GATE Study Material for Mechanical Engineering

March 27, 2018 | Author: Andrew Marsh | Category: Engineering, Science And Technology, Physics & Mathematics, Physics, Technology



SearchSUBSCRIBEFOR LATEST UPDATES Enter your email address: SUBSCRIBE Find us on Facebook Inspire n Ignite 27,810 people like Inspire n Ignite. Facebook social plugin Like GATE Study Material for Mechanical Engineering In this post I tried to compile the results of a survey conducted on inspire n ignite in 2009. Usually only very standard books used by many students in India for GATE preparation was referred by them. Please refer to GATE study material to learn about the use of multiple books for GATE preparations. You would also find GATE preparation guide helpful for understanding GATE preparation and M.Tech admission process. We, the whole Inspire n Ignite community, are thankful to Pawan D Hajare, Nikhil, Versha and Sanveer Singh Puri for their generous contribution to student community all across the nation. The best study books for preparing GATE in mechanical engineering are as below. Engineering Mathematics Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal Intermediate Mathematics, S.chand publications by B.V.Sastry , K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember ) both the volumes. Probability , statistics and queuing theory by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor Numerical Methods by S.S.Sastry Applied Mechanics and Design Engineering Mechanics By ZA HI D Nov 1, 2010 ALL ABOUT EDUCATION An essential guide for ambitious and focused students HOME MS N PHD ASK A QUESTION ABOUT ME POLICIES GATE SCORE CALCULATOR FOLLOW INI ON G+ Inspire n Ignite + 746 Follow +1 PROJECT AND SEMINARS AREHERE. WENEED A NEW COMP. IMPORTANT GATEAND M.TECH GATE 2014 preparation Guide Must read articles for M.Tech Non GATE M.Tech admission GATE Alternative Exams for M.Tech TOP ENGINEERING COLLEGES IN INDIA IIT Ranking NIT Rankings Top AIEEE Colleges Top Deemed Universities NOT SO CRAZY ZAHID Zahid @ G+ Engineering Mechanics by Bhavikatti Engineering Mechanics by Beer and Johnston, Engineering Mechanics by R K Rajput Strength of Materials Strength of Materials by Gere and Timoshenko, B C Unamia, Sadhu Singh, Ramamrutham Strength of Materials by Beer Johnston and R K Bansal Theory of Machines Theory of Machines by R S Khurmi, Malik and Ghosh Theory of machines by Ratan Vibrations Mechanical Vibration by Grover Design Machine Design by Shigley and V B Bhandari Machine Design by Khurmi, Bhandari Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics by R K Bansal Heat-Transfer Heat and Mass Transfer by J P Hollman and R C Sachdeva Heat Transfer by Cengel and Holman Thermodynamics Enginnering Thermodynamics by P K Nag and Rajput Thermodyanmics by Cengel. Applications IC Engine by M L Mathur and R P Sharma Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by C P Arora and Domkundwar Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Engineering Materials Materials Science by Callister and Narula Material Science by WD Callister and I P Singh Zahid @ FB Welding Welding by Parmar Computer Integrated Manufacturing CAD/CAM by Zimmer and Grover, Ibrahim Zeid Production, planning and Operation Research Production Engineering by Kalpkjian Schmid, Amitabh Ghosh and A K Malik Industrial Engineering by O P Khanna, Buffa and Sarin Industrial Research by Mahajan Manufacturing by Ghosh and Mallik, Kalpakjian Operations Research by Kanti Swarup Manufacturing by Refer HMT book and Hajra Choudary Other books Previous GATE Question papers(Made Easy Publishers,GK publishers etc) Previous Engg Services question papers(Made Easy Publishers) Aptitude Test-D R Choudhary Multiple choice questions by Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications In this post, I tried to compile the results to the best possible way to help students. If you find something wrong or missing please do not hesitate to drop a comment. Your suggestion and comments would help thousands of students across the nation. Do never hesitate to ask a question, some us of would definitely answer your queries. On the same time I would recommend you to used search on the site to find out if we have already discussed it. There are many things that we have already talked about and visitor asks them again and again. Do subscribe to the updates on GATE and M.Tech admission and other engineering information. You can share this with other friends by clicking the share button on face book and also like the inspire n ignite page to get updates in facebook feeds. Wish you all a great luck ahead. Keep working hard and realize the dreams. Tweet 3 6 Related posts: 1. GATE Study Material for Civil Engineering 108 Share 2. GATE Study Material for ECE 3. GATE Study Material for CSE and IT 4. GATE Study Material 5. Mechanical Engineering: Prospects, Future and Institutes in India ADV I SES GATE EXA M ADV I CES GATE 66 Comments KISHORE NOV 20, 2011 @ 02:48 enjoy the thrilling GATE PAPERS….!!! REPLY SUCHITA DEC 03, 2013 @ 12:56 Here is list of some important and must buy books for Gate ME 2014 examination KISHORE NOV 20, 2011 @ 02:49 friends to know about MICROELECTRONICS, here is a good material…. REPLY KISHORE NOV 20, 2011 @ 02:50 SEDRA SMITH’S MICROELECTRONICS….. with SOLUTION…. enjoy learning….!!! Smith%2Bwith%2BSolutions.rar/ REPLY VISHAL NOV 30, 2011 @ 02:19 GATE 2012 MATERIAL FOR SALE –ALL BRANCHES REPLY I have the following GATE 2012 Brilliant Tutorial material for sale in Bangalore Electrical Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering Computer Science/Information Technology Engineering Mechanical Engineering Instrumentation Engineering I will be providing Excellent quality Xerox/Photostat/Photocopy of the above material at a very nominal cost. My Selling Price of the material is extremely less as compared to the original material. I AM LOCATED IN BANGALORE IF you are from BANGAORE you can directly get the materials from me after verifying everything. If you are not from BANGALORE You can avail three choices 1) you can come to BANGALORE and take the material from me 2)If you have a friend in BANGALORE, you can ask him to collect the material directly from me 3)If you want the material through post you can send me the material cost in my bank account and then i will send the material at your address by Speed Post/Courier. If you are interested please email me at vkvishu100@gmailcom Note: As many Government Organisations/PSUs are recruiting through GATE 2012 you cannot miss these materials. So it is highly recommended to get these material at very nominal cost. These materials are useful especially for those students/professionals who have not started or have made a little head start in preparing for GATE 2012.Believe me if study from these material you can easily crack GATE 2012. Please email me at [email protected] Thanks ZAHID NOV 30, 2011 @ 06:10 Please post this kind of stuff in I n I community. with a single post. That will reach many more audience than comment RAMESH M NOV 01, 2013 @ 16:53 sir, please inform the price and address to collect the study material. MAGESH NOV 30, 2011 @ 11:45 Vishal plz tel the rate Mechanical Engineering metarial for gate REPLY AJIN.K.A DEC 27, 2011 @ 06:20 hai, I am Ajin.K.A. will you please send me the question bank with solved answers REPLY NAWAZ JUL 09, 2012 @ 08:05 Mr.Vishal, Please let me know the price of mechanical engineering study materials as i m very much interested. awaiting for your reply. REPLY SRINUBABU AUG 27, 2012 @ 12:17 i want mechanical study material for gate 2013………. any body help me please ………. i dont have money to buy……. REPLY MANURI SEP 24, 2012 @ 18:20 hi frnds…….i m preparing for gate(machanical). plz give suggestions REPLY MANOJ HOGADE DEC 03, 2012 @ 09:31 hey i want be in touch with u for notes. piease contact me 9975662285 REPLY « 1 2 3 ALEKHYA DEC 04, 2012 @ 13:01 hi Vishal plz let me know the cost of mechanical engineering material REPLY KARTHIKEYAN L OCT 01, 2013 @ 13:12 hi plz send me mechanical engineering qustions with solutions…… REPLY ROLLY NOV 07, 2013 @ 08:31 I want to prepare for gate at home without any tutions,so whats the right way to go about it? REPLY Leave a Reply YOUR NAME * YOUR EMAIL * YOUR WEBSITE POST COMMENT ALL ABOUT EDUCATION © 2009-2013 Inspire n Ignite. The content is copyrighted to InI and may not be copied on other websites except admission notices. ↑
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