Glass NGP Section 20
Glass NGP Section 20
March 25, 2018 | Author: ben_spl | Category:
Building Insulation
Manmade Materials
Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics
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12220 performance data and technical support The discovery of glassware in ancient Mesopotamia has been dated to approximately 7000 years old. The use of glass as a building material dates back to ancient Rome, about 30BC to 345AD. The early methods of manufacture was through blowing the glass into shape. This technique produced low quality small sized sheets mainly for use in windows. This method was used well into the seventeenth century. float glass manufacture The twentieth century saw improvements in the method of glass manufacture through better optical quality and larger panels. Nevertheless, these improvements still produced glass with slightly uneven or distorted surfaces. In order to improve the optical qualities, both surfaces were sometimes required to be ground and polished to achieve greater flatness and no distortion. In 1952, Pilkington Glass invented the ‘Float Process’ which revolutionised glass manufacture. The process ensured high optical quality, flatness and no distortion (see Diagram 20.1). The float process begins with the mixing of raw materials through the batch house (1). The raw materials are then fed into a melting furnace (2) where they are heated to around 1700ºC. The molten glass mixture then flows into a bath filled with molten or liquid tin (3). The molten glass floats on top of the tin in the float bath. The temperature now decreases to around 1100ºC and the hardening glass floats out of the tin bath into the annealing chamber (4) until the temperature falls to around 700ºC. From the annealing chamber the glass is then cut (5) into the required sheet sizes. Due to the flat surface of the liquid tin, the float process creates exceptionally flat glass sheets, absolutely free from distortion. The float line process is a 24 hour a day non-stop operation. A float line can be operated continuously for periods of around 10 years without repair or refit. diagram 20.1: float glass manufacture float glass manufacturing line 123 1 2 3 4 5 Batch house Furnace Molten tin float bath Annealing chamber Cutting glass performance data table 20c: glass weights table 20a: major components of glass mm kg/m2 2 5 % 3 7.5 Silica SiO2 70–74 4 10 Soda Na2O 12–15 5 12.5 Clear Soda Lime glass Lime CaO 8–10 Magnesium Oxide MgO 3.5–4.5 6 15 8 20 K2O 0.3–0.8 10 25 Alumina AI2O3 0.0–2.0 12 30 FeO3 0.08–0.11 15 37.5 Potassium Oxide Iron Oxide 19 47.5 25 62.5 table 20b: general properties of glass Refractive Index Surface Reflectance 1.50–1.58 table 20d: conversions and calculations 4% each side (total of 8%) Softening Point 720–730ºC Specific Heat 0–100ºC 0.20 Compressive strength (25mm cube) 248MPa Tensile Strength – Annealed 19.3–28.4 MPa Tensile Strength – Toughened 175 MPa Co-efficient of Linear Expansion (Room temperature to 350ºC) 9.0 x 10–6/ºC Hardness Mohs’ Scale 6.0 Density 2500 kg/m3 Young’s Modulus (Elasticity) 69 GPa Possion’s Ratio 0.23 Inches to Millimetres 1 inch = 25.4mm Fahrenheit to Celsius C = f – 32 x 5 ÷ 9 Square feet to Square metres π = 3.142857 Radius of a circle (r) Diameter of a circle (D) Circumference of a circle (C) Area of a circle Area of a square/rectangle Perimeter or lineal measurement of a square/rectangle (Lineal metre) 10.764 square foot = 1m2 Centre to outer edge D=2xr C = πD πr2 Height x Width Height + Width x 2 It is not a Grade A Safety Glass. When broken. shower screens etc. Because of its high resistance to penetration. If broken.38mm). it shatters into large sharp pieces. glass remains intact on its PVB interlayer and shards do not fly out.g. 6mm = 6.diagram 20. quadrilateral 4 sides pentagon 5 sides hexagon 6 sides laminated safety glass Laminated safety glass has the about the same impact strength resistance as that of annealed float glass (e. . It is ideal for applications in doors. the shattered glass falls out quite easily. Additionally. septagon 7 sides octagon 8 sides heat strengthened glass nonagon Heat strengthened glass is about twice as strong as annealed float glass and is used generally as a protection against thermal breakage.2: glass shapes 124 breakage patterns triangle annealed float glass 3 sides Annealed float glass does not resist high stresses from the impact of an object. laminated glass is very safe and can be used in a wide variety of applications. the whole panel of glass shatters into small pieces of blunt granules which are relatively safe. If broken. 9 sides decagon 10 sides toughened safety glass Toughened safety glass is up to five times stronger than annealed float glass and offers the highest resistance to impact. the edges remain cool thus restricting the expansion. inside outside laminated 2 3 factors influencing thermal breakage climate 4 Consideration should be given to minimum and maximum daytime temperature differences. reflective.diagram 20. single monolithic 1 thermal breakage 2 Wired. External shading devices. 125 . In this situation while the centre of the glass starts to warm and expand. glazing material Dark coloured materials will promote fewer edge temperature differences than light coloured frames. It is recommended that a thermal assessment be carried out to determine the level of stress and/or the possibility of breakage. Breakages can occur. the glass is considered ventilated and a lower breakage factor is applied. for example with morning temperature rises where the glass can heat up quickly while the edges remain cool. low-E coated glass and IGU’s are most susceptible to thermal breakage. If there is a gap of 50mm or more around the perimeter of the internal shading device. external shading devices double glazing IGU with laminated glass* 2 or 3 4 1 Airspace Outboard Lite outside Inboard Lite inside PVB Interlayer * Laminated glass can also be glazed as the outboard lite. Light coloured blinds or venetians which reflect heat have a higher thermal breakage factor than dark coloured ones. Concrete and wood have a higher thermal breakage factor than metal or plastic frames. Consult our technical staff for more information. the glass may be exposed to temperatures as high as 70°C. Any damage introduced to the edge at these stages can impact adversely on the thermal safety of the panel. inside outside PVB Interlayer double glazing IGU 2 3 4 Airspace Low-E Coating #2 or #3 Inboard Lite inside outside The chances of thermal breakage increase as the area of glass and thickness increases because of potential cutting. In confined spaces such as spandrel glass applications. Toughening or heat strengthening will prevent thermal breakage. tinted. building overhangs and mullion or column depth which may cast unfavourable shadows will increase the possibility of breakage. internal shading and back-up material Confined spaces can create excessive heat build up. Thermally suspect laminated glass should have edges flat ground. edge cover 1 Outboard Lite panel size and thickness The chance of breakage increases with edge cover over 40mm.3: glazing types and surface positions Thermal breakage occurs where annealed glass breaks due to excessive temperature differences between the centre and the edges of the glass. resulting in breakage. 1 edge quality Annealed glass edges should be clean cut with minimal defects. glazing and handling problems. escalators and moving walks. 0 AS1735 Lifts. Please note that this list is a guide only and the year that the standard was released has been omitted. current standards list Listed to the right are some of the common standards. 0 AS/NZS1905 Components for the protection of openings in fire resistant walls. 0 AS/NZS4666 Insulating glass units. codes and regulations used in our industry. 0 AS1799 Small pleasure boat code. 0 AS4551 Domestic gas cooking appliances. Toughened glass Strong n 0 AS/NZS2343 Bullet resistant panels and elements. thermal strength 0 AS2820 Gate units for private swimming pools. Thus in certain situations. Risk factor 18% Low 0 HB125 The glass and glazing handbook. 0 AS/NZS4586 Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials. 0 AG101 Domestic gas cooking appliances. 0 AS1926 Swimming pool safety. Glass type Strength 0 AS/NZS4284 Testing of building facades. Application of film products. components and structures. 0 Building Code of Australia. High light transmitting coating on coloured or tinted 45–55% 0 AS4055 Wind loads for housing. Heat strengthened glass n Thin annealed float glass n Laminated annealed float glass n Thick annealed float glass n Thick annealed laminated glass n Patterned annealed glass n Wired glass Weak n 0 AS3555 Building elements – Testing and rating for intruder resistance. Coloured/Tinted 30–40% Medium 0 AS2047 Windows in Buildings. 0 AS/NZS4668 Glossary of terms used in the glass and glazing industry. 0 AS1530 Methods for fire tests on buildings materials. 0 AS4114 Spray painting booths. this pane may have to be heat strengthened or toughened. 0 AS1288 Glass in Buildings – Selection and Installation. 0 R elevant local and state statutory and regulatory requirements. 0 AG601 Gas installations. . 0 AS5601 Gas installations. your local regulatory authority and Standards Australia. 0 AS1170 Structural design actions. IGU’s or double glass units Multiple panel glazing creates higher thermal stress on the outside pane. thermal breakage risk Glass type Solar absorption Clear 0 AS/NZS2208 Safety glazing materials in buildings. 0 AS3959 Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas. 0 HB197 An introductory guide to the slip resistance of pedestrian surface materials 0 AS1418 Cranes. 0 AS2380 Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres – explosion protection techniques. 0 AS2366 Repair of laminated glass windscreens fitted to road vehicles.126 cooling and heating sources table 20e: standards list Direct air streams from these sources onto the glass surface can create excessive temperature differences with resultant breakages. paper. For the latest releases please consult the Building Code of Australia. 0 AS3740 Waterproofing of wet areas within residential buildings. 0 AS/NZS4667 Quality requirements for cut to size and processed glass. posters or paint will increase the possibility of thermal breakage. film application 0 AS/NZS2080 Safety glass for land vehicles. Reflective coating on clear 60–70% High Reflective coating on coloured or tinted 80–85% Very high Medium to high 0 AS1428 Design for access and mobility. alkali deposits or staining. When this water is permitted to run down over masonry. If sealants are used in areas surrounding the glass i. oils and/or plasticisers etc. No glass by itself. bleed or leach solvents. they can leave a deposit that is tenaciously adhered. sandblasting. residue from these sealants may still run down and deposit on the glass surfaces either by gravity or through the action of rain. Direct or wind blown hard water spray from water sprinklers can produce tenaciously bonded inorganic residues on glass surfaces. metals Weathering steels.e. When residue from sealants is allowed to remain in contact with glass surfaces over a long period of time without frequent washing of the glass. the degree of residue from sealants will diminish asymptotically over time. In some instances this may cause surface staining and etching. Rust (iron oxide) will not usually deteriorate the glass surface. the lustrous. If the residue is permitted to have a long residence time.. These contaminates could lead to a residue or staining that cannot be removed. Extended periods of cyclic water spray without frequent cleaning of glass may allow residue build up to develop which cannot be removed.. water damage Location of water sprinklers in relation to glass surfaces should be considered early in design. runoff and glass damage When water reaches a building.glass surface damage1 sealants For hundreds of years. Edge drips and a second drip. for example. Surface damage may be caused by weld splatter and wind blown debris. etching) of glass can result from substances released from concrete facades and concrete window frames. under normal weathering conditions.O. glass should be immediately washed. leaching or bleeding. scum. in metal expansion joints. scratches and other damage on the coating are more noticeable. If the metal oxides are permitted to wash over glass and are permitted to accumulate. masonry Staining (and in some cases. sealants etc. full hydration and complete curing. Window. 1981 Residue on Glass bulletin. as another line of defence. Concrete surface treatments (with acid. hard and inert characteristics of glass. should be provided. degree and the time period over which the residue continues to exude from the sealant. Silicone concrete sealing materials can discolour glass surfaces. Director. costly cleaning procedures may be required. residue from sealants can vary dramatically in content. ‘“Glass may be damaged.) must be completed before glazing begins. Due to exuding. When inspections reveals dirt. In the great majority of projects. the residue may become tenaciously bonded to the surface of the glass due to normal weathering. exudes. It is good practice to protect glass surfaces whenever practical during construction of the building. and onto the glass. frequent cleaning of glass will remove deposits or residue using normal wash and rinse glass cleaning methods. Technical Services and Product Development PPG November 30. Any loose particles resulting from these operations should be removed by normal wash. coupled with its transparency. Special attention should be paid to reflective glass. Alkaline materials such as concrete wash off and certain cleaning agents may chemically attack the glass surfaces. Glass has been used in the construction industry for many years on thousands of projects involving billions of square metres of glass. It is essential that these surface treatments be completed prior to glazing. etched or stained by a number of materials typically used at a job site. waterproofing etc. it is either reflected. These oxide deposits should be removed from glass by regular cleaning methods initiated during construction. rinse and dry cleaning. Organic sealants used in today’s glazing systems may exude. Precast panels and all other concrete for outdoor walls should be processed for thorough mixing. the water can carry with it contaminants that may react with and adhere with the glass surface. sealants need not necessarily be in direct contact with glass to produce a residue on glass. 127 . However. If spraying is repeated and/or wet. Jr. parapet sealing. Peterson. for even short periods of time. Generally. Store Front and Entrance Guide Specifications Manual 1976 by Architectural Aluminium Manufacturers Association. Rainfall can permeate concrete and then leach alkaline materials from it and deposit them on the glass. Glass should be examined weekly during construction when it is installed adjacent to or below concrete or other masonry surfaces which are exposed to weather. have made it one of the world’s most desirable and used building materials. 2 E xtract from: Metal Curtain Wall. very costly cleaning techniques may be required to remove the residue from glass surfaces. Glass replacement may be the only practical remedy. which will permanently damage the glass surface. These are not any more susceptible to damage than uncoated glass. absorbed into the building materials. Concrete frames at window heads should be designed so that any runoff is directed away from the glass. requiring costly cleaning techniques to remove the residue from the glass surface. but may be very difficult to remove.” 2 1 E xtract from: C. release oxides while aging. leaches or bleeds any residue or stain causing materials. grouting. metal or masonry weatherseals etc.. dry spray cycles are permitted to remain in contact with glass surfaces. Depending on the type of sealant used and the weathering conditions encountered. or allowed to run down the façade. from sealants. cheaper and faster.128 design recommendations protection Early in the design stage. For instructions on protection and cleaning of low-E coated surfaces (Reflective. during handling and transportation. architects should consider glazing details designed to avoid water run-off onto glass surfaces. sand blasting. The use of reveals. masonry or metals can minimize run-off and avoid the deposition of residue onto the glass. often for long periods. The surface now has very low friction. 0 A glass surface is not flat. stains. floor sanding and cutting) are in progress near to the glass to protect it from damaging off spray and particles. flashing. 0 D uring the restoration with Calc-Off. there are a few restoring agents available. Sunergy®) and mirror. National Glass supplies plastic film coated glass on the following basis: 0 It should be removed within the manufacturers recommended time frame. Products such as Calc-Off and Renotec can remove mineral deposits. rainbow-stains will be avoided after application (3). This makes it very difficult for pollution to stick to the surface. The “tops” of the glass will be flattened out and pores are cleaned and filled with a protective coating up. Sungate® 500. 0 If used onsite. hard stains. 0 T he result is a flat glass surface. Storage problems like fungus. . Over time. no responsibility is taken for (1) the effects of damage to glass surface as a result of partial or full removal of the film by wind and/or rain and (2) staining that may occur as a result and (3) other contaminants that may leach between the glass and film. films restoring surface damage Depending on the level of glass surface damage. rainbow stains etc.4 illustrates how restoring agents work).e. This time frame is generally within one month of glazing and exposure to sunlight. this product has been supplied with a clear semi-bonding film applied to both sides.4: glass restoring agents Pollution 1 Tops flattened out 2 Pores cleaned out and filled with agent Protective coating Flattened out glass surface 3 Since National Glass has been manufacturing toughened glass. the structure of the glass surface will be altered. Cleaning will also be required less frequently. as a value added product. In addition. These products renovate and protect the glass in a single application (Diagram 20. diagram 20. Pollution will collect in the open pores and is normally very difficult to remove (1). This is possible through Calc-Off’s special chemical structure. customers have seized an opportunity to leave this film in situ as a site protection measure. splays. welding. screens Temporary screens may be required if other trades (i. a silicone based protecting layer has been added to the surface. refer to the relevant section in this catalogue. This was done to protect toughened glass. drips etc. free from pollution. making future cleaning easier. During this process all existing pollution will be removed from the surface of the glass (2). The Australian glass and glazing industry has adopted the NFRC 100-2010 methodology. Window 4. independent rating and labelling system for the energy performance of windows. alter the parameters used in the calculation of glass performance data. free from grit with a mild soap. they can be removed with a gem blade or scraper in conjunction with glass cleaner. NFRC 100-2001 A National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC–USA) document specifying the environmental conditions. which is an extensive collection of glazing products from around the world. The angle of lean should be approximately 7° from the vertical. If any staining is noticed. One of their main functions is to ‘establish uniform procedures for determining the various energy performance ratings’ of glazing materials. the glass should be cleaned immediately and protected against further staining. It is available to download from the internet at: http://windows. Certain stains may not be readily removed with standard cleaners and may require specialist treatment. Never use abrasive cleaners on glass. Care should be taken when comparing performance figures to ensure they are calculated using the same environmental conditions.e. eg. (i. skylights.storage glass performance data When storing glass.gov/software/window/window. This program contains the International Glass Database (IGDB). and procedure used to determine the performance characteristics of a glazing. When paint spots appear on the glass. This is to avoid any scratching or marking of the surface. This version of Window supersedes the earlier versions.3 cleaning* When cleaning glass use only soft. detergent or recommended glass cleaner solution. make sure they can be easily removed with a clean gem blade or scraper and will not stain the glass. doors.2. and attachment products’ in the United States. Extra care should be taken with coated or reflective glass. European. otherwise the result is scratching. wind speeds.html . clean cloths. The program was developed by LBNL (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory USA). 129 .lbl. The NFRC is a ‘non-profit organisation that administers the only uniform. On construction sites extra care will be required because of the contaminants in the air and/or concrete run off.3 is an MS-Window based software-modelling program used to determine the optical and thermal performance properties of glass and windows. Abrasive cleaners or metal cleaning implements will scratch coated surfaces. Paper should be placed between the sheets to prevent rubbing or scratching during storage or transport. Window 6. If the glass is wet. it should be leaned against a structural frame with full vertical and horizontal support. * See also page 24. Fingerprints and dirt will be more noticeable on reflective glass and requires more frequent cleaning. the panels should be removed and dried and paper interleaved with butcher paper. calculating the glass performance data – window 6. solar radiation levels and heat transfer coefficients).1 and Window 5. Excess cleaning solution should be removed with squeegee and clean water immediately. When using tapes or adhesives. internal and external temperatures. resulting in different values. Different environmental conditions. 3mm clear float for example. visible light external reflectance VLR This refers to the percentage level of visible light that is reflected externally by a glass as detected by the human eye. The SHGC can also be stated in the following ways: 0 3mm clear lets in 86% of the sun’s total direct heat. This is a useful measure for glass where: 0 restrictions exist on the level of reflection allowed. SHGC has a trade-off relationship with visible light trans mittance. has a SHGC of 0. The lower the shading co-efficient value. reducing heat entry and heat loss. the lower the levels of visible light which will be transmitted. In general. thermal control The Sun’s direct transmission on the glass is not the only way in which heat is transferred. solar heat gain co-efficient SHGC Refers to the total amount of solar energy transmittance entering a building through the glazing as heat gain. 0 UV transmission. Only low-E coated glass and IGU’s can provide improved thermal control. the lower the SHGC.00). page 103). All glass products (apart from specialty anti-reflecting products such as Amiran® or Luxar™) have internal reflectances which make it difficult to see clearly out of a window at night time (with lights on inside) conditions. It’s most commonly used in regards to the cooling of the building. (Similar to the functional performance of batt or insulation foil for walls and ceilings). conduction and convection. the lower the level of heat entry into a room or interior. The higher the number the brighter the interior will be. Another way to describe how the SHGC is used is in terms of energy consumption in watts/m2. In this example the Sunergy® glass is reducing the sun’s direct energy through the glass into the building by 58%. SHGC can also be calculated as 86% of the Shading Co-efficient. The energy emitted from our Sun is referred to as solar energy or solar radiation. shading co-efficient This term indicates the total amount of solar energy that passes through a glass as compared to 3mm clear float (3mm clear float has a base factor of 1. This can in some instances affect the amount of artificial lighting needed and the interior brightness of a room. Adding an additional pane of glass (IGU) and modifying the surface of the glass with a low-E coating will improve the insulation properties of the glass when compared to ordinary non coated glass. Solar control also refers to the ability of a glass to reduce visible light and UV transmittance. SHGC is sometimes also referred to as the solar factor (SF). This measure equates to the Sun’s direct transmittance energy (T) plus the part of this energy absorbed by the glass and re-radiated inside (E) (see Diagram 15.86. For example the sun’s direct energy typically radiates on a hot day 785 watts per m2 and 6mm Sunergy® Green has a SHGC of 0. The lower the number the less heat gain. Solar control makes reference to the ability of glass to control or reduce the sun’s direct heat energy on a window. Internal reflectances increase with the use of reflective coated glass products. This is a useful measure when determining the level of internal reflectance at night time. 0 Visible light transmittance. visible light transmittance VLT This term is used to describe the percentage level of interior daylight that a particular glass lets through. Thermal control refers to the ability of a glazing to resist heat transfer through these three methods. Heat is also transferred by method of re-radiation.130 definitions of performance values visible light internal reflectance VLRi solar control This refers to the percentage level of visible light that is reflected internally by a glass as detected by the human eye. 0 3 mm clear keeps out only 14% of the sun’s total direct heat. If you multiply 785 watts x 0. Look for the following performance values to measure solar control: 0 Solar heat gain co-efficient (SHGC). See also “U-value”.2.42. 0 the higher the percentage number the greater the mirror like appearance.42 (SHGC) you get 329 watts per m2 radiated into the building. These thermal or insulation improvements work day and night in both summer and winter conditions. . By controlling solar heat gains in summer. The LSG ratio assists commercial and to a degree residential building designers to calculate building energy efficiency. Other industries use the “R” value for measuring insulation. The standard climate conditions used to calculate U-values in this catalogue are based upon NFRC 100 – 2001 methodology. The lower the U-value the better the thermal insulation properties of the glazing system. Low energy costs are achieved through windows that have low SHGC (to control sun’s direct solar heat). SHGC. (The LSG ratio is sometimes also referred to as the ‘Luminous Efficacy’ or ‘Coolness Factor’) which is calculated by the VLT divided by the shading co-efficient – not the SHGC). spectrally selective glazing significantly reduces building energy consumption and peak demand. U-value is measured in watts per square metre per degree Celsius (Wm2K) difference. VLT and U-value have the biggest impact on energy efficient glazing. That means that the transmittance of heat through a glazing system changes. high visible light transmittance (VLT) and high levels of thermal insulation for both summer heat gain and winter heat loss (as measured by low U-value numbers). The U-value is the reciprocal of the “R” value and either can be calculated from the other e. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers). These three performance values. relative heat gain RHG W/m2 Relative heat gain combines the shading co-efficient with U-value to measure the total heat gain for summer time conditions.9w/m2ºC and multiplying the difference between outdoor and indoor temperature (32ºC outside and 24ºC inside = 8ºC) > 5. The LSG ratio should also be used in conjunction with occupant comfort factors such as glare. It is a rating system used almost exclusively by the window/glass industry worldwide. “Spectrally selective glazing” is generic terminology for window glass that permits some portions of the solar spectrum to enter a building while blocking others. It does not measure heat transfer by the Sun’s direct transmittance as measured by the SHGC. LSG ratio Refers to the light-to-solar heat gain ratio and is calculated by the visible light transmission (VLT) divided by SHGC. U = 1/R or R = 1/U. This is particularly useful for building designers to determine air-conditioning loads. convection and re-radiation. 131 .9 x 8ºC = 47watts per m2 heat transferred between the outside and inside. UV and noise control. The primary driver for building energy efficiency is a fast payback of costs associated with implementation of energy efficient measures and on-going lower energy costs. However.g. U and R values are variable and dependent upon climatic conditions. This high performance glazing admits as much daylight as possible while preventing transmission of as much solar heat as possible. LSG ratios are used to determine whether a glazing is spectrally selective. The formula is: SC (Shading co-efficient) x W/m2 (Direct solar intensity) plus U-value W/m2 (Summer U-value) x 8ºC (Difference between outdoor and indoor temperature) The conditions formulated to determine the RHG are by ASHRAE (American Society for Heating. preventing heat loss of interior heat in winter. The amount of heat energy transferred as measured by the U-value can be calculated by taking for example 4mm clear float with a U-value of 5. See also page 104. Therefore glass transmits heat at varying rates depending upon the prevailing climatic condition. and allowing occupants to reduce electric lighting use by making maximum use of daylight. When comparing glazing systems based upon U-value.UV transmission spectral selectivity This refers to the percentage of the sun’s harmful ultra violet light (UV) that is transmitted through glass. Ultra violet light aids in fading and damaging furniture. U-value U-value measures the rate of heat flow through the glazing by conduction. LSG ratios on their own can be misleading. it is important that the climatic conditions used to model all the systems are the same. It is most commonly measured in the 300–400nm wavelength range. carpets etc and can be harmful to people. 6 6mm SuperClear 91 8 8 1.8 8mm Grey (Euro) 34 5 5 0.41 0.45 5.71 5.7 4mm SuperGreen 73 8 8 0.9 4mm 89 8 8 0.61 0.57 0.73 0.86 0.58 0.49 5.69 5.46 5.61 0.52 5.5 19mm 81 6 6 0.7 12mm 84 7 7 0.56 5.90 5.65 5.50 5.7 12mm Grey (Euro) 20 4 4 0.52 0.7 10mm Grey (Euro) 26 4 4 0.65 0.59 0.69 0.65 0.7 10mm 86 7 7 0.6 4mm Green (VFloat) 82 8 8 0.9 5mm Grey (Euro) 50 5 5 0.36 5.89 0.89 5.7 4mm Grey (Euro) 56 6 6 0.4 low-iron ultra clear 4mm Starphire 91 8 8 1.83 0.88 5.52 5.63 0.7 6mm Caribia 68 7 7 0.03 0.74 0.8 6mm Graylite 14 5 5 0.95 0.7 12mm Starphire 90 8 8 1.67 0.77 0.8 6mm 88 7 7 0.51 5.53 5.55 5.70 5.01 0.55 0.77 5.81 5.03 0.52 0.53 5.75 5.63 5.62 5.52 5.8 8mm Green Panasap 63 6 6 0.6 6mm SuperBlue 53 6 6 0.74 0.86 5.79 0.63 0.7 10mm Green Panasap 59 6 6 0.6 15mm 83 6 6 0.57 5.48 5.8 6mm SuperGrey 9 4 4 0.58 5.8 tinted float glass 6mm Azuria 68 7 7 0.8 6mm Grey (Euro) 44 5 5 0.61 5.60 0.65 5.70 0.53 0.48 5.67 5.9 5mm 88 8 8 0.93 0.74 0.99 0.64 5.9 5mm Bronze (VFloat™) 54 6 6 0.8 6mm Dark Grey 15 4 4 0.57 0.54 5.8 10mm Starphire 91 8 8 1.8 10mm Green (VFloat) 63 6 6 0.02 0.8 6mm Bronze (VFloat™) 49 6 5 0.72 5.60 0.8 .90 5.55 0.glass performance values az azuria brz bronze clr clear c_blu cool blue et energytech EV EVantage grn green gry grey N Sunergy Neutral Sunergy sg supergreen 132 VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value Colour and type % External % Internal % W/m2K single glazed – monolithic clear float 3mm 90 8 8 0.60 5.8 4mm Bronze (VFloat™) 61 7 6 0.64 0.71 0.8 6mm SuperGreen 67 6 6 0.9 6mm Starphire 91 8 8 1.9 5mm Green (VFloat) 79 7 7 0.82 0.8 10mm SuperBlue 41 5 5 0.84 5.69 5.81 0.91 5.71 0.8 8mm 87 7 7 0.8 4mm Green Panasap 77 7 7 0.79 0.9 5mm SuperGreen 70 7 6 0.62 5.8 6mm Green (VFLoat) 77 7 7 0.8 10mm Bronze (VFloat™) 34 5 5 0.8 6mm Green Panasap 70 6 6 0.9 5mm Green Panasap 74 7 7 0.56 5.8 5mm Dark Grey 22 4 4 0.04 0.82 5.45 5.97 0.7 12mm Green Panasap 54 6 6 0. 33 0.8 5.27 0.38 0.40 0.37 4.41 0.0 5.8 4.38mm TS30 green PVB laminated (3) 6mm TS30 on grey float (2) 6.44 0.3 5.40 0.39 0.22 0.27 0.34 0.34 0.8 28 18 42 21 28 34 13 11 15 11 24 26 13 15 20 9 15 18 11 11 22 23 13 15 18 17 9 9 12 15 8 10 17 19 10 12 14 14 8 8 38 38 37 38 37 38 37 47 33 34 34 21 34 34 33 34 34 20 34 20 34 22 34 34 34 21 34 19 30 18 30 17 30 18 30 30 30 17 30 18 0.27 0.29 0.34 0.32 0.38mm TS30 bronze PVB laminated (3) 6mm TS30 on clear float (2) 6.9 5.36 0.5 4.35 0.41 0.9 5.38mm TS30 grey PVB laminated (3) 6 5 8 5 6 7 4 5 16 12 20 25 13 15 17 9 16 22 12 15 20 24 13 16 18 21 10 13 23 28 17 19 29 33 19 23 25 28 14 17 133 .44 0.0 5.46 0.8 5.3 5.34 0.38mm TS21 green PVB laminated (3) 6mm TS21 on grey float (2) 6.30 0.33 0.0 4.8 reflective – pyrolytic 6mm Solarcool Azuria (2) 6mm Solarcool Grey (2) reflective – vacuum coated: solarplus® 6mm SS08 on Azuria float (2) 6mm SS08 on bronze float (2) 6mm SS08 on clear (2) 6mm SS08 on Dark Blue Panasap (2) 6mm SS08 on Evergreen float (2) 6mm SS08 on green float (2) 6mm SS08 on grey float (2) 6.27 0.38 0.44 5.38mm TS21 bronze PVB laminated (3) 6mm TS21 on clear float (2) 6.29 0.8 5.47 0.32 0.8 5.35 0.9 4.39 0.44 0.5 4.38mm TS21 cool blue PVB laminated (3) 6mm TS21 on bronze float (2) 6.34 0.5 4.39 0.39 0.33 0.9 5.5 5.20 0.23 0.38 0.7 5.29 0.22 0.5 4.40 0.0 5.3 5.9 5.38mm SS08 grey PVB laminated (3) 6mm SS22 on Azuria float (2) 6mm SS22 on bronze float (2) 6mm SS22 on clear float (2) 6.8 4.37 0.35 0.9 4.30 0.34 0.38mm TS21 grey PVB laminated (3) 6mm TS30 on Azuria float (2) 6.38 0.30 0.41 0.35 0.29 0.5 4.35 0.24 0.23 0.30 0.38 0.38mm SS22 clear PVB laminated (2) 6mm SS22 on Dark Blue Panasap (2) 6mm SS22 on Evergreen float (2) 6mm SS22 on green float (2) 6mm SS22 on grey float (2) 6mm TS21 on Azuria float (2) 6.40 0.28 0.27 0.23 0.31 0.41 0.29 0.3 5.0 5.44 0.3 5.46 0.0 5.29 0.38mm TS30 cool blue PVB laminated (3) 6mm TS30 on bronze float (2) 6.3 5.38mm TS30 clear PVB laminated (2) 6mm TS30 on Dark Blue Panasap (2) 6mm TS30 on Evergreen float (2) 6mm TS30 on green float (2) 6.38mm TS21 clear PVB laminated (2) 6mm TS21 on Dark Blue Panasap (2) 6mm TS21 on Evergreen float (2) 6mm TS21 on green float (2) 6. VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value Colour and type Internal % W/m2K % External % 26 17 19 11 36 36 0.3 5.8 5.30 0.0 5.8 5.40 0.9 5.34 0.34 0.8 4.35 0.36 0.8 4.29 0.34 0.42 0.27 0.51 0.23 0.33 0.5 4.36 0.8 5.35 0.35 0. 8 3.1 4.38 66 6.0 .0 4.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm grn / 0.55 0.47 0.55 0.1 4.7 3.8 3.38 (Neutral) 67 8.6 3.76 65 8.50 0.44 0.76 67 8.51 0.54 0.1 4.38mm clr PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.56 0.59 0.38mm green (2) 6.73 0.66 0.83 0.0 4.0 4.38 59 12.66 0.50 0.54 0.65 0.76 59 10.43 0. VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value 134 Colour and type Internal % W/m2K % External % 59 82 39 71 7 10 6 9 9 11 9 11 0.55 0.7 3.79 0.8 3.38mm Clear 82 (2) 6.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm grn / 0.38 67 10.38mm clr PVB / 3mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.58 0.6 68 32 49 56 39 23 10 16 19 12 26 27 27 27 27 0.6 3.49 0.42 0.61 0.6 83 81 79 11 11 11 11 12 12 0.42 0.38mm clr PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm grn / 0.38 0.1 4.45 0.43 4.6 3.56 0.58 0.54 0.6 3.76 56 9 9 8 8 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.51 0.50 0.47 0.38mm grey (2) soltech™ 4mm Soltech (2) 6mm Soltech (2) 6mm Soltech Grey (2) sunergy® (2) 4mm Neutral (2) 6mm Neutral (2) 10mm Neutral (2) 6mm Azur (blue) (2) 6mm Green (2) 6mm Grey (2) VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading Thickness transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value Colour and type mm % External % Internal % W/m2K sunergy® – laminated 3mm clr / 0.37 3.57 0.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6.1 4.0 4.70 0.67 0.76mm clr PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.76 0.38mm Neutral 59 (2) 6.6 61 63 30 8 9 5 10 10 8 0.68 0.51 0.54 0.38mm Grey 40 (2) 6.53 0.38mm Green 71 (2) energytech™ 4mm et (2) 6mm et (2) 10mm et (2) evantage™ 6mm Clear EV (2) 6mm Grey Ev (2) 6mm SuperGreen EV (2) 6mm Blue/Green EV (2) 6mm SuperBlue EV (2) solect™ 6.0 4.63 0.80 0.67 0.60 0.66 0.1 4.66 3.44 3.76mm clr PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm grn / 0.58 0.62 0.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.76 66 12.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm grn / 0.50 3.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 3mm clr / 0.76 67 10.48 0.55 0.63 0.51 0.42 0.6 3.68 0.7 68 68 66 56 56 34 9 9 8 7 7 5 10 10 10 9 9 9 0.38 66 12.2 4.6 3.1 4.47 0.76 59 12.58 0.44 4.38 56 8.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.1 4.0 4.57 0.0 4.76mm clr PVB / 3mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.8 3.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm grn / 0.60 0.47 0.7 3.0 4.65 0.70 0.46 0.69 0.52 0.78 0.38 60 10.38mm clear (2) 6.72 0.37 3.63 0.62 0.42 0.1 low-E coated comfortplus™ 6.8 81 70 47 11 10 8 11 11 10 0.57 0.0 4. 38mm gry PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 3mm clr / 0.38mm brz PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.0 6.38mm c_blu PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.48 0.49 4.76mm gry PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.38 58 8 10 0.37 4.43 3.38mm clr PVB / 6mm azur Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 1.38mm brz PVB / 3mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.43 4.76 53 7 9 0.76 33 5 9 0.49 4.76 41 6 9 0.76mm grn PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 3mm clr / 0.50 0.38mm gry PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.38 32 5 9 0.76 135 .43 4.52 4.0 12.0 10.1 10.43 0.51 4.60 0.41 4.1 10.44 0.43 4.0 12.41 4.58 0.49 0.49 0.76mm grn PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.45 4.44 0.38 40 6 9 0.38mm grn PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.43 4.38 (Grey) 32 5 9 0.61 0.59 0.43 4.42 3.37 0.48 0.38 50 7 9 0.51 0.61 0.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm sg / 0.38 (Cool Blue) 59 8 10 0.73 0.76mm gry PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 3mm clr / 0.38 4.0 12.0 6.38 54 7 9 0.38 33 5 9 0.0 12.49 0.44 4.76mm grn PVB / 3mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.38mm c_blu PVB / 3mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.38mm clr PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm gry / 0.38mm c_blu PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.46 0.51 4.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 3mm clr / 0.9 54 62 8 9 10 11 0.53 0.52mm clr PVB / 6mm grn Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.44 0.53 4.38 55 7 9 0.40 3.44 0.1 10.38mm clr PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm sg / 0.48 0.0 6.49 0.44 4.51 0.51 0.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm az / 0.0 11.51 0.38 32 5 9 0.38mm brz PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 3mm clr / 0.76mm clr PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm gry / 0.0 10.81 0.64 0.76 50 7 9 0.38mm brz PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.76mm gry PVB / 3mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.51 0.9 12.38mm c_blu PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.52mm clr PVB / 6mm azur Sunergy (4) 8.84 0.41 4.38 40 6 9 0.0 10.38 31 5 9 0.51 0.37 4.49 0.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm gry / 0.50 0.62 0.49 0.76mm grn PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.38 41 6 9 0.48 0.9 sungate® 500 4mm Sungate 500 (2) 6mm Sungate 500 (2) 83 82 11 11 11 11 0.1 10.52 54 7 9 0.38 40 6 9 0.52 54 7 9 0.44 4.0 13.45 0. VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading Thickness transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value Colour and type mm % External % Internal % W/m2K sunergy® – laminated continued 4mm gry / 0.42 4.1 8.9 10.38 54 7 9 0.38mm grn PVB / 3mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm sg / 0.76mm clr PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm sg / 0.52 4.38mm gry PVB / 4mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.50 0.76 12.76 54 7 9 0.0 3.52 0.38 54 7 9 0.0 8.41 4.41 4.48 0.52mm clr PVB / 6mm grn Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.0 8.44 4.48 0.0 12.38mm grn PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.0 13.52 54 7 9 0.44 4.1 8.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm gry / 0.38mm grn PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 3mm clr / 0.41 3.0 6.58 0.0 12.41 4.76 55 7 10 0.76 54 7 9 0.0 6.0 8.38 39 6 9 0.9 3.76 33 5 9 0.40 4.9 12.60 0.76 33 5 9 0.0 10.61 0.54 4.41 4.38 59 8 10 0.76 49 7 9 0.38mm gry PVB / 3mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 0.0 12.55 4.1 8.0 11.0 12.50 4.38 4.1 10.59 0.0 12.46 0.60 0.76 54 7 9 0.1 8.39 4.1 8.76 54 7 9 0.38 58 8 10 0.38 54 7 9 0.39 4.0 6.50 0.1 8.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm sg / 0.38 49 7 9 0.38mm clr PVB / 6mm grn Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 1.38 (Green) 55 7 10 0.7 XIR 72-47 – laminated 6mm clr / XIR film / PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / XIR film / PVB / 6mm et (4) 12.38 55 7 9 0.76mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm sg / 0.42 4.44 4.39 4.0 12.38 54 7 9 0.52 4.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm az / 0.0 10.38 54 7 9 0.52mm clr PVB / 6mm azur Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.1 10.0 12.76mm gry PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 6mm clr / 0.54 0.38mm clr PVB / 6mm grn Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 1.47 0.38 54 7 9 0.76 40 6 9 0.46 4.70 3.76 33 5 9 0.76 32 5 9 0.52 54 7 9 0.42 4.51 0.38 39 6 9 0.38mm clr PVB / 6mm azur Sunergy (4) 4mm clr / 1.47 0.0 12.50 4.38mm clr PVB / 6mm N Sunergy (4) 4mm gry / 0. 38mm 56 6 6 0.38mm Bronze 53 7 7 0.8 6.7 10.7 white translucent PVB 6.71 5.59 5.38mm Cool Blue 73 8 8 0.6 10.38mm 85 9 9 0.7 8.38mm Grey 44 6 6 0.70 5.6 10.87 0.79 5.38mm 58 6 6 0.72 0.38mm Bronze 50 6 6 0.8 2.71 0.88 0.69 0.79 5.6 12.76mm 84 9 9 0.6 12.6 12.85 0.75 0.75 5. VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value 136 Colour and type % External % Internal % W/m2K laminated clear 6.84 0.38mm Green 69 7 7 0.66 5.8 6.7 2.85 0.38mm Bronze 51 7 7 0.8 6.80 0.38mm 56 6 6 0.76mm 88 9 9 0.58 5.69 5.6 6.69 5.6 12.8 8.56 5.6 12.38mm Green 72 8 8 0.7 8.38mm Cool Blue 70 8 8 0.74 0.38mm 84 8 8 0.5 tinted PVB 6.76mm 85 9 9 0.6 VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading Thickness transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value Colour and type Internal % W/m2K mm % External % 12 14 81 80 15 15 15 15 0.7 2.38mm Cool Blue 74 7 7 0.84 0.72 5.67 0.38mm 86 9 9 0.81 0.38mm 57 6 6 0.38mm Green 70 8 8 0.75 5.7 8.58 0.38mm Grey 42 6 6 0.72 0.62 5.65 5.7 8.7 2.85 0.6 10.65 0.7 12 14 81 80 15 15 15 15 0.7 10.77 0.6 12.8 6.38mm SuperGreen 65 7 7 0.74 3.86 0.59 5.88 0.75 0.80 0.73 5.1 18 20 22 24 81 80 79 78 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 0.38mm Green 69 8 8 0.72 0.84 0.38mm Grey 43 7 7 0.64 5.61 5.66 5.74 2.38mm Bronze 50 6 6 0.67 0.69 0.76 0.76mm 87 9 9 0.88 0.70 2.71 0.8 8.38mm Cool Blue 72 8 8 0.72 5.66 5.6 12.62 5.61 5.91 0.50 5.38mm Grey 43 6 6 0.92 0.77 0.70 5.8 IGU’s double glazing clear (6mm air) 3mm clr / 6mm / 3mm clr 4mm clr / 6mm / 4mm clr clear (12mm air) 3mm clr / 12mm / 3mm clr 4mm clr / 12mm / 4mm clr 5mm clr / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm clr / 12mm / 6mm clr clear (6mm argon gas filled) 3mm clr / 6mm arg / 3mm clr 4mm clr / 6mm arg / 4mm clr .1 3.76 0.81 0.58 5.75 5.65 5.77 0.86 0.6 10.6 10.83 0.79 0.82 0.74 0.38mm 88 9 9 0.7 8.76 0. 57 0.52 0.78 0.71 0.40 0.67 0.44 0.5 1.38 74 73 74 73 68 68 73 17 17 16 16 18 17 17 16 16 17 17 18 17 16 0.9 2.6 2.41 0.48 3.50 0.44 0.7 14 14 14 73 50 66 13 8 11 14 12 13 0.68 0.61 0.54 0.7 2.6 14 14 14 73 50 66 13 8 11 14 12 13 0.64 0.50 0.76 0.58 0.46 0.1 2.7 2.54 0.9 tinted (6mm air) 4mm Green / 6mm / 4mm clr 4mm Grey / 6mm / 4mm clr 4mm SuperGreen / 6mm / 4mm clr tinted (12mm air) 6mm Azuria / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Bronze / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Caribia / 12mm / 6mm clr 5mm Dark Grey / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm Dark Grey / 12mm / 6mm clr 4mm Green / 12mm / 4mm clr 5mm Green / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm Green / 12mm / 6mm clr 4mm Grey / 12mm / 4mm clr 5mm Grey / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm Grey / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm SuperBlue / 12mm / 6mm clr 4mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 4mm clr 5mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm SuperGrey / 12mm / 6mm clr tinted (6mm argon gas filled) 4mm Green / 6mm / 4mm clr 4mm Grey / 6mm / 4mm clr 4mm SuperGreen / 6mm / 4mm clr 137 .81 0.70 0.73 0.1 3.7 2.57 0.88 0.39 0.75 0.71 2.46 0.58 0.66 1.6 1.7 2.55 0.47 0.9 2.60 0.6 2.5 16 17 0.60 0.70 0.73 0.56 0.64 0.40 0.1 3.50 0.63 2.7 2.46 0.69 0.50 0.7 2.69 0.47 0.86 0.84 0.58 0.82 0.64 0.22 2.7 2.50 0.7 2.73 0. VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading Thickness transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value Colour and type mm % External % 81 81 80 79 15 15 14 15 Internal % W/m2K IGU’s double glazing continued clear (12mm argon gas filled) 3mm clr / 12mm arg / 3mm clr 4mm clr / 12mm arg / 4mm clr 5mm clr / 12mm arg / 5mm clr 6mm clr / 12mm arg / 6mm clr 18 20 22 24 15 15 14 15 0.7 2.77 0.1 24 24 24 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24 24 20 22 24 24 61 43 60 19 14 73 70 68 50 42 37 47 66 62 59 8 10 7 10 5 4 13 12 12 8 7 7 8 11 10 10 4 13 12 13 11 11 14 13 13 12 12 11 12 13 13 12 11 0.7 2.52 0.7 2.6 1.7 2.1 clear with energytech™ low-E (6mm argon gas filled) 4mm clr / 6mm / 4mm et (3) 4mm et (2) / 6mm / 4mm clr 14 14 74 74 17 16 clear with energytech™ low-E (12mm argon gas filled) 4mm clr / 12mm arg / 4mm et (3) 6mm clr / 12mm arg / 6mm et (3) 4mm et (2) / 12mm arg / 4mm clr 6mm et (2) / 12mm arg / 6mm clr 4mm et (2) / 12mm arg / 4mm et (3) 6mm et (2) / 12mm arg / 6mm et (3) 6.45 0.40 0.62 0.5 1.79 0.56 0.46 0.7 2.57 0.6 1.47 2.6 2.7 2.38mm clr / 12mm arg / 6mm et (3) 20 24 20 24 20 24 24.67 0.6 1.25 0.67 0.7 2.64 0.58 0. 6 1.44 0.5 2.33 0.43 0.6 1.6 1.57 0.39 0.50 0.1 tinted with energytech™ low-E (6mm argon gas filled) 4mm Green / 6mm / 4mm et (3) 4mm Grey / 6mm / 4mm et (3) 4mm SuperGreen / 6mm / 4mm et (3) 14 14 14 68 46 61 15 9 13 tinted with energytech™ low-E (12mm argon gas filled) 6mm Azuria / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 6mm Bronze / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 6mm Caribia / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 5mm Dark Grey / 12mm / 4mm et (3) 6mm Dark Grey / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 4mm Green / 12mm / 4mm et (3) 5mm Green / 12mm / 4mm et (3) 6mm Green / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 4mm Grey / 12mm / 4mm et (3) 5mm Grey / 12mm / 4mm et (3) 6mm Grey / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 6mm SuperBlue / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 4mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 4mm et (3) 5mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 4mm et (3) 6mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 6mm SuperGrey / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 6.6 1.41 0.5 2.38 0.34 0.0 2.5 2.33 0.40 0.6 1.5 2.38 0.46 0.60 0.47 0.5 2.5 2.29 2.5 2.50 0.34 0.42 2.33 0.38 24.6 1.7 1.0 2.58 0.38mm green / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 24 24 24 21 24 20 21 24 20 21 24 24 20 21 24 24 24.6 1.32 0.56 0.58 1.56 0.47 0.50 0.6 1.39 0.38 0.54 0.44 0.50 0.17 0.0 24 24 24 24 24 61 29 44 51 35 27 10 17 21 13 28 29 29 29 29 0.45 0.51 0.43 0.39 0.5 2.52 0.5 2.44 0.57 0.60 0.38 56 40 56 18 13 68 66 63 46 39 34 43 61 59 55 7 35 59 12 8 12 5 5 15 15 14 9 8 7 9 13 12 12 4 7 12 15 14 15 14 14 16 16 16 15 14 14 15 15 15 15 13 14 15 0.38 0.33 0.58 0.50 0.53 0.67 0.55 0.44 0.45 0.6 1.5 2.39 0.6 1.0 2.52 0.38 0.7 1.45 0.29 0.45 0.5 16 15 15 0.50 0.14 0.39 0.6 1.66 0.57 0.47 0.52 0.24 0.57 0.34 0.43 0.63 0.6 1.5 2.54 0.6 1.30 0.21 2.1 2.28 1.7 1.52 0.38mm grey / 12mm / 6mm et (3) 6.45 0.60 0.0 2.43 0.51 0.34 0.6 24 24 24 24 24 61 29 44 51 35 27 10 17 21 13 28 29 29 29 29 0.38 0.7 evantage® (12mm air) 6mm Clear EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Grey EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm SuperGreen EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Blue / Green EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm SuperBlue EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr evantage® (12mm argon filled) 6mm Clear EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Grey EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm SuperGreen EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Blue / Green EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm SuperBlue EV (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr .6 1.38 0.7 1.5 2.6 1.50 0. VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading Thickness transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value 138 Colour and type mm % External % 61 43 60 19 14 73 70 68 50 42 37 47 66 62 59 8 10 7 10 5 5 13 12 12 8 7 7 8 11 10 10 4 Internal % W/m2K IGU’s double glazing continued tinted (12mm argon gas filled) 6mm Azuria / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Bronze / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Caribia / 12mm / 6mm clr 5mm Dark Grey / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm Dark Grey / 12mm / 6mm clr 4mm Green / 12mm / 4mm clr 5mm Green / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm Green / 12mm / 6mm clr 4mm Grey / 12mm / 4mm clr 5mm Grey / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm Grey / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm SuperBlue / 12mm / 6mm clr 4mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 4mm clr 5mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 5mm clr 6mm SuperGreen / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm SuperGrey / 12mm / 6mm clr 24 24 24 22 24 20 22 24 20 22 24 24 20 22 24 24 13 12 13 11 11 14 13 13 12 12 11 12 13 13 12 11 0.33 0.38 0.44 0.40 0.33 0.45 0.5 2.39 0.50 0.48 0.64 0.6 1.39 0.64 0.5 2.46 0.1 2.6 1.5 2. 41 0.40 0.1 2.25 0.63 0.61 0.39 0.1 2.51 0.65 2.72 0.32 2.36 0.33 0.1 2.67 0.34 0.53 0.5 2.63 0.6 14 14 62 62 12 16 16 12 0.38 23.31 2.9 20 24 24 55 56 26 11 11 6 16 15 13 0.36 0.54 0.75 0.9 1.48 0.62 0. VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading Thickness transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value Colour and type mm Internal % W/m2K % External % 20 24 24 55 56 26 11 11 6 16 15 13 0.25 0.35 1.9 1.74 0.45 0.59 0.27 1.50 0.35 2.65 2.7 20 24 30 20 24 24 24 24 23.51 0.1 14 14 62 62 12 16 16 12 0.9 1.1 2.7 2.48 0.61 0.1 2.53 0.53 0.3 2.7 20 11 37 36 0.1 2.57 0.39 0.32 0.34 0.53 0.7 2.26 1.36 0.38 23.61 0.9 1.9 1.6 1.53 0.41 0.23 0.27 1.9 1.33 0.38 62 60 58 62 60 50 50 30 60 29 12 12 12 16 15 10 10 6 13 6 16 15 15 12 12 15 15 14 16 15 0.1 23 15 19 11 37 36 0.9 1.8 1.5 20 11 36 36 0.38 0.46 0.6 1.38mm Sunergy clr PVB (2) / 12mm / 5mm clr 6.53 0.38mm Sunergy clr PVB (2) / 12mm / 5mm clr 6.20 0.28 0.9 1.46 0.58 0.9 IGU’s double glazing continued soltech™ (12mm air) 4mm Soltech (2) / 12mm / 4mm clr 6mm Soltech (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Soltech Grey (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr soltech™ (12mm argon filled) 4mm Soltech (2) / 12mm / 4mm clr 6mm Soltech (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Soltech Grey (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr sunergy® (6mm air) 4mm N Sunergy (2) / 6mm / 4mm clr 4mm clr / 6mm clr / 4mm N Sunergy (3) sunergy® (12mm air) 4mm N Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 4mm clr 6mm N Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 10mm N Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 8mm clr 4mm clr / 12mm / 4mm N Sunergy (3) 6mm clr / 12mm / 6mm N Sunergy (3) 6mm azur Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm green Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm grey Sunergy (2) 12mm / 6mm clr 6.1 2.35 0.38mm Sunergy gry PVB (2) / 12mm / 5mm clr solarcool – with clear (12mm air) 6mm Solarcool Azuria (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm Solarcool Grey (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 24 24 solarcool – with clear (12mm argon gas filled) 6mm Solarcool Azuria (2) / 12mm arg / 6mm clr 6mm Solarcool Grey (2) / 12mm arg / 6mm clr 24 24 23 15 solarcool – with energytech™ low-E (12mm air) 6mm Solarcool Azuria (2) / 12mm arg / 6mm et (3) 6mm Solarcool Grey (2) / 12mm arg / 6mm et (3) 24 24 22 15 139 .1 2.38mm Sunergy gry PVB (2) / 12mm / 5mm clr sunergy® (6mm argon filled) 4mm N Sunergy (2) / 6mm / 4mm clr 4mm clr / 6mm clr / 4mm N Sunergy (3) sunergy® (12mm argon filled) 4mm N Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 4mm clr 6mm N Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 10mm N Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 8mm clr 4mm clr / 12mm / 4mm N Sunergy (3) 6mm clr / 12mm / 6mm N Sunergy (3) 6mm azur Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm green Sunergy (2) / 12mm / 6mm clr 6mm grey Sunergy (2) 12mm / 6mm clr 6.3 20 24 30 20 24 24 24 24 23.73 0.40 0.30 0.9 2.50 0.9 1.56 0.38 62 60 58 62 60 49 50 30 60 29 12 12 12 16 15 10 10 6 13 6 16 15 15 12 12 15 15 14 16 15 0.57 0.46 0.1 2.66 0.29 0.52 0.1 2.38 0.77 0.76 0.56 0.33 0. 4 2.18 0.22 0.16 0. VLT VLR VLRi Visible light Visible light Visible light Shading Thickness transmission reflectance reflectance co-efficient SHGC U-value 140 Colour and type mm % External % Internal % W/m2K IGU’s double glazing continued solarcool – with energytech™ low-E (12mm argon gas filled) 6mm Solarcool Azuria (2) / 12mm arg / 6mm et (3) 6mm Solarcool Grey (2) / 12mm arg / 6mm et (3) 24 24 22 15 20 11 36 36 0.83 0.20 0.9 1.15 0.6 1.9 1.22 0.4 2.9 1.4 2.9 1.9 1.25 0.17 0.18 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.19 0.5 2.9 1.26 0.19 0. .17 0.38mm 90 1.20 0.6 1.9 1.4 2.4 2.21 0.89 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.23 0.19 0.23 0.23 0.15 0.25 0.20 0.21 0.5 2.7 1.16 0.9 1.24 0.6 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 35 35 36 36 36 32 32 33 32 32 32 32 0.4 * All performance data is calculated using Window 6.29 0.21 0.9 1.4 2.24 0.17 0.22 0.4 2.9 1.22 0.5 2.23 0.22 0.28 0.77 4.19 0.27 0.15 0.22 0.4 2.9 optiview™ – anti reflecting glass 6.9 1.9 1.24 0.19 0.20 0.15 0.38mm 92 1.6 12.19 0.9 1.23 0.7 0.9 1.9 1.18 0.18 0.20 0.15 0.5 reflective – vacuum coated: solarplus® (12mm air) 6mm SS22 on Azuria float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm SS22 on bronze float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm SS22 on clear float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm SS22 on Dark Blue (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm SS22 on Evergreen float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm SS22 on green float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm SS22 on grey float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS21 on Azuria float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS21 on bronze float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS21 on clear float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS21 on Dark Blue (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS21 on Evergreen float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS21 on green float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS21 on grey float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS30 on Azuria float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS30 on bronze float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS30 on clear float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS30 on Dark Blue (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS30 on Evergreen float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS30 on green float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 6mm TS30 on grey float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm clr 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 15 11 18 12 14 16 8 14 11 19 12 14 16 9 21 16 27 17 20 23 13 15 11 24 13 17 20 9 16 11 23 13 15 18 9 12 9 18 10 12 15 8 reflective – vacuum coated solarplus® with energytech™ low E (12mm air) 6mm SS22 on Azuria float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm SS22 on bronze float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm SS22 on clear float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm SS22 on Dark Blue (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm SS22 on Evergreen float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm SS22 on green float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm SS22 on grey float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS21 on Azuria float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS21 on bronze float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS21 on clear float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS21 on Dark Blue (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS21 on Evergreen float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS21 on green float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS21 on grey float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS30 on Azuria float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS30 on bronze float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS30 on clear float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS30 on Dark Blue (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS30 on Evergreen float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS30 on green float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 6mm TS30 on grey float (2) / 12mm air / 6mm et (3) 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 14 10 17 11 13 15 8 13 10 17 11 13 15 8 19 15 25 16 19 22 12 16 11 24 14 17 20 9 16 11 23 13 15 18 9 12 9 18 10 13 15 8 33 33 33 34 34 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 0.29 0.5 2.5 2.25 0.18 0.28 0.3 NFRC 100-2010 conditions producing centre of glass values.18 0.22 2.9 1.16 0.22 0.18 1.6 0.23 0.16 0.4 2.29 0.9 1.19 0.9 1.5 2.4 2.17 0.21 0.4 2.15 0.23 0.19 0.19 0.26 0.18 0.4 2.19 0.4 2.20 0.21 0.19 0.72 4.9 1.4 2.27 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.9 1.19 0.24 0.25 1.33 0.25 0. Broadline – Pilkington Patterned glass. Enviroshield Reflective – Viridian TS.Viridian Vinyl Back mirror. Grey.product trade names 141 A B Abstracto Wired glass. Comfort E & TI – AFG Range of pyrolytic and vacuum coated low-E glass. CIP Method of laminated glass manufacture. EverGreen – Pilkington Body tinted/toned glass: Darker and superior performer to normal green glass. Cool-lite – St Gobain Reflective vacuum coated glass. Refer Austint/Comfortone/Optifloat range. Aquavue – PG Patterned glass. bronze. Formerly known as Azurlite. Antisun – Pilkington Body tinted/toned glass. Datastop – Pilkington Glass designed to reduce transmission of electromagnetic radiation. Cool-lite ST – St Gobain Clear or Parsol Green temperable vacuum coated glass. Armourfloat – Pilkington Toughened glass. See also Energy Advantage. SS and SL range on clear and toned glass. DuPont Interlayer manufacturer for laminated glass. Caribia™ – PPG Body tinted/toned glass. blue-green. Formerly known as Solargreen. See also Eclipse Advantage. Asian Blue Body tinted/toned glass: Generic name for blue tinted glass from various Asian manufacturers. Austint – Pilkington Body tinted/toned glass: Standard grey. ChromaFusion – DuPont Decorative interlayers for laminated glass. blue-green.52mm laminated glass. E Eclipse – Pilkington Pyrolytic coated reflective glass: Grey. . ArmaClear – G. Enviroshield Performance – Viridian Laminated glass: Low-E coating and solar control interlayer. Coolpane – Architectural Glass International Reflective vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. DecorPanel – Viridian Grade A painted vinyl backed glass. See also Solar E Plus.James Glass Range of security and bullet resistant glass products. gold.Viridian Clear and tinted mirror glass. Clear Polished Wired Glass Wired glass and used in fire resistant glazing. Evergreen and Arctic Blue colours. green range and laminated glass.Viridian Range of Pilkington white and toned patterned and wired glass. Diamant – St Gobain Low-iron ultra clear glass. bronze. Cool-lite SKN 0xx – St Gobain Low Iron Diamant low-E vacuum coated glass. Antelio – St Gobain Pyrolytic coated reflective glass. DigiGlass Image creations in laminated glass. Colourlite – G. Blackpearl – Glaverbel 8mm thick dark black coloured pyrolytic coated temperable spandrel glass. Corella Patterned glass. bronze. Activ – Pilkington Self cleaning glass. Azuria™ – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Sky blue (non reflective blue float). ComforTone – Pilkington Body tinted/toned glass: Standard 4/5mm grey. See also Comfortone/Optifloat range. Evergreen and Arctic Blue colours. ComfortPlus – Viridian Laminated glass with low-E coating. Crosslite Patterned glass.James Glass Ceramic based painted glass. EuroGrey – Asahimas Body tinted/toned glass: Standard grey tinted glass. Atlantica – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Darker and superior performer to normal green glass. Decorative Formed – Pilkington Kiln fired formed glass (slumped). Arctic Blue – Pilkington Body tinted/toned glass: Blue float. See also Optifloat range. clear. Cyclone Resistant Laminated glass and framing system designed to resist penetration of flying debris in the event of breakage. AFG Hi-Performance – AFG/AFGD Reflective and/or low-E coated Glass: Vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. blue-green. Ekoplus – St Gobain Pyrolytic low-E coated glass. Crossreed Patterned glass. See also Georgian Polished Wired.Viridian See also Vanceva. ComfortSave – Viridian Monolithic clear and neutral coloured pyrolytic low-E coated glass. D Dark Grey – Asahimas Body tinted/toned glass: Standard dark grey tinted glass. Colourback – Pilkington Ceramic based painted glass. DecorPattern . DecorSatin – Viridian Acid etched glass. bronze. C Cardinal – Cardinal Reflective vacuum coated glass. Eliotherm – St Gobain Reflective glass. DuPont Sentry Glass Expressions – DuPont Images creations in laminated glass. DiamondGuard – SRG Scratch resistant glass. bronze and green range. SuperGreen and SuperBlue colours. Energy Advantage – Pilkington Pyrolytic low-E coated glass. Anti-Fade – Pilkington Range of UV reduction glass. easy cleaning glass. Bioclean – Saint Gobain Low maintenance. Enviro-mental screen – G. Diffused 2mm thick non reflective picture framing glass. Azurlite – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Sky blue (non reflective blue float). DecorColour . clear. Eglas – St Gobain Heatable glass. Arctic Blue Eclipse – Pilkington Pyrolytic coated reflective glass. Contraflam – St Gobain Heat and fire resistant safety glass sealed glazing unit with clear heat absorbing gel. Eclipse Advantage – Pilkington Pyrolytic coated reflective low-E glass: Grey. Anti-bandit – Pilkington 11. DecorMirror . Amiran® – Schott Anti-reflecting glass. DecorMirror Safe . Not available. Borofloat – Schott Heat resistant glass: Rated to 450ºC. Delta Wired glass. Colourclad – Pilkington Ceramic based painted glass. Cathedral – Pilkington Patterned glass. Borosilicate Refer Borofloat. Belgium Grey – Glaverbel Body tinted/toned glass: Old ‘green’ grey float. EnergyTech – Viridian Pyrolytic low-E coated glass. EVantage – Viridian Pyrolytic coated reflective low-E glass.James Reflective and standard laminated glass. B-270 – Schott No iron glass designed for motion picture projection rooms. Reflectasol – St Gobain Silcone based coated reflective glass. Optiwhite – Pilkington Low-iron ultra clear glass. Robax – Schott Heat resistant ceramic glass: Rated to 700ºC. Firelite Plus – Nippon Heat and fire resistant laminated ceramic safety glass. LE– Prefix for range of vacuum coated low-E glass. Pyroceram P Reflectafloat – Pilkington Pyrolytic coated reflective glass. Pyrostop – Pilkington Heat and fire resistant intumescent interlayered safety glass. Planibel – Glaverbel Planibel Plus. Optiview – Viridian Laminated pyrolytic coated anti-reflecting glass. Observa – Pilkington Reflective observation or one way security laminated mirror. Frontline™ – Pilkington Bushfire resistant glass. Satinlite – Pilkington Patterned glass. Firelite IGU – Nippon Heat and fire resistant ceramic safety and non safety glass. Patternlite – G. Priva-Lite – St Gobain Liquid crystal privacy glass. Fivestar – St Gobain Heat and fire resistant tempered safety glass. Monumental Patterned glass. Optigray 23 – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Colour appearance in between standard grey tint and Graylite. French Green – Taiwan Glass Body tinted/toned glass. green. Firelite – Nippon Heat and fire resistant ceramic non safety glass. Ocean Blue – Taiwan Glass Body tinted/toned glass. LamGuard – Pilkington 6. Parelio – St Gobain Reflective glass. Koolvue – AFG Body tinted/toned glass: Bronze float. IntruderGuard – Viridian K K-Glass – Pilkington Pyrolytic low-E coated glass. Mirrorpane – Pilkington Reflective observation or one way security mirror. LVC – Taiwan Glass Range of pyrolytic coated reflective glass. Magic ScreenGlass – DMD Switchable privacy glass. Q Qualage – Pilkington Patterned glass. green and pink. Neoceram – Bromic Heat resistant ceramic glass: Rated to 700ºC. Lead Glass Radiation shielding glass. PyroGuard 40 . Renew – Viridian Self cleaning glass. I Insulight/Insulight U Plus – Pilkington Double glazed units. Miralux – Glaverbel Mirror product: Copper and lead free. Planibel – Glaverbel Body tinted/toned glass: European range of grey. privacy and retail glazing. R See also Activ. Top N. Hy-Tech-Glass Anti-reflecting glass. Optilight – G. J N Jailsafe – Pilkington Jailsafe toughened laminated security glass range. LHR – PPG Light and heat reflecting pyrolytic coated heat strengthened glass. Scintilla – Pilkington Wired glass. dark blue. Satinlite Low iron – Pilkington Patterned glass.52mm laminated glass. bronze. Pyrobel®/Pyrobelite – Glaverbel Heat and fire resistant intumescent interlayered safety glass. Optifloat – Pilkington Clear float glass and body tinted/ toned glass. Polarex – Pilkington Reflective observation or one way security mirror. green. Krystal Klear – AFG Low-iron ultra clear glass. Securiflam – Vetrotech/ St Gobain Heat and fire resistant tempered safety glass. Pyroswiss – St Gobain Heat and fire resistant: Heat modified calcium silica based extra clear tempered safety glass. Parsol – St Gobain Body tinted/toned glass: European range of grey. Parlux – St Gobain Reflective glass. Optilam – Pilkington Range or various types of laminated glass. Flashed Opal Light diffusing glass. Optimirror – Pilkington Standard mirror product with no copper layer.Viridian IGU used in bushfire prone areas Pyroshield – Pilkington Clear Polished Wired Glass. Mirage – Pilkington Hard coat reflective glass for mirror. Mirogard® – Schott Optically coated non reflective glass.James Glass Range of hi-performance laminated glass products using low-E coated glass. Narrowreed – Pilkington Patterned glass. Graylite – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Dark grey float. Kosciusko – Pilkington Patterned glass. M See also LamGuard. bronze. Miralite-Evolution – St Gobain Mirror product: Copper and lead free. Optipanel – Pilkington 4mm white painted glass with Grade A vinyl coating for wardrobe door applications.142 F L Flemish – Pilkington Patterned glass. New Cathedral – Pilkington Patterned glass. Energy and G: Range of low-E coated glass. Med-X – Pilkington Radiation shielding glass. Gluechip Patterned glass. Priva Blue – Glaverbel Body tinted/toned glass. Ford Blue – LOF Body tinted/toned glass: Blue float. Satina – Pinar Acid etched glass. O Obscura – Pilkington Wired glass. . G Georgian Polished Wired See also Clear Polished Wired. Azur and Priva Blue. Screenview – Taiwan Glass Patterned glass. Optimirror Protect – Pilkington Grade A safety organic coated vinyl back mirror.James Glass Light diffusing patterns using ceramic based painted glass. Refer Neoceram. Luxar – Glas Troesch AG. Liquid Pour Method of laminated glass manufacture. Firelite NT – Nippon Heat and fire resistant 3M filmed ceramic safety glass. Optilam Phon – Pilkington Laminated glass for noise reduction. Interpane – Interpane Reflective vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. dark grey and bronze. Seadrift – Pilkington Patterned glass. SentryGlas® Plus – DuPont Special high strength interlayer for laminated glass. Matelux – Glaverbel Acid etched glass. Panasap – Asahimas Body tinted/toned glass: EuroGrey. Pyran S – Schott Heat and fire resistant tempered safety glass. Planitherm Futur N – St Gobain Clear float temperable low-E glass vacuum coated. S Saflex – DuPont Range of special coloured interlayers. PeformaTech E – Viridian High performance low-e IGU’s Planar – Pilkington Structural glazing system. Opacilam – DMS Painted laminated glass. Low-T Gray – AFG Body tinted/toned glass: Grey float. SCPrefix for range of vacuum coated glass. Profilit – Pilkington Self supporting glazing system of U-shaped profiled glass. Pyrodur – Pilkington Heat and fire resistant laminated safety glass for integrity only. Spotswood – Pilkington Patterned glass. SuperGreen – Viridian Body tinted/toned glass: Darker and superior performer to normal green glass.James Glass Double glazed units. Supersilver Dark Blue – Glaverbel/Glavermas Refer Stopsol. SunGreen™ – Asahimas Body tinted/toned glass: Darker and superior performer to normal green glass.James Glass Reflective and/or low-E coated glass: Vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. Solarshield Reflective glass. Suncut – Asahi Pyrolytic coated reflective glass. SuperGrey™ – Pilkington Body tinted/toned glass: Deep grey float. Thermotech – Viridian Insulated glass units. Stopray Natura – Glaverbel Laminated low-E coated solar control glass. Solargreen – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Darker and superior performer to normal green glass. bronze and blue float. SolarE Plus – Pilkington Laminated glass: Low-E coating and solar control interlayer. Vari-Tran – Spectrum Reflective vacuum coated monolithic glass. Sparkle – Pilkington Patterned glass. Switchable glass Electrically controlled privacy glass switching from clear to opaque or transitional. TSPrefix for range of vacuum coated glass. T Tandarra – Pilkington Patterned glass. Sungate – PPG Pyrolytic and vacuum low-E coated glass. SS08 Grey Reflective observation or one way security laminated mirror. VFloat – Viridian Clear float and body tinted/toned glass. SunClean© – PPG Self cleaning glass. Sunlux – Asahi Reflective vacuum coated monolithic double glazed. Stratobel – Glaverbel Laminated glass which can be made up as a reflective. Tudor Qualage – Pilkington Patterned glass. V Vanceva™ – Solutia Decorative laminated glass make-ups. Soft White Laminated Light diffusing laminated glass. bronze. X XIR laminated film – Southwall Technologies High performance laminated film for glass lamination. Solarbel – Glaverbel Reflective soft coat monolithic and laminated glass. See also Arctic Blue. SuperClear – Viridian Low-iron ultra clear glass. Refer Visteon. Vetroflam – St Gobain Heat and fire resistant glass with special heat reflecting coating. SolarE – Pilkington Laminated glass with low-E coating. Starelio – St Gobain Pyrolytic coated reflective glass. SolarPro – China Southern Reflective and/or low-E coated glass: Vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. green. Sun-Guard – Guardian Solar control hi-performance coated glass. Staccato – Pilkington Patterned glass. Stopsol® – Glaverbel/Glavermas Pyrolytic coated reflective glass: Stopsol® grey. See also Evergreen. Triplex Old terminology for laminated glass. Vycor – Langson Glass Heat and fire resistant silicate based glass: Rated to 1200ºC. Solarflex Reflective Glass – Taiwan Glass Reflective and/or low-E coated glass: Vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. 143 . Venetian Mirror Privacy mirror.James Glass Laminated glass with low-E coating. Solexia (formerly Solex). SSPrefix for range of vacuum coated glass. dark blue and green in Classic and Supersilver range. VLam – Viridian Range of various types of laminated glass. Solartag – Thai/Asahi Reflective vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. Solutia Interlayer manufacturer for laminated glass. TEC – Pilkington Electrical conducting glass. Solar – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Solarbronze and Solargrey. Seracool – Pilkington Ceramic based painted glass.Glasshape Storm and cyclone resistant glazing Strata – Pilkington Patterned glass. SLPrefix for range of vacuum coated glass. Seraphic – Pilkington Ceramic based painted glass. Twin Glaze – G. Solarcool® – PPG Pyrolytic coated reflective glass: Solarcool® Caribia™. Twin-Kote – Pilkington Mirror and safety mirror. Solarban – PPG Range of vacuum coated low-E solar control glass. SolTech – Viridian Low-E coated glass. green and blue tinted pyrolytic low-E coated glass. Solexia – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Standard green float. Stopray – Glaverbel Reflective double glazed units. ToughClad – DMS Ceramic based painted glass. U UltraWhite – Guardian Low-iron ultra clear glass. Texture – Pilkington Range of patterned glass. ShowerGuard™ – Guardian Easy to clean permanent coated glass for shower screens. Swissflam/Swissflam Lite – St Gobain Heat and fire resistant intumescent interlayered safety glass. VLam Hush – Viridian Laminated glass for noise reduction. Sterling Azuria™ – PPG Pyrolytic coated reflective glass. WindowClad – Pilkington Glass and fitting system. Solect – G. Solarplus – G. Squarelite – Pilkington Wired glass. Solarfoil – G. Sunergy® – AGC Clear or neutral.James Glass Reflective and/or low-E coated glass: Vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. Viraspan – Viracon Ceramic based painted and opacifier filmed glass for spandrel glazing. Suncool HP – Pilkington IGU using reflective vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. Visteon See Versalux. Azuria™ (formerly Azurlite). Starphire® Glass – PPG Low-iron ultra clear glass. Solarguard – Glassguard/ Glass Form Reflective laminated glass utilising special film. StormGuard™ – Viridian Storm and cyclone resistant glazing StormShield® . Suncool – Pilkington Reflective vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. TEPrefix for range of vacuum coated glass. grey and Graylite. Versalux – Visteon Body tinted/toned and Pyrolytic coated reflective glass: Grey. Formerly known as Solex. Solarscreen – Viracon Reflective and/or low-E coated glass: Vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. W White flashed opal glass Light diffusing glass.SentryGlas® Expressions – DuPont Decorative glass with imprinted interlayer. Translucent Laminated Light diffusing glass. Showertex Cathedral patterned glass laminated. bronze. Viracon – Viracon Reflective and/or low-E coated Glass: Vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. SuperBlue – Viridian Body tinted/toned glass: Blue float. Spectrum – Spectrum Reflective vacuum coated monolithic and laminated glass. Solex – PPG Body tinted/toned glass: Standard green float. Sunglas Body tinted/toned glass. Solarban 60 Starphire® – PPG Vacuum coated low-E on low-iron Starphire® glass base. Stadip – St Gobain Clear and tinted laminated glass.
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