to Prevent Sex Regret From Women You Sleep With

March 18, 2018 | Author: David AZ | Category: Seduction, Sexual Intercourse, Sleep, Science, Emotions



How to Prevent Sex Regret from Women You SleepWith /content/how-prevent-sex-regret-women-you-sleep Something that's been a hot topic on the discussion boards lately has been the subject of buyer's remorse and sex regret, and also more generally women just acting weird after sex happens fast. As you push the boundaries of what you can achieve with women and seduction, you'll find your time-to-bed reduces rather dramatically, especially once you internalize the concepts of "move faster" and "always be moving forward." What happens as time-to-bed falls, however, is that women's perceptions of you change, and their response to sex with you changes, too. Whereas had you previously only experienced sleeping with women you'd had prolonged courtships with, and had thus only been sleeping with the women who were most interested in you and with whom you'd already established a deep emotional bond, as you move faster and faster you'll sleep with more and more women who only had a passing interest in you, who didn't develop much of a bond with you, or who even might have slept with you on a whim, but regretted it later. This introduces a whole lot of variability in the reactions, at least until you get certain things down. In this article, I'm going to cover why you see everything from sex regret to vanishing women to women trying to regain their celibacy and, hence, sexual power with you after the fact, and how to deal with these various situations to make women feel better, happier, and more comfortable about having shared a wonderful night with you. There are really only four (4) possible emotions a woman may experience after a night of passion with you, listed here in order of desirability: and anticipating seeing you again 2." 3. but is down Satisfied. but he could be okay as a boyfriend. but is most suited to a "whirlwind romance. "Well. Satisfied and done with you: this is the girl who's satisfied enough with the sex. 2. She's generally more experienced and/or at a point in her life where relationships aren't that big of a concern to her (school or career is the higher priority). so it's onto the next one . but the buildup and the actual sexual experience weren't enough to send her into emotional overdrive. either. This can either be because she wants this really bad. or because the sexual experience was just "okay". and doesn't care too much if she sees you again. Let's talk about what each of these emotions entails. Satisfied. and not planning on seeing you again 3. not enough to send her into fits of ecstasy. or at least with the experience. Women can also react this way when they're very inexperienced and not yet accustomed to dealing with the emotions that follow intimacy with a man they like. Satisfied. These happen most frequently with those love at first sight -type connections where you and a girl just hit it off magically well and when you sleep together it's fireworks. Satisfied and "planning": this girl likes you. Disgusted with herself for having slept with you so fast (or at all) 4. In other words. and you didn't rock her socks off enough that she wants to come back for a second helping. but later auto-reject and regret sex if you don't make her feel good fast enough and move into category #4 (disgusted with you). but doesn't have any desire to see you again and will say "no" if asked Obviously. and anticipating seeing you again 2. Here's how they break down: 1. She isn't necessarily tied to strictly one of these. and her feeling is. whatever you made her feel. Satisfied and open to suggestion: in this instance. and wants to see you again. the sex was enough for her. I don't really want him as a lover. either. as a boyfriend. She may wake up in the morning feeling like emotional category #1 (satisfied and anticipatory). and she's probably felt it before. and REALLY excited about seeing you again Satisfied. and not planning on seeing you again These can be further broken down into four subcategories: Satisfied. she can handle it. but with you as a boyfriend Satisfied. When She's Happy About Sex Our two "happy about sex" categories are: 1. Satisfied. She's almost certainly at least fairly sexually experienced. Disgusted with YOU for having "made" her sleep with you so fast (or at all) Why a woman might feel one of these with you and not another is what we'll talk about in today's post. 4. and she doesn't otherwise want you as a boyfriend. and she doesn't have any strong desire to keep you around in a boyfriend capacity. these are all quite different.. but again. What she DOES want is you. She might be down for another roll in the hay though if you ask.. but has no desire to see you again. Satisfied." where the two of you fall crazily in love and start spending night and day with each other.1. Satisfied and excited: lends itself to whatever kind of relationship you want. However. When She Regrets Sex Our two "regret sex" categories are: 1. women with high partner counts who haven't made their peace with said partner counts can self-destruct mentally after yet another bout of fast sex. Women who are sexually experienced and have made their peace with this do not get sex regret (unless you are bloody terrible to them after sex. virginal saints) . You can see a few common patterns throughout those four: How knee-knocking good the sex was (or not) How strongly she wants you as a boyfriend (or not) How experienced she is with men and sex (or not) Before we look at some additional patterns though. They tend to be crazy in their own right .. and the more likely it is that she's disgusted because she thinks she acted too slutty and easy than because you are an evil cad or manipulator.that's why they can't accept their own behavior and can't reconcile their actions (lots of sex with lots of men) with what society expects of them (chaste. pure. and even then. probably they still just chalk that up to picking the wrong guy. let's take a look at the scenarios where she regrets sex and enters into buyer's remorse. expectations. Disgusted with YOU for having "made" her sleep with you so fast (or at all) These too break down further into subcategories: Disgusted with herself because she thinks you're a no-good cad Disgusted with herself because she thinks she was too easy / a slut Disgusted with YOU because she thinks you tricked or manipulated her into sex Disgusted with YOU because she thinks you've made her act slutty You can see that the reasons mirror each other. the more likely she is to be disgusted with herself. and forget about it). if she's disgusted at all.. Women who are inexperienced are prone to feelings of regret when the men they sleep with do not properly handle their emotions. differing in whether she blames herself or she blames you. .for her. and sexual experience. rather than you. These women are often the WORST about this.and they end up blaming you to alleviate their own emotional pain. The more emotionally healthy a woman is. and differing in whether the problem is that you are bad or she did something bad. Disgusted with herself for having slept with you so fast (or at all) 2. This kind of woman will feel disgusted with you and brand you a liar and manipulator when she thought she could rope you into a longer-term sexual or romantic relationship (sometimes because you misled her. in order to maintain the victim mentality they use to try to coax other men to white knight for them and "save" them. and pretty mentally healthy. Rather than accept responsibility for their own actions. no-good cad and not the kind of man she should be sharing her body with. She wonders how she could have been so blind. she feels bad for not realizing earlier that you are a dirty. or doesn't want to.Emotionally unhealthy women with low self-esteem will place the blame for their bad feelings on you. Disgusted with YOU because you're a liar and a manipulator: these girls are buckets full of drama. this can lead to them making false rape accusations. Here's how each of these subcategories breaks down: 1. The sex may have been good. didn't follow up to contact her after she'd left your place to go to work or go home. In extreme cases. 2. and in this case you weren't really the kind of guy she's all that excited about seeing again in any context. Disgusted with herself because she's too slutty: in this scenario. hopefully ." She's somewhat sexually experienced. or it may have been bad. or attacking you verbally and spreading rumors or lies. Disgusted with herself because you're a cad: here. and her tryst with you has only served as another reminder and more evidence in the case that she is a "slut. especially if there is a social consequence or risk to the woman for the sex or if she has a partner who finds out about it. This is most common when she was originally satisfied and excited. 3. they have a strong emotional need to push off any bad feelings they have onto you as your fault. she regrets having slept with you because she was already worried that she's too casual about sex. that's not the main thing here. but hasn't made her peace with her sexuality yet. and you'll sometimes end up sorry you ever met them. The main thing is how she feels about her behavior with a man she likely won't repeat with. etc. but became disillusioned when you didn't seem nearly as into her. as a means of relieving their internal strife and avoiding having to examine their own actions. if you push too hard. but I've yet to be convinced that a man can completely push a woman to accompany him. when someone REALLY doesn't want to do something. I've known some REALLY pushy guys. you're not going to be able to talk her into it. However. obviously. and what you need to do differently to avoid negative reactions and cultivate positive ones. these are always "on the fence"-type cases where she wasn't sure if she should say "yes" or "no. you can lead a woman into ego depletion. take her clothes off for him. and that's also why I strongly recommend you be very careful about NOT ego depleting women. You want women happy about sleeping with you. she's just completely off her rocker and no matter how hard you go back and review the seduction you won't be able to find anything that might make her think this. spend time with him. go somewhere alone with accident and not on purpose. Some of the time when you get disgusted blaming from women. It'll make her feel good and make her life better 2. And that's for a variety of reasons: 1. then realized after sex that she would not be able to.. Disgusted with YOU because you made her act slutty / pushed her to sex: this girl thinks you made her do something she did not want to do. However again. she may even have pursued you. maybe because you were operating in scarcity and afraid she would not sleep with you if you let on your "true intentions". so that you are not being a bad influence or causing them to regret sex with you.. and have sex with him wholly against her will. this is why. 4. knowing that you are a positive force of . kiss him." And sometimes when a woman is disgusted with you and blaming you for making her "do" something. but she's just crazy and is trying to make the world bend to her rather than her bend to it). The trends here are: She regrets sex with you because you didn't treat her right after She regrets sex with you because she feels ashamed of her actions She regrets sex with you because she's crazy and you didn't do what she wanted you to so it's your fault Now let's have a look at all the major patterns.. though non-crazy women can usually pick these up whether you want them to or not. come along with him. but other times it's in spite of mountains of efforts by you to set expectations properly so as not to hurt her. You'll gain more confidence for future seductions. where her decisionmaking abilities deteriorate and she starts to do things she ordinarily might not. Just haven't seen it or heard of it. You'll get to have a clear conscience and feel good about yourself 3. not disgusted. and dodge any other potential "woman scorned" efforts to exact crazy woman vengeance upon you Basically. There's this natural tug-of-war going on between women's natural inclinations towards sex. If a woman sees you as nothing more than a throwaway lover. Expectations. Therefore. They're less inclined toward monogamy than men are. and More Sex is a complicated thing for women. What was her agenda for you? Did she want you as nothing more than a one-night stand? Or did she want you to be her new boyfriend? Or. They probably love it more than men do (good sex. avoid worst-case-scenario false rape revenge accusations. and suddenly life gets a lot harder for you. that's going to color her perception an entirely different way. the things coloring how women feel about you and their fling with you after all is said and done come down to these factors: 1. There's another thing that impacts how women feels about sex too: how they feel about you. and are every bit as excited about sex with strangers as men are. and their socially-imposed reservations about it. women love sex. You'll avoid having her throw you under the bus socially. giving you large doses of preselection. knowing as they do that to much word getting around that they aren't models of chastity may well lead to their abilities to land quality boyfriends falling through the floor. expect it to influence how she feels about you after. Agendas. that's going to color her thoughts about you and your intimacy together one way post-romp. too. Agenda. Society. though. anyway). and bounces in their steps. At the same time. If she sees you as a potential boyfriend or husband. You'll be far more likely to see this particular girl again if you want that 5. it's good for women to think well of you and enjoy their experiences with you . did she not have an agenda? If she did have one. She'll be likely to tell her friends about you. As a seducer. Get labeled a "slut". Women often have to cover up their pasts around men (and other women) to avoid being judged and having their social status and mating prospects dry up. conversely.goodness and satisfaction and sexual pleasure entering into women's lives 4. this should be your top priority with women: always be putting smiles on women's faces. and helping you sleep with said friends should you want that 6. depending on . Treatment. Did you treat her well and normal and with zero change from before sex. Other considerations. 6. What expectations did you set for her prior to intimacy? Were you wining and dining her. How powerful does she feel you are compared to her? Your power relative to her will strongly color her perception of you and the sex. If you seem weak relative to her (e. Performance. the more sold on you as an amazing man she likes and admires she'll be. or does she blame herself for straying from him. Your power relative to her 2. she's not going to hold it against you. based on the other factors in this list: either she's going to think well of you. and to hell with her experience? Women think a lot more favorably of the men who give them scream-her-lungs-out-good times in bed than the men who give them a few minutes of thrusting and then roll over and fall asleep. What else is going on in her life? Does she have a boyfriend or husband? Does she blame him for driving her into the arms of another man. the less fond of you she'll be. or were you just getting your rocks off. and again in the morning? The more sex you have with her. or are awkward and clearly inexperienced). that's life"? Is she crazy (like. doing so means smiles. because she'll get what she paid for. or angry and terse. Also. and not doing so means frowns. 7. Your sexual performance . Conversely. did you go multiple rounds with her. behaving elegantly. How plugged into the social matrix is she. The shorter the time it takes and the fewer the number of rounds you go. like what we talked about in the article on how to start a relationship ? Or were you weird and awkward. or does she blame you for making her stray? Or is she fine with her actions and isn't blaming anybody. like she was some kind of sex doll you used and tossed aside when finished? Did you follow up after she left with a warm text letting her know you enjoyed her and hope she's feeling good. 5. Society. either.. Your treatment of her after sex 3. I'd rank them in this order of importance: 1. 4. and just closely you seem to be hewing to what she wanted you to do.. if she views you as clearly the one in charge in the bedroom. or did you forget all about her and leave her feeling like she was nothing to you? Women want you to make them feel special. or to regret sex with you after. and treating her like Prince Charming? Or were you crass and boorish and poorly suited to anything but a forgettable one-time fling? The more closely your actions after sex match the expectations you set prior to sex. her reaction to you will be polarized. "Well. 3. literally. if you prematurely ejaculate. Expectations. Power. and how conservative (or not) is her background? Sleeping quickly with an inexperienced girl from a conservative part of your country is obviously going to lead to very different reactions post-intimacy than sleeping quickly with an experienced girl from a liberal part of your country will.g. or she's going to detest you.. 2. but she's not going to be satisfied. and the longer the stretch of time you have it with her over. the less sex regret she's likely to experience. How good were you in bed? Did you make her orgasm hard? Or was the sex just mediocre for her? Were you focused on giving her a great time. or some kind of mental illness)? Did she get "caught" hooking up again and has to go on the attack against you to defend her reputation? All these things are the major factors that will swing a woman to be satisfied with you after sex. does she have extreme personality disorders. or did you give her the boot out onto the cold pavement as soon as you were done with her. I've never really had a problem having women come back for more. and she'll follow whatever agenda she initially had planned for you (or. Her social background 7. in conjunction with wherever your most glaring mistakes were.. Her agenda with you That is to say: If she sees you as weak and inexperienced. The "Feel" of All This I have a confession to she conservative and inexperienced. exceed expectations. if she had no agenda. and she will react negatively depending on her predispositions and where you messed up Do a middling job. Her other considerations (boyfriend. based on which side of the exciting-disappointing side of the needle her experience with you fell on) Do a GREAT job. she'll either be open to seeing you again or not open to seeing you again. passionate lovemaking all over the apartment.. . Assuming you do all of these GREAT. Her expectations of you 6. and how closely to that did they hew? Did you meet expectations. do things poorly. or fall far short of who she thought you were and what she thought you'd do? Her social background factors in next . crazy. And of course. you'll go down the list and whatever it is you want with her is most likely what you'll get.." you'll go down the list and whatever her agenda was with you is what you will end up doing. it's whether she has another relationship that colors her perception.. or liberal and experienced. or somewhere in between? Finally is her agenda: what does she want with you? Assuming you do all of these "okay. etc. or not? Next in line is your sexual performance: did you give her scads of orgasm. and she'll do whatever you want Her response is in your hands. whether she's batty. and in whatever capacity I want them in. nothing else matters. and multiple rounds at night and the next day. or not? After this. and she'll write the experience off as her being silly for not having realized you were weak and inexperienced Assuming she sees you as in-charge in the bedroom. or whether some other outside factor is jostling for importance in her interpretation of her experience with you Following this are her expectations of you: how did she think things would go with you. and she's going to react negatively however she's predisposed to react negatively. Notice the difference there? It's: Do a poor job. your treatment of her after sex is the most powerful factor: did you treat her well and make her feel GREAT.) 5. but you must give her what she wants.4. and getting her relieved to FINALLY be with a man who can deal with sexuality with her in a way that isn't awkward or creepy. You get what you train for. They kind of like her. just see the list of factors above. Fact is. they don't really know. wondering what happened. I see other men who say things like. getting her excited. and most men don't really seem to be able to think like a woman. either). and had them tell me. what they did wrong. You keep throwing bags of pixie dust at it and it keeps sitting there like a dead lump of metal. That's what deep diving is . If you're only just hooking up with her.. I notice these same guys have trouble hanging onto women in relationships. and getting upset and enraged when your car stops working because it ran out of gas. because there's nowhere else she can get that. car!'s getting her laughing. Focus on the girl. satisfying. so they just follow their usual routine that isn't all about giving her a mind-blowing experience..I'm very good at getting what I want. you're not going to do so hot a job with the women you sleep with whom you want to see more of later. what women think and feel. passionate sex Great. and accept what they really want: Great. for some reason (then again. but understanding the psychology behind it. "I'd really LIKE to give women great experiences. I'm a big believer in "you get what you give. It's why you move fast and hit escalation windows so you don't leave women's building a great connection.. "Actually. but I don't really know what they WANT!" If you fall into this camp. who cares about doing all that extra work?" And while that argument proposes to only be about flings and one-night stands. and she will be back for more." Give her the experience of a lifetime. That's what chase framing is . rewarding emotions . and then are disappointed when they decide they want to see her again later but she doesn't want to see them. Because you can't give a woman what she wants if you don't know what she wants. most women don't really seem to be able to think like a man. People want to imagine that what the opposite sex REALLY wants is [fill in the blank Disney fairytale]. and rubber. damn it! Why won't you run. and I think a big part of that is because I make it my top priority to give women what they want. It's why there is so much focus on this website about not just doing things technically correct. I think the main barrier to men and women understanding one another is self-delusion. if you're not focusing on maximizing the experiences of the women you sleep with. and keeping them happy. Make giving her an amazing experience the name of the game. I can't tell you how many guys I've talked to about giving women good sex. why you didn't want them. I kinda just focus on having sex long enough to finish myself. plastic... It's like convincing yourself that cars run on pixie dust. When that isn't true at all. I've noticed that a lot of men aren't really sure what capacity they want a girl in when they first sleep with her. they maybe want to see her again. Also.. Most men suck at this. even just casually. "Run. and why they think and feel the things that they feel. you dumb thing?!" Set aside any idealistic notions of what women want. . Always. Give them that. and they will keep coming back for more so long as you're willing to provide it to them. dominant man whom they admire and respect.Zero blame or bad feelings To feel like they are special to you and you genuinely dig them .. Chase Related Articles from GirlsChase. and all this from a .
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