Global lesson in your classroom.pdf

March 18, 2018 | Author: Celatuchiac | Category: International Development, Human Rights, Sustainability, Millennium Development Goals, Teachers



d l r o W l a b Gloin your classroom Design: Katarzyna Kowalska Cover concept: Katarzyna Kowalska Published by: The Salesian Missionary Voluntary Service YOUTH FOR THE WORLD 30-323 Cracow, Tyniecka St 39 Tel. +48 12 2692333, e-mail: [email protected] Cracow 2012 INTRODUCTION Within the Glocal Tour project a teachers competition for the best lesson plan has been organized. About 100 scenarios have been sent to us during that time. 12 lesson plans were chosen for this manual. First four scenarios have been awarded as the best scenarios and other 8 are also chosen as those, which can be very much useful for you. Scenarios from this Manual have been created by 12 teachers from 4 countries – Germany, Italy, Poland and Romania. Therefore, some materials and internet links will refer you to the information in one of authors' language. Anyway, we encourage you to work with the scenario and just find appropriate materials in your language. We would like to thank one more time the authors of scenarios and invite you to plan your Global lesson with us! Good luck! Glocal Tour Project Team THE LIST OF LESSON PLANS: 1. Are human rights preserved in the contemporary world? Julita Kiełbasa, Poland 2. Freetime Activities of Teenagers in Developed Countries and in Regions of Crisis and War, Susanne Menge, Germany 3. Peace education and conflict prevention, Simona Torotcoi, Italy 4. Biodiversity - educational approach, Gianmarco Proietti, Italy 5. I get to know, I notice, I understand - The Millennium Development Goals, Anna Kasprzycka, Poland 6. My place in international development, Marlena Działabij-Drubka, Poland 7. My mobile phone - a world traveller, Andronie Elisabeta Maria, Romania 8. Children’s Rights, Nitu Andrian Nicolae, Romania 9. The Millennium Developement Goals, prof. Dorina Ulici, Romania 10. How do we build our future on the foundation of different cultures - Learning for sustainability in a world of cultural diversity, Heinz- Jiirgen Rickert, Germany 11. Music and Interculture, Annalisa Raschioni, Italy 12. TWINNING to 'act' the right to study. Listening and storytelling to build symmetry in supportive twinning, Ranuzzi, Italy 1. Are human rights preserved in the contemporary world? Author: Julita Kiełbasa, Poland Main objective: The lesson sums up the whole section concerned with human rights. The students have already learnt about the main issues relating to human rights - they know basic definitions, principal documents and organizations whose aim is to protect human rights. Now, the students are trying to assess to what extent human rights are preserved in today’s world. Detailed objectives: Students know: - the causes of human rights violation - which countries don’t preserve human rights - when it’s possible to limit human rights - which continent has most difficulty in preserving human rights and why Students understand: - problems connected with human rights protection - the importance of involvement in initiatives promoting human rights -how to prepare a meta-plan Students can: -name some organizations fighting for human rights protection -name some people who fight for human rights protection in particular countries -present a model state in which human rights are preserved - act on behalf of one of the organs of UN and write a formal announcement condemning human rights abuses in a chosen country -assess whether their country is committed to the issue of human rights protection in the contemporary world -organize, together with their classmates, a marathon of letter writing, and involve the whole school community in actions aimed at human rights protection Target group: Second form students of the secondary school Time needed: Two 45-minute lessons (90min) Teaching techniques: - discussion, work in groups, lecture, meta-plan Necessary materials: (Author refers mostly to resources in Polish. [added by translator]) Internet article: Machowicz K., State of emergency as a premise for legal interference into Human Rights in Poland. Source: Materials from the internet resources: The teacher is supposed to search in the Internet and provide students with a range of articles concerned with human rights activists, human rights protection and violation in different parts of the globe. Additional Internet sources: (This website contains plenty of interesting information about human rights activists from particular countries, i.e. Guilliermo Farinas from Cuba, Hu Ji from China, Nelson Mandela from the Republic of South Africa, Shirin Ebadi from Iran, Kim De Zdung from South Korea, Rigoberto Menchu Tum from Guatemala and Aung San Suu Kyi from Birma. The website also gives information abort European initiatives concerning human rights protection as well as European politicians’ opinions on these issues.); (This website contains information regarding the situation in Burma); (The website contains information about situation in Sri Lanka); h t t p : / / w w w. r a c j o n a l i s t a . p l / k k . p h p / s , 3 0 9 9 Films: The teacher may consider using fragments of the following films during the lesson: ‘The last king of Scotland’, ‘Hotel Rwanda’, ‘The hunting party’, ‘The killing fields’, ‘Sometimes in April’, ‘Shooting dogs’, ‘Shake hands with the devil’. Evaluation: The lesson scenario is aimed at familiarizing students with the topic of human rights protection in the contemporary world. The teacher who uses this scenario is also supposed to undertake a more demanding task of increasing the students’ sensitivity to injustice and making them more aware of the necessity of human rights protection. This goal can be achieved thanks to stimulating teaching methods, students’ active involvement in the lesson as well as varied teaching materials. The lesson scenario transgresses the conventions of a traditional lesson in that the students are expected to involve the whole school community in the so called ‘Marathon of letter writing’, an initiative carried out in cooperation with the Amnesty International. At the first stage of the lesson the students, who have already read a relevant article on the Internet, try to answer the question: under what circumstances is it possible to limit human rights? Thus, they acknowledge the existence of certain legal conditions and situations when a state can interfere even in the question of human rights. * Originally, this task was meant to develop the topic discussed during a previous lesson (Human rights protection in Poland/…) New material should be introduced in 4 stages. At the first stage, the teacher delivers a short lecture followed by class discussion. Through these activities the students learn about the causes of human rights violations: political ones (the political system of a given country affects human rights protection), religious and cultural ones (ethical norms and values shared in a particular society stem from its religion and culture), economical ones (poverty and famine as problems leading to human rights abuses) and others. At the second stage the class is divided into four groups which work autonomously. Each group is supposed to write a formal announcement in which - on behalf of the UN - they will express their protest against human rights abuses in a country of their choice. Each group deals with a country from a different continent. In order to complete the task successfully, the students need to have the command of a formal (even legal) language. Every announcement should include three elements. It ought to give examples of human rights violation in a given country, name (if possible) human rights activists from that country and present a possible reaction of the OUN to the situation. The task can be completed in a computer room with access to the Internet. In such conditions the students search for relevant information by themselves. Otherwise, the teacher selects appropriate articles on Aware of the international situation and the level of human rights protection in the world. ‘Sometimes in April’. Lesson scenario: Stage Organizational/ introductory activities Revision: Introducing a new topic: Short description Attendance check Materials -----------------Time 2min Students answer the question (based on an article they have read): Under what circumstances is it possible to limit human rights? Stage 1 What does the level of human rights protection in a particular country depend on? . -students get to know the main factors which influence human rights protection. it develops their analytical skills and the ability to organize information coherently. . At the fourth stage a stimulating method called ‘meta-plan’ is used. The action may be combined with a film marathon. to formulate thoughts concisely. ‘The killing fields’.group activities. On the day of the marathon of letter writing the school should be open for the whole day for pupils. The sum up the lesson the group will prepare a marathon of letter writing. They can choose an existing state which – in their opinion . ‘Shooting dogs’. The best group can be rewarded with a good most committed to the issue of human rights protection. the students may attempt to assess their own country in this respect. Is their country among the states which care for human rights protection or does it have yet to face many challenges in this question? The objective of the homework set by the teacher is to make the students reflect on this problem. ‘The . Stage 2 Examples of countries in which human rights are violated . The meta-plan can help them to detect the weaknesses of that state and to find possible remedies. Subsequently. Relevant article online 5min 5min Articles chosen by the teacher 15min Work in groups 25 min Presentatio ns 20 min Film fragments: The last king of Scotland’. Thus. ‘The hunting party’.in order to present it to the rest of the class. to draw conclusions and inferences. the students decide by themselves which continent has most difficulty in preserving human rights. their families and friends. It is a kind of discussion after which the students with the teacher create a mind-map. Each group is given approximately 15 minutes to write the announcement and 6 minutes . the students try to prepare a model of a state in which human rights are preserved absolutely. All the above films are widely available and can be presented during the lesson. Their decision may be facilitated by film projections. ‘Shake hands with the devil’. This teaching method is more attractive than a mere lecture given by the teacher since it gives the students more autonomy and the freedom to choose the materials. During the discussion the students seek answers to the questions: What is the current situation? Why is it so? What should it be like? Resorting to this method. ‘Hotel Rwanda’.discussion. This activity has to be preceded by some preparation in class so that the students can gain information about the actions of the Amnesty International and select a particular action in which they want to get involved. They can also put an advertisement on the school website.lecture and discussion.students are divided into 4 groups whose task is to read provided sources and then prepare short announcements in which they will express their protest against human rights abuses Stage 3 Which continent has most difficulty in preserving human rights and why? . It is recommendable that the students see the fragments of the following films: ‘The last king of Scotland’. it also systematizes their knowledge. ‘Hotel Rwanda’. ‘The hunting party’. The students’ task is to prepare special information posters to be placed all over the school building. the students will become personally involved in human rights protection. A meta-plan as a teaching technique has many advantages: it teaches pupils to cooperate. projections of films concerned with human rights.his /her own and brings their copies. and the previous lesson will acquire more value and relevance to them. pl/ Subject: Invisible violations of human rights in Mexico. ‘Shooting dogs’. Subject: Is there a chance for democratic changes in Birma? SRI LANKA . MEXICO Source: http://poland.solidarnizmaksem. -meta-plan -students work together to build a model of a state in which human rights are preserved. killing fields’.Stage 4 We build a model state which preserves human rights. Group 3 – Americas CUBA Source: Subject: Situation of Andrey Sannikaw – an activist of Belarussian opposition. Group 4 – Asia BIRMA Source:http://drabikpany. Bristol board. ‘Sometimes in April’. which could be used during the lesson. its advantages and disadvantages. Group 1 – Europe BELARUS Sourse: Subject: Karadžić's process as a chance for making justice for victims of war in Bosnia. ‘Shake hands with the devil’.org. SUDAN Source: http://amnesty. http://www. appropriate film projectors 5min whole day ANNEX The Annex contains subjects and suggested links (most in Polish).pl/ Subject: General situation in Cuba. marker pens 13min --------------------Posters.indymedia. The poverty and the Human Rights in the Niger http://www. in cooperation with the Amnesty International.national-geographic.solidarnizkuba. Report on Human Rights observance in Cuba: January-May 2008. Conclusion Evaluation Homework: Would you say that your country cares for human rights protection? The whole school participates in the marathon of letter Subject: The referendum in southern Sudan and human rights violations. They describe its Subject: Petrolium. which has been tortured in "FORMER YUGOSLAVIA" Sourse: Group 2 – Aftica NIGER Source: http://www. pl/.pl/ http://www.Source: www. which can be used for preparation of the lesson: .wp. http://www.stosunkimiedzynarodowe.europarl.rp.europa. the humanitarian crisis is growing. Additional Subject: When the world is watching and cannot force the government of Sri Lanka to cease-fire with Tamil rebel forces.php http://www. work in pairs and in bigger groups. Freetime Activities of Teenagers in Developed Countries and in Regions of Crisis and War Author: Susanne Menge. 9 lessons combine politics. . Aspects related to politics and economy Methods and Classroom Interaction Materials History lessons Skills Change of Perspective / Partners from Outside of School ancient Greece Intercultural Issues Introduction: Teacher presents quotation of Socrates about the youth (on transparency. -education. economy and history. Target group: Year 9. Internet page with pictures and texts). compare and contextualize “freetime” of children and teenagers in Africa in cooperation with Non-Government-Organisations. compare and assess studies. 45 minutes. Evaluation: The students use a method book.basics of his Philosophy. class discussion. teacher’s presentation classroom youth in ancient Greece . They interpret Socrates’ statement and understand its crossepochal and crossgenerational validity Origin of our culture in ancient Greece . they analyse. transparenc y with quotation (author’s name and biographical facts hidden) OHP transparenc y with the name and the biographical Socrates .2. author’s name hidden) Students speculate about the historical context of the quotation (who said it and when?) Teacher introduces the author and the historical context Students compare Socrates‘ perspective classroom discourse overhead projector (OHP).culture. -political system. they can arrange a presentation day or week at school. Time needed: 9 lessons. They prepare an African-German presentation (e. Necessary materials: Given in the column “Materials” in the table below. they understand. Detailed objectives: The students are supposed to define the word “freetime” against the background of a specific social context. The lessons require a high amount of autonomous work – the students get used to working on their own. Germany Main objective: Global Developement. where they write down the method (on the left) and the contents they dealt with (on the right).life in ancient Greece.g. Lesson scenario: L e s s o n 1 . secondary school. Teaching techniques: Teacher's presentation. / 2 . students extend their knowledge about historical relations between the past and today. g. e. money) and develop an example that illustrates how the particular aspect forms the freetime of a particular person Presentation of the examples individual/gro up work: mind-map -one card per student.students create one mind-map with the cards of the boys and a separate one with the cards of the girls. money. . classroom discussion (pair work outside the classroom) classroom discussion: two students write down central aspects and try to structure them on the blackboard classroom discussion cards blackboard students use knowledge about the ancient Greece and its philosopher s and recognize similarities/ differences to their own life students gain basics of analysis and assessment regarding freetime and what it depends on.boys and girls hand in their cards separately. they train methods to work on their own. .with the opinion of today’s adults and recognize the similarities from 350 B.discussion of the mindmaps. social background … → The 2 students come back and present their definitions to the class Students get together in groups. they learn to include political and economic aspects blackboard group work eacher writes results on the blackboard . choose one aspect (e.C. . education.g. until today discourse facts What does “freetime” mean to young people? What does “freetime“ and ways of spending it depend on? → 2 students leave the room in order to define the word “freetime” In the meantime the class thinks about central aspects “freetime” depends on. -one sentence per card. social and political conditions The students analyse the conditions and relate them to their national survey freetime activities – what is typically male and female? group work individual work: notetaking classroom discussion group work: brainstorming film by Hannelore Vonier: Der Dreierschrit t der Fremdbesti mmung.g. use of modern media increases) 5 . one for girls). students try to form general statements about freetime in Germany. Film about indigenous people: Who decides how freetime is spent? Me or others? Living conditions in Germany. supported by the class. sports. Article: Buschmänner im südlichen Afrika Article: Political Representations in Transnational Spaces of African Modernity Introduction: Teacher hands in a text presenting the results of a recent national survey on young people and freetime (in Germany: ShellStudie 2010) The students name the central aspects of the survey and compare it to their own survey. youth and wars World War I and II colonisation of Africa old wars/new wars (Herfried Münkler) students train their skill of analysing contents and extend their knowledge indigenous people and rituals group work . culture. wer kann! posters. 3 cards per student. Gender-specific evaluation and its visualisation cards (one colour for boys. / 6 .3 How do you spend . make separate mind-maps with the cards. one keyword/ sentence per card all cards on the blackboard 2 students at the blackboard. one possible result: in Germany hardly any differences between boys and girls (e. from: Article: Rette sich. they have to find categories such as family/friends . your freetime? / 4 . media on blackboard individual work with the text pair work coloured cards history of men and women using the example of the culture of oppression and emanzipation (link listed in the last column) students learn to find key aspects youth in ancient Greece youth in the Middle Ages Internet research in history lessons being a man/ woman in Africa blackboard students learn to analyse and categorize their own behaviour regarding freetime students compare and assess their statements in the light of genderspecific differences culture of oppression and modern emanzipation Article: Balance between Tradition and Modernity Article: Die gesuchte Seite wurde leider nicht gefunden. political. show films about young people in Africa . because … students might get keywords in advance: family school politics economy friends results written down on a poster by each group students walk around to look at each poster (in Germany: „Caférundgan g”) glue.Establish contacts between the school and an African country (Internet) . politics and economy as well as students are supposed to: .student/group – place) . / 8 .Experts support students to avoid cultural misunderstandings Teachers of history. Possible options: . because … I cannot decide how I spend my freetime. border district Burundi students assess freetime and freetime activities in the light of everything they have learnt Is there anything such as freetime in Ruanda and Burundi? Do you decide.Develop a schedule (time – task . social and economic background (groups get either topic 1 or 2): topic 1: I decide how I spend my freetime.Establish contacts • Introduce themselves • get and give information • explain the project • think of questions • organize and structure the cooperation . they relate their freetime activities to its determining conditions students learn to make a poster 7 Presentation . scissors. underage soldiers. posters War in Ruanda (Hutus and Tutsis).Develop an concept for the Internet page .Experts of NGOs come into class. do others decide or both? final discussion In lesson 9 and the following lessons time will be used to cooperate with NGOs. maganzines (pictures) students learn to define freetime. Lesson Content 20 min. notional and thread ball material. Italy Main objective: Preventing violent conflicts from breaking out. To comment the quotes regarding peace. role play. Detailed objectives: 1. they think about that shape. exercises. watching. colored cards. as Creators of Peace. Necessary materials: Blackboard. colored pencils. and scissors. Introduction ☻The teacher is drawing a circle on the blackboard and asks the pupilss to say what Chalk. ☻The teacher asks the pupils to organise themselves in a circle ☻The youngest pupil will light the peace candle ☻The teacher asks the pupils to pick a card from the bowl and not to open it (annex 1quotes about peace). boards. chalk. 4. To play the role of a certain character in a given situation. chain story. video projector. notes. 2. Peace education and conflict prevention Author: Simona Torotcoi. and not only. glue. 10 min. With the help of a thread ball. Time needed: 60 minutes. conversation. Evaluation: Students will receive a participation diploma. they will read the quote and comment on it. Teaching techniques: Brainstorming. blackboard. Lesson homework and revision. To express themselves assertively. 3. Preparing the materials for the lesson Catalogue 2 min. conversation. ☻Teacher asks the pupils to answer the question “What destroys peace?” and the Board.3. candle. Internet resources: Please. Target group: 7th grade pupils. thread ball. which will circulate from pupil to pupil. To practice the types of listening. . listening. Lesson description Lesson steps Content Materials Time Organising Checking attendance. see in the Annex in the end of this plan. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. but a means by which we arrive at that goal. but not the one with their own name on it. with the help of the materials given by teacher.” Moshe Dayan “Peace is liberty without worry. ☻Teacher explains new terms and procedures in conflict prevention (annex 2). ☻Teacher asks pupils to pick a diploma from the desk. pupils will tell their ideas and teacher will note them on the board. all class will listen to a relaxing song. the world will know peace.” A. Do not seek it without.” Marcus Tulius Cicero “Peace is a state in which all kinds of fear are unknown. passive and neutral. ANNEX 1 Quotes about peace: “If you want to make peace you don’t have to talk with your friends.” Elie Wiesel “Peace is not a relationship of nations. each pupil presents his/her contribution and explains his/her choice. Peace is not merely the absence of war. and then they give each other diplomas as Creators of Peace. exercises. peace is our gift to each other.” Buddha “Peace is not merely a distant goal that we At the end. Evaluation 5 min.” Jawaharlal Nehru ANNEX 2 Confilcts are inevitable in people’s lives. ☻ At the end.thread ball will go back. It's something you make. so that all the lesson to remain in their souls (annex 4). Lots of conflicts can be prevented through a series of techniques such as: . The 14th Dalai Lama quotes “Peace is not something you wish for. colored pencils. ☻ Teacher asks pupils to make a collage with the theme ''Peace represents. Something you do. Muste “Let your enemy be your teacher. Summary Images. and they are playing out the specific roles ☻Teacher asks pupils to watch the messages for a better world (annex 3). pictures. board 8 min.’’ Dalai Lama “We must remember that peace is not God's gift to his creatures.” Robert Fulghum “Peace comes from within. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people... provide peace for another. And something you give away.” John Buchan “When the power of love overcomes the love of power. peace is the way. ☻Teacher asks pupils to give examples in which a conflict was solved and how. ” Martin Luther King “ There is no way to peace.” Mahatma Gandhi “If you wish to experience peace. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances. and many of them can be overcome.” Jimi Hendrix “Each one has to find his peace from within. glue.J. It is also a state of mind. talk with your enemies. Something you are. watching videos ☻Teacher asks pupils to practice the three types of listening. materials.''.” Tenzin Gyatso. Being attentive to the expressiveness of the verbal and non-verbal language. there is the formulation of the problem. and we notice his/her emotions and feelings.values. It can be: 1. impersonal way. -Assertive expression is the way through which the speaker informs the other in a harmless. finding the common points of the needs. evident or implicit. not on us. Maintaining refers to the process in which the relation exists and there are interior and exterior pressures. especially when changes are not discussed and accepted by both.makes the conflict to be possible. but also through manipulation techniques of the interaction framework. moral support/counseling/helping the others and answer to the verbal attack. ending with the disappearance of the conflict because of the agreement referring to the solution for the needs of each part. encourage the speaker to continue and we ensure ourselves that we understood correctly what the speaker said. This is the universal principle for solving conflicts.values. When we listen actively. the conflict is caused by the process of ending itself. knowing the real needs. can make the relationship stronger and give it stability. when is solved efficiently. defined as the adjustment of attitudes and behaviors of the target as a response to the wish of the agent of change. formal -Interpersonal conflicts usually appear in key-levels of a relationship initiation. we ask questions. the identification of the parts involved. the creation and capitalization of the success chances. maintaining. -Power is implied in all conflicts. Conflicts can be solved through two methods: win-win and negotiation method. we focus on the other person. . the situation that makes him/her not feel comfortable. episodic (sequential) 3. through the “natural death” of the relationship (routine.The win-win method is part of the constructive approaches. using the metalanguage in negative http://www. power can be used in a deliberate way or not. and its effects on him/her. ANNEX 3 http://www. cooperation. it can not be balanced. Changing appears as a reaction to the . -Even if sometimes the relationships end as a result of the conflict. -The conflict. -Compliance is a form of social influence. such as information. -Self-esteem can be stimulated through the accentuation of the positive sides. is the most important cause of the conflict. informal (every day) 2. It can be obtained through persuasive communication. There are three basic types in which the power is used: -persuasion -reward -punishment In conflicts. but only equilibrium of the powers. it is not a fixed one that can be redistributed.-Active listening is a technique of conversation used in three functions. changing and ending. -Negotiation is a discussion between the parts for solving a common problem. Initiation denotes the establishment of the relation and role assuming. but just ensures some chances in entering the conflict. The power of both parts develops in parallel. and the transformation of the enemy in partner for choosing a definitive solution for both parts. Firstly. generation of possible solutions. It is advisable not to use an inhibiting or blocking behavior. complimenting. as well as the state that the speaker desires to reach. or can be followed by a new relation. a positive one. wear off).real or perceived. com/inspirational-stories-tv-spots/112-Purse ANNEX 4 http://www. http://www.values. behaviours. but rather through communication between different knowledge. of the construction of explanation models of the phenomena. who is living in that house is despised. It’s not the point in inventing other scholastic subjects. which was for the young people a home that welcomes. values. but to rethink the role of disciplines using environmental education as a resource during the planning stage to select the learning objectives. nor interpreted through univocal points of view. . So. each of which is part of systems. to take care of the human-environment means dealing with complex objects. aims at: • Developing attitudes. The goal then is to study the house and its relations. The greek word "oikos" means.. of the relationship between nature and culture. the environment in which we live. cooperation / solidarity.) to be enjoyed by future generations also • Becoming aware that the choices and individual and collective actions have consequences not only in the present but also in the future and to assume coherent behaviours in order to identify and test strategies for sustainable living • Promoting the development of personal qualities such as autonomy. themes. This entails • The gaining of skills to think for relationships in order to understand the systemic nature of the world. Biodiversity . problems. soil and water characteristics. a particular detail. with its physical and chemical. Italy Main objective: Pio XI is posed towards the students and their families as "A home to grow together": It interprets therefore. bringing the ecology to the study of the house. a school that prepares for life. we need a cross-disciplinary teaching in a teaching-learning process that makes the socio-affective dimension interact with the cognitive dimension. cultural diversity. .4. a sense of responsibility / initiative. the playground to meet with friends and live in happiness. a parish that evangelizes. climate. in the ways it is manifested as a value and as a resource to be protected (biodiversity. All this entails going into territories that strongly point to the issues of the complexity.. • Critical Recognition of the difference. " Why an environmental education project? Ecology is the study of habitat. key concepts. When house becomes "not cozy". networks of relationships that are not neither easily describable and understandable if considered as individual elements. the oratorio criteria as a lifelong criteria of educational and didactic activities: "Don Bosco lived a typical pastoral experience in his first Oratory. And the house is "not cozy" when you have no respect for those who live there.educational approach Author: Gianmarco Proietti. knowledge and skills necessary to live in an interdependent world. For the construction of an " ecosystem culture " then science and technology alone are not sufficient. Detailed objectives: Environmental Education as thought by PIO XI. however. within the logic of the acceptance. of what happens to the issues of scientific knowledge and of its limits. the objective of the study is to make the house cozy. Evaluation Formative assessment: After each module. to set and solve problems. coherent with a systemic vision of reality and a greater awareness of the effects of their actions. Prof. University of Camerino. He is the chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Greenaccord. Antonello Pasini i. complementary among each other and in mutual interaction. 3. will be presented by the teachers of the school and by external experts. Meteorology and the simulated climate (Bruno Mondadori. Target group: Students of the first class of High School (scientific profile) and IV class of the Gymnasium. Content and meetings: The project foresees 5 sessions of three hours each on the topics: Each theme. 2. and 0 if the answer is not given. Summative assessment The final assessment of the project will be the carrying out by the students of scientific posters on one of the topics listed in the project. professor of Foundations of Sustainable Economy. two indispensable elements for the definition of a sustainable relationship with the environment. 2003). Ecology science of complexity a. to propose and coordinate actions. He was of the Board of Directors of WWF Italy and ISES Italy. their ability to influence it with new proposals to take forward the tasks freely given. evaluated by teachers. O He has recently published climate change n models and methods for climate studies. The tests will consist on 25 questions. aimed at establishing the concepts just listened in lessons and to evaluate whether the contents have been included. appreciation of differences. The maximum score will be 100.Autonomy is due to the awareness by students of the values of the project they are engaged in. Ing. The best work. to deal with the inconvenience. Luca Cristaldi 4. the sense of responsibility / initiative is due to the ability to build projects. he is an expert in modelling of complex and artificial intelligence systems. The other side of development: waste. each group should make an illustration scientific poster. allows the person to dynamically build their own relationship with the environment. will be framed and displayed in the institution. Biodiversity: the ability of the future of the planet. Each class will be divided into five groups. Theoretical physicist specialized in meteorology and climatology. the teachers will prepare a multiple choice test with four possible answers each question . 1. and students will win a prize (Bonus for Books). There will be five tests in all. The sufficiency will 60. chosen as the fundamental for the study of environmental complexity. recise edition in English for World Scientific Publishers (2005). for each wrong answer -1. Andrea Masullo i. He is the author of numerous scientific articles in international magazines. cooperation / solidarity listening. The summary of environmental issues: Climate change a. Prof. He was a supporting scientific technician expert of the structure of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC. the ability to work in groups. Emilio Ranieri . Dr. For every correct answer will be awarded 4 points. is due to the respect for different points of view. All of these qualities. researcher of the CNR Institute for Atmospheric Pollution. Ninfa: a Biodiversity explosion. Leonardo Mancini SdB and “immersion” visit: The visit will be thought of as an"immersion" in the problems studied. Fr.5. . a. Spirituality of the Creation. 1. Environment Tour in the province of Latina • Dump of Borgo Montello • Nuclear Centre Borgo Sabotino 2. an effective vision of what actually studied. shtml The Millennium Development Goals http://office.5. Detailed objectives: Students can: . 3. If you think that the lesson wasn’t very interesting and you’ve learnt little about the Millennium Development Goals.undp. . chart 3: ‘The score chart ‘. points gained in the competition. What they have and what's necessary to have that. . Time needed: one 45-minute lesson Teaching techniques: brainstorming. 2.htm The United Nations Millennium Declaration (fragment) http://www. Poland Main objective: Creation of education initiatives aimed at raising people’s awareness about the problems of the contemporary world and about their remedies. work in a fragment of ‘the United Nations Millennium Declaration’. I notice. The Earth Description: Kids firs by using a globe and discussion describe their place in the world and their basic needs. paper doves of and comprehend information given by older I get to with a drawing some ideas how to improve the world for all humanity.answer questions in full sentences. . conversation.aspx?qu=Ziemia#pg:5| . working with texts. a sheet of paper to put on the table: ‘Delegates for the 55th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations’ Evaluation: Evaluation chart ‘The heart’. Necessary materials: a globe. coloured pencils. Pupils are supposed to complete the chart according to the instruction given by the teacher: 1. If you think that the lesson was boring and you haven’t learnt anything about the Millennium Development Goals. If you think that you enjoyed the lesson very much and you’ve gained a lot of interesting information about the Millennium Development Goals. . practical exercises.The Millennium Development Goals Author : Anna Kasprzycka. . observation. colour the whole heart red. paper hearts. Internet materials: http://www. chart 1: ‘The Millennium Development Goals’.recognise numbers 1-4 and letters A-D. .present themselves and say where they live. leave the heart white.explain the significance of the Millennium Development Goals.un. I understand . glue. Target group: First class of primary school. colour half of the heart red. chart 2: ‘We are bringing peace and joy to the whole world! .microsoft. Than they arrange a room as a conference room and read the Millenium .work in group. Completing evaluation charts Main part Coclusion Evaluation Millennium Declaration (fragment). evaluation charts 23 min 5 min 5 min Detailsed description of the lesson scenario In the classroom there is an extra table with the sign ‘Delegates for the 55th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Drawing ‘messages’ for people in the world – work in groups. After that they receive paper sheets with white bird (Peace) and the task is to imagine that we will send them to those in need. Guided conversation – (The pupils sit down and answer the questions) . On the blackboard hang the three charts: chart 1 ‘The Millennium Development Goals’. After that they play a game (ship battle) to find a MGS and points are accounted when described what the specific MDS. Teacher’s activities (The pupils stand in a circle). . points ‘doves of peace’ chart 2. paper doves of peace. Pupils’ activities No. the pupil throws the ball to another classmate and the game continues. Subsequently.Are all the people in the world happy? . Talking about the works and completing the chart ‘We are bringing peace and joy to the whole world’ 1. score chart (chart 3). glue Coloured pencils.Declaration. 2. glue. 1. Game: ‘The Millennium Development Goals’.What is the name of the country we live in? . chart 1. 1. 1.Are we alone on our planet? . I live in …’. 1. The teacher starts an integrating game ‘Who are you?’. ’ Two older pupils from higher classes are seated behind the table.What determines our lives? . What would you like to tell them by your drawing? Lesson scenario: Stage Organisational activities Introduction Short description Greeting pupils Materials --ball in the form of a globe Time 2 min. The older pupils read out a fragment of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. Reading out a fragment of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. Time 2 min 10 min Pupils start to play the game Pupils sit on a carpet and take part in the discussion. Guided conversation . 10 min. Greeting the children – sending a spark of peace. 2. He throws the ball to a chosen pupil and asks the pupil to introduce himself and say where he lives. Integrating game ‘Who are you?’ 2.s is about.Are we happy? . 3. coloured pencils.What determines our happiness? Main part: 1. He holds a ball in the form of a globe and says: My name is…. 1. chart 2: ‘We are bringing peace and joy to the whole world’ and chart 3 – the score chart. 2. 3. at the dawn of a new millennium. Delegate I: 1. Evaluation The teacher gives the pupils the hearts (evaluation chart) asking them to complete the task: Assess the work you’ve done during the lesson. The teacher invites the pupils to come to the tables. especially the most vulnerable and. colour half of the heart red. prosperous and just world. The students are supposed to explain the meaning of this particular development goal. Group 1 has to choose the number of the field they want to disclose. to indebted countries. On your tables there are ‘doves of peace’. (the rules of the game are identical to those in battleships). Teacher: The Millennium Development Goals were adopted by leaders of 189 countries at the summit of the United Nations Organization in 2000. The teacher divides the class in two groups. Imagine they can fly to people who suffer from poverty. Let them be a symbol and testimony of your sympathy for people in need. heads of State and Government. in particular. The eight Millennium Development Goals are the international community’s (and Poland’s) commitment to… I’d like to invite you to take part in a game ‘the Millennium Development Goals’ . we have a collective responsibility to uphold the principles of human dignity. Then it’s the second group’s turn. to reaffirm our faith in the Organization and its Charter as indispensable foundations of a more peaceful. illnesses. water shortages. How could you help them? Express your ideas with a drawing.We. As leaders we have a duty therefore to all the world’s people. If you think that you enjoyed the lesson very much and you’ve gained a lot of interesting information about the Millennium Development Goals. 2. the teacher reads out the goal hidden in the field. Delegate II 2. 1. Pupils draw their suggestions 5 min . Pupils listen to a fragment of the Millennium Declaration 23 min Pupils take part in the game 2. The points are stuck to the score chart. in addition to our separate responsibilities to our individual societies. Only 8 of the covered fields have been described with the millennium goals. We recognize that. If you think that the lesson wasn’t very interesting and you’ve learnt little about the Millennium Development Goals. the children of the world. 2. If they choose one of the fields with the millennium goals. Conclusion 1. equality and equity at the global level.3. hunger. to children who cannot go to school.Talking about the pupils’ works. If a group chooses a blank field. If they give the correct answer. it losses its chance and the other group takes over. to whom the future belongs. T: I want you to stick your doves of peace around the Earth (chart 2). have gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 6 to 8 September 2000. Other fields are covered with blank paper. colour the whole heart red. so that you can get to know those goals. On the blackboard hangs the chart ‘Millennium Development Goals’ divided in 16 numbered fields. they get ‘a dove of peace’ with the selected millennium goal (a point). ANNEX The Millennium Development Goals – chart 1 1 A Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger B C Achieve universal primary education D Promote gender equality and empower women 2 3 Improve maternal health 4 Reduce child mortality Combat HIV/AIDS. You may want to think. Saying goodbye to the pupils Take the hearts to your homes. malaria and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development „We are bringing peace and joy to the whole world!”. Pupils complete the evaluation charts.chart 2 . Show them to your parents and tell them what they mean. about other ways of helping people in the world. 5. 5 min 4. with the adults. leave the heart white. Try to express your new ideas through painting. Pupils talk about their works.for helping others on the paper doves. 3. If you think that the lesson was boring and you haven’t learnt anything about the Millennium Development Goals. ‘The score chart’ .chart 3 Group I Group II Points to stick to the score chart (attachment 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat AIDS/HIV. malaria and other diseases Ensure enivronmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development ‘A dove of peace’ evaluation chart „The heart” . provoke creative reflection on our responsibility for international development. (question like: Does the bank applies the same rule to everyone? Does your neighbour have the same car as your father.? Why?. Part me for the world – at big puzzle board each person on each puzzle board write what he gives to the World and how it helps to have more justice. honesty. analytical skills. meta plan. 3. Questions must show existing differences and their nature. My place in international development Author: Marlena Działabij-Drubka. interventionism.6. . 7. responsibility. sustainable development. in both personal and social context . discuss. 2. relationships between various subjects existing in society. work in group. Target group: Secondary school students/ the scenario has been prepared for a group of about 30 students (as typical of Polish system) Time needed: Two 45-minute lessons Teaching techniques: discussion. understand other countries’ role in global development. Lesson scenario: Part I: Give everyone according to his needs? Part II: My idea for life.prompt personal involvement and conscious actions aimed at fighting poverty in the world Detailed objectives: 2. The teacher divide class into the groups and give each of them a question to work with and put answer into poster. explain the terms: balance. puzzle Evaluation: Evaluation questionnaires Stages: Part one 1. The teacher put 15 apples in front of the class and ask them to divide them between them. feel responsible for one’s own life and the lives of other people. . fair distribution. They have to thin about their tasks for 'today' 2-3 years from now and for the future 10 to 15 years. Pupils receive a task according to the annex 5. understand one’s role in society and in other people’s lives. SWOT. Teacher while he check presence asks one of the student to open internet and ask the question (google) : What do i need for living? What do i need to be happy? After that they discuss and present their ideas on boards / sticky cards 5. my idea for the world . justice. develop logical. 6. cooperation. Part two 4.look for the pros and cons of sustainable development. 3. Poland Main objective: basic economy Help students to understand individual and global interrelationships. 4. Discussion about possibilities and disadvantages. acquire the ability to argue. Discussion based on point 2 but trough articles given it focus more on global solidarity or lack of it and global interdependence. Does Polish people have to earn the same money for their work as the Germans?) One of the group have to register work of the other ones and present that at the end. strong and week point of youth in fighting the injustice world. It is connected to the previus exercise and discussion. They discuss the different ways to do that. Persons can present their tasks. Materials 15 apples. how and what for? Part I Main part Meta-plan Equally for everyone? Teacher – presents the topic formulated as a set of problems. A selected member of a group presents the results of their work. first individually and then 6 bristol boards for a meta-plan 5 evaluation questionnaires 30 min -have elaborated a more detailed definition of balance. While students work. balance. . -have understood relationships between pay and work. marker pens.have learnt the terms: equality. He explains the rules of the game and – together with students . Each member of this group will try to assess particular groups. divides the class in groups. blackboard. scales Time 5 min Detailed objectives: Students know. understand. Students – analyse the problem presented by teacher and note down the solutions on a poster. honesty -have learnt the ways of fair distribution -can analyse. . Brainstorming Equally. discuss and speak in public. pay and needs. pay and capacities. communicate and argue. which symbolize the best solution. and helps students define the problem to be solved. assesses students’ factual knowledge. Students – come up with solutions to the problem and analyse them with teacher. He demonstrates scales. Group I – try to answer the question: Has your neighbour got the same car or does he earn as much as your father? Group II – try to answer the question: Does a five-year-old child eat the same things as you do? Group III – try to answer the question: Does every bank apply identical rules to every client? Group IV – try to answer the question: Does a German person have to earn the same money as a Pole? Group V – try to answer the question: does the fact that we buy more before Christmas mean that entrepreneurs should increase production for always? Group VI will watch other groups working.places 15 apples on the desk. honesty. can…) . he checks attendance without disturbing students. He tells students that the apples are for them and asks for suggestions how to divide the apples.Stage/ Teaching technique Part I Integrating game Short description Teacher .analyses students’ suggestions.can present and justify their viewpoints. that is: how much. like in the context of global development.together with his mates (assessment procedure and conclusions should be based on the evaluation questionnaire).have learnt about the spheres of human life . the powerful weapon of the 21st century 10 Min . Rożyński. Task chart 10 min . Important! Teacher tries to control the debate so as to generalize individual cases to more global phenomena. Teacher starts class discussion. He uses the chart he prepared: Your selfawareness and autonomy. fair assessment. Part I Conclusion The Round Table debate about the results of each group’s work Teacher – takes part in the debate. How shall we distribute goods so that all people can be contented and their judgment . Rożyński. asks group VI to speak first and to assess each group’s work. others watch. Currency manipulations. Important! Students are given five minutes to prepare the presentation and four minutes to present their conclusions. He moderates the debate. present and justify their opinions. teacher checks attendance. Currency war is inevitable P. . Blackboard Chalk Prepared newspaper articles: (30 copies) Source: Dziennik. . At this stage. Currencies. Homework Part II Introduction Presentation The Round Table debate about an individual’s role in shaping one’s own life and the lives of other people Part II Teacher – asks one student to turn on a computer and to ask it questions: what do I need to live? What to do to be happy? While the student is performing the task. assessing one’s classmate.can speak in public.have learnt the terms: fair student performs the task set by teacher. -are aware of their place and role in the world. Teacher – hands out A4 sheets of paper with tasks for students. Students – present their views and give explanations. Then teacher encourages all students to speak. present their views and explain them. Teacher encourages students to reflect on the global impact of money and economy on individual people. Students . Talaga. group VI do not present their opinions and assessment yet. . he may also correct students’ explanations and give supplementary information. Another five minutes is spent on summarizing the groups’ work and drawing general conclusions.can argue and discuss. differentiate between the members of a group).sound and adequate? Teacher – hands out prepared articles. or protectionism on the horizon P. He summarises students’ Chart: Your selfawareness and autonomy Computer 10 min -have understood the role of man in today’s world. corrects students’ explanations and gives supplementary information. becomes even more complex and challenging on a large scale. asks students to read them and to draw conclusions necessary for continuing the topic during the following lesson. Students should realise that what is difficult on a small scale (e.g. Gazeta prawna Articles: A.have reflections about the difficulty of assessment and choice-making. countries or continents. Students – do the task with teacher and formulate conclusions. Marker pens SWOT analysis chart 10 min . are aware of their influence on their own and other people’s lives . country and continent on other nations. He invites students to come and write on several fragments of the puzzles: What do I bring to the lives of people in the world as a man. The conclusions are written on large sheets of paper. 5 min . A large sheet of bristol board to draw puzzles on . Teacher – encourages students to think over the issue: I – the World – feedback. Students – fill in evaluation questionnaires. He hangs a large chart on the wall. region. He notes down students’ suggestions on a chart.know areas of international cooperation.the World -feedback presentations and assesses prepared works Students – complete the task. reason and draw conclusions. Teacher – presents the problem and supervises students’ work. Teacher asks students to imagine that the chart represents the whole world and each student is a small piece of the puzzles. discuss and work in group.have learnt about the influence of an individual.assess usefulness and effectiveness of the performed activities. teacher and students read out the notices on the puzzles and draw conclusions.can argue. Volunteers present their results. -can analyse and assess the discussed phenomenon. 30 copies of evaluation questionnaire (based on a model by J. . as a member of a local community.literka. assess the pros and cons of international cooperation Total evaluation Teacher – hands out evaluation questionnaires and asks students to fill them in.Main part Task chart Puzzles I . 10 min Part II Conclusion SWOT analysis The world cooperates. The chart is in the form of puzzles. . He refers to the previous work and conclusions as well as homework. . as a Pole and as a European? On completing the task. Students – define the pros (and the resulting chances) and the cons (and the resulting threats) of the analysed problem. and activity. provides teacher with feedback.feel responsible for others. Leśniowska. .can plan their short and long-term tasks. Time needed: 50 minutes. .a diamond for the new technologies Paper 4:”Ecological use & recycling” The task and how the activity will take place are explained. moving the furniture so to create a relaxing atmosphere. 20 min. after which the students are regrouped according to the card they received. with the possibility of extension. China etc.7. Romania Main objective: Understanding the global challenges of development and their importance at local level.Knowing the ecological ways to use the mobile phone and possible ways to recycle them. . Lesson scenario: Steps Organizational Content Checking the attendance. Brainstorming on what is good and bad about the mobile phone. detailing some aspects in future lessons.Economic Geography – mining industry .a world traveller Author: Andronie Elisabeta Maria. optional: Flipchart.Understanding the global effects in the production of the mobile phone . Introduction 10 min. Announcing the title of the lesson: My mobile phone . Paper 1: Producers and consumers Paper 2:” Unobtanium”.from the story of the Avatar movie? Paper 3:”Tantal. and each is distributed a card from those numbered 1-4.Civic Culture – Human Rights. China . Detailed objectives: . Evaluation: Questionnaire.Making students interested in the situation from the countries like Congo. Teaching Materials Time 2 min. Body of the lesson The class is divided into heterogeneous groups of 4. computer with internet connection. favorable to open dialogue and team work. with the children.a world traveller First question: Who here has a mobile phone? Expected answer: everyone. We establish.Political Geography – Congo. We give reference to the rare minerals and materials that are indispensable to the production of mobile phones and other gadgets. My mobile phone . Connection with the school curricula: . All the answers will be written down. We mention that exploiting these materials has a devastating influence on the environment. Environment Protection Necessary materials: Board and Chalk. Target group: pupils over the age of 14. the component parts of a mobile phone. they can gather information from the internet. Up to 80% of the world production comes from Congo (former Zaire). with a market share of 33% in 2010. Samsung (South Koreea). the coltan is exploited by the civilian population. LG (South Koreea). internationally. most of them children. the Congolese war was carried out from 1998 to 2003. in which over 5 million people died. No mather who the producer is.) Card 2 Tantalum . where the tantalum is obtaind from a substance called coltan. and still the Democratic Republic of Congo has people who die because of disease and starvation. Questionnaire 8 min.The now homogenous groups. The top of the biggest mobile phone producers done by the Gartner research company includes Nokia (Finland). In Africa. who buys it. Asia presents an accentuated rise. ANNEX Card 1 Consumers & Producers According to analyses done by specialized organisms. „Others” are the producers of unbranded terminals. in 2010 the number of mobile connections surpassed 2 billion worldwide. where the mobile phone is assembled. in appliances what we use every day. Summary Evaluation During class. In this way. Sony Ericcson (Japan-Sweeden). each expert contributes to the full understanding of the theme. who represent an important retail market (together having half of the world’s population). what is certain is the fact that it was produced using resources whose exploitation deeply affects the environment (see China) and people’s lives (see Congo. 50% of the population. Optional. The Congolese coltan can be found in the whole world. discuss. with bare hands and rudimentary tools. The experts go back into their initial group and tell the others what they have learned. . 5 min. It is often found in electrolitic condensers. Motorola (USA) and others. Apple (USA).a diamond for new technologies Tantalum is one of the most sought after resources. Found in the Eastern part of the country. None of the exploited coltan remains in Congo. coltan is the most sought after. whereas in Europe the process of penetration surpasses 120%. we accentuate the relevant aspects of the theme and we clarify what is unclear. if the conditions allow it. mobile communications cover approx. try to go deeper into the issue. thanks to the development of Asian producers of mobile phones. at the heart of the conflict zone. For the coltan. In mines. and for which battles between the rebels and the military are being carried out. which can be found in mobile phones or computers. called groups of experts. RIM (Canada). but also India and China. it is indispensable. use the telephone alarm instead of the electronic watch. and switch the phone off completely when possible. Without these. We replace the mobile phone only when the old one is no longer functioning. there have been 17 such substances identifyed. C. The big producers also offer recycling opportunities. The Chinese mine that supplies over 75% is found in Baiyun Obo. China produces aproximately 97% of the rare minerals used in the entire world. Ed. We save paper if we: read the newspappers and magazines off the phone. Still. Exploiting them is expensive. Let’s use it in an echological way! We don’t use energy and get better battery life if we: limit the lighting for the screen. toxic air. such as Neodymium. Some have complicated names. Up until now. The deposits in this mine are combined with iron. we wouldn’t have mobile phones. facilitating the extraction with cheap labour. I. We only charge the battery when it is empty. 2002 Sources: . LCD screens. total environment and local ecosystem destruction. Cerium. Economic. Dysprosium or Lantanum. villages relocated because of pollution. digital cameras. we use the phone agenda instead of post-its.Card 3 „Unobtanium”. The ecological disaster is of unimaginable proportions: 11 square kilometers of toxic waste. Iaţ the element from the story in the Avatar movie Unobtanium is the name used by the mining industry for „rare soils”. ipods. etc. but also flourescent lighting.descopera. we receive bills by text messages. wind mills. Muntele. There are collection centres of mobile phones everywhere! Look for them and recycle! Bibliography Economic Geography. All this for mobile phones! Card 4 Ecological use & Recycling The mobile phone is an energy consumer and a source of pollution. with the take-back programmes. rare minerals. We save energy if we: unplug the charger when we don’t use it. computers. We recycle the old one. http://www.descopera. Images: http://www. Necessary materials: chalk and blackboard. 1. 6. national and international organization that protects human rights. Target group: eleventh B Time needed: 50 minutes Teaching techniques: heuristic conversation. 6) To use the terms learned appropriately. and therefore children’s rights. 3) To make a presentation in order to promote the fundamental rights of children in the entire school. Romania Main objective: To assimilate the concepts and reinforce the “Children’s Rights” theme. laser crayon. Explaining the correlation between rights and responsibilities. Cooperating with others in analysing different situations that would limit or violate his/her rights. Identifying Children’s fundamental Rights included in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 2. pictures.Benchmarks/ Specific skills. 2) To investigate in their school if children’s rights are respected and discover if there are cases of children’s rights violations. 8) To list the main categories of Children’s Rights. Collection of best practice examples". in order to be able to speak about these rights more efficiently in their school. Room: Informatics laboratory. Bibliography: 1. 3. markers. Exercise the rights and assuming the responsibilities associated with them. flipchart. 10) To justify the need for a local. 7) To present the history of Children’s Rights. 5. Detailed objectives: At the end of the course. practicing the operations and forms of thought. electronic documents. 4. Performance standards: . 2006. Explaining the correlation between the manifestation of children’s rights and respecting the rights of others. video projector. with the purpose of making the school community aware and accountable. computer with Internet access. working sheets. 4) To carry out a promotional campaign for a right that is included in the European Convention on Children’s Rights. 5) To use modern technologies to communicate. modelling. Children’s Rights Author: Nitu Andrian Nicolae. "European Teacher. learning through discovery. the students will: 1) Analyse the European Convention on Children’s Rights. problem-solving. brainstorming. cooperative learning (group). inform and evaluate the experience they had during the campaign. 9) To explain the importance of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. .8. Recognizing the concepts used in the sphere of Children’s Rights in different contexts. learning . The five groups have permanent visual contact with the teaching resources used. Meteor Press. Time III (5') Getting the pupils’ attention Presenting the movie "My world is growing". Preparing the educational instruments needed in order to have optimal conditions for the lesson. 3. 1989. the students follow on the screen the four basic principles of the Convention on Children’s Rights: I.  Group 3. A role to play: OUR RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE II.The fourth principle. These can be found on the following worksheets:  Group 1.The first principle with the seven criteria.evaluation. The group leader will coordinate the work of the group. Pupils are divided into five groups. 314 from June 13th 2001. (The plan is to continue the work at home.The second principle with the seven criteria.The fourth principle first seven criteria. Bucharest. Time V (8') Sequence I (5') The students will solve a test of identification of the criteria by viewing it on the screen. that starts with the Millennium Development Goals and summarizes the children’s rights by suggesting the constituent elements. How the lesson will be conducted Time I (1’) Checking attendance. Laura Căpiţă. the notes taken by the teacher when presenting the lesson. adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 29. . 3. because the final result will be materialized in a poster which will include the work of the five groups). 109 from Sept. with the following seven criteria (see the attached power point presentation). they will search on the Internet to document the criteria of each principle. 2. 6.  Group 2. Marin Manolescu – “School Evaluation”. in force on Sept. Convention ratified by Law 18/1990 – Official Monitory nr. Each group it will base its work on the criteria. The Convention on the Rights of the Child. Time II (2’) Presenting the theme of the day and presenting the plan: teaching . The existing material about human rights in the civic culture lessons kit. Starting from the presentation. Not to be harmed: OUR RIGHT TO PROTECTION Sequence II (20 ') 1. Summarized in the presentation. 2nd 1990. 4. Living well: OUR RIGHT TO SURVIVAL IV. Achieve our potential: OUR RIGHT TO DEVELOP OURSELVES III. 2006. both in the classroom and at home.The third principle with the seven criteria.2. each group consisting of 5 pupils.  Group 4. Ed. each group should identify the elements of these four principles. 28th 1990.  Group 5. With the help of the projector. Universal Declaration of Human Rights 5. Pitesti. and nr. Each group designates a leader who will be elected by vote. Time IV (35') Sequence I (15') 1. Charles Căpiţă – “Trends in history teaching”. 2005. The Windows Live applications. the pupils will post them.both in the classroom and at home.each group working on the corresponding file on the principle of children's rights that they received . (Very important to note is the fact that all items and information presented during class can be found on the same Windows Live group. namely OneNote. if they find documents that are relevant to what they have to do. allows multiple users to work simultaneously on the same file. The work will be done online on the same working group .) . so the entire working group can have access to them.Sequence II (3') There will be a presentation of what the students have to prepare for next time. In addition. The tasks are: to present the criteria in Microsoft Office OneNote 2010 that is available in the Windows Live group of the class. and they can be accessed both in class and at home.     Organization ways: team work.  The Millennium Developement Goals  Author:  prof.     Time needed: 50 minutes.  African  Chart  for  Human  Rights. where students will write a text about MDGs. To  cultivate  their  interest  in  developing  the  awareness  level  of  the  new  generation  of  young  people concerning the problems that the informational and industrial society is generating.     attention  (Conversation)    The Millenium Declaration will be introduced. role play.     Moment   We will find solutions and you will describe your own involvement in solving the local  and global problems.    Evaluation: 5 minutes essay.   .onuinfo. individual.    Teaching techniques: exposition.    Homework: Creating a leaflet about the MDGs (teamwork is encouraged).    Detailed Objectives:    1. with precise targets to be    achieved by 2015. To know the 8 MDGs  2. getting the material ready. frontal.  ed)  Pupils receive copies of the documents. They analyse the main documents about human   Getting the  rights.  Children  Rights  Convention.      5  min. because it contains the 8 Millenium    Development Goals (MDGs). and to connect them to the  ones in their local community  3. 5 minutes essay. To identify the problems presented in the MDGs at the global level.    Necessary materials: working cards. Here. Romania    Main Objective: to share information about the MDGs and to motivate the students to find their own solutions in  achieving the MDGs by getting involved at the local and global level.    Target group: 7th grade students. 191    member states  established 8 essential objectives. the MDGs. paper. markers. and the way the objectives  will be addressed. To find solutions to solving the local problems  4.    Lesson scenario:    Lesson  steps   Content  Materials  Time   Checking attendance. (www.      2 min. Dorina Ulici. post‐its. flipchart.    Connection to Curricula: ‐ Gymnasium: Civic Culture ‐ Human Rights.  Organizing  then we will identify the local problems.      9.    The Millenium Declaration was adopted in 2000 at the Millenium Summit. conversation.  Documents:  Human  Rights  Declaration. 3 texts will be read randomly. Today we will learn about the MDGs.  Millennium  Declaration.  How many documents about Human Rights do you know?  Document ‐ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights   s   ‐ The Convention on Children’s Rights   (enumerat ‐ The African Chart for Human Rights and Peoples Rights.   ‐ sexual education for adolescents   ‐ abandoning newly‐born children   S5.   ‐ helping the children in need by NGOs  ‐ school abandonement   or other institutions  ODM3.  ODM4.   Every pupil will choose an MDG. media promotion.  ‐ increasing number of people suffering  S6.  ODM5.      Example:  Problems (local)  Solutions ODM1. They analyse the results: how many pupils picked ODM1. reports.  The pupils do the drawings.        Sequence I  By reading Annex 1.  S3.  . with the purpose of achieving the MDGs.      Homework: Creating a flier/brochure about the MDGs.  globally and locally. and them he/she  will put it on the flipchart sheet.  ‐ the abusive cutting of trees   ‐ aforestation   ‐ trespassing  ‐ actions of cleaning up the garbage  ‐ throwing the garbage in nature  ‐ education for the environment   ODM8.  ‐ the great number of women smoking    ‐ education for health and the quality of  life   ODM6. The pupils will use Annex 2.  details  about the  targets set  to be  achieved  by 2015    Role play   Every group is created as if it were the government of a state. The results will be analysed.   S7.  ‐ a high number of persons living on  ‐ entrepreneurship courses  social wage  ‐ opening up a business  Leading the  ‐ increasing unemployment rate    learning  ‐ leaving to work abroad   S2.  ‐ low number of women involved in  ‐ women signing up in political  organisms or NGOs  politics   S4. following this  structure: institutions involved. activities. you will learn about the 8 MDGs and what is the symbol for each  one of them. expected results. etc.    13  min. They will then write them into a 2‐columns table.  ODM2.  ‐ preventing the spread of these diseases  from HIV and tuberculosis  ODM7.   process  ODM2.    10 min. The pupils have to come  Feedback     up with an action plan. will make a drawing with its symbol. the pupils will identify the problems connected to the 8 MDGs.  ‐ imports are too high in relation to the  ‐ manufacturing the products for  exports  exporting      MDGs  symbols      Cards with   20 min. which will also  contain the solutions found.  S1.  S8.  Five minutes essay – writing a text about the MDG chosen at the beginning of the  Evaluation  lesson.? Why did they choose this MDG?    Sequence II  Working in groups of 4. ANNEXES    Annex 1 The MDGs symbols     ODM1     Reducing   severe  poverty  ODM 2     Universal  access to  primary  education   ODM3     Promoting  gender  equality  and  empower  women  ODM 4   Reducing  child  mortality   ODM 5    Improving  matrnal  health  ODM 6    Combating  HIV/AIDS  and  tuberculosis   ODM7     Ensuring  environment  sustainability     ODM 8  Creating a  global  partnership  for  Development    Annex 2 MDGs targets until 2015  ODM1.  Proportion  of species  threatened  with  extinction  ODM8. Proportion  of 1 year‐old  children  immunised  against  measles  ODM5. Halt  by  2015and  begin to  reverse the  spread of  HIV/AIDS  ODM7. admitted  free of duty    .  Ensure that  all boys  and girls  complete a  full course  of primary  schooling  ODM3. 8.6 Proportion of  total developed  country imports (by  value and excluding  arms) from  developing  countries and least  developed  countries. Contrac eptive  prevale nce rate   ODM6.  Reduce by  half the  proportion of  people living  on less than  a dollar a day      ODM2.  Share of  women in  wage  employmen t in the  non‐ agricultural  sector  ODM4. Small groups (mixed nationalities. in workshops it should be two to three (including cultural workshop) days. religious. 14 including the cultural workshop.. community. for the additional cultural section: stage. projects in a class. 6 persons) -Look at the philosopnical texts (see appendix 1}. creative and in warmhearted kindness on the base of mutual respect to eliminate prejudices.. II. Germany Main objective: Lessons in a class (subjects: politics. Focus . where the lesson/project/workshop is concrete located. Necessary materials: Copies.How we will survive the next hundred years?" A. The first part (excluding the cultural workshop) could be moderated by teachers. Attention: In part III C of the following steps you will find the exercise "vote for the Berlin Declaration" {appendix 3)."Life in the future . school. -Find in your group joint opinfons as a common result. exchange opinions.Learning for sustainability in a world of cultural diversity Author: Heinz. read at least two statements (each of you). Smali groups (mixed nationalitiest 4 to 5 persons in one group) -Exchange your personal opinions and discuss them. cultural determined) in your family. Focus . decide after . changing perspectives or minds. workshops with students from several school(-type)s. the name of that city should be exchanged to the name of the city. experience new skills. Further remarks: The workshop atmosphere should be constructive. country? -Which of these traditions arę importantfor yourown life? -Which of these traditions would you like to conserve for your own future? -Which of these traditions (you would like to conserve) could be an obstacle in the intercultural or interreligious dialogue? B. ethics. expanding new horizonts. The group of participants can be extended till 50 students. lightening.Jiirgen Rickert. Detailed objectives: Contribution for intercultural and global education. eight to ten hours (except the cultural workshop). Target group: Students between 15 and 19 – late secondary one or secondary two. laptops. How do we build our future on the foundation of different cultures . social affairs etc).10. projector."Tradition" A. The steps of the project/workshop: I. color pencils. perhaps stage design. workshops during partnership programs. lndividual work with some written key notes -Which traditions do you know (social. paper sheets. -Present these topics in the foliowing plenary session. the cultural part should be guided by experts. Time needed: In normal lessons ca. -Fill out the Ouestionnaire careful. Presenting the groups Arts . signature action."On the foundation of your own socialization (culture. 3. -Conclusion: Presenting the Berlin Declaration all participants. Focus . Working processes (two days) . -Formulation of the consensus and final discussion. B. Questionnaire. -Present group results in the foliowing plenary session.Create common aims of the process on the base of the Berlin Declaration. -Articulate finał results: Topics. -Prepare a group presentation. 4 to 6 persons) -Discuss your personal opinions and the several aspects of the Ouestionnaire.Transfer selected topics of the Declaration in artificial processes and express them as clear as possibie. Cultural workshops (optional) A. III. the group statements for the focus "Live in the future" and the Ouestionnaire (see appendix 2). religion etc.Dance Theatre/Literature B. -Process of finding a consensus. -Prepare the presentation. What is your individuai contribution and responsibility for realizing your vision/mission?" A.) each of you have to design the personal future in the responsibility for sustainabfe development. The results should be the framework for a later declaration. Annexes suggested: 1. lndividual work with some written key notes -Use your personal statements for the importance of traditions. Presentation. independent from your social and national status) without utopian dimensions. you can be responsible for to realize in your own life (permanent. C. -Search for solution models and find answers of the main probferns and questions. articulated in the selected statements. 2. discuss your opinions. IV. Smalf groups (mked nationalities. -Vote for the Berlin Declaration (see appendix 3). .that step for one text and present the topics of your selected statement in your group. Use available materials. Berlin Declaration. . Plenary session -Discussion of the results. Philosophical texts. C. ...... 1..... How do you think about your future? Are you looking forward in a positive or more in a negative way? Rather melancholy rather confident mixed 2...ANNEX Questionnaire to the Workshop "How do we build our Future on the Foundation of Different Cultures? ...Learning for Sustainability in a World of Cultural Diversity" Questionnaire about your personal values Tick your Status condition: gender: nationality teacher pupil male female …. Do you see a chance in the technical development and in the mechanic progress which is developing? Totally rather rather not not at all 4.. If you think about what do you want to achieve in your life........ Everyone has special imaginations which are forming ones life and ones behaviour... How do you think about the future of the society? Rather melancholy rather confident 3........... How important are the following statements for you? (you can graduate your opinion with the following specifications by choosing an applicable number) 1 unimportant Law and order 2 3 4 5 really important To have a high living-standard To have power and influence To develop the own fantasy and creativity To aspire to security To help socially disadvantaged people . and which rather not or totally not? 1 totally 2 rather 3 rather not 4 not at all Full of energy and acting-power Shy and inhibited Likes to compete with others To feel often inferior Likes to learn new things Wants to have especially fun in life To enforce rigorous against others Often be involved in set-tos and fights To feel often lonely 6. Do you think that one needs a family to be really happy or do you think that one can be alone happy just as well or even happier? ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ One needs a family One can be happy as well alone One lives happier alone The same .To prevail yourself and your own needs against others To be busy and ambitious To accept also such opinions to which you normally can't agree To get politically involved To enjoy the life to the full To live and act self-responsible To do what others are doing To hold on constant on traditional things To have a good family-life To be proud of your history To have a partner. who honours and accepts you To have a lot of contacts to other people To live health-conscious To be leaded in your decisions by your feelings To be independent from others To behave ecology-minded at any rate To believe in God 5. whom you can trust To have good friends. Which of the following criteria apply to you totally or rather. or do you think that one can be happy as well or even happier without an own child? ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ One needs own children One can be happy as well without own children One can be happier without children The same 8. also if there are sometimes conflicts between us We often don't understand each other and there are often conflicts We don't understand each other and there are always conflicts 11. Would you like to bring up your children in the same way like your parents were educating you or would you like to handle it different? ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Exactly the same Roughly the same Different Totally different 13. How would you describe the relationship towards your parents? ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ We understand each other optimally We understand each other.7. Which of the following statements approaches most attitude? ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ My parents are confidants for me My parents are my best friends My parents are respectabilities for me 12. Do you think one needs children for being really happy. To which religious community to you belong? ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Catholic Evangelic Other Christian religious community Islam Other non-Christian religious community To none religious community 9. Which of the following statements approaches most your attitude? ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ There is an individual God There is an unearthly power I'm not sure what I should believe I don't believe in an individual God or an unearthly power 10. How do you think about having own children. Which partnership-model would you prefer in the future? ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Premarital partnership Marital partnership Marital-similar living community . 14a) Please read the following list of personal values: open-mindedness sincerity endurance enthusiasm modesty verve ambition honesty initiative insight drive fairness diligence flexibility friendliness care of others composure feeling of justice serenity cordiality readiness to help politeness sense of humour individualism ease in contacting others energy creativity readiness to cooperate autonomy creativity secureness order good manners responsibility broad mindedness willpower ample acknowledge fluent expression reliability optimism faculty of recognising difficulties awareness of time regard of others frankness diligence acceptance of necessity of order ease in communication competence efficiency ambition team spirit tolerance self-confidence self-discipline sensibility (sensitiveness) spontaneousness . ................................................ 14c) Write down 10 values you consider most important:: ….................... …..................................................................... …......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... …....... …............... ….................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ….......................... …................... ….................................................................................................................14b) Complete additional values: …......................................................................... ….............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ….............................................................................................................................................................................................. ….. 14d) Write down 6 values which you think are most important in the following sectors: individual values social values professional values l .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Give an explanation for what we intend for "alien" and why. speaking and writing. Each group chooses an important personality from the past. So the first step should be to examine both the English and the American society. according to the statement by Johann Gottlob Herder: “ To know more languages means to have more souls”. reading. Development and improvement of the four skills: listening.11. Music and Interculture Author: Annalisa Raschioni. Lexicon widening. Students are divided into small groups. Time needed: 3 hours + 4 hours. Teaching techniques: Written and oral exercises in order to illustrate the subject. The learning of a foreign language at school should not only supply the knowledge of words and of grammar rules in order to be able to express ourselves or to communicate with a stranger. understanding and tolerance that are the baseline to any speech about human rights. . creative thinking. sharing and support. Target group: Secondary school (11-14 years-old pupils). discussion. Actually it can be the start to understand other cultures and different ways of life. Referring to such conditions. But English is also the official language in extra-European countries where human rights are not completely and not always respected. Italy Detailed objectives: Know and understand the differencies between our standard way of life and other social models. Evaluation: Grammar test about simple past. we can start talking about values and behaviours of nations that share with us a common social ground. Improve in young people the awareness to be part of a unique world where muticulturality is a value and not a discrimination. Forewords: I really think it is possible to follow an educational course about the human rights during the whole school year. young people can raise their own awareness for what concerns cooperation. They write a fact file of social and cultural features of that time. Through the learning of a foreign language we can drive pupils to understand and deal with some primary social themes such as awareness. By appealing to the natural students' curiosity. acceptance. analyzing in groups. In turn each group explains some aspects of what they had realized and points out differences and similarities. 2nd Comment of the text through questions. There are differences in the use of past tenses in Italy too. Listen or read about the life of famous people of the past. Comprehension exercise: pupils have to complete the text filling-in the blanks. 3rd More complicated questions about past events. in which they have to demonstrate the lexical knowledge and the skill to reproduce a text with easy sentences. 2. Grammar exercises: oral and written. Evaluation: At the end of the lessons students should be evaluated with oral or written tests. Another aim for an intercultural lesson could be the reading of a poem. Dialogue in pairs. Language considerations: diversity as richness. Ask for a help to foreign students too. Gandhi. 4th Check if everybody uses past tense in the same way. To involve pupils in a personal and original creation they could be asked to write a short poem or short statements about the subject and share them with all classmates. example 1: they have to complete the lyrics of a song filling-in missing words. Oral and written exercises. Martin Luther King. for example I painted peace written by a 12-years-old.Lesson plan (two examples): 1. for instance by grouping them up on a poster. 2nd Simple past regular verbs: short answers. Comparison and use of the simple past in English and Italian.Israeli girl. Grammar lesson plan (4 hours + evaluation) 1st Simple past of be and have. chosen from different countries and answer questions about them. . regular verbs: negative and interrogative form. Civilisation lesson plan (3 hours + evaluation) 1st Listening of a song : Ebony and Ivory from Steve Wonder and Paul McCartney. Comprehension and explanation of the difficult words and then translation. 3rd Thoughts about the topics: racism and discrimination. To take a deeper look. example 2: they have to match a list of English words to their meanings. we can talk about some great people of the past and of the present: Mandela. for teachers. o Second proposal . there will be presented two different proposals for discussion (I would say with different aspects of the same reality) and the groups will be divided according to the two proposals. rather than facilitate it? • Restitution in plenary on 'nodes' identified during the working group (reflection points: cf. o This is the grid to discuss on. must focus on. in the everyday educational / school making.identify the aspects to encourage. . • Working group on the hindering factors. Tab # 1). TWINNING to 'act' the right to study Listening and storytelling to build symmetry in supportive twinning Author: Maria Cristina Ranuzzi. actions. aimed at encouraging in young people the construction of an identity. Restitution in plenary will enable everyone to be informed of the discussions on both topics raised o First proposal . First Part: Teacher’s training The didactic schedule proposed as the beginning of a training and / or self-training period. Second meeting • To make the work easier. education work aimed at promoting in children the characteristics identified in the brainstorming. schedule N.Identify the dynamics to work on for 'accompanying / promoting the features considered essential in the first meeting for the construction of personality focused on solidarity (reflection points: cf. strategies be put in action for the construction / structuring of the school as a place / gym of building personality focused on solidarity (discussion points: cf. Italy Main objective: Detailed objectives: Target group: Teachers group and pupils 7-12 years. contradictions we face in our everyday pedagogical and educational work that are in opposition to the action of building or rather support of the construction of personalities that can read / live / build their lives through the solidarity parameters? o Which educational practices obstruct the solidarity vision of life. schedule N.12. during the working group: What are the obstructions to work on. The proposed schedule can be structured in three matches. which are difficult to 'accompany' the construction of a personality focused on solidarity: o Which are the discrepancies. on the issues related to the promotion of the construction of a solidarity identity. First meeting • Start in the plenary with a brainstorming on the elements that should characterize a personality that has a vision of reality focused on solidarity o Basing on the concepts that came out during the brainstorming. and which the education actions.3). dissonances. identify certain characteristics considered essential for a personality focused on solidarity.2). • Restitution in plenary of the various working groups. can be used as a phase of familiarization with the place where the workshop will be carried out. identify those which are considered the most significant. apart from suggesting reflections on the proposed themes and the identification of "working ideas" to be implemented in future projects. Saint-Exupery). Schedule 4) First proposal o in terms of do / be a teacher  Many of the issues identified in the working group of the youngsters may be considered as ideas for reflection on thinking their own "to be / to do" the teacher. in order to remain faithful to 'being' trainers and being trainers to solidarity? Second proposal o On the level of the contents of various disciplines and on the interdisciplinary of the teachings  What aspects of the various disciplines offer an intercultural re-reading and also an interpretation focused on solidarity. removal of each other. Third Meeting The third meeting. after e certain time the member of the couple exchange roles. in which we move in space trying to stay as far away as possible (without loosing sight of each other)  avoidance game in which each member of the couple will move to avoid contact with others as you deem appropriate (Each couple in the movement within the space used during the workshop will structure its own mode of approach avoidance. in which the two members of the couple move within the same space (without loosing sight of each other). and as a first knowledge approach among the groups members who attend the workshop. to make the work easier. there will be presented two different proposals and discussion groups will be divided according to job proposals chosen. trying to stay as close as possible  game “being far from each other”. it has also as main goal the motivation of the teachers to implement the proposed laboratory Twinning for pupils aged between 7 and 12 years old. to achieve these goals?  Through which multidisciplinary paths we should work on the issues examined in the two previous meetings? Second part: Workshop with the children (age 7/12 years old) Working schedule of the workshop Working scheme of the laboratory: weekly or biweekly cadence. duration of each meeting: two hours This first activity proposal related to the game of the Little Prince and the Fox ". which is useful for the accompaniment of the construction of the personality focused on solidarity?  Which fields should our actions move through. • ‘Game of the fox and of the Little Prince' to bring the boys to the dynamics related to the relations (on listening to the other and the relation dynamics o In couple (one of the two members will be the Little Prince and the other the fox) the children will walk within the space of the laboratory following different “tasks”:  game “on being close each other”. • Even in this third day of training. . The restitution in plenary will enable everyone to be informed on the discussions on both issues proposed (reflections points: cf. an the game restarts.  Which nodes to work on. Grid of activities • Reading of the passage on the meeting between the Little Prince and the Fox (from "The Little Prince" by A. .volint.) of a part of the story (a very free as a place where schools can tell themselves by including the exchange material produced during the twinning http://www. even if not performed. school staff . collage .) o The importance of seeking ways of relations that establish a 'symmetrical communication' with those living in difficult situations and make it difficult for school attendance (Africa manages to get in touch with Blue Wolf after “turning a blind eye”) o Through the twinning will establish a 'bridge' that will allow children in both classes to tell their stories with text and images of their school day.the invented stories o The outcomes are available to all (with the modalities each group prefers) o Final reflection together going over all the workshop (as dramatized communication with other children and / or adults (parents. . though very modestly. if they prefer) o Writing of an outline useful for the representation of story chosen. which provides them with a computing environment of its website www. episodes identified within the friendly relations that each of them has or had got and that have an analogy with the approach. the importance of the story (let’s write.• Al together in circle. • Creation of working groups Working phases of each working group o The beginning of the workshop by choosing a group name and the construction of a folder into which will be inserted all the work carried out during the workshop o Selection and representation (drawing. . but that come out during this moment in the circle) stimulating in the children the search for some 'emotions' present (more or less in evidence) in the tale of the Blue flame and Africa o in a circle. removal and avoidance experienced in the game of 'Little Prince and the fox' (the text itself of Saint-Exupery. more groups can choose the same part of the story of the book. reflect the game modalities and will be stimulated the narration of experiences. is a starting point in the description of the modalities on how to befriend proposed to the Little Prince and the fox) Depending on the group age of the children and on the available time we can continue the journey with this second proposal of activities in a workshop that has the focus on the book of Pennac "The eye of the wolf" • "Dramatized" reading of Pennac's book "The Eye of the Wolf" (performed in most games) • It follows the story listened through a narration in which all children that remember part of the story o Starting a twinning as to get to know and tell with classmates and venturing into a 'story' of friendship . songs and favourite sports o Mini cooperatives or will be structured which will enable the students to fund... o Dramatization of the story chosen (in turn each group will represent each choice) o in a circle.. games. image . all together. someone starts telling an 'invented' story that (has the title) revolves around one of the emotions laid out in the tale of blue flame and Africa o back again in working groups to write the stories o individual work: trying to express through poetry.. in the proposal of beginning of the workshop.. sound .. o The basis of the twinning will be the reflections made around the history. some activities that can ensure greater enjoyment of the right to study for the their 'far' classmates.volint.) Part Three: Request for start of a twinning The workshop ends with the proposal to start a “ friendship history” through “twinning focused on solidarity" with their classmates of a school who live in a far country using the proposals offered by the International Voluntarism for Development... go through the story (or parts of the story that were performed and parts of the story that... all together. above all. decentralization cognitive. vulnerability and. in group to create contexts that make 'reasonable' the error) Schedule 3 In daily practice to build educational / school groped for a fielded (protected) actions "solidarity" . work on the construction of symmetrical relationships and the proceedings on abstention 6. working on overturning of the concept of error seen not only as a non appropriate solution to the context under consideration (or within which it is acting) but also as an opportunity to explore the error as a possible "evidence" of possible other solutions around the which create an unexpected 'Understanding' (sometimes you might groped to stimulate classroom conversations in which they try. a 'knowledge' as the power and omnipotence • little space for learning methodologies based on a collaborative relationship (cooperative learning) • A great accent (even when no cooperation) in the hierarchy in the relations within the class (the tasks? and / or' nomination 'experienced as a service or power?) • a concept of error as an aspect to hide and be ashamed of rather than as a step in the learning process that is constantly looking for reasonable solutions. Between me and the other c. work on the belonging and not belonging feeling 4. work on the dynamics of support for recognition of a 'mindset' that supports the continuing challenge of "crossing" and "dress" the boundaries a. Between my “being” and the “other being” 7. work on dissonance. in the everyday educational / school (which makes it therefore difficult to 'accompany' the construction of a personality focuses on solidarity) • a competition based solely on the personal affirmation (and / or that of your belonging "group" ) • a 'knowledge' only for himself. Between “my having” and “other’s having” d. work on the sense of vulnerability. work on the construction process (approach / removal) of a sense of belonging 5. Between me and me (/ parties / the 'dark / e') b. which dynamics we must work to in order to have a major attention to the solidarity. a sensible approach for a vision of life focused on solidarity? These are the keywords to work on: empathy. empathy. self-esteem and the desire for omnipotence 3.ANNEX Schedule 1 Some hindering factors (a didactic / methodological) to work on. work on the sense of responsibility and autonomy 8. sustainability of the ongoing process characterized by the interaction of these variables in the continuing construction of the personality So we propose as a brainstorming some inputs: 1. affiliation. self-reflection (inner dialogue) 2. In brief a concept of the error or function to be avoided rather than function to explore and 'describe' Schedule 2 Around which concepts. identifying concrete objectives (starting with 'small things') and begin a process of better understanding the reality in which you want to work. looking back and construction of historical interpretation f. o the perception of a great 'sense of omnipotence. physics and chemistry c. empathy) with the consequent put in practice distorted defence mechanisms. in order to remain faithful to '' be just ”trainers and to be trainers to solidarity.• groped to build a school as a place of listening and reciprocity • groped to build the school as a place of permanent confrontation and 'trade' continues • create situations of meeting / relational exchange aimed at building projects. in part. it is recommended the organization of theatrical activities beyond the logic of actors / spectators involving all pupils (to that end it cites the "Theatre of the Oppressed" considered particularly training in dealing with conflict situations) Are listed here.. sentence structure: it would be interesting in this respect a 'visitation' of the syntactic structure (and temporal) of the sentences in many current narrative books . metric system... different layout of the area • mathematics.. o What other nodes to work on. On the contents of the various disciplines and interdisciplinary of the teachings food for thought o As a complete and comprehensive language. greek. looking for stories.. disillusionment with pain .. o What to change in being a teacher.. o other nodes to think about are: the sense of inadequacy . equivalence.. literary experts. books i. .. some content suitable for a cross-disciplinary teaching o theatre o various disciplines • Geography a. consolidation • History e. in the case of secondary schools) h. taking advantage of all the discussions given so far Schedule 4 Being a teacher food for thought: o limit the area of action to avoid falling into what is one of the greatest dangers of the teachers work (and sense of solidarity that we want to arouse in the pupils) therefore the risk of a "sense of omnipotence". (latin. in which you want to enter • promoting a partnership with a school in the country of the South to pursue a practical path to the world marked in phases carried out with perseverance and reflection on the agenda. clusters for different bases d. wounds . physical and moral fatigue. .. for example.' may be a cause of failing to support the awareness of consciousness of one's sense of vulnerability (on which it could funded. record / history g. the concepts of complementarity. point of view b. configuration and reconfiguration of events for the reconstruction of events (often "thesis") • Italian. everyday. explore musical styles and artistic current research emphasis of "dissonance" . trust exercises m. the transformation of the 'space' in 'place' • music and art n. familiarization with spaces / places l. Working space k.• Physical Education j. 30-323 Cracow.Implementing Organization: The Salesian Missionary Voluntary Service YOUTH FOR THE WORLD. e-mail: misje@swm. www.glocaltour. Tyniecka St 39 Tel./fax: Partnerzy projektu: Project funded by European Union The Salesian Missionary Voluntary Service YOUTH FOR THE WORLD is fully responsible for the content of the .pl. which expresses the author’s opinions only and does not reflect the views of The European Commission www. For more information please visit: You can find us on FACEBOOK To contact us: contact@glocaltour. 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