GEOVIA Whittle Brochure

April 4, 2018 | Author: Mahesh Pandey | Category: Mining, Mathematical Optimization, Strategic Management, Technology, Economies



WHITTLE 4.6 THE WORLD’S MOST TRUSTED STRATEGIC MINE PLANNING SOFTWARE planning and production depend on Whittle’s standard features to drive decision-making. cut-off grade and optimized cut-off grade. you have all the strategic mine planning capabilities you need to achieve mine optimization: strategic scheduling. • Analyze sensitivities and investment risk. Delivering trusted results. WHITTLE: SOLUTIONS TAILORED FOR YOUR NEEDS As a Whittle customer. For over 25 years. • Determine strategic direction for the mine. That is because Whittle comes with the 3D viewer enables validation of results and querying of individual block attributes. mining areas and extraction sequence per period. feasibility. • Consider multiple scenarios for reducing risk. feasibility.TRUSTED RESULTS YOU CAN BANK ON BENEFITS • Understand the potential value of the deposit. 2 Whittle BENEFITS • Establish the economic viability of the deposit and options for capital investment and development strategies. mining areas and extraction sequence per period. You can extend Whittle by adding new modules as your needs grow. stockpiles. price and recovery modelling. With Whittle. and in the ongoing re-evaluation of mine plans throughout the production phase. you can select the features that are right for your needs. PROJECT PHASE Exploration • Understand the potential value of the deposit. • Target areas for future drilling. multiple mines. and now simultaneous optimization for creating the ultimate mine schedule. Pit optimization alone is not enough to unlock the full economic potential of your operation Whittle provides mine optimization. Scoping • Identify preferred development strategy. Bankable Feasibility Study • Analyze expected return on investment. which enables significant increases in project value over and above pit optimization. detailed cost. the software is used in scoping. Whittle customers have extracted maximum value from their deposits by using trusted mine planning processes to optimize and plan open pit mines. they turn to the industry leading strategic mine planning solution – GEOVIA Whittle. • Establish the economic viability of the deposit and options for capital investment and development strategies. expected NPV and optimal extraction sequence. blending and cut-off optimization. • Re-evaluate mine plans in response to changing conditions. and development strategies for new mines and push backs. because it delivers results they can bank on. Pre• Identify preferred development strategy. feasibility. Maximize NPV across your operations. • Calculate sensitivities to develop risk reduction strategy. Whittle provides the ability to rapidly evaluate many alternatives to ensure that variations from the expected are considered and potential deposit value is uncovered. capital investment. Production • Determine strategic direction for the mine. cutoff grade and optimized cut-off grade. expected NPV and optimal Feasibility extraction sequence. Standard Whittle Features Companies involved in scoping. When exploration and mining companies need to evaluate the financial viability and the optimal mine strategy for a deposit. life-of-mine scheduling. you are aligning with the industry leader: the world’s top open pit mines use the software Block model showing copper grades. • Ascertain final reserve statement for the deposit. • Calculation of annual reserve statement. By choosing Whittle. capital investment. • Analyze expected return on investment. Companies depend on Whittle to help them determine their investment strategy and to deliver robust mine plans that maximize profitability by taking into account real mining constraints. . and development strategies for new mines and push backs. • Examine sensitivities and assign resources accordingly for future studies. best and worst case schedules and visualisation. • Multi-Analysis – Unique ability to organize multiple analyses within a single project. • Milawa Algorithm – Automatically schedules up to 10 push backs to target maximum NPV or balance ore and waste production. slope modelling. ultimate pit size and extraction strategy. reporting. and understanding key sensitivities of the mine plan such as the effect of costs and metallurgical recoveries. While the software’s features are easy to use. Whittle projects are easy to manage as you are guided through key planning functions. mining companies use NPV as a key project indicator and decision making tool. The unique structure of projects in Whittle promotes the analysis of alternatives to attain the best possible strategy for your mine. Create NPV practical push backs in a single step. • NPV Practical Push Backs – Realizes potential value with push backs that target NPV and mining width. Etruscan Resources Inc. We have increased our ore reserves by more than 1. . • Multi-Element – Enables the incorporation of up to 30 elements that can be used for modelling physical. including: model import.” — Samuel Takyi. they can model even the most complex scenarios. realistic mine schedules need to be developed. economic or geological factors. Also includes: Standard graphs and templates promote analysis. Whittle’s standard feature set is comprised of 64-bit processing speed with the following four modules: • Core – Provides essential functionality for pit optimization and benchmark scheduling. from pit optimization through life-of-mine scheduling. Pit-by-pit graph shows increasing ore and waste tonnages for different final pit options.“Whittle helped us extend our bench across the orebody and come up with new cash flows. reblocking functionality. as well as multi-mine capabilities where required to model realistic deposit scenarios. • Advanced Analysis – Easy to use graphs and templates facilitate extensive analysis of sensitivities and risk. Whittle 3 . essential tools for making mine strategy decisions including: capital investment required. saving time. Schedule directly from shells created in any Geology and Mine Planning System using Milawa and/or Simultaneous Optimization. Senior Mine Planning Engineer. To accurately calculate NPV. Whittle’s life-of-mine scheduling modules provide practical push back creation and automated scheduling routines. and export of results. ADDITIONAL WHITTLE CAPABILITIES Life-of-Mine Scheduling Modules When determining project life. and we expect extra years of production from the Youga mine. economic viability of the deposit.2 million tonnes in six months. along with expected NPV for different schedules. to sensitivity analysis and final NPV calculations. promoting repeatability of processes and ensuring all information is easily accessible. • Push Back 50 – Extends the Milawa Algorithm’s capabilities to support up to 50 push backs during scheduling. You can also re-evaluate your mine plan at anytime in response to changing economic conditions. the size and shape of the final pit. NETVIBES. DELMIA. EXALEAD. • Value Expressions – Enhances the stockpiles and cutoffs module to work with parcel revenues and supports multiple methods for calculating block values and parcel revenues. cut-off grade.S.3ds.Whittle@3ds. CATIA. serving 12 industries. For more information. • Mining Width – Adjusts user-defined pitshells or final pit to accommodate minimum mining width requirements.3ds. stockpile and cut-off optimization.NPV BLEND STOCKPILE SIMULTANEOUS OPTIMIZATION CUT-OFF SCHEDULE OPTIMIZED PIT Simultaneous Optimization achieves greater overall NPV in a single step than multiple optimisation mechanisms applied sequentially. • Simultaneous Optimization – Optimizes mine schedule. Massachusetts 02451-1223 USA ©2015 Dassault Systèmes. the Compass icon and the 3DS logo. produced. expanding possibilities for the virtual world to improve the real world. and optionally blending. • Blending – Blends scheduled material to final product or process input constraints. Our 3DEXPERIENCE® platform powers our brand applications. stockpiles. Special Modules Whittle’s special modules build on the life-of-mine scheduling modules to allow extra value to be realized using techniques for blending. In conjunction with the Simultaneous Optimization module. the 3DEXPERIENCE® Company. The resulting mine schedule returns higher NPV for the project by leveraging the interdependency between those mechanisms. allows the simultaneous optimization of the mining schedule. • Push Back Chooser – Automatically selects the set of maximum NPV push backs for a specified ultimate pit. SOLIDWORKS. 3DSWYM. and block value calculations. rue Marcel Dassault CS 40501 78946 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex France Asia-Pacific Dassault Systèmes K. 3D VIA. and provides a rich portfolio of industry solution experiences. ENOVIA. Use of any Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries trademarks is subject to their express written approval. Dassault Systè • Multi-Mine – Supports scheduling from multiple mines. provides business and people with virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. It facilitates multiple optimization mechanisms in a single step.K. For more information email GEOVIA. ThinkPark Tower 2-1-1 Osaki. The group brings value to over 190. and/or other countries. visit www. GEOVIA. and 3DEXCITE are commercial trademarks or registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the U. Its world-leading solutions transform the way products are designed. and supported. Multiple pit schedule visualization showing copper grades with the Multi-Mine module. Tokyo 141-6020 Japan Americas Dassault Systèmes 175 Wyman Street Waltham. Europe/Middle East/Africa Dassault Systèmes 10. • Stockpiles and cut-offs – Optimizes cut-off grade strategy and stockpile utilisation as an independent mechanism. final product or process input blend constraints. All other trademarks are owned by their respective owners. Dassault Systèmes’ collaborative solutions foster social innovation. based solely on NPV. Simultaneous Optimization Simultaneous Optimization is the latest advancement in strategic mine planning. BIOVIA. All rights reserved. in a single step. SIMULIA.000 customers of all sizes in all industries in more than 140 countries. . • Blending – Optional enhancement to the simultaneous optimization module for final product or process input blend constraints. 3DEXPERIENCE®.com or visit www. stockpiles and cut-offs for the mine.
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