GeneralCatalogue ENGLISH (201105R11)

March 20, 2018 | Author: Stuparu Victor | Category: Control System, Electrical Connector, Relay, Sensor, Electromagnetic Compatibility


Description [email protected] -1 - LogicaH&S - General Catalogue LogicaH&S - Company OrganizaƟon The pa rƟcula r company organi zaƟonal s tructure, whi ch consists of an engineeri ng depa rtment and a producƟon depa rtment served by selected pa rtners and where everything is run wi th an ISO9001 cerƟfied quality s ys tem, gua rantees a great flexibility, reliability and, consequentl y, real advantages for the customers : ● ● ● ● ● Technical assistance, both during ins tallaƟon and use of the ins truments , supplied by our helpful techni cal office Possibility to cus tomi ze products according to cus tomers ’ speci fica Ɵons and needs Quali ty gua ranteed by severe inspecƟons on 100% of our products Low cos ts, obtained wi th an a ccura te opƟmizaƟon of company resources and products. Great a ƩenƟon to the quality of the whole servi ce, from the firs t contact wi th the customer to a Ōersale assista nce All these fea tures ha ve made LogicaH&S, a well-established and worl dwide apprecia ted company in the field of dryi ng control and moisture measurement. -2 - logica-hs.a step ahead in wood drying 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 OTHER PRODUCTS Wireless Sensors System by LogicaH&S LG34 .LCD based automaƟc kiln controller DELPHI .Semi automaƟc Ɵmber kiln controller HELIOS .AutomaƟc Ɵmber kiln controller M900 .MulƟ I/O module LG47 . 16 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 24 SOFTWARE WoodWizard2 . LG36 Box EMC/RHT .Kiln Bus data logging system LG46 .Wireless Transm iƩer Unit.Advanced Ɵmber kiln controlle r DELPHI .MulƟpurpose digita l mete r LG20-VAP .MoistureMouse wire less transmiƩe r unit.Moisture monitor.Easy soŌware for HT (Heat T reatment) 23 23 24 ACCESSORIES & SPARE PARTS -3 - 26 .Wireless receiver unit LG36 .Steaming cells controller LG35 .USB to RS485/RS422 optoinsulated converte r HT . USB485 .Contact Ɵmber m oisture mete r MoisTest I .com Contents HANDHELD MOISTURE METERS Measuring Ɵmber moisture LG6NG . LG40 .Measurement system LG30 .Digital contact me ter LG43 .VAC2 (Vacuum kilns controlle r) dTOUCH .com [email protected] type moisture me ter/thermohygrometer 4 5 5 6 DRYING PROCESS CONTROLLERS Comparis on ta ble LG31 MC – panel mounƟng Ɵmber moisture mete r LG38 – panel mounƟng semi automaƟc kiln controller EASY .Data acquisiƟon and remote control soŌware dVIEW soŌware SmartHT .www.Phytosanitary treatment. -4 - . p . to avoid the influence of surface layers on readings. Contact meters or pin type meters? Contact meters can make readings in depth. from the purchasing of sawed wood unƟl its final painƟng. since different needs can only be saƟsfied with different instruments. LogicaH&S can supply all instruments with the CerƟficate of InspecƟon which is made directly on customer’s wood. For this reason. The reading depth depends on the characterisƟcs of the instrument. even if of the same wood species. in which moisture is uniformly distributed into the wood... From this difference between the two meters. The measured value corresponds to the maximum moisture between Contact meter the electrodes. which is calculated with decreasing sensiƟvity at the increase of depth.General Catalogue It is very important to know Ɵmber moisture during all phases of wood working. due to the generated electric field. according to the specific needs. The obtained value is an average of measured moisture value. Although the weighing method (raƟo between weight before and aŌer drying process) is the only worldwide recognized reference method for the exact measurement of moisture. you can easily esƟmate the moisture distribuƟon into the board simply by noƟcing the reading changes on the instrument while sƟcking the electrodes. Pin type meters are used to measure the electric resistance between two electrodes. the only other way to get this informaƟon is by using insulated electrodes. Pin type meter Contact meters are suggested when . both on surface and in depth. released by C A T A S S . A . whose moisture have been determined according to the regulaƟon UNI 9091-2/87 (weighing method).LogicaH&S . faster and less intrusive) are today available on the market for most of applicaƟons. ® ( A u t h o r i ze d t e s t i n g l a b o r a t o r y ). As wood is not a homogeneous material. Many meters are available today on the market and can be divided into two main groups: contact meters (which measure the dielectric characterisƟcs of wood) and pin type meters (which measure the resistance between two electrodes). The reading is made only on the space between the two electrodes at the depth where they have been inserted. on customer’s request.. Other Ɵmbers have been classified in analogy with tested samples. many good instruments (but even more easy-to-use. ● ● ● ● the moisture on tested material is higher than 20-30% the material is less than 2 cm thick and you can’t put one layer on other without air gaps the moisture could be not uniformly distributed into the wood the tesƟng speed and damage on material are less important than required accuracy Precision The instruments produced by LogicaH&S have been calibrated on internal reference samples. on the density of the material to be measured and its moisture content. ● ● ● ● the moisture on tested material is lower than 8-10% it’s essenƟal not to cause any damage on tested material the wood surface is wet with dew a great number of readings must be taken in short Ɵme Pin type meters are suggested when. first of all. to choose the right instrument. it becomes clear that the only condiƟon in which we can compare the measurements obtained with the two instruments is with seasoned or dried wood. with unshielded ends.. the instruments’ performance cannot be automaƟcally guaranteed on samples which are different from tested ones. Buying an instrument without having analysed the pros and the cons may oŌen lead to the wrong purchase and to user’s disappointment. If the highest moisture is in the middle. The most important thing is. which are based on measurements taken on many Ɵmber species. Otherwise. allows to make quick readings in depth on seasoned or dried wood (not green). in addiƟon to LG6NG info@logica-hs. alphanumerical LG6NG . CODE: C000032 Equipment: Leather case. Additional functions: Temperature indicator. it changes in inverse proportion to material density and moisture content.www. -5 - . alkaline battery. 7 customer adjustable ranges for the use with different materials. user’s manual. it changes in inverse proportion to material density and moisture content.Contact Ɵmber moisture meter This meter. Low battery indicator. selectable alarms.Digital contact meter This meter is provided with a microprocessor and offers. User’s manual. seƩable alarm thresholds and an easy-to-use reference sample for calibraƟon control Technical characteristics CODE: C000017 • • • • • • • • • • Suggested testing range: 5-40% Ranges number (wood): 7 Ranges number (building materials): 5 User-programmable ranges: 7 Temperature indicator: -10/50°C Reading depth*: 1-2 cm Power supply: 9V 6F22 Battery life: 70h ca Case size: 32. Additional functions: Automatic switch off (when measure key is released).5x26x8 cm Case weight: 800 gr * Minimum thickness suggested for testing material. MoisTest I . automatic switch off. 5 more scales for tesƟng building materials.logica-hs. plastic case. reference sample. low battery indicator Equipment: Leather case. which is provided with 7 scales for the measure of wood classified according to its density. without any damage on tested material. reading compensation with microprocessor. Technical characteristics CODE: C000032 • • • • • • • Suggested testing range: 5-35 % Number of ranges: 7 Reading depth*: 2-3 cm Power supply: 9V 6F22 battery Battery life: 60h ca Size: 148x59x25 mm Weight: 200 gr * Minimum thickness suggested for testing material. Alkaline battery. battery low indicator.3 .RH/T C001550 .LogicaH&S . C001542 CODE: C001549 CODE: C001550 CODE: C001551 CODE: C001553 CODE: C001909 LG43 M LG43 TM LG43 T RH/T SPF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS THERMOHYGROMETER (/w optional sensor) • • • • • • • • • Suggested measuring range (wood): 8-50% Timber groups: 4 Building materials group s: 5 Leather groups: 2 Internal temperature indication: -10/50°C Power supply battery: 9V6F22 Battery life: 35h approx. The Ɵmber moisture indicaƟon is automaƟcally compensated on basis of the Ɵmber temperature. which can be also displayed in EMC format (Ɵmber Equilibrium Moisture Content).5 (0-40°C) ±1. e le c t ro de s . Case dimensions: 32.General Catalogue LG43 . air temperature / RH / EMC measurement (optional sensor). for surface measurement through conducƟve rubber electrodes or very thin nails. user’s manual.0—3.LG43 TM -6 - . microprocessor based measurement compensation. * Depends o n the version C001553 . It is equipped with a microprocessor circuit to automaƟcally compensate the readings from different materials (wood. paper). h am me r* .5x26x8cm Weight (/T-/M-/TM): 1. opƟonal. auto -power off. high/low moisture alarms. able to measure the air temperature and relaƟve humidity. alkaline battery. An addiƟonal. The measure performed using an alternate current. LG43 becomes a complete diagnosƟc instrument for your kiln dryer.Pin type moisture meter/thermo hygrometer LG43 is a resistance (pin-type) moisture meter which returns the moisture content of the materials measuring their electrical resistance through two electrodes that must be stuck into the material. assuring an opƟmum stability even in case of high humidity contents. which can be set manually by the operator (useful when measuring Ɵmber just out from the kiln dryer) or measured by the instrument by its internal sensor or the external RT/T sensor (opƟonal).2 (-20+80°C) Humidity range: 0-100% RH Humidity accuracy: ±2% (10-90%) ±4% (0-100%) Main Functions: Temperature indicator. sensor (SPF) is available to measure the sawdust moisture. approx • • • • Temperature range: -10/+80°C -10/+80°C Temperature accuracy: ±0. with a special hammer (/M) to sƟck the electrodes in depth or with both the accessories (/TM). temperature compensation with internal external or settable temperature. building materials.3. Equpment: Case.5 Kg. assembling key. plastic handle*. If equipped with the opƟonal RH/T sensor. It is especially suitable for measures on not dried/ seasoned Ɵmber or to detect the distribuƟon of the moisture across the material. It can be supplied with a plasƟc handle (/T version). com HT Treatment OpƟonal OpƟonal Remote Control dVIEW WoodWizard2 SoŌware Upgrades Serial interface / miniSD Serial interface Built-in drying programs User's programs capacity VisualizaƟon mode Available version >400 + EXPERT assi92 92 stant 20 + external memo18 + external memories 7 + external memories ries Graphic colour LCD c/w Graphic LCD LED touch screen Panel mounƟng or Panel mounƟng or DeskDesktop Panel mounƟng top Panel mounƟng Panel mounƟng Panel mounƟng External memories for user’s programs miniSD iBuƩon - - .opƟonal AutomaƟc 5 Phases (drying phase defined by 8 steps) 5 Phases WoodWizard1 WoodWizard2 Eprom 80 20 LED OpƟonal WoodWizard2 Eprom LED AutomaƟc Semi AutomaƟc Temperature and EMC set points RS232 Kiln Bus AutomaƟc Flexible Phases On demand WoodWizard2 Serial interface 18 Graphic LCD RS232/485 On .Off LCD 230Vac 230Vac 24Vac/dc 230Vac 1/2 1 1/2 1 4 4 4+ 4 4 1 230Vac 250Vac 5 Relays On .Off Inputs opƟonal www.Off 6 Relays 1 Analogic 5 Relays 8 Relays.Off On .Off RS485 (opƟonal) Semi AutomaƟc Wet and Dry bulb set points LCD 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 EMC EMC RH Wet/Dry Bulb ConvenƟonal or Con densaƟon ConvenƟonal or CondensaƟon ConvenƟonal or CondensaƟon or Vacuum ConvenƟonal or Con densaƟon DELPHI M900 HELIOS EASY DELPHI -VAC2 LG31-MC LG38 Kiln Type ConvenƟonal or Con densaƟon ConvenƟonal or Con densaƟon Air moisture measurement method Air moisture probes 4+ 1+ EMC .logica-hs. 1 Analogic 1 Analogic Outputs management mode opƟonal Kiln Bus - PID or On . 3 Analogic PID or On . 250Vac 250Vac 250Vac 250Vac 1 Relays On .RH Wet/Dry Bulb 1+ Absolute pressure probes - Timber moisture probes 4+ Air temperature probes 1+ 24Vac/dc 250Vac 24Vac/dc Power supply Maximum relays voltage 250Vac Outputs 8 Control and measuring systems for kiln dryers . 8 Relays.Off 8 Digital RS232/485 Kiln Bus 24 Columns .Off PID or On .RH Wet/Dry Bulb 1+ EMC .Off PID or On .SELECTION GUIDE -7 Serial interface / iBuƩon Wall mounƟng Wall mounƟng iBuƩon iBuƩon - Interfaces RS485 RS232/485 Kiln Bus Printer - Control mode Auto + Semi Auto AutomaƟc Set-Up mode Flexible Phases Flexible Phases [email protected] ConvenƟonal or Con densaƟon Vacuum EMC 1+ 6+ 1+ 24Vac/dc 24Vac 11 Relays. Supplied into a pracƟcal case suitable for panel mounƟng (DIN). The temperature difference among dry and wet probes. LG38 is equipped with 5 relays to control the dampers. due to water evaporaƟon. it is the simplest and more affordable soluƟon to control your kiln and survey the progress of the drying cycle. heater and reversible fans. Fans Clock Wise and Counter Clock Wise) Operative temperature range: -10 / +40 °C Power supply: 230Vca ± 20% . It has 4 Ɵmber probes inputs whose readings are automaƟcally compensated on basis of the Ɵmber temperature.LogicaH&S . 25 and 40mm) User’s manual -8 - . 25 and 40mm) • • • Dimensions: 144(H) x72(L) x152(D) mm Mounting hole: 134x66mm (depth: 145mm) Power supply: 230Vca ±20% .50/60Hz LG38 – panel mounƟng semi automaƟc kiln controller LG38 is an instrument developed to measure conƟnuously the humidity of the Ɵmber and to control the climate inside the kiln. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: • 4 timber probes inputs • 1 temperature probe input • 1 relay output for end of cycle • Operative temperature range: -10 / +40 °C STANDARD EQUIPMENT • 4 silicone insulated cables for timber moisture measurement (10m length) • 1 temperature probe (10m length) • Assortment of 30 electrodes in three different lengths (15. The climate of the cell is determined by means of two temperature probes (Dry Bulb and Wet Bulb).50/60Hz Dimensions: 144(H)x72(L)x152(D) mm Mounting hole: 134x66mm (depth:145mm ) • • • • 4 silicone insulated cables for timber moisture measurement (10m length) 2 temperature probes (4m length) Assortment of 30 electrodes in three different lengths (15. is directly related to the cell moisture content. In addiƟon there is a relay output that is switched when a seƩable Ɵmber moisture has been reached allowing to turn off automaƟcally the kiln at the end of the cycle.General Catalogue LG31 MC – panel mounƟng Ɵmber moisture meter LG31 is an instrument developed to measure conƟnuously the humidity of the Ɵmber. Supplied into a pracƟcal case suitable for panel mounƟng (DIN). It has 4 Ɵmber probes inputs plus one temperature probe input for automaƟc compensaƟon of Ɵmber moisture readings. sprayers. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: STANDARD EQUIPMENT • • • • • • • 4 timber probes inputs 2 temperature probe input (Dry and Wet Bulb) 5 relay outputs (Heater. Sprayers. that must be maintained always wet (cloth and bath are not included in the supply). the WB probe must be wrapped with a coƩon cloth. Dampers. it is the simplest and cheapest soluƟon to survey the progress of the drying cycle in your kiln. com info@logica-hs. 1%) Inputs • • • 4 timber probes 1 temperature probe 1 equilibrium moisture probe Outputs 4 relay outputs to control: • Flaps (manual or automatic control) • • • Sprayers (manual or automatic control Heating (manual or automatic control) Alarm Probe box Equipment EASY control ler is supplied with the following parts: • Probes box with roof to be placed into the kiln. provided with clamp for cellulose. temperature probe. In this version there is no need of program seƫngs: you only have to set the type of wood to be EASY . It is a semiautomaƟc controller.www. 10m long high insulation cable (Teflon®) • 3 sets of 10 electrodes (L=15/20/25 mm) to be placed on wood • 50 cellulose plates • 4 high insulation cables (Teflon®) for connection with electrodes • • Instruc tions manual with quick reference chart Accessories for assembly -9 - . the desired equilibrium temperature and moisture inside the chamber. according to Ɵmber moisture content measured by the instrument.Semi automaƟc Ɵmber kiln controller EASY controller is addicted to the most tradiƟonal users who prefer to run the drying cycle by themselves. according to his own personal experience. 1%) Timber moisture measurement: 8-90% @25ºC (res.logica-hs. used to measure the Ɵmber moisture and to maintain into the chamber the equilibrium temperature and moisture previously set by the user. Technical specifications • • • Temperature measurement: 0-99ºC (resolution 1ºC) Equilibrium moistu re (EMC) measurement: 6-30% @25ºC (res. 1%) • • • • • • • • Drying gradient proportional to timber moistu re Anti-freeze function for kiln protection Automatic warning in case of electrical problems on probes Alarm signalling by a dedicated relay and code on display. Simply by seƫng the desired drying program. Technical specifications • • • Temperature measurement: 0-99ºC (resolution 1ºC) Equilibrium moistu re measurement (EMC): 6-30% @25ºC (res. HELIOS includes into a single sealed box (IP55) the control panel and the amplifier for the signals coming from the Ɵmber probes. Automatic Switch ON/OFF loads in case of alarm Flaps control can be run according to temperature 80 pre-programmed drying profiles 19 user programmable profiles Inputs • • • 4 timber probes 1 temperature probe (second probe optional ) 1 equilibrium moisture probe (second probe optional) Outputs 6 Relay outputs to control: • Fans (manual or automatic control) • • • • • Flaps (manual or automatic control) Sprayers (manual or automatic control) Heating (manual or automatic control) Reversal of fans rotation Alarm Equipment HELIOS controlle r is supplied with the following parts: • Probes boxes with roof to be placed into the kiln. HELIOS kiln controller has been created with the precise purpose to obtaining good reliability and great performances with a very low price. For this reason it must be placed close to the kiln.General Catalogue HELIOS . temperature probe. operaƟon made easier thanks to its extended working temperature range. generally.10 - . by removing all unnecessary parts for the correct run of drying process. This instrument is parƟcularly suitable to control small kilns or.RS485 Converter for network connection Control software for P. (Windows®XP/Vista/7) • Automatic drying cycle in 5 phases .LogicaH&S . all systems in which is necessary to maintain a good standard of quality and to reduce costs: HELIOS is the instrument with the best price/performance raƟo today available on the market.AutomaƟc Ɵmber kiln controller.C. 1%) Timber moisture measurement: 8-90% @25ºC (res. provided with clamp for cellulose. HELIOS controller is able to run the drying cycle in a fully automaƟc way. 10m long high insulation cables (Teflon®) • 3 sets of 10 electrodes (L=15/20/25 mm) to be placed on wood • 50 cellulose plates • 4 high insulation cables (Teflon®) for connection with electrodes • instruct ions manual with quick reference table • accessories for assembly Additional outputs • Serial line RS232 (interface RS485 optional) Options Software main characteristics • • • Double equilibrium moisture and temperature probe RS232 . by wriƟng it directly or by recalling a drying program from the memory (a standard one or a program previously saved by the user). 0% @ 25ºC (res. Easy maintenance. 2 spe eds or pro portional ( 0-10V) Control for rev ersal of fans rotatio n Heating control On/Off or pr oportio nal ( 0-10V or impulse) Flaps control On/Off or pr oportio nal ( 0-10V or impulse) Sprayers control Output for alarm m ode signal Auxiliary o utputs ( 2 rela ys) kilnBus Inter face for sensors co nnection RS485 I nterface for connection to a network of kilns • • • • 3 4-di gits display with high-bri ghtness L ED 39 status LEDs Simultaneous a nd perma nent display of temperature. thanks to its following features: • Adaptability to kilns of all sizes. with the new “easy wiring” box in which the two parts are separated.32 Inputs for e quilibri um moisture probes: 2–8 Inputs for temper ature probes: 2–8 Auxiliary di gital inputs: 7 Fan control On/Off. key boar d lock or so ftware update Display Inputs/Outputs Inputs for timber moisture pr obes: 6. .com info@logica-hs. to the internal memory of occurred events and to iBuƩon technology for future soŌware updates.Advanced Ɵmber kiln controller.1%) iButton Connector for program setup. and the possibility to prevent unauthorized users from modifying program profiles. with the possibility to print detailed reports of all events occurred during the drying cycle (including alarms and other events).logica-hs. with configurable number of Ɵmber.1ºC) Equilibri um moisture (EMC) me asurement: 2. current phase and measureme nt val ues. *** DISCONTINUED PRODUCT -NOT SUGGESTED FOR NEW APPLICATIONS *** M900 is an advanced and flexible soluƟon for the automaƟc run of the drying process. equilibrium moisture or Ɵme.1%) Timber moisture me asurement: 4-90. which makes the controller compaƟble with all drying cards available today AutomaƟc management of HT cycles (for phytosanitary measures) just adding the required number of Ɵmber temperature probes (opƟon) ProporƟonal driving of flaps and heaƟng (based on impulse or analog voltage) ProporƟonal driving of fans with analog voltage for external inverter or double speed switch Energy saving with the possibility to select Ɵme bands and percentage of p ower reducƟon for fans and/or heaƟng Safety. temperature ed EMC (equilibrium moisture) probes (up to 32 Ɵmber probes.www. new pro be amplifiers with new measureme nt circuit.11 - . by pressing the pri nt key Automatic print o f date a nd tested val ues at sche duled time intervals Print of all alarm conditions Automatic print o f all pro gram parameters after every cha nge And. • • • • • • • • • Technical specifications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Temperature measureme nt: 0-159. moreover: EasyWiring or desktop box (both metal ma de for t he maxim um noise rejection). 0. Possibility of remote control for supervision by network connecƟon with a supervisor computer Easy installaƟ M900 . 8 EMC probes and 8 temperature probes) and of great number of selectable parameters Selectable drying mode (drying cycle based on gradients. guaranteed by an advanced alarm control which leads the system to the best operaƟng condiƟons for wood on treatment.9ºC (r esolution 0.30. 0. and a number of phases from 2 to 8). while all parameters can be displayed for control purpose.0% @25ºC (res. pre-arra ngeme nt for network connection with WoodWizar d2 s upervision software. the input/output part (which can be placed into the switchboard) and the control part (which can be placed on the switchboard front panel or even far from it) and with the digital connecƟon to all sensors. cables with insulatio n in Te flon® into the kiln. equilibri um moisture a nd avera ge timber moisture v alue Signal o f mai n alarm conditio ns with dedicated L EDs a nd flashing codes on display Print ing (on optional internal printe r) • • • • Print of date. even if an hardware problem occurs. thanks to 10 flexible phases combined with progressive transiƟons of the kiln climate from phase to phase. EMC value or duraƟon. a problem than affects the measures of many compeƟƟve systems. the same soluƟon could also be used to install the power module into the switchboard and the visualizaƟon module directly in your office. The same soluƟon can also be used to order to your assistance centre a drying program ready to use.2Km! .LogicaH&S . useful for users without parƟcular needs or for beginners. based on a LCD graphic display. reserved to the assistance service. based on “intelligent buƩons” (iBuƩon® ) that can be used to save and recall drying programs (in addiƟon to internal memory).12 - .RS232 + RS485) useful to connect it to a master PC (running WoodWizard 2 soŌware). so it is suitable for future upgrades. a communicaƟon protocol which makes it compaƟble with all the sensors/ actuators for kiln dryers today available and to be developed in the next future. In the panel version (“easy wiring”) DELPHI controller is supplied split in two very small units: the visualizaƟon module and the power module. Delphi can also be supplied also with LG35 amplifiers (with tradiƟonal EMC plates or digital sensors). allows an easy set-up also to not skilled users. without need to inpuƫng it manually into the controller. far up to 1. A so high flexibility allows Delphi to be used also to manage heat treatment (HT) cycles in accordance to DELPHI (panel version) the latest phytosanitary prescripƟons.General Catalogue DELPHI . The amplifier comes in a sealed (IP65) aluminium case. if you prefer. recallable from an addicted menu. for a very Ɵdy wiring. In addiƟon it comes with a serial interface (double standard . everybody can start a drying cycle. Having a drying program saved into an iBuƩon. a probe amplifier which assures the maximum reliability together with the beƩer external noise rejecƟon. DELPHI allows a very flexible management of the drying cycle. But. the link between the modules is made with a single pre assembled cable. OpƟonally. To further improve the friendly interface of DELPHI. because all seƫng are made through self-explaining menu while the access to most advanced funcƟons is obtained through other menus. it adopts an useful method. The probe boxes are made using polycarbonate hermeƟc cases. DELPHI is based on KILN BUS system. Every phase can be defined by gradient.LCD based automaƟc kiln controller The user interface of Delphi. Obviously there are also many standard programs (over 80) ready to use for a lot of wood essences. DELPHI can be supplied with LG25. simply by laying the buƩon on DELPHI (desktop version) the addicted reader. With this soluƟon the visualizaƟon module can be installed on the front panel of the switchboard while the power module can be installed directly inside it. assuring a good protecƟon against dust on their internal side. or to transfer a program from a controller to another one. to protect the controller set-up against not authorized people and to upgrade the controller soŌware. and complete with wirings for the probe boxes inside the kiln made by shielded and Teflon® insulated cables. fans. The basic specifications for the standard version are: Outputs: Inputs: • • • • • • Vacuum pump Vavuum release valve Fans (with rotating direction control and 0-10V output for speed regulation) Sprayers Heater (opening and closing output.1% resolution) 2 temperature probes (0-120C.1° resolution) Auto adaptive AC measuring voltage ( VAV) Digital filter for mains noise rejection ( MNR) Aluminium IP65 case Modules connection interface KILN-BUS Standard equipment DELPHI control ler (single case including LG 28 and LG29 module for desktop version. 1 EMC clamp. the regulaƟon of kiln climate and the measurement of Ɵmber moisture. temperature and absolute pressure) designed for this purpose.1A Modules connection interface KILN-BUS Measuring module (LG25) 6 timber moisture probes (6-90% @ 25C. double cases for panel mounting version) External amplifier LG25 2 probes boxes for inside kiln installation (every one including: 1 temp. 0. 0. The controller performs the whole management of the kiln. 10m of Teflon® insulated cable) 6 timber probe cables 14 electrodes for timber moisture x 3 different lengths (15. 40 mm) 100 Cellulose plates for EMC detection Connectors and accessories for installation 3 program iButton + 2 keyboard lock iButton User manual Options Desktop or panel mounting version PC software for remote controlling/management DELPHI . 3 plugs for timber moisture.13 - . TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The control system is highly configurable on customer’s demand.logica-hs.relaƟve humidity. 0.VAC2 (Vacuum kilns controller) StarƟng from the base of DELPHI controllers and adding a special sensor (LG35 . with proportional drive capability by pulse or by 0-10V output) Alarm signalling /tank management • • • • • 4 x timber moisture sensors 1 x RH / EMC sensor 1 x Heating fluid temperature 1 x Timber core temperature 1 x Absolute pressure . flaps (opening + closing). powerful and flexible controller for vacuum Ɵmber kiln dryers has been info@logica-hs. disconƟnuous or semi-disconƟnuous vacuum (the controller performs automaƟcally the commutaƟon from conƟnuous and disconƟnuous method).com Visualization module (LG28) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Visualization on an high contrast LCD graphic display Menu based set-up Set-up/keyboard lock/software upgrade through iButton® Serial interface: RS232 / RS485 Modules connection interface KILN-BUS Power module (LG29) Relay outputs for sprayers. probe.www. heating (opening + closing). alarm (24V—max 4 A sum of all output currents) Analog output for fans speed driving (0-5 or 0-10V) Power supply: 24Vac/dc .1% resolution) 2 Equilibrium Moisture Content probes (4-30% @ 25C. a new. the draining tank management. The same product can be configured to operate with kilns having convenƟonal heaƟng or plates heaƟng with conƟnuous. 25. included the depression regulaƟon. and several must be the programs for saƟsfy them. dTOUCH h as been developed in cooperaƟon with IVALSA. will be used to opƟmize the drying cycles according to the specific kiln characterisƟcs and to the user specific requirements. parƟcular requirements.. will use .) and modify the drying cycle in order to include the most suitable remedy for the idenƟfied problem. casehardened wood etc. In addiƟon to all the funcƟons already implemented in Delphi plus many other. for fast drying and so on. dTOUCH – An evolving system dTOUCH is a control system with a great potenƟal.. dTOUCH is the drying expert always at your disposal.General Catalogue dTOUCH .a step ahead in wood drying. it is enough to “explain” to the system what are the specific requirements by answering to some simple quesƟons and the system will create the most suitable cycle. the Italian Research InsƟtute.because a spread library of drying programs is not enough: several are the possible requirements. priority to Ɵme or to quality. since it combines an advanced and flexible control system with the know-how of internaƟonal experts in the Ɵmber drying field. By using the automaƟc upgrade funcƟon (available when connected to a PC running dVIEW soŌware) your dTOUCH system will take advantage of the conƟnuous improvements that will be developed on this product.. dTOUCH can automaƟcally idenƟfy some criƟcal condiƟons (like frozen wood. dTOUCH uses this data base.LogicaH&S . member of CNR. which includes a laboratory for research and tests about Ɵmber drying. Ɵme. dTOUCH is a step ahead in the control systems for kiln dryers.) to create each Ɵme the program more suitable to drying the wood according to the specific needs of the user… . such as: DRYING CYCLE OPTIMIZATION This funcƟon. thanks to the cooperaƟon with IVALSA and to the experimentaƟon on pilot plants. dTOUCH includes a wide range of base drying programs for over 400 Ɵmber species. including also some special cycles to maintaining/ changing the natural colour of the wood. At the end of the cycle.14 - . humidity.. The creaƟon of a customized program using dTOUCH does not more require the user to learn about drying methods and programming details (temperature. which is now just at the first stage of its development and which will be expanded in the next future. the drying expert. other advanced funcƟons are now under development. In addiƟon to the advanced funcƟons already available.. the user will have the opportunity to answer to a few quesƟons to give an evaluaƟon about the completed cycle. thickness and iniƟal condiƟons).). in a very easy and totally free way. especially useful in case of repeated drying cycles on material having homogeneous characterisƟcs (specie.. etc. together with the informaƟon received from the sensors and the inputs from the user (such as required quality. dTOUCH. dTOUCH – LG35 (2T. while the menu are available in several landTouch remotely controlled via Smartphone.8MC) The configuraƟon includes: dTOUCH control panel. where it is preferable to avoid connecƟon cables for MC probes.4+4MC) The configuraƟon includes: dTOUCH control panel. heaƟng valve and sprayers (by pulses) and to manage the fans inversion and speed (through a 0-10 analog output). All the above examples use LG29 as relays output unit. each one including 1 temperature probe.2EMC. dTOUCH – The flexible soluƟon Being based on “Kiln Bus” protocol.2EMC.2EMC. ConfiguraƟon based on LG35 amplifiers. the probes boxes (installed inside the kiln) must be connected to LG25 which must be installed outside the kiln. relay output unit LG29. LG36 wireless sensors receiver. The number of probes can be increased simply purchasing addiƟonal transmiƩers. especially suitable for drying cycles up to 100°C. 14 electrodes x 3 lengths. which should be installed inside the kiln. including interfacing to non convenƟonal sensor or sensors for special uses like ISPM15 compliant heat treatment. dTOUCH is compaƟble with all the most recent sensors and interfaces developed by Logica H& info@logica-hs. 4 x mc plugs). All the selectable funcƟons are idenƟfied by buƩons or blue colour. colour LCD screen. to drive proporƟonally flaps. . 1 EMC clamp. Whenever possible. 2 x wireless EMC box (to be installed inside the kiln. without need for any programming skill. at the end of the procedure the system will automaƟcally take the most suitable remedy to the problem occurred. LG25 amplifier c/w 10m cable.) through a guided procedure (“wizard”) . 18 electrodes x 3 lengths. ConfiguraƟon based on LG25 amplifier.6MC) The configuraƟon includes: dTOUCH control panel. With dTOUCH a single touch on the screen is enough to switch from the most complete automaƟc management to the simplest semi-automaƟc mode. The system is based on a touch sensiƟve. dTOUCH – LG36 (2T. LG29 relay output unit LG29.logica-hs. 3 x mc plugs and 10m of Teflon insulated cable).com this informaƟon to modify the current cycle then it will save it for the next drying. each one including 1 temperature probe. This configuraƟon is especially suitable for drying cycles at temperatures up to 120°C. C001667 Controller mod. each one with one EMC and one temperature probe). 6 mc cables (10m). 8 mc cables (10m).15 - . guages. which are built directly into the probes boxes. Several different configuraƟons are available either to add further outputs or to connect addiƟonal sensors. Following three configuraƟons are provided as example: C001666 Controller mod. dTOUCH . LG29 relay output unit LG29. every funcƟon is idenƟfied by a icon.LG25 (2T. PROBLEMS SOLVING An new funcƟon will be provided to inform the system about doubts regarding the drying in progress (such as long Ɵme. appearing defects etc. 1 EMC clamp. The number of probes and their typology can be configured as required to saƟsfy whatever control need. every MC transmiƩer has two moisture sensors (surface + core) plus one temperature sensor.www. especially suitable for drying cycles at temperatures up to 80°C. 2 x probes box (to be installed inside the kiln. C001668 Controller mod. 30m of kiln bus cable. 4 x MC sensor (surface + core). set electrodes x 3 lengths. 2 x LG35 amplifiers (to be installed inside the kiln. dTOUCH – The friendly expert A big effort has been accomplished to provide dTOUCH with the best user-friendly interface. ConfiguraƟon based on a wireless sensors network. relaƟve humidity and EMC). its core temperature and the environment climate (temperature. self-drilling electrodes kit for Ɵmber moisture measurement LG36 Box EMC/RH/T . this system is suitable to measure the Ɵmber moisture. The WIRELESS SENSORS SYSTEM can be easily interfaced to standard PLCs thanks to its ModBus RTU compaƟble protocol WIRELESS SENSOR SYSTEM consists of the following parts: • LG34 Wireless Receiver Unit • ¼ wave. touch screen LCD) Delphi** control system (Automatic . 433MHz antenna • Stainless steel mounƟng bracket for antenna • Antenna Coaxial cable (RG58 MIL-C17) • • • • Stainless steel template for electrodes posiƟoning LG36 MoistureMouse (Ɵmber moisture sensor) Stainless steel. It recognizes the kind of sensors connected and sort them on basis of their number and typology. eliminaƟng the cables and making easier the posiƟoning and the management of the stacks.environment climate sensor LG34 . instead of the standard sensors in dTOUCH or Delphi controllers.5 mm2 dTouch* control system (Automatic/Semi-automatic graphic.Wireless receiver unit LG34 is the heart of the system. colour. Technical specifications • • • • • Power supply: 24Vac/dc +/-20% 2W Work temperature range: 0-60°C WIREL ESS SENSORS SYSTEM by LogicaH&S is compatible with the following kiln-bus controls system: • • • Interface: RS485 Protocol: ModBus / KilnBus selectable Max sensors: up to 40 (255 with polling buffer FIFO) Mechanical features • Aluminum case 171x121x55mm • Connecting via screw connectors. The system can be used inside the kiln.LogicaH&S . The available protocols are KilnBus and the industry standard ModBus.General Catalogue Wireless Sensors System by LogicaH&S Based on a receiver and a series of remote sensors.LED) * Available in Panel mounting version ** Available in Panel mounting or desktop version . Moreover.graphic LCD) M900** control system (Automatic . The collected data can be stored into the memory of LG36 (data logging mode) or re-transmiƩed immediately to the devices connected through the RS485 serial interface. to monitor the temperature and humidity of Ɵmber during storage. for building automaƟon applicaƟons and so on. the system can be used together with a data acquisiƟon soŌware. wooden structures. to survey the condiƟons of delicate wooden items like archaeological goods. which receives the data transmiƩed from all the acƟve wireless sensors posiƟoned into the operaƟve range of the system. Max wire section: 2.16 - . suitable for connecƟon to PLC based systems. com LG36 . to posiƟon it in the middle of the stacks (minimum height of the spacers: 20mm) “Air system”.www. stainless steel electrodes kit . The design process (performed according to the ISO9001 standards) involved all the parts. from the electronics up to the mechanical parts and the connecƟon system. This process has led to exclusive soluƟons such as: • Double moisture meter in a single transmiƩer • “Easy click” system.17 - .com [email protected] different lengths • Internal or wood temperature • Two colours nylon cord with florescent idenƟfica• BaƩery status Ɵon plate to locate the instrument among the stacks Technical specifications • • • • • • • • • Built-in sensors: 2 for Moisture wood (Inner and superficial) 1 for wood/internal temperature 1 for Battery status Power supply: 1 for Lithium interchangeable battery 3. considering all the request and ideas collected in 20 years of experience on the field.MoistureMouse .logica-hs. allows to hook the transmiƩer to the electrodes in a simple acƟon Thin design of MoistureMouse. slots cut into the boƩom of the transmiƩer to allow proper drying of the wood sample near the sensor as well as the rest of Ɵmber Replaceable baƩery avoids the need to purchase a new MoistureMouse at the end of baƩery life and makes it environmentally compaƟble for disposal at the end of its life • • • MoistureMouse transmiƩers can detect and transmit MoistureMouse transmiƩers are supplied with the folsimultaneously the following data: lowing accessories: • Inner moisture of the wood • MoistureMouse transmiƩer c/w baƩery • Superficial moisture of the wood • Self-drilling.6VAA s ize extended temperature Battery life: Up to 5 years in continuous use Transmission frequency: 433.92MHz (FSK) Transmission distance: Approximately 50m in free space Transmission period: Approx. 30” Transmission indicator: red led Setting: Device address 1÷32 Receiver address (kiln dryer) 1÷8 Temperature range: -20 ÷ 85°C . MoistureMouse is a wireless moisture meter enƟrely designed by Logica H&S.Ɵmber moisture sensor. Our design department developed it from scratch. The Wireless Box EMC measures and transmit the following data: Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) – RelaƟve Humidity (RH%)(*1) Air temperature BaƩery status Technical specifications Built-in sensors: 1 for equilibri um moisture content (EMC) temperature) (*2) 1 for RH / Temperature sensor (*1) 1 for NTC Temperature (air • • • • • • • • Power supply: 2 for Lithium interchangeable battery 3. A model with digital RH/T sensor is also available. restoring the original performances of the device without any need of calibraƟon.environment climate sensor The wall mounƟng environment climate sensor EMC Box is equipped with an external temperature probe and a clamp for cellulose plates for equilibrium moisture content measuring. calculaƟng automaƟcally also the equivalent EMC value.18 - .92MHz (FSK) Transmission distance: Approximately 50m in free space Transmission period: Approx.6VAA s ize extended temperature Battery life: Up to 5 years in continuous use Transmission frequency: 433. The digital RH/T sensor can be easily and quickly replaced by the end user. 15” Transmission indicator: Internal red led Setting: Device address 1÷32 Receiver address (kiln dryer) 1÷8 Temperature range: -20 ÷ 85°C Note: (*1): only for LG36 Box RHT version (*2): only for LG36 Box EMC version . which measures temperature and relaƟve humidity .LogicaH&S . The complete insulaƟon from every power source assures the highest immunity to earth related problems that someƟmes could affect the tradiƟonal EMC sensing devices.General Catalogue LG36 Box EMC/RHT . are always displayed. which. Up to 20 programs can be saved into controller's memory. Technical specifications: • • • • Temperature range:-20/+80°C Temp. It is also possible to set the speed of temperature increase.MulƟpurpose digital meter LG40 is a mulƟpurpose digital meter which has been developed as reference thermometer for ISP15 applicaƟons. Another input is also available for an external alarm control (which can be normally open or closed). if acƟve.5 (0-40°C) ± LG40 .2(-20+80°C) Humidity range: 0 . Steam inlet valve.100% RH RH Accuracy: ± 2% (10-90%) ± 4% (0-100%) RH/T sensor Temperature Probe LG20-VAP . as alternaƟve. for a gradual step-by-step transiƟon from a value to the next one. The data measured by LG40 and the process probes is automaƟcally recorded by WoodWizard2 soŌware and printed on the HT report. automaƟcally disables the steaming process and enable an alarm warning signal on display. The temperature inside the steaming chamber and the current phase or. a relaƟve humidity probe having an operaƟve range suitable for kiln applicaƟons. Based on Logica H&S KilnBus interface.19 - . In addiƟon to the temperature probe. it can be connected to a kiln network to perform an automaƟc check of the process temperature probes before each starƟng of a new treatment cycle. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • • • • • Box with protection door (IP55) Working temperature: -10/+50ºC Temperature adjustment range: from 0 to 99ºC Input for external alarm Relay outputs for Alarm. accuracy: ± 0.logica-hs. the steam generator (with automaƟc switch off at the end of the cycle) and to signal possible alarm condiƟons. Every set program can be saved into the controller's internal memory and can be recalled in the future with a simple sequence of keys.Steaming cells controller LG20-VAP is a control system to manage Ɵme and temperature sequences required for wood treatment into steaming cells. Using LG20VAP the user can set steaming cycles with maximum of 9 different temperature grades and set the Ɵme (expressed in hours) for each of them. Steam generator . LG20-VAP is provided with 3 relay outputs to control the steam inlet info@logica-hs. the Ɵme leŌ before the end of the treatment. is now available. which makes them especially suitable for vacuum kilns applicaƟons.RH the kiln. The device has been developed to be installed inside LG35 .Measurement system LG35 is a complete measuring system for the Ɵmber moisture and the climate into the drying cell. An important LG35 Features feature of LG35 EMC WDB RH -RH version is Timber moisture inputs 4 4 4 the special soLG35 . using a KilnBus protocol (compaƟble with all the latest generaƟon Logica H&S controllers) or ModBus protocol for using with compaƟble standard PLC systems.1°C Relative Humidity measurement 0-100% 20-80% ± 3 80-100% ± 5 0. It is available in three versions according to the preferred cell humidity measuring method: • by a cellulose plate (Equilibrium Moisture Content – LG35-EMC) • by an electronic RelaƟve Humidity sensor (LG35-RH) • by psychrometric method (through two temperature probes LG35-WDB). operaƟon that can be Cell temperature inputs 1 2 1 easily performed by the end user and that restores 1 1 1 Absolute pressure inputs (optional) (optional) (optional) the original performances of the device without any need of calibraƟon.EMC EMC inputs 1 luƟon for a fast RH inputs 1 replacement of the RH sensor. The bath for the wet bulb is not included.5 20-30 ± 1 0. Power supply 24Vac/dc +/-20% Serial interface Working temperature range RS485 0-80°C Technical specifications Timber Moisture measurement Range Accuracy <10 ± 1 Resolution 6-90% @25°C (accuracy referred to reference resistors) 10-20 ± 0.10% Replaceable RH Sensor Absolute pressure measurement 150-1150 mB ± 25 mB 1 mB . in order to transduce the signals directly from the source. All the versions can be equipped with an opƟonal absolute pressure sensor.20 - .LogicaH&S . The LG35-WDB version is supplied complete with two temperature probes.General Catalogue LG35 . for the wet and dry bulbs measurement. reducing the effect of external interferences and making pointless the use of expensive high insulaƟon cables for signal transmission.10% EMC measurement 4-30% @25°C 10-20 ± 0.5 20-40 ± 1 40-90 ± 2 <10 ± 1 0. The measured data are transferred in digital format through a standard RS485 line.1°C 0-80°C 0.10% Temperature measurement (NTC) Temperature measurement (by RH integrated temperature sensor) 0-80°C 0-40 ± 1°C 40-85 ± 2°C 0-40 ± 1°C 40-80 ± 2°C 0-10% ± 5 0. LG30 can be connected to a PC running a special version of WoodWizard2 soŌware LG30 . LG30 can be supplied with external accessories to make easier the connecƟon of the sensors (box with sockets).21 - . or for monitoring several other parameters of kiln dryers (such as addiƟonal temperature or RH measurement points. RelaƟve Humidity and Temperature) compaƟble with LG43 moisture meter. like special climaƟc sensors. effects automaƟcally the temperature compensaƟon of the Ɵmber moisture. energy consumpƟon and so on). current or flow sensors for energy consumpƟon management etc. LG46 . . This version. The collected data. The graphic representaƟon (with zoom) can be printed to generate reports especially useful to be displayed as proof in case of thermal treatments. that can be saved and recalled from archives. high insulaƟon cable. It is parƟcularly suitable where several sensors are required.www. 4-20mA. The product is also equipped with the industry standard ModBus protocol and can be connected to systems based on industrial PLC.Kiln Bus data logging system LG30 is a Kiln Bus compaƟble device able to read up to 8 temperature sensors (NTC) or wha tever other sensor having a 0-10 V or -20mA output. which can be connected to the control systems equipped with KilnBus Interface to enhance the compaƟbility with addiƟonal sensors / actuators. The outputs can be set as analog 0-10V or as digital outputs (transistor or relay). LG47 is the simplest device to survey the moisture of the Ɵmber inside the kiln dryer. LG47 .MulƟ I/O module LG46 is a module with several input/outputs digital /analogical. PT100 temperature probes (2 or 3 wires) or NTC probes. This module is especially suitable to customize the control systems adding addiƟonal sensors. The inputs are factory configurable to accept signals such as 0-10V. is available in table (to be exported in other program for analysis) or in graphic format. for example for temperature monitoring in heat treatment cycles requested for phytosanitary measures. It consists of two plasƟc boxes: • one should be installed inside the kiln and is equipped with six pairs of sockets for Ɵmber moisture probes • the other should be installed outside the kiln and includes a switch to select the probe to be measured and a socket to connect a standard handheld moisture meter The two boxes are connected by a special. Thanks to its RS485 interface.Moisture monitor.logica-hs. The product is suitable either for convenƟonal and for vacuum dryers. in addiƟon to provide the informaƟon about kiln climate. in stand-alone configuraƟon or together with other devices (kiln controllers or other devices). The product can be also supplied complete with a climate sensor (Equilibrium Moisture. LG46 is supplied in a standard DIN 50022 case for a fast mounƟng on the switchboard rails. air info@logica-hs. The opƟon between automaƟc transmission (with selfoperaƟng soŌware .no configuraƟon is needed) and hardware transmission (driven by Request To Send signal) makes CV485NG a versaƟle instrument which can be used in many applicaƟons. Technical specifications • • • • • • • • RTS line Selectable output: RS485 or RS422 Equipment: Number of connectable devices: 32 • cable for connecƟon to PC Transmission speed (auto mode): 300-115. Technical specifications • • • • • • • • Equipment Output standard: RS485 or RS422 Number of connectable devices: 32 Transmission speed (auto mode): 300-115.200 B/s Transmission speed (RTS mode): 0-512.LogicaH&S .General Catalogue CV485NG .RS232/RS485-RS422 Converter CV485NG converts an RS232 output signal from a Personal Computer (or other device) to RS485 or RS422 electrical standard. This converter is suitable to connect a PC or a Helios controller to a network of Ɵmber kiln controllers.22 - . ConnecƟon distance: >1Km @ 9600B/s Power supply: 230Vac 50/60Hz RS232 port electrically insulated from RS485/ RS422 AutomaƟc transmission or transmission driven by USB485 .USB/RS485-RS422 Converter USB485 converter is the USB version of the above described converter.200 B/s • connector for network connecƟon (with screw clamps). assuring a very good noise rejecƟon even at a long distance. Transmission speed (RTS mode): 0-512.000 B/s • instrucƟons sheet. which are suitable for connecƟon of many devices on a single serial line (mulƟ point connecƟon). The opƟcal insulaƟon between the RS232 signal and the RS485/RS422 outputs protects the connected devices from possible voltage fluctuaƟons on the transmission line.000 B/s Connection distance: >1Km @ 9600B/s Insulation voltage: >1KV Selectable line termination resistance Automatic transmiss ion • • • • Cable for connection to PC Connector for network connection (with screw clamps) Drivers on CD Instruc tions sheet . It has been developed to be connected directly to the USB port of the PC and offers an insulated interfacing without requiring any external supply voltage. all the kilns of the plant. WoodWizard2 records all the data of the process. alarms occurred and user operaƟons. in conjuncƟon with compaƟble controllers or acquisiƟon boards.Data acquisiƟon and remote control soŌware WoodWizard2 is a SCADA soŌware from Logica H&S. on whatever PC able to run the above O. . Vista or XP O. automaƟcally launches the main program window. in addiƟon it can be used to set-up. it becomes necessary. Based on XP® technology. represenƟng them in table or graph format.logica-hs. the soŌware can run also on Windows Vista™ or Windows 7™ operaƟve systems. The soŌware is also able to produce reports to cerƟfy the HT treatment performed on packaging materials. according to the internaƟonal rule ISPM15.. from a single place. if an alarm condiƟon is detected. The plant surveillance can also be made from a remote PC connected to the local one trough Internet or a direct telephonic WoodWizard2 . It is compaƟble with most of Logica kiln controllers and other devices based on Kiln-Bus interface. Running on PC equipped with Windows7. it allows to manage all the kilns of the plant from a single locaƟon (up to 32 kilns for the standard configuraƟon).com info@logica-hs. A disƟnguish feature of dVIEW is to propose to the operator exactly the same user's interface which is available on the control panel. The drying programs can be saved on disk to be used later or transferred on other controllers. Very useful in plants having several dryers.S. using common remote desktop uƟliƟes for PC . specific for dTOUCH series controllers.www. when there it is required to produce HT treatment cerƟficates.23 - . this makes able to work on the PC soŌware whoever is able to work on the local panel and vice versa: the learning curve is reduced and the producƟvity is increased. dVIEW soŌware dVIEW is the new Logica H&S soŌware for remote control and management. Using dVIEW makes it easy to obtain the complete control of the plant through Internet. From the PC soŌware the operator can perform all the operaƟons available from the local panel. moreover the PC soŌware is able to record the drying data during the process. including measured data. to control and survey in real Ɵme all the kilns. simply installing on the same PC one of the several uƟliƟes available for remote management of the desktop. The same PC running WoodWizard2 can be also used for the common office needs: a “stay resident” part of the soŌware collects the data also while the main WoodWizard2 shell is closed and.S. 24 - . Logica H&S offers different soluƟons to perform HT cycles. and a number of special protecƟons for the process and the recorded data. there is also an high temperature treatment cycle. through a reference thermometer (LG40).Phytosanitary treatment. Using these systems. dimensions. a message appears on the screen.Easy soŌware for HT (Heat Treatment) SmartHT is a PC soŌware able to produce HT (Heat Treatment) cerƟficates according to the IPPC-FAO requirements. especially when the iniƟal condiƟons of the materials to be treated are not constant (for shape. China and European Union. (See following chapter for further details) HT . it transforms your PC in a complete control system for your kiln. the surveillance of the operator is required. These soluƟons do not offer a direct control of the kiln. in addiƟon to the classical measures. When the minimum Ɵme and temperature condiƟons required by the local regulaƟons are saƟsfied. able to control either the temperature and the moisture into the cell. if used together with LG29 relay unit. to inform the operator that the cycle is finished and the kiln can be turned off. humidity content). They are parƟcularly suitable to adapt exisƟng kilns to perform HT cycles or for users having occasional need to perform HT cycles. without any acƟve control of the kiln. LogicaH&S soluƟons for heat treatment cycles. The wooden packaging materials are considered responsible for the infestaƟon due to forestal parasites occurred in the United States.General Catalogue SmartHT . We space from simple products. Since there is no feedback to stop the kiln when the condiƟons are reached. causing the promulgaƟon of several control and prevenƟon measures. that should be driven manually or by means of an external control systems. SmartHT makes your PC able to read up to 8 temperature probes and. . which require.LogicaH&S . Measuring and cerƟficaƟon system. Canada. to fully automaƟc systems able to control the kiln in order to perform very opƟmized HT cycles. with or without Ɵmber drying capabiliƟes. able to measure several temperature points and save the results in table and graphic form. also the automaƟc verificaƟon of the measuring probes. Among the several treatments allowed for Ɵmber sterilizaƟon. Some of these systems accomplish also to the Italian regulaƟons for HT process. the user is responsible to set a cycle having temperature and duraƟon enough to saƟsfy the law requirements. some direcƟves has been defined by FAO during the IPPC convenƟon. To reduce the diffusion of the parasites through the wooden packaging materials and to standardize the measures taken in the different Countries. Drying and HT integrated systems. a report containing the stock and plant ID data and the graphic representaƟon of the temperature trend inside the Ɵmber can be produced. also the capability to perform drying cycles. can control one kiln only. SmartHT basic can be used on one kiln only. based on our dTouch. These systems. which can read up to six wood temperature probes and 2 air temperature probes. At the end of treatment. a very simple and efficient system to measure and cerƟfy the HT cycles can be obtained. according to the current regulaƟons The two air temperature probes (Dry / Wet Bulb) can be used to measure the air temperature and humidity (required by some local regulaƟons).www. Control and CerƟficaƟon systems. This soluƟon is not available for Italian market and. sum to the features of the measuring and control soluƟon. Moreover WoodWizard2 accomplish to Italian HT regulaƟon requirements. . the version based on WoodWizard2 soŌware is required. the same soluƟon based on WoodWizard2 soŌware offers the capability to connect several kilns to the same SmartHT b asic (not desƟned to Italian market) The SmartHT system. which can be executed automaƟcally instead of or immediately aŌer the HT cycle. The soŌware is compaƟble both with the HT system and with most of the Kiln controllers from Logica H&S.25 - . without any need for the operator surveillance. This capability assures the maximum flexibility of the kiln. consists of: • SmartHT soŌware • USB485 converter • LG30 Data logging system • Wood/Air temperature probes By installing the SmartHT soŌware on a PC and connecƟng it to the LG30 data logger through the USB485 info@logica-hs. the soŌware is compaƟble also with Italian regulaƟon requirements. so performing very opƟmized HT cycles. Measuring. Delphi or M900 series controllers and a PC running dVIEW or WoodWizard2 soŌware. WoodWizard2 + LG30 In addiƟon to the SmartHT features. to connect several kilns to the same PC. as well as SmartHT basic. according to the temperature and Ɵme seƫng. SmartHT (not desƟned to Italian market) The system consists of the same elements of the SmartHT basic plus a relay output unit: • SmartHT soŌware • USB485 converter • LG30 Data logging system • Wood/Air temperature probes • LG29 Power Unit This configuraƟon transforms the control and cerƟficaƟon soluƟon in a system able to drive the kiln dryer automaƟcally .logica-hs. ). which consists of a pracƟcal high insulaƟon handle and a series of steel-turned electrodes with sharp pins and penetraƟon depth of 0. paper. Damaged or deteriorated cables cannot be repaired (a normal insulator cannot guarantee a sufficent insulaƟon) and must be immediately replaced. a spare part is available to replace only the damaged part. with single or double banana plugs terminaƟon. 40 or 60 mm.CODE: C001451 Length 25 mm .LogicaH&S .General Catalogue ACCESSORIES & SPARE PARTS PlasƟc handle for surface measures Accessory for pin type meters mod. The heavy mobile mass allows electrodes to be easily pushed into / pulled out from the tested material. made with high insulaƟon cables and connectors. leather) or for surface readings. LG43.CODE: C001452 Length 40 mm . They are available in three different lengths and can be used with electrodes hammer and feeler pin. Code: C001432 Timber moisture cables The cables for Ɵmber moisture measurement must be in perfect condiƟons. allows to make non-intrusive measurement on materials.26 - . shielded or unshielded. Length 60 mm . A longƟme use can be guaranteed simply by avoiding to Ɵghten electrodes-blocking nuts with too much force and by making driving holes when measuring very hard or very thick materials . LG43. which consists of a painted metal part with a high insulaƟon plasƟc head. suitable for moisture measurement in depth with LG43 instrument . which can be used to connect the feeler pin or hammer with the instrument LG43 and to guarantee opƟmal measures. suitable for readings on thin materials (veneers.CODE: C001450 Electrodes for surface measurement Stainless steel electrodes with a special conducƟve foam rubber. ConnecƟon cable for hammer / Feeler pin ConnecƟon cable. This handler can also be used with standard electrodes (25. Code:C 000102 Code:C000584 Electrodes for pin type moisture meter Stainless steel electrodes with a very sharp pin and insulaƟon varnishing. The head is necessarily made of high insulaƟon plasƟc material: for this reason. Metal hammer for deep readings Accessory for pin type meter mod. They are very suitable for the use on a feeler pin but can also be installed on an electrode hammer. We can supply silicon or Teflon® insulated cables. The absence of Ɵps. It is used for surface readings on veneers and other materials (not wood).5mm. length from 5 to 30m (mulƟple of 5m) . this part is more fragile than other parts of the hammer. Codie:C000282 Code:C000095 Spare hammer head In case of damage on the plasƟc secƟon of the hammer C000282. these test boxes can be used to verify the proper calibraƟon of the pin type Ɵmber moisture meters. They correspond exactly to the calibraƟons required by Logica H&S controllers. 15 mm . for the less recent Delphi (version < 5. Package Test Box for moisture meters calibraƟon.CODE: C001485 40 mm .CODE: C001484 25 mm .mulƟple of 5m). these plates offer an improved sensiƟvity to low EMC values and an higher reliability.www.logica-hs.5% 25°C Group 3) C000910 Test Box for resistance moisture meters (18. WARNING: the characterisƟcs of cellulose are compaƟble with Delphi and dTOUCH control systems only. suitable for Ɵmber moisture measuring. They correspond exactly to the calibraƟons required by Logica [email protected]% 25°C Group 3) 50 pieces . probes boxes and cables inside the kiln must always be in perfect state: dust or damage may affect electrical insulaƟon and may cause erroneous Probe box To assure the best performances of the control system. Banana plugs Connectors made of nickel-plated brass. C001578 Test Box for resistance moisture meters (11.5% 25°C Group 3) C000911 Test Box for resistance moisture meters (32. Compared to the tradiƟonal version. with rubber insulaƟon. with 3 or 6 connectors for probe cables or with direct output of 2 or 4 probe cables. we can also supply boxes provided with temperature probe (NTC) and cellulose clamp. 4 mm diameter. thanks to the printed contact strips. suitable for in-kiln high temperatures.CODE: C001486 Code C001486 Cellulose plates Cellulose plates for the equilibrium moisture measurement inside the chamber. WARNING: the characterisƟcs of cellulose are different for every producer. AISI304 Stainless Steel plugs. As spare parts. suitable for high temperature into the kiln. They can be supplied as spare parts for Ɵmber probe cables. Panels are provided with high insulaƟon cable (Teflon®) for the connecƟon to the amplifier (available length: from 5 to 30m .1) a firmware upgrade is recommended.CODE: C001597 Package 100 pieces .27 - . Package 50 pieces . They can be supplied as spare parts for Ɵmber probe cables.CODE: C000499 High performance cellulose plates Cellulose plates for the equilibrium moisture measurement inside the chamber. with rubber insulaƟon. Connected instead of the electrodes. Electrodes for moisture measurement AISI304 Series of AISI304 stainless steel electrodes with d=4 mm hole for banana plugs. it is strongly recommended to use original spare parts only. These electrode can be easily placed/removed using a standard screwdriver thanks to their threaded Ɵp. Code C000143 Banana plugs AISI304 Heavy duty.CODE: C000498 Package 100 pieces .CODE: C001598 . 4 mm diameter. which has to be properly compacted. a replacement card (new or refurbished) while the customer sends us back the damaged one.leng. we also offer to our customers a technical assistance service which is able to repair (and not only to replace!) electronic boards.General Catalogue SPF Probe It is an accessory for resistance meters. it must be inserted deeply into the material to be measured.Ø12mm AddiƟonal spare parts Of course we can supply spare parts for all the instruments produced by Logica H&S. to assure a very short dead Ɵme in all over the world. useful to esƟmate the moisture content of sawdust or wood shavings. Note .28 - . In case of emergency. About boards. assuring very compeƟƟve servicing costs (oŌen assistance is free!). in accordance with customers. from the single screw to the most upgraded electronic board. C001909 SPF probe . we can supply. Connected instead of the electrode holders. 60cm .LogicaH&S .
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