road Sensing Suspension Receive Signal Strength Indicator Radiator Support Restraint. An abbreviation. Restraint Systems Technical Committee (Off-Center) Steering Torque Gradient Ratio Restriction. An abbreviation. Road Schedule Temperature Profile Restrictor. An abbreviation. Reservoir. An abbreviation. Right (an abbreviation) Regression Testing Response Team Reuse Team Rigorous Tracking. Rigorous Tracking & Throughput Management. Real Time Analyzer Regional Technology Alliance - A group of companies in the Michigan area working together to determine how to use ARPA for the best results. Real Time Clock. Real Time Damping. Resistive Thermal (or Temperature) Device Return to Delnosa Regional Traffic Data Base Rich Text Format Read The @!# Manual Referred To the Input Right to Know Resistor Transistor Logic Resin Transfer Mold. Return Return. An abbreviation. Return to Originator Real Time Operating System Research Triangle Park Road Transducer Pad. Request To Send Reconfigurable Telltale. Response Team Transition Plan Return to Vendor Room Temperature Vulcanizing. Ruthenium Rational Unified Process. Recreational Vehicle. Roller vane RVC RVDAH RVDC RVIA RVL RVLG RVP RWAL RWD RWD RWD RWD RWH RWS RWS RX RXD RZ Regulated Voltage Controller. Roller Variable Direct Acting Hydvalve lifter Reacquired Vehicle Disclosure Center (see GM RVDC) Recreational Vehicle Industry Association Reveal. An abbreviation. Residual Value Lease Guide Reid Vapor Pressure. Rear Wheel Anti-Lock. Rear Wheel Drive Rear Window Defogger Request for Wiring Diagram Rear Wheel Drive. Rear Wheel Housing Rear Wheel Spoiler Rear Wheel Steering Receive (or Receiver). Receive Data. Return to Zero Department ENG ENG PSEO ENG VTS SPO, VSSM ENG ENG ENG, AVDC ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT PSEO, ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO, VTS, ENG ENG PSEO PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM . GMPT ENG ENG PSEO GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO VSSM ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO GVDP PSEO PSEO PSEO PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG AIAG AIAG PSEO. ENG EAG . ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO.ENG GMPT ENG PSEO. VTS PSEO. ENG ENG VTS. AVDC GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO . ENG VSSM PSEO ENG ENG VSSM ENG. GMPT. FIN. GVDP. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG.VTS. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO. ENG.ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG PSEO VSSM AVDC VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. AVDC ENG ENG ENG PSEO. VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG VSSM ENG ENG . GMPT. ENG. ENG PSEO.ENG PSEO. FIN ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG GMPT ENG VSSM ENG ENG GMPT ENG PSEO. FIN. VTS. VTS. GMPT. ENG . ENG GMPT. GVDP. ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO ENG VSSM VSSM VSSM ENG .GMPT GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG PSEO GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG . ENG AIAG PSEO PSEO.ENG ENG VTS ENG PSEO ENG ENG VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG GMPT PSEO ENG ENG . (Truck) Shock absorber.Performance Improvement Team Signal & Power Distribution System Squeak & Rattle. An abbreviation. Steering Gear. China.Acronym S S S-PIT S&PDS S&R S&RC S. Sub System of PPS to Control Sample Sub. An abbreviation. Serial Number Side panel. Safety & Restraints Center Seating Reference Point. Sales Allowance & Analysis System Standards Association of Australia Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget Stand Alone Arming Circuit (DD custom IC) Supercomputer Automotive Applications Partnership South African Bureau of Standards Statistical Analysis Department Systme Architecture Document. An abbreviation. Sunshade. An abbreviation. Statistical Analysis of Data Subsets Society of Automotive Engineers. Start/Stop. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Software Speed Sensitive Steering. An abbreviation. Slip/Slide.A joint venture company between GM and SAIC to produce Buick W Cars and U-Vans in Shanghai. Steering Knuckle.P. A worldwide association of technical specialists and engineers which sets standards and reviews new product requirements to insure the highest quality products for automotive customers. Safety/Compliance. An abbreviation. . Solar Air Exhaust System Safety.R. Sound Absorber. Surface to Volume ratio Surface to Volume Ratio. S/ABS S/C S/D S/GR S/KNU S/LP S/MA S/MBR S/N S/PNL S/RL S/S S/S S/S S/STR S/V S/V RATIO S/W S3 SA SAA SAA SAAB SAAC SAAP SABS SAD SAD SADS SAE SAES SAF SAGE SAIC SAM SAM SAM SAMI SAMPLE SAMPLE Definition Sulfur Superseded Sevice . Side rail. Side door. Sealing strip. Stop lamp. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Self Assessment for Global Endeavors Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation . Simplified Automotive Manufacturing Single-outlet Airflow Machine Six Axis Manipulator (Computerized numerical control machine used primarily to automate welding operations.) Single Address Multi-channel Interface Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.g. An abbreviation. Styrene Malaic Anhydride Side member. Surface Buy Off Strategic Business Plan. Service Achievement Process Single Appropriation Request Styling Action Request. Steering Angle Sensor. Service Category. Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks Software Assurance Technology Center (NASA Goddard) Safety Articulated Vehicle.SAMS SANZ SAP SAP SAP SAR SAR SAR SAR SARS SAS SAS SAS SAS SAS SAS SATAN SATC SAV SAVE SAW SAW SAW Sb SB SB SBA SBAD SBB SBC SBC SBD SBD SBM SBO SBP SBR SBS SBT SBU Sc SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Saturn Allocation Management System Standards Association of New Zealand German company for business systems software. Super Charger . Silicon Bilateral Switch Shift Boot – Tunnel console Strategic Business Unit. Applications and Products in data processing. Steel Belted Radial. Service Center Sports Coupe Stratified Charge. Strategy Board. Systems. Single Belt Accessory Drive. Sound Barrier Assembly (Barrier + Absorber). Strategy Based Diagnostics System Based Diagnostics. System Access & Security. Society of American Value Engineers Saleable Assembly Warehouse (special database server). Standing Acoustic Wave Surface Acoustic Wave Antimony Sound Barrier. Standard Body Module. Single Board Computer System Bench Communication. Screw lock sealed fuel Cap Serial Communications Service Call. A document that is used to initiate and obtain approval for vehicle styling (either exterior or interior) changes from GM Styling after concept direction and surface and prototype engineering release. Single Bed Bead. Successive Approximation Register Synthetic Aperture Radio Salary Accounting Reporting System Silicon Asymmetrical Switch Statistical Analysis and Synthesis Statistical Analysis Software Statistical Analysis System. Scandium Satisfaction Communication. evaluate safety countermeasure effectiveness. SCT is the replacement for CER. Safety and Crashworthiness Systems (no longer used. Sector. now S&RC) Silicon Controlled Switch Simultaneous Clay & Surface Development Small Computer Systems Interface Service Category Type. Switched Capacitor Filter Sequentially Controlled Fuel Injection Small Car Group. even if they aren't assigned one. and provide early detection of alleged or potential vehicle defects. school busses]. Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Shared Data Base . An abbreviation.) Supplier CIP Standard Charge Module Scalp. alternative fuel vehicles. An abbreviation. document crash circumstances. Speed Density Standard Deviation System Development. Software Development Sound Deadener. Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments Selective Catalyst Reduction Silicon Controlled Rectifier Software Change Request Solenoid-actuated Common Rail Single Crystal Reactive ion Etching And Metalization Screen. An abbreviation. identify injury mechanisms. Safety Center Council Steering Column Cover Sports Car Club of America. Southern California Regional Occupational Center. Speed Controlled Volume.) South Coast Air Quality Mgmt District Side Collision Avoidance System Scavenging.SCAAP SCAC SCAM SCAQMD SCAS SCAV SCC SCC SCCA SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCF SCFI SCG SCI SCI SCI SCIP SCM SCP SCPI SCR SCR SCR S-CR SCREAM SCRN SCROC SCS SCS SCSD SCSI SCT SCT SCTR SCV SD SD SD SD SD SD SDA SDARS SDB Super Computer Automotive Applications Partnership Standard Carrier Alpha Code. Stratified Charge Engine. SCSI Configured Auto Magically (Allows SCSI devices to be configured automatically with an ID number. Southern California Edison. Safety & Crashworthiness Engineering Short-term Customer Enthusiasm Source. Supplier Development Association. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Serial Data. Service Contact Tool. Scalable Coherent Interface Serial Communications Interface Special Crash Investigation (NCSA program to examine safety impact of rapidly changing technology [air bags. Strategic Decision Center. Standard Definition TeleVision System Development and Validation Engineer. Supplier Development Engineer. . Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory Service Determination & Releasing System. Globally Sourced SDM SDM w/ Analog Devices accelerometers SDM w/ Class 2 Communications all electronic SDM SDM used in FIAT SDM "Global" SDM used internationally SDM ―Multi Car Device‖ (Same as SDM-99) SDM used by Opal redesigned SDM SDM-RSD w/ driver circuit only SDM-R w/ suppression circuitry (passenger side) SDM-RS w/ suppression circuitry removed SDM used in Saturn Software Development Plan System Delivery Process. An abbreviation. System Development Process.SDC SDC SDC SDC SDD SDD SDD SDD SDE SDF SDG SDH SDI SDL SDL SDLC SDLC SDM SDM SDM SDM-99 SDM-B SDM-CL2 SDM-E SDM-F SDM-G SDM-I SDM-MCD SDM-O SDM-R SDM-REDD SDM-RS SDM-RSD SDM-S SDP SDP SDP SDP-21 SDR SDRAM SDRS SDS SDS SDS SDSF SDT SDTV SDV Service Determination Code. Stationary Software Design Specification Surveillance Driving Sequence (EPA). Road surface type. Spool Display & Search Facility. Side Door Glass Synchronous Data Hierarchy Serial Digital Interface Serial Data Line. Synchronous Data Link Control System Development Life Cycle Safety Diagnosis Module Sensing & Diagnostic Module Space Division Multiplexing. Static Design Factor. Stud Damaged Concrete. Side Door glass. System Delivery Process. Side Door glass Drop Software Design Document Squib Diagnostic and Deployment [SIR Deployment Driver IC] System Design Document. In place since September 1997. Supplier Development Certification. System Development Team. The laboratory development engineer responsible for product development and validation through laboratory testing. Serial Data Link. Current GMB local system for Service Determination & Releasing System. Sender. Also responsible for test planning and development. SDVE SDX Se SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SEA Sec SEC SEC SEC SECAMI SECD SECT SECV SED SEGR SEGR/EPR SEI SEIT SEK SEL SEL SEM SEMA SEMKO SEMT SEMWAN Sen SEN SEO SEO SEO Sep SEP Seq SEQ Ser SERG SERT SERV System Development & Validation Engineer (The laboratory development engineer responsible for product development and validation through laboratory testing. Also responsible for test planning and development.) Storage Data acceleration Selenium September. Service Engineering Simultaneous Engineering. Special Edition Standard Error Systems Engineer. Person who is the creator and leader of technical specifications for vehicle, dimensional, and manufacturing systems and sub-systems. Systems Engineering. A formal process for the development of a complex system. The process is driven by a set of established requirements derived from the intended mission of the system throughout its life cycle. Selective Enforcement Audit. Second(s) (an abbreviation) Securities & Exchange Commission Systematic Engine Calibration Systems Engineering Center. System Electronique Couleur Avec Memoire Secondary. An abbreviation. Section. An abbreviation. State Electricity Commission of Victoria Systems Engineering Development. (vacuum) Switched EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation - Diesel) Vacuum Switched EGR w/EPR (Diesel). Software Engineering Institute (The SEI mission is to provide leadership in advancing the state of the practice of systems / software engineering to improve the quality of systems that depend on software.) Salaried Employee In Training. Svenska Elektriska Kommissionen Secured Employment Level. Selector. An abbreviation. Scanning Electron Microscope Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association. Svenska Elektriske MaterielKOntrollanstalten Simultaneous Engineering Management Team. Southeast Michigan Wide Area Network Sensor (an abbreviation) Sensor. An abbreviation. Special Engineering Option Special Equipment Option. System Engineering Organization. September (an abbreviation) Separator. An abbreviation. Sequence (an abbreviation) Sequential. An abbreviation. Serial (an abbreviation) Special Equipment Review Group. Selected Engineering Records for Transmission Service. An abbreviation. SES SES SETI SETL SEV SEV1 Seven S‘s SF SF SF SFC SFDR SFG SFI SFMEA SFP SFTA SFTP SGM SGM SGML SGRAM SgRP SH SHA SHAININ SHARC SHAWS SHB SHED SHF SHF SHFT SHK SHKL SHLA SHLD SHLDR SHLF SHPE SHPG SHRD SHRP Service Engine Soon. Warning lamp in instrument panel. Special Equipment Specifications. Sahkotarkastuskeskus Service Engineering Team Leader Seville. Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer Verein Postfach An assessment that provides questions that address all facets of an organization: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Staff, Style, Skills, and Super-ordinate Goals. Software Freeze Spot face. An abbreviation. Styling Freeze. To mark that point in time at which styling changes for the selected divisional design theme is frozen for all Interior and Exterior surfaces with the exception of any item that would not impact the critical path or delay any of the builds.For surface changes greater than 1.0mm.,change management process begins. Shop Floor Control. Spurious Free Dynamic Range Speedo Fittings & Gears Sequential Fuel Injection. Systems FMEA Signed Floating Point (C2C) Software Fault Tree Analysis. Supplemental FTP Shanghai General Motors Side Garnish Molding Standard Generalized Markup Language. An ANSI and ISO standard for a neutral, nonproprietary word processing formatting notation. A text file created using SGML on one word processing system can be correctly read and formatted on any other SGML-capable word processing system without import, export, or file translation Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory Seating Group Reference Point (Dimensional references point, which may be different from the SRP. It is generally located forward of the SRP. This point is used for FMVSS certification in specific cases.) Sheet. An abbreviation. Sample & Hold Amplifier A problem solving process. Super Harvard ARchitecture Computer Safety Hazard Advance Warning System Shift Boot Sealed Housing for Evaporation Determination Shaft. An abbreviation. Super High Frequency Shift. An abbreviation. Shock. An abbreviation. Shackle. An abbreviation. Stationary Hydraulic Lash Adjuster Shield. An abbreviation. Shoulder. An abbreviation. Shelf. An abbreviation. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Shipping. An abbreviation. Shroud. An abbreviation. Strategic Highway Research Program SHTTP Si SI SI SI SI SI 2000 SI2K SIA SIA SIAB SIAM SiC SIC SIC SICL SID SID SID SID SIDAC SIDI SIE SIE Sig SIG SIG SIHR SII SIL SIL SIL SIL SIM SIM SIMD SIMD SIMDB SIMM SIMP SINAD SINCAP SIO Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Silicon Service Information. A database program that contains repair informaton for General Motors vehicles. Severity Index Side. An abbreviation. Spark Ignition Service Information 2000. No longer used. Changed to SI in May 2002. Service Information 2000. No longer used. Changed to SI in May 2002. Semiconductor Industry Association Suzuki Isuzu of America Side Impact Airbag Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Silicon Carbide Service Information Coordinator Standard Industrial Code Standard Instrument Control Library Secondary Identification (C2C) Service Information Development. The process of developing service information into a useable format (i.e., CD, WEB, paper service manual). Shipment Identification Number. A number used by Customs to identify a shipment crossing the border. Also, a control ID number assigned to an ASN transaction. Side Impact Dummy. SIlicon Diode Alternating Current Spark Ignition Direct Injection (generic for GDI) Service Information Element; type of SIO in the ESI database which are stand-alone pieces of service information, such as replacement or diagnostic procedures. System Integration Engineer. Signal (abbreviation) Signal. An abbreviation. Special Interest Group Self Inflating Head Restraint Standards Institution of Israel Shift Indicator Light. Silencer. An abbreviation. Single Issue List (developed by CPIT [Current Product Improvement Team] and is as long as necessary to obtain sufficiency for the business plan goals. SILs will be maintained for each vehicle line. If a SIL item affects multiple vehicles, it must be maintained on each SIL in PRTS. [Problem Resolution Tracking System]) Sound Intensity Level Simultaneous Imperative & goal Management. A process and/or team. Subscriber Information Memory. Single Instruction stream, Multiple Data stream Single-Instruction Multiple Data Side Impact Moving Deformable Barrier Single In-line Memory Module Simultaneous Imperative & goal Management Process. Signal plus Noise And Distortion. Side Impact New Car Assessment Program (no longer used) Service Information Object. SIO‘s are the content chunks of service information. You might think of an SIO as a file which contains the data for service information content. There are 3 types of SIO‘s: graphic SIO, SGML text SIO and SIE. SIP SIP SIPG SIPG SIPS SIPS SIPT SIR SIS SIS SIS SIS SISA SISC SISM SIT SITQ SIU SK SKD SL SL SL SLA SLA SLA SLAP SLC SLC SLC SLD SLDC SLDG SLDR SLEV SLEV SLGC SLI SLIC SLIM SLIP SLIP SLOT SLR SLS SLVFC Sm SM SM SMA SMA Single In-line Package State Implementation Plan. Site Implementation Process Guide. Systems Implementation Process Guide. Service Information Publication Standards. Side Impact Protection System Service Information Production Team Supplemental Inflatable Restraint. Service Information Support Service Information System Smart Intake System Side Impact Sensor. Semiconductor Industry Suppliers Association Side Impact Systems Center Side Impact Sensing Module Service Information Type; classification of SIO‘s. Service Information Type Qualifier; sub-classification for SIT‘s. Summing It (all) Up Skirt. An abbreviation. Semi Knocked Down. Screw Lock. Simple Loop. System Layout Short Long Arm Suspension. Stereolithography Apparatus (equipment than used a computer guided laser to "grow" 3D prototype parts from photosensitive liquid plastic.) Synchronous Line Adapter Sales Live Action Program Standard Location Code. Subscriber Loop Carrier [Telephony] System Life Cycle (EDS). Structural Life Development. Synchronous Data Link Control Sliding. An abbreviation. Solder. An abbreviation. Sleeve. An abbreviation. Super Low Emission Vehicle Screw Lock Gas Cap. Starting, Lights, and Ignition Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Success Likelihood Index Method Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP is gradually being replaced by PPP.) Symmetrical LIst Processing language Scaling, Limits, Offset, Transfer type (C2C) Static Loaded Radius Seville Luxury Sedan Screw Lock Vented Fuel Cap. Samarium Small. An abbreviation. Synchronous Manufacturing. Shaped Metal Alloy Smooth Asphalt. Road surface type. SMA SMART SMART SMART SMART SubMiniature A Self Monitoring Analysis & Reporting Technology (Hard Drive technology that requires hardware, software, and BIOS support to identify potential hard drive failures and accommodate timely backups.) Shop Management and Resource Tracking. Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic, and Time framed Supplier MAterial Requirements Tracking system; DaimlerChrysler acronym. A program which provides direct access for authorized Chrysler suppliers to online inventory information. Server Message Block Side Moving Barrier. Synchronous Math - Based Process. Encompasses several NAO initiatives to enable concurrent use of electronic (math) data throughout the entire vehicle development process -from product planning to design and validation to manufacture and service. SMBP uses a common set of standards and systems to support GMNA integration engineering process. Five Key initiatives of the Synchronous Math - Based Process that enable the flow of math data for full vehicle design and manufacture: common, core CAD / CAM and data management systems, engineering release and change management process, and the associated computing infrastructure. System Management Bus Sheet Molding Compound. Stepper Motor Cruise Control. Stepper Motor Cruise Control II Sauter Mean Diameter Surface Mounted Device. Switched Multi-megabit Data Service (A new standard for very high-speed data transfer.) Society of Manufacturing Engineers. A professional society devoted to the improvement and advancement of the skills of industrial and manufacturing engineers Subject Matter Expert. Subsystem and Manufacturing Integration Survey Maintenance and Inspection. Dealership Essential Tool Survey. Supplier Management Indirect Material System. Signed Numeric data (C2C) Sheet Metal Opening (Theoretical edge of the body panels.) South Main Office. Symmetrical Multi Processor Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Specialized Mobile Radio Strategic Management System (Market research tool - now web based.) Simultaneous Management Team (Optimize Product Design Quality of subsystems & their interfaces through the use of Quality Engineering practices and tools to achieve a high level of customer enthusiasm.) Subject Matter Team. Surface Mount Technology. Circuit board manufacturing technology. System Management Team (Function of this team is typically: to allocate program goals into subsystem targets, to execute subsystem strategies to achieve targets, and to develop subsystem status reports for presentation to VAPIR Team.) Simultaneous Management Team Assistant. System Management Team Focus Engineer Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A protocol used to transfer mail between computers Structural Modeling Using Graphics. SMB SMB SMBP SMBP Network SMBus SMC SMCC SMCCII SMD SMD SMDS SME SME SMI SMI SMIMS SMN SMO SMO SMP SMPTE SMR SMS SMT SMT SMT SMT SMTA SMTFE SMTP SMUG SMVBns SMVBs SMVP Sn SN SN SNA SNAC SNAC SNAFU SNBR SND SNEF SNFR SNG SNI SNL SNMP SNOBL SNPRM SNR SO2 SOA SOA SOAP SOAP SOAP SOC SOC SOCS SOCS SOD SOF SOFC SOG SOH SOHC SOHO SOI Start of Manufacturing Validation Build non-salable Start of Manufacturing Validation Build salable Senior Management Vehicle Program Tin Serial Number (Normally written as S/N). Signal to Noise System Network Architecture. Static Nonlinear Access Code Static Nonlinear Analysis Code. Situation Normal, All Fouled Up Snubber. An abbreviation. Sound. An abbreviation. Signal to Noise Enhancement Filter Snuffer. An abbreviation. Substitute Natural Gas System Network Integration. Sandia National Laboratories Simple Network Management Protocol (A set of standards for communication with devices connected to a TCP/IP network.) StriNg Oriented symBOlid Language Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Signal to Noise Ratio (The noise is measured using a true RMS type voltmeter over a specified bandwidth, and sometimes using weighting filters. All these things must be stated for a S/N spec to have meaning.) Sulfur Dioxide Start of Assembly. State Of the Art Simple Object Access Protocol Stamp Out Acronyms Pronto Symbolic Optimizing Assembler Program Socket. An abbreviation. State Of Charge. Regarding battery pack charge; stated as a percentage. Special Order Control System. Special Order Count System. Seminars On Disk (PC skills development courses available on your GM-Online PC - look in Start Menu/Training.) Start of Frame (C2C) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Service Operations Guide. This manual contains information regarding all service procedures. It is provided to wholesale field service as well as home office warranty. State Of Health. Single Overhead Camshaft. Small-Office/Home-Office Silicon On Insulator (A composite structure consisting of an active layer of silicon deposited on an insulating material. The insulator can be sapphire (as in SOS), silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, or even an insulating form of silicon itself. The ICs subsequently deposited in the active silicon layer can have advantages of radiation hardness, speed, and high-temperature operation.) Statement of Insurance Small Outline Integrated Circuit. (A miniature plastic flat pack designed for surface mount with gull-wing leads. Most versions have lead spacing of 0.05 inches.) Small Outline J-head SOI SOIC SOJ SOL Sol SOLES SOLV SOMS SONAR SONET SOO SOP SOP SOP SOP SOPA SOPR SOPR SOR SORP SOS SOS SOT SOVA SOVA SOVP SOW SOW SP SP SP SP SP SPA SPA SPAC SPAC CASE SPARC SPC SPC Solenoid. An abbreviation. Solenoid (an abbreviation) Society Of Latino Engineers & Scientists Solvent. An abbreviation. Seat Occupancy Monitoring System Sound Detection And Ranging Synchronous Optical NETwork Statement of Objectives Small Outline Package Standard Operating Procedures. Start of Pilot. Start of Production. A benchmark that represents the date on which the parts(s) must be available in the assembly plant for the first vehicle build. Start Of Production Accelerated. Start Of Production by Rework (include Pilot). Start of Production Regular Statement of Requirements. A comprehensive document that defines specific deliverables, timetables, costs and responsibilities for procurement of engineering development, design, build or test. When presented as part of a purchase order, the SOR becomes part of the contract between General Motors and a supplier. Start Of Regular Production. Silicon on Sapphire (A CMOS technology in which a layer of silicon is epitaxially grown on a sapphire wafer, with specific regions subsequently etched away between individual transistors. Each device is thus totally isolated from other devices.) Standard Of Service. Small Outline Transistor Source of Variation Analysis. Start of Volume Assembly. Start Of Volume Production. Scope Of Work Statement Of Work. For each task a statement of work is created. The information to provide is: Task number, Task name, Task owner, Task duration, Task description, Deliverables, Customer for deliverables, Necessary inputs, Resources and Methodology. Service Plan Simulation Plan Staged Purge. Stand Pipe Surface & Prototype Spare. An abbreviation. Supplier Product Assessment Service Parts Assistance Center. Contact SPAC with any questions concerning GM Parts/orders. Service Parts Assistance Center Case. This is when a part is on back order and the part is needed. SPAC will conduct an extensive search for the part across the U.S., known as a SPAC Case.) Scalable Processor ARChitecture Single Point Constraint. Statistical Process Control. A statistically based method to determine if a process is in control and whether or not the process is capable of performing according to specifications. Supercharger. An abbreviation. Spacer. An abbreviation. SPCHG SPCR Spd SPD SPD SPD SPDIF SPDL SPDT SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPEAR SPEC SPEC SPECD SPECD SPEED Speedo SPEEDO SPEP SPF SPF SPFI SPFI SPG SPGA SPH SPHER SPI SPI SPICE Speed (an abbreviation) Significant Product Discrepancies. Speed. An abbreviation. Supplier Planning Document Sony/Phillips Digital Interface Format Spindle. An abbreviation. Single Pole Double Throw. Senior Project Engineer. Service and Prototype Engineer (Powertrain) Service Parts Engineer. A Saturn job classification whose responsibilities include: ensuring a complete service parts list for past, current, & future model years, coordinating part changes between Engineering and SSPO, developing the catalog, & developing new product parts training. Society of Petroleum Engineers Society of Plastics Engineers. Surface & Prototype Engineering. The term typically used for surface data from Design Center. Supplier (Source) Performance, Evaluation & Reporting. Specification. An abbreviation. Specification (an abbreviation). Specifications of Engineering Car Division. Specified. An abbreviation. [crash] Simulation Process for Effective & Efficient [product] Development Speedometer (an abbreviation) Speedometer. An abbreviation. Start of Production Except Pilot Structural Programming Facility. System Productivity Facility. Sequential Port Fuel Injection Surface Protected Flexible Insulation Shift Pattern Generator. System Programmable Gate Array Splash. An abbreviation. Spherical. An abbreviation. Serial Peripheral Interface Structure Process Improvement. Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (Simulator used to model electrical circuits at the transistor level. This popular simulator was developed by UC Berkeley, and has been customized and enhanced by many companies.) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Service Program Implementation Process Speaker. An abbreviation. Sprocket. An abbreviation. Sound Pressure Level. Spark plug. An abbreviation. Spot lamp. An abbreviation. Spoiler. An abbreviation. Splitter. An abbreviation. Supply. An abbreviation. Service Program Manager Software Procedures Manual Sport Mirror SPIE SPIP SPKR SPKT SPL SPLG SPLP SPLR SPLTR SPLY SPM SPM SPM SPT Strategic Planning Team. SQAT Surface Quality Audit Team SQC Staff Quality Council SQC Statistical Quality Control. SQIP Supplier Quality Improvement Program (or Process) SQIT Specific Quality Improvement Team SQL Structured Query Language (A specialized programming language for sending queries to databases. SPS Service Programming System. SPRINT Sample Parts Inspection and Tracking SPRINT Service Parts Resolved In No Time (This is when dealer "A" needs a part and dealer "B" sends the part to dealer "A" resolving a parts problem rapidly. SPOIE Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line SPOPRICING Service Parts Operations Pricing. mule bucks and any required kits. SPS Stable Production Stage 5 (At Metrics) SPS Steering Pump Speed SPST Single Pole Single Throw. An abbreviation. SPVS Sled Pulse Verification System SPWELD Specified welds. This division is responsible for GM Parts and AC Delco sales.) SQRC Safety. SPT Single Point Team. bucks and kits required by each of the Product Development Teams (PDTs) and Performance Integration Teams (PITSs). SR Sourcing Request. An abbreviation. SPR Spring. Quality.) SPS Salaried Payroll System. SQA Supplier Quality Assurance. SPURs Shared Property Use Requests. Cost SQT Supplier Quality Technician SQV Surface Quality Verification. SRA Society for Risk Analysis . SQ&V Surface Quality & Validation SQA Supplier Quality Administrator. SPS SPeed Signal. SPR Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Sr Strontium SR Scheduling Review SR Service Readiness. Dealer "B" is paid trade price for the part by GMSPO. SQE Supplier Quality Engineer. Responsiveness.SPO Service Parts Organization (Operations). SR Specific Reason SR Specification Release. SPO Special Police Option SPOBARS Service Parts Operations Billing and Accounts Receivables System. Dealer "A" is billed on his open account at dealer cost. SR Stage Review SR&I Service Readiness & Information. Warehousing and distribution division of GM. SPP Supplier Project Planning.Describe the pre-production vehicles. SPP Sales Promotion Package. Completed SPURs are required at VPI for all Mule vehicles. S.) Safety Related Defect. the SRC today is the largest industry-driven research program in the nation. Static Random Access Memory Safety Review Board. See also SgRP. Servo (abbreviation) Sport Recreation Vehicle Satellite Sensor (re. Supplemental Restraint System. Air Bag systems: EFS [Electronic Front Sensor] and SIS [Side Impact Sensor]. Solid State Speed Signal. Spread Spectrum Carrier Solid State Disk Software Support Engineer Super Sport Edition .SRA SRAM SRB SRC SRD SRD SRD SRDL SRE SRE SRHVL SRI SRM SRM SRO SRP SRP SRR SRS SRS SRS SRS SRS SRS SRV SRV SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SSA SSA SSA SSB SSC SSC SSD SSE SSE Special Remittance Advice. Shift Solenoid. Systems Requirements Document. May include ROS [Roll Over Sensor]. Synchronous Reference Sensor. Formed by the Semiconductor Industry Association in 1982. Society for Reliability Engineers Short RHVL Service Readiness & Information.) Scribed part with datums indicated (no deviations marked on part).) Service Readiness Plan Stage Review Records Smooth Road Shake (body performance parameter) Software Requirements Specification Sound Retrieval System Sourcing Request System. Stainless Steel Steady State Super Sport Supplier Selection Semiconductor Safety Association Social Security Administration Standards Association of Australia Single Side Band Safety Sub Committee. Seating Reference Point (The manufacturer's rearmost design seating reference point used for most FMVSS and Export certification purposes. Safety Research & Development Laboratory Service Readiness Engineer. universities. Service Responsible Division. Side Roof rail Molding Standard Reference Material Standing Room Only. AOS [Automatic Occupant Sensor] and others eventually. Semiconductor Research Corporation (The SRC is a consortium of more than 60 member companies and government agencies planning and executing programs of applied research at leading U. Solid State Relay Strategic Supplier Review Super Sports Roadster System Status Review Satellite Sensor Simulation Service Satisfaction Survey. A security protocol on the internet that uses encryption for secure transfers of data. Structure. Straight Time Spaced Thread . Speed Sensitive Steering. Typically structured to support a Bill of Material row. Systems. A set of requirements for a subsystem and the validation that each requirement has been met. Strategy. Staff. Skills. Systems & Software Technical Specification Strategic Support Unit. Provided to vehicle owners who enter a GM dealership for warranty service. Shared System for Pull Synchronous Serial Port Saturn Service Parts Organization. Sunshade Sales Satisfaction Index (J. Start of Saleable Vehicle Seat. Part of ACG. Second Stage Orifice. Start of production of Salable Vehicles. An abbreviation. D. Savings . Cross-organization teams with technical responsibility for vehicle subsystems and rollout plan development.SSF SSF SSFDC SSG SSG SSH SSI SSI SSI SSL SSLD SSLT SSM SSO SSOP SSP SSP SSP SSPO S-SPP SSPR SSR SSR SSR SSR SSS SSS SSS (S3) SSSSSSS SST SST SST SSTL SSTL SSTM SSTS SSTS SSU SSV SSV SSV ST ST S-T Start of System Fill. Style. Second Stage Graphitization. Shrink Small Outline Package Shared Scheduling Project.Stock Purchase Program Self-Service Publication & Retrieval. & Superordinate Semi-Sealed Tank Subsystem Team Super Sonic Transport Subsystem Team Leader Supplemental Structural Test Laboratory Subsystem Team Manager Sub-System Technical Specification. Subsystem Lead Developer Sub-System Leadership Team. Software Subcontract Management. Power) Small Scale Integration Supplier Scheduling & Inventory Secure Sockets Layer. Shift Solenoid Valve. To mark that point in time at which the system is filled with production parts in preparation for regular production and the activities associated with accelerating production to full line rate start. Static Stability Factor Solid State Floppy Disk Card Saginaw Steering Gear division. Safety Test Data System Special Touring Edition Service Test Equipment Engineering Serviceability Task Evaluation Methodology (or sometimes Matrix). An abbreviation. voltage STABle resISTOR Simple Test Approach for Readability. Service Training Development. A neutral mechanism capable of completely representing product data throughout the life cycle of a product. Standard Mirror Strategic Target Market Initiative . STATS is a subsystem of the Parts Description System (PDS). Steering Torque Gradient @ Zero lateral acceleration Station Identification Science & Technical Information Program (DOE) Safety Test Information System Striker. A computer based network used to manage the engineering process of scheduling and tracking new or changed parts from design to production release. Steering wheel Air bag Stabilizer. An abbreviation. Ship To Commerce. This Quality Valve Review exists as the decision point for allowing vehicles to leave the assembly plant to be sold to the end-user. Safety Test Laboratory (Milford) Schottky Transistor Logic Service Transmission Lamp. and Tracking System. Stator. Service Technology Group Product Engineering. Service Technology Group (no longer used) Service Technology Guide Steering Torque Gradient. Timing. Scheduling. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope Standard for The Exchange of Product Model Data. Steering Torque Gradient at Zero Lateral Acceleration. An abbreviation.ST/PPS STA STA STAB STABISTOR STAR STAT STATS STATS Load STATS+ STC STC STC STC STCHG STD STD STD STD Stdby STDR STDS STE STEE STEM STEN STEP STFNR STG STG STG STGo STGPE STID STIP STIS STKR STL STL STL STL STL STM STM STMI Seat Track / Pedal Position System (Trilogy interior position sensing system designed to detect driver stature when adjustable pedals are available and multi-level airbag inflators are used for enhanced deployments.) Stationary. Society for Technical Communication Standards and Testing Center Stitching. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Scheduling Timing & Tracking System Plus Service Technical College. An abbreviation. Initial input of drawing tracking information. Standard (abbreviation) Standard Time Data Steering wheel Deluxe Standby (an abbreviation) Straight Time Daily Rate. Structural Testing Labs Subsystem Technology Leader Seven Terminal Module. Stiffener. An abbreviation. powertrain. Service Training Readiness Council. An abbreviation. Steering. Simple User Request Form. Support.STMS STNR STO STOR STOW STP STPI STPL STR STRC STRG STRGR STRP STRPE STRTR STS STS STS STS STS STS STS STS STT STT StVO StVZO STW SUB SUBS SUBS SUC SULEV SUN SUP SUP SUPPR SUPT SURF SURF SURFSEG SUS SUS SUSP SUV SUW Service Training Management System. Standard Temperature and Pressure Short Term Planning Information. Sport Utility Vehicle. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Tilt & Telescope Strassen Verkehrsordnung. chassis. Sport System Technical Specification. Service Training Standards. Sensor Triggering Time Steering wheel. SUN Microsystems Incorporated. The mission of the Service Training Readiness Council is to monitor vehicle development. Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle. Emissions certification specification (also see LEV. Stowage. Suction. German equivalent of FMVSS. Stripe. ULEV. An abbreviation. The subsystems (about 50 comprise a typical vehicle) are grouped into the body. Seville Touring Sedan Shipment Tracking System. Strassen Verkehrszulassungsordnung. An abbreviation. Staple. PZEV). An abbreviation. . Standard Unit of Work. track and communicate the development of the required training. Steering Wheel. Strainer. An abbreviation. Subsystem. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Single Unit Package. Substitutions. An abbreviation. Secondary Try Out Storage. An abbreviation. ZEV. assess the need for technician training and to prioritize. An abbreviation. State Tax management System Steering wheel. Strip. A major subdivision of the vehicle as designated by the Program Team. Supplement. Suppressor. Surface Segmentation Software Set Up Sheet Silicon Unilateral Switch Suspension.eviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Stringer. standard Supplemental Unemployment Benefits. Road traffic approval regulations. Strap. Starter. An abbreviation. Sales (& Use) Tax System Sealed Tank System. Road traffic regulations of Germany. Surface. and electrical systems. ) Safety Vehicle Integration Engineer Special Vehicle Integration Engineering. An abbreviation. System (an abbreviation) System Operator (Anyone responsible for the physical operations of a computer system or network resource. Specialty Vehicle Assembler.) Super Extended Graphics Architecture Plus (a display with 1400x1050 pixel resolution. An abbreviation. Provides engineering support and technical assistance to all upfitters. Synchronizer. Stable Volume Metrics Special Vehicle Operations Start of Volume Production Single Vehicle Roadway Departure Service Vehicle Soon. Serial Transmit and Receive. Standing Wave Ratio Software Review Audit Team Southwest Research Institute Steering Work Sensitivity. Steering Wheel Controls Society of Women Engineers See What I Mean Switzerland (an abbreviation) Swivel.. Society of Vacuum Coaters (Semiconductor industry association) Structure Vehicle Engineering Release Structure Vehicle Engineering Release (Long Lead) Super Video Graphics Array (allows resolutions of 800x600.) . Synchronize (an abbreviation) System. An abbreviation.E. A third party that up-fits vehicles with special equipment or options (I. Switch. Short Wheel Base Steering While Braking. Super Extended Graphics Architecture (a display with1280x1024 pixel resolution.SV SVA SVC SVER SVER (LL) SVGA SVIE SVIE SVM SVO SVP SVRD SVS Sw SW SW SWA SWB SWB SWC SWE SWIM Switz SWIV SWO SWOT SWPS SWR SWRAT SwRI SWS SXGA SXGA+ SXR SXR SYN Sync SYS Sys Sysop Side view. Switch (an abbreviation) SoftWare (normally written as S/W). Stop Work Order (E2) Strengths. Steering Wheel Angle. second stage and aftermarket equipment manufacturers for GM light and medium duty trucks. converts vehicles to run on propane fuel). An abbreviation. Weakness. An abbreviation.) Serial Transmitter/Receiver Interface Integrated Circuit. Opportunities and Threat analysis Steering Wheel Position Sensor. GMPT. MFD. AIAG.Department ENG SPO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG FIN ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG .ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . AVDC ENG.GVDP. GMPT. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG . ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ES&I.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG VTS. GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT VTS GVDP. ENG VTS . EAG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT PSEO. ENG ENG ENG VTS.VSSM ENG ENG GMPT ENG SO AIAG. ENG. GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG PSEO GVDP. VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG .ENG ENG AVDC PSEO. ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG GVDP. GMU ENG GMPT ENG . ENG. GVDP ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG. AVDC VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT. GVDP GVDP CVO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG . GMU GMPT. GMU. ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG PSEO. GMPT. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT VSSM ENG AIAG. ENG. ENG. GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT. ENG ENG ENG . PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. ENG ENG FIN ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG. ENG GMPT. VSSM ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT FIN GMPT GVDP. GMPT. EAG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG GVDP. ENG. EAG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG . ENG. ENG. GMPT GVDP. ENG ENG GVDP ENG GVDP. VSSM.GVDP. SO. ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG PSEO PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG .ENG ENG VTS. ENG ENG ENG VSSM VTS. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG.GVDP. GMPT. GMPT ENG ENG . ENG. GMPT ENG e-PD ENG VSSM PSEO. GMU ENG PSEO ENG ENG. GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM QVR ENG ENG GMPT PSEO ENG ENG ENG GMPT AIAG. GMPT VTS PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG VSSM . ENG ENG ENG. ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT GVDP.ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG ENG VTS. ENG PSEO. ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG VTS ENG PSEO ENG PSEO ENG PSEO . GMPT ENG VTS.ENG GVDP GVDP ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO. Traffic Announcement. An abbreviation.E. Throttle Actuator Control Module Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command (US Army acronym). . An abbreviation. Transmission Cycling. Temperature gage. Timing Administrator.544Mbps [Telephony]. An abbreviation. Tail lamp. Test & Validation. Trim panel. develop tires. Technical Assistance Center. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Tire & Wheel Systems (Part of Chassis Center. Tape player. Turn signal.Acronym T T&B T&E T&T T&V T&WS T. Terminal block. Tools & Equipment Tilt & telescope. An abbreviation. Theme Approval (re: portfolio engineering) Time Architecture. one of the basic signaling systems 24x64Kb 45Mbps (eq 28 T1 channels) [Telephony] Train The Trainer Tantalum Talent Acquistion Test Analyst. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation.) Tractive Effort. Trim/Appearance/Lighting/Color. Establishes future customer desires and needs. Torque converter. wheels. T/A T/BLK T/C T/CV T/GA T/LP T/PLYR T/PNL T/SIG T/V T1 T3 T3 Ta TA TA TA TA TA TA TA TAB TAC TAC TAC Tach TACH TACM TACOM TAD TAG TAG TAG TAG TAL TALC TAP TAP TAP TAP TARO TARP Definition Team Truck & Bus. Transmission Adaptive Pressure. Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin Tarpaulin. Test Access Port Throttle Adaptive Pressure. Ensure quality production of these parts. Type Approval Tool Advisory Board. Type Approval. Truck Advisory Group (of AIAG) Toyota Automatic Loom Works Co. Establish performance requirements. Tapping. Phone 1-877-446-8227 Throttle Actuator Control Transportation Association of Canada Tachometer (an abbreviation). and wheel trim. An abbreviation. 1. An abbreviation. Throttle valve. Traffic Accident Data Technical Advisory Group (ANSI to ISO) Technical Assessment Group (Subcommittee of ASC X12) Timing Analysis Group. An abbreviation. Tachometer. 511. More exactly. Total Customer Enthusiasm Tunnel Console Extras Tonneau Cover Front Trillion Cubic Feet. it is 2^40 or 1. Sends data in small packets instead of streams and is therefor faster. Tele-Communications Protocol Thermostatically Controlled Purge. To Be Decided On Application To Be Established. A document used to write and communicate revisions to program content to the platform based on changes defined by the technology centers. To Be Determined. Basic protocols controlling applications on the Internet. Turbo Charger Technical Competitive Analysis Telecommunication Access Method. Tape Ball Grid Array Throttle Body Injection. Torque Converter Clutch. . Technetium Temperature Coefficient Transmission Control. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Training Center Operations.] Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (Gas Additive).627. Test Car Build. Trap Alert System. Throttle Body Purge. Technical Change Requirement (or Request). Technical Center Luxembourg Top Cover Label Thermal Conductor Module Time Compression Multiplex Traction Control Module Transmission Control Module Truck Computer Module.099. Talent Acquistion Staffing Center Training And Technology Tunnel console Ash Tray Testing & Approvals Unit Transmission Adaptive Volume Traffic Analysis Zone Terbium Tera byte (bit) [approximately 1 trillion bits.TAS TAS TASC TAT TAT TAU TAV TAZ Tb TB TBA TBA TBA TBC TBC TBD TBDOA TBE TBGA TBI TBP TBS TBVV Tc TC TC TC TCA TCAM TCB TCC TCE TCE TCF TCF TCI TCL TCL TCM TCM TCM TCM TCM TCO TCP TCP TCP/IP TCR Technical Assistance System. Thermal Bowl Vent Valve. Throttle Body Assembly To Be Announced Tax Benefits Compliance Truck Body Controller. Technical Center India. Telephone Broadcasting System.776 bytes (bits). Runs on top of TCP/IP. Telephone. Technical Data Management. Time Division Multiplexing. An abbreviation. Tetraethyl Lead (Gas Additive) Telescope (an abbreviation) TELephone NETwork. Test Event Log. The Internet standard protocol for remote login. Transmission/Engine Communication Link. Transient Durability Cycle Telephone Device for the Deaf Time Division Duplex Transmission Diagnostic Data Link. A Lotus Notes database. Temperature. Truck Environment Measurement Services . Tellurium Test Engineer Test Equipment Tractive Effort Truck Engineering (no longer used) Technical Evaluation And Monitoring. tracking. An abbreviation. Time Domain Reflectometer Time Delay Spark.MVS. The information looked at is the minutes of connect time.UNIX. It is used mainly to connect to a session on a UNIX box to execute commands. Technical Data .TCR TCR TCS TCS TCSC TCSS TCXO TD TDAS TDB TDB TDC TDC TDC TDD TDD TDDL TDL TDL TDM TDM TDMA TDMF TDMF TDMF/MVS TDMF/UNIX TDR TDS Te TE TE TE TE TEAM TECL TED TEDIS TEEP TEL TEL TEL Tele TELNET TEMP Temp TEMPEST TEMPL TEMS Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Tonneau Cover Rear Total Customer Satisfaction. Top Dead Center. Technical Data Management Facility. Time Division Multiple Access Text Data Management Facility. Thermal Energy Deburring. acts as the secretariat of European EDIFACT board. Traction Control System Techline Customer Support Center Technical Center Service Station Temperature Compensated crystal Oscillator Turbo Diesel Test Data Acquisition System Text Database Traffic Data Base Technical Development Center. A database application which allows storage. Technical Data Management . This should be minimized. Temperature (an abbreviation) Transient Electro-Magnetic Pulse Emanation STandard Template. An abbreviation.) Transportation Energy Efficiency Program. retrieval and reporting functions of engineering design drawings. Tail Directional Lamp Test Data Log. Trade Electronic Data Interchange Systems (EDI program of the EC. Turbo-Hydramatic. Technical Integration Center Technical Integration Engineer Total Integration Engineer Tagged Image File Format. a graphic file format developed by Aldus and Microsoft. Technical Information Management System. Tire Inflation Monitor. Trans European Trunked RAdio Total Electrical Tester Trainer. An abbreviation. . cost. Targets For Excellence. quality.TENS TENSR TEP TERM TETRA TETT Texel TF TFE TFE TFIFO TFP TFP TFT TFT TFU TFWD TGA TGA TGF TGG TGIF TGM TGT Th TH THC THD THD THERM THERMA-AC THM THNR THR THROT Ti TIA TIA TIB TIC TIE TIE TIFF TIFS TIG TIGER TIM TIM TIMS Tension. Technical Education Program. Transverse Front Wheel Drive. but texels make up the surfaces that cover textured 3D objects. formerly SPEAR. Pixels make up 2D surfaces. Truck Facilities Planning Thin Film Transistor Transmission Fluid Temperature. Tool Follow Up. Throttle. An abbreviation. Technical Information Feedback System Tungsten Inert Gas. An abbreviation. and technology. An abbreviation. Tensioner. Total Harmonic Distortion Thermostat. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding & Referencing Technical Image Management. a GM process program which describes in detail GM's expectations and requirements for production part suppliers in the key business areas of management.) Temperature Force. Terminal. delivery. Thrust. Texture Element (The smallest element of a textured 3D surface. Thermogravimetric Analysis True Gain Amplifier Tailgate Frame Tailgate Glass Thank Goodness Its Friday Tailgate Garnish Molding Tailgate Trim finish Thorium Thermal Total Hydrocarbons Thread. Thinner. Thermostatically Controlled Air Cleaner. Titanium Telecommunications Industries Association Thanks In Advance (Internet / E-mail) Temporary Importation Bond. An abbreviation. . TetraFluoride Ethylene propylene copolymer Transmit First In First Out (C2C) Transmission Fluid Pressure. Test Incident Report. Tool Information System Tool information system. Traceability Identifier Requirements. Technical Liaison Office Telescope. Thin Metal Film Timing. Responsible for coordinating the functional (performance) and physical (design) integration of the manufacturing system. Time Management Trade Mark Technical Manager Toyota Motor Company Tetramethyllead. Russian acronym: TRIZ) Test Information Report. Tax Identification Number Technical Illustrating & Publishing Throughput Improvement Process Training Improves Performance Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (a methodology for creative engineering design based on principles derived from analysis of more that 1. Truck Leadership Team. Threshold Limit Value Thulium Team Members Throughput Management. An abbreviation. This system has been replaced by the Product Incident Monitoring & Resolution Process (PIMREP). making it readily accessible for all users. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Tail Lamp Assembly Three Letter Acronyms Transportation Liability Determination System Transitional Low Emission Vehicle. Test Information Management System. An abbreviation. Too Much Information Total Manufacturing Integration Engineer. Transverse Infant Seat Totally Interactive Transition System-Utility Program. Thallium Team Leader Truck Load. Work done in Russia in 40‘s and 50‘s originally. Temporo Mandibular Joint Tetramethyl Lead TMJ TML . Tank. PIMREP is/has replaced TIMS/TIR. Transverse Infant Restraint System Techline Information System. A system maintaining the data associated with all tools developed by Production Engineering. PET member. A computer system containing the Electronic Test Incident Report (TIR) and the Electronic Test Data Log (TDL). Tubeless.TIMS TIMS TIN TIN TIP TIP TIP TIPS TIR TIR TIR TIRS TIS TIS TIS TIS TITSUP TK Tl TL TL TL TLA TLA TLDS TLEV TLO TLSCP TLT TLV Tm TM TM TM TM TM2 TMC TME TMF TMG TMI TMIE Test Incident Management System.5M patents. Tire Identification Number. Financial tracking computer system integrating existing systems to manage capital and non-capital project charges. Transmission Management System Total Manufacturing Vehicle Integration. in reality. Obsolete. and that only a few elements [constraints] control the output of the entire manufacturing operation. An abbreviation. Total Quality Strategy. a chain of inter-dependent resources.TMN TMNSS TMPO TMPRY TMS TMS TMS TMS TMS TMS TMVI TNC TNF TO TOC TOC TOC TOE TOL TOPS TOPS TOPS Torq TORQ TORS TORS TOW TP TP TPA TPC TPC TPC TPCC TPCV TPI TPL TPM TPS TPT TPU TQ TQFP TQI TQM TQS TR Telecommunications Management Network Transmission Neutral Start Switch. Time Processor Unit. Tire Pressure Monitor. Technique Reuse . Tolerance. Total Ownership Experience. Temporary. Threaded Neill Concelman (connector) [Electronics] (see also BNC) Trouble . Training Management System. Tire Pressure Label. A management philosophy that quality becomes part of a company's total business process. use PCC Two Passenger Commuter.) Tire Performance Criteria. Truck Product Center Council (fuel) Tank Pressure Control Valve Tuned Port Injection. Throttle Position Sensor. An abbreviation.) Transmission Oil Cooler. An abbreviation. Truck Product Center. Total Process Time. Torque (abbreviation) Torque. Test Material Procurement Order. Torque (abbreviation) Thin Quad Flat Pack Total Quality Index (Strategic Vision. Torsion. Tariff Management System Technical Memory System Thermal Management Systems Trade Tariff Management System. Traffic Online Routing System. Traffic Occupant Protection Strategies (NHTSA Law Enforcement Training Course) Truck Order Processing System. Top of Wheel Technology Plan Throttle Position (sensor) Terminal Position Assurance (A device that is inserted after terminal(s) are plugged in order to prevent the terminal(s) from backing out of the connector. Total Online Project System. Inc.Not Found Treasurers Office Table of Contents Theory of Constraints (The key insight of TOC is that a manufacturing operation is.) Total Quality Management. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. . Trucking Research Institute TRIode Alternating Current semiconductor switch [Japanese Type Approval Test Procedure] The Road Information Program. An abbreviation. Transportation Research Center Transfer. (abbreviation) Transmission. An abbreviation. Technology Strategy Council Transmission Steering Committee Transportation System Center. Trim. Trade Readjustment Assistance. Truck Research Information Program. Part of ARPA which will provide matching funds to assist with projects which help companies improve efficiency while reducing costs Technology Research Program Transportation Road Research Laboratory Timing Reference Signal. (abbreviation) Transportation Research Board Truck Review Board Technical Resource Center Telecommunications Regulation Circular. Trailer. Transmission. An abbreviation. Technical Staffs Group. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Transmission Range. Thompson-Ramo-Woolridge Technical Service Bulletin Technician Support Center. Trunnion. An abbreviation. Traction (an abbreviation) Terminal Radar Approach CONtrol Traffic Rail Car and Container Status. Time speed distance. Time aligned SMT Deliverable and PSR Turk Standardlari Enstitusu Truck Safety Equipment Institute. Transponder (an abbreviation) transaxle.TR TR TR TRA Trac TRACON TRACS TRACT Trans TRANS Transp Transx TRB TRB TRC TRC TRC TRC TRFER TRI TRIAC TRIAS TRIP TRIP TRIPTS TRIS Trk TRK TRL TRLR TRP TRP TRRL TRS TRUN TRW TSB TSC TSC TSC TSC TSD TSD TSDP TSE TSEI TSG TSI TSIS TSLC TSM Test Request. An abbreviation. Throttle Return Control. Technical Support Division (EDS). Transistor Resistor Logic. Truck Reliability In-Process Tracking System Transportation Research Information Service Truck (an abbreviation) Track. Technology Reinvestment Project. Truck Supplier Integration Total Specifications Information System Torsion Sensing Load Cell Trade Study Methodology. Traction. Turbine Shaft Speed Thin Shrink Small Outline Package Tester. Total Vehicle Die Engineer. Toyota Technical Center Transmission / Transaxle Communication Link Time To Fire Ta Ta For Now (Internet / E-mail) Texas Transportation Institute. Total Vehicle Advisory Team. Technischer Uberwachungsverein. Torsional Vibration Absorber Total Vehicle Analysis Engineer. Thoracic Trauma Index Transistor--Transistor Logic. Truck Vinyl/Truck Cloth (number) Technical Assistance System Vision 2000. Tunnel. Teletype (an early form of digital communications – last known use in US Weather Service) Tunnel Console Tumbler. Transaxle & Transfer Case Unit Repair Manual. Time To Trigger Title Transferred Upon Consumption Transmission. Title Transferred Our Plant Time Triggered Protocol Troy Technology Park. An abbreviation. Throttle Valve Control. An abbreviation. Tell Tale lamp Tool Tryout Torque Tension Tube type. Tilt & Telescope Module Total Travel Management. The travel agency used by GM employees for business related car. Telecommunications Service Request Terminate Stay Resident Time Sharing System.TSO TSOP TSP TSP TSR TSR TSS TSS TSSOP TSTR TT TT TT TT TTA TTC TTCL TTF TTFN TTI TTI TTL TTM TTM TTOP TTP TTP TTR TTR TTR TTT TTUC TTURM TTY TUC TUMB TUN TURB TURBO TUV TV TV/TC TV2K TVA TVAE TVAT TVC TVDE TVDE Time Sharing Option (TSO is a mainframe operation environment in which production data sets can be viewed and jobs can be run. Technology Transfer Agreement. An abbreviation. Television. Total Vehicle Dimensional Engineer. (Technical Inspection Association of Germany). Turbocharger. An abbreviation. Tilt Table Ratio Time To Repair. (Obsolete). . An abbreviation. Towing/Test Requirements. Turbine.) Thin Small Outline Package Time Synchronization Protocol Total Suspended Particles. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. hotel arrangements. air. Responsible for coordinating the functional (performance) and physical (design) integration of the complete vehicle. Truck Experimental. Tire & Wheel System Tweeter (an abbreviation) teletypewriter eXchange Service (pronoinced TWIX). An for much more information. Tower. Three Way Catalytic converter Technical Working Group To Whom It May Concern Temporary Work Order (E2) Test Work Order. Check out www. Documagix and Canon. Three Way Catalyst. or component at any General Motors test facility or field location. A computer distributed form used to authorize development/validation/analysis work on vehicles. Thin Very-fine Small Outline Package Thermal Validation Test Procedure Thermal Vacuum Valve.TVE TVF TVI TVIE TVME TVQE TVR TVS TVSE TVSOP TVTP TVV TVVA TVVE TW TWA TWAIN Total Vehicle Engineer Total Vehicle Focus. Total Vehicle Math Engineer. TWC TWC TWC TWG TWIMC TWO TWO TWR TWS Twtr TWX TX TX TXV . Tank Vent Valve Assembly Total Vehicle Validation Engineer. Thermostatic Expansion Valve. Thermal Vacuum Switch. Total Vehicle Quality Engineer. Logitech. Tank Vapor Restrictor.) Test Weight Class. subsystems. Transmit(ter). TeleVision Interference Total Vehicle Integration Engineer. Team Work Thin Washer Assembly Toolkit Without An Interesting Name (A standard protocol and API for communication between software applications and image acquisition devices defined by Hewlett-Packard. Total Vehicle Systems Engineer.twain. ENG ENG ENG GM Defense AIAG AIAG GVDP.Department ENG ENG GMPT ENG VTS ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT HR ENG GVDP ENG ENG PSEO ENG VSSM. ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO PSEO ENG . ENG PSEO PSEO. GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG GMPT ENG ENG PSEO. GMPT ENG ENG ENG AIAG. ENG. ENG. GMPT PSEO HR ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO VTS.ENG. ENG. GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. FIN ENG . ENG. GMPT PSEO. ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG. ENG. GMPT GVDP. GVDP. ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP.ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO ENG . ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP GMPT ENG PSEO ENG .ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS. GVDP. GMPT. ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG.GVDP. ENG ENG ENG EAG ENG ENG. GMPT . GVDP. GMPT ENG VTS. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG . GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO VTS.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG AIAG. ENG. ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG . ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. FIN. ENG. GVDP. GMPT . EAG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG GMPT ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG . GMPT ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG GVDP. GVDP. GMU.GMPT ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG. GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS PSEO. Unigraphics Corporate License Upper Control Limit. Uniform Cost Analysis. surfacing. analysis drafting and machining to facilitate the design. Underhood Bussed Electrical Center Micro Controller Ultracapacitor Unemployment Compensation. Uniform Criteria List Delivery Schedule User Coordinate System (AutoCAD) Update Code. See CGS. An abbreviation. Upper Control Arm. Uranium User Underbody. One of two GM Corporate strategic software products. Underseat. Ultra High Frequency (300-3000MHz) Ultra High Power User Interface Language UniJunction Transistor . Unverified Data Release. Ultracapacitor Underhood. Urban Driving Dynamometer Schedule Universal Drafting Machine. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Up Front Team User Functions (A programming language with greater flexibility than GRIP for customized user functions for UG applications. An abbreviation. Unidentified Flying Objects.) Unigraphics -. engineering and manufacturing of components. United Australian Automotive Industries User Acceptance Laboratory Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter User Acceptance Test (EDS) United Auto Workers. Under vehicle. U of Cal-Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies Uniform Code Council (sets standards for UPCs in US – works with EAN internationally) Uniform Criteria List.McDonnell Douglas Software. Unigraphics/Minimum Mandatory Requirements Unigraphics Protocol Universal Gage System Under Hood.) Interactive with CAD/CAM/CAE system with capabilities in solid modeling.Acronym U U U U/B U/C U/HOOD U/SEAT U/V UAAI UAL UART UAT UAW UBEC uC UC UC UCA UCA UCBITS UCC UCL UCL UCL UCLDS UCS UDC UDDS UDM UDR UE UEC UEC UES UFC UFO UFT UFUNC UG UG/MMR UGPC UGS UH UHF UHP UIL UJT Definition Unit. Underhood Electrical Center Universal Electronic Control. Use Elsewhere. Universal Electronic Solenoid Under Floor Converter. An abbreviation. Universal Parts Classification – Functional Name Analysis Update/Updated. Unit Of Measure. a UNC will look like this: \\Myserver\Docdrive\Magazine\glossary. Microprocessor Uniform Parts Code.established parts classification system that provides a systematic method of classifying vehicle components utilized in the assembly of GM vehicles. the server to be accessed and the path of any file to be accessed. Universal Product Code (Bar Code) Uniform Parts Classification. Unit Part List Universal Pressure Regulator Upper. So. Uniform Criteria List. An abbreviation.k. An abbreviation.a. Sometimes written as 'UoM'. UNiplexed Information and Computer Systems (a. Inc. UNIX) UNIVersal Automatic Computer An Operating System Originally named UNICS Unlock (an abbreviation) Unsigned Numeric United Nations Standards Message.UJT UK UL ULC ULC ULEV ULSAB ULSAC ULSAS UMA UMD UMI UML UMS UMTRI UN/ECE UNC UND UNICS UNIVAC UNIX Unlk UNM UNSM UOM uP UPC UPC UPC UPC-FNA UPD UPL UPR UPR UPS UPS UPSHFT URC URGT URL URR URT Universal joint. visualizing. Uniform Restriction Code. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Upper Rear Roof University Relations Team . The URL contains information about the method of access. Addressing system used in the World Wide Web and other Internet resources. The classification of vehicles components is based primarily on function and isolates vehicle components into fourteen major sections that are further divided into subsections.doc) Under. Ultra Light Steel Auto Body Ultra Light Steel Auto Closures Ultra Light Steel Auto Suspension Unified Memory Access Uniform Model Designator (Cars = 5 pos ABCDE. This results in a very detailed classification of parts. An abbreviation. should be Uniform Parts Classification.naming used when one specifies: \\the sever\thevolume\thepath\then the file name of a file. constructing and documenting the artifacts of object-oriented software systems using a graphical diagram that looks similar to a flowchart. United Kingdom. A corporation .) Underbody Manufacturing System. Incorrect definition. Uniform Resource Locator. Trucks = 7 pos ABCXYDE United Motors Israel Unified Modeling Language (industry-standard method of specifying. An abbreviation. Uninterruptable Power Source (or Supply) United Parcel Service Upshift. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Universal Naming Convention (WWW . Urgent. Underwriters‘ Laboratory. Universal Logic Circuit Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle. ) USB USC USCAR USCC USDOT USE USEC USENET USG USGPO USIA USOC USS USSB USSRS UTC UTD UTE UTP UTQR UV UVA UVI UXGA . Made up of Ford. Microsecond. An umbrella organization over CAD standards development United States Advanced Battery Consortium. Chrysler and the Federal Government. Ultra Extended Graphics Architecture (This term describes a display with 1600x1200 pixel resolution. User Vehicle Interface. GM.S. auto industry. Normally written as 'us'. United States Auto Club United States Automotive Materials Partnership. United States Government Printing Office United States Information Agency User State of Charge United States Ship United States Satellite Broadcasting User Self Service Request System (system to computerize IT requests .URTC us US US PRO USABC USAC USAMP USAMP USART USB University Relations TeamCoordinator Micro second United States. Mission is to conduct vehicle-oriented research and development in materials and materials processing to improve the competitiveness of the U.Car Group) Coordinated Universal Time Universal Theft Deterrent (module) Union Technique de l'Electricite Unshielded Twisted Pair (wiring) Uniform Tire Quality (grading) Regulation Ultra-Violet Ultra-Violet Analysis. It is also much more flexible: it will be able to connect to possibly hundreds of devices simultaneously. United States Product Data Organization. United States Chamber of Commerce United States Department Of Transportation (usually just referred to as DOT) Use All Stock.) Upper Side Band United States Customs United States Council for Automotive Research. United States and Extraterrestrial News Elimination Tool Usage. US Advanced Materials Partnership Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Universal Serial Bus (much faster than serial and parallel communications. GMU ENG ENG ENG AIAG GVDP. ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. ENG. ENG AVDC GVDP. GMPT ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG.Department ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG. GMPT. ENG. GVDP. AVDC GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG GMPT HR . GMPT ENG ENG AVDC ENG VTS AIAG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO AIAG AVDC ENG VTS ENG FIN.ENG ENG ENG ENG. HR ENG MFD AIAG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG VTS. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG . Vehicle Assessment Center. Value Added Tax Value Added Time. Validation Plan Vehicle Architecture Manager. An abbreviation. An abbreviation.g. VTS and MTS. Prototype]. promote use of common systems/processes. assure plant build concerns are resolved. The Mexican customs content requirements.V with 90 angle bet. The Product Engineering process that verifies when a design achieves its design objective either by laboratory or road test. Voltage. An abbreviation. Six Cylinder Engine . review and evaluate specific changes developed by SMT/PMT/PDT to meet Program targets. assure Quality/Cost/Warranty/HPV goals for Non-GMT and GMX programs are achieved. VARiable capACiTOR diode Validate Assembly Structure Vehicle Account System Vehicle Assembly Standard Time Data. An abbreviation. View & Mark-up Valve cover.arranged in a V (60-90 angle) Eight Cylinder Engine . Velocity Boundary Curve . Velocity and Displacement Voice Activity Detector Vehicle Architecture Deliverables Complete Vehicle Architecture Information System Valance.) Vehicle Assessment & Benchmarking Activity Vacuum (an abbreviation) Vacuum. review status of vehicle build programs [e. or engineering analysis. assure conformance to product and performance as documented in Program Plan Book. Beta. cylinder banks Value Analysis (This method analyses a process not as a collection of people or actions which contribute to product realization. Alpha. Alternating Current. review program schedule status and resolve issues. CIT‘s report to VAM. An abbreviation. Vehicle And Process Integration Review (Typical responsibilities are to: review program goals from an overall vehicle standpoint. An abbreviation.. Value Added Network Vanity.) Value Added Reseller Variable. Vehicle Architecture Technical Specifications Virtual Archive Vehicle Virtual Address eXtension Vehicle Billing & Accounts Receivable System Voltage at Battery (battery voltage). but as a collection of functions which need to be satisfied by a process with the goal of responding to the needs of the customer. Validated/Validation.Acronym V V V V&M V/CVR V6 V8 VA VABA Vac VAC VAC VAC VAD VAD VADC VAIS VAL VAL VALP VAM VAMS VAN VAN VAN VAPIR VAR VAR VARACTOR VAS VAS VASTD VAT VAT VATS VATS VAV VAX VBARS VBAT VBC Definition Vanadium Volt (unit of electrical potential) Volt. Vehicle Availability Management System Value Added National. Vehicle Anti-Theft System. provide tradeoffs at vehicle level where required to meet goals. etc. Each VLE Team may have more than one VCE. cassette player.) Verband der Automobileindustrie. Voltage (direct current) Vehicle Dynamics & Chassis Center. Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Variation Drivers Analysis (A key feature of VDA is the ability to differentiate between two types of variation: variation added at an individual operation and variation transmitted from previous operations. Vehicle Cost Management System Valve-Covered Orifice Voltage Controlled Oscillator Variable Cam Phaser Vehicle Component Protection. German Automotive Manufacturers Association.g. Vehicle Compartment Integration Team Vehicle Control Module. Flaschenschnittstelle .The VCE is the top-level Engineer for a program. e. Vehicle Configuration Document. Vehicle Cross Reference Index. Vehicle Chief Designer. Vehicle Curb Weight. Vacuum Check Valve. Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (Semiconductor microlaser diode that emits light in a cylindrical beam vertically from the surface of a fabricated wafer. Device and/or design to prevent theft of components. Vehicle Configuration Index. phone. Variable Compression Ratio Video Cassette Recorder Validation Cross Reference Index. Voluntary Control Council for Interference.VBOM VBR VBS VBS VC VCC VCC VCCI VCD VCD VCE VCE VCI VCI VCIT VCM VCME VCO VCO VCP VCP VCR VCR VCRI VCRI VCRP VCS VCSEL VCSL VCTS VCV VCV VCVA VCVS VCW VCW VCXO VDA VDA VDAH VDA-SF Vdc VDCC VDCSS VDD VDE Visual Bill Of Material Variable Bit Rate Vehicle Breakdown Structure Vehicle Build Schedule Virtual Circuit. Verband Deutscher Elektrontechniker (German Society of Electrical Engineers) . Vehicle Communications Interface. Vehicle cost Reduction Program. Vehicle Driven Component Sets Strategy Version Description Document. radio. Vehicle Capacity Weight. Member of the VLE Team. Virtual Concept Vehicle Virtual Concept Vehicle Assessment Vehicle Component Verification System. Viscous Converter Clutch Viscous Converter Control. Vehicle Control System. Variable DAH Verband der Automobileindustrie.) Vehicle Crashworthiness Safety Laboratory Vehicle Cost Tracking System.The VDA's specification for the exchange for surface model data between CAD/CAM systems. Variable Cycle Engine Vehicle Chief Engineer. chairs meetings as required). Also known as the Flight recorder.D. A diagnostic tool used in GM dealerships. Power) Very High data rate Digital Subscriber Line Venture Development Strategy Review Vehicle Development Team: Typical function is to: Provide leadership to the PMTs to integrate and achieve total vehicle performance goals.VDI VDL VDM VDN VDOC VDP VDP VDP18 VDP24 VDPC VDPC VDPC VDPC VDPO VDPP Vehicle Deformation Index Vehicle Data Link. 18 Months Vehicle Development Process. systematic team approach used to analyze and improve value in a product. die management. Vacuum Differential Valve. Vehicle Description Summary. 24 Months Vehicle Design Process Center. coordinate development of strategies to meet vehicle performance goals. Vehicle Dynamics Test Area. Others as required.) Visual Display Unit. facility design. Selected Release Directors. Vehicle Development Study (J. prototype. validation. Phases of development beginning at Concept Initiation through design. Variable Dynamics Testbed Vehicle (NASA experimental vehicle for study of crash avoidance and driving related human factors. To mark that point in time at which the Verified Class 'A' Math Data (commonly referred to as the Verified Data Release [VDR]) for the selected divisional design theme is released for all Interior and Exterior surfaces with the exception of any item that would not impact the critical path or delay any of the builds. Vehicle Development & Technical Operations Group. Vertical Depth of Chord Vehicle Development Plan. Vehicle Development Portfolio Center Vehicle Development Process Center Vehicle Development Process Council. Bubble Owners. Vehicle Dimensional Variation. knowledge center for performance area (reports vehicle status to VAPIR Team. Value Engineering (a professionally applied. Area at the GM Milford Proving Ground. Vehicle Data Recorder. product engineering. Validation Engineer. Vehicle Display Terminal Visual Display Terminal. Vehicle Development & Technical Operations Vehicle Development Technology Organization. Vehicle Chief Engineer. Responsibilities: Chairman is champion/advocate. Vacuum Delay Valve. TVIE. Vehicle Dynamics Model Vehicle Description Number. Typical attendees are: Systems Engineering or Development Director (Chair). Program Manager(s). function-oriented. Vehicle Dealer Recorder Verified Data Release. Engineering document defining the relationship of models and options in a vehicle line. Vehicle Development Process Organization Vehicle Development Production Process. system or service) VDR VDR VDR VDS VDS VDSL VDSR VDT VDT VDT VDTA VDTO VDTO VDTOG VDTV VDU VDV VDV VDV VE VE . functional evaluation and pilot. Vehicle Development Process. Vehicle Development Process. Video Electronics Standards Association Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission. Vehicle Software Configuration Management. indexing method.) Verification Plan Voluntary Emissions Recall Report. A gopher site has an address beginning with gopher: "gopher://gopher. An abbreviation. Version (an abbreviation) Vehicle Electronics Remote Node Very Easy Rodent Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives (Pre WWW ‗gopher‘ site. . Virtual Image Display. Vehicle Integration Center. Vacuum Fluorescence. Variable Fuel Sensor Variable Fueled Vehicle Variable Gain Amplifier Video Graphics Array Video Graphics Controller Veiling Glare Index. Vehicle Emission System (Standard).umn. Visual Idea Center. Vehicle Handling. Vehicle Elapsed". (formally the Mid-Lux building) Vehicle (an abbreviation) Vehicle.micro. Vehicle Information Communication System Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Standards Vehicle Information Database. Vertical (an abbreviation) Vertical. Variable Effort Steering. An abbreviation. FTP stuff.VE VE VE VEBM VEC Veh VEH VEL VEO VEQRD Ver VERN VERONICA VERP VERR Vert VERT VES VES VESA VESC VESCOM VET VF VFAT VFC VFD VFS VFV VGA VGA VGC VGI VGPD VH VHDL VHF VHF VHS VHSIC VHT VIA VIAC VIB VIC VIC VICS VICS VID VID Vehicle Emissions Vehicle Engineer Volumetric Efficiency Vehicle Engineering Business Manager Vehicle Engineering Center. VHSIC Hardware Description Language Vehicle Handling Facility Very High Frequency (30-300MHz) Video Home System Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Vehicle Hours of Travel Vehicle Integration Area Vehicle Imperatives Allocation Complete. Vehicle Group Planning Directors. An abbreviation. Virtual File Allocation Table Voltage to Frequency Converter Vacuum Fluorescence Display. Vibrate. Vehicle Emissions Laboratory Vehicle Emissions Observation Vehicle Engineering Quality Reliability Durability. Vehicle Interface Module. Video Image Processing Visually Integrated Personal System 2000. Single . and it promotes enterprise information sharing through a common implement . Assistant VLE (as needed). Vehicle (assembly) Line Control System Vehicle Line Director. Virtual Instrumentation Software Architecture Product description for data fly-throughs / Visualization & Animation of Math Data Vehicle Information Service System. When. Vehicle Integration Team. Variable Intake Module Vehicle Integration Manager. This scheme is useful for grouping departments together for security and minimizing network traffic. Vehicle Inquiry System. Video Line Doubler Vehicle Line Executive.VIDS VIE VIM VIM VIM VIN VINCR ViniVA VIP VIP VIP 2000 VIPS VIRR VIRS VIS Video Incident Detection System Vehicle Integration Engineer. VMEbus Internationsl Trade Association Vehicle Interface Unit Virtual Integration Vehicle Virtual Initial Vehicle Assessment Virtual Integration Vehicle Assessment Virtual Integration Vehicle Assessment Complete. Held accountable for program objectives. Minor gates which are the responsibility of the VLE and VLE Team. Vehicle Incident Non Conformance Report (Electrical IR) Virtual Initial Vehicle Assessment Vehicle Information Processing. Vehicle Integration Readiness Review. Why and How" for a vehicle program. What. Vehicle Lighting & Electrical Subcommittee. Advocate for target customers. and communication in support of the Vehicle Line Executive (VLE) structure. tracking. Vehicle Identification Number.Lotus Notes®™. See EGM. Vehicle Technical Spec (VTS). Vehicle Line Controller. Vehicle Incident Reporting System Vehicle Information System. A Change Management Board for vehicle level requirements: Reviews and approves Vehicle Configuration Document (VCD). Leads VLE Team. Refer to GMVIS. Manufacturing Technical Spec (MTS). Virtual Local Area Network (A VLAN is created when a bunch of physically connected ports are grouped together by network hardware that supports VLANs. refer to GMVIS. No longer used. Vehicle Information & Pricing System (GM Europe System only). Vehicle Launch Center. It contains the "Who. VIS is a collection of databases. and Material Management Technical Spec (MMTS) change requests.) Vehicle Level Allocatable Test(s).point person responsible for product development of assigned programs. Very Low Frequency VIS VISA VISFLY VISS VIT VITA VIU VIV VIVA VIVA VIVAC VLAN VLAT VLC VLC VLCS VLD VLD VLE VLE Gates VLE Team VLES VLFL . These VLANs are each treated as completely separate entities and can only be joined together by a router. This system is deployed as the global common program execution tool for program information. Voice Mail Vehicle Mass Analysis System (A set of analysis reporting tools located within the Product Description System. Vehicle Line Team. Virtual Memory operating System. Very Large Scale Integrated circuit. A final technical review of the entire vehicle program. Vehicle Level Test. As such. it will act as a weighty factor in the decisionmaking process as well as a yardstick in the system of measuring how well the business is truly meeting the needs of both the ultimate consumer and the internal customer of the next process. Volatile Organic Compounds Voice Of the Customer Improvement Process Voice of Design. Vehicle Manufacturer Virtual Machine Virtual Mule. Vehicle Link Tester Valve (an abbreviation) Valve. Proprietary operating system of Digital Equipment Corp. Vehicle Noise Standards. An abbreviation. Variable Memory System Vehicle Management Team Vehicle Miles Traveled Vehicle & Manufacturing Technical Specs Variation Notice. Verso Module Eurocard Virtual Machine Environment Voice Message (or Mail) Express Vehicle and Manufacturing Integration Vertical Metal Oxide Semiconductor Vehicle & Manufacturing Requirements Review. Vehicle Line Profit. Vehicle Noise Control. Vehicle Order Management. Variable Nozzle Turbine (Mercedes E class) Variable Nozzle Turbocharger Voice Of The Customer. Vehicle Line Manager Vehicle Launch Overview.) Vehicular Microcomputer Development System.VLIW VLM VLM VLO VLP VLP VLPD VLPM VLR VLSI VLT VLT VLT Vlv VLV VM VM VM VM VM VMAS VMDS VME VME VME VMI VMOS VMRR VMS VMS VMT VMT VMTS VN VNC VNS VNS VNT VNT VOC Very Long Instruction Word Vehicle Launch Manager. A customer satisfaction supportive strategy of the Quality Network that acts as a driving force upon the business process by providing accurate information in determining customer requirements. Vehicle Line Planning Directors Vehicle Line Planning Managers Voltage Loop Reserve. VOC VOCIP VOD VOM . Vehicle Noise System. Variation Management. Vehicle Launch Process. Vehicle Partitioning & Product Structure (The VPPS functional view breaks the vehicle down to subsets. PIT‘s report to Vehicle Performance Manager. VPR VPR VPS VPVA VPVV VPW VQ VQL VR VR VR VR VR VRA VRAM VRC . Vendor Order Status Variable Orifice Tank Vent Valve Voice Operated Transmitter Vapor Pressure Vehicle Performance Volume Production. Voluntary Restraint Agreement. depending on the needs of each functional subsystem. electrical. An abbreviation. The benefit is that people can connect to the LAN from anywhere on the Internet. The functional hierarchy extends from the top. Vehicle Planning Coordinator. Virtual Product/Process Validation/Vehicle Assessment Virtual Product/Process Validation Vehicle Variable Pulse Width Vector Quantization Virtual Query Language Vacuum Regulator. Vehicle Operation System.) Vapor. This position is/was known as the A/D/V Manager. Voice Of The Operator. Vehicle Performance Integration Team Vehicle Performance Manager. This allows easier connectivity and lower phone bills for travelling salespeople. VPPS is anchored in the UPC / FNA classification structure that is used for functionally categorizing parts. The content of each level is explicitly described by the content of the next [higher] level. and exterior. Volatile Random Access Memory. such as chassis. They just sign up with a national ISP and call local POPs from their hotels as they travel the country and easily connect back to their company's local network. Vehicle Product Review. eliminating guesswork and potential misinterpretation.) Vehicle Powertrain Noise & Vibration. Virtual Product Console Vector Product Format Vehicle Physical Integration Vehicle Program Initiation Vehicle Profile Information System. Virtual Reality Center. vehicle level to four levels deep. The person from an AIAG member company designated to serve as liaison to AIAG.VOM VOMS VOO VOS VOS VOV VOX VP VP VP VPB VPC VPC VPF VPI VPI VPIS VPIT VPM VPN VPNV VPP VPPS Volt-Ohm Meter Vehicle Order Management System. Voltage Protected Battery. Vehicle Physical Partitioning. Variable Reluctance Virtual Reality Voltage Regulator Voting Representative. Vehicle Processing System. Virtual Private Network (Constructed by connecting computers together over the Internet and encrypting their communications so that other people cannot understand the communications. Vehicle Systems Engineer(ing). Validation Summary Report. Vehicle Service Integration Leader. For each geometric entity being simulated. Analysis. ensuring that they are institutionalized throughout GM. Vehicle Simulation Group (The VSG provides accurate. Vehicle Skid Control Vehicle Safety & Crashworthiness Laboratory (at Milford Proving Grounds) Vehicle Simulation Department. Patent. and applying them to all GM product programs. Vehicle Safety Improvement Program. Voice Recognition Module Virtual Reality Modeling Language Vehicle Requirement Review. & Simulation (VSAS GPC [Global Process Center] is an integrated team of highly skilled.) Verification Simulation Analysis System Vestigial Side Band Variable Speed Control Vehicle Security Committee. Vehicle Service Information System. Valve Regulated Lead Acid Vehicle Range Maximum. the values follow a predefined distribution type [normal or non-normal. and improve quality. Vehicle Stability Enhancement System. Vehicle Simulation Modeling (A method for simulating random events to predict dimensional and tolerance accuracy. . Vulnerable Road Users Vacuum Sensor Variation Simulation Analysis. repeatable grade performance measurements on the dynamometer test system and simulations in our math model.) Vibrating Structure Gyroscope (or "tuning fork" gyro) Vehicle Serial Interface Vehicle Systems Interface Virtual Socket Interface Alliance VSSM-Finance Sales Incentives Controls Vehicle Service Integration Engineer. Variation Simulation Analysis System. (Prototype Bill of Material) Value Stream Mapping Variation Simulation Modeling. Virtual Software Processor Very Small Peripheral Array Vehicle Speed Vehicle Safety.]) Vehicle Systems Management Teams. Vehicle Service Monitor. enthused people from the Engineering and IS&S communities whose central focus is GM's CAE activities. Voice Response System Variation Reduction Team. Vehicle Service Integration Manager. by identifying a common and "best" set of CAE tools and processes. and Legal Liaison. Vehicle Synthesis.VRDS VRLA VRM VRM VRML VRR VRS VRT VRU VS VSA VSAS VSAS VSAS VSB VSC VSC VSC VSCL VSD VSE VSES VSG VSG VSI VSI VSIA VSIC VSIE VSIL VSIM VSIP VSIS VSL / GME VSM VSM VSM VSM VSMT VSP VSPA VSPD VSPLL VSR Vehicle Resale Disclosure System. Our mission is to reduce vehicle development time and cost. Refer to SPM. Virtual Vehicle Variable Valve Actuation Virtual Vehicle Build. Vacuum Solenoid Valve. Vortex Telecommunication Method. GM‘s single point field support division. Vehicle Teardown Request. VTS is the highest level of technical specification used to design the vehicle. Documents which define technical requirements for the vehicle development process. incorporating and balancing all known programs constraints. Vehicle Technical Specifications. Virtual Structural Vehicle. VME eXtensions for Instrumentation Watt . Virtual Telecommunications Access Method Vehicle Theft Deterrent.) Vehicle Service Readiness Manager. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Vehicle Team Analysis. Technical definition of the vehicle‘s functional characteristics and requirements.VSR VSRM VSS VSSA VSSM VSV VSV VSV VSVA VSVAC VSWR VTA VTAM VTD VTEC VTF VTG VTG VTIMS VTM VTP VTR VTS VTVML VV VV VVA VVB VVE VVP VVSS VVT VVT(&L) VWS VXI Vehicle Sensitive Retractor (A retractor that has a positive. No longer used. Vehicle Systems Synthesis Analysis Vehicle Sales Service Marketing. Developed by the Engineering Integration team as a response to MSS . Vehicle System Verification. Virtual Structure Vehicle Assessment Virtual concept Vehicle Assessment Complete. Vehicle Speed Sensor. Vertical Volute Spring Suspension Variable Valve Timing Variable Valve Timing (& Lift) Vehicle Windage Sensor. self-locking mechanism that automatically locks at or above a specified level of deceleration/acceleration. Vacuum Tube Volt Meter Variable Venture. Vehicle Validation Engineer Vehicle Verification Process. Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control Vacuum Tube Fluorescent (display) Variable Turbine Geometry (Mercedes E class) Vehicle Timing Group Vehicle Transportation Information System. Validation Test Procedure. GMPT ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG GVDP. ENG ENG PSEO.Department ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GMPT ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMU. GVDP. ENG ENG ENG . ENG. ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT AIAG. ENG AIAG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMPT ENG A/D/V.ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG VTS. ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG ENG ENG AIAG ENG AIAG ENG ENG VTS. GVDP PSEO ENG PSEO. GVDP. ENG GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG. GVDP. GMPT ENG ENG. ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG VTS. GMPT. ENG . QVR. ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. GMPT. ENG. FIN. GMPT.ENG ENG ENG QVR. ENG ENG VTS GVDP. ENG VSSM PSEO GVDP. GMPT GVDP. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. ENG. GVDP. AVDC ENG GVDP GMU ENG GVDP. ENG ENG . ENG. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VTS ENG ENG A/D/V GVDP ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG .ENG ENG GVDP GVDP. GMPT PSEO ENG ENG PSEO ATV ENG ENG PSEO ENG PSEO. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO. FIN. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG GVDP ENG ENG GVDP ENG QVR.GVDP. ENG. VTS. ENG. VSSM GVDP ENG ENG FIN ENG GVDP. FIN ENG QVR. GMU. GVDP. GMU. ENG. GMPT. ENG. GMPT GMPT ENG PSEO. GMPT. ENG ENG ENG . GVDP. ENG ENG GVDP. VSSM GVDP.ENG GVDP. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT GVDP. ENG GVDP FIN GVDP GVDP ENG GVDP PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG. GMPT. GMPT . ENG. R&D. AVDC GMPT ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG. GVDP ENG ENG GVDP ENG ENG PSEO AIAG ENG .ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP ENG GVDP GVDP. AVDC. GMU. ENG. ENG. GMPT.ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG GVDP. GVDP. AVDC ENG ENG ENG ENG. GMU PSEO ENG VSSM ENG. GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG . GMPT. GMPT AVDC ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG .PSEO. ENG. GMU ENG ENG ENG ENG. ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG VTS. ENG. GMPT ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG PSEO. GVDP. An abbreviation. Department ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG ENG PSEO ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. Wide Area Information Servers (A commercial software package that allows the indexing of huge quantities of information. An abbreviation. ENG. Weatherstrip. An abbreviation. What-If Analysis for Vehicle Engineering What A Waste Of Time Wheel Base. S=structure. Windshield. An abbreviation. A prominent feature of WAIS is that the search results are ranked (scored) according to how relevant the hits are. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. D=mock-up. Warm up. Without Without. An abbreviation. Wheelbase.) Wide Area Information Transfer System Work Authorization Level. An abbreviation. Watt. Windshield Wiper. Wheelhouse. Windlace. Worldwide Benchmarking and Business Analysis. Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Wafer Acceptance Test (Semiconductors) Water. An abbreviation. With. Washer. Wide Area Telephone Service. Wide Area Network. Water pump. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Workflow And Reengineering International Association Warning (an abbreviation) Warranty.Acronym W W W W/ W/H W/LACE w/o W/O W/PMP W/S W/STR W/UP W/W WA WAAS WAC WAD WAIS WAITS WAL WAN WARIA Warn WARR WASHTO WAT WAT WATS WAVE WAWOT WB WB WBBA Definition Tungsten (Wolfram) Watt. Warranty Administration Division. V=vehicle. GMPT . Wide Area Augmentation System (FAA positioning and tracking system based on NASA's IGDG software) Women's Advisory Council. B=ballasted structure. GMU GMPT. Service technician training via the internet. Web Based Training. An abbreviation. Standard Work Element Webbing. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Windshield side Garnish Molding Water Gas Shifter ENG.WBL WBM WBS WBT WC WC WC WCB WCDC WCELA WCELRF WCM WCMB WCS WD WD WDC WDM WDM WDO WDS WE WEBG WEC WECARE WECW WEMA WESS WEST WFG WFUO WGE WGM WGS Web Based Learning Web Based Management Work Breakdown Structure. AVDC. VSSM ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG. Will Call Back Warranty Concern Detection Center West Coast Environmental Law Association West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation Web Content Manager Worst Case Modal Bandwidth Weight Classification System (Siemens occupant detection subsystem) Wiring Diagram Working Draft Workplace Development Center Wavelength Division Multiplex Weight Drop Machine (Joint Delphi / Lear seat development project test & measurement device [?]) Window. Wheel Disc. FIN VSSM ENG ENG ENG. Warranty Chargeback (code) Wheel Covers. Wedge. The WBS Elements represent the logical segmentation of the work involved in the project. GMU. Warren Engineering Center Waste Elimination & Cost Awareness Rewards Everyone Warren Engineering Center West Worldwide Economics & Market Analysis Weld Equipment Selection System Web-based Engineering Scheduling Tool Worldwide Facilities Group With First Use Of. GMPT ENG ENG ENG . The WBS is a hierarchical structure of elements that can be used for financial management as well as scheduling and planning of projects. Worker‘s Compensation. Warehouse Management System (The new system by which PDCs are run). An abbreviation.) Warranty Information Network System. An abbreviation. GVDP . An abbreviation. develop linkage center lines. generate FMVSS and export area. Warranty Management System. This program has the capability to automatically flatten glass. ENG ENG ENG VSSM. Well. Water Level Loaded (A theoretical method to distribute cargo weight using the dimensions of the cargo area and the density of water to represent the cargo. Wall Mount Standard Charge Module Work Order. Warehouse Material Management System.) Wireless Local Loop Weighted Linear Matrix Work Load Modeling Wall Mount Standard Charge Module Windows Metafile (MS Office bitmap image format) Worm gear. Work In Progress. Work In Process Time. World Headquarters WIDS II Is a specially developed computer software package to aid in the design of wiper systems. Warranty Information System. Western Highway Institute Wheel.WH WHI WHL WHQ WIDS II WIKIWISI WIM WIM WIM WIM WINS WIP WIPT WIS WISE WITI WL WL WLAN WLDG WLL WLL WLM WLM WM SCM WMF WMGR WMMS WMS WMS WMSCM WO Warehouse. and to calculate blade angle of attack and rise and fall. I'll know it when I see it Weight In Motion Wireless Identification Module Woe Is Me World In Motion (SAE sponsored. An abbreviation. generate wipe patterns to meet legal requirements. Working Level Wireless Local Area Network Welding. GM supported program to deliver encouragement and training to 5th and 6th graders wrt to engineering careers. ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG VSSM ENG. Web Integrated Service Environment Women In Technology International White letter. ) Wheel Opening Molding Write Only Memory Write Once Read Many (Older optical disk technology) Wide Open Throttle.WOL WOM WOM WORM WOT WOW WOW WOW WOW WP WP WP WP WP WPC WPCS WPO WPP WPP WPR WR WRAF WRAIR WRAP WRAS WRC WRE WREVS WRG WRNG Wake On LAN (This refers to a technology developed by the IBM and Intel Advanced Manageability Alliance where a computer motherboard can turn itself on (and off) based on signals arriving at the computers network card. clean. Walks On Water Weight On Wheels Windows Of The World. Worldwide Product Planning. An operational standard that promotes a safe. ENG WFG GMPT ENG VSSM. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. Worldwide Product Cost System (GM Common Cost System for Assembly and Component Plants Worldwide. GM‘s corporate service provider of Verizon Cellular service. eliminates anything not required. GMPT FIN ENG ENG ENG GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG . ENG PSEO. cellular phones and accessories. Wide Range A/F Sensor Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Warranty Reproduction Attainment Process Warranty Retrieval Analysis System. which provides a specific location for everything. Wide Range EVS Wiring. Warning. VTS. Well Prepared People. World Radio-communications Conference Worldwide Real Estate. The primary function of WPCS is to value inventory and cost of sales/production. Work Request. GVDP. An abbreviation.) Work Place Organization. neat arrangement of the workplace. Wiper. and supports the employee. Worst Of the Worst Word Perfect Word Processor Work Plan Working Paper Write Protected Warranty Parts Center. VSSM. Work Station. What Would Jesus Do World Wide Purchasing. Worldwide Truck & Bus World Wide Web. GMPT. World Wide Facilities World Wide Facilities Group. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. World Semiconductor Council Windshield Frame Windshield Glass Wafer Scale Integration Windshield Inside of glass Windshield Outside of glass Work Structure Process Improvement Team Weight Specification Record. CVO Weld Specification White stripe. An abbreviation. What you buy is what you get What You Need Is What You Get [claim of many systems] What You See Is All You're Getting ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG GVDP. Windshield washer. Weather (Radio band). An abbreviation. Wheel Speed Sensor. Normally refers to a GM owned vehicle used for GM business purposes. ENG. Weight. AVDC ENG ENG . Warren Technical Center Campus (formally Tech Center) Warren Test Laboratory World Trade Organization Worldwide Travel Service Work Unit Counselor Warren Vehicle Engineering Center Worldwide Vehicle Regulations Manual. Windshield Washer. EAG ENG ENG.WRT WRT WRT WS WS WS WSC WSF WSG WSI WSI WSO WSPIT WSR WSS WSW WSWA WSWA WT WTCC WTL WTO WTS WUC WVEC WVRM WWF WWFG WWJD WWP WWT&B www WX WYBIWYG WYNIWYG WYSIAYG With Regard To With Respect To Work Related Travel. Windshield wiper. An abbreviation. WYSINWYG WYSIWIS WYSIWYG WYSIWYL What you see is not what you'll get What You See Is What I See What You See Is What You Get What you saw is what you lost . eXclusive OR (This is an operation that can be executed on two or more binary strings. Express (an abbreviation) Extensible Stylesheet Language (goes with XML) Crystal Experimental Twin Cam Engine X-windows User Interface XHTML XID XIOS XMAS Xmit XML XMS XMTR XMTR XOR XPCI XPLA Xplat Xpress XSL XTAL XTC XUI . and a false. An abbreviation. or "0" if both strings contain 0's or 1's at both positions: "One or the other. Aka FNR barrel forward wrap around FWD 5-6 spd auto. trans. An abbreviation.") eXtended Peripheral Component Interface Extended Programmable Logic Array Cross platform. but not both. XOR returns true or "1" if only one of the two strings contains a 1 at a particular bit position.Acronym X12 X20F X21F X22 XCO XCVR XDCR XDR Xe XFER XFMR XGA Definition See ASC X12 new auto 5 speed trans. Car Request Form. Transceiver.) eXtended Hyper-Text Markup Language Extended Identifier (C2C) Extended Input Output System eXtended Memory Specification transmit. Transducer. EXtensible Markup Language (an application profile of SGML) Extended Memory Specification Transmitter Transmitter. meaning that they support that resolution. Extended Graphics Architecture (IBM's term for a computer monitor resolution standard of 1024 x 768 pixels and 16-bit color. Export Car Order. Laptop makers often mention that their screens are XGA. eXternal Data Representation Xenon Transfer Transformer. An abbreviation. An abbreviation. XGA just means 1024 x 768. Nowadays. Department AIAG GMPT GMPT ENG ENG ENG ENG AVDC ENG ENG ENG PSEO GMPT . Acronym Y Y Y12 Y2K YACC YAFIYGI YAG YAHOO Yb YEA YGWYPF YIG YMCK YOYO YRS YS YTC YTD Definition Yes Yttrium Martin Marietta Energy System Year 2000 Yet Another Compiler Compiler You Asked For It. Represents a service only part. Yellow Tag Code Year To Date . You Got It Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Yet Another Hierarchical Organized Oracle Ytterbium Yield Enhancement Analysis (Semiconductors) You Get What You Pay For Yttrium Iron Garnet Yellow Magenta Cyan Black You're On Your Own Yaw Rate Sensor Yes Service. Department ENG ENG ENG ENG FIN. ENG . Zirconium Department ENG ENG. GMPT ENG ENG . and racing cars) Zero Insertion Force Zig-zag Inline Package Zone Improvement Plan (ala ZIP code) Zero Instruction Set Computer (NASA) Zinc Metals Research Institute Zipper. Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen (a German company that manufactures transmissions and transaxles used in many exotic. An abbreviation. high performance.Acronym Z ZAC ZBT ZCS ZD ZEV ZF ZIF ZIP ZIP ZISC ZMRI ZPR Zr Definition Zinc Zone Access Control Zero Bus Turnaround Zero Current Switching Zero Defects Zero Emissions Vehicle. A department of Service Operations (SO). Core listing of acronyms. Quality Valve Review. etc.Department AIAG AVDC CVO EAG ENG ePD EPMS FIN GM Defense GMCL GMPT GMU GVDP HR ILM MFD PSEO Definition Automotive Industry Action Group. Vehicle Technical Specification. QVR R&D SO VTS WFG . equipment. A division of Vehicle Sales. Acronyms from all Vehicle Development Processes (VDP) including 4 Phase. A not-for-profit trade association of North American vehicle manufacturers and suppliers. These member organizations come together under the auspices of AIAG to tackle a wide range of industry issues. VDP18. Most of the acronyms will be unique to Service Operations and it's departments. Advanced Vehicle Development Center. VDP24. Acronyms with this listing are general in nature and can reflect titles. General Motors Research & Development Service Operations. Service. Acronyms and Titles commonly used within the GM Engineering Community. Metal Fabricating Division Product Service Engineering Operations. abbreviations and symbols that are used in the Global VTS template document. electronic Product Development Engineering Process & Math Strategy GM Finance General Motors Canada limited General Motors PowerTrain Acronyms within this listing are found in numerous on-line course materials within the GMU web site. departments. Human Resources (General Motors) Information LifeCycle Management. Acronyms listed with this department are official listings from their own acronym list.3. This listing is found in section 6. Global Vehicle Development Process. Worldwide Facilities Group. etc. not within a single listing. forms. The result of this work is the development of new technologies and the standards that govern their usage. Marketing. Company Vehicle Operations Enterprise Activities Group Engineering. The mission of the Advanced Vehicle Development Center is to provide a place for project teams made up of a composite of organizations to collaborate and focus on a given concept utilizing the Advanced Vehicle Development (AVD) process in order to deliver required inputs for VPI. jsp http://so.html http://gmna1.html http://epd.Web site http://www. #'s A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 27 650 308 1007 595 501 363 355 215 450 66 55 258 491 297 172 801 95 450 803 415 123 372 169 30 18 14 9100 . Documents Similar To GM AbbreviationSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextGM_APQPFORD Acronyms BookletFord APQPGuidelineHORENSO Training Ford Full apqp.pptVDA Formel QGm 10067IATF 16949变化点_final.pdfGM 1805Automotive acronyms and abbreviationsAnpqp Version 2.2-Feb 2011FORD Acronym ListAPQP PPAP Evidence WorkbookGM APQP Manual - GM1927 - Revision 1APQP Second EditionRenault Ko LeosTECHNICAL NOTE Edition AnglaiseFord Phased PPAP ManualAdult Basic Education Manual FY13- Delaware Adult & Prison Education 2012-2013ATRA 2003 Seminar ManualIs Technology Making Us Dumber or SmarterRM350BTests of Adult Basic Education (Tabe)6HP19Z)AIAG Production Parts Approval Process PPAP 4ed 2006Cadillac Catera Top Ten Problems 12-25-04Cadillac En - ADVANTAGESTABE PERT FCAT Reading and Writing Practice MmAcVcErReIaCKSCSP Production Scheduling and Information System Using Web-browser TechnologyMSAMore From nguyenbmtsvSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextDieukhien Capnhienlieu Quatringhchay Dongco7-Euroasitic_-_GIZ_25X2011912aen_2Các loại hộp số ôtôMenú del pie de páginaVolver arribaAcerca deAcerca de ScribdPrensaNuestro blog¡Únase a nuestro equipo!ContáctenosRegístrese hoyInvitar amigosObsequiosLegalTérminosPrivacidadCopyrightAsistenciaAyuda / Preguntas frecuentesAccesibilidadAyuda de compraAdChoicesEditoresRedes socialesCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Buscar libros.Directorio del sitio.Idioma del sitio: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaSign up to vote on this titleUsefulNot usefulUsted está leyendo una previsualización gratuita.DescargarCerrar diálogo¿Está seguro?This action might not be possible to undo. 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