[Glitsch] - Ballast Tray - Bullettin 4900

March 26, 2018 | Author: vsraochemicalface | Category: Flood, Pressure, Liquids, Foam, Valve



The Separations Company'" Sixth Edition To those using this manual"" @ This manual is a design procedure for Glitsch Ballast Trays. Certain aspects of tower design are important if maximum capacity is desired and potential bot- tlenecks are to be circumvented. In the initial phase of tower design, the following points should considered when spacings are 1. Extra tray spacing usually is required at transition trays, i.e., where a change in the number of passes is contemplated. A spacing of 4'-0" is preferred, particularly in large towers. 2. Extra space is required if the feed is vaporized. 3. Extra space should be provided for internal liquid feed pipes if tower loadings are high at the feed point. Internal piping preferably is located at a point just below trusses of the next higher tray. A column may Hood prematurely for reasons other than tray design. The following are examples: 1. The liquid line to the reb oiler is too small, becomes plugged with debris, or the reboiler vapor line is too small or otherwise restricted. Any of these may cause liquid to back up in the bottom of the column above the reboiler vapor line. 2. The reboiler vapor jet stream impinges on the seal pan overflow, resulting in excessive entrain- ment to the bottom tray. 3. A restriction to liquid flow through a downcomer exists due to incorrect tray installation or the of 4. Reboiler or feed vapor improperly introduced. ,5. Excessive foaming or vaporization of liquid in downcomer. 6. Internal loads are appreciably higher than design loads due to an incorrect latent heat of vapor- ization, a change in operating pressure, or not having made a proper heat and material balance. phase. An occasional slug of methanol has been used to alleviate hydrate problems, 8. The system pressure is too close to the critical pressure. The design procedure given herein is intended to be neither conservative nor optimistic. As design procedures for some valve type trays frequently indicate a "calculated" capacity which is higher than calculated by this design manual, it should be understood that Glitsch Ballast trays are guaranteed to have a capacity equal to, or greater than, any other conventional trays on the market. -3- Ballast® Tray Features \Vebster has defined ballast for usc in reference to "that which needs to be held down because it is too light, too buoyant, or the like; it implies the addition of something heavy or solid enough to insure stability." Durmg an early phasc in research and development of Ballast trays, it was found that valves that wcre permitted to seat Hush had a tendency to be unstablc; i.e., at low vapor rates, the vapor would channel through a few wide-open valves in a small aerated zone located at some indeterminate posi- tion. The remaining valves would be completely closed. With flush seatcd units, liquid can bypass around the aerated zone on single pass trays; and on two pass trays, one side of the tray can be completely inactive, or the activity can switch back and forth from one side to the other. Glitsch has climinated the problem of instability with various types of Ballast trays. The Glitsch A-I Ballast tray has a thrcc-piece unit consisting of an orifice CO\'er, Ballast plate and a travcl stop. At extremely low \'apor rates, the orificc cover rise is limited by thc wcight of the Ballast plate. \Vhen only thc orifice co\'ers arc open, the slot area is relatively low which causes a larger por- tion of the capped area to hc actiw'. At highcr \'apor rates, thc Ballast plate rises until it contacts the travel stop. The A-I Ballast tray is vcry resistant to leakage and is highly recommended when the liquid rates are extremely low, or if the absolute maximum Hexibility is required. It is a valve type tray somewhat similar to the "rivet" tray first used in 1922. It differs from other vah'e type trays in three major respects. First, the V-I unit has a two-stage slot opening rather than the single-stage conventionally used. This permits a flow of vapor through all of the valves at low \'apor rates and results in a wide range of stable operating conditions. Second, the of the valve is sloped d provided with a 5h at the portion of the lip. The sharp edge accentuates turbulence at the position where vapor enters the liquid and generates additional \'Clpor-liquid interfacial area to give a high tray effiCiency. Third, a heavy weight unit is normally used except in vacuum towers. The heavy unit increases the pressure drop and thereby increases tray efficiency in the operating region where the valves are not fully open. Advantages of Ballast trays may be summarized as follows: 1. Maximum efficiency at low loads insures a minimum quantity of off.·specification products dur- ing start-up. The high degree of flexibility makes it possible to operate with a minimum utility expense over a \vide range of feed rates. 2. High efficiency at conditions 5 to 10 per cent below incipient Hooding results in an increase in usable capacity. This permits more effective utilization of the column and auxiliary equipment. 3. High efficiency at intermediate load conditions can be utilized to improve product quality; to reduce the reHux ratio, resulting in a savings in utilities; or, to reduce the number of trays. -4- 4. The combination of low pressure drop and high efficiency for vacuum systems means a lower tower pressure drop. The V-4 Ballast tray has been used to separate the ethylbenzene-styrene system in a single column. 5. The mechanical design of the tabs are such as virtually to eliminate sticking problems. No sticking problem.s bave occurred in approximately 4000 pro·cess nnits and 30,000 columns of V-type trays. Shutdown time is decreased, due to rapid draining. Maintenance is simpli- fied and worker comfort is improved because the top of the disc is smooth and flat. There are no sharp projections above the tray deck. At zero to relatively low vapor rates, the V-type unit is seated on three tabs which hold the disc above the deck by a distance of approximately 0.1". The 0.1" height is an optimum distance. A higher initial rise results in too much slot area for operation at low loads and a lower initial rise results in tray instability. The line of contact of the tab with the deck is a 90 0 edge which is provided in order to help prevent sticking from mst and corrosion. For special conditions, it may be desirable to permit selected Ballast units to seat completely. The tabs are omitted to accomplish this. At high vapor rates, the unit rises vertically to a maximum clearance above the deck of approxi- mately 0.32". At intermediate vapor rates, some units will be completely open and the others will be resting on the deck. Ballast trays may be used in any clean service, and have been used in many services subject to severe fouling with excellent success. By experience in commercial columns where cleaning may be necessary, it has been found that Ballast trays stay on stream for much longer periods of time than do other trays in the same service. use services customers prefer stainless for nmy use tray components not touching the valve. Carbon steel or monel must be used in service where HF is present. Carbon steel decks have been used in approximately 60 per cent of all installations to date. Carbon steel Glitsch Ballast units are only occasionally used for reasons of economy. They are not normally recommended because the sharp edge on the lip will be lost due to rusting prior to the initial start-up or at shutdowns. The sharp edge is worth 5 to 10 per cent in added tray efficiency. ...., ... ' I five users in the selection of the Glitsch equipment best suited to their needs. All technical data contained herein teere deueloped under carefully controlled conditions tehich may not duplicate the user's actual process conditions. Therefore, nothing in this manual is to be deemed a war- ranty. Glitsch will be pleased to give appropriate warranties in its quotation and which tcill be incorporated into the user's purchase order. Glitsch reserves the right to modify or improve these products without notice. -5- • Vol, V-4 V-lX, V-4X V-2X FIGURE 1 Ballast®Unit Types Nomenclature used: X: Flushoseating B: Blanked H: Heavy -6- A-2X, A-5X ..0.-2, ..0.-5 (Flat Orifice) V-4 TYPE ~ (Extruded Orifice) , Description of Ballast® Units The various types of Ballast units are shown on the facing page. A description of each unit follows: V-o A non-moving unit similar in appearance to the V-I in a fully open position. It is used in services where only moderate flexibility is required and minimum cost is desired. V-I A general purpose standard size unit, used in all services. The legs are formed integrally with the valve for deck thicknesses up to %". V-2 The V-2 unit is similar to the V-I unit except the legs are welded-on in order to create a more leak-resistant umt. The welded legs permit fabrication of Ballast units for any deck thickness or size. Large size units are frequently used for replacement of bubble caps. V·3 A general purpose unit similar to the V-2 unit except the leg is radial from the cap center. V-4 This signifies a venturi-shaped orifice opening in the tray floor which is designed to reduce sub- stantially the parasitic pressure drop at the entry and reversal areas. A standard Ballast unit is used in this opening normally, although a V-2 or V-3 unit can be used for special services. The maximum deck thickness permissible with this opening is 10 gage. V-5 A combination of v-o and V-I units. It normally is used where moderate flexibility is required and a low cost is essential. A-I The original Ballast tray with a lightweight orifice cover which can close completely. It has a separate Ballast plate to give the two-stage effect plate and orifice cover in proper relationship. A·2 The same as A-I, except the orifice cover is omitted. a cage or stop to A-4 An A-I unit combined with a venturi-shaped orifice opening in order to reduce the pressure drop. The diameter of the standard size of the V-series of Ballast units is 1%". The V-2 and V-3 units are available in sizes up to 6". Photographs of several Ballast trays are shown on page 8 and 9. -7- Vol BALLAST TRAY, 9'06" DIA. FIGURE 2 -8- Vol BALLAST TRAY (with Recessed Inlet Sump) 10' -0" DIA. V-I BALLAST TRAY, 5'-6" DlA. V-I BALLAST TRAY, 15' -0" DIA. FIGURE 3 -9- V-6 BALLAST TRAY 6" DIA. PILOT COLUMN Process Design Data Sheet Item No. or Service .............. II:-----------,r----------r-----------,-------\I Tower diameter, LD .............. \t---------\--------\--------l----------iI Tray spacing, inches .............. Total trays in section .............. Max./.:;, P, mm Hg ................ 1--------\-------+-------+--------1 Conditions at Tray No ............. I-------j-------jf--------t-------f Vapor to tray, of ................. 1--------t---------1----.-----I--------II Pressure, ............ I-------t--------j-------t-------f Compressibility .............. II:----------il--------I-------.--\---------\I "Density, lb./ cu. ft. ............ I--------!--------\---------I-------------I "Rate, lb./hr. ................. 11---------+--------[--------1---------11 cu. fUsec. (cfs) .............. 11---------+--------[-------1--------11 cfs V D,·I (DL-D,,) ............ II--------f--------II---------f------ Liquid from tray, of .............. IJ-------f---------j---------I--------JI Surface tension ............... 11:-------1--------1----------1-------\1 Viscosity, cp ................. IJ-----------,f---------j----------I-------JI "Density, lb./ cu. ft. ............ 1I:--------II---------I---------I---------iI "Rate, lb./hr. ................. GPM hot liquid .............. _____ "b.,, _____ """-_____ """"" _____ _!I Foaming tendency............ None ____ Moderatc ____ High ____ Severe ____ _ "These "alues are required in this form for direct computer input. NOTES: 1 J .• in one tower, various rnay sections loading cases. Use additional sheets if necessary. 2. Is maximum capacity at constant vapor-liquid ratio desircd? _______ _ 3. Minimum rate as % of design rate: % 4. Allowable downcomer velocity (if specified): ftl sec 5. Number of flow paths or passes: Glitsch Choice; ______________ _ Bottom tray downcomer: Total draw ; Other _____________ _ 6. Trays numbered: top to bottom ; bottom to top ______________ _ 7. Enclose tray and tower drawings for existing columns. S. size, inches. 9. Manways removable: top ; bottom ____ _ top & bottom __________ _ AdjllstahI6 weirs required: ycs ______________ _ 12. Packing material if reqnired ____ ._, ______ , ___________________ , _______ , __ ; not required ___ _ 13. Tray material and thickness __________ . ___________________ _ 14. Valve material ___________________________________ _ 15. Ultimate user ____________________________________ _ 16. Plant location ____________________________________ _ 17. Other __________________________________ _ Form No. PE-S -10- Tray Design Information Required Although it is possible to design valve trays based on only the internal vapor and liquid rates and densities, a more thorough design frequently can be obtained with complete information shown on the Process Design Data Sheet PE-8 (facing page). It is not necessary to provide all the information requested unless the system has properties different from those of conventional refinery and chemical separations. Howeve1', a design which is m01'e likely to give the desi1'ed sepamtion, capacity, p1'essure drop and flexi- bility will be obtained if complete information is given. The amount of time 1'equired to fill in the form is negligible when the importance of complete information is 1'ecognized. It is important to have internal liquid and vapor loads at several tray locations if the loads vary appreciably from tray to tray. If the column is to bc used in several different services, the loadings for each case should be calculated. An indication of minimum anticipated loads is also important. Minimum loads may be expressed as a percentage of design loads. The type of service involvcd, or variety of services, should be given. Glycol dehydrators and amine absorbers are not designed by the same procedure as other service having identical densities and flow rates. If the system is frothy or has some other peculiar characteristic, the property should be described. Surface tension is an important physical property which should be given if available. The allowable pressure drop, if specified, should not be made more 1'estrictive than necessary. Ballast trays can be designed for a very low pressure drop; lwweve1', an unnecessarily restrictive pressure drop limitation )nay reduce the number of trays to a point where the desired separation cannot be obtained without going to two 01' more towers in series. Frequently, an existing or specified tower diameter is larger than required. If a future increase in capacity is not contemplated, a less expensive design can be obtained by using larger downcomers than necessary, or by reducing the number of Ballast units. Many customers wish to utilize potential excess capacity. In order to obtain maximum capacity at constant vapor-liquid ratio, the ratio of downcomel' area to active area is maintained for design conditions. This provides both adequate downcomer area and the proper active area for future increased loads. In most instances, the ultimate user will prefer Adjustable weirs are not required for a majority of services. They will not be used unless specified by the customer or required by process conditions. Packing is not ordinarily required except in sumps and at the ends of trusses. The packing material is important for unusual services. -11- Design Procedure Ballast trays arc designed by a simple procedure. A diameter and tray spacing are estimated. The capacity, pressure drop and flexibility of a modular layout in that diameter are compared to customer specifications. A change in diameter, down comer dimensions, cap spacing or tray spacing can then be made to meet specifications, to obtain a minimum cost design, or to obtain an optimum design, i.e., a design having maximum capacity and maximum efficiency. Design Basis Although it may be feasible to operate columns at near flood conditions, it is not possible to design them with a small safety factor and rely on them to always have the desired capacity and efficiency, whether guaranteed or not. It has been a common practice of the industry to derate the calculated flood capacity for particular systems. For example, high pressure deethanizers have been known from experience to flood at say 60 per cent of the rate which might be obtained from an atmospheric column. Similarly, amine absorbers and glycol contactors might "carry-owl''' at say 70 per cent of calculated flood rates by some procedure. The capacity procedure given in this manual accounts for the effect of high vapor density and foaming and no additional derating is necessary. In other words, a calculated per cent of flood of 100% means the tower can be expected to flood at design rates. By older methods, a calculated per cent of flood of say 6 0 ( / ~ ) , for a deethanizer as an example, might be equi\'alent to 100% of flood by the method given herein. We recommend that new columns be sized so that design rates are no more than 82 per cent of flood rates. Some customers prefer a more liberal design in order to provide a contingency for process uncertainties. For example, a customer may specify that a column be capable of operating at 125 per cent of design rates. This implies a design at .82/1.2.5, or 66 per cent of flood as a maximum. An alterna- tive would be to increase rates by a factor of 1.25 to obtain a new design basis. mally used for vacuum towers and a value of not more than .82 is used for other services. These values are intended to give not more than approximately lOc;7o entrainment. Higher flood factors may result in excessive entrainment andlor a column sized too small for effective operation. A flood factor of .6.5 to .7.5 should be used for column diameters under 36". -12- Downcomer Design Velocity, VDdsg Velocities used by various companies for sizing downcomers vary by a factor of more than two. Some companies use a residence time approach and others use a "maximum allowable velocity." Col- umns can be operated with a liquid velocity in the downcomer as high as 3 ft/sec provided the vapor rate is sufficiently low. This is about five times as high as the "maximum allowable" by most methods. Hence, the term "maximum allowable" can be misleading. The procedure used in the manual for establishing downcomer area is based on a "design" velocity given by Figure 4 or Equation l. The smallest value from Equation la, Ib or lc is used. The "system factor" used in Equation I makes an allowance for foaming. If the designer knows that a particular system has a foaming tendency, an appropriate system factor should be applied. Factors for several typical services are shown in Table 1. VDdog = 250 x System Factor VDc10g = 41 x VDL - Dv x System Factor VDdsg = 7-.5 x ,ITS x VDL - D" x System Factor where VDdsg = Design velocity, gpm/sq. ft. TS = Tray spacing, inches TABLE la Downcomer SystelTI Factors Non foaming, regular systems ................................. . Fluorine systems, e.g., BFs, Freon ............................. . Moderate foaming, e.g., oil.absorbers, amine and glycol regenerators foaming, amine and glycol absorbers . , , .. , .. , ... , .. , . Severe foaming, e.g., MEK units ............................... , Foam-stable systems, e.g., caustic regenerators .................. . FIGURE 4 Downcomer Design Velocity VDdsg = (VDdsg';') (System Factor) 20 30 50 -13- System Factor 1.00 . 90 .85 .73 .60 .30 ( Ia) (Ib) (Ie) VDdsg * Vapor Capacity Factor, CAF Figure 5 shows the vapor capacity factor of Ballast trays. The value of CAF 0 from Figure 5 is multi- plied by a "system factor" given in Table 1b to obtain a value corrected for foaming. CAF = CAF 0 x System Factor The system factor used in Equation 2a is given below. TABLE Ib System Factors Sen"ice System Factor Non-foaming, regular systems .................................. 1.00 Fluorine systems, e.g., BF3, Freon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .90 Moderate foaming, e.g., oil absorbers, amine and glycol regenerators .S5 Heavy foaming, e.g., amine and glycol absorbcrs ........ . . . . . . . .. .73 Severe foaming, e.g., l\IEK units ............................... .60 Foam-stable systems, e.g., caustic regenerators ................ .30-.60 (2a) The capacity of Ballast trays increases with increasing tray spacing up to a limiting value. For prac- tical purposes, the limit occurs at 4S/I for vapor densities below 4 lb / cu ft. Very high vapor density systems reach a limit at a tray spacing below 48/1. For example, a system having a vapor density of 7 lb / cu It would have a capacity factor of 0.33 for any tray spacing above lS/I. Since a 24" tray spacing is generally selected for mechanical accessibility, this spacing could be used rather than 30/1 which might otherwise be considered. The amount of energy dissipated by vapor flowing through a tray and the quantity of entrainment generated thereby increase with decreasing vapor density. In vacuum columns the amount of entrain- ment generated causes a reduction in the capacity factor from that which can be obtained with higher vapor densities. This effect is given by the equation shown as step 3 on Figure 5a. Figure 5b is a coordinate plot showing the same relation given on Figure 5a. The limit point shown on Figure 5b can be exceeded at very high vapor densities for systems such as high pressure absorbers, values approximately 35 lbl ft. Vload = CFS /Dd (DL - D\ ) (2b) where CFS = vapor rate, actual Cll ft/sec This term is used for sizing a column and for calculating per cent of flood for a given column diameter. -14- .55 .5 .45 .4 D (1J 0 -I U 2 .35 <!.l N "'""' U) (1J Lw L :1:: 0 () ...., 0 2: (1J LL. >. 0' oj.-' 2: 0 12 G (IJ Q .3 ~ (IJ u C/) u >- 0 <:( 0 f!: L.L 0 .25 8 .2 FIGURE 5a FLOOD CAPACITY OF BALLAST TRAYS t!. Lim it point I o If 0\" is less than 0.17 Ib/cu ft, calculate CAFo = (TS)o.GJ X (Dv)1/G/12 4. Select the smallest value from step 1, 2 or 3. 5. Go to equation 2a. -15- 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 LO 0.5 .... 4- :::J 0 ........ If) J::l ::>; :t:! Vl C <!.l ':l >- 0 0.. ro > > 0 30- 25 20 0 « 0 15 -.J > 10 o FIGURE 6 BALLAST TRAY DIAMETER (FOR APPROXIMATION PURPOSES ONLY) FOR FOUR PASS TRAYS: (1) Divide V Load by 2 (2) Divide GPM by 2 Based on 24" Tray Spacing at 80% of flood (3) Obtain diameter from Two-Pass Tray Line (4) Multiply diameter by v 2.0 -17 - 3500 3000 2500 2000 0 :::::> 0' -.J ~ Q... G 1500 1000 500 o Approximation of Column Diameter Flow Path Length, FPL. An approximate flow path length is useful for establishing the minimum tower diameter. Figure 6 is used to obtain an approximation of tower diameter from which the flow path length can be estimated. FPL = 9 x DT/NP where FPL = Flow path length, inches DT = Tower diameter, feet NP = Number of flow paths or passes (3) Active Area, AAM. The minimum active area is a function of vapor and liquid loads, system prop- erties, flood factor and flow path length. Visual inspection of tray loadings usually will determine that tray which will give the largest active area. AAM = Vload -I- G P ~ 1 X FPL/13000 CAF X FF where Vload = Vapor load for any tray in the section GPM = Liquid load for the same tray AAl\1 = l\Iinimum active area, sq. ft. CAF = Capacity factor from Equation 2a FF = Flood factor or design per cent of flood, fractional (4) Downcomer Area, ADM. The minimum downcomer area is a fun9tion of liquid rate, downcomer design velocity and flood factor. A visual inspection of liquid loads usually is sufficient to determine which tray requires the most downcomer area. The tray having the maximum liquid load is not ncces- sarily the same one requiring the most active area. ADM = GPl\II(VDclsg X FF) where VDdsg = Downcomer velocity for design purposes, gpm/sq ft =-= :'IIinimum dowlleomer area, sq ft (5) If the downcomer area calculated by Equation 5 is less than 11 % of the active area, use the smaller of the following: ADM = 11% of the active area, or AD:\f = Double that by Equation 5 Column Area. The approximate column cross sectional area is calculated by Equation 6a or 6b. The for more detailed calculations. Further design calculations may result in a change in tower diameter. ATM = AAM + 2 X ADM (6a) or A TM = Vload (6b) .78 X CAF X FF DT = 1/ ATM/.7854 (7) where ATl\f = Minimum column cross sectional area, sq ft -18- Allocation of Areas for a Fixed Column Diameter The diameter of a column may be estimated by Equation 7, or it may be some other value; e.g., an existing column diameter or one specified by the customer may be used. In any event, the actual cross sectional area of the diameter which is to be used is not likely to be the same as the approximate mini- mllm by Equation 6. If the actual tower cross sectional area is less than the calculated minimum area, a design for max- imum capacity should be used; if it is greater than the calculated minimum, a design for either minimum cost or maximum capacity may be used. Minimum Cost Design is obtained by making the active area equal to the minimum active area. The remaining tower area is devoted to downcomer area and downcomer seal area. For existing columns, it may be possible to reuse the existing downcomers at a savings, provided neither the downcomer area nor the active area is too small. Maximum Capacity Design, one also giving maximum efficiency, is obtained by proportioning the active area and downcomer area so that the per cent of flood for vapor load is equal to the per cent of flood for liquid load. This type design is usually desired by the ultimate user; and, in the absence of specifications to the contrary, maximum capacity design is used by Glitsch for new columns. For maxi- mum capacity design, the total down comer area is calculated as follows: AD = AT X ADM/ATM where AD = Total downcomer area, sq ft AT = Actual tower area, sq ft ADM "" i\Iinimum down comer area Equation 5 A TM = rdinimum tower area by Equation 6 (8) The down comer area generally should not be less than 10% of the column area. However, if the liquid rate is unusually low, a downcomer area smaller than 10r;'o of the column area may be used pro- vided it is at least double the calculated minimum downcomer .area. Having established the tower diameter arid down comer area, a sketch of the tray is useful to estab- lish other dimensions. Figure 7 shows typical sketches for one to five pass trays. -19- H, I FPL ~ r I I I I SINGLE PASS I 1 ~ FIVE PASS J. H, I 1 J TWO PASS FOUR PASS -20- FIGURE 7 TRAY SKETCHES Downcomer Widths, H The terms H" Hl, Ho and H, are used to designate the width in inches of the side, center, off-center and off-side downcomers, respectively. Corresponding areas at the top of downcomers are designated A" Al, As and A" respectively. Refer to Figure 7. The total downcomer area should be divided between the downcomers of multipass trays in proportion to the liquid rate received and the active area served. For large diameter towers having three or more flow paths, the active area in each flow path should be equal and the weir lengths adjusted so that the liquid rate to each weir is the same. This may require the use of sweptback side down comer weirs or sweptback side downcomers. Sweptback down- comers of the circular and segmental circular type are shown on page 34. Table 2 is useful for al- locating downcomer area in accordance with this concept. For example, each of the side downcomers of a four-pass tray would have an area of approximately 25% of the total down comer area. TABLE 2 Allocation of Downcomer Area & Downcomer Width Factors Fraction of Total Downcomer Area Width Factors, WF Passes AD, AD" AD, AD, ~ ~ - ~ 2 .50 ea. l.00 12.0 3 .34 .66 8.63 4 .25 ea. .50 .50 ea. 6.0 6.78 ea. p .20 .40 ;:) .40 5.66 5.5 The width of side downcomers can be obtained from Table 4. An accurate estimate of the width of other than a side downcomer can be obtained by substituting width factors from Table 2 in Equation 9. H, = WF X AD/DT \vhere Hi = \Yidth of individual downcomer, inches AD = Total downcomer area, sq. ft. rro lower WF = Width factor from Table 2 (9) Downcomer widths are usually adjusted to give a modular flow path length. For preliminary purposes, the flow path length can be made equal to 8.5" plus a multiple of 1.5". The flow path length is calculated by Equation 10 and then downcomer widths may be adjusted to give a modular FPL. FPL = 12 X DT- (2Hl + Hl + 2H. + 2H,) NP (10 ) A flow path length of less than Z6" is not feasible if internal manways are required. Some services haw such a high liquid load relative to the vapor load that the flow path length minimum of 16" may make it necessary to use a larger tower diameter than that calculated by Equation 7. For this condition, the minimum required downcomer area and the minimum flow path length establish the least cost design. -21- Downcomer Area, AD With downcomer widths adjusted to modular dimensions, or established by other considerations, actual downcomer areas can be calculated exactly by use of Table 4. Alternately, the area of the cen- ter, off-center or off-side downcomers can be calculated with sufficient accuracy for preliminary pur- poses by use of the following equation: ADi = Hi X SF X DTIl2 where ADi = Area of individual downcomer, sq ft Hi = Width of individual downcomer, inches SF = Span factor, fractional DT = Tower diameter, ft (11 ) The span factor used in the above equation is the wall-to-wall distance at the mid-point of a down- comer, expressed as a fraction of tower diameter. Table 3 gives span factors. This table is also useful for estimating weir lengths and for checking exact methods for both downcomer area and weir length. TABLE 3 Approximate Downcomer Span Factors, SF Fraction of Tower Diameters Passes .l:!L ~ 2 1.0 3 .95 4 1.0 .885 5 .98 .88 The downcomer area of even-numbered trays may be somewhat different from that of odd-num- bered trays for two or four passes. An average value may be used as the total downcomer area for fur- ther Active Area AA , Active area is the area available for Ballast units between inlet and outlet edges of the tray. Either of the following two equations apply for straight downcorhers or sloped downcomers with recessed inlets. AA = AT - (2ADl + AD3 + 2AD5 + 2AD7) AA = AT - 2 X (ADa\g) (12a) (12b) downcomers normally are used only with recessed inlet areas or draw sumps. The width and area of re- cessed inlets are usually the same as that at the top of the downcomers. Sloped downcomers with flat seal areas at the bottom are used when it is necessary to obtain additional Ballast units for decreasing the pressure drop. The additional active area which can be obtained by this type of downcomer design usually is not more than 50% of the downcomer area. -22- D >1/0 FROM .0 TC .1 H/O L/O AO/ AT H/O L/O AO/AT 1/0 L/O AO/ AT .0000 .0000 .0000 .0200 .2800 .0048 .0400 .3919 .0134 .0005 .0447 .0000 .0205 .2834 .0050 .0405 .3943 .0137 .0010 .0632 .0001 .0210 .2868 .0051 .0410 .3966 .0139 .0015 .0774 .0001 .0215 .2901 .0053 .0415 .3989 .0142 .0020 .0894 .0002 .0220 .293 1 1 .0055 .0420 .4012 .0144 .0025 .0999 .0002 .0225 .2966 .0057 .0 1 125 .4035 .0147 .0030 .1094 .0003 .0230 .2998 .0059 .0430 .4057 .0149 .0035 .1181 .0004 .0235 .3030 .006.1 .0435 .4080 .0152 .0040 .1262 .0004 .0240 .3061 .0063 .0440 .4102 .0155 .0045 .1339 .0005 .0245 .3092 .0065 .0445 .4124 .0157 .0050 .1411 .0006 .0250 .3122 .0067 .0450 .4 PI6 .0160 .0055 .1479 .0007 .0255 .3153 .0069 .0455 .4168 .0162 .0060 . i 545 .0008 .0260 .3183 . 0071 .0460 ,4190 .0165 ,0065 .1607 .0009 .0265 .3212 .0073 .0465 ,4211 .0168 .0070 . 1667 .0010 . 0270 . 3242 • 0075 .0470 , 4233 . 0171 .1726 ,0011 .3271 .0077 .0475 .4254 .0173 .00 0 .1782 .0012 .02 0 .3299 .0480 .4275 .0176 .0085 .1836 . 0013 .0285 .3328 .00 1 .0485 .4296 .0179 .0090 .1889 .0014 .0290 .3356 .0083 .0490 .4317 .0181 .0095 .1940 .0016 .0295 .3384 .0085 .0495 .4338 .0184 .0100 .1990 .0,017 .0300 .3412 .0087 .0500 .4359 .0187 .0105 .2039 ,0018 .0305 .3439 .0090 .0505 .4379 .0190 .0110 .2086 .0020 .0310 .3466 .0092 .0510 .4400 .0193 .0115 .2132 .0021 .0315 .3493 .0094 .0515 .4420 .0195 ';'0024 :63is ,:/,' >"",; '.0525 ',OO':,ltl ' ; 41;l)1 .2265 .0025 .0330 .3573 .0101 .0530 .4481 .0204 .2308 .0027 .0335 .3599 .0103 .0535 ,4501 ,0207 .2350 .0028 .0340 .3625 .0105 .0540 .4520 .0210 .2391 .0030 .0345 .3650 .0108 .0545 .4540 .0212 .0150 .2431 .0031 .0350 .3676 .0110 .0550 .4560 .0215 .0155 .2471 .0033 .0355 .3701 .0112 .0555 .4579 .0218 .0160 .2510 .0034 .0360 .3726 .0115 .0560 .4598 .0221 .0165 .2548 .0036 .0365 .3751 .0117 .OS65 .4618 .0224 .0170 .2585 .0037 .0370 .3775 .0119 .0570 .4637 .0227 .2622 .0039 .0375 .3800 .0122 .0575 .4656 .0230 .01 0 .2659 .0041 .0380 .3824 .0124 .0580 .4675 .0233 .0185 .2695 .0042 .0385 .3848 .0127 .05es .4694 .0236 .0190 .2730 .0044 .0390 .3872 .0129 .0590 .4712 .0239 .0195 .2765 .0046 .0395 .3896 .0132 .0595 .4731 .0242 -23- i/O .0600 .0605 .0610 .0615 .0620 .0625 .0630 .0635 .0640 .0645 .0650 .0655 .0660 .0665 .0670 .0675 .0680 .0685 .0690 .0695 .0700 .0705 .0710 .0715 ., ,012$ .0730 .0735 .0740 .0745 .0750 .0755 .0760 .0765 .0770 .0775 .0780 .0785 .0790 .0795 TABLE 4 SEGMENTAL FUNCTIONS L/O Ar:/AT .4750 .0245 .4768 .0248 .4787 .0251 .4805 .0254 .4823 .0257 .4841 .0260 .4859 .0263 .4877 .0266 .4895 .02]0 .4913 .0273 .4931 .0276 .4948 .0279 .4966 .0282 .4ge3 .0285 .5000 .0288 .5018 .0292 .5035 .0295 .5052 .0298 .5069 .0301 .5086 .0304 .5103 .0308 .5120 .0311 .5136 .0314 .5153 .0318 :5 .&H'l, .5203 .0327 .5219 .0331 .5235 .0334 .5252 .0337 .5268 .0341 .5284 .0344 .5300 .0347 .5316 .0351 .5332 .0354 .5348 .0358 .5363 .0361 .5379 .0364 .5395 .0368 .S410 .0371 D = TOWER DIAMETER H = CHORD HEIGHT L = CHORD LENGTH An CHOHD AREA AT = TOWER AREA H/O L/O AO/AT .0800 .5426 .0375 .0805 .5441 .0378 .0810 .5457 .0382 .0815 .5472 .0385 .0820 .5/187 .0389 .0825 .5502 .0392 .0830 .5518 .0396 .0835 .5533 .0399 .0840 .5548 .0403 .0845 .5563 .0406 .0850 .5578 .0410 .0855 .5592 .0413 .0860 .5607 .0417 .0865 .5622 . 0421 .0870 ,5637 . 0424 .0875 .5651 .0428 .0880 .5666 .0431 .0885 .5680 .0435 .0890 .5695 .0439 .0895 .5709 ,0442 .0900 .5724 .0446 .0905 .5738 .0449 .0910 .5752 .0453 .0915 .5766 .0457 . ,>6464' .0925 .0930 .5809 .0468· .0935 .5823 .0472 .0940 .5837 .0475 .0945 .5850 .0479 .0950 .5864 .0483 .0955 .5878 .0486 .0960 .5892 .0490 .0965 .5906 .0494 .0970 .5919 .0498 .0975 .5933 .0501 .0980 .5946 .0505 .0985 .5960 .OS09 .0990 .5973 .0513 .0995 .5987 .0517 H/D L/D "0/ AT .1000 .6000 .0520 .1005 .6013 .0524 .1010 .6027 .0528 .1015 .6040 .0532 .1020 .6053 .0536 .1025 .1030 .1035 .1040 ~ lOltS .1050 .1055 .1060 .1065 .1070 .1075 .1080 .1085 .1090 .1095 .1100 .1105 .1110 .1115 .1120 .1125 .1130 .1135 .1140 .1145 .1150 .1155 .1160 .1165 .1170 .1175 .1180 .1185 .1190 .1195 .6066 .0540 .6079 .0544 .6092 .0547 .6105 .0551 ,hllB .0555 .6131 .0559 .6144 .0563 .6157 .0567 .6170 .0571 .6182 .0575 .6195 .0579 .6208 .0583 .6220 .0587 .6233 .0591 .6245 .0595 .6258 .0598 .6270 .0602 .6283 .0606 .6295 .0610 .6307 .06111 .6320 .0619 .6332 .0623 .631r4 .0627 .6356 .0631 .6368 .0635 .6380 .0639 .6392 .0643 .61r04 .0647 .6416 .0651 .6428 .0655 .6440 .0659 .6452 .0663 .6464 .0667 .6476 .0671 .6488 .0676 H/D L/D AD/ AT .2000 .8000 . tl,24 .2005 .8007 .1429 .2010 .8015 .1434 .2015 .8022 .1439 .2020 .8030 .1444 .2025 .8037 .1449 .2030 .8045 .1454 .2035 .8052 .1460 • 2040 .8059 • 1465 .2045 .8067 .1470 .2050 .8074 .1475 .2055 .8081 .1480 .2060 .8089 .1485 .2065 .8096 .1490 .2070 .8103 .1496 • 2075 .8110 • 1501 .2080 .8118 .1506 .2085 .8125 .1511 .2090 .8132 .1516 .2095 .8139 .1521 .2125 .8182 .1553 .2130 .8189 . 1558 .2135 .8196 .1563 .2140 .8203 .1568 .2145 .8210 .1573 .2150.8216 .1579 .2155 .8223 .1584 .2160 .8230 .1589 .2165.8237.1594 .2170 .8244 .1600 .2175 .8251 .2180 .8258 .2185 .8265 .2190.8271 .2195 .8278 .1605 .1610 .1615 .1621 .1626 H/U L/D Au/AT .1200 .6499 .0680 · 1205 . 65 11 . 0684 .1210 .6523 .0688 .1215 .6534 .0692 · 1220 .6546 .0696 .1225 .6557 .0701 .1230 .6569 .0705 .1235.6580.0709 · 1240 .6592 .0713 ,1245 .6603 .0717 .1250 .6614 .0721 · 1255 .6626 .0726 .1260 .6637 .0730 .1265 .6648 .0734 .1270 .6659 .0738 .1275 .6671 .0743 .1280 .6682 .0747 .1285 .6693 .0751 • 1290 .6704 .0755 .1295 .6715 .0760 .1300 .6726 .0764 .1305 .6737 .0768 .1310 .6748 .0773 .1315 .6759 .0777 .1320 .6770 .0781 .1325 .6781 .0785 .1330 .6791 .0790 · 1335 .6802 .0791, .1340 .6813 .0798 .1345 .6824 .0803 · 1350 .6834 .0807 .1355 .6845 .0811 .1360 .6856 .0816 .1365 .6866 .0820 .1370 .6877 .0825 .1375 .6887 .0829 .1380 .6898 .0833 .1385 .6908 .0838 .1390 .6919 .0842 .1395 .6929 .0847 H/D L/D "0/ AT .2200 .8285 .1631 .2205 .8292 .1636 .2210 .8298 .1642 .2215 .8305 .1647 .2220 .8312 .1652 .2225 .8319 .1658 .2230 .8325 .1663 .2235 .8332 .1668 .2240 .8338 .1674 .2245 .8345 .1679 .2250 .8352 .1684 .2255 .8358 . 1689 .2260 .8365 .1695 .2265 .8371 ,1700 .2270 .8378 .1705 .2275.8384.1711 .2280 .8391 .1716 .2285 .8397 .1721 .2290 .8404 .1727 .2295.8 1 >10.1732 .2325 .8449 .1764 .2330 .6455 . 1770 .2335 .8461.1775 .2340 .8467 .1781 .2345 .8474 .1786 .2350 .8480 .1791 .2355 .8486 .1797 .2360 .8492 .1802 .2365 .8499 .1808 .2370.8505 .1813 .2375 .2380 .2385 .2390 .2395 .8511 .8517 .8523 .8529 .8536 .1818 .1824 .1829 .1835 .1840 H/O ,,10M .1 TC; .2 ~ / J L/U Au/AT .1400 .6940 .0851 .1405 .6950 .0855 .1410 .6960 .0860 · 1415 .6971 .0864 .1420 .6981,.0869 · 1425 .1430 .1435 .1440 .1 1 ,1'5 .1450 .1455 .1460 .1465 .1470 .1475 .1480 .1485 .1490 .1495 .1500 .1505 .1510 .1515 .1520 · 1525 .1530 · 1535 .1540 .1545 .1550 .1555 .1560 .1565 .1570 .1575 .1580 .1585 .1590 .1595 .6991 .7001 .7012 .7022 .7032 .7042 .7052 .7062 .7072 .7082 .7092 .7102 .7112 .7122 .7132 .7141 .7151 .7161 .7171 .7180 .7190 .7200 .7209 .7219 .7229 .7238 .7248 .7257 .7267 .7276 .7285 .7295 .7304 .7314 .7323 .0873 .0878 .0882 .0886 .0891 .0895 .0900 .0904 .0909 .0913 .0918 .0922 .0927 .0932 .0936 .0941 .0945 .0950 .0954 .0959 .0963 .0968 .0973 .0977 .0982 .0986 .0991 .0996 .1000 .1005 .1009 .1014 .1019 .1023 .1028 H/D r R O ~ .2 TO .3 H/O L/D AD/ AT .2400 .8542 .1845 • 2 1 ,05 .85 1 ,8 . 1851 .2410 .8554 .1856 .2415 .8560 .1862 .2420 .8566 .1867 .2425.8572 .1873 .2430 .8578 .1878 ,2435 .8584 .1884 .2440 .8590 .1889 .2445 .8596.1895 .2450 .8602 .1900 .2455 .8608 .1906 .2460 .8614 .1911 .2465 .8619 .1917 .2470 .8625 .1922 .2475 .8631 .1927 .2480 .8637 .1933 .2485 .8643 .1938 .2490 .8649 .1944 .2495 .8654 .1949 .2525 .8689 .1983 .2530 .8695 .1988 .2535 .8700 .1994 .2540 .8706 .1999 .2545 .8712 .2005 .2550 .8717 .2010 .2555 .8723 .2016 .2560 .8728 .2021 .2565 .8734 .2027 .2570 .8740 .2033 .2575 .8745 .2038 .2580 .8751 .2044 .2585 .8756 .2049 .2590 .8762 .2055 .2595 .8767 .2060 -24- • H/e .1600 .1605 .1610 .1615 .1620 .1625 · 1630 · 1635 .1640 .1645 .1650 .1655 .1660 .1665 .1670 .1675 .1680 .1685 .1690 · 1695 .1700 .1705 .1710 .1715 .1720 .1725 .1730 .1735 .1740 .1745 .1750 • 1755 .1760 .1765 .1770 .1775 .1780 .1785 .1790 .1795 L/J \/A r .7332 .1033 .7341.1037 .7351.1042 .7360 . 1047 .7369 . 1051 .7378 .7387 .7396 .7406 ,7415 .7424 .7433 .7442 .7451 .7460 .7468 .7477 .7486 .7495 .7504 .7513 .7521 .7530 .7539 .7548 .7556 .7565 .7574 .7582 .7591 .7599 .7608 .7616 .7625 .7633 .7642 .7650 .7659 .7667 .7675 .1056 .1061 .1066 .1070 · !OJ5 .1080 .1084 .1089 .1094 .1099 .1103 .1108 · 1113 .1118 · 1122 .1127 .1132 .1137 .1142 .1146 .1151 .1156 .1161 .1166 .1171 .1175 .1180 .1185 .1190 .1195 .1200 .1204 .1209 .1214 .1219 H/D L/D AD/AT .2600 .8773 .2066 .2605 .8778 .2072 .2610 .8784 .2077 .2615 .8789 .2083 .2620 .8794 .2088 .2625 .8800 .2094 .2630 .8805 .2100 .2635 .8811 .2105 .2640 .8816 .2111 . 2645 .8821 .2116 .2650 .8827 .2122 .2655 .8832 .2128 .2660 .8837 .2133 .2665 .8843 .2139 .2670 .8848 .2145 .2675 .8853 .2150 .2680 .8858 .2156 .2685 .8864 .2161 .2690 .8869 .2167 .2695 .8874 .2173 .2725 .8905 .2207 .2730 .8910 .2212 .2735 .8915 .2218 .2740 .8920 .2224 .2745 .8925 .2229 2750 .8930 .2235 .2755 .8935 .2241 .2760 .8940 .2246 .2765 .8945 .2252 .2770 .8950 .2258 .2775 .2780 .2785 .2790 .2795 .8955 .2264 .8960 .2269 .8965 .2275 .8970 .2281 .8975 .2286 H/D L/D Au/ AT .1800 .7684 .1224 .1805 .7692 .1229 .1810 .7700 .1234 .1815 .7709 .1239 · 1820 . 771 7 . 1244 · 1825 .1830 .1835 .le40 .184, .1850 .1855 .1860 .1865 .1870 .1875 .1880 .1885 .1890 .1895 .1900 .1905 .1910 .1915 .1920 .1925 .1930 .1935 .1940 .1945 .1950 .1955 .1960 .1965 .1970 .1975 .1980 .1985 .1990 .1995 .7725 .7733 .7742 .7750 .7758 .7766 .7774 .7782 .7790 .7798 .7806 .7814 .7822 .7830 .7838 .7846 .7854 .7862 .7870 .7877 .7885 .7893 .7901 .7909 .7916 .7924 .7932 .7939 .7947 .7955 .7962 .7970 .7977 .7985 .7992 .1249 · 1253 .1258 .1263 .1268 .1273 .1278 .1283 .1288 .1293 .1298 .1303 .1308 · 1313 .1318 · 1323 · 1328 · 1333 .1338 .1343 .1348 .1353 .1358 .1363 .1368 .1373 .1378 .1383 .1388 .1393 .1398 .1403 .1409 .1414 .1419 H/D L/D AD/ AT .2800 .8980 .2292 .2805 .8985 .2298 .2810 .8990 .2304 .2815 .8995 .2309 .2820 .8999 .2315 .2825 .9004 .2321 .2830 .9009 .2326 .2835 .9014 .2332 .2840 .9019 .2338 .2845 .9024 .2344 .2850 .9028 .2349 .2855 .9033 .2355 .2860 .9038 .2361 .2865 .9043 .2367 .2870 .9047 .2372 .2875 .9052 .2378 .2880 .9057 .2384 · 2885 .9061 . 2390 .2890 .9066 .2395 .2895 .9071 .2401 .2925 .9098 .2436 .2930 .9103 .2442 .2935 .9107 .2448 .2940 .9112 .2453 .2945 .9116 .2459 .2950 .9121 .2465 .2955 .9125 .2471 .2960 .9130 .2477 .2965 .9134 .2482 .2970 .9139 .2488 .2975 .9143 .2980 .9148 .2985 .9152 .2990 .9156 .2995 .9161 .2494 .2500 .2506 .2511 .2517 HID FROM .3 TO .4 HID LID Aol AT HID LID ADIAT HID LID ADIAT HID LID ADIAT HID LID VAT .3000 .9165 .2523 .3200 .9330 .2759 .3400 .9474 .2998 .3600 .9600 .3241 .3BOO .970B .3487 .3005 .9170 .2529 .3205 .9333 .2765 .3405 .9478 .3004 .3605 .9603 .3247 .3805 .9710 .3493 .3010 .9174 .2535 .3210 .9337 .2771 .3410 .94Bl .3010 .3610 .9606 .3253 .3810 .9713 .3499 .3015 .917B .2541 .3215 .9341 .2777 .3415 .94B4 .3016 .3615 .9609 .3259 .3B15 .9715 .3505 .3020 .91B3 .2547 .3220 .9345 .2782 .3420 .94B8 .3022 .3620 .9612 .3265 .3820 .971B .3512 .3025 .9187 .2552 .3225 .9349 .2788 .3425 .9491 .3028 .3625 .9614 .3272 .3B25 .9720 .3518 .3030 .9191 .2558 .3230 .9352 .2794 . 31+}0 .9494 .3034 .3630 .9617 .3278 .3830 .9722 .3524 .3035 .9195 .2564 .3235 .9356 .2800 .3435 .9498 .3040 .3635 .9620 .32B4 .3835 .9725 .3530 .3040 .9200 .2570 .3240 .9360 .2806 .3440 .9501 .3046 .3640 .9623 .3290 .3840 .9727 .3536 .3045 .9204 .2576 . 321f5 .9364 .2B12 .3445 .9504 .3053 .3645 .9626 .3296 .3845 .9730 .3543 .3050 .9208 .2582 .3250 .9367 .28 f8 .3450 .9507 .3059 .3650 .9629 :3301 .3850 .9731 .3949 .3055 .9212 .2588 .3255 .9371 .2824 .3 1 '55 .9511 .3065 .3655 .9631 .3308 .3855 .9734 .3555 .3060 .9217 .2593 .3260 .9375 .2830 .3460 .9514 .3071 .3660 .9634 .3315 .3B60 .9737 .3561 .3065 .9221 .2599 .3265 .9379 .2836 .3465 .9517 .3077 .3665 .9637 .3321 .3865 .9739 .3567 .3070 .9225 .2605 .3270 .9382 .2842 .3470 .9520 .3083 .3670 .9640 .3327 .3870 .9741 .3574 .3075 .9229 .2611 .3275 .9386 .2848 .3475 .9524 .3089 .3675 .9642 .3333 .3875 .9744 .3580 .3080 .9233 .2617 .3280 .9390 .2854 .34BO .9527 .3095 .36BO .9645 .3339 .3880 .9746 .3586 .30B5 .9237 .2623 .3285 .9393 .2860 .34B5 .9530 .3101 .3685 .9648 .3345 .3885 .9748 .3592 .3090 .9242 .2629 .3290 .9397 .2866 .3490 .9533 .3107 .3690 .9651 .3351 .3B90 .9750 .3598 .3095 .9246 .2635 .3295 .9401 .2872 . 3 1 f95 .9536 .3113 .3695 .9653 .3357 .3895 .9753 .3605 .3100 .9250 .2640 .3300 .9404 .287B .3500 .9539 .3119 .3700 .9656 .3364 .3900 .9755 .3611 .3105 .9254 .2646 .3305 .9408 .2884 .3505 .9543 .3125 .3705 .9659 .3370 .3905 .9757 .3617 .3110 .9258 .2652 .3310 .9411 .2890 .3510 .9546 .3131 .3710 .9661 .3376 .3910 .9759 .3623 .3115 .9262 .2658 .3315 .9415 .2896 .3515 .9549 .3137 .3715 .9664 .3382 .3915 .9762 .3629 .3120 .9266 .2664 .3320 .9419 .2902 .3520 .9552 .3143 .3720 .9667 .3388 .3920 .9764 .3636 .3125 .9270 .2670 .3325 .9422 .290B .3525 .9555 .3150 .3725 .9669 .3394 .3925 .9766 .3642 .3130 .9274 .2676 .3330 .9426 .2914 .3530 .9558 .3156 .3730 .9672 .3401 .3930 .9768 .3648 .3135 .9278 .2682 .3335 .9429 .2920 .3535 .9561 .3162 .3735 .9675 .3407 .3935 .9771 .3654 .3140 .9282 .2688 .3340 .9433 .2926 .3540 .9564 .3168 .3740 .9677 .3413 .3940 .9773 .3661 .3145 .9286 .2693 .3345 .9436 .2932 .3545 .9567 .'3174 .3745 .9680 .3419 .3945 .9775 .3667 .3150 .9290 .2699 .3350 .9440 .2938 .3550 .9570 .3180 .3750 .9682 .3425 .3950 .9777 .3673 .3155 .9294 .2705 .3355 .9443 .2944 .3555 .9573 .3186 .3755 .9685 .3431 .3955 .9779 .3679 .3160 .9298 .2711 .3360 .9447 .2950 .3560 .9576 .3192 .3760 .968B .3438 .3960 .9781 .3685 .3165 .9302 .2717 .3365 .9450 .2956 .3565 .9579 .3198 .3765 .9690 .3444 .3965 .9783 .3692 .3170 .9306 .2723 .3370 .9454 .2962 .3570 .9582 .3204 .3770 .9693 .3450 .3970 .9786 .3698 .3175 .9310 .2729 .3375 .9457 .2968 .3575 .9585 .3211 .3775 .9695 .3456 .3975 .9788 .3704 .3180 .9314 .2735 .3380 .9461 .2974 .35BO .9588 .3217 .3780 .9698 .3462 .3980 .9790 .3710 .3185 .9318 .2741 .3385 .9464 .2980 .3585 .9591 .3223 .3785 .9700 .3468 .3985 .9792 .3717 .3190 .9322 .2747 .3390 .9467 .2986 .3590 .9594 .3229 .3790 .9703 .3475 .3990 .9794 .3723 .3195 .9326 .2753 .3395 .9471 .2992 .3595 .9597 .3235 .3795 .9705 .3481 .3995 .9796 .3729 HID FRDH .4 TO .5 HID LID ADIAT HID LID Aol AT HID LID ADIAT HID LID Ao/AT HID LID Ao/AT .4000 .9798 .3735 .4200 .9871 .3986 .4400 .9928 .4238 .4600 .9968 .4491 .4800 .9992 .4745 .4005 .9800 .3742 .4205 .9873 .3992 .4405 .9929 .4244 .4605 .9969 .44,,8 .4805 .9992 .4752 .4010 .9802 .3748 .4210 .9874 .3998 .4410 .9930 .4251 .4610 .9970 .4504 .4810 .9993 .4758 .4015 .9804 .3754 .4215 .9876 .4005 .4415 .9931 .4257 .4615 .9970 .4510 .4815 .9993 .4765 .4020 .9806 .3760 .4220 .9878 .4011 .4420 .9932 .4263 .1,620 .9971 .4517 .4820 .9994 .4771 .4025 .9808 .3767 .4225 .9879 .4017 .4425 .9934 .4270 .4625 .9972 .4523 .4825 .9994 .4777 ,1,030 9810 ,3773 ,4230 ,9881 ,4073 ,L,1130 ,9935 ,4276 .1,630 .9973 ,4529 ,4830 ,9991, ,4784 .1,035 .9812 .3779 .4235 .9882 .4030 ,if43, .9936 .4282 .1,635 ,9973 ,4536 .4835 ,9995 .4790 .4040 .9814 .3785 .4240 .9884 .4036 .1,440 .9937 .4288 .4640 .9974 .4542 .4840 .9995 .4796 .4045 ,9816 .3791 ,4245 ,9885 4042 ,1,445 ,9938 ,4295 ,1,645 ,9975 ,1'548 ,4845 ,9995 .4803 .4050 .9818 .3798 .4250 .9887 .4049 .4450 .9939 .4301 .4650 .9975 .4555 .4850 .9995 .4809 .4055 .9820 .3804 .4255 .9B88 .4055 .4455 .9940 .4307 .4655 .9976 .4561 .4855 .9996 .4815 .4060 .9822 .3810 .4260 .9890 .4061 .4460 .9942 .4314 .4660 .9977 .4567 .4860 .9996 .4B22 .4065 .9B24 .3B16 .4265 .9891 .4068 .4465 .9943 .4320 .4665 .9978 .4574 .4B65 .9996 .4B28 .4070 .9825 .3823 .4270 .9893 .4074 .4470 .9944 .4326 .4670 .9978 .4580 .4B70 .9997 .4834 .4075 .9827 .3829 . 4 2 ~ 5 .9B94 .4080 .4475 .9945 .4333 .4675 .9979 .4586 .4875 .9997 .4B41 .4080 .9829 .3835 .42 0 .9896 .4086 . 44BO .9946 .4339 .4680 .9979 .4593 .4880 .9997 .4847 .4085 .9831 .3842 .4285 .9897 .4093 .44B5 .9947 .4345 .46B5 .9980 .4599 .4B85 .9997 .4854 .4090 .9833 .3848 .4290 .9899 .4099 .4490 .9948 .4352 .4690 .9981 .4606 .4890 .9998 .4B60 .4095 .9B35 .3854 .4295 .9900 .4105 .4495 .9949 .4358 .4695 .9981 .4612 .4895 .9998 .4866 .4100 .9837 .3860 .4300 .9902 .4112 .4500 .9950 .4364 .4700 .9982 .4618 .4900 .9998 .4873 .4105 .9B38 .3B67 .4305 .9903 .4118 .4505 ,9951 .4371 .4705 .9983 .4625 .4905 .9998 .4879 .4110 .9840 .3B73 .4310 .9904 .4124 .4510 .9952 .4377 .4]10 .998 .4631 .4910 .9998 .4B85 .4125 .9846 .3892 .4325 .9908 .4143 .4525 .9955 .4396 .4725 .9985 .4650 .4925 .9999 .4905 ,4130 .9B47 .3898 .4330 .9910 ,4149 .4530 .9956 ,4402 .4730 .99!l5 .4656 .4930 .9999 .4911 .4135 .9849 .3904 .4335 .9911 .4156 .4535 .9957 .4409 .4735 .9986 .4663 .4935 .9999 .4917 .4140 .9851 .3910 .4340 .9912 .4162 .4540 .9958 .4415 .4740 .9986 .4669 .4940 .9999 .4924 .4145 .9853 .3917 .4345 .9914 .416B .4545 .9959 .4421 .4745 .9987 .4675 .4945 .9999 .4930 .4150 .9854 .3923 .4350 .9915 .4175 .4550 .9959 .4428 .4750 .9987 .4682 .4950 1.0000 .4936 .4155 .9856 .3929 .4355 .9916 .4181 .4555 .9960 .4434 .4755 .9988 .4688 .4955 1.0000 .4943 .4160 .9858 .3936 .4360 .9918 .4187 .4560 .9961 .4440 .4760 .9988 .4695 .4960 1.0000 .4949 .4165 .9860 .3942 .4365 .9919 .4194 .4565 .9962 .4447 .4765 .9989 .4701 .4965 1.0000 .4955 .4170 .9861 .394B .4370 .9920 .4200 .4570 .9963 .4453 .4770 .9989 .4707 .4970 1. 0000 .4962 .4175 .9863 .3954 .4375 .9922 .4206 .4575 .9964 .4460 .4775 .9990 .4714 .4975 1. 0000 .4968 .4180 .9865 .3961 .4380 .9923 .4213 .4580 .9965 .4466 .4780 .9990 .4720 .4980 1. 0000 . 4 9 ~ 5 .4185 .9866 .3967 .4385 .9924 .4219 .4585 .9965 .4472 .4785 .9991 .4726 .4985 1.0000 .49 1 .4190 .9868 .3973 .4390 .9925 .4225 .4590 .9966 .4479 .4790 .9991 .4733 .4990 1.0000 .4987 .4195 .9870 .3979 .4395 .9927 .4232 .4595 .9967 .44B5 .4795 .9992 .4739 .4995 1.0000 .4994 .5000 1.0000 .5000 -25- Percent of Flood at Constant V /L Ratio 'Pith various areas established, the "percent of flood," i.e., design Vload expressed as a percent of the flood Vload, may be calculated by Equation 13. % Flood 100 NOTE, Vload + GPM X FPL/1.3000 - - - - ~ A A X CAF (15), (1 are have valid application. (13) riO The capacity of Ballast trays is also a function of the dry tray pressure drop. Columns with a short flow path length, small diameter columns, or columns with obstructions in the active area 'vill have fewer Ballast units per square foot of active area than do columns not having these limitations. The number of Ballast units used on a tray may also be reduced from the maximum potential number to obtain a mini- mum cost design or for process reasons, i.e., to obtain efficient operation at substantially reduced rates. The following equation covers this criterion: [ L,PclJ = TS X .2 J flood ( 17) where TS = tray spacing, inches L,PcI" = dry tray pressure drop from page 27 based on V-I units Flood Vload The flood Vload at constant vapor to liquid ratio is the design (Vload) (100) divided by the percent of flood. Major beams (lattice type) supporting four levels of trays. -26- Pressure Drop The pressure drop of Ballast trays is a function of vapor and liquid rates; number, type, metal den- sity, and thickness of the valve; weir height and weir length. At low to moderate vapor rates, when the valves are not all fully open, the dry tray pressure drop is proportional to the valve weight and is essen- tially independent of the vapor rate. At vapor rates sufficiently high to open the valves fully, the dry tray pressure vapor Dry Tray Pl'essme Drop. The dry tray pressure drop of the V-I and V-4 Ballast trays most frequent- ly used is obtained from Figure 8. This nomogram is based on a valve metal density of 510 1b cu ft. The following two equations may be used for conditions not covered by the nomogram. The larger value is correct. where L:i.Pdry = inches liquid tm = valve thickness, inches Dm = valve metal density, Ib/ cu ft K" Ke = pressure drop coefficients V H = hole velocity, ftl sec (18a) (18b) Values of K, and K2 are given below together with the thickness corresponding to several gages and densities of commonly used metals. PRESSUBE DROP COEFFICIENTS K, for cleck thickness of T\pe Unit K, .104" .1:34" 0.1117" 0.250" ..--"-- V-I .20 1.18 .9,5 .86 .67 .61 V-4 .10 .68 .68 .68 n.a. n.a. Valve l\!aterial Thickness Density Density Gage till, inches l\fetal lb/cu ft Metal lb/cu ft 20 . 037 C.S . 490 Hastelloy 560 18 .050 S.S. 500 Aluminum 168 16 .060 Nickel 553 Copper 560 14 .074 550 Lead 708 H ole Area. The area used to calculate hole velocity in Equation 18 is as follows: AI-! = NU178.5 where NU = total number of Ballast units AH = hole area, sq ft See page 31 for an estimate of the number of units. -27 - (19 ) Total Tray Presstl1'e Drop, L,P. Total tray pressure drop is calculated from the following equation: L,P = L,Pctry + .4(gpm/Lwi)2/3 + .4 H" where L,P = total pressure drop, inches liquid Hw = weir height, inches Lw i = weii' length, inches (20) Pressure drop in inches of liquid can be converted to pounds per square inch or mm Hg by the fol- lowing equations: L,P, Ibl sq in = (L,P, inch liq) (DL) 11728 L,P,mmHg = (L,P,inchliq)(DL)/33.3 Downcomer Backup (21a) (21b) The downcomer backup should not exceed 40% of the tray spacing for high vapor density systems (approximately 3.0 Ibsl cu.ft. ), 50% for medium vapor densities and 60% for vapor densities under 1.0 Ibsl cu. ft. Otherwise, flooding may occur prior to the rate calculated by the jet flood equations. Down- comer backup, Hdc, in inches of liquid is calculated as follows: Hd, = H" + .4 (gpm/L,;)2/3 + + H ud] IPL l Hud = .65 (Vud)2 or = 0.06 (22) where Hud = head loss under downcomer, inches liquid (23) Vud = liquid velocity under downcomer, fUsec Hdc = liquid height in dowl1comer, inches DCCL = dowl1comer clearance, inches DCE = length of dowl1comer exit, inches Flexibility The estimated vapor velocity at which no leakage occurs on a single-pass conventional valve type tray is expressed by the following VHvDvlDL values versus the liquid level on the tray: Liquid Level 1 V-I 0.35 V-4 0.63 1.5 0.45 0.81 2.0 0.53 0.97 2.5 0.59 1.11 3.0 0.69 1.24 3.5 0.75 1.36 4.0 0.82 1.48 with a standard desi n and can be reduced or of 25% of the liquid on the tray normally represents a 10 per cent loss in efficiency. If adequate flexibility cannot be obtained when using the maximum complement of units, either of several methods may be taken to extend the lower operating limit to any desired value within reason: ( 1) increase the cap spacing to reduce the number of units or omit rows of units at the inlet or outlet edge of the tray; (2) use heavy units with a zero tab height (zero initial opening) at selected rows, if pressure drop permits. These units are considered as inactive. A-I or V-2 units may be used for very low liquid rates or where complete closure is desired. -28- L.:,PD" LIQUID 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 FIGURE 8 BALLAST TRAYS DRY TRAY L.:,PD V-I & V-4 TRAYS DENSITY OF LlQ. lb/ct 100 80 70 Vol 60 100. 100 80 50 90 70 80 6040 70 60 50 4030 35 30 ,35 25 30 20 W :> 25 20 ;;;i :> <i (b) UNITS OPEN (L.:,PD = K2Vl! K2 Varies W /Deck Thickness .. 20 w W :> :> -1 -1 <i <i o 0 '<:I' to - .-I 0 to - UNITS PARTIALLY OPEN V o 4 100 70 60 50 40 30 20 W :> -1 <i 0 0 N 2 1.0 OBTAIN L.:,P D CORRESPONDING TO (L.:,PD = 1.35.!!!lQm. + K1V H Dv/DL) 0.5 o THE LARGER VALUE APPLIES. EXAMPLE: Vol UNIT (14 Ga.) Deck Thickness = 14 Ga. Dv/DL = 2.00 Density of Liquid = 23.0 L.:,PD(a) = 2.68 L.:,PD(b) = 2.10 :.L.:,PD = 2.68 NOTE: FOR THIS NOMOGRAM Dm 510 Ib/cf -29- 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 ++++++++ -+ -I- :.L--f,.L---l'4f-1--7 --: -? - +- 7 -; + -; II + ... + + ,. + + + ... ... + I I ,1+++++ ++ ... Il 11+ ... + + + ... ... ...... I, 11++ 1+ -+- -+ -+ {- + + -+ + -\0 +- {- II 4.25 -{> -+ .... -+ + .... {- -+ + -+ + {- -+ -+ -+ ... ... - -r-- ... -+ -+ .... + -+ ... ... ... +++++ ++ 25 x 1.50' 37.50 FIGURE 9 f4- 11.25 TYPICAL 5'-0" SINGLE PASS BALLAST TRAY -30- en "' .,; ! .MJ '" ": :: r "' 0 :!C T :: m In .,; Flow Path Width, WFP The width of flow path is defined as the active area in square inches divided by the flow path length. This term is used to estimate the number of Ballast units. WFP = AA X 144/FPL (26) ApproximateN"umber of Ballast"U nits The number of Ballast units which will fit within the active area is the number of rows of units multiplied by the average number of units per row, with corrections for tray manway loss. This can be estimated as follows: 1. With truss lines parallel to liquid How, Rows = [FPL - 8.5 + l][NPJ .5 X Base WFP Units/Row = ----- 5.75 X NP (.8) (No. Major Beams + 1) 2. With truss lines perpendicular to liquid flow, Rows = [FPl! - 1.75 X ~ ~ . Trusses - 6.0 J [ NP J WFP Units/Row =, ----- (2) (No. MaJ'or Beams + 1) Base X NP where FPL = Flow path length, inches WFP = Width of How path, inches NP = ~ l l m b e r of passes Base c-c Base spacing of units, usually 3,0, 4.0, or 6.0 inches (27) (28) (29) (30) There will be approximately 12 to 14 units per square foot of active area using a base of 3 inches. Fewer units can be obtained by omitting rows or changing the base to use one of the other standard dimensions. Truss lines are usually parallel to liquid flow in columns not having a major beam, but are usually perpendicular to liquid flow in columns having a major beam. Swept-back weirs will result in a loss of Ballast A typical tray layout is shO\vn on Figure 9. -31- FIGURE 10 PICKET FENCE WEIR Anti-Jump Baffles for Multipass Trays Operation at high rates require that anti-jump baffles be added at the center and/ or off-center down- comers of multipass trays. A discussion of the function, conditions which require such baffles, and mechanical design follows. These comments apply to all types of trays; bubble cap, sieve, etc. Anti-jump baffles consist of a metal plate suspended vertically above the center and off-center downcomersof multipass trays. bottonl of is at sm:nc the overflow weir. The top of the baffle is 11" to 20" above the tray floor. The baffle is essentially equal in length to the weir length but does not require sealing at joints or the tower shelL It is normally made in three pieces; the center piece being a manway. These baffles haw been tested thoroughly in a three foot wide x six foot long air-water simulator and are in successful service in owr 2000 columns. By observation, vapor expansion at the outlet weir pumps the liquid over the weir. At a sufficiently high "apor rate, the trajectory carries the liquid com- pletely O\'er the dowllcomer and onto the opposite side of the tray. The tray then floods prematurely due to increased liquid holdup, caused by cycling of the liquid across one side of the tray and back to the other. Anti-jump baffles deflect the liquid into the downcomer, as does the tower shell when the flow is towards the side downcomers. Baffles are recommended if the operating Vload/ AA exceeds the limiting Vload AA: \\'here limiting Vload AA = 0.336 - 0.0192 (CF:l\1 i WFP) There are other factors which could cause baffles to be required. Picket Fence Weirs Picket Fence Weirs are normally recommended if the GPM/Lwi is less than 0.25-0.30. These are shown on the opposite page. For verv lo\\' liq Llid rates splash baffks are recomlTlended. These are solid to 1S to, overflow Well'. Number of Passes Usually, a smaller tower diameter can be obtained by using multipass trays to hold liquid rates below 8 CPl\1/\\'FP. The number of Ballast units which can be placed on a tray decreases as the number of passes increases; and, both pressure drop and downcomer backup may increase. Tray efficiency will de- crease with increasing number of passes due to the smaller flow path length. The minimum practical 0; o. Passes Diameter, Ft. Two 5 6 Three 8 9 Four 10 12 Five 13 15 l\lany customers prefer to use trays ha\'ing no more than two passes. If the number of passes is restricted, either by cllstomer preference or by tower diameter limitations, liquid rates up to 20 CPM/WFP can be and have been used. -33- FIGURE 11 Downcomer Types L_ L_ L_ AJNLET r L "( RECESSED C I AREA INLET AREA ]- 1- V.ERTICAL. APRON DOWNCOMER SWEPT-BACK SIDE WEIR CIRCULAR DOWNCOMER SLOPED APRON DOWNCOMER CENTER BOXED DOWNCOMER FROM CENTER SUMP STEPPED APRON DOWNCOMER SEGMENTAL CIRCULAR DOWNCOMER SEAL PAN -34- L ~ I I EJ ENVELOPE DOWNCOMER L_ [ -gJ- j- P ~ P E DOWNCOMER EXTENDED DOWNCOMER SIDE BOXED DOWNCOMER FROM CENTER SUMP Weir Length \Veir lengths may be obtained from Table 4. An average weir length for even-numbered and odd·· numbered trays of two and four pass trays is used for calculating pressure drop. A swept-back weir on the side downcomers can be used to increase the weir length for purposes of reducing pressure drop. A swept-back weir does not significantly change either the active area or the effective downcomer area, or the capacity of the trays. Weir Height A weir height of 2" is used in most services. Exceptions are those having a low pressure drop specifi- tion. A weir height as low as 1/2" has been used in vacuum columns but a %e" minimum weir height is normally recommended. A weir height up to 6/1 can be used where a high liquid residence time is necessary, for example where a chemical reaction is involved. If the weir height is greater than 15% of the tray spacing, the effective tray spacing for purposes of calculating percent of flood should be re- duced by the excess of the weir height over 15% of the tray spacing. Inlet Weirs Inlet weirs ordinarily are not used with Ballast trays except to distribute reflux to the top tray or to insure a positive seal at high vapor rates and low liquid rates. Inlet Sumps Hecessed inlet sumps used in conjunction with slo1,)ed or stepped downcomers have the following ad\'antages as a method for introducing liquid to the tray. 1. A positive seal is provided under all operating conditions. 2. Liquid enters the tray' with a vertical component rather than with only a horizontal movement. This results in better aeration at the inlet edge of the tray and increases both tray efficiency and capacity. 3. Decreases downcomer backup. Inlet sumps are slightly more expensive than flat seal areas. However, the added cost is small com- pared with value received. Area ~ U n d e r Downcomer, AUD The term AUD is used to designate the most restricted area at the bottom of the downcomer. This area is usually established at Y2 to lis that at the top of the downcomer. A velocity of 1.5' /sec is not unusual. Foamy systems' require a lower velocity. Downcomer Types Various types of downcomers are shown on Figure 11. -35- Example Design Problem A two pass tray design with a 20 inch tray spacing 'will be illustrated. Design loads together with a summary of design calculations are shown on the facing page. The method of determining the proper downcomer area for maximum capacity is shown below. The column will be designed for not more than of customer flood is .70. The is nonfoarfling, and the system factor is 1.0. Eq. lc = 7.5 X (20 X (29.33 - 2.75 X 1.0 = 170 gpm/sq ft Eq. 2a CAF = .395 X 1.0 = .395 ft/sec Fig. 6 Approximate DT = 7'-6/1 (based on 24" TS & 80% Flood) Eq. 3 Approximate FPL = 9 X 7.5/2 = 33.7 inches Eq.4 AAM = (8.86 + noo X 33.7/13000)/(.395 X .70) = 42.5 sq ft Eq. 5 ADM = noo/ (170 X .70) = 9.25 sq ft Eq. 6b ATM = 42.5 + 2 X 9.25 = 61.0 sq ft Eq. 7 DT = V61.0/.7854 = 8.8 ft. Use 9'-0" or 108" AT = .785 X 9.0 2 = 63.62 sq ft Eq. 8 AD = 63.62 X 9.25/61.0 = 9.9 sq ft AD is more than 10% of column area. OK Eq. 9 H3 = 12 X 9.9/9.0 = 13,2 inches AD, = 9.9/2 = 4.95 AD,/ AT = 4.95/63.62 = .0777 H,/D = .1315 from Table 4 H, = .1315 X 108 = 14.2 inches Eq. 10 FPL = (12 X 9 - (2 X 14.2 + 13.2) )/2 = 33.2 inches Modular FPL = 32.5 or 34 inches, use 32.5 Use H, = 14.5, H3 = 14/1 AD, = 5.09 sq ft each 2 X AD, = 10.18 Eg. 12a AA = 63,62 - 20.68 = 42.94 sq ft Eq. 13 % Flood = (100) (8.86 + noo X 32.5113000) = 68 6 42.94 X .395 . o _ 100 (8.86) Eq. 14 10 Flood - 63.62 X .395 X .78 45.2 Since Eq. 13 gives greater value than Eq. 14, use Eq. 13 -36- + .. ' .-,:,._!",:c: GLiTSCH, INC. Ballast Tray Design Customer Inq. No. ___ _ User _________ . Vessel Service CJ S,d/ti6R I I DT, Tower· Dia, __ __ c _____ c_ .. __._. __ ,inches AT, Tower Area 6S 6.:2 sq ft AA, Active Area 91' sq ft AD, Downcomer Area 10.34;/ sq ft NP, No. of flow paths ,;). FPL, flow path length 3.;1· .s- inches WFP, flow path width 190 inches L'i, weir length: /U 7 ineh; Hw, weir height: d inch; adj. 4/0 Anti-jump baffles on trays £1'*':41:4= It?t?ds Draw pans on Feed to . vaporized_. __ _ Manholes on trays I.D._.-__ _ MtllThk: 1ft,tI,i?,.; Decks (!s / /C)(;;;dI,. Packing; Tray D Sumps D Truss Ends 8 None D Loadings at Tray No. / _.- ---_ .._-- No. Trays in Section ?S' Tray Spacing, inches ';;0 .- System (foam) Factor /.0 Rate, 1bs/hr .;?71.5lJ 0 -- Rate, cfs, cu ftl sec .1------- 'Dv, lblcu ft dfJ.?5" Vload. cfsvDv/(DL - Dv) Glitsch Job No. __ . __ . ____ Date _____ _ Sheet of ____ Rev. ____ _ D.C. Downcomcr 'Nidth Dimensions __ -==,,---_--,=,,-- Side Center Off-ctr Off-side 2: Typ. even -e290 !.¢!.4 /tl./ I 2: Typ. odd 14.0 .;lIt.. () Total 43.0 3("3.4 Average It!!· 7 _ Residence Time. sec D.C. Area, % of __ D.C. Btm D.C.: seal pans D; extended D total draw D; boxed D 1------- 1------------ -- , --1-----.. ----f-.----.- - -- 1------ ._-- ._----- ---'--.- _._--- -- _._-- CAF ·.:i9S- - --[--_._-------- Hate. Ib/hr .:159. /00 -,--,-- .---- : I Hate, GPM //tJo Dr. Iblcu ft -- 1-------1-- 0''7, 33 - VDdsg /7Cl (AD X VDdsgj GPM)·6 = DLF /3';;6 --- % Flood, const. V IL, Eq. 13 6 Valve Type Thk. inch V-I .06 No. Valves Ah, sq ft [5"34 6.1 ----.. ---c-- ----- Vh" D\.JDL DPdry /.55 I P:: DP, inches liquid ___ ----- --- DP, mm Hg or psi Vloadl Ah dsgn I min / . .3 ·73 Aud, sq ft 4.0 HU<l, inches liquid . ';)',5' Rll', inches liquid 7" - C/l ,.;.:: I-! S (l) -37- Form PE·4, Rev. 1, 4-61 !,' Tray Efficiency FigureZ2 shows a plot of overall tray efficiency of the V-I Ballast tray obtained in a 4'-0" diameter fractionating column on the isobutane/n-butane and cyclohexane/n-heptane systems at several pressures. The results of these tests are described fully in Glitsch Bulletin No. 160. This figure may be used as a guide in selecting tray efficiency for design of commercial columns for similar systems. However, the usual practice has been to establish the number of trays required to ob- tain the desired separation with bubble cap or sieve trays and to use the same number of Ballast trays. The \'-4 Ballast tray has been used to separate the ethylbenzene-styrene system in a single column without having an excessive bottom tray pressure. Large size V-2 Ballast units h(1\<e been used to replace bubble cap and riser assemblies in existing columns. The efficiency and capacity of the installations have exceeded that of thc original bubble cap trav. Extra trays to compensate for mislocatioll of the feed tray and instrumentation swings should be considered when the number of trays is established. - -t- o 10 FIGURE 12 V-I BALLAST TRAY Overall Tray Efficiency vs Vapor Density & Load ! rn Experimental data at total :1 ~ t R e ~ l u x 2" weir height, 30" FPL 50 60 Percent of Flooe' -38- Mechanical Details Ballast Unit Spacing Orifices of 1 17/32," diameter are punched in the deck for insertion of Ballast units. A group of up to seven holes may bc punched on each stroke of the press when the standard close pitch is used. Four of the holes are in one row and the other three are in another row which is displaced forward 1 v;ift and staggcred midway between the holes of the adjacent line. The deck panel progresses 3" with each stroke and produces a pattern of holes having a triangular base of 3" and a height of 2.5". Truss lines are parallel to the base of the triangle. The base of the triangle can be changed at will. Standard triangular base dimensions of 3v;i, 4, 4Yz and 6 inches in addition to the 3" base are used. The triangular height of 2.5" is used for all spacings; this permits modular deck panel widths to be used. Weir to Ballast Unit Distance The distance from the outlet weir to the centerline of the nearest row of Ballast units is standardized at 4Yl". The distance from the inlet edge of the tray to the nearest Ballast unit is also 4Y4/l. These di- mensions are varied for special applications. T ovverManhole Size (Inside Diameter) The tower manhole inside diameter is a major factor in designing the trays, as this affects the tray manway width and the number of pieces that must be installed. Small tower manholes do not permit an optimum design and could appreciably affect the cost of the trays. Ilumber of rows of Ballast units on a panel depth of truss required the mechanical design determine the minimum diameter of the vessel manhole required, If the number of rows of Ballast units per panel is 5, 6 or 7 (using 2v;i" row centers), the approximate manhole inside diameter required is 16", 18Yz" and 21", respectively. Large manholes are especially important for larger towers, or where a large number of trays is involved, as a reduction in the number of pieces becomes more significant. Trusses required for diameters greater than 12 ft. The major support beams are nearly always installed parallel to liquid flow. The truss depth and construction is made adequate to support the tray weight plus 20 to 25 pounds per sq. ft. uniform load with a Ys" maximum deflection for towers up to 12'-6" diameter. A 3/16" maxi- mum deflection is usually allowed for towers above 12'-6" diameter. On very large diameter towers, the allowable deflection may be greater. The trusses can be cambered to compensate for high deflections which may be encountered in large diameter towers. The trusses are designed to support not only dynamic loadings, but also a concentrated load of 250 pounds or more at any point without exceeding -39- the tangential stress limits in extreme fibers. "Explosion proof" trays designed to withstand a load of 600 lbs. per sq. ft. or more from either top or bottom side may be made for special applications. Truss Gap The distance between the centerline of Ballast units across a huss is 4 ~ " for lap joints and 31;2" for butt joints. The 4 ~ " can be reduced when necessary by use of special clamps. ' Tray Ring Gap The center of a Ballast unit can be placed no closer than 1 ~ " from the tray ring to prevent inter- ference. However, due to tower out-of-roundness, this distance could be as much as 1 ~ P I plus ~ of 1% of the tower diameter after trays are installed. T ray Diameter The diameter of the tray deck must be properly sized to allow for tower out-of-roundness, weld metal at the tray ring, etc. It is standard practice to allow %" clearance between the edge of the tray deck and the tower shell when using 11;2" and 2" wide rings; I" is standard for 21;2" wide rings; and, 11;2" is standard for 3" rings and wider. Circular Downpipes Circular downpipes or rectangular ducts are frequently used at transition trays, chimney trays, accumulator trays, from the bottom tray sump to the bottom of the tower, with cartridge type trays, etc. The collection area or recessed sump to which the downpipe is attached is sized as if it were a con- ventional downcomer by methods given previously. The sump should be at least 15" deep. A velocity of 2 to 3 ft/ sec can be used to size the duct. A recessed sump beneath the center or off-center downcomer of two and four pass trays is frequently used to conduct liquid to the side of the tower for withdrawal as a sidestream or as circulating reflux. Similarly, channels are sometimes used to distribute non-flashing feed liquid to multipass trays in lieu of feed pipes and distribution headers. If the channel width is smaller than the nozzle, a box is placed at the end of the channel so as to encompass the nozzle. A velocity of not more than 2.5 ftlsec based on the cross sectional area of the channel is recommended. -40- To those using this manual"" @ This manual is a design procedure for Glitsch Ballast Trays. Certain aspects of tower design are important if maximum capacity is desired and potential bottlenecks are to be circumvented. In the initial phase of tower design, the following points should considered when spacings are 1. Extra tray spacing usually is required at transition trays, i.e., where a change in the number of passes is contemplated. A spacing of 4'-0" is preferred, particularly in large towers. 2. Extra space is required if the feed is vaporized. 3. Extra space should be provided for internal liquid feed pipes if tower loadings are high at the feed point. Internal piping preferably is located at a point just below trusses of the next higher tray. A column may Hood prematurely for reasons other than tray design. The following are examples: 1. The liquid line to the reb oiler is too small, becomes plugged with debris, or the reboiler vapor line is too small or otherwise restricted. Any of these may cause liquid to back up in the bottom of the column above the reboiler vapor line. 2. The reboiler vapor jet stream impinges on the seal pan overflow, resulting in excessive entrain- ment to the bottom tray. 3. A restriction to liquid flow through a downcomer exists due to incorrect tray installation or the of 4. Reboiler or feed vapor improperly introduced. ,5. Excessive foaming or vaporization of liquid in downcomer. 6. Internal loads are appreciably higher than design loads due to an incorrect latent heat of vaporization, a change in operating pressure, or not having made a proper heat and material balance. phase. An occasional slug of methanol has been used to alleviate hydrate problems, 8. The system pressure is too close to the critical pressure. The design procedure given herein is intended to be neither conservative nor optimistic. As design procedures for some valve type trays frequently indicate a "calculated" capacity which is higher than calculated by this design manual, it should be understood that Glitsch Ballast trays are guaranteed to have a capacity equal to, or greater than, any other conventional trays on the market. -3- Ballast® Tray Features \Vebster has defined ballast for usc in reference to "that which needs to be held down because it is too light, too buoyant, or the like; it implies the addition of something heavy or solid enough to insure stability." Durmg an early phasc in research and development of Ballast trays, it was found that valves that wcre permitted to seat Hush had a tendency to be unstablc; i.e., at low vapor rates, the vapor would channel through a few wide-open valves in a small aerated zone located at some indeterminate position. The remaining valves would be completely closed. With flush seatcd units, liquid can bypass around the aerated zone on single pass trays; and on two pass trays, one side of the tray can be completely inactive, or the activity can switch back and forth from one side to the other. Glitsch has climinated the problem of instability with various types of Ballast trays. The Glitsch A-I Ballast tray has a thrcc-piece unit consisting of an orifice CO\'er, Ballast plate and a travcl stop. At extremely low \'apor rates, the orificc cover rise is limited by thc wcight of the Ballast plate. \Vhen only thc orifice co\'ers arc open, the slot area is relatively low which causes a larger portion of the capped area to hc actiw'. At highcr \'apor rates, thc Ballast plate rises until it contacts the travel stop. The A-I Ballast tray is vcry resistant to leakage and is highly recommended when the liquid rates are extremely low, or if the absolute maximum Hexibility is required. It is a valve type tray somewhat similar to the "rivet" tray first used in 1922. It differs from other vah'e type trays in three major respects. First, the V-I unit has a two-stage slot opening rather than the single-stage conventionally used. This permits a flow of vapor through all of the valves at low \'apor rates and results in a wide range of stable operating conditions. Second, the of the valve is sloped d provided with a 5h at the portion of the lip. The sharp edge accentuates turbulence at the position where vapor enters the liquid and generates additional \'Clpor-liquid interfacial area to give a high tray effiCiency. Third, a heavy weight unit is normally used except in vacuum towers. The heavy unit increases the pressure drop and thereby increases tray efficiency in the operating region where the valves are not fully open. Advantages of Ballast trays may be summarized as follows: 1. Maximum efficiency at low loads insures a minimum quantity of off.·specification products during start-up. The high degree of flexibility makes it possible to operate with a minimum utility expense over a \vide range of feed rates. 2. High efficiency at conditions 5 to 10 per cent below incipient Hooding results in an increase in usable capacity. This permits more effective utilization of the column and auxiliary equipment. 3. High efficiency at intermediate load conditions can be utilized to improve product quality; to reduce the reHux ratio, resulting in a savings in utilities; or, to reduce the number of trays. -4- . . No sticking problem. it has been found that Ballast trays stay on stream for much longer periods of time than do other trays in the same service. Maintenance is simplified and worker comfort is improved because the top of the disc is smooth and flat. Shutdown time is decreased. The tabs are omitted to accomplish this. and have been used in many services subject to severe fouling with excellent success.. . some units will be completely open and the others will be resting on the deck. -5- .s bave occurred in approximately 4000 pro·cess nnits and 30. The line of contact of the tab with the deck is a 90 0 edge which is provided in order to help prevent sticking from mst and corrosion. Ballast trays may be used in any clean service. The 0. Carbon steel decks have been used in approximately 60 per cent of all installations to date. . The V-4 Ballast tray has been used to separate the ethylbenzene-styrene system in a single column. ' five users in the selection of the Glitsch equipment best suited to their needs. due to rapid draining. The mechanical design of the tabs are such as virtually to eliminate sticking problems. the V-type unit is seated on three tabs which hold the disc above the deck by a distance of approximately 0. I • Glitsch reserves the right to modify or improve these products without notice. the unit rises vertically to a maximum clearance above the deck of approximately 0. Therefore. At intermediate vapor rates.000 columns of V-type trays. Carbon steel or monel must be used in service where HF is present.32". They are not normally recommended because the sharp edge on the lip will be lost due to rusting prior to the initial start-up or at shutdowns. nothing in this manual is to be deemed a warranty. The sharp edge is worth 5 to 10 per cent in added tray efficiency. it may be desirable to permit selected Ballast units to seat completely. 5. Glitsch will be pleased to give appropriate warranties in its quotation and which tcill be incorporated into the user's purchase order. A higher initial rise results in too much slot area for operation at low loads and a lower initial rise results in tray instability. All technical data contained herein teere deueloped under carefully controlled conditions tehich may not duplicate the user's actual process conditions. . There are no sharp projections above the tray deck. Carbon steel Glitsch Ballast units are only occasionally used for reasons of economy. For special conditions. . The combination of low pressure drop and high efficiency for vacuum systems means a lower tower pressure drop. At high vapor rates. services use customers prefer stainless for nmy use tray components not touching the valve. . By experience in commercial columns where cleaning may be necessary.1".1" height is an optimum distance.4. At zero to relatively low vapor rates. 0.-5 (Flat Orifice) V-2X V-4 TYPE ~ (Extruded Orifice) -6- . V-4 .. V-4X . A-2X. .FIGURE 1 Ballast®Unit Types Nomenclature used: X: Flushoseating B: Blanked H: Heavy Vol..-2.0. A-5X V-lX. A standard Ballast unit is used in this opening normally. V-4 This signifies a venturi-shaped orifice opening in the tray floor which is designed to reduce sub- stantially the parasitic pressure drop at the entry and reversal areas. It normally is used where moderate flexibility is required and a low cost is essential. -7- . It is used in services where only moderate flexibility is required and minimum cost is desired.Description of Ballast® Units The various types of Ballast units are shown on the facing page. The diameter of the standard size of the V-series of Ballast units is 1%". A description of each unit follows: V-o A non-moving unit similar in appearance to the V-I in a fully open position. Photographs of several Ballast trays are shown on page 8 and 9. V-2 The V-2 unit is similar to the V-I unit except the legs are welded-on in order to create a more leak-resistant umt. V-I A general purpose standard size unit. except the orifice cover is omitted. The legs are formed integrally with the valve for deck thicknesses up to %". V-5 A combination of v-o and V-I units. a cage or stop to A-4 An A-I unit combined with a venturi-shaped orifice opening in order to reduce the pressure drop. although a V-2 or V-3 unit can be used for special services. used in all services. It has a separate Ballast plate to give the two-stage effect plate and orifice cover in proper relationship. Large size units are frequently used for replacement of bubble caps. A-I The original Ballast tray with a lightweight orifice cover which can close completely. V·3 A general purpose unit similar to the V-2 unit except the leg is radial from the cap center. The V-2 and V-3 units are available in sizes up to 6". The maximum deck thickness permissible with this opening is 10 gage. A·2 The same as A-I. The welded legs permit fabrication of Ballast units for any deck thickness or size. FIGURE 2 Vol BALLAST TRAY. -8- . 9'06" DIA. Vol BALLAST TRAY (with Recessed Inlet Sump) 10'-0" DIA. PILOT COLUMN -9- . V-6 BALLAST TRAY 6" DIA. 5'-6" DlA. V-I BALLAST TRAY. 15'-0" DIA.FIGURE 3 V-I BALLAST TRAY. .......I ..............\ .I ...................... \ t ..... lb... 1--------t---------1----........ "Rate. ~lanhole size......... ....... None ____ Moderatc ____High _ _ _ _ Severe ____ _ "These "alues are required in this form for direct computer input.......I ...... lb...__ .......\ I Tower diameter... 3.......... inches....................... AdjllstahI6 weirs required: ycs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Packing material if reqnired ____..............-----I--------II I-------t--------j-------t-------f II:----------il--------I-------. S... 16. of ......... D--------+--------ff---------+------~ GPM hot liquid ... 4...... ..1 Conditions at Tray No . or Service ....+ ... ~_ _ _ _ _"b. "Density..../.\ ................... . I J ...... f ..r ...j ....... (cfs) .........../hr... rnay sections loading cases.. I ............______.. not required _ _ __ Tray material and thickness _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ............. NOTES: 1............... .. 9...\ 1 Viscosity../hr.._ _ _ _ _"""-_ _ _ _ _"""""_ _ _ _ __!I Foaming tendency.... mm Hg ...........:. P.. Manways removable: top . inches . .. I I : .... ft.... D---------\----------i--------l-------~ Max................. bottom _ _ _ __ top & bottom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 12...j f ..___________________ ....j .. PE-S -10- ....... 7.J I Surface tension .... ft... 1 .... 6............ Is maximum capacity at constant vapor-liquid ratio desircd?_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Minimum rate as % of design rate: % Allowable downcomer velocity (if specified): ftl sec Number of flow paths or passes: Glitsch Choice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bottom tray downcomer: Total draw .t .. cp ..+ ... ....f ...._...........i I Tray spacing.Process Design Data Sheet Item No.......I I .J I "Density..../ cu..l .....1 .... 17.. cfs V D..·I (DL-D... lb.... various in one tower.......1 .............1 .......... cu......... 5....... r ......i I "Rate.. Use additional sheets if necessary.j . fUsec... 15... Compressibility .. bottom to top _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Enclose tray and tower drawings for existing columns....• J 2._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Valve material _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ultimate user _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Plant location _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Form No.I ......) ...f Vapor to tray....... _______ .. Other ______________ Trays numbered: top to bottom ........ LD ............... I J . Pressure.. 1 I : ........ 13....... lb../ cu........... 1 1 : ................ 14.--\---------\I I--------!--------\---------I-------------I 11---------+--------[--------1---------11 11---------+--------[-------1--------11 II--------f--------II---------f------ Liquid from tray........... \t---------\--------\---------l------~ Total trays in section .........\ . of .. the property should be described. If the column is to bc used in several different services. The amount of time 1'equired to fill in the form is negligible when the importance of complete information is 1'ecognized.Tray Design Information Required Although it is possible to design valve trays based on only the internal vapor and liquid rates and densities. In most instances. or variety of services. if specified. a design which is m01'e likely to give the desi1'ed sepamtion. Packing is not ordinarily required except in sumps and at the ends of trusses. a less expensive design can be obtained by using larger downcomers than necessary. Ballast trays can be designed for a very low pressure drop. This provides both adequate downcomer area and the proper active area for future increased loads. Minimum loads may be expressed as a percentage of design loads. or by reducing the number of Ballast units. Glycol dehydrators and amine absorbers are not designed by the same procedure as other service having identical densities and flow rates. -11- . An indication of minimum anticipated loads is also important. The packing material is important for unusual services. lwweve1'. should not be made more 1'estrictive than necessary. an existing or specified tower diameter is larger than required. the ultimate user will prefer Adjustable weirs are not required for a majority of services. The type of service involvcd. Frequently. Surface tension is an important physical property which should be given if available. In order to obtain maximum capacity at constant vapor-liquid ratio. Howeve1'. If the system is frothy or has some other peculiar characteristic. p1'essure drop and flexibility will be obtained if complete information is given. It is not necessary to provide all the information requested unless the system has properties different from those of conventional refinery and chemical separations. the loadings for each case should be calculated. a more thorough design frequently can be obtained with complete information shown on the Process Design Data Sheet PE-8 (facing page). Many customers wish to utilize potential excess capacity. If a future increase in capacity is not contemplated. an unnecessarily restrictive pressure drop limitation )nay reduce the number of trays to a point where the desired separation cannot be obtained without going to two 01' more towers in series. capacity. the ratio of downcomel' area to active area is maintained for design conditions. should be given. It is important to have internal liquid and vapor loads at several tray locations if the loads vary appreciably from tray to tray. They will not be used unless specified by the customer or required by process conditions. The allowable pressure drop. down comer dimensions.5.7o entrainment. An alternative would be to increase rates by a factor of 1. or 66 per cent of flood as a maximum. a design having maximum capacity and maximum efficiency. i.25 to obtain a new design basis. The capacity. Similarly. A change in diameter. pressure drop and flexibility of a modular layout in that diameter are compared to customer specifications. In other words. might be equi\'alent to 100% of flood by the method given herein. By older methods. The capacity procedure given in this manual accounts for the effect of high vapor density and foaming and no additional derating is necessary. mally used for vacuum towers and a value of not more than . Some customers prefer a more liberal design in order to provide a contingency for process uncertainties. For example. high pressure deethanizers have been known from experience to flood at say 60 per cent of the rate which might be obtained from an atmospheric column. This implies a design at . a calculated per cent of flood of 100% means the tower can be expected to flood at design rates. For example. A diameter and tray spacing are estimated. A flood factor of .6.7. it is not possible to design them with a small safety factor and rely on them to always have the desired capacity and efficiency..e. We recommend that new columns be sized so that design rates are no more than 82 per cent of flood rates. cap spacing or tray spacing can then be made to meet specifications. or to obtain an optimum design. It has been a common practice of the industry to derate the calculated flood capacity for particular systems.2. These values are intended to give not more than approximately lOc. Higher flood factors may result in excessive entrainment andlor a column sized too small for effective operation. Design Basis Although it may be feasible to operate columns at near flood conditions. whether guaranteed or not.82 is used for other services.5 to . for a deethanizer as an example. amine absorbers and glycol contactors might "carry-owl''' at say 70 per cent of calculated flood rates by some procedure.5 should be used for column diameters under 36". a customer may specify that a column be capable of operating at 125 per cent of design rates. to obtain a minimum cost design.82/1. a calculated per cent of flood of say 60(/~). -12- .Design Procedure Ballast trays arc designed by a simple procedure. . ft.. The "system factor" used in Equation I makes an allowance for foaming...... . Hence.g. . The smallest value from Equation la.... .. .." Columns can be operated with a liquid velocity in the downcomer as high as 3 ft/sec provided the vapor rate is sufficiently low. ... amine and glycol regenerators ... .....30 FIGURE 4 Downcomer Design Velocity VD dsg = (VD dsg '.... VDdsg Velocities used by various companies for sizing downcomers vary by a factor of more than two...00 Fluorine systems.... .. Some companies use a residence time approach and others use a "maximum allowable velocity..... e...... caustic regenerators ...D" x System Factor Tray spacing. . .. .. BFs..absorbers...Downcomer Design Velocity.g... . Ib or lc is used..60 Foam-stable systems. .. This is about five times as high as the "maximum allowable" by most methods.90 Moderate foaming.......... . . ........ Freon ...... e. amine and glycol absorbers .. The procedure used in the manual for establishing downcomer area is based on a "design" velocity given by Figure 4 or Equation l.. ...... an appropriate system factor should be applied.') (System Factor) VDdsg * 20 30 50 -13- ...73 Severe foaming.5 x .Dv x System Factor VDdsg TS = 7-. MEK units ...... 1..... Factors for several typical services are shown in Table 1.g. the term "maximum allowable" can be misleading... oil.. If the designer knows that a particular system has a foaming tendency.. ...... VDdog = 250 x System Factor ( Ia) (Ib) (Ie) VDc10g = 41 x VDL .. = Downcomer SystelTI Factors System Factor Non foaming.... ... regular systems . e.... e... inches TABLE la where VDdsg = Design velocity....85 foaming.ITS x VDL ...g... gpm/sq. .. . ... Since a 24" tray spacing is generally selected for mechanical accessibility. . . e. . regular systems .. CAF Figure 5 shows the vapor capacity factor of Ballast trays... ... .... ... For example. values Vload = CFS /Dd (DL . Figure 5b is a coordinate plot showing the same relation given on Figure 5a. a system having a vapor density of 7 lb / cu It would have a capacity factor of 0. ..D\ ) where CFS = vapor rate. caustic regenerators . amine and glycol absorbcrs ..g. . ... oil absorbers. . . BF3... .. .'liquic1"densities ul~der approximately 35 lbl c~[ ft. ... .. .73 Severe foaming. . .... The value of CAF 0 from Figure 5 is multiplied by a "system factor" given in Table 1b to obtain a value corrected for foaming.... this spacing could be used rather than 30/1 which might otherwise be considered. .. .. . The amount of energy dissipated by vapor flowing through a tray and the quantity of entrainment generated thereby increase with decreasing vapor density. .g.60 Foam-stable systems.S5 Heavy foaming..... e. .. ..30-. ... ... .. actual Cll i~. .60 The capacity of Ballast trays increases with increasing tray spacing up to a limiting value. 1... .. . e..... The limit point shown on Figure 5b can be exceeded at very high vapor densities for systems such as high pressure absorbers. In vacuum columns the amount of entrainment generated causes a reduction in the capacity factor from that which can be obtained with higher vapor densities..g. Freon . l\IEK units .. For practical purposes. the limit occurs at 4S/I for vapor densities below 4 lb / cu ft..g.. amine and glycol regenerators .. . This effect is given by the equation shown as step 3 on Figure 5a....33 for any tray spacing above lS/I....00 Fluorine systems...g...Vapor Capacity Factor.. ...... e.. ..... e. ..90 Moderate foaming. (2a) TABLE Ib System Factors Sen"ice System Factor Non-foaming......... (2b) ft/sec This term is used for sizing a column and for calculating per cent of flood for a given column diameter. -14- .. . ... ... Very high vapor density systems reach a limit at a tray spacing below 48/1.. .... CAF = CAF 0 x System Factor The system factor used in Equation 2a is given below. 5 D (1J -I 0 2.. 5.5 U) .L f!: If 0\" is less than 0.4 2.35 <!. Go to equation 2a..5 .3 LL.GJ X (Dv)1/G/12 Select the smallest value from step 1. oj...25 CAFo 4.l 1. 8 . 0 (IJ Q u u 0 0 (IJ G ~ C/) <:( 2: LO ':l >0.....55 FIGURE 5a 5..5 ...2 -15- . :::J 0 If) 2 N L . 0 (1J () :1:: Lw ::>.. Lim it point 4. 2 or 3.45 3.5 t!. J::l "'(1J ""' 0 .0 oI 3. <!.0 U 4- . calculate = (TS)o.-' >.5..5 ro >- 0 > L..17 Ib/cu ft.0 . :t:! C Vl 2: 0' 12 . 0 ..l 0 > 0.0 FLOOD CAPACITY OF BALLAST TRAYS 4.5 . . 303500 FIGURE 6 BALLAST TRAY DIAMETER (FOR APPROXIMATION PURPOSES ONLY) Based on 24" Tray Spacing at 80% of flood 25 3000 FOR FOUR PASS TRAYS: (1) Divide V Load by 2 (2) Divide GPM by 2 (3) Obtain diameter from Two-Pass Tray Line (4) Multiply diameter by 2.J :::::> > Q.J 0 15 0' -.0 v 2500 20 2000 0 « 0 -.. ~ G 1500 10 1000 500 o o -17 - .. sq ft If the downcomer area calculated by Equation 5 is less than 11 % of the active area. FPL. AAM = Vload -IGP~1 X FPL/13000 CAF X FF (4) where Vload = Vapor load for any tray in the section GPM = Liquid load for the same tray AAl\1 = l\Iinimum active area. use the smaller of the following: ADM = 11% of the active area. gpm/sq ft =-= :'IIinimum dowlleomer area.Approximation of Column Diameter Flow Path Length. The minimum active area is a function of vapor and liquid loads. ft. ADM. inches DT = Tower diameter. flood factor and flow path length. ADM = GPl\II(VDclsg X FF) (5) where VDdsg = Downcomer velocity for design purposes. An approximate flow path length is useful for establishing the minimum tower diameter.7854 = = where ATl\f Minimum column cross sectional area. or AD:\f = Double that by Equation 5 Column Area. FPL = 9 x DT/NP where FPL = Flow path length. sq. Visual inspection of tray loadings usually will determine that tray which will give the largest active area. Figure 6 is used to obtain an approximation of tower diameter from which the flow path length can be estimated. system properties. AAM.78 X CAF X FF 1/ ATM/. The for more detailed calculations. downcomer design velocity and flood factor. ATM or ATM DT = = AAM +2 X ADM (6a) (6b) (7) Vload . fractional Downcomer Area. sq ft -18- . A visual inspection of liquid loads usually is sufficient to determine which tray requires the most downcomer area. feet NP = Number of flow paths or passes (3) Active Area. The minimum downcomer area is a fun9tion of liquid rate. The approximate column cross sectional area is calculated by Equation 6a or 6b. Further design calculations may result in a change in tower diameter. The tray having the maximum liquid load is not nccessarily the same one requiring the most active area. CAF = Capacity factor from Equation 2a FF = Flood factor or design per cent of flood. g. provided neither the downcomer area nor the active area is too small.. or it may be some other value.'o of the column area may be used provided it is at least double the calculated minimum downcomer . a design for maximum capacity should be used.Allocation of Areas for a Fixed Column Diameter The diameter of a column may be estimated by Equation 7. a downcomer area smaller than 10r. sq ft ADM "" i\Iinimum down comer area Equation 5 ATM = rdinimum tower area by Equation 6 The down comer area generally should not be less than 10% of the column area. maximum capacity design is used by Glitsch for new columns. In any event. the total down comer area is calculated as follows: AD = AT X ADM/ATM where AD = Total downcomer area. This type design is usually desired by the ultimate user. (8) Having established the tower diameter arid down comer area. a design for either minimum cost or maximum capacity may be used. if it is greater than the calculated minimum. is obtained by proportioning the active area and downcomer area so that the per cent of flood for vapor load is equal to the per cent of flood for liquid load. e.area. if the liquid rate is unusually low. an existing column diameter or one specified by the customer may be used. one also giving maximum efficiency. However. a sketch of the tray is useful to establish other dimensions. The remaining tower area is devoted to downcomer area and downcomer seal area. Minimum Cost Design is obtained by making the active area equal to the minimum active area. -19- . For existing columns. the actual cross sectional area of the diameter which is to be used is not likely to be the same as the approximate minimllm by Equation 6. sq ft AT = Actual tower area. For maximum capacity design. it may be possible to reuse the existing downcomers at a savings. and. Figure 7 shows typical sketches for one to five pass trays. If the actual tower cross sectional area is less than the calculated minimum area. in the absence of specifications to the contrary. Maximum Capacity Design. I H.H. I ~r FPL I J. I I SINGLE PASS I 1 TWO PASS FOUR PASS FIGURE 7 TRAY SKETCHES I 1 ~ FIVE PASS J -20- . (2Hl + Hl + 2H.25 ea. . = WF X AD/DT \vhere Hi = \Yidth of individual downcomer. each of the side downcomers of a four-pass tray would have an area of approximately 25% of the total down comer area.40 8.66 5. respectively. For this condition. FPL = 12 X DT. Ho and H. Fraction of Total Downcomer Area AD. off-center and off-side downcomers. . Some services haw such a high liquid load relative to the vapor load that the flow path length minimum of 16" may make it necessary to use a larger tower diameter than that calculated by Equation 7. H The terms H" Hl. The flow path length is calculated by Equation 10 and then downcomer widths may be adjusted to give a modular FPL. As and A" respectively. The total downcomer area should be divided between the downcomers of multipass trays in proportion to the liquid rate received and the active area served.50 ea.34 l. the minimum required downcomer area and the minimum flow path length establish the least cost design. TABLE 2 Allocation of Downcomer Area & Downcomer Width Factors Passes AD. + 2H.5". center. Refer to Figure 7.5" plus a multiple of 1. rro (9) lower WF = Width factor from Table 2 Downcomer widths are usually adjusted to give a modular flow path length. -21- . the flow path length can be made equal to 8.50 ea.Downcomer Widths. Table 2 is useful for allocating downcomer area in accordance with this concept. Sweptback downcomers of the circular and segmental circular type are shown on page 34. .0 .63 6.20 .5 The width of side downcomers can be obtained from Table 4. Corresponding areas at the top of downcomers are designated A" Al. ft. For preliminary purposes.00 . For example. An accurate estimate of the width of other than a side downcomer can be obtained by substituting width factors from Table 2 in Equation 9.) NP (10 ) A flow path length of less than Z6" is not feasible if internal manways are required. H. sq.50 12. are used to designate the width in inches of the side. This may require the use of sweptback side down comer weirs or sweptback side downcomers. ~ ~- ~ 2 3 .0 4 p . For large diameter towers having three or more flow paths. inches AD = Total downcomer area. WF AD.40 6.:) .66 .78 ea. 5. the active area in each flow path should be equal and the weir lengths adjusted so that the liquid rate to each weir is the same. AD" Width Factors. 0 ~ 1.885 . Alternately.95 .(2ADl + AD3 + 2AD5 + 2AD7) (12a) (12b) AA = AT . SF Fraction of Tower Diameters Passes 2 3 4 5 . An average value may be used as the total downcomer area for fur- ther Active Area.Downcomer Area. ft The span factor used in the above equation is the wall-to-wall distance at the mid-point of a downcomer. actual downcomer areas can be calculated exactly by use of Table 4. TABLE 3 (11 ) Approximate Downcomer Span Factors.l:!L 1. fractional DT = Tower diameter. inches SF = Span factor.2 X (ADa\g) downcomers normally are used only with recessed inlet areas or draw sumps.0 . The width and area of recessed inlets are usually the same as that at the top of the downcomers. AA = AT . -22- . The additional active area which can be obtained by this type of downcomer design usually is not more than 50% of the downcomer area. or established by other considerations. Either of the following two equations apply for straight downcorhers or sloped downcomers with recessed inlets. the area of the center. Sloped downcomers with flat seal areas at the bottom are used when it is necessary to obtain additional Ballast units for decreasing the pressure drop. Table 3 gives span factors.98 . AA Active area is the area available for Ballast units between inlet and outlet edges of the tray. AD With downcomer widths adjusted to modular dimensions. This table is also useful for estimating weir lengths and for checking exact methods for both downcomer area and weir length. off-center or off-side downcomers can be calculated with sufficient accuracy for preliminary purposes by use of the following equation: ADi = Hi X SF X DTIl2 where ADi = Area of individual downcomer. expressed as a fraction of tower diameter.88 The downcomer area of even-numbered trays may be somewhat different from that of odd-numbered trays for two or four passes. sq ft Hi = Width of individual downcomer. 0705 .0875 .0105 .3848 . 0424 .0825 .4913 .0735 .0410 .2730 .3650 .3299 .0870 .0235 .0950 .2086 .0930 .0015 .5709 .0160 .0285 .0805 .0035 .1889 .4481 .0925 .0999 .5823 .5987 .0905 .4731 .0310 .2834 .0355 .0150 .0051 .0360 .0595 .0900 .0975 .0700 .0895 .0233 .0288 . 4233 .4420 .5809 .3183 .0880 .4805 .0610 .0227 .0147 .5441 .0095 .0640 .3466 .293 11 .0371 .0254 . 0071 .0000 .4057 .4859 .0168 .5518 .4035 .0795 .OS65 .0510 .0337 ~'5j~5 .3966 .012$ .0450 .0442 .~-:"" .' >"".0403 .0344 .0065 .0190 .0850 .0077 .0250 .0770 .0475 .0440 .1990 .0635 .0775 .0399 .0334 .0498 .0915 .4254 .0040 .0885 .00 1 .4712 .4750 .0282 .0530 .0472 .0650 .0067 . 1667 .2800 .0016 .0012 .0455 .0545 .3573 .4694 .0055 .5/187 .'0024 .0500 .1181 .0152 .0300 .0290 .5219 .4317 .1782 .0000 .0435 .0005 .5316 .006.0251 .0025 .0396 .0335 .0041 .0002 .4579 .0415 .3412 . 0421 .2585 .1607 .5457 .0266 .0176 .5348 .0117 .2901 .0560 .5472 .0009 .3775 :63is .0187 .0003 .5607 .0660 .0001 .0318 .0.0457 .0605 .0134 .0212 .02 0 .0 1125 .0115 .0224 .0004 .0014 .0690 .0050 .0860 .0007 .0184 .0570 .2765 .0830 .3493 .5284 .0292 .3625 .5892 .0170 .017 .0460 .5850 .0087 .>6464' .0230 .0257 .1726 .02]0 .0632 .0092 .0 TC .0575 .0840 .01~5 .0090 .0340 ..0540 .0165 .0242 .2431 .0392 .0655 .0550 .0200 .0375 .0034 .0122 .0350 .4124 .0265 .0000 .2622 .0490 .0255 .1339 .02~5 .0239 .5578 .0940 .5864 .0449 .0470 .3061 . 0013 .2548 .0446 .0020 .0005 .0094 ):~.5666 .5502 .3439 .0069 .0330 :j~'4"g '.5018 .0193 .0495 .4656 . 0270 .0580 .00~5 .0505 .4400 .4190 .0139 .0368 .0780 .0190 .0236 .4 PI6 .5946 .5651 .4823 .4598 .0050 .0205 .0695 .4501 .0890 .0960 .0048 .0033 .4540 .0110 .4338 .0465 .0039 .0101 .5035 .0485 .0085 .3896 -23- .0985 .0765 .0218 .0070 .5203 .0505 .1 .0845 .0027 .3676 .0276 . 0171 .2308 .0774 .0105 .0304 .0260 .0002 .0341 .0380 .5563 .3384 .0207 .0555 .TABLE 4 SEGMENTAL FUNCTIONS D H = TOWER DIAMETER = CHORD HEIGHT L = CHORD LENGTH CHOHD AREA An D AT = TOWER AREA >1/0 FROM .0479 .4080 .5533 .3271 .0990 .0855 .0405 .0820 .5395 .0311 .0468· .0535 .0162 .0063 .0413 .0073 • 0075 .3751 .0910 .2510 .0445 .0018 .0030 .0395 . . i 545 .0517 .0004 .0210 .0745 .&H'l.0155 .4618 .0100 .00~9 .0185 .0110 .0815 .0750 .3800 .5120 .5332 .3943 .S410 :5 .3824 .0036 .0494 .0590 .5752 .0103 .0028 .0385 .0327 .0144 .4637 .5695 .0428 .0486 .4675 .3726 .3030 .5738 .0995 .0390 .5680 .3919 .00 0 .5919 .0785 .4168 .0970 .0124 .0157 .0210 .0273 .0715 .5973 .0221 .0108 .0755 .0021 .0305 .5637 .0358 .0625 .0308 .0354 .0279 .0620 .5000 .0160 .0204 .2659 .2350 .5766 .4520 .0389 .0053 .0215 .5592 .0480 .4895 .0020 .0301 .0060 .4931 .5906 .0037 .3872 .0894 .0670 .0025 .0935 .0314 .0112 .0165 .0179 .0090 .0370 .0057 .0042 .0008 .4948 . 41.5960 .0331 .0490 .1479 .0298 .5252 .0127 .4211 .0955 .0195 .0615 .0501 .2998 .1 i/O L/O Ar:/AT H/O L/O AO/AT H/O L/O AO/ AT H/O L/O AO/AT 1/0 L/O AO/ AT .0600 .0710 ..0248 .0439 .0730 .5363 .OS09 .0215 .4102 .0044 . :o~or .0513 .0430 .0065 .0945 .0260 .0740 .0406 .5724 .0010 .3701 .OO':.4296 .0085 .:/.0417 .0059 .3092 .5379 .l)1 .0129 .0361 .3153 .0980 .0220 .0001 .01 0 .4560 .5622 .5837 .0031 .4359 .0149 .2695 .0046 .0155 .5268 .0665 .0347 ..5052 .0225 .0630 .0378 .0680 .3328 .0137 .4787 .2868 .0315 .05es .0965 .2039 .0685 .0295 .0835 .5933 .0675 .0760 .4768 .0006 .5069 .0132 .0195 .0385 .4379 .4012 .0410 .2391 .0351 .1094 .0230 .0142 .5136 .3122 .0810 .2471 .0119 .5103 .5426 .0645 .0055 .0435 .1262 .4966 .0030 .0295 .0400 .0375 .5235 .0382 .4275 .0365 . .0453 .2265 .2132 .0010 .0000 .0245 .ltl ' '.3212 .4877 .2966 .1940 .~'2~1 '.0045 .0245 .0115 .5153 .0173 .0181 .0865 .5878 .4ge3 .0240 .4841 .3989 .3599 .0083 .0790 . 3242 .5548 .1836 .0525 .1411 .5086 .0515 .0345 .3356 .0011 .0364 .0431 .5300 .0447 .0800 .0475 .0263 .0285 .0420 .0483 . 7451 .1151 .8384.8717 .1870 .2010 .1450 .7513 .1200 .631r4 .2030 .8052 .2775 .8827 .8631 .0932 .1409 .6866 .2258 .0807 .1348 .9112 .0968 .2095 .2870 .2275.8625 .1813 .7304 .6144 .9047 .1580 .1835 .1500 .1745 .6368 .2625 .8712 .8789 .8578 .2105 .8298 .1150 .0755 .2640 .0773 .1378 .8566 .2580 .0842 .2820 .2135 .8751 .8312 .2945 .2790 .1030 .7684 .7295 .1023 .1975 .1434 .6283 .9019 .7901 .2575 .7378 .0973 .8223 .2455 .1155 .1944 .1285 .2555 .24 .8649 .1080 .0959 .0913 .2550 .0692 .7486 .1250 · 1255 .2295.2045 .1805 .7798 .1636 .0575 .8467 .2015 .7323 .1475 .2570 .2290 .1345 · 1350 .9152 .2330 .6813 .1300 . 1244 .2453 .1135 .1895 . .2795 .1594 .1214 .7955 .1735 .2335 .6040 .0595 .1210 .0643 .8811 .1668 .8910 .0726 .1075 .1960 .8352 .6499 .2850 .7052 .6659 .1495 .0820 .1917 .7725 .1520 · 1525 .1950 .6845 .0544 .1190 .6476 .9134 .1725 .1999 .1824 .9043 .2960 .2442 .8654 .2355 .2401 .7387 .2880 · 2885 .8955 .8096 .8935 .1605 .1325 .8970 .1490 .0524 . 1770 .7209 .1025 .2160 .7985 .0811 .7161 .2985 .1449 .6245 .0838 .2235 .0785 .2270 .0777 .6580.7709 .1263 .1439 .7433 .1589 .0945 .8125 .9038 .1945 .2021 .2482 .0532 .2005 .6940 .1'5 .9028 .6000 .7599 .9057 .8905 .0583 .8536 .0559 .2500 .8045 .2740 .0667 .0717 .8590 .1403 .8378 .1095 .7782 .8608 .1590 .2585 ..7267 .1781 .0598 .1860 .2083 .2690 .6131 .1900 .0768 .1125 .7733 .1440 .2925 .1383 .6546 .8643 .7608 .1230 .1563 .1555 .7102 .1885 .6704 .7556 .1165 .2380 .0579 .0705 .2229 .2540 .0721 .6092 .7001 .1988 .0747 .1927 .8371 .1579 .1862 .2506 .6648 .0941 .2459 .7424 .8000 .1710 .2975 .1933 .1800 .1380 .0555 .6791 .1308 · 1313 .7530 . 65 11 .1780 .1915 .8265 .1103 .1268 .7932 .8821 .2338 .0587 .2094 .6233 .1795 .1480 .2245 . 2645 .6170 .7112 .1700 .2027 .6737 .8637 .6440 .8869 .8030 .2440 .7616 .6682 .2660 .1930 .1990 .2230 .6455 .1224 .2400 .1511 .7442 . 2390 .1485 .2 TO .1760 .2825 .0790 .0900 .1175 .2220 .2190.0520 .7774 .7022 .2610 .8258 .0536 .7830 .7495 .0639 .0847 H/D rRO~ .1584 .2 H/D L/D "0/ AT .0709 · 1240 .1195 .9121 .2675 .1835 .1219 .1293 .6834 .2128 .2590 .2995 .2304 .8843 .2252 .2530 .6637 .7151 .hllB .6991 .2235 .9125 .0696 .6452 .6759 .1911 .85 1 .1460 .8930 .1575 .0659 .2815 .1090 .2415 .8499 .2065 .6557 .8089 .2875 .1890 .1056 .1470 .1684 .2465 .7180 .2384 .6929 .8325 .1200 · 1205 .0551 .1815 · 1820 · 1825 .7893 .7870 .2275 .2565 .2930 .6027 .1260 .7369 .6603 .2060 .1680 .7548 .2800 .1642 .1130 .2145 .7248 .2033 .7675 .1000 .8853 .2494 .7854 .1215 · 1220 .2049 .0602 .1338 .7351.1994 .2485 .0730 .2535 .1715 .8689 .1935 .7947 .1084 .1318 · 1323 · 1328 · 1333 .2780 .1791 .0833 .05 • 21 .0855 .2280 .8319 .7314 .2470 .9156 .1626 -24- .1905 .1055 .0825 .2770 .6569 .1033 .1695 .6332 .6079 .7521 .1711 .1190 .10M .8945 .0751 • 1290 .2865 .0886 .1595 .1925 .7238 .0860 .2264 .8182 . .2940 .1229 .2155 .1245 .2085 .2480 .2395 .8784 .0991 .0655 .8975 .1295 .2835 .1775 .7924 .7257 .8542 .8523 .1363 .2212 .6416 .2150.8778 .1875 .1545 .1180 .7667 .0623 .8103 .0781 .9052 .8805 .7032 .8278 .6053 .1610 .6887 .1132 .8985 .9014 .9130 .1600 .1037 .1160 .0671 .0606 .0873 .0791.6592 .1315 .8874 .1830 .0927 .2070 • 2075 .8925 .1660 .6981.1358 .1585 .1829 .1867 .7122 .7806 .1066 .2100 .1 TC.1195 .0816 .0996 .2298 .7332 .2450 .7692 .2165.1320 .1506 .1808 .8332 .8816 .1239 .2355 .8059 • 1465 .1146 .1650 .6770 .2225 .6157 .8365 .1521 .8067 .8118 .1625 · 1630 · 1635 .1061 .1553 .7219 . 1689 .1865 .2088 .8139 .2345 .1249 · 1253 .1100 .8285 .6748 .1275 .8980 .7396 .0803 .0734 .7574 .1568 .7190 .7012 .7415 .1770 .2140 .7504 .8920 .7814 .0869 .2488 .1665 .6356 .2517 .1658 .2195 .8081 .2044 .1940 .1732 .8486 .8695 .8740 .1884 .1435 .2130 .2050 .7846 .06111 .2344 .1720 .1465 .2367 .7885 .2361 .8037 .7862 .1258 .2224 .0591 .1108 · 1113 .6971 .2139 .8015 .2255 .2090 .2725 .0627 .6270 .2665 .1273 .0647 .2025 .2016 . 1558 .1035 .1670 .1631 .1516 .1496 • 1501 .8230 .2448 .8619 .1115 .1765 .2010 .1070 · !OJ5 .8832 .1365 .2375 .1480 .6824 .1475 .2072 .1840 .9107 .1645 .1010 .2378 .1906 .2895 .8602 .8940 .7229 . 771 7 .8560 .6671 .1470 .6802 .0663 .2670 .1156 .0986 .1730 .61r04 .2465 .6380 .7406 .2385 .0528 .2000 .2755 .2240 .7082 .1360 .7962 .1750 • 1755 .1855 .6464 .8480 .1283 .0631 .1171 .7072 .0954 .8271 .7565 .9071 .1028 • H/e .2218 .7742 .0540 .2410 .2156 .1705 .2935 .0909 .1145 .7285 .8950 .2965 .1127 .2560 .1530 · 1535 .8007 .1070 .1288 .2435 .0567 .1142 .1050 .1674 .1873 .2055 .6908 .1110 .1005 .6614 .1235.2080 .1000 .8723 .2066 .1995 .1042 .8794 .6320 .0963 .2471 .1790 .7042 .8995 .6877 .1920 .2845 .8745 .1685 .2200 .2650 .0950 .1094 .1460 • 2040 .2332 .8474 .1910 .2321 .2810 .8492 .2511 .1600 .8305 .0680 .1621 .1225 .2830 .0895 .2760 .7750 .0922 .2360 .1185 .1878 .7460 .2185 .2286 .8397 .8529 .1089 .9161 .8345 .8203 .1856 .1690 · 1695 . 1047 .0864 .8800 .2805 .7276 .2210 .6208 .7659 .6258 .1234 .1455 .7625 .8965 .1373 . tl.2840 .2250 .1410 · 1415 .2970 .6182 .1414 .0936 .1716 .8572 .1353 .1565 .7790 .8074 .0738 .1605 .6715 .2207 .7092 .6295 .1355 .1137 .1175 .7171 ..1850 .2060 .7909 .2260 .1615 .6392 .1303 .1204 .1786 .8762 .2038 .2605 .7766 .7633 .0882 .2167 .2685 .1802 .7916 .8 .2615 .0619 .2325 .1430 .2745 2750 . 1051 .9139 .2125 .1398 .0688 .7977 .2145 .9066 .2680 .8022 .7642 .9116 .0701 .8756 .1120 .8391 .6898 .1140 .1900 .1388 .2122 .2395 .2292 .2372 .7468 .6781 . 0684 .7838 .1510 .1647 .1040 ~ .1889 .2620 .1118 · 1122 .1675 .2595 .1980 .1298 .1019 .2950 .1721 .7939 .6626 .8554 .2269 .H/O .0904 .1845 .1170 .le40 .1305 .7141 .7200 .1405 .1420 · 1425 .2860 .2035 .7062 .1740 .6693 .1278 .2990 .2765 .0891 .0764 .1490 .2020 .1620 L/J \/A r H/D L/D Au/ AT .2180 .1663 .1020 .8251 .2425.2349 .8728 .2309 .1368 .1185 .1550 . 1851 .1265 .1065 .1570 .7582 .6960 .1400 .1080 .9103 .1949 .9024 .7477 .1955 .1161 .2326 .2430 .1005 .2285 .2281 .8960 .8614 .1370 .6726 .2635 .2785 .0610 .9009 .1965 .8734 .1810 .1429 .9061 .7700 . .6856 .1209 .0635 .2150 .0563 .2005 .8449 .8216 .1444 .2133 .2735 .1310 .8858 .8706 .1015 .2445 .1515 .0713 .6066 .0977 .1983 .2490 .0743 .2436 .81>10.2955 .9098 .2855 .1009 .2161 .6195 .8700 .1105 .1818 .7650 .8517 .2173 .7132 .184.1985 .7758 .1705 .9143 .1330 · 1335 .8110 .0547 .9033 .6534 .1727 .1560 .8990 .1343 .0982 .6488 .7539 .7877 .8244 .2315 .1679 .9148 .2241 .2175 .1 1 .8210 .1060 .8189 .9004 .8596.2390 .2265 .6105 lOltS .2475 .2077 .1655 .2495 .8837 .1454 .1700 .2525 .1085 .2630 .2545 .1375 .2655 .8196 .8461.0878 .8511 .6307 .8584 .8864 .7992 .0571 .2980 .1895 .8404 .1573 .7341.2420 .2350 .1652 .0851 .8292 .2340 .1540 .6523 .2170 .8767 .1615 .8999 .8848 .1640 .1764 .7970 .8915 .6013 .1340 .1785 .1393 .1385 .1505 .8773 .0798 .2205 .2460 .3 H/D L/D AD/ AT H/D L/D "0/ AT H/O L/D AD/ AT H/D L/D AD/AT H/D L/D AD/ AT .1166 .6428 .7360 .1395 .1880 .1922 .1970 .2730 .1419 .7591 .0918 .2215 .2116 .1180 .8132 .8505 .2246 .1485 .8237.8358 .1014 .1280 .6919 .2695 .2600 .6950 .2365 .1938 .1390 .2111 .2370.0760 .8338 .1797 .1610 .6220 .0676 H/U L/D Au/AT ~/J L/U Au/AT .2477 .2055 .7822 .2890 .1775 .1270 .0651 .1099 .0829 . 3 1 .9804 .2599 .4270 .3145 .9677 .2830 .3211 .3575 .4450 .3995 HID .9511 .0000 1.3156 .4020 .3115 .9956 .4595 .4725 .94B8 .9623 .9788 .3B16 .9527 .9786 .4135 .3700 .3524 .4705 .4340 .9961 .9221 .9792 .3460 .1.9755 .4905 .9919 .3080 .3692 .2623 .9930 .4390 .9612 .4105 .9965 .4130 .9860 .3574 .9798 .3438 .2788 .9517 .4365 .8 .4065 .3225 .4790 .9326 LID .4288 .9588 .4510 .0000 1.4765 .2777 .4255 .49 1 .34BO .9501 .416B .4663 .1.9720 .4580 .4B85 .4536 .3745 .3059 .2974 .4060 .9988 .9404 .3493 .3860 .3180 .3600 .4660 .4465 .4073 .4936 .3010 .44B5 .3561 .3077 .9411 .645 . 31+}0 .3382 .3107 .2836 .3BOO .9225 .3025 .9777 .4850 .4156 .9695 .4960 .9585 .4994 .9170 .9939 .3310 .9781 .9996 .4124 .9233 .4370 .4405 .4695 .3810 .4987 .3351 .9698 .9974 .9634 .4825 .2884 .3390 .9993 .4030 .4930 .3290 .3000 .9964 .2699 .3395 HID .2646 .9B35 .2593 .394B .9822 .3095 .4847 .3315 .4068 .2611 .9991.3605 .9200 .4307 .2629 .0000 .3315 .4900 .4790 .9999 1.3785 .30B5 .2920 .4225 .4200 .9903 .970B .4784 .3945 .3B90 .3611 .3357 .9725 .9419 .28 f8 .3265 . 0000 .3760 .3854 .2902 .9345 .3695 .4326 .4585 .9934 .4460 .3305 .4455 .4180 .4075 .9989 .9555 .4968 1.4325 .9422 .3655 .4809 .9978 .3525 .4074 .4854 .3667 .9897 .9715 .3790 .4625 .9440 .2854 .9990 .3740 .9524 .3022 .9870 .4739 .3755 .4080 .4980 .3247 .4714 .3925 .635 .4175 .4055 .9771 .94B4 .4650 .9757 .2535 .3910 .4150 .3180 .9979 .9187 .4701 .4796 .4490 .4625 .9536 .3685 .3345 .9212 .4955 .9270 .9908 .3020 .9766 . 31 f95 .4707 .3986 .9812 .3540 .2944 .9970 ..3415 .9659 .9997 .9980 .9900 .4810 .4195 .4352 .3785 .3973 .1130 .4263 .9461 .9401 .9996 .9808 9810 .4295 .9457 .4125 .9664 .3848 .4270 .4640 .3830 .2688 .9318 .4599 .4093 .9397 .9390 .4500 .9865 .3035 .if43.4301 .3217 .9640 .3295 .9854 .9382 .4238 .3949 .3040 .3735 .9739 .3168 .3842 .9408 .3185 .4875 .9637 .9986 .4650 .9938 .3235 .3510 .4005 .9891 .3512 .3223 .9576 .3586 .3967 .4232 .3410 .3499 .9991 .42 0 .9750 .2782 .3645 .9943 .9310 .3536 .1.9254 .9876 .3915 .9651 .4530 .4695 .3555 .4 TO .9971 .3804 .3321 .9936 .9282 .4855 .4525 .3660 .9991 .3095 .3970 .3904 .3155 .3320 .9951 .3125 .9893 .290B .4965 .9962 .9959 .9B94 .3220 .2962 .4495 .9645 .3285 .4282 .4310 . 0000 .9367 .9629 .3339 .3798 .4225 .2658 .4160 .9988 .9603 .2741 .2552 .4339 .9447 .4149 .3505 .4830 .4185 .4615 .4335 .3675 .9436 .4491 .4880 .9911 .3028 .9866 .3605 .4785 .3520 .9942 .4780 .4545 .2676 .4777 .9983 .9916 .3805 .9730 .9246 .4011 .4070 .4409 .9530 .9773 .917B .3810 .9450 .9642 .9667 .4B60 .3296 .9286 .9881 .3131 .4036 4042 .9972 .4750 .3654 .3975 .3462 .3B60 .4015 .3665 .2914 .4950 .3016 .3505 .9620 .2932 .3617 .3760 .4045 .440 .3770 .3090 .4470 .3130 .3160 .4910 .4285 .3010 .4425 .3119 .34B5 .9322 .9302 .3175 .445 .3487 .9533 .9887 .4230 .3895 .5000 1.4B22 .4990 .3075 .94Bl .9514 .9579 .3610 .4434 .0000 1.9266 .4879 .4815 .9567 .9999 .9356 .3230 .3565 .9929 .9349 .3585 .0000 1.9851 .HID LID Aol AT HID LID ADIAT HID FROM .4866 .4845 .4265 .4945 .44B5 .9995 .3071 .9932 .4466 .9871 .3376 .3083 .3935 .4005 .3598 .9217 .9744 .9973 .9165 .3407 .9703 .3979 .3425 .3327 .4835 .2956 .3880 .4415 .3325 .9927 .3170 .3380 .3773 .3388 :3301 .2523 .9882 .2992 Aol AT .9705 LID .9306 .9794 .3910 .3435 .3101 .4745 .4770 .3775 .3370 .3550 .9429 .9868 .9885 .4805 .3720 .3125 .9992 .9814 .4740 .3985 .4924 .2640 .2753 ADIAT .3704 .9759 .4244 .3765 .9923 .9298 .4479 .9802 .4560 .9672 .9960 .4975 .9963 .3340 .9274 .2588 .2968 .9985 .9914 .3162 .2582 .3192 .3936 .9768 .4542 .2896 .35BO .4523 .3275 .4529 .3 TO .9922 .0000 1.3490 .9995 .3642 .9731 .3545 .3823 .3875 .9833 .3050 .9617 .9507 .4140 .4669 .3B25 .4606 .3698 .3992 .9965 .3260 .3345 .3829 .9474 .9989 .1.3205 .3767 .3715 .1.4396 .9992 .3865 .4690 .2652 .9543 .9879 .4911 .4860 .2682 .0000 1.4345 .9918 .3650 .4930 .9997 .42~5 .9713 .2824 .9B47 .9314 .9737 .3750 .3333 .9975 .3742 .4970 .3060 .9278 .4517 .4700 .9746 .3030 .3445 .4575 .3364 .3640 .9997 .9237 .971B .9B24 .9552 .4962 .3165 .4873 .2570 .2986 .9992 .4656 .3355 .2998 .9558 .9204 .4371 .9884 .4985 .4017 .3065 .4925 .4949 .9849 .3580 .1'548 .4735 .3940 .3330 .4143 .4755 .9591 .2705 .3735 .4245 .4815 .2723 .9520 .9250 .1.4590 .4775 .9341 .9710 .9B88 .2541 .4099 .3255 .9873 .9829 .3253 .4561 .9995 .4574 .9993 .4162 .9973 .035 .2605 .9846 .2717 .4771 .9600 .2729 .4333 .2771 .3795 HID .3204 .9878 .9957 .2670 .9561 .620 .4205 .4300 .9631 .4080 .32B4 .4540 .9415 .3840 .9330 .3400 .4440 .4955 .3917 .2635 .9987 .3015 .4905 .9818 .2576 .4010 .9999 .3B67 .4061 .2938 .3335 .4350 .9946 .4475 .3186 .3229 .287B .9371 .3685 .3555 .4295 .9546 .2558 .4250 .3375 .3930 .9685 .0000 1.9669 .4631 .9928 .4758 .9498 .3900 .3B15 .4593 .4206 .'3174 .9949 .3481 Ao/AT HID FRDH .9426 .3998 .4260 .9920 .4943 .9831 .3370 .4314 .9996 .3592 .3670 .3990 .4447 .3401 .3005 .4655 .4187 .9925 .4377 .3105 .4213 .9800 .3405 .3567 .3754 .3723 .9999 .3065 .3055 .4345 .3200 .3440 .3590 .4760 .9573 .9858 .4360 .9609 .3150 .4276 .2860 .9910 . .4421 .4B65 .4320 .4600 .9174 .9944 .4086 .4145 .3198 .9947 .4618 .3955 .3053 .4840 .9981 .9690 .4095 .9995 .9582 .4940 .3137 .9999 .9994 .4395 .9899 .3623 .3300 .2735 .3034 .4555 .4219 .9464 .4675 .3210 .2564 .3040 .9937 .9904 .3365 .9958 .3444 .3892 .3456 .9360 .3855 .4410 .4803 .9952 .4680 .3280 .9975 .4665 .3450 .9648 .4190 .4675 .4085 .3730 .9825 .9874 .4257 .9762 . 321f5 .3620 .4720 .9494 .4385 .9775 .4118 .9564 .4049 .4733 .4580 .3543 .3475 .46B5 .3710 .9924 .3965 .4050 .4570 .9837 .3835 .2800 .3535 .4B28 .3630 .4251 .4726 . .3089 .9504 .9653 .4305 .3661 .3729 Ao/AT .3308 .9294 .3954 .5000 .9856 .3950 .9491 .9700 .9195 .2711 .3420 .3636 .9779 .4610 .4025 .2848 .9B38 .3259 .9982 .3923 .3431 .4175 .4330 .3004 .9902 .030 .9981 .9816 .3235 .3113 .9597 .3595 .3241 .4090 .3290 .3635 .9748 .3629 .2926 .1.99!l5 .9955 .4000 .4105 .630 .9967 .3530 .3530 .2693 .9375 .4605 .4670 .3820 .4402 .2747 .4505 .3419 .4688 .9258 .3870 .3780 .3717 .3070 .2617 .9796 LID .3278 .9969 .9594 .9242 .36BO .4B70 .2529 .9693 .9337 .3B73 .9364 .2664 .9454 .2842 .9820 .4B41 .3905 .968B .4730 .9352 .9806 .4200 .9191 .3272 .3350 .9968 .9467 .3929 .4895 .3465 .3845 .4453 .4472 .3475 .4380 .4795 .3045 .3140 .3150 .2950 .3470 .49~5 -25- .9606 .4155 .9931 .4420 .4745 .9675 .9977 .9208 .3450 '55 .4765 .9570 .3570 .3143 .4210 .9443 .9753 .2806 .3725 .3468 .9722 .9783 .9741 .4355 .9379 .9853 .3705 .9950 .2890 .3942 .998 .9539 .3690 .3215 .3100 .4110 .4358 .1.4040 .4194 .3748 .9998 .4510 .9940 .3518 .4752 .3110 .9976 .3560 .9966 .4240 .3500 .9764 .3425 .L.9471 LID .9935 .4555 .4820 .3270 .9734 .9393 .3265 .9998 .4112 .3885 .9863 .4 HID LID ADIAT HID LID ADIAT HID LID VAT .4995 .3961 . 0000 1.3394 .3625 .3385 .9229 .9998 .4165 .3898 .4235 .9945 .3413 .3615 .9661 .2B12 .3850 .4504 .9262 .9682 .9656 .9333 .9549 .4917 .9861 .4375 .4181 .9790 .9626 .3195 HID .3980 .4834 .3046 .9997 .3835 .4400 .3960 .9979 .9478 .9827 .9970 .4535 .2759 .9994 .4290 .4415 .4612 .9290 .3710 .4220 .2980 .9948 .9727 .4550 .3240 .2765 .9959 .2794 .2866 .3515 .9840 .9978 .3135 .4800 .4]10 .4567 .4428 .3190 .3679 .9890 .3250 .9912 .4170 .91B3 .9433 .3360 .9680 .2872 .9998 .2547 .9915 .3779 .3120 .3791 .4100 .9998 . 44BO .4565 .9896 .9987 .9986 .9386 .4935 .4460 .44.4B85 .3648 .9990 .3673 .9614 .4586 .4215 .3920 .4682 .4055 .4890 .5 HID LID ADIAT .4364 . have valid application." i.e. i.e. inches L.PcI" = dry tray pressure drop from page 27 based on V-I units Flood Vload The flood Vload at constant vapor to liquid ratio is the design (Vload) (100) divided by the percent of flood.3000 X CAF (13) riO NOTE. Major beams (lattice type) supporting four levels of trays. to obtain efficient operation at substantially reduced rates. -26- . % Flood 100 Vload ----~AA + GPM X FPL/1. may be calculated by Equation 13..2 ( 17) where TS = tray spacing. (1 are The capacity of Ballast trays is also a function of the dry tray pressure drop. (15). The following equation covers this criterion: L.Percent of Flood at Constant V /L Ratio 'Pith various areas established.. The number of Ballast units used on a tray may also be reduced from the maximum potential number to obtain a minimum cost design or for process reasons. design Vload expressed as a percent of the flood Vload. small diameter columns. Columns with a short flow path length. the "percent of flood.PclJ [ J flood = TS X . or columns with obstructions in the active area 'vill have fewer Ballast units per square foot of active area than do columns not having these limitations. S .074 C.0~'4" . . when the valves are not all fully open. inches l\fetal Density lb/cu ft Metal Density lb/cu ft 20 18 16 14 ." .Pressure Drop The pressure drop of Ballast trays is a function of vapor and liquid rates.18 . PRESSUBE DROP COEFFICIENTS K. for cleck thickness of T\pe Unit ~--- K. weir height and weir length. the dry tray pressure vapor Dry Tray Pl'essme Drop.Pdry = inches liquid tm = valve thickness.67 n. At low to moderate vapor rates.61 n. and K2 are given below together with the thickness corresponding to several gages and densities of commonly used metals.060 .S.9. The larger value is correct.a.- 0.10 1. Ib/ cu ft K" Ke = pressure drop coefficients VH = hole velocity. sq ft See page 31 for an estimate of the number of units..5 . inches Dm = valve metal density.68 .250" V-I V-4 . number. (18a) (18b) where L:i.68 . S. Valve l\!aterial Gage Thickness till.1117" 0. The following two equations may be used for conditions not covered by the nomogram. metal density.1:34" . and thickness of the valve. -27 - (19 ) .20 . At vapor rates sufficiently high to open the valves fully. ftl sec Values of K. .a.037 . The dry tray pressure drop of the V-I and V-4 Ballast trays most frequently used is obtained from Figure 8.. the dry tray pressure drop is proportional to the valve weight and is essentially independent of the vapor rate. The area used to calculate hole velocity in Equation 18 is as follows: AI-! = NU178.68 .5 where NU = total number of Ballast units AH = hole area. This nomogram is based on a valve metal density of 510 1b cu ft. Nickel ~Ionel 490 500 553 550 Hastelloy Aluminum Copper Lead 560 168 560 708 H ole Area. type.104" .050 ..86 . 0 0. Ibl sq in = (L.4 (gpm/L..P.mmHg (21a) (21b) = (L. inches liquid liquid velocity under downcomer.11 3. inches Flexibility The estimated vapor velocity at which no leakage occurs on a single-pass conventional valve type tray is expressed by the following VHvDvlDL values versus the liquid level on the tray: Liquid Level V-I V-4 1 0.36 4. in inches of liquid is calculated as follows: Hd. These units are considered as inactive. if pressure drop permits.97 2.)2/3 + [~Ptra) + H ud] or = 0.0 Ibsl cu.Pctry + .45 0. Otherwise.59 1.P = total pressure drop. inches Lw i = weii' length.3 Downcomer Backup The downcomer backup should not exceed 40% of the tray spacing for high vapor density systems (approximately 3. Total tray pressure drop is calculated from the following equation: L.0 0. If adequate flexibility cannot be obtained when using the maximum complement of units.inchliq)(DL)/33.82 1.4 H" (20) where L. inches Pressure drop in inches of liquid can be converted to pounds per square inch or mm Hg by the following equations: L. Hud = H" + .06 IPL l = . A-I or V-2 units may be used for very low liquid rates or where complete closure is desired. ft. inches dowl1comer clearance.53 0.81 2.69 1.75 1. Downcomer backup. fUsec liquid height in dowl1comer.5 0. 50% for medium vapor densities and 60% for vapor densities under 1.48 ~~~~~o~ifn~t with a standard desi n and can be reduced or of 25% of the liquid on the tray normally represents a 10 per cent loss in efficiency.65 (Vud)2 (~.63 1. Hdc. inches liquid Hw = weir height.Total Tray Presstl1'e Drop.5 0.4(gpm/Lwi)2/3 + . -28- .P.0 0.0 Ibsl cu. L.ft.P.P.~<=E)2 l!?L-D~ (22) (23) where Hud = Vud = Hdc = DCCL = DCE = head loss under downcomer. flooding may occur prior to the rate calculated by the jet flood equations. ). (2) use heavy units with a zero tab height (zero initial opening) at selected rows.P = L.P. either of several methods may be taken to extend the lower operating limit to any desired value within reason: ( 1) increase the cap spacing to reduce the number of units or omit rows of units at the inlet or outlet edge of the tray.35 0. inches length of dowl1comer exit.5 0.24 3. inch liq) (DL) 11728 L. 35.5 '<:I' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 1.35 30 2.PD(b) = 2. 50 80 70 6040 50 1.PD V-I & V-4 TRAYS DENSITY OF LlQ..5 4.L.:. 4.0 FIGURE 8 BALLAST TRAYS DRY TRAY L.L.0 0.i -1 3.PD = 2.0 25 20 :> .5 20 4030 35 3.0 -29- .:. V~ Dv/DL = 2. EXAMPLE: Vol UNIT (14 Ga.0 L.0 30 25 20 2.:.10 :.PD CORRESPONDING TO THE LARGER VALUE APPLIES.5 4.0 80 70 1.:.68 L.00 Density of Liquid = 23.5 :> :> W W 2.0 .5 lb/ct Vo 4 100 100 70 60 50 40 30 0.PD = 1.~ 20 w W :> :> -1 - 0 0 to 0 ~ <i <i N .:.0 OBTAIN L.68 NOTE: FOR THIS NOMOGRAM Dm UNITS PARTIALLY OPEN 2 (L.5 70 60 60 100.5 o - ~ ~ <i <i 0 to ..5 UNITS FUL~Y OPEN (L.:.. + K1V H Dv/DL) 4.) Deck Thickness = 14 Ga.PD(a) = 2.5 o 510 Ib/cf 5.:.PD " LIQUID 5.!!!lQm.:.0 Vol 100 90 80 3.PD = K2Vl! Dv/D~ ~ K2 Varies W/Deck Thickness (b) 2.-I -1 3. .50' 37. 11++ r f4- "' 0 ~ ++~FL-toIi. . + + .. + I I . ! .. + -~+.. + + .. . +HA~AY. :: +++++ T .....L---l'4f-1--7 --: -?- +... Il 11+ . In m 25 x 1.1+++++ ~++ ++ ...++++++11 {+ -+ + 1+ -+- -+ -{> -+ -+ .~ ~ .. + + + . ..25 11.... ...-r-- .."' .. ++ ....50 4.. + {- {-+ -+ -+ + -+ -+ -+ -+ + -+ ... -+ . ... . . ~ ~ II + ...MJ en '" ": :: ++++++++ -+ -I- :.~ 7 -. + -\0 +- {- II :!C . + ..L--f.... I... ....25 FIGURE 9 TYPICAL 5'-0" SINGLE PASS BALLAST TRAY -30- .. . MaJ'or Beams (30) where FPL = Flow path length. This can be estimated as follows: 1. WFP = AA X 144/FPL (26) ApproximateN"umber of Ballast"U nits The number of Ballast units which will fit within the active area is the number of rows of units multiplied by the average number of units per row.0. Major Beams (27) WFP Units/Row = . or 6..Flow Path Width. inches NP = ~llmber of passes Base c-c Base spacing of units. Rows = [FPL . with corrections for tray manway loss. inches WFP = Width of How path.5 X Base + l][NPJ (..8.8) (No.75 X ~~...5 . Rows = [FPl! . Fewer units can be obtained by omitting rows or changing the base to use one of the other standard dimensions..0 inches There will be approximately 12 to 14 units per square foot of active area using a base of 3 inches.0..0 J[ NP J + 1) (29) WFP Units/Row =. With truss lines parallel to liquid How. Swept-back weirs will result in a loss of Ballast A typical tray layout is shO\vn on Figure 9. usually 3. .1. -31- . but are usually perpendicular to liquid flow in columns having a major beam. Trusses - 6. 4. This term is used to estimate the number of Ballast units. With truss lines perpendicular to liquid flow. Truss lines are usually parallel to liquid flow in columns not having a major beam.75 X NP + 1) (28) 2.5.Base X NP (2) (No. WFP The width of flow path is defined as the active area in square inches divided by the flow path length. FIGURE 10 PICKET FENCE WEIR . By observation. and mechanical design follows. both pressure drop and downcomer backup may increase. either by cllstomer preference or by tower diameter limitations. Baffles are recommended if the operating Vload/ AA exceeds the limiting Vload AA: \\'here limiting Vload AA = 0. o.30.0. The baffle is essentially equal in length to the weir length but does not require sealing at joints or the tower shelL It is normally made in three pieces. the center piece being a manway. overflow Number of Passes Usually. A discussion of the function. a smaller tower diameter can be obtained by using multipass trays to hold liquid rates below 8 CPl\1/\\'FP. The tray then floods prematurely due to increased liquid holdup. Tray efficiency will decrease with increasing number of passes due to the smaller flow path length. The number of Ballast units which can be placed on a tray decreases as the number of passes increases. At a sufficiently high "apor rate.25-0. 1S to. These are solid to Well'.336 . -33- . If the number of passes is restricted.rt the overflow weir.. Two Three Four Five 5 8 10 13 6 9 12 15 l\lany customers prefer to use trays ha\'ing no more than two passes.0192 (CF:l\1 i WFP) There are other factors which could cause baffles to be required. and.. For verv lo\\' liq Llid rates splash baffks are recomlTlended. These baffles haw been tested thoroughly in a three foot wide x six foot long air-water simulator and are in successful service in owr 2000 columns. the trajectory carries the liquid completely O\'er the dowllcomer and onto the opposite side of the tray. as does the tower shell when the flow is towards the side downcomers. These are shown on the opposite page. Passes Diameter. sieve. The top of the baffle is 11" to 20" above the tray floor. Anti-jump baffles consist of a metal plate suspended vertically above the center and off-center downcomersof multipass trays. etc. caused by cycling of the liquid across one side of the tray and back to the other. liquid rates up to 20 CPM/WFP can be and have been used.Anti-Jump Baffles for Multipass Trays Operation at high rates require that anti-jump baffles be added at the center and/ or off-center downcomers of multipass trays. bottonl of is at sm:nc P~t""·. Picket Fence Weirs Picket Fence Weirs are normally recommended if the GPM/Lwi is less than 0. Ft. Anti-jump baffles deflect the liquid into the downcomer. The minimum practical 0. vapor expansion at the outlet weir pumps the liquid over the weir. These comments apply to all types of trays. bubble cap. conditions which require such baffles. ERTICAL.FIGURE 11 Downcomer Types L_ C L_ AJNLET AREA "( r L_ L~ INLET AREA RECESSED ]V. APRON DOWNCOMER 1SLOPED APRON DOWNCOMER I L EJ ENVELOPE DOWNCOMER I I -gJjP~PE STEPPED APRON DOWNCOMER DOWNCOMER SWEPT-BACK SIDE WEIR SEGMENTAL CIRCULAR DOWNCOMER L_ [ EXTENDED DOWNCOMER SEAL PAN CIRCULAR DOWNCOMER CENTER BOXED DOWNCOMER FROM CENTER SUMP -34- SIDE BOXED DOWNCOMER FROM CENTER SUMP . Area ~Under Downcomer. This area is usually established at Y2 to lis that at the top of the downcomer. Decreases downcomer backup.5' /sec is not unusual. the effective tray spacing for purposes of calculating percent of flood should be reduced by the excess of the weir height over 15% of the tray spacing. Foamy systems' require a lower velocity. 1.)ed or stepped downcomers have the following ad\'antages as a method for introducing liquid to the tray. However. This results in better aeration at the inlet edge of the tray and increases both tray efficiency and capacity. A swept-back weir does not significantly change either the active area or the effective downcomer area. for example where a chemical reaction is involved. Exceptions are those having a low pressure drop specifition. -35- . A weir height as low as 1/2" has been used in vacuum columns but a %e" minimum weir height is normally recommended. AUD The term AUD is used to designate the most restricted area at the bottom of the downcomer. A velocity of 1. 2. Inlet sumps are slightly more expensive than flat seal areas. Inlet Weirs Inlet weirs ordinarily are not used with Ballast trays except to distribute reflux to the top tray or to insure a positive seal at high vapor rates and low liquid rates. Liquid enters the tray' with a vertical component rather than with only a horizontal movement.Weir Length \Veir lengths may be obtained from Table 4. A weir height up to 6/1 can be used where a high liquid residence time is necessary. the added cost is small compared with value received. If the weir height is greater than 15% of the tray spacing. Inlet Sumps Hecessed inlet sumps used in conjunction with slo1. An average weir length for even-numbered and odd·· numbered trays of two and four pass trays is used for calculating pressure drop. or the capacity of the trays. A swept-back weir on the side downcomers can be used to increase the weir length for purposes of reducing pressure drop. 3. Downcomer Types Various types of downcomers are shown on Figure 11. A positive seal is provided under all operating conditions. Weir Height A weir height of 2" is used in most services. 13 gives greater value than Eq.395 X .95/63. 14 o 10 Flood .1315 X 108 = 14.75 X 1.0.94 sq ft Eq. 5 Eq.5 Use H.9 sq ft AD is more than 10% of column area.(2 X = 63. 7 VDd'~ = 7. 13 -36- .395 45.4 Eq.25 61. use Eq.2 + 13.25 sq ft = 42.5 + 2 X 9. Use 9'-0" or 108" 2 AT = .785 X 9.395 X 1. 12a AA = 63.395 X .0777 H. = .0 .5 or 34 inches. = 10.62 .86 + noo X 33. = 9.70) X .9/9.86) Since Eq. H3 = 14/1 AD.94 X .2.1315 from Table 4 H./ AT = 4.8 ft.7 inches = (8.7854 = 8. 6b Eq.78 _ 100 (8. 10 FPL = (12 X 9 .5/2 = 33.70) = 9. Design loads together with a summary of design calculations are shown on the facing page.62 sq ft AD = 63.95 AD. 14.2 inches Eq.2 68 6 .5 sq ft noo/ (170 42.0 = 9.2 inches Modular FPL = 32. OK H3 = Eq. 3 Eq.62 X .68 = 42.62 X 9./D = .7/13000)/(.0 = = 170 gpm/sq ft CAF = = .9/2 = 4. 8 Eq.0 = 13. use 32.0/. 13 % Flood = (100) (8. lc Eq.25/61. Eq.2 inches AD. The method of determining the proper downcomer area for maximum capacity is shown below.62 = .395 ft/sec Approximate DT Approximate FPL AAM ADM ATM = = = 7'-6/1 (based on 24" TS & 80% Flood) = 9 X 7. Eq.63. = 5.0 sq ft DT = V61.18 Eg.Example Design Problem A two pass tray design with a 20 inch tray spacing 'will be illustrated.5 X (20 X (29. 9 12 X 9. The column will be designed for not more than 70~J of customer flood is .33 .86 + noo X 32. 2a Fig.5.2) )/2 = 33. = 14. The is nonfoarfling. and the system factor is 1.09 sq ft each 2 X AD. 6 Eq.5113000) = 42. - ?S' '.JDL DPdry 0''7.. 4-61 ._ _ _ _ Date ______ Sheet of _ _ _ _ Rev.1-----. 33 - /7Cl /3'.?71.d/ti6R I DT. sec D. weir length: /U 7 ineh. Ib/hr / _. /00 //tJo ._.lIt.C.--. --- ~~. inches liquid DP..D.. even -e290 !._---[--_. odd 14. -.). 13 Valve Type Thk.0 . sq ft HU<l. swept~ Hw. of flow paths ... FPL. c-Vh" D\.._. lblcu ft Vload. cfs...~3 I Service CJ S.C.~? Average It!!· 7 _ /(). % of AT~..55 I...0 7" . Area. 'Nidth l~'n"".:i9S. inch No. Type~_Clearance~~_ Btm D.: seal pans D.- D.-1 .C. extended D total draw D. ----- --. cfsvDv/(DL .:2 sq ft AA.' . Inq. '.. sq ft .?~ ----- P:: DP. Tray D Sumps D Truss Ends 8 None D Loadings at Tray No. Tower· Dia. No. inches liquid Rll'.dI....:c: ·..06 [5"34 6.J~ Residence Time..-- Side Center Off-ctr Off-side 2: Typ.:.1------- ..-..34. Eq.1 . No. 1.i?. boxed D 1------- ---_. adj.. flow path width 190 inches L'i.f._----- dfJ.?5" 8·8~ -..---_--.:159.... 1bs/hr Rate.-.6 6 V-I .=..4 e9o.Dv) CAF Hate.-_ __ MtllThk: Valve_~1 1ft.)'... INC.¢!. . flow path length 3.0 . vaporized_. _._!". 91' sq ft 10./I 2: Typ. Valves .4 /tl. GPM -Dr...__ ..GLiTSCH. () b~ Total 43.inches AT. VIL. __..tI.--__-==. Decks (!s / /C)(._-- /. Tower Area 6S 6.. Packing.1· ..__._~~L~L. Active Area "I~../ sq ft AD.0 ._-.j=-_-:-.1 ~..:: ~ C/l I-! S (l) ~ -37- Form PE·4.. inches System (foam) Factor Rate..Ah. mm Hg or psi Vloadl Ah dsgn Aud.. No. Rev.3 ·73 4. _ _ _ __ Downcomcr Dimensions Vessel No.. inches liquid ~ ___ 3.--__ D..__.0 3("3. Trays in Section Tray Spacing.sinches WFP. Iblcu ft VDdsg (AD X VDdsgj GPM)·6 = DLF % Flood.ch~es. __.---'--.f ._--------. 4/0 Anti-jump baffles on trays £1'*':41:4= It?t?ds Draw pans on Feed to ..C. Downcomer Area NP._--- .q~~_~~__ c _____ c_._ __ Manholes on trays I. _ _ __ Glitsch Job No._.._.5' - ._.' I min / . !.---- Hate.-1-------1-- : I +..-- /.... const. cu ftl sec 'Dv..5lJ0 "'?2S~ . Ballast Tray Design Customer User _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.~ I -----------~~.. weir height: d inch. Extra trays to compensate for mislocatioll of the feed tray and instrumentation swings should be considered when the number of trays is established. The \'-4 Ballast tray has been used to separate the ethylbenzene-styrene system in a single column without having an excessive bottom tray pressure. the usual practice has been to establish the number of trays required to obtain the desired separation with bubble cap or sieve trays and to use the same number of Ballast trays. FIGURE 12 V-I BALLAST TRAY Overall Tray Efficiency vs Vapor Density & Load ! Experimental data at total :1 ~tRe~lux 2" weir height.-t- o 10 50 Percent of Flooe' 60 -38- . The results of these tests are described fully in Glitsch Bulletin No.Tray Efficiency FigureZ2 shows a plot of overall tray efficiency of the V-I Ballast tray obtained in a 4'-0" diameter fractionating column on the isobutane/n-butane and cyclohexane/n-heptane systems at several pressures. However. This figure may be used as a guide in selecting tray efficiency for design of commercial columns for similar systems. Large size V-2 Ballast units h(1\<e been used to replace bubble cap and riser assemblies in existing columns. 30" FPL rn . 160. The efficiency and capacity of the installations have exceeded that of thc original bubble cap trav. On very large diameter towers. Four of the holes are in one row and the other three are in another row which is displaced forward 1 v. The trusses can be cambered to compensate for high deflections which may be encountered in large diameter towers. uniform load with a Ys" maximum deflection for towers up to 12'-6" diameter. Standard triangular base dimensions of 3v. the allowable deflection may be greater. A group of up to seven holes may bc punched on each stroke of the press when the standard close pitch is used. 6 or 7 (using 2v. The base of the triangle can be changed at will. The distance from the inlet edge of the tray to the nearest Ballast unit is also 4Y4/l.5" is used for all spacings. this permits modular deck panel widths to be used. or where a large number of trays is involved. The truss depth and construction is made adequate to support the tray weight plus 20 to 25 pounds per sq. the approximate manhole inside diameter required is 16". If the number of rows of Ballast units per panel is 5. as this affects the tray manway width and the number of pieces that must be installed.5". These dimensions are varied for special applications. A 3/16" maximum deflection is usually allowed for towers above 12'-6" diameter.ift and staggcred midway between the holes of the adjacent line. but also a concentrated load of 250 pounds or more at any point without exceeding -39- . The deck panel progresses 3" with each stroke and produces a pattern of holes having a triangular base of 3" and a height of 2. Small tower manholes do not permit an optimum design and could appreciably affect the cost of the trays." diameter are punched in the deck for insertion of Ballast units.Mechanical Details Ballast Unit Spacing Orifices of 1 17/32. Weir to Ballast Unit Distance The distance from the outlet weir to the centerline of the nearest row of Ballast units is standardized at 4Yl". Truss lines are parallel to the base of the triangle. The trusses are designed to support not only dynamic loadings. The triangular height of 2. Trusses required for diameters greater than 12 ft. Large manholes are especially important for larger towers. T ovverManhole Size (Inside Diameter) The tower manhole inside diameter is a major factor in designing the trays.i. as a reduction in the number of pieces becomes more significant. 4. 4Yz and 6 inches in addition to the 3" base are used.i" row centers). respectively. 18Yz" and 21". ft. depth of truss required the mechanical Ilumber of rows of Ballast units on a panel design determine the minimum diameter of the vessel manhole required. The major support beams are nearly always installed parallel to liquid flow. I" is standard for 21. due to tower out-of-roundness. ' Tray Ring Gap The center of a Ballast unit can be placed no closer than 1~" from the tray ring to prevent interference. ft. However. and. from the bottom tray sump to the bottom of the tower. weld metal at the tray ring. accumulator trays. "Explosion proof" trays designed to withstand a load of 600 lbs. A velocity of 2 to 3 ft/ sec can be used to size the duct. The collection area or recessed sump to which the downpipe is attached is sized as if it were a conventional downcomer by methods given previously. etc. with cartridge type trays. per sq. A velocity of not more than 2.5 ftlsec based on the cross sectional area of the channel is recommended. -40- .2" is standard for 3" rings and wider. Circular Downpipes Circular downpipes or rectangular ducts are frequently used at transition trays. T ray Diameter The diameter of the tray deck must be properly sized to allow for tower out-of-roundness. Similarly. If the channel width is smaller than the nozzle.the tangential stress limits in extreme fibers. 11. A recessed sump beneath the center or off-center downcomer of two and four pass trays is frequently used to conduct liquid to the side of the tower for withdrawal as a sidestream or as circulating reflux.2" wide rings. Truss Gap The distance between the centerline of Ballast units across a huss is 4~" for lap joints and 31. or more from either top or bottom side may be made for special applications. It is standard practice to allow %" clearance between the edge of the tray deck and the tower shell when using 11. The 4~" can be reduced when necessary by use of special clamps.2" and 2" wide rings.2" for butt joints. a box is placed at the end of the channel so as to encompass the nozzle. etc. chimney trays. channels are sometimes used to distribute non-flashing feed liquid to multipass trays in lieu of feed pipes and distribution headers. this distance could be as much as 1 ~PI plus ~ of 1% of the tower diameter after trays are installed. The sump should be at least 15" deep.
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