
March 25, 2018 | Author: Mujahed Badr | Category: Agriculture, Earth, Weather, Geology, Map



SYLLABUS FOR THE SUBJECT OF GEOGRAPHY PAPER- I PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Total Marks: 100 Course Outline: 1.The Universe:- The solar system and the Earth. Earth’s Origin, shape and size, rotation and revolution, distribution of land and water. Geological time scale. 2. Lithosphere:- Composition and internal structure of the Earth, Rocks-origin, formation and types ( igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic), plate tectonics, mountain building geomorphic processes internal and external, earthquakes, volcanic activity, weathering, mass wasting, erosion and deposition, cycle of erosion; landforms produced by surface water, ground water, wind and glaciers. 3. Elements of weather and climate:- Insolation, global radiation and heat balance, atmospheric temperature, compositon and structure of atmosphere, atomosheric pressure and winds air masses and fronts (classification, distribution and associated weather), cyclones, tornadoes, thunderstorms and weather disturbances. Hydrological cycle. Atmospheric moisture and precipitation. Climatic classification: Koppen’s classification with special reference to the following types: Af, Am, Bsh, Csa and Dfc. Atmospheric pollution global warming. 4 Hydrosphere:- Configuration of ocean floor, ocean deposits. Composition, temperature and salinity of ocean water, movements of the ocean water, waves, currents and tides. 5 Biosphere:- Origin and evolution of life on Earth (with reference to Geological time scale). Formation and types of soils. Eco-Systems and world major Biomes. 6. Study of Maps Topographical Maps, Aerial Photographs and introduction to Remote Sensing, Weather maps of Pakistan. Ninth Edition. G. (1996) “Principles of Physical Geography” London Hodder & Stoughton.D. 2. Strahler.Zenithal. A. (2000) “Geo-Systems” USA.C. 17. Srahlar. H. (1996) “Living in the Environment. Mcuveen (1992) “Fundamentals of Weather and Climate” Prentice Hall New Hrsey. Taylor. & D. Inc. 5.J. Equal Area and MerCator’s (with table) Conical with one and two standard parallel’s and Bonne’s projections. Delhi. 21. 9. Miller. New York. 13. New York. R. Prentice-Hall. (1993) “ Integral Physical Geography” London Longman. R.E. Christopherson.T. R. et. Kendrew (1961): “Climate of the continents” Longman. (1993) “Integral Physical Geography” London. Cylindrical. R. classification of network by simple graphic methods of the following projections. F.L (1997) “Essentials of Physical Geography” Fourth Edition.D. London. New York. (2000) “Geo-Systems” USA. Thorn-bury. 3. & Mexrill (1996) “ Essentials of Oceanography” Manson. Gabbler.P. Scales: types and their use:Methods of representation of relief:- Drawing of composite contour maps with the help of given data and information preparation of distribution maps with the help of symbols line-bar-shade dot and circle. (1989) “Geomorphology and Hydrology” London. . Miller. Simple quantitative techniques and their use in geography.J. Longman. Longman. (2004) “Physical Environment New York” John Wiley. London. Thompson. De Blij. Principles. P. Longman. A. Saunders College Publishing. Small. Connections and solutions”. E. 20. Scott. D. (1998) “Atmosphere and Oceans” London. 11. R.V. W. Wadsworth. King. Charles E. Sager. Study of frequency distribution average’s (mean median and mode). (1996) “Principles of Physical Geography of the Global Environment” USA. R. R.K. New York. Index numbers and time series. J. 15. Monkhouse. Basil Blackwell. H. J. Al (1986) “Process in Physical Geography” London. Christopherson. 4.W. . Merrill. A. 19. Mean deviation.H. Arora (1995) “ Origin of the Ocean” Anmol Publisher. 16. 7. CAM (1980) “Physical Geography” Oxford.O. Well & Well and N. Simple. Diwan A. 18. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1.N. 6. Thurman. (1996) “ Introduction to physical geography” West Publishing Co.W.W. 8. Prentice –Hall. 8. 14. Inc. (1985) “ Physical Geography” Columbus.J and Wise. (1969) “Principles of Geomorphology” John Willy & Sons. (2004) “Modern Physical Geography” New York: John Wiley. Longman. 10. 7. John Wiley and Sons Inc. standard deviation and correlation.Map projection general principles.N. Strahlar. Taylor. Gnomonic Stereographic and orthographic (Polar Cases). and Muller.J.. 12. Thompson. (1985) “Physical Geography” Columbus. 24.D. Charles E. E. Al (1986) “Process in Physical Geography” London. J. ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY HUMAN GEOGRAPHY PAPER-II Total Marks: 100 .R. et. 25. Mcliveen. Basil Blackwell.F. Miller. Longman. R. 23. King CAM (1980) “ Physical Geography” Oxford.22. HUMAN. (1991) “Fundamentals of Weather and Climate London” Chapman & Hall.W. Merrill. dynamics. quaternary. Neuwirth. A New Urban World”. John Wiley and Sons. (fertility. Society and Space” (7th Edition) New York. 6.A.L. rural urban characteristics urban hierarchy. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Course Outline:Introduction: Definition. population growth. Production and consumption: producer and consumer. Rowntree. H. Marston (2003) “Places and Regions in Global Context: Human Geography” (3rd Edition) New York. secondary. approaches to study and relationship with other disciplines. natural resources. London Routledge. Harper International. (2002) “ Human Geography: Culture. P. C. P. Becker. A. economic benefits from colonialism. L. Harper. Economic activities: Classification and general distribution. Dyer (2001) “ Village. Prentice Hall. R. Prentice Hall. mortality.J. distribution. quinary. 8.Course Outline:Man and his habitat: Concepts of Environmentalism and Possibilism. BOOKS: 1. primary. H. Historical Evolution of World Economics Systems: Medieval feudal economics. Al(2004) “Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World” New York. industrial revolution. Hamlet and Field: Changing Medieval Settlements in Central England” London. Prentice Hall. Society. Knox. World population. (2003) “Environment and Society: Human Perspectives on Environmental Issues” (3rd Edition) New York. (1997) “Geography: A Modern Synthesis” London. 4. urbanization. population change (Natural increase & migration) Migration factors (pull and push) types of migration Settlements: types of settlement. 3. DeBlij. languages and religions. Lewis. . Hagget. 7. 2.& Secker (2002) “ Human Geography: Culture.L. tertiary. and Space” (7th Edition) New York. 5. et. Population structure. Windgather Press. John Wiley and Sons. races. density and growth. & S. Urban function and problems of urban places the Central Place theory. Mitchell-Fox & C.P. (2004) “Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters. decision making. & migration). world society and culture. Modern world system. scope. 7.W. world industrial regions. and Alexander. sugarcane. distribution of services service industries. Forest resources: world distribution. (1981) “Geography of Commodities” Harrp London. 8. Inc. primitive. H. form of power. synthetic) petro-chemical. world agricultural system. Van Nostrand. J. metalliferous minerals. oil & natural gas. network.Various types of agriculture and their distribution. S. locational factors and locational theories. solid fuels. Transport and trade: significance and characteristics of transport system. world pattern of trade..W. herding.g. balance of trade. gathering. problems and policies in agriculture. mixed farming and plantation farming. G. 2.. D. distribution of important minerals. TTDD.A. subsistence. New Delhi. etc. Harthorn. non-exhaustible sources of energy. textile (cotton. The role of selected commodities e. & Alexander J. iron and steel. tertiary activities. environmental and economic. cultivation. Carlson A. (1965) “World Economic Development” McGraw Hill New York. (1988) “Economic Geography” Prentice Hall. Alnwick. 4. Mineral resources. Hartshorne T. gathering commercial grain farming. fishing. New York. Trade and service function. free trade areas and common markets. intensive farming. hunting. H. Alexanderson.(1988) “Economic Geography” Today. wheat. Englewood Cliffs. T. locational analysis of selected industries. factors of trade. 1.W. 3. 5. (1963) “Economic Geography” Prentice Hall New Jersey. Fryer. the non-metalliferous minerals. rice. economic factors in mining.W. Boesch. . dairying. (1964) “A Geography of World Economy” Princeton: D. jute. (1956) “Economic Geography of Industrial Materials” Reinhold publishing Corporation New York. Multilateral and bilateral trade. the physical constraints on agriculture. J.A. Manufacturing: light and heavy industries. Power resources. modes of transport. (1947) “Geography of Manufacturing” Englewood Cliffs. 6. specialization and international trade. cotton. woolen. BOOKS:Alexander. Agriculture conditions of agriculture. Land factor in agriculture. Jones. Gilmour (1960) “A Handbook of Commercial Geography” Longman London.S. 23. 16.E. Conklin & Yeats (1988) “The Geography of Economic Activity” McGraw-Hill Book Company. chemical. & SA. 33. & S Carter 31.M.F. population. 13. industries (major industries e. (1939) “ Industrial Geography” John Murray (publishers) Ltd. & Dogar Lee (1974) “Economic Geography” Methuen London. Khan F. New York stamp. (1991) 19. Iron & Steel textile. 21.O. Karachi. hydrology and irrigation. 14.W. Tomes. 18.g. C. Hodder.R.D. Norman P. (1962) “A Geography of Manufacturing” Prentice Hall International Inc.A. Deblij.J.9. & Darken. Lippincott. T. M. Roepke (1967) “Readings in Economic Geography” John Eiley and Sons. Rogen W. cement. Howard G. Marston-2003 “Places and Regional in Global Context: Human Geography” Prentice and Hall.E. Regions and Concepts” John Wiley and Sons. & R. Knox. Hagget (1980) “Models in Geography” Harper and Row Publishers London. P. B. 10. BOOKS:1. 15.32. H. Latest Editions. London. L. Status and the significance of the regional approach and concept in Geography SAARC Countries with special reference to Pakistan. 34. 28. REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY Course Outline: Scope. Miller E.I. New York. R. (1965) “Economic Geography” Macmillan New York. sugar) trade and communication. Peter O-2003 “ Geography: Realms. Williams. Environmental setting: physical and climatic. (1963) “Geography of Commodity Production” Philadelphia.D. Luckas.29. London.J. 17. . mineral and power resumes. Inc. Thoman. (1991) “Economic Activity’ Longman group UK Limited.W. New York. Statistical Year Books. 12.N. C. 11. U. Natural and cultural resources: Vegetation and agriculture. Economic Geography: Longman group. 20. Syed Academy. & Muller. Highsmith R. (1981) “Success in Economic Geography” John Murray (publishers) Ltd.K. (1997) “An introduction to Economic Geography” Sir.R. & N. Bengtson (1964) “Fundamentals of Economic Geography” Prentice Hall. 22. 2. 9.J.S.P. O. (1996) “A Political Geography of Pakistan” Oxford University Press. James and Jones. (1969) “South Asia: Selective Studies of the essential geography of India” Pakistan and Ceylon.. Davidson. Spate.H. J. Munir Ahmad (2003) “Privatization and Crisis of Agricultural Extension: The Case of Pakistan (King’s Soas Studies in Development Geography)”. 10. Oxford. . Burkey. 1974 “One World Divided” John Wiley and Sons. H. Tayyeb. (1964) “Geography of Pakistan” Oxford University Press. K.K. Abdul Hameed (1972) “Historical and Descriptive geography of Water development in West Pakistan: A case study of the Middle Indus Basin” San Francisco State College. (1984) “India and Pakistan” Munshiram Moharlal Publications Pvt.C.K. 1965 “American Geography” Inventory and Prospects Association of American Geographers USA. (1991) “Geography of Pakistan” Oxford University Press. A. 13. Ahmad. 6. 7. UK. Khan F. 12. E. Ashgate Publishing. 8. 4.3.D2005 “Concepts and Regions in Geography” John Wiley. 11.L. A.S. Heinemann Educational. Preston. James. Ltd. Debliji.(1991) “Pakistan the continuing search for nationhood” Western Press. Karachi. 5. Jonson B.
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