GDCA Exam 2016.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: sawant_vyankat | Category: Technology, Computing, Business, Computing And Information Technology



vnffiiq w6mn q dur rrtrtrfir {ga (*.st.ql.Qrirs q.etel flffifi Qa,?q a ?o t ?otQ ftft vnffi fu dqr qElffiI dga wTTurq* (*.qE,\q.) rr6mn a s6qirfr TEFfitur arrcenq"T 11-ftstqrqr-dmrrrq1qdsrRrg{r (q|fiftF"+Trt l,rvp.nrAhasahal<ar. maharashtra. i4{Tl-$z tel grddr eGl fl€Cq q6.FR e Aq.r qqfr-fiI d-s-d (qi.€1.Fi.3iw q. qtC) sq{ dmila ffi vnwfr wil{"R e du-r wqFdnr +ea Gfr.*.t1l.3irs q.qtC) qRen E R€firft'FFrqt"r arcr+erTqr sqrolq-T t*.W.W.)qfiqlT {IqTdtf, tqt, dd, ilfrlfi, q-a-qiq, eI6Hfl'R, go1, etOqt, qTdTrt, Hittd, El-€q{, eftitn-dK, Elqt, srqleT, olsl-dfr, qIqT{ q iq5 e{fl-r daT fu-€q@T ffi, lq-CT BsF.itrfi, qE-f,Ri $etT qiffiR flfiim Ra,Rq q Ro t, 1fr.3ft.*.sirs q.qtgl qoqe qRsTr E rt$in-qrf,nqr 3lt. gq qqiqqq otqrTrfi-d-$ online qq-iftiq erd qh+n'uqro 3rr|fl. online qT-* qtrlr qr qfre)RTdl €-d rT-d-d 3rd. ftq-sT{d el.rerot;rort Applicaron qfuk*d qfreilPfiqi q. rd"rfirl q-k tqTqi. online 3Td qq-fl-{r nqn i.'d-or Hf,:?T User ID Passward qfrqlqT frsfiT qfrrE dtrn qt'q q-fiIi crf,;l s-o;I iqui elrqq{fi 3lTt. Roqq n-d "q rrfratqr qr{-fiqtqtffi am' erfi R. Re,?q q qo t, RoRQ GT*-Fetu-qffi qoenqq rqqrn rni.w.<u.l +irrn q-fiqiqTdrrcll j , d"T, Tlfrlf,, qdrliq, 3rdqEflR, 5oT',rqr, qTdltr, qhd, elwtg<, eftiq-qK, f,lqt, et.Ftdl, qq{-qn1, ilrTr q !9f{ ft. q'7.ry1.qqqT-qr" fr. qo/o?/?o(Qffi @, ffierTE Online 3rd Twql.ltT{d Online Applicaton qtdt website www.mahasahakar. maharashtra' ffi q,. 3Trt. q-frqli online qC ,lqlqrql E.{d fr. (o/oQ/lo{Q {lE{ R. qo/'?/Roqq Online er$ o-wqre6n Hf{R{ {q-rT gldll-dTT Website www.nrahasahakar. maharashtra. gq-erq q-o+ tuqra n-iftiT' gov d {T ffi eryfrC sl+@I qr virrs r-qd E-qqfurTr qT qfrHrpfiil it-q Tfr q-fre)q Eq+@T qfrerTdqT e-q-dT +€d li{ i. ?. .TRsn i*-{r+ {rd itr tttdtfi 6tet ots): qfrefffiil ur€i rqq qq q-fierT dGTffi si,iflTdl qsT Aflqi fres q-(T* mi-o. FTesN *-q T{T q{f,al nqT{ lr-frqqiryql frq qql' qfre{r s-( Tqg iq+dif, o\ ri-il+ qrcr a {d-di6 giet eie; :- atri qfrTs qa-rncT 3€q({rR qui € qt-fl1t $dRr oQ oE oC ot (o ?? qa +q {itrc,li qi-€TW sTRrnE[q dr({ x-*tdT 3rq{rqrii qrrT{ qqT{ €+drm. qa qL\ Rq ei ?x ?ig ?R RX r#qET dqphd q {q6 srTiq- qfrRrw qti ertt. i I q-f,-{r T'fu 3-..l=qri ertt. +. 31-€-iq1q'ffi6d qkf.{ei*T s'q-Gr s-{ur* \9) . 3-ft't [email protected]? u-..qq qq.Frq Fqrdar "-qT ffi:rn=rr qrs{d q-rqq =r---n-s fl-flI Tq@lq eq1ql erqdr qTqqqfi 3ilt.qfrM x..r "ftmtqd rmqr / qfrff-d..o\ rr.*ont* elsti qR * q wrurG q rJUIq"{ G'R iqqqqd qo roT sTq fld q1. \.fi.oi qTqTq-fr scqFqiqqTq-d qd . .6. qr €EllT{ {€}flT {Cq qtffi arftr*r-'qrqr 3Teffl eqlq qfrqTl'?fii qTq' qE' +ffi)tuft' 3Tttfgq.1 n-qrurq{ q rJurr'.i .qlqT nT{d-€ 3Trftffi.T*'l"t / qt=fi {€l+A sTftT ent I uraqqrnq_F{ q-{dqr qfrerTtrT ?) i) rfu {€|fr-q{ sl-qq 6-{=I E)rqrn q-*. Online erd rrmr''m rqreffi q) ei*qr s.. / srtt{d {lsritT : $)qruh*.l"* lrrrdq*n 2 {i( qrfr.^ qt5rfrr qfrHlrfi qrq-flqlq Mq-drqT q-fiitT{ 3T{cT qlftq - ftiqr - ql-qR {fiTft q qfrHrrfi lq.) qtrq q) n+q fi'q-qqq' q-frqti qe lrrroT i{.dq ilq F+H qfrerT'?fri kq|6 r1qufr qEilul-{f / .q€.rq-qt .q-frqta ne-q E'l. ervfrq' g.u+* q.q{€lq+ k{ifi ' q€'qq'ql' Aq'qq''{i'3-Srt ms' qT-fr' qr dlqrqi t *"t q-eqfi u. qdqTi'!r-.q=T e iltq{r qfus qr qflq{ sT+<n 3T{fe{RT - ffifi q) q'q.3io-s q.]{. eiq.-3Tzrfl Ffu srqq *GTR {fiTfi-qT 6q1ffiur {6sT-fr qReilrrT {Tdqrn fld-{f.11-q-{Str-{.si. Bnl"tsTiffiiru ? 4*+eTWtHTd {ff qilsT-fr €€Iiqta qRC!TH L\ q'q €-dT ['t *161 erc-Cqtrq ?) qq.deilT detd-s qrt-d qlq er U+rr i+**n $qtn s*r'i {*-@fs).q1q16 q{f.a' Ew.T{-q-qqiq-{ 3nfu s5611 1q-rft. qffus Eiq .qs. 1oq1 ql3rqeIRI) qr-q 3r*r@w) q-{dltR.**. q-sq} i Y) \) qfrqid q) *ec 3il{rerruT qTrrtdW!:-fr.e'"i. F1{ !-ff nqp erq"} ailqqTfi 3G' Online 3l-d 3$ ry6=' qffi q-ftqn Ontine 3il-mts (upload) *. qRr*r-:qii er&ifri' er1grq# 3G -*} lrrlurn qqkflm'.I.{i. er qTFffiT=qii ffis qlt-f. tT{ eiqd F*n vff rcnt t{rqrfr - qwqltqr|qqqH (rb size) erqrfr (Kb Size) q{dqT 3tq@RT qrqdr qTq ffi qqqq-{ (Kb Size) qrs #fr=u d=ii q " .q-i 3rTt qTqi TqqT ql-fr' onl i ne 3rd FlqTldT ertnq 5q6o61 qtf. 1 o7q o71' q 1 . Cttql q o qr*ffi etz crln-fro.. q. Principles & Management of Co-operation according to new syllabus. 3iu-s q. R \e ?/t. R) F. EqT 3rT*{ {T-{q ) q6lqe w1u.Cooperative Manaqement Those who are unable to exempt either in Paper I and/or Paper ll of old syllabus' will have to appear for Paper lV.fuFi _ fflri l.qq.oo-3({ r{un enuqrqru} ffi duqi-A'arfiq.qq.loxR\otR\) sqqqm o 3n*f-a Hr*a 3rqii {ae.d.Banking Paper Vl Both Paper I - Theory & Paper lV. \ool- sq{ {*F-q flq-dtTn fl61.d.Cooperative & other Laws Paper lV. qq ( e RqqtqT qfreTHI qz fr-aq{ rrfi. . tsc {isri - aTr€-{ 3{RrrflrT F w.tfl !-fli *IrdT +{d.3iu-s q.q1..Accounts Paper V. .q. q5Tql.History.q) q1.q:1-qT Grrq1i qi. Online Payment (Online Payment Qi-{uqld1ffiT qfu-ffiT qqiT ure.qtM €E-frq{ wf. {iqt.ioi-o r. ?.s.qi..qfrqt} frqq q / R / ? I 3ts@ts iqrflal fr.d-m - qRq q.s}.qq "r'*qrfr 3tc s'.qq qq.s1.History. fq. ? -q..rur fuqn. . PrinciPles & HistorY of Cooperation and Management of Co-oPeration Paper ll.11*. q-frqrTq1 q-0qrTq1 fr.ry. qfre{q$ q}rr1ffi q+i-d one{iq'tn fuqq!-i foqH \o -IoT lt-a fld 3I*I@RI ror fficr Q oo {F qrrmT +ff.oxR\-sJ 3rtftqrq wnr.ool- l. Exemptions according to Old Exemptions under new sYllabus Svllabus bv obtaining 50% marks Paper V Paper ll Paper lll."i"s q qfiq)qtq 3TEqr ql.ralT i) w e bs te q{ Bqd'el e-oq iu-qtd i-$-O sTelqT i ii) qd-qER !-dflsR ufrvr r1.-\r€rfi{+aq TirTurfi qidtdis.3i's q.zq qt .Cooperative Audit Paper lll Paper Vl. qi. ridftra srdilriqf yforq-{ 1q-ftqt+ Fdfl-ur a sTRFT ffiqiq' R-6) srg.enfufor'l g. R) erqiqtq-ilq q€ltdqm ursrcts q. qqT{ q'iq-dEl flTUir€C umql s-aan-qfa 3ildflT e]q-qflrTqT iniq-il{ S-ot qrfr qprq-a trqT Filiq 3iinq {-frf. 3tT{r qflT qT 3rq qTfr qd -Tfreilrfi-ff rt{ qrfr. Online efd'Wfi1-qf ." qfrqii qN-r6 61ua w ) ri$Jz 3Tfs r) q1.aifurqra tiO. qrq. E]fu'r dqtqdq. Enrail SNIS Ht qiTq qr].3ffilzq 3ilfrT frqq m. 3Tq@Ti qfrm'?fi-fr rg.lT qflT.qq.f{ qfrmrfi-ff qfl t cl-{ qwru fraild qqfr 4-"r€r 6{rqi' ffi iH{.€t.." qfiq}i . ttffurrr* : ssri elqr-qr qtHrfiqT 'csEsTt TdFrqh qtqti *t€nqq rclquqo. STeTRI erql (G-f..r qqflq-sT C.'' qfiqii qliqTrrfi-rT "q6-sTfr TdL"it q{€Iqq felqq.'s.i"s q. qFnrrsfiffi rrdr+ : qi ffid $-fm-q o'line 3rd qw-qml TqqT EeraT q[qi. iur eTst-mT {Tfl Ktr@T !-fq{dRt. n-d-q il-sq. q:lalqdRt-gl qfll' fim$tg' {tc (3r-qen-s) qrqr dq{hfl qfrerTefi-fi tq-qfr qTq il i 3Trclr{s 3tT6. qfrqtqT {-dT frqqd-s1qR d]f. Email rD.Jorq-{fi inqrd +|o il d.rt-d s}*ilrfr q-*q-wnr* elsl-s-$ efffi ffiqrqRqTfr..-flEn' frfirf.e1'3irls *"€.*r Xnp-flfi i"q-d +q-d'{\'3iw (')" Tqruu{ 3rTftT "q1. fu@T qfl1-a{ fr*. qEi rqqT Tt< qrqi' q-f. qloq-6"qo1-1 qrfi.q1. ffi 31Td * ***-o ffq]Irs n-4T id-€T ssfiuiq.s1.ql !@lqtd gj-qT 3Tqffid q'fl]-q{ ffi q-d qqlq 6l"N Td.qq.-rot qr q-RuttTJ q-freiT?fi q-trqtsd ftMt zqw{ 3Tqr{ dtfl q Fdr Crq 3Ten ftTqtdT qn ato.qteii lTIIupH enfoi .rdt Ri+ ur3nafi Websire q-oq qfrendT+ srerrdrs (Download) ?) 3Tqid triE qlffi id. . qfrqli qd €-6r fuqq *q5.3iu-s q. qtqritft{' qm qfr-{T=if.-{o\s q.31q. qrore.) qfreli Rtrf 3ilt1-€ff User ID d Pass*'arcl ?T AFR q.!fuq q-qw-qn qF6-qr4T q{d.f. qfrqNd .i4T tf3?{ qulT{ qTd-d roiq} F-a: ts-q qd.S.imar qrffi {iwrfl-fl {iwinT m_d qrr|rq{ 4i'Ifld q{f.qq. ErIq qflrd q(fl Hf6. x.e. qrd{ sT@Ft6q qi{qilPfi-ff e]-qT Fffi|drql #s-E{ **.qi.'d dcfs-E{ q€-f.tq *rqrardrf.Tqqq6 3il6.1. qr.. i qRqrTrfi E-n: fTs'l.qq. qfrqli €-d dt{ n* u-*"t olon-qr qfiqtTqT-rT "s6ffi TdFflfuT ql q1. fuqq 5.fqfq .{ qteli q-dfulqra tica. ereiqc r5 i.$.3iw (.i ot Ynq-*1q q-6-q'R q A€.F.r. olzlEl. rtflTta E) Ontine {q-# sqTs. frqq t fuEq m'qstjot eton-qt +. €6q-T'lr qRn qq flqidqT(1^qfi qd c. q-nrflC q-{q{fl. e1_d q-RlTq-d qt€fi fr-fiffi qIR q fl@RI er-€ {dlurR et*ffufff al€@d qF{.ffi y|grq* (downtoact) q.qq lrr ffirurt[frffi ''S. qflIlE{rq.oo d q.oo ) qfuq. 3i's g.t.oo fr-ffifleqeio-s*R-cqrqlqz]q 5ffi Qo/o\/Qo\q orTF si. wrq q.oo A q. q€qT-fr {€n.R" qneitt tqqifr Et-6tq-rcF : *6 fuqq ti{sq ffiqiq.oo 1. gfrtati {o.oo fi {.o'ofrq.sriqwrq gffi Qo/o\/Qo(l q dffift-<iqtrsiu-s er<iqiq q-ST-dt \o. qY€ e dt-n =fr. ffi VSTdt {o.6rhTrr {isr?l-zfq ( ITIN J" R.s}. 3qkiEq".q.oo fr {.g"r- q' .$. lq / oV loRR q-q. FftqIT q qRrqToD.3{q. &Rqq sio-s qi-qdz g{ e.oo l3/oW?ols Y ffi.oo Rzlo\/Rol( q {Miz ?c/o\/Qola ? 3ffiIzq Wntt.oo fr (.oo R3/o\/Rola f. qtls'. q.qfrfrrs . 3r+1-d. t"Tflnr+-H rT4{.- 3IdqfiIR rqFilr F 3ql{qqs'. iq€ \Z s I x . o I X o. . gffi 6 . tr-. E-€-eIT. 3l6-c.frTdrqlw.rdtc.rlm.'rr. riefl . {Try-d] F.R QQR E ? i F. qq.. i il-c r 3qirtitr6.. qilmft1Ti€n.oQ3+-?E??3?3 (o {i{srq aio rqRT R- (i qq fln-q{T qeeircqq-a.. I lql-R ? Yl xq S-qrl fu . qarriq q'E-dFr-{ o( x ' ffi. ereql g'c+ff m'.. x l. 3.? ? i I oQs drq{ reiqwnRiq | $br{rm.. 3Tp{Ed qiq qq l{l]l5 E-rT{ qilmrt v<r.krRT qFl 3Tqnnail qTl-. 3rdq({rR gt+* i"61 q'"e-+fr Fd . !-4-{.Roc-s-{a. gt++1 *.Rqsqqqq | fq-€rB!ffitrfr.y q q oo q (+qrlF. qdrrie.anrel5 E\E? ei{ln-dT-q. q-dmr qrdT..x q y ooq m".ifr gqtrd.ti-?Q\io33u Ttr-€r3qHqqcF. gt ilq-q-d ili{m 3tafr m. qw* m.. ermrflqrfr+fi. g6-fl{ s"eIT.rqla-r. qilfl-tl {i€rT. {Isil qilqtR rqeglrl.zl. 6rz€ S-ffioEr qqR. qGrR R. I trg. q'6-m1-{f VPn. {rils-R e-W. qqeT. ATuT.l. arq rqt. l-nmr-{ ? rtq=fflI. vn-gl v#o. ddqqdr. qwr+dt itrm.olx(-Rxqooqq rs-€f 3qf{. . gqrlf..uQ-Q\oqZt -6- ? \e ? o o rg R I .{T m-. o??z?-? ffidm. ftT{RTqEeT.q vga.o?o-?qq???i\ qqTT rrTrsEilq Eqno. W-a+1 q-Ofu-amq a1qs.? y \ qrqieqqtiT.\ ooR irafr m'. srcrqd ' . q"€-sT-{i{ierT.FrrflrTt. rrr1{... qtmFl 3rqe sctc lrs. crqr d\(3i fo-E{arm sffi.. qintTql. Ffrci"T q-++..iyTTf. itTsrqtflT.Wl qq. I lrs. ? {rzqT.{iTtq l1g.FFI$qR.qfr&n iifiT+ il?r ihr Er {+iltn fiier q*eld ffi nqiffi {{PTr. (i\: 3TR-lTtqK {Gd. ffir+rfi sTqiwt zrrqrl. qf. qq fsT6{l vrot vgn. isnl sis-{Ts. t li. cvic-o t--{Tq. gts. q-rFni Yll-{q-q.r qrdrs{. :n-qvt sTa-S. oisl?-?\\RQ(E . q-ilfl{i {ien. q{T{ ila T\4{T6 oe?. 6q{ fr'. gu). qs.? I ? 3 s I 3 q ------^-..{qqT. qttrs-slq Eqlla. qhrT Erq-f.R Q ? R rg x 3 rftq wTw-siq gqiro. o Q ??-R ffis . Tq* (i). gt+frm. and there will be no other mode for submitting the application. the year 2015 the applicants will have to submit application for the above exam ONLINE only. Latur. Satara. Kolhapur. Online Applications to be submitted online Online Applications Module will be made available on website From 10/02/2016 to 10/03/2016 www.maharashtra. Aurangabad. Latur.maha rashtra. Examination Centers Ahmednagar. 29th Mav and 30 Mav 2016. 3. Solapur.Govt. Diploma in Cooperation & Accountancv (GDC&A) Examination and Certificate in Coop.Mumbai. Diploma in Cooperation & Accountancy (GDC&A) Examination and 28 May. Nasik. Govt. 29 May and 30 May 2016 Certificate in Coop. Registrar Coop. Satara. Housing Management (CHM) Examination is scheduled to be held on 28 May. Akola. Kolhapur. Nagpur & Chandrapur. those candidates who had previously appeared but had not successfully passed the examination can apply for the examination. Jalgaon. Ahmednagar. Solapur. Societies at the following 16 locations . 2. Diploma in Cooperation & Accountancy (GDC&A) Examination and Certificate in Coop. 1. lmportant Dates Date of the Govt. Housinq Manaqement (CHM) Examination scheduled on 28th Mav. (Please refer to Appendix for Examination Center Address & Contact No.). Pune. Aurangabad. The website www. Govt. Sangli. Housing Management (CHM) Examination Mumbai. will carry detailed guidelines for submitting online applicattons. Thane. Nasik. Please note that no change in center will be permissible once the online application has been submitted.mahasahakar. The online applications for the above examination will be accepted 10102120161o 1010312016. from until the examination results are finally declared. 29 May and 30 May 2016 The examination will be held by the GDC&A Board under the supervision of the respective Dist. Sangli. as welt as. Diploma in Cooperation & Accountancv Board (GDC& A Board) Notification reg. Nagpur & Chandrapur. -7- . Pune. Fresh candidates. Akola.mahasahakar. Examination Center and Center Code: The applicant may select only one center from the following list. Thane. The applicants are advised to retarn securely the USER lD and the PASSWORD created forthe purpose Please note that. on institution letterhead signed by the CEO / authorised signatory viii) Undertaking reg.minimum 3 years service " "1". pay scale. Minimum education an$ experience criteria: . designation.ilrffiillJff:::i'. OR . The applicants are advised to ascertain their eliqibility at the time of submittinq online application. o HSC (12th) Pass .1ff. date of joining. Applicant should be under-graduate possessing the following experience in govt. Under-graduate applicant who is temporary in service should also support the application with an undertaking on institution letterhead signed by the CEO / authorised signatory mentioning explicitly that the appointment will be made permanent. 5. date of passing qualifying examination.if the applicant is under-graduate and HSC passed v) SSC Certificate & Marksheet . parmanent service . Scanned Documents necessary for submitting online applications: r) ii) Signature iii) Graduation Certificate .if the applicant is temporary rx) Challan copy received for remitting examination fee x) in treasury Ladies who have selected "change in name'' option .if the applicant is graduate Passport size photo (recent) rv) HSC Certificate & Marksheet .Examination Center Center Code Examination Center Center Code Mumbai Thane Nasik Jalgaon Ahmednagar Pune Solapur Satara 01 02 06 Ud 09 10 11 12 Sangli Kolhapur Aurangabad Latur Akola Amravati Nagpur Chandrapur 13 14 15 21 23 24 zt 29 4.Marriage Certificate lGazzelle /Affidavit -d- . whether currently employed or not. Applicant should be graduate of recognised university. ." in permanent service in sovt t cooperative institution / agricultural produce market committee at the time of submitting application. The certificate should explicitly mention applicant's name. I cooperative institution / agricultural produce market committee.if the applicant is under-graduate and SSC passed vi ) Marksheets of the examinations in respect of the exemptions claimed vii) Experience Certificate . whether permanent / temporary. Application should be supported by experience certificate on institution letterhead signed by the CEO / authorised signatory. date of birth. 6.The applicants are advised to keep readv the scanned documents readv while submittinq aoPlication online Please note that. the examination fee is non-refundable under any circumstances in respect of the applications rejected by the Board. Exemptions according to Old Syllabus by Exemption under New SYllabus obtaining 50% marks Paper lll . Exemption to appear in any subject for GDC&A Examination or CHM Examination may be claimed when any applicant has obtained minimum 50 marks in earlier GDC&A Examination (subject to condition i above) or CHM Examination.Other ReceiPts (ix) .Rs. (Reference .Cooperative Management Those who are unable to exempt either in Paper I and / or in Paper ll of Old Syllabus have to appear for Paper lV - History.Cooperative & Other Laws Paper V Paper lV .Rs 5001 Mode of payment o o Online (Guidelines for online payment will be made available on the website) By Challan The details of TreasurY Head are: 0425 .Govt Notification No. Examination Fees . according to the New Syllabus.Banking Paper Vl Both Paper I TheorY & HistorY of Paper lV - HistorY. dale 3011012012) . iii) Exemption to appear in any subject for GDC&A Examination based on earlier CHM Examination may be claimed when any applicant has obtained minimum 50 marks in earlier CHM Examination. 7. SaHaKa -9- - 1211 ICR No.Cooperative Audit Paper lll Paper Vl . 800/CHIVI Examination . Exemptions to appear in specific subject: i) ii) No exemptions can be claimed based on any examinations before the year 2001.Cooperation 800 . 273 I 12-C. . PrinciPles & Management of CooPeratives Cooperation and Paper ll . GDC&A Examination .Examination Fee (04250125) Please note that. system will not acceot the application in case anv required document is not uploaded. .Accounts Paper ll Paper V . Principles & Management of Cooperatives. email id. / mobile no. The candidates are requested to make suitable arrangements for redirecting examination related correspondance to their Board will not be able changed correspondance address - l0- .. Venue & Seat No. nor. ii) Candidates who obtain passing marks in all three subjects in CHM Examination will be awarded "Certificate in Coop. lmportant for Applicants: i) Applicants should submit online applications. The decision of the Board in this matter will be final. pin code.e office of the respective Dist Dy. Housing Management" along with mark sheet for CHM Examination.'s Website. if any. exemption claimed (if any) while submitting the online application. misrepresentation.. 9. The applicant will be informed regarding the same by Email.8. iii) Candidates who obtain passing marks in first three subjects in GDC&A Examination will be awarded "Certificate in Coop. at which the candidates have appeared for Examination Failing which. The online applications will be processed by computer system. entertain any individual correspondance in this matter. Socys. within one month of declaration of the result. the result and marksheet will be sent to the registered address of the candidates by post. vi) The candidates should take adequate care to mention correct information regarding name. along with requisite documents. v) The candidates should collect their result and marksheet issued by the Board. correspondance address of the candidates. Diploma in Cooperation & Accountancy with Certificate in Coop.) will be available for download from the Dept. the to address any request regarding changes in the. once the applicatton is submitted online. iii) Falsification of the documents. Registrar Coop. from the respective Examination Centers i. ii) Applications rejected by the Board for any reason will not be reconsidered. on or before the last date for submitting. SMS. Therefore. contact no. ir ) Hall Ticket (with Examination Center. The Board will not be responsible for non-delivery of the same in cases of change in address. The candidate will also become liable to face penal action which would be taken against the candidate by the Board. permanent address. making alterations to documents with intention to hide factual information discovered at any stage will lead to disqualification of the concerned candidate. Board will neither communtcate individually. The applicant will have to use the same User ld & Password used for submitting application online. Housing Management" along with mark sheet for GDC&A Examination.Housing Management" along with mark sheet for GDC&A Examination. Diploma and Certificate: i) Candidates who obtain passing marks in all six subjects in GDC&A Examination will be awarded "Govt. address for correspondance. incomplete address or any such reason. ) Maharashtra State.00 PM 6 Cooperative Banking & Credit Societies 02.00 AM to 01.00 PM 2 Accounts 02.00 AM to 01. Principles & Management in 02.00 PM Cooperation 30t05t2016 30t05t2016 5 Cooperative Laws & Other Laws 10. Jadhav) pune Date 25 tOlt Time 2016 Secretary.00 PM to 05.00 PM 4 History. J. Registrar Coop.00 PM 3 Auditing 10. GDC&A Board & Dy.9. PM to 05.00.00 AM to 01. Housing SoCieties 10. Societies (Exam. & Trg. pune 1 *:!t t -1L- t< .00 PM (S. 28t05t2016 28t05t2016 29t05t2016 29105t2016 1 Management of Coop. Time Table of Examination: Subject Date Subject No.00 PM to 05. Sangli. NagpLtr i District Deputy Registrar Coop. Thane l Vardhawat Mansion. Next to Hotel Pearl. Nasik Sahakar Sankul. Akashwani lgaon Chawk. Opp. Societies . Next to ST Stand. Center Codes and Contact No. Shivaji Nagar.400051. Fourth Floor. Kolhapur Registrar vvvv Coop. Ground Floor. Contact No. Office of the Divisional Commissioner 0721-2661633 Amravatr. First Floor. Societies . Hotel Kartiki. 02162-234141 Satara. uvvr!(rv ul)ll lul usPuly l\s9rrtrqr 10 Kolhapur 14 LDB Building Thrrd Floor. Jalgaon Ja Administrative Building. Vakhar Bhag. Satara New Administrative Building. Drstrrct Deputy Registrar 1O Coop Societies Pune City Sakhar Sankul. Mumbai 3 Bandra-E) Room No. Next j to National Urdu High School. Socteties .. Sangli 13 Kubera Chambers. Latur 0724-2452730 14 Amravatr 24 Kanta Nagar. Maruti Showroom Building. Aurangabad Ar Societies District Deputy Registrar Coop Societies . 416416 Societies . Near Agriculture Coliege. Amravati Road. Nagptlr 15 Nagpur 07 12-2551216 Sahakar Sadan. 69. Maulana Abul Kalam Road. District DepLrty Registrar Coop. Third Stage. Sarada Circle. Bandra E. Chendani Cross. Station Road 0231-2656258 v^[r^^. MHADA. Nasik District Deputy Registrar Coop.Examination Centers. 022-25331486 W I Thane District Deputy Registrar Coop. District Deputy Registrar Coop. Societies . Shivaji Chawk. Jalgaon District Deputy Registrar Coop Societies . Opp. 414001. 415001 Drstrict Deputy Registrar Coop Societies . Chandrapur 07 172-250381 . Kolhapur t--_- Aurangabad L i I 15 n'ctrini Deouty F)on rtrr Registrar Reniqtrar Coop Conn i District Sncieties . Hindustan Colony. 020-25532335 0217 -26297 49 Drstrict Deputy Registrar Coop. Mumbai.. 0233-2600300 Behing Aamrai. ( Center Center l Name Code l Address Mumbai 3 District Deputy Registrar Coop Societies . Societies . Shivaji Road. Societies . Ahmednagar 0241-24s0055 1 onrudnugur. Latur 21 0240-2331037 Shakti Sahakar Buildrng. Aurangabad 02382-245193 New Administrative Burlding. First Floor.Appendix . Third Floor. Best Books About BusinessSummary of Crushing It By Gary Vaynerchukby SpeedyReadsStartup Your Life: Hustle and Hack Your Way to Happinessby Anna AkbariIf You're Not First, You're Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competitionby Grant CardoneInvesting in Real Estateby Gary W. EldredHBR'S 10 Must Reads: The Essentialsby Harvard Business Review, Peter Ferdinand Drucker, and Clayton M. ChristensenThe Intelligent Investor, Rev. 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