Gallstone e Book

March 19, 2018 | Author: ee1993 | Category: Gallbladder, Bile, Gastroenterology, Medicine, Clinical Medicine



IntroductionDo you believe you can eliminate your gallstones without surgery? If you don’t believe it can be done, don’t bother reading this book. This book was written for those who hate hospitals, want to save money, want to get results using safe, proven methods, AND know that there’s got to be away to eliminate their gallstones without losing their gallbladder! “Each year, more than 500,000 Americans have their gallbladder removed” Why do you want to be one of them? The consequences of gallbladder surgery can be: diarrhea, shoulder pain, low back pain and more! There is no guarantee that your symptoms will not come back after surgery. In fact, once your gall bladder is removed, your ability to absorb essential fatty acids is now zero. A lifelong battle of symptoms can occur such as: Hair Loss Leg Cramps Brittle fingernails Adult acne Cracked heels Chronic inflammation Slow wound healing…just to name a few consequences of no gallbladder. Why suffer? Your liver produces bile, which emulsifies fats to digest fats. Half of the bile goes to the small intestine and the other half is stored in the gallbladder until it’s needed. Gallstones form when the bile stays in the gallbladder too long. It collects, forms, and settles into what is known as gallstones. (pictured below) You can be assured that the procedures in this book will give you many alternatives to surgery. They have been used on thousands of people like yourself who wanted to take matters into their own hands. They wanted to save themselves money. They did not trust their doctors to take a vital gland out of their body that they knew was there for a reason. The problem is, you just didn’t know what to do. You didn’t know where to turn to. You didn’t know anyone who has the experience of doing these flushes on thousands of people. Now, you have the answer! Right before your eyes, you have the knowledge to get rid of your gallstones safely, and effectively. PLUS, if you follow the fool proof health plan, you will never have gallstones return again! Removing the stones is easy! By making the wise choice of reading this book, you are now empowering yourself to take matters back into your own hands. You will find that there are MANY ways of eliminating your gallstones, while keeping your gallbladder healthy and intact. Simply choose one method, follow the directions, and you will see your gallstones come out. (just like the ones pictured above). Get started now! Briefly skim through the different methods, located in the chapter: “How to Flush Out Your Gallstones” and pick ONE. Get all your supplies lined up,(not very many), and get started immediately. Usually within 24 hours, if you have followed the instructions closely, you will see results. Once you have your gallstones flushed out, go back through the book to read everything in detail. The rest of the book is focused on how to make sure your gallstones never, ever return AND you will keep the rest of your organs happy, healthy, and humming along. Great health always, Dr. Judy Seeger, ND (traditional naturopath) Disclaimer: "This book is for information only, and should not be considered as medical advice. We are an information source only, and are making no health claims. This information is supplied so that you can make an informed decision. Please consult with your health practitioner before considering any therapy or therapy protocols." Illinois Tulsa. lung. Her unique approach of simplifying the process of healing empowers all people to take back their health. Madison. Wisconsin . Oklahoma Tulsa. NJ San Diego. skin. Judy’s vast experience in the natural health field has changed countless lives. Course I and II – Enzyme Therapist – Academy of Enzyme Nutrition Drew University.minor Advanced Nutritionist Live Cell Microscopist Doctor of Naturopathy –College of Natural Health Natural Health Counselor – College of Natural Health Biological Theory of Ionization.Judy Seeger. Judy achieved a high level of success with her patients. Many people with thyroid. Educational Background: Psychology/ major . From herbal medicine classes to cancer to menopause to liver flushes. Judy has been teaching groups of health seeking people throughout the United States since 1990. called River of Life Health Center. Pennsylvania Madison. to cancer and colitis she has developed a powerful health system that effectively regains health. and clinically proven natural healing therapy including writing an easy to use handbook for her patients to reach their health goals. Oklahoma Evans With her 33 years of experience in the natural health field. ND “Empowering and Educating People to Heal Themselves” Judy Seeger’s passion is to energize people with health! Having seen 1000’s of people in her clinic suffer from colds and headaches. California Chicago . she has been highly successful in bringing people to a level of wellness they have never experienced before. As director of a Wholistic Health Clinic. and brain cancer greatly improved by using her health plan system. She provided every form of safe. Wisconsin “I have no doubt that Judy will be of great help and encouragement to those who are willing to make meaningful dietary and lifestyle changes. John Christopher. publisher. MD. Wisconsin Director of Wholistic Health Clinic 5 years in Green Bay. Master Herbalist Amish health consultant 3 year mentoring with Dr. MD Nutritional Consultant YWCA – Green Bay.Relevant Work Experiences: Herbal Medicine Study exchange for lasting benefits in my health for today and the rest of my life” Pastor Lorraine Sharp. Shovelski. Minnesota “It has been well worth the time and effort to change my lifestyle …. I am delighted for the opportunity of giving her an enthusiastic and unreserved recommendation. Daniel J. productive lifestyle…it is nothing less than a win/win situation” Chris Evans. My blood sugar is now normal…” Pastor Dick Gibbons.” Dr. MaryAnn McNeilus. Wisconsin “I was a diabetic for the last eight years and I had to take 25 units of insulin twice a day. I gained energy and vitality. MaryAnn McNeilus. DC. Oregon “Only if are serious about living a more healthful. I lost weight and inches. Wisconsin Director of Wholistic Health Clinic 5 years in San Diego. California Live radio and television interviews throughout the United States Membership in good standing with: Academy of Enzyme Nutrition American Seminar League Association IHAUSA – International Hyperbaric Association National Health Federation American Holistic Health Association Health and Wellness Foundation International College of Integrative Medicine What Others Are Saying: ”I have found her to be truly concerned about her patients and render high quality care…she is also a person of the highest integrity… Dr. Oregon ”The experience was very beneficial to my health. Wautlet. Wisconsin Nutritional Consultant Iola Family Chiropractic – Iola. My allergy symptoms were much improved and I have gained a much healthier lifestyle…” Phyllis A. California . testing – Page 10 Top 7 Natural Therapies I Used in My Clinic .save your gall bladder now! Are Your Symptoms Real? – Page 1 Are You A Likely Candidate for Gallstones? .Page 7 Where In The World Is Your Gallbladder Anyway? – Page 9 Testing.Shatter Your Gallstones! Proven tips and Techniques to Eliminate Gallstones WITHOUT surgery Table of Contents Introduction YES! You can Avoid Surgery .Page 14 How to Flush Out Your Gallstones RIGHT NOW – Page 31 Top 8 Herbs to Use To Eliminate Gallstones – Page 63 The #1 Enzyme Your Don’t Ever Want to be Without – Page 74 3 Juices You Have to Drink Everyday – Page 78 75 Foods to Eat to Keep Gallstones from Ever Coming Back – Page 89 Reliable Resources – Page 100 . testing. Look at the symptoms (below) to see if you are experiencing these. It’s right in my pelvic area. called bile. Within the last week or so I have been feeling mild uncomfortable pains in my lower right side. 1 . then check with a health professional. Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. with no other symptoms. Please help!” “HELP! Gallstone Attack! What can I do? I am having gallstone attacks after eating! What can I do to relieve the pain?” While these people experienced symptoms.Are Your Symptoms Real? “I have been on and off the South Beach Diet and in all have lost a little over 40 pounds. Gallstones form when liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into pieces of stone-like material. It is very uncomfortable …” “I just wanted to know about a pain in my side. I have been working out 4-5 days a week. is used to help the body digest fats. hundreds of tiny stones. It's been hurting for two days now. The gallbladder can develop just one large stone. The liquid. most people with gallstones have no symptoms at all. One study found that more than 80 percent of patients who were found to have gallstones had no symptoms. or almost any combination. Other symptoms are mild pain under the right ribs. It occurs after eating fatty foods because fat in the diet provokes a reflex contraction of the gall bladder.If a gallstone is obstructing the gall bladder. infection of the gall bladder occurs. This pain usually occurs after eating fatty foods. If there is complete obstruction of the gall bladder. Strong muscular contractions occur because the body is trying to get rid of the obstruction. The pain will come and go in waves as strong muscular contractions. Symptoms of this are: fever and jaundice (yellow skin). there will be severe pain in the upper right side of the abdomen . 2 . The pain was coming in waves. After the exam. I’m not usually welcomed in most hospitals. but instead had lodged in his bile ducts. He was already looking jaundiced and running a fever. was in the hospital with gallbladder pain. Jill was happy! Ed went home happy that he still had his gall bladder and saved a ton of money!!! 3 . As a naturopath. the common bile duct. The medical doctors wanted to remove the gallbladder.Jill’s story… When Jill called me. I reviewed his symptoms with him and what the medical doctors told him. Her father Ed. but he wanted to get my opinion first. I told him to have the doctor do tests to see if they could see the stones in his bile ducts. that’s where a huge stone was lodged. I did a brief exam on him. enough to topple this big strapping 70 year old guy. my patient. The next day his doctor ran the tests. it wasn’t to invite me to tea. but rather how much money that can be made from removing it through surgery. and sure enough. Seems like they don’t always want to save the patients gallbladder. The doctor removed the stone and left the gall bladder intact. I was sure the stones were not in his gallbladder. IF you don’t have the gallbladder there to squirt the bile. I agree. your chances are much higher of getting: Jaundice Skin rashes Hormonal Imbalance Low blood pressure Fatigue Weakness Weight Loss Poor appetite Nausea Fever …just to name a few liver problems if your gallbladder is removed. which organ gets extra duty to break down fats? The liver of course! If the liver is already working extra hard breaking down fats. You CAN live without your gallbladder…but there’s a BIG price to pay. 4 .The Symptoms… Most doctors say you can live without your gallbladder. A typical attack can cause: Steady pain in the upper abdomen or right side that increases rapidly and lasts from 30 minutes to several hours. check these symptoms: Symptoms of gallstones are often called a gallstone “attack” because they occur suddenly. Other gallstone symptoms include: Abdominal bloating 5 . Why risk it? Instead. especially right after a meal. They may occur during the night. such as a meal with meat and potatoes.Dr. but you want to save your gall bladder. deep fried foods. Pain in the back between the shoulder blades Pain under the right shoulder Nausea or vomiting Gallstone attacks often follow fatty meals. get rid of your gallstones naturally and save your gall bladder! Read on… Here’s what to do if you DO have pain. Pain is sharp. First. or dull. greasy foods. cramping. Judy Says…. heartburn IMPORTANT NOTE If you have the above symptoms PLUS any of following symptoms you should see a doctor right away: ~ Sweating ~ Chills ~ Low-grade fever ~ Yellowish color of the skin or whites of the eyes ~ Clay-colored stools Still want to save your gallbladder??? Then read on… 6 .Recurring intolerance of fatty foods Belching Gas Indigestion. your chance of developing gallstones increase substantially.) Women Women are much more inclined to develop gallstones than men. Even being moderately overweight increases your 7 .Are YOU a Likely Candidate? … 8 Tips to Know If YOU Are Likely to Get Gallstones 1. In fact. 2) People over age sixty Age is also a major risk factor for both men and women. 4) Mexican Americans Those who eat their native foods rich in cheese and meats tend to form gall stones more readily. particularly after you hit age sixty. women between the ages of 30 and 39 have three times greater risk of gallstones than men in the same age group. especially Pima Indians have one of the highest incidences of gallstones. 3) Native Americans Most Native Americans. 5) Overweight men and women Obesity (weight greater than 120 percent of ideal body weight) is certainly a major risk factor as well. This is particularly true in women. As you age. have been found to have less gallbladder problems within one to two months after delivery. 8) Pregnant women. compared to a 12. A recently published study of more than 60. leading to excessive stones being formed. appear to be largely responsible for this.000 women showed that the risk of having a gallbladder attack is directly related to the amount of physical activity done.3 times greater risk for needing gallbladder surgery compared to women who worked out daily. 6) Lack of physical activity. Pregnant women. especially estrogen. are also risk factors for forming gallstones. 7) People who fast or lose a lot of weight quickly. after they give birth.chance for forming gallstones. having been shown to promote gallstone formation. Women who sat all day at their desk were at a 2. Yo-yo diets are no-no diets! When weight is lost and gained too rapidly. One study reported that only 1. women who are on estrogen replacement therapy or oral contraceptives also seem to be at a higher risk for developing gallstones. this puts a tremendous stress on your liver and gallbladder. Similar findings have also been observed with men. Along these lines. Pregnancy.2-percent prevalence of gallstones among women with a history of childbirth. or a history of childbirth. 8 . and women who use birth control pills Sex hormones.3 percent of women who have never given birth had gallstones. women on hormone therapy. forcing the bile into the common bile duct.Where In The World Is Your Gallbladder Anyway? Your gallbladder is so small you wouldn’t think it could cause so much trouble! But this little tiny three inch sac is actually a muscular storage sac that can hold about one ounce of your bile. This is the same greenish-yellow bile fluid made by your liver and sometimes you “burp up” leaving you with a sour taste in your mouth. When bile is needed. the gallbladder contracts. It’s lined with a special mucus lining. which can absorb salts (minerals). 9 . Your gallbladder is simply a storage site for the bile that your liver makes. which carries it to the small intestine to aid in digestion. It’s attached to and located on the under part of the liver. ERCP is used to locate and remove stones in the ducts. The doctor then injects a special dye that temporarily stains the ducts in the biliary system. which is then stimulated to contract. flexible. Cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan) is used to diagnose abnormal contraction of the gallbladder or obstruction. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). 10 . lighted tube connected to a computer and TV monitor. The patient is injected with a radioactive material that is taken up in the gallbladder. a test called an endoscopic retrograde pancreatogram (or ERCP) may be suggested. Cholecystogram This test involves ingesting radiographic dye in pill form and taking an x-ray of your gallbladder. The doctor guides the endoscope through the stomach and into the small intestine. MR cholangiogram may diagnose blocked bile ducts. The patient swallows an endoscope--a long. testing… 6 Traditional Tests and … 6 Alternative Tips If You Do Have Gallstones Computed tomography (CT) scan may show the gallstones or complications. Testing.TESTING. If there is suspicion that a gallstone may be lodged in the bile duct. 11 . It is also useful in establishing whether the gallbladder appears inflamed. Here’s how the medical doctors do it… Traditionally. or jaundice. rather than x-rays. pancreatitis. Stones usually recur after nonsurgical treatment. Both drugs cause mild diarrhea. ursodiol (Actigall) and chenodiol (Chenix). Drugs made from bile acid are used to dissolve the stones. Oral dissolution therapy. It is excellent for detecting gallstones and sludge.Blood tests Blood tests may be used to look for signs of infection. doctors will only consider a non-surgical approach only in special situations--such as when a patient has a serious medical condition preventing surgery--and only for cholesterol stones. obstruction. work best for small cholesterol stones. This is a non-invasive test that utilizes sound waves. Months or years of treatment may be necessary before all the stones dissolve. most often your doctor will order a test called an abdominal ultrasound or sonogram. The drugs. and chenodiol may temporarily raise levels of blood cholesterol and the liver enzyme transaminase. Ultrasound If you have symptoms that might suggest the presence of gallstones. to create images. You found out through tests that you definitely do have gallstones. Ok. and hepatitis. appendicitis. ulcers. irritable bowel syndrome. Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL). pancreatitis. Gallstone symptoms are similar to those of heart attack. and ESWL's success rate is not known. Or did you? Remember…. noncalcified cholesterol stones. Judy Says…. The procedure is being tested in patients with symptomatic. Don’t give up until you have peace about it. This treatment uses shock waves to break up stones into tiny pieces that can pass through the bile ducts without causing blockages. This experimental procedure involves injecting a drug directly into the gallbladder to dissolve stones. you can be assured you have gallstones. The drug--methyl tertbutyl ether--can dissolve some stones in 1 to 3 days. but it must be used very carefully because it is a flammable anesthetic that can be toxic. third and fourth opinion. hiatal hernia. If you have ALL the tests coming back positive. So accurate diagnosis is important! Get a second. Attacks of biliary colic (intense pain) are common after treatment. Dr.Contact dissolution therapy. 12 . followed by a two to three week stay at home. Read the 7 Natural Therapies I Used Successfully In My Clinic to Eliminate Gallstones…. 13 . you will definitely have to watch everything you eat. this will solve ALL your problems! What they don’t tell you is that without a gallbladder. diarrhea is likely to occur.What about all these traditional therapies? If you want to use therapies that: • take months or years of treatment… • have the stones form again… • can cause diarrhea… • are extremely toxic… • and definitely causes intense pain… Be my guest and go for it! This is why most doctors will recommend surgery. If the food you eat contains even a tiny amount of fat. This includes a 4-5 day stay in the hospital. Supposedly. – If you want this. or a poor reaction to anesthesia makes you a poor candidate for surgery. put this book down. 14 . or if age. Actigall treatment is usually recommended. If you suffer from gallstones but do not want to undergo surgery to remove them.7 Top Natural Therapies I used Successfully in my clinic to Eliminate Gallstones Here’s what the traditional western medicine says about eliminating gallstones…. run to your nearest pharmacist and tell me which hospital you are in so I can send you flowers after your surgery… #1 Recommended drug for gallstones Brand name: Actigall Pronounced: AK-ti-gawl Generic name: Ursodiol Why is this drug prescribed? Actigall is used to help dissolve certain kinds of gallstones. infirmity. What side effects may occur? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • abdominal pain allergy arthritis back pain bronchitis chest pain constipation cough diarrhea dizziness fatigue flu-like symptoms gas hair loss headache high blood sugar indigestion insomnia joint pain menstrual pain. and there is a possibility of incomplete dissolution and recurrence of stones. muscle and bone pain nasal inflammation nausea sinus inflammation skin rash sore throat stomach or intestinal disorder stomach ulcer upper respiratory tract infection urinary tract infection 15 . It takes months of Actigall therapy to dissolve gallstones.Most important fact about this drug… Actigall is not a quick remedy. (best not to use if you are a woman during her menstrual cycle). It’s applied to the abdomen. is getting unstuck’. ‘like something stuck. more circulation. Many people have reported a sensation of warmth. and yet can cost you very little time or money! 1) Castor Oil Packs The effect of castor oil packs on gallstones is to stimulate circulation.• viral infection • vomiting Hmmmm… Decided not to go the local drug store??? Then read on to what DOES work. 16 . Cover with saran wrap or some type of plastic. Now Rest! REST! REST!!! 17 . cold pressed. Cover this with the large bath towel. Place the oil on the abdomen. more toward your right side. If you don’t do this.What You Will Need o Castor oil. and wring it out. Cloth should not be dripping. Cover the area with the hot water bottle. to hold in the heat. organic o Cotton – 100% cotton diapers are best o Plastic – saran wrap or similar o Hot water bottle or hot towel o Large bath towel o 1-2 teaspoons baking soda How to Apply the Pack Soak cotton diaper in the oil. it will stain your sheets. Then. After Your Therapy… Your skin will feel oily and gummy. The best is to do the castor oil packs at least (1) week before your Flush. The best is to put the castor oil pack on right before bedtime and sleep with it throughout the night. Simply take a small amount (about a teaspoon) of baking soda that has been dissolved in 1 cup of water.Put your feet up and rest comfortably for at least (1) hour. about 1-2 days after. Gently rub this solution with a wash cloth on the oily parts of your abdomen to remove the castor. 18 . How Often to Do Castor Oil Packs? Use the packs the whole time you are doing the Flushes. But if you are having one right now. They had lots of other creative ways of doing the procedure but I won’t go into all the details of how it was done.2) Colon hydrotherapy If by now you don’t know how good colon hydrotherapy is for you. Better yet.i-act. This is the first recorded history of a physician drying out a gourd. Colon hydrotherapy has been done by healers since the Egyptian era. You will feel so much better http://www.colonhealth. then poking a hole in the narrow end. I’m sure many of you remember colonics being given to you by well-meaning grandmothers! Here are more resources for you to check out for finding a colon therapist: http://www. The other end had a larger hole poked through where the water was poured through to rinse out the colon. and you will wonder why you waited so long to do one. this is the time to learn! The best time to do them is BEFORE a gallbladder attack. At least you get the picture! Colon cleanses of some kind or another have been given right up until about 50 years ago. run to your nearest colon therapist and get cleaned out.colonic-association. do it yourself. They are very easy to do and extremely 19 . Gerson noted some remarkable effects of this procedure." More information about Dr. then cancer.gerson. Gerson and his clinics can be found here: http://www. What is known is that the coffee enema appeared at least as early as 1917 and was found in the prestigious Merck Manual until 1972. Non-Coffee Enema When a coffee enema is used. first for tuberculosis. Max Gerson used his clinic as part of a general detoxification regimen.Types of Colon Hydrotherapy: Coffee Enema No one knows when the first daring soul filled the enema bag with coffee. Dr. patients could stop with all pain-killers once on the coffee The Difference Between Coffee Vs. It causes the liver to produce more bile and moves the bile out toward the small intestine for elimination. For instance. This seems to free up the liver to process more incoming toxic materials that have accumulated in the organs. 20 . He figured out that coffee will travel up the hemorrhoidal to the portal vein and then to the liver itself. the caffeine from the coffee is absorbed into the body and goes directly to the liver where it becomes a very strong detoxifier. "Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver. In the 1920’s German scientists found that a caffeine solution could open the bile ducts and stimulate the production of bile in the liver of experimental animals. tissues and bloodstream. The coffee speeds up the detoxification process compared to a plain water colon hydrotherapy. which carries away the toxins. Spend maybe 15 minutes just flushing out this old debris. At the same time. stones form. the veins that are so close to the surface absorb the caffeine very quickly. peristalsis kicks in. This is the movement of your bowels that gives you the urge “to go”. the poison is being carried out of your body instead of being stored in your bowels which can cause all kinds of problems…like gall stones! The Procedure Wherever you go to have your colon hydrotherapy done. No worries. you want to hold the coffee for at least 12 – 15 minutes. These substances combine to stimulate causing a dilation of blood vessels and bile ducts. When you first feel it. slowly allow the coffee to stay inside of your colon. you definitely want to have every single therapy working for you quickly to get you out of pain. At first. Then. palmitates. The coffee is absorbed here and then carried directly to the liver by the portal vein. Breathe deeply. make sure you have at least one coffee session. You always want those bile ducts working because when they don’t. The enzyme in coffee. Turn the lights off… 21 . you might not be able to do this since you have so much other fecal matter that has to come out. Relax. theophylline and theobromine. Never ignore this urge. Don’t force it.Why Not Just Drink the Coffee? It sure would taste better to drink the stuff rather than having it go up the you-know-where! But when you’re having a gallstone attack. This is called the hemorrhoidal vein. This in turn opens up the bile ducts. walk quickly to the nearest bathroom and take care of it! This way. When you take coffee through your anus. Ideally. help the liver carry away the toxins in bile acid. Coffee colon hydrotherapy has caffeine. This can happen next time you have a bowel movement. Just as if you drank a cup! I had this after my very first session and thought I was going to bounce off the walls. NEVER USE DECAFFIENATED COFFEE!! It has waaayyyy too many chemicals!! Hate to shout at you. Feeling Wired? Sometimes you can feel wired. you will hear or feel a squirting or emptying of your gallbladder. which wore off after a couple of hours. organic coffee. You will also know by the smell! It usually smells like a strong sour. Or sometimes using organic coffee versus regular coffee can make the difference. You can feel the upper right part of your abdomen (underneath your right rib cage). or feel slight heart palpitations after a coffee enema. That goes for drinking the stuff too. feel more relaxed. putrid smell. hyper. 22 . jumpy. Stick with regular. but I don’t want you to use more poisons when you’re working so hard to get rid of them. Or empty. Next time. I cut the coffee dose in half and that solved the problem.Sometimes. I am not a coffee drinker so I got a real strong buzz. Decaffeinated coffee contains lots of chemicals that can harm you. Concentrate the water flow on your upper right part of your abdomen (underneath the right side of your rib cage). Hydrotherapy means “water therapy”. I have found that when hydrotherapy is used on specific areas of the body. and gallstones.3) Hot/cold Hydrotherapy What is hydrotherapy? This therapy has been around for centuries and was used by many of our great-great-great grandmothers. Simply run very hot water on your lower abdomen for 2-3 minutes. The water should be as hot as you can take it. women with female problems. circulation increases throughout the body. It is based on the effects of using alternate application of hot and cold water to specific areas of the body. blood flow increases tremendously. Let’s Start With 2 Hydrotherapy Treatments The Shower The most effective way to use hydrotherapy is in the shower. but not so hot that it can burn you. Traditionally. Cold applications will decrease inflammation and drive blood deeper into the body. diabetics. When more blood flows to an organ. I am one of the few naturopaths in the United States who has effectively used hydrotherapy on cancer patients. History shows that the first hydrotherapy was used in the 1600’s by physicians on thousands of people whose conditions were considered incurable. medical doctors and physical therapies know that hot applications will relax the muscles and bring blood to the surface of the skin. so be careful! 23 . and healing begins. The heat pack therapy may be used as dry heat or moist heat. Afterwards. yell. As cold as you can take it!! For 1 full minute. in our years of searching for a quick fix. Somehow. switch back to the cold. you will notice immediate relief because the heat on the blood vessels dilate (opens) and the tension of the nerves relax. After the hot. shout but stay under that cold water! Keep thinking of how your gallstones will soon be coming out! Then switch back to the hot and let it flow again on your abdomen for 2-3 minutes. Scream. When you use this along with the other therapies. Hot Blanket Pack (also called Fomentations) The use of heat to relieve pain has been used as far back as 450 B.relax…. For gallstone pain. we have lost the art of using this valuable form of therapy.After the hot water has been flowing directly on your abdomen.C. 24 . Repeat this process of hot for 2-3 minutes to cold for 1 full minute at least 5 times. switch the water to cold. Always follow heat therapy with a short application of cold. reward yourself with a soothing cup of hot chamomile or peppermint herbal tea and Relax! That was a big workout for your body. Relax…. I recommend moist heat.relax…. 25 . 6) Leave on for 5 minutes. 10) Cover with the bath towel and leave on for a full minute. 4) Place on the upper right part of the abdomen. Switch when the first pack has cooled down.What You Will Need: 6 quart pot of boiling water 4 Large cotton cloth diapers 1 large bath towel 1 wash cloth and bowl of ice water How To Do A Fomentation: 1) Have the room warm. Untwist quickly and wrap in a dry cloth. 2) Have the water boiling. place the cold wash cloth from the ice water on the area. Fold one cloth into thirds so it is nice and thick Grab corner ends and twist them as far as you can. Dip it into the boiling water while you are still holding onto the ends. 7) Get the next one ready. 5) Place the large bath towel over the heat pack to hold in the heat. 9) After the last heat pack. 3) Wrap the dry cloth around the wet cloth by folding over it double. Lift out of the water and twist tightly. 8) Repeat this 3 times. still holding onto the dry ends. I recommend NOT using a water bottle for severe pain. Moist heat is a thousand times more effective than a water bottle. Electric heat pads are definitely on the bottom of the list for effectiveness. 26 . Judy Says….Dr. legs and even your head. The most effective massage is the one done immediately after the Hot/Cold Therapy. stroke.  Continue massaging until the whole abdomen has been covered. Always stroke toward your heart.  Rub the arms. Squeeze. pressing as firmly as you are able. Tip – if you get tired. use a tennis ball. About 10 circles for each area. You don’t need a massage therapist for this! You or a friend can do this. When used in combination with the Hydrotherapy. 27 . Roll the ball in a circular motion the same as above. Did you know massage can also be use to relieve pain? Remember… bring more blood flow to the area of inflammation. with every part of your hand. stomach. Place the ball on your abdomen and the flat of your hand on top of the ball.  Stay relaxed. rub. Get that circulation going!  On your abdomen. and the body will heal much more quickly. Move slightly over to the next area and repeat. you will want to use circular movements to stimulate your liver. it will bring amazing results.4) Massage Most of us know massage is excellent for relaxation. How To Do It  Rub the area with olive oil. Starting from the right. make small circles with your fingertips. Everyone can benefit from juicing regardless of their condition. living food. balanced organic form. The remedy for this situation is simple: raw juice therapy! Nutrients in the juiced form are easier to assimilate. offering healing nutrients in their whole. since juiced foods require little or no digestion. A weakened digestive system is unable to digest the very foods that will heal it.5) Juices – Apple/ Lemon water BENEFITS OF JUICE THERAPY Fresh raw juice is the best multi-vitamin and mineral supplement known to man! Not only does it provide all the essential nutrients that have been isolated. It is a complete. drink at least one 8 ounce glass of fresh raw vegetable juice daily. including the digestive system. Therefore. but many nutrients that man has yet to discover. If you are concerned about getting all the nutrients you need. It is like liquid gold to your body! Raw foods provide the nutrients and enzymes needed to heal the entire body. a glass of juice can be considered a meal in itself. namely raw fruits and vegetables. However. It is like getting your healing nutrients wholesale! 28 . Juicing makes the nutrients in fruits and vegetables more highly concentrated. most people's digestive systems are so toxic and inefficient that the ability to break down raw fruits and vegetables is minimal. This increases the efficiency of the healing process because the nutrients of raw fruits and vegetables are readily available for assimilation. What are the benefits of juice therapy? *Juiced foods require little or no digestion *Juiced foods are easier to assimilate *Juicing increases the efficiency of the healing process *Juicing is liquid gold for your body! Best Ways to Juice o Use freshly made raw juice diluted 25-50% with distilled water. This allows for better assimilation. o Sip or drink slowly. and other additives. o When making juice use 80% carrot or tomato. In addition. taking it with food will overload the digestive system. o Do not use commercially produced juices. They may contain sugars. 29 . *All fruits may be mixed together *All vegetables may be mixed together *All melons may be mixed together Exception: Apples and celery can be mixed with fruit or vegetables. Since juice is a meal in itself. Carrot and tomato juice are relatively sweet and will carry the taste of other vegetables. or full strength. Wait 1 hour after eating. preservatives. They require different digestive processes. heat from the pasteurization process has destroyed the enzymes which are essential for life! o Drink the juice alone not with solid food. o Do not combine fruits and vegetables. 6) Herbs (read more on specific herbs in “Top 8 Herbs” chapter) 7) Foods (read more on foods in “75 Foods to Prevent Gallstones from Forming” chapter) 30 . How to Flush Out Your Gallstones RIGHT NOW Here are pictures of actual gallstones that were flushed out of people … 31 . but you have to do it repeatedly to get results. Do this one if you’re feeling desperate! 32 . but there’s lots of prep work.easy to do. Just because you choose one flush over another doesn’t mean you’re a wimp OR a super human! The point here is just pick ONE flush – and do it immediately! Here’s the system I came up with in my clinic to help you decide which flush to use: (the easier flushes are listed at the end) Rating system: * Easy flush . you will likely experience nausea. will definitely see stones flushed the first time.How do you rate? Everyone has a different pain tolerance. *** Hard flush – no prep work. ** Medium flush – don’t have to do it as much. Drink (1) 8 ounce cup before bed and (1) 8 ounce cup first thing in the morning. No one had any problems if they followed the instructions. white – doesn’t matter) 4 tablespoons EPSOM salts 3 cups purified water 1 ripe. although if you eat light meals a few days before. cold pressed. there usually isn’t a problem. If you have a juicer. drink before lunch time as well. use a straw. you will always have to watch everything you eat that contains fats. Why not take care of your gallstones yourself safely and effectively? Flush #1 Rating: * Easy Flush What You’ll Need: 1/2 cup extra virgin. organic Olive Oil 1 grapefruit (red. Drink always on an empty stomach. Plus. If the taste is hard to get down. If necessary. There’s no guarantee when you put yourself into the hands of the surgeons. Blend for 60 seconds (or shake it).Are These Flushes Safe? Absolutely! I’ve seen thousands of stones coming out of people of all ages. 33 . The worse that happens is some nausea or vomiting. Even good fats have to be drastically reduced. More instructions below…. into a blender or glass. Drink it straight. Pour in the olive oil and drink. organic lemon The Cocktail Squeeze one lemon and use one tablespoon of olive oil. juice the lemon with rind and all. pink. It sure beats having surgery and the pain that comes after that. once the gallbladder is removed. Set aside. 8:00 pm Start getting ready for bed. Then eat fresh fruit like pineapple. Start with fresh fruit juice like apple – preferably Granny Smith apple. 9:00 pm Go to the bathroom one more time. Next Morning: Drink the last dose of Epsom Salts. On the way back. you WILL get severe cramps! 2:00 pm Epsom Salts: Mix 4 tablespoons in 3 cups purified water and pour into a jar. Add Emergen – C for taste if you so desire. You need to stay laying down at least 1 hour in order for the stones to soften and pass. ** Very important! If you eat or drink anything. peaches. put your drink next to your bed.Sample Schedule: Upon rising: Eat a light fruit salad Drink plenty of water throughout the morning Lunch: vegetable soup or fresh salad or steamed veggies After 2:00 don’t eat or drink anything else. Relax. Best is to lay on your right side all night long if possible. Don’t move around. you can eat. Go back to bed if you feel like it. 34 . Get your lemon/grapefruit/olive oil drink ready. Drink the Cocktail drink and immediately lie down on your right side. After 2 hours. grapes. 6:00 pm Drink three fourths cup of Epsom Salt Mix. Seeing a colon therapist is the best. vitamins. Judy says… ~ Doing this on the weekend is a great idea since you get a chance to rest the next day. This will only slow down the process. Take your flashlight and start looking for gallstones like the pictures above. or breads or pastas. (read the chapter on “Top 7 Natural Therapies I Used in My Clinic”) ~ Eat light! Fresh fruit and fresh or steamed vegetables. You can speed the whole flushing process by getting a colonic…which I mentioned previously. ~ Do a colon hydrotherapy at the same time to get better results. and floating. or other supplements except the ones for the flush. 35 . lightly steamed vegetables again. Good News! The first flush will definitely eliminate some of your stones. At dinner. no dairy products. Count them up roughly and write that number down. You might see a few hundred before your pain is totally gone. steamed vegetables. vegetable soup. you need to repeat the flush every 2 weeks until you feel the stones are gone or when your symptoms are gone. What Happened? You can expect diarrhea. But to get them ALL out. ~ Don’t take any medications. They should have a greenish tinge to them. Dr.During the Day: Eat light throughout the day like salads. if you’re hungry. No heavy meals such as meats of any kind. For maximum softening. kefir. ripe Lemon 1 organic. DDS Author: “One Answer to Cancer” Rating: ** Medium Hard Cocktail Recipe Ingredients: Apple juice – organic. to neutralize the acid. ripe grapefruit Cocktail Drink: Preparation: Drink as much Organic (or 100% pure) APPLE JUICE as comfortable.standardprocessing. for a total of 60 drops per day.6 days before the liver flush. freshly juiced if possible Purified water Phosfood Liquid (http://www. in order to soften gallstones. for 5 .Flush #2 – Dr. Rinse your teeth after taking the ortho-phosphoric acid: Brush them briefly with a BAKING SODA solution (or Milk of Magnesia).com) Or Super Phos 30 (same product) Epsom Salts Cream. or organic whole milk ice cream Alka seltzer gold 1 organic. add PHOSFOOD drops (ortho-phosphoric acid) to the apple juice. William Donald Kelley. 36 . magnesium sulfate -. purified water. and also a muscle relaxant for the bile ducts and the gall bladder. cool water.) coffee per cup. (For example.100 degrees F. Begin with several plain. typically on a Saturday.. dissolved in 4 oz.) EPSOM SALTS. which helps dislodge stones deep in the liver ducts. Dissolve 1/2 cup (4 oz.5 (Optional) This step is used to increase bile flow.. Cramps would indicate that stones are lodged in. (You can rapidly cool the pan in a sink of cold water. while relaxing in a reclining position on a floor mat.) EPSOM SALTS into the hot coffee. as desired.) Drink more water. (use organic heavy cream. to stimulate the liver's release of waste and bile.then follow with a 4 cup ORGANIC COFFEE enema. but always to be used if "stomach cramps" should occur during the liver flush. and 7 hours before bed.. this step is very beneficial in ALL cases.Sample Schedule: START 3 hours following intestinal purge. and blocking liver ducts. drip-filtered. without carrageenan or other preservatives) 37 . NOTE: Epsom salts are MgSO4 -. Then rinse your mouth with water. if you go to be at 11 pm bedtime.) However. then cool the coffee down to 98 . (This is rare when using epsom salts. finish eating dinner by 1 pm. dissolved in 6 oz. to prevent cramps and retention of gall stones. Drink more water. Hour 2 Optional.mix. (Use a "shaker jar" to dissolve the Epsom salts. as desired. (body temperature) before using. This step also helps to eliminate hunger.15 minutes. Eat: 8 oz. Epsom salts are available in drug stores.. The taste is much less objectionable with cool water.) Retain the coffee enema for 10 . Hour 3 Take 1 Tablespoon EPSOM SALTS. CREAM on fresh berries or other fresh fruit .) Take 2 Tablespoons (1 oz. warm-water enemas . Use 1 Tablespoon (1/2 oz. Then rinse your mouth with water. Hour 4. dissolved in 3 oz. If any nausea or acid-reflux is felt during the night. and then shift your weight to your right side. and go to sleep.8 oz. followed by 4 oz. drink 8 . 38 .12 ounces of water. up under your right ribs. *** Go Immediately to Bed. cool water. room-temperature Organic OLIVE OIL.8 oz. and expel their collection of gall gravel and gall stones. freshsqueezed LEMON JUICE. without carrageenan or other preservatives) Hour 7 Bedtime -. Now relax into this position. vanilla HIGH-FAT ICE CREAM. (The acid lemon juice speeds the transit of the olive oil thru the stomach and into the duodenum. Later. as desired. mixed. towards your right shoulder. stretch out. NOTE: Olive oil. Next. but helpful: Massage your gallbladder with your finger tips. Using a TIMER. "face down.) Next: Rinse your teeth: Brush them briefly with a BAKING SODA solution (or Milk of Magnesia). drink more water or orange juice.Have the required items prepared : Have a TIMER handy. OR… 16 . organic cream and 6 . if necessary. Optional. taken following the above procedure. to your chest. hold this position for 30 minutes. (You can briefly stretch your right leg. Keep your right knee held fully upwards. immediately do the following… Take 2 Teaspoons EPSOM SALTS.32 oz. After 30 minutes . get up and immediately take ALKA-SELTZER "GOLD" in water (the "Gold" type contains no aspirin). causes the liver ducts and the gall bladder to forcefully contract. The following morning. Wait 2 . These can often be felt. Take 4 oz. This is safe and effective." Pull your right knee fully upwards. fruit KEFIR. A pillow under your left shoulder will help.3 hours before eating a light breakfast. which helps prevent or minimize nausea.relax.Other Options: These variations have also worked .) Gall bladder contractions and expulsion of stones will occur at this time. to neutralize the acid of the lemon juice. (quality ice cream. and also ALKA-SELTZER "GOLD". however this is usually a false negative. Repeat the flush in 4 . Usually 1-2 hours after drinking your flush is the best time to do a colonic.or when there is a large volume of stones (more than about 1/4 cup). repeat the liver flush 2 ." Liver cleanse + Gallbladder cleanse + Liver flush = NO surgery Dr. the liver flush should be repeated in 2 weeks. Judy says… ~ Doing a colon hydrotherapy session will quickly make you feel better after the first cocktail. ~ Laying on your right side is extremely important so the oil can soften up the gallstones and squeeze them through the bile duct.Plan to repeat the liver flush at least 6 times. especially when large gall stones (one half to one inch across) are expelled -.If few (or no) gall stones are seen. for "maintenance. 39 .4 times per year. When a large volume of gall stones is seen.. this is OK -.6 weeks. After the initial series. One half-pint of freshly squeezed lemon juice. You may drink water or fresh juices. Don't make any plans to go out! DO NOT EAT ANY SOLID FOOD at noon on the treatment day. Leon Hiett Author “Are You Stoned?” Rating: *** Hard This is the Flush to use if you have pain NOW and want to eliminate your stones immediately! Cocktail Recipe Ingredients One pint of cold virgin olive oil. Edith Hiett. as much as you like.Flush #3 Claude M. Peppermint oil Pineapple or V8 juice Measuring cup or tablespoon size measuring spoon Pitcher of purified water Paint stirring stick Jar with screw-on lid Index cards Net or colander to drape under the toilet seat. to catch your stones Cocktail Drink Pick a day when you have nothing much to do the next day. DO NOT HAVE ANY FLUIDS after 6:30 pm (or 30 minutes before the 40 . Friday is best for most people who have the weekend off. Lewis. and preferably even the day after. Sit up. Place the net under you toilet seat so it will be ready when you need it. use the peppermint oil in the olive oil. Also have handy the screw-on lid for storing your gall stones and the index card. try chasing it with a small amount of V8 juice or pineapple juice. drink it all. pour ¼ cup (four tablespoonfuls) of olive oil and drink it. If there is any lemon juice left.start of your treatment) on the day of treatment. Repeat the exact dosage every 15 minutes until you have swallowed the pint of olive oil. Give your stomach time to evacuate all the fluids. 41 .Stop drinking all fluids 7. Lift the seat and place the net across the porcelain stool. Relax. Follow immediately with one or two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice. Place the pitcher of water and the paint stirring stick next to the toilet ready for when you need them.Using a measuring device.00 pm. or chase the olive oil with a small amount of V8 or pineapple juice. Repeat this every 15 minutes. If possible. If you should experience extreme nausea or vomiting. Lie down and relax. Use one of these mixtures for a couple of doses and then go back to the olive oil and lemon juice without adding anything. have someone else bring them to you. until you can resume taking the plain olive oil and lemon juice.30 pm. swallow it and lie down again. then replace the seat so it will hold the net in place. read or watch television. It is now probably 10:00 or 10:30 pm If you have terrible nausea or vomiting sensations. Then the olive oil won't float up on top of the fluid and your chances of nausea will be greatly reduced. Sample Schedule 12 Noon -Stop eating all solid food 6. Or you might try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the olive oil. It may not happen. Now go to bed and do your best to go to sleep. You certainly want to keep your stones for a while to remind yourself that it was all worthwhile. but some will still be unbelievers. as a makeshift shovel. The fecal material will be runny and wash through the net. You have finished the olive oil and lemon juice. Many will be amazed. If your first bowel movement is at 2:00 or 3:00 am you will probably have no stones in it. along with the softening action of the lemon juice. Try 20 minutes between doses. Pour water gently and use the stick to separate the stones from the fecal material. Lie on your right side. If you want to keep them for an indefinite period. but you'll want to check to be sure using a flashlight. After a few days they will dissolve (because of the lemon juice and oil). or 25 minutes. Place the stones in the jar and screw the lid on. You can use the index card. You may want to show your stones to some people. take as much as you possibly can. you'll use the pitcher of water and the paint stirring stick to wash the fecal material through the net. This.While you are taking the olive oil and lemon juice. folded in half. If you are too nauseated to get it all down. Try to swallow all of the oil and lemon juice. take a little more time between doses.GALLSTONES. This position speeds up the process of the olive oil entering the gallbladder to act as a lubricant. About 2:00 or 3:00 am you'll probably wake up with the unmistakable urge to go to the toilet. 42 . For some. if it gets hard to swallow. will help to free the stones more easily and readily from the gallbladder. When you have the first bowel movement after the treatment. store them in your freezer with a label . it doesn't happen until 11:00 am the next day. Stay in bed and forget everything until the urge to go the toilet comes. If you are one of them. In some individuals.D. the sample had the chemical contents of gallstones. He ran the necessary tests… His analysis of the stone sample I sent was 91% cholesterol and the rest was bile salts. Lewis found that 1% of people failed to pass gallstones. 43 . Dr. Some gallstones may be dissolved by the treatment.DON'T' EAT!!!! You may notice green objects and maybe greenish liquid excrement in the toilet bowel. water and inert ingredients. the powerful action of the lemon juice causes the stones to dissolve before they are passed out of the body. In other words. Some people (including doctors) will say that your gall stones are not gallstones but fecal matter. who heads up the Science Department at Texas Woman's University in Denton. Those are small gallstones. And the report clearly states it was gallstones". To quote from Dr Lewis: "To clarify the situation and eliminate such questions. the treatment has been effective. don't be disappointed. I sent a sample of gall stones to a medical analysis lab run by a Ph. IF you have only greenish liquid bowel movements. ~ This can be an extreme flush in that most people will notice some nausea. Use the peppermint oil or peppermint tea which is also helpful. Another idea is to pick up a cheap spaghetti colander and place it in the toilet bowl. Simply lift it up and you can use the paint stick to sort through the stones.Dr. ~Using the net to get the gallstones is a great idea if you want to save them. 44 . Judy says…. Over the next three to five days. Eat normally during the liver or Ortho phos from Nutra-Dyn) Enema bag and colon tube Coffee Epsom Salts Organic whipping cream and berries Olive oil –organic.standardprocessing. or grapefruit – organic. extra virgin Orange. Shake and refrigerate. drink the gallon of juice (three to four 8-ounce glasses a day) between meals. cold pressed. Be sure to rinse your mouth out with baking soda and/or brush your teeth after drinking the juice to prevent the acid from damaging the teeth. ripe Cocktail Drink Add one bottle (2 ounces) of orthophosphoric acid to the gallon of apple juice. 45 .Flush #4 (with orthophosphoric acid) Rating: ** Medium Hard Cocktail Recipe Ingredients 1 gallon apple juice (freshly pressed) 2 ounces orthophosphoric acid (Phosfood from http://www. lemon. Sample Schedule On the day following whatever day you finish the gallon of juice, eat your normal breakfast and lunch. Two hours after lunch, drink 1–2 tablespoons of Epsom Salts dissolved in warm water. Four hours after lunch, do a one pint coffee enema. Five hours after lunch, drink 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts dissolved in warm water. Six or seven hours after lunch, eat a dinner of heavy whipping cream and frozen or fresh berries – as much as desired. At bedtime, drink 1/2 cup of olive oil. A small amount of orange, grapefruit, or lemon juice may be added if desired. Immediately after drinking the oil, go to bed and lie on your right side with knees drawn up for 30 minutes. You may feel nauseated during the night. This is due to the release of stored toxins from the gallbladder and liver. This is normal and a sign that the protocol is working. Upon arising in the morning, do a coffee enema. The orthophosphoric acids helps remove calcium and lipids (fats) from the arteries and normalizes cholesterol metabolism. The phosphoric acid working with the malic acid found in apple juice dissolves and softens gallstones. The magnesium in the Epsom Salts relaxes the sphincter of the gallbladder and bile ducts, allowing for the easy passage of the softened, shrunken stones. Finally, the cream and oil cause a strong contraction of the gallbladder and liver, forcing out stored wastes, bile, and stones which easily pass into the small intestine. These wastes and stones are then excreted. 46 Dr. Judy says… ~ This flush is rated medium hard because of all the “extras” you have to have. The supplements, Epsom salts, enema bag, whipped cream. If you are not in too much pain, this flush will work for you. ~ Using standard Process’s Phosfood 30 is essential for this flush. Don’t skip it! You might also be able to get it at health food stores or some chiropractors carry it. 47 Flush #5 “Classic Coke” Flush Rating – * Easy Check Warning Cocktail Recipe Ingredients 5 ounces classic coke 6 oz. olive oil, organic, cold-pressed, extra virgin 2 tablespoons lemon juice apple juice – organic, freshly squeezed if possible magnesium citrate Sample Schedule: AT BEDTIME take the following: 5 ounces CLASSIC coke 6 oz. Virgin Olive Oil 2 Tablespoons lemon juice (freshly pressed juice) NEXT MORNING UPON AWAKENING: 10 ounces Citrate of Magnesium. NEXT 30 DAYS: Drink 4 oz. apple juice FIRST THING in the morning and LAST thing at night. Apple juice should be freshly pressed! (borrow or buy a juicer for this one). This will help to decrease the side effects of the flush such as nausea and headache. Following the flush, in the next few hours or few days, hundreds of stones may be dumped out of the gallbladder. Take a look at the toilet! Magnesium Citrate (White powder) is magnesium salt of citric acid. Chemical formula: C6H6MgO7 It is possible to order it from a pharmacy. It is almost always diluted with water. 48 Dr. Judy says… ~ Sorry folks. ~ I only include this flush because a couple of my patients used it successfully and didn’t care about the consequences. I can’t see how coke will do anything but cause lots of problems in the long run. I’ve heard it works for some people. a necessary ingredient for this flush. ~ Magnesium citrate is not in all drugstores. Read on for more easy flushes… 49 . Check your drugstore first. ~ Only do this if you don’t care about the consequences that the coke will do to your teeth or other organs. but anything that is known to dissolve my teeth will definitely not be going into my body. It’s up to you. cold pressed olive oil. do an enema or colonic to help remove toxins that are being released. You will not feel hungry. Each day for 4 days you drink up to 1 gallon of apple juice and up to 1 gallon of distilled water. It is important to take a daily colonic or enema because poisons settle in the rectum and these poisons need to be expelled from the body before they cause problems.Flush #6 “Cleansing or Surgery" Rating: * Easy Cocktail Recipe Ingredients 4 gallons of apple juice 4 gallons of steam distilled water 1/2 c extra virgin. You may change your position after 4 or 5 hours. This is not the time to do hard physical work. The apple juice will give you energy. 50 . Right after taking the 1/2 cup of olive oil.1 tablespoon 1 straw (optional) Cocktail Drink This gallbladder cleanse takes 4 days to complete and is simple and inexpensive. Then go directly to bed and lie down on your right side with two pillows under the right hip. drink 1/4 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice. drink 1/2 cup of extra virgin. Drinking the Oil On the evening of the third night when you are tired and ready for bed. Take it easy during this time to allow the body to work on cleansing. Each morning or evening. cold pressed olive oil 3 lemons (or enough to make 1/4 cup lemon juice) tomato juice . you will probably want to lie in bed and take it easy. You may be able to feel the expulsion of stones. just a mild contraction. You might want to just hold it in your mouth and then spit it out.Fourth Day On the morning after drinking the oil. You might sip on a little tomato juice. eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and drink unsweetened juices to restart the digestive mechanisms. you may feel like burping or vomiting. Continue doing daily enemas or colonics for 2 or 3 more days after you expel the gallstones to help clean out the toxins that are coming into the colon from the cleanse. you may spend a miserable night. In all honesty. For 3 or 4 days following the fast. If so. Use the time for prayer and quiet meditation. Eat small meals and watch to see if there is pain after eating. This is caused by the gallbladder ejecting the stones with such force that it shoots the oil back into the stomach. The acid and the salt in the juice help cut the oil. On the second day after the cleanse. But it is only one night of discomfort. Fruits are easiest to digest. Don't drink more than a tablespoon or so of the tomato juice. go more slowly. a simple vegetable soup with plenty of broth is good. You might want to watch videos or listen to relaxing music or read. Reactions to Cleanse After drinking the oil and lemon. Recovery from conventional gallbladder surgery involves many months of pain and suffering as the scar tissue mends. Sometime during the night. When the oil returns to the stomach. It will not be a sharp pain. you may vomit or be nauseated. Continue drinking apple juice and distilled water. You won't be in pain. 51 . you get sick. ~ Good points to note here – do not do hard physical work during this time. would you be cleaning your house or taking the dog for a walk? Rest! Focus on your healing. ~. Consider doing colonics over enemas. If you were in the hospital. and safer when a professional does the therapy for you. This is so true. They are much more effective. relaxing.Dr. Judy says…. 52 . fast until 6-8 p. Then add the juice of two lemons and fill glass with distilled water. You may drink water. glass of distilled water – drink it ALL. then begin the cleanse] HOWEVER.3-4 tablespoons Distilled Water . extra virgin at least 1 pint (16 ounces) Cocktail Drink Maintain an EMPTY STOMACH SIX to eight hours before proceeding with the cleanse. organic. 53 . glass put 3 tablespoons of the olive oil.cold pressed. According to what is most convenient to you. You will need 10 glasses of this mixture. place 3-4 tablespoons of Epsom salts in a 10 oz. you may prepare 10 glasses of the mixture in the beginning or re-mix each glass of water.Flush #7 Heavy Duty Flush Rating: *** Hard Cocktail Recipe Ingredients Epsom Salts . one hour before beginning the cleanse. for example. In an 8 least 90 ounces Freshly pressed lemon juice (20 tablespoons) Olive Oil . oil and lemon juice every 15 minutes. [After your noon meal..m. you may take one or two cups of grapefruit juice before retiring. it helps to eat 1 or 2 Fuji apples. After the cleanse regimen.Sample Schedule Drink one glass of the mixture every 15 minutes until you have drunk 10 glasses of the mixture. To offset the taste. place a small amount of pure maple syrup on the tip of your tongue when drinking mixture. as a sleep aid. if you have not eliminated. By the following morning. 54 . Also it helps to drink through a straw. with a clear path to the bathroom at all times! ~ The amount of olive oil will definitely give you a reaction. ~ Use this flush only when you feel desperate and the pain is unbearable.Dr. Judy says…. you will literally feel like you’re floating away. ~ This flush is difficult because of the enormous amount of juice and water you have to drink. You will either throw up or expel lots and lots of gallstones. 55 . If you’re not used to drinking this much. Be sure to be at home. Repeat for 6 days.Flush #8 Apple Mix Flush Rating: ** Medium Cocktail Recipe Ingredients 4-6 green Granny Smith apples OR 4-5 glasses organic apple juice 2 tablespoons Olive oil – organic. extra virgin 2 tablespoons Lemon juice – ripe. unless you have had experience fasting. organic OR use grapefruit juice 8 oz. unfiltered apple juice from morning to night.) Approximately 1 hour before bed mix: 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice – 8 ounces purified water (use hot water if you want) Drink down and go to bed and lie on right side. cold pressed. purified water Cocktail Drink Days 1-6 Eat 4-6 apples (green apples like Granny Smith work best) or drink 4-5 glasses of organic. (You can eat normally. cold pressed olive oil 56 . Fast only under supervision. Day 7 Give yourself an enema first thing in the morning. Repeat Cocktail drink but increase portions: 1 hour before bed mix: 2/3 cup extra virgin. This step is a must. Upon Rising: Give yourself a chlorophyll or coffee enema or have a colonic.. This will keep the cramps away and the nausea won’t be as bad. Dr. when done then go to bed and lie on your right side.1/3 cup lemon juice 8 ounces purified water Sip slowly. It’s Day 7 that it becomes a bit hard. heartburn. headaches etc.Use peppermint tea or few drops of peppermint oil to help nausea. ~ The best antidote for nausea as mentioned in this flush is to do a colonic. Judy says…. 57 . cramping. ~ This is a pretty easy flush to start with. because if your colon is not cleared completely prior to this flush you will experience unpleasant symptoms such as. These symptoms are due to the toxins in the stagnant bile that has been flushed out of the gallbladder into the intestines and the blood. nausea. organic. extra virgin. cold pressed Cocktail Drink In the evening: squeeze juice from 10 lemons and mix it with 1 cup of olive oil. Drink it QUICKLY. Empty bowels into the toilet and catch stones with a colander. Sample Schedule Eat only a fat-free breakfast the day of the cleanse. Drink the Cocktail. Walk all night. 58 .Flush #8 The Classic Flush Rating: *** Hard Cocktail Recipe Ingredients 10 lemons 1 cup olive oil. and then fast (eat nothing). 59 . That’s good when the stones come out at the same time.Dr. The walking will increase movement in your liver and gall bladder and allow the stones to pass easily. ~ If you’re desperate and you have someone to hold you up as you walk around. Judy says…. ~ Walking all night is not a maybe. You will end up having lots of diarrhea or bowel movements. ~ This flush looks short and sweet. this is the one for you. But you will feel like a bloated cow ready to explode! Don’t let the short recipe fool you! This is very hard to do. you MUST do it if you do this flush. Dr. Judy’s Easy Flush Rating: *Super Easy Feel free to do any or all of the flushes above. Here’s the one I used mostly in my clinic that I developed. It’s more progressive and allows the body to expel the stones at a slower pace. Cocktail Recipe Ingredients 1 whole lemon, organic, fully ripened 1 tablespoon Olive oil, organic, extra virgin, cold pressed 1 clove garlic 1 whole grapefruit, peeled 8-10 large apples, organic if possible (use any hard crisp apple – but NOT Delicious apples – these are sprayed with lots of chemicals) OR drink 1 gallon fresh, unfiltered, organic apple juice Cocktail Drink  The trick here is to use a blender, a juicer, and a straw. Juice the whole lemon, clove of garlic, and peeled grapefruit. Pour it into the blender with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Pour it into a cup and if its not quite 10 ounces, add purified water. Drink immediately. 60 Sample Schedule Here’s where I separate myself from others. It’s the pre-cleanse and post cleanse that helps tremendously! 3-4 days Before Flush Drink at least 1 quart of apple juice daily. Eat 3 very light meals: Breakfast: fresh fruit salad or eggs and apple juice Mid Morning: drink 8 ounces of apple juice Lunch: eat a fresh green salad (dark leafy greens, tomatoes, broccoli, etc) With a light olive oil and vinegar dressing. OR Vegetable sandwich Mid afternoon: have (2) 8 ounce glasses apple juice Dinner: Steamed veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes, asparagus, beets, cauliflower, etc (look at the chapter on 75 Best Foods to Eat Gallstones From Ever Coming Back…) OR Fish, chicken, or turkey with steamed veggies Evening: (1) 8 ounce glass apple juice BEFORE BED: Juice grapefruit, lemon, and garlic. Add to blender with olive oil. Drink quickly (you can use a straw). Lay on your right side for at least one hour and hopefully you will fall asleep without getting up to go to the bathroom. The next morning you should have a bowel movement, so watch for stones. If this doesn’t happen, repeat each day but INCREASE the olive oil by one tablespoon. First night – drink cocktail using (1) tablespoon olive oil. IF no stones are expelled, then increase to using (2) tablespoons. Next night, add (3) tablespoons oil to blender, etc. 61 It is vitally important that you do colonics during this time. Having a good colonic will keep you from: • • • • • • Vomiting Nausea Dizzy spells Headaches Weakness Fatigue Also, make sure you keep a light work schedule. Remember, your body is focused on healing. If you work hard or do hard physical work, your body will take a much longer time to expel the stones. Instead, take time to watch movies, read, walk, get a massage and do anything and everything you can think of to relax. The stones will come out much quicker and with much less pain when you do it this way. 62 They are easy to find in most parts of the world.million dollar industry doing just that. Unfortunately..its called Coffee! Coffee wouldn’t be half so bad if it didn’t contain the long list of negative chemicals that poisons the bloodstream. our society focuses on feeding the sweet tooth. The best herbs are those that are very. But that’s a different book… What you have to know at this point is that you need foods and herbs that will stimulate the bile flow again. Do you wonder why? Would you buy a delicious cup of herbal tea that is so bitter it would curl your toes? Actually. very bitter and soothing to the digestive system. 63 . you do! There’s a multi. The ones that I have listed are the most common ones that I used in my clinic.Top 8 Herbs to Use for Gallstone Elimination Bitter Herbs for a Bitter Organ Your liver and gallbladder needs lots of bitter foods to keep them functioning at top level. which in turn helps the liver break down fats.If you can only find one or two. If you already have gallstones. Eventually. which in turn gets your digestive system running smoothly. The reason is that the bitter herb will kick in to stimulate bile flow. that’s ok. If you have to take it by spoonfuls. The point is to start with what you have and consistently use it BEFORE meals. Judy Says…. Dr. that’s fine. I would suggest using the bitter herbs every hour on the hour. Just get it into your mouth! Here’s the list of herbs: : 64 . your tongue will become numb and you won’t notice the bitterness. OR as a tincture. 65 . Therefore it helps digestion as well as purifying the blood. It aids circulation and helps resolve all liver problems.take (1) teaspoon of tincture. Holy Thistle (cerebenia benedicta) This plant has a very great power in purification and circulation of the blood Excellent stimulant tonic for the stomach and heart. Excellent when combined with yellow dock or burdock. An infusion is made using (1) ounce of dried herb to a pint of boiled water. Recommended – Drink (1) cup twice a day 2 ounces of the dried herb simmered in a quart of water for 2 hours. Recommended . take (1) tablespoon each time. 3-4 times daily 2) Milk Thistle also known as Blessed Milk Thistle. Extremely bitter. three times daily between meals. Extremely bitter. Best used at bedtime as a preventative. It is taken one-half cup each.1) Oregon Grape Root (berberis aquifolium) Oregon grape root stimulates the secretion of bile. Will cause profuse perspiration. 66 . It is a splendid remedy for increasing the activity of the liver. Especially useful for clearing obstruction of the gallbladder. The root is used to increase the flow of urine. especially in the enlargement of the liver and spleen. Drink one cup every ½ hour. Recommended: Use (1) tablespoon in a quart of hot water. The ground roots makes an excellent substitute for coffee. Dandelion green has been used much in the same way as spinach or fresh green salad. and it has the capacity to clear obstructions and stimulate the liver to detoxify poisons. Let soak overnight or at least 4 hours. and is slightly laxative. Dandelion has 28 parts natural sodium. Anemia is caused by the deficiency of nutritive salts in the blood. Extremely bitter. It is one of the oldest well-known remedies for gallstones and the liver. and really has nothing to do with the quantity of good blood.3) Dandelion (taraxacum officinalis) The chief benefits of this great herb are exerted upon the function of the liver. The natural nutritive salts purify the blood and destroy the acids in the blood. It stimulates digestion. 5) Peppermint (mentha piperita) This is one of the oldest household remedies and should be in every garden or flower pot in the kitchen. Excellent substitute for coffee which weakens the heart muscle. Recommended: may be added in small amounts to herb tea formulas or taken in gelatin capsules. improving flow of bile and acting as a laxative. Extremely bitter.4) Yellow Dock (rumex crispus) Wonderful blood purifier! Yellow dock is an astringent blood purifier useful in treating diseases of the blood and chronic skin ailments. poisons the body. Peppermint is a general stimulant. A strong cup of peppermint tea will act more powerfully on the system than any liquor stimulant. Peppermint tea cleanses and strengthens the entire body. and also stimulates elimination. It also nourishes the spleen and liver. Coffee hinders digestion. It quickly diffuses itself through the system and brings back the body to its natural warmth. 67 . high in iron and useful in treating anemia. weakens the heart. improving the function of the stomach and liver. It is a nutritive tonic. can cause constipation. Peppermint tea is delicious and strengthens your heart muscle. thus being effective for the treatment for jaundice. 1-2 capsules each time. 6) Cascara Sagrada (rhamnus purschiana) The bitter principles of cascara bark stimulate the secretions of the entire digestive system. Drink (1) cup after meals. *Note – this is not necessarily used for when you are having a gallstone attack. The tincture can be used 20-25 drops. (3) times daily. stomach and pancreas. Use (1 cup) after meals. good for all liver complaints. especially if you are feeling nauseous. especially enlarged liver. It is one of the best remedies for chronic constipation.Recommended: Steep (1) heaping teaspoon of dry peppermint leaves in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. including the liver. It is most especially useful if you are having chronic stomach pain. caraway or fennel seeds at the same time when the cascara is used as a laxative. increases secretion of bile. It is one of the safest tonic-laxative herbs known and can be used on a daily basis without becoming habit forming. Among the Indians it was known as “sacred bark”. 68 . gallbladder. To prevent griping use anise. It was called sacred by them because of the excellent results they obtained from its use. An excellent remedy for gallstones. It will help to calm your stomach down. Take as capsules. let steep for one hour. I have personally used this herb over the course of 25 years (mostly when I’m travelling) and found it to be extremely helpful. Judy Says….Recommended: Mix (4) teaspoons in a quart of boiling water. It is well to drink a (1) cup before retiring. Extremely bitter. The bark is very bitter and disagreeable to most people. 69 . Usually 2 capsules before bed is plenty. Definitely NOT habit forming as rumors have it. Dr. and drink 1-2 cups/day 1 hour before meals or on an empty stomach. Will improve the appetite. Preparation & Dosage: Gentian is best consumed in the form of a decoction (boiling (1) teaspoonful of powdered root in a covered container of about 2 pints of water for about 20 minutes. increase the circulation. Combination suggestion: Use (1) cup of hot water. Dose: Take 2-5 drops with water before meals. Drink 1-2 tablespoons before meals. 70 . Tincture . add ½ fresh lemon and a pinch of fresh grated ginger. Most effective for jaundice. Recommended: Because of its bitterness. it is better to combine gentian with other herbs. strengthen the digestive organs.1:5 in 45% alcohol.7) Gentian [pronounced “jen shane”] (gentiana lutea) Purifies the blood and is good for all liver complaints. Extremely bitter. Whiz for 30 seconds and drink the frothy mixture. Open up the two halves. Lily of the Desert is a popular brand of aloe vera juice and gel. best. most effective results with aloe: Take a fresh aloe leaf and fillet it like a fish. use a pinch of this or take (1) capsule before bed. You are worth the extra effort! By far. the very best aloe is ‘cape aloe’. Dr. Bitter. and using a very sharp knife. It’s best to use with a pinch of fresh ginger root to ease any cramping. slice it lengthwise in half. You can order it from the resource I list below. Drop it into a blender and add ½ cup of bottled water. With a spoon. Extremely bitter. Here’s a quick way to get the highest. scrape the gel off the leaf. 71 .8) Aloe (aloe socotrina) Aloe is one of the best herbs to clean out the colon. If you get nauseous. remember to drink peppermint tea after. They have been around for many years. Judy Says…. Recommendations: Take one part aloe vera gel and combine with 1 part ginger powder. Lay the flat leaf on the counter. however I have found their juice is not as strong as it used to be. It is a variety of aloe that is so bitter you only need a pinch to see results! If you’re going for the gold. I would advise making it fresh yourself. Ask them for the most bitter herbs they have. You can order the freshest. and a waste of money. so be careful! I’ve tested most of them and have found them to be extremely weak. and purchase it in bulk rather than tablets. I’m finding that very few health food stores sell fresh herbs anymore. 72 . Dr. – use Whole Foods or other natural health foodstore. However. There’s a ton of junk out Internationally – most herbalists know the ‘bitter’ herbs. highest quality herbs directly from me. Judy by calling me at 321-403-9447 or emailing me at [email protected] problems finding the herbs? Here’s some reliable resources: In the U. Drinking it as a tea is always more effective than as taking it as capsules. non-effective.S. That means the herbs I use have to be the highest quality I can find to give me the results I know is mine. My advise is to stay clear of all MLM distributors selling “herbal” products! Disclaimer: all herbs pictured are not necessarily the exact herbs mentioned. Don’t settle for cheap! This is your health. I will challenge any MLM distributor to prove to me that their product meets my high qualifications for herbs that heal.*WARNING . Spend the few extra dollars to buy the herbs that are guaranteed to give you results. In 33 years. I’m in the business of healing. 73 . I challenge any of these companies to call me directly.beware of multi-level networking companies selling liver/gallbladder formulas! I have yet to find one that I would use even on my dead dog. Yes. not one company president has ever called me. Why do You Need Enzymes? Just putting food in your mouth does not guarantee that it will be absorbed and used by your body. pasta. avocadoes. They are eating junk food that the body cannot break down. Enzymes work to build your body from proteins. 74 . If you didn’t have enzymes working for you. and bananas. That’s why so many people who are overweight don’t eat much and yet never seem to lose their weight. They are the “workers”.The #1 Enzyme to Use for Your Liver and Gallbladder What Are Enzymes? Enzymes are found throughout your body. Just like construction workers build a house. you would end up in a lumber pile! Each ‘worker’ has a different job. Amylase helps break down carbohydrates in breads. They turn the food you eat into energy and unlock this energy for your body to use. They are energized protein molecules necessary for life. helps to break down the proteins in meat into smaller more usable parts for your body. Without good digestion. Some enzymes like protease. your body will end up ‘starving’ and will retain fat to try to survive. and carbohydrates. fats. Undigested food can become toxic and cause tons of health problems. and potatoes (starchy foods) while lipase helps to break down fats such as those found in olives. bloating. and if you don’t have any gas. barbequed. boiled) this destroys the valuable enzymes your body desperately needs. When taken between meals it will be stored in the liver and called on when it’s needed. 75 . liver. You don’t even need to read this book! But when you eat foods that are cooked at high heat (fried. and pancreas. When you take this with your meals. roasted. you probably don’t need enzymes. Break Down Those Fats It is a proven fact that the enzyme Lipase breaks down and digests fat. burping. and eventually the weight comes on and stays on. or heartburn. you end up feeling tired. When your body can not break down the food to be used. it takes the stress off your gallbladder. bloated.If you eat raw foods at every meal. Definitely avoid margarine and hydrogenated oils (which is found in almost all foods in a box or bag such as chips. perch.Fats are essential for health! Don’t stop eating all foods with fat. crackers). Common Signs of Lipase (fat enzyme) Deficiency • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • high cholesterol high triglyceride levels over weight aching feet arthritis bladder problems acne gall bladder stress gallstones hay fever prostrate problems psoriasis urinary weakness constipation diarrhea heart problems 76 . haddock. The best and healthiest sources of natural fats are from omega-3 and omega-6 which is found in flaxseed and cold-water fish like halibut. cookies. snapper. A zero fat diet is extremely harmful to your health. pike. You can check the “Resources”. since this would be much more powerfully effective in breaking down fats. 77 . Lifestyle changes takes time. at the end of the book to see how to order them… ~ I also recommend using a multiple Digestive enzyme supplement to use BEFORE you eat – 2 capsules.Dr. gas. However. Taking enzymes will make the changes smoother plus allow your body to digest the foods you are eating to relieve your symptoms. This way the food is digesting easier for your stomach. ~ If you eat at fast food restaurants more than once a week… ~ Frequently have heartburn. ~ Experience constipation or diarrhea… I would recommend taking an extra dose of high level enzymes that will help you digest all the foods you eat. and this puts less stress on your liver and gallbladder (check the “Resources” for more information on ordering) ~ Take the Lipase enzyme AFTER your meals – 2 capsules. I would suggest using a single enzyme of Lipase only. Judy says… ~ There are many enzymes in health food stores that carry lipase in them. and burping… ~ Avoid certain foods because they bother you…. bloating. Is there ANYTHING I can do without going to the hospital??” True story… I got the call on a cold winter day in Wisconsin from a desperate mother. The roads were piled with snow. But she was willing to make it work. 78 .Top 3 Juices to Use to Dissolve Stones “I can’t get up off the toilet. I am in SO MUCH PAIN! I’ve been like this for three days. I hadn’t been working very long with Sherry on her health program. She had three small children. and her husband was out on his truck driving route. The nearest neighbor was at least five miles away. But she impressed me as the type of woman who wanted to make serious lifestyle changes. Her biggest challenge was driving the 30 miles to the nearest grocery store to get all the recommendations I told her. She asked a lot of questions and took notes on everything I said. She then juiced enough apples to make a gallon of juice. On the third day she called with a totally different tone in her voice. even though her labor was long and difficult. “Only apples”.When she called me. I knew she was in serious trouble. I had her take a long hot bath to get her relaxed. thank you!” 79 . She sounded so happy! “I took the hot bath. thank you. But I still had sharp pain on my right side. “What kind of fruit do you have in your house?” I asked her. Sherry was desperate. Feeling like this was her last hope. she did exactly as I instructed. I feel so much BETTER! Thank you. I didn’t eat anything. and that got me feeling better. I made the apple juice just like you told me and WOW! what a difference”. She never took any medications when she gave birth to her children. I immediately felt less pain. I also drank cranberry juice. which seemed to help too. She couldn’t go to the hospital and leave her children behind. just like you told me. she replied. Sherry had a very high pain tolerance. Perfect! I knew with apples alone we could get her out of pain. I told her to drink nothing but apple juice for three days. your body will get the juice directly into your system. Fruit juices are the cleansers of the body. without in any way burdening your digestive organs with the work of breaking down the fiber. rotting garbage that has piled up from years of abuse. Judy Says…. It wants the vital nutrients now! In less than 15 minutes. putrid. it would take hours to digest. If it had to break down the fiber. Juicing is a powerful tool to use when you are in deep pain from a gallbladder attack. When you are in the middle of a gallstone attack. 80 . The whole purpose of juicing is to enable the body to assimilate all of the vital elements contained in the fruits and vegetables in the quickest possible time.Dr. your body does not want to take the time to digest fiber. They clean out the old. They have different ph balances and will be difficult on your digestive system which could cause gas. make sure the fruit is ripe. Simply drink 2-3 large glasses of water immediately and the symptoms will disappear. you can start experimenting with other fruits. bloating. TIP #4 Don’t mix fresh fruits with vegetables. belching. stomach bloating. irritability. Once your pain is gone. you can get a little ‘sugar buzz’. The best is to dilute the fresh fruit juice with water. especially starchy foods.Tips for Drinking Fresh Fruit Juices TIP #1 Whenever you juice fresh fruit juices. Half juice and half water is a good place to start anytime you start juicing fruit. 81 . TIP #2 Make sure you don’t mix fruit juices with other foods. The best is to use only apples. The best is to drink fresh fruit juices on an empty stomach when you first wake up. diluted with water for your gallstone pain. This is when the natural sugar in the fruit overloads your system which can cause headaches. TIP #3 If the fruit juice is too sweet. How Much Juice is Enough? As a general rule. 82 . Drink 8 ounces of fresh vegetable juice in the mid-afternoon. and store the vegetable juice in a tightly sealed glass jar in the refrigerator. Drink the fruit juice immediately. gas. TIP – To save time. Remember to dilute the juices if you experience any bloating. I recommend about a pint of juice daily for maintenance or prevention. This saves you the hassle of cleaning up the juicer twice. make all your juice first thing in the morning. or headache. Drink 8 ounces of fresh apple juice in the morning. No breads. non-irritating stimulant. and make a soft bulk that acts like a mild. pasta. Drink 1 glass of apple juice every 2 hours for 2-3 days before your flush. vitamin A (360 I. meats.U. pick your ‘Flush” (found in “Flush Out Your Gallstones” chapter) 83 . This stimulant helps your bowels to move naturally. and C (18 mg) The reason apple juice is effective in eliminating gallstones is the high malic acid content of apples. Pectin has the ability to take up excess water in the intestines. Eat only fresh fruit salads and vegetables (raw salads or lightly steamed). On the third day. B. calcium (24 mg).). Apple is therapeutic for your digestive system because of the high amount of pectin it contains. potatoes. How to Use Apple Juice Before a Flush Make about a gallon of fresh apple juice.Apple Juice is the #1 Juice to Relieve Gallstone Pain Remember my story about Sherry? Drinking only apple juice helped her get out of pain immediately. preferably organic. The olive oil stimulates the gallbladder and bile duct to contract and expel the stones. Along with natural iron. This acts as a type of natural solvent to weaken the sticky adhesions that holds together the solid globules. WHEN YOU ARE HAVING AN ATTACK!!! Juice enough apples to make a gallon of juice. Do not dilute this juice! You need the strength of the apple juice to soften your stones. 84 . Drink 8 ounces every hour on the hour. Beet Juice is the #2 Juice to Relieve Gallstone Pain Vegetable juices are the Builders and Regenerators of the body. Before you turn your nose up at the thought of drinking vegetable juices. They contain amino acids. There is no vitamin or mineral supplement that comes close to providing these nutrients like fresh vegetable juices. wouldn’t you do it? Of course you would. After you flush your gallstones down the toilet. Do you want to lay helpless in the hospital bed? Or do you want to be in control of your health? Beet Juice for Prevention This is one of the most valuable juices for helping to build up the red corpuscles of the blood and tone up the blood generally. enzymes. natural salts. think about this: If this one tool could be used to keep you from ever having to end up in the emergency room waiting for gall bladder surgery. You would find a way to get the taste to be easy to swallow. and vitamins. 85 . you want to concentrate on never having them come back! The best way to do this is to use vegetable juice to rebuild your body. It’s all a matter of what you want. All of which is needed by your body. You would find a way to make it. minerals. just cut back on the juice or dilute it. 86 . During a gallstone attack. if you get sharp pains after eating a ‘fatty meal’ (check the chapter on“Are Your Symptoms Real?”) Drink 3 ounces of fresh beet juice with 5 ounces of water at least once each day.Women especially. Or. using roots and green tops 5 ounces of carrot juice DILUTE with 8 ounces of water. About 6 ounces every couple of hours. The proportion is: 3 ounces of beet juice. have benefited by drinking at least one pint of a combination of carrot and beet juice daily. drink beet juice without the carrot juice. How to Use Beet Juice When You’re Having A Gallstone Attack Beet juice is better used when you’ve had past discomfort in your upper right part of your abdomen. If you feel nauseous. Using lemon when you first wake up in the morning in a glass of hot water gets the liver flushing out poisons immediately.If you experience heart burn. It is rich in potassium (up to 48%) which will nourish your brain cells as well as natural calcium (29%). use the whole lemon and drink the juice the same day. magnesium (4. 87 . Tip – don’t leave a fresh lemon out once you’ve cut it.Lemon Juice is the #3 Juice to Relieve Gallstone Pain Lemon juice is a powerful fruit that can clean your body of impurities. It loses its strength. Tip . Simply squeeze a fresh. ripe lemon into 8 ounces of hot water and drink.4%). but us best known for its high vitamin C content. dilute the lemon juice by squeezing only 1 teaspoon into 8 ounces of hot water. Instead. It has a stimulating affect on your liver plus it liquefies the bile. drink a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Fruits and vegetables that are ripe are richer in vitamins and minerals than produce that is not as ripe. Get the ripest fresh lemon you can find. you must get the best. Drink this every hour on the hour. and squeeze the whole lemon into 8 ounces of hot water. but not rock hard * no signs of bruising How to Use Lemon Juice for Your Gallstone Attack At the FIRST sign of discomfort (in the upper right side of your abdomen. The best lemons have: * skin that has an oily. fine texture * darker. 88 .How to Pick a RIPE Lemon To use food as your medicine. underneath the ribs). deeper yellow color * heavy for their size * firm. Top 75 Foods To Eliminate Gallstones and Keep Them From EVER Coming Back Buy these foods and keep them in your kitchen to keep your liver and gallbladder working strong. purple leaf. don’t eat it. hot potatoes rutabaga spinach squash tomatoes Poor Choices cabbage cucumber eggplant garbanzo beans kale leeks onions parsley parsnips peppers. Pick 80% of your foods from the Good Choice list. sweet radishes sauerkraut 89 . Stay on these foods for at least 30 days – you will definitely get noticeable results! Vegetables Good Choices asparagus beans . green & yellow beets broccoli brussel sprouts carrots cauliflower celery chard. Make sure EVERY meal has these foods included! If it’s not on the list.(no iceberg) mushrooms okra peppers. swiss collards garlic leafy greens – romaine lettuce. sour pomegranate SALAD DRESSINGS Good Choices vinegar & oil olive oil safflower oil sunflower oil most low fat dressings Poor Choices almond oil bleu cheese coconut oil corn oil French dressing Italian dressing 90 . sour pears persimmon plums.turnips zucchini FRUITS Good Choices Poor Choices sweet fruits: apricots berries cherries coconuts dates figs grapes mango melons oranges. sweet papaya peaches pineapples prunes raisins sour fruits: apples avocado cranberries elderberries gooseberries lemons nectarines oranges. mayonnaise Russian dressing sesame oil Thousand Island Any creamy salad dressing CONDIMENTS Good Choices ketchup horseradish mustard soy sauce Poor Choices barbeque sauce miso tartar sauce SOUPS Good Choices chicken gumbo chicken noodle chicken rice gazpacho minestrone tomato vegetarian vegetable Poor Choices bean and frankfurters beef noodle New England clam chowder oyster stew any creamy soups 91 . MEATS Avoid breaded. fried. lean flank steak liver tenderloin venison Poor Choices chuck roast corned beef or hash ham/bacon Italian sausage knockworst lamb liverwurst polish sausage pork pork sausage porterhouse steak rib roast t-bone steak SEAFOOD Good Choices haddock halibut perch pike snapper Poor Choices herring mackerel salmon shark swordfish trout tuna 92 . or deep fried foods and smoked meats Good Choices beef. organic) Eggs (organically grown) Turkey (light meat.POULTRY Good Choices Chicken (light meat. no skin. no skin. organic) Poor Choices Duck Goose NUTS & SEEDS Good Choices none Poor Choices all 93 . DAIRY Good Choices Butter (small amounts) cottage cheese ghee yogurt butter low fat soy yogurt Poor Choices buttermilk cheese condensed milk evaporated milk chocolate milk dry milk ice cream sour cream yogurt GRAINS/ FLOURS/ CEREALS Good Choices barley bran. dark soy wheat germ 94 . wheat bulghur carob oats potato rye. light wheat Poor Choices buckwheat bran. brown rye. rice corn meal millet peanut rice. Dr. green pinto beans soybeans Ref: Bil Diet™. DC 95 .LEGUMES Good Choice most legumes are high in fat Poor Choice black beans lentils lima beans navy beans peanuts peas. black-eyed peas. Howard Loomis. and have been found to contain little or nothing. 96 .. I carry professional lines or "doctor-only" supplements that are only available to my patients. In general. Here are a few of the most common questions. do not buy the cheapest. Does price usually reflect the quality? From a price standpoint. but it should fall somewhere in the middle range. Where do you suggest people go to buy herbs and supplements? That's a very good question. you get what you pay for. As a general rule in the herb and supplement market. because these are often the products that are examined in the studies comparing the amount stated on the label to the actual amount in the bottle. That doesn't mean you have to buy the most expensive product. I always tell people to go to a reliable health food store or reputable internet site where a professional health care practioner who will refund a product if it is unsatisfactory.How to Find Quality Herbs and Supplements Thousands of people have come through my doors in both of my clinics with questions about supplements.. it's magnesium citrate. It is important to understand that when brewing or steeping tea. This kind of information on the label is very important to understand. Capsules and pills are often used by people who do not like the taste of herbs. the most bio-available form is magnesium aspartate. I find that most people absorb alcohol extracts best. and might even interfere with the absorption of the real magnesium. your ability to digest the coating and binders and release the herb will depend on the strength of your digestive system. tablets. which only acts as a binder and preservative. The amount of alcohol in the mixture depends on the herb. For example. it's magnesium stearate. 97 . tincture and teas . Tablets are even harder to absorb.can you explain the differences? The reason for these different forms is convenience and assimilation. I may recommend magnesium to a patient.Gelatin capsules. because the materials are highly compressed and may have an added binding ingredient. and in Canada. In the United States. Capsules usually contain the herb or extract that has been dried and ground up. Again. Some manufacturers will remove some of the alcohol in order to make the mixture more palatable. Why are there different forms of some supplements? Is one preferable over another? Form is important. People with strong digestive systems can digest the capsule shell but older people or people with digestive disorders may have some difficulty. Many patients get confused because they look at the label and while it does contain magnesium. Tea is a traditional form in many Eastern cultures. the container must be covered otherwise the valuable essential oils will evaporate away. Stearate does not improve the absorption of magnesium. a manufacturer may claim to be GMO-free and you must believe the manufacturer. regulation will be introduced to North America. Most there any cause for concern? In the herb and supplement manufacturing industry. the only state or province where the rules governing organics are very strict is California. Or not believe the manufacturer. as the case may be. Ask around -chances are a friend or co-worker has tried a good quality product that he or she has found to be useful. use price as a general rule of thumb. 98 . Eventually. are not able to judge quality this way. As it stands. you can smell and taste an herbal tincture and tell whether it is a quality product. standards and specifications defining what genetically modified organism (GMO)-free means are not in place. If California organic rules are not met. However. Does the smell of an herbal tincture provide any clues to its quality? If you are familiar with raw herbs.Are organically-grown herbs worth the extra money? Some companies claim to be organic and grow their herbs without pesticides. you really do not know what you are getting. though. How about genetic engineering . Again. however. The alternative is to find a reliable manufacturer. Need help deciding which supplements are right for you? Click here. This is how I support my family.. duplicate or any way shape or form share this ebook with others. 99 . Judy Says…. NOTE:: PLEASE do not copy. by selling this ebook jam packed with super valuable information at a very reasonable cost.. I appreciate your respect and honesty by not giving this ebook away to others. They can order their own copy here: http://detoxyourgallbladder.naturalcancercurefoods. and much more with these powerful teachings from Dr. Judy Phone: 321-403-9447 Email: CancerCleanseCamp@gmail. http://DrJudySeeger.cancercleansecamp.. Judy is ready for you! http://NaturalCancerCureFoods. Judy used in her clinics to destroy cancer?? It all here! Consulting Ready to Talk to an Expert?? – Coming Soon!! DVD’s and CD’s – Learn how to prevent cancer. and preventing cancer! Follow Me Here. Judy’s Personal Blog –includes many videos for detoxing.Other Resources by Dr.. thyroid cancer. Facebook: JudySeeger Twitter: JudySeeger 100 . breast cancer and lung cancer?? They’re here! Want to taste the foods they used to eliminate their foods? You can! Want to try out the therapies that Dr. eating cancer fighting foods. Judy Websites: Cancer Cleanse Camp – the Ultimate 3 Day Event! Want to hear speakers who kicked their brain cancer. Judy! Contact Dr. No portion of this book may be reproduced mechanically. or by any other means.Copyright © 2011 Judy Seeger All rights reserved. electronically. including photocopying without written permission of the publisher. 101 .
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