Geotech Module 2

May 1, 2018 | Author: sachin | Category: Geotechnical Engineering, Geology, Civil Engineering, Solid Mechanics, Engineering



Earthquake geotechnicalengineering practice MODULE 2: Geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering Acknowledgements 2 Lead Authors •• Dr Kevin McManus – McManus Geotech ltd •• Rick Wentz – Wentz Pacific Ltd •• Ian McPherson – Aurecon Ltd •• Nick Traylen – Geotech Consulting Ltd •• Charlie Price – MWH Global Ltd •• Anthony Fairclough – Tonkin & Taylor Ltd •• John Scott – Ministry of Business, •• Daniel Ashfield – Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Innovation & Employment •• Dr Gilles Seve – Ministry of Business, Contributing Authors Innovation & Employment •• Clive Anderson – Golder Associates Ltd •• Mike Stannard – Ministry of Business, •• Paul Burton – Geotechnics Ltd Innovation & Employment •• Guy Cassidy – Engeo Ltd •• Dr Liam Wotherspoon – University of Auckland •• Prof Misko Cubrinovski – University of Canterbury Funding Organisations •• Dr Greg De Pascale – University of Chile •• MBIE •• Riley Gerbrandt – County of Santa Cruz •• EQC •• Sally Hargraves – Terra Firma Engineering Ltd •• NZGS •• Iain Haycock – McMillan Drilling Ltd •• Marco Holtrigter – Ground Investigation Ltd Editorial Review •• Edwyn Ladley – Tonkin & Taylor Ltd •• NZGS – MBIE Editorial Panel Document status ISBN: (print) 978-0-947524-45-6 While the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, ISBN: (online) 978-0-947524-46-3 MBIE, and the NZGS have taken care in preparing this document, it is only a guide and, if used, does not relieve any New Zealand Geotechnical Society (NZGS) and Ministry person of the obligation to consider any matter to which of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) Earthquake that information relates, according to the circumstances Geotechnical Engineering Practice in New Zealand of the case. All users should satisfy themselves as to the Rev 0 applicability of the content and should not act on the basis of any matter contained in this document without considering, Issue Date November 2016 and if necessary, taking appropriate professional advice. New Zealand Geotechnical Society (NZGS) The document may be updated from time to time and the c/ Institution of Professional Engineers latest version is available from the Ministry’s website at New Zealand or the New Zealand Geotechnical Society’s PO Box 12–241 website at Wellington 6013 Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) Important notice Building System Performance Branch This document is preliminary and the contents should be PO Box 1473 treated as draft guidelines. Submissions by the geotechnical Wellington 6140 community to the Society (email: [email protected]) are encouraged, after which a further review will be Disclaimer undertaken. The contents may be subject to further changes, This document published by the Chief Executive of MBIE as additions, and deletions. guidance under section 175 of the Building Act 2004 to assist parties to comply with their obligations under the Building © Copyright Act 2004. The copyright owner authorises reproduction of this It is not mandatory to follow the guidance, but if followed: work, in whole or in part, so long as no charge is made for the supply of copies, and the integrity and attribution •• it does not relieve any person of the obligation to of the contributors and publishers of the document is consider any matter to which that information relates not interfered with in any way. according to the circumstances of the particular case; •• users should consider taking appropriate professional advice prior to entering into a construction contract which incorporates all or parts of this document. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE b 2 contents Contents Preface iv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope 1 1.2 Definition of Geotechnical Professional 2 1.3 Role of Geotechnical Professional in Site Investigation 3 2 Project Planning/Initiation 4 2.1 Project Type 4 2.1.1 General 4 2.1.2 New Construction 4 2.1.3 Retrofit 4 2.2 Communication with the Wider Project Team 4 2.3 Initial Planning 5 2.3.1 Desktop Study 6 2.3.2 Site Walkover 6 2.4 Site Investigation Planning 7 2.4.1 Specification and Procurement of Site Investigation Services 7 2.4.2 Types of Investigation 8 2.4.3 Spacing of Investigation Points 9 2.4.4 Depth of Investigation 10 2.5 Standards and Guidelines 12 2.6 Data Collection and Record Keeping 13 2.7 National Geotechnical Database 13 2.8 Health and Safety 13 3 Site Investigation Methods 15 3.1 Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) 16 3.1.1 General 16 3.1.2 CPT Resolution/Accuracy 19 3.1.3 Pore Pressure Measurement 19 3.1.4 Equipment Calibration/Maintenance 19 3.1.5 Baseline Readings 20 3.1.6 Piezocone Filter Elements 21 3.1.7 CPT Profiles 21 DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE i contents 2 3.2 Borehole Drilling and Sampling 22 3.2.1 When to consider Machine-Drilled Boreholes 22 3.2.2 Types of Drilling 22 3.2.3 Common Drilling Errors 27 3.2.4 Soil Sampling 27 3.2.5 Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) 34 3.3 Test Pits 36 3.4 Geophysical Testing 37 3.4.1 Non-Intrusive (Surface) Methods 39 3.4.2 Field Data Acquisition 40 3.4.3 Other Geophysical Tests 46 3.5 Groundwater Measurement 46 3.5.1 General 46 3.5.2 Existing Well Information 47 3.5.3 Open Boreholes 47 3.5.4 Cone Penetration Test 47 3.5.5 Observation Wells and Piezometers 48 3.5.6 Water Level Measurements 49 4 Laboratory Testing of Soil Samples 50 4.1 General 50 4.1.1 Selection and Assignment of Tests 51 4.2 Visual Identification of Soils 52 4.2.1 Disturbed Samples 52 4.2.2 Undisturbed Samples 52 4.3 Index Properties 53 4.3.1 Moisture Content 53 4.3.2 Particle-Size Distribution 53 4.3.3 Atterberg Limits 54 4.4 Shear Strength Testing 55 4.4.1 Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Strength (CU Test) 55 4.4.2 Direct Shear (Shear Box) Test 55 4.4.3 Cyclic Triaxial Shear Test (CTX) 56 4.5 One-Dimensional Consolidation Test 56 4.6 Quality Assurance 57 4.6.1 Sample Storage 57 4.6.2 Sample Handling 57 4.6.3 Specimen Selection 57 4.6.4 Equipment Calibration 58 4.6.5 Testing Standards 58 4.6.6 Common Testing Pitfalls 58 DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE ii CPT Accuracy and Resolution 66 Appendix B.1.2 Test Investigation Locations 61 5.4 Geotechnical Model Development Process 61 5.3 Subsurface Profiles and Geotechnical Models 61 5.5 Limitations 62 6 References 63 Appendix A. 2 contents 5 Geotechnical Reports 60 5. CPT Fieldwork Checklists 76 Appendix D. SPT Drilling and Sampling Procedures for Liquefaction Assessment 77 DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE iii .1 Data Presentation 60 5. Examples of Common CPT Output Errors and Anomalies 68 Appendix c.1 Site Investigation Logs 60 5. building. •• Module 3: Identification.preface 2 Preface This document is part of a series of guidance modules developed jointly by the Ministry of Business. www. assessment and mitigation of liquefaction hazards Charlie Price Mike Stannard •• Module 4: Earthquake resistant foundation design Chair Chief Engineer •• Module 5A: Specification of ground improvement for New Zealand Ministry of Business residential properties in the Canterbury region Geotechnical Society Innovation & Employment DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE iv . bringing up to Undertaking adequate geotechnical investigations to date international research and practice. Innovation & Employment (MBIE) and the New Zealand Geotechnical Society (NZGS). This document should be read in conjunction with the other modules published to date in the series: We would encourage you to make yourselves familiar with •• Module 1: Overview of the Guidelines the guidance and apply it appropriately in practice. Royal Commission recommendations. understand likely ground performance in earthquakes is an essential aspect of good and economic building design. to address lessons from the Canterbury Further documents are under development and will be earthquake sequence and Canterbury Earthquakes published progressively during The guidance series along with an education programme On-line training material in support of the series is aims to lift the level and improve consistency of available on the MBIE and NZGS websites.nzgs. earthquake geotechnical engineering practice in New govt. It is aimed at experienced geotechnical and www. Zealand. Much of the information presented herein was sourced from the U. 1 Geotechnical earthquake Engineering practice. Federal Highway Administration Manual on Subsurface Investigations (2001). execute and review geotechnical site investigations. 2 Geotechnical earthquake Engineering practice. 2 The provision of guidance on an appropriate minimum scope and methodology for undertaking such investigations.1 Purpose and Scope This guidance document (Module 2) is part of a series of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Practice guidelines and should be read in conjunction with the rest of the series. 2 introduction 1 Introduction 1. Engineering Geologists and their staff to scope. 3 The promotion of investigation techniques and methodologies which are consistent and compatible with the assessment and analysis methodologies which are referenced in Modules 31 and 42. It is intended that this document will be primarily used by Geotechnical Engineers. Assessment.S. Module 4 – Earthquake Resistant Foundation Design. While this document is intended as a reference guide for earthquake geotechnical engineering. Module 3 – Identification. high quality and reliable factual geotechnical data for the purposes of geotechnical earthquake engineering (primarily for buildings). many of the principles and methods discussed within it remain relevant to geotechnical investigations today. the methods presented herein represent good practice for geotechnical investigations in general in New Zealand. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 1 . This document has three primary objectives: 1 The promotion of good practices for the collection of consistent. and Mitigation of Liquefaction Hazards. While that document is approximately 15 years old. Earthquake geotechnical engineering is a highly Associated with this document is commentary specialised field. while covering general ground investigation methods. However. airports. marine structures 10 years of demonstrable experience in the investigation and power stations. with a minimum of (as defined by NZSOLD). Professional Engineering Geologist as assessed and While the specifics of data analysis and interpretation administered by IPENZ. The geotechnical professional should be a geotechnical Information in this document will also be relevant engineer and/or engineering geologist who holds a current for IL 4 and 5 structures. Where discrepancies are identified between this guidance document and any other testing standard. As such the investigations which expands on the intent of some aspects for this need to be developed and carried out of the guidance or best-practice advice. guidance document or project specification it is the responsibility of the geotechnical professional to determine the appropriate practice for the particular situation and site in question. specialised investigations will likely be required for A CPEng is a Chartered Professional Engineer as assessed these types of structures. As such it is recommended that investigations for this are supervised by an appropriately qualified and experienced geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist. standard AS/NZS1170. similar to this example.2 Definition of Geotechnical these tend to have more issues arising from earthquake Professional engineering considerations. For the purposes of this document ‘geotechnical The types of development to which this document professional’ means the authorised representative pertains are generally residential and commercial with a of the consultancy which is ultimately responsible for Building Importance Level (IL) of 1 to 3 as defined in joint design and execution of the geotechnical investigation. A PEngGeol is a registered which may be beyond the scope of this document. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 2 . (referred to herein as the geotechnical The commentary is presented in coloured boxes professional).introduction 2 The information in this document. some guidance is provided on general requirements for reporting. are beyond the scope of this document. Earthquake geotechnical engineering is a highly specialised field. clarification by an appropriately qualified and experienced of general principles. the scope and type of and administered by IPENZ. and/or experiences gained gotechnical engineer or engineering gologist after Christchurch earthquakes that may be valuable. further detailed or of earthquake geotechnical hazards. is focussed on soil sites as 1. infrastructure projects and CPEng accreditation in the geotechnical practice area projects of significance such as high impact dams and/or PEngGeol registration. Future editions of this guidance will address rock investigations in more detail. •• construction methods Field supervision of site investigations by appropriately •• a supplementary working knowledge of geology experienced personnel is recommended. Real-time observation This is particularly true for projects that involve of the investigation activities allows the geotechnical identifying and mitigating geotechnical issues that professional to make recommendations and implement are heavily influenced by the underlying geology or changes as required. as well as soil types and soils. the field engineer or engineering geologist duties will require that he or she is involved from the should communicate these findings to the supervising initial planning stage of a project. The geotechnical professional should be the authorising The geotechnical professional should be given the signatory on the final version of all geotechnical reports. is responsible for acquiring and interpreting soil. When unusual or unexpected conditions are identification. statements of suitability involving the details of the subsurface investigation or statements of professional opinion. analysis with known complex ground conditions. should jointly define the subsurface exploration needs. based on his or her knowledge of the site conditions and of the proposed design. responsibility and the authority to make decisions drawings. producer statements. rock. make recommendations location. in particular geotechnical earthquake engineering.3 Role of Geotechnical Professional in Site Investigation Geotechnical engineering. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 3 . Obvious examples of this include Field supervision is often performed by less experienced identification of liquefaction-prone soils on a regional personnel (under the direction of the geotechnical basis. and sites engineer. drilling and SPT sampling or using specialised investigation While acquisition of site data (the focus of this module) techniques. identification of potentially expansive clays and behaviour. geological processes. and assessment of slope stability. Once the project geotechnical professional. in a timely manner. 2 introduction 1. and interpretation of data is expected to require The perceived cost savings of not having field supervision the specific skills of a CPEng geotechnical engineer can easily be lost due to the geotechnical professional experienced in earthquake geotechnical engineering. geometry and other attributes are determined. This is acceptable if they have a good good understanding of geology is also useful for several working knowledge of the investigation techniques types of projects such as those involving volcanic being used and their limitations. among others. encountered during the investigation or construction The proper discharge of the geotechnical professional’s phase. or a PEngGeol engineering geologist. not being able to see for themselves the behaviour of the For many projects. is a highly specialised field. a professional). Field supervision of site investigations should can be carried out by either a CPEng geotechnical always be performed for IL3 or higher projects. The geotechnical professional. However. or because unusual or unexpected involvement of a geologist or engineering geologist. particularly when and hydrogeology. it will be necessary to have the ground during sampling. mitigation (or both) of debris slides or flows. ground conditions are encountered. and foundation data for design and construction of various types of structures. The proper execution of this role requires a thorough It is the responsibility of the geotechnical professional to: understanding of the principles and practice of: •• direct the collection of existing data •• geotechnical engineering •• conduct field reconnaissance •• subsurface investigation techniques and principles •• initiate and supervise the site investigation •• design procedures •• review progress. and implement changes as needed or directed by the the geotechnical professional and the design team geotechnical professional. Any unusual •• and perhaps ancillary structures such as conditions or difficulties encountered. 2. A mutual •• retaining walls understanding of project objectives can lead to an •• slopes optimisation of investigation effort. and some of the design requirements will vary between the two types.1.1.2 New Construction 2. be similar to those of a commercial building of similar size. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 4 . made in the investigation programme or schedule should be communicated in a timely fashion (even the possibility of this occurring should be communicated to the project manager and client at the proposal stage).1 General •• expanding the size of the structure or replacing a part Projects will typically be classified as either residential of the structure. some single-family dwellings can be foundations. The requirements for Retrofit projects will often require the geotechnical geotechnical investigation of single-family residential engineer to consider the performance of new or structures are normally less than those for commercial additionally loaded foundations relative to existing structures.1 Project Type A retrofit or renovation of an existing structure may include: •• increasing structural loads on existing foundations 2.1. the geotechnical Wider Project Team investigation will need to consider: •• foundation support Most projects benefit if there is open communication between the geotechnical professional and the structural •• site earthworks engineer as well as the project manager. or commercial.project planning/initiation 2 2 Project Planning/Initiation 2. The frequency of these communications will depend on the nature and scale of the project.2 Communication with the For construction of a new building. under seismic loading is a key requirement to achieving meaning the geotechnical investigation requirements may good overall seismic performance. However.3 Retrofit 2. Maintaining uniform foundation response as large or heavy as a medium-size commercial structure. and any changes underground services. 3 Initial Planning The primary objective of most geotechnical investigation programmes is to provide an adequate understanding of the ground conditions for the project being undertaken. 2 project planning/initiation 2. Figure 2 illustrates the typical 3 analysis and reporting. may require a second Figure 2: The Geotechnical Investigation Process Desktop study Compile existing relevant information relating to the site and project Develop a Conceptual geotechnical model (descriptive or graphical) based on the results of the desktop study Plan and undertake site-specific geotechnical investigations based on the current project information and conceptual geotechnical model Refine the conceptual geotechnical model by reviewing the site-specific geological and geotechnical information. complex geotechnical conditions. A geotechnical site investigation program for a ‘routine’ round of field investigation and analysis. comprises the following three key stages: A graphical geotechnical model of the site may need 1 desktop study and site reconnaissance to be developed to assist the geotechnical professional with identifying subsurface features which may impact 2 site investigation(s) the proposed project. as well as an assessment of their material index and strength properties. or sites containing unusually complex project. Commence preliminary engineering analysis and design if appropriate. This would normally require an understanding of the type and distribution of soils beneath a site. stages of a geotechnical site investigation for a large or Large project sites. as will sites residential or commercial development typically where unexpected ground conditions are encountered. Have all geotechnical issues and risks been appropriately investigated and quantified? Yes No Scope additional investigation requirements Finalise and issue the Geotechnical model (descriptive or graphical) and issue geotechnical investigation report Commence detailed engineering analysis and design DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 5 . project scale and objectives: A review of the regional and national hazard maps and a geological and geomorphological maps and historical information should be completed in the early reports. the Industries List (HAIL) geological setting and geomorphology. to geomorphic features such as swamps or creek lines collate and analyse relevant existing information about which have been subsequently obscured by human the site.2 Site Walkover b existing hazard maps (ie liquefaction. site. its geological setting and its surroundings.project planning/initiation 2 2. activities. m historical records such as newspaper articles Potentially relevant data sources for the desktop study n construction records for nearby projects phase are listed below. noting that the components of a desk study will vary depending on the nature of the o local knowledge. flood. previous geotechnical investigation stages of the desktop study. As part of the desktop study.1 Desktop Study f maps. reports. j service plans and records The main purpose of the desktop study is to develop k contamination maps or Hazardous Activities and an understanding of the likely ground conditions. it is recommended that tsunami. and other geotechnical databases Observations made during the site walkover can greatly e well or bore records inform the development of the preliminary site model and hence the planning of the site investigation.) the geotechnical professional complete a physical c the national fault database walkover of the site.3. It is often appropriate to complete a site walkover as g survey plans part of the desktop study programme. This will aid in developing a better understanding of the site and its environs. and to guide the l previous local and anecdotal experience from the area scope of the subsequent site-specific investigations. in particular in h published soils maps (eg Landcare S-Maps) areas of complex geotechnical conditions. photographs (including historical and recent A desktop study is normally undertaken at the start aerial photographs) which may show topographic/ of a geotechnical site investigation programme. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 6 . location. etc. and may help d the New Zealand Geotechnical Database reduce the likelihood of unanticipated geotechnical issues. or published literature pertaining to the site and surrounding vicinity 2. or where i property file records there is a lack of existing information.3. fault-like lineaments etc. associated design constraints for a site to carry out the investigation in stages so that the •• evaluation of the possible effects of proposed geotechnical model can be reviewed following the works on surroundings. it may be beneficial. works to be undertaken. age and depositional environment •• site screening for active faults of the geologic formations present at the site for •• assessment of the suitable positioning and use in planning and interpreting the site conditions. •• assessment of site sub-soil class and/or sufficient data should have been gathered at the end of shear wave velocity (eg Vs30) the overall investigation programme to appropriately assess the relevant geotechnical hazards. such as neighbouring initial investigation. or assessment of the overall subsurface conditions and enable engineering analyses stability and general suitability of a site for the and design. Following completion of the desktop study.1 Specification and Procurement The purpose of the site investigation should be of Site Investigation Services carefully considered when planning the scope of the For geotechnical investigation projects in general. EQC. sampling requirements.4 Site Investigation Planning Site investigations are carried out for a variety of The geotechnical professional should develop the site purposes including: investigation plan to obtain the data needed to define •• site selection. of equipment. or potential slope instability) and can lateral spread potential. These would •• identification of borrow areas/cut/fill and be identified to a level appropriate to the project stage. consistent manner and obtain high quality data. safe and The investigation methods. or even necessary. the availability by the Auckland Council in partnership with MBIE. consider the effect of any proposed earthworks and allow data interpretation to be carried out with a on the site or adjacent land minimum number of assumptions. •• assessment of repair strategies Regardless of the number of site investigation stages. As part of a site investigation. standards. health and safety and contractor selection. •• assessment of potential variations in groundwater levels. and types and frequency of field tests to be performed should be determined based on the existing subsurface The Ground Investigation Specification being developed information. and local best practice. structures and sites carried out to target key areas of geotechnical risk or •• investigation of unsatisfactory in-service uncertainty that have been identified during earlier performance phases of investigation. compressible deposits or other problematic soils the site investigation can be completed in one phase. 2 project planning/initiation 2. it is important to clearly identify the investigation methods to be used. capability to perform the work in an efficient. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 7 . project design requirements. the It is also important to procure the services of a ground geotechnical professional should have sufficient investigation contractor who has the experience and information to plan the site investigation programme. NZGS and New Zealand Drillers Federation (2016 – draft out for consultation) contains detailed information on numerous aspects of specifying and procuring ground investigations including contractor qualifications. geotechnical issues such as the presence of For most residential and many commercial projects. a geologist/ proposed development engineering geologist can often provide valuable input regarding the type. alignment of the proposed structures with Understanding these geologic characteristics is important regard to geotechnical constraints (eg in helping to assess the liquefaction potential of •• assessment of the site’s liquefaction and various soil types.4. cost. •• assessment of possible foundation options and For larger projects. but particularly for larger projects. and any other relevant help refine the site investigation. 2. Further investigation can then be buildings. and density for use in assessing liquefaction potential. unit weight. presence of contaminants and the like.3 In situ Testing 2.4.4. and though such samples are Shallow investigations are often carried out: designated as ‘undisturbed. in situ testing methods in New Zealand are: dynamic elastic properties of the soil. Undisturbed samples are typically recovered from machine-drilled boreholes 2.2.1 Site Mapping hand excavation or augering.4. the skill of the drillers and the storage and transportation •• in areas of thin soil cover methods used. a profile of shear wave velocity (Vs) is required for assessing •• cone penetration test (CPT) the site-specific response of the ground to earthquake •• machine-drilled boreholes with standard shaking. significant •• as a complement to deep investigations. The most common changes in subsurface stratigraphy. In particular.’ in reality they are disturbed •• for initial site screening purposes to varying degrees. Disturbed samples from deep geotechnical investigation DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 8 . permeability and and any proposed development of the site. •• considering how these might affect the site natural moisture content. Other geophysical methods used in New Zealand gradation.4) includes: •• Marchetti dilatometer test (DMT) – also known as the flat plate dilatometer test. •• heavy dynamic probe (HDP) •• Swedish weight sounding (SWS) Shear wave testing in New Zealand (refer to Section 3.2. hand augering. classification.4.6 Geophysical Testing In situ testing (further discussed in Section 3) refers to methodologies that assess the soil characteristics Geophysical information can be used to help identify in situ. process modifies the in situ structure and stress state of the soil.2. consistency. window sampling. •• multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) •• spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) 2. •• for static design purposes for small structures The degree of sample disturbance depends on the soil.4.4) •• examination of landforms and active processes are used to assess the in situ strength.2.2.2 Types of Investigation are typically recovered from machine-drilled boreholes. it will be useful (and often necessary) collection of materials from machine-excavated test pits. Scala into the geotechnical design if appropriate care is not penetrometer testing. As discussed in Section 3.2 Shallow Investigation using specialised samplers. as well as assess deep. Other less common deep methods include: Compression wave velocity (Vp) can be used to determine the depth to full soil saturation. and shear vane testing.2.4) are generally obtained to determine the soil type. resistivity surveys (ER). to study and map the geology and geomorphology Samples recovered from any of these methods.2. are considered ‘disturbed’ because the sampling is normally done by an engineering geologist.4. transport and storage of undisturbed samples. and potentially costly inaccuracies may be introduced Methods include testpitting. including of the site and its surroundings in the field. and For many projects. 2.2. compressibility. Vs is also used to help evaluate soil stiffness penetration test (SPT). stratigraphy of subsurface soils.project planning/initiation 2 2. Disturbed samples (further discussed in Section 3. density.5 Undisturbed Sampling •• inspection and logging of exposures of rock and soil Undisturbed samples (further discussed in Section 3. Important information about a site and its geological setting can be obtained from: 2. with or without sampling.4. Other methods for obtaining disturbed samples include 2.4. exercised during recovery. •• for fault studies type and condition of the equipment used. This work drilling.2. moisture include ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical content.4 Disturbed Sampling •• down-hole and cross-hole testing. MBIE Guidance. conditions. Table 2.500 m2 Plan change 0. building footprint). Version 3. a relatively number of geotechnical site investigations recommended wide spacing of investigation points may be acceptable. but in most Appropriate site-specific investigations should be circumstances are not an appropriate substitute for incorporated into the detailed design phase of any new intrusive investigations. Comment 2.1 will be required to closely spaced investigations (eg several within each adequately characterise the ground conditions.50 per lot Minimum of 1 per house site Minimum of 1 per house site consent Rural land Minimum of 1 per house site 3 Repairing and Rebuilding Houses Affected by the Canterbury Earthquakes.4.3. regardless of enable detailed design of the structure(s) and earthworks. peat deposits or other potentially adverse the field work. closely spaced investigations are likely Comment to be required. for different sized locations when applying for a Plan particularly in areas of known uniform subsurface Change or Subdivision Consent. the geotechnical points will depend on: professional should periodically observe the field investigation.0 hectare less than 2.4. development.1 Plan Change or Subdivision •• type of structures proposed Consent Applications •• phase of the investigation being performed Table 2.4.1 below has been developed based on the •• availability of existing data. It presents the minimum For preliminary investigation of a large site.3 Spacing of Investigation Points be available to confer with the field personnel during The final number and spacing of intrusive investigation the investigation. Generally. how well they may be planned.0 Hectare or morE but less than 1. •• anticipated variation in subsurface conditions across the project site 2.50 per house site Minimum of 2 total Minimum of 5 total Minimum of 3 total Subdivision Urban Land 0.3. The primary purpose of site-specific investigation is to obtain the information required to Subsurface investigation programmes. involving a highly variable site. December 2012 DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 9 . On critical projects. 2 project planning/initiation 2. a plan change or subdivision Each project site should be assessed on its own consent would require fewer.2 Detailed Design or Building Non-intrusive investigations can be utilised to Consent Application supplement intrusive investigations.20 per hectare 0. For detailed design. more widely spaced merits when planning an investigation. It is investigations while an investigation for detailed possible that a greater investigation intensity design or building consent would require reasonably than recommended in Table 2. must be flexible enough and to support the geotechnical aspects of building to adjust for unexpected or significant variations in consent application (eg to confirm whether liquefiable subsurface conditions that are encountered during soils. The geotechnical professional should geotechnical conditions are present).1: Recommended Minimum Deep Geotechnical Investigation Intensity for Plan Change or Subdivision Consent Applications Recommended minimum cumulative number of deep intrusive geotechnical site investigation locations Site plan area greater than 2.500 m2 Project Stage 1. MBIE guidance document for rebuilding residential buildings in Canterbury3. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 10 . •• anticipated geo-hazards The number of geotechnical investigations recommended •• foundation loads and types in Table 2.4 Depth of Investigation engineering assessment typically require a combination of The depth of site investigation depends on: both deep (eg 10 m +) and shallow investigations (refer to •• type and nature of the structure(s) Section Recommended Minimum Density of Geotechnical Investigation for Detailed Design/ Building Consent Application (recommended minimum number of intrusive investigation locations) Residential and Commercial Buildings up to Investigation 2 stories high and with a ground floor area type Less Than 250m2 Greater Than 250m2 Deep investigation Deep investigation (refer to Section 2. site-specific or nearby geotechnical investigations can form part of the minimum 2. programme is normally to assess the geotechnical The density of site investigations may be greater than bearing capacity of the subgrade materials within the those in Table 2.0 m below the existing test results. Information from historic.2 may need to be increased to account for all •• earthworks proposed relevant geotechnical issues and hazards present on a •• type of analyses to be undertaken. retaining structures or both.0 m into natural ground In this situation. Scala penetrometer For larger projects or more complex ground tests (sometimes called ‘dynamic cone’ or DCP testing) conditions. Shallow In addition to deep investigations. CPT with machine boreholes and sampling to allow The depth of the shallow geotechnical investigations laboratory testing and development of more refined should typically: correlations between soil properties and in situ •• extend a minimum of 3.2 for projects that either: primary zone of influence of slab-on-grade and lightly loaded shallow foundations. providing such data is deemed by the The primary purpose of a shallow investigation geotechnical professional to be both adequate and relevant.4) should be undertaken at no less than immediately adjacent to the proposed building 2 locations within or immediately adjacent footprint and achieve a minimum density of to the proposed building footprint.4. fill depths or the presence of organics or topsoil. A shallow investigation programme would typically comprise some Comment combination of hand auger holes.project planning/initiation 2 Table 2.2 below summarises the minimum number of intrusive geotechnical investigations recommended •• anticipated nature of the subsurface materials for detailed design or building consent application for typical (including variability in stratification) IL2 residential and commercial building developments.4). site.4. a borehole/CPT pair should be considered as one deep investigation location. it can be particularly effective to combine and/or test pits. An example of this would be the use of ground surface laboratory testing to correlate actual soil plasticity and fines content with the CPT-based estimates. Table 2. 1 location/250 m2 of building footprint. Site-specific investigations for geotechnical earthquake 2. •• extend a minimum of 1. achieve a minimum density of 1 location/250 m2 of building footprint.1 Shallow Investigations investigation. It can also be used to •• include structures greater than two storeys high characterise the conditions anticipated for relatively •• have a significant depth of earthworks shallow earthworks.4) Deep investigations should be undertaken at should be undertaken at no less than no less than 3 locations within or immediately 2 locations within or immediately adjacent adjacent to the proposed building footprint and to the proposed building footprint. shallow Shallow geotechnical investigations should be geotechnical geotechnical investigations (refer to Section undertaken at no less than 3 locations within or investigation 2. and provide a check on the existing •• or contain a deep basement.4.4. 0 m below the zone of The depth of site investigation must be assessed influence of the proposed foundation system and confirmed by the geotechnical professional on a and at least twice the footing width case-by-case basis. the minimum depth should footprint may only require CPTs or boreholes to a depth extend a minimum of 5 pile diameters below the of 10 to 15 m. the use of these methods can become impractical. the depth of influence are typically required on sites where there is a suspected can be significant but the increase in effective geo-hazard such as potentially liquefiable soils. Energy also can be lost through compression of the Scala rod.4. etc. analysis may also require deeper investigation. thick. time.). determination of depth of investigation: The use of the Scala penetrometer alone will not •• In the absence of a potential geo-hazard requiring identify important geotechnical issues such as buried deeper investigation. Over investigation equipment. capability and reliability of the available for testing pavement subgrade (Scala.4. extend to at least the depth of influence of the Therefore it is recommended that such testing is foundation type(s) being considered for the proposed always accompanied by boreholes or test pits. assessment for a large commercial or critical facility •• When assessing liquefaction potential. A similar of 2 m penetration below the pile toe. (eg liquefiable layers which may result in ground surface damage or impact foundation support) Where there is a need to extend the investigation deeper •• the type and configuration of the proposed than 3 m. other energy losses are likely to influence the results investigations may need to extend to significantly (Paige-Green. foundation and the soil conditions anticipated) uplift etc. expansive soils. would typically depth of investigation should extend to the depth require investigation to a depth of at least 20 to 25 m. Du Plessis. the depth should be in the order of two to four times the 2. peat layers. after the first metre profiling for a site-specific ground response of penetration. with heavy foundation loads. it is sometimes used Intrusive investigation to a depth of greater than to depths of 3 m or more. (or shallower in IL2-type building projects. at which the liquefied soils are unlikely to have a DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 11 . scour. elastic compression of the soil and various The following guidance is provided to assist with other unknown factors. the minimum structure. hydrogeology and stratigraphy Shallow investigations will not enable characterisation •• the depth and extent of any critical sub-surface layers of liquefaction potential on a site. with a minimum unlikely to impact the structure in most cases. after due consideration of the •• enable visual assessment and confirmation relevant site-specific geotechnical issues. development/structures Comment •• the stage of the project development The Scala Penetrometer was originally developed •• the type. stress relatively small (judgement should be soft soil deposits or slope instability.). Clearing each metre greater depths. development for: –– shallow pad or strip foundations. it has become a common tool for shallow site investigation and assessing the bearing capacity of Comment shallow foundations. As such. will reduce some of these effects. •• the site geology. However. 2 project planning/initiation •• extend a minimum of 1.2 Deep Investigations foundation width Deep investigations (eg CPT or machine-drilled borehole) –– mat and raft foundations. 2009). including: of the soil type and strength/density. in some cases materials with a California Bearing Ratio – CBR > 15) (ie for large heavy structures located in soft where inertia effects. large-diameter tanks. 1956). etc. They are also used to determine the depth of investigation required where large or deep foundations are being considering both the plan dimensions of the considered (for heavy or concentrated loads. if possible. fill. topsoil horizons. side friction on the rod and ground. as soil behaviour below this depth is anticipated pile tip elevation. The use of the Scala is not 25 m is unlikely to be required for most typical recommended below a depth of 2 m. large dams. Accurate shear wave velocity increment with a hand auger. A liquefaction assessment for a single-family house or a one-storey commercial building with a small –– pile foundations. the depth should. for example). It is important that the site investigation be performed To overcome the problem of CPT refusal in interlayered using the appropriate equipment and an accepted testing but potentially liquefiable deposits. In alluvial which may be useful. earthquakes has shown that liquefaction may occur at where appropriate. it is often structures. this can be in the order of 10 to 15 m. can be considered unlikely to have For liquefaction assessment. Comment For shallow foundations supporting lightweight When performing CPT investigation. Incorrect procedures An investigation may be terminated at a depth less than or improvisation of investigative techniques may result that recommended above if the geotechnical professional in erroneous or misleading results and potentially lead deems such investigation has proved the presence of to an incorrect interpretation of the field data. 2014). soft or Site investigation for geotechnical earthquake organic silts and clays). should it occur. For most investigation techniques. with applicable New Zealand standards and guidelines or. the use of ASTM significant impact at the ground surface. the investigation may need to extend to a depth of 20 m or more. the Deviation(s) from the standards may sometimes be liquefaction potential of any loose/medium dense soils required.project planning/initiation 2 consequential impact on the proposed development (eg foundation design or distortion of ground surface). design issue (eg for assessing flooding potential). peat. particularly when pushed with rigs having less that are published by the International Society for Soil than 15T push capacity. should also guide depths of up to 20 m (Murashev. The presence of such material should be proved for a continuous thickness that is appropriate to both the anticipated loading conditions and materials encountered. can refuse on relatively thin but Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (IRTP. in the absence of these (for SPT Comment and CPT testing for example). a deep geotechnical investigation should not terminate within potentially problematic soils (ie liquefiable soils. 1999) relatively dense gravel/sandy gravel layers. there are other test standards such as EN ISO that the base of all liquefiable layers has been identified. to either pre-drill (in the case of a shallow dense layer for Whichever standard is used. liquefaction below the pile these are often the basis for data that is relied upon in base should be considered. If pre-drilling followed by CPT is utilised. If deep piles investigation standards is generally recommended as are anticipated however. and this where total ground surface settlement may be a may result in decreased design risk. Local best practice. 2. et al. They are already widely used in New Zealand and are periodically updated. documented to allow the design engineer to assess the potential effects of the deviation(s). but these should be minimised and clearly drilled through should still be assessed utilising SPT. 22476-1 (2012) and International Reference Test Procedure CPT. or for situations metres for only a marginal increase in cost. typical projects. this is a common occurrence. sampling.5 Standards and Guidelines •• To the extent practical. or within a unit which is engineering should be performed in accordance known to overlie problematic soils. the standard procedures example). Shallow refusal of a CPT sounding is not necessarily proof For the CPT. 4 American Society for Testing and Materials DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 12 . bedrock or thick deposits of material which are known to be non-liquefiable and otherwise stable. possible to extend the depth of investigation several For heavily loaded or pile foundations. the relevant Field evidence from the Kobe and Loma Prieta current ASTM4 standard. liquefaction below a depth of 20 m. semi-empirical analysis methodologies. plain deposits (such as those found in Canterbury and Hawke’s Bay. it may be necessary standard to obtain repeatable and accurate results. or switch over to machine boreholes and SPT should always be followed to the extent practicable. which led to MBIE expanding it in 2016 to take national data. in particular the existing and new geotechnical information. the geo-professional should NZGS field classification and description guideline5. allows more accurate planning of site measures are implemented prior to commencing investigations (as likely ground conditions will any physical site works. The CGD proved to be a great collaborative success. should This enhances data management efficiency and. be known in advance). the behaviour during testing. should also be maintained. in engineering and land planning. The records should reference the as well as the development and construction sectors project. over time. so that the benefits can be similarly Records should be kept for all site investigation applied across the entire country. SPTs and groundwater level database are obvious. The New Zealand Geotechnical Database (NZGD) All persons who are involved in a geotechnical is a searchable web-based repository for both site investigation program. By law. Therefore. It will also allow such things as high level assessments of project Common risks in a geotechnical investigation include.7 National Geotechnical Database health and safety legislation. location implications. geotechnical professional and owner. data set will grow over time and the benefits of the It is very useful if records of field investigation results NZGD will progressively increase. tasks. 2 project planning/initiation was created to assist the rebuild of greater Christchurch 2. •• buried and overhead services •• heavy machinery The NZGD is becoming. particularly for field tests or measurements The advantages of having a fully matured and populated such as CPTs.7. location and results of the field task. in accordance with the subsurface investigations after obtaining client recommendations outlined in the latest edition of the permission. all geotechnical site investigation activities should comply with relevant work 2.8 Health and Safety should be uploaded to the New Zealand Geotechnical Database (NZGD). test data and other items. In many cases such compliance will incorporate site-specific risk assessment and work method statements. and laboratory testing are maintained in a form suitable for archiving and information transfer. Guideline for the Field Classification and Description of Soil and Rock for Engineering Purposes. and ethical behaviour of all data users. December 2005. date. a valuable resource. As outlined in Section 2. NZ Geotechnical Society Inc. all such data 2. ideally in a digital form. It was originally developed as an enhancement from •• moving or rotating machinery the Canterbury Geotechnical Database (CGD). ensure that any data gathered in a site investigation Original laboratory test sheets which contain recorded programme is promptly uploaded to the NZGD. and preliminary assessment but are not necessarily limited to: of likely foundation solutions will be possible. which •• high pressure hydraulics 5 Field Description of Soil and Rock. confirm that the health and safety risks have in areas where sufficient data density has been been assessed and that appropriate mitigation achieved. measurements. It is a condition of the NZGD terms of use that data Geotechnical logs and records should be compiled users also upload any data that they gather from for the investigation. such as the laboratory With the ongoing support of the private and public technician’s observations of sample condition and sectors. (and the many other sectors they serve).6 Data Collection and following the 2010–2011 Canterbury Earthquake Record Keeping Sequence. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 13 . project planning/initiation 2 •• excavations The issue of contaminated land is beyond the scope •• noise of this document. •• dust Common site contaminants include: •• fall from heights •• asbestos •• weather. and health and safety procedures subject site. However the risk that part or all of any subject site contains contaminated land needs to be considered. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 14 . At the desk study phase. herbicides and fungicides) Ground contamination is an environmental •• heavy metals and metalloids (lead.) engineering issue. arsenic etc. not a geotechnical engineering •• hydrocarbons (fuels. oils and greases) issue. copper. within different regions of New Zealand. however a wide range of contaminants may be present in the ground as a result of either current •• traffic or historic land uses. For this reason the following general •• environmental contamination guidance is provided. Machinery and tools should remain on site in order to prevent the potential spread of contamination. the relevant territorial authority maps If contamination is observed in the field. •• agrichemicals (pesticides. an investigation and file records should be reviewed to identify any should be halted until appropriate specialist advice known potential contamination hazard at the has been obtained. implemented. •• solvents The quantity of existing information available to help •• bacteria and/or viruses identify contaminated land sites can vary considerably •• sewerage. safety and environmental considerations. however. and are able to penetrate dense soil/gravel layers that might cause refusal in a CPT. 2 site investigation methods 3 Site Investigation Methods The methods to be deployed during a geotechnical site investigation program should be carefully considered and selected. and SPT (if CPT is not feasible). The CPT is often more economical. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 15 . and •• regulatory requirements. and provides more continuous data than SPTs. it has been shown in Christchurch to give inconsistent results relative to the CPT when using the simplified liquefaction triggering procedures (EQC . all other investigation methods should only be viewed as providing supplementary data. in press). low overhead clearance) •• cost and time constraints •• health. Shear wave velocity testing may be used to compliment liquefaction investigations – eg in areas of significant gravel deposits. taking due account of the following issues: •• the objectives of the investigation •• the ground conditions likely to be encountered •• availability of equipment/expertise and associated limitations (eg CPT push capacity. the drilling and sampling associated with SPT provide soil samples for visual assessment and laboratory testing. The two most commonly used in situ tests for soils In New Zealand are the Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) and the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). the two primary investigation methods that should be used are CPT. purpose-built geotechnical drilling rigs with appropriate tooling for anticipated ground conditions) •• site access limitations (eg boggy ground. Currently. However. Comment For acquiring data for the assessment of liquefaction potential using the simplified triggering procedures. ranging from small man-portable units It is not possible to use Scala penetrometer to very large truck and track vehicles. and are often more investigation tool. Ac) time and cost savings may be gained. The standard cone penetrometer consists of a ultimate bearing capacity of the site for shallow three-channel instrumented steel probe that measures: foundation design for small structures (only). Scala penetrometer CPT can be completed to a depth of about 20 to 25 m results cannot be used other than for assessing the in approximately 1 to 1-½ hours in medium dense/stiff near surface consistency and static geotechnical soil. geophysical investigation as discussed in Section 2. (penetrometer) into the ground at a constant rate of about 20 mm/sec and measuring the resistance Comment to penetration. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 16 . considerable 1 35. Other testing technologies such as dynamic probes. However for most projects. The penetrometer is normally available measurements are taken during the field operations and in two standard sizes: there are no laboratory samples to be tested. because all angle apex. As samples are not taken. Geophysical methods should Comment generally be viewed as being complimentary to an The CPT penetrometer is a sophisticated investigation by CPT or borehole.7 mm diameter body (10 cm2 projected tip area. the and 150 cm2 friction sleeve (A s) opportunity for visual classification of soils is lost.5. shear wave velocities (SCPT). overview of some of the more important points. Campenalla and Howie (2005) Sounding (SWS) can be used to obtain supplementary and the US Transportation Research Board (2007) subsurface data. However. in New Zealand. alone will not be sufficient to adequately characterise the ground conditions. it is likely for more detailed information. refined soil properties from laboratory testing. •• cone tip stress (qc) •• sleeve friction (f s) 3. Interpreted stratigraphy and strength characteristics The standard penetrometer has a conical tip with 60° are obtained as the CPT progresses and. It can contain up to five channels (ie data collection sensors). A variety of cone penetrometer systems are available. This is because it is a relatively investigation methods 2 The use of geophysical methods to investigate and The CPT in New Zealand should be conducted in general assess subsurface stratigraphy. 3. that CPT investigation. For buildings. accordance with the latest version of the ASTM D 5778 liquefaction potential. intrusive investigation method in many parts of New when this option is used the CPT is referred to as a CPTu. etc is becoming more common test standard. and/or boreholes with SPT (in combination with laboratory testing) or geophysical The test consists of hydraulically pushing a steel probe surveys – will be the primary means of investigation. The following provides an usefully deployed before intrusive methods. a consequences. Utilising a push investigation data to assess liquefaction risk and system capable of generating 10 tonnes of force. flat and the reader is referred to references such as plate (or Marchetti) Dilatometer (DMT). Other testing standards may also be useful.7 mm diameter body (Ac = 15 cm2 and A s = 225 cm2).1 General The CPT has overtaken SPT drilling as the most common Porewater pressure measurements are not always made. soil stiffness. economical Another common addition is geophones for measuring method of exploring soils ranging from sands to clays.1 Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) •• penetration porewater pressure (um). it is not possible to get more 2 43. Swedish Weight Lunne et al (1997).1. However. Zealand. 7 mm in diameter. or u3 cones – should check the area of the friction sleeve. hence they can be used where tight access precludes the use reducing rod friction during pushing. behind the cone sleeve (Type 3). DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 17 . Therefore. The larger cone of larger rigs. however u2 cones are the norm in New Zealand. d = 44 mm (15 cm2) 2 Obtain baseline readings for tip. u2. some •• at the shoulder (Type 2) just behind the tip manufacturers do not adhere to that requirement (ie sleeve surface areas can vary from about 200 to •• less commonly. Some commercial operators have found the 15 cm2 cone A s = 75 mm) is sometimes used for shallow investigations to be stronger for routine investigations and more easily and in soft soils. if a 15 cm2 cone is to be used. However. Mini cone rigs are CPT push rods are normally 35. filter for pore pressure measurement is located either: provided the friction sleeve has a surface area of 225 cm2 •• at the apex or mid-face of the cone tip (Type 1) to preserve geometric consistency. As sensitivity of tip and sleeve friction. the compact due to the smaller required push force. Continuous hydraulic push at 20 mm/s Add rod every 1 m Cone rod Inclinometer (36 mm diameter) f s = sleeve friction Readings taken every 10 to 50 mm: Um = porewater pressure fs an = net area ratio (from triaxial calibration) Um q1 qc = measured tip stress or cone resistance qt = corrected tip stress = qc + (1 – an)Um A ‘mini cone’ with a 25 mm diameter body (Ac = 5 cm2. 300 cm2). one These are sometimes referred to as u1. the porous yield essentially the same results as the 10 cm2 cone. sleeve. due to increased measurement outfitted with additional sensors for specific needs. hence 15 cm2 size cone also tends to open a larger hole. has a lower sensitivity to the presence of thin layers than the smaller 10 cm2 cone. The 15 cm2 cone should Depending on the types of soils being tested. 2 site investigation methods Figure 3: Procedures and Components of the Cone Penetration Test (from FHWA report NHI-01-031) Electric cone penetrometer Cable to computer with 60° Apex: 1 Saturation of code tip cavities and placement d = 36 mm (10 cm2) or of pre-saturated porous filter element. porewater transducer and inclinometer channels. pumice soils using common CPT correlations for but can be useful for larger and/or critical projects. content in soils containing appreciable fines (ie silty sands. this is typically not done for smaller projects. Idriss. The CPT does judgement and general knowledge of soil variability not recover any soil sample and it relies on empirical in the site area. interpreted soil types. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 18 . thicknesses and extent better than conventional mud it may be advisable to perform machine drilling rotary or auger drilling operations that rely on SPT and sampling adjacent to a representative number or other sampler at 1 or 1. Alternatively. Similar issues may arise with other non-quartz derived soils such as micas and feldspars.5 m intervals. Due to CPT-based liquefaction triggering assessment of cost. The data is then used to generate continuous over-prediction of liquefaction triggering potential. Site-specific correlation of soil properties can also be useful on soft soil sites – eg to refine In some ground conditions. However. To confirm the soil behaviour type. 1999). it has been found that the standard and in the international reference test CPT can often under-predict the actual fines procedure (IRTP. Because no drill spoils are generated. with CPT to obtain samples for laboratory investigation methods 2 Specifications on the machine tolerances. complications may still methodology that may not be appropriate. if at shallow depth. non-plastic/low-plasticity silts). Pre-drilling through the gravels. dimensions and load cell requirements for electrical CPT Comment penetrometers are outlined in the ASTM D 5778 test In Christchurch. lead to the selection of a ground improvement (As with conventional drilling. fully conditions. geotechnical professional using engineering is often used to get around this problem. CPT is often ideal for locating site-specific fines content correlation (Boulanger and the pile tip elevations for installation operations. An electronic data acquisition system records and Hence. The continuous nature of CPT readings permit clear For sites where a significant liquefaction potential delineations of various soil strata.) may less effective in mitigating liquefaction. at least two boreholes may be needed sampled machine drilling can be used in conjunction to confirm the CPT correlations. 2013). 2014). and and hence the potential impacts of liquefaction various geotechnical parameters. shear strength or consolidation characteristics. soil strength and stiffness may not be strictly applicable (Orense and Pender. is identified from a CPT-based triggering analysis. CPT can also be used to broadly identify areas or layers of potential problem soils which can then be further Comment investigated with drilling/laboratory testing. CPT testing is often impractical because the penetrometer will not be able to be pushed without a high risk of The frequency of CPT/borehole pairs required for damaging the penetrometer and/or breaking the push such an exercise should be selected by the rods. Much of the CPT empirical database is from quartz-derived soils and it is recognised that such soils often have quite different behaviour relative to pumicious soils. CPT is less Under-prediction of the fines content can also disruptive and results in less clean-up than drilling. vicinity. such as dense gravels. one borehole per five CPT locations is likely to be adequate for large projects. or arise if a strongly artesian aquifer is penetrated. This can result in an pressure. profiles of geostratigraphy. their depths. In the case of of the CPT soundings to confirm the actual fines assessments for piles that must bear in an established contents (via laboratory testing) and develop a lower formation unit. fines content and for a small site with five CPTs and variable ground other soil properties inferred from the CPT data. to a site/structure – sometimes markedly so. as a guide in the absence relationships between the cone tip resistance and skin of previous site information of data in the immediate friction to predict the soil type and behaviour. the soil behaviour is predicted to be less processes the tip and sleeve resistance and pore ‘plastic’ than it actually is. 2 site investigation methods Appendices A and B provide detailed discussions of resistance (qc) to total tip resistance (qt) in fine-grained CPT data accuracy, and some commonly encountered soils – refer to Section 3.1.4. Nonetheless, Robertson problems and errors encountered during CPT operations (2013) recommends that pore pressure measurements be and data processing. Appendix C contains a series of field made for the following reasons: checklist items that both operators and geotechnical 1 any correction to qt for unequal end area effects is professionals may find useful when conducting routine better than no correction in soft fine-grained soils CPT soundings. 2 dissipation test results provide valuable information concerning the equilibrium piezometric profile 3.1.2 CPT Resolution/Accuracy 3 penetration pore pressures provide a qualitative Cone penetrometers are typically matched to the evaluation of drainage conditions during the CPT as push capacity of the thrust machine being used, to well as assisting in evaluating soil behaviour type. allow penetration into a wide range of soil conditions. In New Zealand practice, the typical measuring range 3.1.4 Equipment Calibration/Maintenance for qc is 0 to 100 MPa for cone penetrometers with cross-sectional areas of 10 cm2. (The ability to reach this As well as requiring well-trained, skilled and experienced stress level, however, is dictated by the push capacity operators to conduct CPT, cone penetrometers require of the rig. It is also usual for the test to be terminated calibration and maintenance on a regular basis. The at lower stress levels in any case to avoid damaging the regularity depends on the amount of overall use, and the penetrometer or push rods). Nominal ranges as low as care taken during storage between soundings. Data errors 7.5 MPa are available. resulting from out-of-calibration or worn instruments can be significant. Adhere to the cone manufacturer’s The accuracy of most well-designed, strain-gauged recommendations regarding calibration, maintenance load cells is 0.1 percent of the full scale output (FSO). and the frequency of both. The cone should also be Hence, a 100 MPa cone would have an accuracy for qt recalibrated after every overhaul or repair. In most of around 0.1 MPa (100 kPa). In many sands, this would cases, the unit will need to be sent to the manufacturer represent an accuracy of better than 1 percent. However, for calibration. Calibration of cone and piezocone in soft, fine-grained soils, this may represent an accuracy penetrometers is discussed in detail in several references, of less than 10 percent. In very soft, fine-grained soils, including Campanella and Howie, 2005; Lunne et al. 1997; low capacity cones (ie max. tip stress < 50 MPa) have Chen and Mayne 1994; and Mulabdic´ et al. 1990. better accuracy. A more detailed discussion of cone accuracy is presented in Appendix A. The CPT operator should maintain a log of the calibration, maintenance and routine operation of the cone The resolution of the data acquisition system is also penetrometer system. A current calibration certificate important. A low (ie 12-bit) resolution will result in should be obtained for the specific cone used on any ‘stepped’ readings with depth. In contrast, a 24-bit investigation, and a visual inspection of the cone analogue to digital (A/D) conversion system would (for damage or wear) is recommended. Each cone typically provide resolution at 1 N or 0.01 kPa or better, penetrometer should have a unique identification number. resulting in a very smooth data profile. The log should list the recorded calibration values of the load cells for: 3.1.3 Pore Pressure Measurement •• tip and sleeve readings Although pore pressure measurements are commonly •• porewater transducer collected with the CPT (ie CPTu), the accuracy and precision of the cone pore pressure measurements •• inclinometer (for on-shore testing environments) are not always •• any other sensors or channels. reliable or repeatable. This is due to loss of saturation The net area ratio (an) should also be listed for the cone of the pore pressure element (Robertson, 2013). being used. This problem can sometimes be reduced with very good equipment, procedures and well-trained operators. A particularly important calibration parameter is the net area ratio (an) of the cone. The measured axial force at Inaccurate pore pressure measurement potentially the tip of the penetrometer (Fc), divided by the projected presents a problem when correcting measured tip tip area, equals the measured tip resistance, qc = Fc /Ac. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 19 site investigation methods 2 This stress should be corrected for pore water pressures Other routine maintenance/inspection includes periodic acting behind the cone (depending on the cone design). cleaning of the penetrometer and rods, inspection of the The corrected tip stress or total cone tip resistance is electronic cables and power connections and removal of commonly labelled qt, and requires two prerequisites: bent push rods. 1 calibration of the particular penetrometer in A more detailed discussion of various types of common a triaxial chamber to determine an data errors is contained in Appendix B. 2 field pore water pressures to be measured at the shoulder position (u = u2). 3.1.5 Baseline Readings The determination of an should be performed by the cone Before conducting an electronic CPT sounding, it is very manufacturer. important to take initial baseline readings (‘zero load’ readings) of the separate data acquisition channels – The total cone tip resistance is determined as: eg cone tip resistance, sleeve friction, pore pressure. qt = qc + (1 – an)u2 The baseline values represent the relative conditions when there are no forces on the load cells and transducers. Comment The electrical signals values may shift before or during In clean sands and dense granular soils, qt is a sounding due to thermal effects (air, water, humidity, approximately equal to qc, hence the correction barometric pressures, ground temperatures, or frictional is not critical. However, in soft to stiff clayey heat), as well as power interruptions or electromagnetic soils where appreciable porewater pressures are interference. generated, the correction can be large – from Baseline error is variable and should be determined for 20 to 70 percent in some instances (Lunne et al. 1986; each sounding by recording the baseline reading both: Campanella and Robertson 1988; Robertson 2013). •• just before penetration Before each test, the seals between different elements •• immediately after the cone is withdrawn should be cleaned and inspected to ensure their integrity. from the ground. After each sounding, it is good procedure to clean The baseline readings should always be included on and inspect the cone and seals. Soil should be removed the recorded data sheets to enable a check of its from all seals and the cone cleaned before and after variation. The baseline error should, in general, not each sounding. exceed 0.5 percent to 1 percent of the full-scale output. Cone tip and sleeve wear can also result in potentially For measurements in soft soils, the error should be significant data errors. Published guidance regarding considerably less than 0.5 percent of FSO. For more replacement of cone tips and sleeves varies. The US specific details regarding cone calibration, refer to Transportation Research Board (2007) suggests that ASTM D 5778. A good discussion on cone calibration for a production rate of 60 m/day, used 4 days/week, is also contained in Campanella and Howie (2005). an annual production of 12,000 m/year would likely For completeness, the effect of temperature on zero load require cone tip/sleeve replacement 1 or 2 times per year. output and on calibration factors should be determined The actual rate of replacement will depend on the soils by performing calibrations over a range in temperature tested, as sands and gravelly soils are considerably which might correspond to field conditions. The effect of more abrasive than silts and clays. temperature variations can be minimized in the field by pushing the cone into the ground about 1 m and leaving it Comment for 30 minutes or more while setting up the data system. In Christchurch, after the 2010–2011 earthquakes, When the test is started, the cone is withdrawn to ground thousands of CPT soundings were pushed in the surface, baseline readings are recorded and the sounding following two years. Anecdotal evidence indicated is started with the cone at the ground temperature. that cone tips in particular, but also sleeves, required Alternatively, the cone can be placed in a bucket of water replacement about every 1,000 m of testing. which is near ground temperature for about 15 to 30 minutes immediately before starting a sounding. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 20 2 site investigation methods 3.1.6 Piezocone Filter Elements D 5778) should be followed, as each manufacturer’s The filter elements used for piezocone testing are typically cone is different, and is set up and calibrated in a made of porous plastic, ceramic, or sintered metal. particular manner. •• The plastic versions are common because they are 3.1.7 CPT Profiles disposable and can be replaced after each sounding The results of the individual channels of a CPTu are plotted to avoid clogging problems; particularly when testing with depth, as illustrated in Figure 3.1. With the continuous plastic clays. records and three independent channels, it is easy to •• A ceramic filter is preferred for face elements (Type 1) discern detailed changes in strata and the inclusion of because it offers better rigidity and is less prone to seams and lenses within the subsurface profile. Since abrasion compared with plastic filters. soil samples are not obtained with the CPT, an indirect •• Sintered elements do not work well as face filters in assessment of soil behaviour type is interpreted from the some soils because of smearing problems. The sintered readings. The data can be automatically processed for metal and ceramic filters are reusable and can be interpretation, utilising empirical relationships (Robertson cleaned using an ultrasonic bath after each sounding. 1990, Robertson and Wride, 1998), or directly assessed Saturation of the filter elements is normally accomplished visually to identify changes in soil stratigraphy. using a glycerine bath under vacuum for a period of At test depths above the groundwater table, porewater 24 hours. Alternatively, silicone oil is sometimes used as pressure readings vary with capillarity, moisture, degree the saturation fluid. It is also possible to use water or a of saturation, and other factors and hence may not be 50–50 mix of glycerine and water; however, these fluids accurate. Below the water table and using a standard require much more care during cone assemblage to avoid shoulder filter element, clean saturated sands have desaturation of the filter. For efficiency during testing, it penetration porewater pressures often near hydrostatic is preferable to pre-saturate a sufficient number of filter (u2 ~ u0) (or negative in dense, dilative soils), whereas elements overnight to use on the next day’s project. intact clays exhibit values considerably higher than In all cases the manufacturer’s procedures (and ASTM hydrostatic (u2 > u0). Figure 3.1: CPTu results from site in Christchurch near Avon River Tip resistance Sleeve friction Porewater pressure Friction Ratio qr (MPa) f s (kPa) U2 (kPa) FR (%) 0 10 20 30 40 0 200 400 600 -500 0 500 1000 0 2 4 6 8 10 5 10 Depth (m) 15 20 25 DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 21 site investigation methods 2 3.2 Borehole Drilling and Sampling 3.2.1 When to consider Machine-Drilled 3.2.2 Types of Drilling Boreholes The following discussion is limited to soil drilling. It is Machine-drilled boreholes are typically used on soil sites acknowledged that some of the methods discussed, while when samples are required for: historically used in New Zealand, may now be uncommon. •• laboratory testing (eg to calibrate CPT results, However, they are included for the sake of completeness. determine soil index properties, or for directly obtaining consolidation or shear-strength parameters) Double-Tube Coring or Triple Tube Coring Core drilling was originally developed for coring into •• when visual inspection of soil samples is required hard rock; however the methodology can be used to •• when subsurface conditions preclude the use of the recover continuous soil samples. The ‘core barrel’ used CPT because of difficulty in pushing through gravelly in core drilling is typically double-tube or triple-tube. or dense soils A double-tube or triple-tube core barrel offers better •• investigating sites on rock. recovery by isolating the soil ‘core’ from the drilling Assessment of liquefaction triggering can also be fluid stream. An inner and outer core barrel is used, as accomplished with a borehole if appropriate drilling pictured in Figure 3.2. The inner tube can be rigid or fixed methodologies and proper SPT are employed. to the core barrel head and rotate around the core, or it can be mounted on roller bearings which allow the inner Comment tube to remain stationary while the outer tube rotates. The second or swivel type core barrel is less disturbing The introduction of rotary-sonic drilling in New to the core as it enters the inner barrel and is often more Zealand after the 2010–2011 Canterbury earthquakes successful in recovering soil ‘core.’ allows the collection of a more-or-less continuous sample of the soil profile. This allows the geotechnical The core barrel can come in a number of sizes and in professional to visually assess the ground conditions general, a larger core size will produce greater recovery. and select specific samples for laboratory testing. The use of shorter core run lengths (eg reducing run When the borehole is paired with a CPT, various CPT length from 3 to 1.5 m or less) can improve core recovery if parameters can be correlated on a site-specific basis recovery is low in any core run (ie less than 80 percent). through the use of targeted laboratory testing. Figure 3.2: Swivel-Type Double Tube Core Barrel Hanger bearing assembly Inner tube Core barrel head head Pin Reaming shell Blank bit Outer tube outer Ball Bearings Bearing and nut Lifter base retainer Inner tube Core lifter DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 22 The higher frequencies. 3 the core barrel is retrieved The drill head rotates the drill casing but also contains 4 the process is repeated.3 illustrates a typical rotary sonic drilling rapidly vibrating up and down in addition to being pushed sequence. Wireline motor and uses out of balance weights to generate high drilling allows the inner core tube to be uncoupled from sinusoidal forces that are transmitted to the drill bit. This combination of forces causes the bits rather than end flushing bits will likely result in less soil adjacent to the drill bit to ‘fluidize’ and allows the bit disturbance in the base of the borehole. but typical vibration frequencies are The main advantage of wireline over conventional drilling between 50 and 160 hertz. the entire rod string and core barrel The oscillator in the drill head is driven by a hydraulic are brought to the surface after each core run. including conventional or wireline equipment. It also provides improved quality of recovered core because the method avoids 1 the core barrel is advanced (typically 1. or mud Water possibly Barrel retrieval for Advancement following used during coring used between casings sample extrusion sample extrusion Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 23 . and thus reduce the potential for adversely affected SPT results. 2 site investigation methods Coring in soil or rock can be accomplished with either to advance rapidly through most soil formations. air. are thought to be more effective.3: Typical Sonic Drilling Sequence Core barrel Repeat core advancement Casing overide Core barrel retrieval advancement No fluids. basic technology. With conventional gravels. Figure 3. This results in the drill bit Figure 3. drilling equipment. and them free). It should be noted that the use of side flushing down and rotated. the casing is advanced to just above the depth of the barrel tip using sonic vibration – water/drilling fluid Rotary Sonic is circulating through the annulus between the core Rotary sonic drilling combines elements of rotary wash barrel and the casing to remove cuttings drilling but uses a vibrating bit in addition to rotation. an oscillator which creates a high-frequency force to be superimposed on the casing. the outer tube and quickly raised to the surface using a Different equipment manufacturers use variations of the wireline hoist. above is the increased drilling production resulting from the 120 Hz. more efficient removal of the core from the hole (most Typical steps during sonic drilling are: useful for deeper holes in rock).5 m) using sonic rough handling of the core barrel during retrieval of the vibration – no water is circulating through the system barrel from the borehole and when the core barrel is 2 the sonic head is disconnected from the rod holding opened (from banging the rod joints or barrel to break the barrel and connected to the outer casing. Pilot assembly The various components of the hollow stem auger system are shown schematically in Figure 3. the potential auger section for such disturbance can be reduced with the use of good SPT protocols as discussed in Appendix D. and a SPT or bit insert. When the borehole Auger connector is advanced.4: Typical Hollow-Stem Auger Components Comment (ASTM D 4700) Variations of this drilling methodology came into widespread use in Christchurch after the Canterbury earthquakes due to its ability to drill rapidly through gravelly soils and recover continuous core. allow sampling of the ‘undisturbed soil’ below the bit. hence preventing surface. In any event. The centre stem Once the augers have advanced the hole to the desired consists of rods that connect to the bottom of the plug sample depth. but HSA is not very effective for drilling through dense gravelly or cobble soils. particularly in differences between the soil being drilled at the bottom loose sands and soft clay/silt. a New Zealand-based field study (Wentz and Dickenson. While there appears to be little published research on this topic. The plug with a drag bit auger tooth attached and located in the face of the cutter head aids Centre head in the advancement of the hole and also prevents soil cuttings from entering the auger stem. and how this might affect SPT blow counts used Auger connector for liquefaction triggering assessment. This drilling method is reasonably well-suited for sands and finer investigation methods 2 Figure 3. a centre stem and plug are inserted into Auger head Replaceable carbide the hollow centre of the auger. This practice should be avoided because the extent may be unstable. Sometimes the soils will of the borehole and the cuttings appearing at the ground ‘heave’ into the auger stem and plug it. the penetration sample locations. Centre Rod Hollow-Stem Auger Hollow-stem auger (HSA) drilling is very similar to continuous (ie solid stem) flight auger drilling except. allowing a natural ‘plug’ of compacted cuttings to soils above the groundwater level. HSA methods drillers prefer to advance the boring without the centre are commonly used in fine-grained soils or in granular plug. and at the top to a drive adapter to ensure or other sampler can then be lowered through the stem to that the centre stem and bit rotate with the augers. The field supervisor must be aware of these the sampler from reaching the bottom of the borehole. limitations when interpreting soil conditions between Where heave or disturbance occurs. the stem and plug are removed. There have been some concerns regarding Rod to cap adapter Drive cap possible soil disturbance due to drilling vibration. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 24 .4. The hydrostatic water of limited use for the purpose of visual logging of the pressure acting against the soil at the bottom of the soil profile. as the name suggests. 2013) did show significant excess pore pressure due to ‘liquefaction’ of the soils around Hollow stem the drill bit may not occur. resistance of a SPT sampler can be significantly reduced. the auger has a large hollow centre. where the boring walls form. The augers form a temporary casing to of this plug is difficult to control and determine. Some sample the soil at the bottom of the hole. The cuttings produced from this drilling method are Problems can occur where HSA is used to sample soils mixed as they move up the auger flights making them below the groundwater level. At greater depths there may be considerable boring can significantly disturb the soil. The method ASTM D 6066). replaced by sampling spoon during sampling operations Rotary Wash Comment Rotary wash drilling (Figures 3. Where casing Alternatively.5) (also referred to as In the western US. However. However. the method is not well suited to generally works well in medium dense and dense dense gravelly soils. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 25 . HSA can be stopped at the groundwater is used. 2001. HSA is sometimes ‘mud rotary’) is generally considered the most appropriate used when assessing liquefaction potential with method to use to minimise drilling disturbance in soil the SPT on routine projects because it is typically formations below the groundwater level (FHWA. the sides of the borehole are supported or drilling fluid to stabilise the bottom of the hole.5: Rotary Wash Drilling (FHWA) Cable Tower mast Swivel hose Water swivel Standpipe Yoke and Kelly drive Drive rod Kelly Sandpipe hose Suction Main Rotary drive hose mud pit Mud pump Overflow Hoisting drum ditch Settling Slips pit Return-flow ditch Base plate See views Spider above Hydraulic cylinders Casting Drill pipe Drill collar Bit. eliminated. with either casing or the use of a drilling fluid. a drive the casing to the desired sample depth b clean out the borehole to the bottom of the casing c insert the sampling device and obtain the sample from below the bottom of the casing. in sandy soils. Heave can often be the relatively heavy cuttings to the ground surface. SPT blow counts are meaningless in ‘cutting’ through these materials. less expensive than rotary drilling. the borehole is advanced sequentially as follows: level and a switch to rotary wash drilling made. or soils with significant amounts of soils. This is due to difficulty in loose soils. 2 site investigation methods Figure 3. when borehole heave is encountered cobble or large (ie >20 mm) gravel. or reduced to the point where an SPT is still valid if the auger stem is kept full of water In rotary wash. as well as returning unless the heave is controlled. can still be deployed in the borehole if required. for cobbles. coarse-grained granular soils. bentonite. the method greatly disturbs the soil at the base or weathered rock. due to the relative heave of the soil to be sampled beneath the casing. bentonite or Cable Tool polymer additives are typically used to increase the This method uses the repeated dropping of a bit density of the drill fluid and reduce the stress reduction (via a cable or wireline) onto the base of the borehole in the soil at the bottom of the hole. Cable tool drilling has been a common method for Two types of bits are often used with the rotary wash constructing water wells in New Zealand and. inside diameters ranging from 60 to 130 mm. However. In addition to stabilizing the borehole walls. polymers or other method be utilised for site investigations where SPT synthetic drilling products) removes the drill cuttings will be used for liquefaction assessment. it is recommended that this drilling drilling fluid (ie water. and to form a seal around deposits. the use in the bottom of the hole. clearing of cable tool drilling for foundation investigation the bottom of the hole with a larger-diameter sampler purposes (particularly where liquefaction potential (such as a 75 mm OD split-barrel sampler) may be needed is a concern) has been largely investigation methods 2 The drill casing is usually selected based on the outside During drilling. of the borehole hence making SPT results less reliable. it is important is then lowered into the hole to retrieve the loosened to maintain the level of the drilling fluid at or above the materials. the are favourable. care must be taken when drilling below stratigraphic conditions that may cause a sudden loss in the groundwater table to maintain a head of water/ pore fluid and should be noted on the borehole log. as For holes drilled using drilling fluids to stabilize the discussed above. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 26 . appropriate equipment has become available. Therefore this drilling method is not recommended The properties of the drilling fluid and the quantity of for SPT-based liquefaction assessment. or larger particles. lack of soil disturbance during drilling. Drag bits are commonly used in clays and loose of their availability. However. ‘fluid return’ is Rotary wash drill casing is typically furnished with reduced or lost. where soil conditions fluid. The cable tool water pumped through the bit will determine the size method also causes high levels of disturbance to the of particles that can be removed from the borehole with recovered samples (although thin walled tube samplers the circulating fluid. In formations containing gravel. full depth of the hole. In these instances. cemented zones. This is indicative of open joints. fissures. as the drill rods are removed after cleaning Rotary wash drilling is typically considered to be out the hole prior to sampling. or dimensions of the casing couplings. the cuttings suspended in the drilling diameter of the sampling or coring tools to be advanced fluid can be examined to help identify changes in the soil through the casing. these rigs have also been used sands. gravel layers. For boreholes to loosen the ground formation. as more to obtain a representative sample of the formation. from the hole. whereas roller bits are used to penetrate dense for foundation investigation drilling purposes. Failure to maintain an the most appropriate method to acquire SPT data adequate head of water may result in loosening or for liquefaction assessment. because method. While these soil conditions limit its utility the top of the hole to facilitate circulation of the drilling to some parts of New Zealand. highly permeable zones and other the use of casing. drilling (especially with uncased holes). casing should still be used at the top deposits containing significant amounts of dense of the hole to protect against sloughing of the ground gravel or cobble typical of many interlayered alluvial around the top of the hole. A small strainer held in be influenced by other factors such as stiffness the drilling fluid discharge stream facilitates this process considerations for boreholes in water bodies or very by catching the suspended particles. the method is not well suited to soil borehole walls. the decision may also types between sample locations. and soft However. For these reasons. Even with cavities. In granular soils and soft cohesive soils. coarse material may be left example). using a flapper valve arrangement to retain ground surface to maintain a positive pressure for the the sample in a tube. Sometimes during soft soils. drilling fluid within the casing above the groundwater level. Particular attention must be given to adding water Comment to the hole. A ‘bailer’ or ‘sand pump’ advanced with the use of drilling fluids. The sample tubes are then extracted exploration to confirm proper sampling of the soil manually or hydraulically.5 and Appendix D). the geotechnical maintained by the addition of more drilling fluid.2. In such soils. The following – particularly for liquefaction assessments is a list of some of the more common problems that (see section 3. plasticity and soft or low plasticity silty soils with thin-wall tube compaction characteristics of soils. Disturbed affecting both SPT test results and also undisturbed sampling. The sample tubes are generally and/or rock formations.3 Common Drilling Errors to prevent heave (and for uncased holes. filling the sampler with debris to recognise and help address typical ‘problems. Nonetheless. They can also be used for determining typical material •• Overdriving the sampling barrel when sampling index properties such as particle size. The soil profile is logged by control base heave when performing SPT sampling. Disturbed samples are those obtained using sampling methods that destroy the macro structure of the •• In cohesionless soils. Recognising that there is always a field the fluid level will tend to drop. to work with the driller to assure that field information •• Improper procedures used while performing SPT and samples are properly obtained. determining the soil type. sampling. geotechnical site characterisation.2. professional should work with the driller to obtain •• Sampler rods dropped into the borehole or lowered data of the quality appropriate for the level of required with pipe wrenches rather than a hoisting plug. it may be difficult to recover Undisturbed an undisturbed sample because the sample will The term ‘undisturbed’ in the context of soil sampling not stay in the barrel. sampling equipment and/or procedures. prior to advancing the sampler. The field supervisor must keep track hammer. arise during drilling for geotechnical investigations: •• SPT hammer energy reduced due to friction from •• Not properly cleaning sloughed. using jetting or ‘washing’ soil but do not alter its mineralogical composition. samplers (ie Shelby tube) to improve sample recovery. When the drill of production rather than the quality of the boreholes rods are withdrawn or as a cased hole is advanced. The objective of ‘undisturbed’ sampling is DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 27 . The driller should be given clear instructions are driven by percussive means into the soil – ie with regarding the sample frequency and types of samples a petrol. 2 site investigation methods Window Sampling •• Use of inappropriate sampler types (ie for obtaining Window sampling is a technique whereby steel tubes undisturbed samples) or insufficient quantity of (with cut-out broad slots down the side. to advance a split-barrel (SPT) sampler to the Specimens from these samples can be used for bottom of the borehole. to prevent The driller’s performance is often judged by the rate the sides of the hole from collapsing). Hand portable versions use a jack hammer as of the depth of the borehole at all stages of the the driving force. general lithology of soil •• Poor sample recovery due to use of improper deposits and for general classification purposes. cuttings or hammer/sampling rod misalignment or insufficient heaved material from the bottom of the borehole hammer drop height. and must be investigation budget to work to. and samples. or ‘windows’) samples.4 Soil Sampling (if not very carefully controlled and supervised). level require a head of water or drilling fluid to be maintained at the top of the casing/hole at all times 3. attempts refers to the relative degree of disturbance to the soil’s to force recovery by overdriving the sampling in situ properties – it does not necessarily mean that barrel should be avoided if the goal is to obtain the sample is in the exact same state as it was prior to an undisturbed sample. and are driven via drill rods attached to •• Improper hole stabilization – particularly to the top of the sampler. •• The use of downward trajectory flushing methods 3. electric or hydraulically powered mechanical required. a metre long.’ and and creating slough at the bottom of the hole. The geotechnical The rods may be inclined and the sampler can hit professional’s field supervisors should be trained the borehole walls.2. observation of the retrieved materials through the side Even cased boreholes below the groundwater ‘windows’ of the sampler. consolidation characteristics. hence preventing water used in New Zealand. The following sampler. Some of the samplers discussed in this of 112 percent (Hvorslev. This type of sampler assessed when interpreting test results.5 kg hammer dropping from a height of engineering properties such as shear strength. permeability. widely available sampling tools an inside diameter of 34. ID = inside diameter of sampler sections present discussions/guidelines intended to assist This high area ratio disturbs the natural characteristics geotechnical professionals and field supervisors with the of the soil being sampled. Hence.5 mm. outside diameter of 51 mm and a cutting shoe with These include standard. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 28 .9 mm.1 mm ID sampler (SPT of the soils. This valve closes when the sampler is described in the following sections are not routinely withdrawn from the borehole.5. This corresponds to as well as specialized types to accommodate local conditions a thick-walled sampler with an area ratio. this have been developed between the number of blows often requires specialized procedures such as freezing or required for penetration and various soil properties. For projects where it is important to obtain weight. Undisturbed samples of cohesionless/ sampler) is historically widely used because correlations low plasticity soils can also be obtained. The larger-diameter samplers (ID 50 mm +) are sometimes used when gravel particles are present or when more Sampler Types material is needed for classification tests. instances local practice will control. The SPT is discussed in detail in Section 3.1 mm ID standard split-barrel sampler has an soil samples for geotechnical engineering purposes. resin impregnation and block or core type sampling. 760 mm. is typically used in conjunction with the SPT. and either have the necessary equipment already. A wide variety of samplers are available to obtain The 38. Some specialist geotechnical drillers in New Zealand are familiar with the tools and methods described herein. they are commonly pressure on the top of the sample from pushing it out. or can obtain it quite quickly. if the sample tends to slide out because of its Australia. but are included so that the geotechnical professional is aware Ar = 100 * (OD2 – ID2)/ID2. However. some vacuum is developed at the top of the high quality geotechnical information that requires sample which helps to retain it. A ball check valve incorporated into the top of the Comment sampler head facilitates the recovery of cohesionless Some of the samplers and sampling methodologies materials. The 38. with inside diameters (ID) with specialized equipment designed to minimize the ranging from 38. and preferences. as specified Undisturbed samples are typically obtained in cohesive in the ASTM D 1586 test method wherein the sampler is soils for use in laboratory testing to determine the driven with a 63. However. drilling or sampling. it is recommended that the geotechnical professional discuss his or her requirements with a knowledgeable and experienced driller. the effect can be confidently disturbed samples in all types of soils. Ar. noting that in many obtained. density Split-barrel samplers are typically available in standard and dynamic properties.1 to 63. where: section may not be widely available in New investigation methods 2 to minimise sample disturbance effects ideally to the Split-Barrel Sampler point where they have a minor effect on the results of The split-barrel (or split-spoon) sampler is used to obtain laboratory testing. 1949). OD = outside diameter of of some of the tools which may be available. although diameters can disturbance to the in situ structure and moisture content be as large as 114 mm.2. thus disturbed samples are selection of appropriate samplers. used in many other countries including the US and Also. The samples are obtained lengths of 457 and 610 mm. The resistance of the sampler to driving is altered depending upon whether or not a liner is used Thin-Wall Sampler (Skempton. Use of sample retainers should be noted on the total unit weight and dry density. A typical sampler configuration (ie require the use of a liner correction factor). 2 site investigation methods Figure 3. A common test standard for thin-walled tube sampling is ASTM D 1587. 1990). it can still Comment provide a reasonable idea of the in situ density of the soil. In relatively soft soils the sampler can be pushed into the soil using the drill rig hydraulics. the sample is sealed in a plastic bag a SPT sampler when assessing liquefaction potential. The driving resistance As shown in Figure 3. Various types unlikely to successfully be sampled with a thin-walled of plastic or sprung steel retainers are sometimes utilised tube sampler). Larger diameter sampler tubes are used where higher quality samples are required and sampling disturbance must be reduced. It has a cutting shoe similar to the split-barrel sampler. This allows samples The modified California sampler can be readily to be sealed in the liners and remain intact during obtained in NZ by drilling companies or soil testing transport to the laboratory. as well as a sample for determining sample. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 29 . for intact samples. or glass jar.The modified the split barrel. it should be clearly sampler is commonly used to obtain relatively undisturbed noted on the borehole log as the reported penetration samples of cohesive soils for shear strength and blow counts may affect the engineering analysis consolidation testing. but with a typical ID of 49 mm. Kulhawy & Mayne. The sampler commonly used has a 76 mm OD and a 73 mm ID. The modified California sampler is typically driven with the same hammer and rod system used for SPT sampling. particularly ‘slick’ low plasticity silty/clayey soils from sandy clays and cohesive silts/sandy silts (ie materials slipping out of the sampler during retrieval. if a liner is used. the two halves of the barrel can be California sampler can be a useful tool for obtaining intact separated and the sample easily extracted.7. is shown in Figure 3. Alternatively. The sampler is thick-walled (area ratio of 77 percent) with a 64 mm OD and 51 mm ID. It is a useful tool for quickly Steel or plastic sample retainers are often required obtaining intact and relatively undisturbed samples to prevent samples of clean sands/small gravels or of medium-stiff to stiff cohesive soils including clays. Thin wall samplers vary between 51 and 76 mm OD and typically come in lengths from 700 to 900 mm. brass or stainless steel liners with the same inside diameter as the cutting shoe may Comment be placed inside the split-barrel. While the density borehole log. when the cutting shoe and obtained using a modified California sampler is not equal the sleeve of this type of sampler are unscrewed from to the standard penetration test resistance. The unadjusted blow count (blows/150 mm) or hydraulic push pressure is recorded on the borehole log. equipment suppliers. Three or four (depending on the length of the sampler) 150 mm long brass liners with inside diameters of 49 mm are used to contain the sample.6. The thin-wall tube (often referred to as ‘Shelby tube’) Therefore. resulting in an area ratio of 9 percent. but should not be substituted for from the sampler. determination will not be as accurate as that from a thin-walled sampler. 1986. Upon removal samples of various soils. large enough to allow index testing such as plasticity but upon withdrawal they close and hence retain the and particle size. The sample volume from one drive is to permit the soil to enter the sampler during driving.6: Split Barrel Sampler (FHWA) Modified California Sampler The modified California sampler is a variation of a split- spoon sampler. This ratio is defined as the ratio Sampler head of the difference in the inside diameter of the tube (Di) minus the inside diameter of the cutting edge Ball valve (De) to the inside diameter of the tube (Di) expressed as a percentage. The thin-walled tube is typically manufactured with a bevelled front edge for cutting a reduced-diameter sample [commonly 72 mm ID] to reduce friction. Stainless steel or brass tubes are generally preferred to obtain high quality samples. the sample tube should be pushed Carbon steel tubes are often the least cost. During sampling.7: Schematic of Thin-Walled Shelby Tube (after ASTM D 4700) Comment To reduce the potential for sample disturbance. and should be checked prior Thin-walled tube to each sampling attempt. The thin-walled tube sampler should be pushed slowly into the soil using the drill rig’s hydraulic system in a single. sampled. the ‘inside clearance ratio’ of bevelled edge tubes should not exceed 1 investigation methods 2 Figure 3. galvanized-coated carbon steel. the drill rod string Cutting end is rotated through two complete revolutions to shear off the sample. The sampler head should contain a check valve that allows water to pass through the sampling head into the drill rods. to a significantly increases the friction between the tube greater or lesser extent. Thin-wall tubes can be pushed with a fixed head or piston head. Refer to ASTM D 1587 for further Screw commentary and recommendations. The hydraulic pressure required to advance the thin-walled tube sampler should be noted and recorded on the borehole log. and the soil sample during extrusion (or sampling Where low density soils or collapsible materials are being if the tube is rusted before use). at the bottom of the borehole. a reduced push length of 300 to 450 mm may be helpful to prevent the disturbance of the sample. or brass. then the tube is raised slowly and The thin-walled tubes are manufactured from carbon carefully to the surface (ie without banging the drill steel. but are about 75mm less than the total length up to the unsuitable if the samples are to be stored in the tubes connecting cap. continuous motion. The remaining length of tube is provided for more than a few days due to rusting which to accommodate the slough that accumulates. After the push is completed. stainless steel rods or hitting the sampler on the side of the borehole). The valve must be clear of mud and grit to operate freely. It should be noted that stainless steel tubes typically result in higher sample disturbance than brass tubes due to higher liner friction. the driller should let the sample ‘rest’ for a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes to allow the sample to swell slightly within the tube. After this wait period. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 30 . They are also known as Osterberg. O-ring packers can be inserted into the ends of the tube – packers may be preferable as they are a cleaner and faster method for sealing the sample Sample tube 5 after sealing the sample. or Hvorslev samplers. is carefully lowered into Piston the borehole by lowering the rods down the centre of the borehole. When the sampler reaches the bottom of the hole. The sampler. Thus. precluding recovery ratios greater than 100 percent. The head used on this sampler also acts creates a better vacuum The quality of the samples obtained with a correctly which helps retain the sample better than the ball valve operated piston sampler is typically very good and the in thin-walled tube (Shelby) samplers. thereby between the piston and the top of the sample is broken. Upon completion of sampling. Cutting tip the piston rod is held fixed relative to the ground surface. 2 site investigation methods After retrieving the sample tube from the borehole: Figure 3. Alternatively. the opportunity way as a Shelby tube described in the previous section. desiccation. The piston head and the piston are then removed from It also helps the soil enter the sampler at a constant the tube and the tube is labelled and sealed in the same rate throughout the sampling push. the is that the fixed piston helps prevent the entrance sampler is removed from the borehole and the vacuum of excess soil at the beginning of sampling. for 100 percent recovery is increased.8: Schematic of Piston Sampler 1 the slough or cuttings from the upper end of the (after ASTM D 4700) tube should be removed using a cleanout tool 2 the length of sample recovered should be measured and the soil exposed at the base of the sampler Sampler head visually classified for the borehole log 3 both ends of the sample tube should then be sealed with at least a 25 mm thick layer of molten microcrystalline (non-shrinking) wax 4 the remaining void above the top of the sample should be filled with moist sand. probability of obtaining a satisfactory sample is high. rod and modified sampler head (Figure 3. plastic end caps should then be placed over both ends of the sample tube and electrician’s tape wrapped over the joint between the collar of the cap and the tube and over the tube screw holes 6 the capped ends of the tubes are then dipped in molten wax.8). The rods should not be slid down the side of the hole. and to prevent freezing. although it can also be used in stiff soils. Piston Sampler Piston samplers are essentially a thin-wall tube sampler with a piston. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 31 . and changes in sample moisture content. Samples must be stored upright in a protected Actuator road environment to prevent disturbance due to bouncing or sharp impacts. and are particularly useful for sampling soft soils where sample recovery is often difficult. with its piston located at the base of the sampling tube. and the thin-wall tube is slowly pushed into the soil by One of the major advantages of the piston sampler hydraulic pressure. The DM sampler was developed specifically types of samplers. al. More recently. of a lubricating polymer gel to the bottom end of the A detailed description of the DM sampler and the samplers. et.5 m long. or samples that swell following sampling although modifications are available to increase sample recovery. Figure 3. The conventional continuous sampler Clean water consists of a 1. with the aim of significantly reducing the friction Gel-push (GP) sampling is a recent development in the between the sample and core barrel. 2006). Continuous samples are generally disturbed and therefore are only appropriate for visual observation.2) effectively coreliner exit holes results in continuous sampling of the borehole. moisture content). While GP sampling sampling of saturated cohesionless soils (Tani and theoretically overcomes some of the deficiencies Kaneko. GP-TR and GP-D. Gel passes through core catcher and coats soil samples DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 32 . although loose soils below the water table may be subject to relatively high levels of disturbance. A comprehensive shear resistance between the sample core and the inside description of GP sampling in Christchurch is provided by surface of the sample tube as it enters the internal liner.9 shows an example (from sampling procedures for its use are detailed in Bray et. al. thick-walled tube which obtains ‘continuous’ samples of soil as hollow-stem augers are advanced into soil formations. but silty sands and fine sands and common feature of the samplers being the delivery with some silt have also been successfully sampled. Recovery of all soil types is quite good using rotary sonic drilling. Gel pushed out of the rotary sonic drilling method (Section 3.9: Schematic of GP-S Continuous Sampling Several types of continuous soil samplers have been developed. (2015). soft Polymer gel soils. and material index and classification-type laboratory tests (ie plasticity. with the use of a gel-polymer is still being researched through ongoing field-based lubricant during the sampling process. This type of system uses bearings or fixed hexagonal rods to restrain or reduce rotation of the continuous sampler as the hollow-stem augers are advanced and the tube is pushed into undisturbed soil below the augers. A high level of skill and training is required for gel-polymer is primarily to reduce undesired frictional successful application of this method. The gel coats the Gel-push Sampler sample. particle-size. Stringer. GP-S. (2016). Figure 3. Less success is typically observed when sampling cohesionless soil below the groundwater level. the method rotary and drive samplers. The GP samplers are a variation on existing associated with conventional techniques.2. and down annulus Continuous samplers have been shown to work well in most clayey soils and in soils with thin sand layers. in Christchurch) of the gel coating the bottom end of the sample using the GP-S investigation methods 2 A variation of the piston sampler is the Dames & Moore GP sampling is currently carried out with one of three (DM) sampler. with the key for sampling clays and silts. The use of the studies. etc. Core recovered from double-barrel or triple-barrel In such instances. It may be appropriate to change the sampling If possible. The method of sampling should be It is helpful if the core photographs also include a colour reviewed. and the sampling equipment should be checked reference chart. liners and tubes. However. it is often appropriate to take above. or in deposits which are generally A durable label. another disturbed-type sample is to be obtained. should also be placed on top of the material inside undisturbed samples from selected boreholes only. to understand why no sample was recovered (eg plugged ball valve). The sampling interval will vary depending shown on sample bags.75 m intervals in the is less risk of the label falling off. air and water. When boreholes are widely spaced. extracting after recovery from the borehole. tube and jar samples as there is to obtain split-barrel samples at 0. date of photographing the bottom of the attempted sampling interval and repeat and the location and extent of zones of no core recovery. the sampling device is often modified coring or rotary sonic will most likely be sampled or to include a retainer basket. Any disturbed material is recovered. or just beyond. and thin-walled tube samples was successful. In some instances. 2 site investigation methods Sample Interval and Selection of Sampler Type Every sample attempted should be noted in the In general. obtaining additional undisturbed •• borehole/test pit number samples at regular intervals (ie 3 to 6 m) will allow for •• sequential sample attempt number confirmation of uniform soil properties. regardless of whether the sample recovery granular and cohesive soils. If a uniform cohesive soil deposit extends •• project name for a considerable depth. ie extending the time of drilling. a hinged trap valve or other disturbed during logging. it is appropriate to make a second attempt to recover the Sample Logging soil sample immediately following the failed attempt. sampling is attempted and little or no bottom of the samples should be identified. spaced boreholes. the top and Occasionally. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 33 . date of sampling. provides a permanent visual record of the ground conditions encountered. at least one undisturbed soil following details as applicable: sample should be obtained from each different stratum •• project number encountered. it may be appropriate to obtain •• sample depth undisturbed samples in each hole. the sampling attempt. or tube samples should be clearly marked as such. core photographs should be taken at the method and/or the sampling equipment.5 m intervals below this depth. This handled and stored in a manner which minimises the process should be repeated or a second boring may be risk of breakage or decomposition upon exposure to advanced to obtain a sample at the same depth. split-spoon samples can be collected in both borehole log. The labels should be upper 3 m (10 ft) and at 1. Sample labels on specific project requirements. All core should be the sampler more slowly and with greater care. for closely •• date sampled. indelibly marked with the details listed uniform in lateral extent. and within a maximum of 24 hours waiting period before extracting the sampler. the field the project name and show the borehole designation. Each sample should be uniquely marked with the In cohesive soils of interest. supervisor should ask the driller to drill to. a greater sample interval (eg 3 m) may All labels/tags should be written in indelible ink and be be acceptable below a depth of 20 to 25 m in a known clearly legible. homogeneous soil deposit. A common US practice are preferable for liner. In cases where a split-barrel. each disturbed sample bag/container. Photographs should identify When performing undisturbed sampling. Photography of all drill core measures to help retain the material within the sampler. depth of the core. placed on the sample container and also on the lid or cap. Sample identification should be clearly in cohesive soils. Sample Recovery and Identification Where tube or liner samples are obtained. If the sampler cannot be each tube. Tests are typically taken every 1. The geotechnical deposits or soft clays because it can greatly over-estimate professional must be cognizant of disturbance the density of gravels and is not sensitive enough to introduced during the various steps in sampling through characterise very soft clays. storage. handling. handling to the testing laboratory.5 Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) Each step in sampling. over while the vehicle is in motion. The remainder of the discussion testing. The SPT is conducted at the bottom of a borehole at regular Storage of undisturbed samples (in or out of tubes) depth intervals. is recorded on the borehole striking one another. In winter. but for long periods of time under any condition is not can be more frequent if necessary to define thinner soil recommended. extruding and testing The standard penetration test (SPT) is performed during introduces varying degrees of sample disturbance. sealing to preserve the natural moisture content. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 34 . A 63. in the ASTM D 6066 test standard.2. level to avoid inflow of water and borehole instability. The ASTM D 4220 Representative bag samples should be collected test standard provides a robust procedure for handling from drill core immediately upon retrieval from the and transport of undisturbed samples. preparation and transportation measure of the dynamic soil resistance. thin-walled (150 mm) is recorded as the ‘seating’. is a recommended design for transport containers to The common practice of placing the core box in a reduce disturbance due to vibration and impacts. only to disturb them during transport and liquefaction assessment of low-plasticity soils. to obtain an approximate The extraction. test standard and. To the extent practical. increments of 75-mm each. relatively Knowing the natural moisture content of the soil is undisturbed samples to be recovered at considerable useful in a variety of engineering analyses. If available. and storage methods are not particularly useful in the characterization of gravel essential to minimise disturbances. the depth of penetration is securely fastened to prevent it from tilting or tipping recorded in addition to the number of blows. The test involves All samples should be protected from extreme driving a split-spoon sampler into the ground and temperatures. used for measuring the density of sands and non-plasticity or low-plasticity silts for liquefaction assessment. how to minimise it and its consequences.76 m to achieve six successive prevent samples from freezing during handling. plastic bag does not preserve the natural soil moisture due to the inability to completely seal the bag and Also important for disturbed (eg bag) samples is proper evaporation/condensation. the advancement of a borehole. and the field supervisor should be aware of of SPT is primarily in the context of liquefaction assessment. It is Proper sampling. Recommendations outlined in the ASTM D 4220 The procedures for the SPT are detailed in the ASTM D 1586 standard should be followed. as well as a of laboratory test samples should be completed disturbed drive sample (split-barrel type). and is commonly taken (ie a disturbed or ‘undisturbed’ sample). while the number of tubes should be kept investigation methods 2 Care and Preservation of Soil Samples 3. The head of water/drilling fluid in the borehole substantially alter soil strength and compressibility must be maintained at or above the ambient groundwater as measured by laboratory testing. specifically for liquefaction assessment. The first two increments shipping and storage. and should be kept out of direct sunlight measuring the number of hammer blows to advance and covered with wet burlap or other material in hot the sampler 450 mm. storing. including expense. The test can be in a way which is appropriate for the type of sample performed in a wide variety of soil types. Particularly useful borehole to preserve the natural moisture content.5-kg hammer is repeatedly weather. the number of blows per each 75-mm the tubes to cushion them and to prevent them from increment. the thin-walled tubes to give the N-value (eg the ‘blow count’) or SPT-resistance should be kept in a carrier with an individual slot for (reported in blows/300 mm). The entire carrier should be log.5 m. disturbance. with the top of the sample blows to advance the next four increments are summed in the up position. precautions should be taken to dropped from a height of 0. Storage exceeding one month may deposits. or portion thereof. Comment It is not uncommon for high-quality. For partial increments. Padding should be placed below and between driven 450 mm. and to note has re-defined this limit at 50 blows per 25 mm. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 35 . any issues that might affect the results and how Figure 3. performed for liquefaction assessment is particularly SPT refusal is often defined by penetration resistances important in order to ensure that the test results are exceeding 100 blows per 50 mm.15 m per 0.10: Sequence of Driving Sampler during Standard Penetration Test 63. these were corrected.10 illustrates the sequence of the SPT test. field supervision of 150-mm increment drilling and sampling by a suitably qualified and experienced geotechnical engineer or engineering 3 the sampler fails to advance during geologist is recommended. although ASTM D 1586 as consistent and accurate as possible. 2 site investigation methods Figure 3. A more detailed discussion of the specific steps performed during standard penetration testing for liquefaction assessment is contained in Appendix D.15 m 0.5 kg drop hammer repeatedly falling 0.3 meters Seating N = Number of blows First increment SPT resistance (N-value) or ‘Blow counts’ is total number of blows to drive Second increment sampler last 300 mm (or blows per foot) Third increment The SPT can be terminated when either: 1 100 blows has been achieved Commentary 2 the number of blows exceeds 50 in any given As discussed in Section 1.76 m Anvil Need to correct to a reference energy efficiency of 60% (ASTM D 4633) Borehole Drill rod (N or A type) Note: Occassional fourth increment used to provide additional soil material Split-barrel (drive) sampler (thick hollow tube): OD = 50 mm ID = 35 mm L = 760 mm Hollow sampler driven in 3 successive increments 0.15 m 0.3. Supervision of SPT testing 10 consecutive blows. and AW) used to ASTM D 4633 test standard. Hence. require a more frequent calibration interval. old) and sampler configuration. it is much more common to use automated systems and economical method to assess shallow for lifting and dropping the hammer. A. safety. unless there is reason to believe that the hammer The most important factor in performing SPT is the energy efficiency has changed (eg due to damage and repair. in the simplified method. however the actual energy is less. when backfilling the pits it will typically where Nm is the measured blow count. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 36 . in order to minimize ground conditions. and they allow the (Kovacs. Its efficiency depended It is also important to note that most of the SPT on a number of factors which are well-discussed in the correlations in international geotechnical foundation literature (eg Skempton. certificate less than 12 months old is typically sufficient. •• age of the rope •• actual drop height •• verticality 3. dry. rusted. For large or critical projects. for in situ examination of the subsurface The older SPT hammer systems typically delivered about conditions and for geologic mapping (trenching 55 to 60 percent of the theoretical maximum energy for fault traces for example). The validity of the test results for gages and accelerometer measurements. A rotating cathead and rope system was historically Comment used for performing the SPT. NW. For routine liquefaction assessment are highly dependent upon practice. depending on the type of commercial investigation methods 2 In NZ and US practice. If the hammer energy efficiency the size of which is determined by the required depth is measured (ERm). The theoretical energy of a change of hammers. etc). there are commonly three types The calibration of energy efficiency for a specific of drop hammers (donut. •• number of rope turns Note that other corrections must also be applied to SPT •• conditions of the sheaves and rotating cathead results for aspects such as borehole diameter. freezing) •• other variables. efficiency of the test system. new. 1986) including: practice and engineering usage have been developed •• type of hammer on the basis of an average energy ratio of 60 percent.3 Test Pits •• weather and moisture conditions (eg wet. then N60 is given by: of excavation and anticipated excavation conditions. potentially damaging foundation/floor slab settlement. ERm is the be necessary to properly compact the fill to prevent measured delivered energy ratio as a percentage. the free-fall hammer system. for liquefaction assessment for important projects. Test pits or trenching can be a relatively quick Today. 1983). a drill rig/hammer system with a calibration the equipment used and operator performing the test. et al. The newer automatic trip-hammers collection of large disturbed and undisturbed can deliver between 80 and 100 percent efficiency. bent. and automatic) and drill rig and SPT hammer system is described in the four types of drill rods (N. it is important that well as deaths resulting from people entering test pits energy ratios be measured prior to drilling and sampling or excavations in unstable ground. is 48 kg-m.. (1984) use N60 as a standard for liquefaction assessment Test pits are typically made with a mechanical excavator. They are particularly useful these variables and maintain repeatable energy delivery. Seed et al. guidelines/regulations when working in and around test The energy ratio is one of the most important variables in pits as there have been a number of serious injuries as obtaining reliable N60 values. rod length (eg lubricated. and N60 is the energy-corrected blow count (adjusted It is important to follow appropriate health and safety to 60 percent efficiency). with the specified mass and the geotechnical professional or project owner may drop height. and uses instrumented strain conduct the SPT. due to frictional losses and eccentric loading. If test pits are to be located within a planned structure N60 = (ERm /60) Nm footprint. samples of geomaterials. it does not P.and S-waves are termed ‘body waves’ as they travel interfere with shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements within the body of the medium. Shear waves (S-waves) and compression waves (P-waves) The S-wave (also known as a ‘secondary’ wave) is are two of four basic mechanical waveforms generated the second fastest wave type and expands as a within a semi-infinite elastic halfspace – the other two cylindrical front. that occur at the free boundary of the ground surface (R-waves) and soil layer interfaces (L-waves). Because water cannot transmit shear forces. Since water has a compression wave velocity of about 1500 m/s. S-waves and R-waves. 2012). 2003). Figure 3. A good source of in-depth information on shear wave velocity testing can be found in Shear Wave Velocity Measurement Guidelines for Canadian Seismic Site Characterization in Soil and Rock (Geological Survey of Canada.12 shows representative values of Rayleigh wave P-waves for a variety of materials.and L-waves are hybrid compression/shear waves of its direct relationship to the shear modulus. hence the measurement of wave velocity at different frequencies (and wavelengths) will provide an indication of wave velocity versus depth. wave as vertical (up/down) or horizontal (side-to-side). Figure 3. Direction of wave propagation DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 37 . and are the most in soils and rocks. 1978). dilatations undisturbed medium Figure 3. Hence. Representative Vs values for a variety commonly used in geotechnical site characterization of materials are presented in Figure 3.11: Particle Displacements with In non-homogeneous materials. (Woods. 2 site investigation methods 3. meaning that different wavelengths P-wave (compressional wave) can travel through the medium at different velocities. compressions based on the velocity of the materials they encounter (Aki and Richards. S-wave (shear wave) The P-wave (also known as a ‘primary’ wave) is the fastest travelling form of seismic wave and moves as an expanding spherical front that emanates from the source.11 presents generalised forms of P-waves. having localized motion perpendicular being surface or Rayleigh waves (R-waves) and Love waves to the direction of travel.and L-waves the Passage of P.and S-Waves are dispersive.13. In geomechanics. one can polarize the (L-waves). The quality of the P-wave is optimized if the source is a large impact-type (ie falling weight or blasting). in soils a Vp close to this value represents a saturated or near-saturated soil condition. both R.4 Geophysical Testing This section specifically addresses geophysical methods for measuring the shear wave and compression wave velocities of geomaterials. It is intended to provide a broad overview of the commonly available testing methods. the S-wave is the most important wave-type because R. g = 9. and shear modulus (Gmax or G0). hazard investigation methods 2 Figure 3. site velocity as follows: response analysis and soil-foundation-structure Gmax = r Vs2 interaction. Shear wave velocity (Vs) is a very useful indicator of the dynamic properties of soil and rock g where r = T/g = total mass density of the geomaterial.12: Representative P-Wave Velocities of Various Materials (from FHWA publication number FHWA NHI-01-031) Steel Intact rocks Weathered rocks Ice Till Sand Clay Sea water Fresh water 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Compression wave velocity Vp (m/s) Figure 3. because of its relationship with the small-strain g T = total unit weight.13: Representative S-Wave Velocities of Various Materials (from FHWA publication number FHWA NHI-01-031) Steel Intact rocks Weathered rocks Ice Till Sand Clay Sea water Fresh water 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Compression wave velocity Vp (m/s) Characterization of the stress-strain behaviour of Gmax is typically associated with strains in the order soils is an integral part of many seismic analyses of 10 to 3 percent or less. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 38 . and is related to shear wave including site classification.8 m/sec 2. each receiver station as a function of time. General Intrusive methods are sometimes considered more Surface wave testing methods use the propagation of reliable than non-intrusive methods because they are surface waves (most commonly Rayleigh waves. •• weight drops In the Christchurch study. Seismic data are recorded for •• seismic refraction (SR). Andrus and Stokoe. •• cross-hole •• down-hole 3. and these are typically in New Zealand geotechnical engineering practice used in testing designed to record shear waves. but also based on interpretation of local measurements of shear Love waves). 2 site investigation methods The equipment needed for conducting shear wave velocity Comment testing comprises three main components: Simplified procedures for assessing liquefaction 1 a seismic source (to generate seismic waves triggering. There are also devices that can measure Non-intrusive methods that are relatively common velocity in the horizontal plane. a study in Christchurch (EQC. but may be related to the relatively •• electrical ‘sparker’ sources small case history data sets that were used for the •• controlled frequency vibrating sources. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 39 .. ground conditions. However. two categories: typically set into the ground or coupled to a borehole •• intrusive and wall to measure ground velocity at a particular location. 2 geophones (receivers) to measure ground vibration 2000). the vertical plane. The basis of the techniques is the over a small area. and the relationship between surface wave wave travel times. seismic energy levels and the required depth of investigation. to develop shear resolution of velocity as a function of depth – albeit wave velocity profiles. The use of the The choice of source type depends on many factors.4. dispersive nature of surface waves propagating through a layered system. 2013. also shown to be inconsistent with the results including: from CPT-based triggering procedures by Idriss and •• sledge hammers striking steel plates on the ground Boulanger (2008) and Boulanger and Idriss (2014). based on Vs measurements. the Vs -based procedures •• explosives generally underestimated the triggering of •• polarized shear wave sources liquefaction. They were There are several different types of seismic sources. have been in the subsurface) developed (Kayen. include: Modern seismographs are commonly digital acquisition •• multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) systems that are capable of simultaneously recording data •• spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) from an array of geophones. Vs -based simplified procedures as the only means of including the test method. The reasons for the discrepancies are unknown. 48 or more channels Intrusive methods require a machine-drilled borehole or with record lengths from a fraction of a second to several CPT (SCPT) sounding and include: seconds at a range of sample intervals.1 Non-Intrusive (Surface) Methods •• suspension logging. Geophones most commonly measure ground velocity in •• non-intrusive. hence generally providing a good velocities and shear wave velocities. 2010 and 22 February 2011 earthquakes. Typical modern seismographs are capable of 24. ambient liquefaction assessment is not recommended. in press) at specific locations showed that the results of the Vs -based simplified procedures do not fit well with field observations of 3 a seismograph or data acquisition system to liquefaction/land performance during the 4 September digitally record the ground vibration with time. Shear wave velocity test methods can be divided into Geophones are very sensitive vibration detectors. et al. development of the Vs procedures. as significant The MASW method was first proposed in the late 1990’s changes in topography along a survey line affect the (Park et al. Accordingly.15). MASW was specifically developed to The length of the testing area can be a limitation. a range of homogeneous. materials over a range of depths using surface waves In a practical sense. the particle motion extends to a greater for engineering applications for pavement and soil shear depth in the profile. The main steps in surface wave testing are: However. or where there are lateral changes in the thickness/ composition of target soil layers. the velocities of the wave velocity profiling (Stokoe and Nazarian.14). random or steady-state vibration) Receiver 1 Receiver 2 d d Verticall-oriented velocity Layer Layer Multi-layered solid DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 40 . 1985). Testing should be Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) carried out on relatively level ground. MASW testing is based on the same physical principles as the SASW test method. estimate Rayleigh wave velocity. As the wavelength increases (or frequency SASW was introduced into the mainstream of geophysics decreases). 1998. 2 signal processing to develop dispersion curve and more advanced signal processing methods to 3 inversion to estimate shear wave velocity profile. will not be able to determine capture phase velocities Surface wave methods rely on the fundamental over the range of wavelengths needed to characterise assumption that the medium being tested is laterally both shallow and deep layers. site. To achieve this. testing method. It is possible to evaluate the properties of by two or more geophones (Figure 3. a single source and receiver setup with a range of wavelengths. surface waves are representative of the stiffness of the SASW field testing uses a mechanical source that material to the depth where there is significant particle generates Rayleigh wave motion which is then measured motion. it uses multiple geophones (24 is a typical 1 field data acquisition number) rather than multiple receiver spacing setups. take advantage of the multichannel capabilities of modern as it needs to be approximately twice the length seismograph equipment to reduce testing time compared of the target depth of the survey.14: 2-Receiver Field Setup for Performing SASW Testing Vertically oriented source (impact.. they are not applicable at receiver spacing and source properties are used. investigation methods 2 Surface waves of different wavelengths sample 3. with sites where depth to a target hard layer varies across the longer spacing used to measure longer wavelengths.2 Field Data Acquisition different depths of a material profile. 1999) as an extension of the SASW nature of propagation of the surface waves along the line. the bulk of the wave energy is limited to one wavelength Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) in depth. Figure 3. For surface waves.4. to SASW testing (Figure 3. dispersion curve profile and can have very strong energy. However. multiple modes of surface waves distance can allow depths of investigation from 30 to will be measured during MASW analysis. particularly in generation and inversion techniques. hence the test results are a combination of all surface wave modes. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 41 . as all of such a case would be an area which has been paved or of the above factors can influence the resulting shear covered with concrete. The frequency generated in the testing by frequency and wavelength.. The SASW test is not able to (Stokoe et al. A number of different methods are available to hammers to larger portable sources such as drop weights develop field dispersion curves using SASW and MASW data. a design should account for these effects. such as a Caterpillar D8 running back and forth over a small In some circumstances. Using a large tracked dozer. 2 site investigation methods Figure 3. allowing an experimental. 2006). could be considered. Alternatively. or a shallow layer of very dense wave velocity profiles. dispersion curve to be The types of impact sources used range from sledge determined. Low frequency generating vibroseis units have modes will appear as higher velocity data as compared the capability to profile to depths of 30 to 100+ m to the fundamental mode. such as downhole shear wave testing. or accelerated masses. of the seismic source will limit the depth of investigation. source offset from the Higher mode surface waves can be generated in a layered geophone array. There is currently situations where there is a velocity reversal (eg a higher no single standard describing the equipment and velocity layer overlying a lower velocity layer). or field. combination of Rayleigh and Love wave methods could be used. In such cases. geophone spacing. another survey method. hence the depth of investigation. An example methodology for surface wave methods. discern between each of the modes. There has been significant research into the effects of different seismic sources. good practice and investigation gravel overlying a softer soil deposit. These higher 60+ m.15: Field Setup for Performing MASW Testing (adapted from Park Seismic LLC) Source-Receiver (SR) configuration Receiving Source offset (x λ) spacing (dx) Increment of SR (dSR) Triggering cable Data lines Station # 1001 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1023 1024 Pull-mode Seismic source Receiver spread length (D) Push-mode Trigger (sledge hammer) Channel # 1 2 3 4 5 6 23 24 Receivers Loose Surface wave geophones Zmax material Consolidated material Body wave RECORD #129 HW19 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tro 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 0 100 100 Multi-channel seismograph 200 Time (ms) 200 Portable 300 computer 300 400 400 500 500 The size and energy delivered by the source governs Development of Dispersion Curve the frequency content and wavelength of the resulting Spectral analysis method are used to separate the waves waves. Most early refraction and result in an erroneous Vs profile. Figure 3. This is important to keep in mind when horizontal sources and horizontal geophones (Hunter et modelling the data to avoid the layered model implying al. An elastic wavefront will be refracted according to Snell’s Law when it impinges on a boundary between two Due to the non-unique problem of inverting the materials with a seismic impedance (Z = density*velocity) experimental surface wave dispersion data to develop contrast. of the refraction methodology. using polarized shear wave radiation from with depth. layering exactly without a-priori information regarding The velocity of. 1992. The ASTM D 5777 test The presence of higher mode surface waves can standard describes the equipment and methodology complicate the interpretation of the dispersion curve. Shear wave velocity profile resolution decreases investigation methods 2 Inversion to estimate shear wave velocity profile Seismic Refraction (SR) Analytical procedures are used to match the field Seismic refraction involves a mapping of S-wave or dispersion curve with a theoretical dispersion curve P-wave arrivals using a linear array of seismic sources that represents a one-dimensional layered system with and geophones across the site.16: Schematic of Seismic Refraction Array and S-Wave Travel Paths Computer Seismograph 24 horizontal SH geophones source Vs~300m/s Vs~70–150m/s Vs~500m/s Vs~2500m/s DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 42 . Therefore. These constraints may be tightly bounded if the site is laterally homogeneous. that described in ASTM D 5777 for P-waves. 1998. constraints to the inversion. the refracting surface can the subsurface layering. and 2002). and depth to. it makes it difficult to match the site to the surface yielding so-called ‘head-wave’ refractions. Similar procedures are employed for S-wave mode. materials was developed over 50 years ago. This methodology is similar to greater resolution than the technique is capable of. the applications used P-wave technology with vertical impact experimental dispersion data needs to be interpreted weight-drop or explosive sources and vertically-polarized to identify which parts of the data correspond to which geophones. 3. At the critical angle of incidence a non-planar a site Vs profile (ie multiple shear wave velocity profiles wavefront (eg radiating from a point source) refracts fit the experimental dispersion data equally well at along the boundary and radiates sufficient energy back many sites). This layering information be calculated by measuring the travel time of the seismic aids in the surface wave inversion by providing some waves between the source and the receivers. Standard seismic refraction methodology for near-surface or loosely bounded if the site is quite variable. as illustrated in Figure variable stiffness (ie shear wave velocity) and thickness. and has been routinely used around the world. two test setups are undertaken at each test different rock materials (Caterpillar Equipment publishes depth. borehole Refractions are low amplitude events. ie soft soil over hard bedrock). Three basic which Vs is constant or varies in a simple manner. Vs values are calculated from a vertical Good practice involves positioning one or more sources seismic profile (VSP) by measuring the travel times of within the geophone array. large (z > 20. other techniques Sledge Seismograph hammer (MASW. and the down-dip or up-dip apparent velocities may vary 3-component geophone considerably for relatively low angles. such events may be very difficult to observe. which observable as a first arrival. surface) to a receiver (located in a PVC-cased borehole Clear delineation of target layers across a site is achieved if in soil or open hole if in rock). if Vs increases in step-wise fashion with depth. compass The measured up and down dip velocities can be averaged arithmetically to estimate refractor velocities for small Intrusive Methods dip angles (usually less than 20 degrees for common overburden-bedrock velocity contrasts). etc). however the simpler data acquisition 1 a seismograph (and recording computer) and processing involved mean that the SR method 2 a downhole tool (typically 3-component) typically costs less. The SR method is often used to 3 a source/triggering system (Figure 3. geophone array length to refractor depth placed on the surface measure seismic signals originating ratios must be quite large (~5 or more) in order for from a borehole source. Laptop In addition. an important limitation for Polarised S-Wave Measurement of the approach is the inability to detect velocity 7. This is the purpose of the magnetic compass shown in Figure 3. signal-generated tube waves. allowing for the interpretation of later arriving events In using SR. It can also be useful to determine the degree of rippability of Typically. a velocity layer must have a minimum thickness Steel I-beam to be detected. In such an environment. and in field Polarised SH waves environments where signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) are low. plus one at each of the waves propagating from a source (located at the ground array and one or more off-set from each end of the array. swapping the direction of the source – this rippability charts based on shear wave velocity for makes picking the first arrivals easier. converted profile comprises a series of discrete layers within waves.17.17).3kg (16lb) reversals. it is typically assumed that the subsurface (eg reflections below the bottom of the borehole.and P-wave velocities Figure 3. where receivers In general. In VSP velocity logging. 2 site investigation methods The SR method requires that S. components are required to conduct a downhole VSP test: SR provides ower resolution of the subsurface velocity profile than MASW. good Motor driven practice requires the collection of records for forward bowspring clamp Magnetic and reverse shot positions for a given geophone array. significant velocity discontinuity layering may be dipping. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 43 . Shorter arrays can be used is typically done in fluid-filled boreholes in rock. determine the depth to bedrock at a site. Less common is an ‘uphole’ VSP analysis. However. SCPT. Downhole Test In this method. Therefore. the entire wave train is recorded.17: Downhole VSP Configuration increase with depth. should be able to orient itself in the borehole so that the orientation of the receivers is known. Therefore. by moving the array and repeating the procedure. The downhole tool some of their bulldozers). As well. VSP testing is not the same as the refraction event from a high-velocity layer to be the more complex full waveform sonic logging. and is where impedance contrasts between the layers are beyond the scope of this document. there is an increased possibility of hidden layer error. Downhole shear) may be more appropriate. This phenomenon is often referred to as the ‘hidden layer’ or ‘blind zone’ problem and the PVC-cased potential scale of this limitation can be significant. Comment It should be noted that downhole Vs measurements Although the SCPT test was first considered highly are made vertically down through the soil in specialized. Typically. This differs from the Recent research (reference) has found that there interval velocity ( investigation methods 2 An average shear wave velocity (Vs.ave) can be calculated by dividing the source-to-geophone distance by the Comment traveltime of a wave to that depth. velocity data. may impair the effectiveness due to signal damping. Signal transmission can be to the use of this method. Horizontally piezocone test (CPTu) with one or more integrated polarized shear waves created at the surface or in the geophones or accelerometers to record in situ body wave borehole allow for relatively straightforward interpretation (S.and S-wave velocity structure of soils and rock allows assessment of variations in dynamic Poisson’s ratio. it is now incorporated commonly in cone contrast to the surface wave methods. Young. referenced ASTM D 7400-14 test standard. In these soils. Research has also shown To illustrate. The interpretation of both however it has been measured up to 25 percent.30 measurement value is an average that analysing the data using the depth-travel time travel time-weighted vertical velocity to a depth of approach is more appropriate than using the interval 30 metres. wherein the velocity in travel-times is preferred because the interpreter the horizontal plane differs from the velocity in the vertical can be guided by the development of a time-depth plane. dry swamps or significant a problem when there are soft. and the principles and processing are the same as those for downhole VSP testing. Some atypical site conditions are also not suited typical depths of investigation. the S-wave amplitude is often low. a Vs. In these cases. calculated by dividing 30 (m) by the summed velocity approach recommended in the typically vertical travel-times (milliseconds) within all of the layers.or P-wave) motion. Horizontal velocities may also vary azimuthally. to deeper soils. The procedures for downhole VSP testing are intervals during the CPT when the advance of the cone described in the ASTM D 7400-14 test standard. In stratified soils and fractured rock. However. is halted. poor coupling of shear energy is reflected. In these cases it may be possible to locate the seismic source into stiffer soil below the soft layer. correct downhole testing may be preferred for 1-D seismic performance of the test and interpretation of the results site response analysis. The test is performed at fixed of Vs. should anisotropy exist in are critical to obtaining truly representative in situ the near-surface materials. or in the local stress fields. such as in the case of peat or very soft clay. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 44 . ‘wiggle-trace’ record suite and correlation of shear such azimuthal anisotropy is commonly caused by changes wave events can be more reliably made. elastic. in soil fabric. and bulk). which represents the vertical may be difficulties with accurately determining shear velocity of a particular layer or short interval. there is a potential The summation method of layer velocities and for shear wave anisotropy to exist. but orientation. thus decreasing transmission through waves can result. common in recent decades. One of the principal limitations of the downhole method the seismic cone is equipped with a single horizontally is the clear recognition of the shear wave arrival at short oriented geophone or accelerometer though tri-axial source-receiver offsets near the ground surface. Where present. P. penetration site investigations. and Seismic CPT (SCPT) supports the estimation of different dynamic mechanical The seismic piezocone test (SCPT) combines the standard moduli (shear. result of signal-generated P-wave and surface wave Generally the detection of S-waves is not limited by noise. as a receiver packages may be used as well. azimuthal anisotropy in near near-surface engineering applications have become more surface deposits is often in the range of 5 to 10 percent. This approach is equivalent to dividing 30 m by a single vertical travel time measurement at 30 m depth. wave velocities at depths of less than about 5 m using the downhole method. the calculated horizontal velocities will be different The VSP velocity analysis method has been used for depending on the polarization of the source and geophone petroleum exploration for more than 50 years. low velocity soils at or near accumulations of organic material at the ground surface the surface. The CPT procedure and data analysis should conform to ASTM D 5778-12 test standard. and when When borehole casing (PVC or metal) is not solidly grouted higher velocity layers are encountered a portion of the to the surrounding formation. tests are performed with both upward and downward-orientated source impacts to better identify the arrival of the incoming waves at the receiver(s). requires the use of a pump. is recommended by the ASTM standard. Typically. Grouting must be wave velocities in the near-surface materials exceed completed several days in advance of testing to 450 m/s. a 3 m separation is sufficient unless the shear from the bottom of the hole up. horizontal S-waves are those that most closely The reliability of the method depends primarily on the resemble earthquake energy as it travels to the ground accuracy of the measurements and the precision of surface (ie vertical seismic profiling. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 45 . expensive than single downhole testing due to the cost of drilling. the casing must be equidistant. conventional crosshole measurement techniques. because the interpretation horizontal anisotropy is present in the near-surface technique is straightforward and does not require materials. the Long source and receivers are moved up the hole together. V1 V2 vertically polarized S-wave. If significant the instrumentation.18). This close spacing increases the likelihood of measuring a direct wave as opposed to a refracted wave. PVC-cased.or P-wave travel-time between the source and one or two receivers (typically 3D geophones). result in an increase or a decrease in cross-hole travel-time. Downhole horizontal S-wave sources have also been developed for crosshole applications. A downhole impact source generates a horizontally propagating. this The ASTM methodology includes an optional method. crosshole testing is considerably more overestimation of Vs in the vertical direction. or complex geology in-line distance between the holes (per ASTM D 4428). however. and the grout pipe placed at the base of the borehole to perform grouting Typically. typically at 0. hence leading to a misinterpretation ASTM D-4428/D-4428-14 test standards describe of material velocities. carefully grouted in the formation.5 or 1. However. the crosshole approach will calculate velocity the solution of complex inversion processes. Vertical boreholes are essential for this method and Because of the relatively high cost. and velocity reversals limit the effectiveness of Even a very small change in borehole verticality can other methods. The procedure of the preferred method is not warranted. which could lead to an However. crosshole testing boreholes should be logged with a deviation tool if is typically used for critical projects where highest borings exceed 15 m depth to determine the correct quality velocity data are required. the most commonly used sources are those which generate vertical S-waves. and the interval travel-time between two receivers positioned at the same elevation Source Rec 1 Rec 2 is used to calculate Vs at that depth. casing and grouting multiple boreholes. The seismic velocity is then computed as The methods generating downward propagating the ratio between the distance and the travel-time. and ensures the same phase of the wave is propagated to the receivers. 2 site investigation methods Crosshole Test Figure 3. VSP). Short Diff Once the shots are recorded at a particular depth. which are located at the same depth in different boreholes (Figure 3. boreholes be drilled in a row.18: Crosshole Shear Wave Velocity Test Set-up The crosshole method measures the S. requirement is particularly important for multiple where two boreholes are used if the time and expense boreholes used in the crosshole method. and compliance with this method requires that three As with all borehole methods. In this case.5 m allow the grout to set adequately.0 m intervals until the entire hole is logged. based on vertical S-waves traveling predominantly along a horizontal ray-path. a borehole separation up to 4. which makes use of high time to develop or may only become apparent during frequency electromagnetic waves transmitted into extreme conditions such as during flooding or high the ground. are defined by the geotechnical investigation methods 2 Comment 3. Measurements of water entry good technique for Vs measurement for this purpose. Water levels and pressures may be measured in existing wells. stratigraphy in some situations. performed in New Zealand by academic researchers. This zone of potential influence can be much 3. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 46 . Piezometers are typically used where the measurement of the ground water pressures are specifically required (ie to determine excess hydrostatic pressures or the progress of primary consolidation). in boreholes and in specially-installed observation wells. groundwater effects may take a considerable penetrating radar (GPR). unless Crosshole Vs testing utilising CPT rods pushed into alternate methods.3 of the MBIE repair guidance An important part of any geotechnical site investigation for Canterbury as well as NZGS Module 5 on ground is identification of the ground water level and any zones improvement). as well as variations in pore fluid.1 General ground improvement to mitigate liquefaction (refer to Section 15. GPR can be used for crudely defining rainfall events. such as installation of observation the soil to shallow depths has been successfully wells. and is useful for location buried services and structures (underground Determination of groundwater levels and pressures tanks and the like). during drilling and measurements of the groundwater however.3 Other Geophysical Tests wider than that for other more immediate or obvious A number of other geophysical methods are available issues such as movement of ground due to excavation. This method can be used for •• the location of perched water tables determining.5 Groundwater Measurement Vs testing has been recommended as a potential method for assessing the effectiveness of shallow 3. includes: •• measurements of the elevation of the groundwater Electrical Resistivity Survey (ER) can be used to evaluate surface or water table and its variation with the soil types.4. economically significant amounts of water to a well) karstic feature and contamination plumes. for example the distribution of clay soils •• the location of aquifers (geological units which yield across a site. One such method is ground In addition. level at least once following drilling should be considered a minimum effort to obtain water level data. of shallow ground improvement. •• the presence of artesian pressures. for site investigations. It is expected that a formal procedure for this methodology for use in Changes to groundwater conditions from construction practice will be developed in the near future. Variation of groundwater level or pressure during This modified technique may signficantly reduce the construction and over the service life of any proposed cost of crosshole testing for quality assurance testing works should also be evaluated.5. Electrodes season of the year are embedded in the ground to enable a site-wide resistivity survey. the cost may be prohibitive. The crosshole method is considered a of artesian pressure. activities have the potential to affect groundwater levels and quality to a considerable distance from the site. It has also been used to map faults. If drilling fluids are used to advance the borehole. measured penetration porewater surface groundwater levels). At test depths above the groundwater table. and these relied upon solely to determine an accurate groundwater are normally made available to the public. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 47 . and this may become apparent shallow (eg <5 m). the elevations of the caved zones of are best conducted with an electric water-level particular boreholes may be consistent with groundwater indicator. In low permeability soils. 2 site investigation methods 3. The measurements For example. and there are no ‘complications’ such as a confined aquifer. the hole should be bailed prior to making groundwater observations. water. whereas and private. after completion of drilling. for the standard shoulder element in clean may be artesian and hence will not be a reflection of saturated sands. without collapse). may have records of the water levels after intact clays exhibit values considerably higher than installation which can provide extensive information on hydrostatic (u2 > u0). During multi-day immediate. both public pressures are often near hydrostatic (u2 ~ u0). Comment If the borehole has caved. This works best in clean sands after any prolonged interruption in drilling and at where the dissipation of excess pore pressure is almost the completion of each borehole. the dissipation time investigations.4 Cone Penetration Test Many district or regional councils require the drillers of In general. as well as water levels moisture. the depth to the collapsed It is useful when conducting CPT to measure the zone should be recorded and reported on the log as depth to groundwater immediately upon retraction this may have been caused by groundwater conditions. are often good sources of information of both the soil porewater pressure readings vary with capillarity. it is preferable to perform additional can be very slow. or rock materials encountered. pore pressure dissipation tests (PPDTs) can be used to measure hydrostatic pore pressure and 3. The date and time of each observation should be recorded on the borehole log. the hole is stable (ie remains open once the subsurface profile is constructed.5. degree of saturation and other factors and recorded during well installation (although often these should therefore be considered tentative. the measurements can Drilling mud will effect observations of the groundwater be considered reasonably representative at the time level due to filter cake action and the higher specific of measurement. The well owners. During a CPT. of the cone from the ground. Below the wells are sampling a confined aquifer in which case they water table. If the groundwater depth is relatively table elevations at the site. CPT pore pressure readings should not be water wells to provide logs of wells they install. Dissipation tests can also be used to measurements at least 12 hours (preferably 24 hours) estimate soil permeabilities. fluctuations of the water level. In any event.3 Open Boreholes hence help establish the hydrostatic conditions and the The water level in open boreholes should be measured depth to groundwater.5.2 Existing Well Information 3.5. Such records depth. such data can be gravity of the drilling mud compared to that of the utilised to compare with other site or nearby data. The bottom Note that observation wells may require development of the pipe is slotted and capped. the geologic profile. can be formed with concrete to prevent the entrance The observation well. is a routine method of measuring water capped to prevent the entrance of foreign material. the two terms are at times used interchangeably The well is typically formed by a stainless steel or brass to describe any device for determining water head. well point threaded to a galvanized steel pipe. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 48 . 1992). also referred to as a standpipe of surface water.19: Typical Details of Observation Well Installations a Stand-Pipe Piezometer b Driven Well Point Removable cover 75mm 75mm Concrete surface seal PVC riser pipe Grout Bentonite seal (600mm minimum) Bottom of borehole Sand Slotted pipe Well point backfill Bottom of borehole 3. In theory. etc. however. In practice. drilling fluids. and the of the pipe should allow introduction of a bailer or other remaining annulus is filled with grout. type for use in granular soil formations and very soft clay.5. A surface seal. The simplest type of observation well is formed by a small-diameter PVC pipe set in an open hole. an open boring or rotary wash boring is advanced well or drilled hole used for the purpose of long-term studies to a point several centimetres above the measurement of groundwater levels and pressures. Details of typical depth and the well point is driven to the desired depth. head in an aquifer and for assessing the performance of and a small vent hole should be placed in the top cap. dewatering systems. while an ‘observation well’ measures Driven or pushed-in well points are another common the level in a water table aquifer (Powers.5 Observation Wells and Piezometers pipe. A seal is commonly required in the boring above the well point with a surface seal at the ground surface. and the annular space (refer to ASTM D 5092 test standard) to minimize the around the slotted pipe is backfilled with clean sand. In granular The term ‘observation well’ or ‘standpipe’ is applied to any soils. which is sloped away from the the well and improve the response investigation methods 2 Figure 3. The top of the pipe should also be piezometer. The diameter The area above the sand is sealed with bentonite. observation well installations are shown in Figure 3. or soil pumping apparatus to remove fine-grained particles in cuttings. effects of installation.19. concrete. regulatory agencies may stipulate the the pressure in a confined aquifer or at a specific horizon of manner for installation and closure of observation wells. a ‘piezometer’ measures In some localities. A sensitivity adjustment on the to groundwater. In general. or for continuous In this method. beeper or ammeter. The signalling device denoting circuit closure is typically a neon lamp. since the tape must be pressures is required or where data for tidal corrections fully removed each time. with appropriate software.3 Data Loggers notched on the well casing. Following is a brief discussion of the three lamp or the pitch of the beeper will enable the reader to common methods that are used to measure the depth distinguish the true level. passed slightly below the water surface. erratic readings A number of devices have been developed for can develop in humid air above the actual water level. data loggers are very measuring tape with a weight attached into the useful (eg checking seasonal variations. A further significant saving is in the The tape is then lowered until the chalked section has technician’s time back in the office.6. one can simply insert a cloth monitoring on a periodic interval. When the probe reaches the water a circuit is completed and this is registered by a meter mounted on the cable reel. These devices are also extremely from the top of casing. One then estimates where the Loggers are in the form of an electric transducer near the water level surface is and notes the depth from the top bottom of the well. sensing or measuring the water level in observation Sometimes careful attention to the intensity of the neon wells. The depth to The better data logger models not only record water level the water is determined by subtracting the depth of readings but permit the data to be downloaded into a penetration of the line into water (as measured by the computer and. 2 site investigation methods 3. etc present in the observation well may result in top of the casing as a reference. An enamelled tape is not suitable are necessary. acquire and store the readings. unless it is roughened with sandpaper so it will accept chalk. A data logger can eliminate A more accurate method is to chalk a short section the need for on-site technicians during an extended at the lower end of a metal tape with a weight attached. monitoring period. oil.5. to be quickly water line in the chalked section) from the total depth reduced and plotted. with the reference the electric probe giving unreliable readings. The accuracy of this changes in pressure.2 Electric Water-Level Indicator This indicator is battery operated and is comprised of a weighted electric probe attached to the lower end of a length of electrical cable that is marked at intervals to indicate the depth. This method is cumbersome when useful for cases where measurement of artesian taking a series of rapid readings. point at a common orientation (often north) marked or 3. ‘bounced’ up and down.6 Water Level Measurements When the water is highly conductive.5. common practice is to instrument can be useful. A data acquisition system is used to method is relatively poor. The weight on the end of the tape should be small in volume so it does not displace enough water to create an error. When timed and frequent water level measurements are 3.5.6. which senses changes in water level as of the well or borehole casing. Accumulations of sludge from measure the depth to the water surface using the iron. The electric indicator has the advantage that it may be used in extremely small holes. as for a pump test or slug test.6.5. 3. Better models utilise the cable itself as a measuring tape.1 Tape required. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 49 . which in some borehole and listen for a splashing sound as the tape is locations can be significant). laboratory testing of soil samples 2 4 Laboratory Testing of Soil Samples 4. Therefore. However. the geotechnical professional should designs. This section laboratory testing of soils for routine projects. some additional fines content is relatively inexpensive. interpretation. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 50 . testing to determine plasticity and for non-seismic purposes. cyclic softening of cohesive soils. developing the test programme. For large or complex projects located on significant The goal of a well-designed laboratory testing deposits of soils potentially susceptible to programme should be to adequately characterise: liquefaction/cyclic softening. many Laboratory testing of soils is generally a fundamental geotechnical professionals elect to forgo element of all geotechnical engineering. to specialised cyclic/post-cyclic CPT-based simplified method.1 General Comment Due primarily to cost considerations. The presumption is that the cost of to assess liquefaction. the calibration may significantly reduce may range from a simple moisture content and index over-prediction of liquefaction triggering using the property determination. the geotechnical stability. However. testing outweighs the potential benefits derived and shear strength for aspects such as seismic slope from a refined design. For silty sand/low-plasticity silt soils The types of testing required for a particular project in particular. engineering purposes from a geotechnical investigation For example. Because testing can be expensive and can result in unnecessarily expensive foundation time consuming. and can be tests are mentioned here that would likely be included used for site-specific calibration of CPT soil behaviour in an overall geotechnical investigation programme. 2 the properties of critical layers or zones that may significantly impact site or structure behaviour. focusses on a limited number of laboratory tests that but often also for even larger more complex would typically be performed as part of an investigation projects. Such over-prediction strength testing. the cost of specialised 1 those properties that are representative of site testing to better characterise their cyclic/post-cyclic soils in general behaviour may well be justified if there is the potential to gain significant savings in foundation costs. in most cases it is not particularly professional should carefully consider situations realistic in a seismically active country to separate where the cost of laboratory testing may well a geotechnical site investigation for only seismic be justified. and the cost savings in such a case likely carefully assess the field investigation data prior to far outweigh the cost of laboratory testing. quantities and types of tests to be carried out. standards commonly used for laboratory testing of soils. identification of soil types in the laboratory •• known or suspected peculiarities of the site soils (ie liquefaction potential.4 ASTM D 4318 Strength Consolidated undrained triaxial shear strength Test 6.2 Permeability Part 5 Consolidation One-dimensional consolidation properties 7. and both common and specialised tests utilised to determine them. organics.).2 Part 8 properties Direct shear/Shear box – Part 7 Cyclic triaxial shear strength of saturated soils Test 6. as well as specialised cyclic shear strength At a minimum. laboratory testing 2 of soil samples 4. Table 4. swelling soils. the following criteria should be considered tests that are specifically applicable to earthquake while determining the scope of the laboratory testing engineering.1: NZS.8 ASTM D 422 Test method for amount of material in soils finer than – ASTM D 1140 the No. 200 (75 µm) Sieve Determination of liquid limit Test 2. of developing a reliable soil profile and providing such as when testing might be warranted and the the primary soil parameters required for design.1 Selection and Assignment of Tests The selection of tests should be made in the context Certain considerations regarding laboratory testing. soft soils. etc.1 presents a summary list of the NZS/BS be decided by an experienced geotechnical engineer. collapsible soils. dynamic) typical soil properties.1 Part 2 properties Determination of particle-size distribution Test 2.1 Part 5 DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 51 . These discussions •• critical tolerances for the project assume that the reader has access to the latest volumes (eg settlement limitations) of NZS and ASTM standards containing details of test •• vertical and horizontal variations in the soil profile procedures and so that he/she can refer to them in as determined from CPT/borehole logs and visual connection with this presentation.3 Determination of plasticity index Test 2. Also included are ASTM standards which programme: may be specifically applicable to geotechnical earthquake •• project type engineering.2 Determination of plastic limit Test 2.1. •• loads to be imposed on the foundation soils Following this subsection are brief commentaries on •• types of loads (ie static. It is recognised that Australian Standards •• project size/importance/complexity may also be applicable for certain types of testing. BS and ASTM Standards for Commonly-Used Laboratory Testing of Soils Test Designation Test Category Name of Test NZS 4402 BS 1377 ASTM Visual Field description of soil and rock – New Zealand – – – identification Geotechnical Society Guidelines Index Determination of water content Test 2. should Table 4. Visual examinations of moisture content occur. and other potentially relevant features.1 can be used in field as well as laboratory investigations. The apparent relative strength. Samples should be handled very gently to avoid disturbing the material. other The guidelines for visual identification of soils listed minerals. clay. they should not be profiles if necessary.2 Undisturbed Samples 1 Verify the field description of soil type and colour Samples should be placed on their side on a clean table and revise the descriptions to be included in top.2. silt. soil type. trace of organics. is often noted 4. The colour of the soil should be determined by examining the samples where the moisture content is preserved near or at its natural condition.1 Disturbed Samples during this process. If more than one sample is obtained from the same deposit. examined on a flat table top. in Table 4. the uniformity (or lack thereof) of the samples should be assessed at this stage. He/she should remain in communication with the laboratory testing technician to confirm that the testing is proceeding as anticipated and to provide additional technical input if necessary. concretions. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 52 .) and consistency. these samples are limited to the colour. or in rooms where the temperature is neither cyclic triaxial testing) to help assess the effects excessively warm nor cold. disturbed samples are normally should be done quickly. before changes in the natural bulk samples of various sizes. mica. unwrapped.2. features such as silt and sand seams. within a sample which may have a material effect variations and discontinuities discernible from surface on the test results. 2 Select representative samples for routine testing. This assessment is used to decide on the proper mixing and quartering of disturbed samples to obtain representative specimens. as determined by a hand-held penetrometer or shear vane. shells. they should be supported in a borehole logs or graphically presented subsurface sample cradle of appropriate size.laboratory testing of soil samples 2 4. representative piece of the sample.2 Visual Identification of Soils Prior to assigning laboratory tests. etc. all soil samples selected for laboratory testing should undergo visual examination and identification. fissures. ash/pumiceous materials. the technician or geotechnical professional 4 Identify changes. composition (ie gravel. It is recommended that the geotechnical professional or their qualified representative be present during the opening of samples for visual inspection. Once the samples are of soil macro structure on the overall soil properties. If samples are soft. sand. intrusions or disturbances examining the sample should identify its colour. The purpose of the visual identification exercise is to: 4. The examination As discussed previously. as determined by handling a small. Samples should be examined in a humid room where 3 Select samples for specialised tests (ie triaxial/ possible. of soils. It can also be used to reduce the under-prediction of FC by the CPT that can occur in low plasticity silty soils As this test involves drying out soil samples in an oven when using the Robertson and Wride (1998) relationship. of the assessment of liquefaction of fine-grained soils. If the reference test procedure does not differentiate between pore water Comment and absorbed water in organic fibres.2 Particle-Size Distribution The purpose of the test is to determine the percentage In the aftermath of the 2010–2011 Canterbury of the various grain sizes comprising the soil. many than 63 microns) a hydrometer is used instead. characteristics such as permeability and strength. conservative as the soil is treated as having a lower fines content than if the 75µ sieve had been used. absorbed water may be present in the organic triggering method. such as petroleum products or easily reduce over-prediction of liquefaction triggering that ignitable solids. 4. it is not necessarily required water present in a quantity of soil in terms of its dry for assessment of liquefaction triggering potential. This is earthquakes. provides significant information about the Laboratory FC data can be used to develop a site-specific characteristics of the soil. only the fines content (FC) is common laboratory procedure. 63µ sieve. When the soils contain fibrous organic sometimes occur when using a CPT-based simplified matter. and consistency and moisture-density relationships. As result. textural classification of soils (ie gravel. particle-size distribution.1 Moisture Content While knowledge of the PSD of the soil is useful for The purpose of this test is to determine the amount of assessing soil behaviour. test 2. In this case.3 Index Properties Index properties are used to characterise soils and determine their basic properties such as moisture content.3. liquefaction triggering methodologies define the fines content as the percent passing the 75µ sieve. when combined with data obtained from other tests. the fines content is defined content measured will be the total moisture lost as the percentage of material by weight passing the rather than free moisture lost (from void spaces). 4. clay. The primary behaviour characteristics of a soil (ie whether settlement. using the 75µ sieve for determining the fines content either a ‘wet sieving’ or ‘dry sieving’ procedure. fibres as well as in void spaces. the moisture In NZS 4402:1986. silt. at 105 to 110o C. many geotechnical professionals use carried out using a series of finer and finer sieves. For the for liquefaction assessment to be consistent with fraction of the soil containing very fine particles (ie finer the simplified triggering method. it is cohesionless or cohesive material) can often be determined directly from viewing borehole samples or Determination of the moisture content of soils is a CPT data.) which in turn is used to assess the engineering that have used the 63µ sieve are in theory. knowing the water CPT-CFC correlation when using the Boulanger and content to liquid limit ratio (wc/LL) is an important part Idriss (2014) CPT-based liquefaction triggering method.) DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 53 . from which general correlations with strength. specific gravity. However. sand. (It should be noted that liquefaction assessments etc. serious errors in determination of the In the case of silty soils (ie silty sands/sandy silts) in moisture content may be introduced if the soil contains particular. weight. The commercial laboratories have the ability to determine particle-size distribution (PSD) is used to determine the the fines content based on the larger sieve size. workability and other properties can be made. many of the case histories used As discussed later. The moisture content necessary for the liquefaction analysis. this may introduce serious errors to develop and refine the commonly used simplified in the determination of Atterberg limits.3. For example. the use of site-specific FC data can potentially other components. laboratory testing 2 of soil samples 4.8. test method be used for determining Atterberg The PI is an important parameter for assessing the limits for assessing liquefaction and cyclic softening liquefaction triggering potential of soils containing a susceptibility. 4. it has (ie a lower number of cup drops is required to close been distorted and should be replaced. kilograms. the testing should help determine whether such materials are susceptible only be performed by experienced technicians. liquid/semi-solid change.3. content relative to the consistency and behaviour of the NZS method often. The liquidity index (LI) is defined as LI = (wc – PL)/PI. of the case histories in the international liquefaction the necessary sample size may be tens. ‘sand-like’ or ‘clay-like’ behaviour. or even one case history database were determined using the hundred or more.2. mesh or fabric are easily distorted as a result of normal and the ASTM specimen preparation for determining handling and use. particularly for soils containing Comment larger particle sizes (eg gravel and cobble). LI ≈ 1 and for over-consolidated (OC) soils. A simple way to determine cup may result in greater energy being imparted to whether sieves should be replaced is the periodic the LL cup which in turn can result in a lower LL value examination of the stretch of the sieve fabric on the than would be determined with the NZS LL device frame.laboratory testing of soil samples 2 Obtaining a representative size sample is an important aspect of the PSD test. if it sags. the openings of fine (63 or 75µ) LL device (Casagrande cup) than the NZS method. However. and hence may require replacement on the PL results in a ‘wetter’ soil thread. The harder a regular basis if used often. The fabric should remain taut. This method specifies a greater hardness for the rubber base beneath the In laboratory sieves. Another common the groove in the sample at a particular wc). Considering the abstract and manual nature of the Knowing the PI of low plasticity silts or sandy silts can Atterberg limits test procedures. For testing of The PI values of fine-grained soils in the majority soils containing a significant amount of larger particles. The ASTM cause of serious errors is the use of ‘dirty’ sieves – ‘wet’ preparation method for determining the PL can ie sieves with numerous openings blocked with lodged result in the sample having a higher PL value than soil particles. but not always yielded a soils in terms of the liquid limit (LL) which defines a lower PI value relative to the ASTM method.3 Atterberg Limits An EQC residential field investigation into the This test is used to describe the consistency and plasticity difference in results between the two methods of fine-grained soils with varying degrees of moisture. ASTM D 4318 test method. LI ≈ 0. For a normally consolidated (NC) soil. would be obtained with the NZS method. cyclic softening. for low plasticity soils (in the range The Atterberg limits provide general indices of moisture important for assessing liquefaction susceptibility).3. all else being equal it is noted significant percentage of fines. specifically it is used to that the determination of a lower PI value will be help assess whether the soil exhibits predominantly conservative if using the NZS method. and the plastic limit (PL). showed that. to liquefaction triggering. it is recommended that the ASTM LL and the PL is termed the plasticity index (PI = LL – PL). DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 54 . Atterberg limits are also used to assess the stress history of a soil. The difference between the in Section 4. As for the fines content determination discussed which is a solids boundary. The PI value of a low plasticity Lack of experience and/or careful execution will most clay is used to help assess whether it is susceptible likely introduce serious errors in the test results. with water or glycerine. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 55 . designs increases. 4. of the undrained shear strength (su). Canterbury earthquakes. To cause shear failure in the edges of the test specimen experience greater sample. requires specialist knowledge and a high degree of experience to obtain accurate results. However. A backpressure (u0) over the drainage of the soil. the effects of lateral confinement.2 Direct Shear (Shear Box) Test intermediate to large strains can also be assessed. porewater pressure. The sample is subjected to a total and may not be the critical plane. have a height to length ratio between 2 and 2. particularly dynamic (cyclic) testing. Care must be taken to shear The CU test is most useful when conducted with pore the sample slowly enough to allow full drainage. it is anticipated that dynamic testing will become more widely available on a commercial basis. Proper back-pressure laboratories at present. Laboratory strength testing. and is a parameter that can be for building on difficult soil conditions using cost-effective inadvertently overlooked in a busy laboratory. and the demand particularly important. as the geotechnical saturation of the sample (b-value of 0. as well as effective stress parameters effective cohesion may be obtained.5. confining pressure (s3) by compression of the fluid in the •• Relative to the triaxial test there is little control chamber acting on the membrane. The following information is intended to give geotechnical professionals some general guidance regarding the types of testing routinely used for earthquake engineering projects. The equipment and expertise This is also true for bearing capacity failure surfaces. Thus. but often pressure (stress controlled) until the sample fails. there is progressive through a vertical loading ram.4. The results can be presented in terms of Mohr Circles of stress to obtain strength parameters for the specimen. for triaxial If sheared too rapidly. is applied directly to the specimen through a port in the bottom pedestal upon which the specimen sits. if more than two or three tests are conducted.4 Shear Strength Testing Following are brief descriptions of laboratory shear strength tests that can be used to assess soil strength parameters under both static and dynamic conditions. Triaxial shear strength parameters are often performed in New Zealand. The direct shear (DS) test determines the shear strength Test samples are typically 35 to 75 mm in diameter and of the soil along a pre-defined horizontal planar surface. unrealistically high values of compressive mode.98 or higher) is earthquake engineering profession evolves. The CU test is used to determine the strength where p = ½(s1´ + s3´) kPa and q = ½(s1´ – s3´) kPa.1 Consolidated Undrained However. hydraulic press or dead weight increments or hydraulic •• The test sample is not fully saturated. drainage and consolidation. Axial stress may be applied failure of the specimen. axial stress (ie deviator stress = s1 – s3) is applied stress than the centre. laboratory testing 2 of soil samples 4. The While the DS test is relatively simple to perform. the •• The distribution of normal and shear stresses over sample is initially consolidated with an effective confining the sliding surface is not uniform – typically the stress: s3´ = (s3 – u0). ie the entire strength of at a constant rate (strain controlled) or by means of a the soil is not mobilised simultaneously. required for dynamic shear strength testing is mainly Careful specimen preparation and set-up is critical for confined to New Zealand university geotechnical testing obtaining accurate test results. and characteristics of soils including detailed information on the entire stress path can be plotted from start to finish. The stiffness (modulus) at 4. Most of the static tests are quite accessible and routinely (c´ and f´).4. Cyclic shear strength testing used in slope stability analysis where the orientation of is not commonly performed in New Zealand although the triaxial shear plane better approximates the field shear it has been done for a few projects since the 2010–2011 conditions for the sub-vertical portion of the slide surface. it has sample is encased by a thin rubber membrane and placed some inherent shortcomings: inside a plastic cylindrical chamber that is usually filled •• The failure plane is predefined and horizontal. Triaxial Strength (CU Test) the results are more conveniently plotted in p-q space. pressure measurements as it provides direct measurement and this can be difficult to do in fine-grained samples. only partially drained. Therefore. 3 Cyclic Triaxial Shear Test (CTX) for soil behaviour. Ishihara (1993) defined liquefaction based on the pre-consolidation stress can be used to help axial strain. with stress reversal applied at a frequency Care must be taken to apply appropriate test pressures.1 to 1 Hz. based on index properties. against the number of load cycles to liquefaction. softening. it is not true for soft soils or for soils that are not then back-pressure saturated and consolidated to the confined (ie bridge approaches).5 percent because it is simple and easy to perform. therefore consolidation times are shorter. Cs. the DS test is commonly used reaches 5 percent double amplitude strain (± 2. Importantly. In such cases. The excess pore pressure and and to carry out a rebound stage. The one-dimensional test method assumes that Obtaining truly undisturbed samples of clean sands is dimensional change due to consolidation occurs in the quite difficult in practice. desired effective confining stress. and/or liquefaction potential of a soil. 2 5 percent double amplitude axial strain. eg the interface friction between the base of a concrete footing and supporting soil. Cr) and/or cyclic loading from machinery. For clayey or silty soils that are of cycles at which the excess pore pressure is equal to the suspected of being potentially susceptible to cyclic initial effective confining pressure (eg initial liquefaction). (or oedometer test) provides one of the most useful and reliable laboratory measurements 4. desiccation. sinusoidal load. it is more normally done in the oedometer. mobility rather than flow liquefaction (El Mohtar. They are then sheared undrained. •• pre-consolidation stress (sp´) Relatively undisturbed samples of low-plasticity silts. the consolidation test provides the Two commonly used criteria for determining when magnitude of the pre-consolidation stress (svmax´ = pc´) liquefaction occurs are: of the natural deposit. seismic events. by applying a constant cyclic stress (measured Although consolidation tests can also be carried out in as a cyclic stress ratio – CSR). in the order of 0. resilient modulus •• stiffness in terms of constrained modulus (M´ = 1/mv) determinations. The device also uses much less soil than a standard triaxial device. •• rate of consolidation (c v) sandy silts and silty sands for testing can be obtained •• creep rate (C α) using a Dames and Moore or gel push sampler as •• approximate value of permeability (k). This assumption is generally valid with the gel-push sampler (reference needed). The normal test axial strains are monitored during the cyclic loading until duration for each loading increment is 24 hours.5 One-Dimensional to determine the angle of friction between the soil and the Consolidation Test material of which the foundation is constructed.laboratory testing of soil samples 2 In spite of these limitations. 2009). The 5 percent double amplitude strain reasonably reliable values for effective strength parameters criteria may not be appropriate for soils that exhibit cyclic provided that sufficiently slow rates of shear are utilised. but some success has been had vertical direction. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 56 .4. The effective pre-consolidation represents the past stress history of the soil that may 1 initial liquefaction have undergone erosion. but specimens are prepared generally as for a static TX test. The test determines: The cyclic triaxial test. discussed in Section 3.2. and if the onset of liquefaction. The test for medium stiff to stiff confined cohesive soils. can be used to evaluate repeated •• the compressibility parameters (Cc. The loading is usually a a triaxial test. and provides axial strain). knowledge of However. The specimens are typically secondary consolidation (creep rate) is required then the tested at different CSR values and the test results plotted test duration should not be shortened. which subjects samples to repeated (cyclical) shear loading. groundwater fluctuations or other processes resulting Seed and Lee (1966) defined liquefaction as the number in overconsolidation. the lower box is filled with The one-dimensional consolidation test soil and the upper box contains the foundation material. a specimen liquefies when the axial strain confirm susceptibility. The DS test is particularly applicable where it is necessary 4.4. Samples should be handled such that. in or out of containers.2 Sample Handling Undisturbed soil samples should be transported and Careless handling of undisturbed soil samples may stored.6 Quality Assurance Maintaining the quality of samples for laboratory testing is largely dependent on the quality assurance program followed by the field and laboratory staff. D 4220 and D 5079 for further information). placed. temperature •• to represent the types of materials most likely changes and prolonged exposure to the storage to influence overall or critical site/structure environment that may significantly impact the performance. Such changes may result in misleading test results and therefore impact the project design.3 Specimen Selection is not recommended because the interior of the tubes The selection of representative testing specimens is one may corrode. the geologist and/or be misleading. if these samples are tested as undisturbed specimens. in combination with the adhesion of the most important aspects of sampling and testing of the soil to the tube. samples with discontinuities or intrusions may cause premature failures in the laboratory. the parent formation. may cause changes in the characteristics selecting the test specimens. the results may The senior laboratory technician.1 Sample Storage 4. with the potential content are maintained as close to their natural for serious design and construction consequences conditions as practicable (refer to ASTM standards as a result of using erroneous strength properties. even temporarily. during preparation. of the samples. Soil samples stored for long periods and structural features of time may experience stress relaxation. not just the least or the best case. the sample maintains its structural integrity and its Samples stored in special containers should not be moisture condition. have a good understanding of the site Long term storage of samples. One seldom finds a failures during the extrusion. it temperature consistent with the environment of is reasonable to expect that they will be disturbed. Significant changes in the material properties may be caused by improper storage. Saws and knives used to trim soils should be clean Undisturbed soil samples should be stored in an upright and sharp.6. may create high enough resistance procedures. laboratory testing 2 of soil samples 4. temperature-controlled environments with the If samples are dropped. minimum. even under the best geology. Long term storage of soil samples in sampling tubes 4. Research has shown that soil samples stored for longer than fifteen days may undergo Samples should be selected: substantial changes in strength characteristics •• on the basis of their colour.6. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 57 . 4.6. physical appearance (reference). The relative humidity for soil and therefore should not be used for critical tests storage normally should be maintained at 90 percent requiring undisturbed specimens. percent or higher. This. such that their structure and their moisture cause significant disturbances. and visually examine the field samples before conditions. Often these failures uniform homogeneous deposit or formation. For example. Selected specimens should be representative to extrusion that some soils may experience internal of the formation being investigated. in direct sunlight. especially where the maintenance of the Long term storage of soil samples should be in natural moisture content is critical. however. the geotechnical engineer should study the borehole and CPT logs. cannot be seen by the naked eye and. they would not necessarily cause such failures in situ. transportation and handling of samples. Preparation time should be kept to a position with the top side up. sample characteristics. 2 should not be considered a complete list of potential material index properties which to a large degree. materials and There may also be some specialised tests. the geologist. triaxial and engineering. In the absence of an temperature and volumetric tolerances. and may result in quarterly to assure that they are working as intended. the use of an ASTM standard is Compression or tension testing equipment. For some specimen selection. Table 4. the liquefaction triggering sample preparation and laboratory test procedures. if not detected. including generally recommended for tests used to determine soil proving rings and transducers should be checked properties for earthquake engineering. ovens.6. but experienced laboratory technicians and/ 4. Table methods commonly used in New Zealand are based on 4.6. but some of the more common ones. were issues. and senior may have historically been performed using a British or laboratory technician should apply their knowledge Australian standard. particularly electronic or reflecting mirror types. relevant test procedures. As discussed in Section 2.2 lists several items that the US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 4. For laboratory testing for geotechnical earthquake Sieves.laboratory testing of soil samples 2 There is no single set of rules that can be applied to all collected using ASTM testing procedures. but they the geotechnical engineer. testing standard/procedures.6. quarterly and calibrated at least once a year. 4. Omissions or errors introduced in they are levelled and in proper adjustment. it is recommended that the geotechnical permeability cells should be periodically examined professional use judgement to select the most suitable to assure that they meet the specified opening size. Electronic these steps. and experience with the geologic setting. tests there may not be a New Zealand standard. will be carried through the equipment and software should also be checked at least process of design and construction.6 Common Testing Pitfalls Sampling and testing of soils are important and Scales. cyclic triaxial shear for which there is an ASTM or other standard. fundamental steps in the design and construction of all should be checked at least once every day to assure types of structures.5. compaction moulds.5 Testing Standards recommends be considered for proper sample handling. appropriate NZ standard. In selecting the proper specimens. such as project requirements. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 58 .4 Equipment Calibration or university researchers may have modified certain All laboratory equipment should be periodically checked to procedures to provide more appropriate test conditions verify that they meet the tolerances as established by the and hence more reliable test results. costly or possibly unsafe facilities. using appropriately certified equipment. 20 Saturation must be performed using properly staged back pressures. 22 Evenly trim the ends and sides of undisturbed samples. for undisturbed testing. and avoid during selection of specimens. 24 Also do not mistakenly identify failures due to slickensides as shear failures. 4 Properly number and identify samples. particularly fine (<No. 18 Properly cure stabilisation test specimens. in triaxial or permeability tests. 40) mesh ones need to be inspected and replaced often. 32 Periodically calibrate all testing equipment and maintain calibration records. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 59 . 3 Avoid long term storage of soil samples in Shelby tubes. samples must be extruded properly and supported upon their exit from the tube. 14 Do not dry soils in overheated or underheated ovens. disturbed by sampling or handling. 5 Store samples in properly controlled environments. 16 Performance of Atterberg Limits requires carefully adjusted drop height of the Liquid Limit machine and proper rolling of Plastic Limit specimens. 13 Always perform organic content tests when classifying soils as peat or organic.2: Common Sense Guidelines for Laboratory Testing of Soils 1 Protect samples to prevent moisture loss and structural disturbance. 9 Have a sufficient number of samples to select from. 31 Do not take shortcuts: using non-standard equipment or non-standard test procedures. 19 Never assume that all samples are saturated as received. 33 Always test a sufficient number of samples to obtain representative results in variable material. incomplete consolidation tests. 6 Visually examine and identify soil samples after removal of smear from the sample surface. old screens for example. 2 Carefully handle samples during extrusion of samples. worn compaction mold or compaction hammers (an error in the volume of a compaction mold is amplified 30x when translated to unit volume) should be checked and replaced if needed. 23 Be careful to identify slickensides and natural fissures. 30 Correctly label laboratory test specimens. 8 Carefully select ‘representative’ specimens for testing. 27 Use proper loading rate for strength tests. laboratory testing 2 of soil samples Table 4. Visual classifications of organic soils may be very misleading. 29 Avoid ‘Reconstructing’ soil specimens. 15 Discard old worn-out equipment. membranes etc. 25 Do not use unconfined compression test results (stress-strain curves) to determine elastic moduli. 10 Always consult the field logs for proper selection of specimens. 11 Recognize disturbances caused by sampling. 28 Do not guesstimate e-log p curves from accelerated. the presence of cuttings. 12 Do not depend solely on the visual identification of soils for classification. 17 Do not use of tap water for tests where distilled water is specified. 21 Use properly fitted o-rings. 26 Incremental loading of consolidation tests should only be performed after the completion of each primary stage. Report slickensides and natural fissures. drilling mud or other foreign matter. 7 Use pocket penetrometer or miniature vane only for an indication of strength. site conditions and There are numerous commercial software applications topographical information for the production of borehole logs. soil stiffness profiles.1 Site Investigation Logs •• site description. the NZ Geotechnical Database in AGS4 format. liquefaction potential. CPT data and logs settlements.0. The type and format of a report will vary from project to project. –– borehole logs/CPT profiles The factual information from an investigation –– lab data is sometimes presented in a separate report or –– analysis outputs volume from interpreted information.0. The report(s) content may include: •• factual information and observations •• appendices •• interpretations –– site plans •• professional opinions. should show the following information: stability. CPT data needs to be uploaded to permeability. recommendations –– cross-sections or advice. •• borehole identifier •• summary and conclusions •• date of test •• limitations •• CPT contractor •• references •• CPT equipment type 6 New Zealand version of the UK AGS format. specific client requirements. the following information is commonly found in a geotechnical site investigation report: 5. pile capacities. soil strengths. to the project – soil properties. –– foundation design charts.3 – New Zealand Localisation)’. This is leading •• existing available information to more standardisation in data presentation. purpose of the investigation 5. earthworks.1. depending on the purpose and type of investigation. Depending on the scope of the project.1 Data Presentation •• project description and scope. suitable The presentation of CPT data in a geotechnical report bearing layers. temporary batters. drainage. site and regional Given that all borelogs and CPT data (as well as lab data) geomorphology will shortly need to be uploaded to the NZ Geotechnical •• seismic setting Database in AGS4 NZ6 format. with the main •• investigation and testing programme ones used in NZ being gINT and Core-GS. •• geological setting. •• recommendations – siting of buildings. it is recommended that geotechnical records and software outputs are transcribed •• ground conditions. bearing capacities. •• interpreted data and lab data as appropriate (AGS7 edition 4. which enables geotechnical data to be shared and used across numerous software applications 7 The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) is a UK based non-profit trade association responsible for creation of the AGS geotechnical data format DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 60 . groundwater profile and stored in accordance with the procedures outlined and subsurface profiles/geotechnical model in the NZGS AGS4 guidance document ‘Electronic transfer revealed by the investigation of geotechnical and geo-environmental data. appropriate foundation types.geophysical data etc.goetechnical reports 2 5 Geotechnical Reports A geotechnical report (or series of reports) presents all of the relevant geotechnical information which has been obtained from an investigation program. As noted above. and regulatory authority requirements. •• project information soil retention etc. AGS4 NZ v1. 1. depending on whether it is a soil borelog.L. A subsurface profile (sometimes referred to as a Borehole data and logs ‘geotechnical model’) can help in visualising and communicating a site’s subsurface conditions.) •• ground level R. the stratigraphical profile with depth log. as more than one type of investigation has been carried out). and a legend (where It is important to note on the log the units used. Testpit logs and basic hand auger logs will contain less data than listed above. It can The amount of information that appears on a log will define the physical context and geological development vary. Rock’. •• borehole closure method used. the inferred ground conditions and the stage of the model •• drilling resistance development. a graphical cross section or ‘2D model’ (or in some rare cases a 3D model) •• borehole identifier may be usefully developed to show the relationship •• borehole location (coordinates) between the proposed development and the underlying •• date of drilling (start and end) soil. RQD etc.1. the groundwater conditions and all soil and rock descriptions should be in accordance engineering properties of the strata.2 Test Investigation Locations •• location (coordinates and grid system being used) The site plan should show the location of all test •• CPT data as relevant to the investigation: investigations. or a topographical plan. •• fluid losses A development process for a geotechnical model for •• water level observations a relatively large project is summarised below.1. (if applicable) •• sampler type and recovery interval (if applicable) 5. or graphical. or interpolated •• drilling equipment type for inappropriate purposes. a north arrow. Basic data that should be included on a typical borelog includes: Where appropriate to both the scale of the project. for rock core logs. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 61 . •• project information and the homogeneity of the strata. 2 goetechnical reports •• ground level RL (if applicable) 5. There should be a graphical scale –– interpreted soil type (if appropriate). ideally in relation to the proposed project features (if appropriate) or in relation to existing –– cone resistance site features. The site plan might use a site aerial –– sleeve friction and/or friction ration photograph as a background. rock. rock core of the project area.3 Subsurface Profiles and presented with or without the depth offset to the cone Geotechnical Models resistance data. extrapolated. or at least a scale stated on the plan (referenced to the drawing size). and groundwater regimes. (Care must be taken •• drilling contractor to communicate that a graphical representation of the model should not be used. The raw data should also indicate if the sleeve friction data has been 5.4 Geotechnical Model •• depths and descriptions of the various soil or rock Development Process types encountered The detail included in a geotechnical model will depend •• recovery percentage on the magnitude and complexity of the project. •• strength test depths and results (eg SPT) •• other relevant data such as location of soils that were lab tested. testpit log or a basic hand auger log – however and lateral extent. these can vary between CPT contractors. A geotechnical with the NZGS document ‘Field Description of Soil and model can be descriptive. bar. or –– porewater pressure a building location plan. be included which states that any recommendations It is prudent to tie the report to the scope of development or judgements within the report are based on a that it was originally produced for. Although geotechnical professionals will be familiar with The statement should also advise that any variations the inherent uncertainties associated with subsurface from the information presented in the report. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 62 . and that conditions between any liability is only to the original commissioner of the investigation locations may vary from what has been report.1. users of these uncertainties and the associated risks. Have all geotechnical issues and risks been appropriately investigated and quantified? Yes No Scope additional investigation requirements Finalise and issue the Geotechnical model (descriptive or graphical) and issue geotechnical investigations report Commence detailed Engineering analysis and design 5. any effects on the recommendations or advice in the In any geotechnical report a suitable limitation should report can be evaluated. That way. should are often not. Commence preliminary engineering analysis and design if appropriate. and to point out that limited amount of data. not to subsequent users. investigations. It is therefore important to inform such be communicated back to the report author.goetechnical reports 2 Desktop study Compile existing relevant information relating to the site and project Develop a Conceptual geotechnical model (descriptive or graphical) based on the results of the desktop study Plan and undertake site-specific geotechnical investigations based on the current project information and Conceptual geotechnical model Refine the conceptual geotechnical model by reviewing the site-specific geological and geotechnical information.5 Limitations inferred. other users of geotechnical data or reports encountered during subsequent excavations. J.4095/291753.. 1 CD-ROM. (2002). (1992). 704p. R. A. Department of Civil Engineering. Geological Survey of Canada. C. B.F. MS.. M.P. J.M.. Chen.G. Plastic Limit. Benjumea. 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Seed. and Larsson.. pp.L. P. on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Multichannel Report EPRI-EL 6800. Powers. and Lee. R. (1990).. Evaluating Engineering.. pp. Earthquake Engineering Research Interpretation of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Institute Monograph MNO12 (DCP) Test. Version 2.references 2 IRTP (1999).. Skempton. and Yokel. Swedish Geotechnical Institute.M.K. Energy Measurements in the Standard Penetration Test. W. 1990.M.B. (1998).Y.. Park. London.D. 64. Geotechnical Engineering: The Academia and Practice Proceedings of the Second Australian Soil Mechanics of Geotechnical Engineering. Va. Construction Dewatering.. pp. (1983). (2008) Soil liquefaction Paige-Green. L. Robertson. 442–459. U. 1377–1380. Kirkcaldie.B. 1. 1. R..A. (1956).. Report of the ISSMFE Orense. Journal of the Soil Mechanics Report Varia 270. National Bureau of Standards. Christ Church. A. 1998.P. pp. R. for Cone Penetration Test (CPT).. R.4. The James K. research report 553. 62 pp. Eskilson. and Mayne.2. P.. of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). Simple Methods of Flexible International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Pavement Design Using Cone Penetrometers.. C. and Wride. v. Inc. ASCE. (1999). D. Imaging Shear-Wave Velocity–Based Probabilistic and dispersion curves of surface waves on multichannel Deterministic Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction record. F. C. 1–17.Z. Journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Practice. Society [In Japanese].-C.. Pasadena. Bray. Proceedings. WA. I. ASCE. Seattle. Proceedings. Stringer. (ed.). Pore Pressure Menq. J. DC. Institute Publication No. using the Gel-Push Type S Sampler. Jacka. 19th Symposium New Zealand. Cone Penetration Testing – A Synthesis of Highway Tsuchi-to-Kiso. and Wong. M. M. Beyzaei.. New York. NCHRP Synthesis 368.D. (1978). K. (1985) Use of Rayleigh pp. J. Tani. 2 references Stokoe.. Measurement of Soil Properties and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP). Woods.A. F. Jung. Federal Highway Administration. Use of Intermediate to Large Vibrators as SPT Sampling in Liquefiable Sand. Lin...A. and Nazarain S. Wentz. waves in liquefaction studies.. Wentz. 1241–1258. Hunter. National Highway pp. Haycock. F. Rosenblad.D. Vol...L. A. Open File 7078. Response during High Frequency Sonic Drilling and (2006). Bay.D. (2013). pp.J. (DRAFT in press – 2016). 54(4). S. B. Manual on Subsurface Investigations.. Proceedings of the Surface Wave Sources to Evaluate Vs Profiles for 19th NZGS Geotechnical Symposium.) R. 91–178.. CA.J. Cubrinovski.. R. M.E. and Crow. (ed. Geological Survey of Canada. S.E. M.R. K. K.H. and Kaneko. FHWA NHI-01-031. Measurement and Use of Shear Wave Velocity for Evaluating Dynamic Soil Other Useful References or Texts Properties. Y. H. C. J. Undisturbed sampling method using thick water soluble polymer solution. on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering Woods. – State of the Art Report. Earthquake Studies. Cox.. F... and Dickenson. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 65 . Washington. Queenstown. National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Shear Wave Velocity Measurement Guidelines for Recommendations for High Quality Field Sampling Canadian Seismic Site Characterization in Soil and Rock. B. 145–148. (2006). I. Stokoe.J. Engineering and Soil Dynamics.C..H. Earthquake pp.S.-Y. the accuracy of a CPT sounding Table A. (1986). parameter (when all possible sources of error are added) This standard addresses accuracy and precision in terms is the larger of the two listed in the accuracy class table. Further information can be found in De Pascale et al (2015). In general. Data accuracy for CPT is Pore pressure. otherwise acceptable for liquefaction assessment of sandy soils. ranges and that attention is given to thermal zero shifts. z 0. z 0.cpt accuracy and resolution 2 Appendix A. qc 500 kPa or 3% (Campenella and Howie.2m or 2% soil conditions and cone preparation.1. z 0. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 66 .4 percent of full scale output 4 Cone resistance. z 0. u 50 kPa or 5% wire and pressure transducer load cells. qc 200 kPa or 3% The accuracy of the measured parameters may be Sleeve Friction. and is synonymous with repeatability. Zero baseline tests other accuracy standards may be more appropriate are then used to assess whether the sounding has met for situations where higher resolution and accuracy is the desired accuracy class.1m or 1% degree of minimum accuracy for a given application. With careful Inclination.2m or 2% calibration errors less than 0. Little information 3 Cone resistance.2. qc 50 kPa or 3% components which include data accuracy.1 to 0. however. are carefully calibrated in various operating to the measurement rather than the measuring range of capacity. Whilst the ASTM Lower limits apply where the measured parameter does accuracy in terms of full scale output is considered not exceed the limit for the whole sounding. required (very soft soils for example). strain gauge load cells can have Penetration depth. The resolution of a measuring system is the minimum size of the change in the value of a quantity that it can detect. u 25 kPa or 3% transducer (which is generally 0. i 5o design and maintenance. Data quality can be considered Class Parameter Minimum Accuracy an umbrella term incorporating a number of key 1 Cone resistance. i 2o full scale output). This is possible provided the load cells are of a Note: The allowable minimum accuracy of the measured parameter is the larger value of the two quoted. Precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other.1: ISSMGE Accuracy Class can be improved by careful instrument preparation. CPT Accuracy and Resolution Accuracy is the degree to which the result of a measurement or specification conforms to the correct value or a standard. f s 25 kPa or 15% influenced by the operational tolerance of the load cell/ Pore pressure. All else being equal. and in certain soils) to aim for a required Penetration depth. f s 50 kPa or 10% showed that high capacity load cell cones can give results Penetration depth. It is possible (with certain equipment Inclination. Test Measured Allowable calibration and testing. Lunne et al. i 2o and techniques. The relative or % accuracy applies high quality. f s 50 kPa or 15% published. f s 10 kPa or 10% an appropriate test standard. It will influence the accuracy and precision of a measurement. 2005). and by third party factors such as Penetration depth. qc 400 kPa or 5% concerning the accuracy of various cone designs has been Sleeve Friction. 2 Cone resistance.1m or 1% as repeatable and accurate as cones with lower load ranges. of cone penetrometer full scale output. These classes are shown in Table A. the higher/percentage limit is applied.5 percent of the Inclination. u 5 kPa or 2% not an absolute. strain gauge load cells have proven to provide better precision than vibrating Pore pressure. Sleeve Friction. A study. data completeness and data acquisition in accordance with Sleeve Friction. The ASTM D 5778 testing standard is probably the The allowable minimum accuracy for the measured most commonly used in NZ for CPT investigations. Another recent and complete set of accuracy classes for The International Reference Test Procedure cone penetrometers is defined in the CPT testing standard (ISSMGE. for cone penetrometers as shown in Table A. 1999) provides a series of Accuracy Classes EN ISO 22476-1. H Pore Pressure 25 kPa or 3% C G.2 m or 2% 4 TE1 Cone resistance 500 kPa or 5% 50 mm A G* Sleeve friction 50 kPa or 20% B G* Penetration Length 0.1 m or 1% 2 TE1 Cone resistance 100 kPa 20 mm A G. H Inclination 2o D G.1 m or 1% 3 TE1 Cone resistance 200 kPa or 5% 50 mm A G TE2 Sleeve friction 25 kPa or 5% B G. 2 cpt accuracy and resolution Table A.5 MPa < qc < 3 MPa) and medium dense sands with high uncertainty level (5 MPa < qc < 10 MPa) H Interpretation in terms of design C Mixed bedded soils with stiff clays (qc < 3 MPa) with low uncertainty level and very dense sands (qc > 10 MPa) H* Indicative interpretation in terms of design D Very stiff to hard clays (qc < 3 MPa) and with high uncertainty level very dense coarse soils (qc > 20 MPa) DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 67 . H* Pore Pressure 50 kPa or 5% C G.2 m or 1% C G* D G* Soil Type: Use: A Homogenously bedded soils with very soft G Profiling and material identification to stiff clays and silts (qc < 3 MPa) with low uncertainty level B Mixed bedded soils with very soft to stiff clays G* Indicative profiling and material identification (1. H Penetration Length 0.2: EN ISO 22476-1 Accuracy Class Allowable Maximum Use Application Test Measured minimum measurement class type Parameter accuracy interval Soil Type Interpretation 1 TE2 Cone resistance 35 kPa or 5% 20 mm A G. H* TE2 Sleeve friction 15 kPa or 15% B G. H Sleeve friction 5 kPa or 10% Pore Pressure 10 kPa or 2% Inclination 2o Penetration Length 0. H Penetration Length 0. H Inclination 5o D G. The post-sounding readings highlighted by broken red lines clearly indicate a problem which was eventually traced to a cone malfunction.002 0.799 -0.154 1.01 and -0.154 -0.150 -0.1: Malfunctioning cone.05 MPa.738 0. It is also possible to generate unacceptably high drifts in baseline readings if the baseline tests are conducted in the hole. These are provided to assist CPT operators and geotechnical professionals with identifying potential quality control issues when assessing CPT data. B1 Baseline Data Drift Table B.examples of common cpt output errors and anomalies 2 Appendix B.162 0.141 0. The data shown between depths of 2 and 6 meters contains over •• damage to the CPT cone 100 readings where qc is between -0.002 -0. It is also common to obtain small profile intervals of negative qc when ‘feathering’ the cone through coarse soils or when passing from a very stiff/dense material into a very soft/loose material.002 11.204 0.075 0.750 0.1 shows an example of recorded negative •• incorrect processing/software setup measured resistance in organic soil.750 0.694 0. Table B.001 -0.003 0.138 -0.003 36.010 -0. whilst a load remains on the cone.1 shows real zero baseline data collected for a series of CPT soundings.140 0.237 0.00000 E/123 6. Examples of Common CPT Output Errors and Anomalies Following are examples of some of the common CPT errors/issues identified during the EQC investigations in TC3 (EQC 2012) which comprised several thousand CPT soundings. The pre-sounding baselines are sequential which clearly show the change.00000 B/123 0.00000 C/123 0.00000 D/123 0. •• poorly assembled CPT cone. shown by zero drift Pre-sounding Post-sounding Test/ Zero Baseline Reading calculated Zero Drift Net Area Ratio Cone (50 MPa qc Fs u qc Fs u Cone Tip Friction Sleeve Cone) [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] α β A/123 0.750 0.002 6.032 0.750 0.004 38.214 0.814 0.750 0.001 -0.825 0.005 48.00000 B2 Negative Tip Resistance (qc) Sustained negative measured tip resistance may occur as a result one or more of the following: •• incorrect zero baseline calibration Figure B. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 68 .005 0.023 -0. organic and soft/ the CPT operator to clarify what happened during the sensitive soils have very low qc readings. the test should be repeated using a different cone/instrument. If the cause of the negative readings still result in negative readings in these soils. the zero load Figure B. cannot be justified in the mind of the geotechnical professional. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 69 . In general. the In the particular scenario given for Figure B. the cause may not have been drift within the limits of tolerance.2 shows another example of sustained negative baseline calibration data for the test should be checked qc between depths of 4.1. Unlike the to ensure the cone was operating correctly. thus even sounding whilst pushing the cone through the depth if the measurement drift is within specification. In this instance. examples of common cpt 2 output errors and anomalies Figure B. it can range in question.1: Example Sustained Negative Measured Tip Resistance Cone resistance Sleeve friction Pore pressure Tip resistance (MPa) Friction (kPa) Pressure (kPa) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 2 3 4 5 Depth (m) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 If negative cone readings are identified. previous example.3 and 4. zero drift geotechnical professional should discuss the test with can be unavoidable.9 metres. ‘edge clipping’ Figure B.5 and 3.3 and 4.9 m bgl Cone resistance Sleeve friction Pore pressure Tip resistance (MPa) Friction (kPa) Pressure (kPa) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -50 0 50 100 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Depth (m) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B3 Negative Friction Sleeve Readings (fs) Negative sleeve friction readings can occur due to the following: •• damage to the CPT cone •• jammed sleeve due to soil/water ingress/ •• ‘roll back’ of gravels along the friction sleeve or faulty ring seals.5 m are zero •• incorrect friction sleeve manufacture or negative.examples of common cpt output errors and anomalies 2 Figure B.2: Example Sustained Negative Measured Tip Resistance between 4.3 shows an example where the friction •• incorrect cone assembly procedure readings between depths of 2. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 70 . DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 71 . field before the need to retest arises.3: Negative Sleeve Friction – sensor error Cone resistance Sleeve friction Tip resistance (MPa) Friction (kPa) 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Depth (m) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Depending on the cone design there can be problems Figure B. but where the first sounding was done with causing inaccuracies with sleeve friction readings.4 shows two CPT soundings conducted 2 m caused by the cone not being assembled correctly. apart. examples of common cpt 2 output errors and anomalies Figure B. sleeve was slightly longer than the specified tolerance. a cone friction sleeve that was found to have been There have also been instances where the friction assembled incorrectly. Ideally the CPT operator or geotechnical professional’s which caused the penetrometer tip to push on representative will identify most of these errors in the the sleeve causing falsely high friction readings. 25 .50 .50 . DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 72 .4: Negative/Incorrect Sleeve Friction – Two CPT soundings conducted 2 m apart Sounding a) was performed with the cone sleeve b) was performed with the same cone after the sleeve assembled incorrectly had been cleaned reassembled correctly Cone resistance qc (MPa) Cone resistance qc (MPa) 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 .75 1.75 1. The rod change locations are readily identifiable as sharp horizontal breaks on or just below whole metre intervals (because push rods are typically 1 m in length).examples of common cpt output errors and anomalies 2 Figure B.0 Sleeve friction f s (kPa) Sleeve friction f s (kPa) 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -5 Elevation related to GL (m) Elevation related to GL (m) -6 -6 -7 -7 -8 -8 -9 -9 -10 -10 -11 -11 -12 -12 -13 -13 -14 -14 -15 -15 B4 Rod Changes A common data processing oversight is the inclusion of anomalous readings caused by adding push rods.25 .00 . Rod break spikes in the data should be removed during processing by the CPT contractor (or geotechnical professional) prior to the data being used for analysis.5 shows an example of reoccurring rod change spikes.00 .0 . Figure B. however sometimes the actual test may start below ground level due to predrilling through dense. this should In such cases. the measure tip friction and sleeve be verified by the geotechnical professional to ensure resistance can appear ‘normal. Figure B. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 73 . This is identified by noting that no change in readings for tip resistance.34 m bgl.3 m. this is a result of the cone brushing the side of the predrilled hole. and may have been backfilled with sand. This is particularly important for soundings obviously not the target test soil. whether the sounding location was pre-drilled. The CPT operator should always note the depth of any conducted in deep pre-drilled holes which can extend pre-drill on the CPT data sheet.34 m. sleeve friction (and pore pressure in this case) is registered between 0 to 0.6 illustrates an example of a CPT sounding in a hole that was predrilled to a depth of about 0.5: multiple instances of rod changes in a CPT profile Cone resistance Sleeve friction Tip resistance (MPa) Friction (kPa) 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B5 Recorded Sounding Depth A CPT sounding normally starts at ground level. If there is a question as to to 5 m or more. and the actual readings start at 0. Whilst the cone tip is measuring resistance from the ground surface.’ even though it is data integrity. impenetrable soils or rubble. examples of common cpt 2 output errors and anomalies Figure B. 26 0. The CPT operator 0. 0. gross interpretation errors can result. whilst data 0.3 should synchronise the cone prior to every sounding and 0.813 0 0 1.3 (for acoustic transmission).02 0. In the case of data signal loss with wireless 0.813 0 0 1. 0.3 loss may be intermittent and very brief.08 0.36 9.813 0 0 1.14 0. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 74 .3 data as shown in Figure B. including MPa.813 0 0 1.06 0.3 systems (in the case of wireless data transmission 0. The geotechnical professional should check that the supplied data units are compatible with analysis methods being used.22 0.04 0.813 0 0 1.813 0 0 1. both in the digital data record and on hard copies of the CPT profiles.1 to malfunctioning cone data transmission 0. Possible causes 0.16 0.24 0.001 1.32 0.28 0. the cone sensors are 0.813 0 0 1.3 Signal loss can be readily identified from the raw output 0.813 0 0 1.717 0 0 1.3 Any dataset containing ‘flatlines’ should be closely 0.813 0 0 1.813 0 0 1.examples of common cpt output errors and anomalies 2 Figure B.1 0.404 9 0 1. especially when using data from a new or unfamiliar CPT contractor. These may appear in cone traces as ‘flatlines’ – ie perfectly 0. B6 Units of Measurement not Specified in Digital CPT Data There are many different CPT systems and they record data in a variety of units of measurement. the cause is often hard to pinpoint because the 0.3 0.3 straight vertical lines indicating that.3 the recorded data is not received by the computer.7.3 systems.12 0.3 particularly) or jamming of sensors. rusted/faulty battery terminal springs and damaged receivers at surface.102 16 0.813 0 0 1.3 include low battery power.3 continues to be recorded.6: Incorrect start depth B7 Sensor Signal Loss/ Sleeve Jammed Sensors Cone friction Slope Depth resistance resistance U2 (Mpa) indicator 0 0 0 0 0 Sustained repeated readings may be due 0.813 0 0 1. If it is not clear what units the data has been recorded in.18 0.3 review the data carefully in the field to identify signal loss early before the internal memory is overwritten. 0.3 scrutinised.813 0 0 1.38 9.3 not registering changes in the soil with depth or 0.3 It is possible to recover data lost to signal loss if the cone unit has an internal memory storage.3 0.813 0 0 1.34 8. The units of measurement that the data is recorded in should always be supplied by the CPT contractor.813 0 0 1.001 1. poor fitting/dirty rod threads 0. kPa and millivoltages.702 23 0.2 0. 051 0.052 0.026 0.03 1.86 9.987 0.979 0.88 9.026 0.052 0.052 0.96 9.22 1.0002 0.0002 0.03 1.026 0.0002 0.987 0.052 0.74 9.03 1.348 0.94 9.03 1.79 0.013 0 3.0002 0.03 1.03 1.013 0 3.013 0 3.03 1.013 0 3.987 0.026 0.92 9.62 8.026 0.013 0 3.89 1.12 0.013 0 3.051 0.03 1.113 0.113 0.026 0.79 0.79 0.0007 2.79 0.052 -0.79 0.113 0.54 8.026 0.8 9.79 0.46 8.38 1.76 9.113 0.047 -0.86 1.64 1.98 9.987 0.086 0.54 1.48 8.2 1.026 0.026 0.79 0.013 0 3.79 0.03 1.0002 0.051 0.79 0.051 0.013 0 3.013 0 3.0002 0.026 0.987 0.03 184 9.79 0.026 0.6 8.0002 0.987 0.03 1.85 0.4 1.79 0.013 0 3.46 1.0002 0.7: Sensor/Data transmission malfunction examples – jammed cone/Data Signal loss H (m) qc (MPa) f s (MPa) u2 (MPa) TA (degrees) H (m) qc (MPa) f s (MPa) u2 (MPa) TA (degrees) 1.013 -0.79 0.113 0. examples of common cpt 2 output errors and anomalies Figure B.052 0.051 0.79 0.987 0.0002 0.38 8.282 0.013 0 3.0008 2.4 8.79 0.5 8.0002 0.013 0 3.0002 0.052 0.0002 0.051 0.03 1.18 1.03 1.013 0 3.0001 0.026 0.013 -0.24 1.013 0 3.32 1.0002 0.052 0.03 1.022 0.026 0.03 1.0002 0.44 8.52 1.03 1.72 9.0002 0.36 1.013 0 3.026 0.79 0.0002 0.0002 0.03 1.03 1.052 0.026 0.013 0 3.113 0.052 0.03 1.79 0.79 0.0002 0.052 0.62 1.0002 0.013 0 3.0002 0.56 8.987 0.026 0.0009 2.013 0 3.79 0.58 1.0002 0.6 1.0002 0.052 0.48 1.026 0.026 0.84 DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 75 .64 8.78 9.026 0.79 0.052 0.0002 0.44 1.16 1.0002 0.79 0.113 0.052 0.03 1.79 0.997 0.52 8.14 0.987 0.58 8.049 -0.91 1.026 0.013 0 3.113 0.052 0.0002 0.79 0.013 0 3.56 1.052 0.66 8.113 0.79 0.5 1.42 1.0002 0.026 0.79 0.82 9.79 0.987 0.987 0.03 1.051 -0.026 0.26 1.42 8.013 0 3.28 1.34 1.93 1.987 0.987 0.03 1.013 0 3.113 0.052 0.051 0.0007 0.013 0 3.026 0.987 0.052 0.84 1.3 1.051 0.052 0.85 1.048 0.113 0.987 0.0001 0.013 0 3.9 9.014 -0.0002 0.987 0.026 0.68 8.987 0.03 1.0002 0.03 1.79 0.7 8. CPT Fieldwork Checklists Cone Penetrometer •• If a cable system is used. consider synchronising before every test. when using wireless data acquisition systems. •• If a sensor system is used. particularly to friction memory is overwritten. judgement may need to be applied. For u1 and u2 positioned •• Ensure all equipment is checked pre. Surface condition of the friction sleeve •• Ensure that the cone is immersed in a freshly should be considered in particular. •• Ensure that the CPT computer software operates inclination may be largely unaffected and engineering without error messages. memory as soon as possible. should be made using a micrometre. This is particularly important sleeves. ensure that it is located exceed tolerance. allows the cone tip and filter to be manoeuvred and •• Ensure zero baseline checks are carried out pre assembled beneath a head of the saturation medium. This should good repair. The measurements do not This minimises trapped air during assembly.and filters. may occur when testing in coarse soils. when testing in drawn bucket of unheated tap water for at least soft/sensitive soils and at high accuracy classes. Measurement •• Where data signal loss is identified in the field it records should be provided to the geotechnical is important to recover the data from the backup professional upon request. particular accuracy class. •• Check that no bending of rods takes place during Rods and Cables/Sensors/Data Acquisition System testing and that deviation from vertical does not •• If a friction reducer is fitted. cone is assembled correctly. When testing in coarse soils the a suitable distance from the cone tip as specified. Note that for •• Ensure CPT push rate remains consistent between high accuracy class soundings the cover must be 15 and 25 mm per second or as required by the removed prior to zero baseline testing. record any loss of signal which may occur.cpt fieldwork checklists 2 Appendix c. before the internal •• Surface damage and scouring. Further calculation may •• Check that the cone is wrapped in plastic/latex be required and should be confirmed by the during the time interval between when the cone Geotechnical professional or CPT operator. Daily measurements repeat. however. require a combination of checking the date of the •• Ensure all rods are in good repair and that threads last calibration. use of a funnel apparatus of sufficient size post-sounding. necessarily mean that the correct operation of the •• Check that prepared pore pressure filters are stored cone has been checked or that the data meets a in a container which allows air to be pumped out. should be baseline calibration records). is assembled and testing begins. synchronised at least at the start of each shift. •• Cone tips and friction sleeves need to meet the For important soundings which may be difficult to appropriate tolerances. the meterage pushed since last remain clean. over the course of a calibration period (using zero •• Cones with backup memory (wireless). ensure cables are in •• Check that the cone is in calibration. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 76 . fully saturated pore pressure every sounding as appropriate to reduce the filter element is fitted for every test and that the potential for sensor error due to thermal drift. cone may deflect briefly creating errors. Cone components should be replaced as necessary at the discretion of the operator and the geotechnical CPT Sounding professional. particularly when using acoustic data calibration and that the cone is operating correctly transmission systems. 15 minutes at the start of each shift and between •• Ensure that a new. specified test standard and accuracy class. and post sounding. of base heave. NOTE: •• Ensure that withdrawal of any tool or rod prior to 1 the first two increment values are known as the carrying out the SPT test is done at a very slow rate. the drilling fluid that might lead to base heave or 5/3/2/5/4/6 N = 17 disturbance. spt drilling and 2 sampling procedures for liquefaction assessment Appendix D. is considered vibratory and hence theoretically excluded if strictly following ASTM D 6066. not drop. •• Confirm and record the length of the assembled SPT rod string and the length of rod showing above ground surface (rod ‘stick-up’).3 of report value as the sum of the last four 75 mm increments for further discussion.1. In soils where rotary wash drilling is not in a vertical position). for liners can be used without them for liquefaction assessment. •• In gravel soils. Percussion methods such as cable tool drilling should •• Apply blows from the hammer (maintaining the rods be avoided. ‘seating drive’ and are not added to the values for to avoid creating low pressures (or suction) within the last four increments. Note that this drilling method (eg the last 300 mm of the sampler drive). for example: dimensions. Record the ‘N’ adequately controlled – refer to Section 3. but this must be noted so that the proper correction factor to the blow counts can be made. field SPT blow counts recorded as be used with interior brass sample liners. samplers designed for liners should actually contain them. above can be individually corrected to account for whether the liners are fitted. •• ‘Sound’ or measure the depth of the borehole immediately prior to lowering the SPT sampler rod string to confirm that no slough or base heave has occurred. SPT Drilling and Sampling Procedures for Liquefaction Assessment Preparation Test Performance •• Use a drilling method compatible with SPT testing •• Mark the drill rod just above the top of the hole/ – including forming the correct borehole diameter. •• Lower. and if so. To account •• Note and record whether the sampler is designed to for this effect. to eliminate the need for this correction. the seating drive increments •• Ensure that drilling fluid within the borehole is can be carried out prior to marking the final 4 kept topped up at all times. Avoid using a solid cone – including (5/3/2)/(3/3/4)/(4/1/1)/(1/3/4)/(1/1/1)/(1/0/1) N = 19 in gravels if the blow counts are to be used for liquefaction analysis. due to blockage of the sampler shoe or the sampler pushing the particles through the soil. again to reduce the risk ‘blowcount’ increments. record blow counts for penetration •• Use a split-spoon SPT sampler with the correct in 25mm increments. high-frequency sonic drilling may be used if (‘blow count’) taken to drive the sampler each 75 mm borehole stability (particularly bottom disturbance) is increment as in the example below.2. A sampler designed the presence of gravel as illustrated in Figure D. 2 As an alternative. Ideally. and record the number of blows practical. casing with six 75 mm increments. ASTM D 6066 contains a useful discussion on how much slough is allowed for a test as well as procedures for addressing slough/base disturbance. the sampler into position. DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 77 . Gravel particles tend to increase SPT blow counts •• Confirm that the sample hammer drop is 760 mm. SW refers to ‘self-weight’ 75 mm 2 10 Blows •• If the rod string sinks 450 mm or more. without reaching one of the limiting blow count Samples should be sealed immediately in double cases given above (completion).1: Example of Gravel Correction for Field SPT Blow Counts 80 Gravel corrected N = 27 Sampler type: SPT 70 Percent gravel: 36% 60 KEY  Cumulative blowcount r ecorded 50 blow counts Recorder  e xtraplorated 40 blow counts blow counts 30 20 Extrapolated blow counts 10 0 0 150 300 450 Penetration (mm) •• After the sampler rod string is initially lowered Figure D. and when the hammer is added to the rod string. bags (‘Ziplock’ bags are very useful for this purpose) Recording Refusal Penetration and labelled. In this example. It is good practice to 10 successive blows of the hammer (refusal). DATE: november 2016 Revision: 0 Module 2: geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering PAGE 78 . N = 50+ two 75 mm increments (refusal). cancel the 75 mm 1 5 Blows test and progress the borehole at least 500 mm before attempting another test. Samples •• A sum total of 100 blows has been applied (refusal). continue the REFUSAL ­— 3 5 mm penetration 75 mm 5 25 blows within the fifth test and record the blow count as shown in the drive increment 450 mm following example: 75 mm 4 25 Blows before refusal criteria met. record the penetration in mm for the portion of the increment successfully drive as illustrated in Figure D. In instances where refusal occurs. 200 mm SW/2/5/4/5 75 mm 3 15 Blows N = 16. the blow count would be recorded as: Determining the end of the test •• A total of 50 blows have been applied during any 5/10/15/25 for 35 mm. photograph •• The sampler has advanced for six 75 mm increments the sample and record the percentage of recovery. 75 mm 6 Not driven •• If the string sinks less than 450 mm. or both. Recovered SPT split-spoon samples can be logged •• There is no observed advance of the sampler for separately to recovered core.spt drilling and sampling procedures for liquefaction assessment 2 Figure D. record any self-weight penetration Increment (in mm) of the string.2. measure the length of sample recovered.2: Refusal penetration records into the borehole. . MODULE 2: Geotechnical investigations for earthquake engineering .
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