girish final report

March 24, 2018 | Author: Harini Nagarajaiah | Category: Oat, Nutrition, Dietary Fiber, Vegetable Oil, Wheat



Chapter 1 Executive SummarySwasthya Food Products is a newly established organization which basically deals with the processed health food products which are related to health products. The company started business on Public-Private Partnership mode with the Bakery training unit of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. The company has launched three new products, namely Ragi malt with a brand name of Magic malt, Swasthya Plus a health drink which suits for all ages and Gold 9 which is also a traditional Health drink which gives a real desi taste. All these three products purely contain different nutritious and sprouted grains. Swasthya company has also launched Instant Health Drink Vending Machine. Market research is imperative for a company to know what type of products or services would be profitable to introduce in the market. Also with respect to its existing products in the market, good market research enables a company to know if it has been able to satisfy customer needs and whether any changes need to be made in the packaging, delivery or the product itself. This enables a company to formulate a viable marketing plan or measure the success of its existing plan. The present study titled “Market Survey of Traditional Health Drinks in Bangalore Urban” was taken for the summer internship with the following objectives. • • • • To study the market potential of Malt based traditional health drinks To evaluate the consumer preference towards traditional health drinks To evaluate the preference of the installation of health drink vending machine. To study the consumer behavior towards Swasthya foods company products 1 With growing health awareness, many people have become selective about their diet and there is a marked preference for low calorie high protein food supplements. At the same time, poor people cannot afford costly energy food available in the market. Thus, there is a growing market for good quality health food if the prices are reasonable. In this regard traditional health drinks like ragi malt, health mix have good scope in the market because of their better nutritional value and affordable price. This study is centered about traditional health drinks like ragi malt, health mix… The study was taken up in important targeted areas of Bangalore. During the study the researchers had interaction with sellers, consumers, top authorities of some major organizations and institutions like KSAMB, NABARD, BMTC,KSRTC, IRCTC, BEL, BHEL, Department of Agriculture and Department of Horticulture, etc… The study was carried out with the survey of sellers and consumers. The overall study revealed that among all traditional Health drinks sold, Ragi malt accounted for maximum quantity followed by Health mix, Dia mix, Ragi rich and others. This is mainly due to the demand for Ragi malt is much higher than those of Health mix, Dia mix and others. The result of the study revealed that RT nagar, Basavanagudi, Vasanthnagar, Sahakarnagar, Vijayanagar and Koramangala are the main areas in which the product types concentration is seen more and in the same way the concentration is seen less in the areas of Mathikere, Sadashivnagar, Jayanagar and others Among the available product type Ragi malt is the major product type which is found more in the shelves of retail shops. Manna is the leading ragi malt brand in these locations. The result also revealed that consumer awareness on the traditional drink is about 79 percent but the awareness about the brands is negligible. The consumption percentage of the Traditional Health Drinks is 71 percent, among them 80 percent of the consumption is homemade Traditional Health Drinks like Ragimalt. The Regular, Ginger and Vanilla are mostly preferred by all the age group of respondents. 2 The study also deals with the survey regarding the preference for installation of the vending machine by the private and public organizations in which the results reveal that most of the organizations preferred to install the vending machine at the premises of the canteen. As a part of the study demonstration was held at Hebbal campus to obtain the feedbacks from the respondents by offering the Ragi malt of Swasthya Food Products company. The results revealed a positive response for the drink and consumers gave their preference to purchase the product if made available in the market. Chapter 2 3 Source: D&B Research Food processing industry is unorganized as a large chunk of the production is from small scale units. 4 . Though the organized sector seems comparatively small. meat and poultry. beer and alcoholic beverages. packaged or convenience food and packaged drinks. it is growing at a much faster pace.INDUSTRY PROFILE Present Status and Future Prospects of Indian Food Processing Industries: The food processing sector is highly fragmented industry. This segment accounts for more than 70% of the output in terms of volume and 50% in terms of value. marine products. grain processing. milk and milk products. it widely comprises of the following sub-segments: fruits and vegetables. Annual Report 2003-04 Industry Sub-Segments 5 .Structure of the Indian Food Processing Industry Food Processing Units in Organized Sector (numbers) Source: Ministry of Food Processing Industries. Fruits & Vegetables The processing of fruits and vegetables is estimated to be around 2. pickles. dried fruits and vegetables and fruit juice concentrates. Milk and Milk Products India has the highest livestock population in the world. In an organized dairy industry. and units engaged in these segments are export oriented. which federate into 15 State Cooperative Milk Marketing Federations. dairy cooperatives account for the major share of processed liquid milk marketed in India. pickles. nonpasteurized milk through unorganized channels. several brands have been created by cooperatives like Amul 6 . Milk is processed and marketed by 170 Milk Producers’ Cooperative Unions. India’s dairy industry is considered as one of the most successful development industries in the post-Independence era. processed mushrooms and curried vegetables. A large number of units are in household and small-scale sector. The total milk processing in India is around 35%. squashes. of which the organized dairy industry accounts for 13% while remaining is either consumed at farm level. jams.2% of the total production in the country. or sold as fresh. From the year 2000 onwards the industry has seen a significant growth in ready-to-serve beverages. pulps and fruit juices. Over the years. canned mushroom and mushroom products. dehydrated and frozen fruits and vegetable products. chutneys and dehydrated vegetables. most of which are milch cows and milch buffaloes. having low capacities of up to 250 tonnes per annum. canned fruits and vegetables. The new arrivals in this segment are vegetable curries in retortable pouches. The fruits and vegetable processing industry is rather fragmented. The major processed items in this segment are fruit pulps and juices. fruit based ready-to-serve beverages. it accounts 50% of the buffaloes and 20% of the world’s cattle population. Rajasthan. Nandini (Karnataka). Milma (Kerala) and Gokul (Kolhapur). Poultry industry is also among the faster growing sectors rising at a rate of 8% per year. etc. 1973. Processing of meat is licensed under the Meat Food Products Order. cheese and ready-to-drink milk products. bacon. ghee. Verka (Punjab). Presently the processing level of buffalo meat is estimated at 21%. Meat & Poultry Since 1995.600 slaughterhouses. The manufacturing of milk products is concentrated in these states due to the availability of milk in huge quantity. It is observed that the vertical integration of poultry production and marketing has lowered costs of production. meatballs. butter.(GCMMF). production of meat and its products has been significantly growing at a rate of 4% per annum. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. There are eight integrated poultry processing units in the country. According to the Ministry of Food Processing Industries. Haryana. Saras (Rajasthan). ham. 7 . 9 modern abattoirs and 171 meat-processing units licensed under the meat products order. Andhra Pradesh. kababs. Gujarat. Significant investment opportunities exist for the manufacturing of value-added milk products like milk powder. Punjab. But only about 1% of the total meat is converted into value added products like sausages. Maharashtra. Presently the country has 3. packaged milk. The milk surplus states in India are Uttar Pradesh. consumer prices of poultry meat and marketing margins. Vijaya (AP). exports of dairy products have been growing at the rate of 25% per annum in terms of quantity and 28% in terms of value since 2001. poultry is estimated at 6% while marine products are estimated at 8%. which of course hold a significant share in the industry. Marine Products India is the largest fish producing country in the world it is the third largest fish producer in the world while ranks second in inland fish production. Categorically India’s potential for fishes, from both inland and marine resources, is supplemented by the 8,000 km coastline, 3 mn hectares of reservoirs, 50,600 sq km of continental shelf area, 1.4 mn hectares of brackish water and 2.2 mn sq km of exclusive economic zone. Processing of marine produce into canned and frozen forms is carried out fully for the export market. With regards to infrastructure facilities for processing of marine products there are 372 freezing units with a daily processing capacity of 10,320 tonnes and 504 frozen storage facilities for safe storage with a capacity of 138,229.10 tonnes, besides there are 11 surimi units, 473 pre-processing centres and 236 other storages. Processed fish products for export include conventional block frozen products, individual quick frozen products (IQF), minced fish products like fish sausage, cakes, cutlets, pastes, surimi, texturised products and dry fish etc. Exports of marine products have been inconsistent and on a declining trend which can be owed to the adverse market conditions prevailing in the European and American markets. The anti-dumping procedure initiated by the US Government has affected India’s shrimp exports to the US. Grain Processing Processing of grain includes milling of wheat, rice and pulses. In 1999-00, there were more than 91,000 rice hullers and 2,60,000 small flourmills which were engaged in primary milling. There are 43,000 modernized rice mills and huller-cum-shellers. Around 820 large flourmills in the country convert about 10.5 mn tonnes of wheat into wheat products. Also there are 10,000 pulse mills milling about 75% of pulse production of 14 mn tonnes in the country. 8 Primary milling of grains is the considered to be the important activity in the grainprocessing segment of the industry. However, primary milling adds little to shelf life, wastage control and value addition. Around 65% of rice production is milled in modern rice mills. However, the sheller-cum-huller mills operating give low recovery. Wheat is processed for flour, refined wheat flour, semolina and grits. Apart from the 820 large flourmills, there are over 3 lakh small units operating in this segment in the unorganised sector. Dal milling is the third largest in the grain processing industry, and have about 11,000 mechanised mills in the organised segment. Oilseed processing is another major segment, an activity largely concentrated in the cottage industry. According to estimates, there are approximately 2.5 lakh ghanis and kolus which are animal operated oil expellers, 50,000 mechanical oil expellers, 15,500 oil mills, 725 solvent extraction plants, 300 oil refineries and over 175 hydrogenated vegetable oil plants. India received sufficient rainfall during the year 2007-08 and also relatively a far better oilseed crop while some oilseed growing countries faced drought/ decrease in oilseed crop during the year. This gave the Indian farmers and vegetable oil industry an opportunity to reap very good overall profits from the high prices of vegetable oilseed products in the international market. The high prices of vegetable oilseeds products have encouraged the farmers to retain the areas under oilseed cultivation during the current year. During the year 2007-08, export of oil meals increased by just about 5 per cent in quantity terms but realization increased by around 74% in face of major oilseeds prices increasing by 35% to 40%. The price realization would have been still better had the Rupee not appreciated against the Dollar. India during the year 2007-08, accounted for 8.73% (7.63%) of the world's oilseed production; 7.31% (6.74%) of the world's oil meal production; 7.53% (6.78%) of the world's meal export; 6.03% (5.86%) of the world's oil production; 9.22% (9.58%) of world oil imports and 9.33% (9.28%) of the world's oil consumption. India is the third largest importer of vegetable oil in the world next to Europe and China. In 2006-07 (Nov- Oct), India imported 5.59 million tonnes of vegetable oils including vanaspati compared to 5.43 million tonnes a year ago. Imports of non-edible oil decreased to 630,000 tonnes from 710,000 tonnes a year ago. 9 On the export front, export of oil meals, oilseeds, minor oils (fats) and castor oil during the financial year 2007-08 is provisionally reported at 62.6 lakh tones valued at Rs.10,795 crore against the exports of 58.9 lakh tonnes valued at Rs. 6,500 crore in the previous year. The solvent extraction processing of oilseed, oilcakes and rice bran during 2007-08 is reported at 121.2 lakh tonnes compared to 122.115.4 lakh tonnes during the previous year. However, the overall production of solvent extracted oils during 2007-08 form rice bran, oilcakes & minor oilseeds and soybean is reported at 19.4 lakh tonnes against 18.3 lakh tonnes during 2006-07. (Source- Annual Report for the year 2007-08 of the Solvent Extraction Association of India). The Ministry of Food Processing Industries provides financial assistance in Edible Oil Milling Sector under the Scheme of Technology Upgradation/ Modernisation/ Expansion. Indian Basmati rice has gained international recognition, and is a premium export product. Branded grains as well as grain processing is now gaining popularity due to hygienic packaging. Pulse Milling & Flour Milling Sector: For the adequate and focused growth of the sector the Ministry is providing financial assistance to the grain processing industries for its setting up/ expansion/ modernisation in the form of grant. The main aim of the scheme is to promote the food processing sector with respect to adoption of modern technology to increase quality of the product, reduce cost of production and generate employment in addition to reduction in wastage, value addition, fortification of food etc. Beer & Alcoholic Beverages When discussed on alcoholic beverages, India is considered to be the third largest market for alcoholic beverages in the world. The domestic beer and alcoholic beverage market is largely 10 both cater to different sections of society. now the 11 . Country liquor and Indian Made Foreign Liquor are the two segments in liquor. Around 56 units are manufacturing beer under license from the Government of India. There are 12 joint venture companies having a licensed capacity of 33. these are post-liberalization trends and they give boost to the sector. There has been a notable change in consumption pattern in India.dominated by United Breweries.000 with another 10.919 kilo-litres per annum for production of grain based alcoholic beverages. and any change XVIII in the ruling party has a direct impact on the availability of alcohol. The demand for beer and spirits is estimated to be around 373 million cases per year. Mohan Meakins and Radico Khaitan. while the middle and high-income groups consume the latter. Liquor license outlets in India figures approximately 23. organized food retail and urbanization are the key factors for processed foods in India. Maharashtra has emerged as an important state for the manufacture of wines.000 outlets in the form of bars and restaurants. Constraints & Drivers of Growth Changing lifestyles. The market for this industry has been estimated to be growing at around 25% annually. to promote the industry. The wine industry in India has come into prominence lately and has been receiving support from the Government as well. Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.. food habits. the distribution is controlled by the state government. In Tamil Nadu. Unlike earlier. The former is very much consumed in rural areas and by low-income groups. Regulations in this sector differ state-wise in terms of excise and custom duty. excluding for alcoholic beverages Declared as priority sector for lending in 1999 100% FDI on automatic route Excise duty waived on fruits and vegetables processing from 2000 – 01 Income tax holiday for fruits and vegetables processing from 2004 – 05 Customs duty reduced on freezer van from 20% to 10% from 2005 – 06 Implementation of Fruit Products Order 12 . Such a shift implies a need to diversify the food production base to match the changing consumption preferences. etc Inadequate quality control and testing infrastructure Inefficient supply chain and involvement of middlemen High transportation and inventory carrying cost Affordability. organic and diet foods. there will be demand for prepared meals. warehousing. snack foods and convenience foods and further on the demand would shift towards functional. the ministry of food processing has taken the following initiatives: • • • • • • • • Formulation of the National Food Processing Policy Complete de-licensing. cultural and regional preference of fresh food High taxation High packaging cost In terms of policy support. Also in developed countries it has been observed that there has been a shift from carbohydrate staple to animal sources and sugar. meats and dairy have gone higher compared to cereals and pulses. vegetables. in future. Going by this pattern. Some of the key constraints identified by the food processing industry include: • • • • • • • Poor infrastructure in terms of cold storage.share and growth rates for fruits. Arisi (Tamil). These traditional health drinks are prepared from cereal grains and millets like rice. and other oriental lands. ragi. Chaval (Hindi /Urdu). It is the next most widely used of all cereals next to wheat. bajra and jowar.made from processed grains. Tandool (Mar). the Centre has requested state Governments to undertake the following reforms: • • • • Amendment to the APMC Act Lowering of VAT rates Declaring the industry as seasonal Integrate the promotional structure The study. 13 . Akki (Kan). China.• • • Implementation of Meat Food Products Order Enactment of FSS Bill 2005 Food Safety and Standards Bill. Burma. wheat. Ari (Mal). There are number of varieties of rice. Its nutritive value is high and its productivity is great. Uruz (Arab). Birinj (Pers). Rice cannot be grown in cold countries. Vari (Telu). maize. Charnoor (sindhi). Importance and health benefits of these cereal grains and millets are explained below: RICE Oryza Satitva (Botanical Name) Tandula (san). Rice is one of the most popular cereals that is extensively grown all over the eastern world starting from India to Japan. Japan. barley. 2005 Apart from these initiatives. Shahi Dhaniya (Bengali). that has been carried out on traditional health drinks. It is the staple food for hundreds of millions of people in India. It blends with many items of food. The degree of milling also determines the amount of nutrients removed. For supplementation of vitamin C. iron. Folic acid. Whereas the amylose content of starch varies according to the grain type. the kind of soil in which rice is grown and by the applications of organic fertilizers. Highly polished white rice is very low in B vitamins. but poor in riboflavin and minerals. The amount of fat soluble vitamins A & D in rice are negligible as in other cereals. phosphorous and magnesium. The nutritive content of rice is influenced by variety. Rice is deficient in lysine and threonine aminoacids. fats and minerals are present in greater quantities in the germ and the outer layers than the starchy endosperm. 3) niacin and minerals potassium. flaked and puffed rice. Nutritive values: 100 grams of brown rice provide 141 calories of energy where as white rice provides 138 calories. iron and calcium. Proteins. Green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium with milk or buttermilk in rice diet. parboiled. The vitamin C is practically absent. good quantity of fruits and vegetables has to be taken daily. unpolished. and niacin deficiency diseases. Precautions • Partial replacement of eating only rice with other cereals and millets is needed to contribute other minerals and vitamins. Brown rice is a good source of vitamin B group such as Thiamine. Parboiling nee helps the B vitamin to migrate from the bran to the grains where they are trapped. Rice protein is superior to wheat (85-95%) and also easily digestible. Rice is a bland grain of great versatility. Brown rice is a good-source of fiber. The major carbohydrate of rice is starch which is about 72-75%. 14 • • . Polishing of rice reduces B vitamins content to different degrees depending upon the extent of polishing. The fiber of rice is the hemicelluloses. As cereals are also source of B vitamins eating of white rice causes B vitamin. 1) riboflavin (B.Rice is available as milled. (B. The biological value of rice protein is 80 where as wheat protein has 66 and maize protein is 50. Include sprouts in diet. polished. 4. It is an ideal food for any one recovering from a bout of sickness. 5. Eating white polished rice is one of the causes of diabetes. Carcinogens in the stools have less time to stick to the colon wall where they can trigger cancerous changes. 6. 15 . 7. Cancer of the Colon: Brown rice may decrease the risk of colonic cancer. People with high blood pressure can include brown rice (without salt) in their diets. 3. High Blood Pressure: Brown rice in particular supplies potassium which is needed for maintaining water balance and keeping blood pressure down. Proteins quality: Protein of rice is easily digestible and assimable and also when combined with other vegetable proteins like pulses and leafy vegetables. Brown rice also supplies magnesium which is required for muscle tone and protein synthesis. For Energy Deficiency: The body can digest and absorb the carbohydrate in rice relatively quickly. which has the opposite effect. In traditional herbal medicine rice is used to settle digestive problems like diarrhoea.To improve poor rice diet (polished rice) the above precautions are needed. Health benefits 1. Rice is therefore a useful food to eat in order to refuel. as it is soothing and non irritant. heart diseases and obesity. This is partly the rice bran helps to bulk the stools and speed up the muscular contractions of the intestinal wall. The muscles with energy after physical activity. It contains virtually no sodium. it becomes a valuable protein for growth and repair and also who can not tolerate gluten (protein) of wheat with colic diseases. High Blood Cholesterol: Oil made from the bran of rice contains a number of substances that together are described as “oryzanol” oriyzanol reduces cholesterol absorption and synthesis. Nervous & Metabolic Disorders : The B vitamins found in brown rice are able to keep the nervous system in good condition and to aid the conversion of blood sugar into cellular energy. 2. ) Godhuma (San) Gehun ((hindi. Powdered rice flour or rice starch. Wheat Germ Oil: It helps in the irregular menopausal symptoms and improves stamina and strength. potassium. WHEAT Triticum sativum (B. Wheat is one of the most commonly consumed cereals in the world providing about 70 percent of the caloric intake in the form of staple food.Mar) Gotampu (Mal) Ghama (ori). Godhumalu (Tel).8. betacarotene and many minerals. Gahu (Guj. magnesium. • Wheat Grass: Juice contains rich chlorophyll. may be applied as a poultice to wounds. Helpful in the treatment of cancers. it is likely that wheat was first cultivated from wild species in south west Asia in about 8000 B. Although its origin is the subject of some debate. biscuits and pastry flours. bruises and irritated skin. Wheat germ helps the intake of vitamin E to prevent and reverse the blockages in arteries. Add wheat germ oil to salads. Gadomay (Tam). It is nature’s concentrated nutritent. urdu. cystitis and urinary tract problems. 16 . hard wheat is rich in protein and is used principally in breads and pastas. vitamins. soups and wheat germ to porridges and soups. anemias and low vitality and undergrowths etc and increases general stamina and vitality. Soft wheat has a lower protein content and it is used mainly to produce cakes.C. of the two varieties.N. Durum wheat is an excellent sources of niacin. Rice water is used to treat feverish and inflammatory conditions such as digestive complaints. Healing properties • • Stress: Wheat germ carries a factor which helps to bear the stress. dak). • Blocked Arteries: Inclusion of wheat germ in the diet may improve the long term In take of vitamin E and help to stop the oxidation of low density lipo proteins (LDL) cholesterol once oxidized LDL can block arteries causing heart diseases. jauo (urdu) Godhi (Kan). 18 aminoacids and rich in magnesium. phosphorous and zinc. • Breast Cancer: Whole wheat products may help to reduce the risk of breast cancer partly that they contain phytosterols (plant based steroids). Butta (Bengali). Glucose. which helps it to retain all the nutrients. puffed maize. It bulks the stools and increases the speed of passage through colon. commercial starch. • Cancer of the Colon: Studies suggest that complete whole wheat products in the diet protect against cancer of the colon. Maize or corn is also mostly used in making popcorn. plant oestrogens that can mimic the hormone oestrogen phyto sterols latch on to estrogen receptor in breast tissue blocking human oestrogen which may trigger breast cancer. Makai (Marathi & Sindhi). Maize is also known as corn in India and Indian corn in the United States. Muskunjola (Kannada) Mokkajonnalu (Telugu) Makkacholam (Tamil). cornflakes. Wheat bran is a rich insoluble fibre which remains intact and undigested until it reaches the colon. • Diabetes: Whole wheat flour -chapatti or breads. This gives carcinogens less time to latch on the colon wall and set up cancerous changes. Maida. Wheat bran is digested by the bacteria in the colon producing short chain fatty acids. Cosmetic powders and other various food preparations in several countries. They increase the movement of stools through the intestines which gives circulating oestrogen less time to be reabsorbed into the blood across the colon wall. 17 . or dalia provide slow release of glucose and avoids peak of blood and glucose levels and therefore helpful to control and prevention of diabetes. It is one of the easiest foods to digest and is very high in dietary fibre. it is mostly consumed without milling. Unlike other cereals. Thus lowering the risk of cancerous changes in the breast cells. It is very nutritious cereal. MAIZE or CORN Makkajowari (Hindi). Central America. arteriosclerosis causing hypertension. Health benefits • Malted or mixed with milk drinks are useful for convalescing people as it provides energy and protein to aid recovery and essential mineral. Corn flour paste in water acts as an effective face pack to remove acne and other skin blemishes. which is a wonderful bowel regulator. Corn grains consumed daily help to keep a check on the blood cholesterol level. Yellow corn is high in Magnesium. According to the studies of National Institute of Nutrition. Corn mixed. Cold pressed corn oil is rich in poly unsaturated fats and helps to reduce heart attacks. • Chewing fresh roasted corn is very good for the gums and teeth and prevents gastric ulcer and protein deficiencies in underfed children. alkali processing. and Africa. It is a bone and Muscle builder and an excellent food for brain and nervous system as it is a rich source of Phosphorus. malted or milk drinks provide calcium and B vitamins (B2 and B12) as well as protein. it also contains Thiamine and folic acid in appreciable amounts. cooking of Maize reduces “aflatoxin” by 17% to 56%. Maize contains around 11% of protein and its protein is deficient in amino acids like tryptophane and lysine. it is converted into food products by grinding. • • • • 18 . and vitamins in easily digestible form. boiling and fermentation. Yellow maize is a good source of carotene for vitamin A.In countries like South America. Hyderabad. Nutritive Value It is rich in Carbohydrates and to be used sparingly by obese people. Corn is suitable for people with gluten intolerance of wheat in colic diseases to the intestines and irritable bowel syndrome. It constitutes an important crop in Spain and Algeria in Germany and Britain. Yavam (Malyalam). It is also grown far south as Egypt and Abyssinia and was one of the staple foods of ancient Hebrews. magnesium. copper.• The silk like corn hairs are used as Medicine and its decoction is used in cystitis (inflammation in urinary bladder) and other urinary infections due to its maizenic acid and a fixed oil “oleum Myadas” BARLEY Hordeum vulgare (Botanical Name). Jabadana (Onya). Javegodhi (Kannada). Iodine. minerals such as calcium. anxiety and premenstrual syndrome. Parle Arsi (Tamil). iron. • It contains a substance “hordenine” which is tonic for the heart and has an antidiarrhoeal properties. It is a soothing drink used medicinally to treat children suffering from diarrhoea and sickness. It is having almost equal importance to wheat and used as pearl barley (a refined form without husk) for culinary and medicinal purposes in Britain. • Germinated barley contains enzymes that can relieve loss of appetite and hyperacidity. Health Benefits • It is good for digestive and nervous system as it contains an important ammo acid L tryptophan and is helpful for sleeplessness.rsity of climate than any other cereal for cultivation Nutritional Values It is rich in cellulose or fibre and carbohydrates. Barley comes under cereal grain and is a staple food in most countries of the middle east. Generally it thrives in greater dive. depression. Barley Biyyamu (Telugu). Joab (Bengali). However cooking destroys these enzymes. Greeks and Romans. Marathi). So the best way to benefit from the medicinal 19 . Gujrati.In other western countries it is grown for animal feed and for malt extract. It is rich in Vitamin E. potassium and rich in amino acid L tryptophan. Jao (Hindi. which contains especially Vitamin E and fat. sodium and zinc. Barley water is good in chronic fevers such as Typhoid and Malaria as it is a cooling drink and gives proper nutrition. barley water made from germinated barley and if possible should be taken raw for maximum nutritional and health benefits. • Barley is a good diuretic among cereals. It is also rich in minerals. So it is prescribed in diabetic diets to prevent and control diabetes mellitus.values of the cereals is to drink. Oats needs to chew properly and also brings about a feeling of fullness of stomach and also slows emptying of stomach contents and needs less insulin for 20 . magnesium. Nutritional Profile It is an excellent source of starch. protein and soluble fibre and vitamins especially folic acid. Its gluten content is about equal to barley and rye. Oat grains can be rolled. Health benefits • Diabetes: Oat contains rich soluble fibre and is digested slowly and releases slowly the glucose in the intestines for absorption. flaked or made into oatmeal or flour for porridge and bread oatmeal is finely milled oat grains. phosphorus. • OATS Avena sativa (Botanical Name) This cereal is being cultivated since long and is an important crop in Europe. • Weight Control: Inclusion of oats in diet which contain high fine fibre assists in weight loss and control. oat meal is heat treated and this prevents lipase enzymes from attacking the fatty acids creating bitter taste. calcium iron. To stop rancidity. Barley water made after cooking cereals is very beneficial in all urinary and kidney disease conditions. potassium. it helps for healthful growth in children and tissue repair in elderly people for maintaining good strength and health. Prolonged digestion of Ragi meal helps labourers to work longer times. Therefore its regular use is an excellent laxative for chronic constipation. They consume in the form of “Ragi Ball” and unleavened bread.released glucose absorption. Ragi ball is mixed with butter milk or with vegetables curry or pulses. Oat bran is advised to eat. ( See also : Natural cures for obesity ) • High blood cholesterol: Adding oats to the diet may help to reduce high blood cholesterol due to its rich fine fibre content in the grains and helpful to avoid risks of heart diseases and high blood pressure. malt. It is widely consumed in Karnataka. adding to the meal. dosa and porridge. Kanda). Mandina (Oriya). Kelvaragu (Tamil). Oats can displace high calorie fatty food. Ragi is also known as finger millet. It is rich in calcium and iron. • Oat meal face pack is very good to remove dead cells of the facial skin and brings a fresh glow to the skin. In fact it is the richest source of these 21 . It constitutes a little over 25% of food grains grown in India. oat meal is good for weight control. Sometimes Ragi flour is used to make gruel. Ragulu or Chollu (Telagu). Ragi (Hindi. Andhra Pradesh and TamilNadu States practically without refining by the poorer sector of the population. Urdu. Ragi malt is very nutritious for children and weak people. Like other cereals oat bran contains cancer fighting compounds called “Phytates” • Common Millets RAGI Elucine coracana (Botanical Name). Nachani (Marathi). • Growth and health maintenance: Oats contain good amount of easily assimable proteins and when combined with pulses and legumes. The flour is put in boiling water and evenly mixed then the thick paste is rolled in the form of balls. Koovasagu (Malayalam). Nutritional Value Ragi is rich in cellulose or dietary fibre. it is a wholesome grain which has high nutritive value. Healing Properties of Ragi • Ragi meal is an ideal food for diabetes and obesity because its digestion is slow and glucose is released from the food very slowly into the blood. asthma and lack of milk production in mother after child birth • • • BAJRA (Pearl Millet) • Prenisetum – typhodum (Botanical Name) Bajn (Marathi). Among the ammo acids tryptophan content is high and lysine is low. Combu (Tamil).minerals among all cereals. It is usually popular in the States of Maharashtra and Rajasthan in India. heart weakness. By eating ragi preparations the constant desire to eat will become less and supplies less calories for obese people. Among Millets. Its regular use protects from malnutrition. Sajjalu (Telgu). It has the same quantity of protein as wheat. Ragi malt or Ragi preparation foods are good to eat in case of iron deficiency anaemia. Jari ( Urdu). The protein contains a high proportion of prolamine followed by the globulin and Albumins. premature old age and increases longevity. liver diseases. It is also called as Pearl Millet in Western Countries. Bajra (Hindi). Eating roasted green ragi is a tonic for high blood pressure. • • Due to its rich cellulose it is excellent laxative for constipation. Thiamine. Bajra is the predominant crop in India. Malt is a good food for children and supplies calcium in good proportions for bone growth and body development. It contains B vitamin but is poor in B2. Varjavi (San) pearl Millet (English). Bajra is rich in Iron. B vitamins. degenerative diseases. Riboflavin and niacin. 22 • . The major proteins of ragi are prolamins and glutelins and they appear to be adequate in all essential amino acids. Generally people eat in winter season. The flour of the whole gram is rich in fibre and forms a bulk nutritive food which aids easy elimination through bowels. Andhra Pradesh. diabetes melhtus and tuberculosis. cellulose and a large quantity of Phytates. impotency. It has some medicinal properties when bread is eaten with honey in the morning. insomnia. epilepsy. Jowar is rich in carbohydrates and poor in vitamin A. otherwise causes indigestion. high blood pressure. Since cereal and legume proteins are complementary to each other.• Generally roties made from the fine flour are eaten with various vegetables as main dish. The excess of phytates interfere with the absorption of calcium and iron from other foods. It is specially effective for bleeding piles. Therefore it is excellent food for constipation. Jowar is enveloped with covering of bran that is rich in B complex vitamins. Gujarat. jowar is richer in protein but the quality is not as good as rice protein. Popping and flaking of jowar implies starch digestibility five times but reduces protein digestibility in flakes. Nutritive Value Compared to rice. Madhya Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh and TamilNadu in India. JOWAR (Sorglum Vulgare or Great Millet) Jowar is grown and extensively used in Maharashtra. Whole jowar recipes significantly lower plasma glucose levels and useful 23 . by eating-jawar and any legume in ratio of 73:30 will give better nutritional value. The resulting imbalance between leucine and Isoleucine interfere with conversion of tryptophane to niacin causing deficiency of niacin. Jowar Roti has to be properly chewed. Karnataka. Some varieties of jowar contain excessive amounts of amino acid leucine. SWOT Analysis of Food Processing Industry: Strength: • • • • Abundant availability of raw material Priority sector status for agro-processing given by the central Government Vast network of manufacturing facilities all over the country Vast domestic market Weaknesses: • • • • • • Low availability of adequate infrastructural facilities Lack of adequate quality control and testing methods as per international standards Inefficient supply chain due to a large number of intermediaries High requirement of working capital. Polished jowar gruel with milk or butter milk is an ideal food for bleeding piles and biliousness and also for deficiencies. offer vast scope for rapid improvement and progress Opening of global markets • • • • Threats 24 . Seasonality of raw material Opportunities • • Large crop and material base offering a vast potential for agro processing activities Setting of SEZ/AEZ and food parks for providing added incentive to develop greenfield projects Rising income levels and changing consumption patterns Favourable demographic profile and changing lifestyles Integration of development in contemporary technologies such as electronics. bio-technology etc. material science. Inadequately developed linkages between R&D labs and industry.for non Insulin dependent diabetic persons. • • • • Affordability and cultural preferences of fresh food High inventory carrying cost High taxation High packaging cost Chapter 3 25 . Company Profile Introduction 26 . Desi malt – ginger flavor 4. Desi malt – lemon flavour 7. The food products under SFP banner are organic and herbal based to suit the normal healthy man as well as the ailing.Swasthya Food Products started its opereations by Mr. Swasthya Food Products is the organization committed to give the best of food and health related products. Bangaluru. Desi malt (ragi malt) 2. Gold – 9 8. coffee… Product range: 1. Swasthya abides by their commitment and promises to deliver the best and safest of food products to the human community always. Desi malt – vanilla flavour 5. Desi malt – chocolate flavour 6. Desi malt – sugar free 3. Swasthya plus 27 . • It is scientifically proved that sprouting increases the nutrition and assimilation to the body • Served hot Health drink instantly by vending machine like tea. The base followed at SFP is of the age old traditional values in cooking and food making procedures. Shridhar during 2009-2010 under Public-Private Partnership with the Bakery Training Unit of University of Agricultural Sciences. • Swasthya Food Products is value added food products manufacturing company dealing with health foods with enriched nutrition • Uniqueness of the business is providing a total justice to our house hold grains by increasing the nutrients in the grains by many folds by sprouting. . etc. preservatives. unlike the regular beverages. Added natural flavor HEALTH BENEFITS OF RAGI MALT 28 . Ashwagandha. Through instant vending machine which can make magic malt in seconds and also carry home packs to make at home and enjoy. Wheat.. Tulsi desi malt HEALTH DRINK FOR ALL AGEs Magic Malt is an exclusive Malt based health drink from the house of SWASTHYA FOOD PRODUCTS. RAGI MALT Ragi malt . Magic Malt is 100% natural and there are no artificial ingredients.9. which is combined with hand selected grains and herbs to provide the best of health to the human being. Sprouted.The Desi malt  The Ragi malt is Health drink ready mix  Contains more proteins and vitamins than the ragi itself  Ragi is Soaked . Magic Malt has a wide range of variety health mixes which would be liked by all age group to the individual choices. Green gram. Cardamom. Coffee malt 11. Red rice. Rinsed. and made into powder  Further mixed with other Health ingredients  Available in different Natural flavor RAGI MALT INGRIDIENTS Ragi. dried. H-malt 12. it is also a regular beverage of palatable taste and without any harmful side effects even if consumed regularly. colors. Magic Malt is not only a health drink. Magic Malt is provided to the customer in two options viz. Chai malt 10. rinsed. Rich content of vitamins.  Ashwagandha is used as an energy tonic in ayurveda. Served as a drink through vending machines Gold-9 is Malt based Health drink ready mix Contains more proteins and vitamins than the pulses itself Grains are soaked.  Green gram is used as asource of digestible protein. Gold. proteins. The nutritionally enriched Health Drink is made for instant availability of nutrition. dried and made into powder 29    . Used in managing stress and general weakness. sprouted.  Good content of iron in the sprouted ragi boosts hemoglobin levels  Fiber content of Ragi lowers cholesterol and controls the absorption of glucose from the digestive system and hence used in treatment of diabetic persons  Sprouted Ragi contains more sodium which is good for maintaining the acid – alkaline balance of the body and also useful for general digestion. calcium in Ragi builds strong muscles and bones. Available as a ready mix.  Cardamom is a nerve stimulant and a digestive enhancer.9:     Gold-9 is the Sprouted Desi malt. proteins. Lentil. Green gram.  Horse gram is good for eye sight. Cardamom.  Sprouted Ragi contains more sodium which is good for maintaining the acid – alkaline balance of the body and also helps general digestion. Horse gram. Wheat. Bengal gram. Ragi. dried. Peas. Soya beans. jeera. Clove HEALTH BENEFITS OF GOLD-9  Rich content of vitamins. Cashew.  Cardamom is a nerve stimulant and a digestive enhancer. It is also useful in managing the respiratory health • Swasthya plus is a Desi malt 30 . Maize. Ground nut.  Green gram is the major protein supplier.  Good content of iron in sprouted Ragi boosts hemoglobin levels  Fiber content of Ragi lowers cholesterol and controls the absorption of glucose from the digestive system and hence used in the treatment of diabetic persons. badam.GOLD-9 INGREDIENTS Sprouted. calcium in Ragi builds strong muscles and bones. Badam.  Green gram is used as a food during illness. calcium in ragi builds strong muscles and bones.  Red rice is rejuvenater and anti diabetic. Used in managing stress and general weakness. Badam is used to enhance energy.  Cashew. Ragi Samba Wheat . Green gram. HEALTH BENEFITS OF SWASTHYA PLUS  Rich content of vitamins.  Good content of iron in sprouted ragi boosts the hemoglobin levels  Fiber content of ragi lowers the cholesterol and controls the absorption of glucose from the digestive system and hence used in the treatment of diabetic persons. proteins. 31 . Cardamom. Jowar. Soya beans. The nutritionally enriched Health Drink Made for instant availability of nutrition Served as a drink through vending machines SWASTHYA PLUS INGREIDIENTS Sprouted. Ashwagandha.  Sprouted Ragi contains more sodium which is good for maintaining the acid – alkaline balance of the body and also useful in digestion. Cashew. Barley.  Cardamom is a nerve stimulant and a digestive enhancer.  Ashwagandha is used as a energy tonic in ayurveda. Sabo. dried. Ground nut.• • • • Available as ready mix. Bengal gram. and made into powder • • • • Further mixed with other Health ingredients H-MALT INGREDIENTS Sprouted. dried. Sprouted.The herbal based Desi malt Available as a ready mix The nutritionally enriched Health Drink Made for instant availability of nutrition Served as a drink through vending machine The H-MALT is Health drink ready mix Contains more proteins and vitamins than the pulses itself Ragi. Liquorices. Winter cherry HEALTH BENEFITS OF H-MALT  Good content of vitamins. Maize. powdered Ragi. rinsed. Horse gram. Horse gram Ashwagandha. dried. Barley. Soya contains good amount of magnesium good for healthy bones. Mace.  Good content of iron in sprouted ragi boosts the hemoglobin levels 32 . Maize. H-MALT • • • • • H-MALT. Wheat. Green gram. calcium in ragi builds strong muscles and bones. is Soaked. Bengal gram. Wheat. proteins. Green gram. Soya beans contain isoflavones which are useful in maintaining the body against hormonal imbalance.  Horse gram is also useful in managing the respiratory health. fiber.  Parts used are of food grade material. Bangalore. design and easy to operate.  Bengal gram helpful in utilizing the glucose and maintaining normal levels of glucose in diabetic persons. Features:  Aesthetic well finished looks.  Sprouted ragi contains more sodium which is good for maintaining the acid – alkaline balance of the body and also useful for digestion. University of Agricultural Sciences.  Maize contains good quantities of thiamin. 33 .  Used in managing the stress and general weakness. useful as heart health The Magic Malt Vending Machine: Company has launched instant health drink vending machine and the technology is supported by Bakery Training Unit.  Green gram is used as a food during illness. phosphorus.  Horse gram is good for eye sight.  Red rice rejuvenates and is a anti diabetic  Ashwagandha is used as an energy tonic in Ayurveda and it is also called as Indian Ginseng. Fiber content of ragi lowers cholesterol and controls the absorption of glucose from the digestive system and hence used in the treatment of diabetic persons.  Heater element is made of Stainless steel. Vitamin C. folic acid.  Wide choice of beverages to serve instantly. Specifications of Vending Machine:  700 mm Height  380 mm Width  50 mm depth  32 kgs Net weight  No.  Automatic hot water flushing at periodic intervals to facilitate easy cleaning. 34 . 50 Hz.2 amps  Operating voltage: 2 kW  Internal operating voltage: 24V DC  Easy to maintain. of containers: 4 standard ( can be custom made to 2 )  Individual cans capacity: approx 1 kg  Water to be used: Purified mineral water  Electrical specification: 220V AC.  Current: 10. 24V DC based electronic control system with enhanced operational safety. The products are manufactured under well maintained hygienic conditions to ensure best quality and long lasting quality.QUALITY ASSURANCE SFP is well equipped with strict quality control measures by way of well qualified professionals and periodical batch testing before release of material to the consumer. 35 . Specific objectives of study: 1. nature and sources of data. analytical techniques employed. To study the market potential of Traditional Health Drinks 2. To evaluate the consumer preference towards traditional health drinks 36 .Chapter 4 METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the description of study area. sampling design. one for the sellers of the selected areas and another for consumers and the feedback forms for the respondents consumed during demonstration. Sample Design To evaluate the objectives of the study. Nature and sources of data: The detailed information required for the study was collected from primary sources in order to accomplish the various objectives of the study. survey of sellers.3. Analytical techniques employed In order to analyze the study. The number of respondents has been restricted to 125 consumers and 150 sellers from the targeted areas. To evaluate the preference of the installation of health drink vending machine. The study also evaluates the consumers opinion about ragi malt by Swasthya Food Products. consumers and some important public and private organization has been carried out. To study the consumer behavior of Swasthya Food Products company 4. the data collected were subjected to analysis through the following techniques • percentage analysis Garette Ranking 37 • . Study area The area selected for the study consists of important locations of Bangalore. The primary data relating to the market potential and consumer behavior were collected from primary sources by personal interview method using questionnaires. The study also emphasizes on the preference for the installation of ragi malt vending machine by some important organization. bar graphs.• Graphical presentation Percentage analysis: The data collected are presented in tabular form to facilitate easy comparison. Garrette Ranking: To find out the most significant factors which influence the respondents in preferring the traditional health drink. Rij= rank given for the ith factor by the jth respondents Nj= number of factors ranked by the jth respondents. the percent position estimated is converted into scores.5)/Nj Where. Then for each factor the scores of each individual are added and then mean values is considered to be the most important. By referring the Garrette’s table. 38 . Graphical presentation The tabulated data and results are represented through different graphs like pie charts. Garrette’s ranking techniques is used. As per this method respondents have been asked to assign the ranks for all the factors and outcome of such ranking has been converted into score values with the help of the following formula: Present position= 100(Rij – 0. The data is summarized with the help of statistical tools like average and percentage to obtain meaningful results. 1 Major brands of different traditional health drinks in the market: Sl.1 Market potential of malt based traditional health drinks The study is based on the market survey of the following traditional health drinks. 1. Nutro Malt 6. No. Ragi Rich 5. Health Mix 3. Sathu Powder Table 5. Ragi malt 2.Chapter 5 RESULTS 5.1. Dia Mix 4. 39 Ragimalt Health Mix Dia Mix Ragi Rich Nutromalt Sathu powder . 1. As ragi is the staple food of the Southern Karnataka and ragi malt is consumed as traditional health drink which has paved the way for many manufacturers to focus on this product category. Sathu powder. Table1. The health benefits. nutrition.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Manna Best Kishore Vijay Navavita Priya Vaatsalya New mathura Arudra Krishna Sathvik Swastik Manna Best Vijay Navavita Sathvik Ashtavaidya Manna Manna Aachi Aravind Aachi Aachi The above table shows that Ragi malt has large number of different brands followed by Health Mix.2 Stocking of Traditional Health Drinks: Area Amruthahalli Basavanagudi Ganganagar Jayanagar Koramangala Malleshwaram Mathikere Rajajinagar RMV Extension RT Nagar Sadashivnagar Sahakar nagar Shivajinagar Ulsoor Vasanthnagar Vijaynagar Yes 5 6 4 2 5 6 3 4 4 5 3 9 5 3 8 8 No 2 1 1 3 3 2 7 2 3 1 5 3 3 2 2 4 40 . Dia mix and Ragi rich. taste and easy digestion properties of ragi has made it a major ingredient of health drink preparation. Nutromalt. Vyalikaval Yeshwanthpur Yelahanka Total 3 4 7 94 5 4 3 56 The stocking behavior of stall revealed that a majority of stores are selling these products. Note: Kirana stores, provision stores, super market hyper markets. By looking at the above graph, it could be indicated that more concentration of the traditional health drink is seen in RT nagar, Basavanagudi, Vasanthnagar, Sahakarnagar, Vijayanagar and Koramangala and in the same way much less concentration is seen in the areas of Mathikere, Sadashivnagar, Jayanagar and others. Table 5.1.2 Percentage of stores stocking Ragi Malt: YES 86 NO 64 Ragi malt is an age old traditional health drink. As a nutritional point of view Ragi based processed products have gained importance in the diet of each and every individual. Ragi processing is moreeasier as compared to other cereal grains. Since Ragi is cheaply available cereal grain which has direct impact on cost of production. Due to this cost effect and consumer 41 preference stores stocking Ragi malt are seen more rather than other traditional health drinks product types. Findings: The retail stores survey in different areas of the city revealed that about 57 percent of the respondents have the stocks of Ragi malt, since Ragi malt is the major product category among the traditional healthdrinks. Table 5.1.3 Percentage of stores Stocking Health mix: YES NO 47 73 Health drink concept is of recent origin. Only a few firms are manufacturing health drinks. Therefore, consumers are yet to catch up with this product segment. It is interesting to note that a majority of the retail stores were not stocking Health mix. 42 Only 33% of the respondents the shops have the stocks of Health Mix. Table 5.1.4 Percentage of stocking Diamix: YES 9 NO 141 According to the recent World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates about 180 million people worldwide have diabetes and nearly 1.1 million people succumbed to the ailment. One in every five diabetics in the world is an Indian. With more than 40 million diabetes patients of the total cases worldwide, India is home to over 20 percent of world’s diabetes cases. WHO also predicts that, by 2030, India could count for 79 million of the world's 360 million diabetics, which indicator of a horrific future, and experts believe that given the changing lifestyle, the disease is going to take an endemic status soon. DIamix is the health drink targeting the diabetic population. It is sold under the brand name Manna. Only 6% of the shops have the stocks. 43 The graps shows only 1 percent of the respondents have the stocks of Sathu Powder and Nutromalt and only 2 percent of respondent sellers are stocking Ragi Rich.5 Percentage of stocking Ragi Rich. Nutro malt and sathu powder. there is less percentage of stocking Ragi Rich. Nutro Malt and Sathu Powder: RAGI RICH YES 9 NUTRO MALT YES NO 6 144 SATHU POWDER YES NO 3 147 NO 141 Findings: The above graph indicates that.Table 5.1. 44 . Since health mix. nutro malt and sathu powder are recently introduced traditional health drinks.6 Fast moving Brands in the Targeted Areas : Area Amruthahalli Basavanagudi Ganganagar Jaynagar Koramangala Malleswaram Mathikere Rajajinagar RMV Extension RT nagar Sadashivnagar Sahakar nagar Shivajinagar Ulsoor Vasanthnagar Vijaynagar Vyalikaval Yeshwanthpur Yelahanka Malt Manna Manna Kishor e Manna Manna Vijay Kishor e Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Kishor e Vijay Vijay Navavi ta Kishor e Navavita Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Aachi Aachi Manna Manna Aachi Aachi Vijay Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Vijay Poushtic Health Mix Dia Mix Ragi Rich Nutrom alt Sathu Powder Manna Manna Manna Manna Manna Aachi 45 . ragi rich. Table 5. Therefore the stocking of these product types are less as compared to that of ragimalt. the consumer awareness of the product type is less by the consumers and in need the demand for these product types is less.1. dia mix. The branding enables the different manufacturers to compete for the market share.2 17 19 16 18 17 20 16 17.7 Particulars of the brands: Brand Manna Product Type Ragi malt Pack Size(g) 200 500 Health Mix Dia Mix Ragi Rich Ragi malt Health Mix Kishore Vijay Navavaita Priya Krishna Arudra Aachi Poushtic Ragi Malt Ragi Malt Health Mix Ragi Malt Health Mix Ragi Malt Ragi Malt Ragi Malt Nutromalt Sathu Powder NutroMalt 200 500 1Kg 500 500 200 500 200 500 200 400 200 400 500 500 500 400 200 200 200 200 500 Price 36 90 50 79/80/90/95 170 90/99 80/85 36 86 40 80 35 60 26/33 64 78 55 105 30 47 60 30/32 27/32 100 Price/g 18 18 25 17. It clearly shows Manna is leader for Ragi Malt. whereas Aachi is the fast moving brand with respect to Nutro Malt and Sathu Powder product types.5 14. Table 5.5 23.75 16 15.5 30 15.5 15 14.75 20 Best According to the survey it is found the stocking of 200g pack size product types are seen more in the stores. This is because these products need to be preserved air tight as spoilage 46 . Health Mix.The branding of these product types are the recent emerged product promoting activity.5 11 21 7.1. Manna is the famous oldest brand which has establshed its major market share by producing in bulk quantities. Branding of any product holds the consumer perception about the product The above table contains the fast moving brands of the Traditional Health Drinks in the targeted areas. Dia Mix and Ragi Rich product types . super markets. Best. Krishna and Navavita have box type of packing. The overall market survey of the traditional health drinks has helped us to know the variations in pricing of products. Diamix. Since Kishore is a local player and has established customer based Brand equity locally. Price Variation: The market survey includes small kirana stores. The quantity of the product used in preparation of the drink is very less so 200g is a medium quantity which can be utilised for the maximum extent without any storage losses. Table 5. This is due to the high margin paid to the super and hyper markets and also the consumer affordability. Prices are low in small kirana stores compared to super and hyper markets for the same product and same brand.e. whole salers.losses due to moisture are seen more. Vijay. provision stores. Manna. Kishore.1. Among this product type. Nutrimalt and Ragi Rich basically have box type of packing and the variation in the packing is seen in the Ragi malt. Rs.8 Preference for new brand: YES 104 NO 46 47 . The product types namely Healthmix. Priya and Aachi have polythene type of packing.95 in Super and Hypermarkets. the manufacturer pays less attention towards the packing type. Whereas Manna is a major brand occupying a highest market share which has its role in export businnes so the box type packing is suitable for easy transportation to avoid losses. like in Kirana stores the price of 500g pack size of Manna Health mix is 80 and the same brand have the price variation of Rs. Prices of products of the same category and same brand are different in different retail formats.15 i. hyper markets. This shows the possible expansion of Health drink sector.428571 429 0.8 0. Table 5.8 0.1.375 48 Ratio no/ total 0.9 Areawise Preferance for new brand Ratio yes/ total 0.2 Area Amrutha halli Basavanagudi Ganganagar Jayanagar Koramangala Count of yes 4 4 4 4 5 Count of no 3 3 1 1 3 .2 0.428571 429 0.571428 571 0.571428 571 0.The above graph depicts that 69 percent of the seller respondents have preference towards the stocking of new brands in their shelves.625 o. nutrition and diet. The trend has changed such that each and every individual prefer to have changes in their food habits which contribute to their health. 7 0.2 0.Malleshwaram Mathikere Rajajinagar RMV Extension RT Nagar Sadashivnagar Sahakar nagar Shivajinagar Ulsoor Vasanthnagar Vijaynagar Vyalikaval Yeshwanthpur Yelahanka Total 6 3 3 7 4 3 10 7 5 7 11 7 5 5 104 2 7 3 0.3 0.5 0.285714 286 0.25 0.125 0.3 0.166666 667 0.125 0.333333 333 62.666666 667 0.833333 333 0.625 0.375 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.5 46 2 5 2 1 3 1 1 3 5 46 0.916666 667 0.375 0.75 0.875 0.714285 714 0.5 104 49 .083333 333 0.5 0.875 0. Table 5. 5. this has influenced the sellers in regards for the preference for new brands. the data for 125 respondents are obtained.1 Categories of respondents: Age Group Group Group Group Group Total Range <25 26-35 36-45 46-55 >55 No. They are the main assets of any market research.The results reveal that among all the areas surveyed.2. of respondents 17 34 36 19 19 125 1 2 3 4 5 For the purpose of the study the consumers have been categorized into five Age groups. This survey is a quantitative consumer market research. Sahakar nagar. Group2 of age between 26 and 50 . namely Group1 consists of respondents belonging to age < 25. The consumers in these areas have better acceptibility for the new products.2 Consumer Behavior Evaluation towards Traditional Health Drinks: Consumers play a major role in deciding the market structure. Vyalikaval. The consumers are categorized into 5 groups based on their age group. To study this objective. Vijaynagar. Shivajinagar and Jayanagar have a greater potential for launching new brands. Ganaganagar. Group 4 of 46-55 and Group 6 of >55. This also shows that the major that the major shoppers are young adults.35. 51 . Group3 of 36-45. The majority of the respondents are in the age group of 26-45 years (70%). The grouping helps in easy analysis and comparison of results between different age groups. of respondent s Yes Grou p1 Grou p2 Grou p3 Grou p4 Grou p5 17 34 36 19 19 125 12 24 27 18 18 99 Product type which they consume Ragimalt 8 9 7 2 3 29 4 15 20 16 15 70 Home made 3 10 17 14 13 57 2 2 6 4 3 Kishor e 1 1 2 2 2 1 Man na Vij ay Age Awareness No 5 10 9 1 1 26 Consumption at home Yes 4 15 20 16 15 70 No The consumer awareness and the product types consumed by the respondents shows that the majority of 79 percent of the consumers were aware of the benefits available of the health drinks. consumption and product type consumed by different age groups no. It is interesting to note that about 71 percent of the respondents consume the 52 .2.2 Awareness.Table 5. 53 . Over 71 percent of the respondents prepare the mix at home rather to buy it in the market. This shows that Ragimalt is traditional health drink prepared in the Indian kitchens.drink on a regular basis at home. It is a welcome sign that 71 percent of the respondents are in the habit of consuming health drinks which reflects the health consciousness of the population. 54 . The above graph shows sthat group4 and group5 respondents had highest awareness of the traditional health drinks. which was consumed by most of them from past.ragi is a ceral grain which is rich in ironwhich contributes to the increase of the haemoglobin content in the blood and less in fiber content which helps to reduce the cholestrol level.The age groupwise awareness shows that older generations are better aware of the benefits of Health drinks compared to younger generations. The ragi malt is an age old traditional health. The Group 4 respondents belong to the age group of 3645 who are much concerned about their health and also the consumption has become a force of habit.The above graph indicates that Group4 respondents consumption rate is the highest followed by group5. Group2 and Group1. It’s a force of habit 1 3 10 7 10 31 iv.3 Purpose of using current brand purpose of using current brand i. Group3.2. this is exactly the product I always wanted to use Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Total 2 2 1 5 3 13 Age ii. There is really no choice 0 4 7 1 1 13 55 . This is the best available brand 1 6 2 2 1 12 iii. Table 5. 8 Good for Energy/Nutrit Digestibilit Maintanan Health ion y ce of Diet 61.5 60. group4.4 Garrette scoring for the preference of traditional health drink Group Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Taste 28.93333 56 45.5 32 56.25 33 33 56 .2.5 63. Consumption depicts that the group 3.6 30.25 62.9375 47. Table 5.5 32.333333 28.4 62.266666 67 32 25.26666667 52.6875 60.25 61.25 32 62.4 44. Every individual has taste and preference of food habits.25 32 64.The reasons for using current brand reveal that the consumers are left with very few brands or product range which compels them to buy the available brand.333333 33 58. group5 consume the current brand due to the force of habit and group2 consume because of the best available brand in the market and similarly group 1 respondents consume the current brand due to their choice. The taste of the drink was considered as least by all the age groups. 57 .The above graph depicts that all the age groups have the highest preference for consuming traditional drinks in regards for the good health. perception.2.2. The graph indicates that. Among all the respondents who consume the trditional drink.The chanages in food habits can easily be accepted by the younger generations rather the older generatoins.Table 5.about 71 percent of them have indicated that they are willing to change the preference towards a new brand. Table 5. they feel changes bring newness and inspiration to work.6 Groupwise preference for new brand Age Ggou p1 Ggou p2 Ggou p3 Ggou p4 Ggou p5 Total Yes 2 12 18 7 6 45 No 2 3 2 9 9 25 58 .5 Willingness to buy new brand Willingness to buy new brand Yes 70 No 29 The preference of each and every indiviual varies with their taste.The younger generations always aceepts changes in their life faster. Table 5.It could be observed that the age groups 4 and 5 are not ready to try the new brand.7 Preference for Sprouted and nonsprouted ingredients: Non sprouted 2 12 18 15 15 2 3 2 1 0 Group Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Sprouted 59 . Therefore the new brands should target this age group of respondents. The above graph indicates that the group 2 and group 3 respondents have a greater preference for the new brand and this is because these age group respondents will adopt the changes easily and they are ready to alter their food habits whereas the group 4 and group 5 respondents have preference to consume the existing brand as the change of food habits does contribute a very little to their health. only the vibrant young adults are ready to experiment with new brand of health drink.2. contains more sodium which is good for maintaining the acid – alkaline balance of the body and also useful for general digestion.So they prefer to consume spouted rather than roasted or non sprouted. The sprouted grains are rich in proteins. Table 5.The sprouted grains are consumed from the past due to its nutrional aspects.8 Prefernce for the consumption of drink with milk Yes Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 3 10 15 12 11 No 1 5 5 4 4 60 . The younger generation equally preferred both sprouted and non sprouted ingredients.2.they are already consuming the sprouted grains as the ingredients in their home made ragi malt. The older generation are more aware of the importance of the sprouted grains in their diet. 9 Preference of the time for consumption of the drink Early morning Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 3 13 16 10 9 Late evening 1 2 4 6 6 This era witnees the change in lifestyle of living . Milk helps in the building of calcium content in the bones and muscles.Milk is the main source of the calcium. This drink can be considered as an substitute for the morning break-fast. which suppliments all types of food. especalily the young adults of today. Consuming milk is a regular habit of most of the respondents. All the age group respondents have prefer to consume the drink in early morning. Every indiviual is oriented towards the health conscious life. 61 . Table 5. Allmost all the age group respondents equally like to consume the drink with milk.2. Milk is considered as a complete balance food of a diet. Ginger flavor is mostly preferred by group3.Table 5. group2 and group1. Chocolate flavor is 62 . Older age groups prefer Sugar free. Ginger. group5 and group4.8 Consumer acceptability of flavors Age Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Total Regular 17 34 36 19 19 125 Sugar free 3 12 25 17 18 75 Ging Chocol er ate Vanilla Lemon 5 13 12 15 18 8 15 32 36 4 20 34 17 0 8 17 18 0 5 18 94 25 60 116 As indicated earlier the majority of the young adults are interested in trying out new brands/flavors of the health drinks. Lemon. preferring even Chocolate flavor. Sugar free and Chocolate in that order.2. group3. Ginger flavor as compared to younger generation. sugar free flavor is mostly preferred by the age group5 followed by group4. It may be noted that traditionally Regular flavor is preferred by all the respondents followed by Lemon. The graph indicates that all the age group respondents equally preferred the regular flavor. The above graph depicts that among 125 respondendents 56 percent of them are aware of the product and consuming.4%) were ready to give a tag.4 percent of them are not aware but ready to consume after awareness and 6. 23. It may be noted here that. 63 .mainly preferred by age group1.4 percent of them are not aware and not ready to consume even after awareness. group2. a majority (14.2 percent of them are aware but not consuming.9 Overall consumer behavior regarding traditional health drinks Awareness Consuming Not consuming 70 29 Ready to consume after awareness Not aware Not ready to consume after awareness 18 8 The non consumers were educated on the benefits of health drinks and their willingness to consume the sane was assessed. Table 5. group4 and group5. Vanilla flavor is preferred by group 1 followed by group3. On an average all the age groups prefer lemon flavor. 14.2. 1 Categories of respondents Group Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Range of age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-75 64 . As an awareness and brand promotion measure.5. Table 5. A total of 110 panelists offered theis feedback.3 Consumer feedback on Ragi Malt drink of Swasthya Foods Company: Swasthya Food launched Ragi malt. Swasthya plus. Ragimalt was served to consumers.3. Gold-9 and Instant Health Drink Vending Machine in Bangalore Market on August 2010. The consumers were grouped into 6 categories according to their age group. This drink is not a newly emerged product.3.Out of 110 respondents. Table 5. The respondents surveyed are well qualified. health conscious. 65% are aware of traditional health drink.2 Awareness of Traditional Health Drinks: Groups Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Grand Total Yes 2 8 13 21 20 8 72 No 2 5 9 9 8 5 38 The above graph shows that out of 110 respondents. 25% and 12% belonged to Group 5 and 6 respectively. 65 . 12% belonged to Group 2. this had its usage form the past . 27% belonged to Group4. 4% belonged to group1. Due to the modernisation and western food habits the younger gererations are attracted towards them and the awareness of the traditional drinks are less in these age groups. 20% to Group3. 3 Consumption of Ragi Malt at Home: Group Grou p1 Grou p2 Grou p3 Grou p4 Grou p5 Grou p6 yes 1 7 8 19 18 7 no 3 6 14 11 10 6 66 . Table 5.The above chart depicts that more respondents in Group 4 are aware of traditional health drink whereas the respondents who belonged to Group 1 have the least awareness of this drink.3. Table 5. Since they are not aware of the brands available in the market. The above graph depicts that the respondents of group4 and group 5 have highest percentage of consumption of Ragi malt at home and the least consumption is seen in group1.4 Opinion of consumers after trying Ragi malt of Swasthya Foods Company Group Taste Good Group1 Group2 Texture Appearance Bette Good Bette Best Good Bette Best r Best r r 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 3 1 3 7 3 3 8 2 2 9 2 67 .The graph indicates that 55 percent of the respondents consume home made Ragi malt.3. Group2 and Group 1 credited better and Group 6 are the only respondents who credited good for the taste of Ragi malt. Appearance indicates the visual look of the drink. 68 . Group3. Respondents gave their opinion about these attributes according to their perception after consuming the drink. The opinion of test consumers revealed that the Group 5 respondents credited the taste as best followed by Group4.Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Total 2 5 4 5 18 14 13 10 7 56 6 12 14 1 36 6 4 7 6 27 11 16 10 5 51 5 10 11 2 32 2 5 5 7 24 14 16 15 5 59 6 9 8 1 27 The Taste. Consistency indicates the thickness/thinness and concentration/dilution of the drink. consistency and appearance are the three major attributes which are considered for our study. whereas group 6 respondents credited as good towards the texture of the ragi malt.the group 4 respondents gave equal credit as best and better.The above graph shows Group 5 respondents creditedthe texture as best. 69 . group 2 credited as better and group 1 gave equal credits as good. better and best.the group 3 respondents gave equal credit as good and better. According to these 2 and group 3 respondents credited as better wheras group 1 and group 6 credited as good towards the appearance of the ragi malt. 65 % of the respondents would like to prefer Ragimalt with fresh milk. Groupwise preference of ragi malt with fresh milk: 70 .The above graph indicates group 4 and group 5 respondents credited as best.3. Table 5.5 Opinion of Consumers about Preference of Ragi malt with Milk : Group Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Total yes 3 8 18 19 16 8 72 no 2 5 4 11 12 4 38 The above graph shows that. consumption with freshmilk will be more nutritious and balanced food. Table 5. Sugarfree and other flavors of Ragimalt: Group Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Grand Total Regular yes no 4 8 19 26 21 12 90 0 5 3 4 7 1 20 Sugar free yes No 0 2 3 9 13 5 32 Ginger Lemon Vanilla Chocolate ye no Ye n y no Y no s s o es es 4 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 10 21 26 20 13 93 3 1 4 8 0 17 11 20 24 19 12 89 2 2 6 9 1 21 9 1 5 1 6 1 1 7 6 0 4 7 14 17 6 50 10 15 15 8 6 56 3 7 15 20 7 54 11 19 21 15 8 78 71 .3.6 Consumer preferance about Regular.The above graph shows that the group 3 respondents have greater preference of consuming the ragi malt with fresh milk as they assume that the milk contributes energy and nutrition to their diet.Group 5 and group 4 respondents have lesser preference towards the consumption of ragi malt with fresh milk. The graph cleary depicts that Regular flavor. Table 5. Ginger flavor. Vanilla is mostly preferred by the respondents of group4.3. Sugarfree is preferred by group 5 respondents. Chocolate flavor is preferred mostly by group 3 and group4 respondents respectively. Lemon.7 Consumer acceptibility of Swasthya Products: Group Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Total Yes 4 13 22 30 28 13 110 72 . Table 5. This machine has various dimensions as already mentioned in the company profile.4 Preference for the installation of the vending machine by the Private and Public organizations: The magic malt vending machine was launched on 28/07/10. University of agricultural sciences GKVK.1 The study was conducted in the following organizations: Sl no 1 2 Organization BMTC KSRTC Preference No Yes 73 . This was manufactured by adopting the intellectual and technical assistance from the Bakery training unit.The graph indicates that the respondents of all the age groups after the consumption during the demonstration preferred to accept the Swasthya products if made available in the market.4. 5. 74 .5 lakhs for the loan obtained. 2) There is a back end subsidy of rupees 2. There is bakery established by the kvk in name of Bhoomika to which these malt powders are sold. The study included mainly 15 self help groups who were the members of one of the KVK of the University of Agricultural Science GKVK. The opportunities for the self help groups: 1) There is a provision of the bank loan of rupees 6.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 BHEL LRDE DRDO IRCTC Lalbagh NIMANS KIDWAI SAIL Home Science College Department of Agriculture Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Additional Works: Survey of SHGs : The study was conducted on the SHG groups where they are involved in the manufacture of the ragi malt. They receive orders for limited quantity of 10-15 kgs only. These self help groups receive orders from the Bhoomika and they prepare the malt powder. These self help groups obtained their training for the preparation of the ragi malt by the KVK (Adonahalli branch). They do not have any other marketing source.5 lakhs for the 2-3 years old self help groups. 3) The subsidy is provided by the NABARD under the department of Micro Credit and Industrial Development (MCID) Problems for the self help groups: 1) There is a lack of the marketing facility for their products. Some healthcares centre’s showed interest in buying the 75 . Under the scheme of SGSRY they provide subsidy of 1.25 lakhs for the BPL SHGs and this is not applicable for any individual entrepreneur. we visited this institution to gather the financial assistance available for the SHGs and for an entrepreneur dealing with the small scale food processing sector. 2) They lack awareness of the availability of the financial assistance and the subsidy. According to opinion of a professor who is the teaching faculty over there. IIMB : IIMB is the topmost business school in India. how many projecvts have been done on FMCG’s and also to know worthiness of a business in the field of traditional health drinks. The details about the ragi malt vending machine and its advantages were briefed to them. According to him food processing sector is the ‘sunrise sector’ of India and more investments are pouring into this sector. government is providing more subsidies Health care centre’s: As a part of our internship visits were made to health care centre’s.. there is more scope for any entrepreneur who takes up their business in food processing sector. NABARD: As a part of our summer internship. A visit was made to the institution to know the ongoing projects in that institution. MCID in NABARD deals with the Financial schemes for the SHGs and Small Scale Industries. Health care centre’s are mainly concerned about maintaining the health of physically ill people by giving them better medicines and providing them with proper diet. Trainers’ Training Program and Rural Entrepreneurship Development Program. a) Name of the Brands: i) ii) iii) iv) b) Which is the Fast moving Brand? Any reasons for the performance c) Since how long this product is there on the shelves 2) Particulars of the preferred brand Flavours Pack size Pack type price 76 . It conducts many programs like Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDPs) at periodic intervals. standardization and management of food industry and it also facilitates the marketing of the product developed by its trainee.ragi malt vending machine in order to provide healthy food to the patients coming over there to get treatment to their disorder. As part of its program it provides training in food processing. Questionnaire for Sellers 1) Do you stock malt powder at your shop? If Yes. AWAKE (Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka): As part our internship a visit to AWAKE was made. development of food products. Skill Development Program. It is an organization which is 90012000 accredited. chocolate vi. iv. Ragi Malt sugar free iii. Lemon vii Any other flavour e) Herbs as one of the ingredients f) Price range g) Anticipated sales per month 77 . Regular ii. b) Sprouted c) Roasted d) Flavors – i. iii.3) When do you think the demand of the Ragi Malt is more? a) Summer b) Winter c) Rainy 4) Explain the supply procedure? (indent. pricing. ii.i. Vanilla iv. Ginger v. payment procedure etc) a) b) c) 5) Would you like to prefer another new brand of Ragi Malt in your shelf? If Yes What attributes do you look at in the new brand? a) Ingredients. margin. delivery. 200 ml d) Do you prefer the usage of straw to drink 7) At what price do you prefer to buy the health drink vending machine? 8) Preferred outlet options of the vending machine.6) Would you like to have a instant malt vending machine at your shop? If Yes. a) Capacity b) Drink /1 cup preferred health drink c) Cup size.naturopathy. a) 2 b) 4 c)8 9) Type of consumer who visit your shop: Age i)Below 25 years ii)26-35 years iii)36-45 years iv)46-55 years v)above 55 years Occupation i)social work ii)family business iii)working outside iv)house wife v)education institution vi)corporate sector vii)restaurants viii)public utility places ix)health centers and yoga .i. gym etc x)spiritual centres xi)temple premises Education i)high school&below ii)graduation iii)post graduation & above Name of the Retail shop: 78 . 100 ml/150ml ii. 3) Preferred pack size: 200g/ 500g/ 1Kg 4) Which form of packing do you prefer? i. Paper box ii. iii. ii. ( rank order) a) Regular 79 .Location: Type of Retail store: Questionnaire for consumers 1) Are you aware of organic health product? If Yes. Yes/No 7) Do you prefer any flavors? If Yes. 2) Why do you use current type? a) This is exactly the product I always wanted to use b) This is the best available brand c) It is a force of habit d) There is really no choice e) Did you change the brand ever? Name the old brand i. a) Which brand/type do you consume? i ii. Cover 5) Why do you prefer Ragi Malt? ( rank order) a) Taste b) Good for health c) Energy / nutrition d) Digestibility e) Maintenance of diet 6)Would you prefer the health drink with freshmilk. i) j) Sprouted Roasted k) Flavors – i. ii.b) Lemon c) Ginger d) Vanilla e) Chocolate f) Sugar free g) Any other flavour 6) Would you like to prefer Sprouted/non sprouted ragi malt 7) If your favorite brand is not available with the store. what will be your response? a) I will look at other stores until I find the brand b) I will wait till this brand comes to my store c) I will look at one or two other stores and buy the available one d) I will buy another brand from the same store 8) Would you like to prefer another new brand of Ragi malt? If yes.i. iii. Vanilla iv. where you usually make your purchase. Lemon vii. chocolate vi. iv. Ginger v. Plain ii. What attributes do you look at in the new brand? h) Ingredients. Ragi Malt sugar free iii.any other flavour l) Herbs as a ingredient 80 . 9) Preferred time of consumption during the day? i. Corporate sectors vii. naturop athy. Family business iii. Educational instituti ons vi. Below 25 years 26-35 years 36-45 years 46-55 years Above 55 years Occupation i. iii. Early morning Late morning Afternoon Evening 10) Would you like to buy a malt vending machine if offered at 4000Rs-5000Rs? 11) a) price of the current brand b) Preferred price for new brand 12) Type of consumer Age i. m etc x. Post Graduation & above Respondent name: Location: 81 . ii. Graduation iii. iv.Public utility places ix. House wife v. Temple premise s Education i. Spiritual centres xi. Health centres and yoga. v. Social work ii. High school & below ii. Restaurants viii. iii. iv. Working outside iv. After trying this product. Do you consume Ragi malt/ Health mix/ Dia mix at home: Yes/ No 8. Awareness of Traditional Health Drinks(ragimalt/ Healthmix/ Diamix): Yes/no 7. Age: 3. Qualification: 5. your opinion Good Taste Better Best Texture Appearance 9. Name: 2.Feedback Form 1. Occupation: 6. Location: 4. Did this drink meet your satisfaction: Agree 82 . the sellers have to store the new brands in the shelves next to the old fast moving brand in order to create the awareness among the consumers. v. vi. iv. Do you accept this product if available in the market: Yes/No 12. The suggestions to the sellers is that.By the results of the study we can conclude that the sellers should keep stocks of small size fast moving packs of 200gms. Regular Sugar free Ginger Vanilla Lemon Chocolate Your preference about flavors (rank order) 11. ii. Any suggestions for improvement Conclusion This survey was done with the sellers. i. consumers and with some public-private organisations.Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Would you like to have this with fresh milk : yes/ No 10. iii. As consumers are much aware of traditional drinks and in the same way they are not much aware about the available brands in traditional health drinks we can clearly conclude that 83 . V. etc.manufacturer should try to create awareness through market promotion activities like Advertisements in Newspapers. The manufacturer should categorise their production according to the consumer needs that is the consumers in kirana stores are lesss bothered about the packtypes whereas the consumers at super and hyper markets are attracted towaeds the attractive packtypes.. Radio. We can also conclude that the manufacturers can price their product according to the type of consumers at retail markets that is the consumers at kirana stores prefer less priced products whereass the consumers at the super and hyper markets are ready to afford even high prices. 84 . T. 85 . 86 . 87 . 88 . 89 . 90 . 91 . 92 . 93 .
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