Gilogic_GT-C Manual En
Gilogic_GT-C Manual En
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GILOGIC II/GT-C SYSTEMInjection Molding Machine Control Operator Manual soluciones en mecatrónica AUPRO This pubblication is the property of GEFRAN spa. Any divulgation or reproduction of it as a whole or in part in forbidden unless expressly authorised. While every care has been taken during the preparation, the compilation and checking to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this manual, GEFRAN spa cannot assume any responsability for events caused by the use of the same. The same statement is made on behalf of all persons and companies involved in the creation and the production of this manual. GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make design or functional modifications, without prior notice and at any time. © Copyright 2005 - Gefran S.p.A. - Tutti i diritti riservati Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.2 1. Index page 1. 2. Index page ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Manual structure ................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1. List of screen pages ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. Call the screen pages ................................................................................................................................. 6 2.3. Structur of screen pages............................................................................................................................. 6 2.4. Set the parameters...................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Screen Pages Description .................................................................................................................................. 7 3.1. Page “00 Logo” ......................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1. Data corrupted or losed...................................................................................................................... 8 3.2. Page “01 Main menu”................................................................................................................................ 9 3.3. Page “02 Heating” ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.4. Page “03 Hot runner” .............................................................................................................................. 12 3.5. Page “04 Schedule” ................................................................................................................................. 13 3.6. Page “05 Temperature graph” ................................................................................................................. 14 3.7. Page “06 Mold close” .............................................................................................................................. 16 3.8. Page “07 Mold open” .............................................................................................................................. 17 3.9. Page “08 Ejector” .................................................................................................................................... 18 3.10. Page “09 Cores”................................................................................................................................... 20 3.10.1. Page “Cores Options” ...................................................................................................................... 22 3.10.2. Page “Cores special cycles”............................................................................................................. 23 3.11. Page “10 Accessories”......................................................................................................................... 24 3.12. Page “11 Injection profiles” ................................................................................................................ 26 3.13. Page “12 Charge profiles” ................................................................................................................... 28 3.14. Page “13 Carriage/Purge”.................................................................................................................... 29 3.14.1. Page “Auto purge”........................................................................................................................... 30 3.15. Page “14 Injection graph”.................................................................................................................... 31 3.16. Page “15 Production data”................................................................................................................... 32 3.17. Page “16 Quality selection”................................................................................................................. 33 3.18. Page “17 Quality display” ................................................................................................................... 33 3.19. Page “18 Quality graph”...................................................................................................................... 35 3.20. Page “19 Mold data internal” .............................................................................................................. 36 3.21. Page “20 Mold data external”.............................................................................................................. 38 3.22. Page “21 Printer” ................................................................................................................................. 39 3.23. Page “22 Machine status”.................................................................................................................... 40 3.24. Page “23 Actual alarms”...................................................................................................................... 41 3.25. Page “24 Alarms history” .................................................................................................................... 42 3.26. Page “25 I/O Diagnostic” .................................................................................................................... 43 3.26.1. Page “Node diagnostic”................................................................................................................... 44 3.26.2. Page “25.A I/O digital output” ........................................................................................................ 45 3.26.3. Page “25.B I/O analog output” ........................................................................................................ 46 3.26.4. Page “25.C I/O digital input” .......................................................................................................... 47 3.26.5. Page “25.D I/O analog input”.......................................................................................................... 48 3.27. Page “26 Easy data setting”................................................................................................................. 49 Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.3 ..................... 62 3.................................. Page “30 Analog output setup” .......34............... Page “29 Analog input setup” ..............................................6. 60 3.........................................36........ Page “Keyboard diagnostic”.................................... 55 3...........36....... Page “Service function”........................................................ 63 Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.. 61 3.......................................................... 53 3. Page “Pumps setting” ........................................... 58 3......................................................................................................................................................................3......................................29........................1.....35...............................36..... Page “28 General setting”.............. Page “33 Close loop setting” .............................. Page “32....30............... 54 3.................................... 52 3.......................................4....................................................................................................... Page “27 Settings history” ..................2 Limits/Ramps” .......................................31.................................................36..... 50 3........................... 56 3....36.................4 ...................................3.................................. Page “Service function”......................36................................................. 57 3................................................................................. Page “Local net management”. Page “31 PID Parameters”.. 59 3...............................................................1 Limits/Ramp” .......... Page “Machine configuration” ................. 58 3..................................................................2...............................32...........28...............................................................36.. 51 3................................33.........................5.............................................. Page “Linearization”............................... Page “32....................................................... 1 Limits/ramps 32.5 .2. called by system start-up 01 Main menus 02 Heating zones 03 Hotrunner 04 Schedule 05 Temperature graph 06 Mold close 07 Mold open 08 Ejector 09 Cores 10 Accessories 11 Injection profiles 12 Charge profiles 13 Carriage/purge 14 Injection graph 15 Production data 16 Quality selection 17 Quality display 18 Quality graph 19 Mold data internal 20 Mold data external 21 Printer 22 Machine status overview 23 Actual alarm 24 Alarm history 25 Diagnostic I/O 25A I/O digital output 25B I/O analog output 25C I/O digital input 25D I/O analog input 26 Easy data settino 27 Settino history 28 General setting 29 Analog input calibrations 30 Analog output calibrations 31 PID parameter 32.2 Limits/ramps 33 Close loop setting Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. List of screen pages Heat group Mold group Injection group Production data Mold data group Machine status Calibration group 00 Logo page. Manual structure 2.1. insert password if needed. All the pages in this group are identified by graphic icons in the bottom-side horizontal-strip of the page. Set the parameters • • • • Numerical parameter: data input by numeric keyboard. Structur of screen pages The main fields of this page including 7 parts: 1) Left-high: Actual Date and Time display. 3) Right-high: Showing the limits for settings (max. The selecting method is as same as the “YES/NO selectors”. number must be in limits. displaying graph. Multiple selector: there are 2 or more selections possible in one setting area and it’s displayed a selection description. multi-selectors. It locates below the group Selection Zone.0/1 for selectors.3.min). 5) Group Selection Zone: It’s in the lower side.4. Call the screen pages The system permits to select a page in following 3 ways: 1) In MAIN MENU. You have to press the F key to access at the right page. 4) Setting Zone: This zone is in the center page for setting.2. 2. bar graph with 8 icons for group-selection 6) Message Display Zone: Actual alarm display and password level indication. Alphanumeric data input : only provided in mold data storage or load. insert the number to search the page. 2) Center-high: Page Title and Number. enter for conferm. 3) Pressing the Fn key for this group once and once again until the right page displayed. 2) Press the F key in F2~F8 which represents the function group the searched pages belongs first. the selection “YES” or “NO” will be showed. But above 3 methods are not used for searching the pages with the identify number great than 28.2. 2. all pages are identified by a head title and by a number (can used for the print function). press ENTER in character input and select char with arrow key Up or Down Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. Yes/No selectors: the setting method is first moving the cursor to the selecting area and then press “ENTER”.6 . The only way to access these pages is first come into page 28 in MAIN MENU and then select the relative icon. checking all the hardware and if no problem this screen will be displayed .1. the system first self-diagnose just like a personal computer . Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. When the power on. When it finishes.7 . Page “00 Logo” This page contains: the Company Symbol.This page means the system is uploading the software and this process need about 10 seconds.3. the Software Program Identification Code. page “01 MAIN MENU” will appear automatically. It also gives the message “ WAIT PLEASE……”. Screen Pages Description 3. the Firmware Version Identification Code either for PLC and for Control Panel. 3.1.1. Data corrupted or losed If there is some problem with variables (variables corrupted or losed) the video page00 appear in this way. The operator has to restart the pc and after he has to load the variables recipe. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.8 3.2. Page “01 Main menu” This page will be displayed automatically after page 00. When in other pages, this page can be recalled by F1 key. Here a page can be selected freely in three ways: one is moving the cursor to the page which the operator wants and then press “ENTER”; another is inputting the page number in “SELECTION PAGE :”, then press “ENTER”; another is through the F key (F1-F8) If a new data will be input, the right password level should be efficient. This system supplies 3 password levels: level 1 is for setting the normal operation data; level 2 is for selecting the special function, such as output test, analog input calibration ; level 3 is the highest level and all settings are possible. Level 1 and level 2 can be changed in page 28, but level 3 is unchangeable. Every time that the system starts, the password should be inputted. Once a password inputted, the corresponding password level will keep efficient until the screen sleep works. If the required password level not efficient when you press “ENTER” to input a new data, at the left-down corner a message will appear. For example , “PASSWORD (Liv,1)… ”, this message means need password level 1, so the operator must input the password level 1 in page 01. In this page ,the screen brightness can be adjusted by F1 software key, after pressing F1, a red pane will display in the icon above F1, it means that the brightness can be adjusted .Then press the cursor “up” or “down” to adjust the screen brightness light or dark. On TFT color display this function is not active. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.9 3.3. Page “02 Heating” This page is made by 4 sections(besides the 2 bar-graphs with icons): 1) Temperature bar graphs for real and setting values of 7 zones; 2) Cylinder drawing is for displaying the real statues of every heaters (nozzle and 6 zones); 3) Temperature setting zone: MODE-There are 3 modes for heating. (1) PID : automatically heating by PID regulation; (2) MANUAL : heating on continually with setting power (SET MAN) without check real temperature; (3) OFF: heating off. SET [°C] -The set temperature value; MAX +[°C] -The set temperature upper limit, and this is a relative value; MIN - [°C] -The setting temperature lower limit, and this is a relative value; SET [%] -Only in MANUAL heating mode this setting is efficient. It is the heating time ratio, its value equal: time for heater on in unit time / unit time. For example: set [%]=15,it means the heating regulation is 15 seconds for heater on in 100 seconds. In fact, this value can be considered as heating power. REAL [°C] -Display the real zone temperature; REAL [%] -Display the real heating power; ALARM-There are 5 kinds of heater alarms in the system. real temperature lower than the setting temperature; real temperature higher than the setting temperature; thermo couple wire broken; heater wire broken; heater wire short-connection ; Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.10 If the real cabin temperature is high than the setting value. To realize this requirement.11 . He does not want to turn off the heating because that will waste some time when he begins to work this afternoon. a alarm will be display but not stop any movement. finally set “WAIT TIME” as “50” minutes. He will come back at 12:00 and he hopes the system will begin to heating at 11:50 .the setting temperature (for example 200°C) is too high and it is not good for the material in the barrel.4) Function setting zone: “HISTOGRAM MAX SET POINT”. For example: The operator will leave to lunch at 11:00 and he wants stop the work during his lunch time. He only want 50°C to keep the temperature of barrel . “WAIT MODE” is a special function. then set “PERCENTAGE OF SET” as “25%” (200°C ×25%=50°C ). This function is used for keeping the barrel temperature when the machine stops temporarily.this value is the maximal temperature setting value. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. But if still turn on the heater . it is as same as the “MAX VALUE” in page 30. the thermocouple is inside the PLC.So when he comes back this afternoon. “MAX CABINE TEMPERATURE”-this setting value is the maximal cabin temperature. when the operator leaves he first select “WAIT MODE” as “YES”. he can work right now. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. Page “03 Hot runner” This page is for heating the hot-runners(option function).3. The using method is similar to the page “HEATING”.4.12 . 13 . Page “04 Schedule” This page is for the function of pre-heating barrel and hot-runners(option function) by internal clock and calendar. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.5.3. either for BARREL or for HOT-RUNNER in 2 different sections. the operator can set each working day of beginning and stopping in a week. maximal value of displayed zones is 4.6. So by moving cursor Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. the left displayed time will changed every 5 minutes. so the graph can be enlarged or reduced. press “ENTER” continually until the required zone displayed. The low section is for function selecting. “Cursor 2”. after select “Cursor 1” then can move the left Y axis to left or right using the assistant function keys “<---” or “--->”.14 . “Grids” is the function for selecting the grids in 2 coordinates or not. “Clear graphics”. When the cursor 2 moved. “Stop acquisition”. one zone name will displayed. press “ENTER” . The section between the two coordinates is for selecting the displayed zones. “Cursor 2” is the right Y axis in the coordinate of “partial view”.the upper value and the lower value can be set. There are 2 coordinates in this page. “Selection” is the function of displaying partial view.3. “Cursor 1” is the left Y axis in the coordinate of “partial view”. the right displayed time will changed. Here only displaying the selected tool and the tool is selected with the function selection keys “Func” in the bottom side icons bar. “--->” and “<---” are the assistant function keys. The temperature value will be shown at its right side. Move the cursor in the “Func” then press “ENTER” . the use method is as same as the “Cursor 1”. Move the cursor to the selecting part. Page “05 Temperature graph” This page is for displaying the temperature graph of each heating zone (including the oil temperature) in past 24 hours. The tools in “Func” includes “Cursor 1”. When the cursor 1 moved. On the Y axis of coordinate . The system will sample and store the temperature of each zone every 5 minutes. The “partial view” can display the temperatures freely by the function keys in the right icons bar. The “total view” can display the temperatures in past 24 hours. At the same time. the tool name will displayed in the right side of “Selection”. the operator can set the time zone that he interested . Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. the partial view display time can be changed. in this way the operator can show always the situation in this moment. “Stop acquisition” is for freeze the graphics.15 . “Clear graphics” is for erase all data about graphics and restart.1 and cursor 2. There are 5 steps in closing mold. the setting speed and pressure should be lower. Setting the position.16 .0. like the above screen. The zero position for mold movement is the end position of closing mold. speed and pressure in sequential steps. the outputs of the speed and pressure will be 80% and 140 bar.0mm. from this graph. for example. The setting position of each step is the change point. Page “06 Mold close” This page is for setting the data of mold close.0 and 50. Step 5 “mold clamping” has not the setting position because the end position of closing mold is not judged by position but by the limit switch “Finish close mold”. The lowest section is for function selection and time setting. the setting position is the position when the two parts of the mold begin to connect. The “Close time” is for setting the whole time of closing mold . during step 4 “Mold slow”. The section below the 5 steps is the graph for setting. that means during closing mold the speed and pressure are 60% and 120 bar separately when the real position is great than 250.7.3. The selection “High speed mode” is for selecting a valve named “High speed valve” will open during the high speed closing zone. If the real mold position is between 250.0mm. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. the operator can check his setting and read the real mold position. the alarm as “Close mold overtime” will displayed and the movement stops. then a alarm displayed and the mold could be protected. this timer starts and it will exceed the setting time because the pressure and speed are low. If the real time exceeds the setting time. so if something is in the mold. The “Protection time” is for protecting the mold. the change point from step 1 to step 2 is 250. 8. The lower tolerance = the setting position of step 5 . the ejector could forward.“tolerance -”. Page “07 Mold open” This page is for setting the data of mold open. The only different is the “Stop position tolerance”.3. If the real mold position is between the upper tolerance and the lower tolerance .17 . Attention: The system will output zero pressure and speed when the mold position of lower tolerance reached and the aim of working as such is to reduce the inertia. This tolerance is used to control the ejector forward. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. The upper tolerance = the setting position of step 5 + “tolerance +”. The screen and setting method are similar to Page “MOLD CLOSE”. otherwise forbid. Notice: The position for step 2 must not set too great. press the “EJECTOR Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. press the “ejector for.9.” Key. for example 2mm. the ejector forwards and then stops when it reaches the end position. In manual mode. And if this mode is selected. By this. the ejector could return to the back end with inertia.3. Here a small value not zero can be set. the light for “SEMIAUTO” will be on. the mechanical strike can be avoided. The up-right section is for ejector backward. The time is used to avoid the pressure influence of last movement. It is similar to the Forward section. the Full-Auto mode is inaccessible . in next cycle. The up-left section is for ejector forward. It has the setting graph and setting zone. In semiauto mode. In manual mode.in this condition. If this mode is selected in Full-Auto mode. The “Delay time” is executed before the ejector forwards. the ejector only forward once. the Full-Auto mode will be converted to Semi-Auto mode automatically. so the system forbids closing mold! The ejector action has three working modes: “Single” means :the ejector only forwards one time no concern with the ejector counter. Page “08 Ejector” This page is for ejector . “Normal” means: the ejector forwards to the setting point and then backwards to end point several times as the number set in “Ejector counter”. But please notice that the position for step 2. press the “FULLAUTO” key. This mode can’t used in Full-Auto mode.18 . the ejector first backward when the cycle starts. otherwise the ejector can’t return to the end point by inertia and the switch named “BACK END” will not on. The reason is the system will output zero for pressure and speed when this position (step 2) reached. 19 . All for “NO” is permit in condition of only ejecting by air. “Ejector counter” is for setting the times of ejector movement. So if one working mode is selected as “YES” the others will be “NO” automatically. the ejector backwards to the position of step 2. The system permits one working mode efficient in the same time. The low-right section is for air ejecting. first set “SELECT” as “YES”. the difference with “Normal” is the back movement. “Vib” means vibration . The setting position is the point that the air valve on. the ejector only backwards to the position of step 1 and then forward. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. If the operator wants use this function .the ejector works as same as in Auto mode. Just in the last time.FORWARD” continually . if the real time exceeds the setting.10. In “SIGNAL” mode . he should set the position as “0”. the core will move in after closing mold. “POS mm” is for setting the position of core in and core out. the mold closes to the setting position and then stops. the core begins to move in. the mold continues to close again. If the operator wants the core moves in after closing mold. If the operator wants the core moves in before closing mold. If the setting position is just in the closing path when closing mold. Page “09 Cores” This page is for cores. If the setting core in and out positions of core 1 and core 2 are same. it can work. because the position can’t reached if the setting is greater than the real final position. the move sequence is first core 1 in then core 2 in and first core 2 out then core 1 out. The unscrew can be used as core. So 4 terms of cores can be used at most.20 . a alarm will Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. so first core in and then close mold when the cycle starts. The software supplies 2 terms of cores and 2 terms of unscrews. The selection column is in the first line. Now we can use core 1 as an example to explain how to set the data: Only selecting the core 1 as “YES”. he should set the position greater than the real open end position. Speed and pressure of core only has one step. If the operator wants the core moves out after opening mold. If the operator wants the core moves out before opening mold. he should set the position as a value between the real open stop position and the open mold tolerance lower limit.this time is the alarm time. he should set the position as “0”.3. Core out works just like this. then the core will out after closing mold. “TIME” has the different functions in mode SIGNAL and mode TIME (option page). after core in finishes. so first core out and then open mold. by select “IN SEQUENCE” YES. Don’t check each core IN / OUT position set. In “TIME” mode .it is the moving time. If select 2 or more cores. This. In the middle page it’s possible to select easier cores in sequence. The counter number should be set when used as unscrew.21 . its function is as same as the ejector delay time. If select at position. the “core 3” will displayed. by select cores IN or OUT at moold open position. move the cursor to “unscrew 1” then press “ENTER”. if select cores IN or OUT at mold close position. cores IN or OUT at same position. it’s possible select the sequence IN and the sequence OUT It’s possible select special cores functions in page “SPECIAL CYCLES” Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. If the operator wants to use “unscrew 1” as “core 3”. cores IN when mold close END and cores OUT before mold open.appear and the movement stops. At same. without check mold IN/OUT position set. cores IN before mold close and cores out after mold open end. On “CORES OPTIONS” page. only by set common position. The setting method for unscrew is similar to core. “DELAY” is the delay time before core moves. 3.core in during closing mold and core out during opening mold.22 .1. Set minimum speed and pression need to move mold for reatch cores IN/OUT position when is an intermediate mold position. the valve for core in will on when injection. Otherwise.10. This function is unavailable in this machine. “HOLD” is selected as “YES”. the valve not open. Set sequence if selected on page CORES. the positions of core in and core out judged by two limit switches. That is to say . the setting time controls the core in and core out. for example. “MODE” has two selections: one is SIGNAL. Page “Cores Options” Page for cores options. another is TIME. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. “D. MOLD” is the function that the core can work during mold movement. 2.3. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.23 . Page “Cores special cycles” In this page the operator can set a special cycles for every cores and set the delay time.10. 24 . Interval Time mean that every Interval time seconds. lubrication alarm is set ON. 1) Lubrication: Lubrication MODE : Number of cycles mean that every Nr machine cycles in auto or semiauto mode. if pressure switch not ON. Lubrication at 1st cycle : when machine start at first auto or semiauto cycle.. Work time is alarm time. Pressure 2: lubrication cycle consist in set digital output for lubrication for work time. If pressure switch not ON before end alarm time. set on Cicle Nr…. Page “10 Accessories” This page is for lubrication.The setting pressures and speeds should not be too high . mold adjustment and robot. start lubrication.3. We comment 50bar and 40 % are the up limit. press the “AUTO MOLD ADJUST” key once. open mold. 2) Mold adjustment: Here the pressures and speeds for close mold. (timer start when machine work in auto or semiauto mode). the light of “AUTO MOLD Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. execute lubrication Lubrication type…: there are 3 types of lubrication Time : lubrication cycle consist in set digital output for lubrication for work time set below. During lubrication time. start lubrication. In manual mode. Pressure 1: lubrication cycle consist in set digital output for lubrication until read digital input signal from lubrication pressure switch. lubrication alarm is set ON. mold adjust forward and mold adjust backward can be set .11.especially for mold adjustment. set below. in this machine this function is not available. carriage backwards. carriage forward. it represents now is in the manual mold adjust mode. the auto mold adjust starts. The carriage movements will not limited by setting position. And select the time when the robot starts. mold adjust forward and mold adjust backward can works by pressing the relative keys. When the robot finishes. 3)Robot (option function): Here select the robot as “YES” if the robot be used.25 . This time. it only stopped by mechanical parts. Press the “AUTO MOLD ADJUST” key twice. the system comes into the auto mold adjust mode. the system converts to manual working mode automatically.ADJUST” becomes on and the light of MANUAL becomes off. the movements use the special pressures and speeds not same as the normal movements in other working mode. 4) “Photo detect” is the selection for using a photo sensor in full auto mode 5) “Auto door” is for use the doors in automatic mode. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. the next cycle starts. In this mode. close the safety door and press the “MOLD ADJUST FORWARD” key once. close mold. the adjustment can be interrupted. open mold. When the adjustment finish or interrupted. Press the “AUTO MOLD ADJUST” key again. In this mode. The middle of the screen is the graph for setting data. the injection changes to holding pressure automatically. Below the graph is the section for function selection. “Tolerance +” is a relative value for setting the cushion upper limit. Below the section for holding pressure. The up-left section is for holding pressure including 5 steps. “Tolerance -” is a relative value for setting the cushion lower limit. the outputs for pressure and speed depend on the setting position as same as in mode POSITION. 3) PRESSURE: During injection. In this setting time. when this time is exceeds. the injection stops and holding pressure starts.12. the whole injection time can be set in “Injection time”. a pressure of converting point can be set.3. The up-right section is for injection including 6 steps. “Cushion point” is for setting the standard end position. when the system pressure is higher than the setting. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.26 . 1) TIME: Set a whole injection time. 2) POSITION: The injection end position is the setting position of step 6. the injection converts to holding pressure automatically if this position reached. Below the up-left “Injection time”. In this mode. In this system there are three types to select. “Cushion check”: This function is for controlling the product quality by detecting the end position of holding pressure. Page “11 Injection profiles” This page is for setting the data of injection. if the end point of injection not reached. So the setting position of step 1 is greatest and step 6 is the end point. Attention: in other two modes. The zero point of the screw movement is the end position of injecting. this time is used for alarm. an alarm will occurs and the movement stops. “Holding selection”: It is to select the type of converting from injection to holding pressure. if the real end point out of the upper limit and lower limit.“tolerance . In manual mode. the injection and holding pressure can be executed sequentially. a alarm occurs and the next cycle stops after this cycle finished. Real lower limit = “standard cushion point” . press the “INJECT” key continually.”. In full auto mode. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. when this function selected.Real upper limit = “standard cushion point” + “tolerance +”.27 . This time is only efficient in auto mode. When the charge end position reached. During charging. The upper section is for setting the charging. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. the “BACK-PRESS” is for setting the value of back pressure. the charging will be interrupted. the back pressure can only adjusted by manual so setting the back pressure is no of use. In this machine. The following section is for setting the suck back. press the “CHARGE” key again. press “CHARGE” key one time. the machine can execute the other movements sequential except mold movement and cores. “Suck back before charge” is able to select and this function only executed in auto mode. This timer starts when the holding pressure finishes. If this timer not reach the setting time.13. the charge movement works continually even releasing the key. “Cooling time” is used for setting the time for cooling the product.3. the movement will stop automatically. pressing the “SUCK BACK” key. the mold can’t open. When the real time exceeds the setting time. In manual mode. Page “12 Charge profiles” This page is for charging and suck back. In manual mode. the setting data of “Suck back after charge” will be executed. During the cooling time. The lower section is for setting timers. an alarm occurs and the charging stops. the system can’t control the back pressure. “Suck back after charge” is standard. “Charge time”: it is for setting the maximal permitted charge time. “Delay before charge” is for setting the delay time before charging.28 . 14. If in this setting time the carriage can’t reach the final position. 2) AFTER CHARGE is carriage backward after charging and suck back.29 . “Carr. Carriage forward has two steps. 3) NO MOVE is carriage not backward so that decreasing the cycle time. But in auto mode. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. The left section is for carriage movement. carriage backward only works step 1. carriage backward has two steps. an alarm occurs and the movement stops. In manual mode. “Carriage back” has three selections: 1) BEFORE CHARGE is carriage backward before charging. The zero position of carriage is the end point for carriage backward. The right side section is for auto purge.3. Safety time” is for setting the alarm time during carriage forward. Page “13 Carriage/Purge” This page is for carriage movement and auto purge. Press the “AUTO PURGE” key again. then press the “AUTO PURGE” key once. The two steps charge is setting by time not by position. If in this time the movement not finish. purging starts. “Counter repeat” is for setting the purge times. maybe the barrel can’t be cleaned. Attention: Before purge. Page “Auto purge” This function only can be executed in manual mode.3. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. First select the “Auto purge selection” as “YES”.1. “Purge time” is for setting alarm time. two steps charge and one step suck back.30 . the movement interrupted. an alarm occurs and the movement stops. The purge sequence is inject->charge->suck back. The working method is as same as lubrication. move the carriage to the back point so that the nozzle can’t touch with the mold. Because only one time. Then the operator can set the two steps injection.14. and the original memo curve will be erased. “Axis X” can select “Time” or “Position”. the operator can use the two keys “---->” and “<----” to move the axis. “Time setting” is for setting the display time. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. Page “14 Injection graph” This page is for displaying the injection curve. “Grid” is for selecting the grids displayed or not in the coordinate.3. Like “cursor 1”. The injection real data during the period between the injection beginner and this setting time are memorized and displayed.15. “memorized” is to store the current curve as the memo curve.31 . “Selection” includes: “cursor 1” is the left X axis in the coordinate. “cursor 2” is the right X axis in the coordinate. it will change the variable of X axis . 2) real: display the real pressure curve. “Pressure” has three selections: 1) none: not display the pressure curve. Y axis can display the injection speed and pressure. so the displayed range can be changed. so the operator can compare the two curves. 3) real+memo: display the real curve and the memorized curve. “Speed” selection is as same as “Pressure”. The range of Y axis in coordinate can be set. The lower section is for function selection. 16. In auto mode. “Bad pieces product”: This function is to count the bad product. If the real cycle time exceeds the setting time.32 . “Actual cycle time”: This is for setting the maximal cycle time and displaying the real cycle time. Page “15 Production data” This page is for production data. “Today production”: This is to display the working hours for current day. “Last cycle time”: This is to display the real time for last cycle. “Production average pre hour”: This is to display the product number pre hour. A message will displayed if the real counter equal the setting and the next cycle stops automatically. “Yesterday production”: This is to display the working hours for last day. an alarm occurs and the next cycle stops in auto mode. “Production hours”: This is to display the real working time. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. “Production hours remaining”: This is to display the working hours for remaining product. “Total production piece”: This is for setting the product quantity . “Remaining piece”: This is to count the remain product. the counter increases one piece every holding pressure end. “Interval time”: This is for setting the interval time between every two cycle in Full time auto mode.3. “MIN” is to set the minimal value for quality control. if the operator selects the 7th variable.3. There are 20 variables for quality control. The operator can select freely at maximal 6 variables to control quality at the same time.18. Because at the same time only 6 variable can be selected. the variable with the lowest priority will be discarded. The priority of the variables is from up to down.33 . “MAX” is to the maximal value for quality control. 3.17. Each variable has two sections. “SELECT” is to select this variable or not. Notice: The latest variable “CLAMPING FORCE” is not useful. Page “17 Quality display” Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. Page “16 Quality selection” This page is for quality control. because the force sensor is unavailable in this machine. “ALARM” is to select the alarm displaying or not when the real variable out of the setting. 34 . At the bottom. The middle section is for displaying the minimal value . In the lower section the operator can decide how many cycles to latch once. Here also supply the print function. The upper section is for displaying the real selected quality variables of latched cycle. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. The maximal number is 200. With “Stop production” function the operator can choose to stop production if there are too much cycles off band. using these two keys. And can erase the latched values in one screen . the two keys is the scroll up key and scroll down key.This page is for displaying the quality variable. The quality variables are selected in page 16.average value and maximal value among the latched values. the operator can look the variables in other cycles freely. 3.35 . Choose the variable with F6-F7 key. other selected variable will be displayed and the graph changes correspondingly. the operator can know the quality trend clearly. From this curve. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. Page “18 Quality graph” This page is for displaying the quality curve.19. A~Z. Here alphabetic characters can be input. press F4 key. “ID code” can defined freely. the character will displayed from the head. for example. the operator can define it freely. the operate parameters storage is enough. “Selection NR. ID CODE” here input “3”. it is easy to understand. “1=SETUP” including the all parameters. move the cursor to the description and then press “ENTER”. but here only the numerical key can be input. “ID code”: It is the code of the mold recipe. range is 0~29. then he can do as following: “Selection NR. ID CODE”: It is the number of the mold recipe in EPROM. the F5 key is for loading the mold data from EPROM to the current mold data. injection pressure. then move the right cursor to select the next character. “TYPE(0=MOLD 1=SETUP)” here input “0”( if store all the parameters.36 . etc. also “Description”. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. for example. The F4 key is for storing the current mold data to EPROM.3. The sequence of displaying the alphabetic characters is 1~9. Example 1: The operator wants to store the current mold recipe in EPROM and the storage position is NR 3. “TYPE(0=MOLD 1=SETUP)”: It is for selecting the type of the mold recipe. “0=MOLD” is the parameters in recipe only including the normal operate parameters.20. the calibration values of transducers. Page “19 Mold data internal” This page is for mold recipe storage and load. the process will executed. “Description”: It is for operator to write the description of the recipe. using the up cursor to find the correct character. The mold recipe is written in the internal memory zone. here input “1”) After above setting. the process will executed. press F5 key. When finish. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. “ID code” can defined freely.Example 2: The operator wants to load the mold recipe NR 2 . then he can do as following: “Selection NR. also “Description”. “TYPE(0=MOLD 1=SETUP)” here input “0” After above setting.37 . the current recipe is replaced. ID CODE” here input “2”. The operate method is as same as page 19. The low section is for displaying the operate messages. Before a new floppy disk is used to storage. it must be formatted by this function first.38 .21. here the icon “format” is used for format the floppy disk. Page “20 Mold data external” This page is for mold recipe storage and load and is operated with the floppy disk. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.3. F7 key for start printing. Page “21 Printer” This page is for printer. F6 key for reset all print selections.22. move the cursor to the head of the page and press “ENTER”.39 . The print function permits printing the selected pages. The operator has to press F5 key for printing all pages. this page is selected.3. The system only support the serial printers. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. 3. the temperatures for each zone and the heating status. the mold recipe. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.40 . the oil temperature. Page “22 Machine status” This page is the monitor screen.23. the real pressure. The cores and unscrews status. From upper section the operator can know the working mode. the setting and real times of movements also can reached from this screen. the cabine temperature and the motor status can be displayed. From the machine picture the real values of 4 transducers. the setting pressure and setting speed. Press the F8.24.41 . When an alarm occurs.3. Page “23 Actual alarms” This page is for displaying the actual alarms. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. the icon for F8 will flicker. the operator can read the concrete alarm. also the happened time for last same alarm.3. This screen is useful to analyze the malfunction.25. Page “24 Alarms history” This page is for displaying the history alarms. The operator can read the data. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.42 . time of the past 200 alarms. The current alarm records can be erased or printed by selecting the function in the last two lines of this page. A.C. Move the cursor to the appropriate board and the press “ENTER”. page 25. Page “25 I/O Diagnostic” This page is for selecting the board of PLC to watch.D. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.B. page 25.43 . page 25.3.26. the current statues of this board will be displayed. page 25. for example. The layout of this picture is as same as the real PLC. 26. In this page the operator can see if there is some problem with plc communication or if there is some card not configurated in right mode. Page “Node diagnostic” If the operator press enter on the previus page at the ETH100 position he access to this page.44 .1. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.3. every output channel has its number. the new channel will be outputted. at the same time. When the “Enable test” is “NO”. The motor can’t start in test mode also. this timer starts once begins to test. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.A I/O digital output” This page is the I/O sub-screen of Page 25. When the “Enable test” is “YES”. but for calling this page they are not different. this page will be displayed. and a circle for showing the current statues. then the circle becomes yellow.. In page 25. In this system . When move the cursor to a channel. At the same time. The system has a special function named “output test” in this page. other pages are forbidden to call. So if the cursor moved to another channel and “ENTER”. Attention: For safety. Each “U16” board has a section. short name. “Enable test” is for selecting this function. In this mode.there are 3 boards named “U16”.26. only one channel can be tested. “Set time” is for the whole test time. Page “25. it means the channel outputted. Move the cursor the channel that will be tested and press “ENTER”. its full name will be showed in the yellow rectangle. this test function can be selected when the motor is on. move the cursor to the board named “U16” then “ENTER”.3. if the time finishes.2. quit to this test mode automatically. the original one is reset. the system comes into the “output test” mode and at the same time a red message line will occur in the bottom. this page is for showing the real “on/off” statues of each output channel. in the section. This function is usually used to check the wires connecting with valves broken or not.45 . In this mode. At the same time. this page is for showing the real value of each output channel.46 . Page “25. Attention: For safety. this timer starts once begins to test. “Enable test” is for selecting the testing function. the system comes into the “ D/A output test” mode and at the same time a red message line will occur in the bottom. the new channel will be outputted. this screen will appear. 2047 is the medium (50%). when the speed is tested.26. when the operator tests the pressure. then the square has a yellow cross.. then move the cursor to the small square and finally press “ENTER”.3. For example. 4095 is fastest speed (99%). Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. quit to this test mode automatically. and at the same time. When the “Enable test” is “NO”.3. The motor can’t start in test mode also. the original one is reset. Move the cursor the channel that will be tested .B I/O analog output” This page is the D/A8 sub-screen of page 25. other pages are forbidden to call. it means the value for this channel outputted. 2047 is the medium (70 bar). This function is usually used to check the currency to the proportional valves . In page 25. only one channel can be tested. 4095 is the highest pressure (140 bar). The range for testing value is 0~4095.first input the value to test . The usage is similar to “I/O output”. this test function can be selected when the motor is on. So if the cursor moved to another channel and “ENTER”. if the time finishes. “Set time” is as same as in “I/O test”. move the cursor to the “D/A8” board and “ENTER”. When the “Enable test” is “YES”. From this screen the operator can know the input signals.26. this screen will appear. Page “25. move the cursor to the “E16” board and “ENTER”.47 . Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.C I/O digital input” This page is for showing the input channels statues.4. In page 25 .3. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.5.3.48 . Page “25.26. From this screen the operator can know the real values of the input channels. In page 25 . this screen will appear. move the cursor to the “TERMO” board or “A/D6” board and “ENTER”.D I/O analog input” This page is for showing the values of analog input channels . 49 .3. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. Most of the operate parameters can be set here and setting those in one page can save the time.27. Page “26 Easy data setting” This page is for setting the data in one screen. the original value and the new value. Page “27 Settings history” This page is for displaying the history setting. Past 200 setting parameters can be displayed with their data .28.50 .time. Clearing and printing the record of the selected page is possible. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.3. You can show the page of calibration with F1-F8 key “Language selection”: English. Page “28 General setting” This page is for general setting . Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. The passwords should be 8 characters and can’t less. the screen can’t be restore. “Date(mm-dd-yy)” is for setting the date. Move the cursor to here and select “YES”. the operator can set a time in “Wait time”. The operator can move the cursor to set the new value separately . When this function efficient. It can enlarge the life of screen. the unit is minute. the a input zone will appear following the words. the setting formation is hour-minute-second. “Change password 1” and “Change password 2” are for changing the passwords. press the working key.3.51 . “Save screen” is the function of screen sleeping. Changing passwords need password level 2. In this page there are also the information about the software and the firmware version of plc and screen with the date of last modify. the setting formation is month-day-year.29. This function is inefficient if selecting the “Save screen” as “NO” or “0” is set in “Wait time”. “Time(hh-mm-ss)” is for setting the time. “Day of week”: here shows the day name of week according the date. Attention : when the screen is sleeping. This means the screen will blank automatically if no any data setting occurs during this time. Chinese and Italian can be selected. then set “0” in following. For transducers. Page “29 Analog input setup” This page is for setting the analog input. For pressure sensor. when it is “0”. read the real point from the left side and set it in “point” of “MIN” .3. read the real point from the left side and set it in “point” of “MAX” . set the real points in “point” of “MIN”. then set “140” in following.30. first move the machine to the minimal position. The method is setting the minimal and maximal points.then measure the real length from the minimal point and set it in following. Second. read the value in the system pressure gauge. This page has set correctly in manufactory and it need not modified. Outputting the maximal pressure (140 bar) . If it is necessary to modify the settings. please connect with the manufacturer before changing. “ two points decides a line”. You have to increase this value if you have the Real value that change continuously.then set the displaying value in following.52 . write down the real points when the value of gauge is 140bar. usually set “0” here.the four transducer and the pressure sensor can be set. “Nr of pulse x round” is for setting the real holes in the screw speed detector. set this value in “point” of “MAX”. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. move the machine to the maximal position. In this screen . “FL” is a filter on real value. 99”. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. “MAX” is for setting the maximal output voltage. Usually.53 . its unit is not voltage but “bar” or “%”. If it is necessary to modify the settings.S’ is for setting the maximal displaying value. This page has set correctly in manufactory and it need not modified. the “MIN” is set zero and the “MAX” is set “9. Page “30 Analog output setup” This page is for setting the range of analog output. “MIN” is for setting the minimal output voltage. “F. The voltage will be changed to current through the amplified board and it drives the proportional valve. please connect with the manufacturer before changing.31. The “motor START Y time” is the delay time for output about Y contactor of the pump. The unit of the analog output is voltage.3. With the selection for “Copy 1st thermo param. The operator can set the two parameters below the screen: “Max set on injector”. In each” the operator can set only the 1st thermo param. and copy these parameters on the other zones.54 . Page “31 PID Parameters” This page is for setting the heating PID parameters (heating and cooling) The customer should not change these parameters.32. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. “Max set on hot runner”.3. “1” is minimal ramp. The ramp is to improve the performance of the machine. it means the changing process is very short. the new value will be outputted directly.1 Limits/Ramp” This page is for setting the ramps and up limit of each pressure. The hydraulic circuit will cause the strike if the output changes to a new value directly when the output changed. pressure up limit. Using the ramp. For each movement 3 parameters can be set: speed ramp. zero is no ramp. and the steps of the outputs are less. So the operator can use the ramp to decrease the strike. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. the system will output some middle values between the original output and new output. The ramp range is 0~100.55 .33. it means the changing process is very long . “100” is the maximal ramp.3. and the steps of the outputs are most. Page “32. pressure ramp. a strike will be caused in the hydraulic circuit. Page “32. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. Adjust” is for setting the pressure and speed of carriage backward in mold adjust mode.2 Limits/Ramps” The left of this page is for setting ramps.56 . When a movement finishes.3. The delay times are mainly used for decreasing the influence of last movements. The delay times of each movement are the waiting time before executing the movement. But the pressure can down to zero right now because of the inertia. and the right is for setting the delay times.34. Adjust” in low-left side is for setting the pressure and speed of carriage forward in mold adjust mode. “Carriage F. “Carriage B. zero pressure and speed will be outputted. if execute the next movement as soon as the last movement finished. 3.57 . Page “33 Close loop setting” This page is for setting the close loop parameters.35. The customer should not change these parameters . Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.58 .3. 3. If it is necessary to modify the settings.1.36. He can set 8 step of linearization. Attention !!! These pages are useful only in manufacturer. Page “Service function” You can access at these page if you press in general setting group. The customer need not use these pages. This page has set correctly in manufactory and it need not modified.36. Page “Linearization” In this page the operator can set the linearization of all analog output. please connect with the manufacturer before changing. If it is necessary to modify the settings.36. please connect with the manufacturer before changing.59 . The left side of the chart is for setting the flow points that the combination should change. The combination of the pumps can be set in this chart. Page “Pumps setting” This page is for setting the working mode of pumps.3. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. This page has set correctly in manufactory and it need not modified. The right side is for setting the pumps “ON/OFF”.2. Page “Keyboard diagnostic” This page is useful to check the keyboard and test if it work right. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.3.60 .36.3. 61 .36. Page “Service function” This page is only for expert technician.3.4. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag. 5.3.62 . Page “Local net management” This page is only for expert technician. In this page he can enable the network port through the right password Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.36. Injection moulding machine – Gefran system Gt-C + Gilogik2 Pag.3.63 .6.36. Page “Machine configuration” This page is only for expert technician. +34 935 681 349 Fax.Spain Tel. Plaça Mil.L.aupro-mecatronica.com .lenari nº 9 local 2A 08160 Montmeló (Barcelona) .AUPRO AUPRO-MECATRONICA. +34 935 684 850 www. S.
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