Genesis Partner API



Adobe® Marketing CloudData Connectors Partner API Contents Data Connectors Partner API.................................................................................5 May 2014: REST API..............................................................................................................5 Data Connectors 3.0: What's New...........................................................................................5 Data Connectors 2.8: What's New...........................................................................................6 How Data Connectors Works..................................................................................................7 SOAP Service.........................................................................................................................8 SOAP Development Toolkits.......................................................................................................................8 Security......................................................................................................................................................9 REST Service..........................................................................................................................9 Methods................................................................................................................................10 Data Connectors Configuration API.........................................................................................................10 Data Connectors Integration API..............................................................................................................41 Data Types............................................................................................................................63 accessRequest.........................................................................................................................................64 accessRequests.......................................................................................................................................64 adProcessingSettings..............................................................................................................................64 adProcessingStatus.................................................................................................................................65 adProcessingVariables.............................................................................................................................66 authenticationParameter..........................................................................................................................66 chosenAccessRequests...........................................................................................................................67 colArray....................................................................................................................................................68 data_warehouse_report...........................................................................................................................68 data_warehouse_request.........................................................................................................................68 display......................................................................................................................................................69 int_array...................................................................................................................................................70 integrationAccess.....................................................................................................................................70 integrationBrief.........................................................................................................................................70 integrationData.........................................................................................................................................70 integrationDetail.......................................................................................................................................71 integrationDetails......................................................................................................................................72 Last updated 5/23/2014 Data Connectors Partner API Contents integrationMapping...................................................................................................................................73 integrationValue........................................................................................................................................73 integrationValues......................................................................................................................................73 metricClassificationList.............................................................................................................................73 metricClassifications................................................................................................................................73 partner_sandbox_credentials...................................................................................................................74 product.....................................................................................................................................................74 productArray.............................................................................................................................................74 productCalculatedMetric..........................................................................................................................74 productCalculatedMetrics.........................................................................................................................75 productClassification................................................................................................................................75 productClassificationList..........................................................................................................................75 productDetails..........................................................................................................................................76 productDetailsList.....................................................................................................................................76 productFaq...............................................................................................................................................76 productProcessingRule............................................................................................................................76 productResource......................................................................................................................................77 productResourceContent.........................................................................................................................77 productResourceList................................................................................................................................78 productResourceType..............................................................................................................................78 product_approval_status_container.........................................................................................................79 product_info_container.............................................................................................................................79 resourceEncoded.....................................................................................................................................79 responseArray..........................................................................................................................................79 rowArray...................................................................................................................................................79 scriptParameter........................................................................................................................................79 scriptParameters......................................................................................................................................80 status........................................................................................................................................................80 string_array..............................................................................................................................................80 timeBucket................................................................................................................................................80 timeBucketList..........................................................................................................................................81 token_usage_container............................................................................................................................81 token_usage_array...................................................................................................................................81 varMapAll.................................................................................................................................................81 Last updated 5/23/2014 Data Connectors Partner API Sample Code........................................................................................................................83 Sample Data Connectors Integration.......................................................................................................84 Sample On-Demand Script Usage...........................................................................................................97 Reference............................................................................................................................100 Data Connectors Standard Elements.....................................................................................................100 Activity Log Error Messages..................................................................................................................117 Time Zones............................................................................................................................................117 Currency Codes.....................................................................................................................................120 Contact and Legal Information............................................................................................120 Last updated 5/23/2014 Data Connectors Partner API Data Connectors Partner API 5 Data Connectors Partner API Data connectors make it possible to exchange data between partner applications and the Adobe Marketing Cloud. Data connectors let you activate an integration that exchanges data between the partner’s product or service and Suite collection servers. Once activated, the client can leverage the partner data in the Suite and export relevant data, such as re-marketing segments, back to the partner product or service. The Data Connectors Partner API lets Adobe partners build these integrations for their clients. Note: Only registered and approved Adobe Data Connectors partners have access to the partner tools. For information about becoming a partner, visit, or send an email to [email protected]. The Data Connectors Partner API provides SOAP and REST interfaces, and is comprised of two separate Web Services: Data Connectors Configuration API: Lets the partner define the integration’s characteristics and the data that the partner wants to provide clients as part of the data exchange. Data Connectors Integration API: Enables the day-to-day data transfer between the partner environment and Suite collection servers. May 2014: REST API The May 22, 2014 update includes the following changes: • A set of REST APIs that have the same methods and similar parameters/responses as SOAP APIs. See REST Service. • Enhanced the existing two REST APIs, Partner.StreamSegmentedData and Partner.StreamClassificationData. Data Connectors 3.0: What's New Data Connectors 3.0 (released November 2011) includes the following API updates: Configuration API Updates • Added the Product.AddFaq method. • Added the Product.ModifyFaq method. • Added the Product.GetFaqs method. • Added the Product.DeleteFaq method. • Added a includeResourceFile parameter to the Product.GetResources method. • Added the Product.EnableAuthentication method. • Added the Product.DisableAuthentication method. • Added the Product.GetAuthentication method. • Renamed Product.UpdateLogo to Product.ModifyLogo. • Renamed Product.SubmitProductScript to Product.AddProductScript • Added the Product.ModifyProductScript method. Data Connectors Partner API Integration API Updates No updates. Data Type Updates • Added feed data type to productResourceType. • Added Product.productFaq data type. Data Connectors 2.8: What's New Data Connectors 2.8 (released November 2010) includes the following API updates: Configuration API Updates • Added the Product.Add method. • Added the Product.Delete method. • Added the Product.Get method. • Added the Product.Modify method. • Added the Product.GetResource method. • Added the Product.UpdateLogo method. • Added the Product.AddAccessRequest method. • Added the Product.DeleteAccessRequest method. • Added the Product.ModifyAccessRequest method. • Added the Product.GetAccessRequests method. • Added the Product.GetAdProcessing method. • Added the Product.Clone method. • Updated the Product.AddResource method. • Updated the Product.DeleteResource method. • Updated the Product.GetResource method. • Updated the Product.ModifyResource method. Integration API Updates • Added the Partner.GetTokenUsage method. • Added the Partner.GetIntegrationAccess method. • Added the Export.ProduceResource method. Data Type Updates • Added the tns:integrationValue data type. • Added the tns:integrationValues data type. • Added the tns:productDetails data type. • Added the tns:productDetailsList data type. • Added the tns:productResourceList data type. • Added the tns:resourceEncoded data type. 6 they can use the Product Script to call ReportSuite. For example. b.SaveCalculatedMetrics. d. events. 1. How Data Connectors Works Data Connectors provides a complete development ecosystem to help Data Connectors partners integrate their products and services into the Adobe Marketing Cloud. props). a search term. Partner defines any internal variables. • Updated the tns:productResourceType data type. known as customvals.Data Connectors Partner API 7 • Updated the tns:integrationDetail data type. • Updated the tns:productResource data type. Partner defines the integration using the Configuration API. a. which lets the Integration Wizard call use other Web Services API methods that might be helpful to the integration. Adobe provides a well-defined process for creating a Data Connectors integration. . Partner defines variable mappings between their metrics and Analytics variables (eVars. Partner uploads the Partner Product Script. For example. if the partner wants to create some calculated metrics when the integration completes. or an account ID. a username/password. Partner creates the Product Script. c. necessary for the integration to work. Important details must be sent in the Header as metadata about your message. Partner notifies Adobe that the Integration is ready to verify. 8. 4. More capability. SOAP Development Toolkits The easiest way to use the Data Connectors API is with a toolkit that interprets WSDL files and provide a framework for easier development. Choose a SOAP toolkit that matches the programming language you are using. The commonly used toolkits include: PHP: NuSOAP (http://sourceforge. and is configured for.Data Connectors Partner API 8 Note: All Web Services APIs should be accessible through the Product Script. 2. partner checks on a regular basis for clients that have activated the integration in their Analytics report suite. Using the Data Connectors Integration API. Adobe enables the Integration in Data Connectors. This WSDL file describes the operations that our Web service can perform. After a client activates the partner’s Data Connectors integration. The message body also includes all pertinent parameters such as the data objects. partner uses the Integration API to enable the flow of data between the partner’s product or service and Analytics. contact your Account Manager. 7. Information about all the Web Services APIs is available on the Developer Connection. and user-friendliness. All of these communications are encrypted with SSL (HTTPS). It must include a special SOAPAction for a more complete review of SOAP-based and Pear (http://pear. Your program sends a SOAP request. 3. Send SOAP requests (in XML format) as an HTTP POST request. Note: Make sure the SOAP toolkit you select supports. use a document/literal style version of SOAP (not rpc/encoded). Development toolkits encode and decode XML request/response messages for you. Toolkits vary in performance. Adobe verifies and approves the Integration. so you can both create and receive objects that are translated to and from XML by the toolkit. Adobe returns the response as a response to your POST. The requested operation (such as addAdGroup) is included in the message body. required parameters for each operation. 6. Adobe's Web service processes the request and returns a response. The Suite Web Services. Both the request and the response use standard XML messages with a header and a body. Partner finalizes and tests the integration in the Data Connectors Sandbox. including the Data Connectors Partner API. document/literal SOAP. . password and a user agent header identifying the client company. thereby helping to protect data privacy. See http://www. toolkits let you work in an object oriented environment. if you run into difficulties using a particular API in the Product Script. Remember that requests for our Web service to process are defined in a Web services definition language (WSDL) file in XML. SOAP Service Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is an XML-based protocol for the exchange of information between applications over HTTP. and the expected response for each operation. 5.php. However. including your login email. Adobe sends Partner an updated WSDL with an correct endpoint for the production environment. StreamSegmentedData and Partner.html). REST APIs are now available for all Data Connectors and Apache WSS4J (http://ws. Security The Suite ensures that access to your company information and transfer of data is secure.html Both the configuration and integration REST APIs share the same method. REST APIs are hosted on a new endpoint. This method utilizes a shared secret that can be renewed by an Adobe ClientCare at your request.soaplite.omniture.html?method=Partner.omniture. and the same responses as the SOAP APIs. For Perl: SOAP::Lite (http://www. The Authentication procedure is based on the OASIS Web Services Security Username Token Profile 1.0 specification. and . nusoap.1/index.1/index.soapui. Note: It can sometimes be helpful to capture the XML request and response messages for debugging XMLSPY (http://www. In addition to secure authentication.apache. you should rarely have to write XML code to use the Data Connectors Web Service. some toolkits might require you to hand-code some of the XML. Windows: .sourceforge.php requires you to write the XML namespace for input parameters list. Partner. However.apache. which are not available through the Export. REST Service Before May Python: SOAPPy (http://pywebsvcs. though the two previously supported REST APIs.Data Connectors Partner API 9 Java: Apache Axis (http://ws. These APIs have the same method names. the Data Connectors API supports secure transfer of data over an SSL data encryption layer. The REST API endpoint for all other APIs is: https://api.1/export/index. After May 2014.GetProducts . The method name should always be added to URL similar to the following: SOAPUI (www. By using a SOAP toolkit that handles the XML SOAP support.Net Microsoft Visual Studio .com/en-us/vstudio/default. The parameters can be appended to request URL as query parameters or added to HTTP body. This method of Web services security is an industry standard and is built into the SOAP technology. the Data Connectors REST service contained two REST APIs that provided a more efficient option for downloading large data segments (>10MB).NET (http://msdn.html) Some SOAP toolkits take care of the XML coding for you. This shared secret should never be passed over the Internet unencrypted.StreamClassificationData will continue to use their original endpoint (https://api. as described in REST Service section. where you can gather and analyze data in a central location. CURLOPT_POST. $data). 1). $password = 'password'. 1).dev. $username. Nonce="+UOpU1tx3oN3ED05TVeVrg==".com Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 0 X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username="adobe_xinw".omniture. curl_setopt($curl. $nonce = md5(rand(). REST APIs The existing method documentation was written for SOAP API. Once integrated.ut1. Method name should be added to request URL.vm16. $curl = curl_init(). CURLOPT_URL. curl_setopt($curl. Note: For a list of supported values for many of the parameters used in the Data Connectors API methods. Data Connectors Configuration API The Configuration API lets Data Connectors partners define an integration’s characteristics. $base64_nonce. they can generate Analytics reports that include data from the Data Connectors application. When using the REST API. Methods The Data Connectors Partner API lets you import data from third-party applications and services into Analytics. CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER. $base64_nonce = base64_encode($nonce). curl_setopt($curl. $created = gmdate('Y-m-dTH:i:sZ'). true)). $password_digest.$password. including the data that the partner wants to share with Analytics. they can configure an integration between Analytics and the product or service that imports data into Analytics. Created="%s"'.html'). Nonce="%s". sprintf('X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username="%s". there is no need to specify parameter types. PasswordDigest="Or/zpqhCFTZZEAE+mBUL/o623jE=". array( 'Content-Type: application/json'. CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER. CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS. so it has parameter types defined. 'Content-Length: ' . 0). )). The Configuration API includes the following methods: .omniture. $password_digest = base64_encode(sha1($nonce. Created="2014-03-24GMT03:00:100" The following PHP sample demonstrates how to generate X-WSSE $username = 'username'. The Data Connectors API methods are organized into two separate Web Services that correspond to the phase of the integration process where those methods are used. When a Analytics client uses a Data Connectors-enabled product or service. $created). strlen($data).Data Connectors Partner API 10 User name and password should be passed by X-WSSE header in HTTP request as following: Host: api.$created. 'https://api. curl_setopt($curl. curl_setopt($curl. $data = '{ 'data': 'JSON Object to post' }'.com/genesis/rest/index. true). CURLOPT_HEADER. PasswordDigest="%s". curl_setopt($curl. see Data Connectors Standard Elements. contactEmail xsd:string Yes The email of the principal technical contact. industry xsd:string Yes The industry which best applies to this product.Clone Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. This is useful when you need to update a product integration due to a new release. supportPhone xsd:string Yes Phone contact for support. Product. supportEmail xsd:string Yes Email contact for support. Product. . • Facilitates the day-to-day transfer of data between the partner's environment and our Suite collection servers. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling . Product.Add Parameters Parameter Type Required Description contactName xsd:string Yes The name of the principal technical contact. Product. A Data Connectors Product does the following: • Defines the integration characteristics between the partner's product or service and our Suite client collection servers.Data Connectors Partner API 11 Product.Add Creates a new Data Connectors product. version xsd:string Yes The version to assign to the product.Add Response Response Type Description productCode xsd:string A unique code assigned to the new product. details tns:productDetailsList Yes The information about this product. status xsd:string Status message pertaining to the success of the action.Clone Creates a new Data Connectors product based on an existing product. Delete Response Response Type Description success xsd:boolean Indicates if the operation succeeded (True) or failed (False). Product. status xsd:string Status message pertaining to the success of the action. status xsd:string Status message pertaining to the success of the action.Data Connectors Partner API 12 Parameter Type Required Description newProductVersion xsd:string Yes The product version of the new product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling .Clone Response Response Type Description productCode xsd:string A unique code assigned to the new product.Delete Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product. Product. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling .Delete Deletes an existing Data Connectors product. Product.Get Parameters Parameter Type Description productCode xsd:string A valid Data Connectors product code. . Product.Get Returns information about the specified Data Connectors product. contactName xsd:string The name of the principal technical contact.Get Response Parameter Type Description productCode xsd:string The product code associated with this Data Connectors product. Product. industry xsd:string The industry which best applies to this product. version xsd:string The product version. contactEmail xsd:string The email of the principal technical contact.Modify Modifies the Data Connectors product as specified. details tns:productDetailsList Detailed information about the product configuration. supportPhone xsd:string Phone contact for support. supportEmail xsd:string Email contact for support.Data Connectors Partner API 13 Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling .Modify Parameters Parameter Type Description productCode xsd:string A valid Data Connectors product code. Product. contactEmail xsd:string The email of the principal technical contact. details tns:productDetailsList Detailed information about the product configuration. version xsd:string The product version. supportEmail xsd:string Email contact for support. contactName xsd:string The name of the principal technical contact. . supportPhone xsd:string Phone contact for support. industry xsd:string The industry which best applies to this product. Yes The type of metric to be created. status xsd:string A status message pertaining to the success of the action. 3:currency Yes The number of decimal places to be displayed for this formula result. Product. 1:numeric. Product.DeleteCalculatedMetric Deletes a calculated metric for a product.AddCalculatedMetric Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action.GetProducts. name xsd:string Yes Name of the calculated metric to be created.AddCalculatedMetric Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.Modify Response Parameter Type Description productCode xsd:string A unique product code associated with this Data Connectors product.Data Connectors Partner API 14 Product. 2:percent.1. Added in Data Connectors 3.AddCalculatedMetric Add a calculated metric for a product. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Yes Set to 1 to automatically replace formula metrics with variable-mapped metrics when an integration is saved. replace_with_mapping xsd:boolean friendly_formula xsd:string metric_type xsd:integer decimal_places xsd:integer Product. Yes Human-readable calculated metric formula. . formula xsd:string Yes The formula for the new calculated metric. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Added in Data Connectors 3. .GetCalculatedMetrics Gets all calculated metrics for a product.GetCalculatedMetrics Response Parameter metrics Type Description productCalculatedMetrics Details about calculated metrics. name xsd:string Yes Name of the calculated metric to be deleted. Added in Data Connectors 3.DeleteCalculatedMetric Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action.ModifyCalculatedMetric Modifies a calculated metric for a product. Product.GetProducts. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Product. Product.1.DeleteCalculatedMetric Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.1.Data Connectors Partner API 15 Added in Data Connectors 3. Product.1.GetCalculatedMetrics Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.GetProducts. classificationName xsd:string Yes Name of the classification to be created. name xsd:string Yes Name of the calculated metric to be modified. 3:currency Yes The number of decimal places to be displayed for this formula result. 2:percent.AddClassification Add a classification for a metric. 1:numeric. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Yes Human-readable calculated metric formula. metricName xsd:string Yes The partner’s metric name. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. formula xsd:string Yes The formula for the calculated metric. Product.GetProducts.AddClassification Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Yes The type of metric to be created.ModifyCalculatedMetric Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action. Yes Set to 1 to automatically replace formula metrics with variable-mapped metrics when an integration is saved. Added in Data Connectors 3.1. .GetProducts. Product.Data Connectors Partner API 16 Product.ModifyCalculatedMetric Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. replace_with_mapping xsd:boolean friendly_formula xsd:string metric_type xsd:integer decimal_places xsd:integer Product. Product. Assign a value of 0 or leave empty if it is simple classifying the metric directly. False The parent classification's classificationNum.AddClassification Response Parameter Type Description classificationNum xsd:integer ID for the new classification.DeleteClassification Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Added in Data Connectors 3. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.DeleteClassification Deletes a classification for a metric. parentClassificationNum xsd:integer .GetProducts. metricName xsd:string The partner’s metric name. Product. status Product. False Whether or not to treat this classification like a campaign.Data Connectors Partner API Element 17 Type parentClassificationNum xsd:integer type xsd:string Required Description False The parent classification's classificationNum.1. Yes One of the following values indicating the classification type: • text • numeric • percent • currency version xsd:integer campaignViewFlag xsd:integer False Product version. status A status message pertaining to the success of the action. metricName xsd:string Yes Name of the metric where the classification is created. Assign a value of 0 or leave empty if it is simple classifying the metric directly. metricName xsd:string Yes The partner’s metric name.GetProducts. classificationName xsd:string Yes Name of the classification.GetClassifications Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product.Data Connectors Partner API 18 Product. Yes One of the following values indicating the classification type: classificationNum type xsd:integer xsd:string .GetClassifications Response Parameter classificationList Type Description productClassificationList Classifications defined for the specified product.GetProducts. Product.DeleteClassification Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action.GetClassifications Get classifications for a product.ModifyClassification Modifies a classification for a metric. Yes ID of the classification you want to modify. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.1. Product. Added in Data Connectors 3. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Added in Data Connectors 3.ModifyClassification Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.1. Product. Product. Product. .GetProcessingRule Get the processing rule template for this product.GetProducts. Added in Data Connectors 3.GetProcessingRule Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. status A status message pertaining to the success of the action. metricName xsd:string The partner’s metric name.Data Connectors Partner API Element 19 Type Required Description • text • numeric • percent • currency campaignViewFlag xsd:integer False Whether or not to treat this classification like a campaign.ModifyClassification Response Parameter Type Description classificationNum xsd:integer ID for the new classification.GetProcessingRule Response Parameter rule Type Description productProcessingRule Processing rule template. Product. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Product.1.1.DeleteProcessingRule Deletes the processing rule template for this product. Added in Data Connectors 3. status Product. Added in Data Connectors 3. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.0. Product. Product.DeleteProcessingRule Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action. xml xsd:string Yes The processing rule template XML string.ModifyProcessingRule Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action.GetProducts.AddFaq Add a FAQ for a product. . Product.ModifyProcessingRule Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Added in Data Connectors 3.DeleteProcessingRule Parameters Element Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product. Product.1.GetProducts.ModifyProcessingRule Modifies the processing rule template for this product.AddFaq Parameters Parameter Type Required Description answer xsd:string Yes Answer to the provided question.Data Connectors Partner API 20 Product. Product. Supported values include: demand: Designates the script as an on-demand script that you can call at any time (see Partner.SubmitProductScript Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.GetProductScriptresponse. integration_create: Runs the script after the Data Connectors Wizard completes for a new integration. name xsd:string Yes A short name for this product script.AddProductScript Creates a new script associated with the specified Data Connectors product. runOn xsd:string Yes When the script should execute.GetProducts.GetProducts. Product.SubmitProductScript was renamed to Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.AddProductScript. Product. In Data Connectors 3. description xsd:string No A detailed description of the product script. For information about the script format and structure. The scriptName must be unique.0. script xsd:string Yes The product script that you want to submit. Product.RunScript).Data Connectors Partner API 21 Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. question xsd:string Yes Question to add to the frequently asked questions list.AddFaq Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. . see the Product. Product.Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 22 Type Required Description integration_edit: Runs the script after the Data Connectors Wizard completes for an existing integration. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.AddVariableMappings Configures mappings between partner product metrics and Analytics eVars.0. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling . Product. question xsd:string Yes Question that you want to remove from the frequently asked questions list.SubmitProductScript Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation.DeleteFaq Delete a FAQ for a product.DeleteFaq Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. variableMappings array( tns:varMapAll ) Yes XML that defines the variable mappings. events. Product. Added in Data Connectors 3.AddVariableMappings Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.GetProducts. and properties. Product.AddVariableMappings Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. . Product. DeleteFaq Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action.DisableAuthentication Disables the authentication request to the partner API for a product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling .DeleteVariableMappings Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. events. Product. Yes A list of variable mappings to delete.0. Added in Data Connectors 3. and properties.DisableAuthentication Request Parameter Type productCode xsd:string Required Description Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling .DeleteVariableMappings Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.Data Connectors Partner API 23 Product. Product. Product. .EnableAuthentication Enables authentication to partner APIs.DisableAuthentication Response Parameter Type status status Product.DeleteVariableMappings Configures mappings between partner product metrics and Analytics eVars. Product. Description A status code and associated message related to the operation. variableMappings array(xsd:string) Product. Product. Full URL to the endpoint where authentication occurs. For example.asmx? functionName xsd:string parameterList Array of authenticationParameter productCode xsd:string response xsd:string type xsd:string Yes Name of the function that performs authentication in the partner API. Yes Product. you need the following: • Authentication methods supported by the partner API • Name of the partner API that performs the authentication (for example. For example. "request OK". You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling . Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. or an asmx file for CURL.EnableAuthentication Request Parameter Type endpoint xsd:string Required Description No Optional only if the endpoint can be determined using the WSDL. authenticate. Yes String to parse out of the response message from the partner authentication API that indicates success.Data Connectors Partner API 24 Added in Data Connectors 3.0. authenticate) • Location of the partner WSDL Product.authenticationParameter. . If this string is not located in the response the authentication attempt is considered unsuccessful. Yes Authentication type to use. For example. http://myhost/Authenticationservice. One of the following values: • plain • soap • wsse • curl url xsd:string Yes Typically the URL of the WSDL. To authenticate to a partner API. GetAuthentication Request Parameter Type productCode xsd:string Required Description Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Added in Data Connectors 3.GetFaqs Returns the FAQs for a product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling .GetAuthentication Returns authentication configuration information Added in Data Connectors 3.Data Connectors Partner API 25 Product.GetAuthentication Response Parameter Type Description authenticationConfiguration authResponse AuthResponse: •type type string •functionName type string •response type string •url type string •endpoint type string •parameterList type authenticationParameterArray .EnableAuthentication Response Parameter Type status status Description A status code and associated message related to the operation. . Product.0.0. Product. Product.array of type authenticationParameter •type type string •location type string •name type string •value type string •label type string •p_order type int Product. Added in Data Connectors 3. in either GIF or PNG format. The image must be transparent. Product.GetProducts. Product. productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.0.GetLogo Gets the logo of a product for a given locale. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Data Connectors defaults to en_US.GetProducts.Data Connectors Partner API 26 Product. If no locale is used.GetLogo Parameters Parameter Type Required Description locale xsd:string No The locale to be used for the image uploaded. 88x28 pixels. .GetFaqs Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.GetVariableMappings Gets the variable mappings for the specified product. Product.productFaq Product.GetLogo Response Parameter Type Description encodedData xsd:string The base64-encoded string of the Data Connectors logo to be updated. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Product.GetFaqs Response Parameter faqs Type Description An array of Product. .GetVariableMappings Response Parameter Type variableMappings array( varMapAll ) Description XML that defines the variable mappings. >. For example. Constant is either a string expression or a numeric value. Constant: The filter value. or !=). =. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling .0..Data Connectors Partner API 27 Product. productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.ModifyFaq Modify a FAQ for a product. <=. Added in Data Connectors 3. Operator: A boolean operator (<. the following filter returns all variable mappings of type evar. >=. The format for the filter string is as follows: <Variable1> <Operator1> <Constant1>[.. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. om_variable == evar The following filter returns variable mappings where metric is “Clicks”: metric == Clicks Product.GetVariableMappings Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. filter xsd:string) No An expression-like string that limits the variable mapping info returned.]] Variable: One of the tags supported by the tns:varMapAll data type. <Variable2> <Operator2> <Constant2>[.GetProducts.ModifyFaq Parameters Parameter Type Required Description answer xsd:string Yes Answer to the provided question. Product. . Product. 88x28 pixels. Data Connectors defaults to en_US. The response returns Logo updated if successful. The image must be transparent.ModifyLogo Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.UpdateLogo was renamed to Product.ModifyFaq Response Parameter status Type Description status A status message pertaining to the success of the action. Product.ModifyLogo Response Parameter Type Description result xsd:string Indicates if the logo was successfully updated. or an error message if unsuccessful. encodedData xsd:string Yes The base64-encoded string of the Data Connectors logo to be updated.Data Connectors Partner API 28 Parameter Type Required Description question xsd:string Yes Question to add to the frequently asked questions list. Product. If no locale is used. Product.ModifyLogo.0.GetProducts. Added in Data Connectors 3. . Product. locale xsd:string No The locale to be used for the image uploaded.ModifyProductScript Creates or modifies a product script.0. In Data Connectors 3.ModifyLogo Updates the logo of a product for a given locale. in either GIF or PNG format. integration_create: Runs the script after the Data Connectors Wizard completes for a new integration.RunScript).GetProducts. The scriptName must be unique. Product. description xsd:string No A detailed description of the product script. and properties. Product. For information about the script format and structure. runOn xsd:string Yes When the script should execute. script xsd:string Yes The product script that you want to submit. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. see the Product.ModifyProductScript Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. variableMappings array( tns:varMapAll ) . events. name xsd:string Yes A short name for this product script. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling .ModifyVariableMappings Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.ModifyVariableMappings Configures mappings between partner product metrics and Analytics eVars.Data Connectors Partner API 29 Product. integration_edit: Runs the script after the Data Connectors Wizard completes for an existing integration. Supported values include: demand: Designates the script as an on-demand script that you can call at any time (see Partner. Yes XML that defines the variable mappings you want to change.ModifyProductScript Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation.GetProductScriptresponse. Data Connectors Partner API 30 Product.DisableAdProcessing Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. Product.ModifyVariableMappings Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling . variables adProcessingVariables Yes Specifies the names of the variable mappings used to receive data from the ad processing system. settings adProcessingSettings No Specifies settings that change the behavior and setup of the ad processing system. prefix xsd:string Yes A partner-specific value used to identify the click and view data in the request. . Product.DisableAdProcessing Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.DisableAdProcessing Disables ad processing for the specified product during the Data Connectors configuration. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling . Product.EnableAdProcessing Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product.EnableAdProcessing Enables ad processing during the product configuration in the Data Connectors environment. Product.DeleteProductScript Removes the product script from the specified product. Product.GetAdProcessing Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Product.DeleteProductScript Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.GetProductScript Returns the product script from the specified Data Connectors product. Product.DeleteProductScript Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation.GetAdProcessing Returns the current add processing settings for the specified product. . You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.EnableAdProcessing Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation.GetProducts.GetAdProcessing Response Parameter Type status adProcessingStatus Description The current ad processing status for the specified Data Connectors product.Data Connectors Partner API 31 Product. Product.GetProducts. scriptName xsd:string Yes A name for the product script you want to delete. Product. see through the Product Script.. Product. In Data Connectors 3.AddProductScript..Data Connectors Partner API 32 Product. productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.0. if you run into difficulties Product. However. (See #2) The replaceWith attribute instructs Data Connectors to replace the attribute contents with a setting or property from the client’s account. RSID (insert the Report Suite ID).RunScript. param: (Used only with On Demand scripts) Inserts a partner-specified parameter when calling Partner.GetProductScript Response Type Description <genesis> <ReportSuite.QueueRanked> .* (See #1) A Web Services API method. using a particular API method in the Product Script. Data Connectors supports the following replaceWith values: mapping: (See #2) Replaces the attribute with the specified attribute mapping. contact client: (See #3) Substitutes a client account property your Adobe Account Manager.AddVariableMappings.#1 --> <c_options/> <c_view replaceWith="mapping">Ad Campaign</c_view> <!-. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Product. Supported values include: Web Services APIs. For more information * You should be able to call any Web Services API method about variable mapping. visit the Developer Connection. INT_NAME (insert the Integration name). see Sample Data Connectors Integration. Product.SubmitProductScript was renamed to Product.SaveClassifications> <!-. This example calls a method from the Administration API.#2 --> <camp_view>0</camp_view> <name>My Site Name</name> <rsid_list> <item replaceWith="client">RSID</item> <!-#3 --> </rsid_list> </ReportSuite. </Report. .GetProducts.SaveClassifications> <Report.GetProductScript Parameters Parameter Type Required Description Name xsd:string Yes Name of the script. INT_EMAIL (insert the Integration Email).SubmitProductScript Creates a list of API calls to make when the Integration Wizard completes. For a more detailed product script example. For detailed information about when making the call.QueueRanked> </genesis> The encapsulated product script. SubmitProductScript Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. Supported values include: demand: Designates the script as an on-demand script that you can call at any time (see Partner. .GetProducts.GetProducts.SubmitProductScript Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. script xsd:string Yes The product script that you want to submit. see the Product. scriptDesc xsd:string No A detailed description of the product script. integration_create: Runs the script after the Data Connectors Wizard completes for a new integration. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.GetProductScripts Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. The scriptName must be unique. integration_edit: Runs the script after the Data Connectors Wizard completes for an existing integration.RunScript).Data Connectors Partner API 33 Product.GetProductScriptresponse. scriptName xsd:string Yes A short name for this product script.GetProductScripts Returns a list of all product scripts submitted for the specified product. For information about the script format and structure. Product. Product. runOn xsd:string Yes When the script should execute. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Data Connectors Partner API 34 Product.GetProductScripts Response Parameter Type Description status string_array A list of product scripts submitted for the specified product code. Product.GetProductApprovalStatus Returns a current status of the approval process. Call this method after Product.SubmitProductForApproval to check the approval status. Product.GetProductApprovalStatus Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.GetProducts. Product.GetProductApprovalStatus Response Parameter Type Description status xsd:string Indicates the current status of the approval process for the submitted product integration. Suppported response values include unsubmitted, pending, approved, or rejected. comments xsd:string If status == rejected, the comment contains a reason why the product integration was rejected. Product.SubmitProductForApproval Submits the specified product integration for approval. Product.SubmitProductForApproval Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.GetProducts. Product.SubmitProductForApproval Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. Data Connectors Partner API 35 Product.AddResource Adds a resource to the specified product. A resource is additional information or code that a client needs when activating an integration. Data Connectors provides clients access to integration resources in multiple ways, including: • On the Summary page of the Data Connectors Integration Wizard • In an Email sent upon activating an integration • In the Data Connectors UI by clicking the Resources link Product.AddResource Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.GetProducts. type productResourceType Yes The type of resource to add. title xsd:string Yes The resource name. description xsd:string Yes The resource URL. If the type = static or type = dynamic, then the URL must be the publicly accessible location of a resource document. Data Connectors downloads the document and stores it on its servers. The url parameter truncates the value to the name of the file instead of the full URL. Nothing is done if type is set to link. url xsd:string No Contains the name and base64-encoded bytes of a file that is uploaded to our servers directly. resourceFile resourceEncoded No Contains the name and base64-encoded bytes of a file that is uploaded to Data Connectors servers directly. variablePrefix xsd:string No Used only when type = dynamic. A unique string value used to identify the start of a variable in the dynamic file. variableSuffix xsd:string No Used only when type = dynamic. Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 36 Type Required Description A unique string value, which can be the same as variablePrefix, used to identify the end of a variable in the dynamic file. locale xsd:string No The language locale used for this resource. Defaults to en_US. Product.AddResource Response Parameter Type Description resourceCode xsd:string A unique code assigned to the new resource. Product.DeleteResource Deletes a resource from the specified product. Product.DeleteResource Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.GetProducts. resourceCode xsd:string Yes The unique code assigned to the resource you want to delete. Product.DeleteResource Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. Product.GetResource Returns the specified resource associated with the specified product. Product.GetResource Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.GetProducts. Nothing is done if type is set to link. Data Connectors downloads the document and stores it on its servers.ModifyResource Modifies an existing resource associated with the specified product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. type productResourceType No The type of resource. If the type = static or type = dynamic. description xsd:string No A description of the resource. . title xsd:string No The resource name.GetProducts. url xsd:string No The resource URL. then the URL must be the publicly accessible location of a resource document. The url parameter truncates the value to the name of the file instead of the full URL. resourceFile resourceEncoded No Contains the name and base64-encoded bytes of a resource file to upload directly to Data Connectors servers. resourceCode xsd:string Yes A unique code assigned to the resource you want to modify.GetResource Response Parameter Type Description resource productResource A structure containing information about the specified resource.Data Connectors Partner API 37 Parameter Type Required Description resourceCode xsd:string Yes The unique code assigned to the resource you want to get.ModifyResource Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product. Product. Product. Data Connectors Partner API 38 Parameter Type Required Description variablePrefix xsd:string No Used only when type = dynamic. A unique string value. If “false”.0 productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product. If “true”. data for each file-based resource will be returned.ModifyResource Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. the call will return a list of resources without returning the actual file data. Data Connectors 3. . Product. which can be the same as variablePrefix.GetProducts. Added in Data Connectors 3. used to identify the end of a variable in the dynamic file. locale xsd:string No The language locale used for this resource.0: Added includeResourceFile. variableSuffix xsd:string No Used only when type = dynamic. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.GetResources Returns all of the resources associated with the specified product. Product.GetResources Parameters Parameter Type Required Description includeResourceFile xsd:boolean Yes Controls whether or not the actual file data associated with each resource is returned with the response. A unique string value used to identify the start of a variable in the dynamic file. Defaults to en_US. .Data Connectors Partner API 39 Product. export. Product.AddAccessRequest Adds an access request to the specified product.AddAccessRequest Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. or import/export. element xsd:string Yes The name of the metric or dimension that access is being requested for. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Product.GetResources Response Parameter Type Description resource productDetailsList A list of all resources associated with the specified product. required xsd:string Yes Specifies if the request must be granted to complete the integration.DeleteAccessRequest Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code.GetProducts.AddAccessRequest Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. Either yes or no. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. access xsd:string Yes The type of access that is being requested: import.DeleteAccessRequest Deletes an access request from the specified product. Product. Product. See Data Connectors Standard Elements for a list of valid values for this parameter.GetProducts. GetAccessRequests Returns the current add processing settings for the specified product. export. Product. required xsd:string Yes Specifies if the request must be granted to complete the integration.DeleteAccessRequest Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. element xsd:string Yes The name of the metric or dimension that access is being requested for. Product.ModifyAccessRequest Response Parameter Type Description status status A status code and associated message related to the operation. Product. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner.ModifyAccessRequest Modifies an existing access request for the specified product. Product.GetProducts.Data Connectors Partner API 40 Parameter Type Required Description element xsd:string Yes The name of the metric or dimension where you want to delete the access request. . Product. access xsd:string Yes The type of access that is being requested: import. See Data Connectors Standard Elements for a list of valid values for this parameter. Either yes or no. See Data Connectors Standard Elements for a list of valid values for this parameter.ModifyAccessRequest Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. or import/export. UpdateLogo Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. encodedData xsd:string Yes The base64-encoded string of the Data Connectors logo to be updated. The parameters have not changed so you can safely rename the method with no additional changes. If no locale is used. 88x28 pixels. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Product. Product.GetProducts. in either GIF or PNG format. You can get a list of your company's product codes by calling Partner. Data Connectors Integration API The Integration API enables the day-to-day data transfer between the partner environment and Adobe data collection servers. locale xsd:string No The locale to be used for the image uploaded. or an error message if unsuccessful. Product. Data Connectors defaults to en_US. The image must be transparent.ModifyLogo.0.UpdateLogo was renamed to Product.UpdateLogo Modifies the logo graphic that Data Connectors displays in the Partner List.GetAccessRequests Response Parameter Type Description requests tns:accessRequests A list of the current access requests for the specified product. In Data Connectors 3. . Product.GetAccessRequests Parameters Parameter Type Required Description productCode xsd:string Yes A valid Data Connectors product code. Product.Data Connectors Partner API 41 Product. The response returns Logo updated if successful.UpdateLogo Response Parameter Type Description result xsd:string Indicates if the logo was successfully updated.GetProducts. GetProducts.1. Partner.GetProducts returns a separate array of product information for each product associated with the current partner.GetProduct Get the product for the given partner.GetProducts returns a separate array of product information for each product associated with the current partner.GetProducts Returns information about each product associated with the current Data Connectors partner. you might find it useful in both the Configuration and Integration phases of the integration development process. Partner.GetProducts Parameters None. . Partner. Added in Data Connectors 3. Partner. Partner. Data Connectors determines the product list based on the authentication credentials used to log in to the Data Connectors Partner Portal. Partner. While this method is part of the Integration API. you might find it useful in both the Configuration and Integration phases of the integration development process.GetProduct returns an array of product information for the product identified by the specified productCode.GetProduct Parameters Response Type productCode xsd:string Description An array of information about one partner product.GetProduct Response Response Type Description productInfo tns:product An array of information about one partner product. Partner.GetProducts Response Response Type Description productInfo tns:product An array of information about one partner product.Data Connectors Partner API 42 The Integration API includes the following methods: Partner. Partner. Note: Several Data Connectors API methods rely on the productCode returned by Partner. While this method is part of the Integration API. Data Connectors Partner API 43 Partner.GetIntegrationAccess Lets a partner see what data a customer has granted access to in the integration. Also identifies if the client has granted export access, import access, or both. Partner.GetIntegrationAccess Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string No An array of information about one partner product. Partner.GetProducts returns a separate array of product information for each product associated with the current partner. Partner.GetIntegrationAccess Response Response Type Description element xsd:string Displays the name of the element for which access was requested. requested xsd:string Displays the level of access that was requested: import, export, or import/export. granted xsd:string Displays the level of access that was granted by the customer: import, export, or import/export. Partner.GetIntegrationMappings Retrieves the mappings and access chosen by the user for an Integration. Partner.GetIntegrationMappings Parameters Parameter Type integrationCode xsd:string Required Description No An array of information about one partner product. Partner.GetProducts returns a separate array of product information for each product associated with the current partner. Partner.GetIntegrationMappings Response Response Type Description chosenMappings string_array The chosen data mappings which were selected by the user. chosenAccessRequests chosenAccessRequests The chosen access requests selected by the user. These contain the Data Connectors Partner API Response 44 Type Description exportable access requests (can be requested via Data Warehouse) and importable access requests (can be imported with Data Sources and SAINT). Partner.GetIntegrations Returns details about active Data Connectors integrations. Partner.GetIntegrations Parameters Parameter Type Required Description filter xsd:string No An expression-like string that limits the returned results. The format for filter string is as follows: <Variable1> <Operator1> <Constant1>[, <Variable2> <Operator2> <Constant2>[, ...]] The list below this table contains the available filter items. CustomVals are searched with a customValue filter similar to the following: <filter xsi:type="xsd:string">customValue='key=value'</filter> Variable: One of the keys returned in the Partner.GetIntegrationAccess response. Operator: A boolean operator (<, <=, =, >, >=, or !=). Constant: The filter value. Constant is either a string expression (enclosed in single or double quotes), or a numeric value. For example, the following filter returns all integrations between d1.100 and d2.200: integrationCode >= "d1.100", integrationCode <= "d1.200" The following filter items are available: integrationCode integrationName integrationEmail integrationTimeZone Data Connectors Partner API 45 integrationCurrency productCode productVersion productName reportSuiteId company creationDate lastModifiedDate status selectedSegment soapEndpoint customValue Partner.GetIntegrations Response Response Type Description integrationInfo integrationDetails Displays details about the active integrations that pass the specified filter definition. Partner.GetIntegrationsBrief Returns brief information about a partner's active Data Connectors integrations. Added in Data Connectors 3.1. Partner.GetIntegrationsBrief Parameters Parameter Type Required Description filter xsd:string No An expression-like string that limits the returned results. The format for filter string is as follows: <Variable1> <Operator1> <Constant1>[, <Variable2> <Operator2> <Constant2>[, ...]] CustomVals are searched with a customValue filter similar to the following: <filter xsi:type="xsd:string">customValue='key=value'</filter> Variable: One of the keys returned in the Partner.GetIntegrationAccess response. Operator: A boolean operator (<, <=, =, >, >=, or !=). 1. <=. <Variable2> <Operator2> <Constant2>[. Constant: The filter value. Constant is either a string expression (enclosed in single or double quotes).100 and d2. >=. integrationCode <= "d1.200: .GetIntegrationAccess response. For example.GetIntegrationsBrief Response Response Type Description integrationBriefs Array of integrationBrief Displays details about the active integrations that pass the specified filter definition.. the following filter returns all integrations between d1. or !=). Partner.GetIntegrationsDetail Returns information about a partner's active Data Connectors integrations. =.]] CustomVals are searched with a customValue filter similar to the following: <filter xsi:type="xsd:string">customValue='key=value'</filter> Variable: One of the keys returned in the Partner..100".200: integrationCode >= "d1.200" Partner. Partner. . the following filter returns all integrations between d1.100 and d2. Operator: A boolean operator (<. >. or a numeric value. For example.Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 46 Type Required Description Constant: The filter value. Added in Data Connectors 3. Constant is either a string expression (enclosed in single or double quotes). The format for filter string is as follows: <Variable1> <Operator1> <Constant1>[. or a numeric value.GetIntegrationsDetail Parameters Parameter Type Required Description filter xsd:string No An expression-like string that limits the returned results. consumedTokens xsd:int The number of tokens consumed during the current usage period. Partner. Partner.100". Partner.GetSandboxCredentials Parameters None. Data Connectors determines the partner identity based on the authentication credentials used to log in to the Data Connectors Partner Portal.GetTokenUsage Returns the sandbox token usage details for the authenticated partner.Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 47 Type Required Description integrationCode >= "d1. Partner. .GetTokenUsage Parameters None.200" Partner. integrationCode <= "d1. Partner.GetSandboxCredentials Response Response Type Description soap_host partner_sandbox_credentials The partner’s access credentials for the Data Connectors sandbox environment. Partner.GetIntegrationsDetail Response Response Type Description integrationData Array of integrationData Displays details about the active integrations that pass the specified filter definition.GetSandboxCredentials Returns the login information a partner needs to access their Data Connectors sandbox environment. Partner.RunScript Runs an on-demand script against a client’s account during an integration. Data Connectors determines the partner identity based on the authentication credentials used to log in to the Data Connectors Partner Portal.GetTokenUsage Response Response Type Description allowedTokens xsd:int The total number of tokens available for use during a usage period. hadSOAPFault xsd:boolean Indicates if a SOAP error was encountered. Partner.UploadMetrics Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier.Data Connectors Partner API 48 For sample code related to using Partner. There must be at least three <item> elements nested inside this parameter.GetIntegrationAccess to get this value. Partner. You can select only scripts that were submitted with the runOn = demand parameter (see Product. see Sample On-Demand Script Usage. parameters scriptParameters Yes The parameters inserted into the script’s replaceWith attributes. Call Partner.UploadMetrics Submits the first data block in the Data Connectors data submission. The first must be . Individual data blocks can contain no more than 10.SubmitProductScript ).000 data rows (to keep the HTTP POST below 10MB).GetIntegrationAccess to get this value. Import. Call Partner. The list must include values for ALL replaceWith parameters.RunScript with on-demand product scripts. Import.RunScript Response Response Type Description functionName xsd:string Name of the on-demand script executed. so you might need to break up data submissions into multiple data blocks. columnNames colArray Yes The names of the data columns (the column heading).RunScript Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier. result any An array that contains the script results. name xsd:string Yes The name of the on-demand script to execute. To do this. Import.AddVariableMappings). rows rowArray Yes The data to import. The rows element should contain the same number of columns as specified in the columnNames parameter. Note: There must be at least one eVar metric and one Event metric. . You can get the dataSourceID from Partner.GetIntegrations. or Product (to upload product data)*. you must call Import. * To use Product as the ColumnNames parameter. To indicate the end of a data block. pass the following: <endOfBlock>0</endOfBlock>. Valid return values include Failed or Success.ContinueMetricsUpload to resume uploading. If you pass an endOfBlock with a value of 0. The others must be either a valid metric name of a submitted variable mapping (see Product. If the call fails.UploadMetrics Response Response Type Description status xsd:string Indicates if the call was successful. endOfBlock xsd:string No A value of 1 indicates that this is the last block in the data submission. A value of 0 indicates that additional data will be sent. To indicate that additional data will be sent. pass the following: <endOfBlock>1</endOfBlock>. you must set the productUpload flag in the Integration Wizard.Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 49 Type Required Description Date. dataSourceId xsd:string Yes Specifies the data source where you want to import the metrics. select Allow this integration to upload product data when using the Template Wizard in the Data Connectors Sandbox. Data Connectors returns an error message to help you understand why the call failed. Import.CheckMetricsUpload Checks a Data Connectors data submission.Data Connectors Partner API 50 Response Type Description blockId xsd:int The ID used to append additional data blocks to this Data Connectors data submission. so you might need to break up data submissions into multiple data blocks.UploadMetrics or Import. This parameter is assigned a value only when the request does not include the <endOfBlock/> tag.ContinueMetricsUpload Appends an additional data block to an existing Data Connectors data submission. . Call Partner.CheckMetricsUpload Response Response Type fileInfoResult Array of DataSource. Import.dsFileStruct Description Contains information about the submitted files associated with a data source. Import. Individual data blocks can contain no more than 10.GetIntegrationAccess to get this value.ContinueMetricsUpload integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier.000 data rows (to keep the HTTP POST below 10MB).CheckMetricsUpload Parameters Parameter Type fileId xsd:int Required Description Yes The unique ID generated by the Processing Queue to identify a particular Data Connectors classifications submission. fileId xsd:int The unique ID generated by the Processing Queue to identify a particular Data Connectors data submission. Returned by Import. Import. This parameter is assigned a value only when the request does not include the <endOfBlock/> tag. ContinueMetricsUpload Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier. Data Connectors returns an error message to help you understand why the call failed. A value of 0 indicates that additional data will be sent. pass the following: <endOfBlock>1</endOfBlock>. Import.UploadMetrics and Import. Both Import. blockId colArray Yes The ID of the previous block sent for this data submission. Valid return values include Failed or Success.GetIntegrationAccess to get this value. To indicate the end of a data block. If you pass an endOfBlock with a value of 0.ContinueMetricsUpload returns blockID in its response. This parameter is assigned a value only when the request does not include the <endOfBlock/> tag. .ContinueMetricsUpload Response Response Type Description status xsd:string Indicates if the call was successful. pass the following: <endOfBlock>0</endOfBlock>. To indicate that additional data will be sent. you must continue to call this method (ContinueMetricsUpload) until you set end of block equal to 1. If the call fails. endOfBlock xsd:string No A value of 1 indicates that this is the last block in the data submission. as long as endOfBlock is not included in the UploadMetrics call.Data Connectors Partner API 51 Import. Call Partner. fileId xsd:int The unique ID generated by the Processing Queue to identify a particular Data Connectors data submission. endOfBlock xsd:string No A value of 1 indicates that this is the last block in the data submission. metricName The name of the metric where you want to import classification data. Import.GetProductScript).GetVariableMappings.000 data rows (to keep the HTTP POST below 10MB). .UploadClassifications Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier. To indicate the end of a data block. columnNames colArray Yes The names of the classification columns (the column heading). The rows element should contain the same number of columns as specified in the columnNames parameter.Data Connectors Partner API 52 Import. There must be at least 2 <item> elements nested inside this parameter. pass the following: <endOfBlock>1</endOfBlock>. rows rowArray Yes The classification data to import. pass the following: <endOfBlock>0</endOfBlock>. To indicate that additional data will be sent. All others must be valid classifications created through the Product Script (see Product. The metric must be a previously defined variable mapping that is available by calling Product. A value of 0 indicates that additional data will be sent.GetIntegrationAccess to get this value.UploadClassifications Submits SAINT classification data for a Data Connectors integration on behalf of a client. Individual data blocks can contain no more than 10. so you might need to break up data submissions into multiple data blocks. Call Partner. The first must be Key. This parameter is assigned a value only when the request does not include the <endOfBlock/> tag.CheckClassificationsUpload Parameters Parameter Type fileId xsd:int Required Description Yes The unique ID generated by the Processing Queue to identify a particular Data Connectors classifications submission. fileId xsd:int The unique ID generated by the Processing Queue to identify a particular Data Connectors classifications submission. Valid return values include Failed or Success. . Returned by Import. If the call fails.ContinueClassificationsUpload integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier. This parameter is assigned a value only when the request does not include the <endOfBlock/> tag.CheckClassificationsUpload Checks submitted SAINT classification data for a Data Connectors integration.UploadClassifications Response Response Type Description status xsd:string Indicates if the call was successful.ContinueClassificationsUpload to resume uploading. you must call Import. Import. Import. Import. Call Partner.GetIntegrationAccess to get this value.UploadClassifications or Import.Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 53 Type Required Description If you pass an endOfBlock with a value of 0. blockId xsd:int The ID used to append additional data blocks to this Data Connectors classifications submission. Data Connectors returns an error message to help you understand why the call failed. ContinueClassificationsUpload return blockID in its response. .ContinueClassificationsUpload Appends an additional data block to an existing Data Connectors classifications submission.With Errors : <message> Import. as long as endOfBlock is not included in the call. The rows parameter should contain the same number of columns as specified in the columnNames parameter of the Import. Possible values are as follows: • Waiting for user data • In Progress • In Progress . Call Partner. blockId xsd:int Yes The ID of the previous block sent for this classifications submission. Import. A value of 0 indicates that additional data will be sent. To indicate the end of a data block. endOfBlock xsd:string No A value of 1 indicates that this is the last block in the data submission.GetIntegrationAccess to get this value. rows rowArray Yes The classification data to import.<number>% Complete • Completed • Completed . Both Import.CheckClassificationsUpload Response Response Type Description saintresults saintresults The status of the specified SAINT job.UploadClassifications and Import. pass the following: <endOfBlock>1</endOfBlock>.ContinueClassificationsUpload Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier.000 data rows (to keep the HTTP POST below 10MB). Individual data blocks can contain no more than 10.Data Connectors Partner API 54 Import. so you might need to break up data submissions into multiple data blocks.UploadClassifications call. GetClassificationData to download the file in pieces (segments).CheckClassificationRequest to determine when the export data is ready for download. you must continue to call this method (ContinueClassificationsUpload) until you set end of block equal to 1. blockId xsd:int The ID used to append additional data blocks to this Data Connectors classifications submission. fileId xsd:int The unique ID generated by the Processing Queue to identify a particular Data Connectors classifications submission. Export.Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 55 Type Required Description To indicate that additional data will be sent.RequestClassificationData Retrieves classification data from SAINT. After creating an export job. Import. This parameter is assigned a value only when the request does not include the <endOfBlock/> tag. use Export. Export. This parameter is assigned a value only when the request does not include the <endOfBlock/> tag. Valid return values include Failed or Success. Export data files can be very large. If the call fails. Data Connectors returns an error message to help you understand why the call failed. . Use Export.RequestClassificationData Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The partner product for which you want to retrieve classification data. pass the following: <endOfBlock>0</endOfBlock>. If you pass an endOfBlock with a value of 0.ContinueClassificationsUpload Response Response Type Description status xsd:string Indicates if the call was successful. . Supported values include: 0 : Return all Campaigns (No filter) 1 : (Default) Return active campaigns 2 : Return campaigns with the specified begin and end date. MM equals the month number minus 1 (January = 00. DD equals the 2 digit day. May 22. Include this parameter when campaign_filter_option = 2. where: YYY + 1900 equals the year (For example. Specify the date range using the following format:<start_date>-<end_date>. and so on). Include this parameter when campaign_filter_option = 1. date_filter_row_start_date xsd:string No The start date for including rows in the export. Use the same date range format described for the campaign_filter_begin_range parameter. Provide the date in the following format: YYYMMDD. For example. 2008 is 1080422. campaign_filter_end_range xsd:string No The campaign end date. campaign_filter_option xsd:int No The filter option to use for the SAINT export.Data Connectors Partner API 56 Parameter Type Required Description campaign_filter_begin_range xsd:string No The campaign start date. 2008 is 108). Include this parameter when campaign_filter_option = 2. February = 01. You get this ID as a return value from Saint. row_match_filter_empty_column_name xsd:string No (Optional) The column ID number of the column that SAINT checks for empty data cells.GetFilters for a specific relation id.Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 57 Type Required Description Specify the date using the following format: Mmm YYYY. September. and so on. relation_id xsd:int Yes The relation ID. For example. You get the column ID by callingSaint. If this parameter is specified. Use the same date range format described for the date_filter_row_start_date parameter. 53 is the ID for the "campaign" relation. For example. the export contains only keys which have empty values for the provided column.GetCompatibilityMetrics . February=Feb. Include this parameter when campaign_filter_option = 1. For example. . email_address xsd:string Yes The email address to receive job notifications. January=Jan. YYYY: The 4-digit year. where: Mmm: A three-character month code. 2008 is Sep 2008. date_filter_row_end_date xsd:string No The end date for including rows in the export. Export.Data Connectors Partner API 58 Parameter Type Required Description row_match_filter_match_column_name xsd:string No (Optional) The column name that SAINT checks for cell values that match the value specified in the row_match_filter_match_column_value parameter. 1: (Default) Include all rows in the export. SAINT excludes it from the export. If the cell value matches the value.GetClassificationData or downloaded by REST URL. select_all_rows xsd:int Yes Specifies whether to include all data rows in the export (up to the 50. Include this parameter when select_all_rows = 0.000 row limit). select_number_of_rows xsd:int No (Optional) Limits the number of data rows in the export file to the specified value. Export.RequestClassificationData is ready to be acquired by Export.RequestClassificationData Response Name Type Description requestID xsd:int The request ID associated with your export request. Include this parameter when using row_match_filter_match_column_name. The default limit is 50. row_match_filter_match_column_value xsd:string No (Optional) The value that SAINT uses to exclude a data row from the export. .CheckClassificationRequest Determines if a requested classification from Export.000. Supported values include: 0: Do not include all rows in the export. CheckClassificationRequest Response Name Type Description data_url xsd:string The REST URL where the data can be downloaded.RequestClassificationData. requestId xsd:int Yes The request ID returned by Export. The viewable_pages value in SAINT.Data Connectors Partner API 59 Export.GetClassificationData Retrieves classification data for a Data Connectors partner which was requested previously from Export. file_id xsd:int Yes The ID of the export file you want to view. segment_id xsd:int Yes The number of the data page you want to view from the SAINT export job.CheckJobStatus indicates the number of . You can get this value from SAINT.CheckJobStatus .CheckClassificationRequest Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The partner product for which you want to retrieve classification data. Export. Possible values are as follows: • Waiting for user data • In Progress • In Progress .<number>% Complete • Completed • Completed .RequestClassificationData.With Errors : <message> Export. return tns:saintresults The status of the classification request.GetClassificationData Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The partner product for which you want to retrieve classification data. Export. dateGranularity xsd:string Yes The granularity of the Data Warehouse request. year. .GetIntegrations to get this value. metricNames string_array Yes The metrics to include in the Data Warehouse request. Export.RequestSegmentedData Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The identifier of the integration for which you want to request an export. A valid request must contain at least one Metric or Breakdown. Valid values for segment_id are between 1 and the value of viewable_pages. Supported values include the following: none. hour. The metric must be the name of a variable mapping defined in the Data Connectors integration (See Product. quarter. Call Partner. week.RequestSegmentedData Submits a Data Warehouse request to return data to the Data Connectors partner.GetVariableMappings).Data Connectors Partner API Parameter 60 Type Required Description data pages in the job. The breakdown must be the name of a variable mapping defined in the Data Connectors integration (See Product.GetVariableMappings).GetClassificationData Response Name Type Description rows tns:pagedetails Information and data for the specified SAINT data segment. A valid request must contain at least one Metric or Breakdown.GetIntegrations to get a list of valid segment names. Export. Use Partner. Export. month. segmentName xsd:string Yes The segment to use with this Data Warehouse request. day. breakdownNames string_array Yes The breakdowns to include in the Data Warehouse request. This month. This week. datePreset xsd:string No The predefined date range to use with the Data Warehouse request. Last 30 days. Supported values include: range: Specifies that you want to use a custom date range. Last week. Today. To do this. Specify this parameter when dateType = preset. . Last 2 weeks. Last 7 days. specify the report's start date using the dateFrom parameter. Specify this parameter when dateType = range. Valid return values include Failed or Success. specify the report's preset date using the datePreset parameter. status xsd:string Indicates if the call was successful.RequestSegmentedData Response Response Type Description requestId xsd:int A unique identifier for the requested data segment. dateFrom xsd:string No The start date of the custom date range for the Data Warehouse request. If the call fails. dateTo xsd:string No The end date of the custom date range for the Data Warehouse request. Supported values include the following (values are case-sensitive): Last month. Specify this parameter when dateType = range. Last 4 weeks.Data Connectors Partner API 61 Parameter Type Required Description dateType xsd:string Yes The type of date range used with the Data Warehouse request. preset: Specifies that you want to use a predefined date range. To do this. and the end using the dateTo parameter. Data Connectors returns an error message to help you understand why the call failed. Export. Yesterday. Date values must use the format MM/DD/YY. Date values must use the format MM/DD/YY. GetIntegrationAccess to get this value.RequestSegmentedData method returns this identifier when it creates a new data segment. startRow xsd:int Yes Start the retrieval at the specified row. The Export.GetSegmentedData Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier.CheckDataRequest Returns the status of a previously requested data segment.RequestSegmentedData method returns this identifier when it creates a new data segment. Use Export. requestId xsd:int Yes The data segment identifier that you want to get.CheckDataRequest Response Response Type Description return data_warehouse_request A structure that includes information about the specified data request. For data segments larger than 10MB use the Data Connectors REST Service. Export.GetSegmentedData Downloads previously requested segment data. Export. Call Partner.Data Connectors Partner API 62 Export.CheckDataRequest to determine the size of the data segment. Export. .RequestSegmentedData.GetIntegrationAccess to get this value. requestId xsd:int Yes The data segment identifier. Export. Use this method only when the data segment is less than 10MB. You must first request the data segment using Export. Call Partner.CheckDataRequest Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration where you want to submit the metric data. The Export. A custom data type defines a structure for organizing and containing a specific set of data. Export.ProduceResource Response Response Type Description return productResourceContent A structure containing the resource content. The XML Schema Definition describes these primitive data types. Adobe uses the following convention to identify a data type related to Marketing Cloud web services: <namespace>:<type> For example: • xsd:int identifies a primitive data type that is part of the xsd namespace (XML Schema Definition).ProduceResource Parameters Parameter Type Required Description integrationCode xsd:string Yes The integration identifier. Data Types The Data Connectors Partner API uses these custom data types. XML defines certain primitive (common) data types such as int. Method name should be added to request URL. string or date. Export. Call Partner. there is no need to specify parameter types. REST APIs The existing data type documentation was written for SOAP API.Data Connectors Partner API 63 Export.GetSegmentedData Response Response Type Description return data_warehouse_report A table containing the requested segment data.GetIntegrationAccess to get this value. and that the type is int (Integer).ProduceResource Produces a dynamic resource for the specified integration. When using the REST API. so it has parameter types defined. • tns:code_items identifies a custom data type that is part of the tns namespace (an Adobe private namespace). resourceCode xsd:string Yes The resource identifier. Additionally. as described in REST Service section. . Export. and that the type is code_items. The tns namespace prefixes all custom data types related to the Adobe Marketing Cloud. A list of the delimiters used to indicate new tokens in the incoming data string. format xsd:string The default value is : (colon). clickSeconds xsd:int The default value is 300.Data Connectors Partner API 64 accessRequest Information about a single access request. . Data Connectors uses the value from the variables. clickToken xsd:int The default value is 6. Element Type element xsd:string access xsd:string required xsd:string Description ?? ?? ?? accessRequests An array of accessRequest . The number of seconds after which a click is no longer counted. If not specified. The string indicating the delimiter used when building the outgoing strings. The total number of tokens in the incoming data string. A number indicating the token that contains the click information. adProcessingSettings Element Type variable xsd:string Description The name of the variable mapping that contains the incoming data string. tokenCount xsd:int The default value is 9.viewsVariable parameter. delimiters xsd:string The default value is :=. viewSeconds xsd:int The default value is 2592000 (30 days). timeBucketFormat timeBucketList A list that contains the timebucket intervals used for the time bucket metric. adProcessingStatus Element Type enabled xsd:boolean prefix xsd:string variables adProcessingVariables settings adProcessingSettings Description Identifies if ad processing is enabled (true) or disabled (false). A number indicating the token that contains the view information. The number of seconds after which a view is no longer counted. viewFormat xsd:string The default value is :$3:$4:$5.Data Connectors Partner API Element Type clickFormat xsd:string 65 Description The default value is :$7:$8:$9. A string used to build the outgoing view data. The unique text pre-pended to outgoing click and view data. . It contains a template string that indicates the tokens used and the delimiters separating them. A string used to build the outgoing click data. viewToken xsd:int The default value is 2. Contains information that changes the behavior and setup of the ad processing system. Contains the names of the variable mappings what will be used to receive the data from the ad processing system. This data is appended to the prefix to create the full view string. It contains a template string that indicates the tokens used and the delimiters separating them. This data is appended to the prefix to create the full click string. both. The name of the variable that stores the views event. View Through. this value is an array that contains the name:value pairs. array_key Input indicates a value that the user needs to provide at authentication time. Product.Data Connectors Partner API 66 adProcessingVariables Element Type clickVariable xsd:string clickEventVariable xsd:string viewsVariable xsd:string viewsEventVariable xsd:string timeBucketVariable xsd:string Description The name of the variable that stores the clicks metric. For example. The name of the variable that stores the time bucket metric. 'password' => xxx) . Array key location xsd:string Location of the authentication parameter. similar to the following: Array('username' => xxxx. For example. Some WSDLs require multi-dimensional arrays. Element Type Description type xsd:string Can be input. If the type is array_key. Time Bucket. The name of the variable that stores the clicks metric. Click Throughs. Values can be header. argument. The name of the variable that stores the views metric. View Throughs. Consult the partner API to determine where authentication information should be located.authenticationParameter Contains details on an authentication parameter that is used for partner API authentication. 'password' => xxx) Array(parameters => Array('username' => xxxx. static. For example. Static is a persistent value that is used every time for authentication. Click Through. For example. name xsd:string Name that the partner is expecting for the authentication parameter. For example. If 1 is specified. .Data Connectors Partner API 67 Element Type Description value xsd:string Contains the authentication password if type is static. p_order xsd:int Order in which you want the parameters sent. it indicates that parameter order doesn't matter to the partner API. This string is displayed in the configuration Wizard. If 0 is specified. The following contains an example of an authentication parameter: <parameterList xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"> <prodAuthParam> <type>input</type> <location>both</location> <name>UserName</name> <value/> <label>Username</label> <p_order>0</p_order> </prodAuthParam> <prodAuthParam> <type>input</type> <location>both</location> <name>Password</name> <value/> <label>Password</label> <p_order>0</p_order> </prodAuthParam> <prodAuthParam> <type>input</type> <location>argument</location> <name>AdvertiserID</name> <value/> <label>Advertiser ID</label> <p_order>0</p_order> </prodAuthParam> <prodAuthParam> <type>input</type> <location>argument</location> <name>ConversionTagID</name> <value/> <label>Conversion Tag ID</label> <p_order>0</p_order> </prodAuthParam> <prodAuthParam> <type>array_key</type> <location>argument</location> <name>parameters</name> <value/> <label></label> <p_order>0</p_order> </prodAuthParam> </parameterList> chosenAccessRequests Chosen access requests selected by the user. otherwise value is not used. label xsd:string Friendly name of the parameter and a brief description of the information expected from the user. the parameters are sent in the order provided. It always returns True. Supported status values include: status == 0: Waiting to Start status == 1: In Progress status == 2: Completed status == 3: On Hold status == 4: Cancelled status == 5: Has Error status == 6: Waiting to Start .Data Connectors Partner API 68 Element Type Description importable string_array Contains the exportable access requests (can be requested via Data Warehouse). exportable string_array Contains the importable access requests (can be imported with Data Sources and SAINT).This value should always equal the number of elements in rows. The last data row to include in the report. An array of data rows for this report. This value should always be 1. An array of column headings for this report. Indicates that additional data is available (a paged report). data_warehouse_request Element Type status xsd:int Description A code representing the status of the data segment. colArray An array of xsd:string. data_warehouse_report Contains a segmented Data Warehouse report. This value is not currently enabled. Element Type start_row xsd:int end_row xsd:int finished xsd:boolean headings string_array rows string_array Description The first data row to include in the report. For more information. see Data Connectors REST Service. Use the REST URL to download all data segments larger than 10MB. display Display information for a custom value. The size of the requested data segment. must be one of the following: • text • textarea • list • radio values tns:string_array The array of custom values.Data Connectors Partner API Element Type 69 Description status == 7: Too Big status == 8: Waiting to Start status == 9: Waiting for Data status == 10: Waiting to Send status == 11: Waiting for Verification status == 12: Waiting to Send status == 13: Sent to Product status == 14: Sending status == 15: Waiting to Continue status == 16: Waiting to Continue status == 17: Continuing status == 18: Not Delivered message xsd:string filesize xsd:string data_url xsd:string A brief description of the status code. Populated only when status == 2. Populated only when status == 2. Element Type type xsd:string Description Type of custom value. The message string for each status code is listed in the description of the status parameter. in MB. . Contains the REST URL where you can download the completed data segment. or import/export. or import/export. integrationData Element Type integrationCode xsd:string integrationName xsd:string integrationEmail xsd:string integrationTimeZone xsd:string integrationCurrency xsd:string Description The integration's unique identifier. . The SOAP endpoint used to perform the integration’s data exchange. export. The integration name. The time zone of the report suite that contains this integration. export. The email address that receives notifications and messages for this integration. Displays the level of access that was granted by the customer: import. integrationBrief Element Type integrationCode xsd:string integrationName xsd:string soapEndpoint xsd:string Description The integration's unique identifier. The integration name. integrationAccess Element Type element xsd:string requested xsd:string granted xsd:string Description Displays the name of the element for which access was requested. Displays the level of access that was requested: import. The currency of the report suite that contains this integration.Data Connectors Partner API 70 int_array An array of xsd:int. The date and time this integration was created. The version of the product that this integration represents.UploadMetrics. An array of integrationValue that contains the variable mappings and the value that was entered for this integration. Use the Data Source IDs with Import. integrationAccess integrationMapping integrationMapping Element Type Description integrationCode xsd:string integrationDetail The integration's unique identifier. . The company that created this integration. The date and time this integration was last modified. The report suite that uses this integration. The list of Data Source IDs created for this integration.Data Connectors Partner API Element Type productCode xsd:string productVersion xsd:string productName xsd:string reportSuiteId xsd:string company xsd:string creationDate xsd:string lastModifiedDate xsd:string status xsd:string 71 Description The version of the product that this integration represents. The SOAP endpoint used to perform the integration’s data exchange. One of the following: • In Progress • Active • Deleted • Paused selectedSegments string_array integrationValues integrationValues dataSourceIds int_array soapEndpoint xsd:string integrationAccesses Array of ntegrationAccess integrationMappings Array of If applicable. The product name related to this integration. a list of the data segments chosen during the creation of the integration (in the Data Connectors Wizard). The currency of the report suite that contains this integration. The date and time this integration was created.UploadMetrics. See Currency Codes. A list of customval variable mappings and the value that was entered for this integration. The product name related to this integration. 72 Description The integration name. The report suite that uses this integration.Data Connectors Partner API Element Type integrationName xsd:string integrationEmail xsd:string integrationTimeZone xsd:string integrationCurrency xsd:string productCode xsd:string productVersion xsd:string productName xsd:string reportSuiteId xsd:string company xsd:string creationDate xsd:string selectedSegments string_array integrationValues integrationValues dataSourceIds int_array soapEndpoint xsd:string integrationDetails An array of integrationDetail . The SOAP endpoint used to perform the integration’s data exchange. Use the Data Source IDs with Import. a list of the data segments chosen during the creation of the integration (in the Data Connectors Wizard). The version of the product that this integration represents. See Time Zones. If applicable. The list of Data Source IDs created for this integration. The time zone of the report suite that contains this integration. The email address that receives notifications and messages for this integration. . The version of the product that this integration represents. The company that created this integration. A list of productClassification objects defined for this metric. metricClassificationList An array of metricClassifications . . For example. The customized metric name displayed in Analytics integrationValue Element Type name xsd:string value xsd:string Description The name of the customval.Data Connectors Partner API 73 integrationMapping Element Type type xsd:string sc_field xsd:integer feature_name xsd:string Description The type of Analytics variable used in the mapping (supported values include evar. integrationValues An array of integrationValue . event. The relation ID. The value entered for the "name" parameter in the Integration Wizard. 53 is the ID for the "campaign" relation. You get this ID as a return value from GetCompatibilityMetrics. metricClassifications Element Type metricName xsd:string classifications productClassificationList Description The partner’s metric name. or prop). Date product was added. The username to use when logging in to the partner’s sandbox environment. The product name. Product version.Data Connectors Partner API 74 partner_sandbox_credentials Element Type web_host xsd:string company xsd:string username xsd:string password xsd:string Description The URL to the partner’s sandbox environment. You must change the password after logging in for the first time. productArray An array of product . The partner’s contact name. The formula for the new calculated metric. The partner's contact e-mail address. product Element Type productCode xsd:string name xsd:string contactName xsd:string contactEmail xsd:string version xsd:string dateAdded xsd:dateTime Description The Data Connectors Product Code assigned to this product. A one-time-use password to use when logging in to the partner’s sandbox environment. . productCalculatedMetric Element Type name xsd:string formula xsd:string Description Name of the calculated metric to be created. The company name to use when logging in to the partner’s sandbox environment. productCalculatedMetrics An array of productCalculatedMetric . Human-readable calculated metric formula. Whether or not to treat this classification like a campaign. Item that this classification is classifying. productClassification Element Type metricName xsd:string classificationName xsd:string classificationNum xsd:integer parentClassificationNum xsd:integer campaignViewFlag xsd:integer type tns:productClassificationType childNodes productClassificationList productClassificationList An array of productClassification . The classification type: Numeric or Text. The type of metric to be created. .Data Connectors Partner API Element Type replace_with_mapping xsd:boolean friendly_formula xsd:string metric_type xsd:integer decimal_places xsd:integer 75 Description Set to 1 to automatically replace formula metrics with variable-mapped metrics when an integration is saved. 3:currency The number of decimal places to be displayed for this formula result. 2:percent. Assign a value of 0 if it is simple classifying the metric directly. Description The partner’s metric name. Numeric identifier of this classification for this metric. 1:numeric. Name of the classification. A list of child productClassification objects. The post-activation instructions for the product in the specified locale.productFaq Contains a frequently asked question. The specified locale. Added in Data Connectors 3.Data Connectors Partner API 76 productDetails Element Type name xsd:string menuName xsd:string boilerplate xsd:string instructions xsd:string final_instructions xsd:string locale xsd:string Description The name of the product in the specified locale. Element Type Description question xsd:string Frequently asked question. productProcessingRule Element Type xml xsd:string Description The processing rule template XML string. The customized name for this product to display in the Data Connectors left navigation. The activation installation instructions for the product in the specified locale. answer xsd:string Answer to the provided question.1. The boilerplate description in the specified locale. . productDetailsList An array of productDetails . Product. static. The resource URL. Supported values include: . The url parameter is truncated to file name instead of the full URL. productResourceContent Element Type status xsd:int Description The status of the resource upload. The suffix used to delimit variables in the dynamic resource file that will be replaced on the fly with information specific to any particular integration. locale xsd:string The locale used for this resource. A description of the resource. The type of resource you want to add. A title for the resource. Data Connectors downloads the document and stores it on its servers.Data Connectors Partner API 77 productResource Element Type resourceCode xsd:string type productResourceType title xsd:string description xsd:string url xsd:string Description A partner-specific value used to identify the click and view data in the request. Used only with dynamic resources. Nothing is done if type is set to link. and dynamic. resourceFile resourceEncoded variablePrefix xsd:string Contains the name and base64-encoded bytes of a file that is uploaded to our servers directly. If the type field is set to static or dynamic then the URL must be the publically accessible location of a resource document. variableSuffix xsd:string Used only with dynamic resources. The prefix used to delimit variables in the dynamic resource file that will be replaced on the fly with information specific to any particular integration. Supported values include link. A static resource is identical for all integrations. Data Connectors subsequently decodes the resource and stores it in this element. error xsd:string content xsd:string If status = 1. The content of this feed is displayed on the Tips & Tricks tab in Data Connectors. You must base64-encode a resource to upload it to Data Connectors. 1: Failure. replacing variables in the dynamic template file with values the client specified when activating the integration. An enumerated list of supported resource types: Element link static Description A simple URL that redirects the integration client to an external Web page. dynamic feed Data Connectors includes dynamic resources as Email attachments to an integration’s Welcome Email. . Data Connectors downloads and includes static resources as Email attachments to an integration’s Welcome Email. A URL to an RSS or Atom feed.Data Connectors Partner API Element Type 78 Description 0: Success.0. productResourceType Data Connectors 3. contains a message describing the cause of the failure. Added in Data Connectors 3. A dynamically generated file. The resource content. productResourceList An array of productResource . typically code such as a JavaScript file.0: Added feed resource type. A static file. This lets you create a single file that Data Connectors dynamically modifies for each client that activates your integration. Data Connectors processes dynamic resources. such as a PDF. resourceEncoded Element Type filename xsd:string filedata xsd:base64Binary Description The name of the encoded resource file. product_info_container Element Type name xsd:string info_url xsd:string Description The product name. scriptParameter Element Type name xsd:string Description The script key to replace. responseArray An array of varMapAll.Data Connectors Partner API 79 product_approval_status_container Element Type status xsd:string comments xsd:string Description The product’s approval status. The base-64-encoded content of the file. . rowArray An array of colArray . For more information about script keys. The URL of the partner's product information page. You must base64-encode a resource file before uploading it to Data Connectors.GetProductScript. see Product. Any comments that have been included regarding the product’s accreditation. string_array An array of xsd:string. and breakdownNames.. Element Type Description seconds xsd:int name xsd:string timeBucket The number of seconds where this bucket starts (the bucket ends at one second less than the start time of the next bucket) The name of the time bucket. </parameterType> Element Type Description parameterType N/A The root tag that identifies the type of parameter for which the string_array contains values. Possible values for parameterType include: variableMappings. A description of the status code. The string_array XML has a consistent structure: <parameterType> <item> </item> <item> </item> .Data Connectors Partner API Element Type value xsd:string 80 Description The value to insert into the script. . Each variableMappings tag can contain multiple <item> tags. metricNames. item xsd:string An individual item in the string array. scriptParameters An array of scriptParameter . status Element Type statusCode xsd:int message xsd:string Description The status code of the executed request.. are: 0-5 minutes: 0 seconds 5-30 minutes: 300 seconds 30-60 minutes: 1800 seconds 1-3 hours: 3600 seconds 3-6 hours: 10800 seconds 6-12 hours: 21600 seconds 12-24 hours: 43200 seconds 1-2 days: 86400 seconds 2-5 days: 172800 seconds 5-10 days: 432000 seconds 10-20 days: 864000 seconds 20+ days: 1728000 seconds timeBucketList An array of timeBucket . and the number of seconds at which each time bucket starts. The XML for this purpose uses the following structure and tags: <variableMappings> <item> <metric></metric> <friendly_name></friendly_name> . events. token_usage_array An array of token_usage_container . token_usage_container Element Type allowed_tokens xsd:int used_tokens xsd:int Description The number of remaining allowed tokens. The number of tokens consumed during the current usage period.Data Connectors Partner API Element Type 81 Description The default time bucket names. and props). varMapAll Includes the variable mapping XML that defines the mappings between partner metrics and Analytics variables (eVars. . </item> </variableMappings> Element Type Required Description variableMappings N/A Yes The root tag for all variable mappings. counter. currency_nosub. event. Note: The om_variable tag is required for adding and modifying variable mappings. Use type_flag to restrict the list of variables (evars or events) that users can select from when configuring the product integration through the Data Connectors Integration Wizard. but is not required for deleting variable mappings. Each <om_variable> value (evar. or numeric_nosub. or prop). the Integration Wizard lets users select from the full list of currently defined variables of that type (evar. event: custom..Data Connectors Partner API 82 <om_variable></om_variable> <type_flag> <item></item> . . event. item N/A Yes Contains a single variable mapping. standard. om_variable xsd:string Conditional The type of Analytics variable used in the mapping (supported values include evar. or prop). currency. You can map multiple partner metrics by using multiple <item> tags. Enclose each variable subcategory in an <item> tag. event. friendly_name xsd:string No A more easily understood name for the mapped variable. prop) has a specific set of type_flag options: evar: campaign. or custom. type_flag xsd:string No The variable subcategory for this partner metric.. counter_nosub.. metric xsd:string Yes The partner’s metric name. numeric. If you do not specify type_flag. merchandising. <item></item> </type_flag> <description></description> <required>yes</required> <access></access> </item> <item> . export. or export data from. but the sample code uses SOAP. These values are not available to. . Note: Customval is used only to store internal integration variables. Note: The access tag is required for adding and modifying variable mappings. customval: Not Applicable.Data Connectors Partner API Element 83 Type Required Description Note: To import the metric using Import. an event must be of type Currency or Numeric. prop: Not Applicable. the following type_flag definition restricts the variable list to events of type Custom and Numeric: <type_flag> <item>custom</item> <item>numeric</item> <type_flag> description xsd:string No A description of the variable mapping (255 character max. For example. but is not required for deleting variable mappings. No type_flag needed. or used in. The concepts and work flows described in this section work for REST API. access xsd:string Conditional Indicates whether you can import data to. These samples are all based on the SOAP API.UploadMetrics. Analytics. You can specify multiple options in a single type_flag. No type_flag needed. the variable.1. Supported values include import. display display Conditional Specifies the display type and values of the custom value.0. Sample Code Data Connectors Partner API Sample Code This section contains sample code demonstrating use of the Data Connectors Partner API. Added in Data Connectors 3. Added in Data Connectors 3.) required xsd:string No Indicates if this mapping is required (supported values include yes and no). and import/export. you can use the product information in product-specific calls. The registration process includes uploading an icon to represent the integration in the Data Connectors Network and Data Connectors Showcase. or send an email to partners@omniture. including Data Connectors Sandbox login credentials and the integration’s working folder. This code leverages the methods and data types in the Data Connectors Configuration API. For examples or suitable product icons.Data Connectors Partner API 84 Sample Data Connectors Integration Illustrates the process of creating a Data Connectors integration using the Data Connectors Partner API.7. Once saved to the config file. GenesisSoapApp.php: Returns information about all your currently defined products and lets you save the information to the config file. you must apply and be approved as a Data Connectors partner. Once approved as a Data Connectors partner. such as AddVariableMappings.wsdl: The WSDL for the Data Connectors Configuration API. . as described in Step 1 (See GetGenesisIntegrations. • GIF (. This code leverages the methods and data types in the Data Connectors Integration API. ConfigureTwitterApp. such as GetDWSegment. GetGenesisProducts. Integration Overview This sample integration gathers data from Twitter* so you can see it in Analytics® reports.php).php: The Twitter sample integration data exchange with Adobe collection servers. register the new integration in the Partner Portal. If you are not yet a Data Connectors partner. as described in Step 1 (See GetGenesisIntegrations. GenesisConfiguration-2.class. you can access the Twitter integration reports in Analytics by selecting Campaigns > Twitter Search Term > Twitter Search Term. The config file eliminates the need to manually provide login information manually when running the integration.php).omniture.php: The SOAP class for the Twitter sample integration (See GenesisSoapApp. visit http://www.gif) file format • Clearly identifies the integration using product and/or partner name.php: The Twitter sample integration configuration and Product Script (See ConfigureTwitterApp.php: Returns information about all your currently defined integrations and lets you save the information to the config file.7.php).wsdl: The WSDL for the Data Connectors Integration API. Prior to starting the development process. Once saved to the config file. you can use the integration information in integration-specific calls. Once installed. The Twitter report contains information about tweets that contain a particular keyword. The product icon must have the following characteristics: • High-quality image • 88 X 28 pixels • Suitable for display on a white background (the image background should be transparent).com/en/partners/apply for more information.php). The sample Twitter integration includes the following files: config: Stores integration information. UploadTwitterData.class. visit the Data Connectors area in the Adobe Marketing Cloud. GetGenesisIntegrations. 7. • workingDir=/path/to/working/dir: The full path to the integration’s working directory. and should contain the following entries: • username=YOUR_Data Connectors_API_USERNAME:Your Data Connectors Partner API username. For the sample Twitter integration. Download Segmented Data: (Optional) Once data is uploaded to Analytics.GetProducts. the integration code files. Create a config file that contains information needed by the integration.7.wsdl: The name of the Data Connectors Partner Integration Web Service. that contains information about the last TweetId used. and gather the information necessary to construct the Data Connectors Integration Wizard. the Data Connectors Partner API WSDL files (from the Data Connectors Sandbox Welcome Email). the working folder stores the config file. • configWSDL=GenesisConfiguration-2. serves as a general model for creating integrations of any type using the Data Connectors Partner APIs Create the Data Connectors Integration Wizard: Each Data Connectors integration includes a Data Connectors Integration Wizard that steps customers through the process of integrating a partner application with Data Connectors. Upload Data to Analytics: Once configured. Note: The sample Twitter integration also creates a subfolder. it prompts you to save integration information to the config file: . • password=YOUR_Data Connectors_API_PASSWORD: Your Data Connectors Partner API password.Data Connectors Partner API 85 GetDWSegment. Create a working folder for the integration.php to call partner. The file must be named config.wsdl: The name of the Data Connectors Partner Configuration Web Service file. 2.php). you can retrieve data segments that include the partner data by using Data Warehouse. as provided in the Data Connectors Sandbox Welcome Email. used to create the Twitter sample integration. This call returns information about your existing products. The config file eliminates the need to provide account credentials each time you run the integration. Implementation The following process. the integration is ready to receive data from the partner application and insert it into the associated Analytics report suite. called TweetIds. 3. To Create a Data Connectors Integration Wizard 1. Data Connectors partners must identify the integration points between the application and Data Connectors.php: Returns a Data Warehouse segment for the integration specified in the config file (See GetDWSegment. Test the Integration: Use the Data Connectors sandbox to test and refine the integration until it behaves just how you want it to. as provided in the Data Connectors Sandbox Welcome Email. Run GetGenesisProducts. When GetGenesisProducts runs. • integrationWSDL=GenesisIntegration-2. • Calls Product. Configure the SubmitProductScript section of ConfigureTwitterApp. n: GetGenesisProducts displays product information for existing products. To do this. 7. This mapping requires that the assigned eVar has basic sub-relations enabled. 4. ConfigureTwitterApp does the following: • Calls Product. .SetupGeneric 6. Configure the Product Script section of ConfigureTwitterApp. but does not copy any information to the config file.php.The complete AddVariableMappings section of the sample Twitter integration is available at ConfigureTwitterApp. 5.SaveCalculatedMetrics • ReportSuite.php.php as needed for the integration. For more information. To do this.SubmitProductScript.php. Run ConfigureTwitterApp. Stores the Twitter search term value. The complete Product Script for the sample Twitter integration is available at ConfigureTwitterApp. you must identify the application metrics that you want to integrate into the Analytics report suite.Data Connectors Partner API 86 y: Select the appropriate product from the product list.php as needed for the integration. you must identify the non-Data Connectors API calls that you want to call at the end of the Data Connectors Integration Wizard.SubmitProductScript to set up any post-installation API calls.php as needed for the integration. and GetGenesisProducts copies the product information for the selected product into the config file. you must determine when you want the non-Data Connectors API calls to execute. To do this. this includes the following: Application Metric Variable Type Desciption Twitter Search Term eVar Collects data about the Twitter search term for which you want to generate a Analytics report. The sample Twitter integration requires the following non-Data Connectors API calls: • ReportSuite. Tweets Event Saved Search Term Customval A counter of the Tweets that include the specified search term. Configure the AddVariableMappings section of ConfigureTwitterApp. see Product. Twitter eVar Collects data about the Twitter ID that publishes tweets with the specified search term.AddVariableMappings.SaveClassifications • DataSource. so Adobe recommends using the Campaign Variable for this purpose. For the sample Twitter integration. This mapping requires that the assigned eVar has full sub-relations enabled. GetGenesisIntegrations copies the integration information for the selected integration into the integrationCode parameter of the config file. Run GetGenesisIntegrations. it prompts you to save integration information to the config file: y: Select the appropriate integration from a list of active integrations. but does not copy any information to the config file. Note: Exclude the integrationCode parameter from the config file to upload data for ALL configured integrations. This call returns information about your active integrations. To keep the data in Analytics current. n: GetGenesisIntegrations displays integration information for all active integrations. • Calls Import. This call uploads the Twitter search data to Analytics. • Calls Import. To Upload Data to Analytics 1. This call submits SAINT classification data for the integration. then open Data Connectors.php to call partner. • Specify one or more Twitter search terms (separate multiple search terms with a comma).UploadMetrics. 2. • Select a Analytics Event to store the number of tweets.php. Log in to the Data Connectors sandbox.UploadClassifications. If necessary. When GetGenesisIntegrations runs. UploadTwitterData does the following: • Calls the Twitter Search API using the Saved Search Term value to gather information about Tweets that contain the search term. .php. This prevents downloading data from the same tweets multiple times.php. so you can use it as a starting point for the next search. The code for the data transfer in the Twitter integration is available at UploadTwitterData. The tweet id contains the ID of the last tweet included in the current Twitter search. Run UploadTwitterData. The Wizard steps you through the process of configuring the integration. The code for storing and retrieving the tweet id in the Twitter integration is available at UploadTwitterData. The code for the Twitter search call for the Twitter integration is available at UploadTwitterData. To Download Segmented Data 1. visit the Twitter API Documentation Web site.Data Connectors Partner API 87 To Test a Data Connectors Integration 1. For example. every 60 minutes. 2. This is the process a customer uses to activate the integration for their Analytics report suite. call the Twitter Search API regularly.GetIntegrations . For information about the Twitter Search API.php. For the sample Twitter integration. • Select Analytics eVars to use with the Twitter metrics. Drag and drop the Twitter integration icon to launch the Data Connectors Integration Wizard. The Data Connectors integration uses this information when uploading data to Analytics. enable Data Warehouse before attempting to download data segments. • Stores the tweet id in a file for use in the next Twitter call. this includes the following: • Specify a name for the integration. • Save the integration.. where 0 turns off // handle client setup error if($err = $client->getError()) { echo "ERROR:". private $_int_wsdl = ''. $config_params['integrationWSDL']. All rights reserved. For more information about Data Warehouse API methods.class. If you stored the integration information in the config file."\n". $this->_working_dir = $config_params['workingDir']. $this->_username = $config_params['username']. $this->_integration_code = $config_params['integrationCode'].php * * Copyright © 2009-2011 Adobe. function __construct() { $config_params = parse_ini_file("config"). see the Data Warehouse API. $this->_con_wsdl = $config_params['configWSDL'].php. $this->_password = $config_params['password'].7. <? /** * @file * GenesisSoapApp. private $_wsdl_locations = array('integration'=>''.Data Connectors Partner API 88 Contact your Account Manager or ClientCare to help you with this. Run GetDWSegment. Inc.php'. } function sendRequest($functionName. $this->_product_code = $config_params['productCode'].php returns the Data Warehouse segment names for each integration.$err. Integration Code The sample integration for Twitter uses the following code files: GetGenesisProducts. class GenesisSoapApp { private $_username = ''.php.php retrieves this information automatically. "/" . GetGenesisIntegrations. $this->_wsdl_locations['integration'] = $config_params['workingDir'] . . private $_integration_code = ''. private $_product_code = ''. $params. $client->debugLevel = 1. private $_con_wsdl = ''. $this->_int_wsdl = $config_params['integrationWSDL']. private $_password = ''. //Debug level 0-9. $this->_wsdl_locations['config'] = $config_params['workingDir'] . 'wsdl'). see Step 5 in Implementation. This calls the RequestSegmentedData and GetSegmentedData methods from the Data Warehouse API. GetDWSegment. $debug) { // Create nuSOAP client $client = new nusoap_client($this->_wsdl_locations[$wsdlType]. 2. exit(). **/ require_once 'nusoap-0. $wsdlType. 'config'=>''). For information about when to run GetGenesisProducts.php Returns information about your existing products and lets you save the information to the config file. private $_debug = 0. "/" . $config_params['configWSDL'].3/lib/nusoap. private $_working_dir = ''. } $client->setUseCurl(true). oasis-open. $headers = '<wsse:Security SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1"> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="User"> <wsse:Username>' . '</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type= "http://docs.k. getPassword() $this->_password. echo "RESULTS: \n".a. $password. // parameters 'http://omniture. $created . '</wsse:Nonce> <wsu:Created>' . break. echo "\n". } // Getters function { return } function { return } function { getUsername() $this->_username. $password_hash = base64_encode($sha1_string). break. // This example is used for simplicity in demonstration.Data Connectors Partner API 89 // call a Web Services method $result = $client->call($ a. case 2: var_dump($client->request). '</wsu:Created> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security>'. return $headers. break. } } return ($result).0#PasswordDigest">'. $created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"). $username . you // can use openssl directly with the command: // echo -n <string> | openssl dgst -sha1 $sha1_string = sha1($combo_string). A method // that guarantees uniqueness should be used in a production environment. // namespace ''. $nonce . var_dump($result). $functionName . $nonce = md5(rand()). nonce. default: var_dump($client->getDebug()). // SOAP Action $this->getHeader($this->_username. // function name $params. // security header if ($debug > 0 ) { switch ($debug) { case 1: // Display results echo "\nAPI called: " . break.'</wsse:Password> <wsse:Nonce>' . case 3: var_dump($client->responseData).$password_hash. $password) { // Create a unique identifier. $this->_password)). $created . // If your version of PHP does not support this command. // Note: the sha1 command is not available in all versions of'. } function getHeader($username. $combo_string = $nonce . getWorkingDir() . "\n". **/ require_once "GenesisSoapApp. . $result)) { echo "Error-GetProducts: " . if (!empty($arguments['d'])) { $debug = $arguments['d']. $product['name'] . "\nWould you like to send the results to the configuration file? (y\\n) "). } else { fwrite(STDOUT. // Override username and password if provided on command line if($argc >= 2) { $arguments = getopt("d:"). "\n". $params = array(). 'Y') === 0) { fwrite(STDOUT. if (strpos($response. "\nAvailable products:\n"). } } if ($argc >= 4) { echo "Usage: GetGenesisProducts. $wsdlType.php Returns information about your existing products and lets you save the information to the config file. // Use Data Connectors Integration WSDL $functionName = 'Partner. getConfigWSDL() $this->_con_wsdl. Inc. $index = 1. <? /** * @file * GetGenesisProducts. $soapApp = new GenesisSoapApp().GetProducts'. "\n". foreach($result as $product) { echo $index . } $wsdlType = 'integration'. } ?> GetGenesisProducts. $debug = 0. exit(). 'y') === 0 || strpos($response.php.' . // Read input $response = fgets(STDIN). getIntegrationWSDL() $this->_int_wsdl. $debug). if (is_array($result)) { if (array_key_exists('faultstring'. $params. see Step 5 in Implementation. For information about when to run GetGenesisProducts. getIntegrationCode() $this->_integration_code. $result['faultstring'] .Data Connectors Partner API return } function { return } function { return } function { return } function { return } 90 $this->_working_dir.php". All rights reserved.php * * Copyright © 2009 Adobe. '. $result = $soapApp->sendRequest($functionName. getProductCode() $this->_product_code.php [-d debug level]\n\n".class. "\n"). **/ require_once "GenesisSoapApp."). if($argc >= 2) { $arguments = getopt("d:"). $product['productCode'] .php Configures the Twitter App Integration Wizard and the product script to run following the Integration Wizard. $soapApp->getWorkingDir() . All rights reserved. "\n"). unlink('config'). "\n").1].php.php * * Copyright © 2009-2011 Adobe. fwrite($outfile. $soapApp->getConfigWSDL() . 'productCode=' . } fwrite(STDOUT. <? /** * @file * ConfigureTwitterApp. // Use Data Connectors Config WSDL $functionName = 'Product. // Partner's product identifier if (empty($productCode)) { die("\nError: The product code was not found in the configuration file!\n\n"). "Please select a product number to use.php". 'friendly_name' => 'Tracking code for Twitter'. see Step 7 in Implementation. } } if ($argc >= 4) { echo "Usage: ConfigureTwitterApp. 'configWSDL=' . fwrite($outfile. fclose($outfile).class. For information about when to run ConfigureTwitterApp. 'workingDir=' . 'w').Data Connectors Partner API 91 $index++.php [-d debug level]\n\n". $soapApp->getPassword() . if (!empty($arguments['d'])) { $debug = $arguments['d']. . Inc. 'integrationWSDL=' .AddVariableMappings'. } else { var_dump($result). $product = $result[$productIndex . fwrite($outfile. fwrite($outfile. 'variableMappings' => array( array('metric' => 'Twitter Search Term'. fwrite($outfile. $soapApp->getUsername() . } $productCode = $soapApp->getProductCode(). } } } ?> ConfigureTwitterApp. "\n"). $soapApp->getIntegrationWSDL() . $outfile = fopen('config'. $debug = 0. 'password=' . // Display product information var_dump($product). } $wsdlType = 'config'. "\n"). "\n"). // Write details to config file fwrite($outfile. $productIndex = fgets(STDIN). $soapApp = new GenesisSoapApp(). 'username=' . exit(). $params = array('productCode' => $productCode. 'counter'). 2 scripts must be created.Data Connectors Partner API 92 'om_variable' => 'evar'. 'description' => 'This was created by OMTR engineering. 'friendly_name' => 'Twitter evar'. array('metric' => 'Tweets'. 'type_flag' => array('custom'. 'required' => 'yes'. 'access' => 'import'))).'.\n". // // If there are APIs that need to be run upon creation of the integration and other when the // integration is edited. } // The product script is used to run needed API calls after the Data Connectors wizard has run. array('metric' => 'Twitter'. 'required' => 'yes'.SaveCalculatedMetrics> <ReportSuite.SaveClassifications> <DataSource. $result = $soapApp->sendRequest($functionName. $result)) { echo "\nError-AddVariableMappings: " . 'required' => 'yes'.'. 'type_flag' => ''. var_dump($result). $params = array('productCode' => $productCode. $productCode . 'om_variable' => 'customval'. ".AddProductScript'. 'access' => 'import/export'). 'runOn' => 'integration_create'.'. 'campaign'). 'access' => 'import'). 'scriptDesc' => 'This script will only be run when creating a new integration. 'scriptName' => 'Twitter Create Script'. 'om_variable' => 'event'.SaveClassifications> <c_options/> <c_view>{{Twitter|classification}}</c_view> <name>Twitter User</name> <rsid_list> <item>{{RSID}}</item> </rsid_list> </ReportSuite. 'type_flag' => array('custom'). one for each. 'required' => 'yes'. $result['faultstring'] . $debug). } else { echo "\nVariable mappings have been successfully added for product code " . 'om_variable' => 'evar'.'. 'type_flag' => array('custom'. 'description' => 'This was created by OMTR engineering. 'access' => 'import'). 'friendly_name' => 'Saved Search Term'.SetupGeneric> <dataSourceID></dataSourceID> <dataSourceSettingseve> <dataSourceName>{{INT_NAME}}</dataSourceName> . 'description' => 'This was created by OMTR engineering. $params. if (array_key_exists('faultstring'. 'description' => 'This was created by OMTR engineering.'. 'friendly_name' => 'Tweets event'. array('metric' => 'Saved Search Term'. $wsdlType. "\n". // // This product script will: // 1-Create a calculated metric for the report suite // 2-Create a classification for the Twitter evar // 3-Create a datasource for use with the integration // 4-Create a DataWarehouse segment $functionName = 'Product. 'script' => ' <genesis version="3"> <rsid_list> <item>{{RSID}}</item> </rsid_list> </ReportSuite. } else { echo "\nProduct script for creating integrations has been successfully uploaded for product code " .CreateSegment> </genesis>'). "\n". $result = $soapApp->sendRequest($functionName. $result['faultstring'] .CreateSegment> <rsid>{{RSID}}</rsid> <segment> <name>Got a Tweet</name> <group_include> <type>ROOT</type> <name>Include</name> <group_operator>UNKNOWN</group_operator> <rule_operator>AND</rule_operator> <rule_list/> <group_list> <item> <type>VISIT</type> <name>Visit</name> <group_operator>UNKNOWN</group_operator> <rule_operator>AND</rule_operator> <rule_list/> <group_list> <item> <type>EVENT</type> <name>Tweets</name> <group_operator>UNKNOWN</group_operator> <rule_operator>AND</rule_operator> <rule_list> <item> <operator>></operator> <item>{{Twitter|api_code}}</item> <value>!</value> <event/> </item> <item> <operator/> <item/> <value/> <event>{{Tweets|mod_stat}}</event> </item> </rule_list> <group_list/> </item> </group_list> </item> </group_list> </group_include> <group_exclude> <type>ROOT</type> <name>Exclude</name> <group_operator>UNKNOWN</group_operator> <rule_operator>AND</rule_operator> <rule_list/> <group_list/> </group_exclude> </segment> </DataWarehouse. ". $debug).\n\n".Data Connectors Partner API 93 <dataSourceEmail>{{EMAIL}}</dataSourceEmail> </dataSourceSettings> <dataSourceType>12</dataSourceType> <reportSuiteID>{{RSID}}</reportSuiteID> </DataSource. $result)) { echo "\nError-AddProductScript: " .SetupGeneric> <DataWarehouse. $productCode . $params. $wsdlType. } // . if (array_key_exists('faultstring'. SaveClassifications> </genesis>'). All rights reserved. } else { echo "\nProduct script for editing integrations has been successfully uploaded for product code " . $debug). see Step 9 in Implementation. $productCode . if (!empty($arguments['d'])) { $debug = $arguments['d'].SaveCalculatedMetrics> <calculated_metrics> <item> <name>Tweets per hour</name> <formula>{{[Tweets]}} / 24</formula> <friendly_formula>[Tweets] / 24</friendly_formula> <metric_type>2</metric_type> <metric_type_string>Percent (%)</metric_type_string> <decimal_places>2</decimal_places> <in_queue>0</in_queue> <status>0</status> </item> </calculated_metrics> <rsid_list> <item>{{RSID}}</item> </rsid_list> </ReportSuite. 'script' => ' <genesis> <ReportSuite. // Override username and password if provided on command line if($argc >= 2) { $arguments = getopt("d:"). $result)) { echo "\nError-AddProductScript: " .SaveCalculatedMetrics> <ReportSuite. $params.php Returns information about your defined integrations and lets you save the information to the config file.class.php.Data Connectors Partner API 94 // This product script will: // 1-Create a calculated metric for the report suite // 2-Create a classification for the Twitter evar $params = array('productCode' => $productCode. $result['faultstring'] . 'scriptName' => 'Twitter Edit Script'. ". $result = $soapApp->sendRequest($functionName. } ?> GetGenesisIntegrations. Inc. 'scriptDesc' => 'This script will only be run when editing an integration. if (array_key_exists('faultstring'. For information about when to run GetGenesisIntegrations.php". $debug = 0. $soapApp = new GenesisSoapApp(). 'runOn' => 'integration_edit'.SaveClassifications> <c_options/> <c_view>{{Twitter|classification}}</c_view> <name>Twitter User</name> <rsid_list> <item>{{RSID}}</item> </rsid_list> </ReportSuite. **/ require_once "GenesisSoapApp.\n\n". <? /** * @file * GetGenesisIntegrations. $wsdlType.php * * Copyright © 2009-2011 Adobe. . "\n".'. "\n"). } else { var_dump($result). 'username=' . fwrite($outfile."). "\n". $outfile = fopen('config'. $integration['integrationCode'] . $integration['productName'] . "\n"). $soapApp->getUsername() . $functionName = 'Partner. 'creationDate=' . "\nAvailable integrations:\n").Data Connectors Partner API 95 } } if ($argc >= 4) { echo "Usage: GetGenesisIntegrations. 'workingDir=' . 'reportSuiteId=' .php Returns a Data Warehouse segment for the integration specified in the config file. $params = array(). $result['faultstring'] . fwrite($outfile. } } } ?> GetDWSegment.' . <? /** . "\n"). "\n"). } fwrite(STDOUT. $integrationIndex = fgets(STDIN). "\n"). fwrite($outfile. 'Y') === 0) { fwrite(STDOUT. 'password=' . fwrite($outfile. 'company=' . "\n"). fwrite($outfile. // Read input $response = fgets(STDIN). 'soapEndpoint=' . if (is_array($result)) { if (array_key_exists('faultstring'.1]. $integration['integrationEmail'] . $integration['reportSuiteId'] . $index = 1. $result)) { echo "Error-GetIntegrations: " . // Display integration information var_dump($integration). $soapApp->getIntegrationWSDL() . $integration['integrationName'] . "\n"). } else { fwrite(STDOUT. "\n"). fwrite($outfile. fwrite($outfile. unlink('config'). 'integrationCode=' . fwrite($outfile. $result = $soapApp->sendRequest($functionName. 'w'). $params. "\n"). "Please select an integration number to use. $integration['creationDate'] . $wsdlType. 'integrationName=' . 'configWSDL=' . "\n". $debug). fwrite($outfile. 'dataSourceId=' . $soapApp->getWorkingDir() . fwrite($outfile. 'integrationEmail=' . "\nWould you like to send the results to the configuration file? (y\\n) "). $soapApp->getPassword() . $integration['company'] . // Write details to config file fwrite($outfile. 'productCode=' . '. "\n"). fwrite($outfile. fwrite($outfile. fwrite($outfile. "\n"). } $wsdlType = 'integration'. $integration['integrationName'] . 'y') === 0 || strpos($response. $integration = $result[$integrationIndex . $integration['soapEndpoint'] .GetIntegrations'. fwrite($outfile. fclose($outfile). $integration['dataSourceIds'][0] . For information about when to run GetDWSegment. "\n"). see Step 11 in Implementation.php. if (strpos($response. $soapApp->getConfigWSDL() . $index++. 'productName=' . "\n"). "\n").php [-d debug level]\n\n". foreach($result as $integration) { echo $index . "\n"). 'integrationWSDL=' . $integration['productCode'] . exit(). RequestSegmentedData'. } } if ($argc >= 4) { echo "Usage: GetDWSegment.Data Connectors Partner API 96 * @file * GetDWSegment.php [-d debug level]\n\n". define ('MAX_ITERATIONS'. 'integrationCode' => $integrationCode. $result)) { echo "Error-RequestSegmentedData: " . All rights reserved. } } $functionName = 'Export.GetSegmentedData'. $result['faultstring'] . $wsdlType. define ('ITERATION_PAUSE'. $params. "\n". 'integrationCode' => $integrationCode). // change these parameters to suit your needs $params = array('dateFrom' => '02/01/09'. // Loop. $params. $debug = 0. . } $wsdlType = 'integration'. $count++. // Found in result of GetIntegrations call 'segmentName' => 'Got a Tweet'. $functionName = 'Export. } $integrationCode = $soapApp->getIntegrationCode(). $debug).class.php * * Copyright © 2009-2011 Adobe. } else { $requestId = $result['requestId']. exit(). if (!empty($arguments['d'])) { $debug = $arguments['d']. 5). $result = $soapApp->sendRequest($functionName. 'Request data cannot be located') < 0) { $dataFound = true. // Name of metric for the evar used $result = $soapApp->sendRequest($functionName. if (empty($integrationCode)) { die("\nError: The integration code was not found in the configuration file!\n\n"). $result) || strpos($result['faultstring']. if (is_array($result)) { if (!array_key_exists('faultstring'. 'dateGranularity' => 'none'. **/ require_once "GenesisSoapApp. // Use debug level from command line if($argc >= 2) { $arguments = getopt("d:"). 'datePreset' => 'This month'. 300). $debug). // Found in CreateSegment call or by using GetIntegrations 'breakdownNames' => array( 'item' => 'Twitter')). Inc. if (is_array($result)) { if (array_key_exists('faultstring'. // in seconds $soapApp = new GenesisSoapApp(). $params = array('requestId' => $requestId. while (!$dataFound) { sleep(ITERATION_PAUSE). 'dateTo' => '07/08/09'. pausing ITERATION_PAUSE seconds between each iteration until the segment request is found $dataFound = false. $wsdlType.php". $count = 0. 'dateType' => 'range'. \n". see the Analytics Reporting API on the Developer Connection. or to identify additional services that might benefit the client. } else { var_dump($result). The Data Connectors Partner API lets you include on-demand product scripts as part of your Data Connectors integration.QueueOvertime> <reportDescription> <reportSuiteID>{{RSID}}</reportSuiteID> . Note: The response to this method call includes a report ID used to check the report status and download the report when ready. echo "\n" . <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3. " iteration(s) needed to get segment. "\n". $count .org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www. such as the Analytics Reporting API. $result)) { echo "Error-GetSegmentedData: " .SubmitProductScript soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.QueueOvertime Script Sample script to generate a Analytics Overtime report. Note: All code provided in this section was created for SOAPUI.xmlsoap.xmlsoap.Data Connectors Partner API 97 } } if ( $count > MAX_ITERATIONS ) {"> <productCode xsi:type="xsd:string">**PRODUCT_CODE**</productCode> <runOn xsi:type="xsd:string">demand</runOn> <script xsi:type="xsd:string"><![CDATA[<genesis version="3"> <Report. Note: The scripts include generic parameter values (for example: **PRODUCT_CODE**) that you would replace with values appropriate to your integration. $result['faultstring'] .org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.w3.SubmitProductScript) as a separate on-demand product script. } } if (is_array($result)) { if (array_key_exists('faultstring'. } } ?> Sample On-Demand Script Usage These code samples illustrate the use of on-demand scripts to generate a Analytics report. at any time to gather data relevant to a client’s integration. Each of these calls should be uploaded (using Product. For detailed information about these Web Services API" xmlns:omn=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <omn:Product. Report. On-Demand Product Script Generating the sample Analytics report involves the following Web Services API calls. You can use this data as feedback to help improve a client’s service over time. On-demand product scripts let you use the Web Services APIs. GetStatus> </genesis>]]></script> <scriptDesc xsi:type="xsd:string">First try at Reporting API</scriptDesc> <scriptName xsi:type="xsd:string">Get Status</scriptName> </omn:Product.Data Connectors Partner API 98 <date/> <dateFrom>2010-01-01</dateFrom> <dateTo>{{myDateTo}}</dateTo> <dateGranularity>day</dateGranularity> <metrics> <id>pageviews</id> </metrics> <sortBy/> <elements/> <locale/> </reportDescription> </Report.GetStatus Script Sample script to check the status of a previously submitted report request using the report ID received from the soap/envelope/" xmlns:omn="http://www.QueueOvertime call.xmlsoap.omniture. using the report ID received from the Report.SubmitProductScript> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Report.GetStatus> <reportID>{{REPORT_ID}}</reportID> </" xmlns:soapenv=""> <productCode xsi:type="xsd:string">**PRODUCT_CODE**</productCode> <runOn xsi:type="xsd:string">demand</runOn> <script xsi:type="xsd:string"><![CDATA[<genesis version="3"> <Report.xmlsoap.SubmitProductScript soapenv:encodingStyle="http:// schemas.xmlsoap. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.QueueOvertime> </genesis>]]></script> <scriptDesc xsi:type="xsd:string">Script to call QueueOvertime Reporting API</scriptDesc> <scriptName xsi:type="xsd:string">Queue Report</scriptName> </omn:Product. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.QueueOvertime"> <productCode xsi:type="xsd:string">**PRODUCT_CODE**</productCode> <runOn xsi:type="xsd:string">demand</runOn> <script xsi:type="xsd:string"><![CDATA[<genesis version="3"> <"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <omn:Product.SubmitProductScript soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.GetReport> <reportID>{{REPORT_ID}}</reportID> </Report.w3. Once the report status is" xmlns:xsd=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <omn:Product.GetReport Script Script that downloads report data from a completed" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas. you can download the report" xmlns:xsd="http://www.GetReport> </genesis>]]></script> <scriptDesc xsi:type="xsd:string">First try at Reporting API</scriptDesc> <scriptName xsi:type="xsd:string">Get Report</scriptName> .org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:omn="http://www.SubmitProductScript> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Report. For example. see" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas. For more information.Data Connectors Partner API 99 </omn:Product. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.omniture. Run the QueueOvertime Script Sample code that uses Partner.w3.RunScript soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas. Note: Once you have uploaded the desired product scripts. once a client activates your Data Connectors" xmlns:omn="http://www. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.QueueOvertime Script. For more information. you can automate on-demand script usage by creating an application that makes the"> <integrationCode xsi:type="xsd:string">**CLIENT_INTEGRATION_CODE**</integrationCode> <scriptName xsi:type="xsd:string">Report Status</scriptName> <scriptParameters> <scriptParameter> <name>REPORT_ID</name> <value>**REPORT_ID**</value> </scriptParameter> </scriptParameters>" xmlns:soapenc=""> <integrationCode xsi:type="xsd:string">**CLIENT_INTEGRATION_CODE**</integrationCode> <scriptName xsi:type="xsd:string">Queue Report</scriptName> <scriptParameters> <scriptParameter> <name>myDateTo</name> <value>2010-01-31</value> </scriptParameter> </scriptParameters> </omn:Partner.xmlsoap. see" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.RunScript> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Run the GetStatus Script Sample code that uses Partner.RunScript soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas. This script returns the current status of the report" xmlns:omn="http://www.omniture.RunScript to call the QueueOvertime product script.GetStatus"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.RunScript to call the GetStatus product script.RunScript to call the on-demand product scripts described in On-Demand Product Script. you might want to request a Analytics report at regular intervals to evaluate client’s use of your services and identify ways to improve client results. you can call an on-demand product script at any time.SubmitProductScript> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Sample RunScript Code Once uploaded.RunScript calls at regular intervals. The following scripts use"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <omn:Partner. RequestSegmentedData ?browser Report. Browser API Method Element Name soap/envelope/" xmlns:omn="" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas. Note: The title of each section indicates the element name as displayed in the Data Connectors Integration" xmlns:xsd="http://www. elements use different names depending on the context in which they are used. This script downloads the report data for a completed report request.omniture. see Report.xmlsoap. Data Connectors Standard Elements Lists the names used by each element for the specified API calls.Data Connectors Partner API 100 </omn:Partner.xmlsoap.RunScript to call the GetReport product" xmlns:soapenc="http:// schemas.AddAccessRequest browser Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export. When accessing standard elements through the Data Connectors API.RunScript> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Run the GetReport Script Sample code that uses Partner.xmlsoap. For more"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <omn:Partner.Queue browser .RunScript> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Reference Data Connectors Partner API Reference This section contains information to help you use the Data Connectors Partner API.GetReport Script. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""> <integrationCode xsi:type="xsd:string">**CLIENT_INTEGRATION_CODE**</integrationCode> <scriptName xsi:type="xsd:string">Get Report</scriptName> <scriptParameters> <scriptParameter> <name>REPORT_ID</name> <value>**REPORT_ID**</value> </scriptParameter> </scriptParameters> </omn:Partner. Not all elements are valid for all API calls.RunScript soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas. UploadMetrics clickthroughs Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData scAdd .UploadMetrics cart adds Export.RequestSegmentedData browser_type Report.AddAccessRequest browser_type Import.RequestSegmentedData N/A Report.AddAccessRequest browser_width Import.RequestSegmentedData browser_height Report.RequestSegmentedData browser_width Report.Data Connectors Partner API 101 Browser Height API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest cart_adds Import.Queue browsertype Browser Width API Method Element Name Product.Queue N/A Cart Additions API Method Element Name Product.Queue browserheight Browser Type API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest campaign_views Import.AddAccessRequest browser_height Import.Queue browserwidth Campaign Views API Method Element Name Product. AddAccessRequest category Import.Queue shoppingcartopen Category API Method Element Name Product.Queue shoppingcartview Carts API Method Element Name Product.Queue shoppingcartremove Cart Views API Method Element Name Product.Queue shoppingcartadd Cart Removes API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData category Report.UploadMetrics cart opens Export.AddAccessRequest cart_opens Import.AddAccessRequest cart_removes Import.UploadMetrics cart removes Export.UploadMetrics cart views Export.RequestSegmentedData scOpen Report.UploadMetrics category Export.Data Connectors Partner API 102 API Method Element Name Report.AddAccessRequest cart_views Import.RequestSegmentedData scRemove Report.RequestSegmentedData scView Report.Queue category . UploadMetrics checkout Export.AddAccessRequest currency Import.RequestSegmentedData ?connection_type Report.RequestSegmentedData scCheckout Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData cookies Report.RequestSegmentedData visit_page_num Report.AddAccessRequest visit_page_num Import.Queue cookiesenabled Currency Code API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData N/A .Data Connectors Partner API 103 Checkouts API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest checkouts Import.Queue checkout Clicks to Page API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest connection_type Import.AddAccessRequest cookies Import.UploadMetrics currency code Export.Queue connectiontype Cookies API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue N/A Connection Type API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export. AddAccessRequest customer_loyalty Import.AddAccessRequest days_before_first_purchase Import.AddAccessRequest days_since_last_purchase Import.RequestSegmentedData custom_link Report.Data Connectors Partner API 104 API Method Element Name Report.Queue loyalty_loyal Days Before First Purchase API Method Element Name Product.Queue N/A Custom Link API Method Element Name Product.Queue daysbeforefirstpurchase Days Since Last Purchase API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest custom_link Import.RequestSegmentedData days_since_last_purchase Report.Queue linkcustom Customer Loyalty API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData days_before_first_purchase Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData customer_loyalty Report.Queue dayssincelastpurchase . AddAccessRequest exit_link Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData isp Report.AddAccessRequest exit_page Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue returnfrequency Domain API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest entry_page Import.Queue entrypage Exit Link API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData return_freq Report.Data Connectors Partner API 105 Days Since Last Visit API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue linkexit Exit Page API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData exit_page .AddAccessRequest isp Import.AddAccessRequest return_freq Import.RequestSegmentedData entry_page Report.Queue N/A Entry Page API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData exit_link Report. RequestSegmentedData ?geo_dma Report.Data Connectors Partner API 106 API Method Element Name Report.RequestSegmentedData download_link Report.AddAccessRequest geo_city Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest geo_country Import.RequestSegmentedData geo_city Report.RequestSegmentedData ?geo_country Report.Queue N/A File Download API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue linkdownload GeoSegmentation City API Method Element Name Product.Queue geo_dma .Queue geocity Geosegmentation Country API Method Element Name Product.Queue geocountry GeoSegmentation Demographic Area API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest download_link Import.AddAccessRequest geo_dma Import. UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData java_enabled Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest java_enabled Import.AddAccessRequest ip Import.AddAccessRequest geo_region Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData ?javascript_version .Queue javascriptenabled JavaScript Version API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest javascript Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData ?geo_region Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest javascript_version Import.Queue javaenabled JavaScript API Method Element Name Product.Data Connectors Partner API 107 GeoSegmentation Region/State API Method Element Name Product.Queue georegion IP API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData ip Report.RequestSegmentedData javascript Report.Queue N/A Java API Method Element Name Product. UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue language Marketing Channel API Method Element Name Product.Data Connectors Partner API 108 API Method Element Name Report.Queue monitorcolordepth .AddAccessRequest va_detail Import.AddAccessRequest va_mawster_id Import.RequestSegmentedData N/A Report.RequestSegmentedData N/A Report.RequestSegmentedData ?language Report.RequestSegmentedData ?color Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue N/A Marketing Channel Detail API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics marketing channel detail Export.Queue N/A Monitor Color Depth API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics marketing channel Export.AddAccessRequest language Import.Queue javascriptversion Language API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest color Import. Data Connectors Partner API 109 Monitor Resolution API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics occurences Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue N/A Operating System API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest next_page Import.RequestSegmentedData ?os .RequestSegmentedData N/A Report.AddAccessRequest resolution Import.RequestSegmentedData ?resolution Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest plugin Import.Queue N/A Occurrences API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue monitorresolution NetScape Plug-In API Method Element Name Product.Queue N/A Next Page API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData ?plugin Report.AddAccessRequest occurences Import.RequestSegmentedData next_page Report.AddAccessRequest os Import. Data Connectors Partner API 110 API Method Element Name Report.RequestSegmentedData purchase Report.AddAccessRequest first_hit_referrer_domain Import.Queue orders Original Entry Page API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest purchases Import.Queue referringdomainoriginal Page API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest first_hit_page Import.RequestSegmentedData first_hit_page Report.AddAccessRequest page Import.UploadMetrics orders Export.RequestSegmentedData page Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData first_hit_referrer_domain Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue page .Queue operatingsystem Orders API Method Element Name Product.Queue entrypage Original Referring Domain API Method Element Name Product. Queue N/A Product API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest path_length Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue pathlength Previous Page API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics product Export.RequestSegmentedData page_type_error Report.Queue pageviews Page Length API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData product .RequestSegmentedData _prev_page Report.AddAccessRequest _prev_page Import.RequestSegmentedData path_length Report.AddAccessRequest page_type_error Import.AddAccessRequest product Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Data Connectors Partner API 111 Page Not Found API Method Element Name Product.Queue pagenotfound Page Views API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData page_views Report.AddAccessRequest page_views Import. Data Connectors Partner API 112 API Method Element Name Report.Queue N/A Referrer API Method Element Name Product.Queue referrer Referrer Domain API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics product views Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest purchaseid Import.AddAccessRequest referrer_domain Import.AddAccessRequest prod_views Import.Queue productview Purchase ID API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData referrer Report.RequestSegmentedData referrer_domain_v2 Report.Queue product Product Views API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData prodview Report.RequestSegmentedData purchaseid Report.Queue referringdomain .AddAccessRequest referrer Import. RequestSegmentedData search_engine_keywords Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest search_engine Import.RequestSegmentedData user_server Report.Queue search_engine_keywords Server API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData channel .RequestSegmentedData ?search_engine Report.Queue revenue Search Engine API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics price Export.AddAccessRequest user_server Import.Data Connectors Partner API 113 Revenue API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest search_engine_keywords Import.AddAccessRequest channel Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.AddAccessRequest revenue Import.UploadMetrics channel Export.RequestSegmentedData revenue Report.Queue server Site Section API Method Element Name Product.Queue searchengine Search Keyword API Method Element Name Product. Data Connectors Partner API 114 API Method Element Name Report.Queue N/A Time Zone API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest time_zone Import.RequestSegmentedData page_time Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue state Time Spent on Page API Method Element Name Product.Queue sitesection State API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData time_zone Report.AddAccessRequest page_time Import.RequestSegmentedData site_time Report.RequestSegmentedData state Report.AddAccessRequest state Import.UploadMetrics state Export.Queue timezone .AddAccessRequest site_time Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue N/A Time Spent on Site API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics N/A Export. AddAccessRequest units Import.AddAccessRequest visitors Import.Data Connectors Partner API 115 Top Level Domain API Method Element Name Product.Queue N/A Unique Visitors API Method Element Name Product.UploadMetrics transactionid Export.AddAccessRequest campaign Import.UploadMetrics quantity Export.RequestSegmentedData campaign Report.UploadMetrics trackingcode Export.Queue toplevelname Tracking Code API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest transactionid Import.RequestSegmentedData units .AddAccessRequest top_level_domain Import.RequestSegmentedData visitors Report.RequestSegmentedData top_level_domain Report.Queue visitors Units API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData N/A Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue trackingcode Transaction ID API Method Element Name Product. Queue visits .RequestSegmentedData visit_num Report.UploadMetrics N/A Export.RequestSegmentedData visits Report.UploadMetrics visitorid Export.Queue visitnumber Visitor ID API Method Element Name Product.Queue units User Home Page API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest visit_num Import.AddAccessRequest visits Import.Queue N/A Visits API Method Element Name Product.AddAccessRequest cust_visid Import.UploadMetrics N/A Export.UploadMetrics N/A Export.Queue homepage Visit Number API Method Element Name Product.RequestSegmentedData N/A Report.Data Connectors Partner API 116 API Method Element Name Report.AddAccessRequest _homepage Import.RequestSegmentedData _homepage Report. 5 This error indicates that the classifications sent by the partner could not be processed because of a formatting error. 3 This error indicates that no data was imported.Queue zip Activity Log Error Messages Error Code Description 0 This error code indicates a problem with exporting customer data to a partner via data warehouse. 4 This error code indicates that the classifications sent by partner did not contain all of the same attributes that were specified by the integration.RequestSegmentedData zip Report.UploadMetrics zip Export. This may also indicate that there simply wasn't any data that needed to be sent. Samoa [GMT-11:00] US Hawaii [GMT-10:00] US Alaska [GMT-09:00] . The customer and partner should determine if that is the case. 6 This error indicates that no classifications were imported.Data Connectors Partner API 117 ZIP/Postal Code API Method Element Name Product. Time Zones The following time zones are used for the integrationTimeZone parameter in integrationDetail. 1 This error code indicates that the data sent by the partner did not contain all of the same metrics that were mapped by the customer. This may also indicate that there weren't any classifications that needed to be imported. Kwajalein [GMT-12:00] Midway Island. Eniwetok.AddAccessRequest zip Import. The customer and partner should make this determination. 2 This error indicates that the data sent by the partner could not be processed because of a formatting error. Lima [GMT-05:00] US Eastern Time [GMT-05:00] US Indiana (East) [GMT-05:00] Canada Atlantic Time [GMT-04:00] La Paz [GMT-04:00] Newfoundland [GMT-03:30] Brasilia. Petersburg [GMT+04:00] Tehran [GMT+03:30] Abu Dhabi. Helsinki [GMT+02:00] Cairo [GMT+02:00] Eastern Europe [GMT+02:00] Harare. London. Lisbon Greenwich Mean Time. Edinburgh. Rome. Bern. Stockholm. Pretoria [GMT+02:00] Israel [GMT+02:00] Baghdad [GMT+03:00] Moscow. Calcutta. Bratislava [GMT+01:00] Warsaw [GMT+01:00] Athens. Amsterdam [GMT+01:00] Paris. Madras. New Delhi [GMT+05:30] Almaty [GMT+06:00] 118 . Vienna. St. Madrid [GMT+01:00] Prague.Data Connectors Partner API US Pacific Time [GMT-08:00] US Arizona [GMT-07:00] US Mountain Time [GMT-07:00] US Central Time [GMT-06:00] Mexico City [GMT-06:00] Saskatchewan [GMT-06:00] Botoga. Muscat [GMT+04:00] Kabul [GMT+04:30] Islamabad. Sao Paulo [GMT-03:00] Buenos Aires [GMT-03:00] Mid-Atlantic [GMT-02:00] Azores [GMT-01:00] Greenwich. Brussels. Karachi [GMT+05:00] Bombay. Casablanca [GMT] Berlin. Dublin. Monrovia. [GMT-01:00] Istanbul [GMT+02:00] Kuwait. Khabarovsk [GMT+10:00] Hobart [GMT+10:00] Magadan [GMT+11:00] Fiji [GMT+12:00] Wellington. Osaka. Riyadh [GMT+03:00] Dhaka [GMT+06:00] Yakutsk [GMT+09:00] Port Moresby [GMT+10:00] Kamchatka [GMT+12:00] Marshall Is. Melbourne.. [GMT+12:00] Colombo [GMT+05:30] Ekaterinburg [GMT+05:00] Tashkent [GMT+05:00] Tbilisi [GMT+04:00] Kazan [GMT+04:00] Volgograd [GMT+04:00] Tijuana [GMT-08:00] Georgetown [GMT-03:00] Solomon Is. Perth [GMT+08:00] Chile (Santiago) [GMT-04:00] Caracas [GMT-04:30] Cape Verde Is.Data Connectors Partner API Bangkok. Urumqi [GMT+08:00] Hong Kong. Auckland [GMT+12:00] Test timezone Guam [GMT+10:00] Western Australia. Singapore. Sapporo. New Caledonia [GMT+11:00] 119 . Nairobi. Sydney [GMT+10:00] Vladivostok. Hanoi [GMT+07:00] Beijing. Seoul [GMT+09:00] Adelaide [GMT+09:30] Darwin [GMT+09:30] Brisbane [GMT+10:00] Canberra. Chongqing. Jakarta. Taipei [GMT+08:00] Tokyo. Contact and Legal Information Information to help you contact Adobe and to understand the legal issues concerning your use of this product and documentation. please refer to your contract for pricing. due dates. . Enhancement ideas and suggestions for the Analytics suite can be added to our Customer Idea Exchange. Help & Technical Support The Adobe Marketing Cloud Customer Care team is here to assist you and provides a number of mechanisms by which they can be engaged: • Check the Marketing Cloud help pages for advice. Feedback We welcome any suggestions or feedback regarding this solution. some options described in this documentation might not be available to you. Capability & Billing Dependent on your solution configuration. All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If you would like to add to or otherwise change your service level. As each account is unique. ™.) denotes an Adobe trademark. tips. and FAQs • Ask us a quick question on Twitter @AdobeMktgCare • Log an incident in our customer portal • Contact the Customer Care team directly • Check availability and status of Marketing Cloud Solutions Service.Data Connectors Partner API 120 Currency Codes See Currency Codes for a list of currency codes used by the integrationCurrency parameter in integrationDetail. or if you have questions regarding your current service. Published by Adobe Systems Inc. Updated Information/Additional Third Party Code Information available at http://www. Legal © 2014. etc. Adobe All rights reserved. please contact your Account Manager. terms. Terms of Use | Privacy Center A trademark symbol (®.adobe. and
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