March 24, 2018 | Author: Demian Rafel | Category: Coal, Gasification, Natural Gas, Fossil Fuels, Fuels



Coal Gasification in IndonesiaThis paper is submitted to the Coal Technology Association “The 33th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems” June 1-5, 2008, Sheraton Sand Key Hotel, Clearwater, Florida, USA. by Dr. Bukin Daulay Suganal, Chem. Eng. Ukar W. Soelistijo, Ph.D (Retired) Senior Researchers Research and Development Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology Agency of Research and Development for Energy and Mineral Resource Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia 2007 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 . Program and Progress of Coal Gasification in Indonesia ……………………. The Research Centre for Tea and Chincona and The State-owned Fertilizer Plant.Acknowledgement The paper entitled “Coal Gasification in Indonesia” is submitted to “The 33th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems” June 1-5. 4. 3.4 Future trends ………………………………………………………………… 5. 4.. 4. Clearwater.1 Laboratory scale (at MCTRDC) ……………………………………………. Sheraton Sand Key Hotel. International status of large scale coal gasification …………………………… 6. Concluding remarks ……………………………………………………………. List of contents ……………………………………………………………………… Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………… 1. 2008. Enclosures …………………………………………………………………………. Chronological Progress of Investigation of Coal Gasification in Indonesia ….3 Semi Commercial plant scale at Palimanan – Cirebon – West Java ……... 4. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….2 Pilot plant scale at Gambung Tea Plantation ……………………………… 4.. This paper is made possible through the cooperation between the colleagues at the Research and Development Center for Mineral and Coal Technology Bandung.. Coal Potentials in Indonesia ……………………………………………………. References ………………………………………………………………………….. Bandung.. Florida. 2. USA.. November 2007 List of Content Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………. The national primary energy mix at the present time coal consumption is of about 16.89 million BOE and is projected to be around of 32. coal gasification. due to the available coal as the greatest national fossil energy source which could be able to respond it within the next 150 years to come. it would be able to supply energy as long as 100 years.9 – 3151.esdm.7% 34. the result of syngas has been successfully utilized as fuel gas at the tea plantation for drying the tea leaves.1 million BOE) out of the total national primary energy demand of 3138. gasification and liquefaction is required.4 million BOE in the year of 2025 7). Indonesia Email: ukar@tekmira. either direct or indirect utilization of coal would be able to be in function as bridge of energy from the present era of oil and gas toward the future era of new and renewable energy. Both applications are most likely tech-economically feasible. It means that coal is ready for making synthetic oil (synoil) as well as synthetic gas (syngas) due to the available large of coal resources in the country. it is required exactly the certainty of life time of coal reserves in the country. In the case of possibility on producing synthetic gas from coal at pilot plant Abstract In lieu with the Indonesia energy policy. Soelistijo. synthetic gas. it is just precisely to support it for the sake of the regional development. at the extraction recovery of 75%.92% (or 1057. The coal resource in the country is amounted to about 61 billion tonnes and enough to satisfy the future demand for energy for another 100-150 years to come. Chem. in terms of carrying out completely exploration in order to obtain the final measured reserves of coal. Based on the program of coal gasification in Indonesia it is expected that beyond the year of 2011 the commercial plant would have been developed.go. at the level of production of 400 million tons of coal per year. so that while within that period of time coal will have 3 . It is also expected that the implementation of autonomy does not restrain the encouragement of the process of investment. Indonesian coal. Ukar W. 1. To improve the status of the coal reserves in the country is required to be carried out to face the transition period from the era of oil and gas to the era of new and renewable energy.4 – 1084. The encouragement of the real program of coal utilization vertical diversification through briquette making. Key words: Energy diversification. where within the period of 100-150 years. due to limited natural oil reserves especially and gas reserves later on in the country then the utilization of Indonesian coal is very prospective. Introduction As a whole.89 million BOE) out of the total national primary energy demand of 1057. At the mean time Indonesia is just trying to do investigation of both synthetic fuel development. Also the effort of producing syngas from coal substituting diesel oil fuel for diesel generating power plant has been developed at semi commercial plant scale. Ph. Bukin Daulay Suganal.Coal Gasification in Indonesia by Dr.D (Retired) Senior Researchers at the Research and Development Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology. Based on the available coal resource in Indonesia of around 61 billion tons. Eng.5 % (or 1003. The exacerbation of the national energy development program is also required. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. however. by using the more attractive new incentive of investment. in the purpose of meeting the larger demand for fuel e. 2.1) At the stage of pilot plant scale investigation on the tea leaf drying at the tea plantation. The progress can be figured out as follows.5 liter of subsidized diesel fuel.1. It is known that low rank coal is suitable for gasification process. 4. Coal Potentials in Indonesia Coal resource potential in Indonesia is mainly distributed in two islands i. Chronological Progress of Investigation of Coal Gasification in Indonesia Actually the utilization of gas produced from coal had been carried out since the Dutch occupation era through gasification plant by using coal carbonization technology that produced coke besides town gas. 3. even the effort was enlarged on the possibility on utilizing coal bed methane that is very large available associated within the coal seam deposit.1 and Table 1. The characteristics of the coal reserves can be seen on Table 1. In the long term. A balance re-allocation of national depletion allowance is necessarily required which is split from the revenue coming from the fossil mineral fuel to support the intensive resource exploration as well the development of technology of utilization anticipating the ever increasing national energy demand in the future. West Java. The remainder is distributed in other areas of the country.1). fertilizer plant.0).been exhausted and there will be still a lead time to develop new and renewable energy sources at intensive commercial scale. gasification at the pilot plant scale had been successfully carried out at the tea plantation for drying tea leaves. the production of 1 kg dry tea leaf requires 0. The 4 .1 Laboratory scale (at RDCMCT) Laboratory Scale of Indonesian Coal Gasification Using Fluidized Reactor (Figure 4. The utilization of coal through gasification for tea leaf drying at the tea plantation has been conducted by RDCMCT at Gambung Ciwidey. where13% is high calorific value of coal and the remainder is mostly low and moderate calorific value of coal or low rank coal.2 Pilot plant scale at Gambung Tea Plantation (Figure 4. Presently the another pilot plant of gasification has been developed to produce low Btu gas for substituting diesel oil fuel in the diesel generating power plant. 4. The capacity of the gasification pilot plant is 50 kg of coal per day at Gambung West Java. It is amounted to 61 billion tonnes. Sumatera island and Kalimantan island.e. 4.2. which is having added value that is greater than that of just as fuel. where 53% is mainly located in eastern and southern Kalimantan and 47% in southern Sumatera area. Utilization coal through gasification is necessarily encouraged at large scale of production under the consideration with the reality that the large amount of low rank coal is available in the country.g.3-1. (See Figure 1. Material survey had been carried out by the Team of Coal Gasification of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia in 1997-2001 in the purpose of taking inventory the characteristics of the Indonesian coals and the various world-wide technology of coal gasification. Program and Progress of Coal Gasification in Indonesia Program of coal gasification in Indonesia can be seen on Figure 3. Based on the laboratory scale results of investigation. or not just as fuel. utilization of coal as fuel is necessarily extended to be as raw material of the advanced industry. By using coal will reduce the cost of 40%. synthetic fuel oil. The comparison of fuel utilization.37/liter (US$ 0. 5 . It is programmed a utilization of synthesis gas to produce fertilizer under the cooperation between the Agency of R&D for Energy and Mineral Resource.06/liter) and the price of coal is of Rp. It may includes several processes as follows: Twin Ichikawa-Harima Heavy Industries Gasifier. which directs the Indonesian coal utilization on clean coal technology application. 4. Pupuk Sriwijaya (PT.056/kg). the State-owned Fertilizer Company (PT. 200 million (around US$ 22.5. Presently the pilot plant of gasification has been developed to produce low Btu gas for substituting diesel oil fuel in diesel generating power plant. besides as fuel. In 2009 it is expected that the first commercial plant would be developed and wellequipped with a continuous construction for ammonia.4 Future trends Coal gasification is most likely prospective in the future. in consideration with the national energy policy and the ever increasing uneasiness on the environmental impact due to effect of coal burning emission. where the capital investment of Rp. 4. commercial syngas plant and its application and its economic viability.300) is required.400/liter (US$ 0. The capacity is of 200 kg of coal per hour to produce low Btu gas of 2.3 Pilot plant scale of synthetic gas for diesel generating power plant at Palimanan – Cirebon – West Java (Figure 4. International status of large scale coal gasification International status of several large scale coal gasification can be seen on Figures 5.88 million BTU per hour and it is able to supply a diesel generating power plant of 250 kVA by using fuel mix of 80-90% of synthetic gas and 20-10 % of diesel oil fuel for initiating ignition. synthetic fuel oil. The price of diesel fuel is of Rp.3) 5.2. and synthetic natural gas. it looks likely that gasification of coal could be promising and competitive.1 and 5. then it could be utilized as raw material of chemical industry. PUSRI)) and Japan (IHI & Sojitz) (Figure 4. the Agency for Energy and Mineral R & D – Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources would continuously carries out of making low calorific gas for small/moderate industry and generating power plant. if the diesel fuel is used of about 20 liters/hour. Moreover. 500/kg (US$ 0. 513. and synthetic natural gas (SNG). hydrogen supply and other chemical production. In lieu with the National Energy Policy.2).6/liter) and coal is of Rp 500/kg. synthesis gas from coal can also utilized as raw material of various chemical industry. while by using coal is of around 40 kg/hour through gasification.component of fuel cost is around 11-20% and it depends on the type of tea leaf. fertilizer. The capacity of gasification unit is of 50 kg of coal per hour. liquid fuel. and making moderate calorific gas for fuel or farther processed to produce synthesis gas (syngas). Based on the price of diesel fuel is of Rp. The other scale of gasification from the international world-wide has been studied and compiled by the Team of Coal Gasification of the Indonesia Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to support the efforts of enlarging coal gasification to support energy diversification in the country in the future. Prosiding Kolokium Pertambangan dan Energi 2001. 2000. It is actually very promising technologically as well as economically.1 The compensation of oil fuel subsidy elimination in the country should be given to both the poorer and last but not least to the program of energy substitution development of initiating its intensive utilization at transition era of fossil fuels or coal and oil and gas to satisfy the future national demand for energy. 7. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. 6 . besides supplying gas for fertilizer industry in Indonesia. 6. Issues. 2003. Florida. 12. BPPT .”Ringkasan Laboran Kajian Blueprint Pengelolaan Energi Nasional 2005-2025. Pusat Informasi Energi. ” Prakiraan Energi Indonesia 2010”.g. Miller..Inc.. etc. 9. Pengembangan Gasifikasi Batubara. 2000.: 36. MI 48106. “ Litbang tekMIRA No. Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumaber Daya Mineral.” West Virginia University. I. 2003. Mei 2002. Volume II 1998-1999. USA.2 Outlook toward gasification of coal If the effort of coal liquefaction of South Sumatra coal is cancelled due to its noncompetitive price or the coal liquefaction of the other coal areas (East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan) is promising due to its closer location to the port or beach. Suseno. Concluding remarks 6. 3.0 The utilization of low Btu gas produced from coal at the pilot plant scale has been conducted in the tea plantation for drying tea leaf. “Intermediate Economics: Theory. March 10-13. 1996-2000. Clearwater. Soelistijo. NEDO.”Economic Evaluation of the NEDO (Japan)BPPT (Indonesia) Feasibility Study on the Indonesia Banko Coal Liquefaction. 2002”. and Applications.W. The Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization 7 Fuel System. Soelistijo.” Jakarta. Ukar W. U W. Soelistijo. dkk. “Tinjauan Ekonomi Pengembangan Briket Batubara Sebagai Salah satu Sumber Energi Alternatif BBM”. 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University Microfilms International. is possible to carried out by using the world-wide conventional and commercial technology. then the South Sumatra coal could be utilized through either UBC or gasification. “Coal”. Directorate General of Geology and Mineral Resources. Palamba. 2002. then it is necessary to socialize more intensive to the entrepreneurs who are interested to develop the plant at large scale of production by guaranteeing supply of coal sufficiently. Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. 8. T. where the large State-owned Fertilizer Company is nearby located.6. July..L. “Buku Pegangan Statistik Ekonomi Energi Indonesia 2002”. ammonia. Suseno. Directorate of Mineral and Coal Enterprises. 10. 11. 2003. R. Pusat Informasi Energi. 1984. Heryadi. e. Suherman.. Ditjen Migas. U. Enclosures 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 .
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