General Chemistry 1 Grade 11 Book (Mine)

April 30, 2018 | Author: Estela Benegildo | Category: Particle, Matter, Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Science



GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1ESTELA B. BENEGILDO 2017 General Chemistry Subject Description: Composition, structure, and properties of matter; quantitative principles, kinetics, and energetics of transformations of matter; and fundamental concepts of organic chemistry QUARTER 1 Quarter 1 – General Chemistry 1 0. pure substances and mixtures b. Extensive and intensive properties microscopic view 3.0..1118.1. homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures 6. Ways of classifying matter a.4..2- espv=2&biw=1024&bih=494&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=matter+and+its+properties&oq=matter+and+its+prop erties&gs_l=img.1c.0. a representation or simulation of any of the following: reactions CHAPTER I MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES ..1108. Methods of separating mixtures into their component substances CONTENT STANDARD The learners demonstrate an understanding of the properties of matter and its various forms.1. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learners design using multimedia.335. gas behavior c. or models. demonstrations.4.usAh2agBnlo#imgrc=1P291CuKi3PI0M%3A 1. atomic structure b. Physical and chemical properties 4.44434.0. states of matter the particulate nature of matter 2.64. the macroscopic b. elements and compounds c.1.CONTENT Matter and its properties https://www..4. mass relationships in d. Atoms and molecules are all composed of https://www. Matter is the term for any type of material. learners will have to: At a minimum. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up q=matter+concept&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiky_- Learning Competency (STEM_GC11MP-Ia-b-1) Date:__________ At the end of the learning session. matter requires at least one subatomic particle. recognize that substances are made up of smaller particles What is Matter? Matter is the Stuff Around You Matter is everything around you. although . a helium atom).com/files/matter_intro.g. http://www. water. Scientists will probably discover more states as we continue to explore the Universe. gases. Microwaves. sugar). Heat.g. Even though matter can be found all over the Universe. Cat.chem4kids. Molecules (e. Computer Examples That Are Not Matter Not everything we can perceive consists of matter. The word "matter" is sometimes used to refer to a pure substance.2016) Examples of Matter Proton.. Scientists have always known about solids. Atoms (e. Each of those states is sometimes called a phase. Examples of things that aren't matter include: Photons (light). silicon dioxide). liquids. table salt. There are many other states of matter that exist in extreme environments.. The scientists who worked with the Bose-Einstein condensate received a Nobel Prize for their work in 1995. Thoughts. and one state called the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). We cover five states of matter on the site. . you will only find it in a few forms on Earth. Compounds (e..( Helmenstin. plasmas. Plasma was a new idea when it was identified by William Crookes in 1879. liquids.g.most matter consists of atoms. House. and gases.html You should know about solids. Tree. youtube. March 19.html . http://chemistry.chem4kids.D. 2016.htm 017 Andrew Rader v=mxh57wwJonI to watch the video about Alien Matter in the Solar System (NASA Video) References Matter Definition By Anne Marie here https://www.
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