Geography -B.a. First Year (MCQ Pattern)
1SWAMI RAMANAND TEERTH MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY, NANDED. (MCQ – Pattern) SYLLABUS GEOGRAPHY B.A. FIRST YEAR SEMESTER PATTERN With effect from June, 2011 2 Geography B A F Y Semester Paper No. Title of Paper Marks Periods per week Sem I I Introduction to physical Geography 50 40+10(Int) *05 Sem II II Climatology 50 40+10(Int) *05 Sem I & II III Practical’s in Geography Practical Paper –I Practical Paper - 2 50 50 *03(Per Batch) *03(Per Batch) * In old pattern there were two theory papers and one practical whereas in new pattern one theory paper and one practical paper containing two practicals have been introduced. Part of old theory paper is diverted in practical and some part in theory paper. Therefore teaching work load will be of five periods for theory and six periods ( 3+3) for practical. Internal Examination pattern for theory paper : Two tests of five marks each. 1. Strength of students for each practical batch for each paper shall not be more than 20 (Twenty). 2. Submission of certified journal and village/ City/tour visit report is Compulsory. 3. Students shall not be allowed for practical examination without certified journal . 4. Total periods for each theory paper shall be 60 per semester. 5. Total periods for each practical paper of 50 marks shall be 90 per year. 6. Practical examination will be held in Second Semester. 3 B.A. First Year Semester – I Paper – I Introduction to Physical Geography Unit – I 12 periods a. Definition, Nature and scope of physical geography b. Origin of solar system - One Star Hypothesis, Two Star Hypothesis, Solar system c. Earth’s rotation and revolution and it’s effects. Unit – II 12 periods a. Interior of the earth – crust, mental and core b. Wegner’s theory of Continental Drift c. Rocks : Types, Origin and Composition Unit – III 12 periods Geomorphic Processes : Exogenic processes – weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition Unit – IV Endogenetic processes : 12 periods a. Slow processes – Epeirogenic and Orogenic b. Sudden processes – Earthquakes and Volcano Unit – V Geomorphic Agents : 12 periods a. Agents of geomorphic processes and resulting landforms i) River, ii) Glacier, iii) Wind, iv) Underground water and v) Sea waves. 4 Reference Books :- 1. Dayal P.A. : Text book of Geomorphology 2. Dury, G.H. : The face of the Earth 3. Emst, W.G : Earth systems 4. ICSSR : A survey of Research in physical Geography 5. Kale V. and Gupta A. : Elements of Geomorphology 6. Monkhouse F.J. : principles of physical Geography 7. pitty A. : Introduction to Geomorphology 8. sharma H.S. : Tropical Geomorphology 9. Singh S. : Geomorphology 10. Small R.J. : The study of Land forms 11. Sparks B.W. : Geomorphology 12. Steers J. A. : The Unstable Earth, Some recent views in Geography 13. Strahler A.N. : Environmental Geo-Science 14. Strahler A. N. and : modern physical Geography Strahler A. N. 15. Summerfield M. A : Global Geomorphology 16. Thornbury W. D. : Principals of Geomorphology 17. Wooldridge S.W. : The Physical Basis of Geography – An outline of And Morgan R.S. Geomorphology 18. Wooldrige S.W. : The Geographer as Scientist 19. R.N. Tikka : Physical Geography 5 Other Readings: ·. ·i¸ª·i”ii-¤ ·i. -ir· ·-ni-¤ ni·· z. ¬i-i·¤ · ·iiln¬ ·i¸”ii--i ·i . ¬. l·. ¬«i·ii¬ s. ·i¸ª·i”ii--ii¤| -¸¬n-· ·i. ¬¤¬-iº -nº «. ¤i¬ln¬ ·i¸ni¬ ¤i. “i-, ¤i. ¤¬, ¤i. “iri¤¸º¬º r. ¤i¬ln¬ ·i¸ni¬ ·i. -ir· ·-ni-¤ ni·· c. ¤i¬ln¬ ·i¸ni¬ ¤i. ¬ . ¤. ·in /. ·i¸¬i¬ln l·ni· ¤i·· ¬|. ¤|. ¬iº. ºi-¬º ”i 6 B.A. First Year Semester – II Paper : II CLIMATOLOGY Unit – I , 12 periods a) Definition, Nature and Scope of Climatology b) Composition and Structure of the atmosphere Unit – II 12 Periods a. Atmospheric temperature – Insolation and factors affecting on it, heat balance of the earth, vertical and horizontal distribution of temperature. b. Atmospheric pressure – Vertical and horizontal distribution of pressure. c. Types of winds - Planetary, periodic and local winds. Unit – III 12 Periods a) Types and forms of Humidity, evaporation and condensation b) Types of precipition, concept of monsoon and distribution of rainfall in India. c) Air Masses: Classification and properties. d) Tropical and temperate cyclones Unit – IV Major climates of the world 12 Periods a) Tropical b) Temperate and c) Desert Unit – V 12 Periods a) Global warming b) Greenhouse effect c) Ozone depletion 7 Reference Books : 1) Barrry, R.G. and chorely R.J. : Atmosphere, Weather and Climate, Routledge, 1998. 2) Critchfield ,H : General Climatology, Prentice – Hall, New York, 1975. 3) Das,P.K : The Monsoons, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1968. 4) Mather,J.R : Climatology, Mc Graw –Hill,New York, 1974. 5) Patterson,S ; Introduction to Meteorology,McGraw – Hill Book Co, London, 1959. 6) Trewartha, G.T. An Introduction to Climate, International students edition McGraw – Hill, New york 1980. Other Readings :- ·) “i- ¤¬.-|. ÷ r·i-i·”ii-¤ · ¬inº l·ni· z) ¬i¬n ¬.-| ÷ r·-i·”ii-¤ s) -nº ¬¤¬-iº ÷ r·-i·”ii-¤ 8 B.A.First Year Paper III Practicals in Geography Semester- I & II Practical Paper – I Semester - I Unit – I 20 Periods a. Representation of scale : i. Liner, R.F. and statement b. Conversion of Scale : R.F. To verbal and Verbal to R.F. c. Construction of scale i. Simple, Time and Distance scale Unit – II 20 Periods a. Methods of showing relief: Hachures, Shading, layer tints, contours, bench mark, spot height and trig point. b. Representation of different landforms by contours c. Slopes, Conical hill, Plateau, Ridge, Pass, Cliff, ‘U’ shaped valley, ‘V’ shaped valley and Spur. 9 Practical Paper – I Semester- II Unit – III 20 Periods Study of survey of India topographical maps a. Conventional signs and symbols b. Interpretation of SOI topo-sheets of hilly, Plateau and plain area in respect of (i) Relief, (ii) Drainage, (iii) Settlement and (iv) Communication Unit – IV 20 Periods Use of Line and Bar graph for representing population, agriculture, industry and transport data. a. Line Graph – Simple and multiple b. Bar Graph – Simple, compound and multiple (Vertical) Unit – V 10 Periods Field Work : Organise one day field visit to collect field data. Field work report should be prepared based on collected data and it should be submitted in practical examination. Main objective of the field work is to provide the students with the understanding of ground reality of a chosen site i.e. village/town/tourist site by observation. One aspect such as geomorphic forms and processes, landuse, irrigation, economic activities, village morphology, population characteristics etc. should be selected for field work. 10 Note : 1. Strength of students for each Practical batch shall not be more than 20 (twenty). 2. Student shall not be allowed for practical examination with out certified journal and filed visit report. 3. Total periods for each practical paper of 50 marks shall be 90 per year. 4. Practical examination will be held in second semester. Reference Books: 1. Khan Z.A. : Text Book of Practical Geography 2. Lawarence, G.R.P. : Cartography methods 3. Mishra, R.P.& Ramesh A. : Fundamentals of Cartography 4. Monkhouse, F.J. & : Maps and Diagrams Wilkinson H.R. 5. Sarkar, A.K. : Practical Geography a Systematic approach 6. Singh R.L. : Elements of practical geography Other Readings : ·. ¤i¤iln¬ ·i¸ni¬ “i-i ¬. ¤|. z. ¤i-¤l·i¬ ·i¸ni¬ ·i. ¬ilrººi· ·|. ·i¤ · ¤i. ¬º¬ªi¬ ;. ¬ . 11 B.A. First Year Paper - III PRACTICALS IN GEOGRAPHY Semester I & II Practical Paper – II Semester – I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Periods :90 Unit : I Climatic graphs and diagrams 20 periods 1. Line graph, Bar graph ( simple and multiple.) 2. Climograph. 3. Hythergraph. 4. Star diagram Unit : II Weather Instruments ( mchanism, function and use ) 30 periods 1. Minimum and maximum thermometer. 2. Dry and wetbulb thermometr. 3. Hair - hygrometer. 4. Aneroid Barometer. 5. Rainguage. 6. Wind - vane. 7. Cup Anemometer. Paper –II Semester - II Unit : III Study of Indian daily weather reports ( maps ) 20 periods 1. Weather signs and symbols. 2. Shapes of Isobars on weather maps a) Cyclone b) Anticyclone c) Secondary depression. d) ‘V’ shaped depression ( Trough of low pressure ) e) Wedge f) Col. 3. Interpretation of Indian Daily Weather maps one each from winter summer and rainy season. 12 Unit IV 20 periods 1.Pyramid diagrams for the representation of population data. a) Simple pyramid b) Compound pyramid. c) Superimposed pyamild. 2. Degree of dispersion of rural setttlements by Demangaon and Debouveries. 3. Centrality inedx by W. Christaller. Internal Examination pattern for theory paper : Two tests of five marks each. Strength of students for each practical batch for each paper shall not be more than 20 (Twenty). Students shall not be allowed for practical examination without certified journal . Therefore teaching work load will be of five periods for theory and six periods ( 3+3) for practical. 3. 1.Geography BAFY Semester Paper No.2 50 50 *03(Per Batch) *03(Per Batch) * In old pattern there were two theory papers and one practical whereas in new pattern one theory paper and one practical paper containing two practicals have been introduced. 2. 5. 4. Part of old theory paper is diverted in practical and some part in theory paper. 2 . Practical examination will be held in Second Semester. Submission of certified journal and village/ City/tour visit report is Compulsory. Total periods for each theory paper shall be 60 per semester. Total periods for each practical paper of 50 marks shall be 90 per year. 6. Title of Paper Marks Periods per week Sem I I Introduction to physical Geography Sem II II Climatology 50 40+10(Int) 50 40+10(Int) Sem I & II III Practical’s in Geography *05 *05 Practical Paper –I Practical Paper . Origin and Composition Unit – III Geomorphic Processes : Exogenic processes – weathering. mental and core b. iv) Underground water and v) Sea waves. iii) Wind. Unit – II a. Solar system c. Slow processes – Epeirogenic and Orogenic b. Definition. Sudden processes – Earthquakes and Volcano Unit – V Geomorphic Agents : a. Rocks : Types. ii) Glacier. Earth’s rotation and revolution and it’s effects. 12 periods 12 periods 12 periods 12 periods 3 . transportation and deposition Unit – IV Endogenetic processes : a. Origin of solar system .A.B. erosion. Wegner’s theory of Continental Drift c. Two Star Hypothesis. First Year Semester – I Paper – I Introduction to Physical Geography Unit – I a. Nature and scope of physical geography 12 periods b. Agents of geomorphic processes and resulting landforms i) River. Interior of the earth – crust.One Star Hypothesis. 2. Dury. N.J.H. Some recent views in Geography 13. Strahler A. Monkhouse F. Thornbury W. And Morgan R. 19. : Text book of Geomorphology : The face of the Earth : Earth systems : A survey of Research in physical Geography : Elements of Geomorphology : principles of physical Geography : Introduction to Geomorphology : Tropical Geomorphology : Geomorphology : The study of Land forms : Geomorphology : The Unstable Earth. Kale V. 3. 10. 8. R.G 4. D. A 16. Dayal P. Sparks B. 6. sharma H. 11. and Gupta A.W. and Strahler A. Summerfield M.W. W. Wooldrige S. 9. Tikka : Global Geomorphology : Principals of Geomorphology : The Physical Basis of Geography – An outline of Geomorphology : The Geographer as Scientist : Physical Geography : Environmental Geo-Science : modern physical Geography 4 . 12. Singh S.W. 15. pitty A. Steers J.Reference Books :1. Wooldridge S. 18.N.N. G. ICSSR 5. Small R. 17.S.J. Emst. Strahler A. 14. 7. A.S.A. N. t. rkoMs % MkW.mGkHkkts % MkW.dqekj exj % izk.“kgkiwjdj % MkW.ih.“ksVs] izk.kno th. o HkkSfrd Hkw”kkL«k Hkw:Ik”kkL«kkph ewyrRos izkd`frd Hkwxksy izkd`frd Hkwxksy izkd`frd Hkwxksy Hkwvkd`fr foKku % MkW.v.nkrs % .lq.eksgu nRrk«.vkj.jkelqjs”k 5 .fo.Other Readings: 1234567- Hkw:Ik”kkL= lkekU. rkoMs % izk.iz.eksgu nRrk«.Qqys] izk. Nature and Scope of Climatology b) Composition and Structure of the atmosphere Unit – II 12 Periods a. concept of monsoon and distribution of rainfall in India.A. c. periodic and local winds. Atmospheric pressure – Vertical and horizontal distribution of pressure. Types of winds . b. Atmospheric temperature – Insolation and factors affecting on it. 12 periods a) Definition.Planetary. heat balance of the earth. First Year Semester – II Paper : II CLIMATOLOGY Unit – I . vertical and horizontal distribution of temperature. c) Air Masses: Classification and properties. Unit – III 12 Periods a) Types and forms of Humidity. d) Tropical and temperate cyclones Unit – IV Major climates of the world a) Tropical b) Temperate and Unit – V c) Desert 12 Periods 12 Periods a) Global warming b) Greenhouse effect c) Ozone depletion 6 .B. evaporation and condensation b) Types of precipition. Other Readings :- 1½ “ksVs .l-Vh. New York.New York. 6) Trewartha. Prentice – Hall. G.G. Routledge. National Book Trust. Introduction to Meteorology. 4) Mather.J. New Delhi.P. R.McGraw – Hill Book Co. International students edition McGraw – Hill.T.J.%& gokeku”kkL= o lkxj foKku 2½ dksyrs ds-Vh %& goeku”kkL= 3½ exj t. Weather and Climate. 1959.H : General Climatology.K : The Monsoons. An Introduction to Climate. 2) Critchfield . and chorely R.R : Climatology. 1998. 1974.dqekj %& goeku”kkL= 7 . Mc Graw –Hill. 3) Das. New york 1980.S . : Atmosphere.Reference Books : 1) Barrry. 1968. 5) Patterson. London. 1975. F. ‘U’ shaped valley. Representation of scale : i. Pass. 8 . Ridge. Simple. layer tints.F. c. R. spot height and trig point. ‘V’ shaped valley and Spur. To verbal and Verbal to R. contours. b. Shading.F.A.I Unit – I a.I & II Practical Paper – I Semester . Slopes. Construction of scale i. and statement b. bench mark.B. Plateau. Conversion of Scale : R. Methods of showing relief: Hachures. Conical hill. Liner. Representation of different landforms by contours c. Cliff.First Year Paper III Practicals in Geography Semester. Time and Distance scale 20 Periods Unit – II 20 Periods a. agriculture. a.II Unit – III Study of survey of India topographical maps a. Main objective of the field work is to provide the students with the understanding of ground reality of a chosen site i. Field work report should be prepared based on collected data and it should be submitted in practical examination. should be selected for field work. population characteristics etc. Bar Graph – Simple. Conventional signs and symbols b. (ii) Drainage. industry and transport data.Practical Paper – I Semester. village/town/tourist site by observation.e. landuse. economic activities. Plateau and plain area in respect of (i) Unit – IV Relief. Interpretation of SOI topo-sheets of hilly. (iii) Settlement and (iv) Communication 20 Periods 20 Periods Use of Line and Bar graph for representing population. 9 . village morphology. irrigation. Line Graph – Simple and multiple b. compound and multiple (Vertical) Unit – V Field Work : 10 Periods Organise one day field visit to collect field data. One aspect such as geomorphic forms and processes. Sarkar. Khan Z.f{kd Hkwxksy % “kekZ ts.ksfxd Hkwxksy 2. 3.K. Total periods for each practical paper of 50 marks shall be 90 per year. R.A.djat[ksys b.& Ramesh A. : Practical Geography a Systematic approach : Elements of practical geography : Text Book of Practical Geography : Cartography methods : Fundamentals of Cartography : Maps and Diagrams Other Readings : 1.ok.ds- 10 .Note : 1.R. 5. A. 2. Mishra. 2. o izk.P.vkfgjjko Mh. Student shall not be allowed for practical examination with out certified journal and filed visit report. Singh R.P. 3.L. & Wilkinson H.izk.ih% MkW. 4. Monkhouse.izkR. Reference Books: 1. G. Practical examination will be held in second semester.R. Strength of students for each Practical batch shall not be more than 20 (twenty). Lawarence.J. F. 4. 6. ) 2. Paper –II Semester . Star diagram Weather Instruments ( mchanism. Wind . 2. Shapes of Isobars on weather maps a) Cyclone b) Anticyclone c) Secondary depression. Unit : III 11 . d) ‘V’ shaped depression ( Trough of low pressure ) e) Wedge f) Col.II Study of Indian daily weather reports ( maps ) 20 periods 1. 5. Minimum and maximum thermometer. Cup Anemometer.vane. 2. 7. First Year Paper . Weather signs and symbols.A. Line graph. Interpretation of Indian Daily Weather maps one each from winter summer and rainy season. 3. Bar graph ( simple and multiple.III PRACTICALS IN GEOGRAPHY Semester I & II Practical Paper – II Semester – I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Periods :90 Unit : I Climatic graphs and diagrams 1. function and use ) 20 periods Unit : II 30 periods 1. 6.hygrometer. 3. Aneroid Barometer. Dry and wetbulb thermometr. 3. Rainguage. Hythergraph. Climograph. 4.B. 4. Hair . Centrality inedx by W. c) Superimposed pyamild. a) Simple pyramid b) Compound pyramid.Unit IV 20 periods 1. 3. Christaller. 2. 12 . Degree of dispersion of rural setttlements by Demangaon and Debouveries.Pyramid diagrams for the representation of population data. Documents Similar To Geography -B.a. 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