General Instructions (BEI)

March 29, 2018 | Author: jeffrey flores | Category: Polling Place, Voting, Ballot, Elections, Voter Registration



BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORSBEI COMPOSITION ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS taken from a list submitted by the highest Department of Education Official within city/municipality/school district. Preference to teachers: with permanent appointment who served in the 2007 national and local elections When NOT POSSIBLE: private school teachers, civil service employees, or registered voters of known probity and competence may be appointed CHAIRMAN (must be a public school teacher) one (1) member of the BEI shall be an information technology-capable person as certified by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Election officer appoints the BEI members. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 1 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS 1. OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER and IRREPROACHABLE REPUTATION. 2. REGISTERED VOTER of the city or municipality. 3. NEVER BEEN CONVICTED of any election offense or any other crime punishable by more than six (6) months of imprisonment. 4. Has NO PENDING CASE against him filed in COMELEC/court for any election offense; and 5. Able to SPEAK, READ and WRITE English or the local dialect MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 2 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Relationship within fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity by: BEI members to candidates BEI members among themselves Spouses of BEI members to candidates MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 3 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS 2nd Degree Grand Parent(s) 3rd Degree 1st Degree Parent(s) 1st Degree 1st Degree 2nd Degree Uncle(s) Aunt(s) Brother/Sister 2nd Degree 4th Degree First Cousin BEI member Get the nearest common ancestor 4 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Disqualified BEI member shall immediately notify election officer in writing stating the reason for disqualification. EO immediately appoints substitute based on reserve list of teachers recommended by DepEd. FAILURE TO NOTIFY IS AN ELECTION OFFENSE ! ! ! MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 5 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS If at the time of the meeting of the board, any member is ABSENT or a VACANCY existsmembers present shall call upon the SUBSTITUTE from the roll of substitutes listed by the DepEd to perform the duties of absent member. If none is available, the members present shall appoint any NON-PARTISAN REGISTERED VOTER of the precinct not otherwise disqualified, to temporarily fill up said vacancy until the absent member appears or the vacancy is filled. In case there are only two members present, they shall act jointly. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 6 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Member/s of BEI present may ORDER ARREST of absent member when the member absented himself with the intention of obstructing performance of duties of BEI. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 7 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS BEI members shall: Accomplish the OATH OFFICE (A30) in three copies OF (3) AFFIX THEIR SIGNATURES and IMPRINTS of their right thumbs on the OATH of Office before the Election Officer prior to their assumption of office as BEI members. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 8 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS COPIES OF THE APPOINTMENT AND OATH (A30/A31) shall be distributed as follows: 1. FIRST COPY – retained by EO for his file. 2. SECOND COPY – retained by EO to be attached to the payroll for payment of honorarium of BEI. 3. THIRD COPY – issued to the chairman and members of BEI. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 9 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Board shall enter/record in the MINUTES OF VOTING AND COUNTING OF VOTES (A11): 1. ACT or REQUIRED DATA as they occur or become available during VOTING, COUNTING, CONSOLIDATING, and TRANSMISSION of votes. 2. Copies of Minutes in sealed envelopes distributed as follows: FIRST COPY, to the Election Officer, who shall transmit it to the ERSD in Manila; and SECOND COPY, to be deposited inside the ballot box for valid ballots. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 10 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS appointed/designated by the election officer  appointed by BEI in case of absence on election day registered voters in the precinct/clustered precinct where they are assigned cannot participate in the deliberations of the BEI, nor vote in any issue or question before the BEI number depends on the clustered precincts as follows: NO. PRECINCTS IN A CLUSTER NO. OF SUPPORT STAFF 1 to 2 3 4 5, 6 and 7 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 0 1 2 3 11 No. of Clustered Precincts No. of DepEd Supervisor No. of Support Staff 1- 10 1 1 11-20 2 2 21-30 3 3 and so on BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS 1. Conduct the VOTING in the polling place. 2. Administer the ELECTRONIC COUNTING of votes. 3. Print the ELECTION RETURNS, and 4. TRANSMIT VOTES electronically through the PCOS, the election results to the:    City/Municipal Board of Canvassers; Dominant majority party, dominant minority party, accredited citizens arm; and Central Server 13 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS Congress COMELEC National Board of Canvassers Physical transport Prov. COC and SOVP COMELEC CENTRAL SERVER Provincial Board of Canvassers Physical transport Mun./City COC and SOVP Municipal/City Board of Canvassers Physical transport Election Returns Precinct BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS 5. ACT AS DEPUTIES of the Commission in the conduct of the elections; 6. MAINTAIN ORDER within the polling place and its premises; 7. ENFORCE OBEDIENCE to its lawful order and PROHIBIT the use of camera and cellular phone with camera by the voters. 8. Perform such OTHER FUNCTIONS prescribed by the law or by the rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 15 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Board meeting shall be PUBLIC and held in the POLLING PLACE designated by the Commission. Board acts through the chairman and shall decide by MAJORITY VOTE, without delay. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 16 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Avail of Local Absentee Voting privilege when not registered in the precinct where they are assigned. The voter can only vote for National and Local Elections up to Party-List Representatives Vote in their precinct provided their absence is less than 20 minutes. Only one member may leave at any one time. 17 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS BEI members shall not: Engage in any PARTISAN POLITICAL ACTIVITY; or TAKE PART IN THE ELECTION, except to discharge their duties and to vote MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 18 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS BEI Chairman and MEMBERS Honoraria of THREE THOUSAND PESOS (P 3,000.00) per member. FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P 500.00) per member for the inspection, verification and sealing of book of voters. FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P 500.00) per member for the testing and sealing of machines. THREE HUNDRED PESOS (P 300.00) per member as one-time transportation allowance. SERVICE CREDITS for 3 DAYS of service (May 9, 10, 11, 2010) MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 19 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Public Schools Teachers, Principals or Supervisors as SUPERVISORS for Ten Clustered Precincts or Fraction thereof. Honoraria of THREE THOUSAND PESOS (P 3,000.00) per person. SERVICE CREDITS for 3 DAYS of service (May 9, 10, 11, 2010) Support Staff Honoraria of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P1,500.00) per person. SERVICE CREDITS for 3 DAYS of service (May 9, 10, 11, 2010) MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 20 BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Other Benefits: The Comelec shall allocate the amount of THIRTY MILLION PESOS (P 30,000.00) for election-related death or injuries that may be sustained by DepEd employees in the performance of election duties. Provided that in case of death while in the performance of election duties, the heirs of the deceased official/employee shall be given the amount of TWO HUNDRED PESOS (P 200,000.00) Support Staff Honoraria of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 21 Who are entitled to TWO WATCHERS in every polling place? WATCHERS 1. Each INDEPENDENT candidate. 2. REGISTERED political party or coalition of political parties duly registered with the Commission fielding candidates in the election. 3. Duly ACCREDITED CITIZEN’S ARM. The two watchers shall serve alternately, in every polling place. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 22 Candidates for Senator, Board member and Councilors of same ticket/ slate shall COLLECTIVELY be entitled to ONE WATCHER. WATCHERS If, BECAUSE OF LIMITED SPACE, all watchers cannot be accommodated in the polling place, preference shall be given to the watchers of:    the dominant majority party dominant minority party citizen’s arm. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 23 Other civil, professional, business, service, youth and any other similar organizations shall be entitled to collectively appoint ONE WATCHER in every polling place, upon prior authority of the Commission. WATCHERS MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 24 1. REGISTERED VOTER of the city or municipality comprising the precinct where he is assigned. WATCHERS 2. Of GOOD REPUTATION. 3. Has not been CONVICTED BY FINAL JUDGMENT of any election offense or any crime. 4. Knows how to READ and WRITE Filipino, English or a local dialect. 5. Not related with FOURTH CIVIL DEGREE OF CONSANGUINITY OR AFFINITY to the BEIs in the polling place where he seeks appointment as watcher. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 25 NOT LATER THAN APRIL 25, 2010, independent candidates, registered parties, organizations or coalitions authorized by the Commission shall SUBMIT to the Election Officers concerned: names and signatures of their representatives authorized to appoint watchers in the city or municipality. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 26 WATCHERS 1. Deliver their appointments to BEI chairman upon entering the polling place. The chairman shall RECORD the names in the minutes with a notation under their signatures that watcher is not disqualified. WATCHERS 2. Not to speak to the BEI or a voter, or among themselves, which will disturb the proceedings of the BEI. 3. IF AVAILABE, affix their signatures and thumb marks in the ERs, in the case of watchers representing: Dominant majority party Dominant minority party Citizen’s arm MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 27 1. WITNESS and INFORM themselves of the proceedings of the BEI. WATCHERS 2. TAKE NOTE of what they may see or hear. 3. TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS of the : proceedings and incidents, if any, during the voting and counting of votes generated election returns ballot boxes NOTE: CANNOT take photographs of ballots in possession of voters. 28 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS File a protest against any irregularity or violation of law which they believe may have been committed by: the BEI any BEI member or any person Obtain from the BEI a certificate as to the filing of such protest and the resolution thereof WATCHERS MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 29 ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES BEIs shall get the forms, documents and supplies early in the morning of election day. EXCEPT IN CASE OF EARLY DELIVERY as authorized by COMELEC City/Municipal Treasurers shall distribute the specific forms, documents and supplies per precinct/ clustered precincts. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 30 ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES A. FROM CITY/MUNICIPAL TREASURER CEF NO. FORMS AND SUPPLIES RATE OF DISTRIBUTION     ELECTION FORMS Poster Indicating the clustered precincts’ number Official Ballots Minutes of Voting and Counting of Votes Paper seals 1 1 1 75 Piece 1 pc. per voter Set of 2 copies   A3 A6 A11 A12       Pieces MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 31 ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES A14 A27 Certificate of Receipt of Official Ballots, Other Forms and Supplies by BEI Official Receipt of Election Returns 3 Pieces 60 Pieces 3 Pieces ENVELOPES FOR VOTING AND COUNTING A15 For Rejected, Half of torn Unused Official Ballots, Other Half of Torn Unused Official Ballots A17 For Election Returns OTHER ENVELOPES A18 A18-A A19 For Minutes of Voting and Counting of Votes For Back-up Memory Card, Initialization Report, Audit Log, and Precinct Statistical Report For Key of Ballot Box 30 Pieces 1 Set of 2 Piece 5 Pieces 3 Pieces MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 32 ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES OTHER FORMS Temporary Appointment of Chairman/Poll Clerk/ Third A30/A31 A35 A39 A40 SUPPLIES Member/ Support Staff Certificate of Challengers or Protest and Decision of the BEI Oath of Voter Challenge for Illegal Acts Oath of Identification of Challenged Voter 10 10 10 10 Pieces Pieces Pieces Pieces Seal Locking Security Seal for Printer Cover and Memory Card 2 Ports Bond Paper (long) 30 Ballot Secrecy Folder 20 Thumbprint Taker 2 Pieces Pieces Pieces Pcs. Per Precinct in a cluster Piece Bottles Per Precinct in a cluster Pcs. Per Precinct in a cluster Serially Numbered Fixed Length Seal for Ballot Box Indelible Stain Ink 1 2 Instruction to Voters 1 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 33 ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Ballot Box Marking pens Ballpen Padlocks with Keys 1 Piece 1 or 2 6 Pieces 3 Pieces MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 34 ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES B. FROM THE ELECTION OFFICER 1. BOOK OF VOTERS 2. One PCVL and Supplemental PCVL, if any shall be posted outside the polling place 3. Two (2) copies of ELECTION DAY COMPUTERIZED VOTERS LIST (EDCVL), (List of Voters with Voting Record) with supplemental EDCVL, if any 4. Copies of APPOINTMENT and OATH of Office of the BEI and Support (A5 and A5-A) 35 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES 5. BOOK OF VOTERS should be DULY SEALED. 6. PCVL and EDCVL should all be DULY CERTIFIED by the Election Registration Board. The poll clerk, third member and the support staff, shall HAVE CUSTODY of the Book of Voters and one (1) copy of the EDCVL MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 36 ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES DUTIES OF THE BEI UPON RECEIPT OF THE FORMS AND SUPPLIES 1. CHECK the different election forms, documents and supplies as to quantity and quality received. 2. PLACE the official ballots in a corrugated box provided by the Commission 3. SIGN a Certificate of Receipt (A14) in three copies. 4. DELIVER the original copy to the City/ Municipal Treasure. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 37 ELECTION FORMS AND SUPPLIES Temporary Appointment of Chairman/poll Clerk/ Member (Annex “A”) Certificate of Challenge or Protest and Decision of the BEI (Annex “B”) Oath of Voters Challenged for Illegal Acts (Annex “C”) Oath to Identify A Challenged Voter (Annex “D”) MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 38 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING Date of Election M A Y 2 0 1 0 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 9 16 23 30 3 4 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 10 17 24 31 11 18 25 39 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Voting after 6:00 pm allowed: if there are voters within 30 meters in front of polling place who have not yet cast their votes The poll clerk shall, without delay, prepare a COMPLETE LIST CONTAINING VOTERS’ NAMES consecutively listed voter listed who is not present when called (3) times shall not be allowed to vote List of Voters shall be submitted to EO. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 40 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING Voters shall cast their votes in the POLLING PLACE DESIGNATED by the Commission. The poster Indicating Precinct Number (A3) shall be prominently posted near or at the door of the polling place. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 41 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING REGISTERED VOTERS: a. whose names appear in the:  EDCVL (Election day Computerized Voters List); Supplemental PCVL, if any  PCVL (Posted/ Precincts Computerized Voters List); Supplemental PCVL, if any b. whose voters registration records (VRR) are found in the book of voters. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 42 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING Any voter or watcher may challenge any person offering to vote for: Not being REGISTERED. Using the NAME OF ANOTHER. Suffering from an EXISTING DISQUALIFICATION. Upon receipt of challenge, BEI shall require challenged voter to present proof of: Registration Identity Qualification as voter MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 43 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING BEI SHALL IDENTIFY the voter, in the VRR or EDCVL, through his/her: photograph or fingerprint or specimen signatures In the absence of the above-mentioned proof of identity: any BEI member may identify under OATH of a voter and such act shall be reflected in the Minutes. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 44 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING A VOTER or WATCHER may challenge any person offering to vote on the ground that he: 1. Received or expects to receive, paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, offered or promised to CONTRIBUTE MONEY or ANYTHING OF VALUE as consideration for his vote or for the vote of another; or 2. Made or received a promise to INFLUENCE THE GIVING OR WITHHOLDING of any such vote; or 3. Made a BET or is interested directly or indirectly in a bet that depends upon the results of the election. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 45 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING To be able to vote, challenged voter shall TAKE AN OATH before the BEI that he has not committed any of the acts alleged in the challenge. If voter REFUSES to take an oath, the challenge shall be sustained and the voter shall not be allowed to vote. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 46 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING BEI shall record in the Minutes: All CHALLENGES and OATHS taken in connection therewith. DECISION of BEI in each case MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 47 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING 1. Voters shall vote in the ORDER OF THEIR ARRIVAL in the polling place. 2. No watcher shall ENTER THE PLACE RESERVED for the voters and the BEI, nor MINGLE AND TALK with the voters. 3. Persons CARRYING FIREARMS OR DEADLY WEAPONS shall not enter the polling place, except those expressly authorized by the Commission. 4. There shall be NO CROWDING OF VOTERS and DISORDERLY BEHAVIOR inside the polling place. 5. The ballot box shall REMAIN LOCKED during voting. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 48 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING 1. Members of the BEI and SUPPORT STAFF. 2. Watchers who shall stay only in the SPACE RESERVED for them. 3. REPRESENTATIVES of the Commission. 4. TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF assigned in the voting center duly designated by the Commission. 5. Voters CASTING their votes. 6. Voters WAITING TO CAST their votes. 7. OTHER persons who may be specifically authorized by the Commission. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 49 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING 1. Officers or Members of the AFP. 2. Officers or Members of the PNP. 3. PEACE OFFICERS or ARMED or UNARMED PERSONS belong to an extralegal police agency, special forces, strike forces, or civilian armed forces geographical units. 4. BARANGAY TANODS or member of barangay self-defense units. 5. Members of Barangay self-defense units, agencies, bureaus, offices or government-owned or controlled corporations. 6. Members of privately-owned SECURITY AGENCY. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 50 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING The Board, BY MAJORITY VOTE, order the detail of policemen or peace officers for: 1.PROTECTION of the BEI’s and the PCOS Machine. 2.PROTECTION of election documents and paraphernalia. 3.Maintenance of PEACE AND ORDER. Note: They must be in proper uniform and shall stay outside near enough to be easily called by the board. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 51 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING 1. BRING the ballot, secrecy folder and pencil outside of the polling place. 2. SPEAK with another voter or watcher. 3. PREPARE his ballot without using the secrecy folder or EXHIBIT its contents. 4. FILL his ballot accompanied by another, except illiterate or disabled person. 5. ERASE any printing from the ballot ,or PUT any distinguishing mark thereon. 6. USE MEANS of making a copy of the contents of the ballot, or OTHER SCHEME to identify his vote, including the use of digital cameras, cellular phones or similar gadgets 7. INTENTIONALLY TEAR or DEFACE the ballot 8. DISRUPT the normal operation of the PCOS. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 52 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING Assistance in the Preparation of Ballot A voter is not allowed to vote as illiterate or disable UNLESS SUCH FACT IS INDICATED in the EDCVL or VRR or when HIS DISABILITY IS APPARENT. The ASSISTOR shall prepare the ballot in the presence of the illiterate or disabled person. The assistor shall bind himself in writing and under oath to FILL THE BALLOT STRICTLY in accordance with the instructions of the voter and NOT TO REVEAL THE CONTENTS thereof, by affixing the signature in the appropriate space in the Minutes. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 53 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING Assistance in Using the PCOS A person who is UNABLE TO FEED HIS BALLOT into the PCOS may be assisted by a member of the Board. The assistor shall ensure that the contents of the ballot are NOT DISPLAYED DURING THE FEEDING of the same into the PCOS. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 54 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING In both cases, the poll clerk shall: First VERIFY from the illiterate or disabled person whether he had authorized the assistor to help him to cast his vote The Assistor can ONLY ASSIST THREE (3) Illiterate or disabled voters, except the member of the BEI. Assistor must be of legal age and: a relative within the FOURTH CIVIL DEGREE of consanguinity or affinity; any PERSON OF HIS CONFIDENCE who belongs to the same household; or a MEMBER of the BEI. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 55 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING WHEN FEASIBLE, All polling places of the precincts where there are persons with disability/disabled voters shall be located at the ground floor of the voting centers. For this purpose, the Election Officer shall coordinate with the proper school or building officials. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 56 DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF VOTING During voting, no member of the BEI shall make ANY ANNOUCEMENT as to: Whether a certain registered voter has already voted or not As to how many have already voted As to how many so far have failed to vote Any other fact tending to show or showing the state of the polls Any statement at any time, except as witness before a court or body as to how many persons voted MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 57 1. The voter will LOOK FOR HIS NAME in the PCVL posted near the door of the voting center and DETERMINE HIS PRECINCT NUMBER and SEQUENCE NUMBER. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 58 2. The voter will APPROAC H THE BEI OR THE SUPPORT STAFF OR INCHARGE OF THE PRECINC T. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 59 3. The voter will GIVE HIS SEQUENCE NUMBER IN THE PCVL, NAME AND ADDRESS and other data concerning his person. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 60 4. The BEI or the support staff shall VERIFY IF THE NAME OF THE VOTER IS IN THE EDCVL. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 61 5. If the name of the voter is in the EDCVL, his identity shall then established through the following: be His PHOTOGRAPH in the EDCVL; or His SPECIMEN SIGNATURES in the Voters Registration Record (VRR); or ANY DOCUMENT which may establish his identity except barangay certificate or community tax certificate. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 62 6. In the absence of proof of identity, a MEMBER OF THE BEI or a REGISTERED VOTER of the precinct/cluster precinct may identify under oath a voter, and such act shall be reflected in the Minutes. 7. If the BEI or support staff is satisfied with his identity, the name of the voter shall be DISTINCTLY ANNOUNCED in a tone loud enough to be heard throughout the polling place. 8. OTHERWISE, the voter shall be directed to LEAVE the polling place after informing him the reason thereof. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 63 9. If the voter is not challenged, or having been challenged, the QUESTION HAS BEEN DECIDED IN HIS FAVOR, the voter shall be directed to the chairman of the BEI. 10. Before giving the ballot to the voter, the chairman of the BEI shall CHECK IF ANYY OF THE FINGERNAILS of the voter has already been stained with indelible ink. 11. If stained, it shall be a CONCLUSIVE PRESUMPTION THAT HE HAS CAST HIS VOTE. As such, the voter shall be directed to leave the polling place after informing him the reason thereof MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 64 12. This FACT, INCLUDING THE NAME and PRECINCT of the voter, shall be recorded by the Poll Clerk in the Minutes . 13. After verifying that no fingernail has been stained, the voter shall AFFIX HIS SIGNATURE in the EDCVL; 14. The Chairman shall AUTHENTICATE THE BALLOT BY AFFIXING HIS SIGNATURE at the designated space at the front thereof. The failure to authenticate a ballot shall NOT INVALIDATE THE BALLOT but shall constitute an ELECTION OFFENSE. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 65 14. Instruct the voter on HOW TO FILL-UP THE BALLOT PROPERLY. 15. Insert the ballot in the secrecy folder in such a MANNER THAT ITS FACE IS COVERED, except the portion where his signature in the ballot appears, and give the ballot to the voter. ONLY THE CHAIRMAN shall issue the official ballots, and NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) BALLOT shall be issued at one time. 16.Require the voter to AFFIX HIS SIGNATURE on the proper space in the EDCVL. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 66 VOTING shall be conducted in the following manner: 1. The voter shall FILL HIS BALLOT BY FULLY SHADING THE OVAL besides the names of the candidates of his choice, using the secrecy folder and marking pen. 2.The voter shall then APPROACH THE PCOS, INSERT HIS BALLOT in the ballot entry slot and wait until the ballot is dropped into the ballot box. 3. The BEI shall MONITOR the PCOS screen to make sure that the ballot was successfully accepted. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 67 4. Thereafter, the voter SHALL RETURN the ballot secrecy folder and marking pen to the chairman. 5. The chairman shall APPLY INDELIBLE INK at the base and extending to the cuticle of the right forefinger nail of the voter, or any other nail if there be no forefinger nail. 6. The voter shall AFFIX HIS THUMBMARK on the corresponding space in the EDCVL. 7. The voter shall then LEAVE THE POLLING PLACE. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 68 VOTING HOURS: At least 10-50 people can vote at the same time 7AM-6PM 2 1 1. GET BALLOT 4 3 3. VOTE. GO TO PCO 4. GET INKED 2. GO TO VOTING AREA *vo ter p ers o nally f eed s the b allo t into the PCOS I. T. Cap ab le PC OS *check and verify if the ballot has the signature of the chairm an *stain the fingernail of the voter before he feeds the ballot into the PCOS posted PCVL on the wall of the polling center PCVL S u p p o rt Sta ff Ch a irma n P oll clerk/ Th ird me mbe r S up p o rt Sta ff Support Staff (crowd control) EXIT ENTRANCE Ballo ts ED CVL (o p tional) * verific ation, identification * authentication/distribution of ballots by the c hairman * signing/thumbmark by voters in the EDCVL 1. In the event of a rejected ballot, the voter shall be ALLOWED TO RE-INSERT THE BALLOT. 2. If the PCOS still rejects the ballot, the voter shall RETURN THE BALLOT TO THE CHAIRMAN, who shall DISTINCTLY MARK the back thereof as “REJECTED.” Require ALL MEMBERS OF THE BEI TO SIGN AT THE BACK THEREOF, and place inside the envelope (A15) and seal with a serially numbered paper seal. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 71 The Chairman, in the presence of BEI shall 1. RECORD in the Minutes the QUANTITY OF UNUSED BALLOTS. 2. TEAR the unused ballots in half LENGTHWISE. 3. PLACE ½ of UNUSED BALLOTS in the envelope (A15), and submit to the EO for safekeeping. 4. PLACE THE OTHER HALF in another envelope (A15), and deposit it inside the compartment of the ballot box for valid ballots. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 72 1. The CHAIRMAN shall: ANNOUNCE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES received by each candidate; and STATE THEIR CORRESPONDING OFFICES. 2. The POLL CLERK shall ANNOUNCE THE POSTING OF A COPY of the 2nd copy of the ER for national and local positions within the polling place. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 73 3. The CHAIRMAN shall: DETACH THE POSTED PRINTED COPY on the wall. Keep the copy in his custody to be produced upon request by any voter for: IMAGE or DATA CAPTURING or for ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE as may be ordered by competent authority. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 74 1. 22 COPIES OF ERs. 2. STATISTICAL REPORT. 3. AUDIT LOG REPORT The Statistical Report and Audit Log Report shall be placed in the envelope (A18A) where the Initialization Report was placed. The BEI shall NOT STOP or POSTPONE the counting until it has been completed, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 75 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 76 1. The BEI shall SIGN AND AFFIX THEIR THUMB MARKS in the ERs. 2. The BEI shall INVIDUALLY FOLD THE FIRST EIGHT (8) COPIES of ERs. 3. SEAL each of them with SERIALLY NUMBERED PAPER SEALS, place in the envelope (A17), and seal the envelopes. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 77 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 78 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 79 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 80 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 81 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 82 MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 83 1. After printing ALL REPORTS and TRANSMISSION OF PRECINCT RESULTS to all destinations, the PCOS shall automatically display the main menu. 2. The operator shall press the SHUTDOWN OPTION. b. The PCOS shall AUTOMATICALLY SHUTDOWN. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 84 After counting and announcement of results, the BEI shall perform the following: 1. PLACE INSIDE THE BALLOT BOX the sealed envelopes containing the following: Copy of Printed ER; Copy of the Minutes of Voting and Counting of Votes; Half of torn unused ballots; and Rejected Ballots. COMELEC COMELEC 2. CLOSE THE BALLOT BOX, lock it with the following: one (1) self-locking serially numbered fixed length seal; three (3) padlocks. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS COMELEC 85 3. The 3 KEYS OF THE PADLOCKS shall be placed in a separate envelopes, which shall be sealed and signed by all members of BEI. 4. TURN-OVER THE PCOS to the support technician in the voting center: 5. DELIVER THE BALLOT BOX, accompanied by watchers, to the city or municipal treasurer. The treasurer shall provide the necessary personnel and facilities to receive the ballot boxes and the expenses shall be shouldered by the city or municipality. If the delivered ballot box is not sealed, the treasurer shall lock it and shall include such fact in his report to the Comelec. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS CO ME LE C CO ME LE C CO ME LE C COMELEC 86 6. Deliver to the Election Officer the following COMELEC DOCUMENTS AND SUPPLIES: Book of Voters; EDCVL PCVL; Three (3) envelopes, each containing the key to a padlock of the ballot box The KEYS shall be delivered to the Provincial Election Supervisor, Provincial Prosecutor and Provincial Treasurer. ED CV L PC VL Envelope (A11) containing the copy of the Minutes intended for the Comelec; Envelope (A15) containing the other half of torn unused official ballots; MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 87 List of Voters allowed to vote, after 6:00 pm of May 10, 2010; Envelope containing the Back-up Memory card, Initialization Report, Precinct Audit Log Report and Precinct Statistics Report; Envelopes containing copies of ERs intended for PBOC, and Comelec; and Other papers and documents. MAY 10, 2010 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS 88 PRESERVATION OF THE LIST OF VOTERS The Election Officer shall keep the EDCVL and PCVL in a safe place until such time that the Commission gives instructions on their disposition. 89 90
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