GARP Membership Handbook
GARP Membership Handbook
March 25, 2018 | Author: Kirill Shemyakin | Category:
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MembershipHandbook Global Association of Risk Professionals Contents 1 ............................................About GARP Membership 1 ............................................GARP Code of Conduct 2 ............................................Membership Types 3 ............................................Membership Renewal 3 ............................................Membership Upgrade 4 ............................................Benefits of Membership 5 ............................................Overview 6 ............................................Maintaining Current Contact Information 6 ............................................Membership Update 7 ............................................Risk News & Resources 7 ............................................Newsletters & Member Update 8 ............................................Webcasts 8 ............................................Chapter Meetings 9 ............................................GARP Events 10 ............................................Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program 10 ............................................Risk Education 11 ............................................Career Center 12 ............................................Social Networking 12 ............................................FRM | ERP Directory 13 ............................................The Daily Limit Blog 13 ............................................GARP-Wiley Bookstore 16 ............................................Managing Your Account/Member Support 17 ............................................Using Profile to Manage Your Account 2013 Members At-a-Glance Members +150,000 +195 +28,000 +525 Member Countries/Territories Certified FRMs Certified ERPs In this time of constant change. In considering the issues this raises. and those who possess it will always have a clear advantage. GARP CodE oF ConduCT The GARP Code of Conduct (“Code”) sets forth principles of professional conduct for the Global Association of Risk Professionals ("GARP"). GARP fulfills its mission of promoting best practice and creating a culture of risk awareness. Risk practitioners should understand these as concepts that reflect an evolving shared body of professional standards and practices. Being part of GARP’s risk-focused community means having access to expert knowledge and global networking opportunities not available anywhere else—the benefit of GARP’s deep connectivity with industry and academia. Financial Risk Management (FRM®) and Energy Risk Professional (ERP®) certifications and other GARP certification and diploma holders and candidates. By choosing GARP Membership. ethical behavior must weigh the circumstances and the culture of the applicable global community in which the practitioner resides. GARP's Board of Trustees. it is about pursuing a universal ethical culture. you secure a professional advantage that will serve you. These principles promote the highest levels of ethical conduct and disclosure and provide direction and support for both the individual practitioner and the risk management profession. and a global community of tens of thousands of professionals and practitioners committed to financial and energy risk management. There is no single prescriptive ethical standard that can be globally applied. staff. your employer. The pursuit of high ethical standards goes beyond following the letter of applicable rules and regulations and behaving in accordance with the intentions of those laws and regulations. and your profession throughout your career. The GARP Code of Conduct makes references to professional standards and generally accepted risk management practices. By supporting this community through its membership offerings. 1 . GARP Committee Members and GARP's staff (hereinafter collectively referred to as "GARP Members") in support of the advancement of the financial risk management profession. We can only expect that GARP Members will continuously consider ethical issues and adjust their conduct accordingly as they engage in their daily activities. a thorough understanding of risk is essential to good business management. ERPs.About GARP Membership GARP Membership has developed around a culture of best practice shared by its FRMs. its Regional Directors. Individual Membership is not required to pursue an FRM or ERP designation. and.Membership Types Whether you are a student. Affiliate Membership never expires. including our Risk Exceptions may be made for those who leave professional News & Resources website. FRM and ERP candidates are given one year of compli- or a senior manager charged with risk oversight. The cost of Student access to any Member benefits. a professional in a non-risk role. use of advanced features on the Career Center. Certified FRMs and ERPs must prove two years of professional experience Individual Membership delivers a premium collection of and. access to premium benefits lapses until and reports. you are sent an email asking you mic institution. once you click and activate Membership is US$95. membership is reinstated. and use our Career Center to meet their employment needs. events. therefore. The cost of Individual Membership is US$195 contact memberservices@garp. but we believe the Affiliate status delivers basic access to a select group of benefits of Membership enable learning and understand- knowledge and networking benefits at no cost. and learning materials. your access is immediate. with the exception do this. complete your Student registration.edu email address. Individual Members can make Administration. you will be considered pending. utive years of Student Membership. are not eligible for Student Membership. participate in industry-sponsored webcasts. Until you same benefits as Individual Members. When in a full-time program at a recognized accredited acade- you register as an Affiliate. knowledge and networking benefits. these education offerings. Student Members are entitled to all of the to click on a link to validate your email address. can parti- provide a faculty contact with a . respective program. receive certain newsletters Membership. please program.com for assistance to per year for non-Certified FRMs and ERPs. If cipate in our Continuing Professional Education (CPE) your academic institution does not use this format. If a candidate does not renew the Individual may attend chapter meetings. once certified. Affiliates ing of risk. Members who become certified during a membership cycle become eligible for the reduced rates in the next membership year. Certified FRMs and ERPs pay a reduced annual Membership fee of US$150 in recognition of their achievement and commitment to best practice. and Affiliates are always Student Membership is available for those who are enrolled welcome to upgrade to Individual Member status. Member discounts on risk practice to return to a full time academic program. are invited to attend at no charge specially-developed webcasts that Note: Online Student registration requires that you others must pay to attend. and will not have of the right to vote on GARP matters. and a exceptions must be reviewed and approved by GARP monthly Member newsletter. 2 . Students are eligible for two consec- your Affiliate status. GARP mentary Individual Membership when they enroll in their Membership meets your needs. The 12-month term begins on the date of activation for the selected Membership Type. card number or expiration date. The 12-month term of Membership begins on the date payment is received for that Membership Type. the Member Type on record is changed to Affiliate. E-mail: E-m ail: nospam@no. the Affiliate status can be upgraded by paying the prevailing Student or Individual Member dues. Reminder emails are sent 30 days and ten MEMBERShIP uPGRAdE days prior to the automatic renewal transaction in case the “Upgrade” refers to the process of changing ones Member Member needs to update key information including credit Type from Affiliate status to Student or Individual Member. but wishes to take this service at any time from their Profile.net nosp Password: Pa ssword: ****** Pr imary T Primary Telephone: elephone: 4654 Affiliates can upgrade to Individual Membership from their Profile. card information. Paid Membership renews in days before Membership is about to expire with information 12-month cycles based on the Member’s Join/Upgrade Date. paid Membership will renew automatically after 12 months. FRM ERP RISK EDUCATION About Membership ● Member Benefits GARP ID: 123456 Garp ID: 150659 Member Since: 9/5/2012 Member Since: Member Si nce: 9/16/2010 Membership Type: Membership Membership Type: Type: Individual (Renew) Affiliate Af ffiliate (Upgrade) (Upgrade) Membership Expires: Membership Membership Expires: Expires: 9/5/1013 No No expiration expiration Auto Renewal: (Enable) FRM/ERP FRM/ERP Status: Status: None FRM/ERP Status: None CPE CCPE PE Program: Pr ogram: Not NNot ot Enrolled En rolled (Enroll) (En roll) Program: Enrolled (Enroll) Credit Chapter CCPE hapte r Tools ToolsTracker Change Password Order Order History History Email Settings CPE Tracker COrder PE Credit Cre dit T racker History RISK NEWS & RESOURCES Join Chapters EVENTS CAREER SERVICES Profile If an Individual or Student Membership lapses. advantage of the full array of paid Member benefits. A Member can opt out of If a person joins GARP as an Affiliate. provided the person meets the criteria for that Membership Type. Members can choose to renew their Member- “Renewal” refers to the annual continuation of paid Individ- ship manually. Email reminders are sent 30 days and ten ual or Student Membership. on how to maintain Membership and uninterrupted access to benefits. A Member who wishes to renew automatically Membership can be automatically renewed each year. If instead of worrying about expiration dates can activate the the Member elects this service and provides current credit automatic renewal function from the Member Profile.MEMBERShIP REnEwAl Alternatively. The Individual or B Basic asic IInformation nformation F First irst Name: Name: john Student status can be reinstated via the Upgrade process so long as the Member still qualifies for the Member Type Last Last Name: Name: Doe Nickname: (O (Optional) ptional) and dues are paid. Secondary Telephone: elephone: Se condary T (O (Optional) ptional) E E C 3 . . The grid on the following page compares the benefits of Membership offered. events. and other benefits of GARP Membership is dependent upon your Membership Type.Benefits of Membership Your access to content. News. monthly free e-book and deep discounts on print books Industry Sponsored Webcasts/archives Daily News update The Week in Risk newsletter Access to worldwide Chapter presentations Global networking Basic search in the FRM | ERP Directory Enhanced search and Connect capability in the FRM | ERP Directory (Certified FRMs/ERPs only) US$75 * * * * * The Daily Limit Blog (Certified FRMs/ERPs only) Free Chapter Meetings Preferential rates on Annual Convention and other GARP events (Value: US$100–US$495 each) Career Center Right to vote on GARP matters *Includes Premium features **Excluding Students * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 5 . Featured Stories. articles and whitepapers (30% discount) CPE Participation (FRMs/ERPs only) Discounts on risk education (Value: US$50–US$180 each) NEW! GARP-Wiley Bookstore of 14 journals.Benefits of Membership BEnEFITS oF GARP MEMBERShIP AFFIlIATE duES: uS$0 IndIvIduAl duES: uS$195 CERTIFIEd FRM/ERP duES: uS$150 STudEnT duES: uS$95 * * * * * * * * Expert Knowledge Basic Access to GARP Risk News & Resources content: Industry Commentary. Quant Perspectives. and Executive Interviews (Value: US$195/year) Premium Access to Members-only Webcast archives (Value: US$49 each) Membership Update newsletter Discounts on GARP's Digital Library of books. Analysis. Research and Whitepapers Premium Access to GARP Risk News & Resources content: Basic Access plus Special Reports. Please be sure to keep a current email address on your webcasts—that you are eligible to attend Profile so that you don’t miss the latest update. We use advanced security technologies but full and consistent access to your online benefits and procedures to help protect your personal information depends upon you.Benefits of Membership MAInTAInInG CuRREnT ConTACT InFoRMATIon GARP is committed to protecting the security of your per- We are committed to providing robust Member benefits. please maintain a current email address on your MEMBERShIP uPdATE Member Profile to ensure you receive the following: Individual and Student Members receive the monthly Membership Update with important information about • E-newsletters to which you are subscribed Member benefits like the Career Center. GARP will not share your contact information with any third party. you can request them through www. ● Not a Member? Register | Membership Benefits | Forgot Password? PRIvACY PolICY If you choose to provide us with personal information.com. • • Reminders about your Membership renewal • Announcements of new benefits and services Log In Second. Members-only • Announcements when new Risk News & Resources webcasts. maintain your membership. send information to you. and how to get the most from their membership. GARP may use that information to provide or offer you GARP products or services. If you forget your username and/or password. Unless you elect to participate in our Information Exchange. or by contacting us at
[email protected]
. administer examinations. to send information to you. Members-only discounts. use. For example. respond to you. 6 . Click here to review our complete Privacy Policy. and for other purposes related to the reason you provided the information to GARP. to respond to you. Invitations to events—conventions. where you can opt in to receive information from GARP-approved third parties. or disclosure. sonal information. First. for billing purposes. please be sure you are logged on when you Enter email want to access your online benefits. if you are an examination candidate or Member. such as your name and address.org. GARP may use the information you provide to process your application. and render services to you. from unauthorized access. the GARP-Wiley Book- content is available store. chapter meetings. Featured Articles: Timely news stories published on a weekly basis • Analysis. Dodd-Frank FRM and other important rules for financial risk managers About Membership • Quantitative Analysis/Quant Perspectives • Energy Risk: Coverage of key issues (e. GARP nEwSlETTERS And MEMBER uPdATE covers the continuing innovations taking place in risk Individual Members. energy price derivatives) impacting the electricity and natural gas markets Research papers from GARP’s research grant program • Whitepapers drawn from a vastly wider range of sources • Webcasts • Risk Professionals or FRMs on the Move: A column detailing high-level staffing moves RISK EDUCATION Member Benefits GARP ID: 123456 Garp ID: 150659 Member Since: 9/5/2012 Member Since: Member Si nce: 9/16/2010 Membership Type: Membership Membership Type: Type: Individual (Renew) Affiliate Af ffiliate (Upgrade) (Upgrade) Membership Expires: Membership Membership Expires: Expires: 9/5/1013 No No expiration expiration Auto Renewal: (Enable) FRM/ERP FRM/ERP Status: Status: None FRM/ERP Status: None risk. industry experts and academics • Regulation: Probing and analyzing Basel III. the emergence access until they join/upgrade to Individual Member status. GARP is dedicated to providing on to the website to read the latest articles anytime from members with the sort of industry-defining content that anywhere. business leaders from around the world demand. and measuring energy • ERP CPE CCPE PE Program: Pr ogram: Not NNot ot Enrolled En rolled (Enroll) (En roll) Program: Enrolled (Enroll) ● Credit Chapter CCPE hapte r Tools ToolsTracker Change Password Order Order History History Email Settings CPE Tracker COrder PE Credit Cre dit T racker History RISK NEWS & RESOURCES Join Chapters EVENTS CAREER SERVICES Profile B Basic asic IInformation nformation F First irst Name: Name: john Last Last Name: Name: Doe Nickname: (O (Optional) ptional) E-mail: E-m ail: nospam@no. manage your subscriptions.. tion that has been published to the website. of international banking regulations and the rapid growth Individual and Student Members will also receive The Week of new sophisticated products. driven by globalization. In response to the ever- in Risk newsletter that highlights new articles and informa- increasing demand from risk executives for information. could also be offered as podcasts. From breaking news to forward-looking analytical pieces. while Affiliates and non-Members will have limited rapidly changing.g.net nosp t Password: Pa ssword: ****** Pr imary T Primary Telephone: elephone: 4654654654654 Secondary Telephone: elephone: Se condary T (O (Optional) ptional) E C 7 . Student Members and Affiliates receive management in an increasingly complex business world these subscription-based newsletters with their Membership: through its expanded mix of online content including: • Special Reports: GARP will continue to offer in-depth • Daily News update • The Week in Risk newsletter editorial coverage in a dedicated online section • • Executive Interviews: Monthly interviews with high- Use your Email Preferences settings on your Profile to profile risk managers. Simply log analysis and advice. Industry Commentary Best Practices and Strategy: A dialogue among risk practitioners. regulation and valuing.RISK nEwS & RESouRCES Individual and Student Members have access to these listed The risk DNA of companies in the financial markets is benefits. followed by a reception/networking event. ● Event Price Options are called “Chapter Directors” or “Chapter Co-Directors.Benefits of Membership wEBCASTS Affiliates and non-Members can participate for a US$49 fee (CPE credit available for FRMs/ERPs) per event. Confirmation emails providing the necessary (You must be logged on to gain access to this page.00 Individual (paid) Members: FREE (with coupon code) Please enter coupon codes (comma separated) Total Amount Due $49. Meet- include a Coupon Code to use when registering to participate ings are great places to organize a study group. the Apply Coupon link to bypass the credit card function Chapters are run by volunteer Members of GARP who have and get free access to the webcast. on-demand version for US$49.00 8 been approved by the Board of Trustees. . their invitation will subject. If you are an Individual or Student with others in your profession. Reminder emails are sent 24 hours and 60 minutes before the ChAPTER MEETInGS webcast begins. the meeting is organized Individual and Student Members will receive a unique invita- around a speaker who delivers a presentation on a risk tion for the Members-only webcasts. Free Webcasts If you are an Individual or Student Member and cannot All Members and non-Members are welcome to register for locate your Coupon Code. You can find the our free webcasts. To help keep members abreast of the latest developments Reminder emails are sent 24 hours and 60 minutes before and innovations in risk management. of the event. In many cases.) links and log on information are sent to all registrants. ERP and GARP in general. GARP recruits leading the webcast begins. These leaders Apply Coupon(s) and they often engage other volunteers to participate on committees and share in organizing chapter meetings and supporting Members. connect or download the webcast. and also include a mix only webcast can view the webcast on demand using their of premium and openly available programs. don’t miss out. Invitations are sent out weeks in advance list of webcasts and codes archived on the GARP website. please be sure to enter the Coupon Code and click the FRM. Chapter meetings are a great way for Members to learn Members-only Webcasts and network. industry experts from around the globe to discuss and provide insight on the subject of risk management. An on-demand recording of the webcast is (CPE credit available for FRMs/ERPs) also available for those who are unable to join the live event. GARP currently has active Chapters all around the globe. Confirmation emails are sent to all registrants. Affiliates and non-Members can view the webcasts are eligible for CPE credit. and to learn more about Member. Most GARP access code. These Members who are not able to participate in a live Members- live events are produced bi-weekly.” Affiliate Members $49. best practice risk management and educational topics that affect the role of To enable more global sharing of information. forums and master classes A non-Member who registers for a chapter meeting will are highly educational. you will receive email invitations professionals.As a rule. ment executives. heads of risk management. government policy makers and leading academics—for two days of in-depth discussion and debate. chapter meetings are open to all GARP Members. If you have selected a chapter anticipated gatherings of international risk management preference on your Profile. and learn to access. Conferences. colleagues and friends. best-practice strategies through participation in of the office. you New York City is now firmly established as one of the most are welcome to participate. practice-driven events focusing on automatically be considered an Affiliate. Executive Meetings GARP EvEnTS GARP has developed an Executive Briefing program to GARP Events further the advancement of risk manage- facilitate open and informed dialogue among qualified risk ment knowledge and best practices by delivering critical professionals on current and emerging issues in risk man- intelligence needed to improve job performance. will become your Primary Chapter of record. in a format that is easy for busy risk professionals stand the latest risk management thinking. 9 . the chapter whose meeting you attend management sector. Annual Risk Management Convention regardless of Member Type. current market concerns. chapter the risk manager on a daily basis. if there is a chapter meeting being held. No matter where you are in The GARP Annual Risk Management Convention held in the world. under- agement. Feel free to download and share this valuable content with Click here for more information on upcoming events. and short enough not to have to take a day out new. executive briefings and master classes. new regulations. The Convention hosts over 650 participants to all meetings scheduled by the chapter(s) you elect. Click here for more information on upcoming Executive Briefings. You can change this at any time by updating your Profile. conventions. If you register for a chapter meeting before selecting a and the sharing of the latest thinking in the global risk chapter preference. Forums and Master Classes Full and half-day conferences. meeting presentations are posted to the GARP website. You —leading CRO's. risk manage- may use the link in the invitation to register for the meeting. However.Benefits of Membership Speaking Opportunities ConTInuInG PRoFESSIonAl EduCATIon (CPE) GARP Events examine balanced perspectives on challenges PRoGRAM and new requirements in the risk management sector and For Certified GARP Members. GARP offers a CPE niques. your knowledge and practical experience we would like to hear from you. strategies. plus shipping GARP Affiliates/Non-Members: US$275. active involvement in helping to develop the learning agenda. or just a basic exhibitor package. Submit a brief overview of the presentation. CPE participation is optional. leadership ideas and concepts • Network with a qualified audience of key risk manage- The complete FBR program price: ment executives and industry leaders GARP Individual Members: US$195. plus shipping For more information. comprehensive package that includes branding. aware- CPE participation is mandatory. tech- professional expertise and their edge. For Certified ERPs. yet together with your most recent biography. ness. 10 . Members who innovation and approaches to risk problems. Individual Membership is a require- white papers or published material in support of your appli- ment for enrollment in the CPE Program. You only need to cation. it begins there. Acceptable earn their designation are committed to maintaining their presentation content includes how-to tips. market and oper- key decision-makers ational—and how international regulation. • • • • Position your company as a thought-leader to the global risk management community Foundations of Banking Risk (FBR) is a self-guided inter- Present new information to key decision-makers in the active program that covers how banks operate. learning doesn’t end with are intended to inform participants on best-practices. enroll in the program one time throughout your career and affiliation with GARP. how they're risk management field governed and how they're regulated. and objective. any relevant strongly recommended. affect the management of these risks.com. case-studies. including the Be ahead of the competition in presenting your thought- Basel Accords. Learn the basics Meet existing and future clients at events designed for about the main risks banks take—credit. you must maintain your Sponsorship Individual GARP Membership in order to access the Credit Whether you or your marketing team are looking for a Tracker and submit credits for approval. level Foundations in Banking Risk and the more advanced International Certificate in Banking Risk and Regulation. For Certified FRMs. a custom event. and your full contact details to: events@garp. reasoned analysis on Program to enable FRMs and ERPs to track and validate risk management topics. RISK EduCATIon GARP Events has a package to satisfy the marketing goals GARP offers two options in risk education: the entry of your organization. If you would like to actively share their continuing professional development. please click here. new achieving their designation. ERPs. caters exclusively to the risk management profession. plus shipping and employers. risk assessment.719. You can post your resume. Features for All Members • • NEW: mobile access allows quick and convenient access Any non-Member who creates a Jobseeker Account is to the latest jobs. governance advantage of the system’s resume parsing technology structures for the management of risk in banks. niche job board that who are FRMs. automatically given Affiliate Member status. As a member of the Financial Job experienced GARP Members who have expertise in a range Board Network. the GARP Career Center brings even more of risk areas. Or.7216 for details. resume at the beginning of the search results. • Advanced Job Seeker Management lets you store resumes and cover letters. and the regulatory principles outlined by the Basel Committee on to upload a resume. plus shipping Special Feature CAREER CEnTER Special icons in the recruiters’ search tool flag candidates The Career Center is a premiere. mitigation and management.The International Certificate in Banking Risk and • Uploading your LinkedIn profile to the GARP Career Regulation (ICBRR) delivers a deep. Successful candidates will be better know when new jobs are posted that match your prepared to recognize potential problems associated with interests. Using the Career Center is easy. GARP Affiliates/Non-Members: US$600. Paid GARP openings. Career Center is among your favorite job search tools. set up alerts.roberts@garp. letting you Banking Supervision. search and view jobs. with all the Featured Resume option enables you to position your benefits associated with that status. on various feeds throughout the regularly to ensure you have access to the most up to date GARP website and via direct email to Members. and/or GARP Individual Members. qualitative under- Center saves you time and effort. 11 . making Members like you easier to spot in candidate searches. New jobs are added social media accounts. and the system’s features ensure that the GARP Members are eligible for a 15% discount off list process. set up multiple job alerts. • Job Alert put the system to work for you. and connect quickly Would you like to hire fellow GARP Members? with recruiters who know that GARP is the best place to Using the Career Center is the best way to find and recruit look for risk expertise.com or call +1 201. The complete ICBRR program price: track internal messages and communicate with recruiters GARP Individual Members: US$420. you can take standing of risk management methodologies. Contact maryjo. Job postings are promoted through GARP’s career opportunities to our members. They are the directory to display their commitment to continuing great places to connect with other Exam candidates to professional excellence. found on the Profile page. enable The GARP LinkedIn Group is comprised of GARP Members a participant to show as much or as little information as and Affiliates looking to connect on shared areas of interest. and to recognize sites on Facebook. Follow us to keep up with GARP and the risk industry. and to activate the Connect feature.Benefits of Membership SoCIAl nETwoRKInG Participants can use the registry to communicate their GARP brings together networks of Members by maintaining achievement to the general public. desired. but qualified individuals must opt in. 12 ● . Participants are encouraged to use the Discussions and Promotions functions of the site to share insights. or pass along valuable information to their peer group members. FoR CERTIFIEd MEMBERS: FRM | ERP dIRECToRY The FRM | ERP Directory on the GARP website is a registry of Certified FRMs and ERPs who have chosen to be listed therein. certification. LinkedIn and Twitter. The GARP Twitter feed @GARP_Risk keeps Followers up to date in 140 characters or less. share experiences and form up study Groups. The FRM and ERP other FRM and ERP peers. Anyone can search the directory by name. The Directory Settings. ask for input. Getting Started A listing in the directory is free. state or country to find an FRM or ERP. and city. FRMs and ERPs enrolled in the Facebook pages are ideal for those who are interested in Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program can use more information on the Exams and designations. and can do this from their Profile page. and a free monthly e-book ual Members will also be able to network with their Certi- for only US$75 per year. Membership have access to enhanced search features Inc. fied peers directly through the Connect feature inside the directory. When purchased separately. or 30th of the month. you will be charged for the full month. If the person you wish to contact has not enabled Journals—Participating Members will be given access to Connect on their directory settings. a deeply- Type to enable more refined networking. Members. 13 .. Bookstore access is pro-rated on a monthly basis. Institutions & Instruments afternoon about risk management topics and activities • Mathematical Finance that are relevant to Certified FRMs and ERPs. We publish a new post every • Financial Markets. Credit and Banking • International Review of Finance • International Journal of Finance & Economics • European Financial Management *Your access to the GARP-Wiley Bookstore aligns with your Membership term.000: FoR CERTIFIEd MEMBERS: ThE dAIlY lIMIT BloG • The Journal of Finance The Daily Limit is an informal discussion forum for cert- • Journal of Applied Corporate Finance ified FRMs and ERPs who are Individual Members to • Financial Management share information and ideas. valued at over US$10. you will be able to the current year’s content from these 14 prestigious journals send a message inviting them to do so. and qualified third • Journal of Financial Research parties who wish to post on the blog site may register their • The Journal of Futures Markets interest by sending a message to
[email protected]
Features for Individual Members GARP-wIlEY BooKSToRE FRMs and ERPs who have chosen to pay for Individual Through a unique collaboration with John Wiley & Sons. • Journal of Risk and Insurance • Financial Review Certified FRMs and ERPs. and the bookstore fee will be pro-rated accordingly. your bookstore subscription will be set to expire with your Membership. • Journal of Forecasting • Journal of Money. Whether you subscribed on the 1st. your bookstore access will be aligned to expire at the same time as your membership. Please bear this in mind when making your purchasing decision. When purchased as part of your renewal. Area of Concentration and Organization access to a hand-picked collection of 14 journals. Individual and Student Members are able to purchase such as Company. Certified Individ- discounted online bookstore. and the bookstore fee will be pro-rated. 15th. Plus. Sign up now for the You can purchase bookstore access when you join. Two Ways to Purchase You can purchase access in one of two ways from your Member Profile. bookstore access will be set to expire on the same day as your Membership. This will enable you to purchase just the bookstore access. existing Individual or Student Membership on a pro-rated basis. A separate registration is required renewal.Benefits of Membership GARP-Wiley Bookstore—The GARP-Wiley Bookstore offers 2. and they will be happy to assist you with your bookstore access. or from your Member Profile.* 14 . Purchase bookstore access only—You can purchase access to the bookstore by logging onto the GARP website and selecting "Purchase" from your Profile. 1. You can also add access to an your colleagues will all envy. upgrade GARP-Wiley Bookstore—build a collection of resources or renew your membership. New books will be added to the Membership will be renewed for another year. as well as significant discounts on professional books. and your bookstore as they are published. If you wish to renew this access Free monthly e-book—Members who purchase bookstore at the end of your term without a lapse in service. to begin receiving the emails. participating Members will receive a 40% Profile. Emails are sent on the first of Don't miss out on this opportunity to access thousands of each month. and can be found on the bookstore home page. You can get to the bookstore from the Membership Need help with your purchase? Contact Member Services page of the GARP website. you can renew your GARP Membership and discount on any other Wiley book purchased through the subscribe to the bookstore at the same time. Renew your Membership and add bookstore access more than 200 carefully chosen print book titles at 67% off in one transaction—By selecting "Renew" from your list price. (Please be logged on). Your GARP-Wiley Bookstore. you access can choose to receive a link to a carefully-selected will need to do so as part of your annual membership e-book each month. dollars worth of journal and book content. 15 . Managing Your Account Member Support . and a name change. or use these links to some of our most frequently • Enable/disable automatic renewal referenced pages: • View your purchase history and download invoices • Change your password • FRM FAQ • Set your Chapter preferences • ERP FAQ • CPE Handbook If you are a Certified FRM or ERP. This requires the assistance of the Member Services email to memberservices@garp. If you are unable to find the information you need. USA. The Membership Team hours are Monday through Friday. • Manage your email access At www. 17 .uSInG PRoFIlE To MAnAGE YouR ACCounT MEMBER SuPPoRT Your GARP Profile is the most useful tool for managing GARP provides support to Members through the website.com to request a ID and information about your question or issue.garp. Just follow the top naviga- • Upgrade/renew your Membership tion bar. you can also manage your account and track your CPE credits in Credit Tracker. member of the team will respond within two business days. you will find many helpful web pages • Update your personal information with a lot of useful information. include your GARP Team. By logging on and managing your the local chapters. our Membership One thing you cannot do via the Profile is change your Team will be there to field your questions. Contact memberservices@garp. your GARP Membership.com. and the Member Services Team located in Profile you can do the following: New Jersey. 9am–5pm Eastern Standard Time.org. or have a query about your membership. Just send an name. Notes 18 . . + 44 (0) 20 7397 9630 www.garp. certifications recognized by risk professionals worldwide. academic institutions. EC2M 4YN U. Membership represents over 150.org.garp.org About GARP | The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) is a not-for-profit global membership organization dedicated to preparing professionals and organizations to make better informed risk decisions.S. + 1 201. © 2014 Global Association of Risk Professionals. GARP administers the Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) and the Energy Risk Professional (ERP®) Exams.000 Members and Affiliates from banks. investment management firms. All rights reserved. GARP also helps advance the role of risk management via comprehensive professional education and training for professionals of all levels.A. www.K. and corporations from more than 195 countries and territories.7210 2nd Floor Bengal Wing 9A Devonshire Square London. 5-14 . government agencies. New Jersey 07310 U.719.Creating a culture of risk awareness® Global Association of Risk Professionals 111 Town Square Place 14th Floor Jersey City.
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