Geology of Orissa.pdf

April 3, 2018 | Author: Girijesh Pandey | Category: Granite, Earth Sciences, Earth & Life Sciences, Rocks, Geology



visit: visit: visit: ISSN 0579-4706 © Govt. of India PGSI. 337 Controller of Publication 700-2011 (DSK-II) GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE STATES OF INDIA ⁄FFfi∂F ÇÅW fiF°‹FXk ÇÅF ⁄F[PÊF£FFŒF JÊFk äFPŒF°F ıFkıFFÕFŒF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Miscellaneous Publication No. 30, Part III – ODISHA ⁄FFfi∂FU‹F ⁄F[ÊFY£FFPŒFÇÅ ıFÊFWaáFμF PÊFPÊFÕF “ÇÅFËFŒF ıFk -30 ⁄FFçF III Published by order of the Government of India 2011 D. 27 J. GSI. 463. B. L.Choudhury.C. Kolkata 700006.00  9 $  6£ Published by the Director General. Nehru Rd.blogspot. Price: Rs. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (2011) ● 1st Published 1974 ● 2nd edition 2012 Compiled by the officers of Operation: Odisha Manuscript processed for printing by Ibha Chowdhury. Kolkata 700016 and printed at M/s Arunima Printing Works. Basudev Ray and Amjad Ali Senior Geologists under the supervision of S Ramamurthy. Roy and Pradip De Directors Publication Division. K. Phone: 91-33-22411006. Sanyal. 81 Simla Street. E-mail: [email protected] © INDIA. visit: . K. Singhbhum-Bastar Cratonic intrusives like anorthosite. The Geological Survey of India. about twenty in number. Owing to the discovery of Late Quaternary Volcanic Ash in river basins. Quaternary / Geological Mapping. etc. will step up the commitments of Geological Survey of India to contribute/ disseminate geoscientific information. owe their origin to the Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt. The chapter on ‘Dimension Stone’ is included in this volume to provide information on its occurrence. Orissa” was printed in 1974. having a wide variety. The first edition of the. and to them aspiring for the welfare and development of the state which. in turn. to assess the potentiality of minerals and fuels. This immense data is synthesized in the present volume. alkali syenites and gabbro-dolerite dykes. A lot of data has been accrued to the Specialized Thematic Mapping. The Dimension Stones. “Geology and Mineral Resources of the states of India. as will be seen in this volume. manganese. the Quaternary Geology of Odisha is defined for the first time. soil for agriculture and water for irrigation and power. km. Odisha is bestowed with rich resources of Iron. granophyre. This series of publication gives an up to date account of the geology and mineral resources of the state. Kolkata (A. entrepreneurs. and lineated all over the compass of the state. Foreword A country’s economy depends on its natural resources. has been carrying out Systematic Geological Mapping since 1851. students. The information furnished in this publication will be of immense help to district level administrators dealing with the planning. Most of the mineral deposits of the state are of the proven category. like the minerals and fuels for industry. It brings out the Geological Maps and Publications as the outcome of the geological work done. The minerals of the state.000 sq. over an area of 89. academicians. part-III. Bauxite and Chromite. Exploration of the minerals and research oriented projects.. Sundaramoorthy) Dated Director General Geological Survey of India .blogspot. The state of Odisha is swayed by the Precambrian rocks. viz. nickel. the national agency. cassiterite and vanadiferous magnetite are promising. visit: grvmalaikalam. mining feasibility and district wise locations. in Rocks are records of events that took place at the time they formed. a different alphabet. but you learn how to read them. They are books. visit: grvmalaikalam. JOHN MCPHEE iv . They have a different vocabulary.blogspot. °FFW PÊFPÊFÕF “ÇÅFfi ÇWÅ JÊFk ·FçF⁄FçF ŸFUıF ÇÅU ıFkä‹FF ¤FWk ˘Yk —F]fiW fiF°‹F ¤FWk ıªF·FFŒF]fiWPäF∂F ˘Yk.blogspot. äFŒFŒF ıF¤⁄FFÊ‹F∂FF JÊFk P°F·FF ı∂Ffi —Ffi GŒFÇWÅ “FP—∂F ıªFFŒF ıFW ıFkŸFkPÕF∂F ıF[òFŒFF‹FWk “F—∂F ˘FWkçFUó GıF “ÇÅFËFŒF ¤FWk H—F·FŸÕF ıF[òFŒFF‹FWk P°F·FF ı∂Ffi ÇWÅ “ËFFıFÇÅFWk °FFW ‹FFW°FŒFF ÇÅF‹Fa ¤FWk fi∂F ˘Yk. °FFW fiFÒdU‹F J°FYıFU ˘Y. H∞sUıFF’’ ÇWÅ “ªF¤F ıFkıÇÅfiμF ÇÅF ¤F]ΩμF ıFŒFh 1974 ¤FWk CEFó “ÇÅFËFŒFFWk ÇÅF ‹F˘ ıF¤F[˘ fiF°‹F ÇWÅ ⁄F[PÊF£FFŒF JÊFk äFPŒF°F ıFkıFFÕFŒFFWk ÇWÅ E√∂FŒF PıªFP∂F ÇÅU °FFŒFÇÅFfiU ºW∂FF ˘Yó PÊFPËFÒ ªFU¤FYP©ÇÅ ¤FFŒFPòF∑FμF. 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Ç_ÅPF ÇWÅ P·FJ ¤F_ºF PıFkòFFGa JÊFk IÅ°FFa ˘W∂F] °F·F —Ffi PŒF⁄Fafi ÇÅfi∂FU ˘Yó ⁄FFfi∂FU‹F ⁄F[ÊFY£FFPŒFÇÅ ıFÊFWaáFμF. in P˘kºU fiFÒd °FUÊFŒF ÇÅU ÕF∞sÇÅŒF ˘Yó ⁄FFfi∂FU‹FFYk ÇWÅ Bº‹F ıFkÊFFº ∂FªFF Ê‹FFÊF˘Ffi ÇÅU ⁄FFFF ˘Ykó --“W¤F ıFW*U vi .blogspot.visit: grvmalaikalam. H∞UËFF ÇÅF ⁄F[PÊF£FFŒF JÊFk äFPŒF°F ıFkıFFÕFŒF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF ODISHA Contents Page FORWORD iii INTRODUCTION 1 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE 2 GENERAL GEOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY 3 GEOLOGY OF THE PRECAMBRIAN TECTONIC DOMAINS 3 Eastern Indian Craton (ELC) and Singbhum-Gangpur Mobile Belt 3 Archaean 5 Archaean-Proterozoic 8 Proterozoic (Undifferentiated) 9 Palaeo Proterozoic 10 Bastar Craton 14 Archaean 14 Archaean. visit: grvmalaikalam.Proterozoic 14 Proterozoic 14 Meso-Neoproterozoic 15 Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt 16 Archaean-proterozoic 17 Gondwana Supergroup 23 Palaeozoic-Mesozoic 23 Late Cretaceous Volcanics and Sediments 25 Cainozoic Formations 26 Tertiary Formations 26 Quaternary Formations 27 MINERAL RESOURCES 31 Asbestos 31 Kalahandi District: 31 Sundargarh District 31 Mayurbhanj District 31 Basemetals 31 Lead & Zinc 31 Sundargarh district 31 Mayurbhanj District 32 Bolangir District 32 Kalahandi District 32 Deogarh District 32 Copper 32 Mayurbhanj District 32 Sambalpur district 33 . blogspot. visit: Page Bauxite 33 Kendujhar District 33 Phulbani District 34 Sundargarh District 34 Mayurbhanj District 34 Nuapada District 34 Rayagada District 34 Beach Sand Minerals 34 Cassiterite (TIN ORE) 34 Malkangiri District 34 Sonepur District 35 Boudh district 35 Malkangiri District 35 CLAY 35 China Clay 35 Koraput District 35 Cuttack District 35 Dhenkanal District 35 Sundergarh District 35 Ganjam District 36 Phulbani District 36 Kendujhar District 36 Balasore District 36 Mayurbhanj District 36 Bolangir District: 36 Fire Clay 37 Sundergarh district 37 Cuttack District 37 Puri District 37 Dhenkanal District 37 Sambalpur District 37 COAL 37 Talchir Coal Field 38 Ib River Coal field 38 Chromite 39 Jajpur District 39 Dhenkanal District 40 Kendujhar District 41 Balasore District 42 Koraput District 42 Sundargarh District 42 Gemstones 42 Kalahandi District 42 Bolangir District 42 Sonepur District 43 Sambalpur District 43 Nuapada District 43 Rayagada District 43 Boudh District 43 Angul District 44 Deogarh District 44 viii . Nishikal – Kinchikhal Belt 47 5. Muniguda belt 47 6. Sargipalli Belt 46 2.blogspot. Tumudibandh belt 47 Page Jharsuguda District 44 Phulbani District 44 Glass Sand 44 Cuttack District 44 Dhenkanal District 44 Kendujhar District 44 Koraput district 44 Mayurbhanj district 44 Gold 44 Angul District 44 Kendujhar District 44 Koraput district 45 Mayurbhanj District 45 Sundargarh district 46 Sambalpur district 46 Graphite 46 1. Titlagarh Belt 47 3. Dhandatapa Belt 48 Iron Ore 48 Sundargarh district 49 Kendujhar district 49 Kyanite 50 Angul district 50 Sundergarh district 50 Mayurbhanj district 50 Limestone and Dolomite 50 Sundergarhgarh district 50 Biramitrapur 50 Lanjiberna 50 Purnapani 50 Hatibari 51 Pahartoli 51 Dublabera 51 Gotitanger 51 Khatukurbahal 51 Purkapali 51 Koraput district 51 Malkangiri district 51 Nawarangpur district 51 Baragarh district 52 Kedunjhar district 52 Nuapada district 52 Manganese 52 Bolangir district: 53 Sundergarh district 53 Sambalpur district 54 Mica 54 Kalahandi district 54 ix . visit: grvmalaikalam. in Page Koraput district 54 Phulbani district 54 Bolangir district 54 Sundergarh distric 54 Nickel 54 Jajpur district 54 Kendujhar distric 55 Mayurbhanj district 55 Platinum 55 Jajpur district 55 Kendujhar district 55 Mayurbhanj district 56 Pyrophyllite 56 Quartz / Quartzite 56 Sundergarh district 56 Bolangir district 56 Sillimanite 56 Sundergarh district: 56 Sambalpur district 56 Soapstone 57 Cuttack district 57 Kendujhar district 57 Koraput district 57 Mayurbhanj district 57 Sundergarh district 57 Vanadiferous Magnetite 57 Mayurbhanj District 57 Kendujhar and Balasore Districts 58 Dimension Stone-Granite 58 Ganjam-Nayagarh-Khurda-Cuttack-Phulbani-Baudh Segment 59 Koraput-Rayagada Segment 59 Kalahandi-Bolangir-Nuapada Segment 59 Sambalpur-Deogarh-Sundergarh segment 59 Sambalpur-Angul-Dhenkanal Segment: 59 Kendujhar-Mayurbhanja-Balasore Segment 59 Resources 60 Districtwise Occurrence of different Commercial varieties of Dimension Stone-Granite 60 REFERENCES 62 LOCALITY INDEX 70 APPENDIX 74 PLATE : Geological and Mineral map of Odisha (1:2.000 scale) x . visit: grvmalaikalam.blogspot.000. 1942 and Krishnan. It is bounded by the states of Jharkhand. Chhattisgarh. and West Bengal to the north. programmes in the state gathered appreciable momentum in post-independent India. The remaining 19% of the state is covered by Geological mapping and mineral exploration Quaternary formations. west. 1934). Ghosh. 1902). The state deposits of Bonai-Keonjhar region (Jones. 1991) and minor Tertiary patches.842 discovery of Tertiary beds near Baripada (Bose. The text is accompanied by a 1:2. many universities over a century. Atomic Minerals Division. and northeast respectively. other paradise for earth scientists and justifiably remained the Government agencies (State Directorate of Mines and hunting ground for geologists ever since the beginning Geology. (vii) to the east.000 bauxites (Ball.). 1935) (iii) coining of the term khondalite for the high During compilation. and research institutions have also contributed These include : (i) recognition of the Talchir boulder significantly to enrich our knowledge on the geology bed. Andhra studies on charnockite rocks (Fermor. 1 . the entire state has In view of its vast mineral resources and excellently been geologically mapped on 1:50. 1877. 30(III) 1 Introduction The State of Odisha lying along the east coast of India discovery of major iron ore deposits at Gorumahisani – within latitudes 17o48’ – 22o34’ North and longitude Badampahar area of Mayurbhanj (Bose.000 scale. (iv) consulted. 1934. 1907) (v) 81o24’ – 87o29’ East. has an area of about 1. In addition. (viii) delineation of major iron-ore south. several crucial segments have also Precambrian to Recent. Blanford.000/1:63. Besides GSI. (ix) comprises dominantly of Pre-cambrian rocks (73%) studies on Gangpur Group of Metasediments ranging in age from Mesoarchaean to Neoproterozoic. Since then for Mining Corporation and CMPDI etc. 1856. Crookshank. 1877) (ii) studies on aluminous laterites and compilation. (Krishnan. Pradesh. compiled Geological and Mineral map of the state. NGRI. constituting about 8% of the state. 1872 and and mineral resources of Odisha is presented in this Ball.000. PUB. Odisha of geological studies in India in 1850s. the state represents a veritable been mapped on 1:25.1937) and(x) identification of Late Phanerozoic rocks.360 scale preserved rock record ranging in age from Early by GSI. postulation of early Gondwana glaciation and mineral resources of the state. unpublished/ published information grade metasupracrustals of the Eastern Ghats belt after of the department and published literature have been the Khond inhabitants of Kalahandi (Walker. visit: grvmalaikalam. represented by the Gondwana Quaternary volcanic ash in major river basins of Odisha Supergroup (Late Palaeozoic – Middle/Late Mesozoic) (Devdas & Meshram. An up-to-date synopsis hypothesis and discovery of the coal measures of Talchir of available information on the geological framework and Ib river basins (Oldham.55. 1909). NO. 1938. 1941). 1911.blogspot. several scientific studies were MISC. Fox. 1904) and a sprawling 480 km of coastline against Bay of Bengal (v) classification of manganese ores (Fermor. Presently. Indravati and Eastern Ghats hill ranges stretch for about 400 km in a Kolab rivers. Brahmani and Physiography and Drainage Odisha is divisible into four major physiographic and Bolangir districts. is an undulating country having a general slope from north to south. Kalahandi. the major rivers of the state. The The Coastal Plains form an extensive alluvial tract average elevation of the plateau in the central area. and form the the Eastern Ghats hill ranges and the Coastal Plains. Though graben. elevation of ~ 900 m above M. visit: grvmalaikalam. the and south-westerly flowing Machhkund. Malkanagiri. Khurda. viz. Indravati. watershed of some rivers. (1188 m) in Dhenkanal district. The Northern Plateau and the Eastern Ghat hill ranges and Northern Plateau is drained by the Baitarani. Kolab. forming the watershed of the Brahmani and Baitarani It stretches for about 480 km and include parts of rivers. lying between the Eastern Ghat hill ranges and the coast. all flowing Cuttack districts. consisting of the Gondwana Tel and Baitarani rivers and their tributaries. the Central River Basin. Dhenkanal and Subarnarekha and Burhabalang river systems. Vansadhara. Sundargarh and parts district and Mahendragiri (1531 m) in Ganjam district.blogspot. Deogarh. southerly flowing Vanshadhara and Nagavalli rivers and westerly In the south and southwestern parts of the state. 2 . the notable peaks being The Northern plateau. Cuttack. Burhabalang. and the Rushikulya River flows eastwards in the coastal Phulbani and parts of Puri. north and north-easterly flowing Tel River. Brahmani. Mahanadi. Sambalpur. Notable peaks are represented by Malaygiri feature of Odisha. the Central River Basin is systems.S.L. which rise abruptly Bengal. Hill ranges mark Balasore. It comprises the catchment areas of eastward through the coastal plains to the Bay of Bengal. The Chilka the northeastern part of the plateau with elevations above Lake. The Central River Basin occurs between the Nagavalli. Puri and Ganjam districts. others are Subarnarekha. of Dhenkanal.L. is drained by the Ib-Mahanadi and Brahmani river largely a peneplain. the Eastern Ghats hill ranges flow in the N-S direction Navrangpur. Rushikulya and Machkund. Ganjam. the widest lagoon in India. is a prominent coastal 1000 m. The Central River Basin. Cuttack. Mankadanacha (1117 m) in Kendujhar district and Meghasani (1166 m) in The major rivers in Odisha are represented by Mayurbhanj district. is about 1000 m above M. Dhenkanal plains into the Bay of Bengal. Balasore and Sambalpur. The Eastern Ghats hill ranges are drained by from the plains. Major hill ranges in the Eastern Ghats rise above 1500 m. covering the districts of Deomali (1673 m) and Turiakonda (1599 m) in Koraput Mayurbhanj.. These rivers also flow eastward into the Bay of occasionally marked by isolated hills.S. The tributaries of the Rushikulya River in NNE-SSW direction covering the districts of Koraput. Keonjhar. Mahanadi. Most of this segment has a general regions: the Northern Plateau. covers parts of Bolangir. Boudh. The Singhbhum – Gangpur segment of the Satpura Mobile Belt borders the EIC to the north and exposes Despite several years of studies by a large number medium-grade supracrustal assemblages. Odisha 3 . at places. Kolhan Group etc. the lithostratigraphic classification and ultramafic rocks and granite intrusives. The Eastern Ghat belt) shear zone in the north (exposed in the state of Mobile Belt (EGMB) borders the Eastern Indian Craton Jharkhand) and the Gohira – Sukinda shear/thrust zone (EIC) to the south and part of the Bastar Craton (BC) to in the south. Bonai Group (Lower and Upper). Mobile Belt(EGMB) southern Dhanjori Group. by platformal sedimentary/ EIC represents an Archaean – Palaeoproterozoic volcano sedimentary successions and intruded by several granite-greenstone terrain. Eastern Indian Craton and Bastar Craton) as well as bordering mobile belts (parts of the Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt and the Singhbhum . sandstone and Quaternary sediments (including and exposes parts of two major cratonic domains (the volcanic ash beds). northeastern extension of the Indian Precambrian Shield bauxite. as envisaged ● Eastern Indian Craton : Northern and and designated by a large number of workers through (North Odisha Craton) Northwestern several years of work are enlisted below: and Singhbhum-Gangpur Odisha Mobile Belt Supracrustal sequences : Older Metamorphic ● Part of Bastar Craton : Western Odisha Group (OMG). Garumahisani – ● Part of Eastern Ghats : Central and Badampahar Group. of workers. dyke swarms. Supergroup (Upper Palaeozoic–Upper Mesozoic) and the marine Baripada Beds (Lower Tertiary). The generalized by the non-marine continental facies rocks of Gondwana geological succession of rocks. The mosaic of granitoids and supracrustal Gangpur Mobile Belt rocks is overlain. EGMB exposes mainly high-grade granulites EIC from the Singhbhum – Gangpur segment of the derived from both sedimentary and igneous protoliths. Major lithostratigraphic components of the EIC.blogspot. mafic. viz. The cratonic domains preserve TECTONIC DOMAINS appreciable volumes of medium to low-grade supracrustal rocks as disconnected belts within Eastern Indian Craton (EIC) and Singbhum- granitoids. It is bounded by two crustal- generations of mafic/ultramafic rocks. rocks..Gangpur segment of the GEOLOGY OF THE PRECAMBRIAN Satpura Mobile Belt). The geographic correlation of the low-grade supracrustal rocks of the distributions of the major Precambrian lithotectonic EIC and their time relation with the spatially associated domains are : granitoid components continue to remain debated. Satpura Mobile Belt occurring in the north & northeast granitoids and a varied assemblage of intrusive plutonic and the EGMB occurring in the south respectively. These two shear/thrust zones isolate the the east. The The Precambrian terrain in the state represents the Quaternary formations are represented by laterite. the Singhbhum (copper younger granitoids and acid volcanics. visit: grvmalaikalam. is given in General Geology and Stratigraphy The State of Odisha exposes rocks ranging in age The Phanerozoic rocks in the state are represented from Meso archaean to Recent. Simlipal Group. scale shear/thrust zones. Iron Ore Supergroup. in N SUPER Bengpal Group (Ab) ARCHAEAN Gorumahisani-Badampahar Gr. Permian to Triassic Kamthi Formation   Mahadeva Formation Raniganj Formation Gondwana Supergroup Up. IND . GROUP (Ag) (As) SB Granite/Nilgiri Granite (Aot) OMTG (Ao) OMG GEOL. Kaimundi Formation. Bankigarh Formation. Permian to Lr. P (Pt3g) (Neo) Meso Neo Chhattisgarh Chandarpur(Pt 23cc) anorthosites Proterozoic Supergroup Sabari Group(Pt23sb) Alkaline Complexes R Palaeo Neo Kolhan Group (Pt12Kh) Pt 2 Pairi Group(Pt2Pr) Proterozoic (Meso) Granitoid Bhuasani (Pt1b)/ Tamparkola (Pt1t)/ E Romapahari (Pt1r) Palaeo Upper Bonai Group (pt1b)/ C Proterozoic Simlipal Group (Pt1si)/ Singhbhum Group (Pt1s) / Alkaline & Ultramafic rocks (Pts) Migmatite Gangpur Group (Pt1g)/ (Proterozoic A undifferentiated) Group Dhanjori Group (Pt1dh)/ M Bonailava (Pt1b)/ Dangoaposi Lava (Pt1dp)/ Dhanjori Lava (Pt1dh) B Pt 1 Proterozoic Granophyre (Mayurbhanj Granite(Ptg) (Palaeo) Undifferentiated Newer Dolerite (Ptn) R Gabbro. Bhuban) (Apt1b) Khondalite Lower Bonai Group (Apt1b) IRON ORE Group (Ak) visit: grvmalaikalam. Deogarh. Bolgarh/Naira Formation Miocene Baripada Formation Lower Cretaceous to Palaeocene Minor Inter Trappeans Permo-carboniferous to lower Jurassic Cretaceous Atgarh Formation Cretaceous Up. Table -I 4 Generalised stratigraphic succession of the rocks of different domains in Odisha AGE SUPER GROUP/GROUP/FORMATION Lt. Triassic Barren Measure Early Permian Barakar Formation Karharbari Formation Lr. anorthosite (Pt) Granite gneisses and Granites Eastern (Pt1/A?Pt1) Charnockite Ghats I ARCHAEAN/ Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (A?Ptc) Group Super PROTEROZOIC Ultramafics of Sukinda-Nuasahi (Apt) Granitic A/Pt Group (Apt 1b) Complex of NW Odisha (Apt1p) A Bonai Granitic Complex (Granitoids of Pallahara.blogspot. SURV. Pleistocene to Early Holocene Present day formation. Carb. To Permain Talchir Formation EAST INDIA CRATON & SINGHBHUM-GANGPUR MOBILE BELT BASTAR CRATON EGMB Neo Proterozoic Gangpur Granitic Pt 3 Indravati(Pt 23ij) Granitoids. norite. 0 – 3. Mishra et al. 1977). Moorbath et al. medium-grade Proterozoic mobile zone skirting the Archean Eastern Indian Craton (EIC).in MISC. Nilgiri granitic complex. belonging to the OMTG suite. Bonai granitic cummingtonite schists and talc-tremolite schists. 1969. typically occur as enclaves ranging in size from a few The suite yielded Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron. the Gangpur Group and the implied an older limit of ca. quartz. OMTG comprises a suite of biotite – hornblende – Gangpur Mobile Belt is as follows: bearing tonalitic – granodioritic extending from Champua in the west to Khiching in the east and from Juldiha in the north to Palasponga in the Archaean south.5 Ga for OMG Singhbhum Group. The complex. studies over the last three decades established that the 1999).. Relatively smaller mappable enclaves of the Older Metamorphic Group (OMG) : OMG. Sharma et (1940)..blogspot. 1984). Baksi et al. it is concluded that the Odisha. relatively thin bands of quartzite. Tamparkola granite – acid volcanics etc. 1987).. viz.6 Ga and to two groups. Singbhum-Gangpur Mobile Belt is represented by The OMG metasediments gave Ar-Ar (hornblende) an arcuate segment stretching from north of Mayurbhanj ages of ca. these intrude and partially granitise the OMG geological accounts of the major litho-stratigraphic supracrustals. 1994). visit: grvmalaikalam. K-Ar and square meters to about 200 sq. In terms of lithology. 1994). 3. . The granitoids occurred at ca. Structural and geochronological sedimentation (Goswami et al.2 Ga (Saha..2 Ga (Saha et al.Anorthosite complex. the latter and Sukinda ultramafic complex.38 Ga for the OMTG suite. OMG ortho-amphibolitic rocks (Saha. 3. comprising a suite of amphibolite facies Onlajhari and Asana – Manda areas (Saha et al. 207 metasediments and metavolcano sedimentaries along this Pb/ 206Pb dating of detrital zircons from OMG medium-grade (amphibolite-facies) mobile zone belong supracrustals gave ages in the range 3. type area of the OMG is located west of Champua Gneisses and granitoids of the Deogarh – Pallahara – (22 o 04’E: 85 o 40’N) (Saha et al.. (1934) and generated by moderate degrees of partial melting of designated as “Older Metamorphic Series” by Dunn. OMTG rocks are also recorded near Rairangpur. the temperature range 620° C – 650°C at pressures ranging from 5-5. Originally The OMTG suite is considered to have been named as “Older Metamorphics” by Jones. 3. the OMG comprises pelitic schists with several thick bands of para Dey (1991) reported dark-coloured tonalitic rafts as amphibolite. 1988). metasediments of the OMG are intruded by sill-like masses of ortho amphibolite and biotite -hornblende – Mafic – ultramafic complexes : Baula – Nuasahi bearing tonalitic – granodioritic rocks. 1988).. The generalized Older Metamorphic Tonalitic Gneisses (OMTG) : stratigraphic succession of EIC and Singbhum. The Mobile Belt are presented below. (1986) reported a whole- Metamorphic Group” (Sarkar and Saha. 3. 1994. These also occur as numerous rafts and components of the EIC and Singbhum-Gangpur enclaves of varying sizes in the younger granitoids.. U-Pb (zircon) dating studies by Basu et al.5 – 3.3 Ga and K-Ar (hornblende and biotite) district in Odisha through Singhbhum district in ages of ca.5 kb (Saha et al. 1984). the suite was subsequently renamed as “Older within younger Ar-Ar ages in the range 3.35 Ga.. PUB. 3. NO. metasupracrustal rocks is considered to be the oldest recognisable lithologic component of the EIC. enclaves within Singhbhum Granite around Rairangpur. local bands of quartz-magnetite – (OMTG). largest patch of the OMTG rocks covers about 900 sq. Mayurbhanj granite. Jharkhand and further west to the Gangpur region of On the basis of the above data. 1995. These rock Pb-Pb isochron age of 3. Singhbhum granitic complex..It comprises an agglomeration of metasediments closing stage of metamorphism of the OMG of multiple depositional troughs with volcanics and supracrustals as well as the associated OMTG suite of various types of granitoids and igneous intrusives. The Bhuban belt.2 Ga (Sarkar et al. 30(III) 5 Granitoids : Older Metamorphic Tonalitic Gneiss sericite schist. The mineral assemblage Gabbro–anorthosite complexes : Mayurbhanj in the OMG supracrustals indicates metamorphism in Gabbro. granitoids and gneisses. Mafic Dyke swarms: Newer Dolerite suite.. Believed by most workers to be the oldest granitoid component in Age wise (starting from Archaean) synoptic EIC. (1996) Gangpur-Singhbhum Groups of rocks form a curvilinear indicated a Pb-loss event at ca. blogspot. 1974). Supergroup supracrustals. Sengupta et al. the an area of approximately 1200 sq km occurs as an arm older one typified by the Gorumahisani- of the eastern part of the Singhbhum Granitic Complex Badampahar Group and the younger one typified south of Simlipal and is separated from the main by the Bonai – Kendujhar sequence (Noamundi Singhbhum granitic complex by a 5-8 km wide screen Group of Banerji. sequence with the Tomka – Daitari sequence. commonly referred to as the grade supracrustal sequences of IOG of the EIC are : Singhbhum Granitic Complex. Singhbhum Granitic Complex: A major part of the Iron Ore Supergroup (IOG): The BIF-bearing low- granite batholith. at ca. IND Designated as ‘Older Raft Tonalite or ‘ORT’. cover an area of correlation of the above BIF-bearing sequences and their approximately 8. Iyengar and Murthy (1982) and Chakraborty and Majumdar (1986). Banerjee (1974). (1984). From geochemical and geochronological the Singhbhum Granite is intrusive into the IOG. based supracrustals of the EIC as belonging to the ‘Iron on REE patterns and Eu anomaly. Saha et al. Tomka – Daitari – Odisha. 1988. Malayagiri and Deogarh. SURV. Ghosh et al.000 km2 of the EIC... 3. Bonai – Kendujhar (also Keonjhar.. Phase-I rocks are and Dey. Mayurbhanj and Dhenkanal districts of known as Noamundi – Koira).. 1976. relatively K-poor granodiorite – trondhjemite whereas Acharya.37 Ga respectively by Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron Singhbhum Granite and not related to ‘ORT’. Three contrasting views exist in this bodies of biotite-granodiorite-adamellite-granite regard. 2. This composite stratigraphic relation with the granitoids are batholithic complex comprises at least 12 magmatic controversial. the BIF-bearing supracrustal The Nilgiri Granite batholithic Complex covering sequences belong to two stratigraphic units. with numerous enclaves (Mahagiri). Saha et al. 1988. 7 occur in the State (i) All the isolated BIF-bearing supracrustal of Odisha. Granitic complex as the basement for the IOG Saha. The mutual of granitised metasupracrustal rocks. Subsequently. occupies large tracts in Gorumahisani – Badampahar.. Mukhopadhyay. 1972). 1993. (1988) Ore Group’ which were described earlier as Iron grouped Phases – I & II into type-A (Singhbhum Granite/ Ore Stage by previous workers. However. studies (Moorbath and Taylor. 1962.. 1994. subsequently Saha et al. B (Phase-III) rocks show abundant enclaves of OMG Banerji. supracrustals (Iyengar and Anand Alwar.1 Ga ago by partial melting of a crustal protolith. He from this complex have been dated at ca. 1994). supracrustals. (1988) Saha.3 Ga go by Granite (SBG-B) is intrusive into the IOG and the partial melting of freshly accreted amphibolite at the older component (SBG-A) along with the OMG base of the crust and SBG-B (Phase – III) was generated and OMTG suites formed the basement. these rocks According to Saha et al.27 Ga and considered the OMTG to be an earlier phase of ca. 3. composition of the composite batholith is estimated to Iyengar and Banerjee (1964). The component in the EIC on which the supracrustals of Kaptipada tonalite – granodiorite and a granite suite Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group were deposited. 1991). . Sarkar and Saha. method (Vohra et al. 1974. it was inferred that the considered that only part of the Singhbhum SBG-A (Phases – I & II) was emplaced ca.III) (Saha. Dunn of increasing K 2O/Na 2O ratios. distinguished three sequences of the EIC belong to a single phases of granitic activity in the batholith on the basis stratigraphic unit (Jones. 1997. cit) to be the oldest granitoid composite in nature and comprises four units. Dunn and Dey SBG-A) and Phase – III into type-B (Singhbhum Granite/ (1942) and Sarkar and Saha (1962) opined that SBG-B). 1999). Dunn. Mishra et al. Sarkar and Saha (1983). whereas SBG-A (Phases – I & II) do not show such enclaves. emplaced in three distinct phases (Phase I . The massif is composed of (1964) correlated the Gorumahisani – Badampahar tonalite – granodiorite – granite and migmatitic rocks. visit: grvmalaikalam. However. the granite batholith is are considered by Dey (op. Sarkar and Phases – II & III comprise gradational suites of Saha (1962) redesignated all the BIF-bearing granodiorite – adamellite – granite. 1934. 1984).. 1940.. several authors considered the Singhbhum probably a siliceous garnet-granulite (Saha et al. 3. Iyengar and Banerjee of metasupracrustal rocks.. Of the 12 magmatic 6 GEOL. be granodioritic (Saha et al. Banerjee. OMTG granitoids and Iron Ore 1982b). 1977. 1996. (1988) observed that only SBG. The bulk chemical (ii) According to Iyengar and Anand Alwar (1965). 1942. 1965. The granitic complex. nature and package schists with interlayers of meta ultramafites in the basal of supracrustal assemblages in the various isolated part followed successively by BIF. Jena and Behera. ultramafites. Iyengar and Murty. Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group of rocks form Kendujhar and Mayurbhanj districts. Koira Group (includes BIF-bearing supracrustals of phyllite. Mineable iron and/ BIF and quartzite in the upper part. amphibolite. bearing sequences are considered to be equivalents of argillite. The volcanic package in the sequence is represented by high magnesia basalt Iron Ore Supergroup (HMB). ferruginous shale and phyllites. mafic/ultramafic rocks and arenaceous to argillaceous phyllites in the basal part and volcanics (both mafic and felsic) etc. talc-tremolite. the BIF-bearing supracrustal District to Jashipur in Mayurbhanj District. are Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group : In the type. actinolite-chlorite and hornblende schist. ferruginous mica-schist. (1964) and Acharya. to intrude the Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group of rocks (Behera et al. 100 km long N-S trending easterly convex exposures of the Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group . granite-gneiss basement (with enclaves of tonalitic bearing horizons. 1974). Gorumahisani – Badampahar. The sequence overlies a migmatitic ‘Iron Ore Supergroup’ to include two sequences of BIF.. 1982. Iyengar and Murthy (1982) proposed the name (Mazumder. visit: grvmalaikalam.Daitari and Bonai – dominant). 1978]. In detail. tholeiite. Kendujhar. conglomerate. older Badampahar Group gneisses) with a basal polymictic conglomerate and (Gorumahisani Group of Banerji. It may be noted that Prasad with interlayers of acid volcanics and tuff. 1996).cit). Lower Bonai Group (Archaean-Proterozoic) Gorumahisani–Badampahar Group (Archaean) Stratigraphic relation between OMG and Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group: OMG rocks. The metalavas are or manganese ore deposits characterize many of the represented by Sukinda high Mg-basalts (SHMB) and sequences. The continuous an MISC. exposed mainly in the Champua – Onlajhari areas of area. 1987). Tomka – Daitari (iron ore) as depicted by Ray and Acharyya. (1964) envisaged at least six discrete volcanics in the sequence are represented by frequently sequences of supracrustal rocks in parts of EIC in pillowed and spinifex-textured peridotitic to basaltic Odisha [including equivalents of Dhanjori and komatiites. Banerjee et al. rhyodacite and rhyolite. viz. cherty quartzite with mica schist. Gandhamardan.blogspot.. The mafic Rao et al. The supracrustal sequence is traversed by linear Noamundi Group of Banerji. (op. quartzite. viz. 1964. Sukinda high magnesia basalt (SHMB) and Kolhan sequences for the fifth and sixth sequences high-Mg tholeiites (Acharya. banded chert.1994. as rocks. metapelite. banded haematite banded black chert. 1997. there schistose to pebbly quartzite/conglomerate and quartz- exists a subtle difference in the order. 1998). 1974) and younger comprises quartzite. showing frequent gradations to sub-volcanic presently adopted in GSI are : variants intrude the sequence. Tomka .. and phyllite Kendujhar sequences. PUB. magnetite quartzite (BHQ/BMQ). 30(III) 7 (iii) According to Prasad Rao et al. meta. The classification masses of metapyroxenite and metagabbro. Mazumder. Microgranitic and nomenclature of BIF-bearing formations. The sequences belong to at least three stratigraphic metasupracrustals in this belt comprises pillowed units. The Malayagiri sequence. comprises and Bonai – Kendujhar (manganese ore). hornblende schists. arcuate belt extending from Rajnagar in Singhbhum (1976. OMTG is reported of Prasad Rao et al. banded haematite/ The Tomka – Daitari sequence comprises metavolcanics. The possibility of the existence of more than one The BIF-bearing supracrustal sequence of Deogarh generation of BIF-bearing sequences gained ground in area is exposed in the southwestern part of the EIC and GSI with the extension of mapping in different parts of has been studied by GSI extensively for several years the EIC. 1984).. NO. Malaygiri and Deogarh BIF- sediment. Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group (Prasad Rao et al. Bonai – acid volcanics (Saha. metapelites and meta- basins.. rock types recorded in the various BIF- bearing metasupracrustal sequences are siliciclastic The Tomka – Daitari. psammopelite. 1993). andesite. epidiorite. In order of younging. these are: metabasalts with interbedded chert. 1994).. banded cherty quartzite and jasper (BHJ). BIF (BMQ Gorumahisani. Archaean considered to be the oldest supracrustals in the EIC. In general. quartzite. quartz-schist. metavolcanics and Bonai – Kendujhar area which is correlatable with the BIF. 3–2.. local dolomitic limestone. Singhbhum and Bonai Granitic Complex with a basal quartz pebble conglomerate (QPC) horizon (Sinha et.48 Ga due to later metasomatic/ Complex occurs to the west of the Singhbhum Granite metamorphic effects (Mishra et al. metasupracrustals. Malangtoli Lava (Saha. In areal extent.34 Ga reiterating the earlier opinion of Iyengar and Murty whereas the younger host trondhjemites gave Pb-Pb age (1982). A thick and younger granitoids in the Asanali area of the Deogarh extensive mafic volcanic – quartzite sequence flanks the supracrustal belt. Jena and rocks. 1991. op. 1996). (ii) presence of amphibole siliciclastic sediments and conglomerate. 1994). which distinguish them BIF-bearing horizons underlain by shale and volcanics from the Singhbhum Granitic Complex and its temporal (dominantly mafic with relatively minor acid and equivalents (Bonai. al.. 1994) etc.16 Ga (Sengupta et al. Nilgiri etc.). Nuakot Volcanic Province (Sahu et al. zone between these two supracrustal belts. 2. Nuakot Volcanics younger granitoids. to the supracrustal sequences as well as older granitic 1994). southern and major fractures/ductile shear zones and migmatise earlier eastern parts. 1991. the Keshaibahal – Kuchinda belt of northwestern Odisha. relation with OMG supracrustals in the Champua – Onlajhari area. The dated of Bonai – Kendujhar area is highly debatable. of mappable enclaves of biotite-tonalitic gneisses within described as ‘Horse Shoe Syncline’.op.blogspot.. thus trondhjemitic rocks range between 3. These two batholithic complexes are separated by a wide belt (50-70 km) of supracrustal and volcanic Granitic Complex of Northwestern Odisha: In the rocks of the Iron Ore Supergroup. mafic/ Behera. Shale and (hornblende.38 – 3. IND starts to appear near Jashipur and Raipada. Several suites of these (Dunn. . These include (i) intermediate types). supracrustals of the Bonai – Kendujhar area overlie both The granitoids are often granophyric to microgranitic.8 Ga for volcanosedimentary sequence with the IOG sediments some of the granitic gneisses of Bhuban area... The Granitoids of Deogarh – Pallahara – Bhuban Belt occurring in the south-central and south-western parts of EIC. The stratigraphic relation of this Mishra et al. Based on the above finding. in (Mahalik. in the range 2. 1982). riebeckite) as mafic mineral with/without volcanics overlie the BIF-bearing horizons in this biotite. exposes of this belt have several features. Complex. 1990). SURV. The younger granitoids (often BIF horizon of IOG rocks of Kendujhar – Bonai area microgranitic) in the Deogarh belt are emplaced along (Lower Bonai Group) along its western. Banerjee. zircon and sequence. syenomonzonitic affinity. 1998). is variously designated as Danguaposi Lava tonalitic – granodioritic gneisses. 3. Palkam Gneisses Lower Bonai Group: The Lower Bonai Group. banded gneisses. 1940. The Bonai Granitic Complex is approximately one fifth of Singhbhum Granitic Complex occupies the intervening the size of the Singhbhum Granitic Complex (Sen. The OMTG suite shows distinct intrusive of ca. have yielded Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron ages The basaltic flows of this sequence are in general quartz. Recent studies revealed that the BIF-bearing primary sphene as important accessories (Saha. cit. 1982b). The Pb-Pb and U-Pb (zircon) Champua (OMG) and Badampahar area (Gorumahisani age of the xenolithic enclaves of older high Al2O3 – Badampahar Group) are temporally unpublished data).).cit) concluded that the supracrustal rocks of et al. Recent mapping by GSI has revealed the presence 1997) disposed in an asymmetric synclinal structure. granitic gneisses are reported to contain xenocrystal zircons of ca.? normative and encompass the compositional range of tholeiitic basalt – basaltic andesite – andesite (Sahu et From a 207Pb/206Pb (zircon) Ion Microprobe study. Jena and ultramafic rocks. 1994). (ii) presence of magnetite. amphibolites and metalavas (Sengupta Behera (op.4 Ga (GSI. the Bonai Granitic continuation of OMG-rocks across Singhbhum Granite Complex comprises mainly trondhjemite – granodiorite to Gorumahisani – Badampahar area through a chain of – granite with zenolithic enclaves of older trondhjemitic mappable xenoliths (Behera et al.. allanite. visit: grvmalaikalam. are variously designated as Pallahara Archaean-Proterozoic gneisses (Sarkar et al... gneisses. Saha. showing distinct intrusive relation (Iyengar and 8 GEOL. 2001). 1994. The granitic gneisses and granitoids its type area in the Bonai – Kendujhar region. 1998)..5 Ga age and show evidence of zircon Bonai Granitic Complex : The Bonai Granitic overgrowth at ca. Recent Essentially a composite granite batholith like the detailed mapping studies by GSI established the Singhbhum Granitic Complex. (2000) infer a minimum age of 2. cit). 3. Located in the Jajpur – Dhenkanal districts. a nickeliferous laterite cover.. flanking the Simlipal et al. The eastern marginal zones of the rocks and mica schist whereas the orthometamorphites complex are brecciated. Chakrabarti et al.3 Ga age (GSI.. hurzburgite occupies the northwestern part of Odisha in contact with and chromitite and a younger suite of pyroxenite. Complex.. (1997) considered the complex to be an integral part of Kendujhar and Mayurbhanj districts of Jharkhand and the metasupracrustal. 1981). granulite. an ultramafic – mafic suite. Dunn and Dey (1942) coined the term ‘Newer Iron Ore Group. pyroxene mineralization (Mukherjee. 2. brecciation of the ultramafic rocks has been induced by gabbro intrusion (Auge et al.4 Ga (Choudhury of the ultramafic rocks of the complex has given rise to et al. (2003) correlated Sukinda Complex occurs as a ~ 20 km long and 2-5 km the gabbro-anorthosites of this belt to the 3.calc-silicate and Patra. These anorthosites of this area with the Mayurbhanj Gabbro. serpentinised dunite. data) and Mafic–Ultramafic Complex of Sukinda.. 1969. visit: grvmalaikalam. The intrusion comprises magnesite. High degree of lateritisation wholerock isochron method at ca. metagabbro. cit). Auge et al. 1958. intrude meta-supracrustals Gneissic Complex is a composite mass of Archaean (?) (quartzite – quartz schist) equivalent to the Gorumahisani to undifferentiated Proterozoic age and comprises mainly – Badampahar Group. in the EIC and occur extensively in Singhbhum. The of adjacent Jharkhand state is occupied by this gneissic complex comprises an early suite represented by complex and a small part of it extends southward and enstatitite/bronzitite. Basu et al. unpub. 1994). 1972. intrude the ultramafic – mafic suite. The chromitite ore and the complex hosts six fairly thick Sambalpur Granite in this belt has been dated by Rb-Sr (10-40m) chromite seams. Nuasahi: dolerite dykes. 30(III) 9 Panda and Dash (1997) reported the presence of four bearing serpentinised ultramafics (dunite-peridotite) generations of granitoids. (1985) opined that the Baula – Nuasahi several small masses of mafic-ultramafic rocks are and Sukinda complexes have ophiolitic affinity. PUB. The linear enclaves of para and ortho metamorphites. granite gneiss. are represented by hornblende schist.. gabbro-anorthositic rocks are reported. . vanadium-bearing titaniferous magnetite and noble metal anorthosite.anorthosite Complex : In Gorumahisani mineralization as one of the oldest in the world (Auge area of Mayurbhanj district.. aplite and quartz. metanorite.. The gabbroic rocks Proterozoic (Undifferentiated) of the complex (Bangur Gabbro) have yielded zircon (SHRIMP) age of 3122 ± 5 Ma making the Baula PGE Gabbro . Nuasahi area of Kendujhar District. op. Gangpur Group of rocks. 1980). Page et al. are reported to intrude the meta supracrustal rocks of Anorthosites.. dolerite dykes steeply dipping intrusive mass extends for about 3 km and veins of pegmatite. Major mafic-ultramafic complexes of the EIC are located in the Baula – Nuasahi and Sukinda areas. The complex is intruded by granitoids of ca. The noble metal (PGE) mineralization in the in NE-SW to ENE-WSW with moderate (40° -50°) dips complex is confined to the brecciated zones. In Baula – lithotectonic milieu of the mafic-ultramafic complexes. comprising dunite – peridotite – pyroxenite Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex : Chhotanagpur and gabbro/anorthosite.blogspot. 1996).in MISC. In addition. Bangur Gabbro of Baula area. Granite and dolerite dyke swarm. Bose intermittently exposed along an arcuate belt in the (2002) envisaged arc-type magmatism to explain the southeastern marginal zones of the craton. calc-granulite. Dolerite’ to collectively denote these dyke swarms. Auge et al. 1977. The oldest among these are with chromitite and pyroxenite and a major source of compositionally tonalitic to granodioritic.The para metamorphites metagabbro – leucogabbro (with Ti-V magnetite) (Nanda include crystalline limestone. metapyroxenite. 2003).122 Ma old wide body trending ENE-WSW from Kansa to Maruabil.cit) correlated the gabbro. NO.. A vast stretch in N-S direction with a maximum width of 1 km. The complex is emplaced as a concordant mass within metasupracrustals of Tomka – Daitari – Mahagiri belt Newer Dolerite Suite of Dyke Swarms: Mafic dyke and is stated to form synformal structure in the host rocks swarms constitute an important lithologic component (Banerjee. the towards north. migmatites and composite gneiss with in turn.. 2. the Chakrabarty et al. Auge et al. the Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group as well as the Singhbhum Granitic Complex (Saha et al. The complex hosts chromite.. (op. etc. volcano-sedimentary sequence of Odisha. The rocks of this complex generally trend 1999). carbon phyllites – quartzites ——————————————————— Unconformity ———————————————— Granite – acid volcanics (Tamparkola) Group – II Ultrabasic/basic sills and dykes Lava flows and tuffs Ferruginous shale Intraformational conglomerate Meta lavaIntercalated argillaceous and arenaceous sedimentsBasal conglomerate ——————————————————— Unconformity ———————————————— Granitoids of the Bonai Complex Group – I Sheared quartz reefs Metabasic/ultrabasic intrusives Metavolcanics (metalava. 1500 ± 10 Ma and 1100 of fuchsite quartzite. Mallick and Sarkar. viz. Though subsequently south to north and finally merges with the Gangpur Group Table – 2: Lithostratigraphy of rocks occurring west of Bonai Granitic Complex (Modified after Ramachandran and Raju. They observed that distinct geochemical signatures (Mallick and Sarkar. banded chert.. the synformal fold is a syncline as it contains youngest 1994). 1963). Available data thus suggest Group. Saha et al. Reported K-Ar ages of the rocks abound in the Bonai Granitic Complex. chlorite-schist... op. 1977. well as the Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group with a Mallick and Sarkar (1994) inferred three periods of mafic pronounced polymictic basal conglomerate with pebbles dyke activity at 2100 ± 100 Ma. The Group – III sequence overlies the Group – II rocks lying west of the Bonai Granitic Complex. N-S and E-W of which the first two Three groups of supracrustals occur in the area are more common (Guha. Verma and Prasad (1974) inferred the presence basic rocks (Ramachandran and Raju. The dykes range from 923-2144 Ma (Sarkar et al. The Upper Bonai Group of supracrustals are intruded by granite (Tamparkola) – acid volcanic association (ca. defines a northerly plunging synformal structure It may be noted that different generations of dykes have (Ramachandran and Raju. NE-SW.) Fuchsite quartzite. Group-II supracrustals rest over the Bonai granitoids as Sarkar and Saha. 1982) Group – III Garnet – staurolite bearing argillaceous schists with calc-silicate/calc-gneiss rocks. This of at least three generations of mafic dykes from sequence lacks BIF and is designated as the Upper Bonai palaeomagnetic studies. NW-SE. cit). bed at the core. The Group – II or the Upper Bonai Group multiple generations of mafic dyke activity in the EIC. Enclaves of these (leucogranophyric dykes). (ii) products of direct crystallization of Bonai Granitic Complex and are correlated with the (dolerite – gabbro) and (iii) products of partial melting Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group. (i) accumulates (ultramafic and oldest sequence (Group – I) are intruded by components noritic dykes).in 10 GEOL.. though minor unchanged. The rocks belonging to the Dolerite’ suite viz. heamatite jasper and ± 200 Ma. the basic stratigraphic stratigraphic unit in the terrain. quartz-schist. reported. noritic and granophyric dykes are also this belt is given in Table – 2. 1994). (1964) and show progressive Barrovian metamorphic zones from Ramachandran and Raju (1982). Palaeo Proterozoic Upper Bonai Group : The supracrustal sequences.8 Ga old). amphibolite etc.blogspot. 1982). SURV. mica-schists Base not seen .. The dykes are represented framework provided by the earlier workers has remained mainly by dolerites and gabbros. 1969. was mapped with a faulted contact for the most part and is reported to and described by Prasad Rao et al.2. The dykes show broadly four orientations. The lithostratigraphy of the various units in ultramafic. (1973) intervened by unconformities and intrusive and/or distinguished three petrogenetic types in the ‘Newer extrusive granitic activity. visit: grvmalaikalam. IND which according to them represented the youngest studied by many workers. In Odisha. basaltic komatiite. unconformity is designated as Raghunathpally . volcanic rocks in the basin are represented mainly by a Group of psammopelite and calcareous metasediments spilitic lava of ocean-floor affinity and extensive acid with a basal sheared conglomerate is found to volcanics. succeeded by a zone of volcanic breccia.cit).in MISC. The sequence stratigraphically correlatable with the Gangpur Group. Both the rocks of core and limbs bear the Simlipal Group: Volcano-sedimentary rocks of the imprints of shearing and faulting. A crustal-scale ductile shear zone(Singhbhum formation (Lower Dhanjori Formation) dominated by shear zone) with polymetallic mineralization (specially metapelites with volcanogenic components followed copper) has affected the Singhbhum. represented by meta ultramafic and large basin overlies the Gorumahisani – Badampahar mafic sills and dykes (now amphibolite) are also Group in its type area and is isolated from the Dhanjori recorded in this sequence.blogspot. This group lower horizons (Chaibasa Formation) of the Singhbhum of metasediments of Singhbhum Mobile Belt is actually Group. carbonaceous. Iyengar and Anand Alwar. this group of rocks is represented by predominantly volcanic Upper Dhanjori formation conglomerate. volcanism was interspersed with sedimentation. In addition. Intrusive and extrusive Simlipal basin has spectacular circular map pattern.. The volcanics alternating with siliciclastic unconformably overlie the Lower Bonai Group forming sediments are intruded by mafic-ultramafic intrusives. comprises high-Mg volcaniclastic. visit: grvmalaikalam. mica schist. op. The basal conglomerate which marks an erosional Singhbhum Group : The Singhbhum Group. This igneous activities. quartzite. occupy a very small Gangpur Group of mobile zone are correlated with the portion at the northeastern border of Odisha. Dhanjori and upwards by quartzite and conglomerate. 1985). covering a large area of above Bonai Granite (including Group – III supracrustals) adjoining Singhbhum district of Jharkhand State. 1965. there are four intraformational sequence (Dunn and Dey. Proterozoic Singhbhum Group basin by the Mayurbhanj Granite batholith. op.65°) dip Alwar. These rocks are disposed in a NNW . Iyengar et al. Iyengar and Anand N-S trends with moderate to high angle (45° . hornblende schist and epidiorite alkali olivine basalt overlain by low-K tholeiitic with repeated cycle of sedimentation forming several metabasalt (Gupta et al.. Mahalik (1987) combined all the lithologies lying best developed in the north. garnetiferous phyllite. spilitic lava metamorphism and crustal reworking. Lower Proterozoic age include a sequence of arenaceous.. calcareous. Iyengar et al. haematite-jasper and Dhanjori Group : The Dhanjori volcanosedimentary basic rocks. 1964.cit). 1981a). basal conglomerate contains pebbles of fuchsite quartzite. The Group – III rocks. a conspicuous hill range all along its southern boundery A highly differentiated ~ 800 m thick sill (Amjhori Sill) and was described as Gangpur Series by (dunite – peridotite – picrite – gabbro – quartz diorite) Krishnan(1937). 1942) is located in the NNE conglomerate beds at different stratigraphic levels of this edge of the EIC. and tuff intercalated with quartzite. belonging to Singhbhum-Gangpur Mobile Belt of 1964. its core at Kesharpur. The type sequence of bands of same rock formation in different stratigraphic Dhanjori Group is confined within the geographical horizons.. The sequence comprises a lower sequence. The 85°41’) .SSE to limits of the State of Jharkhand. phyllite.and argillaceous rocks. The Gangpur Group : In the northwestern part of Odisha. This group of metaspracrustals occurs at the centre of the basin (Iyengar and Banerjee. The Lower Gorumahisani Group of rocks and running in an arcuate Dhanjori Formation is intruded by mafic-ultramafic E-W to NW-SE direction entered into the Mayurbhanj intrusives and interlayered with acid volcanics and district of Odisha with a southeasterly swing and died intermittent Au-W-U bearing quartz pebble down into the alluvium to the south of Kesharpur(22°07’: conglomerate (QPC) bands (Gupta et al. starts with a basal conglomerate and a dark phyllite have signatures of polyphase deformation. PUB. (1965) opined that the Dhanjori Group of rocks towards east and form a major northerly plunging overlie the Iron Ore Supergroup of rocks and are synform around the syntectonic Romapahari Granite as correlatable with the Simlipal Group.Dudhiasol –Madansahi copper prospect. The under Darjing Group. banded grey white chert. 30(III) 11 of rocks and post-dates intrusion of Tamparkola granitoids represented by a lower arenaceous and an upper (Ramachandran and Raju. NO. arenaceous to argillaceous and carbonaceous representing transition between the cratonic Upper Bonai metasedimentary sequence unconformably overlying the Group (correlated with Dhanjori sequence) and the Dhanjori and Gorumahisani Groups. In this basin. amphibolite.which is a fine grained • Dublabera Dolomite hornblende rock with little quartz. 1978 and the references therein). The carbonaceous Dhanjori Lava : In Odisha small exposures of rocks with small lenses of banded magnetite quartzite Dhanjori lava are occurring in the north eastern part of are invaded by basic sills at several places. sediment transport from south (see Mazumder. Timna Gangpur Group of rocks were believed to be folded into etc.Kanungo and Mahalik (1975) suggested that the (Dunn and Dey. occasional • Jharbera carbonaceous phyllite and quartzite feldspar. south of Rakha (Jharkhand). 1968) is given below: are interbedded with grey sericite phyllite . The part of Singhbhum Granite and northern part of revised lithostratigraphic succession of the Gangpur Mayurbhanj Granite. SURV. From petrological • Mica-schist and quartzite point of view the Dhanjori lava shows a close similarity • Raghunathpalli Conglomerate with Dalma volcanics and they are thought to be nearly contemporaneous (Saha. The rocks bear a sigmoidal anticlinorium plunging eastward (Krishnan. Kanungo and Mahalik.calcite and • Birmitrapur – Lanjiberna Limestone and dolomite chalcedony. The Gangpur Group is correlated Bonai Lava (Malangtoli Lava): The thick and with the Singhbhum Group (Annon. represented EIC. 1994) to the west of Kendujhargarh and the north than considering it to be homotaxial with the Kolhans of Palalahara (21 28’ : 85 15’). Earlier.) intrude the Gangpur Group of rocks. Km. evidence of multiple deformation and metamorphism 1937) and were overlain by the Iron Ore Series of rocks resulting in disruption of earlier fold geometry and of Jones(1934). 1968. The palaeoslope directions reported for both ultramafic high –Mg vitric tuff and b)Low K tholeiite the Gangpur and Singhbhum Groups indicate northerly with locally alkali rich olivine basalt. This justifies the correlation The volcanics/lavas are exposed over 800 sq. IND conglomerate and contains pebbles of vein quartz. 1998). visit: grvmalaikalam.blogspot. The basal metamorphism induced by later intrusion of granitoids.1942).while Gupta et al(1985) grouped sediments are transported from the southern cratonic the Dhanjori metavolcanics into two units i.The Dhanjori lavas are fine grained epidiorite. The lavas are vesicular and the . yielded (Rb-Sr isochron )ages within the range 1000- The carbonaceous and calcareous beds occurring more 800 Ma (Pandey et al. of the Singhbhum Group).. The rocks are vesicular-amygdaloidal. Leucoxene • Mica schist and Gondites are also noticed in some cases. The lavas are in general as postulated by Iyenger and Murthy (1982).in 12 GEOL.. thermal metamorphism of surrounding sediments . or less continuously in definite horizon form the lithostratigraphic marker horizons. The Dhanjori lavas and interbedded tuffs • Laingar carbon-quartz phyllite are sheared and metamorphosed to hornblende schist • Katang Limestone and dolomite and biotite schist along the shear zone. quartz-normative tholeiitic basalts – basaltic andesite – anderite in composition. (1980) indicated that the Group of rocks of the ‘Horse Shoe Synclinorium’ of tectonic history of the Gangpur Group is similar to that Bonai-Keonjhar region. They are underlain by quartzites Group as established by GSI in the Sundargarh District and metapelites of Dhanjori Group. Subsequent studies (Banerjee. area of the Gangpur Group with the Singhbhum Group rather (Saha. 1975) revealed that the Banerjee (1968) envisaged at least two episodes of Gangpur Group of rocks are disposed in a synclinorium prograde metamorphism: the first one leading to the and is younger than the Iron Ore Group. and talc chlorite schist. At places the lavas of Odisha (Banerjee. published geological quadrangle map (GQM) of 73 B Development of staurolite is attributed to contact confirms the fold to be synclinal synclinorium. and carbonaceous quartzite. adjacent to eastern by epidiorite. along its western and southern of the Chaibasa Formation (lower stratigraphic horizon parts are designated as Bonai lava (Malongtoli lava).1994). and chlorite. 1974).and abundant epidote.Sometimes the hornblende • Kumarmunda banded carbonaceous quartzite is tremolitic. The Dhanjori Based on the palaeocurrent data of the Gangpur metavolcanics are essentially tholeiitic in composition rocks. the • Grey and purple phyllite and quartzite amygdules are formed by epidote. the type Neoproterozoic granitoids (Etma.grey Mafic sills and dykes and several small stocks of S- quartzite. Structural extensive mafic volcanic rocks flanking the Iron ore studies by Chaudhuri et al. conglomerate band is succeeded upward by mica schists The S-type granitoids intruding the Gangpur Group have and phyllites containing thin bands and lenses of Gondite.However recently development of garnet-bearing assemblages. chlorite. Ekma. 1967.e a) Mafic- domain. 1956). The type area of this group b) a coarse grained. In order amphibole-bearing microgranite-granophyre – medium of emplacement.Op cit).It is a solitary chert. Only a few gneissose ferrohastingsite-biotite granite patchy exposures of this group. and disposition opined that they represent continental are reported to show intrusive relations with setting of eruption. 1999). Dhanjori 39 Ma) of Jagannathpur lava is probably suggestive of Group. these are: – grained granite along with rhyolitic volcanics. intercalated with shale composite mass of sodagranite. locally basaltic rocks of having perthite. Singhbhum Group and the gabbro-norite- contemporaneity of the metamorphism of Dalma and anorthosite suite of rocks (Saha et al. andesitic in composition.78 Ga (GSI. PUB. moderately coarse ferrohastingsite-biotite granite with granophyric textures enveloped by aplitic Dangoaposi / Jagannathpur Lava : An area of about leucogranite (Saha. 1994). The lavas are. occurring as outliers. an offshoot of Mayurbhanj Granite. Subsequent study revealed and shale probably indicates a sub aqueous origin for that the body is a composite one with a core of the lava. composed mostly of microcline metamorphosed. margin of the Simlipal basin.. 30(III) 13 vesicles are filled up by quartz. having ‘A’ type geochemical affinity. homophanous. lying south of Jagannathpur at the Jharkhand c) a N-S elongated granite body designated as – Odisha border and at the NE corner of Horse Shoe is Romapahari Granite occurring at the northeastern occupied by Synclinorium composed of extensive flat extremity of Odisha state and at the Odisha-West lying lava flows – designated as Jagannathpur / Bengal border and west of Baharagora. rhyolite : 2836 ± 67 (Bandopadhyay et al. The bulk altered and marginally granulated . According to them this polymictic conglomerate.The Rb-Sr whole differentiates of oligoclase andesites.08 ± 0.. A suite of Mayurbhanj unpub. rock isochron age of the Romapahari Granite is found to be 1895±46 Ma (Saha. designated as Bhuasani Granite occurring as an have been mapped in the Koira area of Odisha. This silicic volcano-plutonic assemblage intrudes the older a) a fine-grained. 2001). gritty quartzite with some shale- stabilization of Singhbhum Craton. The batholith comprises three phases. Km. 2. quartzite. The representing the main Mayurbhanj Granite body microgranitic suite from this association has yielded a occurring along the northwestern and southeastern Rb-Sr whole rock isochron age of ca.. The suite comprises complex . north of Koira area. These Saha (1994) on the basis of major element chemistry granitic rocks. slate and minor limestone. Jagannathpur lava suites (Saha.blogspot.composed of very fine grained matrix of quartz and Close interbedded / intercalated relationship of lava feldspar. The elliptical body of an area around 15 sq. The K-Ar whole rock date (1629 + Singhbhum Granite.quartz and oligoclase. fine to medium grained purple age may be considered as the time of broad quartzite-sandstone. vein quartz and at . chlorite – zeolite and Chakdar pahar area( 22°00’. well as the younger Upper Bonai sequence. : Kolhan Group : The Kolhan Group is represented Phase – I : 3092 ± 5 Ma and Phase – II : 3080 ± 8 by an undeformed platformal sequence comprising basal Ma (Mishra et al. visit: grvmalaikalam.86° 30’). (1994) composition of the basaltic rock is andesite tholeiite with defined it as biotite aplogranite. which are very weakly grained..1994).7 Ga (Iyengar et al. In situ Pb-Pb (zircon) dating by Ion Granite has yielded a Rb-Sr whole rock isochron Microprobe revealed the following ages : granite : 2809 age of ca. 1981 b). 2. data). viz. flanking the Simlipal sequence in western MISC. considered to be and is associated with ash beds and agglomeratic rocks. 1984). 200 sq. NO. ± 8 Ma. Saha. at places. Biotite is mostly tholeiitic. km at the polymictic conglomerate at the base contains pebbles northeastern corner of the Simlipal complex in the of banded iron formation. occasionally foliated and lies in Jharkhand state.. It is fine Dangoaposi Lava. biotite-hornblende Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group of supracrustals as bearing granite with granophyric texture. Iron Ore Supergroup. Tamparkola Granite – Acid Volcanics : The granite Mayurbhanj Granite : Mayurbhanj Granite – acid volcanics suite of Tamparkola crop out as a represents a composite granite batholith occurring along roughly ovoid body just west of the Upper Bonai the eastern fringe of the EIC.(Iyengar. The 207Pb/206Pb zircon ages (Ion Microprobe) of the granite are reported to be much higher. Granite-gneisses and Granites : The cratonic Agewise (starting from Archaean) synoptic geological crustal strip in western Odisha represent the immediate accounts of the major litho-stratigraphic components of cratonic foreland to the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. Cholanguda granite 2. Archaean. a small outcrop of from this zone (Table-3).67 Ga (Rb-Sr WRI) Sarkar et al. The of the Bastar Craton.BHQ.BMQ. interbanded quartzite and banded heamatite quartzite (BHQ).grunerite gneiss. 1990). biotite-gneisses. possibly belonging to the Bailadila Group.d) 2. west of Kolab 2.11 Ga (Rb-Sr WRI) Pandey et al. These are considered to be equivalents of the Craton is exposed in western Odisha. aluminous EGMB granitoids. is recorded in the Hirapur hills. exposed in parts of western Odisha Bengpal group of rocks are exposed mostly in are : Archean supracrustals of the Bengpal and Bailadila Chhattisgarh and a small part has been extended to Groups. IND places iron ore. SURV. several exposed as small lenses and bands and also as long linear post-tectonic dykes of granophyre. The Bengpal Group in the Odisha state. This cratonic rocks of Iron Ore Super Group (Gorumahisani Group) crustal strip is bounded by the Mahanadi graben in the because of their similarity in lithological assemblage by northeast and the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt in the east iron bearing sediments with metavolcanic sequence and and 14 GEOL. Bastar Craton amphibolites. Granitoids of the Sukma and Bailadila Groups are not reported from Neoarchean(?) and Palaeoproterozoic ages are reported western Odisha. microgranite. 81 ° 11 ’ ) in Supergroup of rocks. A of Roida on Durgaparbat (toposheet 73 F/8). hornblende-biotite gneisses. The major lithostratigraphic components their age has been considered to be Archaean. these granitoids are largely Mappable exposures of supracrustal rocks belonging to metaluminous and lack garnet. mafic/ultramafic rocks and several Meso. Pujariguda granite 2. andalusite schists and gneiss. visit: grvmalaikalam. ultrabasic rocks. age from Neo archaean to Palaeoproterozoic. the Bastar Craton are presented below. a wide variety of post-tectonic silicic intrusives with alkaline affinity. Ramakrishnan. In contrast to the largely per- Groups (Crookshank. The granitic rocks are major lithostratigraphic units.. The outlier.c. 1963. quartz-sericite schist.. Bengpal and Bailadila as mafic minerals. Granite gneisses and granitoids constitute a significant lithologic component in this zone. feldspathic quartzite.30 Ga Pandey et al. Isotopic ages of granitoids in the cratonic zone of western Odisha Granitoids Age/method References 1. Archaean Supracrustals : The Archean supracrustal feldspathised pink porphyroblastic granite gneisses and assemblages of the Bastar Craton are divisible into three banded migmatitic gneisses. Granitic gneisses.Proterozoic Neoproterozoic sequences of platformal sediments. of rocks are represented by phyllite. In order of younging.. (1989) . Table – 3. (1994 a. these generally massive and contain amphibole and/or biotite are represented by Sukma. is the largest major outcrop of Bengpal Group of rocks is noted in exposure of Kolhan sequence (~1sq. The pebbles in the Kolhan basal bands within the granite gneiss-migmatite country at the conglomerates indicate that the sequence was deposited southwestern part of Odisha near the border with as a platformal cover sediment over a basement Chhattisgarh are called Bengpal Group after the name comprising the Singhbhum Granite and the Iron Ore of a small village Bengpal (18 ° 08. granite gneisses and granitoids ranging in Odisha. km) so far mapped the Tulsi Dongar Hill Range area.blogspot. (1989) 3. Proterozoic Alkaline and Ultramafic Rocks : In the Khariar – A group of low grade volcano-sedimentary rocks Paikmal – Padampur segment of western Odisha.mica schist. occurring to the east Chhattisgarh from where they were first described. However. talc-tremolite-chlorite Part of the eastern marginal zone of the Bastar schist . The granitic gneisses are represented by epidote-hornblende-bearing fissile Archaean gneisses.b. Das et al. In the Bhela – Rajna area of Nuapara District. 2001). recorded within granitic gneisses of Bastar Craton close to the EGMB. the sedimentary sequence attain a maximum formation related to deposition of the sediments in thickness of 700 m and comprises a lower sequence of Khariar basin. a middle sequence of rhythmic pebble-gravel beds and sandstone Meso-Neoproterozoic and an upper sequence of alternate bands of cross-bedded Chhattisgarh Supergroup : Five disconnected subarkose and wave-ripple marked sandstone exposures of Meso-Neoproterozoic platformal/cover (Srivastava. siltstone.. siltstone and purple-coloured shale with margin of the basin shows faulted contact with the calcareous bands (Balakrishnan and Babu. the sedimentaries lie Pattanaik (1996) reported an epizonal to sub-volcanic over the granitoids of Bengpal Group with a pronounced igneous complex comprising silica-oversaturated unconformity. is al. within Chhattisgarh Basin represents multiple cycles of sedimentation (Das et al. Srivastava (op.. cit) opined that the Ampani sediments are equivalent horizons. The and easternmost margins of the main MISC. The sequence comprises gritty sedimentary pile is exposed (Pascoe. quartzite. (1996) and Singhora Group – which lie to the west in the Chhattisgarh State. 1992. comprising dominantly arenites emplacement of which was controlled by N-S trending with argillites and calcareous intercalations (with crustal fractures. The kimberlite (1877) considered these to be parts of a single continuous in parts of the same belt. 1987). the lithocomponents of the oldest Singhora trending boundary fault along which the basement and Barapahar protobasins. The sequence in the Singhora protobasin has part of Chhattisgarh – Indravati master basin and been subdivided into four area. Ball Chandrapur Group of Das et al. 30(III) 15 analcime-bearing syenite.blogspot. visit: grvmalaikalam. The southeastern as an outlier of approximately 220 sq. Dutt feldspathic sandstone. to garnet – hornblende – biotite albite syenite are 1997. shale and (1963) proposed the name ‘Indravati Series’ for a limestone whereas the argillaceous formations are sequence of sedimentaries of Bastar and adjoining parts represented by calcareous shale of purple to reddish. gravel-sandstone-subarkose with thin shale intercalations and disseminations of glauconite pellets. 2001)and A sedimentary basin located just south of the Khariar covers extensive areas in southern Chhattisgarh and also basin and west of Ampani (Ampani Basin) is occurring extend into the adjoining Odisha State. nearly 1000 m thick effects of shearing. In emplacement of the alkaline complex and graben Odisha. and is divided into six formations (Das et al. The evidence of syndepositional volcanic exposure where the entire sequence is exposed. NO. syenite. the – Nawagarh Plateau. Iherzolite) Chhattisgarh and Odisha states. 1997). In a total area of more than 1500 sq. Some of these represent it with the Chandarpur Group of Chhattisgarh the eastern and southeastern edges of larger basins. Dutt Gondwana sediments along Mahanadi lineament and the (1963. The eastern margin of intruding granitic gneisses are also reported (Nanda et the basin. of Odisha after the name of the river draining the largest brown colour. basin in Chhattisgarh state. is formally designated as Pairi Group linkage between developments of crustal fracture.1964) considered the Ampani sequence to be a EGMB. Supergroup of Murti. ultramafic rocks (harzburgite. Pattanaik and Mishra (2000) envisaged stromatolites). 2000). 2001). The eastern sandstone. (1992). bordered by the EGMB in Odisha. are exposed in Odisha. cit) designated the sediments belonging to Chhattisgarh Supergroup are sequence in Odisha as Khariar Group and correlated exposed in western Odisha . Balkrishnan and Babu represent alternations of arenaceous and argillaceous (op. occurring beyond the western margin of the basin. In gneisses as well as the overlying sedimentaries display the Barapahar area of Odisha.. 1973) and the conglomerate at the base followed upwards by sediments are intensely folded and faulted. Das et al. are reported to contain xenoliths of Khariar sediments implying their post- The lithounits of Chhattisgarh Supergroup occurring Khariar emplacement. In Odisha. PUB.. structurally disturbed. The arenaceous formations mainly consist of to Chandrapur Group of Chhattisgarh Supergroup. which essentially correlated with Upper Kurnool. The sedimentary sequence of the Khariar alkaline rocks of ‘A’ type magmatic lineage. The . monzo syenite grading activity is noted in the Singhora protobasin (Chakraborti. The rocks are unmetamorphosed and The elongated oval-shaped Khariar Basin covers locally display chilled margins and flow structures. comprising eastern margin of the basin is marked by a NNE-SSW respectively... blogspot. viz. IND sequence was later redesignated as Indravati Group lofty linear hill ranges extending roughly NE-SW. shale and phyllite. Plutonic alkaline complexes centre of the basin. The rocks segment.. op. recorded to occur with graphite and mostly they form Meso-Neoproterozoic tectonomagmatic activity and . Western Charnockite Zone comprises a basal conglomerate and quartzite followed and the Westernmost Transition Zone (Ramakrishnan upwards by purple shale. Meta-ultramafic rocks Limestone and Jagdalpur Formation. 1975).. In this segment.. SURV. Walkers southern Odisha. the lowermost Tirathgarh Formation 3. In Basin (~ 700 sq. (Sharma. The rock types in the EGMB are thus represented by the following major rock associations. The central gneiss (khondalite) and large masses of charnockite segment lies between the Mahanadi and Godavari within a garnetiferous granite gneiss . The basinal 5. exposed north of the metamorphosed crustal segment of the Indian Shield. 1934) is exposed in the Odisha sector. A broad lithological zonation is noted in the belt The eastern margin of the triangular-shaped Sabari (Narayanaswamy. the Gohira – major part of southern Odisha. The sedimentary Eastern Khondalite Zone. correlatable with the Indravati Group. viz.. 1999). The Khondalitic Group of metasupracrustals are dominantly gneissose though schistose variety is also in this segment are locally manganiferous and graphitic. Western Khondalite Zone.. Mafic granulites followed upwards by Chitrakut Formation. Central Migmatite Zone. the NE-SW regional Craton lying to the north. grabens and a substantial part of this segment lies in The name khondalite was first coined by T. cit. separates it from the Eastern Indian belt in the south. Of the above three segments. cit). Massif-type anorthosite complexes kimberlite pipes in Bastar area of Chhattisgarh State. These segments subtly differ in terms 1000 km from Odisha to southeastern parts of Andhra of lithotectonic assemblages and tectonothermal history Pradesh along the east coast of the Indian Peninsula. a of Chhattisgarh State. 16 GEOL. The western margin of The characteristic features of this segment are - the belt has a thrusted contact with the Bastar Craton. craton-marginal basin displays a pronounced tectonic contact with the EGMB. shale. The eastern margin of the belt trend of the central EGMB segment veers to WNW-ESE. only the eastern part of the basin typical section exposing all the lithounits of both is exposed in Odisha. sandstone. op. The sequence is intruded by 7. The Mahanadi and Godavari rifts divide the EGMB into three segments across its length. Migmatitic granitic gneisses/leptynites/granitoids rocks are nearly flat-lying with low dips towards the 6.migmatite (Ghosh. The Gohira – Sukinda Sukinda shear-thrust belts in the north and Tikra shear shear/thrust belt. is truncated by Bay of Bengal. is bounded by two major WNW-ESE The belt is widest in Odisha (~ 300 km) and covers the trending shear and/or thrust belts. All the massif-type anorthosite (1902) after the name of a group of hill tribe “Khonds” complexes of the EGMB are confined within this who inhabit the area in Kalahandi district. Bulk of the roughly quadrangle-shaped Though 20% of the total hard rock area of the State of Indravati basin (~ 900 sq. The Indravati sequence comprises conglomerate. Ramakrishnan et al. Mezger and Cosca. 2000). It dominance of arenaceous facies in the high-grade is characterized by a distinctive association of supracrustal package and presence of charnockite rocks garnetiferous graphite bearing sillimanite schist and of Late-Archean age (Sarkar et al.. these zones are the extreme southwestern part of Odisha. from east to west. Mahanadi graben. Khondalite Group of rocks Ramakrishnan (1987) divided the sequence into four 2. limestone and stromatolitic dolomite. (Sarkar and Nanda. It extends for over the State of Odisha. sequence. visit: grvmalaikalam. representing one of the most highly deformed and The northern segment of EGMB. viz. 1975. The southeastern margin of this Khondalite and Charnockite groups is rare. Charnockite Group of rocks formations.. Mobile Belt of the Peninsular India designated as the northern and part of the central segment lie within Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB). (i) northern Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt segment (ii) central segment and (iii) southern segment The Eastern Ghats constitute a major Precambrian (Sarkar and Nanda. limestone and interbands of et fall in the Bastar district Odisha is covered by the rocks of the Eastern Ghat. viz. 1998). 1998).L. Kanger 4. originating from ‘C’-type magma Group is roughly in the proportion 60:30:10. PUB. The name charnockitic rocks represent the second most abundant was given after the ‘Khond’ tribe of the Baudh. cit) and reiterated the essentially Charnockite Group and Migmatite Group which are metasedimentary character of the suite. opposing views range from remnant origin major role of partial melting of metapelitic rocks in their to nascent growth (Halden et al. Mezger quartzites and calc-silicate granulites were interpreted and Cosca. often impersistent. monzonitic . the term Khondalite Group is now varied. 2000. of Dash et al. the relative proportion of argillaceous. is. The calcareous metaluminous and show distinct calc-alkaline affinity components in the suite comprise linear masses of calc. 1998. of the belt. the khondalitic suite of rocks is The belt is also characterized by the presence of several considered to be paragneisses (Narayanswami. 1998). Smaller masses metasupracrustal assemblages in the EGMB. (op. 1998. genesis... silicate rocks and calc-granulites composed mainly of Relatively rare syenitic – monzosyenitic variants even diopside-garnet-scapolite-wollastonite-bearing show alkaline affinity (Sarkar and Nanda.. Archean charnockite massifs (Riamal – arenaceous and calcareous components in the Khondalite Rengali massif).in MISC. 1975).quartz-monzonitic schists/gneisses (± graphite). .. sillimanite-graphite-bearing quartzite... are distinctly sillimanite-garnet-bearing quartzite etc. the Western Charnockite Zone. Dobmeier and Raith. 1992) are reported (Sarkar et al. Dash et al. garnetiferous The charnockitic rocks forming large massif. tonalitic (enderbite). 2000). In Nanda. NO.blogspot. 1999). The various lithological assemblages to be originally silcretes and calcretes respectively. From the northern segment Odisha. quartzite bands.. 2000). Khondalite Group. (1987) concluded that varied petrological processes. Nanda. Western Charnockite Zone. The mode of occurrence is also mapping purposes. These such as the Tikri hypersthene syenites (Sarkar and constitute the most abundant lithology in the EGMB. In addition. 1998. associated with (mangerite) and even syenite-quartz-syenitic. 1998. Based on a detailed geochemical study of khondalitic Sarkar et al. 1993. represented by a variety of narrow. Charnockite Group : Several compositional types represent the orthopyroxene-bearing siliceous rocks Archaean-proterozoic (quartz – orthopyroxene ± plagioclase ± K-feldspar ± Khondalite Group : The term ‘Khondalite’ was first garnet) of EGMB. highly granulite with increasing k-feldspar contents suggesting controversial. viz. (Nanda and Pati. The arenaceous component in the suite is 1984. Traditionally. noted in the Odisha sector of the EGMB are broadly However. however. generations of charnockitic rocks (Sarkar and Paul. Mg-Al rich granulites (with sapphirine) constitute a 2000).. (Kilpatrick and Ellis. 1998. Park and Dash. 1994. adamellitic-granitic suite comprising sillimanite. weathered soil profile. magmatism for the genesis of the charnockites of the The argillaceous component is essentially a quartz. Banerjee (1982a) suggested studies suggest the presence of more than one generation that the term should be used to denote a group rather of charnockitic rocks in the belt (Sarkar and Paul. described below. Sarkar and Paul. than a singular rock-type. 1994). 1982. which originated through suite of Odisha. 1981. minor occurrences of patchy charnockites are occurring in mineable quantities. 2000) (Table-4). These include coarse crystalline quartzite. Field and geochronological Khandmal area of Odisha. Available data strongly indicate magmatic protoliths for bulk of the charnockitic rocks of the Eastern Ghat belt. The garnetiferous quartzite and calc-silicate rocks. Bhattacharya et al. Nanda and Pati (1991) refuted the hypotheses divided into three groups viz. 1994) are also noted. The mode of gneisses imperceptibly grade into leptynitic gneiss/ genesis of the patchy charnockites.1 Ga) thermal rejuvenations are khondalites are high-grade equivalents of a deeply other notable features of this segment (Sarkar et al.6 ± 0. as in quartzite. These schists and noted on granite-gneiss-migmatitic rocks. Subba Rao et al.and garnet-bearing siliceous (charnockite). rock type in the EGMB. Nanda and Pati (1998) envisaged ‘C’ –type minor but significant lithologic component of the group. The intimately associated Sarkar and Nanda. 30(III) 17 Pan-African (0.. visit: grvmalaikalam. In some parts of EGMB in sillimanite-graphite schist/gneiss. assemblages. Graphite sometimes Odisha. A useful term for regional Sarkar et al. manganiferous quartzite. coined by Walker (1902) to collectively denote a rock granodioritic (charno-enderbite). Dobmeier. These rocks form large linear massif as in the used to collectively denote the high-grade Western Charnockite Zone of the belt. 1994 b). 1993). Meta-ultramafic Mesoproterozoic Sm-Nd whole-rock isochron age (ca. undersaturated nepheline- types of gneisses are noted.. In all the occurrences. the mafic granulites from Odisha show partial melting events. The rock Ghats in Odisha. 2002). sector. 1994 a). have been dated by Sm-Nd whole-rock isochron method Bhattacharya et al.4 Ga) for some leptynitic rocks of Rayagada 18 GEOL. The second type of gneisses are strongly intrusions are tectonically controlled and follow the . Shaw et al... cit). (1997) 5. Das and Acharya. Sarkar granitic rocks and granitoids have been dated and belong et al. hornblende-biotite bearing bearing syenites constitute the most dominant rock granitic gneisses with garnet and hypersthene (resulting member. contents and andesitic chemistry represent a relatively 1989. (2001) (Ion Microprobe) 8. 1994 a.. Rairakhol (Panda et al.. index consistently <1). Sarkar et al.. Sahu. Chilka Lake Ca. (2000) 207 7. occupy large tracts of the Eastern rocks have been reported (Rath et al.. 1997). 1996). Episodic generation of charnockitic rocks in Odisha sector of EGMB (modified after Sarkar et al. concordant masses within khondalite and charnockite suite of rocks and are generally more abundantly Several Alkaline Plutonic rocks / complexes are distributed in the Western Charnockite Zone of the belt reported to occur as intrusives in the EGMB of Odisha (Nanda and Pati. 1997). Rayagada ca. 1964. are noted in several parts of geochemical affinity with island arc or MORB tholeiites EGMB in Odisha. 1000 -do. Riamal 2743 ± 103 -do. Rengali 2735 44 -do. Sankarda granite: 1000 Ma. granites: ca. op. next to khondalitic and in Deogarh District. Sarkar et al.. IND Table – 4. 1998 and references therein).. Chilka lake: 913 Ma. 1.. 800 Ma. thermal events (Halden et al. These are the most dominant lithology assemblages in the alkaline complexes are given in in the Central Migmatite Zone of the belt. Sarkar et al. Nanda and Pati. 1992.. 1000 Rb-Sr WRI Shaw et al.. Sarkar et al. Madhavan and Gondwana Supergroup of rocks near Kiakata in Angul Khurram. Paul et al. 1994. These intrusives are characteristically confined Unmetamorphosed spinel-Iherzolite and olivine-bearing along the western and northern peripheral zones... Jenapore 2814 – 3044 Pb-206Pb (Zircon) Bhattacharya et al. Tikri 970 ± 30 Rb-Sr WRI Sarkar and Nanda (1994) 4.. Field are ubiquitous in the EGMB. 1908.. Sarkar. 1994. websterite bodies are reported to intrude mafic granulites Koraput (Walker. Kankarakhol – Lodhajhari (Rath et al. Phulbani ca.. Ludu Ludi migmatitic minor but significant component in the belt (Crookshank. Khariar close to the interface between the EGMB and the (Srinivasachari and Balakrishnan. (1997) reported at ca. 1982.46 Ga (Shaw et al. In Migmatite Group : Migmatite Group consisting of the 32 km-long arcuate Kankarakhol – Lodhajhari belt. viz. Aftalion et al. 1970). SURV. 1973. Harbhangi migmatitic gneiss: ca. 1938. 1998). district (Patra et al. Several occurrences of migmatitic (Bowes and Dash. (2000) 6. 1989). 19 small isolated masses of alkaline charnockitic rocks.blogspot. (1989) 2. Angul ca. (1990) 3. Sarkar et al. from the migmatisation of earlier orthogneisses and charnockitic rocks) and garnetiferous quartzofeldspathic The alkali syenite rocks are miaskitic (with agpaitic gneisses with biotite and sillimanite (leptynitic para. Two major Table-5. boudinaged.1000 U/Th-Pb (zircon) Aftalion et al.. 1989).. developed in response to major composition.. Bose. Mafic granulites of Rayagada area 880 Ma. The emplacements of the gneiss). Baradangua (Bhattacharya. visit: grvmalaikalam. Bhattacharya et al. migmatitic garnetiferous granitic gneisses and siliceous located along the northern marginal zone of the EGMB granulites (leptynites). 1000 -do. rocks generally occur as highly deformed. These generally occur as relations and structural studies suggest several linear concordant masses within the khondalitic and generations of granitic leucosomes in the belt are charnockitic suite of rocks and are regarded by most generated by partial melting of pelitic rocks during major workers as mafic sills/dykes and flows (Sarkar and Paul. 1. 1994). (2002) Two-pyroxene bearing mafic granulites (± garnet) peraluminous and has strong S-type affinity. Generally tholeiitic in S-type granite plutons. 2000) Occurrences Age (Ma) Method Reference 1.. Granulites having intermediate silica to Neoproterozoic (Angul: 956-1159 Ma. 1976.. 1966. the supracrustal rocks of the Iron derivation from mantle-derived melts. Madhavan amphibole. shonkinite.70347 imply their Domains : In the EIC. reclined F2 folds are also reported. 1981). Baradangua Nepheline syenite (Biotite) Bhattacharya (1964). Rairakhol Nepheline syenite (hornblende and/or biotite). (1998) 3. De. km. malignite. 1998) syenite.. Mazumder (1978) studied the satellite (Bhattacharya and De. Bose (1970) nepheline syenite (amphibole and/or biotite). 1999). (1994 d) 1500 ± 3-4 (U-Pb zircon) Aftalion et al. 1970). The first folds are preserved only (Sarkar and Paul. 1972. Isotopic age data on the alkaline rock complexes.70286 – 0..70347 Sarkar et al. complexes (ca. PUB. Nanda and Panda.. alkali granite 5.. Koraput (Bose. Available isotopic age data on Recent U-Pb dating studies indicate Neoproterozoic the alkaline complexes in the Odisha sector of the EGMB ages for the Chilka Lake (ca. Daitari as well as Malaygiri sequences also show Maji et al. generations of folds are highly appressed. Odisha sector.. Turkel (Chatterjee. to inclined. imageries and aerial photographs and suggested the Bandpari (Sinha Roy and Bandopadhyay. Sahu (1976). essexite.. biotite syenite. Bolangir the Gorumahisani – Badampahar belt. NO. quartz-syenite) 4. the first two Complex (Tak.. Kankrakhol – Lodhajhari Hornblende syenite. In the Kundru (Sinha Roy and Bandopadhyay. 1969. Das and Acharya (1997) 3. are coaxial. calc-alkali syenite. amphibole. Khariar Gabbro. The rock assemblages in the anorthositic suites superposition of F3 cross folds (with NNE-SSW to N-S are given in Table-7. 1973. The Tomka – Bhattacharya et al... Alkaline complexes Age (Ma) and method References 1. 1972. pyroxene+ (1973). ISr:0. 1967). 1964). 1967) and Deogarh belt to be a highly deformed segment. 1998).. whose axial traces run WNW-ESE to E-W. 1998). Sahu (1980). The low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the alkaline rock Structure and Metamorphism of Precambrian suites (ISr) ranging from 0. Koraput Alkali gabbro. trending axis) on earlier folds have given rise to doubly plunging structures in the belt. as rootless intrafolial folds.Mitra and Basu Bandopadhyay. 30(III) 19 Table – 5.blogspot. Rairakhol 1413 ± 23 (Rb-Sr WRI). Walker (1908). Of the Deogarh sequence. 1965. Alkaline complexes in the Odisha sector of the EGMB Alkaline complexes Rock assemblages References 1. (1989) 2. 1998). Koraput 856 ± 18 (Rb-Sr WRI *). biotite) and Khurram (1989) major lineament zones. (1993. Panda et al. Jugsaipatna (Sinha Roy and superposed folding (Banerjee. The first and second- generation folds.70330 Sarkar et al. perthite syenite. the Chilka Lake and Bolangir complexes of folding. hornblende Rath et al. Angul Mallick.. 1990). 1986. the interference of first two phases above. 1997). visit: grvmalaikalam. ISr:0. The sq. reported from Odisha MISC. Khariar 1436 ± 58 (Rb-Sr WRI *). (1994 c) . (1998) -biotite syenite and nepheline syenite (hornblende and/or biotite) 2. Available age data Ore Supergroup show evidences of at least three phases suggest episodic generation of alkaline rocks in the belt of deformation (F1-F3). The Various occurrences of massif-type anorthosite F2 folds are reported to vary in geometry from upright complexes of the EGMB. Table – 6. 870 Ma) (Krause et al.70286 Sarkar et al.. EGMB. represent major intrusions and cover more than 1000 have generated hook-shaped interference patterns. Srinivaschari and Balakrishnan nepheline syenite (pyroxene. ISr:0. In 1960. in most of the areas. The F3 are represented by the Chilka Lake complex (Perraju. Mukherjee et al. 780 Ma) and Bolangir are given in Table-6. cross folds are generally represented by open warps. Sarkar et al. km) Norite – leuconorite – noritic anorthosite – anorthosite. (1998) 3. with easterly or westerly plunging axis are superposed This shear probably extends into Mayurbhanj District on F1/F2.blogspot. Chilka Lake Complex Anorthosite – leuconorite-norite – minor jotunite Sarkar et al.. In most of the areas. The are isoclinal with low plunge trending in NNE and southern margin of this mobile belt in Singhbhum westerly dipping axial planes. Mapping in western Gangpur has delineated a major shear zone. (1981) (>1200 sq. 1998. Bolangir (~ 1000 sq. visit: grvmalaikalam. Koraput (1. km) Anorthosite – leuconorite – ferrodiorite Maji et al.. Halden et al.5 km x 0. IND Table – 7 Massif-type anorthosite occurrences in the Odisha sector of the EGMB Alkaline complexes Rock assemblages References 1. et al. 1982. 2000). F2 folds have The Singhbhum – Gangpur mobile belt. F3 open folds. is The regional trend in the EGMB is dominantly NE-SW marked by linear belt of pink granitic rocks and in the southwestern part (Koraput District). 1994. folding both in the older supracrustal Gorumahisani – Badampahar Group and overlying younger Upper Bonai EGMB bears signatures of polyphase deformation sequences. 1981. The first phase of folding defines a northerly plunging open F3 synformal structure... km) Anorthosite – leuconorite – ferrodiorite Bhattacharya et al. F2 folds. Singhbhum Shear Zone or Copper Belt Thrust zone.. The second-generation (F2) folds are developed on a regional scale.. Mahalik. 1994. 1998). The interference of F2 and F3 produced dome of Odisha with lesser intensity where it is seen as several and basin structures. Nanda and Panda (1999) late dykes of websterite 5. represent the western or southwestern extension of the Ramachandran and Raju (1982) recorded superposed Singhbhum Shear Zone. which might In the area to the west of Bonai Granite batholith. Sarkar et al. are upright to inclined open folds. SURV. Jugsaipatna (30 sq. disposed gneissosity/schistosity (S1) axial planar to the first folds. southeast. which migmatites with several zones of dislocation and gradually changes to N-S in the western part (Kalahandi ductile shearing and rotation of structural trends in District) and then to ENE-WSW through NE-SW in the both the domains (Banerjee et al. which developed due to near coaxial refolding of early F1 folds ... Bandpari Anorthosite – leuconorite – norite Sinha Roy and Bandopadhyay (1967) 8. nearly coaxial district. Three phases of three phases of folding in the sequence (F1-F3). Jharkhand. The younger Upper Bonai sequence in the area and high-grade metamorphism. The grade of metamorphism appears to be marginally Bhattacharya et al. is marked by the high-strain with F1. Rath et al. The higher along the southern parts of the craton.. Angul (~ 10 sq.The regional structural trend of the EGMB is defined by the contact zone between EIC and EGMB. has polyphase basin is a low-plunging synclinorium overturned towards deformational and metamorphic history (Banerjee. first folds (Sarkar et al.2 km) Anorthosite – leuconorite – gabbro(diorite) and late Bose (1970) ultramafic rocks 7. 1996. parallel N-S trending faults/shears.. (F1) is observed mainly as tightly appressed isoclinal rootless intrafolial folds on bedding (So) in metapelitic The supracrustal rocks of the EIC show rocks with the development of a strong and pervasive metamorphic mineral assemblages symptomatic of secondary metamorphic foliation (S1) axial planar to the green-schist to amphibolite-facies metamorphism. 1987. Chaudhuri and Pal. Moitra. (1997) 4. broadly along Gohira – Sukinda shear/thrust belt. km) Anorthosite – leuconorite De (1969) 6. 1977). Kundru (~ 1sq. F1 folds penetrative folding characterize this mobile 20 GEOL. km) and quartz mangerite 2. Turkel (81sq. km) Olivine norite – leuconorite – anorthosite Sinha Roy and Bandopadhyay (1967) The regional structure of the Bonai – Kendujhar borders the EIC to the north. 1994. Biswal et al.. Chatterjee and Mukherjee (1981) recognized 1968. Bhattacharya northern part. Shaw and Arima (1998) reported Several major brittle to brittle-ductile shear belts corundum-quartz assemblages in iron-rich metapelites dissect the EGMB in the Odisha segment (Moharana. 2000. 1999. Mahalik. 1998. records ultra-high temperature The third generation folds (F3) show varying attitude (UHT) metamorphism (~ 950oC) at appreciably high and geometry.. – 9. 2002). 1998).. reported UHT metamorphism (1100oC. 8.(3) ENE-WSW trending Aska – Taptapani. 1998. PUB. ductile shear zone (Lakhna Shear high angular relation between F1 and F2 axes leading Zone) between the EGMB and the Bastar craton in to the development of arrowhead interference patterns. Biswal and Jena (1999) delineated a 2 km-wide. path of Rayagada area is inferred to be characterized by Bhanjanagar. 1995 for a summary). 1990.(4) N-S trending Tel. ~ 10. However. 1995. From Rayagada MISC. 1996. Prominent spinel bearing metapelites. at some places along the metamorphism in the central segment of the EGMB marginal zones. quartz ribbons and several workers (Sarkar et al. activity and abrupt changes in bouger anomaly. Sarkar and Paul. which define the eastern interference of F1 and F2 folds resulted in the formation boundaries of Meso-Neoproterozoic platformal of hook-shaped fold interference patterns and are sediments. 1994). 1994..The boundary between EGMB and Bastar reported from many parts of the belt (Sarkar et al... Angul – ~8 to 6. EGMB. 2000). suggesting extreme high P-T conditions (~ 1100oC. ~ 1982. (1998) described mesoscopic F2 folds with extreme Biswal and Jena. 2000)... 30(III) 21 so that the axial planes of F2 folds (S2) are parallel to Several major fault/shear zones dissect the cratonic the axial planes of F1 folds (S1) (S1//S2). The the style and geometry of the F2 folds are different and contrasting structural styles and intensity in the grade shows angular in relations with F 1 folds. (1994) and Biswal and Jena (1999) envisaged a zones. NO. the peak metamorphism among these are: (1) NE-SW trending: Sonepur – condition of second phase of metamorphism (950oC. Chilka Lake. Bhattacharya et intergranular faults are noted along this shear zone. Chetty and Murthy. Ramakrishnan et al. Available field and P- cleavage (Sarkar et al. Bhattacharya et al. Sarkar et al. Several faults are 1981.. Bhattacharya et al.. in general. F 2 fold axes show steep plunges implying thrusted contact between the EGMB and the Bastar rotation of F2 folds by progressive simple shear. Along the marginal zones. Gohira... 1981. Bolangir and Kalahandi districts of Odisha.0 kbar) is reported to be followed by near isobaric Digapahandi and Rairakhol – Pentabahal – cooling to 800oC and subsequent decompression from Kankarakhol. 1994. Rath al.. . Dome and basin interference patterns have resulted due to interference of F2 and F3 From Chilka Lake area of Odisha. Kar (1995) reported southeasterly dipping. alkaline igneous Bhattacharya et al.. visit: grvmalaikalam. planes of F2 folds.5 kbar (Shaw and Arima. 1998).(2) E-W trending: Mahanadi. two decompression segments connected by an Nagavali and (5) NNW-SSE trending Vamsadhara. In the of metamorphism across the Bastar craton-EGMB northwestern marginal zones of the belt.. Dasgupta. The overall P-T Dhenkanal. fabric along which ductile shearing has taken place 1998). pseudotachylites parallel to S2 have been noted by asymmetric porphyroclasts. Major shear zones include transposition of S1 foliation planes by axial planar S2 the E-W trending Ong Shear Zone and the ENE-WSW fabric is a common feature in the belt (Sarkar et al.7 Koraput – Kolab – Machkund – (Sileru). Biswal et al. intermediate cooling segment (Shaw and Arima. 13 kbar) of possible first-phase metamorphism.5 kbar). where the khondalites of EGMB sheath fold in the Lathore area of western Odisha to form ‘nappe’-like sheets over-ridding the cratonic progressive heterogenous simple shear along axial gneisses. Craton is marked by shear zones. cataclasites and developed quartzo-feldspathic mylonites with S-C fabric. Bhattacharya. trending Ib-Mahanadi Shear Zone. 1994.. contact zone are well documented (Rath et al. mylonitic fabric. S3 represents the dominant structural (Sengupta et al. Well Axial plane shears.blogspot. 1981. The axial planar structure related to F3 pressure (8-9 kbar) for peak metamorphic conditions (see folds is developed only locally as fracture / shear Dasgupta. Biswal et al. (Gupta et al. cratonic domain in the Khariar-Paikmal-Padampur area Biswal et al. 1997). 1994).. (1998) attributed development of F2 of Western Odisha. T-t data suggest two periods of high-grade Biswal et al.. Gupta et al. Tikra. Pervasive domain in western Odisha. Close to such shear et al. . 1981... non-cylindrical shape suggestive of sheath-type folds. In the northern marginal zones. In the 1998. The mutual noted in the segment.. Sen et al. (1995) folds. is considered to be a product of Wilson-cycle of two generations of BIF-bearing metasupracrustal processes culminating in continent – continent collision sequences (Iron Ore Supergroup) in the EIC. spanning belt). The volcanosedimentary supracrustal metamorphosed and synkinematically intruded by Older assemblages of the mobile zone underwent a major Metamorphic tonalitic-granodioritic gneisses followed tectonothermal event in the Mesoproterozoic (ca. visit: grvmalaikalam. predate intrusion Banerjee. Sarkar. parts of a and Early Neoproterozoic. – Badampahar Group of supracrustals.1 ± 0. The nature of rock assemblages in by southerly-directed subduction (Bose and Chakrabarti. Neoproterozoic (0. volcanosedimentary successions belonging to Upper .6 ± 0. Moitra. 22 GEOL. 1998).blogspot. represented by Gorumahisani (Banerjee et al. have been modeled variously involving Wilson cycle processes in part or The Bastar and Eastern Indian Cratons presumably full.6 ±0.. 1999. the craton. high-grade Neo Archaean – Pan-African Mobile Belt (EGMB) and a medium-grade Palaeoproterozoic – The lithotectonic and metamorphic evolution of the Neoproterozoic mobile belt (the Singhbhum – Gangpur Singhbhum – Gangpur Mobile Belt. UHT metamorphism (900-950oC) at Bonai Group. 1.5-7. with distinct geochemical signatures. by the Mahanadi rift.6 by several phases of granitic intrusions (at least three) Ga) followed by rejuvenation at 1. rifting and ensialic derivation from a mixed provenance comprising some orogenesis (Gupta et al. 1980).1 Ga) (Sarkar and Paul. 1998. This sequence appears to post-date ±0. 3. intraplate subduction of EIC along southern constituted a continuous cratonic domain. of the EIC is marked by development of silicic volcano- plutonic and plutonic assemblages specially along Precambrian Crustal Evolution : The Precambrian western and southern margins. The initial cratonisation of the Archean nucleus at ca. Palaeoproterozoic – Neoproterozoic. Biswal and Jena. 1977). The African (0. these Mesoarchaean supracrustal sequences indicates 1981) and intracratonic extension. 2000).1 Multiple episodes of tectonothermal activity. Bastar craton and the mobile zone crust relatively older sequence. 1994.1 Ga. The basement on which these data of Singhbhum – Gangpur Mobile Belt suggest basin sequences were deposited remains unknown. Neo Archaean cratonic nuclei (Eastern Indian Craton affected the cratonic domain between Palaeoproterozoic and eastern marginal part of Bastar Craton). of extensive Late-Mesoarchaean granitic activity and can 1999. 2002). The oldest metasupracrustal rocks microcontinental collision between ‘Singhbhum of the cratonic domains are represented by OMG in the microplate’ and the ‘Chhotonagpur microplate’ (Sarkar. 750oC followed by near isobaric cooling is supracrustal evolution of the Lower Bonai Group. 3. The involving EIC. be considered to have a minimum age of ca. back-arc marginal basin tectonics accompanied the Bastar Craton. The supracrustal evolution of the relatively From the available isotopic age data.2 Ga). five major events younger BIF-bearing sequence (Lower Bonai Group) in the Precambrian crustal evolution history of the was accompanied with or followed by crustal EGMB can be envisaged. Ga appears to have been accompanied by ultramafic granitisation and crustal reworking and episodic mafic intrusions (with gabbro-anorthositic components) igeneous activity in the EGMB have caused obliteration and further granitic activity along peripheral parts of of stratigraphic relations in the granulite assemblages. viz.95 ±0.5 appear to have developed immediately after the kbar at ca. represented by components of the Singhbhum – Bonai – Kaptipada granite batholiths.45 volcanism... Neoarchaean (2. Several phases of mafic crustal mosaic of Odisha comprises Mesoarchaean to dyke activity.0 ± 0. IND 1997 and 1998). Bhattacharya. 1997.15 Ga) and Pan- voluminous granitic activity of Late-Mesoarchaean.3 Ga. The EGMB. viz. with its prolonged tectonomagmatic and metamorphic history spanning Neoarchaean to Pan- Available evidences strongly suggest the existence African. The reported from western marginal zones of EGMB in Neoarchaean – Palaeoproterozoic evolutionary history Odisha (Neogi et al.2 Ga)... Mesoproterozoic (1. subsequent decompression down to 6. Biswal et al. Available isotopic age sialic components.. now isolated margin of the mobile belt (Sarkar and Saha.2). Eastern Indian Craton and the Sukma Supracrustals of 1982). Gupta et al. SURV. Dhanjori Group and Simlipal Group ca. 10 kbar. These initiation at craton-margin in the Early earliest metasupracrustals in the EIC were Palaeoproterozoic. 1987. downsagging and rifting causing extensive mafic Palaeoproterozoic (2. 30(III) 23 It must be stressed that our understanding of the While the Lower Gondwana rocks are a vast complex tectonostratigraphic relationships between repository of coal. Cuttack. Glacio. hornblende gneiss. The lithounits comprise tillite. The Jain caves at Khandagiri and Udaigiri. Scotese. phyllite and amphibolite. These rocks. The boulders frequently show facets and striae of glacial origin. Palaeozoic-Mesozoic conglomerate. sandstone with rare shale and coal bands. In the above pre-drift segment of the Lower Gondwana basin within the continental configuration. These sediments. rythmite and turbidite. Sambalpur. The Barakar Formation. of glacial and periglacial deposits. PUB. visit: grvmalaikalam. is defined by the Talchir mobile belt in the north. comprises more than 325 m thick coal deposits. been used in the construction of Lord Jagannath temple cratonic entities on the other. Meghalaya plateau (Harris. The Eastern Indian granulites. Chhatarpur in the districts of Angul. the EGMB was juxtaposed Mahanadi graben. sandwitched between the EGMB in the south base of the Gondwana sequence. expose at the top. medium to coarse basins along faulted troughs over the Precambrian grained sandstone.. Baudh. Three major basins (Talchir. located near Bhubaneswar.415 sq. the Upper Gondwana sandstones have cratonic and mobile belt domains on one hand and intra. Athmalik. Belt (in which the Singhbhum – Gangpur mobile zone defines the southern part) is inferred to have been a The Lower Gondwana rocks of the Talchir Basin continuation of the Albani mobile belt of southwestern rest unconformably on the Precambrian basement Australia through the reworked granite-gneiss terrain of comprising granitoids. which comprises more than 325 m thick pile cratonic terrains of southern Southwestern Australia. Phulbani. coal at the base and a succession of pale greenish Gaisilat. 1987). Panchet . In Odisha. the basal most unit of this formation constitutes a conspicuous and characteristic datum line in the geology Gondwana Supergroup of India. greenish shale and and a number of small patches (outliers) at Katiringia. bands and ferruginous coarse-grained pebbly sandstone Bolangir. basement. Lingaraj temple at Bhubaneswar and partly the has only started to crystallize. having a thickness of more than Gondwana rocks in the state.blogspot. which conformably plant remains of Glossopteris – Gangamopteris and vast overlies the Karharbari. Sundargarh. and thick coal seams with a oligomictic conglomerate Gondwana rocks are exposed over an area of 12. were designated as Gondwanas by pile of medium to fine grained feldspathic sandstone Medlicott (1872) and Fiestmantel (1876). Ib river and Athgarh) greenish grey bioturbated MISC. at the base. The Gondwana rocks in the State is presented in Table – 8 Mahanadi Graben has been inferred to be the continuation of the Phanerozoic Lambert rift of East Talchir Basin : It constitutes the southernmost Antartica (Fedorov et al. 250 m. can be correlated with the Formation. 1982). were previously classified as Raniganj. purple clay Dhenkanal. The Talchir boulder bed. NO. Sun Temple at Konark. Bounded by latitude 20o53’ – 21o12’ against the Rayner Complex of East Antarctica (Grew N and longitude 84o24’ – 85o23’ E. pale brownish yellow. The Satpura Mobile of over 1800 km sq. Odisha since the deposition of the Vindhyan rocks and their uplift was broken towards the end of the Palaeozoic The Talchir Formation is conformably overlain by Era (Upper Carboniferous – Early Permian). leptynite. Puri and Ganjam. 2-270m thick Karharbari Formation that comprises lacustrine and fluvial sediments were deposited in linear massive. mica schist. 1986. The Barakar rocks are conformably overlain km along a NW – SE trending linear belt in the Mahanadi by a sequence of fine to medium grained light grey to valley. The Craton. shale. have also been In the pre-drift continental assembly (Lawver and carved out of these sandstones. fine to medium grained greenish A profound hiatus in the stratigraphic record of sandstone. the Indian land mass was joined with (i) East Antartica along its present-day east coast and (ii) The generalized lithostratigraphic succession of the southern Southwestern Australia in the along the and Singhbhum – Gangpur segment of the Satpura southern margin of the basin. 1995). is far from complete and at Puri. characterized by fluvial assemblages of interbedded sandstone-shale sequence. it occupies an area and Manton. Yoshida. shale and some superior quality coal. 1994). carbonaceous River Basin. Greycarbonaceous ? carbonaceous shale and sandstone. the Ib River o upwards into 350-500 m thick Barakar Formation. multistoried thick coal seams sandstone. These sediments are rich basement. ? interbedded sandstone-shale with minor coal and phosphatic claystone bands in the lower part Late Permian Barren Measures Very coarse to coarse and Dark. fine clay. arkose. Sandstone. with intercalations of grey phosphatic bands and shale. ironstone bands and thin impersistent bands of sandstone with dispersed clasts. fine to coarse grained sandstone. . Vertebraria Indica and Sphenopteris pegmatite and quartz veins. minor coal bands. IND Table – 8. arkose. greyish carbonaceous sandstone and thin coal layers.blogspot. Conglomerate. shale. and pebbly sandstone red shale Late Permian Raniganj ? Cross laminated sandstone. visit: grvmalaikalam. conglomerates. SURV. clay grey feldspathic sandstone – iron stone bands. shales. lenses and shreds nodules in the upper part of chocolate and reddish brown clay and clay- ironstone nodules Early Permian Barakar Conglomerate. In this basin. Schizoneura gneiss. There is only one coal seam (the Ib Ib River Basin : Lying between latitude 21o30’ – Seam) as such. amphibolite. fireclay ? carbonaceous shale and and thick coal seams thick coal seams Early Permian Karharbari 24 GEOL. The Karharbari Formation (30-125 m thick) conformably overlies the The Barren Measures grade into the overlying 180- . fine ? medium grained greenish grained sandstone. Sandstone. Lithostratigraphic succession of Gondwana sequences in Odisha Age Formation Talchir Basin Ib river Basin Athgarh Basin Early Athgarh . the Gondwana conglomerate. The Karharbari Formation grades 22 14’ N and longitude 83o32’ – 84o10’ E. Cretaceous shale. sandstones and Carboniferous shales and varves rhythmites — ——————————————————————— Unconformity ——————————————————————— — Precambrian basement and Mahadeva Formations and are now redesignated as Talchir Formation and comprises medium to coarse- Kamthi Formation. diamictites. pink clay bedded sandstone. shale. chocolate shale and rhythmite. Glossopteris Indica. viz. constitutes comprises white coloured fine to coarse-grained that part of the Upper Mahanadi valley basin which is feldspathic sandstone with bands and lenses of included in Odisha. It Basin. The sequence comprises conglomerate. shale. basalt and intertrappeans Early Triassic Kamthi Medium grained light Very coarse to coarse ? grey ferruginous grained pebbly cross- sandstone. the latter comprising migmatitic granitic in plant fossils. greenish Shale with dropstone to Late greenish sandstones. medium to coarse grained greenish clay. covering an area of nearly 1460 sq. coal seams Early Permian Talchir Tilites. etc. laminated greenish and phosphatic rocks towards the top. grey shale. carbonaceous shale and sediments unconformably overlie the Precambrian relatively thick coal grained sandstone.. schist and quartzite traversed by Gondwanensis. The Talchir Formation (~ 130 m thick) crops out The 250-300 m thick Barren Measures sequence as a continuous strip in the southwestern part and as conformably overlying the Barakar Formation are isolated small patches in the northern part of the Ib characterized by grey to dark grey shale. Some closure to the east (Raja Rao. varying in low-angle northerly dips with local reversals in isolated thickness from 50-150 m. These flows are thus of the Puri canal. Further upstream along appears to be contemporaneous with the Rajmahal the right bank. Dicrodium. The Early Cretaceous Athgarh Sandstone is the fold closure to WNW-ESE in the south of the exposed in the eastern margin of the Mahanadi valley. Talchir Basin defines plant fossil assemblage comprising Vertebraria. Palaeocene component. basin defines a synclinal structure on a NW-SE axis with a broad closure in the southeastern part. 3-4 m thick. mostly over Barakar (Himagiri) sub-basin in the northwest. PUB. The general strike Resting disconformably on the Raniganj Formation of the Gondwana sediments is mainly E-W with uniform are the rocks of the Kamthi Formation. mafic dykes traverse equivalents of the basaltic rocks at Naraj. has been recorded in the lower part of the Kamthi Formation.. 1976). shale with dropstone of Talchir Formation. North of Cuttack. Fossils of filicales and coniferales have been found by an interbedded sequence of medium to fine grained in the red clay. Small patches of laterite.blogspot. 1986). Three sets profusely cross bedded coarse grained sandstone with of intrabasinal faults trending E-W. Raniganjensis etc. Glossopteris. or locally. Recently. The strike Athgarh Basin : The Athgarh Basin covers about of the bed veers from NW-SE in the Himgir sub-basin 800 sq. The assemblage corresponds to Early Cretaceous succession is given in Table – 9. The rocks are affected by two sets with minor shale. The Rampur sub- Formation and Barren Measures. The flows from the Mahanadi onshore the river level below the temple. unconformably overlies the of intrabasinal faults trending NW-SE and NE-SW. The beds dip at very low angle towards The basal unit. seams of 1. the Rampur sub-basin in the south and the Himgir are locally seen within the Ib Basin. patches in the northeastern part of the and exposes mainly the Upper Gondwana and northern part of the Rampur sub-basin to N-S near rocks. 109 Ma (Agarwal and Rama. The Gondwana- phosphatic claystone bands are seen in the lower part of Precambrian boundary in the north is marked by a series the Raniganj Formation.0 – 7. 1998). basaltic flows with thin intertrappean Traps and have been tentatively assigned Aptian age sediments are exposed near the weir at Naraj at the head (Acharya and Lahiri. the basaltic flows non-conformably underlies marine Palaeocene or Eocene sediments and The Athgarh Sandstone contains an assemblage of reach a thickness of about 800 m (Jagannathan et al.40 m thicknesses. In the (Agrawal and MISC. These include conglomerate. a northwesterly plunging synclinal structure with a Schizoneura. synclinal axis. NO. The mafic intrusions at Naraj intrude the Athgarh Sandstone and have been dated have been dated at 109 ± 26 Ma by K-Ar method at ca. shale and three to five coal definitely identified as “Rajmahal Species”. a ESE are recorded in the Talchir Basin. the Ib River Basin can be subdivided into igneous activity. 1976). The Ib River Basin is conspicuously free from Structurally. megaflora of Upper Gondwana affinity and also includes 1983. which the carbonaceous rocks. 1975.. offshore area. 1982). viz. Some of the filicales fossils have been cross laminated sandstone. The brownish shale towards the top of this formation has yielded excellent Structure : On a regional scale. The suggested stratigraphic 1988). typical Triasic plant fossil. of WNW-ESE trending faults that closely follow the alignment of the Mahanadi valley rift. . basaltic flows and intertrappen sediments are The carbonaceous shale also overlies a basaltic flow at reported. visit: grvmalaikalam. Baishya et al. basaltic section from offshore Mahanadi basin Imperdecispora and Podosporites from Sidheswar and possibly includes an older Aptian and a younger other areas (Maheswari. 30(III) 25 200 m thick Raniganj Formation which is characterized age. On the right bank of the Mahanadi River near Naraj. at places. basin. NE-SW and WNW- clasts of clay and pinkish to reddish shale. comprising a thick sequence of sandstone southwest and west. Singh and Venkatachala. It is believed that the thick Onychiopsis and palynofloral elements.. Precambrian khondalite and gneiss. The southern boundary of the Ib River Basin is defined by a major NW-SE trending lineament. the sandstone is Late Cretaceous Volcanics and Sediments succeeded by a thick sequence of carbonaceous and dark In the onshore and offshore parts of the Mahanadi grey shale over which the Sidheswar temple is situated. Shoreoxylon.5 – 5. 1990). granite gneisses Cainozoic Formations index fossil of Lower Miocene).. Cainozoic rocks. fauna. and Gupta. Recently one pit of about 7 m depth was excavated Tertiary Formations near Batakata village (21o51’ N : 86o43’ E) on the Baripada Beds : Surface outcrops of Tertiary Burhabalang River bed.3 – 1.5m Beds Yellowish brown fossiliferous limestone 0. 1971). 1956. 26 GEOL. These sediments contain rich town on the bed of the Burhabalang River. loose calcareous and N : 86o44’ E). 1981) and presence of forminifera Orbulina subsurface deposits in the offshore areas. and Dev.2 km south of Baripada descending order. cover an area of 30. 381sq. It was first reported brownish yellow Coquini beds are found to occur in by Bose in 1904 from Molia. Generalised stratigraphy of Mahanadi basin (Coastal belt and offshore) Age Formation/lithology Thickness (m) Palaeocene to Basalt with clay-stone interbeds (coastal belt and offshore) 240 (800 in offshore) Maestrichtian Aptian to Neocomian Basalt and intertrappean beds Black and carbonaceous shale. ostracode etc. Lithostratigraphy of exposed section of Baripada Beds Alluvium ——————Unconformity———————————— Quaternary Laterite and Gravel beds ——————Unconformity———————————— 4. Vredenburg – dip of 4-5o has been inferred by Bharali et al. Sahni and Mehrotra. 10050-650 basalt flow near base in outcrop Athgarh Sandstone and shale 400-1300 ————Unconformity————- Early Permian (?) Shale with dropstones ————Unconformity————- Precambrian Khondalites. The Baripada microfaunal assemblages suggesting Early to Middle sediments are horizontal to subhorizontal and comprises Miocene age and coastal facies deposited in open sea alternate sets of stratified clay and sand with conditions (Bandopadhyay and Datta. Bhalla Tertiary (65 – 2 Ma) and Quaternary (2 Ma – Recent). SURV. IND Table – 9. A considerable thickness of age not older than Upper Burdigalian (Sahni and Tertiary and Quaternary formations also occurs as Mehrotra. 3. elasmobranch microvertebrate earth’s history and is divisible into two periods.0 – 10. fragmentary remains of The Cainozoic Era comprises the last 65 Ma of Palmoxylon. soil and Baripada Beds thus appear to be deposited in course of occasional marly clay or limestone interbands (Pattnaik a deep landward Early Miocene transgression. suturalis indicates Upper Burdigallian to Helvetian age.5 m Baripada Greyish and bluish white shale 6. visit: grvmalaikalam. km The elasmobranch fauna. The lithostratigraphy of the exposed section of the sequence in the Burhabalang River near Subsurface Tertiary Formations: In the onshore area. over a radius of 8 km.. ferruginous grit. (Sharma. 1981). viz. the Baripada Beds continue below the extensive Quaternary cover. (Crassostrea Gajensis. In the pit section below the formations are restricted around Baripada town (21o56’ exposed argillaceous limestone.5 m Greyish-green shale (carbonaceous in the upper part) Base not exposed . 1974. Extension of the Baripada Beds below the Significant fossils reported from the Baripada Beds Quaternary cover southward upto south of Balasore with a include Ostrea sp. particularly the presence in the State and are recorded largely along the coastal of Carcharodon carcharia in the limestone. The semiconsolidated clay. indicate an tracts and river basins.blogspot. overwhelmingly dominated by Quaternary formations. (1991) from Table 10. Usurdihi and Mukunmatia is given in Table – 10. siltstone. In of Quaternary sediments is recorded from Chandbali area Mayurbhanj. NO. occur on the plateau and Quaternary sediments (including volcanic ash beds). metabasic rocks. Early Paleocene Grey. shale/sandstone. shale Progressional deltaic to deep inner 576 with interbedded sandstone shelf to bathyal and limestone ————————————————————————— Unconformity ————————————————————————— Eocene Dark grey to buff massive Inner to deep marine shelf. Quaternary sediments are confined along river valleys.. viz. deltaic. BIF-bearing low grade supracrustals. ————————————————————————— Unconformity ————————————————————————— Oligocene Claystone. shale. lagoonal. a (1998) (Table-11). Gondwana sediments and Quaternary The low level laterite occurs in the coastal tract over . fluvial.and low-level laterite cappings. siltstone. Generalised Stratigraphy of Odisha Offshore Basin Age Lithology Environment Maximum thickness encountered in wells (m) Recent to Clay. shale Progressional deltaic to deep 1903 with interbedded sandstone inner shelf. Keonjhar and Sundargarh districts.The by Oil India Ltd. calcareous shale with Deltaic/shallow marine 198 interbeds of glauconitic sandstone ————————————————————————— Unconformity ————————————————————————— Upper Fine grained sandstone. these. thick sequence of Tertiary sediments are recorded. In the drilled wells of Oil India Ltd. situated between 900-1300m altitudes in Koraput. and limestone. and Noamundi-Koira greenstone belts. Nickel ore is found in laterites formed over the formed over a wide variety of rock types (khondalites. 30(III) 27 subsurface drilling data. 293 Cretaceous Early Cretaceous Tuffs and volcanics with minor Continental 858 interbeds of coal and carbonaceous shale and siltstone. PUB. Table-11.. indicate that Palaeogene shelf sediments generalized stratigraphic succession in the Tertiary were deposited close to the present coastline and offshore. formations of Odisha offshore is given by Bharali et al. altitude over low grade supracrustal rocks of the Simlipal comprise the Quaternary deposits of the state. The high-level Quaternary formations in the state include laterites laterites. charnockites. Onshore and offshore exploration sandwiched between Cretaceous and Recent sediments. claystone with few Marine and progressional 4200 Pliocene interbeds of sands deltaic Miocene Claystone. 772 limestone Late Paleocene Fine grained argillaceous Shallow supratidal to deltaic to limestone with interbeds of middle shelf. visit: grvmalaikalam. Some of the largest and deltas and coastal plain and attain maximum width of richest bauxite deposits of the country are associated with about 100 km in the Mahanadi delta. the high in Balasore District (~ 300 m). ————————————————————————— Unconformity ————————————————————————— Pre-Cambrian Metamorphic Basement Quaternary Formations residual soils etc. Manganese deposits of northern Odisha are generally associated with Laterites : Both high.blogspot. Kalahandi and Bolangir MISC. which are often aluminous.) are widespread in Odisha and constitute about 5% of the total area of the state. aeolian etc. A wide array of sediment level laterites occur on dissected plateaus above 1000m types. in Odisha offshore. Maximum thickness these laterite cappings in the Eastern Ghats belt. Marginal marine to middle shelf. Amjhori sill in the Simlipal plateau. Acharya and Basu (1993) relate this ash bed to the Toba Table-12. Jagannathpur. Tumugola. 2003) Morpho Units Litho Units Tentative age Present day Surface Present day channel fill (Fine to medium Present day to Late Holocene sand with little clay and silt). Kinjunagarh. At places. Middle to Early Pleistocene ———-————-—————————————————————— Unconformity ————————————————————-——-—— Basement Precambrian to Tertiary rocks. 1989.blogspot. the Naira formation is recorded in Vansadhara. Debdas and comprises angular to very angular shards and pumice Meshram. (ii) 28 GEOL. 1993). 1988. 1970. In the Sukinda valley. formation (Debdas and Meshram. Bolgarh formation and considered to be of Pleistocene frequently cross-bedded. SURV. Ramam and Vaidyanadhan. The highly silicic.. 1991). Late Pleistocene to early Holocene Bolagarh surface/Naira surface Bolgarh Formation (Secondary laterite formation). Chakrabarty and (19°0938N : 83°4000E) reveals that the ash bed Chattopadhyay. 1993. 1991. IND the valleys. up to Sonepur. Of these. surfaces. In addition to the above field the Precambrian bedrock and marks the base of the features. represent differentially uplifted and dissected planation Bisam Cuttack. nickel ores.and Nagavalli : Hathi Pathar Khal. The various criteria used unconsolidated volcanogenic ash bed. closely associated/ for the above classification are character and genetic interbedded with the Quaternary sediments of the Naira type of the deposits. biotite and feldspars (Basu and Biswas. fragments suggesting its dry transport. Brahmani and Mahanadi river river basins away from the coast while the others are basins have led to the recognition of a chalky white. 1991). visit: grvmalaikalam. semi compacted.K. These are underlain by Proterozoic rocks and may Vanshadhara : Kharling. (Table-12). in order of decreasing antiquity. lensoidal pebbly horizon towards the bottom and mottled laterites formed over chromiferous ultramafic rocks carry sandy-clay/clayey sand horizon towards the top. Gurhari. 1981). Samal barrage. 1972. Quaternary sediments : Studies on the Quaternary Rushikulya : Sorada. Occurrences of Naira formation in the various river basins are (after Devdas and Meshram. sediments of the state for nearly two decades have led Baitarani : Between south of Anandpur and their classification into five formations. pumice and identifiable mineral phases like formation is near Naira village (19o13’05"N : 83o46’20" quartz. the ash bed rests directly on landforms observed. This laterite has been designated as the It is represented by 8 m thick coarse to medium grained. Pur. Naira Formation (Semiconsolidated Pebbly sandstone with ash bed). 1991). Brahmani : Bijigol. Indravati. age. Acharya pedogenic development and type and degree of and Basu. disposition of the different facies. low-level laterites as coeval and of post Mio-Pliocene J. Bankigarh Surface Bankigarh Formation (Brownish sandy clay) Late to Middle Holocene Kaimundi Surface Kaimundi Formation (Caliche bearing sandy clay). Koraput district. E). Lithostratigraphy of Quaternary sequence in Odisha (after Mishra. ferruginous age since it overlies fossiliferous Baripada Beds of Mio. The age of the high-level laterite is controversial. are older (Valeton. 1990. i)Naira. While some workers consider both high. non-plastic. (iii) Kaimundi. are. archaeological and radiometric age data have Quaternary sequence. along the Vanshadhara river valley. 1990. confined along the coastal belt. These. well-sorted and light ash comprises glass Naira Formation : The type locality for this shards. . Ramana Rao and Mahanadi : South of Boud extending continuously Vaidyanadhan. SEM study of tephra from Kareni also been considered to erect the Quaternary stratigraphic (19°1235N : 83°4727E) and Gopuparhu column Roy et al. Goswami. (iv) Bankigarh and (v) Recent formations Recent studies in the upper reaches of the Nagavalli. arranged north of Similia. others are of the opinion that the high-level laterites Indravati : S SW of Demkeler. sandstone of reddish to yellowish brown colour with Pliocene age in some areas. et al. age of 5880 ± 12 years B. 30(III) 29 Volcanic Caldera of Indonesia of age 74. 1993) – 8. The presence of volcanic the flood plain deposit which occur parallel to the present ash bed with very angular shards and pumice fragments river courses. 1988.blogspot... sandy flats and mud flats. vertebrate remains and radiocarbon dating (1220 ± 18 to 1590 ± 150 Years B. the Pre-Quaternary rocks. (i) the oldest surface developed over the Pre- is a distinctive feature of these sediments. Pleistocene to Early Holocene period. this referred to as the ‘Older Alluvium’. the upper and lower delta plains and sequences of younger Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene age has been coastal beach ridges and (v) the recent surface which inferred for Kaimundi formation from the fossil remains includes the present day alluvial fills. west of Bhubaneswar and around included in this formation. represented by represents the earliest flood plain of the Quaternary Era. Evidences from Toba Ash (YTA). Human artifacts recovered from (Chilka) front dunes. Alluvial deposits . (ii) the Bolgarh surface. NO. 1993).is best developed in and Recent Formations : Three distinct facies are around MISC. Commonly Quaternary rocks. a marked increase in the The lagoonal facies is represented by the sediments degree of lateritisation is noted. The alluvial valley facies include defined wet and dry seasons. The sediments are represented by alternate at the base of the Naira Formation (defining the base of bands of silt. The Quaternary sequence of events in Odisha commenced during the Early Pleistocene with a Bankigarh Formation : This overlies the Kaimundi widespread denudation leading to the developement of Formation with an overlap and is subdivided into four the first and second order drainage systems. 1989).( represented by yellow. lake (Carvus danvancellis). the alluvial facies of is represented by high to medium altitude hills with flat this formation forms the oldest valley-fill deposits and or domal top. beach ridges. It coalescing pediments and pediplains. PUB.P. (ii) fluvio- Gopalpur. viz. (Roy et al.P. pebble. While cultural mounds indicate a Neolithic age (6000 years B. Cuttack and Paradip areas. (iv) Bankigarh surface represents the coastal facies of this formation. medium to fine sands of the Rose and Chesner.P. Ferruginous residual soil. surface comprising the oldest flood plain terrace and Stablised dunes. fine white sand and mottled clay. Chakrabarty and Chattopadhyay. radiocarbon dating has indicated a maxiumun the last three are aggradational surfaces. The lower delta facies passes seaward into development of the flood plains during the Late their coastal equivalents (Younger Coastal Facies). forming linear stranded beach ridges of the older beach ridges – subsequently severely dissected yellowish brown well-sorted medium to fine sand by the 3rd and 4th order streams . (iii) lower delta facies and (iv) implies that the climate was rather humid with well- younger coastal facies. The sediments display nominal oxidation implying immature pedogenic A major depositional episode started with the alteration. Essentially an erosional surface. (i) fluvial.. gravels and boulders derived from bedrocks. In areas adjacent to developed around Barkul. spits etc.P.5 m thick) overlies Bolgarh Formation unconformably and comprises greenish grey to Khaki-coloured hard silt Evolutionary Aspects: Five geomorphic surfaces are and clay with profuse calcareous concretions (caliche/ recognisable in the Quaternary formations in the state. Presence of caliche viz. varyingly lateritised coarse sand. These are best duricrust are typical of the deposits. beach ridges of highly oxidized reddish brown sands. 1987) and consider it as Youngest stranded beach-ridge segments. latsol and hard tidal (coastal) and (iii) lagoonal.000 years B. viz. (i) alluvial valley facies. the synchronous facies. (iii) Kaimundi is best developed around Kaimundi and Fathegarh.5 age (Goswami. comprising the second oldest flood plain terrace. kankar) and occasional iron nodules.) indicate Mid-Late Holocene Bolgarh Formation : The formation comprises age for this formation (Goswami. The coastal equivalents consists of this formation (oldest coastal facies) occur as stranded of the present day beach ridges. The upper the Quaternary sequence) imply dry aeolian transport and lower delta facies are best developed in the during Pleistocene Toba eruption of Indonesia.). The coastal equivalents of the Chilka area. visit: grvmalaikalam. In addition. Microforaminiferal assemblages and vertebrate remains in the dune sediments indicate Late Holocene Kaimundi Formation : The Kaimundi Formation (3. the first two surfaces represent denudational landforms. (ii) presence of laterites at the base of the Bolgarh Formation upper delta facies. compound delta of Mahanadi. Further.. The probably corresponds to a sea-level rise during one of prograding compound delta of the Mahanadi formed due the interstadials in the last glaciation of the Late to prodigious sedimentation during Middle to Late Pleistocene (warm ?). With the or Holocene transgression). by the upper delta 30 GEOL. the coastline is advancing through a by the third and fourth order streams. As a consequence. the period. It was followed by a lowering of Holocene time to the present day. which has overlapping the shoreline facies and is being overlapped continued since then. 1986). this complex giving rise to a wide sandy Coastal Zone period is marked by a marine transgression (Flandarian (Chakrabarty and Chattopadhyay.blogspot. Civilization exists by geological consent. the sea level and thus a change in the base level of erosion. SURV. IND (Older Alluvium) of the Kaimundi together with its Deposition of the Kaimundi sediments continued equivalent facies were deposited during this time. subject to change without notice WILL DURANT . The rise in the sea level was advance of the beach front. visit: grvmalaikalam. the Kaimundi suffered severe erosion At present. perhaps through spasmodic leaps punctuated by slow but uniform The last glaciation ended at the close of the parallel seaward upgradation of beach-berm dune Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene. the lower delta facies is responsible for widespread deposition. This progradation had been and is still a major and continuous event. Archaeological remains prove presence of caliche indicates some degree of aridity the presence of flourishing Neolithic settlements during associated with interfluvial climatic regime. The till the Early Holocene. This was followed by the deposition of Bankigargh and Recent formations successively The beginning of the Kaimundi sedimentation throughout Holocene until the present day. landward accretion of barrier beach ridges. (Appendix) Lead & Zinc Sundargarh district Asbestos Sargipalli (22°03:83°35) lead deposit is located Kalahandi District: between Lokdega (22°03: 83°50) and Bharatpur Tremolite-asbestos bands have been reported from (22°03: 83°56) covering a stretch of 1600 m. the Precambrian exploration in recent past established a few promising supracrustals and the Gondwana SuperGroup lying in sectors. Detailed reported). dolomite and a host of other minerals. coal. Mineral Resources Odisha is endowed with vast reserves of mineral Kalahandi District. Adash in Sambalpur District and Sundargarh. m and in width from 20 to 30cm. Bolangir. as discordant contact with the enclosing schists. manganese. are large repositories of high-grade Odisha is relatively less endowed with basemetal bauxite. at Kesarpur the northern districts. 21% of fire clay. namely Kendujhar. chromite. Dhenkanal and Cuttack. graphite and manganese ore. The deposits are associated with the Precambrian variety of gemstones. The graphite resources of Odisha have not yet been fully explored and it is the Mayurbhanj District largest producer of graphite in India. 95% Sundargarh District of nickel ore. 29% of manganese ore. including diamond (recently schists occurring in parts of north Odisha. The southern and western districts namely Koraput. manganese. Sambalpur. The asbestos bands show sharp concordant as well clay. in which they occur. 15% of limestone and 56% of vanadiferous (22°02: 85°09). in Mayurbhanj District. covering large parts of the granulite belt of Eastern Ghats. The bands vary in length from 1to 16 resources. estimated at 6. tremolite 67% of graphite.4 million tonnes of asbestos is estimated for four such Besides. 96% of chromite. contain Sargipalli in Sundargarh District respectively. china bands. On the other hand. Odisha has 59% of the bauxite. The talc-tremolite-actinolite-chlorite schists of Bengpal Group lithounits comprising dolomite. iron ore. besides the wide ores. graphite and also some reserves of basemetal ore. and titaniferous magnetite. limestone and dolomite. Rayagada. The total rich and large deposits of iron ore. 0. In Bonai region of Sundargarh District. Viewed against the all India resource potential. the state has also large reserves of fire clay. visit: grvmalaikalam. Kalahandi. nickel.54 million tonnes and 6. 26% of iron ore. especially for copper and lead ores. Boudh Basemetals and Phulbani. the prominent ones being bauxite. limestone. A tentative reserve of chromite. 16% of type asbestos occurs in the ultrabasic rocks near Rangra dolomite.42 million tonnes respectively. 25% of coal. The reserve positions of different minerals occurring in the State are shown in Table-1. reserves of lead and copper for Odisha have been coal.blogspot. garnetiferous mica schist occurring near Sanibahal village (19°26’: 82°51’) in and quartzite belong to Gangpur Group and are intruded 31 . Small occurrences of asbestos confined to meta- The distribution pattern of different mineral deposits ultramafics are found near Balidihi (22°27:86°13) and in the state is controlled by the geological environment Jashipur (22°26: 86°13). Limited has carried out extensive development and exploratory mining since November. A total reserve of 6. Norabahal (20°22: 83°19). Hindusthan Zinc (20°23: 83°17) and Papsi (20°24: 83°16). SURV. Khairamal. Galena specks occur in quartz veins over a as disseminations. Sporadic disseminations of chalcopyrite sheared quartz vein traversing quartz-sericite schist near with sphalerite and galena are observed from Brahmani Gangajal (21°38’: 84°32’). Kalahandi District Concentration of pyrrhotite with 0. Champagarh (21° 50: 85° 35). Surface indications Kansar (20o22’: 83o24’) and Dongarmonda (20o25’: are provided by presence of malachite.4% Zn. The mineralisation around Shanjabani is of in sheared 32 GEOL. pyrrhotite. Sishakhal and Pipalpadar. bornite and tetrahedrite. bands. In Kermali (21°03: Mayurbhanj District 83°16) area of Baragarh district galena mineralisation Detailed investigation for lead was carried out based has been traced in the quartz vein over a length of 450 m. occurrences of galena have been reported from near Junai (21°32: 83°54) in Sambalpur district and Padampur (21°45: 83°35) in Jharsuguda district. galena occurs of rocks. veins.75% Pb has been (20°22: 83°17). The ore analyses on an average 6. Badmal established for the Sargipalli deposit. Based . which has been traced The mineralisation is confined to a 20m to 40 m intermittently over a length of 29 km. Occurrences of galena have (22o10: 83o49) areas.2% Pb. 85°41’) at a number of places 86°35). The occurrence Copper were tested by drilling but results were not encouraging. set of quartz veins and quartz breccia reefs to the east of Saintala (20°16’: 83°31’). chalcopyrite and bornite with specks of chalcopyrite are seen in the altered pyrite occur in quartz vein traversing quartz-sericite basic rocks at the contact with sheared granite. The strike of the rock formation is WNW-ESE with dip varying between 30°-45° towards SSW.86% Zn and Cu with Ni and Co in traces has been observed in Specks of galena occur in brecciated quartz vein in Siphripara (20o07: 83o48) and Giringkela – Surgura an old pit near Baminipada.54 million veins traversing Khondalite Group of rocks at Limpara tonnes with reserve grade 5. visit: grvmalaikalam.33% Cu and 0. are pyrite. Chormara (20°18’: 83°17’). Two old pits with mine dumps marked by stains thoroughly metamorphosed and the host rock for of malachite are present in this area. Gossan cappings occur to The other mineral associates. The four major lodes are disposed 83°22’) and Bodipara (20°26’: 83°22’) along shear zone in an en-echelon pattern with characteristic pinch and in brecciated quartz veins traversing Khondalite Group swell structure. minor river bed close to Raghunathpali Conglomerate. pegmatite and basic rock. In addition to these. arsenopyrite. Mayurbhanj District Other reported galena occurrences include Patingia (22°01: 86° 37). stringers and fine length of 29km between Ampali (20°25’: 83° 26’) and laminae containing some sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Lead ore associated wide zone in garnet-biotite mica schist extending over with copper is reported from near Jalerpodar (20°24’: 1. stringers. azurite and minor nature where specks of galena. streaks and cerrrusite. mineralisation is the garnetiferous mica schist. IND by granite.blogspot. Galena with minor chalcopyrite and sphalerite occur near Kiringera (22° 05: 84 25). Small pockets. been reported at Toresinga. Mineralisation is Bolangir District confined to the southern limb of an easterly plunging Lead and copper mineralisation was observed in a syncline.5km strike length. Traces of galena are Deogarh District also recorded in a silicified zone within a dolomitiic marble band at Beligocha (22o00: 84o45) and Kanchera Galena mineralisation is noticed within fractures of (22o00: 81o49). azurite and 83 o 20’). The rocks are schist. Copper proportion. The major ore mineral. Stains of malachite. 1974. on incidence of specks of galena near Pithabata (21°57: 85°35) and Beradiha (21°54’: 86°40’). dissemination of galena are observed in brecciated quartz 0. mineralisation in quartz vein has been observed between cubanite. 0. Copper mineralization has been located in Kesarpur- Shanjabani (22° 04:86°37) and Nandabani (22°05: Kusumdihi area (22°07’.73% Pb. though in minor the east of Bisermunda (20°23’: 83°22’). minor amounts of nickel and cobalt.93 million tonnes with average grade of 1. Supergroup. Other details of these deposits pyroxene granulites.55% Cu.16 million tonnes of copper ore with Koira Group in Kendujhar and Sundargarh District.46% Kendujhar District Cu is confined to only 50m strike length and up to a depth of 125m. the chief ore mineral is shown in Table .27 5. thickness. grade and reserves is granite gneiss. Out Odisha continues to be the leading state accounting of these. The and 56%. pyroxene granulite. Capping over Simlipal volcanic rocks in million tonnes with 0.5% Cu at 0. diorite / the form of sphalerite associated with primary dioritic gneisses of Eastern Ghats Super. stringers and veinlets is confined to silicified metabasic rocks occurring as The alumina content varies generally between 40 paleosomes within granite gneiss and migmatite. Three parallel lodes have been occurrences have also been recorded in several other demarcated within silicified metabasic rocks. quartz-biotite-sillimanite-garnet. found in form of disseminations. Phulbani. The In these deposits. particularly along the contact with in respect of their area.5%) and high in iron (8 - over a strike length of about 300m. Minor cappings over mafic volcanics and shale of possible) of 2. Kalahandi. These cappings generally occur in Copper mineralization has been located near Adash the elevation range of 900 . Structurally a shear zone. Relatively large cappings over khondalite/ series of discontinuous lenticular bodies disposed in an khondalitic rocks of Eastern Ghats Supergroup in en-echelon pattern. extension of the mineralised zone is more than 3 km The bauxite deposits of Odisha may be broadly classified with nearly 1km width. Copper mineralization 28%). Copper ore is found as stringers.8% cut-off and 1. NO. The copper mineralisation occurs into five different categories based on their nature of in sheared metabasics belonging to the Iron Ore the bedrock. controls Apart from these major deposits. associated with pyrite and pyrrhotite. Traces of zinc in 2. Petrographic studies reveal that gibbsite is exposing quartzite. in chalcopyrite are often found to develop selectively along Koraput and Kalahandi districts. average grade of 1. specks of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite are found near Talpatia (21° 57’00": 84°05’) in Sundargarh District. The 3. graphite schist/gneiss (khondalite). Besides disseminated Mayurbhanj District. The ore minerals include sulphides Koraput. situated at about 6km south of the contact zone between Eastern Ghat Supergroup and Iron Ore Supergroup. bauxite the mineralization. contact of the sheared granite and the metabasic. Kesarpur sector is most promising where strike for 59% of the total bauxite production of the country. The East Coast Bauxites are generally low in indications show a zone of oxidation and malachite stains silica (1-3%) and titanium (<2. pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite associated with Sambalpur districts. garnet and feldspars. metavolcanics occurs on the flat-topped hills. the bauxite is composed entirely of area represents a part of the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt gibbsite.blogspot. veins. Chalcopyrite. The ore zones occur as a 1. A total areas of the state: reserve of 3. area established a total reserve (both probable and 4. Madansahi and Dudhiasol. Drilling in the highlands in Nuapada District. 30(III) 33 on the evidence of old workings and subsequent detailed Bauxite investigation. amphibolite and granite. pseudomorphous after sillimanite. which are the chief mineral constituents of khondalite and calc-granulite. visit: grvmalaikalam. disseminations and lenses. The locality/district wise summary of ore Bauxite with intercalated laterite cappings over reserves with other details is shown in Table-2.51 million tonnes has been estimated out of which 0.3. The first two categories are by far the most important because of their large areal extent and greater thickness. Bolangir and like pyrite. Surface charnockite. Cappings developed over charnockite. three promising sectors have been delineated at Kesarpur. They constitute the well known East Coast Bauxite Sambalpur district deposits of Odisha.1400 m. traceable over a strike length of over 1600m. A post Mio-Pliocene age has been assigned to mineralization is stratigraphically controlled within the these bauxite deposits. Minor cappings over Chattishgarh Shale in Khariar mineralisation is structurally MISC. near . visit: 34 GEOL. SURV. IND Kuanr to the west of Kendujhar in the elevation range the beach and dune sands, which include ilmenite, of 727m and 848m. The reserve is estimated at 10 garnet, rutile, sillimanite, zircon and monazite. The million tonnes with Al2O3 content up to 49%. heavy mineral concentration varies from 8.6 to 25%, ilmenite constituting about 40% of the total heavies. The reserves/ resources of beach sand mineral in the Phulbani District coastal districts of Odisha have been estimated at 38.58 Occurrences of bauxite have been reported from million tonnes of ilmenite, 25.39 million tonnes of Mandura (19° 56: 83° 33), Kotgod (19°57’: 83°43), garnet, 16.15 million tonnes of sillimanite, 1.62 million Belagad (19°56: 83°36), and Guruli (19°59:83°46) tonnes of rutile, 1.21 million tonnes of zircon and 0.87 areas. The occurrences at Anamini Parbat accounts for million tonnes of monazite (IBM, 1999). A mineral a total reserve of about 9 million tonnes with average processing plant of Indian Rare Earth Limited operating Al2O3 content of 40%. at Chhatrapur is producing 0.22 million tonnes of ilmenite, 0.01 million tonnes of rutile, 0.03 million tonnes sillimanite, 4000 tonnes of monazite and 2000 Sundargarh District tonnes of zircon annually. Bauxite occurs as irregular pockets within ferruginous laterite capping on the ferruginous shale and Cassiterite (TIN ORE) chert of the Koira Group of rocks near Tantra (22°53’ :85°10’), Kusumdihi, Jaldihi and San Indupur. It analyses Malkangiri District up to 55% Al2O3 with very low iron and silica contents. Cassiterite occurrences located at Mundaguda, The reserves estimated are about 1 million tonne. (18°30:82°04) Mohapadar, (18°57’:81°58’), Vedurpalle, (18°35:81°58), Dumguda (18°37:82°01) and Bajirpador (18°34:82°06) in Malkangiri district, Mayurbhanj District Odisha, are similar to those in the adjoining Bastar In Simlipal complex aluminous laterites are noted district of M.P. The mineralization is associated with over the flat-topped hill ranges west of Nawana and east pegmatites emplaced within the Tulosidongar Formation of Simlipalgarh and Bakua etc. of the Precambrian Bengpal Group of rocks. The Tulsidonger Formation comprises quartzite, Nuapada District quartz-sericite schist, phyllite, chlorite/chloritoid Good quality bauxite occurs upto a depth of 1.5m schist, and andalusite schist, ferruginous schist and in the saddle portion of Khariar Highland at Lohdungri ferruginous conglomerate/breccia. The general strike (20°28’ : 82°26’). The bauxite seems to be localized of foliation is NW-SE to ENE-WSW with moderate to along east-west trending fault zone in the Purana steep (25°-80°) southerly dip. The tin mineralization Quartzite and appears to have been derived from the is associated with acid pegmatites traversing along the underlying Proterozoic shales. axial planes of folds developed in the above host rocks. The tin mineralization appears to be genetically related to the Darba/Paliam granites and is attributed to the Rayagada District process of pneumatolysis as reflected by Occurrences of bauxite associated with ferruginous greissenisation, tourmalinisation and albitisation. laterite are found in a number of flat-topped hills around Cassiterite occurs both in the primary pegmatites and Kashipur, Kashinguda (19°15’ : 83°40’), Manjimali in the form of placers in the area by the action of (19°23’ : 83°04’), Pasangmali (19°22’ : 83°07’) in secondary processes. Rayagada district. The ore is derived from dioritic gneisses and khondalitic rocks. a) Primary Occurrence : Pegmatites traversing the metabasite of the area contain primary cassiterite as disseminations and also as discrete crystals. The Beach Sand Minerals incidence of tin in pegmatites traversing the metabasite The coastal tracts of Ganjam and Puri districts is seen to be maximum up to 0.45% Sn. Generally, the contain workable concentration of heavy minerals in thinner (2-10cm thick) pegmatite veins intruding visit: MISC. PUB. NO. 30(III) 35 metabasics are richer in cassiterite content than the thick Clay pegmatite (30-50cm width) bands. The cassiterite rich ore is generally hard massive and dark brown to black The state is endowed with a number of china clay in colour, the average metal content being 0.1 to 0.2% and fire clay deposits. Sn. Out of 139 pegmatite bodies initially delineated, only 39 were found to be tin bearing. However, subsequent China Clay work helped in locating a total of 260 pegmatite bodies in this area namely Mundaguda-Mahapadar, Sirkupa- Koraput District Misgodi and Dammoguda-Salimi areas. Bedded clay occurrences have been reported from the localities mentioned below: The dispersion of cassiterite in pegmatite body is highly variable and is directly proportional to K2O/Na2O Obuguda (18°45; 82°45), Doliambe (18°30: content. The staniferous pegmatites carry rare metals 82°52), Turia (18°36: 82°58), Baipariguda (18°45: like columbium and tantalum in varying proportions. 82°25), Santhopur ( 18°44: 82°24), Kallaru (18°37: The pegmatites emplaced into the contact of metabasite 82°24), Saradaputti (18°34: 82°27), Boipariguda and metasediments are exceptionally rich in tin (18°34: 82°27), Sorispadar (19°03: 82°16) and compared with those emplaced into either of the rocks. Devandera (19°04: 82°28). The total reserve of clay Such mineralisation is in association with tourmaline, near Baipariguda, Kallaru and Ramagiri is estimated at cleavlandite and albite. 2800 tonnes. The beds are about 7m thick and the clay is white to greyish-white in colour and semi-plastic. The b)Secondary occurrence: Economic concentration origin of clay is attributed to the weathering of shales. of tin occurs in the colluvial, eluvial and alluvial zones The Obuguda clay is slightly gritty, fairly plastic and surrounding the mineralized pegmatites around pinkish white in colour. The linear shrinkage varies Mundaguda over an area of 2 sq. km. In the placer between 10 – 15%. On burning, the colour of clay turns deposits, crystals and fine concentrate of cassiterite occur to dirty yellow and does not fuse at 1400°C. Clays with ilmenite, rutite, zircon, magnetite, tourmaline, derived from kaolinised gneiss are reported from monazite and quartz. Misoriguda (18°52: 82°41), Pukkili (1830: 82°54), Jodiguda (18°20: 82°46), Nabgam ( 19°06: 82°30), Madhupur (19°53’ : 83°28), Lafhiponga (19°40: Sonepur District 83°30), Pathibonda (18°11: 81°56) and Sirgarajnkonta Panned heavy concentrates from pegmatites and vein (18°17; 81°48). quartz emplaced in granitoid show tin value upto 0.5%. Besides, pegmatite samples collected from the confluence of Tel and Mahanadi rivers have indicated Cuttack District 1000-1500 ppm tin. Incidence of Nb and Ta analysing Plastic and gritty kaolin derived from the 40 to 800 ppm per 100kg of colluvial material has been decomposition of feldspars in gneisses is reported from reported. south-west of Banrapal (20°50: 85°23). Gritty kaolin occurs at the foot of the Baideswar Hill (20°28; 85°34). The material is coloured, gritty and non-plastic. Boudh district Some zoned pegmatites in areas around Ambuda, Manmunda, Bamunda and Dhenkanal District White clay, derived from decomposition of Karunapalli are potential for tin as well as Nb, Ta feldspathic gneisses intruded by pegmatites, occurs near and Tungsten (W) mineralization. Sibalopose (20°56’ ; 85°03’). At places, it is yellowish at the top but white at depth. Malkangiri District Recoverable reserve of 12,692 tonnes of tin ore Sundergarh District concentrates from this district has been estimated. In Sundergarh District, small irregular deposits of visit: 36 GEOL. SURV. IND China clay/kaolin are reported from Manjapara, Balasore District Kaintora, Bhaunra and Dharuadihi. The clay is locally used for white washing. Barakar Sandstone around Highly decomposed gneisses, north of Arubandha, Amatpani, Laidega and Baraibera contains about 17.8% contain deposits of white clay. North of Gardihi (21°34: of white clay as matrix, the rest of the bulk being made 86°40), white clay deposit occurs beneath a laterite up of good quality sand which may be used in glass and capping. The clay is banded in appearance and is slightly foundry industries. White shale is also found to occur gritty. near Kardega, Baraibera and Bangura. These shales are reasonably free from grit. A total of 1800 tonnes of kaolin Mayurbhanj District and ball clay has been estimated in the district. China clay is found to be associated with the late phase granitic members of the Singhbhum Granite Ganjam District Complex near Karanjia (21°45: 85°58) and Joshipur Kaolin deposits derived from the weathering of (21°50: 86°05). It occurs beneath an overburden of 3.5 gneisses are found near Satarpally (19°42: 84°51) and to 4.5m. The material is free from grit and is of good Jillinda (19°42: 84°57). The linear shrinkage is about quality. The reserve of good clay is 0.1 million tonnes. 12.5% and the clay turns to yellow grey colour on firing The material is plastic with shrinkage of 21%. On to 1400°C without fusing. Other occurrences in this burning it turns to faint grey colour with high vitrification district are Sarangoda (20°14; 84°07), east of Siringi at 1450°C. Clay deposit occurring near Duria (21°57: (20°10; 84°09), Dwarjam (19°20; 84°32) and Satrasda 85°59) contains reserve of 1.2 million tonnes. The (19°47; 84°48). Kaolin resulting from alteration of material is white and plastic with shrinkage of 26%. It granulitic rock is reported from SE of Barampur (19°05; burns to pale cream to grey colour when fired at 1450°C 84°41). with fair vitrification. The Chachabari clay deposit (21°48: 86°01) Phulbani District contains a reserve of 0.07 million tonnes of good quality White clay derived from the decomposition of clay and 0.04 million tonnes of second grade clay. The gneisses is reported from Karanda (20°42; 85°20). The material is plastic and has shrinkage of about 20%. It average thickness of the clay horizon is about 3m and a burns to cream colour at 1450°C with slight reserve of 3500 tonnes of material is estimated. Similar vitrification. clay deposit occurs at Bahanda (20°43: 45°26). The material is gritty but fairly plastic. Other minor Sedimentary kaolin is reported near Baripada occurrences of clay include Deogarh (20°45; 84°17), (21°58: 86°47). On firing the clay becomes hard without Tuljeri (20°41: 83°59), Tatakandi (20°48: 83°46) and fusing and assumes an aggreable terracota colour. Dundurkot (20°41: 85°15). Bolangir District: Kendujhar District Pockets of gritty white kaolin resulting from the A white clay deposit occurs about 1.6 km to the west decomposition of pegmatites, which are intrusive into of Keonjhar (21°34’ : 85°35’). The deposit comprises two khondalite, are reported near Sargod (20°51’ : 83°55’) patches, occurring side-by-side and separated from each and Baludongri (21°01: 84°06). other by a band of weathered epidiorite. A total reserve of 0.17 million tonnes of crude clay or 0.07 million tonnes Good quality clay derived from gneisses, pegmatites of refined clay is estimated to be available. The and schists is reported from Khola (21°40: 83°40), Taranipukuri – Amvapara (21°35’ : 85°47’) deposit Ghichampra (21°46: 84°06), Sagupali (21°35: 84°04), contains three patches of kaolin. The Sandi Murra (21°52’ Ghuhukilikra (21°39:84°09), Barasinghari (21°35: : 85°34’) deposit contains a reserve of 0.5 million tonnes 83°36) and Dangchancha (20°54: 83°02). of crude clay and 0.2 million tonnes of refined clay. plastic Good quality of fire clay.6 – 62. state. Kurutoi. PUB. The material is hard. Chhindipada (21°05: 84°46). Similar clay is also reported from Gondwana rocks of Ib river coal MISC.2 774300 high grade non-plastic fireclays with Al2O3 content (NP) 38. Puri. containing about 18% Darlipalli (P) 44. Sambalpur. After The total reserve of fire clay in the state is of the firing.0 – 62.8 8200 Darlipalli Block B (P) 49. This occurs east of Barthajimundia (20°20: 85°51). 85°30) and near Hingirida Ghatsi (20°58: 84°43). Garjanbehi.blogspot.01. A gross reserve of 0. Sundergarh and 84°50) Patrapura (21°05: 84°46).2007. Kiripsora. Dhenkanal. An occurrence of 0. 85°48).75m thick dark (Sundargarh District) (NP) 20. (Sambalpur District) (NP) 53. mostly associated with Fire clay bodies are reported from Rajharan (20°57: coal measures of Gondwana Supergroup. Girsuan. Benkibahal.76 Jurabaga Block A (P) 28.8 689586 (Sundargarh District) (NP) 22. order of 175.256 million tonnes (IBM. Jamakani etc. Similar occurrence of clay is river coalfields.0 483400 The Kripsira – Jamkania area of Hingir field contain (Sambalpur District) (NP) 40. Sambalpur District Fire clay has been reported from near Jurabaga (21°47’: 83°52’). The clay analyses 19. is mined at Kuropali (21°47’ : 83°54’). Lukopali (20o46’ : 82o33’) and Khindia (21°47’ : 83°56’).4 – 32. Siarmai.27 99000 grey clay has been recorded in a coal quarry at Khindia.1-27. These clays are plastic and brown to buff coloured.0 The clay is of inferior quality.000 tonnes of fire clay has Abandoned fireclay workings are present in the Pajbira been estimasted in the district. 1993). visit: grvmalaikalam. Khutijharia. Juraboga. Salient features of the – Khindia area to the east of the Ib river. occurring within the and refractory. It burns reserve has been estimated only in a part of the light grey with a linear shrinkage of about 7. Junagarh (21°06: Cuttack.04 525 to 25. Further exploration efforts are likely reported from Jaganathprasad (20°20: 85°46) and to substantially increase the reserve of coal in the Bharatpur (20°18: 85°47).8 93300 (NP) 41. Kiripsora.63 million tonnes has been estimated (IBM inventory. million tonnes) of the country as on 01. A total reserve of 618. 10% but does not fuse at 1450°C. A good number of fire It burns to brownish colour with a linear shrinkage of clay beds are recorded in and around Tencligad. NO. 30(III) 37 Fire Clay Dhenkanal District Bedded deposits of fire clay. Sibultosi (20°56: Koraput districts of Odisha. Kathpali. Coal Odisha has 61999 million tonnes of coal which Puri District accounts to 24% of the total coal resource (254230 Fire clay. Gopapali. Cuttack District 1975). the major deposits are as follows: fire clay deposit occurring at the upper part of the Rampur horizon comprises two bands.0 – 50.6 269700 varying between 30. At Talbira. modern and sophisticated refractory plant in the area primarily fed by the Jurabaga. .Darilpali deposit.3 – 62. Dulunga. are found in 84°58).5% and prognosticated coal bearing area of Talchir and Ib- does not fuse at 1400°C.Balinga. Jurabaga Main (P) 25. they become hard and have low porosity. There are around 20 existing mines in the state which accounts for 16% of the total production of fire clay in the country.0 – 64. Workable deposits are located near Talbasta (22°20: 85°35) and Chandiprasad (20°26. Darilpalli (21°46’ : 83°51’) and Sundargarh district Rampur (21°46’ :83°55’).0 141300 Al2O3. Forkbahaj.37 to 38%.8 – 52.30% Al2O3. Khuntijheria. grey to dark grey Name Al2O3% Reserve (in tonnes) in colour and 2m in thickness. Khajurdihi and The Belpahar Refractories Limited have set up a Jharpal and Girisuan areas. Baripahar (21°46’ : 83°47’). associated with the Gondwana rocks. The Ib seam is the only coal seam occurring in the Barakar coal seams are best developed in the Karharbari Formation of the basin. The coal is non-coking type.) District. contains 7 to 8% moisture. The seam analyses 5. contains about 9% moisture and seams occur within Karharbari and Barakar Formations. analyses 19-27% coalfield. The Ib river coalfield displays excellent The topmost IA section is the thickest with partings of development of coal seams in Sambalpur and Sundargarh carbonaceous and grey shales. The seam occurs in six split sections (IA to IF in descending order).km. Coal in these A prominent and regionally persistent seam (Seam. Parkhani and Belpahar 11 to 17% ash and the calorific value is 5700-6490 K. underground and open cast mining. Jagannath. visit: grvmalaikalam. Talchir.8% moisture.4% distinctly in south and east. 26. Sundargarh. cal/Kg. IND The major coal bearing formations in both Talchir Formation in both the coalfields.ID to IP. Angul. ash. i. Seam III (1. SURV. Four coal 38 repetition of coal seams has highly interbanded and is of inferior quality. has been reported by GSI in Ib River horizons. Bharatpur of 5410-7200 K.7 to 37.8% The Talchir coalfield mainly falls within Angul moisture. It is characterized by east-west trending strike range of 4485-4900 K.caI/Kg. Sambalpur. Talchir Coal Field and Nandira collieries. seam No.3m. . Seam Nos. Talchir. The coalfield shows westerly plunging or less clean in nature interlayered with carbonaceous synclinal flexure which is like a half elliptical basin shale. from Seam closed towards southeast and having an axial trend in No. 20°50’-21°15’ 84°09’-85°33’ 1813 Dhenkanal. Other sections are more Districts. IB to IC.8% NW-SE direction. Lajkura. Jharsuguda.7 to 7.e. This seam is exploited respectively and the calorific values being in the range in the Handidhua (now Talchir). The overall moisture II in the western part of the area is not so persistent and and ash contents vary from 6 to 7% and 18 to 50% even deteriorates in its quality. Seam.6% ash and calorific values in the District.e. Seam-IV(10m) is structure of Talchir coalfield appears to be preserved interbanded with dirt bands and contains 31. has yielded 12 seams in Talchir and 4 seams in Ib-River though occurrences of coal seams in Raniganj Formation coalfields. Seam-I occurs within the Karharbari and the rest (Seam.4-10m) is faults and in the process. contains 6. The top section. The from 2. i. The lower section of seam No.e. Balanda and Nandira collieries. varying in thickness from 2 to 25m. Seam-V (8-33m). X & XI are highly impersistent and interbanded in nature. 26-32% ash.5m). in the Deolbera. the Barakar Formation and Ib-river coalfields are Karharbari and Barakar. The Ib seam is being exploited in lowermost seam in this formation is the seam II Orient and Rampur collieries at Belpahar by both (Jagannath seam) which is about 35 to 50 m thick. It varies in thickness southern part of the basin and deteriorate westward.IA. have been recognized in this Kg.4% ash. The coal resulted quarriable increased potentiality. (sq. 7. Coal seams VI (2-24.5 m). Stratigraphically.6 to 42. besides Ib seams.blogspot. VII (21-43.29 to 10. Ib River.I i. The basinal analyses 35. only in boreholes. VII (25-37m) and IX (12-15m) have been encountered II to Seam-XI) are associated with the Barakar rocks. Geological mapping of underground ash while the calorific values vary from 6460 to 6650 mines and opencast mines indicates that the coalfield is K.5 to 12. specially in the NW and western parts Ib River Coal field of the coalfield. section. namely Rampur. While Location and extent wise details of major coal fields only one coal seam has been established from Karharbari of Odisha are shown below: Name of the Coalfield Latitude Longitude Basinal area. is under exploitation moisture (more than 10%) and ash (more than 30%). eleven coal ash. The middle structurally much less disturbed. seams is of much inferior quality and contains high 1) within the Karharbari Formation. seam No.6 to 7. 21°31’-22°14’ 84°10-84°32 1460 Sambalpur.5 to 32. 45 7013.00 2131.11 Talchir coal field 0-300 12311. attains a thickness of (27-80m) stretching from Gorumahisani – Badampahar via Nilgiri in the area and comprises coal-shale alternations. Parkhani.66 14298. and have variable thickness to over 97% (IBM.72 300-600 0.53 8073. The coal in Kendujhar and Dhenkanal districts contain commercially Rampur horizon contains 5.26 The Rampur horizon.5 exploitable chromite lodes.98 Total 0-1200 12311. Both Sukinda and Nuasahi to 36. 30(III) 39 Name of the coal field Depth (m) Reserves in million tonnes Proved Indicated Inferred Total reserve Ib river coal field 0-300 5153.9% ash. in Talchir formed chromiferous ultramafic rocks. the next coal horizon. The general elevation of the average around 48% inclusive of intercalated bands. The ultramafic rocks along with the associated chromite ore bodies occur within the Badampahar Group The Parkhani and Belpahar horizons have not been of rocks of Archaean age.5-10. 1999) of the all India output. These are Chromite thick in the southern side but gradually become thinner Odisha holds the first place in reserve position and towards the northern part.10 20211. located layered complex composed of alternate bands of in the northern part of the Ib river coalfield. The chromite ore seams of Sukinda area occur in seven distinct subparallel stratigraphic levels. Although there are a number of ultramafic Different agencies exploiting chromite deposits of . The calorific values vary from 4323 Jajpur and partly in Dhenkanal districts and forms an E- to 4430 K. These seams dip at very steep angles deposit yielding metallurgical.10 13280. The ultramafic body is a developed in the Hemagiri (Hingir) sub-basin.7 to 7.45 10027.56 61999. The dunite and peridotite rocks are almost The table above shows an inventory of coal reserves wholly serpentinised.15 14295. The uppermost coal horizon. visit: grvmalaikalam. and Ib river coal fields of Odisha as on 1. is 24 to 30m thick and displays coal-shale laminations.15 Total for Odisha 17464. The calorific value ranges from (4655 to areas are under exploitation by active mining for the 4815) K. cal/Kg.blogspot. PUB. NO. the Orient. last 30 to 40 years and have been thoroughly investigated by GSI and other agencies. dunite and peridotite repeated in a rhythmic manner. The – Nuasahi to Sukinda and Malaygiri.1% moisture and 27. contributing to as much as 7km in length. Rampur and Belpahar area. The ore seams vary from 200m production of chromite ore in the country.00 761. rocks emplaced into the Archaean Badampahar Group of rocks.33 5051.10 1223.55 30239.33 22364.02 4746. the Belpahar horizon.2007.00 Total 0-600 5153.45 600-1200 0.00 6169.11 300-600 0. the lowermost coal seam in bodies located in this arcuate mafic-ultramafic belt the Barakar Formation.9 m and above in thickness. The overlying Lajkura horizon is highly interbanded and contains a number of major and minor shale/coal Jajpur District shale bands. only two areas.33 7183. the Lajkura coal horizon has coal bands with high ash The ultramafic field of Sukinda area falls mainly in content (29 to 45%). The ash contents opens up towards west.88 MISC. occurs within the chromiferous ultramafic depths from the surface.60 30337.92 1903. The from 0.23 39635. is 0.45m thick The valley is narrow at the eastern end and gradually and is highly interbanded with shale.00 3014. Pyroxenite intrudes the early- for coal seams. valley is around 130m with several lateritic and chert mounds rising up to a maximum of 200m.1. Attaining a thickness of 50 to 88m. chromitite. W trending valley bounded by the Daitary hill ranges to the north and Mahagiri hill ranges towards the south.67 8066.3 to 50m.82 7112. lowermost part of this horizon is under exploitation in namely Sukinda and Nuasahi covering parts of Jajpur. refractory and chemical (65o – 75o) and become nearly vertical beyond 100–120m grade of ore. Talangi: This deposit occurs in the northern part of The ore bodies occur in three distinct sub-parallel Sukinda valley and is being mined by M/s OMC stratigraphic levels. IND Sukinda area are Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd. mined by M/s.Jain & 0. a chromite body comprising grey type by limonitised silicified rocks. Ferro Alloys Corporation. ore.C. It is sporadically distributed within former type is enclosed partly or completely within limonitised and silicified rocks. Katpal (21° 01’ : 85° 43’) : The ultrabasic rock up to west of Saruabil mine camp.L. To the southwest ultramafics while the later type occurs surrounded of Kuiposi. The reserve is 1.4 sq. and is of lumpy type. The ore bodies in the upper two levels 49): In this area the ore bodies are lenticular.L. and 2. SURV. The ore is soft. The lowest level bodies are Ltd. 85° 47) – Kuiposi (21 04: 85 chromite. described below: 4. The chromite reserve is estimated to be Bhimtagar block and is owned by M/s. tonnes up to a depth of 40 GEOL.Jain & Co. The mines silicified and limonitised sheared ultramafic rocks. Indian Metals and quarries.00 million tonnes. extends into Dhekanal District. B. Kaliapani: It is the northern extension of TISCO’s FACOR. of these areas are owned by OMC and FACOR and The reserve of chromite in this block is estimated the total reserves have been estimated at 2 million to be 9 million tonnes up to a depth of about 200m..83 million tonnes up to a depth of 100m. Here reported from around Bhuban area.16 to 2m and comprises grey and brown types of Company. The prominent The other chromite occurences in Dhenkanal District ore body is tabular and consists of grey and brown are described below: varieties of ore extending discontinuously for strike length of about 3km. OMC Ltd. The reserve of of ore occurs with average thickness of 10m being chromite in this block is estimated at 98 million surrounded by limonitised and silicified rocks.5 million tonnes up to a depth of mines of Bhimtangar area are mined by TISCO and 100m. The estimated reserve of The western part of Sukinda ultramafic complex chromite up to 200m depth is 7. . Sukrangi (21° 03’ : 85° 49’): This block is owned valley.50 million tonnes. The tonnes up to a depth of 200m. The shape and disposition of the ore bodies are highly irregular. Gurjang (21° 04. Bhimtangar (21° 02’ : 85° 45’) – The chromite estimated to be 1. They occur enclosed within 59 – 61% Cr2O3 and 10-13% total iron. Tata Kumardah : The ore bodies of Kumardah block are Iron and Steel Company. M/s. The thickness of ore bodies varies from Ferro Alloys. The ore bodies are in the form of lenticular to tabular sheet and vary in Dhenkanal District thickness from 3 to 7m. fairly soft and porous chromite. Ostapal: It is located in northern part of the Sukinda 3.55 million tonnes. visit: grvmalaikalam. 2. The reserve is estimated to be known as ‘Grey Ore’ and include lensoid and 13 million tonnes up to a depth of 100m. Mohanty through a number of Industrial Development Corporation. M/s. thin are known as ‘Brown Ore’ and comprise brown and discontinuous. B. The brown comprises a its extension. discontinuous sheets of grey. OMC Ltd. Further along bodies covering an area of 0. from east of Saruabil village 1. and IDC Ltd. Here the reserve of chromite is estimated at by OMC Ltd. The leasehold area is about 18 sq km. The grey and brown ore bodies orthopyroxenite. some chromite occurrences are also block is under exploitation by M. 7. M. hard and massive 6. porous and massive. The estimated reserve of chromite up to a depth of 200m is 25. The chromite here is coarse grained 5. Towards south. The chromite bodies are lenticular exhibit variable thickness from 8 to 13m and 9 to (4 to 64m long and 2 to 8m wide). The estimated reserve is I 2 million The important mining centres in the belt are tonnes up to a maximum depth of 150m. beyond Saruabil (21°04: 85°48): The ore body in this Mahagiri range. Mohanty. 5. ore bodies are worked by M/s OMC Ltd. The ore analyses 21 m respectively. the deposits comprise a number of closely spaced bodies occurring at different levels. the ore body pinches out abruptly and chrome rich serpentinised suite and an unaltered reappears at places. the Kalrangi ore body is under active exploitation by M/s OMC Ltd.blogspot. Kalrangi: Situated in the western part of Sukinda valley.C. The later is folded into an anticline plunging NNE and the stratiform The ore commonly occurs as thin seams and also as ultramafics occupy the outer part of this antiformal lenses.1 million tonnes. occurrences of chromite ore in the form of thin bands and layers within greenish quartzite have Chromite occurs both as local concentrations and been reported. small ranging between 2. talc-tremolite rock. along the foot of a quartzite hill. Birasal (21°00: 85°41): About 2.072 TOTAL 8. The area is covered by extensive laterite. vis their reserve of chromite are listed below: anorthosite rocks which disrupted the chromite seams. 100m 2. pockets. olivine-orthopyroxenite. 2. Kandragadia area: Low grade chromite ore of highly altered horizons and do not form continuous irregular disposition occur in silicified and seams.blogspot. The ultramafic bodies form a NNE-SSW trending Gobardhanpur: A narrow zone of ultramafic rocks. has into isolated pods following the same alignment. occurs within serpentinised MISC.5km Two phases of ultramafic intrusives have been SSE of Maulabhanj Parbat near Bhuban. The length of the Kendujhar District individual lenses varies from a couple of meters to as Nuasahi Belt (20°15: 86°18to 20°20: 86°20): The much as 200m with an average width of 5m and have ultramafic rocks in the Nuasahi area in Kendujhar NW – SE to NNW – SSE strike with moderate easterly District have intruded a sequence of metasedimentariy dip. Maulabhanj Parbat (20°55: 85°40): About 1. of serpentinite. a chromite ore body. chromite identified in the area. Important chromite mines in the Nuasahi ultramafic belt along with the name of the mining agencies vis a The ultramafic rocks were later invaded by gabbro. chromite occurs as includes pyroxenite. younger phase. The peridotite – pyroxenite phase Asurbandh village. thin stringers and as structure. deposit and the chromite ore bodies are stretched apart occurring in between two ridges of banded chert. visit: grvmalaikalam. and chromitite.272 . Ghotringa (21°03: 85°41): North of the Ghotringa with Cr2O3 varying between 40 and 50% and Cr/Fe ratio village.00 Phulijhar OMC Ltd 0.7m. The ore in general is of metallurgical grade 5. the chromite-chert and chromite-serpentinite bodies. sedimentary type. dissemination and small pockety concentrations in harzburgite. talc schist and calc- 3. NO. sill and was later cofolded along with the host metasedimentary lithounits or may be a phacolith. displacements.5km NNE of The chromite ore bodies are tabular in form and Birasal village. The ore bodies spread over a strike length The ore bodiesare steeply dipping.5 to 3. The ultramafic body might have intruded as a disseminations. lithounits of Iron Ore Supergroup. Mine Mining Agency Maximum Depth Reserve (in million tonnes) Baula FACOR 175m 4. Pinch and swell structures are common. the dunite-chromitite representing ore occurs in sack-form masses or in interbedded the older phase and the peridotite – pyroxenite. of 3km in N-S direction and often show branching. sack form bodies. measuring occur in six levels interlayered with thick zones of dunite 62m 14m. 30(III) 41 2. 4.6.00 Nuasahi Serrajudin & Co. Later been reported from the area lying to the NE of dolerite dykes cross-cut the ultramafics as well as the Gobardhanpur located at about 15 km east of the Sukinda associated chromite bodies. This occurrence is thought to be dissemination almost throughout the ultramafic body. PUB. chert and within ultramafic bodies. The ore bodies are restricted to the serpentinised and 6.2 Bangur OMC Ltd. Asurbandh (20°53: 85°47): To the NNE of serpentinite rocks. wherlite and lherzolite. ultramafic belt. instead these bodies occur in form of disjointed lateritised ultramafic rocks southwest of Keshpal bands with pronounced lateral and vertical and range in size from 1m × 1m to 100mõ 5. The dunite-chromitite phase is composed The reserves is estimated at 0. blogspot. Although intermittently spreading over an area of 1. resource potential of gemstone in Odisha is very high. Banjipadar-Sargiguda sector. recovered from several important gem tracts lying within this district. potassic granites. Sundargarh District Bhaludungri area (21°51’: 84°50’): A number of Simple pegmatites traversing the xenoliths of small intrusive patches of ultrabasic rocks comprising pyroxene granulites within granites have recorded to pyroxenite and peridotite occur as isolated mounds and yield chrysoberyl and cat’s eye in Sirjapali-Tundla areas. The area is covered by soil and laterite. the dimensions being 500m × to arrive at a reliable reserve estimate. A reserve of the a distribution wise description of the gemstone order of 1550 tonnes was estimated with massive and occurrences in Odisha.5m × 4. pegmatites and quartz pyroxenite largely under soil and laterite cover occur veins host most of the gemstone of the state. A few random soil samples over these ultrabasics have analyzed up to 2500ppm Cr and 400 Bolangir District ppm 42 GEOL. enstatite. is mostly red to blood red in colour and is of excellent Large scale mapping. The rocks were tested with meta-pelitic schists and garnet pyribolite in for its Cr and Ni contents by soil sampling and pitting. IND Balasore District Gemstones Small outcrops of ultramafic rocks are exposed in The Eastern Ghats Granulite belt comprising mainly and around Bhalukasoni (21°29’: 86°42’) area under khondalite-charnockite suite of rocks and their variants.Hinjilibahal belt is the most important for contributing the best quality Koraput District ruby. The recovered ruby Koraput District. Ultramafic rocks intruded locally by mafic-ultramafic suites.5m wide and extends in NNW – SSE to N-S direction.76%. These chromite occurrences along with the associated ultramafic rocks are considered to be Kalahandi District xenolithic bodies lying within a plutonic mass of The best quality gems of Odisha have so far been gabbroic rocks. The chromite forms neither distinct bands occurring in the form of discontinuous bodies of different nor pockets but is distributed throughout the altered dimensions within migmatised khondalite is the source ultrabasics as disseminated grains.77 to 54. Besides. The 25km long Jilingdhar. It occurs in the eluvial zone of altered meta- Occurrences of low grade lumpy ferruginous pyroxenite particularly at its contact with granite gneiss chromite ore with low silica and high alumina (suitable marked by a zone of actinolite – tremolite – vermiculite for refractory industry) was reported from 3km south of being traversed by quartz vein. 25000 ppm. Nilgiri subdivision of Balasore district. 200m long and 1. spotted type of chromite with Cr2O3 content ranging from 25. 73C/13). anorthosites. The following is 3.07% Alluvials overlying the contact zone of calc-granulite to 27. peridotite and alkaline rocks.8m × 800m. The Cr2O3 content varies from 24. Several important gemstone tracts occurring within . elongated hillocks within Bonai Granite around Bhaludungri and neighboring areas in Sundargarh Rhodolite and almandine garnets occur associated district (Toposheet no. and granite gneiss as well as the pegmatites traversing the calc-granulites of Ghatspara-Singjharan areas yield Hessonite garnet and zircon. cat’s eye.5m and 5. The main outcrop is area of deep blue dichroic iolite.49%. occurrence of blue The analytical results show chromium content to vary opaque corundum. visit: grvmalaikalam. apatite and from 6000 to 9500 ppm and nickel content from 2000 to aquamarine has also been recorded from these areas. This ruby prospect is Ramagiri (18°41: 82°15) and adjoining areas in presently under active exploitation. Cordierite gneiss of Orhabahal-Urharanga area chlorite schist. comprising serpentinised dunite.5m × 2m × 3. A 100m long E-W trench has exposed two chromite ore no systematic assessment has been attempted yet in order bodies on its either end. by GSI reveals that the chromite bearing ultramafic rocks occur as discontinuous patches and altered to talc. pitting and sampling carried out quality. SURV. NO. mafic rock for diamond have been recorded at Kalamidadar granulite and calc-granulite have been delineated. In the similar setting. Excellent quality Besides. bodies emplaced within the Eastern Ghats Supergroup Recently. A linear belt extending from Binika upto Sonepur on the right bank of River Mahanadi Rayagada District covering an area of about 50 sq km exposes garnetiferous Pegmatite bodies emplaced within khondalites and granite gneiss and migmatites. cat’s eye. 30(III) 43 the Eastern Ghats granulite terrain of this district has Occurrences of garnet at the contact of quartzo- yielded many good quality gems. occur associated with pegmatites at Meghpal- Ranchipada areas. red opaque corundum. emplacing gneissic country rock are recovered from Ghumsar-Dehli belt. Occurrences of feldspathic gneiss and amphibolites have also been MISC.blogspot. yield aquamarine at Charbati- Boudh District Beldihi near Rairakhol. schist developed at the contact of quartzofeldspathic aquamarine. Occurrence of sillimanite. cat’s eye. heliodor and amethyst. agate and diamond are being associated with pegmatites and quartz veins intruding recovered from the gravel beds of Mahanadi River the Eastern Ghats Supergroup rocks at Bagdhapa-Tablai. (rhodolite and almandine). of them are gem bearing particularly greenish blue to sea blue aquamarine. occurrences of aquamarine. Heliodor have also been reported from this area. iolite. overlying augen gneiss between Boudh and Ramagarh. Sapphire is mostly removed from the colluvial topaz and amethyst have also been recorded from this zone. low-dipping unzoned pegmatites emplacing granite pyrope Nuapada District Zoned pegmatites intruding the gneisses and calc. heliodor and aquamarine associated with recorded. the primary rocks comprising garnetiferous granite gneiss. Several important gemstone tracts lie in this district. Zoned pegmatites intruding meta ultramafites along within the colluvial and also in association with biotite Sanaibahal. Minor occurrences of blue over an area of 350 sq. smoky quartz and diamond are Paikdakulguda-Hatamuniguda areas. Occurrences of iolite and almandine garnets mostly belt. visit: grvmalaikalam. More than 200 pegmatite iolite and fibrolite have been recorded from these areas. topaz. Migmatised garnet pyribolite enclaves within Bastar Sonepur. gem quality garnets Gem quality garnets. chrysoberyl is also reported to have rhodonite garnets occur at the contact of pegmatites with associated with the pegmatite bodies of Karla – Ghatsi - garnetiferous granite gneiss and mica schist at Karanjgurha areas in this district. sector. Naktamunda-Siali areas in this district. moonstone. topaz. PUB. Chrysoberyl and Cat’s eye associated with rare occurrence of alexandrite in biotite schist developed simple pegmatites (disintegrated and partly lateritised) along the contact of granite pegmatite and peridotite. recovered from the colluvial zones in this area and the gravel beds of Mahanadi River. Aquamarine. occurrences of lamproite bodies. .Suklimuri sector carry green beryl. brown and meta-pyroxenites in Katamal –Babebir-Amera and yellow zircons. The former extends from Birmaharajpur in the Gneisses of Sardhapur-Patialpada are the source of gem south up to Badmal in the north and beyond spreading quality pink and red garnets. the important ones being Badmal-Mursundi and Binika. rocks (Eastern Ghats Belt). Many and Amlidadar areas in this district. Besides. green tourmaline and aquamarine gneiss are known from Ghuchepara-Antarla sector. gneiss and amphibolite has also been recorded from Damjhar-Burhpara-Mantritarai lying close to the above Sonepur District sapphire belt. chrysoberyl. topaz. Gemstones including the colluvial zone yield chrysoberyl and cat’s eye in garnet. cat’s eye has been recorded in weathered colluvial zone overlying the zone Sambalpur District of khondalite and quartzo-felspathic gneiss in Irukubadi- Pegmatites emplaced within Khondalite suite of Tarhama. Transparent to light blue sapphire occurs associated granulites of the famous Muribahal –Tentelkhunita with syenite pegmatite bodies traversing the amphibolite sector carry respectively chrysoberyl and orange. the most important of these being the Similarly. iolite and amethyst occur zircon. in 44 GEOL. It A band of pure. metavolcanics of Iron Ore Group rocks in southern part of Bonai-Kendujhar belt around Kanjipani and Salaikana Glass Sand (21°25’ . quality green tourmaline. and corundum with kyanite rich zone. it has not yet been possible to arrive at a order nalas draining the laterite crust capping. River gravels near Katni. In addition. gem quality tourmaline occurs associated with pegmatite bodies from Bargocha area in this district. Kolhan sandstone occurring in the Shialari Pahar cat’s eye. occurs on hill 1432 (21°15: 86°17).km along Tel River between Kantamal and Manundo have been reported to yield garnets. Odisha. visit: grvmalaikalam.5 g/t in core as well as (20°28: 85°46) include some fine-grained varieties of in bulk samples. the gravel beds of Mahanadi basin. Although resource potential of gemstones in Odisha is expected Panning of the stream sediments in the 1st and 2nd to be high.6 g/ sand suitable for manufacture of glassware. Mayurbhanj district Deogarh District A large reserve of glass sand is available from the Occurrences of hessonite and rhodolite have been highly friable quartzite occurring around Panijia (22°03: recorded over a long belt along Budido . 85°23’) has shown incidence of gold. SURV. IND Similar gravel beds spread over an area of about Dhenkanal District 45sq. A zoned pegmatite body of about 50m length Occurrence of alluvial gold has been recorded in almost emplaced within an assemblage of porphyritic granite all the districts of Odisha and panning of the stream gneiss. the reliable reserve estimate in any category. iolite. though there is evidence of old mining activity Jharsuguda District in the northern parts of Odisha. topaz.Nuagan belt. (21°31: 85°15) and in the hill NE of Kamparkala (21°22: 85°14) appears suitable for glass making. Dolia and with pegmatites are reported from Belghar areas. tourmaline and diamond. Gold occurrences of Odisha are confined to mainly placers. Jharpost confined to the contact of amphibolite with garnetiferous gneiss and quartz-sillimanite schist Gold respectively. Panning activity There are also reported occurrence of diamond in for gold in Ramiala and Betali streams are also on record.blogspot. Gundichanali are also washed for gold. occurs near Dalapur (18°46: 82°19). Kendujhar District White. suitable for glass manufacture. Angul District Phulbani District Washing for gold has been reported from Tikiria and Occurrencec of chrysoberyl and cat’s eye associated Ouli rivers. Gold content ranges from 0. In one borehole gold values of . suitable for glass has been observed that garnet is found in mica rich zone manufacture.Palsma – 86°41) and east of Souri (22°03’: 86°40’).1 to 0. white quartzite. Recently primary rocks for diamond such as lamproite has been discovered Kendujhar District in Kalamidadar in Nuapada District. granular and friable sandstone. adjoining Bihar. Angul District Good quality garnet (rhodolite) and corundum occur in ambhibolite and quartz-mica-kyanite schist Koraput district association along Magarmuhan-Jhilli. GSI carried out investigation by drilling for primary gold in Cuttack District the metavolcanics of Salaikana area near Telkoi which The Gondwana sandstones occurring around Naraj revealed gold content less than 0. amphibolite and schists at Bagdihi hosts good sediments in the major rivers has yielded gold. tonne in other samples. Ruansi and Suriagera Malayguda in Kolab River catchment area has been areas indicated assay values of 0.9 g/tonne of Au.1 to 0. Gold mineralisation as stream. Similar low assay values for gold. A few 1. vein has locally been noticed. Suriagora (22°25: 86°15). Epigenetic shear zone types of 10 km north of Telkoi and 3km NNW of Salaikana mineralisation with quartz stringers are quite common appears to be a potential block for searching gold in these blocks.25 to 31. brought out visible gold in a few samples. The gravel bed near Hanumanthia old pits and shafts have been reported in the area.6 g/t of Group. In the central Bijatola and Kalimati areas where there are evidences portion a 4m wide lode indicated an average grade of of old mining as well as local panning activity. Cu and As over strike length ranging from 600m to 1. Au over 0. The bedrock samples collected yield negligibly Sigora at the headwaters of the Borai river. with an average width of 1m was delineated with gold Gohaldongri (22°24: 86°20).5 g/t of Au over 1 to 2m width in bed rock. Occurrences falling within the catchments areas of Garia nadi and of gold are found near Kudersai (22°26: 86°17) and Jam nadi. phyllite. anomalies obtained from stream sediment heavies a total of eight prospective blocks have been delineated Identification of palaeo-placer zone located at about in this belt. Besides.1 gm dissemination has been observed both in quartz vein and are obtained from a gravel bed in the neighbourhood of granulitic country rocks in this area.3km long pyrite bearing and uraniferous polymictic conglomerate horizon resting Koraput district over volcanics indicates low gold values (0. Preliminary Gohaldungri. nature (around 1g/tonne) of some of quartz veins hosted strong gold anomaly in soil over basal quartz-pebble. An auriferous tract of about 15 MISC. Dadigunda and in recent years by GSI in Jashipur. In the Gold mineralisation has been suspected around southern block. . Ruansi and Gohaldungri (22°04:86°20) along the Godia ilmenite and meta-pyroxenite and metachert.2 g/tonne were recorded in four samples of sampling in part of Koraput District indicated auriferous sulphide bearing metabasite.9m ). per cu. Surface sampling over limited areas showed Placer gold has been reported from Bangir nala 0. concordant to foliation and tend to exploration carried out in some of the blocks has occur in parallel sets in schistose to phyllitic host rocks indicated significant geochemical anomalies in terms of both volcanogenic and sedimentary parentage. conglomerate horizon resting over Singhbhum Granite has been reported over a strike length of 10km. of Au. 82°25) and Kollaru(18°34: 82°27) areas. The lithounits are mainly basic metavolcanics Incidence of gold specks is also reported in the bed associated with talc-tremolite schist.5 to 0. shows of mineralisation in form of visible gold in quartz 85° 58).2gm of Au area forms a part of Gorumahisani greenstone belt.6 to 1. which drains the eastern and southern part of the hill However. Another tract of 200 sq km was delineated few metavolcanic and metachert samples. Munisahi.m.blogspot. PUB. In Sulaipet area systematic sampling of a 2.1 to 0. Ruansi. extensive gold panning activity has which is the southern extension of gold-hosting been reported from Sunajhar and Rangadhi areas of this Kunderkucha belt ofJharkhand. Panning between Dasamatapur and Govindpalle (18°35: 82°17). But at the same time rich surface Gopinathpur (21°15: 85 ° 47) and Bamnipal (27°01. Investigation carried out occurring around Bhattigunda. Nuggets weighing between 23. These shear zones are parallel to the mineralization.1 to 2. Alluvial gold in the form of occurrences are also reported in the near vicinity of dust and fine specks occur associated with magnetite. a richer auriferous lode of 60m length Jashipur (22°26: 86°12). NO.1 to 2. In the southern sector. 30(III) 45 0. by Bengpal Group of rocks.2 g/t of gold in a identified. Based on gold district. micaceous of Kurlu nala.5km.9 g/t. Surface well as brecciated. Auriferous quartz veins are massive as F 3 axial surface of the schist belt rocks. only one sample yielding 1. of Au. visit: grvmalaikalam. NNW of Sonapenth (21°15:85°45). of Au).5 to 10g/tonne.8 g/t Gold has been reported from Dasamantapur (18°40. A total strike length of 900m of the main quartz reef of Gopur Mayurbhanj District indicated persistent gold value of 1 g/tonne. The nala is reported to contain approximately 0. scout drilling results from some of the blocks range containing epidiorite and quartz vein of Iron Ore yielded rather lean gold assay values (0. value varying from 2. They form two Rayagada and Dhenkanal. more or less linear zones. The run of the mill ore is amenable at Sargipalli (20°54: 83°05) – Danga Chancha (20°54. viz. Workable concentration and Brahmani and some of their tributaries are washed results through the process of remobilisation and for gold by local people. The there are 120 subsisting mining leases in the State deposits appear to be epigenetic in origin and are covering a total area of 5705 hectares. Sargipalli. Auriferous gravel bed and hinge zones of folds suggesting both lithological consisting of pebbles of quartz and haematite quartzite and structural controls of localisation. bodies have limited extension both along and across the strike.F. IND Sundargarh district Graphite mineralisation is restricted to khondalite suite and its migmatised equivalents.500 sq. Banjipali area of Bolangir district.blogspot. visit: grvmalaikalam.70m.46 million tonnes. Graphite is reported to have 1. in shear zones and Sarbahal on the Ib river. and Gorgarbahal. of migmatite. The lensoid Sialkundar (21°55: 84°52). 82°49’25). Graphite deposits time.35% fixed carbon and 46 GEOL. 84°48). Titlagarh. (21°86: 84°13). Kuljhar (21°59: 84°54) and persist down dip to considerable depth. Dantamure (24°43: 83°56) and Hirakud (21°32: 83°56). Tumudibandh. to beneficiation upgrading the FC content to as high as 83°03) and Temrimal of Baragarh district and Raju- 96%. Concentration of graphite pockets is total production of the state followed by the districts of more localised at the closure part of the tight isoclinal Sambalpur (26%) and Phulbani (23%). There are as many as 24 beneficiation plants in Nagphena (20°3030: 82°45). The gravels of rivers Ib sillimanite-graphite schists. the band is washed for gold along the Brahmani river at Bonai type deposits have strike continuity of 100 – 500m and (21°49: 84°57). The maximum thickness recorded is Reported occurrences of gold in this district include 11. Usually. Soramohan clay partings. a beneficiation plant was set up at Titlagarh by the occur in association with quartz-feldspar-garnet- Patna State Graphite Mining Company. Gangadar R. Kusumura (22°18: 84°02) planes of the host rocks and at places.19mt (both is contributed by Sargipalli underground mine in probable and possible categories). Kalahandi. Production-wise. Phulbani. The total graphite fold (F1) near Turekela and open folds (F2) near Bagdor resource of Odisha state is 2. The near Jareikela (2219: 85°06) along Koel and Brahmani deposits are in the form of bands. Nayagarh. The graphite deposits occur invariably at shallow depth. lenses usually disposed conformably to the foliation Sargipalli (22°03: 83°55). just below the soil Sambalpur district and laterite cover. prominent. Odisha continues to be the leading producer of graphite accounting for 67% (IBM. (20°41: 82°5715) and Sambalpur. The important occurrences are epigenetic enrichment in migmatised khondalite. SURV. Sargipalli mine sillimanite schist/gneiss particularly at the contact zones in Sambalpur district. was developed in 1945. Nishikal. Around that of Baragarh and Bolangir districts. namely Sargipalli . The graphite occurrences in state are geographically distributed in six belts. Baudan (203950: the state distributed in the districts of Bolangir. of low grade containing less than of the graphite deposits in Sargipalli belt is distributed 25% fixed carbon. The ore zone is often intercalated with grey those from near Tahud (21°36: 84°02). The graphite appears to be hydrothermal vein filling in en-echelon shear fractures. with average grade Baragarh District. however. 1999) of the country’s total production. Puri.27 bulk density. fracture planes Bolangir District heads the list with about 44% of the and fault zones. Today. Sargipalli Belt been produced as early as in 1937 in Lahakhan in the The belt is 65km long and 25km wide covering parts then Bolangir State (now Bolangir district).km. The graphite is Minor occurrences of alluvial gold have been crystalline and flaky and occurs in disseminated state reported from the areas near Giringkela (22°08: 83°50) with varying proportion especially in garnet-quartz- and Suriagera of Himgiri taluk. structurally controlled along the foliation. granite gneisses and pegmatites. Bulk of the production of graphite in 13. A majority the state is. Muniguda and Dhandatapa Graphite belts covering an area of about 15. within 30m from the surface. Almost the entire production of high grade graphite Total reserve of graphite comes to be 1. en-echelon veins and rivers and near Raghunathpalli (22°14. MISC. Jagdalpur (19°40: 83°30). bounded by lat. This belt covers a major part of Phulbani and parts 83°25). etc. 4. The gneiss at Chandatora (2020:83°17) and Kansa (20°23: graphite bodies are mainly composed of flakes of 83°24) and Beniabandu. Graphite here is Besides there are at least 60 occurrences of graphite mostly flaky and amorphous in nature and commonly where quarrying has not yet been undertaken.Mandurpalli (19°45:83°34). Ganjapadar (20°34: 82°45).blogspot. 30(III) 47 – Bagmura zone and Darshamunda – Jamki and Belghar (19°55: 83°87’) area of Phulbani district (20°2610:82°4555) zone both lying parallel to the and Muniguda (19°37: 83°30) area of Rayagada district. Individual graphite lenses have length varying between few metres and 500 m and width from few cm. Dengasurgi (20°11: 83°2515).C. 83°08– 83°17. Their massive appearance is due to closely 83°21). Sialgolingi disseminated type and to about 40% in the graphite (20°2245: 83°0920) and Pampur-Madanpur schist. Three prominent mineralised zones running spaced flakes. west of Saintala (20°26: graphite. 19°10– 19°20and long. 45-60) Dharuakhaman – Jamki in Bolangir District are localized bodies in this belt in which they occur mostly in the in the closure region of a synformal fold of regional scale form of small lenses and veins. The sheared contact zone of khondalite covering parts of Bolangir and Kalahandi districts and granite/migmatite contains richer concentration of is 55km long and 40km wide. Titlagarh Belt graphite occur as dissemination in pockets. Important localities of graphite occurrence in this belt 3. Katikhole (19°48. to 1m.. Bendar R. belt varies between 10km and 82°5005). Laxmipur in Bolangir District. Bangipal This belt being the southwestern continuation of (20°29: 82°48) and Dudukamal (20°3403. Komna in Nuapada District and Salepali Muniguda – Jagdalpur (19°45’ : 83°3345). Karlagi (19°52:83°34). The F. The graphite occurrences in this belt are associated with manganese. 18°45to 20°00N and Long. This 38km long NE-SW trending belt lies in parts Sialgolingi. Graphite occurs as bands. 83°45to 83°33). Tumudibandh belt spreads over an area of 190 sq. 83°00’ to 83°35’E planes indicating two generation of graphite mineralisation. minor occurrences have so far been located in this belt. found as pockety concentrations or disseminations within migmatised khondalite and along the contacts of Ground geophysical survey carried out in this belt khondalite with granite and/or leptynite. The grade is highly erratic even in the along WNW-ESE have also been marked between same body. and along has picked up significant anomalies in Ghusuriamunda structural weak planes such as fold closures. About 50 graphite forming a potential graphite bearing area. Singhjharan of Rayagada and Phulbani districts. Both cryptocrystalline and phenocrystalline 2. Durhugi (19°53. The graphite deposits at Tumudibandh mines produce rich graphite (F. Tumudibandh belt are Berhsagaon (19°53: 83°30). shears etc. Sunmudra (19°43’ 84°00E.F. visit: grvmalaikalam. Nishikal – Kinchikhal Belt Bonaimal. Turukripa (19°42: between Lat. NO. and Malisira areas. The frequency of distribution of graphite bodies lenses and pockets in garnetiferous quartzites and granite appears to be related to shearing and migmatisation. the 5. graphite. Presently. (19°00: 83°0730) and Gumma (19°1045: 83°20) areas. This belt bounded by Lat 20°00’ to 20°28’N and lenses and bands along the foliation planes and axial Long. The width of this (20°14: 83°15). main clusters of graphite bodies are also noted at Manbham concentration being at Tumudibandh – Belghar – in Sambalpur.C. veins. of Rayagada. Besides. (201200: 83°0100)areas. Muniguda belt important ones being at Boroni (20°22: 83°11). although there are not less than 32 abondoned quarries and pits in the belt. Kalupadar (19°42: 83°22). graphite is being mined mainly at Malisira. A majority of the graphite producing mines in Bolangir District are located around Turekela (20°2956: 82°47’57") at Nagphena. regional foliation trend. Fulmati (20°17: 83°1015). Talchalinala . clots. Major mining activity is around Tumudibandh : 83°34). content varies from 5 to 15% in the Malisira (20°0025: 83°2510). Kalahandi and Gajapati districts lying 83°34). 20°37to a stretch of 40km. graphite carried out during field seasons 1964-66 helped in picking up significant anomalies in Adeswar – The chief protore which gives rise to iron ore deposits Aharkata – Ambasarmunda (20°5145: 84°3515) and by supergene residual enrichment process is the banded Girida blocks. The F. the notable iron ore deposits between 3 m and 4. Noamundi 48 GEOL. There is no sharp line of division (61. Production-wise.66%) in the state. Bhalipadmpur (19°38’ : 83°32). but are generally lateritised west.C. with the Badampahar Group of rocks in Badampahar belt. The Iron ore formations above six prominent belts. Joda east and pockets of limonitic ore. visit: grvmalaikalam. Dhandatapa Belt In Mayurbhanj district. The former is chiefly found in Badampahar-Gorumahisani area in Mayurbhanj District In addition to the major graphite occurrences along and Daitari area in Jajpur District. Keonjhar district heads the list and (iv) lateritic ores. Banspani Pahar. (ii) with the less metamorphosed rocks of the Koira- pockets. .74%) districts. IND (19°34: 83°29). Maniguda (19°35: 83°33). Graphite occurrences of this belt are distributed in Akharkata (20°5030: Daitari hill is the only iron ore deposit in Jajpur 84°30). Guali. (laminated). Sidhamat Parbat. Sulaipat and Gorumahisani areas over the Mahanadi river and is bounded by Lat. giving rise to occasional Pahar.blogspot. Kalta. Jhiling Pahar. smaller occurrences of the Koira-Noamundi Group are associated with shales associated with migmatised khonda-lite are known from and tuffs which are exposed as a major low north plunging Adash area of Deogarh district and Daspalla area of horse-shoe shaped synclinorium constituting the Bonai – Nayagarh district. Durga Parbat. Dal Pahar.method for of Umarkot in Nawarangpur district. are in Bonai range viz. A reserve of 2. 6. (iii) soft ores (flaky.79% of iron ore production of the country. SURV. The iron ore and/or the haematite bearing rocks district. Khariaguda (19°36: Dandrahar Pahar. % of graphite in this belt ranges haematite jasper/ quartzite of Precambrian age. Hard ore is thinly bedded and includes lumpy as well as laminated types. average Fe content of over 60%. They are between 50 to 68. In Keojhar of iron.22%) and Mayurbhanj (2. between different ore types and any one type passes on Cuttack (4. Badamgarh Pahar. iron ore deposits are located This 40km long and 10km wide belt lies to north of in Badampahar. Kurband. Basada. The State accounts for massive and laminated). 84°15– 84°45. friable and powdery). Girida (20°53: district. compact and steel Iron Ore grey to dark and brownish black in colour. Malangtoli. Kalta and Gandhamardan. It exhibits variation in thickness In Sundargarh district. 8 km SSW Ground geophysical survey by S. 84°33) and Kamalpur (20°2330: 84°30) blocks falling under Athamallick sub-division of Angul district. veins and stringers. hard. (ii) moderately hard ore about 15. Kiriburu.tonnes of iron ore containing 60% Fe has been estimated near Hirapur Hill. Adeswar (20°2330: 84°30). Taldih. Kendujhar belt. clots. important iron ore bearing areas are Thakurani are weathered on the surface. Longlota Pahar. Baliapahar.P.5m as seen from the borehole data. The ore is usually massive.37%). quartzite. north and west of yielding large cappings of laterite and/or Kanga. The graphite occurs as flakes mafic-ultramafic composition and metachert-quartzite and dissemination within the host rock in form of and. calc-silicate with granite gneiss as well as comprising highly metamorphosed volcanic rocks of within pegmatite bodies. 83°41). A large part of the ore minerals consists of haematite (martite) with subordinate amount The state has a total iron ore reserve of 3360 million of magnetite and other oxides/ hydrated oxides (goethite) tonne of all grades varying from 55 to 66% Fe. Hitikuda. 21°00and Long.65m. Khandadhar. The different Odisha has vast reserves of high grade iron-ore with varieties include (i) hard ores (steel grey to brownish. gradually into another type. Daringburu and Barsuan. In Dhandatapa area (20°48: 84°36) found in two distinct geological associations namely (i) graphite is localized at the contact of khondalite. Rakmo. followed by Sundargarh (31. and Saleguda (19°44: 83°32). The soft ore has two massive. powdery and lateritic with some localized of a N-S trending hill ridge constituting a part of the Kanga patches. and are completely folded. powdery Malangtoli Block: This block comprises a group of (blue dust).14%. visit: grvmalaikalam.62 Total 3360 million tonnes . deposits occupy the southeastern part of the horseshoe synclinorium and are associated with BHJ. blue dust is more akin to hard ore. been estimated. The depth persistence of ore body has been proved up to 100 m.blogspot. tonnes and indicated reserve of 134 million tonnes have Chemically.67 Nawrangpur 2 60. NO. of fresh haematite grains nearly devoid of the silica is termed as blue dust. The ore types include to 3. hard.40% and Al2O3 0. which strike in NE-SW direction. Different types of ore include soft/ to 69.13 thickness of ore bodies is 48. associated with BHJ/BHQ and ferruginous shale.65 Kendujhar 2555 63. Other major deposits of the State are the following: District Deposit Reserves (in million tonnes) Kendujhar Thakurani 324 Mankarnacha 268 Katamati 55 Jajang (Rungta mines) 121 Jiling Longlata 88 Sundargarh Kalta 93 Khandadhar 50 Badamgarh Pahar 49 Balia Pahar 131 District wise Iron ore reserves in the state are as follows: District Reserves in million tonnes Grade range (% of Fe) Jajpur 46 63.17 to 7. The average in the content of Fe2O3 from 59. Barsuan Block: Barsuan along with Taldih and The ore reserve estimated is of the order of 170 million Kalta blocks constitute the principal sources of chief tonnes. million tonnes has been estimated with an average (b) loose granular powdery ore with greater percentage content of 61% Fe.50%. soft. A total mineable reserve of 139 appears to contain large percentage of admixed clays. The 58 to 65%. The ore body is friable/flaky and MISC. The ore types are hard. The ore consists predominantly of haematite with biscuity ore which is laminated conspicuously and goethite association.8m. PUB. laminated (hard and soft). Joda east block: The ore body here occurs in form soft laminated. A total of 10 ore bodies have been delineated of iron ore minerals.64 Mayurbhanj 15 60. (a) friable laminated type called friable or dust. lateritic and blue varieties. The flaky friable ore comprises Bolani Block: Two parallel iron ore bearing BHQ alternately interbanded thin laminae (less than 1mm to bands trending NNE-SSW with northeasterly dips at 5mm thick) of iron ore minerals plus considerable moderate to steep angles are exposed in this block amount of void space. friable and lateritic and the grade varies from 13 deposits spread over an area of about 20 sq. A total reserve of 608 million tonne with average 63% Fe has Kendujhar district been estimated.66 Sundargarh 742 60. 30(III) 49 The chemical composition of hard ore shows variation lateritised and irregularly enriched. The ore types include massive. Bulk of the ore at Bolani has been derived from BHQ through the process of oxidation and supergene enrichment causing migration of silica and Sundargarh district enrichment of iron. raw material for Rourkela Steel Plant. It shows perfect bedding and along these bands and a proved reserve of 292 million laminations and crumples down when slightly disturbed. eastern limb of the Horse Shoe synclinorium. Blue dust is composed of separated by laterite and underlain by tuffaceous unconsolidated dusty material comprising predominantly material. SiO2 0. Near Salijor (22°12: 84°21) it occurs associated with talc-tremolite schist Biramitrapur and near Amkhai as pockets and thin bands along the The Biramitrapur formation hosts important foot hills of the conglomerate hill. Alumina and iron oxide contents never exceed 6 % and 8% respectively. Within these bands there are patches of One of the most important Precambrian limestone high magnesia limestone which are rejected in the course and dolomite deposits of Odisha occurs associated with of mining. IND Kyanite of which dolomite forms 364m to 457m and limestone 245m to 300m. km in an E-W direction from Langiberna to Amghats. Other occurrences schist. visit: grvmalaikalam. The northern 180 m Hatibari. tourmaline and iron ore is reported from the rock shows all types of transition from a pure Toradanali (21° 06:85°24) area. The limestone Mayurbhanj district beds show a general strike varying between E-W and A kyanite-dumortierite deposit is reported to occur ENE-WSW with an average dip of 65o due north. The insolubles vary from 6.55%. Altogether there are two bands. Gangpur Group of rocks in this district. Other kyanite occurrences length of the deposit is 6. Kutra in the Southern limb.5% and 4.1 % and sometimes.O. MgO- Limestone and Dolomite 19.3%. varying between 300m and 365m.96% and Odisha is endowed with vast resources of limestone L. The general structure is described Purnapani as a synclinorium. SURV.SiO2-2. the northern and Sundergarhgarh district southern bands. About one third of the limestone resources is suitable Sundergarh district for use as flux and cement manufacture.5% to 10% and the total alkali (Na2O+K2O) 0. confined to three distinct geological settings viz. . The limestone is medium grained. The deposit Kyanite is known to occur in association with vein wise details are given below.7%. The limestone is fine to medium grained Angul district and grey in colour. In mineral composition. Fe2O3-0.The two broad bands. The dolomitic limestone analyses CaO-33. Purnapani in the northern limbs. Chhota-Phiringbahal and Lolabara.4 km with a width variable include those near Purnapani (22°18: 86°18) and between 300m and 400m.58%. The lime content in the rock varies from 30 to are kyanite bearing quartz schist near Magarmuhan.80%. Khatkurbahal. with mica. are separated by a belt of dolomitic limestone of width between 152 m and 244m. owing to its low magnesia Gomardiha. Golagadia and Sikheswar.5 km with a southerly dip of 60° and an average width The major deposits are located at Biramitrapur. of this band is of good quality. the Simlipal (22°06: 86°29). Gangpur Group. content varying between 3. Chattishgarh Super Group and Eastern Ghats Super Group of rocks besides minor occurrences Lanjiberna associated with Iron ore Supergroup rocks in Kendujhar The deposit extends over a strike length of 12. and Dubkbera in the core of the synclinorium. At places it is siliceous and the bands A small deposit of Kyanite occurring in association contain phyllitic intercalations. northern and southern. The at Panijia (20°03’: 86°40’).35%.5%. The limestone band consists of an upper calcitic member and lower dolomitic member. Bailama.blogspot. The limestone band has an E-W strike length of 1.50 district. 30 to 35 % and magnesia upto 15%. The average The average width varies between 609 and 761 m content of CaO is 46%. lengths of 50 km and 96km in the northern and southern limbs of the synclinorium respectively. 52% while the insoluble and silica show variation from Jhilli. grey to dark grey in 50 GEOL.3-0. even below 2. Kumbakerra.: quartz at near Ghoriajhor. Lanjiberna. Al2O3-1. It is also reported horizons of limestone and dolomite extending over from Kodamunda (22° 23: 84°32).I-44. It is low in alumina crystalline limestone to calcareous phyllite and mica (<45%) and high in iron (>2% Fe2O3). 14%).12%) and total alkali content (< 1%).34-1.24%. varies from 53. one over an area of 200mx 120m forming a Other occurrences include Katang(22°14: 84°29).36% to less than 2% and SiO2 content goes upto 14 %. slates and quartzite belonging to Indravati band is dolomitic. occurs as thin bands associated with phyllite and mica schists. white. Super Group in Ampavalli(18° 24: 82° 58’) – Gondivalasa(18° 25: 82° 59) area. tonnes. is found near Kattameta (18° 20: 81° 42) and The deposit comprises two bands. PUB.6. The lime content varies between 22. NO. Dublabera The limestone is crystalline. . hillock north of Bajnathpur and the other covering an Ludhukutoli (22°15: 84°25).28 % Nawarangpur district and 31.8%-3.2km.5%). the southern band Nandiveda(18°19: 81°40). Malkangiri district Good quality limestone often containing over 50% Khatukurbahal Cao. A total of 42 occurrences have been 305m x 120 m with an assumed thickness of 2. The general grade of limestone is somewhat impure with CaO and insoluble contents varying from 41. The reserve of dip. The limestone has a lime content Group over a strike length of 5 km with average width varying from 42. insoluble (2.2%). High content of alumina (> 0. Pahartoli Limestone occurs in the area under a thick Koraput district MISC. iron oxide (0.40% Gotitanger and 6. 30(III) 51 Hatibari A reserve of about 30 million tonnes of dolomite is estimated to be available in Gomardihi (22° 12’:84 ° 30’). The CaO content million tonnes respectively upto a depth of 30m. The limestone beds extend from the Purunapani Turmura area contains a reserve of about 12 million mines of Hindustan Steel limited. A total reserve of over 240 million tonnes of blast furnace grade and cement grade has been Purkapali estimated.64 km x 1.27%. A tentative reserve The limestone is exposed over a length of about 1.60% with silica and insoluble of 30 m. dolomite for Sundargarh district are estimated at 491 million tonnes and 387 million tonnes respectively.58% to 13. and grades to impure The dolomite deposit is confined to an area of about calcitic limestone.6%) and magnesia ( 2. The delineated. In Gupteswar-Binsuli (18°49: 8210) area. visit: grvmalaikalam.72% respectively. In Hatibari lease area tonnes of dolomite.5 m.2 of 73 million tonnes (proved and possible) has been km and a width of about 410m in the area between estimated to be available in the area. The limestone recorded within an area of 1.58% to 45. exposures of limestone are seen at two places.16% to 50. The regional trend of foliation is N70°E-S70°W with moderate dip to south. The probable reserve with less than 8% Crystalline limestone occurs in discontinuous insoluble is about 100million tones to a depth of 60m. The formation strikes N-S with low westerly contents varying from 7.The lensoidal patches associated essentially with the calc- deposits are under active exploitation of M/S Bisra granulites of the Khondalite suite of the Eastern Ghats Cement and Lime Ltd. The limestone is light grey to cream coloured and limestone and dolomite is 20 million tonnes and 22 varies in thickness from 3m to 6m. Tinkantoli and Kinurtoli. It occurs interbanded with containing good quality limestone while the northern purple shales. The coarsely calcitic samples are fairly low reserves are estimated to be of the order of 3 million in magnesia (0.blogspot.3%) 84°26) and Kukurphuka (22°12: 84°30) and silica and phyllitic intercalations make it unsuitable for industrial use and hence the mining has been The total estimated reserves of limestone and abandoned by TISCO. Kandaimunda (22°14: area of 400m x 42m.48% to 21. It is fairly low in silica (5% - 8. of TISCO.5% . In the Baragarh district higher grade ores the phosphorous content rises up to Limestone occurs in a strip of plain country about 0. the ore largest recoverable manganese reserve in the country deposits are epigenetic. 85°09’) in the southwestern part. stromatolitic at volcano-sedimentary rock sequence of Precambrian age. (iii) Ghoriajhor belt (Gangpur Group) in form of discontinuous bands within three parallel in Sundargarh district associated with Gonditic rocks shear zones are mostly confined to Rayagada and and (iv) Bamra subdivision of Sambalpur district Koraput districts. In some of the deposits of the belt. and veins within lateritoid rocks and lower lithomerge horizons in the core region of the Horse Shoe Manganese synclinorium. although about 60% of the total reserve is content to less than 4% and insoluble to about 16%. occur chiefly in four distinct geographic belts: (i) the Intensive exploration work in this belt so far has Bonai – Kendujhar Belt in Sundargarh and Keonjhar established. The manganese their very low phosphorous content.09%. presently being associated with laterite in the metasediments. sandstone and quartzite. these are classed as high alumina siliceous ores. Chemical analysis indicate (35 to 44.blogspot. its low phosphorous manganese ore. the State’s manganese production is achieved from the Bonai – Kendujhar Belt.55 million tones). It is found interbedded along with shale.05% to 0. Dubna (21°51’. restricted to the Precambrian rocks. of marketable grade.99% Mn) ore constitute roughly 20% of the its CaO content to range from 41% to 46% and MgO total reserve. laterites. High grade (above 45%Mn) and medium grade grained and purple in colour. Bonai – Kendujhar Belt: The Bonai – Kendujhar of limestone varies from 1. associated with chert-shale sequence and tonnes. which is always less than the clearance limit of 0. ranges from 0. worked by M/S Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd.19%. visit: grvmalaikalam. approximately 60km long and 25 km wide Kedunjhar district and comprises a group of slightly metamorphosed Dolomite and dolomitic limestone. 85°23’) in the north. anticline plunging northwest. Manganese mineralization occurring Odisha accounts for one third of the country’s annual within lower shale below the BIF is possibly of production of manganese and possesses the second syngenetic origin. The limestone is fine deposit. of 500 sq. Kalahandi and Bolangir districts. places. (ii) Kuttinga – Nishikal – Ambadola – Patna belt in Koraput. SURV. next only to that of manganese ore deposits of Bonai – Kendujhar belt is Karnataka (64. Banjipali(21° 38’:83° 30’) in form of an asymmetrical So. Kuttinga – Nishikal – Ambadola – Patna belt: associated with Khondalite suite of rocks of the Eastern Manganese ore deposits of southern Odisha occurring Ghats Supergroup. The phosphorous content in the low-grade ore. The thickness 1. but at south of manganese ore belt in North Odisha is well known for Badmal the band attains a maximum thickness of 30m. 2.. a total possible reserve of 29. deposits of 52 GEOL. There are about Nuapada district 200 (large and small) lensoid deposits most of which Crystalline limestone occurs associated with are under active exploitation. 50.15%.36 million tones of all grades. the ore 16 km long between Dungri(21° 42’: 83 ° 34’) and contains high alumina while others contain high silica. IND limestone and dolomite occur in form of linear The grade of the ore is variable from deposit to discontinuous bands along with shale and quartzite deposit as also from body to body within the same belonging to the Indravati Group.e.2m to 7. The unique feature of the i. occur associated with manganiferous formations The manganese ore deposits occur scattered over an area near Bhadrasahi and Kasia. It is a narrow NNE-SSW trending belt. Nishikal deposit. is the . The width of the band varies from 50m to 250m.9m. suitable for The longer limb strikes NNE-SSW with low westerly domestic Steel Industry in Eastern India. Khondalite and quartzite of Eastern Ghats Super Group of rocks near Khariar. About 60% of dip. 85°24’) in the south and Bhutura (2148’. However for the most part.53 million bounded by Barbil (22 07’. Major manganese ore bodies occur as pockets and lenses. at the contact of khondalite with quartzite 20% cut off grade 2. Taldoshi Bolangir district: (19°07. The The manganese ore deposits are confined to the ore bodies occur as bands and pockets with steep dips Khondalite Group of rocks belonging to Eastern Ghats ranging in width up to 5m. 84°09) and potential blocks explored so far are given below: Kharkamunda from where a large quantity of ore has . The ores have been formed by supergene enrichment of primary syngenetic Important deposits are located in Manomunda metamorphosed assemblage..83°19). 83°13). Mamillary and botryoidal associated rocks and extend in length upto 300m with structures are common. depositional basin. north – south belt having a width varying from 5 to 10km.79 million tonnes quartzite and (iii) small lenses and pockets within laterite. Gatigurha 0.83°22) and Kapilabahal variants of granite gneisses. cavity in a 64 km long belt. visit: grvmalaikalam. Liliguma (19°16. The ore bodies are generally localized close to Sundargarh district the zones of fracturing and shearing. (ii) reticulate Tamiya Block 0. Khagsabahal Block 0. Most Nishikal Block (North & South) 8.42 Dandpani Block 0. Devjolla (19°08. Bolangir district are confined to a 25 km long belt consisting of lateritised schists of Khondalitic suite. are usually compact. excepting a few Devjholla Block 0. The reserves of different (22°05.161 million tonnes Proved and Probable Important deposits occur near Kutinga (19°05. 83°1210). The richest concentrations Supergroup. Name of the Block Reserve(in million tones) 1. MISC. within khondalite.37 Uchhabapali Block 0.54 ore occurs as (i) massive tabular bodies. PUB. quartzite.28 3. The different rock types of the area include khondalite Important deposits of Bolangir district are recorded sensu stricto (quartz-feldspar-sillimanite-garnet + at Dungaripalli. The deposits are scattered over a 32km long are found at the contact with calc-granulites. 84°09). graphite gneiss). Bhaludungri (20°46.47 The ore bodies have trends varying from NNE-SSW Rengali Block 0.88 and lenses in manganiferous khondalite. Karajolla Block 0.532 Proved Podakona-Taldodshi Block 3. (20°46. streaky. The general strike trend of the bodies in sharp contact with khondalite and quartzite rock formations is NE – SW with low to moderate indicates their formation as chemical precipitates in the southwesterly dip. leptynite etc. at or near the junction of khondalite with calc.blogspot.60 silicate rocks and Tabalbanjhi Block 0. Siliceous and The deposits are structurally conformable with the low grade ores are friable. but the production is low due to high phosphorous content in the ores. 83°1115) in Rayagada. Nishikal (19°16. 30(III) 53 most potential of all contributing to nearly 70% of the Name of Blocks Reserves Status of reserve (in million tonne) total reserve of southern Odisha.062 Probable which contain ores with more than 40% Mn. i. calc-silicate. massive and hard. migmatite.15 Probable Kashipur. brecciated. The reserves of important potential Manganese occurs in three stratigraphic horizons in blocks explored so far are given below: khondalite. The high grade ores bodies in mica schist and phyllites of the Gangpur Group.1 to 0.27 Probable Phosphorous content ranges from 0. NO. Godashankar (20°47. lumpy. The gondite occurs as impersistent filled.e. Occurrence of well defined ore thickness of over 6m. Dungurupali Block 0. Podakona. alternate bands Thakurpali Block 0. Ghoriajhor (22°03.33 Birpali Block 0. Koraput and The reported occurrences of manganese ore in Kalahandi districts.93 to NNW-SSE with steep dip to southeast. 83°13). 83°10).86%.97 veins and small pockets of disseminations in brecciated TOTAL 5.156 Probable lower grade (25% to 35% Mn content). The manganese Babia Block 0. Different types of Manganese ore is associated with the gonditic rocks ores in these deposits are hard. friable and clayey. 83°21). charnockite.991 Proved of the other deposits are ferruginous and hence are of Kutinga Block 1. Total of all blocks 14. about 25 km long.89% Ni and iii) low Occurrences of muscovite mica in pegmatitic bodies grade ores containing 0.5% Ni cut off) have been estimated by GSI in the Kansa and Saruabil- Bolangir district Sukerangi sectors.blogspot.56 Manomunda Block 0. Kamardah – Saruabil – Dupinikuda (17°51: 81°37) and Erranguta. The Group of rocks in the Simlipal area of Mayurbhanj ore is sporadically distributed in the laterite. IND been mined out earlier.69% Ni. Darikupa (20°37:83°39’) and Chopura pitting was carried out in Kansa. block (in million tonnes) Grade (Mn%) Ghoriajhor Block 0.046 22.057% to In Sundergarh district. Dharnakud (20°41: 83°51). brownish Koraput district yellow to yellow in colour and is calcareous in nature. Mica Jajpur district Kalahandi district Sukinda area: Nickel enrichment is sporadically Occurrences of muscovite mica in pegmatite are found in the limonitic cappings over the Sukinda reported from Komorjhori (20°19: 82°41). km).5cm to 8 cm in thickness. visit: grvmalaikalam.30 sqkm).37 27.95 Nickel Kharkamunda Block 0. The nickel deposits of Sukinda area contain both high and low grade ores.70% to 16. in the Bamra and TISCO sector (4. Reserve of about and fractured.98 million tonnes of Ni (at 0. (ii) medium Phulbani district grade ores containing 0. namely Garrisapalle (17°19: 81°32).33% and P content varying from 0. buckled Sukerangi and Kaliapani sectors. Diamunda. The ores are classified as (i.7% to 0. conformable to the regional westerly plunging asymmetrical Polleru (17°52: 81°39). Kansa sector (1. Chichanga Detailed prospecting by drilling and exploratory (20°31: 83°38).31 23. The mica books are stained. Sikkar Palrapalle 21°0330: 85°49– 85°50). Tungaumunda. Godageda occur in association with chromite seams which are (20°12: 83°12) and Garimal (2020:83°10). district. Name of the Reserve Average Kadlimunda. Kaliapani sector (1.5% to 0. Banlsing. The manganese content in the Sundargarh distric ores of this belt goes upto 58%. Muscovite sq. The nickel ore zones are localised . Banjab (20°21: 83°12’).) high grade ores containing over 0. known occurrences are divided into four sectors. small books of stained 0.82 books vary from 0.726 million tonnes has been muscovite mica occur at several places in association estimated in three potential blocks explored so far: with pegmatite veins. and the mineralisation is related to intense weathering and limonitisation of the silicified ultramafic rocks. the thick nickel ore bodies (20°24:83°19’). Kamardah-Saruabil- (20°31’ : 83°38).8 sq. are reported from near Gopalpur (20°43: 85°57). Bindujharia and Phatatangar.0 sq. Occurrences of muscovite in small pegmatite veins are reported from around Beramal (20°22.59 Nickel ore occurs associated with limonitised and silicified ultrabasic rocks in the Sukinda area of Jajpur Sambalpur district district and with the weathered zone of ultramafic Manganese ore occurs in an intensively lateritised differentiates of the Amjori sill emplaced in the Simlipal zone. A total reserve of 0. The mica Sukerangi sector (6. 83°18). Salijarria.139%. mica is also reported from Tentolikuntia (19°17: 82°44) and Pilibasini (19°23: 82°43). Fe content varying from 1. SURV. In Kamardah-Saruabil-Sukerangi sector (21°03– Bhurpara (20°21: 83°20). The reported from near Anartopalla (17°52: 81°35). Occurrences of muscovite mica in pegmatite are The ore is generally associated with chromite.9% Ni. The important occurrences are recorded near Ghoriajon. Thalkodebse ultramafic complex. highly porous. The nickel ore is of lateritic type (20°19: 82°42) and Godal (20°05: 82°31). The nickeliferous limonite is light. 54 GEOL. NO. Dhenkanal districts.11 175. of nickel is more when associated with chrome ore body. The with them.13 73. The reserve of nickel in this belt orthomagmatic PGE deposits. part of Simlipal Complex. 12m and the content of Ni in ores varies between 0. within Proterozoic age are most potential for hosting laterite and within soil.18 abundant in ultramafic complexes at Sukinda and Baula- to 4% Ni cut off. visit: grvmalaikalam.8% Ni cut off 85°47).5 % Ni Kendujhar distric Kaliapani 31.48 13. Nickel is so far in some important sectors at different cut off grade associated with chromite. (21°55’ : 86°15’) blocks together have an areal spread of more than 12 sq km. Possible reserves of 9. viz.blogspot. Samples were drawn from the In the primary dispersion pattern nickel ore occurs as weathered ultramafics.51 54.9% Ni at 0. Pt value ranges between 2 and 400 sill occupying an area of about 130 sq km in the central ppb and that of Pd ranges between 1 and 500 ppb. Layered. the ultramafics are in contact with the Iron ore or 16. Two The mineralised zone varies in thickness from 7m to of the nickel ore bodies occur over an area of 6 sq km.7 % Ni 0. peridotite and harzburgite Kansa 37. stable cratonic blocks of Late Archaean to early Secondary dispersion occurs in two ways viz.02 64.e.70 million tonnes with average grade of 0. The concentration platinum group of minerals (PGE). Enstatite bearing younger ultramafic rock total conditional reserve of nickel ore in Odisha stands has intruded the older nickel – chromite bearing at 285 million tonnes.59 Nuasahi Ultramafic Belt: The N-S trending Kamardah- Sukerangi-Saruabil 10. the ore following the strike of are shown below: chromite seams over 5km strike length and the width of the ore rangeing from 400m to 600m.52 43.43 Nuasahi Ultramafic Belt (21°51– 21°19: 86°18– TISCO 46. for detection of hydrothermally altered equivalents. Two large patches of prospective concentration (4 – 290ppb) of PGE is very low in this ore zones. Kendujhar district The Bhilapoga sector. Two phases of ultramafic intrusives have been ultramafic complexes of Sukinda and Nuasahi areas identified in the area.9 % Ni 0. Ni occurs in the form of garnierite. Nickel is concentrated within Jajpur district chemically weathered ultramafic rocks of the Amjori In Sukinda area. Name of sector Reserves (in million tonnes) Cut – off 0. 30(III) 55 in the nose portions of the friable chromite seams. occupying Encouraging results have been obtained from Baula an area of 7 sq km constitute a part of the Gurguria block.99 million tonnes with 0. dunite-chromitite in the older located at the trijunction of Kendujhar.90 86°21) comprising dunite.79% Ni Super Group quartzite and exhibit intrusive relationship at 0.10%. i. differentiated ultramafic to mafic plutons emplaced in Nickel concentration ranges from <50ppm – 400 ppm. Resources of nickel as estimated ultrabasic rocks and divided into two parts. It is also found in the laterite Cumulative PGE (Pt. Gurguria (21°52’ : 86°15’) and Nawana area.64 to Iron Ore Supergroup.5% cut off have been estimated in this sector.60 MISC.62 intrudes the metabasics. a laterite horizons range from 46 ppb to 300 ppb. Nuasahi and also over the Amjori sill of Simlipal Complex. (21°53. 86°15).7 million tonnes of In TISCO sector (21°0130– 21°03: 85°45– Ni ore with average grade of 0. Such rock associates are has been estimated to be 7. chert and quartzites belonging Total 128. – Nuasahi chromite deposit.04 156. Highly anomalous value of .55% and 1. Pd and Rb) from nickeliferous and soil cover.99 18. PUB. Platinum silicate mineral phase. Jajpur and phase and peridotite – pyroxenite in the younger phase. Mayurbhanj district In Simlipal area. The ultramafic rocks are million tonnes intruded and surrounded on all sides by mafic suites of rock (gabbro and dolerite dykes) occurring in the Platinum northern part where a thick cover of laterite and alluvium Presence of platinum has been reported from the exists. limonitised/lateritic overburden dispersed mineral in unaltered magmatic rocks and their as well as from chromitite horizons. ppb and Pd up to 60 ppb).Occurrences could not be shown in the map owing to the limitation in scale size(1:2 million). Charabera.2 and is composed of a fibrous aggregate of sillimanite. Manjmunda. A major quartz reef occurs by the side of the road The pyrophyllite occurrences are associated with between Saintala (20°26’ :83°28’) and Belgaon. Pyrophyllite occurrences in Odisha have been recorded in a 90 km Sillimanite long belt extending from Rebna – Palaspal in the south to Remuli – Joda road on the north. IND Pt and Pd along with Ni. PGE grades plains. The pyroxenite associated with Amjori sill emplaced Damadapara. Talsara. Buriadihi.98% SiO2) and is mined and sent to ferro-silicon factory at Theruballi in Koraput Pyrophyllite occurs in the form of quartz. it also occurs in association with pegmatoid granites Rampakot and Rebna-Palaspal of Kendujhar District. pyrophyllite occurrences are found only in Keonjhar district. Danakudar. flakes of mica and Roduan 0. Lohadar.3 crystalline aggregate of magnetite. Sillimanite forms about 3 – 5% of quartzites and Madrangajodi. In Odisha. quartz-schists occurring as hills near Kahatua. Bolianposi. The Singhbhum granite and Bonai granite.But they could not be plotted in the map due to between 2 g/t and 8g/t. But it is higher with high ferrochromite of pegmatite and in the nature of veins. Sillimanite is also reported from Occurrences are also reported near Manada. district set up by M/S IMFA Ltd. Quartz occurs as a constituent low Pt/Pd ratio. content. Soidihi. Nitigotha 0. Anjor. Pansuan. SURV.2 mt. Gobira. the second largest producer of pyrophyllite recoverable reserves of quartzite in Odisha are placed in India is endowed with huge quantum of pyrophyllite at 8.4 million tonnes Mumorphol (21°15: 84°43) and north east of Lugupoda . Cu. The sulphide rich matrix shows limitation in scale size. The quartzite form several hills and are usually impure. AthaGhats. Besides. Balabhadrapur. Palsoma (21°17: 84°53).4 million tonnes. Sidhmath. quartz reefs intruding the granite gneiss. Nevotoli. in lava-quartzite sequence of early Proterozoic Simlipal Bhalulate.0 84°51). Co and Au were reported Quartz / Quartzite from an igneous breccia zone at the contact of the ultramafic cumulate and overlying gabbro-anorthosite. and Kolijhar. around Tilsora. and foothills of Simplipal in Mayurbhanj district and from near Lahunipada in Sundergarh Sambalpur district district. Dalimpur. Production of pyrophyllite is continuing in 3 mines Bolangir district having an estimated total reserve of 10 million tonnes. Sarasposi. Roduan. Basin recorded anomalous PGE values (Pt up to 200 Ramhri. visit: grvmalaikalam. The Odisha. 56 GEOL. This district alone contributes about 17% of the total annual Pyrophyllite production of good quality quatzites in Odisha.blogspot.7 interstitial quartz. A good deposit is also pyrophyllite schist associated with granite and also located at SW of Ghagabahl near Turekela. Sundargarh district Mayurbhanj district Occurrences of quartz are found near Biramitrapur. The main deposits Sundargarh district: are at Dhoba Kuchuda. Baliadihi.2 Amjor 1.0 quartz-sillimanite schists occur near Utunia (21°17: Ukchabera 1. quartz is of high purity (99. north east of TOTAL 8. Bijadihi. Ukchabeda. Joshipur Phatsinagar (22°11: 84°28). micaceous and ferruginous. Nitigotha. The quartz and quartzite occurrences are found in The PGE mineralized zone has a length of nearly 1 km almost all the districts of Odisha excepting the coastal with width varying between 2m and 40m. Sillimanite bearing schists are reported from the hills occurring to the north and southeast of Golabandh (21°22: Name Reserve in million tonnes 84°43). estimated at 8. Sampapaibat. The rock is dull grey to whitish pink in colour Madrangajodi 4. Sillimanite-rich quartz-schist and Rampakot 1. 20 Proved Betjharan 1 –1.5 – 0.25 sq.5 0. The material is being used for making in Bisoi – Rangpur . Batichar (22°12: 86°25). About 16 large and small segregated Myrisahi (22°28:86°16).8 – 1. 15km and important deposits are located at Kumardubi 82°20) and Kendupatti (18°42: 82°19). occurs as disseminations with Cuttack district stringers. (I) Bisoi- Soapstone. There are small occurrences near Mayurbhanj District Ambasar (20°57: 85°56). The rocks occur as discontinuous bands Vanadiferous Magnetite and lenses within and in association with coarse crystalline quartzites of Eastern Ghats Super Group.7 – 1. These minerals Mayurbhanj district and (iv) Nuasahi-Baula and (v) are associated with ultramafic igneous rocks of Rangmatia-Betai in Keonjhar and Balasore districts. composed essentially of magnetite and ilmenite with minor amount of haematite. i) Bisoi – Rangpur .6 Probable Hatichar 0. 84°50). Kendujhar district Ten ore bodies have been delineated in this area. Simlipahar (21°52:86°27’) and ore bodies strike E-W and its thickness varies from 3 to Nulungi (21°57: 86°33’). limonite. NO.5 0. (iii) Baripada-Udala in trade for the one and the same mineral. secondary origin by processes of low grade regional The vanadiferous and titaniferous magnetite ore.Kumardubi belt: In.7-1. The Diring (21°31:86°04). bodies and float ore occupy an area of 0. Locality Grade (V2O5%) Reserve (in million tonnes) Category of reserves Kumardubi 0.5 Probable Cacogari-Kasipenth 0.5 – 1.8 0.95 – 1.situ ore Garhpur (2058: 86°02). Bhargapahar (22°13: 86°24) and Mayurbhanj district Gargari (22°12: 86°23).3% 1. ore or with the basic rock. village.75 0. vanadiferous magnetite bodies occur in the area.40 (DGM) Probable Total 4. Deposits of vanadiferous magnetite occurring in association with gabbro-anorthosite suite of rocks in Soapstone north Odisha are distributed in five belts viz. The mineral coulsonite A fairly large deposit of soapstone occurs around accounts for vanadium in the ore. An extensive float zone surrounds the main ore body.blogspot.Kumardubi belt. coulsonite {(FeV)3O4} and sulphides. steatite and talc are three terms used in Rairangpur.4% 0. lenses and MISC. Distinct gradation is also noticed from pure band of ore to pure gabbroic rock Koraput district with all sorts of gradations. visit: grvmalaikalam.Kendua 0.60 million tonnes . Kasipenth 83°64) and Malkangiri (18°21: 81°53) areas. Kunjakocha (22°13: 86°23). Kendumundi (21°04:86°07).5 Probable Kunjakocha – Jodia 0. Amabeda deposits also occur at many places in Jeypore (18°51: (22°17: 86°20). metamorphism. Ballgot (20°57: 86°01). 30(III) 57 (21°17: 84°47). Kendua (22°14: 86°20).85 Proved Amjabeda . PUB. rutile. (ii) Bisoi-Jasipur. Extensive deposits of soapstone occur on the hillock south of Dindarani Parbat (21°41:86°08). Champajhar (21°04: 85°56). Betjharan (22°14: 86°19). Soapstone (22°17: 86°20). 36m. Sundergarh district Hatichar : The main ore body occurs as a ridge and A fairly large deposit of soapstone occurs near extends over a length of 265m with varying width of Jharbera (21°49: 84°53) and Bhaludungri (21°51: 15-20m. Small Betjharan : This deposit lies northeast of Betjharan deposits are reported from Dublabera (21°10:86°03). There are several extensive occurrences of talc in The pure ore band occurs interbanded with disseminated the area around Keonjhargarh (21°37: 85°36). The belt extends for over Good quality soapstone occurs at Katpada (18°41. (22°17: 86°21). Sira Grey. Grey and architecture material.dolerite. It includes the deposit of Kesham (22°02: 86°14).in 58 GEOL. Batei.dunite etc. Locality Grade (V2O5%) Reserve (in million tonnes) Reserve category Bahalda 1. Locality Grade (V2O5%) Reserve (in million tonnes) Category of reserve Kesham 0. Pottangi Green.5-0. Andipur (21°43: 86°32) and Chitrabania (21°35: 86°28). Betei: This deposit includes a total of 9 magnetite bodies located to the south of Betei village. But Odisha has established itself charnockites. syenite. It is capable state having more than hundreds of working mines.48 million tones.01 Probable Kendujhar and Balasore Districts Deposits are located at Rangamatia. It is quite popular for use as tomb stone. SURV. granite-gneiss. These Dimension Stone Granite(DSG) refers to all type are classified on the basis of colour and texture and some of phanerocrystalline feldspathic igneous rocks of times has been assigned commercial trade names in granitoid texture with or without gneissose structure reference to the locality.02 Probable Nuasahi-Boula 0.6-1.4 0. The craze for DSG in the fancy ranging from granite (sensu stricto).15 Probable Bariadihi -Aerobari 0. gabbro. as out of 150 varieties of granite known from India.74 0. Grey/ .1-0. of affluent society has been a late entrant to the granite migmatites.21-0. The of retaining its polish fresh as in the original form for a commercial varieties include Berhempur Blue.blogspot. The southern slope is covered with ferro-gabbro.5m. Koraput long time. Granite is resistant to weathering more than 20 varieties of granite are available in this and is found in a variety of pleasing colour. The length is up to 150m with average width of 2. Rangamatia: These occurrences are lenticular in shape and extend in length varying from 20 to 30m. Industry in Odisha.26 0. pyroxene granulite.70 0. Dhulabera (22°00: 86°11).anorthosite.02 Probable Mayurbera 0. Titlagarh green. Mayurbeka (22°01’ : 86°12). well. Sialnoi (22°00’ : 86°10). paving Blue wave.8 0. pyroxenite.02 Probable Andipur 2.57 Probable Total reserves of vanadium ore in Odisha has been placed at 6.22 Proved Dhublabera – Sialnoi 0. Dimension Stone-Granite Granite (DSG) is a colour based trade prefix. Sawan Rose.leptynites. These bodies are of lensoid type and trend from N70oW – S70oE to N50oE-S50oW.4-1.5 0.64 Probable iii) Baripada – Udala: The important occurrences are at Bahalda (21°47 : 86°33). Asanabari (21°55: 86°06) and Bariadihi (21°52: 86°06). visit: grvmalaikalam.41 0.02 Probable Chitrabania 0. IND ii) Bisoi – Jashipur: This belt runs parallel to the western margin of Simlipal hill range. Locality Grade (V2O5%) Reserve (in million tonnes) Reserve category Rangamatia-Batei-Godasahi Up to 1.4 0. Godasahi and Nuasahi. Mahogany Grey Magic.5 0. visit: MISC. PUB. NO. 30(III) 59 White Porphyry, Yellow Granite, English Teak, White Bengpal Group of meta sediments and basic dykes of Zebra, Tiger Skin etc. GSI was assigned the role of gabbro-dolerite composition. The varieties identified are making systematic resource assessment of DSG as per Red Pearl, White Wave, White Porphyry Black granite, the of Government of India policy programme which Jeypur black and Pottangi Green etc. commenced from 1992-93.G S I, Operation Odisha unit took up the preliminary resource survey work between 1994 to 1999 covering selected target areas over 125 sq Kalahandi-Bolangir-Nuapada Segment km area in parts of 19 districts. i.e Ganjam, Nayagarh, The rocks belonging to Cratonic granite, EGSG, Khurda, Cuttack, Phulbani, Boudh, Koraput, Rayagada, Chhatishgarh Supergroup of sedimentaries and Kalahandi, Nuapada, Bolangir, Dhenkanal, Angul, Gondwanas, alkaline syenites of Khariar area intrusive Deogarh, Sambalpur, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Balasore to EGSG and Anorthosites of Bolangir area are identified and Sundergarh. as the source rocks for DSG. The different varieties found are Pink Granite, Cats Eye, White Porphyry, Sea weed The coloured granites are found occurring within green, Midnight green Tiger skin etc. Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt in the districts of Ganjam, Khurda,Nayagarh, Cuttack,Baudh, Phulbani, Koraput, Sambalpur-Deogarh-Sundergarh segment Rayagada, Kalahandi, Nuapada, Bolangir, Dhenkanal, Angul and Sambalpur as well as the cratonic segments The area in north west occupied by cratonic granite in the districts of Koraput, Kalahandi, Nuapada, gneisses, green stones and sedimentaries belonging to Sambalpur, Deogarh, Sundergarh, Kendujhar, Gorumahisani, Singbhum, Gangpur Groups and Mayurbhanj. Similarly black granites are identified in Gondwana Supergroup of rocks and EGSG Group of Koraput, Kendujhar, Mayurbhanj and Balasore districts. rocks in southern part. Since nomenclatures of DSG are based on colour, Sambalpur-Angul-Dhenkanal Segment: texture and structural design many varieties referred could belong to more than one rock type. So the DSG The area forms a part of EGSG and Gondwana varieties and occurrences are classified as few segments. Supergroup . Nepheline Syenite occurs as intrusive to EGSG in Redhakhol area. A number of DSG namely grey porphyry, salt and pepper, tiger skin, midnight green Ganjam-Nayagarh-Khurda-Cuttack-Phulbani-Baudh occurrences are identified in the east – west stretch of Segment this area extending from Redhakhol to Badamuktaposi. This part of the state belongs primarily to Eastern Ghats constituted mainly by rocks belonging to Eastern Kendujhar-Mayurbhanja-Balasore Segment Ghat Supergroup comprising Khondalite group, Charnockite suite and Granitic suite and Athagarh This area is a part of Bonai-Singbhum craton sandstone (mostly lateritised) of Upper Gondwana in comprising of Archaean-Proterozoic older Khurda and Cuttack districts .The varities identified are Metamorphics, Singbhum granite with swarms of basic Berhempur blue, grey granite, Seaweed green, midnight dykes and occasional granophyre bodies. Badampahar green, pink granite(Oriental Juparna), multi coloured Group, Simlipal Group, Koira Group and younger granites, Phulbani pink, rose wood, Cats Eye etc granite bodies like Mayurbhanj granite dominantly form the geology of the region. Singbhum granite and younger phase granite pluton along with basic and acid dykes Koraput-Rayagada Segment form important DSG rock types. In this belt varieties of This area mostly constitutes of Eastern Ghat granites found are silver grey, grey porphyry, pink, black Supergroup comprising Charnockite suite and Granitic & green. suite of rocks, unclassified granites of Bastar Craton and visit: 60 GEOL. SURV. IND Resources District Area in Sq km Recoverable Resource Recoverable Resource in Cubic Meter Upto in Cubic MeterUpto 10 m Depth Ground level Ganjam 5.537 97,91,300 33,706,750 Cuttack 0.413 19,50,000 17,62,000 Phulbani 2.29 68,00,000 105,60,000 Koraput 41.10 307,90,000 476,00,000 Rayagada 16.449 364,65,000 722,15,000 Kalahandi 4.785 1,69,80,000 2,70,50,000 Bolangir 1.47 3,51,08,000 9,44,05,000 Nuapara 0.91 22,80,000 40,00,000 Sundergarh 14.08 54,80,000 6,25,00,000 Sambalpur 0.282 5,82,000 11,64,000 Deogarh 0.735 36,60,000 51,30,000 Sambalpur 0.32 3,20,000 9,60,000 Angul 2.505 90,39,000 1,57,24,000 Dhenkanal 0.945 10,54,000 26,88,000 Keonjhar 2.668 97,14,250 1,88,15,800 Mayurbhanj 0.465 15,43,000 25,14,000 Balasore 0.1 60,000 2,60,000 95.054 90,39,000 1,57,24,000 Districtwise Occurrence of different Commercial varieties of Dimension Stone-Granite District/Area Commercial Lat. & Long. T.S. No. Name/Type District Ganjam Sripur Berhampur blue (Garnetiferous granite-gneiss) 19°13´50´´: 84°30´´ 74 A/12 Bhaduka Berhampur blue 19°23´25´´:84°44´50´´ 74 A/10 Digapahandi Berhampur blue 19°22´40´´: 84°34´ 74 A/11 Mahuguna Berhampur blue 19°21´55´´:84°43´18´´ 74 A/10 Bendalia Berhampur blue 19°17´10´´:84°15´45´´ 74 A/5 Lanjia Berhampur blue 19°21´15´´:84°44´30´´ 74 A/11 Garh-Govindpur Berhampur blue 19°13´50´´:84°32´20´´ 74 A/12 Dindipath Grey granite 20°01´33´´:84°38´35´´ 74 D/12 Shahanpath Grey granite 20°02´30´´:84°39´00´´ 74 D/12 Soroda Grey granite 19°45´30´´:84°26´00´´ 74 A/5 Math Berhampur Pink granite Oriental Japarna 19°37´15´´:84°56´37´´ 74 A/13 Chikiti Berhampur blue 19°12´10´´:84°37´10´´ 74 A/12 Ramgurha Berhampur blue 19°11´55´´: 84°38´ 74 A/12 Padripalli Berhampur blue 19°21´40´´:84°42´40´´ 74 A/11 Dist. Nayagarh Bhalumundia Berhampur Blue 20°21´25´´:84°57´50´´ 74 D/15 Bedangi Berhampur Blue 20°18´35´´:85°08´52´´ 73 H/3 Dist. Khurda Banpur Chilka blue granite (Anorthosite) 19°46´30´´:85°10´05´´ 73 E/1 Balugaon Chilka blue granite 19°45´40´´:85°25´50´´ 73 E/1 Dist. Keonjhar Baliaguda Dusty grey (Dolerite) 21°39´50´´: 85°35´30´´ 73 G/10 Palaspanga Keonjhar green(Gabbro) 21°46´45´´: 85°31´50´´ 73 G/9 visit: MISC. PUB. NO. 30(III) 61 District/Area Commercial Lat. & Long. T.S. No. Name/Type Jamuposhi Keonjhar black(Dolerite) 21°27´30´´: 85°51´50´´ 73 G/15 Chotraipur Keonjhar grey/silver green 20°23´05´´: 85°48´10´´ 73 G/15 Chhatia Keonjhar grey/silver green 21°28´30´´: 85°48´05´´ 73 G/15 Sunariposhi Keonjhar grey/silver green 21°15´00´´: 85°48´35´´ 73 G/15 Gamaria Grey granite 21°59’30´´: 85°39´95´´ 73 G/9 Ranipur Pinkish grey Granite 21°56´’40´´: 85°38´55´´ 73 G/9 Madhupur Pinkish grey Granite 21°55´45´´: 85°37´20´´ 73 G/9 Khontaghar Keonjhar black 21°30´20´´: 85°49´50´´ 73 G/14 Dist: Baleswar Kuradiaghasa Black granite 21°4´45´´: 86°22´00´´ 73 K/8 Dist: Sundergarh Ekma-Timna Grey granite 22°18´30´´: 89°20´00´´ 73 B/7 Kirlaga-Subdega Grey granite 22°18´00´´: 84°17´30´´ 73 B/3 Dist: Cuttack Mandumekha Multi coloured granite 20°31´05´´: 84°38´10´´ 75 D/15 Balisahi Garnet-granite gneiss 20°29´30´´: 85°01´00´´ 73 H/3 Kendapath Seaweed green charnockite 20°27´10´´: 85°06´05´´ 73 H/3 Dist: Mayurbhanj Harsadahi Grey granite 21°30´27´´:86°33´10´´ 73K/10 Jashipur Grey granite 21°56´15´´:86°02´00´´ 73K/1 Andharijhar Black granite 21°47´52´´:85°47´05´´ 73G/13 Hathibari -do- 21°48´10´´:85°56´17´´ 73G/13 Galusahi -do- 21°52´25´´:85°52´05´´ 73G/13 Dist: Koraput Pindapadar Red pearl(Porphyritic Pink Granite) 19°01´00´´:82°06´00´´ 65 I/12 Marichamala Grey granite 18°43´00´´:82°53´00´´ 65 I/14 Sunki Porphyroblastic Leucocratic Granite 83°01´00´´: 18°15´00´´ 65 N/2,3 Pottangi Sea weed green, Basic charnockite, Pottangi green 18°34´00´´: 52°58´00´´ 65 J/14 Jaypur Black granite 18°50´00´´: 82°34´00´´ 65 J/9 Kotamu Gabbro/Dolelrite composition 18°41´00´´: 82°24´00´´ 65 J/6 Koraput Gabbro/Dolelrite composition 18°49´00´´: 82°43´00´´ 65 J/9 Belgaon Gabbro/Dolelrite composition 18°46´00´´: 82°22´30´´ 65 J/5 Dist: Rayagada Therabali White porphyry 83°26´30´´: 84°24’30´´ 65 M/7 Kashipur white wave Augen gneiss 19°19´00´´: 83°10’36´´ 65 M/3 Dist: Kalahandi Bhawanipatna Grey porphyry 19°57´30´´: 83°10’30´´ 65 M/1 Dist: Bolangir Kutenpali Greasy grey Anorthosite 20°37´00´´: 82°27’00´´ 64 0/5, 9,10 Diyatan Titlagarh green seaweed green 20°15´00´´: 83°05’00´´ 64 P/3 Shiker Grey granite 20°21´00´´: 83°10’00´´ 64 P/3 Bhutiar bahal White porphyry (Porphyroblastic Granite) 20°36´00´´: 83°23’30´´ 64 P/6 . pp.. 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S. 85° 58´ Bhimtangar 21° 02´: 85° 45´ Bangipal 20°29´: 82°48´ Bhurpara 20°21´: 83°20´ Bangura 21°59´: 85°12´ Bhutiar Bahal 20°36´00´´:83°23´30´´ Banjab 20°21´: 83°12´ Bhutura 21°48´.blogspot. 83°21´ Baliadihi 21°39´15!:85°34´ Bhaludungri 21°51´: 84°50´ Baliaguda 21°39´50´´:85°35´30´´ Bhalukasoni 21°29´: 86°42´ Baliapahar 21°05´:85°15´ Bhalulata 22°22´: 84°42´ Balidihi 22°27´:86 °13´ Bhalumundia 20°21´25´´:84°57´50´´ Balinga 22°01´35´´:83°45´35´´ Bharatpur 20°18´: 85°47´ Balisahi 20°29´30´´:85°01´00´´ Bharatpur 22°03´: 83°56´ Ballgot 20°57´: 86°01´ Bhargapahar 22°13´: 86°24´ Baludongri 21°01´: 84°06´ Bhaunra 21´59°15´´: 84°07´ Balugaon 19°45´40´´:85°25´50´´ Bhawanipatna 19°57´30´´:83°10´30´´ Bamnipal 27°01´.in Locality Index 1432 21°15´: 86°17´ Banpur 19°46´30´´:85°10´05´´ Adash 21°22´15´´: 84°36´ Banrapal 20°50´: 85°23´ Adeswar 20°23´30´´: 84°30´ Bansapani 22°00´: 85°25´ Akharkata 20°50´30´´: 84°30´ Baraibera 22°23´: 84°49´ Amabeda 22°17´: 86°20´ Barampur 19°05´: 84°41´ Ambasar 20°57´: 85°56´ Barasinghari 21°35´:83°36´ Ambasarmunda 20°51´45´´: 84°35´15´´ Barbil 22° 07´: 85°23´ Amjor 21°37´45´´: 85°33´ Bariadihi 21°52´: 86°06´ Ampali 20°25´: 83° 26´ Baripada 21°58´: 86°47´ Ampavalli 18°24´: 82° 58´ Baripahar 21°46´: 83°47´ Anamini Parbat 19°54´45´´:84°12´30´´ Barsuan 21°50´30´´:85°07´ Anartopalla 17°52´: 81°35´ Barthajimundia 20°20´: 85°51´ Andharijhar 21°47´52´´: 85°47´05´´ Baudan 20°39´50! : 82°49´25´´ Andipur 21°43´: 86°32´ Baula 21°17´30! : 86°19´55´´ Arubandha 21°34´: 86°40´ Bedangi 20°18´35´´:85°08´52´´ Asanabari 21°55´: 86°06´ Belgaon 19°08´:82°14´30´´ Asurbandh 20°53´: 85°47´ Belghar 19°55´: 83°87´ Athaghat 22°09´: 84°51´40´´ Beligocha 22o00´: 84o45´ Badam Pahar 22°04´: 86°05´ Bendalia 19°17´10´´:84°15´45´´ Badamgarh Pahar 21°48´: 85°16´ Beradiha 21°54´: 86°40´ Badmal 20°23´: 83°17´ Beramal 20°22´. 83°18´ Bahalda 21°47´: 86°33´ Berhsagaon 19°53´: 83°30´ Bahanda 20°43´: 45°26´ Betei 21°23´40´´: 86°36´20´´ Baideswar Hill 20°28´: 85°34´ Betjharan 22°15´: 86°19´ Bailama 22°11´: 84°26´ Bhadrasahi 22°03´30´´: 85°23´50´´ Baipariguda 18°45´: 82°25´ Bhaduka 19°23´25´´:84°44´50´´ Bajirpador 18°34´: 82°06´ Bhalipadmpur 19°38´: 83°32´ Bakua 21°49´:86°21´30´´ Bhaludungri 21°51´: 84°50´ Balabhadrapur 21°36´15!:85°36´30´´ Bhaludungri 20°46´. visit: grvmalaikalam. 85°09´ Banjipali 21°38´:83°30´ Bijadihi 22°04´: 84°15´ Bankibahali 22°02´20´´: 84°25´ Bindujharia 22°07´45´´: 84°45´30´´ 70 . blogspot.83°22´ Dhandatapa area 20°48´: 84°36´ Gohaldongri 22°24´:86°20´ Dharnakud 20°41´: 83°51´ Gohaldungri 22°04´:86°20´ Dharuadihi 21°59´45´´:84°13´15´´ Golabandh 21°22´:84°43´ Dharuakhaman 21°36´30´´:82°49´ Golagadia 21°03´:85°22´ Dhulabera 22°00´: 86°11´ Gomardihi 22°12´45´´:84°30´10´´ Diamunda 23°03´45´´:83°53´ Gondivalasa 18°25´:82°59´ Digapahandi 19°22´40´´:84°34´ Gopalpur 20°43´:85°57´ Dindarani Parbat 21°41´:86°08´ Gopapali 22°04´:83°43´ Dindipath 20°01´33´´:84°38´35´´ Gopinathpur 21°15´:85°47´ Diring 21°31´:86°04´ Gorumahisani 22°20´:86°07´ Diyatan 20°15´00´´:83°05´00´´ Gotitanger 22°24´:84°53´ Dolia 21°07´:85°29´ Guali 21°59´:85°17´ Doliambe 18°30´: 82°52´ Gumma 19°10´45´´:83°20´ Dongarmonda 20°25´: 83°20´ Gundichanali 20°58´20!:85°32´ Dublabera 21°10´:86°03´ Gupteswar-Binsuli 18°49´:82°10´ Dublabera 22°18´: 840 38´ Gurjang 21° 04´:85°47´ Dubna 21°51´. 84°08´45´´ Dangchancha 20°54´:83°02´ Ghotringa 21°03´: 85°41´ Dantamure 24°43´:83°56´ Girida 20°53´:84°33´ Darikupa 20°37´:83°39´ Giringkela 22°08´:83°50´ Darilpalli 21°46´:83°51´ Girsuan 22°06´:83°30´30! Daringburu 21°52´:85°23´ Gobardhanpur 22°06´55´´:86°00´45´´ Dasamantapur 18°40´. 85°24´ Harsadahi 21°30´27´´:86°38´10´´ . 83°25´ Chachabari 21°48´: 86°01´ Duria 21°57´: 85°59´ Champagarh 21° 50´: 85° 35´ Dwarjam 19°20´. 83°11´15´´ Godashankar 20°47´. 85°48´ Gamaria 21°59´30´´:85°39´95´´ Chhatia 21°28´30´´:85°48´05´´ Gandhamardan 21°37´:85°30´ Chhota-Phiringbahal 22°08´:84°32´45´´ Gangadar R. 82°50´05´´ Bisermunda 20°23´: 83°22´ Dulunga 21°56´45´´:83°48´05´´ Bisoi 22°10´: 86°24´15´´ Dumguda 18°37´: 82°01´ Bodipara 20°26´: 83°22´ Dundurkot 20°41´: 85°15´ Boipariguda 18°34´: 82°27´ Dungaripalli 20°46´:83º20´ Bolianposi 21°34´55´´:85°32´45´´ Dungri 21°42´: 83º34´ Bonai 21°49´: 84°57´ Dupinikuda 17°51´: 81°37´ Boroni 20°22´: 83°11´ Durga Parbat 22°01´:85º23´ Buriadihi 21°10´10´´: 85°32´45´´ Durhugi 19°53´. PUB. 84°17´ Godal 20°05´:82°31´ Devandera 19°04´: 82°28´ Godasahi 21°22´:86°29´30´´ Devjolla 19°08´.in MISC.83°03´ Ghoriajhor 22°02´. 30(III) 71 Birasal 21°00´: 85°41´ Dudhiasol 22°06´45:86°41´ Birmitrapur 22°20´: 84°40´ Dudukamal 20°34´03´´. 20°41´: 82°57´15´´ Chichanga 20°31´: 83°38´ Gangajal 21°38´: 84°32´ Chikiti 19°12´10´´:84°37´04´´ Ganjapadar 20°34´: 82°45´ Chitrabania 21°35´: 86°28´ Gardihi 21°34´: 86°40´ Chopura 20°31´: 83°38´ Gargari 22°12´: 86°23´ Chormara 20°18´: 83°17´ Garh-Govindapur 19°13´50´´:84°32´20´´ Chotraipur 20°23´05´´:85°48´10´´ Garhpur 20°58´: 86°02´ Dal Pahar 21°58´:85°24´ Garimal 20°20´:83°10´ Dalapur 18°46´: 82°19´ Garjanbehi 22°00´45!:83°46´ Dalimpur 21°41´25´´:85°31´35´´ Garrisapalle 17°19´: 81°32´ Danakudar 22°10´:84°55´ Ghagabahl 20°29´15´´:82°46´30´´ Dandapara 22°23´45´´:84°44´ Ghatsi 20°58´: 84°43´ Dandrahar Pahar 21°51´:85°09´ Ghichampra 21°46´: 84°06´ Danga Chancha 20°54´. 84°32´ Champajhar 21°04´: 85°56´ Ekma-Timna 22°18´30´´:89°20´00´´ Chandatora 20°20´:83°17´ Galusahi 21°52´25´´:85°52´05´´ Chandiprasad 20°26´. visit: grvmalaikalam.F. 82°25´ Gobira 22°19´:84°44´ Dengasurgi 20°11´: 83°25´15´´ Godageda 20°12´:83°12´ Deogarh 20°45´. NO. visit: 72 GEOL. IND Hathibari 21°48´10´´:85°56´17´´ Kathpali 21°56´28´´:83°47´20´´ Hatibari 22°24´:84°51´ Katikhole 19°48´:83°34´ Hatichar 22°15´:86°25´30´´ Katni 20°48´30´´:85°30´30´´ Hirakud 21°32´:83°56´ Katpada 18°41´.blogspot. SURV. 83°10´ Kasipenth 22°17´:86°21´ Kutra 22°13´45´´:87°30´ Katamati 27°08´:85°30´ Lafhiponga 19°40´: 83°30´ Katang 22°14´:84029´ Lahunipada 21°52´45´´:84°56´15´´ .85°20´ Kuriposi 20°47´15´´: 86°21´30´´ Karanjia 22°45´:85°58´ Kuropali 21°47´: 83°54´ Kardega 22°25´:84°47´ Kurutoi 21°47´10´´:83°49´ Karlagi 19°52´:83°34´ Kusumdihi 21°56´35´´: 85°14´ Karunapalli 19°21´30´´:83°07´15´´ Kusumdihi 22°07´: 85°41´ Kashinguda 19°15´:83°40´ Kusumura 22°18´: 84°02´ Kashipur 19°21´30´´:83°07´15´´ Kutenpali 20°37´00´´:82°27´00´´ Kasia 22°04´:85°22´25! Kutinga 19°05´. 82°20´ Hirapur Hill 19°38´:82°06´ Katpal 21° 01´: 85° 43´ Jaganathprasad 20°20´:85°46´ Kattameta 18°20´: 810 42´ Jagdalpur 19°40´:83°30´ Kendapalli 20°27´10´´:85°06´05´´ Jagdalpur 19°45´:83°33´45´´ Kendapath 20°27´10´´:85°06´05´´ Jajang 21°57´:85°26´ Kendua 22°14´: 86°20´ Jaldihi 21°50´20!:85°14´15´´ Kendumundi 21°04´:86°07´ Jalerpodar 20°24´:83°22´ Kendupatti 18°42´: 82°19´ Jamakani 22°06´30!:83°34´30´´ Keonjhargarh 21°37´: 85°36´ Jamuaposhi 21°27´30´´:85°51´50´´ Kermali 21°03´: 83°16´ Jareikela 22°19´:85°06 Kesarpur 22°07´:84°41´ Jashipur 21°56´15´´:80°02´00´´ Kesham 22°02´: 86°14´ Jashipur 21°56´30!:86°04´ Khairamal 21°16´40´´:83°23´20´´ Jashipur 22°26´:86°12´ Khajurdihi 21°54´30´´:83°50´30´´ Jeypore 18°51´:83°64´ Khandadhar 21°47´:85°07´ Jharabera 21°22´: 86°29´30´´ Khariaguda 19°36´: 83°41´ Jharbera 21°49´:84°53´ Khariar 20°17´10´´:82°46´ Jharbera 22°13´:84°29´ Khatkurbahal 22°16´30´´:84°29´ Jhiling Pahar 21°58´:85°26´ Khinda 21°47´: 83°56´ Jhilli 21°05´30´´:85°24´ Khola 21°40´: 83°40´ Jillinda 19°42´:84°57´ Khontaghar 21°30´20´´:85°49´50´´ Joda 22°01´:85°26´ Khuntijheria 21°55´28´´:83°49´10´´ Jodiguda 18°20´:82°46´ Khutijharia 21°55´:83°49´ Joshipur 21°50´:86°05´ Kirilega Subdega 22°18´00´´:84°17´30´´ Junagarh 21°06´:84°50´ Kiringera 22° 05´: 84 25´ Junai 21°32´:83°54´ Kiripsora 21°59´:83°47´ Jurabaga 21°47´:83°52´ Kodamunda 22° 23´: 84°32´ Juraboga 21°46´55´´:83°52´12´´ Kollaru 18°34´: 82°27´ Kadlimunda 22°00´25´´:83°58´15´´ Komorjhori 20°19´: 82°41´ Kaintora 21°58´:84°02´ Koraput 18°49´00´´:82°43´00´´ Kaliapani 21°02´30!:85°46´ Kotamu 18°41´00´´:82°24´00´´ Kallaru 18°37´:82°24´ Kotgod 19° 57´: 83°43´ Kalrangi 21°01´10!:85°44´15´´ Kuanr 21°30´55´´: 85°27´30´´ Kalta 21°51´:85°08´ Kudersai 22°26´: 86°17´ Kalupadar 19°42´:83°22´ Kuiposi 21 04´: 85°49´ Kamalpur 20°23´30!:84°30´ Kukurphuka 22°12´: 84°30´ Kamparkala 21°22´:85°14´ Kuljhar 21°59´: 84°51´ Kanchera 22o00´:81o49´ Kumardah 20°48´:86°35´15´´ Kandaimunda 22o14‘:84026´ Kumardubi 22°17´15´´: 86°19´10´´ Kanjipani 21°16´30´´:86°19´55´´ Kumbakerra 22°29´:84°44´ Kansa 20°23´:83°24´ Kunjakocha 22°13´: 86°23´ Kansar 20°22´:83°24´ Kuradiaghasa 21°4´45´´:86°22´00´´ Kapilabahal 20°46´.83°19´ Kurband 21°57´:85°24´ Karanda 20°42´. 84°09´ Rampur 21°46´:83°55´ Marichamala 18°43´00´´:82°53´00´´ Ramyori 22°09´:84°57´ Math Berhampur 19°37´15´´:84°56´37´´ Rangadhi 21°31´50´´:85°24´ Maulabhanj Parbat 20°55´: 85°40´ Rangamatia 21°29´:86°24´ Mayurbeka 22°01´: 86°12´ Rangpur 22°15´:86°10´ Misoriguda 18°52´: 82°41´ Rangra 22° 02´: 85° 09´ Mohapadar 18°57´: 81°58´ Ranipur 21°56´40´´:85°38´55´´ Mumorphol 21°15´: 84°43´ Reba-Palaspal 21°18´30´´:85°41´ Mundaguda 18°30´: 81°58´ Roduan 21°33´15´´:85°35´45´´ Muniguda 19°37´: 83°30´ Ruansi 22°24´:86°16´ Myrisahi 22°28´:86°16´ Saintala 20°26´: 83°31´ Nabgam 19°06´: 82°30´ Saleguda 19°44´: 83°32´ Nandabani 22°05´: 86°35´ Salijarria 22°07´15´´:83°46´25´´ Nandiveda 18°19´:81°40´ San Indupur 21°55´:85°18´45´´ Naraj 20°28´: 85°46´ Sanaparbat 22°09´45´´:84°54´ Navotoli 22°11´30´´:84°55´15´´ Sandi Murra 21°52´: 85°34´ Nawana 21°53´30´´:86°23´30´´ Sanibahal 19°26´: 82°51´ Nishikal 19°16´. PUB. 84°57´ Mankarnacha 21°48´:85°14´ Rampakot 21°18´30´´:85°39´15´´ Manmunda 22°05´. 30(III) 73 Langiberna 22°15´:84030´ Palsoma 21°17´: 84°53´ Lanjia 19°21´16´´:84°44´30´´ Pampur-Madanpur 20°12´00´´:83°01´00´´ Lanjiberna 22°15´:84°31´15´´ Panijia 20°03´: 86°40´ Laxmipur 19°00´: 83°07´30´´ Panijia 22°03´: 86°41´ Liliguma 19°16´.in MISC. visit: grvmalaikalam. 83°13´ Santhopur 18°44´: 82°24´ Nitigotha 21°40´05´´:85°41´15´´ Saradaputti 18°34´: 82°27´ Norabahal 20°22´: 83°19´ Sarangoda 20°14´. NO.blogspot. 83°13´ Papsi 20°24´: 83°16´ Limpara 20°22´: 83°17´ Pasangmali 19°22´: 83°07´ Lohadar 22°08´:84°52´ Patingia 22°01´: 86° 37´ Lohdungri 20°28´: 82°26´ Patrapura 21°05´: 84°46´ Lokdega 22° 03´: 83°50´ Phatatangar 22°03´:84°33´ Lolabara 22°07´:84°21´30´´ Phatsinagar 22°11´: 84°28´ Longlota Pahar 21°58´:85°26´ Pilibasini 19°23´: 82°43´ Ludhukutoli 22°15´:840 25´ Pindapadar 19°01´00´´:82°06´00´´ Lugupoda 21°17´: 84°47´ Pipalpadar 20°19´40´´:83°23´55´´ Lukopali 20°46´: 82°33´ Pithabata 21°57´: 85°35´ Madansahi 21°04´30´´:86°41´30´´ Podakona 19°12´30´´:83°13´ Madhupur 19°53´: 83°28´ Polleru 17°52´: 81°39´ Madrangajodi 21°41´30´´:85°31´ Pukkili 18°30´: 82°54´ Magarmuhan 21°12´30´´:85°21´45´´ Purkapali 22°17´: 840 29´ Mahuguna 19°21´55´´:84°43´18´´ Purnapani 22°30´:84040´ Malangtoli 21°49´:85°19´ Purnapani 22°18´: 86°18´ Malisira 20°00´25´´: 83°25´10´´ Purnapani 22°25´:84°53´ Malkangiri 18°21´: 81°53´ Raghunathpalli 22°14´. 82°45´ Sargipalli (Baragarh) 20°55: 83°05´ Ostapal 21°04´:85°47´ Sargipalli (Sundargarh) 22°03´: 83°55´ Padampur 21°45´: 83°35´ Sargod 20°51´: 83°55´ Padripalli 19°21´40´´:84°42´40´´ Saruabil 21°04´: 85°48´ Pahartoli 22°22´20´´:84°58´50´´ Satarpally 19°42´: 84°51´ Palaspanga 21°46´45´´:85°31´50´´ . 84°07´ Nuasahi 21°16´30´´:86°19´55´´ Sarasposi 21°36´15´´:85°39´15´´ Nulungi 21°57´: 86°33´ Sarbahal 22°18´:84°02´ Obuguda 18°45´. 84°48´ Manda 21°58´45!:86°01´ Rajharan 20°57´: 84°58´ Mandumekha 20°31´05´´:84°38´10´´ Raju-Nagphena 20°30´30´´: 82°45´ Mandura 19°56´:83°43´ Rakmo 21°49´:85°18´ Mandurpalli 19°45´:83°34´ Ramagiri 18°45´:82°44´ Maniguda 19°35´: 83°33´ Ramagiri 18°41´: 82°15´ Manjapara 22°01´30´´: 84°11´30´´ Ramgurha 19°11´55´´:84°38 Manjimali 19°23´: 83°04´ Ramjori 22°09´. 84°48´ Sunajhar 21°30´50´´:85°24´ Shahanpath 20°02´30´´:84°39´00´´ Sunariposhi 21°15´00´´:85°48´35´´ Shanjabani 22° 04´:86°37´ Sunki 18°15´00´´:83°01´00´´ Shialari Pahar 21°31´: 85°15´ Sunmudra 19°43´: 83°34´ Shiker 20°21´00´´:83°10´00´´ Surgura 22o10´: 83°49´ Sialgolingi 20°22´45´´: 83°09´20´´ Suriagera 22°25´: 86°15´ Sialgolingi. IND Satrasda 19°47´.blogspot. 85°03´ Talpatia 21°57´00´´: 84°05´ Sibultosi 20°56´: 85°30´ Talpatia 21°57´00´´: 84°05´ Sidhamat Parbat 22°00´:85°22´ Talsara 22°22´30´´:84°06´ Sidhmath 21°36´45´´:85°34´45´´ Tangarmunda 22°05´:84°21´ Sikkar Palrapalle 20°24´:83°19´ Tantra 22° 53´:85°10´ Simlipahar 21°52´:86°27´ Taresinga 20°22´10´´:83°16´ Simlipal 22°06´: 86°29´ Tatakandi 20°48´: 83°46´ Simlipalgarh 21°51´50´´:86°23´25´´ Telkoi 21°21´15´´:85°24´ Singhjharan 20°14´:83°15´ Tentolikuntia 19°17´: 82°44´ Siphripara 20o07´: 83o48´ Thakurani Pahar 22°06´:85°26´ Sirgarajnkonta 18°17´. 81°48´ Thalkodebse 20°19´: 82°42´ Siringi 20°10´. 84°09´ Theruballi 19°20´:83°25´30! Sishakhal 20°16´40´´:83°23´20´´ Tinkantoli 22°15´:84°59´ Sonapenth 21°15´:85°45´ Toradanali 21° 06´:85°24´ Soramohan 21°86´: 84°13´ Toresinga 20°22´10!:83°16´ Sorispadar 19°03´: 82°16´ Tuljeri 20°41´: 83°59´ Soroda 19°45´30´´:84°26´00´´ Tumudibandh 19°57´30´´:83°42´ Souri 22°03´: 86°40´ Turekela 20°29´56´´: 82°47´57´´ Sripur 19°13´50´´:84°30´ Turekela 20°20´55´´:82°50´ Suidihi 22°09´15´´:84°53´ Turia 18°36´: 82°58´ Sukinda 20°58´:85°55´ Turukripa 19°42´: 83°33´ Sukrangi 21° 03´: 85° 49´ Ukchabeda 21°33´30´´:85°39´45´´ Sulaipat 22°09´:86°14´ Umarkote 19°40´:82°13´ Utunia 21°17´: 84°51´ Vedurpalle 18°35´: 81°58´ . SURV. Fulmati 20°17´: 83°10´15´´ Talangi 21°03´55´´:85°48´35´´ Sialkundar 21°55´: 84°52´ Talbasta 22°20´: 85°35´ Sialnoi 22°00´: 86°10´ Talchalinala 19°34´: 83°29´ Siarmai 22°02´55´´:83°43´25´´ Taldoshi 19°07´: 83°12´10´´ Sibalopose 20°56´.in 74 GEOL. visit: grvmalaikalam. 21 Sillimanite 16. Mayurbhanj. shale. Associated with 183.44 Deogarh districts sulphide ore (probable+ within sheared possible) metabasic rocks of Iron Ore Supergroup Dissemination in basic granulite of Eastern Ghats Supergroup Dolomite Sundergarh. Appendix TABLE –13 ESTIMATED RESERVES OF IMPORTANT MINERAL RESOURCES OF ODISHA Mineral District-wise Location Mode of occurrence Total reserve of all Grade Recoverable categories (in reserve (in million million tones) tones) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Asbestos Kalahandi. Metamorphosed. Sambalpur Indravati and and Baragarh Raipur Groups districts 75 .58 Garnet 25. Sundergarh districts etc.90 — 38. visit: grvmalaikalam.15 16.889. Blanket deposit 1739 +40%Al2O3 and 5% SiO2 1395.01. Associated with 47.4 — — Sundergarh and sheared mafic Mayurbhanj districts and ultramafic rocks Bauxite Koraput.54% Cu 6.6 Dhenkanal districts altered ultramafic complexes Coal Dhenkanal. Lower Gondwana as on (01.395 30-48% Cr2O3 83.08 1. Malkangiri.87 0. 0.62 Zircon 1.15 Monazite 0.) Copper ore Mayurbhanj and Disseminated 2. Keonjhar. As product of 158 — 158 Keonjhar.889. Within Proterozoic 1.219 Bolangir & Sambalpur over khondalite and districts charnockitic rocks Beach sand Ganjam district Limonite 35.83 Angul.39 Rutile 1.82 China clay Sundergarh.87 (Total) 80.34 1.55-1.415.97) Sambalpur.73 (Total) 83. sediments Jharsuguda and (Sandstone. rocks of Gangpur.39 25.667 — 691 Nabarangpur. weathering of Phulbani.91 0. Kalahandi.83 — 47.blogspot. Sambalpur granitic rocks and Koraput districts Chromite Jajpur. Associated with 50.46 Sargipalli 13. Kalahandi. associated with Koraput.46% Mn 50. Associated with 10 — 8. SURV.36 ore Koraput.blogspot. rocks of Gangpur Baragarh.75% Pb 6. Rayagada.93% Ni (Simlipal) districts over Sukinda ultramafic complex and Amjori Sill of Simlipal Complex Pyrophyllite Keonjhar. Sambalpur and shale of Iron ore Sundergarh districts (ii) Khondalite of Eastern Ghat Supergroup and (iii) Gonditic rocks of Gangpur Group Nickel ore Jajpur and Associated with 285 (conditional 1.48 0. Dhenkanal.41% V2O5 6. Associated with 2.23 — 1191. Malkanagiri. Mayurbhanj banded iron and Sambalpur formations of districts Iron Ore Supergroup Lead ore Sundergarh district Sulphides associated 6.692 tonnes (Cassiterite) District pegmatites emplaced at the contact of granite and metabasic Vanadiferous Mayurbhanj. migmatised FC Deoghar. Sambalpur Khondalite Nishikhal 10-30% and Angul districts FC Muniguda 5-15% FC Deogarh 8-10% FC Tumudibandh 10-54% FC Dhandatapa 50-68% FC Iron ore Keonjhar. Puri and Upper Gondwana Sambalpur districts sediments Graphite Bolangir. Sundargarh.21-2. Within Proterozoic 76 GEOL.46 Koraput. visit: grvmalaikalam.54 with garnetiferous biotite schist (Gangpur Group) Limestone Koraput. Cuttack. Associated with 175.6 Mayurbhanj and Singhbhum and Sundergarh districts Bonai Granite Tin Malkangiri Associated with — 12.48 magnetite Keonjhar and gabbro intrusions (proved+probable) Balasore districts .04 Nabarangpur.02 Mayurbhanj laterites capping reserve) 0.256 — 113. Rayagada (i) Metachert.338 Dhenkanal.54 5. Associated with 6. Keonjhar. IND 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fire clay Sundergarh.03% Ni (Sukinda) 203. Hematite ore 3360 60-63% Fe 3360 Cuttack.35% 2. Sundergarh and Nuapada districts Manganese Bolangir.36 25. and Raipur groups Sambalpur. Manganese 152.964 11.5 0. Koraput District Pottangi (18°34´:82°58´) 2.4 0.73 6.86 7.21 2. Iron ore 4760.40 1.98 45.03 45.49 13.40 102.16 207.58 2.58 Kornapadi Konda 1.55 0.36 10.00 12.27 Malliparbat 1. Kalahandi District Kutrumali 5.96 Sijimali 13.45 13. visit: grvmalaikalam.079 5.95 3. Vanadium 4864.31 1. Fire clay 175.63 67.19 2. No.98 C.933 7.625 8.36 25.63 2.58 1. Bolangir-Bargarh District Gandhamardan (20°57´:82°57´) 17. Commodity/Mineral Resource/Resreve (in millon tones) 1.40 22.00 — 41.63 25. Chromite 202.18 40.55 2.03 11.19 24.795 Source: INDIAN MINERALS YEAR BOOK.0 40.73 23.93 5.41 — 40.37 Kodingamali 5.04 Panchpat Mali (18°52´:83°64´) 14.01 1.8 2.16 Didhisol 0.73 Karlapat (19°41´:83°09´) 9.486 6.36 2.50 8.33 13.10 3.00 — 47.55 28.65 20. 30(III) 77 TABLE – 14 Estimated Reserve of Copper Resources in Odisha. Graphite 5422.99 D.98 195.17 TABLE – 15 Dimensional and Chemical characteristics of East Coast Bauxite deposit of Odisha Name of Deposit Area (in Sq km) Thickness (in m) Reserve Average in wt.93 Adash School Block (west) 1.37 2.66 MISC. Locality / District Average Grade (% of Cu) Cut-off grade (% of Cu) Probable and possible reserve (in million tones) Mayurbhanj District Kesarpur 1.96 Lanjigarh 5.46 0.37 — 46-50 1.48 2.blogspot.3-5 18-22 1-3 TABLE – 16 Status of Mineral Resources as on 01-01-2006 Sl.41 Ramapalli Block 0.65 91.16 23.48 12. Bauxite 1808.73 103.29 29.05 1.46 24.00 — 42.40 1.0 40.65 16.27 2.70 12.74 9.14 46.60 11.33 316. Rayagada District Baphimali (19°21´:82°59´) 9. Dolomite 836. percent (in million tones) Proved Possible Al2O3 SiO2 FeO3 TiO2 A.64 7.27 Deoghar District Adash School Block (east) 1.43 1. Copper 6.96 Sasbahumali 12.83 69.30 1.75 9. Nickel 174.19 26.03 1.99 Ballada 0.05 4.38 2.20 — 46.90 B. PUB.09 5. Lead 1. Tin 15. 2006 .40 86.20 — 81.45 307.02 2.64 53.00 6.00 — 42.77 2.01 0.35 4.04 26.8 0.4 1.00 9.38 1.80 — 43. NO.4 2.00 17. Limestone 1738.69 2. visit: . visit: . in .visit: grvmalaikalam.blogspot.
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