GGM George Gray Motor - VjC R&D - VjC Design Notes

March 29, 2018 | Author: Vincent J. Cataldi | Category: Inductor, Transformer, Ignition System, Capacitor, Electric Generator



1The George Gray Motor Concept Magnetic Impulse Repulsion Motor The motor concept described in this document is hereby presented as an open source gift to all people by its Australian born inventor George Seymour Gray who first thought of this idea in 1955. The accompanying drawings are also presented as a gift to all people by Colombian born Carlos Elkin Hernandez. I George Seymour Gray hereby donate this technology to all people in all countries and territories of the Earth and it may not be patented by any individual or corporation or group of people. It must be understood that there are many other ways of constructing and using this technology by those skilled in the art and all these methods may be used by all people of the Earth. No person may give permission for this technology to be owned or patented by any other person or group of people. This is open source information for all people of the Earth and no variation of this technology may be owned or patented by any person of the Earth. This information is for anyone to use and discuss with others about exactly how this concept can be improved. This information is only provided to give a rough concept to all people who are seeking free energy for mankind. All coils will probably need to be air core coils. If iron cores are used they will not have time to lose their magnetism and will repel the next approaching coil. The shape of the neo magnets is very important in the build up and collapse of the coils. Everything must be sharp and quick. Without sharp spikes there will be no high voltage in the secondary coils of the main poles, which must be high voltage low current. Without high voltage and sharp spikes the aether will not provide free energy. Solid state components, which were not common in 1955 such as transistors etc., may be used for quick collapse of coils just as they are used in ignition coil circuits for cars; or magnetic switching can be used. The attitude of the coils and whether the neo magnets pass the faces of the coils or only one side of the coils is important. This is an important point to think about when considering Faraday’s Law and the Lenz effect. The coils 2 may have to be vertical so that the permanent magnet only passes one side rather than pass the face. We will now discuss coils in the singular instead of plural. When passing the face of a primary coil where there will be produced an opposing pole either North or South depending on how it is set up, the primary coil must be collapsed before Lenz can have a detrimental effect, unless the starting motor brings the GGM (George Gray Motor) up to speed and overpowers Faraday’s Law and the Lenz effect. Solid state monitoring of Lenz can be achieved by sensitive components and the primary coil can then be collapsed at the best time to achieve the sharp collapse. The primary coil must stay collapsed (circuit broken) so that no attraction pole can be made as the permanent magnet leaves or passes. The permanent magnet must be able to pass by without being pulled back, and if not, the great power produced by the repulsion of the main coils when the motor is up to speed will overpower the pulling back effect. The collapse of the primary coil produces the induced high voltage in the main high voltage coil. Below is a view of a stationary red neo permanent magnet (4) in the stator and one part of a blue primary winding (5) of a transformer on the rotor. The unseen other part of the primary winding (5) is wound about the winding of its related secondary high voltage coil (6) on the rotor. Magnet and coil shapes will be different from that shown. 3 Let us now consider that the permanent magnet (4) passes the face of the primary coil (5) and not the side of the primary coil (5). The starting motor would be necessary to achieve this. As the rotor rotates the leading side of its primary winding (5) past the permanent magnet (4) in the stator, the primary winding (5) is excited in one polarity and collapsed, and as the lagging side of its primary winding (5) passes the same permanent magnet (4) in the stator it is then excited and collapsed in the opposite polarity. Each time the leading side of the primary winding (5) on the rotor is excited and collapsed, there is induced in its related secondary coil (6) on the rotor a high voltage, which then collapses. Each time the lagging side of the primary winding (5) on the rotor is excited and collapsed there is induced in its related secondary coil (6) on the rotor a high voltage of reverse polarity, which then collapses. The polarity of the secondary high voltage coil (6) is changed in harmony with the changing polarity of the primary winding (5) as the permanent magnet (4) passes its leading and lagging sides. (If the Faraday and Lenz effects cannot be overcome, one side only of the coil may have to pass by the magnet) This operation produces a repulsion of the opposing secondary high voltage coils (3 and 6) of both the stator and the rotor when the same thing happens with the permanent magnet (1) on the rotor, which excites and collapses the primary winding (2) in the stator. Every time an excited high voltage coil (3 and 6) collapses it receives a magnetic spike of free energy from the aether resulting in a greater repulsion between the high voltage windings (3 and 6) of the stator and rotor. The GGM (George Gray Motor) is then a Magnetic Impulse Repulsion Motor. There must be a plurality of permanent magnets and associated coils. The permanent magnets are on the rotor and the stator at opposite ends of the motor, for example, the permanent magnets (1) on the rotor might be at the West end of the motor and the permanent magnets (4) in the stator at the East end of the motor or the other way round. There are 12 permanents magnets (4) in the stator, which excite 12 primary windings (5) and in turn 12 secondary high voltage windings (6) on the rotor. There are 12 permanent magnets (1) on the rotor, which excite 12 primary windings (2) and 12 secondary high voltage windings (3) in the stator. The motor must be run up to a certain speed with a starter motor and once running with a suitable flywheel, no external power source or battery is required as the great power produced by the repulsion of the high voltage 4 secondary windings (3 and 6) in the stator and on the rotor is much more than enough to overcome Faraday’s Law and the Lenz effect; much work can then be done. It is a bit like an internal combustion engine overcoming the compression strokes because of the great power produced in the combustion chambers along with the flywheel for kinetic energy and balance. Many people do not have the strength to turn a tight internal combustion engine over and yet once running the resistance of the compression stroke seems negligible and much work is done. Speed control of the GGM is by open-circuiting some of the stator primary windings (2) otherwise the motor will go too fast because the faster it goes the faster it will try to go. The greater the speed up to a point, the better it will operate. Again, I stress, we need sharp and quick action by the magnetic induction in the coils and the collapsing of the coils. Magnet shape and coil attitude is most important. Below is a picture of red permanent magnets (4) in the stator and parts of blue primary windings (5) on the rotor. Magnet and coil shapes will be different from that shown. It must be understood that more or less permanent magnets and more or less primary and secondary high voltage windings may be used. In this application the primary and secondary windings are at 30 degree intervals. 5 Below is a view of a blue part primary windings (2) in the stator and red permanent magnets (1) on the rotor. Below is a view of the other part of the blue primary windings (2 and 5), which wrap around the yellow high voltage secondary windings (3 and 6) of the main coils, which repulse each other by being North to North or South to South. It does not matter whether they are both North or both South because they will always oppose each other, even when they both collapse and change polarity at the same time. 6 Below is a view of the rotor with red neo permanent magnets (1), blue primary windings (5) and yellow secondary high voltage windings (6). The other part of the blue primary windings (5) is not visible in this picture. Below is the same view of a rotor in reverse. 7 Below is a view of red neo permanent magnets (4) in the stator and parts of blue primary windings (5) on the rotor. Below is a view of parts of blue primary windings (2) in the stator and red neo permanent magnets (1) on the rotor. 8 Below is a view of secondary high voltage main windings (3 and 6) with parts of the blue primary windings (2 and 5), which are not directly passed by the permanent magnets (1 and 4) but are excited by induction in the remote primary windings (2 and 5), which are passed by the permanent magnets (1 and 4). Below is an end view to give the idea of how they are when all the windings and magnets are at top dead centre. 9 Below is another view of red permanent magnets (4) in the stator and parts of the blue primary windings (5) on the rotor. Below is another view of parts of blue primary windings (2) in the stator and red permanent magnets (1) on the rotor. 10 Below is a view showing magnets and coils of both rotor and stator. Another view of magnets and coils on rotor and in stator. 11 Another view of magnets and coils on rotor and in stator. Eddy currents are to be avoided in rotor and stator. Outer parts of the rotor and stator to be made of nylon or something similar but not conductive material such as steel. End shields and bearing housings will have to be well away from the permanent magnets to avoid eddy currents. The rotor shaft could be steel in a 500 to 600 millimetre diameter rotor. 12 Below is a view of a rotor and coil spacing. Rotor must be at least 500 millimetres in diameter to achieve spacing of main coils (6). (Note the red coils) Rotor diameter not large enough to have spacing between so many main coils. (Note the red coils) Extra windings at 15 degree spacing. Extra primary windings would be in a longer motor and related to their own particular extra secondary high voltage windings, which would be remote from the first mentioned high voltage windings. This would mean that the same permanent magnet would excite and collapse the first mentioned primary windings as well as the second mentioned extra primary windings. 13 The permanent magnet on the rotor would excite and collapse the primary windings in the stator spaced at 30 degree intervals as well as the extra primary windings inserted between the original windings; now making the intervals between all primary windings in the stator 15 degrees. However the extra secondary high voltage windings at 15 degrees intervals in the stator would need to be placed in the opposite direction away from the original high voltage windings; this means a longer motor. Also the stator would need extra permanent magnets at 15 degrees to excite and collapse extra primary and secondary high voltage windings at 15 degrees on the rotor. To accommodate the extra secondary high voltage windings related to the extra primary windings the motor would need to be lengthened because the extra high voltage windings could not fit between the original high voltage windings, which are spaced at 30 degrees unless the diameter of the rotor and stator were increased. To keep the motor balanced when lengthening it to have more poles at 15 degree spacing it is preferable to lengthen it in both directions so that there would be three sets of high voltage windings and double the amount of permanent magnets and primary windings. If the diameter of the motor is increased the motor does not need to be lengthened to accommodate the high voltage windings at 15 degree intervals. The above description describes the concept of a motor, which I thought of in 1955 and I wanted to get finance and technical assistance to research and develop the motor. Many people are aware of the problems I had back in the 1960s and of course nothing more was done with the idea. I now give my idea to all people so that some may come up with their own various ideas to improve and perfect the concept. I don’t mind if you all criticise the concept and perhaps only one person brings it to fruition as long as it gets done. I will comment further if I think of something that I have forgotten. George Gray email: [email protected] Carlos Hernandez email: [email protected] End of the GGM or George Gray Motor concept. GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hb.doc--- 5/9/2011 This is transition, and various parts are new, while other parts are older. The first goal is to bring all the data into the document. Next I must go through and bring the older parts into agreement with the new research and concept development. Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 GGM1 - Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................................. 2 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - recursive wiring & electret ....................................................................................................... 3 Optional Virtual Stator-Bars ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Diagrams: showing optional virtual stator bar arms .......................................................................................................... 4 Recursive Coil Wiring with Electret as diode ....................................................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 GGM2 - Document Group Development ....................................................................................................................... 5 GGM1 & GGM2 Goals .................................................................................................................................................... 6 The goal is: Simple & Safe ........................................................................................................................................... 6 GGM2 R&D Objectives ................................................................................................................................................... 6 1. Primary Design Specification ................................................................................................................................. 6 2. Primary Design Prototype ..................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Amended Design Specification .............................................................................................................................. 6 4. Publish Design .................................................................................................................................................... 6 5. Reproduce Results/Manufacture Device: ................................................................................................................ 6 Simulation Theorized ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 GGM1 & GGM2 Potential ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Assumptions Identified .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Questions, design requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Modularized R&D Tests Required..................................................................................................................................... 9 1. Coils: can we improvise off the shelf automobile coils ................................................................................................ 10 2. Coils : must we custom create our........................................................................................................................ 10 3. RSW: What must our coils have in circuit to work? ................................................................................................. 10 4. Spark Gap/ Oscillator: ........................................................................................................................................ 11 5. Electret: ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 Faraday's Law and Auto Ignition ............................................................................................................................... 14 Definition of GGM1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 Vince – Notes – comments & observations ...................................................................................................................... 18 Electrets – Questions.................................................................................................................................................... 20 Electret Answers - Marc P ............................................................................................................................................. 21 GMM1A.5a.doc comments - Marc P............................................................................................................................... 22 Autotransformer - Operating principles ............................................................................................................................ 24 Winding configurations .................................................................................................................................................. 26 Phasing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Voltage regulation ........................................................................................................................................................ 31 Spherical Magnet - rotating magnetic beacon as core coil – John Lord................................................................................. 33 THE MEISSNER EFFECT ......................................................................................................................................... 34 George – advice, comments, questions - NEW: October 12 2009........................................................................................ 36 Strange effects occurring in the components of Bedini's charger ................................................................................ 46 1 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hb.doc--- 5/9/2011 GGM1 - Block Diagram 1. 2. 3. 4. First letter is S for stator, or R for rotor. Second letter is a P for primary, or S for secondary (if coil). Third C is used for coil, or PM for magnet. The end of these labels is an id number The green ‗box‘ around rotor components is envisioned to be a cylinder to encase these parts. Scale is not accurate or well defined – although GG suggested that the thrust coils be far from the steel axel rod. Also – magnet is shown with N side facing primary coil – an edge may be better – N with approach & S as it passes coil. 2 GGM2.A.1h.Doc July, 09 - 2009 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - recursive wiring & electret Diagrams: GGM2 Proto-type Test Frame Using two ‗virtual stator bars‘ allows for a simple to create test platform, to refine the design, make adjustments fast and inexpensively, and incrementally test components, without the need to build a typical stator-tube shell with exacting specifications; this simple proto-type framework safely will allow analysis for final product design. It uses two 4x4 uprights to anchor the rotor axel, and has two slots in each 4x4 and to adjustably mound two 2x4 boards to serve as an upper & lower ‗virtual stator bar‘, each with the stator components attached. This allows easy speed control and a manner to stop the device by separating physically the rotor and stator components - by sliding them away from the center rotor. [See drawing at right – with two virtual stator bars only] This basic test (proto-type) platform also allows easy addition of two more similar sets of ‗virtual stator bars‘ (using 2x4 frames), each frame will pivot adjustably on the rotor axel, to allow testing of a variety of very precise differential spacing, in order to experiment with natural differentials. These additional virtual-stator frames [see drawing below] would also three fold the frequency of repulsive force applied to the rotor with a given RPM. This configuration allows six sets (primary & secondary) of stator coils instead of the two sets shown to the right. This is accomplished easily by adding a wooden frame (or two) that pivots around the rotor shaft, and allows placement of additional stator components attached to the virtual-stator arms in a similar manner as those affixed to the horizontal 2x4 wood boards in the image above – except the initial virtual-stator bars are fixed at a 12:00 o‘clock and 6:00 o‘clock position (perfectly symmetrical), and these additional virtual stator arms would be easily adjustable to be positioned asymmetrically. [See side view drawing below] Also: it may be easier and less costly to lay the 4x4s down horizontally – clamped to two tables for example. 3 GGM2.A.1h.Doc July, 09 - 2009 Optional Virtual Stator-Bars Diagrams: showing optional virtual stator bar arms Primary Virtual Stator Bars (VSB) with side view of two optional VSBs & Two primary and Four Optional Virtual Stator Bars This prototype test frame [See drawings above} is suited for differential testing; differentials may enhance the initial system which has stator components stationary at the 12:00 o‘clock and 6:00 o‘clock positions – perfectly symmetrical - by creating two additional pivotal frames upon which can be mounted additional sets of stator components. These two additional Virtual Stator Bar Assemblies could then be fitted with additional stator components which can be swiveled and positioned to experiment with precise asymmetrical lineal distances around the virtual circumference of the rotating rotor components – See David Sereda who found increased efficiency using asymmetrical placement of magnets in such devices. Note: these additional virtual stator arms will be easy to remove in order to experiment with the simplest original design, as shown in the drawing above Recursive Coil Wiring with Electret as diode This block diagram [to the right] is the proposed wiring diagram interconnecting two sets of coils – each is an auto-coil, a special type of stepup transformer with a primary and secondary coil. [both the rotor and the stator have two auto-coils each – and each of these coils has both a primary and secondary coiil] This diagram shows a total of four interconnected coils, two primary and two secondary coils – in an auto-coil design 1) in which the secondary coil windings share the primary winding also, 2) it charges as an inductive- capacitor with a milli-second charge-time delay between the time power is applied to the primary and the secondary is fully charegd, 3 ) the HV output of the stepup transformer (secondary coil) is recursively fed back into the primary coil of the second coil set (Recursive Wiring Scheme - RWS), 4) the symbol between the HV output of the secondary and the input of the companion primary coil is an electret: this special device acts as a self charging capacitor with a HV output, has a polarity, and allows DC current to flow in only one direction – note the arrow – to prevent reverse voltage to flow back into the high voltage secondary coil from a low voltage primary coil. [Note: How to wire these is discussed below in Modularized Tests] [note – this is highly speculative still and requires testing as described below] This concept is likely unique and is perhaps a patentable idea – if it works in application. This recursive wiring schematic also may be unique and patentable. Perment magnets passing both primary coils at the same time, charge the primaries, and a milli-second later the seccondaries are charged, as the passing permenant magnet is far enough away to ‗trigger‘ the secondary – as though power to the primary is turned off – and this change powers the secondary coils, which provide torsion trhust as two electro-magnets repel with great force. The electret also provides HV power to the syetem. This wiring schematic feeds HV into the primary of both of these auto-coils – results of this are unknown experimentally. Also, the behavior of the electret is also unknown, both short term and long term. Differential component placment to gain efficency is also a possible patententable feature of GGM2. Optionally – can HV output be fed into a stepdown transformer to power primaries ? 4 GGM2.A.1h.Doc July, 09 - 2009 INTRODUCTION GGM1: every sentence was perfectly structured and symmetrical with all other sentences, and the paragraphs also correlated perfectly. I determined to follow the Definition to the letter, make no assumptions yet – but identify them; also identify all unknowns, and then list options and their qualities. The Definition herein hereafter referred to as GGM1 (above) is unedited. GGM2 is an enhanced version of this very simple concept by George Gray – invention from 1955 GGM2 - Document Group Development All suggestions properly submitted are welcome: one thing is important however – send changes back with a different name – add a prefix to the document name so edits do not clobber and destroy any others changes – this is easy to do with a simple rule – add your initials to end of the document name so it is easy to identify it as unique and identifiable as yours. (for example I would take this version GMM1A.3c.doc , and send it back to the coordinator as GMM1A.3c.vjc.doc) No efforts will be accepted without such compliance. The Project coordinator takes all edits and compiles them into a master (new) version, and then increments the file name (to GMM1A.3d.doc for example) before sending it out again. I will begin as the Project Coordinator. Alternatively: anyone with Word can edit this document – with Tracking enabled – and all changes should be easy to find and incorporate into the final document. – With editor overview. 5 GGM2.A.1h.Doc July, 09 - 2009 GGM1 & GGM2 Goals The goal is: Simple & Safe 1. 2. Make a simple device as defined in GGM1. & then enhance with GGM2 design concepts Make it simple to create, repair, and operate. Make it safe 3. 4. Make it so it does not require precision parts, assembly, or operational requirements. Make it inexpensive to design, create, test, and operate. GGM2 R&D Objectives 1. Primary Design Specification: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Document the Concept Identify Unknowns to test Design Stand alone tests Perform Stand Alone Tests Document Stand alone Test results Develop Theory of how/if it it can work Refine Documentation d. e. f. g. h. 3. 4. 5. Create Rotor Tube Create Rotor Coils Create Stator Coils Assemble Stator Component Blocks Assemble Rotor Tube components Amended Design Specification: Publish Design Reproduce Results/Manufacture Device: 2. Primary Design Prototype: a. Create the basic Frame b. Mount Bearings c. Machine Axle from hex stock Simulation Theorized In the most exact reading of GGM1 adding & assuming nothing - and using a straight forward recursive wiring approach - I see this: 1. Turn the rotor by hand - spinning the flywheel, and the power is generated as the magnets pass all the coils (6 o‘clock & 12 o‘clock); all four sets of coils are charged at the same time virtually, the primaries are charged fast and the four secondaries are charged in a millisecond or so (design for needs). The secondaries mostly (and the primaries also) repel as they are 180 degrees opposed vertically – so if all were wound clockwise – the coils which were inverted must oppose the coils that are right side up. The gauss gradient is stretched as the magnets pass, and then Snaps OFF (fast), causing great voltage amplification which is directly proportionate to the speed of the SNAP – and speed is conversely determined by the voltage dependant repelling force; additionally, the auto-coil is a step up transformer so things are ratcheted up a magnitude when this happens the second time during this first revolution. I see a possible simple toroid such as a simple soft iron rod or bar, slid into a slot on the stator for adjusting the reach of the PMs and syncing the HV discharge of the secondaries which charge the primaries, and perhaps attracting the coils which should now be running with reverse current powered by back EMF from the immediate last excited moment; a design that can easily be used to extend the reach of the magnet to the coil and thus delay the SNAP OFF moment. A second option would be to put the primary ½ inch or so ‗ahead‘ of the secondary coils – however this adjustment may be adjustment of the could design by increasing the charge potential and its‘ charge delay – milli-second – which may be just enough to get the two secondary (thrust coils past TDC and force a ‗continuation‘ of same rotation of spin – this idea would force the motor work in only one direction most efficiently. Tests must be designed to cheaply test to see if this is a workable wiring design. Alternatively, it is possible to create a step-down transformer coil (or set) to reduce the HV output and subsequently feed this into the primaries – or tap the stator to charge batteries or drive inductive loads. Again, an auto-transformer used as a step down transformer before ‗consuming the voltage, may be important and beneficial. 2. 3. 4. 6 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2a.Doc --- July, 06, 2009 5. Can we build a primary that will allow an input of HV, ever increasing higher HV? If the primary is a reasonably fat litz coil, pancake or around a cylinder, with very few turns, and the secondary has 50:1 ratio of turns, this may be a solution. An auto auto-transformer has a 100:1 primary to secondary windings ratio; cut this in half to reduce the step up of voltage, Also a smaller primary can reduce induce voltage from a typical auto autotransformer. Are we designing such a situation as this quote: ―The basic technique used is to collide a similar electrical flow (positive or negative) so that neither can reverse itself and then surround the occurring spark gap with concentric collectors noting that the Y-magnetic and Z-field will be collected but only the Z-field will be used as the X-electric and Ymagnetic are transposed onto the new wire carrying the Z-field. Sounds confusing but if you just look at a 3D graph and picture the X-, Y- and Z-fields you can easily see how you can flip one to the other. And that is simply what is happening in many of these devices.‖ I believe it may work using a diode or an electret perhaps – electret has some potential danger (HV) but what are potential benefits? The Tesla Switch uses a capacitor and a diode, but also reverses the current by pushing it from high voltage to low voltage, and switching on and off rapidly is also inherent in this GGM1 design 6. 7. Test proto-type system is easy, but how to design a safe and simple way to control speed to zero with a final design - Can we turn it off? Is it a good idea to pull stator parts away from rotor – flip a switch to short the electrical circuit OFF? 8. Can we control speed? Voltage control on stator is more easy than rotor – how to do this on rotor? Magnet positioning is likely more able to control speed. Alternatively – a commutator would allow total control of both the stator and rotor electrical circuits – and add complexity – but it may be worth it if it will allow tapping BEMF for charging or inductive drive. 9. Can we design for HF speed and not fling off the magnets with great speed, nor tear it apart with vibrations. Contain in a cylinder – had wood, granite, limestone, or perhaps a special mix of cement. 10. I expect a simple toroid can be used to control speed; however it may be required to create a stator with sufficient inner diameter so that distance is too great to run with out it, or it may not easily be stopped. (Electrical switch for stator coils may reduce power by half – may wish to use a long rubber arm to switch this without danger. GGM1 & GGM2 Potential IS GGM1 A 1) TORSION MACHINE, 2) POWER GENERATOR, AND/OR 3) INDUCYIVE LOAD drive? 1) 2) 3) It is obviously a potential high torsion device, it may behave as a generator, And I suspect it is possible to use as a HF VHV switch - an inductive load driver. IS GGM2 A 4) TORSION MACHINE, 5) POWER GENERATOR, AND/OR 6) INDUCYIVE LOAD drive I can see potential here to build a simple circuit with a capacitor to act as a battery, a neon lamp to serve as a resistive load for current to flow, and a switch to make and break the source power to the primary coil leads; BUT GGM! Need NO BATTERY - and so I also believe we can design inductive auto-coils to provide the switching twice per revolution automatically, resistance flow and inductive capacitive charge to replace a true capacitor – and provide the torsion for spin and switching. A junk yard distributor may be a very simple solution – and a very logical solution for GG to try five decades ago. 7 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2a.Doc --- July, 06, 2009 This may require additional auto-coils made for this specific purpose – call it a power coil for now. Such an additional Power Coil on the stator can easily be made to Tap in order to drive an inductive load – I believe, and the same design (perhaps) can be used as a dummy load/power source for the stator coil circuit (I believe). It may also be necessary to drive this Power Coil, as a step-down transformer – putting power into the secondary and stepping down the voltage to power the primaries (SPC1 & SPC2) & (RPC1 & RPC2). This may eliminate a very special feature of this GGM1 design however (see above). An ever increasing HV coil input: More intriguing to me – it the similarity to this fast switching, recursively reversing Tesla Switch. RWS: I suspect that we can find a proper auto-coil design to directly connect the two pairs of auto-coils, Recursively Wired Scheme – Stator Coil #1 primary (SPC1) is powered by Stator Secondary Coil #2 (SSC2), and recursively SPC2 is powered by SSC1. This seems a bit counter-intuitive – exactly as the Tesla Switch does. If this works – can we still tap the circuit to drive an Inductive Load? 1. 2. 3. 4. Does the high voltage to low voltage force the direction of flow of the current, as in the ‗active‘ Tesla Switch Battery pairs, in and of itself; Or as in the Tesla switch; do we require a high voltage diode to prevent back wash? And if so, can we use an electret to function as a diode, capacitor, and resisted load. Even if not required, does an electret offer more advantages than the increased complexity and possible danger that the electret offers? I assume we can make a moderate voltage electret – and gain the advantages of it without the VHV dangers, because we already have a HV step-up transformer recursively amplifying voltage, and reducing amps. Assumptions Identified 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No caps, no diodes Inductive Load driver RWD will not block BEMF RWS will not blow up or fry the coils – because the amps drops to very low Questions, design requirements 1. 2. Axel, bearings – shape, material, strength specs, length, We need to design for speed: Stator shell construction with fiberglass and two part epoxy – This needs to be sturdy, absorb shock, manage a fatal disintegration of a running system, and it can be constructed as a polarized, Omnidirectional Electret, perhaps. How wide? How long? Shape – cylinder? Anchor? W Formica dust, quartz? Lime stone for its capacitive properties? W layers as capacitor with plastic layers or copper screen Coil design – SPC RPC Type – pancake or stack pancake, or standard Length Gauge Coil design – SSC RSC Type Length Gauge Fire timing adjustment – how Iron rod or bar toroid to extend snap OFF point 3. 4. 5. 8 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2a.Doc --- July, 06, 2009 6. How many coils SC RC Simple is two (or one)? Type Shape I Have No Wish to Copy Bedini *** Caution to avoid this – Not to reinvent the wheal, but think out-of-box. Pull coils away from rotor as it is steel and Also the further the coils are from rotor, the better – GGM1 suggestion. 7. 8. Size, shape, How many PM – SPM RPM Simple is two (or one) – easier to add than coils Do we need a closed circuit of primaries? SPC RPC Will this output power? RSC1 -> RPC2 & RSC2 -> RPC1 I suspect it will – directly drive an inductive load if speed is fast enough – although it may be required to make more than two coils and PM for the stator and rotor both. Can we start with a neon lamp, and then switch to Main Load? Do we need a closed circuit of secondaries? SSC RSC Recursive wiring? SSC1 -> SPC2 & SSC2 -> SPC1 Can we tap/switch to Main Load? Flywheel size, type Both EM magnets at center – both PM are N facing center. Needs to be positioned as George says – label N-S-E-W in drawing – every detail may be important. George says air core, round is best – I believe (will check. This also allows for the proper definition of an auto-coil – see my post immediately after yours with your original drawing, George sent me to that page when I asked for power source. Note primary and secondary are sharing same core. Black with many is secondary – red is primary – fat with few windings I wish to power primary using secondary of the other – see note below. This may be possible, but it is the most simple, I agree we may need to use three, but it is not most simple so I made two of each. The center horizontal lines is the rotor shaft Upper and lower most lines are the stator shell Search for a speed control idea – I have two with three variants. Add fly wheal Read every detail from George – think outside of the box – remember you have seen and heard did not work – we need to find the other idea Add wiring diagram into photo as you have always done – show end view also Enhance questions page below – add answers also – take your time – think – it is simple 9. 10. Modularized R&D Tests Required The first goad is to read GGM1 and identify all assumptions which may be required to actualize the concept. If it is not specified in GGM1, then it is not needed – this is the default assumption. I now assume, we need to envision some simple tests of concept. – I am now heading to GGM2 however- only because I must, and in doing so, I will likely add complexity... 9 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 1. Coils: can we improvise off the shelf automobile coils I really wish to find a commonly used automobile coil which we can easily find used or buy, and dis-assemble this coil to use as the primary and secondary coil. Research tells me that these are usually filled with oil, and has a ferrite core – both of these might need to be removed. The primary will likely need to be separated from secondary – but it is possible that the primary can be extended. As the Block Diagram shows – the primary & secondary are positioned at right angles to each other. a. What coil b. How to modify c. How to mount d. is this a benefit e. If custom – what is a desirable goal? 2. Coils : must we custom create our coils a. What coil b. How to modify c. How to mount – d. is this a benefit e. If custom – what is a desirable goal? f. Layered Spiral Pancake Coil Construction – Or is physical displacement required for timing – given by the inductive charging interval Prime Numbers Wiring Test: 1, 2, 3, 5, (7) = 18 (29) levels total – 5 groups in series, each group is wired parallel; one is furthest from opposing electro-magnet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. one spiral -litz – primary also two spirals three spirals five spirals seven spirals eleven spirals (optional) These need to be able to accept VHV and so may require sealing in a two part epoxy to prevent arcing, and to contain as a unit. Assume that this coil needs to be securely affixed to the rotor so that it can not be flung out of the setting; I envision a fiberglass containment. Also, for high speed rotation with no disruptive vibration, a heavy flywheel is envisioned made from lime stone, or granite – although hard wood is envisioned for proto-type testing and design refinement. Both the primary and secondary coils are encased into one flywheel, and the permanent magnets are encased in an additional wooden disk, with an adjustment allowing timing control with slight rotational advancement of perfect alignment. 3. RSW: What must our coils have in circuit to work? See Winding configurations below 10 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 Will it allow the ever increasing HV input into step-up transformer without catastrophic failure? Can it work to catch BEMF in simple mode? Does it require a diode – will this allow BEMF capture Can electret serve as a diode capacitor? Series Parrell With step-down transformer RSW: Wired in Series Coil set one is wired into coil set two, plus to minus without exception. . Thus, the auto-transformer coils, with RWS are interconnected - completing the circuit. RSW: Wired in Parallel Coil set one is wired into coil set two, Ground are connected - minus to minus. Thus, the auto-transformer coils, with RWS are interconnected - completing the circuit. RSW: Wiring w Step-down transformer Option Completing set one is wired into coil set three, a step down transformer connecting to the output of both coils in the set, and the lowered voltage connects to both of the primary coils - completing the circuit. 4. Spark Gap/ Oscillator: neon & xenon short arc lamp discharge when viewed through a scope; is it a sharp, square pulse? This is a default fall back solution to replace a spark gap with a contained spark gap. a. Low limit before voltage flows – stated to be 1K -10K b. Induce HV plasma to allow LV current to pass 11 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 Can a ten winding coil wrapped around a xenon lamp allow a low voltage transfer through the xenon lamp leads (100 volts/12 volts) and if so can I reduce the primary voltage enough to snap the secondary because I bleed of the circuit through the lamp? (See link #4 above first for this) If yes, I can use a POT to vary oscillation speed with voltage - I suspect yes. If so this is a variable speed HV switch. About milli-second delays. I have been working on a creating a series of sharp switching devices with parts we easily can get for repairs, and backup systems available as a fallback solution, as short term testing may fail to identify weaknesses, resulting in failure sooner than we wish - when parts become hard or impossible to get. I also expect solar EMP destruction of all semi-conductor electronics - this is the prime motivation. My systems must survive this possibility not because it is likely, but rather because that is not an acceptable option. : How can we make a VHF pulse I have planed a phased series of devices, each successively more simple/crude (or available) with less fragile components - less to break, but each 'next best solution' comes with other draw backs. Strategy: refine the open spark gap - then replace it Make it capable of symmetrical and asymmetrically pulsed square waves with enough variability to be good for water splitting, a Tesla switch (200-500 Hz), and a HV electro magnet, or PM G Gray type motor [which I now see is self switched and is itself the switch - I think] 1. Use an auto coil and capture the 100 V inductive compressions for a trigger (see below) 2. Use a xenon short arc flash lamp: Wind a few turns of the primary to induce enough for the xenon to conduct, which is stated to be 1Kv. The idea is to operate the xenon lamp at its' minimal operating parameters to minimize wear & tear on this vital component. This lamp snaps a flash at 10Kv also if you choose to drive it on the secondary. Xenon begins to break down at 50Kv. (See below) Using a trigger voltage of 1Kv with several windings of the primary around the xenon lamp, it is stated that it will conduct when near high voltage -Use the lamp leads to control the primary leads of a second auto coil (call it a Power Coil, and the first is the Trigger Coil). Or tap the primary Trigger Coil leads, inserting a diode, then a cap bridges the primary lead to the flash lamp lead (as well as inductively coiled) and you might get two or more secondaries snapping at the same time. I suspect the discharge will also fluctuate the Trigger coil, perhaps bringing the primary standing voltage down enough that the secondary also snaps - but this is theory as await my lamps to arrive. In either case, if is does not do this I am planning to test a step down of the Trigger secondary to trigger the Power coil primary. "The ratio of secondary to primary turns in an ignition coil is somewhere around 100:1. The ignition coil is operated directly off a 12 volt source. However, the ignition coil does not work like an ordinary transformer. in ordinary transformer will produce output current at the same time that input current is applied. An ignition coil actually does most of its work as an inductor. When the ignition coil is connected to the battery, the inductor is 'charged' with current. It takes a few milliseconds for the current to build up the magnetic field - this on account of reverse voltage caused by the increase in magnetic field. During this short charging period, maybe a thousand volts are produced at the high voltage terminal, not enough to actually cause a spark." (Full text below pasted in) As a backup system I am also designing a long life, stable, hard wood cylinder with inlaid conductors driven by a variable dc motor - a very physical switching like a commutator. A third backup system is to find a distributor system from a junk yard including the drive gear so I can connect a direct drive to a rotor with a 1:1 axis spin ratio easily and accurately and easy to fix it up when it breaks. I am working to make switching for a Tesla Switch, hydrogen splitting, and two different designs of rotor/stator devices also. I hope to find a common solution 12 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 5. Electret: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Using a 2x2 inch, how many in series are required to achieve a VHF VHV oscillation? Will it behave as a HV diode? Will this remain? Will it behave as a capacitor What is acceptable smallest physical size – very low amps for safety How many volts to create this? How much heat What plastic Constant or variable size plates 13 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 Faraday's Law and Auto Ignition How do you obtain 40,000 volts across a sparkplug in an automobile when you have only 12 volts DC to start with? The essential task of firing the sparkplugs to ignite a gasoline-air mixture is carried out by a process which employs Faraday's law. The primary winding of the ignition coil is wound with a small number of turns and has a small resistance. Applying the battery to this coil causes a sizable DC current to flow. The secondary coil has a much larger number of turns and therefore acts as a stepup transformer. But instead of operating on AC voltages, this coil is designed to produce a large voltage spike when the current in the primary coil is interrupted. Since the induced secondary voltage is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field through it, opening a switch quickly in the primary circuit to drop the current to zero will generate a large voltage in the secondary coil according to Faraday's Law. The large voltage causes a spark across the gap of the sparkplug to ignite the fuel mixture. For many years, this interruption of the primary current was accomplished by mechanically opening a contact called the "points" in a synchronized sequence to send high voltage pulses through a rotary switch called the "distributer" to the sparkplugs. One of the drawbacks of this process was that the interruption of current in the primary coil generated an inductive back-voltage in that coil which tended to cause sparking across the points. The system was improved by placing a sizable capacitor across the contacts so that the voltage surge tended to charge the capacitor rather than cause destructive sparking across the contacts. Using the old name for capacitors, this particular capacitor was called the "condenser". More modern ignition systems use a transistor switch instead of the points to interrupt the primary current. 14 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 The transistor switches are contained in a solid-state Ignition Control Module. Modern coil designs produce voltage pulses up in the neighborhood of 40,000 volts from the interruption of the 12 volt power supplied by the battery. Add more annotation to coil diagram 15 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 Some modern engines have multiple ignition coils mounted directly on the sparkplugs. Instead of single voltage pulses, they may under some engine conditions produce three voltage pulses. The coil arrangement shown is on a Dodge engine.      Index Faraday's law concepts Inductance concepts HyperPhysics***** Electricity and Magnetism SOURCE : 16 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 Definition of GGM1 RPM: The stator permanent magnets at the west end of the motor, SPM: the rotor permanent magnets at the east end of the motor. * These positions could be reversed; it doesn't matter. RPC: The primary coils on the rotor, (RPC1 & RPC2) which are at the west end of the motor are excited and collapsed by the magnets in the stator, which are at the west end of the motor. (SPM1 & SPM2) SPC: The primary coils of the stator, (SPC1 & SPC2) which are at the east end of the motor are excited and collapsed by the magnets on the rotor, which are at the east end of the motor. (RPM1 & SPM2) SSC1 & SSC2 and RSC1 & RSC2: The secondary coils of both the rotor and stator are in the middle of the motor so they can oppose each other as main field coils; They are the high voltage low current secondary windings of transformers. When excited by mutual induction from their primary windings (SPC RPC) they oppose each other, and when they collapse there is a large spike of reversed polarity of free energy present from the aether on both of them at the same instant, which means they are still opposing each other, but with more intensity. A flywheel of suitable mass extracts even more free energy from the aether as proven in the moon shots that went higher and faster than all their calculations. MFC == SMFC RMFC  SSC RSC The main field coils are the secondaries of transformers or auto transformers. The ignition coil in a car is similar. SPC RPC The primary windings are excited and collapsed by fixed permanent magnets— SPM RPM -- they are neodymium N52 in the stator and on the rotor. The collapsing fields of the primaries — SPM RPM - give a very high voltage in the secondaries and — SSM RSM -- an even bigger repulsion occurs when the secondaries collapse, producing a higher voltage back EMF, And although the back EMF voltage is reversed it does not matter because both are reversed ---the secondary windings on the rotor and (RSC) the secondary windings in the stator, (SSC) which are always opposed. One is upside down. Speaking in the singular: RPM: There is a permanent N52 magnet on the rotor which excites and collapses the primary of the stator, SPC SPM: and there is a permanent N52 magnet in the stator, which excites and collapses the primary on the rotor. RPC These are placed so as to be perfectly aligned for perfect timing allowing both the stator secondary (main field coil) and the rotor secondary (main field coil) (RSC) To be at peak voltage at the best timing mark, Similar to TDC on cars The machine must be rotated by hand or starter motor and once going it naturally increases speed---the faster it goes the faster it goes and the faster it goes and so forth etc., And the aether just naturally gets involved in the repetitive symmetry that has been established, and flows trying to keep the status quo. The free energy comes from the aether every time the fields collapse---batteries are not needed to run the motor at all, but could be used to initially turn the rotor to start the motor. There is unlimited energy that can be taken from the aether, and I don't care who makes the motor just so long as it gets done. It is really quite simple, But of course most people are always looking for something more complicated; The answer to free energy is simple And it has been known and suppressed for a long time, and the answer to curing cancer is simple and it has been known and suppressed for 100 years. Don't look for very complicated solutions to free energy--the answer is very simple and you now have the answer. 17 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 Vince – Notes – comments & observations The George Gray Motor (Original Gray Motor) concept is possibly more than just a motor with rotational torque; it may be the best way to build a small variable speed oscillator for switching short snappy square waves of HV and milliamps. Below is a rough version of my ideas in progress - it is a letter I am building for someone - but I am waiting for parts to continue testing, so I throw it out in this rough and incomplete form for comments and to share knowledge I have gained from G Gray and others. Questions I need answers to still: 1. In an automobile ignition coil - is the 'top' or 'bottom' of the coil more likely to house the primary or secondary windings? This varies how I would test physical alignment: I picture the alignment of two/three automobile auto-coils on rotor and parallel to it; and the companion coils of the stator also parallel to the rotor axle. Next: is it best to place the magnets and coils (of stator for example) in a straight line? If this was done all coils of rotor and stator would fire at once - I think. Also, this will bring the coils and the PM as close as possible for the greatest distance. It also means the rotor needs a diameter equal to 2 X coil diameter plus the axle diameter, plus clearance == about 6 inches or so perhaps. Roughly another six inches to house the coils in the stator and you have a 12 inch diameter motor roughly - [I wish I still had Maya to model this] This also allows fine tuning to test very small asymmetrical ratios as found in quarts crystal - to experiment with fine tuning after it works. Design the coil and magnet device that attaches it to the rotor to be both precise and variable. Same would be nice in the stator. "The secondary coils of both the rotor and stator are in the middle of the motor so they can oppose each other as main field coils; they are the high voltage low current secondary windings of transformers. When they are excited by mutual induction from their primary windings they oppose each other, and when they collapse there is a large spike of reversed polarity of free energy present from the aether on both of them at the same instant, which means they are still opposing each other, but with more intensity. " I suspect that the coils each have their 'tops facing the center and parallel to the rotor axis. I find cutaway diagrams of automobile ignition coils showing the primary at the bottom of the coil. Two of the links below seem to show heavier windings at the bottom of the coil. The reverse is equally possible - I can not see enough in cutaway images yet. Does any one know? Next question in this area: how many coils - I like to try prime numbers - 2, 3, 5; these are my initial hunches. 1. 2. 3.,,diy_13690_2271392,00.html 4. 2. I suspect rotational distortion might be most apparent and beneficial if the rotor is vertical, but a horizontal axle is likely easier to control with simple bearings. Anyone with vertical axle experience or thoughts? If horizontal- does a north-south or east-west orientation alter performance once the rotor is spinning fast? For torsion-field physics effects? 3 I see more here than I so far can appreciate. The primary has a 100 v compression spike - and this can be used as a trigger. The points have a small cap to stop point arcing Secondary has a 10Kv output milliamp fast pulse - So a 24 v battery supply will double that = 20K. This secondary is acceptable to xenon perhaps? - Use a cap like the one to protect points - to protect light switch? And primary can be pulsed with a neon lamp & cap perhaps? Or xenon short arc Bedini (in a video) uses 6 neon lamps in a series as a back emf tester !!!!!! When battery was too weak to show on video, he removed some to show just two in series ???? 100% mechanical backup system: If we know the gear ratio of the teeth in the gear at drive end or distributor shaft, and put a drive gear on rotor with same number of teeth, it will give a controllable pulse with an advance adjustable system for easy cost - 1:1 ratio with direct drive of distributor system. BUT - do we need it ??? I will think - I also want your ideas when you have time. 18 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 I see this as a very high frequency switch – switching via very high speed rotation – and so the relaxation time of the coils must be made to allow very high speed relaxation times. There are a few comments I incorporate into this GMM1 design due to comments I received when asking specific questions: 1) power is to come from an auto-coil, 2) avoid straight line or sharp corners, 3) avoid iron with coils, 4) there is a speed adjustment feature possible. I assume we wish to aim for about 6 KHz and 10KVdc. – Because a physicist said so – this is what the motionless devices seem to resonate at. With a moving device it is likely that the Tesla Switch using mechanical switching is a better guide. The Tesla Switch operated at 300 to 600 hertz and then became dangerous – why dangerous? It did not harm batteries, but perhaps produced too much power for the devices running on the inductive load. Simplicity is the Key; I seek the simplest solution. If there are two options I wish to find the one that is most simple – all other things held constant. Above on page 1, is my interpretation of the only block diagram that satisfies all aspects of GGM1 – but GGM1 is not extensively documented, and variables therefore exist within. Below is my list of the variables which I have so far identified. Letter to Marc P – Marc P response Marc: I am like you, I bought many parts - but I have no solution - and I have no knowledge of Time available - so priorities are hard decisions. Discussing Sereda: I believe David made a new Tesla coil – he does not say exactly how - but I believe he made three, and uses them as radio broadcast towers, and plays the song of the sun into each. I believe he made these three Tesla coils to be like the pyramid at Giza; using a stone - says lime stone has amazing capacitive power to collect power, and I believe that he put a coil (of some sort) at the top of a pyramid in place of the pyramid cap stone. He gives many clues - and I listened many (25) times to the talk, and each time I hear more 'little things'. In making this very new type of Tesla Coil, he initially created an OU device with COP > 3. Then he realized potential and made a better design - perhaps granite rock, pyramid shape, coil top, and three as a team to get massively OU COP. Differentials are always very small, distance, power, frequency. He discovered electron and positron, quark and anti-quark (all matter and the anti particle are never exactly equal - tiny differential. The secret - I believe - is to follow the length of the sides of the Pyramid, because they reflect the natural - sacred geometry of the Earth - he says as Tesla did. This is the same as the difference of the circumference of the Earth at equator versus the circumference pole to pole - and then adjusted a little. The ratio of the Earth is .9986, and the pyramid is .9984 - because - he believes - it is adjusted to a specific location on the Earth. This is a very small amount - so I believe it can not be perfect in initial design, but must be designed so it can be adjusted after it is built. He specifically says that one should make a PM motor placing the PM around the motor - Not perfectly symmetrical, but with very small differences. If using 4 magnets, I would use the 4 sides of the pyramid; if using 6 magnets, I would use the six lengths of the quartz crystal. So I am looking for a method to fine tune - adjust - magnet position after it is running, and stop adjusting when speed get the most fast. GGM1 - project was going very well until yesterday: Yesterday George got a message email - a death threat - a scam to collect money, but it was spooky to all. The drawings are done, George is writing a description of how to make - and now he is worried that a big company will steal it and prevent all from using it. He is thinking of canceling project !!! Ahhhhgerrr !!! I got pushed out of the project mostly, and I have not seen the drawings at all - makes me sad for this reason. I am working very hard to get George help in Australia - John Carter and Panacea University. Not sure how it will finish, or when. So now I am not sure what to build. I still like my ideas as I put in GGM1 document, but it may require a diode - using an electret, and two auto coils powering each other, recursively. But this is less simple, and I am unsure what such an invention will do - but George Motor is a torsion machine motor - My idea is also like a Tesla Switch, and it may be a very special idea. Vince Hello brother, Thanks for all these mails, this is always enjoy to read you !!! 19 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 George gives us a lot, I think we can duplicate it later with more time to make research, for my part I have sufficiently studied and I think make first a basic phi transformer ( I order for resin and iron powder today) and try to power it with a common 1000 turns/min motor, second part I will add a heavy flywheel, and fix magnets around as Bedini monopole rotor with natural differentials..... after I want to make a heavy litz coil transformer with same mass both primary/secondary and use it in front of the monopole/flywheel , pulse the coil in front of magnets and collect radiant energy on a capacitor...... I will pulse this coil with a xenon tube or a simple rotative spark gap mounted on the large flywheel ( I have calculated with a flywheel of 23" I can achieve 500ns or less in pulse with tungsten rods of 0,2mm). input is from a HV transformer with 3 stage voltage multiplier with an autotransformer at the beginning to vary the input voltage of the transformer to move 0 to 30KV to adjust speed of motor, or I can put electrets.... but I can't vary voltage... after I will built a 2 discs rotor with monopoles magnets on with little differentials ( one disc with NNNN and second disc just SSSS) and put heavy coils (with tiny wire AWG 34 because radiant energy is amplified by impedance and move large watts easily on tiny wires)between the discs and discharge the capacitor by discharging the negative side of the cap (because by this way there is no back emf !!! so you don't need to collect it ! and because there is also scalar amplification by this way) please read for this the book : free energy generation by Bedini/Bearden this is a must, the better work of twenty years. all coils are flat spiral multi-filar greatly insulated with air core and neodymium magnets. just the secondary of the transformer is litz coil (not connected multi-filar) that's all, the only component to tune is the capacitor : if you add capacity the voltage is step down.... I will to pulse the motor with 7KV or around and I will discharge the capacitor with rotative spark gap on the flywheel.... like that I have multistage amplification : my flywheel, the monopole rotor which greatly help to charge the cap ( I think you have not understood what is exactly the sense of this monopole rotor...) and the radiant pulse in motor coils achieve amplification too. understand that : I will connect/ disconnect negative wire/side of the radiant energy charged cap, the positive is every time still connected. so, by this way there is no problem of back emf !!! thanks for Sereda information! very great thinking of lime stone, thanks ! see you M Electrets – Questions New Battery-Cap: Is it possible that we can design a simple 'variable' electret which is 'conditioned' with use - no need to 'cook' in oven to soften plastic while applying HV - rather, like a Bedini battery it gets conditioned; while GGM1 is running - Build it like an old Edison Battery make a 2 inch square, long rectangular 'battery-cap' water tight housing with slots into which we can slide a variable series of conductors then insulator, etc. - such as aluminum -plastic-tin-plastic-copper-plastic-aluminum (as one possible example to test) Or aluminum -plastic- aluminum -plastic- aluminum -plastic- aluminum plastic- aluminum And use mineral oil or transformer oil bath. 1) Will use of the GGM1 condition this new Battery-Cap to be perfect for the job with use of the specific GGM1 coil design etc.? 2) Will use of GGM1 'create' (manufacture) electrets without the need to cook in oven with HV applied? 3) Will use of GGM1 create a diode effect in this electret? 4) Will this idea work if we DO cook in oven conventionally, and then use in GGM1? If GGM1 'requires' a 'diode' - can we use an electret in the recursive wiring circuit in series, just before the input to the primaries - to serve as a capacitor and as a diode? Will it last? Will it amplify? Will it stop back flow? Will it induce BEMF? 1) A variable resistor might serve as a speed control - since a dead-short will stop it. 2) The diode like quality can directionally blast a charge into a coil. 3) A very high resistance may tickle a 'Fogal transistor device' like microEM-dance with interesting and usable results. 4) Can it produce: VHF & VHV - very low current - Hummm? Electret requires a switch to discharge, and time to recharge. Can we put an Electret in a vessel of water to split gas from water? - (or salt water) - Will it charge up and auto discharge when it reaches a specific voltage? - & make gas? OK - put several into a series to vary voltage, Can we tune to a discharge frequency? What if we make a capacitor - put it in mineral oil, now put a spiral litz coil under it but insulated with oil, - and connect the coil leads to two thin copper tubes bent and placed as a double helix rising above mineral oil as electrodes (Self powered Tesla-coil - revolting?) - Then do we make an Electret as an oscillator pulsing sharp HV potential? 20 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM2.A.2C.Doc --- July, 19, 2009 Electret Answers - Marc P Yes, you can split water to gas with electrets IN MANY WAYS, you can think more with the use of electrets here: - first :splitting water is in a lot of stuff o (Meyers and others) HV pulses, o often HF or VHF, o Sometimes peoples use music songs or like.... But in fact it's every time the same process - HV pulse generates higher frequencies in the pulse and resonance effect with aether, matter, medium...water...AND music vibrates matter, aether... in the same way. When peoples use DC current from battery or power line it's not real DC current.... : power line (or grid) is like an antenna which catch radiant VHF radiations.... and battery delivers pockets of electrons in a non linear current form... In fact you catch free energy from a shock, this is the divine spark (in our heart) which make the world moving, ALL appears with THE (divine) SPARK, the hearth beat, so from this shock in matter you catch the mechanical (heat) vibration of atoms (which is 300m/s !) because you stop it a brief moment... you catch too the heat energy of matter, AND from the momentarily polarized medium and catch aether/radiant energy So yes, electrets can do a lot of things like an exited oscillator, Electrets in series are VHV oscillators if exited.... many ways to excite them ! Connect the oscillator to a pulsed Joe cell as example And you have the both pulsed and oscillator vibrations... Electrets VHV / low amp power is useable for any load which use very low amp... so the bigger the impedance of a coil (or cell) the less amp you need as input. Tesla said : "give me a load and I will find the correct input", Here we've got the input, we must find the correct load and recovery system, and if it's gas the question is answered, I have not still read GGM1.doc but hope do that this new week. about manufacture electrets in new ways you've got already any answers but, electrets effect already occur in Joe cell (you can see that specially when charged with VHV, when input disconnected you can spark the plates one, two, three times... but in fact this effect already appear in electrolytic caps powerfully, but to use the benefice you need FAST SWITCH, this is the key, like the divine spark, all is in the quality of the spark ! and it's quite difficult to make fast powerful VHV switch !!!!) it's amazing but I have already discharged electrolytic caps 6 times or more after input disconnected -.the best way is to discharge 10% or less of the capacity in the pulse's discharge, 90% is free here ! Electret effect occur in conditioned battery too, Like nanotubes in water catch ormus/radiant energy (for me it‘s the same things !) THERE IS MANY WAYS TO MAKE ELECTRETS and better than just an electret. Yes, Tesla coil can be self powered because it's at the origin a free energy generator ! The output of the secondary can be connected to an resonant (same mass of wires for both coils) transformer, just find the good load (big impedance as thin wire of big mass of coil, or high impedance Joe cell) ELECTROMAGNETIC+FUSION+TESLA+COIL+IN+WATERPLASMA+MESSIAH 1 million volts in an exited electret is more easy to make than a same volts Tesla coil, no? I like the first picture here; I see a decomposed nanotube in it 21 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 GMM1A.5a.doc comments - Marc P Hello, thanks Vince for this idea of GGM docs, I have any answers to give here, you write: I see this as a very high frequency switch – very high speed rotation – and so the relaxation time of the coils must be made to allow very high speed relaxation times. I don't clearly understand why speak about a switch, there is no contactor, brushes or switch components... frequency depends the torque you want, better is perhaps 1200 turns per minutes to achieve 60Hz for you, it's already quite (enough!) high, no ? I assume we wish to aim for about 6 KHz and 10KVdc. – because a physicist said so – opinions? 6 KHz is a very very (too) high torque !! Your balls bearing will heat and burn! :O HV can be more for my opinion. Tesla Switch operated at 300 to 600 hertz and then became dangerous – why dangerous? The devices are different !!! Dangerous because if you open too much a star's gat2e you can be sucked by it ! and.... bye bye Vince ! No, sincerely the devices are different you can't easily open star's gat2e with this motor ! 600Hz is already too high for a rotor in common conditions... This may require additional auto-coils made for this specific purpose – call it a power coil for now "power coil" is misunderstand for me, I prefer HV transformer for this, because for me power coil is more appropriate for the HV secondaries coils, if you are agree we can use HV transformer for one, and HV terminal coils or power coils for the others... For the primary energised by magnet we can give the name : "first primary" or something like that ,no? Can we use an electret to function as a diode, capacitor, and resisted load. Even if not required, does an electret offer more advantages than the increased complexity and possible danger that the electret offers? I assume we can make a moderate voltage electret – and gain the advantages of it without the VHV dangers, because we already have a HV step-up transformer recursively amplifying voltage, and reducing amps. Waow, electrets as a diode okay, think more about that regarding gray tube.... but tesla switch + electret diode + diodes = BUG for me, too complicated, we speak about GGM or special pulsed motor ??? These two would then be fitted with additional stator components which can be swiveled and positioned to achieve precise asymmetrical lineal distances – See David Sereda I don't understand about the " precise asymmetrical lineal distances ", how can you make an asymmetry with a distance ? GOALS : Make a device to enable off-the-grid power generation, make it available to all, and make it with technology that can quickly become ubiquitously disseminated throughout society. Sorry but not agree with this ! free energy is not for everybody yet, peoples too crazy, and I don't want to become terroris3ts for the governments !! Please stop write that or I will live far away of this mailing list ! Work for you, later times will change, BUT LATER !!!!!! I see a possible simple toroid such as a simple soft iron rod or bar, slid into a slot on the stator for adjusting the reach of the PMs and syncing the HV discharge of the secondaries which charge the primaries, and perhaps attracting the coils which should now be running with reverse current powered by back EMF from the immediate last excited moment; a design that can easily be used to extend the reach of the magnet to the coil and thus delay the SNAP OFF moment. Waow ! So complicated, primary, secondary delay switch ? toroids........ why not add all this in a mikl shake and make a good cream with fruits !? Sincerely, one thing by time, first toroids are not good as "first primary"... need time to answer for that.... later, second no ferrite core in the "first primary" if the HV transformer have a ferrite (or like) core. if not cancelation can occurs because out of phases. no time to continue, good night ! GGM1.5.marc corrections1.doc I have took the time to read your ideas on George motor and I a few ideas, First time this is very interesting this motor is energised just with magnets, scientists speak about a PM rotor is like a "rotating discharge capacitor effect in the coil" = the PM rotor has a discharge of capacitor effect on a coil.... very interesting, yes, because here no need of capacitor, switchs, brushes.... BUT here we need to make HV transformers to energize the secondary HV coils.... AND to tune our coils to find the correct voltages. So, first consideration: I think the secondary coils MUST be air core because air core coils can resonate freely at the high frequency of the HV transformer which has already a ferromagnetic core. If there are 2 ferromagnetic cores in both coils the cores CAN BE canceled because they aren‘t in phase at the same time ! Hello everybody, 22 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 Second time, the tuning of the voltages is I think critical.... For my part I am sure of some things : - the more the voltage the better to catch free energy - the less the amperage the less hot in coils.... the higher the impedance (R and Farads) the less amperage is consumed in input. So, for my part if I will make this motor I will make an resonant Very high voltage transformers (same mass both primary and secondary) powered by a quite high voltage from the energized coil by the magnet, and will make a very short primary (around 15 turns) for the HV transformer like a tesla coil............. but around a ferromagnetic nanopowder core. I think the area of copper must be the same for both primary and secondary of the HV transformer, just by using homemade litz wires. Perhaps just 2 HV transformer can be used for 4 HV coils, one transformer for 2 coils no ? Second thing, I think the better is to tune the primary (energized from magnet) coil to find the correct voltage for a relatively fixed HV transformer and a totally fixed HV secondary coils. by fixed I want to say : you build it and don't touch it after. Third thing, I think about tesla's flat spiral coils motor, (Vince I have sended a patent to you... but me I can't send it now because too bad internet connexion, sorry) used by tesla to use pulsed discharge caps as well as AC output of tesla coil as input. vortex effect is very good to make power, and you can make a these coils in the multifilar way.... take SEVERAL wires as a heavy litz, make a flat spiral with and connect them in series.... Fourth thing, make a "divine" differential of weight between stator/rotor HV secondaries regarding differentials of david Serad2a, make a differential with the length of wires is quite difficult to make but it's could be great as Sereda does.... as well as differential of awg of the wires... welcome to the new George's motor crazy forum ! thanks for your comments, best regards, Marc PS: please Vince, can you send that to every members of this GGM group, I have still connexion failure ! Marc: I am working to make George Motor a reality. When you have time, I would love the ideas from France - It is a very rough draft still, but the concept is there - and a very simple test platform also. - Vince 23 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 Autotransformer - Operating principles An ignition coil is essentially an autotransformer with a high ratio of secondary to primary windings. By "Autotransformer", I mean that the primary and secondary windings are not actually separated - they share a few of the windings. The ratio of secondary to primary turns in an ignition coil is somewhere around 100:1. The ignition coil is operated directly off a 12 volt source. However, the ignition coil does not work like an ordinary transformer. An ordinary transformer will produce output current at the same time that input current is applied. An ignition coil actually does most of its work acting as an inductor. When the ignition coil is connected to the battery, the inductor is 'charged' with current. It takes a few milliseconds for the current to build up the magnetic field - this on account of reverse voltage caused by the increase in magnetic field. During this short charging period, maybe a thousand volts are produced at the high voltage terminal, not enough to actually cause a spark. The actual spark is generated when the breaker contacts open. For an ideal inductor, the current and voltage relate by: V = L dI Where V is voltage, L is inductance (in henrys) and dI is the rate of change of the current. Thus, seeing that L is constant for the inductor, the abrupt change in current will cause a very large voltage to be produced. This produces a very short, very high voltage spike. Of course, the change in current is on the primary side, but because the primary and secondary coils have a large mutual inductance (this is where the transformer part comes in), you get a spike on the order of 100 or more volts on the primary, and 10000 volts on the secondary. Even the primary side of the coil can give you a bit of a jolt if you hold the wires wile disconnecting power. Also note that any contacts you will use will get a lot of sparks, also on account of this. A less theoretical way of looking at it is that disconnecting the current source will cause the magnetic field in the coil to collapse (because nothing is forcing it magnetic anymore), and the rapid change of magnetic field in turn induces a large voltage in the windings. In an engine with four or more cylinders, the high voltage terminal of the coil is connected to the distributor, which is just a fancy high voltage 24 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 rotating switch, for selecting which of the spark plugs needs to be fired. This is much cheaper than having one ignition coil for each cylinder. Modern cars of course all use electronic ignitions instead of the unreliable mechanical breaker points for interrupting the current to the ignition coil. However, the ignition coil still works the same way, so you should be able to use an ignition coil even from a modern car. The main thing that has changed is that the 'points' have been replaced with fancy computer gadgetry and power electronics. One thing that cars usually have that I didn't include in the circuit is a small capacitor across the breaker points, often called the "ignitor". This capacitor in cars before electronic ignition had a tendency to fail over time, so you may have heard people refer to it. The capacitor helps to protect the points by liming voltage across the contacts, so the contacts themselves won't spark. It also forms a bit of a resonant circuit with the coil, and that way enhances the spark, although it probably cuts down on the output voltage a little bit. For the purpose of firing a cannon, it works well enough without one. 25 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 Winding configurations Transformers are very versatile devices. The basic concept of energy transfer between mutual inductors is useful enough between a single primary and single secondary coil, but transformers don't have to be made with just two sets of windings. Consider this transformer circuit: (Figure below) Transformer with multiple secondaries, provides multiple output voltages. Here, three inductor coils share a common magnetic core, magnetically ―coupling‖ or ―linking‖ them together. The relationship of winding turn ratios and voltage ratios seen with a single pair of mutual inductors still holds true here for multiple pairs of coils. It is entirely possible to assemble a transformer such as the one above (one primary winding, two secondary windings) in which one secondary winding is a step-down and the other is a step-up. In fact, this design of transformer was quite common in vacuum tube power supply circuits, which were required to supply low voltage for the tubes' filaments (typically 6 or 12 volts) and high voltage for the tubes' plates (several hundred volts) from a nominal primary voltage of 110 volts AC. Not only are voltages and currents of completely different magnitudes possible with such a transformer, but all circuits are electrically isolated from one another. Photograph of multiple-winding transformer with six windings, a primary and five secondaries. The transformer in Figure above is intended to provide both high and low voltages necessary in an electronic system using vacuum tubes. Low voltage is required to power the filaments of vacuum tubes, while high voltage is required to create the potential difference between the plate and cathode elements of each tube. One transformer with multiple windings suffices elegantly to provide all the necessary voltage levels from a single 115 V source. The wires for this transformer (15 of them!) are not shown in the photograph, being hidden from view. If electrical isolation between secondary circuits is not of great importance, a similar effect can be obtained by ―tapping‖ a single secondary winding at multiple points along its length, like Figure below. A single tapped secondary provides multiple voltages. A tap is nothing more than a wire connection made at some point on a winding between the very ends. Not surprisingly, the winding turn/voltage magnitude relationship of a normal transformer holds true for all tapped segments of windings. This fact can be exploited to produce a transformer capable of multiple ratios: (Figurebelow) 26 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 A tapped secondary using a switch to select one of many possible voltages. Carrying the concept of winding taps further, we end up with a ―variable transformer,‖ where a sliding contact is moved along the length of an exposed secondary winding, able to connect with it at any point along its length. The effect is equivalent to having a winding tap at every turn of the winding, and a switch with poles at every tap position: (Figure below) A sliding contact on the secondary continuously varies the secondary voltage. One consumer application of the variable transformer is in speed controls for model train sets, especially the train sets of the 1950's and 1960's. These transformers were essentially step-down units, the highest voltage obtainable from the secondary winding being substantially less than the primary voltage of 110 to 120 volts AC. The variablesweep contact provided a simple means of voltage control with little wasted power, much more efficient than control using a variable resistor! Moving-slide contacts are too impractical to be used in large industrial power transformer designs, but multi-pole switches and winding taps are common for voltage adjustment. Adjustments need to be made periodically in power systems to accommodate changes in loads over months or years in time, and these switching circuits provide a convenient means. Typically, such ―tap switches‖ are not engineered to handle full-load current, but must be actuated only when the transformer has been de-energized (no power). Seeing as how we can tap any transformer winding to obtain the equivalent of several windings (albeit with loss of electrical isolation between them), it makes sense that it should be possible to forego electrical isolation altogether and build a transformer from a single winding. Indeed this is possible, and the resulting device is called an autotransformer: (Figure below) This autotransformer steps voltage up with a single tapped winding, saving copper, sacrificing isolation. The autotransformer depicted above performs a voltage step-up function. A step-down autotransformer would look something like Figure below. 27 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 This auto transformer steps voltage down with a single copper-saving tapped winding. Autotransformers find popular use in applications requiring a slight boost or reduction in voltage to a load. The alternative with a normal (isolated) transformer would be to either have just the right primary/secondary winding ratio made for the job or use a step-down configuration with the secondary winding connected in series-aiding (―boosting‖) or series-opposing (―bucking‖) fashion. Primary, secondary, and load voltages are given to illustrate how this would work. First, the ―boosting‖ configuration. In Figure below the secondary coil's polarity is oriented so that its voltage directly adds to the primary voltage. Ordinary transformer wired as an autotransformer to boost the line voltage. Next, the ―bucking‖ configuration. In Figure below the secondary coil's polarity is oriented so that its voltage directly subtracts from the primary voltage: Ordinary transformer wired as an autotransformer to buck the line voltage down. The prime advantage of an autotransformer is that the same boosting or bucking function is obtained with only a single winding, making it cheaper and lighter to manufacture than a regular (isolating) transformer having both primary and secondary windings. Like regular transformers, autotransformer windings can be tapped to provide variations in ratio. Additionally, they can be made continuously variable with a sliding contact to tap the winding at any point along its length. The latter configuration is popular enough to have earned itself its own name: the Variac. (Figure below) A variac is an autotransformer with a sliding tap. 28 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 Small variacs for benchtop use are popular pieces of equipment for the electronics experimenter, being able to step household AC voltage down (or sometimes up as well) with a wide, fine range of control by a simple twist of a knob.       REVIEW: Transformers can be equipped with more than just a single primary and single secondary winding pair. This allows for multiple step-up and/or step-down ratios in the same device. Transformer windings can also be ―tapped:‖ that is, intersected at many points to segment a single winding into sections. Variable transformers can be made by providing a movable arm that sweeps across the length of a winding, making contact with the winding at any point along its length. The winding, of course, has to be bare (no insulation) in the area where the arm sweeps. An autotransformer is a single, tapped inductor coil used to step up or step down voltage like a transformer, except without providing electrical isolation. A Variac is a variable autotransformer. Phasing Since transformers are essentially AC devices, we need to be aware of the phase relationships between the primary and secondary circuits. Using our SPICE example from before, we can plot the waveshapes (Figure below) for the primary and secondary circuits and see the phase relations for ourselves: spice transient analysis file for use with nutmeg: transformer v1 1 0 sin(0 15 60 0 0) rbogus1 1 2 1e-12 v2 5 0 dc 250 l1 2 0 10000 l2 3 5 100 k l1 l2 0.999 vi1 3 4 ac 0 rload 4 5 1k .tran 0.5m 17m .end nutmeg commands: setplot tran1 plot v(2) v(3,5) Secondary voltage V(3,5) is in-phase with primary voltage V(2), and stepped down by factor of ten. In going from primary, V(2), to secondary, V(3,5), the voltage was stepped down by a factor of ten, (Figure above) , and the current was stepped up by a factor of 10. (Figure below) Both current (Figure below) and voltage (Figure above) waveforms are in-phase in going from primary to secondary. nutmeg commands: setplot tran1 plot I(L1#branch) I(L2#branch) Primary and secondary currents are in-phase. Secondary current is stepped up by a factor of ten. It would appear that both voltage and current for the two transformer windings are in-phase with each other, at least for our resistive load. This is simple enough, but it would be nice to know which way we should connect a transformer in order to ensure the proper phase relationships be kept. After all, a transformer is nothing more than a set of magnetically-linked inductors, and inductors don't usually come with polarity markings of any kind. If we were to look at an unmarked transformer, we would have no way of knowing which way to hook it up to a circuit to get in-phase (or 180o out-of-phase) voltage and current: (Figure below) 29 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 As a practical matter, the polarity of a transformer can be ambiguous. Since this is a practical concern, transformer manufacturers have come up with a sort of polarity marking standard to denote phase relationships. It is called the dot convention, and is nothing more than a dot placed next to each corresponding leg of a transformer winding: (Figure below) A pair of dots indicates like polarity. Typically, the transformer will come with some kind of schematic diagram labeling the wire leads for primary and secondary windings. On the diagram will be a pair of dots similar to what is seen above. Sometimes dots will be omitted, but when ―H‖ and ―X‖ labels are used to label transformer winding wires, the subscript numbers are supposed to represent winding polarity. The ―1‖ wires (H1 and X1) represent where the polarity-marking dots would normally be placed. The similar placement of these dots next to the top ends of the primary and secondary windings tells us that whatever instantaneous voltage polarity seen across the primary winding will be the same as that across the secondary winding. In other words, the phase shift from primary to secondary will be zero degrees. On the other hand, if the dots on each winding of the transformer do not match up, the phase shift will be 180obetween primary and secondary, like this: (Figure below) Out of phase: primary red to dot, secondary black to dot. Of course, the dot convention only tells you which end of each winding is which, relative to the other winding(s). If you want to reverse the phase relationship yourself, all you have to do is swap the winding connections like this: (Figure below) In phase: primary red to dot, secondary red to dot.  REVIEW: 30 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009   The phase relationships for voltage and current between primary and secondary circuits of a transformer are direct: ideally, zero phase shift. The dot convention is a type of polarity marking for transformer windings showing which end of the winding is which, relative to the other windings. Voltage regulation As we saw in a few SPICE analyses earlier in this chapter, the output voltage of a transformer varies some with varying load resistances, even with a constant voltage input. The degree of variance is affected by the primary and secondary winding inductances, among other factors, not the least of which includes winding resistance and the degree of mutual inductance (magnetic coupling) between the primary and secondary windings. For power transformer applications, where the transformer is seen by the load (ideally) as a constant source of voltage, it is good to have the secondary voltage vary as little as possible for wide variances in load current. The measure of how well a power transformer maintains constant secondary voltage over a range of load currents is called the transformer's voltage regulation. It can be calculated from the following formula: ―Full-load‖ means the point at which the transformer is operating at maximum permissible secondary current. This operating point will be determined primarily by the winding wire size (ampacity) and the method of transformer cooling. Taking our first SPICE transformer simulation as an example, let's compare the output voltage with a 1 kΩ load versus a 200 Ω load (assuming that the 200 Ω load will be our ―full load‖ condition). Recall if you will that our constant primary voltage was 10.00 volts AC: freq v(3,5) I(vi1) 6.000E+01 9.962E+00 9.962E-03 Output with 1k ohm load freq v(3,5) I(vi1) 6.000E+01 9.348E+00 4.674E-02 Output with 200 ohm load Notice how the output voltage decreases as the load gets heavier (more current). Now let's take that same transformer circuit and place a load resistance of extremely high magnitude across the secondary winding to simulate a ―no-load‖ condition: (See "transformer" spice list") transformer v1 1 0 ac 10 sin rbogus1 1 2 1e-12 rbogus2 5 0 9e12 l1 2 0 100 l2 3 5 100 k l1 l2 0.999 vi1 3 4 ac 0 rload 4 5 9e12 .ac lin 1 60 60 .print ac v(2,0) I(v1) .print ac v(3,5) I(vi1) .end freq v(2) I(v1) 6.000E+01 1.000E+01 2.653E-04 freq v(3,5) I(vi1) 6.000E+01 9.990E+00 1.110E-12 Output with (almost) no load So, we see that our output (secondary) voltage spans a range of 9.990 volts at (virtually) no load and 9.348 volts at the point we decided to call ―full load.‖ Calculating voltage regulation with these figures, we get: Incidentally, this would be considered rather poor (or ―loose‖) regulation for a power transformer. Powering a simple resistive load like this, a good power transformer should exhibit a regulation percentage of less than 3%. Inductive loads tend to create a condition of worse voltage regulation, so this analysis with purely resistive loads was a ―bestcase‖ condition. There are some applications, however, where poor regulation is actually desired. One such case is in discharge lighting, where a step-up transformer is required to initially generate a high voltage (necessary to ―ignite‖ the lamps), then the voltage is expected to drop off once the lamp begins to draw current. This is because discharge lamps' 31 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 voltage requirements tend to be much lower after a current has been established through the arc path. In this case, a step-up transformer with poor voltage regulation suffices nicely for the task of conditioning power to the lamp. Another application is in current control for AC arc welders, which are nothing more than step-down transformers supplying low-voltage, high-current power for the welding process. A high voltage is desired to assist in ―striking‖ the arc (getting it started), but like the discharge lamp, an arc doesn't require as much voltage to sustain itself once the air has been heated to the point of ionization. Thus, a decrease of secondary voltage under high load current would be a good thing. Some arc welder designs provide arc current adjustment by means of a movable iron core in the transformer, cranked in or out of the winding assembly by the operator. Moving the iron slug away from the windings reduces the strength of magnetic coupling between the windings, which diminishes no-load secondary voltage and makes for poorer voltage regulation. No exposition on transformer regulation could be called complete without mention of an unusual device called a ferroresonant transformer. ―Ferroresonance‖ is a phenomenon associated with the behavior of iron cores while operating near a point of magnetic saturation (where the core is so strongly magnetized that further increases in winding current results in little or no increase in magnetic flux). While being somewhat difficult to describe without going deep into electromagnetic theory, the ferroresonant transformer is a power transformer engineered to operate in a condition of persistent core saturation. That is, its iron core is ―stuffed full‖ of magnetic lines of flux for a large portion of the AC cycle so that variations in supply voltage (primary winding current) have little effect on the core's magnetic flux density, which means the secondary winding outputs a nearly constant voltage despite significant variations in supply (primary winding) voltage. Normally, core saturation in a transformer results in distortion of the sine wave shape, and the ferroresonant transformer is no exception. To combat this side effect, ferroresonant transformers have an auxiliary secondary winding paralleled with one or more capacitors, forming a resonant circuit tuned to the power supply frequency. This ―tank circuit‖ serves as a filter to reject harmonics created by the core saturation, and provides the added benefit of storing energy in the form of AC oscillations, which is available for sustaining output winding voltage for brief periods of input voltage loss (milliseconds' worth of time, but certainly better than nothing). (Figure below) Ferroresonant transformer provides voltage regulation of the output. In addition to blocking harmonics created by the saturated core, this resonant circuit also ―filters out‖ harmonic frequencies generated by nonlinear (switching) loads in the secondary winding circuit and any harmonics present in the source voltage, providing ―clean‖ power to the load. Ferroresonant transformers offer several features useful in AC power conditioning: constant output voltage given substantial variations in input voltage, harmonic filtering between the power source and the load, and the ability to ―ride through‖ brief losses in power by keeping a reserve of energy in its resonant tank circuit. These transformers are also highly tolerant of excessive loading and transient (momentary) voltage surges. They are so tolerant, in fact, that some may be briefly paralleled with unsynchronized AC power sources, allowing a load to be switched from one source of power to another in a ―make-before-break‖ fashion with no interruption of power on the secondary side! Unfortunately, these devices have equally noteworthy disadvantages: they waste a lot of energy (due to hysteresis losses in the saturated core), generating significant heat in the process, and are intolerant of frequency variations, which means they don't work very well when powered by small engine-driven generators having poor speed regulation. Voltages produced in the resonant winding/capacitor circuit tend to be very high, necessitating expensive capacitors and presenting the service technician with very dangerous working voltages. Some applications, though, may prioritize the ferroresonant transformer's advantages over its disadvantages. Semiconductor circuits exist to ―condition‖ AC power as an alternative to ferroresonant devices, but none can compete with this transformer in terms of sheer simplicity.  REVIEW:  Voltage regulation is the measure of how well a power transformer can maintain constant secondary voltage given a constant primary voltage and wide variance in load current. The lower the percentage (closer to zero), the more stable the secondary voltage and the better the regulation it will provide.  A ferroresonant transformer is a special transformer designed to regulate voltage at a stable level despite wide variation in input voltage. 32 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 Spherical Magnet - rotating magnetic beacon as core coil – John Lord From: hrhcrownprincejohnlord <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 12:23 PM Subject: Re: Permanent magnet flip-flop: with possible with half gainer To: Vincent J Cataldi <[email protected]> MEG Group: I have been contacted by one of your members, who is one of my members in a global closed group of quantum science elites. Your experiment about the bar magnet is easy to explain, but your entire understanding of what you have been trained about magnetism needs to be updated from the current academic's limited paradigm of knowledge. Quantum science, with the true understanding of superconductors, display unipolarity of two different "currents" in an aligned magnetic material. It is called double current theory. With proper manipulation of a linear (bar) magnetic material, one can change the two differentiated currents (N and S) into a one current (unipolarity with mutually operating currents). Take a normal bar magnet, cut it in half, mechanically or with force. The two new pieces of bar magnets will have their own N/S polar ends. The further you continue to cut in half these bar magnets, the more you further and further reduce the distance between the polar ends. Now understand that in a bar magnet, there is the superconductor region displaying the unipolar region. This is in the center of a bar magnet. Take two magnets, and a non-magnetized (aligned) piece of bar iron. Using all different variations, take the N pole of one bar magnet and touch the N, S, and center of the second magnet. N/N will repel, N/S will attract, and the center will display no repulsion or attraction. Turn the first bar magnet around and test the S pole to the second magnet. S/N attracts, S/S repels, and the center displays no attraction or repulsion. Now turn the first bar magnet 90 degrees. Touch center/N, center/S, and center/center. There is no, no, no repulsion or attraction with either contact. One could double this scientific testing by doing the second bar magnet to the first magnet, but the results are the same as the first results. What one needs to understand is the three (five) basic powers of the universe. Gravity, (unipolarity), electromagnetism, magnetism, and electricity. What you are just seeing here are the inner to outer core forces of an atom, including any larger planetary body's inner core quantum electrodynamics. Electricity is one current (repulsive force) of electrons and their orbit. Magnetism is one current (attractice force) of protons and their orbit. Electromagnetism is the unification of both forces (repulsion and attraction) in the neutron orbit (1 proton, 1 electron) in a smaller orbit than the current atomic nuclear model. In the center of an atom are quantum singularities that are the real source of gravity manifestation. Now when you reduce the distance of the polar N and S poles, you force this magnetically aligned object to also reduce its differentiated power of the electrical-repulsive (electron orbit) and magnetic-attractive (proton orbit). If you can view an atomic model, what you are doing is scrunching down the electron orbit into the proton orbit, and turning it into an outer neutron orbit. Current science says that "ions" are only protons and neutrons (with a ripped off electron orbit. This is wrong. The electron orbit is scrunched and merged with the proton orbit, and one now has two neutron orbits in an atom. When you have these double currents operating in the inner and outer neutron orbits you have superconductivity and unipolarity (with non-resistance and a maximum force outward demonstration - Meissner force field). If you were to continue your bar magnet cutting and then getting down to a near-rectangular/near-square shape, then start diagonally cutting off the points (triangular ends, ... one more and more turns the rectangular/square magnet into a near-spherical shape. As one cuts off more and more smaller points of this spiky object into a true spherical ball bearing (BB) shape one will not have either an N or S polar identity. The object will display double currents, unified together, as a superconductor. There will be no more electrical/electron or magnetic/proton forces, but a unified electromagnetic/neutron force. If/When you are able to physically able to make such a bar magnet into a unipolar sphere, you will have a true superconductor material. It will display double currents operating in mutual currents (one in a forward direction, the other in a reverse direction). 33 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 When you are further able to scrunch down these two neutron orbits (composed of proton and electrons, ... and their quarks ... that scientists/physicists have gotten screwed up denying that electrons do not have quarks - but they do ... you will have one conjoined neutron orbit at a neuclear (nanometer distance) of the atoms. You are on the nanometer/hypercolloidal barrier where physical matter connects with dark matter/dark energy (ala alchemical "ether"). If there are any further questions on what is said, I can be contacted. LORD Enterprises LLC LORD Consulting Govt/Mil Consulting John Robert Lord President/CEO Carson City, NV Fremont (San Francisco), CA [email protected] THE MEISSNER EFFECT The Meissner Effect is an effect whereby the magnetic field created in a superconductor will repel all other magnetic fields, regardless of whether they are changing or not. This means that if a magnet is placed over a superconductor it will levitate there inside the magnetic field. The amazing fact about the magnetic levitation observed in superconductors is that even though the two objects repel each other, they are not pushed away entirely, but remain ‗stuck‘ a certain distance apart. If two normal magnets‘ North poles where placed facing each other, the magnets would be pushed apart by a force that exists (even though minutely) to a distance of infinity. However, a superconductor will repel a magnet a certain distance but then keep it at that distance. This is seen effectively in the video where, initially, the objects are kept apart, but when the magnet is lifted, the superconductor comes with it. This is due to the way in which a superconductor sets up its magnetic field. When a magnetic field is created in a superconductor, poles are created to repel all fields. The Meissner Effect is different from regular diamagnetism in that it repels all magnetic fields, not just changing ones. Unlike a regular magnet, which has just a North Pole and a South Pole, a superconductor can create many poles to ensure that all poles are repelled depending on what it is trying to repel. This same effect, however, is responsible for holding the magnet at a certain distance away. This is because when a magnet is pulled away from it, the poles are reversed to hold the magnet in place. The typical way of making an electromagnet is to place, say a soft iron inside a copper wire solenoid carrying direct current. Thus, a NORTH POLE is form at one end of the solenoid and a SOUTH POLE at the other end. Therefore, if the north pole of a permanent (say bar) magnet is brought to the north pole of the solenoid (electromagnet) it will be repel away. If the south pole of the permanent magnet is brought close to the north pole of the solenoid it will be attracted to it. QUESTION 1: ---------Now what if instead of a copper wire, a superconductive wire is used to form the solenoid and a soft iron is place inside it, then everything is dip into a liquid helium or nitrogen in other to cool it below its critical temperature, thus making it to be superconductive (with zero resistance).Once the direct current source is turn on, electric current flow through the solenoid of superconductive wire, therefore an electromagnet is created. In the context of those facts about superconductor with respect to the phenomenon called MEISSNER EFFECT stated above, would the superconductive electromagnet behaves like the copper electromagnet when a permanent magnet is brought close to it( i.e. their like poles of the superconductive electromagnet and the permanent magnet repels each other while their unlike poles attract each other.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOME PROPERTIES OF SOFT IRON ---------------------------- 34 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 1. Soft iron is attracted to a permanent magnet when it is brought close to it. 2. When a soft iron is place inside a solenoid carrying an electric current it becomes magnetized, thus an electromagnet is form. QUESTION 2: unipolarity of two different "currents" in an aligned magnetic material. Double current theory. (Unipolarity with mutually operating currents). There is the superconductor region displaying the unipolar region Now turn the first bar magnet 90 degrees. Gravity, (unipolarity), electromagnetism, magnetism, and electricity. Inner to outer core forces of an atom, Electricity is one current (repulsive force) of electrons and their orbit. Magnetism is one current (attractice force) of protons and their orbit. Electromagnetism is the unification of both forces (repulsion and attraction) In the neutron orbit (1 proton, 1 electron) in a smaller orbit than the current atomic nuclear model. In the center of an atom are quantum singularities that are the real source of gravity manifestation. Reduce its differentiated power Electrical-repulsive (electron orbit) Magnetic-attractive (proton orbit). Down the electron orbit into the proton orbit, into an outer neutron orbit. The electron orbit is scrunched and merged with the proton orbit, now has two neutron orbits in an atom. Double currents operating in the inner and outer neutron orbits you have superconductivity and unipolarity (with non-resistance and a maximum force outward Meissner force field). Spherical ball bearing (BB) shape Have either a N or S polar identity. Double currents, unified together, as a superconductor Unified electromagnetic/neutron force. Currents operating in mutual currents You will have one conjoined neutron orbit at a neuclear (nanometer distance) of the atoms. Nanometer/hyper colloidal barrier Physical matter connects with dark matter/dark energy (ala alchemical "ether"). ----------Now, my question is this: Is there a particular material that lacks the first property (1) stated above (i.e it does not get attracted to a permanent magnet when brought close it) but still possess the second property(2) (i.e it becomes magnetized when place in a solenoid to form an electromagnet. 35 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 George – advice, comments, questions - NEW: October 12 2009 From: george gray <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 12:54 AM Vince, Well!!! You worked out exactly what I was trying to get you to understand. You said: after I learned that only the end points and interior of each coil has a magnet flux, but not the outside of the solenoid except at the ends. You are on the track to understanding how to get free energy. Best regards mate, George. Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 2:00 PM George: Thank you for your time & effort answering my questions again. I am thinking to come up with the most simple manner to solve the puzzle - and never contradict anything you stated - and I asked only because I had a suspicion that I was heading off the track. Phases was a confusing term, and I know nothing about the electrical phases so this confusion did not occur to me. I only tried to show three 'steps' as one rotor electromagnet passes by one stator electromagnet - start, middle, and end; I did this to try to see a method to invoke an impulsive flip-flop reversal of polarity and guess where the primary loops might best be placed. The electromagnet 'snaking' from the rotor to the stator to form a single continuous electromagnet came about as I worked to identify a simple yet efficient design to repel the rotor - after I learned that only the end points and interior of each coil has a magnet flux, but not the outside of the solenoid except at the ends. I continue to think of how to place components to accomplish this in the most simple manner. Each time I read again what you have shared I discover that you said more than I initially saw. If I ever do experiment with this split serpentine rotor/stator electromagnet design I will surely share all my test results with you for your possible benefit. It might just be a powerful idea, but it has many unknowns and I was surely straying from simplicity. Who knows, it is likely that the only benefit might be to say - do not try this at home, it is a waste of time. Thanks George, Vince On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:53 AM, george gray <[email protected]> wrote: Vince, Thanks for your email and the attached drawing. It looks interesting but I can't comment more than that because it is new to me. Please let me know if it is successful when you put it to the test. In my motor there are no phases as per the regular multi phase electric motor. My motor has many polarity reversals and many impulses but no phase shift as I think you understand phase shift. 36 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 The poles are all North or all South and it is the repulsion of the like poles that moves the rotor. The poles are changing rapidly many times a second, but they are always opposing each other. When I mentioned a serpentine coil it was only to try and explain that the permanent magnet does not necessarily need to pass by the face of the pole but can create poles by passing by one side of some of the coils in the serpentine. In so doing poles can be created at both ends of the serpentine. The magnet is not then trying to pass by the actual pole created in opposition to it. Best regards, George. George: An idea popped into my head about a week ago, and I am drawn to it. I worked hard to make a drawing to study it better, because it confuses me some as I try to calculate the direction (polarity) of the electromagnets as they flip-flop, how to do this with a determined result in the coils, and even the number of changes per phase shift/coil puzzles me some. Also, not sure if I am just fighting myself during these transitions. I attached a simple gif image Serpentine_Coil2.gif to show three phases - and I envision twelve coils per rotor and stator each - This image shows only a few to begin to document the concept but this image has many limitations. I was not able to make it look round - so imagine these flat strips as simplified concepts only. Also I am not clear where the primary loops might best be placed - many and/or multiple places were considered , how many, nor the rectangular permanent magnets placement - I put in one centered in the inter-coil space for simplicity. I am first most interested in the split serpentine coil concept, and the coil/space arrangement around a circle. I do see a possible need for a core in order to bend the corners, and improve pushing power at the terminations of each coil and I am thinking of something like copper bar stock (1/2 x 1/4 inch) with perpendicular pads soldered just past the ends of each coil segment - as they transition across from stator to rotor (and back again). These are shown in copper color. [copper relaxation time is10 to -19th power - is this too fast, or too slow?] Half of each image phase-slice is on the rotor, and half is on the stator – blue line. The U shape of the coil is not what I think might be best - but a smooth curve was harder to draw, so I made little horse shoe magnet shaped coils in the drawings so I can see the overall concept. Also, I see the ends 'connecting' the rotor and stator coils more smoothly; no sharp turns anywhere. If time allows, please take a look at this rough drawing and tell me if I am off the wall, or perhaps have a workable idea - and perhaps even your design is a refinement of this concept. In any event, I wish to minimize wasted time, and seek an opinion wiser than mine. If I need to say more or draw more, just ask. Any ideas or direction would be appreciated very much. Thanks George, Vince PS - Thanks for the words on back emf - I did not understand it at all but you made me understand what it is, and I went back to the magnet falling down a copper tube to see it in cause/action. Thanks 37 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:06 AM, george gray <[email protected]> wrote: Vince, The back EMF would "interfere" or in other words "oppose" the action giving rise to the change in the primary windings and the motor would not run. As the permanent magnets tried to pass the primary windings they would create like poles in them, which would oppose them, plus back EMFs, which would oppose the induced currents. It's always good to hit the books and study up on things to solve perplexing questions. Have you read up on how Tesla used bifilar windings to overcome back EMF? Best regards mate. George. ----- Original Message ----From: Vincent J Cataldi To: george gray Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 7:46 AM Subject: Re: GGM2.A.2C.Doc George: A statement you wrote is perplexing me some: "The secret of this motor revolves around "impulses". When you try to overcome Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law the method of winding the primary windings and having them excite the secondary windings is unique and has not been done before. By using impulses the back emf does not have time to interfere because the direction has changed; also the repulsive pole created, changes to an attracting pole and changes again to let go in time. This can only be achieved by impulses, which are produced when the permanent magnets pass the primary windings, which are wound in a unique method incorporating the remote parts of them on the secondary windings." Specifically, I am puzzled by the back emf statement; how can if interfere? I understand how an electrical flow can interfere with back emf (kill the flow), but I do not comprehend what can be negative with back emf or its' interference, or what it may interfere with. ...and when it does interfere, what are the symptoms? Impulses: are these the short, virtually non-stop, excitement (change) of the primary windings - reversing what was? Impulse time control: have I addressed this enough to begin R&D efforts, or is a more sophisticated analysis needed to allow a very simple control feature? "For question #3 I was looking for either electrical or magnetic." is AC (not pulsed DC) an unnatural current flow? I believe it is a good idea for me to go and read (study) again everything you wrote on this subject - to see what assumptions I may have made incorrectly. It is obvious now that I had assumed much, and incorporated many false leads into my understanding of what you wrote. You are very kind to me, and very respectful in so many ways. Thank you Sir! Vince -sure wish I knew how to use a CAD system to draw something I can see and manipulate. On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 7:25 AM, george gray <[email protected]> wrote: Vince, I can see that you have a very intuitive mind and will be able to solve the issues relating to Faraday and Lenz. For question #3 I was looking for either electrical or magnetic. Keep thinking mate. Best regards, George. ----- Original Message ----From: Vincent J Cataldi To: george gray Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 2:14 PM George: Had time for a short nap and awoke with an idea. ... but then I thought it was Friday, so? This is not a new idea, but an idea I rejected earlier because it seemed too good to be true, too easy. It is however a more simple solution than I presented, which makes me hopeful. 38 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 If I take the magnet falling down the cooper tube concept, and apply it directly to the 'spring', is it the same? If the solenoid is wrapped around copper, or the tightly wound copper wires of the solenoid create a virtual copper tube, will a solenoid behave like a bar magnet - a north pole at one end, a south pole at the other end, and a graduated change between these two extremes - neutral at the center. If yes, then two snakes coiled into a circle - almost touching, polarized the same, might just have the magnetic attraction and repulsion between these two 'springs' to set the system spinning if designed with proper proximity. Starting from a TDC alignment position (align the two gaps), there would be a repulsion, pushing the strong end of the rotor spring coil toward the neutral center of the stator spring. At this point the stator would increasingly attract the rotor end approaching. The magnetic fields of these two electromagnets spinning around at high speed would try to find a resonate harmonic 'vibration' - as they induce changes in each other - probably in a very complex manner, but a manner that self-amplifies the induced effect and frequency (almost continuous induced change == very VHF). During this (each) cycle, the voltage direction is toggled back and forth (12 changes, or 24 half changes per cycle), reversing voltage direction each time, and during the instant of the change, back emf energy is able to enter the system to power the load, which in this case may be only a mechanical work load - but I still smell a Tesla Switch in here too somehow. Thus a heavy fly wheal is valuable to moderate all instantaneous physical work demands and absorb the back emf energy input. George, not sure how I got here from your questions. Just a gut feeling perhaps. ... and a nap. Vince On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Vincent J Cataldi <[email protected]> wrote: George: I numbered your questions (below) in the order of how I had to answer them in oder to know what to think of the questions you asked first. I suspect that you are hinting at the use of a toroid, a concept I played with to 'direct' magnetic flux lines through a primary coil loop. It may imply instead that I need no buss line connecting the primary loops, if they are within the 'spring', but then how do I get a step-up transformer effect, I wonder. But as usual, your questions make me think and directly give me no answer, so I am not even sure what you are driving me toward. Logically: there is someway to do something in a more simple manner than I theorized; or something required which I ignored totally. I will sleep on this to seek insight. It is always a pleasure to communicate with you my friend; thanks very much. I love solving a good puzzle. I do hope I can help you too. nZo Is a current induced in a straight conductor or rod when it passes at 90 degrees through the lines of force or flux of a magnet? #6 I must conclude YES - although it is not intuitive to me except by answering your questions below in nearly reverse order. Do the ends of the rod need to be joined together for a current to flow? #5 A complete circuit is established around the circumference of the rod. This is a new thought for me... The flow would be be pole to pole, but through the rod. If a current flows what sort of current is it? #3. DC - this is a guess because AC is not natural in my opinion. Is something produced in the rod to repel the magnet and if so what is it? #4 I must assume the answer is must be the same as my answer below marked as #1 A change of flux always causes an electric current to flow, and this produces a magnetic field, and this opposes the action which caused the change. If you drop a one inch magnet down an inch and one eighth copper pipe six foot long, what will happen? #1. It induces an electric current, and thus a magnetic field - the result is that magnet will drop quite slowly as the induced magnetic field apposes the work done by the falling magnet. Do you know the instant percentage of applied voltage that a back EMF has? #2. My understanding is that for a nano-second, the energy available is virtually infinite - and thus an infinite percentage is possible. This virtual infinite energy is limited by the inductive load of the instantaneous system - the energy flowing into the system is equal to what is required to maintain the active process. Regards mate, George. ----- Original Message ----From: Vincent J Cataldi To: george gray Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 12:16 PM Subject: Re: GGM2.A.2C.Doc 39 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 George: Please excuse the delay, I wanted to address this beyond what you specifically asked. As I understand it, the scenario you describe does nothing, but if the coil wires are connected directly or through a load the answer is quite different. With a complete circuit, a magnet moving into and through the 'surface' within the coil induces flow of current; the magnitude of the current is proportional to the strength of the magnet field, the speed of the change (motion of the magnet), and the gradient density of the cross sectional area within the coil. The direction of the voltage is reversed when the magnet is removed; but nothing happens without a change of flux, so the magnetic field and power only oppose the action causing change. A magnet forced into a coil will encounter resistance as a counter-magnetic field is established to oppose the action. The voltage flowing as current creates a temporary induced magnetic field as well as an induced electrical flow. All this happens near instantly, and only in response to a change of flux. I am unsure of many more subtle question - or theoretical - which I have been seeking answers for: - does the voltage flip as the magnet exits in the same direction? if a extra long bar magnet was created with a very long neutral center, and the north end of the magnet was pushed toward the coil - thus promoting a change of flux and an electric current, will the direction of the current reverse when the north pole passes through the coil and exits, thus traveling away from the coils' 'cross sectional surface'? - what is the difference using a bar magnet magnetized end to end if the north pole is used first, then the south pole is used first - is one more effective? Conversely, if the south pole of the magnet were to approach the coil, same as above, would the voltage be reversed as the south pole approached the coil, with respect to the voltage of approaching the coil with a north pole? - What happens if a bar magnet is magnetized front to back? What happens if the flux of a coil were changed by approaching the magnet with a magnet which is polarized front to back? If both the north and south poles entered at the same time, and or if the north entered first, immediately followed by the south pole. - what happens if the magnet is passed close to but not through the coil? If a magnet is passed into the inner core of the coil, a flux is changed; so if a magnet is passed by the outer edge of the coil rather than just inside the coil, will it cause a similar change but with a smaller magnitude- all other variables held constant. If I pass a magnet north pole across the center of the coil and very close to it, but not through it, will the voltage direction reverse as this north pole passes the coil as though exiting the coil? Or stated another way; is the direction of electrical flow depend on if the magnet is approaching the virtual 'surface' within the coil - and moving away from it? or is this a factor of the right hand rile of coils, perhaps? - dependent on the change with respect to the direction of the coil windings? Reversed engineered solution Take the spring, bend it into a circle with the tail almost touching the mouth; place a magnetic metal at the two end points; these become the north and south pole of an electromagnet. Position them to divert the flux field off to the side in a fashion appropriate to use for pushing against each other, and the permanent magnets of the other system (stator and rotor). This coil is used for the rotor, and is an isolated transformer inductively powered by the second similar coil reversals. Make the round spring a rectangle for a better surface area of close contact for better inductive coupling, and field collapse enhancements in each other... Next make a second coil for the stator - this time add a series of (primary coil) loops inside the center of the spring coil (solenoid) along two buss lines - each connected to a series of primary coil loops, and staggered so that every other one is wound the same and the buss line is looped around the spring solenoid to serve as a step up transformer. The two sets of primary loops are wound opposite each other and positioned so that as a magnet passes one it generates a voltage flux change, and thus a voltage, which is amplified by the step-up transformer looped around the spring coil; and each successive primary loop is positioned so that everyone is reversing the voltage of both of it neighbors. I suspect these primary loops are perpendicular on one plane to the the secondary coil around them. Because I can not envision how to pass a magnet into the coil center; and I suspect that passing the magnet just next to but not in the loop is useful but not too efficient; I propose a virtual insertion and retreat of a magnet. This might be effectively done (if required) by placing a tiny magnet behind each primary loop so that when a primary magnet on the rotor passes the primary loop of the stator coil, the flux of the tiny stationary magnet is pushed (or pulled) through the center of the loop; to generate a powerful and fast change of flux in the primary, which is induced to a higher voltage in the secondary (spring), which in turn inductively charges the spring (secondary) of the spinning rotor spring coil, which is also an isolated electromagnet. [but not a step up transformer] I suspect the two spring coils can be placed to charge in equal or opposite direction - using the right hand rule. This is further enhanced if required, by dissecting the overall circular spring coil into a series of equally long segments, stretching the spring and placing an iron plate at the end of each new end; perhaps creating twelve (360/12=30) - to create a push every thirty degrees. George - if I am anywhere close - you are brilliant - or at least you began that way as a child. I find this possibility very exciting. Please redirect me as required, and put me to work, especially if further clarification is needed. Smiling – Vince 40 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 8:47 AM, george gray <[email protected]> wrote: Vince, Please answer these questions. I have a wound coil of wire with the ends open and not joined together or to a load. If I insert a magnet into the coil will North and South poles be established at opposite ends of the coil? What will happen if I withdraw the magnet from the coil? I find the best way to get a point across sometimes is to ask questions. Let me know what you think or have found out. Best regards, George. ----- Original Message ----From: Vincent J Cataldi To: george gray Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 2:03 PM Subject: Re: GGM2.A.2C.Doc George: I really like the potential of what you have described to me, but I am smart enough to know when I am too ignorant. Back to the Books, so to speak... Based on your direction I found - "MIT Physics Lecture: Electromagnetism - 16 - Faraday's Law & Lenz Law" - - a google video lecture series - and I began working back through the lectures back to lecture 01. Now I will redo from start to end. Some mind boggling demonstrations. I surely wish you had bandwidth independent internet pricing. I find this professor a delight and very bright. I did not know Lenz or his laws, but knew I needed this field of knowledge to understand how to refine placement of coils, solenoids, and magnets to work as a team. This is just a note to say that I am working, and thinking; thanks for the direction. I will get back when I think it would not be a waste of your time. I believe I see the concepts' potential (in part) to oscillate current direction very quickly as one or more magnets approach and then pass one or more series of coils, but I need research and perhaps some R&D to study coil alignment within transformer coils - choice of vertical, horizontal, etc - perpendicular to x, y , z axis I lack the real basics that are second nature to you - I suspect. OR I also will do anything specific as you may wish to direct me. Thanks, Vince On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 12:51 AM, george gray <[email protected]> wrote: Vince, It's good to know that you are thinking hard about things. There are many things you could come up with but be careful not to get sidetracked---keep it simple. I don't have the facilities or the time to do much research work, but if you work in harmony with what you know you will come up with the right answer. I can see that you are capable of finding the right method in which to use this type of technology and I'm pleased that you are working with your mind on it. I will give Carlos some more time before troubling him again because he is or supposed to be working on some more drawings and he said to give him a few days a couple of weeks ago. I'll just wait awhile. Just something to think about: The shorter the pulse the less time for Faraday and Lenz. Before the opposing pole is established or the backEMF gets established the pulse has stopped and is ready to go again; it acts like a teaser but never gets caught. Best regards, George. ----- Original Message ----From: Vincent J Cataldi To: george gray Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 3:03 PM Subject: Re: GGM2.A.2C.Doc 41 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 George: I thank you - I am thinking with my thinking cap on - again, with aether powered lights atop. Somehow, I learn as I sleep, so I need time to think about what you have just shared; and to see the image you described. BUT it is an intriguing picture that you drew for me - I saw much of it without going the last step - or I went a step or two too far perhaps. I will try to summarize the history of my thinking on this subject which evolved into the document I sent you.. As I began, I decided to begin to accumulate parts for testing and hopeful ability to make something work - before money buys nothing. I began with a purchase of 12 N52 4 inch by 2 inch by 1/2 inch monster magnets to be able to test and experiment. I envisioned using an adjustable iron rod placed into slots of the stator to control the reach of these magnets as they pass the primary with some precision and control - also might act as a speed control rod. I planned to test each corner of these magnets with a galvanometer to place the proper 'one' corner to become the trailing edge 'snapper' as it passes the primary (based on the asymmetrical nature of the edges as described in The Secrets of Magnets). Also considered an iron shield around the leading edge and the other two corners, to sharpen the trailing edge corner gradient. Then I began to think about the coils, and realized that many small powerful magnets may be much better than a few massively powerful magnets - as the large magnets might have more gradual gradients with flux gradients over a much larger area.. Many small magnets might allow many small primaries & secondaries per stator with few (two) rotor coils, and greater timing control I suspected. I also contemplated multiple primary coils per secondary connected at different positions along the secondary winding - to test - It may have a Variac type transformer effect with variance in voltage output (and so speed), and timing due to varying inductive capacitive charge time. But, I was thinking of this use of multiple primaries as a test-platform to align, with trial & error, the inductive capacitance charging time with the proper position of the secondaries alignment when the two electromagnets explosively repel. I was preparing to ask John Carter for a coil expert to discuss this with, in order to begin with something that had a hope of working. He was ready with individuals who were interested in performing small 'isolated' tests with proper equipment and experience- I suspect this is still an option. The image you just drew is very interesting. After thinking BIG for a month I went back and bought many very small magnets such as small disks (1, 1/2 and 1/4 inch disks), hollow washer like disks, spheres, and 256 - N52 1/4 inch cubes, believing it would be easier to abruptly 'snap' the field off more quickly as the magnet passes out of range. I expected that I could combine several small magnets if required to fine tune results of testing. Also, I thought it might be interesting to put two magnets near each other with a south pole facing each other at the center and a north pole at the leading and trailing edge (or reversed) - this I suspected would force a series of abrupt changes with sharp gradients at the TDC position, and at the leading and trailing edges as well. This idea came from a drawing of a Bedini Scalar Rotor - attached. Using the sphere magnet as a core also was inspired by this image. I also liked the greatly reduced cost of the smaller parts, and the smaller primary coils which would be easier to build and position for efficiency - and increased frequency of change possible using less powerful magnets with a smaller field of influence - but I was trying to see this as a switch - a high frequency rotor switch with torque. It seemed that the stator coils could easily be tapped for dual use - perhaps. I also believed that the inductive charge time of an auto-transformer was very smart of you, as it would allow the electromagnets to get past TDC for a push in the proper direction without fighting itself. It also was like putting a capacitor in the circuit, and a resistor as well. Auto ignition coil internet pages reported charge time ranging from one to four Milli-seconds. Proper coil design could adjust the step-up transformer voltage properties, and the inductive charge time should be adjustable to suit mechanical placement options, I hoped. Both seem likely to contribute to ever increasing speed - until it resonates. I did question what would happen if multiple primary coil loops were connected to a multi-strand, air core secondary (encased in epoxy) acting like a electromagnet but I never could get past the need for a complete circuit for the secondary - a load for current flow - except recursively connecting to another auto-coil - this was either crazy or quite insightful - I can not get an experts opinion. Such a recursive wiring design might require a diode, or electret - and suddenly we are not so simple any longer - unless it was perfect and electrets worked without problems, and I can put ever increasing voltage into a step-up transformer with beneficial effects. Another possibility - I wondered if multiple primary coil loops were connected to a single secondary, such a design might serve as an inductive load capacitor without acting like a short circuit. Also, Len'z Law is dyslexically embedded in my mind, and I am not sure how this might interfere with or compliment the reversal you achieve intentionally after the secondaries pass and repel with BEMF. All this was pure theory based on reading, dreaming, and asking questions of experts. (and I wanted a well thought through concept, tested through 'Modularized Tests' using John Carters contacts & associates). Next, I have a fascination with the potential spherical magnets offer with their unusual properties, such as a super-conducting core of the primaries to allow benefit of a core that can not saturate, and the sphere first attracts and then opposes all magnetic fields with an equal force, even multiple interacting fields. It seemed that we could make a light-house like beacon with a sphere sandwiched between two opposing washer-disk magnets sweeping from within a coil, and powered by a tiny passing magnet cube, perhaps. I wished to experiment with a stacked series of nested spiral primary coils wired both in series and parallel; with (and without) a spherical magnet core which might still allow the speed of change (collapse) equally as fast as possible with an air core coil. Although some of this above is fascinating to me, I added many ideas only after you began your efforts, and I jumped from GGM1 to GGM2 - still I was/am wary of trying complicated ideas when simple is best. I also wish I knew more, and had more experience to make sure I do not give ME a 30KV jolt. None of this above is why I began to write however, except to say thank you, and I am thinking again. 42 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 I write to warn you of my worry concerning Carlos - or at least share with you all I know since you two met.. I believe your stated reason for his silence was both kind and wrong. I believe that he believes that he understands your design well, and I am quite sure he believes that your design will work - and work well. I am troubled by his lack of prompt communication with you. Hate to think what it may imply. Below is everything he told me after he visited you - he responded to my question. It is brief, but I believe he assumes way to much in general - he was always right - and he assumes he has all that he needs to 'go it alone', in my opinion. And he was so eager to be in charge, that he was never helpful as a team player as we tried to get him involved constructively. The only other option I see is that he or his family had a serious problem. Also, he chatted with me daily until he did not need me, and he just ignored me until I forwarded an email from you stating he had visited and was working with you - then he answered me tersely. See email pasted below which I believe shows his belief in your motor design. John Carter was communicating with him often also, and was planning a visit to Sydney sometime soon I think. John was working hard to help me prepare for you to review the plan - I am sure he is still interested in helping with integrity & wisdom. It may be interesting to ask John if Carlos has been in touch, or see if Carlos will respond to an email from John. I hate to think negatively about anyone, I hate more to write it down, especially when I am wrong; but I have been thinking this way for quite sometime, I trust my gut, and felt you should know. Best Regards my Friend, Vince ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: techieatwork <[email protected]> Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:30 AM Subject: Re: what can it do To: Vincent J Cataldi <[email protected]> Cc: John Carter <[email protected]> Hi Vince: It's basically a massive torque motor it does not generate electric power itself, but the 3" shaft can be used to run alternator(s) for power generation, or for any other stuff.. like mount to a gear box and run your car, or your semi-truck... or other kind of vehicles :) it's self contained, no need for external batteries to power it.. I am also eager to finish the drawing of stator part, so George can review and approve for release :) Vincent J Cataldi wrote: Carlos: Can you share with us what GGM1 can do? Is it a torsion drive only, or like a Tesla switch, can it directly drive (power) an inductive load? I hate to seem impatient - think of it eager - please. Vince On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 12:09 AM, george gray <[email protected]> wrote: Hi Vince, The control of a Tesla switch idea never occurred to me---something to think about. The secret of this motor revolves around "impulses". When you try to overcome Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law the method of winding the primary windings and having them excite the secondary windings is unique and has not been done before. By using impulses the back emf does not have time to interfere because the direction has changed; also the repulsive pole created, changes to an attracting pole and changes again to let go in time. This can only be achieved by impulses, which are produced when the permanent magnets pass the primary windings, which are wound in a unique method incorporating the remote parts of them on the secondary windings. I have not divulged this part to anyone yet, not even Carlos. I have been waiting to hear some criticism about what I gave to Carlos but nothing yet---perhaps his silence is evidence that he thinks it won't work. I want you to put your thinking cap on. Imagine a long copper spring about 2 foot long (length is not important) and in the centre region there are many extra coils on the spring making the inner space reduced because of the number of coils. Now bend this spring until it is in a circle almost touching itself at each end like a snake about to eat its tail. If it had DC on it and a load, it would be an electromagnetic coil with a North and South pole facing each other. If a permanent magnet passes the centre area where the concentrated coils are, a current is induced in the coil if it is connected to the load, which is the remote part wound about the round secondary windings. Now imagine that the spring is not round but rectangular but still bent into a circle etc. The permanent magnets 43 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 can pass by the centre area with the concentrated coils and induce currents in them; they do not have to pass by the poles, which oppose and then attract in this particular method. Again the trick is to remember "IMPULSES" . The length of each impulse and the associated field collapses in the primary windings is the method of overcoming Faraday and Lenz's laws. That is just something to get you thinking. The shorter the excitation impulses from the passing of the permanent magnets the better; the end shape of the permanent magnet is also very important to get this effect. All this I expected to perfect in R&D. If you have any suggestions regarding other methods to produce the necessary impulses then by all means share them with me; my final ideas are not yet set in concrete. Also, because I sent you some info on ignition systems using the auto transformer does not mean that it is the way to go. I was just showing you what you asked for. Just an ordinary transformer circuit may be better for a number of reasons; we need speed of impulses and their effects without delays, however small. Best regards, George. ----- Original Message ----From: Vincent J Cataldi To: george gray Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 7:53 AM Subject: Re: GGM2.A.2C.Doc George: I am very pleased you are impressed with the effort I put into your design. It was my goal to think it through in an organized written form so you would see I was not being lazy and just asking for a gift - an easy way out of my problem. I also had great hope of getting John Carter to sub-out small experiments by farming out experiments to carefully selected individuals who had expertise and equipment to deal with small aspects of the overall project. We had people ready to do so, but I was stopped before this part of the plan could begin - but it is still a possibility. That is why I concentrated on a simple wooden test platform which was fast, cheap, and safe to begin testing, and I tried listing every possible question so any assumptions can be identified easily. It seemed that initially using only two pairs of coils would allow easy coil design comparisons. I did believe that a thirty degree separation might be required, but I tried to design a modular test platform conducive to adding more stator components, because I found many unknowns in the design of the individual coils - wire size, number of windings, coil-type, wiring circuit, and my wish to test asymmetrical placement around the 360 degree of the stator - tiny differentials of a quartz crystal - as I was told this had great effects in initial testing. I believed that using two (or three) rotor coils - and at least that many stator coil sets, your device might double as a switch which could be used as a unique method to control a Tesla switch to drive an inductive load directly, while also providing a high torque motor to drive a generator, but this may be crazy - I can not quite see this yet. I think I can smell it, but not see it - too many unknowns still. I made the decision to share the document with you in its' rough form, just in case it gave you an idea through even one question, perhaps. I also found so many questions that it seemed very likely that I dreamed up variations that were not the same solution you arrived at. Also, I stopped working on the project for a long time, and the thought of wasting all the effort bothered me - I had to hope you could find some usefulness therein. If I can do more to help you, please ask or direct me. I stopped because it is a GG Motor, and you are now in complete control because I stopped. I had no moral choice that I could see. If the world is made fully isolated and fragmented, I have parts to do some trial and error attempts to survive - but until then I elected to give you complete control over your own life. Respectfully, Vince On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 10:43 AM, george gray <[email protected]> wrote: Vince, I'm impressed with the effort you have been putting in with regard to my motor design. It is late at night now and I work every day as an electrician with my son. I do it mainly to keep fit and at 72 I can still work like a man of 45 years of age. Today we wired a steel shed with a high roof---lot of ladder work----and lots of up and down. We did a ten hour day of hard yakka with lots of drilling for saddling and fixing. We have another hard day tomorrow and so I will read your document again and get back to you later. 44 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 Just a quick note: Originally I worked out a rotor at least 500mm in diameter and 12 magnets on the rotor and in the stator relating to 12 primary windings on the rotor and in the stator. There are 12 secondary or high magnetic windings on the rotor and the stator. This means that every 30 degrees there are magnets and windings. The more collapsing fields in a revolution the more free energy. The large diameter of the mainly non-metal rotor keeps the magnetic fields away from the axle of the rotor. Even at 1000 rpm there will be a lot of free energy from the aether. I envisage two very close together repulsions and free energy spikes at or about top dead centre on each of the 12 high magnetic windings on the rotor and in the stator. The primary windings will give two excitations and collapses---one from the leading edge of the winding and one from the lagging edge of the winding, which means that the 12 high magnetic windings will have two repulsions and reverse polarity free energy spikes on both the rotor and in the stator. 12x12=144x2=288 excitations and collapses with free energy spikes on the rotor and 288 excitations and collapses with free energy spikes in the stator----that's 576 excitations and collapses with free energy spikes in one revolution. Magnetism moves much faster than the speed of light and we don't have the capacity to build a machine that will cope with that speed----but we don't need to have a machine like that. Can you imagine 576 excitations and collapses and free energy spikes from the aether per revolution? At 1000 rpm there would be 576,000 free energy spikes per minute and 9,600 per second, which means 400 free energy spikes per second on each of the 24 high magnetic windings. We need to keep those figures in mind when determining the best speed. Switches in the primary windings wires that go to the high magnetic windings can be used for speed control and switching off. I must go to bed because it is almost 1:30 am and I have to be up at 5 am. Best regards, George. ----- Original Message ----From: Vincent J Cataldi To: george gray ; John Carter Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 12:13 PM Subject: GGM2.A.2C.Doc George: I waited for the new month to send this to be respectful of your bandwidth allocation, if you should elect to download it - it is a bit more than 2 meg. This is a work in progress, which I abandoned shortly after you received the death threats - I decided I had to protect you even if the risk was remote. Also, it is a bit rough because this is in the process of converting from GGM1 to GGM2. Initially I went to design the most simple possible device to achieve your design explicitly, in the most simple manner, adding nothing that was not required. I shared my various stages of document development with John Carter to protect the ideas in a responsible Library, & eventually Carlos - once I invited him to participate to draw pictures. [John likely has an archive of all versions and I do also if you wish an earlier version before it became a GGM2 document]. Things changed, once you began to develop your own design of what I called GGM1, I decided to keep working for about a week - to document and explore more complicated features and areas of interest to me. It is much more questions to be answered, rather than solution answers. This change from GGM1 to GGM2 was never completed and so this document has a rough draft feel to it. I hope it is not a waste of your time. Still, I imagine I may have enough here that you may find some benefit - either because of ideas, questions, or reference material contained. I send it for you, even though I respect you as the expert, and I will not be surprised if there is nothing of value herein that is useful for you. I actually wonder if my idea for a prototype test platform may be the most useful, but whatever it may be, I am hopeful it helps you to see what I worked on to develop what you began publicly to help whatever you may be doing with this invention of yours. Sorry for the crude images, I am no artist - win, loose, or draw - I would win or loose if I had to choose. Also, please be aware that I intended to bring it to you for final approval with full veto power, and with a request for any advice you may have thought appropriate. I only worked quietly without you, to demonstrate real work and comprehensive thinking; enough to allow you to respect our efforts. Respectfully, nZo 45 GGM2 - Proto-type Design - with recursive wiring & electret GGM3.A.1Hd.doc --- September 15, 2009 I want to speak about my understanding of the : Strange effects occurring in the components of Bedini's charger : 1) About the Electret Effect: capacitor and tunneling/electret effects, cold boiling, 2) pre-glow discharge with ormus generation in battery, 3) ZETA POTENTIAL, ORMUS COLLECTION, COILS CAPACITANCE EFFECT on electrostatic 4) How to choose the right Capacitor for Bedini Application 5) Tunneling Effect in transistors & diodes, 6) About the Cores 7) GEIGER TUBE AS RADIANT ENERGY COLLECTOR 8) Electron Cascade Effect p. 2 p. 5 p. p. p, p. p. p. 7 8 10 11 12 13 Appendixes a) ELECTRET – history & How to make b) Electrets for Power Q&A - 02/07/01 c) FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE ELECTRET d) HV DC Generator e) Topic Related Search Links at Google P. 15 P. 16 P. 20 P. 21 P. 24 46 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 1 Originally this appeared on Energetic Forum – I edited it and added Google searches to clarify what he was referring to, and to allow this to be used as a research tool – as Google searches will include new research as it is made available online. The original author calls himself nanotube – an unusually bright man in France – a friend – Marc [email protected] – I learned a lot editing it – [email protected] Hello everybody ! Sorry for my poor English : I am learning every time – as I write ! It's my first web post on free energy forum, so, I want first to give thanks for this Forum and all the free energy researchers & peace workers & all the spirits which work for us. I want to speak about my understanding of the strange effects occurring in the components of Bedini's charger : 1) About the Electret Effect: capacitor and tunneling/electret effects, cold boiling, 2) pre-glow discharge with ormus generation in battery, 3) ZETA POTENTIAL, ORMUS COLLECTION, COILS CAPACITANCE EFFECT on electrostatic 4) How to choose the right Capacitor for Bedini Application 5) Tunneling Effect in transistors & diodes, 6) About the Cores 7) GEIGER TUBE AS RADIANT ENERGY COLLECTOR 8) Electron Cascade Effect p. 2 p. 5 p. p. p, p. p. p. 7 8 10 11 12 13 Appendixes a) ELECTRET – history & How to make b) Electrets for Power Q&A - 02/07/01 c) FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE ELECTRET d) HV DC Generator e) Topic Related Search Links at Google P. 15 P. 16 P. 20 P. 21 P. 24 Perhaps herein I make big mistakes or misunderstandings, and I am OPEN to all constructive critics. Each of us catch understanding by various ways and so I think it's important for me to release my ideas, for others to investigate. I note there is a lot of questions about Capacitors : 1) 2) 3) 4) HV / low farads vs. LOW voltage / high farads... radiant energy conversion, anormalous production of energy after totally discharged... and specific transformation between a “Normal” and "Conditioned” Capacitor (regarding definitions in Free Energy Generation)... Each subject has its own topic below : 1 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 1 - ABOUT THE ELECTRET EFFECT capacitor and tunneling/electret effects, cold boiling In fact, I have seen nobody speak about the ELECTRET EFFECT in the Bedini pulse cap discharge. ! [ ] 2 According to my understanding of the phenomenon, I will try to give you clear explanations of this effect : an electret is a simple free energy device, it's a capacitor which recovers for itself, its own charge without having to charge it „conventionally‟. Normally you make it (conditioned capacitor) by passing pure DC high voltage through an acrylic plastic capacitor heated around 300°C (but others materials are possible) ; its‟ voltage depends on the thickness of the material of the dielectric. After it is properly heated, and then becomes cold, you wrap it in aluminum paper, wait 2 or 3 weeks (be careful when you remove the aluminum paper, this is Now high voltage !) and you have a „conditioned‟ capacitor which can 1) collect for itself, the „ambient energy‟, 2) charge in 2 or 3 minutes, and 3) it can be discharged every 2 minutes or so, and 4) do so for a dozen years or so. There is voltage amplification in this „conditioned‟ device : if you treated it with 15KV, for example, you will have something like a 20KV discharge. See Appendix A [] [ ] See Instructions below for high voltage cautious-use rules - sonic vortex concussion tunneled through aluminum, changing it and the glass crystals structure physically and energetically – but BLAA – must watch for saturation. (vjc - Does paper have an impressed polarized grid burnt into, YES “Flower of life” pattern – choices? Flat Mica? - angular momentum - frequency of relaxation time? ) [] [] see The ambient energy is very high frequency oscillations ... so high that there's not a lot of things able to catch it freely or easily like electrets : germanium diodes but with very little power, So in order to catch it, we need „Supraconductors‟ here........... . [] [] [ ] [] SO guys, WHAT IS THE MYSTERY of electrets? [] That is by application of electricity through the dielectric, we stressed the dielectric which takes a little amount of time to become polarized and conduct electricity - like in a transistor - the energy passes by the "tunneling effect" in and through the dielectric. Some scientists discovered that : cosmic particles pass more rapidly through matter than in the vacuum by "tunneling effect". [ [ ] [ ] 2 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... At a sufficient level of energy (voltage and current) this tunneling effect becomes permanent : the dielectric is imprinted by nanotubules (extremely thin tube) through which electricity can pass easily/readily. [] [ ] [ ] 3 So, if we make NANOTUBES in the dielectric, and if the dielectric is based on carbon, so you make carbon nanotubes, in other mediums, you can make others nanotubes ; in fact these nanotubes are supraconductors, and have another very great particular characteristics : they conduct the electron flow in just ONE way (direction?) ! [[ ] [ ] In an electret capacitor, thousands of nanotubes are polarized in the same way (direction) – when using DC for conditioning treatment - and they catch the ambient high frequency oscillations and charge the plates of the capacitor ; so it's a simple low cost way to make supraconductor here ! [] [] [] Another consideration : when you treat (condition?) your electret on one given side with a positive charge, this side becomes negative, and is then an inverse compliment. [] At a lower stage of energy, dielectric is not printed by physical/solid nanotubules, but it occurs as low energy plasma "tubes", which are removed after the electric stress (relaxation?). [ ] So --- why is there voltage amplification in a discharge? [ ] [] Nanotubes were discovered a short time ago, and there is already an application(s) for a new generation of televisions which will use carbon nanotubes in place of the cathode tube, simply by adding a coil around the nanotubes -- and you have a nanotube „electron cannon‟... [] [] [] Generally, Electrets are heated under High voltage (15 / 30 KV) with 3mm acrylic plastic capacitor, but you can use others materials also. Thomas Brown added metallic powders [heavier the better] in the dielectric to increase wattage (but less voltage). So, if the metallic powders are ferromagnetic, this will help do something, No? ] I see a nanotube like a „nanometer supraconductive secondary‟ of a Tesla coil, freely oscillating in the ambient oscillations, mounted with a very fast high-voltage diode, connected to the plates of a polarized capacitor. [] You can try to play with a magnet around an electret you will see the interaction like with a little coil - some scientists have discovered a "field effect” around the plates of capacitors. [] [] 3 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... See also : The Truth in Charged Barrier Technology – by Bill Fogal & & Fogal's Charge-Barrier Semiconductor Can you see that? - a supraconductive (HV) nano-coil which conducts electron in just one way (direction?). [ ] [] 4 So, you have a very special capacitor, and when it is discharged, strange properties appear because thousands of (polarized diodes?) nano-coils are in the dielectric : [] 1- discharge cause EM/scalar stress through the capacitor, which stress the nanotubes => generates high frequency oscillations in the output pulse 2- electric stress create back EMFs into the nanotubes => makes high frequency oscillations 3- discharge causes nanotubes to suddenly collect ambient energy, that is they create a vacuum in the scalar field (acting like thousands of nano black holes)... which attract strongly the scalar field, and generates resonance with the vacuum => generates high frequency oscillations So Stop here, if you think about this : it might be a key to free energy, because at this moment, when we conduct the scalar field - momentarily polarized by the nanotubes - through the load - COP is infinite. So, if you connect the load to the polarized vacuum, generating very high frequency pulses, it is a polarized connect with an infinity of particles, which resonate with the discharge stress (relaxation? And inhalation? Angular „Spin‟ !). [] Another simple consideration : if you look at the discharge of the variants of Tesla coils, you can see different forms of arcs : 1) white and thin with a classic solenoidal secondary, or 2) large purple flames with flat spiral secondary. When the arc passes through a solid transparent glass or acrylic plastic, we can see the forms of arcs : in an arc in acrylic plastic, bigger than nano tubes because high energy - Tesla Coil has existed for a long time. Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 5 There are various forms of this arc : The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum (C) Jeff Behary 2007 -Thomas Burton Kinraide Archives - 22 x 28 Prints from the collection of Steve and Pamela. Here you can see glass treated with a Kinraide Coil and we can see what occurs if a coil has a good vortex effect (Spiral Kinraide Coil) the tubes printed have a more complex branched-tree, rather than a simple branch. We can see that too in Rodin‟s coil field - [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] The nanotubes (or low energy plasma "tubes") formed in a capacitor take the form of arcs in air... what form did you prefer trees or a branch ? (vjc - converge not diverge – each at its harmonic with interferences constructively & destructively, and warping with attraction and a repel? Gas or fog like?) 2. - PRE-GLOW DISCHARGE and ORMUS GENERATION in a BATTERY : [] Bedini chargers create very high frequency voltage oscillations in the battery, which cause pre-glow discharge between the plates. This pre-glow discharge (see Korea‟s research) is a short time BEFORE the right (proper timing?) discharge of current, since this is a very little amount of time, a strange thing occurs : a tiny amount of matter on the cathode is vaporized, and forms very little crater on the cathode. [] Matter passes (transmuted) through to a another state : matter to gas, this is sublimation ("magnifying" said Tesla for his coil), the gas released forms a tunneling/vortex in the way of (into?) the anode, but it STOPS [his way] in the middle, half way between the battery's plates, because at this moment the medium (electrolyte here) creates a resistance to be polarized, and the conduction stops here. This [it] generates a very short pulse (dozen of nanoseconds) into the battery's plates. [] [] [] [] The matter vaporized/transmuted into gas has released high state energy materials : ORMUS particles, ormus are supraconductive nanoparticles, even at room temperature, and when they are present in the battery, [since] (do to?) the battery's discharge, they attract the scalar field and conduct it to the load by low (energy?) state nanotubules in water/electrolyte between the plates - my opinion [] [] ! I think :  this is why the capacitance increases in a conditioned battery : billions of tiniest craters increase the area of the cathodes.  Ormus particles have anti-gravity properties ; this is an explanation of fluctuations of the battery's weight. When the electrolyte of battery is fully charged of solubilised gas/ormus particles, water starts to boil because gas bubbles are formed ; ormus has implosive properties, and when it forms tiny bubbles, they implode and generate a blue/green light which release energy. 5 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... This is sololuminescence, cold fusion... same things as Joe cell & the like. 6 Ormus can pass through anything and in conditioned battery the gas is at the same time, in and out of the battery.... Mr. Bedini says something like : "in conditioned battery energy is, more out than in". There are various ways to catch ormus, but Barry Carter say that is possible to catch it in collapsing magnetic fields... this is under our nose ! (French """expression""") [] The ormus particles resonate at the MHz range, and WHAT DOES BEDINI (do?) with his "10 000KHz" resonances in the pulse? What does Tesla do with his "magnifying coil", and the others? Discharge into high impedance to generate very high frequency by collapsing field / resonance with the nanoparticles (ormus) in the medium, right no? [] Gray Tube, secondary of Tesla coil, Joe cell pulses : always discharge into high impedance ; just a different form... scalar or EM/scalar field, no? Can you see that? An ormus particle is described as a tetrahedron of very high spin, with an electron of very high spin around it. This is like a spinning nano-top, a rotating little supramagnet, so they are attracted by themselves and form a merkabah1 : [] Two tetrahedrons overlapped, will envelope into themselves, making cancellation of magnetism, no EM energy, but now a monopole magnet, scalar energy we can't measure with conventional EM technology ; strike it at 90°, like Flynn does with his monopole magnet (VTA), and they release EM energy. What happens is that during each discharge which polarizes the monopole-medium which, for a moment, becomes an infinity of resonant nanomagnets, which resonates at "nano-frequency" (the MHz range). Pre-glow discharge occurs with voltage but it does not need very much current - or very little. I think this effect is just a part of what the Bedini charger does ; radiant discharge creates a high pulse-power of free electrons of high-state energy. Are there others effects in addition to pre glow discharge? --- Mr. Bedini says "the right amount of current at the right time" (or like that), I want to understand more on that, can anyone help me? (vjc : I see this as two shock-wave „systems‟ pushing toward an equilibrium, Of distance, gradient force, flux/rate?) 6 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 3. - ZETA POTENTIAL, ORMUS COLLECTION, and COILS CAPACITANCE EFFECT on electrostatic : 7 A capacitor is not just static energy : it attracts ormus particles by a simple way which you must understand : ZETA POTENTIAL EFFECT. The ormus particles are positive inside (proton) and negative outside (electron), so the positive plate of a capacitor attract the negative (out)side of ormus particles, but when this particle is next to the negative plate, the positive energy inside the ormus particle (proton) [which is more powerful than the electron]– this is why the center of Joe cells start to boil first. *Note : this is in blue in above paragraph from nanotube – precise contextual binding of sentence structure. [] [] (vjc :Legal speak : is not just static . The Ormus particles are positive (Inside) – herein referred to as proton, and negative (Outside), herein referred to as electron ; so the positive of capacitors attract the negative Nature Of ormus particles – (collect or just attract ormus) BUT - when this particle is next to the negative plate, the more powerful Internal Energy is attracted and accumulated on the negative plate – “Boom, Boom, Boom” - like a sonic boom X 3? – cavitations? - a vortex concussion? , amplification? – A Nanotube Energy Cannon perhaps? ) The Ormus particles are positive (Inside), and negative (Outside), so the positive of capacitors attract the negative Nature Of ormus particles when this particle is next to the negative plate, the more powerful Internal Energy is released from within, and induced into the negative plate – ( NEON NANOTUBE [nanotube uv-hydrogen cannon], one little word ! – under our nose - and the best for last as promised „ your requested answer‟ is : “neon” Nanotube – and neon Light – but also found Xeon is a neighboring noble gas which glows white, neon can glow purple & greenBlue. I suspect we may be hunting ultra-high frequency hydrogen (UV hydrogen), I am suggesting that xenon and neon gas may slow it down enough in frequency to capture its radiant energy as it transmutes during a resonant osculation - vjc)"UV+hydrogen"+AND+"dark+matter"&aq=f&oq=&aqi="dark+matter"+AND+"nanotube"&btnG=Search&aq=f&oq=&aqi= Free energy/ ormus collection is made in the STATIC MODE, (as says Bearden and Bedini), so the zeta potential permits the ormus collection on capacitors (Joe cells & likes) with DC current and little power because static... (vjc : & dynamic?) but free energy collection in a coil use the same zeta potential effect, each wires are like capacitors and the difference of potential attract ormus by zeta potential effect, but we must use pulsed energy for collect them here. (resonate the pipe organs?) If it's right, then: the capacitor effect in a coil and the difference of potential between the wires are strongly important, there are many ways to increase capacitance in a coil, and there is the Teslas' way for increasing difference of potential between the wires with bi-filar or multi-filar coils, Tesla said bifilar coil is 250,000 times greater than a standard coil.... [] [] [] but for the static collection ! [] And here we can understand the importance of voltage : higher is the voltage, higher is the attraction of gas/ormus particles, like Mr. Bedini says : "high voltage is the KEY". [] (vjc : neon gas? Or Xeon – purple color. It has a glow & high resolution – a tuning fork? Gives & receives – In and Out – converge, diverge ; perhaps the wake concussions trigger next potential firing with a recoil? Cannon Bang, collision Bang, same time [almost – but not exactly – like quartz differential], recoil-wake Bang, or a virtual short-lived uv-hydrogen gas perhaps?) And what about the difference of potential between the wires of a heavy litz wire? [] 7 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... (vjc : converging gradients sharpen – short? So secondary concussive-cavitations sync with primary, oscillate best at a finest distance proportionate to this harmonic differential – [almost] equal time and force grows with time/distance? – Is this the Time/Space Asymmetry „key stone‟? ) 8 Another consideration with zeta potential : [] You can collect ormus powders in charged water (as Joe cell's water) by turning up the PH (from acid to basic) to around PH 13, why? (vjc : almost full „electron-cloud‟ ?) [] [] The same way as static collection : make the water basic by adding caustic solution (HO-) is the same as adding electrons (vjc : negative ormus) to water , [] making it electronegative, (most of) ormus materials are negative outside, (vjc : and weaker?) [] [] negative repulse negative, so water will repulse ormus which precipitate ; [] in contrary, acidic water will therefore attract ormus. [] 4. - HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT CAPACITOR FOR BEDINI APPLICATIONS? [] So, free energy ormus particles pass through the dielectric of the capacitor, like Bearden says in MEG book : a cascade is both static and dynamic. [] [] FIRST thing I think about capacitors : Capacitors are scalar generators : look at the Biefeld and Brown effect with High K dielectric capacitor at 70Kv which makes or produces anti-gravity effect (see : Thomas brown and electret effect). [] [] [] [] [] Ormus particles are repulsed by magnetism, because without stress there are in monopole configuration, it's a fact, you can build magnetic traps to catch it from water, but they pass easily and are attracted by PARAMAGNETIC MATERIALS..... [] [] [] 8 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 9 So, there are a lot of paramagnetic materials which attract strongly ormus..... Reich said Orgone is attracted strongly by water and bees wax (never heat it more than 64°C ! !), Barry Carter speak about the high paramagnetic properties of pink quartz used in large quantity in the king's chamber of "Kheops" pyramid... [] [] [] ['s+chamber+of+Kheops+pyramid&btnG=Search] others crystals have very good paramagnetic properties too. [] So, if we think about all these things, we will use paramagnetic materials in capacitor no ? All that is perhaps stupid, maybe I am totally wrong !? ! But when I read John Bedinis' notes about the device for charging battery from an antenna : "it's important to use a capacitor something like mica or a glass tinfoil capacitor" ..... my heart skips a "beat", you know : high frequency scalar waves "booom booom booom" , because mica is highly paramagnetic, if not the best of paramagnetic materials ! ! ! (vJc: Is this specific – as three sonic booms – or more casual use of words?) [ ] [] [] [] SECOND thing that I think about capacitors is the form : [] If the metal sheets and the dielectric film of the capacitor are rolled generally like in plastic and electrolytic capacitors, it will generate an EM field when charged/discharged witch unsettle the scalar field making loss of scalar potential and EM energy ..(it's my opinion)... (vjc – because the polarized nanotubes interfere with each other unless they remain on a flat plane?) [] [] And THIRD thing : I think electrolytic capacitors are good for Bedini application ( very good electret effect)... but they are rolled, and another problem they use aluminum as conductors plates, and aluminum in water....... Bah ! ! ! not good ! [] [] Teflon and aluminum are good materials, but at the right place ! They both attract so much ambient energy they saturate and slow down the flux of energy through them and so through water/capacitor. This is why we don't make Joe cell with aluminum. [] Better caps must be classic flat plates, but today for HF or VHF applications, the better caps we can find are 3D closed, spherical or pyramidal capacitors, for less losses (pyramidal seems to be the best)... [] 3D closed capacitor looks like Orgone accumulator no ? William Reich had built an Orgone accumulator triggered by a pulse in the middle like Tesla(gray) tube to run a little DC motor..... some UFO[2] seems to use spherical capacitors. 9 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... [] [] (vjc : Sonic booms collide to harmonic oscillations „balance‟ at bow wake to net zero potential – two sonic cannons Bang Bang & and the wakes collision - Bang) 10 Another ideas in vrac : I think Bedini use his "conversion capacitor" as the same stuff as Teslas' "conversion tube" (replicated by Edwin Gray as in the "Gray tube") but just triggered differently. [ - if the capacitor can catch the scalar field why not make a Bedinis‟ FLUX GATE around the capacitor ??? the monopole rotor is a very amazing stuff too . [] [] [] the replication of Teslas‟ motor by Edwin gray EMA1 used a large amount of little capacitors as input, why ? A little cap resonate at higher frequency than a big cap, the surface around capacitors is increased and increase the field effect (?) [] [] [] [] 5. - TUNING and TUNNELING-EFFECT IN TRANSISTORS AND DIODES : So, we have seen strange effects occur when electricity pass through dielectrics : tunneling / electret effect, pre glow discharge, nanotubes, [] so WHAT HAPPENS IN A TRANSISTOR when turned on ? [] [] current pass by tunneling effect ?.... and if enough energy is used dielectric is imprinted by nanotubes ? YES ! WHY nobody speak about that ? when turned ON the dielectric take a little time to be polarized, but this time can be totally reduced by making nanotubes into the dielectric.... making a better high frequency transistor with better SHARP PULSE. [] [] [] - Mr. Bedini tune his transistors, but without say more than "you can't make it, this is too dangerous" or something like that. I can understand this is a dangerous tuning ! ! Some Russian scientists polarize their transistor by ONE high voltage pulse through a HV silicone transistor to imprint the dielectric with nanotubes ; that's give to them a better sharp pulse for nanosecond pulse generation and higher frequency switch ... (you can search on this, they've got a website, try with "nanosecond pulse generation + polarized transistor " or something like that ). 10 - Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... [] [] 11 Nanotubes are polarized, so if you want to do something like that, in what way do you want to send the pulse; positive side or negative ? both ways are possible, but one way has little more interesting results for us. [] [] BE CAREFULL WITH HIGH VOLTAGE ! ! ! ! always use your right hand (for the heart), rubber gloves and take your time ! ! ! In fact, what really happens in the tunneling effect ? E-AMPLIFICATION (scalar amplification) ??? And what happens IN A DIODE ? Is there scalar amplification everywhere ? perhaps in a diode the effect is very little, but ? ---Some diodes are polarized when built and have a voltage without anything, ELECTRET EFFECT occur here too... [] [] In discharge radio frequency are generated, because charged particles have different state of energy (THE FERMIONS), the particles with the highest state of energy moved more rapidly, this create waves of different states of energy. [] [] [] Very short pulse time seems to be very interesting, conditioned battery have better state of energy particles as charged capacitor with radiant energy. A diode mounted inversed take a little time to stop conduction and can cut a pulse, [] 6. - ABOUT CORES OF BEDINI COILS : If we search to generate very high frequencies in the resonant pulse, the core material is VERY important, a heavy ferrite core saturate rapidly at High Frequency, Mr. Bedini says something like "Start with welding rods, air core is the second stage" because air core generate higher frequencies, But, but, but... okay, but what is the third stage ??? The answer is perhaps : NANO FERROMAGNETIC POWDERS, or nano magnetite powders (perhaps you can't read more because you think I am crazy "nano, still nano, every time nano...all is nano with me, and my pseudo is nanotube...make to much ?") because these particles don't saturate at very high frequency and will generate a big amplification of the high frequency's medium resonance, right no ? [] [] [] 11 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 12 ---Today scientists are playing with ferromagnetic nanoparticles and speak about supramagnetism, because the van der waals force interactions are in the nanometer size, so this is simple : if we cut the interactions between the particles and align them by magnetism we make supramagnets (you can search on this word), so in a simple way we can play with supracores ! ! ! In just adding resin to the nano-powders (and we can polarize them in various configurations.........) [] [] Magnetite or ferromagnetic nano-powders are expensive, if you find a great way for buying it not too expensive I am interested ! [] For the moment I have found synthetic magnetite 2-5 microns at 15$US / pound, on "miniscience" And the best for the end : I think LITZ NANOWIRES can have very great properties, but this is for tomorrow ! because you can't read more, right no ? [] ---Some scientists found that Nano wires have piezoelectric effects. [] [] 7. - GEIGER TUBE AS RADIANT ENERGY COLLECTOR ? The fourth state of matter : PLASMA absorbs all vibrations, radiations, and cosmic particles... all you says ? .... any ideas ? [] (vjc – like neon plasma or xenon plasma? Bedini always has a neon lamp in circuit, no?) So guys, I don't think what make a good Bedini charger is just : " take a BJY723 and a H1D1446, put a 600V 3µF cap and tune the 555..." We use electronic components not built for radiant energy applications, so we must first REALLY understand what effects occurs in them and between them !), right no ? "find the FORM not the FORMULA" said Victor Schauberger. Perhaps you will have any ideas about all that, and I will be happy for that.... if you work for peace on planet ! That's all for today, I have make a part of work without have spent some years in scientist's schools, we can all clear our mind and catch information from the scalar field ! I am 25 years old since one month, I have no lab, no scope, spectrometer or LCR meters, I don't like too much electronic... 12 [] Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... I prefer the simplicity of plasma opening switches, and don't want spent dozens of years to search the rights components.. So, if you can help me for something , if I have ONE question : A VERY LITTLE QUESTION with a VERY LITTLE ANSWER..... this is : WHAT IS THE DIVINE LIGH BULB WICH CAN MAKE THE PERFECT LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH ???? (something like 25V/high current, short pulse time at high frequency) SWM using lamp as a switch (Vjc : Dimming Noble Neon :- ) and I‟ll give you a REAL REAL GREAT THANKS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! pleeeeaase ! just a little word .... my email is [email protected] So, have a good fun, I am open to all constructive critics. It’s All In the Stress-Fields In fact this thread is more for strange effects AND tuning/choice of Bedinis’ chargers components... 13 [] 8. - Electron Cascade Effect I want to speak more about voltage amplification in a discharge regarding the "electron cascade effect" in the dielectric/medium, an other effect : in French the name is the "plasmon effect" and make the parallel with metamaterials. [] [] [] When a discharge occur in a capacitor (like a Tesla [gray] tube) the dielectric/medium is since a quick time "polarized" and an amplification occur by electron cascade effect between the plates, an electron pass through the dielectric/medium and carry others electrons from the vacuum, each electrons form the vacuum carry others electrons in a cascade : this is like sending a music note "DO" and its' receipt at the terminal plate the resonant song of the universe OOOM, which has much much much more notes in. (Vjc : „tiny black holes, superconductor gushing weak flow of „normally negative‟ ormus?)‟ This amplification occur in the same way in a nanotube... that's my opinion ! you have no more energy at the output but it is very useful in a load, because you have the good song which resonate with all loads... in fact we spoke about current, but not of QUALITY / STATE of currents, [] I think the new way of free energy is not the old paradigm "quantity of current" but quality. the plasmon effect is the same way, it gives the same understanding of the phenomenon, when the first plate of capacitor receive the pulse (or any energy : light, heat...) [] 13 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... the energy is manifested by a plasma of charges positive and negatives which oscillates on the plate, each electronic charge on the plate have his own counter-charge behind the plate and are both reversed in the oscillations of this plasma """"""statics""""" charge (there is nothing static here no ? !) -- can you see that ? you send the pulse and you have a plasma beam of charged electronics particles freely oscillating on both sides of the plate - like waves... So, another effect occur, this is the "splash effect" on the others plates of capacitor : the plasma beam is splashed on the second capacitor plate by the energy pulse, and the charged particles are multiplied as a "quantum electron", or "virtual electron" ... 14 [] [] Infinity Box allusion using two-way mirrors we can see capacitor plates as multiple mirrors (of both sides) you look your image in the first mirror and your image is reflected from secondary mirror behind the mirror, and at the same time directly from the initial surface ... so with multiples mirrors at the last plate of the cap, you've got an infinity of your image.... this virtual energy can be used for "quantum discharges" ! --- Scientists discovered this effect in some materials and they give these the name "metamaterials" as quantum materials. I think all these effects occurs in the capacitor of Bedinis‟ discharge cap. thanks to all, nanotube [ Vjc : and so is the Tesla Switch a recursively wired set of batteries, operating as „conditioned capacitor‟ pair-of-pairs, osculating and resonating surges, gushing back and forth through (and into) each other – when/where the switch is Off ?? – Through the unused circuit that was being used, just a moment earlier? But using the unused circuit in reverse? ] Note: The goal of this effort was to share knowledge in return for an idea – What light to use as The Devine Lamp – in order to use it as a switch. I believe Bedini uses the neon lamps in this way, but some research indicates that a xenon short acr lamp also is an interesting possibility. Neon can run around 100Vdc – Bedini uses six in series often as indicator – and perhaps more also. Xenon gas becomes a conductor when near HV – about 1KVdc, and the lamps give off light around 10KVdc – my research indicates we can use an auto-coil, allow 12Vdc onto primary, a milli-second later the inductive charging spikes back about 100Vdc on primary feed lines; this is used to power a coil wrapped around the xenon lamp causing it to conduct through plasma and allowing it to pass a low voltage through the lamp – which I wish to use to power a second auto-coil – in a several millisecond frequency automatically - without operating the lamp near its operational capacity, and therefore not wearing it out. Still to be determined, will this allow – with a simple resistor, diode, and electrolytic capacitor – and simple adjustable PWM with a sharp short pulse? I am seeking such a reparable, easy to create, „junk yard‟ replacement for all electronics which require short, sharp PWM.. 14 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 15 15 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... Appendix A – Electret – History & How to Make 16 Electret – a piece of insulating or dielectric material which has been heated and specially cooled to provide dipolar domains and thus possess an overall fixed dipolarity. It is the electrical analogy of a permanent magnet. Instead of opposite magnetic poles the electret has opposing electrical poles of trapped opposite charges. As a result, there exists a fixed “static” potential between the two opposite charges of the dipolar electret. Because of the opposite charges and the electrostatic scalar potential, several characteristics come into play. (1) By the proven asymmetry of opposite charges, this electrical dipole must continuously absorb virtual EM energy from the vacuum and re-emit the energy as observable EM energy output (for a broken symmetry, something virtual must become observable). Since the EM energy “output” of the electret is that electrostatic scalar potential, then the potential must be an ongoing outflow of EM energy. (2) That "static" potential – presented with a sort of "frozen waterfall" analogy in CEM/EE theory – actually corresponds to an "unfrozen waterfall" analogy, as beautifully presented by Van Flandern. The “static” potential is comprised of internal parts in continuous motion; these parts are combined longitudinal and scalar photon pairs. At any point, the scalar potential (the voltage difference) between the electret‟s dipolar ends is continuously being established and replenished by the ongoing EM energy flow. (3) Corresponding to Van Flandern's analogy, Whittaker showed in 1903 that every scalar potential decomposes into sets of internal EM energy flows in the form of bidirectional longitudinal EM wave pairs. Hence Van Flandern‟s analogy is correct and the standard EM textbook is wrong, as to the nature of a “static potential”. Indeed, every “static” EM field or potential decomposes into just such sets of internal energy flows, as shown by combining two papers by Whittaker in 1903 and 1904. (4) The EM energy flow comprising the “static” potential occurs both in space and time. Classical EM essentially ignores the time aspects, but they can be gathered from quantum field theory. In quantum field theory, not only are there longitudinal photons, but also there are time-polarized or "scalar" photons. Neither the longitudinal photon nor the scalar photon is individually observable. However, the combination of the two produces voltage – that is, the scalar electric potential. Said another way, any voltage (scalar potential) must decompose into the flow of such photon pairs. From the wave view, the scalar potential decomposes into ongoing flow of longitudinal and time-polarized EM wave pairs. If we include the time-polarized waves in addition to the longitudinal waves, then from the vacuum's virtual state fluctuation energy the electret's dipolarity produces an observable set of ongoing EM energy flows. This observable energy flow set is comprised of both longitudinal EM waves and timepolarized EM waves in combination, thereby making "voltage" – thus creating and continuously replenishing that scalar potential between the electret's dipole. For that reason, a so-called “static” voltage, applied to a circuit, will easily flow throughout the circuit. Supposedly a scalar concept, it nevertheless demonstrates vector flow characteristics. (5) As a dipole, the electret is already a system which extracts virtual state energy from the vacuum and transduces it into real, observable EM energy pouring steadily from the dipolarity. This process, evidenced by the steady presence of the potential, totally violates the present hoary old second law of thermodynamics because it steadily produces negative entropy. Instead of the "truly frozen static" potential taught in CEM/EE theory, the “static” potential is a nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) system. It is continuously producing negative entropy (absorbing the totally disordered virtual state fluctuation energy of the vacuum, re-ordering it, coherently integrating it to observable (quantum) size, and then re-emitting the energy as real observable EM energy flow). (6) Hence the electret (as is any dipolarity) is a physical example of a real electromagnetic system exhibiting the continuous negative entropy production behavior shown theoretically possible by Evans and Rondoni. (7) For proper understanding of the electret and the dipole, Leyton geometry is required rather than the more limited 1872 Klein geometry presently used. Klein geometry essentially “omits” all such negative entropy operations, while Leyton geometry includes them automatically. (9) In classical EM and electrical engineering, it is not commonly recognized that there is no such thing as an “isolated charge”. Indeed, a so-called “isolated charge” is engaged in an ongoing energetic exchange with its surrounding virtual state vacuum. It polarizes its vacuum, producing opposite virtual charges surrounding it. So the “isolated charge” is actually a special kind of electret, and thus a dipolarity, once its vacuum polarization activity is accounted. (10) In modern physics the classical “finite charge” is actually composed of an infinite “bare” charge surrounded by an infinite charge of opposite sign in the seething vacuum. Our instruments, peering through this external Faraday screen at the bare charge inside, will “see” and measure a finite difference of the two infinite charges, with the sign of the internal infinite charge prevailing. Hence our instruments “see” and measure the “finite charge” that is printed in our textbooks for each fundamental particle, etc. But the real charge physically there is comprised of two infinite charges, each having infinite charge and infinite energy. Hence as a special “electret” the classical “isolated charge” easily sits there and continuously radiates real EM energy, perpetually, because its infinite energy is never exhausted by finite emission. The fundamental charges present in the original mass of the universe have been continuously radiating real EM energy in that fashion, for something like 13.7 billion years, and have shown no signs of “running down”. (11) Since any charge or dipole is a special form of electret, which continuously radiates real EM energy, then the problem in the present energy crisis is not in having any shortage of energy, but in our scientists and engineers having totally failed to understand “static” EM fields and potentials and things such as electrets, and having totally 16 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 17 failed to develop circuits and systems which freely collect and use EM energy from these steady EM energy flow sources that are universally available in every circuit and system. Instead, our scientists have misunderstood completely, erroneously assumed away Whittaker‟s constituent energy flows, and have developed only that very limited class of EM system which is Lorentz-symmetric and continually kills its dipolar (electret) source of energy faster than it will power the loads. Hence we pay the power company (i) to deliberately engage in a giant wrestling match inside its generators and lose, and (ii) to require us to continually input – and pay for – the mechanical energy to crank the generator shaft, just to continually restore the dipolarity inside the generator and the resulting free energy flow from the vacuum, that the inane circuits keep destroying. Electrets are used in a wide range of applications, from air filters to microphones, and there are more and more electret applications emerging every year. Typical applications are in electret transducers; electrophotography; electrostatic recording; electret air filters; electret motors and generators; electret dosimeters; piezoelectric polymer transducers; pyroelectric polymer devices, electret microphones, etc. Electret motors have also been developed and used, although the achieved power outputs up to the present have been small. Because of their ability to generate a constant electric field, electrets have been used as a method of electronic focusing in applications such as gas filters and microphones. In recent years a much wider application of electrets has been made in new applications ranging from controlling lubrication in machine parts to regulating drug diffusion. In the energy-from-the-vacuum field, there is evidence that Sweet also was able to induce electret characteristics in his conditioned self-resonating permanent magnets, thereby producing a free and powerful Poynting energy flow of E X H from the magnets with coupled electret characteristics. This intense EM energy flow interacted with the surrounding coils of Sweet‟s Vacuum Triode Amplifier , which produced a COP = 1,500,000. Later he was also successful in producing a unit with a little clamped positive feedback, so that it became self-powering and no input by the operator was required, once the unit was in operation. A good coverage of electrets, their principles, materials, conditioning, uses, and operation isElectrets, 3rd Edition, Vol. I, edited by G. Sessler, Laplacian Press, 1998. The booksellers can be contacted at [email protected], or by phone at 408-779-7774. Another more expensive but excellent book covering some additional aspects is Bladimir N. Kestelman, Leonid S. Pinchuk, and Victor A. Goldade, Electrets in Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. Appendix B – Electrets for Power Q&A - 02/07/01 The following information is not currently endorsed by KeelyNet because we have no direct physical evidence of the claims, though of course are highly intrigued. This document contains unverified claims and is being posted at the request of Paul Clint. QUESTION What is an Electret. ANSWER A solid electrically insulating, or dielectric, material that has acquired a long-lasting electrostatic polarization. Electrets are produced by heating certain dielectric materials to a high temperature and then letting them cool while immersed in a strong electric field. An electret is an analog of a permanent magnet. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition states; "If you take one electret and one magnet you will get a surprise. When not in motion, these two differing objects will have no effect on one another. It is only when you move them that anything happens ... and ... it is not the familiar attraction-repulsion. When a pole of the magnet is in relative motion to a "pole" of the electret they push each other at 90 degrees to the direction of motion. The effect is entirely odd and immediately unfamiliar (unless you are a physics student)." QUESTION Can the Electret effect be used to generate power directly? ANSWER The general concensus of the experts is no, but there are some new techniques that raise doubts about their certainty. One new technique is to mix ferrite granules into the dielectric when it is formed. A magnetic field applied at a right angle to the resulting electret's field has a dramatic effect in maximizing and recharging the electret effect. There is very little doubt, however, that the electret is much more effective in generating power indirectly by using it's field to move and trap existing electro-static charges. A prime example of this are reports from amateur radio operaters of the static charges collected by coaxial cables. A great many of the numerous claimed free-energy machines are obviously employing the electret effect to collect electro-static charge.. QUESTION In what materials can the strongest manifestation of the electret effect be produced? ANSWER In general, the higher a materials‟ insulating properties are, the better an electret it will form. Thus, teflon is near the top of the list, with glass, plastics and ceramics. Another important factor in plastic materials is the strength of the polymer bonds. This factor also relates to the fact that the thinner the material is, the more intense the electret's field because the stress on the polymer's bond is transmitted through less intermediate material. But this is limited by the dielectric constant as well because if the electret's field generates a voltage high enough to break down the dielectric resistence, the device arcs across its own field and self destructs. QUESTION Where can I learn more about electrets? ANSWER Here are some references. See "Electrostatics - And its Applications" by A.D. Moore (1973) is a very well researched book on electrets (p122 - 130) and electrostatic machines; "Handbook of Electrostatic Processes" by Jen-Shih Chang (1995) pp509 on electrets. The first person to make an electret was Mototaro Eguchi, see his "On the Permanent Electret" paper in "Philosophical Magazine" Vol 49 (1925) pp178. 17 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 18 "How to Make an Electret" by C.L. Strong in "Scientific American" Vol 203 (Nov 1960) p202 - 210 is a practical description of how to make an electret using carnauba wax. QUESTION How can a small cable extract so much energy from the kinetic energy of the wind? ANSWER Your dilemma is easily resolved. The energy collected from the cable generator is not derived from the kinetic energy of the wind. As you may or may not be aware, the earth's atmosphere is a gigantic capacitor. At its upper level, air molecules are constantly being ionized and then as the air circulates, the charge is eventually carried to the ground which has a negative charge with respect to the upper atmosphere. Another source of atmospheric charge is condensing water vapor. As water evaporates, it gathers electrons the molecules in the liquid state are sharing, and leaves behind a positive charge. When it condenses in the atmosphere, it gives back the electrons creating a negative charge. This is why the cable generator's output increases in stormy weather. Ham radio operators will certainly confirm that a coaxial cable strung out as an antenna will pick up static charge, especially in wet, stormy weather. So the power is derived from the atmospheric charge rather than kinetic energy. This is clearly demonstrated from the fact that the power generated is directly proportional to the square of the speed of the wind rather than the cube of the speed. QUESTION Still the wire hardly intersects any of the wind. Even if the power isn't from the winds kinetic energy, how can a little wire collect so much? Answer The cross section of the wind from which power is collector is much larger than you might think. Remember that the electret effect creates an electric field which attracts charged air molecules like a magnet attracts iron. The cross section of this field can be as great as 2 feet, so a 100 foot cable could intersect as much wind as a 16 foot diameter air foil. There are occasions static charge is generated though two objects are not in contacted. If a charged object moves against other object, static charge of the other object will be increased or decreased. This is called as a field induced charging. The moving charged thundercloud charges neighboring clouds because of field induced charging. Question Have you measured the cable generators power output? Answer Measurement of the output of the cable generator is not a simple process. The form out the output varies over several orders of magnitude for voltage, current and frequency and is thus well beyond the capability of all simple measuring devices. As a consequence of this fact, I have devised a couple of indirect methods. In the first of these, I connected the a spark plug between the generator and ground so that whenever the generator voltage builds up to the arc-over value, a pulse of current is generated that can be counted. Upon further investigation, this method can be termed no more than a rough estimate because the shape and duration of the pulse still varies over a substantial range. Analysis of the pulses will eventually allow us to use an average and thus devise a formula that will give a close approximation of the power output. The second method is simple and if done properly, very accurate. We simply place a resistive heating element between the generator and ground and then into a bucket of water. The output is measured by the change in temperature of the water. Neither of these methods takes into account the losses of the charging circuit, battery, or inverter. Question Does the electret effect wear out or dissipate over time? Answer The question as to whether the electret effect wears out is not a simple one to answer. I am clearly using it in a way that is different. The fact of the matter is that, in general, the electret effect is unwanted, and engineers are normally working to prevent or eliminate it. The fact that they have to work very hard to do so is an indication that it is pretty stable. Thus, the best answer I can give is that it doesn't wear out in the short term (years). I have learned that when the electret effect was first observed, it was produced in a relatively soft wax and if left un-discharged for a long period of time, dissipated. In order to preserve an electret device in these soft mediums, they wrapped them in foil which would have continually discharged them. This would at first seem to to contrary to what one would expect, as the continual discharge would be, in effect, dissipating the energy the electret produced. But if you look at it from the perspective of the effect that the electric field has on the material of the device itself, it is easily understood. The electric field would produce a counter force against the molecular distortion that was producing it which would tend to undo the distortion. This means that an electret placed in a circuit which used its field at a low level would be very, very stable. Question How can I determine if the cable wind generator will produce more power for its cost than I would have to pay the utility company? Answer Again, this can only be done over a long time period because it is dependant on wind, location, humidity and possibly other lesser undetermined factors. Question How can I be sure that the power to a load is energy from the cable generator rather than the battery or some hidden source? Answer This is impossible because there is no difference between them. I can take a simple circuit that charges 2 capacitors in parallel from a dead battery and then connect the capacitors in series and discharges them back into the battery. Although no new energy is put into the battery some of the batteries potential chemical energy in the battery is converted and the battery will appear to be fully charged. The charging pulses from our controller (or the spark gap-coil) are closer to the double capacitor circuit than it is to a normal battery charger (DC). Question How can the high voltage static current produced by the cable generator be altered to a useable form. Answer The only practical method I have found to date is to charge a battery. There are, however, a number of people who have received patents on high voltage electrostatic motors. Some generators with similarities to the Testatika machine are the "Electrostatic Energy Field Power Generating System" invented by William W. Hyde (US Patent 4897592 of Jan 30 1990) is a rotor/stator variable capacitance machine capable of producing 300 KV. Other such generators are; "Parametric Electric Machine" invented by Ferdinand Cap (US Patent 4622510 of Nov 11 1986) which has a series resonant (LCR) circuit structured into it so that it oscillates - and indeed operates AT RESONANCE to ensure a high output; "Electrostatic Generator" invented by Dan B. Le May (et al) (US Patent 3094653 of Jun 18 1963) is a very ingenious system of variable capacitance; the "Electrostatic Machine" by Noel Felici (US Patent 2522106 of Sep 12 1950) is a good standard which utilizes a valve rectifier; and the "Electrostatic Generator" by William S. Spencer (US Patent 1415779 of May 9 1922) is an early rotor/stator generator which transferred its electric impulses through a transformer to produce a higher current output. Here is another method developed by Van DeGraff himself. For Van de Graaff's transformer see US patents 3,323,069 (May 30 1967) and 3,187,208 (June 1 1965). These patents were not just for a Van de Graaff high voltage generator, they were for a special system devised by Van de Graaff long after his generator had been in use to convert static electricity into current electricity. Question How can you charge a battery with high voltage static current? 18 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... Answer Thus far, I have devised two methods. The first is simple and inexpensive but only 15-20% efficient. It simply involves breaking the current into pulses with a 19 spark gap, and then tranforming the voltage down and current up with a coil and increasing the pulse duration with a capacitor in parallel with the coil. The second method uses a micro processor to monitor current and voltage. The impedance is then adjusted to make the charging current as smooth as possible. This circuit can also easily protect a battery from overcharging. Question How does humidity affect the cable generators operation? Answer Ham radio operaters have reported that static discharges are more common and more intense in times of high humidity or atmospheric changes resulting in rain or snow. The technical literature reports that most atmospheric charge is carried by aerosol particles of dust or water that collect 100's, 1000's and sometimes even 10's of thousands of units of charge. As they collect more and more charge, these particles migrate toward the earth's surface and constitute a major component of the fair weather current. Question Does the cable generator attract lightning? Answer 1. Lightning is a discharge of built up electrical charges that is initiated by an electrostatic potential sufficient to rupture the dielectric (air) between the charge differential. This is facilitated by sharp pointed objects that concentrate the electric field (lightning rods and the like). 2. If the potential difference can be minimized by discharging the area below one of the plates (cold layer) and keeping the potential below the rupture point a lightning strike is significantly less likely to occur. 3. The generator system, if spread over a large area, would appear as a more positively charged area as it is "bleeding" electrons off to the ground through its load system. 4. thus the generator could well serve as a shield from a direct strike... BUT! 5. the EMP effect of a local strike could be devastating! Question Have you tested the cable generator in other configurations such as a spiral, grid, or vertical mode? Answer The output of the cable generator is reduced by any alteration of the cable generator from a suspension 5 to 15 feet from the ground in a straight line. Question What type of cable works best? Question Has anyone measured the ion density of the atmosphere? Answer Not just yes, but a qualified yes. The average is 3000 ions/cubic meter. The figure is subject to stupendous variations of many orders of magnitude as shown by this quote from "Atmospheric Electricity in the Planetary Boundary Layer" by William A. Hoppel, R.V. Anderson and ohn C. Willet. "Most atmospheric processes are interrelated and cannot be studied in isolation, but it is possible to identify one or two dominant influences. In the case of atmospheric electricity in the Planetary Boundary Layer, however, separating the various causes and their effects can be extremely difficult. In fact, this field may be unique with respect to its sensitivity to many disparate phenomena spanning a tremendous range of scales in both space and time. For example, locally produced turbulent fluctuations in space-charge density have an effect roughly comparable in magnitude to that of changes in the global thunderstorn activity on electric-field variations within the Planetary Boundary Layer." Question The ion density does not appear to provide enough charge to account for the current generated by the cable. Are there other sources of energy contributing to the currant? Answer Both the electric field of the earth (typically 100-200 volts) and that of the cable generator produce an effect called the induction charging mechanism. A physical process for particle charging involving the collision of pairs of particles in an ambient electric field. Electric charge induced on the particle surfaces by the ambient electric field is made available for transfer when the two particles come into contact. Subsequent differential particle motions under gravity is postulated to result in large scale charge separation. The specific role of induction charging in the electrification of thunderclouds has not been resolved. Another effect which is unquestionably effecting the cable generator is the double layer effect described below. On the surface of a substance, a layer of electric dipoles whose axes have an average orientation normal to the surface. Double layers may appear on interfaces of solid and gas, liquid and gas, liquid and liquid, etc. They arise whenever media with different electron affinities (forces of attraction, or work function) are contiguous, and if dipoles are available. A net potential difference, the electrokinetic potential exists across a double layer. Still another source of atmospheric charge collected by the cable generator are Aerosol Charges. These are particles of dust or water which form dipoles and disproportionately collect one charge or the other. Where ions carry only single or double units of charge, Aerosols carry 100's to 10's of thousands of units of charge. The fact humidity is such an important factor in the output of the cable generator indicates that aerosols are an important source of the energy it collects. Question What else would be needed besides a cable generator to provide a good alternate electrical source for a home. Answer You would need a battery or bank of batteries, a charge controller and a Grid Tied Inverter. Back to When you build this energy "Cell" it is in many respects like a magnet, in that it acts to have ENERGY even after you discharge or release its energy. So where does this energy come from? Does it come from the atmosphere or is it like a permanent magnet, You might say its basic operations appear to be exactly like those of making a magnet. In making a magnet, you place a piece of steel or iron in a coil of wire and send a current through the coil, The atoms in the steel or iron then all align up in the same direction and this attracts other simplar metals to the magnet you have made. The electret Energy Cell is made much in the same way a magnet is made, in that we apply a high voltage to the material and it then turns into a self powering cell! You can then discharge it and then it will lose its power for one second and then regain it back again. WOW! IT RECHARGES ITSELF! This places this energy capacitor cell in the FREE ENERGY group! But where does the power come from???? The very first Electret made that was able to retain its charge, was made by Dr. Eguchi, The Japanese physicist. He under took this experiment, by taking some wax known as "Carnauba" and placing it between two metal plates. He heated the Carnauba until it became soft and pliable He then applied two wires, One to the upper plate and one to the lower metal plate and connected these with highly insulated wires, ( Neon Transformer wire, Neon sign shops have them.) to a high voltage system that supplied DC or rectified DC Voltage. With The high voltage still remaining on the 2 plates, one + and one - , he then simply removed the heat from the plates. He then allowed the wax to cool and harden again with the high voltage still on the 2 plates! ( Power supply can be a 9,000 volt AC transformer and using diodes to turn it into DC current. so you will get a positive and a negative on you volt meter. ) At this point he disconnect the power supply to the metal plates, He then discovered by placing a 19 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 20 wire to one side of the plate to the other, as to short out the capacitor plates, a large amount of voltage was given off! WOW! That recharge Themselves! He then discovered that on placing a wire, touching one side of the electret capacitor to its other side, a large amount of voltage was given off, Allowing a few seconds to pass he again tried it and to his total amazement the same amount of voltage was again given off! WITH NO LOSS OF POWER OR ENERGY! WOW! This discovery led to the use of this strange and mysterious POWER CELL which was used to power telephones by the Japanese during world war two! ( Powered By Free Energy!) Many years have passed and the discovery of this amazing power cell was forgotten and placed away for future reference. But today interest has again taken over this remarkable discovery and today a new telephone microphone, Using an electret capacitor for power is being tested and researched at the Northern Electric Lab, at Ottawa, Canada. next they feel that as well as saving up to 95% in power to power modern telephones, they will also be able to produce a radio loud speaker using a simular powering system. We might call to your attention also that the modern transistor is not a new invention. the first transistor developed was discovered many years ago, it was called the Lilenfield transistor. This to was put away and shelved. So many discoveries have been lost due to the over assurance by Universities and others that fail to see nor to be able to project their minds into the discoveries that have been made by the average none scientific youth. this is true to even a greater extent today! we have lost thousands of important discoveries, simply because they were discovered and invented by a person who did not have any way to finance nor to develop his own invention and had to more or less depend on Universities or Government research departments. Science is not for a few well educated men or women or youths, it is for everyone who wants it! The electret capacitor that can keep a charge up to 12 years is still in it's infant stage, I am sure that you the reader will find some outstanding discoveries concerning this capacitor. Please share it with us so we can share it to the world. How The Electret is similar to a capacitor A Capacitor acts to store electrical charges and unlike a battery, when you short it out , ( that is when you use a wire to short the + and the - terminals together ) the capacitor discharges very quickly, the will give off a loud explosive sound, this is the discharging of the power that was stored inside the capacitor. The Electret acts very much like a capacitor, except it continues to RECHARGE ITSELF! and continues to be able to give off great amounts of electricity, voltage, and power on shorting its two sides together. WOW! Here is the theory in part as to how it works: Some theories as to how it works were presented by, Dr. Gamant and Dr. Bernard Gross, Of The Northern Electric Labs, - Canada. We are now going to give you two technical names, #1 The Hetero Charge, The name simply refers to the kind of charge placed on the material we will use to make an electret. They feel it means as follows: That when you charge your material, the charge of high voltage applied to the materials acts acts to align up to polarize ( Again like a magnet ) the straight lines of atoms that the material is made up of. Next, the #2 the homo charge, is caused by free positive and negative groups ( charges ) developing on the material. When we apply the high voltage to our soft heated materials and allow it to remain on our two plates until the material cools and becomes cold. They feel that the power applied to the materials act to attract the positive ions to the positive side of the material and the free electrons then travel around and attach themselves to the negative side of the electret, The polarization of the atoms in the material, then acts to align up the atoms, and the ions are also aligned up in a manner( ions are either highly charged negative or positive particles of energy! Prep and heating Electret At this point you can use 3,000 to 20,000 volts HV Power supply DC power supply in the milliamps to charge the electret. A great power supply for this can be bought at any neon sign shop or sign supply house. The power supply will be AC, But you will need to turn it into DC by using a high 9,000 vdc POWER SUPPLY voltage diode that will match you output of your power supply. Using a small conventional oven or out door grill, Place the electret on a microwave High Voltage plate ( Something that will take the heat) and use Diode You can buy a Hv high temp wire to connect from power supply to Diode x low mamp, or electret or use standard wire with and place wire place smaller ones in on glass so you will not short out power supply.The + & - must not touch! Then place wire onto electret that is in the oven and shut door, make + Plate #1 sure wire does not move around, best to use high temperature tape or such to hold wire into place. Place rock or brick weights on electret so it will stay pressed together as a tight sandwich, if it is lose, you will loose your charge. 200 to 300 Plate #2 _ degrees should do nicely. heat until you see Carnauba or plastic get real soft. use a fork. When it is soft then slowly shut door and turn on your power supply, Watch for sparks there should be none. ( See further instructions for how long.) After the correct amount of time you turn off the oven only! DO NOT TURN OFF POWER SUPPLY! keep power connected while it is cooling and getting hard again. That , Since atomic alignment of the material itself happens, then acts to provide a recharging possibility to take place. The recharging of the power to the material then seems to be reforming of atoms, that make this power possible and when this is done we should consider that the power is also coming from the free charged particles that are found in our atmosphere, air, etc.... . The Electret is not to be considered a battery, nor as a capacitor. IT IS A SELF POWERING COLLECTOR and storage place for energy-Free Energy! A very interesting thing about an electret is that it must be kept shorted out by either wrapping it in aluminum foil or having a wire connected to both of its two sides when not in use. or it will soon die and and loose it's energy (same as a perm. magnet must be shorted out. ) ( Very interesting indeed! ) Much like a magnet it must always have a keep bar when not in use to keep it strong! NOT ALL MATERIALS CAN BE USED TO MAKE AN ELECTRET! The word dielectric simply means a material that acts as an insulator, Wax is a dielectric the same as glass, yet glass cannot be used to make an electret, It does not have atomic arrangement necessary for the charge to remain. It's atoms and molecules are not arangible or polarisable if I can use the word, to be realigned and used as a self charging chargeable material, as is Carnauba Wax. Carnauba wax seems to be the best! Glass and many clear plastic or paraffin wax is not good to use, they just will not work. These have no electret properties that are at all suitable for making an electret. 20 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... Appendix C – FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE ELECTRET! 21 First, some dielectric materials such as resins, sulphur and certain other materials as well as other forms of plastics, develop only what we now know to be called, The HETERO CHARGE, this is a charge that simply forms on the surface of suitable dielectric material, this charge remains on the surface in this way. as soon as the electret is made it is wrapped up tightly in aluminum foil and placed away to age, After a week it is then opened up, and using a short piece of wire, place the wire across the electret to short it out to produce one short out flash after another. WOW! FREE ENERGY! Use a voltmeter then to check the amount of discharge in volts. Now this is very important: The charge remains the same, One side is always positive and the This is explained as follows; When this material is charged and by heating between two metal plates THE HIGH VOLTAGE IS APPLIED UNTIL COOL AND COLD!, Then disconnected from the electret. The Hetro Charged Electret was measured and found to give off a high charge of electrical energy only when a short was placed across it's two plates! ( Creative Science: If this is true you may not be able to measure voltage with a meter only when a load is on electret????) They account this as being that the face of the material being charged with the positive high voltage, had acted to pick up a negative charge and the negative charged side had picked up the positive charge and this remained for several months only while wrapped tightly in aluminum foil. and this for some strange reason is necessary to start it working. It must be kept a week in the foil to allow the polarization to fully take effect. Now this Hertro Charge lasts only for a few months. Only certain materials will form this single sided charge. ( Creative Science: they must be talking about the Carnuaba Wax. )??? The Hertero Charge Electret was made with a high voltage a little higher than 10,000 Volts DC., Being applied to the plates. The voltage was then increased to about 15 to 20,000 volts DC and a new electret was born! One that the charged remained for up to 12 years. This type of new charging method was then known as THE " HEMO CHARGE" The increased voltage to the material plates then acted to alter the simple short lived Hetero charge that had such a short life. It acted to cause the simple, short lived Hetero Charge to die away to nothing after 2 weeks, but after 2 weeks it changed its polarity! The negative side became positive and the positive side became negative. and the charge acted to stay strong for up to 12 years. THIS IN IT SELF IS AN OUTSTANDING DISCOVERY! HOW TO MAKE AN ELECTRET! You can check with chemical or scientific supply stores to locate some of the early used - " Carnauba Wax" Though we will not be using it in our electret. Because LUCITE PLASTIC in sheet form can be obtained easier. Hobby shops, Plastic suppliers, Hardware stores, Sign Shops, Neon Sign shops etc.... Lucite we were told is also known as " Acrylic Plastic and also known as Plexi Glass, if it is a true Lucite material I do not know, Some companies use these words loosly to refer to something that has replaced another material. Check with plastic co's. or just go ahead and try what you can get. if it does not work then its not the right stuff! Plate #1 + Side View Aluminum or metal LUCITE plastic or C.WAX Aluminum or metal Plate #2 _ Electret SEE FIG 1. page 4. The electret plates can be made of aluminum for example, a good starting size for your first experiment can be about 8" x 8" or 8" diameter. You will need one oven, 2 - 6 foot pieces of high voltage wire which you can get at any neon sign shop. This is much safer to use when using high vokage, 10,000 to 20,000 volts will jump across thin insulated wire and get you or short out. which is not good for your transformer. While you are at the Neon Sign shop ask them to sell you a 15 to 20,000 volt neon transformer which plugs into 120 vac house current. Or if you know some electronic genius who loves to take apart old TV sets ask them to make you a 20,000 volt power supply using a TV set. This is simple and no problem m to them. Tell them to make it safe! Now you will need some LUCITE Plastic about 1/8" thick x 9.25 inches square or in diameter. BE SURE TO WEAR RUBBER GLOVES WHEN EXPERIMENTING WITH HIGH VOLTAGE, IT CAN KILL YOU. USE ONE HAND TO HANDLE IT WHEN YOU CAN. SO IT WILL NOT GO THROUGH THE HEART. YOU WILL THANK ME LATTER. Do not preheat oven. Now See Fig 1. page 4. Connect power supply as seen and put in the oven as written. Now after plastic is very soft it may only take 30 min to bake., again after it is soft turn off the oven, only! DO NOT TURN OFF THE 15,000 VOLTS OF POWER! allow charge to form on plastic for at least ONE HOUR, Then turn off power supply of 15 * 20,000 volts. When plastic is then cool and hard and has a charge then do this next; Using rubber gloves take small metal clamps that have a spring inside them, (Hardware store ) and before you remove the bricks, clamp plates top and bottom on both sides, try not to move plates at all. so you will not lose your charge. It is important to keep plate 1 and plate 2 pressed as tightly as you can together with the LUCITE plastic still in between. Now take aluminum foil and wrap it around the entire electret and let it sit for one week and then test it out by shorting the two plates, remember if plates move you can lose your charge, keep clamps on tight and or use strong rubber bands, you may need up to 4 clamps if you are making an 8" electret. Plate #1 + Side View #H757 Aluminum or metal LUCITE plastic or C.WAX Aluminum or metal Plate #2 _ Electret After the week has passed, when you remove the aluminum foil you tightly wrapped the entire electret in. DO NOT GRASP BOTH SIDES OF THE ELECTRET WITH YOUR BARE FINGERS, you will get a real shock if you do. use rubber gloves. Remember the electret ( If you made it exactly as described, should be ready to produce energy as soon as you UNwrap it or a few minutes after that. We have been told that this really works, so if it is true and you can get about 15,000 volts x 10 milliamp then WOW! you can make dozens of plates and place them in parallel to increase the amperage until you get 3 - 5 amps x 15,000 volts.?? or you should be able to rig up a small timer switch to discharge the one 15,000 volt x 10 milliamp electret and by using a 50 volt X 27,000 uF electrolytic store bought capacitor you can step down the voltage to gain more amperage! you should be able to get 50 volt DC x 3 amps. WOW! ) Please write to us with your results and comments concerning the electret, and we will pass it on to other customers and we can use your name if you like. Making two metal plates to attach to each side of the electret: Any clean metal should do. It would be best if your metal or aluminum were not to thin as your electret can bend to easy and lose the charge. Remember to always keep your electret capacitor shorted out when you are not using it. So now the world of electret is open to you. So research and experiment and see what you can do with this FREE ENERGY POWER that will last up to 12 years. 21 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... Appendix D – HV DC Generator "Learn how very-high voltages are generated from relatively low power sources and apply the same techniques to your own experimental circuits." Rewritten by Tony van Roon (VA3AVR) 22 Voltage, by definition, is the electrical pressure that causes current to flow through a conductor. When that pressure is sufficiently high, a high voltage is produced. But how do we define high-voltage? Is 100, 1000, or 10,000 volts considered high voltage? When compared to 10 volts, they all can be considered high voltage. As far as safety goes, high voltage can be considered any voltage that endangers human life. It's obvious that 1000 volts poses a greater hazard than does 100 volts, but that does not mean that 100 volts is safe to handle. As far as safety goes, 100 volts is still considered high voltage--and that fact must be understood. The Miniature High-Voltage DC Generator, presented in this article, is capable of generating around 10,000-volts DC. So high a voltage can ionize air and gases, charge high-voltage capacitors, and also be used to power a small laser or image tube, and has many other application that are useful to both the experimenter and the researcher. Circuit Description: Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of our Miniature High-Voltage DC Generator. The circuit is fed from a 12-volt DC power supply. The input to the circuit is then amplified to provide a 10,000 volts DC output. That's made possible by feeding the 12-volts output of the power supply to a DC-to-DC up converter. The output of the up converter is then fed into a 10-stage, high-voltage multiplier to produce an output of 10,000-volts DC, Let's see how the circuit works. First, let's start with U1 (a 14584 hex Schmitt trigger). Gate U1-a is set up as a square ware multiplier, via a high-voltage probe, and adjust potentiometer R5 pulsating DC) output. The output of U1-a is fed to the input s of U1-b to U1-f, which are connected in parallel to increase the available drive current. 22 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 23 The pulsating output of the paralleled gates is fed to the base of Q1, causing it to toggle on and off in time with the primary winding of T1. The other end of T1 is connected directly to the positive terminal of the battery or power supply. This produces a driving wave in the primary winding of T1 that is similar to a square wave. The on/off action of the transistor, caused by the pulsating g-signal applied to Q1, creates a rising and collapsing field in the primary winding of T1 (a small ferrite-core, step-up transformer). That causes a pulsating signal, of opposite polarity, to be induced in T1's secondary winding. The pulsating DC output at the secondary winding of T1 (ranging from 800 to 1000 volts) is applied to a 10-stage voltage-multiplier circuit-consisting of D1 through F10, and C3 through C12. The multiplier circuit increases the voltage 10 times, producing and output of up to 10,000-volts DC. The multiplier accomplishes its task by charging the capacitors (C3 through C12), through the diodes (D1 through D10), the output is a series addition of all the capacitors in the multiplier. In order for the circuit to operate efficiently, the frequency of the square-wave, and therefore the signal applied to the multiplier, must be considered. The output frequency of the oscillator (U1-a) is set by the combined values of R1, R5, and C1 (which with the values specified is approximately 15KHz). Potentiometer R5 is used to fine tune the output frequency of the oscillator. The higher the frequency of the oscillator, the lower is the capacitive reactance in the multiplier. Light Emitting Diode Led serves as an input-power indicator, while neon lamp NE1 indicates an output at the secondary of T1. A good way to get the maximum output at the multiplier is to connect an oscilloscope to the high-voltage output of the for the maximum voltage output. IF you don't have the appropriate test gear, you can place the output wire of the multiplier about a half-inch away from a ground wire and draw a spark, while adjusting R5 for a maximum spark output. Parts List, Fig. 1 All resistors are 1/2-watt, 5%, unless otherwise noted R1 = 1K5 (1.5K) (brown-green-red) R2 = 300 ohm (orange-black-brown) R3 = 220 ohm (red-red-brown) R4 = 1 mega ohm (brown-black-green) R5 = 10K potentiometer Capacitors C1 = 0.022uF, 50WVDC metalized film C2 = none, omitted. C3-C12 = 0.001uF, 2000WVDC ceramic disc C13 = 220uF, 25V, electrolytic C14 = 4700uF, 35WVDC, electrolytic Semiconductors D1-D10 = 1N4007, 1A, 1000PIV, silicon rectifiers connected in series (see text) D11 = 1N4007, 1A, 1000PIV, silicon rectifier Q1 = TIP31A, NPN, Darlington transistor U1 = MC1458BAL hex, inverting Schmitt trigger, IC BR1 = 6A, 50PIV, full wave bridge rectifier Led1 = Jumbo green light emitting diode Other Components Ne1 = Ne-2 type neon lamp T1 = HVM COR-2B, Ferrite core step-up transformer (see text) T2 = 12 Volt, 2A, power transformer PL1 = 117 volt AC plug with line cord Perfboard materials, enclosure, battery, heat sink, IC sockets, battery, wire, Battery, Battery holder, solder, hardware, etc. NOTE: There is no further information available about T1, the step-up transformer. Research it or create it on your own. Caution: The output of the multiplier will cause a strong electric shock. In addition, be aware that even after the multiplier has been turned off, there is still a charge stored in the capacitors, which, depending on the state of discharge, can be dangerous if contacted. That charge can be bled off by shorting the output of the circuit to ground. (In fact, its a good idea to get in the habit of discharging all electronics circuits before handling or working on them). Also, U1 is a CMOS device and, as such, is static sensitive. It can handle a maximum input of 15 volts DC. Do not go beyond the 15-volt DC limit of the IC will be destroyed. Diode D11 is used to prevent reverse polarity of the input voltage source. As far as the voltage multiplier goes, the diodes and the capacitors must be rated for a t least twice the anticipated input voltage, So, if we have a 1000volt input, all of the diodes and the capacitors must be rated for at least 2000 volts each. Diodes with that specific voltage rating can be hard to find and expensive, D1 through D10 are each really two series-connected 1-amp, 1000-volt rectifier diodes. 23 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... 24 Construction: The unit can be assembled on perfboard, as is the case with the author's prototype shown in the photo. Transistor Q1 must be properly heat-sinked or it will overheat quickly and self destruct. The multiplier must be assembled in such a way so as to prevent any ion leakage. When a high-voltage source is terminated at a sharp point, the density of charge is concentrated at that point. The ions both on the point and near the point are like charges, so they repel each other and quickly leak off. So it is very important when soldering he multiplier to keep all connections rounded by using enough solder to make a smooth, ball-like joint. The solder-side of the multiplier should be insulated to prevent contact with any metallic object. On the author's prototype, a high-voltage insulating compound was used on the solder side of the board. High-voltage putty can also be used. Also in the prototype, the output of the circuit is simple a heavily shielded wire, like that used to feed high-voltage to the anode on a TV picture tube. That type of wire can safely handle voltages in the 15,000-to-20,000 volt range, and will also help to prevent leakage. Positive and Negative Ions: The polarity of the diodes in the multiplier will determine the polarity of the ions. In the author's prototype, the multiplier is set up to generate positive ions. If the diodes were reversed, negative ions would be reproduced. In a positive-ion generating multiplier, like that used in the author's prototype, which generates approximately 10,000 volts DC, the output is a shock hazard. A negative-ion generating multiplier with a -10,000 volt DC output, offers the same shock hazard as the positive +10,000volt output. Experiments: If you place the high-voltage output wire about 1/2 to 3/4 inch from a ground wire, you will draw a spark of 10,000 volts. But remember, the oscillator is built around a CMOS device, which is static sensitive, and any high-voltage kickback will toast the unit. So when experimenting with the spark, do not use the circuit ground.. A more reliable method would be to draw a spark to an earth ground. Flash Lamp Electric Storm: When the output of the Miniature High-Voltage DC Generator is connected to a small flash tube, the high voltage ionized the Xenon gas in the tube, creating small electrical storm within the tube's glass envelope. Getting Different Voltages: By tapping the multiplier circuit at various stages you'll get output voltages ranging from 1,000 volts to 10,000 volts DC, for instance, by placing a tap at the cathodes of D2, D6, voltage of 2000 and 6000 volts are made possible. Troubleshooting: If you get no output or a low output from the circuit, check that the input to logic gates is below 15 volts. The application of an input voltage exceeding that limit will blow out the IC. Also check the signal (with an oscilloscope) that you get a square-wave output of approximately 12KHz at pin 6 of U1 The switching transistor must be mounted on a heat sink or it will over-heat. Make sure the heat sink is of a suitable size to keep the transistor cool. If a 2-KV diode is placed at the output of transformer T1, you should get an unloaded output of approximately 800 to 1000 volts DC. If you have a problem with the output of the unit, it is best to disconnect the multiplier from the oscillator and check the output of the transformer. In that way you will know if the problem lies in the oscillator of the multiplier. The multiplier components must be rated for at least twice the input voltage. The diodes and capacitors used in the multiplier circuit should be rated at 2000volts. However, you may choose to do as the author did; use two series-connected 1-KV units for each diode in the multiplier to five an effective rating per pair of 2KV. Safety: The output of the circuit is high-voltage DC, which will cause an electric shock if touched. So use caution. Also with the circuit turned off, the capacitors in the multiplier are still charged, and will discharge through the path of least resistance--your body--if you come in contact with the circuit. So discharge the circuit by connecting the output lead to ground with the power off. The Miniature High-Voltage DC Generator emits a fair amount of ozone. If the circuit is to be operated for a long period of time, make sure that you do so in a well ventilated room. Ozone is harmful in moderate to large quantities. When drawing a spark discharge, the circuit emits radio and television interference (RFI). That can be seen as static lines on your television set or heard as noise on your AM radio. 24 Version 18 - 06-17-2009 Strange Effects in the Components of Bedinis’ Chargers : Cap, Battery, Transistors ... Appendix E – Extended Topic-Related Search Links – Google 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46."dark+matter"+"dark+energy"+"virtual+particles"+"vacuum+flux"+"zero+point+energy"z&btnG=Search,+heated+cooled+&btnG=Search"flower+of+life"&btnG=Search 25 25
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