Galápagos Ecological Baltra Airport



Galápagos Ecological Baltra Airport – SeymourAirportEl Gobierno del Ecuador aprobó la construcción de un aeropuerto ecológico en las Islas Galápagos en el 2011 para remplazar al antiguo aeropuerto en la Isla Baltra, justo al norte de la Isla Santa Cruz, la más poblada en el archipiélago. La construcción del aeropuerto ha sido diseñada para minimizar el impacto en el terreno y ecosistema de la isla; por esta razón la estructura del aeropuerto es traída desde el continente y ensamblada en Baltra. El proyecto contará con energía solar y eólica, planta de desalinización y el aprovechamiento de la brisa marina para la reducción del uso del aire acondicionado. El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y el Parque Nacional Galápagos aprobaron el plan de manejo medioambiental y el estudio del impacto ambiental. Baltra es la entrada principal a las Islas Galápagos, uno de los parques nacionales más importantes del mundo, declarado patrimonio natural mundial por la UNESCO. Baltra se enfrenta con la necesidad de recibir a miles de turistas pero bajo un estricto control debido a la alta vulnerabilidad del medio ambiente. La mejor solución: Una construcción sustentable, con el fin de lograr las condiciones de comodidad adecuadas a pasajeros locales e internacionales. El nuevo aeropuerto ecológico de Galápagos está diseñado para ofrecer confort sin descuidar los impactos ambientales asociados. Para ello incorpora una serie de diseños pasivos complementarios y estrategias de bajo consumo de energía, incluyendo el proceso de certificación de nivel Oro del Consejo Americano de Construcción Sustentable. El proyecto ubica el nuevo terminal a una distancia segura de la pista de aterrizaje orientándola para capturar la brisa y evitar la incidencia directa del sol. El edificio está situado en un ángulo de 45 grados de la pista y cumple además con los requisitos internacionales de seguridad. Esta ubicación es óptima para brindar protección solar y capturar el viento. La distancia entre la terminal y la calle de rodaje más la dirección predominante del viento asegura que los humos de los motores de las aeronaves en movimiento o declared world natural patrimony by UNESCO. for this reason the structure of the airport is brought from Europe and assembled in Baltra. The project will have solar and wind power. Se utilizan conductos de aire enterrados con ventilación forzada para enfriar los pocos espacios donde el movimiento del aire natural no es posible lo que require un mínimo consumo de energía. including the certification .estacionadas no entren al edificio. The new ecological Galapagos airport is designed to provide comfort without neglecting the associated environmental impacts. Baltra is faced with the need for thousands of tourists but under strict control because of the high vulnerability of the environment. The best solution: A green building in order to achieve comfort conditions appropriate to local and international passengers. evitando el uso del aire acondicionado. the most populous in the archipelago. El diseño de la terminal se desarrolló para aprovechar la luz del día. utilizando un modelo de estudios con un cielo artificial y simulaciones numéricas que abarcan todos los espacios internos mediante el programa RADIANS. For it incorporates a number of complementary strategies passive designs and low power consumption. Baltra is the main gateway to the Galapagos Islands. Galápagos Ecological Baltra Airport – SeymourAirport Doris The Government of Ecuador approved the construction of an ecological airport in the Galapagos Islands in 2011 to replace the old airport of Baltra Island. The Ministry of Environment and the Galapagos National Park approved the environmental management plan and environmental impact study. desalination plant and the use of the sea breeze to reduce the use of air conditioning. The construction of the airport has been designed to minimize the impact on the ground and ecosystem of the island. just in the north of Santa Cruz Island. one of the most important national parks in the world. También reduce el nivel de ruido percibido por los pasajeros que están dentro del aeropuerto. Certification is granted by its design and construction. . built and currently operates the airport of Baltra.USGBC (Green Building Council US) awarded the Gold LEED certification. reflected in a new terminal that optimizes the use of energy. Alice Ecological Airport Galapagos receives highest certification currently exists to recognize sustainable construction. The new terminal project located at a safe distance from the runway orienting to catch the breeze and avoid direct sunlight. also by the use of ecological and recycled materials. The distance between the terminal and the taxiway plus the prevailing wind direction ensures that the fumes from airplane engines in moving or parked not enter the building. Air ducts buried with forced ventilation are used to cool the few places where natural air movement is not possible so requires a minimum consumption of energy. which conceived. 2014. avoiding the use of air conditioning. by the most important in the world in sustainable buildings organism. November 20. This location is optimal to provide sunscreen and catch the wind. Corporacion America. The US Green Building Council . received official communication. lighting and water consumption. The design of the terminal was developed to take advantage of daylight. making it the first in the world to obtain as complete construction. international holding company.process level American Gold Green Building Council. It also reduces the noise level perceived by the passengers who are inside the airport. The building is located at an angle of 45 degrees from the track and also complies with international safety requirements. using a model of an artificial sky studies and numerical simulations covering all internal spaces by RADIANS program. Adequate lighting and natural ventilation in all spaces. CEO &Founder of USGBC. Including they stand out:The recovery of affected areas and the reforestation of endemic flora. "The LEED certification Baltra Seymour Airport demonstrates great leadership in sustainable construction." said Rick Fedrizzi. President. President. . One of the most important features is that the Ecological Airport Galapagos works 100% with renewable energy (solar and wind) generated 35% of photovoltaic panels installed on the walkways of the terminal and the remaining 65%." Rick Fedrizzi. The reuse of more than 80% of material from the old airport. CEO & Founder of USGBC "The urgency of the Council's mission has challenged the industry to move faster and reach more than before and Baltra Airport serves as an example of how far we can go.   The reduction of energy consumption and the production of clean energy. all strategies and environmental characteristics were assessed and certified. It`s important to note.   The reduction of water consumption. That is. treatment and reuse of water. that this achievement in the airport sector and construction that has taken place in an area as sensitive as that of the Galapagos Islands Natural Patrimony Ecosystem adds. for wind turbines strategically located in the airport area.
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